Author Topic: The Globalist Conspiracy  (Read 10151 times)


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Re: The Globalist Conspiracy
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2022, 10:52:36 AM »
I cannot see
I do not do FB


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Re: The Globalist Conspiracy
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2022, 12:00:43 PM »
In a meme a WEF guy boasts of developing individual carbon footprint tracker.


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Do not resist
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2022, 02:24:54 PM »


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Re: The Globalist Conspiracy
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2022, 03:27:24 AM »
President Biden is trying to hand over American health sovereignty to the WHO-- time to block this is very short:

Monkeypox ‘Games’ Could Lay Groundwork for WHO Pandemic Response Takeover
Joshua Philipp
 May 24, 2022

The World Health Organization (WHO) is responding to a string of monkeypox outbreaks, and will be convening an emergency meeting on the virus and its global spread.

In terms of government power, the timing of this outbreak couldn’t be better for the WHO—which may soon be granted powers to manage laws on global health outbreaks, and which is oddly well-positioned for a monkeypox outbreak following a recent “germ-games” call, and recent incidents tied to figures who include Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates.

The New York Post declared, “The World Health Organization is reportedly convening an emergency meeting into the alarming spread of monkeypox around the world—including a possible case in the Big Apple.” The Telegraph reports that the United Nations health authority will be bringing together “a group of leading experts” in the meeting, which is believed to be focused on how the virus is suddenly spreading so widely. It also allegedly will look into the virus’s prevalence among homosexual men and on the “vaccination situation.”

The numbers of infections are by no means high. By May 23, the University of Oxford and Harvard Medical School recorded 245 either confirmed or suspected cases in the entire world. Sajid Javid, the UK health secretary, wrote on Twitter: “Most cases are mild …”

Epoch Times Photo
A woman is seen cycling in a completely empty Navona Square in Rome, on March 13, 2020. The city’s streets were eerily quiet on the second day of a nationwide shuttering of schools, shops, and other public places. (Marco Di Lauro/Getty Images)
The timing of all of this is important. It gives the WHO a chance to show its worth, since it’s in the process of trying to get new and expansive powers—under the banner of governing global health emergencies.

The United Nations is considering various amendments to the WHO at its 75th World Health Assembly in Geneva, that could give its director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the unilateral authority to declare a public health emergency with far-reaching powers over the laws of sovereign nations.

Not only would this give Tedros the ability to declare a public health emergency in any nation he wants—using whatever evidence he wants—but it would also allow him to dictate policies that the target country should adopt to respond to the U.N.’s declared emergency. If a country refuses, a proposed amendment could give the WHO the ability to sanction that country.

If you’re wondering whether giving such powers to a U.N. agency that couldn’t demonstrate its independence from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) could fly in the face of U.S. law, it seems that President Joe Biden has the answer. Not only is the Biden administration allowing this shift in power to the WHO, but it’s also helping advance it.

The United States proposed amendments to the WHO in January, which will be considered at the U.N. meeting in Geneva, The Epoch Times reports. These included an amendment that would allow the WHO to make public declarations on a health crisis without needing to consult with the target country, and without needing to get verification from local officials. The Biden administration’s proposals would also give $2.47 billion in funding to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for things including “enhancements to domestic sentinel surveillance programs,” “investments in global genomic surveillance approaches,” and other systems.

As The Epoch Times reports, “Respiratory surveillance platforms include video cameras and recorders that alert authorities when members of the public are seen coughing or otherwise acting in a manner that could indicate the presence of an infectious disease or help spread one already present in a population. Such equipment is widely used in China.”

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A man wearing a protective face mask walks under surveillance cameras as China is hit by an outbreak of the novel coronavirus, in Shanghai, on March 4, 2020. (Aly Song/Reuters)
Whether or not monkeypox poses a large threat to public health, it presents a serious threat to public freedom. The virus could act as a Trojan horse, carrying inside it all the justifications to grant the WHO a dictator’s dream of global power, and give the CDC a system of surveillance beyond anything Orwell could have conceived.

Under normal circumstances, monkeypox wouldn’t be a large viral risk. The CDC states that it can be transmitted human-to-human mainly by respiratory droplets that typically don’t travel more than a few feet, and so it notes that “prolonged face-to-face contact is required.”

