Author Topic: Islam in Europe and pre-emptive dhimmitude  (Read 453775 times)


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Islam in Europe, Why France Turned a Blind Eye to the Murder of Sarah Halimi
« Reply #850 on: September 01, 2017, 06:48:49 AM »
I'm not sure what all the questions are here.  Is being a radical Islamic murdering terrorist grounds for an insanity plea in France?  Is torturing, murdering a Jewish woman and throwing her off a third story balcony a prosecutable crime [or just a cultural difference?], is it okay to not report what everyone in the neighborhood knows happened in the mainstream media if you all all afraid it might affect the result a contentious election?

Why France Turned a Blind Eye to the Murder of Sarah Halimi


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Sweden: Rewarding Terrorists in the Nordic Countries
« Reply #851 on: September 14, 2017, 08:14:24 AM »
Rewarding Terrorists in the Nordic Countries

The closest Larsson came to offering a justification for the policy was to say this: “No human being is born as an extremist.” There it is again: the nobody's-really-guilty Nordic mentality that will spell the death of Sweden.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2017, 09:58:08 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Muslim majority in Europe in two generations
« Reply #855 on: September 27, 2017, 02:46:53 PM »
"Ah, I'm sure it will be fine."

Reminds me of a discussion we had about a video:

Yeah, vacation in France.  Hope nothing happens to you or your stuff...

I don't need to travel to visit a third world country; they're building one here.


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Re: Islam in Europe and pre-emptive dhimmitude
« Reply #856 on: September 27, 2017, 03:24:46 PM »
"  Reminds me of a discussion we had about a video:  "

right, lets let Palestinians take over Israel and make it a *desert wasteland* again like it was when they nomaded there way into it while many Jews left in the Middle Ages.


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What changed in Norway?
« Reply #857 on: September 29, 2017, 06:00:51 PM »,7340,L-5022333,00.html

Norwegian minister: 'We now get what Israel goes through'
Speaking in an exclusive interview with Ynet in Oslo, Immigration Minister Sylvi Listhaug says Europeans 'are experiencing now the fear that you have experienced for decades'; supporting Israel's right to defend itself, Listhaug adds 'you live in a region that has a lot of problems.'
Yaron Druckman, Oslo|Published:  28.09.17 , 13:20

OSLO - Norway’s minister of immigration drew comparisons Wednesday between the plight of Europeans suffering from increasingly common terror attacks with the experiences endured by Israel for decades.
“We are experiencing now the fear that you have experienced for decades,” said Sylvi Listhaug in an exclusive interview with Ynet in Oslo. “Many people now understand the situation you live in. We see what is happening in Sweden, in Britain and in France.”

Interview with Sylvi Listhaug
European nations, she added, “and their citizens need to understand the situation in Israel better because of the terror attacks in Israel.”
Since taking office, Listhaug has cracked down on illegal immigration into the Scandinavian country by adopting stringent policies that have resulted in just 1,000 illegal migrants entering the country in 2017 from 30,000 in 2015.
According to Listhaug, her Progress Party, which governs in a coalition with the Conservative Party, is a staunch supporter of Israel.
“The Progress Party has always been a supporter of Israel’s need to protect themselves (sic) in a region where you are the only democracy,” she claimed.
Sylvi Listhaug (Photo: Ze'ev Yanai)
Sylvi Listhaug (Photo: Ze'ev Yanai)
“That does not mean that we support everything you do but you have a right to defend your people and your borders because you live in a region that has a lot of problems,” she acknowledged.
The interview took place a day after Denmark’s Immigration Minister Inger Stojberg posted a screenshot of her iPad showing a drawing of the Prophet Mohammad on Facebook, one of the satirical cartoons that caused outrage among Muslims around the world more than a decade ago.
While saying that she did not necessarily agree with the caricature, Listhaug insisted her Danish counterpart had every right to publish it in the interest of free speech.
Satirical cartoon of Mohammas
Satirical cartoon of Mohammas
“People have been murdered because they have expressed their opinion like (what happened with) Charlie Hebdo,” she highlighted in reference to the French satirical magazine that was firebombed in 2011 for publishing a cartoon of Mohammad and was then the target of an brutal attack by two radical Muslim brothers in 2015 in which 12 people were massacred.
“It’s the new norm,” Listhaug concluded, “for Europeans to impose limits on freedom of speech in order to avoid offending minorities.”


