Author Topic: ACTION items  (Read 51410 times)


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ACTION items
« on: June 26, 2009, 08:52:59 AM »
This thread is for calls to citizens to action:

Dear Marc,

It's not often that a single bill so clearly defines the struggle between freedom and control. Those are the stakes with the National Energy Tax, H.R. 2454, and the House will likely vote on it today.

President Obama stated yesterday that the National Energy Tax is a "jobs bill." He's right. But it's not an American jobs bill. It's a China jobs bill, because that's where our jobs will go. Experts predict that this bill would destroy between 1,105,000 and 2,479,000 jobs on average, every year*. We can't let that happen.

Please take a minute to call your member of Congress, and urge him or her to vote NO on H.R. 2454.

Here's the link to find their phone number:

Yesterday, American Solutions members made over 15,000 phone calls to their Congressmen. It's an amazing number, but we must push harder, because Speaker Pelosi, Al Gore and their left-wing allies are trying to corral moderate Republicans and Democrats to vote for what could be the largest tax increase in American history.

But, Congress is feeling the pressure. Your call - right now - can make a huge difference.

Please take a minute to call your member of Congress, and urge him or her to vote NO on H.R. 2454.

Together, we can stop this, and work towards implementing a real jobs bill, that will grow our economy, provide more energy at lower cost, and strengthen our national security.

Your friend,

Newt Gingrich
General Chairman
American Solutions

P.S.  Keep up to date on all the key issues by joining our Facebook Page and following us on Twitter.


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Re: ACTION items
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2009, 10:49:57 AM »
Marc,  Thanks for the new thread today for this.  I had the exact same thought last night and wanted to share the same plea for others to do the same.  I wrote to Rep. Collin Peterson D-MN from an address I have in his out-state district.  He is Chair of the House Ag. Committee that allegedly 'won' concessions for ethanol producers in exchange for the votes of moderate Dems in farm districts on the carbon tax.  I wrote something like:

'Please oppose the current carbon tax legislation.  If you vote with the Speaker over the People on this issue you can't know how tirelessly I will work to help defeat you in the future.  Sincerely, Doug M....'


Even more important is to defeat socialized medicine so please stay tuned, but the light switch / exhale tax is the focus today!

When Obama says he will tax only the heavy polluters he means YOU if you happen to drive or plug things into outlets.  So much for the lie about no tax increase on people making under a quarter million.


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South Bay Tea Party
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2009, 10:44:36 AM »
South Bay Tea Party Web Site
1. JULY 17th Event
2. Letter from Nathan
3. Action Item from California Tea Party Patriots.
July 17th - Demonstrate our Support of Free Market Health Care:
We have nation changing issues of Socialized Medicine at a cost that will enslave your children for a generation. OR if the government limits the price (salaries) artificially then who is going to study for 7 to 14 years to become a doctor when they could do something else, so we will have much worse health care in the end. OR they will have to limit procedures, so less needed health care and only to those that the government approves of.

When: July 17, 2009, 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM Friday evening rush hour.


On the sidewalk in front of Jane Harman's Office

2321 E. Rosecrans Avenue

El Segundo, CA 90245

What: Bring signs protesting Socialized Medicine, and in support.

How: Obey all peace officers. But make a difference. Bring a friend. Parking is all around, and you can even pay to park in Jane's building.

Click Here To Respond for the Event and to Take a Survey

Have your friends sign up to our email notifications here

Note from Nathan Mintz:
Dear Tea Party Patriots,

Liberals in Washington have already begun spinning up their plans for passing socialized medicine quietly through congress in coming weeks. Like our health care was being auctioned off to the most inefficient bidder, we have stood by and watched as the (lowball) price tag for this has risen from 600 billion, to 1 trillion, to now 1.6 trillion. With this on top of the 10 trillion dollars in printed money we have to look forward to in the next 10 years, Barack Obama seems determined to ensure his place in history as the nationalizer-in-chief.

With Democrats holding a near filibuster proof majority in the Senate and some moderate Republicans,like Susan Collins of Maine, in danger of waffling on this most critical issue, what can be done to confront this seemingly unstoppable Juggernaut?

As Tea Party organizers, we won't stand idly by and watch as Liberals try to ruin an industry that works well for 80% of Americans, by replacing it with a clinical DMV. We know that the real problem with health care is largely one created by government, which is already responsible for between 45% to 56% of US health care spending. That's right- the government is the largest spender on health care already, so its hard to see how getting them more involved will reduce the cost.

We need your help: Doctors, Nurses, health care professionals, we know that you face the real problems in health care everyday. We need your words, stories and anecdotes to help make the public case that in this case, government is not the solution, but part of the problem. We need your participation in a push across local print media to help voice vehement opposition against this usurpation of another critical American industry and help do our part locally to oppose this horrible plan.

Please contact either Nathan or Gary with your thoughts or desire to help.


Nathan Mintz


South Bay Tea Party

California Tea Party Patriots Organization:
This is an emergency request for all California Tea Party Patriots to speak out through massive phone calls and prevent the legislature from passing huge tax increases. We defeated them at the polls, and now they intend to just circumvent us. The disdain they have for us is palpable, and they intend to shove taxes down our throats whether we support them or not.

So we have a plan...


Our contacts in the Capitol say that they are being bombarded with calls, visits and emails from unions and various types of welfare recipients and labor union shills demanding higher taxes. A vote is expected to take place TOMORROW or WEDNESDAY. We need to make our voices heard too.

As if the politicians have suddenly forgotten that California voters just rejected higher taxes by nearly 2 to 1, Democrats in the legislature are now pushing for higher car taxes, tobacco taxes, oil taxes and more.

Now on the table are these so-called “revenue enhancements”

$2 BILLION IN OIL TAXES. With gas prices already approaching $3 a gallon, this will hurt anyone who drives

$1.50 A PACK CIGARETTE TAX INCREASE. This scheme would try to make smokers pay for the politician’s mistakes. In reality, people will find ways around it or stop smoking. When the revenue does not materialize, then the pressure will be on to raise other taxes.

$15 CAR TAX HIKE. Car tax increases got Gray Davis recalled and were a part of the reason Prop. 1A was rejected. What part of "NO" don’t they understand? We the people spoke loud and clear, but they are still not listening!

There are also various accounting gimmicks and a proposal to drain the reserve fund. This is not the answer. We need real reforms to save our state. Cut the wasteful spending, trim the bloated bureaucracy, get rid of boards and commissions that do nothing, address a prison system that costs us twice as much per inmate as paid by other states.

Raising taxes requires a 2/3 vote. This protects taxpayers from the problem of two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. The Democratic legislators are all expected to support the tax increases, but they cannot go ahead with their plans without Republican support. We need to urge the Republican legislators to stay strong.

All legislators claim to welcome input from citizens, so feel free to share your opinions with the Democratic politicians as well. If you are a Democrat, be sure to tell them.

See the No New Taxes site for a list of legislators. Republican names are in red, Democrats are in blue.

Click on this link, it will find out for you by asking for your zip code:


The NNT site has been totally overhauled. Now, there is a wealth of news and press releases for you to read as well as a great video of an SEIU representative threatening the legislature.

If you have not yet seen it, see the Darrell Steinberg “translation” page where you can see a video of him and tell you what he is really saying. Direct link to that here:

Please forward this to all of your local lists so that we make the maximum impact possible on the legislature, and prevent them from proceeding with this travesty.

Tea Party Patriots


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Newt Gingrich
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2009, 06:07:42 AM »
Dear Marc,

Will you be around this Thursday night, July 9, for an hour? We ask because we'd like to invite you, and a few of your friends if they want, to join us for a live Tele-Townhall from 7-8pm EDT.

We'll be holding a special strategy session on a topic that's been central to our efforts recently - energy.

It is completely free; all you need to do is tell us what number to call, and be by the phone. I'll be talking for the first few minutes, and then I'll open it up to listen to your ideas and answer your questions.

You can sign up here:

In our fight for a real American energy policy, there are two big fronts right now.

One was revealed two weeks ago when the U.S. House passed the National Energy Tax. This vote was a clear sign of how far our opposition will go in trying to restrict and drive up the cost of American energy.

The second front is one we're very familiar with, especially after last summer's "Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less" campaign, and that is the effort to find and develop more American oil and natural gas.

This Tele-Townhall is especially timely because July 14 will mark the one year anniversary of President Bush lifting the executive ban on offshore drilling. Since the Obama administration has only taken us backwards since then, this is the time to re-launch our "Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less" campaign, and we want to talk with you specifically about how you can help in a simple way.

We have some serious work to do on energy, but we can succeed if we work together.

That's why we want you to join us on Thursday, July 9th from 7-8pm EDT, and we encourage you to invite some friends as well.

