Author Topic: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left  (Read 521991 times)


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force not nudge
« Reply #1900 on: June 05, 2023, 10:30:52 AM »

is out

FORCE is in and if you don't like it be doxxed ,
humiliated , demoted , pay cut , or plain fired ! - GET IT !


is out

Larry Fink , another one, will tell us all what to do now:


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soros family visiting the WH over and over again
« Reply #1901 on: June 11, 2023, 06:31:44 AM »
George Alex Soros

visited WH 14 times

where are the complaints from I feel the burn Sanders, or Pochahantas about this.?

Alex -  adds abortion and voting rights too.

[lets rig it more for Crats]

that said who doesn't think George wasn't already doing that through endless DNC "causes"

was it true that Rockefeller bought the 1896 election for McKinley and promoted TR for VP thinking that would get him out of the way only to get screwed when McKinley got murdered and TR then became Pres and from there went on a trust busting rampage

money corrupts all the time.........


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Get woke, go broke
« Reply #1903 on: July 31, 2023, 01:35:44 PM »
Ford is set to lose 4.5 Billion on EVs this year.  Not counting that the feds subsidized each sale with thousands!

I don't know if Ford or if they were just convinced this is the direction the market is turning. Some reports say, EVs are not selling unless the brand name is tesla.

Didn't Ford make a fortune with the F-150? Does anyone see the F-150 buyer as someone looking to buy an EV?

Reminds me that I took my money out of the market, mutual funds that were probably holding Ford.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #1904 on: August 01, 2023, 04:24:12 AM »
When I bought my Ford Maverick the base model was a hybrid.  I spend a few thousand more so that I could get the all gasoline model.

I remember the story of Lindbergh choosing to fly a single engine aircraft for the first flight across the Atlantic being a double engined plane would have twice the chance of something going wrong and it would not fly on one alone.

Besides, I remembered my wife's Toyota hybrid braking system being sensitive to my , , , natural ways and the battery being sensitive to running down when playing the radio when sitting with the engine off.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #1905 on: August 01, 2023, 07:23:02 AM »
Right.  I like the hybrids, regenerative braking makes sense, but you are exactly right about what can and will go wrong with increased complexity. You can't let the car sit for example; must be driven. (How does that save gas?). The small SUV (Ford Escape hybrid) I like for winter sat too long and wouldn't start. I suspected the big battery needed a charge but there's no easy way for the user to do that. I took it to the Ford dealer. They said the charging mechanism is in the transmission, needs replacing, $20k, 5 times what I paid for the used vehicle originally. We hauled it home, learned a little online, bought a $40 charger, removed the 150 lb battery (with help), charged it overnight and it has worked ever since, so far....

To the thread title, increased complexity should be a choice not a mandate. These people have no idea or care for what your need or use will be.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2023, 07:27:43 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #1906 on: August 01, 2023, 08:39:05 AM »
"To the thread title, increased complexity should be a choice not a mandate. These people have no idea or care for what your need or use will be."

but then how can the auto makers justify jacking up the prices ?   :wink:

I lease.  yes, may cost a bit more but then the cars are so new I never need to worry about repairs.

I have been getting good deals since I am repeat customer.

No EV for me (yet) but then I don't drive much .

Guessing my whole yr of driving uses less carbon then one John Kerry flight to Europe to find further ways to destroy our sovereignty

Is Tesla worth the money ?


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #1907 on: August 02, 2023, 07:33:38 AM »
Is Tesla worth the money ?

(Doug). The car or the stock?

Both depend on the tax credit which is public money foolishness.  The cars themselves are great, smooth, quiet, very disruptive to the other luxury car makers.  (Is any new luxury car worth the money?)

The idea this solves energy and environmental issues is crazy.  The grid runs on carbon (natural gas, also coal) more than any other source, is already overloaded and we aren't adding new nuclear, night sunshine, magical batteries or any other new sources at this time.

On the crazy valuations of hot, newer companies like Tesla, I don't know.  My guess is these other manufacturers, BMW EVs etc pay Tesla technology licensing royalties.  I know Ford has to pay Toyota  for Prius technology to build and sell hybrids.  Tesla moving into China is interesting.  How will he protect his parents there? Doesn't that add economic risk, war, trade wars, etc.?

My instinct on any investment in these screwed up times is go run and hide (unless you know what you're doing).


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NYT David Brooks, confessions of an elitest
« Reply #1908 on: August 03, 2023, 05:48:32 AM »
I'm not a fan of David Brooks, but this column is strangely interesting.  He makes a point I have (inarticulately) tried to make to liberals, if you don't want a Trump phenomenon to win half or more of the country, don't act and govern in such extreme ways.

He only gives a few examples, but this applies to almost every topic on the forum. Don't leave the border open and let a quarter of a million people a month flood in if you don't want support for a leader like Trump to emerge promising to build a wall. Don't have the highest corporate business tax rates in the developed world, where companies and headquarters are leaving, if you don't want the political pendulum to swing back the other way. Don't build a tax system no one can read or comply with if you don't want reformers to gain popularity.   Don't spend trillions more we don't have or blatantly pay billions to cronies and alter election rules in order to win.  Don't have men in women's swimsuits, women's swim races, on women's champion podiums, or naked with their male genitalia showing in women's locker rooms if you don't want the center of the country to rise up and say stop it. Most of all, don't let the deep state take over everything and prosecute free speech and political speech if you don't want the heartland to rise up in angry resistance.

(I'm so old I remember when) Bill Clinton had to run as a "new democrat" because everybody knew at that time that these far left policies were unelectable nationwide. Then he governed his first two years as an old Democrat and lost Congress for the first time in 40 years.

Republicans didn't repeal Obamacare, but did win the House of Representatives over it, then the Senate from their once 60 vote majority, and then the White House in response to Leftism gone too far.

