Author Topic: 2024  (Read 145905 times)


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Kevin McCarthy's opinion on RNC change
« Reply #1200 on: February 26, 2024, 08:35:06 AM »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1201 on: February 26, 2024, 09:27:41 AM »
Apparently the turnout for Trump in SC was quite large.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1202 on: February 26, 2024, 11:06:51 AM »
Apparently the turnout for Trump in SC was quite large.
Jeepers, at this rate maybe a big dose of democracy is coming our way this November. No doubt that thought leaves many quaking in their Birkenstocks or whatever effete weenies are wearing these days.


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newsweek author : call for Whitmer
« Reply #1204 on: February 28, 2024, 06:06:08 AM »

Included in reasons to vote for her:

1)  For one thing, she would be the first female president, and it's about time. She would not be hobbled by the baggage of Hillary Clinton, and has executive experience, a centrist mindset, decency, relative youth, and evident intelligence.

2) Like Biden himself, the 52-year-old Whitmer can point proudly to not having attended Harvard (as Elise Stefanik has), Yale (JD Vance), Stanford (Josh Hawley), or Princeton (Ted Cruz).

3) One might ask: What about the issues? The issues are always important, and they point in all directions. The Democrats are more aligned with American majorities on gun control, abortion rights, and healthcare—but the Republicans can benefit from the culture wars and have a strong case on immigration. But 2024 is simply not about the issues. It is about preventing enormous damage to America and the world.


"Despite the challenges fate has thrown in his way, Biden found spectacular success; he has had a fantastic run and is now a part of America's history. He could attach true greatness to that part by pulling out of the race at the right moment. What was once unthinkable may be a must to save the country."


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second post Bill O'Reilly
« Reply #1205 on: February 28, 2024, 06:40:24 AM »
not really anything we don't already know, and I am not sure I agree with all of it, but I like O'Reilly's practical commonsense view of things:


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Trump’s Third Act
« Reply #1207 on: February 28, 2024, 09:55:29 PM »


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Re: Kurt Shlicter on potential Trump VPs
« Reply #1209 on: February 29, 2024, 05:51:08 AM »
Solid analysis here. Good criteria. Difficult choice, no easy answer.

Must be super competent. Someone who reaches out to key independents but must be solid conservative, anti-Left if needed to become President.

It really should be the person he chooses to be his successor.

His dark horse, I like Robert O'Brien


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Re: 2024, Reelect Biden?
« Reply #1211 on: March 02, 2024, 05:51:10 AM »
" To re-elect Biden would be like the Titanic backing up and hitting the iceberg again."

  - from Saturday morning Powerline week in pictures


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Re: 2024, Reelect Biden?
« Reply #1212 on: March 02, 2024, 12:32:35 PM »
" To re-elect Biden would be like the Titanic backing up and hitting the iceberg again."

  - from Saturday morning Powerline week in pictures
:-D :evil: :wink:


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Gingrich on Britt's SOTU rebuttal
« Reply #1213 on: March 03, 2024, 06:54:15 AM »

of the other names in the article the only one I would feel safe  with is DeSantis or possibly Scott.
none of the others do I feel secure with being one step away from "leader if the free world"

DeSantis may be better off waiting for 2028.
Scott I don't know if he has the moxy to be President

But then again who else is there?


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1214 on: March 03, 2024, 07:08:07 AM »
I'm well aware of the gaps in his resume including lack of relevant life experience, but Vivek speaks MAGA better than Trump.     

Among other things, a VP candidate traditionally serves as the pit bull that allows the Presidential candidate to adopt a loftier persona.  Vivek can do that for sure AND speak lofty pro-American Creed fluently.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1215 on: March 03, 2024, 07:14:10 AM »

So you like Vivek for VP.



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Re: 2024
« Reply #1216 on: March 03, 2024, 07:26:17 AM »
Just ruminating on his pluses , , ,


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1217 on: March 03, 2024, 07:48:29 AM »
Perhaps a WH press secretary?

or maybe chief of staff?


