Author Topic: Sen.Ted Cruz  (Read 141947 times)


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Caroline Glick likes Ted Cruz
« Reply #350 on: June 26, 2016, 02:19:02 PM »
"This will be an interesting convention.  Whatever happens, Ted Cruz is quite simply the most amazing leader the Republican Party has produced since Reagan as far as im concerned. "


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Re: Sen.Ted Cruz
« Reply #351 on: June 27, 2016, 07:52:40 AM »
I like Caroline Glick, but I'm not sure if that linked matched up with the subject.  Here is an older piece:
"I’m not going to speculate now only because you all know the situation may change by this afternoon, let alone between now and the convention.”  Scott Walker, free the delegates

   - True, but DT is mostly likely to gradually improve (slightly) as a candidate between now and the election.

"several hundred GOP delegates are planning a revolt against Trump, and to select a unifying candidate who can actually defeat Hillary Clinton."

    - No such thing (unifying candidate who can actually defeat Hillary Clinton) under these circumstances to persuade the 30-40% who prefer Trump to get behind a different guy who did not win in the primary process.

"Whatever happens, Ted Cruz is quite simply the most amazing leader the Republican Party has produced since Reagan as far as im concerned"

    - Cruz is more conservative than Reagan but as a leader: he failed to bring any Senators with him to the right (Mike Lee was already there), he failed to consolidate the primary vote on the right losing perhaps half of it to Trump, and failed to even try to reach out at all to the center and pull them to the right.  It turned out the other way around, the center started reaching out to him as the last alternative to Trump and he failed to woo more from the center than Trump or to successfully 'prosecute' Trump's candidacy, like Christy did to Rubio, when it came down to the Trump-Cruz head to head.  The final straw was Indiana.  Trump was wrong on the economic case he was making there.  Cruz had organization, plenty of money, a limited market size, a conservative state, and the head to head matchup that he sought for so long and could not, did not, make the case.  Now we go forward trying to defeat Hillary and the left stuck using the wrong economic arguments.  We would have better off without Ted Cruz in the race and without him in the race next time too.  He was part of what choked out support for others who might have gone further, IMHO.


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Re: Sen.Ted Cruz
« Reply #352 on: June 27, 2016, 09:43:06 AM »
Fair points all.  I simply found it interesting the consciousness of Ted reached her to conclusions similar to those of Glenn Beck.


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Sen.Ted Cruz on 4/15/2016
« Reply #353 on: June 29, 2016, 08:44:52 PM »


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Cruz stays "true"
« Reply #355 on: July 21, 2016, 05:22:30 AM »
According to Mark Levin.  Mark who I like a lot and usually agree with offers his opinion , one which I highly disagree with here.  IMHO this is just a bad political mistake.  It does nothing but offer help to Hillary and her side.  It does nothing to make Cruz look better and just angers those who already don't like him and does make him look more like "lyin" Ted then someone standing on principle.
In the end I don't think anyone is going to vote or not vote for Trump based on Cruz's refusal to endorse.  But him saying vote your conscious when he knows full well the choice is Trump or Clinton. What is that supposed to mean?  If he was to rightly insulted by Trump partly because of Trump's disgusting insults to his wife in the early campaign then he should have just stayed home.  Like the Bush family who are staying home - and rightly so.  Trump's personal insults are inexcusable.  If we say family first that means family first .  Party second.  Just my 2 cents.  I think Levin in trying to be too "true" in ideology  sacrifices good political and strategic sense:


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Even former Trump basher Peter King
« Reply #356 on: July 21, 2016, 05:28:46 AM »
Even representative King states what many feel about Cruz's performance and he really hated Trump.


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Re: Sen.Ted Cruz
« Reply #357 on: July 21, 2016, 06:50:27 AM »
To be fair, Cruz's classless appearance was preceded by Trump being classless in the way he defeated Ted Cruz for the nomination.  That doesn't mean this was the right answer.