Brooks senses this happening again. He is warning NYT readers that they could hold power longer if the leftist overreach wasn't so sudden, so constant and so extreme.  That's pretty good advice IMHO. 

He makes ONE BIG MISTAKE.  He refers to the conservatives in the heartland as "less educated", perpetuating the elitist mentality of his publication and his readers. A more humble approach for a  column of humility would be to acknowledge these people are receiving a different education, not less education.

If you had two identical twins finishing college and one went on to grad school for most of his / her 20s and earned a Masters and then a PhD in the social sciences, or any field, and the other started, grew and ran a small business during that time, with all the challenges that go with that, is one of them less educated or could we admit the two of them are differently educated? He might want to consider that in his contrition.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2023, 06:19:04 AM by DougMacG »


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Cognitive Dissonance of the Left, protect the rapists
« Reply #1909 on: August 05, 2023, 07:35:53 AM »

This is the Left in their own words, think about their priorities. No interest in finding the attackers or preventing the next woman from being raped. Not compared to the need to protect the innocent image of the  "migrants".

In their mind, you can't handle the truth.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #1910 on: August 05, 2023, 08:38:12 AM »
Pre-emptive dhimmitude!


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is the LEFT that stupid
« Reply #1911 on: August 08, 2023, 01:02:27 PM »
they cannot see why we hate them so much?

they are so sure of their convictions that anyone who does not agree
is either insane or  a fool who follows Trump

and PS ,

what is this scumbucket Kearns actually suggesting with "organization"

sounds like a call to fix the election if you ask me.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2023, 01:04:36 PM by ccp »


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Cognitive Dissonance of the Left, sorry, who are the fascists?
« Reply #1912 on: August 09, 2023, 06:49:48 AM »
A response to David Brooks.  Must read, start to finish IMHO.


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Cognitive Dissonance of the Left
« Reply #1913 on: August 20, 2023, 05:05:15 AM »
Trump is already ineligible to serve, without a conviction.

That's what the left is reading this morning, by "highly credentialed academics".
« Last Edit: August 20, 2023, 05:26:59 AM by DougMacG »


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"Conservatives turn Liberal Language against them"
« Reply #1914 on: August 20, 2023, 05:43:47 PM »
Two problems with this CNN story, it is the liberals turning people against their madness, and since when are they entitled to creating a new language.

"Mention almost any touchstone phrase adopted by the left in recent years — “critical race theory,” “diversity,” “global warming,” even the word “liberal” itself — and it has been redefined or tarnished by conservatives."


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #1915 on: August 21, 2023, 06:26:51 AM »
"Almost every touchstone phrase adopted by liberals in recent years — “critical race theory,” “diversity,” “global warming,” even the word “liberal” itself—has been redefined or tarnished by conservatives. How did they do it? It’s called “verbal jiujutsu.”

well lets break this down

CRT - > reverse racism

Diversity - >. reverse racism preference of non whites over whites

global warming -> every single weather event and everything else on the planet is due to man made climate change - absurd and leading to chaos in the economy
   unneeded panic and stupid policies

liberalism - > force everyone into their own ideology by financial employment shaming means

LBGTQ rights - > they already have but force everyone to celebrate it and influence children to increase their numbers

Yet if we point this out it is verbal Ju Jitsu - > not true  the verbal ju jitsu comes from the LEFT

example : A Biden spending bill named the inflation reduction act  he admits has nothing to do with inflation

I could go on.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #1917 on: August 23, 2023, 06:28:18 AM »
From another thread:

The Left

It’s not exactly news the political divide in our country is… pretty deep. And pretty acrimonious and growing more extreme. If you doubt that, try and imagine yourself only five years ago and ask yourself what you’d have thought if someone had told you one side would be fighting passionately for the right of parents to surgically mutilate their children – or worse, the power to take children away from one parent and give them to the other who wanted to mutilate them.

To some it seems like a dispute between two models of governance, and that’s at least partly correct. But though the left model is pretty well articulated: soul engineering, central control, top-down my-way-or-the-highway, the opposition on the right is not nearly as well defined.

Purely in terms of the oppositional dynamics what we have is a situation where the federal government has become so powerful to the point it has occurred to some that they must never let power change hands again, the danger the Founders feared.

And given no one is immune to the corrupting effects of power the question of which side is most dangerous. The answer is, the side which has been ascendant the longest of course. And today, that’s the Left. So…

What is the left?
-   That part of the political spectrum historically concerned with obtaining the support of the bottom half of society, ranging from the moderate left to full-on communism. (Note I said, “the side concerned with obtaining the support of” not “benefitting.”)
-   But like all social movements, the leadership is at the top end of society the aristocracy, either by birth or adoption. During revolutionary times it is comprised of ambitious middle classes, the so-called noveau riche and disaffected members of the upper class. (Stick a pin in that.)
-   The very bottom of society comprises: low-wage earners and the disabled,  but also the unemployable, the insane, and low-end criminals. Both victims of misfortune and those who’ve fallen to the bottom due to poor life choices. Leftists at the top of society cannot or will not recognize the difference.
-   The line that defines “bottom half” also runs through the middle class and high-wage working class. Whether the middle identify as left or right may be determined by whether they see government as either, 1) the guarantor they do not fall downwards, or 2) as an obstacle to working their way further upwards.
-   Today the left has lost the working class and now base themselves in a coalition of minorities – which they automatically characterize as part of the bottom half and lacking in “privilege” no matter how wealthy and influential they may be. Thus billionaires like Oprah can count themselves as unprivileged minorities with a straight face.
-   While rightists can generally describe the left accurately, leftists cannot describe the right and when attempting to describe right-wing views create a grotesque caricature at best. This has been confirmed by research, most notably in Moral Foundations theory.
-   While there is both a moderate left and a hard left as in every movement, the hard left is at present in control of the movement.
-   Note that EVERY movement has a tendency to become controlled by its most extreme elements. Because they are the ones ready to devote themselves heart and soul to the movement. The rest of us have lives. Passion is power.
-   Despite their professed concern for the poor and powerless they are elitist to the core and believe in rule by an enlightened ruling class rather than the rule of impartial laws.
-   They implicitly believe in the inferiority of minorities and the poor, believing them incapable of rising by their own efforts no matter what opportunities they are given.
-   The moderate left may be just as horrified by the crimes of communism as the right, but the difference is of degree, not basic principle. They are totalitarian by nature, by the very definition of the man who invented the term. “Tutto all'interno dello stato. Niente fuori dallo stato. Niente contro lo Stato”  “Everything within the state. Nothing outside the state. Nothing against the state.” – Benito Mussolini.
-   Though the Hard Left calls themselves “Progressives” they are anything but progressive, they revert to the oldest model of politics in history, the rule of the strong and (allegedly) wise.
-   They despise liberty, but feel compelled to pay lip service to it – for now.