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Re: 2024 - VP Vivek?
« Reply #1218 on: March 03, 2024, 08:55:48 AM »
Just ruminating on his pluses , , ,

You might be right.  I was resistant to Vivek in the debates, thought he wasn't fully qualified to run for the top of the ticket, thought others were better qualified.  I thought, even if he hit a perfect note on every issue, he wasn't necessarily the right guy for the job, never ran a government of any size and now he runs for President?  People accused him then of running to be Trump's VP.  Well now is that time.

1. As Crafty said, his campaign role is to make the attack, make it clearly and forcefully and draw attention to it. "Allow the Presidential candidate to adopt a loftier persona".

2. "Vivek speaks MAGA better than Trump'.  aka: American Creed.  He gets it.

3. "his resume including lack of relevant life experience" [for top of the ticket], but his accomplishments are impressive, and we want someone accomplished.  Contrast him with the sleep-her-way-to-the-top lady who drastically underperformed when elevated.

4. Sharp as a tack.  Again, contrast him with both Joe and Kamala and contrast with every MSM lackey who decides to take him on.

5. Bold and able to draw attention to himself.  Our side generally lacks a podium.  We lack a network.  That was Trump's skill, he knew (knows) how to draw attention to get out his message.  Most conservatives (like us) go through life with our message mostly unnoticed.

6. The Trump Life Insurance policy.  Like Kamala was for Joe, no rational opposition wacko is going to knock off the top of the ticket because the one that follows, in this case, would be even more solidly conservative than Trump.  Impeachment defense also.  Vivek might govern 'more MAGA than Trump', more conservative than a Republican House, more conservative than a Republican Senate.

7. Same goes for Trump's health or death and Trump is an older guy with a couple extra pounds.  If the VP found himself suddenly President, Vivek would have very strong upside risk. Fast learner. He could very possibly be a better President than Trump.  He would by then have the knowledge and experience needed, have a team already in place and fully understand the game plan.

8. And then there is 2028 ( and the eight years that follow).  This is not a four year plan.  I believe DeSantis won second place and should be top of the ticket in 2028. But he isn't really eligible to be running mate (and doesn't want it).  He didn't fully catch on, even with conservatives.  When Trump picks his running mate, that person might become the successor to lead the movement whether Trump wins or loses.  We need that person to live and breathe The American Creed, big picture, (sometimes called MAGA) whether they win the next nomination or not.  Vivek could do that.

9. I watched and listened to Javier Millei of Argentina and thought, why can't we have one of those?  The great minds of our side like Thomas Sowell and Victor Hanson won't run and I suppose couldn't get elected.  But Vivek could be that if given the chance.  He's smart, and it isn't rocket science to want to keep more freedoms and minimize the government interference in our lives.

10. Color.  I was thinking Trump should pick a woman, but all the other criteria come first, who can help get him elected, who would govern well if thrown into the top job.  Vivek's not a woman, not black, not Hispanic, but it would also not be two stereotyped Republican white guys standing on the stage in 2024 either.  There are 4 million Indian-Americans in the US.  Many are not fully tied to either party.  That's not a small number when the last race was decided by 40,000 votes.  Also he presents (relative) youth to our side where we really need help.

11. This sounds most trivial of all but I was driving across the heartland and noticed Trump-Pence signs still standing.  I thought maybe bring Pence back but that doesn't bring any new independents to the ticket or to the movement.  But notice how their name fits on the signs. )   Biden-Harris, Trump-Pence.  They don't pick Murkowskis (though she won a write-in campaign in her home state).  We haven't a long name on a (winning) national ticket in a long time, not really since Eisenhower, and he won WWII. Gore-Lieberman didn't flow off the tongue. Kennedy and Johnson were easy names and just three letter each (they went by their initials).  The really big stars don't need a last name, Jesus, Elvis, Bono, Dr. Phil.  No one needs to learn 'Ramaswamy'. Trump-Vivek! fits just fine.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2024, 09:11:43 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1219 on: March 03, 2024, 09:11:48 AM »
Doug likes Vivek for VP

wow twice now.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1220 on: March 03, 2024, 09:27:32 AM »
Also just thinking aloud and I hadn't really thought about it before.  Each of the possibilities previously mentioned has plusses and minuses.  We have the whole country to pick from, it better be some with real upside, future potential.

