Author Topic: Islam in Europe and pre-emptive dhimmitude  (Read 434908 times)


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #350 on: November 07, 2010, 05:05:44 AM »
Why is this post in the "Islam in Europe" thread instead of the Sharia thread?


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #351 on: November 07, 2010, 05:32:34 AM »
The original quotes were in this thread.


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Islamo-fascist bomber in Sweden
« Reply #352 on: December 12, 2010, 07:28:27 AM »

A man blew himself up in a suicide attack in central Stockholm this evening surrounded by Christmas shoppers. A car exploded just minutes earlier on a nearby street, injuring two people.
The man carried six pipe-bombs, but only one exploded. In addition he had a backpack filled with nails, and a possible additional bomb.

According to witnesses, the man shouted something in Arabic before he detonated the bombs.

The bomber was the only one killed in the attack. Several people nearby went into shock and suffered hearing loss.

The bombs detonated at Bryggargatan street. According to one source, if he would have blown up on the nearby Drottninggatan street, it would have been a massacre.

Approximately ten minutes before the explosions occurred, Swedish news agency TT received an email, also addressed to Säpo, in which a reached out to “Sweden and the Swedish people”.

He cites Sweden’s silence surrounding the cartoons by Swedish Lars Vilks which portray the prophet Mohammed as a dog, the Swedish troops in Afghanistan, saying in audio files attached to the email that “now your children, daughters and sisters die like our brothers’ and sisters’ children die”.

“Our actions will speak for themselves. As long as you don’t stop your ward against Islam and degrading the prophet and your stupid support of that pig Vilks,” the man said.

The man also urges all Muslims in Sweden to “stop sucking up to and degrading”. He concludes the message with yet another call to “all the mujahedeen in Europe and Sweden”.

“Now it’s time to act, don’t wait any longer. Fear no one, don’t fear prison, don’t fear death.”

The message contained audio files in both Swedish and Arabic. The audio files do not link the man to any organization. The man also says that he's been to the Middle East and asks his family to forgive him for lying to them. "I never went to the Middle East to work or earn money. I went there for Jihad."

The email was also sent to Säpo, the Swedish Security service. They did not see the mail before the explosion.


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Methodists? Mormons?
« Reply #353 on: December 20, 2010, 02:01:38 PM »
**They must be christians, because the bible is more violent than the koran, or so i've been told. Oh, and jihad means "warm woolen mittens and whiskers on kittens", or something to that effect....

Terror Plot Foiled in Britain
12 men suspected of planning to set off a number of bombs are under arrest.


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Religion of peace settles family dispute
« Reply #354 on: December 20, 2010, 08:46:18 PM »

Harry Potter Actress Beaten, Called a Prostitute by Family for Seeing Non-Muslim

    * Posted on December 20, 2010 at 6:53pm by Meredith Jessup Meredith Jessup
Afshan Azad, the 22-year-old British actress who portrayed Padma Patil, a classmate of Harry Potter in the blockbuster Hollywood films, was reportedly beaten, called a ‘whore’ and threatened with death by members of her own family after dating a young, non-Muslim man.

According to the UK’s Daily Mail, the young actress was assaulted and called a ‘prostitute’ after she met with a young Hindu man — a potential relationship that apparently angered her father and brother. After her family members threatened to kill her, Azad reportedly fled the family’s home through her bedroom window. The movie star is apparently so frightened of her brother and father, she has refused to confront them in court.

    Both men were charged with making threats to kill her and her brother was also charged with assault occasioning actual bodily harm on his sister.

    Instead of both going on trial today, the prosecution decided to accept a guilty plea of assault by her brother, and both men were formally found not guilty of making threats to kill. …

    Richard Vardon QC, prosecuting, told the court: ‘The incident took place on Saturday 21 of May at the home address of the family in Longsight, Manchester.

    ‘The prosecution allegation in essence is she was the victim of a wholly unnecessary and unpleasant assault by her brother.

    ‘The reason for the assault, apparently her association with a Hindu young man, that apparently being disapproved of by her family who are Muslim.

    ‘Specifically she spoke not only of assault but also threats to kill, made jointly by her father and brother.’

According to the prosecutor, the father was awoken by his son when he shouted, “Sort out your daughter!  She’s a slag (slang for ‘whore’)!”

    ‘[The brother] continued to further assault her, in disputed Bengali, shouting, “Just kill her!”

    ‘The assault continued. There was a discussion where she was being called a prostitute.’

    The threats to kill her apparently continued, the witness told police in a statement.

    Reading from the victim’s statement, Mr Vardon added: ‘My father began saying he would do it, a reference to kill her, as he did not want his sons to have her blood on their hands and he would do time for it.

    ‘Then she began to feel very scared.

    ‘Having gone to the police in respect of these matters she made a statement to the police on 22nd of May.

    ‘Part of her version of events was that he was going to force the complainant into a forced marriage of some sort.’

But, according to the prosecutor’s report, the young actress was too afraid of her own family members to press formal assault charges:

    After going to police she ‘made it plain’ to officers and lawyers that she did not want any action taken against her family, or the arrest of her father or brother otherwise it would put her in ‘genuine danger’.

    ‘She came to police for help and support, and the arrest of her family members would not be of assistance,’ Mr Vardon added.

    The prosecutor said she later made ‘retraction statements’ to police and reiterated her lack of willingness to support any prosecution.

    She also ‘put a gloss’ on her father’s words by saying she found it hard to understand his heavy Bengali accent so could not be sure what he had said.

Both men were found not guilty on death threats and the son pleaded guilty to one count of assault, but was bailed out and awaits formal sentencing in January and has been instructed not to contact his sister.  Both men have been ordered to “keep the peace” on parole.


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #355 on: December 20, 2010, 09:32:03 PM »
I love plays.  This story reminds me of West Side Story and Romeo and Juliet.

Tragic....  This story is too....  Interesting reading...

Oh yeah, this is real life, but not much different.  Except they're Islamic.  Is that why it was posted?
Or are you a fan of Afshan Azad?


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #356 on: December 20, 2010, 09:41:20 PM »
Just showing how their time in the UK obviously made them moderate muslims, they didn't just kill her outright.


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1 in 3 British Muslim students back killing for Islam and 40% want Sharia law
« Reply #357 on: December 24, 2010, 10:48:34 AM »

The latest WikiLeaks revelation: 1 in 3 British Muslim students back killing for Islam and 40% want Sharia law

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 3:24 PM on 22nd December 2010


    * Reaching out to UK Muslim community was 'top priority' for U.S.

Around a third of young British Muslims favour killing in the name of Islam, according to a survey revealed by the WikiLeaks' publication of U.S. diplomatic cables.

A survey of 600 Muslim students at 30 universities throughout Britain found that 32 per cent of Muslim respondents believed killing in the name of religion is justified.

A U.S. diplomatic cable from January 2009 quoted a poll by the Centre for Social Cohesion as saying 54 per cent wanted a Muslim party to represent their world view in Parliament and 40 per cent want Muslims in the UK to be under Sharia law.


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #359 on: January 03, 2011, 06:31:24 AM »
Glad to see some old time Germanic spunk.....  Is it to late though?


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #360 on: January 03, 2011, 07:38:25 AM »
No, it's not too late. Still, the sooner the problem is addressed, the better.


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #361 on: January 03, 2011, 10:15:35 AM »
Demographics present a real problem here.  The German birth rate is far below replacement levels (anyone have the exact number handy?  Perhaps it can be found in the "Demographics" thread?) and the Turkish and Arab rate is well above it IIRC. 


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #362 on: January 03, 2011, 10:25:46 AM »
As has been pointed out, the islamification of europe is the result of europe's post-modern, post-religious, socialist path. It's a symptom, not the cause of europe's decline.


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Dutch to Bosnians: We will pay you to leave
« Reply #363 on: January 11, 2011, 06:21:42 AM »
Dutch offer Bosnians monthly repatriation benefits


Bosnia: Dutch offer Bosnians monthly repatriation benefits
ultimo aggiornamento: 05 gennaio, ore 17:46
The Netherlands has offered life benefits to Bosnians who settled in the country in the wake of the 1992-1995 war, if they decide to return home, Bosnian Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees said on Wednesday.

Sarajevo 5 Jan. (AKI) - The Netherlands has offered life benefits to Bosnians who settled in the country in the wake of the 1992-1995 war, if they decide to return home, Bosnian Ministry for Human Rghts and Refugees said on Wednesday.

The ministry said it was informed by Netherlands authorities that the Dutch government would pay travelling expenses to returnees of up to 1,500 euros and life benefits to persons over 45 years of age.

The monthly benefits for individuals would be 470 euros, or 670 euros per married couple, the ministry said.

It is estimated that some 30,000 Bosnians settled in the Netherlands after the war and many have failed to integrate into Dutch society.

The Dutch government said it was a “quality solution for all foreigners who have failed to integrate into Dutch society”.

The participants in the repatriation program would be allowed a one year trial period, after which they would have the right to return to the Netherlands. After that period, they would have to renounce Dutch citizenship and lose residential rights, the government said.

In view of Bosnia’s crippled economy, huge unemployment and average monthly wage below 300 euros, it is generally expected that the repatriation program would yield good results.


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Islam in Europe: David Cameron Bold Speech
« Reply #364 on: February 07, 2011, 12:12:42 PM »
Very rarely it seems that a leader tells the truth, straight on.  I did not want to let the U.K Prime Minister's speech of last week go by without mention:

    We will not defeat terrorism simply by the action we take outside our borders. Europe needs to wake up to what is happening in our own countries… We have got to get to the root of the problem, and we need to be absolutely clear on where the origins of where these terrorist attacks lie. That is the existence of an ideology, Islamist extremism.

    … And if we are to defeat this threat, I believe it is time to turn the page on the failed policies of the past. So first, instead of ignoring this extremist ideology, we – as governments and as societies – have got to confront it, in all its forms. And second, instead of encouraging people to live apart, we need a clear sense of shared national identity that is open to everyone.

    Governments must also be shrewder in dealing with those that, while not violent, are in some cases part of the problem. We need to think much harder about who it’s in the public interest to work with. Some organisations that seek to present themselves as a gateway to the Muslim community are showered with public money despite doing little to combat extremism. As others have observed, this is like turning to a right-wing fascist party to fight a violent white supremacist movement.

    So we should properly judge these organisations: do they believe in universal human rights – including for women and people of other faiths? Do they believe in equality of all before the law? Do they believe in democracy and the right of people to elect their own government? Do they encourage integration or separation? These are the sorts of questions we need to ask. Fail these tests and the presumption should be not to engage with organisations – so, no public money, no sharing of platforms with ministers at home.


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« Reply #365 on: March 06, 2011, 04:35:21 PM »

Date unknown:  French police avoid near lynching by muslim youth, flee"muslim"zone. DRM Ireland

O'Reilly bit (date unknown) on communist-Islamo fascist alliance of convenience

For the record, I don't have a terribly high opinion of O'Reilly


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Iman intimidated into retracting statements in support of Darwinism
« Reply #366 on: March 30, 2011, 09:37:13 AM »
Imam who believes in evolution retracts statements

Many British Muslims do not believe in Darwin's theory of evolution
An imam has retracted statements about evolution and the right of Muslim women not to cover their hair after death threats were made against him.