The Leftist approach to what they call “social justice” is: hierarchical, top-down, one-size-fits-all, my-way-or-the-highway. When they see a problem their first instinct is not to approach it with private, voluntary means, but to pass laws and create new government offices.
-   Any suggestion that resources available to address social problems are finite and must be allocated intelligently is met with moral outrage.
-   Their default assumption is that ordinary people are helpless to support and take care of themselves without preferential legislation and massive subsidies. In time this creates a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The Leftist model of governance is failing catastrophically, due among other things to:
-   The increased complexity of government resulting from regulatory burdens that hamper production and growth.
-   The enlargement of government resulting in the withdrawal of more and more educated people from productive work in the private sector.
-   The diversion of wealth into patronage for supporters.
-   The chaos and waste of resources caused by attempts to “soul engineer” i.e. make people good according to their vision of the good via manipulation of language and censorship.
-   Attempts to increase upward social-economic mobility for some, which result in destroying the already established institutions that historically provided the means for the poor to rise. (See the history of City College of New York, “The Harvard of the Proletariat.”)
-   Ignoring human nature. Note defunding the police and the subsequent rise of crime in poorer neighborhoods.

They react to the failure of their model by doubling down on everything that causes it to fail and finding scapegoats to blame for the failure.

The left is utopian rather than pragmatic.

-   A lot of the injustice they see is just life.
-   The idea that “the perfect is the enemy of the good” and the corollary rule-of-thumb “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” are anathema to them. They favor change for the sake of change, confident it will always tend towards perfection -  as long as they direct it.
-   They are impatient with established rules and procedures and see them as institutionalized barriers to achieving The Good.
-   For them the end justifies the means. If the end is perfection, what wouldn’t be justified to achieve it?
-   For many years in many countries leftists have seen criminals as "primitive rebels" (as in the title of the book by Marxist historian Eric Hobsbaum) engaged in "social banditry."
-   Part of the utopian view is to see planning and purpose everywhere. So failure to achieve it is never due to bad decisions or even just bad luck, but of active villainy on someone’s part.
-   They are ferociously hostile towards religion. They seek to establish heaven on earth right now rather than in an afterlife or in the indefinite future.
-   Their ethics are strictly situational. They reject the notion of an action that is bad in and of itself rather than whether it serves their cause or not.
-   They maintain double standards for themselves and their opponents. Another word for which is “privilege,” the right to do that which is forbidden to others. And this is not hypocrisy! They see themselves as a separate and superior caste who must be judged by different standards than us peasants.
-   There is no end-point to their demands. They have no appreciation of diminishing marginal utility.
They do not argue for their position and against yours – they write the script for both sides of the argument, i.e. not against your position but what they say your position is. (Strawman.)
-   They do not appear to know what an argument is. (A set of propositions, one of which, the conclusion, is claimed to necessarily follow from the others.)
-   They rely on fallacies “the counterfeit of argument” to support their proposals, most often: Appeal to Pity and Ad Hominem.
-   They do not value free speech and the free play of ideas. Their reaction to any coherent contrary argument is to silence the arguer.
While claiming to be the “party of science” and to represent “the knowledge class” they believe and profess things directly contrary to what we know to be immutable scientific fact, such as their claim men can become women, get pregnant, etc.

They have to have enemies to excuse the failure of their model and rally their supporters with the strong social glue of grievance. Grievance which is fed by envy, “The only one of the seven deadly sins which brings the sinner no pleasure at all.”

-   The target of that grievance, the Enemy – is you. Anyone who doesn’t think like them. And we have arrived at a point at which why they think of you as the enemy is of no importance compared with the fact that they do.
-   They are not producing enough children to stay viable over generations, so they need yours to replenish their numbers via indoctrination. They have no respect for parental rights at all.
-   Moderate Democrats are in what amounts to an abusive relationship with the hard left. They will not let themselves see that the things that pass for normal on the hard left are nothing like normal, and are in fact quite insane.

The dilemma of the right, or the "non-left" in general.

-   They hate you, make no mistake about that. The level and kind of insult should make that plain to you. When they call you “Nazis” they are expressing a willingness to see you killed.
-   There is nothing you can say or do that will make them stop hating you. They need an enemy to hate to preserve the cohesion of their movement.
-   They say libertarian conservatives are racists, fascists, and Nazis. We know we are not.
-   They say conservatives are homophobes and this is more nuanced. There are those who don’t have anything against gays per se, but just don’t like them setting the agenda in education and entertainment. It feels too much like grooming.
-   They say conservatives want to return Black people to their status under (historically Democrat) Jim Crow. We know we want no such thing.
-   They say conservatives are transphobes. They’re more solid ground here, anyone who’ll volunteer to be castrated and surgically mutilated is pretty scary. And anyone who can talk kids into it is REALLY scary.