Again, here's the link to sign up:

Thank you, and we look forward to talking with you soon.

Your friend,

Newt Gingrich
General Chairman
American Solutions


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The Patriot
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2009, 11:37:29 AM »
2009 Mid-Year Fund Report
"Posterity -- you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it." --John Quincy Adams
Thank you for supporting The Patriot in so many ways. Many of our fellow Patriots answered our call for financial support during the 2009 Independence Day campaign and have helped us bridge the midsummer drought between July and September.

Your generous support ensures that The Patriot's timeless advocacy for individual liberty, the restoration of constitutional limits on government and the judiciary, and the promotion of free enterprise, national defense and traditional American values, is distributed to an ever-wider group of conservative grassroots activists.

The Patriot Fund is now within $15,673 of our summer goal.


So that we might pursue our mission without compromise, The Patriot is not sustained by any political, special-interest or parent organization, nor do we accept any online or e-mail advertising. Our mission and operations budgets are funded by -- and depend entirely upon -- the voluntary financial support of our readers!

Your support also provides for distribution of The Patriot to thousands of American military personnel, students and those in ministry or other professions with limited financial means. Additionally, your donation maintains some of the best research and advocacy resources on the Internet.

(View our revenue and expense information here.)

On behalf of your Patriot Staff and National Advisory Committee, thank you for your support!


Director of Donor Services

P.S. Please, if you are able and have not already done so, take a moment to support The Patriot online today by making a contribution -- however large or small. (If you prefer to support us by mail, please fill out and send in our printable donor form along with your check payable to "The Patriot Annual Fund," to PO Box 507, Chattanooga, TN 37401.)

"It does not take a majority to prevail ... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." -- Samuel Adams


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Knife Rights
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2009, 01:31:16 PM »
Sent: 7/8/2009 10:08:47 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: URGENT ACTION ALERT: NEW Amendment Revising Federal Switchblade Act
Amendment Revising Federal Switchblade Act Introduced, Supported by the
We're going to ask you to write yet again, because your letters and emails
and faxes are WORKING.  You are the ones who have made this happen.

While our primary focus had been on stopping funding for Customs relating
to their proposed rule, another track was being worked in the background
that would permanently solve the problem. It was initially conceived as a
follow-up to the urgently required need to stop Customs dead in its tracks,
giving us time to work on a more permanent solution. Late Tuesday evening,
even as we were marshaling support for the Cornyn-Wyden stop funding
amendment, we received an amendment introduced by Senators Pryor (D-AR) and
Hatch (R-UT) that would revise the Federal Switchblade Act (FSA); an
amendment that was being supported by Customs.

It was a good start, but was not quite acceptable for a variety of reasons.
Knife Rights led an effort to "perfect" the language of the amendment.
Working with our attorneys and AKTI representatives late into the night and
early morning hours, Knife Rights drafted language that we felt would
permanently solve the issue. With the cooperation of AKTI and NRA lobbyists
this revised language was handed off to Sen. Pryor who worked to get
Customs to accept the revised language. After a concerted effort by Sen.
Pryor, a consensus revision emerged that had the support of Customs and was
acceptable to Knife Rights and the industry. Late today a new Amendment
Number 1447 was introduced by Senators Cornyn, Pryor, Hatch, Vitter, Risch,
Chambliss, Corker, Enzi, Barrasso, Graham, Roberts, Wyden and Crapo that
adds another Exception in Section 1244 that clearly covers conventional
assisted openers and one-hand openers. It's not perfect, but it's good
enough and a major step forward. Even better, it is a permanent solution
rather than a stop-gap measure.

       View the amendment here:

This cooperative effort has resulted in a bi-partisan amendment that has
the critical support from the Senate committees which have responsibility
for the FSA and which is endorsed by the Administration (Customs and Border
Production have signed off on it). That gives it a very good chance of
making it through the process, but first we have to get it voted into the
Homeland Security Appropriations Bill.

NONE of this would have occurred without the groundswell of negative
reaction to the Customs proposal. Your thousands of written letters mailed
to Customs and the thousands more emails and faxes sent to Members of
Congress asking them to stop Customs, are what raised the issue to a level
where it could no longer be ignored. As the efforts by Knife Rights and
AKTI garnered more support from others with more political pull, that led
to the Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus' letter to Sec. Napolitano. It all
added up to a great deal of pressure on Customs to fix the problem. Customs
has responded, to their credit.

The coalition of advocacy groups including Knife Rights, American Knife and
Tool Institute, National Rifle Association, Congressional Sportsmen
Foundation, Second Amendment Foundation, Citizens Committee for the Right
to Keep and Bear Arms and others were able to leverage YOUR outrage into an
effective political force in a very short time. None of us individually
could have done it alone and it would not have happened without the
grassroots support you have provided. You deserve to pat yourself on the
back for this effort to get it this far. In an age when we often feel like
Congress and the Administration simply ignore the citizens' wishes, this is
an example of them actually listening to the citizens. YOU made this happen!

Now, we need to get the job finished. The next step is a vote on this
Amendment in the Senate. Yes, that means it is time to write again. And,
hopefully you'll need to write again to support an effort to get it through
Conference Committee.  That we are in a position to ask you to do this is
proof positive that it works. We have a short and simple letter this time.

Locate YOUR OWN Senators and their email forms here:

Sample Letter to YOUR Senators (copy and paste into the email form). If
your Senator is one of those listed at the end as co-sponsors, change the
closing to THANK them for their efforts co-sponsoring this amendment.:

RE: Amendment Number 1447 to DHS Appropriations H.R. 2892

Dear Senator [Insert Senator's Name],

As a pocket knife owner, I support Amendment Number 1447 as a fair and
reasonable solution to Customs' rulemaking which would expand the
interpretation of what a Switchblade is. I am pleased that Customs has
endorsed this amendment as a solution.

I strongly urge you to accept Senators Cornyn, Pryor, Hatch, Vitter, Risch,
Chambliss, Corker, Enzi, Barrasso, Graham, Roberts, Wyden and Crapo's
amendment, Number 1447, to the Homeland Security Appropriations bill.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Individual Signature]


Knife Rights on Twitter

Follow Knife Rights on Twitter and receive the latest updates and notices
as soon as they occur:

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Your membership dues help support our efforts to protect your rights.
Invest a modest sum in A Sharper FutureT. Join at the Benefactor level to
help us even more. JOIN NOW!


Copyright 2009, Knife Rights, Inc.
This may be reproduced. It may not be reproduced for commercial purposes.

Doug Ritter
Chairman / CEO
Knife Rights, Inc.
Knife Rights Foundation, Inc.

From: Toma


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Success in preventing bad knife regulation?
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2009, 11:11:17 AM »
It appears our efforts (see knife law thread on martial arts forum) have succeeded  8-) 8-) 8-)

Late Thursday, the Senate unanimously passed anamendment to the Federal Switchblade Act as part of the Homeland Security appropriations bill. The amendment, authored by Sens. John Cornyn (R-Tex.), Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), changes the federal law under which one agency had tried to redefine many common knives as switchblades.


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Re: ACTION items
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2009, 01:46:43 PM »
More on the success of our ACTION:

Friday, July 10, 2009 Late Thursday, the Senate unanimously passed anamendment to the Federal Switchblade Act as part of the Homeland Security appropriations bill. The amendment, authored by Sens. John Cornyn (R-Tex.), Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), changes the federal law under which one agency had tried to redefine many common knives as switchblades.
The measure would exempt assisted-opening knives that can only be opened with "exertion applied to the blade by hand, wrist or arm" from a federal law that criminalizes commerce in switchblades. Assisted opening knives are highly desired by hunters, anglers, farmers, ranchers, firefighters, law enforcement and emergency personnel and others who may need to open a knife with only one hand.
"The Senate sent a strong message and made clear that the 35 million Americans who own pocketknives are free to continue using them without the threat of federal agency intrusion," Sen. Cornyn said in a statement today. "While U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) proposed changing that, my colleagues joined in a unanimous, bipartisan effort to ensure assisted-opening pocketknives are protected by the law. What's more, the CBP reversal would have inflicted serious economic harm to sporting goods manufacturers and retailers."
In the same statement, Sen. Hatch said, "Without this amendment, there is a real danger that 80 percent of the pocketknives sold in the U.S. could be classified as illegal switchblades, which would hurt knife and tool manufacturers across the nation. The unintended consequences of the CBP's definition could be that state and federal criminal courts could construe Leatherman-type multi-tools equipped with one-hand opening features, as well as folding utility knives with studs on the blunt portions of the blade to assist with opening, to be illegal. That is absurd."
Thursday's Senate action puts us one step closer to passing this common-sense measure into law. The measure now heads to a House-Senate Conference Committee.
To view the amendment, please click here:


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CCW Full Faith & Credit
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2009, 07:04:29 AM »
Please click on the link below to send a pre-formatted e-mail to your two Senators supporting this amendment now pending in the Senate. It may be voted on as early as TODAY.  The bill would allow concealed-carry in any state if a citizen has a permit to carry in their home state.  This takes only 30 seconds:


Obama's new Attorney General has already said this is one of his major issues.


