Author Topic: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness  (Read 897567 times)


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness
« Reply #1950 on: September 09, 2019, 10:46:41 AM »
Yes and the heated pool will be nice so you don't have to swim in the same wayers as the unwashed.

"private property owners cannot interfere with the public’s right to walk along the submerged lands that lie seaward of the low tide line. With few exceptions, they don’t own that land; the public does."


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President with millions
« Reply #1951 on: September 09, 2019, 03:17:15 PM »
what .

does he also have a spread in Chicago
so he can be close to Bill Ayers and look at the building of his shrine (against the wishes of the locals) , also?

Why stay in a Ritz Carlton when one can simply buy a house whenever one wants to go

I remember when the left gave Reagan grief when he gave a speech in Japan for 2 million.

Obamas make that much every 2 weeks now.

Peak net worth of presidents.
Jefferson must be the one who lost the most because he was serious debt before he died and Congress bought his library to give him some security . (first Pres library so to speak)

Grant of course went broke so Samuel Clemens published his auto biography - I am not sure if this was first book written by a president or not
  I am sure he didn't get 50 mill advance though.
And of course now they probably have teams of writers doing the real writing.

Net worth of presidents :

notice they still list Obama as 40 million ;  it is more like a 100 million .


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Gen Mattis speaks out about the Glibness
« Reply #1952 on: October 07, 2019, 08:09:50 AM »
Former President Obama is coming back in the news as the heat turns up on the FBI, CIA, FISA-gate issue gets investigated.  Also this story.  The media failed to get Gen Mattis to turn on President Trump but he did manage to drop a few bombshells on former Pres. Obama:

Former Defense Secretary James Mattis has a book coming out in which he is harshly critical of President Obama. Among other things, he recalls his dissent from Obama’s decision to pull troops out of Iraq prematurely, which had nearly-disastrous consequences. But this less well-known story about Iran is also noteworthy:

Mattis says Washington didn’t even inform him when Iran committed an “act of war” on American soil.

Mattis was CENTCOM commander at the time, responsible for our military posture vis-a-vis Iran.

The duty officer at his Tampa, Florida, headquarters on Oct. 11, 2011 told him that the attorney general and FBI director had held a press conference to announce the arrest of two Iranians who had planned a bomb attack on Cafe Milano, a high-end restaurant in Washington that was a favorite of the rich and famous, including Saudi Arabia’s ambassador, Adel al-Jubeir.

As Mattis writes, “Attorney General Eric Holder said the bombing plot was ‘directed and approved by elements of the Iranian government and, specifically, senior members of the Qods Force.’ The Qods were the Special Operations Force of the Revolutionary Guards, reporting to the top of the Iranian government.”
“Had the bomb gone off, those in the restaurant and on the street would have been ripped apart, blood rushing down sewer drains. It would have been the worst attack on us since 9/11. I sensed that only Iran’s impression of America’s impotence could have led them to risk such an act within a couple of miles of the White House,” he writes. “Absent one fundamental mistake — the terrorists had engaged an undercover DEA agent in an attempt to smuggle the bomb — the Iranians would have pulled off this devastating attack. Had that bomb exploded, it would have changed history.”

Within the Obama administration, Mattis argued forcefully that the president needed to inform the public of this act of war and mobilize opinion in favor of strong action against Iran. But his advice went unheeded.

“Washington was not interested in my Zimmermann [telegram] analogy. We treated an act of war as a law enforcement violation, jailing the low-level courier,” Mattis writes.

Mattis later learned why Obama had gone so easy on the mullahs:

“In my view, we had to hold Iran to account and strike back when attacked. But there was a reason for the administration’s restraint. The administration was secretly negotiating with Iran, although I was not privy to the details at the time.”

Those negotiations would lead to the Iran nuclear deal, signed in 2015. Mattis is critical of the agreement, which President Trump withdrew from last year. “In my military judgment, America had undertaken a poorly calculated, long-shot gamble. At the same time, the administration was lecturing our Arab friends that they had to accommodate Iran as if it were a moderate neighbor in the region and not an enemy committed to their destruction,” Mattis writes. “As long as its leaders consider Iran less a nation-state than a revolutionary cause, Iran will remain a terrorist threat potentially more dangerous than Al Qaeda or ISIS.”

It is painful to think how much hilarity the mullahs in Teheran must have enjoyed at the expense of the incompetent President Obama.


