Author Topic: Insurrection (Including J6) and the Second American Civil War  (Read 263012 times)


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As I was saying...
« Reply #1254 on: September 27, 2021, 11:23:32 AM »

There is ZERO doubt there were FBI U/C and CIs there running the classic COINTELPRO ops.


We are agreed that the FBI has a scurrilous history of entrapment and false flags.  We are agreed that is has gotten worse and that the accusations of the FBI fomenting Jan 6 are plausible.

That said, because our cause includes logic and integrity, we also need to acknowledge the validity of AMcC's criticism of Tucker's claim that unindicted co-conspirator means that they were FBI agents.  It just ain't so.


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Re: As I was saying...
« Reply #1257 on: September 29, 2021, 05:07:50 AM »

There is ZERO doubt there were FBI U/C and CIs there running the classic COINTELPRO ops.


We are agreed that the FBI has a scurrilous history of entrapment and false flags.  We are agreed that is has gotten worse and that the accusations of the FBI fomenting Jan 6 are plausible.

That said, because our cause includes logic and integrity, we also need to acknowledge the validity of AMcC's criticism of Tucker's claim that unindicted co-conspirator means that they were FBI agents.  It just ain't so.


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WT: Fed judge wants probe into treatment of Jan 6 defendants
« Reply #1263 on: October 14, 2021, 03:32:15 AM »
Judge wants probe into treatment of Jan. 6 defendants

Corrections director, D.C. Jail warden to be held in contempt


A federal judge in the District on Wednesday called for the Justice Department to investigate whether staff at the D.C. Jail are violating the rights of inmates detained on charges in connection with the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, according to media reports.

U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth made the comments after ruling that D.C. Department of Corrections Director Quincy Booth and Warden Wanda Patten be held in contempt.

“It’s clear to me the civil rights of the defendant were violated by the D.C. Department of Corrections,” Judge Lamberth said. “I don’t know if it’s because he’s a Jan. 6 defendant or not.”

The jail officials could face civil penalties for failing to follow court orders requiring them to provide medical records for defendant Chris Worrell, who says staff failed to properly address his broken hand after a doctor recommended he receive surgery in June.

Judge Lambert said he would refer the case to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland to determine whether the jail is violating the rights of Capitol riot defendants.

Mr. Worrell, a member of the far-right Proud Boys group, is accused of using chemical spray on police during the Capitol riot.

He pleaded not guilty Wednesday to assaulting a police officer and obstructing Congress’ certification of the presidential election.

The Justice Department has charged more than 600 people so far for their roles in the Capitol riot. Some have complained of harsh treatment in jails by staff and fellow inmates.

The Washington Times sent a request for comment Wednesday to the D.C. Department of Corrections and the Justice Department, but did not get an immediate response.

The judge’s ruling came after he found there was more than an “inexcusable” delay of jail officials turning over medical documents.

After the judge learned last week that the surgery still hadn’t happened months after the June recommendation, he ordered the jail system to turn over notes to the U.S. Marshals Service — because Mr. Worrell is a federal inmate housed in the local jail — so the Marshals Service could move forward and approve the medical procedure.

But on Tuesday, the jail still hadn’t sent the records and the judge ordered the city jail officials to appear in court for a contempt hearing.

A lawyer for the jail had argued that they had been working to get the records together to comply with the court’s order before the contempt hearing was set.

“He’s needed an operation. He hasn’t gotten it,” the judge said.

The move is likely to add steam to claims by activists and supporters of former President Donald Trump who have argued that defendants are being treated unfairly while they’re locked up.

The Associated Press reviewed hundreds of court and jail records for the Capitol riot defendants to uncover how many were being detained and found roughly 70 held in federal custody awaiting trial or sentencing hearings.

At least 30 are jailed in Washington. The rest are locked up in facilities across the country.

Supporters of those jailed in Washington held a rally on Sept. 18, where they sought to highlight what they said were the disturbing treatment of suspects behind bars there.


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1266 on: October 14, 2021, 03:34:34 PM »
Nonetheless we need to know the argument they present:

January 6 Was No Hoax
October 11, 2021 6:30 AM
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Supporters of President Trump face off with police during a “Stop the Steal” protest outside of the Capitol building in Washington D.C., January 6, 2021. (Stephanie Keith/Reuters)
Trump abused the trust of his supporters, and the result was a disgrace.

Was January 6 an insurrection or a hoax? The answer is obvious: Neither. But having set up this false choice, really a choice of two falsities, one long-esteemed conservative writer and editor would have us choose “hoax.” The narrative built around January 6 was yet another piece in the long, lying resistance to Donald Trump and, by extension, to the “deplorable” voters who put him in power. So argues Roger Kimball.

Strangely, by the end of his essay, one suspects that the author believed an armed insurrection might have been justified. He predicts that historians “may well count the 2016 presidential election as the last fair and open democratic election in U.S. history.” He asserts that “every honest person knows that the 2020 election was tainted.” And that it amounted to “the first oligarchic installation of a president.” Of the man in whose name the vandalism of that day was committed, Kimball says, “Trump’s critical flaw was a deficit in guile.”

