Author Topic: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc  (Read 281613 times)


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Re: response to above post, vaccine
« Reply #1206 on: August 15, 2021, 10:52:24 AM »
Living the superspreader lifestyle right now. I have flown to LA three times since the start of the month and have been through three other international airports, some multiple times during this time period. Aside from massive sleep deprivation, I seem fine so far.

G M:  "I'm willing to take a vaccine as soon as I find someone willing to accept all potential liability from any injury or death that results from the vaccine."

[Disclosure: I took two tiny jabs of the pfizer, partly due to pressure from my daughter who thinks I'm old and vulnerable.  Also for the 'public health' aspect.]

[My 2 cents]  My guess from afar, G M is not of super vulnerable age, doesn't have known co-morbidities, doesn't live a super spreader lifestyle, and is not the problem or the solution for Wuhan virus.   The people who come into brief contact with G M (and others) already got the vaccine if they wanted it and are protected, if the vaccine works.

Estimated 35% of US has had the virus.  Estimated 55% US have had at least one dose vaccine, 65% here.  Those groups overlap so they don't add up to 90 or 100%.  We are not at 'herd immunity' but we are not the vulnerable population we were a year and a half ago either - if anti-bodies and vaccines are effective.  If they are not, then all this worry about who gets vaccinated and who does not isn't as crucial.

On the other side of public health, it is good for the human race and for science that not everyone is injected with RNA altering substance, or whatever it is.

Early vaccination numbers seemed true, 94-95% effective against infection and nearly 100% effective against dying from it.  That's pretty good. 

Delta variant numbers are more confusing, and 'Delta' won't be the last variant.  There isn't one correct vaccination answer for all people, IMHO.  Your risk on both sides of the equation vary.

For a doc, I understand recommending vaccination.  That patient in front of you may have unknown co-morbidities, may get infected and may die, and a vaccine is available to likely prevent that.  To not take it, for some, is a valid personal choice also.

The death curve where I live is basically at zero, summer in Minnesota.
Like the Cuomo scandal, they already killed off the old people locked up in nursing homes.

Now I'm wearing an N95 outdoors, sometimes, for the wildfire smoke, and taking it off to go into the stores.  Go figure.


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #1207 on: August 15, 2021, 11:46:44 AM »
" I have flown to LA three times since the start of the month and have been through three other international airports, some multiple times during this time period. Aside from massive sleep deprivation, I seem fine so far "

you can tell us GM,  you were in Martha's Vineyard recently right?   :wink:


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Re: response to above post, vaccine
« Reply #1208 on: August 15, 2021, 12:09:30 PM »
Living the superspreader lifestyle right now. I have flown to LA three times since the start of the month and have been through three other international airports, some multiple times during this time period. Aside from massive sleep deprivation, I seem fine so far.

Sounds like you're out making things happen.   )

Nice mixture of germs and vitamin D, you'll be fine.  A hundred light exposures is probably better for you than staying home.

Real anti-bodies are 6-7 times more effective than the vaccine - I've heard.


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #1209 on: August 15, 2021, 02:45:39 PM »
" I have flown to LA three times since the start of the month and have been through three other international airports, some multiple times during this time period. Aside from massive sleep deprivation, I seem fine so far "

you can tell us GM,  you were in Martha's Vineyard recently right?   :wink:

All west coast and interior American west.


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Re: response to above post, vaccine
« Reply #1210 on: August 15, 2021, 02:49:38 PM »
We shall see.

No vaccine, only token half-assed mask wearing when mandated (No one in Utah, Wyoming GAF about masks). I never don the mask unless told to do so.

Living the superspreader lifestyle right now. I have flown to LA three times since the start of the month and have been through three other international airports, some multiple times during this time period. Aside from massive sleep deprivation, I seem fine so far.

Sounds like you're out making things happen.   )

Nice mixture of germs and vitamin D, you'll be fine.  A hundred light exposures is probably better for you than staying home.

Real anti-bodies are 6-7 times more effective than the vaccine - I've heard.


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Tracking bank notes to track spread of disease
« Reply #1214 on: August 16, 2021, 02:06:53 PM »
Link where you enter the serial numbers off of dollar bills to see where they've been.

