Author Topic: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.  (Read 567818 times)


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Another GS elite
Democrat partisan, of course, signs new policy ("fixing the problem) for perpetual Democrat election victories

*what is not noted in the articles praising bill is that one does not need photo ID when they show up to vote

or even register to vote

    it appears one does not need SSN
    can use student ID
    store ID card
    and only has to declare they are citizen with no verification

to register to vote
and thus to vote.

of course the rules are geared to allow  cheating , the Democrat Party way,
with no definite means to be able to verify anyone.

This is important to note here:

There are hundreds of thousands of illegals in NJ
~ 475 ,000 according to pew ~5.2 % of the total population of the state
   exceeded  only by Nevada (7.1 % ) Texas (5,7%) and California (5.7%):


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why a disproportionate number of minorities do not have valid state IDs
« Reply #1702 on: April 03, 2021, 11:03:12 AM »

as far as I can tell

it is one lame excuse after another

they can't take one day off and get an ID?

Like the rest of us?

Time cost and effort are cited as reasons

how much does it cost?

how much time does it take?
effort - > what can I say about that

easier to go to mail box and pick of a taxpayer funded government check I guess

too many kids

single parents hustling to care for kids and jobs?

Why can't I make excuses about taxes?

or all the other multitude of things I would not be able to do without an ID.

I can see a person who has no home , lives on the street , etc but. the rest is just lame excuses


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1703 on: April 03, 2021, 01:52:32 PM »
Don't you need an ID to buy liquor anywhere now?  And to drive, fly or attend the DNC.  Racist?

A study discovered non-whites go through the exact same process to get an ID as whites do.  Weird.

If you believe non-whites can't do at all what whites do easily and can't even be trained to do it, isn't that the definition of racist?

We need to turn the racism charge right back on them.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1704 on: April 03, 2021, 07:25:40 PM »


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leftists want to cheat
« Reply #1707 on: April 10, 2021, 07:26:20 AM »
How crazy is this:

the number of voting days is expanded
getting a picture ID is free

and all they do is yell scream and while stamping their feet :

"voter suppression "

they know what is going

they just want to be able to have the chance to continue stealing elections


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WSJ: Strassel: The Democrat against HR 1
« Reply #1708 on: April 22, 2021, 08:56:16 PM »
Behind the Democrats’ push for their federal takeover of congressional elections is their insistence that it will sweep away “racist” voting laws and increase voter turnout. No wonder they had no interest this week in hearing from a Democratic legend who knows—and can prove—that they are full of it.

That Democrat is Bill Gardner, New Hampshire’s secretary of state. Mr. Gardner has been overseeing Granite State voting since Dec. 2, 1976, a week before Stacey Abrams’s 3rd birthday. In December, a bipartisan vote of the New Hampshire Legislature elected him to a 23rd two-year term. The longest-serving secretary of state in U.S. history, he’s an institution, famous for his apolitical commitment to the state’s constitution and its first-in-the-nation primary.

Mr. Gardner was invited (by Republicans) to testify at Tuesday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, which the Democratic majority titled “Jim Crow 2021: The Latest Assault on the Right to Vote.” Ms. Abrams got most of the headlines; the media and Senate Democrats barely acknowledged Mr. Gardner’s presence. And no wonder. It isn’t only that Mr. Gardner vehemently opposes his party’s H.R.1 bill, which would federally impose procedures such as early and absentee voting on the states. He also has incontrovertible evidence that the narrative behind it is a crock.

“Just because you make voting easier, it does not raise turnout automatically,” Mr. Gardner told the committee. It can have the opposite result by undermining “the trust and confidence voters have in the process.” He called it a “fine balance.” The New Hampshire evidence makes the case.

By Democrats’ definition, New Hampshire has some of the most “suppressive” voter laws anywhere. In the hearing and in a subsequent interview with me, Mr. Gardner explained that some of these rules are part of the state’s constitution. That document requires that residents show up to vote in person unless they are physically disabled or out of town. That means no mail-in voting. The state constitution requires that the final vote tally for each candidate be publicly declared at each polling place the night of the election after the polls close. This is one reason New Hampshire doesn’t allow early voting, which can cause the counting to stretch for days.

New Hampshire is one of four states that don’t allow provisional ballots—again, because it would derail the public reading of tallies. The state requires voter identification. It also requires in-person registration at a town hall or at a polling place on Election Day; it went out of its way to become exempt from the 1993 federal “motor voter” law that allows registration by motor-vehicle offices and other bureaucracies.

Racist? Suppressive? Onerous? Hardly. For the past five presidential elections, New Hampshire has been in the top five states for voter turnout. It’s been third in the past four presidential elections, last year pulling 72.2% of its voting age population to the polls. That exceeded U.S. turnout by nearly 11 points; in 2016 the figure was 14.5 points.

