Fire Hydrant of Freedom

Politics, Religion, Science, Culture and Humanities => Politics & Religion => Topic started by: Crafty_Dog on January 26, 2019, 11:14:23 PM

Title: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on January 26, 2019, 11:14:23 PM
Let the research begin  :-P
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: G M on January 27, 2019, 01:17:27 AM
Let the research begin  :-P

"A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle, but she better be prepared to suck some politically connected d*ck if she wants a shot at being president."

I think I saw that on a t-shirt, I could be wrong.

Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: DougMacG on January 28, 2019, 09:13:36 AM
Slept her way to power.

Just perfect for the Dems.  The central 2020 argument is that Trump is an immoral man and they run a woman who ascended to political power through her bedroom relationship with a powerful married man 30 years her senior. 

Raised in Berkeley until 12, then lived in (Montreal) Canada until college.  Harvard undergrad.  Univ. Calif law school.

Will the Obama machine sit back and watch a 36-way fist fight, cat fight, or will they jump in and back someone like Ms. Harris?
Title: Poontronage
Post by: Crafty_Dog on January 28, 2019, 12:19:40 PM
Title: The next Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on March 20, 2019, 06:38:46 AM
Title: Morris: Kamala Harris and Slick Willie Brown
Post by: Crafty_Dog on March 21, 2019, 10:58:45 AM

IIRC Willie was married at the time , , ,
Title: Sen. Kamala Harris proposes EOs against guns
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 23, 2019, 09:10:44 AM
Title: Sen. Kamala Harris promptly flip flops of felon vote
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 24, 2019, 12:50:37 PM
Title: Sen. Kamala Harris calls for third gender on Fed IDs.
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 24, 2019, 03:06:51 PM
second post
Title: young black men should get the reefer jobs
Post by: ccp on April 24, 2019, 04:57:48 PM
"they are ahead of the curve"

I guess she never saw reefer madness or knew Robert Mitchum busted for grass or the half the 60s and 70 generation smoked dope.:

Harris: Young Black Men Jailed for Selling Pot Should Be ‘the First in Line’ for Legal Weed Jobs — ‘They Were Ahead of the Curve’

PAM KEY24 Apr 20191,334
On Wednesday, MSNBC played a clip of 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) discussing marijuana policy at the “She the People” presidential forum in Houston.

When asked about the “gentrification” of the legal marijuana industry, Harris said, “Invariably a lot of the people who historically who were arrested for marijuana sales were young men, young men of color. And so isn’t that the irony of it all? That now this is one of the fastest growing money-making industries in our country and the very young men who were trying to make money doing the same thing, but got criminalized and have now been branded felons for life are excluded from the economic opportunities that are now available because of this new industry.”

She continued, “There have to be policies in place and look at the background and actually do the work of saying some of those young men should be first in line to get the jobs that are available. And that their felony convictions should not be the barrier to them having employment in an industry they were a part of before it was an industry.”

She added, “They were ahead of the curve.”

Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: G M on April 24, 2019, 05:21:26 PM
One Alphonse Capone was way ahead of the curve on the end of prohibition! Visionary!

Kamel-toe sure didn’t hesitate to prosecute those visionary young men she now advocates for.
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 24, 2019, 07:41:36 PM
Let not our hostility to her blind us to the fact that nonetheless, this is an appealing point and articulation for her.

The underlying momentum is for marijuana. 

No doubt the pendulum will swing too far; that is the nature of things.

But the noise Trump is making recently sounds like a politically fading version of former AG Sessions.  The right play for Trump is to say it should not be a federal issue and should be left to the laboratory of democracy.
Title: WSJ: Kamala Harris: The Prosecutor who can't make up her mind
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 30, 2019, 12:47:30 PM
The Prosecutor Who Can’t Make Up Her Mind
Kamala Harris reverses herself surprisingly often on matters at the core of her professional life.
By Harmeet K. Dhillon
April 29, 2019 6:41 p.m. ET
Kamala Harris at a CNN town hall in Manchester, N.H., April 22. Photo: CNN

Should the surviving Boston Marathon bomber be allowed to vote from prison? It sounds like an easy question, but it wasn’t for California Sen. Kamala Harris at a CNN town hall April 22. “I have been long an advocate of making sure that the formerly incarcerated are not denied a right to vote,” she answered. When host Don Lemon tried to pin her down on whether Dzhokhar Tsarnaev should be allowed to vote, she said: “I think we should have that conversation.”

The next day she changed her mind. After saying at a press conference that the question was “complex” and she planned to “talk to experts” about it, she added: “Do I think that people who commit murder, people who are terrorists should be deprived of their rights? Yeah, I do. I’m a prosecutor.”
Potomac Watch Podcast
Joe Biden's Campaign Rollout

It won’t be the first awkward flip-flop for Ms. Harris, who served six years as California’s attorney general before her election to the Senate in 2016. Already her experience as the state’s top law-enforcement officer is proving to be stumbling block in the presidential nomination contest for a party increasingly antagonistic toward police, traditional norms and the justice system.

When Ms. Harris ran for San Francisco district attorney in 2003, she positioned herself as tough on crime, a more reasonable alternative to the extremely progressive incumbent, Terence Hallinan. She won with support from police, victim advocates and even Republicans. But she disappointed them a few months after taking office by refusing to pursue the death penalty for a man who killed San Francisco police officer Isaac Espinoza. In 2008 she made a show of deliberating for months before deciding not to seek the death penalty for MS-13 gang member Edwin Ramos, who was convicted of a triple murder.

Now that Ms. Harris has set her sights on the White House, she’s been distancing herself from other, tougher aspects of her record as district attorney and attorney general. She cracked down on truancy by criminally prosecuting 25 parents; now she plays down the effort by insisting that “no one went to jail.” She once scoffed at decriminalizing prostitution; she now supports it. As district attorney, she worked to increase bail in San Francisco; she now favors the abolition of bail in favor of computerized risk-assessment programs—although many progressive activists have derided those as racially biased.

As district attorney, she publicly supported then-Mayor Gavin Newsom’s policy of reporting juvenile criminal suspects believed to be in the U.S. illegally to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Now she wants to abolish ICE and “start from scratch,” whatever that means. She opposed legalization of marijuana when she ran for attorney general in 2010 and avoided the question during her 2014 re-election campaign. Now she supports legalizing recreational marijuana use because it “brings people joy.” In a February radio interview, she even jokingly acknowledged having smoked weed in her youth: “Half my family is Jamaican—are you kidding me?”

Politicians change their minds all the time, either out of expedience or after learning more. What’s odd about Ms. Harris’s flip-flops is that so many of them relate to her core professional experience. She wasn’t a public defender or prison-reform advocate. She worked in criminal justice for more than two decades and was chief law-enforcement officer in America’s most populous state. Now she seems to be abandoning, or at least rethinking, many of the principles that have guided her life’s work.

Ms. Harris’s positions as a prosecutor are out of step with her party’s increasingly radical ideas about social and racial justice. It’s predictable that she’d try to pander to progressives, who are paying more attention than anyone else at this stage of the contest. But the sheer volume of her about-faces makes her seem unusually disingenuous. If she isn’t going to stand by her decades of history as a prosecutor, what does she stand for? And what would she stand for as president?

Ms. Dhillon is a San Francisco trial lawyer and vice president of the Republican National Lawyers Association.
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris pays men more than women
Post by: DougMacG on May 22, 2019, 05:07:39 AM
Slow thread.  Wow, did she lose interest quickly.

Kamala Harris Has a Plan to Close the 'Gender Pay Gap'—and It's Completely Unworkable

One Day After Announcing Wage Gap Plan, Report Shows Men Are Paid More Than Women in Kamala Harris’ Office

The penalties outlined by Harris’ team include a fine of 1% of the company’s profits for every 1% of a “wage gap” that exists.

Unfortunately for women in Harris’ Senate office, the total compensation gap for her staff is 94 cents on the dollar. According to a report from the Washington Free Beacon, the median male salary disbursement was $34,999 and the median female salary disbursement was $32,999.
I guess she's lucky her Senate office has no profits.
Title: AG Kamala Harris failed to turn over exculpating evidence
Post by: Crafty_Dog on August 13, 2019, 06:33:01 PM
Title: Re: AG Kamala Harris failed to turn over exculpating evidence
Post by: G M on August 13, 2019, 06:49:38 PM

Kameltoe was all kinds of crooked and unethical as a prosecutor.
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris,
Post by: DougMacG on August 19, 2019, 12:15:17 PM

August 16, 2019
More stiffing the little guy from haughty Kamala Harris
By Monica Showalter
As we've said more than once, Kamala Harris has an authenticity problem.

This characterization, from Thomas Lifson last month, pretty well sums her up every time a Kamala Harris story comes to light:

Kamala Harris is scary in her pathological ambition, moral flexibility, comfort with deception, and sheer ruthlessness.

So here's a new one, from California watcher Susan Crabtree at RealClearPolitics, reporting Harris's soapboxing at the second presidential debate:

“So in my background as attorney general of California, I took on the big banks who preyed on the homeowners, many of whom lost their homes and will never be able to buy another,” Harris said in late July during the second round of Democratic debates in Detroit.

Here's what really happened:

In fact, she and several other state attorneys general were instrumental in negotiating a $25 billion national settlement with five of the top U.S. mortgage lenders to provide debt relief and other financial services to struggling homeowners. But in 2012, just months after Harris secured those funds along with the other state AGs, then-California Gov. Jerry Brown diverted $331 million from California’s portion of the settlement to pay off state budget shortfalls incurred before the housing crisis.

Although Harris initially spoke out against Brown’s diversion of the funds, she remained silent on a subsequent court battle that began in 2014 – even after she left the attorney general’s office and for the last year and a half while serving as senator and during her presidential bid this year.

Which is pretty outrageous. Harris shook down some banks in the name of "the people" and then like a crooked lawyer, didn't give the "winnings" to the clients. Whoever got wronged in this mortgage-lending mess didn't see a penny of the won cash. It all just went to other Democrat priorities within the one-party state.

Sound like the kind of lawyer you'd want to have if you got stiffed in some bank deal? Whatever this is, it's not the doing of the consumer advocate she's now painting herself to be.

Any more than she's the prison-rights advocate she claims to be - she threw thousands of them in jail for petty offenses during her time as State Attorney General, kept people in jail beyond their sentences in order to retain them to fight fires, and refused to disavow false testimony from prosecutorial misconduct that would have freed prisoners. She's never been about the little guy.

The mortgage-payout story shows two distasteful things about Harris.

One, she plays the old California political machine game (it probably happens in other crooked one-party states, too) of amassing a vast pot of money for one purpose, a virtue-signaling purpose, a purpose that press releases can be released on, and political campaign speeches can be made ... and then spending the same pile of cash on something thing else, something far less salable to the voters, something that will cover up spending mismanagement or fatten pensions. In California, this game is gotten away with all the time. Gas tax is approved by voters to improve roads ... and ends up bankrolling bureaucrat and administrative hiring sprees. Federal stimulus money is shoveled into the state for shovel-ready bridges and road improvements --- and goes to cover municipal budget holes brought on by mismanagement. Voters approve bond measures in the name of hiring teachers and getting more school supplies for kids in education -- and it goes to educrat pensions and union siphon-offs. Harris is comfortable operating that way in taking on the big banks, shaking them down -- and just letting the money head elsewhere.

Two, she's still the teacher's pet of Democrats, the sidling, sucking-up, get-along-to-go-along, slept-her-way-to-the-top errand girl the more powerful Democrats like. Crabtree reports that Harris first protested the diversion of the funds, and then went silent. Why would she do that? Obviouly, she heard from more powerful Democrats, the kind who could make or break her career. An Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez-style boat-rocker she was not. The money was won, the cash was collected, the whole thing went to the government instead of the little guys, and she went along.

Which pretty well tells us what kind of leader she would be if heaven forbid she should win the presidency. In winning the money and then allowing it to be diverted, she failed the little guys she now says she was serving. And with that, she shows she's never been about serving the people, she's about obeying the greater interests of the Democratic political machine. No wonder she's so popular in those circles - she's been kowtowing to these rich and powerful since the dawn of her career. For voters, the real message, as she vows to take over their health care, hand out reparations to black people, and offer free stuff for votes is clear: That the cash she promises isn't going to get anywhere near the little guys. Not even the illegal immigrants she's promising free health care for can believe her.
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris, back down to 5% in latest CNN poll
Post by: DougMacG on August 20, 2019, 06:40:59 AM
By my calculation, 5% of Democrats = 2% of voters.  Depending on who you ask, she was the one to watch this summer.  People watched but didn't like.

She had her big moment in the first debate but it turned out to be all drama and no substance.  She had another moment in the second debate where the spotlight was put on her record.  The accusations turned out to be true and substantive.  Her response to it was to attack the person of the attacker.  She did not address the substance of the charge.  Very Trump-like.

It begs the question, do Dems motivated by hatred of Trump for his personal qualities they see as vile want to beat him by choosing the candidate with those same qualities?  Doesn't Trump win that contest?  Don't Dems lose either way if they truly hate those qualities.  Maybe yes given they are currently drifting away from Harris.
Title: Sen. Kamala Harris also earns the pinnochio award for Michael Brown "murder"
Post by: DougMacG on September 03, 2019, 06:32:45 AM
Even though she may be irrelevant at this point I didn't want this to go undocumented in our threads:

Michael Brown’s murder forever changed Ferguson and America. His tragic death sparked a desperately needed conversation and a nationwide movement. We must fight for stronger accountability and racial equity in our justice system.

— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) August 9, 2019

Ummm, Michael Brown wasn't murdered and reckless, hateful tweets are what I thought you twits are running against.

Citing left wing Vox citing the Obama administration to admonish her:

But the Justice Department’s 2015 report contradicted many of the protesters’ claims, finding that Wilson likely did have reason to fear for his life and didn’t violate the law in shooting Brown. The Warren and Harris campaigns did not return requests for comment.

Who will call the hateful gals out on this in the upcoming Dem debate?
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on September 03, 2019, 08:45:41 AM
Yes, good to note that she joined Forked Tongue in this scurrilous race baiting lie.
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris, Michael Brown "murder"
Post by: DougMacG on September 03, 2019, 10:11:09 AM
Yes, good to note that she joined Forked Tongue in this scurrilous race baiting lie.

Amazing that the Democratic former Attorney General of California does not have any trust in the Democratic Justice Department of the far Left Obama administration.  Who else doesn't she trust?

