Author Topic: Citizen Trump  (Read 40875 times)


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Trump guilty beyond a reasonable doubt !!
« Reply #101 on: March 24, 2022, 05:55:38 AM »
BLASTS the headlines at such notably objective "news" outlets:

CBS news
Seattle Times
The Hill

says the lawyer lister from Harvard and NYC, who like Weissman, went bananas (TDS) and thus came out of retirement
 to look for "crimes" on Trump.

I bet he made a bundle while doing his search and destroy
This is the latest legal specialty while Trump is alive - they must teach it a Columbia and NYU law;
lawyers who spend every waking hour going after a politician who is not from their beloved Democrat party.

As for the news outlets they must have the jornolisters connect to one another via a single email chain
so the story blasts out over every Lib , Republican hating Democrat propaganda outlet.

« Last Edit: March 24, 2022, 06:03:17 AM by ccp »


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Re: Citizen Trump
« Reply #102 on: March 24, 2022, 12:28:22 PM »
I would note that prosecutors who do not indict are supposed to STFU.  Serious violation of professional ethics here that somehow seems to go unnoticed.


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Re: Citizen Trump
« Reply #103 on: March 24, 2022, 02:02:51 PM »
I would note that prosecutors who do not indict are supposed to STFU.  Serious violation of professional ethics here that somehow seems to go unnoticed.

Ethical rules, laws it all goes out the window because Orange Man Bad!

Trump may be the cleanest politician in American history.


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Re: Citizen Trump
« Reply #104 on: March 24, 2022, 02:09:03 PM »
good point

but what good is the NY Bar if loaded with the same shysters?

"no controlling legal authority!!!"

ha ha ha ha ha

I suppose the DA could do something?

good luck with that.........

and of course the profs are in on it.....


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Trump sues back
« Reply #105 on: March 24, 2022, 02:13:09 PM »
the "no controlling authority " gal.

Of course the timing is no coincidence

Not clear who is trying to fight for the headlines first

Trump team or the shysters:


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Citizen Trump sues the Dowager Empress of Chappaqua
« Reply #106 on: March 24, 2022, 03:38:46 PM »
Trump Sues Hillary Clinton, Christopher Steele Over Russian Collusion Allegations
By Zachary Stieber March 24, 2022 Updated: March 24, 2022biggersmaller Print
Former President Donald Trump on March 24 sued former Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and the man who compiled the infamous Steele dossier on him while being paid by her campaign.

The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Florida, says Clinton and ex-British spy Christopher Steele, along with around 30 others, carried out a plot to “weave a false narrative” that Trump was colluding with Russian actors.

“The actions taken in furtherance of their scheme—falsifying evidence, deceiving law enforcement, and exploiting access to highly-sensitive data sources—are so outrageous, subversive and incendiary that even the events of Watergate pale in comparison,” the 108-page suit states.

“Under the guise of ‘opposition research,’ ‘data analytics,’ and other political stratagems, the defendants nefariously sought to sway the public’s trust,” it added. “They worked together with a single, self-serving purpose: to vilify Donald J. Trump. Indeed, their far-reaching conspiracy was designed to cripple Trump’s bid for presidency by fabricating a scandal that would be used to trigger an unfounded federal investigation and ignite a media frenzy.”

Steele compiled a dossier based on what he claimed were sources inside Russia. His main source was revealed in 2020 to be Igor Danchenko, who has been investigated by federal agents for possibly being a Russian spy.

Steele was paid by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Clinton’s campaign for his work, which was released to select reporters ahead of the 2016 election.

Trump ended up winning the election over Clinton but was dogged by the collusion allegations for years after becoming president. Special counsel Robert Mueller ultimately found no evidence of conspiracy or coordination between Trump or his campaign and Russians.

Many claims contained in the dossier were later confirmed as false while others have never been proven.

Clinton, Steele, and the DNC were named as defendants in the suit.

Others include Fusion GPS and its operatives, who helped produce and distribute the dossier; Danchenko and Clinton lawyer Michael Sussman, both charged with lying to the FBI as part of special counsel John Durham’s investigation; former FBI officials James Comey and Andrew McCabe; and former FBI agents Lisa Page and Peter Strzok.

Kevin Clinesmith, the former FBI lawyer who doctored an email to say a former Trump campaign associate was not a CIA asset when the original missive said he was, is also a defendant.