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Cognitive Dissonance Glibness, "scandal free administration", IRS Targeting
« Reply #1953 on: October 30, 2019, 09:55:02 AM »
Reminiscing the tactics of Trump's predecessors.  What did Biden know and when did he know it?  Does he even know it now?   Does the MSM? 

IRS Targeting - 700 conservative groups were prevented from raising money and participating (against Obama's reelection and policies) by action / inaction of the federal bureaucracy, while the IRS commissioner was visiting the White House 500 times more often than his predecessor.
Page 188 of the report claiming, "both liberal and conservatives groups received the same bad treatment and were targeted by the IRS" story:,%209-9-14%20update).pdf

"104 conservative groups were asked 1552 questions.  7 liberal groups were asked a total of 33 questions.

100% of liberal group applications were approved."

[100% of conservative groups were denied approval over that time period.],%209-9-14%20update).pdf

100% (all) of the 292 groups applying for tax-exempt status whose names contained "tea party", "patriot", or "9/12" were denied tax-exempt status for two years coming into Obama's reelection.

That's not the same bad treatment for right and left.
What is missing from a valid Nazi analogy to the Obama administration is that the government did not then go out and kill them when they submitted opposition group applications.

All of this swept under the rug by even our side.   (

« Last Edit: October 30, 2019, 10:15:15 AM by DougMacG »


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Michelle -
« Reply #1954 on: November 01, 2019, 01:32:22 PM »


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Obama: don't do crazy shit
« Reply #1955 on: November 17, 2019, 05:21:37 AM »

translation :

it is ok but just don't say it . pretend like he did for 8 yrs that your a moderate that you compromise

while all the time appoint lib activist judges convert the entire nation to Obamacare on the road to single payer, weaken our military, and executive orders every day, expand identity politics and more

shoving *your crazy stuff* down our throats.



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Obama not the well loved Pres he thinks he was/is
« Reply #1957 on: November 26, 2019, 03:11:29 PM »
he was after the initial good will period not exactly that popular:

indeed his numbers are not much better than Trump's

most Americans certainly did not like what he was feeding us that is for sure.
The Blacks would have left him too if he was not the first one.

and he won over two weak candidates  McCain and Romney
Like Clinton beat a weak candidate (Dole) his second term.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2019, 03:14:53 PM by ccp »


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25 Impeachable Obama Scandals
« Reply #1958 on: December 07, 2019, 11:17:38 PM »


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Glibness publisher quid pro quo
« Reply #1959 on: December 12, 2019, 07:53:58 AM »
The president who never had a scandal:

Obama gave Common Core contract to publisher, got $65-million book deal in return?
By Monica Showalter
As far-left Democrats yell about bribery and high crimes and misdemeanors, let's turn to their own side of the aisle, starting with the once penniless President Obama, who left public office a very, very rich man.

He just bought a Martha's Vineyard mansion for a cool $11.75 million, which is in addition to his Kalorama lookout post, his Chicago home, and possibly a Hawaii spread.  At some point, you've made enough...but not him.

Ostensibly, it's mainly the work of his book deals.  No bribery there, right?

Well, ahem...

According to Investment Watch (IWB), something doesn't quite look right.

Obama gave Pearson Publishing $350 million to create Commoncore text and Pearson gave Obama a $65 million dollar book deal in return.


Pearson Publishing was paid for Commoncore but Penguin Random House Publishing did the Obama book deal. But there is commonality with the two:

From Wiki:

Penguin Random House was formed on July 1, 2013, upon the completion of a £2.4 billion transaction between Bertelsmann and Pearson to merge their respective trade publishing companies, Random House and Penguin Group. Bertelsmann and Pearson, the parent companies, owning 53% and 47%, respectively.

In July 2017, Pearson agreed to sell a 22% stake in the business to Bertelsmann, thereby retaining a 25% holding.

That sounds like a classic bribe.  You give me this big contract, and I'll kick back some to you at a later date.  Chicago Way.  The book cash flowed to Obama in 2017.  Pearson, incidentally, seemed to lose money anyway, given the public distaste for Obama's federal takeover of education via Common Core, which extended to states cutting the program.

President Trump complained about the apparent quid pro quo last summer.

It's not the first time Obama has done things like this, either.  IWB notes that Obama's net neutrality stance benefited Netflix, and surprise, surprise, he got a lucrative deal with Netflix, too.


