Author Topic: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues; foreign manipulation of US media  (Read 1123552 times)


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #3150 on: May 03, 2021, 08:17:55 AM »
Curious coincidence that Pravda on the Hudson and Pravda on the Potomac are 'fessing up in the immediate aftermath of the Rudy raid.


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we keep hearing about the "threat of domestic terror"
« Reply #3151 on: May 04, 2021, 02:43:55 PM »
I have yet to hear what evidence do they have for this imminent threat

a bunch of chats.

I find this from the DC compost
it is truly amazing how MSM manipulates the data

exaggerates and defines Right wing terror while ignoring or poo pahing  Left wing "crimes" to manipulate the numbers .

Like the black guy who committed "suicide by cop" not being categorized as domestic terror.

just prior to DOJ under Garland asking for another 80 million for domestic terror funding .

we all know who they are looking at and why .   :-(

The new endless DNC/media cabal talking point
CAn just picture Cuomo's face right up in ours looking so serious and grim while talking some retired gov official paid by CNN the liked of McCabe or other skewing all the data etc

he will be discussing this in the next few days now for sure


« Last Edit: May 04, 2021, 02:49:04 PM by ccp »


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Democrat partisan Daily Beast mentions election fraud
« Reply #3154 on: May 14, 2021, 04:06:34 PM »

this is new

here is why:

makes more sense to post in this thread then "election fraud" thread


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AP offices blown to rubble in Gaza
« Reply #3155 on: May 15, 2021, 02:11:30 PM »

of course nothing stated about who / what was in the rest of the buiding

this would have been perfect place for terrorists to hide out  - under the "protection"
of the Associated Palestinians , excuse me , I mean Associated Press.


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Re: AP offices blown to rubble in Gaza
« Reply #3156 on: May 15, 2021, 10:44:30 PM »

of course nothing stated about who / what was in the rest of the buiding

this would have been perfect place for terrorists to hide out  - under the "protection"
of the Associated Palestinians , excuse me , I mean Associated Press.

“If AP did not know that Hamas was in the building, then they are incompetent reporters. If AP knew that Hamas was in the building but kept silent, then they are complicit. If AP comprehended that it would be used as a human shield, then it is a Hamas collaborator.”
     PJ Media commenter


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hamas in same building as AP
« Reply #3157 on: May 16, 2021, 02:39:44 PM »

"If AP did not know that Hamas was in the building, then they are incompetent reporters. If AP knew that Hamas was in the building but kept silent, then they are complicit."

almost certainly the latter
 who would think for one second they did not know and enjoyed the immediate news feed propaganda to report the Palestinian side as fast as it comes in .

you know the Amanpour types.

they are lucky as shit the IDF notified them to escape with their petty little lives before the building blown to smitherines

in my view


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Bongino Monday on radio
« Reply #3161 on: May 23, 2021, 08:05:58 AM »

Watching him on Fox
   He is not as cool calm and collected as Rush.
   Calling Geraldo names and yelling at him (though right ) would not have been Rush's style.


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Media, AP (and others) "Fact check" should fact check themselves
« Reply #3163 on: May 26, 2021, 08:28:16 AM »

AP FACT CHECK: House GOP falsely blames Biden for gas prices

You have to be a complete political economic ignoramous to not know gas prices are up because Joe Biden won the election and Democrats control Congress.

Gas prices went up with that news and then again with his first act as President shutting down a key pipeline.  Democrats in control especially the ones holding Biden's strings are not hiding the fact that they want you off of fossil fuels and they will do that by limiting the supply.

LIMITING SUPPLY CAUSES PRICES TO INCREASE, all other thinks equal.  Look it up.

They WANT price increases.  They CAUSE price increases.  Then they dodge the blame using neutral sounding sources like AP as their stooges.

Electricity prices are already more than double what they should be because of Democrat policies, which like the Fannie Mae financial meltdown include the acts of Republican in name only implementing, suporting and continuing the Democrat agenda.  Who does THAT hurt?  Are the rich worried about their electric bill, or is it the poor and working people who live paycheck to paycheck most affected?

