Author Topic: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.  (Read 567816 times)


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AZ: Ballot Drop Box Monitors sued
« Reply #2300 on: October 25, 2022, 04:48:43 PM »
Group Monitoring Drop Boxes Sued for Alleged Voter Intimidation
By Zachary Stieber October 25, 2022 

A group that has been observing drop boxes in Arizona was sued on Oct. 24 for allegedly intimidating voters.

Clean Elections USA and its founder, Melody Jennings, were named as defendants in the suit, which was filed by lawyers with Marc Elias’s law firm on behalf of the Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans and Voto Latino.

The drop box observers are violating federal law, including the Voting Rights Act, the lawsuit asserts.

“No person, whether acting under color of law or otherwise, shall intimidate, threaten, or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for voting or attempting to vote, or intimidate, threaten, or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for urging or aiding any person to vote or attempt to vote,” the law states in part.

Clean Elections USA members and supporters have gathered outside boxes in Maricopa County in recent weeks to watch as people drop off ballots.

Jennings said on social media that people should go to the boxes to act as a “deterrent” against voter fraud.

“We must legally deter people from committing voter fraud. The only way we can do this is to monitor those drop box locations with a team of volunteers. That is why we’re reaching out to patriots like yourself who have similar concerns. In short, we need your help!” the Clean Elections USA website states.

At least some of the observers have been armed.

Some of the observers told a local reporter that they were with Clean Elections USA.

“The tactics being used by Clean Elections USA aren’t just profoundly dangerous to voters in Arizona, they’re an affront to the fundamental principles of our democracy,” Maria Teresa Kumar, president and CEO of Voto Latino, said in a statement.

The groups are seeking a temporary restraining order prohibiting Clean Elections USA from gathering “within sight of drop boxes” and from following or recording voters or prospective voters at or around drop boxes.

Clean Elections USA would also be barred from “training, organizing, or directing” people to monitor drop boxes if the order is imposed.

The case was filed in federal court in Arizona.

Clean Elections USA and Jennings did not have lawyers listed on the court docket.

Clean Elections USA does not list contact information on its website.

Jennings said on Truth Social, former President Donald Trump’s social media platform, that observers should follow the law.

“Knowing that we the citizens of the United States are protecting the rule of law is very satisfying,” she said.

Several voter intimidation complaints have been lodged in Arizona and referred to the U.S. Department of Justice. Attorney General Merrick Garland said Monday that the agency “will not permit voters to be intimidated.”

Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone said that the department has received two suspicious activity criminal reports but that no charges have been filed and the observers have not committed crimes.

“It doesn’t meet the threshold for a crime. This is a free nation. The Second Amendment is as important as the first. So that in and of itself does not constitute a crime,” he told reporters when asked about people being dressed in tactical gear and carrying guns.

Arizona law bars being armed or trying to persuade voters within 75 feet of a voting location.

The federal government, though, may decide that the people violated federal law, Penzone added. His agency is “working closely” with the Department of Justice.


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Re: nearly 1/2 of absentee ballots cast before PA debate last night
« Reply #2302 on: October 26, 2022, 07:38:58 AM »

 :roll: :x

Obviously, that was the Fetterman debate timing plan.

The 45-46% who support him probably still do.  He would be a Dem vote in the Senate.

We used to have something called "election day", an American tradition, the envy of the world. To vote absentee, you needed a real reason.  Otherwise you headed to your physical polling place, city hall in my small town.  Your vote was private but your coming out to cast it was public, with election judge witnesses.


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Re: AZ: Ballot Drop Box Monitors sued
« Reply #2303 on: October 26, 2022, 08:00:21 AM »
"Arizona law bars being armed or trying to persuade voters within 75 feet of a voting location."

That seems clear enough.  Their mere presence outside of that limit is presumably a right they have as much as the voter (or mule) has the right to be where they are.  Beyond that, it seems to me, you would need actual intimidating behavior.  Aiming a camera at a public place is not that.

These reports keep saying "armed" but don't say anyone was breaking a gun law.


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Josh Shapiro Democrat Pa AG running for governor
« Reply #2304 on: October 26, 2022, 10:44:52 AM »
endorses by Karl Rove PAC

I read

wait was he not the guy who said prior to the '20 election he KNEW Trump would lose Pa?

clearly making it clear that the Dem lawyers including him cleared the way for the ballots to harvested by the many thousands to be sure they got Biden over the top to give him Pa electoral votes

I am pretty sure it was him - he damn well knew of the scam and was part of it
that shit.


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More skullduggery in PA
« Reply #2305 on: October 28, 2022, 08:25:54 AM »

After Sending Out 240,000 Unverified Ballots, Pennsylvania Now Warns Of 'Delays' Counting Midterm Votes
Tyler Durden's Photo
THURSDAY, OCT 27, 2022 - 09:01 AM
Here we go again...

Just one day after 15 Pennsylvania House Republicans sent a letter to acting Secretary of State Leigh Chapman demanding to know why 240,000 unverified ballots had been mailed out ("which, according to the law, must be set aside and not counted for the 2022 General Election unless the voter produces lD," the lawmakers wrote), Chapman revealed that there will likely be delays posting the results after the midterm elections.

Acting Secretary of State Leigh Chapman spoke on Monday, Oct. 24 to discuss voting procedures throughout the state.

"It's really important for us to get accurate information about the election process in Pennsylvania," Chapman said during a virtual conference, where she said it would likely take 'several days' to count and certify the votes.

"So voters and the public know that when there are delays in counting, it doesn’t mean that there’s anything nefarious happening. It’s just what the law is in Pennsylvania."

According to Chapman, the delays would be attributed to poll workers not being able to pre-canvas, or count mail-in ballots prior to election day.

She also encouraged voters to go ahead and send in their ballots, contrary to Republican messaging which urged voters to hold onto their mail-in ballots and turn them in to their local board of elections on election day - which Chapman said could (somehow) cause voters to become disenfranchised.

"We have heard that there’s messaging out there in Pennsylvania, as far as instructing voters to hold onto their mail-in ballots," she said, adding "As part of our voter education campaign, we encourage voters to request that mail-in ballot now and return it as soon as possible. We don’t want voters to delay."

Chapman took the opportunity to convey concerns she says stem from 'misinformation' - threats to interrupt voting and calls to delay the sending of mail-in ballots.

While she didn’t detail a specific incident, Chapman said there have been reports of threats aimed at the voting process throughout the state. She promised that her office has worked to investigate any threat made toward a free and fair election.

“Since I’ve been in office in January, we have constantly met with the FBI and Homeland Security just to talk through what the current threat landscape is and tools that we can give our counties to make sure that they have physical security protection as well as cyber security protection,” she said.

“So it’s been great to partner with both the federal and state law enforcement organizations. We are in constant communication with them and it’s a situation that we are monitoring,” Chapman added. -Lehigh Valley News

According to Chapman, over 1.2 million mail-in ballots have been requested across the state, and 43% - or 556,000, have been returned.

So does that mean that nearly 25% of mail-in ballots sent out were unverified?



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WSJ: Alaska's Ranked Choice Scam
« Reply #2306 on: October 28, 2022, 08:28:13 AM »

The ‘Ranked Choice’ Scam
Alaskans know the truth about this confusing, coercive voting system.
Kimberley A. Strassel hedcutBy Kimberley A. StrasselFollow
Oct. 27, 2022 6:14 pm ET

Would you prefer halibut or salmon or moose burgers, in what order, and based on what scheming odds? Believe it or not, that’s a real voting guide to Alaskans this election year. And it’s a warning to voters in Nevada and nine cities and counties across the U.S. being asked this election to adopt ranked-choice voting: Walk away. Better yet, sprint.

Take it from someone living through the hell that is Alaska’s election system. Two years ago, left-leaning outside groups quietly funded Alaska liberals (posing under the vanilla title Alaskans for Better Elections) backing a ballot initiative to do away with the state’s perfectly good election system. It was replaced with a “top four” primary and a ranked-choice general election.

Most Alaskans didn’t know what they were voting for, since the initiative was a mind-numbing 25 pages of single type, and its boosters tucked the voting part into the garble. The initiative instead led with a provision claiming it would eliminate “dark money” (doubly offensive given its own cloaked funding). Even with all this subterfuge, it barely passed.

Proponents of this system yammer on about how it expands choice, decreases polarization and forges consensus. Alaskans can confirm the opposite is true. Here’s what the system really produces: mass confusion, lower-quality information, and increased voter bitterness given the system’s coercion.

