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Politics & Religion / Re: 2024, political operative Susie Wiles
« Last post by DougMacG on April 29, 2024, 01:58:31 PM »
The political operative that brought Trump back, took DeSantis down:
Science, Culture, & Humanities / Big Brother will control your car
« Last post by DougMacG on April 29, 2024, 01:52:48 PM »

"When fitted, the technology will send a warning beep or the steering wheel will vibrate when drivers pass the speed limit. If the driver does not take action, the accelerator will ease up, reducing the speed to keep in line with the limit."

Feature will be offered as an "option".  Driver can switch it on and off.  Sure.  Here we go again with Lucy and the football.  How many things were sold to us that way?

Is anyone here a golfer?  When you rent a golf cart today, they might tell you to stay on the cart path. Don't get close to the green or tees. Then if you do, the GPS senses it and shut's off your vehicle. It only allows you to switch to reverse and back out. 

The central planners want central control of your vehicle, all vehicles.

A friend made fun of the age of my car.  I didn't think to tell him, I prefer vehicles built before they had a government shutoff switch.
2nd post. Hmm, so it appears there is a weekly Friday meeting of various anti-Trump zealots to hash out the various lawfare strategies in play at any given moment:
Politics & Religion / Of Butterknives & Electric Outlets
« Last post by Body-by-Guinness on April 29, 2024, 12:28:46 PM »
This piece speculates that helicopter parenting that divorced children from the consequences of their action is responsible for much of the pro-Hamas asshattery found on college campuses these days. It also contains and interesting bon mot: “outside agitators” are paid $7800 by Soros funded groups for their Hamas advocacy on campus, while student organizers are paid $3600. Guess that’s one way to pick up some beer money:
Politics & Religion / Chutzpah on Parade?
« Last post by Body-by-Guinness on April 29, 2024, 11:28:41 AM »
If this pans out it will explain a lot, like why Jack Smith is resisting the release of these sorts of discovery timelines. Nut graf: post 2020 election Trump told by General Services Administration to deal with 6 pallets of documents, Trump has docs shipped to his digs in Florida, and soon thereafter is charged with housing classified docs, with many of the apparently found in the boxes marked classified that the GSA told Trump they had to ship to him:
Science, Culture, & Humanities / Heroic Doubling
« Last post by Crafty_Dog on April 29, 2024, 08:31:22 AM »

This follows quite closely with a recent discussion a my FB page of Konrad Lorenz's concept of Collective Militant Enthusiasm.   

CME can be, and often is in the current moment, aroused to terrible and unreasoning purpose.   

It also serves for good and necessary reasons too-- a point I think this very good piece misses with regard to its passing reference to Kyle Rittenhouse.

Regardless, on the whole there is some nuanced intelligent discussion here.
The commander of US forces in the Indo-Pacific region has accused China of pursuing a “boiling frog” strategy, raising tensions in the region with increasingly dangerous military activity. Admiral John “Lung” Aquilino said that during his three years as US Indo-Pacific commander, China has increased its pace of military development and matched its growing capabilities with more destabilising behaviour. “It’s getting more aggressive, they’re getting more bold and it’s getting more dangerous,” Aquilino told the Financial Times in an interview before he hands over command to Admiral Samuel “Pappy” Paparo next week. Aquilino said China was stepping up its aggressive conduct through a “boiling frog” strategy, in which it gradually raised the temperature so that the ultimate danger was under-appreciated until it was too late. (Source:

Exhibit A:

This happened right as Blinken was leaving.
Politics & Religion / 2024 Dr, Jill Stein, co-opting the protest movement
« Last post by DougMacG on April 29, 2024, 07:54:14 AM »

There is a video interview at the link.  Getting arrested might be her big break.  For a radical, she sounds quite reasonable.  Democrats, especially young Democrats, the 50% that support Hamas should take a look at her.  (I hope she divides the party and the Left vote.)

She isn't going away.  She isn't going to endorse Joe Biden in the end.

Like Ralph Nader in Florida in 2000, he said (paraphrasing), 'I didn't cost Al Gore the election.  Those weren't his votes I took.  They were my votes.'

This anti Israel movement is anti Netanyahu and equally anti Biden.

It's dangerous and sad for the country but division could be helpful in ending the reign of the Left.  Radicals and normal Democrats shouldn't be in the same party.  If Joe tries to be more centrist to win the center he will lose the Left.  They ca start saying 'uniparty'.

Recall how we watched the Republicans (in the House for example) struggle to keep  their members in line while Democrats all lined up behind Nancy Pelosi.

This threatens all that.

She rips into RFK as well, no ally there.

Jewish heritage, (Israel hater).  Way more articulate than Bernie Sanders.  Now she has an audience and an anti-war cause, speaking up against the crackdown on the college 'protests'.
In 1973, Stein graduated magna cum laude from Harvard College, where she studied psychology, sociology, and anthropology.[7] She then attended Harvard Medical School and graduated in 1979.[7] Stein practiced internal medicine for 25 years[8] at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Simmons College Health Center, and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, which are all located in the Boston area. She also served as an instructor of medicine at Harvard Medical School.[9]
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