Ted Cruz never was the right guy for the job.  He did remarkably well to take second place.  Second place deserves a prime spot on the podium - for the purpose of bringing the different factions together.

The party's nominee owns the convention.  Cruz' petulance makes Trump looks gracious for letting Cruz have the podium and say whatever he wanted to say.  

Kasich wouldn't go to the convention in his own state.  Rubio videotaped it in - as if he hadn't set aside this week for traveling to Cleveland or didn't want to speak in front of a crowd.  I'm disappointed in Rubio too but at least he gave his support to the nominee and the ticket with strong and persuasive reasons.  This has been a lousy process in a year where the table was set for success.  Oddly, it was Trump who set the bad tone and Trump who they feared wouldn't support the party's ultimate nominee.

Take a close look at the Pence speech if you want an example of what a true conservative can find as positives on the Trump side of a Hillary-Trump matchup.  Hillary is the status quo for everything that is wrong.  Judged by his actions of putting out a list of possible Supreme Court nominees, a rock-solid VP choice, his tax plan, his border security plan, his calling out of ISIS for what they are, Trump is something completely different and better than Hillary and the status quo in nearly every direction and dimension.  If you are Ted Cruz and are too bruised by the ugly primary process to see that or say that, decline the opportunity to speak.

Every speaker at a convention may be trying to boost themselves by boosting the nominee.  Ted Cruz did neither, committed 'political suicide'.  Win, lose or draw for Trump this year, Ted Cruz will never unite this party.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2016, 06:56:57 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Sen.Ted Cruz
« Reply #358 on: July 21, 2016, 03:25:57 PM »
Good analysis.

Yes Trump started it with his adolesscent disrespect of Cruz's wife, and his "Lyin' Ted" campaign, but Cruz blew it big time last night.


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In defense of Sen.Ted Cruz
« Reply #359 on: July 21, 2016, 05:59:55 PM »

"Donald Trump insulted Cruz’s wife, (presumably) planted false tabloid stories about him in the National Enquirer, and suggested, completely baselessly, that his father might have been involved in the assassination of President Kennedy. Beyond these outrageous personal insults, it is clear that Trump’s conservatism, such as it is, has little in common with the limited-government, pro-federalism conservatism of Senator Cruz."


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« Last Edit: September 23, 2016, 08:09:13 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Horny Sen.Ted Cruz?
« Reply #363 on: September 17, 2017, 09:59:17 PM »
My son has been having good fun with this for a couple of days.  He says (unconfirmed by me) that Cruz "liked" and incest clip.


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Re: Sen.Ted Cruz
« Reply #364 on: December 14, 2017, 07:47:54 AM »
seems like good policy and good policy from Ted:

Marc F.,
There are many things to be thrilled with in the tax bill that the Senate passed last week, but the one thing I am most proud of is an amendment I inserted to that allows families to use their 529 college savings account to pay for K-12 education, and it also applies to homeschoolers.
This is a major win for families as it allows more parental control -- not government control -- on what school your kids can go to! I am confident that it will included in the final bill.
The amendment allows parents to use their 529 college savings account for K-12 expenses. If your public school is great, you can use it for that. If it's not, you can use it for private schools. You can even use it for religious schools or homeschooling.
Democrats are sounding alarms because they don't like anything that isn't controlled by government bureaucrats, but you and I know better.
There is nothing more important than our children's education which is why I have always been a passionate supporter of school choice. It works because parents decide where their kids go to school -- not ZIP codes.
The Student Choice Amendment is a huge victory for our families and for liberty. But we still need your help to make sure it becomes law.