I like Rubio and DeSantis but they have the Florida problem.  A sitting governor can't fool anyone by changing his residence.  Ramaswamy is (originally) from Ohio.

Valedictorian high school. Summa cum Laude Harvard. JD Yale.  Phi Beta Kappa.

libertarian.  (I kept the small L)

Entrepreneur, employer, self made billionaire.

Accomplished pianist.  Former nationally ranked tennis player?!!  This I have to see.

Got his start on media on Tucker.

Finished 4th in Iowa beating or outlasting some pretty big names, a former VP, Sen Tim Scott, Gov Chris Christie, Governors of North Dakota and Arkansas, besides Trump, losing only to DeSantis and Haley.  Neither will be picked so really he starts at the top of the list as far as being vetted.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2024, 09:36:35 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1221 on: March 03, 2024, 10:05:53 AM »
Accomplished pianist.  Former nationally ranked tennis player?!!  This I have to see.

Here is video of Vivek playing tennis:

Looks like good forehand and backhand to me.

Ok, he is not elite world class but he has excellent overall strokes if you ask me.
Wish I could hit a ball like that.
I think in my younger days I looked better shirtless though.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1222 on: March 03, 2024, 04:33:19 PM »
Thanks ccp. If that video is authentic, he is the real deal in tennis. Rankings are computerized, you  play the tournaments and turn in your scores. Can't fake it. That's a very Federer-like, one-handed backhand and his forehand is a machine. OTOH, I would call his golf swing beginnerish, but he didn't claim to be a golfer..


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1223 on: March 03, 2024, 06:04:10 PM »
TOH, I would call his golf swing beginnerish, but he didn't claim to be a golfer..

He'll be able to work on his golf game once he is President.   :)

Or if VP at Trump's golf course in NJ.

That is how Baraq learned to play golf:
« Last Edit: March 03, 2024, 06:06:41 PM by ccp »


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2024, the double haters will decide it?
« Reply #1225 on: March 04, 2024, 10:58:53 AM »

RFK Jr now has enough signatures to be on the ballot in Arizona and Georgia, reportedly.

I notice it's time to change our language again. The word turnout is meaningless now that a Democrat voter doesn't need to open their front door to have his or her vote (votes?) counted. Also, there's no such thing anymore as election day.

Democratic pollsters ( link above) try to reason that it is advantage biden, but polls say that voters prefer Trump on issues of the economy and national security.

"according to our poll, the electorate — including the all-important swing voter group — ultimately feels that Trump did a good job in office and that his policies improved their lives, but say the opposite of Biden."

(Doug) Don't forget we need the House and Senate also, and state and local, or this is all for naught.


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2024: Michelle Obama's office says she's not running
« Reply #1226 on: March 05, 2024, 07:23:41 AM »

Michelle Obama's office says she's not running

I suppose she would say the same thing if she was planning to step in at the last minute, but really she has never shown any inclination to give up the life and high popularity she has now to take on the widespread disapproval their policies have earned.

If she could do something great. If this were Lincoln's time and she could free the slaves if elected maybe she would be motivated, but what's exciting for Democrats to do more of in 2024?  They're running out of liberal babies to abort.  Every migrant in the world who wanted to get in already had 12 years to do so. Our soldiers can already get free gender removal surgery. Socialized medicine is the law of the land. The only super rich left are all Lefties. Pipelines are cancelled and they've got shutoff switches on all the new cars. Tax rate increases no longer bring in more money. We spend 40% more than we take in, 2.3 Trillion/yr on social spending programs, how do you top that, take it to 3T and add a new trillion in debt every 30 days?
opposition is being rounded up and jailed, in some cases held without charges. Election day is now a mail-in season or just have any liberal NGO fill out and turn in your ballot at the midnight drop boxes.

