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The American News Media Sucks
« Reply #1750 on: August 19, 2016, 01:07:38 PM »

The American News Media Sucks

    August 19, 2016   correia45   

Louisiana floods. Tens of thousands flee their destroyed homes. Billions of dollars in damage. Unknown number of deaths. Huge natural disaster.

But several days in and I’m still running into people who are like, huh? A flood in Louisiana? You mean Hurricane Katrina, right?  They haven’t heard a thing about it.

That’s because the American news media looks at every single event and asks itself a few simple questions before they decide how much coverage to give something.

First, is there anything we can milk from this story to bolster our worldview? Y/N

Yes. Cover the shit out of it 24/7 breathless panic attack, and demands that we DO SOMETHING. (said something is almost always give the government more power).

No? Meh.

Second, is there anything in this story which could potentially make democrats look bad? Y/N

Yes? What emails? Fuck you.

No? See #3.

Third, is there anything in this story which will make republicans look stupid or evil? Y/N

Yes? Holy shit! Run it! Run it! New Orleans has been utterly destroyed because George Bush controls the weather and hates black people and his incompetence and evil racism has ruined this once beautiful American icon of– (and put that on a loop for the next three weeks)

No? Do we need any filler?

#2 and #3 are for most major media since they predominantly swing left, but for Fox you can just flip the democrat/republican, and they’re just as bad.

Fourth, does this event in some way affect us personally?  Y/N


No? Eh… we’ll talk about it for a minute if we’re not too busy.

My favorite example of that last one was from several years ago. Different flood, Tennessee this time. And a river was about to break its banks. About fifty thousand homes were in immediate danger. The news was in the middle of saying which counties needed to run for their lives so as to not drown—


And then, I shit you not, the news flipped to Times Square in New York City, where GASP, somebody left a cooler unattended. COULD IT BE A BOMB?! This is literally down the street from our offices, and Dear God, it could be terrorists! We go now live to where the NYPD has moved people away from this Murder Death Bomb and have called in their Bomb Squad in their big scary Hurt Locker suits. Go ahead NYPD Lieutenant!

Bored looking NYPD cop: “Uh, the bomb guys are gonna go poke it. Don’t worry. There’s no need to panic. It’s probably just a cooler that some tourist forgot, which happens like ten thousand times a day here and at every other tourist spot in the world. Odds are it isn’t terrorism, but we always check to make sure. I don’t even know why you’re filming us.”


And then they covered it for the next forty minutes straight. With the cameras all pointed at this Styrofoam container LIVE because it is going to BLOW any second! And all of these nervous anchors talking about it in hushed tones while I’m thinking, you know, I’ve got friends in Tennessee, I wonder if they’re running in front of a tidal wave right now? And the news was like FUCK SOUTHERNERS CAN’T YOU SEE THERE IS AN UNATTENDED COOLER HERE WHERE WE LIVE?!  Oh, wait… And the NYPD confirms it contains sandwiches.

But then fifteen minutes of analysis about the sandwiches later, and experts pontificating on the fear inherent in unattended sandwiches… what were we talking about before all the excitement? Oh… Yeah… And everybody in Tennessee has died. Very tragic. So anyways, let’s see what this movie star wore to some party none of you were invited to—

If you keep these four simple questions in mind you can predict with quite a bit of accuracy how many minutes of airtime a story gets, the size and position of newspaper columns about it, and how prominent it will be on websites.

Let’s say there was a mass shooting.

#1. The media loves it some gun control, so initial reports will be how we have to DO SOMETHING!

#2. If it turns out to be a white boy off his meds, then they’ll continue to cover the hell out of it. But if it turns out to be a Muslim yelling Allah Akbar right after the democrat president told everybody terror is contained or that if you’re worried about Muslim refugees it can only be because you are racist, then the coverage drops.

#3. Did the current GOP candidate for president say something stupid about the event? (pretty good odds of that!) Let’s talk about his stupid comments about the event instead of the actual event.

#4. All this is moot if it took place somewhere the reporters actually give a damn about. Garland, Texas? Ha!

