Fire Hydrant of Freedom

Politics, Religion, Science, Culture and Humanities => Politics & Religion => Topic started by: Crafty_Dog on January 12, 2007, 06:53:00 AM

Title: Law Enforcement
Post by: Crafty_Dog on January 12, 2007, 06:53:00 AM
We kick this thread off with a very ugly one:

Prison Talk Leads to Lawman's Arrest
Associated Press Writer

CHICAGO (AP) -- Reputed mob boss Michael Marcello apparently didn't watch crime shows on television - otherwise he might have known the FBI could listen in on his conversations in the visitors room at the federal penitentiary in Milan, Mich.
The unsuspecting Marcello dropped broad hints about his source inside the U.S. Marshals Service during conversations with his incarcerated brother in 2003. FBI agents heard every word about the man Marcello called "the babysitter."
Deputy marshal John Thomas Ambrose surrendered Thursday to FBI agents who say he was the source who spilled to Marcello secrets about a federally protected witness to organized crime.
"This defendant's conduct in revealing closely guarded and highly sensitive information ... constitutes an egregious breach of his law enforcement duties," First Assistant U.S. Attorney Gary S. Shapiro said.
Ambrose is accused in court papers of leaking information regarding the whereabouts of reputed mobster Nicholas Calabrese, a key witness in the government's Operation Family Secrets murder conspiracy case. Fourteen reputed mobsters and their associates are charged in the indictment alleging a conspiracy to commit at least 18 murders.
Ambrose appeared briefly before U.S. Magistrate Judge Michael T. Mason, who released him on a $50,000 unsecured bond and scheduled a preliminary hearing for Jan. 30. He declined to comment as he left the courtroom, but defense attorney Francis C. Lipuma told reporters that his client denies the accusations.
"John Ambrose is not connected to the mob at all," Lipuma said.
Prosecutors said that between January and June 2003 they intercepted 11 conversations that took place when Michael Marcello visited his brother, James, at the Michigan prison. Both Marcello brothers are charged in the Operation Family Secrets indictment.
Prosecutors said the conversations showed that Michael Marcello had an inside source of information concerning Nicholas Calabrese. They said the conversations also indicated that the source was a federal lawman with access to the files of the Marshals Service witness program.
Michael Marcello might have given federal officials their best clue when he said that the source was the son of a defendant in the so-called "Marquette 10" police corruption case. Ambrose's father, Thomas Ambrose, died in prison while serving his bribery sentence stemming from the Marquette 10 case, prosecutors said.
Additionally, John Thomas Ambrose was a member of the Marshals Service's so-called Calabrese detail and would have had access to the information, prosecutors said. They said Ambrose's fingerprints were found on Calabrese documents.
Ambrose has been on leave since September. He is charged with theft of government property, which carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in federal prison and a $250,000 fine.
Title: Agents Ramos and Compean
Post by: Stray Dog on February 09, 2007, 05:48:45 PM
> Subject: Govt. admits to lying about border agents
>      *** BREAKING NEWS:
>      ***         Department of Homeland Security admits to lying
>      ***         about key aspects of Ramos and Compean case!

> While Ron De Jong and I were presenting 304,000 citizen petitions to
> Rep. Rohrabacher on Capitol Hill, we were shocked when the Congressman
> informed us that the Department of Homeland Security
> (DHS) had admitted to members of Congress...
>       ...that they had lied to Congress about the case
>       against imprisoned agents Ramos and Compean.
> Under questioning by Rep. Culberson, a DHS investigator admitted that
> his department did NOT have evidence to back up a number of outrageous
> claims including: Mexican/American agents Ramos and Compean "wanted to
> shoot a Mexican"; confessed to shooting an unarmed suspect; were
> belligerent to investigators; lied and submitted false reports; and
> stated during the investigation that the illegal alien did not pose a
> threat.
> In addition, the DHS admitted that it began its prosecution BEFORE
> completing their investigation!
> Dave, this is explosive news and we must now
> act swiftly to intensify grassroots pressure--pressure that is making
> the difference in this case!
> I am asking all members of our team to schedule EMERGENCY FAXES to the
> President, the Justice Department, U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, as
> well as your two Senators, your Representative and other key leaders.
>       Go here to schedule your faxes demanding an immediate
>       pardon and a full investigation of DHS, Johnny Sutton
>       and this entire sordid affair:
> If you'd prefer not to use our Faxfire service and
> would rather send the faxes on your own, please feel free
> to use our letters. The fax list and letters can easily be downloaded
> simply by visiting the Faxfire page:
> + + Your petitions featured on CNN and on the House Floor!
> As this news was breaking, Ron De Jong and I were presenting more than
> 304,000 petitions to Congressman Dana Rohrabacher
> (R-CA) in front of CNN cameras. Hours later, your petitions were
> featured on CNN's Lou Dobbs as well as during a stirring speech on the
> floor of the House by Rep. Rohrabacher when he lofted your petitions
> and angrily demanded the President pay attention to the American
> people!
>       Go to to see the Lou Dobbs report, your
>       petitions on the House floor and to access more
>       resources on the government's lying:
> + + Your feedback needed!
> Finally, Dave, I want to add your feedback to this
> shocking update on our new FireSociety forum. But you must sign up.
> There is no charge, and it literally takes just moments. You only have
> to do this once, to open an interactive opportunity for you to "sound
> off" and contribute to the grassroots debate!
> Go here:
> Thanks so much for the stand you are taking, and please schedule your
> faxes to the President, U.S. Attorney Sutton and others by clicking
> here:
> Steve Elliott, President
> Alliance
> PS: The border agent issue truly affects every American.
> That is why after scheduling your FaxFire faxes I urge you
> to forward this message to your friends urging them to
> take action as well!
> + + Schedule your faxes:
> + + Feedback or comments on this update?
> Please go to and post your comments so that the
> Grassfire staff along with thousands of citizens can benefit from your
> thoughts and opinions:
> (You must sign up first to comment. Go here:)
> + + Technical questions only:
> For technical questions regarding this email, go here:
> (Not for comments/feedback on this update)
> +   +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +  +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +
> (Note: Please do not "reply" directly to this e-mail message. This
> e-mail address is not designed to receive your personal messages. To
> contact with comments, questions or to change your
> status, see link at the end.)
> +   +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +  +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +
> + + + + +
> Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy
> organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of
> grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on
> the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax
> deductible.
> + + Comments? Questions?
Title: Ebonics?
Post by: Crafty_Dog on August 26, 2010, 06:51:28 AM

Associated Press
ATLANTA — Federal agents are seeking to hire Ebonics translators to help interpret wiretapped conversations involving targets of undercover drug investigations. The Drug Enforcement Administration recently sent memos asking companies that provide translation services to help it find nine translators in the Southeast who are fluent in Ebonics, Special Agent Michael Sanders said Monday.

