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Re: Political Rants & interesting thought pieces
« Reply #2051 on: January 06, 2022, 10:08:23 AM »
 I listened to the recording of the article which made it less unbearable to read it but I am not sure I know how to post the recording but here is
the written article:

On this January 6 anniversary, I most vividly remember the shock and fury of watching the Capitol riot unfold, the instant recognition of a blight on our history. It is America’s proud boast to have made the transition of power through peaceful, lawful means a norm for modern republics. One needn’t buy the Democrats’ politicized “insurrection” distortion to grasp that something precious is forever tarnished.

It’s not gone. The norm endures. The media-Democrat complex’s “insurrection” pap is designed to exaggerate a rare episode of politically motivated violence by the incoherent populist Right, the better to obscure the thrum of violence commited by the radical Left, where “by any means necessary” is a venerated strategy for destroying norms. But unlike the months-long siege of looting, deadly brutality, and antinomian madness that followed George Floyd’s killing (at the hands of a racially mixed group of cops, from a Minneapolis Police Department then headed by an African-American progressive), the Capitol riot was a flash in the pan.

It lasted a little over five hours. The violence was real, but the spectacle was more adolescent tantrum than existential threat. There was never any chance that our democratic republic would be extinguished, that the 2020 election would be reversed. The Constitution, no frail thing, easily prevailed. It’s seen a lot worse.

Had doing so been necessary, lawmakers would have reconvened at an alternate location. It was unnecessary because damage to the Capitol was minimal — as opposed to damage, say, to the World Trade Center on 9/11 or the Oklahoma City federal courthouse in 1995, the targets of terrorist attacks that the Left risibly says pale in comparison to January 6; or as opposed to, say, Minneapolis, Kenosha, and Portland, following the Left’s anti-police riots. On the very evening of January 6, Congress was able to reconvene in the seat of government. There was never any chance that the state-certified electoral votes would not be counted, or that Joe Biden would not be acknowledged as the next president.

What Happened on January 6
Debunking the Latest Round of Covid Hysteria
Some Additional Dates for Your January 6 Observances

Security forces were undermanned due to supervisory incompetence. Absent that provocative laxity, the melee probably would not have happened — or, at a minimum, any forcible trouble would have been put down rapidly. In the event, 140 police were reportedly injured, and though some of those injuries were serious (bone fractures, concussions, burns, a mild heart attack), most were comparatively minor contusions and lacerations. Although Democrats persist in exaggerating the death toll — precisely because the uprising was nothing like a terrorist attack, much less an actual insurrection — only one killing is inarguably attributable to the uprising: that of Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed Trump-supporting female rioter who was gunned down by Capitol Police lieutenant Michael Byrd, who was guarding a lobby leading to the House chamber.

Democrats strain to inflate the lethality of the event by attributing to it the deaths of four police officers who committed suicide in the months after the riot — despite the absence of any proven connection. Also added to the tally are the deaths of three pro-Trump fanatics — two who expired in the excitement from cardiac episodes, one who appears to have a history of abusing drugs but who may also have been beaten and trampled — even though they are better understood as perpetrators, not victims.

Most scurrilously, Democrats claimed that rioters killed officer Brian Sicknick by bashing him in the head with a fire extinguisher, a claim they repeated in an impeachment-trial brief weeks after it was known that Sicknick, whose remains showed no evidence of blunt-force trauma, had died from two strokes suffered many hours after the riot — he returned to his office after the riot and complained (as did many other police) that he’d been pepper-sprayed but told his brother that he was otherwise fine. Democrats have never explained why they continued to peddle the false story about the circumstances of Sicknick’s death (which they seared into the nation’s consciousness by having the officer’s remains honored in a solemn Capitol rite — see, e.g., NPR: “Brian Sicknick, Capitol Officer Slain by Mob, Lies in Honor in Rotunda”). But not only has the Justice Department charged none of its 725 January 6 defendants with slaying Sicknick; the complaint filed against two men allegedly complicit in assaulting Sicknick with pepper spray does not even mention that Sicknick died.

This is not to minimize the gravity of January 6. That should be clear by our reference to the Capitol riot. How ironic to have to make this point given the umbrage that Democrats take when their own riots are described as riots rather than “mostly peaceful protests.” The point here is to place January 6 in its proper context, to combat its distortion into either an insurrection or, as Trump acolytes would have it, a display of patriotism, of the real America’s lashing out against Washington’s progressive consensus — unless, of course, it was an inside job.

January 6 was an unpatriotic infamy in two acts. The first involved political and legal subversion, the second forcible subversion. The two are factually intertwined: The latter doesn’t happen without the former. But the insurmountable problem for Democrats and others whose understandable loathing of Donald Trump has shorted out their analytical facility is that Trump, the driving force of Act I, is not criminally responsible for the violence of Act II.

The oddity here is that Trump’s best defense is that his actions were “merely” impeachable, not actionably seditious.

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And they surely were impeachable — and would have had a better chance of being accountable as such, by a more broadly bipartisan House impeachment article and a conviction at the Senate trial, if Democrats had not incompetently undermined the impeachment in their zeal to brand the riot as a white-supremacist “insurrection” that Trump “incited.”

In the weeks following the election, the then-president conducted a relentless campaign of deceit (which appears to have morphed into self-delusion along the way), hoping to maintain power. To be sure, it would be perilous were such a thing to be done by any president, given the immense power of the office. Still, this president’s campaign never had a prayer.

Trump’s gambit faced overwhelming bipartisan congressional opposition (outside a core of opportunistic loyalists who may hope to benefit politically from his ardent supporters). The armed forces would not have supported him in a million years. For all his bravado, he lacked the nerve to attempt a real coup — the kind that requires political and military allegiance. Instead, as was his wont, he laid waste to the political norms by which, for the good of the country, the clearly defeated candidate concedes to the victor and helps transition the government to a new administration.

For the most part, Trump’s charade was limited to lawsuits that were largely frivolous. That is, they were top-lined by allegations of massive fraud, from which his legal team retreated whenever invited by judges to prove them; beyond that, the legal claims mainly involved arguable election-law irregularities that even if provable (and most weren’t) would not have been sufficient to reverse the election result in contested states. Does this mean the election was free of fraud concerns? No election ever is. What was alarming about the 2020 election, though, were the Covid-driven voting procedures that were legal but imprudent. That may be a reason to amend or clarify the law before the next election; it is not a basis to overturn the election that the dubious but lawful procedures controlled.

Beyond futile litigation, Trump’s “stop the steal” theater involved putting pressure on Republican officials — elected and bureaucratic, federal and state — to run roughshod over their legal and constitutional duties. In the contested states, the Trump team tried to persuade legislators and Trump-dominated GOP organizations to delegitimize and undo the popular vote. This included having these collaborators purport to appoint alternative slates of Trump electors, a laughable ploy that had no legal effect — these ersatz slates having been neither elected nor certified under controlling state law. The point of this escapade was to pretend that these states won by Biden had designated competing Biden and Trump electoral slates; therefore at the January 6 joint session of Congress, the thinking went, Trump loyalists would have grounds to object to the counting of electoral votes from these states. It was a daft scheme, which had no more chance of succeeding than the Democrats’ similarly inane objections to state electoral slates pledged to Presidents George W. Bush and Trump after their election victories.

The former president tried to co-opt the Justice Department into his plot, but he backed down fecklessly when the adults at DOJ challenged him. He tried to coerce, for example, state election officials in Georgia to flip votes based on unsubstantiated fraud claims, and state lawmakers in Michigan to throw the election to the Republican-controlled legislature. He was firmly rebuffed at every turn. By Republicans.

The big legal theory, if you want to call it that, involved empowering Vice President Mike Pence to reject state-certified electoral votes. That is the constitutional significance of January 6: the convening of the joint session, at which the vice president’s role (and, for that matter, Congress’s) is strictly ministerial. The heretofore unknown theory that the vice presidency — which John Nance Garner, one of FDR’s veeps, famously described as “not worth a bucket of warm piss” — is actually the repository of unilateral control over the most powerful office in the world is so cockamamie that no one involved in it will stand behind it now. In the post-riot memory, the notion is said to have been merely a topic for discussion, not . . . you know . . . action. Pence is rightly commended for dismissing it out of hand, but he dismissed it out of hand because it was unserious. Even if he had been crazy enough to sign on, there were not nearly enough lawmakers willing to go along for the ride.

Though the exercise was farcical, it is credibly undeniable that Trump violated his oath of office to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution. He tried to undermine state sovereignty over presidential elections, claiming that the federal government had the power to countermand state certification of state results. He tried to browbeat Congress and the vice president to violate their duty to acknowledge the state-certified results. He tried to delegitimize Biden’s presidency (and no, the fact that Democrats did this to Bush and to Trump is not a defense — not to people who presume to call themselves constitutional conservatives). He undermined national security and stability by impeding the transition to Biden’s administration rather than assisting it. This would have been impeachable conduct even if the riot hadn’t happened.

Nevertheless, to say Trump’s condemnable behavior triggered the riot is not the same as saying Trump intended or incited a riot. What the former president wanted was reprehensible, but it was a different kind of reprehensible from the species portrayed by Democrats.

Yes, Trump vigorously encouraged a rambunctious crowd of tens of thousands to descend on Washington on January 6, and he misled them with a big lie about election fraud. Indeed, it is just staggering to compare Team Trump’s (a) public rhetoric about a stolen election and (b) quiet admissions in court that fraud could not be proved. But Trump was not purposely promoting violence, even if he recklessly disregarded the distinct possibility of violence. Rather, Trump was trying to stoke political pressure on Pence and congressional Republicans in order to coerce them into flouting their constitutional duties.

That is saliently different from inciting violence. Trump is impeachably responsible for the riot because his performance leading up to it was a betrayal of his public trust. He is morally responsible for the riot because he created the conditions without which it would not have happened. But he is not legally responsible for it — in the sense that Democrats and other critics invoke when they call for his criminal prosecution — because there is a dearth of evidence that he intended violence, much less called for it.

However grudgingly he may have done it, Trump explicitly called for peaceful protest. He may not have been upset when the riot broke out; in fact, there’s reason to believe he was gratified by it, and that this is why it was so difficult to get him to ask his supporters to stand down. But legally speaking (and with all due respect to Laurence Tribe), that is very different from seditious conspiracy, proof of which requires — beyond a reasonable doubt — a preexisting agreement to levy war against the United States or attack our government by force. There is no evidence that Trump is guilty of that.

Moreover, with proof lacking that he conspired to inflict force against the Capitol, one can easily grasp why the Justice Department has not charged the former president with conspiracy to obstruct Congress — the charge brought against many of the most culpable January 6 defendants. Conspirators, as judges routinely instruct juries, tend not to reduce their criminal agreements to writing. The nature of the agreement is proven by the actions taken in furtherance of it. The actions by which the rioters obstructed Congress were violent. The actions by which Trump tried to obstruct Congress involved rhetorically ratcheting up political pressure. It’s a critical difference. Not all obstruction is illegal. Violent obstruction is always and obviously criminal. Rhetorical obstruction, in a free society with a First Amendment that safeguards even noxious political speech as long as it does not incite violence, is not criminal — even if it is disgraceful, dangerous, and if done by a high public official, impeachable.

In the event, the violence of the rioters actually undercut Trump’s tactics. Once Congress reconvened, with the country outraged by what it had seen, Trump’s supporters lost their nerve, offering only the most half-hearted objections, which were promptly swept aside.

That is the legacy of the Capitol riot. It will remain a dark episode in American history, but not anything remotely close to a potential extinction event for American democracy. Beyond that, it’s a political boon for Democrats. Not because they’ve convinced the country that there’s an ongoing rampage of white-supremacist domestic terrorism, but because Donald Trump retains a grip on a sizable, energetic plurality of Republicans. Though I have to think people will eventually come to their senses, this could be GOP suicide: Trump can’t conceivably win a national election, but it is not out of the realm of possibility that he could win the Republican nomination. I doubt it — I believe electability will be the most important attribute when it gets down to brass tacks — but I wouldn’t bet the ranch against it.

Donald Trump already gave Democrats full control of Congress for the start of Biden’s term (the Georgia special election, in which his “stolen election” canard cost Republicans two Senate seats, happened the day before the riot). A year later, Trump’s potential nomination is emerging as President Biden’s best chance, maybe his only chance, of being reelected.

Capitol Hill Chaos
Police clear the U.S. Capitol with tear gas in Washington, D.C. January 6, 2021.

Stephanie Keith/Reuters

ANDREW C. MCCARTHY is a senior fellow at National Review Institute, an NR contributing editor, and author of BALL OF COLLUSION: THE PLOT TO RIG AN ELECTION AND DESTROY A PRESIDENCY. @andrewcmccarthy


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Re: Political Rants & interesting thought pieces
« Reply #2052 on: January 06, 2022, 10:15:21 AM »
Deep State Andy brushes aside the massive fraud and the DOJ/FBI operatives responsible for some, if not all the violence that day.


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Re: Political Rants & interesting thought pieces
« Reply #2053 on: January 06, 2022, 10:51:57 AM »
well as a political strategy

it was doomed to fail

now the LEFT can switch topics from another Dem divider in chief and another Dem failing prez

to this. 

I am not sure but was not this whole elector thing a strategy promoted by Mark Levin?
He was the first and foremost promoter of it as far as I know.

Not the riot but the formula for the elector thing (I don't recall specifics)


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Re: Political Rants & interesting thought pieces
« Reply #2054 on: January 06, 2022, 11:03:28 AM »
well as a political strategy

it was doomed to fail

now the LEFT can switch topics from another Dem divider in chief and another Dem failing prez

to this. 

I am not sure but was not this whole elector thing a strategy promoted by Mark Levin?
He was the first and foremost promoter of it as far as I know.

Not the riot but the formula for the elector thing (I don't recall specifics)

If the SCOTUS had done their job, it would have made a difference.


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Re: Political Rants & interesting thought pieces
« Reply #2055 on: January 06, 2022, 11:13:31 AM »
well as a political strategy

it was doomed to fail

now the LEFT can switch topics from another Dem divider in chief and another Dem failing prez

to this. 

I am not sure but was not this whole elector thing a strategy promoted by Mark Levin?
He was the first and foremost promoter of it as far as I know.