The state got its unexpected first interaction with this regime when Rep. Don Young died in March. The ensuing special “open” primary featured 48 candidates, running as Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, independents, “nonpartisans,” “undeclared” and (no joke) Santa Claus. All this “choice” served only to deny Alaskans useful information about any one candidate. Choice becomes malevolent when it eliminates meaningful debate, denies voters information, and lards ballots with no-hope candidates that distract from serious ones.

Four candidates advanced, then one withdrew. (Santa Claus finished sixth.) After ensuing chaos as to what to do in such a scenario, a state judge barred the fifth-place winner from advancing. So Alaskans had only three options in the special general election.

The Division of Elections began carpet-bombing residents with “how to” guides that managed the impressive feat of making ranked-choice more bewildering. Alaskans for Better Elections released a video comparing the process to choosing dinner: “Moose burgers are my first choice, but if can’t have those, then I choose grilled salmon as my backup.”

But what if you don’t want a “backup” politician? That gets to the real problem with ranked-choice—it’s coercive. It forces voters to play its complex game or risk not being counted. Alaska is a Republican state, and two of the three candidates who advanced—Sarah Palin and Nick Begich Jr.—are Republicans. They split the vote in the first round of counting, giving Democrat Mary Peltola more votes than Ms. Palin. Mr. Begich was then eliminated. Half his voters went to Ms. Palin. Only about a quarter went to Ms. Peltola, but it was enough to push her over 50% of those who ranked either her or Ms. Palin.

Yet notice the numbers don’t add up. About 20% of Mr. Begich’s supporters didn’t put a second choice—either in confusion or protest. (A full 35% of Palin voters didn’t.) Those voters didn’t want Ms. Peltola—they wouldn’t mark her name—but for refusing to play the game, their punishment was to be stuck with her anyway. Thus does a state that Donald Trump won by 10 points, and in which 60% of the voters chose first a Republican, end up with a Democratic representative. Consensus? Hardly. The word is “rigged.”

The end of polarization? As Alaskans gear up to do all this again, witness the nonstop political attack ads. They are as vicious as they come. Add to this voter fury that this time they are being asked to rate moose burgers against halibut against pizza against salmon in the House race (again), a Senate race, a governor’s race and races for state House and Senate. The sample ballot looks like a deranged SAT. Fold in continued public bitterness that liberal groups targeted Alaska to be a ranked-choice guinea pig, sold the initiative deceptively, and are spinning the results with juked analysis and polls.

Residents snarfed to see Bruce Botelho (a long-ago Democratic state attorney general, now with Alaskans for Better Elections) insist in a piece in the Hill that Alaskans love this hot mess. They roll their eyes to read the mainstream media gloss on the project, quoting the outfits trying to foist the same on other unsuspecting voters. The better gauge comes from pollster Ivan Moore of Alaska Survey Research, who told Alaska Beacon that his numbers show conservative voters dislike ranked-choice voting by a 6-to-1 margin.

As for the lower 48 punditocracy flacking for the system, come on up and stand in voting lines with Alaskans to see how happy they are with this debacle.

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Re: WSJ: Alaska's Ranked Choice Scam
« Reply #2307 on: October 28, 2022, 10:11:54 AM »
Ranked choice voting was the stupid response to the charge that Ralph Nader cost Al Gore the election.  I don't know why Alaska did it, but has to do with people not liking the two party system.

As a matter of record, the Ralph Nader voters did not want Gore (or Bush) to be President.

In 1992, Ross Perot caused Bill Clinton to win with just 43% of the vote IIRC.  For whatever I may think of their personal voting choice, who the hell cares what their second choice was.  They had ONE TRY at voting for President.

Republicans should have picked Jack Kemp to follow Reagan IMHO.  Instead they had a weak incumbent to sell in 1992.  Live and learn.

The two party system may suck but it is better than all the alternatives.

I thought it was liberals who believed we should make voting easier.  Ranked choice makes it a game, not a choice.

Alaska needs to dump this as soon as possible after the election.


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Ballot Harvesting in FL
« Reply #2308 on: October 28, 2022, 04:16:55 PM »
Florida Officials Looking Into Allegations of Widespread Ballot Harvesting Operation
Democrat blows the whistle in a sworn affidavit
By Katabella Roberts October 28, 2022 Updated: October 28, 2022biggersmaller Print



The Florida Department of Law Enforcement is considering investigating an alleged long-running and widespread ballot harvesting operation among black communities in the central part of state.

Law enforcement officials are considering probing the matter on the recommendation of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ new election crimes unit, the Office of Election Crimes and Security (OECS), officials confirmed.

DeSantis’ new election crimes body was established this year in an effort to hold individuals in the state accountable for voter fraud.

Law enforcement officials confirmed they are looking into the matter in an emailed statement to The Epoch Times.

“The Florida Department of State has received a complaint regarding alleged ballot harvesting in Orange County, which is currently under review to determine if an investigation is warranted,” the statement read.

In a separate statement to Just the News on Wednesday, the department stated that it was made aware of the issue around Sept. 1, 2022.

“After further inquiry, OECS received additional information related to the allegation on October 17, 2022, and performed a preliminary investigation,” the statement read. “Since OECS is an investigative entity and does not [have] authority to make arrests, the office forwarded the complaint to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for possible violation of section 104.0616, Florida Statutes,” it added.

Since the 2020 presidential election, Republican lawmakers and experts have repeatedly raised concerns over alleged voter fraud that may have swung votes in favor of President Joe Biden.

The conservative election integrity group True the Vote in late 2020 said it had found “overwhelming evidence of ballot trafficking” across key states in the United States, including Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

GOP lawmakers have accused Democrats of ignoring the issue, which they say presents an obvious threat to elections across the country.

Democrat Blows the Whistle
In late August, former Orange County Commissioner candidate Cynthia Harris, a Democrat, filed a sworn affidavit with the office of Florida’s secretary of state alleging the ballot harvesting operation, according to a Just the News report.

In the affidavit, Harris reportedly said voting activists in Orlando were being paid $10 for each third-party ballot they collected.

Harris told Just the News she was concerned about the broken chain of custody with ballots collected by third parties.

“You know, it’s just utterly ridiculous that people don’t understand that once that ballot leaves your hand and it’s not placed in the mailbox, or it’s not directly given to the supervisor of elections, you don’t know where it goes,” she said.

The probe into the alleged ballot harvesting comes shortly after an Arizona Democrat and school board member was sentenced to 30 days in prison after pleading guilty earlier this year to one count of ballot abuse.

Guillermina Fuentes, a 66-year-old former mayor of the town of San Luis, was accused of being involved in a ballot harvesting scheme during an August 2020 municipal election in which she allegedly illegally collected early ballots from four individuals that were not family members.

Under Arizona’s anti-ballot harvesting law, it is a felony to hand in early ballots for individuals who are neither family nor household members unless the person handing in the ballot is the voter’s caregiver.


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2000 Mules book backtracks?
« Reply #2309 on: October 29, 2022, 09:25:14 AM »

“2000 Mules,” a book that claims left-wing groups stuffed ballot boxes to swipe the 2020 contest from former President Donald Trump, has undergone major revisions to water down certain claims amid the threat of legal action.

A passage that accused certain nonprofits of engaging in illegal “ballot trafficking” has been rewritten or edited to remove the names of certain groups, while sections that tie election fraud to Antifa or Black Lives Matter have been deleted, according to National Public Radio.

The book is hitting stores after a two-month delay. It is based on a film of the same name that’s influential in Trump circles but has been discredited by fact-checkers and others as lacking evidence and specifics.

Author Dinesh D’Souza tweeted in July that the book would fill in the lines.

“I am going to reveal the names of several of these nonprofit stash houses in my book ‘2000 Mules; that comes out in late August,” Mr. D’Souza wrote.

The book was pulled before its release date when publisher Regnery issued a recall, though NPR says it found some copies on shelves.

Groups that were accused of being fraudsters said they were happy the revisions backtracked, telling the outlet that the claims amounted to “trash,” “lies” and “malarkey.”

• Tom Howell Jr. can be reached at


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2310 on: October 29, 2022, 10:17:08 AM »
"“2000 Mules,” a book that claims left-wing groups stuffed ballot boxes to swipe the 2020 contest from former President Donald Trump, has undergone major revisions to water down certain claims amid the threat of legal action."

the publisher probably got cold feet


"A passage that accused certain nonprofits of engaging in illegal “ballot trafficking”

if anyone wonders how is it that fraud could have happened and with so few whistle blowers
coming forward

just look at how many millions of people cover for Joe Biden's and John Fetterman's obvious brain damage.......

with everyone all in on it they can all will keep quiet


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Re: 2000 Mules book backtracks?
« Reply #2311 on: October 30, 2022, 08:54:08 AM »
I watched the movie and recall it differently.

