Author Topic: Islam in America (and pre-emptive dhimmitude)  (Read 506104 times)


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Tax money from Obama was fine , just not from Trump
« Reply #1002 on: February 11, 2017, 03:40:08 PM »
Turning down tax payer money to fight the concept of murder under the guise of Jihad.  Why aren't they doing that anyway?
We hear far more Jews complaining of some housing being built in the West Bank then we hear American Muslims standing up to murder:


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Muslim Brotherhood mourns Jihadi terrorist's death
« Reply #1006 on: February 21, 2017, 07:02:33 PM »
"Moderate" Muslim Brotherhood Mourns Terrorist's Death
by John Rossomando
IPT News
February 21, 2017


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Re: Muslim Brotherhood mourns Jihadi terrorist's death
« Reply #1007 on: February 21, 2017, 08:12:48 PM »
"Moderate" Muslim Brotherhood Mourns Terrorist's Death
by John Rossomando
IPT News
February 21, 2017

"Mostly secular" is what I've been told.


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Re: Islam in America (and pre-emptive dhimmitude)
« Reply #1009 on: February 22, 2017, 11:12:23 AM »
 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)


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POTH: Consequences of terrorist designation for Muslim Brotherhood
« Reply #1010 on: February 26, 2017, 07:07:29 AM »
CAIRO — In Morocco, it would tip a delicate political balance. In Jordan, it could prevent American diplomats from meeting with opposition leaders. In Tunisia, it could make criminals of a political party seen as a model of democracy after the Arab Spring.

Of all the initiatives of the Trump administration that have set the Arab world on edge, none has as much potential to disrupt the internal politics of American partners in the region as the proposal to criminalize the Muslim Brotherhood, the pre-eminent Islamist movement with millions of followers.

“The impact would be great,” said Issandr El Amrani, an analyst with the International Crisis Group based in Morocco, where a Brotherhood-linked party won the last election in October. “It could destabilize countries where anti-Islamist forces would be encouraged to double down. It would increase polarization.”

At issue is a proposal floated by Trump aides that the 89-year-old Brotherhood be designated as a foreign terrorist entity. The scope of any designation remains unclear, but its potential reach is vast: Founded in Egypt, the Brotherhood has evolved into a loose network that spans about two dozen countries. It has officially forsworn violence.

For President Trump, the designation debate is an election promise made good. He has made no bones about taking an approach to the Middle East that is narrowly focused on counterterrorism, and that plays to domestic supporters who view all Islamist movements — or even all Muslims — as potentially hostile.

In much of the Middle East, though, the rapid pace and embattled rollouts of Mr. Trump’s early orders have induced anxiety. Now many are following the potential indictment of the Muslim Brotherhood as a harbinger of things to come.

“The Obama administration moved us away from the ‘clash of civilizations’ narrative,” said Emad Shahin, a dissident Egyptian academic who lectures at Georgetown University. “Trump is taking us deeper into it.”

Not all are unhappy about the move to list the Brotherhood.

One leader the designation would surely delight is President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt, the former general who has led a harsh crackdown on the Brotherhood since the military ousted a Brotherhood leader, Mohamed Morsi, as president in 2013. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates also would support it.

But in countries where Brotherhood-linked parties are prominent in Parliament or are in power, experts say a sweeping indictment could have serious implications for domestic politics, American diplomacy and the broader fight against Islamist extremism.

In Jordan, a crucial ally in the fight against jihadist groups, Islamists constitute a small but significant bloc in the Parliament. Tunisia’s Ennahda party, which has won wide praise for its democratic engagement and moderate stance since 2011, might be shunned. The prime minister of Morocco, technically, could be considered a criminal.

“You would throw many babies out with the bath water,” said Gerald M. Feierstein, a former United States ambassador to Yemen, now at the Middle East Institute in Washington.

The initial momentum toward such a designation appears to have slowed. A leaked assessment by the Central Intelligence Agency said isolating the Brotherhood would serve only to empower jihadist groups; some experts doubt that a broad designation would pass legal muster.

But the very fact that the ban is under consideration by Mr. Trump’s aides is being taken as an ominous sign in a region where religion and politics are carefully, and often precariously, balanced.

The proposed designation has also reaffirmed Mr. Trump’s apparent embrace of Mr. Sisi, who has weathered a barrage of international criticism for his country’s dismal human rights record in recent years. Mr. Trump has hailed him as a “fantastic guy” with whom he shares “good chemistry.”

Since an initial meeting at the United Nations in September, the two leaders have spoken several times by phone — Mr. Sisi was the first foreign leader to congratulate Mr. Trump on his victory in November — and now a visit to Washington by Mr. Sisi is under preparation.

Egypt wants the United States to resume a military financing program, frozen by President Barack Obama in 2015, that helps it make billions of dollars in purchases of big-ticket weapons like F-16 warplanes and M1A1 Abrams tanks.

More than anything, though, a handshake in the White House for Mr. Sisi would offer a stamp of legitimacy to a leader who had been kept at arm’s length by Mr. Obama.

