Author Topic: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left  (Read 552252 times)


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Feel the cognitive Bern!
« Reply #951 on: July 23, 2017, 06:17:19 PM »

Bernie Sanders‏ Verified account
A nation is judged not by how many billionaires and millionaires it has but by how it treats the most vulnerable people among us.

Sen. Sanders’ Wife Tried Evicting Disabled Group Home Residents after Closing Shady College Deal Under FBI Probe

JUNE 29, 2017

Amid a deepening federal investigation of Jane Sanders, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders’ wife, Judicial Watch has obtained records that paint a rather disturbing personal portrait of a heartless spouse—and longtime political advisor—of the Democratic Socialist candidate for president of the United States. During the Obama administration, the FBI began investigating Jane for falsifying documents to obtain a $10 million loan to expand a now-defunct liberal arts college in a town where her husband once served as mayor while she was the school’s president.

The school, Burlington College, was in a small city with the same name in northwestern Vermont. It’s a quaint town of about 42,000 that sits on the eastern shoreline of Lake Champlain and prides itself on having “diverse, forward-thinking citizens” that are “steeped in arts and culture.” Jane was president of the troubled college from 2004 to 2011 and in 2010, she had an ambitious plan to expand the campus by 33 acres, despite low enrollment and financial difficulties. The then-president of Burlington College drastically overstated donation amounts in loan applications, according to the Vermont news website that broke the story, to obtain a $10 million loan. Jane indicated there was $2.6 million in pledged donations but the school only got $676,000 in four years.

The loan went through, some allege after her husband’s senatorial office pressured the bank to approve it, and Jane masterminded a deal to purchase an undeveloped, 32-acre parcel of land and a 77,000-square-foot facility from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington. The purchase included a facility that served as a group home for disabled people and, under the terms of the deal, Jane was supposed to negotiate the transfer of the disabled residents before the school took over the property. Instead Jane tried to kick the disabled people out of their group home, records obtained by Judicial Watch show. The records, part of an ongoing Judicial Watch investigation into the Jane Sanders fraud case, include electronic mail exchanges between Jane when she was president of Burlington College and two former mayors of the city of Burlington.

In a lengthy letter to the attorney (Todd Centybear) representing the group home for the disabled Jane indicates that she’s having trouble evicting the 16 residents from their building on the newly purchased property after the college had acquired the land. She writes: “It is simply not fair to expect the College to continue to carry the burden of the expenses associated with housing both your population and ours until February 2012.” The home for the disabled was being leased from the diocese and Jane was supposed to help relocate the residents, not evict them. The exchange shows, not only Jane’s heartlessness, but also her incompetence as the college president for not ensuring the negotiated transfer of those disabled people before the school took over the property.

In a separate email to then Burlington Mayor Bob Kiss, Jane forwards a laughable press release issued by the college announcing her resignation. “I wanted you to hear it from me,” she writes to the mayor. “It’s a good decision.” The press release announced that “In honor of her significant accomplishments, the College has given Sanders the title of President Emerita…” It adds that “The Board credits Sanders with negotiating the acquisition of its beautiful new 32-acre lakefront campus, a transformative achievement for the College.” In reality, the acquisition of that property bankrupted the College, and Sanders is now being investigated for bank fraud by the FBI for misrepresentations she made on loan documents to purchase the land for the campus.

Senator Sanders, who is up for reelection this year, hit the media circuit this week to defend his wife, assuring that she’s the most honest person he knows and that the investigation is politically motivated. “When you go after people’s wives that is really pathetic,” he said in a recent interview, adding that “it’s fairly pathetic that when people are involved in public life, it’s not only that they get attacked, but it’s their wives and their families that get attacked. That’s what this is about.” The couple lawyered up this week, hiring two prominent attorneys, one in Burlington and the other in Washington D.C. Also, this month, Jane launched a nonprofit organization, the Sanders Institute, to “revitalize democracy” with progressive policies aimed at racial and social justice as well as environmental and economic issues.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #952 on: August 02, 2017, 03:59:33 PM »
" Podesta: Trump keeps bringing up Clinton because popular-vote loss ‘bugs the hell out of him’ "

anyone can see Podesta is playing the psychological game of baiting Trump's ego .  Will Trump be able to control his ego, see through this and just ignore it ? Or as he always has done just jump right in and take the bait:


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Cognitive Dissonance of the Left, Lincoln saw them coming
« Reply #953 on: August 03, 2017, 10:45:33 AM »
“If you call a tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have?
The answer is four: calling a tail a leg does not make it so.”
  - Abraham Lincoln debating Stephen Douglas

Today's Left uses control of the language to control the issue.

a woman's right to choose
affordable healthcare
affordable housing
smart growth
undocumented workers
minimum wage
$800 billion in Medicaid cuts
giving it all to the wealthy
tax cuts for the wealthy
marriage equality
black lives matter
gender studies
welfare rights
climate change
CO2 a pollutant
income inequality
benevolent paternalism
embrace the discomfort of the transformation

Transgender man shares his joy after giving birth to a baby son with his gay husband after suffering a devastating miscarriage last year   (Huh??)
« Last Edit: August 03, 2017, 10:51:22 AM by DougMacG »


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debate on Saul Alinsky: D'Souza vs Ralph Benko and David Alinsky
« Reply #954 on: August 06, 2017, 09:16:39 AM »
Watch Alinsky' son and Ralph Benko (head of Alinsky organization)  try to deny Alinsky was a socialist thug when they debate Dinesh D'Souza.

Dinesh is correct.  I do not hear  Benko or  Alinsky Jr truly refute D'Souza's charges.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left, California secession? Okay
« Reply #955 on: August 10, 2017, 09:52:33 AM »
Secession looks more interesting now that it is the Left proposing it.  It makes me think, what if they did secede?

VDH often points out that Calif is really two states, not north and south but coastal versus all the rest.  If the liberals on the coast want out, and if liberal geographic blocs elsewhere want out too, what if we let them? 

They would take with them some of America's greatest assets, Silicon Valley, the Bay area, L.A, NYC, Wall Street, Boston, even Chicago.  They would get many of the greatest universities and largest newspapers (good riddance).  We would have to innovate and replace what we would lose, like the colonists losing Britain.

