Author Topic: Islam - Education, Rebuttals and Counter-Terror  (Read 30080 times)

Lloyd De Jongh

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Islam - Education, Rebuttals and Counter-Terror
« on: September 09, 2016, 11:03:00 AM »
Good day all

I have recently had a great deal of fun and games on a university forum dedicated to counter-terror research. Need I say it's terribly PC, and with regards to Islamic terror the general consensus ranges from "Nothing to see here" to the shockingly unexpected "Nothing to do with...". I believe our next and current generation of academics, analysts and policy makers are required to both bury their heads in the sand and be in denial.

If I duplicate or preach to the choir, please advise if I am barking up the wrong tree. However, I thought I might some of my extensive learning and writing on the subject to those of you who engage in debate with their apologists and come up short, want to know more about Islam, its political aims, its ideology and common arguments. Some may need a good introduction, or rebuttals to the common arguments. Also, I may need input from you when I run into a tough question. It amazes me how much ignorance exists among policy makers, researchers, the otherwise educated - and how Christians and Westerners are apologists for and defend groups and individuals expressing an ideology that clearly intends to subjugate them.

Yes, I have good Muslim friends. Yes, I know more about the doctrine and history of Islam than they do, and every other Muslim I have (carefully and respectfully) spoken to on the subject. I have visited every country in the Middle East multiple times except for Yemen and Syria, though I have spent time on both borders from different countries and locations in my role in the defense industry.

I hope this will be useful to you who want to know more and discuss the subject intelligently, offer rebuttals to the often dishonest arguments out there and understand the threat of supremacist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood. It is easy to spot where a bomb went off, it's harder to trace networks and subversive political infiltration.

Final note, if you would permit me, this is also a repository for some of my discussion and course notes because things disappear rapidly on a FB forum. Often it took extensive searching and reading to gather the information to write these responses, it would be a shame to lose them.

Please post and ask questions. I look forward to the interaction. Do keep it respectful to avoid controversy.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2016, 05:21:44 PM by Martel »
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Lloyd De Jongh

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4th Generation Conflict (low intensity guerrilla warfare)
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2016, 11:07:58 AM »
Recently I watched reports on terror activities that included distinctly Boydian language in the analysis. Colonel John Boyd is a legendary US Air Force pilot who created the OODA Loop concept, and his methods were extensively applied to 4th Generation Warfare.

OODA goes well beyond the common conception that one normally sees, it is a powerful strategic and tactical tool that, based on both observed recent events and their own writing, has been embraced and applied by Islamic terror groups like IS and Al Qaeda with success. CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations), an Ikhwan/Muslim Brotherhood front also use these ideas effectively.

Boyd is regarded by some as a strategists equal to Sun Tzu and von Clausewitz, so his thoughts carry some weight in military circles. An easy way to understand his thinking, the OODA concept and its application to counter-terror is the book A Vision So Noble by Daniel Ford. It's a short read and only $3 on Kindle. I have read it maybe 6 times this year alone and taken extensive notes.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 10:00:54 PM by Martel »
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Lloyd De Jongh

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The Ikhwan/Muslim Brotherhood, their plans and ethos. Migration Jihad
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2016, 11:18:19 AM »
There was a question in one of the counter-terror class lectures, it asked if the Ikhwan (the Muslim Brotherhood) was a terror group. (NB, the professor said no) They have certainly been ruled as such by Egypt, Russia, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, because Jihad is not only about overt warfare (against the Kafir), there is also stealth Jihad.

The following is an official document from a meeting which outlines the Muslim Brotherhood's strategic goals for North America. The document was entered as evidence in the 2008 Holy Land Foundation/Hamas Terror Funding Trial.

Page 5:

"...the Movement must plan and struggle to obtain "the keys" and the tools of this process in carry out [sic] this grand mission as a 'Civilization Jihadist' responsibility."

Page 7:

“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”

“[W]e must possess a mastery of the art of ‘coalitions’, the art of ‘absorption’ and the principles of ‘cooperation.’”

Certainly subversive with malicious aims against the West. They are a group worth investigating more closely.

From the Ikhwan charter: “The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means." Settlement here refers to migration or Hijrah. The Islamic calendar begins at the migration of Mohammad from Mecca to Medina, and not at his birth, which shows its importance within the doctrine.

Islam is a political ideology (the way Socialism, Democracy, Fascism and so on are political ideologies), as well as a religious ideology (Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity). There is also a military component - Jihad. There is however no separation between mosque and state the way one has a separation between secular law and religious belief in Western constitutions. To quote from the Quran 8:74 "But those who have believed and emigrated and fought in the cause of Allah and those who gave shelter and aided - it is they who are the believers, truly. For them is forgiveness and noble provision."

Migration is a form of Jihad. From the Hadith, “Migration cannot be ended as long as there is kufr (unbelief) or as long as there is an enemy that resists” [Kenz al Umal 46274] This underscores the rational basis behind the insistence on 'settlement' as a critical part of the ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ to destroy the West. These groups are educated, very well funded, stealthy and fanatical with large followings and present a significant danger that too often goes unrecognised.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 10:03:35 PM by Martel »
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Lloyd De Jongh

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The Ikhwan, migration Jihad, no separation between mosque and state
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2016, 11:22:29 AM »
This was written to illustrate how one cannot separate the Islamic religious doctrine from the political doctrine and political aims. Are the aims religious? Yes. Are the aims political? Yes.

A quote from the Ikhwan document entered into evidence at the 2008 Holy Land Terror Funding Trial: “The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means." Settlement here refers to migration or Hijrah.

The Islamic calendar begins at the migration of Mohammad from Mecca to Medina, and not at his birth, which shows its importance within the doctrine.

Islam is a political ideology (the way Socialism, Democracy, Fascism and so on are political ideologies), as well as a religious ideology (Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity). There is also a military component - Jihad.

There is however no separation between mosque and state the way one has a separation between secular law and religious belief in Western constitutions.

To quote from the Quran 8:74 "But those who have believed and emigrated and fought in the cause of Allah and those who gave shelter and aided - it is they who are the believers, truly. For them is forgiveness and noble provision." Migration is a form of Jihad, the Ikhwan see this as their responsibility to dominate the world, to turn the Dar al-Harb (house of war) into the Dar al-Islam.

“It is in the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its law on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet.” - Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna

From the Hadith, we have the words of Mohammed: “Migration cannot be ended as long as there is kufr (unbelief) or as long as there is an enemy that resists” [Kenz al Umal 46274]

This Hadith passage underscores the historical and religious basis behind their insistence on 'settlement' as a critical part of the ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ to destroy the West.

These groups are educated, well funded, stealthy, well integrated into Western administrative structures, and quietly fanatical with large followings.

They present a significant danger that often goes unrecognised.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 10:02:41 PM by Martel »
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Lloyd De Jongh

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If the Castle Falls

A report by the Tony Blair Faith Foundation discusses the issue of other Jihad groups in Syria. It was release 21 Dec 2015, and found that 15 Islamic groups with 65000 members stand ready to fill the vacuum left by ISIS if they are defeated. That's just in that part of Syria.

To quote from a summary: "Our research has found 15 groups stand ready to succeed ISIS. Their ideology is Salafi-jihadism: a transnational religious-political ideology based on a belief in violent jihad to enforce a return to a perceived Islam of the Prophet Mohammad's first followers.

Its cruel and horrific acts rightly shock us. But ISIS is not simply a 'death cult.' The group represents a continuation of a way of thinking that started before it existed and will carry on if it is defeated. The West risks making a strategic failure by focusing only on ISIS. Defeating it militarily will not end global jihadism."
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 10:04:19 PM by Martel »
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Islam for beginners. A basic introduction to Islam - part 1
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2016, 11:27:58 AM »
A basic introduction to Islam - part 1

To understand Jihad, first we have to know what is Islam.

Allow me to set a foundation.

I will write as accurately and academically as I can, citing only the most authentic, credible Islamic sources that present the ideas, the ideology, the doctrine of Islam.

Islamic doctrine is found in 3 works of literature -
1. Quran
2. Hadith (Mohammed's Traditions)
3. Sira (Mohammed’s biography, first collected together by Ibn Ishaq)

These works are in order of importance.

There are strong and weak Hadith. The most authentic or sound Hadith is considered to be that written by Bukhari followed by Muslim, often referred to as Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. Sahih means 'sound', in the sense of good, reliable or trustworthy.

The Quran contains a little bit more than 150 000 words.
The Sira a little bit over 290 000 words.
The Hadith of Bukhari a little over 640 000 words.

The Hadith + Sira = Sunna (Mohammed's words and deeds).
The Sunna + Quran = Shariah, Islamic law.

Allah, as found in the Quran is 14% of the total content. The remaining 86% is about the life, sayings and deeds of Mohammed.

It is a fundamental principle of Islam that a Muslim is to follow the example of Mohammed, the ideal pattern of conduct. This is stated in the Quran 91 times. The commands take two types — historical examples and direct commands.

The Quran has an early period and a late period, often referred to as the Meccan Quran and Medinan Quran. They have wildly contradictory peaceful and violent verses. The Law of Abrogation (Naskh) tells us that a chronologically later verse is theologically better than an older one. However both verses stand as true, since the Western concept of unitary logic and disqualification does not apply for theological reasons. See Q2:106, Q16:101. Approximately 225 verses are abrogated by later verses. 71 of the 114 chapters of the Quran have abrogations.

Further confusion arises because the Quran is arranged by length of chapter, not in chronological order.

I'll stop here or this will get lengthy, but I hope this establishes a basic neutral framework of understanding. Later I will draw the implications of all of this together.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 10:04:51 PM by Martel »
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Lloyd De Jongh

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Political Islam and the Kafir, a very basic overview
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2016, 11:29:29 AM »
Commentary on understanding Islam

Unlike books like the Torah or the Bible, only a relatively small portion of Islamic doctrine deals with instructions on how to be a Muslim.

61% of the doctrine of Islam found in the Quran, Sira and Hadith discuss the Kafir - a word with specific meaning and connotations beyond just that of non-Muslim.

In the early, or Meccan Quran, 67% of the text is devoted to the Kafir. In the late, or Medinan Quran, 51% is devoted to Kafirs.

Since the religious aspects of Islam do not involve non-Muslims, as the theology would apply only to practicing Muslims, the text that applies to Kafirs (you and me and all non-Muslims) is political. This is the political aspect of the doctrine which deals with government, law and the treatment of non-Muslims. The 3rd component is of course warfare, be it by stealth (deception, as defined by Mohammed in the Hadith) or by military force and the use of violence.

Part of this political aspect are the blasphemy laws, which not only apply to Muslims, but non-Muslims as well (to silence criticism). Again, since non-Muslims are not members of the religion, this is a political involvement.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 10:05:27 PM by Martel »
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Abrogation (nullification of Quranic verses), the basis for Jihad and deceit
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2016, 11:36:27 AM »
naskh (Abrogation), the killing of children

Later verses in the Quran abrogate older verses, and the Sunna provides examples from the deeds of Mohammed to follow, and Jihadi groups like the Islamic State are detailed in their adherence to doctrine.

The dualism of Islam allows completely contradictory verses to exist, and for both to be true, due to Abrogation. Since the Islamic State is an extreme group, they will follow the extreme path - Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing... " - Sahih International version. It makes no distinction for children.

The Hadith of both Bukhari and Sahih Muslim: It is reported on the authority of Sa'b b. Jaththama that the Prophet of Allah (may peace be upon him), when asked about the women and children of the polytheists being killed during the night raid, said: “They are from them.” (Sahih Muslim 4322, see also Bukhari 52:256) Here killing children was entirely acceptable in the pursuit of Jihad.

Mohammed provided justification for killing a child here: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) used not to kill the children, so thou shouldst not kill them unless you could know what Khadir had known about the child he killed, or you could distinguish between a child who would grow up to he a believer (and a child who would grow up to be a non-believer), so that you killed the (prospective) non-believer and left the (prospective) believer aside. (Sahih Muslim 4457).

In the Sira (biography) of Mohammed, he ordered the death of two girls who had mocked him in a song: “…two singing-girls Fartana and her friend who used to sing satirical songs about the apostle, so he ordered that they should be killed…” (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 819).

An excellent short article (on abrogation and why it is significant for Jihad) by the Martel Group, who write that Islamic violence and Islamization are a threat to the free world
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 10:06:16 PM by Martel »
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Lloyd De Jongh

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Is ISIS unIslamic?
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2016, 11:40:02 AM »
Is ISIS unIslamic? A few points to consider, and a resource to verify doctrine against.

All members of ISIS practice Sunni Islam. No exceptions. Shiites are killed without compunction.

A caliphate is an exclusively Islamic concept.

The leader of ISIS has a PhD in Islamic studies.