Dr Usama Hasan, a science lecturer, has voluntarily suspended his role in taking Friday prayers at Leyton Mosque in east London.

He said he went too far in the way he defended the theory of evolution.

He acknowledged many British Muslims believe in creationism, adding that he intended only to begin a debate.

Dr Hasan - a senior lecturer at Middlesex University - used an opinion piece on the Guardian newspaper's website in 2008 to suggest Darwin's theory of evolution was not incompatible with the teaching of Islam.

He wrote that there were many Muslim biologists who had no doubt about the essential correctness of evolutionary theory and he added: "Many believers in God have no problem with an obvious solution: that God created man via evolution."

'Obscuring clear scientific thinking'
Dr Hasan wrote: "Snazzy websites, videos and books produced by fundamentalist Muslim 'creationists' such as those at, are obscuring clear scientific thinking."

He also wrote: "One problem is that many Muslims retain the simple picture that God created Adam from clay, much as a potter makes a statue, and then breathed into the lifeless statue and lo! it became a living human.

"This is a children's madrasa-level understanding and Muslims really have to move on as adults and intellectuals."

In a separate article he claimed the requirement for women to cover their hair in public was cultural in origin, and that British Muslims should have the choice.

The BBC's Religious Affairs Correspondent Robert Pigott said his remarks three years ago have led to fatwas denouncing him from Muslim scholars in several countries.

More recently, it was reported that he was subjected to death threats when he delivered a lecture in January and that a leaflet campaign had been mounted against him.

Dr Hasan, who is vice chairman of Leyton Mosque - which houses one of the country's largest sharia courts - has agreed he went too far in suggesting that the Adam of the creation story would have had human parents.


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #367 on: March 30, 2011, 09:41:58 AM »
The "vast majority of peaceful muslims" should be arriving any second to offer their support and protection to the imam.

Yup, any time now.....

Where is Andrew to again assert his claim about the scientific superiority of islamic though?


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'London Taliban'
« Reply #368 on: April 17, 2011, 04:17:32 PM »
'Wear a headscarf or we will kill you': How the 'London Taliban' is targeting women and gays in bid to impose sharia law
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 11:03 PM on 17th April 2011

Women who do not wear headscarves are being threatened with violence and even death by Islamic extremists intent on imposing sharia law on parts of Britain, it was claimed today.
Other targets of the 'Talibanesque thugs', being investigated by police in the Tower Hamlets area of London, include homosexuals.
Stickers have been plastered on public walls stating: 'Gay free zone. Verily Allah is severe in punishment'.
 Troubled: Whitechapel in east London is at the centre of the hate campaign by the 'London Taliban' (file picture)
Posters for H&M which feature women in bikinis and a racy poster for a Bollywood film have been defaced.

 More...Persecuted for his cross: Electrician told he faces the sack for Christian symbol on his van dashboard

It is believed Muslim extremists are behind a spate of attacks being investigated by police, according to the Sunday Times.

 How they want to see women: 'Talibanesque thugs' have been threatening women including non-Muslims with violence for not wearing a headscarf
An Asian woman who works in a pharmacy in east London was told to dress more modestly and wear a veil or the shop would be boycotted.
When she went to the media to talk about the abuse she suffered, a man later entered the pharmacy and told her: 'If you keep doing these things, we are going to kill you'.

The 31-year-old, who is not a practising Muslim, said she has since been told to take holiday by the pharmacy owners and now fears she may lose her job.
She said: 'Why should I wear a hijab (headscarf) or burqa? I haven't done anything wrong.'
Other incidents reported include the placing of stickers across the white-minority borough which state it is a 'gay-free zone' and the daubing of paint on posters for clothing shop H&M featuring women in bikinis.

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Unique religious ontology in the UK!
« Reply #369 on: June 13, 2011, 07:06:56 AM »

Police 'covered up' violent campaign to turn London area 'Islamic'

 Police have been accused of “covering up” a campaign of abuse, threats and violence aimed at “Islamicising” an area of London.

By Andrew Gilligan

8:10AM BST 12 Jun 2011

Victims say that officers in the borough of Tower Hamlets have ignored or downplayed outbreaks of hate crime, and suppressed evidence implicating Muslims in them, because they fear being accused of racism.

The claims come as four Tower Hamlets Muslims were jailed for at least 19 years for attacking a local white teacher who gave religious studies lessons to Muslim girls.

The Sunday Telegraph has uncovered more than a dozen other cases in Tower Hamlets where both Muslims and non-Muslims have been threatened or beaten for behaviour deemed to breach fundamentalist “Islamic norms.”

One victim, Mohammed Monzur Rahman, said he was left partially blind and with a dislocated shoulder after being attacked by a mob in Cannon Street Road, Shadwell, for smoking during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan last year.

“Two guys stopped me in the street and asked me why I was smoking,” he said. “I just carried on, and before I knew another dozen guys came and jumped me. The next thing I knew, I was waking up in hospital.”

“He reported it to the police and they just said they couldn’t track anyone down and there were no witnesses,” said Ansar Ahmed Ullah, a local anti-extremism campaigner who has advised Mr Rahman. “But there is CCTV in that street and it is lined with shops and people.”
Teachers in several local schools have told The Sunday Telegraph that they feel “under pressure” from local Muslim extremists, who have mounted campaigns through both parents and pupils – and, in one case, through another teacher - to enforce the compulsory wearing of the veil for Muslim girls. “It was totally orchestrated,” said one teacher. “The atmosphere became extremely unpleasant for a while, with constant verbal aggression from both the children and some parents against the head over this issue.”
One teacher at the Bigland Green primary school, Nicholas Kafouris, last year took the council to an employment tribunal, saying he was forced out of his job for complaining that Muslim pupils were engaging in racist and anti-Semitic bullying and saying they supported terrorism. Mr Kafouris lost his case, though the school did admit that insufficient action had been taken against the behaviour of some pupils. The number of assaults on teachers in Tower Hamlets resulting in exclusions has more than doubled from 190 in 2007/8 to 383 in 2008/9, the latest available year, though not all are necessarily race-related.
Tower Hamlets’ gay community has become a particular target of extremists. Homophobic crimes in the borough have risen by 80 per cent since 2007/8, and by 21 per cent over the last year, a period when there was a slight drop in London as a whole.
Last year, a mob of 30 young Muslims stormed a local gay pub, the George and Dragon, beating and abusing patrons. Many customers of the pub told The Sunday Telegraph that they have been attacked and harassed by local Muslim youths. In 2008 a 20-year-old student, Oli Hemsley, was left permanently paralysed after an attack by a group of young Muslims outside the pub. Only one of his assailants has been caught and jailed.
Even during meetings of the local council, prominent supporters of Tower Hamlets’ controversial directly-elected mayor, Lutfur Rahman – dropped by the Labour Party for his links to Islamic fundamentalism - have persistently targeted gay councillors with homophobic abuse and intimidation from the public gallery.
The Labour leader, Josh Peck, was attacked with animal noises and cries of “Unnatural acts! Unnatural acts!” when he rose to speak. The Conservative leader, Peter Golds, was repeatedly heckled as “Mrs Golds” and a “poofter”.
Mr Golds said: “If that happened in a football stadium, arrests would have taken place. I have complained, twice, to the police, and have heard nothing. A Labour colleague waited three hours at the police station before being told that nothing would be done. The police are afraid of being accused of Islamophobia. Another Labour councillor said that the Met is now the reverse of what it must have been like in the 1970s, with a complete lack of interest when white people make complaints of harassment and hatred.”
In February this year, dozens of stickers appeared across Tower Hamlets quoting the Koran, declaring the borough a “gay-free zone” and stating that “verily Allah is severe in punishment.”
The Sunday Telegraph has learned that during a routine stop-and-search at the time police found a young Muslim man with a number of the stickers in his possession. He was released without charge on the advice of the Crown Prosecution Service. Police also had CCTV images of a second unidentified Muslim youth posting the stickers at a local railway station, but refused to release the pictures for several weeks.
Peter Tatchell, the gay human rights campaigner, said: “The police said no-one was allowed to talk publicly about this because they didn’t want to upset the Muslim community. We’ve made very clear the difference between the Muslim community as a whole and these particular fundamentalists, and the fact that the police wouldn’t publicly say what they knew was an absolute disgrace.”
When the CCTV footage was finally released, in early April, the culprit was quickly identified as 18-year-old Mohammed Hasnath, who last week pleaded guilty to a public order offence and was fined £100. Jack Gilbert, of the Rainbow Hamlets gay group, said a more serious charge should have been brought. “The vast majority of the community saw the material as threatening, but the police were not willing to accept it as threatening,” he said.
Hasnath’s “interests” on his Facebook page include Khalid Yasin, a hate preacher who describes Jews as “filth” and teaches that homosexuals must be killed. Yasin has spoken at least four times since 2007 at the East London Mosque, Tower Hamlets’ most prominent Muslim institution. Although the mosque claims to be against extremism, discrimination, and violence, it has hosted dozens of hate, extremist or terrorist preachers and also hosted a “Spot The Fag” contest.
In the same week that it issued a press release condemning the anti-gay stickers, the mosque was also due to host a “gala dinner” with Uthman Lateef, a homophobic hate preacher.
The mosque is controlled by a fundamentalist group, the Islamic Forum of Europe, which says that it is dedicated to changing the “very infrastructure of society, its institutions, its culture, its political order and its creed ... from ignorance to Islam.”
The IFE’s community affairs co-ordinator, Azad Ali, is chairman of the Muslim Safety Forum, an organisation officially recognised by the Met as its “principal [liaison] body in relation to Muslim community safety.” Mr Golds said: “This relationship may explain the police’s feebleness.” The IFE also has close links to the Tower Hamlets mayor, Mr Rahman.
There is no suggestion that any mosque official has been personally involved in any act of violence or intimidation. However, in an email obtained by The Sunday Telegraph, one IFE activist, Abu Talha, used the name of the group to threaten a local Muslim woman who ran a dating agency.
“I am asking you kindly to stop these activities as it goes against the teachings of Islam,” he wrote. “Let me remind you that I have a huge network of brothers and sisters who would be willing to help me take this further…If by tomorrow you haven’t changed your mind … then the campaign will begin.” The dating agency has now closed and the woman has left the area.
Mr Ahmed Ullah said: “There has been a gradual increase in these kinds of attacks, that’s for sure.” A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police said: “When any allegation of crime is made to us, we investigate appropriately. We will always take action against hate crime in accordance with, and within the confines of, the law.”