Not the riot but the formula for the elector thing (I don't recall specifics)

If the SCOTUS had done their job, it would have made a difference.


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Re: Political Rants & interesting thought piece, Andy McCarthy
« Reply #2057 on: January 06, 2022, 12:13:00 PM »
Wow, he [Andy] is all over the map. 

First he understates his own case that this isn't as bad as the Left violence of that entire year.  THEY BURNED THE POLICE HEADQUARTERS DOWN.  They burned the post office, a federal building, down.  They burned 1600 buildings in the first town MSP and literally took over neighborhoods in Seattle, rampaged Portland and so on.  There is no comparison.  The capitol is still there.  The Congress is still there.  Trump and Pence turned the White House over to President Klain and his sidekick, RIGHT ON SCHEDULE.

"designed to exaggerate a rare episode of politically motivated violence by the incoherent populist Right,"

Whatever incoherent populist right means.  The populist right in 2020 was 74 million people.  This was 200? of which maybe two dozen? did damage.  The "incoherent" populist right watched the mail order election get slowly then suddenly taken and stayed home expecting the truth to come out through ordinary means.

[Trump] "campaign of deceit (which appears to have morphed into self-delusion"

Clever words, but doesn't that mean Trump believed what he was saying?

"he misled them with a big lie about election fraud."

Big Lie, doesn't that require that he knew what he was saying was false?  Contradicted by none other than himself, in the same piece!

Merriam Webster:  Lie: assertion of something known or believed by the speaker to be untrue with intent to deceive

The man is a prosecutor.  Doesn't he know the difference between being wrong and lying?

Turns out, we don't know NOW that he was wrong.

So which side IS lying?
« Last Edit: January 06, 2022, 12:18:42 PM by DougMacG »


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George Friedman: 1991
« Reply #2058 on: January 11, 2022, 01:20:21 PM »
January 11, 2022
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1991: False Dawn
By: George Friedman
We do not normally think of 1991 as a defining year. We are aware of particular events that might have changed something, but we rarely think of 1991 as more than that. In fact, it was a year of global and intersecting change. It did not change the human condition, but it changed a great deal about how humans lived and saw the world.

1991 was the year the Soviet Union collapsed and brought the Cold War to an end. The fear of nuclear war, which had haunted the world since the 1950s, subsided, as did the fear of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe. The Soviet Union broke into its component parts, which is something that is very real today.

1991 was the year the Maastricht Treaty was signed by 12 European heads of state. With this agreement, they tried to do what Europe had never done: create a single structure abolishing the history of Europe. This drew Europe away from the United States, but as the Soviet Union collapsed so had Europe’s urgent need for American power.

1991 was the year an American-led coalition executed Operation Desert Storm, driving Iraq out of Kuwait, weakening Iraq and enabling Iran to regain its balance after a brutal decade of war with Iraq. The most important thing that emerged from this was a powerful Islamist force, a major component of which was al-Qaida. The Islamists saw the American presence in the region as both sacrilege and a threat to regional autonomy. The Middle East was transformed, and with it, on 9/11, the United States.

1991 was the year the Japanese economic miracle ended in a massive financial crisis. Until then, Japan was seen as the economic challenger to the United States, and quite likely the winner in the battle. Japan managed its crisis by spending a decade becoming a normal superpower and avoiding extremes in economics.

1991 was the year China accelerated its economic growth. The first growth period was interrupted by Tiananmen Square and sanctions from the U.S. and Europe. The sanctions were suspended in 1991. Like Japan before it, China surged, replacing Japan as an Asian powerhouse growing dramatically and imprudently.

1991 was the year President George H.W. Bush made a speech proclaiming the New World Order. He delivered the speech in the wake of Desert Storm, and he envisioned it as the model in which a united world would enforce peace and crush its violators. The speech replicated the dream Europe had of abolishing conflict and having a common vision of the future. It replicated a Russian dream of ending the barrier between Russia and the world and joining the family of liberal democracy and wealth. And the dream spoke to Japanese hubris and the world’s awe of Japan, reminding them that no one could surpass the United States, for the New World Order speech was about American greatness since it was obvious that only the U.S. could manage a world united in a search for peace and prosperity. Even the response to Tiananmen Square and the ultimate outcome signaled the New World Order.

Bush’s speech was sincere in the belief that human history can be managed to global satisfaction, and that it was the mission of America, as the only great power left, to manage this system. There have been moments like this, such as the Treaty of Westphalia or the founding of the United Nations. They all disappointed, as 1991 disappointed. Men love their nation more than the world, because it is theirs and because it puts them above others. It also gives them a chance to define what is to happen. The world is vast, and if it is to be managed, it will be by a hegemon made of inhuman justice, who can measure the needs of China against the needs of Japan and make remarkably wise decisions. Or we can have a committee. The Soviet Union was run by committee after Stalin – and was horrid even while Stalin was there. The United States has many committees, all designed to allow us to pursue blatant self-interest. The center has held for over 200 years. The European Union was designed to be a committee of leaders willing to care more about Europe than about their own countries. The creaking sound we hear is Maastricht tottering. Japan survived its near fall because it was a nation of Japanese, with a common past and common fears. They shared the pain.

Sharing the pain of your countrymen is possible, if not common. Sharing it with strangers is much harder. Desert Storm was the opening not to a new world order but to a new threat to the world: radical Islam, a threat stretching from Xinjiang to lower Manhattan. But of course, those who believe in the truth of their version of Islam do not see themselves as threats but as liberators and teachers. And the Russians and Chinese know that if they don’t care for themselves, no one will. The New World Order proved as pitiless as the old.

1991 is not remembered by many as a decisive year. It was not a single event, like 1945, to be viewed as a moment. 1991 was a collection of smaller points that, when taken together, represent a moment when all things dreamt of by the enlightenment might be possible. The moment slipped away because it was never there. Humans will not overcome their humanity and become angels. The world is returning to what it once was. It is ironic that we soon will see American and Russian officials sit in Geneva to decide the fate of nations. History does not tolerate optimism.


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Re: Political Rants & interesting thought pieces
« Reply #2059 on: January 11, 2022, 05:45:02 PM »
"1991: False Dawn"

good article and thoughts

G.H. Bush is crying in heaven now


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The rise of technocrats across the globe
« Reply #2060 on: January 18, 2022, 07:09:44 AM »

more people actually thinking an elite bunch of "experts " should govern deciding what is best for them


the politburo on a mass school
  no one allowed in unless ivy grad
     or with lots of money ; think Bill Gates

everyone else a serf who better stay in line


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Bush alumni
« Reply #2061 on: January 20, 2022, 10:43:08 AM »
who now work OT to destroy everything that Trump worked for

far more then they ever worked for Republicans prior:


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Re: Bush alumni
« Reply #2062 on: January 20, 2022, 10:53:05 AM »
It’s the DC Uniparty vs. us.

who now work OT to destroy everything that Trump worked for

far more then they ever worked for Republicans prior:


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No, the revolution is NOT over.
« Reply #2063 on: January 30, 2022, 02:23:31 AM »

No, the Revolution Isn’t Over
None of the fundamental drivers of “Wokeness” have relented

N.S. Lyons
Jan 18

“Long live the victory of Chairman Mao's revolutionary line!”
At least in the Boswash (the corridor of East Coast establishment power running from Boston to Washington), using January to make public predictions about the year ahead is an ironclad tradition. Usually these predictions end up being completely wrong, because no one here has any idea what they’re talking about. I hope that holds true in my case, because I want to use my mandatory annual forecast to dump a few gallons of cold, contrarian water on what seems to have recently become a fashionable prediction: that the “woke” ideological revolution roiling the West has peaked and will soon be in full blown retreat.

Consider a handful of examples of this new genre:

Is Wokeness Almost Over? (Scott McConnell, The American Conservative)

The fightback against wokeness has begun (Frank Furedi, Spiked)

Why Wokeness Will Fail (Bret Stephens, New York Times)

The end of woke is nigh (Peter Franklin, UnHerd)

Emerging Cracks In The Woke Elite (Andrew Sullivan, Substack)

Dave Chappelle May Help Tame Wokeness [as part of a “Thermidorian reaction”] (Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal)

Inflation Might Spell Doom for Wokeness (Lewis M. Andrews, The American Conservative)

Is this the end of progressive America? (Joel Kotkin, UnHerd)

While a few of those examples are from earlier in 2021, this theme seems to have really emerged and begun to solidify into a consensus among more centrist types soon after the beginning of November 2021. That was when some conservative American politicians won or almost won a few special elections, in part by riding a popular backlash to Critical Race Theory in schools, and a number of local ballot measures to defund police departments failed around the country. Republicans, feeling especially good about their chances against a flailing Biden, started drooling over a “Red Wave” expected to sweep them back to power in the 2022 midterm elections. And now that private equity executive turned Virginia governor Glenn Youngkin has personally won the culture war’s Battle of Midway, the tide has turned and, aside from the occasional messy beachhead here or there, inevitable victory is now in sight, or something.

One would think that by now all these anti-woke conservatives and moderate liberals would have learned at least some of the bitter lessons from the last decade about how political power and cultural change actually work, but I guess not. They could have taken note of all the fundamental factors driving this ideological belief system, all of which had to be painstakingly uncovered, layer by layer, even as it swept through every institution. But they have not. (Like, do they even read the pages and pages of erudite Substack anthropology on the topic? No?) They could have recognized by now that this is not a simple political issue with a political solution, but they have not.

Look, honestly I really didn’t want to have to do this. Come the New Year I had resolved to focus on the positives and all that crap. But I haven’t seen anyone else do it, so guess I have no choice and the duty falls to me to deliver the pessimistic news: no, the Revolution is far from over.

So, in what might also serve as a handy tour guide to the vast depths of the ideological abyss, catalogued at length here – in convenient listicle format! – are twenty reasons to get woke and despair.
1. One does not simply walk away from religious beliefs. What is called “Wokeness” – or the “Successor Ideology,” or the “New Faith,” or what have you (note the foe hasn’t even been successfully named yet, let alone routed) – rests on a series of what are ultimately metaphysical beliefs. The fact that their holders would laugh at the suggestion they have anything called metaphysical beliefs is irrelevant – they hold them nonetheless. Such as:

The world is divided into a dualistic struggle between oppressed and oppressors (good and evil); language fundamentally defines reality; therefore language (and more broadly “the word” – thought, logic, logos) is raw power, and is used by oppressors to control the oppressed; this has created power hierarchies enforced by the creation of false boundaries and authorities; no oppression existed in the mythic past, the utopian pre-hierarchical State of Nature, in which all were free and equal; the stain of injustice only entered the world through the original sin of (Western) civilizational hierarchy; all disparities visible today are de facto proof of the influence of hierarchical oppression (discrimination); to redeem the world from sin, i.e. to end oppression and achieve Social Justice (to return to the kingdom of heaven on earth), all false authorities and boundaries must be torn down (deconstructed), and power redistributed from the oppressors to the oppressed; all injustice anywhere is interlinked (intersectional), so the battle against injustice is necessarily total; ultimate victory is cosmically ordained by history, though the arc of progress may be long; moral virtue and true right to rule is determined by collective status within the oppression-oppressed dialectic; morally neutral political liberalism is a lie constructed by the powerful to maintain status quo structures of oppression; the first step to liberation can be achieved through acquisition of the hidden knowledge of the truth of this dialectic; a select awoken vanguard must therefore guide a revolution in popular consciousness; all imposed limits on the individual can ultimately be transcended by virtue of a will to power…

I could go on, but the real point is that these are faith-beliefs, and ones capable of wielding an iron grip on the individual and collective mind. And they have a strong civilizational resonance, because they are in fact not arbitrary but deeply rooted in a metaphysical struggle that effectively stretches to the very beginning of Western theological and philosophical thought. In other words, “Wokeness” is much more than just a political program. And that’s unlikely to change anytime soon, because…

2. The void of meaning still hasn’t been filled. I mean, did the gaping hole of meaning in people’s lives created by the uprooting forces of secular liquid modernity get resolved in some alternative way while we weren’t looking? You know, the spiritual void that this creepy chimeric faith-ideology and its romantic political crusades rushed to fill in the first place? Has there been some kind of genuine, organized religious revival? Has decadent nihilism stopped being the defining sentiment of the age? Did the young even become hyper-nationalists or revolutionary Marxist class-warriors instead? Have they found an alternative passionate heroic narrative to act out in some new Davos slide deck? No. And in fact, meanwhile, it also seems that…

3. Social atomization hasn’t reversed. It sure seems like the kind of robust communities, civic associations, and “little platoons” which once served to fortify society against the revolutionary (per Burke) and totalitarian (per Arendt) forces that thrive on atomization haven’t suddenly been rebuilt from the ground up. In fact even the most basic such unit, family formation, appears to be continuing to decline precipitously. And that may be because…

4. Atomization is probably the inevitable byproduct of liberal modernity. That is: liberalism made the autonomy of the individual its highest good. To maximize individual autonomy, the state therefore found itself obliged (being unable to resist claims that it must enforce an expanding array of rights) to exercise its power to help progressively liberate the individual from all limits and constraints, including from tradition, religion, geography, community, family, and nature itself. (This is certainly deserving of more argument than I have space to recap here; see “Four Big Questions for the Counter-Revolution” for a bit more.) Liberalism has thus acted as a centrifugal force, severing all the centripetal counter-forces that once kept individuals connected to recognizably human communities and launching them outward towards solitary orbits where they can drift cold and alone in their pods.