It’s a perverse kind of compliment, given the circumstances and context. It reminds me of Don McLean’s singing prettily of Vincent van Gogh, “This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you.” That line justifies a suicide. But at least McLean is right that van Gogh cared for beauty. The antonyms of guile are “honesty” and “candor.” To try to justify the events of January 6 with Trump’s deficit of guile is like playing a Stradivarius with a Kitchen Aid hand-mixer. It’s not just an ugly sound, but something like a deliberate provocation.

The ugly scenes on January 6 were caused, I’d counter, by Donald Trump’s lies. If one searches for the political motivation behind Ashli Babbitt’s death, it is not in the perfidy of intelligence agencies and James Comey, but in what Donald Trump said about the election and about our Constitution. He repeated these lies that very day to people who would go on to disrupt Congress’s certification of the election and vandalize the Capitol building.

Despite what Victor Davis Hanson (among others) has said, National Review’s editorial position was never that the January 6 riot was an “armed insurrection.” And numerous National Review contributors have consistently described the events of January 6 as a riot and a deep disgrace, not a coup. It was clear that very day that the rabble was unarmed. Officer Sicknick, for instance, was not killed by a MAGA lunatic who bashed him with a fire extinguisher; he died of natural causes.

Nearly everything Kimball says about the ongoing resistance to Trump is true. It was meretricious, hysterical, and dangerous. Even before Trump won the election, I predicted the unprecedented subterfuge that would probably be aimed at him if he won the presidency. We saw the deep state as it really is: an ongoing class warfare against the democratic peoples and their representatives whose disruptions provide accountability. No one has to coordinate 50 former intelligence agents to issue a statement denouncing the New York Post’s Hunter Biden scoop as probable Russian disinformation, justifying suppression of the story just days before the election. The deep-staters know how to do it.

January 6 Committee to Hold Steve Bannon in Criminal Contempt for Evading Subpoena
The Eastman Memo
How to Think about January 6
Some of us have spent the better part of the past two decades or longer arguing that conservatives should be more open to a populist and working-class core of voters, the losers of globalization. We have been arguing for putting “the forgotten man” at the heart of conservatism’s concerns. We’ve argued for reexamining the effect of our trade relationships on the American people themselves. We denounced the democracy project in the Middle East and Afghanistan as a waste of blood and treasure. We argued for getting control of our immigration system, and for immigration limits and moratoriums in order to make America cohere again. It was thankless work. And if we had known it was all to set the stage for opportunists and recent converts to make their riches and fly their freak flags, perhaps we wouldn’t have done it.

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And now it’s time to be very firm. These working-class causes deserve better than what Donald Trump gave them. They deserve better than to be swallowed up by theories about Hugo Chávez using voting machines to elect Joe Biden. They deserve better than to have their complaints about the self-serving American political class displaced by the election-audit theatrics in Maricopa County, Ariz., which ended up yielding more votes for Joe Biden anyway. They deserve better than Lin Wood’s drawing little “Q’s” in the air.

After the election, the Trump campaign produced no evidence of serious, election-altering fraud in any of the states it wished to dispute. Instead, it proffered ever more bizarre legal theories. And it culminated in the most plainly insane one, that Mike Pence had the unilateral right to reject the electoral votes from Georgia, Arizona, and several other states.

This theory was setting the Q-anon sites ablaze in the days leading up to January 6. I know because I started following that phenomenon and could see it leading to danger. As I wrote on the morning of January 6:

Right now, the Q conspiracists — including President Trump — are setting up Mike Pence to be the fall guy, the man who betrayed them, if Pence does his duty and acknowledges the certified result of America’s democratic elections. How cynical must the senators and congressmen supporting this farce be, to participate in this effort?

Why can’t these men content themselves with the awesome power and prestige of their offices? Or more directly: Why can’t they just do the job we have paid them to do?

Yet at the Stop the Steal rally on January 6, Donald Trump told the crowd, “If Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election. . . . All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify, and we become president, and you are the happiest people.”

This is bunk. Anyone who believes that protecting the Constitution of the United States is one of the missions of conservatism knows this theory to be bunk and knows that lies about the Constitution from a sitting president can themselves be dangerous. I can’t think of anything more disrespectful of Donald Trump than to call this a lack of guile.

Even as the awful scenes of Capitol Hill police being overwhelmed were on television, Trump sent out a tweet attacking his vice president:

Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!

According to the timeline of events as we know them now, Trump sent out this tweet after Republican senator Tommy Tuberville had informed him that Mike Pence had been evacuated. This warning may not have explicitly included the security personnel’s assessment of the danger that necessitated Pence’s evacuation, so Trump’s lawyers have claimed that the president didn’t know Pence was in harm’s way. If you believe that, maybe you can believe that Hugo Chávez runs elections in America.

We can all throw Trump the biggest pity party in history about the subterfuge he faced within the executive branch. He didn’t have the guts to clean house and make the government employees do their jobs. In other words, he didn’t do the job he was elected to do. For a president to take control of the executive branch, he must hire people he can trust to run one of the largest organizations on earth. Trump couldn’t or wouldn’t. Every account of the Trump White House’s operation tells us that Trump trusted and respected no one who didn’t have the last name Trump or Kushner. What his actions leading up to January 6 show us is that he didn’t respect his followers, either.