Change the shooting around. Random good guy shoots the bad guy one minute in? Zero coverage. Which is why when I’m arguing against gun control folks, and I bring up Random Good Guy With Guns making a difference, and they proclaim that never happens, and I immediately list off a dozen… They stare at me blankly. Those events never get reported because of the media world view.

Change it around again. A psycho who has glommed onto Black Lives Matters murders a bunch of cops. That’s a tough one for our noble reporters, because they really want to push gun control, but they’ll let it slip after a day or two so they can go back to their regular narrative about racist cops gunning down choir boys who were just standing on the corner minding their own business.

Are there bad cops making bad shoots? Sure. But you wouldn’t ever know how many because the media is too fucking stupid crying wolf about everything, justified or not, to ever actually delve into anything as complicated as Use of Force laws.

These simple questions explain why some terrorist attacks get covered, and others don’t. If they can spin the terrorist attack to be about gun control, then they’ll cover it a lot. But then when the same exact kind of attack happens in a country that has incredibly strict gun control, it’ll be a human interest tragedy story, which will quickly fade from the American news in a day or two. And if it is a Muslim terrorist attack in a 3rd world country (like the vast majority of them are in reality) then it will get absolutely zero coverage, and very few people in America will have a clue what you’re talking about.

Mumbai? Westgate? Blank stares.

These biased jackasses never come anywhere near the truth. It is all about narratives bolstering existing world views. I’ve been involved in a bunch of news stories over the years, and the resulting reports seldom have anything to do with the reality.

Think about any topic you are an expert on, and then think about how pissed off you get when you see the news fuck it up. Problem is, they suck that much at everything.

“Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray’s case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the “wet streets cause rain” stories. Paper’s full of them.
In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.”― Michael Crichton

So we’re all walking around, thinking we’ve got a clue about stuff, when in reality we’ve been fed bullshit by idiots.

The left side of media requires everybody to be secret angry racists (other than them, obviously), and racial incitement makes great TV. So, cop shoots a white dude. Nobody cares. Cop shoots a black dude, before the crime scene people have even finished taking pictures and nobody has a clue what actually happened, it is getting tons of coverage. People get pissed. And if the news gets lucky somebody burns a Walgreens, which makes for great ratings.

If you watch the news you’d think that America was dissolving into this ultra-violent mega crime wave. When in actuality our murder rate is way down (When I was in Europe recently, everybody I talked to thought that America was like Mad Max, which tells me their news sucks as much as ours does) There are a handful of urban areas with lots of violent crime, but the rest of America is actually pretty damned peaceful (probably because we all died in floods the media never covered).

But, see #4. The media is based out of these big urban areas. Which is why they don’t give a shit about Louisiana or the rest of us, unless of course, they can somehow milk our tragedies for political points.

When it comes to politics this bias is taken to an absurd level. There are plenty of legit reasons to despise either presidential candidate. But what is most political coverage about? Stupid minutia, half of which is made up. So when you get into a discussion with a zealot who has been educated by watching their side’s news, the debate turns into clueless garbled soundbytes, and half the time they don’t even have a clue what you’re talking about, because it never made it past #2 or #3 to get covered.

Or worse, it was so big the media had no choice but to cover it, but they did it so flippantly or dismissively that people think it was no big deal, or they go into partisan excuse making damage control mode to minimize it. When in reality it was a colossal fuck up, where if there was any integrity left in the process, the people involved would have gotten tarred and feathered.

No policies are ever looked at based on what they’ll actually do, it is more, rah rah, go team. Notice that when they were trying to pass Obamacare all of the news coverage was sob stories about poor sick people denied coverage? That’s because all of that pesky accounting saying the thing was destined to choke didn’t fit the worldview. And now that it is falling apart (like everybody who could do math predicted it would) is there much coverage? Don’t be silly. Once it implodes I’m sure it will come as a huge shock, which will cause another big crisis which requires them to DO SOMETHING.