" “2000 Mules,” a book that claims left-wing groups stuffed ballot boxes.."

   - The movie implies or suggests this cheating took place.  It shows video and does not claim to know which mule went to which non-profit group and deposited which ballots, IIRC.

All the debunks of it I read debunk a straw argument, criteria not set in the movie.  For example Bill Barr, who didn't investigate election fraud and didn't see the movie.  His view is relevant because he is "Trump appointee" who opines against Trump.
Bill Barr in a video the "committee" presented as "Jan 6" "evidence"."The premise that, you know, if you go buy a box, five boxes or whatever it was, you know that that's a mule is just indefensible."

Umm, that wasn't the criteria.

"True the Vote set a high bar for its statistical subset – making sure that a mule went to the same drop box at least ten times and to a minimum of 23 drop boxes. Two thousand of these individuals in the five states met this criteria" ...
"multiple ballot boxes were being visited by the same people over and over in Democratically controlled urban areas"

A family member dropping off your ballot doesn't do that.

Cell phone GPS accuracy is about 16 feet.  Nothing captured in cell phone data is evidence of what the person did there.

Could be that a person went to these democrat supported vote organizations and to a bank or drug store that takes him right past a ballot box, 10 times each in 23 locations.  The point is, you can't make up another plausible explanation. 

One video shows the "mule" taking his gloves off after making the drop and throwing them in a trash can, just one day after a drop was investigated in another state using fingerprint data.  Then the narrator says, watch this again.  The mule approaches the drop box and drops a stack of ballots and clearly does not look to see if or where there is a trash container, then pulls the gloves and walks straight to it, like he had been there before and knew exactly what he was doing.

One "debunk":
CLAIM: Alleged ballot harvesters were captured on surveillance video wearing gloves because they didn’t want to leave their fingerprints on the ballots.
THE FACTS: This is pure speculation. It ignores far more likely reasons for glove-wearing in the fall and winter of 2020 — cold weather or COVID-19.

  - This writer and his editors clearly did not see the movie, or know what a "cold" October night in Arizona (75 degrees?) feels like.  Why wasn't he cold after the drop, and who throws out warm gloves in October?

The movie does not tell who the dropper is, whose ballots he dropped, where he got them or who they voted for.  All we know is that IF the cell phone data really points to thousands of incidents of this, a massive fraud has taken place and should be investigated, and the practice illegal in all 50 states should be stopped.

The movie claims to have offered all its data that it paid large money for to law enforcement and mostly was treated with a yawn.

The "debunk" industry mis-portrays the criteria and the claim.  None of this is evidence of a crime.  It is a roadmap to where you very likely will find crime on a scale that is the elusive threat to democracy they all say they are looking for.

The movie does not name the Democrat supported, vote promoting organizations it was tracking.  I imagine they were named in the first printing of the book and not in the revision since the movie and the book is not evidence of a crime, and these people, if named, could deny and sue since none or few crimes were prosecuted as a result of this.

Not mentioned in the movie, does anyone remember that Zuckerberg put a half billion into liberal get out the vote organizations?  The viewer is left to guess which organizations the mules visited.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2022, 08:59:10 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2312 on: October 30, 2022, 09:23:59 AM »
"."True the Vote set a high bar for its statistical subset – making sure that a mule went to the same drop box at least ten times and to a minimum of 23 drop boxes. Two thousand of these individuals in the five states met this criteria" ...
"multiple ballot boxes were being visited by the same people over and over in Democratically controlled urban areas"

yes indeed

and also these phones that pinged there way around multiple drop boxes also pinged at democrat election sites
I think someone did mention one attached to election denier Abrams - shock !  :wink:

But Bill Barr who was second in command of law enforcement yells this compelling evidence is bunk , nonsense , garbage , BS

maybe not strong enough evidence if court of law
 against armies of shysters but certainly strong enough for me see how hundreds of thousands of Biden votes seemed to miraculously show up between election night and the next morning
to swing every swing district AWAY from Trump and TOWARDS Biden

who one Josh Shapiro KNEW was the safety valve that would ensure Trump lost....

nothing to see
just my wild imagination and I am to dumb to believe everything I saw and read about with my own eyes

Bongino had good take on Dem "gaslighting " last night about this

I love that guy !


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TX: To monitor or not to monitor
« Reply #2313 on: November 01, 2022, 04:19:27 PM »
GOP push to monitor voting in Texas’s Harris County spurs outcry
The conflict is centered on Houston, where Republicans say more scrutiny of the process is needed. Democrats say GOP efforts could scare off voters.
By Molly Hennessy-Fiske and Amy Gardner
Updated November 1, 2022 at 4:04 p.m.

HOUSTON — With a week to go before Election Day, a showdown is emerging between state and local leaders here over how to protect the security of the vote without intimidating voters and election workers.

Congressional districts have changed. Find yours for the 2022 midterm elections.

The clash is playing out in Harris County, Texas’s largest jurisdiction and home to Houston, where state and local Republicans are deploying monitors to oversee the handling of ballots in the Democratic enclave. Local Democratic officials have said the move is an effort to intimidate voters — and asked the Justice Department to send federal observers in response.

The result could be a partisan showdown, in which two different sets of monitors face off on Election Day in this giant metro region. That’s not including the thousands of partisan poll watchers who are expected to fan out at voting locations across Texas.

GOP officials and conservative poll watchers say heightened scrutiny is necessary to prevent election fraud and mismanagement. Voting-rights advocates and local leaders, meanwhile, say the GOP is scaring voters and election workers alike — and undermining faith in the results for a county that Republicans are pushing hard to win control of on Nov. 8.

The conflict reflects how much mistrust has infused election season across the country, giving rise to fears of confrontation and even violence between groups with wildly divergent beliefs about how best to protect democratic rights. The dynamic is particularly heightened in the cities of politically contested states, where Democrats tend to control elections and where Republicans have mounted aggressive poll-watching campaigns.

The office of Texas Secretary of State John Scott (R) announced plans last month to send monitors to conduct “randomized checks” and observe handling and counting of ballots as a result of what he described as bungled election security efforts in 2020. The alleged problems, discovered during a state audit of Harris’s administration of the 2020 election, include improper security surrounding electronic equipment where vote tallies were stored, the letter said. Harris officials denied the accusations.

“We are writing to inform you that our ongoing audit of Harris County has revealed serious breaches of proper elections records management,” wrote Chad Ennis, who leads Scott’s Forensic Audit Division, in an Oct. 18 letter to the county’s new elections administrator, Clifford Tatum. “The urgency of this letter is to ensure that none of these process issues occur in the upcoming November 2022 general election.”

The letter noted that Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton would send a task force to Harris to respond to any legal issues flagged by inspectors, poll watchers or voters.

Last week, Paxton announced the formation of a statewide “2022 General Election Integrity Team.” The announcement encouraged Texans to submit “information about alleged violations of the Texas Election Code.” It wasn’t clear where else the team would deploy, and Paxton’s office did not respond to a request for comment.

Harris County struggled during the March 1 primary, the first major vote under new state restrictions, when 10,000 mail ballots weren’t counted on Election Day and officials faced issues with new voting machines and a lack of poll workers. The election administrator later resigned.

The interventions from Scott and Paxton triggered an uproar from voting advocates, voters and Democratic leaders in Harris, who accused Republican officials of trying to intimidate election workers and voters in Houston.

Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee said in an interview that he, along with the county’s chief executive, Lina Hidalgo, and Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner — all Democrats — sent a request to the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division for federal election monitors to be deployed at polling and counting locations in Harris.

Menefee said he received an email from Kristen Clarke, assistant attorney general for civil rights, saying that she was looking into the request. He said he spoke by phone with DOJ staff, which typically publishes a list of places where it plans to deploy monitors about a week out from an election. The Department of Justice did not respond to a request for comment.

“Our biggest concern is we’re going to get to the counting process and there’s going to be folks from the attorney general’s office disrupting stuff in a bad-faith way,” Menefee said of Paxton’s office.

Menefee noted that both Scott and Paxton participated in Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election and backed the state audit of Harris, which Trump had requested. He called the state’s letter “vague and ominous,” intended as “a political tool to undermine our elections.”

He also rejected the allegation that the 2020 election was not secure. He acknowledged initial problems gathering votes from 14 machines. But those issues were documented and witnessed by election judges from both parties, he said, meaning the machines with stored vote tallies were always accounted for.