New Hampshire’s experience aside, Mr. Gardner offered the committee a contrasting (and more honest) history of voting in Oregon, the first state to shift to voting by mail. He recalled that in the early 1990s Oregon’s secretary of state pitched him on joining him in that move. Mr. Gardner declined. Before Oregon introduced all-mail voting in 1996, it had routinely been in the top 11 states for voter turnout in presidential elections, and often beat New Hampshire. It has never topped New Hampshire since, and in 2012 fell as low as 17th.

The Granite Stater says he believes deeply in making voting straightforward and accessible, and New Hampshire does that in many ways, including same-day registration. “But I’ve seen what ways to make it easier actually work and what ways don’t work,” he says. They aren’t all equal, and H.R.1’s provisions would likely do the opposite of what Democrats claim.

Mr. Gardner also provided the committee a chart showing U.S. voter turnout in presidential elections since 1952. He tells me he doesn’t think it is an accident that five of the six highest-turnout years were in the 1950s and ’60s, before the beginning of federal efforts to meddle in state elections with laws like the 1971 Federal Election Campaign Act and the 1993 National Voter Registration Act. People lose trust, and even pride in their unique state systems. (Another factor might be the 26th Amendment, ratified in 1971, which lowered the voting age to 18.)

Mr. Gardner has also issued a statement blasting Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats for their “attack” on his state and pointing out that the California system she wants to impose on the country has resulted in her state being ranked 46th, 49th, 49th and 43rd for turnout in the past four presidential elections. “There are 435 members of Congress; New Hampshire has two of them,” he tells me. Just five or six big states “have about half of all the members, and they’ll be writing our voting laws. I’m not telling them how to vote. Why are they telling us in New Hampshire how to vote? Especially given our record.”

And that’s the real question. Democrats’ “Jim Crow” claims are completely at odds with the evidence. If they are going to continue with H.R.1, they should at least be honest that the goal is to rig the system.

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Copyright ©2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Appeared in the April 23, 2021, print edition.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1711 on: April 25, 2021, 04:56:20 PM »
I associated the Washington Times as a friendly source, which is why I was surprised by the thoroughly prog language.  I missed the part about the source being AP.  I will give this another look.


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Maricopa election investigation
« Reply #1713 on: May 03, 2021, 09:28:49 AM »
if this fails to find fraud then I will feel better about outright theft
though, nonetheless will still bear witness that the election rules
  were clearly manipulated always in Dems favor
I will still have doubts in PA and GA and Michigan ......

OTOH will be surprised if nothing found......

No matter what
this will. not change the fact that Biden is president
    and yes Trump is delusional if he thinks he will be able to turn around the election .



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Re: Maricopa election investigation
« Reply #1715 on: May 04, 2021, 08:00:22 AM »

if this fails to find fraud then I will feel better about outright theft
though, nonetheless will still bear witness that the election rules
  were clearly manipulated always in Dems favor
I will still have doubts in PA and GA and Michigan ......
this will not change the fact that Biden is president

We would be better off to find that no fraud occurred.  Then we could work to overcome losses by conventional methods, like appeal to more voters.  But fraud did occur.  We just don't know yet how much, where, and by whom.

"this will not change the fact that Biden is president"

Right.  That's why Jan 6 and earlier vote certification deadlines were so important.  But if one state result was wrong, at least two other state results are likely wrong too, the electoral college count was wrong and you-know-who is an illegitimate President. 

Every election fraud denier from NPR to Facebook/Twitter to Romney/Cheney who call everyone else a liar will have their Pinocchio narrative turned upside down if just one state result is shown to be wrong.


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Dems to be sure cover. up continues
« Reply #1717 on: May 06, 2021, 09:22:54 AM »

if nothing to hide then why are they hiding everything?

states have the right to run their own elections
I though
so what jurisdiction are the feds claiming ?

Dem lawyers always know how to shyster a way don't they?


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1724 on: May 09, 2021, 05:53:14 PM »
The “Big Lie,” of course, isn’t that the 2020 election was stolen—it’s that the election was perfectly fair and lawful.

Texas and Arizona have passed several proposals that will tighten election requirements; Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed a massive election reform bill in March that enraged Democrats across the country including Joe Biden.

Which is why Democrats, the media, and NeverTrumpers like Liz Cheney must keep the “Big Lie” taunt alive. The cowardice of congressional Republicans notwithstanding, political leadership at the state level and rank-and-file Republicans are working to ensure a redo of the 2020 election doesn’t happen again—most would rather be considered liars than craven bystanders while the country burns.

