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Politics & Religion / Dugin w Tucker
« Last post by Crafty_Dog on Today at 11:13:02 AM »
Thanks to YA, Dugin is on our radar screen.   With my recent travels i unsure whether I have already posted this one or not, but even if so, it does belong in this thread:
Politics & Religion / A Diet Coke Fever Dream
« Last post by Body-by-Guinness on Today at 10:42:35 AM »
America needs college presidents/administrators willing to take stands like this:
I've long wondered how many of thes apps/utilities/social media platforms have spooks lurking about the backend:

Christopher F. Rufo
Signal’s Katherine Maher Problem
Is the integrity of the encrypted-messaging application compromised by its chairman of the board?
/ Eye on the News / The Social Order, Technology and Innovation
May 06 2024
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The encrypted-messaging service Signal is the application of choice for dissenters around the world. The app has been downloaded by more than 100 million users and boasts high-profile endorsements from NSA leaker Edward Snowden and serial entrepreneur Elon Musk. Signal has created the perception that its users, including political dissidents, can communicate with one another without fear of government interception or persecution.

But the insider history of Signal raises questions about the app’s origins and its relationship with government—in particular, with the American intelligence apparatus. Such a relationship would be troubling, given how much we have learned, in recent years, about extensive efforts to control and censor information undertaken by technology companies, sometimes in tandem with American government officials.

First, the origin story. The technology behind Signal, which operates as a nonprofit foundation, was initially funded, in part, through a $3 million grant from the government-sponsored Open Technology Fund (OTF), which was spun off from Radio Free Asia, originally established as an anti-Communist information service during the Cold War. OTF funded Signal to provide “encrypted mobile communication tools” to “Internet freedom defenders globally.”

Some insiders have argued that the connection between OTF and U.S. intelligence is deeper than it appears. One person who has worked extensively with OTF but asked to remain anonymous told me that, over time, it became increasingly clear “that the project was actually a State Department-connected initiative that planned to wield open source Internet projects made by hacker communities as tools for American foreign policy goals”—including by empowering “activists [and] parties opposed to governments that the USA doesn’t like.” Whatever the merits of such efforts, the claim—if true—suggests a government involvement with Signal that deserves more scrutiny.

The other potential problem is the Signal Foundation’s current chairman of the board, Katherine Maher, who started her career as a U.S.-backed agent of regime change. During the Arab Spring period, for instance, Maher ran digital-communications initiatives in the Middle East and North Africa for the National Democratic Institute, a largely government-funded organization that works in concert with American foreign policy campaigns. Maher cultivated relationships with online dissidents and used American technologies to advance the interests of U.S.-supported Color Revolutions abroad.

Maher then became CEO of the Wikimedia Foundation in 2016, and, earlier this year, was named CEO of National Public Radio. At Wikipedia, Maher became a campaigner against “disinformation” and admitted to coordinating online censorship “through conversations with government.” She openly endorsed removing alleged “fascists,” including President Trump, from digital platforms, and described the First Amendment as “the number one challenge” to eliminating “bad information.”

According to the insider, a woman named Meredith Whittaker, who became president of the Signal Foundation in 2022, recruited Maher to become board chair because of their mutual connections to OTF, where Maher also serves as an advisor, and to nonprofits such as Access Now, which “defends and extends the digital rights of users at risk around the world,” including in the Middle East and North Africa. Whittaker, like Maher, is highly ideological. She previously worked in a high position at Google and organized left-wing campaigns within the company, culminating in the 2018 “Google Walkout,” which demanded MeToo-style sexual harassment policies and the hiring of a chief diversity officer.

So what does all this mean for American users—including conservative dissidents—who believe that Signal is a secure application for communication? It means that they should be cautious. “Maher’s presence on the board of Signal is alarming,” says national security analyst J. Michael Waller. “It makes sense that a Color Revolutionary like Maher would have interest in Signal as a secure means of communicating,” he says, but her past support for censorship and apparent intelligence connections raise doubts about Signal’s trustworthiness. David Heinemeier Hansson, creator of the popular Ruby on Rails web-development framework, agrees, saying that it had “suddenly become materially harder” to trust the Signal Foundation under Maher’s board leadership.