Hidalgo also assailed the state’s intervention. “The timing of this letter is — at best — suspicious,” she wrote on Twitter about the secretary of state’s announcement. “It was sent just days before the start of early voting, potentially in an attempt to sabotage county efforts by sowing doubt in the elections process, or equally as bad, by opening the door to possible inappropriate state interference in Harris County’s elections.”

Hidalgo is in a heated reelection battle against Republican Alexandria del Moral Mealer, who promises on her campaign website to “do everything I can to safeguard our ballots and ensure free and fair elections for Harris County voters. This starts by cleaning the voter rolls.” At a conservative forum earlier this year, Mealer declined to say that Trump had lost in 2020 — though she has said so more recently, during her general-election campaign.

Sam Taylor, a spokesman for the secretary of state, said much of the backlash over the deployment of monitors is overblown given that it happens every year — and is actually required by law when a certain number of voters request it, as happened this year. While 118 observers have been dispatched so far statewide this year, the number was 250 in 2020, he said. The monitors’ role is to observe election procedures and document issues such as security failures.

Harris is the country’s third-largest county by population, after Los Angeles and Chicago’s Cook County, and one of its most diverse, with a majority of its 4.7 million residents Latino, Black or Asian. Some residents have bridled at efforts to more aggressively scrutinize the work of local election officials.

“They don’t need people making an already difficult job more difficult,” said Clay Sands, 58, a real estate broker and self-described moderate Democrat who cast his ballot this week at a popular early-voting spot near downtown Houston.

The view was very different at a Harris County library branch in suburban Katy on Friday, where Johnny Wisniski, 65, a Republican and a public-works employee in a neighboring county, said he has little faith in the election process. He welcomed the presence of local and state monitors.

“I just think there’s going to be some cheating,” he said. “I think people are going to vote twice and dead people are going to vote. There’s going to be fraud.”

In addition to the government monitors, a surge of partisan poll watchers is expected at voting locations in Texas this year.

Pro-Trump Republicans court volunteers to 'challenge any vote'

Taylor said more than 3,300 Texans have taken his office’s online training course for poll observers — a new requirement under a sweeping election law enacted in 2021. But there is no way to know how many of those will actually show up, or where, Taylor added.

Nadia Hakim, a spokesperson for the Harris County elections office, said the office received no reports of issues with poll observer misconduct, voter intimidation or major malfunctions of voting machines as of Friday, the midpoint of Texas’s two-week-long early-voting period. Several election administrators said they expect a burst of activity on Election Day.

Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of the nonpartisan voter education and advocacy group Common Cause Texas, said that while so far there have not been many complaints to his group’s hotline, he is concerned that poll observers could overstep in this year’s tense atmosphere. During a training last week, Gutierrez said volunteers reported seeing people without the required identification circulating at polling locations close to voters.

One Black voter complained to the hotline that when he showed up to vote at a polling location at a southwest Dallas community college, a White man outside told him he had to first surrender his cellphone and smartwatch, Gutierrez said. He said the voter complied, cast his ballot and recovered his items, only to discover the man who seized them “was not a worker at that poll site. They were just trying to be intimidating.”

A spokesman for the Dallas elections office confirmed multiple reports of poll observers trying inappropriately to confiscate phones and smartwatches from voters. Under state law, voters must put away their phones but can carry them into the polls. There is no requirement to remove smartwatches, he said.

One ingredient in the recipe for conflict, election administrators said, is the divergent understanding of what is allowed and what is not. Taylor said his office has received dozens of calls from observers describing poll-worker actions they assumed were illegal, but weren’t.

Harris County residents Wayne and Lisa Nellums said they worried about voters being intimidated by state poll monitoring, particularly fellow voters of color. But the couple, who are Black, said the added monitoring could also backfire on those they believe are seeking to drive away minority voters like them.

“What they don’t understand is that when they try to intimidate,” said Lisa Nellums, 61, “it just makes us want to vote more.”

Gardner reported from Washington.


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PA Supremes rule for vote integrity
« Reply #2314 on: November 02, 2022, 04:57:16 AM »
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Tuesday ordered counties to not count any ballots that are in undated or incorrectly dated envelopes in the upcoming Nov. 8 elections, siding with national and state Republican groups in a lawsuit filed just over two weeks ago.

“The Pennsylvania county boards of elections are hereby ORDERED to refrain from counting any absentee and mail-in ballots received for the November 8, 2022 general election that are contained in undated or incorrectly dated outer envelopes,” the court said in its order (pdf).

It added, “We hereby DIRECT that the Pennsylvania county boards of elections segregate and preserve any ballots contained in undated or incorrectly dated outer envelopes.”

Court justices were split 3–3 on whether not counting these ballots would violate 52 US Code section 10101 (a)(2)(B), a voting provision under the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The provision states that “no person acting under color of law shall deny the right of any individual to vote in any election because of an error or omission on any record or paper relating to any application, registration, or other act requisite to voting, if such error or omission is not material in determining whether such individual is qualified under State law to vote in such election.”

Chief Justice Debra Todd, and Justices Christine Donohue and David Wecht—all Democrats—would find a violation of federal law if ballots were thrown out based on requiring a date, the court order states. Meanwhile, Justice Kevin Dougherty, a Democrat, and Justices Sallie Updyke Mundy and Kevin Brobson, both Republicans, would not find a violation of federal law. The court is down one member after Chief Justice Max Baer died in September.

The court said that opinions for the decision are “to follow.”

Republicans Sought Expedited Review

The latest court decision comes after the Republican National Committee (RNC), the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), and the Republican Party of Pennsylvania in October joined in filing a lawsuit to block undated mail-in ballots and absentee ballots from being counted, even if they are received on time.

In a petition, the group asked for an expedited review, which requires the court to use its special power to bypass the lower courts in taking up the case. On Oct. 21, the court granted the request, a move that suggested it regards the matter as urgent and important.

Pennsylvania Department of State officials argued that state law between 1945 to 1968 had directed counties to set aside mail-in ballots when the date on the envelope was later than the election day. But in 1968, the state law was changed, resulting in the deletion of a section in the law that required counties to set aside ballots based on the date on the return envelope, the officials noted.

Republicans asked the justices to rule on the language of Pennsylvania’s law, which states that an absentee or mail-in voter “shall … fill out, date and sign the declaration” printed on the outer envelope of the ballot. They asked the court that if it doesn’t order counties to throw out the undated or incorrectly dated ballots, then it should at least order counties to segregate the ballots.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Tuesday dismissed the individual petitioners from the case due to lack of standing, while determining that the RNC, NRCC, and the Pennsylvania GOP have standing.

Prior to the latest legal fight, the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals had ruled in May that having dates on the return envelope is not mandatory, and that mail-in ballots without the date had to be counted in a 2021 Pennsylvania judge race.

The ruling was welcomed by Democrats, including the Pennsylvania Department of State under the administration of Gov. Tom Wolf, a Democrat. It immediately adjusted its nonbinding guidance to say that counties should count undated ballots.

But the U.S. Supreme Court in October vacated the decision by the appeals court, and dismissed the case as moot.

Pennsylvania state law requires that voters handwrite a date on the outer envelope when they send in mail ballots. However, the date that’s handwritten on the envelope is not used to verify whether a ballot has been received on time for the election, because the ballots are supposed to be time-stamped when they arrive at county offices.


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AZ: True the Vote founders jailed on contempt (Konnech)
« Reply #2315 on: November 02, 2022, 05:00:04 AM »

This seems complicated:


True the Vote Founders Jailed for Contempt of Court
By Zachary Stieber October 31, 2022 Updated: November 1, 2022biggersmaller Print



The founders of the election integrity group True the Vote were jailed on Oct. 31 by a federal judge for contempt of court.

U.S. marshals detained Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips after a hearing in federal court in Dallas, according to a court docket entry.

Court filings show U.S. District Judge Kenneth Hoyt, the Reagan appointee overseeing a lawsuit against True the Vote, Engelbrecht, and Phillips, ordered the defendants jailed after they refused to share information, including all people who have had or still have possession of any information from Konnech computers.

Konnech is an election management software firm whose CEO was arrested in October for allegedly stealing poll worker data and hosting it on servers in China.

Konnech sued True the Vote prior to the arrest, alleging that the election integrity group and its founders gained unauthorized access to its computers and gained information from them.

In the lawsuit and a motion for a temporary restraining order (TRO), Konnech said that the defendants made “completely baseless claims” that Konnech’s CEO and employees were Chinese operatives and that the FBI was investigating Konnech.