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President Grant's return on his autobiography
« Reply #1961 on: December 12, 2019, 04:06:32 PM »
which I read is considered very good:

published by Mark Twain.

Grant widow received $450,000 in 1885 dollars

worth about 30 times that today : = 13.5 million today


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The woman who enabled Baraq to become Senator
« Reply #1962 on: January 28, 2020, 09:46:08 PM »

Unmentioned in the article is that is was Baraq who had the records leaked.


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Re: The woman who enabled Baraq to become Senator
« Reply #1963 on: January 28, 2020, 09:55:41 PM »

Unmentioned in the article is that is was Baraq who had the records leaked.

Yup. Funny how his grades are still a state secret.


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« Last Edit: April 30, 2020, 06:54:11 AM by ccp »


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Re: Wolf Bitzer to Sue : what do you think of what Jarod said?
« Reply #1965 on: April 30, 2020, 06:29:16 AM »

“Hi everybody, it’s Michelle Obama. Our communities are among the hardest hit by the coronavirus, and we’ve got to do everything we can to keep each other safe,” says the former first lady in the 30-second PSA. “And that means staying home..."  (While husband Barack golfs in Virginia.

I guess they aren't staying at THIS home:
Obamas pay close to $12M for Martha’s Vineyard home on nearly 30 acres

Who are "Our communities"??  Black inner city, or Martha's Vineyard with the Kennedys et al.


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"by the book" bama
« Reply #1966 on: May 08, 2020, 07:39:15 AM »

 :-P :oops:

The "most honest incorruptible" prez we ever had  - sarcasm emphasis.

The only book he stuck to was the 50 million dollar rights deal for his story.


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O pardoned gen who lied.
« Reply #1968 on: May 10, 2020, 05:48:11 PM »

wait I thought democracy and rule of law at stake


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Re: O pardoned gen who lied.
« Reply #1969 on: May 11, 2020, 08:45:45 AM »

wait I thought democracy and rule of law at stake

We have always been at war with Eastasia!


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Sydney Powell vs. Glibness, ruthless
« Reply #1970 on: May 15, 2020, 01:15:56 PM »
'This is what happens when a fake lawyer goes up against a real one.'
Open Memorandum to Barack Obama
by Sidney Powell May 13, 2020 in Media
To: Barack Hussein Obama
From: Sidney Powell

Date: May 13, 2020

Re: Your Failure to Find Precedent for Flynn Dismissal

Regarding the decision of the Department of Justice to dismiss charges against General Flynn, in your recent call with your alumni, you expressed great concern: “there is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free. That’s the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that basic — not just institutional norms — but our basic understanding of rule of law is at risk.”

Here is some help—if truth and precedent represent your true concern. Your statement is entirely false. However, it does explain the damage to the Rule of Law throughout your administration.

First, General Flynn was not charged with perjury—which requires a material false statement made under oath with intent to deceive.1 A perjury prosecution would have been appropriate and the Rule of Law applied if the Justice Department prosecuted your former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for his multiple lies under oath in an investigation of a leak only he knew he caused.

McCabe lied under oath in fully recorded and transcribed interviews with the Inspector General for the DOJ. He was informed of the purpose of the interview, and he had had the benefit of counsel. He knew he was the leaker. McCabe even lied about lying. He lied to his own agents—which sent them on a “wild-goose-chase”—thereby making his lies “material” and an obstruction of justice. Yet, remarkably, Attorney General Barr declined to prosecute McCabe for these offenses.

Applying the Rule of Law, after declining McCabe’s perjury prosecution, required the Justice Department to dismiss the prosecution of General Flynn who was not warned, not under oath, had no counsel, and whose statements were not only not recorded, but were created as false by FBI agents who falsified the 302.

Second, it would seem your “wingman” Eric Holder is missing a step these days at Covington & Burling LLP. Indelibly marked in his memory (and one might think, yours) should be his Motion to Dismiss the multi-count jury verdict of guilty and the entire case against former United States Senator Ted Stevens. Within weeks of Mr. Holder becoming Attorney General, he moved to dismiss the Stevens prosecution in the interest of justice for the same reasons the Justice Department did against General Flynn—egregious misconduct by prosecutors who hid exculpatory evidence and concocted purported crimes.