Unfortunately, the “Big Lie” faces more headwinds than just a Jake Tapper tantrum or a Liz Cheney op-ed: Joe Biden’s Justice Department is poised to use its power to halt election reform in advance of the 2022 election. During a congressional hearing this week, Attorney General Merrick Garland made clear he would use the agency’s Civil Rights division to fight Republican-backed election laws in court, especially those requiring photo identification.

“The question on voter ID is what kind of disparate impact it has on voters of different races, colors and language groups, and whether it violates the Constitution by having a disparate impact on people’s ability to vote,” Garland told a House Appropriations Committee on Tuesday. “The Supreme Court has held that voter ID as a concept is constitutional. And the issue is what, in any individual cases [sic], the record shows about whether it deprives certain groups protected by the 14th Amendment right to vote.”


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Re: More on Maricopa County AZ
« Reply #1726 on: May 11, 2021, 09:09:01 AM »


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Lawsuit ie; phantom ballots?
« Reply #1727 on: May 11, 2021, 02:05:54 PM »

Caution this is on the Steve Bannon broadcast.
I don't trust him though he is on mostly on my side, but the lawsuit sounds like the real deal.

****Waiting for the libs to send in the National Guard to break this up and start making arrests
 in order to "save Democracy" from the "Big Lie".****

That is why we need cisgender commanders who have to point out they are  Latinas and suffer from GAD (generalized anxiety disorder).    :wink:
(PS. what is cis gender again ?). Communists always gain control of the military as soon as they can.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2021, 02:08:19 PM by ccp »


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not all ballots just the R ones
« Reply #1733 on: May 18, 2021, 05:05:05 PM »
not clear when this was discovered

don't believe we heard this till now

DOJ will get right on it I am sure


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Re: not all ballots just the R ones
« Reply #1734 on: May 18, 2021, 06:14:54 PM »
not clear when this was discovered

don't believe we heard this till now

DOJ will get right on it I am sure

31 dimensions of cheating in 6 states.  If just one issue proves true  that would have changed the result in just one state, it changes everything. The Big Lie would becomes just a small lie.


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I located a Pfizer vaccine location yesterday and drove to a suburban Walmart.  I got the vaccine free with almost no waiting.  All I had to do was answer some easy yes/no health questions and give them two forms of identification, drivers license and health insurance card - to make "writing the information down easier".

Strange that I post this in the vote fraud thread?  Wouldn't showing two forms of ID (one form?) also help poll workers verify your name, address, etc. as well?

She did not say we "require" two forms of ID and I thought of not doing that, but when you walk into a health clinic, an airport, a liquor store, rent a car, renew your vehicle license tabs, get pulled over by a police officer, and on and on and on, you expect to be asked for identification.  But not to vote??  And it is "The Big Lie" to think there may be fraud in a heated contest conducted on the honor system?  Good grief.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2021, 08:21:55 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1740 on: May 21, 2021, 08:24:50 AM »
I got at hospital

finally found where being given for the sec shot

had to show ID with security guard looking over my shoulder
went to the second  desk
had to show ID again where I checked in

and then went to get the shot from the nurse who checked my ID a third time


my thought at the time was *exactly* the same as yours
it belongs in this thread


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Georgia mail in ballot audit approved
« Reply #1741 on: May 22, 2021, 05:27:09 AM »


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I located a Pfizer vaccine location yesterday and drove to a suburban Walmart.  I got the vaccine free with almost no waiting.  All I had to do was answer some easy yes/no health questions and give them two forms of identification, drivers license and health insurance card - to make "writing the information down easier".

Strange that I post this in the vote fraud thread?  Wouldn't showing two forms of ID (one form?) also help poll workers verify your name, address, etc. as well?

She did not say we "require" two forms of ID and I thought of not doing that, but when you walk into a health clinic, an airport, a liquor store, rent a car, renew your vehicle license tabs, get pulled over by a police officer, and on and on and on, you expect to be asked for identification.  But not to vote??  And it is "The Big Lie" to think there may be fraud in a heated contest conducted on the honor system?  Good grief.


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« Last Edit: May 26, 2021, 04:29:55 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: AZ bans mass mail ballots
« Reply #1746 on: May 28, 2021, 07:53:06 AM »

Republican legislatures are looking at limiting ballots to one per voter?  CANCEL THEM!  Wipe them off social media!  Move the All Star game! 

In the Dem states, it would be nice if they would add the note with their mass mailings of ballots, please disregard if you have already voted or are, for some reason, ineligible to vote.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1749 on: June 01, 2021, 07:38:15 AM »
". “Two Fulton County deputies who were assigned to watch the secure building where the ballots were being kept appear to have left the building 20 minutes before the alarm went off,” Robinson said on Twitter."

of course

they should be fired and have all their accounts reviewed as well as family
    watched for 10 yrs looking for the payoff