Ebonics, which is also known as African American Vernacular English, has been described by the psychologist who coined the term as the combination of English vocabulary with African language structure. Some DEA agents already help translate Ebonics, Sanders said. But he said wasn't sure if the agency has ever hired outside Ebonics experts as contractors.

"They saw a need for this in a couple of their investigations," he said. "And when you see a need — it may not be needed now — but we want the contractors to provide us with nine people just in case."

The DEA's decision, first reported by The Smoking Gun, evokes memories of the debate sparked in 1996 when the Oakland, Calif., school board suggested that black English was a separate language. Although the board later dropped the suggestion amid criticism, it set off a national discussion over whether Ebonics is a language, a dialect or neither.

The search for translators covers a wide swath of the Southeast, including offices in Atlanta, Washington, New Orleans, Miami and the Caribbean, said Sanders. He said he's uncertain why other regions aren't hiring Ebonics translators, but said there are ongoing investigations in the Southeast that need dedicated Ebonics translators. Linguists said Ebonics can be trickier than it seems, partly because the vocabulary evolves so quickly.

"A lot of times people think you're just dealing with a few slang words, and that you can finesse your way around it," said John Rickford, a Stanford University linguistics professor. "And it's not — it's a big vocabulary. You'll have some significant differences" from English.

Critics worry that the DEA's actions could set a precedent.

"Hiring translators for languages that are of questionable merit to begin with is just going in the wrong direction," said Aloysius Hogan, the government relations director of English First, a national lobbying group that promotes the use of English. "I'm not aware of Ebonics training schools or tests. I don't know how they'd establish that someone speaks Ebonics," he said. "I support the concept of pursuing drug dealers if they're using code words, but this is definitely going in the wrong direction."

H. Samy Alim, a Stanford linguistics professor who specializes in black language and hip-hop culture, said he thought the hiring effort was a joke when he first heard about it, but that it highlights a serious issue.

"It seems ironic that schools that are serving and educating black children have not recognized the legitimacy of this language. Yet the authorities and the police are recognizing that this is a language that they don't understand," he said. "It really tells us a lot about where we are socially in terms of recognizing African-American speech."

Rickford said that hiring Ebonics experts could come in handy for the DEA, but he said it's hard to determine whether a prospective employee can speak it well enough to translate since there are no standardized tests. He said the ideal candidate would be a native speaker who also has had some linguistics training.

Finding the right translators could be the difference between a successful investigation or a failed one, said Sanders. While he said many listeners can get the gist of what Ebonics speakers are saying, it could take an expert to define it in court.

"You can maybe get a general idea of what they're saying, but you have to understand that this has to hold up in court," he said. "You need someone to say, 'I know what they mean when they say 'ballin' or 'pinching pennies.'"
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: G M on August 26, 2010, 07:13:35 AM
Ramos and Compean set themselves up when they failed to report dischaging their weapons. Local/state/federal, if you fire your weapon, it's a big deal. What might have been a good shoot is then tainted by the attempt at a cover up.
Title: Gunwalking Folly
Post by: Body-by-Guinness on March 29, 2011, 08:03:26 AM
Perhaps the wrong topic to file this under as law enforcement clearly wasn't what was occurring here.

The Scandal of 'Gun-Walking'
from National Review Online

Why did the Justice Department allow Mexican cartels to purchase 2,500 U.S.-made guns?
Why did the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives stand by and watch as guns were transported across our southern border to Mexico, to be used by violent drug cartels?

The phenomenon of “gunwalking” appears to be a standard sting-operation tactic that in this case has gone wildly awry. The idea was that federal authorities would approve firearms purchases that seemed suspicious, and then monitor the buyers to see where the guns ended up. But the scale of the purchases was massive, and the agents on the ground kept anxiously waiting for the order to stop monitoring and intervene, according to stunning accounts from ATF agents and documentation uncovered by CBS News and other sources. As early as March 2010, ATF agents were finding the “monitored” firearms in the hands of suspected criminals in Mexico. One ATF e-mail reported,“Our subjects purchased 359 firearms during March alone,” including “numerous Barrett .50 caliber rifles.”

#ad#According to the dozen ATF agents who have come forward as whistleblowers, the concept was not the half-baked idea of a rogue manager. Reported CBS:

ATF Agent John Dodson and other sources say the gun walking strategy was approved all the way up to the Justice Department. The idea was to see where the guns ended up, build a big case and take down a cartel. And it was all kept secret from Mexico.

ATF named the case “Fast and Furious.”

Last Wednesday, President Obama said that neither he nor Attorney General Eric Holder approved the operation. But who within the Justice Department did authorize the dangerous operation? And who decided to ignore the judgment of the agents in the field? An e-mail from a group supervisor told ATF agents who were upset about the operation’s risks, “Whether you care or not, people of rank and authority at HQ are paying attention to this case and they also believe we are doing what they envisioned the Southwest Border Groups doing.”

Even the gun shops themselves were wary of selling the firearms; the purchasers were paying with cash out of paper bags. But the sellers were assured by the ATF that they should go forward with the transactions. One of the purchases was for 575 semiautomatic rifles for “personal use.” One agent estimates the total number of guns purchased by suspicious buyers under ATF monitoring at 2,500; other officials put the number closer to 2,000. Nearly 800 were recovered “as a result of criminal activity on both sides of the border.”

Worst of all, the guns that the ATF agents were ordered to let slip into Mexico were not merely used in cartel violence in Mexico, but were used against American citizens and law enforcement. CBS News noted:

On Dec. 14, 2010, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terrywas gunned down. Dodson got the bad news from a colleague. According to Dodson, “They said, ‘Did you hear about the border patrol agent?’ And I said, ‘Yeah.’ And they said ‘Well it was one of the Fast and Furious guns.’ There’s not really much you can say after that.” Two assault rifles ATF had let go nearly a year before were found at Terry’s murder.