I mean really, what's left to do if you are far-Left in America in 2024?


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1227 on: March 05, 2024, 07:33:37 AM »
The overwhelming majority of respondents — 62% of men and 68% of women — said that the U.S. was headed in the “wrong direction” under Biden.
   - Latest NYT poll

[Doug]  Since most women are liberal, I can't even imagine what direction they want to head in.  In any case I can't really name a Democrat who strays from the Biden policies. Not challenger Dean Phillips. He fully endorses the Biden agenda. Not non-candidate Michelle Obama. Not Barack, these ARE his policies. Not Bernie, he won the policy fight without having to take the arrows. Not one Dem House member. Only Fetterman of recent, Sinema a little, and the vacating Manchin have shown a hint of resistance.


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McConnell endorses Trump
« Reply #1228 on: March 06, 2024, 08:18:11 AM »


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Re: McConnell endorses Trump, Haley out
« Reply #1229 on: March 06, 2024, 08:50:28 AM »

Haley congratulated him and "wishes" him well.

Yes Haley is out.  Now it seems she is fishing for the VP job, says trump will have to earn the support of those who didn't choose him in the primaries.

Would she be the best to help him win?  Maybe yes.
Would she be the best President to follow him?  Likely no.  Back to that squishy middle thing.
Could he walk back the bad blood and the term "birdbrain"?  Sure. He's Trump. It's politics.  He was just messing with her.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1230 on: March 06, 2024, 09:24:26 AM »
She would be asked continuously by the Pravdas about all the things she said about Trump (chaos, old and diminished, etc)


Trump on Gaza


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Democrats are squirming.

Objective and brutal. And this is The Atlantic.

"I’m no political-messaging expert, but the shut-up-and-get-behind-this-guy approach seems a tad off-putting."

"The plane has taken off. It is clearly sputtering. The pilot is not saying much. When he does, he sounds shaky. He is not inspiring confidence. A solid majority of passengers would much rather someone else were at the controls. They have voiced this concern repeatedly. (For the record, the Federal Aviation Administration’s compulsory retirement age for commercial pilots is 65.)

But the flight attendants keep telling us it’s too late. The plane’s already in the air. And this is the only captain we have available. Trust us, in private he’s in peak form. He’s not senile. Please remain seated, and keep your seat belts fastened."
Another Atlantic story tells how last minute changes haven't gone so well:

Truman's one term led to Eisenhower.  Johnson dropping out led to Nixon.  Replacing Eagleton for VP only yielded one state, Massachusetts for McGovern.

Changing out Biden's name for the same policies doesn't remove the turmoil.


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RFK Jr. held open possibility of running as the Libertarian candidate
« Reply #1232 on: March 06, 2024, 08:21:22 PM »

The 2020 candidate was on newsmax or newsnation - I forget which - saying she is open to the idea as if both sides make it mutually beneficial it could happen

This is important because I believe the consensus is this would hurt Biden more then Trump if RFK jr were to get on the ballot and makes sense since the Dems have sicced their mobster lawyers after him.


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State of the disunion tonight
« Reply #1233 on: March 07, 2024, 05:10:00 AM »
anyone think Biden will come out with the "era of big government is over"

and see his poll numbers shoot up 20%?

For once we need to have immediate good and to the point rebuttals within 24 hrs.

anyone care to bet if he makes it without at least one moment of cognitive failure?

he is probably on namenda aricept provigil caffeine and has audio device telling him what to say and his glasses are tinkered with so he can read his lines well.


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Re: State of the disunion tonight
« Reply #1234 on: March 07, 2024, 05:49:15 AM »
anyone think Biden will come out with the "era of big government is over"

and see his poll numbers shoot up 20%?

For once we need to have immediate good and to the point rebuttals within 24 hrs.

anyone care to bet if he makes it without at least one moment of cognitive failure?

he is probably on namenda aricept provigil caffeine and has audio device telling him what to say and his glasses are tinkered with so he can read his lines well.