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Austria's burqa ban
« Reply #858 on: October 10, 2017, 08:49:46 AM »

Is Austria's Burqa Ban an Example for America?
by Abigail R. Esman
Special to IPT News
October 10, 2017

 With the number of jihadist terrorists in Europe rising, and a concurrent increase in the number of women involved in Islamist terrorism and recruiting, Austria's centrist government passed a bill in May to prohibit all face coverings in the public sphere. The measure, which carries a fine of €150, includes a ban on clown makeup, ski masks, and even hospital masks worn on city streets; but it is clearly the face-covering garments of Muslim women – the niqab and burqa – that are the law's real targets. The so-called "burqa ban," which went into effect Oct. 1, makes Austria the fifth European country to outlaw the wearing of face-coverings in public, and the fifth to do so on the basis of national security concerns related to Islamic dress. France, Belgium, Latvia, and Bulgaria already have such laws in place, and partial bans are in effect in Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy and Spain.

Now other countries are starting to consider instituting comparable laws, despite ongoing protests from Muslim and many rights groups. Even Morocco, which is 99 percent Muslim, recently banned the sale and manufacture of burqas, citing safety concerns even though a small minority of Moroccan women wear face coverings. Reasons for such bans internationally range from similar security concerns to uneasiness about the oppression of Muslim women and their safety navigating in garments that restrict their movement and their vision.

Crimes have also been committed by women and even men disguised by burqas and niqabs: in 2009, a robber dressed in a burqa ran off with £150,000 worth of Rolex and Cartier watches from a jewelry shop Oxfordshire, England; a year later, two men, also in burqas, raided a French bank and escaped with €4,500; and when a non-Muslim Melbourne couple staged a robbery in August, the woman wore a burqa to conceal her identity.

Similar events have also taken place in the United States, most notably a rash of crimes in Philadelphia 2007 to 2013, including a number of bank robberies and the kidnapping and rape of a 5-year-old girl.

Yet a 2016 poll indicates that fewer Americans than Europeans support prohibiting the burqa and similar coverings. As in Austria and elsewhere in Europe, Americans' arguments against the bans tend largely to rely on the notion that they impinge on women's freedom to wear what they like. But this position ignores other public safety laws affecting dress – including complete undress – such as requirements to tie one's hair back while handling food, or to wear safety helmets on motorcycles and at construction sites.

Others insist such prohibitions violate laws protecting religious freedom, a position many Muslim feminists view as misguided, at best. Indeed, according to a Spectator editorial by Muslim activist and physician Qanta Ahmed, the idea of the full-face covering for Muslim women is a "recent invention," a concept "derived not from the Quran or early Islamic tradition, but from a misogyny which claims a false basis in the divine."

In this regard, Austria's approach is unique, as it actively seeks to address such misogyny in ways that distinguish it from other European bans. Following the earlier example set by the Dutch government in 2006, Austria, home to an estimated 700,000 Muslims – about 8 percent of the population – also now requires refugees and other immigrants to take German language courses and civics lessons that teach the moral codes and values of Austrian culture, including ideals of equality between men and women and acceptance of homosexuality.

Hence, while Muslim groups such as the Austrian Islamic Religious Authority describe the burqa ban as "Islamophobic" and discriminatory, proponents believe the opposite is true: by requiring Muslim women to live and dress as others in their society, they are breaking down the walls between them, encouraging equality, unity, and cohesion. Acceptance and respect of Austrian values are basic conditions for successful cohabitation between the majority Austrian population and people from third countries living in Austria," Chancellor Christian Kern said in a statement.

And nothing, said Pakistani-American counterterrorism expert and author Farhana Qazi, could be more Islamic. "Muslims living in a non Muslim country must respect the law," she said in an e-mail. "It is stated clearly in the Quran. God mentions the contract between the rulers and the ruled or citizens / residents. Muslims by Islamic law have to respect secular law or move to another country. It's that simple. And what I am saying is not my opinion but Islamic jurisprudence. Many Muslims don't know their own religion or law."

But this is not the only reason Qazi, like Ahmed, supports such laws in Europe and would like to see them enacted in America as well. "To be honest," said the former U.S. government counterterrorism analyst and military instructor, "the burqa ban is a response to a security concern that is valid. I respect women in hijab, but the burqa is a cultural cloth to me. This is not Islam."