This takes literally 2 clicks to complete. Please vote on this gun issue question with USA Today. It will only take a few seconds of your time.. Then pass the link on to all the pro gun folks you know. Hopefully these results will be published later this month. This upcoming year will become critical for gun owners with the Supreme Court accepting the District of Columbia case against the right for individuals to bear arms.

First - vote on this one.

Second - launch it to other folks and ask THEM vote.

Vote in the USA Today poll - click on the link below.

The Question is: "Does the Second Amendment give individuals the right to bear arms?"

Vote at link below and vote Yes!:  Please - Quick Question

« Last Edit: July 20, 2009, 09:21:56 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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CATO appeal
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2009, 09:49:39 AM »
second post of day

CATO Institute is a strong, high quality libertarian institute with a strong track record and a goodly amount of credibility.


This Thursday we will begin airing six radio ads (one linked here) and a space ad in major newspapers (albeit in black and white) across the nation challenging the idea that government-run healthcare is a good thing.  As with our ads on the “stimulus” plan and climate change, we believe this campaign can have a major impact on the direction of the debate over healthcare.  Increasingly, the public is growing aware of the fact that Obama’s cost savings will come through rationing of healthcare options – from doctors to procedures.  As you can see, our budget for this campaign is $510,000.  Thus far we’ve raised just short of $200,000.  I’m asking for your support and that of other Cato Sponsors to make sure the entire program is funded.  Actually, I like to raise an additional $124,000 to run the ad in the Wall Street Journal.  As it is, the ad will run in the Washington Post and the New York Times this week.  The timing is perfect and the venues are appropriate.  I hope you’re in a position to help us.  Please click here to send your support online or send a (tax-deductible) check to Cato Institute, 1000 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 20001. Please note on the check that it is for the healthcare ad campaign. We can win this battle.
Cordially, Ed


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32d CD of CA; Congresswoman Jane Harman (this is my district)
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2009, 04:56:52 PM »
If there was ever a time in the last 50 years to do something that time is NOW.
Rally in Front of Jane Harman’s District Office

2321 E. Rosecrans Avenue
El Segundo, CA 90245
Phone: (310) 643 3636
Date and Time: August 21, 2009 4pm to 6pm 

Stop the Government takeover of Healthcare.  for more…

Don't Tell Me It Can't Be Done - Celebrate Freedom America
TEA PARTY CONVENTION with Bands, Speakers, and Personalities

Sunday Aug 30, 6 to 8 PM, Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center 
Join (we hope) 1,400 people all saying NO to Government Healthcare and Spending. - Click to see, hear, and find out more about this  great event and KRLA AM870 emcee Kevin James, says, “See you there”.
Buy tickets today before they are all gone. Tickets  Use code SPTP to get a 10% discount and raise money for the South Bay Tea Party


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Re: ACTION items - Ten for Tark
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2009, 08:40:48 PM »
If you don't like the course being taken by Obama-Pelosi-Reid, being informed and voting IS NOT ENOUGH!  All of us must speak up, speak out and reach out to make a difference.  Here is one idea.  $10.  Even I can afford this one.  If you do it, please speak up here and share it elsewhere.  Maybe others will do it also.  I especially hope people here who are not regular posters will join in this small action that sends a strong message to our friends in the Senate.  Please copy and share with people of similar views and interests.  Thank you.  - Doug

 Ten for Tark
August 25, 2009

Like Newt Gingrich, our friend Hugh Hewitt is a reliable source of winning ideas for Republicans. Hugh's latest brainstorm is "$10 for Tark" -- his campaign to signal opposition to Obamacare via a $10 contribution to Harry Reid's only announced opponent, former UNLV hoopster Danny Tarkanian.

Since Hugh mentioned his brainstorm yesterday during his syndicated radio show, he has received more than 500 e-mails with copies of their messages to Harry Reid and many with attached receipts of the donation to Tark. Let us take the opportunity to demonstrate to other Democrats the nature of opposition to Obamacare -- that it isn't just loud, but that it will lead to a funding burst for the GOP.

Contribute to Tark here:
Then email Senator Reid here:
 and copy Hugh (


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Re: ACTION items
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2009, 05:41:42 PM »

**The entire Congress of the United States is corrupt.  And I mean both Houses and both major parties. I realize that a few Members of each House are Independents and at least one is a declared Socialist but, as a group of people, they are absolutely the most corrupt bunch to ever disgrace our Nation.**
**In November of 2010 the entire House of Representatives will have to stand for re-election; all 435 of them. One third of the Senate, a total of 33 of them, will also stand for re-election.  Vote every incumbent out.  And I mean every one of them.  WRITE A CANDIDATE IN IF NECESSARY.  Obviously this has to be coordinated so that we have a candidate that can be elected, but we have 14 months.  Let's start all over in the House of Representatives with 435 people who have absolutely no experience in running that body, with no political favors owed to anyone but their own constituents.  Let's make them understand that they work for us.  They are answerable to us and they simply have to run that body with some common sense.**

**Two years later, in 2012, vote the next third of the incumbents in the Senate out.  You'll know who they are because their names will be on the ballot and, in most cases, will be shown as the Incumbent.  If you don't know who your Senators are, (there are only two for each State) find out. 

We can do the same thing in 2014 and, by that time we will have put all new people in the Senate as well.**

**We, the People, have got to take this Country back and we HAVE to do it peacefully.  That's what the Framers of our Constitution envisioned.

 They gave us the power to kick the entire House of Reps out every TWO YEARS if they don't do their job.  IT'S TIME WE BEGAN USING THAT POWER.



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CA Ammo
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2009, 04:56:06 PM »

CA members, please be aware that our Legislature passed AB962 on Friday.

Among other things, AB962 requires the fingerprinting of ammo purchasers and bans all handgun ammo sales which are not "face-to-face" (i.e. mail-order and internet sales).

In addition to handgun cartridges, AB962 is probably applicable to 'dual-use' handgun/rifle (e.g. .22LR) calibers as well. It may also apply to magazines and bullets, since "ammunition" is defined by existing law as:

"...any bullet, cartridge, magazine, clip, speed loader, autoloader, or projectile capable of being fired from a firearm with deadly consequence."

Please contact Governor Schwarzenegger and politely ask him to veto the bill. If he does not veto the bill within 30 days, it will become law.

For additional information:

Contact information for Gov. Schwarzenegger:




Mailing Address:
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814

Here are some posts from discussing effective talking points: (scroll down to "Fiscal Impact")


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10/30 at Congresswoman Harman's office
« Reply #14 on: October 24, 2009, 05:25:36 AM »
This is my Congresswoman.

CAN YOU HEAR US YET? – Pink Slips are coming November 2010
Stop Socialized Government Healthcare.  There is still time to stop this criminal expansion of government.  We want less Government not more.  Cap and Trade is still not passed let's keep it that way.
Education in California is Worst we want First. 
We want California to stop chasing businesses out of the state.
Join us for the one year countdown to firing Congress, and replacing California’s legislature.

Date: Friday, October 30, 2009
Time: 4:30 – 5:30 PM
Location: In front of Jane Harman’s office.
2321 E. Rosecrans Avenue, El Segundo, CA 90245



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Stop Obama-Pelosi's healthcare
« Reply #15 on: November 06, 2009, 03:24:53 PM »

To view this email as a web page, go to the link below, or copy and paste it into
your browser's address window.


This Saturday. That's when Speaker Pelosi will try to ram her 1,990 page government
healthcare bill through the House of Representatives.

If we want to defeat this, we have to make our voices heard. Right now. We're
setting a goal of making 100,000 phone calls to Congress before the vote.

Will you help out? Go here to get the phone number for your representative:

Urge him or her to vote NO on H.R. 3962. We don't need a government takeover of

Remember, the bigger the government, the smaller the citizen. Please take a moment
and make the call. Remind Congress that in America,we the people shape the future.

Thank you for taking a stand. Know that there are millions of other Americans
standing with you.


Newt Gingrich
General Chairman
American Solutions

P.S. Once you call, be sure to let your friends and family know to call as well.


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Call Today!
« Reply #16 on: November 20, 2009, 05:36:56 AM »
TODAY call your Congressman and your Senators against the Health Care bills!!!