The defendants either did not immediately respond to requests for comment or couldn’t be reached.

The complaint alleges crimes including conspiracy, theft of trade secrets, and obstruction of justice.

The complaint seeks damages amounting to at least $24 million and a jury trial.


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Re: Citizen Trump sues the Dowager Empress of Chappaqua
« Reply #107 on: March 24, 2022, 04:53:59 PM »
This is fantastic.  Impeached twice, Trump deserves vindication and closure.  And maybe they'll both be too busy to run for President. 

At the end it says, "complaint seeks damages amounting to at least $24 million and a jury trial".

  - 24 million seems low and I think he meant to say they seek television rights to a jury trial.

Prove the case beyond a preponderance of the evidence(?) in civil court.  It's beautiful.  He deserves his day in court.
 Pass the popcorn.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2022, 04:56:51 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Citizen Trump - hitting all the right notes
« Reply #108 on: March 30, 2022, 07:17:09 AM »
Interview with Just the News, Trump hits all the right notes.  Too bad we don't like the singer.

No, it's not too early to lay out the post Biden agenda. More should be doing it.


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Gingrich McCarthy
« Reply #109 on: March 30, 2022, 08:17:58 AM »
"No, it's not too early to lay out the post Biden agenda. More should be doing it."

I feel Kevin is redeeming himself from earlier flubs
and appreciate his very hard work / efforts lately
he is molded more into a warrior for our side

as for the timing of the agenda not sure
if too early or not

later maybe better
to keep dems from having as much time along with the propagandist media
to  lie cover up switch bait
turn into racism
the policy proposals

on the other hand they have their plants
so they will try to co opt policies in their own way and make it look like they were for. them all along
like Clinton did with an adoring MSM letting the dirtball get away with it.


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Re: Citizen Trump
« Reply #116 on: May 02, 2022, 01:24:02 PM »
"Cleanest president in American history!"

oh absolutely

that is why he compares himself to Abe Lincoln.  :roll:


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Re: Citizen Trump
« Reply #117 on: May 02, 2022, 01:28:42 PM »
"Cleanest president in American history!"

oh absolutely

that is why he compares himself to Abe Lincoln.  :roll:

What president has ever been investigated to this degree?


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Joe Rogan on Trump
« Reply #123 on: July 05, 2022, 08:09:38 AM »

Rogan backed Bernie Sanders ?   :-o in '20

I don't listen to Rogan at all
do not really care what he thinks
but many do.


"He claimed that the 76-year-old ex-president was so divisive that people “abandoned their own ethics and morals” in order to criticize him, adding that Trump was an “existential threat to democracy itself.”

I don't agree with this. Trump just exposed the LEFT out into the open.
Some could also argued the Right abandoned their ethics and morals to sweep Trumps egomanic impulses under the rug

For me I would vote for Trump in a heartbeat if he IS the candidate but otherwise
I hope he is not.

Rogan who would not vote for Trump or Biden

So then goes out and votes for Sanders is very strange if you ask me.


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Kelly Anne Conway lets rip
« Reply #124 on: July 07, 2022, 08:34:47 AM »


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Re: Citizen Trump
« Reply #125 on: July 07, 2022, 09:04:07 AM »
"Mr. Kushner has formed a private equity firm that reportedly received a $2 billion investment from the Saudi kingdom’s sovereign wealth fund. "

Just as, or more obnoxious then Hunter accepting cash from foreigners and governments


like father like son

did good with Abraham accords so we read
but like a good stereotyped shyster made sure he cashed in while working for Mid East peace;
as if he was not rich enough......

Halley called him a "genius".

She has zero chance .......


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Re: Citizen Trump
« Reply #127 on: July 14, 2022, 01:54:58 PM »

I think it was her who first called him

"THE Donald"


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Citizen Trump looks to fall 2022 launch for 2024
« Reply #128 on: July 14, 2022, 04:37:44 PM »
Donald Trump looks to fall launch for 2024, potentially upending midterms
Some Republicans fear an announcement will undercut them at a time when they have a strong chance of retaking the House and Senate
By Michael Scherer and Josh Dawsey
Updated July 14, 2022 at 1:47 p.m. EDT|Published July 14, 2022 at 6:00 a.m. EDT

For nearly a year, a kitchen cabinet of Donald Trump confidants have told the former president not to announce his 2024 comeback candidacy before the midterms, arguing that he could be a drag on 2022 candidates and would be blamed if Republicans underperformed.