For those who believe in a free and open Internet, Maher’s Signal role should be a flashing warning sign. As she once explained, she abandoned the mission of a free and open Internet at Wikipedia, because those principles recapitulated a “white male Westernized construct” and “did not end up living into the intentionality of what openness can be.” The better path, in her view, is managed opinion, using, alternately, censorship and promotion of dissent—depending on context and goal—as the essential methods.

We’re entering a dangerous period in political technology, and Maher is in the thick of it. Under her ideology, “Internet freedom” is a tactic, not a principle, and “fighting disinformation” means speech suppression, including here at home. When people tell you who they are, believe them.

Christopher F. Rufo is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a contributing editor of City Journal, and the author of America’s Cultural Revolution.
When it rains, it pours. Third post.

A significant point this blogger makes involves the FBI under Hoover being set up for political control and grandstanding, rather than investigating crime, an antecendant coming into its own these days:

Trump Triumphing Over Evil
The Raid on Mar-A-Lago likely gets him re-elected. (By the way, today's poll is terrific.)
MAY 08, 2024

“Come sundown, there’s gonna be two things true that ain’t true now. One is the United States Department of Justice is goin’ to know what in the good Christ is goin’ on around here. And the other is I’m gonna have someone’s ass in my briefcase.” Wilford Brimley as Wells in Absence of Malice.

In the movie, DOJ lawyers tried to pressure Paul Newman’s character into testifying by leaking lies about him to the press. Newman uses his wit to get the investigators investigated as Washington sends in a grown-up, played by Wilford Brimley, to clean up the mess.

America needs you, Wilford Brimley. Wilford, won’t you please come home.

But there are no grown-ups left in Washington. The FBI and the rest of the government feed a steady stream of lies to a Washington press corps that believes it is doing the work of Edward R. Murrow when it is really Ralph Wiggums saying, “I’m helping.”

For four years, the press flogged the dead piñata of the Russian hoax. The press promoted the Mueller investigation as if the former FBI director were Eliot Ness going after Al Capone. The Jeff Bezos Washington Post, NYT, AP, the networks and the cable news stations all praised Bobby Sox Mueller.

Carl Cannon, executive editor of RealClearPolitics, stood almost alone in reminding the public how Mueller and his successor at the FBI, Jimmy the Weasel Comey, botched their first big case after 9/11.

Cannon wrote, “They botched the investigation of the 2001 anthrax letter attacks that took five lives and infected 17 other people, shut down the U.S. Capitol and Washington’s mail system, solidified the Bush administration’s antipathy for Iraq, and eventually, when the facts finally came out, made the FBI look feckless, incompetent, and easily manipulated by outside political pressure.”

It was an inside job. A government researcher sent the anthrax letters. Clouseau and Clueless nabbed the wrong researcher.

Cannon wrote, “Despite the jihadist slogans accompanying the mailed anthrax, it had nothing to do with Saddam Hussein or any foreign element; the FBI ignored a 2002 tip from a scientific colleague of the actual anthrax killer, who turned out to be a Fort Detrick scientist named Bruce Edwards Ivins; the reason is that they had quickly obsessed on an innocent man named Steven Hatfill; the bureau was bullied into focusing on the government scientist by Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy (whose office, along with that of Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, was targeted by an anthrax-laced letter) and was duped into focusing on Hatfill by two sources — a conspiracy-minded college professor with a political agenda who’d never met Hatfill and by Nicholas Kristof, who put her conspiracy theories in the paper while mocking the FBI for not arresting Hatfill.

“In truth, Hatfill was an implausible suspect from the outset. He was a virologist who never handled anthrax, which is a bacterium. (Ivins, by contrast, shared ownership of anthrax patents, was diagnosed as having paranoid personality disorder, and had a habit of stalking and threatening people with anonymous letters — including the woman who provided the long-ignored tip to the FBI).”

Eventually, evidence cleared Hatfill and Ivins killed himself. Taxpayers paid Hatfill $5.82 million — hush money — to cover the asses of Mueller and Comey.

Everyone in DC knew this when the Russian hoax investigation began but ignored it to praise Mueller and promote him as the savior of the republic who would get Donald Trump for a crime that not only did he not commit but it didn’t exist!

