Author Topic: The Way forward for Republican party  (Read 68656 times)


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #50 on: March 13, 2018, 08:42:59 AM »
Thanks for post CD

I had privilege to meet Bobby and his wife at my nephew's wedding some months back.

I agree with his post

I agree with everything he says but not sure about this sentence:

" he embodies executive strength, not a philosophy. "  I would suggest maybe he does have a philosophy => America first.

But this and everything else Bobby states is exactly so in my opinion .   He GETS IT!  No one else in the swamp that I have seen do and he is right about that .  After Trump if we do not get new Republicans we will be again fighting a rear guard action against the relentless progressive wave and will lose again with the same losers that will or cannot change their ways.

Maybe Bobby might be :

"The next Republican presidential nominee after Mr. Trump will have a fighting shot at bringing home the people who like lower taxes and dead terrorists but bristle at his crude behavior."

I certainly like all he has said in this post.  Go Bobby!


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #51 on: March 13, 2018, 11:50:44 AM »
Much to like about Jindal and agree that we should keep our eye out for him.  FWIW my take on his candidacy is that, influenced by certain local political realities of Rep primaries, he overpandered to the evangelical vote.


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #52 on: March 13, 2018, 03:02:33 PM »
"overpandered to the evangelical vote."

back fired


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party, Bobby Jindal
« Reply #53 on: March 13, 2018, 07:06:55 PM »
"overpandered to the evangelical vote."

back fired

I agree too.  Also he didn't connect well with voters at least nationally.  He is a very smart, conservative guy, two term Governor; served in Congress too; there is some important role for him to play in policy, Cabinet level, chief of staff, etc.


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The Way forward for Republican, What is the agenda right now?
« Reply #54 on: March 19, 2018, 09:59:06 AM »
The idea being, why should Republican voters care about elections?  We don't have any idea what our Republican legislators are trying to do or want to do next.
Eliana Johnson of Politico on Meet the Press yesterday:

Chuck Todd:  That’s what you talk about Eliana. Where's the agenda?

Elian Johnson:  I don't think that there is one between now and the November elections which I think makes it very difficult for Republicans.
Eliana Johnson is one of the best reporters out there observing things from the Republican side.  She's not even ripping them; she's just pointing it out, there is no agenda right now.

HOW CAN THAT BE?!  Don't we face an even steeper hill AFTER the 2018 midterms?  Don't we need popular issues we tried to pass and need more Republican votes to do the work of the people?  Or are all the rules, laws, taxes and regulations we face right now just right?

What should the agenda be right now, realistically, if we were to set it for them?

« Last Edit: March 19, 2018, 10:03:58 AM by DougMacG »


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Kasich and Schwarzegger are gong to lead us to the promised land
« Reply #55 on: March 21, 2018, 07:18:06 AM »
Terminator has road map to make Republicans relevant again in Cal and elsewhere :

Simply put become libs with an R in front of your name.

I admire his efforts but I believe he has lost his way frankly.  I don't know why Kasich even calls himself a Republican frankly .


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Re: Kasich and Schwarzegger are gong to lead us to the promised land
« Reply #56 on: March 21, 2018, 08:32:33 AM »
Terminator has road map to make Republicans relevant again in Cal and elsewhere :

Only the results of liberal policies, see Venezuela, have the possibility of making Republicans relevant again there.  And even that doesn't change minds.

Kasich led the Never-Trump charge in Ohio.  Trump won by 8 points - and has governed better than expected.


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #57 on: March 21, 2018, 09:28:13 AM »
CCP:  Please post in California thread as well.  TY


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The new, real face of Arnold
« Reply #58 on: March 22, 2018, 08:11:16 AM »
Shriver and Hollywood turned Arnold into a democrat.

This is unbelievable:

He personally went the way of California.

He is now more a political opponent an not ally.

Why does he bother with the Republican Party ?  Talk about a rhino.

Trying to stay relevant I guess.


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #59 on: March 22, 2018, 08:36:45 PM »
Maybe the steroids shriveled his testicles?


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #61 on: March 23, 2018, 02:45:41 PM »
[schwarzenegger]  "Maybe the steroids shriveled his testicles?"

Funny and true I suppose.  Didn't he get caught cheating and he must now bow to her every wish or something.

The lesson I've noticed is beware the politics of the spouse.  In the case of Trump, the person who may have too much influence from time to time is daughter Ivanka.

