Author Topic: Corruption, Sleaze, Skullduggery, the Swamp, and Treason  (Read 230124 times)


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Re: The Saudis invest bigly in Jared
« Reply #650 on: April 11, 2022, 06:37:09 AM »
It's different than Hunter's deals but creates the same appearances.  Only in this case it will be covered and Hunter's was just Russian disinformation.

Saudis turned anti-US under Biden.  There is the bad Iran deal pending and also the Khashoggi murder destroying a necessary relationship.

'No laws broken' means this will not stop Trump from running nor his opponents from calling it corruption.

We want politicians to return to the private sector after public service and the business world is now global.  Funds want money and the Saudis have that.

It's a bit like the Clinton crony network roaming the markets of the world that never seemed to offend Dems.  But without double standards, they'd have none.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2022, 06:49:43 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Corruption, Sleaze, Skullduggery, the Swamp, and Treason
« Reply #651 on: April 11, 2022, 06:41:10 AM »
I can see that it is different in that it came about AFTER Trump left office, but

a) it can be argued that it was a payoff for work already performed; and

b) how is it different from what Hillary/Billary did while she was out of office?  Is there not the same forward looking nature to the deal?


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DIA involved in Spygate?
« Reply #654 on: April 22, 2022, 07:50:12 AM »
". "

so DARPA was involved in finding out who hacked the DNC

not necessarily

wrong, though they apparently lied and covered it up.

that said do we even know. WHO HACKED THE DNC?
« Last Edit: April 22, 2022, 04:21:15 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Gov. Hochul hubby is attorney for stadium concessions
« Reply #655 on: April 23, 2022, 07:42:58 AM »

Ruddy Guliani was discussing this corruption on his marvelous radio broadcast last week

( )

he states the corruption in NY state is top to bottom

the Dems in total control too long.........


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Re: NRO on the murder of Seth Rich
« Reply #658 on: June 03, 2022, 06:49:53 AM »

I'm so old, I remember when this was a conspiracy theory!

"For the theory to be true, its believers have to demonstrate that Rich leaked to WikiLeaks, that someone in the DNC (or the Clinton camp) in turn had Rich murdered, that the D.C. police are intentionally slow-walking the investigation, that the major intelligence agencies (namely the CIA, FBI, and NSA) are together either deliberately concocting a story about Russian interference or too stupid to recognize an inside job, and finally, that the remainder of official Washington is either oblivious to or colluding with conspirators who’ve damaged relations with Russia in hopes of bringing down a president."

The Facts of the Seth Rich Murder That Don’t Support Conspiracy Theories

Our David French with what needs to be known and said about the murder of Seth Rich:

The conspiracy is based on a true event — the terrible and unsolved murder of Seth Rich, a young Democratic National Committee staffer. Early the morning on July 10, an unidentified assailant shot Rich in the back. The police haven’t solved the crime, and their current best theory is that the attack occurred as part of a botched or interrupted robbery. Rich’s valuables, however, were still on his body, and the police (so far as we know) have no leads…

For the theory to be true, its believers have to demonstrate that Rich leaked to WikiLeaks, that someone in the DNC (or the Clinton camp) in turn had Rich murdered, that the D.C. police are intentionally slow-walking the investigation, that the major intelligence agencies (namely the CIA, FBI, and NSA) are together either deliberately concocting a story about Russian interference or too stupid to recognize an inside job, and finally, that the remainder of official Washington is either oblivious to or colluding with conspirators who’ve damaged relations with Russia in hopes of bringing down a president. Oh, and did I mention that the family of the slain young man is also either in on the conspiracy or unaware of its existence?

Rich’s parents write in the Washington Post today:

The circumstances of what happened next are still unclear. We know that Seth was abruptly confronted on the street, that he had been on the phone and quickly ended the call. We also know that there were signs of a struggle, including a watchband torn when the assailants attempted to rip it off his wrist. Law-enforcement officials told us that Seth’s murder looked like a botched robbery attempt in which the assailants — after shooting our son — panicked, immediately ran and abandoned Seth’s personal belongings. We have seen no evidence, by any person at any time, that Seth’s murder had any connection to his job at the Democratic National Committee or his life in politics. Anyone who claims to have such evidence is either concealing it from us or lying.

… We know that Seth’s personal email and his personal computer were both inspected by detectives early in the investigation and that the inspection revealed no evidence of any communications with anyone at WikiLeaks or anyone associated with WikiLeaks. Nor did that inspection reveal any evidence that Seth had leaked DNC emails to WikiLeaks or to anyone else. Indeed, those who have suggested that Seth’s role as a data analyst at the DNC gave him access to a wide trove of emails are simply incorrect — Seth’s job was to develop analytical models to encourage voters to turn out to vote. He didn’t have access to DNC emails, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee emails, John Podesta’s emails or Hillary Clinton’s emails. That simply wasn’t his job.

The fact that Rich’s valuables weren’t taken was indeed odd, but it’s hardly unthinkable that his assailant panicked and ran after the shooting. The Washington, D.C., police failing to generate leads is not the least bit surprising. In 2015, the D.C. police solved only 62 percent of the city’s homicides. The closure rate has been as high as 96 percent in 2011 and as low as 60.5 percent in 2003.

