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JW vs Nancy's Nephew's illegal payments to illegal aliens
« Reply #802 on: May 02, 2020, 06:50:12 AM »
Judicial Watch Exposes Deep State Leaks to Washington Post

Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, a distinguished public servant, was briefly national security advisor to President Trump until allegations surfaced in the Washington Post that he had been in communication with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak.

Flynn’s lawyers alleged in a November 1, 2019, court filing that James Baker, the Pentagon’s Director of the Office of Net Assessment, “is believed to be the person who illegally leaked” the transcript of Flynn’s December 29, 2016, telephone calls with the ambassador to David Ignatius, a Washington Post reporter.

We went to court to uncover the details, and we now have received 143 pages of records from the Department of Defense that reveal extensive communications between Baker and Ignatius.

The Washington Post published Ignatius’ account of the calls on January 12, 2017, setting in motion a chain of events that led to Flynn’s February 13, 2017, firing as national security advisor, and subsequent prosecution for making false statements to the FBI about the calls. U.S. Attorney John Durham is reportedly investigating the leak of information targeting Flynn.
Citing “the government’s bad faith, vindictiveness and breach of the plea agreement,” Flynn’s attorney, Sidney Powell, moved in January 2020 to withdraw Flynn’s 2017 guilty plea during the Mueller investigation. Flynn claims he felt forced to plead guilty “when his son was threatened with prosecution and he exhausted his financial resources.” Last week, prosecutors provided Flynn’s defense team with documentation of this threat, according to additional papers Flynn’s lawyers filed on April 24, 2020, in support of the motion to withdraw.
We obtained the records in our November 2019 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed after the DOD failed to respond to a September 2019 request (Judicial Watch v. Department of Defense (No. 1:19-cv-03564)). We were seeking:
•   All calendar entries of Director James Baker of the Office of Net Assessment.
•   All records of communications between ONA Director James Baker and reporter David Ignatius.
The communications we requested occurred May 2015 through September 25, 2019.
The records we have received include an exchange on February 16, 2016, with the subject line “Ignatius,” in which Baker tells Pentagon colleague Zachary Mears, then-deputy chief of staff to Obama Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, that he has “a long history with David” and talks with him regularly.
In an email exchange on October 1, 2018, in a discussion about artificial intelligence, Baker tells Ignatius: “David, please, as always, our discussions are completely off the record. If any of my observations strike you as worthy of mixing or folding into your own thinking, that is as usual fine.” Ignatius replies, “Understood. Thanks for talking with me.”
Here are Ignatius and Baker’s email exchanges by year:
•   In 2015, Ignatius and Baker had a total of seven email conversations to set up meetings or calls, two simply to compliment one another and one exchange where Ignatius invited Baker to speak at the Aspen Strategy Group conference.
•   In 2016, Ignatius and Baker had a total of 10 email exchanges to set up meetings or calls and two to compliment each other.
•   In 2017, Ignatius and Baker had a total of 10 email exchanges to set up meetings, one exchange where Ignatius forwarded one of his articles, and one exchange where Ignatius asks Baker for his thoughts on the JCPOA (the Iran nuclear deal), because Baker wasn’t available on the phone.
•   In 2018, Ignatius and Baker had a total of nine email exchanges to set up meetings, four where Ignatius forwarded articles and one where Ignatius asks Baker for tips on what to say at a quantum computing conference where he was speaking.
These records confirm that Mr. Baker was an anonymous source for Mr. Ignatius. Mr. Baker should be directly questioned about any and all leaks to his friend at the Washington Post.
In a related case, in October 2018 we filed a FOIA lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Defense seeking information about the September 2016 contract between the DOD and Stefan Halper, the Cambridge University professor identified as a secret FBI informant used by the Obama administration to spy on Trump’s presidential campaign. Halper also reportedly had high-level ties to both U.S. and British intelligence.
Government records show that the DOD’s Office of Net Assessment (ONA) paid Halper a total of $1,058,161 for four contracts that lasted from May 30, 2012, to March 29, 2018. More than $400,000 of the payments came between July 2016 and September 2017, after Halper reportedly offered Trump campaign volunteer George Papadopoulos work and a trip to London to entice him into disclosing information about alleged collusion between the Russian government and the Trump campaign.
Flynn’s attorney told the court that Baker was Halper’s “handler” in the Office of Net Assessment in the Pentagon.