It’s true that the riot on January 6 was not a coup. It was not like the Civil War or Pearl Harbor or any other milestone from an overheated historical analogy. And I don’t want applause from people who think that it was. The Trumpers at the Capitol couldn’t have held on to a public library or a Chick-fil-A if they had tried. And mostly the charges that are being filed are exactly the kinds of charges leveled at other rioters (unless they are BLM/Antifa, who largely get a pass from our DOJ): charges of vandalism and trespassing.

But it was no hoax. This was a real disgrace, it led to real death — that of an unarmed Trump supporter. And it was caused by Donald Trump’s dishonesty. He abused the trust of his devoutest supporters. He assembled them to “stop the steal” of an election that he must know he lost, that he must’ve known he was liable to lose as he was running in it. He endangered his vice president, other members of Congress, and his supporters to protect his vanity.




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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1267 on: October 14, 2021, 03:43:12 PM »
Dishonest strawmen arguments?

It was pretty much what I anticipated.

Nonetheless we need to know the argument they present:

January 6 Was No Hoax
October 11, 2021 6:30 AM
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Supporters of President Trump face off with police during a “Stop the Steal” protest outside of the Capitol building in Washington D.C., January 6, 2021. (Stephanie Keith/Reuters)
Trump abused the trust of his supporters, and the result was a disgrace.

Was January 6 an insurrection or a hoax? The answer is obvious: Neither. But having set up this false choice, really a choice of two falsities, one long-esteemed conservative writer and editor would have us choose “hoax.” The narrative built around January 6 was yet another piece in the long, lying resistance to Donald Trump and, by extension, to the “deplorable” voters who put him in power. So argues Roger Kimball.

Strangely, by the end of his essay, one suspects that the author believed an armed insurrection might have been justified. He predicts that historians “may well count the 2016 presidential election as the last fair and open democratic election in U.S. history.” He asserts that “every honest person knows that the 2020 election was tainted.” And that it amounted to “the first oligarchic installation of a president.” Of the man in whose name the vandalism of that day was committed, Kimball says, “Trump’s critical flaw was a deficit in guile.”

It’s a perverse kind of compliment, given the circumstances and context. It reminds me of Don McLean’s singing prettily of Vincent van Gogh, “This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you.” That line justifies a suicide. But at least McLean is right that van Gogh cared for beauty. The antonyms of guile are “honesty” and “candor.” To try to justify the events of January 6 with Trump’s deficit of guile is like playing a Stradivarius with a Kitchen Aid hand-mixer. It’s not just an ugly sound, but something like a deliberate provocation.

The ugly scenes on January 6 were caused, I’d counter, by Donald Trump’s lies. If one searches for the political motivation behind Ashli Babbitt’s death, it is not in the perfidy of intelligence agencies and James Comey, but in what Donald Trump said about the election and about our Constitution. He repeated these lies that very day to people who would go on to disrupt Congress’s certification of the election and vandalize the Capitol building.

Despite what Victor Davis Hanson (among others) has said, National Review’s editorial position was never that the January 6 riot was an “armed insurrection.” And numerous National Review contributors have consistently described the events of January 6 as a riot and a deep disgrace, not a coup. It was clear that very day that the rabble was unarmed. Officer Sicknick, for instance, was not killed by a MAGA lunatic who bashed him with a fire extinguisher; he died of natural causes.

Nearly everything Kimball says about the ongoing resistance to Trump is true. It was meretricious, hysterical, and dangerous. Even before Trump won the election, I predicted the unprecedented subterfuge that would probably be aimed at him if he won the presidency. We saw the deep state as it really is: an ongoing class warfare against the democratic peoples and their representatives whose disruptions provide accountability. No one has to coordinate 50 former intelligence agents to issue a statement denouncing the New York Post’s Hunter Biden scoop as probable Russian disinformation, justifying suppression of the story just days before the election. The deep-staters know how to do it.

January 6 Committee to Hold Steve Bannon in Criminal Contempt for Evading Subpoena
The Eastman Memo
How to Think about January 6
Some of us have spent the better part of the past two decades or longer arguing that conservatives should be more open to a populist and working-class core of voters, the losers of globalization. We have been arguing for putting “the forgotten man” at the heart of conservatism’s concerns. We’ve argued for reexamining the effect of our trade relationships on the American people themselves. We denounced the democracy project in the Middle East and Afghanistan as a waste of blood and treasure. We argued for getting control of our immigration system, and for immigration limits and moratoriums in order to make America cohere again. It was thankless work. And if we had known it was all to set the stage for opportunists and recent converts to make their riches and fly their freak flags, perhaps we wouldn’t have done it.

A weekly digest on business and economics from an NR sensibility.