We would need new ports granted as part of the settlement and to keep at least our fair share of our military assets.  They probably don't want them anyway.  Both sides would need some form of free trade agreement and reasonable freedom of travel privileges, or right to migrate upon accepting the rules.

I'm sure there are many good reasons not to do this, but how else in our hopelessly divided country can we restore self determination, choice and consent of the governed?

I don't want to live under their socialist, Utopian, coercive government based system and they don't want to live in an individual freedom centered society.  Can we look for a win-win, live under two separate systems?


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Cognitive Dissonance of the Left, An Inconvenient Flop (Al Gore movie)
« Reply #956 on: August 15, 2017, 07:15:28 AM »
This was supposed to be a blockbuster.  Before I knew it was already out it has dropped to 18th in a field of disappointing movies

even though the left and the media (redundancy alert) promoted the hell out of it.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #957 on: August 16, 2017, 08:24:28 AM »

There was also an example in last issue of American College of Physicians in an article on depression about some old guy who was "depressed over the 2016" election

Never mind none of these Shrinks seem to have never heard anyone on the right being depressed during the clinton or obama years

It only counts now we have Trump.

My therapy during Clinton and Brock was Dr Limbaugh.


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Irony Alert: Charlottesville Candlelight Vigil Features Song From Racist Son of a Klansman


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #961 on: August 17, 2017, 02:18:58 PM »
GM posted :

" What if we had a president who marched with a racist group? "

GM you know the Left's response to allegations that anyone Black or in any minority could not by definition possibly be racist prejudiced or bigoted

Because they don't hold the "power"

Can't be bigot if your a "victim"

It is a  white man's work ONLY. End of discussion and anything you say is WRONG and due to your bigotry and bias and being stupid - comprende ?  (playing the devil's advocate of course)

( unless you are a white 'Liberal' man who votes for Dems and thus you are somewhat off the hook )
« Last Edit: August 17, 2017, 02:59:46 PM by ccp »


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August 18, 2017
Flashback: When Obama Declared That There Were "Many Sides" to Blame for Islamist Terrorism -- Especially Christianity -- Media Not Only Defended Him, But Castigated Critics Who'd Dispute Obama's "Many-Sides-ism"
Let's go all the way back through the mists of time, to a forgotten era of dinosaurs and wizard-kings, an age of wonder and mystery called "February 2015."

In this mythological age, evoking "many sides" to blame for violence was not considered "racist," but in fact was hailed as the very pinnacle of rationality and cosmopolitanism.

Despite the fact that it is always Islamists responsible for Islamist terrorism (see the name; just what it says on the tin), President Lord God Obama proclaimed that many sides were in fact responsible for the rivers of blood spilled by Islamists, including, most notoriously, the Christians.

His latest challenge came Thursday at the National Prayer Breakfast. At a time of global anxiety over Islamist terrorism, Obama noted pointedly that his fellow Christians, who make up a vast majority of Americans, should perhaps not be the ones who cast the first stone.
"Humanity has been grappling with these questions throughout human history," he told the group, speaking of the tension between the compassionate and murderous acts religion can inspire. "And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ."

When Trump spoke of "many sides" offering violence, he was referring to the fact -- the fact -- that antifa thugs attacked the Nazis and, when the cops drove the Nazis from the park, surrounded them and attacked them with apparent police complicity.

When Obama spoke of many sides being to blame, he was going back to... the Crusades between 1100 and 1350 AD. Oh, and, of course, the famous Christian enslavement of Muslims, which did not happen.

The response from the media was not -- get this -- anger and bitter denunciation, but rather a moistened-crotched panting, along with a sneering dismissal of critics of the "many sides" talk as "the usual quarters."

President Obama is drawing some heat -- mostly from the usual quarters -- for invoking the Crusades while talking about Islam and terrorism on Thursday.
At the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, Obama noted there was a time when people mass-murdered in the name of Christianity, too:

And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.
As many were quick to point out, the Catholic church's Crusades began more than 900 years ago, and the Inquisition began in the 13th century.

In the context of Obama's long-standing remarks on Islam and terrorism, though, invoking the Crusades and the Inquisition are wholly unsurprising. What is more surprising is that he hasn't done this sooner.

I'm not surprised the leftwing media has completely ignored its own history of defending "many sides to blame" arguments from the president.

I am surprised, however, that so many members of the #FakeNews "rightwing" media have, however.

More: At the eulogy for five dead Dallas cops assassinated by a Black Lives Matter terrorist, Barack "Many Sides" Obama offered this observation:

"We have all seen this bigotry in our lives at some point," obama told an audience of about 2,500 at a concert hall in Dallas. "None of us is entirely innocent. No institution is entirely immune. And that includes our police departments. We know this."
Telling cops they're racist at a funeral for their own was, by the media's estimation, the height of cosmopolitan nuance and sophistication.

Thanks to Soothsayer for that quote.

digg this
posted by Ace at 07:01 PM



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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #964 on: August 19, 2017, 08:06:07 AM »
"    I am surprised, however, that so many members of the #FakeNews "rightwing" media have, however. "

Agreed .   Very sickening.  Just another example of why the right keeps losing and will keep losing.

Trump with all his horrible  flaws is one of the few who will stand up to the Left .  The others are all standing down.


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Cognitive Dissonance of the left, Disparity make us a Banana Republic
« Reply #965 on: August 23, 2017, 09:05:31 AM »
This was referenced by the pollster in GM's income equality Venezuela video.  A keeper for all threads.

We must pursue sameness, no matter the cost.  In 2011, we had not turned far enough left; we had not yet redistributed enough income.  Venezuela was on a better path!  For his clairvoyance, Sanders went on to become the leader of the American Left.

Close The Gaps: Disparities That Threaten America,  Bernie Sanders
Friday, August 5, 2011

Washington, it seems to us, is focusing on one gap -- between spending and revenue -- to the exclusion of others. That's unwise, because these other gaps also pose threats to America and its social structure. They, too, ought to be closed.

Take the jobs gap, which doesn't need much explanation. There are far fewer jobs than people seeking work, which is why unemployment is close to 10 percent or higher, if you count those who would like a job but have given up looking. According to economist Laura D'Andrea Tyson, writing last week in The New York Times, the U.S. economy would have to add about 12.3 million jobs to return to employment levels that existed before the 2008-2009 recession blindsided America. A quarter of a million people enter the labor force each month. At the current pace of recovery -- which is to say slower than slow -- closing this gap could take 10 years or more. Talk about a lost decade.

