Author Topic: 2020 Presidential election  (Read 179410 times)


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2020 Presidential election
« on: March 12, 2017, 04:50:58 AM »
We are past 50 days into Trump's term.  It is certainly time to start talking about 2020  .     :roll:

Will the eventual nominee be a dark horse or some known big shot we already know trying to jump into the power vacuum at the top?

Like Boomer Bloomberg,  Clinton again (Hillary not Chelsea , another Cuomo , Biden, Sanders, Schumer (Charlie not Amy)


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2017, 09:17:41 AM »
We are past 50 days into Trump's term.  It is certainly time to start talking about 2020  .     :roll:

Will the eventual nominee be a dark horse or some known big shot we already know trying to jump into the power vacuum at the top?

Like Boomer Bloomberg,  Clinton again (Hillary not Chelsea , another Cuomo , Biden, Sanders, Schumer (Charlie not Amy)

That's an excellent subject.


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Hillary 2020!
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2017, 06:08:42 PM »
America hasn't suffered enough!


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Re: Hillary 2020!
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2017, 06:36:26 AM »
America hasn't suffered enough!

I think there's a strong argument against that GM.  :-D :-D :-D :-D


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2017, 09:52:04 AM »
another stab at a dynasty:

It is assured he will run.


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Will 2020 Be Another 1972 for Democrats? By Victor Davis Hanson
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2017, 08:42:23 AM »
"So far, the similarities are eerie."

"if in 2020 Democrats go hard left as they did in 1972, then they will likely lose just as big."
« Last Edit: May 01, 2017, 08:44:11 AM by DougMacG »


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100 Days of #TheResistance’s Humiliating Failure
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2017, 09:05:26 AM »

100 Days of #TheResistance’s Humiliating Failure
Kurt  Schlichter Kurt Schlichter |Posted: May 01, 2017 12:01 AM 

In the first 100 days since Felonia von Pantsuit was not inaugurated, the goofy collection of commie traitors, coastal snobs, and crack-pot weirdoes that hilariously styles itself “#TheResistance” has only managed to successfully resist success. Oh sure, they and the catamite media tried their darnedest but, as Yoda said, “Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.” And, as Yoda also said, “Chelsea Clinton is best Democrats can do, say you? Kidding me, you are.”

Yeah, after 100 days President Trump has reintroduced the world to Alpha America after eight years of Barack’s fussy betaism, gutted a Schumer-ton of regulations, and broke the Senate Democrats’ spirit by suckering them into a loser play that resulted in Justice Gorsuch today and, I hope, Justice Crazy Conservative Caveman to replace Justice Kennedy this summer. Plus, of course, his two greatest achievements – not being Hillary, and surviving even after being subjected to every slander, lie, and fake news report the gyno-hat left could throw at him.

Really, that #TheResistance could throw at us, because #TheResistance is not really resisting Trump as much as it is resisting us. The elite establishment is outraged that we normals have demanded to govern ourselves rather than begging for scraps from our betters in DC, NY and LA. It wasn’t just that horrible, sick old woman that we rejected; it was them. And by doing so, we “stole” what they see as their birthright to reign sovereign over us. They try to cover up their humiliation with tales of “Russians” and “hacking” because the truth is too painful to face. This election was about the people they sought to rule looking at them and their track record of failure and saying, “Nah, you suck.”

#TheResistance has got nothing. The kook caucus is now slow-walking its insistence that The Donald and Vlad were hanging out in hot tubs playing patty-cake because it became clear that the Obama White House had been spying on the Republicans knowing that they’d never be held to account with President Hillary in office. Oops. That worked out poorly; my advice to Ben Rhodes is, on your first day on the cellblock, take a swing at the biggest guy you can find.