We are lucky that Ahnold is irrelevant but lacking in voices to replace him.
Early Arnold:

"I came first of all from a socialistic country, which is Austria, and when I came over here in 1968 with the presidential elections coming up in November, I came over in October, I heard a lot of the press conferences from both of the candidates Humphrey and Nixon, and Humphrey was talking about more government is the solution, protectionism, and everything he said about government involvement sounded to me more like Social Democratic Party of Austrian socialism."
Schwarzenegger continues:

"Then when I heard Nixon talk about it, he said open up the borders, the consumers should be represented there ultimately and strengthen the military and get the government off our backs. I said to myself, what is this guy's party affiliation? I didn't know anything at that point. So I asked my friend, what is Nixon? He's a Republican. And I said, I am a Republican."

Get the government off our backs??  I have heard that in a long time.  Is that what the big new, "Republican" spendibus bill is all about?


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The Way forward (or backward) for Republican party, Lessons not learned
« Reply #62 on: March 26, 2018, 12:10:40 PM »
More Spendibus bill ranting (or whatever it's called).

In hindsight, there was one way out of our leftist trap of growing government dependency, spending, taxes, fees, deficits and debt.  Spend less - and we didn't.

Remember the bold spending cuts that were recently in the President's budget.  Crafty correctly called that a throw away - dead on arrival budget.

We needed to create a downward spiral on government program demand and on taxation and an upward spiral on private sector growth.  How could we have done that?  

Let's assume for a second that the recent tax rate cuts deliver growth as promised.  They seem to be doing that if we don't screw it up first with other initiatives, like a trade war or a spending binge.  Oops.

If the economy grows and the workforce participation grows as they are, fewer people will need government social services.  So follow the tax rate cuts with real spending cuts.  Then less money into program budgets and results in a lower incentive to not work and even more people who can, choose work.  If so, we can head into a second round of cutting tax rates and social spending cuts.   Additional growth is spurred until government shrinks down to basic services and a real safety net for those truly in need.  Our debt and  liabilities become affordable to an re-energized private sector.

But no.  Instead we broke our own loop twice (with a spending surge and tariff-taxes) before even trying the supply side solution.  Stupid.  

Now the loop turns the other direction.  'Republican' growth fails.  R's lose enthusiasm, voters and power.  Leftists step in, win, raise spending, raise tax rates, shrink growth, shrink employment, and increase the number of people needing assistance and the amount of money they need.  The spiral continues in their direction now - until fewer and fewer pulling the wagon cannot handle the ever-increasing load put upon it.

As G M has said, we fix this only after total collapse and, see Venezuela now, we fix it even more doubtfully after collapse.

If winning the House, Senate, Presidency, Courts and majority of state houses wasn't our opportunity to get this right, when is?
« Last Edit: March 26, 2018, 12:34:17 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #63 on: March 26, 2018, 04:47:55 PM »
"If winning the House, Senate, Presidency, Courts and majority of state houses wasn't our opportunity to get this right, when is?"

That is the question !   

Why bother to vote ?  Makes little difference.

Turnout in Nov may be small from Repub side .
They give us no reason to be enthusiastic.


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #64 on: March 26, 2018, 07:41:19 PM »
"Why bother to vote?"

Easy question.

Speaker Pelosi.  Majority Leader Schumer.  Federal judges.  Military spending!  Congressional investigations.


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #65 on: March 26, 2018, 08:08:58 PM »
"Why bother to vote?"

Easy question.

Speaker Pelosi.  Majority Leader Schumer.  Federal judges.  Military spending!  Congressional investigations.

After the betrayal on spending, don't be surprised to see Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Schumer.


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #66 on: March 27, 2018, 01:40:35 AM »
Paraphrasing John Wayne:

"Life is tough.  It is tougher when we are stupid."


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #67 on: March 27, 2018, 08:51:06 AM »
The Reagan Presidency was very successful on balance but Republicans last week took his one big failure, the sellout on social spending, and brought it forward on steroids.  

Schumer got spending increases while in the minority that he could not get in the majority.  

We are building ships that President Kamala will turn into flower planters or just give them to more needy nations.

Reagan stood for smaller government.  His other accomplishments were monumental.
 The fall of the Soviet Union was history changing.  Economic growth for a quarter century was fabulous.  But the legacy of Reagan in the long term was NOT smaller government.  When demand for government keeps going up and up and up, the party of smaller government, as if there were one, has no political relevance.