I quit watching the news for the most part as it's clear they are little more than mouthpieces for the Deep State and ever more leftward leaning status quo that does nothing for me but wind me up. I do turn it on, however, in advance of my 50 mile commute to catch the weather and traffic report most mornings.

Tuned in this morning as the talking head with nice hair and capped teeth framed by an engaging smile informed the unwashed masses that heroic Joe Biden was in fact working on his State of the Union Speech all day today, making last minute changes outlining his many accomplishments and otherwise taking the lead as his moment to make the case for reelection in front of the voters was indeed occurring later tonight and good ol' Joe is determined to aptly embrace this opportunity!

Uh, horseshit. Biden's handlers likely have him in the closest thing to a medically induced coma so as to minmize expenditure of mental and physical energy in an effort to husband it all in the hope that later today he can devote it all to reading off the teleprompter the speech his handlers have prepared for him to mouth as they fret all the while he'll go off script and ad lib wacky stuff about how black kids liked touching the hair on his legs back in the day or otherwise recapitulating some mumbling sidetrack his mind is prone to wandering down even back when he was in somewhat better control of his segues and digressions. Hell, I bet they'll have him wired up with something that vibrates, provides a low voltage dose of current, or otherwise signals it's time to stop wandering the empty corridors of his mind and stick with the script for the freaking love of Gaia or whatever. My money is on some sort of remote control dildo shoved up his ass that "Doctor Jill" controls, perhaps connoting that if he stays on track she'll service him afterward while allowing him to smell some wigs....

Whoa. And now you see why I stopped letting bubble headed bleach blonds and their news reading kin wind me up, though I have no doubt working on the speech is the last thing Joe's handlers are pressing him for today. It'll be intersting to see how quickly the "what President Biden was seeking to speak to is ..." damage control emerges today. Bet they got a large war room set up to devote to that singular task.


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Re: This could be fun tonight. What is the link?
« Reply #1237 on: March 07, 2024, 08:55:08 AM »

 :-D :-D :-D

Hopefully there is a way to easily count the number of folks that tune in here so it can be compared/contrasted to what the MSM pulls in. It would be a hoot if this eclipsed say, CNN, let alone a big 3 legacy TV news room.


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Re: 2024, SOTU
« Reply #1238 on: March 07, 2024, 09:15:46 AM »
When they do the ratings of the speech, I hope they show how many watched the whole thing. He could be charged with some form of very slow torture.

I think I will read a transcript instead.


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Re: 2024, SOTU
« Reply #1239 on: March 07, 2024, 12:30:53 PM »
Obviously he will present his economic case in the best light possible.  It's a great economy.  You people are all wrong about it. Low unemployment, he will take credit for the progress made under his predecessor and ignore that all the "growth" on his watch was the reopening after covid shutdowns. 

We know some things he won't mention. The Afghan withdrawal, the $6 billion he sent to Iran pre-10/7, energy exports, tripling the cost of the national debt and adding a trillion to it every hundred days?

What I wonder (in fear) is what will he lay out for his vision and agenda for the future.  Will people snicker if he talks about what he will do in the next 4 years?  Will he repeat the Clinton line, 'we can do more'?  If they come up with some real stuff they want to do, or blame the Republican House for what didn't happened, will he explain why he didn't do it when he had the trifecta and Democrat power, White House, House and Senate?

Whatever new spending they come up with, we could have afforded better when he started than when he finishes.  Our real spending power is falling.

The big one that I hope to win SOTU bingo with is, will he cure cancer?

That alone justifies his reelection.
Biden Urged To Wed Billionaire Tax With Social Security in SOTU

He will no doubt have clever stuff like that.  Like Hillary said, you can't afford all my ideas.

Who does a billionaires' tax hit hardest?  Clue, not the billionaire.

Port in Gaza:

The speech’s March 7 delivery date is the latest one for a State of the Union address in history.

Democrats terrified:
« Last Edit: March 07, 2024, 01:15:01 PM by DougMacG »


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according to this it is more of the same BS story tonight
« Reply #1240 on: March 07, 2024, 12:42:47 PM »

don't worry historian John Meacham is in the mix
remember he will tell us Joe is up their with the Presidential greats.