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And now it’s time to be very firm. These working-class causes deserve better than what Donald Trump gave them. They deserve better than to be swallowed up by theories about Hugo Chávez using voting machines to elect Joe Biden. They deserve better than to have their complaints about the self-serving American political class displaced by the election-audit theatrics in Maricopa County, Ariz., which ended up yielding more votes for Joe Biden anyway. They deserve better than Lin Wood’s drawing little “Q’s” in the air.

After the election, the Trump campaign produced no evidence of serious, election-altering fraud in any of the states it wished to dispute. Instead, it proffered ever more bizarre legal theories. And it culminated in the most plainly insane one, that Mike Pence had the unilateral right to reject the electoral votes from Georgia, Arizona, and several other states.

This theory was setting the Q-anon sites ablaze in the days leading up to January 6. I know because I started following that phenomenon and could see it leading to danger. As I wrote on the morning of January 6:

Right now, the Q conspiracists — including President Trump — are setting up Mike Pence to be the fall guy, the man who betrayed them, if Pence does his duty and acknowledges the certified result of America’s democratic elections. How cynical must the senators and congressmen supporting this farce be, to participate in this effort?

Why can’t these men content themselves with the awesome power and prestige of their offices? Or more directly: Why can’t they just do the job we have paid them to do?

Yet at the Stop the Steal rally on January 6, Donald Trump told the crowd, “If Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election. . . . All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify, and we become president, and you are the happiest people.”

This is bunk. Anyone who believes that protecting the Constitution of the United States is one of the missions of conservatism knows this theory to be bunk and knows that lies about the Constitution from a sitting president can themselves be dangerous. I can’t think of anything more disrespectful of Donald Trump than to call this a lack of guile.

Even as the awful scenes of Capitol Hill police being overwhelmed were on television, Trump sent out a tweet attacking his vice president:

Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!

According to the timeline of events as we know them now, Trump sent out this tweet after Republican senator Tommy Tuberville had informed him that Mike Pence had been evacuated. This warning may not have explicitly included the security personnel’s assessment of the danger that necessitated Pence’s evacuation, so Trump’s lawyers have claimed that the president didn’t know Pence was in harm’s way. If you believe that, maybe you can believe that Hugo Chávez runs elections in America.

We can all throw Trump the biggest pity party in history about the subterfuge he faced within the executive branch. He didn’t have the guts to clean house and make the government employees do their jobs. In other words, he didn’t do the job he was elected to do. For a president to take control of the executive branch, he must hire people he can trust to run one of the largest organizations on earth. Trump couldn’t or wouldn’t. Every account of the Trump White House’s operation tells us that Trump trusted and respected no one who didn’t have the last name Trump or Kushner. What his actions leading up to January 6 show us is that he didn’t respect his followers, either.

It’s true that the riot on January 6 was not a coup. It was not like the Civil War or Pearl Harbor or any other milestone from an overheated historical analogy. And I don’t want applause from people who think that it was. The Trumpers at the Capitol couldn’t have held on to a public library or a Chick-fil-A if they had tried. And mostly the charges that are being filed are exactly the kinds of charges leveled at other rioters (unless they are BLM/Antifa, who largely get a pass from our DOJ): charges of vandalism and trespassing.

But it was no hoax. This was a real disgrace, it led to real death — that of an unarmed Trump supporter. And it was caused by Donald Trump’s dishonesty. He abused the trust of his devoutest supporters. He assembled them to “stop the steal” of an election that he must know he lost, that he must’ve known he was liable to lose as he was running in it. He endangered his vice president, other members of Congress, and his supporters to protect his vanity.




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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1269 on: October 14, 2021, 08:09:29 PM »


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1270 on: October 14, 2021, 08:41:15 PM »
Well, that was eloquent , , ,


As I said a long time ago, 1/6 was an FBI op. Using the COINTELPRO playbook.


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MY: Historians talk conditions
« Reply #1272 on: October 15, 2021, 04:00:15 PM »
Michael Yon@MichaelYon
6 hours ago
Amateurs talk Tactics, Professionals talk Logistics — Historians talk Conditions
15 October 2021
Mind-dump, sans-edit

PanFaWar: Pandemic, Famine, War — traveling buddies from Hell.

When one arrives, the other two soon roar in.

They also are recursive and incredibly unpredictable. Recursive in the sense that big pandemic leads to more pandemic. Big war creates spinoff wars through space and time. Echos.

Irish potato famine was about Conditions, not potatoes. Potato shortage was a symptom. Part of that shortage came from pandemic. A blight that destroyed potatoes. But a food shortage is rarely enough to create famine. Study of Famine is essential in study of War.

Pick any famine. Any famine at all. Pick five famines randomly. Use darts. And in your study, you will always find there was plenty of food. Somewhere. Usually not far away. But Logistics often was broken due to war, or Famine was used as a weapon of war. There was plenty of food for the Irish, if the English would have let Americans and others ship the food in. And there were other solutions.

In human history, food shortage has always been local, so far. There has never been a global food shortage, so far. The famines result from Conditions. Logistics breaks down. Next thing you know things get Biblical and in the real sense. Look how many times the Bible mentions cannibalism.