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Sen.Ted Cruz
« Reply #368 on: January 01, 2020, 08:03:17 PM »


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Re: Sen.Ted Cruz
« Reply #373 on: May 08, 2020, 02:12:07 PM »
that mask Ted is wearing looks they were made out of some woman's panties


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Sen.Ted Cruz: A Way to Take Back Portland
« Reply #374 on: July 21, 2020, 07:19:32 PM »

Dunno how practical this would be in legal terms, but love the sentiment:

A Way to Take Back Portland
My bill would hold officials accountable for failing to protect their constituents.
By Ted Cruz
July 21, 2020 7:16 pm ET

‘Every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground,” read a sign in the “autonomous zone” Antifa rioters established in Portland, Ore. Another: “The only good cop is a dead one.”

The area radicals took over in Portland last week is the second autonomous zone lawless criminals have set up in the city during the eight weeks of riots since the death of George Floyd.

Fringe progressives have also set up autonomous protest zones in six other cities in the past few weeks—in Asheville, N.C.; New York; Philadelphia; Richmond, Va.; Seattle and Washington.

These radicals hate the police, reject the rule of law, and are intent on terrorizing their communities. In Seattle, police were forced to abandon the precinct building in “CHAZ” and city officials told the police they could respond to calls for help only in the event of mass casualties. Families and business owners were left to fend for themselves.

In Portland’s antifa-occupied land, Fox News reports, “businesses have racked up millions in property damage and lost sales, and hundreds of thousands of Portland residents have stayed off the streets for six weeks.”

And in the autonomous zone in New York, “local residents—even those who say they support the camp’s politics—have complained that it has turned into a disorderly shantytown where violence has occurred,” according to the New York Times. Mayor Bill de Blasio has allowed the zone to thrive and, despite the pandemic, has tolerated squatters convening there without social distancing. By contrast, Mr. de Blasio had the entrance to a playground in a predominantly Orthodox neighborhood welded shut to keep out children and sent the police to break up a gathering of Jews mourning the loss of a beloved rabbi.

This is not the American way. Local leaders who allow rioters to destroy lives and businesses need to be held accountable. That’s why I’m introducing the Restitution for Economic losses Caused by Leaders who Allow Insurrection and Mayhem Act—Reclaim for short. The bill would hold state and local officials liable when they abdicate their legal duty to protect the public in cases where death, serious bodily harm or significant property damage have occurred.

Specifically, my bill would allow for treble damages, meaning a plaintiff could be awarded triple the amount of the damage done to his property. It would also establish a federal cause of action, which would empower victims of violence in autonomous zones to take legal action against senior local or state lawmakers who have tolerated or encouraged radicals to take over the area. Finally, when politicians refuse to defend innocent Americans, this bill would remove or limit federal funding under grant programs that supply important law-enforcement and crime-prevention programs for local governments.

As public officials, our first responsibility is to protect our fellow citizens. Any politician who willfully ignores that sacred duty is in gross violation of that oath. It’s time to restore civility, hold government officials accountable, and take our cities back.

Mr. Cruz, a Republican, is a U.S. senator from Texas.


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Tucker kicks Sen. Ted Cruz's ass
« Reply #375 on: January 07, 2022, 03:31:20 AM »


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Re: Tucker kicks Sen. Ted Cruz's ass
« Reply #376 on: January 07, 2022, 06:50:14 AM »

Lying’ Ted. Sad!

TuCa just ended his presidential aspirations.

I am done with him.


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Re: Tucker kicks Sen. Ted Cruz's ass
« Reply #377 on: January 07, 2022, 07:33:48 AM »

Lying’ Ted. Sad!

TuCa just ended his presidential aspirations.

I am done with him.

Right on right fighting.  A dream come true for some.

Like a left designed commercial from covering the stories of the day, chasing shiny objects.

Close to zero percent of our scarce and precious media time is spent pursuing conservative principles.


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Re: Tucker kicks Sen. Ted Cruz's ass
« Reply #378 on: January 07, 2022, 07:38:39 AM »

Lying’ Ted. Sad!

TuCa just ended his presidential aspirations.

I am done with him.

Right on right fighting.  A dream come true for some.

Like a left designed commercial from covering the stories of the day, chasing shiny objects.

Close to zero percent of our scarce and precious media time is spent pursuing conservative principles.