#The Resistance is a mess. Now they’re reduced to fighting for supremacy in their final redoubt, the universities where their fascist intimidation and suppression of speech provides a glimpse of America as it would have been had Trump not been elected. That they are forced into a last-ditch effort to keep power in an institution where their control is total is proof positive of their weakness. And the fact that the only way they have a shot at succeeding is to actively work to silence the voices of non-idiocy is icing on the cake. Their goose-stepping antics on campus are providing America a preview of life under Democrats, and it’s not helping them.

Then there’s the cultural backlash, which is accomplishing … nothing. Polls show readers are less likely to trust the mainstream media than random emails from Nigerian princes. ESPN is dying, in no small part thanks to the campaign to throw tiresome progressive tropes into a network people turn to for some mindless sportsball. No one wants to see the next Keith Olbermann fulminating about “TRUMP’S TREASON!!!!!” between dwarf tosses on The Ocho.

And there is the interchangeable late night crowd whose predictable conformity to the anti-normal agenda has turned Johnny Carson’s former level playing field into a tiresome lefty echo chamber where viral clips of obscure hosts “destroying” Trump provide much needed erotic stimulus to liberal geeks who know not the loving touch of a living human.

The most hilarious part is the super-timely and relevant Handmaid’s Tale miniseries, a festival of imagined oppression porn designed to give frigid liberal women and their neutered male-identifying partners some much-needed bitter jollies. If you’ve never dated a college sophomore who got assigned that stupid book in her feminist lit seminar and now can’t shut up about it, this over-praised dystopian tome imagines a giant Christian conspiracy to create a gay-killing theocracy where women are slaves who are forced to cover their bodies and who are occasionally genitally mutilated. Sure, that scenario sounds familiar (Radical Islam), but I just can’t place it (Radical Islam). Oh, right – it’s totally Donald Trump’s agenda (Radical Islam).

By the way, the not-at-all out-of-touch Democrats responded to Trump’s election by appointing a radical Muslim leftist as second-in-command at the Democratic National Committee. Perhaps that’s part of their outreach program to nail down their support on college campuses, in Manhattan, and among the culturally suicidal. Way to recover Wisconsin, geniuses.

Again, this is the very best #TheResistance can do.

Now, everything is not perfect, but even those issues where Donald Trump has failed to attain his objectives (yet) are not that helpful to #TheResistance. Its “victories” don’t seem very victorious. They got some judge in Hawaii to (temporarily) stop Trump from excluding refugees from various jihadi-infused hellholes, thereby buying the Democrats the next massacre by one of these creeps. They got another judge to (temporarily) allow sanctuary cities to ignore the law, thereby buying the Democrats the next murder by a MS-13 creep. Way to go, Dems. You’re the party of importing Muslim fanatics and illegal alien gangbangers. See you in 2018!

The Democrats have stopped the repeal of Obamacare (temporarily), and have somehow convinced themselves that this will help them. Of course, because they think we’re dumb, they imagine we will forget that it’s called “Obamacare.” It’ll be nice to be rid of it, but not if the replacement is nearly as bad. Here’s the thing – the GOP alone could pass the Obamacare replacement, but it’s being held up by conservatives who want to make it more conservative. Wrap that around your head – for the first time in the history of ever, Republicans are blocking legislation for not being conservative enough. Briar, meet patch.

President Trump has a bunch of nominees pending for key jobs, and rumor has it that Never Trump infiltrators are slow-walking them to purposefully make him look bad. He should stop tolerating it, clean house, and demand his team perform. He could also be appointing judges faster, though rumor has it that a bunch of nominations are coming soon. They will sail through the Senate, and the federal courts will stop being the Democrat’s last gasp defense, all thanks to Harry Reid, who is currently back in Nevada living in a sex dungeon with his NordicTrack/dominatrix.

There’s no indication that the next 100 days, or the 100 days thereafter, will be any better for #TheResistance. It can fume and it can fuss, but slowly and steadily, the normal are winning. As Yoda might have said, “Pathetic you are, for win you do not, despite your media friends and your sex organ sombreros.”


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2017, 08:25:12 AM »
Very interesting read, but this is not the thread for it.