This bias is why the news either portrays vets as poor illiterate dupes sucked into the Imperialistic war machine because you couldn’t get real jobs (like a Barista or HuffPo contributor) so somebody needs to DO SOMETHING or you’re a war mongering ticking time bomb of PTSD addled murder rage waiting to explode in an orgy of violence, and somebody needs to DO SOMETHING.

This absurdist, pundit, echo chamber bullshit just keeps getting more and more obnoxious.

Now you assholes can’t even be bothered to talk about one of the biggest natural disasters in recent history, because it might somehow smear your dude.

And after all this, the American news media is simply baffled that nobody trusts them anymore. No shit, Sherlock. That’s because you suck. The sooner you dinosaur hacks plod off and die from shitty ratings, the better off we’ll all be.


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American Journalism Collapsing Before Our Eyes...
« Reply #1751 on: August 21, 2016, 12:21:16 PM »
American journalism is collapsing before our eyes

By Michael Goodwin August 21, 2016 - The New York Post.

Donald Trump may or may not fix his campaign, and Hillary Clinton may or may not become the first female president. But something else happening before our eyes is almost as important: the complete collapse of American journalism as we know it.

The frenzy to bury Trump is not limited to the Clinton campaign and the Obama White House. They are working hand-in-hand with what was considered the cream of the nation’s news organizations.

The shameful display of naked partisanship by the elite media is unlike anything seen in modern America.

The largest broadcast networks — CBS, NBC and ABC — and major newspapers like The New York Times and Washington Post have jettisoned all pretense of fair play. Their fierce determination to keep Trump out of the Oval Office has no precedent.

Indeed, no foreign enemy, no terror group, no native criminal gang, suffers the daily beating that Trump does. The mad mullahs of Iran, who call America the Great Satan and vow to wipe Israel off the map, are treated gently by comparison.

By torching its remaining credibility in service of Clinton, the mainstream media’s reputations will likely never recover, nor will the standards. No future producer, editor, reporter or anchor can be expected to meet a test of fairness when that standard has been trashed in such willful and blatant fashion.

Liberal bias in journalism is often baked into the cake. The traditional ethos of comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable leads to demands that government solve every problem. Favoring big government, then, becomes routine among most journalists, especially young ones.

I know because I was one of them. I started at the Times while the Vietnam War and civil-rights movement raged, and was full of certainty about right and wrong.

My editors were, too, though in a different way. Our boss of bosses, the legendary Abe Rosenthal, knew his reporters leaned left, so he leaned right to “keep the paper straight.”

That meant the Times, except for the opinion pages, was scrubbed free of reporters’ political views, an edict that was enforced by giving the opinion and news operations separate editors. The church-and-state structure was one reason the Times was considered the flagship of journalism.

Those days are gone. The Times now is so out of the closet as a Clinton shill that it is giving itself permission to violate any semblance of evenhandedness in its news pages as well as its opinion pages.

A recent article by its media reporter, Jim Rutenberg, whom I know and like, began this way: “If you’re a working journalist and you believe that Donald J. Trump is a demagogue playing to the nation’s worst racist and nationalistic tendencies, that he cozies up to anti-American dictators and that he would be dangerous with control of the United States nuclear codes, how the heck are you supposed to cover him?”

Whoa, Nellie. The clear assumption is that many reporters see Trump that way, and it is note­worthy that no similar question is raised about Clinton, whose scandals are deserving only of “scrutiny.” Rutenberg approvingly cites a leftist journalist who calls one candidate “normal” and the other ­“abnormal.”

Clinton is hardly “normal” to the 68 percent of Americans who find her dishonest and untrustworthy, though apparently not a single one of those people writes for the Times. Statistically, that makes the Times “abnormal.”

Also, you don’t need to be a ­detective to hear echoes in that first paragraph of Clinton speeches and ads, including those featured prominently on the Times’ Web site. In effect, the paper has seamlessly ­adopted Clinton’s view as its own, then tries to justify its coverage.

It’s an impossible task, and Rutenberg fails because he must. Any reporter who agrees with Clinton about Trump has no business covering either candidate.

It’s pure bias, which the Times fancies itself an expert in detecting in others, but is blissfully tolerant of its own. And with the top political editor quoted in the story as ­approving the one-sided coverage as necessary and deserving, the prejudice is now official policy.