Then again, what makes someone believe in a conspiracy theory is not facts, but a need to believe.


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From path we are on
« Reply #662 on: July 10, 2022, 09:23:04 PM »
When Corruption Grows [Joe Mannix]
—Open Blogger

Much ink has been spilled - including by me - about the deplorable state of integrity within the government and other institutions. The institutions are hopelessly corrupt and operate for their own benefit and without any checks or balances. They take as take can, and to hell with the consequences. Those consequences are largely paid for by the little people or those who fall out of favor. It's classical Party corruption and our institutions and systems are lousy with it.

Our institutions are so full of corruption that it isn't unreasonable to call it total. Every major institution from the government agencies and legislatures and courts to the universities to the major corporations to the NGOs to the school boards and so on down the line is hopelessly, even diabolically corrupt. What we have in this country (and what is present in many other countries) is essentially total institutional corruption. It is systemic corruption in that all official systems of size are corrupted. This is not good by any means, but it could be worse - and we'll get there if the trend continues.

The flip side of total systemic corruption is that some things - things outside the major power system - are not corrupt. Daily life is not too bad in this regard. You can go to the supermarket and be reasonably confident that you will get what it says you'll get on the tin. The odds of being ripped off by a random stranger aren't terribly worse now than they used to be. The level of fraud, theft, abuse, etc. between and among people and during the routine work of daily life is not the defining characteristic of everyday interactions. In this regard, our total systemic corruption intersects with the wider population arbitrarily and with no mercy, but things are okay until the evil eye of the corrupt falls on you.

The next stage from systemic corruption is what I call endemic corruption - the condition where all things are corrupt in all respects and between all people at all times. In such an environment, none of the normal honesty of daily life is present. You buy food and find that it is fake and the package is either empty or it contains some ersatz food. You buy a house and find that it falls apart moments after you move in. You buy goods and find that they are counterfeit. The reports you use at work are all doctored and the company transparently lies about everything they do. Everything from financial statements to pollution controls to mileage to the octane content of gasoline is fabricated. The machinery with which you interact is manipulated to count high for things you buy and low for things where you get paid. Your money is stolen and contracts are unfulfilled. You can spin the wheel in the courts, but then the official corruption intersects and if you're not in favor, you lose. Party favor gives some the right to behave with impunity in all aspects of life, and the rest just have to get abused.

And become abusers. In a world without morality in a condition of endemic corruption when everything from weights and measures to ingredient lists to business practices are a lie, only a sucker tries to follow the rules. You get ripped off, sure, but you're not above ripping someone else off. Survival is survival. You might not like it, but you'll probably do it - especially when your boss tells you to go ahead and use timber to reinforce concrete instead of steel, or else be fired. The problem compounds with each turn of the crank. The primary problem to be solved is no longer "how do I do the right thing" but rather "how do I not get caught?" Societies with endemic corruption are, in a word, exploitative. Everyone exploits everyone else at all times.

If you want a vision of how such a world looks, cast your sight across the Pacific to Red China. For as bad as a lot of the crap they export is, the domestic market is often worse. Fake food, fake construction, fake goods, fake measures, fake numbers, fake everything. If you're Party-connected (in the right faction), there are no rules in any venue. If you're not, your job is to be harvested until you tap out. We are not anything like that far along in this country. In terms of law, the Party-connected can do anything they want but it doesn't yet extend downstream to everything like it does in places further along the corruption curve.

And so what happens in such an environment? Universal pain, exploitation and hopelessness. That has its own consequences, which can be seen through some fringe movements in Red China like "lying flat" (doing nothing above intermittent subsistence labor - similar to the "anti-work" concept floated in this country, but with a wildly different motivation) to people referring to themselves as "leeks" or "chives," depending on translation (people who grow to be harvested and regrown and harvested again) and, more distressingly, arguing that the current generation should be the last. "I am the last generation" or "I will give birth to no more leeks" is the ultimate black-pill attitude. A quote I heard that was attributed to a young Chinese office worker seems to sum up the essential problem fairly well: "everyone hurts me and I hurt everyone."

Endemic corruption is evidence of general moral degradation along with with legal and institutional illegitimacy. The people who live in such a condition are regularly and routinely abused and regularly and routinely engage in abuse themselves. This will continue until hope is lost. For Red China's sake, I hope those fringe elements remain fringe and that some degree of honesty can emerge. For our sake, I hope we learn the lesson that Red China can provide and avoid the problems of endemic corruption. Our systemic corruption, if not contained and reversed, will flow downstream and take us to a very rotten place.


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There Won't Be Any Winners Because The Status Quo Is Corrupt Everywhere
« Reply #668 on: July 27, 2022, 11:10:24 PM »
There Won't Be Any Winners Because The Status Quo Is Corrupt Everywhere
Systemic corruption on this vast scale optimizes failure and collapse.

Debating which nations will "win" as the global economy unravels is a popular but pointless parlor game. Since the status quo in every nation is deeply, profoundly, systemically corrupt, there won't be any "winners," there will only be losers.

Apologists love to say that corruption has always come hand-in-hand with power, and this is superficially true. Once a centralized hierarchy takes power, those seeking self-glorification and wealth seek power as a means to their self-enrichment and glorification.