Curious what thread do you think, for comments.  I'll try 2020 Presidential with mine, but the article did include this:  "the cultural division between privileged, government-connected elites and the rest of the country has turned twenty-first century politics in America into a cold civil war between hostile socio-political identities."

Maybe this is just politics as usual, always changing while staying the same and the pendulum swinging. 

It seems to me that over the last dozen years: 
Establishment Republicans (Bush) failed to be consistent, competent or conservative and the result was a hard left turn.
The Left turned too far to the left and the country rejected that without embracing anything conservative or Republican. 
Now Trump and the Republicans flounder with no governing theme, no legislative success and losing support, and  the Democrats are not winning them back. 

What is left is a political opening a mile wide for a new leader to march through somewhere between the Trump message and sanity and no one seems to know how to capture it or where to go with it.

What we (always) need is better overlap of a great leader, a great message and a great direction.

The only person I see who could unite more than one faction and lead this country in amy positive direction now  is VP Mike Pence, and only if DT slipped off the stage without too much fanfare... which I don't see happening.

As we face more and more of the unknown and see a complete inability to govern, what we get is more and more of the status quo.  We've had wide swings in the electoral everything and what I see at least in my world is the same high taxes, same over-regulation and same leftist media-education-government complex with mutually assured hatred with the largest group they call the deplorables.

We need a leader who can change minds, in a positive way, not just ride a wave.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election, Biden is running "for sure"
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2017, 07:53:06 AM »

Nothing in 2020 is for sure in 2017.  For one thing that makes him 78 at inauguration and 82 at reelection.
Still, if true, this changes everything. )   It is his turn!

Curious and thinking of the Jeb Bush implosion, when did Joe Biden last run and win a highly contentious campaign?
In 1972, an energetic young Joe Biden beat a far more qualified Republican J. Caleb Boggs by 50% to 49% to win his Senate seat.  That is 48 years prior to the 2020 election.  There is no reason to think he can't do it again!

Age is a risk factor for Alzheimer's. And at 69, Ronald Reagan was the oldest man to be elected president.

Biden would be 9 years older than Reagan, but really he has no 'before' yardstick from which to measure mental deterioration.

Trump is no youngster either and his health in the 2020 campaign to the Jan 2025 end of second term is unknown too.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2017, 07:54:55 AM by DougMacG »


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My thoughts on '20 and Trump
« Reply #15 on: November 16, 2017, 07:35:07 AM »
Biden would beat Trump today

Trump has not been able to attract anyone beyond the core 40% ish.

The media DNC Obama/ex Clinton mob academic complex is winning.

Someone sent Rush and email suggesting that maybe Trump is "not the guy".  Rush went on break before he was going to respond to it and I had to go to work so I did not hear his thoughts on the topic.

Trump is clearly the guy who has the courage and stamina to fight the libs.....   but alas he is NOT the guy IMHO who can go up against the "establishment".  His qualities are only part of the package needed.   Sadly, beyond him we have no one else. 

Isn't it obvious by now?  Don't we all know this?

Not looking good for '18 or '20 at this juncture and the tax package not likely to turn this around in my opinion.

Mike Savage is right - bottom line - we are a left of center country now.


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We Need to Talk About Uncle Joe
« Reply #16 on: November 16, 2017, 07:40:50 AM »

We Need to Talk About Uncle Joe

Joe Biden, serial young girl-toucher.

*Let him run.*


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Re: We Need to Talk About Uncle Joe
« Reply #17 on: November 16, 2017, 08:44:52 AM »
We Need to Talk About Uncle Joe
Joe Biden, serial young girl-toucher.
*Let him run.*

Predictions of what other people will do and how other people will vote are not my strength, but Joe Biden loses his 'VP for Obama' pedestal the moment he enters the race and will start taking incoming arrows.  Like G M points out, he was caught 'touching' women before powerful men started getting busted for it.  That's just old Joe or those were different times doesn't cut it as an excuse.  He was doing what Trump was caught talking about.  George HW Bush is now feeling the heat.  Biden was the worst for that kind of thing.  Leftists are turning on Bill Clinton now to clear their own names admitting their own guilt.  At some point, women are going to turn against unprofessional, sexist sleazeballs.