It’s a historic mistake and a complete break with the paper’s own traditions. Instead of dropping its standards, the Times should bend over backwards to enforce them, even while acknowledging that Trump is a rare breed. That’s the whole point of standards — they are designed to guide decisions not just in easy cases, but in all cases, to preserve trust.

The Times, of course, is not alone in becoming unhinged over Trump, but that’s also the point. It used to be unique because of its adherence to fairness.

Now its only standard is a double standard, one that it proudly ­confesses. Shame would be more appropriate.
"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1752 on: August 21, 2016, 01:12:01 PM »

Clinton BS
National broadcast for Clinton
American broadcast for Clinton

and of course the Clinton news network -> CNN


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« Reply #1753 on: August 23, 2016, 01:16:58 PM »
Has anyone noticed the explosion of pop up ads on Breitbart since this guy Bannon is now officially part of Trump campaign (rather than unofficial).

I don't even want to go that website anymore.  It has become a total nuisance.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2016, 02:53:59 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1754 on: August 23, 2016, 02:54:13 PM »


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1759 on: August 25, 2016, 07:20:06 PM »
"Look who is donating to the Clinton Slush Fund"

Newsmax is interesting.  I keep getting right wing emails from them nearly every day and from I don't know where or were they ever requested
So one would not think they're donating money to Clinton is because the believe in her or even like her.  

It cannot be anything more then to pay a bribe or protection money.  It is as clear and obvious as day!
« Last Edit: August 26, 2016, 08:37:29 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Dr Drew
« Reply #1762 on: August 26, 2016, 02:57:29 PM »


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Russian Dis-intel
« Reply #1764 on: August 29, 2016, 04:45:42 AM »


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Where is that clip?
« Reply #1765 on: September 02, 2016, 10:32:05 PM »
Where is that clip catching CNN editing things to make it looks like the sister was calling for peace?


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CNN tosses truth down the Memory Hole
« Reply #1766 on: September 03, 2016, 03:37:23 AM »
 Here is one version...

« Last Edit: September 03, 2016, 02:50:22 PM by Crafty_Dog »
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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1767 on: September 03, 2016, 10:24:02 AM »
I saw this before.  Probably on Breitbart.  They took the rant out of context and by doing so completely changed the tone and message.

CNN has always been the 'politically correct' and favorableyClinton biased megaphone but the Trump bashing of late has completely wiped out even a hint of impartiality. 

The other day they were bashing and undermining  Trump's speech at the Black Church even  BEFORE he gave it by saying it was scripted by a pastor and therefore it is just empty words.

As though anything Clinton has ever said was not scripted and poll tested up the behind.

The MS-media-government complex is totally corrupt.  With news people going to and fro from government to media jobs .  ........


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2nd post
« Reply #1768 on: September 03, 2016, 11:03:46 AM »
I love when lefist media come out and exclaim the "Clinton campaign should be worried about ...."    We all know that this really means the "reporter or journolister" is throwing out the warning that he or she is worried for Clinton about it and this is a heads up tip to the Clinton mob.

Also the call to close down the Clinton Global Initiative is just because it is the right thing to do but just because the media is worried about the political damage it is doing and they want to put it is the past and protect Clinton.  So when ever it comes up again the LEftist media can easily dismiss it and point out it is "CLOSED DOWN" so lets move along folks.  This is "NO LONGER and ISSUE"... blah blah blah.


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sOlodAd again
« Reply #1769 on: September 04, 2016, 06:57:52 PM »
Just when one thought she would just go away she's back . 

CNN *too easy* on Trump:

 :roll: :wink:


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1770 on: September 05, 2016, 10:02:47 AM »
Have we had this media manipulation this bad before or is it we are just hearing more about it?:


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1771 on: September 05, 2016, 04:36:11 PM »
Good question.  Reminds me of Rumsfeld's "unknown unknowns".