For months on end, the press passed along lie after lie as Mueller fed their fantasies of the 2016 election being all a fantasy. The press rewarded Mueller with reports about the walls closing in and a dam about to break. Two years and $24 million later, Mueller found nothing because there was nothing to find.

No one in the press apologized. The media went on to the next nonsense — the impeachment of a president because he asked Zelensky to see about investigating corruption by Hunter Biden. Investigating a political opponent is something only done in a banana republic.

We know now, buddy. Boy, do we know.

The press thought it hit the jackpot with the January 6 actually peaceful protest inside the Capitol. Thousands of innocents face bogus charges approved by the kangaroo courts of DC but this horseshit opera isn’t over until the fat ladies and gentlemen of the Supreme Court sing their song.

Which brings me to Mar-A-Lago.

In the summer of 2022, an FBI SWAT team raided Donald Trump’s home.

30 agents spent 9 hours rifling through his stuff. They confiscated 100,000 items and claimed 100 of them were classified material that Trump should not have.

That means 99.9% of the stuff the FBI took the agents had no business taking. They stole it. The full list of items taken is here. The items seized included 1,693 newspapers and news clippings. Having a clipping of a recipe from a newspaper can land you in jail as a national security law violator but being secretary of state and sending 33,000 emails full of State secrets to foreign donors to your fake charity does not.

I was blogging at the time. I wrote on September 5, 2022:

J. Edgar Hoover set the FBI up not to necessarily solve crimes but to garner publicity and get the goods on the politicians in Washington.

The tradition continues today. The FBI used facial recognition technology to hunt down and harass Trump supporters who dared protest at the Capitol.

This raid is all too typical. They did the same thing to Richard Jewell 26 years ago when they tried to frame him for the Atlanta Olympics bombing. He was a hero who saved hundreds of lives and the FBI treated him like shit.

The president is only the latest to suffer from the bureau bullies. The list of items confiscated shows the biggest threat to domestic tranquility is spelled F-B-I.

By the way, taxpayers had to pay hush money to Jewell to cover up the FBI’s persecution of the man. I can list many more examples including Ruby Ridge. I won’t because I need the space to look at the Raid at Mar-A-Lago, which is about to get its Happily Ever After.

Fox reported the judge on Tuesday postponed the trial indefinitely. This came after chief witch hunter Jack R. Smith admitted on Friday that he tampered with evidence.

The Fox story said, “Smith and federal prosecutors admitted in a court filing that documents seized during the raid on Mar-a-Lago are no longer in their original order and sequence.

“‘There are some boxes where the order of items within that box is not the same as in the associated scans,’ Smith’s filing states.

“The prosecutors had previously told the court that the documents were ‘in their original, intact form as seized.’”

I am not a lawyer but it looks like the judge must dismiss the case with prejudice because of this tampering. How can anyone trust the FBI when it claims this paper or that document was at Mar-A-Lago when they raided the place? Jack S lying to the court should result in an investigation. Perhaps the various Bars that the Jack S is a member of should issue sanctions against him.

The contamination of the evidence also should moot the indictments in DC but again, I am no lawyer.

After the judge postponed this trainwreck indefinitely, Julie Kelly of Real Clear Investigations tweeted:

You will see tonight outrage by legal “experts” about Judge Cannon vacating trial date and refusing to set a new one. They will again accuse her of being in the tank for Trump and demand Jack Smith seek her recusal.

At the same time, these frauds will refuse to cover all of the new developments related to DOJ tampering with evidence, misrepresenting the condition of the evidence to the court, doctored evidence, and perhaps even missing/misplaced documents.

Keep in mind — Jack Smith is the one who decided to bring this unprecedented indictment in June 2023 then add a superseding indictment on the case a month later. He then handed down the DC indictment in August 2023--Judge Chutkan leapfrogged over Cannon's initial date and set a March 4 trial date, further delaying proceedings in Florida.

Smith forced the defendants to comply with CIPA, which are stringent rules related to handling/sharing of classified materials in such cases.

His team foot-dragged discovery and failed to set up a secure location for months where defense could view classified discovery evidence.