Doug, are you tired of endless GOPe failure theatre? Tired of fakes that say the right things but side with the Dems once they are installed in DC?


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Re: Sen.Ted Cruz
« Reply #379 on: January 07, 2022, 09:21:38 AM »
Man, Tuck really anally raped Ted there , , ,

I've liked Ted for a long time, but his life experience is The Law-- a very narrow basis for presidential aspirations.  I don't see him as well suited to work effectively in the muddy waters of American racial politics, nor well prepared to exercise executive power-- contrast DeSantis.


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Re: Sen.Ted Cruz
« Reply #380 on: January 07, 2022, 09:27:21 AM »
Man, Tuck really anally raped Ted there , , ,

I've liked Ted for a long time, but his life experience is The Law-- a very narrow basis for presidential aspirations.  I don't see him as well suited to work effectively in the muddy waters of American racial politics, nor well prepared to exercise executive power-- contrast DeSantis.

DeSantis has the best potential to actually be able to effectively engage the swamp. So they’ll go after him even more ferociously than they did to Trump.


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Re: Sen.Ted Cruz
« Reply #382 on: January 24, 2022, 10:32:05 AM »
Ted is amazing

this is the best I ever heard

my only disagreement is when he says he does not know why Democrats would ignore the wild eyed hatred of this nominee for half the country and still vote for someone like that

this is the best example to me of Dershowitz's famous remark that  Cruz's talent is "off the charts"

the Dems response:

yawn and give us a liberal rebuff


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Please don't go there Ted !
« Reply #383 on: July 17, 2022, 09:20:03 AM »


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Re: Sen.Ted Cruz
« Reply #384 on: July 17, 2022, 03:58:20 PM »
Legally his logic is sound, but politically this is major flatulence that will lead to major turbulence.


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Re: Please don't go there Ted !
« Reply #385 on: July 17, 2022, 09:18:16 PM »


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Re: Sen.Ted Cruz
« Reply #386 on: July 18, 2022, 06:53:23 AM »
A substantial majority of the population now favors gay marriage.  Coming on top of Roe's overturn, a push on this would arouse the Dem base and give them a great shiny object to distract from what they are doing to our country.


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Re: Sen.Ted Cruz
« Reply #387 on: July 18, 2022, 06:57:42 AM »
A substantial majority of the population now favors was gaslighted into pretending to support gay marriage.

If the public really supports it, then a constitutional amendment should sail right through!

A substantial majority of the population now favors gay marriage.  Coming on top of Roe's overturn, a push on this would arouse the Dem base and give them a great shiny object to distract from what they are doing to our country.


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Re: Sen.Ted Cruz
« Reply #388 on: July 18, 2022, 06:59:41 AM »
I have accepted gay marriage

I want gays to vote for our side....!!! 

Ted need not show how smart he is with legal arguments, and instead start showing how smart he is with political strategy!

" Coming on top of Roe's overturn, a push on this would arouse the Dem base and give them a great shiny object to distract from what they are doing to our country."

Between Thomas' comments and now this the Dems already have that shiny argument.


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Re: Sen.Ted Cruz
« Reply #389 on: July 18, 2022, 07:23:31 AM »
quote author=ccp

"I have accepted gay marriage"

[Doug]  Me too.

"I want gays to vote for our side....!!! 

[Doug]  Absolutely.
Crafty:  "Legally his logic is sound, but politically this is major flatulence that will lead to major turbulence."

[Doug]  Exactly.  There is a difference between wrongly decided case and good or bad policy, and Ted Cruz forgets he is a Senator not a Supreme Court Justice.  Furthermore Texas is a politically divided state and what is said and done in Texas is headlines in Minneapolis (yesterday) and elsewhere. 

Democrat overreach is how we got this opportunity to win elections and govern.