Even Biden is walking back his statements that people should be concerned about monkeypox, and is clarifying that it’s not as serious of a threat as COVID-19.

Regardless of its inability to spread widely under normal circumstances, a global discussion on monkeypox vaccines started in 2021 after Gates warned of a smallpox bioterrorist attack as a potential next pandemic. He called on world leaders to hold “germ games” and give the WHO new powers—similar to the ones they may soon receive—under a new WHO “Pandemic Task Force.”

Gates also called for pandemic surveillance systems, which seem eerily similar to what the Biden administration submitted in its proposed amendments for the WHO’s new powers.

“It’ll take probably about $1 billion a year for a pandemic Task Force at the WHO level, which is doing the surveillance and actually doing what I call ‘germ games’ where you practice.” Gates said in 2021, Sky News reported. “You say, OK, what if a bioterrorist brought smallpox to 10 airports? You know, how would the world respond to that?”

Even though the mention of smallpox by Gates was minor, it purportedly was used to justify new discussions on a smallpox vaccine that could also treat monkeypox. Just several days later, on Nov. 8, 2021, Precision Vaccinations reported, “Gates Germ-Game Warning Motivates Smallpox Vaccine Discussions.”

The “discussions” in question were about a Jynneos Smallpox and Monkeypox Vaccine—approved in 2019. Precision Vaccinations noted that it’s “the only FDA-approved non-replicating smallpox vaccine and the only FDA-approved monkeypox vaccine for non-military use.”

Movement within the CDC began a few days earlier, on Nov. 3, 2021. It says that “the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices reviewed the two presentations focused on the smallpox vaccine Jynneos.”

And then, just several days later, an even stranger occurrence took place—carrying out the idea of a “germ game” similar to what Gates proposed.

The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) partnered with the Munich Security Conference to imagine a pandemic scenario with monkeypox. Following the hypothetical warning from Gates, the germ game imagined a strain of monkeypox, released through a bioterrorist attack, that had been altered to be resistant to vaccines.

On Nov. 23, 2021, the NTI published its results from the tabletop game, which showed the spread of the virus over the course of 18 months.

“By the end of the exercise, the fictional pandemic resulted in more than 3 billion cases and 270 million fatalities worldwide,” it states.

In an incredible act of foresight, the exercise from last year imagined that monkeypox would appear almost exactly when it did: in mid-May this year.

The NTI also published a detailed report on its results. According to a timeline on page 12 of the report, it imagined that in May 2022, the initial outbreak of monkeypox would infect 1,421 people and kill four people. By January 2023, it would spread to 83 countries, infect 70 million, and kill 1.3 million. At that point, it would be discovered that monkeypox had been engineered to be vaccine-resistant, and supply chain challenges would make a response more difficult.

After one year, on May 10, 2023, it was predicted to infect 480 million people and kill 27 million, and it would be revealed that a bioterror attack on a civilian biolab had been the origin. Then, by Dec. 1, 2023, the virus would be estimated to infect 3.2 billion people and kill 271 million.

Of course, the important caveat with their estimates is that the monkeypox strain they imagined was one that had been engineered to be vaccine-resistant. Accurate or not, the exercise gives authorities a predictive scenario to justify “pandemic response” policies. And we’ve seen this happen before.

Epoch Times Photo
Vials of smallpox vaccine sit on a counter at a vaccination facility in Altamonte Springs, Fla., on Dec. 16, 2002. (Chris Livingston/Getty Images)
A very similar “germ game” was held just before the outbreak of COVID-19, with many of the same figures involved now making noise about monkeypox and a new “pandemic.”

New York Magazine reported in February 2020 that “two months before the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 emerged in central China, a group of public-health experts gathered in New York City for a simulation.” It also noted, “The characteristics of the virus currently causing global havoc are remarkably similar to the one proposed in the simulation, dubbed ‘Event 201.’”

Partners in the exercise included the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Similar to the monkeypox “germ game” before the monkeypox outbreak, the coronavirus “germ game” before the coronavirus outbreak made predictions of a mass fatality scenario. It estimated that 65 million people would die.

The Center for Health Security issued a statement on its coronavirus exercise on Jan. 24, 2020. It stated that they weren’t predicting that COVID-19 would kill 65 million people, as the simulated virus was different from the CCP virus.

Yet the important thing wasn’t the specifics of the “germ game,” but instead, how the game and its participants went on to inform government policy.