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Who could have seen this coming?
« Reply #370 on: July 06, 2011, 11:06:06 AM »
Dewsbury, Bradford and Tower Hamlets ... where Islamic extremists want to establish independent states with sharia law
Medieval 'emirates' would operate outside British rule
By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 11:45 AM on 6th July 2011

Islamic extremists have called on British Muslims to establish three independent states within the UK.
The notorious Muslims Against the Crusades (MAC) group have named Yorkshire towns Bradford and Dewsbury and Tower Hamlets in East London as testbeds for blanket sharia rule.
The medieval 'emirates' would operate entirely outside British law, according to a document on the MAC website.
 Veiled women in the London borough of Tower Hamlets which has seen a rise in extremism. The Muslims Against the Crusades group says the medieval 'emirates' would function as autonomous territories and operate entirely outside British law, according to a document published on their website
 Where the group envisages the autonomous areas being set up
The MAC group, led by Abu Assadullah, was set up last year and has become notorious because of its violent protests, most provocatively burning poppies during the Remembrance Day silence.
Under the heading 'Muslims should set up Islamic emirates in the UK', MAC says: 'We suggest it is time that areas with large Muslim populations declare an emirate delineating that Muslims trying to live within this area are trying to live by the sharia as much as possible with their own courts and community watch and schools and even self sufficient trade.
 More...Snatched and shot in the head: Horrific fate of British soldier executed by the Taliban
Cameron calls for Taliban to enter talks as he says Northern Ireland shows even 'those who maim and bomb can join the peace process'

'Likely areas for these projects might be Dewsbury or Bradford or Tower Hamlets to begin with.

'In time we can envisage that the whole of the sharia might one day be implemented starting with these enclaves.'

The call is likely to cause anger among moderate Muslims and community leaders in the areas concerned.

Ian Greenwood, leader of Bradford Council, said people would 'not allow extremists to provoke them into violence'.

 A general view of Bradford in Yorkshire which Muslims Against the Crusades (MAC) group have named as one of three testbeds for blanket sharia rule
London 7/7 bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan lived in Dewsbury, which has battled to diffuse extremism in recent years. In 2007, it was alleged that a number of Muslims in Dewsbury were running an illegal Islamic court from a school and similar claims have been made in Tower Hamlets and Bradford.

Tower Hamlets council was last year accused of falling under the control of extremist groups following a documentary by the Daily Telegraph journalist Andrew Gilligan.
The plan is part of the MAC's response to the government's revised Prevent strategy to combat Islamic extremism.
In its document, called Islamic Prevent, the fanatics also call for an end to CCTV cameras in and around mosques.

It says: 'Muslims must get rid of all CCTV cameras from Muslim institutions. Sadly many mosques have today adopted CCTV cameras to spy on Muslims on behalf of the police and local authorities.'

Other inflammatory instructions include demanding the release of all Muslim prisoners, a ban on Muslims joining the police or armed forces and a rejection of British democracy.
The document ends: 'We can conclude that measures by the UK government are nothing more than an attempt by them to strip the Muslim community of their Islamic identity and to integrate them into the non-Islamic way of life.'

The revised Prevent programme, announced last month, is aimed at tackling home-grown terrorism and radicalisation of students.

It demands stricter controls on extremist literature and a more proactive approach by universities to prevent extremism.

Councillor Greenwood added: 'Extremism is less likely to emerge when people get the opportunity to come together.
'Local voluntary, community and faith groups, the council, and other public and private sector partners, all work together in Bradford to strengthen community relations and encourage better understanding and respect between all our communities.
'We believe that this is one of the best ways to build a tolerant society in which extremism plays no part.'
Tower Hamlets and Kirklees Council, the local authority for Dewsbury, refused to comment.

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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #371 on: July 07, 2011, 07:30:13 AM »
There will be an "independent states with sharia law" in East London, England and "would operate outside British rule". :?

Shocked, I read further.  According to the official government announcement, I noticed this transition is scheduled to happen at exactly the same time Pigs are scheduled to be flying over Parliament.

"Who could have seen this coming?"



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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #372 on: July 07, 2011, 12:00:42 PM »
Yes JDN, the jihadists need useful idiots like you to live in denial until it's too late.

On Geert Wilders's Acquittal

 by Bat Ye'or
 July 5, 2011 at 5:00 am

The acquittal of Geert Wilders has deeper meanings for Europe's future than it appears at first glance. As Geert Wilders said: it is a victory for truth. But what does truth mean in international policy? Do we not see that in Eurabia the words 'justice and peace' are travesties for submission to injustice and terrorism? Here one needs to know the extensive system of lies spread at every political and cultural level in Eurabia, to understand the Copernican revolution achieved by Geert Wilders. A victory performed by a single unarmed man, constantly threatened by death and whose only defence was his courageous and unbending commitment to say the truth. A truth buried by the whole Eurabian transnational and international system created since the 1970s.
Imposed on Europeans by controlling networks such a system emanates from the European Commission whose masters are no other than the political leaders of the European governments. The EU, a mastodon Kafkaesque structure, consuming astronomical sums, often enables European leaders to implement an authoritarian policy escaping people's awareness. Rivalries for power, ambitions, ideology, oppose Eurocrats to those they disdainfully call "racist, populist, xenophobic" opponents to their globalist Islamophile ideology. Yet there is more than usual policy into these clashes. There is what Wilders calls: the truth, a human moral element.
To understand the tremendous revolution achieved by Geert Wilders, one has to realise that the foundational stone of the Eurabian mind consists of two principles stated in article 22 of the 1990 Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam:

a. Everyone shall have the right to express his opinion freely in such manner as would not be contrary to the principles of the Shari'a.
b. Everyone shall have the right to advocate what is right, and propagate what is good, and warn against what is wrong and evil according to the norms of Islamic Shari'a.
Europe, while claiming to defend human rights has, in effect, adopted these principles and obeys a fundamental law of dhimmitude: dhimmis are forbidden on pain of death to propagate ideas considered hostile to Islam. Qadi 'Iyad (d. 1149), the famous Andalusian Imam, prolific author and scholar, described explicitly blasphemy. It consists in cursing Muhammad, blaming him or attributing imperfection to him, to his religion, whether in the form of a curse, contempt or belittling him or maligning him. He stated that any Jew or Christian who reviled the Prophet should be beheaded or burned, unless he converts. Under the pressure of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, Eurabia has adopted these Islamic blasphemy rules.
The dhimmi attitude that has developed among European intellectuals, politicians, and the clergy requires the Western public to conform to one of the basic rules of dhimmitude: the express prohibition on Christians and Jews to criticize Islamic history and doctrine. This means that shari'a law has been imposed on Europeans by their own dhimmi leaders in their outreach to Islam. No wonder that since the 1970s Eurocrats censor any criticism of jihad and incriminate Israel's right to exist as an aggression, triggering wars and terrorism. The denial of the jihadist current trend by Europe, its compliance to shari'a laws by prosecuting and punishing its own citizens for criticizing them, constitute the basic issues of Wilders trial. By exposing them, he has overturned EU's policy.
In this tremendous fight for truth, Wilders is not alone. Many sacrificed their position and reputation, many despaired such as the sociologist Jacques Ellul (d. 1994) who saw the return of Nazism in a machinery disguising its Fascist authoritarianism and antisemitism with the words 'peace, justice, love, human rights'.
Can Wilders and his courageous supporters – each fighting in his own country against their dhimmi leaders – succeed in bringing some morality into a sordid policy of lies, corruption, hate and cowardice? Or could this success for truth be just a moment of light and hope before being crushed? Will Muslims themselves take this opportunity offered by the sacrifices of Wilders and the young anti-racist militants for freedom of speech, to ponder upon their own history of a long genocidal jihad over four continents with its trail of enslavement and dispossession of people? We are waiting to hear them acknowledging that jihadist ideology is criminal and that dhimmitude is a dehumanising oppression.
Now, the world sees the fanatical and revolting persecution of Copts and other Christians in Islamic countries, and the jihadist genocidal hatred against Israel. And Now, Jews, Christians, Hindus and others victims of Islamic wars, who suffered dispossession, apartheid, deportations, humiliations, child abductions – crimes perpetrated altogether within the context of dhimmitude – are hoping for a reconciliation that can only come with Muslim acknowledgement of a criminal supremacist ideology and its rejection.


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Police 'covered up' violent campaign to turn London area 'Islamic'
« Reply #373 on: July 07, 2011, 12:11:32 PM »

Police 'covered up' violent campaign to turn London area 'Islamic'

 Police have been accused of “covering up” a campaign of abuse, threats and violence aimed at “Islamicising” an area of London.

By Andrew Gilligan

8:10AM BST 12 Jun 2011

Victims say that officers in the borough of Tower Hamlets have ignored or downplayed outbreaks of hate crime, and suppressed evidence implicating Muslims in them, because they fear being accused of racism.

The claims come as four Tower Hamlets Muslims were jailed for at least 19 years for attacking a local white teacher who gave religious studies lessons to Muslim girls.

The Sunday Telegraph has uncovered more than a dozen other cases in Tower Hamlets where both Muslims and non-Muslims have been threatened or beaten for behaviour deemed to breach fundamentalist “Islamic norms.”

One victim, Mohammed Monzur Rahman, said he was left partially blind and with a dislocated shoulder after being attacked by a mob in Cannon Street Road, Shadwell, for smoking during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan last year.

