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Messages - ccp

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"Two lawyers on the jury.  Will they or someone else have sway on the rest?"

In an honest justice system one would think they would exonerate DJT.
The fact they are lawyers (most are crats) AND NY lawyers (most NY residents are crats)
makes me think they will vote against Trump.

Megan Kelly's opinion , FWIW is that the fix is surely in and she predicts the jury will GET Trump.
I don't know.

We only need one juror to vote for DJT
Can anyone imagine the pressure on that one juror.

Politics & Religion / Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« on: May 27, 2024, 07:52:18 AM »
saw a small portion of Chris Hayes interviewing Rachel Maddow yesterday
and she says we are going to have a "dark" year and possibly "dark" yrs beyond.

Akin to the Dark Ages , I guess.

Darkness and a steel curtain descends on the US if Trump wins.....


as though the Biden Obama years are the "enlightended" age.

Politics & Religion / Re: Politics at the State & Municipal level
« on: May 27, 2024, 07:32:21 AM »
"Oregon (Dems) would lose electoral votes and Idaho (R) would gain.  Democrats in Oregon would never let that happen and Democrats in DC would never let it happen."

and at the same time Democrats would be happy to make DC and Puerto Rico states.

esp. the British
in Palestine

now it continues with those darn Jews in Palestine:

15 % of Muslims need to stay in their own nations   :x  You don't like it here go back.
What does one call Caliphates if not a form colonialism
What does one call convert or kill all the infidels if not an iteration of  colonialism, and worse.

Science, Culture, & Humanities / Endorphins
« on: May 26, 2024, 09:50:00 AM »

Endorphins play a major role in the body's inhibitory response to pain. Research has demonstrated that meditation by trained individuals can be used to trigger endorphin release.[39][failed verification] Laughter may also stimulate endorphin production and elevate one's pain threshold.[40]

Endorphin production can be triggered by vigorous aerobic exercise. The release of β-endorphin has been postulated to contribute to the phenomenon known as "runner's high".[41][42] However, several studies have supported the hypothesis that the runner's high is due to the release of endocannabinoids rather than that of endorphins.[43] Endorphins may contribute to the positive effect of exercise on anxiety and depression.[44] The same phenomenon may also play a role in exercise addiction. Regular intense exercise may cause the brain to downregulate the production of endorphins in periods of rest to maintain homeostasis, causing a person to exercise more intensely in order to receive the same feeling.[45]

Science, Culture, & Humanities / book deal
« on: May 26, 2024, 09:40:52 AM »
what waw it some million dollar book deal!

maybe she takes solace in this:

I am not saying Justices should not be wealthy just that she is a hypocrite.

Marc the Great One cynically suggested we almost may as well get rid of border protection ,  homeland security.
What's the point if everyone and anyone can simply walk in or come is some other way such as some sort of visa and then have babies and stay here anyway.

Politics & Religion / Though I would never vote for him
« on: May 26, 2024, 09:27:13 AM »
I now have a "favorite" Democrat (if you will)

fighting for his home state to have a fossil fuel pipeline certainly seems sensible:

the only other one is a former Dem who switched parties:

List of all who switched parties:

Politics & Religion / NYT poll Trump up
« on: May 26, 2024, 09:11:40 AM »
yes I know it is a poll and a NYT poll at that.

I hope this gives Larry Lib heartburn with his Sunday morning bagel and lox or nova!

I enjoyed my bagel this am no lox though    :-D

Politics & Religion / Donald conciliates with Nikki
« on: May 26, 2024, 09:03:05 AM »
smart move    8-)

Now Nikki could encourage her supporters to bite the bullet hold their nose and vote DJT.

Politics & Religion / Judge Merchan's jury instructions
« on: May 25, 2024, 12:01:19 PM »
one caveat:
this is from Newsweek.

Honestly, I don't have the energy to think this all through and since not of legal mind/training I am not sure I understand it even if I did.

But listening to some podcasts the legal experts on our side feel the judge has clearly put his foot on the scales of justice to favor the prosecution.

Hard to believe otherwise in view of his political persuasion.