In an interview with Lou Dobbs, I discussed the possibility that Judge Emmet Sullivan would look at all of this and throw the Flynn case out or that Attorney General William Barr would cancel the prosecution. “Flynn was ambushed,” I say in the interview. “He is the victim of a coordinated leak campaign.”

I know that President Trump is taking a good hard look at this. While the FBI is under renewed scrutiny over its disgraceful handling of the Flynn matter, it’s clear we need to look closely at the Defense Department as well.

Judicial Watch Sues California to Stop Governor Newsom’s Initiative to Provide $75 Million in Cash Benefits to Illegal Aliens

Leftists at the federal and state levels aren’t letting this health crisis go to waste, using it as a cover to enact their radical agenda. As usual, California is taking the lead.

We just filed a lawsuit in the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, on behalf of two California taxpayers, Robin Crest and Howard Myers, asking the court to stop the state from expending $75 million of taxpayer funds to provide direct cash assistance to unlawfully present aliens (Crest et al. v. Newsom et al. (No. 20STCV16321)).

Our suit alleges that California Governor Gavin Newsom overstepped his authority and violated federal law when, without affirmative state legislative approval, he took executive action to create the “Disaster Relief Assistance for Immigrants Project” and provide cash benefits to illegal aliens who otherwise are ineligible for state or federal insurance or other benefits due to their unlawful presence in the United States.

On April 15, 2020, Governor Newsom announced his new executive initiative to provide direct assistance in the form of cash benefits to illegal aliens. The initiative, known as the “Disaster Relief Fund” or the “Disaster Relief Assistance for Immigrants Project,” would spend $75 million to provide direct cash payments to illegal aliens and cost an estimated additional $4.8 million to administer. Governor Newsom’s executive initiative would provide one-time cash benefits of $500 per adult / $1,000 per household to 150,000 unlawfully present aliens in California. These benefits are not provided to U.S. citizens residing in the state.

Under federal immigration law, 8 U.S.C. § 1621(a), unlawfully present aliens generally are ineligible for State or local public benefits. Section 1621(d) requires a state legislature to enact a state law that affirmatively provides for such benefits for illegal aliens:
A State may provide that an alien who is not lawfully present in the United States is eligible for any State or local public benefit … only through the enactment of a State law … which affirmatively provides for such eligibility.
Our suit alleges that the California State Legislature has not enacted any law that affirmatively provides that unlawfully present aliens are eligible for the $75 million of cash public benefits announced by Newsom.

The lawsuit seeks to enjoin California “from providing $75 million of taxpayer funds to unlawfully present aliens in violation of federal law and expending an estimated additional $4.8 million of taxpayer funds as well as additional taxpayer-financed resources on the administration of those payments.”

Governor Newsom has no legal authority on his own to spend state taxpayer money for cash payments to illegal aliens. The coronavirus challenge doesn’t give politicians a pass to violate the law. If California politicians want to give cash payments to illegal aliens, they must be accountable and transparent, and, as federal law requires, pass a law to do so.


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Gov. Nancy's Nephew Newsome and China facemask deal
« Reply #804 on: May 06, 2020, 10:22:44 AM »$1b-shady-mask-deal-with-china?mailing_id=5034&utm_medium=email&


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« Reply #806 on: May 19, 2020, 01:25:43 PM »

I am going south of the border to demand my 12,500 pesos!

could buy a whole lot of tequila for that.

they can keep the worms though


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JW sues Gov. Nancy's Nephew over EO
« Reply #807 on: May 22, 2020, 12:46:53 PM »

Judicial Watch Sues to Stop California Governor Newsom’s “Vote by Mail” Mandate

Plaintiffs Include Voters and Congressional Candidate Darrell Issa
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced yesterday it filed a lawsuit to stop the special, statewide vote-by-mail mandate issued by California Governor Gavin Newsom. The plaintiffs in the lawsuit include former U.S. Representative Darrell Issa (a candidate in the upcoming November election) and individual California voters from across the political spectrum. The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court in Sacramento against Gov. Newsom and California Secretary of State Alex Padilla (Darrell Issa, et al. v. Gavin Newsom, et al. (No. 2:20-cv-01044)).

