Author Topic: Government programs & regulations, spending, deficit, and budget process  (Read 513335 times)


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Re: Government programs & regulations, spending, deficit, and budget process
« Reply #1350 on: August 26, 2022, 07:12:36 AM »
"just the standard looting of the treasury"
I know what you mean but the new spending of the covid era and aftermath is a bit more than "standard looting".

These people don't believe in the collapse, and they are receiving bonuses that their more responsible peers are not.  If you are a Democrat, it's a bad idea to split the young college educated vote, right while you're winning it.

Most of all, selective programs like this BLATANTLY violate the principle of equal treatment under the law, the exact rationale they use to prosecute Trump.  They just became the elites they despise.

Sort of like vote fraud, how much hypocrisy is too much for them?


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Re: Government programs & regulations, spending, deficit, and budget process
« Reply #1351 on: August 26, 2022, 07:14:56 AM »
There is NO limit.

Power is all that matters.

"just the standard looting of the treasury"
I know what you mean but the new spending of the covid era and aftermath is a bit more than "standard looting".

These people don't believe in the collapse, and they are receiving bonuses that their more responsible peers are not.  If you are a Democrat, it's a bad idea to split the young college educated vote, right while you're winning it.

Most of all, selective programs like this BLATANTLY violate the principle of equal treatment under the law, the exact rationale they use to prosecute Trump.  They just became the elites they despise.

Sort of like vote fraud, how much hypocrisy is too much for them?


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Re: Biden loan bailout = $1T!!!
« Reply #1353 on: August 28, 2022, 06:15:14 AM »

"The White House did not calculate the estimated cost of the plan before announcing it publicly"

   -  That's how they do it now,  separate the information from the news story when the facts undermine the policies and the decisions, which is so often the case.

Same strategy as separating the affidavit from the raid then blacking it out when released,  but leaking tidbits that appear to support the decision.


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Re: Government programs & regulations, spending, deficit, and budget process
« Reply #1354 on: August 28, 2022, 09:44:26 AM »
".Same strategy as separating the affidavit from the raid then blacking it out when released,  but leaking tidbits that appear to support the decision."

and the DNC - MSM complex all too anxious to blanket all available means to get the selected tidbits out and in everyone's face 24/7.


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Cost per taxpayer of debt forgiveness
« Reply #1356 on: August 31, 2022, 11:51:29 PM »

" , , ,The president extended the COVID-19 pause on federal student loan payments through December. He also lowered monthly payments on outstanding undergraduate loans from 10% to 5% of discretionary income. The plan will forgive loan balances after 10 years of payments instead of 20 years for original loan balances of $12,000 or less.

"The approximately $400 billion top-line cost of the program estimated by the foundation is in line with other outside estimates.

"The nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget estimates that Mr. Biden‘s plan will cost the U.S. Treasury $440 billion to $600 billion. A separate analysis projected that the plan would boost inflation by 0.15% to 0.27% over the next year.

"A Penn-Wharton Budget Model estimates that the plan will cost up to $605 billion and could balloon to more than $1 trillion when accounting for potential behavioral changes."


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medicare to cut premiums and SocSec to boost payments
« Reply #1357 on: September 28, 2022, 02:40:32 PM »

but better let the plebes know BEFORE this election !!!

and cost is allegedly due to an alzheimers drug - that does not work and was approved by the FDA against a 9 to 0 advisory panel that voted against it.

once again Democrats keep outspending the financial burdens they keep inflicting on Americans

spend spend
 buy votes
bribe the dupes


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Re: medicare to cut premiums and SocSec to boost payments
« Reply #1358 on: September 28, 2022, 02:42:48 PM »

but better let the plebes know BEFORE this election !!!

and cost is allegedly due to an alzheimers drug - that does not work and was approved by the FDA against a 9 to 0 advisory panel that voted against it.

once again Democrats keep outspending the financial burdens they keep inflicting on Americans

spend spend
 buy votes
bribe the dupes

And thus, the new IRS army!


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Janet Yellen: MOAR TAXES!
« Reply #1359 on: September 28, 2022, 06:02:39 PM »

but better let the plebes know BEFORE this election !!!

and cost is allegedly due to an alzheimers drug - that does not work and was approved by the FDA against a 9 to 0 advisory panel that voted against it.

once again Democrats keep outspending the financial burdens they keep inflicting on Americans

spend spend
 buy votes
bribe the dupes

And thus, the new IRS army!


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Re: Janet Yellen: MOAR TAXES!
« Reply #1360 on: September 28, 2022, 07:25:09 PM »
Quote author=G M

Janet Yellen is as dumb on this as the 16 year old climate girl is banning flights while flying to Fiji.

Everything they (Biden/Dem economic team) say or touch causes either more money created or fewer goods produced.  Higher taxes hinders production, the crucial P in GDP, meaning fewer goods produced, meaning greater inflationary pressure across the economy.

Is that what they want, right while they're losing the midterm over inflation, or are they just incredibly stupid?

The right answer is the exact opposite.

I don't remember her education but it was either at Harvard or Yale and she probably got lots of degrees.  Her background includes being Chairman of the Federal Reserve, a pretty good resume for getting her job. But this isn't any more complicated than the law of gravity and she can't seem to grasp it.  What the hell went wrong?
« Last Edit: September 28, 2022, 07:38:32 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Janet Yellen: MOAR TAXES!
« Reply #1361 on: September 28, 2022, 07:31:57 PM »
Quote author=G M

Janet Yellen is as dumb on this as the 16 year old climate girl banning flights while flying to Fiji.

Everything they (Biden/Dem economic team) say or touch is either more money or fewer goods.  Higher taxes hinders production, the magical P in GDP, meaning fewer goods, meaning greater inflationary pressure across the economy.

Is that what they want, right while they're losing the midterm over inflation, or are they just incredibly stupid?

I don't remember her education but it's either Harvard or Yale and probably lots of degrees.  Her background includes being Chairman of the Federal Reserve.  This isn't any more complicated than the law of gravity.  What the hell went wrong?

It's almost like they aren't afraid of losing the midterms for some reason...


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Re: Government programs & regulations, spending, deficit, and budget process
« Reply #1363 on: September 29, 2022, 01:42:52 PM »
"Janet Yellen is as dumb on this as the 16 year old climate girl banning flights while flying to Fiji."

are you talking about that cutie Greta? :

she is 19!

don't know if she has boyfriend yet

maybe she could use a grandfather - me :)


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Re: Government programs & regulations, spending, deficit, and budget process
« Reply #1364 on: September 29, 2022, 09:30:43 PM »

"Janet Yellen is as dumb on this as the 16 year old climate girl banning flights while flying to Fiji."

are you talking about that cutie Greta? :

she is 19!

don't know if she has boyfriend yet

maybe she could use a grandfather - me :)


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Re: If you are this stupid, you deserve to freeze-German inflation hits double d
« Reply #1366 on: September 30, 2022, 04:03:02 AM »
Too little too late to help this winter perhaps, but England, Sweden and Italy just seemed to take right turns in leadership.

I don't know the current politics of Germany but a pro-heat party is likely to be gaining ground..
« Last Edit: September 30, 2022, 04:04:37 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Government programs & regulations, spending, deficit, and budget process
« Reply #1367 on: September 30, 2022, 05:19:06 AM »
I know it is how everyone is talking now, but in point of fact much of that 10+% is a price increase due to supply contraction, not inflation due to printing money.

The failure to make this distinction means the wrong tool (too much in the way of higher interest rates) will be applied instead of the right tool-- measures to increase supply, particularly of natural gas and oil.


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Government programs = waste, fraud and abuse
« Reply #1368 on: October 10, 2022, 07:29:49 AM »
The programs are SO BIG and no one is accountable.

Wouldn't the (Dem) Governor want to visit the places that are feeding THOUSANDS of hungry children?

How about our (non-existent) watchdog media?

What are they covering that's more important that feeding thousands of hungry children?

Where are these "Minnesotans" now?
"Mekfira Hussein was arrested after allegedly booking a one-way flight to Ethiopia."

Good grief.
NYT via Instapundit:

Department of Justice exposes biggest COVID stimulus fraud scheme yet.

The Justice Department recently announced the largest fraud claim uncovered in any Covid-19 relief program, accusing 44 people in Minnesota of allegedly committing fraud against anti-hunger programs during the pandemic, stealing $240 million.

The group billed the government for meals “they did not serve to children who did not exist,” The New York Times reported.
The brazen fraud stands out among the many instances of federal pandemic aid theft.

Prosecutors in the North Star State said one accused conspirator told the government he had fed 5,000 children a day in a second-story apartment, The Times reported.

The alleged criminals didn’t bother to try to hide their fraud, knowing that little attention would be paid to the details while the government was overwhelmed with applications and intent to get as much money out the door as possible.


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« Reply #1370 on: October 24, 2022, 06:01:14 AM »

Federal deficit cut in half, ends year at $1.4 trillion in the red


The good news is that the federal budget deficit was substantially trimmed in half over the last year. The bad news is that it was still $1.4 trillion.

The Treasury Department announced final numbers Friday for the fiscal year 2022, which closed out on Sept. 30. The data showed significant improvement as pandemic spending waned and the economy hummed.

Uncle Sam collected nearly $4.9 trillion in revenue, up from $4 trillion in 2021. And spending dipped, from $6.8 trillion last year to $6.3 trillion this year.

But the resulting $1.4 trillion gap between spending and income is still the fourth worst on record, behind the pandemic-besotted 2020 and 2021, and the Wall Street collapse year of 2009.

The 2022 deficit would have been even lower but for President Biden’s new student loan debt forgiveness, which the Congressional Budget Office said punched a $426 billion hole in September’s figures as the full multiyear cost was recorded upfront on a present-value basis.

Other than that, CBO said government spending was lower than it had projected for the year, while income was higher.

“Revenues in all major categories, but notably individual income taxes, were greater than they were in fiscal year 2021. Spending related to the coronavirus pandemic declined, particularly for the recovery rebates (also known as economic impact payments); unemployment compensation; programs of the Small Business Administration (SBA); and transfers to state, local, tribal, and territorial governments,” CBO said in its year-end analysis.

The government’s big social safety net programs continue to grow, with Social Security spending up $83 billion or 7% and Medicaid spending up $72 billion or 14% in 2022.

And interest payments on the public debt rose by $121 billion or 29% as higher inflation forced Uncle Sam to pony up more


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Re: Government programs & regulations, spending, deficit, and budget process
« Reply #1372 on: October 30, 2022, 01:22:27 PM »
Can't open.


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Bringing Doug's post here
« Reply #1373 on: December 14, 2022, 06:54:06 AM »

"The Treasury spent 53% more on borrowing costs this November than it did last November."

 :-o :-o :-o

"During the Trump era, Republicans largely let go of their concerns about government spending and reached multiple agreements with Democrats to raise the borrowing limit without imposing deep spending cuts."

The way I remember this "the sequester" left Trump in a tough spot if he wanted to get an increase in military spending.  IIRC at the time I did not fault him on what he did, nor do I now.


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Government programs, spending, deficit, process, waste, fraud, abuse
« Reply #1374 on: December 15, 2022, 06:19:04 AM »
Govt programs state, local and federal, "light rail" MN:. They have trouble finding the billions in cost overruns, so what did they find?  Federal COVID funds!

Oddly, mass transit makes pandemics worse, exponentially, while private autos are far better in that regard.

From the article:
"That’s $190 million a mile. You can build a lot of roads with that kind of money. A typical lane of highway costs $1-2 million a mile. And would carry a lot more people."

Of course the shenanigans are needed because this would never pass a vote of the people.

« Last Edit: December 15, 2022, 06:22:57 AM by DougMacG »


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are we going to have a say in digital dollars
« Reply #1375 on: December 15, 2022, 09:19:49 AM »


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Shelby sells us out on way out the door
« Reply #1376 on: December 17, 2022, 11:59:36 AM »
WHY?   :cry:

are that afraid that the Dems will play the "shut down the government card?"

if not that then this has to be corruption.


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21 Republican Senators vote with Dems on budget
« Reply #1377 on: December 21, 2022, 01:31:19 PM »
21 Republican Senators vote with Dems on budget

Including Tom Cotton.

I don't get the point of voting for one dollar you don't approve of - unless you got something significant in return.  What could that possibly be?

Republicans voting for it gives Dems cover, makes those opposed to multi-trillion increased in multi-tens of trillions of debt look to be the extremists.

Rand Paul pictured with the bill.  Safe to say, no one has read it, and the people who wrote it were not elected.

These Republicans support every item in it?
They are afraid of being blamed for a shutdown?
Shut down what, border protection?
Good grief.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2022, 01:36:03 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Government programs & regulations, spending, deficit, and budget process
« Reply #1378 on: December 21, 2022, 06:23:35 PM »
"Including Tom Cotton"

I had hoped for better from him , , ,


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here is the whole list of Republicans who sold us down the river
« Reply #1379 on: December 22, 2022, 02:54:45 PM »
The usual ones
and Romney

I am thinking that at least Graham will be the only one with the courage who will

Romney/Murkowski/McConnell will be in hiding/

Collins will show up and ABC or PBS to explain why this was a "smart move"
is my guess

Mitch McConnell of Kentucky
Susan Collins of Maine
Mitt Romney of Utah
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina
Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
John Cornyn of Texas
John Thune of South Dakota
Tom Cotton of Arkansas
Todd Young of Indiana
Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia
John Boozman of Arkansas
Jerry Moran of Kansas
Mike Rounds of South Dakota
Roger Wicker of Mississippi

And here are the four who voted for it and are retiring:
Roy Blunt of Missouri
Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma
Rob Portman of Ohio
Richard Shelby of Alabama


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Graham on why he voted for 1.7 trill omnibus
« Reply #1381 on: December 23, 2022, 05:21:58 AM »
My post from yesterday :

"I am thinking that at least Graham will be the only one with the courage who will

And true to form:

I don't recall EVER seeing McConnell on Newsmax or Fox - ever


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Re: Government programs & regulations, spending, deficit, and budget process
« Reply #1382 on: December 23, 2022, 06:46:27 AM »

"we’re funding the development of software that will hunt down “microaggressions” on social media.

The Biden administration is set to dole out more than $550,000 in grants to develop an artificial intelligence model that can automatically detect and suppress microaggressions on social media, government spending records show.

The award, funded through President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, was granted to researchers at the University of Washington in March to develop technologies that could be used to protect online users from discriminatory language. The researchers have already received $132,000 and expect total government funding to reach $550,436 over the next five years.

The researchers are developing machine-learning models that can analyze social media posts to detect implicit bias and microaggressions, commonly defined as slights that cause offense to members of marginalized groups. It’s a broad category, but past research conducted by the lead researcher on the University of Washington project suggests something as tame as praising meritocracy could be considered a microaggression."
« Last Edit: December 23, 2022, 06:55:53 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Government programs & regulations, spending, deficit, and budget process
« Reply #1383 on: December 23, 2022, 07:02:56 AM »

Greg Price
McConnell: "I'm pretty proud of the fact that with a Democratic president, Democratic House, and Democratic Senate, we were able to achieve through this Omnibus spending bill essentially all of our priorities."
3:47 PM · Dec 20, 2022




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Romney : why I voted for the omnibus
« Reply #1384 on: December 28, 2022, 05:27:57 AM »


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Government wages 30% above private sector, Illinois and elsewhere
« Reply #1385 on: January 03, 2023, 07:42:17 AM »
Why Illinois Is Going Broke

Here's an eye-opening report from our friends at Open The Books: Illinois has 132,188 state or local government employees who make over $100K per year, at an annual cost of $17 billion.

These wages and salaries are typically 30% more than is earned by comparably skilled private sector workers whose taxes pay for these munificent government salaries. This report doesn’t even include the fact that most government employees in the Land of Lincoln have virtual lifetime tenure. They seldom get fired no matter how bad their performance. And it may be set to get worse. The report concludes:

This year, Pritzker is pushing Amendment 1 – which would enshrine long-term employment contracts for government workers, multi-year salary increases, constitutional backed lifetime pensions, the power to strike, and much more.

It would essentially make Illinois “unreformable.”


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Re: Government programs & regulations, spending, deficit, and budget process
« Reply #1386 on: January 03, 2023, 07:57:16 AM »
sounds like Illinois government workers are turned into the "elites"any

any why government workers are nearly all in the tank for Democrats

according to Pew "unfunded" liabilities according to personal income averaging 6.8.

but what about the money that went into fund these ?

the money that was there also came from taxpayers


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Re: Government programs & regulations, spending, deficit, and budget process
« Reply #1388 on: January 03, 2023, 04:34:51 PM »

We are so fuct , , ,


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Re: Government programs & regulations, spending, deficit, and budget process
« Reply #1389 on: January 04, 2023, 06:55:52 AM »

We are so fuct , , ,

Right.  And it isn't just that 132, 000 people (in one state) make more than 100k in state and local government jobs, they make that every year for life. They make that not to produce a single private sector product or service but to hinder that. They will never in their life have an entrepreneurial thought, nor will anyone in their family or circle.  As ccp suggests, these numbers don't include pensions and benefits and those go on for life.

I don't live in illinois. I live in a state that is worse.  On the state and local side of it, both of these states and in most states, the outstate people are ruled by the leftist majority of the metro.  Consensual government applies only to the majority, I'm sorry to say. So they consent to trillions in excess spending, inflation that goes on forever, automatic raises for them, declining workforce participation rates, intentional increases in the costs of everything, and central control of everything , including your choice of what car to buy and drive and what news can come to your television and Internet.

If we get angry about it, they put the FBI on IRS on us.

Our worst possible nightmare is almost fully in place.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2023, 08:01:03 AM by DougMacG »


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problem with this nightmare I keep waking up to find it is all so real
« Reply #1390 on: January 04, 2023, 07:28:07 AM »
"Our worst possible nightmare is almost fully in place."

and if Republicans hold up spending bills that come at thousands of pages in the last days of the session

the MSM goes full rampage telling the universe how Republicans are shutting the government down.....

and thus we have the McConnells "reaching across the aisle" for a few concessions....

I am tired of hearing how Americans are tired of the DC political fighting they just want to get things done.

Already I heard some obnoxious Democrat pundit complaining how Republican bickering is preventing the government from "dealing with things people care about like inflation "   :roll:


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Re: problem with this nightmare I keep waking up to find it is all so real
« Reply #1391 on: January 04, 2023, 07:54:21 AM »
"how Republican bickering is preventing the government from "dealing with things people care about like inflation "

  - Right.  How could inflation be anything other than a government created problem.

The only government solution for it is less spending, less money creation, less production hindering, less government.

Unfortunately that's not what they go to Washington to do.


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John Hinderaker, When it comes to debt, deficit, spending...
« Reply #1392 on: January 10, 2023, 07:32:58 AM »
"When it comes to the deficit, voters’ actions speak louder than their words."

Voters say they care and vote the opposite.  We will never solve it that way.


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Re: Government programs & regulations, spending, deficit, and budget process
« Reply #1393 on: January 10, 2023, 08:14:56 AM »

politicians know spending cuts are the kiss of death

because the opposite party will label them a threat to Medicare Soc Sec
and the entire welfare state will rise up in indignation

and yell - "tax the rich more " to pay for the mess

we know the MSM will go bonkers screaming all these things the millisecond Repubs go in the direction of spending cuts
along with tax cuts for the "rich"

if only we had an honest MSM media
which feeds in to the hysteria over this contributing to the debt


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Re: Government programs & regulations, spending, deficit, and budget process
« Reply #1394 on: January 10, 2023, 10:21:46 AM »
"the opposite party will label them a threat to Medicare Soc Sec"

  - Isn't the demise of the Republic an even bigger threat to Medicare, social security etc. than a little spending restraint?
"and yell - "tax the rich more " to pay for the mess"

  - Yet higher tax rates on the 'rich' keep bringing in no new revenue.  We already have an extremely progressive tax code. You can't tax the rich more without taxing the economy more, which slows production, growth and tax revenues, ironically.

We used to talk about finding the next Reagan.  Wow, is the table set nicely for a new leader, a real leader, to emerge.

The borders are a joke, national finances are in catastrophic disarray, government has gotten into everything it shouldn't and can't govern and our enemies and rivals around the world are running circles around us.

Not 'make America great again', but simply, 'let's fix this mess'.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2023, 10:27:41 AM by DougMacG »


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Biden et al waste no time looking into banning gas stoves
« Reply #1395 on: January 11, 2023, 05:56:12 AM »

note Richard Trumka Jr.
is related and son to THAT Richard Trumka:

the Union strong man boss and of course ass kisser to the DNC:
« Last Edit: January 11, 2023, 06:18:57 AM by ccp »


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Re: Biden et al waste no time looking into banning gas stoves
« Reply #1396 on: January 11, 2023, 07:01:24 AM »
The largest 'gas stoves' in the country are the ones they use to power the grid for the more than 50% of the time that the subsidized solar and wind farms are not producing electricity, like overnight for example when people are charging their subsidized or mandated electric vehicles.

Like a broken record, if you want people to  rely on the grid instead of gas, build nuclear now, big time. The more we invest and rely on solar and wind, the more natural gas (and coal) we consume to fill the massive gaps left by these on and off sources.

I have a hard time with politicians who are quick to do the ridiculous but refuse to do the obvious.

The good part about leftists banning gas stoves is that it will upset the most important constituency in America, the suburban female vote. In my experience, women decide which stove to buy, and send men out to cook on the gas grill.

Chef's prefer gas:

Ok, let's say we switch everything gas over to electric.  Besides all the other costs, where are you going to get all the copper? By recycling??  Major appliances like stoves and especially furnaces aren't powered with thin extension cords; they need thick gauge wire to be safe, and they need professional installation. (The tradesman that liberals think are uneducated.)  A small roll of 8 gauge wire already costs $500.

 How much will it cost when everyone is mandated to switch over at once? Plus the 100 or 200 amp service to your house will be quickly overloaded when you start powering your car with it and your heating and so on. Copper will become the gold of our era.  Then what other prices go crazy when copper is unaffordable?  And how does that help the poor and the middle class?

Our ruling leftist visionaries can't seem to see past the nose on their face.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2023, 07:35:17 AM by DougMacG »


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All conservative media outlets
« Reply #1399 on: January 14, 2023, 11:09:48 AM »
must start immediately fighting back the DNC - media echo chamber

on this :

same old Dem propaganda