Cannon has held numerous sealed and public hearings over the past several months as well as addressed multiple competing motions for dismissal of the case.

We know why Jack S wants a delay because he knew all along he has no case and this is all for show like the Mueller investigation was. Jack S should have his ass in a briefcase.

As I said, there are no Wilford Brimleys in Washington.

But the American public is there and most people know the difference between shit and Shinola.

Last summer, the Bezos Post reported, “Nearly 6 in 10 Americans think that the investigations into Trump are an effort to keep him from winning the White House next year. Trump argues that he’s being indicted because his opponents want to punish his supporters; half of Republicans think that the probes are ‘an attack on people like me.’”

That poll was taken weeks before the Mugshot Seen ’Round The World.
Politics & Religion / The Sheer Weight of Slime
« Last post by Body-by-Guinness on Today at 08:59:00 AM »
A fine survery of the sundry lawfare tendrils Trump is enduring:

America is On Trial, and Amerika is Too
A guilty verdict for one, is a guilt verdict for the other

MAY 08, 2024
It’s easy to get bored of talking (or even reading) about the Trump trials.

And it’s easy to get lost in how much there is to say. The sheer weight of the thing. The size of it. The number of charges. The number of crimes (by which I mean both the number of ‘crimes’ which don’t apply but which Trump is charged with, and the number of actual crimes committed by those bringing these cases against him).

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But I think its important to still give a summary of what those cases are. I’ll explain why after the summary.

First there were the E. Jean Carroll civil cases, in which an eccentric Democrat columnist fantasized about an imaginary sexual assault for which she could provide no evidence and which was supposed to have occurred decades earlier, and was then funded by a major Democrat donor to bring cases in a Democrat city before Democrat judges and juries to decide whether a Republican was guilty of this crime for which no evidence existed. This was the one that decided that the statute of limitations no longer applies when Democrats decide it doesn’t apply, and that crimes can be proven without the existence of any proof.

Both of these were important principles to establish for the other cases to be able to proceed.

In a surprising twist, Democrat Judge Kaplan allowed a Manhattan Democrat jury to find Trump liable for both sexual assault and defamation. In a following ruling he decided that Trump had defamed E. Jean Carroll by pointing out that she is a liar, and in a further surprise a Democrat jury then decided that Trump should pay a total of 83.3 million dollars to the woman who lied about him for the crime of calling her a liar.

Now apparently settled with another enormous fine (Trump has agreed to pay 175 million dollars, reduced from the original theft of 350 million) was the New York civil case (the Real Estate Fraud Case) prosecuted by Letitia James and presided over by Judge Engoron. This was the one that saw a Judge with an established hatred of Trump rule that expert testimony regarding real estate valuation could be dismissed with a judicial slander of the witness, that normal business practice in real estate is fraud when conducted by Donald Trump, and that fraud can still be present when the supposedly defrauded ‘victims’ all state that no fraud occurred.

Following that there’s the Documents Case, that Jack Smith is prosecuting and that Judge Cannon is presiding over. (“On June 8, 2023, former President Donald Trump and his aide Waltine Nauta were indicted by a federal grand jury in the Southern District of Florida on charges related to the alleged mishandling of classified documents at Trump’s residence at Mar-a-Lago. A superseding indictment was unsealed on July 27, 2023, which charged an additional defendant, Carlos De Oliveira, and included three additional charges against Trump of evidence tampering, willfully retaining national defense information, and lying to investigators”).

Judge Cannon stands out as pretty much the only judge overseeing these cases who wasn’t a Democrat pick (McAfee was appointed by Kemp, but doesn’t seem to be a declared Republican. If he is, its from the same RINO wing that went along with Trump’s impeachments), and entirely coincidentally of course this is the case where it has already been established in court that the FBI investigators tampered with the key evidence and that the Democrat prosecutors lied to the judge. During the unprecedented FBI raid that acquired the ‘evidence’ for this case, the FBI took it upon themselves to spread documents around on the floor before taking ‘incriminating’ pictures of them (On June 9th, 2023 Trump posted on Truth Social that the scattered files had been “staged” by the FBI. As usual, he was right). Those pictures were publicly released (who does that with real evidence in a real case?) to justify the raid.