On Friday, the Senate will convene at 10:00 am and debate the merits of Sen. Reid’s 2,074 page bill until 11:00 pm on Friday evening. On Saturday, the Senate will convene at 10:00 am continuing the debate leading up to the vote at 8:00 pm on cloture on the motion to proceed. Harry Reid will try to challenge a Republican filibuster in the Senate and ramrod this bill through!
We are going to stop this Bill in the Senate and this is how: we need to keep the pressure on the Senators listed below especially Mary Landrieu, Blanche Lincoln and Ben Nelson. These three are very vulnerable, Nelson has stated that he will not vote for the Bill if it has the public option and he wants to see the abortion issue language.

The abortion issue will be a sticking point for the Senate as we have many moderate DEMS who are Pro-Life; they will not vote the bill without some sort of language to the issue.
We need the Senate to Vote NO on Cloture. I vote YES for this will be a vote for the Bill.
We need 41 NO votes on cloture!
When you are call the Senators tell them to VOTE NO to cloture and to stop this health care bill: its a bad prescription for your family and America paid for with more debt we can't afford!

We need to lean hard on the below Senators, they are our best chance of this getting this stopped in the Senate:
Bill Nelson- FL- Phone: 202-224-5274, Fax: 202-228-2183
Email (

Blanche L. Lincoln –AR-Office:  202-224-4843; Fax:  202-228-1371, email(

Mary Landrieu- LA Voice: (202)224-5824,Fax:(202) 224-9735
Email (
Joseph Lieberman- CT-(202) 224-4041 Voice,(202) 224-9750 Fax
Email (
Mark Begich-AK- phone. (202) 224-3004, , toll free. (877) 501 – 6275*  fax. (202) 224-2354,

Mark Pryor-AR Phone: (202) 224-2353,  Fax: (202) 228-0908Email(
Thomas Carper-DE Phone: (202) 224-2441, Fax: (202) 228-2190Email (
Even Bayh-IN (202) 224-5623, (202) 228-1377 faxEmail (
Susan Collins –( R ) ME-Phone: (202) 224-2523, Fax: (202) 224-2693
Olympia Snowe-( R ) ME – Phone: (202) 224-5344,Toll Free: (800) 432-1599
Fax: (202) 224-1946
Email (
John Tester-MT Phone: (202) 224-2644, Fax: (202) 224-8594
Email (
Kent Conrad-ND-Phone: (202) 224-2043, Fax: (202) 224-7776Email(
Ben Nelson-NE- Tel: 1-202-224-6551, Fax: 1-202-228-0012Email (
Ron Wyden-OR Phone: (202) 224-5244, Fax: (202) 228-2717Email (
Robert Byrd-WV- Telephone:  (202) 224-3954,Fax:  (202) 228-0002
Email (
Mark Warner- VA- Phone: 202-224-2023, Fax: 202-224-6295Email (
Bob Bennett- UT-Phone:  (202) 224-5444 (no fax)
Byron Dorgan- ND Phone (202) 224-2551 , Fax (202) 224-1193
Max Baucus-MT (202) 224-2651 (Office),(202) 224-9412 (Fax)Email:
« Last Edit: November 20, 2009, 05:51:42 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Send the Climate Conference a Greeting
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2009, 12:08:12 PM »
Send the UN Climate Change conference your words (150 characters or less) at the following URL:

Here's mine:

CO2 is not a pollutant, climate change is the norm, and the UN can't manage its way out of a wet paper sack, so kindly spare us your climate scams.


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End TARP vote-- call now!
« Reply #18 on: December 11, 2009, 08:53:57 AM »
We just learned that the House Republicans are going to force a vote on Friday to end the TARP program, and use all the unspent TARP funds to reduce our national debt.

Please pick up the phone, and urge your representative to support this measure.

To be exact, tell your representative to vote for the motion to recommit on H.R. 4173.

Here's the number for the main switchboard: 202-224-3121.

Or, you can go here to track down your individual representative.

Thanks for all you do.


Dan Varroney
Chief Operating Officer
American Solutions


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Action in Action
« Reply #19 on: December 16, 2009, 12:15:48 PM »
Seeing Red
Scenes from the latest tea-party rally on Capitol Hill.

By Jim Geraghty

What stands out about Tuesday’s “Red Alert” rally on Capitol Hill, at which participants urged senators to vote no on their version of Obamacare, is how quickly the phenomenon of thousands of grassroots conservatives’ making a trek to Washington, D.C., has become a regular occurrence. Less than a year ago, the crowd of tea-party protesters gathering at congressional town-hall meetings was so surprising and incongruous that the opposition insisted it couldn’t be genuine grassroots and had to represent some sort of corporate-funded, ready-made “astroturf.”
All year long, members of the heavily Democratic Congress have engaged in a weird chess match with the segment of the public that saw this year’s effort to change America’s health-care system as a replay of the 1993–94 push for Hillarycare. It’s easy to forget that there was once an August deadline for Congress to pass a bill. When building a consensus proved much harder than expected, members of Congress aimed to make the sales pitch during the summer recess; but they found themselves confronted with angry, fired-up, and often well-informed skeptics who were immune to the usual talking points.
When the loud and sometimes unruly counter-arguments threatened to drown out the Democrats’ message, some members stopped holding town-hall meetings entirely, or shifted to invitation-only sales pitches. When the members stopped coming to the public, the skeptics started coming to the members. Back in November, some 10,000 tea-party activists turned out on Capitol Hill, on relatively short notice, to attend a rally and make “house calls” on their members.
In the court of public opinion, the opposition is steadily winning: Americans were roughly evenly divided on Obamacare in mid-summer polls, but the average on now shows that 54.7 percent oppose the legislation and only 38.5 percent support it. A CNN poll in early December found a stunning 61 percent opposing the bill.
The Republican senators who addressed Tuesday’s “Red Alert” rally knew that to many of the several thousand protesters before them, the bill itself was an injury, but their elected representatives’ unwillingness to consider the opposing arguments was the truly intolerable insult.
Sen. Johnny Isakson of Georgia played to the crowd’s sense of being ignored by those whose job it is to represent their concerns. “Before I came out here, I stood out on that balcony over there,” he said, gesturing to the Capitol building behind him. “And you know what? I could hear you loud and clear!”
Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina reminded the crowd that Senate Democrats were at the White House, meeting with a president who was expected to urge them to “make history” rather than “[listen] to their constituents.”
Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina — who in an ordinary cycle would seem vulnerable, given his mediocre approval ratings, but who has watched one North Carolina Democrat after another decline to run against him in 2010 — accused the current congressional leadership of “a display of true arrogance” and a “blatant disregard for what the American people want.” Acknowledging the difficulty of holding the line with only 40 votes, he told the crowd, “We see you as the cavalry.”
Speakers from the Tea Party Patriots organization spoke of visiting a congressional office and hearing no phones ringing, even though their calls to those same offices met busy signals all day. For many attendees, the only way to have their voices heard by their elected leaders is to literally stand outside their offices and shout. No wonder one of the most common signs at Tuesday’s rally read, “Listen to ME!”
Radio talk-show host Laura Ingraham finished the event with a signature barnburner, but her closing declaration echoed the day’s theme: “You no longer have our consent!” she cried to the Capitol building behind her.
The fluidity of the legislation makes it hard to put credence in the claims of its supporters. Most senators could not say with 100 percent certainty what is included in the current version. Ordinary citizens who have tried to read the bill have found it written in a legislative jargon that is about as easy to discern as Esperanto. The much-touted CBO score of budget prudence relies on kicking the hard decisions down the road. One day, a large chunk of Democrats are insisting that they would rather see no bill enacted than pass one without a public option; the next day, the public option is out, and in the coming days, we’re likely to see many of those blustery progressives folding like Japanese fans. One evening, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is cheerfully suggesting that a filibuster-proof deal is almost complete; the next morning, moderate Senate Democrats sound much more skeptical.
All of this increasingly opaque back-and-forth occurs in an atmosphere of artificial drama, driven by a deadline that no one ever explicitly set and no one ever quite justifies. While the opposition gathered on the Senate side of Capitol Hill, the Democratic senators themselves were, as DeMint said, down Pennsylvania Avenue, hearing President Obama tell them that this was their “last chance” to pass comprehensive health-care reform. That comment echoed one of Obama’s rallying cries from earlier in the year, when he said that if health-care reform didn’t pass in 2009, it wasn’t going to pass. Throughout the lengthy legislative process, any notion of going back to the drawing board and starting over has been dismissed; both sides are acting as if this is, indeed, the final battle on health care for a generation.
Why? Why couldn’t a better-thought-out bill be passed early next year? If passing legislation so close to Election Day 2010 represents an act of political self-immolation of metaphysical certitude, perhaps it’s worth reexamining whether it’s such a good idea in the first place.
Skeptics suspect that an unpopular bill will become impossible to pass with further public scrutiny; the goal of Reid and Pelosi is to get something they can call “health reform” passed as quickly as possible in order to secure the political win (such as it is) and deal with the consequences later. The majority of senators are approaching what they have declared to be the preeminent domestic issue of our time in the manner of a three-card Monte dealer. No wonder thousands of Americans are willing to travel to Washington, again and again, to do what they can to stop the farce.
— Jim Geraghty writes the Campaign Spot for NRO.
National Review Online -


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ACTION item: Hope and Change for Ted Kennedy's seat
« Reply #20 on: January 06, 2010, 10:04:28 AM »
Make a difference, change Ted Kennedy's seat.  Election is less than 2 weeks away.  Please spread this around.  Don't live in Massachusetts?  Don't worry.  $22 million of Al Franken's money didn't come from MN. (CCP, this could affect your business!)