“Two guys stopped me in the street and asked me why I was smoking,” he said. “I just carried on, and before I knew another dozen guys came and jumped me. The next thing I knew, I was waking up in hospital.”
“He reported it to the police and they just said they couldn’t track anyone down and there were no witnesses,” said Ansar Ahmed Ullah, a local anti-extremism campaigner who has advised Mr Rahman. “But there is CCTV in that street and it is lined with shops and people.”
Teachers in several local schools have told The Sunday Telegraph that they feel “under pressure” from local Muslim extremists, who have mounted campaigns through both parents and pupils – and, in one case, through another teacher - to enforce the compulsory wearing of the veil for Muslim girls. “It was totally orchestrated,” said one teacher. “The atmosphere became extremely unpleasant for a while, with constant verbal aggression from both the children and some parents against the head over this issue.”
One teacher at the Bigland Green primary school, Nicholas Kafouris, last year took the council to an employment tribunal, saying he was forced out of his job for complaining that Muslim pupils were engaging in racist and anti-Semitic bullying and saying they supported terrorism. Mr Kafouris lost his case, though the school did admit that insufficient action had been taken against the behaviour of some pupils. The number of assaults on teachers in Tower Hamlets resulting in exclusions has more than doubled from 190 in 2007/8 to 383 in 2008/9, the latest available year, though not all are necessarily race-related.
Tower Hamlets’ gay community has become a particular target of extremists. Homophobic crimes in the borough have risen by 80 per cent since 2007/8, and by 21 per cent over the last year, a period when there was a slight drop in London as a whole.
Last year, a mob of 30 young Muslims stormed a local gay pub, the George and Dragon, beating and abusing patrons. Many customers of the pub told The Sunday Telegraph that they have been attacked and harassed by local Muslim youths. In 2008 a 20-year-old student, Oli Hemsley, was left permanently paralysed after an attack by a group of young Muslims outside the pub. Only one of his assailants has been caught and jailed.
Even during meetings of the local council, prominent supporters of Tower Hamlets’ controversial directly-elected mayor, Lutfur Rahman – dropped by the Labour Party for his links to Islamic fundamentalism - have persistently targeted gay councillors with homophobic abuse and intimidation from the public gallery.
The Labour leader, Josh Peck, was attacked with animal noises and cries of “Unnatural acts! Unnatural acts!” when he rose to speak. The Conservative leader, Peter Golds, was repeatedly heckled as “Mrs Golds” and a “poofter”.
Mr Golds said: “If that happened in a football stadium, arrests would have taken place. I have complained, twice, to the police, and have heard nothing. A Labour colleague waited three hours at the police station before being told that nothing would be done. The police are afraid of being accused of Islamophobia. Another Labour councillor said that the Met is now the reverse of what it must have been like in the 1970s, with a complete lack of interest when white people make complaints of harassment and hatred.”
In February this year, dozens of stickers appeared across Tower Hamlets quoting the Koran, declaring the borough a “gay-free zone” and stating that “verily Allah is severe in punishment.”
The Sunday Telegraph has learned that during a routine stop-and-search at the time police found a young Muslim man with a number of the stickers in his possession. He was released without charge on the advice of the Crown Prosecution Service. Police also had CCTV images of a second unidentified Muslim youth posting the stickers at a local railway station, but refused to release the pictures for several weeks.
Peter Tatchell, the gay human rights campaigner, said: “The police said no-one was allowed to talk publicly about this because they didn’t want to upset the Muslim community. We’ve made very clear the difference between the Muslim community as a whole and these particular fundamentalists, and the fact that the police wouldn’t publicly say what they knew was an absolute disgrace.”
When the CCTV footage was finally released, in early April, the culprit was quickly identified as 18-year-old Mohammed Hasnath, who last week pleaded guilty to a public order offence and was fined £100. Jack Gilbert, of the Rainbow Hamlets gay group, said a more serious charge should have been brought. “The vast majority of the community saw the material as threatening, but the police were not willing to accept it as threatening,” he said.
Hasnath’s “interests” on his Facebook page include Khalid Yasin, a hate preacher who describes Jews as “filth” and teaches that homosexuals must be killed. Yasin has spoken at least four times since 2007 at the East London Mosque, Tower Hamlets’ most prominent Muslim institution. Although the mosque claims to be against extremism, discrimination, and violence, it has hosted dozens of hate, extremist or terrorist preachers and also hosted a “Spot The Fag” contest.
In the same week that it issued a press release condemning the anti-gay stickers, the mosque was also due to host a “gala dinner” with Uthman Lateef, a homophobic hate preacher.
The mosque is controlled by a fundamentalist group, the Islamic Forum of Europe, which says that it is dedicated to changing the “very infrastructure of society, its institutions, its culture, its political order and its creed ... from ignorance to Islam.”
The IFE’s community affairs co-ordinator, Azad Ali, is chairman of the Muslim Safety Forum, an organisation officially recognised by the Met as its “principal [liaison] body in relation to Muslim community safety.” Mr Golds said: “This relationship may explain the police’s feebleness.” The IFE also has close links to the Tower Hamlets mayor, Mr Rahman.
There is no suggestion that any mosque official has been personally involved in any act of violence or intimidation. However, in an email obtained by The Sunday Telegraph, one IFE activist, Abu Talha, used the name of the group to threaten a local Muslim woman who ran a dating agency.
“I am asking you kindly to stop these activities as it goes against the teachings of Islam,” he wrote. “Let me remind you that I have a huge network of brothers and sisters who would be willing to help me take this further…If by tomorrow you haven’t changed your mind … then the campaign will begin.” The dating agency has now closed and the woman has left the area.
Mr Ahmed Ullah said: “There has been a gradual increase in these kinds of attacks, that’s for sure.” A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police said: “When any allegation of crime is made to us, we investigate appropriately. We will always take action against hate crime in accordance with, and within the confines of, the law.”
Pigs flying yet?


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #374 on: July 07, 2011, 03:26:57 PM »
"Europe, while claiming to defend human rights has, in effect, adopted these principles and obeys a fundamental law of dhimmitude: dhimmis are forbidden on pain of death to propagate ideas considered hostile to Islam."

Poppycock.  What a bunch of rubbish.

GM - I think you see a Jihadist behind every tree and bush.

Maybe the police don't arrest every crime, they don't in LA either, but as your article pointed out, the police try to do their best.
"four Tower Hamlets Muslims were jailed for at least 19 years for attacking a local white teacher who gave religious studies lessons to Muslim girls.

And in contrast to your absurd post about "independent states with sharia law" in East London, England that "would operate outside British rule" that is the silliest thing I've read in a long time.  It belongs in the humor section.  NOT a forum seeking the truth.

Why not publish "the world is ending" story; it has more credibility than "independent states with Sharia law" in East London operating "outside British rule."


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Police Muslim forum headed by Islamic extremist
« Reply #375 on: July 07, 2011, 03:38:26 PM »

Andrew Gilligan

Police Muslim forum headed by Islamic extremist

 An Islamic extremist who has described al-Qaeda as a "myth" and justified the killing of British troops in Iraq has been chosen as the main link between the Metropolitan Police and the Muslim community.

New Scotland Yard Photo: AP

By Andrew Gilligan

9:00PM BST 24 Jul 2010


Scotland Yard will now face pressure to renounce Azad Ali, the new chair of the Muslim Safety Forum, which is recognised by the Met under a formal written agreement as "the principal body in relation to Muslim community safety and security".

The deal says that the Met will "use the MSF as a consultation body to help formulate policy or practice". Mr Ali was the founding chair of the MSF in 2006, but left that job in 2008 and resigned entirely from the group last year after publicity over his extremist comments. Last week, he was quietly reappointed as its chairman.

Mr Ali is a senior official of the fundamentalist Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE), which works, in its own words, to create an Islamic state under sharia law in Europe. The IFE and the MSF share the same offices.

He has previously praised a key mentor of Osama bin Laden. Earlier this year, he was filmed by an undercover reporter from Channel 4's Dispatches stating: "Democracy, if it means not implementing the sharia, of course nobody agrees with that."

When the documentary was aired, Mr Ali attacked the reporter on the IFE's official radio station, saying: "We've got a picture of you and a lot more than you thought we had. We've tracked you down to different places. And if people are gonna turn what I've just said into a threat, that's their fault, innit?"

Related Articles

Mainstream Islamic organisations 'share al-Qaeda ideology'
05 Aug 2010

Police Muslim forum headed by Islamic extremist
24 Jul 2010

Islamic radicals 'infiltrate' the Labour Party
27 Feb 2010

Radicals with hands on the levers of power: the takeover of Tower Hamlets
28 Feb 2010

Backlash at the mosque
13 Mar 2010

Islamists who want to destroy the state get £100,000 funding
25 Oct 2009

Mr Ali's comments about terrorism were made on his official blog on the IFE website. Earlier this year, he lost a libel action against a newspaper which reported them. The judge, Mr Justice Eady, said that Mr Ali "was indeed taking the position that the killing of American and British troops in Iraq would be justified", describing his claim as "bound to fail" and having an "absence of reality".
Patrick Mercer, a Conservative MP and counterterrorism expert, said: "It beats me why the police should want to take the advice of this man. They should have nothing to do with him. I know for a fact that there are just as knowledgeable members of the Muslim community who do not share his subversive views."


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #376 on: July 07, 2011, 03:46:03 PM »
"Europe, while claiming to defend human rights has, in effect, adopted these principles and obeys a fundamental law of dhimmitude: dhimmis are forbidden on pain of death to propagate ideas considered hostile to Islam."

Poppycock.  What a bunch of rubbish.

**Then why was Geert Wilders prosecuted?
GM - I think you see a Jihadist behind every tree and bush.

**No, I see what's happening. I see what your mindset has done to the once great state of California and is doing to this country.

Maybe the police don't arrest every crime, they don't in LA either, but as your article pointed out, the police try to do their best.

**Uh, no. The articles point out how political correctness handcuffs the police, allowing the lawless to rule the streets.

"four Tower Hamlets Muslims were jailed for at least 19 years for attacking a local white teacher who gave religious studies lessons to Muslim girls.

And in contrast to your absurd post about "independent states with sharia law" in East London, England that "would operate outside British rule" that is the silliest thing I've read in a long time.  It belongs in the humor section.  NOT a forum seeking the truth.

Why not publish "the world is ending" story; it has more credibility than "independent states with Sharia law" in East London operating "outside British rule."

**Yes, it's as silly as to suggest that the US DOJ under Obama would ship guns to drug cartels in Mexico to create a push for disarming Americans, right?


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« Reply #377 on: July 22, 2011, 01:34:34 PM »


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Re: bastards
« Reply #378 on: July 22, 2011, 01:40:07 PM »

Wait, are we sure this wasn't the Tea Party or people upset about Obamacare?


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Re: bastards
« Reply #379 on: July 23, 2011, 12:01:46 PM »

Wait, are we sure this wasn't the Tea Party or people upset about Obamacare?

You were right, GM.  It seems that the early reports of an aQ connected group claiming responsibility were wrong. 

"A 32-year-old Norwegian was arrested and charged with terrorism, but police have not officially released his name. Local media has identified the man as Anders Behring Breivik, who has been described as a right-wing Christian fundamentalist."


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #380 on: July 23, 2011, 12:18:33 PM »
It is strange the only explanation that could make sense to us is an Islamic extreme religious motive, ... of course it's a perversion of any former sense of our logic that that would make any sense either. 


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Re: bastards
« Reply #381 on: July 23, 2011, 12:25:24 PM »

Wait, are we sure this wasn't the Tea Party or people upset about Obamacare?

You were right, GM.  It seems that the early reports of an aQ connected group claiming responsibility were wrong. 

"A 32-year-old Norwegian was arrested and charged with terrorism, but police have not officially released his name. Local media has identified the man as Anders Behring Breivik, who has been described as a right-wing Christian fundamentalist."

Well, I was going for a snarky shot at Mayor Bloomberg, expecting this to be another act by the religion of peace. However, I'll point out that until the investigation is completed, we really don't know all the aspects of the case.


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #382 on: July 23, 2011, 10:06:06 PM »
I have seen the "right-wiong fundamentalist" label as seemingly persuasively attacked as a smear by the Pravdas and that his true motive was pro-nationalist anti multi-culti.

In the context of Scandinavian politics, I understand multi-culti to assert a geographic concept of nationality as vs. a cultural one.  In that all cultures are equal :roll: then it does not matter if Muslim values completely inimical to Scandinavian culture use its tolerance to take over the geography-- or something like that. 


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #383 on: July 24, 2011, 07:03:10 AM »
Apparently the killer wrote of hostility to Muslim immigration and the treason of those that enabled it; the latter being his motive for this vile rampage.


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #384 on: July 24, 2011, 07:38:42 AM »
Apparently the killer wrote of hostility to Muslim immigration and the treason of those that enabled it; the latter being his motive for this vile rampage.

Which doesn't compute. Meaning people willing to use terrorist violence tend to use it against what they perceive to be their enemy, not what they are wanting to protect.


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Israel's fault
« Reply #386 on: December 06, 2011, 06:44:32 AM »

Muslim 'Rape Wave' Reported in Oslo, Ministers Blame Israel

Report: 45 of 48 rapes in Norway's capital recently were by Muslims, but Norwegian ministers think this is just pro-Israel propaganda..
By Gil Ronen
First Publish: 12/4/2011, 6:58 PM

Norway is suffering from an unprecedented wave of rapes that are largely being perpetrated by Muslim immigrants against local women, according to Yehuda Bello, an acclaimed Israeli blogger whose special interests include Norway.