George W Bush's was our most recent 'big government conservative' (oxymoron alert!) President.  Bush left CRAp in place with the federal government controlling 90% of the home mortgage market, lending on government-directed criteria other than creditworthiness.  He buddied up with Kennedy to expand the federal government role in education and presided over federal government expansion in healthcare.  He grew domestic spending while he was cutting tax rates and fighting two wars.  What could possibly go wrong?  See Murphy's Law.  The country was ready for hope and change and the direction of change from big government should have been a sharp right turn away from these failed policies.  But that's not what happens in America.  When Republicans fail, Leftists take power.  Enter Obama, Obamacare, Solyndra, Cash for Clunkers, Shovel Ready Jobs and people like Cass Sunstein, Jonathon Gruber and Ben Rhodes writing policy while Alinsky, Ayers, Marx and Khrushchev were unavailable.

Back to last week, 2018, what went wrong?

1. The filibuster threat.  Republicans don't have 50 votes out of 51 to break it and there aren't 9 or 10 conservative Democrat Senators (oxymoron alert) to join them.
2. The shutdown threat and the Republicans fear of it.
3. All these programs go into one take it or leave it bill.
4. We can't defend our country if we pick the leave it option.

20 years ago or so Newt promised budget process reform.  Either it didn't happen or it didn't last.  We were going to go to zero based budgeting, not baseline budgeting.  Either it didn't happen or it didn't last.  We were going to reform the CBO to put out honest, dynamic scoring.  Either it didn't happen or it didn't last.

An admittedly growing national economy require LESS government support to the citizens (and non-citizens), but instead we spend more, on everything!

Now President Trump says, "I won't sign a bill like this ever again."

How so?  Impeachment?  No more budgets at all?

What is and where is the structural reform that will prevent this exact same situation from happening again (and again and again)?

I have an idea.  Put a federal spending limit in the constitution.  If you want to spend more next year, grow the economy more this year.  

Then setting priorities and making choices has meaning.  You fund spotted owl mating research more by cutting food stamps, not just fund everything to offend no one.

If you have the Presidency, the bully pulpit, and both chambers on capital hill and majorities in more state houses than ever, and want to never sign bull like this into law ever again, then do something about it.  
« Last Edit: March 27, 2018, 09:01:49 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #68 on: March 27, 2018, 09:06:22 AM »
"Why bother to vote?"

"Easy question.  Speaker Pelosi.  Majority Leader Schumer.  Federal judges.  Military spending!  Congressional investigations."

"After the betrayal on spending, don't be surprised to see Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Schumer."
All true.  Conservatives still have reason to vote, but lack enthusiasm to vote, which seems to be what determines the outcome.


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Some in Republican Party are
« Reply #69 on: April 21, 2018, 09:37:11 AM »
Finally starting to "get it".

Along with recent article from Bobby Jindal here is one along similar lines from Alex Castellano:

Gives me some hope.


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Brent Bosell - he is very pessimistic
« Reply #71 on: April 24, 2018, 04:36:51 AM »
He believes Repubs will lose house and maybe the Senate.

My latest thought is all this constant badgering of Trump by the Left may well back fire and increase Reb turnout.  I know I am extremely angry at the Left's attempts to get Trump removed from office and certainly will be voting in Nov, but I am thus just one vote :


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Easy Rhetoric is Easy
« Reply #72 on: April 28, 2018, 07:50:31 AM »

Easy Rhetoric is Easy
by Thales | Apr 24, 2018 | Culture War, Politics, Power, SJWs |

Surfing around Instagram, you will find a large number of scantily-clad women travelling the world petting cute little animals, talking about “body positivity” and posing provocatively, generally with the juicy bits only barely covered enough to avoid attracting the attention of the censors. Invariably, every cause spouted by these Instagram ladies is boilerplate Leftism. Save the whales, maybe, or fat is beautiful, or white men are vaguely shitty and probably shouldn’t even exist. Also, Christianity is crap, and Atheism is morally superior to the zombie sky wizard.

Now, we roll our eyes at this and go about our business. Why, after all, should we worry excessively about near-porn fusing with idiotic Leftism?

Truthfully, this is a massive problem. Leftism is seen, even by most Rightists, as the default position. It’s the ‘no thinking required’ setting. If you want to spout some kind of philosophical nonsense to make yourself look smart and cultured while your boob is falling out, you do Leftism. It’s easy rhetoric. Hey look, there’s a man with no fish. Saying “somebody should give him a fish, look he’s starving” is the easy rhetorical answer. Defeating this argument is simple with dialectic, but few people care about dialectic. It’s boring. Nerdy. Too many words. Better to just call somebody a bigot and move on.

