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Gov. Kasich
« on: March 04, 2016, 08:23:02 PM »
I just surprised myself by discovering we do not already have a thread for this man.

Kasich has always had my big respect, but tonight he blew me away with his appearance with Frank Luntz on The Kelley Files.  SERIOUSLY impressive.  Perhaps someone can find it and post it here?

Worth noting well is how well he is polling against Hillary.

Anyway, here's Newt tonight on Gov. Kasich.

John Kasich's Moment
Originally published at the Washington Times

Last night's debate in Detroit became Ohio Governor John Kasich's moment.

In Frank Luntz's focus group 18 of 24 picked Governor Kasich as the winner.

Even the news media, which has ignored Kasich's calm, positive, policy-focused campaign while lavishing attention on childish attacks, conceded that Kasich had a good night.

Kasich's long, persistent, and at times quiet campaign has begun to pay off.

Early in the campaign, the Governor did not seem to be building any momentum, clogged somewhere in the muddle of 17 candidates.
Trump's sheer energy and noise dominated.

Media coverage became a function of fighting the Donald. Governor Kasich refused to be petty and negative. The news media refused to cover substance or positive ideas.

But Kasich calmly continued to hold town hall meetings where he listened to people, answered their questions and learned from them.
Then other candidates began dropping out.

Jeb Bush spent more than $100 million, to almost no effect, and disappeared.

Chris Christie brilliantly challenged Rubio in a debate, but his campaign failed to catch on.

Kasich skipped Iowa and focused on New Hampshire. He held more than 100 town hall meetings in the state, and came in second to Trump (better than almost anyone in the news media expected).

On Super Tuesday, Governor Kasich split Vermont’s delegates in a tie with Donald Trump. He then finished second in Massachusetts.
Callista and I went to see a John Kasich town hall meeting near our office in Virginia on Super Tuesday.

There was a nice but not overwhelming crowd. John's wife Karen introduced him. I was at their wedding 19 years ago and she is lovelier than ever. Their twin daughters, Emma and Reese, were there, too.

John was his old self. Engaging, funny, eager to listen, very willing to have people disagree with him or bring him new ideas and new information.
Callista noted how deeply emotional John was in listening to people who had experienced pain in their lives. The small town boy from western Pennsylvania whose father was a mailman comes through in these conversations with citizens from all walks of life.

In terms of experience, Governor Kasich is by far the best prepared of the final four candidates for the Republican nomination.

He was elected to the State Senate in Ohio in 1978 as its youngest member ever. As a freshman, he wrote his own budget. Then he became the only Republican to defeat a Democratic incumbent for Congress in 1982.

In his 18 years in Congress, John became a genuine expert on national security. He served on the House Armed Services Committee for all 18 years.
When I became Speaker in 1994, Kasich became chairman of the Budget Committee. Thanks to his intelligence, energy, drive and persistence, we balanced the federal budget for four straight years--the only time that has happened in our lifetimes.

Kasich then spent a decade in business and learned the principles of free enterprise firsthand.

He was drawn back to Ohio by a state government that was out of control. It was running up huge deficits, killing jobs and raising taxes. John decided to run for governor, and defeated the Democrat incumbent Governor in a remarkable upset.

In four years, he balanced the budget, cut taxes, led to job growth, developed a surplus and launched a wave of reforms that helped the poor, the mentally ill, and Ohioans with disabilities.

In 2010, running for reelection, Kasich carried 86 of 88 counties--an unheard of majority in what is always a swing state in presidential elections.
Last night, for the first time, Americans began to hear Kasich's ideas.

He won the debate and took a solid step toward winning Ohio in two weeks.

He has earned it.

Your Friend,


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Re: Gov. Kasich in the race
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2016, 09:24:39 AM »
Yes, he is a highly qualified guy.  People find him not very interesting to listen to.  I see him as a sort of Cheney-gravitas VP pick if one of the younger candidates were to win the nomination.  He sees himself only as top of the ticket, "the adult in the room".  He is still in the race because he chooses to stay in the race and isn't campaigning nationwide.  His support has been below that of others who responsibly dropped out. 

As Crafty says, Kasich's remaining presence is interesting because like Rubio, he beats Hillary in general election polling.  OTOH, his support has drawn from what Rubio would have otherwise.  He cost Rubio votes in NH and cost him a big win in Virginia that could have been the bump up he needed.  Like the others, Kasich needs to beat Trump, but in fact his continued candidacy has been a serious factor as to why Trump is in control of this race.  Won't Christy be surprised when Trump picks Kasich for VP!