Bello reports that from January to late October, 48 rapes were confirmed to have been carried out in Oslo alone, 45 of them by Muslims. In the first six months of 2011, 208 Norwegian women complained of rape and attempted rape in Oslo alone. In all of Norway, 929 rapes and attempted aggravated rapes were reported since the beginning of the year, he adds.

Bello notes that Norway is "the most advanced country in the world in granting rights to women." However, he adds, the "politically correct rot" prevents the rape wave by Muslims from being reported. "They are called 'non-western,' 'dark skinned,' 'Middle Eastern' et cetera."

After a police report in Oslo said that Muslims were raping Norwegian women out of a religious conviction that this was the proper thing to do,  a stormy public debate erupted, reports Bello, and "the government ministers, most of them avowed anti-Semites, claimed that the report and its publication serve Israel and its policy of occupation."

Bello says women do not dare venture out of their homes after dark in many parts of Oslo and that many have even dyed their hair black, out of the conviction that blond hair is more alluring to the rapists. Some carry tear gas, although this is against the law.


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Creeping sharia in the UK
« Reply #387 on: December 11, 2011, 09:56:08 AM »

Bill limiting sharia law is motivated by 'concern for Muslim women'

Lady Cox, the proposer, says aim is to prevent discrimination against Muslim women and 'jurisdiction creep' in Islamic tribunals

 Karen McVeigh and Amelia Hill, Wednesday 8 June 2011 16.06 EDT

Whitechapel High Street in east London. The area is predominantly Muslim; just over half the population is of Bangladeshi descent. Photograph: Mike Kemp/Corbis

Islamic courts would be forced to acknowledge the primacy of English law under a bill being introduced in the House of Lords.

The bill, proposed by Lady Cox and backed by women's rights groups and the National Secular Society, was drawn up because of "deep concerns" that Muslim women are suffering discrimination within closed sharia law councils.

The Arbitration and Mediation Services (Equality) Bill will introduce an offence carrying a five-year jail sentence for anyone falsely claiming or implying that sharia courts or councils have legal jurisdiction over family or criminal law. The bill, which will apply to all arbitration tribunals if passed, aims to tackle discrimination, which its supporters say is inherent in the courts, by banning the sharia practice of giving woman's testimony only half the weight of men's.

Cox said: "Equality under the law is a core value of British justice. My bill seeks to preserve that standard"

In a similar way to Jewish Beth Din courts, sharia tribunals can make verdicts in cases involving financial and property issues which, under the 1996 Arbitration Act, are enforceable by county courts or the high court.

The tribunals should only be deciding civil disputes but two years ago the think-tank Civitas claimed sharia courts, some 85 of which operate in Birmingham, London, Bradford and Manchester, had crossed the proper limits of their jurisdiction and were regularly giving illegal advice on marriage and divorce.

Cox said they are increasingly ruling on family and criminal cases, including child custody and domestic violence. Jurisdiction "creep" had caused considerable suffering among women compelled to return to abusive husbands, or to give up children and property.

Diana Nammi, of the Iranian and Kurdish Women's Rights Organisation, said: "Women and children are very vulnerable members of the community and under sharia law they become invisible. Women and children are the most vulnerable in minority communities where religion tradition and culture has become the identity taking precedence over the human rights and women's rights that are protected under civil, UK law."

The bill requires public bodies to inform women they have fewer legal rights if their marriage is unrecognised in English law. Cox said she had found "considerable evidence" of women, some of whom are brought to Britain speaking little English and kept ignorant of their legal rights, suffering domestic violence or unequal access to divorce, due to discriminatory decisions made. "We cannot continue to condone this situation. Many women say: 'We came to this country to escape these practices only to find the situation is worse here.' "

Cox said she would be asking the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, who caused a row last year when he said a recognised role for sharia law seemed unavoidable, to back her bill. She said: "By appearing to condone this inherent discrimination system which is causing real suffering to women, he has failed to recognise that suffering. He is appearing to forward the acceptability and validity of Sharia law in this country."

Keith Porteous Wood, executive director of the National Secular Society, said: "Laws should not impinge on religious freedoms, nor should courts judge on theological matters. By the same token, democratically determined and human rights compliant law must take precedence over the law of any religion."

Aina Khan, a solicitor who advises on sharia law, said: "It is good in parts. I would like to see best practice in sharia councils, like in the Beth Din model and I would like some legislation. I don't want somebody opening up a sharia board in their front room. Of course sex discrimination laws must apply. But there are some alarmist tones in the bill. Where she goes wrong is assuming that some sort of misogyny and discrimination goes on. Eighty per cent of its users are women."

Khurshid Drabu, adviser on constitutional affairs to the Muslim Council of Britain, said: "Bills of this kind don't help anybody. They don't appear to understand that we live in a free country where people can make free choices. Yet again, it appears to be a total misunderstanding of the concept that underpins these arbitration councils. Sharia councils operate under consent. If there is a woman who suffers as a result of a decision by one of these councils a woman is free to go to the British courts."


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Good thing it's a religion of peace
« Reply #388 on: December 11, 2011, 10:05:41 AM »
**Imagine the carnage if islam was violent, or something.....

Alarming rise of Muslim 'honour attacks' in the UK as police reveal thousands were carried out last year
By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 1:15 PM on 3rd December 2011

London sees the highest number of honour crimes, with West Midlands second
Call for more support for victims as cases rise by more than 300 per cent in some areas
Culprits hailed 'heroes' in the community for carrying out the attacks
 Victim: Banaz Mahmod left her violent husband to be with her boyfriend, but was killed by relatives in 2006
Nearly 3,000 so-called honour attacks were recorded by police in Britain last year, new research has revealed.
According to figures obtained by the Iranian and Kurdish Women's Rights Organisation (Ikwro), at least 2,823 incidents of 'honour-based' violence took place, with the highest number recorded in London.
The charity said the statistics fail to provide the full picture of the levels of 'honour' violence in the UK , but are the best national estimate so far.

The data, taken from from 39 out of 52 UK forces, was released following a freedom of information request by Ikwro.

In total, eight police forces recorded more than 100 so called honour-related attacks in 2010.

The Metropolitan Police saw 495 incidents, with 378 reported in the West Midlands, 350 in West Yorkshire, 227 in Lancashire and 189 in Greater Manchester.

Cleveland recorded 153, while Suffolk and Bedfordshire saw 118 and 117 respectively, according to the figures.

Between the 12 forces able to provide figures from 2009, there was an overall 47 per cent rise in honour attack incidents.
 More...Groomed for sex at 12, stabbed to death at 17: Shocking life of white teenage mother murdered after Asian lover rejected her child

Police in Northumbria saw a 305 per cent increase from 17 incidents in 2009 to 69 in 2010, while Cambridgeshire saw a 154 per cent jump from 11 to 28.
A quarter of police forces in the UK were unable or unwilling to provide data, Ikwro said.

The report stated: 'This is the first time that a national estimate has been provided in relation to reporting of honour-based violence.

'The number of incidents is significant, particularly when we consider the high levels of abuse that victims suffer before they seek help.'
 Honour attacks are punishments usually carried out against Muslim women who have been accused of bringing shame on their family (file picture)
'Honour' attacks are punishments usually carried out against Muslim women who have been accused of bringing shame on their family and in the past have included abductions, mutilations, beatings and murder.
Ikwro director Diana Nammi told the BBC that families often deny the existence of the attacks.

She said: 'The perpetrators will be even considered as a hero within the community because he is the one defending the family and community's honour and reputation.'

Calling for more support for victims, she added: 'For some cases, police and some organisations just help them up to a length of time, then they will stop. With honour-based violence, the threat may be a lifetime threat for them.
 The Metropolitan Police saw 495 incidents, with 378 reported in the West Midlands, 350 in West Yorkshire, 227 in Lancashire and 189 in Greater Manchester

'The problem is that there is no systematic training for police and other government forces in the UK, such as social services, teachers and midwives.'

She said that honour-based violence is an 'organised or collective crime or incident' which is orchestrated by a family or within a community.

Honour crimes mostly happen in South Asian, Eastern European and Middle Eastern communities, she added.

Ms Nammi added that 'lots of things' are considered to be dishonourable including; having a boyfriend, being a victim of rape, refusing an arranged marriage, being gay or lesbian and in some cases wearing make-up or inappropriate dress.

The association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) said they were working hard to offer support to victims, and front-line staff had been specially trained to deal with complaints.

Commander Mak Chishty, lead for honour based violence, said: 'In 2008 Acpo published a strategy which recommended consistent reporting across England and Wales. We are satisfied that this is being done.

'We're now in consultation on a new strategy. All frontline staff have received awareness training and every force has a champion on honour-based abuse.

'Acpo is confident that any victim who comes to us will receive the help they need.'

A Home Office spokesman said: 'We are determined to end honour violence and recognise the need for greater consistency on the ground to stop this indefensible practice.

'Our action plan to end violence against women and girls sets out our approach to raise awareness, enhance training for police and prosecutors and better support victims.'
A Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) spokesman said: 'Honour-based violence cuts across all cultures, nationalities and faith groups - it is a worldwide problem.
'Our fundamental aims are always: to preserve life, protect those at risk, and seek to bring perpetrators to justice.
'The MPS has been on a significant journey regarding how we police honour-based violence over the past decade, and has played an instrumental part in developing work in this field.

'We have used our organisational learning over the years to inform our current policies, staff training and operating procedures.

'We know that like other hate crimes, honour-based violence is under-reported however, and remain very concerned about this. We continue to work with victims' groups, non-governmental organisations and statutory agencies to ensure that we are providing the best assistance possible to victims - they are at the heart of all we do.

The spokesman added there were specially-trained officers who carry out daily reviews of reported incidents in London.

He said: 'The MPS has incorporated honour-based violence and forced marriage into its mandatory domestic violence training for all constables, sergeants and inspectors; there has also been specific training for PCSOs and senior officers, and regular training sessions for other specialist officers such as schools officers and Safer Neighbourhoods' Teams.'
In 2006, Banaz Mahmod, from Mitcham, south London, was strangled on the orders of her father and uncle because they thought her boyfriend was unsuitable.

Cousins Mohammed Saleh Ali and Omar hussain, both 28, were jailed last year for a minimum of 22 and 21 years respectively for the honour killing of the 20-year-old Iraqi Kurd.

The victim's father Mahmod Mahmod and uncle Ari Mahmod were jailed for life at the Old Bailey in 2007.

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Sharia Law Already Devouring UK
« Reply #389 on: December 14, 2011, 10:40:26 PM »

Sharia Law Already Devouring UK

Examples on the ground from a premier religious freedom attorney.