What all of this amounts to is othering conservatives, classical liberals, and moderate Democrats to the point they feel justified in assault, vandalism, and repression by means of organized rioting and politicized government agencies such as the DOJ and IRS.

It’s not going to get better in the foreseeable future.

Bottom line. To recapitulate they hate you. They can’t be persuaded not to hate you because they need someone to hate to give their movement cohesion.

If you belong to any of the groups they see as their client minorities, in essence their property, they hate you most of all and you are in the most danger from them.

You say, “Well I’ve got lots of friends who are leftists and I don’t feel they are dangerous to me.”

So do I, and I feel that way too about them. But – to quote Heinlein from his novel Methuselah’s Children. “I am not in danger from my neighbors and you are not in danger from yours, but I am in danger from your neighbors and you are in danger from mine.”

You need to make your plans and preparations accordingly.


Q: What percentage of the Left is really Hard Left?
A: Don’t know for sure but some estimates have it that “Progressives” are around 14-16% of the voting age population.

Q: How dangerous are they really?
A: Every totalitarian movement coming to power needs a thug corps. We saw the summer of riots a few years ago which produced relatively few casualties but billions of dollars of property damage. We also saw their tactics evolving. We saw training maneuvers designed among other things to sort out the “tooth to tail ratio.” To find out who among their ranks can be street fighters, who can stand incarceration, etc.

Q: But aren’t they a decentralized movement with no central command structure?
A: In a word, bullshit. We saw a sophisticated logistical support and supply system involving busing rioters from outside. The fact we cannot identify their command hierarchy with certainty should worry you.

Q: How bad is it going to get?
A: No clue. The left power base is confined to major cities with dense populations. It might stay there and make the cities progressively more unlivable. It might become something like the Troubles in Ireland, or worse La Violencia in Columbia. (Look it up.) Or it could burn itself out in a hurry and leave a minor footnote in history. (Well it might!) It’s a big country and the bulk of it will possibly not even notice much. I’ve heard that from expats living in rural Chile during the late troubles.

Q: You talk about plans and preparations, what kind of plans and preparations do you mean?
A: Up to you and your own individual threat assessment. I myself plan to live out in the sticks where violence is unlikely to penetrate with adequate preparation for supply train interruptions while I watch the world burn – or smoke and fizzle as the case may be.

Q: Do you think it could become a civil war?
A: We’re already in what amounts to a cold civil war. Will it become hot and if so how hot? Dunno, and where would it be fought? It’s not like everybody is going to dress up in their cammies and tacticool gear and head out to the national parks to duke it out. (Although the idea of holmgang has some merit to it..) Although as unlikely as that sounds to anyone living amid the broad treeless fields of the Midwest farm belt, one might remember General Grivas and the Cypriot insurgency.

Q: Aren’t you just being alarmist? We’ve been through bad stuff before as a country and always got through it.
A: Yes we have, but I urge you to remember this irrefutable historical truth. All predictions of social collapse come true – eventually.

I will leave you with Steve's Four Rules of Power, distilled from observations of totalitarian movements contemporary and historical. Listen, remember, and see if this doesn’t explain a lot of otherwise crazy stuff.

Demonstrate your power over others by:
1) Making them constantly afraid of giving offense unintentionally.
2) Making them give up cherished customs, symbols, pastimes, relationships.
3) Making them pay lip service to ideas of breathtaking absurdity.
4) Making them do things that disgust and repel them.
"As weird as it's gotten, it still hasn't gotten weird enough for me."


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What is the left?
« Reply #1918 on: August 23, 2023, 06:33:55 AM »
The Left

It’s not exactly news the political divide in our country is… pretty deep. And pretty acrimonious and growing more extreme. If you doubt that, try and imagine yourself only five years ago and ask yourself what you’d have thought if someone had told you one side would be fighting passionately for the right of parents to surgically mutilate their children – or worse, the power to take children away from one parent and give them to the other who wanted to mutilate them.

To some it seems like a dispute between two models of governance, and that’s at least partly correct. But though the left model is pretty well articulated: soul engineering, central control, top-down my-way-or-the-highway, the opposition on the right is not nearly as well defined.

Purely in terms of the oppositional dynamics what we have is a situation where the federal government has become so powerful to the point it has occurred to some that they must never let power change hands again, the danger the Founders feared.

And given no one is immune to the corrupting effects of power the question of which side is most dangerous. The answer is, the side which has been ascendant the longest of course. And today, that’s the Left. So…

What is the left?
-   That part of the political spectrum historically concerned with obtaining the support of the bottom half of society, ranging from the moderate left to full-on communism. (Note I said, “the side concerned with obtaining the support of” not “benefitting.”)
-   But like all social movements, the leadership is at the top end of society the aristocracy, either by birth or adoption. During revolutionary times it is comprised of ambitious middle classes, the so-called noveau riche and disaffected members of the upper class. (Stick a pin in that.)
-   The very bottom of society comprises: low-wage earners and the disabled,  but also the unemployable, the insane, and low-end criminals. Both victims of misfortune and those who’ve fallen to the bottom due to poor life choices. Leftists at the top of society cannot or will not recognize the difference.
-   The line that defines “bottom half” also runs through the middle class and high-wage working class. Whether the middle identify as left or right may be determined by whether they see government as either, 1) the guarantor they do not fall downwards, or 2) as an obstacle to working their way further upwards.
-   Today the left has lost the working class and now base themselves in a coalition of minorities – which they automatically characterize as part of the bottom half and lacking in “privilege” no matter how wealthy and influential they may be. Thus billionaires like Oprah can count themselves as unprivileged minorities with a straight face.
-   While rightists can generally describe the left accurately, leftists cannot describe the right and when attempting to describe right-wing views create a grotesque caricature at best. This has been confirmed by research, most notably in Moral Foundations theory.
-   While there is both a moderate left and a hard left as in every movement, the hard left is at present in control of the movement.
-   Note that EVERY movement has a tendency to become controlled by its most extreme elements. Because they are the ones ready to devote themselves heart and soul to the movement. The rest of us have lives. Passion is power.
-   Despite their professed concern for the poor and powerless they are elitist to the core and believe in rule by an enlightened ruling class rather than the rule of impartial laws.
-   They implicitly believe in the inferiority of minorities and the poor, believing them incapable of rising by their own efforts no matter what opportunities they are given.
-   The moderate left may be just as horrified by the crimes of communism as the right, but the difference is of degree, not basic principle. They are totalitarian by nature, by the very definition of the man who invented the term. “Tutto all'interno dello stato. Niente fuori dallo stato. Niente contro lo Stato”  “Everything within the state. Nothing outside the state. Nothing against the state.” – Benito Mussolini.
-   Though the Hard Left calls themselves “Progressives” they are anything but progressive, they revert to the oldest model of politics in history, the rule of the strong and (allegedly) wise.
-   They despise liberty, but feel compelled to pay lip service to it – for now.