Abigail R. Esman, the author, most recently, of Radical State: How Jihad Is Winning Over Democracy in the West (Praeger, 2010), is a freelance writer based in New York and the Netherlands. Follow her at @radicalstates.


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WSJ: Germany-- who is integrating whom?
« Reply #859 on: October 16, 2017, 06:53:59 AM »
German Towns Filled With Refugees Ask, ‘Who Is Integrating Whom?’
Earlier influx of foreigners feeds concerns about budget, safety, jobs and the quality of education
Nadine Langer with her daughters at their home in Lebenstedt, Germany.
Nadine Langer with her daughters at their home in Lebenstedt, Germany. Photo: LENA MUCHA FOR THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
By Andrea Thomas
Updated Oct. 15, 2017 2:11 p.m. ET

SALZGITTER, Germany—Late this summer, Nadine Langer took her six-year old to her first day at school. The girl was one of two German children in her class, she said, amid 20, mostly Syrian, refugees.

“I am not against foreigners,” said Ms. Langer, 41. “But there is a point where we have to wonder who is integrating whom.”

Germany’s 2015 refugee crisis has largely disappeared from the headlines. But in this and other midsize towns, it is continuing to unfold, putting communities under stress, pressuring local coffers and feeding concerns about safety, jobs and the quality of education.

Some 140,000 asylum seekers have entered Germany so far this year—a sharp drop from the 1.2 million who arrived in the past two years. But in places such as Salzgitter there is a sense that the government, having housed and fed the newcomers, is failing in the longer-term effort to integrate them in German society.

This unease, pollsters say, boosted the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany at last month’s election, making it the first far-right party to enter parliament in half a century. This shock means immigration will loom large when Chancellor Angela Merkel kicks off negotiations on Wednesday to form a three-party ruling coalition.

    Conservatives’ Loss in German State Election Is Blow to Merkel

Immigration has also returned to regional politics. In Lower Saxony, where Salzgitter is located and which elected its parliament on Sunday, integration and schools have been central in the campaign. Conservatives for years have said that refugees, a majority of whom settle permanently in the country, must learn German values, a concept known as Leitkultur.

Many here say they are proud of their town’s tradition as a refugee haven. But as their numbers rose sharply last year Salzgitter took the unusual step of requesting a moratorium on new arrivals.

“The established parties lived in a bubble. They said everything was fine, closed their eyes to reality and didn’t see people’s concern,” said Salzgitter’s mayor Frank Klingebiel.

Mr. Klingebiel hails from the conservative Christian Democratic Union. But his concerns transcend political lines. It was Stephan Weil, the left-leaning state premier who sought re-election on Sunday, who greenlighted the ban on further refugees moving to Salzgitter, which took effect this past week.

With about 5,700 mainly Syrian refugees for 106,000 residents, the highest proportion in the country, Salzgitter is an outlier. But several other communities, from Wilhelmshaven in the north to Hof in the south are also struggling.
Photos: German Towns Struggle to Integrate Refugees
Across the country, communities are under stress as they deal with increased demand for education, jobs and resources
Photos: German Towns Struggle to Integrate Refugees
Photos: German Towns Struggle to Integrate Refugees
Photos: German Towns Struggle to Integrate Refugees
Photos: German Towns Struggle to Integrate Refugees
Photos: German Towns Struggle to Integrate Refugees
Photos: German Towns Struggle to Integrate Refugees
Photos: German Towns Struggle to Integrate Refugees
Photos: German Towns Struggle to Integrate Refugees
Photos: German Towns Struggle to Integrate Refugees
Photos: German Towns Struggle to Integrate Refugees
People shop in Fredenberg, one of the districts with the highest numbers of refugees in Salzgitter.
1 of 10

In Salzgitter, a pre-existing Syrian community and a glut of affordable housing drew over 2,000 refugees last year and nearly 1,000 this year, leaving a clear imprint on the town’s district of Lebenstedt.

Nour Alwadi, a 25-year-old from Damascus, arrived last year with his brother and his wife Asma. They now have a nine-month-old baby. His parents joined him in Salzgitter five months ago.

“We moved to Salzgitter because there are already many Arab and Turkish migrants here, we have friends here,” said Mr. Alwadi. “The people here are nice. We can attend mosques here.”