Naturally, they use their power to reward those who helped them gain power and those helping them maintain power. So a small Texas contractor who contributed to Lyndon Johnson's political career was awarded immense contracts to build bases in Vietnam during Johnson's vast expansion of the Vietnam War. It's just business, right?

But this naive, superficial normalization of corruption ignores the consequential difference between two types of corruption. One kind is directing cushy positions and contracts to cronies: well-paid positions on boards are given to pals, fat contracts are awarded to political allies, and so on. The point here is that somebody was going to get the cushy position and the fat contract anyway, and so the corruption is in who gets the gravy.

This level of corruption has a systemic cost. Bribes paid to secure contracts and subsidies act as a "tax" on the economy, as the bribes add expense but do not deliver any improvement in quality or quantity. When the most qualified candidate or firm is passed over to favor an unqualified crony or ally, the loss in effectiveness is consequential, though more difficult to measure.

The systemically destructive type of corruption is on a completely different level. Systemic corruption deforms the core economic functions of governance and capital to enrich insiders at the expense of the national interest and the common good.

When corruption hollows out a nation's military capabilities, that undermines national security. When shoddily built equipment is stripped of valuable parts (to be sold on the black market) to the point it's no longer of any military value, corruption has a cost that is incalculable until it's too late to repair the rot. When armament contracts are given to build inferior weapons systems to benefit cronies, corruption has optimized losing the next war.

When corruption is the deciding factor in distributing the nation's capital, that mal-investment of irreplaceable resources in unproductive projects fatally undermines the entire economy. When corruption funnels national resources into poorly built bridges to nowhere ghost cities and monuments to excess, there are opportunity costs that can never be recovered, for all that capital and labor could have been invested productively.

Corruption becomes fatal when those in power are no longer able to distinguish the difference between self-interest and the national interest. Systemic corruption blurs the lines and persuades those in power that their self-enrichment and power grabs are serving the national interest.

The truth is their distorting the system to maximize their private gain cannot possibly serve the national interest or the common good. It's one thing to reward a long-serving crony by appointing the pal to a cushy no-real-work-required position on a crony-filled board with little actual power. It's another to distort the distribution of irreplaceable capital and resources to maximize the self-enrichment of the corrupt few as the expense of the many.

Systemic corruption on this vast scale optimizes failure and collapse.

In my book Global Crisis, National Renewal, I argue that the only nations that will survive the transition from a waste is growth economy will be those which embrace Degrowth. We can also say that only those nations which succeed in limiting systemic corruption will have the means to invest their nation's dwindling resources productively.

Since no nation is exhibiting any consequential interest in either Degrowth or eradicating systemic corruption, there will be no "winners", there will only be losers. While the status quo careens into decay and collapse, at least we can enrich ourselves by chasing the Pelosi Portfolio.

When Corruption Grows [Joe Mannix]
—Open Blogger

Much ink has been spilled - including by me - about the deplorable state of integrity within the government and other institutions. The institutions are hopelessly corrupt and operate for their own benefit and without any checks or balances. They take as take can, and to hell with the consequences. Those consequences are largely paid for by the little people or those who fall out of favor. It's classical Party corruption and our institutions and systems are lousy with it.

Our institutions are so full of corruption that it isn't unreasonable to call it total. Every major institution from the government agencies and legislatures and courts to the universities to the major corporations to the NGOs to the school boards and so on down the line is hopelessly, even diabolically corrupt. What we have in this country (and what is present in many other countries) is essentially total institutional corruption. It is systemic corruption in that all official systems of size are corrupted. This is not good by any means, but it could be worse - and we'll get there if the trend continues.

The flip side of total systemic corruption is that some things - things outside the major power system - are not corrupt. Daily life is not too bad in this regard. You can go to the supermarket and be reasonably confident that you will get what it says you'll get on the tin. The odds of being ripped off by a random stranger aren't terribly worse now than they used to be. The level of fraud, theft, abuse, etc. between and among people and during the routine work of daily life is not the defining characteristic of everyday interactions. In this regard, our total systemic corruption intersects with the wider population arbitrarily and with no mercy, but things are okay until the evil eye of the corrupt falls on you.

The next stage from systemic corruption is what I call endemic corruption - the condition where all things are corrupt in all respects and between all people at all times. In such an environment, none of the normal honesty of daily life is present. You buy food and find that it is fake and the package is either empty or it contains some ersatz food. You buy a house and find that it falls apart moments after you move in. You buy goods and find that they are counterfeit. The reports you use at work are all doctored and the company transparently lies about everything they do. Everything from financial statements to pollution controls to mileage to the octane content of gasoline is fabricated. The machinery with which you interact is manipulated to count high for things you buy and low for things where you get paid. Your money is stolen and contracts are unfulfilled. You can spin the wheel in the courts, but then the official corruption intersects and if you're not in favor, you lose. Party favor gives some the right to behave with impunity in all aspects of life, and the rest just have to get abused.

And become abusers. In a world without morality in a condition of endemic corruption when everything from weights and measures to ingredient lists to business practices are a lie, only a sucker tries to follow the rules. You get ripped off, sure, but you're not above ripping someone else off. Survival is survival. You might not like it, but you'll probably do it - especially when your boss tells you to go ahead and use timber to reinforce concrete instead of steel, or else be fired. The problem compounds with each turn of the crank. The primary problem to be solved is no longer "how do I do the right thing" but rather "how do I not get caught?" Societies with endemic corruption are, in a word, exploitative. Everyone exploits everyone else at all times.