The Judicial Watch complaint argues that Newsom’s Executive Order N-64-20, requiring all California counties to conduct all-mail ballot elections, violates the U.S. Constitution and California state law. According to the U.S. Constitution, only state legislatures may determine the “Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives,” and only state legislatures may establish the manner in which electors to the Electoral College are appointed. The lawsuit points out that “[n]either defendant in this case is a ‘Legislature,’” as required under the Constitution, and “[t]he California Legislature never delegated to [Newsom] its authority under the Elections Clause or Electors Clause to regulate the manner of conducting elections for senators, representatives, or presidential electors.”

Judicial Watch also contends that Newsom’s mandate violates the California Voter’s Choice Act of 2016, which grants counties the option to qualify for and opt in to a system of mail-in voting. Judicial Watch argues the law reflects the legislature’s deliberate choice to delegate to each county the decision about whether to qualify and opt in to the all-mail ballot system. During the March 3, 2020 primary election, only 15 of California’s 58 counties qualified and opted-in to the all-mail balloting system.

The lawsuit alleges the plaintiffs will be harmed by Newsom’s mandate for all-mail voting because it imposes an entirely new election system that ignores the extensive qualifications required by California law before a county can opt in to all-mail balloting. Judicial Watch argues its plaintiffs will be at risk of having their votes thrown out or diluted by invalid votes under Newsom’s illegal system, and that Mr. Issa will have to expend additional resources to respond to the illegal mandate during his campaign.

“Governor Newsom’s vote-by-mail mandate is unconstitutional and may cause the votes of countless voters to be thrown out or not counted,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “California law prohibits blindly mailing out ballots to every registered voter in the state. This scheme raises the risk of Election Day chaos as well as voter fraud.”

In 2018, California settled a federal lawsuit with Judicial Watch and began the process of removing up to 1.6 million inactive names from Los Angeles County’s voter rolls. Judicial Watch late last year sent notices to 11 additional California counties warning them of voting list maintenance issues. Judicial Watch recently sued North Carolina and Pennsylvania to force them to clean up their voter rolls.



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California bullet train biting the dust?
« Reply #808 on: May 31, 2020, 01:27:18 AM »
Democrats Bite the Bullet Train
The coronavirus may finally kill Jerry Brown’s boondoggle to nowhere.
By The Editorial Board
May 29, 2020 6:50 pm ET

In the very small department of coronavirus silver linings, a budget crunch in California is causing Democrats to re-examine some wasteful spending. This includes, fiscal saints be praised, former Gov. Jerry Brown’s bullet train to nowhere.

Gov. Gavin Newsom last year scaled back progressive ambitions for a 500-mile high-speed train from Orange County to San Francisco due to cost overruns, logistical headaches and legal challenges. Instead the state would build a 171-mile starter train between Bakersfield and Merced in the Central Valley.

Democrats now want to shorten the line to the 120 miles of track already under construction and run lower-cost diesel trains in lieu of cleaner electric ones. Recall that the train’s original purpose was to reduce carbon emissions. California’s 2008 bond initiative also said the train “will not require operating subsidy.”

The state High-Speed Rail Authority now projects the 171-mile stretch would cost $20 billion to build and lose between $40 million and $90 million a year. Even that assumes millions of people living in the Central Valley each year will ride the train to Merced and then use commuter rail to connect to San Jose.

As economic consultants William Grindley and Bill Warren have pointed out, a round-trip between Bakersfield and San Jose would take 12 hours and 10 minutes and cost $189 without a subsidy and $104 with a subsidy.

Assembly Democrats are pushing legislation that would allow $5 billion to be redirected from the Central Valley choo-choo to commuter trains in Southern California and Bay Area. This would relieve highway congestion and perhaps ease housing demand in dense coastal cities. Democrats in Sacramento deserve credit for setting new pandemic priorities.

Meantime, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo this week hit up President Trump to finance retrofitted rail tunnels under the Hudson River, an expansion of the Second Avenue subway—the first stretch cost $2.5 billion per mile—and a tram from Manhattan to LaGuardia Airport. Mr. Cuomo says New York needs a public-works blowout to recover from the pandemic.

But unemployed bartenders, barbers and baristas can’t quickly become engineers. And if he wants to put laid-off construction workers back to work, how about approving the three natural gas pipelines that he has blocked that don’t need government money?


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Re: California
« Reply #813 on: July 07, 2020, 06:46:27 PM »


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Re: California
« Reply #814 on: July 08, 2020, 10:26:52 AM »

Live from Santa Monica

The play-by-play person never clarifies if it's number one or number two they are broadcasting.


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States: California? No, South Dakota
« Reply #818 on: August 16, 2020, 07:13:22 PM »
How do you study California and Gov Newsom without a sanity benchmark, like South Dakota and Gov Kristi Noem?
Kristi Noem: South Dakota Opts Out of Trump's Unemployment Bonus

South Dakota's Governor Kristi Noem holds the U.S flag riding a horse during the Monster Energy Team Challenge, on July 11, 2020.

Read Newsmax: Gov. Kristi Noem: South Dakota Opts Out of Trump's Unemployment Bonus
Urgent: Do you approve of Pres. Trump’s job performance? Vote Here Now!

South Dakota is the first state to decline President Donald Trump's executive order to restart the coronavirus unemployment bonus at a rate of up to $400 per week, The Washington Post reported.

Republican Gov. Kristi Noem, a rising star in the party, declined the bonus payments for those unemployed in her state because it never shut down during the global coronavirus pandemic.

"My administration is very grateful for the additional flexibility that this effort would have provided, but South Dakota is in the fortunate position of not needing to accept it," Noem said.
Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsom not asked for comment.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2020, 07:15:59 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: States: California? No, South Dakota
« Reply #819 on: August 16, 2020, 09:34:11 PM »
There are parts of America that are still America!

How do you study California and Gov Newsom without a sanity benchmark, like South Dakota and Gov Kristi Noem?
Kristi Noem: South Dakota Opts Out of Trump's Unemployment Bonus

South Dakota's Governor Kristi Noem holds the U.S flag riding a horse during the Monster Energy Team Challenge, on July 11, 2020.

Read Newsmax: Gov. Kristi Noem: South Dakota Opts Out of Trump's Unemployment Bonus
Urgent: Do you approve of Pres. Trump’s job performance? Vote Here Now!

South Dakota is the first state to decline President Donald Trump's executive order to restart the coronavirus unemployment bonus at a rate of up to $400 per week, The Washington Post reported.

Republican Gov. Kristi Noem, a rising star in the party, declined the bonus payments for those unemployed in her state because it never shut down during the global coronavirus pandemic.

"My administration is very grateful for the additional flexibility that this effort would have provided, but South Dakota is in the fortunate position of not needing to accept it," Noem said.
Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsom not asked for comment.


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California: Ben Meng and CALPERS corruption investigation
« Reply #820 on: August 18, 2020, 12:40:03 PM »
State Panel to Investigate Complaints of Calpers Investment Conflict
California’s Fair Political Practices Commission says it will probe conflict-of-interest and disclosure complaints tied to former investment chief Ben Meng

Several board members at Calpers are seeking more information about the circumstances surrounding the resignation of former investment chief Ben Meng. The pension fund’s headquarters are in Sacramento, Calif.
By Heather Gillers and Dawn Lim
Updated Aug. 17, 2020 6:35 pm ET

California officials said they opened an investigation into whether the former investment chief for the nation’s largest pension fund violated state conflict-of-interest laws by holding personal investments in private-equity firms in which the fund is also an investor.

Several board members at the California Public Employees’ Retirement System, known as Calpers, are seeking more information about the circumstances surrounding the Aug. 5 resignation of former investment chief Ben Meng, including when Chief Executive Marcie Frost learned about possible investment conflicts and what procedures the fund has in place to keep investment officials from running afoul of conflict-of-interest rules.

Calpers this month referred an internal review concerning Mr. Meng’s personal investments to California’s Fair Political Practices Commission, according to a person familiar with the matter. The commission said Monday it received two formal complaints regarding Mr. Meng’s investments and his disclosure of them, and will investigate both. The commission investigates civil violations of laws concerning political campaign spending disclosures and public officials’ conflicts of interest and can levy fines of up to $5,000 per violation.

Mr. Meng’s abrupt exit sent shock waves through the pension fund, which has grappled with chronic turnover and has on hand only about 70% of assets needed to meet future pension promises.

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Unlike his predecessors, Mr. Meng had investment experience on Wall Street. In his first full year, Calpers reversed a streak of underperformance relative to other large pension plans, earning 4.7% for the 12 months ended June 30 despite losses in the first quarter during the early days of the pandemic. Months before his departure, he had embarked on a push to address Calpers’s shortfall and hit the pension’s ambitious investment target by borrowing against the fund.

One focus of the review, launched in April, was Mr. Meng’s personal ownership of Blackstone Group Inc. shares in 2019 during the period Calpers pledged $750 million to a private-equity fund managed by the firm, a person said. Mr. Meng disclosed between $10,001 and $100,000 of shares on forms submitted shortly after he became investment chief in January 2019 and in April of this year.

A Calpers spokesman declined to comment on any role Mr. Meng played in the pension fund’s Blackstone investment and on the commission’s investigation.

Ben Meng stepped down as Calpers’s investment chief on Aug. 5.
There is no evidence that Mr. Meng attempted to benefit personally from his work at Calpers. Public officials can run afoul of state law simply by participating in government decisions that create the appearance of a conflict of interest. Tom Byrne, who chaired the New Jersey State Investment Council between 2015 and 2018, said he left the room during discussions on Blackstone and recused himself from decisions involving the firm. The investment firm he runs held shares in Blackstone for clients around that time.

Calpers has faced pressure to avoid the appearance of impropriety ever since a bruising scandal in the 2000s that led Calpers’s former CEO to plead guilty to involvement in a bribery scheme. As an investor, Calpers has pushed companies to practice sound corporate governance.

Calpers asks investment staff to disclose personal investments upon arriving and then annually for the previous year. Individuals take mandatory training on conflicts of interest, and officials have opted to recuse themselves on investments for a variety of reasons, people familiar with the pension’s practices said.

A Calpers spokesperson declined to say whether Mr. Meng’s initial disclosure of Blackstone shares, more than a month before the March 2019 Blackstone commitment, raised any flags for Calpers, or whether the fund took steps to protect him from running afoul of conflict-of-interest rules.

Mr. Meng said at the start of his tenure that he intended to expand Calpers’s private-equity portfolio, a longstanding Calpers goal as the fund seeks to earn annual returns of 7% in an era of low interest rates. Blackstone ranks among the largest private-equity managers.

Calpers didn’t flag any problems with Mr. Meng holding Blackstone shares until 2020, a person familiar with the matter said, and he subsequently sold the stock.

Institutions can help prevent problems by monitoring investments, pre-screening decisions and flagging potential conflicts for officials in real time, experts said.

“If you’re going to say [officials] can continue to own stock, proactively be involved,” said Robert Rizzi, a partner with the law firm Steptoe & Johnson LLP who teaches government ethics at Harvard Law School. “Otherwise you’re just creating a trap for the unwary.”

An Aug. 2 post on the blog Naked Capitalism called attention to Mr. Meng’s disclosures. In the following days, Calpers referred its internal findings to the state, according to a person familiar with the matter. A Calpers spokesman said that action wasn’t prompted by the blogger.

Several board members are questioning the way Calpers has handled the issue.

State controller Betty Yee called for a review of Calpers’s conflict-of-interest policies, “the CEO’s oversight and implementation of these policies, and any additional safeguards necessary to ensure this does not happen again.”

Another board member, Margaret Brown, said, “I’d like to know when did this come to the Calpers’ staff’s attention, who noticed it, what was done, what procedures and policies we have in place.”

Board Chairman Henry Jones said, “Our CEO advised me of this issue when she became aware of it. It had been scheduled to be brought to the Board upon completion of the investigation.” He previously said the issues over Mr. Meng’s investments are “private personnel matters and already have been addressed according to our internal compliance protocols.”

People close to Mr. Meng said that even before the internal review the investment chief was worn down by the public spotlight. Mr. Meng came to Calpers from a job as deputy chief investment officer of China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange, the agency in charge of the country’s more than $3 trillion in foreign reserves. Before that he worked at Calpers from 2008 to 2015 and had stints at Morgan Stanley as well as Barclays Global Investors. Mr. Meng is from China and became a U.S. citizen.

As U.S.-China ties soured, Mr. Meng’s past role with China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange prompted some Washington politicians to call attention to Calpers’s Chinese investments. To try to fend off the attacks, Calpers representatives spoke with various Washington lawmakers.

In February, Calpers representatives met with Rep. Jim Banks’s staff in Washington. The Indiana Republican had questioned Calpers’s holdings of Chinese companies and Mr. Meng’s ties to China. The Calpers representatives told Rep. Banks’s staff that they were concerned Mr. Meng would step down if the criticisms kept coming, people said. Mr. Banks’s staff said this wasn’t a personal attack but an effort to highlight a national security issue.

Mr. Meng confided to acquaintances that he was troubled by that mounting scrutiny, associates said. After the conflict-of-interest questions became public, Mr. Meng decided to resign rather than deal with another controversy, people familiar with the matter said. “It’s important for me to focus on my health and on my family,” Mr. Meng said in a statement, “and move on to the next chapter in my life.”

On a call with investment staff this month, interim investment chief Dan Bienvenue said Calpers would continue with its investment plan. Calpers hopes to find a replacement who is also an experienced investor, said a person familiar with Calpers’s plans.

Write to Heather Gillers at and Dawn Lim at

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California leading the way
« Reply #821 on: August 31, 2020, 03:54:15 AM »


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WSJ: California's Radical Indoctrination
« Reply #822 on: August 31, 2020, 08:10:25 AM »
California’s Radical Indoctrination
A bill would establish a K-12 curriculum in the ‘four I’s of oppression.’
By The Editorial Board
Aug. 30, 2020 7:10 pm ET

Conservatives and fair-minded liberals are alarmed that high schools are drawing up plans to teach the “1619 project,” the New York Times ’ revisionist account of race and the American founding, in history classes. The reality is turning out to be worse. The largest state in the union is poised to become one of the first to mandate ethnic studies for all high-school students, and the model curriculum makes the radical “1619 project” look moderate and balanced.

Last year California’s Assembly passed its ethnic-studies bill known as AB 331 by a 63-8 vote. Then the state department of education put forward a model curriculum so extreme and ethnocentric that the state Senate’s Democratic supermajority balked. The curriculum said among other things that “within Ethnic Studies, scholars are often very critical of the system of capitalism as research has shown that Native people and people of color are disproportionately exploited within the system.”

The bill was put on ice, but protests and riots in recent months gave Sacramento’s mavens of racial division more leverage. The education department delivered a new draft model curriculum this month, and AB 331 has been revived. It passed a Senate committee Aug. 20 and is expected to go before the full body soon. If Gov. Gavin Newsom signs it, the legislation would require all school districts to offer a semester-long ethnic studies class starting in 2025.

The model curriculum now on the education department’s website says the course should “build new possibilities for post-imperial life that promotes collective narratives of transformative resistance.” Yes, this is a course for K-12 students. It suggests teachers provide “examples of systems of power, which can include economic systems like capitalism and social systems like patriarchy.” Students can then be taught “the four ‘I’s of oppression”—ideological, institutional, interpersonal and internalized.

The state guidance includes more than 200 pages of approved course outlines. Some of these seem to mandate student political activities, potentially raising First Amendment concerns. “Students acquire tools to become positive actors in their communities to address a contemporary issue and present findings in a public forum,” says one outline. Among the approved topics: “Racism, LGBTQ rights, immigration rights, access to quality health care, income inequality,” and so on. What about the fifth “I” of indoctrination?

It’s not a coincidence that many radical left movements are infused with anti-Semitism. They posit theories of control by shadowy capitalist groups that often echo anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. One course outline tips its hat at this. “Students will write a paper detailing certain events in American history,” it says, “that have led to Jewish and Irish Americans gaining racial privilege.”

This is ugly stuff, a force-feeding to teenagers of the anti-liberal theories that have been percolating in campus critical studies departments for decades. Enforced identity politics and “intersectionality” are on their way to replacing civic nationalism as America’s creed. Liberals who consider themselves moderate and don’t understand the sense of urgency and assault felt by so many Americans ought to read this curriculum. And responsible statesmen in Sacramento ought to stop it.


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Re: WSJ: California's Radical Indoctrination
« Reply #823 on: August 31, 2020, 09:09:41 AM »
Hard to believe either Calif or K-12 could get worse.  Did anyone tell them the 1619 project was debunked and the author admitted she was at least partly joking?

Tell the black and minority kids that can't make it without government help, don't bother try. 
Tell the white kids they have privilege with the police and society, don't need to work hard or follow the rules.
What could go wrong?


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Re: California
« Reply #826 on: September 11, 2020, 12:02:27 AM »

Posted that on my FB page three days ago!


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California-It's not hell...
« Reply #827 on: September 14, 2020, 09:17:00 AM »

It's close though.


