Author Topic: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden  (Read 70000 times)


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Wrong Way Biden
« Reply #350 on: September 08, 2020, 12:09:36 PM »


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where are the medical records of Joe Biden?
« Reply #352 on: September 09, 2020, 01:34:10 PM »

anyone think Chris Wallace will have the guts to really test biden's cognition?

I don't.

We know he will go after Trump.

« Last Edit: September 09, 2020, 03:00:03 PM by ccp »


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Re: where are the medical records of Joe Biden?
« Reply #353 on: September 09, 2020, 02:09:30 PM »
anyone thick Chris Wallace will have the guts to really test biden's cognition?
I don't.
We know he will go after Trump.

I think the question becomes, how kindly and graciously can Trump demolish him in the debates?  If Trump bullies him and is too mean, it could hurt both of them and maybe Trump more so. I say ignore Biden's problem and debate the issues and the questions straight up.  Let voters figure it out.

My other proposal is to offer to let Biden bring any number of his advisers to the debate table versus Trump alone.  They can advise Biden during the debate but only during his time on the clock.
Minnesota's previous Governor Mark Dayton developed a noticeable speech impediment by the end of his first term.  He consistently sounded drugged, drunk or medicated.  He had a past problem with drub abuse.  We still don't know what that was lasting through his second term, now two years beyond.
But being Governor is not Commander in Chief.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2020, 04:50:07 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #355 on: September 14, 2020, 04:32:12 PM »
*Joe Biden does not know that North Korea has nuclear weapons*

not only does he forget they have had nukes for yrs
but ,

I DISTINTlY RECALL that EARs and Plugs decided the the US may as well let N Korea simply have their nukes;

nothing could be done to stop them without the enormous costs

but now Trump is the president suddenly forget me now complains  how Trump has done nothing about N Korea


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Joe Biden thinks he's running for reelection
« Reply #356 on: September 14, 2020, 07:32:31 PM »


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Joe Biden doesn't know where he will be tomorrow
« Reply #358 on: September 15, 2020, 03:16:39 AM »


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« Last Edit: September 15, 2020, 05:31:40 AM by DougMacG »


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Joe Biden is well known but not known well
« Reply #360 on: September 15, 2020, 05:36:58 AM »
Long-time Democratic pollster Peter Hart told The Los Angeles Times, Biden is “well known, but not known well.”


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Rubio: Biden's economic plan is inconsistent, outdated and weak
« Reply #362 on: September 16, 2020, 04:53:11 AM »

After decades of cheering on a rising China, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is now scrambling to show he cares about the destruction of millions of American jobs and the erosion of our industrial base.

His latest plan is inconsistent and outdated, revealing a desperation to reclaim the high ground of supporting American industry for a political party that has long since left it behind.

Early on, Biden backed himself into a corner by promising to remove President Trump’s tariffs on China.

Now, he is proposing a new plan that would increase taxes on American companies’ sales abroad by repealing portions of the 2017 tax law. Led by reflexive partisanship, he has embraced a contradictory position of increasing imports of Chinese goods but reducing American exports.

Biden’s plan would do this by overturning one of the important policies enacted by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act-- the transition from a worldwide to a territorial tax system. Rather than taxing the income that American businesses earn on their sales in other countries twice as the Biden plan would, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act largely exempted those sales from tax.

In other words, Biden would double-tax U.S. firms that sell products internationally. American companies like Boeing, Caterpillar, or ExxonMobil looking to sell American goods abroad would face higher taxes.

Instead of rising to the occasion to beat China -- which supports the growth of its own national corporations across the globe -- this plan effectively calls for the opposite.

Right when we most need to support our firms with the resources they need to dominate internationally and create American jobs, Biden is telling them they need to shrink away.

And, if anything, the Biden plan would increase corporate inversions by making it more attractive for formerly American businesses to incorporate in lower-tax jurisdictions.

The plan makes reference to reshoring, which, to be fair, is a step up from Biden’s past downplaying of the threat that Beijing clearly posed to American jobs. But rather than detail how to create durable, dignified work at home and how to shore up our nation’s industrial capacity, it avoids particulars or committing Biden to any specific industry he would push to reshore.

Where it does get specific, his plan does make multiple, bizarre references to bringing back call centers.

America is not going to beat China by reshoring call centers. This is not the future of American work, and this is not a serious plan.

By contrast, a more forward-looking vision would grapple with how America can lead the way in high-tech telecommunications, so we can meet the challenge that Beijing is posing with its state-backed firms like Huawei or ZTE.

The reality is that most productive companies for the 21st century must be global in their scope in order to produce at the scale necessary for innovation and job growth.

What Biden doesn’t seem to be able to grasp is that it’s good for American business to have a global reach. This builds productive ties with allies and partners abroad and further isolates China’s malign influence.