Paul Diamond

December 12, 2011 - 12:09 am

In 2008, while arguing for the need to formally introduce Sharia law into the law of the United Kingdom, the Archbishop of Canterbury claimed Sharia law was “inevitable” in the UK . He denied it was an “alien” system and called for “constructive accommodation” of Muslim law. He did this in a calculated and provocative manner, while denying a place for its more “extreme punishments.”
It is unlikely that many members of the Muslim community would be satisfied with an Anglican primate determining the limitations of the Quran and Sharia law.
This argument was rapidly followed by the Lord Chief Justice: Lord Phillips helpfully said there was a place for Sharia law, particularly in mediation. He lamented the “widespread misunderstanding” of Sharia law. The newly established Muslim Arbitration Tribunals immediately put a picture of the Lord Chief Justice on their website in appreciation of his endorsement.
In the United Kingdom, the many thousands of Sharia courts can quietly go about their business of implementing “justice” in a form totally “alien” to the Judeo-Christian tradition, denying human rights to many of our citizens — particularly women.
The “constructive accommodation” of Muslim law reached a logical conclusion with the declaration this year of Sharia law controlled zones in a number of areas geographically spread over the country, where the Islamist militants enforce their will. Their posters declare: “No music or concerts, no porn or prostitution, no drugs or smoking, no gambling, no alcohol.” A reign of terror has begun, with threats of implicit violence against anyone who “insults” Islam, changes religion, or fails to dress appropriately. I have already been contacted about assisting two individuals subject to Islamist threats.
The police stand passively by, adhering to their diversity training.
If the Labour Party had won the last general election in 2010, I believe they would have introduced Sharia law into the United Kingdom. Things have changed for the better since David Cameron became prime minister — he has criticized “state multiculturalism” as causative of terrorism and radicalism. An inquiry of the Ministry of Justice into the operation of Sharia courts had to be stopped as Muslim leaders refused to cooperate with the government; they wanted to continue to execute Sharia law in secrecy. However, this has only heightened concerns. A Conservative peer has sought to introduce legislation delimiting the operation of Sharia courts as discriminatory against women. The home secretary has at last refused entry visas to “hate preachers” like Zakir Naik. (The last Labour government welcomed Hezbollah terrorists to lecture the police on “political Islam.”)
When I was a boy growing up in London, as Roger Kimball has written, terms like “Sharia” and “jihad” were anthropological phrases analogous to witch burning, using leeches to draw blood, and cannibalism. It would have been beyond my comprehension that our political elite would seek to introduce this medieval system into one of the most advanced societies in the world.
Sharia law is the antithesis of law as representative of rational human endeavor to alleviate the human condition.
In this short piece, it is not possible to fully illuminate the “establishment” of Islam in the United Kingdom (as described by the First Amendment). I can only give examples.
An interesting case of mine involved a church in a part of the country declared a “Sharia law controlled zone.” The church had existed for about 150 years, but it was served with a noise pollution notice for the singing of hymns on a Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. As the notice was served, the council officer said: “This is a Muslim area.” (Naturally, this statement was denied in court.)

However, it was the court experience which was most disturbing; the local court was in an area with a high Muslim population, and the majority of the judges hearing the case were Muslim. The court closed the church. I thought the only image missing from the scene was about 200 mullahs demonstrating outside the court for the death of the infidels.
The case was appealed, and moved to a district that was predominantly English (where the appeal court was situated). The court opened the church.
This case was similar to a case where Muslim police officers prevented two street preachers, Arthur Cunningham and Joseph Abraham, from evangelizing in Birmingham. The Muslim police office called it a “hate crime” to seek to convert Muslim youths. A Muslim police office failed to uphold British values: social cohesion requires that the appointment of Muslim judges and police officers is in accordance with British standards and values.
In 2005, the BBC broadcast Jerry Springer — The Opera. It conformed to the usual high standards of the BBC: Jesus in a nappy; Jesus a “little bit gay”; the fondling of Jesus’s genitals. Fifty-five thousand complaints were received, and ignored — the BBC governors declared the program “artistically exceptional.” There was legal action against the BBC, but they bravely defended themselves — using taxpayers’ money — by asserting their willingness to challenge sensitivities. No apology was given.
How brave. Yet their courage seems to fail with Islam, and there has yet to be such an “artistically exceptional” program on Mohammed (nor will there ever be).
This must be juxtaposed with a BBC program titled Question Time, a flagship political discussion program in which free speech is vital to open debate. Mr. Charles Moore, a former editor of the Sunday Telegraph and the Spectator magazine, openly criticized the Muslim Council of Britain for not condemning the killing and kidnapping of British troops overseas and suggested they thought it was a “good thing.” The BBC offered a £30,000 payment from taxpayers’ money, along with an apology. No attempt was made to defend free speech.
If this decision by the BBC had been challenged as inconsistent with their position to the Christian community, it would have been dismissed by the court (with costs to pay).
In 2009, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (the underwear bomber) appeared on the world scene. He is the fourth British Muslim student leader in three years to be implicated in terrorist activity. He was a devout Nigerian student, clearly radicalized during his time at London University — many of our universities have become hotbeds of Islamic radicalism, where Jewish students keep a low profile. Of course, London University commissioned a report and denied that Umar was radicalized while in their educational care, and they defended the right of free speech. Undaunted, Islamic hate preachers continue to appear regularly at London University.
U.S. readers can rest assured that the university authorities and student unions are taking decisive measures against dangerous and radical religious groups. I was recently contacted by the Exeter University Christian Union after they were expelled from the student union for having a discriminatory membership policy. The policy? Requiring members to be … Christians! I ought to say that at the time, my U.S. colleagues assured me that no Christian society at any U.S. university would ever suffer such a “silly” fate because of the First Amendment.
Poor Ben and Sharon Vogelenzang entered a religious discussion with a Muslim guest at their bed and breakfast hotel in Liverpool. Foolishly in a private conversation, they described Mohammed as a “warlord.” They were prosecuted by the police.
The evidence was so bad that the judge effectively threw the case out (and it is instructive to note that a Muslim guest gave evidence on behalf of the couple), but this was not before a year of awaiting trial and the devastation of their business. Their bed and breakfast had been used by the local hospital, which now refused to use such an Islamophobic hostel. The state used its economic powers to ensure that British citizens’ private religious views conform to state policy.
Simultaneously, the British police act in the vanguard of the Islamification of Britain by selectively terrorizing the British population to use only the “free speech rights” of which they approve. In 2007, Channel 4 produced a documentary titled Undercover Mosque which showed video of imams saying things like: “You have to bomb the Indian businesses and, as for the Jews, you kill them physically,” among a whole range of other religious speech advocating violent jihad. A clear case of a “hate crime,” no?
The Crown Prosecution Service said no charges should be brought, and the police announced they would consider prosecuting Channel 4 for showing the documentary.

You can imagine what the average British citizen thinks. The Islamists can say what they want; anyone who criticizes this or shows it will be prosecuted by the police. Of course, Channel 4 is big enough and wealthy enough to defend itself — they sued the police for libel. The police capitulated and paid £100,000 to Channel 4, and accepted “without reservation” that the documentary was accurate and dealt with the subject matter responsibly.
The question remains: why have the imams not been arrested? And why have the police officers themselves not been arrested for interfering with the administration of justice?
Many British employers permit the hijab, but not a cross, and so on and so forth. I could continue, but I am sure you get the picture. Islam is becoming the established religion. However, while the Islamists welcome it, the causative reason is a liberal elite who are “fellow travelers” with a primitive juristic system. The Labour Party and Democratic Party are sympathetic to religious practice that discriminates against women, homosexuals, and Jews — everything they purport to be against.
This could be coming to a state near you sooner than you think.
Paul Diamond is the leading religious rights barrister in the United Kingdom.


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Education and fingers are unislamic
« Reply #390 on: December 18, 2011, 08:49:27 AM »
'I've got a surprise for you': Husband blindfolds his wife.... and then chops off her fingers to stop her studying for a degreeBy Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 2:33 PM on 17th December 2011

A jealous husband is facing life in prison after chopping off his wife's fingers because she began studying for a degree without his permission.
Rafiqul Islam, 30, blindfolded his wife Hawa Akhter, 21, and taped her mouth, telling her he was going to give her a surprise present.
Instead he made her hold out her hand and cut off all five fingers. One of his relatives then threw Ms Akhter's fingers in the dustbin to ensure doctors could not reattach them.

 Hawa Akhter has said she will continue her studies, despite the horrific attack
Mr Islam, who is a migrant worker in the United Arab Emirates, had warned his wife there would 'severe consequences' if she did not give up her studies.
'After he came back to Bangladesh, he wanted to have a discussion with me,' Ms Akhter told The Times.
'Suddenly, he blindfolded me and tied my hand. He also taped my mouth saying that he would give me some surprise gifts. But, instead he cut off my fingers.'

 More...Ticket inspector stabbed on train after challenging teenagers over fare
Jail for football fan who stole ambulance: Police discovered it parked outside drunkard’s house

Mohammed Saluddin, the Bangladesh police chief said that Mr Islam had confessed after he was arrested in the capital, Dhaka, and will face charges of permanent disfiguration.
Human rights groups are demanding life imprisonment.
'He was enraged. He was jealous because while he only had a grade eight standard education, she was off to college to pursue higher studies,' said Mr Saluddin.
Ms Akhter says she is learning to write with her left hand and is determined to resume her studies. She is now back at her parent's house.

The attack is the latest in a series of acts targeting educated women in the Muslim-majority company.
In June, an unemployed man gouged out the eyes of his wife, an assistant professor at Dhaka University, apparently because he could not stand her pursuing higher studies at a Canadian University.

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AQ trained Norwegian may be about to attack
« Reply #391 on: June 25, 2012, 02:26:16 PM »
AP Exclusive: Al-Qaida trains Norwegian to attack
Monday - 6/25/2012, 3:49pm ET
Associated Press
STOCKHOLM (AP) - A Norwegian man has received terrorist training from al-Qaida's offshoot in Yemen and is awaiting orders to carry out an attack on the West, officials from three European security agencies told The Associated Press on Monday.
Western intelligence officials have long feared such a scenario _ a convert to Islam who is trained in terrorist methods and can blend in easily in Europe and the United States, traveling without visa restrictions.
Officials from three European security agencies confirmed Monday the man is "operational," meaning he has completed his training and is about to receive a target. All spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the case publicly. They declined to name the man, who has not been accused of a crime.
"We believe he is operational and he is probably about to get his target," one security official said. "And that target is probably in the West."