Only after Terry’s death did the ATF round up and charge 34 individuals believed to be involved with moving the guns across the border.

The Department of Justice initially denied the whistleblowers’ claims. Last week, however, DOJ sent a confidential memo to U.S. Attorneys in southwestern border states, declaring, “We should not design or conduct undercover operations which include guns crossing the border. If we have knowledge that guns are about to cross the border, we must take immediate action to stop the firearms from crossing the border, even if that prematurely terminates or otherwise jeopardizes an investigation.”

#page#So, the DOJ appears to have initially lied about the circumstances, and it is now insisting the men at the top didn’t know what was going on. The Department of Justice at first referred the allegations to its own inspector general, an unusual choice in that the whistleblowers claim they already contacted the IG and never had their phone calls returned. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) is pushing for an outside investigation. Rep. Darrell Issa (R., Calif.), chairman of the House Government Reform Committee, wrote ATF acting director Kenneth Melson, charging that “you are not cooperating with congressional inquiries about Project Gunrunner and Operation Fast and Furious.” Issa has asked for documents about the genesis of the operation as well.

An ATF assistant director told the Center for Public Integrity that new tactics aimed to collect evidence that would help dismantle major drug-trafficking organizations in Mexico, instead of focusing on the prosecution of small-time straw buyers.

#ad#The revelations are a new wrinkle in the strange record of the Obama administration when it comes to guns. President Obama’s record in the Illinois state senate and the U.S. Senate demonstrates a hostility to the Second Amendment. He is accurately characterized as an anti-gun president, who selected an anti-gun vice president, an anti-gun secretary of state, and an anti-gun attorney general.

Shortly after he was confirmed, Attorney General Eric Holder stated that the Obama administration would seek to reinstate the assault-weapons ban that expired in 2004. But that proposal spurred quick and vehement opposition from 65 pro-gun House Democrats, making passage of a new ban all but impossible. Since then, when President Obama has mentioned the word “guns,” it has usually been in appearances with the Mexican president, talking about the need for “an enforcement strategy that slows the flow of guns into Mexico.”

With the president himself talking about the need to stop guns from crossing the border,why would the ATF allow just that to happen? Why would they take such an enormous risk of harming innocent life in both Mexico and the United States, to say nothing of risking exactly the sort of embarrassment and outrage that the current revelations are generating? What made this operation worth overruling the objections of the agents on the ground monitoring the transactions?

What we know about the “gun-walking” operation is already deeply troubling; nothing less than a full investigation to the satisfaction of the whistleblowers, Grassley, and Issa will suffice. The facts at present point to a dangerous and extraordinarily risky operation executed without the knowledge or consent of the top officials in our government, accurate claims initially falsely denied, and whisteblowers dismissed and ignored by the official watchdogs.

--- Jim Geraghty writes the Campaign Spot on NRO. Cam Edwards hosts NRANews’s Cam & Company on Sirius XM from 9 p.m. to midnight weeknights.

Jim Geraghty
Cam Edwards
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: G M on March 29, 2011, 08:18:48 AM
Do we have enough law enforcement threads? I was thinking another 3-4 would be nice..... 

Title: And Then What?
Post by: Body-by-Guinness on March 29, 2011, 08:19:01 AM
2nd post. Connect the Gunwalker dots:

"Gun Walker" keeps growing
Now the former ATF attache to Mexico, in charge of agency operations there, is talking to CBS News. He was told that the operation had been approved by the acting ATF director and by higher officials at Justice Department, and that Assistant Attorney General and head of the Criminal Division Larry Breuer knew about it. And apparent it did result in a lot of traces that would illustrate how US guns were ending up in Mexico:

"Gil first found out something was amiss in early 2010 when serial numbers from a flood of guns used in cartel crimes were all tracing back to the same case in Phoenix: "Fast and Furious." But when Gil's analyst checked ATF's computer files to find out more, he hit a brick wall.

"Not only did he not have access, I as the attache, the head agent in Mexico for ATF operations, did not have access," says Gil. He was locked out.

That was a red flag because Gil says as the senior ATF official in Mexico, it was his job to approve any ATF operation involving Mexico; and he didn't approve this one."

UPDATE: in the comments, Dedicated_Dad hits it on the head:

"Please consider:

(1) Have dealers - working as "confidential informants" - sell guns to straw buyers and report details to ATF.

(2) Allow guns to be smuggled into Mexico, without the knowledge of anyone IN Mexico - not the, not US ATF agents or their boss the "attache", not ANYONE.

(3) ????

(4) Make some big case!

Please tell me what must -- or even theoretically COULD -- happen at step "3" for this to work!"

Exactly. How could anyone imagine (3). If the Mexican authorities don't know, they can't investigate (might not anyway, but if they don't know they surely cannot. ATF can hardly mount an on the ground investigation there, esp. without notifying local law enforcement. All that could ever be ascertained was that guns shipped to cartels wind up at crime scenes, and everyone already knew that. That'd get you nowhere toward making a big case.

Another thought: I'd initially figured knowledge of this operation wouldn't have gone to high levels. The managers who were running it probably would have figured that if they sent the info up the chain of command, somebody might stop it, or have lots of awkward questions, or delay until he got a lot of consensus (as in CYA -- spread the blame around if things go bad). But now it appears knowledge did go high. The guy who is telling the attache that it's gone to the agency head and higher is implicitly telling him: "if you keep arguing about this, you'll eventually have to explain to someone a LOT more powerful than you, and someone's gonna phrase it as "the operation you allowed -- there's some attache guy who thinks only a moron could have allowed it." And now it appears knowledge got as high as an Assistant Attorney General, an appointee. If it got that high, odds are good it would have gotten to the AG. And if it got to him, odds are decent that it got to the White House. I note the official denials are that anyone high up "approved" it. You can of course know of something, decide to let it run its course, and still deny having "approved" it. CYA and all that. "They told me about it, I just assumed they knew what they were doing."
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Body-by-Guinness on March 29, 2011, 08:19:49 AM
Do we have enough law enforcement threads? I was thinking another 3-4 would be nice..... 


I will defer to the moderator. . . .
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: G M on March 29, 2011, 08:26:05 AM
"Please consider:

(1) Have dealers - working as "confidential informants" - sell guns to straw buyers and report details to ATF.

