Author Topic: Soft Coup 3.0: Impeachment  (Read 65347 times)


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*Skaneateles *
« Reply #250 on: January 24, 2020, 01:49:36 PM »
"Skaneateles LLC"


Katherine grew up in "Skaneateles" NY.

How did the deadbeat dad get that name.


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Re: Soft Coup 3.0: Impeachment
« Reply #253 on: January 25, 2020, 10:10:10 PM »
I saw it reported that after today, President Trump is agreed.


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« Reply #255 on: January 27, 2020, 08:27:00 AM »

what is your point
we already see what happened
witnesses are not going to help

bottom line we either tow the line or all become socialists
Why do Repubs always have to have a person who back stabs us while playing the virtuous
who listens to the angels blah blah blah

Yes obviously Trump held the aide
what is the point
of endlessly piling on witnesses

You either throw him out or explain why you are not ........

For God's sake ......


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Small world-Big Deep State
« Reply #256 on: January 27, 2020, 10:35:46 AM »


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Re: Mitt
« Reply #257 on: January 27, 2020, 12:49:23 PM »
Somehow I doubt Bolton will have shoot the silver bullet that brings down President Trump.  Plus there are legitimate Ecxecutive privilege issues.

If enough Senators want witnesses and the Democrats get to look further for evidence, then the defense gets unlimited access as well.  Let the next act of the circus begin.

I notice that no broadcast network is covering this, not even the main PBS channel.  No one is watching but the people want to hear more?


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Re: Small world-Big Deep State
« Reply #258 on: January 27, 2020, 12:51:05 PM »


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McCarthy : argument "no quid pro quo" falling flat
« Reply #260 on: January 28, 2020, 04:19:24 AM »

Thanks to Romney this whole thing could have been dismissed as soon as it hit the Senate floor.

As usual Trump puts the Senators in ever more difficult positions . - as far as I am concerned screw all the allegations - I don't want a Democrat in 2020.
   But for the Rinos in the Senate - ..............

And I wanted Bolton in the Trump administration ...............  Now the Left's most dreaded "war monger" foreign policy advisor is their best friend.

And he gets paid for it in book sales.

« Last Edit: January 28, 2020, 04:21:51 AM by ccp »


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Re: Soft Coup 3.0: Impeachment
« Reply #262 on: January 28, 2020, 01:59:35 PM »

Well . it may work

we have all the news outlets with the headlines and reports of some Repubs caving in to witnesses now.

Trump can't be exonerated
The Left is firm on this.
He is guilty no matter what.

so now Drudge has it that witnesses will be called
OK Donald now you are going to get your full trial to exonerate yourself on your "perfect" "beautiful" call
now we have endless destructive headlines into the future

Thanks Mitt Romney !   this could have been dismissed on day one if not for you from what I read
« Last Edit: January 28, 2020, 04:56:11 PM by ccp »


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Re: Soft Coup 3.0: Impeachment, Trump Defense
« Reply #264 on: January 28, 2020, 08:44:26 PM »
Andy McCarthy says don't build the foundation on quicksand.  Other than that I thought they did a good job.

To Crafty's point, McCarthy writes:  "There is a good-faith basis to suspect the Bidens were involved in corrupt self-dealing."

Our nation had an interest in getting to the bottom of it - just like he said on the call.  Doesn't that alone settle it?


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Re: Soft Coup 3.0: Impeachment
« Reply #265 on: January 28, 2020, 08:52:15 PM »
"There is a good-faith basis to suspect the Bidens were involved in corrupt self-dealing."

"Our nation had an interest in getting to the bottom of it - just like he said on the call.  Doesn't that alone settle it?"

YES IT DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Soft Coup 3.0: Impeachment
« Reply #266 on: January 28, 2020, 09:05:52 PM »
"There is a good-faith basis to suspect the Bidens were involved in corrupt self-dealing."

"Our nation had an interest in getting to the bottom of it - just like he said on the call.  Doesn't that alone settle it?"