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Katie Britt's response
« Reply #1242 on: March 08, 2024, 01:47:47 PM »
she was obviously quite nervous

it showed , she was nearly gasping for air
a bit of crying even

From now on we need a seasoned communicator not an "up and coming" politician

I would rather have seen Stephen Miller give the rebuttal
He would not get stage fright and he can articulate and communicate common sense facts as well as anyone.

I don't understand why we can't have anyone give a rock star rebuttal.

Marco reaching for water
Bobby Jindal disappointment and I can't even remember any of the others most likely because they were weak.

For God's sake
Pick someone who can crush a response.
Don't pick a girl because she is a girl
Pick a woman who can get up their and sound strong.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1243 on: March 09, 2024, 05:47:09 AM »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #1244 on: March 09, 2024, 06:04:17 AM »


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some repubs outraged by Lara Trump being named a co chair
« Reply #1245 on: March 09, 2024, 06:51:27 AM »
I don't know how significant this is; caveat this is from Newsweek an enemy "news" source.
I heard something yesterday that Trump re assures the RNC money will not be used for his debts ( :roll:)

but I knew this was trouble the second I saw this:


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Bill O sums up the Biden speech
« Reply #1246 on: March 09, 2024, 07:35:05 AM »
same old DNC mantra :

tax the rich and more spending to their favorite constituents.

like my sister told me when I asked her how her fellow teachers are always voting for the crats and how can this be paid for ?

her response was it is ALWAYS "the rich should pay"

is not envy one of the 7 sins ?

a lot of free shitters out there.

Ingraham pointed out higher taxes on the rich would bring in $500 billion over the next decade

That would not even pay the debt for one yr.


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Trump for TT to spite FB
« Reply #1247 on: March 09, 2024, 09:25:15 AM »
This is what I am afraid of Trump puts his personal power above the interests of the country

I don't like FB but TT is far worse:

We are so screwed .


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Trump the Anti-Vaxxer
« Reply #1248 on: March 09, 2024, 11:13:42 AM »
I follow The Hill though rarely post anything of theirs as I consider ‘em just another house organ of the Deep State, though to be fair they occasionally post an opinion piece expressing heterodox views. Between this item and one I posted earlier re higher ed I think I’m seeming an emerging election trend: finding some pet piece of orthodoxy and extrapolating wildly about how a Trump victory would cause the end of life as we know it where a given issue area is concerned.

In this instance the author conflates the horribly managed Covid series of boondoggles with the anti-vax movement, utterly ignoring the roles the media, government, regulators, et al played as they all hyped Covid, failing to note how that hype and mismanagement lead to today’s distrust of the players rather than Trump. Dimes to dollars we’ll se this structure replayed throughought this election season:

Trump's vaccine rhetoric sends chills through public health circles
The Hill News / by Nathaniel Weixel / Mar 9, 2024 at 12:10 PM

Public health advocates are watching in growing alarm as former President Trump increasingly embraces the anti-vaccine movement. 

"I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate," Trump said in a recent campaign rally in Richmond, Va.

It's a line Trump has repeated, and his campaign said he is only referring to school COVID-19 vaccine mandates — but that hasn’t eased fears that the GOP leader could accelerate already worrying trends of declining child vaccination. 

Trump “is an important voice. He has a big platform. And he uses that platform, in this case, to do harm. Because he's implying by saying that we shouldn't mandate vaccines, vaccines are in some ways ineffective or unsafe,” said Paul Offit, a pediatrician and vaccine expert at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. 

The ironic part, Offit noted, is that the Trump administration kickstarted Operation Warp Speed, which helped drug companies use a relatively new technology to make two very effective and safe COVID-19 vaccines in less than a year.

Throughout the campaign, Trump has performed a complicated tap dance regarding COVID vaccines. He simultaneously wants to take credit for their speedy development but has also criticized their use and knocked his now former rivals for being too pro-vaccine.

In a post on Truth Social reacting to Biden's State of the Union speech on Thursday, Trump again claimed credit for the COVID-19 shots.