The rush to judgment in the aftermath of that incident before the facts came out was reckless.  I don't know what to call the refusal to look at the facts after they came out.  At the least, someone who never should have been state AG or US Senator much less a future President.  Maybe someone on the debate stage can knock these two down a few notches with this. 
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris, Michael Brown "murder"
Post by: G M on September 03, 2019, 04:46:59 PM
This isn't reckless, it's quite deliberate.

Yes, good to note that she joined Forked Tongue in this scurrilous race baiting lie.

Amazing that the Democratic former Attorney General of California does not have any trust in the Democratic Justice Department of the far Left Obama administration.  Who else doesn't she trust?

The rush to judgment in the aftermath of that incident before the facts came out was reckless.  I don't know what to call the refusal to look at the facts after they came out.  At the least, someone who never should have been state AG or US Senator much less a future President.  Maybe someone on the debate stage can knock these two down a few notches with this.
Title: Stumbling Kamala Harris, mentally retarded?
Post by: DougMacG on September 09, 2019, 07:00:56 AM
Still in single digits in every poll I've seen - among Democrats - far below bumbling Joe, mad Bernie and Feuxcahantas, people thought she had more potential but she keeps showing she is not quick on her feet or ready for prime time.

The latest screwup: 

The questioner, wondering why congressional Democrats have declined to move forward on impeachment proceedings, asked Harris what she was "going to do in the next one year to diminish the mentally retarded actions" by Trump. The crowd cheered prompting Harris to laugh and say, "well said, ha, ha, ha, well said."

But "mentally retarded" is a phrase no longer allowed in civilized, liberal-speak, especially to describe real challenges or to denigrate someone who is not mentally retarded, like a billionaire graduate of Wharton elected President of the United States whose policies you disagree with.  From a Trump derangement point of view, that is a slam on the mentally retarded.

24 hours later, the Harris defense is that the man's use of the phrase was "not something that I really heard or processed."

What?  She responded: "Well said, ha, ha, ha, well said", to something she didn't really hear or process??  How can that be?  He was at the front of the room, with her, on microphone and speaker, and she was looking right at him and laughed with the group.

And they think Trump is the dunce.

Now she lectures us on the use of that kind of description is bad; "in the year 2019, people should know it's hurtful."

Fair enough.  It was hurtful.  If she knew that, then her lack of awareness on the stump is making Biden, Warren, Bernie [and Trump] look good. 

Good luck trying to deny and unsay what is on camera and microphone in a small room of paid supporters, reporters and audio visual people.  The tape is out:

That symbolizes the problem with all of them.  Instead of being ready to call out their own side for all the over-the-top comments, ideas and policies, from impeachment to Russian collusion to climate crisis to Brett Kavanaugh is a gang rapist to single payer and stay focused, they instead are eager to match them and raise them with more retarded words and ideas

Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris;
Post by: ccp on September 16, 2019, 07:50:52 AM

call for impeachment on an allegation made against someone in a politically biased newspaper.

prosecutorial abuse. guilty on an allegation .  Gotta love when it is in her interest she calls on "waiting for the facts"
when not,  that basic lawyer tenant is simply discarded .

how did someone like this actually get to be attorney general of the most populous state?

Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris;
Post by: DougMacG on September 16, 2019, 08:34:46 AM
how did someone like this actually get to be attorney general of the most populous state?

Slept with Willie Brown, 30 years her senior, now 85, in her 30s, the most powerful Democratic politician in the state.  That is exactly how she got her start.  No one believed she was qualified for her first appointments and her work as Calif AG is not surviving scrutiny.

Nothing says women's rights like sleeping your way to the top.

It's not like she's a constitutional scholar (impeach without evidence of a crime?) or leader on anything else except being a drama queen.
Title: AG Kamala Harris door kicker of journalists
Post by: Crafty_Dog on September 24, 2019, 11:42:43 AM
Title: Re: AG Kamala Harris door kicker of journalists
Post by: DougMacG on September 25, 2019, 01:44:57 PM

"former California attorney general Kamala Harris launched an investigation into the work of citizen journalists and abortion activists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, who discovered Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of aborted baby body parts."

Don't they have 'whistleblower' protections in the people's republic of California?

"trafficking of aborted baby body parts" is a particularly heinous, organized crime.  Only politics and money can explain why this public official pursued the discoverers of the crime instead of the perpetrators.  There is no math, science or history that indicates electing Democrats would move us away from corruption.
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on September 25, 2019, 11:46:06 PM
There was another case too; forget the guy's name, he has done various colorful undercover surreptitious recordings busting prog scams, and IIRC KH seized his unpublished notes or something like that  , ,
Title: Sen. Kamala Harris no free speech for Trump
Post by: Crafty_Dog on October 02, 2019, 08:02:24 AM
Title: Sen. Kamala Harris, Federal funds for Calif Homelssness
Post by: DougMacG on October 17, 2019, 08:04:31 AM

Kamala Harris calls for more federal funds to end chronic homelessness
California senator's bill would add supportive and transitional housing and emergency shelters to get people off the streets
Econ 101:  Putting more financial rewards into homelessness will get you more homelessness.  A tax on homelessness is what would alleviate the problem.

Not to mention the contradiction of federal funds to fight state and local problems.

California has a state budget of $300 billion dollars not counting solar mandates etc.  If this is a priority, why not shake loose some of those dollars?  Or raise taxes!

One cause of rampant homelessness in California is the year round good weather.  A home, exponentially more expensive because of state and local laws, is not essential for shelter, especially when the urination and defecation rights on city sidewalks are free and legal.
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on October 17, 2019, 09:13:22 PM
Refresh my memory please:  What reporter was it that AG Harris raided for unpublished materials?  The guy who filmed Planned Parenthood undercover?
Title: AG Kamala Harris's raid to protect Planned Parenthood
Post by: DougMacG on October 18, 2019, 01:38:07 AM
Refresh my memory please:  What reporter was it that AG Harris raided for unpublished materials?  The guy who filmed Planned Parenthood undercover?
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on October 18, 2019, 07:58:56 AM

That is what I was thinking of-- thank you.  I've renamed the post to make it easier to find.
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: DougMacG on October 31, 2019, 02:41:20 PM
Kamala Harris is not turning out to be the candidate that some people thought.  When they say single digits, they mean among Democrats.  She trails in her own state, and everywhere else.

Like Klobuchar, I don't happen to believe Harris was a top prosecutor.  I think they were political figureheads that were responsible for a team of prosecutors.

As one of their competitors might say, Kamala Harris, you didn't build that.
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: G M on October 31, 2019, 04:22:08 PM
Kamala Harris is not turning out to be the candidate that some people thought.  When they say single digits, they mean among Democrats.  She trails in her own state, and everywhere else.

Like Klobuchar, I don't happen to believe Harris was a top prosecutor.  I think they were political figureheads that were responsible for a team of prosecutors.

As one of their competitors might say, Kamala Harris, you didn't build that.

Who knew that you couldn't suck your way into the white house?

Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on November 01, 2019, 05:21:24 AM
"Who knew that you couldn't suck your way into the white house?"

Well Lewinsky did , but then learned you couldn't stay there...............
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 01, 2019, 07:39:49 AM
If only Hillary had done her wifely duty , , ,
Title: Kamala Harris, We hardly knew ya
Post by: DougMacG on December 04, 2019, 06:29:20 AM
They ask why her campaign unraveled but when was it anything else?  What new did she bring to the contest?  Nothing.  She sounded nasally, entitled, condescending and sarcastic, not the least bit inspiring.  Like the others, she comes into it having accomplished nothing.  What can you accomplish when your goal and your strategy is to divide?  What should she touted in her background; there's nothing of substance there.  In the Senate she took on Sessions and Kavanaugh - and lost.  Believing women who make up bad stuff against men doesn't advance the cause of women.  Making abortion easy isn't helping women either.

We thought she might be the next Obama but she wasn't.  To be fair, he couldn't pull that off again either.
LAT agrees with me?

"She hadn’t yet established herself in the U.S. Senate. And she hadn’t exactly excelled in her previous job as California’s attorney general. There wasn’t much of a record worth bragging about on the campaign trail."
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on December 04, 2019, 06:33:50 AM
I would add she won't be missed but,

of course like all good Dem narcissists

she won't go away .

she will be back somehow........
Title: headline : harris gives Meghan "a lesson" in defund police
Post by: ccp on June 09, 2020, 07:03:44 AM

it is easy to turn this around and give Harris a lesson

perhaps 1/3 of city budgets to police are in areas where there are high crime rates

oh they just need better schools (all run by democrats and teachers unions). more health care (how about.a freer more transparent healthy care market ?), more jobs ( did not Trump give these people more jobs? more than any democrat ever did ?)

same old Democrat lines - more money for this for that for more for everything
how has that worked in the past lifetime ?

these same cities are nearly all run by your party harris

Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on August 11, 2020, 06:53:43 PM
Title: NRO: Sen. Kamala Harris 2019
Post by: Crafty_Dog on August 11, 2020, 09:57:18 PM
Title: Re: NRO: Sen. Kamala Harris 2019
Post by: G M on August 11, 2020, 10:11:01 PM

I understand wikileaks just dumped a whole lot of records that she won't like the public seeing.
Title: Sen. Kamala Harris on gun rights
Post by: Crafty_Dog on August 11, 2020, 10:17:52 PM
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris, radical Left
Post by: DougMacG on August 12, 2020, 04:31:52 AM

Harris is deeply radical. She endorsed "Medicare for All" while announcing that she would move Americans away from their private health care plans; she announced in open debate that she would use executive orders to ban "assault weapons"; she said she would ban fracking; she attacked Justice Brett Kavanaugh as a purported rapist and Judge Brian Buescher for his Catholicism. Harris is unpopular with many black Americans: As a prosecutor, she was fond of pursuing heavy sentences for light charges, as well as civil asset forfeiture -- and then she bragged about smoking marijuana during her campaign. Harris has similarly alienated moderates, attacking Biden himself as a vicious racist for his unwillingness to support forced school busing in the 1970s, and suggesting that she believed Biden's sexual harassment accusers. There is a reason Harris utterly flamed out in the primaries, aside from her bizarre habit of breaking into a Joker-esque whoop when asked difficult questions.

Nothing about Harris screams nonthreatening. In fact, in her Machiavellian campaign manipulations, she appeared deeply threatening -- threatening enough that Biden campaign adviser Chris Dodd reportedly wondered why Harris "had no remorse" for her opportunistic and dishonest attacks on Biden. At the very least, Biden should hire a food taster.

In selecting Harris, Biden has opened the door to the Trump campaign. And Trump should take full advantage. Biden's alleged moderation means nothing if he is willing to place Kamala Harris one heartbeat from the presidency. Biden's entire campaign strategy has now been undercut -- all in a vain attempt to please the Twitterati, who will remain pleased for precisely seven seconds. Trump should be ecstatic. The race is on. And that's all on Biden.
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on August 12, 2020, 05:52:58 AM
she already has the joker like 24/7 grin
out of the Hillary playbook
what is it about women democrats they think they have to grin all the time

is it to deflect their true nature

that alone gives away what frauds they are.
Title: Biden and Tulsi rip Kamala Harris and vice versa
Post by: DougMacG on August 12, 2020, 08:52:19 AM
And some other debate exchanges:

Kamala:  "cleaning up the mess you [Biden] made when you were in the US Senate!"

TULSI GABBARD: I want to bring the conversation back to the broken criminal justice system that is disproportionately negatively impacting black and brown people all across this country today. Now Senator Harris says she's proud of her record as a prosecutor and that she'll be a prosecutor president.

But I'm deeply concerned about this record. There are too many examples to cite but she put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana.

She blocked evidence -- she blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do so. She kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California.
And she fought to keep ...

TAPPER: Thank you, Congresswoman.

GABBARD: Bail system in place that impacts poor people in the worst kind of way.
Besides content and her anger at Biden, watch Harris for style.  They made fun of Beto for his wild hand movements.  Watch Kamala nod or shake or head while she speaks with her head movement having nothing to do with what she is talking about:

Crime lab scandal rocked Kamala Harris's term as San Francisco DA
Title: already the contenders lining up to get kAmAlA's seat in Senate
Post by: ccp on August 12, 2020, 04:19:54 PM

Title: AG Kamrad Harris failed to prosecute pedophile priests
Post by: Crafty_Dog on August 12, 2020, 07:35:29 PM
Title: K.O.C. Kamala Ocasio Cortez
Post by: DougMacG on August 12, 2020, 07:56:38 PM
The point of all these squad members winning Democrat primaries is that they have already taken over the Democrat party.  Biden was once a moderate of sorts.  What's left of him is not and neither are his handlers or his agenda.  Picking a VP is his biggest decision yet, and he picked the 4th most Left member of the very radical Left side of the Senate.  Kamala, and Biden now too, want to ban all private health insurance in their quest to implement "single payer".  They will ban the automobile as we know in the zeal to ban fracking and end the use of fossil fuels.  Their embrace of the AOC written Green New Deal means you don't get to decide how to heat your home or whether to cool it.  THEY will decide for you.  Socialism means coercion and these two are fully on board.  Kamala hates Israel - like Omar, Tlaib, AOC.  Biden is soft on China - just like they wrongly projected Trump would be on Russia.  This election isn't about how Kamala slept her way into power or Joe being senile or neither having remorse when they destroy the innocent in their ends justify means world, cf. Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh.  That's just bad character revealing itself.  Their real problem is far-Leftism, which is oppressive, coercive, dishonest and aims to destroy our country and all our liberties.  That's why we don't want them in power.

Kamala said she sides with the protesters, the 'mostly peaceful' protesters, and wants to change this country - away from the way it was founded.  Kamala and Biden are political clones of AOC, Omar.  Kamala is KOC and the ticket is BKOC, Biden Kamala Ocasio Cortez.  There's no daylight between them.
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris, more from Tulsi
Post by: DougMacG on August 12, 2020, 08:40:23 PM
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris, more from Tulsi
Post by: G M on August 12, 2020, 09:27:07 PM

Nice. The only person who hammered Kamala harder was her plastic surgeon.

Title: Report: Kamala Harris Already Vetting her VP Picks
Post by: DougMacG on August 13, 2020, 04:45:07 AM
I wondered what the Babylon Bee take on this was:

Report: Kamala Harris Already Vetting her VP Picks

Kamala Harris Humbled To Have Been Chosen Exclusively For Her Race, Gender
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on August 13, 2020, 05:19:36 AM

"The only person who hammered Kamala harder was her plastic surgeon."

Don't forget Willie Brown ,
who recently came out just a few days admitted  he felt she was not qualified for VP

perhaps she cannot give good BJs
needs to take lessons from Monica.


Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris, so many firsts
Post by: DougMacG on August 13, 2020, 06:46:54 AM
...The only person who hammered Kamala harder was her plastic surgeon.

Is this the first ticket in history where both have had major work done?  Face only, looks like they didn't get to the tummy tuck yet.
Title: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on August 13, 2020, 07:04:27 AM
I just thought of another first

another "glass ceiling" she could smash with flying colors (no pun intended)

she is 5'2 " tall .

she would by far, be the shortest president when Joe is declared by the LEFT to be too senile to function
which AFTER he wins they will do - what amendment is that?

I am dancing grinning smirking - another first - the first really short president.

Who is so far the shortest , I think James Monroe , or was it Madison?
Title: WSJ: Getting to know Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on August 13, 2020, 09:50:24 AM
Getting to Know Kamala Harris
How Biden’s running mate blocked a hospital rescue to help the SEIU.
By The Editorial Board
Aug. 12, 2020 7:09 pm ET

In choosing Kamala Harris, Joe Biden ticked all the boxes his party demanded: a progressive, minority woman who could succeed him as president in 2024—if not sooner. Image: AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris made their first appearances as a campaign ticket on Wednesday, and Americans still know little about the running mate who may be President sooner rather than later. One way to fill in the gap is to inspect Ms. Harris’s record as California’s Attorney General, and one revealing episode is the way she used her power to blow up a deal to rescue struggling Catholic hospitals.

The saga started in 2014 when for-profit Prime Healthcare Services made an $843 million bid for six insolvent hospitals operated by the Catholic Daughters of Charity Health System. The hospitals had been bleeding cash for years due to inflexible labor contracts and miserly Medicaid payments.

Prime Healthcare was the only bidder that agreed to assume Daughters’ $300 million liability for worker pensions, and it scored high on the bidding criteria that included financial wherewithal and service quality. Nurses, physicians and the public supported the deal.

But the Service Employees International Union-United Healthcare Workers West (SEIU-UHW), which represented 2,000 hospital workers at Daughters, opposed Prime’s takeover because the company refused to sign a neutrality agreement that would let them organize all of Prime’s hospitals. Only four of Prime’s 15 hospitals in California at the time were unionized.

California’s Attorney General must approve nonprofit hospital acquisitions, and Ms. Harris attached dozens of poison pills to the deal. They included requiring 24-hour nursing, surgery, anesthesia, laboratory, radiology and pharmacies for five years and mandating that hospitals offer an additional 12 to 18 “essential services” such as orthopedics for 10 years. These conditions were unprecedented.

Prime walked away from the deal and sued Ms. Harris for violating its due-process rights. According to the lawsuit, Daughters’ executives had told Prime that Ms. Harris would block the sale “or require financially crippling approval conditions” if Prime did not reach an agreement with the union. The lawsuit alleges that in return the union promised to support her with $25 million in political contributions.

Ms. Harris denied the accusations, and a federal judge in 2017 ruled that she had “qualified immunity”—the doctrine that shields public officials from liability for violations of constitutional liberties. This is ironic since Ms. Harris earlier this summer introduced a resolution in the Senate to abolish qualified immunity for police officers.

Later in 2015 Ms. Harris approved the Daughters’ hospital sale to the BlueMountain Capital hedge fund for $260 million including $160 million in debt. The SEIU supported that deal. While imposing similar conditions on BlueMountain as on Prime, Ms. Harris allowed the hedge fund to operate the hospitals as tax-exempt nonprofits for several years.

Yet burdened by debt and expensive collective-bargaining agreements, the hospital chain declared bankruptcy in August 2018 and was put up for sale. The federal Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. assumed its pension obligations and slashed payments to workers and retirees. Two hospitals were sold to local governments for a pittance.

The state government this year leased two others that had been on the verge of closing in order to ensure ample hospital capacity to treat Covid-19 patients. Prime this spring offered to buy another, but the SEIU again objected to the takeover and refused to renegotiate its existing collective-bargaining agreements.

A bankruptcy judge recently said the SEIU had rejected Prime’s proposals "without good cause.” The judge said the hospital “would not continue to operate as a going concern, and all of the [union] represented employees would lose their jobs” unless the labor agreements were renegotiated. Ms. Harris’s successor as AG, Xavier Becerra, approved Prime’s acquisition last month.

Hospital workers, patients and taxpayers paid a fearsome price for Ms. Harris’s intervention on behalf of the SEIU. As troubling was Ms. Harris’s use of her authority to help a political supporter and punish a business she didn’t like. She was in the vanguard of the new progressive state AGs who use prosecutorial power against opponents. Watch for this in the Harris Administration in 2025, if not sooner.
Title: Kamala Harris = Hillary Clinton
Post by: ccp on August 13, 2020, 10:16:02 AM
Harris = Clinton

corrupt dishonest

two faced ,  changes position with the polls or however hand her money
not at all likable
phony smile on her face

totally leftist
plays identity card endlessly

tags along men to get where she wants to go

was not good at any government position she ever did

personal ambition that is ruthless to the ends of the Earth

they are the same

Title: Klavan on Corrupt Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on August 14, 2020, 09:29:56 AM
Title: I thought her questioning was totally political and one of the worst
Post by: ccp on August 14, 2020, 10:51:44 AM
of course I am not a lawyer so listen to barristers

1). Kelly Dittmar, director of research at the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University.;  "
“It shows her objectiveness and skill. And I think many people saw that — part of why that [went] viral is because people are impressed.”

2). “I think she was one of the most effective questioners,” said Daniel Goldberg, the legal director for the Alliance for Justice Action Campaign. “And really, if you look back at her questioning of Brett Kavanaugh,” he told Yahoo News, “what’s stunning is how prescient she was.”

I  thought Justice Kavanaugh kicked her ass frankly:
Title: Democrats now diverting attention from their cognitively impaired candidate
Post by: ccp on August 15, 2020, 10:37:33 AM
to Harris

they know full well she will be the president

how f up is this
loser candidate 3 time over , fell behind virtually every other candidate
is clearly slipping into dementia
then when others suck run back to him
prop him up

bu keeping his as quiet as they can

then he (or Obama ) picks his VP who was also a loser
only because she has a cervix and more melanin
then others and now
she is being promoted like some sort of God's gift to humanity

(who will divide us more and continue reverse racism destroy the economy etc)
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: DougMacG on August 16, 2020, 10:51:02 AM
Peggy Noonan notes the "rise of Kamala Harris".  Scott Johnson of powerline picks out a few negative comments that tell the story better:

Mark Pulliam:

Thin gruel from Peggy Noonan. If Kamala Harris is so smart, why did the daughter of a Stanford professor, whose parents both got graduate degrees at UC Berkeley, end up at Howard? Hastings is a second-tier law school, well below Stanford, Berkeley, UCLA, and even USC. Failing the bar exam shows a lack of smarts. No mention of Willie Brown? Sugar coating her controversial tenure in California? WSJ readers interested in “the rest of the story” should check out my profile of Harris [“The next Obama”] in the Winter 2016 issue of City Journal.

Fred Scott:

The rise of Harris is a true LOL. With the Democrats identity politics she started the presidential campaign 100 yard dash at the 50 yard mark. She wasn’t 5 yards in the race when she pulled up grasping for air pulling out after polling at a horrible 2%. Hilarious how the media including the WSJ’s job now is to try to convince America that someone in the Senate to the left of Bernie Sanders is a moderate. Democrats pick Harris who called her running mate racist during the national debate and called her own party racist and sexist when she dropped out early after horrible polling numbers. She accepts the nomination from someone who when asked about Biden’s multiple accusers of physical assault was quoted as saying on April,3,2019 ” I believe them and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it.”

Elise Nappi:

This reads like a press release written by someone who has never worked for Harris, since rumor has it she doesn’t have too many fans among her underlings, but by a sycophant. To say that Harris “didn’t do well” in the primary is being overly kind. When she exited, she was polling at 2% nationally and 7% in her home state. “An excellent performer of politics”? Are you kidding me? Is that what she was doing when she viciously attacked Justice Kavanaugh during his Senate Confirmation hearings?
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: G M on August 16, 2020, 10:56:11 AM
Willie Brown said she was an excellent performer!

Peggy Noonan notes the "rise of Kamala Harris".  Scott Johnson of powerline picks out a few negative comments that tell the story better:

Mark Pulliam:

Thin gruel from Peggy Noonan. If Kamala Harris is so smart, why did the daughter of a Stanford professor, whose parents both got graduate degrees at UC Berkeley, end up at Howard? Hastings is a second-tier law school, well below Stanford, Berkeley, UCLA, and even USC. Failing the bar exam shows a lack of smarts. No mention of Willie Brown? Sugar coating her controversial tenure in California? WSJ readers interested in “the rest of the story” should check out my profile of Harris [“The next Obama”] in the Winter 2016 issue of City Journal.

Fred Scott:

The rise of Harris is a true LOL. With the Democrats identity politics she started the presidential campaign 100 yard dash at the 50 yard mark. She wasn’t 5 yards in the race when she pulled up grasping for air pulling out after polling at a horrible 2%. Hilarious how the media including the WSJ’s job now is to try to convince America that someone in the Senate to the left of Bernie Sanders is a moderate. Democrats pick Harris who called her running mate racist during the national debate and called her own party racist and sexist when she dropped out early after horrible polling numbers. She accepts the nomination from someone who when asked about Biden’s multiple accusers of physical assault was quoted as saying on April,3,2019 ” I believe them and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it.”

Elise Nappi:

This reads like a press release written by someone who has never worked for Harris, since rumor has it she doesn’t have too many fans among her underlings, but by a sycophant. To say that Harris “didn’t do well” in the primary is being overly kind. When she exited, she was polling at 2% nationally and 7% in her home state. “An excellent performer of politics”? Are you kidding me? Is that what she was doing when she viciously attacked Justice Kavanaugh during his Senate Confirmation hearings?
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on August 16, 2020, 11:07:01 AM
"Willie Brown said she was an excellent performer!"

but wait GM, he did not think it was good enough to recommend her for VP.
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: G M on August 16, 2020, 11:27:10 AM
"Willie Brown said she was an excellent performer!"

but wait GM, he did not think it was good enough to recommend her for VP.

Hmmm. Maybe he wasn’t talking about politics....
Title: Valerie Jarrett
Post by: ccp on August 17, 2020, 05:50:04 AM

( I think if fair to call Clinton JFK "ho's" too )
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: G M on August 17, 2020, 10:31:08 AM
"Willie Brown said she was an excellent performer!"

but wait GM, he did not think it was good enough to recommend her for VP.

Hmmm. Maybe he wasn’t talking about politics....

Title: Kamala Harris Housing Plan Everybody gets 10'x10' Room, 3 free meals
Post by: DougMacG on August 19, 2020, 06:08:39 AM
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on August 19, 2020, 06:19:18 AM
and guess who the housing is for:

white men and all Republicans/Conservatives unless they profess full acceptance of BLM and socialism

and 100%. allegiance to the Democrat Party

Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris, So you didn't mean it
Post by: DougMacG on August 19, 2020, 07:32:10 AM

"How do you go from being such a passionate opponent on such bedrock principles for you, and now you guys seem to be pals?"

"It was a debate! Ha ha ha ha!

It was a debate!

It was a debate!

Literally, it was a debate! Ha ha ha ha!

In other words, the whole candidacy is just stage stuff,written by others, rehearsed, delivered.

Now we know what her nervous laugh sounds like.  I didn't hear the whole interview.  Was she drunk?
Title: Re Sen. Kamala Harris's eligibility
Post by: Crafty_Dog on August 19, 2020, 09:35:46 AM
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: DougMacG on August 20, 2020, 10:38:28 AM
Nothing relates to suburban women that you're one of them like being a never-married (until very recently) woman who raised no children, who got her start in her twenties sleeping with a disgusting, powerful old man who paid her with BMWs, commission appointments etc .

Kamala said her 'kids' call her" Momala".  Cute, but they see her as Dad's wife, not as their mother.  Both are young adults now.

I don't get the categorization technique that Kamala Harris is "black".  To the untrained eye, she looks closer to white than black, even though her other side is from India.  But she (apparently) identifIES black, whatever the hell that means.  Like she chooses black culture, hangs around with blacks, but she Finally married, she picked white and her kids are white.  She is of mixed race, not black.  If we must track these things, don't lie.

If being a black woman is such an obstacle to overcome, how come she plays that card at every turn - to her advantage?

Wouldn't you think it's the opponents who would say she was picked only because of her race and gender, but it's her side that keeps saying it, "historic".  Historic for what?  Lots of people in lots of states rose to be state attorney general and or US Senator.  It's historic only because of gender and race.  No one says she was the best AG ever or in the nation, or offered arguments as to why one might think that.  You could say it's a big deal because it's California, the biggest state, but that of course forgets this an electoral college contest and California is among the least important states.

Regarding the previous post, her "natural born citizenship" status is very interesting!  I thought the argument was stupid until I read it.  Her parents were immigrants, not her.  But at the time of her birth, were they both citizens of other countries, studying in the US as foreigners?  Did she become a citizen when her parents became citizens, perhaps after birth?  Another case of 2020 uncharted waters.  Just being physically born here defining citizenship brings up a divisive current issue the US Supreme Court has not ruled on.  No one is going to touch that with a 10 foot pole - right now.  As PatriotPost concludes, there are plenty of better ways to attack a Biden-Harris ticket. 

However, if they win, if Republicans flip the House, if Joe dies or must leave, and if the next in line, Speaker of the House, is from the opposing party ... this will come up.
Title: Sen. Kamala Harris is so popular...
Post by: G M on August 20, 2020, 01:40:03 PM

Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on August 20, 2020, 02:50:55 PM


here is another Kamala fan - virtue signaling:
Title: Kamala Harris, Momala neglected to protect the children
Post by: DougMacG on August 22, 2020, 08:56:24 AM
"served as San Francisco district attorney from 2004-2011, and then as California attorney general from 2011 to 2017, and never brought a single documented case forward against an abusive priest."

Peter Schweitzer:  According to San Francisco election financial disclosures, high-dollar donations to Harris’s campaign began to roll in from those connected to the Catholic Church institutional hierarchy. Harris had no particular ties to the Catholic Church or Catholic organizations, but the money still came in large, unprecedented sums.

Harris received money from Church fixer Joseph Russoniello and the law firm Cooley Godward, where he served as partner. Harris tapped Russoniello for her advisory board. “Another law firm, Bingham McCutcheon, which handled legal matters for the archdiocese concerning Catholic Charities, donated $2,825, the maximum allowed.” Arguedas, Cassman & Headley, which was representing a priest in an abuse case at the time, also donated $4,550 to Harris. “The lawyer in the case, Cristina Arguedas, also served on Kamala Harris’s advisory council”.