To make those pictures just how they wanted them, they attached confidential, top secret sheets to the documents, which they had created. They have now had to admit that they did this, and that when the prosecution told Judge Cannon that the documents being used as evidence were in the condition they were found in, this was a lie. Scans of the contents and the current contents do not match. There is in fact therefore no way to prove that the documents haven’t been more thoroughly tampered with, just as if seized drugs used as evidence had been handled and moved around by unrecorded agents instead of stored, unchanged, in an evidence locker where every interaction with them is recorded. On top of that, the documents may come from a batch of documents (SIX pallet loads) that Trump and his assistants were forced to take by repeated demands to do so (from General Services Administration).

There’s also the Hush Money Case relating to Stormy Daniels, prosecuted by Alvin Bragg which Judge Merchan is presiding over. (“The indictment includes 34 counts of felony falsification of business records primarily related to the alleged hush money payments”). Judge Merchan is, and hold your surprise on this one, a Democrat judge with an established hatred of Trump. 

Next there’s the Jan 6th Conspiracy Case, which includes 2 counts of obstruction and 2 of criminal conspiracy based on the idea that Trump encouraged Jan 6th and plotted to overturn a legitimate result. That one is the one where the Supreme Court is now pondering the issue of Presidential immunity, but the original case was again prosecuted by special counsel Jack Smith and is presided over by Judge Chutkan.

Finally, of the major cases still active there is the Fulton County, Georgia case (the RICO Conspiracy Case) which is prosecuted by Democrat District Attorney Fani Willis and presided over by Judge McAfee. This is the one that casts all of the efforts to acknowledge massive electoral fraud as a series of criminal racketeering acts under legislation designed for the prosecution of organised crime syndicates. The counts include things like deciding that a President or members of his administration questioning fraud is guilty of the crime of impersonating a public official. This was also the case in which we found out that the prosecutor hired her boyfriend on a very generous publicly funded salary to work on the case and also enjoyed romantic trips with him before lying about the nature of their relationship.

If you want excellent commentary on these cases individually or collectively, Julie Kelly has been providing this, in detail, on her Substack. If you want a summary of them all with links to mainstream media articles (for what that is worth, if anything…it at least shows us what insane justifications they are constructing) then the Lawfare website (at>current-projects>the-trump-trials) provides an incredibly helpful listing of all of them.

So why should we still be talking about these cases, why should we still be interested? Half of them are mired in legal back and forth and are subject to long delays. One is awaiting a Supreme Court ruling on Presidential immunity.

One of the things I’ve noticed when discussing any of the real crimes occurring at present is how the sheer magnitude of what is being done sometimes makes addressing it difficult. Let’s say our subject is the dishonesty of the mainsteam media in relation to Trump. Where do we start? Do we talk about the way they pressed Russian collusion for years? Do we talk about that? But then that leads us into related facts, like John Brennan presenting Obama in a meeting with the knowledge that this collusion narrative was a fiction invented by a probable Russian agent working for Hilary Clinton. That then evokes the memory of over 50 intelligence agents lying about Russian collusion as well in a public statement.

Or do we talk about how ‘drink bleach’ and ‘there are good Nazis’ were both lies presented as confirmed truths by the mainstream media?

Or are we then led into a wider discussion of ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ and how none of the people deploying these terms are themselves truthful? Do we mention the suppression of Lab Leak during Covid, or science advisors distorting the evidence being presented to Trump and then boasting about it in their books?

With the ‘lawfare’ being conducted at present, which one of the 91 charges do we talk about first? If we want to show prosecutorial and judicial malpractice, we are overly spoilt for choice. No one article is going to be able to cover how much of a crook Jack Smith is, let alone Smith, Willis and Bragg together with Engoron, Chutkan and Merchan as a group. Every one of these people are people who should be recused from involvement in cases regarding a political opponent they personally detest. In each and every case there is boundless evidence of conflicts of interest from those bringing and hearing the cases, ones which make the very idea that the process we are witnessing is ‘justice’ obscenely laughable.

How can a judge fairly preside over the case of a person they hate with every fiber of their being, a person they hate more personally and deeply than they ever hate drug dealers, rapists or child abusers appearing in court before them?