And a piece about how the data is used:

Banknote tracking helps model spread of disease
18:15 25 January 2006 news service
Will Knight

Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self Organisation
Amaral Research Group, Northwestern University
Where's George

Tracking the movements of hundreds of thousands of banknotes across the US could provide scientists with a vital new tool to help combat the spread of deadly infectious diseases like bird flu.

Modern transport has transformed the speed at which epidemics can spread, enabling disease to rip through populations and leap across continents at frightening speed.

However, scientists possess few mathematical models to help them understand these movements and how this might govern the global spread of disease. To a large degree, this is because tracking the movements of so many people over such a large area is next to impossible.

But now physicists from the Max Planck Institute in G?ttingen, Germany, and the University of Santa Barbara, California, US, have developed a model to explain these movements, based on the tracked movements of US banknotes.

Dirk Brockmann and colleagues used an online project called (George Washington's image is on the $1 bill) to track the movements of dollar bills by serial number. Visitors to the site enter the serial number of banknotes in their possession and can see where else the note may have been.

The team tracked 464,670 dollar bills across the US using 1,033,095 individual reports. The fact the notes are carried by people suggests it is a good way of modelling other things that people may carry, including disease.

Piggy bank

The researchers noticed that the bills' move according to two mathematical rules, each known as a power law. One describes the distance travelled in each step of the journey, the other the length of time spent between journeys.

While most notes travel a short distance each time, there is a slim probability that it will leap a very long distance ? perhaps carried from one side of the US to the other in the wallet of a passenger taking a flight. Secondly, while some notes move on quickly, there is a fair chance that it will remain in one place for a long period ? for instance stuffed into a child's piggy bank.

Although the movements of individual bills remain unpredictable, the mathematical rules make it possible to calculate the probability that a bill will have travelled a certain distance over a certain amount of time. "What's triggering this is our behaviour," Brockmann told New Scientist. "That is what you need if you want to build quantitative models for the spread of disease."

Very, very important

Brockmann admits that the movement of money may not perfectly mirror that of people. For one thing, he says, it may be that only certain types of people are interested in seeing where their bills have been and entering that on However, he says comparing the model to publicly available information on passenger flights and road travel suggests that it is accurate.

Luis Amaral at Northwestern University, US, believes the study could indeed prove very useful to epidemiologists. ?Understanding the way people move can be very, very important for developing strategies for fighting disease," he told New Scientist. "It seems like a very cool study."

But Amaral also says that the comparison between banknotes and disease is far from perfect. "Banknotes do not reproduce like a disease," he notes.
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Remdesivir, Hydroxy study
« Reply #1218 on: August 22, 2021, 08:28:18 AM »


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FDA approves Pfizer vaccine
« Reply #1220 on: August 23, 2021, 07:44:37 AM »
one less excuse not to get shots

though I doubt this will placate nay sayers who will find 25 more reasons not to get it:


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Re: FDA approves Pfizer vaccine
« Reply #1222 on: August 23, 2021, 09:14:57 AM »
I find the FDA to be as trustworthy as any other federal agency.

Strange how I'm not dead yet, given that I have flown through LAX and three other International Airports multiple times this month.

one less excuse not to get shots

though I doubt this will placate nay sayers who will find 25 more reasons not to get it:


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #1223 on: August 23, 2021, 09:30:59 AM »
you prove my point.



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WSJ: Let the Spooks Speak
« Reply #1227 on: August 25, 2021, 04:53:04 PM »
If the U.S. intelligence agencies adhered to the mandated schedule, and there’s nothing magical about 90 days, the White House on Tuesday received spookdom’s report on the origins of Covid 19.

Leaks already indicate the 18 agencies couldn’t settle an internal disagreement over whether a natural origin or a lab release was more likely. There is much else they might usefully say, though, in the declassified release the administration has talked about making public in the next few days.

With less than 100% confidence, the agencies could certainly tell us that China has engaged in a deliberate coverup. With some degree of confidence, they might tell us whether they believe China itself knows how Covid got started.

The agencies could estimate how committed Xi Jinping and his regime are to the propaganda claim that the virus originated outside the country, perhaps in the U.S. Army facility at Fort Detrick, Md. They might tell us about China’s efforts to steal the secrets of the West’s superior vaccines.