If you want a vision of how such a world looks, cast your sight across the Pacific to Red China. For as bad as a lot of the crap they export is, the domestic market is often worse. Fake food, fake construction, fake goods, fake measures, fake numbers, fake everything. If you're Party-connected (in the right faction), there are no rules in any venue. If you're not, your job is to be harvested until you tap out. We are not anything like that far along in this country. In terms of law, the Party-connected can do anything they want but it doesn't yet extend downstream to everything like it does in places further along the corruption curve.

And so what happens in such an environment? Universal pain, exploitation and hopelessness. That has its own consequences, which can be seen through some fringe movements in Red China like "lying flat" (doing nothing above intermittent subsistence labor - similar to the "anti-work" concept floated in this country, but with a wildly different motivation) to people referring to themselves as "leeks" or "chives," depending on translation (people who grow to be harvested and regrown and harvested again) and, more distressingly, arguing that the current generation should be the last. "I am the last generation" or "I will give birth to no more leeks" is the ultimate black-pill attitude. A quote I heard that was attributed to a young Chinese office worker seems to sum up the essential problem fairly well: "everyone hurts me and I hurt everyone."

Endemic corruption is evidence of general moral degradation along with with legal and institutional illegitimacy. The people who live in such a condition are regularly and routinely abused and regularly and routinely engage in abuse themselves. This will continue until hope is lost. For Red China's sake, I hope those fringe elements remain fringe and that some degree of honesty can emerge. For our sake, I hope we learn the lesson that Red China can provide and avoid the problems of endemic corruption. Our systemic corruption, if not contained and reversed, will flow downstream and take us to a very rotten place.


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Paul Pelosi case skullduggery
« Reply #673 on: August 05, 2022, 06:44:35 PM »


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Re: Corruption, Sleaze, Skullduggery, the Swamp, and Treason
« Reply #676 on: August 07, 2022, 05:32:12 AM »
very interesting...


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Paulie Jr. Pelosi
« Reply #677 on: August 13, 2022, 03:14:21 AM »


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bulger got arranged transfer to a prison where he was murdered?
« Reply #678 on: August 19, 2022, 08:44:11 AM »

not sure why this takes 4 yrs to find this out.

"  He had suffered multiple heart attacks and was confined to a wheelchair, a source familiar with his condition told ABC News, leaving his attorneys puzzled over how Bulger's medical condition suddenly improved so much that he was able to move prisons.'

"  Bulger's death inside the federal prison is just one high-profile death that has not seen resolution, another other being the suicide of Jeffery Epstein in a Manhattan lockup."

remember Epstein's suicide watch downgraded and he gets a cpap machine equipped with electric cord

then suddenly dies
and no cameras

all just incompetence !


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Re: bulger got arranged transfer to a prison where he was murdered?
« Reply #679 on: August 19, 2022, 09:51:45 AM »
This is why the feds killed Bulger:

not sure why this takes 4 yrs to find this out.

"  He had suffered multiple heart attacks and was confined to a wheelchair, a source familiar with his condition told ABC News, leaving his attorneys puzzled over how Bulger's medical condition suddenly improved so much that he was able to move prisons.'

"  Bulger's death inside the federal prison is just one high-profile death that has not seen resolution, another other being the suicide of Jeffery Epstein in a Manhattan lockup."

remember Epstein's suicide watch downgraded and he gets a cpap machine equipped with electric cord

then suddenly dies
and no cameras

all just incompetence !


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Re: Corruption, Sleaze, Skullduggery, the Swamp, and Treason
« Reply #680 on: August 19, 2022, 09:58:27 AM »
can't read it

due to request for email


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Re: Corruption, Sleaze, Skullduggery, the Swamp, and Treason
« Reply #681 on: August 19, 2022, 10:33:33 AM »
can't read it

due to request for email

Howie Carr: Mueller’s hands dirty in old FBI frame-up
RUMOURED RESULTS: Findings of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election are rumored to be announced after the Nov. 6 midterm elections. Associated Press file photo.
RUMOURED RESULTS: Findings of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election are rumored to be announced after the Nov. 6 midterm elections. Associated Press file photo.
By HOWIE CARR | | Boston Herald
PUBLISHED: January 30, 2019 at 12:08 a.m. | UPDATED: January 30, 2019 at 6:35 a.m.
Roger Stone keeps talking about Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s reprehensible behavior with the FBI in Boston way back when.

But I don’t think he or most people understand how bad Mueller’s actions were – “chilling,” is how a Clinton federal judge in 2006 described the former FBI director’s attempts to cover up a massive frame-up by Boston G-men decades earlier.

For the record, Mueller did not railroad four innocent men into prison – two onto death row – for a Chelsea murder they did not commit back in 1965.

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That frame job was handled by the Boston office of the FBI, where at one point at least six G-men were taking payoffs from organized crime. That information came from serial killer Stevie Flemmi, who last summer admitted in federal court to taking part in 50 murders.