“The truth is that Konnech is a U.S. company founded and operated by a U.S. citizen who has no affiliation with the Chinese Communist Party whatsoever,” Konnech said, adding that all of its U.S. customer data “is secured and stored exclusively on protected computers located within the United States.”

That was part of the $2.9 million contract Konnech reached with Los Angeles County, but Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón, a Democrat who charged Konnech CEO Eugene Yu, said investigators found that information “was stored on servers in the People’s Republic of China.”

True the Vote said Konnech’s claims that they hacked into Konnech servers were false and that they accessed a server in China using a “pre-loaded password that did not even require typing in a password to enter the server.”

Hoyt in September ordered the defendants to stop accessing the computers and to return all property and data obtained from the computers. He also ordered them to identify each person and group involved in accessing the computers and to disclose to Konnech how the computers were accessed.

Defendants told the court in a sealed letter that they wouldn’t identify the source of the data, “arguing that to do so would hinder an FBI investigation concerning the matter, or jeopardizing ‘national security,'” Hoyt said in a recent order.

Defendants said they turned over the person’s identity to the FBI and that they shouldn’t have to make that name available to Konnech. Text messages submitted to the court were sent between Engelbrecht and FBI agents, according to an affidavit from the former.

Phillips said in an affidavit that defendants would “comply fully” with Hoyt’s order and that the name of the person who accessed information from a computer was revealed in court during a recent hearing. According to Votebeat, that person is Mike Hasson. A summons was issued to Hasson on Oct. 31.

Phillips also said that Hasson and FBI agents were the only people who had access to the information.

The defendants will be detained “until they fully comply” with Hoyt’s order to disclose information, according to a summary of the hearing.

“True the Vote calls for the immediate release of founder Catherine Engelbrecht and contractor Gregg Phillips, who were jailed for contempt today for refusing to deliver to Konnech the name of the third party who was present at a presentation of evidence of Konnech’s wrongdoing,” True the Vote said in a statement to The Epoch Times. “This evidence was provided to the LA District Attorney’s office in their investigation of Konnech, which resulted in the arrest of CEO Eugene Yu.

“True the Vote attorneys are expediting an appeal seeking to have Engelbrecht and Phillips released.”

“Trust, honesty, and respect will always be our highest values, regarding both our work and our lives,” Engelbrecht added. “As a result, we will be held in jail until we agree to give up the name of a person we believe was not covered under the terms of the judge’s TRO.


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Mid Term Rigging
« Reply #2316 on: November 03, 2022, 07:18:41 AM »

Can you guys see this?


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2317 on: November 03, 2022, 08:21:54 AM »
do you mean if I put this into the browser

I see what you posted :


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2318 on: November 03, 2022, 04:09:01 PM »


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Biden election address, vote against election deniers
« Reply #2319 on: November 04, 2022, 08:19:16 AM »

Biden address, forgotten by the end of the evening it was delivered.  180,000 viewed this video, less than one out of every thousand people.  I only watched to see what he and his writers got wrong.

It should be immediately followed by this, 12 minutes of Democrats denying election results:
Does "The Big Lie" intentionally divisive rhetoric apply to all of them as well?

He started with the horrible attack on Paukl Pelosi and did everything he could to tie all political violence to Trump, when we don't even know the |Paul Pelosi attack was political.  Dishonesty on steroids.

He delivered the reading, and then left the stage.  He called together all these journalists; why not take a question or two?Because what he said does not stand up to scrutiny.

"Every vote should be counted!"

Would it be so hard to instead say, 'every legally cast vote should be counted'?  Then we could all come together with nearly 100% agreement instead of blowing the political divisions wide open, as he intended.

While he is proclaiming every vote should be counted, cities and states are getting caught sending out ballots to non-citizens and ineligible voters in numbers more than tenfold the recorded margin of the previous election.

He showed an ID to vote in Delaware, then calls anyone (including states) racist and fascist if they favor that small, basic protection anywhere else.

If Democrats are going to wield this level of power over a near zero margin of victory, we ALL need to have ZERO TOLERANCE FOR ALL VOTE FRAUD.

"The Big Lie", repeated ad nauseum, means don't investigate or even talk about fraud, or you are perpetuating the lie and dooming the "democracy". 

We of course had the name calling, "extreme MAGA" and "election deniers".  Does he even know what MAGA stands for.  What shouldn't be extreme about making America Great Again, and having free and fair elections is of course a central part of that.

He spoke of recounts and court cases all finding in his favor.  No mention that recounts recounted all the same ballots and 99% of the court cases were dismissed for lack of 'standing', with no evidence presented or heard.  Dismissal on standing is dishonestly presented as proof of no fraud.

What really shook the confidence of those not convinced of the result was the utter failure to investigate.

He spoke of voter intimidation when the story he is referring to is 'mule' intimidation, people who drop off ballots for a living.  We ARE going to take a closer look.

EXPECT a camera on in a public place when you vote or have someone else drop off your ballot.  That's how we get the beginnings of evidence to prosecute, and keep our election fair and free, a process where both sides can believe the result.

Another point Biden made was wait a few days after the election to judge the results.  Other than centrally planned election fraud, I wonder what that was about...
« Last Edit: November 04, 2022, 11:17:38 AM by DougMacG »


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« Reply #2321 on: November 06, 2022, 03:20:30 AM »
Trump Misses the Real Pennsylvania Voting Problem
His claim of unverified mail votes is flimsy. But beware of undated mail votes.
By The Editorial BoardFollow
Nov. 4, 2022 6:44 pm ET




Former President Donald Trump speaks during a rally ahead of the midterm elections in Mesa, Arizona, Oct. 9.

President Trump is again missing the point on election integrity. “Here we go again! Rigged Election!” he wrote Tuesday. Mr. Trump was referring to a claim on the internet that Pennsylvania has 250,000 mail ballots that lack verification of the voter’s identity. Not really, officials say. Pennsylvania does have a voting issue, but it’s not the one Mr. Trump’s cites.

WSJ Opinion Potomac Watch
What Else Might Be on Your November Ballot

Coincidentally also Tuesday, Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court deadlocked 3-3 on whether mail ballots are valid if voters neglected to date them by hand. In 2020 there were about 8,300 undated ballots in Philadelphia alone, the Associated Press says. For now, the Justices ordered that such ballots be kept separate, which is the right call. But things could get ugly if Republican Mehmet Oz wins the Senate race by a whisker over Democrat John Fetterman.

Registered Democrats account for about 70% of the mail ballots returned in Pennsylvania so far. That means the undated ones will probably break for Mr. Fetterman, who could sue to demand that they be tallied. This might reach the U.S. Supreme Court, with the loser crying that he was cheated.

Mr. Trump’s claim about those 250,000 mail ballots is grounded in a letter that a group of state lawmakers recently sent to the Pennsylvania State Department, raising concerns about how mail votes are tracked and verified. Yet local election authorities say nothing is amiss. “It is business as usual and the legislators who wrote the letter totally misunderstood how the system works,” says Seth Bluestein, a Republican city commissioner in Philadelphia.


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When requesting a mail ballot in Pennsylvania, a voter is asked to provide a state ID number or the last four digits of a Social Security number. Sometimes this information can’t be verified, maybe because the voter simply misread a digit when copying it down. Even if verification fails, the law says registered voters should be sent a mail ballot, with a notice saying it won’t count unless ID is provided.

When unverified ballots come back, election workers set them aside. Chester County says it “prevents the ballot from being counted by blocking the return bar code.” When a worker goes to “check in” the arriving vote, it’s flagged as needing ID. A letter circulated by the State Department adds that Pennsylvania’s voter registration system “has a hard-stop function that will not allow a ballot from a voter without verified identification to be counted.”

According to the State Department, there are “less than 7,600 ballot applications statewide that still require voter identity verification.” Its letter suggests other figures are misreadings of the database. Chester County expects fewer than 300 unverified ballots out of 80,000 requested.

It’s classic Trump. Someone questions an obscure corner of the voting system. Mr. Trump shouts that it’s rigged, without bothering to understand the claim first. Is there any evidence that counties aren’t checking ID? “I have no reason to suspect at this juncture that they’re not doing it,” says state Rep. Frank Ryan, the lead signatory on the letter of concern. “We have not seen any nefarious behavior.”

What Mr. Ryan wants is better internal controls so the verification is visible. “To earn trust you have to build trust,” he says. Fair enough. There’s also a case for less reliance on mail ballots. At the polls, it’s verify first, vote second. Mail ballots invert that: Cast a vote today, hope it checks out tomorrow. Even so, it’s irresponsible for Mr. Trump to yell fraud the instant he sees something he doesn’t understand.