Hard on crime?  Soft on crime?  Depends on the donations.  [It's all about the Benjamins, baby.]

I wonder if Catholic urban and suburban swing voter moms are for or against priest sexual abuse of children.
Title: Sen. Kamala Harris bailed out the rioters
Post by: Crafty_Dog on September 02, 2020, 05:50:20 PM


“There will be less violence if Joe Biden’s campaign stops bailing violent rioters out of jail.” —Senator Tom Cotton
Title: from above post
Post by: ccp on September 03, 2020, 04:16:24 AM
"Kamala Harris and her friends in the corporate media, otherwise known as the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party, will pretend this never happened and they are counting on voters to be too ignorant to know that it did. Harris was so eager to be on the rioters’ team that she literally raised money for them in the hopes that they could be released and foster further mayhem.

That on its own would be bad enough. But the fact that she is now attempting to pretend she was against all of this violence, and looting, and arson, and destruction from the get go is an insulting joke."

Title: “A Harris administration, together with Joe Biden as the presdient
Post by: DougMacG on September 15, 2020, 05:06:26 PM
“A Harris administration, together with Joe Biden as the president of the United States…”

This is not a mis-speak.  She is very carefully reading a script.  She is putting this out there intentionally.  More specifically, whoever is deciding these things has put this out there intentionally. 

Update: Biden confirms it.
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on September 15, 2020, 05:24:10 PM
Isn't it so remarkable
that both Biden got his ass whooped in the primaries
 until all the others cancelled themselves out and then out of desperation they all came back around to senile old Joe
and Harris got her ass whooped because she was rambling, changing her positions faster then those at an orgy
and no one really liked her ;

not even the Dems wanted either one of them

and now he is the second on the ticket and she is first?

Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: DougMacG on September 15, 2020, 06:01:36 PM
Yes.  She won 0 delegates with 0.0% of the vote and now she is the change we have all been waiting for. 

George Orwell couldn't write this stuff.
Title: Sen. Kamala Harris vs. Swiss Army Knife
Post by: Crafty_Dog on September 18, 2020, 05:59:08 AM
Title: Sen. Kamala Harris loves BLM
Post by: Crafty_Dog on September 26, 2020, 08:29:57 PM
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris, Is she eligible?
Post by: DougMacG on October 01, 2020, 11:17:46 AM
I'm no birther and Kamala was most certainly born in the US, but she was born to immigrants, so the question becomes, was one or were both citizens of the US when she was born, or were they both citizens of some other country making her an alleged natural born citizen only by the 'birthright' controversial interpretation of the  14th amendment?

Imagine Biden wins Presidency, Republicans take the House and Biden dies before inauguration and if Harris ruled ineligible, Kevin McCarthy becomes President?

When Kamala was 11 years old, Kamala's mother was a citizen of India.  No mention of citizen of US.

When Kamala was 3 years old, her father was still a citizen of Jamaica applying for permanent resident status in the US.

Therefore, quoting the article:

Kamala declared her US citizenship as being based on “birth in the US” and not “through parents” in a sworn petition.  Could this be interpreted as a legal admission that Kamala Harris is not a “natural born” citizen  of the US (as is required for a Vice-President)?

Documents at the link.  Accuracy: unknown.  What a court would do with this: also unknown.

Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on October 01, 2020, 09:10:52 PM
Tucker is focusing on Komrad Kamala all this week.
Title: 25 questions for Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on October 06, 2020, 04:05:35 PM
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris, record of anti-catholic bigotry
Post by: DougMacG on October 13, 2020, 06:17:16 AM
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: DougMacG on October 27, 2020, 05:59:01 AM
Harris keeps saying, 220 million died in the last few months. That's a lot of people. I wonder if I'm one of them. Quoting Monty Python , I feel good, I'm not dead!
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 03, 2020, 12:28:35 PM
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris - Kwanzaa??
Post by: DougMacG on December 29, 2020, 09:10:16 AM
I saw this on Youtube, good to see that John Hinderaker at Powerline is following up on it.

How many Americans out there are cherishing their childhood memories of celebrating Kwanzaa with their families?  A quick search leads to NPR saying 2% of Americans say they celebrate Kwanzaa.  One followup question might reveal that 90% of those are lying.

My understanding is that black Americans are more Christian than whites.  But whoever said Sen Kamala Harris is a black (or African) American. 

Wikipedia says Kwanzaa celebrations began in the US, (not Africa).

Hinderaker points out Kwanzaa was invented by a man who served four years in prison for imprisoning and torturing two women, and also was implicated in, although not convicted of, multiple murders that were carried out by his henchmen.

Hinderaker on Harris:  "Her patent lack of authenticity is a key reason why her presidential campaign crashed on takeoff, and she hasn’t become a more convincing story-teller in the time that has gone by since. Which is probably a good thing, given that she is likely to be president one of these days."

(Doug) It takes only seconds to tire of her voice and delivery on anything.  I'm glad she's not our side's leader in waiting.
Title: Kwanzaa - huh?! what?!
Post by: ccp on December 29, 2020, 09:57:06 AM
".Doug) It takes only seconds to tire of her voice and delivery on anything.  I'm glad she's not our side's leader in waiting."

God, yes.

She has that Democrat know it all shit eating grin on her face.
  Go help us.

Maybe as many as one to two times have I agreed with anything whatsoever she has said
Title: Re: Sen. Kamala Harris
Post by: DougMacG on December 29, 2020, 04:12:06 PM
December 29, in legal documents:
"Notably, Sen. Kamala Harris has not yet resigned her U.S. Senate seat."

It makes it look like she sees the election outcome in doubt, but I think some pension issue is in play.  Follow the money.
Title: Sen. Kommiela on Hanakah
Post by: Crafty_Dog on December 29, 2020, 08:52:59 PM
Title: at least the mask covers her shit eating grin
Post by: ccp on December 30, 2020, 08:02:09 AM
Title: Re: at least the mask covers her shit eating grin
Post by: DougMacG on December 30, 2020, 08:18:58 AM

Flip flopper.  I won't take a Trump vaccine rushed to market, oops yes I did. 

When she wears the black colored mask, the contrast shows, IMHO, she is not black. Further on the politically incorrect observations I should not write, she did not have the self discipline to get in shape for the year she ran for President.  I guess she wanted to put the look that she slept her way to power behind her.
Title: Re: Sen. Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on December 30, 2020, 09:01:21 AM
Is it ok to go out and get vaccinated on Kwanzaa?

Kwanzaa 2020 in United States began on
Saturday, December 26
and ends on
Friday, January 1, 2021
Title: Re: Sen. Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on December 30, 2020, 02:44:46 PM
In her mask she reminds me of a Muslim woman in a hijab.
Title: Endless lies
Post by: G M on December 30, 2020, 11:04:00 PM

"Grew up celebrating Kwanzaa".

Title: Re: Endless lies
Post by: G M on December 31, 2020, 11:19:55 PM

"Grew up celebrating Kwanzaa".
Title: Re: Sen. Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on January 01, 2021, 04:47:53 AM
Interesting history of the made up "holiday"

I never heard of it till the shit eating grinner made up how she and her family celebrated it.

Do you think CNN reporters will remind her of the racist violent history of it , and it was accelerated by the FBI in the 1960"s
that would surely wipe the freakin grin right off the dub shit face of hers?

surely on that I jest
can you imagine if trump said he and his family celebrated Kwanzaaaaaaaaa.?
Title: Lies upon lies
Post by: G M on January 04, 2021, 04:33:21 PM

Title: Re: Lies upon lies
Post by: G M on January 04, 2021, 05:59:57 PM


Title: Re: Sen. Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on January 05, 2021, 03:33:06 AM
Title: Re: Sen. Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on January 05, 2021, 06:21:35 AM
smoked marijuana
in college while listening to
these two
yet their albums came out yrs after college

so basically if any of it is true she was an lawyer smoking the marijuana

and the, later while  California AG was locking up people for same

and now she may be president with the glued on smirk

her voters are waiting for their payoffs

Title: Classic moment from Tulsi Gabbard
Post by: Crafty_Dog on January 05, 2021, 11:17:26 AM
Title: Sen. Kommiela: Bring on the riots!
Post by: Crafty_Dog on January 07, 2021, 01:47:08 PM
Title: we nee to update to VP Harris
Post by: ccp on January 16, 2021, 03:31:47 PM
The Harris ***cackle***

something truly evil in that laugh
drunk on power.........
where are the psychiatrists now?
there is more than meets the eye here.

4 yrs of this while we get screwed:
Title: Re: we nee to update to VP Harris
Post by: G M on January 16, 2021, 04:33:42 PM
The Harris ***cackle***

something truly evil in that laugh
drunk on power.........
where are the psychiatrists now?
there is more than meets the eye here.

4 yrs of this while we get screwed:

4 years? Really?
Title: Wash composts edits sadistic joke from K Harris
Post by: ccp on January 23, 2021, 04:26:32 AM

I'm telling myself there is something insidiously sadistic about this woman.

There is more the phony laughing then meets the eye
Title: Kamala Harris incited and assisted in gun crimes
Post by: DougMacG on February 04, 2021, 08:28:16 AM

Harris-Backed Bail Fund Freed Rioter Twice. He’s Now Charged With 3 New Felonies

Minneapolis man who was twice bailed out by a fund once supported by Vice President Kamala Harris has been arrested again and is facing three new felony charges while under investigation for a possible gun crime, Minnesota prosecutors said.

Thomas Moseley, 29, had previously been arrested and released for cases that involved damaging a police precinct in August as well as rioting in December, according to the Hennepin County’s Attorney Office.

Due to an incident that transpired after his most recent release, Moseley is now under investigation for allegedly attempting to purchase semi-automatic weapons from a gun store on both Jan. 7 and 12 using straw buyers

Another criminal complaint states that after Moseley was arrested in October, police obtained a search warrant for his truck after officers smelled marijuana. After a search officers uncovered marijuana, cocaine and psilocyn mushrooms. They also found several guns, numerous magazines, a hatchet, a crowbar and other miscellaneous items, according to the complaint.

In December, Moseley allegedly participated in a riot while armed with a knife, according to a separate criminal complaint.

What did she think would happen when she intervened in the justice system on behalf of a known, violent criminal?

Impeach, convict, remove her from office as she poses a clear and imminent threat.  Harris in June: "These [violent] riots will continue, and they should."  No one should be arrested.  Those arrested need to be freed!  To commit more violence.

The American mainstream press is all over this, demanding her resignation, right?
Title: Re: Sen. Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on February 04, 2021, 12:00:23 PM

Like many others from this forum, playing this one forward.
Title: Kamala Harris, New WV occupation: Reclaiming "abandoned land mines"
Post by: DougMacG on February 04, 2021, 04:19:28 PM
Ok, one more on Kamala:

Harris was asked about the state’s coal industry. She reassured West Virginia coal miners that even if their jobs disappear under the Biden administration — and the implication was clear that they would disappear — mine workers could transfer their skills to new industries. She then listed several exciting new careers coal miners could consider. The first of these was, and I quote: “reclaiming abandoned land mines.”

According to Politico, she meant to say “abandoned mine lands,” not “abandoned land mines.” Well, okay. We all make mistakes. It’s just that someone familiar with mining terminology, or military terminology — and, you know, a lot of West Virginians are familiar with both — would probably not make that particular mistake.
Title: Re: Kamala Harris, New WV occupation: Reclaiming "abandoned land mines"
Post by: G M on February 04, 2021, 04:41:42 PM
If Commiemala isn't speaking about fucking politically powerful men to advance her career or abusing government authority, you can expect mistakes to be made.

Ok, one more on Kamala:

Harris was asked about the state’s coal industry. She reassured West Virginia coal miners that even if their jobs disappear under the Biden administration — and the implication was clear that they would disappear — mine workers could transfer their skills to new industries. She then listed several exciting new careers coal miners could consider. The first of these was, and I quote: “reclaiming abandoned land mines.”

According to Politico, she meant to say “abandoned mine lands,” not “abandoned land mines.” Well, okay. We all make mistakes. It’s just that someone familiar with mining terminology, or military terminology — and, you know, a lot of West Virginians are familiar with both — would probably not make that particular mistake.
Title: VP Kamala Harris
Post by: DougMacG on March 07, 2021, 09:32:41 PM
Title: Re: Sen. Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on March 16, 2021, 06:13:33 PM
Title: Man w gun arrested outside of Kommiela's residence
Post by: Crafty_Dog on March 17, 2021, 06:29:52 PM
Title: bizarre
Post by: ccp on March 20, 2021, 06:16:52 AM

Harris reaction :

Come to think of it maybe smoking dope explains the idiot laughing
Title: President Cackle
Post by: Crafty_Dog on March 20, 2021, 06:51:06 AM
I had not thought of her in terms of being a protege of His Glibness
Title: Re: President Cackle
Post by: DougMacG on March 20, 2021, 05:17:40 PM
I had not thought of her in terms of being a protege of His Glibness

Yes.  Much more so than Biden who was chosen to represent a different wing of the Dem party. 

Obama introduced Kamala as the best looking attorney general in the country.
He later said it was wrong to say that (after seeing Pam Bondi).

Kamala is an Obama clone regarding support for radical left policies, but not near his level on the subtleties of selling it to the center.
Title: Kommiela vs. Mike Pence
Post by: Crafty_Dog on March 29, 2021, 01:46:11 PM

FB blocked me from posting this.
Title: Re: Kommiela vs. Mike Pence
Post by: G M on March 29, 2021, 02:28:21 PM

FB blocked me from posting this.

Have you been shadowbanned yet?
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on March 29, 2021, 06:39:18 PM
I've been shadowbanned so far there is not light to cast a shadow haha.
Title: VP Kommiela has no meetings scheduled
Post by: Crafty_Dog on March 30, 2021, 03:00:18 AM
Title: cackle again
Post by: ccp on March 30, 2021, 04:19:51 PM

are we sure she is not on WH rooftop smoking dope ?

would like psychiatric evaluation of this.
very weird
Title: Co-Prez Kommiela MIA at border
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 08, 2021, 11:35:08 AM
Title: listen to harris on jerk George's show this am
Post by: ccp on April 29, 2021, 09:23:16 AM
america not racist

but yet we need to speak "truth to power"

we have more in common they we do differences

sound familiar
  is that not what Tim Scott said last night in speech
suddenly Harris changes her tune after yrs of being race hustler

suddenly she echoes "America first" sentiment that biden stole from Trump

all the while they are shoving down our throats a communist agenda

of course msm will block all republican linemen  and linebackers from touching her and QB Biden

got to love her avoidance of the immigration tsunami with nonsense talk about route causes and this will take a long time to fix -

 all the while claiming this should have been fixed long ago
  and wanting it fixed
which we know she doesn't.