We have Trump leading in all states that vote today(?).  Rubio and Kasich both have their must win home state contests a week from Tuesday.  A number of scenarios can come out of that, but unless the dynamic of the race changes, Trump wins both contests and both Kasich and Rubio get out at the same, partly because of each other, and leave in the race the two weakest general election candidates.   :-(

The second most likely scenario is that Kasich wins Ohio and Rubio loses Florida.  Then Kasich stays in with far fewer delegates and weaker support going forward.  Kasich competes with Cruz for the anti-Trump vote and enables a Trump nomination and a Hillary presidency.


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Re: Gov. Kasich
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2016, 10:06:29 AM »
"tonight he blew me away with his appearance with Frank Luntz on The Kelley Files.  SERIOUSLY impressive.  Perhaps someone can find it and post it here?"

"The second most likely scenario is that Kasich wins Ohio and Rubio loses Florida.  Then Kasich stays in with far fewer delegates and weaker support going forward.  Kasich competes with Cruz for the anti-Trump vote and enables a Trump nomination and a Hillary presidency."

If Rubio loses FL my guess is he throws his support to Cruz, but would not rule out Kasich.


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Re: Gov. Kasich
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2016, 04:44:28 PM »
Kasich=Mitt Romney without all the raw charisma and conservative creds.



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Re: Gov. Kasich
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2016, 05:08:09 PM »
Sorry, but I'm finding that a bit glib.

*18 years Armed Services Committee (chairman?)

*18 years Budget Committee, (chairman?) credited by Newt Gingrich as being the man who put together the budget surpluses of the late 90s.

*Successful governor of Ohio, took from huge deficits, to big surplus, excellent job growth


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Re: Gov. Kasich
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2016, 05:39:22 PM »

Big disqualifier right there, for me. Plenty of other reasons, but I have to go to work now.


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Gov. Kasich-media groveler
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2016, 07:01:18 AM »


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John Kasich: ‘God Bless’ Illegal Immigrants
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2016, 07:07:54 AM »

John Kasich: ‘God Bless’ Illegal Immigrants

Ohio Governor John Kasich speaks during the Republican presidential primary debate on August 6, 2015 at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio. AFP PHOTO / MANDEL NGAN (Photo credit should readMandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images
by JULIA HAHN7 Oct 2015Washington D.C.12,259
Illegal immigrants are “a critical part of our society” and should be provided a route to amnesty, Republican presidential candidate John Kasich tells a coalition of Hispanic company executives.

“For those that are here that have been law abiding, God bless them,” he told the business group, which is a major advocate for expanded immigration.

“Then I think the [illegals] should have a path to legalization… I think that can pass,” Kasich said, using one of the euphemisms for granting legal residency to illegal immigrants.

The Ohio governor also claimed the illegal immigrants are skilled. The illegals “are a critical part of our society from doctors to engineers to lawyers– well, I don’t know if we need more of them [lawyers]– but we’ve got a lot of teachers, whatever,” he said.

Kasich also told the group that one of his top priorities is “expand[ing] the guest workers.”

Currently, the nation annually imports roughly 700,000 short-term guest-workers — plus 1 million legal immigrants, a few hundred thousand additional short-term workers and roughly 350,000 lower-skilled illegal workers — to compete for jobs against the roughly 4.5 million Americans who turn 18 each year.

Kasich’s pro-illegal stance is very unpopular among Republicans and voters, but it is consistent with the views of Democratic progressives and donor-class Republicans who think America should experience a level of foreign migration never before experienced in its history.

After the foreign-born share population reached its last peak during the early part of the 20th century, immigration was reduced for nearly five straight decades to successfully assimilate past arrivals and grow wages. Those immigration curbs were reversed, however, in 1965 because of a Sen. Ted Kennedy-supported immigration law which lifted those immigration caps and opened immigration to predominantly poor and developing countries.

As Breitbart News has previously reported, between 1965 and 2015 immigration added one new resident to the population for every one net birth to the preexisting population– a ratio of one-to-one. But a recent study by Pew projects that between 2015 and 2065, immigration will add seven new people for every one net U.S. birth produced by today’s population– a ratio of seven-to-one.

Today, about nine out of every ten green cards are given to immigrants from Latin America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa.

The Republican primary is now split between Republicans who have adopted a pro-American immigration platform and candidates who have adopted a pro-foreign worker platform, with Rubio representing the candidate most aggressively in favor of expanding immigration beyond its current record highs.