His career was lousy.  His other campaigns were dreadful.  Loose lips don't describe things that come out of his mouth, more like loose brain.  He lost his debate to Sarah Palin.  People should review that video for the quality and accuracy of his answers.  Every time he said let me repeat that, he repeated a falsehood.

His chairmanship of the Senate Judiciary committee was a disaster, Bork, Anita Hill, Clarence Thomas, etc.

What did he do as Vice President?  He was a placeholder, someone who made friend and foe not want anything to happen to Obama.  He never was the best or most qualified person for that job.  Chosen to be harmless, if he just doesn't talk too much.  Obama was never tied to Biden gaffes; a President Biden would be.  Or take the other tack, he was instrumental in a failed administration.  Measure it in GDP, danger in the world or number of Republicans elected while they were in charge.

If you look at what liberals and Democrats think what went wrong with the trump personna and Presidency, ignoramus was a word I just saw used twice by them, how does picking Joe Biden take them to the next level.?

To be fair, he also said or did one or two right in his half century in Washington.  He would have split off the Iraqi Kurds along time ago, and from the left coalition point of view he was one step ahead of the curve on gay marriage.

Skipping the Trump years, he is not the logical successor to Obama who was in his 40s when elected President and played the unknown about him as a blank canvas for each voter and group to paint for themselves.  He is old and known.  Either the body, energy level or mental sharpness (how will we know?) will catch up with him, if not the creepy stuff.

The only Democrat contemplating how great things would be if Biden were President is Biden.

Both parties (and most other countries) need new leaders!
« Last Edit: November 16, 2017, 08:59:01 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #18 on: November 16, 2017, 11:23:58 AM »
Agreed re Biden, but Trump is digging a whole for himself and for us in many, many ways.  That a putz like Biden could score this well speaks volumes.


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« Last Edit: January 09, 2018, 08:33:49 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: 2020 Presidential election, Barack Obama is behind Oprah
« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2018, 08:55:14 AM »
Barack Obama is behind Oprah.  They wrote her speech.  They want power back, (kind of like the Clintons).  They hate their legacy being undone. 

The above is conjecture and analysis by Bill O'Reilly.  Very likely true.

Oprah v. Trump, oh my God.

I thought it would be Michelle, but Oprah would be way easier for them - especially just after the former first lady thing didn't work.  The Obama machine is alive and well.


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I have found the ideal dem presidential candidate for 2020
« Reply #21 on: March 04, 2018, 06:10:55 PM »

Checks off many of the boxes for them. Keynote speaker at the convention at least.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #22 on: March 04, 2018, 08:48:54 PM »
 :-o :-o :-o


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WSJ: Jindal: Kasich could be Trumps' best hope
« Reply #23 on: May 17, 2018, 10:41:25 AM »
Kasich Could Be Trump’s Best Hope
An independent candidacy could split voters who dislike the Democrats but can’t abide the president.
Ohio Gov. John Kasich.
Ohio Gov. John Kasich. Photo: Charles Krupa/Associated Press
By Bobby Jindal
May 16, 2018 7:00 p.m. ET

Donald Trump once joked that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose votes. That may be true—his approval ratings have inched up recently, tweetstorms and Stormy Daniels notwithstanding.

But can he be re-elected? He’s unlikely to face an opponent as unpopular and uninspiring as Hillary Clinton in 2020. His best hope may be John Kasich. The departing Ohio governor has made noises about challenging Mr. Trump in the primaries, but an independent bid would be better for the president.

A Kasich candidacy would not threaten Mr. Trump’s hold over base voters. While some in the Republican establishment pine for someone to represent the “real” party, GOP voters are generally happy with Mr. Trump. Donors wonder why their millions are spent on winning elections only to pursue social policies they consider distractions at best, whereas millions of primary voters feel their votes are no longer wasted electing politicians who support unfair trade deals and open borders.