(2) Allow guns to be smuggled into Mexico, without the knowledge of anyone IN Mexico - not the, not US ATF agents or their boss the "attache", not ANYONE.

(3) ?

(4) Make some big case!

**It doesn't make sense. You could work a investigation like this, but you work it like any other similar case. You arrest the small fish making the buys and pop them while still in the US, you flip them and grab the next level, use that testimony to indict the major players. You don't just let thousands of guns float over the border for years. Not unless it isn't really intended to be an investigation.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Crafty_Dog on March 29, 2011, 08:39:33 AM
IIRC we were using the "We the well-armed people" thread for discussing this , , ,
Title: Ivory Tower Misinformation
Post by: Body-by-Guinness on May 12, 2011, 10:01:44 AM
Who Will Police the Criminologists?
The dangers of politicized social science

If you’ve ever wondered why police officers tend to be skeptical about social science, pick up volume 9, issue 4 of Criminology & Public Policy, a journal published by the American Society of Criminology. The issue is titled “Reducing Homeless-Related Crime,” and its focal point is a research paper by University of Pennsylvania professors Richard Berk and John MacDonald that evaluates the Safer City Initiative (SCI). SCI was implemented by the Los Angeles Police Department in 2006 to reduce crime, lawlessness, and disorder in the Skid Row neighborhood. Despite its limitations, Berk and MacDonald’s useful evaluation concludes that SCI had a significant impact on serious crime, and it adds to the literature illustrating the impact of Broken Windows policing. The remainder of the issue comprises essays that reflect on either the study’s methodology or its public policy implications. An essay that examines the former—University of Cincinnati professor John Eck’s “Policy Is in the Details”—is especially valuable, emphasizing the need for criminologists like Berk and MacDonald to “describe the policies they study.”

But Eck’s observation happens to underscore a fundamental weakness in the public policy essays that follow: for the most part, their authors ignore or seriously misrepresent the nature of Skid Row’s difficulties before SCI was implemented. Instead of seeking out data that accurately document conditions on the ground, they accept a piece of conventional wisdom, one that the title of the issue makes plain and that, over time, has evolved into an ideological position: that homelessness, rather than a culture of lawbreaking, was at the root of Skid Row’s woes.

That view is more pernicious than it may sound, since it has long contributed to criminology’s party line about Skid Row–like situations and Broken Windows policing. It dates back to the late 1980s, when seemingly everyone in New York City—the Metropolitan Transit Authority, the New York Times, politicians, advocacy groups—thought that the main problem in the city’s subways was homelessness. Conventional wisdom held that the solutions were homes, jobs, and welfare. Yet if one went into the subways and observed conditions there, as two of us (Kelling and Bratton) did, such assumptions became shaky: youths were blocking entrances and forcibly collecting fares from passengers, predators were stalking fare booths and breaking open fare boxes to steal money, and 250,000 people were riding without paying fares—all because of homelessness? Yes, a troubled population—homeless, mentally ill, or drug-addicted—was trying to use the subway as a surrogate shelter, often encouraged by irresponsible advocates, who ignored the risks that these vulnerable people would face there. Yet homelessness was a relatively small part of the subway’s real problem: lawlessness. Homeless individuals can still be seen in New York’s subways today, but gone is the culture of lawlessness that plagued the subway until 1990, when the transit police created a safer environment.

Skid Row’s crisis in the early 2000s was even more complex than the New York subway’s had been. Fires raged in the middle of streets at night; people urinated, defecated, and engaged in sex acts in open view; youths partied with drugs and alcohol; sexual predators roamed free; the neighborhood became a dumping ground for released prisoners and for sick people, probably homeless, whom ambulances left on the street, still in hospital garb and on gurneys. The area was such a lucrative place to deal drugs that gangs didn’t bother fighting over turf. Certainly, there were large numbers of homeless, in part because the city’s missions and service centers lay in the heart of Skid Row. But the neighborhood’s core problem wasn’t homelessness. Just as in New York, it was a culture of lawlessness that had been tolerated for decades (see “The Reclamation of Skid Row,” Autumn 2007). If any of these researchers had bothered to go into the streets, they would have seen that.

The authors of the public policy essays also misrepresent the nature of SCI, presenting a preconceived image of the LAPD’s approach rather than a description of what it actually did. Yale professors Michael Rowe and Maria O’Connell—observing that one of us, Chief William Bratton, brought to Skid Row the Broken Windows tactics that he developed in New York—say that those tactics “demonize persons” and are “applied to putatively ‘broken people’ who apparently . . . are not to be fixed but instead are cited for the crime of brokenness and removed from sight.” Likewise, Arizona State University professor Michael D. White characterizes SCI as “zero tolerance policing, which is perhaps the antithesis of peacekeeping.” He goes on to argue that “the adoption of zero tolerance strategies represents a step away from professional policing,” characterizes the LAPD’s approach as “ ‘homelessness-is-a-crime’ philosophy,” and deems it “poor craft.” Where are the descriptions of actual tactics used by the LAPD? Where are the primary data on SCI implementation upon which to base such conclusions?

White argues that SCI should have been built on problem solving and community policing. In fact, it was. Sponsored by the mayor’s office, with strong support from the city attorney, the initiative sought to include every relevant public and private agency, even groups often hostile to police approaches, such as the American Civil Liberties Union. (These groups continue to meet with one another.) The strongest support for SCI came from the area’s missions, not-for-profit organizations established to help the genuinely homeless. The goals of SCI included not just crime reduction but also developing support among social agencies, reducing citizen fear, getting agencies like the city’s health department to meet their responsibilities, involving the private sector (through Business Improvement Districts and the like), protecting the personal property of people living on the street, fostering street civility, and increasing shopping in neighborhood stores.

The journal’s examination of SCI exemplifies a politicized social science. It’s particularly discouraging that such a flawed approach would appear in a publication of the American Society of Criminology. Unfortunately, it represents at least the second generation of such misrepresentation. In response to earlier crime reductions in New York City, many scholars eagerly attempted to prove that the declines had little to do with police efforts. Then, as now, they interpreted data—reported crime, arrests, police stops—without bothering to do firsthand research. The consequences of confusing research and scholarship with hubris, polemics, and uncritical secondary-data analysis—in short, of politicized social science—are enormous: distrust between academia and policing, gross misrepresentations of policing, and, above all, widespread failure to understand what works and what doesn’t work in policing.