Nothing we are experiencing now is new. Old People warned about it in books for centuries. It’s all happened many times before. This time on grander scale, but the patterns remain. A small circle and a big circle are nearly identical, and in most ways, are. It feels like cheating to read all these old books. Pi was pi then, and now.

Other aspects of the Conditions were English mistreating Irish, which of course feeds into War.

Famines lead to big and small migrations, and more food shortages. Migrations spread and create — or rather unleash — pandemic.

Famines reduce resilience, making home for Pandemic. Pandemic reduces resilience. Making people sick, who work and hunt less. Making them weaker still.

Pandemic and wars also create migrations, and migrations feed the PanFaWar Loop.

Thus it’s good to live far away from big metro areas when logistics collapses. Hungry masses will come to the where the food is. The closer you live to food production, the less you are directly effected by Logistics. And Logistics is in the vast majority of cases a key component of famine.

Examine your logistics vulnerabilities and strengths. Put some thought into your situation.

Learn to store food. To make your own canning. Back to Mason Jars. I got a lot right at the beginning of pandemic. Large amounts of salt, vinegar, etc.

Remember that famine is never forever. You just have to get through the hurricane and get back to work when the winds die down.

In the old days, it was good to live at least two days walk from such places where massive numbers of people may suddenly be hungry. Now, best to be a tank of gas away. (Not that most people can do this).

Remember the signs by towns during the Great Depression? Such as NO JOBS HERE. KEEP ON MOVING.

War is coming. And it’s not about sparks, but Conditions. Logistics are part of the higher-level matrix that is Conditions. Amateurs talk sparks. Professionals talk Conditions.

Production and Logistics are high-level aspects of Conditions.

And as Al Johnson Senior tells me from time to time, “Organizational structure dictates outcome.” Retired Army Colonel. This is one of those things that first time you hear it, truth of the statement flashes. Basically, we get the product of the assembly line we create.

The plant management has created an assembly line of PanFaWar components.

We are going to war. Prepare yourself.


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Left wants us all dead
« Reply #1273 on: October 16, 2021, 09:36:38 AM »
From my post in immigration thread of Oct. 15:

"the only difference between the foreigners who commit these crimes and many on the LEFT

is the foreigner carries out what the others are thinking"

Proof of what I said is in the pudding :


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Re: Left wants us all dead
« Reply #1274 on: October 16, 2021, 10:26:08 AM »
From my post in immigration thread of Oct. 15:

"the only difference between the foreigners who commit these crimes and many on the LEFT

is the foreigner carries out what the others are thinking"

Proof of what I said is in the pudding :


Note that in the discussion of this incident, the idea of enhanced security is floated. Nothing is ever said about not importing 3rd world savages into western countries.


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Re: Left wants us all dead
« Reply #1275 on: October 16, 2021, 11:01:28 AM »
From my post in immigration thread of Oct. 15:

"the only difference between the foreigners who commit these crimes and many on the LEFT

is the foreigner carries out what the others are thinking"

Proof of what I said is in the pudding :


Note that in the discussion of this incident, the idea of enhanced security is floated. Nothing is ever said about not importing 3rd world savages into western countries.

You are NOT voting your way out of this.


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1276 on: October 16, 2021, 11:16:29 AM »
".Note that in the discussion of this incident, the idea of enhanced security is floated. Nothing is ever said about not importing 3rd world savages into western countries."

I am surprised they did not scream and yell all over the airwaves
"we need to ban knives!".

I am sure Omar has nothing to say about it.
or somehow turn the logic upside down

and blame America for it , or Israel
or the "benjamins".


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From Forward Observer-Low Intensity Conflict vs. Civil War
« Reply #1277 on: October 18, 2021, 06:58:07 PM »

Early this month, I started researching the Irish Troubles for a section of my upcoming book on Low Intensity Conflict/Civil War 2.

It’s important to keep an open mind and consider all possibilities, weigh the evidence, and then decide what’s more likely and less likely to happen. That’s exactly what I do in the book, which is an updated analysis based on a 2019 video series on the topic.

The Irish Troubles is one of six models I’ve identified that could have (loosely) an American equivalent.

Of course, I’m not talking about Catholics versus Protestants, but a sectarian conflict featuring sporadic armed political violence where the government’s primary mission is peacekeeping followed by counterterrorism.

The Irish Troubles resulted in over 50,000 casualties and 3,500 deaths over a 30-year span (1969-1998). Armed violence was widespread across Northern Ireland, but this map illustrating the deaths of civilians and British Security Forces gives us a good glimpse of where casualty-producing attacks occurred.

One of my key assumptions would remain that most political violence will be geographically limited, just like many areas of Northern Ireland had very few instances of armed violence over a 30-year span. I expect most places to remain… well, pretty quiet as far as political violence is concerned. (Criminality is another matter!)

In a previous post, I provided four requirements for a conflict to become a civil war. Briefly, they are:

domestic military action (i.e., not just police)

government involvement as a belligerent (i.e., not just a war between citizens)

capable fighting on both sides of the conflict (i.e., not genocide)

at least 1,000 combat-related deaths in a 12-month period (i.e., sustained fighting)

I bring this up because at no time during the 30 years of conflict in Northern Ireland did combat-related deaths reach 1,000 in a 12-month span. In fact, it’s no where close. At the height, 479 deaths were recorded during the 1972 calendar year.