Mr. Trump has been assailed for waffling on social issues like abortion and gun control, for an economic policy that embraces runaway spending and rejects free trade, for being too conciliatory toward Russia, and for an entitlement policy that is unsustainable. His defenders cite his successes in appointing conservative judges and cutting corporate taxes.

He benefits, ironically, from the qualities that earn him scorn from the media. As was evidenced during the Republican primary, it is ineffective to attack Mr. Trump from the right while he is vowing to build a border wall and ban Muslim immigration. He is willing to go rhetorically further than even the most antiestablishment politician, leaving no room in 2016 for Ted Cruz or in 2020 for another conservative challenger.

But the base isn’t enough to win, and Mr. Trump so far shows little sign of picking up new supporters. Thus a challenger is not sufficient—Mr. Trump needs a candidate who siphons off not only Republican Never Trumpers, but moderates who might otherwise vote for the Democrat. Fortunately for him, the Democrats are making themselves increasingly unattractive to those moderates.

While the media obsesses over all things Trump, they ignore the Democrats’ infighting. Rep. Dan Lipinski barely survived a well-funded primary challenger despite strong union support in a safe blue district due to progressives’ outrage over his pro-life views. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has angered grass-roots liberals with its heavy-handed attacks on Laura Moser in a Texas primary. Sen. Elizabeth Warren is attacking Democrats for working with Republicans to lighten the regulatory burden imposed by Dodd-Frank.

Democrats are fleeing to increasingly radical policy positions to immunize themselves against attacks from the likes of Ms. Warren and Sen. Bernie Sanders. Whereas President Obama refused to include a public option in his signature health bill, potential presidential contenders like Sens. Warren, Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand and Kamala Harris have rushed to cosponsor Mr. Sanders’s single-payer bill, which would take away private health insurance—along with Medicare—from everyone who has it.

Many moderate Democrats who used to support school choice, or at least charter schools, are now silent or reversing their positions. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi attacked the Republican-passed tax cut and mocked the resulting bonuses and salary increases. Billionaire Tom Steyer is spending millions insisting impeachment need not wait for the results of Robert Mueller’s investigation.

Democratic extremism may not be enough for Republicans to hold Congress this November. Republican control of government has accomplished what Mr. Obama failed to do—make ObamaCare popular and increase funding for Democrats’ priorities. The GOP failure to repeal ObamaCare and approval of a bloated omnibus spending bill will dampen conservative voters’ enthusiasm. While the administration bears much blame, House Republicans are likely to pay a price this November.

Yet Democrats’ improving midterm prospects do not necessarily herald success in 2020. In 2006 Mrs. Pelosi became speaker by focusing on George Bush’s low approval ratings and corruption scandals engulfing House Republicans, and by empowering DCCC chairman Rahm Emanuel to recruit viable candidates in swing districts. She contradicted the Washington maxim that you can’t beat something with nothing; there was no Democratic version of the 1994 Contract with America. Mrs. Pelosi did not build a mandate for a national progressive platform, preferring to abide another maxim that you shouldn’t interfere when your opponent is destroying himself.

In 2018 she is trying to repeat history, and it may work—but Democrats in 2020 will have to offer more. Just as seemingly every Republican sought the party’s nomination in 2016, sensing it was a valuable prize given Hillary’s weaknesses, Democrats are lining up to challenge Mr. Trump. It is hard to imagine the next revelation will shake Mr. Trump’s core supporters, but it is also hard to imagine a strong economy winning over his most hardened detractors. Meanwhile, the Democrats’ radical leftward turn leaves those moderates who will not vote for Mr. Trump ripe to support an independent bid. Mr. Kasich, are you listening?

Mr. Jindal served as governor of Louisiana, 2008-16, and was a candidate for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination.

Appeared in the May 17, 2018, print edition.


