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Messages - ragsbo

Pages: [1]
Politics & Religion / Re: How to cut government spending
« on: January 08, 2011, 06:05:52 PM »
Here is my list;

1. Cut the number of staff for congress as well as their pay. No more fancy offices with large staffs. Put them up in retired military posts so there will be no need for houses. Feed them in the chow hall. Bus them to and from work. Make congress a part time job not a full time career. Term limits= House 6 years; senate 12. And can not sit out a term then run again= limit is for life.
2. No retirement for congress except what they get on their own. No medical for congress except what they buy on their own.
3. Make congress adhere to all laws they pass and do not let them exempt themselves.
4. Do away with White house tsars and funding. If the job is not in the US Constitution; then don't pay for it. If the president wants them, he can pay for it out of his budget; and make that budget tight.
5. Kick the UN out of the USA and use that real estate for something useful. Stop paying them dues so they can blame us for everything.
6. Don't pay out any foreign aid until our bills are paid here at home. Then only give it to those contries who swear to stand by us not swear at us.
7. Do away with welfare as a career choice. Make it like unemployment= short term and make them actually get work.

Politics & Religion / Re: Sen. Ted Kennedy
« on: November 06, 2006, 06:30:26 PM »
I would expect nothing less from a low life who would leave a young lady to drown in the back seat of his car after he had driven it into the water. He should still be serving time for that crime.

Politics & Religion / Re: Peace Activist
« on: October 29, 2006, 06:11:43 PM »
You know, I will be the first to say everyone has the right to their opinions, no matter how wrong they are, BUT what that maggot puke did was beyond the pale. We can disagree with each other, but there is not call for getting that nasty and insulting. Keep to the facts and keep the personal attacks out of it.

Politics & Religion / 7:7 Rememberance
« on: July 08, 2006, 08:22:12 PM »
If we don't remember we are doomed to repeat.

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