Author Topic: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family  (Read 84666 times)


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Hunter’s Trial Not Moving Forward
« Reply #800 on: May 14, 2024, 12:47:20 PM »
Here’s some irony for you: Jack Smith isn’t getting his way and holding a show trial in time for the November election despite seeking to game the system to do just that, while Hunter, who has been doing everything possible to keep his malfeasance from gumming up dad’s run:

Hunter Biden loses effort to delay trial
The Hill News / by Sarah Fortinsky / May 14, 2024 at 3:33 PM

Hunter Biden lost his bid to delay his federal gun trial, a district judge ruled Tuesday, setting the case up to go to trial in June.

U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika rejected defense attorneys’ effort to delay the trial until September, which Biden’s legal team argued was necessary in order to have enough time to line up witnesses and review the prosecution’s evidence, The Associated Press reported.

The judge’s decision comes a week after the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the president’s son’s appeal to toss the federal gun charges, ruling it did not have jurisdiction in the matter. Biden had asked the court to overturn Noreika’s previous decision that the case should move forward to trial.

Noreika, in her decision last month, rejected the president’s son’s appeal, which argued, in part, he was being wrongfully targeted for political purposes. Noreika said Biden’s attorneys had not provided concrete evidence substantiating their claims that outside influences tainted the special counsel’s decision to pursue the case.

Special counsel David Weiss brought three gun-related charges against the president’s son last September — two counts for lying about drug use on a form to buy a gun and another for unlawful possessing of a firearm for about 11 days while knowing he was a drug user.

Biden pleaded not guilty to all charges after a deal with the government fell apart. Biden has acknowledged his struggle with drug addiction during that time in 2018, but his attorneys say he did not break the law.

The Associated Press contributed.


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3 Million Pages Plus of Biden Skullduggery
« Reply #802 on: May 25, 2024, 05:19:18 PM »
As Just the News sorts through this trove it’ll be interesting to see what all emerges:

Exclusive: Feds secretly knew for years Joe Biden met with son’s Chinese partners on official trip

Federal agents gathered evidence during the 2016 election that Hunter Biden had used access to his father on an official government trip to Beijing aboard Air Force Two to connect prospective Chinese business partners with then-Vice President Joe Biden, according to a massive cache of documents recently turned over to Congress and obtained by Just the News.

"They got to meet Dad. All very good. Talk later,” Hunter Biden wrote in a December 2013 email confirming how he connected his Chinese associates with his father in a Beijing hotel after the vice president had met with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The younger Biden also bragged in his emails that his father was so enamored with China's communist leader that "I think they are in love with each other," the emails showed.

"They all most kissed on departure,” Hunter Biden wrote in one of the emails seized by federal agents.

The previously nonpublic communications were among 3.3 million pages of emails, bank records, and corporate memos that FBI, IRS, and Securities and Exchange Commission agents collected in 2015 and 2016 with subpoenas during a criminal investigation into a fraudulent bond scheme involving a Native-American tribe.

The younger Biden wasn't charged in that case, though several of his business partners were. But agents in that probe did gain extensive access to Hunter Biden's bank files, corporate records, and communications, including some that were not located on the first son's now infamous laptop that would be seized by the FBI in 2019 and become a subject of political controversy a year later.

The evidence, recently secured by the House Oversight Committee in the impeachment probe of President Joe Biden, shines new light on how Hunter Biden sought to cash in on his family's famous name overseas -- sometimes in the vapor trail of his father's official duties. It also substantiates impeachment inquiry testimony from former Hunter Biden business associates Devon Archer and Jason Galanis, lawmakers told Just the News.

“The only reason Joe Biden wanted to kiss President Xi was because state-affiliated companies were about to line his family's pockets with foreign wires and lucrative business opportunities," said House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, who is leading the current impeachment inquiry.

"This is another example of the same formula demonstrated through our Committee’s investigation into the Biden Family’s influence peddling operation: Hunter Biden sets up meetings with the foreign businessman, Joe Biden meets them at Hunter’s direction, and the Biden family receives substantial payments in return. Rinse and repeat,” Comer added.

Biden has consistently denied any involvement with Hunter's Chinese business associates, and an incurious U.S. media refused to delve into it. For his part, Hunter Biden called the issue part of the "Trump attack machine." Pro-Biden media outlets like Politico parroted the White House's line that the laptop was part of a "Russian Disinformation" scheme.

Another lawmaker who launched one of the earliest investigations of the Biden family's business dealings said the new evidence was shocking for another reason: it divulges how much government agencies knew about the Biden family's various foreign business exploits long before they became a controversy during the 2020 presidential election.

“I was always suspicious that the FBI, the Department of Justice had walled Hunter Biden off of that Indian fraud prosecution to protect him and protect Joe Biden,” Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., told Just the News on Thursday. "I think that was maybe the first sign of corruption way back in 2013."

"The FBI apparently had some, at least reasonably incriminating or suspicious evidence against Hunter, and they buried it, and they've kept it buried until it just was revealed right now," he added.

Abbe Lowell, lawyer for Hunter Biden, did not respond to email and text message requests for comment.

Hunter Biden's trip aboard Air Force Two has been known for years. But the new documents divulge fresh details about what happened on that 2013 trip, Hunter Biden's observations of his father's ties to China, and the fact that federal law enforcement has known for years that Hunter Biden was connecting his father to the foreigners he was soliciting for business, something the Biden family originally denied.