Al-Azhar University, the scholarly seat of Sunni Islam and the home of the man regarded as perhaps the world's most influential Muslim, Dr. Ahmed al-Tayeb, has refused to denounce ISIS militants as non-Muslims.

ISIS is an offshoot of Al Qaeda, an Islamic group with similar doctrine.

Polls demonstrate that tens of millions of Muslims support ISIS.

The black flag of ISIS (itself a piece of Islamic historical tradition) has the Islamic Shahada written on it: “There is no god but Allah. Mohammad is the messenger of Allah.”

The males have grown out their beards, a tradition derived from the Hadith.

The punishments that ISIS carries out are found in the Quran - slicing off the hands of thieves (Quran 5:38), crucifying people (Quran 5:33).

The stoning of adulterers is found in the Hadith and Sira (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Ibn Ishaq).

The Reliance of the Traveller is an authoritative source on Sunni Islamic law because it is certified as such by Al-Azhar University in Cairo. There is no higher authority on Sunni Islamic doctrine. This link to an online Islamic bookstore provides good explication:

A few reviews from the site: “There is no doubt that this translation is a valuable and important work, whether as a textbook for teaching Islamic jurisprudence to English-speakers, or as a legal reference for use by scholars, educated laymen, and students in this language.” Dr Taha Jabir al-‘Alwani, President of the International Institute of Islamic Thought.

“We certify that the above-mentioned translation corresponds to the Arabic original and conforms to the practice and faith of orthodox Sunni Islam (Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jam’ah)” Al-Azhar.

“This is a truly magnificent piece of work that will prove to be indispensable to the English-speaking Muslims and to any Western student of Islam….” Professor Farhat J. Ziadah, Journal of the American Oriental Society
For example, Professor Ziadah has a highly impressive, distinguished academic career as an Islamic scholar and expert on Islamic law. His Alma Mater honours him highly.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 10:06:42 PM by Martel »
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The Reliance of the Traveller: Understanding applied Sharia Law
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2016, 11:47:45 AM »
The Reliance of the Traveller: Classic Manual of Sacred Law (Islamic Sharia Law) contains clear information for those who want to learn the Islamic rulings for daily Muslim life, or to learn what is Jihad, or the penalty for Apostasty, or the penalty for Adultery. The penalties are not always applied as indicated, however they exist on the books as law and could be applied.

This is a classic manual of fiqh rulings based on Shafi'i School of jurisprudence and includes translations from classic works of prominent Muslim scholars such as Al-Ghazali and several other highly regarded Islamic scholars.

Al-Ghazali has been referred to by historians as the single most influential Muslim after the Islamic prophet Muhammad. He is considered to be a Mujaddid or renewer of the faith.

Fiqh is an Arabic word, meaning "deep understanding" or "full comprehension". It refers to the body of Islamic law extracted from studying detailed Islamic sources and the process of gaining knowledge of Islam through jurisprudence.

Islamic Jurisprudence is the study and critical analysis of the origins, sources, and principles upon which Islamic jurisprudence is based. The main sources include the Qur’an and the Sunnah (Sira + Hadith).

An excellent resource for understanding Islamic Sharia Law (especially as applied to the letter by groups like the Islamic State), it is highly relevant today. The leading Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan) entity in the United States, the Islamic Society of North America, recommends that this book be in every Muslim home in America.

It is written by Sheikh Nuh Ha Mim Keller, who began studying Islam in 1977 at al-Azhar Islamic University in Cairo, who also later studied the traditional Islamic Sciences of hadith, Shafi'i and Hanafi jurisprudence, legal methodology (usul al-fiqh), and tenets of faith (`aqidah) in Syria and Jordan.

This translation of `Umdat al-Salik [The Reliance of the Traveller] is the first Islamic legal work in a European language to receive the certification of al-Azhar, the Muslim world's oldest, most prestigious and most important institution of higher learning and Sunni Islamic jurisprudence on the planet.

Further certificates of authenticity from the governments of Egypt, Syria, and Saudi Arabia attest to the translation.

It has ironclad credentials. An excellent copy of the Reliance, sourced to, which is an authentic site for Islamic jurisprudence:

I found a copy of the Al-Azhar certification for verification in a copy that references, linked below.

It is a generally easy to read document and easy to search. The more we understand Islam and Sharia the more we can discuss without confusion, and understand more about the actions of Jihadist groups.

Al-Azhar certification link:

For example, search for o9.0 in the text to learn what is Jihad.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2018, 01:00:12 PM by Martel »
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Lloyd De Jongh

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Islam for beginners. A basic introduction to Islam - part 2
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2016, 11:49:37 AM »
What is Islam - part 2

 I will try to keep this short, and lay more of the foundation for understanding the action of groups like ISIS and the Ikhwan.

The doctrine of Islam establishes 3 things:
- Religious practice, which defines the Islamic
- Political system and the conduct of
- Warfare / Jihad (against the Kafir).

Jihad (Fighting for the Cause of Allah as defined in Hadith of Bukhari) may be by stealth (deception) or by use of violence.

On the use of deception, which is epitomised by designated terror groups like the Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood), I cite Sahih Bukhari 3029 - "Allah's Messenger said: "War is deceit".

We are dealing with groups to whom details matter.

Unlike books like the Torah or the Bible, only a relatively small portion of Islamic doctrine deals with instructions on how to be a Muslim.

61% of the doctrine of Islam found in the Quran, Sira and Hadith discuss the Kafir - a word with specific meaning and connotations beyond just that of 'non-Muslim'.

In the early, or Meccan Quran, 67% of the text is devoted to the Kafir. In the late, or Medinan Quran, 51% is devoted to Kafirs. Since the religious aspects of Islam do not involve non-Muslims, as the theology would apply only to practicing Muslims, the text that applies to Kafirs (you and me and all non-Muslims) is a political involvement since it relates to law.

The political and social aspect of the doctrine deals with society, culture, government, law and the treatment of non-Muslims. There is no separation between mosque and state, religion is not a separate practice from law. Sharia is Islamic law, not secular law.

The 3rd component is of course Jihad.

The Sira (the biography of Mohammed written by Ibn Ishaq) details the importance of Islam’s political aspects.

After he migrated to Medina (the Hijrah, the event which marks the starting date of the Islamic calendar) he practiced Jihad .

There is religious Jihad, also called the greater jihad - the inner struggle. The conduct of violent Jihad is called the Lesser Jihad.

The Bukhari Hadith collection gives us the details of Jihad.

3% of the Hadiths are about the inner struggle.
97% of the Hadiths are about Jihad as warfare.

It would be useful in future to discuss the implications of being a 'Kafir'.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 10:07:48 PM by Martel »
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Lloyd De Jongh

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ISIS and Islam. Salafism and the Dhimmi/Dhimma contract
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2016, 11:52:14 AM »
ISIS, Salafism, and the Dhimmi status

On September 3, 2015, the media office of the Damascus province of the Islamic State (ISIS) published a photo report showing dozens of Christians from Al-Qaryaten city signing a Dhimma contract, requiring each of them to pay the jizya poll tax, abide by Islamic rules and refrain from certain activities. In return, under the 11-article contract, which was published on the leading ISIS-affiliated jihadi forum Shumoukh Al-Islam, ISIS will protect them and their property, and they will neither be forced to convert nor harmed. The contract adds that anyone violating any of the articles will be treated as a combatant.

It is reported that the Islamic State gave the Christians of Al-Qaryaten the three options given to Christians in other cities captured by ISIS such as Mosul and Raqqa:

Convert to Islam
Paying Jizya (willingly while they are humbled)

I will list the terms of the contract and then reference the Reliance of the Traveller, a classic manual of Sharia law, an authoritative source on Sunni Islamic law certified by Al-Azhar University in Cairo, the highest authority on Sunni Islamic doctrine in the world.

This way we can compare and determine if they adhere to the tenets of fundamentalist Salafism, an ultra-conservative reform movement within Sunni Islam that emerged in the second half of the 19th century. It advocated a return to the traditions of the "devout ancestors" (the salaf), or earliest caliphs.

The following are the contract's 11 articles:

1. Christians may not build churches, monasteries, or hermitages in the city or in the surrounding areas.

2. They may not show the cross or any of their books in the Muslims' streets or markets, and may not use amplifiers when worshiping or during prayer.

3. They may not make Muslims hear the reciting of their books or the sounds of church bells, which must be rung only inside their churches.

4. They may not carry out any act of aggression against ISIS, such as giving refuge to spies and wanted men. If they come to know of any plot against Muslims, they must report it.

5. They must not perform religious rituals in public.

6. They must respect Muslims and not criticize their religion.

7. Wealthy Christians must pay an annual jizya of four gold dinars; middle-class Christians must pay two gold dinars, and the poor must pay one. Christians must disclose their income, and may split the jizya into two payments.

8. They may not own guns.

9. They may not engage in commercial activity involving pigs or alcohol with Muslims or in Muslim markets, and may not drink alcohol in public.

10. They may maintain their own cemeteries.

11. They must abide by ISIS dress code and commerce guidelines.

From the Reliance of the Traveller

Chapter O11.0: Non-Muslim Subjects of the Islamic State (Ahl Al-Dhimma)

A formal agreement of protection is made with citizens who are:
-1- Jews
-2- Christians

Such an agreement is only valid when the subject peoples:
(a) follow the rules of Islam (A: those mentioned below (o11.5) and those involving public behavior and dress, though in acts of worship and their private lives, the subject communities have their own laws, judges, and courts, enforcing the rules of their own religion among themselves);
(b) and pay the non-Muslim poll tax (jizya).

O11.4: The Non-Muslim Poll Tax
The minimum non-Muslim poll tax is one dinar (n: 4.235 grams of gold) per person (A: per year). The maximum is whatever both sides agree upon.

Such non-Muslim subjects are obliged to comply with Islamic rules that pertain to the safety and indemnity of life, reputation, and property. In addition, they:
-1- are penalized for committing adultery or theft, thought not for drunkenness;
-2- are distinguished from Muslims in dress, wearing a wide cloth belt (zunnar);
-3- are not greeted with "as-Salamu 'alaykum";
-4- must keep to the side of the street;
-5- may not build higher than or as high as the Muslims' buildings, though if they acquire a tall house, it is not razed;
-6- are forbidden to openly display wine or pork, (A: to ring church bells or display crosses,) recite the Torah or Evangel aloud, or make public display of their funerals and feastdays;
-7- and are forbidden to build new churches.

If non-Muslim subjects of the Islamic state refuse to conform to the rules of Islam, or to pay the non-Muslim poll tax, then their agreement with the state has been violated (dis: o11.11) (A: though if only one of them disobeys, it concerns him alone).

The agreement is also violated (A: with respect to the offender alone) if the state has stipulated that any of the following things break it, and one of the subjects does so anyway, though if the state has not stipulated that these break the agreement, then they do not; namely, if one of the subject people:
-1- commits adultery with a Muslim woman or marries her;
-2- conceals spies of hostile forces;
-3- leads a Muslim away from Islam;
-4- kills a Muslim;
-5- or mentions something impermissible about Allah, the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), or Islam.

I'll stop here for reasons of length, however the stipulations above can be found within the Sharia. I believe this allows us to conclude that in this case there is a strict adherence to Islamic doctrine from ISIS, if we examine it from their perspective on Jihad and the functions of a caliphate/.

A note on the source of the report, which will be of interest to those who study Jihadi group activity:
The goal of MEMRI's JTTM is to inform government, military, intelligence agencies, and academia, of potential threats to public safety, security, and crucial interests and assets.

The MEMRI Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM) scrutinizes Islamist terrorism and violent extremism worldwide, with special focus on activity within and emanating from the Arab world, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran, as well as on attacks and activity in the West inspired and encouraged by the Islamic State (ISIS), Al-Qaeda, and other global jihad organizations. This activity includes lone-wolf attacks by residents of Western countries.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 10:08:21 PM by Martel »
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Lloyd De Jongh

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Jihad - a basic introduction
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2016, 11:55:30 AM »
Jihad - basic introduction

Reliance of the Traveller O9.0 tells us that "Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada signifying warfare to establish the religion."

It is supported by references to Q2:216 “Fighting is prescribed for you''
Q4:89 “Slay them wherever you find them''
Q9:36 “Fight the idolators utterly''.

It goes on to quote the Hadith of Bukhari 1:33 "the Messenger of Allah said: I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and they establish prayer, and pay Zakat".

One verse in the Quran that may abrogate all previous verses is the verse of the sword, Surah 9:5 "When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them. If they repent and take to prayer and render the alms levy, allow them to go their way. God is forgiving and merciful."