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #394 on: September 20, 2012, 08:46:47 AM »
After looking at the meter maid's picture in the story, I hope they apply for a transfer to LA!  The parking tickets I have gotten in LA have been from meter maids weighing a LOT more than I do.  Maybe we should offer an exchange program.  It's hard to tell if the local LA ones are male or female.  Maybe the Muslims won't care either.   :-)


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Geller: Darkness descending on England
« Reply #396 on: October 27, 2012, 05:01:14 AM »
Has Geller left any pertinent facts out of this?
October 26, 2012
Darkness Descending in England
By Pamela Geller

The arrest of over 53 people in the United Kingdom is the beginning of the end for once-great Britain.  The leaders of the English Defence League (EDL), Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll, were among those arrested, as well as Paul Weston of the British Freedom Party (BFP).  I spoke with Kevin Carroll about his recent arrest and that of Robinson and Weston, and he told me the appalling details.
Carroll told me that British authorities tried everything in the book to stop him from running for police and crime commissioner (PCC) for the Bedfordshire Police Authority.  Nonetheless, he officially won the right to run for PCC last Friday.  But then, the very next day, British authorities carried out these mass arrests of EDL and BFP members, stripping them and forcing them to wear white paper overalls like those given to incarcerated terrorists.  They were allowed no phone calls.
Meanwhile, British police raided the homes of Carroll, Robinson, and three others who had been arrested.  "They absolutely ransacked mine," Carroll told me.  "They smashed the door off and wrecked my home.  They took my only vehicle, with all the tools of my trade inside, and impounded it, as well as Tommy's car."  The police, the bomb squad, forensics teams, and sniffer dogs spent seven and a half hours stripping Carroll's van to the bone.  "When they finished," he said, "they found nothing!  They loaded it up with bugs and GPS monitors and threw everything in the back; it looks like it's been in a blender."
After smashing the door to Carroll's home off its hinges, police officials repaired it, got a locksmith to put on a new lock, and left with the new keys, leaving Carroll locked out of his own home.  When Carroll was released, still wearing his white paper prison suit, it was dark and raining; true to form, police officials offered him no transportation, even though it was late at night on a Sunday.
Robinson is being held in Wandsworth prison, an old and antiquated structure with a large population of Muslim prisoners.  Weston was arrested and later released without charge for refusing to leave a reception area without information about Robinson.  And it is clear why officials would not want that information to get out: not only has Robinson been placed with the general prison population instead of segregated for his own protection, but prison officials have even put him in a cell with hostile Muslims.  He was allowed to call his wife Jenna, and he told her that he knew it was going to be "lively" in the cell.  That was an understatement: prison officials have deliberately put Robinson in physical danger and even imperiled his life.  Carroll contacted a high-ranking police official to request that Robinson be segregated, and she received a promise that he would be, but it hasn't happened yet -- and Robinson has even been denied bail.
"They are really coming at us with everything," Carroll told me.  "I'm even on police bail at the moment for 'conspiracy to cause a public nuisance.'"  This is a politically motivated and trumped up charge, but in Britain it can carry a life sentence.
According to Carroll, Robinson was incarcerated for leaving the United Kingdom and entering the United States fraudulently for our September 11, 2012 Stop Islamization of Nations free speech conference in New York City.  Robinson could get twelve to eighteen months in prison just for that.  "They are really turning up the heat here, Pamela," said Carroll.  "They are going after all of us, especially Tommy and me."  The EDL said in a statement: "Tommy has been dragged from one court to another -- almost always without any serious chance of conviction -- simply in order to help disrupt our activities and to prevent us from voicing our legitimate concerns about the spread of Islamic extremism."
Carroll's bail hearing is set for November 30, which gives him just two weeks after the November 15 elections to prepare his defense.  Anyone who can vote for Bedfordshire police authority commissioner and who loves freedom should vote for Kevin Carroll; it could be your last hope to preserve the freedom of speech and the principle of the equality of rights for all people in Britain.
Clearly the establishment elites in Britain are extremely worried that Carroll might win and upset the entrenched culture of accommodation to Islam and sharia; in fact, one of the briefs in Carroll's case actually stated that this was why he was arrested -- because he is running for PCC.  The dhimmi elites understand that this could be the beginning of their end.  "The police," said Carroll, "are out to finish us on behalf of the establishment."
This is a defining moment in British history, as significant as any major turning point.  It is in many respects like the Night of the Long Knives, which marked the point of no return from Nazism for Germany.  With these outrageous and politically motivated arrests, Britain has entered a dark and dangerous new era.  Said Weston: "The full power of the State appears to be concentrating on shutting down any political dissent.  This does not really feel like a democratic country anymore."
Carroll is organizing a demonstration outside Wandsworth prison this coming Saturday morning.  All free citizens in Britain should be there.  And is there no one is the political establishment in the U.K. who has any decency, integrity, or spine?  No one who will stand up against these outrages?
Pamela Geller is the publisher of and the author of the WND Books title Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.


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What is in a name?
« Reply #397 on: November 09, 2012, 08:50:33 PM »
Guest Column: What's in a name?

by Abigail R. Esman
Special to IPT News
November 9, 2012

In some cases, it's an entire history of social change -- and a sign of things to come.

That fact became clear last week, when the newly-created "Islam Party" won seats in
the local governments of two towns just outside of Brussels.

Redouane Ahrouch, the founder of the Islam Party, and Lhoucine Ait Jeddig took seats
in the City Councils of Andelicht and Molenbeek-St. Jan, respectively, earning their
places thanks to votes from those towns' significant Muslim populations.

These gains in local elections by these two Islamists are troubling, demonstrating
an evolution of Islamist political savvy. The Islam Party holds many of the same
ideals as earlier Muslim political groups in the Lowlands, but while building on the
successes of those groups, they've repackaged their message while benefitting from
concentrated voting blocs in those towns.

Tiny Belgium (population 11,008,000) has a big history of Muslim radicals in
politics, most notably in the person of Dyab Abou Jahjah, a Lebanese-born
naturalized Belgian who, in 2000, founded and then led the Arab European League
(AEL), a political group that eventually gained a chapter in the Netherlands. A
member of Hizballah and the author of an autobiography in which he describes his
jubilation on hearing of the attacks of 9/11, Jahjah walked a tight and careful
line, preaching democracy on the one hand and Islamic supremacy on the other,
skillfully couching his extremist viewpoints in conciliatory speeches and
deftly-written publications.

The AEL eventually fizzled out, but the men and women who supported it remain and it
is likely they -- over 5,000 of them in the towns of Molenbeek, Andelicht, and
Brussels Ville -- who turned out to vote for the List Islam. (The party, with 4.1
percent of the vote in Molenbeek and Andelicht, did not obtain enough votes to earn
a government seat in Brussels Ville.)

And why not? By and large, there is little difference between the AEL and the Islam
Party -- except the name. And that distinction is notable, reflecting changes in
European culture as Muslims with an Islamic political agenda enter into the
mainstream. Ten years ago, the term "Arab-European" offered a soft link between
Islam and Europe, a tiptoeing, as it were, from one to the other. Even the words
"Muslim" and "Islam" were omitted: merely "Arab," (even though, at least in the
Netherlands, many of the AEL's most active members weren't Arab at all, but
Turkish). One could not, at that point, have gotten away with a name like "Islam

Then came Holland's Muslim Party, which, according to its Web site, was created to
suit "those who hope to develop or design society according to a schema that differs
from that of the majority." Its purpose, according to the site, is first and
foremost to support the right of free speech -- but to outlaw speech that "is
hurtful to others." In other words, they don't really support free speech at all.

Additionally, the party specifically renounces extremism "of any kind," but further
defines its goals as:

"Minimizing the social cleft between Muslims and non-Muslims in the Netherlands;
improving the image of Islam; strengthening the social position of the Islamic
community and its people in the Netherlands; [and] supporting positive relations
with others on the basis of mutual respect."

In effect, the Muslim Party, too, is virtually identical to the AEL (which did not
offer candidates for political office). But the creation of a "Muslim Party" in the
neighboring Netherlands -- versus an "Arab-European League" -- also opened the door
for the formation of a pure "Islam Party" in Belgium with all the differences in
nuances between them: one party may be made up of Muslims, but the other explicitly
seeks to define an Islamic agenda.

And that is exactly what its leaders proclaim.

Sure, like Jahjah, they mask their aims in colorful costumes and masquerades of
democracy aimed at soothing the fears of non-Muslims in the community: Ahrouch has,
for instance, denounced the radical Shariah4Belgium group as "far left" (though that
was as damning as he got). Yet, also like Jahjah, prior to the election he observed
that, according to the principles of democracy, "if a majority wishes to live by
Shariah, then Shariah should become law."

But things changed after the elections. In a recent press conference, Ahrouch
admitted that he, too, supports Shariah for Belgium, though "not just yet." First,
he says, Belgians must become accustomed to the idea, led gently to the end goal. It
"will take time -- decades, a century," he says. "But the movement has now certainly

That's a pretty scary statement from someone who just took the majority vote in his
district. But it was apparently his purpose all along: not as some may have hoped,
to encourage Muslims in the West to adopt Westernized philosophies, values, and
legal systems; but rather, to encourage Europeans adopt the principles and values of
Shariah. (Then again, that's hardly a surprise from a man who, while claiming to
place "ethics" and "family" at the center of his policy design, was convicted in
2003 for domestic assault and battery and sentenced to six months in prison.)

But what else could anyone really have expected? A political party that bases its
policies on the Koran does not truly represent democratic, Western goals -- however
well it plays the democratic game. If nothing else, the very notion of a separation
between church and state is negated outright by the central foundation of their

Ten years ago, Ahrouch was among the founders of Belgium's Noor party (now
essentially swallowed up by List Islam). It advocated, among other things,
abolishing taxes, encouraging teen marriage, banning abortion, eradicating interest
on bank loans, and "revisiting" the practice of mixed-gender classrooms. "We know
that religion provides the solution for the problems we are facing," states Noor's
home page, which even at its founding identified itself as "the Islamic party."
"Judeo-Christian values no longer provide foundations for the political orientations
that, for centuries, have defined our common history." (See NOTE: the English-language
translation on the Noor site alters the original text somewhat.)

Despite all this, the real threat, the real danger, is not the Islam Party or its
members. It is their supporters, numerous enough to have elected them to power.
Belgium's Muslim population is now around 6 percent; a recent Pew study suggests
that it will rise to above 10 percent by 2030. In Europe, only France has a higher
percentage of Muslim residents.

And already some studies show that Muslims account for 25 percent of the population
of Brussels, Europe's capital -- and that includes the regions of Molenbeek and
Andelicht. (According to Gatestone, "since 2008, the most popular name in Brussels
for baby boys has been Mohammed. It is also the most popular name for baby boys in
Belgium's second-largest city, Antwerp, where an estimated 40% of elementary school
children are Muslim.")

Many of the more radical of those Muslims, as it happens, live in Andelicht and
Molenbeek, or frequently attend rallies and demonstrations there. A Shiite mosque
was torched in Anderlicht last March by a Salafist who threw a Molotov cocktail into
the building even as congregants were praying. The imam died in the fire. And in
June, a French Muslim, who had come to Molenbeek to take part in a pro-Islamist
rally, stabbed two local police agents with a kitchen knife. The reason: an earlier
arrest of 24-year-old Stephanie Djato for refusing to remove her nikab despite
recent laws banning the full veil for women.

This makes it somewhat unsurprising that Ahrouch received so much support. But it is
also why the current local petition calling him a traitor and demanding a ban on the
List Islam is not only useless (you cannot rightly recall a democratically elected
official unless he can be charged with outright wrongdoing); it is entirely beside
the point. Because while many insist that radical Islam in the West is a fringe
movement with no substantial capacity to effect change in the way the West is run,
the very real success of Belgium's List Islam makes frighteningly clear just how
powerful -- and how insidious -- the radical Muslims among us really are.