And now, with monkeypox, we’ve arrived at a similar impasse. A “germ game” imagined the potential effect of the virus, and produced inflated numbers of deaths and infections by an imaginary version of monkeypox as the model, which was resistant to vaccines. Most importantly, this also coincides with the international community weighing whether the WHO should be granted powers to govern global health emergencies.

Among the trends of COVID-19 is that governments may now be more inclined to use a seasonal virus, already declared as endemic, to justify an indefinite global emergency. Additionally, small outbreaks can also be used to justify deeply authoritarian policies that aren’t limited to health care.

The worst example of this is the CCP, which is claiming to use single-digit infections to lock down entire megacities. And remember that under the Trump administration, the WHO was shown to be unable to demonstrate its independence from the CCP.

Health emergency response is also no longer limited to just medicine. The COVID-19 model included mass changes to election systems that undermined the basic integrity of elected government, and widespread censorship under the narrative of fighting “disinformation” and “misinformation.” Remember that at the beginning of the pandemic, the WHO and various U.N. agencies declared an “infodemic” that required controls and censorship of public information.

In the backdrop of the monkeypox scare, the world is preparing to hand the keys to the kingdom to the WHO. And with the strange track of “germ games” and overblown numbers by the so-called experts pulling the strings, the groundwork for this public takeover has already been laid.

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.


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Re: The Globalist Conspiracy
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2022, 07:50:31 AM »
#10 penetration:

“Klaus Schwab in 2017:  “What we are very proud of, is that we penetrate the global cabinets of countries with our WEF Young Global Leaders… Like Trudeau”

This has been DECADES in the making and finally they had all their puppets in place to strike!”

I could not think of a more outlandish possibility of this:

Sheryl Sandberg who just left FB is rumored to be thinking of running for Dianne Feinstein seat!



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Climate "negotiators" to Europe
« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2022, 07:02:35 AM »

Does anyone know if we are ever to see transcripts of what is actually


we have Kerry flying (again) to negotiate for us?
exactly what is he negotiating ?

and how does it effect us?

to my knowledge never a work in specifics in MSM


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The controlled demolition of America
« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2022, 05:26:31 PM »

They will collapse things.

1. Survive the collapse. Bullets, beans and bandages, surrounded by those that have your back.

2. Rebuild outside their system. Shadow economy.

3. Emerge from the ashes. Use post-WWII Hong Kong as the model. Freedom works.

Plan accordingly.


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Re: The controlled demolition of America
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2022, 08:42:01 PM »

They will collapse things.

1. Survive the collapse. Bullets, beans and bandages, surrounded by those that have your back.

2. Rebuild outside their system. Shadow economy.

3. Emerge from the ashes. Use post-WWII Hong Kong as the model. Freedom works.

Plan accordingly.


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Re: The controlled demolition of America
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2022, 07:50:47 PM »

They will collapse things.

1. Survive the collapse. Bullets, beans and bandages, surrounded by those that have your back.

2. Rebuild outside their system. Shadow economy.

3. Emerge from the ashes. Use post-WWII Hong Kong as the model. Freedom works.

Plan accordingly.


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Down the memory hole-Sri Lanka
« Reply #16 on: July 12, 2022, 09:53:10 AM »


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VDH on the World Economic Forum
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2022, 11:32:15 AM »

The Great Regression
Victor Davis Hanson
All hail our globalist overlords.
Editors’ Note
“The following is an excerpt from Michael Walsh’s forthcoming book, Against the Great Reset: Eighteen Theses Contra the New World Order, which will be published by Bombardier Books and be available October 18, 2022. Walsh has gathered a series of essays from among eighteen of the most eminent thinkers, writers, and journalists—including the American Mind’s own James Poulos, as well as Claremont Senior Fellows Michael Anton and the late Angelo Codevilla—to provide the first major salvo in the intellectual resistance to the sweeping restructuring of the western world by globalist elites.”


The Great Reset was first concocted at the World Economic Forum in Davos by its founder Klaus Schwab as a way to assemble together global success stories like himself. His idea apparently was that grandees who have done well for themselves could do even better for the rest of us—if these anointed could just be unbound and given enough power and authority to craft rules for nearly eight billion of the planet’s ignorant.