Certainly we must not only refer to one verse only, but refer to the totality of the Quran and Sunna - however there are passages like this in the Hadith - Sahih Bukhari (8:387) "Allah's Apostle said, 'I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.' And if they say so, pray like our prayers, face our Qibla and slaughter as we slaughter, then their blood and property will be sacred to us and we will not interfere with them except legally and their reckoning will be with Allah." Many Jihad groups cite and adhere to these texts.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 10:08:47 PM by Martel »
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Counter-terror research organisations. ISIS Islamic indoctrination text
« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2016, 11:57:52 AM »
I found no mention of organisations that do real-time research into and monitoring of terrorist groups in the academic forum, especially the topical issue of Jihad terror groups. Also there has been little discussion towards cohesive understanding of their methods and motives.

I recommend 3 sources that provide topical, current insight that provide significant intelligence on the subject.

Middle East Forum -

Jihadology is, in their own words, "a clearinghouse for jihādī primary source material, original analysis, and translation".

The MEMRI Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM) scrutinizes Islamist terrorism and violent extremism worldwide, with special focus on activity within and emanating from the Arab world, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran, as well as on attacks and activity in the West inspired and encouraged by the Islamic State (ISIS), Al-Qaeda, and other global jihad organizations. This activity includes lone-wolf attacks by residents of Western countries.

One prolific author is Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi, who translates and maintains a library of Jihad-related documents from terror groups in the region. He is a graduate from Brasenose College, Oxford University, and a Jihad-Intel Research Fellow at the Middle East Forum. His article appears below.

A recent publication of his is a manual from the Islamic State that discusses the requirements of the Mujahid commander.

To clarify the meaning and significance of the words Jihad and Mujahid - The Reliance of the Traveller, Chapter O9.0: Jihad
Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada signifying warfare to establish the religion.

IS has istishhadiyun [‘martyrdom operatives’- i.e. suicide bombers], and theological teachers who provide instruction on Tawheed to recruits.

The textbook "Muqarrar fi al-Tawhid" (Course in Tawheed/Monotheism) must be learned and understood by training camp recruits if they are to pass the recruitment and training processes. Written by the Bahraini cleric Turki Binali, the contents of this textbook can be divided and summarised as follows:

(i) Introduction
(ii) Faith among Sunnis
(iii) First obligation: faith in God, disbelieving in taghut
(iv) Meaning of taghut
(v) Three principles: knowing God, religion and Prophet Muhammad
(vi) Three types of Tawheed
(vii) Meaning of shirk
(viii) Conditions of la illah ha ill Allah ('there is no deity but God')
(ix) The ten nawaqid [nullifiers] of Islam
(x) Types of kufr [disbelief]
(xi) Types of nifaq [hypocrisy]
(xii) Pillars of faith
(xiii) Five pillars of Islam
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 10:09:43 PM by Martel »
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ISIS Wahhabi Islam indoctrination text
« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2016, 11:59:26 AM »
We now know from captured documents from the Islamic State that everything they do is guided by strict adherence to the doctrine of Islam, most (it would seem) Wahhabism, a strict Salafist ideology. The citations of Islamic scholars and jurists shows that the textbook is most heavily influenced by Ibn Taymiyya, Ibn al-Qayyim (a student of Ibn Taymiyya) and Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (founder of the Wahhabi trend).

The most extensive section of this book- the ten nawaqid of Islam- is a distinctly Wahhabi concept.

The manual contains chapters on:
(ii) Faith among Sunnis
(iii) First obligation: faith in God, disbelieving in taghut
(iv) Meaning of taghut (the word refers to idolatry or to the worship of anything except Allah.)
(v) Three principles: knowing God, religion and Prophet Muhammad
(vi) Three types of Tawheed
(vii) Meaning of shirk
(viii) Conditions of la illah ha ill Allah ('there is no deity but God')
(ix) The ten nawaqid [nullifiers] of Islam
(x) Types of kufr [disbelief]
(xi) Types of nifaq [hypocrisy]
(xii) Pillars of faith
(xiii) Five pillars of Islam

This article provides a good overview of Wahhabism in relation to IS.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 10:10:09 PM by Martel »
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A source for monitoring the Muslim Brotherhood
« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2016, 12:05:12 PM »
A source for monitoring the Muslim Brotherhood. Dalia Mogahed and John Esposito

This in relation to a question raised about Dalia Mogahed and John Esposito:

The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Watch (GMBDW) was created in order to monitor the daily activities of the Global Muslim Brotherhood. Each day, a large variety of news and other sources are sifted in order to identify the most relevant developments and which are presented in the form of postings referencing the original source material along with additional commentary and/or historical background . The GMBDW represents neither a political nor a religious point of view and seeks only to present the best available and reliable information on the daily activities of the Global Muslim Brotherhood. The GMBDW is read widely by US government agencies as well as by other governments and users worldwide.

The Editor

The GMBDW is edited by Steven Merley, an investigator and intelligence specialist who since 1992 has specialized in the investigation of political extremism, beginning with the investigation of hate crimes and rightwing extremist groups in the United States. Since September 11, 2001, Mr. Merley has been collecting and analyzing intelligence on the Muslim Brotherhood in throughout the world. His work as an Investigative Researcher with the Wall Street Journal was used in a series of five articles on the European Muslim Brotherhood which appeared in the Journal during 2004. Mr. Merley is a former Senior Analyst with the NEFA Foundation, an anti-terrorist think tank, and is currently a Chief Analyst for Kronos Advisory, founded by Major Gen James E. Livingston, USMC (Ret), a recipient of America’s highest military honor, the Medal of Honor.

The Global Muslim Brotherhood Research Center

The Global Muslim Brotherhood Research Center (GMBRC) was created as a companion site to the Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Watch (GMBDW). While the GMBDW monitors the the daily activities of the Global Muslim Brotherhood, the GMBRC will provide the information needed to understand the larger context of those activities.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 10:10:33 PM by Martel »
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Re: Islam - Education, Rebuttals and Counter-Terror
« Reply #16 on: September 09, 2016, 03:40:23 PM »

Welcome aboard!!!  8-)

May I ask you to use the Search function for "Islam" and see if one of the existing threads suits your purposes?  In search of increasing the value of this forum and its threads for research purposes, we try to keep thread coherency around here.


Please give a hearty welcome to my friend Martel.  He will tell you as much or as little as he likes in the Rules of the Road thread, so I will limit myself to saying he is well traveled on a number of continents, and has more than a little time in the Middle East.


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Re: Islam - Education, Rebuttals and Counter-Terror
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2016, 06:19:40 AM »

Welcome aboard!!!  8-)

May I ask you to use the Search function for "Islam" and see if one of the existing threads suits your purposes?  In search of increasing the value of this forum and its threads for research purposes, we try to keep thread coherency around here.


Please give a hearty welcome to my friend Martel.  He will tell you as much or as little as he likes in the Rules of the Road thread, so I will limit myself to saying he is well traveled on a number of continents, and has more than a little time in the Middle East.


Thanks Marc!

I did find a few topics - "Islam, theocratic politics, & political freedom", "Islam in Europe", "Islam in America (and pre-emptive dhimmitude)". These seem to be copy and paste of articles in general, with little emphasis on original rebuttals to common issues with Islam. I felt a general introduction to Islam, which most Westerners are still unclear about, would create a foundation for educated discussion.

The encroachment of Sharia is of concern to me, and ignorance of Islam is not a successful strategy, as the latest European summer of Jihad violence can attest to.

I believe we are past the point of a non-violent resistance to reclaim Western values and standards in many parts of Europe and the UK, which is unfortunate, but education can allow people to inform others and create awareness to separate the truth from the subtle half-lies in the media. We have to know why we are speaking out, what we are standing against and what strategies the enemy, and yes I believe we are facing an enemy with great commitment and patience in service of his cause, is using.

They are succeeding because we let them.

I have successfully engaged in debate, armed with just the facts and integrity. I don't have to lie, cheat, obfuscate or misrepresent the truth (implying that the other side does these things routinely, if perhaps unknowingly) - it's easier than people realise to rebut the standard arguments.

Hopefully I can provide insight into some of the basis for the news articles posted, help people see a little clearer. I believe we need warriors and scholars, preferably combined into one person.

If anyone has comments, please add them.
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Re: Islam - Education, Rebuttals and Counter-Terror
« Reply #18 on: September 10, 2016, 11:07:11 AM »

After some lengthy discussions and correspondence with Crafty Dog, I've been compelled (arm bar  :-D) to post with respect to, primarily, Islamism, and generally, to world affairs.  Retired after 30 years of experience in three fields of human study (psychiatry for 7 years, as an experiential therapist - fancy terminology for getting people to problem solve; and 23 years, law enforcement and military intelligence, special operations).  

With respect to Islamism, I did a search with respect to Unconstrained Analytics - available here:  Much of what Martel posted, with respect to the Quran and extra-Quranic texts has been handled marvelously by Stephen Coughlin and Patrick Poole on their site and in their books, particularly - Catastrophic Failure:

I found Martel's postings confirmed all of their conclusions (if not directly derivative from them).  

I graduated from the Denial and Deception Advanced Studies Program at the National Intelligence University a year after Stephen Coughlin posted his thesis.  Much of what he wrote about there is covered in Catastrophic Failure.

My thesis is classified and, though I have an FOIA release from the Pentagon for some of it, I am reluctant to publish 60 pages of a 112 page volume, when much of what I argued is readily apparent in many other, open source findings - mainly, that what we are up against in Islamism is nothing we have not faced in Communism and Nazism.  

Bottom line - Islamism is a direct product of Islam, which, as a whole, is an all-encompassing ideology that is incompatible with Western notions of separation of church and state.

Keep it simple stupid - wherever Islam is in power, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia some form of Sharia ensues and quickly robs anyone else, not Muslim, from their rights, e.g. either through payment of Jizya, or, in constrictions of others rights to free speech (it is, for example, case for arrest for Christians to share their faith with others, outside of the church, in many of these states).  Sharia varies from one Islamic culture to another, from Sunni and Shia to Sufism, for example, and therefore is not monolithic.  

What is monolithic for Islam is its stated claim for absolute and final truth, contending the Bible as errant in its claim of primary and central importance, the sacrifice, death on the cross, and conquering of sin and death by Jesus Christ - something Muhammad argues as insupportable from the standpoint of Allah being - one god, not three, as Christianity argues - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

This is the central point of argument to be had, with respect to Muslims and Christians entertaining HONEST dialogue.

Everything else is prologue.

Here is an interesting video from a former Muslim turned Christian, Nabeel Qureshi, who expounds on some important topics to consider, whenever debating Muslims:

It also answers the question from agnostics, atheists, and others, outside of either faith, as to whether Muslims can, critically think through ideas they have been born into.
Nabeel Qureshi's answer, along with others who have turned away from Islam is - YES.

If you have not guessed by now, I am a non-denominational Christian and, YES, I would love for everyone to accept Jesus as their Savior.

HOWEVER, my beliefs in Jesus contrast greatly with altar boy raping priests, prosperity preachers, and other deceivers of many kinds who say they are Christian, but are as far away from what I believe a Christian to be.

I am a warrior/Christian - believing in Christophanies (

I believe that Christ was there in front of Joshua, leading him into battle and, in Joshua 5:13-15, specifically told him, directly what to do concerning the Walls of Jericho.
Christ said to Joshua - "I am neither for nor against you, but as Commander of the Host of the Lord's Army..."

Christ violently threw the money-changers out of the temple.

The Jesus Christ I believe in is not the dope-smoking, turn-the-other-cheek, leftist, commie, Tolstoy version, liberals and progressives argue whenever they quote scripture.

Jesus Christ conquered sin and death and is the best alternative to any Muslim - moderate, extremist, jihadist, or simply entertaining the idea of Islam, as many in prisons do, for Islam is a cult of discipline, as Nabeel Qureshi so accurately points out.

Whereas, Christianity involves principles such as forgiveness - God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit conspired to create us, in their image, as the Genesis story points out - in plural form.
They were relational and created Heaven and Earth in order (cosmos means order, not chaos) that, humans - made in their image (relational), could populate and increase the love which the Trinity experienced.  What is better, three beings or billions of beings, free to act and create, forever???

It came with a price though, for angels and humans share one thing - the propensity, in freedom, to rebel against the idea of whether God has our best interests.  
Lucifer and a third of the angels thought and acted upon their belief, that they could know better than God.

Muhammad was certainly rebelling against the Christian concept of God in three persons, and arguably, did one of two things:

Either he simply made up the Quran; or, he was deluded from too many days in the hot sun, wearing a turbin, and actually, truly believed he was listening to an angel he called Gabriel.

The Jesus of the Quran and God in the Quran are mutually exclusive from those in the Bible, and are either patently false, constructed from Muhammad; or, delusions.  

Why so quick and to the point???

