Author Topic: 2024  (Read 145910 times)


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Re: 2024
« Reply #50 on: June 21, 2021, 05:32:39 PM »
thinking Desantis - Pompeo

for Pres and VP

and Trump for the Speaker of the House


he could Nancy and Aoc in line.........

just a thought .......


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Re: 2024
« Reply #51 on: June 21, 2021, 06:02:35 PM »
Deep respect for Pompeo and he would make an outstanding VP.

Question presented:  What votes would he bring to the table?


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Re: 2024
« Reply #52 on: June 22, 2021, 11:11:49 AM »

thinking Desantis - Pompeo

for Pres and VP

and Trump for the Speaker of the House


he could Nancy and Aoc in line.........

just a thought .......


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Kurt Schlichter poll: DeSantis > Trump
« Reply #53 on: June 24, 2021, 07:50:34 AM »

hey why not?

This is certainly just as scientific as the CNN et al polls!


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Re: DeSantis : walking the tightrope with Trump
« Reply #55 on: June 28, 2021, 01:34:34 PM »

Luckily they are friends (so far) and DeSantis knows not to cross Trump.  Note that he deferred to Marco Rubio for the Senate seat in 2016.  He has no history of party in-fighting.

People (on the right) want what was good with Trump, without his faults, and it's time (by 2024) for a new generation to lead - if that's possible.  That will be even more apparent when Democrats pull Biden out of the Presidency or off the ticket.  If for no other reason, to be eligible for reelection in 2028.  We don't need a term in the office, that was so quickly undone.  We need a movement.

(Strangely) I am very impressed with the Yale and Harvard parts of DeSantis' resume.  To get through there and still have conservative beliefs is quite an achievement.  He won't be blindsided by the tenets of liberalism.  He's already navigated through minefields of them.

He served in the military (JAG), in Congress and Governor of a major state in a pivotal time.  He's more qualified to be President than Biden and Harris combined.

Barack Obama carried Florida twice.  [Gore wish he had.]  They have immigrants too and lots of Puerto Ricans.  It wasn't considered a Republican state until people like Marco Rubio, Trump and DeSantis started winning it.  Don't tell me people (at the margin) aren't persuaded by good and bad governance.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2021, 01:51:02 PM by DougMacG »


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Williams Jennings Bryan compared to DJT
« Reply #56 on: July 09, 2021, 09:27:04 AM »
spot on history lesson for today in my humble opinion:

would like VDH's opinion

of note I just emailed VDH
do not know if he would respond but will keep the forum posted if he does


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I guess there is no one else
« Reply #57 on: September 16, 2021, 01:01:38 PM »

I really don't want another 4 yrs of him.

I know it is early.... blah blah



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Re: I guess there is no one else
« Reply #58 on: September 16, 2021, 01:44:53 PM »

I really don't want another 4 yrs of him.

I know it is early.... blah blah


Don't worry, all national elections will be "fortified" from now on.


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pew / on trump 2024 poll
« Reply #59 on: October 07, 2021, 03:45:09 PM »

looking at it from the other way 56% would much rather have someone else
as would I

was Trump EVER over 50 %

I don't think so

how the hell can we win with that?


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Re: pew / on trump 2024 poll
« Reply #60 on: October 07, 2021, 03:53:21 PM »
Still pretending voting matters?

looking at it from the other way 56% would much rather have someone else
as would I

was Trump EVER over 50 %

I don't think so

how the hell can we win with that?


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Re: pew / on trump 2024 poll
« Reply #61 on: October 08, 2021, 07:43:12 AM »
Still pretending voting matters?

Sorry, what is the alternative to fielding good candidates, cleaning up elections and voting?


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Re: pew / on trump 2024 poll
« Reply #62 on: October 08, 2021, 09:27:33 AM »
Still pretending voting matters?

Sorry, what is the alternative to fielding good candidates, cleaning up elections and voting?

Arizona is the only state I see trying to clean up elections right now. Nevada, like California is now Mail in fraud only. Think Nevada will ever go republican again?