Charlie Beck is chief of the Los Angeles Police Department. William Bratton is former chief of the Los Angeles Police Department. George L. Kelling is an emeritus professor at the School of Criminal Justice at Rutgers University in Newark and a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: G M on May 12, 2011, 10:07:26 AM
The academic left, like other elements of the left are more than willing to twist reality until it matches what they think it should be. "Fake but true" should be the official slogan of the left.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: G M on May 12, 2011, 10:12:06 AM
Law enforcement and the rest of the criminal justice system are not a panacea for every social ill, but having well constructed laws enforced by well trained and led LEOs makes a big difference in the quality of life and economic strength of a society.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Boyo on May 24, 2011, 02:31:09 PM
Has anybody else heard about this ?

Supreme Courts Affirm The Police State

May 23, 2011 by Bob Livingston

Our descent into a police state is complete, as evidenced by rulings by the Indiana and U.S. Supreme Courts which, last week, effectively and finally abolished the 4th Amendment.
No longer are American citizens “secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures,” thanks to the two rulings affirming police authority to bash down your door and enter your home without a warrant. Resisting such an incursion is now a crime. If it weren’t obvious before that we live in a fascist system under guise of Democracy, surely, it must be now.
In Indiana, the Supreme Court ruled 3-2 “that there is no right to reasonably resist unlawful entry by police officers.” The U.S. Supreme Court’s 8-1 ruling affirmed that officers can kick down a door if they smell marijuana or hear noises indicative of the destruction of evidence. (Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dissented, writing, “Police officers may now knock, listen, then break the door down, never mind that they had ample time to obtain a warrant.”) The fact that the door they kicked in was not the door their suspect had entered was irrelevant to the court.
Of course, we told you a couple of weeks ago about the case of Maryanne Godboldo, who had a Detroit Police SWAT team crash into her home and remove her daughter because Godboldo made the perfectly reasonable and rational choice to determine what medication her daughter should take.
And we’ve previously told you about the assault on the 4th Amendment by the Department of Homeland Security through the porn show/gropefest at the airports and, just as egregious, the home peepshow enabling the Z Backscatter Van™ that is now rolling on American streets.
But the court rulings are among the first to affirm the police state. And they open us up to a system where the police have carte blanche to do as they please.
Think this is an overreaction? Tell it to the citizens of Newton County, Ind., whose sheriff, Don Hartman Sr., told the Mike Church radio show on Thursday that random house-to-house searches are now possible because of the Indiana Supreme Court’s ruling.
“(H)e emphatically indicated that he would use random house to house (sic) checks, adding he felt people will welcome random searches if it means capturing a criminal,” according to a posting on Church’s website. By Thursday afternoon there was a Facebook page calling for Hartman’s removal from office.
The Founders are surely weeping for an America they no longer recognize.
Our country became great and prosperous because its citizens were allowed to own property. The Founders subscribed to the theory of John Locke that “if (a person) be absolute lord of his own person and possessions, equal to the greatest, and subject to no body, why will he part with his freedom? Why will he give up this empire, and subject himself to the dominion and control of any other power?”
The elites understand this as well. That is why there is an assault on property rights, like in the ruling in Kelo v. The City of New London. It’s why a system based on property taxes is so egregious, because the State forces you to pay for the right to own your own property and can take it away at the force of a gun if, through some financial hardship or error, you don’t pay the tax in a timely manner.
The fascist elites in government are winning. We have become the despotism of an oligarchy, which Thomas Jefferson warned about when he wrote: “It is a very dangerous doctrine to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all Constitutional questions. It is one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.”
We have told you before of the folly of expecting any of the ruling class to do anything or make any laws or rulings that would deny them more power. The President, members of Congress, the bureaucrats who occupy the offices of government, the justices, judges, lawyers, accountants and officers of the court system are employees of and for government. Their desire is to accumulate more power for government and more power and prestige for themselves. It is a desire that knows no party affiliation.
John Adams wrote: “… because we have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
That is where we are. We as a nation have rejected God and spat upon his principles. We have put in power people who see themselves as gods — elitists who think they know more than we and who think they know better than we how we should live our lives. We’ve allowed them to dictate what kind of cars we drive, what kind of light bulbs we can use, how much water our toilets flush, what foods we can eat, what doctors we see, what drugs we can — or must — take and what harmful chemicals can be placed in our water. And then we sat back as the oligarchy banned any and every mention of God in schools and public places.
We have rejected the teachings of our fathers. We have turned our backs on liberty and accepted the perceived safety net of tyranny. We slept while the Constitution burned.
The 1 percent in government controls the 99 percent. Of those 99 percent, 49.5 percent are perfectly content to be controlled as long as the “free” money comes their way. The remaining 49.5 percent is divided among those who are so unaware that they are unaware they are unaware, those who are aware but don’t know what to do, and those who know what’s coming and have been preparing.
Those who are aware but don’t know what to do scream at the top of their lungs that things are wrong. They don’t know exactly what things are wrong, or why, just that they are.
They have been blinded by the 1 percent, which controls through gross deception. They are being stolen from and lied to. They are being herded like sheep to the slaughter, and the last vestige of hope in the court system has betrayed them.
Failing regimes respond in their death throes by engaging in perpetual wars, debasing their currency and clamping down on the freedoms of their people. As the power elites try to hold on to their last vestiges of control, they enslave their subjects through the tyranny of a police state.
We live in a country that once threw off the shackles of tyranny. Our Founders chose not to tolerate a police state that allowed armed soldiers of the crown to enter homes at will, ransack, pillage and abuse. They understood such practices violated hundreds of years of law that established that a man’s home was his castle and not subject to invasion by the regime.
Such abuses were so egregious to the Founders that they were among the ones specifically mentioned in the Declaration of Independence.
The system is collapsing. All around the world — from China to Europe to the Middle East — the proletariat is rising up. People are protesting rising food prices and lack of freedom and clamoring for a form of democracy. The regimes respond to the protests with violence, sometimes aided and abetted by the United States and its form of humanitarianism.
In America, the proles still sleep, but they are stirring. Those who are aware are finding their legs and their voices, as evidenced by last November’s elections. Every day, more of the unaware are waking from the fog of conventional wisdom.
If you have not yet begun to prepare for the coming storm, you have waited almost too long. The winds are against you now. Gold tells the story of the rapid descent of the system. It takes almost twice as many fiat dollars to purchase an ounce today as it did just two years ago.
But gold remains a bargain. Silver, too. Store food and water for the hard times, which are nearer than you think. The ride is getting bumpy. It will get worse before it gets better. For most, life will soon be very difficult.

Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: G M on May 24, 2011, 02:41:43 PM
Has anybody else heard about this ?

Supreme Courts Affirm The Police State

May 23, 2011 by Bob Livingston

Our descent into a police state is complete, as evidenced by rulings by the Indiana and U.S. Supreme Courts which, last week, effectively and finally abolished the 4th Amendment.

Why bother though, given that we're a police state now.  :wink:
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Boyo on May 26, 2011, 12:58:52 PM
I see it has been well covered nice read tanks.

Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: ccp on July 16, 2013, 07:11:40 PM
End only of one chapter.   There is no legal punishment that fits the crimes of this monster:
Title: Why is this racial?
Post by: ccp on July 19, 2014, 09:44:44 AM
He was selling cigarettes so he has to be taken down by 5 officers including one in an MMA choke hold?

Ask the guy where he lives and send him a ticket.   That would have been more reasonable.
We have organized and white collar crime running amuck and this is what law enforcement wastes their time on?

But I don't see why the dirtball Sharpton has to do with this and why this is suddenly racial oppression:
Title: Re: Why is this racial?
Post by: DDF on July 19, 2014, 04:06:46 PM
He was selling cigarettes so he has to be taken down by 5 officers including one in an MMA choke hold?

Ask the guy where he lives and send him a ticket.   That would have been more reasonable.
We have organized and white collar crime running amuck and this is what law enforcement wastes their time on?

But I don't see why the dirtball Sharpton has to do with this and why this is suddenly racial oppression:

More "heroics" in action...  another example of "freedom." You know what they say about making beds....
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: ccp on August 20, 2014, 06:11:31 AM
Marc Levin questions some of the militarization of police.  He points out of course they need to protect themselves and 38 revolvers are certainly not enough fire power these days.  I agree with him questioning the militarization for Federal agencies. 

Two observations:

We have militarized our own Federal Agencies from law enforcement to paramilitary agencies and have turned our real military into police forces - ass backwards.

Two the left must be besides themselves that this use of force is against LEFTIST radical and minority union and communist groups.  Surely they were preparing to put down RIGHTIST "revolts".   They must be pissed.  They were obviously looking forward to call out the rightist racist pigs (tea party types).  Instead they are the nut jobs:
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: G M on August 20, 2014, 10:33:34 AM
Law enforcement in the US has been based on a paramilitary structure since Sir Robert Peel's ideas shaped the first police departments here.
Title: Fed agencies being armed; to suppress rightist activity?
Post by: ccp on August 23, 2014, 06:06:27 PM
Not sure if this is the right thread or not  John Fund :
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Crafty_Dog on August 24, 2014, 10:36:19 AM
This is a suitable thread and that was a good article.  I agree with its point about many agencies of bureaucratic missions (e.g. the evils of unpasteurized milk) going Rambo.

Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: G M on August 24, 2014, 03:28:11 PM
If your loved one is bleeding out at the scene of a violent crime, wouldn't it be nice for your local law enforcement agency to have the equipment and training to rescue that loved one while the bullets are still flying and they still have a chance at survival?

Listening to Radley Balko on law enforcement is like listening to Rev. Sharpton on anything. Their agendas have nothing to do with the truth.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: G M on August 24, 2014, 04:47:25 PM

Kind of nice to have an MRAP and ARs and tactical training for these scenarios, yes?
Title: Tough job
Post by: prentice crawford on December 09, 2014, 10:52:09 AM
Cop shoots knife wielding man after stabbing at a NYC Synagogue. GRAPHIC

Title: At the other end of the spectrum, there's this:
Post by: Crafty_Dog on December 09, 2014, 11:26:05 AM 
Title: Re: At the other end of the spectrum, there's this:
Post by: G M on December 09, 2014, 11:53:25 AM 

Title: Police Radar sees through walls
Post by: ccp on January 19, 2015, 05:56:54 PM
Title: Body Camera Shooting
Post by: prentice crawford on January 25, 2015, 07:03:44 AM
Warning graphic: police shooting caught on officer's body camera. To witnesses it appeared that the officer shot an unarmed man running away from him. Turns out they were wrong. (

Title: Re: Body Camera Shooting
Post by: G M on January 25, 2015, 08:51:54 AM
Warning graphic: police shooting caught on officer's body camera. To witnesses it appeared that the officer shot an unarmed man running away from him. Turns out they were wrong. (


Good shoot and good shooting from my perspective.
Title: police treats herion OD
Post by: ccp on March 01, 2015, 10:47:07 AM
I didn't realize it is just a nasal spray.  I wouldn't think it fair for a police officer to be expected to start IV access and push a drug IV but this seems easy enough:
Title: Re: Law Enforcement down, violent crime up in Baltimore, other cities
Post by: DougMacG on July 07, 2016, 04:41:36 PM

The number of uniformed officers in Baltimore fell 6.1 percent last year.  The fall in 2015 was the biggest decline in police numbers among nine comparably-sized U.S. cities reviewed by Reuters.

Baltimore saw a 63 percent surge in homicides last year, with 344 people slain. 

320 (93%) of the victims were black.

Of 45 Homicides in July 2015 in Baltimore, Not One Involved a White Suspect or White Victim

Black lives matter?
Title: Re: Law Enforcement, police shooting in MN yesterday, Philando Castile
Post by: DougMacG on July 07, 2016, 06:16:19 PM
Tail light out, routine traffic stop.  The victim was a concealed carry holder as I understand it and was armed.  The police knew that as they approach the car.  He wanted to get his ID out for the cop.  Was told to stop.  Kept reaching in.  Police shot him 4 times, killed him.  

It would seem to me that a) we don't have all the facts right here, and b) both of these people were horribly wrong in their actions.

It seems silly, but on a traffic stop in this day and age, I don't reach for my wallet without informing the cop exactly what I intend to do and getting the go-ahead.