The problem is that Biden has nothing new to offer when it comes to helping our firms attain that market dominance, especially in the vital advanced manufacturing industries that will win the 21st century.

The solution cannot just be smoothing the transition to Chinese dominance.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2020, 05:29:59 AM by DougMacG »


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Picking on Slow Joe Biden, continued...
« Reply #363 on: September 16, 2020, 08:02:27 AM »
I guess I'll quit picking on him when they take him off the ticket. Here's more from yesterday:

It seems to counter the main argument of Democrats, that they are smarter than us. I don't see it, but maybe that's because ...  they are smarter than us.

If you were a Quartermaster, you could run the ladies department at, you know,  a department store. (Do we still have department stores?) Meanwhile China took over all of our Manufacturing, is stealing our technology, is setting up military bases along the South China Sea, and Minneapolis, Portland and California are on fire. But back to that Quartermaster... is that on the teleprompter, or off the teleprompter?
« Last Edit: September 17, 2020, 08:11:26 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #364 on: September 19, 2020, 02:21:04 PM »


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Sundown Joe Biden
« Reply #365 on: September 22, 2020, 04:30:44 PM »


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leftist. says Joe making same mistakes as clinton
« Reply #366 on: September 25, 2020, 01:46:50 PM »

but wait , I thought Joe is crushing it in all the latest polls

" Biden and his advisers clearly believe that Hillary Clinton lost in 2016 because white voters in key swing states shifted from Obama to Trump. Biden’s entire campaign strategy is built on that assumption. There are two problems with that. For one, it almost entirely ignores the Black working class. For another, it may not even be true"

Is this person saying Joe is not black enough?

Could it be that Trump's message about "workers " and not what color they are is better?


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drug test for Joe who seems more awake at times
« Reply #367 on: September 27, 2020, 09:28:40 AM »
From my post August 21st :

" that said the aricept provigil and adderall all worked last night, i do admit."

Trump reading DB forum:
« Last Edit: September 27, 2020, 09:31:29 AM by ccp »


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Re: drug test for Joe who seems more awake at times
« Reply #368 on: September 27, 2020, 12:31:58 PM »
From my post August 21st :

" that said the aricept provigil and adderall all worked last night, i do admit."

Trump reading DB forum:

If Joe is on sharpness enhancement medications, they may want to check the dose and expiration date.  Something isn't working.


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #369 on: September 27, 2020, 02:56:54 PM »

You can dress him up but you can't take him to a drive thru.  He'll just screw up.

This was just yesterday, trying to compete with Trump who picked Superwoman for the Supreme Court.  The drugs aren't working.

The point he literally saying is false, only 1% of the paycheck protection money has been paid out.  The point he is trying to make is unknown.  The host tries to guess the correction to his error.  Awkward, understatement.

He served in the Senate with John Calhoun (1840) and surprisingly served two years as Vice President under Trump:

The gift that keeps giving.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2020, 03:00:07 PM by DougMacG »


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Biden: China economy not a threat, about the size of The Netherlands (2000)
« Reply #370 on: September 29, 2020, 09:02:55 AM »
Then Sen Joe Biden voted in favor of giving permanent Normal Trade Relations (NTR) to China. At the time, he said that this would not lead to “the collapse of the American manufacturing economy” because China is “about the size of the Netherlands” and could not possibly become “our major economic competitor.”

"free trade with China would establish “a path toward ever greater political and economic freedom” for the people of China."


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suspected this too
« Reply #371 on: September 29, 2020, 01:34:11 PM »

this not a receiver but hearing aid that is deep into the canal
far enough one probably needs an otoscope to see
so of course their are receivers that could also easily be this small:

anyone think the greatest Jurnolister of our age Chris Wallace will ask Joe about this ?
« Last Edit: September 29, 2020, 02:01:52 PM by ccp »


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Joe Biden, enthusiasm issue
« Reply #374 on: October 04, 2020, 07:34:45 PM »


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of course
« Reply #376 on: October 12, 2020, 02:48:45 PM »

all vehement anti Trump people

who will overturn end and coverup everything DOJ Barr's work

and go right back to the Obama style of justice for the left only

Joe is going to president for all of us he would say - bring us together -  blah blah blah


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Joe Biden, court-packing, can't remember
« Reply #377 on: October 13, 2020, 06:21:21 AM »
If you did want the court packed, is this the guy you would want to do it?


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #378 on: October 13, 2020, 08:23:35 AM »

WKRC: Gallup reported last week 56% of Americans said they were better off today than they were four years ago—would’ve been under the Obama-Biden administration. So why should people who feel they are better off today, under the Trump administration, vote for you?