A word of caution is needed about the pretentious and supposedly benign signature title of the Great Reset project. Assume the worst when the adjective “great” appears in connection with envisioned fundamental, government-driven, or global political changes. What was similar between Lyndon Johnson’s massively expensive but failed “Great Society” and Mao’s genocidal “Great Leap Forward” was the idea of a top-down, centrally planned schema, cooked up by elites without any firsthand knowledge, or even worry, how it would affect the middle classes and poor. So often, the adjective “great” is a code word of supposed enlightened planners for radical attempts at reconstruction of a society that must be either misled or forced to accept a complete overhaul.

When “great” is applied to a proposed transnational comprehensive revolution, we should also equate it with near religious zealotry. “The Great Reset,” after all, in all its green and “woke” glory, with all of its credentialed and “expert” devotees, is still a faith-based rather than scientific effort. Its spiritual predecessor was perhaps the eighteenth-century “Great Awakening” of Protestant evangelicalism that swept the eastern seaboard of colonial America in reaction to the secularism of the Enlightenment. But this time around the frenzy is fueled more by agnostics who worship secular progressive totems such as Al Gore or Greta Thunberg.

Given the Davos elite’s cosmic ambitions, “great” also conjures up a messianic reference to God’s “Great Plan” that should from on high reorder earthly life under a few trusted religious authorities. It recalls the notion of Alexander the “Great” of a brotherhood of man, which supposedly was to fuse conquered peoples into one vast and enlightened east-west, Persian-Hellenistic empire—albeit after, rather than before, eastern tribes were conquered, and sometimes slaughtered, in efforts to achieve a common, centrally planned purpose.

To reassure a shared brighter post-Covid-19 path ahead, Schwab drops most of the familiar globalist names that resonate power, money, seriousness, and wisdom. And the Great Resetters are now quite familiar: the world’s third or fourth richest man, Bill Gates, coming off his denials of palling around with the late Jeffrey Epstein; Jack Ma, the Chinese multibillionaire and Alibaba CEO apparently now “forcibly disappeared” by the Chinese communist government for too many candid speeches; the septuagenarian Prince Charles whose long anticipated monumental accomplishments apparently must still await his ascension to the British throne; the polymath Dr. Anthony Fauci who has laced his 2020 “noble lie” assessments of wearing and not wearing masks or achieving and not achieving herd immunity in terms of climate change, race, Chinese cooperation, and global progressive expertise; John Kerry, one of the multilateralist architects of the Paris Climate Accord and Iran Deal; and the usual rotating leaders of the U.N., IMF, World Bank, and the European Central Bank.

In its post-Covid-19 global comprehensiveness, the Great Reset has ambitions to be our greatest “woke” project yet. On examination, it is a kitchen-sink mishmash of agendas that incorporate the U.N.’s long stale “Sustainable Development” plan (“Agenda 21”), the Green New Deal, tidbits of Black Lives Matter sloganeering, critical race theory, “stakeholder” capitalism that often champions ESG, or forced corporate embrace of “environmental and social governance” over shareholder profitability, open-borders rhetoric, and boutique redistributionism dumbed down from Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century. Reset offers us a global Fabian socialist future, repackaged as a European Union-like top-down diktat. But above all, the agenda incorporates the pop insights of various half-educated corporate billionaires. All now find themselves in a secure enough position to dabble with Trotskyite ideas—to be foisted upon others not so fortunate and lacking their own exemptions from the toxicity of the elite’s theories.

The same linguistic suspicions hold true of the use of the noun “Reset.” It assumes a year-zero arrogance that all that came before was flawed. And all that will follow, we are assured, will not be so defective. Such absolutism is reminiscent of former President Barack Obama’s grandiose promise on the very eve of the 2008 election: “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America”—a transformation that birthed the Tea Party revolt just two years later, during the 2010 midterm elections, one of the greatest conservative political pushbacks of the past seventy years.

We remember that just four months after Obama’s promises of transformation, the romance of fundamental change went international with the idea of a foreign policy “reset” that focused on a new détente with Vladimir Putin. The idea was inaugurated in 2009 by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the assumption that Putin’s past territorial aggressions had arisen from an absence of dialogue and ecumenical outreach from the prior “unilateralist” George W. Bush administration. Bush supposedly had wrongly sanctioned Putin for his 2008 miniature war with Georgia that resulted in the Russian absorption of South Ossetia. And the go-it-alone “cowboy” Bush apparently had also unduly polarized Putin and thus wet the ex-KGB operative’s beak for additional irredentist acquisition.