Although the Irish did have a civil war from 1922-1923, the Irish Troubles were definitely not a civil war. Instead, it’s what many refer to as Low Intensity Conflict.

(This is another reason why I dislike the term “civil war” — you can have a casualty-producing domestic conflict without it rising to the intensity of a conventional civil war. That’s exactly where I think this country is headed.)

Let’s take a look at the yearly death totals for civilians, Irish Republicans, Ulster Loyalists, and British security forces from 1969 to 1998.

A few things… First, civilian deaths are roughly equal to deaths of all belligerents. High civilian casualties are the norm for domestic conflicts, going all the way back to at least the 1500s. As French Rennaissance philosopher Michel de Montaigne (1532-1592) observed, "In truth a forraine warre is nothing so dangerous a disease as a civill."

Second, while the 1970s were by far the most violent, war-related deaths continued to stack up over the following decades. The total death toll of 3,483 works out to an average of 116 deaths per year, or roughly one death every three days. For 30 years. Low intensity conflicts, especially insurgencies and guerrilla wars, are often protracted. Nothing happening in the United States today signals that our own domestic conflict, if triggered, would be short lived.

Third, I’m still compiling the numbers of fighters as a percentage of the overall populace. The end result will show that a small percentage was actively engaged in the fighting at any given time. As we see in most low intensity conflicts, a small percentage actually takes part in the fighting, followed by maybe 5-15% of the total population involved in active support at some level, and everyone else is just trying to live their lives. I suspect that the American Troubles would be similar.

The real problem for most Americans will be the economic, financial, and monetary destruction that results from armed conflict. While you’d think that high unemployment would enable the mobilization of millions of military-aged males, the disruption to transportation, shipping, and production likely means that many Americans will be focused on week to week survival, as opposed to actively fighting.

The greater the operational tempo and mass of fighters, the greater logistics you need. This likely means that the number of fighters remains relatively small compared to the efforts required to support them. Again, less than 5%, maybe even less than 1%, is likely to be engaged at any time. (That’s still a lot of people.)

On that note, the United States population today is roughly 200 times larger than Northern Ireland was from 1969-1998. So could we see 200 times the death toll? We could.

In conclusion, these are some initial considerations based on one model of conflict. I’m not in the business of making predictions, only outlining what’s more likely and less likely to occur. Much of this conflict hinges on things still years away; namely 2024 elections and what happens with the federal government. I provide my final conclusions in the book, which is expected to be out in December 2021.

If you found this short post thought-provoking, subscribe to my weekly Dispatch: Notes on Conflict and Collapse and watch my latest videos posted to


Always Out Front,

Mike Shelby


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Yon is correct. You better be ready!
« Reply #1279 on: October 19, 2021, 12:14:26 PM »

Newt Gingrich is Right…
Mr. Gingrich called me back when Trump was running the first time. Back then, I did not know what to make of Trump and so I was reluctant, but no way on planet earth I would vote for another Clinton.

But in retrospect, Trump did pretty well. Very well.

And the democrats and their communist allies still use Trump, race, class, religion, words, to divide and conquer. Remember all the clowns who bought into Russia-gate. Same clowns who wear three masks and sport track marks. Same clowns who say “follow the science” and demand we inject a substance they cannot even name. They say “follow the science” but barely struggled through algebra while lecturing us on global warming because some teenager-sock-puppet told them what to worship.

The atmospherics are clear. Fuse is growing shorter.

This government cannot control a hungry, heavily armed citizenship. Hunger and anger will spill

across all party lines, from all sides of political spectrum. When the police are gone and replaced by communists, there will be nobody left to protect the communists, including the police.
Those of us who spent years in numerous wars are under no illusions about the severe power this government holds, or just how weak they really are in the face of millions of people with guns when they finally have had enough and go WEAPONS FREE. The Hangry Revolt.

Against a real general uprising, cops will last ten minutes. There will be too much action to write down, much less investigate. It just gets added to the local daily SIGACTs: 41x SAFIRE, 3x IED, 17x arson, 257 KIA, 2210 WIA, etc.

Police will abandon their uniforms and stations. Seen it happen. Stations will easily be overrun. Like taking a Post Office. Which will be looted. That’s how this really goes.

National Guard who get squirrelly will be scattered. I am remembering so many things I saw in Iraq, Afghanistan, Nepal, Thailand, Philippines, Hong Kong.

They will scatter when under command of a “General” who tweets about manicures. Many troops will not follow orders to fight Americans. There likely will be Blue-on-Blue attacks against commanders who order troops to fire on Americans. Frags.

The Pedicure General will not be able to stop crying when her entire National Guard does not answer her orders, and she will surrender her HQ and hide. She will be a coward and she will hide. That’s how this really goes.

Active duty call up with serious civilian casualties will lead to a general revolt. All these executives who hired ex-special operations guys and law enforcement for security — they have no idea who is who in the zoo.

Will Milley feel safe around troops? He’s a tool.