As horrifying as the facts of the Stevens case were, they pale in comparison to the targeted setup, framing, and prosecution of a newly elected President’s National Security Advisor and the shocking facts that surround it. This case was an assault on the heart of liberty— our cherished system of self-government, the right of citizens to choose their President, and the hallowed peaceful transition of power.

Third, the inability of anyone in your alumni association to find “anybody who has been charged [with anything] just getting off scot-free” would be laughable were it not so pathetic.

Many of your alum feature prominently in the non-fiction legal thriller published in 2014: Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice. A national best- seller, it focusses on the egregious prosecutorial misconduct of your longest serving White House Counsel, Kathryn Ruemmler; your counter-terrorism advisor Lisa Monaco; Loretta Lynch’s DAG for the Criminal Division Leslie Caldwell; and Mueller protégé Andrew Weissmann. While they worked as federal prosecutors on the Enron Task Force—under the purported supervision of Christopher Wray—they destroyed Arthur Andersen LLP and its 85,000 jobs; sent four Merrill Lynch executives to prison on an indictment that criminalized an innocent business transaction while they hid the evidence that showed those defendants were innocent for six years. Both cases were reversed on appeal for their over-criminalization and misconduct. Indeed, Andersen was reversed by a unanimous Supreme Court.

Fourth, even if your many alumni don’t remember multiple cases that had to be reversed or dismissed for their own misconduct, Judge Emmet Sullivan should remember dismissing the corrupted case against Ted Stevens. Judge Sullivan is the judicial hero of Licensed to Lie. It is that case that caused Judge Sullivan to enter the strong Brady order the Mueller and D.C. career prosecutors violated repeatedly in the Flynn prosecution.

Fifth, there is precedent for guilty pleas being vacated. Your alumni Weissmann and Ruemmler are no strangers to such reversals. At least two guilty pleas they coerced by threats against defendants in Houston had to be thrown out—again for reasons like those here. The defendants “got off scot-free” because—like General Flynn—your alumni had concocted the charges and terrorized the defendants into pleading guilty to “offenses” that were not crimes. Andersen partner David Duncan even testified for the government against Andersen in its trial, but his plea had to be vacated. Enron Broadband defendant Christopher Calger had his plea vacated. There are many others across the country.

Sixth, should further edification be necessary, see Why Innocent People Plead Guilty, written in 2014 by federal Judge Jed Rakoff (a Clinton appointee). Abusive prosecutors force innocent people to plead guilty with painful frequency. The Mueller special counsel operation led by Andrew Weissmann and Weissmann “wannabes” specializes in prosecutorial terrorist tactics repulsive to everything “justice” is supposed to mean. These tactics are designed to intimidate their targets into pleading guilty—while punishing them and their families with the process itself and financial ruin.

Most important, General Flynn was honest with the FBI agents. They knew he was—and briefed that to McCabe and others three different times. At McCabe’s directions, Agent Strzok and McCabe’s “Special Counsel” Lisa Page, altered the 302 to create statements Weissmann, Mueller, Van Grack, and Zainab Ahmad could assert were false. Only the FBI agents lied—and falsified documents. The crimes are theirs alone.

Seventh, the D.C. circuit in which you reside vacated a Section 1001 case for a legal failure much less egregious than those in General Flynn’s case. United States v. Safavian, 528 F.3d 957 (D.C. Cir. 2008). Safavian sought advice from his agency’s ethics board and did not give them all the relevant info. The jury convicted him on the theory it was a 1001 violation to conceal the information from the government ethics board. The court disagreed: “As Safavian argues and as the government agrees, there must be a legal duty to disclose in order for there to be a concealment offense in violation of § 1001(a)(1), yet the government failed to identify a legal disclosure duty except by reference to vague standards of conduct for government employees.” General Flynn did not even know he was the subject of an investigation—and in truth, he was not. The only crimes here were by your alumni in the FBI, White House, intelligence community, and Justice Department.

These are just a few obvious and well-known examples to those paying any attention to criminal justice issues.

Finally, the “leaked” comments from your alumni call further evinces your obsession with destroying a distinguished veteran of the United States Army who has defended the Constitution and this country “from all enemies, foreign and domestic,” with the highest honor for thirty-three years. He and many others will continue to do so.