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It is about time
« Reply #1772 on: September 09, 2016, 08:32:49 AM »
We have to admit it is with rare pleasure to witness the LEFT squirm when one of its' :-D :-D own actually dishes on a Democrat .  Now they know what it is like to be a Republican up against their relentless onslaught:


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Journalism is...
« Reply #1773 on: September 09, 2016, 08:27:45 PM »

David Burge

Journalism is about covering important stories. With a pillow, until they stop moving.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1774 on: September 15, 2016, 12:28:49 PM »
I don't understand this deceptive "jornolister" who claims to write from the perspective of the "right"  She is as LEFT wing as all the other WP people .   Who holds them and Jeff Bezos accountable?


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth, Clinton News Networks, "POWER through this"
« Reply #1775 on: September 16, 2016, 01:14:52 PM »
Montage of the media accomplices, more loyal than her husband.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1776 on: September 18, 2016, 09:47:27 AM »
CNN continue unbridled cover ups for Clinton while going all out to make Trump look bad:

Soon we will hear Clinton blame some obscure person for saying something against the prophet as instigating these legitimate attacks with "disgusting" offensive remarks.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1777 on: September 18, 2016, 04:59:22 PM »
CNN continue unbridled cover ups for Clinton while going all out to make Trump look bad:

Soon we will hear Clinton blame some obscure person for saying something against the prophet as instigating these legitimate attacks with "disgusting" offensive remarks.

It's almost like these professional journalists have some sort of bias. Oh, if only bigdog was here to explain it to us.


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Our Forum linked
« Reply #1779 on: September 29, 2016, 07:42:04 AM »
Our forum linked in the 'major media':    )
« Last Edit: June 30, 2017, 08:33:15 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Geographic Media Manipulation
« Reply #1780 on: September 29, 2016, 12:44:47 PM »
Same paper, same dates, different markets. Feeling manipulated yet? Anyone doubt that the media isn't bias geographically? Read the headline under the each photo.


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We are linked on Hotgas?
« Reply #1781 on: September 29, 2016, 02:38:12 PM »
"Our forum linked in the 'major media':    )"

Where, where? 


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Re: We are linked on Hotgas?
« Reply #1782 on: September 29, 2016, 07:08:51 PM »
"Our forum linked in the 'major media':    )"

Where, where? 

Whatever you do, don't click on the link!   :wink:


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This is sad
« Reply #1783 on: September 30, 2016, 08:32:19 AM »
Who is checking the "fact" checkers?
We are tribes based on ideas instead of territory like in all of the rest of recorded history:


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« Reply #1784 on: October 02, 2016, 10:50:12 AM »
More outrageous claims from Politico:

"Trump’s claim that widespread voting fraud could swing the presidential election has been widely debunked; a national study discovered only 10 cases of fraud by misrepresentation from 2000 to 2012—1 in every 15 million eligible voters."

Instead the problem is that poll watchers could intimidate (democrats ) from voting:

We know just from the reports of voter fraud we have posted on this site for years that is a complete bold faced lie.


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Media is complicit in crime
« Reply #1785 on: October 03, 2016, 06:15:29 AM »
Voter fraud ?  What voter fraud?   This "allegation" has been debunked as per politico.  Why a study in 2012 showed maybe one in 15 million votes is a fraud according to that jornolistic web site.  That is like saying that there may be one fraudulent vote in the entire NYC-NJ metropolitan area.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1786 on: October 04, 2016, 05:30:34 AM »
Juanita Broderick fears for her life?  What about this guy?  I would seriously be shocked if he doesn't die a mysterious death in the next year.


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Orwell saw it coming
« Reply #1787 on: October 06, 2016, 02:17:23 PM »

From Orwell to Gladwell and Back

by Steve Sailer

October 05, 2016
Multiple Pages
From Orwell to Gladwell and Back

In politics, secrecy and silence are becoming less practical, while noise and distortion are coming to dominate. Thus, the 2016 election raises questions of how strategies of political power are evolving as we move from an age of information scarcity to one of superabundance.

Almost by definition, the powerful in the future will still continue to exercise dominion over the minds of men, but their methods of manipulation will change.