On a related question, they could estimate how long China will stick with its zero-Covid policy, which has required a deepening, Mao-like control over its population and China’s re-isolation from the world.

If news reporting is correct, China is sitting on samples from early Covid infections and much other information it hasn’t shared. A Bloomberg News investigation elaborates on a point made by this column: China’s leadership would likely be covering up even a natural origin, “embarrassed that its citizens were still eating wild animals bought in wet markets—a well-known path for zoonotic disease transmission that China tried unsuccessfully to outlaw almost 20 years ago.”

While they might still be in the dark about details of a natural outbreak, China’s scientists would know with documentary certainty by now whether the virus is related to one held and possibly manipulated in a government-run lab. Thus it matters whether secret evidence shows they are still trying to find answers to Covid’s origins.

The Economist magazine suggests that, following on the work of private researchers, U.S. intelligence supercomputers may have scoured the web for traces of deleted viral sequences once housed by the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

CNN, citing leaks, reports that the agencies may be in possession of Wuhan lab records that the Chinese mysteriously tried to take offline in September 2019, weeks before the Wuhan outbreak became publicly known.

The stakes are rising, geopolitically and politically. Once the story seemed to be that China, with its strange dietary fetishes and industrially primitive food markets, inflicted the virus on the world. The integrated, rules-based, freedom-based outside world saved the day with mRNA vaccines.

That story is less satisfying now that Delta has emerged. Our vaccines, however fabulous, are proving not a one-and-done fix. Everybody now seems to have a Delta breakthrough story. In my circle, multiple acquaintances talk about colleagues or family members who previously had Covid, were vaccinated, and now have tested positive for Covid again.

More than ever, coping with the virus seems likely to involve long-term adjustments. We might take with a couple of sacks of salt reports this week that China beat down its own Delta outbreak spread over 17 provinces by conducting 100 million tests in a matter of days, including testing every resident of one city 12 times.

Whether China can carry on this way is doubtful. In the meantime, it has effectively entered into a biological-cum-chemical standoff with the outside world. The global population’s immune systems are being hardened by multiple exposures as well as by vaccination, and people are getting back to normal life after much loss and suffering.

China’s increasingly virulent propaganda is aimed not at outsiders but at its own people, neutralizing what is bound to be a growing disgruntlement over recurrent iron-fisted lockdowns, over having to wait in lines repeatedly for mandatory testing, over the loss of tourism dollars, the loss of domestic and foreign travel and education opportunities, the loss of income and opportunities of every kind.

Three weeks ago I suggested the White House would likely prefer continued murk around Covid’s origins for the purpose of rebuilding U.S.-China relations—that is, “unless the Biden administration’s popularity is in free fall in three weeks and needs a foreign conflict to revive it.”

That caveat was offered in advance of the Afghanistan debacle, in advance of a now-avalanche of indicators suggesting the Delta surge is complicating what should be a shining recovery and renewing U.S. political fights over masks, vaccine mandates, schools and deteriorating hospital care in some locations.

The Biden administration has more reason now to treat the intelligence report on Covid’s origins as a chance to lay down a tougher line on China’s role in bringing this calamity on the world.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2021, 04:54:40 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: WSJ: Let the Spooks Speak
« Reply #1228 on: August 25, 2021, 05:07:42 PM »
On a related question, they could estimate how long China America will stick with its zero-Covid policy, which has required a deepening, Mao-like control over its population and China’s America's re-isolation from the world.

If the U.S. intelligence agencies adhered to the mandated schedule, and there’s nothing magical about 90 days, the White House on Tuesday received spookdom’s report on the origins of Covid 19.

Leaks already indicate the 18 agencies couldn’t settle an internal disagreement over whether a natural origin or a lab release was more likely. There is much else they might usefully say, though, in the declassified release the administration has talked about making public in the next few days.

With less than 100% confidence, the agencies could certainly tell us that China has engaged in a deliberate coverup. With some degree of confidence, they might tell us whether they believe China itself knows how Covid got started.