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Re: Tim Scott for '24???
« Reply #64 on: October 20, 2021, 06:25:48 AM »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #65 on: October 20, 2021, 07:04:01 AM »
".No mean tweets!"

yes , no stupid dumb thoughtless insulting self serving narcissistic  tweets!

that hurt  more then they help

makes sense to me.

as to whether Tim Scott has any chance - I don't have a clue


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Re: 2024
« Reply #66 on: October 20, 2021, 08:18:20 AM »
".No mean tweets!"

yes , no stupid dumb thoughtless insulting self serving narcissistic  tweets!

that hurt  more then they help

makes sense to me.

as to whether Tim Scott has any chance - I don't have a clue


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This supports my theory the Republican nominee must NOT be Trump
« Reply #67 on: November 02, 2021, 08:01:00 PM »

He WILL mess it up
We need a Republican primary to knock him out

the policies without the narcissism


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Re: This supports my theory the Republican nominee must NOT be Trump
« Reply #68 on: November 02, 2021, 08:04:26 PM »
Just waiting for the army of dem lawyers and the crates of mail in ballots to enter the VA race...

Has there been any flooding at the vote counting facilities yet?

He WILL mess it up
We need a Republican primary to knock him out

the policies without the narcissism


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Suddenly, ballots are being rescanned in VA...
« Reply #69 on: November 02, 2021, 08:09:30 PM »

Just waiting for the army of dem lawyers and the crates of mail in ballots to enter the VA race...

Has there been any flooding at the vote counting facilities yet?

He WILL mess it up
We need a Republican primary to knock him out

the policies without the narcissism


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Re: 2024
« Reply #70 on: November 03, 2021, 05:36:58 AM »
Looks like VA voted harder.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #71 on: November 03, 2021, 06:01:55 AM »
the Dems are pulling a similar stunt here is Jersey

mail in ballots had to be by yesterday but they are counting them through Friday

 :roll: :-(


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Re: 2024
« Reply #72 on: November 03, 2021, 06:10:50 AM »
Need a citation so I can post about this elsewhere.


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Republican in NJ has lost
« Reply #73 on: November 03, 2021, 06:18:30 AM »
"But thousands of votes — especially from Democratic-leaning areas — have yet to be counted. And it remains unclear how many vote-by-mail or provisional ballots still must be tallied."

Every Republican in NJ knew this would happen if it was close .
Does anyone think for more than 1 second that the Dems will not find the votes?
And usually in the minority areas ......


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Re: 2024
« Reply #74 on: November 03, 2021, 09:43:15 AM »
Looks like VA voted harder.

Don't assume it's over until/unless McAwful concedes or Youngkin is sworn in as Gov.


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Re: 2024 wisdom from VP Kamala Harris
« Reply #75 on: November 03, 2021, 10:26:22 AM »
“What happens in Virginia will in large part determine what happens In 2022, 2024, and on.”
   - Kamala Harris, 4 days ago

For one thing, Terry McAuliffe will not be President.


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Re: 2024 wisdom from VP Kamala Harris
« Reply #76 on: November 03, 2021, 10:32:59 AM »
“What happens in Virginia will in large part determine what happens In 2022, 2024, and on.”
   - Kamala Harris, 4 days ago

For one thing, Terry McAuliffe will not be President.

Expect a Tsunami of fraud.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #77 on: November 03, 2021, 12:24:42 PM »
Looks like VA voted harder.

Don't assume it's over until/unless McAwful concedes or Youngkin is sworn in as Gov.

McAuliffe conceded:

Terry McAuliffe issues concession statement: "While last night we came up short, I am proud that we spent this campaign fighting for the values we so deeply believe in."

— Josh Kraushaar (@HotlineJosh) November 3, 2021


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Re: 2024
« Reply #78 on: November 03, 2021, 03:03:01 PM »
he is out for now...

he'll be back in some form or fashion

same as  Hillary

they will never let us alone......