YES IT DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You two are ignoring the pillar of the left's legal framework:

ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!111!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!


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Cherry picking
« Reply #267 on: January 29, 2020, 04:32:37 AM »

Funny how the Left cherry picks something Kelly apparently said about Bolton.

The day prior , my sister who lives in Sarasota said she went to see John Kelly and thought he was very good.

What she heard was actually all quite positive about Trump.
He lamented that he could not help Trump stay out of some fixes , but he agrees with most of his policies

He agrees with him on Iran , China- trade, the military etc.

He noted China is "way ahead of us" with their 50 year plans .  The have long term plans and stay focused on achieving their goals playing the long game compared to us who change every 2 yrs with the political winds

He mentioned he was surprised about how the politics control everything in DC and how legislators only think of getting elected far more than achieving anything and that that is worse then he dreamed.

he thinks having more ex military in the government would be a good thing.

My sister didn't even recall him saying anything about Bolton at all.
But she clearly told me he did NOT say anything bad about Trump.

Of note he started out by saying something to the tune of I know half of you (audience) are for Trump and half against.

So we know the little Left spies who are against are looking and hoping he would say negative things about Trump. 
He did not .  Yet the picked something he said at some point and use one sentence to bash DJT over the head with it.

I doubt Gen Kelly would be pleased by this.


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Bolton the snake
« Reply #271 on: January 30, 2020, 04:25:45 AM »

I recall reading some statement he made publically after being fired
and the clearly implied he was all about revenge.

like someone on cable said

he was not the President - Trump is .


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50-50 vote ?
« Reply #275 on: January 31, 2020, 04:30:06 AM »
Lets see
if murkowsky refuses to acquit without witnesses

and collins we know did
that leaves of course the one dragging it out as long as he can soak it to stay in the spotlight . ----->>>> . Mitt

I will be surprised if he does not pull a John McCain

so that leaves a 50-50 tie
then what ?  Roberts makes the final call?

We can be sure he will allow witness on the side of erring on "lets hear all the evidence"


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Re: 50-50 vote ?
« Reply #276 on: January 31, 2020, 06:05:35 AM »
Pence steps in to break the procedural tie?


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Re: Soft Coup 3.0: Impeachment
« Reply #277 on: January 31, 2020, 06:35:32 AM »
Roberts gets to make final call , , , if he wants.


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Re: Soft Coup 3.0: Impeachment
« Reply #278 on: January 31, 2020, 07:29:03 AM »
Roberts gets to make final call , , , if he wants.

Well then he will rule for witnesses if half want that.

This still could end today.

I am neutral on the issue of dragging this out forever now that it's started. 

Bernie should crossover and say something like he said with Clinton, I'm tired of hearing about your damn emails.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2020, 07:47:24 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Soft Coup 3.0: Impeachment
« Reply #279 on: January 31, 2020, 08:01:38 AM »
" .Bernie should crossover and say something like he said with Clinton, I'm tired of hearing about your damn emails."

Great point Doug

just highlights the damn dems total hypocrisy
on the issue as well as everything else


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Re: Soft Coup 3.0: Impeachment
« Reply #280 on: January 31, 2020, 02:13:06 PM »
Dough wrote

"I am neutral on the issue of dragging this out forever now that it's started. "

What is the point of dragging this out?

We all know what happened.  Why do we need walrus face or other "witness " to tell us what we already know.

yes Trump talked to Ukraine and tried to get them to investigate Biden.  The appearance is of course he was holding up the money.

The point is not to dispute this any longer AD freakin NAUSEUM.

The point is to argue that ain't impeachable which has been made AD NAUSEUM.  The the Republicans have to stand firm and tell the Crats
NO you are not going to get away with this entrapment and make a power grab from us.

That's it.

So why keep dragging this out more.
So we can look at the obnoxious little shits on CNN MSNBC and NYT , WP and yahoo news (that little shit Dylan Stabelford)
etc.....  blasting the same stuff in our faces?