 Support Scott Brown
January 5, 2010

Scott Brown is the GOP candidate for the open Senate seat in Massachusetts. Today comes word that he is within shouting distance of Democrat Martha Coakley.

Coakley is a liberal Democrat of the cookie cutter variety. Even in the friendly environs of Massachusetts she can do no better on the subject of health care, for example, than assuring voters that as their next "U.S. Senator, Martha will work to ensure health care reform is done effectively and responsibly." And you know what that means. On the other hand, Brown forthrightly declares: "I am opposed to the health care legislation that is under consideration in Congress and will vote against it."

On "equal rights and opportunity," Coakley is equally bold in declaring her beliefs: "Martha believes that our differences and diversity make us stronger -- and that our government must ensure equal access to opportunities and fair treatment for all."

What about the economy? "Martha believes the best way to get our economy back on the right track is to tackle the economic crisis head on and to take all necessary steps to get people back to work."

I could go on quoting the strategically bland Ms. Coakley, but suffice it to say that Scott Brown deserves our support. He too believes that the the best way to get our economy back on the right track is to tackle the economic crisis head on and to take all necessary steps to get people back to work, only more so! Brown actually supports the free enterprise system, and his victory would kill Obamacare to boot.

Massachusetts goes to the polls on January 19. Support Scott Brown with your contribution to his Senate campaign here:


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Re: ACTION items
« Reply #21 on: January 07, 2010, 05:09:49 PM »
Call your senator to have C-span cover the negotiations on the Health Care bill as repeatedly promised by candidate Obama.


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South Bay, LA, CA Tea Party
« Reply #22 on: January 11, 2010, 05:51:43 AM »
South Bay Tea Party
Freedom * Responsibility * Truth * Openness
January 2010 Newsletter
Dear Tea Party Patriots,

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2010!  This year is shaping up to be even more exciting than last and we are counting on all of you to keep up the pressure on local, state, and national politicians.  Your hard work, dedication, and effort are required if we are going to return our government to We the People and make 2010 the Year of the Citizen!  You are receiving this newsletter because you signed up with us or an affiliated Tea Party.  If you wish to be removed from this list, please click the unsubscribe button below. 

In this newsletter:

January General Meeting
An Evening with Tom Campbell
Neighborhood Tea Parties
Petition Updates
Upcoming Events

January General Meeting
What better way to start off 2010 than with a good ol’ Tea Party meeting? 
Guest speakers for this event is Mattie Fein.  Mattie Fein is a Republican candidate running for Congress against Jane Harman in the 36th Congressional District. 
Our Chairman Nathan Mintz will also be making a special announcement that you won't want to miss!  Make sure to “Bring a Friend” and we hope to see you there!

Date and Time: January 20, 2010, 7:00-9:00PM

Location: Old Albertson’s (Next to Hope Chapel)

2510 Pacific Coast Highway, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

South East Corner of Artesia and PCH



An Evening with Tom Campbell
With the Primaries just around the corner, we invite you to come and meet one of the candidates up close and personal in “An Evening with Tom Campbell.”  Tom Campbell is a former Republican candidate for California Governor and one of the most respected fiscal minds in California politics today.  Tom Campbell has a J.D. from Harvard Law School and a PhD in Economics from the University of Chicago where he was mentored by Milton Friedman.  Mr. Campbell also served as a five term United States Congressman and a California State Senator.


Date and Time: February 3, 2010, 7:00-9:00PM

Location: Redondo Beach Veterans Park Community Center

309 Esplanade , Redondo Beach, CA 90277
Click here for a map


Neighborhood Tea Parties
Want to get more involved?  Want to make a difference in your neighborhood?  Then throw a Neighborhood Tea Party! Neighborhood Tea Parties are a fun and friendly way to educate your friends and neighbors about the policies and issues going on in our country today.  Interested?  Just let us know and we’ll do the rest.  Thanks to our fabulous committee leaders Flora and Sharon all you need to do is provide the venue and the guests and we’ll provide the rest! 


Please send all inquiries to  with ‘Neighborhood Tea Party’ in the subject line.



Petition Updates


Citizen Legislature Project


Citizens for California Reform is a non-partisan public interest advocacy organization. Its goal is to improve the quality of life in California by advancing a more limited and transparent state government.  A Citizen Legislature is composed of every-day citizens, not professional politicians, who meet on a part-time basis to pass the state budget and consider new legislation. The Citizen Legislature Act will appear on the November 2010 ballot.


The Citizen Legislature Project outlines a legislative session, which will convene in regular session on the first Monday in January of each year for a period not to exceed 30 calendar days. The Legislature will then reconvene in regular session on the first Monday in May for a period not to exceed 60 calendar days.


For more information on Citizen Legislature Project, please visit:


You can also download the petition to circulate yourself from their website at: Please print using 8 1/2" x 14" (legal) size paper-- the secretary of state office will not accept this petition in any other format. Follow the directions on the petition precisely, including filling yourself in as petitioner on the sheet. We are happy to collect filled out petitions from you.


Unplug the Political Machine


Unplug the Political Machine is “a gathering of rank-and-file citizens and taxpayers of California who understand the devastation which the Public Employee Unions are wreaking on California.”  The Public Employee Unions have been able to convert a big piece of their rank-and-file members' dues into an “unprecedented and oppressive political war chest” which they use to “seduce and bully the politicians” in Sacramento and putting the average citizen at a major disadvantage.

The only solution is for the citizens and taxpayers to take their power back, and so they have created The Citizen Power Campaign.  This movement plans to place an initiative on the 2010 ballot to prevent the Public Employee Unions from converting taxpayer dollars into special interest political contributions to rig elections and ultimately push California into bankruptcy.”


For more information on Unplug the Political Machine, please visit:
You can also download the petition to circulate yourself from their website here. This petition has a different format than the other one. Please print using two sided 8 1/2" x 11" (letter) or 8.5” x 14” (legal) size paper-- the secretary of state office will not accept this petition in any other format. You can also sign the petition using your iPhone!  To learn how, click here.  Follow the directions on the petition precisely, including filling yourself in as petitioner on the sheet. We are happy to collect filled out petitions from you.



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Scott Brown campaign in MA
« Reply #23 on: January 16, 2010, 08:49:37 AM »
Donate to the Scott Brown campaign in MA via the Tea Party


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Re: ACTION items
« Reply #24 on: March 04, 2010, 09:55:42 AM »
Crunch time!!! At the very least, be sure to get off your butt and sign this petition.  Better yet, call/write your Congressman!


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Write, call, FAX your Senators and Congressman today!!!
« Reply #25 on: March 17, 2010, 09:18:43 AM »
Not sure what to write/say?

Here's something a friend sent in:

Dear Friends and Senator _______,                                        March 17, 2010


So it has come down to this.


After fourteen months of dissembling and obfuscation, of the passage of a Christmas Eve Senate bill full of bribery and soul selling, Madam Speaker does not have the votes to pass the Senate Health Care Bill in the House.


Speaker Pelosi does not have the votes to pass the Senate bill, but she is more than willing to ‘deem the Senate bill passed’ the House with no actual vote. So much for the Obama, Axelrod claims that the American people deserve an up or down vote. You see that with ‘deemed to pass’ the Speaker can kill two birds with one stone. The Democrat party will have their Health Care Bill through both Houses and members can go home at the Easter break and claim, “I did not vote for the health Care Bill”. This could be a good thing in November if you are a Democrat and up for reelection, as all House Democrats are.  There is just one problem with the ‘deemed to pass’ strategy; Article 1 Section 7 of the Constitution of the United States (see below). As an aside, when you hear a Democrat say that the people are not interested in the ‘the process’ translate ‘process’ to mean the Constitution.


Meanwhile until the decision to ‘deem the Senate Bill as passed’ is made, the push is on to educate the 71% of Americans who did not get it the first 146 times Obama explained his version of Health Care. In backroom smack downs Pelosi, Axelrod and Emanuel are making threats, breaking arms and whoring with the currency of the debt of your children and grandchildren.