Defeating Leftism with rhetoric is much more difficult. For not only must you use a convincing argument, that argument must be truthful and honest. The Leftist may use deceit without remorse, because to him the end justifies the means. You may not. Furthermore, Leftism itself is tailored toward sounding good. Rightism is full of unpleasant truths about human nature and the how things work in the real world. People don’t like to hear these things. Only when it comes to money does Rightism have a rhetorical advantage. Even the most ardent Leftist feels the pinch of the tax man.

This means superficial Instagram would-be porn stars are going to spout Leftism. It requires minimal intellectual investment. And in order to please these attention-seekers, hordes of thirsty men will likewise spout Leftism. After all, they want some of that boob that’s falling out. Sure, baby, climate change is a horrible tragedy. Want some dick? This effect is amplified by the constant Leftism spouted both blatantly and subtly by the media and entertainment establishments. Remember V for Vendetta? Or the Handmaid’s Tale? These are the caricatures bandied about by the establishment. You can have semi-nude Instagram girls, or you can have some kind of twisted theocratic dictatorship. Framed that way, who would choose the latter?

Delusional rhetoric is the centerpiece of Leftist thought. These people believe – or at least act like they believe – that we live in the most oppressive, terrible society ever, when it is far closer to the exact opposite. If a more tolerant society has existed, it certainly wasn’t for very long. Usually tolerance at the level we’re at today results in societal collapse – indeed, it may be heading that way now. But either way the point is, the oppression they crave, the oppression they rant about (not the contradiction it first seems) does not exist.

Bend over and let your thong bikini ride between your ass cheeks, snap a picture, and rant about how Trump is a racist… and you are rewarded with thousands of followers, likes, and comments mentioning “goddess.” Which, as a side note, has become something of an irritant to me. As a man, I don’t expect to be referred to as a “god” and, furthermore, would be somewhat pissed that somebody would refer to me that way. I’m not that arrogant. So what’s with this “zOMG you’re such a goddess” crap?

Anyway, I digress. Just notice how much society rewards people who claim oppression. It’s actually a benefit. People compete and jockey for oppression points, because the more you have, the more attention you get. Pop out a boob, and you get even more. Don’t have a boob? No problem. Call yourself trans – you don’t even have to shave the beard – and now you’re a goddess too. Stunning and brave, of course. Just make sure to tell everybody that Barbara Bush was a horrible racist and deserved to die. Then pop out a non-existent boob, and you’ll be flooded with positive comments.

Of course, if you’re trans and anything but a raging Leftist, expect the Blaire White treatment. You’re no longer stunning and brave, you sexist, transphobic transsexual. The contradictions don’t seem to bother them much.

It’s all mass delusion, but it’s a strange sort of self-reinforcing mass delusion. It’s like a brain virus, and once you have it, obtaining a cure is exceedingly difficult – because you have to realize that you are sick in the first place, something Leftism explicitly tries to avoid. Don’t question the narrative heretic… er… I mean racist. If there is any sort of religious dictatorship threatening to micromanage every facet of our lives, it’s coming from the Left, not the Christian Right. Of course, their dictatorship doesn’t make women wear strange red bonnets, but it does make you sign a consent form to have sex, so there’s that. The boob on Instagram is free, though.

All of this is simple rhetoric. And it all stems from something Francis at Liberty’s Torch said some time ago (I’ll have to dig up the link again later). White Christian men are the last group for whom hatred is celebrated. That, in polite company, you may trash and insult without mercy, and expect to receive accolades for it. The people of the in-crowd can take dumps on a God-fearing farmer of Podunkville, pat each other on the back, and go drool over Instagram girls saying they are going to end the objectification of women by wearing see-thru lingerie on the Internet. It’s easy rhetoric. There’s no social cost to it, and plenty of social benefit.

It is the ease of this rhetoric, the reward for it, that really pushes people into Leftism. Oh, sure, there will always be welfare queens and hardcore Marxists who spout this crap, but the regular Joe is responding to a need to be accepted. The middle manager trying to angle for promotion to the upper tier is saying what he thinks people want him to say. And yes, even the flaky Instagram girl is just responding to what will get her the most likes and comments.