I agree with Martel - that we are beyond chit chat and  non-violent means and measures.

On the other hand, I understand where people like Nabeel Qureshi are coming from - for it is very Christian to say and argue, even by quoting scripture, that God is as he says he is, in 2 Peter 3:9:  "The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some people understand slowness, but is being patient with you. He does not want anyone to perish, but wants everyone to repent."

Meanwhile, China watches Western atheists, agnostics, believers of many kinds, from all walks of life outside of China, and wonders - "when will we, the meek, inherit the earth?"  Their way of thinking goes beyond chess, to such things as the game of GO, and thinking along the lines of - "well, maybe not in our time, but in our grandchildren's, grand child's time..."

You see, you cannot strategically consider all things, without considering those outside your own, particular, narrowed visions, which brings us to Boyd's Observe, Orient, Decide and Act - OODA Loop.    

Teams I conducted strategic research with, over the years, were purposely comprised of analysts from very different backgrounds and yes, faiths - and I consider atheism a faith, for they have not proven God dead, as some of them have contended.  

What matters is what happens, more so than what is believed to be happening.  

It does not matter, for example, whether people believer Putin is old KGB and cannot shed his stripes.  What matters, in fact, is whether the cards he has been playing line up with cards revealed (such as Mitrokhin's archives revealed:

The KEY point of understanding both World War I and II is something which, to this day, Putin will not concede - that The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was Russian propaganda and that it Blew Back on them, when Hitler ate it whole, as truth (to include the Mufti of Palestine).  Operation Barbarossa is an irony in that the same fervor which fueled pogroms against the Jews in Czar Nicholas II's time, helped create Nazism and Hitler's Mien Kampf.  

Take, for example, Hitler mentioning Henry Ford then, watch this, revealing Ford acting on The Protocols - as fact:

Comprehensively and absolutely, Putin is playing Islamist hatred of the Jews and antipathy towards the West as a fine honed, two-edged sword:

I told Crafty Dog that I would not be posting here often because I am working on an open source, unclassified, dissertation, which, summarily, is much represented here and boils down to one thing:

Without incorporating religious understandings into war-gaming analysis, you will fail to see how it can be used as, both a weapon and salve.

I am not religious, as said before, I hold little accord with any established Christian churches nowadays, though I recommend Charles Stanley and Ravi Zaccharias as mostly representative of what I believe.  

The tidal wave of Islamism is both crashing forward on its own, as well as being given a huge push by Putin and others - these are undeniable facts.  

Obama's failed Countering Violent Extremism approach is coming to an end and, under Trump, may, hopefully, be consigned to the trash bin.  Its replacement must involve much of what I have just argued; otherwise, we'll continue to be played by both Russia and China, and overrun by Islamists, acting on their own, as Europe already has.  

If Hillary wins, I'll be in Texas, waiting and contributing to TEXIT.

« Last Edit: September 10, 2016, 11:24:23 AM by Concerned Citizen »


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Re: Islam - Education, Rebuttals and Counter-Terror
« Reply #20 on: September 10, 2016, 06:16:21 PM »

I am about 1/4 of my way through what you posted-- very lean and mean with no wasted effort--very impressive!!!

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Re: Islam - Education, Rebuttals and Counter-Terror
« Reply #21 on: September 11, 2016, 12:05:44 AM »

I am about 1/4 of my way through what you posted-- very lean and mean with no wasted effort--very impressive!!!

Thank you, Crafty! I try to keep things more or less bite sized for easy consumption, allowing for easy follow up, while also preempting the typical rebuttal.

I appreciate you drafting in Concerned Citizen, this should lead to some good discussion. I also read the thread link you posted. It's a bit lengthy, and not geared towards novices, whereas I'm leaning towards novices and fence sitters.

It may be good to keep posts short for easy reading, as a resource for the newly interested.

I have never read Stephen Coughlin and Patrick Poole, though I do know of Stephen Coughlin's book. I used a host of other sources, however the verification by scholars of their caliber is gratifying. I will certainly take a closer look at both of these gentlemen.

I prefer to think of Political Islam than Islamism, as that word is an attempt to deflect responsibility away from Islam, to subtly describe it as a fake Islam and thus imply a disconnect and innocence of the Islamic doctrine. Nothing could be further from the truth.
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CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), FBI FOAI documents
« Reply #22 on: September 14, 2016, 11:17:57 PM »
CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations)

According to the FBI, CAIR (a designated terror group), is affiliated to HAMAS.

A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request received a chart from the FBI that shows CAIR falling under the umbrella of the jihadi organisation.

The FBI chart details the Hamas-related groups, which include CAIR, created to ultimately support the Palestinian terrorist organisation. It establishes Nabil Sadoun’s (former CAIR national board of directors member and vice chairman) connections to Hamas.

A Brookings report stated that:
"from a national security standpoint, perhaps more important ever—to make careful distinctions between Islamists. While extremists may garner the most attention, the vast majority of Islamists are not, in fact, violent.
Mainstream Islamist groups primarily consist of Muslim Brotherhood and Brotherhood-inspired movements."

Shaikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE Foreign Minister, recently came out with a list of terrorist organisations, CAIR is among them, in the company of ISIS, the Taliban and al-Qaeda.

He stated, “Our threshold is quite low. . . . We cannot accept incitement or funding.” In their investigation, the UAE found CAIR guilty of incitement to and funding of terror.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 10:11:19 PM by Martel »
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CAIR, a basic investigation into their founding and ethos
« Reply #23 on: September 14, 2016, 11:19:23 PM »
CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations)

A previously-referenced Brookings Institution report tells us that

"...from a national security standpoint, perhaps more important than ever—to make careful distinctions between Islamists. While extremists may garner the most attention, the vast majority of Islamists are not, in fact, violent.

Their definition of these non-violent political groups tells us that "Mainstream Islamist groups primarily consist of Muslim Brotherhood and Brotherhood-inspired movements."

Article 8 of the HAMAS Covenant reiterates the Muslim Brotherhood's slogan of "Allah is its goal, the Prophet is the model, the Qur'an its constitution, JIHAD its path, and death for the sake of Allah its most sublime belief."

From the article: "Senior UAE officials have responded to the criticism by restating that CAIR, MAS and other Muslim groups in the West are linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, promote extremism, and incite and finance terrorism.

The UAE banned CAIR and MAS along with approximately 80 other organizations, including the Muslim Brotherhood itself. CAIR and MAS are both U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entities.

By calling out European and American affiliates of the Brotherhood, the UAE is trying to bring attention to the Islamists’ influence in and danger to the West."

It is worth investigating the people, political aims, history, shared ideology and ties of these groups. The Muslim Brotherhood is a political organisation with numerous front groups, and self-professed to be engaged in Jihad.

A full list of the groups banned by the UAE government:
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 09:59:26 PM by Martel »
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Are CAIR and the Ikhwan moderate groups?
« Reply #24 on: September 14, 2016, 11:20:01 PM »
Moderate groups? The Muslim Brotherhood, HAMAS, CAIR and establishment of a global caliphate.

There exist links between groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, HAMAS (and others). While not evident on the surface, a cursory search reveals that public-facing front groups have a history and ideological motivations that are not 'moderate', but share common goals with more violent, radical extremist groups.

The acronym HAMAS, taken from the Arabic for Islamic Resistance Movement, (Harakat al-Muqawama al-lslamiya) literally denotes "zeal" or "enthusiasm." The HAMAS Covenant: Article 8 - The Hamas document reiterates the Muslim Brotherhood's slogan of "Allah is its goal, the Prophet is the model, the Qur'an its constitution, JIHAD its path, and death for the sake of Allah its most sublime belief."

HAMAS is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood movement, which was founded in Egypt in 1928 by Sheik Hasan al-Bana; and subsequently spread throughout the Arab world. The Brotherhood shares with HAMAS a complete rejection of Western values and Communism and calls for the establishment of a pan-Islamic state founded on the basis of Shari'a, or Islamic law. To attain this objective, the Brotherhood promoted the concept of an ideal Muslim state to be ruled by a Caliph, the title bestowed upon the successors of the Prophet Muhammad at the beginning of the Islamic empire.

Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) executive director Nihad Awad wrote a letter to Muammar al-Qaddafi in 2009 asking him for funding for a new project.

Ahmed Yassin, Hamas’ founder, and first leader emerged from the Muslim Brotherhood. He joined the movement in 1955 and also belonged to its first official cell it the Gaza Strip. He and Hamas’ original cofounders studied at Egyptian universities, where they were exposed to the Muslim Brotherhood’s ideology.

HAMAS, Article 2 -The Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the wings of Moslem Brotherhood in Palestine.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 09:58:55 PM by Martel »
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Ikhwan/Muslim Brotherhood 5 point plan for taking over the West/US
« Reply #25 on: September 15, 2016, 12:57:11 AM »
Documented Muslim Brotherhood aims (CAIR)

The FBI seized a Muslim Brotherhood document in 2004 that laid out its plan to overtake the West. Link:

The plan consists of five phases:

1. The “secret establishment of leadership”

2. “...gradual appearance on the public scene.”
Phase 2 calls for “infiltrating various sectors of government,” “gaining religious institutions,” “gaining public support and sympathy” and “establishing a shadow government.”

3. “Escalation phase,” which focuses on “utilizing mass media.” The document says that this stage is “currently in progress.”

4. “Open confrontation with the government through ... political pressure” and “training on the use of weapons domestically.” The document says that there are “noticeable activities in this regard.”

5. The final phase: “Seizing power to establish their Islamic Nation under which all parties and Islamic groups are united.”

Phase 5 is the establishment of a caliphate in the United States. These goals do not read as those of a benign organisation.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 09:58:24 PM by Martel »
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Re: Islam - Education, Rebuttals and Counter-Terror
« Reply #26 on: September 15, 2016, 09:12:51 AM »
I am enjoying and appreciating Martel's posts.  Welcome!

I love the detail and the supporting research.  I wonder what the over-riding theme could bne boiled down to in a thesis point or two or three.  What is it that people, voters and policy makers need to know?

We all have our own discussions with liberals we know or people we disagree with.  (The Libertarian candidate is also for open borders and soft on terrorism.)  What I have heard back when I talk of the threat of Islamic terrorism is something like, 'I choose not to live in fear'.  The Obama administration has mostly embodied that, don't name the threat, don't acknowledge it.  Many believe that if peaceful, loving people talk more about peace and love it will come true. 

Meanwhile, al Qaida, ISIS, the caliphate, Jihad, torture, terror, bombings and beheadings and the Islamic immigration invasion are all real, true and coming our way.

The violence in Islam is a feature, not a bug.  Peaceful Muslims are not able to point to real meanings in text and convince the Jihadists they have it all wrong. 

I don't live in a specific fear that I will be blown up or beheaded.  The numbers of killings, even counting 9/11/01, are relatively small.  Rather, I live in a policy vacuum where we aren't doing the right things to protect our country.

The invasion of Europe, the no-go zones and the civil wars there are real.  We have the same going on here to a smaller degree in an earlier phase.

There is only one lesson the US could take out of WWII if we had the full benefits of clairvoyance and hindsight.  Intervene sooner.  This threat is different from Hitlerism for sure but the idea that we are way over here so it doesn't affect us is wrong and dangerous.

We need deep, strategic thinking and long term consistent actions.  It starts with a clear understanding of the threat.


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Re: Islam - Education, Rebuttals and Counter-Terror
« Reply #27 on: September 15, 2016, 10:11:28 AM »
Western Europe is too far gone. Western civilization isn't looking too healthy either.

I am enjoying and appreciating Martel's posts.  Welcome!

I love the detail and the supporting research.  I wonder what the over-riding theme could bne boiled down to in a thesis point or two or three.  What is it that people, voters and policy makers need to know?

We all have our own discussions with liberals we know or people we disagree with.  (The Libertarian candidate is also for open borders and soft on terrorism.)  What I have heard back when I talk of the threat of Islamic terrorism is something like, 'I choose not to live in fear'.  The Obama administration has mostly embodied that, don't name the threat, don't acknowledge it.  Many believe that if peaceful, loving people talk more about peace and love it will come true. 

Meanwhile, al Qaida, ISIS, the caliphate, Jihad, torture, terror, bombings and beheadings and the Islamic immigration invasion are all real, true and coming our way.

The violence in Islam is a feature, not a bug.  Peaceful Muslims are not able to point to real meanings in text and convince the Jihadists they have it all wrong. 

I don't live in a specific fear that I will be blown up or beheaded.  The numbers of killings, even counting 9/11/01, are relatively small.  Rather, I live in a policy vacuum where we aren't doing the right things to protect our country.

The invasion of Europe, the no-go zones and the civil wars there are real.  We have the same going on here to a smaller degree in an earlier phase.