Bottom line Trump stays. the End

Thank you for listening and I feel better.


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Romney votes to convict, remove
« Reply #281 on: February 05, 2020, 11:13:37 AM »
Does that make it bipartisan? 

Mitt's work is done.  He can resign anytime now.

Doug Jones, Alabama, voting to convict.

Manchin acquittal vote makes it bipartisan both ways.  Anyone else?
« Last Edit: February 05, 2020, 11:25:03 AM by DougMacG »


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Rinos go home and stay there
« Reply #282 on: February 05, 2020, 02:16:48 PM »
****Doug Jones, Alabama, voting to convict.

Manchin acquittal vote makes it bipartisan both ways.  Anyone else?***

did not happen

all dems vote to remove from office
of course Rom douche has to side with his warped conscious

and give the Democrat media the chance to claim that one Republican Senator out of 53 makes it bipartisan
Manchin as ALWAYS (except for Kavanaugh) , in the end , sides with the DEMS who will make his life a living hell if he does not.

Utah should make sure Romney's political career as a rino is over .
   He is rich - I doubt he will care.   Just go back to the Olympics or something

Funny ,  hard to believe the biggest pain in the ass Republicans :
1) .  McCain was our nominee in '08 . (LOSER!  oh but he is so nice)
2) .  Romney was our nominee in '12 (LOSER oh but so moral)

Maybe Romney will get on the BOD for CNN .
   Thanks Mitt.  Thanks for all your service.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2020, 02:18:52 PM by ccp »


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Re: Soft Coup 3.0: Impeachment
« Reply #283 on: February 05, 2020, 03:24:11 PM »
Well, we should have good shot at flipping AL and WV , , ,

FG Romney.  He just



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Re: Soft Coup 3.0: Impeachment
« Reply #284 on: February 06, 2020, 07:35:04 AM »
"Manchin acquittal vote ...
did not happen
all dems vote to remove from office"

Wow, did I get that wrong.  Trump carried WV by 40 points and Manchin sides with his buddies in Washington over the people back home.  Unless one believes there was merit to the case but we already ripped that to shreds.

"Well, we should have good shot at flipping AL and WV , , ,"

I have to guess Jones figured he couldn't win again in Alabama anyway.  He is a sharp guy, can easily land in Washington/media.  Future Meet the Press panelist former US Senator Doug Jones. 

Manchin in effect announced his retirement with this vote.

Reminds me, I used to play tennis with Ahmad Rashad, then wide receiver for the Vikings.  One Sunday, still in his prime, the ball was thrown to him high over the middle on a big 3rd down they needed to convert.  There were two defenders coming at him from two directions ready to crush him as he would make the catch.  Rashad (Bobby Moore) was a big rebounder in college basketball.  Making that kind of big catch (and taking the hit) was what he did for a living.  Ahmad (Akmad as Bud Grant called him) didn't go up and didn't make the catch.  The two defenders crushed each other and laid there on the field.  I said to my TV, I guess he's moving on to life after playing football.  He announced his retirement that week.

Good Bye Joe Manchin.  You needed to go up and make that catch.
The Romney vote is likewise shocking but of no matter.  It still goes down as a party line vote; Willard Mitt Romney is a man without a party.

A few days ago Romney said he could not make an informed decision without hearing from more witnesses, John Bolton in particular.  Losing the witness vote he now believes the case of abuse of power is proven anyway.  If so Mitt, why the vote to waste our time with more witnesses?  I know the answer to that.  He just wanted every minute possible of making President Donald Trump look bad.  It was nothing to do with getting it right or removal from office.  The majority of the Senate including ALL on his side believed the charge if true was not an impeachable offense.

The whole pretense that Joe Biden was known to be Donald Trump's general election opponent was nonsense from the start.  He has run three times and has yet to win a single delegate.