Closing the jobs gap might be easier if there were a solid commitment to closing the investment gap. Unlike other rich nations and, we hasten to add, developing countries such as India and China, the United States doesn't spend nearly enough on education and work force training; research and development; and vital infrastructure such as bridges, roads and air traffic control. This is what's known as "non-security discretionary spending," which is a misnomer. Investing in these areas would actually help strengthen America and secure the future. Yet spending in these categories accounts for less than 10 percent of all federal expenditure, and the share has been falling and is likely to fall further in the grip of the Scissorhands caucus that has taken control of Congress.

Finally, and most worryingly, there's the widening wealth gap. The inequality of incomes in this country has been well documented and much commented on, to wit: The richest 1 percent of Americans now account for almost a quarter of the nation's income, creating an imbalance even worse than the days of the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts.

Less remarked, however, is the fact that America's wealth gap is also a race gap. As the Pew Research Center reported last week, the median wealth of white households is 20 times that of black households and 18 times that of Hispanic households. Think about that. In 2009, the typical black household had $5,677 in wealth -- defined as assets minus debts; the typical Hispanic household had $6,325; the typical white household, by contrast, had $113,149.

The disparity is twice as large as it was in the two decades prior to the Great Recession and the largest since the government began publishing such data a quarter century ago. The downturn has been particularly hard on blacks, who are twice as likely to be unemployed as whites.

Moreover, according to the Pew analysis, the wealth gap widened between 2005 and 2009 because minorities disproportionately reside in states hit hardest by plummeting house values -- Michigan, California, Arizona, Florida and Nevada, where median house prices fell as much as 50 percent .

White households saw house values decline as well, of course, but they tended to be cushioned by other assets that many black and Hispanic households don't have, including savings accounts, pensions and stocks.

"What's pushing the wealth of whites is the rebound in the stock market and corporate savings, while younger Hispanics and African Americans who bought homes in the last decade -- because that was the American dream -- are seeing big declines," Timothy Smeeding of the University of Wisconsin told The Associated Press.

These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela and Argentina, where incomes are actually more equal today than they are in the land of Horatio Alger. Who's the banana republic now?


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #966 on: August 23, 2017, 09:19:34 AM »
Funny how Asians aren't mentioned in Bernie's speech? Why?


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Missing from Bernie's analysis
« Reply #967 on: August 23, 2017, 09:27:10 AM »


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Cognitive Dissonance of the left, Answering Bernie
« Reply #968 on: August 23, 2017, 09:40:29 AM »
will be a lifelong project...

"These days [2011], the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela and Argentina, where incomes are actually more equal today than they are in the land of Horatio Alger. Who's the banana republic now?"

Answering Bernie:
May 30, 2016

In an essay lamenting what he described as the intractable income inequality of the American economy, Senator Sanders declared: “These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela and Argentina, where incomes are actually more equal today than they are in the land of Horatio Alger.”

Despite receiving trillions of dollars in oil revenue over recent decades, Venezuela is in the midst of an unprecedented economic collapse, owing precisely to the redistributionist programs that Sanders has extolled as a model for the U.S. economy. Grocery store shelves are barren, hospitals have no access to vital medicines, rationing is under way, and riots have begun to coalesce in the streets of Caracas.

Ecuador’s President, Rafael Correa, is preparing to leave a country mired in a deep recession and facing a currency crisis. Like Venezuela, Ecuador has been ruled by a socialist government that was able to subsidize its social engineering projects through oil revenues. The end of the oil boom has left the government without the means of paying for its programs, and as Correa prepares to leave office – most likely turning it over to Vice President Lenin Moreno – he used a recent earthquake as a pretext for a huge tax increase.

Argentina, the third of Sanders’ economic role models, is a country with immense natural and industrial wealth that has seen its economy strip-mined by a kleptocratic government. Under President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, the government’s official statistics agency, Indec, released a steady stream of fabrications to disguise the country’s decline – which were accepted at face value by credulous people like Bernie Sanders. Now that Kirchner is out of office, Indec has corrected the statistics, and the story they tell of the country’s economic reality is frightening.“Commiserations Argentines, ”began a recent essay in the Financial Times. “You are now poorer than the Chinese, Bulgarians, Azerbaijanis, Turkmen, Mexicans, Malaysians and Gabonese, not to mention your beloved neighbours in Brazil. All is not lost, though. You are still a smidgen better off than those in Botswana and war-torn Libya.”


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America's Red Guards
« Reply #969 on: August 23, 2017, 01:56:18 PM »

How American Anarchy Parallels China’s Cultural Revolution
Both movements started on college campuses, with students who wanted to re-make history according to their own ideology.
 Helen Raleigh By Helen Raleigh
AUGUST 23, 2017

I’ve been avoiding the news lately because it pains me to see my beloved country so divided, with people so bitterly angry at each other. All the shouting, violence, and destruction of historical monuments have only brought up a feeling of déjà vu.

America is clearly undergoing a Cultural Revolution that is eerily similar to Mao’s Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution which took place in China in the 1960s. Maybe Karl Marx was right after all when he declared that “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.”

Both Movements Started On Campuses, And Spread

China’s Cultural Revolution was triggered by a group of students at Beijing University, the most elitist college in China. They called themselves the Red Guards because they worshiped China’s communist dictator Mao and his socialist/communist ideology feverishly. In their manifesto, they questioned the usefulness of knowledge, and condemned their professors and university administrators for harboring “intellectual elitism and bourgeois tendencies” and for stalling China’s progress towards a communist utopia.

Mao immediately realized that he could use these over-zealous and ignorant teenagers as a political tool to purge his enemies and shape society to his own liking. He elevated the Red Guards’ status by appearing at a massive Red Guard rally on August 18, 1966 at Tiananmen Square. This event lent Red Guards political legitimacy, and officially kicked off the Cultural Revolution. The Red Guards’ ideas quickly spread from colleges to high schools.

No one on campus dared challenge the Red Guards. Capitulations from school authorities only emboldened them. They led students to strike, refusing to take classes from people who were deemed less than ideologically pure. Professors, teachers, and school administrators were paraded and forced to make numerous public self-criticisms about “transgressions” against government-sanctioned orthodoxy. Soon, college entrance exams were suspended and many schools, from universities to high schools, were closed. The entire education system was paralyzed.