The Democrat party has been rebuffed by the people on their version of Health Care Reform for over a year. Now when the backs of the far left ideologues are against the wall and failure with its attendant baggage imminent, their last and most dangerous treachery has been hatched. They will pass a bill for the President’s signature and not have a recorded vote in the House.


Ask yourselves, did these Democrats take an oath to uphold the constitution? Do the ends justify the means?  If a majority political party controlling all three branches of government can institute a law without voting and thereby fundamentally reshape the relationship of every individual citizen to the Federal Government and control one sixth of the economy, is their anything such a party cannot do? Where is Robert Byrd when you need him? Are their any Statesmen left?


Will you be our Statesman Senator _____?  Will you refuse to vote for the reconciliation of the post ‘deemed to have passed’ unconstitutional ploy?  Will you denounce this anarchy, this tyranny? Will you?





PS: The US has in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid $57 TRILLION in unfunded entitlements. The US is in the midst of the worst recession since the Great Depression. Rather than push through another entitlement and force upon the American people the largest tax increase in the history of the country, why doesn’t this Democrat majority do what John Kennedy did in the recession of 1961, cut taxes and Federal spending?  I guess that leftist ideologues don’t do major recessions.


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ACTION item, Call and write your congressman TODAY.
« Reply #26 on: March 19, 2010, 09:37:38 AM »
Obama got one thing right, the time for debate is over.

The bill is out overnight with one business day to read it, digest it and spit it out.

Totally unreadable because you have to back and forth with the senate bill to add and strike provisions for "reconciliation".

CALL AND WRITE TO OPPOSE, just google your Representative.  You will need a valid address/zip code in their district to get through email screening.

Huge tax increase on investment.  Job killing and promise breaking provisions.  Health care enforcement through an expanded IRS.  Unconstitutional individual mandate.  Nauseating deem without voting procedure.  Mis-under-estimating future costs in the tens of trillions.

The number of new tax increases in the healthcare bill: 19

The number of tax increases that unquestionably violate President Obama’s “firm pledge” not to raise “any form” of taxes on families making less than $250,000:  7

The top federal tax rate on early distributions from HSAs under this bill: 59.6%

Tax rate increases kill off new jobs.  With unemployment in some areas of this country over 12%, Where is the "laser-like focus"??

As one whose small Republican town with a little more effort could have kept Al Franken out of the senate, everyone knows this vote is within a vote or 2 out of 435. Don't sit still!

Vote is scheduled for SUNDAY.  Passage is likely UNLESS everyone opposed does everything possible to communicate the damage coming.  Call, write and spread the urgency!


No vote without reading it!
No job-killing tax increases.
No unconstitutional mandates.
No Presidential level Promise Breaking.
No deem without a recorded up or down vote on something this BIG.
No re-election for abandoning our founding principles.


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Earmark Petition
« Reply #27 on: March 29, 2010, 06:49:14 AM »
Earmark Requests Going Online — In Wrong Formats

Posted by Jim Harper

As required by rules instituted last year, members of Congress are posting their earmark requests online. And in a small improvement over past practice, the House Appropriations Committee  is posting links to all those pages (in alphabetical order and by state). The Senate Appropriations Committee is doing the same.

So, great. You can go line-by-line and figure out what requests your member of Congress has put in. But what’s the total number of your members’ requests? What’s the total amount of his or her requests? Who requested the most earmarks, in dollars or in number? Where in your district is the money supposed to go?

HTML pages and PDF documents are very hard to work with and don’t allow us to answer these questions. The project is asking Congress to produce information about what it’s doing in formats that are useful for public oversight. Cato’s December 2008 policy forum on this topic was called “Just Give Us the Data!”

The site has a petition people can sign to ask their representatives to produce good earmark data.


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Re: ACTION items
« Reply #28 on: June 12, 2010, 03:01:45 PM »
Woof All: 

A goodly percentage of my Founding Father Quotes come from this group as do several of my posts.  In short I think them very good and worthy of my support , , , and yours.


Fellow Patriot,

In my recent essay on Army and Flag Day, we launched our 2010 Independence Day Campaign.

A large number of our readers are serving our nation's Armed Forces, are students, are in the mission field, or are in other limited-income situations. We don't ask support from these Patriots as our mission is, in part, to serve them.

Thus, we rely on a relatively small pool of our readers for our annual budget.

While many of you support us at the end of the year, and some throughout the year, we endure a perennial summer "dry spell," a budget shortfall between June and October.

Please support The Patriot's editors and staff, and their families. My team works tirelessly to provide you, and fellow Patriots across the nation, the best digest of news, policy and opinion on the Internet. As the "Voice of Essential Liberty," The Patriot is now a primary touchstone for the growing ranks of Americans demanding the restoration of constitutional integrity.

We still must raise $175,491 for our 2010 Independence Day Campaign. (If you prefer to support us by mail, please use our printable donor form.)

I humbly encourage you to make a contribution -- however large or small, today. Never has your support been more critical than right now.

Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus et Fidelis!

Mark Alexander
Publisher, The Patriot Post

P.S. Support The Patriot's 2010 Independence Day Campaign now with your donation of $26 or more and receive a free copy of the Essential Liberty Guide. Click here for more details.


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« Reply #29 on: July 19, 2010, 11:05:48 PM »
Some specific ACTION items for those for sensible marijuana laws:


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Rarick and Crafty's posts on Sharron Angle are right on the money.  She would be a breath of fresh air in the senate.  She could send Harry Reid packing and take away any charge that a new Republican congress would be a return to politics of the past.  Republican leadership of the past will have a very hard time controlling people like Sharron Angle or Rand Paul.

Harry Reid symbolizes all that is wrong - for Nevada and for the U.S.  Very seldom is there much we can do to change the course of history, but everyone should stop right now and look at where they can best make a difference within their own means.  Pick out some meaningful house races and a few senate races if you can and send in something.  My theory is that if your contribution is small it still improves their momentum in terms of money and contributor count and smaller amounts help the PR campaign by lowering the average contribution.  Or send large amounts or make your own sign - whatever it is you can do.  I mostly sat and watched as Al franken stole our state and nationalized healthcare.  Do whatever it is that will leave you in November and the next 2 years with no regrets.  Do it EARLY in the election cycle where it can do the most good.  Harry Reid is well funded, but really better suited for retirement.

Take back this country!

Donate to Sharron Angle, $61 for her 61st birthday or ??

Rand Paul:

Other competitive races can be identified here as races that lean or are toss-ups -


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No Lame Duck Congress!
« Reply #31 on: August 05, 2010, 09:32:16 PM »


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Re: ACTION items
« Reply #32 on: August 23, 2010, 09:35:54 AM »


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Re: ACTION items
« Reply #33 on: September 06, 2010, 06:19:57 AM »
ACTION ALERT: It's Time for Truth!
Take action today to protect medical cannabis patients from federal prosecution!

Recently, U.S. Representatives Sam Farr (D-CA) and Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) sent a letter to Chairman John Conyers (D-MI) requesting that the Committee on the Judiciary hold a hearing to consider adopting the "Truth in Trials Act" (H.R. 3939).

This important legislation would provide an affirmative defense for authorized medical cannabis users and caregivers who are facing federal prosecution in medical cannabis states. The growing divide between federal and state marijuana laws requires the leadership of Congress. "Truth" is a common-sense, reasonable solution.

Tell Chairman Conyers that it's time for hearings on the "Truth in Trials Act!" Call his office in D.C. at 202-225-5126 send him a fax at 202-225-0072;
or write to him at:

Rep. John Conyers, Jr.
2426 Rayburn H.O.B.
Washington, DC 20515

Please send one or both letters at the links. Please do this at least once a week. HR 3939 is to amend title 18, United States Code, to provide an affirmative defense for the medical use of marijuana in Federal court in accordance with the laws of the various States, and for other purpose.

ASA Letter
NORML letter


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CA Gun owners!
« Reply #34 on: April 08, 2011, 11:42:35 PM »


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Re: CA Gun owners!
« Reply #35 on: April 09, 2011, 05:56:05 AM »


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IN CA stop SB 48
« Reply #36 on: September 23, 2011, 10:38:43 AM »


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Tea Party
« Reply #37 on: December 09, 2011, 08:45:25 AM »

I believe the number of signatures on petitions such as these adds to the strength of the Tea Party movement.  Therefore I will be signing the weekly petition unless I specifically disagree.