Why shot at all and why four times?  Sounds like he had an automatic weapon and couldn't stop it once he pulled the trigger.  Wouldn't one shot in the arm and re-assess make more sense?  We are missing something here.

As it would happen, the deceased is black.  Minnesota court records show Castile has been found guilty of 31 misdemeanors and petty misdemeanors.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement - shot in Dallas
Post by: DougMacG on July 08, 2016, 06:26:29 AM
(Am I in the right thread?)
12 shot?
Video at this Dallas Morning News link:  (I'm not going to watch it.

My first thought, is this what the inciters had in mind?  (I don't know anything yet about who did this shooting or what motivated them.)

Besides the obvious wrongfulness of this carnage, as stated in the previous post, weakening the police force isn't helping the communities that are having the problems.

Thinking also of radical mosques, we are going to have to make distinctions between protected free speech and the inciting of violence.  Again, I don't know anything yet about who did this shooting or what motivated them, but I know rhetoric that incites this kind of thing.  In Minneapolis, "peaceful marches" were chanting, cops are pigs, fry them like bacon.  Our President was backing the protesters, not the police.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: ccp on July 08, 2016, 07:19:45 AM
"Our President was backing the protesters, not the police."

As had DOJ under Holder although I don't know about Lynch.

Of course Obama is immediately turning this into a gun control issue.

Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: G M on July 08, 2016, 07:24:37 AM
"Our President was backing the protesters, not the police."

As had DOJ under Holder although I don't know about Lynch.

Of course Obama is immediately turning this into a gun control issue.

Of course. Obama built this.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement, police shooting in MN, cop identified
Post by: DougMacG on July 08, 2016, 08:12:40 AM
Jeronimo Yanez
Presumed Hispanic ethnicity...?
Young, on the force 4 years, married with one child.
First police shooting in the department in 30 years.  An epidemic?

It is hard to take the police side of this when we are not told the police side of this.

Our governor says it was race.  It wouldn't have happened if Castile wasn't black.  What happened?  What wouldn't have happened?  The officer knew there was a woman and child also in the car.  Either the officer is completely nuts or there is more to this story.
Title: Dallas Shooter was a Veteran
Post by: DDF on July 08, 2016, 08:48:08 AM
Title: Re: Dallas Shooter was a Veteran
Post by: G M on July 08, 2016, 09:33:50 AM

The video I saw of a suspect engaging a DPD officer and killing him looked to me someone trained in CQB. So the military background isn't a surprise.
Title: Re: Dallas Shooter was a Veteran
Post by: DDF on July 08, 2016, 09:57:38 AM

The video I saw of a suspect engaging a DPD officer and killing him looked to me someone trained in CQB. So the military background isn't a surprise.

Most definitely.

I'm trying to come back and fix things so that I can work undercover there, and I'm not being a jerk saying this, because it's the truth and it will save lives. There are a LOT of people who think they're hard targets, and they're not... at all. I'm not  hard target. No one is.

People really need to rethink their training and change their mentality. Mexico has made that obvious as hell to me. Nothing worse than thinking you're invulnerable or "Operator as Fuck" when you're not, and even if you are, you're not the only one. None of us are.

Interesting to note a couple of things:

1. The perp was the first one where explosives were used to dispatch him. They couldn't safely get to him due to the structure being used (very good planning and tactics on the suspect's part).

2. People online are calling this a victory. How so?

This was a heavy loss and a GD shame.

I'll end with, this entire mess starts right from the top. Comey coming right out and slamming Clinton, Gowdy having it repeated to him, and not a single person in Congress does a GD thing about it.... The US is going to be no different than where I live and work shortly, because people put up with this from politicians.

Principles.... FFS

Edit: This just happened just now:

Edit II : Another just now:
Title: Re: Dallas Shooter was a Veteran
Post by: G M on July 08, 2016, 12:34:52 PM
Obama built this.

The video I saw of a suspect engaging a DPD officer and killing him looked to me someone trained in CQB. So the military background isn't a surprise.

Most definitely.

I'm trying to come back and fix things so that I can work undercover there, and I'm not being a jerk saying this, because it's the truth and it will save lives. There are a LOT of people who think they're hard targets, and they're not... at all. I'm not  hard target. No one is.

People really need to rethink their training and change their mentality. Mexico has made that obvious as hell to me. Nothing worse than thinking you're invulnerable or "Operator as Fuck" when you're not, and even if you are, you're not the only one. None of us are.

Interesting to note a couple of things:

1. The perp was the first one where explosives were used to dispatch him. They couldn't safely get to him due to the structure being used (very good planning and tactics on the suspect's part).

2. People online are calling this a victory. How so?

This was a heavy loss and a GD shame.

I'll end with, this entire mess starts right from the top. Comey coming right out and slamming Clinton, Gowdy having it repeated to him, and not a single person in Congress does a GD thing about it.... The US is going to be no different than where I live and work shortly, because people put up with this from politicians.

Principles.... FFS

Edit: This just happened just now:

Edit II : Another just now:

Title: Re: Dallas Shooter was a Veteran
Post by: DDF on July 08, 2016, 01:55:47 PM
Obama built this.

Yes he did. I would have so much preferred Alan West.

The thing that pops into my mind now that this has happened though is this (people won't like it):

If a thug (a trained one), wanted to arm themselves, getting a small weapon from an officer wouldn't present too much of a challenge, and then using that weapon, to get a more powerful weapon/s.......which brings me to this -

Suppose thugs got their hands on a robot.... and had mastery of explosives (which ironically, one of the shooters in Dallas last night did have)....

How would one defend against that?

That's what I'm pondering today...... defense against robots. It's a good question. One that I'll bet most of us haven't thought of.

"Always think like your own worst enemy."
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Crafty_Dog on July 08, 2016, 02:48:08 PM
Funny you should mention that , , ,
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: DDF on July 08, 2016, 02:51:18 PM
Funny you should mention that , , ,

The thought and thread had escaped me, especially the part where the guy mounted a pistol on a drone.

Title: Has the Race War Obama Wants Begun???
Post by: objectivist1 on July 08, 2016, 03:07:08 PM

Is the race war Barack Obama wanted breaking out in Dallas and across America?