Many of those born or growing up in Salzgitter say they want to help refugees but that the influx has become too big to handle. Concerns range from the impact on schools to rising welfare costs, crime, and a diffuse sense that the local culture is becoming diluted, defeating the purpose of integration.

“There are permanently fights and the police have to come,” said Gülcan Dia, a 46-year-old German of Turkish heritage who works for a charity helping refugees.

Wherever refugees outnumber German children in schools, critics like Ms. Dia say, they find it harder to learn German. Local pupils, too, are falling behind on the curriculum.

A national school report released Friday showed a correlation between rising numbers of migrant schoolchildren and a deterioration in academic performance. In 2016, the share of foreign fourth-graders rose by one third to 34% from 2011, according to the education ministry, while the number of children who passed standard writing requirements dropped to 55% against 65% five years earlier.

Salzgitter Mayor Klingebiel said the town was struggling to find teachers for schools, kindergarten and adult language classes.

The AWO Familienkita kindergarten in Lebenstedt looks after 50 children, 18 of them Syrians. More than two thirds of the 160 children on the waiting list are Syrian.

“It’s good that we got this (moratorium), we simply couldn’t handle the situation anymore,” said manager Andrea Bernhof. This “gives the kids a chance to settle in and get proper education.”

Entering the labor market has proven equally difficult. Nationally, only 15.3% of adult nationals from the refugees’ main countries of origin had a regular job in July, two years after the refugee crisis peaked, according to the German labor agency. In Salzgitter, 91% of asylum seekers and refugees live on benefits.

Nicola Pöckler, who works for a charity that helps refugees find jobs, said many of the newcomers are only qualified for the simplest of occupations. “We don’t have the jobs that these people could take.”

In Lower Saxony, the anti-immigration AfD, seeking to tap into the growing discomfort, won its first parliamentary seats in the state. But its support there was just 5.8%, far below its 12.6% score at the September national election.

Michael Gröger, the party’s candidate for Salzgitter, said even the notion of integration should be reconsidered. “This asylum madness has to stop. An asylum seeker is a temporary guest, no immigrant. An asylum seeker doesn’t have to be integrated.”

Write to Andrea Thomas at


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Re: WSJ: Germany-- who is integrating whom?
« Reply #860 on: October 16, 2017, 06:56:35 AM »
“But there is a point where we have to wonder who is integrating whom.”

Really? Do you really not know?

German Towns Filled With Refugees Ask, ‘Who Is Integrating Whom?’
Earlier influx of foreigners feeds concerns about budget, safety, jobs and the quality of education
Nadine Langer with her daughters at their home in Lebenstedt, Germany.
Nadine Langer with her daughters at their home in Lebenstedt, Germany. Photo: LENA MUCHA FOR THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
By Andrea Thomas
Updated Oct. 15, 2017 2:11 p.m. ET

SALZGITTER, Germany—Late this summer, Nadine Langer took her six-year old to her first day at school. The girl was one of two German children in her class, she said, amid 20, mostly Syrian, refugees.

“I am not against foreigners,” said Ms. Langer, 41. “But there is a point where we have to wonder who is integrating whom.”

Germany’s 2015 refugee crisis has largely disappeared from the headlines. But in this and other midsize towns, it is continuing to unfold, putting communities under stress, pressuring local coffers and feeding concerns about safety, jobs and the quality of education.

Some 140,000 asylum seekers have entered Germany so far this year—a sharp drop from the 1.2 million who arrived in the past two years. But in places such as Salzgitter there is a sense that the government, having housed and fed the newcomers, is failing in the longer-term effort to integrate them in German society.

This unease, pollsters say, boosted the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany at last month’s election, making it the first far-right party to enter parliament in half a century. This shock means immigration will loom large when Chancellor Angela Merkel kicks off negotiations on Wednesday to form a three-party ruling coalition.

    Conservatives’ Loss in German State Election Is Blow to Merkel

Immigration has also returned to regional politics. In Lower Saxony, where Salzgitter is located and which elected its parliament on Sunday, integration and schools have been central in the campaign. Conservatives for years have said that refugees, a majority of whom settle permanently in the country, must learn German values, a concept known as Leitkultur.

Many here say they are proud of their town’s tradition as a refugee haven. But as their numbers rose sharply last year Salzgitter took the unusual step of requesting a moratorium on new arrivals.