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2020 Presidential election, Democrats audition at the Kavanaugh hearings
« Reply #27 on: September 05, 2018, 08:57:35 AM »
Democrats have been picking their candidates mostly from the Senate. Recent and near recent examples include Sanders, Obama, Hillary, Kerry, Biden, Edwards, Mondale, Humphrey, Johnson, Kennedy.

About 1 minute into the hearings, the new group got started, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Cory Booker, etc.

Klobuchar admitted regret for changing the rules that now allow 5 51 votes to confirm a Justice. Lousy timing on that regret.

One group including Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Harris and Booker are in a race to be the darling of the left. Others on the left would like to win senate seat this year in North Dakota, Indiana, Missouri and Florida.

Maybe we'll have 17 Democrats in two tiers of debates in 2020 like we had with the Republicans in 2016. They all think Trump is a bumbling idiot and will be easy to take down just like Reagan was in 1984.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #28 on: September 05, 2018, 09:03:20 AM »
If  Cory Booker and Kameltoe Harris run, it'll be the first all female Dem presidential ticket.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #29 on: September 05, 2018, 09:57:39 AM »
If one of them wins, she'll be the second woman president of the US.


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Run Hillary, run!
« Reply #30 on: October 11, 2018, 10:42:56 AM »


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #35 on: October 18, 2018, 10:11:56 PM »
Black vote is 2016 was one million less than in 2012-- easily much greater than the margin.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #37 on: October 20, 2018, 01:14:52 PM »
Harris , a slavery reparations candidate (thru the back door of redistribution)
was picked as the leading '20 candidate for the Dems

Open borders high taxation single payer medical

She will run us into a second rate nation

How many people in this country wouldn't mind an extra 6K per year courtesy of the taxpayers?

Take the cash and run or think long term and invest in the nations future.......

Obvious to me but not to the bottom 50% who pay no taxes


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Boomer for '20
« Reply #38 on: November 05, 2018, 06:48:43 AM »
no surprise one of the biggest ego know it alls is running in '20

throwing hsi money around to the Left to by support for his run:

I don't know what this guy thinks solutions to bring us together is all about!

I have a solution for ya :

Stop the Left from shoving their agenda down the throats of the rest of us.
Does that work for ya .

Otherwise there ain't no coming together ..  We never heard anything about coming together or compromise during the One's years did we?


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Malkin on Boomer
« Reply #39 on: November 06, 2018, 11:54:11 PM »
Say no, to to the Short man with the Napoleon complex:


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The Dowager Empress of Chappaqua will run again
« Reply #40 on: November 11, 2018, 12:50:26 PM »
Hillary Will Run Again
Reinventing herself as a liberal firebrand, Mrs. Clinton will easily capture the 2020 nomination.
By Mark Penn and
Andrew Stein
Nov. 11, 2018 2:13 p.m. ET

Get ready for Hillary Clinton 4.0. More than 30 years in the making, this new version of Mrs. Clinton, when she runs for president in 2020, will come full circle—back to the universal-health-care-promoting progressive firebrand of 1994. True to her name, Mrs. Clinton will fight this out until the last dog dies. She won’t let a little thing like two stunning defeats stand in the way of her claim to the White House.

It’s been quite a journey. In July 1999, Mrs. Clinton began her independent political career on retiring Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s farm in upstate New York. Her Senate platform included support for a balanced budget, the death penalty and incremental health-care reform. It was a decisive break from her early-1990s self. Hillary Clinton 2.0 was a moderate, building on the success of her communitarian “It Takes a Village” appeals and pledging to bring home the bacon for New York. She emphasized her religious background, voiced strong support for Israel, voted for the Iraq war, and took a hard line against Iran.

This was arguably the most successful version of Hillary Clinton. She captured the hearts and minds of New York’s voters and soared to an easy re-election in 2006, leaving Bill and all his controversies behind.