But Trump has continued to regularly push for an early announcement in private meetings, as potential 2024 rivals become more aggressive amid signs of weakening support among his base. Now an increasing number of allies are urging him to follow his instincts as a way to shore up his standing in the party and drive turnout to help the GOP take over the House and Senate next year.

The former president is now eyeing a September announcement, according to two Trump advisers, who like some others interviewed for this article spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private conversations. One confidant put the odds at “70-30 he announces before the midterms.” And others said he may still decide to announce sooner than September.

Trump has begun talking with advisers about who should run a campaign, and his team has instructed others to have an online apparatus ready for a campaign should he announce soon, two people familiar with the matter said. He also has begun meeting with top donors to talk about the 2024 race, one of these people said, while on trips to various places across the country.

“If Trump is going to run, the sooner he gets in and talks about winning the next election, the better,” said Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), who recently golfed with Trump in New Jersey. “It will refocus his attention — less grievance, more about the future.”

Graham has embraced an argument once dismissed inside much of the party, contending that Democrats are going to use Trump’s unpopularity among some voter groups to try to drive turnout no matter what he does. If he gets in the race soon, they argue, he will be better positioned to drive turnout on the Republican side in the midterms.

“You might as well get the benefit if you’re going to take the lashes too,” said Tony Fabrizio, a Trump pollster working for multiple Senate candidates this cycle. “If you want to energize the base and get the base out, no one does it better than Trump.”

Candidate challenges, primary scars have Republicans worried about Senate chances

Others have argued that Trump’s direct insertion into the midterm campaign will only play into Democratic plans to make the election a referendum on the extremism of Trump’s “Make America Great Again,” or MAGA, movement. Republicans believe they are on track for a banner midterm year, a result of massive dissatisfaction with inflation, President Biden’s job performance and the direction of the country.

A Trump spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

Public and internal party polls in several key states show that Trump rates behind even Biden, who has suffered a historic collapse in public support since taking office. Trump lost a recent hypothetical head-to-head poll against Biden in New Hampshire and trails Biden in favorability in Wisconsin, both sites of marquee Senate contests this fall.

A May presentation for donors to Herschel Walker’s Senate campaign in Georgia, obtained by The Washington Post, showed Biden and Trump with similar favorability ratings in the low 40s, about a half-dozen points below those of Walker and his opponent, Sen. Raphael G. Warnock (D). In early 2021, the Battleground Survey by the National Republican Congressional Committee found that Trump’s unfavorable ratings were 15 points higher than his favorable ratings in core districts.

Trump has also slipped some among GOP voters, though he remains easily the most formidable Republican candidate in a primary, according to public polls.

The Jan. 6, 2021 House committee held its latest public hearing on July 12, focusing on how President Donald Trump summoned far-right militant groups to D.C. (Video: Mahlia Posey/The Washington Post, Photo: Demetrius Freeman/The Washington Post)
Trump’s decision to enter the race, some in the party fear, could scramble the dynamics in the final months of the House and Senate campaigns.

“Of all the selfish things he does every minute of every day, it would probably be the most,” said one prominent Republican strategist, speaking on the condition of anonymity to offer a candid assessment. “Everything we are doing that is not talking about the economy is going to be a disaster.”

After earlier threatening to kick off his campaign in July, Trump has decided in recent weeks to stage a series of what aides dub policy speeches as he continues to plan the structure of his next campaign. He gave a speech on crime Friday in Las Vegas, where he resurfaced his old idea that drug dealers should be given the death penalty. Further speeches are being planned.

He plans to return to Washington for the first time since leaving office on July 26 to deliver a speech at a conference by the America First Policy Institute, a think tank founded by his former advisers that he has helped to fund. The event will mark a reunion of sorts for the Trump administration, bringing together eight former Trump Cabinet-level officials and multiple former senior White House officials for panel discussions on topics like voting, immigration, national security and health care.

“With Republican victories in 2022 and 2024 we can restore tough-on-crime policies and much more,” Trump said in Las Vegas. “Leave our police alone. Let them do their job. They know what to do. Let them do it.”

Trump began talking privately about an imminent presidential campaign announcement last August, in response to Biden’s chaotic withdrawal of military forces from Afghanistan. Several advisers told Trump not to act, since an early 2024 campaign announcement would limit his ability to access funds in his Save America PAC, which has been paying for his staff and events, trigger equal time rules on television and allow Democrats to reframe the election away from Biden’s unpopular presidency.