How can a prosecutor be allowed to bring cases against political opponents when they have campaigned on the basis of getting that person, by ANY means, when they have publicly made that declaration as part of their own political promise?

How on Earth is anyone supposed to pretend that such a political promise, when it manifests as a legal reality, is a legitimate response to a real crime,rather than a purely political witch hunt? Of course it is a purely political witch hunt….it was a campaign pledge!

How is any of this allowed to go this far, when at every stage the basic legal requirements of any approach towards actual justice are being deliberately and continuously set aside?

Freedom from unjust, politically motivated fines and punishments, and from cruel and unusual treatment? Set aside.

The requirement that there be some actual, untampered with, legitimate evidence on which a case comes to trial? Set aside.

The statute of limitations and its role protecting people from baseless accusations brought forward years after all evidence has vanished? Set aside.

The right to an unbiased jury, selected without political intent, in a place where justice is at least a possibility? Set aside.

Client attorney privilege? Set aside.

Freedom of speech and the right to defend oneself against accusers, including the right to point out their connections and conflicts of interest? Set aside by gagging orders.

The Presidential Records Act and all prior precedent on the treatment of former Presidents relating to documents? Set aside.

The actual purpose of the legislation you are using, like the RICO Act? Set aside.

The right to expect that the statutes used against you are being used as they have always been used, rather than that they are twisted into entirely novel interpretations with no basis in law? Set aside.

The expectation of equality before the law, and that the same actions require the same responses and the same justice? Set aside.

The difference between a misdemeanor and a felony? Set aside.

The need to prove an underlying crime and announce what crime is actually being responded to in order to change an accounting error into a felony ? Set aside.

How do you take the documents case seriously, for example, when Joe Biden can take documents as Vice President he had no right to take, leave them in his car or scattered around multiple locations,unprotected and unsecured, for years, and at the same time that Jack Smith is prosecuting Trump, Joe Biden gets a free pass on that? And Mike Pence does too? And Bill Clinton did? No amount of mainstream media MSNBC articles beginning ‘No, These Cases Aren’t the Same’ excuses that double standard away.

How do you take fraud cases based on two words in a private ledger seriously, when the prosecution won’t tell you or the judge what the actual crime is?

So where do you start with all this, where do you end?

Well, in a way, it is better to talk about the generality than the specifics, not because the details favor the other side, but because there are a million details that do not. There is too much criminality, selectivity, hypocrisy and outright tyranny in the process to ever be able to mention it all.

And the generality is that all of this only occurs in a system that is already utterly corrupt. It’s tempting to say broken, but that’s not accurate. It’s doing what it now exists to do, which is enforce a regime and crush all opposition to the regime. Those holding the levers of power are directing it this way, on this path. This is where they want to go.

The form of a US justice system still exists. It’s simply that all the justice has been removed from it.

Yes, Donald Trump is on trial. But that’s not really the big picture, as unjust and as disgusting as this treatment of Trump undoubtedly is.

America itself is on trial. The old America is on trial. The America of equal justice, and the America of decent values, and the America of any hope at all that any part of this nation remains a shining dream instead of a soiled nightmare.

And Amerika is on trial too. The Amerika of the regime, the Amerika of the nightmare. The Amerika that acts like a banana republic, the Amerika of One Party Rule, the Amerika where one side of politics and its supporters stole an election, imprisoned protesters and dissidents without trial and finally made questioning electoral theft a new crime with which to imprison the old President it removed.

There are two nations on the same soil, and neither can abide the other.

The verdict against Trump will be the verdict on both of them. Is it a place of equal justice where people have the right to vote for the candidate and policies they want? Or is it going to be, for a long time to come, a tyranny where all the Third World rules apply? That’s already not being decided by an election, even a rigged one. It’s being decided in court.

If Trump wins, America wins. If Amerika wins, Trump has lost.

But so has America. At that point, it will have lost just about everything that made it America in the first place.
Politics & Religion / Re: Politics by Lawfare, and the Law of War
« Last post by ccp on Today at 07:42:23 AM »
re reading my post 2 posts ago I forgot to add 2 prosecutors from Columbia Law

so basically an IVY league team sent to assassinate Trump.....
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