It is the ease of this rhetoric that must be defeated more than the rhetoric itself. Even if a Milo or Ben Shapiro gets in a slick comeback; even if Thomas Sowell comes to the party armed with every economic statistic known to man and has them on immediate tap, it won’t be enough. Such victories are short-lived, and the culture at large goes back to ‘if you want upvotes, talk about Islamophobia!’ Rightists are fighting an enormous cultural current, and are doing so admirably. But it is the current itself that must be changed.

The bikini girl on Instagram should be at least as likely to talk about taxation as theft as she is to take rhetorical dumps on Donald Trump. Only then will the rhetorical battle be on level ground.


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #75 on: June 13, 2018, 06:27:03 PM »

****Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #73 on: Today at 07:14:08 PM »***

what is interesting about Sanford is his conservative Liberty score is 93% which is excellent !  so he has voted almost exclusively conservative
yet he is still voted out


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #76 on: June 13, 2018, 11:00:14 PM »

So why does he have such a hard on for President Trump?  What is his position on immigration?


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Re: Morris: Reps must rethink 2018 strategy
« Reply #77 on: June 14, 2018, 05:26:13 AM »
second post

Govern by doing what is right for America but run for reelection based on what you have done that is currently polling well.


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #78 on: June 14, 2018, 05:35:25 AM »
[Mark Sanford]  What is his position on immigration?

Generally good but:

...voted "against a funding bill that would have shifted some money to the construction of a border wall with Mexico."

Maybe Sanford was taking the conservative moral high ground during his time in Congress but his one famous previous personal detour that included a whole series of public lies made it impossible for him to effectively tout that quality about himself.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2018, 05:52:34 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #79 on: June 14, 2018, 06:27:27 AM »

As Trump succeeds there is a delicate balance to maintain.  Give credit where credit is due. and there is plenty right now.  Give loyalty where loyalty is due, but the party needs to always be a party of principles, not the party of one person even if one person is (currently) making the difference.


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The Way forward: There is No substitute for Total Victory
« Reply #80 on: July 06, 2018, 08:34:28 AM »
"The Left won't stop unless it is stopped. Which means that, for us, total victory in the defense of Western civilization and the American ideal is the only option."

"Ascribing good motives to our friends across the aisle is a fool's errand."

"there can be no peace with the Left: in their zeal to destroy the pillars of the American Republic,"

"The only consistency they have[ the Left] is their desire to win "by any means necessary."

"neither the Clintons nor the Obamas would even have been possible were it not for the Bushes, pere et fils [from father to son], who gave us both of them. We owe it to ourselves never to let that happen again."

more at link, Michael Walsh,


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #81 on: July 06, 2018, 08:37:09 AM »
Would this be what he has in mind when he thinks of the other side?


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #82 on: July 06, 2018, 09:30:36 AM »
Would this be what he has in mind when he thinks of the other side?

Yes.  The Left is so blatant with their tactics that even with a 93% media advantage the public turns against them just for hearing their ideas in their own words.  Puerto Rico, California, felons, AND illegal aliens voting, the whole idea is to change elections in their favor.  It cheapens the vote of everyone else and they are starting to notice it.

That whole thing about the electoral college causing the "wrong" result is a rejection of our constitutional, limited government form of government.  The Founders didn't create an electoral college because they didn't know how to count popular votes; there was a little more to it!  The Left doesn't like parts of the constitution, right to bear arms for example, they invent other clauses that aren't in there, gay marriage and abortion for examples, but then want all the benefits of the constitution when it favors them.

They can amend the constitution the way it is defined within it, or they can have a revolution, the unarmed against the armed.  Good luck.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2018, 09:34:15 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Newt: What Republican Party needs to do to win
« Reply #84 on: September 20, 2018, 09:07:03 AM »

"Republicans at every level – must break out of the small-ball, district-by-district campaign model and create a national message that defines a set of big choices that contrast the Republican positions and those of the left."
Newt is right in my opinion. We are constantly bogged down by small matters distracting us from the large ones like how to pursue peace and prosperity.


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #85 on: September 20, 2018, 02:16:28 PM »

I agree with Newt too.
But what about the phrase "all politics is local".

I am going to email my nephew for his/Josh's opinion on this matter.


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my two and a half cents
« Reply #86 on: October 05, 2018, 04:23:35 PM »
Has it not been remarkable the absolute awakening from the never trumpers and other mid stream repubs like those at National Review, FINALLy as to what we on this board have been saying for at least a decade or two.