From this perspective it is more obvious why the amorphous ideology referred to as “Wokeness” so often seems mixed up and chaotically self-contradictory: it is the confused response to two opposite instincts. On the one hand it is actually a kind of anti-liberal reactionary movement, a blind, emotional scramble to grasp desperately for collectivism in the most basic, tribal sort of community seemingly still available: in identity groups, and in fixed racial identity in particular. But, on the other hand, it simultaneously attempts to continue embracing the boundless autonomy of individual choice as its most sacred principle, celebrating an individual’s right to self-define everything about themselves without limit, up to and including their own concept of material reality. (This cognitive dissonance has never been much more than an ideological speedbump, however – don’t get your hopes up.) And this hyper-individualism has now collided head first with the technological revolution, which increasingly positions itself as offering hope for the boundless potential necessary to escape from any natural limits whatsoever, including by fracturing any solid definition of what we once thought it meant to be human. And, speaking of technology and fracturing, meanwhile…

5. The information revolution is still reverberating. Ultimately, what’s more important in driving societal change: ideas, individuals, material conditions, or technological forces? That’s a fascinating question to debate, but for now all that matters is that it’s become manifestly clear that the ongoing revolution in information technology, most notably the internet and social media, has been a tremendous driver of cultural and political change. In fact a growing number of thinkers tend to attribute nearly the entire phenomenon of Wokeness to technological factors. Social scientist Jonathan Haidt, for example, traces it directly to the 2009-2012 period, when Twitter added the retweet button and Facebook added the share button. The resulting acceleration of memetic virality revolutionized the whole dynamic of how people interact with each other on the internet and suddenly made concentrated ideological coercion via distributed online mob a common occurrence. And whatever the precise influence of technological change in driving the Revolution, it certainly hasn’t ended. When the invention of the Gutenberg printing press launched an information revolution in the 15th century, the full consequences took well over a century to play out – a century of theological chaos, bitter division, and bloodshed. The mass media revolution of radio then helped do the same in the 20th century. We should hardly expect the consequences of the internet to be any less dramatic or long lasting. In part, we’ve already seen how its disintegrative effect has helped ensure that…

6. There is no authority. Who or what institution today is now able to establish any kind of common metaphysical framework, common moral narrative, common vision of a properly ordered life, common norms, or even a common reality that most of society will respect, trust, follow, and collectively defend? CNN? Ted Cruz? Yeah no, we can move on. But how then can this ideological upheaval quickly be put to rest, exactly? Considering this, and all of the above, it really shouldn’t be a surprise to discover that actually…

7. Political parties can’t choose their policies. Political strategists have been pointing out for some time now that woke ideas like Critical Race Theory and defunding the police are not politically popular and are hamstringing the Democratic Party’s electoral chances. So theoretically they would just drop these things, stop talking about them, change course, and talk about popular things. But of course it’s not that simple. All they can actually do is ride the chaos of the Zeitgeist, because some small portion of their base (maybe some 8% of Americans) are true believers gripped by a religious fervor that transcends political calculation. And this minority is steering the ship, because…

8. Majorities don’t matter. Unfortunately for those dreaming of harnessing a majority anti-woke popular will, the truth is that, as statistician and philosopher Nassim Taleb has explained in detail, it’s typically not the majority that sets new societal rules, but the most intolerant minority. If the vast majority generally prefers to eat Food A instead of Food B, but a small minority is absolutely insistent on eating Food B and is willing to start chopping the heads off of anyone who disagrees and serves Food A – and the majority doesn’t care enough to get all bloody dying on this particular culinary hill – all restaurants will soon be serving only Food B, the new national cuisine. This is especially true if the intolerant minority already holds a disproportionate position of influence within the system, given that…

9. Personnel is policy. Let’s imagine, for example, that some lawmakers officially ban the teaching of Critical Race Theory in their state’s schools or universities. Will this be the end of the matter? Will all the woke teachers and administrators who consider “consciousness raising” through “critical pedagogy” – or in general what Marxists call “praxis,” the constant need for the transformation of theory into practice – to be practically a religious commandment just stop doing so? No of course not. As one consultant/cleric recently advised teachers, “Don’t say critical race theory, just teach its precepts… You’re going to see how classroom teachers apply some of these pedagogical models in ways where they don’t even mention the words critical race theory but are doing anti-racist work.” Yes, the work of spreading the new good news shall not be stopped! After all, who is going to stop them? Will they be fired by the woke human resources department, or the woke principal? Abandoned by the woke teachers’ union? Reported to the state by their un-woke peers, all of whom have already been systematically purged from the collective for their heresy? If concerned parents do manage to get them fired, who will hire their replacements? Why… the woke HR department! The people who actually set the effective policy of any institution are inevitably the personnel located in the power centers closest to implementation. Or as a Chinese saying goes: “for every measure that comes down from on high, a countermeasure arises from below” (上有政策, 下有對策). That principle works equally well for a revolutionary professional managerial class as it does for beleaguered counter-revolutionary peasants. And in this case the reality is that…

10. All the institutional high ground is still occupied. Have the top universities already been retaken from the woke, or replaced? (No, one still imaginary university in Austin doesn’t count.) What about the elite finishing schools? The accreditation companies? Most mainstream news media? The social media companies? The publishing houses? Hollywood? The major foundations? The non-profits and the think tanks? The consulting and accounting companies? The investment banks? The NASDAQ? The digital service providers? The HR departments of the Fortune 500, and most of their boards? The law schools? The Bar Association? The permanent federal bureaucratic state? Heck, even Halliburton? No, at such a ludicrous suggestion the Cathedral merely echoes with the mocking laughter of the new woke high clerisy. They know from experience that…

11. Long marches are long. When Herbert Marcuse and the rest of the Neo-Marxists and critical theorists of the Frankfurt School finally took to heart Antonio Gramsci’s directive to seize “cultural hegemony” and first conceived of launching Rudi Dutschke’s “long march through the institutions,” it was only the start of the 1970s. It was not until almost fifty years later that their dream was realized. However much the last several years may have seemed like an avalanche of shockingly rapid ideological coup d'états to those who saw power abruptly change hands in their institutions, one after another, this suddenness was an illusion. Coups only succeed if the backers necessary to support them are already in place. And it took literally a generation of young intellectuals and activists simultaneously inspired and disillusioned by the left-radicalism of the 60s entering into and seeding the institutions, rising into positions of power, and cultivating another generation of trained foot soldiers for their influence to fully flower.

Now, much as Marcuse was lamenting in 1971 that “the fact that the radical Left has no equal access to the great chains of information and indoctrination is largely responsible for its isolation,” the Right and its moderate liberal fellow travelers today find themselves isolated and impotent in turn. And yet, in response, they appear to have no patience whatsoever for executing their own counter-march through the institutions, instead mostly trying to either force the institutions to behave differently through political power (mostly pointless), or fleeing from the institutions entirely in a bid to create new ones from the ground up (a longshot, if more promising). Either way, they seem to hope everything achieved by the left can be reversed in the matter of only a few years, which is naïve on multiple levels because…

12. Culture wars are generational wars, and the young are woke as hell. In his book Bowling Alone, the legendary political scientist Robert Putnam explained that sweeping social changes typically only occur “generation to generation,” or through what he called “cohort change.” For most people, the formative experiences of coming to age are truly formative – afterwards their fundamental values will typically barely change for the rest of their lives. For this reason, as Tanner Greer adeptly elaborates, it is necessarily the case that “culture wars are long wars,” because “cultural insurgents win few converts in their own cohort.” Instead the “real target of [their] ideas are not their contemporaries, but their contemporaries’ children and grandchildren.” The process of “instilling new ideas and overthrowing existing orthodoxies takes time—usually two to three generations of time,” so for the generational cohort at the height of its power any change will seem to only be happening very gradually. But eventually a transition point is reached, and “the end falls swift: the older cohorts suddenly find themselves outnumbered and outgunned, swept up in a flood they had assumed was a mere trickle.” They are shocked and confused, but only because “the revolution occurring below did not echo in their souls” like it did for the youth, whose views they neglected or ignored. Only once it is far too late do they realize their mistake.

Hence even if the anti-woke were prepared to launch their own long march through the institutions, the cohort from which they would currently need to recruit their talent is the same one that’s been busy tearing things down and chanting “the Revolution will not uphold the Constitution!” Of Generation Z Americans (those born after 1996) 51% report that America is “inextricably linked to white supremacy,” 52% support racial reparations, 60% believe systemic racism is “widespread” in general society, and 64% say “rioting and looting is justified to some degree” by the need to address systemic racism “by whatever means necessary.” 51% believe the “gender binary” is “outdated,” and up to 40% self-identify as LGBTQ+ (although Gallup separately finds only about 16% do, compared to 2% of Baby Boomers). 59% support expanding non-binary gender options. 41% support censorship of “hate speech,” 66% support shouting down speakers they consider offensive, and 23% support using violence to silence such speakers. 61% have positive views of socialism, and 70% think “government should do more to solve problems.”


Sorry conservatives, but that’s the 67 million-strong cohort who will fill the pipeline of employees, leaders, educators, and voters for the next two decades or so, even if Gen Alpha (those born after 2010) were all to become rampant little reactionaries tomorrow. But why are the youth so woke, anyway? Well maybe, for one thing at least…

13. The youth are still coddled and mentally broken. Back in 2015, when most people still thought of what is now referred to as Wokeness only as a bizarre and vaguely amusing phenomenon that was isolated to college campuses, Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoff published an essay titled “The Coddling of the American Mind” in The Atlantic (later to become a book of the same name) as an early hypothesis of what was happening. They advanced an essentially psychological explanation for why so many college students were suddenly acting simultaneously like fragile snowflakes and rabid authoritarians: thanks to the embrace of the “self-esteem” movement and “helicopter-parenting” by their Boomer parents, along with liability risk-aversion by institutions, young people had grown up physically and psychologically “coddled” and therefore emotionally fragile. By this the authors specifically meant that they had adopted a number of beliefs totally inverse to the Stoic-derived principles considered best practice by modern Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. These unhealthy beliefs included: always trusting your feelings, assuming disagreement is always a personal attack, and believing hurtful words lead to real harm, including permanent trauma. Normalization of these beliefs led to a “cult of safety” on campuses, with hyper-attention devoted to the prevention of offense (because it was now actual “violence”). Hence the emergence of such innovations as “microaggressions,” “trigger warnings,” and “safe spaces.”

I must admit that I’ve grown a bit skeptical of this explanation by now. As things have progressed, it’s become increasingly clear to me that these claims to offense are often used as cunningly deliberate weapons against empathetic liberals, and are probably frequently evidence less of psychological fragility than of psychopathy. But, it does seem true that Gen Z sadly does indeed suffer from much higher rates of mental illness than older generations (though the millennials are very close). Even before the pandemic, the rate of anxiety and depression recorded in their age group nearly doubled between 2007 and 2018, as they came of age. The suicide rate rose 57%. From 2009 to 2019, the proportion of high school students reporting persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness increased by 40%. Only 45% reported their mental health was good overall in 2018. One-third reported having a mental health or substance abuse problem. They are also far and away the loneliest generation. Meanwhile, our whole culture seems to have grown significantly more possessed by emotivism in general, to the point that the decline of rational language and the rise of emotional reasoning can even be tracked quantitatively…

But I digress. If we assume any of this may be causally related to the Revolution, the real question for us here is: has any of this gotten better? Of course not! The pandemic has had a devastating impact on Gen Z’s already fragile mental health. Up to seven in ten now report feeling depressed. Rates of severe depression rose to around 25%. Hospitalization for suicide attempts by girls in particular rose 51% from 2019 to 2021. Meanwhile, far from pulling back at all on the “cult of safety,” colleges have now expanded it to absolutely insane levels. So no, the situation has not improved. And from what we know about how totalitarian cults target and more easily exploit the lonely and vulnerable, we can probably safely assume the Revolutionaries will only have more material to work with moving forward, not less, as college graduates remain fragile and/or “entitled” for the foreseeable future. And speaking of anxious, entitled young people…

14. Elite overproduction is still in overdrive. In what is rapidly becoming one of my preferred explanations for the Revolution, the evolutionary anthropologist/mathematician/prophet of doom Peter Turchin has identified “elite overproduction” as having been one of the top drivers of revolution and civil conflict throughout history. He points to the tendency for decadent societies to produce far more overeducated elites than there are elite-level jobs, leading to large numbers of underemployed, resentful elite-class intellectuals of the type who tend pine after the position and status they “deserve” and eventually start spending their free time starting revolutionary cells. Or as James Lindsay has put it, all the children of the upper-middle class bourgeoisie “fake elites,” who find they will likely never be part of the truly wealthy elite (e.g. Bezos) that they aspire to be, have quickly become “a breeding ground for ressentiment in society” instead.

But, scrabbling desperately with one another for status, and horrified at the idea of ever falling into the ranks of the mere working class, the overproduced elites have found another solution: they’ve set themselves up, not as the nobility, but as the First Estate, the new clergy, where they can labor diligently to produce basically nothing but the “right” opinions to police our collective moral rules. And now they’ve succeeded in creating their own job market (e.g. critical theorists, diversity consultants) out of thin air. Or as Mary Harrington recently put it succinctly: “Once you start seeing the calls for moral re-evaluation of everything as a mass job application on behalf of an ever-expanding surplus of arts graduates it’s difficult to unsee.” And in this crowded, hyper-competitive world of the bourgeoisie, the surest way to move up is to take someone else down – hence “cancel culture” and the vast, elaborate, ever-changing, mandatory “correct” vocabulary that functions as a way to help weed out any of the competition (or dirty proles) who can’t keep up. Thus Wokeness.

Quick, invent a new need for lawyers!
Have young people stopped trying desperately to make it into Harvard or Yale and join the smaller and smaller share of the population that represents the elite? No way. It’s just that, thanks to the latest expansion of a huge, growing industry of administrators and consultants, the professional managerial class has an array of profitable new fallback options after investment banker. Now instead of having to labor through something difficult, like medical school, in order to achieve a respectable, well-paid career, one can always become a Chief Diversity Officer (average annual salary in Northern California in 2021: $231,500 to $329,500). Fortunately the government is there to help make sure this will remain an option in perpetuity, because…

15. “Wokeness” is still required by law. Why are America’s university presidents and CEOs so terrified of their Gen Z students and employees, capitulating immediately to their every demand? Is it because Twitter has become basically their entire world? Do they, as Theodore Roosevelt once said of William McKinley, just have “the backbone of a chocolate eclair”? Probably a bit of both. But likely much more important is that they are terrified of the law.

