Author Topic: Subversion: Antifa-BLM, SJW warriors, gender warriors , Hamasholes, satanism  (Read 203945 times)


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Munchausen by proxy
« Reply #200 on: December 03, 2018, 01:32:53 PM »

Mother Forcing Transgenderism on 6-Year-Old Son May Suffer From a Mental Disorder, Pediatrician Says


In a particularly tragic divorce proceeding, a mother who forces a transgender identity on her 6-year-old son James is accusing the boy's father of child abuse because he refers to the boy as male. The father responded by offering James a choice of boy's clothes and girl's clothes, and the boy constantly chooses the male options while away from his mother.

Dr. Michelle Cretella, executive director at the American College of Pediatricians, told PJ Media that the mother may be suffering from a mental disorder. "This case is consistent with a diagnosis of Munchausen by proxy," she said.

"This is a disorder in which an adult feigns either physical or psychological condition in a child for their own subconscious reasons," the pediatrician explained. "Most often the perpetrator is the biological mother and she often has a background in health or medicine."

"In the case of imposing gender dysphoria on a son, there are cases in the scientific literature of severe maternal depression triggered in a mother longing for a daughter," Cretella added. "The mother's depression lifts when the boy dresses and acts as a girl. This has been termed 'gender mourning.'"

The pediatrician admitted, "I obviously cannot diagnose anyone based on newspaper reports." She further insisted "this may not be malicious on the mother's part. She may sincerely believe she is doing right by James."

WebMD confirms Cretella's description of the mental disorder "Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSP)." MSP "affects a primary caretaker, often the mother," and a "person with MSP gains attention by seeking medical help for exaggerated or made-up symptoms of a child in his or her care." As medical professionals tend to the child or proxy, "the deliberate actions of the mother or caretaker can often make the symptoms worse."

Walt Heyer, a speaker and author who once identified as transgender and now runs, drew attention to James' case last week in a Federalist article. As Heyer noted, a medical diagnosis of "gender dysphoria" involves a "persistent, consistent, and insistent" identification with the gender opposite one's birth sex. But James's identity is inconsistent.

"Meanwhile, Dad isn’t seeing signs of gender dysphoria. In the father’s home, James appears to be a normal boy and doesn’t identify as a girl. He has a choice of boy’s or girl’s clothes there, and he chooses to dress as a boy," Heyer reported. "The fact that James changes gender identity depending on which parent is present makes the diagnosis of gender dysphoria both dubious and harmful."

Real-Life Victims of the Transgender 'Cult'
In fact, Cretella told PJ Media that not only is James "happy behaving like a stereotypical boy," but "one time he actually cut up the girl clothing" his father provided.

"Whenever he's with his mother, his mother addresses him by the name Luna and only permits him to dress in girl clothing," Cretella added. The mother chose a therapist who specializes in gender transition, and the therapist seems unwilling to acknowledge James's masculine identity.

"The fact that the therapist ignores the obvious amounts to child abuse," the pediatrician told PJ Media. "This therapist and the mother are conditioning James to identify as transgender and to begin the road of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. This will destroy his life."

These medical "treatments" for gender dysphoria have irreversible effects, and many who "transition" eventually reject their transgender identities.

Indeed, Heyer himself had a similar story to James's. "I lived through a similar scenario when I was his age. I was cross-dressed for two-and-a-half years by my grandmother, who made a purple chiffon dress for me. Somewhat like James, my cross-dressing occurred under one adult’s care, but away from grandma’s I was all boy with my mom and dad. Also, just like James, I found my way into the office of a gender therapist, who quickly started me toward transition," Heyer wrote.

"What this mom is doing to James looks very much like what my grandmother did to me by affirming me in the purple dress. My grandmother didn’t intend to harm me, but her actions destroyed my childhood and my family and consumed nearly 50 years of my life," he confided.

In James's case, Cretella said, "It is possible that the court and therapist may be facilitating a disorder in the mother that will be devastating to James's physical and mental health."