Nice thing about gas prices is that they post them on giant signs and everyone driving by is affected.  Media can't hide that.  Maybe they should post the payroll taxes they take from young Democrat earners on giant signs.


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I'm so old I remember when CNN sought to be the best, most thorough news network in the world.  Now they are Acosta, Fredo, et al.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2021, 10:35:59 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Media, AP (and others) "Fact check" should fact check themselves
« Reply #3165 on: May 26, 2021, 09:59:30 AM »
High gas prices are caused by cisgender heteronormism, structural racism and Rand Paul!

AP FACT CHECK: House GOP falsely blames Biden for gas prices

You have to be a complete political economic ignoramous to not know gas prices are up because Joe Biden won the election and Democrats control Congress.

Gas prices went up with that news and then again with his first act as President shutting down a key pipeline.  Democrats in control especially the ones holding Biden's strings are not hiding the fact that they want you off of fossil fuels and they will do that by limiting the supply.

LIMITING SUPPLY CAUSES PRICES TO INCREASE, all other thinks equal.  Look it up.

They WANT price increases.  They CAUSE price increases.  Then they dodge the blame using neutral sounding sources like AP as their stooges.

Electricity prices are already more than double what they should be because of Democrat policies, which like the Fannie Mae financial meltdown include the acts of Republican in name only implementing, suporting and continuing the Democrat agenda.  Who does THAT hurt?  Are the rich worried about their electric bill, or is it the poor and working people who live paycheck to paycheck most affected?

Nice thing about gas prices is that they post them on giant signs and everyone driving by is affected.  Media can't hide that.  Maybe they should post the payroll taxes they take from young Democrat earners on giant signs.


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Media, Ministry of Truth Issues, Treacher, Burge, Modern 'Journalism'
« Reply #3167 on: May 28, 2021, 08:34:08 AM »
Hat Tip PJ Media Instapundit.  Quite prescient, note the dates 2014, 2013.  Bringing these to the top here.  These apply to the Pravda screeners at Google,  Facebook, Twitter as well:


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Media Issues, Mr. President, What flavor is it?! Enough Said.
« Reply #3168 on: May 28, 2021, 05:40:00 PM »
This came from Ace of Spades in a G M post:

Presidential press core:  "Mr. President, What flavor is it?!"  [The ice cream cone]


And that's all the questions we're taking for today.  Thank you everyone.

Can you imagine the deranged-stream media asking Trump that?

Could have been:  "Mr. President, How come Memorial Day gas prices are the highest they've been since the Obama-Biden administration?! 

« Last Edit: May 28, 2021, 05:57:07 PM by DougMacG »


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Ice cream jerk (I mean Jo)
« Reply #3169 on: May 29, 2021, 08:20:06 AM »
ice cream

tell me if I am wrong

The Big GUY  stated he is eating chocolate chocolate chip

but if you ask me it is NOT chocolate chocolate chip

it is chocolate chip period - ice cream  looks (from screen) vanilla

remember how MSM MOCKED Trump for eating McDonalds or drinking Cokes ?

If I am correct the story should be:
 he can't even get his ice cream right....

Yet he is a master of foreign policy on the world stage

« Last Edit: May 29, 2021, 08:21:44 AM by ccp »


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A Big Lie
« Reply #3170 on: May 30, 2021, 09:01:19 AM »
the media had no idea Hamas was in the their building in Gaza:

A bit long but the article cited in the 2014 Atlantic piece
 about the prejudice of "jurnolisters" covering the Israel Palestinian situation
 and how they are in a sort of club that to join , participate in , and write about, it follows  a
 describing  Israel as a moral failure.