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Christie vs Trump
« Reply #79 on: November 09, 2021, 03:39:22 PM »
Christie is delusional if he thinks he has any chance what so ever

in typical Fashion Trump with his reflex puts downs:

if effect
"you are even more unpopular than me" (from a guy who never polled over 50% )

I really am nauseated in thinking we might get another 4 yrs of Trump


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Re: Christie vs Trump
« Reply #80 on: November 09, 2021, 03:48:11 PM »
Christie is delusional if he thinks he has any chance what so ever

in typical Fashion Trump with his reflex puts downs:

if effect
"you are even more unpopular than me" (from a guy who never polled over 50% )

I really am nauseated in thinking we might get another 4 yrs of Trump

The horror of mean tweets, a secure border and a gallon of gas under two dollars!



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Re: 2024
« Reply #81 on: November 09, 2021, 04:36:53 PM »
"The horror of mean tweets"


and everyday making it about himself not the policies

every time he has a policy accomplishment
he then shoots himself and ME and US in the foot
and opens his big stupid sick mouth

no I don't want to live another 4 yrs and have to hear the name Trump 24/7 f'kin 7
said this or said that or did this or did that

I want someone who can advance our policies
and not just himself

and true he was almost never 45 %

not a winning situation
just another hope the LEFt is more distasteful then him

Why is it so much to ask for a President who I can admire and like at the same time?


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Re: 2024
« Reply #82 on: November 09, 2021, 05:59:12 PM »
"The horror of mean tweets"


and everyday making it about himself not the policies

every time he has a policy accomplishment
he then shoots himself and ME and US in the foot
and opens his big stupid sick mouth

no I don't want to live another 4 yrs and have to hear the name Trump 24/7 f'kin 7
said this or said that or did this or did that

I want someone who can advance our policies
and not just himself

and true he was almost never 45 %

not a winning situation
just another hope the LEFt is more distasteful then him

Why is it so much to ask for a President who I can admire and like at the same time?

Patton was a bastard, but he won.
At this point, things are so far gone, it really doesn’t matter.


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Re: 2024, Build Back Better
« Reply #83 on: November 15, 2021, 08:38:37 AM »
"And this fall, Democratic senators Cory Booker, Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren were all on the campaign trails of various candidates, helping to boost their profiles and remain relevant to the public.

Whatever Biden's decision, top Democrats are already eyeing Harris' poll numbers and assessing whether she is vulnerable to a primary challenge."

Klobuchar - uggghhh!  she looks like the joker with that phony 24/7 smile.
Booker -  uggghhh!  spartacus - nuff said
Warren - uggghhh! the first Indian to lose multiple presidential runs

and of course I will add butti - will likely win only some leftist father of the year award

Right but people like that would be trying to raise their national profile whether Kamala was toast or not.

It's hard for us to pick their leader, but what a weak bench they have!  The test should have been, who did they send into Virginia when they smelled disaster, and rescued them.  Oops, no one.  Even Obama couldn't lift up a crony - and he isn't eligible.  Michelle has no political desire or sparkle.  Ask AOC, they kept out the squad when they recognized this is a swing election battle.

Yes what a weak and strange cast the Dem 2020 primary exposed.  We had Biden.  Kamala imploded before the first primary.  They all hate Iowans, although that was the rise of Midwest Butti, right up to his ceiling.  Now a believer in racist roads and bridges.  TEAR THEM DOWN!  At the most crucial moment, Klobi and Butti dropped out of the Biden lane to keep Bernie from blowing the election, and were promised what?  A black female would be VP?  Who made THAT phone call?  They all write books and no one tells us what happened.  All these electoral failures were with Dem voters.  Then Biden (allegedly) won more votes than Obama when he was walking on water.  The word 'unbelievable' comes to mind, though the anti-Trump sentiment was strong.

Klobuchar magically wins her elections in Minnesota with a brand name that was built (locally) before she was a public figure.  Her appeal did not however reach as far as away as Iowa, or Wisconsin or Dakotas much less NH or SC, even with a surgical smile.  It was over for her before it started, but when she told her own 'crowd' "that's where you're supposed to applaud", even they knew it.