Everyone knew the four men were innocent, but the FBI wanted them to rot in prison, so the scandal would not be revealed. In the 1980s, two U.S. attorneys in Boston wrote letters to the state demanding that the innocent men not be released, but Mueller, an interim U.S. attorney in 1986-87, did not write one. (At least I couldn’t find one.)

Making sure the innocent men remained in prison was mostly handled by two of the G-men on the mobsters’ payroll, Zip Connolly and John “Vino” Morris, who made sure they left no paper trails. They were hit men with badges — Morris set up a double murder for Whitey Bulger in 1982 in Southie, after which Vino was promoted to director of the FBI training academy in Quantico.

Meanwhile, Zip is doing 40 years in a Florida prison for another gangland hit, in Miami, set up by the same crooked fed who set up the 1965 frame-up.

This is the world of “law enforcement” that Robert Mueller operated in. Not everyone was crooked – just everyone who mattered.

Fast forward to 2006. Mueller is now the FBI director.

After 35 years in the can, two of the four innocent men are dead, the other two have finally been freed. The four men or their estates are suing the feds for wrongful imprisonment. It is not a frivolous lawsuit – they will eventually win a judgment of $102 million.

The plaintiffs – the victims – are trying to get the necessary information from the crooked FBI now run by Mueller about how they were framed. But Mueller absolutely stonewalls the release of the information.

Here’s a show-cause order I discovered last year from U.S. District Judge Nancy Gertner, who presided over the civil case. The FBI was refusing to turn over the exonerating evidence to either the plaintiffs or the Justice Department, which was defending the FBI after its frame up.

Mueller’s stonewalling, Gertner wrote, was a “serious problem.”

“This is a case about, inter alia, informant abuse, about the failure to disclose exculpatory evidence bearing on the innocence of the four plaintiffs, about FBI agents allegedly ‘hiding the ball,’ not disclosing critical information that would have exonerated the plaintiffs, and not doing so, for 40 years.”

Think about that again – for 40 years, ever since the night of the murder, the FBI had known that these four guys were innocent, and yet they never stepped up to identify the real killers, because they were FBI rats. And Mueller’s FBI was prolonging the cover-up, the judge wrote.

“Given those accusations,” she wrote, “the position the FBI is taking is chilling … This Court is not remotely satisfied.”

Six days after Mueller was threatened with contempt, the feds filed this: “This matter has been brought to the personal attention of the Director of the FBI… (the innocent men and the DOJ) have been provided with unredacted copies of the FBI documents.”

And all it took to bring Mueller around to doing the right thing was the threat of a contempt citation by an ultra-liberal federal judge who went to Yale Law School with the Clintons.

Of course, that wasn’t the first time Mueller’s FBI tried to broom the scandal of the four framed men. In 2002, Mueller directed the G-men to oppose state pardons for the four men because the FBI’s own evidence that exonerated them was merely “fodder for cross-examination.”

Despite the FBI’s knowledge that the men, including Peter Limone, were innocent, Mueller’s FBI claimed to a state board that the incontrovertible exculpatory evidence “does not necessarily mean, however, that Limone or any of the other defendants is innocent – it merely means that they are entitled to a new trial.”

By the way, one of the innocent men, Louie Greco, was in Florida the night of the murder he was falsely convicted of. One of the crooked Boston FBI agents (who died in prison in Oklahoma while facing murder charges in another gangland hit) later bragged to a local gangster about their brilliant railroad:

“How does Louie Greco like going from Miami to death row? He wasn’t even there.”

This is your FBI, the organization that Bob Mueller was – and still is – trying to protect from being exposed as irredeemably corrupt.

Good luck, Roger Stone. You’re going to need it, despite your not guilty plea Tuesday.

Howie’s new book, “Kennedy Babylon Vol. 2,” is now available for immediate shipment at

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Tags: Howie CarrRobert MuellerRoger Stone
Howie Carr | Columnist
Howie Carr has written two New York Times bestsellers, is a member of the National Radio Hall of Fame and has won a National Magazine Award. He hosts a syndicated daily four-hour radio show, two hours of which are simulcast on Newsmax TV. His website is
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Re: Corruption, Sleaze, Skullduggery, the Swamp, and Treason
« Reply #682 on: August 19, 2022, 10:40:56 AM »
did not remember this

obviously kept out of the news


Federal government cover up
  .....  typical day in and day out operating procedure
   for the higher ups.....


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Re: Corruption, Sleaze, Skullduggery, the Swamp, and Treason
« Reply #683 on: August 19, 2022, 10:51:47 AM »

Remember that Mueller was supposed to get Trump, and the media was pushing the narrative that Mueller was the embodiment of honor and integrity.

Whitey Bulger was in a position to counter that narrative with ugly stories of Boston corruption.

So he got a sudden transfer to a violent BOP facility and placed in general population to silence him forever.

Not accidental.

did not remember this

obviously kept out of the news


Federal government cover up
  .....  typical day in and day out operating procedure
   for the higher ups.....


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Whitey Bulger's murder
« Reply #684 on: August 24, 2022, 09:38:30 AM »

Remember that Mueller was supposed to get Trump, and the media was pushing the narrative that Mueller was the embodiment of honor and integrity.

Whitey Bulger was in a position to counter that narrative with ugly stories of Boston corruption.