“The established parties lived in a bubble. They said everything was fine, closed their eyes to reality and didn’t see people’s concern,” said Salzgitter’s mayor Frank Klingebiel.

Mr. Klingebiel hails from the conservative Christian Democratic Union. But his concerns transcend political lines. It was Stephan Weil, the left-leaning state premier who sought re-election on Sunday, who greenlighted the ban on further refugees moving to Salzgitter, which took effect this past week.

With about 5,700 mainly Syrian refugees for 106,000 residents, the highest proportion in the country, Salzgitter is an outlier. But several other communities, from Wilhelmshaven in the north to Hof in the south are also struggling.
Photos: German Towns Struggle to Integrate Refugees
Across the country, communities are under stress as they deal with increased demand for education, jobs and resources
Photos: German Towns Struggle to Integrate Refugees
Photos: German Towns Struggle to Integrate Refugees
Photos: German Towns Struggle to Integrate Refugees
Photos: German Towns Struggle to Integrate Refugees
Photos: German Towns Struggle to Integrate Refugees
Photos: German Towns Struggle to Integrate Refugees
Photos: German Towns Struggle to Integrate Refugees
Photos: German Towns Struggle to Integrate Refugees
Photos: German Towns Struggle to Integrate Refugees
Photos: German Towns Struggle to Integrate Refugees
People shop in Fredenberg, one of the districts with the highest numbers of refugees in Salzgitter.
1 of 10

In Salzgitter, a pre-existing Syrian community and a glut of affordable housing drew over 2,000 refugees last year and nearly 1,000 this year, leaving a clear imprint on the town’s district of Lebenstedt.

Nour Alwadi, a 25-year-old from Damascus, arrived last year with his brother and his wife Asma. They now have a nine-month-old baby. His parents joined him in Salzgitter five months ago.

“We moved to Salzgitter because there are already many Arab and Turkish migrants here, we have friends here,” said Mr. Alwadi. “The people here are nice. We can attend mosques here.”

Many of those born or growing up in Salzgitter say they want to help refugees but that the influx has become too big to handle. Concerns range from the impact on schools to rising welfare costs, crime, and a diffuse sense that the local culture is becoming diluted, defeating the purpose of integration.

“There are permanently fights and the police have to come,” said Gülcan Dia, a 46-year-old German of Turkish heritage who works for a charity helping refugees.

Wherever refugees outnumber German children in schools, critics like Ms. Dia say, they find it harder to learn German. Local pupils, too, are falling behind on the curriculum.

A national school report released Friday showed a correlation between rising numbers of migrant schoolchildren and a deterioration in academic performance. In 2016, the share of foreign fourth-graders rose by one third to 34% from 2011, according to the education ministry, while the number of children who passed standard writing requirements dropped to 55% against 65% five years earlier.

Salzgitter Mayor Klingebiel said the town was struggling to find teachers for schools, kindergarten and adult language classes.

The AWO Familienkita kindergarten in Lebenstedt looks after 50 children, 18 of them Syrians. More than two thirds of the 160 children on the waiting list are Syrian.

“It’s good that we got this (moratorium), we simply couldn’t handle the situation anymore,” said manager Andrea Bernhof. This “gives the kids a chance to settle in and get proper education.”

Entering the labor market has proven equally difficult. Nationally, only 15.3% of adult nationals from the refugees’ main countries of origin had a regular job in July, two years after the refugee crisis peaked, according to the German labor agency. In Salzgitter, 91% of asylum seekers and refugees live on benefits.

Nicola Pöckler, who works for a charity that helps refugees find jobs, said many of the newcomers are only qualified for the simplest of occupations. “We don’t have the jobs that these people could take.”

In Lower Saxony, the anti-immigration AfD, seeking to tap into the growing discomfort, won its first parliamentary seats in the state. But its support there was just 5.8%, far below its 12.6% score at the September national election.

Michael Gröger, the party’s candidate for Salzgitter, said even the notion of integration should be reconsidered. “This asylum madness has to stop. An asylum seeker is a temporary guest, no immigrant. An asylum seeker doesn’t have to be integrated.”