Tens of thousands of Mr. Sisi’s opponents languish in Egyptian prisons, human rights workers are routinely harassed, and his security forces have faced accusations of extrajudicial killings.

To some, it suggests Mr. Trump is set to take an approach in the Middle East that will not just tolerate strongmen and monarchs but also actively seek to embrace them — a throwback that evokes American alignment with autocrats like the shah of Iran in decades past.

“It’s easy to say you will stand by your friends,” said Mr. Feierstein at the Middle East Institute. “But authoritarian regimes are always brittle, always fragile. We thought we would stand by the shah of Iran until the day he got on an airplane and left the country. Now what do we have to show for it? We have 40 years of not being able to have a relationship with Iran.”

Brotherhood officials insist that the Trump administration has gotten it wrong. In a letter smuggled from the high-security Egyptian prison where he is being held, the Brotherhood spokesman Gehad el-Haddad admitted that his party had made serious mistakes during its yearlong stint in power in Egypt from 2012 to 2013. Citing the “hard-learned lessons of the Arab Spring,” he said the Brotherhood had failed to heed loud opposition from millions of Egyptians who disliked Mr. Morsi’s actions.

But, he insisted, the movement renounced bloodshed. “Our flaws are many,” he wrote. “Violence is not one.”

In other places, the reality can be harder to pin down. By nature secretive, the Brotherhood takes different forms around the world. In some places, its members have condoned or committed violent acts. Its Palestinian offshoot, Hamas, carries out suicide bombings; in Egypt, angry young supporters have been accused of attacking Mr. Sisi’s security forces.

But that does not make terrorists of the many millions of people who support the Brotherhood’s political ideology across many countries.

One route for the Trump administration could be to narrowly designate specific Brotherhood branches as terrorists, said Mokhtar Awad, an expert on the group. But it would be better still, he argued, to “engage in a battle of ideas.”

The debate could prove an early lesson for the administration in doing business in the Middle East, which has long resisted broad-brush prescriptions. Unpalatable as its ideas may be to Trump officials, the Brotherhood may become just one of many factors they will be forced to grapple with.

“We engage with the Brotherhood knowing they are problematic actors, but they are also a reality,” said Michael Wahid Hanna of the Century Foundation. “And the alternative — ignoring or repressing them — leads to a very bad place.”
Correction: February 20, 2017

An earlier version of this article misstated the year that President Barack Obama froze Egypt’s military financing program. It was 2015, not 2013.


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The "Explanatory Memorandum" and the MB in America
« Reply #1011 on: March 01, 2017, 10:44:52 AM »

'Explanatory Memorandum' Detractors Ignore Evidence About MB in America
by John Rossomando
IPT News
March 1, 2017


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How America's Polygamy Ban Blocked Muslim Immigration
« Reply #1019 on: April 06, 2017, 09:32:39 AM »

How America's Polygamy Ban Blocked Muslim Immigration
Posted by Daniel Greenfield

A hundred years ago, Muslims were furious over an immigration bill whose origins lay with advocacy by a headstrong and loudmouthed Republican in the White House.

The anti-immigration bill offended the Ottoman Empire, the rotting Caliphate of Islam soon to be defeated at the hands of America and the West, by banning the entry of “all polygamists, or persons who admit their belief in the practice of polygamy.”

This, as was pointed out at the time, would prohibit the entry of the “entire Mohammedan world” into the United States.

And indeed it would.

The battle had begun earlier when President Theodore Roosevelt had declared in his State of the Union address back in 1906 that Congress needed to have the power to “deal radically and efficiently with polygamy.” The Immigration Act of 1907, signed into law by President Theodore Roosevelt, had banned “polygamists, or persons who admit their belief in the practice of polygamy.”

It was the last part that was most significant because it made clear what had only been implied.

The Immigration Act of 1891 had merely banned polygamists. The newest law banned anyone who believed in the practice of polygamy. That group included every faithful believing Muslim.

The Ottoman Empire’s representatives argued that their immigrants believed in the practice of polygamy, but wouldn’t actually take more than one wife. This argument echoes the current contention that Muslim immigrants may believe in a Jihad against non-Muslims without actually engaging in terrorism. That type of argument proved far less convincing to Americans than it does today.

These amazing facts, uncovered by @rushetteny reveal part of the long controversial history of battles over Islamic migration into America.

Muslim immigration was still slight at the time and bans on polygamy had not been created to deliberately target them, but the Muslim practice of an act repulsive to most Americans even back then pitted their cries of discrimination and victimhood against the values of the nation. The Immigration Act of 1907 had been meant to select only those immigrants who would make good Americans.

And Muslims would not.

In his 1905 State of the Union address, President Theodore Roosevelt had spoken of the need “to keep out all immigrants who will not make good American citizens.”