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Kasich: Those on terror watch lists shouldn’t get guns
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2016, 07:15:26 AM »
Kasich: Those on terror watch lists shouldn’t get guns
By JEREMY HERB 12/06/15 12:24 PM EST
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Ohio Gov. John Kasich said Sunday that those on terrorist watch lists shouldn’t be able to buy guns, drawing a distinction with some of his presidential rivals and Republicans in Congress.
“Of course, it makes common sense to say that, if you're on a terrorist watch list, you shouldn't be able to go out and get a gun, although you will be able to get it illegally,” Kasich said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
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Kasich did raise concerns that preventing those on watch lists from buying guns could tip them off that they’re under surveillance. And other GOP presidential hopefuls went further, arguing that the terror watch lists were too inaccurate to be used as a tool for stopping Americans from buying firearms.
“A majority of the people on the no-fly list are often times people who just have the same name as everybody else, who don’t belong on the no-fly list,” said Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who joined with Senate Republicans this week to defeat an amendment that would have blocked those on no-fly lists from being able to buy guns.
“These are everyday Americans who have nothing to do with terrorism — they wind up on the no-fly list,” Rubio said. “There’s no due process, or any way to get removed from it in a timely fashion, and now they’re having their Second Amendment rights being impeded upon.”
Former Gov. Jeb Bush (R-Fla.) also raised the problems of watch list inaccuracies, as both he and Rubio noted the late Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) had said he once was on the no-fly list.
Obama calls San Bernardino attack an 'act of terror,' cautions on ascribing blame
“It’s not an accurate list to be able to use for restricting gun rights from law abiding citizens,” Bush said. “If you’re tracking someone who you believe may be a terrorist, of course they shouldn’t get guns. The FBI has that capability right now.”
President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats have pressed the gun-control issue in the wake of the lethal shootings in San Bernardino, California. In his weekly address Saturday, Obama said it was “insane” that those on the no-fly list can purchase guns.
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Gov. Kasich-Rino-tastic!
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2016, 07:19:38 AM »

Breaking: Kasich Confirms He Is the Anti-Anti-Gay Marriage Republican

Maggie GallagherBy Maggie Gallagher on August 17, 2015
Filed Under: Candidate, Commentary, John Kasich, Social Issues, abortion, marriage, Obergefell v. Hodges, religious liberty

If you are my age, you will recall the many liberals and moderates in the 1980s who were not exactly pro-Communist but who were opposed to those who actually oppose Communism: the anti-anti-Communism crowd.

Among the establishment candidates, Ohio’s Gov. John Kasich is emerging clearly as the anti-anti-gay marriage candidate.  On CNN’s State of the Union, Dana Bash asked him whether Rubio’s and Walker’s opposition to abortions in the case of rape and incest would make them “unelectable” against a Democrat who supports abortion with no exceptions.

Kasich decided to gratuitously, for no apparent reason, use his answer to communicate his distaste for doing anything in response to the Supeme Court’s gay marriage ruling: 

Well, I think that it’s an important issue, but I think there’s many other issues that are really critical, early childhood, infant mortality, the environment, education. I think we focus too much on just one issue. And now that the issue of gay marriage is kind of off the table, we’re kind of down to one social issue, you know?

To those who followed his interviews in response to Obergefell (see the ‘F’ we gave him on our report card), Kasich’s desire to move on and do nothing about the Left’s new aggressiveness against supporters of traditional marriage is not exactly news. But his desire to insert it into a conversation about abortion is striking confirmation: he’s giving a dog whistle to the Left on gay rights. They have a passive friend in a Kasich presidency.

Maggie Gallagher is a senior fellow at American Principles in Action.


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John Kasich Repeats His Deceptive Obamacare Claims In South Carolina
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2016, 07:28:14 AM »

John Kasich Repeats His Deceptive Obamacare Claims In South Carolina
FEBRUARY 11, 2016 By Bre Payton
Ohio Gov. John Kasich has taken his pack of lies about his Obamacare record with him to South Carolina, in an attempt to knock his Republican opponents down a few pegs before the upcoming primary.

Today he went after Jeb Bush for bringing up the fact that he has been lying about his record on Obamacare during a campaign stop at a pancake restaurant, according to The Columbus Dispatch.

“Jeb is spending all his time being negative,” Kasich said.

I imagine he said this though clenched teeth while pounding his fists on the table repeatedly, causing a carafe of orange juice to spill onto his campaign manager’s lap, as he often gets visibly angry when attacking his opponents for being too negative.

“He needs to start being more positive,” he said. “I don’t know what he’s thinking. Does he realize the family legacy? Spending all your time being negative? But I don’t have time for that.”

The reason he’s swinging at Jeb! so hard is that the former Florida governor has been telling South Carolinians the truth — that Kasich is a lying liar who lies about his record, especially when it comes to Obamacare.

Kasich has been touting himself as an anti-Obamacare candidate, even releasing an advertisement last week in which he claimed to have opposed the controversial healthcare legislation while he was governor of Ohio. But the truth is much stickier than that. He actually circumvented his legislature in order to expand Medicaid in his state, which is the backbone of Obamacare.