Kamala never had a star to burn out and Bernie and Liz must be past their sell date by now.  Warren is not too old but doesn't help the party with anyone but the base.  Andrew Yang left the party and Tulsi never should have been in it.  People like Beto don't get a second shot at a first impression.  Bloomberg's ship sailed.  These are all people who could not beat slow Joe in a Democratic primary.

2024 will be even stranger.  Who is the rising star IN the administration?  No one.  It's a sinking ship.  Look at the leading lights in the all Dem Congress, Pelosi, Schumer, okay just kidding.  Look at the governors of the great 'blue' states large enough to be nations, Cuomo, Newsom, okay just kidding.  What about 'Gov' Stacey Abrams from the we-don't-dispute-election-results party?  They brought her into Virginia.  How about the liberal giants in the former private sector who could try the Bloomberg path?  Bezos?  Zuckerberg?  Buffet?  Gates?  Someone from Google?? 

Who unites the radical left with the party regulars who know the Left is killing them AND wins the independents?  Who successfully makes the argument in 2024 America that not enough Leftist policies have been tried?  No one.

I must predict, the 2024 Dem nominee, if there is one, will be none of the above.

Add to all those problems, they kicked Trump off social media taking away his right to put foot in mouth so all he has left is his record while they tout his amazing vaccine across the land.  DeSantis is on a roll in Florida.  Nikki Haley is strong leader and Pence never made a mean tweet in his life.  Mike Pompeo would be a great President or VP and Marco Rubio is still out there speaking out against atrocities the Biden administration ignores.  Deep bench.

Even G M might eventually admit Dems can't cheat their way out of this one.


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Re: 2024, Build Back Better
« Reply #84 on: November 15, 2021, 01:01:44 PM »
You are underestimating their ability to cheat and the profound damage done to the country by the time 2024 arrives.

"And this fall, Democratic senators Cory Booker, Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren were all on the campaign trails of various candidates, helping to boost their profiles and remain relevant to the public.

Whatever Biden's decision, top Democrats are already eyeing Harris' poll numbers and assessing whether she is vulnerable to a primary challenge."

Klobuchar - uggghhh!  she looks like the joker with that phony 24/7 smile.
Booker -  uggghhh!  spartacus - nuff said
Warren - uggghhh! the first Indian to lose multiple presidential runs

and of course I will add butti - will likely win only some leftist father of the year award

Right but people like that would be trying to raise their national profile whether Kamala was toast or not.

It's hard for us to pick their leader, but what a weak bench they have!  The test should have been, who did they send into Virginia when they smelled disaster, and rescued them.  Oops, no one.  Even Obama couldn't lift up a crony - and he isn't eligible.  Michelle has no political desire or sparkle.  Ask AOC, they kept out the squad when they recognized this is a swing election battle.

Yes what a weak and strange cast the Dem 2020 primary exposed.  We had Biden.  Kamala imploded before the first primary.  They all hate Iowans, although that was the rise of Midwest Butti, right up to his ceiling.  Now a believer in racist roads and bridges.  TEAR THEM DOWN!  At the most crucial moment, Klobi and Butti dropped out of the Biden lane to keep Bernie from blowing the election, and were promised what?  A black female would be VP?  Who made THAT phone call?  They all write books and no one tells us what happened.  All these electoral failures were with Dem voters.  Then Biden (allegedly) won more votes than Obama when he was walking on water.  The word 'unbelievable' comes to mind, though the anti-Trump sentiment was strong.

Klobuchar magically wins her elections in Minnesota with a brand name that was built (locally) before she was a public figure.  Her appeal did not however reach as far as away as Iowa, or Wisconsin or Dakotas much less NH or SC, even with a surgical smile.  It was over for her before it started, but when she told her own 'crowd' "that's where you're supposed to applaud", even they knew it.