Unlike modern presidents, Roosevelt did not view Islam as a force for good. Instead he had described Muslims as “enemies of civilization”, writing that, “The civilization of Europe, America and Australia exists today at all only because of the victories of civilized man over the enemies of civilization", praising Charles Martel and John Sobieski for throwing back the "Moslem conquerors" whose depredations had caused Christianity to have "practically vanished from the two continents."

While today even mentioning “Radical Islam” occasions hysterical protests from the media, Theodore Roosevelt spoke and wrote casually of “the murderous outbreak of Moslem brutality” and, with a great deal of foresight offered a description of reform movements in Egypt that could have been just as well applied to the Arab Spring, describing the "mass of practically unchained bigoted Moslems to whom the movement meant driving out the foreigner, plundering and slaying the local Christian."

In sharp contrast to Obama’s infamous Cairo speech, Roosevelt’s own speech in Cairo had denounced the murder of a Coptic Christian political leader by a Muslim and warned against such violent bigotry.

Muslims had protested outside his hotel, but Teddy hadn’t cared.

The effective implementation of the latest incarnation of the ban however had to wait a year for Roosevelt’s successor, President Taft. Early in his first term, the Ottoman Empire was already protesting because its Muslims had been banned from the country. One account claimed that 200 Muslims had been denied entry into the United States.

Despite these protests, Muslims continued to face deportations over polygamy charges even under President Woodrow Wilson. And polygamy, though not belief in it, remains a basis for deportation.

Though the law today is seldom enforced.

American concerns about the intersection of Muslim immigration and polygamy had predated Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson. The issue dated back even to the previous century. An 1897 edition of the Los Angeles Herald had wondered if Muslim polygamy existed in Los Angeles. “Certainly There is No Lack of Mohammedans Whose Religion Gives the Institution Its Full Sanction,” the paper had observed.

It noted that, “immigration officials are seriously considering whether believers in polygamy are legally admissible” and cited the cases of a number of Muslims where this very same issue had come up.

A New York Times story from 1897 records that, “the first-polygamists excluded under the existing immigration laws were six Mohammedans arrived on the steamship California.”

To their misfortune, the Mohammedans encountered not President Obama, but President Herman Stump of the immigration board of inquiry. Stump, an eccentric irascible figure, had known Lincoln assassin John Wilkes Booth and had been a wanted Confederate sympathizer during the Civil War.

In the twilight of his term, Stump had little patience and tolerance for either Islam or polygamy.

The Times story relates the laconic exchange between Stump and the Muslim migrants.

“You believe in the Koran?" asked President Stump.

"Thank Allah, yes," responded the men in chorus.

“The Koran teaches polygamy?" continued the Inspector through an interpreter.

"Blessed be Allah, it does!"

"Then you believe in polygamy?" asked Captain George Ellis.

"We do. We do! Blessed be Allah, we do," chorused the Arabs, salaaming toward the setting sun.

"That settles it," said President Stump. "You won't do."

President Stump’s brand of common sense has become keenly lacking in America today.

None of the laws in question permanently settled the issue. The rise of Islamist infiltration brought with it a cleverer Taquiya. The charade that Muslims could believe one thing and do another was dishonest on the one hand and condescending on the other. It was a willful deception in which Muslims pretended that they were not serious about their religion and Americans believed them because the beliefs at stake appeared so absurd and uncivilized that they thought that no one could truly believe them.

Theodore Roosevelt knew better. But by then he was no longer in office.

Unlike today’s talk of a ban on Muslim migration from terror states, laws were not being made to target Muslims. Yet Muslims were the likeliest group of foreigners to be affected by them. Even a hundred years ago, Islam was proving to be fundamentally in conflict with American values. Then, as now, there were two options. The first was to pretend that there was no conflict. The second was to avert it with a ban.

A century ago and more, the nation had leaders who were not willing to dwell in the twilight of illusions, but who grappled with problems when they saw them. They saw civilization as fragile and vulnerable. They understood that the failure to address a conflict would mean a loss to the “enemies of civilization”.

Debates over polygamy may seem quaint today, but yet the subject was a revealing one. Islamic polygamy was one example of the slavery so ubiquitous in Islam. The enslavement of people is at the heart of Islam. As we have seen with ISIS, Islamic violence is driven by the base need to enslave and oppress. Polygamy, like honor killings and FGM, is an expression of that fundamental impulse within the private social context of the home, but as Theodore Roosevelt and others understood, it would not stay there. If we understand that, then we can understand why these debates were not quaint at all.

American leaders of a century past could not reconcile themselves to Islamic polygamy. Yet our modern leaders have reconciled themselves to the Islamic mass murder of Americans.

Thus it always is. When you close your eyes to one evil, you come to accept them all.


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« Last Edit: May 29, 2017, 06:57:28 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Thankfully, he's a moderate muslim
« Reply #1024 on: June 07, 2017, 02:28:57 PM »

Virginia Imam Caught On Camera Endorsing Female Genital Mutilation to Curb ‘Hypersexuality’ in Girls
Home Culture Wars
By Jillian Kay Melchior | 3:57 pm, June 7, 2017
A Virginia imam is under fire after a Youtube video showed him endorsing female genital mutilation as a way to curb “hypersexuality” and as “the honorable thing to do—if needed—for the girls.”