The agencies could estimate how committed Xi Jinping and his regime are to the propaganda claim that the virus originated outside the country, perhaps in the U.S. Army facility at Fort Detrick, Md. They might tell us about China’s efforts to steal the secrets of the West’s superior vaccines.


On a related question, they could estimate how long China will stick with its zero-Covid policy, which has required a deepening, Mao-like control over its population and China’s re-isolation from the world.

If news reporting is correct, China is sitting on samples from early Covid infections and much other information it hasn’t shared. A Bloomberg News investigation elaborates on a point made by this column: China’s leadership would likely be covering up even a natural origin, “embarrassed that its citizens were still eating wild animals bought in wet markets—a well-known path for zoonotic disease transmission that China tried unsuccessfully to outlaw almost 20 years ago.”

While they might still be in the dark about details of a natural outbreak, China’s scientists would know with documentary certainty by now whether the virus is related to one held and possibly manipulated in a government-run lab. Thus it matters whether secret evidence shows they are still trying to find answers to Covid’s origins.

The Economist magazine suggests that, following on the work of private researchers, U.S. intelligence supercomputers may have scoured the web for traces of deleted viral sequences once housed by the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

CNN, citing leaks, reports that the agencies may be in possession of Wuhan lab records that the Chinese mysteriously tried to take offline in September 2019, weeks before the Wuhan outbreak became publicly known.

The stakes are rising, geopolitically and politically. Once the story seemed to be that China, with its strange dietary fetishes and industrially primitive food markets, inflicted the virus on the world. The integrated, rules-based, freedom-based outside world saved the day with mRNA vaccines.

That story is less satisfying now that Delta has emerged. Our vaccines, however fabulous, are proving not a one-and-done fix. Everybody now seems to have a Delta breakthrough story. In my circle, multiple acquaintances talk about colleagues or family members who previously had Covid, were vaccinated, and now have tested positive for Covid again.

More than ever, coping with the virus seems likely to involve long-term adjustments. We might take with a couple of sacks of salt reports this week that China beat down its own Delta outbreak spread over 17 provinces by conducting 100 million tests in a matter of days, including testing every resident of one city 12 times.

Whether China can carry on this way is doubtful. In the meantime, it has effectively entered into a biological-cum-chemical standoff with the outside world. The global population’s immune systems are being hardened by multiple exposures as well as by vaccination, and people are getting back to normal life after much loss and suffering.

China’s increasingly virulent propaganda is aimed not at outsiders but at its own people, neutralizing what is bound to be a growing disgruntlement over recurrent iron-fisted lockdowns, over having to wait in lines repeatedly for mandatory testing, over the loss of tourism dollars, the loss of domestic and foreign travel and education opportunities, the loss of income and opportunities of every kind.

Three weeks ago I suggested the White House would likely prefer continued murk around Covid’s origins for the purpose of rebuilding U.S.-China relations—that is, “unless the Biden administration’s popularity is in free fall in three weeks and needs a foreign conflict to revive it.”

That caveat was offered in advance of the Afghanistan debacle, in advance of a now-avalanche of indicators suggesting the Delta surge is complicating what should be a shining recovery and renewing U.S. political fights over masks, vaccine mandates, schools and deteriorating hospital care in some locations.

The Biden administration has more reason now to treat the intelligence report on Covid’s origins as a chance to lay down a tougher line on China’s role in bringing this calamity on the world.


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Malone and Navarro: Forced universal vaccinations are not the answer
« Reply #1240 on: September 02, 2021, 01:52:50 AM »

Sorry Facebook, forced universal vaccinations are not the answer

All the science should be considered, not censored

By Dr. Robert Malone and Peter Navarro

On August 5, 2021, we warned against the Biden regime’s forced universal vaccination policy, and Facebook promptly censored us. Now, the World Health Organization Director is pleading that world governments abandon their infinite booster shot madness, warning – as we did – about the possibility of more “virulent” and “potent” mutations. We wonder if Facebook will censor him.

If we are right – and we have science, facts, and evidence all on our side – there are more than First Amendment rights at stake. Millions of lives – perhaps even the human race itself – hang in the balance.

Prong One of our strategy is to vaccinate only the most vulnerable – primarily the elderly and individuals with significant comorbidities such as lung and heart disease or diabetes. Online and smartphone tools can allow people to assess their vulnerabilities accurately.