"You're welcome, Joe, nine month approval time vs. 12 years that it would have taken you!"

Every state and the District of Columbia requires children to get vaccinated against certain diseases before they start school, including measles, mumps, polio, tetanus, whooping cough and chickenpox. A plan to withhold federal funding would have widespread impact. 

“Like most states, Virginia requires MMR vaccine, chickenpox vaccine, polio, etc. So Trump would take millions in federal funds away from all Virginia public schools," former GOP Rep. Barbara Comstock (Va.) wrote in response to his campaign threat on X, formerly Twitter.

Since the public health emergency ended last May, no state requires students to get the COVID-19 vaccine, while 21 states have laws specifically banning schools from requiring COVID-19 shots.

Trump’s campaign says his comments only apply to states that mandate COVID-19 vaccines — making it essentially an empty threat.

“If you actually listen to the entire section, and also if you’ve been following his speeches for the past year, he’s talking about COVID vaccines in addition to masks in the same breath. This isn’t anything new,” Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said in an email.

Experts say the politicization of vaccines has led to an increase in hesitancy and is sparking more outbreaks of preventable diseases like measles. 

There have been measles outbreaks in 15 states this year, most recently in Florida, where state Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo did not recommend parents vaccinate their children or keep unvaccinated students home from school as a precaution. 

Instead, he sent a letter to parents advising them to make their own decisions about school attendance. 

Ladapo was appointed by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) in 2021 and has since aligned himself with anti-vaccine sentiments, primarily about the COVID-19 shots. 

Ladapo told people not to get the most recent shot and has drawn sharp rebukes from the medical community — as well as federal health agencies — for claims that the shots alter human DNA, can potentially cause cancer, and are generally unsafe. 

Georges Benjamin, executive director of the American Public Health Association, said he worries that Trump is signaling he will empower more people like Ladapo if he wins reelection.

“I worry about any administration that doesn't follow good evidence and good science, that they will put more and more people like them in their administration,” Benjamin said.

“We know that Trump had some extraordinarily competent people [in his first term]. But we also know that he had some extraordinarily incompetent people, and that in many situations, some of the really incompetent people carried the day because they aligned with his philosophy,” Benjamin added.

Robert Blendon, a professor emeritus of health politics at the Harvard School of Public Health, said the experience in Florida and the comments from Trump are part of a much broader Republican backlash against public health expertise and government mandates that can be traced to anti-COVID policies.   

“It isn't that he's just going after these anti-vaccine votes,” Blendon said of Trump.

Trust in public health authorities has dropped precipitously among Republicans since 2021, and Blendon said Trump is a symbol of that. The anti-vaccine movement has never been associated with one particular political party, whereas the public health backlash is strongly Republican-centric. 

“That's made it very, very powerful,” Blendon said. “There are Republicans in the House and Senate, who when they're not investigating public health, want to cut back the budget ... so it has caught on within the Republican base very widely.” 

Whether it’s anti-vaccine specifically or anti-public health more broadly, the sentiment is growing. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the percentage of kindergartners whose parents opted them out of school-required vaccinations rose to the highest level yet during the 2022-2023 school year.   

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a well-known vaccine skeptic who is running for president as an independent, has gained a major platform to spread misinformation and widely debunked claims about vaccines.   

He has falsely claimed vaccines cause autism, falsely declared the coronavirus shot is the world’s deadliest vaccine and questioned the safety of shots’ ingredients.

Offit, the vaccine expert, said he thinks public health officials could have done a better messaging job on the COVID-19 shots, and that by mandating vaccines they “inadvertently leaned into a Libertarian left hook.” 

Still, Offit said he is concerned about the increasing anti-science rhetoric from politicians like Trump. 

"I feel like we're on the edge of a precipice here ... you have the most contagious of the vaccine preventable diseases coming back to some extent, and with Donald Trump basically casting aspersions on vaccines, that's only going to worsen.”
« Last Edit: March 09, 2024, 05:01:53 PM by Body-by-Guinness »


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