Title: VP Kamala Harris, She's already made history
Post by: DougMacG on May 17, 2021, 07:52:03 AM
A fluff piece on Kamala in The Atlantic.  She has such a tough job, to not out-shine her boss too soon.
Posting because we have no liberals here to do that.

“She generally will ask very good, very pointed questions in meetings with staff. And she will follow up on his questions—‘I think what the president really wants to find out is X,’” Anita Dunn, one of Biden’s closest advisers, told me.

I missed the part where she solved the border crisis.  What else was she assigned to do, eat well and stay ready?
Title: VP Kamala Harris, deeply unpopular
Post by: DougMacG on May 17, 2021, 03:59:08 PM
Title: Co-Prez Harris calls King Abdullah
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 20, 2021, 12:49:25 PM
Title: The Lefts answer to all foreign affairs
Post by: ccp on May 20, 2021, 02:27:09 PM
we "need more diplomacy"

we "will work with our allies"

always the same gibberish
I could get up on podium and say this and sound like a Democrat "statesman"

how about the problem is with Iran backed Hamas?

this sounds like susan rice / obama bs

Title: VP Kamala Harris wipes her hand of diplomacy
Post by: DougMacG on May 24, 2021, 06:10:18 AM
Title: Prez Magoo hands over Voting Rights issue to Kommiela
Post by: Crafty_Dog on June 02, 2021, 03:39:18 AM
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on June 02, 2021, 06:03:39 AM
".The point of all these squad members winning Democrat primaries is that they have already taken over the Democrat party.  Biden was once a moderate of sorts.  What's left of him is not and neither are his handlers or his agenda. "

I think the biggest influence is the Great Snake - Obama

    who behind the scenes and by way of 90% of his top people back in the WH
    are driving this.
Title: Democrat psycho babble about Harris being set up to fail
Post by: ccp on June 10, 2021, 09:02:07 AM

 :roll: :wink:

she could come looking good if she simply starts enforcing immigration law
   2+ 2 =4
Title: Harris
Post by: ccp on June 11, 2021, 07:44:14 AM
even her lover Willie did not enforce her for VP

yet Biden just had to have a minority female

I wish we could get someone to stop asking about when is she going to border
and simply state the obvious:

100 % of thinking people know you do not want to enforce immigration laws to allow presumably more future democrats into the US
why do you insult us with the lies and the ignoring the rights of citizens and legal immigrants?
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: DougMacG on June 12, 2021, 11:00:51 AM
Harris is looking like a politician so bad at this she might have to drop out of her race before a single vote is cast in Iowa.
    - Mary Katherine Ham
(That's exactly what happened.)

We thought Biden was bad, but Harris can't handle questions from journalists trying to prop her up.
Title: VP Kamala Harris
Post by: DougMacG on July 04, 2021, 06:16:25 AM
Title: SCOTUS slaps down Kommiela' case
Post by: Crafty_Dog on July 06, 2021, 06:36:09 PM
Title: AG Kommiela Kamala Harris and the SCOTUS Bonta decision
Post by: Crafty_Dog on July 13, 2021, 07:22:33 PM
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommie Harris, Bad polls, now they made her vanish
Post by: DougMacG on August 02, 2021, 10:14:15 AM

What will be her accomplishments when she runs for 'reelection'?  The border?  Raising bail money for murderers?
Title: Harris wartime babes
Post by: ccp on August 05, 2021, 06:53:56 AM
have dinner to discuss how to change her loser image:

NO men allowed
Title: Re: Harris wartime babes
Post by: DougMacG on August 05, 2021, 08:11:56 AM
have dinner to discuss how to change her loser image:
NO men allowed

Geniuses working on Kammie's image, Donna Brazille, Hillary Clinton?  Are you kidding??  They learned from her campaign - unlikable people shouldn't run for elective office. 

She should message better from the border?  Message what?  Gangs are in control.  The Biden administration is AWOL.  Covid and al Qaida are coming in.  Law abiding immigrants are not.  Kids in cages, don't have your picture taken with them. 

Americans can't drive a boat to their own cabin on the Canadian side of a US lake to vacation, live or protect it from wildfire and smoke damage, but ANYBODY from ANYWHERE carrying ANY DISEASE can come into the US on the southern border ANYTIME they want.  Message THAT better to the voters, you morons.

Manage the southern border the way we do the northern border, also lose the inappropriate cackle, and maybe she wouldn't be so unliked.
Title: VP Kommiela Kamala Harris played a key role in Afghan withdrawal decision
Post by: DougMacG on August 16, 2021, 05:07:58 AM
Everything she touches turns to ____.
Title: Harris was last one with Biden when decision to pull out was made
Post by: ccp on August 16, 2021, 05:36:22 AM
posted article

dated 4/25/21:

“This is a president who has an extraordinary amount of courage,” she said, regarding the decision. “He is someone, who I have seen over and over again, make decisions based on what he truly believes ... is the right thing to do.”

Harris said that Biden “is acutely aware that it may not be politically popular, or advantageous for him personally; it’s really something to see.”

That was THEN.  -

NOW  it is :

1) Trump's fault
2) Intelligence failure in not telling us
3) Afghanis are cowards
4) The fault of white hetero. privileged white male supremacists................

Meanwhile  - back at the DNC ranch
Harris will go on trip to Costa Rica to discuss root causes of the World's problems
Title: Harris on Afghanistan
Post by: ccp on August 17, 2021, 07:18:37 AM

we have the worst leadership in my lifetime
only worse then Biden - Obama team

Even Carter I thought was at least patriotic though otherwise too lib and over his head

Harris just keeps getting more repugnant with every story about her.
Title: Re: Harris on Afghanistan
Post by: DougMacG on August 17, 2021, 08:18:09 AM

we have the worst leadership in my lifetime
only worse then Biden - Obama team

Even Carter I thought was at least patriotic though otherwise too lib and over his head

Harris just keeps getting more repugnant with every story about her.

She was focused on Haiti this weekend??

Fair enough.  Go on camera and tell us what you accomplished in Haiti this weekend.  Maybe some CNN, MSNBC can do some man, woman on the street interviews in Port-au-Prince and ask what US VP Kamala Harris did over the weekend to help their $2 per day per capita income.

What a (bad) joke.  She took on Joe Biden as a racist as she tried to be President.  Then she attached herself to him to try to be President.  Now is first to flee the ship as he goes down.  She is happy to be next in the line of succession while distancing herself from the failure the administration has become. 

Shocking.  She slept her way to her first level of power.  Distanced herself from the guy she slept with and gave her BMW, some would call it prostitution.  Positioned herself for the move up by trying to be tough on crime, even small crimes committed by guess who, people of color.  Then distanced herself from that by leading the fundraising to let domestic terrorists out of jails and prisons while Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle burned, what Dems call safe states.  And now this.  She was his closest adviser (bullsh*t) and then oops, she was working on something else, not interested in the biggest disaster of our time.

Part of this comes back to media.  One side gets softball powderpuff questions and governing experience in one party states where failure is accepted.  The other side gets ruthlessly scrutinized over everything they do or don't do.  Now Dems are shocked their leaders are weak and have never fought for or achieved anything of significance.
Title: Havana Attack on Kommiela?
Post by: Crafty_Dog on August 24, 2021, 12:10:50 PM

Title: Kommies gonna Kommie
Post by: G M on August 25, 2021, 09:47:38 PM
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on September 21, 2021, 01:31:33 PM

I've not seen any footage, but it occurs to me to ask if they were supposed to let go of the reins in a mob situation to access something else?  A gun?  A club?  A taser?  What would the horse think of the sound of the taser?
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: G M on September 21, 2021, 08:23:49 PM
I guess they could have shot them, like Lt. Byrd.

I've not seen any footage, but it occurs to me to ask if they were supposed to let go of the reins in a mob situation to access something else?  A gun?  A club?  A taser?  What would the horse think of the sound of the taser?
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on September 26, 2021, 02:40:32 PM
Title: Harris
Post by: ccp on September 26, 2021, 04:29:04 PM
from Williamson article above :

"Harris is an identity-politics operator who has been given a portfolio that is not amenable to being filtered through that lens. Getting control of the border will take a complex effort demanding expertise in everything from national security and intelligence, to law and law enforcement, to diplomacy, to practical commercial considerations, and, in some cases, construction and engineering.

If you are wondering how in the world anybody ever thought that a mediocre lawyer and political hack such as Kamala Harris was going to master all that and actually do something about our lawless border, the answer is obvious."

Some good opinions.   except I totally disagree with the above .
Democrats know how to block the border.  Every time I hear some pundit say they have to figure it out I cringe.

Biden or Harris - all they would have to do is give a nod - and it would be carried out.

Look at how fast they work when the political fall out is fast and furious.
Fly thousands out of Kubal to fulfill Biden's idiotic promise to the Taliban and images of people falling off planes hurt the Democrat Party

Or how fast they cleared the masses on the border in Del Rio - when the images were hurting them in the polls.   Only to make it their endeavor to flout the law even faster and ship them into the interior (their goal all along )

Within a week they could block the border and turn things around.

Title: How pathetic is VP Kamala Harris
Post by: DougMacG on October 01, 2021, 06:37:10 AM
Title: kamala to palm springs
Post by: ccp on October 02, 2021, 05:13:35 PM

where is the great snake this weekend?

or is she there to accept some very wealthy Dem donations?

for the Dem machine to get started focusing on her now?
Title: WT: Where is Kommiela?
Post by: Crafty_Dog on October 06, 2021, 01:33:51 AM
Where is Kamala?

VP maintains low-profile in order to boost her image

By Kelly Sadler

As the southern border crisis rages, the Taliban regain control of Afghanistan, Dr. Anthony Fauci declaring Christmas may have to be canceled because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Democrats infighting over a $3.5 trillion social welfare bill, inflation spiking, supply-chains disrupted, and the U.S. possibly breaching its debt limit, our vice president Kamala Harris is MIA.

On Friday, Ms. Harris took a stealth trip to Palm Springs, California, with the White House not disclosing the reason for her non-public visit. The following day she was gone. The trip confused some Biden allies, who have wondered why the former Senator hasn’t been more present in President Joe Biden’s effort to pass his embattled welfare bill on Capitol Hill.

On Sunday, Ms. Harris and her husband Doug Emhoff were pictured power walking in Washington, D.C. There was nothing on her public schedule all weekend long.

It’s not that Ms. Harris doesn’t have several high-profile tasks. She’s been put in charge of addressing the origins of the southern border migrant surge, expanding voting rights, increasing broadband access, addressing Black maternal mortality, racial inequality, promoting women in the workforce, and is the leader of the Space Council.

No visible progress has been made on any of it. In terms of the Southern Border, things have worsened after Ms. Harris’ trip there in June and the Northern Triangle countries in May. This month, as many as 400,000 migrants could cross the border, nearly doubling the 21-year record reached in July under the Biden administration.

Ms. Harris has been keeping a low public profile, but when she does engage with the press, it’s often to a disastrous effect. Last month, she appeared for only about 10 minutes on ABC’s “The View” after two co-hosts tested positive for

coronavirus moments before her interview and had to be escorted off the set.

During her brief appearance, she said, “we’ve got to do more” to support the Haitian community, without further details. Regarding the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, Ms. Harris said every day she receives classified briefings about the hotspots around the world and threats to our national security, and the “United States has an obligation, and we as leaders have an obligation to appreciate that we are a global leader.” It was another non-answer.

Every time Ms. Harris opens her mouth, politically correct, vapid words come pouring out. Last week, when visiting a college, Ms. Harris didn’t push back against a student who accused Israel of committing “ethnic genocide.” Instead, Ms. Harris responded: “This is about the fact that your voice, your perspective, your experience, your truth cannot be suppressed, and it must be heard.”

Ms. Harris was immediately criticized, as many widely interpreted her comments as agreeing with the student’s characterization of Israel. No, it was just Ms. Harris trying her best to be woke and popular, using progressive buzzwords without thinking them through. Her team immediately had to go into damage control, reaching out to Democratic Majority for Israel, a prominent advocacy group, the next day, to “shore up relations with the pro-Israel organization,” according to Politico.

That seems to be the only thing Ms. Harris and her team seem concerned about: Cleaning up her self-inflicted messes and improving her image.

After her disastrous interview with NBC’s Lester Holt in June, where she defended not visiting the southern border, saying she didn’t understand the question and “I haven’t been to Europe either,” and a Politico story detailing “low morale, porous lines of communication and diminished trust among aides and senior officials” within her office, she hired two veteran crisis communication experts in August.

So far, their strategy seems to be to keep her out of the limelight and let President Joe Biden manage the multiple crises’ his administration is facing. Absolutely no leadership on her part. So far, it seems to be working. This month, Ms. Harris’s poll numbers bested the president for the first time since taking office.

“My instinct is to say that so much fire has been aimed at Biden, Harris’s numbers have gone up by sheer virtue of being out of the spotlight,” Democratic strategist Christy Setzer told The Hill last week. “She’s not giving anyone fresh reason to dislike her, so her polling numbers revert to the mean, with the country about evenly divided on the Black woman in the No. 2 spot.”

And there you have it, Ms. Harris’s only credentials: Being the first Black woman appointed as vice president, trying desperately not to mess up the moment. Don’t expect to see her anytime soon.
Title: Re: Where is Kommiela?
Post by: DougMacG on October 06, 2021, 06:07:29 AM
She would be front and center in the media if they were holding her accountable for the invasion of our southern border.

Funny trend.  The more she speaks, the less people like her.
Title: Re: Where is Kommiela?
Post by: G M on October 06, 2021, 07:55:08 AM
She would be front and center in the media if they were holding her accountable for the invasion of our southern border.

Funny trend.  The more she speaks, the less people like her.

She is undergoing de-cackling rehab treatment.
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on October 06, 2021, 08:48:13 AM
"She is undergoing de-cackling rehab treatment."

like when early on Michelle Obama said Brock "stinks in the morning like everyone else"

and then from that second on she was surrounded with image makers

gave her scripts
and make overs
and crash first lady lessons.....

Title: 100% cringe
Post by: G M on October 08, 2021, 04:19:06 PM

Her body is rejecting the personality implant.
Title: Young people take an interest in VP Kamala Harris
Post by: DougMacG on October 12, 2021, 09:30:42 AM
Actually they were child actors hired to show interest.