The Leftist approach to what they call “social justice” is: hierarchical, top-down, one-size-fits-all, my-way-or-the-highway. When they see a problem their first instinct is not to approach it with private, voluntary means, but to pass laws and create new government offices.
-   Any suggestion that resources available to address social problems are finite and must be allocated intelligently is met with moral outrage.
-   Their default assumption is that ordinary people are helpless to support and take care of themselves without preferential legislation and massive subsidies. In time this creates a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The Leftist model of governance is failing catastrophically, due among other things to:
-   The increased complexity of government resulting from regulatory burdens that hamper production and growth.
-   The enlargement of government resulting in the withdrawal of more and more educated people from productive work in the private sector.
-   The diversion of wealth into patronage for supporters.
-   The chaos and waste of resources caused by attempts to “soul engineer” i.e. make people good according to their vision of the good via manipulation of language and censorship.
-   Attempts to increase upward social-economic mobility for some, which result in destroying the already established institutions that historically provided the means for the poor to rise. (See the history of City College of New York, “The Harvard of the Proletariat.”)
-   Ignoring human nature. Note defunding the police and the subsequent rise of crime in poorer neighborhoods.

They react to the failure of their model by doubling down on everything that causes it to fail and finding scapegoats to blame for the failure.

The left is utopian rather than pragmatic.

-   A lot of the injustice they see is just life.
-   The idea that “the perfect is the enemy of the good” and the corollary rule-of-thumb “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” are anathema to them. They favor change for the sake of change, confident it will always tend towards perfection -  as long as they direct it.
-   They are impatient with established rules and procedures and see them as institutionalized barriers to achieving The Good.
-   For them the end justifies the means. If the end is perfection, what wouldn’t be justified to achieve it?
-   For many years in many countries leftists have seen criminals as "primitive rebels" (as in the title of the book by Marxist historian Eric Hobsbaum) engaged in "social banditry."
-   Part of the utopian view is to see planning and purpose everywhere. So failure to achieve it is never due to bad decisions or even just bad luck, but of active villainy on someone’s part.
-   They are ferociously hostile towards religion. They seek to establish heaven on earth right now rather than in an afterlife or in the indefinite future.
-   Their ethics are strictly situational. They reject the notion of an action that is bad in and of itself rather than whether it serves their cause or not.
-   They maintain double standards for themselves and their opponents. Another word for which is “privilege,” the right to do that which is forbidden to others. And this is not hypocrisy! They see themselves as a separate and superior caste who must be judged by different standards than us peasants.
-   There is no end-point to their demands. They have no appreciation of diminishing marginal utility.
They do not argue for their position and against yours – they write the script for both sides of the argument, i.e. not against your position but what they say your position is. (Strawman.)
-   They do not appear to know what an argument is. (A set of propositions, one of which, the conclusion, is claimed to necessarily follow from the others.)
-   They rely on fallacies “the counterfeit of argument” to support their proposals, most often: Appeal to Pity and Ad Hominem.
-   They do not value free speech and the free play of ideas. Their reaction to any coherent contrary argument is to silence the arguer.
While claiming to be the “party of science” and to represent “the knowledge class” they believe and profess things directly contrary to what we know to be immutable scientific fact, such as their claim men can become women, get pregnant, etc.

They have to have enemies to excuse the failure of their model and rally their supporters with the strong social glue of grievance. Grievance which is fed by envy, “The only one of the seven deadly sins which brings the sinner no pleasure at all.”

-   The target of that grievance, the Enemy – is you. Anyone who doesn’t think like them. And we have arrived at a point at which why they think of you as the enemy is of no importance compared with the fact that they do.
-   They are not producing enough children to stay viable over generations, so they need yours to replenish their numbers via indoctrination. They have no respect for parental rights at all.
-   Moderate Democrats are in what amounts to an abusive relationship with the hard left. They will not let themselves see that the things that pass for normal on the hard left are nothing like normal, and are in fact quite insane.

The dilemma of the right, or the "non-left" in general.

-   They hate you, make no mistake about that. The level and kind of insult should make that plain to you. When they call you “Nazis” they are expressing a willingness to see you killed.
-   There is nothing you can say or do that will make them stop hating you. They need an enemy to hate to preserve the cohesion of their movement.
-   They say libertarian conservatives are racists, fascists, and Nazis. We know we are not.
-   They say conservatives are homophobes and this is more nuanced. There are those who don’t have anything against gays per se, but just don’t like them setting the agenda in education and entertainment. It feels too much like grooming.
-   They say conservatives want to return Black people to their status under (historically Democrat) Jim Crow. We know we want no such thing.
-   They say conservatives are transphobes. They’re more solid ground here, anyone who’ll volunteer to be castrated and surgically mutilated is pretty scary. And anyone who can talk kids into it is REALLY scary.