Kamala never had a star to burn out and Bernie and Liz must be past their sell date by now.  Warren is not too old but doesn't help the party with anyone but the base.  Andrew Yang left the party and Tulsi never should have been in it.  People like Beto don't get a second shot at a first impression.  Bloomberg's ship sailed.  These are all people who could not beat slow Joe in a Democratic primary.

2024 will be even stranger.  Who is the rising star IN the administration?  No one.  It's a sinking ship.  Look at the leading lights in the all Dem Congress, Pelosi, Schumer, okay just kidding.  Look at the governors of the great 'blue' states large enough to be nations, Cuomo, Newsom, okay just kidding.  What about 'Gov' Stacey Abrams from the we-don't-dispute-election-results party?  They brought her into Virginia.  How about the liberal giants in the former private sector who could try the Bloomberg path?  Bezos?  Zuckerberg?  Buffet?  Gates?  Someone from Google?? 

Who unites the radical left with the party regulars who know the Left is killing them AND wins the independents?  Who successfully makes the argument in 2024 America that not enough Leftist policies have been tried?  No one.

I must predict, the 2024 Dem nominee, if there is one, will be none of the above.

Add to all those problems, they kicked Trump off social media taking away his right to put foot in mouth so all he has left is his record while they tout his amazing vaccine across the land.  DeSantis is on a roll in Florida.  Nikki Haley is strong leader and Pence never made a mean tweet in his life.  Mike Pompeo would be a great President or VP and Marco Rubio is still out there speaking out against atrocities the Biden administration ignores.  Deep bench.

Even G M might eventually admit Dems can't cheat their way out of this one.


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« Reply #86 on: December 02, 2021, 02:09:29 PM »
Purely as a matter of political handicapping, I would like to toss out for assessment the name of Sen. Mancin for the Dems in 2024.


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Manchin for '24
« Reply #87 on: December 02, 2021, 02:38:04 PM »
makes  sense

he would certainly attract some independents etc

but would an older white male fit their criteria?

I guess if he could win against the 42 -45% % Trump vote

good thought actually
has he ever mentioned a desire to be President?


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Re: 2024
« Reply #88 on: December 02, 2021, 02:48:42 PM »
He has been a Governor (executive experience is important)  and a Senator and has shown himself to be hard-to-pigeon hole.  Most recently he has shown himself to be capable of standing up to a goodly amount of the batshit prog BS.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #89 on: December 03, 2021, 03:10:01 AM »

Buttigieg pours praise on Harris, sparks speculation about 2024


A joint trip by Vice President Kamala Harris and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to North Carolina on Thursday delivered the prominent message that she still outranks her Cabinet colleague, despite her rock-bottom approval ratings, a major staff shake-up and rising speculation that Mr. Buttigieg will supplant her as the Democratic Party’s next top presidential contender.

Traveling to Charlotte to highlight the Biden administration’s $1.2 trillion infrastructure plan, Mr. Buttigieg went out of his way to shower the vice president with compliments. He told reporters on Air Force Two that “we would not be here without the leadership of the vice president, as well as the president, of course.”

Speaking later in front of an electric bus at a transportation hub, Mr. Buttigieg devoted about one-fifth of his six-minute prepared speech to praising Ms. Harris. He recalled an Oval Office meeting about the legislation in which the vice president spoke up “at just the right moment” and made comments that were “exactly right.”

“It’s just one very small example of the countless ways in which her presence has made an impact on this monumental legislation,” he said.

When it was the vice president’s turn to speak, she addressed Mr. Buttigieg for 11 seconds.

“You’ve been doing extraordinary work, and thank you for that,” she told him.

Mr. Buttigieg and Ms. Harris made the closely watched trip as more staff turmoil emerged on the vice president’s team. Senior adviser and chief spokeswoman Symone Sanders resigned less than a year into the job. Communications Director Ashley Etienne quit two weeks ago, and three other key

aides are leaving Ms. Harris.

The vice president had her staff shake-up in mind when she settled into the driver’s seat of the electric bus and honked its horn.

“The wheels on the bus go ’round and ’round,” she said, letting out a big laugh as Mr. Buttigieg watched.