If Pennsylvania has a meltdown, a more likely culprit is undated ballots. The law instructs mail voters to “fill out, date and sign.” After the 2020 election, the state Supreme Court said dates were required. But the swing Justice provided a good-for-one-pandemic exception. As a result, a disputed state legislative seat flipped from a Republican to a Democrat.

After local elections in 2021, the question hit the federal judiciary. The Third Circuit Court of Appeals said a missing date was akin to a paperwork error, so throwing out such ballots would violate the Civil Rights Act. As a result, a disputed judicial seat flipped from a Republican to a Democrat.

In June the Supreme Court declined to block that ruling, over three conservative dissents. The Third Circuit’s view “is very likely wrong,” Justice Samuel Alito wrote. “If left undisturbed, it could well affect the outcome of the fall elections, and it would be far better for us to address that interpretation before, rather than after, it has that effect.” Prescient again, Sam.

Now the state Supreme Court has split 3-3. That tie was possible because Chief Justice Max Baer, a Democrat, died recently. What a mess. Voting should run by settled rules. For two straight elections, Pennsylvania has put itself in the position of having its winners potentially decided by judges after the fact. If Democrats want to shore up democracy, as they keep saying, they can help stop this from happening a third time.


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Goolag puts its foot on the scales
« Reply #2322 on: November 06, 2022, 04:28:57 PM »
EPSTEIN: Google Is Shifting Votes On A Massive Scale, But A Solution Is At Hand
(Photo by FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP via Getty Images)

November 06, 2022
7:03 PM ET

My research team is currently monitoring online political content being sent to voters in swing states through more than 2,500 computers owned by a politically-diverse group of registered voters (our “field agents”), and we are concerned about what we’re seeing.

We are aggregating and analyzing search results on the Google and Bing search engines, messages displayed on Google’s home page, autoplay videos suggested on YouTube, tweets sent to users by the Twitter company (as opposed to tweets sent by other users), email suppression on Gmail, and more.

We have so far preserved more than 1.9 million “ephemeral experiences” – exposure to short-lived content that impacts people and then disappears, leaving no trace – that Google and other companies are able to use to shift opinions and voting preferences, and we expect to have captured more than 2.5 million by Election Day.

In emails leaked from Google to The Wall Street Journal in 2018, Googlers (that’s what they call themselves) discussed how they might be able to use “ephemeral experiences” to change people’s views about Trump’s travel ban. The company later denied that this plan was ever implemented, but leaked content (including multiple blacklists) and startling revelations by Tristan Harris, Zach Vorhies, and other whistleblowers show that Google is indeed out to remake the world in its own image. As the company’s CFO, Ruth Porat, said in a November 11th, 2016 video that leaked in 2018, “we will use the great strength and resources and reach we have” to advance Google’s values.

Since early 2016, my team has been developing and improving Neilsen-type monitoring systems that allow us to do to Google-and-the-Gang what they do to us and our children 24/7: to track their activity, and, specifically, to preserve that very dangerous and persuasive ephemeral content.

Since 2013, I have been conducting rigorous controlled experiments to quantify how persuasive that kind of content can be. I’ve so far identified about a dozen new forms of online manipulation that make use of ephemeral experiences, and nearly all these techniques are controlled exclusively by Google and, to a lesser extent, other tech companies.

These new forms of influence are stunning in their impact. Search results that favor one candidate (in other words, that lead people who click on high-ranking results to web pages that glorify that candidate) can shift the voting preferences of undecided voters by up to 80 percent in some demographic groups after a single search. Carefully crafted search suggestions that flash at you while you are typing a search term can turn a 50/50 split among undecided voters into a 90/10 split with no one knowing they have been manipulated. A single question-and-answer interaction on a digital personal assistant can shift the voting preferences of undecided voters by more than 40 percent.

In 2020, the 1.5 million ephemeral experiences we aggregated from the computers of our 1,735 field agents showed us manipulations that were sufficient, in theory, to have shifted more than six million votes to Joe Biden (whom I supported) – again, without people knowing they were being manipulated. Among other findings: Google was sending more go-vote reminders to liberals and moderates than to conservatives; that’s a brazen and powerful manipulation that would go completely undetected unless someone was monitoring.

Our preliminary analyses of the data we have collected so far in 2022 are equally disturbing. In swing states, and especially in Wisconsin, Arizona, and Florida, we are finding a high level of liberal bias in Google search results, but not in search results on Bing (the same pattern we have found in every election since 2016). In several swing states, 92 percent of the autoplay videos being fed to YouTube users are coming from liberal news sources (YouTube is owned by Google). Unless Google backs down, it will shift hundreds of thousands of votes on Election Day itself with those brazen targeted go-vote reminders – and we will catch them doing so.

That brings me to some surprisingly hopeful news. Just before the November 3, 2020 Presidential election, I was so unnerved by the extreme bias we were seeing in our data that I decided to go public. Ebony Bowden at the New York Post wrote a powerful story about election rigging that might have made the front page, but on October 30, after a phone call between an editor and a Google official, the piece was killed – no doubt because the Post was getting 45 percent of its online traffic from the company in question.

On November 5, however, three U.S. Senators sent an intimidating letter to the CEO of Google summarizing my preliminary findings, and the company instantly turned off all manipulations in the Georgia Senate races.

We were monitoring those races through more than a thousand computers owned by a diverse and undetectable pool of real voters in Georgia, and not one received a go-vote reminder. Even more striking, political bias in Google search results dropped to zero. I had thought that such a feat would be impossible, but Vorhies explained that Google can turn bias on and off “like flipping a light switch.” He also pointed me to leaked company documents such as the manual for the company’s Twiddler software, used for “re-ranking” search results.

Will the article you are now reading change the course of history? Will it cause Google to take its digital thumb off the scales in our midterm elections? Whatever Mr. Pichai, its CEO, decides to do, we will know, and we will preserve the evidence.

And this time, we will continue to expand the monitoring system, and we will be monitoring content going not just to voters but also to America’s children. By late 2023, we will have a digital shield in place – a panel of more than 20,000 field agents in all 50 states – and we will shame Big Tech into staying clear of our elections and our kids for many years to come.

Robert Epstein, Ph.D. (@DrREpstein), former editor-in-chief of Psychology Today, is senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology. A Ph.D. of Harvard University, he has published 15 books and more than 300 articles on AI and other topics. His 2019 Congressional testimony on Big Tech’s threat to democracy can be accessed at You can learn more about his research on online influence at


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voted this am
« Reply #2324 on: November 08, 2022, 07:24:32 AM »
I got IDed
had to sign in
and voted electronically

however in my NJ District no one on ballot higher then some county commissioner
I did not know any of them.

not telling you who I voted for.......

confidential  :wink:


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Re: voted this am
« Reply #2326 on: November 08, 2022, 02:52:34 PM »
I got IDed
had to sign in
and voted electronically

however in my NJ District no one on ballot higher then some county commissioner
I did not know any of them.

not telling you who I voted for.......

confidential  :wink:

I voted.  No ID required in MN but I am already registered, same precinct since 1986.
I filled out a good ballot but got one wrong.  Couldn't remember which woman was the really bad one for County Attorney, an important position here.

Did everyone get out to vote?


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2327 on: November 08, 2022, 02:53:51 PM »
Cindy and I voted 3-4 days ago.  Seemed very efficient.


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LA DA dismisses charges against election software CEO; Indiana State House
« Reply #2329 on: November 11, 2022, 05:04:00 PM »

Eugene Yu, chief executive of Konnech Inc, was charged last month with two felonies for allegedly violating the company's contract with Los Angeles County by transferring election workers' personal information to servers in China.

« Last Edit: November 11, 2022, 06:50:29 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Some quick thoughts
« Reply #2330 on: November 11, 2022, 06:44:04 PM »

Elections can be messed with in a variety of ways.  For example:

1) Search manipulations, suppression of stories, cancellation of truth tellers

2) BS voter criteria e.g. voter registration along with driver license in states where illegals get driver licenses, mass mail balloting, ballot harvesting, SCOTUS being intimidated by court packing threats in 2020 from taking on the BS PA Supreme Court admission of hundreds of thousands of illegitimate votes.  Balloting by mail varies widely.  Some require solicitation of ballot, verification, etc  some mail out willy nilly.  IT IS THE NATURE OF MASS MAIL BALLOTS & BALLOT HARVESTING THAT PROOF OF SKULLDUGGERY IS NEXT TO IMPOSSIBLE.  Given the abuse by Trump of ballot fraud claims, is it possible that many now fear to pursue legit claims of fraud?