Kid says, I got a call from my agent, you got the part!

Taxpayer funded?  Everything is.
Title: Re: Young people take an interest in VP Kamala Harris
Post by: G M on October 12, 2021, 11:01:42 AM
Actually they were child actors hired to show interest.

Kid says, I got a call from my agent, you got the part!

Taxpayer funded?  Everything is.
Title: Re: Young people take an interest in VP Kamala Harris
Post by: DougMacG on October 12, 2021, 01:45:56 PM

Title: Re: Young people take an interest in VP Kamala Harris
Post by: G M on October 12, 2021, 05:42:42 PM

At this point, I want her to be president.
Title: VP Kommiela Kamala Harris whines
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 15, 2021, 05:25:00 AM
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on November 15, 2021, 05:51:18 AM
"And this fall, Democratic senators Cory Booker, Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren were all on the campaign trails of various candidates, helping to boost their profiles and remain relevant to the public.

Whatever Biden's decision, top Democrats are already eyeing Harris' poll numbers and assessing whether she is vulnerable to a primary challenge."

Klobuchar - uggghhh!  she looks like the joker with that phony 24/7 smile.
Booker -  uggghhh!  spartacus - nuff said
Warren - uggghhh! the first Indian to lose multiple presidential runs

and of course I will add butti - will likely win only some leftist father of the year award
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 15, 2021, 07:41:45 AM

"butti - will likely win only some leftist mother of the year award"

Fixed it for you , , ,
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on November 15, 2021, 08:15:53 AM
Title: VP or First Lady, Kamala Harris vs Jill Biden, Who has more power?
Post by: DougMacG on November 17, 2021, 12:58:42 PM
It's pretty easy to sink Kamala Harris, just link her to Biden.  But Kommie's numbers are even lower than Joe's.

There are so many theories out there about why they are sinking her, and is it intentional?  Really she is sinking herself, but still they won't help her.

The Onion headline, "White House Urges Kamala Harris To Sit At Computer All Day In Case Emails Come Through."

Ann Althouse:  "My hypothesis is based, first, on a belief that Jill Biden hated the way Harris treated her husband in that first debate. "
How's that southern border coming along Kamala?  "I haven't been to Europe yet either", she said.

At this point, they clearly favor Buttigieg.  Watch for the switch.  Kamala may suddenly want to 'spend more time with family'.
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 17, 2021, 03:25:15 PM
This resonates with me:

"My hypothesis is based, first, on a belief that Jill Biden hated the way Harris treated her husband in that first debate."
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: DougMacG on November 18, 2021, 05:12:59 AM

Smartest VP ever struggles to answer easy question.
Title: How do you solve a problem like Kamala?
Post by: DougMacG on November 30, 2021, 01:37:07 PM
Worst approval rate in the country, and she hasn't had any responsibility yet, or made any mistakes other than saying a few dumb things - and cackling.

They assigned the border crisis to her, whatever that means. She didn't solve it, but they didn't let her solve it.  No one on their side want it 'solved'.

Clearly she is not the second most powerful person in the administration.  She is reportedly on the outs with whoever is in charge.  Jill, for one, hates her for painting Joe a racist in a debate.

Her job is to be the Leftist successor to President Joe Biden.  She has held enough offices to do that.  She was elected state Attorney General and to represent the largest state in the US Senate (uncontested general elections).  She is known nationally for her failed Presidential bid, but lots of VPs first had failed Presidential bids.  In her case, she didn't win a delegate or a vote, much less a primary, and her 'tough on crime' record as Calif AG has fallen out of favor.

Anyway, the only way they see to remove her is to promote her [again], this time to Supreme Court Justice.  [No, there isn't a vacancy.]

If so, many problems arise. 
1) There is no one else without major flaws or shortcomings ready to get confirmed as the new VP.
If they had someone, they would have picked them the first time.  And now it HAS to be a black woman.  Dem rule.
2) She might not be confirmed to the Court [if there was a vacancy and she was appointed].  See below.
3) She would likely be a weak Justice, and take the place of a stronger one, Breyer is the one usually mentioned.

But she would, if this happened, make another historical first:

If nominated to the Supreme Court, Kamala Harris would be the first Supreme Court nominee to have failed the bar exam.

Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 30, 2021, 08:53:22 PM
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on December 04, 2021, 03:07:25 PM

Title: VP Kamala Harris: Mean, morale destroying, bullying boss
Post by: DougMacG on December 08, 2021, 09:15:49 AM


Critics scattered over two decades point to an inconsistent and at times degrading principal who burns through seasoned staff members who have succeeded in other demanding, high-profile positions. People used to putting aside missteps, sacrificing sleep and enduring the occasional tirade from an irate boss say doing so under Harris can be particularly difficult, as she has struggled to make progress on her vice-presidential portfolio or measure up to the potential that has many pegging her as the future of the Democratic Party.

Gil Duran, a former Democratic strategist, and aide to Harris who quit after five months working for her in 2013. In a recent column [for the San Francisco Examiner]he said she’s repeating “the same old destructive patterns. “Who are the next talented people you’re going to bring in and burn through and then have (them) pretend they’re retiring for positive reasons,” he told The Post.

Staffers who worked for Harris before she was vice president said one consistent problem was that Harris would refuse to wade into briefing materials prepared by staff members, then berate employees when she appeared unprepared.

“It’s clear that you’re not working with somebody who is willing to do the prep and the work. With Kamala you have to put up with a constant amount of soul-destroying criticism and also her own lack of confidence. So you’re constantly sort of propping up a bully and it’s not really clear why.”


This tells us something ugly about Kamala.  It also tells us something about the Democrat method of raising people up through the system.  From appointments by Willie Brown for sex, to nomination by Joe Biden for gender and skin color, gone is the meritocracy.  Meanwhile people like Ron DeSantis have to govern a state successfully to move up.
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on December 08, 2021, 02:40:56 PM
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: DougMacG on December 10, 2021, 05:57:16 AM

“With Kamala you have to put up with a constant amount of soul-destroying criticism and also her own lack of confidence. So you’re constantly sort of propping up a bully and it’s not really clear why.”
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on December 10, 2021, 06:54:11 AM
"her own lack of confidence"

she is not confident because she knows she is not competent
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on December 12, 2021, 12:57:44 PM
Title: WT: Central American investments
Post by: Crafty_Dog on December 14, 2021, 05:53:20 AM

Harris announces company investments in Central America


Pepsi, Cargill and several other companies will make new investments in Central America, Vice President Kamala Harris announced Monday, saying it was the latest success in her effort to try to create opportunities in those communities that might keep future would-be migrants at home.

The seven new companies mark the second round of commitments Ms. Harris has touted as part of her “Call to Action” in Central America.

She said some of the earlier commitments, announced in May, are already showing results, including Microsoft, which has “catalyzed” broadband access to 1.1 million people, and development of clean energy. Nespresso has also promised to spend $150 million between now and 2025, for the first time buying its coffee from Honduras and El Salvador.

All told, Ms. Harris counts $1.2 billion in commitments made as part of her Call to Action.

The vice president’s efforts in Central America have been among the most controversial of her 11 months in office.

As the Biden border surge went into overdrive in the spring, she was tapped with devising ways to stop the large number of migrants from crossing. The migrants mainly came from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, known as the Northern Triangle, which has surpassed Mexico as the leading source of illegal border crossing.

Some critics dubbed her the border czar — a title she has resoundingly rejected, insisting her billet stops south of the border.

Ms. Harris has blamed a variety of factors for the increase such as climate change, corruption and violence, though major new studies, including one sponsored by the Homeland Security Department, say the key driver is economics. One study said the average migrant from Northern Triangle countries sees a 10-fold increase in income by coming to the U.S.

That explains Ms. Harris’ focus on job opportunities, though closing enough of a 10fold gap in incomes to keep people at home will be tricky.

And even as the vice president focuses on Central America, migration patterns are changing.

Over the last five months of fiscal year 2021, the Northern Triangle accounted for about 40% of illegal border crossers. But those from beyond that r
Title: Tough to keep all white clean
Post by: ccp on December 14, 2021, 08:54:46 AM

one spill of coffee and you will need to have the help take out spot remover within a few minutes.

the opposite of my situation when I lived in Florida
we had two rooms with black carpets.  -

and 3 white dogs  :-o
Title: Kommiela goes full commie
Post by: Crafty_Dog on December 14, 2021, 07:07:50 PM
Title: Kamala Harris claim about lead pipes
Post by: ccp on December 19, 2021, 08:43:43 AM

it appears true that it may well be a large problem .according to this site ~ 22 mill. people 'may' be affected:
Title: The Commie Ho appeases China
Post by: Crafty_Dog on December 22, 2021, 03:56:47 AM
Harris: It’s ‘no one’s fault’ that virus spread to U.S.


Vice President Kamala Harris said it’s “no one’s fault” that COVID-19, which originated in China, spread to the U.S. and the rest of the world.

In an interview with CBS News, the vice president also set herself apart from President Biden by refusing to blame unvaccinated Americans for the spread in the U.S.

“I don’t think this is a moment to talk about fault,” Ms. Harris told interviewer Margaret Brennan. “It is no one’s fault that this virus hit our shores, or hit the world. It is more about individual power and responsibility and the decisions that everyone has the choice to make.”

The Republican National Committee responded on Tuesday, “Wrong. It’s China’s fault.”

The virus originated in Wuhan, China. A report by a U.S. government national laboratory concluded this year that it’s “plausible” the virus leaked from a Chinese lab in Wuhan, and that the theory deserves further investigation.

Last year, Ms. Harris blamed then-President Trump for the virus spreading in the U.S., saying Mr. Trump was “delusional” and failed to take the virus “seriously from the start.”

“This virus has impacted almost every country, but there’s a reason it has hit America worse than any other advanced nation. It’s because of Trump’s failure to take it seriously from the start,” she said at the time. “His refusal to get testing up and running, his flip-flopping on social distancing and wearing masks, his delusional belief that he knows better than the experts — all of that is the reason and the reason an American dies of COVID-19 every 80 seconds.”

But deaths from COVID-19 under the Biden administration now equal the number during the Trump administration. The U.S. reached the milestone of 800,000 deaths last week, double the 400,000 deaths that had been recorded by Mr. Trump’s last full day in office.

Her latest interview also is a departure from Mr. Biden, who has laid blame on people who don’t get vaccinated.

In September, Mr. Biden told Americans in a speech, “This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. And it’s caused by the fact that despite America having an unprecedented and successful vaccination program, despite the fact that for almost five months free vaccines have been available in 80,000 different locations, we still have nearly 80 million Americans who have failed to get the shot.”

In her comments to CBS, Ms. Harris said Americans “have the power today to go out and if you’ve not been boosted, go get boosted. The power today to go and get vaccinated. And that will have an impact on where we end up tomorrow.”
Title: VP Kamala Harris: Administration didn't see variants coming
Post by: DougMacG on December 22, 2021, 07:04:24 AM
This is the leader who will guide us through global pandemic times?

Makes you wonder, what is their area of strength?  Peace through strength?  Free market economics?  Stopping crime?  Uniting us??  What a joke.  "Clueless" comes to mind:
Title: Kackel Harris
Post by: ccp on December 26, 2021, 07:44:11 AM

 I care about "child care, voting rights , maternal health"........

listening to "THE PEOPLE" about "Issues" they really care about........

Title: Hillary strategy
Post by: ccp on December 30, 2021, 06:44:27 AM

Same as when Hillary was asked what her  approach was to all foreign policy threats :

" We would confer with our friends and allies"

What a bullshit line that sounds nice - fits ALL situations . Convenient to say when one has no other idea what to do -  or the plan being used is a failure.

Now Kamala using same Hillary BS line - I will speak to our friends and allies in Wall Street and business "community". (Big tech and banks mostly who all want cheap labor)


When asked tough questions on what to do ->. I will confer with our (Democrat) friends and allies .

This is so stupidly Hillary crap

and the MSM swallows this crap as though it has any meaning .

Title: VP Kamala Harris, can't think, can't speak
Post by: DougMacG on December 31, 2021, 06:42:53 AM

By the time you rise to the level of Vice President of the United States, shouldn't you have some basic understanding of economics?

Not in this case:

"We have to address the fact that we have got to deal with the fact that folks are paying for gas, paying for groceries, and are -- need solutions to it. So let's talk about that," Harris said. "Short-term solution includes what we need to do around the supply chain, right? So, we went to the ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach, Savannah, Georgia, and said, 'Hey, guys, no more five days a week, eight hours a day; 24/7, let's move the products because people need their product – they need what they need.' We're dealing with it in terms of the long term. And that's about what we need to do to pass Build Back Better. It strengthens our economy."
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on December 31, 2021, 08:38:18 AM
For a plethora of reasons, the Reps should be pushing impeachment of Biden HARD.  A big part of the failure to do so can be explained by the fact of the Cackling Commie Ho as VP.

The impeachment and conviction of BOTH of them can easily be based upon dereliction of duty-- the failure to defend our border as required by our Constitution.

If we win the House and Senate, the Speaker of the House (Trump if he runs for Congress?) will be a Rep.
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: DougMacG on December 31, 2021, 03:40:55 PM
For a plethora of reasons, the Reps should be pushing impeachment of Biden HARD.  A big part of the failure to do so can be explained by the fact of the Cackling Commie Ho as VP.

The impeachment and conviction of BOTH of them can easily be based upon dereliction of duty-- the failure to defend our border as required by our Constitution.

If we win the House and Senate, the Speaker of the House (Trump if he runs for Congress?) will be a Rep.

As Speaker he could lead the impeachment effort but they can never get to 67 votes in the Senate, so it would (only) be an exercise in publicizing his dereliction, which is fine.

On a different note, I wonder if the people behind the scenes will bear any cost for their silence on how infit they knew all along this man to be.

I don't think Kamala is a case for impeachment, so far.  More just a poor choice for VP and worse yet for future President.  She will never be ready.

My view is that a more forward view is a better approach.  Covid and this election interrupted the great progress we were making.  'Here is our agenda to get things back on track.'