Without schools to go to, the Red Guards traveled all over China to spread their ideas and tactics to the “real world.” Other people, such as factory workers unhappy with the shortages, organized their own groups to challenge leadership of their own work units. Since no one was working, businesses, factories, and many government agencies were shut down. The entire country fell into lawlessness and chaos.

American College Students: Resurrecting The Red Guard?

Like Mao’s Red Guards, some American college students and their supporters have been shouting down anyone who dares to disagree with them. These modern-day Red Guards demand that college campuses be an inclusive and safe place, but are bent on making sure the campus is an unwelcoming and unsafe place for anyone who doesn’t show unconditional support for students’ sanctioned orthodoxy. From Yale to Middlebury, college professors and administrators have caved to these students mobs’ preposterous demands. Exhibit A is Nicholas Christakis, the Silliman master at the center of Yale’s debate over Halloween costumes. His very public self-criticism probably would have won over Maoist Red Guards in China, but failed to gain sympathy from privileged Yale students.

Now that kind of zealous demand for thought conformity has expanded outside campuses to the “real world.” When James Damore, a Google employee, raised questions about Google’s diversity training in a memo, he was fired by Google. As Sumantra Maitra wrote, “Nothing could be more dystopian than the largest information, communication, and documentation hub controlling your thoughts and punishing you for wrong think.”

Both Movements Sought the Destruction of History
The Red Guards firmly believed that in order to build a new world, they had to wipe out the old one. So they traveled around the country, eradicating anything representing China’s feudalistic past: old customs, old cultures, old habits, and old ideas. Museums, temples, shrines, heritage sites, including Confucius’ tomb, were defaced, ransacked, or even totally destroyed.

One of the worst instances of destruction took place at the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644) tombs near Beijing. The Red Guards dug up the remains of Ming emperors and empresses, denouncing their oppression against Chinese people, before burning the remains with burial treasures, including priceless ancient artifacts, books, and manuscripts. Much personal property, including my own family’s genealogy book—containing 50 generations of information—was confiscated and ended up in the fire. In the meantime, many cities and towns renamed their streets with new revolutionary names. Mao pictures and statues were everywhere. Such drastic efforts to erase the influence of the past and remake the society in a revolution-sanctioned image have left irrevocable damage to Chinese culture and people.

That intensity and zeal to cleanse the past is repeating itself in America. Since recent events in Charlottesville, calls to remove or destroy Confederate statues in the U.S. have only gotten louder. Some places, such as the city of Baltimore and Duke University, already took actions to remove Confederate statues. Over the weekend, however, more and more historical monuments, some having nothing to do with the Confederacy, were vandalized.

It’s true that Confederate soldiers and generals fought to maintain an immoral system. They should not be celebrated. But as Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal wrote over the weekend, “when a nation tears down its statues, it’s toppling more than brass and marble. It is in a way toppling itself. When you tear down statues, you tear down avenues of communication, between generations.”

I always believe if we want to define our future, we have to learn from the past. But if we don’t have a complete picture of the past, how can we make sure we learn the right lessons? Every civilization, every country, every generation of people, has its own good, bad, and ugly. “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” We owe it to ourselves and future generations to preserve a full picture of the past and make sure lessons in full context are passed on.

Both Movements Justify Violence on the Basis of Their Perceived Moral Authority
The Red Guards were fanatic about social classes and political identity. They believed they were the rightful heir to Mao’s socialist revolution and that only they and their chairman were on the right side of the history. Thus, they shouted down anyone who dared to show the slightest disagreement with slogans, such as “a complete confession is the only road to survival. Anything less will lead to death!”

The Red Guards were sources of terror. Professors, writers, scientists, artists, and even government officials were publicly paraded, denounced, humiliated, and tortured in public by the Red Guards and their supporters. Suicides among the persecuted were very common. The Red Guards even amplified their militant and violent nature by wearing special outfits: olive green People’s Liberation Army’s uniform with a red arm band.

As the Red Guards spread from schools to the rest of the society, they also increased their use of force. They didn’t just fight with their fists, either: they fought with real weapons. Some Chinese cities were engulfed in violence to such an extent, order was only restored through military takeover.

If you think that level of violence and lawless will never take place in America, just watch the videos of violent protests at Yale, Berkeley, and Middlebury College. Fringe groups such as Antifa insist that violence is justified against anyone they deem  to be haters, racists, or fascists. Once again, after these groups honed their vicious tactics on college campuses and faced little consequences or push back, they took their tactics to the “real” world. During a 2016 campaign rally in San Jose, anti-Trump demonstrators violently attacked Trump supporters and local police. Since Trump’s election, such belief in “righteous beating” have received support from mainstream left leaning media, even some politicians. This so called “legitimate violence” from radical left fueled the violent response from far right groups, which led us to Charlottesville.

We Have To Learn From Mistakes Of The Past
Our nation has fallen into a vicious cycle: violence from one side induces a violent response from the other side, which becomes an excuse to justify more violence.

Mao’s Cultural Revolution movement was the darkest chapter in China’s history. It should be called “Cultural Destruction.” It brought the Chinese people nothing but misery. It did fundamentally transform Chinese society: millions, including a generation of China’s intellectual backbone, perished, and an entire young generation grew up without any formal education. It tore the social fabric that used to unite people, and overturned traditional close relationships among families and communities. Its irreplaceable destruction of China’s cultural heritage left Chinese people in a spiritual and moral vacuum.

“Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it.” We should be alarmed by the similarities between today’s American cultural revolution to China’s Cultural Revolution. Let’s never forget that evil can come from the pursuit of progress.  American’s cultural revolution is endangering the Republic we hold dear. To preserve it, we have to find “the energy of a common national sentiment” and re-affirm the “uniformity of principles” that once united us as Americans.

Helen Raleigh owns Red Meadow Advisors, LLC, and is an immigration policy fellow at the Centennial Institute in Colorado. She is the author of several books, including "Confucius Never Said" and "The Broken Welcome Mat." Follow Helen on Twitter @HRaleighspeaks, or check out her website:


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Nun vs Ryan
« Reply #970 on: August 24, 2017, 07:55:40 AM »

Perhaps we should make this nun, or even the Pope the Congressional majority leader and then we can see *everyone* become poor.  (except for the Church of course)


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left, Millenials
« Reply #971 on: August 25, 2017, 04:53:17 AM »
“If Millennials ever wake up to how badly they’ve been robbed and by whom, the political reckoning will be earth-shattering.”

FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMED: Millennials are falling behind their boomer parents.  JANUARY 13, 2017

With a median household income of $40,581, millennials earn 20 percent less than boomers did at the same stage of life, despite being better educated, according to a new analysis of Federal Reserve data by the advocacy group Young Invincibles.

The analysis being released Friday gives concrete details about a troubling generational divide that helps to explain much of the anxiety that defined the 2016 election. Millennials have half the net worth of boomers. Their home ownership rate is lower, while their student debt is drastically higher.

If Millennials ever wake up to how badly they’ve been robbed and by whom, the political reckoning will be earth-shattering.   - Stephen Green at Instapundit


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left, Reminiscing Obama
« Reply #972 on: August 25, 2017, 05:00:23 AM »
While the left dreams of going back to the wonderful days of the Obama administration, they might recall that the number of people added to the food stamps roll increased by a number equal to the population of 13 states.  The number who newly entered government healthcare was of course greater than that.

The years under Mr. Obama have not been kind to Democrats. When he took office in 2009, Democrats had an effective 58-seat majority in the Senate, had a staggering 256 seats in the House and held 28 governorships.

They lost the House and ceded the majority of governorships in 2010, held serve in 2012 with Mr. Obama’s re-election, then lost control of the Senate in 2014 and control of the White House this year. All told, Democrats have shed 63 House seats, 10 Senate seats and 12 governorships.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2017, 05:16:52 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #973 on: August 25, 2017, 06:13:56 AM »
" If Millennials ever wake up to how badly they’ve been robbed and by whom, the political reckoning will be earth-shattering. "

The Left is desperately trying to convince them it is all the "rich white racists" who have robbed them thus the answer is socialism and militancy to get back what is rightfully theirs.

Millennials will not wake up till it is too late and the pain is far worse IMHO.

Obama has / is doing all he can to foster this.   


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« Last Edit: August 30, 2017, 03:38:41 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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« Reply #975 on: September 01, 2017, 08:41:02 PM »


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #976 on: September 02, 2017, 08:26:03 AM »
 :-D :-D :-D


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They came for Jefferson
« Reply #978 on: September 13, 2017, 06:36:33 PM »

A couple of weeks ago progs were claiming it was insane to ask if antifa and Black Lives Matter would next come for the statues of Jefferson and Washington. This was obviously insane and deranged to ask, because Trump had asked it.

Well, guess what -- they came for the Thomas Jefferson statue at UVA. You know, the one that antifa claimed they were "protecting" from hypothetical harm from Nazi contamination.

Mostly lost in the general hysteria surrounding President Trump’s post-Charlottesville press conference a month ago was an excellent question he posed. Regarding the growing demand nationwide to tear down monuments to the Confederate States of America, he asked: "I wonder, is it George Washington next week? And is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You know, you really do have to ask yourself, where does it stop?"
His remarks were characterized by historians as "absurd" and "unacceptable" and "ignorant" and dismissed as a "red herring." At The Daily Beast, John Avlon called Trump's comparison "immoral" and "dangerous." At Slate, Jamelle Bouie claimed Trump's question was "dumb," arguing that statues of Washington and Jefferson were safe because "the reason we memorialize them is not because of their slaveholding."

Well. Earlier this week around 100 "students, faculty and community members" gathered at of the University of Virginia and "[covered] a statue of Thomas Jefferson in a black shroud…adorning it with signs that dubbed the former president a 'racist' and a 'rapist.'" The protesters derided the statue as "an emblem of white supremacy," and demanded that it be "re-contextualized," lambasting the people who "fetishize the legacy of Jefferson," calling on the community to 'recognize Jefferson as a rapist, racist, and slave owner."

As George Orwell often said, always put your faith in mobs and angry racist propagandists.


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MSM-DNC hysteria over Trump speech
« Reply #979 on: September 20, 2017, 12:28:59 PM »

September 19, 2017
ABCNews' Chief Foreign Correspondent Terry Moran: Trump's UN Speech "Bordering on Threat" of a "War Crime"

Trump told the United Nations that if America is "forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea." In response, Moran freaked out: "The words 'totally destroying' a nation of 25 million people, that borders on the threat of committing a war crime."
Terry Moran was joined in freaking out by his Twitter Bubble Buddies at the SJW National Laughingstock and SJW Atlantic Magazine, who had all sorts of GAINZZZ as far as nervous disorders.

Strangely enough, the media -- get this -- praised Obama's steely toughness and girthy penis when he said the US could use its nuclear arsenal to "destroy" North Korea in 2016.

President Barack Obama delivered a stern warning to North Korea on Tuesday, reminding its "erratic" and "irresponsible" leader that America’s nuclear arsenal could "destroy" his country.

Mr Obama gave warning of the possible consequences. "We could, obviously, destroy North Korea with our arsenals," he told CBS News. "But aside from the humanitarian costs of that, they are right next door to our vital ally, [South] Korea."

I guess it's hard to mount a sustained criticism of a man who's got his dick three and a half deep in your mouth.

Thanks to Jane D'Oh. For the link. Not for all the penis stuff.

BTW, I don't know who came up with "girthy penis" but I think it was a commenter and it's hilarious.


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Cognitive Dissonance of the Left, Socialism is Coercion, No Exceptions
« Reply #980 on: September 25, 2017, 11:33:04 AM »
"The lucky ones just got sent to Siberia.  Some were spared torture others were beaten into confessing "their crimes" to the Party ot the State, real, imagined, made up , or infinitely trivial."

Whether Stalin, Chavez or the American Left, coercion is a necessary component of socialism, required to move people away from a natural state of freedom.  The policy designers of the Left admit it, from Jonathon Gruber's mandatory healthcare to Cass Sustein's more general concepts of justifying coercive paternalism.   If they are in power, you will do as they say. 

Leave people with freedom and (dreaded) inequality will result.


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Re: Cognitive Dissonance of the Left, Socialism is Coercion, No Exceptions
« Reply #981 on: September 25, 2017, 01:11:23 PM »
"The lucky ones just got sent to Siberia.  Some were spared torture others were beaten into confessing "their crimes" to the Party ot the State, real, imagined, made up , or infinitely trivial."