A White House official said the trip “builds on the vice president’s work with President Biden and the Cabinet to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law through dozens of public events nationwide.” The official compared the visit to Charlotte with Ms. Harris’ trip to Columbus, Ohio, on Nov. 19 with Labor Secretary Marty Walsh.

Reince Priebus, a White House chief of staff during the Trump administration, said West Wing drama “happens in every administration, but it’s another thing when you’re completely ineffective.”

“These two people, the president and the vice president, are completely unusable on the campaign trail,” Mr. Priebus said on Fox News. “People would run through a wall for Trump, and the same was true for Barack Obama. The core support was very strong.”

He said Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris are “not delivering any policies to their base. So [White House] communicators are the first ones out.”

As Ms. Harris’ job approval rating plummeted to a historically low 28% in a poll last month, Democrats’ angst has risen about who will lead the party if Mr. Biden, the nation’s oldest president at 79, decides not to run in 2024.

Mr. Biden has said he intends to seek reelection, but voters increasingly have doubts about his health and mental fitness. Only 40% of voters in a Politico/ Morning Consult poll last month agreed that Mr. Biden “is in good health,” while 50% disagreed — a 29-point shift since October 2020.

The same survey found that 46% of voters believe Mr. Biden is mentally fit, while 48% disagree. A year ago, the same poll showed Mr. Biden with a 10-point advantage on the question of mental fitness.

Some have suggested that Mr. Buttigieg and Ms. Harris could run on the same ticket, either in 2024 or 2028, instead of squaring off against each other in what could be a divisive primary.

Asked about the speculation over 2024, Mr. Buttigieg told reporters that he and Ms. Harris are instead “squarely focused on the job at hand.”

“It’s 2021,” Mr. Buttigieg said. “And the whole point of campaigns and elections is when they go well, you get to govern.”

He said he is “excited to be part of a team led by the president and the vice president, and I think the teamwork that got us to this point is really just beginning.”

As if to prove his point as publicly as possible, Mr. Buttigieg greeted Ms. Harris with a hug in view of TV cameras upon her arrival on the tarmac to board Air Force Two at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland. He made himself available to reporters during the flight and praised the vice president repeatedly.

“The vice president traveled this country speaking to people about what an investment in jobs and infrastructure could mean for their communities,” Mr. Buttigieg said. “She spent countless hours helping the president negotiate with members of Congress. She worked to make sure that clean school buses, clean water and environmental justice were included, all of which are issues that she championed in the Senate as well.”

The friction between the West Wing and the vice president’s office has arisen in part over the issues that Mr. Biden has delegated to Ms. Harris, including illegal immigration and voting rights. The administration has struggled mightily, and Ms. Harris’ communications staffers appear to be taking the brunt.

Ms. Sanders said in her resignation letter that she was “grateful” to the vice president.

“Every day, I arrived [at] the White House complex knowing our work made a tangible difference for Americans,” she wrote. “I am immensely grateful and will miss working for her and with all of you.”

Ms. Harris said of her departing adviser, “I love Symone.”

“I can’t wait to see what she will do next,” the vice president said. “I know that it’s been three years jumping on and off planes going around the country … and I mean that sincerely.”

She wouldn’t answer a reporter’s question about whether she sees the move as a reboot for her team.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said turnover in any administration is “natural.”

“Working in the first year of a White House is exciting and rewarding, but it’s also grueling and exhausting,” she said. “It’s also an opportunity, as it is in any White House, to bring in new faces, new voices and new perspectives.”


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Re: 2024
« Reply #90 on: December 03, 2021, 08:10:45 AM »
butti is one of the most disingenious

pols I have ever seen

always thinking he is outsmarting us

what a little worm


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Re: 2024 and beyond, Buttigieg
« Reply #91 on: December 03, 2021, 10:08:27 AM »
butti is one of the most disingenious

pols I have ever seen

always thinking he is outsmarting us

what a little worm

I agree.  He has become the most loyal and most skilled at repeating the party line.