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Press Romney and Huntsman on Second Amendment
« Reply #38 on: January 09, 2012, 03:39:09 PM »
Romney, Huntsman Stonewall Gun Owners

As New Hampshire voters get set to head to the polls, Mitt and Jon Huntsman continue to ignore requests from gun owners that he return the GOA candidate questionnaire.
Thank to your efforts, we’ve heard from most of the Republican candidates, including Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul. But Romney and Huntsman continue to turn a deaf ear to the Second Amendment community.
Romney’s stonewalling is no surprise. After all, he is on record supporting a semi-auto ban and waiting periods for gun purchases. Still, he has the audacity to travel around the country claiming to be a supporter of the Second Amendment.
If he truly has “changed his spots,” then why not commit in writing to support specific Second Amendment issues?
For instance, would he veto a semi-auto ban, something he signed into law as Governor of Massachusetts? Will he reverse the Obama administration’s support of the massive UN small arms treaty? And what about executive orders, gun owner registration, and a host of other issues important to gun owners?
Jon Huntsman views on gun rights are largely unknown, but as the former Utah governor creeps up in the polls in New Hampshire, gun owners are becoming increasingly interested in his positions.
Huntsman said over the summer that he would “absolutely veto” a semi-auto ban, but he has not elaborated further.
There are some 100 million gun owners in America. It is outrageous for ANY candidate for elected office to ignore this vast segment of the population.
ACTION: Please contact the Romney and Huntsman campaigns and urge them to complete the GOA candidate questionnaire.
Romney campaign contact info
Phone: (857) 288-3500
Huntsman campaign contact info
Phone: (603) 836-5643


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No budget? No pay!
« Reply #39 on: March 27, 2012, 07:18:03 AM »


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H. Res. 490 to get rid of AG Holder
« Reply #41 on: May 10, 2012, 02:57:59 PM »
Gun Owners of America
Last week, Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) sent a 44-page memorandum to members of his committee outlining the instances in which Attorney General Eric Holder perjured himself before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, which Rep. Issa chairs.
In the eyes of GOA’s membership nationwide, this signals that Darrell Issa is a Constitutional and American hero.
Eric Holder and his subordinates in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) have lied under oath.  In fact, they even sent a letter to the congressional committee investigating Fast and Furious (the gun running scandal between the U.S. and Mexico) essentially admitting that they lied.
Appointees in the Obama administration such as Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and Janet Napolitano have historically shown themselves to be radically anti-gun.  And the Fast and Furious debacle is just the latest instance of this.  That’s why pro-Second Amendment Americans need to join in the fight to help Issa get rid of Eric Holder as the Attorney General.
H.Res. 490 is a resolution which sends a message loud and clear that Congress has lost confidence in the Attorney General.  Over 100 members of Congress have already signed H.Res. 490 (see the list here).  If your Representative is one of them, please contact and thank him or her for helping.
If your representative has not signed on to H.Res. 490, contact them and demand to know why he or she has refused to do so.  Ask your congressman if they are anti-gun or if they condone lying to Congress?  Do they condone the U.S. sending guns to Mexican drug cartels who turn around and kill U.S. law enforcement and Mexican law enforcement, which is exactly what has happened under Eric Holder’s watch.
Darrell Issa is doing a monumental job for Americans and the Constitution, and he needs your help to bring his colleagues into accord.  Please email Congress, thanking your Representative if he’s signed onto H.Res. 490, but taking him to task if he hasn’t.
There are two different letters (one saying “thank you” and one saying “cosponsor the resolution”).  Click here to contact your Representatives, the appropriate letter will be automatically selected.
Gun Owners of America needs your help to continue this fight.
Please click here to send a donation to help.


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Stop California SB 1315 (gun law pre-emption)
« Reply #42 on: May 14, 2012, 01:56:59 PM »
SB 1315 would allow the County of Los Angeles, and any city within that county, to regulate and ban the sale of any BB "device" such as a toy gun, replica of a firearm or other device, effectively destroying California’s firearm preemption law. This would lead only to patchwork of firearms laws throughout the state. Please call and e-mail your state senator today and urge him or her to oppose SB 1315.


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Find your Congressman!
« Reply #44 on: July 09, 2012, 12:23:16 PM »


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Easily Follow Your Congressional Reps' Records...
« Reply #45 on: September 11, 2012, 08:38:22 PM »
This is a vital tool for keeping your Congressional representatives accountable.  Click on this year as well as last year to view your Rep's and your two Senators' records on these key financial votes:
"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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TODAY (4/16/13) in California
« Reply #46 on: April 16, 2013, 04:57:46 AM »
Contact your State Legislators in Sacramento IMMEDIATELY
Many anti-gun bills are scheduled to be heard in committee TOMORROW.  Call AND e-mail your state legislators TODAY urging them to OPPOSE the bills listed below.  Remind them that a criminal by definition does not obey or respect the law and any legislation infringing on gun owners will do nothing to affect criminals or their access to and misuse of firearms.  Instead, urge them to focus on meaningful legislation relating to school safety, mental health issues, marketing of violence as entertainment for our children and the collapse of federal prosecutions of violent criminals.
Tomorrow, April 16 in the Assembly Committee on Water, Parks and Wildlife at 9:00 a.m. in Capitol room 437 (Click here to listen to this hearing):
Assembly Bill 711 (Rendon) BANS the use of all lead ammunition for hunting.
Tommorow, April 16 in the Assembly Committee on Public Safety at 9:00 a.m. in Capitol room 126 (Click here to listen to this hearing):
Assembly Bill 231 (Ting) expands the law for Criminal Storage of Firearms and child access.
Tomorrow, April 16 in the state Senate Committee on Public Safety at 9:00 a.m. in Capitol room 4203:
Senate Bill 47 (Yee) expands the definition of “assault weapons” to BAN the future sale of rifles that have been designed/sold and are equipped to use the “bullet button” or similar device, requires NEW “assault weapon” registration of ALL those semi-auto rifles that are currently possessed to retain legal possession in the future, and subjects these firearms to all other “assault weapons” restrictions.
Senate Bill 53 (DeLeon) requires persons to buy an annual ammunition purchase permit, requires the registration and thumbprint of the purchaser for each ammunition purchase, and bans online and mail order sales of ammunition to Californians.
Senate Bill 108 (Yee) requires mandatory locked storage of firearms within a locked house regardless of whether anyone is present.
Senate Bill 293 (DeSaulnier) BANS the sale of conventional handguns, if the state Department of Justice approves the sale of “Owner Authorized – Smart” handgun technology.
Senate Bill 299 (DeSaulnier) turns victims of firearm theft into criminals for failing to report the loss of their firearm within 48 hours.
Senate Bill 374 (Steinberg) expands the definition of "assault weapons" to BAN the future transfer of all semi-auto rifles that accept detachable magazines (including those chambered for rimfire cartridges) and virtually all semi-auto rifles with fixed magazines (primarily those chambered for rimfire cartridges), requires NEW "assault weapon" registration, requires registration of ALL those semi-auto rifles that are currently possessed to retain legal possession in the future, and subjects these firearms to all other "assault weapon" restrictions.
Senate Bill 396 (Hancock) BANS the POSSESSION of any magazine with a capacity to accept more than ten cartridges, including currently legally possessed "grandfathered large capacity” magazines.
Senate Bill 567 (Jackson) expands the definition of shotgun for “short-barreled shotguns” that are illegal to own.
Senate Bill 755 (Wolk) expands the list of persons prohibited from owning a firearm.
Your state Senator and Assemblyman MUST hear from you TODAY urging them to OPPOSE the anti-gun bills listed above.  Don't forget to forward this alert to your family, friends and fellow gun owners throughout California and urge them to do the same.  We need all of California gun owners and Second Amendment supports to continually call AND e-mail their state legislators.  The California Legislature needs to know that this egregious attack against law-abiding citizens needs to stop.
You can write your representative here urging them to OPPOSE the anti-gun bills listed above.  Please feel free to also copy and paste all the bill information to ensure your state legislators know which bills to OPPOSE.
You can also send a letter to all elected officials in California here.  Please feel free to copy and paste all the bill information above to ensure the elected officials of California know which bills to OPPOSE.
You can also find information about anti-gun and pro-gun legislation in California at
Help NRA Get Californians Connected With NRA’s California Resources
Help the NRA expand its California network to keep all pro-Second Amendment Californians better informed about legislation in Congress, Sacramento, and locally that threatens your right to keep and bear arms, as well as developments in Second Amendment litigation and regulatory enforcement actions.  Please forward this email to your family, friends and fellow gun owners, whether they belong to the NRA or not!  Encourage them to sign up for California NRA’s Stayed Informed e-mails here. And follow NRA through these additional connections:
Websites:  NRA-ILA, NRA-ILA California, NRA – ILA Legal Update,,,,
Facebook Pages: NRA’s Facebook page, Facebook page, NRA Members' Councils' Facebook page, Hunt for Truth Facebook page
LinkedIn: NRA’s LinkedIn page, YouTube: NRA YouTube, Twitter: NRA Twitter, NRA-ILA Twitter, CalNRATwitter, CalGunLaws Twitter
The NRA recognizes that California is one of the most active Second Amendment "battleground states," so for decades NRA has devoted substantial resources to fighting for the right to keep and bear arms for Californians. The NRA has full-time legislative advocates in its Sacramento office fighting ill-conceived gun ban proposals. NRA coordinates a statewide campaign to fight ill-conceived local gun bans and regulations. And NRA has been litigating cases in California courts to promote the right to self-defense and the Second Amendment for many years. NRA’s California legal team continues to work pro-actively to strike down ill-conceived gun control laws and ordinances, and to protect the Second Amendment rights of California firearms owners. For information about NRA’s litigation efforts, see
To donate to help support the NRA’s California efforts, please click here.