Imam Shaker Elsayed of the Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, Va., made the comments late last month, just weeks after the arrests of three Michigan residents who allegedly carried out female genital mutilations on two seven-year-old girls.

In the United States, federal law has prohibited female genital mutilation since 1996. But Elsayed said that in societies where such forms of female-genital mutilation are completely prohibited, “hypersexuality takes over the entire society, and a woman is not satisfied with one person, or two, or three.”

The imam advised parents to consult a “Muslim gynecologist,” endorsing only the form of genital cutting known as “Type 1” or “clitoridectomy,” which involves causing clitoral damage. Anything more than that, Elsayed said, “causes serious harm in the sexual life of the child when she grows up.”

Imam Shaker Elsayed
Video of Elsayed’s comments, posted by the mosque on YouTube, were first flagged by the Middle East Media Research Institute. The mosque has since removed the footage, but it can be viewed here.

Heat Street could not immediately reach the Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center for comment. Phone and email messages were not returned by deadline. Additionally, no one answered Elsayed’s phone, and his voicemail was full.

But according to the Virginian-Pilot, the mosque’s board of directors condemned Elsayed’s comments, saying they were contrary to both American and Islamic law.

“We at Dar al-Hijrah, DO NOT condone, promote, or support any practice of FGM,” the Board said in a statement to the Virginian-Pilot. “The reference to ‘Hyper-sexuality’ is offensive and it is unequivocally rejected. The Board of Directors is particularly disturbed by such comments.”

Elsayed also said in the statement that he “should have avoided” the comments on hypersexuality. “I hereby take it back,” he said. “And I do apologize to all those who are offended by it.”

He also said he had “referred the audience to their OBGYN to inform them why [FGM] is illegal and harmful.”

So far, the mosque has stopped short of removing Elsayed from his position. That’s reportedly upset several of its other leaders.

Citing two unnamed mosque officials, the Washington Post reported that “the mosque’s second imam and outreach coordinator, Johari Abdul-Malik, was threatening to quit if the board didn’t fire Elsayed.”

Abdul-Malik joined Linda Sarsour and 18 other prominent Muslims, calling for Elsayed’s firing in a Monday night statement. “We cannot and will not stand for any Imam or Muslim leader who endorses human rights abuses antithetical to our beautiful faith,” their statement said.

Meanwhile, the Pilot reported that an unnamed “longtime Dar al-Hijrah member” says there is a power-struggle within the mosque between “the more conservative and liberal ranks of the mosque’s leadership.”

The mosque has a controversial past, the Pilot noted: Past attendees included two of the 9/11 hijackers, as well as the Fort Hood shooter, and a former imam has since become an outspoken proponent of extremism.

Jumana Nagarwala, a Michigan doctor accused of performing female genital mutilation on two seven-year-old girls.
In the ongoing Michigan FGM criminal case, all three people accused have ties to a local mosque and belong to the Dawoodi Bohra community. In 2016, the global spiritual leader of the Dawoodi Bohra community openly endorsed female genital mutilation, also known as “khatna,” female circumcision, or female genital cutting. The Michigan trio’s legal team is expected to rely heavily on a religious freedom defense.

— Jillian Kay Melchior writes for Heat Street and is a fellow for the Steamboat Institute and the Independent Women’s Forum.


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US Muslims continue the long tradition of religious moderation
« Reply #1033 on: September 07, 2017, 03:22:23 AM »
This forum is not an echo chamber, we search for Truth-- thus though I think this piece tries to slip its way past some important points, I post it here:

US Muslims continue the long American tradition of religious moderation
92 percent of Muslims agree, 'I am proud to be an American'.
Jeff Jacoby | Sep 7 2017 | comment

The story of American pluralism began with the migration of Puritan separatists, who came to the New World seeking a haven where they could practice their faith as they saw fit. The Puritans didn’t show much tolerance toward subsequent newcomers practicing other faiths, such as Quakers and Baptists. But those religions put down roots, and the intolerance evaporated over time.

That became the pattern. Though religious diversity is one of the hallmarks of American life, believers from less familiar traditions start out facing resentment and mistrust. After a while, those minority creeds and churches grow accepted and comfortable and become part of the nation’s religious and cultural mosaic.

The American way

We don’t often think about it, but it’s an amazing phenomenon. In a world torn by religious bitterness, the United States has repeatedly managed to assimilate clashing faiths. It was true for Quakers and Baptists in the 18th century, for Catholics in the 19th, and for Mormons and Jews in the 20th. It is proving true yet again in this century for American Muslims.

The Pew Research Center recently released the results of a detailed survey of Muslims in the United States – the third it has conducted since 2007.

It is no secret that many Americans, especially since 9/11, have come to regard Muslims with fear or suspicion. During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump fueled that animus, decrying the “great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population” and demanding a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.”

Yet for all that, the Pew surveys make clear, US Muslims are replicating the age-old trajectory of religious minority communities: They adopt American values, reject fundamentalism, and form ties of friendship and love across religious lines.

In the latest poll, an overwhelming 92 percent of Muslims agree with the patriotic statement “I am proud to be an American.” When asked how much they feel they have in common with most Americans, 60 percent of Muslims say “a lot” and another 28 percent say “some.” Only 36 percent say that all or most of their friends are fellow Muslims, a striking drop from the 49 percent who said so in the 2011 survey – and far less than the 95 percent of Muslims who say so in other countries.

Rejecting fundamentalism and terrorism

Islamist fanaticism and terror have been among the world’s intractable problems for decades; Daniel Pipes has estimated that up to 15 percent of Muslims worldwide support “militant Islam.” There is no simple solution to the problem of militant Islamist extremism, and too many Americans – from Boston to Fort Hood to San Bernardino to Orlando – have been among its victims.

But as the Pew data show, the Muslim community in America is the most religiously tolerant and socially liberal Islamic population in the world. And Muslims in America, far from sanctioning deliberate violence against civilians, are actually more likely than the general public to oppose it in all circumstances.

In Pew’s latest survey, 59 percent of Americans overall said that targeting or killing civilians for a “political, social, or religious cause” can never be justified. Opposition among US Muslims, however, was 17 percentage points higher – three-fourths of Muslim respondents opposed such killings. The Cato Institute’s David Bier suggests that American Muslims are so strongly opposed to religion-based terrorism for the obvious reason that Muslims worldwide are its most frequent victims.

Perhaps it is for the same reason that Muslims in the United States are considerably more likely to reject fundamentalist or monolithic interpretations of Muslim teachings.

About 43 percent of US Muslims say they attend religious services at least once a week; 65 percent say religion is very important to them. For US Christians, the numbers are comparable – 47 percent say they go to church at least weekly, and 68 percent consider their religion very important in their lives.

Contrary to the popular view of Muslims as dogmatic, however, a large majority of those living in America take a latitudinarian approach to Islam and the Koran. Pew found that nearly two-thirds (64 percent) “openly acknowledge that there is room for multiple interpretations” of their religion, and just over half of all US Muslims agree that “traditional understandings of Islam must be reinterpreted to reflect contemporary issues.” Polls of Muslims worldwide have found overwhelming majorities supporting a literal interpretation of the Koran; in America, fewer than half of Muslims do.

Similarly, a majority of Muslims in this country reject the view that Sharia should be a source (let alone the source) for national legislation. In France and Britain, by contrast, majorities of Muslims insist that Sharia should be the primary law of the land. When asked if there is “a natural conflict between the teachings of Islam and democracy,” 65 percent of American Muslims say no.

Americans of all faiths

All this is a wonderful affirmation of the power of “e pluribus unum” and the melting pot. It is a reminder of the fundamental difference between the blood-and-soil nationalism that prevails in Europe and the American conviction that nationhood is grounded in equality and natural rights.

During the debate on independence in 1776, Richard Henry Lee of Virginia declared that liberty in America must be universal, embracing “the Mahomitan [Muslim] and the Gentoo [Hindu] as well as the Christian religion.” The potency of that embrace has not diminished. Immigrants of every faith still come to America, and still turn into Americans.

Reprinted from the Boston Globe.

Jeff Jacoby has been a columnist for The Boston Globe since 1994. He has degrees from George Washington University and from Boston University Law School. Before entering journalism, he (briefly) practiced law at the prominent firm of Baker & Hostetler, worked on several political campaigns in Massachusetts, and was an assistant to Dr. John Silber, the president of Boston University. In 1999, Jeff became the first recipient of the Breindel Prize, a major award for excellence in opinion journalism. In 2014, he was included in the “Forward 50,” a list of the most influential American Jews.


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Jihad on the Bike Path
« Reply #1035 on: November 01, 2017, 05:38:23 AM »

Jihad on the Bike Path
by Mark Steyn
Steyn on America
October 31, 2017

The bike path to diversity hell

Fourteen years ago, I wrote a column for The Wall Street Journal on "The Bike-Path Left":

There was a revealing moment on MSNBC the other night. Chris Matthews asked [Howard] Dean whether Osama bin Laden should be tried in an American court or at The Hague. "I don't think it makes a lot of difference," said the governor airily. Mr. Matthews pressed once more. "It doesn't make a lot of difference to me," he said again... So how about Saddam? The Hague "suits me fine," he said, the very model of ennui. Saddam? Osama? Whatever, dude.

So what does get the Dean juices going? A few days later, the governor was on CNN and Judy Woodruff asked him about his admission that he'd left the Episcopal Church and become a Congregationalist because "I had a big fight with a local Episcopal church over the bike path." I hasten to add that, in contrast to current Anglican controversies over gay marriage in British Columbia and gay bishops in New Hampshire, this does not appear to have been a gay bike path: its orientation was not an issue; it would seem to be a rare example of a non-gay controversy in the Anglican Communion. But nevertheless it provoked Howard into "a big fight." "I was fighting to have public access to the waterfront, and we were fighting very hard in the citizens group," he told Judy Woodruff. Fighting, fighting, fighting.

And that's our pugnacious little Democrat. On Osama bin Laden, he's Mister Insouciant. But he gets mad about bike paths. Destroy the World Trade Center and he's languid and laconic and blasé. Obstruct plans to convert the ravaged site into a memorial bike path and he'll hunt you down wherever you are.

The Hudson River Greenway is not, formally, a 9/11 "memorial bike path". But it does run within 300 feet or so of the World Trade Center as it begins its progress up the West Side Highway toward the Bronx. So close enough. Yet on the central point I was wrong. The "bike-path left" will surrender the bike path as they surrender everything else.

As I write, eight are dead - all men, five Argentines, one Belgian, all in the path of an Uzbek Muslim who decided to take a Home Depot pick-up truck down the bike path for 20 blocks mowing down bicycle after bicycle after bicycle before exiting the vehicle and yelling - go on, take a wild guess - "Allahu Akbar!" Well, I never! You could knock me over with a feather duster - which the Mohammedans will no doubt find a way of weaponizing any day now.

So two hours after the attack, Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio and other New York bigwigs assembled for the usual press conference to give the usual passive shrug - this is the way we live now, nothing to be done about it, etc, etc. Every so often in New York, as in London as in Stockholm as in Berlin as in Nice as in Brussels as in Paris as in Manchester as in Orlando, your loved one will leave the home and never return because he went to a pop concert or a gay club or a restaurant or an airport, or just strolled the sidewalk or bicycled the bike path. "Allahu Akbar"? That's Arabic for "Nothing can be done". So Andrew Cuomo ended with some generic boilerplate about how they'll never change us:

We go forward together. And we go forward stronger than ever. We're not going to let them win...We'll go about our business. Be New Yorkers. Live your life. Don't let them change us.

But they are changing us. I've written before about what I've called the Bollardization of the Western World: the open, public areas of free cities are being fenced in by bollards, as, for example, German downtowns were after the Berlin Christmas attack, and London Bridge and Westminster Bridge were after two recent outbreaks of vehicular jihad. This is a huge windfall for bollard manufacturers - Big Bollard - and doubtless it's a huge boost for the economy, if your town's nimble enough to approve the new bollard plant on the edge of town, or if your broker is savvy enough to divest your tech stocks and go big on the bollard sector. As I write, Geraldo is on Fox demanding to know why this bike path wasn't blocked off with concrete barriers.

Why? Why does every public place have to get uglified up just because Geraldo doesn't want to address the insanity of western immigration policies that day by day advance the interests of an ideology explicitly hostile to our civilization? Instead Geraldo wants to tighten up vehicle rental. Why? Why should you have to lose an extra 15 minutes at an already sclerotic check-in counter because Hertz and Avis and UHaul have to run your name through the No-Rent list? Why should open, free societies become closed, monitored, ugly, cramped and cowering?

And Bollardization doesn't even solve the problem, does it? Last week I was tootling through Williston, Vermont, which has just reconfigured its highway system to run green-painted bike paths down the center of the streets. And the thought occurred to me that, once you've bollarded off every sidewalk, what's to stop jihadists mowing down cyclists? After all, if the eco-crowd are installing them in the middle of the roadway, they're kind of hard to bollard off. And then a second thought occurred: As inviting a target as bike paths are in enviro-poseur communities, they're even more inviting in genuine bicycling cultures such as the Netherlands or Scandinavia.

And now eight people are dead and dozens more injured - at the hands of a guy who came here in 2010 because he won a Green Card in the so-called "diversity lottery". Why was that stupid program not suspended on September 12th 2001?

Because even 3,000 dead cannot be allowed to question the virtues of "diversity". The other day, the Australian government lost its working majority because, thanks to the usual boneheaded jurists, an Aussie-born citizen who chances also to share, say, New Zealand citizenship is deemed to be ineligible to sit in Parliament. [UPDATE: See my note to our Oz commenter below.] Er, okay, whatever. But at the same time we're assured that an Uzbek or a Somali or a Yemeni becomes a fully functioning citizen of a free, pluralist society simply by setting foot on western soil. That's not so. And the price of maintaining the delusion is blood on the pavement.

And so, on a buckled, broken bicycle on the Hudson River Greenway, the wheel comes full circle. America and every other major western nation thought the appropriate response to 9/11 was to show how nice we are by dramatically increasing the rate of mass Muslim immigration. Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov was among the many beneficiaries of the west's suicide by virtue-signaling. "Sayfullo" is a Central Asian rendering of "Saifallah" - or "Sword of Allah". Hmm, what a fascinating name! Do you think whichever brain-dead bureaucrat who gave Sword of Allah's online Green Card application the once-over (assuming anyone did) so much as gave the name a second glance? And so, because we did not take an act of war seriously in 2001, we are relentlessly harassed and diminished by unending micro-jihad - in Copenhagen, in Toulouse, in San Bernadino, in Calgary, Barcelona, Parsons Green ...and now on a bike path 300 feet from where we came in sixteen years ago. Three months ago, on the anniversary of 9/11, I wrote:

In any war, you have to be able to prioritize: You can't win everything, so where would you rather win? Raqqa or Rotterdam? Kandahar or Cannes? Yet, whenever some guy goes Allahu Akbar on the streets of a western city, the telly pundits generally fall into one of two groups: The left say it's no big deal, and the right say this is why we need more boots on the ground in Syria or Afghanistan. Yesterday President Trump said he was committed to ensuring that terrorists "never again have a safe haven to launch attacks against our country".

By that he means "safe havens" in Afghanistan. But the reason the west's enemies are able to pile up a continuous corpse count in Paris, Nice, Berlin, Brussels, London, Manchester, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Orlando, San Bernadino, Ottawa, Sydney, Barcelona, [Your Town Here] is because they have "safe havens" in France, Germany, Britain, Scandinavia, North America, etc. Which "safe havens" are likely to prove more consequential for the developed world in the years ahead..? In Afghanistan, we're fighting for something not worth winning, and we're losing. In Europe, Islam is fighting for something very much worth winning, and they're advancing. And, according to all the official strategists in Washington and elsewhere, these two things are nothing to do with each other.

So now eight grieving families and dozens more who'll be living with horrific injuries for the rest of their lives are told by Cuomo and De Blasio and the rest of the gutless political class behind their security details that there's nothing to do except to get used to it.

I don't want to get used to it - and I reiterate my minimum demand of western politicians that I last made after the London Bridge attacks: How many more corpses need to pile up on our streets before you guys decide to stop importing more of it?

If your congressman or senator says that's not on his agenda, what he means is he's willing to sacrifice you and your loved ones in the suicide lottery of diversity.

~Mark will be talking about the latest developments in the Lower Manhattan terrorism attack with Tucker Carlson tomorrow, Wednesday, on Fox News, live at 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific. If you're a Mark Steyn Club member, feel free to weigh in in our comments section. We appreciate the Club is not to everyone's taste, but, if you're minded to give it a go, either for a full year or a three-month experimental period, we'd love to have you. You'll find more details here - and, if you've a loved one who'd like something a little different for a birthday or anniversary, don't forget our new gift membership.


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Re: Jihad on the Bike Path, truck control
« Reply #1036 on: November 01, 2017, 10:27:03 AM »
Next up after gun control, a law against trucks ramming people on a bike path - or do we already have a law on that?

Steyn has it right of course, stop importing Jihad.  Homegrown Jihad will give us enough problems!  And Trump had it right from the beginning, Muslims in particular and immigrants from dangerous areas require strict scrutiny, and that the wall is a symbol of the idea that we take entry into this country seriously. 


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Bi-sexual reprimanded for criticizing Islam on gays; CFR forced to back up
« Reply #1037 on: November 01, 2017, 11:13:49 AM »

Council on Foreign Relations Suddenly Cancels Presentation by Terrorist-Linked Charity Leader After IPT Inquiry
by John Rossomando
IPT News
October 31, 2017
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 05:07:36 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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53 Jihadi attacks on US soil since 911
« Reply #1038 on: November 02, 2017, 12:31:52 PM »
A friend of this forum writes:

Please refer to the link below for more details.  The SHOCKING TRUTH THE MEDIA WON’T TALK ABOUT is that
there have been 53 separate Islamic terror attacks ON U.S. SOIL SINCE 9-11-2001.  158 people have been killed in these attacks, and 492 have been injured.

CLEARLY - our government and law enforcement is NOT doing enough to prevent these attacks - MOST IMPORTANTLY, politicians, the media and leaders of law enforcement agencies REFUSE to state the obvious truth that it is ISLAMIC JIHADIST DOCTRINE which is the root cause of this terror.  Every mosque in this country should be under surveillance right now - and any which preach this doctrine should be immediately shut down.  Our intelligence agencies and law enforcement MUST be taught the truth about Islamic doctrine - not the politically-correct fiction that “Islam is a religion of peace.”  It is NOT.  Further - if most Muslims are supposedly peace-loving, then why do we not see any programs within the Muslim community to expunge Islamic texts of these violent teachings, and to root out and expose these jihadists?  Instead - we get excuses, claims of victimization, and claims that no one has ever seen these people who attend these mosques and then commit acts of terror.  CLEARLY - many of these Muslims are lying - practicing what is known as “taqiyya” - which is officially-sanctioned lying to non-Muslims to conceal their support of these jihadists.

To those who claim (as CAIR does) that surveilling mosques would be persecuting Muslims, I remind you that Roman Catholic churches were ROUTINELY surveilled for members of the Mafia for decades by law enforcement in this country, and I never heard Catholics or Christians claim persecution or discrimination.  NO - they cooperated - because they shared the goal of rooting out these evil criminals.

Mark Koenig
Atlanta, GA


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Re: Islam in America, Pam Geller
« Reply #1039 on: November 03, 2017, 03:24:09 PM »
To the idea we should build truck barriers to bike paths to stop terrorists:

Geller:  Why don't we lay down and assume the fetal position if we aren't going to stop them...


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ISNA president with radical Islam group in India
« Reply #1040 on: November 20, 2017, 09:08:42 AM »
ISNA President Addresses Jamaat-e-Islami Crowd In India
by John Rossomando  •  Nov 17, 2017 at 6:13 pm

The leader of the largest Muslim group in the United States, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), addressed a radical Asian Islamist group during a trip to India.  ISNA President Azhar Azeez spoke to India's Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) during a visit to Hyderabad. ISNA posted an announcement of Azeez's visit on its Facebook page Friday.

Jamaat-e-Islami is an Asian version of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood. Its leaders advocate laws that criminalize blasphemy against Islam. Its constitution calls for "the reconstruction of society" and the formation of an Islamic State. It tells Muslims to avoid going to "un-Islamic" courts to settle dispute except under "compelling necessity."

Founder Maulana Maududi declared that insufficiently Islamic regimes should be destroyed and replaced by an Islamic State and eventually a caliphate. Maududi inspired Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini and ISIS's self-appointed Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Still, Azeez used a Twitter post to show that he met with Jamaat-e-Islami's leadership in Delhi. ISNA was founded by Muslim Brotherhood members in the United States. The group has tried to distance itself from that past and present itself as the representative of mainstream American Muslims. But its conferences have featured radical Islamist speakers, and this year, it tossed a gay-friendly group called Muslim for Progressive Values from its annual gathering.

In Asia, Jamaat-e-Islami's leaders encourage boycotts against the Ahmadiyya Muslim minority, which led to Ahmadiyyas being evicted from their homes and fired from their jobs.

Jamaat-e-Islami branches in Kashmir and Bangladesh have been tied to terrorist activities.

Bangladesh executed top former Jamaat-e-Islami leaders for war crimes committed during its 1971 war of independence from Pakistan.

JIH supported terrorism against American troops and in the Middle East. It praised "the historic victory against Israeli aggression in Lebanon by the Hezbollah led Lebanese National resistance" in a March 2007 statement in conjunction with other Muslim groups.

Azeez's speech to a Jamaat branch, and his desire to promote it, reinforces the perception that ISNA's attempts at moderation are superficial.


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« Last Edit: December 08, 2017, 04:57:51 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Hannukah Hero
« Reply #1042 on: December 17, 2017, 08:01:40 AM »
Day Four: Hassan Askari

One December night, Walter Adler, a young Jewish man, and a group of friends were on a subway train in New York City. Another group of revelers wished them a “Merry Christmas!” to which Adler responded “Happy Hanukkah!”

Immediately, Walter and his friends were physically attacked by a large group of violent thugs yelling anti-Semitic epithets.

The subway train was packed with people, but only one man stepped forward to help the besieged Jews - Hassan Askari, a young Muslim accountant from Bangladesh.

Hassan jumped into the fight, and suffered two black eyes. His involvement gave Walter a moment to pull the emergency brake, which summoned the transit police.

Ten people were arrested for assault that night, and two strangers became friends. “A random Muslim guy jumped in and helped a Jewish guy on Hanukkah - that’s a miracle,” said Walter. The next night, Walter and Hassan got together to celebrate the Festival of Lights.

The Anti-Defamation League honored Hassan Askari with the Stand-Up New Yorker Award. The inscription on the award reads, “With deep appreciation for taking civic responsibility and protecting innocent victims of a violent hate attack on the New York City subway.”

Hassan was perplexed by all the fuss. “My friends are proud of me for what I did, but I know every one of them would have done exactly the same,” he said. "I did what any regular person would do.”

For saving a stranger from violent attack , we honor Hassan Askari as as our Day 4 Hanukkah Hero.

from the Accidental Talmudist


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Orlando shooter's wife admits to knowing
« Reply #1043 on: January 06, 2018, 06:47:46 AM »
Moving CCP's post to here:

I am shocked....... rolleyes

This is a complete opposite story we were force fed from Obama Holder jive:


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Re: Orlando shooter's wife admits to knowing
« Reply #1044 on: January 06, 2018, 08:12:11 AM »
Moving CCP's post to here:

I am shocked....... rolleyes

This is a complete opposite story we were force fed from Obama Holder jive:




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Pakistani Islamism flourishes in America
« Reply #1045 on: January 26, 2018, 04:02:21 AM »
Pakistani Islamism Flourishes in America
by Sam Westrop
The National Review
January 24, 2018


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King Abdullah of Jordan: "Washington Misunderstands Islam."
« Reply #1046 on: February 05, 2018, 07:34:29 AM »
As Robert Spencer correctly states here - either Abdullah is kidding himself, or the U.S.  He cannot possibly be ignorant of these relevant verses in the Koran:
"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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