Besides riding the momentum of gay being popular, I think people give him a look because of the combination of Harvard, military experience, and that he was elected to something, even if it's small city mayor. 

He is relevant now because the trillion dollar social engineering bills focus on transportation. 

He needs to be called out for every piece of nonsense he utters in this.  No, bridges aren't racist and throwing trillions won't get us back to a less racist time.

This inflation isn't "transitory", transitory, transitory, transitory, transitory, as he said it was repeatedly, and 4 trillion doesn't cost nothing, you liars.  He doesn't believe a word of it but is willing to say it. 

He has no idea how much or how long inflation will last or how painful it will be to snap out of the course they have us on.  Nor does he know how much braking on production 4 trillion in new taxes will cause. 

Pete has the integrity of Susan Rice who repeated on the same shows, Benghazi was a couple of protesters, when she knew it was an organized terror attack.

When Trump said stupid stuff it was broadcast widely and mocked all over the internet.  We need to call these people out in ways that reach more than our side.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #93 on: December 08, 2021, 02:39:14 PM »
I've not seen anyone other than me who is thinking that Manchin could very much surprise , , ,


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Re: 2024
« Reply #94 on: December 08, 2021, 05:46:29 PM »
I see AOC is 4th

why not Omar
(our second one for president)

?  Charlie schumeschiester?

where's a Cuomo? ( andy OR  chris )

Bernie Sanders FINALLY too old ?

Hillary redux ?   (I need vomit emoji)

I can hardly wait to see/hear butti
with his straight man face BS us

or Amy's perpetual grin

what a cast .....

what a country.....


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Re: 2024
« Reply #95 on: December 08, 2021, 06:21:26 PM »
quote author=ccp
I see AOC is 4th

why not Omar

   - AOC will be 35.  Omar is not "natural born citizen".

Bernie Sanders FINALLY too old?

   - Isn't that weird, not on the list.  When did too old become a disqualifier?

Hillary redux ?

   - Only through the VP swap out.  But in fact, she's not black.

Yes, Butti and Amy are the only insiders they have left if we consider Kama toast.  Gov Beto of Texas?   

what a cast .....

Then we have the new group of outsiders.  Andrew Yang, was never in party favor.  Tulsi, gone.  Who plays the part of Bloomberg?  Aren't the leaders of Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon all damaged goods now?  Somebody from the outside will try to pull a Trump.

Other multi-billionaire Democrat activists:


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Hillary running for '24
« Reply #97 on: December 12, 2021, 12:58:26 PM »

Love this metaphor from Stephen Miller:

"The fact of the matter is that Crooked [Hillary] is circling around Joe Biden almost like a buzzard looking at the carcass on the ground, saying, ‘It’s not going to be Joe Biden, it’s not going to be Kamala Harris."

That is crooked Hillary.....


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Re: Did not know that if Prez and VP candidates are from the same state
« Reply #99 on: December 15, 2021, 06:26:04 AM »

I thought they couldn't be from the same state, but it's not that simple.

"according to the Article II of the Constitution, if the candidates for the nation’s top two offices come from the same state, the electoral votes from that state may not be counted.". (You don't give up Florida if you are a Republican presidential ticket)

In 2000:
"Cheney was chosen by George W. Bush, then-Texas governor, as the running mate for the presidential election. Cheney obtained a Wyoming driver’s license and put his Dallas home on the market before the election."

2024 is not that simple.  Cheney really was from Wyoming so no one noticed or cared. DeSantis is from FL and sitting Governor of Florida. The top of the ticket would have to move?  Back to NY?  And not a pretend move or the opponents would challenge the FL electoral votes.
Right now I think DeSantis should be next Republicans nominee for President, with Trump's support, but being Trump's VP may not be the best path there. Ask Mike Pence about that. R.D. is seen as a leader, not a yes man. Being (Trump's) VP would hurt that image.

Hard to persuade Trump not to run when he is leading widely in the polls over all possible opponents, but 2024 is a long way off.