One argument the Democrats made in 2020 was to get the adults back in charge of things.  Instead, dereliction of duty was the agenda.  They literally see the budget and the money supply from a kids' point of view, as a giant, unlimited candy store where everything is free.  Video clips show both Pres and VP saying $5-6 Trillion won't cost anything.  Won't cost anything.  That is outrageous!  As the debt goes to previously unimagined levels...  There is a lot of material to work with there if the campaigns want to have a focus.
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on December 31, 2021, 06:22:06 PM
"I don't think Kamala is a case for impeachment, so far"

Though there is plenty more, dereliction of duty for failure to defend the border will suffice.
Title: Besides the cackle
Post by: ccp on January 27, 2022, 07:54:18 PM
anyone ever notice

almost every time she speaks

she begins with "let's be clear "

or "to be clear"

Title: Re: Besides the cackle
Post by: DougMacG on January 27, 2022, 08:22:46 PM
anyone ever notice

almost every time she speaks

she begins with "let's be clear "

or "to be clear"


All filler. No substance.

If she really said what was on her little mind we would know she is dumber than Joe and to the left of Karl Marx.
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on January 27, 2022, 08:30:13 PM
Similarly, when Obama said

"As I have always said"


"Let me be perfectly clear"

h was about to tell a whopper.
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on January 28, 2022, 06:58:54 AM
speaking of Obama

another phrase of his that drives me nuts

is when he would lecture us

"this is not who we are "

well this is who HE IS ( and I might add - you don't speak for me and lecture me as to  who I am f'k face!):
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: G M on January 28, 2022, 08:14:07 AM
You have to give Kamala credit. She was able to suck Willie Brown’s D hard enough to shatter the glass ceiling.

It’s a proud moment in American history.
Title: Kommiela's reset
Post by: Crafty_Dog on February 08, 2022, 12:42:43 PM
Title: NRO: What the hell Kommiela?
Post by: Crafty_Dog on February 18, 2022, 03:54:46 AM
What in the Hell Is Kamala Harris Doing?
February 17, 2022 12:34 PM

If they wish, American citizens may be neutral on the virtues of their country. The vice president doesn’t have that luxury.

Icould never have imagined that I would come to long in earnest for the return of the insipid, aimless, and irrelevant version of Kamala Harris — the one who believes that she is being profound when she suggests that “it is time for us to do what we have been doing, and that time is every day.” Yet here we are. Yesterday, the vice president of the United States put out a statement in Farsi that read, “The truth is: There is segregation in America. Xenophobia exists in America. Antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, all exist. Wherever injustice is dealt with, there is activity ahead.” As a reward for her efforts, the Biden administration has decided to send Harris to represent the United States at a summit in Munich, during which she will take part in “a series of high-stakes, high-level diplomatic talks” designed to prevent Russia from invading Ukraine. Thankfully, we have no alarming historical examples of the regrettable consequences that flow from our sending the wrong peace negotiators to Munich.

We are told that Harris hopes to gain some foreign-policy experience ahead of a potential run for — or takeover of — the presidency. If so, the first step will be to understand that speaking for one’s country on the global stage differs profoundly from making the keynote address at this year’s Netroots Nation. Alas, it is unclear whether the Biden administration writ large understands this. At his disastrous January press conference, President Biden was asked bluntly whether he thought that Russia would go into Ukraine, and — twice — he reacted as if he were on a late-afternoon panel at a D.C. think-tank symposium. “I think,” Biden said, “what you’re going to see is that Russia will be held accountable if it invades. And it depends on what it does. It’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do. . . .” Accurate or not, this was the wrong answer for an American president to proffer. The right answer was, “Russia must not invade Ukraine, and if it does there will be consequences.” If they wish, American citizens may be neutral on the virtues of their country. The executive branch doesn’t have that luxury.

Astonishingly, this does not seem to be obvious to the U.S. State Department, which has adopted a policy designed to “disarm critics and skeptics” by coupling demands for international change with a recitation of what the Democratic Party believes is wrong with the United States. This is extraordinarily foolish. Because they read the news, America’s adversaries recognize that American progressives neither admire the U.S. nor believe it to be exceptional, and they understand that they can exploit that under-confidence for their own geopolitical ends. President Ronald Reagan really did believe that the United States was a “shining city on a hill.” But he also grasped that, alongside military strength, civilizational self-assurance represented an enormous diplomatic asset. “Y’know, when you think about it, we’re not that great either”? Not so much.

Which is all another way of asking: What in the ever-loving hell does Kamala Harris think she is doing? Leave aside for a moment her grotesque false equivalence. How, I would like to know, did this ever happen? Why did Harris decide to engage in such self-flagellation in the first instance? Who translated the attempt for her? Who decided to put it out on an official account whose bio reads, “The US Department of State’s Persian Twitter posts the views of the US government”? Why did the U.S. Embassy in Iran choose to share it? Did the president know? The Biden-Harris ticket ran in 2020 promising a return to honor. Instead, it has set about continuing the tendency toward relativism and self-critique that began under Barack Obama and continued under Donald Trump.

After Bill O’Reilly suggested to him in 2017 that Vladimir Putin was a “killer,” Trump responded, disgracefully, “There are a lot of killers. You think our country’s so innocent?” Well, actually, I do, yes. I think that it’s open and free and fair and stable and kind and hopeful, and that, when compared with every other country that has ever existed, it looks extraordinarily good. I think that there is no comparison to be drawn between the United States and tyrannies such as Russia, China, Iran, or North Korea. America is a beacon, an exemplar, and a refuge; those other nations belong in what Churchill called the “dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime.” If Kamala Harris does not agree, that is her right. But she might have the decency to step down from the executive branch before saying so aloud from the front of the international stage.
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: DougMacG on February 20, 2022, 02:30:56 PM
With Joe faltering, she is potentially the most powerful person in the world, still in her 50s. Makes you wonder, other than sleeping with twice her age Willie Brown now 86 to get her start, what kind of the intellect and magical way with words does a woman who rises that dramatically possess?


Obviously off-script, how does she come up with stuff like that without help? 

How does someone who see the big picture like that have only a 36% approval rate?

I mean, really.
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: G M on February 20, 2022, 02:36:27 PM
She's one of the greatest minds of her generation!

With Joe faltering, she is potentially the most powerful person in the world, still in her 50s. Makes you wonder, other than sleeping with twice her age Willie Brown now 86 to get her start, what kind of the intellect and magical way with words does a woman who rises that dramatically possess?


Obviously off-script, how does she come up with stuff like that without help? 

How does someone who see the big picture like that have only a 36% approval rate?

I mean, really.
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: DougMacG on February 22, 2022, 08:23:10 AM
Hard to believe Putin would invade anyway after that stirring speech by Kamala.
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: G M on February 22, 2022, 09:05:43 AM
Hard to believe Putin would invade anyway after that stirring speech by Kamala.

Kamala vs. Putin in a chess game. Who would you bet on?
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on February 22, 2022, 10:24:31 AM
it depends if she plays under the chess table ....... :wink:
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: G M on February 22, 2022, 02:56:09 PM
it depends if she plays under the chess table ....... :wink:

Probably her opening move.
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on February 22, 2022, 04:41:58 PM
King's Pawn Opening , , ,
Title: Harris always the race hustler
Post by: ccp on March 08, 2022, 07:46:00 AM

the only thing she really cares is race
I wonder if most of truckers were Black if she would say anything

I doubt it.

race race race race race race race race till the end of time.
Title: Re: Harris always the race hustler
Post by: G M on March 08, 2022, 09:02:11 AM

the only thing she really cares is race
I wonder if most of truckers were Black if she would say anything

I doubt it.

race race race race race race race race till the end of time.

She didn't mind when BurnLootMurder was burning, looting and murdering across the country in 2020.
Title: VP dispatched to Europe
Post by: ccp on March 09, 2022, 04:23:52 PM
when did it become customary for VPs to have to do anything

if I recall my history correctly they were solely to be available if the President cannot perform

suddenly. they are doing all these things
or pretending to be :

 :roll: :roll:

probably to ask why we should bail out more European white supremacists...
the whole thing is a joke

Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on March 09, 2022, 04:30:12 PM
IIRC the trend picked up momentum with Clinton-Gore, then really got going with Bush-Cheney, and by the time of Obama-Biden it had become de rigeour (sp?).
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: DougMacG on March 10, 2022, 06:16:02 AM
They dispatched her to talk to... Poland?

I thought it was Russia invading!

This blows her border story, "I haven't been to Europe yet either".

They sent her there to get a feel for how they will vote before we say how many the US will take.
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on March 10, 2022, 06:34:58 AM
".They sent her there to get a feel for how they will vote before we say how many the US will take."

hold that thought!

makes sense

this would be right up her alley

and the Dems
Title: Kamala's plan for Ukraine
Post by: ccp on March 10, 2022, 03:26:10 PM
send in the lawyers:

[Listen up children] I want to be very clear !!!!! :

"***Associated Press
US VP Harris embraces call for war crimes probe of Russia
Thu, March 10, 2022, 6:46 AM
WARSAW, Poland (AP) — U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris on Thursday embraced calls for an international war crimes investigation of Russia over its invasion of Ukraine, citing the “atrocities” of bombing civilians, including a maternity hospital.

Speaking alongside Polish President Andrzej Duda at a press conference in Warsaw, where she is demonstrating U.S. support for NATO's eastern flank allies, Harris expressed outrage over the bombing Wednesday of the maternity hospital and scenes of bloodied pregnant women being evacuated, as well as other attacks on civilians. She stopped short of directly accusing Russia of having committed war crimes.

“Absolutely there should be an investigation, and we should all be watching,” said Harris, noting that the United Nations has already started a process to review allegations. “I have no question the eyes of the world are on this war and what Russia has done in terms of this aggression and these atrocities.”

Harris' visit to Poland came amid a kerfuffle between Warsaw and Washington over a Polish proposal to send its Soviet-made fighter jets to a U.S. and NATO base in Germany so they could then go to Ukraine. Poland, in turn, would receive American F-16s.

Poland had publicly floated the proposal without first consulting the U.S. Just as Harris arrived in Warsaw late Wednesday, the Pentagon definitively rejected the idea, saying it would run the risk of escalating the Russia-Ukraine war.

At Thursday's news conference, both Harris and Duda sought to brush aside differences on the fighter jets issue.

“******I want to be very clear*******, the United States and Poland are united in what we have done and are prepared to do to help Ukraine and the people of Ukraine, full stop,” she said
Title: Harris rallies the Dem troops by running Biden/Harris record
Post by: ccp on March 13, 2022, 10:01:31 AM
give us credit, we delivered what we promised

maybe we should merge this thread with the Humor thread?
Title: Idiocracy come to life
Post by: G M on March 13, 2022, 11:21:09 AM

Title: Re: Idiocracy come to life
Post by: G M on March 13, 2022, 12:01:19 PM


Title: Re: Idiocracy come to life
Post by: G M on March 16, 2022, 01:51:40 AM


Our diversity hire VP thinks Ukraine is in NATO. Good thing Biden is so healthy and sharp!


Title: Re: Idiocracy come to life
Post by: DougMacG on March 16, 2022, 02:24:12 AM
Title: Biden : kamala is first babe
Post by: ccp on March 16, 2022, 05:44:19 AM
Title: Re: Biden : kamala is first babe
Post by: G M on March 16, 2022, 06:47:09 AM

Most popular president in American history!

81 million votes!
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on March 16, 2022, 07:23:29 AM
".Most popular president in American history!

81 million votes!"

***Undoubtedly the most famous utterance ever attributed to Lincoln is, “You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” Early recollections place the saying in an 1858 speech Lincoln delivered in Clinton, Illinois.****

of course it never hurts to steal money from some to bribe others with free s..t ....

as well

and recruit mostly likely democrats by flooding the country with people from elsewhere

and lie and cheat like the devil.....
Title: NRO: The Extraordinary Vapidity of Kommiela
Post by: Crafty_Dog on March 17, 2022, 01:22:37 PM
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: DougMacG on March 23, 2022, 12:49:50 PM
From 'The Passage of Time'...

Besides the cackle, she has a trademark nod she uses after she says something vacuous you are supposed to agree with.

See it 9 seconds in after the first time she says "passage of time".  Again at the end 0:32 where she says something about "when you think of our children", nod.  Like, right?

But if we nod along, she might think we have some clue what the hell she is talking about.

It means something like an exclamation point.  She realizes her big point wasn't landing or persuasive so the nod is supposed to push it just a little bit further. 

Or as Amy Klobuchar says to break the awkward silence after a big point, "that's where you're supposed to applaud", hesitation, ... clap, clap, clap.
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on March 23, 2022, 01:48:20 PM
I noticed this too
it could be she is signaling applause

but I took as insecurity and she is seeking some sort of acknowledgement of approval for what she just said

even it is just a nod from a few well placed Democrats in the first row.......

sadly for Black women she is an embarrassment.

we need more black women in our politics of course on our side
but ones who really are qualified

I can think of a few who could talk circles around her

it is remarkable that the former AG of California is so inarticulate when she is not reading lines
or has to think quickly on her feet

did not some former president say something like you can suck off some people some of time , suck off some people all of the time but not everyone all of the time!

Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: G M on March 23, 2022, 03:48:17 PM
"did not some former president say something like you can suck off some people some of time , suck off some people all of the time but not everyone all of the time!"

You win the internet today!

I noticed this too
it could be she is signaling applause

but I took as insecurity and she is seeking some sort of acknowledgement of approval for what she just said

even it is just a nod from a few well placed Democrats in the first row.......

sadly for Black women she is an embarrassment.

we need more black women in our politics of course on our side
but ones who really are qualified

I can think of a few who could talk circles around her

it is remarkable that the former AG of California is so inarticulate when she is not reading lines
or has to think quickly on her feet

did not some former president say something like you can suck off some people some of time , suck off some people all of the time but not everyone all of the time!
Title: can this person survive 3 more yrs
Post by: ccp on March 24, 2022, 05:34:58 PM

i predict she will crack up.
no pun intended
I mean really crack up.
Title: The deep thinker of the 21st century
Post by: ccp on March 26, 2022, 07:56:43 AM
Of course Harvard will bequeath her with an honorary degree in philosophy

while asking her to give the commencement speech (just to stick it to the right ):
Title: abstract thought and its hidden meanings
Post by: ccp on March 31, 2022, 12:00:00 PM
I recall a college physics teacher telling my how only a few people in the world could truly understand relativity

I guess one could say there probably is only a few people in the world who understand this person's abstractions:
Title: oh the incredible brilliance of the genius black woman
Post by: ccp on April 01, 2022, 08:59:00 PM
who cut trough the political gamesmanship of the white people :

remember Harris attacking Kavanaugh in unspectacular fashion?
Title: Can we win without the basketball vote?
Post by: ccp on June 24, 2022, 07:53:20 AM

[taking cues from up angle images of Obama swishing a basketball while he holds his head up and chin up - playing against Secret Agents who let him take his jump shot]
Title: kamala to the LEFTIST divisive issues rescue
Post by: ccp on July 05, 2022, 06:09:46 AM

this is what she is best at (not saying much)

picking a political issue the divides us as much as possible
the few times you see her doing something else (though as for domestic issues there are none)
such as foreign policy she makes a fools out of herself and thus the USA.