The private discussions succeeded in delaying an announcement, but they did not dissuade Trump from continuing to push forward. In recent months, rivals also considering 2024 campaigns have received more attention and the investigation into the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol has raised awareness of his attempts to subvert the 2020 election result. Trump has also faced other investigations, particularly in New York and Georgia, that have only accelerated his desire to run, advisers said.

Democrats, in the meantime, have developed a party-wide strategy aimed at tagging Republican candidates in close elections as “MAGA Republicans,” a phrase they have poll-tested as off-putting for swing voters. In recent weeks, they have argued that the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the nationwide right to abortion, the continued GOP resistance to some gun regulations despite mass shootings and the ongoing investigation into the Capitol riot all show a broader extremism across the Republican Party.

Attendees listen to a prayer during a July 9 Trump rally in Anchorage. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
“The Jan. 6 hearings have disturbed America. It is real we see movement in these numbers,” said John Anzalone, a Biden pollster. “If Donald Trump gets in before the midterms, every Republican congressman and candidate is going to have to answer these questions.”

Democrats are hopeful, for instance, that Republican candidates in competitive contests will be forced to say whether they support Trump in the 2024 presidential primaries — a choice that could alienate either the former president’s supporters or otherwise persuadable voters who have voted in two consecutive elections against Trump’s brand of politics.

“Senators as well as Senate candidates have told me recently that voters are ready to turn the page on Trump, and that he’s more of a head wind than a tail wind these days,” said Dan Eberhart, a Republican donor who has met with a number of GOP senators.

Several Republican House strategists remain hopeful that a Trump announcement would not undermine the party in November. Republicans won a net gain of 14 seats in the 2020 congressional elections, despite Trump appearing on the same ballot and losing the national popular vote by about 7 million votes. Polls have shown economic concerns and inflationary pressures dominate the electoral landscape to the detriment of Democratic candidates.

Some people around Trump have warned that he could make a mistake if he does not try to insert himself more forcefully into the midterm campaigns. National polls over the past year, including surveys by the Pew Research Center, CNN and the New York Times, have found that only about half of Republican and Republican-leaning voters want Trump to be the party’s 2024 nominee.

“When Republicans have these massive wins in the midterms, if President Trump has not yet announced for 2024, the haters and the establishment Republicans and their allies in the media will say they can win in 2024 without him, and that the party should go and find somebody else,” said Jason Miller, a longtime spokesman and adviser, who now runs the Gettr social media network. “They will try to get that narrative to hold, and the Democrats will gladly amplify it.”

The shadow race is underway for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination

But others, such as Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel and longtime adviser Kellyanne Conway, have repeatedly cautioned Trump against announcing a bid now. Both have argued that he doesn’t want to be responsible for any losses in the Senate, and McDaniel has told others that the party will stop paying his legal bills if he becomes the nominee.

“Some like to deny him credit when candidates win and blame him when candidates lose, but President Trump knows he can’t control the quality and energy of a candidate or his or her campaign,” Conway said.

Trump continues to dominate early polling for the 2024 Republican primary, though potential rivals such as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis have received encouraging signs at Republican events by winning informal straw polls. A growing group of candidates, including his former vice president, Mike Pence, Sen. Tom Cotton (Ark.) and Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, have been making advanced plans for a campaign. Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) has also left open the possibility of a 2024 presidential campaign, recently telling others he is “humbled” by the attention paid to him.

A group affiliated with Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), an oft-discussed presidential or vice-presidential candidate, has launched about $2 million in television ads in key states such as Georgia and Nevada that show him speaking directly to the camera about local Republican Senate candidates, with more reservations expected over the coming months.

Former president Donald Trump speaks at the July 9 rally in Anchorage. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
For Trump, an early announcement, well ahead of the traditional post-midterm window for a presidential campaign, could come with significant risk inside the party.

“It’s a big jump ball if we win the Senate. If we lose by one Senate seat, which is a very strong possibility, he’s just giving people an excuse to blame him,” said another longtime adviser, pointing to the GOP’s loss of Georgia’s two Senate seats in an early 2021 runoff. “If we lose Georgia again, he’ll get blamed. He’ll get none of the credit and he’ll get all of the blame. He knows that.”