Meanwhile, CHINA is still out there.

We are at the edge of war. And this government is doing zero to stop it and everything to start it.

Religious leaders need to stand up. Call for peace. Keep calling for peace. And pray we make it to the next election in one piece. Yet what happens if more elections are believed to be stolen?


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Holodomor 2.0
« Reply #1283 on: October 23, 2021, 01:03:40 PM »


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"Far Right!"
« Reply #1284 on: October 24, 2021, 08:29:59 AM »

yes I get it.
the real threat to Democracy
the real terrorist threat
33,000 members = 1 in 10,000 people in US

the equivalent of 3 people in my town

HUGE danger here folks

so says leftist propaganda outlet AP

 :wink: :roll:


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Re: "Far Right!"
« Reply #1285 on: October 24, 2021, 10:00:15 AM »

yes I get it.
the real threat to Democracy
the real terrorist threat
33,000 members = 1 in 10,000 people in US

the equivalent of 3 people in my town

HUGE danger here folks

so says leftist propaganda outlet AP

 :wink: :roll:

What's the body count, as opposed to a Chicago weekend?


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Insurrection, Second American Civil War, Parents are Terrorists?
« Reply #1286 on: October 25, 2021, 06:05:38 AM »
No.  YOU are the terrorists, dividing and terrorizing our country.

"The country's largest school board association apologized late Friday for its letter to President Joe Biden calling on the FBI to investigate parents as potential domestic terrorists.

The National School Board Association said in a memo to its members that "there was no justification" for some of the language in the letter, which was sent to Biden on Sept. 29. "On behalf of NSBA, we regret and apologize for the letter," the association said."

Oops.  That backlash is already out.


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Re: Registered dem false flag operative sentenced for 1/6
« Reply #1287 on: October 25, 2021, 09:12:29 AM »
Long and detailed article.

So he was.

Deep State Andy doesn't like these cases being brought up.

Not sure of your point here.  What does this have to do with AMcC's analysis of the errors in TC's analysis?

1/6 was a a deep state operation.


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1288 on: October 25, 2021, 03:13:52 PM »
Have started reading it. 


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Ray "Teflon" Epps
« Reply #1289 on: October 26, 2021, 03:34:40 AM »

Long and detailed article.

So he was.

Deep State Andy doesn't like these cases being brought up.

Not sure of your point here.  What does this have to do with AMcC's analysis of the errors in TC's analysis?

1/6 was a a deep state operation.


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The mechanics of control
« Reply #1291 on: October 27, 2021, 08:31:58 AM »


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Re: Ray "Teflon" Epps doesn't want to answer questions
« Reply #1292 on: October 28, 2021, 07:41:02 PM »

Long and detailed article.

So he was.

Deep State Andy doesn't like these cases being brought up.

Not sure of your point here.  What does this have to do with AMcC's analysis of the errors in TC's analysis?

1/6 was a a deep state operation.


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Serious Men
« Reply #1294 on: October 30, 2021, 11:37:56 AM »

Serious Men
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
(Be sure to read all the way to the 7th paragraph)

The need for self-defense is imminent. Just because there’s no one at the door threatening to break it in, doesn’t mean the home isn’t under assault. They’ve just found better ways of getting into the house, of surveilling those inside, of punishing someone for their private thoughts. Are you being punished? Are you being denied employment even with ten million open jobs? This is not the same type of war that has been engaged in before. How long before one’s demand for civil and human rights is cause for punishment? Right now. It’s government policy to do it and there’s minions to carry it out.

No matter what the government and its cohorts in the woke corporate environment are doing, it gets worse. When the winter comes and there’s a couple of million newly-arrived illegals roaming about, demanding food and shelter, demanding that governments take food from your mouths and give it to them, we’ll see. When Biden’s infrastructure bill and budget bill drive hyperinflation (think Venezuela) and all of your savings buys one last sack of groceries, we’ll see. 

There’s two people that I pay the most attention to when it comes to understanding the coming conflict: Michael Yon and Sam Faddis. Michael Yon is a former Green Beret and long-time war correspondent in some of the hottest wars on the planet. Sam Faddis is a former Special Forces and CIA operative. Both of them are sounding alarm bells about the status of America and the tenuous grip we have on domestic peace. I find it interesting, though, how close Matt Bracken came to explaining the situation in Lies of Omission. This is a must-watch film, now, because what was once deemed likely, now enjoys the advantage of absolute evidence. The newer version will be more prescient than the old one, but it isn’t up, yet. I’ll have an announcement when it is. But, if you haven’t seen it at all, you can watch them both and get more information, a better understanding from the combination.

While we focus more on the domestic threats from political institutions, their insane policies and the constant assault on our God-given rights, which means the ability to have a job, a business, a career and enjoy life without obeying the commands of those who want to kill us, we are not oblivious to the external threats. Since the 2020 election all of these threats have converged with a greater speed and severity in pursuit of destroying the greatest culture in the history of mankind. In general, this is the aim of the domestic communists, who, with the rise of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and CCP's liberal dispensation of dirty money around political campaigns and who benefit generally from the woke international corporations willing to do their bidding in order to have access to the Chinese market, the United States is being weakened by internal crises which have an economic, social and military impact, removing the threat to the Chinese who can then pursue expansion in Taiwan. We've already discussed the devastation that would have on the access to advanced computer chips in the United States. Does that include war with America? Why would it? Don’t they have a compliant roster of politicians in congress already?