3) Dishonest counting.  Sec State Hobbs supervising election of Candidate Hobbs in AZ?

Maybe the polls weren't as wrong as we were led to believe?  Maybe ballot harvesting of mass mail ballots has something to do with the outcomes?
« Last Edit: November 11, 2022, 06:49:16 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2331 on: November 12, 2022, 08:18:24 AM »
CNN Lake's claims

screw them
what are we supposed to think

of course this is suspicious
same crap
same locations
same close races
and no good explanations
just we are working as fast as we can (4 days AFTER the election ! My God )


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Newt: WTF?
« Reply #2332 on: November 12, 2022, 08:34:15 AM »
Gingrich: GOP Got Nearly 6 Million More Votes but Lost Many Races, ‘What’s Going On?’
By Eva Fu November 11, 2022 Updated: November 12, 2022biggersmaller Print



Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has been in politics for decades, and never has an election bewildered him as much as the 2022 midterms.

“I’ve never been as wrong as I was this year,” Gingrich, an Epoch Times contributor, said on Nov. 10.

“It makes me challenge every model I’m aware of, and realize that I have to really stop and spend a good bit of time thinking and trying to put it all together.”

People from both sides of the aisle were projecting substantial losses for the Democratic Party amid rising discontent over inflation, the economy, and crime. But that expected red wave didn’t happen. ​​

The Senate is currently a tossup. And with 211 House seats won against the Democrats’ 192, the GOP is still poised to take charge of the lower chamber when Congress convenes in the new year, but with less leverage than initially hoped.

Gingrich, having previously expressed confidence that his party would score sweeping gains in both chambers, is, like many others, at a loss trying to explain what went awry.

He pointed to a vote tracking sheet by the Cook Political Report, a bipartisan newsletter that analyzes elections, which shows a roughly 50.7 million Republican turnout for the House—outnumbering Democratic votes by nearly 6 million.

Gingrich noted this gap could shrink to 5 million when ballots in deep blue California are fully processed. “But it’s still 5 million more votes,” he said.

“And not gaining very many seats makes you really wonder what’s going on,” he added. “I want to know, where did those votes come from?”

It’s a puzzle that the former speaker hasn’t been able to solve.

Questions and Inconsistencies
Part of what made a difference in this race was how the incumbent lawmakers have fared. In both the 2020 and 1994 House elections, no Republican incumbents lost seats to their Democratic challengers, while 13 and 34 Democratic incumbents, respectively, were ousted. Had the same scenario played out this time, “we’d be six or seven seats stronger than we are now,” he said.

So far, Republicans have flipped 16 seats while Democrats have flipped six— Michigan’s 3rd District, New Mexico’s 2nd District, Ohio’s 1st District, North Carolina’s 13th District, Texas’ 34th District, and Illinois’ 13th District—of which three GOP incumbents lost their seats.

In exit polls by the National Election Pool, about three-quarters of voters rated the economy as weak, and about the same number of people were not satisfied with the way things were going in the country.

On Election Day, Facebook’s parent company Meta said it will cut 11,000 jobs, reducing its workforce by 13 percent, which Gingrich noted as a further sign of economic anxiety.

“But their votes didn’t reflect that,” said Gingrich.

The former speaker said he struggled to reconcile multiple such inconsistencies he observed in this election, particularly in the two races that decided the New York governor and Philadelphia senator, which were won by Democrats Gov. Kathy Hochul and John Fetterman respectively.

Pennsylvania Candidate For Senate John Fetterman Holds Election Night Party In Pittsburgh
Democratic Senate candidate John Fetterman speaks to supporters during an election night party at Stage in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Nov. 9, 2022. Fetterman defeated Republican Senate candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz. (Jeff Swensen/Getty Images)
“How can you have 70 percent of the people in Philadelphia would say that crime is their number one issue, but they voted for Fetterman even though he had voted to release murderers and put them back on the street?” he said.

“Of the New York City voters, about 70 percent voted for the governor even though she had done nothing to stop crime in New York,” he added. Hochul won the race with a 5.8 percent edge against Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.), with 96 percent of the votes counted as of Nov. 11.

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“It makes me wonder, you know, what’s going on? How are people thinking?” he said, questioning why people’s attitudes didn’t align with the voting patterns.

“I don’t fully understand how the American people are sort of rationalizing in their head these different conflicting things, and I think it’s going to require some real thought on our part to figure out what to do next.”

Senate Hangs in the Balance
Control of the Senate hangs on three key swing states: Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia that is heading to a runoff on Dec. 6. Republicans need to win at least two of these races to claim a majority. Both Arizona and Nevada have a sizable portion of votes to be counted.

In Arizona, incumbent Sen. Mark Kelly has a 5.6 percent advantage over his Republican challenger Blake Masters, with 82 percent of the votes counted as of Nov. 11. In Nevada’s senate race, Republican Adam Laxalt was 1 point ahead of incumbent Catherine Cortex Masto as of Thursday morning, with 90 percent of the votes in.

Epoch Times Photo
Nevada Republican U.S. Senate nominee Adam Laxalt speaks as his wife Jaime Laxalt (R) looks on at a Republican midterm election night party at Red Rock Casino on November 08, 2022 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Mario Tama/Getty Images)
Gingrich is sure Laxalt can beat his rival, but certain questions about the vote count keep him on edge.

“I worry about how the Nevada count is coming because they have a propensity to steal the votes if they can, so that has a certain amount of concern for me,” he said.

“The places where Laxalt is doing really well tend to have already voted, and the places where she [Mastro] has done pretty well tend to have a huge number of votes outstanding. So you sort of have to wonder exactly what’s going on.”

Two of Nevada’s most populous counties, Clark and Washoe, had over 50,000 and 41,000 mail-in ballots to count, respectively, as of Nov. 10.

Nevada ballots postmarked by Nov. 8 but delivered by Nov. 12 to election officials will still be counted. In cases where the signature on the mail-in ballots doesn’t match with the one on file, election officials have until Nov. 14 to “cure” the ballot by verifying the voter’s identity.

‘A Majority is Still a Majority’
Another data point that doesn’t make sense to Gingrich was how voters decided to punish Donald Trump’s presidency during the 2018 midterms, but seemingly decided to let President Joe Biden off the hook this time around.

According to exit polls, of those who “somewhat disapproved” of Biden’s presidency, 49 percent still voted Democrat while 45 percent voted Republican, marking a sharp contrast to 2018 when voters who “somewhat disapproved” of Donald Trump overwhelmingly voted Democrat, at 63 percent.

Epoch Times Photo
President Joe Biden in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt on Nov. 11, 2022. (Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images)
“I don’t know to what extent it’s because Biden seems so old and so weak, that people don’t hold him personally accountable,” he said. “It’s almost like he’s your uncle. He’s really a nice guy, and the fact that he doesn’t seem to remember things and the fact that things don’t seem to work—you can’t quite get mad at him and blame him.”

It was not an election that Gingrich expected, but he noted that the GOP’s anticipated control of the House was still a bright spot.

“Democrats should feel very good that they managed to totally mess up everything and got away with it,” he said.

“The biggest change in Washington will be Pelosi giving the gavel to McCarthy,” he said, referring to the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.). “Because you’re going to go from a very liberal Democrat to a conservative Republican.”

“It’s binary,” he added. “As my wife, who used to be the chief clerk of the Agriculture Committee, said to me, ‘The majority is a majority, no matter how small it is,’ and changing who holds the gavel is a very big change, because it changes every committee.”


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newt : "I was wrong"
« Reply #2333 on: November 12, 2022, 11:42:47 AM »
(I guess we all were )

will love to hear further from Newt going forward

I notice he does not mention. how much  the abortion issue affected the election results

or about the unmarried mothers
or gen Zzzzzzzzzzz seemingly mostly breaking for Dems

He does indirectly say that people broke against Trump because of his personality
while Joe Biden is so brain dead they look at him like a gaffing uncle

I cannot agree that Biden is a nice guy though


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cameras go dark
« Reply #2334 on: November 12, 2022, 12:00:05 PM »
“Officials explained that mail-in ballots must be postmarked by Election Day but can arrive as late as Saturday to be counted. Election officials have been flooded with thousands of them since Tuesday as the margins between Cortez Masto and Laxalt remain tight.

is it possible to forge post marks or crooked postal workers to back date postmarks?