There is only one lesson the US could take out of WWII if we had the full benefits of clairvoyance and hindsight.  Intervene sooner.  This threat is different from Hitlerism for sure but the idea that we are way over here so it doesn't affect us is wrong and dangerous.

We need deep, strategic thinking and long term consistent actions.  It starts with a clear understanding of the threat.

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Critical foundation for countering Islamism, educating others
« Reply #28 on: September 15, 2016, 10:13:35 AM »
I am enjoying and appreciating Martel's posts.  Welcome!

I love the detail and the supporting research.  I wonder what the over-riding theme could be boiled down to in a thesis point or two or three.  What is it that people, voters and policy makers need to know?

We all have our own discussions with liberals we know or people we disagree with.  (The Libertarian candidate is also for open borders and soft on terrorism.)  What I have heard back when I talk of the threat of Islamic terrorism is something like, 'I choose not to live in fear'.  The Obama administration has mostly embodied that, don't name the threat, don't acknowledge it.  Many believe that if peaceful, loving people talk more about peace and love it will come true.  

Meanwhile, al Qaida, ISIS, the caliphate, Jihad, torture, terror, bombings and beheadings and the Islamic immigration invasion are all real, true and coming our way.

The violence in Islam is a feature, not a bug.  Peaceful Muslims are not able to point to real meanings in text and convince the Jihadists they have it all wrong.  

I don't live in a specific fear that I will be blown up or beheaded.  The numbers of killings, even counting 9/11/01, are relatively small.  Rather, I live in a policy vacuum where we aren't doing the right things to protect our country.

The invasion of Europe, the no-go zones and the civil wars there are real.  We have the same going on here to a smaller degree in an earlier phase.

There is only one lesson the US could take out of WWII if we had the full benefits of clairvoyance and hindsight.  Intervene sooner.  This threat is different from Hitlerism for sure but the idea that we are way over here so it doesn't affect us is wrong and dangerous.

We need deep, strategic thinking and long term consistent actions.  It starts with a clear understanding of the threat.

Thank you, DougMacG!

i) Westerners need an academic, unbiased knowledge of Islamic doctrine and history.

 I have attempted to provide such an introduction in various posts above, based on the doctrine in the Quran and the Sunna (collections of Hadith + Biography) of Mohammed and other highly authoritative sources (I do link to The Reliance of the Traveller as an accessible guide to Sharia/Islamic jurisprudence). Not what a friend said, or the nice grocer, or the co-worker or the reporter - just the text of the Quran and the life of Mohammed. With a bit of priming it is easy to read and discover for oneself what the thrust of the doctrine is - which is the uncompromising global dominance of Islam.

ii) Know that most Jihad is of the stealthy, non-violent kind.

There are networks of highly committed Jihadis infiltrating their way into the media, educational institutions, places of worship, law enforcement and government. It is a war in the information space, a 4th Generation Conflict of ideas, based around deception and manipulation - and we are losing.

iii) Have strong Western values.

Know who you are, know what you fight for. Know your history, know your roots, the miracle that is Western civilisation and the positive effect it has had on the world. Have strong beliefs in family, country and your faith. If you have nothing to stand for you will be divided, lost, unsure of your place and direction. The modern 'liberal' SJW phenomenon is a cancer eating at our culture. While not intending to disparage, atheism is a similar tool used to destroy social cohesion caused by common shared beliefs. While we can no longer decide what is a man or a woman, the enemies we face have a very firm, unyielding set of beliefs that we are wavering in front of.

Our current policy decisions to take the statements of some groups and individuals at face value is, at best, naive. It is both an underestimation of terror groups and wilful ignorance of their ethos.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 09:57:36 PM by Martel »
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Re: Islam - Education, Rebuttals and Counter-Terror
« Reply #29 on: September 15, 2016, 10:19:48 AM »
Western Europe is too far gone. Western civilization isn't looking too healthy either.


They only succeed because we let them. They couldn't get far if we opposed them, however our leadership is confused, weak, agenda-driven, traitorous or all of the above. They are using subversive means since direct confrontation would be a losing strategy and always has been. However, they have mastered Boyd's concepts of 4th Generation Warfare (low intensity guerrilla warfare) and use them to good effect.

I do think in many places we are beyond dialogue and there will be conflict, which is unfortunate but likely unavoidable to reassert Western values. I believe there is reason to be optimistic, and that we should engage in an effort to educate ourselves and others. Ignorance and complacency led us here, knowledge and action will see us through.
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Re: Islam - Education, Rebuttals and Counter-Terror
« Reply #30 on: September 15, 2016, 10:22:39 AM »
The West's leaders, especially our traitorous president don't much care for the nations they are responsible for leading.

Western Europe is too far gone. Western civilization isn't looking too healthy either.


They only succeed because we let them. They couldn't get far if we opposed them, however our leadership is confused, weak, agenda-driven, traitorous or all of the above. They are using subversive means since direct confrontation would be a losing strategy and always has been. However, they have mastered Boyd's concepts of 4th Generation Warfare (low intensity guerrilla warfare) and use them to good effect.

I do think in many places we are beyond dialogue and there will be conflict, which is unfortunate but likely unavoidable to reassert Western values. I believe there is reason to be optimistic, and that we should engage in an effort to educate ourselves and others. Ignorance and complacency led us here, knowledge and action will see us through.


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Re: Islam - Education, Rebuttals and Counter-Terror
« Reply #31 on: September 15, 2016, 10:35:36 AM »
Martel,  Thank you for a great response!  - Doug


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Re: Islam - Education, Rebuttals and Counter-Terror
« Reply #32 on: September 15, 2016, 12:48:18 PM »
Very glad to see this thread getting traction.

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CAIR listed as terror group by UAE Government
« Reply #33 on: September 15, 2016, 09:10:01 PM »
CAIR. Deception and subversive activity by political front groups.

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”

That’s not a quote from Osama bin Laden. It’s a quote from Omar Ahmad, a founder of the Council for American Islamic Relations, the Hamas-affiliated Muslim Brotherhood front group named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror financing trial.

In 1993, the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood Palestine Committee organised a secret meeting in Philadelphia that the FBI wiretapped. The participants, which included two future CAIR founders, Nihad Awad and Omar Ahmad, discussed how to support Hamas and, in the words of a 2009 ruling by a federal judge, “goals, strategies and American perceptions of the Muslim Brotherhood.” Ahmad was recorded discussing how to modify language about destroying Israel for an American audience.

The need to create a new “neutral” entity for influencing U.S. policy and opinion was agreed upon because as they said “it is known who we are.” CAIR was formed by Awad and Ahmad the next year.

Federal prosecutors in 2007 named CAIR (along with two other Islamic organizations) as “unindicted co-conspirators and/or joint venturers” in a criminal conspiracy in the trial of the Holy Land Foundation for financing and providing support to the Hamas terrorist group. CAIR was listed among “individuals/entities who are/were members of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee and/or its organizations.”

The United Arab Emirates’ ministerial cabinet listed the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) as one of 83 proscribed terrorist organizations, up there with the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and ISIS.

The Saudi, Emirati, Kuwaiti, and Bahraini rulers view politicians like Mohamed Morsi of Egypt as their enemies, as they do Hamas and its offshoot groups - including CAIR.

Shaikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE Foreign Minister, recently published a list of terrorist organisations. Two of them raised eyebrows - the Council of American-Islamic Relations and the Muslim-American Society. He said, "Our threshold is quite low when we talk about extremism. We cannot accept incitement or funding ... we cannot tolerate even the smallest, tiniest amount of terrorism.

At least seven board members or staff at CAIR have been arrested, denied entry to the U.S., or were indicted on or pled guilty to (or were convicted of) terrorist charges: Siraj Wahhaj, Bassem Khafagi, Randall (“Ismail”) Royer, Ghassan Elashi, Rabih Haddad, Muthanna Al-Hanooti, and Nabil Sadoun.

The UAE minister of state for foreign affairs replied that if organizations can show that their “approach has changed,” they are eligible to appeal “to have their names eliminated from the list.”

Based on all of this, there is ample reason to delve deeper into these groups, networks and individuals, to examine their motives and intentions. To take the statements of some groups and individuals at face value is, at best, naive.

It is both an underestimation of terror groups and wilful ignorance of their ethos.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 09:56:31 PM by Martel »
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Re: Islam - Education, Rebuttals and Counter-Terror
« Reply #34 on: September 15, 2016, 09:23:16 PM »
Good thing CAIR isn't allowed to infiltrate and influence government in the US!

CAIR. Deception and subversive activity by political front groups.

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”

That’s not a quote from Osama bin Laden. It’s a quote from Omar Ahmad, a founder of the Council for American Islamic Relations, the Hamas-affiliated Muslim Brotherhood front group named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror financing trial.

In 1993, the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood Palestine Committee organised a secret meeting in Philadelphia that the FBI wiretapped. The participants, which included two future CAIR founders, Nihad Awad and Omar Ahmad, discussed how to support Hamas and, in the words of a 2009 ruling by a federal judge, “goals, strategies and American perceptions of the Muslim Brotherhood.” Ahmad was recorded discussing how to modify language about destroying Israel for an American audience.

The need to create a new “neutral” entity for influencing U.S. policy and opinion was agreed upon because as they said “it is known who we are.” CAIR was formed by Awad and Ahmad the next year.

Federal prosecutors in 2007 named CAIR (along with two other Islamic organizations) as “unindicted co-conspirators and/or joint venturers” in a criminal conspiracy in the trial of the Holy Land Foundation for financing and providing support to the Hamas terrorist group. CAIR was listed among “individuals/entities who are/were members of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee and/or its organizations.”

The United Arab Emirates’ ministerial cabinet listed the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) as one of 83 proscribed terrorist organizations, up there with the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and ISIS.

The Saudi, Emirati, Kuwaiti, and Bahraini rulers view politicians like Mohamed Morsi of Egypt as their enemies, as they do Hamas and its offshoot groups - including CAIR.

Shaikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE Foreign Minister, recently published a list of terrorist organisations. Two of them raised eyebrows - the Council of American-Islamic Relations and the Muslim-American Society. He said, "Our threshold is quite low when we talk about extremism. We cannot accept incitement or funding ... we cannot tolerate even the smallest, tiniest amount of terrorism.

At least seven board members or staff at CAIR have been arrested, denied entry to the U.S., or were indicted on or pled guilty to (or were convicted of) terrorist charges: Siraj Wahhaj, Bassem Khafagi, Randall (“Ismail”) Royer, Ghassan Elashi, Rabih Haddad, Muthanna Al-Hanooti, and Nabil Sadoun.

The UAE minister of state for foreign affairs replied that if organizations can show that their “approach has changed,” they are eligible to appeal “to have their names eliminated from the list.”

Based on all of this, there is ample reason to delve deeper into these groups, networks and individuals, to examine their motives and intentions. To take the statements of some groups and individuals at face value is, at best, naive.

It is both an underestimation of terror groups and wilful ignorance of their ethos.

Lloyd De Jongh

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Re: Islam - Education, Rebuttals and Counter-Terror
« Reply #35 on: September 16, 2016, 01:25:39 AM »
Good thing CAIR isn't allowed to infiltrate and influence government in the US!

I'm familiar with the collaboration with Ikhwan front groups, and how they have infiltrated the US government and other institutions as per their own documented strategy. Discussing these facts sounds like you're discussing a crazy conspiracy theory, except every word is true.
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Muslim Brotherhood / CAIR court documents showing ties, deception.
« Reply #36 on: September 16, 2016, 04:52:14 AM »
I've been curious about the Muslim Brotherhood network and their front groups, which they specifically set up as 'neutral' entities since they were too well known, as demonstrated in documents obtained by the FBI.

The focus in this post is the court document linked below, with several quotes from it. The linked Clarion article provides further detail and source references.

The Ikhwan/Muslim Brotherhood are a designated religious terror group with political aims based on their religious agenda, and I posted earlier on their self-professed Jihad by political and media infiltration against the West.

I went to look at court documents related to Ikhwan/Muslim Brotherhood subversive activity and want to post some highlights. CAIR appeared, tied to the Ikhwan. This is clearly a case of "Go back to sleep, nothing to see here...".

The court document:
Quoted text below is from the court document.

"CAIR and MAS (Muslim American Society) omit reference to a shared background that limits their membership to those of a particular political bent, and undercuts their credibility. "

"The Muslim Brotherhood is a generally covert international organization whose credo is

Allah is our goal:
the Qur'an is our constitution:
the Prophet is our leader:
Struggle (Jihad) is our Way:
and death in the path of Allah is our highest aspiration. "

The Ikhwan wants to establish an American caliphate under the Sharia as their stated goal. Or they're Boy Scouts. The meaning of the above goal is unclear to me.