The technology of power is moving from the past’s emphasis on privacy and concealment toward more contemporary techniques of diversion, bias, misconception, and willful stupidity. The crude methods that George Orwell summed up in his image of the incinerator-chute “memory hole” are growing into more sophisticated devices for providing the public with misleading frameworks for mentally organizing (or rationalizations for simply ignoring) the overload of available facts, thus making it harder to remember or understand politically inconvenient knowledge.

In the past, outright censorship was more useful. During the Egyptian counterrevolution over 3,300 years ago following the reign of the heretic pharaoh Akhenaten (a.k.a. Amenhotep IV), his statues were smashed and his name laboriously scraped from the walls. His memory, and that of his queen Nefertiti and son Tutankhamun, were largely expunged from history until the archaeological discoveries of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Admittedly, the history of the damnatio memoriae in which losers are excised from the chronicles is inherently paradoxical because it’s hard for us to know if it happened unless it failed at least enough for us to have heard of the unperson.

Still, erasing facts and even people from history could sometimes work because in the past, information was scarce since reproducing it was so expensive.

Even without political ill will, simply maintaining the knowledge already existent was difficult: Libraries, for example, might catch fire and texts (and thus knowledge) could be lost forever.

With the invention of the movable-type printing press in the West in the 1400s, redundancy began to win the war against knowledge decay. Eventually, there were enough copies of books that knowledge was unlikely to be fully expunged.

In modern times, the urge to retcon reality is no doubt as strong as in the past. But information storage and communication are so cheap that old techniques such as book burnings can hardly be counted upon anymore to root out all copies of data.

In George Orwell’s 1984, Winston Smith labors at the Ministry of Truth rectifying the past, rewriting old newspapers to fit with the latest party line of who are now the good guys and who the bad guys.
“In the current year, we now know that plenty of people would join the Volunteer Auxiliary Thought Police for free.”

In the Soviet Union a half decade after 1984 was published, the abrupt fall of Stalin’s successor Beria led to a letter-from-the-editor of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia instructing readers to cut out the admiring article on Beria and replace it with the enclosed expanded articles on the Bering Sea and other alphabetically adjacent topics.

We see some of the old-fashioned memory-hole techniques at work currently with Wikipedia.

For example, the heroine of Hillary Clinton’s debate climax, Venezuelan immigrant Alicia Machado, has labored tirelessly for two decades to make herself famous in the Spanish-speaking world. But most of the former Miss Universe’s renown has come from multiple scandals, such as being accused by witnesses of driving the getaway car when her boyfriend shot his ex-brother-in-law and then threatening the judge in their case with murder. (Here’s her amusing answer on CNN when Anderson Cooper asked her about those allegations.)

In reality, Machado is a cross between two characters on Tina Fey’s sitcom 30 Rock: Jane Krakowski’s Jenna Maroney, a dim but relentless, publicity-seeking, aging actress doing whatever it takes to hang on as a celebrity; and Salma Hayek’s Elisa Pedrera, Alec Baldwin’s Jack Donaghy’s homicidal fiancée who, while unknown in the U.S., is notorious in her native Puerto Rico for murdering her husband in a jealous rage.

Of course, that Machado is an utter stereotype of the telenovela actress means that it’s harder for gringo goodthinkers to understand her, since they’ve been indoctrinated that pattern recognition is wrong.

Machado’s many skeletons in the closet raise questions not only about her credibility but also about Hillary’s judgment, and, most important, about just how much vetting immigrants get. In an era when it’s easy to look people up on the internet, why was Machado, who is notoriously drawn to violent men, recently granted the vote?

Last week, you could still find on Wikipedia two of Ms. Machado’s more recent misadventures:

    In 2005, Machado was engaged to baseball star Bobby Abreu. During their engagement she was on the Spanish reality show ‘La Granja’ where she was filmed on camera having sex with another member of the show. Shortly after the video surfaced Abreu ended their engagement.

    On June 25, 2008, Machado gave birth to her daughter, Dinorah Valentina. She issued a statement that the father of Dinorah was her best friend Mexican businessman Rafael Hernandez Linares after Mexican news sources, quoting the Attorney General, reported that the father was Gerardo Álvarez Vázquez, a drug lord.