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Is Kari Lake full of baloney or what
« Reply #2335 on: November 12, 2022, 12:04:34 PM »
how does she get in front of us and tell us she is 100% she will win and the next day I read this:



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Re: Is Kari Lake full of baloney or what
« Reply #2336 on: November 12, 2022, 12:20:35 PM »
how does she get in front of us and tell us she is 100% she will win and the next day I read this:


She means certain numbers of votes left are from certain areas that favor her.  I also cringed when I heard her say 100%chance.  We'll see.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2337 on: November 12, 2022, 01:23:56 PM »
She says she is catching up, but the spread seems to be growing.

Changing subjects, did you see that the interior vote count surveillance cameras in the west Nevada county went black for 7-8 hours?


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2338 on: November 12, 2022, 01:50:38 PM »
"She says she is catching up, but the spread seems to be growing."

yes she says outstanding votes should be majority hers but every time I check it is the other way around

yes another "security camera " black out.  :x


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2339 on: November 12, 2022, 07:14:25 PM »
thanks trump

we lost senate again
thanks to the screaming idiot

yes he is mostly to blame

so is McConnell

« Last Edit: November 12, 2022, 07:15:59 PM by ccp »


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2340 on: November 12, 2022, 09:34:17 PM »
at this rate I will wake up and find the Dems control the House too


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polling thought
« Reply #2341 on: November 13, 2022, 10:01:20 AM »
It seems to me,
polls that measure LIKELY VOTERS are no longer valid.

clearly Democrats are ballot harvesting from hundreds of thousands of not likely voters

to keep pulling out wins where not expected

« Last Edit: November 14, 2022, 06:42:57 AM by ccp »


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2342 on: November 13, 2022, 03:50:10 PM »
"clearly Democrats are ballot harvesting from hundreds of thousands of not likely voters"



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ME: Corrupted Memory Sticks
« Reply #2343 on: November 16, 2022, 07:24:11 AM »


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« Reply #2344 on: November 16, 2022, 07:35:10 AM »
Kari Lake’s Loss in Arizona Destroys ‘Stop the Steal’
Candidates who took the Trump line on 2020 won fewer votes than a GOP state Treasurer.
By The Editorial BoardFollow
Updated Nov. 16, 2022 8:59 am ET

If anyone needs more evidence that “Stop the Steal” was a loser for the GOP this year, the party’s Arizona wipeout is definitive. On Monday Kari Lake joined the list of Republicans in the Grand Canyon State who ran on the stolen 2020 election and lost.

Ms. Lake, a former TV news anchor, had all the sparkling charisma that Donald Trump’s other favorite candidates lacked. She loved telling off journalists. She called 2020 “a corrupt, stolen election,” and she repeated that line to the bitter end. As Mr. Trump bragged in a phone call captured on tape: “If they say, ‘How is your family?’ she says, ‘The election was rigged and stolen.’”

But she lost, 49.6% to 50.4%, according to the latest data. The Democratic gubernatorial nominee, Katie Hobbs, ran an uninspiring campaign and went all in for the teachers union. She still won. As a reminder of how winnable Arizona should be for Republicans, Gov. Doug Ducey was re-elected in 2018 by 14 points and is finishing a highly successful second term that includes statewide school choice and a 2.5% flat tax.

Abraham Hamadeh, the Trump-endorsed Republican candidate for Attorney General, promised a “day of reckoning” for “those who worked to rob President Trump in the rigged 2020 election.” That race isn’t called yet and could go to a recount, but Mr. Hamadeh is currently losing, 49.9% to 50.1%.

Mark Finchem, the Trump-endorsed Republican candidate for Secretary of State, essentially made himself a walking referendum on 2020 fraud theories. He lost, 47.6% to 52.4%.

Blake Masters, the Trump-endorsed Republican candidate for Senate, said in an early ad: “I think Trump won.” After he captured the GOP nomination, he tried to pivot by decrying the influence of Big Tech, while saying he saw no evidence of fraudulent vote totals. That earned him a debasing rebuke from Mr. Trump. Mr. Masters lost, 46.5% to 51.4%.

One person who deserves special mention for orchestrating these defeats is Kelli Ward, Arizona’s Republican state chair. She has now presided over the loss of two Senate seats and nearly all of the top statewide jobs.

Notably, however, the GOP wipeout didn’t go all the way down the ballot: Republican state Treasurer Kimberly Yee sailed to re-election, 55.6% to 44.4%. Curious, yes. Mr. Trump might retort that this race was relatively low profile, and the Treasurer’s office has been Republican for decades. On the other hand, doesn’t that make it a proxy for generic GOP support?

Look at the raw totals. Ms. Yee won roughly 115,000 more votes than Ms. Lake. The GOP also won six of nine Arizona House districts, and Republicans in those nine races received 50,000 more votes than Ms. Lake. Both figures are well above her losing margin. What explains the gap? According to exit polls, Ms. Lake lost independents by seven points and moderates by 20. At the same time, she lost 9% of self-identified Republicans.

Many Republican voters simply don’t like being fed Trump baloney about the 2020 election. Or if baloney is too mild a word, there’s always “horse—,” which is what Arizona’s sitting Attorney General, Republican Mark Brnovich, recently called the mass fraud claims. Among other investigations, his office tracked down 282 purportedly dead voters, he wrote this summer, many of whom were “very surprised to learn they were allegedly deceased.”

Mr. Brnovich ran for Senate this year but was outflanked by Mr. Masters in the primary. If he had been the nominee, he might have won last week. But he refused to pretend the 2020 election was stolen by some shadowy conspiracy that eluded law enforcement and normal standards of proof. “We as prosecutors deal in facts and evidence, and I’m not like the clowns that throw stuff against the wall and see what sticks,” Mr. Brnovich told “60 Minutes” in October. “It’s like a giant grift in some ways.”

Nearly everywhere in competitive races last week, Mr. Trump’s endorsed candidates went down in pyrotechnics. But the flameout of an awkward eccentric, such as Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania or Don Bolduc in New Hampshire, only says so much. Kari Lake is a telegenic fraud theorist straight out of Mar-a-Lago casting, running in a historically red state, in a year with an unpopular Democratic President and 8% inflation.

If Ms. Lake couldn’t win on “Stop the Steal” in 2022, it’s hard to see how anyone else can pull it off. Maybe at last the 2020 election is over.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2022, 08:13:55 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2345 on: November 16, 2022, 07:57:02 AM »
 "stop the steal" the explanation for loss

i believe this totally misses the mark

why should I believe. that mail in ballots that were majority Democrat votes

was people who were angry with claims the '20 election was stolen

that has NOTING to do with it

it is ballot harvesting
that explains it

anyone honestly believe a Dem went to some persons house or nursing home or in the street

and said you must vote Democrat because Kari Lake claims the '20 election was stolen
and then the "unlikely " voter said :

"wow , I am so mad I will thus vote for the other candidate"

come on WSJ


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2346 on: November 16, 2022, 08:15:22 AM »
Well said.

That said, Trump's narcistic flatulence on this issue has tainted it for us.

How do we deal with this?


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« Reply #2347 on: November 16, 2022, 08:22:31 AM »
"If Ms. Lake couldn’t win on “Stop the Steal” in 2022, it’s hard to see how anyone else can pull it off. Maybe at last the 2020 election is over."

   - It's obnoxious the way the other side calls it a "lie" as they keep widening the opportunities to cheat, but it is also tiresome to independents to keep hearing of the "steal" without presenting hard evidence.

Lake should have stuck with Biden failures and future agenda.

I wonder if our G M thinks this was a clean election...


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2348 on: November 16, 2022, 08:56:16 AM »
"Trump's narcistic flatulence on this issue has tainted it for us.

How do we deal with this?"

Also, losing state legislatures and Governor's in swing states prevents reforms.

On cheating, we need hard evidence.  On process, we need to tighten things up and it only seems to be going in the opposite direction.

I hoped for a project veritas sting on a mule type operation.  Nothing.

'Officer Tatum' went on rant against the cheat excuse.  If ballots were switched or miscounted in GA, why did Kemp win by 8 points. NV, if they rigged to win the Senate, why did the Republican win the Gov race. Etc.

If this harvesting is legal, why aren't we going to the homeless, to the nursing homes etc.

(The answer is, their voters are easier to find in groups, cities are 80% Dem etc., They can promise free stuff.)

Still we could use cleaner elections.  Only a voter can request a ballot.  Tighter time-frames. Some surveillance, investigation, prosecutions. Greater confidence.  To say 'no fraud' is stupid.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2022, 09:02:55 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2349 on: November 16, 2022, 01:41:45 PM »
"I wonder if our G M thinks this was a clean election..."

I would guess his response would be to vote harder next time

while we keep losing to ballot harvesting ...........

I actually thought we already were going door to door
or doing some harvesting ....