Write to Andrea Thomas at


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Let bygones be bygones
« Reply #861 on: October 24, 2017, 05:57:32 AM »


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Re: Let bygones be bygones
« Reply #862 on: October 24, 2017, 07:27:58 AM »
Just come home and we will forgive and forget and get you a job:
UK man arrested for posting anti-Muslim tweets after Brussels attacks
PR exec Matthew Doyle said he asked a Muslim woman to 'explain Brussels' following terror attacks
by Amar Toor@amartoo  Mar 24, 2016, 7:31am EDT

A man in the UK has been arrested on charges of inciting racial hatred on social media, after he tweeted about asking a Muslim woman to "explain" the terror attacks in Brussels. As The Guardian reports, London's Metropolitan Police on Wednesday arrested a 46-year-old man believed to be Matthew Doyle, a partner at a London PR agency.

Earlier Wednesday, Doyle tweeted: "I confronted a Muslim women [sic] yesterday in Croydon. I asked her to explain Brussels. She said "Nothing to do with me" a mealy mouthed reply." His comment was posted after bombings at the Brussels airport and at a metro station killed at least 31 people and wounded 300 others. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attacks.


The tweet was later deleted, though not before it went viral, sparking a backlash that was covered by some news outlets. Doyle also appears to have embraced the controversy, posting links to coverage of his tweets and retweeting users who criticized him. Doyle later defended his tweet, using a racial epithet to describe Muslims, and thanked his followers "for proving I can still do PR." (That tweet included the same epithet.)

The UK has strict laws on inciting racial hatred online, and some arrests have led to convictions. Critics have in the past accused authorities of being overzealous in their policing of online speech, including one case in which a man was arrested over an online threat that was clearly a joke. (The conviction was overturned.) Twitter, Facebook, and Google have also sought to crack down on hate speech in Europe, where the refugee crisis has inflamed xenophobia and racial tensions online.


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We are the sequel film
« Reply #863 on: November 15, 2017, 11:26:56 AM »


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A historical novel set in the future
« Reply #865 on: November 28, 2017, 08:09:58 PM »


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Re: Islam in Europe, Germany, refugee assimilated or unemployed?
« Reply #866 on: December 08, 2017, 11:31:06 AM »
In the Pam Geller, No go zones video, the unemployment rate was 10 times higher for refugees than "Swedish-born" residents.

In this article, 4% of refugees in this German town are employed:

Google translate:
Refugees Nearly four percent: Only 56 out of 1,530 have a job

Aschersleben -
The job search for refugees continues to be difficult. Of the currently more than 1,530 refugees registered with the responsible job center, only 56 (equivalent to 3.66 percent) have taken up a job subject to social security contributions in the current year.


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Re: Islam in Europe, Germany, refugee assimilated or unemployed?
« Reply #867 on: December 08, 2017, 12:12:01 PM »
In the Pam Geller, No go zones video, the unemployment rate was 10 times higher for refugees than "Swedish-born" residents.

In this article, 4% of refugees in this German town are employed:

Google translate:
Refugees Nearly four percent: Only 56 out of 1,530 have a job

Aschersleben -
The job search for refugees continues to be difficult. Of the currently more than 1,530 refugees registered with the responsible job center, only 56 (equivalent to 3.66 percent) have taken up a job subject to social security contributions in the current year.

Need to be told not to sh*t in the showers, but otherwise totally ready to join the German workforce!


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Re: Islam in Europe and pre-emptive dhimmitude
« Reply #868 on: December 08, 2017, 12:17:33 PM »
That particular behavior (sh*tting in the showers) does not constitute assimilating into civilized society?

When the Republican convention goes into a Democratic city, when a college team goes into a rival college's facility, don't they tell you that bad behavior of one or a few will reflect badly on all of us?


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Re: Islam in Europe and pre-emptive dhimmitude
« Reply #869 on: December 08, 2017, 02:38:47 PM »
That particular behavior (sh*tting in the showers) does not constitute assimilating into civilized society?

When the Republican convention goes into a Democratic city, when a college team goes into a rival college's facility, don't they tell you that bad behavior of one or a few will reflect badly on all of us?

It's the majority of muslims that ruin it for all the rest.


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The leftist Eloi and the muslim Morlocks in Europe continue the process
« Reply #870 on: December 14, 2017, 11:21:22 AM »

Sweden: Muslim classmates gang rape 14-year-old girl in school, remain enrolled because “rapists are victims too,” says principal
By Pamela Geller - on March 7, 2017

Any civilization that sacrifices its young girls to an invading army has no future at all.