I learned something HUGE this week from Romney.  I never before believed that we are better off to have a Democrat win than to elect a lousy Republican.  Not true in 2012.  Romney losing made Trump possible.  Romney losing made tax reform and deregulation possible.  Romney made Trump wage growth possible, four years delayed.  Romney losing made Gorsuch and Kavanaugh possible and 170 other quality federal judges.  Romney losing brought down the hold China had on our economy. 

Thank you Mitt.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2020, 07:41:16 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Soft Coup 3.0: Impeachment
« Reply #285 on: February 06, 2020, 07:55:40 AM »
".I learned something HUGE this week from Romney.  I never before believed that we are better off to have a Democrat win than to elect a lousy Republican.  Not true in 2012.  Romney losing made Trump possible.  Romney losing made tax reform and deregulation possible.  Romney made Trump wage growth possible, four years delayed.  Romney losing made Gorsuch and Kavanaugh possible and 170 other quality federal judges.  Romney losing brought down the hold China had on our economy.

Thank you Mitt."


though we did have to suffer through 4 mores yrs of Racist/classist  socialism

we barely survived Obama

I don't know we can survive another 4 let alone another 8 yrs of another Obama
 like Presidency.

OTOH the Left will not go away.
I fear but know what they will do to this country when they get control of government again .

It will be a political holocaust - all our dreams, beliefs , hopes will be exterminated. to their way of control


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Vindman escorted out
« Reply #287 on: February 07, 2020, 03:39:52 PM »

CNN limo ready to pick him up and have meeting with Zucker for job interview


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Re: Soft Coup 3.0: Impeachment
« Reply #288 on: February 07, 2020, 06:01:31 PM »
The Hall Monitor got marched down the hall!

Biden called for and got a standing ovation for him tonight.


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Re: Vindman escorted out
« Reply #289 on: February 07, 2020, 09:09:35 PM »

CNN limo ready to pick him up and have meeting with Zucker for job interview

He may be spending some quality time in a military prison. Should be, if there is any justice at all in this country anymore.


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The Impeachment argument has just begun
« Reply #290 on: February 10, 2020, 09:35:06 AM »
Through the entire process I could say impeachment was not what people out in the heartland were talking about.  It was a silent background issue.

R's and D's both knew he wouldn't be removed from office and just watched the process unfold quietly.  Markets didn't panic and foreigners never wondered who was really in charge.  The purpose was to mark and stain him for the process of defeating him. The result seems to be the opposite.  Trump can now rightly claim he was acquitted.  His popularity is up, his base is energized and the opposition is in disarray for a variety of reasons.

Socializing with friends from the Democrat side this weekend I was surprised by how front and center the impeachment aftermath is for them.  One takeaway seemed to sum it up: 'The first article, abuse of power was 100% proved.'  From their point of view: Trump did abuse his power, it was proved, everyone knows it but only one Republican Senator could stand up to him.  Digging deeper, the point was proved that he did hold up needed military aid in exchange for getting what he wanted.  Clear quid pro quo.  With a small room full of people jumping in it was hard to effectively pick that argument apart.  Some of my rebuttals taken individually sounded kind of weak.  I can take more time here.  )   The arguments have all been made here but if we are right we need to sharpen this up for the long political season.  The competing narrative is alive and well.

1.  Quid pro quo means nothing in itself; it describes every transaction , every foreign aid transaction.  The central question in impeachment: was he demanding something in his personal interest that was (unquestionably) against the public interest?

If newspapers say the whole Biden matter and everything else Trump said or thought about Ukraine was already debunked, is that so or is there still a legitimate point to be made for looking into it?  I'm afraid that is an losing point to be made to those who are informed by only those same sources.  The only real data point I could add in hindsight is that Gallup and every other poll rate the credibility of these 'mainstream sources' below Trump, meaning near zero. 

2.  Is it off limits to look into corruption if your potential opponent is part of it?  Of course not or how could they justify going after Trump for so long.  Okay, the double standard argument doesn't work on them either.