So he got a sudden transfer to a violent BOP facility and placed in general population to silence him forever.

Not accidental.

did not remember this

obviously kept out of the news


Federal government cover up
  .....  typical day in and day out operating procedure
   for the higher ups.....
« Last Edit: August 24, 2022, 02:20:02 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Whitey Bulger's murder
« Reply #685 on: August 24, 2022, 02:33:32 PM »
Keep in mind that inmates being aware of the movements of ANY inmate, much less one of such serious security concerns as Whitey Bulger is a MAJOR security breach.

This was a set-up from the jump, and at high levels within the DOJ.

Remember that Mueller was supposed to get Trump, and the media was pushing the narrative that Mueller was the embodiment of honor and integrity.

Whitey Bulger was in a position to counter that narrative with ugly stories of Boston corruption.

So he got a sudden transfer to a violent BOP facility and placed in general population to silence him forever.

Not accidental.

did not remember this

obviously kept out of the news


Federal government cover up
  .....  typical day in and day out operating procedure
   for the higher ups.....


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NRO: Steve Bannon is corrupt
« Reply #686 on: September 11, 2022, 01:29:43 PM »


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Green Corruption and Treason
« Reply #688 on: September 16, 2022, 05:22:51 AM »

US Green Initiatives Benefit Top Officials’ Family Members With Ties to China: Cybersecurity Expert
By Hannah Ng and Tiffany Meier September 14, 2022 Updated: September 14, 2022biggersmaller Print



As the sweeping Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) (pdf) seeks to spend some $369 billion toward energy and climate programs over the next 10 years, those green initiatives will mostly benefit family members of top officials with ties to the Chinese regime, according to Rex Lee, a cybersecurity adviser at My Smart Privacy.

“There’s concern … that potentially lawmakers and or their family members stand to benefit [greatly] from legislation that they have influence over and are creating policy and making laws in Washington DC,” Lee told the “China in Focus” program on NTD News, the sister media of The Epoch Times.

To prove this argument, he pointed to Tony Podesta, the brother of former Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta who recently joined the Biden administration to serve as a senior adviser on “clean energy innovation and implementation.”

John Podesta was tapped to “oversee implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act’s expansive clean energy and climate provisions and will chair the President’s National Climate Task Force in support of this effort,” the White House said on Sept. 2.

Yet, Tony Podesta, Lee said, “represents Huawei and their lobbying efforts go directly back to the White House, which means that … he has a direct line to [President] Joe Biden.”

“Huawei … is allowed to market in the United States as a result of having some of Trump and Obama’s executive orders repealed by the Biden administration,” he added.

The U.S. Department of Commerce officials in 2021 granted applications worth hundreds of millions of dollars to Chinese tech company Huawei—which was blacklisted under the Trump administration over national security concerns—to buy chips for its auto supply business.

“I think this is happening with green technology, as well … if you look at the lobbying efforts from the solar panel, panel manufacturers out of China, as well as the battery manufacturers out in China,” Lee opined.

The other conflict of interest that Lee further pointed out, arises from a lithium refining company in Pittsburgh, which has Paul Pelosi Jr., the son of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), as a member of its Advisory Board.

Another company named by Lee is BHR, a Chinese private equity firm, in which Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden held a 10 percent stake as of last May, according to company records.

BHR is reportedly backed by major state financial institutions such as the Bank of China and the China Development Bank Capital.

Lee said that it is concerning when “these family members are going to benefit or these families or these lawmakers are going to benefit financially from the laws that they’re legislating.”

Energy Dependence
With Democrats rolling out plans to ban gas-powered cars, the demand for materials to produce EV batteries such as lithium and cobalt, is expected to surge.

That increasing demand would make America become even more energy dependent on China, according to the expert.

“Ninety-five percent of cobalt mining is done in Africa through Chinese companies that have worked with the governments in Africa to mine the cobalt over there,” Lee said.

“Sixty-two percent of lithium will flow back through China as well,” he added.

BYD Company, the Chinese electric car and battery giant, had reached an agreement to acquire six lithium mines in Africa, according to a May 2021 report from China’s The Paper.

Lee further called for Americans to raise the issue of these lobbying efforts with their lawmakers.

“You can look up what companies are lobbying what laws and then write your lawmaker about these things … and hold your lawmaker accountable,” Lee said.

“We shouldn’t allow any foreign company … any companies from other countries to lobby. And that in itself is a threat to the United States and our ability to compete, much less let companies from adversarial nations such as China and Russia,” he said.

The Epoch Times reached out to Pelosi’s office and the Biden administration for comment.

Anne Zhang and Dorothy Li contributed to this report.


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corrupt nepotism
« Reply #691 on: September 30, 2022, 05:58:55 AM »
make up a Federal government position and place relative in post:

diplomat to get everyone to save 30% of planet for biodiversity and water .....


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« Last Edit: October 17, 2022, 08:06:35 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Corruption, Sleaze, Skullduggery, the Swamp, and Treason
« Reply #693 on: October 17, 2022, 07:43:16 AM »
I'm looking for citations of Pelosi's son grifting in Ukraine, and Romney's aide too.

A lot of the cites have been scrubbed. It's almost like they are trying to cover things up.