BIDEN: Well, if they think that, they probably shouldn’t. ... Well, their memory is not very good, quite frankly. ...


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #380 on: October 14, 2020, 06:37:34 AM »
"But before turning over the gear, the shop owner says, he made a copy of the hard drive and later gave it to former Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello."

Good work !

Thank God we have the NY Post
that will actually print an anti Democrat truth.


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #382 on: October 14, 2020, 02:28:30 PM »
"Hunter Biden made an appearance at the 2020 Democratic National Convention, vouching for his father’s honesty"

I learned a long time ago NEVER trust a drug addict.

ALWAYS keep one eye open.


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debunked , conspiracy, fake news , liar
« Reply #383 on: October 15, 2020, 06:21:24 AM »
wonder what all those screw jobs at CNN and MSLSD are going to say now

anytime Biden corruption there immediate reflex response was to scream "debunked conspiracy"

how about it lemon mario's kid

or mad cow ?


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Re: debunked , conspiracy, fake news , liar
« Reply #384 on: October 15, 2020, 06:34:08 AM »
wonder what all those screw jobs at CNN and MSLSD are going to say now

anytime Biden corruption there immediate reflex response was to scream "debunked conspiracy"

how about it lemon mario's kid

or mad cow ?

Guess their going to say nothing and hide it like the Pravdas we all know they are.

I would like to know how people here will handle this election with friends and family members who are in denial that they are far leftists but plan to vote for Biden because of "Trump's character".  Good grief.  Which one has worse integrity, honesty and character?
« Last Edit: October 15, 2020, 06:39:18 AM by DougMacG »


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what is really DEBUNKED
« Reply #385 on: October 15, 2020, 06:57:04 AM »
Biden myth about his:

integrity, honesty and character , nice guy............

we on the right knew he was a lying BS artist since day one

like HIS mentor Baraq Hussain.

Gee ,, he lives like the son of a mail man
the poorest guy in the Senate .
now we know how he was able to get these. From his lying son who was looking out for *his family*:

Oh , let me not forget these descriptions

"a career public servant ,  or in the service of his country".

not funny - just disgusting horse shit.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2020, 07:01:44 AM by ccp »


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The Bidens and the underage girls
« Reply #387 on: October 20, 2020, 06:12:23 PM »
Rudy turns Video of Hunter telling his father over to the police?

« Last Edit: October 20, 2020, 06:21:43 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #388 on: October 20, 2020, 06:25:43 PM »

Love thy family?

Were the children in the Hunter story nieces, strangers?


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Joe Biden, 5 days in isolation in late October...
« Reply #389 on: October 22, 2020, 09:05:29 AM »
Was is Reggie Jackson they used to call Mr. October for raising his level of play  in the big games?  Nobody is calling Joe Biden Mr. October this year. 

CCP - MD, Other than politics, what could be the meaning of Biden's disappearance?  I think Hillary used to go into hiding to get her facial work healed, that surgical smile they implanted.  Joe is already not recognizable on that score, but that is not what he is likely up to now.  Are they doping him up with the cognitive enhancers with side effects they don't want us to see? 

He couldn't be doing so many hours of prep every day that he couldn't do 5 minutes here and 15 minutes there with media.  Stop the gaffes means stop the campaign.

If anyone else has a big meeting or presentation at work they need to prepare for, do they take time off of work to do that?

This smells rotten to me.  Even if your candidate is Joe Biden, you have to get him out there.

The Biden strategy reminds me of our local NFL team sitting on a zero point lead with plenty of time left, going into a 'prevent' defense while the other team moves the ball freely down the field and into the endzone for the win.

Instead of lowering expectations as he did so well for the first debate, now he is raising them??

Did I already say, what could possibly go wrong?


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Biden in debate:  "It's going to be a dark winter", he repeated for emphasis.  It's going to be cold to - without oil and gas.

Looks like he will lose and therefore be wrong, but investors among us should contemplate a big move on the front edge of the election results if Biden wins and if Democrats carry the day.

If Trump wins we will have oil, natural gas and electricity, affordable to leave a light on for you, and the heat on.  And the markets open and thriving.

If Biden wins, my business is screwed.  Responding to the new disincentives, my productive activities will be winding down and wrapping up as fast as I can arrange it.

Not just my situation will be under fire...
New Stanford Study Suggests Biden's Agenda Will Have 4 Devastating Economic Consequences
Four economists from Stanford University’s Hoover Institution analyzed Biden’s proposals to increase taxes, reinstate and expand a host of regulations, and create new subsidies for healthcare and renewable energy. The study concludes that these interventions would distort labor incentives, decrease productivity, and kill jobs.