Abigail R. Esman, the author, most recently, of Radical State: How Jihad Is Winning
Over Democracy in the West (Praeger, 2010), is a freelance writer based in New York
and the Netherlands.

Related Topics: Abigail R. Esman

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Religious Hatred Law
« Reply #398 on: December 13, 2012, 04:34:09 PM »

Zealous Prosecution of Religious Hatred Law Borders on Irrational
Wed, December 5, 2012
 Soeren Kern

While the Dutch parliament has approved a motion to revoke a law that makes it a crime to insult God, most European countries still have  blasphemy laws intact and have even added the new crime of intentionally stirring up religious hatred against people on religious grounds.
In 2006, the British government enacted the Racial and Religious Hatred Act which has led to zealousness bordering on the irrational. (England and Whales abolished the common law offenses of blasphemy and blasphemous libel in 2008.)
In Nottingham, for example, the Greenwood Primary School cancelled a Christmas nativity play because it interfered with the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha. In Scarborough, the Yorkshire Coast College removed the words Christmas and Easter from their calendar not to offend Muslims.
Card from the Tayside Police Dept.'s campaignIn Scotland, the Tayside Police Department apologized for featuring a puppy as part of a campaign to publicize its new non-emergency telephone number. As Islamic legal tradition holds that dogs are impure, the postcards used in the campaign were potentially offensive to the city's 3,000-strong Muslim community.
In Glasgow, a Christian radio talk show host was fired after a debate between a Muslim and a Christian on whether Jesus is "the way, the truth and the life." In Birmingham, two Christians were told by police "you cannot preach here, this is a Muslim area." In Cheshire, two students at the Alsager High School were punished by their teacher for refusing to pray to Allah as part of their religious education class. Also in Cheshire, a 14-year-old Roman Catholic girl who attends Ellesmere Port Catholic High School was branded a truant by teachers for refusing to dress like a Muslim and visit a mosque.
In Liverpool, a Christian couple was forced to sell their hotel after a female Muslim guest accused the pair of insulting her during a debate about Islam. In London, Rory Bremner, a political comedian, said that every time he writes a sketch about Islam, he fears that he is signing his own death warrant. At the same time, Scotland Yard says that Muslims who launch a shoe at another person are not committing a crime because the practice is Islamic symbolism.
In recent months, however, Muslims have been lobbying to reinstate blasphemy laws in Britain. A petition reportedly sent to British Prime Minister David Cameron reads: "It is axiomatic that Great Britain is a key player in global harmony. British parliamentarians have made outstanding progress in eradicating racism, anti-Semitism, discrimination, inequalities and other factors causing hurt to all citizens. The trust and hope of millions of British Muslims is placed in yourselves as representatives and Members of Parliament to call for changes in the law to protect the honor of Faith Symbols of Islam and other faiths."
In February 2012, it emerged that a Muslim activist group with links to the Muslim Brotherhood had asked the British government to restrict the way the British media reports about Muslims and Islam.
More recently, a Muslim lobbying group called ENGAGE launched an exhibition and a month-long campaign "Islamophobia Awareness Month," highlighting the spread of "Islamophobia" in Britain. The exhibition was held in the British Parliament and ENGAGE activists pressed Members of Parliament to strengthen the existing religious hatred law to provide more protections for Muslims.
In Ireland, a new blasphemy law went into effect in January 2010. The Irish Defamation Act, which created the crime of blasphemous libel, makes "publication or utterance of blasphemous matter" punishable by a fine of up to €25,000 ($32,500).
According to the Irish Times, Ireland's blasphemy law is being cited by Islamic states "as justification" for persecuting religious dissidents. Pakistan, for example, has cited the Irish statute at the United Nations to support its own blasphemy laws.

In Denmark, blasphemy is outlawed by Paragraph 140 of the penal code, which states: "Anyone who publicly mocks or insults the tenets of faith or worship of any religious community existing in this country legally will be punished by fine or imprisonment for up to four months." The law has not been used since 1938. Measures were proposed in 2004 to abolish the blasphemy article, but the proposals were not adopted and the law remains on the books.
The rules against hate speech and racism are set down in the infamous Paragraph 266b of the Danish penal code, which states: "Whoever publicly, or with intention to disseminating in a larger circle makes statements or other pronouncements, by which a group of persons is threatened, derided or degraded because of their race, color of skin, national or ethnic background, faith or sexual orientation, will be punished by fine or imprisonment for up to two years."
Free speech advocate Lars Hedegaard was prosecuted under this statute for remarks made to a blogger in December 2009 criticizing Islam. He was finally acquitted by the Danish Supreme Court in April 2012, which ruled that it could not be proven that he intended the statements to be published.
Also in Denmark, Jesper Langballe, a Danish politician and Member of Parliament, was found guilty of hate speech in December 2010 for saying that honor killings and sexual abuse take place in Muslim families.
Langballe was denied the opportunity to prove his assertions: Under Danish law, it is immaterial whether a statement is true or false. All that is needed for a conviction is for someone to feel offended. Langballe was summarily sentenced to pay a fine of 5,000 Danish Kroner ($850) or spend ten days in jail.
In Finland, blasphemy is covered by Section 10 of Chapter 17 of the Criminal Code. In March 2009, Jussi Kristian Halla-aho, a politician and well-known political commentator, was taken to court on charges of "incitement against an ethnic group" and "breach of the sanctity of religion" for saying that Islam is a religion of pedophilia.
A Helsinki court later dropped the charges of blasphemy but ordered Halla-aho to pay a fine of €330 ($450) for disturbing religious worship. The Finnish public prosecutor, incensed at the court's dismissal of the blasphemy charges, appealed the case to the Finnish Supreme Court. In June 2012 the Supreme Court found Halla-aho guilty of both disturbing religious worship and ethnic agitation.
In Germany, blasphemy is covered by Chapter 11, Article 166 of the German Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch), which states: "Whoever publicly or by dissemination of writings defames, in a manner suitable to disturb the public peace, the substance of the religious or world view conviction of others, shall be fined or imprisoned for up to three years."
In February 2006, a German political activist named Manfred van H. received a one year suspended jail sentence and 300 hours of community service for breaching Article 166. He had had rolls of toilet paper with the words "Koran, the Holy Koran" printed on them and distributed to mosques and media outlets. This followed the London bombings in July 2005 and Manfred claimed his motives were "to find out who is on whose side in today's Germany."
In Austria, the government of Saudi Arabia has officially opened the King Abdullah International Center for Inter-Religious and Inter-Cultural Dialogue (KAICIID) to "foster dialogue" between the world's major religions in order to "prevent conflict." Critics say that KAICIID's work will parallel long-standing efforts by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), a bloc of 57 Muslim countries, to pressure Western countries into making it an international crime to criticize Islam or Mohammed -- all in the name of "religious tolerance."
This was effectively confirmed by the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, who spoke at the inauguration ceremony of KAICIID in downtown Vienna on November 26. Ihsanoglu declared: "Islamophobia leads to hate crimes and as such, it generates fear, feelings of stigmatization, marginalization, alienation and rejection. The West must define hate crimes broadly and address the information deficit as well as enact adequate legislation and implement this legislation effectively. In conjunction with national legislation, they should also implement international commitments and agreed norms."

Soeren Kern is a Senior Fellow at the New York-based Gatestone Institute. He is also Senior Fellow for European Politics at the Madrid-based Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos / Strategic Studies Group. Follow him on Facebook.


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Wanna bet on the motive?
« Reply #399 on: February 01, 2013, 03:06:11 PM »

EXCLUSIVE: Young woman scarred for life and almost blinded in random acid attack on London street

- Shop assistant Naomi Oni, 20 was on phone to boyfriend when she was covered in chemical

- She faces skin grafts and permanent scarring after late-night attack as she finished work

- Naomi left with partial vision in one eye after random attack

Scarring: an unknown attacker left Naomi scarred and almost blinded

Rashid Razaq

01 February 2013

A young woman was facially disfigured and almost lost her eyesight in a horrific unprovoked acid attack on the streets of London.

Naomi Oni, 20, was on her way home from work when an unknown attacker dressed in a niqab threw a chemical substance at her leaving the retail assistant with severe burns on her head, neck, arms, legs and body.

These shocking images have now been released by Ms Oni in an appeal for help to catch the attacker whose identity was concealed behind the Muslim women’s dress which completely covers the face apart from the eyes.

Ms Oni, who is employed by Victoria’s Secret at the Westfield Stratford shopping centre, was five minutes from home in Dagenham, east London when she was attacked on December 30.

The 20-year-old was only released from Broomfield Hospital in Chelmsford last weekend after spending almost a month receiving skin grafts and specialist treatment in the hospital’s burns unit.

Doctors initially warned Ms Oni that she may not be able to see again and although she can now see out of her left eye she still only has partial vision in her right eye.

Ms Oni, who is sole carer for her disabled mother Marian Yalekhue, 52, has decided to speak out after police failed to establish any motive behind the attack or identify a suspect.

She told the Standard the attack had “destroyed” her life and left her too afraid to venture out or even show her face in public.

“I look in the mirror and it just isn’t me. I’ll never look the same again. I’ve always been outgoing and confident in my job and in my personal life, used to getting attention for the way I dress or my hair, but now I don’t want anyone looking at me.

“I don’t want people to see me in public. I don’t want to get the Tube or the bus. If I have to go to the hospital I take a taxi. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to go back to my job. I was planning to go to college in September to study media and fashion, but I don’t even know if I’ll be able to do that,” said Ms Oni.

The store assistant had just got off the bus and was talking to her boyfriend Ato Owede, 23, on her phone when she felt someone walking behind her in Lodge Avenue in Dagenham at around 12.40am.

She said:“I’d been working a late shift and was talking to my boyfriend about what we were going to do for New Year when I saw this Muslim woman wearing a niqab covering her face. I thought it was a bit strange at that time of night, but she didn’t say anything and I kept on walking.

“Then I felt a splash on my face. It burned and I screamed out. I started running and screaming, holding my face, all the way home. I didn’t look back.

“I got home and I was screaming and banging on the door. I was hysterical. Luckily my godmother, who is a pharmacist, was at home with my mum and she helped me and kept dipping my face in water and trying to calm me down until the police and ambulance got there. I was in shock. Saying: ‘Who would do that? Who would do that?’ How could anyone do this?”

Ms Oni has been told she faces months if not years of skin grafts and further plastic surgery and even then is likely to be left with severe facial scarring.

The retail assistant and her mother say they are too afraid to go back to their council flat in Dagenham. They are currently sleeping on a friend’s sofa-bed after turning down the offer to be rehoused in Tottenham on safety grounds.

Ms Oni said she had been inspired by the story of Katie Piper, the model who launched a charity and spoke out publicly after falling victim to an acid attack orchestrated by her boyfriend, but that she would never feel safe with her attacker still at large.

“Even with the support of my family and friends and boyfriend I feel very alone. Nothing is going to be same anymore,” said Ms Oni.

A Scotland Yard spokesman said acid attacks were “extremely rare” and that detectives were keeping an “open mind as to the motive.”

Officers from Barking and Dagenham are investigating. No arrests have been made and inquiries are ongoing.

Anyone with information should contact police on 0203 276 1058 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.