Expanding Medicaid resulted in a huge uptick of Obamacare enrollees, which Ohio taxpayers are now on the hook to pay for. To put it another way, “Kasich’s decision to opt in to Medicaid expansion is responsible for 76 percent of Ohio’s Obamacare enrollment.”

So claiming to have opposed Obamacare is nothing short of a bald-faced lie that Kasich is spinning furiously, while hoping that voters won’t notice.


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Re: Gov. Kasich
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2016, 07:39:53 AM »


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Re: Gov. Kasich
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2016, 08:18:05 AM »
And thus endeth my mini-moment of consideration , , ,


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Re: Gov. Kasich
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2016, 09:37:42 AM »
And thus endeth my mini-moment of consideration , , ,

Which of those clinched it or was it the preponderance of the evidence?

He came into the election like Bush saying, as I heard it, that he didn't have to win conservative support and didn't even want their support. 

It's funny how the media plays the expectations game.  Googling this morning that 'Rubio had a bad day' brings up 20 million search results, yet he beat Kasich resoundingly to stay in 3rd place.  (

Kasich is way better than Hillary and leads her at this point in general election matchups.  That alone is always worth a second look.  If this was going to be a resume or government competency election, who knows the line items of the budget best, then he or maybe Jeb was the guy.  It isn't and he isn't.

He is probably right about letting go on gay marriage even though it was a wrongly decided Supreme Court case, and he is partly right that we need to deal with the people who came here while it was our official government policy give them sanctuary rather that deport them.  But winning with a centrist or RINO right now isn't a win after all we've been through, just repeating the mistakes of the past.  And he isn't a stronger candidate than Romney 2012 or McCain 2008.

My goal this time around was to find a leader who comes from the right but can speak to the center and bring some of them over.  Kasich starts as centrist, speaks for the center and sees the pro-constitutionalists as extremists much like the left.  Like McCain and Romney, he would have to go back and reach to the right in a general election when it is time to speak to the middle. 

If Kasich is the nominee, I will vote vote him.  If he is the VP choice, I may applaud that if it helps a good nominee win.  Is he going to energize a new generation of conservatism to take this country back?  No. 


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Re: Gov. Kasich
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2016, 10:58:38 AM »
Excellent summary.

The one that had the most visceral impact for me was the one on the Second Amendment losing out to the No Fly list. 

I already knew he was a weenie on illegals, but temporarily got bamboozled by his explanation of his Medicaid deal with Obamacare.


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Re: Gov. Kasich, big government 'conservatives'
« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2016, 11:39:10 AM »
"The one that had the most visceral impact for me was the one on the Second Amendment losing out to the No Fly list."

If I may expand on that...

When a liberal hears a liberal say that, the connection makes sense.  If we wouldn't let someone get on an airplane, why would we let them buy a gun?  Two problems with that:

Bureaucrats put people arbitrarily on the no fly list with no notice, hearing or real process for recourse. 

Gun ownership as a constitutional right is actually a far higher right than boarding an airplane.

An awful lot of people don't agree that '...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed...'   What I don't understand is why they don't address their disagreement with that 'old idea' through the amendment process instead of by asking elected officials to violate it.  Diminishing one clause of the constitution diminishes the whole thing.

As to Kasich and his political judgment on this, when you run against your own side on an important issue, you should have your position and the issue fully thought through.  No sign of that here. 

Maybe Kasich would empower the NSA to make a bigger, better no-fly, no-gun list.


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Re: Gov. Kasich
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2016, 02:31:38 PM »
Has a cool ring to it:  "Kasich, the son of a bitch";   as per Glen Beck:

On this I couldn't agree more with Beck.  To be accurate though, he is the son of a mailman.  We hear that every single time he gives a talk.
Are mail men saints?
« Last Edit: March 16, 2016, 02:44:47 PM by ccp »


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Re: Gov. Kasich
« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2016, 05:20:29 PM »


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Re: Gov. Kasich running with Soros money
« Reply #19 on: March 22, 2016, 10:21:30 AM »

Kasich is still in because of money and the money is coming from people who want Republicans to lose.  Do Republicans realize this?

No wonder Kasich did not want to debate Cruz.  Do you think this might have come up??


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« Reply #20 on: March 22, 2016, 11:30:33 AM »
Didn't one of his aides confide (hearsay) that Kasich fancies himself Abraham Lincoln:

Everyone thinks there Abe now.

I guess Hillary thinks she is Martha Washington


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Re: Gov. Kasich
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2016, 03:30:11 PM »
"Everyone thinks there (sic  :evil:  :lol: ) Abe now."


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Thank god this guy didn't get close
« Reply #23 on: April 28, 2017, 06:10:40 AM »
He sounds like a liberal:

Yes I agree with something I read recently that he will run again in '20.