Prong Two allows physicians to freely prescribe a wide range of safe and effective therapeutics in early treatment, outpatient use. Deploying home-based infection detection test kits would allow such treatment to start as early as possible.

As reflected in the WHO’s concerns, sound science strongly suggests that the more you vaccinate, the more likely you will spawn vaccine-resistant mutations. Therefore, the more likely those who have been vaccinated will fall prey to the mutations. To put this another way, minimizing the number of people vaccinated is the BEST way to protect the most vulnerable – and most efficiently allocate scarce vaccine supplies around the world.

It is this simple Darwinian principle of virology that Facebook’s censors can’t seem to wrap their heads around. They argue mutations will occur whether the virus encounters antibodies generated by vaccines or antibodies generated by those previously infected. But here’s the critical difference: The mutations that develop when the virus encounters vaccinated people will be far better armed to defeat the vaccine than the mutations that otherwise develop from far more diverse “wild-spike” and other viral proteins. So the more people you vaccinate, the more vaccine-resistant mutations you get, and in the vaccine “arms race,” the more need for ever more potent boosters. And here’s the worst-case – but by no means low probability – scenario: By vaccinating the entire population of the country (and world) with spike protein, you risk developing a “super virus” capable of evading globally harmonized immunity and putting everyone back at high risk yet again.

Sound science likewise informs us that universal vaccination is foolish because it imposes unnecessary risks on a substantial fraction of our population – think children, the young, the healthy, and previously infected who have developed what are likely to be a more robust, diverse, and long-lasting protective immune response. Recent data from Israel provides yet more support for this logic.

We must be honest here – because the Biden regime has not been. Each of the major vaccines can cause a wide range of serious side effects – or kill people outright. Yet, the FDA’s system to monitor such “adverse events” appears to undercount such events dramatically.

In contrast, the European Union’s far more accurate system yields alarming statistics: As of July 31, 2021, the Eudravigilance10 database has recorded 20,525 deaths and 1,960,607 injuries.

The apparent lack of durability of our current suiteofvaccinesisequallyalarming. Recentdata indicates the need for additional jabs every four to six months. This is effectively a medical version of Russian roulette where the small risk of a single jab becomes a much bigger risk with multiple jabs. So why expose those with little risk from the disease – particularly our children – to vaccination at all?

Sound science further informs us that it is likely far less risky to treat our low-risk cohorts with therapeutics that range from hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to apixaban, anti-inflammatory steroids, Vitamin D and zinc. We now know these therapeutics can significantly reduce symptoms, length of hospitalization, and mortality rate through the accumulation of data.

For example, a meta-analysis of more than 300 hydroxychloroquine studies involving over 4,000 scientists worldwide and nearly 400,000 infected patients indicates a 66% overall improvement. Early treatment mortality studies estimate an average – and astonishing – 75% reduction in deaths.

Despite such overwhelming data, there appears to be a coordinated effort by the Fauci-led federal bureaucracy working in tandem with Big Pharma and chains like CVS and Walgreens to suppress the distribution of a wide range of therapeutics that physicians all over the world are using to successfully keep patients out of the hospital with early treatment. In many cases, patients simply cannot get their prescriptions filled – a clear case of pharmacies practicing medicine without a license.

That Facebook – which is now requiring all of its employees to be vaccinated – would interject itself into this debate is as distressing as it is deadly. We reiterate we are not anti-vaxers. One (Malone) has been mentioned as a candidate for the Nobel Prize for his pioneering work on mRNA vaccines. The other played a key role in jumpstarting operation WARP speed.

We are not just exercising our First Amendment rights. We are doing so from one of the strongest data- and science-based foundations imaginable. Ignore – or censor -- us at the world’s peril. Dr. Robert Malone is the discoverer of in-vitro and in-vivo RNA transfection and the original inventor of the core mRNA vaccine technology. Peter Navarro served in the Trump White House and is the author of the forthcoming book In Trump Time: A Journal of America’s Plague Year (All Seasons Press)


Sorry Facebook, forced universal vaccinations are not the answer

All the science should be considered, not censored

By Dr. Robert Malone and Peter Navarro

On August 5, 2021, we warned against the Biden regime’s forced universal vaccination policy, and Facebook promptly censored us. Now, the World Health Organization Director is pleading that world governments abandon their infinite booster shot madness, warning – as we did – about the possibility of more “virulent” and “potent” mutations. We wonder if Facebook will censor him.