"MAS was founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America."

"Moreover, from its founding by Muslim Brotherhood leaders, CAIR conspired with other affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood to support terrorists. "

"Proof that the conspirators agreed to use deception to conceal from the American public their connections to terrorists was introduced at both the Texas trial in 2007 and also at a Chicago trial the previous year. United States 11. Askqai-, et al.. No. 03-978 (N.D. 111.2006). "
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 09:55:19 PM by Martel »
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Re: Islam - Education, Rebuttals and Counter-Terror
« Reply #37 on: September 16, 2016, 09:07:26 AM »

Some REALLY good work being done here.  Please let's use the Subject line to its full potential so as to maximize Search command efficiency!!!

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Subject lines modified for easier search
« Reply #38 on: September 16, 2016, 09:17:18 PM »

Some REALLY good work being done here.  Please let's use the Subject line to its full potential so as to maximize Search command efficiency!!!

Thank you for the kind words, Crafty. I adjusted each subject line to reflect the content of each post, and will do so for future posts.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 10:20:45 PM by Martel »
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Re: Islam - Education, Rebuttals and Counter-Terror
« Reply #39 on: September 16, 2016, 11:00:35 PM »

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CAIR and the Muslim Brothehood network, further ties, documentation
« Reply #40 on: September 17, 2016, 03:40:58 AM »
The Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR, further ties and involvement.

The Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP) was an organ of the Palestine Committee of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States.

Citing from their documents:
The Palestine Committee is a specialized committee emanating from the Palestine Section which was formed by the executive office of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Levant countries. Its scope of work is limited to North America and its contacts include other countries.

Due to ... the important developments produced by the blessed Intifada in the Occupied Territories and the impact it had on the Muslim Brotherhood Movement, and particularly the directions of his eminence the General Guide and the latest visit to America by the Palestine Section, ... which discussed the cause and its developments with their Brothers in the leadership of the Group here in America, the Palestine Committee was formed to serve the Palestinian cause on the U.S. front.

C- Affairs of the Islamic Association [IAP] which include the following main duties:
- Drawing the strategy.
- Supervision, follow-up and direction.

Attached below is CAIR named as coordinator.

As discussed before, attached is an excerpt of a transcript made by the FBI, from a secret meeting where the formation of a 'neutral' organisation with no previous terror association is discussed. The meeting was recorded, and the tapes were recovered during an investigation.

Telling is the statements that "We will remain a front ... instead of having all our organizations classified and exposed."

Links to screen caps of the relevant parts of the documents: - CAIR coordinating for the HLF/IAP Muslim Brotherhood front groups - Transcript of recorded meeting discussing creating CAIR as a front group.

Links to the full PDF documents:
Palestine Committee meeting minutes:
FBI transcript:
« Last Edit: September 17, 2016, 10:28:30 AM by Martel »
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The Ikhwan/Muslim Brotherhood - bylaws, motto and member pledges
« Reply #41 on: September 17, 2016, 10:58:06 AM »
A brief look inside the Muslim Brotherhood. A sample of its bylaws, member pledges and motto.

My comments are preceded by *

"The Muslim Brotherhood, is an international Muslim Body, which seeks to establish Allah's law in the land by achieving the spiritual goals of Islam and the true religion which are namely the following:

E – The need to work on establishing the Islamic State, which seeks to effectively implement the provisions of Islam and its teachings.

* The Ikhwan were formed after Ataturk abolished the Caliphate in 1924, and are committed to the establishment of a new worldwide Caliphate governed by the Sharia.

D– Make every effort for the establishment of educational, social, economic and scientific institutions and the establishment of mosques, schools, clinics, shelters, clubs as well as the formation of committees to regulate zakat affairs and alms.

* They have built an extensive network. Its members are required, as shown below, to have uncompromising loyalty to the group's ethos, religious doctrine and political aims.

E –The Islamic nation must be fully prepared to fight the tyrants and the enemies of Allah as a prelude to establishing an Islamic state.

* Their motto says "Jihad is our way"

I pledge allegiance to the Almighty Allah to constantly uphold and safeguard the principles of Islam, **to fight in the cause of Allah, to adhere to the terms and duties of the Brotherhood's membership, showing as much as possible obedience to the just leaders in sorrow and in joy as long as it does not involve disobedience to Allah, I pay allegiance and may Allah be my witness.

** Direct from the Quran 4:74 - Let those (believers) who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter fight in the Cause of Allah, and whoso fights in the Cause of Allah, and is killed or gets victory, We shall bestow on him a great reward.

I pledge allegiance to Allah Almighty constantly upholding the sublime principals of the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (peace be upon him) and commitment to the Brotherhood's platform to act promptly in implementing the decisions entrusted to me...

“Allah is our objective; the Koran is our law; the Prophet is our leader; jihad is our way; and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations.” (The Brotherhood's Motto)

* According to the Islamic doctrine followed by the Ikhwan, the highest reward in paradise is reserved for those who kill and are killed for the sake of Allah.

Sahih Bukhari 2782 - The Messenger of Allah was asked, "Which deed is the best?" He replied, "Faith in Allah and His Messenger." He was asked, "What is next?" He replied, "Jihad (holy fighting) in the Cause of Allah."

Sahih Bukhari 2787 - I heard Allah's Messenger saying, "The example of a Mujahid in Allah's Cause-- and Allah knows better who really strives in His Cause----is like a person who fasts and prays continuously. Allah guarantees that He will admit the Mujahid in His Cause into Paradise if he is killed, otherwise He will return him to his home safely with rewards and war booty."

Sahih Muslim Book 20 Hadith 4646
A man stood up and said: Messenger of Allah, do you think that if I am killed in the way of Allah, my sins will be blotted out from me? The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said: Yes, in case you are killed in the way of Allah and you were patient and sincere and you always fought facing the enemy, never turming your back upon him. Then he added: What have you said (now)? (Wishing to have further assurance from him for his satisfaction), he asked (again): Do you think if I am killed in the way of Allah, all my sins will be obliterated from me? The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said: Yes, it you were patient and sincere and always fought facing the enemy and never turning your back upon him, (all your lapses would be forgiven) except debt. Gabriel has told me this.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2016, 11:16:24 AM by Martel »
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The Muslim Brotherhood’s Strategic Plan for North America, part 1
« Reply #42 on: September 19, 2016, 07:33:18 AM »
The Muslim Brotherhood’s Strategic Plan for North America, part 1

"... what is between your hands is not strange or a new submission without a root, but rather an attempt to interpret and explain some of what came in the long-term plan which we approved and adopted in our council and our conference in the year (1987). ~ Mohammed Akram

In August 2004 Ismail Selim Elbarasse of Annandale, VA was arrested after authorities witnessed his wife videotaping Maryland's Chesapeake Bay Bridge from their SUV. The images captured by Elbarasse's wife included close-ups of cables and other features that were "integral to the structural integrity of the bridge."

Elbarasse is a former board member of the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP) and Hamas activist. He served on the Palestine Committee, a front group for the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States to help Hamas politically and financially. He was an assistant to Mousa Abu Marzook when Marzook was Hamas political director. The two shared a bank account.

Investigators discovered 80 boxes of internal Palestine Committee records during a search of his Virginia home. The documents were subsequently used for the prosecution of five Holy Land Foundation officials, found guilty in 2008 of funneling money to Hamas. Those exhibits were admitted into evidence and titled "Elbarasse Search" followed by an identification number.

It was written by member of the Board of Directors for the Muslim Brotherhood in North America and senior Hamas leader, Mohammed Akram. It discusses the plan approved by the Brotherhood’s Shura Council and Organizational Conference in 1987, and it establishes the mission of the Muslim Brother in North America. These documents were never meant to be seen outside of the Ikhwan and its affiliates.

Article 4- Understanding the role of the Muslim Brother in North America: The process of settlement is a "Civilization-Jihadist Process" with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions. Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim's destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny except for those who chose to slack. But, would the slackers and the Mujahedeen be equal.

 A copy of the original document can be found here:
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Fear of 'Islamophobia'. The dangers of 'scope creep'. - Islamophobia rebuttal
« Reply #43 on: September 19, 2016, 08:29:01 AM »
The dangers of 'scope creep'. This article should provide a sobering appraisal of the effects of this particular label.

(Note: this is a summary of the full article)

Javaria Saeed, a practising Muslim who worked in Scotland Yard’s counterterrorism division, has attacked the Metropolitan police for failing to tackle extremist views among some of its Muslim officers for fear of being labelled “Islamophobic”.

However, ... her managers ... failed to take action ... because they were afraid of being accused of racism.

Saeed said she resigned in March after becoming disheartened by “political correctness”, which allowed an “us and them” culture to thrive among some Muslim officers who considered themselves beyond the law.

Saeed told The Sunday Times that the Met applied a different standard when looking into complaints against some Muslim officers from those it applied to non-Muslims.

“Racism in the Met is not from white officers in my case, but from Muslim officers who the service refused to properly investigate because they were afraid of being called Islamophobic and racist,” said Saeed.

Saeed said she joined the police in the wake of the 2005 London bombings to help bridge the division between the Muslim community and the authorities.

Downloadable PDF:
Original article:
« Last Edit: September 19, 2016, 09:12:28 AM by Martel »
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When criticism and discussion are demonised... - Islamophobia rebuttal
« Reply #44 on: September 19, 2016, 09:11:51 AM »
When criticism and discussion are demonised... the dangers of scope creep. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

" an increasingly effective move that’s fast become something of an epidemic, I can shame you into silence for criticizing my ideas simply by calling you bigoted or Islamophobic.

In addition to calling out prejudice against Muslims (a people), the term “Islamophobia” seeks to shield Islam itself (an ideology) from criticism"

For decades, Muslims around the world have rightly complained about the Israeli government labeling even legitimate criticism of its policies “anti-Semitic,” effectively shielding itself from accountability. Today, Muslim organizations like CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) have borrowed a page from their playbook with the “Islamophobia” label — and taken it even further.

It’s as if every time you said smoking was a filthy habit, you were perceived to be calling all smokers filthy people. Human beings have rights and are entitled to respect. But when did we start extending those rights to ideas, books, and beliefs? You’d think the difference would be clear, but it isn’t. The ploy has worked over and over again, and now everyone seems petrified of being tagged with this label."

... a white American man successfully convinced the Massachusetts liberal arts school Brandeis University that he was being victimized and oppressed by a black African woman from Somalia — a woman who underwent genital mutilation at age five and travels with armed security at risk of being assassinated.

That is the power of this term.

The man, Ibrahim Hooper, is a Muslim convert and a founding member and spokesman for CAIR.

Original article. Well worth reading:
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Religious Jihad. Fort Hood. The 50 page Powerpoint on Jihad by Major Nidal
« Reply #45 on: September 20, 2016, 12:59:31 AM »
The religious motive for Jihad. Inside the mind of a Jihadi.

In June 2007, Malik Hasan Nidal was supposed to deliver a medical presentation to military doctors. Instead, he presented a 50 slide talk on Islam called "The Koranic World View As It Relates to Muslims in the U.S. Military." One can determine from this fascinating presentation why Hasan went on to kill 13 men and women and wound another 32. Had he not been shot, he could have gone on to shoot and kill many others. Hasan allegedly shouted the Takbir or "Allahu Akbar" as he went on the killing spree. This translates to "Allah is greater", by implication [than your God].

None of the attendees said anything to their superiors, they were afraid of being labelled Islamophobic and racist. As a consequence, people died. This presentation provides an excellent first hand insight into the Jihadist mind.

The imam who was the leader of the mosque that Malik Hasan Nidal attended said he was a quiet man who came to service daily. Hasan attended the Muslim Community Center in Silver Spring and was "very devout," according to Faizul Khan, a former imam at the center. Khan said Hasan attended prayers at least once a day, seven days a week, often in his Army fatigues.

Khan is a leading board member of the Islamic Society of North America — a lobby group established by Saudi Arabia to spread Wahhabi doctrine among American Muslims. ISNA, along with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the North American Islamic Trust, are unindicted conspirators as one of a number of "entities who are and/or were members of the US Muslim Brotherhood." as per court records from the Holy Land Foundation terror funding trial. Additional records exist showing a relationship to HAMAS.

Federal law enforcement officials say the  Fort Hood shooter had come to their attention at least six months prior because of Internet postings that discussed suicide bombings and other threats. One web posting that authorities reviewed is a blog that equates suicide bombers with a soldier throwing himself on a grenade to save the lives of his comrades.