Whether Stalin, Chavez or the American Left, coercion is a necessary component of socialism, required to move people away from a natural state of freedom.  The policy designers of the Left admit it, from Jonathon Gruber's mandatory healthcare to Cass Sustein's more general concepts of justifying coercive paternalism.   If they are in power, you will do as they say. 

Leave people with freedom and (dreaded) inequality will result.

The Men Who Wouldn’t Stop Clapping
By Doug Peterson - October 22, 2016
The audience exploded into applause. Every person in the room jumped up and began to wildly clap, as if racing each other to see who could get to their feet the fastest. The applause was all to honor the dictator Joseph Stalin at a 1937 conference of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union.

But the big question soon became: Who would have the nerve to be the first person to stop clapping in honor of Comrade Stalin? No one had the courage, so the clapping went on…and on…and on.

You might be wondering why in the world anyone would be afraid to stop clapping for any leader. To understand this, you need to know Joseph Stalin.

Stalin was a ruthless dictator who ruled the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1952. Although no one knows the precise number of political prisoners he executed, estimates usually reach well over a million.

Historian Roy Aleksandrovich Medvedev estimated that Stalin had about 1 million political prisoners executed during the Great Terror of 1937-38 alone. That doesn’t even count the 6 or 7 million who died in the famine that Stalin created through his policies, or the millions who had to do long, hard sentences in the Gulag labor camps.

So when people were afraid to stop clapping for Stalin, they had good reason.
Here is how the Nobel Prize-winning writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described the surreal scene in his great book, The Gulag Archipelago:

“The applause went on—six, seven, eight minutes! They were done for! Their goose was cooked! They couldn’t stop now till they collapsed with heart attacks! At the rear of the hall, which was crowded, they could of course cheat a bit, clap less frequently, less vigorously, not so eagerly…Nine minutes! Ten!…Insanity! To the last man! With make-believe enthusiasm on their faces, looking at each other with faint hope, the district leaders were just going to go on and on applauding till they fell where they stood, till they were carried out of the hall on stretchers.”

At last, after eleven minutes of non-stop clapping, the director of a paper factory finally decided enough was enough. He stopped clapping and sat down—a miracle!
“To a man, everyone else stopped dead and sat down,” Solzhenitsyn says.

That same night, the director of the paper factory was arrested and sent to prison for ten years. Authorities came up with some official reason for his sentence, but during his interrogation, he was told: “Don’t ever be the first to stop applauding!”

Solzhenitsysn himself was a victim of Stalin’s because he was sent to the Gulag labor camps for eight years for criticizing Stalin in a letter to a friend. The goal of the labor camp was to brainwash prisoners and change them into good, obedient Communists. But an amazing thing happened to Solzhenitsyn: He came out of the camp a Christian. While he was in a prison hospital bed, one of the doctors sat at his bedside and told him the story of how and why he became a follower of Jesus.

That night, the doctor was clubbed to death, but Solzhenitsyn never forgot him. Solzhenitsyn went on to devote his life to Christ and to speaking the truth about what had been happening in the Soviet Union. His Gulag Archipelago, Parts 1 and 2, were perhaps the most influential books of the 20th Century. After all, those books, in telling the story of Stalin’s Great Terror, helped to topple the Communist empire.

Solzhenitsyn shocked people by saying that he was actually thankful for his time in prison because it taught him about the nature of good and evil. “Gradually it was disclosed to me that the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either—but right through every human heart—and through all human hearts,” he wrote.

Ironically, he emerged from prison stronger—a resurrection of sorts.

One of Solzhenitsyn’s many books was called The Oak and the Calf—a title that refers to an old, Russian fable about a calf that kept butting its head against a big oak tree again and again and again until the huge tree finally toppled. Solzhenitsyn was that calf, and so were many heroic people, who kept butting their heads against the giant oak that was once the Soviet empire. They didn’t give up, and that tree eventually fell.

It takes courage to be the person who doesn’t give up. It takes courage to be the person who is willing to stop applauding evil, when everyone else in the room just keeps on going. There is often a price to pay for this kind of courage, but there’s also a reward beyond measure.

By Doug Peterson


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Cognitive Dissonance of left, The Left praises North Korea (Obama w Chavez too)
« Reply #982 on: September 27, 2017, 09:12:33 AM »
From 2006, Ted Turner praising North Korea bike trails

Chris Matthews praises North Korea's "Beautiful Subway System"  Sept 2017:

Instapundit [not the left] praises NK policy of earth day everyday:
Map dark all night.
Only Un owns a lamp.

Maybe we can find some nice celebrity endorsements of Chavez too.  Sean Penn, Oliver Stone, Jesse Jackson, and ...
« Last Edit: September 27, 2017, 09:20:38 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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« Reply #983 on: October 05, 2017, 04:22:42 PM »
Weinstein for crying out loud

gets busted for being a predator then blame it on the 60's and 70's then the obligatory  apology and he is in therapy (Bloom sounds like she got him all tide up if you ask me)
and states he will dedicate his life to going after Trump!

Then sue Pravda on Hudson.  libs suing libs all with lib lawyers.  The latter group  wins.

crazy celebrity libs.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2017, 07:44:20 PM by ccp »


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Leftist of the Year Award, Nobel Faux-Peace Prize
« Reply #984 on: October 06, 2017, 07:56:32 AM »
did not go to Iran or kerry

A group against nuclear weapons.  What progress are THEY making in Iran (or NK)?

If the peaceful people disarm, the rogue states win.  Leftist logic leads to unintended consequences.

What year did Reagan and Thatcher win the Nobel Peace Prize for bringing down the Soviet Union?  What would Norway look like if the US and NATO had not contained them?

Carter, GORE and Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize, but not Reagan.  Good grief.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #985 on: October 06, 2017, 11:02:32 AM »
THIS explains reason for prize ;  winner is anti trump and a leftist :

*3* countries signed up.

Some of the heroes of Vegas are far more deserving............


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The left isn't anti-gun
« Reply #987 on: October 09, 2017, 09:26:56 AM »
They are anti YOU having a gun.

Dem Charlie Rangel Says Law-Abiding Citizens Don't Need Guns, Stuns When Asked About What He 'Deserves'


Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) is taking a controversial stance on the Second Amendment, claiming law-abiding American citizens don't need to carry firearms for protection.