1As a “constitutional lawyer,” surely you recall that perjury (or false statements) also requires intent to deceive. In Bronston v. United States, 409 U.S. 352 (1973), the Supreme Court reversed a conviction of perjury. In Bronston, the defendant’s answer was a truthful statement, but not directly responsive to the question and ultimately misled federal authorities. The Court determined: “A jury should not be permitted to engage in conjecture whether an unresponsive answer, true and complete on its face, was intended to mislead or divert the examiner; the state of mind of the witness is relevant only to the extent that it bears on whether “he does not believe [his answer] to be true.” To hold otherwise would be to inject a new and confusing element into the adversary testimonial system we know.” Id. at 359. The FBI agents who interviewed General Flynn specifically noted that his answers were true or he believed his answers to be true—completely defeating criminal intent. Furthermore, General Flynn knew and remarked they had transcripts of his conversations.


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I thought everything is done by the book
« Reply #1971 on: May 15, 2020, 03:34:47 PM »
o's favorite coverup mode line

and ole suzanna rice's line

what is in the fine print so small no one can read it is they don't specify which book


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Re: I thought everything is done by the book
« Reply #1972 on: May 15, 2020, 04:35:55 PM »
o's favorite coverup mode line

and ole suzanna rice's line

what is in the fine print so small no one can read it is they don't specify which book

Yes he said "everything by the book" but didn't tell us the author was Orwell.  Alinsky.  Goebbels.

Also I never knew "being on the right side of history" was over the cliff.


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VDH on O's legacy
« Reply #1973 on: May 26, 2020, 06:51:46 AM »
THe true legacy no one will ever hear about on MSM:

As for O's net worth -> 40 mill and climbing (I thought his netflix deal is 50 mill?);  O is # 12 already
few yrs after he left office and rising .
What is interesting is the only two Presidents higher on the list who were not rich prior to their being president are O and Clinton :


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Tear Down the Statues: Barack Obama’s Ancestors Owned Slaves
« Reply #1974 on: June 26, 2020, 06:17:48 AM »
1619 Project leader says it's time for reparations:

Our first "black" President can plan on paying in.  [Our first blackVP too, Kamala Harris.]
Barack Obama’s Ancestors Owned Slaves
Reitwiesner traced Obama's great-great-great-great-grandfather, George Washington Overall, and found that he owned two slaves in Kentucky: a 15-year-old girl and a 25-year-old man. He also found out that Obama's great-great-great-great-great-grandmother, Mary Duvall, also owned a pair of slaves listed in an 1850 census record. They were a 60-year-old man and a 58-year-old woman. In fact, the Duvalls were a wealthy family whose members were descended from a major landowner, Maureen Duvall, whose estate owned at least 18 slaves in the 17th century.


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FBI Notes Confirm Obama Directed Anti-Flynn Operation
« Reply #1975 on: June 26, 2020, 07:04:31 AM »

What we long suspected is now common knowledge.  This was a top down operation done by the most corrupt administration in history.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness
« Reply #1976 on: June 26, 2020, 02:49:15 PM »
and Stroz noted now point out that Biden was the one to suggest using the Logan Act to be able to continue investigating Flynn EVEN AFTER THE FBI CLEARED HIM

now the prick is running for Prez
and the big full of O will get off scot free as Barr does not want to set precedent and go after former PRez's (if he didn't can anyone imagine what the Dems will do to Trump if they get full power)

and the DNC media of course will simply downplay this with the occasional interview of a DNC DC lawyer interview who will give us bS arguments why this does not matter,  is a conspiracy theory
    that is in itself "disturbing " ( the conspiracy theory not the crime)

the new LEFT ist term for anything conservative or politically incorrect - disturbing

I can only imagine all the pajama boy and girls losing sleep they are so disturbed


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Obama's ancestors
« Reply #1977 on: June 28, 2020, 06:50:42 PM »


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honest O?
« Reply #1979 on: November 16, 2020, 01:07:36 PM »
while he sits in front of paining of honest Abe for his 60 speech

all I can think of
your no honest O

I did not notice when I saw it but
"sponsored " by Pfizer

I only watched it to see Hawley on the second segment.  My nephew was on twice for a couple of seconds........

My sister grinning from ear to ear.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness
« Reply #1981 on: December 08, 2020, 07:26:14 AM »

Glibness back in power?  "Scandal free".  Really?


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness
« Reply #1982 on: December 08, 2020, 08:02:51 AM »
the political organizer knows how to play dirty

and sit there on camera and calmly deny it and call accusers names

while he pathologically  lies better than anyone - except maybe Hillary or Bill


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness, Obama's third term
« Reply #1983 on: February 03, 2021, 01:17:11 PM »

"Do I wish I had a third term?  You know what, if I could make an arrangement umm where I had a stand in, a front man...with an ear piece ... then I could sorta' deliver the lines, I'd be fine with that."