"To say that this soldier committed suicide is inappropriate. Its more appropriate to say he is a brave hero that sacrificed his life for a more noble cause," "Scholars have paralled (sic) this to suicide bombers whose intention, by sacrificing their lives, is to help save Muslims by killing enemy soldiers. If one suicide bomber can kill 100 enemy soldiers because they were caught off guard that would be considered a strategic victory. Their intention is not to die because of some despair. The same can be said for the Kamikazees [sic] in Japan. They died (via crashing their planes into ships) to kill the enemies for the homeland. You can call them crazy i [sic] you want but their act was not one of suicide that is despised by Islam. So the scholars main point is that "IT SEEMS AS THOUGH YOUR INTENTION IS THE MAIN ISSUE" and Allah (SWT) knows best."

In his presentation, Nidal does go on to discuss rewards for Martyrs.

Anwar al-Awlaki praised Hasan's actions "Nidal Hasan [sic] is a hero." 18 E-mails between Maj. Nidal Hasan and Anwar Awlaki (al-Qaeda) were released as part of the FBI's investigation into the case. (Their presentation link may not work)

A copy of the presentation can be downloaded here:

As per the slides:

  • Nidal Hasan's definition of Islamist: "Advocates rule by God's law - Islamic political rule/Sharia law i.e. (No separation of Church and State).
  • Nidal Hasan on the influence of Islamist groups: "If Muslim groups can convince Muslims that they are fighting for God against injustices of the "infidels"; ie: enemies of Islam, then Muslims can become a potent adversary ie: suicide bombing etc." This does leave one to think who these "Muslim groups" groups are, what message they are spreading and how they are spreading it.
  • The final statement in the slide above, about loving death, has a long history within the Jihadist community. As just one example, Ayman al-Zawahiri’s wife advised Muslim women: “I advise you to raise your children in the cult of jihad and martyrdom and to instil in them a love for religion and
  • The Abrogation slide demonstrates the importance of the Law of Abrogation in the Jihadi mind, as he correctly states that later verses supercede earlier verses in the Quran. This is the ideological foundation among these groups and thinkers for Jihad against the West and eradication of all unbelief.
  • The Conclusion slide alone could lead to a lengthy investigation and discussion into the mindset of the soldiers of Jihad. As Hasan writes: "Muslims may be seen as moderate (compromising) but God is not." Also noteworthy is "Fighting to establish an Islamic State to please God, even by force, is condoned by the Islam." More reference to the need and desire for a Caliphate, especially after the abolition of the Ottoman Caliphate by Ataturk in 1924

« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 01:54:20 AM by Martel »
My freedom is more important than your good idea.

Lloyd De Jongh

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Re: Islam - Education, Rebuttals and Counter-Terror
« Reply #46 on: September 21, 2016, 09:15:28 AM »
Hi all

I hope this series has been helpful to many so far. The more I dig into this, especially into the hidden networks of the Muslim Brotherhood, the more it unsettles me to know what we're facing - knowing that the most powerful force to stop this, the US government, has been infiltrated and hamstrung by them.

General academia will not be of help, in my estimation. It's both ignorant of the nature of the Islamic subversive/terror threat and overrun with ignorance-inspiring PC, terrified of being accused of racial bias and Islamophobia.

The more we can educate ourselves and provide simple resources we can use, the better we empower ourselves to stand up and speak against the half truths and lies.

Any comments or thoughts?
« Last Edit: September 21, 2016, 09:42:41 AM by Martel »
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Re: Islam - Education, Rebuttals and Counter-Terror
« Reply #47 on: September 21, 2016, 11:14:12 AM »
You'll find only agreement here!

I think we all appreciate your concise presentation of facts and lines of analysis for persuading others.

Speaking of Muslim Brotherhood, a pet peeve of mine is how Huma Abedin's family connections to it are ignored , , ,  :x :x :x


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The Life of a Liberal Muslim
« Reply #48 on: September 21, 2016, 11:22:03 AM »

Moral Hazard
The life of a liberal Muslim.

Dr. Khaled Abou El Fadl, who was born in Egypt, poses for photographs in his home in Van Nuys, February 16, 2011. (Photo by Ann Johansson/Corbis via Getty Images).

The death threats began shortly after September 11, 2001. Every few days, for about four months, Khaled Abou El Fadl would receive an angry, anonymous phone call at either his San Fernando Valley home or his UCLA office. In his e-mail inbox, he found ominous messages from obscured sources with warnings such as, “You know what we’re capable of.” At first, the pudgy, 39-year-old professor of Islamic jurisprudence dismissed the calls as harmless outbursts at a tense moment. But, as the fall of 2001 progressed, Abou El Fadl began suspecting that the threats were more serious than he had initially assumed. Twice in November, he noticed a van that inexplicably lingered outside of his relatively isolated home but then disappeared after he called the police. A few months later, he found the windows of his family’s SUV smashed at a crowded movie theater parking lot. Neither the radio nor the cash in the car had been stolen; no other vehicle in the lot had been touched.

When he brought these incidents to the attention of police, they requested--and he granted--permission to tap his home phone. UCLA installed a red panic button next to his desk, ensuring that campus cops could respond within minutes to any crisis in his office. The FBI even assigned an agent to track down his tormenters. (To date, they have not been found.) All of this might sound like the prelude to a textbook hate crime, but the Abou El Fadl case has a twist: The callers weren’t angry white men accusing him of terrorist sympathies; they were fellow Muslim Americans accusing him of selling out the faith.

On September 14, 2001, Abou El Fadl had published an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times. Many Muslim Americans had condemned the week’s attacks as un-Islamic. But Abou El Fadl felt this response amounted to an evasion. The attacks, he worried, didn’t represent a deviation from mainstream Islam; they reflected a crisis at the core of the faith, the logical conclusion of “a puritanical and ethically oblivious form of Islam [that] has predominated since the 1970s.” Centuries of Islamic intellectual development had been destroyed by the “rampant apologetics” of Muslim thinkers, which had “produced a culture that eschews self-critical and introspective insight and embraces projection of blame and a fantasy-like level of confidence and arrogance.”

The callers weren’t angry white men accusing him of terrorist sympathies; they were fellow Muslim Americans accusing him of selling out the faith.

Abou El Fadl had, for years, made essentially the same argument in his scholarly writings, particularly the books And God Knows the Soldiers (1997) and Speaking in God’s Name (2001). With imams justifying suicide bombings in Israel and elsewhere, Abou El Fadl had voiced concern that Islam had been “rendered subservient to political expedience and symbolic displays of power.” And he’d railed against the ascendance of Wahhabism, a rigidly puritanical brand of Islam exported and subsidized by the government of Saudi Arabia. The Wahhabis insist that Islam must recover the practices of the “golden age”--the decades that followed the prophet’s death--and dismiss subsequent centuries of interpretation and intellectual exploration as devilish sophistry. It is that thoughtful, pluralist tradition that Abou El Fadl wants to recover, an “ethos where the numerous traditions ... emphasiz[ed] that pursuit of knowledge is an act of permanent worship.”

Whereas the thrust of modern Christian history has been toward decentralization, Sunni Islam has undergone a rapid period of theological consolidation. In the faith’s first century and a half, Abou El Fadl estimates that 135 legal schools competed to influence the religion. Even up until the last part of this century, Greek-inspired rationalists (mu’tazila) argued against puritanical literalists (ahl-al-hadith) and strict constructionists (usulis). But with Saudi money, and in the guise of Wahhabism, the ahl-al-hadith have of late won the upper hand. And, unlike other traditions that accommodate dissenting views, the Wahhabis claim to possess an undebatable vision of “true Islam.” Abou El Fadl, by contrast, comes from the ever-shrinking usuli school. As he describes usulism, it is a conservative tradition. To protect the Koran’s integrity, usulis impose a stiff test for the derivation of God’s laws. For edicts to carry divine imprimatur, they must be unambiguously stated in the Koran or sunna (the body of literature that includes the sayings and biography of the prophet). “You have to be willing to bet your soul that law is God’s will,” he argues. “Otherwise you might be guilty of arrogance in the eyes of God.”

Paradoxically, the usulis’ theological conservatism makes them quite liberal relative to much of the current Muslim world. While Wahhabis assert the necessity of veiling women, for example, Abou El Fadl and other usulis point to texts casting doubt on God’s intention that women’s faces be constantly covered. (The Koran urges the veil specifically to protect against molestation, notes Abou El Fadl; if there’s no threat of molestation, there’s no need for the veil.) Likewise, the usulis reject many of the Wahhabis’ other proscriptions--guidelines for sex, prohibitions against keeping pet dogs and women attending funerals--as passages plucked from context that ignore vast chunks of the holy books. But what bothers Abou El Fadl most about Wahhabism isn’t simply its textual distortions. It is the tradition’s denigration of morality, which the Wahhabis argue shouldn’t affect the implementation of Koranic law. Abou El Fadl insists that his usuli tradition naturally leads Islam to an et hical humanism--a set of ideas about justice and beauty that help to achieve God’s will. “If the intent and moral vision do not exist, then the rules become meaningless pedantry,” he argues. Indeed, he considers much of modern Islam to be a tyranny of the picayune. As he wrote in the introduction to his 2001 collection of essays Conference of the Books, “I pray that this is a passing phase in the history of Islam and that Muslims will regain their intellectual vigor and enlightened spark.”

Abou El Fadl is part of an international movement of Muslim intellectuals who oppose the extremism of the Wahhabis. It includes the Syrian theorist Mohammad Shahrour, the Italian imam Abdul Hadi Palazzi, and the Egyptian jurist Muhammad Imara. Abou El Fadl has his own informal cluster of American dissident scholars, which self-deprecatingly calls itself the “consolation club”--in e-mail and phone calls, they console each other. They trade stories of receiving death threats, being protested by their own radical students, and being constantly tempted by the enticements of Saudi emissaries who offer grants and endowed chairs in exchange for their theological conformity. Even in the West, dissident thinkers like Abou El Fadl have been shut out of mainstream Islamic institutions. To find an intellectual home, they reside in secular academia, where they grow even further removed from potential constituents. It’s a condition that breeds depression and deep cynicism. When I ask Abou El Fadl about his hope for the future of Islam, he pulls a Diet Coke from the mini-refrigerator next to his desk before lighting a cigarette and smoking it out his window. “The chances are that I would be appreciated by a rabbi interested in interfaith discussions far more than I will be by a leader of a Muslim organization,” he says. After a few puffs, he rubs the cigarette into the sill and throws it from the window. “It’s very disheartening and discouraging. The reason I’m speaking so openly is that I’m fed up to the core.”

For centuries, the Abou El Fadl family included jurists who studied in the schools affiliated with Cairo’s Al Azhar mosque, the venerable epicenter of Sunni Islamic thinking--Islam’s Oxbridge. But for the epicenter of Sunnism, it had a strange history: The mosque had been founded by Shia from Tunisia in the tenth century. Perhaps, because of this lineage, Al Azhar tolerated dissident sects long after the Shia vacated the mosque in the twelfth century. Proponents of nearly all varieties of Islamic legal thinking--mu’tazila, ahl-al-hadith, and usuli alike--found intellectual homes in Al Azhar. To be sure, Al Azhar shifted with the politics of the times. After Napoleon conquered Egypt in 1798, the mosque’s leaders made slandering the French occupiers a religious crime; during the Ottoman era, the school excelled at producing pliant scholars versed in the empire’s favored hanafi legal school. But, for the most part, Al Azhar’s acceptance of intellectual diversity continued regardless of fluctuations in Egypt’s political leadership.

At least up until the post-colonial era, that is. In 1961, Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the school. Sheiks at Al Azhar became government-paid functionaries--and were expected to conduct themselves as such, promoting Nasser’s vision of a secular pan-Arab socialism. As Gilles Kepel, the French historian of political Islam, writes in his book Jihad, “By linking the reformed Azhar institution too directly to the state, Nasser’s regime deprived it of credibility. ... A vacuum had been created, to be filled by anyone ready to question the state and criticize governments in the name of Islam.”

The vacuum was filled by proponents of radical Islamism--first by theorist Sayyid Qutb (who was hung by Nasser in 1966) and his comrades in the Muslim Brotherhood and then, more gradually, by Wahhabi clerics supported by Saudi Arabia. In 1962, Saudi Arabia founded the Muslim World League to fund the distribution of Korans, the production of Wahhabi scholarship, and the building of mosques throughout the globe. And, over the course of the next four decades, the Saudis steadily purchased the ideological direction of Al Azhar. It started subtly, with cushy Gulf sabbaticals for scholars. “In six months on sabbatical, they would earn twenty years’ salary,” says Abou El Fadl. As these contributions became more customary--and scholars became increasingly eager to supplement their $40-a-month salaries--the Saudis expanded their influence. Through the Muslim World League, they began endowing chairs for scholars and funding departments. By the late ‘90s, it was growing difficult to find an Azhari who hadn’t benefited from Saudi largesse--and who hadn’t returned the favor with pro-Wahhabi scholarship.