The reactive makeover that followed from the Obama-Clinton “reset” was unfortunately an utter failure. Its pompous declarations and talk of “listening” and “outreach” ended in fresh Russian aggressiveness, most notably in the 2014 Russian invasions of both Crimea and eastern Ukraine. Such appeasement created the original seeds for Putin’s eventual spring 2022 catastrophic Russian invasion of most of Ukraine and attack on Kyiv. In addition, Russia earlier in 2013 had reentered the Middle East, on Secretary of State John Kerry’s 2011 invitation, after a three-decade hiatus. Then followed Russia’s informal partnerships with both Iran and China, and Moscow’s much greater and more comprehensive crackdowns on internal dissidents. In all talks of the Great Reset, we should then recall that Vladimir Putin apparently interpreted “reset” as American laxity to be leveraged rather than as magnanimity to be reciprocated. In cruder terms, Americans speaking loudly while carrying a twig was no way to “reset” Putin.

The telltale noun “Revolution,” of course, also makes its appearance frequently in Great Reset rhetoric, specifically in connection to Klaus Schwab’s 2017 bestselling book, The Fourth Industrial Revolution. In it, Schwab makes the now familiar argument that the internet, computers, electronic communications, artificial intelligence, and the new global interconnectedness of the prior “Third Revolution” have at last synchronized into wonderful harmony.

The supposedly never-before-seen, never-imagined fusion of the paradigms of economic, social, cultural, and political life offers us a once-in-a-lifetime—or, rather, last—chance to exploit them—even if most of us are not sufficiently equipped to appreciate the opportunity. Yet Schwab makes the fundamental error that these new technologies act as independent drivers of the way people behave and think, rather than as accelerants that nonetheless have not changed ancient fixed and predictable human behavior.

In Schwab’s way of thinking, imagine that a modern computerized high-tech pump sends forth two thousand gallons of water a minute, and therefore its essence, “water,” is now likewise “new” and different from what emerged for millennia at a rate of a gallon a minute from preindustrial hand pumps. Again, we fools outside the Davos agenda would apparently mistakenly believe that greater volume had not much altered from antiquity water’s molecular structure, chemical properties, and use in the natural world.

A glimpse of the idea that Davos-like elites can gather to discuss reset planning in an age of paradigm-changing technology is popular at the national level. A good example is the invitation-only conference on entertainment, technology, finance, and communications held each summer in Idaho at the Sun Valley Resort, hosted by the investment bank of Allen & Company. In 2021, the usual corporate and media globalist suspects showed up, among them Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Apple CEO Tim Cook, Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates, Netflix co-CEO Reed Hastings, ViacomCBS (now Paramount) chairwoman Shari Redstone, Disney chairman Robert Iger, New York City’s former mayor Michael Bloomberg, GM CEO Mary Barra, WarnerMedia CEO Jason Kilar, Discovery CEO David Zaslav, CNN anchor Anderson Cooper, and film and television producer Brian Grazer. The premise was Platonic. A meritocracy—chosen by the metrics of either acquired or inherited wealth, influence, celebrity, or a corporation’s ability to influence millions—immune from private bias and guided by reason, should be given latitude to override the dangerous emotions of the masses.

So there are plenty of linguistic reasons alone to be suspicious of the grandiose notion of a top-down, international, and fundamental transformation of the way the world is supposed to work…


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The insulated
« Reply #18 on: July 13, 2022, 09:05:39 PM »


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A very pretty prison
« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2022, 02:10:17 PM »


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Re: The Globalist Conspiracy
« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2022, 04:47:01 PM »
Well, that is terrifying , , ,


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They have been pushing eating bugs for years, now this:
« Reply #22 on: July 28, 2022, 07:36:03 AM »
Given how leftist policies usually result in starvation and cannibalism, I guess they are now building it into the plan.

If you think toddlers should be getting lap dances from drag queens, I guess you have no moral base to object to cannibalism.


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Re: They have been pushing eating bugs for years, now this:
« Reply #23 on: July 28, 2022, 07:53:20 AM »
Given how leftist policies usually result in starvation and cannibalism, I guess they are now building it into the plan.