Rangel told the Daily Caller he was “glad” to hear that it was difficult to get a concealed permit in his home state of New York. He even went on to say he wouldn't want the law-abiding residents of his Harlem district to be able to carry.

“I wouldn’t want them to have it,” he said.

Rangel's comments come amid reports that NYPD officials accepted bribes in exchange for gun licenses and special privileges.

“Law-abiding citizens just shouldn't have to carry a gun,” Rangel added. “You're not gonna push me in that direction.”

But when the Daily Caller reminded Rangel that he and other members of Congress are protected by armed U.S. Capitol Police, he revealed his true feelings on the subject.

“Well, that's a little different. I think we deserve — I think we need to be protected down here,” the Democrat admitted.


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I was looking for something else and found this tidbit:

[Gwen] IFILL: Let's try to avoid nuance, Senator. Do you support gay marriage?

BIDEN: No. Barack Obama nor I support redefining from a civil side what constitutes marriage. We do not support that [gay marriage]. That is basically the decision to be able to be able to be left to faiths and people who practice their faiths the determination what you call it.

The bottom line though is, and I'm glad to hear the governor, I take her at her word, obviously, that she think there should be no civil rights distinction, none whatsoever, between a committed gay couple and a committed heterosexual couple. If that's the case, we really don't have a difference.

IFILL: Is that what you [Sarah Palin] said?

PALIN: Your question to him was whether he supported gay marriage and my answer is the same as his and it is that I do not.

IFILL: Wonderful. You agree. On that note, let's move to foreign policy.
In the calendar of so-called human rights, that's not very long ago!

Can anyone remember when gay marriage finally passed.  That's right, it didn't.  It was decided by one Justice (Anthony Kennedy) in a 5-4 divided Supreme Court.  Biden, chair of the senate judiciary committee, opposed Bork for his "originalism".  Leftists take a long and deceptive path to advance their agenda.

Oddly 'Republican' Donald Trump is the first President to run and win the Presidency while supporting gay marriage.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2017, 10:56:57 AM by DougMacG »


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Surprised this wasn't memory hole-ed.

I was looking for something else and found this tidbit:

[Gwen] IFILL: Let's try to avoid nuance, Senator. Do you support gay marriage?

BIDEN: No. Barack Obama nor I support redefining from a civil side what constitutes marriage. We do not support that [gay marriage]. That is basically the decision to be able to be able to be left to faiths and people who practice their faiths the determination what you call it.

The bottom line though is, and I'm glad to hear the governor, I take her at her word, obviously, that she think there should be no civil rights distinction, none whatsoever, between a committed gay couple and a committed heterosexual couple. If that's the case, we really don't have a difference.

IFILL: Is that what you [Sarah Palin] said?

PALIN: Your question to him was whether he supported gay marriage and my answer is the same as his and it is that I do not.

IFILL: Wonderful. You agree. On that note, let's move to foreign policy.
In the calendar of so-called human rights, that's not very long ago!

Can anyone remember when gay marriage finally passed.  That's right, it didn't.  It was decided by one Justice (Anthony Kennedy) in a 5-4 divided Supreme Court.  Biden, chair of the senate judiciary committee, opposed Bork for his "originalism".  Leftists take a long and deceptive path to advance their agenda.

Oddly 'Republican' Donald Trump is the first President to run and win the Presidency while supporting gay marriage.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #990 on: October 11, 2017, 11:12:23 AM »
Very funny! 

Times change rapidly.  This was just 9 years ago, the two Republicans at the top of the ticket opposed gay marriage, the two top Democrats including the left-most member of the Senate promised they also oppose gay marriage, same as the Republicans.  The NPR moderator says "wonderful" to we all oppose gay marriage, "let's move on".  Gays hear that and vote Democrat because they know Republicans are telling the truth and Democrats are just saying that to get elected. 

In a sense, nothing has changed.


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Behold Our Betters
« Reply #991 on: October 12, 2017, 09:36:46 AM »

Behold Our Betters
Kurt Schlichter |Posted: Oct 12, 2017 12:01 AM 

            To be a normal American is to constantly be scolded, to be lectured, to be treated as a morally bankrupt simpleton in need of the guidance and direction provided by an urban elite ruling class notable for its empty academic credentials, its track record of incompetence, and its idolization of people who erotically abuse the foliage.

            If we are to have betters, is it so wrong for us to demand that they actually be better? Superiors should be distinguished by their superiority – if you presume to take charge shouldn’t you demonstrate tactical, technical, and moral mastery? So what has our ruling class mastered lately? What is the skill set that sets the smart set apart?

            Are they our betters because of the degrees they hang on the walls of their over-priced, open-floor plan townhouses? Going to college used to mean something more than you had nowhere else to go after high school. It was a training ground for the leadership class. A college student was an invitee to an intellectual banquet where he could sample the best of Western civilization, of art and literature, of civics and philosophy. But today, it’s all gender studies and grade inflation, with whiny social justice warriors drowning out any voice that won’t sing in tune. It is steam table trays heaped with gray, fatty meat and limp asparagus - the Golden Corral of the mind.

            Our aspiring leadership class leaves college with an anchor of debt and the itch of chlamydia, poisoned by a politically correct hook-up culture that amazingly manages to combine the most boring and annoying aspects of both leftism and debauchery. Out go these future leaders on their “slut-walks” and the rest of us look at them and think “Hard pass.” We’ve raised a generation of immoral puritans, living their lives in constant fear that somewhere, somehow, someone is having a normal sex life.

            Where are the elite’s achievements? Our betters have been running things and yet they are the ones crying loudest about how awful things are. It’s another scam, of course. Things are awful, but not for them – do you think the Westside Los Angeles folks I dwell among are hurting? No, let the good times roll – on the backs of the people east of I-5. Things are hard out there in actual America (but improving under Donald Trump, the quintessential Anti-Better), and our ruling class is demanding action. That action is to direct more money and power to the ruling class. That’s the answer to every policy question. Yeah, they’ve failed, but if you reward them, well, then they’ll totally start succeeding.

            Iraq, the 2008 financial meltdown, health care…the hits keep coming, and the answer for the last failure is always the same. Trust us, and double down. Accountability? That’s for us suckers.