You can't play nice with the Dems .  You can't reason with them , conciliation only emboldens them , compromise only leads to the one step closer to furthering their total power and does not placate them

I only can hope they have really woken up to this long fight
No more compromise - just win

Trump has been right all along.

OK I am off my soap box.   :wink:


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The Way forward for Republican party - Nikki Haley
« Reply #88 on: January 18, 2019, 07:03:43 AM »
Youtube compilation of Nikki Haley below.  Watch it.  I can't find our thread for her but it won't hurt to have this posted twice.  The way forward includes better messaging, better leaders and better participation from the like-minded citizenry.  If not Mike Pence or perhaps with Mike Pence, Nikki Haley will be at the one or two position in one of the next two Presidential elections.


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #89 on: January 25, 2019, 12:26:16 PM »
She certainly bears watching.  She is very well positioned politically as well.


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« Last Edit: March 05, 2019, 05:26:21 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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VDH thinking along same lines as Josh Hawley
« Reply #93 on: June 13, 2019, 04:24:04 PM »
Middle Class angry at the elites:

compare to :

I am still a bit confused how this might work (after Trump).
we pit the people against the elites?

But who are exactly the elites .  I don't want it to be rich vs rest of us.
I am not against the rich but am against the rich who thrust their political will on us aka George Soros , the Koch bros.

If we can define the elites somehow with a different word perhaps.

Those who gain and maintain control over us the world .  The tech titans the Soros the wealthy who manipulate the system for their own benefit outside the same rules we are forced to follow.

Us against the Orwellian nightmare.

Maybe this is a way for the Repub party .  Just cannot get my mind around this.


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #94 on: June 22, 2019, 03:51:29 PM »
How about "We the people against the Tech Overlords of the Goolag"?


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here is Clarence Henderson
« Reply #96 on: July 24, 2019, 04:09:07 PM »
in third photo down in this historic photo I have seen in past:


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party (and American people)
« Reply #97 on: September 24, 2019, 08:54:21 AM »
Looking at the list of accomplishments, America for a moment under Trump began to stop the bleeding; we slowed the momentum of a country headed down the tubes.  But most of what is wrong is still wrong, and Republicans have lost the House, are vulnerable in the Senate and trail at least in polling in the Presidency.  We still need better leadership and far better messaging.  More needs to be done!

The first step is to show positive economic results that no one can effectively argue with - like Reagan did in 1984.  Two related factors are holding back new growth right now, the slowing global economy and the ongoing and escalating trade war.

Trump needs to change the focus of the trade war to the endgame.  It is time to paint a picture of a world free of these barriers and protectionism.  He needs to be clear that these tariffs are temporary.  They will be removed bilaterally, not unilaterally, but they will be removed.  Up until now, the focus has been negative, on how this hurts them more than us and how we will keep escalating as necessary.  Shift the focus to the endgame, free trade and widespread growth.  China needs that too.

We need to resolve our trade issues with the rest of the world and have our allies join the fight against China until it is won.  The EU growth rate has shrunk to essentially zero:  Aren't they ready to join in?  Success on this will revitalize the global economy, the US economy, and improve Republican chances in the upcoming election.

Solve the trade war, restart growth, win the public trust, win back the House, hold the Senate and the White House and then address spending including entitlements.  Trump said he would shift to that in his second term.  Sounds like an empty promise, but why not do it?  It worked for Bill Clinton who co-opted the Gingrich agenda and bragged about "ending welfare as we know it".  Why was that something to brag about?  Because people know that life dependent on government for their essentials sucks.  Blacks and Hispanics make great entrepreneurs.  So do do whites, Asians, and the rest  The safety net we all support is (mostly) supposed to be a temporary leg up, a boost to help people get on the great American ladder of opportunity, not an alternative to it.  When more people joined in the productive economy after the Clinton-Gingrich reform, the deficit vanished.  Why not do it again.

A country with a healthy, growing economy, a functional border, not reliant on the Middle East for energy, getting paid for our products and services sold in China and around the world, with people at home joining in and fewer and fewer people dependent on government - that is the nightmare opposite of what Democrats are selling today.


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #98 on: September 24, 2019, 04:28:42 PM »
We still need better leadership and far better messaging.  More needs to be done!

but we have the tweeter in chief who keeps screwing his own message
I am tired of listening to Rush having to defend Trump every single day.

We all are.


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