The scope of U.S. federal antidiscrimination statutes that grew out of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 have already made the core facts of what people think of as “Wokeness” the law of the land. This includes the concept that all disparities are due to discrimination (“disparate impact”), the requirement that employers relentlessly police private speech that could be in any way offensive to any “protected class” (to prevent a “hostile work environment”), and “affirmative action” in hiring. Moreover, the law as written is so deliberately vague in its language that any new claims to rights raised by any protected identity group can be seamlessly slipped into the body of harms that any company or organization must legally prevent. So, for example, if any employee refuses for whatever reason to refer to another employee by their chosen gender pronouns, the entire company is in real danger of being held liable for violation of Title IX and Title VII by permitting discrimination on the basis of sex (as affirmed by the Supreme Court in its Bostock decision). Or at least so the company must assume, because the potential financial penalties are far too high to risk it. The nonconforming employee is getting the boot – unless they themselves are of a protected class that could conceivably sue for being fired due to their identity…

The safest path through this regulatory mess is simply to hire a very large HR department staffed with “experts” in all these rules and let them handle it, including by subjecting employees to a vast numbers of “training sessions” run by DEI consultants, all of which can if necessary then be pointed to in court as evidence that the company was definitely doing everything it could to prevent any discrimination from occurring. Hence why while fewer than 30% of organizations had an HR office in 1955, that number had grown to 70% by 1985, and today it is close to 100% of all firms of any significant size. So, as Christopher Caldwell has painstakingly explained, the unintended legacy of the original “emergency measures” of 1964 was to create an entire permanent apparatus of “surveillance by volunteers, litigation by lawyers, and enforcement by bureaucrats.” Then “the fear of litigation privatized the suppression of disagreement, or even of speculation,” and so the phenomenon of “political correctness” emerged as simply “the cultural effect of the basic enforcement powers of civil rights law.” But because enforcement gradually expanded through new case law and executive orders, and therefore “there was no statutory ‘smoking gun’ behind it, this new system of censorship was easily mistaken for a change in the public mood.” Or, as Richard Hanania has put it simply, the fact that we now have uniformly “Woke Institutions is Just Civil Rights Law.”

Practically speaking, this means any claim by conservative politicians that they will put an end to Wokeness if elected to office is pure theater. Without addressing the structure of the law, none of the forces at play in the workplace will reverse on their own (in fact they will get much worse. Have I mentioned how very woke law students are?) But unless these politicians are willing to take on the politically suicidal task of reforming the Civil Rights Act (practically holy writ in American society due to having tackled a genuinely great moral wrong), nothing they do will have any significant impact on the concrete incentives at play. So it’s a safe bet that they will just posture rhetorically and pass another tax cut instead. And speaking of incentives…

16. Money is still power. Those who live outside places like Washington D.C. or San Francisco might hear the word “philanthropy” and think it means feeding the hungry, or something naïve and low-brow like that. But “philanthropy” is really a word for how the concentrated power latent in oligarchic money is transformed into applied political and cultural power. In this process, money from concentrations of wealth (today mostly from the tech industry) flows (tax free!) into very special institutions called foundations, where it is laundered of any appearance of corrupt influence or nefarious motive, and then handed out to the vast constellation of non-profit NGOs, activist organizations, think tanks, and academic programs that subsist almost entirely on such money, where it can find a way to “inspire change.” A large proportion of the elite in places like Washington are engaged in helping facilitate this process as their full-time labor. (How to spot a budding young elite aspiring to join this trade: simply scan their job applications for polite requests to be given some power, pretty please, such as a stated desire to “make an impact” or “change the world.”)

This means the foundations have truly tremendous influence over public policy, because every nominally independent think tank, for example, automatically tailors its projects to attract the blessing of their funding. Government officials, being lazy, and chummy with the non-profit “experts” and executives (who are often former or future colleagues), simply copy their ideas almost directly into the rules they implement. Alternatively, those in the government with an agenda can hand over trial policy ideas in the other direction to be validated “independently” by the other side of the blob. This Wealth-Foundation-NGO-Government Complex thus works in unison to pour huge amounts of money-power into causes that are essentially by definition progressive ones (being to affect rapid change). Today this means there are massive tides of woke capital hard at work changing the world. How much money? Well as Thomas Edsall writes in the New York Times about just one cause du jour:

Before [George] Floyd’s death, Candid found that philanthropies provided “$3.3 billion in racial equity funding” for the nine years from 2011 to 2019. Since then, Candid calculations revealed much higher totals for both 2020 and 2021: “50,887 grants valued at $12.7 billion” and “177 pledges valued at $11.6 billion.”

Among the top funders, according to Candid’s calculations, are the Ford Foundation, at $3 billion; Mackenzie Scott, at $2.9 billion; JPMorgan Chase & Co. Contributions Program, at $2.1 billion; W.K. Kellogg Foundation, $1.2 billion; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, $1.1 billion; Silicon Valley Community Foundation, $1 billion; Walton Family Foundation, $689 million; The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, $438 million; and the Foundation to Promote Open Society, $350.5 million.

With this much money spent, the priorities of the non-profit sector have already been firmly set for at least the next few years, as budgeted projects are implemented. Hundreds of new institutions will have been set up to get in on the feeding frenzy. And all of these now have an incentive to justify their existence in perpetuity by hyping whatever problem they purportedly exist to solve. The inertia is now immense. In time, their specific priorities may change as the foundations’ priorities change, but one thing you can be sure of is that those priorities will stay woke – because if you begin to dig into what, say, the Ford Foundation has gotten up to in its lifetime, the deeper you go the more and more horrifying it gets – until you learn they were the ones who essentially invented modern left-wing identity politics in the United States in the first place. (The Ford Foundation is also a great example of how the foundations often run riot well beyond even the intentions of their donors. Henry Ford II went to his grave lamenting the family had ever set theirs up in the first place, describing it as “a fiasco from my point of view from day one,” having “got out of control” because, “I didn’t have enough confidence in myself at that stage to push and scream and yell and tell them to go fuck themselves, you know, which I should have done… we can get thrown out or we can go broke; but those people, they’ve got nobody to answer to.”)

But even the foundations, despite their zeal and close relationship with government, may ultimately wield only a shadow of the influence exerted more quietly by titans of finance like the “Big Three” asset managers, BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street. With a collective $22 trillion in assets under management, and owning an average of 22% of the typical S&P 500 company, these three firms have the power to dictate corporate policy across the world, both by acting as voting proxies for their index fund investors, and through the environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) standards they choose to set as requirements for investment. And because these firms’ leaders are now woke (or at least see advantage in acting woke), there is now, as Vivek Ramaswamy has explained in detail in Woke, Inc., constant pressure on companies to get woke too, or face losing critical access to capital.

In any case, whether it’s the influence of foundations or asset managers, what should be obvious is how unprepared the average politician is to stop any of this. Not only is the American political class’ power over moneyed interests held back by legal limits, but they also have significant political and personal incentives not to upset the same elite coastal donor and investor class that funds their campaigns and employs them after they retire. Despite their collective anger about Wokeness, America’s conservatives, in particular, still seem to have no real consensus or even understanding of how to begin to tackle such a problem, given their traditional worship of capital. Which is a big problem, given that…

17. The opposition is still only political. Given all of the above, it should be clear by now that political opposition to the Revolution is rather unlikely to be sufficient – not without resistance on the cultural, educational, economic, technological, and media fronts as well, at a minimum. Yet what else has emerged so far? As outlined in detail above, the woke left is unloading huge amounts of cash to advance the social causes that matter to them. On what social causes has the right matched this level of funding, or even enthusiasm? Does the right even have social causes? If people standing up to the woke are being fired for their ideals and losing their employer-provided health insurance, for example, does the right have a concrete plan to make sure they have an alternative? How many people other than Oren Cass have started seriously considering a new, conservative wave of unionization by now? And if this is a “culture war,” is there a conservative foundation for the arts? No, it doesn’t seem like it. At least the dissident right has some great memes and a lot of people who can tell you more than you ever wanted to know about cryptocurrencies, I guess. So even if Red Tribe does sweep the elections in November, or 2024, what is likely to be the result? Probably the same as their last period in the majority: at lot of populist huffing, puffing, and flailing about trying not to drown as the Revolution continues to advance. And speaking of politics in such a scenario…

18. Partisanship is still getting worse, and Wokelash 2.0 is entirely possible. Donald Trump may not have been the cause of the Revolution, but his presidency certainly helped send it into overdrive. Worked into frothing-at-the-mouth levels of outrage, the ranks of the #Resistance were easily converted to Wokeness on the purely tribal need to be for whatever Trump was against, traditional liberal principles be damned. America’s partisan political rancor has hardly improved in the year since Trump left the White House – if anything it is somehow even worse. So let me make a prediction: if Trump wins again in 2024, be prepared for the inevitable outbreak of the Second Woke Crusade to extirpate all the Racist Forces of Evil from the nation once and for all (some might argue this has already begun). Meanwhile, even if anti-woke Republicans were to seize back the White House (with or without Trump), they would soon learn that, in the end…

19. None of the levers of power have changed or will change hands. At the risk of sounding like one of them conspiracy theorists: who really controls the power centers in the United States? The intelligence agencies; the domestic security services; the military officer corps; the diplomatic service; the regulatory administrative state; the Ministry of Information [sic]; and so on. Are all these run by elected representatives accountable to the people, including an elected president and his appointees, who then set a policy direction which is faithfully executed? It may be worth considering that this is simply not the case. That, instead, these power centers are run by a certain interchangeable class of people who already staff them permanently and run them as they think best and only cooperate if they so please. And who all happen to have went to the same schools (let’s go Hoyas!), and received the same prestigious fellowships from the same foundations, and share overlapping networks, and marry each other, and hang out at the same parties, even though secretly they actually all mostly loathe one another. And who hire each other as they cycle seamlessly between the public and private sectors. And who all consume the same media, and like to send each other the same latest “must-read piece” in The Atlantic, or whatever. And who somehow all use exactly the same identical phraseology when they humble-brag on LinkedIn as when they issue a State Department press release. What if this is the real body-politic?

It may then be the case that this class prefers to believe that they have a certain right to rule as they do – a certain nobility of superior virtue, merit, and knowledge that justifies their permanent hold on power and the material gains that happen to come from it. It may then be that if any entity intrudes into this body-politic from outside, it naturally gets all inflamed and ideologically feverish in an attempt to purge the infection by whatever means necessary – both to reassert control and so its members can assure themselves that they are in fact still the good guys, the ones who retain the Mandate of History, as it were. And it might be that this class, which is of course the most diverse, inclusive, and enlightened ever assembled by said history, has recently come to realize they aren’t much liked by the masses, out there – those people whose wild and unpredictable behavior, driven by dark irrational impulses, is impossible to understand, even after a safari! In that case they may have determined that it is necessary to form a united front – transcending any specific past political demarcations – to make sure none of those dangerous barbarians ever gets anywhere close to the levers of power in our democracy, where they risk derailing the train of progress and disrupting the natural order of wise technocratic rule.

If all this were the case, there might be a need to build a big, beautiful metaphorical wall, to separate the inner from the outer, allies from enemies, the good people from the bad people. In this effort, a strict moral ideology – like a state religion, but with none of that unscientific stuff – would be an essential tool to distinguish between us and them, and to help keep dangerous dissenters from polluting the united front with class treason. And then, once this firewall was in place, if any wrong-thinking elements with the incorrect ideological encryption key were to be mistakenly elected by misinforming the people, they could be instantly identified, isolated, contained, and suppressed before they could do any harm to the system. It might be worth considering this theory, just in case what’s happened is that…

20. Leviathan has a’woken. In the end, it may be that “revolution” isn’t quite the right word for Wokeness after all. Real revolutions characteristically replace one elite with another, redistributing their wealth and power. True, this is happening at the individual level, with many a white male manager finding himself suddenly replaced by someone younger and “more diverse.” But at the broader level this is a “revolution” that has been embraced wholeheartedly by the leadership of the elite, who show little fear that they will ever be replaced as a class. Indeed they seem to have adopted woke ideology as a wonderfully useful tool for reinforcing their position while punishing their inter- and intra-class rivals.

In this way the woke revolution strikes me as similar to the Chinese Cultural Revolution – and not just because of a similar ideological emphasis on the destruction of the Four Olds (Old Ideas, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Customs), as many have now pointed out already. Rather because, at root, the Cultural Revolution was started by Mao as a way to leverage the blind ideological zealotry of the young to wage an intra-elite war on his political rivals within the Chinese Communist Party. Seeing many of his peers as encroaching on his authority and threatening the continued centralization of power, he stirred up an internal revolution to destroy them while reenergizing the Party base. Just like then, things may not turn out quite how today’s woke-riding elite hope, of course; the Cultural Revolution became an uncontrollable inferno that consumed many who thought themselves safe, or even to be its leaders.

But it seems to me that the woke revolution, as co-opted by the elite, is being tailored to point not towards dissolution and lawless chaos forever, but towards a re-ordering that brings with it a great centralization and unification of power. In this revolution the liberation and safety of the individual by the state becomes the greatest good. Each individual comes under the tender, empathetic care of the state alone, which ensures their “liberty” through safety. The state contains only autonomous individuals, whose general will is represented by the state. Hobbes’ Leviathan wakes.

In 2019, America’s most celebrated high priest of Wokeness, Ibram X. Kendi, was invited by Politico magazine to offer his take on “how to fix American politics.” He proposed an “an anti-racist constitutional amendment” that would make unconstitutional “racial inequity” and “racist ideas by public officials,” and “establish and permanently fund [a] Department of Anti-racism (DOA) comprised of formally trained experts on racism and no political appointees.” The DOA would be “responsible for preclearing all local, state and federal public policies to ensure they won’t yield racial inequity, monitor those policies, investigate private racist policies when racial inequity surfaces, and monitor public officials for expressions of racist ideas. The DOA would be empowered with disciplinary tools to wield over and against policymakers and public officials who do not voluntarily change their racist policy and ideas.”

Most would of course argue that the chance of such an amendment ever being passed in today’s United States is basically zero. But Kendi’s idea of establishing a permanent totalitarian super-structure overarching the state, through which unelected and unaccountable “trained experts” would tirelessly ensure democracy can no longer be misled by unacceptable people or ideas… is this not a sight of awful beauty? For here is Leviathan emerging from the deep, momentarily visible as it crests above the waves. Here is Kendi revealing the whole telos, the whole intended final destiny of the woke Revolution, as it and the shared destiny of the technocratic state rush to merge into one point of singularity, where all shall be consumed: “Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”

As I said in the beginning, I hope I am wrong. But I think it is perhaps too soon to scoff at Kendi’s plan, to trust that this is not where we are headed in the end, eventually, if a firm stand is not taken. Not if the terrible truth is that Wokeness is Leviathan, and Leviathan is woke.