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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness
« Reply #1984 on: February 25, 2021, 10:38:03 AM »

"Mr Obama said: “If you ask me theoretically ‘are reparations justified?’ the answer is yes.

"There’s not much question that the wealth of this country, the power of this country was built in significant part, not exclusively, maybe not even the majority of it, but a large portion of it was built on the backs of slaves."

**maybe** not even the majority of it,

you don't say  :wink:


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness
« Reply #1985 on: February 25, 2021, 12:49:39 PM »
No reparations without repatriation.

"Mr Obama said: “If you ask me theoretically ‘are reparations justified?’ the answer is yes.

"There’s not much question that the wealth of this country, the power of this country was built in significant part, not exclusively, maybe not even the majority of it, but a large portion of it was built on the backs of slaves."

**maybe** not even the majority of it,

you don't say  :wink:


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Obama calling Trump names
« Reply #1987 on: May 19, 2021, 05:00:05 PM »

F en this F en that
true BUT

bottom line
 Trump was a far better president than Obama



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from the snake himself
« Reply #1988 on: June 01, 2021, 09:10:40 AM »

lets see if he is around when things crash to take the blame

that won't happen
it will be one excuse after another


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Re: from the snake himself
« Reply #1989 on: June 01, 2021, 09:17:10 AM »

lets see if he is around when things crash to take the blame

that won't happen
it will be one excuse after another

I never knew whether Barack Obama was the puppet or the puppet master.  Still don't.

From the article:  "Obama said he hoped Biden’s success would shift the next generation of Americans toward more leftist policies."

   - Umm, Obama had personal popularity, but his policies lost the House for the Democrats, lost the Senate, lost the White House, lost Governorships and lost legislatures.  Is that what he means by success?


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Re: from the snake himself
« Reply #1990 on: June 01, 2021, 05:49:41 PM »
Weaponizing the Feral Government against traditional Americans was his big accomplishment. Purging the military of patriots is paying off now.

lets see if he is around when things crash to take the blame

that won't happen
it will be one excuse after another

I never knew whether Barack Obama was the puppet or the puppet master.  Still don't.

From the article:  "Obama said he hoped Biden’s success would shift the next generation of Americans toward more leftist policies."

   - Umm, Obama had personal popularity, but his policies lost the House for the Democrats, lost the Senate, lost the White House, lost Governorships and lost legislatures.  Is that what he means by success?


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness
« Reply #1991 on: June 02, 2021, 06:08:26 AM »
Apologies-- once again what is the URL for this?

"Purging the military of patriots is paying off now."


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« Last Edit: June 02, 2021, 12:23:54 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness
« Reply #1993 on: June 02, 2021, 12:24:07 PM »


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of His Glibness
« Reply #1994 on: June 26, 2021, 02:07:57 PM »
when did obama do the opposite of all of the rest of humanity
and go from 6'1" to 6'2"?

do a quick google search and suddenly 6'2" comes up

so they even make him physically taller !


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Happy Birthday our dear Barack
« Reply #1996 on: August 03, 2021, 06:30:31 AM »

the great narcissistic snake
and whose wife is ashamed of the racist US

anyone to wear masks when cameras not rolling?

discuss what is best for the world for us......

behind our backs .....


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a more serene quieter 60 BD honor /. 200 servants out of work
« Reply #1997 on: August 04, 2021, 05:54:49 AM »

Clooney Speilberg Oprah stuck in H wood!

Could have a  "zoom" bash

They will have to make it up later - which they will

Maybe Michelle's BD whenever that is.


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Did he really scale it back?  His lips moved so I'm tempted to think he's lying. 

Maybe he just didn't trust the covid response of the Biden-Obama administration to keep him safe.  I don't trust them either.

Too bad, this was the last year to celebrate anything on Martha's Vineyard.  It is officially scheduled to fall into the sea in November of 2022. 
[Update:  AP read my post: 
Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket face dire climate change impact,   By PHILIP MARCELO  9 minutes ago ]

$15 million of the Obama's hard earned pay down the drain.  $1 for each new person he put in poverty.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2021, 09:55:24 AM by DougMacG »