If we are right – and we have science, facts, and evidence all on our side – there are more than First Amendment rights at stake. Millions of lives – perhaps even the human race itself – hang in the balance.

Prong One of our strategy is to vaccinate only the most vulnerable – primarily the elderly and individuals with significant comorbidities such as lung and heart disease or diabetes. Online and smartphone tools can allow people to assess their vulnerabilities accurately.

Prong Two allows physicians to freely prescribe a wide range of safe and effective therapeutics in early treatment, outpatient use. Deploying home-based infection detection test kits would allow such treatment to start as early as possible.

As reflected in the WHO’s concerns, sound science strongly suggests that the more you vaccinate, the more likely you will spawn vaccine-resistant mutations. Therefore, the more likely those who have been vaccinated will fall prey to the mutations. To put this another way, minimizing the number of people vaccinated is the BEST way to protect the most vulnerable – and most efficiently allocate scarce vaccine supplies around the world.

It is this simple Darwinian principle of virology that Facebook’s censors can’t seem to wrap their heads around. They argue mutations will occur whether the virus encounters antibodies generated by vaccines or antibodies generated by those previously infected. But here’s the critical difference: The mutations that develop when the virus encounters vaccinated people will be far better armed to defeat the vaccine than the mutations that otherwise develop from far more diverse “wild-spike” and other viral proteins. So the more people you vaccinate, the more vaccine-resistant mutations you get, and in the vaccine “arms race,” the more need for ever more potent boosters. And here’s the worst-case – but by no means low probability – scenario: By vaccinating the entire population of the country (and world) with spike protein, you risk developing a “super virus” capable of evading globally harmonized immunity and putting everyone back at high risk yet again.

Sound science likewise informs us that universal vaccination is foolish because it imposes unnecessary risks on a substantial fraction of our population – think children, the young, the healthy, and previously infected who have developed what are likely to be a more robust, diverse, and long-lasting protective immune response. Recent data from Israel provides yet more support for this logic.

We must be honest here – because the Biden regime has not been. Each of the major vaccines can cause a wide range of serious side effects – or kill people outright. Yet, the FDA’s system to monitor such “adverse events” appears to undercount such events dramatically.

In contrast, the European Union’s far more accurate system yields alarming statistics: As of July 31, 2021, the Eudravigilance10 database has recorded 20,525 deaths and 1,960,607 injuries.

The apparent lack of durability of our current suiteofvaccinesisequallyalarming. Recentdata indicates the need for additional jabs every four to six months. This is effectively a medical version of Russian roulette where the small risk of a single jab becomes a much bigger risk with multiple jabs. So why expose those with little risk from the disease – particularly our children – to vaccination at all?

Sound science further informs us that it is likely far less risky to treat our low-risk cohorts with therapeutics that range from hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to apixaban, anti-inflammatory steroids, Vitamin D and zinc. We now know these therapeutics can significantly reduce symptoms, length of hospitalization, and mortality rate through the accumulation of data.

For example, a meta-analysis of more than 300 hydroxychloroquine studies involving over 4,000 scientists worldwide and nearly 400,000 infected patients indicates a 66% overall improvement. Early treatment mortality studies estimate an average – and astonishing – 75% reduction in deaths.

Despite such overwhelming data, there appears to be a coordinated effort by the Fauci-led federal bureaucracy working in tandem with Big Pharma and chains like CVS and Walgreens to suppress the distribution of a wide range of therapeutics that physicians all over the world are using to successfully keep patients out of the hospital with early treatment. In many cases, patients simply cannot get their prescriptions filled – a clear case of pharmacies practicing medicine without a license.

That Facebook – which is now requiring all of its employees to be vaccinated – would interject itself into this debate is as distressing as it is deadly. We reiterate we are not anti-vaxers. One (Malone) has been mentioned as a candidate for the Nobel Prize for his pioneering work on mRNA vaccines. The other played a key role in jumpstarting operation WARP speed.