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MSM now admit due to Trump making the claims
« Reply #3171 on: June 01, 2021, 04:46:04 PM »

now they have their dude and dudess. safely in office
I still have not heard evidence that the virus leaked from the lab that is really something new that we have NOT HEARDS all along

we knew scientists had gotten sick early on
we knew it was too coicidental it started around one of the few labs in the world doing that research
and we could see miles away the CCP were covering it up
and we could plainly see they blocked travel to inside China but not the rest of the world

of course they knowingly released it to the world

even Faucis denying it seemed quits suspicious from day one

hard to believe someone so savvy he retains his job throughout several presidencies is so naive he trusts Chinese communists


I can't for the screaming that will occur from election audits

the looks of pure hatred on CNN analysts

when some one challenges their made up "big Lie"


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NYT = Propaganda arm of the Democrat Party
« Reply #3172 on: June 03, 2021, 04:18:49 AM »
« Last Edit: June 03, 2021, 04:21:48 AM by DougMacG »


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Toobin CNN
« Reply #3175 on: June 11, 2021, 06:44:14 AM »
I guess they think he can boost failing ratings

just keep his mouth shut
and watch his face while hands are down below out of the screen


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Rep. Bryan Donalds bumped from Mario's kid's show
« Reply #3176 on: June 11, 2021, 02:03:20 PM »
for pencil neck:

yet harvard lawyer mba grad who is "in therapy" when not serving at breadlines for masturbating
is with apparently allowed back
must be  a Jewish jurnolister club thing between him and Zucker and reprevious cnn guy Klein


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Chris Wallace a registered Democrat
« Reply #3177 on: June 14, 2021, 11:25:45 AM »
Clearly his contempt for Trump is obvious and surely he voted for Clinton and Biden

but I did not realize it was known for sure he is a crat:

I say let him leave Fox and get MSM job
Conservatives like myself who watch Fox hate him and do not trust him



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Re: Chris Wallace a registered Democrat
« Reply #3178 on: June 14, 2021, 07:17:19 PM »
I agree. He had a good run as a registered Democrat trying to run a neutral program on a conservative network.  He crossed the line for me at the disaster known as the debate. I wrote to Fox and I haven't watched him since.


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Fox journalist bashes Fox - while on air with the company she works for
« Reply #3179 on: June 15, 2021, 10:49:34 AM »

she will not win brownie points from me
for a cowardly act


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #3180 on: June 15, 2021, 10:55:59 AM »
I await the specifics.


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Media, "Rush Limbaugh" Show ends today
« Reply #3181 on: June 18, 2021, 11:33:02 AM »
It's been a tough time for conservatives on radio since Rush's somewhat sudden departure.

We first heard the name Dan Bongino.  More recently, a duo of Clay Travis and Buck Sexton was announced to take his slot.  Rush is a nearly impossible act to follow.  He was both informative and entertaining.  It wasn't the gimmicks like the update songs; it was content and delivery.

Anyway, good luck to whoever goes next.  Maybe if the replacements do not monopolize market share, there will be room for 'more voices and more choices' on more stations putting out the good word of love of freedom.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2021, 11:56:42 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #3182 on: June 18, 2021, 12:04:19 PM »
I am not always sure who I am listening to

I think I heard Travis

and maybe Buck

they are good - and so far probably a better fit for Rush's audience perhaps then Dan Bongino
whose tone is a bit harsh for dittos heads.  (tho he is someone I agree with 90% of the time)

However, I do get turned off when they start playing recordings of Rush for long periods.
Not sure why but perhaps because I already likely heard it.

While some of the recordings are quite prescient,
  Rush is gone and I want to hear the latest.

Just my take

Agree, we do have more voices out there
and that is great!


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #3183 on: June 18, 2021, 06:25:18 PM »
I take the Rush clips to show that the new hosts are part of the same mission as Rush.  After they become established in their own right I anticipate the Rush clips receding.

For the record, the rhythm of my day does not have me listening to the show all that often-- and that was the case for Rush as well.


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yahoo news s
« Reply #3185 on: July 01, 2021, 02:44:25 PM »
same as CNN

look at the photo of the author:

look at  the  guy in the center from the movie :

They both look the same but I recall the guy in the movie was quite smart.