If you think toddlers should be getting lap dances from drag queens, I guess you have no moral base to object to cannibalism.

Topping the list of horrors was an employee's account that she and others witnessed Rajanna "microwave one of the aborted fetuses and stir it into his lunch," as Howard recalled earlier this year when testifying before a Kansas House committee.

Rajanna denied the accusation. But he did keep fetuses in Styrofoam cups in the refrigerator along with food and drink.

Hey! It's just a blob of cells, right?


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Given how leftist policies usually result in starvation and cannibalism, I guess they are now building it into the plan.

If you think toddlers should be getting lap dances from drag queens, I guess you have no moral base to object to cannibalism.

Topping the list of horrors was an employee's account that she and others witnessed Rajanna "microwave one of the aborted fetuses and stir it into his lunch," as Howard recalled earlier this year when testifying before a Kansas House committee.

Rajanna denied the accusation. But he did keep fetuses in Styrofoam cups in the refrigerator along with food and drink.

Hey! It's just a blob of cells, right?


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The mark of the Devil sending back signals
« Reply #28 on: August 22, 2022, 08:26:18 AM »
"Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla explains Pfizer's new tech to Davos crowd: "ingestible pills" – a pill with a tiny chip that send a wireless signal to relevant authorities when the pharmaceutical has been digested. "Imagine the compliance," he says

— Jeremy Loffredo (@loffredojeremy) May 20, 2022"

« Last Edit: August 22, 2022, 10:01:55 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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How to fight the WHO power grab!
« Reply #33 on: September 06, 2022, 02:47:04 AM »
Dear Friends,

Today and until 13 September, the World Health Organization has opened public comment on the extreme power grab they are attempting via their international pandemic treaty and via the legally binding amendments to the International Health Regulations, originally proposed by the US. Details, including contact email addresses, can be found here:

If ratified, these changes would hand over national self-determination in public health issues, resulting in globalist interference in personal healthcare sovereignty and bodily autonomy for people of all nations. The WHO is an unelected, unaccountable body with no oversight, checks or balances. It must not be allowed to dictate global healthcare policy. Although no one can predict what is to come, if we allow our governments to lay our sovereign self-determination at the feet of the WHO/UN, we run the risk of a technocratic, totalitarian future of forced drug treatments and injections, vaccine passports, restricted assembly, travel and commerce, quarantine camps, and constant surveillance.

Regardless of which country you live in, would you take some time to read the above link, submit an email or video comment to the WHO, and encourage friends and family to do the same? It is my sincere hope that, together, we can put a stop to this madness.

Also, US citizens, please take a moment to send this pre-written letter ( to Congressional representatives around the country (not just your state's elected reps), alerting them to the extra-governmental activities being orchestrated by the US Dept. of Health and Human Services to surrender sovereignty in matters of public health to the WHO without Congressional approval.

If you have doubts or questions about these matters, please don't hesitate to contact me.

With love and hopeful aspirations,
« Last Edit: September 06, 2022, 02:52:40 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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The Folly Of Invincible Elites
« Reply #34 on: September 06, 2022, 04:18:24 PM »

The Folly Of Invincible Elites

Auron MacIntyre
Sep 5

Consequences are what humble us, what give us pause when we are about to make a rash mistake. Our losses teach us about the limits of humanity, and those who do not learn from the wisdom they impart are usually setting themselves up for an even bigger disaster. The liberal world order that rules the West has been so dominant for so long that our elites cannot imagine a scenario where there are serious and lasting consequences to the decisions they make. Cultural and economic hegemony have allowed Western leaders to impose incoherent policies of global governance while insulating themselves from any costs those policies might exact. This has granted our elites an illusion of inevitable victory which makes it impossible for them to change course, even when the disastrous results of those policies come crashing through the walls of their ivory tower.

This is why Western nations have been willing to outsource energy production to hostile nations like Russia, and then turn around and fight a proxy war with that provider over a client state like Ukraine. Western powers have been seeking to isolate and antagonize a weakened Russia for decades through economic sanctions and NATO expansion, yet they did not hesitate to make that nation key to their energy supply. Our leaders assumed it was safe to push forward with their own domestic green energy agendas because they would always be able to draw more reliable fossil fuels from foreign sources. The ambitions of nations like Russia could always be contained by the “international community” and so even as Putin made it clear he intended to defy the West and send troops into Ukraine, European and American leaders continued their march towards green energy without hesitation.