Title: Re: kamala to the LEFTIST divisive issues rescue
Post by: G M on July 05, 2022, 11:49:20 AM
She is there for all the black people shot by black people the 4th of July weekend?

this is what she is best at (not saying much)

picking a political issue the divides us as much as possible
the few times you see her doing something else (though as for domestic issues there are none)
such as foreign policy she makes a fools out of herself and thus the USA.
Title: Re: kamala to the LEFTIST divisive issues rescue
Post by: G M on July 05, 2022, 11:53:46 AM

Good thing they defunded the police!

She is there for all the black people shot by black people the 4th of July weekend?

this is what she is best at (not saying much)

picking a political issue the divides us as much as possible
the few times you see her doing something else (though as for domestic issues there are none)
such as foreign policy she makes a fools out of herself and thus the USA.
Title: Harris townhall goof
Post by: ccp on July 05, 2022, 01:08:16 PM
this, even before she opens her mouth:
Title: Salad of the day
Post by: ccp on August 31, 2022, 08:37:13 AM

she must be raising millions

of nickels.  :-D
Title: VP Harris, 23 things more secure than the southern border
Post by: DougMacG on September 12, 2022, 06:09:33 PM

Epstein's prison cell and so on.
Post by: Crafty_Dog on September 16, 2022, 10:34:08 AM
Title: But wait! There's more! 3.0
Post by: Crafty_Dog on September 17, 2022, 05:54:01 PM
Title: North Korea/South Korea-unimportant details
Post by: G M on September 29, 2022, 07:49:30 AM

Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on September 29, 2022, 08:00:31 AM
Harris says :

"alliance with *N* Korea"

"strong and enduring"

this will not be on MSM and
if anyone points this out  - RACIST!!  MISOGYNIST!!

I do not recall anyone blundering as stupidly as this.

Send the social workers to NK!

Title: Kommiela announces alliance with North Korea
Post by: Crafty_Dog on September 29, 2022, 01:25:53 PM
Title: VP Kamala fires up fossil fuel powered jet to tell Big Lie in MN
Post by: DougMacG on November 06, 2022, 05:54:44 AM

FACT CHECK: Kamala Harris Peddles Dangerous Misinformation
VP implies she never supported controversial bail fund that put violent offenders back on the street. (She did.)
Title: VP Kommiela Harris's speechwriter
Post by: Crafty_Dog on December 16, 2022, 08:53:29 AM
Title: Surprise! Kommiela refuses to take a knee
Post by: Crafty_Dog on January 18, 2023, 03:46:20 PM
Title: Harris has "found herself at the center" of *key issues*
Post by: ccp on April 16, 2023, 06:47:20 AM
visited 4 African countries

race hustled the Tennessee capital insurrection
and (her preferred specialty)

of course abortion hustling

notable LOL quotes from the jurnolist:

"“I’ve been thrilled to see her in the spotlight on these two issues in particular over the past couple of weeks here."

"Former government officials were particularly impressed with how rapidly the trip came together,"

"A spokesperson for Harris stressed that the vice president has been active in addressing gun violence and abortion access throughout the Biden administration"

“She was built for this. She was born for this. She was raised for this. She can take every shot you shoot, because she’s been through shots worse than this,” Sharpton said. “She’s tough enough, she’s strong enough.”

and this one pisses me off:
"Conservatives have repeatedly zeroed in on the influx of migrants at the southern border, placing the blame on Harris and questioning whether she’s qualified for the job."

it is never the truth that she or any Democrat simply suck - it is only that
"conservatives " criticize them .
Title: Kommiela to head AI?
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 09, 2023, 09:38:53 AM
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris latest word salad, AI
Post by: DougMacG on July 13, 2023, 05:33:44 AM

She thinks we're first graders.
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on July 13, 2023, 05:55:59 AM
my niece is interviewing to be military assistant to the VP

 :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on July 14, 2023, 05:59:34 AM
just heard my niece got the job
will start mid next yr !   :-o

I could not be prouder
I can honestly say we are a tad bit safer with someone competent in the VP office
my niece is remarkable and great mother and wife !

Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: DougMacG on July 14, 2023, 06:27:03 AM
just heard my niece got the job
will start mid next yr !   :-o

I could not be prouder
I can honestly say we are a tad bit safer with someone competent in the VP office
my niece is remarkable and great mother and wife !


Wow, congrats!
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on July 15, 2023, 07:06:03 PM
The world retains its ability to surprise  :-D
Title: Kommiela ducks DeSantis challenge, auditions for presidency
Post by: Crafty_Dog on August 02, 2023, 06:55:17 AM
Title: VP Candidate Kommiela Kamala Harris on the BLM riots
Post by: Crafty_Dog on August 02, 2023, 01:12:00 PM
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris, 3 flat tires?
Post by: DougMacG on August 04, 2023, 11:27:35 AM
VP Harris says, if not for the infrastructure bill, all our tires would be flat.

Thank you Joe and Kamala.  However, the $5 foot long at Subway is now $15.

But anyway, without her and the extra 6 trillion, all your tires would be flat.

Can you see Kamala changing her own tire, explaining to her fans how and why we do this?

Does Kamala own a car?  Sure enough...

With her Chevy Bolt she (allegedly) owns a 6.2L V8 Chevy Suburban.
Title: Comparing this video to our VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: DougMacG on September 06, 2023, 01:19:11 PM
Miss Teen USA contestant 2007 imitating in advance our VP:

48 second video
Title: VP Kommiela's accomplisments
Post by: Crafty_Dog on September 09, 2023, 07:43:50 AM
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on September 09, 2023, 10:05:16 AM
"VP Kommiela's accomplisments"

never ceases playing the race gender card.
I would also add, agreat divider .

Newsome publicly coming out and saying he will not interfere with a Kamala run?

I've got to believe, if true the Dems fear they have no one else but then again hard to believe she would be their nominee.
If so perhaps Trump could win.

She could become the first black partly Indian, Haitian, vaginally endowed Dem nominee - a new whole set of accomplishments.
Glass celiings shattering everywhere  from sea to shining sea - the glory the celebration !   :wink:

And anyone who gets in her way ===>> SEXIST, RACIST, XENOPHOBIC !!!!

Title: Sen Kommiela Kamala Harris 2018
Post by: Crafty_Dog on October 17, 2023, 11:54:12 AM
Title: 60 Minutes interview with Harris; 13 minutes long
Post by: ccp on October 30, 2023, 07:37:12 AM
as PJ media's vodka pundit would print - have a shot sit back and be ready to have belly laughs, roll your eyes, and not think too much -
Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 04, 2023, 04:19:23 PM
A.k.a. Kommiela Hamass
Title: Noonan: Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 10, 2023, 04:04:32 AM
Kamala Harris Is Biden’s No. 2 Problem
Meanwhile, Republicans need to winnow the field to Donald Trump, Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis.
Peggy Noonan
By Peggy Noonan
Nov. 9, 2023 5:57 pm ET

Where are we, one year from the 2024 presidential election?

The incumbent is famously, historically unpopular and has been for some time, so it’s not a blip or event-related. He should help his party’s prospects by stepping aside and letting Democrats fight it out. He won’t, we all sense this.

Republican hopefuls continue their battle, but everyone knows who’s way ahead in the polls. The front-runner, however, faces criminal trials on federal and state charges, which may take place during primary season. We don’t know if that will cast a shadow, or how broad or long.

We do know that we’re going on December, the Iowa GOP caucuses are on Jan. 15, and the New Hampshire primary will follow soon after. Things are going at a clip even if they don’t seem to be. The debate this week was all about the front-runners after Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley, two candidates different in stands, approach, talent, temperament and appeal. Between the two of them they’re a fair enough approximation of their party. The other candidates, having given their all, should step aside, withdraw their names, and throw their support to either Ms. Haley or Mr. DeSantis.

Let them duke it out in the clear. That’s where a breakthrough is possible. Let one emerge as the leader of the not-Trump half of the party and go from there.

In a way both parties are being held hostage, the Democrats by the needs of an old man who wants to stay, the Republicans by an old man who wants back in. And both parties are at the mercy of cults, the Republicans’ one of personality and the Democrats’ of policy. They can’t free themselves from unpopular stands on such issues as illegal immigration. Both cults are self-limiting. This is why the majority of the American people, when polled, admit a second Trump-Biden race leaves them depressed.

Joe Biden’s main problem, the perception that he is too old for the job, is guaranteed to get worse each day. This makes his vice president more important than vice presidents ever have been. When people consider voting for Mr. Biden for the presidency they’ll know it is likely they’re really voting for Kamala Harris. This will only hurt Democratic fortunes, because she is uniquely unpopular. The practical path would be to make a change that reassures, to a veteran, highly regarded figure in whom people might feel confidence. This wouldn’t be easy and would give the president a black eye with some portion of his base, but black eyes heal in a year, and none of those angered will be voting for Mr. Trump.

I have been fascinated by Ms. Harris’s lack of success in her role considering the impressiveness of her previous résumé—district attorney, California attorney general, U.S. senator. I think she didn’t fully understand the nature of the vice presidency and thought she did. I think she let her political ego dictate her calculations. She was surrounded by friends and staff who had made a study of her but not the job and who assumed that by virtue of her first-ever status—first ever woman to hold the role, first ever black and Indian-American—she should be bold, remake the position, make her special significance and importance clear, be less an understudy than a co-star. But you can’t effectively change a thing unless you understand it first.

She meant to establish her place as the future president by showing off her charm and ease. Which is how she got in trouble with dramatic interviews, winging it with ad-libbed, mad-libbed arias in speeches, and taking on portfolios—immigration during an immigration crisis—that were important but not promising, and in fact dangerous. In three years under bright lights she proved herself insubstantial—not seeming to understand issues in any depth, getting lost as she discussed them, laughing in ways that said “please see me as a happy warrior.”

In her previous life she never had to use the tools of seriousness. She rose in a one-party state. Charm, networking and picking your way through the intraparty progressive minefields was enough. But at the level of the vice presidency it isn’t.

Her attempts to turbocharge the role left the press free to judge her on different terms. Here it must be said that many jobs in the top level of the federal government are hard, but vice president isn’t one of them. Every morning you get up and put on clothing. You then often leave for a trip—to the funeral of a head of state, to the Detroit Economic Club for a speech, or a party fundraiser in Bismarck, N.D.—and what you talk about there is the administration’s policies and plans, its claimable successes.

It is a boring speech—vice presidents’ speeches are always boring, are prepared to be such, because the people at the White House want the vice president to be boring. They want the vice president to be substantive, but they don’t want any attention off the president, or any disadvantageous comparisons made. Another reason vice-presidential speeches are boring is you wind up repeating the same stuff—policies, plans, hopes. Another reason is that you’re always speaking of serious, not playful things—domestic challenges, approaches to the world.

But it’s OK. Because everyone you speak to—everyone—knows it’s your job to be boring and gives you a pass.

If this sounds like “Wow, no one should ever become vice president, how insignificant,” no. You get a mansion; you’re not under the most intense daily scrutiny; people take care of you. The boon and political gift of the job is picking up chits and forging relationships for when you run for president.

You also get to help the administration you presumably believe in, and thus help the American people with good policies. It’s a good job. And all the American people ask of you is that you seem serious, well-versed, and possibly, beneath the boringness, wise, so that if something bad were to happen they can feel secure that yes, you can do the job.

I don’t think Ms. Harris understood this, not the institutional history of the job or why it has been done by most of its holders with certain hard boundaries. With her faith in her charm and ability to be warm and relatable, as they say, she forgot to be modest or to imitate modesty. But people do expect humility of vice presidents, a grown-up sense that they know they’re the second banana, that today they’re nothing but tomorrow they may be everything, as the first vice president, John Adams, said. But today is today so do your sturdy, boring job, and learn more every day about the inner workings of this thing called the federal government. Previous vice presidents have been a mystery. Our age is one of TikTok feeds, not mystery, but there is power in being a step away.

The way to approach the vice presidency is with low-key humility and carefulness. You don’t take the job and shape it to your persona; you take your persona and fit it into the job, which existed long before you and ideally will exist long after.
Title: Sen. Kennedy: When Kommiela's IQ hits 75 she should sell
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 21, 2023, 07:43:33 AM
Title: Ham Handed Chanukah
Post by: Body-by-Guinness on December 13, 2023, 07:05:35 PM
Kamala ineptly panders:
Title: Re: Ham Handed Chanukah
Post by: DougMacG on December 14, 2023, 06:10:59 AM
Kamala ineptly panders:

More in the "since deleted" post, "this isn't close::
Title: VP Kamala Harris, "kick that f'ing door down, hehehe, excuse my language"
Post by: DougMacG on May 14, 2024, 07:07:46 AM
She needs profanity to get a post.
Title: the F word
Post by: ccp on May 14, 2024, 08:42:59 PM
yes the only reason anyone would embarrass themselves and post her eh hem, less than genius lecture is to show off her use of a curse word (30 to 40 yrs ago the same word would have been reason enough NOT to vote for such a foul mouth.  Now the word is tossed around like the word the.

she is so "fuckin'" stupid

cackling fucking stupid

always race abortion xenophobia
always the same with her

a female version of Sharpton
though he is a more clever charlatan
Title: VP Kamala Harris memoir earned just $234.13 in royalties last year
Post by: DougMacG on May 16, 2024, 11:11:52 AM
"Harris's 2019 memoir, “The Truths We Hold,” earned just $234.13 in royalties last year"  - according to her 2023 financial disclosures

Reminds me of the number of delegates she won running for President, with her moving debate line, "That girl was me!"  0.0 delegates

They really know how to pick 'em.
Title: VP Harris, Bozo Economics
Post by: DougMacG on May 19, 2024, 08:20:14 AM
"The President and I, because of the Inflation Reduction Act, the Infrastructure Act, we are dropping trillions of dollars on the streets of America right now."
   - VP Harris,

Title: Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
Post by: ccp on May 19, 2024, 10:58:16 AM
dropping trillions in America right now

like I said, they act like money grows free on trees and all Dems have to do is shake the trees and money rains down like coconuts on our front lawn.

yes, what a "f'n" dope.

and one can only imagine the free shitters and the reparations people sitting in the audience getting all excited over the idea of "tax the rich" as though that will work .