What all of this amounts to is othering conservatives, classical liberals, and moderate Democrats to the point they feel justified in assault, vandalism, and repression by means of organized rioting and politicized government agencies such as the DOJ and IRS.

It’s not going to get better in the foreseeable future.

Bottom line. To recapitulate they hate you. They can’t be persuaded not to hate you because they need someone to hate to give their movement cohesion.

If you belong to any of the groups they see as their client minorities, in essence their property, they hate you most of all and you are in the most danger from them.

You say, “Well I’ve got lots of friends who are leftists and I don’t feel they are dangerous to me.”

So do I, and I feel that way too about them. But – to quote Heinlein from his novel Methuselah’s Children. “I am not in danger from my neighbors and you are not in danger from yours, but I am in danger from your neighbors and you are in danger from mine.”

You need to make your plans and preparations accordingly.


Q: What percentage of the Left is really Hard Left?
A: Don’t know for sure but some estimates have it that “Progressives” are around 14-16% of the voting age population.

Q: How dangerous are they really?
A: Every totalitarian movement coming to power needs a thug corps. We saw the summer of riots a few years ago which produced relatively few casualties but billions of dollars of property damage. We also saw their tactics evolving. We saw training maneuvers designed among other things to sort out the “tooth to tail ratio.” To find out who among their ranks can be street fighters, who can stand incarceration, etc.

Q: But aren’t they a decentralized movement with no central command structure?
A: In a word, bullshit. We saw a sophisticated logistical support and supply system involving busing rioters from outside. The fact we cannot identify their command hierarchy with certainty should worry you.

Q: How bad is it going to get?
A: No clue. The left power base is confined to major cities with dense populations. It might stay there and make the cities progressively more unlivable. It might become something like the Troubles in Ireland, or worse La Violencia in Columbia. (Look it up.) Or it could burn itself out in a hurry and leave a minor footnote in history. (Well it might!) It’s a big country and the bulk of it will possibly not even notice much. I’ve heard that from expats living in rural Chile during the late troubles.

Q: You talk about plans and preparations, what kind of plans and preparations do you mean?
A: Up to you and your own individual threat assessment. I myself plan to live out in the sticks where violence is unlikely to penetrate with adequate preparation for supply train interruptions while I watch the world burn – or smoke and fizzle as the case may be.

Q: Do you think it could become a civil war?
A: We’re already in what amounts to a cold civil war. Will it become hot and if so how hot? Dunno, and where would it be fought? It’s not like everybody is going to dress up in their cammies and tacticool gear and head out to the national parks to duke it out. (Although the idea of holmgang has some merit to it..) Although as unlikely as that sounds to anyone living amid the broad treeless fields of the Midwest farm belt, one might remember General Grivas and the Cypriot insurgency.

Q: Aren’t you just being alarmist? We’ve been through bad stuff before as a country and always got through it.
A: Yes we have, but I urge you to remember this irrefutable historical truth. All predictions of social collapse come true – eventually.

I will leave you with Steve's Four Rules of Power, distilled from observations of totalitarian movements contemporary and historical. Listen, remember, and see if this doesn’t explain a lot of otherwise crazy stuff.

Demonstrate your power over others by:
1) Making them constantly afraid of giving offense unintentionally.
2) Making them give up cherished customs, symbols, pastimes, relationships.
3) Making them pay lip service to ideas of breathtaking absurdity.
4) Making them do things that disgust and repel them.

"As weird as it's gotten, it still hasn't gotten weird enough for me."


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Last time Democrats took a mugshot of their political opponents
« Reply #1919 on: August 25, 2023, 07:29:44 PM »
Last time Democrats took a mugshot of their political opponents

Spoiler, it's a mugshot of Martin Luther King.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #1920 on: August 26, 2023, 02:01:29 PM »
That is awesome.  Playing it forward!


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The Nation berates "Joe the Plumber", RIP
« Reply #1921 on: August 31, 2023, 05:58:34 AM »

I post it just as a window into convoluted Left thinking.

Plumber's assistant is not plumbing.  Being anti-union doesn't count as working class.  With nothing whatsoever to do with race, they see Republicans chasing the  "white working class" vote.  Do they really think R's don't want the votes of black working people (are they really a "class") or does the Left think there aren't any.  To them the flip side demographic  of white working class is black welfare class?  So racist!  They close by ripping the recently deceased for starting a business other than plumbing.  How dare he.

All the while, contending Republicans are the party of the rich even though everyone knows the Uber rich and the rich men north of Richmond are all Democrats, and the people Joe the Plumber symbolized have flipped to Republican.

In my state MN, the Dem party is still called DFL from the 1940s(?) merger of Democrats with the farmer-labor party, yet the farmers (and laborers) have flipped to solid R.  What would they call their coalition if the name was honestly upgraded to suit current times?


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The Left and 'Rich Men North of Richmond"
« Reply #1922 on: September 05, 2023, 04:50:25 AM »
This article apparently by the Left has some truth (the real world isn't that simple) and some of its own cognitive dissonance in it.


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Cognitive Dissonance of the Left, The View
« Reply #1923 on: September 05, 2023, 11:40:03 AM »
I had a chance to see the (new) 'View'.

Is it 'media' or is it 'The Left'?  A distinction without a difference.

Whoopi gone, and I thought they had one conservative.  No sign of that.

That Behar, God she's ugly, and that's just her attitude. 

They related to their stuck home with nothing to do audience by each describing their extended, exotic summer vacations, Greece, Spain, cruises etc cause that's what regular people do.

They RAILED on Trump for his weight.  I thought they already covered that in previous episodes.  I thought weight shaming was so anti-woke these days, but no. Not if it's Trump.  Any chance any in their audience have also been a bit over served? Including at least one on the stage.

They note Trump has 4 criminal cases going right now.  No mention that he had a clean record until he announced he was running a third time.

