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Watch for decentralized ID. MSTR is the company and BTC is the medium.
This is wicked cool and may well serve to reveal and perhaps take down sundry dark money laundering operations working across the “Progressive” sphere. Who knows, maybe the MSM might actually avail itself on this fascinating tool.

Scroll down the article & watch the video. The implications are tremendous, and the tool appears powerful indeed. “Progressives” hate fracking? Got a feeling they are going to dislike fractaling even more:
Politics & Religion / Depression Cure?
« Last post by Body-by-Guinness on May 01, 2024, 09:10:13 PM »
The Devil’s Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce is one of my all time favorites and helped turn me into a gleeful cynic. Working from memory here, but one of my favorite entries goes something like:

Riot (n). A popular form of entertainment put on for the local militia at the expense of innocent bystanders.

How it that for encapsulating a massive amount of cynicism in few words?

Anyhoo, looks to me we are about to see a corollary, and I suspect the results will be greeted heartily by rank and file Americans that have had enough of “Progressive” tantrums as they can stand:
Note the newly added HK ETF's, pretty good accumulation for 1 day

Politics & Religion / Re: Senate polls RCP
« Last post by DougMacG on May 01, 2024, 10:53:53 AM »
If Trump is winning, there is going to be a lot of ticket splitting as a check on power.

This isn't a campaign for Trump or against Biden.  This is a fight over direction of the country.  Ticket splitting won't change the direction of the country and we need to sell hard against that.  Must persuade people that Dem policies are wrong and hurting everyone.  Their policies failed and they refused to change course.  These are our policies and they are proven to work. 

We need to sweep and it will still be hard to save the country.  Divided government isn't a win.

Best House poll is probably the generic congress poll and it is basically even.  We need to do better than that.  (The leadership crises in the House don't help.)

Where is the Contract with America, 2024?
Politics & Religion / Senate polls RCP
« Last post by ccp on May 01, 2024, 10:35:23 AM »

Lake down  :x
McCormick down  :-P
Cruz way ahead  :-D
Hogan ahead better then the D
the rest not good
Schiff crushing Garvey   :cry:

PS Trump leading in 7 battle grounds in 2 or 5 way state  :-D
I don't see any Congressional polls  :|
Science, Culture, & Humanities / Biden using taxpayer money
« Last post by ccp on May 01, 2024, 08:40:09 AM »
to buy votes

offers gov. ball out for private fraud

boy I wish I could get gov. funds anytime I got defrauded !

As Colin Jost said Biden is such the decent beautiful man his father would vote for.
Unbelievable what a jerk he was saying this.
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