Sara Scott, a family friend who runs the website, explained that "in Texas the mother has complete rights to psychiatric/psychological care and does not need the father's consent. The therapist specializes in aiding transition. Jeff [the father] has not been allowed to get a second opinion."

Scott also told PJ Media that "the custody evaluator has been made aware of James's preferences at home," but still favors the mother in the proceedings. As of now, "Jeff has the standard shared custody agreement ... which is two hours every Thursday evening and every first third and fifth weekend of the month."

The campaign has raised more than $22,000 of its $75,000 goal on the crowdfunding site GoGetFunding. According to the site, Jeff has spent roughly $250,000 in legal fees and is still fighting for more custody of his two sons.

Woman Who Thought She Was a Man on Transgender Treatment: 'It's Not a Cure at All'
While many assume opponents of transgender identity are bigoted, thousands of former transgender people have de-transitioned. Many have spoken out, condemning hormones and surgery as "not a cure at all," and lamenting life-long scars.

Unlike these people, who were "persistent, consistent, and insistent" about their transgender identity before their de-transition, James vacillates between two identities. Forcing him to side with his mother and to embrace a female gender identity will have disastrous long-term effects.

It is truly heartbreaking to see a family split apart, but even worse to see a mother and father at odds over whether their son is a boy or a girl. The mother may also suffer from a mental disorder, which a therapist and a court seem willing to indulge. What has America come to?


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For many college students being cool is more important than thinking for oneself
« Reply #204 on: December 12, 2018, 04:52:21 AM »
"College Students on Justice Thomas"

just proves how much social media and obvious academia
can easily shape views even on topics the students have no clue on .

academics ->  "Justice Thomas is bad"  = therefore - > HE IS.


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"College Students on Justice Thomas"

just proves how much social media and obvious academia
can easily shape views even on topics the students have no clue on .

academics ->  "Justice Thomas is bad"  = therefore - > HE IS.

Indoctrination, not education.


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"Indoctrination, not education."

True and it explains almost all that is systemically wrong in this country.


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Mukasey: The Jihad against "Baby, its Cold Outside"
« Reply #208 on: December 17, 2018, 04:49:26 PM »
The Jihad Against ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’
Contemporary feminists aren’t the first to find the 1940s fugue an occasion for moral outrage.
By Michael B. Mukasey
Dec. 17, 2018 6:49 p.m. ET

The #MeToo movement has caught up with “Baby, It’s Cold Outside.” The 1940s fugue between a woman, who has dropped by a man’s home but says she wants to leave, and the man, who persuades her to stay, has become a Christmas-season staple. But “to some modern ears, the lyrics sound like a prelude to date rape,” as one recent news story puts it. Some radio stations have yielded to the demand that they banish it from the airwaves.

That demand rings a bell. In the 1940s, an Egyptian writer and Education Ministry employee harshly criticized the government under King Farouk as insufficiently Islamic. That writer, Sayyid Qutb, was rewarded with a traveling fellowship, apparently to get him out of the country.

Qutb arrived at Colorado State College of Education in Greeley in 1948. He didn’t much like it. “I stayed there six months and never did I see a person or a family actually enjoying themselves,” he wrote. Even gardening drew his contempt: “There is nothing behind this activity in the way of beauty or artistic taste. It is the machinery of organization and arrangement, devoid of spirituality and aesthetic enjoyment.”

But contempt curdled into revulsion when Qutb dropped in on a church dance that followed a service—a shocking juxtaposition in itself: “The dance hall convulsed to the tunes on the gramophone and was full of bounding feet and seductive legs. . . . Arms circled waists, lips met lips, chests met chests, and the atmosphere was full of passion.”

The song that was playing: “Baby, It’s Cold Outside.” For Qutb, it epitomized the West’s moral degradation. He condemned the “animal-like mixing of the sexes,” concluded that Americans were “numb to faith in art, faith in religion, and faith in spiritual values altogether,” and determined that Islam would have to be perpetually at war with such a society.

