Author Topic: Sec. State Pompeo  (Read 2521 times)


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Pompeo - China has spies everywhere
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2021, 05:51:33 AM »

"The former secretary of state, who appears readying a run for president in 2024"


"Another example of nefarious Chinese activity was “the massive spy ring operating in the United States” by Chinese spy services working from the Chinese consulate in Houston, Mr. Pompeo said.

The consulate was closed in July 2020 in response to spying that officials said was focused in large part on stealing medical and other valuable intellectual property.

“This had been known for a long time, but no administration was prepared to take action to actually shut down what the Chinese Communist Party was doing inside our country,” Mr. Pompeo said.

The former secretary of state also warned that the Chinese are funding the large-scale military buildup of both conventional and nuclear arms by luring state pension funds to invest in China.

The governors were told that “you should know that your pension funds are investing in weapons of war that may wind up one-day killing American citizens,” Mr. Pompeo said.

 :-o :-o :-o


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Sec. State Pompeo on Taiwan
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2022, 06:55:01 PM »


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Re: Sec. State Pompeo
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2022, 08:26:30 PM »
I would express that in the past tense, but now that we are in present, the question presented is "What now?"


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Re: Sec. State Pompeo
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2022, 08:49:25 PM »
I would express that in the past tense, but now that we are in present, the question presented is "What now?"

Make the comedian sockpuppet cut a deal with Vlad so W. Europe doesn't freeze to death this winter.


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Re: Sec. State Pompeo
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2022, 03:08:01 AM »
And how does that play to our potential allies in the coming fight with China?

We are agreed that provoking this war was feckless and stupid, but now that we have led the Ukes into their brave defiance of Russia in terms of our tattered rep as an ally, what does it look like if we pull the rug from under them?


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Re: Sec. State Pompeo on Taiwan
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2022, 03:34:51 AM »
BTW, note what he says about Ukraine too.

"What happened in Ukraine is what happens when America abandons its allies and shows weakness to its adversaries. We’ve known for decades of Vladimir Putin’s goal to usurp Ukraine’s status as a free democratic nation, yet took no meaningful actions to prevent this."


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Re: Sec. State Pompeo
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2022, 08:30:53 AM »
And how does that play to our potential allies in the coming fight with China?

We are agreed that provoking this war was feckless and stupid, but now that we have led the Ukes into their brave defiance of Russia in terms of our tattered rep as an ally, what does it look like if we pull the rug from under them?

Ukraine is a Mafiya state. How much of our money was siphoned off to various personal bank accounts around the globe? How many weapons went directly into the black market?

Unless you are willing to put US forces into direct combat with Russians (We already are doing that "covertly") what else can be done?


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Re: Pompeo names Weingarten most dangerous in the world
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2022, 10:37:11 AM »


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Pompeo takes aim at fellow Cabinet members
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2023, 01:58:28 PM »
Pompeo Takes Aim at Fellow Trump Cabinet Members — and Potential 2024 Rivals — in New Memoir

While former president Donald Trump and Florida governor Ron DeSantis have largely dominated 2024-related headlines, former secretary of state Mike Pompeo captured the spotlight this week with the release of his new memoir, Never Give an Inch: Fighting for the America I Love.


While making the rounds to promote his book on Tuesday, Pompeo told CBS Mornings he and his wife plan to make a decision about a potential 2024 bid “in the next handful of months.” He again reiterated that Trump’s decision to run would not factor into his own decision.


"All the folks who decide to run will present themselves and their ideas," he said.


In a separate interview, Pompeo responded to Trump’s suggestion that it would be “disloyal” of his former cabinet members to run against him.


“When the president talks about being disloyal I think he just misunderstands,” Pompeo said during an appearance on The Brian Kilmeade Show. “The loyalty is to your obligation to the country, it’s your duty to the nation.”


He added: “If there’s a big campaign with lots of folks who get into the race, everyone should bring it, make their best arguments and let the American people sort it all out.”


Trump was largely spared from Pompeo’s harshest criticisms in the book, with the former CIA director instead training his fire on other members of the Trump administration, including likely 2024 contenders Nikki Haley and John Bolton.


Pompeo writes that he “worked the signal and was humbled to be part of an administration that was avoiding war and creating peace by putting America first,” but argued that some people in the administration “weren’t up for this” and were instead “worried that working for Trump would cause their exile from the clubby world of the foreign policy establishment."


“Their response was to put themselves ahead of the country,” he wrote. “Some resigned to protect their ability to join lucrative boards. Others made a living out of leaking to the press about how much they disagreed with the president. (Memo to John Bolton: I’m talking about you.)”