Also, there is a difference between precedent that needs to be overturned and precedent that shall stand.  In abortion, (women's and pregnant people's privacy), people seem to forget there is a (potential?) life at stake.  With gay and lesbian marriage, real people alive today relied on that ruling.  Overruling Roe 50 years later doesn't change the life of Roe or her baby or anyone else who had a legal abortion.  Overruling gay marriage puts marriages in doubt.  Marriages have enough doubt without government help.  From my read of Alito in Dobbs, the draft, Alito and others would find gay marriage wrongly decided but not overrule it.  A bunch of worrying over nothing.

G M is right, (even if sarcasm is detected):

"If the public really supports it, then a constitutional amendment should sail right through!"

That is how you recognize a right today that was NOT an unenumerated right in the 1700s.
 Republicans should lead that effort.  You want gay support?  Do something for them.  Since it's not going to be taken away, make it official. That's how you fix both a wrongly decided case and the threat they face that REPUPLICANS want to take away their rights and their dignity (in their view), when in fact it is Republicans who want gays to have more liberty and security, keep more of what they earn, and travel and heat and cool their homes reasonably and affordably, and so on.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2022, 07:31:17 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Sen.Ted Cruz
« Reply #390 on: July 18, 2022, 07:24:29 AM »

quote author=ccp

"I have accepted gay marriage"

[Doug]  Me too.

"I want gays to vote for our side....!!! 

[Doug]  Absolutely.
Crafty:  "Legally his logic is sound, but politically this is major flatulence that will lead to major turbulence."

[Doug]  Exactly.  There is a difference between wrongly decided case and good or bad policy, and Ted Cruz forgets he is a Senator not a Supreme Court Justice.  Furthermore Texas is a politically divided state and what is said and done in Texas is headlines in Minneapolis (yesterday) and elsewhere. 

Democrat overreach is how we got this opportunity to win elections and govern.

Also, there is a difference between precedent that needs to be overturned and precedent that shall stand.  In abortion, (women's and pregnant people's privacy), people seem to forget there is a (potential?) life at stake.  With gay and lesbian marriage, people relied on that ruling, on that law.  Overruling Roe 50 years later doesn't change the life of Roe or her baby.  Overruling gay marriage puts marriages in doubt.  Marriages have enough doubt without government help.  From my read of Alito in Dobbs, the draft, Alito may find gay marriage wrongly decided but not overrule it.  A bunch of worry over nothing.

G M is right, (even if sarcasm is detected):

"If the public really supports it, then a constitutional amendment should sail right through!"

Republicans should lead that effort.  You want gay support?  Do something for them.  Since it's not going to be taken away, make it official. That's how you fix both a wrongly decided case and the threat they face that REPUPLICANS want to take away their rights and their dignity (in their view), when in fact it is Republicans who want gays to have more liberty and security, keep more of what they earn, and travel and heat and cool their homes reasonably and affordably, and so on.


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« Reply #393 on: July 18, 2022, 08:03:43 AM »
"Keep surrendering to the left until total victory!"

I believe we could have held the line at two genders.

G M: To limit a political movement to people to the right of me (and to the right of Ted Cruz) is going to be a very small party.     


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« Reply #394 on: July 18, 2022, 08:15:39 AM »
Coming soon:

"The conservative case for illegal alien drag queens in every classroom".

We need their votes!

"Keep surrendering to the left until total victory!"

I believe we could have held the line at two genders.

G M: To limit a political movement to people to the right of me (and to the right of Ted Cruz) is going to be a very small party.   


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Sen.Ted Cruz vs FBI's Wray
« Reply #395 on: August 06, 2022, 01:20:31 PM »


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Sen.Ted Cruz rapes judicial nominee
« Reply #396 on: November 08, 2023, 02:53:56 PM »


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Re: Sen.Ted Cruz
« Reply #397 on: November 29, 2023, 05:16:13 AM »


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Loudmouth’s Called Out & Get it Wrong
« Reply #398 on: July 15, 2024, 05:45:43 PM »
Cruz calls out ignorant climate protestors: