Author Topic: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues  (Read 1077770 times)


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #2000 on: May 24, 2017, 01:26:21 PM »
Don't care that Shep is gay (he has openly said this) but he definitely is a Dem.


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« Reply #2001 on: May 24, 2017, 06:12:30 PM »

May 23, 2017
Manchester Suicide Bomber Named: Gary "The Garester" Eddington
Nah just fuckin wit ya, it's Salman Abedi, and the keening cries warning against #Backlash! have begun.

Question: Why is there never a warning about Backlash before the suspect is named?

Answer: Because if the suspect turns out to be one of the few the media can claim are "right wing" (Nazis, etc.), then the media does not warn against backlash, but actively crusades in favor of it.

If this guy turned out to be anything that could be plausibly mischaracterized as right wing -- tweeted in favor of Brexit, etc. -- the media would be blaming this right now on Donald Trump and his supporters, and demanding they take accountability for their hatred.

But, it's not, so the media set down its "Backlash is Good and Necessary" script and picked up its "Backlash is Bad" script.

Born in Manchester in 1994, the second youngest of four children his parents were Libyan refugees who came to the UK to escape the Gaddafi regime.
His parents were both born in Libya but appear to have emigrated to London before moving to the Fallowfield area of south Manchester where they have lived for at least ten years.

Here's a very common claim:

 Net @killbobaggins
Salman Abedi was born and raised in this country do NOT blame this tragedy on the refugee status of his parents.
9:24 AM - 23 May 2017
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Yes, but a large, large number of terrorists are in fact second-generation sons of immigrant families. Think of the Tsarnaevs, and many, many others.

That's a fact -- and it is also a fact that had the first generation not been admitted, the second generation could not have murdered the population that welcomed them.

One can see how this happens. Young men (in particular) have outsized egos and enjoy heroic narratives they can pretend to be a part of. They also tend to be easy targets for Identity Politics/Racist messaging and conspiracy theories, puffing themselves up as heroes fighting against the Jews/Blacks/Whites/Muslims/Christians/Whoever.

We see this pattern again and again as the second generation of immigrant families, searching for some kind of identity, purpose, and "heroic" role for themselves, picks up the mantle of intense and dangerous hyper-ethnocism their parents may have been fleeing in the first place.

From a Sean Spicer parody account (note he spells it Sean Spicier);

 Sean Spicier @sean_spicier
ISIS has claimed responsibility for the Manchester attack, which means finding a motive could take years
5:26 AM - 23 May 2017
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A CNN analyst has already claimed it's actually a right-wing "false flag" attack:

 Raven @KazeSkyz
WOW - CNN just blamed the Manchester suicide bombing on a "right wing false flag" - these people are DERANGED!#ManchesterTerroristAttack
5:40 PM - 22 May 2017
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CNN is always screaming about the craziness of conservative conspiracy theories -- but they are warmly receptive to conspiracy theories emanating from their fellow hardcore progressive agitators.

Meanwhile, the same prog toads that shriek that we must not "normalize" Trump are now counseling that we must normalize Islamic terror:

This only goes to prove that we must Impeach Trump Immediately, obviously -- as I'm told was the talking point on CNN and MSNBC last night, as both networks chose to ignore the Manchester attack and only occasionally run a chyron about it. (A commenter tells me my source is wrong and that CNN did cover it, some. Obviously, though, I was being a bit hyperbolic in my original claim.)

I'll Ride With You Update: The "invent false stories to change the narrative" script has been deployed already.

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 The Safest Space @TheSafestSpace
Cosmo has since deleted this tweet (the guy pictured is Sikh) 🙈
11:33 AM - 23 May 2017
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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #2002 on: May 25, 2017, 08:27:54 AM »
"Yes, but a large, large number of terrorists are in fact second-generation sons of immigrant families. Think of the Tsarnaevs, and many, many others."

For example, the gay night club killer.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #2003 on: May 25, 2017, 08:44:49 AM »
"Yes, but a large, large number of terrorists are in fact second-generation sons of immigrant families. Think of the Tsarnaevs, and many, many others."

For example, the gay night club killer.

Yup. Or this piece of garbage:

Funny how their concept of jihad seems a bit different than the leftist definition of jihad we have been told.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #2004 on: May 25, 2017, 09:30:19 AM »
I had forgotten that he was son of immigrants.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #2005 on: May 25, 2017, 09:38:42 AM »
I had forgotten that he was son of immigrants.

Born in Las Cruces, New Mexico.

« Last Edit: May 25, 2017, 09:42:33 AM by G M »


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #2006 on: May 25, 2017, 09:40:01 AM »
Where were his parents from?


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #2007 on: May 25, 2017, 09:45:06 AM »
Where were his parents from?

Hasan's parents were "palestinian". al-Awlaki's parents were Yemeni.


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Gosh, deliberate lies to push a narrative
« Reply #2008 on: May 25, 2017, 07:24:34 PM »

Cosmo Sucks

After the terrorist attack in Manchester this week, many people rose to the occasion magnificently, as people always do. Of particular note was how the Sikh community responded. Like this fellow:

sikh 1.jpg
Of course, none of this is surprising, as the Sikh community has a long history of dealing with Muslim violence. Cosmo asks to use the photo in reporting the story stateside. Oh, that's nice, you might think, it's a good story, be some nice publicity for the Sikhs.

Sikh 2.jpg

So Cosmo runs the story:

Sikh 3.jpg
This isn't an accident, the driver was correctly identified in the source material. This is a deliberate LIE to feed a narrative. Fuck you Cosmo.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #2010 on: May 27, 2017, 10:53:30 AM »
Look how Haden uses his twisted logic to tell us what a "dark" place we are in :
To think that Trump might not trust our government that he might feel (through surrogate Kushner) to set up back line with Russia?

Why would the Trump team ever think that?

more fake news if you ask me.


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« Reply #2011 on: May 28, 2017, 08:53:39 PM »


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What is wrong with this page?
« Reply #2012 on: May 30, 2017, 05:18:19 AM »

Claim made the adored man of the left , JFK, was the youngest president.  He was not.  Teddy Roosevelt was.

He could have been the biggest abuser of women though.


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Macron: "They are no longer journalists"
« Reply #2013 on: May 30, 2017, 09:39:17 AM »
From another thread, I would like to save this French President quote for future use.

Mr. Macron minced no words when it came to responding to a question about why his campaign had shut out two Russian-associated news organizations, Russia Today and Sputnik

Mr. Macron responded: “When press organs sow defamatory untruths, they are no longer journalists. They are organs of influence.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2017, 10:28:05 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Smithsonian magazine
« Reply #2014 on: May 30, 2017, 06:47:48 PM »


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Newspaper Parking Spaces All Taken Up by Anonymous Sources, Onion
« Reply #2016 on: May 31, 2017, 09:35:24 AM »
Washington Post Reporter Frustrated Every Space In Parking Garage Taken Up By Anonymous Source

WASHINGTON—Circling every level multiple times with no luck whatsoever, Washington Post reporter Philip Rucker was frustrated Tuesday that every space in the parking garage was taken up by an anonymous source. “I’ve gone around and around, but I can’t find a single spot that isn’t already filled by an unidentified White House leaker,”
« Last Edit: May 31, 2017, 11:04:45 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #2019 on: June 02, 2017, 08:40:08 AM »
My response to the smart asses on CNN is they were too cowardly to ask her to spell "corpsman"

smart ass libs.....


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The New York Times Just Outed The CIA’s Top Iran Spy
« Reply #2020 on: June 02, 2017, 03:08:00 PM »

The New York Times Just Outed The CIA’s Top Iran Spy

JUNE 2, 2017 By Bre Payton
In an article published Friday, The New York Times outed the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) top spy overseeing the organization’s efforts in Iran. The paper justified its outing of the undercover CIA spy and his role within the agency by saying it was necessary since the agent is “leading an important new administration initiative against Iran.”

Yes. That really happened.

In an article entitled “C.I.A. Names New Iran Chief in a Sign of Trump’s Hard Line,” the newspaper of record revealed that Michael D’Andrea, who previously led the hunt for Osama bin Laden, will now be in charge of the agency’s operations in Iran.

As the Times explained in its report, Iran is “one of the hardest targets” for the CIA to keep tabs on.

“The agency has extremely limited access to the country — no American embassy is open to provide diplomatic cover — and Iran’s intelligence services have spent nearly four decades trying to counter American espionage and covert operations,” the article noted.

So the Times has apparently made it the newspaper’s mission to make the agency’s work much more difficult and far more dangerous by publicly identifying the man in charge of its covert operations in the Persian country. The paper’s rationale? The report’s authors claimed that because the newspaper already outed D’Andrea in 2015 as the official in charge of a CIA drone program, ignoring desperate pleas from the CIA at the time to keep his name secret in order to protect both the agent and overall national security, it was kosher to out him as the agency’s new Iran chief in 2017.

Here’s what the Times article says (emphasis added):

The C.I.A. declined to comment on Mr. D’Andrea’s role, saying it does not discuss the identities or work of clandestine officials. The officials spoke only on the condition of anonymity because Mr. D’Andrea remains undercover, as do many senior officials based at the agency’s headquarters in Langley, Va. Mr. Eatinger did not use his name. The New York Times is naming Mr. D’Andrea because his identity was previously published in news reports, and he is leading an important new administration initiative against Iran.
The bolded portion of the excerpt above links to a piece dated April 25, 2015, in which D’Andrea is identified as the man in charge of growing the CIA’s drone programs in Yemen and Pakistan. But the paper’s real reason for outing D’Andrea, who was depicted as a character known only as “The Wolf” in the film “Zero Dark Thirty,” is that he’s an Iran hawk likely to oppose the previous administration’s attempts to normalize the nation by giving it billions of dollars, trading it terrorists for hostages, and blessing its nuclear program.

The Times‘s flimsy rationale doesn’t make sense. Just because the paper said he was in charge of handling drone strikes in a few other countries in a two-year-old article doesn’t justify outing him as the CIA’s top spy in a country that is now considered to be the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.

As The Israel Project’s Omri Ceren pointed out on Twitter, the fact that the CIA officials who spoke to the Times did so under the condition of anonymity because D’Andrea is still undercover means that the newspaper article is indeed outing him. And his safety is now likely in jeopardy thanks to the Times.

 Omri Ceren @omriceren
"Mr. D'Andrea remains undercover... The New York Times is naming Mr. D'Andrea"
10:56 AM - 2 Jun 2017
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 Omri Ceren @omriceren
Iran proxies kidnapped & tortured to death CIA's Lebanon station chief. Mailed US officials tapes of the torture
10:16 AM - 2 Jun 2017
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In 1984, longtime CIA operative Bill Buckley, who was working as the agency’s station chief in Lebanon, was kidnapped by Hezbollah and tortured to death. In 2011, over a dozen CIA spies were captured in Lebanon by the terrorist group Hezbollah. The spies were reportedly working to uncover details about Iran’s nuclear program at the time. In 2010, the CIA’s bureau chief in Afghanistan, who was at the time tracking down leads on the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden as well as Al Qaeda cells throughout the world, was forced to leave the country after his name was released. And just a year after that, the Obama administration accidentally included the name of the CIA’s Kabul station chief in a press release, exposing the undercover agent to possible kidnapping or assassination by Islamic terrorist groups.

In 2003, after the name of CIA employee Valerie Plame was revealed in an article by journalist Robert Novak, congressional Democrats demanded criminal investigations and eventual prison time for the individual responsible for leaking Plame’s name. No elected Democrats have yet called for a criminal investigation to determine who illegally leaked the name of the CIA’s top spy overseeing U.S. efforts in Iran.

Bre Payton is a staff writer at The Federalist. Follow her on Twitter.


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« Last Edit: June 05, 2017, 05:38:14 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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« Reply #2022 on: June 05, 2017, 02:43:15 PM »


After the election of a president it hates, the Washington Post adopted as a slogan “democracy dies in darkness.” But “darkness” isn’t a problem in our society. With the media explosion of the past few decades and the constant glare of the news cycle, the problem, if any, is confusion. The danger is being blinded by the lights.

But adopting the slogan “democracy dies in darkness” should carry with it a duty to shed light. The Post sheds none in this disgraceful story by Leah Sottile about events in Portland, Oregon yesterday. The headline (paper edition) reads: “Portland right-wing rally draw huge counterprotests.”

Note the Post’s use of the term “right-wing” in its headline to describe the rally. In a headline, it’s defensible to use short-hand to describe the rally. However, “pro-Trump” would have been a better choice, inasmuch as the rally was organized with the specific intent of supporting the president. If the Post wanted to insist on “right-wing,” the headline should have described the event as a “right-wing free speech rally,” as it did in the internet version of the story.

In the story itself, Sottile should have dropped the short-hand and named the group that organized the rally — Patriot Prayer. She didn’t do so until the very end of the article. By that time, she had repeated the term “right wing” four times. This isn’t just bias; it’s juvenile.

Sottile uses the term “left-wing” once to describe the counterprotesters. But when she does, she calls them them “left-wing, anti-fascist” protesters. As will become clear in a moment, there was nothing anti-fascist about the thugs in question.

But these are quibbles. The real problem is Sottile’s utter failure to describe what actually happened in Portland. She spends half of the article talking about events other than the rally — e.g., the stabbings of a week ago. Her obvious goal is somehow to tie the pro-Trump demonstrators to events like the stabbings, even though they had nothing to do with them.

When Sottile finally gets to rally, she fails to report on the attack by the “left-wing, anti-fascists” on the Portland police. In her account, these good-natured folk merely “chanted, blared music, and held paper-mache spiders and skeletons.” In her account, the police responded by declaring their protest unlawful and “deploying a volley of flash grenades into the crowd of counterprotesters” (no mention here that they are left-wing).

In reality, the left-wing protesters attacked the police. Jazz Shaw at Hot Air provides a good account, based on the reporting of media outlets more honest than the Washington Post — e.g., CNN and AP, believe it or not — as well as the Portland Police’s twitter account (in real time).

At first, the “anti-fascists” exchanged insults with their antagonists. But then, they started to throw glass bottles and bricks at the officers.

I happened to have CNN on at around this time. The CNN anchor asked the reporter which group of demonstrators had hurled bricks and bottles at the police. The question had to be asked, though it almost answers itself. The CNN reporter stated unequivocally that the bricks and bottles were thrown by the black clad “antifa” (anti-fascist) protesters, not the peaceful pro-Trump contingent.

According to the police, the initial incidents of rocks and bottle throwing at the original site of the protests were contained pretty quickly and most of the action moved to the Chapman Square location where the masked leftists were ready to mix it up. This resulted in the police making arrests and the confiscating weapons. The weapons included bags of bricks, chains, and razors.

(Shaw is careful to note that there was another group of anti-Trump protesters present, made up of immigrant rights, religious, and labor groups. They do not appear to have engaged in violence).

The Washington Post managed to miss all of this. In its telling, the anti-fascists are last seen chanting, listening to music, and being attacked, apparently for no reason, by the police.

Democracy dies when mobs shut down free speech and violently resist the result of an election. That’s what the “anti-fascists” are trying to do. The Washington Post isn’t promoting democracy when it shrouds these efforts in darkness.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #2023 on: June 05, 2017, 02:48:34 PM »
“democracy dies in darkness.”

A Republican elected and indeed Trump and suddenly we are in  "dark dark period of history "

reminds of the black death of the 500s or 1300s  or the millions who died in WW 2

The world has descended into  darkness........

woe is me       :-P


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Another mystery that may never be solved...
« Reply #2024 on: June 05, 2017, 04:19:30 PM » 05, 2017

Melbourne, This Time: Somali Man With Violent Criminal History Shot Dead By Police After Taking a Hostage and Shouting "This is For ISIS, This is For Al Qaeda"
He killed one man and injured three cops.

He had previously been charged with planning a terrorist attack on an Australian military base -- but was acquitted.

And then there's this:

A man reportedly called the local Channel 7 newsroom during the siege to say "This is for IS, this is for Al-Qaeda".
That's so hard to read.

Victoria Police statement said they are investigating whether the incident is terrorism related.

The Independent reports police will disclose the man's identity and motivation at a more appropriate time.

In fact, the Independent seems to try to give credence to the "his motive may never be known" claim by claiming that Al Qaeda and ISIS never work together. The implication being, this guy couldn't possibly be telling the truth.

Here's an idea: Maybe he has no particular preference for either group, but adheres to the animating spirit of both: the Islamist conquest of non-Islamic societies through blood and fear.

So another case of police and media saying the Islamist terrorist's motive may never be known, despite him shouting his motive to the world, and in fact having been previously tried for planning a terrorist attack.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #2025 on: June 05, 2017, 05:12:45 PM »
"He had previously been charged with planning a terrorist attack on an Australian military base -- but was acquitted"

must have been an islmaphobic charge.

Must of been just another  white man accuser trying to take away this mans rights.


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Did Hannity fall for this and I for Hannity?
« Reply #2026 on: June 05, 2017, 05:39:00 PM »


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Obstruction of justice!
« Reply #2028 on: June 08, 2017, 07:54:11 AM »

Nets Ignore Oversight Report Showing Holder Impeded Fast and Furious Investigation
By Nicholas Fondacaro | June 8, 2017 12:46 AM EDT

While the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) spent Wednesday focusing on a Senate hearing they were hoping would implicate President Trump in obstruction of justice, they ignored a House Oversight Committee report that showed President Obama’s administration did just that. “An absolutely blistering report tonight out saying the Obama administration in general and former Attorney General Eric Holder in particular repeatedly lied to the family of a slain Border Patrol officer about the weapons used in his death, and stonewalled efforts to get at the truth,” announced Fox News’ Bret Baier on Special Report.

Baier handed the segment off to Correspondent William LaJeunesse, who reported that “Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry died in December 2010, killed by guns tied to an Obama administration plan that armed Mexicans. A scandal officials tried to hide by wrongly claiming executive privilege.”

“The [Justice] Department’s belated admission that those 64,000 pages were not privileged, puts the gold seal of authenticity on the House's bipartisan vote to hold the attorney general in contempt,” testified Senator Chuck Grassley at a hearing of the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday.

According to the committee’s report, the evidence of the federal government’s knowledge of the botched program was damning. “Emails contained in the House Oversight Committee’s report shows top officials knew the ATF sent guns to Mexico even before Terry’s death,” LaJeunesse explain. There was even correspondence between high-ranking officials blowing off the danger they put people in. As was mentioned in the report:

“It's a tricky case given the number of guns that have walked,” said a deputy attorney general. A colleague replied: “It's not going to be any big surprise that a bunch of U.S. guns are being used in Mexico, so I’m not sure how much grief we get for guns walking.” Months later, two of those guns were used against agent Terry, a fact denied to Congress and Terry’s family.
“My only goal was to make sure he was laid to rest with honors. That honor has been insulted by cover-ups and deception by the very people he served,” condemned Josephine Terry, Brain Terry’s mother, at the Wednesday hearing. “Only one possible motivation remains for all those involved who have covered up Fast and Furious. That is to conceal their own shame and disgrace.”

LaJuenesse also noted how “the report claims the administration try to stop the investigation by discrediting whistleblower John Dodson.” “I was lied about and disparaged, publicly attacked, ridiculed, libeled, I've been transferred 11 times, denied promotion, ostracized, barred from government workplaces, and banned from public buildings,” Dodson told the House panel.

Ignoring breaking developments in the Operation Fast and Furious scandal is nothing new for the Big Three Networks. Back in mid-April of this year, they skipped over the news that Mexican and U.S. officials had arrested Brian Terry’s murderer. “The suspected shooter in the 2010 murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry has been arrested…” announced CNN’s Jake Tapper at the time, “38-year-old Heraclio Osorio-Arellanes was taken into custody in Mexico Wednesday, it was part of a joint operation between the two countries.”

Transcript below:

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Special Report
June 7, 2017
6:18:37 PM Eastern

BRET BAIER: An absolutely blistering report tonight out saying the Obama administration in general and former Attorney General Eric Holder in particular repeatedly lied to the family of a slain Border Patrol officer about the weapons used in his death, and stonewalled efforts to get at the truth. Correspondent William La Jeunesse tonight on Operation Fast and Furious.

[Cuts to video]

JOSEPHINE TERRY: My only goal was to make sure he was laid to rest with honors. That honor has been insulted by cover-ups and deception by the very people he served.

WILLIAM LAJEUNESSE: Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry died in December 2010, killed by guns tied to an Obama administration plan that armed Mexicans. A scandal officials tried to hide by wrongly claiming executive privilege.

CHUCK GRASSLEY: The [Justice] Department’s belated admission that those 64,000 pages were not privileged, puts the gold seal of authenticity on the House's bipartisan vote to hold the attorney general in contempt.

LAJEUNESSE: Emails contained in the House Oversight Committee’s report shows top officials knew the ATF sent guns to Mexico even before Terry’s death. “It's a tricky case given the number of guns that have walked,” said a deputy attorney general. A colleague replied: “It's not going to be any big surprise that a bunch of U.S. guns are being used in Mexico, so I’m not sure how much grief we get for guns walking.” Months later, two of those guns were used against agent Terry, a fact denied to Congress and Terry’s family.

TERRY: Only one possible motivation remains for all those involved who have covered up Fast and Furious. That is to conceal their own shame and disgrace.

LAJEUNESSE: Even the Border Patrol which sent Terry’s team into the desert, didn’t know about the operation.

ROBERT HEYER: I believe that if Brian Terry and his team had known this information, chances are Brian would be alive today.

LAJEUNESSE: The report claims the administration try to stop the investigation by discrediting whistleblower Don Dotson.

JOHN DODSON: I was lied about and disparaged, publicly attacked, ridiculed, libeled, I've been transferred 11 times, denied promotion, ostracized, barred from government workplaces, and banned from public buildings.

[Cuts back to live]

LAJEUNESSE: Lawmakers noted no one from the ATF or Justice Department was fired or seriously disciplined for the cover up.


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CNN Forced to Correct Report From ‘Anonymous Sources’ After Comey Proves It Wrong
Home Politics
By Emily Zanotti | 2:53 pm, June 9, 2017
It’s already clear the mainstream media was one of Thursday’s biggest losers. Former FBI director James Comey ripped the New York Times and other news outlets for using anonymous sources and classified material they didn’t understand to report on Trump’s ties to Russian officials.

But in the wake of Comey’s testimony, CNN added to its  own embarrassment. Thursday night, the network was forced to issue a correction after it reported—for two days straight—that once under oath, Comey would dispute the President’s claims that Comey had assured him he was not under FBI investigation.

The story, titled “Comey Expected to Refute Trump,”  was (of course) based on the word of “several anonymous sources.” Four reporters—Gloria Borger, Eric Lichtblau, Jake Tapper and Brian Rokus—were listed on the byline.

“Trump has made a blanket claim that Comey told him multiple times that he was not under investigation,” the now-corrected story claimed, according to the Washington Post. “But one source said Comey is expected to explain to senators that those were much more nuanced conversations from which Trump concluded that he was not under investigation.”

All evening Tuesday and all day Wednesday, CNN ran with the story, blaring its Comey prediction boldly on their on-screen banners. Several CNN panels discussed the story. One of the story’s authors, Borger, was adamant that her sources were on the money.

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“Comey is going to dispute the president on this point if he’s asked about it by senators, and we have to assume that he will be,” Borger told one panel. “He will say he never assured Donald Trump that he was not under investigation, that that would have been improper for him to do so.”

That story turned out to be very wrong.

Comey’s opening statement, released Wednesday, supported the President’s claim that Comey had told him repeatedly that he was not under investigation. On Thursday, Comey testified that not only did he reassure Trump on several occasions, but that he, Comey, saw absolutely nothing wrong in his actions.

CNN added a correction to its story that spins the matter in a rather odd way.

CORRECTION AND UPDATE: This article was published before Comey released his prepared opening statement. The article and headline have been corrected to reflect that Comey does not directly dispute that Trump was told multiple times he was not under investigation in his prepared testimony released after this story was published.
Technically, Comey did more than “not directly dispute” Trump’s claims. He actually came out and said he spoke to the President several times and told him that he was not under investigation. But okay, CNN, you do you.


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Our Treasonous Media Is a Clear and Present Danger
« Reply #2030 on: June 12, 2017, 09:23:45 AM »

Our Treasonous Media Is a Clear and Present Danger

My dad, in teaching me Portuguese history, used to repeat an aphorism, “A weak king makes a strong people weak.” This often ran to my head during the ill-fated reign of Barry the Smug.

But we’re not, thank heavens, an absolute monarchy, which is where that saying originated. Our danger comes from another area. Weak presidents, mentally slow representatives, and various functionaries who are not so much incompetent as on the other side -- all of them pale before the risk our media presents.

I’m fifty-five. In several countries and at several times, I’ve been present at events that were newsworthy. I can say as Heinlein did at a little older than I, that I’ve never been present at an event that the media reported accurately. More interestingly, I’ve been present at many events that you’d think – and were – newsworthy but that were never reported at all.

I’m also not precisely stupid. I can read print if it’s six feet tall and in letters of fire. I think I was fifteen when I tweaked to the fact that the media had a narrative, which was roughly “eventually the proletarian revolution wins over the world, and we’re all happy forever and ever.” This is why most people in Europe thought of Cuba as a paradise well into the eighties; why idiots still adorn themselves with t-shirts of the mass murderer Che Guevara; and why people who’d flinch at declaring themselves fascist don’t hesitate to call themselves communist.

This is worldwide. That’s what the media is, that’s what they do.

But the United States has always been a thorn in their flesh. In the rest of the world, even conservative people buy the urgency of global warming, for instance, and are willing to put up with nonsense restrictions in the name of stopping it. I’ve given up on arguing it with my family because it’s just not worth my time. “Everyone says it” so it must be true. In the same way, my relatives in Europe believe a whole lot of impossible nonsense, such as lifestyles in Russia are at the same level as in the U.S. Or that people in China live better than we do. Not worth the argument.

Still, even in the heyday of mass media, before there were blogs, the U.S. never fully bought the narrative pushed, wholesale, by news media, entertainment, literature, and arts. If we had, we’d never have elected Reagan. Call this the result of being the descendants of misfits and never-fit-ins, the goats pushed out from every other country or who left before they could be kicked out. (Me.)

And now we have blogs. The dominance of the mass media in the U.S. is a sometime thing. Oh, sure, they can still push their pap at old people and millennials, but their hold on the American mind has become weaker and weaker.

The last election was a bucket of cold water, a warning that they won’t have even that much power much longer.

So, like people who know the end is near, they’ve pulled out all the stops and gone insane. My friend Charlie Martin has documented some of their insanity here, here, and here. Then there’s this via Ace of Spades.

All of this is annoying to us, but the news still gets out in the U.S., more or less. Okay, shut-ins like my mother-in-law don’t always get it, but most people do.

The problem is the rest of the world. Europe’s news media is to the left of ours and takes their clues from the often unhinged reporting of CNN, whose bilge pours out from every airport TV everywhere.

Over the years I’ve gotten used to my parents having things completely wrong because they get them from their news, such as thinking McCain, Romney, and Trump are all “extreme right wing” and “very Christian.” I’ve gotten used to friends from abroad in professional forums thinking that the U.S. is under martial law; that people without insurance are kicked out of our hospitals to die in the sidewalks; that we are all very very poor. It’s what their TV tells them. If they didn’t think the free market bred poverty, they’d kick out their socialist masters.

But the problem is this: it’s gotten worse, and in a way that hurts us. The media is endangering us all by exaggerating Trump’s supposed faults, and by pumping up "nothing burger" movements like Occupy Wall Street, or making people believe that Black Lives Matter is a huge movement all over the country, or for that matter that white people are shooting black people down in cold blood all over the country.

Like the continuous bows and apologies of Barry the Smug, this nonsense projects an image of a materially divided U.S., one that is in open revolt against its chief executive who is probably a Russian ringer.

We can’t afford this while fighting enemies like China and Weaponized Islam, or even Russia. All these cultures can’t even understand the concept of a free press, much less of a press that runs down and misrepresents its own country.

The idea that we’re fractured and weak, continuously blared by our traitorous media, is the rough equivalent of a “Kick me… with nukes” sign on the back of America.

And the almighty idiots will be shocked when their beloved large cities go up in flames.

So what can we do? Not much. For a long time I’ve kicked around the idea of a site like Instapundit, but in several languages (I can do three, I have friends who can do others) but I am, first and foremost, a fiction writer and time is scarce.

Besides, I’m not sure it would “take.” Portugal is at least as much online as the U.S., and most people understand enough English to read the news. But most people stay to the “safe, official” sites.

The little we can do is this: in forums, in gatherings with foreign nationals, slap down their ridiculous notions, and be ready with links to prove they’re wrong. Disputing stories of our miserable existence is not as effective as laughing at them.

If it’s possible, email airport administrations and tell them how sick and tired you are of CNN. This type of vocal complaint is a weapon the left uses and we need to learn to use, also.

Above all, deny the mass media money: don’t subscribe, don’t advertise. Make them drink their own ink to survive.

We can’t restrict the press: they’re supposed to be free. The fact that they’ve been colonized by Marxists who keep everyone to the right of Lenin out doesn’t mean we shouldn’t allow them to be their own idiotic selves.

We just might end up paying dearly for the failure of the media as an institution to be, even vaguely, on the side of America.

You’d think our government would run propaganda, as they did during the world wars of the 20th century, but even Trump shows no inclination to do it. Maybe that only works with Democrats in power.  And so, we must do what we can, in manners big and small.

Do all you can do to mitigate the media’s influence and the lies they tell to foreigners. We might get lucky. It might be enough.


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More than just five...
« Reply #2031 on: June 14, 2017, 09:01:12 AM »


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Shooter Was Big Fan of Queen of Conspiracies Rachel Maddow; Driven to Violence By Climate of Hate Pushed by Left and Media


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HuffPost Spikes Article Demanding Execution of Trump and His Collaborators
« Reply #2033 on: June 14, 2017, 10:37:08 AM »

HuffPost Spikes Article Demanding Execution of Trump and His Collaborators
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By Tim Graham | June 14, 2017 11:07 AM EDT
The Huffington Post -- home of some notably hateful rants, like the ex-Washington Post writer who said unlike George W. Bush, "You could argue that even the world’s worst fascist dictators at least meant well" -- has a line contributors can cross. On Sunday night, it was the notion of executing President Trump for treason...and a cast of accessories including Steve Bannon, Kellyanne Fitzpatrick, the Vice President, the Senate Majority Leader, and the Speaker of the House!

The unhinged HuffPost contributor was Jason Fuller, who proclaims he opposes "extremism" in politics: "I live in a small American town and work a low-wage job. I have seen the best and worst in society and in America and am constantly speaking out to try and bring about change. Many of my tweets and blogs are critical of what I see as erosions of civil liberties and freedom, as well as bullying and extremism." Now it only says "This post from The Huffington Post Contributor Platform is no longer available on our site," but his screed was cached here:

Impeachment Is No Longer Enough; Donald Trump Must Face Justice
06/11/2017 10:39 pm ET

Impeachment and removal from office are only the first steps; for America to be redeemed, Donald Trump must be prosecuted for treason and — if convicted in a court of law — executed.
Fuller didn't exactly need the strongest evidence:

There is very little doubt left that Trump and his team colluded with members of the Russian government to try and rig the election in his favor, even if the Russians did not outright hack the voting process itself; while we may not yet have 100% incontrovertible proof of their collusion, the administration’s attempts to hide previous contacts with the Russians, their willingness to blatantly lie about their communications, and the contents of Trump’s meetings with former FBI director Comey are all incriminating on their own.
Proclaiming war on ISIS? Also treasonous;

That Trump fails to recognize how much he is assisting ISIS with his rhetoric — or simply does not care — is a subject for debate, but it is a fact which he cannot dispute. By choosing to ignore this fact, he is aiding the greatest foreign adversary in the modern world and therefore committing another act of treason. [Italics his.]
Then Fuller gets to the execution of the accessories:

This same argument also applies to top-ranking White House and Republican aides, including — but likely not limited to — Steve Bannon, Kellyanne Conway, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, and Vice President Pence. While they may not be participating quite as directly as Trump himself, the fact that they support his agenda and are helping to protect him means that they are accessories and are thus also committing acts of treason. All must face justice.

Much has been made of the possibility of impeaching Trump, but this will not happen as long as Republicans maintain control of Congress. However, Trump’s impeachment and removal from office are no longer enough....

Draining the swamp means not only ejecting Trump from the presidency, but also bringing himself and everyone assisting in his agenda up on charges of treason. They must be convicted (there is little room to doubt their guilt). And then — upon receiving guilty verdicts — they must all be executed under the law. Anything less than capital punishment — or at least life imprisonment without parole in a maximum security detention facility — would send yet another message to the world that America has lost its moral compass. [Bold emphasis is his.]
The real question at this point: is HuffPost going to keep publishing this wacko?

Fuller's piece is still posted at Medium, and he tweeted it out before it was taken down by HuffPost:



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As usual, a different standard
« Reply #2037 on: June 15, 2017, 08:08:48 AM »

When Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in Arizona in 2011, the media knew exactly what to blame: hateful right-wing rhetoric. Today is a good day to replay this sampling from our libertarian friends at


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #2038 on: June 15, 2017, 09:17:01 AM »
yeah .  we are just kumbaya now - for about 5 seconds.  Can't we all just get along yadayada .......



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June 15, 2017
Fake News Network, Get This, Publishes FakeNews About Subject They're Girlishly Ignorant of (Guns), Refuses to Correct; CNN's Media Reporter Says "I'm not playing your game" of Journalistic Accuracy
CNN claimed the SKS that Rachel Maddow-inspired assassin James Hodgkinson used was a "variant of the AK-47."

It's not. And that's important, because claiming it's a "variant" of the fully-automatic AK-47 makes it a lay-up for banning by the gun-grabbers; CNN's "error" just happens to track with the language that gun control groups would prefer.

In fact, the one-shot-per-trigger-pull SKS was developed before the AK-47, making it hard to see how this gun could be a "variant of" the full-auto AK-47.

But they refuse to correct.

Several observations:

Once again, I repeat that the media's ignorance here is an ignorance they're proud of. They don't like icky boy-stuff; they like lots of whipped cream on their moccachinos.

This is Genteel Ignorance, a cultivated ignorance that one is proud of, like an aristocrat proud that he has no idea how to fix his own door. We have "people" for that, after all.

And the soft-handed Media Reporter Oliver Darcy, I'm sure, is quite proud that his hands never get any dirtier than the keys on his MacbookPro.

Second: These people pretend to be experts. They claim they know what The Facts!!! are. Capitalizations and italicization required.

Yet, when errors of fact are pointed out to them, they say "I'm not playing your game, man."

If you don't care about The Facts!!!, then, as Mary Katharine Ham once said, What is the point of you?

The media claim to be general experts in the cognitive decathalon. Yet any time someone attempts to correct them, they say "Facts are dumb and don't matter."

The media, as far as journalistic accuracy and facts go, is like a surgeon who intends to remove your pancreas. When you say, "Wait, doc, you said part of my liver," he says: "Pancreas, liver-- what's the diff, really? They're both Weird Organs that no one can really understand."

Finally, on that point, the media's claim is that they don't want to ban all guns, just the "bad" ones of particular propensity to misuse in mass assaults.

But then, when you point out they repeatedly misidentify which "bad gun" is involved in an attack, they tell you they don't care about such petty details.


Media: We don't want to ban all guns, you Paranoid Gun-Lovers. We only want to ban the Bad guns.

Expert: But you just completely botched your identification of the "Bad" gun involved here.

Media: That doesn't matter, they all need to be banned eventually anyway.

They're giving the game away, and they don't even care that their lying is not even of the half-hearted level of exertion any longer.

They want you to know they're lying -- just as a serial killer, ultimately, wants you to know he's the one.

They're each proud of their respective butcheries. They want to be famous for them.

They are not just murdering facts; they are unleashing a Great Revolution with their ritualistic torture of basic facts. What is the point of doing so, if the world does not know who the Author of these noble murders is?


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #2040 on: June 18, 2017, 09:10:42 AM »
From the far left  Newsweek with the usual immediate attack on any favorable Trump polls -  "Right-leaning Rasmussen Reports".
Got to keep Trump down in the media .  Keep him down .  no let up. The fake news media continues its political activism:


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Re: BBC, nailed with dishonest headline and article, apologizes
« Reply #2042 on: June 18, 2017, 02:46:22 PM »,7340,L-4977323,00.html

Whenever the media uses the passive voice to describe violence, you know the side they are rooting for did it. "Violence broke out at pro-Trump rally" means leftist thugs attacked people with MAGA hats.


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Huff compost
« Reply #2043 on: June 19, 2017, 05:38:21 AM »
now suddenly the work 'Muslim' is in headline of attack in UK:


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Re: Huff compost
« Reply #2044 on: June 19, 2017, 07:27:49 AM »
now suddenly the work 'Muslim' is in headline of attack in UK:

Heh. Suddenly, the t word is jumped upon immediately. What might possibly be the difference?


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Tucker Carlson in hospital for appendicitis
« Reply #2046 on: June 19, 2017, 05:18:43 PM »
Get well soon Tucker!  We need you!!!


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Ben Stein
« Reply #2047 on: June 20, 2017, 05:10:10 PM »
Recalls the fake news on Nixon and now with Trump.
He must love watching Carl Bernstein still bloviating in all his glory and doing the same shtick he has for close to half a century:


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Serious Read: How Facebook ate the news
« Reply #2048 on: June 22, 2017, 10:43:32 AM »
"Accordingly, in December, Facebook kicked off a fact-checking initiative in partnership with a number of brand-name media institutions like the Associated Press, ABC News, Politifact, and the Washington Post to make sure that the stories relayed from other sites on Facebook’s news feed were true. How much is Facebook paying their partners for their service? Zero. And in that nice round number lies the story of how and why the American media collapsed, and much more.

"The reality of the American media is that Google and Facebook own nearly the entire advertising market—which means that once-powerful American media brands like The New York Times, the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, and every other website you visit are more or less the equivalent of random bloggers who provide their content to Facebook for free. Does spending billions of dollars to produce a good that someone else gives away for free—without paying you a dime—sound like a good business to be in? Well, it’s not."

See the whole thing at


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Re: Media and polling
« Reply #2049 on: June 24, 2017, 06:28:53 PM »
ccp:  "Interesting.  unexpected increased Repub turnout was reason the polls were off by ~ 6%?"

Another unfortunate fact is that polling is generally done by media.  Their mission is to influence the outcome more than to report on the process and they are only judged professionally by their final poll - which was much tighter.

They have burned their own bridge and people generally now know they are worthless, biased and wrong.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2017, 10:16:20 AM by DougMacG »