3.  The outrage about holding up needed military aid, when it comes from pro-Obama Democrats, is pure silliness.  I could not convince my friend that President Obama held up military aid to Ukraine for 8 years.  Highly informed but did not know that, nor willing to believe me.  Still not a winning point.

4.  The biggest point: what is the level of seriousness of what was alleged, committed or discovered.  If true, is this an impeachable offense?  We have vague testimony, implied conclusions, minor delay, alleged words and actions, doubt that Biden is even the opponent, uncertainty about where  the corruption really was, but then the consequence demanded was to not only remove him from office, but to ban him from ever seeking or holding any public office ever again.  In other words, Democrats sought to decide who Republicans can or can't vote for this year.  63 million people and likely way more, in impeachment, would be denied having their choice on the ballot, and more than that perhaps would be denied the right to vote against him.  To Democrats, this proposed interference in the next election is how we keep Trump from interfering with the next election.  That makes no sense, absent real proof of truly working against US interests.

The people, in this case, ought to have the right to over-ride a mistake made by Congress in the next election.  Since the impeachment / Conviction / Removal verdict does not allow that, the bar for that must be EXTREMELY high.  This didn't come close.


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Big news : WH IDed "anonymous"
« Reply #291 on: February 10, 2020, 01:36:45 PM »
"The White House has identified and will be parting ways with the “anonymous” senior Trump administration official behind the critical editorial published in the New York Times editorial in September 2018, and a recently published book, A Warning, according to former U.S. attorney Joe diGenova, who made the claim Monday morning on WMAL’s “Mornings on the Mall.”"

eventually we will find out who the scum bucket is.

how about a lead to Breitbart! 


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Re: Soft Coup 3.0: Impeachment, Take away Republicans right to vote
« Reply #292 on: February 12, 2020, 02:10:06 PM »
The Democrats' impeachment included "disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office...[in] the United States."

They sought to ban Trump from ever appearing on a ballot again, most significantly to not appear on this year's Presidential ballot.

They are nominally aimed at one man Trump but in fact hitting 63-85 million people, preventing them from being able to exercise the right to vote for the candidate of their choice.

Instead of being so murky, they should propose what they really mean, ban Republicans from voting.  They did it with slaves, why not Republicans?

Leftist Math: 1. Republicans voted wrong in the first place, 2016.  2. Failed to remove him from office when the facts against him were proved,2020, and 3. that makes three strikes.  Out.  That's how you make sure it doesn't happen again.


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Re: Soft Coup 3.0: Impeachment, Take away Republicans right to vote
« Reply #293 on: February 12, 2020, 08:00:51 PM »
They have already floated this idea. This is the plan.

The Democrats' impeachment included "disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office...[in] the United States."

They sought to ban Trump from ever appearing on a ballot again, most significantly to not appear on this year's Presidential ballot.

They are nominally aimed at one man Trump but in fact hitting 63-85 million people, preventing them from being able to exercise the right to vote for the candidate of their choice.

Instead of being so murky, they should propose what they really mean, ban Republicans from voting.  They did it with slaves, why not Republicans?

Leftist Math: 1. Republicans voted wrong in the first place, 2016.  2. Failed to remove him from office when the facts against him were proved,2020, and 3. that makes three strikes.  Out.  That's how you make sure it doesn't happen again.


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Re: Soft Coup 3.0: Impeachment
« Reply #294 on: February 13, 2020, 03:39:54 PM »
I tried the Search function unsuccessfully.  I need as legalistic a discussion as possible that Vindman acted because Trump opposed US policy.

Thank you,


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bias of jury foreman
« Reply #295 on: February 15, 2020, 07:35:11 AM »


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« Last Edit: February 17, 2020, 02:52:29 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Soft Coup 3.0: Impeachment
« Reply #298 on: February 17, 2020, 02:53:00 PM »
Done.  Thank you.  I need to develop the reflex to keep an eye out for this!


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