Politics & Religion / where is the film that shows the atrocities?
« on: May 25, 2024, 11:35:34 AM »
I have never been able to find that movie played in NY that shows the horrors committed.
Marc Levin I thought stated he has it on his site.

But I cannot find it anywhere.
Anyone know where to find it if available?




could read =


The LEFT uses MAGA as some sort of derogatory label.

As always they steal the language and distort its' meaning.

To them MAGA = nazi
To me MAGA = American Patriot

screw them.

Bottom line:
being a patriot is NOT a disqualification for SCOTUS
anymore then being a Democrat is
think all the libs who are and have been on SCOTUS.
Should we disqualify them?

Politics & Religion / Re: 2024
« on: May 23, 2024, 06:04:05 AM »
agree with you wholeheartedly

I enjoyed seeing this news on CNN yesterday !

We know that scumbucket Kaitlin Collins had that little smirk wiped off her Dylan Mulvaney face.

Politics & Religion / Re: 2024
« on: May 22, 2024, 08:19:38 PM »
"The savage attack on civilian Israelis by Palestinian soldiers/Hamas terrorists and the world’s refusal to be horrified should have sent the message to Helberg, Rob Reiner and every other Jew in America that being Jewish makes you a target."

I have warned them for yrs.

Beings DEMOCRATS  does not provide them with safe harbor.

They are mensches in their own minds only.
No one else gives a shit except to get their money.

Politics & Religion / Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« on: May 22, 2024, 07:52:13 AM »
I just did quick search on "felons for Trump"
and "ex cons for Trump"

Another example of how the LEFT distorts search

The only items that come up at least on first page

is "felon" = Trump
   "ex con" = Trump

search automatically links those words together in a distinctly Democrat BS way.

Politics & Religion / Re: Energy Politics & Science
« on: May 22, 2024, 07:48:12 AM »
watch the greens and thus the Dems go nuts over this.

Politics & Religion / Re: Political Economics
« on: May 22, 2024, 07:47:18 AM »
the free shit crowd

make the rich pay!

that will solve everything.


Politics & Religion / Re: Immigration issues
« on: May 22, 2024, 07:45:41 AM »
these people will simply HAVE to be found and sent home
this cannot stand!
I don't care we will get CNN and MSNBC crybabies showing sad illegal faces.

Myorkas should also be held accountable .

Biden too somehow.

Politics & Religion / Rubio for VP
« on: May 22, 2024, 07:43:30 AM »
Rubio has been a distinct pleasure over the past yr every time I have heard him speak.

He has clearly become the warrior for us.  Always was, but now he has extinguished the final Rino tendency in his rhetoric and policies.

I would vote for him for VP
however, I don't know if he would be best pick for Trump.

I don't know who would be.
None are slam dunk to me and all have some pros and cons.

I still like Pompeo but he would probably be better as SoS.

As for checking DEI boxes - my thought - to hell with that.
We want the best.

Doug Bergum would be a top choice for me.

Science, Culture, & Humanities / Graceland being sold
« on: May 21, 2024, 06:51:50 AM »
reason I post here is I was there as a visitor - as a benefit for going to the Asheville NC Gilder Tech Report meeting circa 1999.

I recall standing next to Carver Mead looking at an exhibit of sequin jump suits Elvis wore during his shows.   :-o

He was buried with some relatives in a small plot next to the house.
There was something touching about that.

We also went to the Memphis Fedex facility which had its own airport.

About 9 months later came the tech crash of 2000.


Politics & Religion / Re: Politics by Lawfare, and the Law of War
« on: May 21, 2024, 06:37:02 AM »
Unless he already discussed this , this topic would make for an informative show for Mark Levin.
Did anyone copy him ?

He could have Dershowitz on and they take a look at this through a legal political and Constitutional lens.
I find both teach me things few others do.

Say you are sorry
Put something in your eyes to make artificial tears while doing it.

State you are getting rehab

and getting "help"  as though you are the victim
of your own "demons.

yada yada .

And then pay the lawyer/PR "expert" who told you to do this many thousands of dollars.

A movie we see over and over.......

ad nauseum.

Politics & Religion / Re: The Politics of Health Care
« on: May 19, 2024, 11:14:22 AM »
Good questions.
Hospitals have been merging and making regional, state wide , beyond state wide corporate empires all over the US for decades now.

I had one patient tell me a son was CEO of multiple hospitals and he makes millions.

Rick Scott was head of Humana if I recall

One can also think of a Presidential candidate whose first name begins with V.

Think the Wall Street side of things for one.
But not the only one.

But also think about patients
if everything is totally covered and they have NO skin the game then health care usage goes up.

Politics & Religion / Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« on: May 19, 2024, 11:08:53 AM »
On Alice Stewart Jake the Snake Tapper mentioned her and that she worked with Huckabee and Ted Cruz on campaigns
but of course had to throw in the usual political barbs

She called for civility in politics and something about Ted Cruz did not listen to her.

It annoys me when Democrats like Tapper quote Rs who call for civility always implying incivility comes from the Right

woops , I mean "FAR" right..... :wink:

O'Reilly absolutely despises Tapper.
He was a bit less critical of Dana Bash when he said what can I say she is a "liberal" woman.

Bash called Stewart a "woman's woman"

Me: whatever the hell that is supposed to mean.

but we can't label cartels as "terrorists"  :x

Politics & Religion / Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« on: May 19, 2024, 10:58:16 AM »
dropping trillions in America right now

like I said, they act like money grows free on trees and all Dems have to do is shake the trees and money rains down like coconuts on our front lawn.

yes, what a "f'n" dope.

and one can only imagine the free shitters and the reparations people sitting in the audience getting all excited over the idea of "tax the rich" as though that will work .

"Polls also show Republicans underperforming in Senate races and a strong likelihood they lose the House.  Divided government means largely status quo, not change."

Yes, and Bill O'Reilly echoed our sentiment here:

Something to the effect that "I am worried about our country".  With everything as bad as it is and R's still can't win the Houses.

So even if Trump gets elected

we will here on day one about the new resistance.
we will find out how many Biden executive orders will block Trump
everyone Dem within 50 miles will be pardoned in advance - if possible

we will have a Dem Congress
and we the R's will not be able to turn anything around

I suspect the down races are favorable to the Dems because of the massive cash rolling in from the millionaire / billionaire class.

Too much rich money coming in
distorting our political process to the Left.

Science, Culture, & Humanities / Carlisle Indian Industrial School
« on: May 19, 2024, 10:37:37 AM »
Mentioned in above article made me free associate it with Jim Thorpe:

From Wikipedia:

In 1904, the sixteen-year-old Thorpe returned to his father and decided to attend Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. There his athletic ability was recognized and he was coached by Glenn Scobey "Pop" Warner, one of the most influential coaches of early American football history.[24]

Played against Eisenhower:

Carlisle's 1912 record included a 27–6 victory over the West Point Army team.[12] In that game, Thorpe's 92-yard touchdown was nullified by a teammate's penalty, but on the next play Thorpe rushed for a 97-yard touchdown.[31] future President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who played against him in that game, recalled of Thorpe in a 1961 speech:

Here and there, there are some people who are supremely endowed. My memory goes back to Jim Thorpe. He never practiced in his life, and he could do anything better than any other football player I ever saw.[24]

AND being stabbed in the back by Pop Warner:

Thorpe had never tried to hide his participation in baseball. He'd told Superintendent Friedman before leaving campus in 1909, and had talked about it ever since coming back. 'I never made any secret about it.' Thorpe later said. 'I often told the boys, with the coaches listening, about things that happened while I was at Rocky Mount.' There's simply no way Pop Warner didn't know about Thorpe's summer baseball. After all they'd accomplished together, all they'd been through, this was the moment Thorpe needed Warner the most. This was Warner's chance to stand by Thorpe's side. He didn't do it. To Jim's teammates, this was nothing less than a knife to the back." Gus Welch, one of Thorpe's teammates, said, "Mr. Warner is a good football coach, but a man with no principle."

Politics & Religion / No diversity at Columbia
« on: May 16, 2024, 10:35:15 AM »
so where is the DEI

2/3 of professors think NYPD restoring order was bad idea


2/3 of Americans think the exact opposite:

Diversity my ass!

Politics & Religion / Columbia President removed
« on: May 16, 2024, 10:27:49 AM »
2/3 faculty voted no confidence for her calling in NYPD

what is outrageous and very telling about the faculty is this is how they think

disrupting a college campus and making demands is not free speech.
too many American and Jew haters and crazy Marxists

Politics & Religion / Re: Stephen Browne's thread
« on: May 16, 2024, 06:14:51 AM »

Politics & Religion / debates
« on: May 16, 2024, 06:13:18 AM »
one on CNN
with Tapper Bash
in June
and other in September on ABC

ABC might not be too bad but for sure Bash and Tapper will have DNC provide questions.
Joe's team will be tipped off in advance of the questions though all will deny.

I noticed a lot of Fox and Newsmax jokes about Trump creaming Biden but I really hope they do take this debate seriously and Trump actually spends some time preparing rather then go out and wing it.

Over confidence can easily backfire and this also lowers expectations to the point that even if Biden does somewhat well all the pundits will blast the airwaves that he did great and better then anyone thought.

I would love to see nancy mud wrestle hillary for the next nomination

winner take all

bring in the beer :))

but I must add NOT in bikinis

Perhaps those modest bathing suits worn in the gilded age

Politics & Religion / the F word
« on: May 14, 2024, 08:42:59 PM »
yes the only reason anyone would embarrass themselves and post her eh hem, less than genius lecture is to show off her use of a curse word (30 to 40 yrs ago the same word would have been reason enough NOT to vote for such a foul mouth.  Now the word is tossed around like the word the.

she is so "fuckin'" stupid

cackling fucking stupid

always race abortion xenophobia
always the same with her

a female version of Sharpton
though he is a more clever charlatan

Politics & Religion / DeNiro
« on: May 14, 2024, 08:33:11 PM »
was not so sharp intellectually on Maher last time
as he slips into full end stage dementia the last thing he will remember is Trump

he will likely forget his own name before Trumps's

though he did have a baby recently......
I guess with viagra his little head works

I bet the penguins want a cut!
Aren't they the original indigenous inhabitants?

I imagine it would be very expensive to get to market .
Antarctica must have been part of a continent that was tropical at one time.......

Inspector DOJ IG Michael Horowitz seems like a straight shooter

did I miss anything?

Politics & Religion / Re: Vivek Ramaswamy
« on: May 14, 2024, 08:15:29 PM »
well said


 :x :x :x

suspensions reversed

one white guy makes on anti black racist googoo eyes and gets expelled ruining his life forever
but the left wing anti semites walk

who could have guessed

no Jew should give a nickel to Harvard

where is Jewish Larry lib?
he probably plays it that it is all "right wing" Netanyahu's fault like all the other idiot Leftist Jews .

Politics & Religion / IRan nuc site 80 to 100 meters underground
« on: May 12, 2024, 08:13:08 PM »

of course since this is AP, the last part of the article implies this is so due to Trump pulling out of the Iran "deal".

And Iran has has built this nuc site for *peaceful purposes* - 300 ft underground.

we Let it get this far ......

In the article it is suggested it cannot be removed from the air.
Will need ground assault then and likely both.

Iran leadership represents the "Crazy King" scenario that Jacobson tells us that Richard Garwin feared is the joker card that could break the deterrence strategy leading to nuc winter.

By the way Richard Garwin who is still alive who as a 23 yo who put into practical application Edward Teller's physics theories.

Science, Culture, & Humanities / Christy Marin movie
« on: May 12, 2024, 02:54:38 PM »
I met her and husband in Orlando for half an hour.
She and he were pleased I recognized her from her name and then looking up at her.
I asked didn't you open and undercard for Mike Tyson.
He seemed older than her but was a gentleman and she a lady.  Indeed, she was quite cute in person and I would never guess she could have knocked me unconscious with one punch from looking at her.

Politics & Religion / Re: Intel Matters
« on: May 12, 2024, 01:08:22 PM »
he started out with Obama

the majority of the worst people in the administration came down the roads that lead back to Obama

who has been a recking ball to the US of A


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