Son Of House Speaker Pelosi Made Money In Ukraine, Used Her In Ads

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., speaks during a news conference and with local officials about Venezuelan democracy efforts on Thursday, Oct. 3, 2019, in Weston, Fla. (AP Photo/Brynn Anderson)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 1:35 PM PT – Friday, October 4, 2019
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may soon be facing similar allegations to Joe Biden. A recent report suggested Pelosi’s son Paul may have used her position to benefit financially. A promotional video from 2013 resurfaced on Thursday, brought to public attention by journalist Patrick Howley.

BOOM: Nancy Pelosi's son Paul Pelosi Jr. (who went to Ukraine in 2017) was a board member of Viscoil and executive at its related company NRGLab, which DID ENERGY Business in UKRAINE!

And Nancy Pelosi appeared in a promotional video for the company!

— Patrick Howley (@HowleyReporter) October 3, 2019

The video shows Nancy Pelosi speaking about her efforts in office to push for clean energy. Her message is followed by a promotional statement from her son Paul, who was a board member of Viscoil and an executive at its related company NRGLab.

“My name is Paul Pelosi…and Viscoil is here today to talk about accelerating the future,” said Pelosi Jr. “That’s what Viscoil does — it uses technology to maximize the use of natural resources, like oil and other resources.”

Pelosi’s son traveled to Ukraine in 2017 on behalf of the Corporate Governance Initiative, where he now serves as executive director. The official reason given for his visit was to discuss a youth soccer partnership program with the Ukrainian government, but clips of that trip have reportedly been removed from online.

One of those clips was saved by The American Mirror on Twitter.

2017 — What's really going on here? Nancy Pelosi's son in Ukraine to talk about "soccer"?

— The American Mirror (@American_Mirror) September 27, 2019


Hunter Biden faces similar allegations, which claim he used his father’s position to make lucrative business deals in Ukraine and China.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2022, 08:01:28 AM by G M »


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Nuclear waste Sam Brinton charged
« Reply #696 on: November 29, 2022, 05:39:32 PM »
Biden's nonbinary head of nuclear waste admits to snatching luggage worth over $2,000 from airport
Sam Brinton, who was recently celebrated by the Biden Energy Department as the "first gender fluid person in the federal government," is facing felony charges and has been placed on leave after being caught allegedly stealing luggage at the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport.


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reason for timing of SBF arrest now becomes clear
« Reply #697 on: December 15, 2022, 06:34:12 AM »
Congress people worried about being tied to him

Miranda Devine does it again  :-D:

one legal system for us
then one for the elites:

and the MSM will mostly be silent ......


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AMcC:SBF skates
« Reply #699 on: December 24, 2022, 02:11:17 PM »

December 24, 2022 6:30 AM
SBF gets to go home for the holidays, while prosecutors get to pretend that he had to put up $250 million for the privilege.
What may be even more interesting than the implosion of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX is the government’s choreography of the case against its founder, Sam Bankman-Fried.

Unquestionably, the noose is tightening around the 31-year-old erstwhile wunderkind known as SBF. When you’re charged with multiple felony-fraud counts that, combined, could land you well over 100 years in the slammer, and you arise from your jailhouse slumber only to find that your two main accomplices have pled guilty and are spilling the beans to prosecutors, well . . . it’s just not going to be a good day.

Looking on what little bright side there may be for SBF, though, he’s probably had worse stretches over the last few weeks. On Wednesday evening, he was being moved from his Bahamian captivity to custody in the United States when Damian Williams, the Biden-appointed Manhattan U.S. attorney, announced that his office, the Southern District of New York (SDNY), had struck plea bargains and cooperation agreements with SBF’s colleagues, Caroline Ellison and Gary Wang. But by Thursday afternoon, SBF was winging home to mom and dad for the holidays, a free man — or at least as free as he is apt to be for the next decade or four.

We discussed this bit of farce on the Corner, probably around the time SBF’s plane was touching down near his Stanford law-prof parents’ Palo Alto manse, where he will be on something loosely akin to house arrest for the next few weeks.

Two things are at play here.

The first is that, as we’ve detailed, the Justice Department is engaged in Biden’s signature “big f***ing deal” inflation. The SDNY got SBF to agree to sign a $250 million bail bond so it could portray the FTX fiasco as the biggest financial fraud in the history of the planet — but he did not have to post anything remotely close to that amount in collateral. DOJ might as well have claimed that he was on the hook for underwriting this week’s scandalous $1.7 trillion bipartisan budget blowout. To get sprung from custody, he would happily have signed a bail bond covering our $31 trillion national debt if the SDNY had told him to — and the resulting promissory note would have been about as real as the notion that FTX was once worth $31 billion. To be clear, I really don’t think SBF is going to flee. The fugitive’s life calls for a degree of derring-do and attention to detail that are, as his current predicament suggests, beyond him. But if he does take off, the amount he forfeits to Uncle Sam will be a lot closer to $250 than $250 million.