            The bipartisan ruling class knows what’s up; it’s just deeply cynical and thinks we’re too stupid to spot the scam. Take Bob Corker, please. So, this guy is supposed to be one of the honorable mandarins of the Senate, a deeply committed public servant standing up to that big meanie Donald Trump? This is one of our betters? He mouths off at Trump and Trump, being Trump, shoots back on Twitter. And here come the vapors – how dare Trump not just stand there and take his dressing down from this paragon of pargonness?

            Then the media, the enabling Felonia von Pantsuit to the establishment’s Bill Clinton, starts talking about how Trump needs Corker’s vote for tax reform and how it was totally stupid and dumb and stupid for Trump to insult a guy whose vote he needs and … wait a minute. Did you detect a troubling premise within that line of reasoning? Did you notice how the media simply assumes that it’s just fine for Bob Corker to block critical reforms that will help normal Americans because his feelingz are hurted and he haz the sadz?

            We normals are expected to tolerate a crushing tax system even longer because one of the elite is pouty, and that’s perfectly okay. Because us normals are not the priority. The elite is.

            It’s the ruling class’s country and we just live in it – at least until the elite can import an entirely new and docile electorate from the Third World to replace us.

            You can tell a lot about a people by who they hate and who they idolize. They hate Donald Trump, and it’s because he has no allegiance to them and because he knows them so well from first-hand experience that he has absolutely no respect for them. All their hard-earned status within the hierarchy of the elite? He doesn’t give a flip, and the normals love it. Finally, someone is holding these pompous perfumed princes to account.

            But who does the elite idolize? The aspiring elite, college students, seem to idolize Che and Bernie Sanders, as if we needed more evidence of their terribleness.

            Our allegedly grown-up elite admired Ted Kennedy, the scummiest scion of America’s scummiest family – you should get a waterproof edition of Howie Carr’s astonishing Kennedy Babylon so you can save time by reading it in the shower. Camelot? More like Clap-a-lot. That bulbous scuzz didn’t just fix a waitress sandwich with Chris Dodd – who, of course, left the Senate to work as a lobbyist for…wait for it…Hollywood. No, he actually killed a woman on a drunken bender, skipping off to new sordid triumphs with barely a slap on the wrist.

            And the bipartisan establishment hailed him as “The Lion of the Senate,” never mind the body count.

            Don’t forget their other idol, the Stogie-Stasher-In-Chief, Bill Clinton. He was such an icon that the ruling class offered up his wife as its presidential candidate twice. Oh, and plenty of alleged Republicans were cool with that – class solidarity controls, after all.

            But the ultimate documentation of the utter moral vacuum in which our elite dwells is noted Hillary donor Harvey Weinstein. Hollywood has, for decades, taken upon itself to chide and chastise us normals for our many, many, many faults, because when you want to learn the difference between right and wrong, you need a movie star to help you out. And, to the surprise of no one, it was all a crock.

            They knew. They all knew, and they didn’t care. Meryl Streep’s Sophie’s choice was between her career and her conscience, and let’s just say she didn’t agonize over her pick. Others took his cash to shut up, leaving other ingenues to his sweaty clutches because getting the gigs trumps sisterly solidarity every time.

            Hillary Clinton managed to put down her super-sized Chardonnay goblet long enough to issue a 38-word comment/cliché on her pal and benefactor’s icky adventures in gardening. In her defense, she was probably thinking, “I was married to Bill. This guy’s an amateur.”

            So why should we normal Americans respect these people? Why should we submit to being constantly scolded, lectured, and treated as morally bankrupt simpletons anymore?

            We shouldn’t, and we aren’t, not anymore.

            They wonder why they got Trump.

            They are why they got Trump.


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Hollywood on stage
« Reply #992 on: October 12, 2017, 04:14:45 PM »
If only the music industry could be exposed for the total fraud it is.

all of those bastards singing stolen material for Stevie Wonder to Shania Twitt.  They all know they didn't write the stuff they claim.  Total conspiracy of silence.  No law enforcement doing anything about it.  No outcry because the victims have no pull not enough money and no connections to the  entire entertainment community or the politicians or the unions all looking the other way while white collar professionals make good livings stealing intellectual property

This is how it happens that so many people look the other way.  They are bribed, want to be in it, make deals, million dollar lawyers armies, the media is part of it because they are part of the entertainment community ,  or the extraordinarily few that may be honest enough to not want to get involved simply do not get involved and come forward with the truth:

If only there could be a similar day of retribution in the music industry
like what we are seeing with winestine........I dream


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now OTOH
« Reply #993 on: October 12, 2017, 04:21:04 PM »
Anyone can make an accusation against someone else and suddenly it is splashed on the the internet.  How do we know  which one of these allegations  are true?  We don't.


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And....suddenly it's ok!
« Reply #994 on: October 21, 2017, 10:03:09 AM »


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indoctrination by the Left is a resounding success
« Reply #995 on: October 30, 2017, 05:50:36 AM »
more young people now believe out own leaders (recent Republicans and founders) are associated with crimes against humanity then Pol Pot. Stalin , Lenin , Mao.

Or have simply never heard of the Stalin, Lenin , Mao.

What the heck are they teaching in our schools ?


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Paul Krugman Says Markets Will ‘Never’ Recover From Trump; Dow Hits Record High


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Krugman = CNN
« Reply #997 on: November 09, 2017, 05:51:56 AM »
If Brock were still Prez Krugman would be lauding his achievements and holding up the record markets as the bellwether of his genius.


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2nd post: liberal of Hollywood
« Reply #998 on: November 09, 2017, 06:35:06 AM »
Would we have ever been subjected to this dribble if Hillary won the Presidency?  rights bought in oct 16 just before trump won but spielberg gets in the act after trump wins:


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Re: Krugman = CNN
« Reply #999 on: November 09, 2017, 08:00:50 AM »
If Brock were still Prez Krugman would be lauding his achievements and holding up the record markets as the bellwether of his genius.

Hard to believe this guy was a Nobel Laureate, although Arafat, Carter, Gore and Obama all won versions of it too.  Someday (if I live to a million) I will go back and read his scholarly work from before he became a blowhard, all-bias, pundit and see if there is a brain behind the mouth and typewriter.

"The market will never recover from this and it recovered before opening and kept going up and up and up -
 until Republicans failed to pass tax reform.