They RAILED on Trump for his deficits.  Odd timing on that:

We can argue that no one watches, but still, this is the nonstop message that is out there, whether NPR in a softer voice, or BBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, NYT, LAT, late night, comedy, opunion or network news.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #1924 on: September 05, 2023, 01:13:47 PM »
"We can argue that no one watches, but still, this is the nonstop message that is out there, whether NPR in a softer voice, or BBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, NYT, LAT, late night, comedy, opunion or network news"

may I add to never forget PBS - another propaganda outfit funded by libs.

I can't stand Amanpour - a cranky perfect definition of an elistist/globalist if there ever was one.

The so called conservative Margaret Hoover spends 95% of her time  bashing Trump and related policies

and she is the best of them  :roll:


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Cognitive Dissonance of the Left, Minneapolis Dem leader assaulted
« Reply #1925 on: September 08, 2023, 01:03:10 PM »
This is the vice chair of the democratic party we are talking about:

This is not your father's or your mother's Democratic party of the 1960s we are talking about.

In June of 2020, Sathanandan wrote in a post on Facebook: "We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department. Say it with me. DISMANTLE The Minneapolis Police Department."


Brutally beaten and carjacked in front of her kids.

This is not funny but I point out liberals lack the empathy they claim a monopoly on.  This type of crime was skyrocketing BEFORE it happened to her, and the increase in general is BECAUSE OF her policies.  There is no consequence for the perps.

There was NO SPIKE in crime last time a Republican mayor ran the City, Charlie Stenvig 1978, 45 years ago.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2023, 01:06:26 PM by DougMacG »


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Cognitive Dissonance of the Left, wage theft is bigger than shoplifting
« Reply #1926 on: September 09, 2023, 05:22:25 AM »
To be clear, I'm against both. 

But look how they define wage theft, when anyone other than government (or unions) takes from your earnings.

Easy solution , stop all withholding, and have people pay in their taxes, they way, umm, people do.

Quite a scary article but still, 99.999% of paycheck wage theft is by government.

Want to see the largest theft, how much of your pay, your purchasing power is stolen by inflation?


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reply to Doug's post
« Reply #1927 on: September 09, 2023, 09:58:19 AM »
Agreed. Every time the Left's foolishness and incompetence is displayed for all to see the subject is changed and deflected.
"shoplifting theft" is minor but corporate wage theft is the real issue  :roll:
No mention of government confiscation and spend of course.
Ironic how the big money players are paying off scrutiny of them by their PACS supporting Democrat causes agendas.

TNR =>

The New Republic


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« Last Edit: September 14, 2023, 08:48:26 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Economic Stupidity of the Left
« Reply #1929 on: September 18, 2023, 07:52:13 AM »

I was teased by a headline that might tell me what Trump's latest economic plan might be.  It's MSNBC so I know I'm going to see an opposing view, but do they really win an argument by lying about the opposing side of it?

From the article:
"Not all of Trump’s advisers are on board with that plan, though, according to the Post. At least not Arthur Laffer, who, as an economic adviser to President Ronald Reagan, championed “supply-side economics,” the idea that lower classes benefit when the wealthy get wealthier. He also lent his name to the Laffer Curve, which proposes that cutting taxes leads to the government’s collecting more revenue. Neither idea has ever proved to be correct in the slightest. Income inequality between the wealthiest 1% and everybody else really took off under Reagan, and it’s now a yawning chasm."

Picking that apart,

"the idea that lower classes benefit when the wealthy get wealthier."

No, that is ass backwards.  Lower classes NEVER advance under (their) policies aimed at preventing people from accumulating wealth.  And they measure gaing only by someone else losing.  Zero sum fallacy easily proven false.

"He also lent his name to the Laffer Curve, which proposes that cutting taxes leads to the government’s collecting more revenue."

Complete obfuscation.  The Laffer Curve merely states an empirical fact graphically.  When tax rates are either 0% or 100% the government will collect zero revenues.  At some rate in between revenues are maximized, optimized. As you move up or down from the optimal rate, revenues decrease.  When rates are so high they significantly discourage work and investment, lowering them may increase revenues.  Also an empirical fact.

"Neither idea has ever proved to be correct in the slightest."

Let's see about that.  Revenues increased when they cut rates in the 1920s.  Revenues increased when they cut rates in the 1960s.  Revenues increased when they cut rates in the 1980s.  Revenues increased when they cut capital gains rates in the 1990s.  Revenues increased when they cut rates in the 2000s.  Revenues increased when they cut rates in 2018.  Two of those were under Democrats.

Deficits in the 1980s and every other time we're all about excess spending, not undertaxation.  And the House of Representatives, where all spending ordinates, was under complete Democrat control the entire decade of the 1980s, also Biden's first two years when all this current spending was passed.

"Income inequality between the wealthiest 1% and everybody else really took off under Reagan"

Logic fallacy called post hoc ergo propter hoc, as old as the Roman empire.  This preceded that therefore this caused that. 

Income inequality is widest today in the blue run states of California and New York.  Is that because tax rates there are too low?

When you have to lie about the opposing argument to win, are you really winning an argument?
« Last Edit: September 18, 2023, 08:11:57 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: shorts and hoodie ok per dems in leaders of our nation
« Reply #1931 on: September 18, 2023, 10:31:11 AM »

what a disgrace.

Everybody knows they changed the rule for Fetterman.  Why did he apply for a job he won't dress for?


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3 (wrong) reasons Dems struggling with blacks and Latinos
« Reply #1932 on: September 19, 2023, 07:36:34 AM »
The Left analyzing what the Left is doing wrong, what could go wrong.
3 'reasons'
It's early.
Voters 'of color' aren't monolithic,
Blacks and Latinos have been neglected by the Dem party.

(Doug) First, note that LatinX has been dropped.  That came from elite Ed, not from the neighborhoods.