He blasts Bolton throughout the book, saying the former national-security adviser was “constantly scheming to win for himself and no one else.”


"I hope I can one day testify at a criminal trial as a witness for the prosecution," Pompeo wrote, suggesting Bolton should “be in jail, for spilling classified information” in his own book, The Room Where It Happened.


The former secretary of state also likens Bolton’s memoir to Edward Snowden’s release of classified information from the National Security Agency to reporters in 2013.


"At least Snowden had the decency not to lie about his motive," he writes. "Bolton spun his book as an act of public service to save America from Donald Trump, but he could not even be honest that he just wanted to make a buck. His self-serving stories contained classified information and deeply sensitive conversations involving a sitting commander in chief. That's the very definition of treason."


Bolton fired back against Pompeo’s claims, telling CNN that his book went through a pre-publication review that found it did not contain classified information.


"If he didn't know about it, it's incompetence in writing the book for not checking out the facts before he put it down on paper," Bolton said. "And if he did know about it, that's malicious and well beyond reckless to say things like that."


Pompeo also claims in his book that Haley plotted with Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump to steal the vice presidency from Mike Pence.


“As best [White House chief of staff] Kelly could tell they [Kushner and Ivanka] were presenting a possible ‘Haley for vice-president’ option. I can’t confirm this, but [Kelly] was certain he had been played, and he was not happy about it. Clearly, this visit did not reflect a team effort but undermined our work for America,” Pompeo wrote.


Haley dismissed the allegations and accused Pompeo of using “lies and gossip to sell” his memoir.


She then teased a 2024 run during an appearance on Fox News, saying: “As fun as it would be to announce right now, yes . . . we are leaning in,” when Sean Hannity asked her about a run.


“It is time for a new generation. . . . It is time that we get a Republican in there that can lead and that can win a general election,” she said.


Last week, Haley was asked about her comments in 2021 that she would not run for president in 2024 if Trump also ran. She said “a lot has changed,” noting the Biden administration’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, skyrocketing inflation, and “drugs infesting all of our states.”


“When you’re looking at the future of America, I think it’s time for new generational change,” Haley said. “I don’t think you need to be 80 years old to go be a leader in D.C.”


Haley has reportedly been making a number of behind-the-scenes moves to staff her 2024 team, as has former vice president Mike Pence. Pence’s team poached Tim Chapman, a top adviser to Haley, according to Fox News. Chapman will serve as a senior adviser on Pence’s Advancing American Freedom nonprofit.


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Re: Sec. State Pompeo
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2023, 02:59:13 PM »
with regards to Pompeo's claim about Halley jockeying for a position for VP

not clear to me why that is  scandalous

especially for DC

as for Bolton
   we have discussed long ago he is dropped way  down on the FH esteem list


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Re: Sec. State Pompeo
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2023, 05:13:11 PM »
"with regards to Pompeo's claim about Halley jockeying for a position for VP-- not clear to me why that is  scandalous"



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Re: Sec. State Pompeo
« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2024, 06:14:15 AM »
So some are mad because Sec Pompeo did not immediately agree that "of course, Trump could end the war in Ukraine in 24 hrs"

obviously the only way that could happen would be if Trump said no more aid to Ukraine
effective immediately and give up donbass etc.....

and because Pompeo hesitated and did not agree he is not a blind Whatever Trump says monkey and therefore he is not a candidate for SoS.

how stupid is this.


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Re: Sec. State Pompeo
« Reply #19 on: March 11, 2024, 06:48:19 AM »
Pompeo was an excellent Sec of State.


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Re: Sec. State Pompeo
« Reply #20 on: March 11, 2024, 07:08:51 AM »
"Pompeo was an excellent Sec of State."


but according to the Trump is God nutjobs he should not be considered.

I will vote for Trump and support him (while holding my nostrils closed ) but I refuse to simply blindly like a dumb moron agree with everything he says like it is gospel .


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Re: Sec. State Pompeo
« Reply #21 on: March 11, 2024, 08:39:58 AM »
Yes I am proud that we call out our own side here when they are wrong and even occasionally praise the other side when they get something right.  From my biased perch, most of the blind following going on today is on the Left.


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Re: Sec. State Pompeo
« Reply #22 on: March 11, 2024, 10:47:36 AM »
Big Pompeo fan here.

To be clear, to the best of my knowledge, Trump has not spoken on Pompeo here, it is but a certain faction of the zealots.