But Hillary 2.0 could not overcome Barack Obama, the instant press sensation. During the 2008 presidential campaign, Mrs. Clinton held fast to centrist positions that would have assured her victory in the general election. But progressive leaders and donors abandoned her for the antiwar Mr. Obama. Black voters who had been strong Clinton supporters in New York and Arkansas left her column to elect the first African-American president. History was made, but not by Mrs. Clinton. Though she won more delegates from Democratic primaries, activists in caucus states gave Mr. Obama, who had called her “likable enough,” the heartbreaking win.

Licking her wounds, Mrs. Clinton served as secretary of state while she planned her comeback. It was during this time that the more liberal Hillary 3.0 emerged. She believed she could never win a primary as a moderate, so she entered the 2016 primary as a progressive like Mr. Obama. Then she moved further left as Sen. Bernie Sanders came closer to derailing her nomination. This time she was able to contain her opponent’s support, crucially by bringing African-American voters into her camp.

But Mrs. Clinton’s transformation during the primaries, especially on social and cultural issues, cost her an easy win against Donald Trump. As Hillary 3.0 catered to the coastal elites who had eluded her in 2008, Mr. Trump stole many of the white working-class voters who might have been amenable to the previous version. Finally she had the full support of the New York Times and the other groups that had shunned her for Mr. Obama—but only at the cost of an unforeseen collapse in support in the Midwest.

Claims of a Russian conspiracy and the unfairness of the Electoral College shielded Mrs. Clinton from ever truly conceding she had lost. She was robbed, she told herself, yet again. But after two years of brooding—including at book length—Mrs. Clinton has come unbound. She will not allow this humiliating loss at the hands of an amateur to end the story of her career. You can expect her to run for president once again. Maybe not at first, when the legions of Senate Democrats make their announcements, but definitely by the time the primaries are in full swing.

Mrs. Clinton has a 75% approval rating among Democrats, an unfinished mission to be the first female president, and a personal grievance against Mr. Trump, whose supporters pilloried her with chants of “Lock her up!” This must be avenged.

Expect Hillary 4.0 to come out swinging. She has decisively to win those Iowa caucus-goers who have never warmed up to her. They will see her now as strong, partisan, left-leaning and all-Democrat—the one with the guts, experience and steely-eyed determination to defeat Mr. Trump. She has had two years to go over what she did wrong and how to take him on again.

Richard Nixon came back from his loss to John F. Kennedy in 1960 and won the presidency in 1968. He will be the model for winning again. Mrs. Clinton won’t travel the country in a van with Huma Abedin this time, doing small events and retail politics. Instead she will enter through the front door, mobilizing the army of professional women behind her, leveraging her social networks, and raking in donations. She will hope to emerge as an unstoppable force to undo Mr. Trump, running on the #MeToo movement, universal health care and gun control. Proud and independent, this time she will sideline Bill and Mr. Obama, limiting their role to fundraising.

The generation of Democrats who have been waiting to take over the party from the Clintons will be fuming that she is back and stealing their show. But they revealed themselves to be bungling amateurs in the Brett Kavanaugh nomination fight, with their laughable Spartacus moments. She will trounce them. Just as Mr. Trump cleared the field, Mrs. Clinton will take down rising Democratic stars like bowling pins. Mike Bloomberg will support her rather than run, and Joe Biden will never be able to take her on.

Don’t pay much attention to the “I won’t run” declarations. Mrs. Clinton knows both Mr. Clinton and Mr. Obama declared they weren’t running, until they ran. She may even skip Iowa and enter the race later, but rest assured that, one way or another, Hillary 4.0 is on the way.

Mr. Penn was a pollster and senior adviser to Bill and Hillary Clinton from 1995-2008. Mr. Stein is a former Democratic Manhattan borough president and president of the New York City Council.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #41 on: November 11, 2018, 02:37:49 PM »
"Don’t pay much attention to the “I won’t run” declarations. Mrs. Clinton knows both Mr. Clinton and Mr. Obama declared they weren’t running, until they ran. "

anyone who has lived since the 90s already knows this.