It's early?  No.  They've seen 2.5 years of Biden, 8 years of Obama Biden, and can contrast it with 3 pre-covid years of Trump when their incomes grew the fastest and gas prices were reasonable.

Voters of color aren't monolithic?  Yes they were.  Dems used to win 95-98% of black vote, only to repeatedly disappoint.

Neglected?  Yes but not in the way they mean. Most blacks and Latinos work for a living (who knew?) and most not at the University President level.  That means they buy gas and have taxes withheld, etc.  Under Trump and Republicans they learned the Dem demagoguery was bullshit.  Down deep, most of them want America to be great again.  Again, who knew?

Mentioned in previous cycles, within these 'voting groups' type analyses, Republicans and conservatism doesn't need to win over all of them at once or ever.  We merely need to make significant inroads in all the the demographic groups.

Reason two of the article gives it away.  The stigma for going R is gone; they are now free to think for themselves.

Reason four they won't tell you is that Dem and far Left policies are bad for the people they are purported to help.

The merger of the far Left academic elite with the welfare and underpaid crowd is a failure.  So-called liberal policies drive all costs up and real incomes down. 

Carbon neutrality, boys in girls sports, pronoun flexibility, these aren't the top priorities of people struggling to make ends meet.

« Last Edit: September 20, 2023, 01:28:52 AM by DougMacG »


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« Last Edit: September 26, 2023, 08:00:14 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Definition of a conspiracy theorist
« Reply #1934 on: September 26, 2023, 07:55:20 AM »
What is a conspiracy theorist?

Someone who lives in Orwellian times and makes obvious observations aloud.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2023, 05:49:48 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #1935 on: October 04, 2023, 06:03:58 AM »
Besides the stupidity and shortsightedness of the handful of not really Republicans who voted to vacate the Speakership of the House, someone explain to me why Democrats all went along.  This will not come back to bite them??  They don't want Speakership to go to the leader of the majority party?  They don't have a rogue wing of their own party to deal with?  Good luck with that.

THEY voted unanimously to have the business of the House shut down, without a plan.  Only a handful of so called Republicans did this.  Do they think this gets them a better Speaker?  No.  They just want the disarray. 

Why is all the blame on 4% of one party for what 100% of the other party supported?  Are they now the extreme ultra maga they despise?  That's who they sided with.  Democrats, you own this, now live with the consequences.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2023, 06:27:51 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #1936 on: October 04, 2023, 09:04:43 AM »
Let's use the Congress thread for this please.


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Cognitive Dissonance of the Left, Defund the Police
« Reply #1937 on: October 16, 2023, 11:58:23 AM »
Did they really say, defund the police?

From the memory hole, this is the Minneapolis city council president speaking during covid and George Floyd. Being able to call the police for a break-in comes from a point of privilege.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2023, 12:11:19 PM by DougMacG »


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Liberal Jews Learn Woke Allies Aren’t
« Reply #1939 on: October 21, 2023, 03:12:19 PM »


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Re: Liberal Jews learn Progs are not allies
« Reply #1941 on: October 22, 2023, 08:04:17 AM »

With all the talk about divisions in the R party, over nothing, this gets glossed over.  Representatives like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar are on the other side of this war. And it's not just a few high profile officials, but the energy on the campuses that make up the base of the party, all on the side of the terrorists destroying Israel.  On liberal TV I hear it is a Democrat split between young and old.  You are an old Democrat if your instinct and experience puts you on the side of Israel. cf Joe Biden.

Until he spoke we did not know which side of the conflict Joe Biden would come down on.  He "clarified", but is already calling for Israel to use "restraint.  (Which is it?)

Good luck threading the needle between support for peaceful existence of Israel and support for the 'Palestinian cause' (which includes the destruction of Israel).


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The “Winners” the Left Picks
« Reply #1943 on: October 30, 2023, 04:45:02 PM »
In my youth it was listening to apologists on the left minimize the wholesale murder embraced by various communist regimes. In my dotage it is listening to apologists on the left minimize the atrocities committed by Hamas as they implicitly and explicitly call for the genocide of all Israelis (yo apologists, you may want to look a wee bit more closely at the Hamas extermination menu; there are more than Jews on that list, with many of you likely candidates for defenestration, stoning, et al). Never could grasp that willing blindness; this piece seeks to explain it:


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Wokeist A-Go-Go
« Reply #1944 on: October 30, 2023, 06:38:38 PM »


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Cognitive Dissonance of the left, the "ceasefire"
« Reply #1945 on: November 01, 2023, 07:00:04 AM »
This is not your grandfather's Democrat party.

CNN was once the greatest news network in the world and AOC seems to be the senior Statesman of the Democrat Party. They discuss the greatest issue of the day.  Why call for a ceasefire after one side has attacked and the other side has not had time to respond? AOC reaches deep into her little brain to explain the unexplainable.

How can anyone ever be against a ceasefire, and then there is the questioner. These violent attackers, "some even call them terrorists".

Aren't they?

There is killing them. What are the other ways of stopping terrorists?
« Last Edit: November 01, 2023, 07:43:36 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #1946 on: November 01, 2023, 07:13:59 AM »
Bill O Reilly
has book 'Killing the Killers' ( I have not read )
next one could read 'Killing the Jews' 

one chapter to white, one to blacks
and the rest to radical Muslims.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #1948 on: November 10, 2023, 08:02:33 PM »
How bend-the-knee-third-world groveling of Newsom.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #1949 on: November 10, 2023, 10:25:46 PM »
don't clear them for US citizens but do for the mortal enemy of the country Xi

yes a Chinese child is smart enough to take down Newsom and laugh at (not with) him

and by association the entire US.

In San Fransisco's China town they must be either shaking their heads in astonishment at how stupid our leaders are
or laughing in bemusement over what fools they are,
or probably both

enough bitching by me today (I don't want to wear out my welcome!)

good night.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2023, 10:30:53 PM by ccp »