He went back to Egypt, quit the civil service, joined the Muslim Brotherhood, and eventually became the organization’s spiritual leader.

Qutb and the Brotherhood continued to agitate for a return to fundamentalist Islam. They welcomed Gamal Abdel Nasser’s 1952 coup against the corpulent and corrupt Farouk, but became disillusioned when Nasser failed to institute Shariah or even ban alcohol. Qutb was arrested and tortured for opposing Nasser, but he continued to inveigh against Western civilization. He was eventually convicted for conspiracy against Nasser’s government and hanged in 1966. Qutb’s brother fled to Saudi Arabia, along with other Brotherhood members, and eventually became tutor to a young Osama bin Laden.

Fast forward to today, when our exquisitely sensitive thought leaders are cracking down on “Baby, It’s Cold Outside.” Somewhere perhaps Sayyid Qutb is smiling as those who would make rules for the Western culture he so hated channel his moral sensibility.

Mr. Mukasey served as U.S. attorney general (2007-09) and a U.S. district judge (1988-2006).


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social justice wars , SJW, victimhood, Dinesh D'Souza at Amherst
« Reply #210 on: January 10, 2019, 07:09:22 AM »
"Sasha and Malia aren’t going to be sitting in a class next to an illegal with drug resistant TB. So it’s not a problem."
This G M comment makes a good takeoff point to post this Amherst classroom video.  Sasha and Malia enjoy white privilege?  Certainly American privilege, elite privilege.  Will any of our young idealists give up what they have and move to the TB infested areas to make room for one person not of similar privilege?  Probably not.  They can do more good they argue if they hang onto their privilege.

Dinesh D'Souza answers the young liberals of privilege.  A very almost smart student looks like he regrets asking his question here:
Take 14 minutes and learn one angle of response to the SJW arguments.
The annual list price to attend Amherst College for 2017/2018 is $71,300 (x 4) for all students regardless of their residency. 


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Re: social justice wars , SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood
« Reply #213 on: January 27, 2019, 08:54:49 AM »
"Gender pronouns in California"

Why not just ban race too?

Of course then we could not then differentiate priveliged white men
from the oppressed I guess.

Oh well, whatever definition that  suites the Left 's political agenda..........


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Japan has a different approach to gender change
« Reply #214 on: January 28, 2019, 07:31:48 AM »
Japan court upholds 'sterilisation' rule for gender change

Japan's supreme court has upheld a law that effectively requires transgender people to be sterilised before their gender can be changed on official documents.

The court acknowledged "doubts" were emerging over whether the rule reflects changing social values, but said the law was constitutional.


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Smollett, another phony SJW smear?
« Reply #215 on: February 10, 2019, 11:42:01 AM »

Yes two guys with MAGA hats were standing in minus zero weather waiting to call this guy racist and gay names and just happened to have a rope to rap around his neck.

The whole think is just another Durham like hoax it appears.
More likely he got into a fight with his boyfriend and he thought why not blame Trump for it.

OTOH, I am not totally writing it off as a false story but all is just too convenient.


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Re: Smollett, another phony SJW smear?
« Reply #216 on: February 10, 2019, 11:49:15 AM »

Yes two guys with MAGA hats were standing in minus zero weather waiting to call this guy racist and gay names and just happened to have a rope to rap around his neck.

The whole think is just another Durham like hoax it appears.
More likely he got into a fight with his boyfriend and he thought why not blame Trump for it.

OTOH, I am not totally writing it off as a false story but all is just too convenient.

I am. It's the usual staged "hate crime".



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« Last Edit: February 10, 2019, 06:25:57 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Smollett, another phony SJW smear?
« Reply #219 on: February 16, 2019, 05:27:52 PM »

Yes two guys with MAGA hats were standing in minus zero weather waiting to call this guy racist and gay names and just happened to have a rope to rap around his neck.

The whole think is just another Durham like hoax it appears.
More likely he got into a fight with his boyfriend and he thought why not blame Trump for it.

OTOH, I am not totally writing it off as a false story but all is just too convenient.

I am. It's the usual staged "hate crime".



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Re: social justice wars , SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood
« Reply #220 on: February 16, 2019, 05:58:40 PM »
well now I am totally writing the story off too :-)

even cnn was talking about it today .   :-o

lets see what don lemon has to say - probably nothing.


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Re: social justice wars , SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood
« Reply #221 on: February 16, 2019, 07:08:21 PM »
well now I am totally writing the story off too :-)

even cnn was talking about it today .   :-o

lets see what don lemon has to say - probably nothing.

Professional journalists will memory hole this as quickly as possible.


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Re: social justice wars , SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood
« Reply #222 on: February 17, 2019, 09:35:24 AM »
"lets see what don lemon has to say - probably nothing."

most likely you are right again.

If lemon does speak about (this for a few minutes ) I would wager a big sum he will spin this ->  The reason so many perceptive geniuses like him believed this story  is precisely because of the hatred Trump has spawned.  If only it were bama still pres or clinetin

somehow it will still be Trump's fault and somehow the lemon was right in the larger context of things.


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Re: social justice wars, gender warriors, gays versus trans
« Reply #225 on: February 20, 2019, 09:40:54 AM »

Martina Navratilova: 'Insane' to Make Women Compete Against Transgenders 'Who Biologically Are Still Men'
Gay Martina Navratilova is right about transexuals in girls and women's sports.

Just wait until the ERA is in effect and the equal prize money for women in the US (tennis) Open $27 million/yr is open to men.  Women's sports as we know it is done. 

No.1 Serena Williams could not win a game off of any top-1000 man in the world.

Talk to God if you want to eliminate gender differences.


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« Reply #226 on: February 25, 2019, 06:11:50 AM »

Could trans  be banned for cheating for having too much male steroid in their systems.

although they it is more than just hormones

I remember, in the 60s I think, some 'women' being banned from the Olympics for genetic disorders that made it unclear what sex they are. 

Are we going to see trans in the Olympics?
Or just in the politically adorable (correct) United States


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Candace Owens and Roseanne Barr
« Reply #233 on: March 05, 2019, 05:47:19 AM »


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Chicks with dix upset at Debra Messing
« Reply #234 on: March 12, 2019, 06:23:25 AM »

Happy International Women’s Day! Powerful, beautiful, and sweet. (image by @therealaliwentworth ). (ADDED: I want to apologize to my trans sisters. This photo was supposed to be light, & sassy. The first thing I thought when I saw this photo was “wow how wonderful. Each one is unique in color and shape and size. The porn industry has perpetuated this myth of what a “beautiful” vagina looks like and as a result there are women who feel shame or insecure about the shape of the vulva. I loved that this picture said “every single one is beautiful and unique and that’s powerful.” I did not, however, think “but there are innumerable beautiful, unique and powerful women who don’t have a vagina. And I SHOULD have. And for that I am so so sorry. Thank you for righting my wrong.

A post shared by Debra Messing (@therealdebramessing) on Mar 8, 2019 at 11:


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Re: Chicks with dix upset at Debra Messing
« Reply #235 on: March 12, 2019, 06:26:58 AM »

Happy International Women’s Day! Powerful, beautiful, and sweet. (image by @therealaliwentworth ). (ADDED: I want to apologize to my trans sisters. This photo was supposed to be light, & sassy. The first thing I thought when I saw this photo was “wow how wonderful. Each one is unique in color and shape and size. The porn industry has perpetuated this myth of what a “beautiful” vagina looks like and as a result there are women who feel shame or insecure about the shape of the vulva. I loved that this picture said “every single one is beautiful and unique and that’s powerful.” I did not, however, think “but there are innumerable beautiful, unique and powerful women who don’t have a vagina. And I SHOULD have. And for that I am so so sorry. Thank you for righting my wrong.

A post shared by Debra Messing (@therealdebramessing) on Mar 8, 2019 at 11:

We really live in the crazy years.


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Re: social justice wars , SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood
« Reply #236 on: March 12, 2019, 06:34:21 AM »
I forget where, but the other day I ran across a wonderful piece of trollery: the "B" of LGBTQ assumes only two genders, and this is an insult to the other 54 genders.


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Re: social justice wars , SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood
« Reply #237 on: March 12, 2019, 06:39:40 AM »
I forget where, but the other day I ran across a wonderful piece of trollery: the "B" of LGBTQ assumes only two genders, and this is an insult to the other 54 genders.

That's a very good point!

I am sorry I forgot international women's day. I was going to go to a strip club to celebrate it.


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« Reply #238 on: March 15, 2019, 11:02:42 AM »
Ok lets debate :

should US (me ) pay reparations for slavery:

Short answer :

I ain't paying one cent.  I already pay a large portion of my income in tribute to the Dem party !

Debate over.   Happy now.


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Re: reparations
« Reply #239 on: March 15, 2019, 12:27:20 PM »
Ok lets debate :

should US (me ) pay reparations for slavery:

So many factors screw up the reparations idea.  If we were talking about actual slaves receiving compensation from actual slave owners, all now dead, it would be an interesting idea.  In short, this is too long ago.

75% of southerners and almost 100% of northerners didn't own slaves.  A lot of caucasian fought to free slaves.  A lot of American blacks today and other minorities are not descendants of American slaves.  Blacks in Africa that could have come here were complicit in selling other blacks into slavery.  In short, you could never identify the right people.

Some slaves were treated badly, some horribly, some inhumanely, how would you measure the damages?

It is of course an absurd argument that we divide Americans today into who their ancestors were and figure out by order of law who pays, who doesn't pay, who receives, who doesn't receive and how much for each.  That won't be litigated...   If you are assessed and don't pay or can't pay, then what?  Imprison more people against their will?  Deny them public services, healthcare?

What we should do is declare victory on slavery.  Something as wrong as slavery that was widespread as recently as a century and a half ago was successfully abolished, we kept the country together and all black citizens now have equal rights.

If you want to find out what is really hurting the black neighborhood and black families if those really exist after all the integration and intermarriage, take a look at our welfare system. 

How about reparations for abortion that hits the black unborn at five times the rate as whites.  Who are you going to pay the money to, the surviving 'mother'?  Then who would pay, the mother who ordered the abortion?  Done.  They should pay themselves for the damage done to their own family, with a major assist from the white Left.


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Debate simple - no reparations
« Reply #240 on: March 15, 2019, 02:27:35 PM »
All good points Doug.  Dinesh DSouza also has the arguments that should (but of course won't ) end any "debate" if anyone wants to call it that.
I call it race baiting :


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Re: social justice wars , SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood
« Reply #241 on: March 15, 2019, 02:41:42 PM »
It's just another phase in the endless shakedown.


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amazing what good lawyers can do
« Reply #244 on: March 26, 2019, 08:23:19 AM »


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Re: social justice wars , SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood
« Reply #245 on: March 26, 2019, 12:38:14 PM »
Being a personal friend of the Obamas may have something to do with it , , ,


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Re: social justice wars , SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood
« Reply #246 on: March 26, 2019, 02:18:48 PM »
" .Being a personal friend of the Obamas may have something to do with it , , "

I heard something about "former first lady" too either being involved or questioned

Funny how this comes day after Mueller report.


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Re: social justice wars , SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood
« Reply #247 on: March 26, 2019, 05:19:43 PM »
If I have it right it was her former Chief of Staff , , ,


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Re: amazing what good lawyers can do
« Reply #249 on: March 26, 2019, 06:25:38 PM »
to get obvious law breakers off:

Why would his community service be a factor in dropping charges and why would he forfeit his $10,000 bail bond if it turned out that after further investigation he was the victim and not the perpetrator of this crime.  Where are the arrests of the thugs he didn't hire to rough him up.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2019, 07:49:35 PM by DougMacG »