As a result, the experts project that the policy agenda would, by 2030, lead to 4.9 million fewer jobs and the economy shrinking by $2.6 trillion. So, too, the study projects that consumption would be $1.5 trillion lower in 2030 and families would see a $6,500 drop in median household income compared to a neutral scenario.

“The risk from Joe Biden’s policies isn’t that they will send the economy reeling right away,” the Wall Street Journal editorial board concluded in its analysis of the study. “The problem is that they will have a long-term corrosive impact by raising the cost of capital, reducing the incentive to work and invest, and reducing productivity across the economy. Americans will pay the price in a lower standard of living than they otherwise would—and that they deserve.”
[These are very good economists, Kevin Hassett, Casey Mulligan etc.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2020, 04:33:37 PM by DougMacG »


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Joe Biden - was already creepy in 1974
« Reply #391 on: October 23, 2020, 04:51:54 PM »
I'm sure Kitty Kelly wanted to hear about his sex life.  (sarc)

Biden’s homage to the physical appearance and “sensuality” of his first wife, Neilia. She had died two years earlier in a car crash.

Biden showed Kelly a picture of Neilia in a bikini and said:

She had the best body of any woman I ever saw. She looks better than a Playboy bunny, doesn’t she?

He boasted about their sex life, stating:

The longer we lived together the more we enjoyed everything from sex to sports. Most guys don’t really know what I lost because they never knew what I had.

Talking about his early days as a campaigner, Biden offered too much information:

At first [Neilia] stayed at home with the kids while I campaigned but that didn’t work out because I’d come back too tired to talk to her. I might satisfy her in bed but I didn’t have much time for anything else.

Biden also touted, Fredo like, his own intelligence. “I’m smart,” he declared. He also insisted, “I know I can be a good President.” “I know I could have easily made the White House with Neilia,” he added.

Biden represented himself to Kelly as a “football hero” at the time he met Neilia. But he also said he met her during a college vacation. Biden never played a down of football in college. At various points in his political career, Biden has lied about his (non-existent) college football career.


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joe given questions ahead of time - zero doubt in my mind
« Reply #392 on: October 23, 2020, 05:12:22 PM »
"CCP - MD, Other than politics, what could be the meaning of Biden's disappearance? "

could be anything

maybe they inject his dead corpse with the solution from the Re Animator movie

I don't believe for ONE SECOND he did not know the exact questions aforehand

and Trump of course did not.

for a good Friday night laugh

this  is what the Democrat doctors are doing for Joe
once they are off from doing their partisan crap on CNN telling us how bad and stupid Trump is and how smart and brilliant they all are.


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China Joe Biden
« Reply #393 on: October 23, 2020, 05:19:39 PM »

What happens if China Joe gets in?

What if Hunter has some children in the PRC? Imagine the blackmail material the Chinese MSS must have on Hunter.


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Joe : China come on man
« Reply #394 on: October 23, 2020, 05:38:27 PM »

What happens if China Joe gets in?

What if Hunter has some children in the PRC? Imagine the blackmail material the Chinese MSS must have on Hunter.--------


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #396 on: October 24, 2020, 07:34:29 AM »
". CNN brought on their in-house fact-sleuth Daniel Dale to give his grades of the two performances, and while he expectantly declared Trump delivered an ‘’avalanche of lies’’ he declared that Joe Biden had been ‘’mostly truthful’’ in the debate. "

Yes , and the rare times someone is allowed to get in their face and call them out for the obvious hypocrits liars THEY are
they respond with "don't go there"

or like Brian Stelter say, something like "how dare you !"

unfortunately we don 't get enough spokesman on their shows to point out this out as they usually have bobble heads come on never trumpers like Michael Steele (to think this guy was given the head of RNC - because he is black btw, not because of any special genius - while we trying to be politically correct - playing the leftist game to appease them - and it backfired in OUR faces - as he now criticizes the party that gave his a chance)


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the question is wrong
« Reply #397 on: October 25, 2020, 04:48:48 PM »
you have never denies it is hunter's laptop

it describes in detail the corruption of your family and how it affected policy

without changing the subject , do you apologize to the American people

( I notice he refers to the scandal as referring his "son" to invoke sympathy) and (changes the topic immediately)


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Who are you running against Joe?
« Reply #398 on: October 26, 2020, 06:36:27 AM »
4 more years of George, Bu.. uh, uh,... Trump.

In other news, Biden is very proud of his voter fraud operation.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2020, 06:45:03 AM by DougMacG »


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Joe Biden, transition away from oil and gas
« Reply #399 on: October 26, 2020, 07:48:44 AM »
Did he say transition away from air travel?  How else does that work, batteries?? Transition away from cars?  Transition away from heat??!! How else does THAT work?  Transition away from AC?

48 years of opposing nuclear energy, now he wants to put everything on the grid.  Not exactly what you call a visionary.