Some of these many explanations above for what continues to drive Wokeness may seem contradictory. And perhaps some are. But they also aren’t necessarily exclusive. And in fact there are certainly likely to be many more factors than this list contains. Like a hydra, today’s Revolution is a complex beast with many heads; its causes and its consequences may be multitudinous.

Also like a hydra, it is likely to prove very difficult to kill. If there is a wave of conservative political victories in U.S. elections this November, expect the “Wokeness is dead” takes to come fast and heavy. But hopefully now you won’t be fooled, and will know: the Revolution isn’t over.


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not enough moderates
« Reply #2064 on: February 09, 2022, 02:51:23 PM »

Nothing insightful at all here

The reason I bother to post this drivel is that it is the same old

"not enough bipartisanship"
"not enough compromise"

These people who think the are so willing to work with the other totally ignore what has happened

The Right is NOT FAR right
we are where we have always been

It is the LEFT that keeps demanding endless liberal policies
wanting to turn the country into a socialist communist state subject to the whims
of elitists and top level government controllers

The Right has conciliated for decades
 and the problem is not that we should keep doing so but we need stop. doing so.

We do not our side reaching across the aisle
We do not need to make more compromise

We are not the ones who keep taking more and more radical new positions then demanding
to get what they want.

Why do not these Rinos get it?

Why does this guy teach at Stamford ?



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Berenson on courage
« Reply #2066 on: February 20, 2022, 12:22:34 AM »
Alex Berenson
Feb 19   

A few weeks ago a reader sent this email, apropos the desperate desire for a magic bullet to end Covid - whether vaccines or ivermectin or powdered unicorn horn:

I’ve thought about that email a lot as I read “I Heard You Paint Houses,” which is nominally about Frank Sheehan but really about Jimmy Hoffa, the Teamsters, the mob, and the Kennedys.

It has me thinking: about what the United States was and is, and about courage.

The physical kind, I mean. I tweeted a while back that intelligence is fungible but courage comes in different flavors, and I’m more convinced than ever that’s true.

Frank Sheehan was a hitman, a World War II combat veteran and mob executioner. He was not a good man; if he had moral or intellectual courage it is little in evidence. But he had no fear of violence or death.

Neither, it seems, did the men around him, and for that matter neither did JFK or RFK or Martin Luther King or Malcolm X, the most important leaders of the 1960s, all of whom proved their courage in the most irreversible way. All those men were well aware of the risks they faced. At the time, of course, many American men were veterans of World War II or Korea, and had seen violence up close.

Which is not to say everyone at the pinnacle of American power was physically fearless; but a thread of courage - an awareness of the reality of danger and death - ran visibly through the culture.

Now, of course, our leaders are cowards, and the cowardice runs across both parties. It may be the last bipartisan trait. Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden all managed to dodge service in Vietnam.

Worse yet, the United States has now followed Europe’s lead. It no longer asks for bravery from its leaders. It no longer merely plays down the moral - and practical - value of courage. It is increasingly dedicated to the avoidance of all physical risk, and physical or psychic pain, as an organizing principle. Thus our increasingly bizarre response to Covid.

A culture built this way cannot long survive. The world has wolves; and the more we hide from them the bolder they grow.


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from Kevin Williamson NR piece posted by CD above
« Reply #2070 on: March 18, 2022, 08:29:24 AM »
"What is at stake here is not the reputation of Jens Stoltenberg or the career of Olaf Scholz, the future of Emmanuel Macron or the past of Angela Merkel."

I would personally add
Donald Trump who as far as I am concerned is a total bore

when telling us over and over again what he would have done, this would not have happened only for him
etc etc

Somebody need to pull him off the stage too with one of these hook staffs:


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Kunstler: This is this
« Reply #2073 on: April 30, 2022, 08:06:26 AM »


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Re: Political Rants & interesting thought pieces
« Reply #2074 on: April 30, 2022, 09:06:59 AM »
Love the challenging vocabulary too 8-)


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Hispanic support down for Dems
« Reply #2075 on: May 02, 2022, 06:45:34 AM »

not sure I believe the polls
on this

and not sure how the open borders affect this

hard to believe most Latins coming in from Mexico and Caribbean types (except some Cubans)

are going to vote for Republicans

we shall see in November ........


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Re: Hispanic support down for Dems
« Reply #2076 on: May 02, 2022, 06:50:31 AM »
If the Dems thought the illegals would vote republican, we would have a wall like this on the border:

not sure I believe the polls
on this

and not sure how the open borders affect this

hard to believe most Latins coming in from Mexico and Caribbean types (except some Cubans)

are going to vote for Republicans

we shall see in November ........
« Last Edit: May 02, 2022, 06:55:21 AM by G M »


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border wall
« Reply #2077 on: May 02, 2022, 08:37:11 AM »
for future Republican voters

with the squad on the ramparts with shotguns

and Pelosi Biden and Clinton families at the gates accepting bribes to get in ......

and the MSM and democrat lawyers screaming yelling screeching and appealing  24/7

and that is why I take polls about Hispanics suddenly becoming Republican with a grain. of salt
I will believe next November

but doubt it will be much of a swing


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Paul Pelosi Jr.
« Reply #2078 on: May 02, 2022, 08:58:00 AM »
according to this website net worth est. $50,000,000

he must be a genius:

the daughters are in on it too
at least as political consultants to Nance

likely with big salaries......


« Last Edit: May 02, 2022, 09:19:56 AM by ccp »


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Re: Paul Pelosi Jr.
« Reply #2079 on: May 02, 2022, 08:59:54 AM »
according to this website net worth est. $50,000,000

he must be a genius:

the daughters are in on it too
at least as political consultants no Nance

likely with big salaries......


Russian Oligarchs are BAD!

American Oligarchs are Good!


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Re: Political Rants & interesting thought pieces
« Reply #2080 on: May 02, 2022, 09:22:14 AM »
"American Oligarchs are Good!"

[democrat oligarchs are good]

musk now BAD !!!!!!!

"too much control in the hands of a billionaire"

" threat to democracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

yelled throughout the land states MSM with massive loud speakers turned up to max volume.



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Re: Political Rants & interesting thought pieces
« Reply #2081 on: May 02, 2022, 09:32:31 AM »
Not a bad idea to drill down on Paul Pelosi Jr. 

Quickie search so far has only turned up sites that tend to have BS click bait ads-- not good for making our case.  Can we get our hands on something more presentable?


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Re: Political Rants & interesting thought pieces
« Reply #2082 on: May 02, 2022, 09:40:15 AM »
Not a bad idea to drill down on Paul Pelosi Jr. 

Quickie search so far has only turned up sites that tend to have BS click bait ads-- not good for making our case.  Can we get our hands on something more presentable?

It’s harder when they don’t have a crack addiction and forget to pick up their laptops at repair shops.


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Re: Political Rants & interesting thought pieces
« Reply #2083 on: May 02, 2022, 09:44:30 AM »
OTOH Twitter and the rest of the Goolag haven't banned coverage yet , , ,


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Re: Political Rants & interesting thought pieces
« Reply #2084 on: May 02, 2022, 10:53:26 AM »
"American Oligarchs are Good!"

[democrat oligarchs are good]

musk now BAD !!!!!!!

"too much control in the hands of a billionaire"

" threat to democracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

yelled throughout the land states MSM with massive loud speakers turned up to max volume.

I didn't notice that outrage and despair when Bezos bought the Washington Post. The Washington Post Is mainstream media.  Twitter is an undefined platform, already being run by twits.  Who cares if a different entrepreneur takes a shot at running it or improving it?

It's end of the world because the 'neutral' host isn't sworn to be biased and woke.

From a business point of view, these corporations and entertainers are losing half the market by taking sides. ANYONE could double the potential by just inviting both sides.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2022, 11:03:43 AM by DougMacG »


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Kunstler: Disinfo is just a boot in your face
« Reply #2085 on: May 02, 2022, 03:51:20 PM »

“Disinformation” is Just a Boot in Your Face
Behind all this is the growing panic in the Left that they are culpable for an enormous raft of crimes committed against their own country, and will eventually end up in court, in prison, or worse….
Clusterfuck Nation
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Since Elon Musk pounced on Twitter, are you not amazed to see just how dedicated to the suppression of speech the Left is? Censorship is the Left’s very spark-of-life. Everything they stand for is so false and lawless that truth magnetically repels them. Now, this may surprise you, but truth and reality are joined at the hip, so when you work hard to suppress one, you are also stomping the face of the other. “Disinformation” just means anything that the Left doesn’t want you to say out loud.

The truth is that everything the Left stands for these days is some kind of a hustle — which is the cheap street version of a racket, meaning an effort to extract something of value from you dishonestly. It’s the only way they know how to operate. It necessarily and chiefly depends on the deployment of lies, which by definition are propositions at odds with reality. The more they traffic in lies, the further they must distance themselves from reality and try to coerce you to go along with evermore absurdity: mostly peaceful riots… men-with-ovaries… free and fair elections…  insurrection… conspiracy theories… Lia Thomas in the fast lane… safe and effective vaccines…. Believe it or else!

The Left ends up at war with reality. That adds up to a bad business model for running a society, and the results are now plain to see. What in the USA is not failing these days? Our Potemkin economy of nail parlors, porn sites, pizza huts, casinos, drugs, and helicopter money? Our reckless relations with other countries? Public and higher education? Medicine? Financial markets? The sputtering engine of government under a phantom president? It’s all sinking into chaos and incoherence. For now, food just costs more than ever; wait until it’s simply unavailable. Nobody will care about anything else after that.

All this failure requires cover stories, narratives. Russia did it! Covid-19 did it! White supremacists did it! Trump did it! Narrative failure would equal failure of the Left altogether, so the Left requires the sturdiest possible apparatus for suppressing counter-narratives that lean in the direction of reality, its enemy. The Left found that apparatus in social media, the new vehicle for political debate, especially Twitter, which was so easily, blatantly, and dishonestly manipulated backstage by mysterious code ninjas. Twitter enjoys subsidy relations with government that incline it to do the government’s bidding. In effect, the government enlisted Twitter to undermine and over-ride Americans’ first amendment protections, by proxy.

Now we have the Disinformation Governance Board to be run by a TikTok musical comedy star, Nina Jankowicz, an instant laughingstock, since retailing disinformation has been her main occupation in the scant years she’s been on the Deep State scene. Ms. Jankowicz is a notorious RussiaGate hoaxer and psy-op agent in the October 2020 emergence of Hunter Biden’s laptop. She has zero credibility as anything but a professional falsifier. Her Disinfo Governance Board has no authority to regulate anything. It’s just a lame charade that can only draw more attention to the Left’s hatred of truth and reality. The Left pretends that free speech is a threat to civilization because, as usual, they are projecting psychologically. Their world is a mirror. In fact, the Left is a threat to civilization.

Behind all this is the growing panic in the Left that they are culpable for an enormous raft of crimes committed against their own country, and will eventually end up in court, in prison, or worse. Mr. Durham is just the leading edge of what will eventually be a heavy blade of judgment falling down on their necks. He’s busy sorting out the “Russia collusion” flimflam that turned into a coup to oust Mr. Trump, but that is only the beginning. In November, the Democrats will lose control of Congress and its oversight powers of agency operations, and in 2023 there will be inquiries galore into the neo-Jacobin craziness imposed on our country by the folks behind “Joe Biden.”

That includes such dicey matters as the several years of malevolent mismanagement of Covid-19, which looks more and more like a deliberate effort to kill a large number of citizens, and then moving along to the behind-the-scenes official support for those 2020BLM /Antifa riots, the ballot shenanigans around the last presidential election, the colossal failure to enforce border security (featuring Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Majorkis), the Biden Regime’s conduct in provoking and prolonging the war between Russia and Ukraine, and (not least) the overseas moneygrubbing of President Biden’s family, as documented in Hunter’s laptop. I’m sure I left a few things out.

If Mr. Biden is still on-the-scene in January next year, he’ll be the first president not only impeached but convicted and removed by the Senate. And if for some reason he avoids criminal prosecution for treason out of some pitiful need for the government to maintain official decorum before the rest of the world, his brothers and his degenerate son may not be so lucky.


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Kunstler: Nausea Rules
« Reply #2086 on: May 07, 2022, 07:47:33 AM »

Nausea Rules
     What’s out there, rather, is a model of breakdown and collapse which the Woked-up, globalist neo-Jacobins are doing everything possible to hasten….

The way financial markets puked this week, they must have started reading the news. Let’s face it, the headlines are a little short of reassuring. The $6.49 price on a gallon of diesel is enough alone to tell you that the nation can’t do business the way it’s set up to do, and there isn’t a new model for running things ready to launch — not even Klaus Schwab’s utopia of robots and eunuchs.

What’s out there, rather, is a model of breakdown and collapse which the Woked-up, globalist neo-Jacobins are doing everything possible to hasten. US-inspired sanctions on Russia have quickly blown-up in America’s face. How’s that ban on Russian oil working? Do you understand that US shale oil — the bulk of our production — is exceptionally light in composition, meaning it contains not much of the heavier distillates like diesel and aviation fuel?  ‘Tis so, alas. Truckers just won’t truck at $6.49-a-gallon, and before long they’ll be out of business altogether, especially the independents who have whopping mortgages on their rigs that won’t be paid. The equation is tearfully simple: no trucks = no US economy.

Europe, the old original homeland of Western Civ, isn’t just losing face, it’s blowing its head clean off going along with “Joe Biden’s” economic war. Are Germany, France, and the rest of that bunch really so dead-set on jamming Ukraine into NATO that they’re willing to go full medieval for it? By which I mean sitting in the cold and dark with empty plates. That’s a hard way to go just to prove somebody else’s point.

The war in Ukraine itself was apparently losing its sex appeal for the click-hungry news media. No matter which way The New York Times and friends tried to spin it, they failed to grok both Russia’s determination to neutralize Ukraine and its ability to get the job done, even if it takes a longer-than-expected grind to finish. That’s how important it was to Russia that Ukraine not become a forward missile base and bio-weapons lab for its adversaries. When that operation concludes, the West will be left economically crippled and humiliated — which are conditions that historically portend regime change. Will America cough up “Joe Biden” like a hairball to get those trucks running again? Might the Dems themselves resort to releasing the kraken known as Hunter’s laptop just to send the old grifter packing?

In the meantime, the leaked Roe v Wade cancellation ruling shoved the Ukraine fiasco offstage so as to provoke more useful histrionics for the dreaded midterm elections upcoming. The poorly-understood truth is that said ruling will only send the abortion question back to the individual states. But let’s get real: places like New York, Massachusetts, Maryland, and California are not going to enact any new anti-abortion laws, and that’s where most of the people having hebephrenic breakdowns over the issue live. Which is to say there’s little danger that the shrieking denizens of these Blue states will lack abortions. So, how much has the party only been pretending that Roe v Wade is its primal touchstone?

The strange parallel question has been raised: might laissez-fair abortion be a cover for the evident new problem that Covid-19 vaccines have made a shocking number of birthing people incapable of reproducing? There’s a buzz about it, anyway. It’s a fact that Pfizer excluded pregnant and breastfeeding women from all phases of its mRNA trials. Among the various harms now ascribed to the mRNA shots are infertility, miscarriage, and newborn abnormalities. But, of course, that sort of rumor — here coming from cases among vaccinated military personnel and not so easily hushed up — is just what the many lurking censors want to slap down in any forum where ideas could be exchanged. It’s misinformation!

And so, the derangement volume knob over Twitter changing ownership stays up at eleven. Imagine what will happen if the supposedly 70-odd percent of Americans who got vaxxed learn in a re-liberated Twitter Zone that the Covid-19 vaccines are not “safe and effective.” According to Zero Hedge, twenty-six globalist NGOs with ties to George Soros signed a letter saying, “Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter will further toxify our information ecosystem and be a direct threat to public safety, especially among those already most vulnerable and marginalized.”

They are, as usual, projecting — since what is a greater threat to public safety than inducing tens of millions of frightened citizens to accept multiple shots of a poorly-tested pharmaceutical cocktail that can kill you six ways to Sunday? The folks in-charge (and others who would like to be the boss-of-you) don’t want you to know any of this. The pharma companies, the doctors, the hospital administrators, and the politicians must be frantic with terror of being found out.

Altogether, the scene looks like a multi-dimensional nightmare. Broken economy… sinking Western Civ… police state tyranny… vaccine death and injury… starvation…. So, there it is. Oh, look, those markets… they’re puking again!


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VDH: Imagining the Unimaginable
« Reply #2087 on: May 13, 2022, 07:00:21 AM »
Victor Davis Hanson: Imagine the Unimaginable
Victor Davis Hanson
Victor Davis Hanson
 May 12, 2022 Updated: May 12, 2022biggersmaller Print

Americans are now entering uncharted, revolutionary territory. They may witness things over the next five months that once would have seemed unimaginable.

Until the Ukrainian conflict, we had never witnessed a major land war inside Europe directly involving a nuclear power.

In desperation, Russia’s impaired and unhinged leader, Russian President Vladimir Putin, now talks trash about the likelihood of nuclear war.

A 79-year-old President Joe Biden bellows back that his war-losing nuclear adversary is a murderer, a war criminal, and a butcher who should be removed from power.

After a year of politicizing the U.S. military and its self-induced catastrophe in Afghanistan, America has lost deterrence abroad. China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia are conniving how best to exploit this rare window of global military opportunity.

The traditional bedrocks of the American system—a stable economy, energy independence, vast surpluses of food, hallowed universities, a professional judiciary, law enforcement, and a credible criminal justice system—are dissolving.

Gas and diesel prices are hitting historic levels. Inflation is at a 40-year high. New cars and homes are unaffordable. The necessary remedy of high interest and tight money will be almost as bad as the disease of hyperinflation.

There is no southern border.

Expect over 1 million foreign nationals to swarm this summer into the United States without audit, COVID testing, or vaccination. None will have any worry of consequences for breaking U.S. immigration law.

Police are underfunded and increasingly defunded. District attorneys deliberately release violent criminals without charges. (Literally 10,000 people witnessed a deranged man with a knife attack comedian Dave Chappelle on stage at the Hollywood Bowl last week, and the Los Angeles County D.A. refused to press felony charges.) Murder and assault are spiraling. Carjacking and smash-and-grab thefts are now normal big-city events.

Crime is now mostly a political matter. Ideology, race, and politics determine whether the law is even applied.

Supermarket shelves are thinning, and meats are now beyond the budgets of millions of Americans. An American president—in a first—casually warns of food shortages. Baby formula has disappeared from many shelves.

Politics are resembling the violent last days of the Roman Republic. An illegal leak of a possible impending Supreme Court reversal of Roe v. Wade that would allow state voters to set their own abortion laws has created a national hysteria.

Never has a White House tacitly approved mobs of protesters showing up at Supreme Court justices’ homes to rant and bully them into altering their votes.

There is no free speech any more on campuses.

Merit is disappearing. Admissions, hiring, promotion, retention, grading, and advancement are predicated increasingly on mouthing the right orthodoxies or belonging to the proper racial, gender, or ethnic category.

When the new campus commissariat finally finishes absorbing the last redoubts in science, math, engineering, medical, and professional schools, America will slide into permanent mediocrity and irreversible declining standards of living.

What happened?

Remember all these catastrophes are self-induced. They are choices, not fate. The United States has the largest combined gas, coal, and oil deposits in the world. It possesses the know-how to build the safest pipelines and to ensure the cleanest energy development on the planet.

Inflation was a deliberate Biden choice. For short-term political advantage, he kept printing trillions of dollars, incentivizing labor non-participation, and keeping interest rates at historical lows—at a time of pent-up global demand.

The administration wanted no border. Only that way can politicized, impoverished immigrants repay left-wing undermining of the entire legal immigration system with their fealty at the ballot box.

Once esoteric, crack-pot academic theories—“modern monetary theory,” critical legal theory, critical race theory—now dominate policymaking in the Biden administration.

The common denominator in all of this is ideology overruling empiricism, common sense, and pragmatism. Ruling elites would rather be politically correct failures and unpopular than politically incorrect, successful, and popular.

Is it not the tired story of left-wing revolutionaries from 18th-century France to early 20th-century Russia to the contemporary disasters in Cuba and Venezuela?

The American people reject the calamitous policies of 2021–2022. Yet the radical cadres surrounding a cognitively inert Biden still push them through by executive orders, bureaucratic directives, and deliberate cabinet nonperformance.

Why? The Left has no confidence either in constitutional government or common sense.

So as the public pushes back, expect at the ground level more doxxing, cancel culture, deplatforming, ministries of disinformation, swarming the private homes of officials they target for bullying, and likely violent demonstrations in our streets this summer.

Meanwhile, left-wing elites will do their best to ignore Supreme Court decisions, illegally cancel student debts, and likely by the fall issue more COVID lockdowns. They will still dream of packing the Court, ending the filibuster, scrapping the Electoral College, adding more states, and flooding the November balloting with hundreds of millions more dollars of dark money from Silicon Valley.

When revolutionaries undermine the system, earn the antipathy of the people, and face looming disaster at the polls, it is then they prove most dangerous—as we shall see over the next few months.

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.


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And here is an internet friend of mine
« Reply #2088 on: May 13, 2022, 07:05:15 AM »

And here is an internet friend of mine:

Ruling Class Crisis 3: Yes, they really hate America. - YouTube

and his book:

Amazon - Crisis in the Ruling Class: How a Ruling Class Not Fit to Rule is Falling and Dragging the Country Down With Them: Browne, Steve: 9798414046806: Books


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Kunstler: Feeding the narrative
« Reply #2089 on: May 17, 2022, 10:08:53 AM »

Feeding the Narrative

There’s apparently no question that one Payton Gendron, 18, went out hunting for black people in Buffalo, NY, carefully documenting his crime every step of the way, from penning a book-length manifesto, to running reconn on the Tops Supermarket scene-of-the-crime, to mounting a GoPro video cam on his forehead to record his wicked act, which resulted in 10 persons shot dead and three more wounded.

Gendron is a gift to the “Joe Biden” regime, which needed evidence for its claim that America is infested with “white supremacists,” who, “the president” has stated repeatedly, add up to the “greatest threat” the country faces. Will the dead of Buffalo serve as this year’s George Floyd, setting up a new summer of riots sanctioned tacitly by the party in charge? Who knows? For sure it will galvanize the likes of Alejandro Mayorkas (Dept. of Homeland Security) and Nina Jankowicz (Disinfo Governance Board chief) in their efforts to cancel anyone right-of-center on the political transect and normalize the suppression of speech.

As with most issues these days, though, the official narrative is out-of-synch with reality. What we have in America is mayhem and murder going every which way racially. The day after Gendron shot up the Tops, an as-yet-unnamed Asian man in his 60s shot up a Taiwanese church near the California Disneyland, killing one and critically wounding four, the victims all elderly Asians. And the same night as the Buffalo massacre, 23 people were wounded in three sequential shoot-outs around the Milwaukee Bucks basketball arena in that city. (Note poor marksmanship.) Just a few weeks ago, a black maniac named Frank James, 60, shot up a Brooklyn subway car, wounding ten people of various races. The shooter had posted many diatribes against whites, Hispanics, and even black people on Facebook. The news media stuffed that story down their memory holes inside of 48 hours.

And, of course, there was the event in late November 2021 starring felon and mental case Darrell Brooks, Jr., 39, deliberately plowing a Ford Escape SUV into Waukesha, Wisconsin’s, annual Christmas parade, killing six white people and injuring 62, including many children. Brooks had a police rap-sheet 50 pages long and had put up many posts on social media calling for violence against white people, even hailing Adolf Hitler for persecuting the Jews. He pleaded not guilty and his trial is scheduled for October. The newspapers and cable TV stations dropped the story after a couple days.

“Joe Biden” will travel to Buffalo Tuesday to offer his condolences to the families of the Tops shooting victims. (He did not travel to Waukesha last November, or New York in April.) It looks like the newspapers and cable news outfits will run with the Buffalo story a while longer, milking it to feed the narrative, which is that only the Democratic Party cares about black people and can save them from “white supremacy.” This time, though, the harder they push, the more minds may revolt.

This is not 2020. The public may be better inoculated now against government gaslighting and mind-fuckery than they are against Covid-19 viruses. As Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) noted last week in his colloquy with Secretary Mayorkas, “Do you know who the greatest propagator of disinformation in the history of the world is? The U.S. government.” Senator Paul is onto something. In the course of that hearing, he asked Mr. Mayorkas whether talk about Covid 19 on social media might be subject to official “disinformation” action by his agency.

“I’ve said a million times that cloth masks don’t work; YouTube takes me down,” Senator Paul said. “They’re a private company. I can have that beef with them. What about you? You’re going to look at that? I often say that natural immunity from having had the infection is equal to the vaccine or better. You’re going to take that down?” Rand Paul is a licensed physician, by the way, and Alejandro Mayorkas is not.

Mr. Mayorkas answered that someone might claim that vaccination centers “are actually peddling fentanyl. Now, should I sit back and take that, or should I actually disseminate accurate information?” he asked.

In reality, of course, this hypothetical fentanyl nonsense is not what is at issue regarding Covid-19 “vaccines.” What is actually at issue is the now-established fact that the mRNA products called “vaccines” do not prevent infection or transmission of Covid-19, and do provoke a broad array of harms to people that cause disability and death in, at least, tens of thousands of cases, which is a lot in terms of all prior medical standards.

The government has been lying about this consistently. And the news media have been obediently conveying those lies, in league with the pharmaceutical giants who produce the “vaccines.” The governor of my state, Kathy Hochul, still idiotically wants to mandate mRNA “vaccines” for children. Pfizer ran a commercial on CBS’s 60-Minutes Sunday night promising that further “vaccination” with their sketchy product will “open up the world” for people. In fact, it will do nothing to protect people, rather it will promote the evolution of new-and-different iterations of novel Coronaviruses, and it will surely kill and maim a lot more people, including little children.

Have you noticed something else pretty strange these days? In all the reportage about Ukraine, there has been absolutely no mention of Covid-19 in connection with the disorders of war, where, you’d think, hunger, cold, injury, and filth would compromise many immune systems. Weird, a little bit, huh? Did it just cease to exist?

“White supremacy” is the “Joe Biden” regime’s all-purpose shield against the consequences of its insults to reality, including its role instigating that war in Ukraine, its creation of the entire Covid-19 fiasco from the Wuhan lab to present, its policies that induce reckless monetary inflation, its willful neglect of border enforcement, and its monumental corruption. Watch them try to run with it.


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Kunstler: We’re in It Now for Sure
« Reply #2090 on: May 24, 2022, 09:55:52 AM »

We’re in It Now for Sure
Now, we’re finding out the hard way how much daily life must change, and is changing, and how disorderly that process is in every way from the imperative daily life adjustments to our spiritual attitudes about them…
Clusterfuck Nation

When I wrote The Long Emergency nearly twenty years ago, I never thought that, once it got going, our government would work so hard to make it worse. My theory then was just that government would become increasingly bloated, ineffectual, impotent, and uncomprehending of the forces converging to undermine our advanced techno-industrial societies. What I didn’t imagine was that government would bring such ostentatious stupidity to all that.

Obviously, there was some recognition that ominous changes are coming down. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have heard so much chatter about alt energy, “sustainable growth,” “green” this-and-that. But the chatter was more symptomatic of wishful thinking for at least a couple of reasons: 1) mostly it ignored the laws of physics, despite the fact that so many people involved in enterprises such as wind and solar energy were science-and-tech mavens; and 2) there was a dumb assumption that the general shape and scale of daily life would remain as it had been — in other words, that we could still run suburbia, the giant cities, Disney World, WalMart, the US military, and the Interstate highway system just the way they were already set-up, only by other means than oil and gas.

Now, we’re finding out the hard way how much daily life must change, and is changing, and how disorderly that process is in every way from the imperative personal adjustments to our spiritual attitudes about them. As with so many things in history, this disorder expresses itself strangely, even prankishly, as if God were a practical joker. Who would’ve imagined that our politics would become so deranged? That there would be battles over teaching oral sex in the fifth-grade? That the CDC would keep pushing vaccines that obviously don’t work (and that so many people would still take them)? That stealing stuff under a thousand dollars in value wouldn’t merit prosecution? That riots featuring arson and looting are “mostly peaceful?” That we’d send $50-billion halfway around the world to defend the borders of another country while ignoring the defense of our own borders? That financially beset Americans would spend their dwindling spare cash on… tattoos?

Notice that all of these strange behaviors have really nothing to do with making practical adjustments to the way we live. The collective psychology of all this is bizarre. Of course, mass formation psychosis accounts for a lot of it. Groups of people under duress, suffering from loneliness, purposelessness, helplessness, and anxiety will fall into coordinated thought-and-action if presented with some object or someone to fixate their ill feelings upon.

Donald Trump was such an object. He galvanized about half the country into an intoxicated fury aimed at destroying him. It actually managed to drive him off the scene via a fraud-laced election which many in-power (local officials, judges) deemed a means justifying the desired end. That success reinforced their mass formation psychosis. Alas, having succeeded against Mr. Trump, they were left without a galvanizing object to focus on. So, they adopted one of the devices of Trump-riddance, Covid-19, as the next object of all their distress and anxiety, adopting the mRNA vaccinations as their next savior du jour.

Unfortunately, the vaccination scheme has gone very much awry, and now millions face a future with damaged immune systems. The horror of that is too awful to comprehend, especially by government, which caused the problem in the first place and can’t possibly admit it without demolishing its legitimacy… so it presses on stupidly and heinously with the vaccine program. Already all-causes deaths are substantially up, and in time the recognition of how-and-why this happened will reach a point of criticality.

It will be too obvious to ignore. But by that time (probably not far away), the economy will be so wrecked, the people of America so deranged, and our circumstances so desperate, that the government will resort to a supremely stupid act of national suicide, say, starting a nuclear war. The government under “Joe Biden” seems perfectly disposed to that possible outcome. Which brings us to the spiritual part of the story: those unused to consorting with alleged “higher powers” might consider getting used to prayer.

Lately, a new derangement is overtaking Western Civ, for the excellent reason that Western Civ gave birth to techno industrial societies and is now first to undergo the alarming demise of that system. I speak of the World Economic Forum (under one Klaus Schwab) and its stated ambition to Build Back Better — based on its unstated premise that the current system must be nudged to its death sooner rather than later, and on-purpose. All the governments of Western Civ nations seem coordinated on this.

But it’s not going to happen as Mr. Schwab and his followers hoped, for at least a couple of reasons. First, as already stated, God is a prankster and likes to throw knuckleballs at the human race. Anyway, the “better” that Mr. Schwab expects is an ultra-techno-industrial “trans-human” scheme that is unlikely to come about if the support system of the older techno-industrial system is no longer available to support it. As currently conceived, BBB depends on electric power, and that is one of the major sub-systems of our system that already looks like it’s going janky.

You get the idea, I’m sure, so I’ll cut to the chase for now. About a year ago I had my French easel set up on a country road nearby and was busy painting a motif at-hand when along came a horse-drawn wagon filled with four men in severe black-and-white clothing, wearing beards. They were apparently a bit surprised by the strange sight of me painting a picture and they stopped to chat. They were Amish and had lately moved to the county from down in Pennsylvania, which was running out of farmland for their fruitful people. Not a half-hour later a second horse-drawn wagon passed by. I admit, the incident gave me a thrill — not just the sensory pleasure of the horses’ ripe animal smell, and the gentle rhythm of their clip-clopping along. But since I had lately been writing a bunch of novels about life in a post-economic collapse town like my own (the World Made by Hand series), I enjoyed the strange delight of being transported briefly into a scene of my own imagining — the prequel of my own books.

Many more Amish are landing in the county these days. I hear they go around to the failing or inactive farms with bundles of cash and make an offer, just like that. Evidently the method works. It’s given me a business idea: to start an Amish skills school, buy a few acres with a barn and hire some Amish men to teach all us non-Amish how to do a few things that might be good to know in the years ahead, like how to harness horses to a cart or a mule to a plow. (The Amish like to make a bit of cash-money when they can.) That’s my idea of how to build back better. What do you think?


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Re: Political Rants & interesting thought pieces
« Reply #2091 on: May 24, 2022, 10:45:45 AM »
A very good idea!


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Thomas Sowell is fearless
« Reply #2093 on: June 09, 2022, 06:03:05 AM »


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Tucker in fine form 2.0
« Reply #2094 on: June 15, 2022, 06:48:48 AM »


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Kunstler: How low can you go?
« Reply #2096 on: June 17, 2022, 09:20:23 PM »

How Low Can You Go?
Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

New Poll Reveals that Most Americans Think the Country Is Going Downhill |  Teen Vogue

Remember the limbo? It was a dance fad kind of like the Olympic high jump in reverse: instead of leaping over a horizontal bar, you duck-walked under it to calypso music, with the crowd squealing, “How low can you go?” As it happens, in the culture of Western Civ, Limbo is also the name of a place on the edge of Hell. Either way, you have an apt metaphor for the spot that the USA is in as we enter the summer of double-deuce.

Lots of things are going south all at once: the stock markets and bond prices, Bitcoin is doing a vanishing act. The Colorado River reservoirs, Lake Powell and Lake Mead, are so low that, by September, both water and electricity may run out for a vast region that includes Phoenix, Las Vegas, and Southern California. The housing market is tanking (suburbia’s business model is broken). Whole herds of beef cattle roll over and die out on the range. Fertilizer is scarce. Food processing plants get torched by the dozen. Shortages loom.

The oil-and-gas industry is getting killed four ways: 1) our stupid Russia sanctions queered longstanding global distribution arrangements; 2) the industry is starved for capital; 3) depletion is seriously kicking in; and 4) “Joe Biden” and the knuckleheads running the EU countries are trying to kill it so as to usher in a Green New Deal that just doesn’t pencil-out.

The car dealers have no new cars on their lots, and pretty soon they’ll run out of decent used cars — which, these days, are often priced higher than the non-existent new cars. How’s that for a business model? Plus, the financially beaten-up middle-class can’t afford cars in either case, and increasingly can’t qualify for car loans.

The airline industry reels with a sucking chest wound due to a pilot shortage (thanks to vaxx mandates) and the high cost of jet fuel. The trucking industry’s business model is also broken with diesel fuel over six dollars a gallon — the cost of delivery exceeds the value of the cargo. America runs on trucks and if they stop running, so does everything else. Replacement parts are growing scarce for every mechanical device in the land. It’s getting harder to fix anything that’s broken.

“Joe Biden’s” proxy war against Russia in Ukraine isn’t working out. It was flamboyantly stupid from the get-go. We deliberately broke the Minsk agreements for a cease-fire in the Donbas to goad the Russians into action. NATO didn’t have the troops or the political mojo to back up its US-inspired bluster. Our financial warfare blew back in our faces and actually benefited the Russian economy and its currency, the ruble. The billions of dollars in weapons we’re sending into the war are easily interdicted in transport, or else are getting loose in a world of non-state maniacs ranging from the Taliban to al Qaeda to drug cartels.

Meanwhile, Russia steadfastly grinds out a victory on-the-ground that will leave it in control of the Black Sea and will reveal the USA’s lost capacity to impose its will around the world. In other words, our Ukraine project “to weaken Russia” brought on an epochal shift in the balance of power to our enormous disadvantage. This is on top of more than twenty years of US military fiascos from Afghanistan, to Iraq, to North Africa, to Syria which demonstrated our reckless disregard for human life and a gross inability to carry out a mission. This aggregate failure and display of weakness leaves us vulnerable to Chinese aggression in the Pacific. There is even spooky chatter now about China venturing to invade Australia, Japan, and the USA mainland. Yes, really.

With all this to be concerned about, half the American public, and the “Joe Biden” regime they insist they elected, remain in thrall to the Covid-19 horror movie and at the mercy of the deadly mRNA pharmaceutical products that were magically waiting in-advance of the outbreak to profit on it. But now, all the cover stories are falling apart. It’s getting harder to conceal the deaths and injuries caused by the vaccines, including a striking drop in fertility and the permanent damage to millions of people’s immune systems that will lay them low with cancer, neurological illness, and cardiovascular disease in the months ahead.

The CDC / FDA / Pharma cabal’s strategy-for-now: keep bluffing and quintupling down on their cover up — they just sweepingly approved mRNA shots for babies. Why? To extend the emergency use authorization that shields Pfizer and Moderna from liability. It won’t work long, of course, because under settled law fraud vacates that kind of protection, and the public health officials with their Pharma cronies have orchestrated the deadliest fraud in human history.

If there is an American nation left in a year or so, with a functioning legal system, the players in this cabal are going to land in witness chairs to explain why they killed so many people. (“We were following The Science,” they’ll say. Uh-huh….) By then, no one will believe their bullshit and it will be off to the American limbo known as Palookaville for the likes of Fauci, Collins, Gates, Bourla, Bancel, Walensky and the gang.

To try to head-off anything like that, the “Joe Biden” regime just announced a second attempt to control the news-flow with a White House Disinformation Task Force, to replace the ludicrous Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board that flopped so miserably in May when its appointed chief, Ms. Jankowicz, turned out to be a prime purveyor of disinformation. The new Disinfo Task Force, led by Veep Kamala Harris — who performed so well in her previous assignment as Border Czar — is pretending to be all about online sexual harassment and gender bigotry. I’m sure….

It won’t work. “Joe Biden” is running on empty. His regime staggers on in a delirium and an odium, like one of those groaning, brain-leaking zombies on cable-TV. The voters are poised to unload two barrels of buckshot to this monster’s head in September, if we are not prevented from holding elections by yet another bogus “emergency.” Until then, we’re in a race to see just how the Party of Chaos completes the destruction of the economy, which is the prelude to the people of the USA destroying the Party of Chaos.

The corrupt establishment will do anything to suppress sites like the Burning Platform from revealing the truth. The corporate media does this by demonetizing sites like mine by blackballing the site from advertising revenue. If you get value from this site, please keep it running with a donation. [Burning Platform LLC - PO Box 1520 Kulpsville, PA 19443] or Paypal


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Re: Political Rants & interesting thought pieces
« Reply #2098 on: June 29, 2022, 05:39:27 AM »
"A message to the Left,
From a gay man
It wasn't enough."

sounds just like what Andrew Sullivan was saying on the last Bill Maher show

he was disgusted with this whole LBGTFU stuff
and states the pride thing is BS and making it worse (no kidding)


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The burning times are upon us.
« Reply #2099 on: June 29, 2022, 09:26:36 AM »


The phrase “fiddling while Rome burns” is an intriguing idiom, referencing the great fire which ravaged Rome for six days in 64 A.D. and the legend that Nero, one of the most sadistic, decadent, and cruel rulers of all-time, instead of taking action to stop the fire, played his lyre while composing a song about Rome’s destruction. The Roman historian Tacitus wrote that Nero was rumored to have sung about the destruction of Rome while watching the city burn but it’s likely this was just a myth.

The fire destroyed seventy percent of the city and left half the population homeless. There are those who believe Nero set the fire on purpose, especially after he used land cleared by the fire to build his Golden Palace and its surrounding pleasure gardens. Being a soulless autocrat at heart, Nero did what all feckless politicians do, he blamed the Christians (an obscure religious sect at the time) for the fire and had many arrested and executed.

Bill Kristol on Twitter: "1952 years ago: Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Today: GOP bigs fiddle while the Republican Party burns." / Twitter

Whether this story is true or just a parable, the messages are pertinent throughout history, and never more so than now. Occupying one’s time doing inconsequential things while a catastrophic event is underway is the ultimate in leadership failure. Focusing on trivial matters while your people are suffering during a time of crisis is the mark of an ineffectual irresponsible leader or one whose true purpose is to burn down society so it can be “built back better” in the form of a communist totalitarian state ruled by a globalist elite cabal.

One cannot ignore the parallels to our American empire in flames as Biden, the hordes of hyena politicians in Washington DC, their captured corporate propaganda media mouthpieces, central banker fiat printing enablers, and the Davos billionaire cadre are attempting a controlled burn of our world, but it has become a conflagration destined to rage out of control and consume the planet in flames.

We are most certainly living in a time of crisis, as this Fourth Turning hastens towards our rendezvous with destiny. Not only is the American empire burning in an abstract sense, but once the ANTIFA, BLM and pro-abortion terrorist groups (all funded by Soros and Gates) hit the streets, the country is literally burning. The chaos, havoc, violence, and vitriol are all being engineered by the puppeteers/invisible government who control the minds of the masses through media manipulation, non-stop propaganda, technological deceit, and social indoctrination through government schooling. It was succinctly described by Edward Bernays nearly a century ago and has been perfected by those in governing the world today.

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” – Edward Bernays – Propaganda (1928) pp. 9–10 

EDWARD BERNAYS – THE “MASTER OF PROPAGANDA” – antonabroad.comI wonder if the people of Rome were as baffled by their emperor’s total disregard for their well-being and safety as their city burned to the ground as the minority of critical thinking Americans are today watching Biden, his Obama handlers, and their toadies in congress systematically burn our once great republic to the ground. There is no doubt Biden is an incompetent, low IQ, hapless, dementia ridden, racist, pedophile, but what is happening in this country and across the globe is not due to incompetence, but a purposeful destruction of all productive structures, small businesses, Constitutional rights, and societal norms, in order to implement a totalitarian techno-gulag across the world run by a global elite of billionaires and their evil apparatchiks.

A crucial aspect of this New World Order is a massive depopulation of the planet to the desired number of serfs needed to do the slave labor necessary to keep the overlords in luxury and splendor. Private jets, yachts and fenced luxurious 25 bathroom mansions with private armed security for them. The serfs will own nothing, eat bugs, and be happy, or be swiftly terminated, since guns will have been outlawed. Our nation is beset by traitors within.

The pockets of firestorms swirling out of control across the world, purposely ignited by those running the show, makes it difficult to distinguish between fires detonated as distractions and the real inferno destined to reduce the world to ashes. Everything roiling the world over the last twenty-seven months has been initiated and/or utilized by the ruling oligarchs to implement their master plan of “building back better” after they burn the world to the ground. Even the distractions are designed to further their agenda. The latest distraction being the Supreme Court ruling on abortion.

The lunatic left is rioting and protesting in left wing cities where they can murder an unborn child any time they want, while woke corporations’ virtue signal, and insane females have mental breakdowns on Tik Tok. It gives the left-wing media something to scream about other than the January 6 “insurrection” hearings that no one watched. Pride month is nothing but a giant distraction, where drag queens, teachers grooming children, and transgender bullshit are jammed down our throats while corporations attempt to capitalize on the worship of abnormality to increase their profits. The government has achieved the goal put forth by William Casey in 1981.

The January 6 joke of an “armed insurrection” without arms, led by Buffalo guy and initiated by FBI plants (Ray Epps) and ANTIFA infiltrators, is another engineered distraction, with the current fake news hearings revealing much ado about nothing, and all designed to cover-up the traitorous coup conducted against Trump by the Deep State players in the Oval Office (Obama), FBI, NSA, DOJ, CIA, DOD, and the wicked witch herself – Hillary Clinton. The Washington establishment (One Party) initiated another distraction last week under the guise of protecting the children, with another un-Constitutional gun grabber law which will be overturned by the Supreme Court.

Red flag laws have already been deemed un-Constitutional by the Supreme Court, but that didn’t stop Pelosi, Schumer, and a bunch of traitorous Republican senators from virtue signaling with a new law. Until it is overturned, it will be used to take away the guns of anyone not toeing the government line. Just like Biden’s un-Constitutional demand that all employers mandate the poisonous gene altering jabs, knowing it was un-Constitutional, ignoring and tearing the Constitution to shreds is the goal. Biden’s previous ruse worked, as tens of thousands of employers mandated the jab before it was deemed illegal.

Team Biden" blames Russia for high energy costs - Imgflip

Just as Nero blamed the Christians for the disaster he created, Biden blames Putin, Trump, oil companies, the un-vaxxed, lawful gun owners, and the 70 million voters who still consider him an illegitimate president, for the ten-alarm fire engulfing the economy, stock market, and a society he continues to debase with far-left policies. At the current trajectory Biden may go down in history as infamous as Nero, with his fatally reckless actions trying to initiate World War 3 with Russia.

He and his NATO cronies have been outmaneuvered, outwitted, and embarrassed by Vladimir Putin regarding the Ukraine conflict, which they provoked and have continued to exacerbate with economic sanctions and attempting to incite Putin into a greater conflict. It has all blown up in Biden’s face, as his sanctions haven’t hurt Russia, but have certainly destroyed the finances of average Americans. The ruble is at a seven year high versus the USD, Russia’s oil revenues are soaring, Biden’s approval ratings are lower than whale shit, and the US and EU have entered a self-inflicted recession.

Biden Caught Using Cheat Sheet Telling Him When to Say 'Hello' & Sit Down | MRCTV

As Biden spends his days in a dementia haze, falling off bikes, crapping his pants, smelling little children, pumping green energy fantasies, honoring mentally damaged LGBTQ+ icons and pretending to be president, while his handlers orchestrate everything he does, says or thinks, the country accelerates towards economic implosion, global war, civil chaos, and hardship not experienced since the 1930s for the average American.

Everybody knows the 2020 election was stolen. Everybody knows we are on the wrong path. Everybody knows Biden is brain dead. Everybody knows Kamala is the dumbest human being on the planet. Everybody knows Biden’s team are a bunch of incompetent diversity hires. Everybody knows we pissed $54 billion down a Ukrainian toilet and Biden is responsible for double digit inflation and $5 gas.  Everybody knows bad things are going to happen in the next two years, which will require an entire chapter in history books, if the world still even exists. Leonard Cohen captures how everybody feels today.

Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That’s how it goes
Everybody knows

Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
Everybody knows that the captain lied
Everybody got this broken feeling
Like their father or their dog just died

Everybody Knows – Leonard Cohen

I keep being drawn back to the theory Nero purposely burned Rome to clear space for his Golden Palace and pleasure gardens. Essentially his build back better plan. Despite the non-stop parade of distracting events, narratives, and false flags, the big picture has come into focus for me. What even I would have considered conspiracy theory a year ago, now makes the most sense based upon the incoming facts and actions of the major players.

I believe the entire Covid scheme, and the mRNA concoctions were planned and coordinated by those constituting the “invisible government” as a slow-motion depopulation plot designed to reduce the global population to a number they believe can be managed and manipulated to maximize their wealth, power, and control. First, the Wuhan flu gave a final push to the old, infirm, and obese. The lockdowns drove others to commit suicide, die of Chinese fentanyl overdoses, or die from undiagnosed cancers and heart disease.

The most sadistic and insidious aspect of this depopulation conspiracy is the so-called vaccines, that don’t keep you from contracting, spreading, being hospitalized, or dying from Covid, pumped into the bodies of almost 5 billion people. Critical thinking doctors, not bought off by Big Pharma, warned over a year ago about the potential side effects, anti-body dependent enhancement (ADE) created by the vaccines, and dangers of myocarditis in young seemingly healthy people. They also warned about the potential impact on fertility. Most were banned from Twitter and Facebook for their views.

Even though the government, the CDC, FDA, Fauci, Pfizer, Moderna and their captured MSM mouthpieces continue to lie and obfuscate, the data continues to mount, unequivocally proving these genetic altering spike proteins are causing hundreds of thousands of seemingly healthy people to “die suddenly”. Young athletes are dying. Pregnant women are losing their babies. Life insurance companies are reporting deaths in young age brackets far exceeding what actuarial tables predict. And now studies are showing fertility rate declines in Germany that are 9 sigma events – virtually impossible.

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Now is the time for a 'great reset' of capitalism | World Economic Forum

I am now convinced what seems to be chaos, coincidence, and covid insanity is actually coordinated, conceived by Schwab, Gates, Soros, et al, and created to remake the world in the image these tyrant’s desire. They want supply chain disruptions. They want food shortages and starvation in 3rd world countries. They want an energy crisis where fossil fuels become too expensive to afford. They want mass shootings as a reason to confiscate your guns. They want the cities to burn and murderers to roam free on the streets. They want financial markets to collapse and wipe out the middle class.

They want to decrease the “surplus population” by having the vaccines kill off billions in a slow methodical manner. They aren’t kidding with their slogans about you owning nothing and being happy. We are nothing but annoying parasites to these elitist overlords. They are at war with humanity and the vast majority of humans are too distracted by their social media likes, crypto accounts, sports betting, virtue signaling, and techno-gadgets to notice they are being herded, corralled, and being led to slaughter.

Photos: The Ubiquity of Smartphones - The Atlantic

As I ponder these unthinkably diabolical big picture issues, I still have to live my life. Having been trapped working in my basement for the better part of two years and not being invited to anyone’s house due to our un-vaxxed status, we haven’t been travelling the highways and byways of Montgomery County for most of the last two years. Now that covid has subsided, we have been invited to a few family gatherings and spent a week of vacation at the Jersey shore.

My big picture view of an empire in flames is confirmed by my observations on the ground. As I drove on Ridge Pike towards the Royersford area on Memorial Day weekend I was met with a consistent theme – a country in decay. Despite government passing trillion-dollar infrastructure bills (just as Obama did in 2009) the roads are at 3rd world standards. They are uneven, crumbling, potholed and patched. The sewer and water pipes below are leaking, decaying, and bursting. Our clueless leaders only know about it when it becomes a disaster.

RAWA: Sinkhole believed to be cause of water main break | Berks Regional News |

As we traversed the ten or so miles on a once thriving route, you recognize the plethora of boarded up crumbling buildings, vacant strip malls, For Lease signs dotting the landscape, once flourishing small manufacturing businesses, restaurants, bars, boutique retail, independently owned gas stations, auto repair shops and numerous other formerly prosperous businesses either closed a decade ago during the great financial crisis or put out of business by the government mandated covid lockdowns.

It was not a mistake that hundreds of thousands of small businesses were destroyed, while the mega-corps like Amazon, Target and Wal-Mart reaped the spoils. The mega-corporations work hand in hand with the globalist cabal and their government apparatchiks. You can easily determine what a society values by observing the businesses that are thriving and expanding.

Ranking the Top 40 C-Store Chains: A 2021 Update

We most certainly value our vehicles, as high end car dealerships abound, and mega- gas station/food stores (Wawa, Royal Farms) are spaced every three miles along the route. While you are spending $130 to fill up your $90,000 leased Range Rover, you can dash into the Wawa and pick up a supersized Italian hoagie, with a bag of Funyuns, and 32 ounce Mountain Dew to wash it down. The only retail still standing are the national chains who were deemed essential and were allowed to stay open during the entire plandemic.

Consumer Loans: Credit Cards and Other Revolving Plans, All Commercial Banks (CCLACBW027SBOG) | FRED | St. Louis Fed

Even they have stopped expanding and are just milking the last vestiges of consumer debt financed purchases of Chinese crap Americans can’t afford and don’t need. The other three thriving business classes appear to be banks, national fast food joints, and hospital/medical facilities. Even though everyone can do their banking on-line there are still brand spanking new branches on every other corner. It is plainly evident the Wall Street banks are rolling in dough handed to them by the Federal Reserve, so building money losing bank branches doesn’t faze them. These whores will always be bailed out by their pimps at the Fed.

Low Residue Diet: Everything You Need to Know | Food calories list, Mcdonalds calories, Food calorie chart

You can’t pass a McDonalds, KFC, Taco Bell, Burger King or Chick-fil-A without seeing a long line of cars at their drive through window. Because walking into the store to buy your 1,500 calorie snack would be too exhausting. The prolific number of these fast food outlets selling the most vile, mass produced, toxic sludge, disguised as food, is the main reason for the proliferation of medical facilities designed to treat the fall-out from Americans consuming this crap, along with the mass produced packaged foodstuff sold at grocery stores.

The fast food industry works hand in hand with the sickcare industry to enrich the corporations peddling poison and pills. As we see with the Big Pharma money grab related to the covid flu, which has proven to be no more deadly than the common flu, their “vaccines” don’t prevent you from ever getting covid (as previous vaccines for polio and smallpox did) and will require boosters every six months or so. The sickcare industry doesn’t want to cure anything. They want to treat you for life and reap ungodly profits while doing so.

Healthcare or Sickcare? – ZENBURGER

My previous article – American Freakshow – detailed my observations from an hour or so on the Wildwood boardwalk. After spending a week at the shore, my initial observations were reconfirmed. The obesity epidemic, created by the corporate peddlers of toxic sludge fast food and manufactured foodstuff, is on full display in Wildwood. The obese are in heaven on the Wildwood boardwalk as they have their choice of fried Oreos, funnel cake (deep fried dough) dipped in sugar, pizza covered in cheese fries, triple cheeseburgers and pure sugar disguised as lemonade.

Boardwalk Food | On the boardwalk in Wildwood NJ | Mark Jonas | Flickr

There is no shortage of miss-applied high self-esteem as 250-pound females jam themselves into bikinis and parade on the beach and boardwalk for all to see. The self- mutilation with tattoos and piercings among the young and old is astonishing and leads to the relevant response – WHY? It certainly isn’t because they make them more appealing, as 90% of the tattoos are hideous and 100% of the piercings are ghastly. Are they just following the herd? Are they trying to stand out in a world where they feel like a faceless nameless cog in the machine? Or do they want to self-mutilate as a cry for help? I certainly don’t know but see it as another example of a society in rapid decline.

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The motels, hotels, and condos are filled. Rental prices have skyrocketed. Prices of properties have doubled in the last three years. The beaches are packed. The restaurants and bars are overflowing. It reminds me of those scenes when the ocean mysteriously receded and those unaware of what that meant ventured out to pick up the shiny seashells where the ocean was supposed to be. They were clueless that a tsunami was about to descend upon them and end their lives in torrent of waves and destruction.

NWS JetStream - Tsunami Inundation

Whether you chose an empire burning or a tsunami of consequences headed our way, the figurative description does not do justice to what is happening and will happen to this world over the next several years. Putting your head in the sand and allowing your normalcy bias or abnormalcy bias to keep you from seeing the facts will not save you. At this point, even the most prolific preppers may not avoid the fate of the unprepared. Economic and societal collapse, combined with global war, is not a recipe for a return to normalcy or a long life. So, what are our choices?

We have no other choice than to keep on living and attempt to survive the biggest crisis in eighty years, because that is how Fourth Turnings roll. Sixty-five million people died during the last Fourth Turning, or about 3% of the global population at the time. A similar death rate today would be 240 million. With our advances in killing technology, along with the vaxx depopulation time bomb, and potential for mass starvation as our modern society descends into the dark ages, I’d take the over.

Personally, I continue to work to provide for my family, write articles and run my blog to warn those who are willing to listen and think critically, prepare as best I can on a quarter acre in a suburban neighborhood, and try to enjoy my remaining time on earth as best I can. On Memorial Day we didn’t go to a big cookout or huge gathering. We did what we have come to enjoy the most. We kayaked on the Green Lane Reservoir and hiked along the trails surrounding the reservoir.


Paddling out on the serene glass like waters engulfed by sounds of silence, momentarily interrupted by the echoes of birds whistling, croaking, and chirping across the vast expanse of beauty calms the nerves and allows the darkness, doom, and negativity of our current world situation to temporarily dissipate from my consciousness. Letting the peripheral burdens about the world, weighing on my mind, fade for an hour, or two helps keep me sane. With the unrelenting avalanche of lies, disinformation, and bullshit dumped on our heads on a daily basis it is essential to escape into nature to realize what is really important. Many are not able to enjoy the serenity and natural beauty of this habitat because their lives were cut short.

Whenever we go to Green Lane Park, we stop and sit on Tyler’s bench. It is now nine years since my oldest son’s best friend was killed in a tragic car accident at the age of 20. Kevin, Tyler, and their friends would come to the reservoir to fish and shoot the shit as teenagers. Tyler’s death was shocking and changed my son forever. I think his decision to move to Colorado after graduating college was spurred by Tyler’s death. He wanted to live life to the fullest because you never know when your time will be up. I don’t know what the future holds for me, my family, my country, and the world. There are evil forces in this world who appear to have the upper hand, but there also millions of good people fighting for a better future. A showdown is coming, and the outcome is in doubt. I’ll continue to fight for what I believe is good and right. Meanwhile, we’ll keep paddling, even as the empire burns.