Other advisers have warned that Trump still may upend even the planning of his own team by announcing for president with little warning. These same people said they believe an announcement in August, when many Americans are on vacation and tuned out of the news, is unlikely. Several advisers said Trump spent hours in recent weeks, particularly on the weekend, just polling advisers about what he should do.

“You can only hold him off so long,” the adviser said. “One day he’ll wake up and say, ‘Put it out.’”


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Jason Miller
« Reply #129 on: July 14, 2022, 05:26:48 PM »
“When Republicans have these massive wins in the midterms, if President Trump has not yet announced for 2024, the haters and the establishment Republicans and their allies in the media will say they can win in 2024 without him, and that the party should go and find somebody else,” said Jason Miller, a longtime spokesman and adviser, who now runs the Gettr social media network. “They will try to get that narrative to hold, and the Democrats will gladly amplify it.”

 I think this is nuts

" “If Trump is going to run, the sooner he gets in and talks about winning the next election, the better,” said Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), who recently golfed with Trump in New Jersey. “It will refocus his attention — less grievance, more about the future.”

good luck with that ......





 :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

the 1/6 committee circus only has him seething to get in and fight even more .....

we are so "f..d"


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Re: Jason Miller
« Reply #130 on: July 14, 2022, 08:43:03 PM »
Sure, it's Trump's fault and not massive voter fraud!


“When Republicans have these massive wins in the midterms, if President Trump has not yet announced for 2024, the haters and the establishment Republicans and their allies in the media will say they can win in 2024 without him, and that the party should go and find somebody else,” said Jason Miller, a longtime spokesman and adviser, who now runs the Gettr social media network. “They will try to get that narrative to hold, and the Democrats will gladly amplify it.”

 I think this is nuts

" “If Trump is going to run, the sooner he gets in and talks about winning the next election, the better,” said Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), who recently golfed with Trump in New Jersey. “It will refocus his attention — less grievance, more about the future.”

good luck with that ......





 :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

the 1/6 committee circus only has him seething to get in and fight even more .....

we are so "f..d"


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Re: Citizen Trump
« Reply #131 on: July 15, 2022, 05:04:45 AM »
".Sure, it's Trump's fault and not massive voter fraud!"

I agree but would it not be nice to have someone who can win the popular vote like W did in 2004.

WE only won in 2000 and 2016 by electoral college

Trump cannot win the popular vote despite fraud.....

That is my thought.


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Re: Citizen Trump
« Reply #132 on: July 15, 2022, 07:14:04 AM »
You understand that the PTB do not intend to ever allow anyone outside the DC Uniparty to ever win the presidency again, right?

".Sure, it's Trump's fault and not massive voter fraud!"

I agree but would it not be nice to have someone who can win the popular vote like W did in 2004.

WE only won in 2000 and 2016 by electoral college

Trump cannot win the popular vote despite fraud.....

That is my thought.


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Mulvany does NOT want Trumpster to run again
« Reply #133 on: July 20, 2022, 05:58:46 AM »

that said ,
he will run.

It ain't about the party or us
it's as always, about him in his mind.


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Wait, I thought James Wood is a genius
« Reply #135 on: July 21, 2022, 07:52:50 AM »
funny James
Wood who has an IQ ~ 180 and
thinks 2020 was the most crooked election in US history...
How could such a smart man be stupid enough to simply believe the "LIES from Trump and Bannon" that claimed the election was stolen when there is no shred of evidence this occured?

If one were to believe the media,
people like James Wood (and myself and everyone on this board )
who think that

only think that  because we are gullible fools who  believed Trump and Bannon "LIES";

they "LIED TO US" and we fell for it


It is not we could see the irrefutable evidence  for ourselves  :wink:

Kudos to one of the few actors who will speak the obvious politically incorrect truth

I am now a  life long fan of Mr. Woods.

I wonder if he could ever get another role in Hollywood?


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Re: Citizen Trump
« Reply #136 on: July 21, 2022, 02:36:17 PM »
1) Trump prepared poorly for the post election legal fights that were sure to come;

2) He lost something like 60-65 lawsuits, most of them quite laughable at best, stupid tin foil at worst.  This presents serious credibility problems for those of us who seek to make the case for electoral fraud.

3) Off the top of my head, Peter Navarro made the case best.

4) Off the top of my head, during the JS Show Trial, Trump should have been hammering home that he offered 20,000 Nat. Guard to Pelosi on J4.  Instead, he has allowed the Show Trial to damage his brand.