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Today's Senate vote on gun control
« Reply #47 on: April 17, 2013, 06:50:38 AM »

Gun Control Could Die Today!
Call your Senators to make sure it happens!
This is it!
It would have been better if we had won the motion to proceed last week and didn't have to spend this week fighting one Harry Reid bribe after another - all of which are intended to lure Senators into passing gun control but we believe that our grassroots’ pressure has kept Senators from giving in to the bribes. And, as early as today, there could be a series of pivotal votes on gun amendments.

The most important - and the vote which will determine whether we defeat all gun control in the 113rd Congress - is the vote on the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer gun registry bill.
This bill would require you to go to a dealer and fill out a 4473 if you put up a sign or run a newspaper ad touting your gun that’s for sale. And, once you fill in that 4473, Toomey-Manchin-Schumer would open the door to putting you on a national gun registry.

Don't believe the loophole-filled weasel words in the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer amendment. If it passes, there will be a national gun registry.

The vote on Toomey-Manchin-Schumer will be, by far, the single most important vote today. And it will require 60 votes for adoption. If we get 41 votes against - and we are very, very optimistic that we will - gun control will probably die for the next two years. Obama’s agenda will have been defeated.

There will also be votes on two other bad amendments, but we should be able to get 41 votes and defeat these without any difficulty. They are the votes on the Feinstein semi-automatic ban and the Blumenthal magazine ban. As we say, these should die without any more effort.

A number of good amendments will be offered:
•   The Vitter/Cornyn amendment would allow concealed carry holders and persons in constitutional carry states to carry nationwide. (MARC:  We need to be principled here-- and this is disrespectful of States Rights)
•   The Burr amendment would guarantee that veterans cannot lose their gun rights without a court order.
•   And the Barrasso amendment would defund state governments that release the names of gun owners. (Again, there is a States Rights question presented here)

But we need to keep our eyes on the ball: The single most important vote is the vote to defeat the Toomey-Schumer amendment. If we win on that, we will probably kill gun control for the rest of this 113th Congress. We only need 41 votes. And we are optimistic that, with your help, we will get them.

ACTION: CALL YOUR SENATORS at 202-224-3121. Demand that they vote against the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer sell-out.
Let them know that Gun Owners of America will be scoring this vote in its end-of-year rating.
TALKING POINTS for Senators:

1. Vote against the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer amendment!
2. Vote against the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer amendment!
3. Vote against the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer amendment!


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Re: ACTION items
« Reply #48 on: April 18, 2013, 01:56:42 PM »
Anti-Gun Legislators Vote to Destroy Hunting and the Second Amendment in California
Earlier this week, several anti-gun bills and one extreme anti-hunting bill passed in their respective committees and will be next referred to their respective Committee on Appropriations.  Hearing dates have not been set in those committees and your NRA will inform you of those dates when they become available.
  Assembly Bill 711 (Rendon) BANS the use of all lead ammunition for hunting.  AB 711 passed in the state Assembly Committee on Water, Parks and Wildlife by a 9 to 5 vote.
  Assembly Bill 231 (Ting) expands the law for Criminal Storage of Firearms and child access.  AB 231 passed in the state Assembly Committee on Public Safety by a 5 to 2 vote.
The following bills all passed in the state Senate Committee on Public Safety by a 5 to 2 vote.
The following Senators opposed the below anti-gun bills: Senators: Joel Anderson and Steve Knight.  The following Senators supported the below anti-gun bills:  Senator Loni Hancock, Marty Block, Kevin de Leon, Carol Liu and Darrell Steinberg.
  Senate Bill 47 (Yee) expands the definition of “assault weapons” to BAN the future sale of rifles that have been designed/sold and are equipped to use the “bullet button” or similar device, requires NEW “assault weapon” registration of ALL those semi-auto rifles that are currently possessed to retain legal possession in the future, and subjects these firearms to all other “assault weapons” restrictions.
  Senate Bill 53 (DeLeon) requires persons to buy an annual ammunition purchase permit, requires the registration and thumbprint of the purchaser for each ammunition purchase, and bans online and mail order sales of ammunition to Californians.
Senate Bill 108 (Yee) requires mandatory locked storage of firearms within a locked house regardless of whether anyone is present.
  Senate Bill 293 (DeSaulnier) BANS the sale of conventional handguns, if the state Department of Justice approves the sale of “Owner Authorized – Smart” handgun technology.
  Senate Bill 299 (DeSaulnier) turns victims of firearm theft into criminals for failing to report the loss of their firearm within 48 hours.
  Senate Bill 374 (Steinberg) expands the definition of "assault weapons" to BAN the future transfer of all semi-auto rifles that accept detachable magazines (including those chambered for rimfire cartridges) and virtually all semi-auto rifles with fixed magazines (primarily those chambered for rimfire cartridges), requires NEW "assault weapon" registration, requires registration of ALL those semi-auto rifles that are currently possessed to retain legal possession in the future, and subjects these firearms to all other "assault weapon" restrictions.
  Senate Bill 396 (Hancock) BANS the POSSESSION of any magazine with a capacity to accept more than ten cartridges, including currently legally possessed "grandfathered large capacity” magazines. 
  Senate Bill 567 (Jackson) expands the definition of shotgun for “short-barreled shotguns” that are illegal to own.
  Senate Bill 755 (Wolk) expands the list of persons prohibited from owning a firearm. 
Yesterday, anti-gun Assembly Bill 169 (Dickinson), which BANS the sale of handguns not on the state-approved roster, passed in the Assembly Public Safety Committee by a 12 to 5 vote.  AB 169 will now be sent to the full Assembly for consideration.
This fight is not over.  Continue to call AND e-mail your state Senator and Assemblyman.  They MUST hear from you TODAY urging them to OPPOSE these anti-gun bills listed above.  Don't forget to forward this alert to your family, friends and fellow gun owners throughout California and urge them to do the same.  We need all of California gun owners and Second Amendment supporters to continually call AND e-mail their state legislators. The California Legislature needs to know that this egregious attack against law-abiding citizens needs to stop.
You can write your representative here urging them to OPPOSE the anti-gun bills listed above.  Please feel free to also copy and paste all the bill information to ensure your state legislators know which bills to OPPOSE.
You can also send a letter to all elected officials in California here.  Please feel free to copy and paste all the bill information above to ensure the elected officials of California know which bills to OPPOSE.
You can also find information about anti-gun and pro-gun legislation in California at
Help NRA Get Californians Connected With NRA’s California Resources
Help the NRA expand its California network to keep all pro-Second Amendment Californians better informed about legislation in Congress, Sacramento, and locally that threatens your right to keep and bear arms, as well as developments in Second Amendment litigation and regulatory enforcement actions.  Please forward this email to your family, friends and fellow gun owners, whether they belong to the NRA or not!  Encourage them to sign up for California NRA’s Stayed Informed e-mails here. And follow NRA through these additional connections:
NRA-ILA, NRA-ILA California, NRA – ILA Legal Update,,,,
Facebook Pages: NRA’s Facebook page, Facebook page, NRA Members' Councils' Facebook page, Hunt for Truth Facebook page
LinkedIn: NRA’s LinkedIn page, YouTube: NRA YouTube, Twitter: NRA Twitter, NRA-ILA Twitter, CalNRATwitter, CalGunLaws Twitter
The NRA recognizes that California is one of the most active Second Amendment "battleground states," so for decades NRA has devoted substantial resources to fighting for the right to keep and bear arms for Californians. The NRA has full-time legislative advocates in its Sacramento office fighting ill-conceived gun ban proposals. NRA coordinates a statewide campaign to fight ill-conceived local gun bans and regulations. And NRA has been litigating cases in California courts to promote the right to self-defense and the Second Amendment for many years. NRA’s California legal team continues to work pro-actively to strike down ill-conceived gun control laws and ordinances, and to protect the Second Amendment rights of California firearms owners. For information about NRA’s litigation efforts, see
To donate to help support the NRA’s California efforts, please click here.


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