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The joys of California
« Reply #829 on: September 22, 2020, 08:30:31 PM »


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WSJ: Surprise! Newsome vetoes Marxist K-12 bill
« Reply #831 on: October 02, 2020, 03:46:28 PM »
Hope for California’s Schools
Gavin Newsom vetoes a K-12 curriculum in Marxist indoctrination.
By The Editorial Board
Oct. 1, 2020 7:26 pm ET

Since California became a one-party state, a major responsibility of the Governor has been to protect its citizens from extremist legislation that sails through the Democratic-supermajority Legislature. Former Gov. Jerry Brown sometimes played that role, and Gov. Gavin Newsom did the same Wednesday by vetoing an anti-American K-12 curriculum mandate.

The bill, known as AB 331, would have made a semester-long course in “ethnic studies” a graduation requirement at the state’s public schools. The history of ethnic groups in America is rich and fascinating, but the model curriculum designed by the state Board of Education touches on that history only tangentially. Instead it’s an openly political document that champions racial identity politics, indicts the American creed, and orders students to join modern left-wing activist movements.

Mr. Newsom put it more delicately in his veto message: “Last year, I expressed concern that the initial draft of the model curriculum was insufficiently balanced and inclusive and needed to be substantially amended. In my opinion, the latest draft, which is currently out for review, still needs revision.”

The curriculum recommends teaching students “the four ‘I’s of oppression” and academic concepts like “intersectionality,” “internalized oppression” and “transformative resistance.” Instead of a dynamic, imperfect, pluralistic republic with common ideals, students would be taught to see their country as an organized conspiracy against victim groups.

Some of the most vocal opposition came from Jewish organizations. The first draft had promoted viciously anti-Israel content. The second draft contained an assignment on Jewish and Irish Americans “gaining racial privilege.” A letter to Mr. Newsom in September argued that the curriculum could fuel anti-Semitism.

Disgracefully, AB 331 passed the California state Legislature with supermajorities—33-4 in the Senate and 62-12 in the Assembly. Yet the Legislature by tradition hasn’t overridden a Governor’s veto in decades. Mr. Newsom’s veto message says he wants a more balanced curriculum that “is inclusive of all communities.”

We hope the state drops the effort. This enterprise cannot be corrected merely by trying again to address bias against Jews, which is a symptom of deeper rot in the post-modern project of identity politics. Unless California tears up the curriculum and goes back to the drawing board, the course would indoctrinate and divide. Credit to Mr. Newsom for bucking pressure and giving American ideals a fighting chance in Golden State schools.


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VDH reparations for Blacks
« Reply #832 on: October 10, 2020, 09:31:05 AM »

"In that context, Assembly Bill 3121 can be understood — as a loud virtue signal to make up for failed responses to concrete crises."

or a concerted effort to keep the Black vote by promising to redistribute wealth to them.


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Re: California
« Reply #833 on: October 25, 2020, 01:25:35 AM »
California Utility May Cut Power to 1 Million People
By The Associated Press
October 24, 2020 Updated: October 24, 2020

SAN FRANCISCO—Pacific Gas & Electric may cut power to over 1 million people on Sunday to prevent the chance of sparking wildfires, the utility announced Friday.

The nation’s largest utility said it could black out customers in 38 counties—including most of the San Francisco Bay Area—as weather forecasts called for a return of bone-dry, gusty weather that carries the threat of downing or fouling power lines or other equipment that in recent years have been blamed for igniting massive and deadly blazes in central and Northern California.

The safety shutoffs were expected to begin as early as Sunday morning and last into Tuesday, affecting 466,000 homes and businesses, or more than 1 million residents assuming between two and three people per home or business customer.

Cuts are predicted to encompass parts of the Sacramento Valley, the northern and central Sierra Nevada, upper elevations of the San Francisco Bay Area, the Santa Cruz Mountains, the Central Coast and portions of southern Kern County.

The projected shutoffs included 19,000 customers in parts of Butte County, where a 2018 blaze ignited by PG&E equipment destroyed much of the town of Paradise and killed 85 people.

Forecasts call for the “the driest humidity levels and the strongest winds of the wildfire season thus far,” a PG&E statement said.
Glass Fire burns a hillside
The Glass Fire burns a hillside above Silverado Trail in St. Helena, Calif., on Sept. 27, 2020. (Noah Berger/AP Photo)

The National Weather Service issued red flag warnings for many areas, predicting winds of 35 mph or higher in San Francisco and lower elevations and up to 70 mph in some mountains. The concern is that any spark could be blown into flames sweeping through tinder-dry brush and forestland.

“On a scale of 1 to 10, this event is a 9,” Craig Clements, director of San Jose State University’s Fire Weather Lab, told the Bay Area News Group. “Historically our biggest fires are in October. We are in a critical period.”