But mentions of these imbroglios have since been memory holed on Wikipedia. Editors have offered bizarre excuses for deleting the most interesting information about Hillary’s heroine, such as that the diva is not a “public figure,” an assertion that would surely wound the actress more deeply than allegations that she’s a gangster’s moll.

That points out an answer to one of the more obvious questions about the plausibility of Orwell’s 1984: How can they afford that? Is it really fiscally feasible even for a totalitarian government to employ an army of salaried Winston Smiths to alter history?

Yet it’s naive to imagine that a government would have to pay people to do this kind of thing. In the current year, we now know that plenty of people would join the Volunteer Auxiliary Thought Police for free.

The memory hole, however, isn’t the only technique for regulating ideas. Among professional journalists, a trend is to take refuge in pedantic obscurantism about the meaning of terms. For example, Donald Trump’s reference to Alicia’s notorious tape of sex with a fellow reality-show participant as a “sex tape” has been widely denounced as totally lacking in verification, even though you can watch it yourself in ten seconds.

For example, Maureen Dowd wrote in her column in The New York Times that Trump is “offering no evidence that one exists.” Dowd is a worldly woman, so her submission to the party line must feel at least a little bit humiliating for her.

Orwell called this process crimestop, or “protective stupidity.” Trump brings out in journalists, to a remarkable degree, “the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments…and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction.”

Similarly, race riots with arson and looting have been redefined as “protests.” For example, The Washington Post sniffed this week:

    Donald Trump said Monday that “race riots” are happening every month amid deep divisions across the country, apparently referring to protests that have erupted in response to police violence against minorities.

You may have watched on video Black Lives Matter rioting in Charlotte in September and in Milwaukee in August (“We need our weaves!”). But, you see, those weren’t, technically, riots. They were just violent protests against violence.

Orwell endorsed the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis that the structures of language determine what can be readily thought. Sapir-Whorf has been subject to numerous learned objections that befuddle 1984’s central point that there’s a practical psychological reason why social justice warriors engage in so much language policing: The world is complicated, and language is a tool for understanding it. While it’s not impossible to think clearly without a sharp vocabulary, it’s definitely harder. And that’s the essential goal of SJWs: to muddle your minds.

Other maneuvers include the big information monopolies putting a thumb on the scale of public opinion via sneaky practices such as shadow banning (which apparently happened to Dilbert author Scott Adams over the weekend) and rigging autocompletes to suggest some topics and avoid others.

Generally, these micro-distortions come and go, leaving their victims wondering if they were just imagining their persecution.

For example, way back in January 2010, I pointed out that Google was absolutely refusing to suggest “Pat Buchanan” as the prompt when you typed into the search box “Pat Bu.”

Today, though, Google does. But it has never offered an apology or an admission of whatever the giant monopoly was attempting to accomplish with this petty gaslighting, nor any indication of how widespread the practice is.

Most important, in an age of abundant information, the master templates for understanding the world determine which of the myriad facts will register in the mind and which will be ignored as unwanted randomness not fitting the pattern.

Therefore, the single most important mind-control technique is what Pulitzer Prize-winning author Stephen Hunter calls “the narrative”:

    The narrative is the set of assumptions the press believes in, possibly without even knowing that it believes in them. It’s so powerful because it’s unconscious. It’s not like they get together every morning and decide “These are the lies we tell today.” No, that would be too crude and honest. Rather, it’s a set of casual, nonrigorous assumptions about a reality they’ve never really experienced that’s arranged in such a way as to reinforce their best and most ideal presumptions about themselves and their importance to the system and the way they have chosen to live their lives.

For instance, consider the question of why blacks tend to get shot by the cops more than Asians do. The simplest, most Occamite answer is: for the same reason blacks get shot by other blacks so much—on average, African-Americans are more violent than Asian-Americans.

The overwhelming abundance of social-science data supports that view. But that’s definitely not part of the narrative. Instead, as Hillary instructs us, we must subscribe to fashionable conspiracy theories of “implicit bias” and “systemic racism.”