Sweden is a stunning indictment of liberal polices of multiculturalism, political correctness and “tolerance” (of evil)  in action. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

“All three youths involved were our students here and all three are, in a way, victims in this case.“
Sweden is done, finished. Cooked, like the Ramadan goat.

Searchlight Germany, March 7, 2017:

A 14-year-old Swedish girl who was sexually abused in her school by two boys is now receiving her education at another school, while the attackers remain enrolled at their current school. One of them, a 16-year-old carrying the Arab name Ajuub, suffers from an “impaired ability to understand what is right and wrong,” the verdict stated. He was therefore punished mildly. Other school kids’ parents, as well as the principal, are now unhappy with the situation.

The gang rape was committed on the 30th of May last year at the restrooms of a school in Skane, in the south of Sweden. Both boys, Ajuub plus an unnamed 15-year-old, raped the victim vaginally as well as orally. They were sentenced in December, Sydsvenskan reports. Ajuub was convicted to 100 hours of youth service plus 24 meetings with a social worker “in order to learn to make better decisions,” while the 15-year-old is considered by Swedish law to be too young to be held criminally responsible and has thus been set free.
The first few days following the sex assault, the girl, called Tindra, was too afraid to tell her mother about the ordeal, not daring to go back to school again. Apparently, the youngest assailant had spread rumours about the victim for several months, calling her “a whore that sells sex for money.” He also threatened the girl with violence.

The school principal, who wishes to remain anonymous, says he “struggles” with the case and thinks about it “every day and every hour.” He’d furthermore like a “dialogue with the government” on the issue.
When addressing parents’ concerns, the principal says he didn’t feel the need to officially notify them since:

“there is no obligation for a school to go out and announce that there’s a student who has been convicted of rape.”

He then suddenly starts talking about “taking the whole picture into account,” and the interview takes an even odder twist:

“All three youths involved were our students here and all three are, in a way, victims in this case. The boy who was convicted has gotten a pretty harsh punishment, which turns him into a victim as well.”

‘Feminist moral superpower’ fails miserably
Ann Heberlein, a woman whose friend has a daughter in the school, recently wrote about the case, demanding much harsher punishment for the perpetrators of sexual violence. “Who cares about Tindra,” she wonders.

“Swedish schools that have gender and equality enshrined in their value system, which emphasizes gender perspective in their curricula, that invites feminists to teach girls self-defense, and that provide lessons in sex education to girls in order to strengthen them into not doing stuff that they do not want, and admonishing the boys to obtain the girls’ consent if they want to have sex with them, have completely lost it. How can a country that aspires to be a ‘moral superpower’ and a government that prides itself on being ‘feminist’ fail so miserably in living up to its own ambitions?”
“School should be a safe place. The fact that our children won’t have to be in the same classroom as a convicted criminal, should go without saying – and that a girl who has been raped will not have to face their rapists on her way to school or when she is out walking her dog, should be the minimum requirement that can be asked from our rule of law.”

Another school rape
Besides the scandal mentioned above, Swedish media yesterday reported on another school rape, this time in Kalmar, also in the south of Sweden.
In this case, both the victim and the assailant are under 15 years of age, SVT reports, so the attacker will go free. Even though the school board was obliged to immediately notify the social services on the sex crime, it waited for several days.


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Islam in Europe? Hundreds protest gang rapes in Sweden
« Reply #871 on: December 22, 2017, 01:02:03 PM »

‘stay inside or walk in pairs’ advice retracted by police chief

No mention of religion or ethnicity in this report.


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Re: Islam in Sweden? Govt may sends troops into no-go zones
« Reply #873 on: January 18, 2018, 04:12:47 PM »
What changed in Sweden? 

For the first time since World War II, Sweden is preparing to distribute a civil defense brochure to some 4.7 million households, warning them about the onset of war.

Swedish PM does not rule out use of army to end gang violence

... linking public concern about the rising crime rate to a large increase in the numbers of immigrants...

criminals who throw hand grenades "as if it were war".

"I am prepared to do whatever is necessary to make sure that serious, organized crime is stamped out."

"This is not a script for a dystopian crime story. This is Sweden in 2018, Kristersson said.


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Re: Islam in Sweden? Govt may sends troops into no-go zones
« Reply #874 on: January 18, 2018, 04:37:28 PM »
What changed in Sweden? 