We are not just exercising our First Amendment rights. We are doing so from one of the strongest data- and science-based foundations imaginable. Ignore – or censor -- us at the world’s peril. Dr. Robert Malone is the discoverer of in-vitro and in-vivo RNA transfection and the original inventor of the core mRNA vaccine technology. Peter Navarro served in the Trump White House and is the author of the forthcoming book In Trump Time: A Journal of America’s Plague Year (All Seasons Press)
« Last Edit: September 02, 2021, 01:57:21 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Fully vaccinated more likely to die from a bee sting than covid
« Reply #1243 on: September 02, 2021, 11:04:25 AM »

Deadliest Pandemics ever:
Hint:  Coronavirus barely makes the top ten.

The vaccines are out and universally available if you live in the USA.  They don't prevent 'delta', but they do reduce death down to the infinitesimal. When do we move past this?

Hard to talk about it but the most vulnerable and susceptible are dead and the super-spreaders have anti-bodies by now. 

15 days to slow the spread didn't prevent anything except maybe having too many go to the ER at the same time - 16 months ago.

Recovering from covid is 13 times more effective against future infection than the vaccines.  Each time someone gets a mild case we potentially save a life.

We aren't even willing to slow the spread ACROSS the border.  If we could stop it here and we can't, it would still come in. 

After Trump pushed vaccine and treatment development forward in the early months, government has done nothing but get in the way ever since.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2021, 11:07:19 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Fully vaccinated more likely to die from a bee sting than covid
« Reply #1244 on: September 02, 2021, 12:53:15 PM »
What are the odds of dying from the Covid experimental "vaccine"?

Deadliest Pandemics ever:
Hint:  Coronavirus barely makes the top ten.

The vaccines are out and universally available if you live in the USA.  They don't prevent 'delta', but they do reduce death down to the infinitesimal. When do we move past this?

Hard to talk about it but the most vulnerable and susceptible are dead and the super-spreaders have anti-bodies by now. 

15 days to slow the spread didn't prevent anything except maybe having too many go to the ER at the same time - 16 months ago.

Recovering from covid is 13 times more effective against future infection than the vaccines.  Each time someone gets a mild case we potentially save a life.

We aren't even willing to slow the spread ACROSS the border.  If we could stop it here and we can't, it would still come in. 

After Trump pushed vaccine and treatment development forward in the early months, government has done nothing but get in the way ever since.


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Re: Fully vaccinated more likely to die from a bee sting than covid
« Reply #1245 on: September 02, 2021, 01:14:18 PM »


What are the odds of dying from the Covid experimental "vaccine"?

Deadliest Pandemics ever:
Hint:  Coronavirus barely makes the top ten.

The vaccines are out and universally available if you live in the USA.  They don't prevent 'delta', but they do reduce death down to the infinitesimal. When do we move past this?

Hard to talk about it but the most vulnerable and susceptible are dead and the super-spreaders have anti-bodies by now. 

15 days to slow the spread didn't prevent anything except maybe having too many go to the ER at the same time - 16 months ago.

Recovering from covid is 13 times more effective against future infection than the vaccines.  Each time someone gets a mild case we potentially save a life.

We aren't even willing to slow the spread ACROSS the border.  If we could stop it here and we can't, it would still come in. 

After Trump pushed vaccine and treatment development forward in the early months, government has done nothing but get in the way ever since.


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CDC recommends Ivermectin
« Reply #1249 on: September 03, 2021, 01:31:18 PM »
Not for us, for our replacement populations.

All Middle Eastern, Asian, North African, Latin American, and Caribbean refugees should receive presumptive therapy with:
Albendazole, single dose of 400 mg (200 mg for children 12-23 months)
Ivermectin, two doses 200 mcg/Kg orally once a day for 2 days before departure to the United States.
All African refugees who did not originate from or reside in countries where Loa loa infection is endemic (Box 1) should receive presumptive therapy with:
Albendazole, single dose of 400 mg (200 mg for children 12-23 months)
Ivermectin, two doses 200 mcg/Kg orally once a day for 2 days
Praziquantel, 40 mg/kg, which may be divided in two doses before refugees depart for the United States.