Hillary, in effect, is running for president on a dumbed-down version of Malcolm Gladwell’s 2005 best-seller Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, which advised going with your gut reactions, except when they are factually wrong or politically incorrect.

As Hunter might point out, these are the unconscious assumptions that serve to make the media feel better about themselves.

But, of course, the Gladwellian implicit-bias theory of not thinking is really just a pseudoscience elaboration for what is at its core an Orwellian Two Minutes Hate of straight white men. Hate is the KKKrazy Glue that holds together Hillary’s coalition of the fringes.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1788 on: October 06, 2016, 03:08:39 PM »
Can also see a similarity to the Borg from Star Trek Next Generation::
As we become more bionic and more connected we lose individualism and freedom.  We all are sucked into the collective which in present terms is political correctness and "resistance (to the elite liberals) is futile":

While Borg are though of as villains in the show their counterparts of today are considered heroes or so the propaganda goes . 


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Malkin on debates
« Reply #1791 on: October 19, 2016, 10:16:45 AM »
"The even bigger farce? Masochistic Republican Party bosses let them get away with it year after year after year."

The Republican Party has had the habit of trying to "work with" their political enemies while their enemies are working to defeat them.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1793 on: October 21, 2016, 07:26:33 PM »
Does anyone think the revelation that Brazille sent Clinton the question before the debate is anything but the tip of the iceberg?

I would be shocked if Clinton does not know most questions in advance.   Obamster does too .   They screen any members of the press who get within 100 feet of them.

I suspect that is one reason he is so shocked and pissed when any reporter actually dares to ask him a challenging question.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1794 on: October 21, 2016, 10:28:16 PM »
GM:    :-o :-o :-o


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Re: Podesta admits to polling fraud
« Reply #1796 on: October 23, 2016, 07:38:35 PM »

I won't say anything in terms of what I have had to say about the polls, other than they are trash. I'll end it there.


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Media, Ministry of Truth, NY Times says reject Rubio in Florida, elect the lefti
« Reply #1797 on: October 24, 2016, 08:30:01 AM »
I can't see the distinction between the left and the media, could go in either thread.  This is the official editorial board of the NY Times, not a leftist columnist.  And it's not about Rubio, it's about removing all alternatives to leftist rule.

Source: NY TIMES Sunday, editorial page.  I omit the link intentionally; not going to promote their shameful viewpoint.  Just would like to point out that destroying all the reasonable alternative voices on the right to Trump is a good part of what created Trump.  Once he loses, the media, establishment conspiracy has completed the entire takeover.  The only glitch is the chance that we have a 2010, 2014 type turnout year, and Trump wins and the R's carry the House and Senate by however small a margin and it is the other party that is in seemingly permanent disarray.


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Even Geraldo is shocked at media bias
« Reply #1798 on: October 25, 2016, 07:28:31 PM »
although he says he never saw proof until now.   :roll:

Not only Wa compost and NY slimes but add to that CNN.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues, Wash Post fact check Russian Uranium deal
« Reply #1799 on: October 26, 2016, 07:30:12 AM »
Sorry, no link.  Instead of reporting on the true story told in 'Clinton Cash' about the Clintons accepting huge speech and Foundtion money in exchange for the go-ahead for Russia to buy American Uranium assets, the Washington Post writes it as a 4 Pinocchio story about how well or poorly Donald Trump worded the accusation.  At the end they suggested a wording that State was one of 9 agencies...  Anyone who has followed the story knows that and among those 9, the State Dept was the lead agency.  

The questioned whether Trump had proof that the Secretary of State had any involvement with a highest level, national security decision that was made by her department.  I would hope she did.  Good grief.

I wonder if they question whether she really ran her department because she is a woman, or because she took a pretty hard hit to the head.

Quid, Pro. And Quo, all proven in this story, so the Wash Post can't find what the meaning of the word is is and gives politicians their 4 Pinocchio rating to point to innoculating themselves from their party's and administration's corruption.

"Fact Check" has become a contrary indicator with these institutions.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2016, 07:32:50 AM by DougMacG »