The second thing is mildly hilarious when you think about the Democratic-darling progressive prosecutors and their crusade against cash bail. SBF could have fought his extradition. He would have lost in the end, and it would have meant additional weeks or months of increasingly uncomfortable confinement (it may be “better in the Bahamas,” but not in the custody of the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services). But as it happened, the DOJ wanted his transfer for prosecution in Manhattan done rapidly, so he had some leverage. Clearly, the parties cut a deal in which SBF dropped his opposition to extradition and the SDNY agreed to put up only cursory resistance to his release on bail. Given that the DOJ has magnified the FTX/Alameda fraud scheme into the crime of the century — one in which countless investors have been fleeced of their life savings — and given that people such as the late Bernie Madoff have been sentenced to over a century of incarceration for such schemes, it would have been a bad look for the DOJ to let SBF out for a chintzy $10 million, the amount of Madoff’s bond in 2008. So now prosecutors get to say SBF had to put up $250 million to be released, when in reality, he didn’t have to put up anything close to that. Prosecutor Nicholas Roos crowed that it was “the largest ever” pretrial bond. On paper, perhaps, but not in reality. What it was, though, was an instance of the “system” (run by Democrats) letting a rich white guy (a Democrat) who donates lots of money to (mostly Democratic) politicians buy his way out of custody (i.e., cash bail, the bête noire of “everything is racist” Democrats).

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Martin McDonagh’s Brutalizing The Banshees of Inisherin
Biden’s Disgraceful Border Evasions
California Destroys Its Independent Truckers
House Passes $1.7 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill over Republican Objections
Florida Supreme Court Approves DeSantis’s Request for Grand Jury to Investigate Vaccines
Messrs. George Soros, Chesa Boudin, and Larry Krasner, please direct your complaints to the Honorable Merrick Garland, 950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C., 20530.

The theater of SBF’s catch-and-release follows the peculiar timing of his indictment, which was unsealed just as he was about to be grilled by a congressional committee. As we’ve noted, such testimony — hours of hostile questioning under oath — is the sort of thing a prosecutor would ordinarily do everything in his power to facilitate, not forestall. But — surprise! — SDNY prosecutors did forestall it, thus canceling hours of nationally televised Republican queries about SBF’s version of Robin Hood: robbing the rich to give to Democrats.

More on
SBF Bail Set at $250M. Yeah, Right
Progressing to Nowhere
FTX Founder Sam Bankman-Fried to Be Released on $250 Million Bail to Parents’ Palo Alto Home
Chairwoman Maxine Waters, please direct your thank-you card to the Honorable Merrick Garland, etc., etc.

The guilty pleas were the final interesting twist in the case this week. Caroline Ellison, besides reportedly being SBF’s sometimes-girlfriend, was one of his business partners. Specifically, she was the CEO of Alameda Research, the firm to which he is alleged to have diverted FTX client funds and then to have exploited like a piggy bank for purposes of purchasing prime real estate and other luxury items, as well as insurance in the form of political donations. Gary Wang was FTX’s chief technology officer. Their guilty pleas cannot have been a surprise to SBF or anyone who read the indictment against him. Several of the counts accuse SBF of conspiracy, and it is black-letter criminal law that one cannot conspire alone, so there had to be coconspirators, and other charges had to be on the way.

As the SDNY’s press release related, Ellison pled guilty to seven counts and Wang to four counts. Many of these felony offenses carry sentences of up to 20 years, and the federal sentencing guidelines for ten-digit frauds are through the stratosphere (see, e.g., Guidelines Section 2B1.1). But when accomplices provide testimony that satisfies prosecutors, the latter may file motions that empower the judge to ignore the guidelines and impose a term of little or no prison time (see Guidelines Section 5K1.1).

Sadly for SBF, this requires having a bigger fish to hand prosecutors, and in this case, he himself is the biggest fish.

Here is the interesting part. As we explained last weekend, for all the chest-beating of the regulators, there are significant legal questions about whether the two relevant administrative agencies, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodities Futures Trading Commission, have enforcement jurisdiction over cryptocurrencies. So what has the SDNY done? To get their bargains, both Ellison and Wang were required to plead guilty to conspiracies to commit securities fraud and commodities fraud — charges that are also alleged in the SBF indictment. As part of their cooperation, Ellison and Wang also agreed to settle the civil lawsuits brought against them by the SEC and the CFTC.

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That is to say, while Ellison and Wang may have had legitimate legal objections to raise against the securities- and commodities-fraud charges, the two accomplices decided it was best to plead guilty and give the SDNY, the SEC, and the CFTC the wins they wanted. Ellison and Wang can already argue that they’ve provided “substantial assistance” to the investigation (the standard for the aforementioned prosecutors’ motion that would allow the judge to give them lenient sentences). The government wants precedents from which it can argue that of course current law empowers it to regulate cryptocurrency — even as it presses for new laws making that power explicit (not coincidentally, the kind of laws SBF was wining and dining politicians and regulators to enact — since in Gomorrah-by-the-Potomac, if you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu).

The concessions made by SBF’s alleged coconspirators are not legally binding against him. He can still mount legal challenges to the charges against him. He does, however, face the prospect of a trial in which his two closest confederates would take the stand and relate that they have pled guilty to the same fraud schemes of which he is accused, and that he joined them — indeed, led them — in the execution of those schemes. That is, SBF’s lawyers now face practical evidentiary challenges that dwarf whatever technical legal objections they can make.

Bernie Madoff pled guilty to all the charges against him, even though he was looking at 150 years in prison. That’s what usually happens when the billions go poof and the damning proof is overwhelming.