I am not convinced she would be the Dem nominee though.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #42 on: November 19, 2018, 07:43:21 AM »
This race supposedly starts now.  Those serious about winning are starting operations behind the scenes now.

The only serious announced candidate is Trump.  I don't expect any truly competitive challengers on the Republican side unless something changes.  A John Kasich perhaps, Jeff Flake or lesser who could divide slightly but not conquer.

I wonder who will be the first prominent Democrat to announce and start running full speed.  I wonder who even is a prominent Democrat anymore.  Who is a clear-the field candidate?  Biden has no gravitas nor the charisma of the younger upstarts. His career accomplishments are ....... . HRC would not clear the field.  Fauxcahontas' appeal is not national. But she and Bernie are the old leaders of that movement.  If I were them I would get out and get behind ... Kamala??

How do Dems bridge the energy of the coastal far left with the need to carry the center-left midwest.  These suburban Republican House losses were not to admitted, flame throwing Leftists.  The primaries will be fought on the Left and the general election in the center.  You need to win both or go the way of John Kerry, Michael Dukakis.  Barack Obama did it selling a blank slate for each voter to paint on.  The 2020 Dem will not go unscrutinized.

Major losses up and down the ballots since 2010 have left the Dems with little or no bench and the newcomers now have no positive, national experience.  Cory Booker??

There is talk of all 36 or so mentioned running, making the 17 Republicans in two tiers last time look small.  Once a few jump in, Kamala Harris, Beto, Hickenlooper, do the rest have to all jump in or miss the spotlight?  Or does a late entry take it, like the second (or third or fourth) mouse gets the cheese?
If Hickenlooper (Gov of Colo) is moderate, could he win outside of Colorado where no one has heard of him, excite the base, win primaries in a crowded field, not fizzle on a national stage?  If he or anyone is moderate, won't they be ruthlessly attacked in the primaries for being Republican-Lite?  The energy of Jeb Bush?

If you were a top Dem strategist, who would you want to attach yourself to.  Who does the Obama machine want to support.  Michelle O. was the one I feared but she most likely will not run. Trump will eat up her husband's record.  New and untested is better. Oprah, not running.

Who besides Sherrod Brown could win Ohio, and could he win in Ohio, or anywhere else?  He is a third term Senator, me a political junkie and I realize I've never heard him speak:

Good God, tell me this doesn't all come down to Amy Klobuchar!


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Re: 2020 Presidential election, Sherrod Brown
« Reply #43 on: November 21, 2018, 07:10:50 AM »

Sorry I don't know why he is liked or electable, just covering analysis from the other side.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election, Sherrod Brown
« Reply #44 on: November 21, 2018, 07:43:46 AM »

Sorry I don't know why he is liked or electable, just covering analysis from the other side.

How does Sherrod Brown poll with boxes of discovered ballots? That seems to be the key group that decides elections.


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Run John run
« Reply #45 on: November 26, 2018, 06:06:14 AM »
you have ZERO chance of ever beating Trump - zero.
although you might pick up more votes as a Democrat:


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Re: Run John [Kasich] run? Retire John, retire.
« Reply #46 on: November 26, 2018, 07:05:53 AM »
you have ZERO chance of ever beating Trump - zero.
although you might pick up more votes as a Democrat:

He or someone like him may run as an independent with the intent of being the spoiler.

The primary system for all its flaws is better than the alternatives.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #47 on: November 26, 2018, 09:21:49 AM »
"He or someone like him may run as an independent with the intent of being the spoiler."

and like Flake McCain he is a guy who thinks he is helping America by being a "spoiler"

Our party always seems to have a few .

Perhaps the same could be said about Sanders but in the end he joins lock step arm and arm with the rest of his comrades in the Dem party (ther word is a misnomer in this case ;  should be the Dem funeral procession - not "party)
« Last Edit: November 26, 2018, 02:10:41 PM by ccp »


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #48 on: November 26, 2018, 11:18:59 AM »
Kasich is making noise about challenging Trump.