I pray that this is a passing phase in the history of Islam and that Muslims will regain their intellectual vigor and enlightened spark

When Abou El Fadl began studying with the Azhari sheiks, in 1969 at the age of 6, the mosque was in the midst of this transition from religious diversity to Wahhabi predominance. Signs of moderation still existed: Following Abou El Fadl’s adolescent flirtation with Islamism--during which he destroyed his sister’s Rod Stewart tapes and fulminated against mixed gatherings--the sheiks persuaded him to adopt a more moderate path. But, over the years, Abou El Fadl noticed the increasing presence of Saudi money and of Wahhabism. For years, one of his most beloved teachers, Muhammad Jalal Kishk, had mocked the ignorance of Wahhabi Islam. But, in 1981, after Kishk received the $200,000 King Faisal Award and the $850,000 King Fahd Award from the Saudi government, he published a pro-Wahhabi tome called The Saudis and the Islamic Solution.

Today, the takeover of Al Azhar is largely complete. The highest-ranking sheik in the once-moderate institution, Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi, endorses suicide bombings. And Al Azhar has bullied the Egyptian government into granting it power to censor all books on Islam. As the university’s president told Al-Ahram Weekly last year, “Freedom is restricted by respect for God, his prophet and all religious values.” Many Azharis who refused to toe the Wahhabi line have been purged from the institution. Abou El Fadl tells the story of another of his teachers, Muhammad al-Ghazali. Even though al-Ghazali was among the more conservative Azharis, he grew impatient with the rising anti-intellectualism at the school. In 1989, he published a book called The Sunna of the Prophet: Between the Legists and Traditionalists, accusing the Wahhabi of justifying fanaticism and defiling Islam’s reputation. Within two years, the Saudis subsidized the publication of seven books trashing al-Ghazali. At three Muslim World League-sponsored conferences in Saudi Arabia, scholars lined up to dismiss his arguments. Even the Saudi newspaper, Al-Sharq al-Awsat, issued its own lengthy rebuttals. But, what most pained al-Ghazali, according to Abou El Fadl, was not the Saudi smear campaign but watching his old students--many of whom had received Saudi fellowships and book advances--remain silent amid the uproar. At the time, al-Ghazali told Abou El Fadl, “I never realized how bad it has become until this instance. I realize that the foreseeable future is lost.” After years of suffering polemics, Abou El Fadl told me, “al-Ghazali died of a broken heart.”

In May 1985, after Abou El Fadl completed his junior year at Yale, he returned home to Cairo for the summer. A few weeks earlier, Yale had named him “Scholar of the House,” an award that Al-Ahram celebrated in its pages. In addition to his academic work, Abou El Fadl had spent the year studying for certification in a top-level field of Islamic jurisprudence called hadith authentication. Now, at home with his Azhari teachers, he put the final touches on his preparation. One evening, as he left his study circle, however, two plainclothes Egyptian policemen approached him. Without explanation, they shoved him in a truck and blindfolded him. Abou El Fadl later discovered that they had taken him to the basement of a detention center called Lazoughli. “You think that you’re scholar of the house,” his interrogators declared sarcastically as they beat him. Next, the police transferred him to a notorious desert prison called Tora, rumored to be surrounded by the makeshift graves of tortu re victims. Abou El Fadl was suspended from the ceiling by his left arm for six-hour intervals; guards shocked him with electricity and pulled out his fingernails. After three weeks, and without a conviction, they released him.

This was not the first time Abou El Fadl had been targeted by police. As a teenager, he had published anti-regime poetry and stories in the opposition dailies and had twice been taken in for beatings. But, whereas many of Abou El Fadl’s contemporaries responded to such police-state tactics by embracing militant Islamism, the abuse only magnified his desire to find a community where he could speak his mind without fear of retribution from either secular or religious authorities. And so, after his 1985 visit, Abou El Fadl returned to the United States in self-imposed exile. He had high hopes for the Muslim community in the United States. Unlike the scholars at Al Azhar, they didn’t have to contend with government censorship and Wahhabi oppressiveness, he imagined. “Naively, I had assumed that the freedoms afforded in the United States, and the relative absence of political persecution, would allow for a Muslim intellectual rebirth,” he writes in the introduction to And God Knows the Soldiers. He even daydreamed that American Muslims might form a diaspora movement that would return to remake the Middle East.

But, instead of tolerance, Abou El Fadl found a community that wasn’t significantly more open than the one he’d left behind. Where he expected vibrant intellectual debate, he found rigid conformity to Wahhabi-like practices. “As I move from mosque to mosque, I encounter Muslims who seem to think that the harsher and the more perverse the law, the more it’s Islamic,” he says. He noticed that American imams often lacked even the rudiments of Islamic education. And he noticed that community leaders worried more about combating criticism of their organizations than about building educational institutions. “Despots,” he calls them.

After finishing graduate school at Princeton in 1995, Abou El Fadl began publicly criticizing mainstream Islam, and it was not long before it got him in trouble. In 1997, while teaching at the University of Texas, he was driven from his mosque, the Islamic Center of Greater Austin. Finishing Friday supplications, he was interrupted by a man who “kindly invited” him into the building’s boardroom. Entering the room, he found 15 men sitting around a long table. They took turns condemning his scholarship as heretical. A board member stood up and pronounced him “the great Satan.” Abou El Fadl left the room. But congregants began to trail him on the street. One took off his shoe and began swinging it at him. The attack only stopped after the intervention of a passing graduate student.

The criticism that followed his Los Angeles Times op-ed was not limited to anonymous threats; it came from good friends, too.

But the post-September 11 backlash was much greater. The criticism that followed his Los Angeles Times op-ed was not limited to anonymous threats; it came from good friends, too. This past summer, he was banned from The Minaret magazine, a publication to which he had contributed a monthly column for nearly 20 years. “Good luck with your career that is based on self-promotion and self-aggrandizement,” the magazine’s editor wrote in an e-mail. The Los Angeles-based Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) posted condemnations of Abou El Fadl on the American Muslims Intent on Learning and Activism (AMILA) Internet site. And, several days after he published another contentious op-ed this summer, a lawyer with ties to MPAC began representing Abou El Fadl’s ex-wife of ten years in a custody battle. “My son has been living with me for the past ten years. Suddenly, their lawyer is representing her in her lawsuit filed against me,” he says. “They’ve made it personal.” In an e-mail to Abou El Fadl, MPAC denied all involvement in the custody suit.

Last month, Abou El Fadl had been scheduled to lecture at the University of Kuwait on the subject of Islam and democracy. He’d been looking forward to the talk, a rare opportunity to address Islamic intellectuals in the Middle East. But, a week before the lecture, he caught wind of a disturbing rumor. A dissident within the Saudi government told a friend of his that the Saudis planned to pick him up and make him disappear. “The Kuwaitis would say, `We don’t know what happened,’” he explains. “Everyone would be interested for a while; then, it would be forgotten like everyone else.” Abou El Fadl canceled the trip.

Even within the confines of Western academia, the Saudis have attempted to impose their Wahhabist interpretation of Islam, to re-create their takeover of Al Azhar. And, just as with the Azharis, their primary inducement has been monetary. There’s no better way to gauge the Saudi effort than by reading off the names of prominent Middle Eastern studies departments and the gifts they have received from the Saudi royal family. Five years ago, King Fahd gave Oxford University more than $30 million to its Islamic Studies Center. In 1994, the University of Arkansas received a $20 million grant to begin the King Fahd Program for Middle East Studies. Thanks to a $5 million gift, U.C. Berkeley now houses the Sultan Bin Abdel Aziz Program in Arab Studies. Even Harvard has a chair, currently occupied by legal scholar Frank Vogel, called the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Adjunct Professor of Islamic Legal Studies--and subsidized by at least $5 million from the Saudis.

Ever since Abou El Fadl’s days as a graduate student at Princeton, the Saudis have plied him with similar offers of wealth. In 1991, before he’d finished his dissertation, the Muslim World League offered him $100,000 to write a book on Islam; in return, however, it demanded “final editorial control.” Abou El Fadl rejected the offer. Seven years later, the Saudis offered to nominate him for the $200,000 King Faisal award. After a preliminary phone call, Abou El Fadl stopped returning the Saudis’ messages; they’d made him uncomfortable with too many leading questions about the “enemies of Islam.” But, despite his past rejections, the Saudis have kept trying. Last year, they offered Abou El Fadl and his “guests” an all-expenses-paid “VIP” trip to Mecca for Hajj.

Abou El Fadl has rejected the offers because he’s seen what Saudi patronage has done to the scholarship of his colleagues. He calls Vogel’s book on Saudi law, Islamic Law and Legal System: Studies of Saudi Arabia, “an embarrassment.” (Vogel says he has no qualms about accepting Saudi money. “I saw it as something very much in the greater good of the Muslim world and particularly of Saudi Arabia,” he told NPR in 1993.) In Abou El Fadl’s view, the Saudi contributions have exacerbated the shift in Middle Eastern studies away from critical, secular analyses of modernization toward celebrations of Islamist “civil society.” As the Washington Institute for Near East Policy’s Martin Kramer puts it, “The last places to look for anything critical are Berkeley and Harvard. There’s nothing out there on opposition trends in Saudi Arabia. Because even if you aren’t getting money, you’re trying to get in the game.”

To give me a sense of the Saudi advantage on the intellectual battlefield, Abou El Fadl took me on a tour of his massive home library. First, he showed me a Saudi-published five-volume set listing Islamic texts that good Muslims should never read. According to Abou El Fadl, the Saudis have even banned some of the works of their most important ahl-al-hadith jurist, the thirteenth-century Syrian Ibn Taymiyyah. Next, he pulled several books from the shelves. One, a volume from Riyadh, is leather-bound with a gold-leaf pattern on the spine that, when lined up with other books on the shelf, makes up a lovely mosaic. Next, he showed me the work of an important moderate jurist from Cairo. The pages have a quality a bit higher than toilet paper, and the printing looks like it was run off a mimeograph machine. Only 100 copies of the book exist, and, despite its low quality, it is expensive. The Wahhabi texts, by contrast, are not only beautiful, they’re cheap, thanks to heavy subsidies from the Saudis.

“Islam is about the subjective engagement,” Abou El Fadl told me, neatly encapsulating how his theological vision differs from the strident absolutism of Wahhabism. But, because he believes the true meaning of Islam should be continually debated, hashed out in arguments between jurists, he finds himself rhetorically disadvantaged when facing opponents who lay claim to ultimate truth. This asymmetrical warfare was on display last month, when Abou El Fadl went to Qatar to debate the morality of suicide bombings with Islamist Sheik Youssef al-Qaradawi, who preaches on the TV network Al Jazeera. (Al-Qaradawi had previously announced that those who shook hands with Shimon Peres should wash their hands “seven times, one time with dirt.”) Abou El Fadl only agreed to the trip because the State Department had helped organize it and guaranteed his safety. Bodyguards maintained a constant watch over his hotel room.

In a conference room at the Doha Ritz Carlton, Abou El Fadl pointed out the logical inconsistencies in al-Qaradawi’s defense of suicide bombing and cited pre-modern Islamic jurists on the ethics of revenge. But such details were of no interest to al-Qaradawi. According to Abou El Fadl, al-Qaradawi told the crowd of Muslim intellectuals and foreign journalists, “I don’t know why brother Abou El Fadl keeps needlessly complicating things; Islam is against such complications,” before going on to cite statistics about the murders of Palestinian children. By the end of the debate, Abou El Fadl felt that he’d been mocked, ignored, and rhetorically run over. Al-Qaradawi stopped addressing him by his proper title--sheik--and, as he left the stage, refused to shake hands. “It wasn’t a fair fight,” one participant told me later.

Two weeks after he returned from Qatar, Abou El Fadl got a visit from the FBI. The State Department, the agents told him, had asked them to set up a meeting: It wanted to ensure that his criticism of al-Qaradawi didn’t result in any physical harm. Already, al-Qaradawi had mentioned their debate on his website, and it had unleashed a torrent of response. A group of social scientists in Egypt had e-mailed Abou El Fadl to tell him that they “prayed God would return him to a straight path.” And he received similar messages from Jordan and elsewhere. A few days before the FBI visited, we had discussed the debate and the consequences of challenging popular imams. As he spoke, he stroked his blind terrier, Lulu. With a resigned tone, he told me, “There may need to be sacrificial lambs. I’m going to play this role and speak my conscience.”
« Last Edit: April 26, 2024, 06:22:34 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: The Life of a Liberal Muslim
« Reply #49 on: September 21, 2016, 01:16:52 PM »

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Irshad Manji and anyone else who seeks to question current Islamic doctrine end up needing security details.

And it isn't to protect them from rednecks in pickups.