The first son admitted in his deposition to the House Oversight Committee in February that Joe Biden in fact met with his Chinese partners.

Just the News obtained several emails from the federal investigation's repository showing that Hunter Biden arranged the meeting in Beijing in 2013 with Chinese-based partner Jonathan Li and his father right after the then-vice president finished meeting with Xi. The meeting was not impromptu, but rather set up in advance, the emails showed.

“I arrive around 12- head to embassy then great hall for arrival ceremony. Staying at St. Regis- I will touch base when I land,” Hunter Biden wrote to Li on Dec. 4, 2013.

“Hope I can see u this time!” Li replied.

“Yes - we will make it work- lets plan on you guys coming over to St. Regis around 7:30 tonight. I don't know exactly when I'll be back but it should be around then- and I'd like to introduce you to my Dad. Also I am here until 4PM tmrw- again not sure what I am going to attend with Dad but will have better idea by tonight,” Hunter informed his partner, seemingly eager to arrange the meeting.

Li agreed to join Hunter Biden at his hotel and said he would bring two of his associates, the emails show.

“Meetings are running late- which means dinner w/ X will be pushed back so I think it is more likely that I will be back to hotel around 8:30 now. I'll keep you updated,” Hunter Biden informed Li after some time had passed.

“No problem. We are having dinner in a restaurant beside your hotel. You hotel is closed, so you need to have someone to meet us when you are back,” Li replied.

You can read that email below:

DEC2013_HB_Li_Re- Connecting in Beijing.pdf
Later than same evening, Devon Archer emailed Hunter Biden to ask if the Bidens had met with Li.

“Did you end up meeting Jonathan?” Archer asked.

“Yes- and they got to meet Dad. All very good. Talk later,” Biden replied, confirming the meeting between Li and the vice president took place.

“[G]reat!  have a good day over there,” Archer wrote back.

“Dinner w/ Xi was pretty amazing. They (Xi and JRB) were supposed to spend 2hrs together. It stretched to 7hrs. I think they are in love with each other. They all most kissed on departure,” Biden wrote, describing the meeting between his father and President Xi Jinping, who had been chosen for the role earlier that year.

You can read that email below:

During the 2020 presidential campaign, then-candidate Joe Biden repeatedly denied having any interactions with his son’s business associates. Joe Biden has continued to maintain these denials as president, even recently after his son confirmed several meetings with business partners.

“I did not interact with their partners,” Biden told reporters in March.

“I have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their business, period," he said on the campaign trail in August 2019.

But, his own son contradicted the president’s denials when he appeared before the House Oversight Committee for his deposition earlier this year as part of the ongoing impeachment inquiry into his father.

“When we returned from an event to the hotel, there was a rope line, and Jonathan Li was in the lobby of the hotel where I was going to meet him for coffee. In that line I introduced my dad to Jonathan Li and a friend of his, and they shook hands and I believe probably took a photograph. And then my father went up to his room, and I went to have coffee with Jonathan Li,” Hunter Biden told investigators, describing the meeting which was chronicled in the emails.

“I was working with Jonathan on a potential that he had an idea for creating a private equity fund based in China to do cross-border investments,” the younger Biden explained.

The new evidence makes clear that the FBI and other law enforcement knew as early as 2016 that Hunter Biden planned for his father to meet Li, with whom he was worked to establish a new fund.

Biden, Li, and Archer had signed a memorandum of understanding to form a new venture in November 2013, the month before Vice President Biden’s official trip to China. Twelve days after the Bidens met with Li, the joint venture—BHR Partners—was officially registered in the country, the Wall Street Journal reported.


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The Laptop is Real and will be used in Hunter's Gun Trial
« Reply #803 on: May 27, 2024, 07:35:12 AM »
Pj Media has the laptop timeline:

First, Hunter left three laptops with a Delaware Mac repair shop and forgot to pick up one of them.

Then the FBI got a copy of the laptop in 2019 and pretended it didn't exist.

Then the intelligence community, knowing it could be a storyline in the 2020 election, "pre-bunked" the content of the laptop at an Aspen gathering, telling journalists invited to the yearly confab that if they heard anything about the laptop they should know it was "hacked" and should disregard it as disinformation.

Then it was dismissed as Russian disinformation and anyone reporting the story was a Putin poodle.

Then they got social media companies to censor the story and any outlet that reported it.

Then before the 2020 election, the worst secretary of State of all time got 51 lying politicians who used to work at the CIA and other spook agencies to say it sure looked like Russian disinformation.

Then its existence was a right-wing conspiracy theory.

Then Hunter's legal team confirmed its veracity in court papers.

Then the Biden poodle who had been "investigating" Hunter for years was caught doing nothing.

Then he looked at it to discover there were Mann Act and "gun use crimes while high on crack" evidence on the laptop.

Then whistleblowers highlighted Hunter's lawbreaking.

Then this week the laptop was real and its contents will be used as evidence in Hunter's upcoming gun trial.

Then the 53-year-old Biden said that his computer was hacked.

[Doug]  I wonder what it's like to be an Orwellian Democratic Sheep and obediently follow these people wherever they take you.