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Re: Citizen Trump
« Reply #137 on: July 21, 2022, 03:49:01 PM »
".Trump prepared poorly for the post election legal fights that were sure to come;"

it seems that Gulliani, Sid Powell (and the pillow guy  :-o) etc put the cart before the horse

they knew there was fraud and thought all they need do is investigate

they may not have realized how far the left would go to block any investigations

or how hard it would be to get witnesses to come forward

they misjudged the difficulty of proving anything with Democrat lawiors mobsters blocking everything in their path

I know what it is like proving anything against well financed well connected mobsters myself....

That is why I thought 2000 mules was genius because it could track people who did not want to be tracked and map out where they were going and the locations and the connections
 despite everyone lying code of silence money flowing and Lawsters working to block any and all legal chance of real investigation


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Re: Citizen Trump
« Reply #138 on: July 21, 2022, 04:15:26 PM »
The whole point of mass mail ballots and ballot harvesting is to make proof of fraud impossible in the time frame involved.  To not have seen this in advance is a big fukkup


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Re: Citizen Trump
« Reply #141 on: August 09, 2022, 07:30:02 AM »
I am thinking the raid will enrage him so he will not wait till after November to announce.

Some on cable think this is part of the Dem strategy - get him back into the ring before the election
so they can make it all about him


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this could also go in civil war thread
« Reply #142 on: August 09, 2022, 07:34:06 AM »
Like Laura said last night -

this is an assault on 80 million people not just Trump

whether you like the guy or not , whatever you think about Trump personally, we all liked his policies

I agree

I take this invasion of his home over some purported documents - personally


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Re: this could also go in civil war thread
« Reply #143 on: August 09, 2022, 10:27:19 AM »
Like Laura said last night -

this is an assault on 80 million people not just Trump

whether you like the guy or not , whatever you think about Trump personally, we all liked his policies

I agree

I take this invasion of his home over some purported documents - personally

This, plus 87,000 new "IRS" agents, it ought to be enough to get people favoring freedom energized.


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Re: this could also go in civil war thread
« Reply #144 on: August 09, 2022, 10:41:36 AM »
Like Laura said last night -

this is an assault on 80 million people not just Trump

whether you like the guy or not , whatever you think about Trump personally, we all liked his policies

I agree

I take this invasion of his home over some purported documents - personally

This, plus 87,000 new "IRS" agents, it ought to be enough to get people favoring freedom energized.,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/113/030/127/original/8fb64411469379e2.png


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Re: this could also go in civil war thread
« Reply #145 on: August 09, 2022, 10:58:20 AM »
In a red state you might double that number since they are all going to red states.

They aren't being hired to scrutinize public employee unions.

It is inflationary by definition.  Spend more public money, produce fewer goods.

What is the good or service produced if you assign a team of your best people to work for years complying with an IRS audit?  Big money spent, higher costs.  No new goods produced.

For me, avoid audit means avoid income.  Don't sell properties, etc.  Nothing slows an economy like assets frozen in place.


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Re: Citizen Trump
« Reply #146 on: August 09, 2022, 12:17:20 PM »
"I am thinking the raid will enrage him so he will not wait till after November to announce.  Some on cable think this is part of the Dem strategy - get him back into the ring before the election so they can make it all about him"

One reason of several for sure.


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Re: this could also go in civil war thread
« Reply #147 on: August 09, 2022, 12:23:13 PM »
The process IS the punishment.

The wealthy have teams of CPAs and tax attorneys.

For the middle class, just spending the money for legal defense will economically destroy you, even if you are cleared. Even tax experts can't agree on what the tax code says.

In a red state you might double that number since they are all going to red states.

They aren't being hired to scrutinize public employee unions.

It is inflationary by definition.  Spend more public money, produce fewer goods.

What is the good or service produced if you assign a team of your best people to work for years complying with an IRS audit?  Big money spent, higher costs.  No new goods produced.

For me, avoid audit means avoid income.  Don't sell properties, etc.  Nothing slows an economy like assets frozen in place.


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Re: MY fantasy
« Reply #149 on: August 09, 2022, 01:43:29 PM »

Not entirely.

I know of a LEO who served a search warrant at a residence and got jammed up over a pretty minor thing that was captured on the home camera system. What Yon says is possible.

The fantasy part is that Trump was this cagey. If he was, he'd still be in the white house.