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MSM not covering this for some reason...
« Reply #3186 on: July 02, 2021, 10:48:40 AM »


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Chris Wallace (D ) again
« Reply #3191 on: July 11, 2021, 02:11:48 PM »

So blacks can not vote by drive through in Houston (like the rest of the state)
so they are being suppressed is Wallace's going to the end of the Earth to find a way to make it look as though the Texas voting law "suppresses " votes.  Right....... :wink:

It is so easy to resolve this :

No Republican ever go on his show again!
Why can our side not simply do this ?  Every Sunday a prominent R goes on his show and gets ambushed .  And every week another Republican does the same thing.  How stupid .
He is not worth it.

He would then only be able to get crats on his show and we will see if he does the same BS to them.

Then when no one watches he will be fired.


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Narrative Agenda Media
« Reply #3193 on: July 16, 2021, 08:16:53 AM »
A friend from the other side mentioned this week that the news is a lot calmer now that Trump is out.  A point in favor of Dems he made in follow up was that, like them or not, at least the Obama administration had no real scandals.

This guy is honest, great guy (with an exclamation point), multi-decade friend, really helped a mutual friend in a time of need, served his country as a US Marine, happens to be black, knows I am conservative, and we weren't even arguing, he was just pointing out what he learned by living through these times following ordinary amounts of media coverage.  No Obama administration scandals.

In response I mentioned the IRS targeting scandal, far worse than anything Nixon ever did, stopped all his opponents from organizing coming into his own reelection.  He hadn't heard a word of it.

I don't see how we unite a country where there are two sets of news with no overlap at least on their side.  We aren't seeing the same news, facts or issues. 

Over at Instapundit they say, paraphrase:  Journalism, cover the biggest story, with a pillow, until it stops breathing.  Either it fits the narrative, it advances the agenda, or it can't get even a mention no matter how big a story it is.

Case in point, this morning over on the election fraud thread:

This IS a big story, or it is not.  There is no middle ground for media.

"74,000 Ballots Returned with No Record of Ever Being Sent: Shocking AZ Audit Update"

Biden win margin = 11,779

Big story, when you get a chance, could you post the NYT, NPR, WashPost or WSJ link to it.     :wink:

I can't find it.
Not a word.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2021, 08:30:01 AM by DougMacG »


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Fukk Fox
« Reply #3195 on: July 16, 2021, 08:54:33 PM »


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I did not know Cavuto has so much say at Fox
« Reply #3196 on: July 17, 2021, 07:43:52 AM »
Besides his management job, Cavuto also runs three of his own shows, “Cavuto Live,” “Coast to Coast,” and “Your World with Neil Cavuto.”

Funny I had no idea
As soon as I see him I change the channel.

Besides boring he has nothing interesting to say

I agree about Tucker ,  I look forward to his show as well as Great One Mark Levin
who has a show  :-D
Steve Hilton as good but his conversations with guests are mostly repetitive and lose my interest after 10 minutes.

Kudlow has been good and a few others on Fox business
Maria still turns me on.

So there are others at Fox
So Cavuto I ignore
 but that sniveling little mouse face Wallace I seen not to be able to ignore because he always had to have his usual ambush theme to himself his self serving headlines and to "prove "
 to anyone who listens what a tough interviewing "journalist" he is .

News max is very good
and I watch that more

Gutfield is a waste of time
  once in while I laugh but just not interesting
Hannity is with the program but too much a broken record repeating the same memorized lines over

Ingraham ok
   best when she has Dinesh D'Souza on who has talent to express thoughts I only wish I had

VDH of course ALWAYS great to listen to - even if he didn't answer my email -  :-)

The daytime shows are mostly a total waste
  and yes the endless parade of girls with the 1 inch makeup and the tight body forming outfits
  of choreographed colors ......  dressing them up like barbies is not going to get me to watch if
  the topics and discussions are worthless and boring ..........


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #3197 on: July 17, 2021, 08:41:49 AM »
Yes to Mark Levin!

"Kudlow has been good and a few others on Fox business; Maria still turns me on."