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Messages - Maxx

Pages: 1 [2]
Politics & Religion / Re: Anti-semitism & Jews
« on: July 26, 2007, 06:25:46 PM »
I don't want to sound like a dick here and I mean this with all due respect but it really gets my gas going when ppl talk about the holocaust and the jew's. Hundreds of thousands and other millions of other Types of ppl died in the camps...Gypsies, Poles and Germans that were against hitler( and many more). My GrandMother's Brother had to flee germany for writting a undergound paper talking sh1t on nazi germany,..He was warned by a friend who was a Gestapo that he was going to get a visit..He knew what was going to happen and he then  contacted a relative that lived here in the states...They sent for him and he was flown out..My grandmother on the other hand was 13 years old and was for the Nazi's..She did not know anything of death camps or any of that stuff..But back to the point..I have a friend who's grandfather was put to death in a death camp and he was from Romania..He was thrown into cars with thousands of other Romanians who were carted off not even to work..They took them right to the shooting range and they were the targets and these ppl were not Romanian jews..This is after the fact Nazi were meeting with the cathoilc church and we all know how the Catholic Church felt about gypsies though out the ages and the Jews...

I tend to feel that most of the media and most jewish americans never tend to mention those other "Ethnic" groups or handicapped persons that were put to death..

Also the fact the the human "Logs" that section 742 ( I think thats what they were called) what those Japanese scientist did to captured american soldiers, Chinese civilians or the Black ppl that the experimented on..I might also add that they did most of their experiments on black ppl because the Japanese considered them lower then a dog and had no mercy when testing on them

The holocaust brought death and misery to alot of different ppl..

Politics & Religion / Re: The 2008 Presidential Race
« on: July 24, 2007, 03:31:19 PM »
Just thought I would put up some other things about Ron Paul not to mention that he never spent 500 Dollars on a Hair Cut or Did not Inhale or Crashed his Car on a whiskey and Coke diet *Cough* Bush *Cough*  or went awol in the Military..He was a AirForce surgeon..

He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.

He voted against the Patriot Act.
He voted against regulating the Internet.
He voted against the Iraq war.

He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.

Congressman Paul introduces numerous pieces of substantive legislation each year, probably more than any single member of Congress.

Politics & Religion / Re: The 2008 Presidential Race
« on: July 24, 2007, 10:12:54 AM »
I know that some of you, like myself, are sick of politics and generally don't trust Democrats or Republicans.
I also know that some of you tend to be a Libertarian, like me.
Ron Paul is a Republican, but is more like a Libertarian, and has a consistent voting record. He's also whupping McCain's ass so far in the pre-election.
I really like this guy, and will probably vote for him. Here's an issue that I like him for, and one that some of you will certainly support. This guy has balls.
Border Security and Immigration Reform
The talk must stop. We must secure our borders now. A nation without secure borders is no nation at all. It makes no sense to fight terrorists abroad when our own front door is left unlocked. This is my six point plan:
Physically secure our borders and coastlines. We must do whatever it takes to control entry into our country before we undertake complicated immigration reform proposals.
Enforce visa rules.  Immigration officials must track visa holders and deport anyone who overstays their visa or otherwise violates U.S. law.  This is especially important when we recall that a number of 9/11 terrorists had expired visas.
No amnesty.  Estimates suggest that 10 to 20 million people are in our country illegally. That’s a lot of people to reward for breaking our laws.
No welfare for illegal aliens.  Americans have welcomed immigrants who seek opportunity, work hard, and play by the rules.  But taxpayers should not pay for illegal immigrants who use hospitals, clinics, schools, roads, and social services.
End birthright citizenship.  As long as illegal immigrants know their children born here will be citizens, the incentive to enter the U.S. illegally will remain strong. 
Pass true immigration reform.  The current system is incoherent and unfair.  But current reform proposals would allow up to 60 million more immigrants into our country, according to the Heritage Foundation.  This is insanity.  Legal immigrants from all countries should face the same rules and waiting periods.
What do you think?
Here's his website.

Science, Culture, & Humanities / Re: Wolves, Dogs and other canines
« on: July 23, 2007, 11:02:00 AM »
What ever law they pass, I wont give up my Pitts...I will move first.

Science, Culture, & Humanities / Re: Dog Fighting = Michael Vick
« on: July 20, 2007, 01:17:13 PM »
Here is a link if anyone is interested in telling Nike to not support this a$$

Science, Culture, & Humanities / Dog Fighting = Michael Vick
« on: July 19, 2007, 04:42:01 PM »
I don't know how anyone else feel's on this matter but I feel Michael Vick should be thrown into a pit with Pitbulls and chewed up and maybe take a feel at what it feels like.

More bad press for my beloved pitbulls.

I own three of these dogs and I could never even imagine seeing or throwing one of them into a pit for money..

Like Michael Vick needs to win more money though the suffering of animals?

Right on..Thank for the reply..I was wondering what kinda dog that was and I also hope I put the topic in the right area on the forums.  :-D

I thought this would be a interesting topic to bring up just to see what everyone has and actually my interest to know what kinda dog is that , that is in your pics with you Crafty?

I myself own 3 pittbulls. a Blue, A red nose (daddys baby lol!) and a black..All have big Crocodile type mouths..Love um to death and could not own anything else except a Presso.

So out with it..

I am a tad bit new and late on the comment that was made by the person about Muslims upset about that Danish cartoon but what I can't believe is  the fact that they would get upset over a cartoon but their Holy prophet married his favorite wife "Aisha" when she was 6 years old and he was at that time 54. Then he "Consummated his marriage with her when she was 9 now making him 57...So they are gonna get upset over a cartoon..But not at the fact that their Prophet Muhammad Kidnapped a child in Allah's name and then whisked her away on a magic carpet ride???    Nope..Getting mad over a Cartoon is much more important then getting mad at a pedophile  :|     

Then again..What do I know..  :wink:

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