The liberal world order felt confident that its economic superiority would break Putin’s resolve and quickly moved to expand sanctions, boycott Russian energy exports, and isolate the rogue nation from international financial services. Again, Western countries had actively chosen to make themselves dependent on foreign energy, but this did not cause them to hesitate for a moment when it came to playing chicken with a nuclear armed nation in Eastern Europe who was providing a large amount of their fossil fuel. The West was confident that Russia would blink, everyone always blinks eventually under the social and financial pressure. But Russia called the bluff, sold its energy to nations like India who had no interest in joining the international boycott, and the ruble has rebounded in value above its pre-war levels. 

Europe and America, on the other hand, have faced an energy disaster. The average price of gasoline in America skyrocketed to over $4 a gallon, and while that cost has come down somewhat from its record highs, the cost of electricity continues to climb. Energy grid operators in California are urging customers to reduce power use or face rolling brown out. The situation is far more dire in Europe where some customers are seeing energy bills of more than ten times the normal rate. Many businesses that have been open for hundreds of years are saying that they will need to close due to the outrageous increase in operating costs. It does not matter what the average European will lose in this reckless game of Russian roulette, Western elites cannot imagine a scenario where their strategy fails and so all they can do is urge their people to freeze and go bankrupt in the name of democracy.

Despite these devastating price increases and the faltering reliability of Western power grids, our elites refuse to slow their push towards electric vehicles. They are, in fact, only interested in accelerating the process. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg has said repeatedly that higher gas prices have the positive effect of forcing the average American to purchase extremely costly electric vehicles. In a time where California is increasingly unsure that it will be able to deliver basic electrical services to its residents, the state is enacting a policy that will ban the sale of gasoline cars by 2035. The ruling class already set these plans in motion years ago, and have invested both their financial and political capital in their success. These elites cannot imagine a scenario in which they fail, in which they suffer a consequence for their hubris, and so all they know how to do is double down.

This folly of invincibility can also be seen in the current domestic politics of the United States. In a country that was already experiencing radical political polarization, President Biden has chosen to accelerate the rhetorical arms race by referring to his political opponents as semi-fascists. The barely coherent commander-in-chief now regularly mentions in his public appearances how easy it would be to bomb the citizens of his own nation with F-15 fighter jets. Just in case anyone was not getting the hint, Biden reinforced his message by giving a national primetime address this week in front of a blood-red backdrop flanked by uniformed marines where he declared MAGA Republicans a threat to democracy and a danger to the country. Anyone who was not trying to destroy the United States would understand that this escalation of divisive rhetoric is extremely dangerous, but that is exactly what the American Left are banking on. They hope that by repeatedly kicking the dog hard enough they will be able to make it bite, and then use that reaction as justification for expanding their power.

Our ruling class has an unbroken string of victories reaching beyond their living memory, and they cannot imagine a world in which they are not the undisputed masters of the universe. The political machine our leaders inherited has always worked no matter how hard they have pushed the boundaries, and they believe it always will. Any evidence of failure is only an indication that they are not applying sufficient pressure. Increasingly, moderation or course correction are simply not an option. These leaders see no problem with removing all the off-ramps that could save their nations from political and economic ruin because they can only envision a scenario where they emerge more powerful, more dominant, and more wealthy.


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Re: I found a food facility that won't burn down!
« Reply #39 on: September 07, 2022, 02:51:05 PM »


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read this AFTER you eat breakfast
« Reply #43 on: September 08, 2022, 06:29:04 AM »
and wait two hours so you don't up chuck:

From TIME:

GM which one is your favorite recipe?


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Re: read this AFTER you eat breakfast
« Reply #44 on: September 08, 2022, 06:37:31 AM »
and wait two hours so you don't up chuck:

From TIME:

GM which one is your favorite recipe?

I am willing to try most foods and would eat something unusual within the appropriate cultural context (I ate dog in China) but I am not willing to trade beef for roach milk because our would-be overlords demand we do so.

You do see that this is the thing they are pushing now, and keep in mind that cannibalism is next.


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Eat your bugs, kids!
« Reply #45 on: September 11, 2022, 07:37:03 AM »


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Who elected the EU president?
« Reply #49 on: September 25, 2022, 07:56:12 AM »