The National Weather Service said the conditions could equal those during devastating fires in California’s wind country in 2017 and last year’s Kincade Fire.

Fire officials said PG&E transmission lines sparked that Sonoma County fire last October, which destroyed hundreds of homes and caused nearly 100,000 people to flee.
Epoch Times Photo
A Pacific Gas & Electric sign is displayed on the exterior of a PG&E building in San Francisco, Calif., on April 16, 2020. (Jeff Chiu/AP Photo)

The public safety power shutoff, or PSPS, would be the fifth this year, including one that began Wednesday and was scheduled to end late Friday.

Southern California, meanwhile, is continuing to cool down with patchy drizzle. Forecasters said light rain was expected Saturday night through early Monday, with light mountain snow possible Sunday night, followed by Santa Ana winds.

Eight of the 10 deadliest fires in California history have occurred in October or November. Some of the largest also have occurred since August of this year.

The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, known as Cal Fire, said 5,500 firefighters were working Friday to fully contain 19 wildfires. Two-dozen new fires were contained Thursday despite red flag conditions.

More 8,600 wildfires have scorched well over 6,400 square miles and destroyed about 9,200 buildings in California this year. There have been 31 deaths.

All of the huge fires have been fully or significantly contained, but more than 6,000 firefighters remain committed to 19 blazes, including a dozen major incidents, Cal Fire said.

Many of this year’s devastating fires were started by thousands of dry lightning strikes. But some of the fires remain under investigation for potential electrical causes.

Epoch Times staff contributed to this report.


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Re: California poll, Taxes are too high
« Reply #834 on: November 25, 2020, 06:33:52 AM »
The IGS poll found a  majority of registered voters (53 percent) said they would vote for Prop 13 if it were up for another vote, while just 18 percent of voters said they would oppose it..

The IGS poll also found astonishingly high discontent with the state’s taxes and regulations.  An all-time record 81 percent of respondents said state and local taxes are too high with most of those voters (48 percent) saying taxes are "much too high." Voters resoundingly agreed (78 percent) that onerous taxes are driving people and businesses out of the state.

California’s Proposition 13 was enacted in 1978 by almost two-thirds of Golden State voters. This ushered in the era of tax cutting throughout the nation – and ushered in the Reagan Revolution.

For more than four decades now the left in California has detested this property tax cap and has blamed every problem from lousy schools, to homelessness to forest fires on the tax limit.  At least a dozen times the leftists have tried to repeal or rollback this symbol of tax restraint – and everytime they have lost. In the most liberal state in the country.

This year a ballot measure to weaken Pro p 13 was backed with millions of dollars of ads financed by unions as well as Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s foundation. Voters stomped it by a margin of 700,000 votes. 

This week a new poll from the Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies found voters increasingly identify the root of California’s problems as excessive taxation and regulation.

Who knew?


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Re: California
« Reply #835 on: November 25, 2020, 07:25:02 AM »
"This year a ballot measure to weaken Pro p 13 was backed with millions of dollars of ads financed by unions as well as Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s foundation. Voters stomped it by a margin of 700,000 votes. "


as for unions no surprise there


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Re: California
« Reply #837 on: December 10, 2020, 05:26:06 AM »
most Californians see its future as tarnished. In a wide-ranging new survey of attitudes toward the economy, 6 in 10 residents said they expect California’s children to be worse off financially than their parents.
Isn't leaving less and less opportunity to the next generation what they are voting for?

That great land is losing its best people.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2020, 05:28:14 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: California
« Reply #839 on: December 17, 2020, 10:00:47 AM »
to heck with article

where are the pictures of the girls?

do they take tips in form of bitcoin?

come to think of it
this might be good way to promote cryptocurrenct
strippers for cryptos,,,,,
« Last Edit: December 17, 2020, 10:03:02 AM by ccp »


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wealth tax
« Reply #843 on: December 25, 2020, 01:43:11 PM »
how obnoxious

liberal morons
so as people escape
due to high taxes their response is to tax ("the rich")

more  :roll:
screw most of Hollywood


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hey george
« Reply #844 on: December 25, 2020, 03:41:47 PM »

 how about you stop telling us who to vote for, how to live , and pay your taxes and with NO deductions pal



your "fair share"

which should be hundreds of millions a yr


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Re: California
« Reply #846 on: January 02, 2021, 01:49:38 PM »
How perfect!


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