What the CCP wants from America is an internal war. That's the objective. If the CCP itself wanted to weaken the United States, both domestically and militarily, it would have done nothing different from what the Biden Administration has done in the past ten months. Treason doesn’t begin to address the level of betrayal that’s taken place at the hands of Joe Biden (or whoever) and the feckless, incompetent and disinterested cabal of misfits he’s put into office, unless all of them, including Biden himself, were meant as nothing more than targets of domestic anger while the agenda marches on. The “agenda” in this case is weakening and grooming the United States to accept authoritarian communism, to lessen the need or resistance against the imposition of power by China, who will not pursue a kinetic war. It’s achieved as much as it could hope for without bloodshed. Read Sun Tzu; Xi has.

The two bills before the legislature right now, the infrastructure bill and the budget bill that total somewhere around 4-5 trillion dollars is designed to further strangle and demoralize the people. They’re designed to drive inflation beyond control. The few stimulus bills put forth during the pandemic have driven inflation up to the levels understood today. Passage of these two bills, if allowed to happen, will create a bureaucratic state much more vicious and powerful than anything we’ve seen since the passage of the Patriot Act. This is why it’s still important to call and write congress. The amount of calls and emails they’ve received has already reduced the amount of the budget bill alone to around 2 trillion dollars, but that’s not enough. This is one of the fronts in a defensive war that has had some success if not victory. Keeping up the pressure has dulled their efforts elsewhere and while some of this war will be fought through traditional political means, it will go further than that, too.

The perfect storm has arrived and the dark winter is upon us. This is the time for serious men. Enough of the name-calling, caterwauling, one-upmanship of internet squabbles. Put it aside and concentrate on what to do about it. Yes, fight the political battles as a defensive maneuver, but find ways to go on the offensive. Strikes are one method, but somewhere along the line those who are protected by this communist regime must be exposed to the same dangers those on the right are exposed to. There has to be a challenge to the two-tiered justice system and if the system cannot administer justice, the people will have to do it themselves. A failure of justice has always fostered a vigilante solution. That knowledge used to be enough to keep the courts in line, adhering to their oaths, but one always displaces the other. 

Without discarding all of the peaceful and political means available, there are ways to match the escalations. If they will take our jobs, our lives, our children and pit illegal aliens against citizens, the vaxxed against the unvaxxed, black against white, white against Hispanic, there’s a much easier means of achieving internal peace and that is by the elimination of those fostering the divisions. The masses being angered and directed at each other are being manipulated by the few who drive the narrative and the policies. These are the enemies of the people. Where truth cannot be found, the liars are the enemy. Where justice cannot be found, the persecutors are the enemy. We must maintain internal peace while we address the sources of the instigation toward internal war.

Knowing that the CCP, with the cooperation of Russia, stand to benefit from any internal conflict, we know to whom the communist politicians have sworn allegiance. It is not with the people. They proved that during the pandemic and they are driving that truth home through the invitation of illegal aliens en masse to our borders, by invitation to come to our towns and cities, to displace us, displace our votes and harm and rape our children, to sell drugs and push poison. There is but one author of our discontent and it is our own government.

Inflation will destroy your income, illegals will destroy your opportunity and taxes will be raised to accommodate them, that’s part of the previously mentioned bills. The plan is to indebt your children, even the unborn, to feed, clothe and shelter the masses streaming across the border right now. When you go bankrupt, that benefits Blackrock and Vanguard who buy up the assets to rent them back to you, as long as you’re vaxxed and of a sufficient social credit score. If not, you’re homeless, but don’t deserve the benefits of welfare, again, because you lack the social credit score. So, the message is: die. The vaxx mandates are to force compliance and might be used for depopulation when they decide it’s time for the extra special booster. If you fight back against all of it, they get the internal conflict above, if not, they starve you out.

What do they get? China gets the superpower status it wants, the military and social dominance it feels destined to achieve. Russia gets the Atlantic sphere of influence it wants and they both get the resources of the North American continent with a compliant workforce ignorant of rights or justice, willing to work and die to serve their masters. The globalists are willing to go along with this, because it opens borders, establishes their dominance of material goods and allows them to pursue their utopian desire to be seen as gods. Our politicians will go along with it, because they haven't cared about the United States of America for a long time and they think they'll be able to keep their wealth from selling us out. They won't, but they're also stupid, so it doesn't matter. Eventually the two sides, globalists and the authoritarian regimes of China and Russia have a falling out, but that’s none of our concern. Our history, our legacy and our culture will long be a forgotten epoch of brilliance and success when that dark time comes. Unless, serious men rise in time to rid the nation of the traitors. We’ll see. 


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Garland's Gulag
« Reply #1297 on: November 05, 2021, 12:40:47 PM »


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