For the first time since World War II, Sweden is preparing to distribute a civil defense brochure to some 4.7 million households, warning them about the onset of war.

Swedish PM does not rule out use of army to end gang violence

... linking public concern about the rising crime rate to a large increase in the numbers of immigrants...

criminals who throw hand grenades "as if it were war".

"I am prepared to do whatever is necessary to make sure that serious, organized crime is stamped out."

"This is not a script for a dystopian crime story. This is Sweden in 2018, Kristersson said.

I am so old, I can remember when Muslim no go zones in Europe were a right wing myth.


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Re: Islam in Europe, Sweden increases deportations to Morocco
« Reply #877 on: January 23, 2018, 12:04:07 PM »

Many of the young Moroccans who come to Sweden lack sufficient cause for asylum, according to Sveriges Radio, and some have ended up on the street involved in crime and drug abuse.


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Islam in Europe, Islamic State (IS) in Germany, the women of Jihad
« Reply #878 on: January 29, 2018, 09:57:54 AM »
put url into google translate:

Federal Prosecutor's Office targets jihadists
...  970 Islamists from Germany have traveled to Syria or Iraq in recent years. ...

In Germany, security authorities observe several so-called women's networks in the Islamist scene. The extremists, including women returning from Syria or Iraq, network via online platforms and chat groups, some of whom also meet in person. The North Rhine-Westphalian constitutional protection recently warned that such networks would carry the radical Islamic ideology, recruit young women and specifically indoctrinate children.


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Islam in Europe, sexual assault up 70% in Sweden in 2 years
« Reply #879 on: January 29, 2018, 10:39:32 AM »

What changed?
From the article:
The data was revealed in an annual survey of around 12,000 people by he Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå), an agency working under the Ministry of Justice. ...
Speaking to Aftonbladet, she said: “I’m not saying it’s the refugees' fault but we are are facing a crisis in migration issues.


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Re: Islam in Europe, sexual assault up 70% in Sweden in 2 years
« Reply #880 on: January 29, 2018, 02:16:58 PM »

What changed?
From the article:
The data was revealed in an annual survey of around 12,000 people by he Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå), an agency working under the Ministry of Justice. ...
Speaking to Aftonbladet, she said: “I’m not saying it’s the refugees' fault but we are are facing a crisis in migration issues.

It's perfectly legal conduct under sharia law.


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« Last Edit: February 24, 2018, 05:12:46 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Demographic Jihad
« Reply #889 on: March 07, 2018, 07:37:15 AM »
Demographic Jihad: Islamists Celebrate Rising Muslim Populations in Europe
by Raymond Ibrahim
Frontpage Magazine
February 20, 2018


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« Last Edit: March 08, 2018, 08:07:07 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Sweden: Judge applies sharia?
« Reply #891 on: March 08, 2018, 08:11:50 AM »


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Islam in Britain
« Reply #892 on: March 19, 2018, 06:33:45 AM »
This is from the not infrequently scurrilous "infowars" so do take with care:

For example, the point about the PM accepting Saudi head of state is utter bullshit.  The man is a radical reformer of Islam who has responded with gusto to President Trump's call to "cast them out."



More at
« Last Edit: March 19, 2018, 06:42:52 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Islam in Britain: Radicalization in the Classroom
« Reply #893 on: March 20, 2018, 09:38:59 AM »
Radicalization in The Classroom: A Continuing Problem in Europe's Schools
by Abigail R. Esman
Special to IPT News
March 20, 2018


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The plan for the end of Ireland
« Reply #894 on: March 25, 2018, 09:24:25 AM »


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Re: Islam in Europe, a 30 minute jet ski ride
« Reply #895 on: April 29, 2018, 09:01:16 AM »

MADRID (AP) — Spanish authorities say they have broken up a Moroccan gang that used powerful jet skis to smuggle migrants across the Strait of Gibraltar in trips that took half an hour and cost 4,000 euros ($4,870).

Police say each jet ski carried between one and three migrants and a skipper over the less than 15 kilometers (almost 10 miles) from Morocco to Spain.

Officials said the trafficked migrants either stayed in Spain or moved on to France or Italy.


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The Orwellian Jailing of Tommy Robinson
« Reply #898 on: May 30, 2018, 06:32:44 AM »
I've seen some deeply concerning reports about this matter.  This clip was posted by a Brit who seems fair in these things: