Author Topic: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State  (Read 375852 times)


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who would have guessed
« Reply #1851 on: November 16, 2023, 02:24:54 PM »

all the shysters on MSNBC and CNN telling us, with grinning faces, how this is just, and coming up with novel ways to explain with forked twisted tongues and arguments why Trump's case is *different*

funny, how only shysters can seem to comprehend the differences.

ooh they are soooo smart


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #1852 on: November 16, 2023, 06:49:36 PM »
Pissing on us and calling it rain.


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Fox news journolist ordered to give up source
« Reply #1853 on: November 17, 2023, 07:30:41 AM »

I thought the SCOTUS ruled on this a long time ago.

NYT WP "jurnolisters" .

NEVER to my knowledge ever have to give up their sources

but Fox should be held to a different standard because as the shysters will twist turn and lie that this case is "different",
while all the while forceably attempting to hold back their grins.


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #1854 on: November 17, 2023, 08:08:56 AM »
Herridge is a first rate quality reporter.  A real blow to FOX to have lost her.   Hope the article is right that FOX is backing her play on this.   Let's be sure to see how the judge rules!


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speaking of Hillsdale got this in Imprimis this month :CIA corruption
« Reply #1858 on: December 03, 2023, 09:25:38 AM »
Truly eye opening and infuriating how CIA co opted by Dem Party:


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You Can’t Make this Stuff Up, But They Did
« Reply #1859 on: December 08, 2023, 10:30:52 PM »


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Re: You Can’t Make this Stuff Up, But They Did
« Reply #1860 on: December 09, 2023, 10:47:31 AM »
Check out the astounding lengths federal Covid fabulists went to enforce a false narrative and abridge the abilities of others to take issue with it:

Un bleeping believable.  Except that I fully believe it.  First reaction of mine is visceral beyond words (and should have stopped there).  Second reaction involves action verbs I do not want tied to my name and IP address on the public internet.  Third is to ask, is it remediable through legal channels now and by winning future elections?

What's wrong with this picture?  Too much to name but start with what I call public private partnerships.  The Left and moderate Left brag when they partner with the private sector in their government programs and 'solutions'.  I say run and scream bloody murder every time you hear or see this. 

Government is (should be) the referee enforcing the level playing field, not wearing one team's jersey.

Wrapped up in this is equal treatment under the law, and the disposal of that value.

Not to mention freedom of speech and of the press...

A couple of definitions, communism or pure socialism (in theory) is when the public sector owns everything and we are all equal owners.  Fascism in my definition is when the private sector is controlled by government.  Fascism is worse because of the nefarious dishonesty in it.  'Well it was actually google or facebook that took all your private information and the government got it from them'.  How is that different than the government violating your right of privacy?  Only the fig leaf of legitimism offered by the dishonest, non-existent separation.  So many examples, housing, energy, healthcare, higher education, transportation.  Now journalism.

Reminds me of a refugee from the Soviet Union asked about Pravda, the real one not the ones we joke about here.  It was state media, one channel and every knew it was state lies.  In America, you have dozens, hundreds of thousands of choices to see and hear, and they tell the same lies.  Point is, it is more believable when you have all of them saying it, and that is worse.  Russian collusion, climate catastrophe, Republicans want to starve the poor and take Grandma's meds, and then pandemic.

I hate that about our media and about our failure to figure out how to successfully fight back.

Now they've taken it to another level, violation the first amendment and who knows what else.

The next thing that gets me is the lack of outrage about it on the other side.  First they never get the facts and second they are ho-hum about it when they do.  Do they ever ask themselves honestly what they would think of it if the sides were reversed.  If Trump did this...

IRS targeting was another example, don't get me started on that.  Imagine the outrage if Trump tried what Obama actually accomplished, shutting down his opposition, preventing them from organizing under our tax laws the way Left groups do.  Now they target the same groups and more with FBI.

Then there is the election thing.  They protested and contested every close election when they lost.  But when their opposition does the same thing, it's impeachment, prosecution.  We had a Democrat (Jamie Bowman) disrupt an official proceeding and he received not even a citation for the same thing people are rotting in jail and losing their rights over.

I have very calmly told close friends on the other side there is going to be a civil war.  I'm not calling for it, I don't even own any those instruments of the second amendment type but I can see the signs of what's coming when the overreach keeps reaching further and further.

Consensual government is our foundation.  People need to believe they can do all the legitimate political activities involved in elective government and have a fair chance of process.  They need to feel they had a fair chance to win when they lose and they need to be able to direct and control government within constitutional constraints when they win.  Something else is going on today.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2023, 11:01:26 AM by DougMacG »


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FBI: Law Enforcement Org or Blackmail Machine?
« Reply #1861 on: December 12, 2023, 09:31:00 PM »
This is so freaking infuriating. I’ve come to conclude the FBI is strictly a political organization—one willing to embrace criminal means in support of its political ends—that maintains a veneer of investigative rigor.

Indeed, while laying in bed contending with sundry medical travails I looked for interesting action dramas, and noted there are A LOT of FBI related shows, shows that glorify that thoroughly corrupt agency. This does not happen by accident. Dimes to dollars somewhere in the bowels of some FBI edifice there is an office charged with working with Hollywood to extol the virtues of that foul agency. Those bastards need it, and best pray constitutional order is never restored to the Republic as they have accrued a huge debt to pay.


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Hillary, in Fact, was Russia’s Preference
« Reply #1862 on: December 15, 2023, 09:26:34 PM »
I have read so much self-righteous twaddle based on the false reporting based on these sorts of massaged papers I’m torn between beating the twaddlers over the head with it, or waiting a couple months so I can berate them for failing to admit they were wrong despite ample time to do so.


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #1863 on: December 15, 2023, 09:59:28 PM »
we see Hillary "helping" Biden in the news a lot lately

she isn't doing this without expecting something in return.

There are certain people who should be thoroughly gone over with a fine tooth comb

such as Brennan, Garland, the DOJ attorney who resigned Wolf off the top of my head

maybe sally yates loretta lynch....

in the name of justice not revenge

if Trump wins - big if.


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #1864 on: December 16, 2023, 06:45:12 AM »
BBG:  Do I remember correctly that Brennan was a member of the Communist Party at some point?


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Re: Hillary, in Fact, was Russia’s Preference
« Reply #1865 on: December 16, 2023, 07:24:16 AM »
I have read so much self-righteous twaddle based on the false reporting based on these sorts of massaged papers I’m torn between beating the twaddlers over the head with it, or waiting a couple months so I can berate them for failing to admit they were wrong despite ample time to do so.

Right.  The other narrative never made sense.  It cost Putin 4 years in his pursuit of Ukraine, and Trump started the US competing for Russia's oil and gas customers.


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #1866 on: December 16, 2023, 07:39:55 AM »
Brennan the stuff online now states he voted for the communist in '76 and when he interviewed for CIA in '80 "he chose to be forthcoming" about this and got hired by CIA anyway.

I think the part where he states he chose to be forthcoming is very telling.
We know now he is an out and out lying DNC member.

I also remember Leon Panetta as a Congressman thought we should do away with national borders.
Another CIA director.
I can't find the source now on this though but am nearly certain this was true.


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State, Brennan
« Reply #1867 on: December 16, 2023, 07:43:33 AM »
I'm sure the statute of limitations ticked away on his congressional testimony.  He should be in jail right now for lying to Congress. 

While we're at it, Lois Lerner should be in jail and Obama impeached.  But no.  But when the Left does it, it isn't a crime.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2023, 07:46:02 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #1868 on: December 16, 2023, 07:59:59 PM »
BBG:  Do I remember correctly that Brennan was a member of the Communist Party at some point?

I have heard the same, go figure. There was a time when a Marxist leading the CIA would be seen as a Very Bad Thing, these days the fact causes the MSM to stifle yawns.


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Re: Jack Smith then DNC hitman wants trial date
« Reply #1870 on: December 19, 2023, 07:03:13 AM »
Amendment VI
"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury ..."

The constitutional right to a speedy trial is granted to the defendant, not to the prosecution.  The prosecution brought charges because presumably they are ready to try the case.  The defendant and legal representation might need time to prepare for a trial, to hire lawyers, to discover, depose, research and refute the allegations, to develop other theories.

A reasonable question might be, how fast do these things go if it wasn't Trump, if there wasn't an election?

If these crimes are so clear, why did ALL these prosecutors take 3 years to bring charges, and now are so rushed they want all the cases aimed at coincidentally at Super Tuesday.

Nikki Haley had it about right, on Jan 6 Trump could have used a better tone.  That doesn't sound like 90 felonies of wrongdoing.

People have heard it all, at least the prosecutions side of it and pinion polls show that Republicans, Independents and even Democrats smell a rat.

Just like 2016, here we are talking about Trump instead of policies, issues and other candidates because of Left manipulation.


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Re: Jack Smith then DNC hitman wants trial date
« Reply #1871 on: December 19, 2023, 07:22:25 AM »
Thanks ccp, Hard to turn down a limited time offer for 20% off on implicit bias training.  Wait, I already have implicit bias; don't need training!   )


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NPR the Capital "rioters" were armed
« Reply #1872 on: December 21, 2023, 08:26:45 AM »

with "weapons" like these our nation was almost doomed   :roll:

I suppose if someone had a flashlight in their pocket it would have been labelled a blunt object that could have helped overthrow the US government .........


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Re: NPR the Capital "rioters" were armed
« Reply #1873 on: December 21, 2023, 10:00:20 AM »
The 'news' story calls it an "insurrection" rather than report what happened and leave that conclusion for the reader to draw.

From the article :
"If you see a lot of resistance and you're being outgunned, outmanned, outpowered, you tend to kind of fall back a little bit,"

"Outgunned "?   - No guns.   The only shot fired was Capital Police murdering Ashli Babbitt.

"Outmanned"?  - Many were women, c.f. Ashli Babbitt.  Additional security was turned down even though Feds had infiltrated all the 'dangerous' groups.

"Outpowered"?   - Now we have video showing police holding the doors for the protesters.  Why did they withhold that video from npr, to get this narrative out?

The ones accusing a narrative have nothing but a narrative, and it's false.

So, so , so tempting to show them what a real insurrection looks like just to help them with their reporting. But our side doesn't shoot first.

100 police injured, then they list the worst of those injuries. What were the least of those injuries?  How many cracked ribs were there? One is too many but whatever it was, that makes it a riot not an insurrection.

Cracking a police rib is a crime. 300 people arrested didn't crack police ribs.  10,000 who went to the rally didn't crack police ribs. Why are they impuning all of them? Like calling all illegals rapists. I thought they hated that sort of thing.

An insurrection is a serious attempt to overthrow the government. This was unarmed and involved a delay of an official procedure by 3 hours. Not much different than when the guy pulled the fire alarm and received not even a slap on the wrist.

How many were injured in the so-called George Floyd riots, 1600 police or more? How many deaths? Quite a few more than zero in this case.  And that wasn't an insurrection. That wasn't even a riot. That was a "mostly peaceful protest".

How pathetic is our so-called mainstream media.Too bad that NPR, public radio over public airwaves, is among the worst of the Pravdas.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2023, 10:17:53 AM by DougMacG »


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Meet the Colorado Justices
« Reply #1874 on: December 21, 2023, 01:23:33 PM »
Three of the four who voted to take Trump off the ballot went to the Poison Ivy. The fourth is openly a major Democrat financial contributor. The three dissenters went to the local law school.

This is literally a case of rule by the elites versus letting the people decide. Strange that Democrats are on the wrong side. We need to change their name.  Elitocrats?


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #1876 on: December 22, 2023, 07:23:26 AM »
 “Okay. But in your opening statement, I think you indicated that none of these decisions were made for political reasons. Is that fair to say?”

“That is reflected in my opening statement, and I agree with that,” Wolf stated. I

Such liars.
I never thought our government would stoop this low.
But I got educated from my experience at the US Copyright office on how government employees will lie, cover up, deny, obfuscate, and change the subject when confronted with wrong doing.

it is the RULE not the exception.

Indeed, I can't think of any example to the contrary
Occasionally we might see someone resign with full benefits as a consequence, but never an admission, never a penalty, and the scandal goes away with that.

« Last Edit: December 22, 2023, 07:25:19 AM by ccp »


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The war on the rule of law; Deep State, JBT Jackbooted Thugs
« Reply #1880 on: January 31, 2024, 06:36:00 AM »
Should we step up the fight back against the Deep State or just quietly elect the right people and hope they do it?

I was thinking we should label them all JBT, Jack Booted Thugs, but it turns out that idea isn't original.

"[In 1995] the NRA's executive vice-president, Wayne LaPierre, created controversy when he referred to federal agents as "jack-booted thugs" in an NRA fund-raising letter. The term had been invented by United States Representative John Dingell, Democrat of Michigan, in 1981."

Does anyone remember the bumper sticker, "Resist!" ?

That was the response to Trump being elected. 

It materialized in many different ways, and I would need VDH's encyclopedic mind to list them.  Obviously the Russian COLLUSION hoax.  The Mueller cloud over the 2018 elections that lost the Republicans the House, when Mueller knew on Day One there was no there there.

The problem isn't limited to the FBI.  Recall the Obama ATF scandal and the worst scandal of all time, Obama's IRS targeting that stopped all new conservative groups from organizing (to oppose his reelection) while approving all new liberal groups.

Vindman, the "whistleblower" was a deep stater who overheard Trump was using leverage to look into Biden corruption in the Ukraine and blew the whistle to the pleasure of the new Democratic House.

Along the way we had the arrest of the who's who of the Trump administration, Paul Manifort comes to mind, charged with the exact crime Hunter has still not been charged for, foreign agent registration. 

The jack booted thugs raided too many to name, culminating in the Mar a Lago raid, leading to felony charges on Trump for "crimes" committed by every former President and Vice President including Biden and Pence.

On another plane, "Resist!" applied to the EPA office worker I heard interviewed anonymously on NPR during the transition who said they all planned to continue their work the best they could even if it is contrary to the directives of the new head of the Executive Branch.  And they most certainly did.

So, do we step up the fight back or does all that talk, disband the FBI for example, make it easier to paint us as the extremists?
« Last Edit: January 31, 2024, 06:37:36 AM by DougMacG »


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PP: That pipe bomb on J6
« Reply #1882 on: February 16, 2024, 02:57:00 PM »

The latest on that mysterious J6 pipe bomber: One wonders whether this case will ever be cracked, but it gets curiouser and curiouser, and the evidence keeps pointing toward an inside job. As independent journalist Julie Kelly reported earlier this week: "An individual who appeared to be part of a security team guarding the Democratic National Committee headquarters used a canine to conduct a search of a small sport utility vehicle in front of the building more than three hours before a plain-clothed Capitol Police officer discovered an alleged pipe bomb just a few feet away on January 6." What are the odds? As we wrote last July: "The case of the DC pipe bomber is particularly interesting, given that he's somehow avoided capture for a crime that was committed in the most heavily surveilled area of the most heavily surveilled city in the world. As political analyst Tristan Justice notes: 'A whistleblower revealed the agency identified the car used by the prime suspect but refused to track the vehicle down. Both bombs were reportedly inoperable, according to the whistleblower.' When Director Wray refused to talk about the oddities of this case, Kentucky Congressman Brian Massie reminded him that it's been some 900 days since the bombs were discovered." Again, we ask: What are the odds? And why hasn't the FBI gotten to the bottom of it? Incidentally, Kamala Harris was at the DNC headquarters at the time, a fact she concealed to the extent that the Department of Justice falsely stated that she was at the Capitol and used that non-fact to suggest that trespassers there might have been endangering her. These people, these Trump-deranged Democrats, have neither shame nor integrity.


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It's Only a Constitutional Crisis When You Do It!
« Reply #1885 on: February 27, 2024, 03:16:16 PM »
Jeepers, I remember back when constitutional crises were said to be Bad Things. Imagine if Trump had disregarded a SCOTUS ruling he didn't want to heed:

Did Biden Just Create A Constitutional Crisis? [Yes, BBG]

I & I Editorial Board

February 27, 20247 comments
The Supreme Court told President Joe Biden that he didn’t have the authority to forgive student loan debt. But he did anyway, bragging that the Court “didn’t stop me.” So why do we even have a legislative branch and a high court if the president is going to make law as if he were a king?

It’s Biden’s party, and its activist media, that has been carping for years about losing “our democracy.” Yet when a Democratic president bypasses the checks and balances that are the backbone of our republic, the three co-equal branches framework of government that is intended to guard against descending into a dictatorship, they celebrate rather than condemn.

Maybe it’s because they care about the integrity of our system of government only when it’s making policies they want.

In June 2023, the Supreme Court, in a 6-3 decision, struck down the Biden administration’s plan to cancel up to $400 billion in student loans, which it had announced in August 2022. In her concurring opinion, Justice Amy Coney Barrett noted that “when it comes to” national policy, “the Constitution gives Congress the reins — a point of context that no reasonable interpreter could ignore.”

But high court rulings apparently don’t apply when a Democratic president decides they don’t. Last week, the White House played the role of unreasonable interpreter and announced “$1.2 billion in student debt cancellation for almost 153,000 borrowers.”

“The Biden-Harris administration has now approved nearly $138 billion in student debt cancellation for almost 3.9 million borrowers through more than two dozen executive actions,” according to a White House fact sheet.

Biden acknowledged last week that “my MAGA Republican friends in the Congress, elected officials, and special interests stepped in and sued us,” and that “the Supreme Court blocked it.”

“But that didn’t stop me,” he continued. “I announced we were going to pursue alternative paths for student debt relief for as many borrowers as possible. And that’s the effort that’s been underway the last two years.”

If the president can capriciously set policy, not waiting for Congress to act and ignoring Supreme Court rulings, then the executive branch is no longer one of the separate but equal branches of government. It becomes a separate but predominant branch.

“When the separation of powers becomes seriously distorted,” explains the Pacific Legal Foundation, “the checks and balances of the Constitution lose much of their force to limit government’s tendency toward tyranny.”

If any Republican president had so egregiously and brazenly ignored a Supreme Court ruling, in essence telling the Court it is inferior to the presidency, the Democrats and the media would be constantly shrieking about the dangerous emergence of a “constitutional crisis.” They’ve done it before. In 2018, John Kerry, a Democrat who’s been in Washington almost as long, it seems, as the Washington Monument, claimed that the “off the rails” Trump White House constituted “a genuine constitutional crisis.” It was a typical tale from a Democrat, full of sound and fury, signifying deception.

But what Biden has done is more serious. Keith E. Whittington, a Princeton University professor of politics, identifies three types of constitutional crises: a crisis of operation, a crisis of fidelity and a crisis of bad faith. Biden’s constitutional offense could be placed in either of the last two categories. He is “no longer willing to abide by existing constitutional arrangements” and is clearly a political actor who has refrained “from repudiating the inherited constitutional system but nonetheless” subverted “it by only giving lip service to constitutional requirements.”

Don’t believe that Biden is acting merely out of compassion. The Democrats want to erase constitutional limits on government power, and issuing executive orders that are popular in some corners is a pathway to eventually making law by presidential whim. The end game is a sweeping loss of freedom and consolidated power for a hard-left ruling class.

— Written by the I&I Editorial Board


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The Deep Banana Republic State of America
« Reply #1886 on: February 27, 2024, 06:37:26 PM »
2nd post. More on the long term FBI “trusted source” now indicted for lying in his statements regarding Biden, statements Biden fought against being released, presumably because they were both true and unflattering. Moreover this witness is jailed without bail, unlike various murders and multiple felons traipsing about on bail.

Banana republic horseshit, IMO:


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #1887 on: February 28, 2024, 05:08:29 AM »
Agree 100% the FBI looks Stalinesque here.

That said, as best as I can tell, flight risk is a legit issue.  Hell, if I were Smirnov, I surely would have the pieces in place and good reason to do so.


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Peter Navarro gets ready for prison
« Reply #1888 on: February 28, 2024, 03:16:39 PM »
Outrageous what has been done to this man!!!
« Last Edit: February 28, 2024, 03:22:54 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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BBG: Fani's follies on the Stand
« Reply #1889 on: February 28, 2024, 03:18:32 PM »


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Re: Peter Navarro gets ready for prison
« Reply #1890 on: February 29, 2024, 06:46:53 AM »
Outrageous what has been done to this man!!!

I wasn't a big fan of Navarro. I posted something of his during the election fraud dispute, a roadmap of where to look for wrongdoing. Six categories of fraud in six states. We would do well,still, to investigate.

Yes I am outraged at his treatment. His 'crime' was to associate with Trump and they got him.  Now the biggest mission in the country is to dismantle our deep state and two tiered Justice instead of pursuing what (I think) should be the biggest issues of the day, peace and prosperity.

How do we have real jack booted thugs running the show in a constitutional republic?


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #1891 on: February 29, 2024, 12:49:33 PM »
I thought his piece making the case for fraud, was rather good.  Certainly way better than grifters like Lynn Wood and  , , , I forget her name, she repped Gen Flynn well until she went over the top with her election fraud assertions.
« Last Edit: February 29, 2024, 05:14:14 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #1892 on: February 29, 2024, 01:03:32 PM »
"   I forget her name, she repped Gen Flynn well until she went over the top with her election fraud assertions."

I think you are referring to Sidney Powell.


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #1893 on: February 29, 2024, 05:14:26 PM »
Thank you.


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HT BBG: How the Deep State played Trump
« Reply #1894 on: April 07, 2024, 04:48:28 PM »
Per the piece, the entire complexion of the US Covid response was based on one behind the scenes appointee that, having worked on the HIV response in Africa overlayed that resulting model atop the American response to Covid:

Coordinating Chaos

Rob Montz joins John Tierney to discuss his documentary It Wasn’t Fauci: How the Deep State Really Played Trump.

Audio Transcript

John Tierney: Welcome back to the 10 Blocks podcast. This is John Tierney, a contributing editor to City Journal. Joining me on the show today is Rob Montz, who has just released an important and riveting documentary on YouTube. It’s about the Covid fiasco and is titled, “It Wasn’t Fauci: How the Deep State Really Played Trump.” Now, Rob was a journalist, and he’s the CEO and co-founder of Good Kid Productions. Two years ago, before the rest of the country discovered that deficiencies of Harvard president Claudine Gay, Rob wrote about it in Quillette and also released a documentary exposing how she and other Harvard officials unfairly punished and suspended Roland Fryer, a brilliant economist at Harvard, whose research on policing and schooling contradicted progressive dogma on racism. Now, Rob has taken on a much bigger scandal: the useless and devastatingly harmful Covid lockdown, school closures, and other mandates that were imposed on America and copied in the rest of the world.

I’ve written a lot about these issues at City Journal, how these terrible measures were imposed against the longstanding advice of the best experts on dealing with pandemics and against the best scientific evidence about these measures. Now, this was, I think, the costliest and worst mistake ever made in the history of public health. Probably the worst public policy blunder ever made during peacetime in America. And like a lot of people, I’ve wondered, how could we be so stupid? Well, Rob answers that question in his new documentary, and the answer will be news to the many people who put all the blame on Anthony Fauci.

Now, there’s no question that Fauci bears a lot of responsibility. He was the public face of Covid. He was the darling of the gullible reporters in the mainstream media who bought his version of “the science.” And because his agency controlled so much of the research funding into infectious diseases, scientists depended on that funding, were afraid to contradict them, and therefore there was a silence from people who knew better. But as Rob shows in his documentary, it was another veteran federal bureaucrat who actually orchestrated these terrible measures and conned Donald Trump and the White House into going along with it. Her name is Deborah Birx. Could you tell us about her, Rob?

Rob Montz: Yeah, and for most people at best, they have a vague recollection of that name because Fauci was held up as the great counterbalance to Trumpism. He’s the guy who gets all the glowing New Yorker profiles. He’s the dude who gets the Time 100 nominations. And Birx was there, and people maybe vaguely remember her scarves, and maybe they remember that she was on the receiving end of that hyper viral Trump news conference in the early stages of the pandemic in which he suggested using ultraviolet light and bleach to fight Covid. Other than that, she’s basically been lost to history, which is just so funny about the nature narrative making in politics. You really get to see how warped and artificial historical storytelling is once you actually dig into the power of things. Yeah, you’re right. I get the sense that a lot of Americans want to move on. In part they really, really, really don’t want to hear the answer to was all that sacrifice of the lockdowns worth it?

They don’t really want to be told that it actually wasn’t worth it at all. There was no nobility to it. The cousin of yours that died of a drug overdose didn’t die for a good reason. The fact that your nine-year-old still can’t read. It’s not for any particularly good reason. The fact that you had to shutter your family business, there was no good reason. So people just want to move on, even though, as I’m sure your audience knows, there’s been a lot of pretty rigorous investigations into the efficacy of the lockdowns, and they’ve essentially proven that they had no impact whatsoever on cases or death rates.

John Tierney: Just tell us a little bit about Birx’s background and what led her to adopt these policies against the advice of the best epidemiologist in the world before this. It was against the plan of the CDC and other national health agencies before the pandemic. She did all this, despite all this. So tell us a little bit about her background.

Rob Montz: And it’s so funny because the ways that lockdowns became the default policy prescription in America, it’s so pedestrian. It’s like Alex Jones-style conspiracy theorizing has all these grand forces and complicated machinery and all these complex variables, but then you dig into how Birx got power and it’s the most mundane thing imaginable, and the mistakes she made is the most mundane thing in imaginable, and that became the default policy prescription for nearly 400 million Americans. So she immediately, in the wake of Covid hitting American shores in 2019, early 2020, the White House forms a special Covid task force. Importantly, Trump gives Pence complete control of the task force. He essentially outsources the whole Covid task force portfolio to Pence. And as they’re assembling this group, they’re frantically looking around for a public health expert that can bring some level of scientific rigor to their policy prescriptions for the rest of the country. And through a complicated set of connections, someone within the Trump administration recommends Deborah Birx. Her background importantly is in fighting AIDS in Africa.

John Tierney: She was also an old crony. I mean, she’d worked very closely with Fauci and with Robert Redfield, right?

Rob Montz: Oh, yeah. They all know each other. They’ve been working together for decades. They’re all part of the same swamp stew. So her background is in HIV-AIDS. And again, the important things are, there actually was an internal inspector’s general report that came out about her management style of PEPFAR, like literally just a matter of weeks.

John Tierney: And PEPFAR was this international AIDS program to combat AIDS.

Rob Montz: And it comes out, and this thing, which is mostly based upon surveys with municipal and public health officials in African countries that have been working with Deborah Birx, is a barnburner of an indictment on her management and leadership. It’s insane. I mean, anybody can read it. It’s not difficult to find. It’s just nobody did read it because nobody’s curious about it.

John Tierney: Right. This is the first I’ve seen of it, and it really is a barn burner showing what a horrible administrator she was.

Rob Montz: Everyone’s like she’s a dictator. She doesn’t listen to feedback. She very quickly becomes myopically committed to a particular paradigm and doesn’t change it based upon the facts on the ground. She’s dictatorial.

John Tierney: Draws the wrong conclusions, you say?

Rob Montz: Yeah. She draws conclusions that lead down the wrong path. And this is the person who then gets brought up to be part of this elite group of, it’s only like 10 people that are principals on the Covid task force, and she’s the chief scientist on the task force. That’s the woman. Somehow the mechanics of history are such that she’s the person that gets to write the guidelines. And what she does, and again, I don’t want to give away everything in the documentary, I want people to have a reason to go watch it, is she essentially makes this 75 IQ instinctual parallel between Covid and AIDS. She makes a certain set of assumptions that the Covid virus and HIV/AIDS virus are the same. And from those parallel assumptions come a certain set of policy prescriptions, including getting to zero cases at any cost, treating Covid as an equal opportunity killer, focusing on children and shutting down schools. This is all based on an HIV/AIDS paradigm.

John Tierney: Right, where every case is potentially fatal.

Rob Montz: Exactly. I don’t know. This is not a hot contrarian take to be like, “Yo Covid’s not like HIV/AIDS.” Not at all. It’s extremely different. They’re radically different diseases. We get into a bunch of the particulars, not least of which, and again, it’s still shocking how few Americans seem to appreciate this. It’s mostly because of the thematic misinformation fed to them by the corporate establishment media, that there’s this really, really sharp age gradient for Covid death where it’s a serious disease if you’re 74, and it’s not a serious disease at all if you’re 20. And that reality needs to be reflected in your policy interventions. And it wasn’t. Then the central mystery also that we try to solve, Trump initially had okayed the lockdown and very famously cut off air transportation from China. He greenlit a couple weeks to slow the spread, and then a couple more weeks.

And then he pretty famously turns against lockdowns right around like June or July of 2020 and starts criticizing them. He very famously gets Covid and then afterwards tells the American public not to be afraid, doesn’t wear a mask. He berates governors for excessively, overly aggressively closing down schools. But even after the president himself turns against lockdowns, the official policy prescription from his White House all the way through the election is still pro-lockdown. And you’re like, that’s interesting. How did that happen? I don’t think the schoolhouse rock conception of American government is an efficient explanation for how it is that a president could be saying one thing and the actual policy coming from his White House could be the exact opposite. There must be some complexity or nuances here that I didn’t learn in my ninth grade U.S. government class. Deborah Birx is the linchpin for how it is that that dissidence could have occurred.

John Tierney: Right. Scott Atlas, who’s featured in your documentary, who was one of the early heroes of the pandemic speaking out, and he was invited finally, someone in the White House, Scott, he was appearing on television and saying the lockdowns are going to kill more people than the virus. The school closures are devastating. And so he got in there and he tried to do something on the task force, but he was completely stymied by Birx and Robert Redfield, head of the CDC, and Fauci on the task force were these veteran bureaucrats who’d all worked together. Fauci had worked on the failed attempt to do an AIDS vaccine, but they made a secret pact because the New York Times later revealed that if any one of them was fired, they’d all quit. So they basically knew how to play the bureaucratic game. And there was also, you point out in the documentary that Jared Kushner, he was terrified of the political implications of standing up to Fauci.

Rob Montz: But my reporting mostly indicates that she was able, Birx in particular, was able to systematically stymie and marginalized Atlas, not because of her close alliance with Fauci and Redfield, but because of her close alliance with Mike Pence. Remarkable, right?

John Tierney: And he really emerges as another villain. He was supposedly in charge of the task force, but he just bowed to her at every turn. He was afraid to stand up to her. Right?

Rob Montz: Well, it’s not exactly, I don’t really know his motivations. From a distance, before I’d gotten into this, he’d always struck me as the paradigmatic hollow man elected politician. He just seems like he was grown in a lab and is a soulless political automaton, and he just regurgitates on command GOP Christianist talking points. Are you even a person? Do you have a subjective experience of reality, or are you just a non-player character? So I don’t really know what his motivations were. I don’t really know.

John Tierney: I think Scott Atlas said that Pence just deferred to her and everything, and she basically ran the—I mean, he was the head of it, but she really, I think, set the agenda. And then, as you say in the documentary, she’s the one who was writing all the official White House guidance.

Rob Montz: Right. She was writing it almost alone. This is again, something that I think the broader American public needs to appreciate that it was a single woman with a couple of junior staffers that was writing. Again, they were recommendations, so they weren’t mandates, so governors didn’t have to follow them. But certainly in the early stages of the pandemic, governors that defied federal guidelines were risking insane legal liability, and it was just her, it was not a group project at all. And so Scott Atlas is brought in right around the time that Trump changes his mind. It turns out he was right about everything. Really everything about just the complete, the catastrophic human consequences of lockdowns and other parts of life. There’s this age gradient that needs to be taken into consideration, how shutting down schools who basically everybody now agrees it was a catastrophic event.

John Tierney: Everybody knew that early on too. I mean, it was very clear early on.

Rob Montz: He’s right about everything. But what’s funny, and this, I don’t want to give it away too much though. It’s also funny to see that Birx again is able to enact, in part enabled by Trump’s epic executive incompetence. And again, he doesn’t get off lightly in this at all. She’s able to enact this kind of casual coup of him, and it didn’t require a shot fired, and it was mostly done with an email inbox and an edit function. It’s the most pedestrian office space tactics imaginable. And it ends up having these unbelievably catastrophic consequences for hundreds of millions of people. And it’s the most casual, bland office drone stuff you can imagine in terms of what she actually has to do to circumvent a president. And again, I do want to emphasize this is a deeply anti-Trump piece as well, because stuff happened on his watch because of his incompetence and chaos. For large portions of his presidency, even before Covid, he was acting like somebody else’s president, and he was just the guy that tweeted things out.

John Tierney: Right. Scott Atlas tried, and I want to talk about what he tried to do with bringing another scientist, but a really striking story in Scott Atlas’s book about this, A Plague Upon Our House, is when he first meets Deborah Birx, he goes in and she’s pushing the mask mandate, of course. And they were even pushing the absurdity of masks outside even, and they kept that forever. But he says that he asked her, “Where do you think the evidence is for a mask mandate? Because the best remote, randomized controlled trials before it, people said, don’t have mass mandates. There’s no evidence that they work.” And she says, well, and she cites this what she called a study in one hair salon in Mississippi that was a joke. And then he realizes that she just has no conception of the science and no interest in it. He used to bring in all the studies to the meeting.

She and Fauci never looked at it, never discussed it, refused to do it. And then you show the documentary how Atlas finally tries to go around her and brings in some real scientists who actually know how to deal with pandemics. Jay Bhattacharya from Stanford, Martin Kulldorff from Harvard, and Joe Ladapo, who was at UCLA. He brings them, he arranges a White House meeting for these scientists who’d done the great Barrington Declaration saying we should protect older people, we should not be locking down, we should not be closing schools. We should focus protection. So he brings them in for a meeting, and he invites Birx with Trump, invites her there. So what happens then?

Rob Montz: Yeah, so he brings in people. This is like pre-Great Barrington Declaration, but again, a group of genuine, highly credentialed, mostly Ivy League professors of epidemiology. Again, Deborah Birx is not a researcher. She’s not even an epidemiologist. She’s a bureaucrat. She was overseeing the dispersal of AIDS medicine. She wasn’t doing foundational research into the nature of the HIV/AIDS virus or whatever. So again, real hardcore Harvard, Stanford gold-plated credentials people that are basically trying to come in to provide an intellectual architecture for Trump’s guerrilla instincts that the lockdowns are bad and are counterproductive and come with a huge human toll. Atlas puts together this meeting in the White House. It’s him and a couple of these other heavy hitters. And it’s specifically scheduled so that Deborah Birx can attend. They make a point to schedule it so that she can be there and she can make her case in front of the president. And she at the last minute says, “I’m not going to be there because it would look bad for me.” She refuses to deign to give them her attention or her time, which is the most horribly unscientific way—

John Tierney: And also because she can’t possibly argue with them because they know so much more than she does.

Rob Montz: But it’s amazing that she has since publicly admitted she doesn’t even pretend to engage with the substance of their critiques. I know this from having suffered from my sins and watched everything that she’s ever said about the time in the White House.

John Tierney: My condolences.

Rob Montz: She doesn’t even attempt to engage with it analytically. She just calls it a heresy, and then openly admits to using her bureaucratic intrigue powers to censor and silence her critics. We talk about it in the doc that she, shortly after that meeting with the president, between the president and these professors, goes to the media team at the White House and tells them, “You can’t put Scott Atlas on national news anymore.” And they say, “Yeah.” The most grotesque censorship imaginable. And she’s openly admitting to it because she isn’t thinking anything’s wrong with it.

John Tierney: She’s proud of it. One of my favorite lines, and you got some great sound clips from her talking, I think at the Aspen Institute maybe, of talks where she was speaking to a friendly audience and really opened up and admitted what happened. And one of her things, and she talked about that meeting and said, “Now you’re sort of outgunned,” she says, “if you’re against these professors from Harvard and Stanford.” But she says, “Now, but I’m not outvoiced. You just don’t allow yourself to be outvoiced.” It’s a real high point in the documentary, and that’s a bureaucrat. They may be right on the science, but I’m going to outvoice them. I’m going to do the bureaucratic channels to manipulate things.

Rob Montz: And again, Deborah Birx has been raised and thrived in and mastered like the dark arts of federal administration. I mean, she’s been doing it for decades upon decades. Her expertise is not in epidemiology or any hard scientific fields. Her expertise is in navigating bureaucracy and in kind of petty power politics in federal government. So when she’s losing clearly the scientific debate, she resorts to the tactics and the tools that she knows, which is the back end, dark arts, bureaucratic power. So she knows which levers to press and who to go to and how to talk to them to silence her critics. And that’s exactly what she does. And what that does is it enables her to continue to impose her completely garbage, broken, unscientific lockdown policies on the country well through the end of 2020 in open defiance of President Trump.

John Tierney: Exactly.

Rob Montz: But again, this is very instructive about him in that he gets labeled as a fascist. And again, I’m not going to defend Trump, but it is interesting that when he actually had power, he so willingly gave it away, and it was so easy to snatch it from him. It’s like, this is not some Mussolini dude. It’s like, you got to be kidding me. It was so goddamn easy to steal enormous amounts of power from him. And that’s not a fascist. Again, that tends to substantiate the story of Trump as more of a theater experience like a clown, like someone who can pretend to be the alpha man of action.

John Tierney: And there’s another really nice moment in the documentary where Pence is talking. You show Pence saying, “We drain the swamp, we’re going to do it.” And then you show right before that, you show how Birx, after the White House has said, “Our official policy is we’re against lockdowns,” she, the veteran bureaucrat, discovers that they don’t really read what she writes. As long as she doesn’t put it at the beginning, they just skim it. And so she basically just keeps saying, “Close bars, outdoor masks, close schools, close churches.” She just keeps putting that out as a guidance. She travels the country telling governors to do this, and nobody at the White House is stopping her. And she even goes to Pence and says, and I think you say that. She says to Pence, “You know that I’m doing exactly the opposite of what the president is saying?” And Pence just says to her, “Do what you need to do.”

Rob Montz: Ice cold, man. Ice cold, I know bro. And it’s so simple. And it’s not without a shot fired, not really some sophisticated game. If this was an episode of Game of Thrones, it wouldn’t even fill an episode, like a single episode, because there’s so few narrative storytelling points in it. It didn’t take much at all to topple a president. It was remarkably simple. And so the reason we did the documentary, and again, this is kind of the reason that our whole company exists, is to tell these stories that just get missed by corporate cathedral media. It’s remarkable that this was the biggest story in the last 50 years in America. And this one particular story about how it is that we got this particular policy response, it’s just never been told.

John Tierney: Well, it was good for you doing. I mean, it really is so telling, and it needs to be told, because the big fear, of course, is that nobody wants to admit how wrong they were. So the next time a virus comes along, it’ll be, whoa, that’s our policy. We work. And there’ll be another Deborah Birx in there who knows how to manipulate the system. So I hope the documentary gets a lot of views, that people really find out about what Birx did and how disastrous this all was. And I hope that our listeners will check this out. Again, the documentary, It Wasn’t Fauci: How The Deep  :mrgreen:State Really Played Trump. It’s available on YouTube. You can also check out my articles about Scott Atlas and about other issues that Rob covers in the documentary. You can find us at, also on X @CityJournal, and on Instagram @CityJournal_MI. And as always, if you like what you’ve heard on the podcast, give us five-star rating on iTunes. Thanks again, Rob, for joining us and for producing a great documentary.

Rob Montz: John, thanks so much for having me. And again, people can watch the documentary in full, at least for now, on our YouTube page at Good Kid Productions.

John Tierney: Excellent.


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FO: Sue and Settle
« Reply #1895 on: April 08, 2024, 06:58:12 PM »

(3) RED COALITION: BIDEN “SUE-AND-SETTLE” COLLUSION WITH ACTIVISTS: Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen and Attorneys General of twenty other states filed a brief opposing “collusion” between the Biden administration and immigration activists, in a lawsuit over the administration’s “Circumvention of Lawful Pathways” rule.

Knudsen said, “The Biden administration is in settlement negotiations with left-wing, open-border activists. I’m proud to support my colleagues’ efforts to stop these collusive sue-and-settle practices.”

Why It Matters: The Biden administration and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) continue to take actions that fuel the immigration crisis, including ignoring legally required procedures and enforcement. “Sue-and-settle” is a tactic Republicans say the Environmental Protection Agency uses to implement interpretations of laws without going through the formal rule-making process. DHS’ “sue-and-settle” actions in lawsuits brought by immigration nonprofits and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are very likely to undermine any Congressional action on the border crisis. – R.C.


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WSJ: Biden's latest lawless student loan forgiveness
« Reply #1896 on: April 09, 2024, 06:09:26 AM »

Biden’s Latest Lawless Student Loan Forgiveness
He wants to write off hundreds of billions in student debt before the courts can stop him.
By The WSJ Editorial Board

The Supreme Court last year blocked the Biden Administration's $430 billion student loan write-off, but who do the Justices think they are? King Joseph showed them on Monday by waving his royal scepter again and canceling debt for some 30 million borrowers.

“President Biden will use every tool available to cancel student loan debt for as many borrowers as possible,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre declared. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona added: “When the Supreme Court struck down the President’s boldest student debt relief plan, within hours, we said, ‘We won’t be deterred.’” That’s for sure.

Although the details of Mr. Biden’s latest plan are new, it aims like the first to make college free on the back-end. For whatever reason you can’t—or won’t—repay your loans, the Administration has you covered.

Mr. Biden’s new plan eliminates accrued interest on loans for some 23 million borrowers. Generous repayment plans that cap monthly payments at a de minimis share of income have caused many loan balances to balloon owing to interest that accrues on unpaid balance. This is a major reason student debt has exploded.

Mr. Biden’s previous repayment plans prevent interest from compounding, eliminating the punishment for not making full and regular payments. Now borrowers also won’t have to pay interest they’ve racked up, which could total hundreds of billions of dollars. Wouldn’t Americans love to write off interest that accrues on credit cards too?

His plan also erases debt for some 2.5 million borrowers who “entered repayment over 20 years ago.” Current repayment plans forgive debt for borrowers who make monthly payments for 20 years. Mr. Biden is taking the payment out of repayment by canceling debt for borrowers who haven’t been making regular payments. This one’s for you, Gen Xers.

Borrowers who “enrolled in low-financial-value programs” will also receive loan forgiveness. The Administration isn’t targeting this benefit at community-organizing majors, but rather borrowers who attended proprietary schools that lose their financial aid eligibility because of Mr. Biden’s draconian gainful employment rule on for-profit colleges.

Nonetheless, borrowers who can’t find (or don’t want) gainful employment could get their loans canceled simply by claiming a “hardship.” One example the White House gives is child-care expenses. Get ready for an elastic definition of “hardship.”

Speaking of moral hazard, the Administration’s plan will encourage colleges to raise costs, especially in graduate programs for which there are no federal loan limits. Who cares if students can’t repay? They will be forgiven one way or another.

The Administration is essentially turning college into an open-ended, taxpayer-financed entitlement by canceling loans on the installment plan. It even boasts that it has already “approved $146 billion in student debt relief for 4 million Americans through more than two dozen executive actions.” That's $36,500 per borrower. It’s good to be the King.

The Supreme Court ruled last year that Mr. Biden’s cancelation of $10,000 to $20,000 per borrower exceeded his authority under the 2003 Heroes Act, which allows the executive to “modify” loan terms in an emergency. The Administration “modified” loans, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote, in the “same sense that ‘the French Revolution “modified” the status of the French nobility.’”

An Administration official said late Sunday its new plans “involve different considerations” and use “different legal authority.” It invokes the Higher Education Act, which lets the Education Secretary “compromise” or “waive” claims. The Administration says its new plan is targeted even as it boasts about its scale.

Mr. Biden’s new loan forgiveness is still illegal. The High Court stressed that student loan forgiveness is a major question that requires clear authorization from Congress. But Mr. Biden seems to believe he can jam the courts by automatically forgiving debt before a judge has time to stop him.

The White House says most borrowers won’t even have to apply for loan relief. Sometime before the November election, Mr. Biden will simply declare their debt forgiven. That means a future Congress and a President Trump might be unable to undo the lawless act. Where are the press scolds who warn about a President who threatens democracy?

Mr. Biden is setting an awful precedent that Donald Trump will no doubt exploit. If courts say he can’t re-purpose defense money to build a wall on the southern border, he could simply use another means to do so. The right will cheer him on as the left is Mr. Biden. The rule of law and taxpayers are the losers.


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Re: WSJ: Biden's latest lawless student loan forgiveness
« Reply #1897 on: April 09, 2024, 06:57:51 AM »
He goes to the same winning (sort of) playbook when he is in trouble - even though the Supreme Court already said no.

Why does he think major spending and debt issues, billions affecting millions doesn't have to go through Congress?

On each of these tired initiatives, there is a possibility like Lucy pulling away the football that people won't keep falling for it.

Of course he wants the issue, not the policy.  The young people still owe the money no matter how he reassigns the debt.  What part of $35 Trillion and climbing after we die don't young voters understand?

87% do not have student loans, but in a sense they will after the debt is reassigned.


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PM Truss of GB: The Deep State awaits President Trump
« Reply #1898 on: April 16, 2024, 11:25:27 AM »
With a presidential rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump now all but confirmed, the world is focusing on what could be the most consequential election ever. If the disasters of the past three years have taught us anything, it’s that we need a conservative back in the White House. The West is succumbing to challenges from its enemies abroad while being undermined from within by the promotion of leftist ideologies, eco-extremism and wokeism. A Trump victory would provide much-needed leadership to the Western world.

But even if President Trump is re-elected, his battle will have only begun. Across the West—especially the English-speaking world—there has been a shift of power away from democratically accountable officeholders to unelected bureaucrats and technocrats. The administrative state undermined Mr. Trump’s first term and undermined my tenure as Britain’s prime minister, forcing me out of office after 49 days. I assumed that I would be able to drive through the agenda on which I was elected. How wrong I was. The opaque British bureaucratic state undermined my proposed reforms, and their American equivalents will have Mr. Trump in their sights if he is victorious in November. The deep state will attempt to undercut him even more than it did in his first term.

Conservatives need to understand that winning an election isn’t enough. The winner needs a concerted plan to dismantle the deep state, which seeks its own self-preservation. When I entered Downing Street in September 2022, growth in the British economy had been anemic for years, despite artificially low interest rates that served to accustom government and consumers alike to cheap money and inflation. Tax burdens and energy costs were high, and the expansive welfare state was bloated. The U.K. had left the European Union in 2020, but reams of burdensome laws remained on the British statute book. The economic establishment had bought into the high-tax, high-regulation, big-government European approach and had little appetite for supply-side policies or tax cuts. Too many conservatives went along with the establishment’s push for net zero and high immigration.

As soon as I announced plans to institute a range of supply-side reforms, I was marked by the technocrats for political extinction. On the eve of the publication of our growth plan, the Bank of England raised interest rates, but not by as much as anticipated—a misstep that prompted a fall in the value of the pound, leading to higher yields on U.K. government bonds, known as gilts. The central bank also announced plans to sell £40 billion in gilts that evening, prompting private bond holders to pre-empt the sale by flooding the market with their own gilts.

Rising yields were a problem because of pension funds’ exposure to leveraged liability-driven investment funds, which are highly susceptible to interest rate risk. Due to failures in regulation and oversight, U.K. pension funds were uniquely exposed to the same kind of risk that caused several U.S. banks to collapse in early 2023. The liability-driven investment funds’ leveraged bets on gilt prices began to sour while the Office for Budget Responsibility—a U.K. version of the Congressional Budget Office—leaked its claim that our plans would create a £70 billion “fiscal black hole.” OBR forecasts like this one have consistently been wrong because they underestimate the Laffer curve effect of tax cuts and the benefits of supply-side reforms.

Unelected bureaucrats caused this market turmoil, but elected representatives were blamed. Neither I nor Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng had been given any warning before the liability-driven investment fund situation blew up. When the Bank of England announced it would buy gilts to support the pension funds—a move that everyone knew would prompt investors to unload their government bonds—I knew they had me at gunpoint. We had to ditch our program or risk a market meltdown that would leave the government unable to finance its debt. There should be an independent investigation into what happened, but the establishment would never allow it.

The U.S. economic establishment already is arming against Mr. Trump and his economic program. After the disaster of Bidenomics—with its ballooning subsidies, tax hikes, burdensome regulation and more than $34.6 trillion of debt—a program of supply-side measures like oil and gas exploration, spending cuts and tax reform is desperately needed. In March, CBO Director Phillip Swagel explicitly warned that the mounting U.S. fiscal burden threatened a crisis of the kind that brought me down. Corporate borrowers are also reportedly preparing for market volatility. Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan has warned the federal debt is pushing the economy toward a financial cliff.

This isn’t a fight only to return to fiscal responsibility, but also to return power to the people’s elected representatives. My Republican friends must be ready for the fight of their lives.

Ms. Truss served as Britain’s prime minister in 2022. She is author of “Ten Years to Save the West: Leading the Revolution Against Globalism, Socialism, and the Liberal Establishment,” out Tuesday.