July 8, 2016  Matthew Vadum 

The ambush-style mass shooting of cops in Dallas, Texas, last night makes it clear that it is time for the dangerous, anti-American insurgency called Black Lives Matter to be designated a terrorist organization for fomenting a war against the nation’s law enforcement officers.

As FrontPage went to press early Friday morning, five Dallas area police officers were dead, systematically slaughtered by snipers.

That makes it the deadliest attack on U.S. law enforcement since Sept. 11, 2001.

The officers were killed during a demonstration in downtown Dallas against police brutality that leftists say is directed at black Americans as a matter of government policy. Similar marches and rallies took place in other cities, including New York, Oakland, Calif., and Denver, Colo. One suspect has been killed and three others remain in custody. Police have not yet released their identities.

Of course, murdering police officers has long been encouraged by activists with the Black Lives Matter cult, with the support of the activist Left. A year ago Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who openly advocates the mass murder of whites, called for “10,000 fearless men” to “rise up and kill those who kill us.” Like many radicals, Farrakhan mischaracterizes Black Lives Matter as a rising civil rights movement.

President Barack Obama, who a decade ago promoted inter-racial warfare in Kenya, has long tried to provoke civil unrest here in the U.S. with his hateful anti-cop rhetoric and his relentless demonization of opponents. His goal is fundamental transformation of the United States. A Red diaper baby who identifies violence-espousing communist Frantz Fanon as an intellectual influence, he has also steadfastly refused to condemn the explicitly racist, violent Black Lives Matter movement. In fact Obama has lavished attention on the movement’s leaders and invited them to the White House over and over again.

Members of the Democratic National Committee expressly endorsed Black Lives Matter, throwing their lot in with black racists and radical Black Power militants. The DNC officially embraced a statement that slams the U.S. for allegedly systemic police violence against black people. A resolution passed by hundreds of delegates at the DNC meeting in Minneapolis last year accuses the nation’s police of "extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children."

The Left persists in these lies because, well, that’s what these people do.

According to one analysis, of all the people shot and killed in the U.S. by police so far in 2016, only 24 percent, or 122, were black. Black people are only about 13 percent of the population but they commit around half of all violent crimes. So far this year 47 percent of people shot and killed by police, or 235 individuals, were white.

Only 3 percent, or 13 people shot and killed by police year to date were black and unarmed. The percentage for whites is exactly the same. In other words, police are shooting and killing unarmed blacks and whites at the same rate, Paul Joseph Watson observes.

“There’s no racial disparity,” he says. “Do we have a problem with police brutality in America? Yes, undoubtedly. Is it almost exclusively targeted towards black people as Black Lives Matter claims? No, but the polarizing way in which Black Lives Matter made it all about race has divided the nation and made half of the country completely disinterested.”

Watson addresses “black people,” telling them that “Black Lives Matter is hurting you. It’s doing incredible harm. Martin Luther King achieved justice and civil rights by championing equality and building bridges with white America.”

Black Lives Matter, on the other hand, demands racial segregation, keeps whites out of its meetings, and urges the killing of police, he adds.

Returning to the situation in Dallas, as of 11:45 p.m. Central time, 11 officers from the Dallas Police Department and the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) system had reportedly been shot. DPD chief David Brown told reporters that two snipers opened fire from elevated positions in downtown Dallas. Dallas mayor Mike Rawlings (D) said the shooting began at 8:58 p.m. local time. Brown added that suspects may have also planted a bomb downtown.

Four of the murdered police officers worked for the DPD. The other deceased officer worked for DART.

The killing spree followed days of media-hyped adverse publicity for police forces in Louisiana and Minnesota.

In its intensifying assaults on American law enforcement the Left seized upon a police-involved death earlier in the week of a notoriously violent criminal in Louisiana who had reportedly menaced an innocent by-stander with a gun.

Recidivist felon Alton Sterling, a black offender well known to local law enforcement, was shot to death by police early Tuesday morning in Baton Rouge following a physical struggle with police in which Sterling may have reached for a weapon. Both officers “believe they were completely justified in using deadly force,” according to the local district attorney.

Although even with graphic video footage of the shooting it’s not entirely clear what happened as the two cops and Sterling struggled, the Left is moving full speed ahead portraying the deceased career criminal as a martyr slaughtered by the evil system that rules a hopelessly racist America.

The Left reveres thugs. It jumped on the bandwagon promoting the lie that Michael Brown of Ferguson, Mo., and Trayvon Martin of Sanford, Fla., were innocent angels unjustly cut down by white executioners. The truth, as we now know, is that both young black men were killed in self-defense by the white men they intended to harm.

It is telling that the Left is paying far less attention to a much more sympathetic figure killed by police this week in Falcon Heights, a suburb of St. Paul, Minn., because the story of his death doesn’t fit its predetermined anti-American narrative quite as well. It’s not merely about racial conflict potentially: it is also about the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

Philando Castile, 32, a black man with no felony convictions who worked in a school cafeteria, was shot by police during a traffic stop. According to Castile’s girlfriend, Diamond “Lavish” Reynolds, who live-streamed video on Facebook of the stricken man in his final moments, Castile was trying to retrieve his wallet after informing an apparently Caucasian attending officer that he was in possession of a concealed weapon and a permit allowing him to carry it. Perhaps Castile made a move the officer considered threatening. Or maybe the cop was nervous and trigger-happy.

“He let the officer know that he had a firearm, and he was reaching for his wallet and the officer just shot him in his arm,” Reynolds said. In the video as the bloodied driver lay dying the policeman could be heard using expletives and screaming, “I told him not to reach for it.”

Reynolds replied, “You told him to get his ID, sir – his driver’s license.”

Because the Castile case appears to involve gun rights and perhaps other issues possibly unrelated to race, it is harder for left-wing activist groups to fundraise off of. This would explain why the Left is giving the case far less play than the marquee Sterling shooting. And to the extent that progressives have taken up Castile’s cause they are treating it solely as a racial incident. Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton (D) said he was “appalled” by the shooting and that it would not have happened if Castile had been white.

But with Alton Sterling, it is as if his supporters hired teams of publicists to get the desired message out to the masses.

Ignoring Sterling’s two decades of criminal activity, Black Lives Matter quickly went to work inflaming racial antagonism while the man’s body was still warm. The movement characterized the incident as an extrajudicial execution by racist cops. It was aided in this public relations offensive by biased saturation coverage of the Sterling saga by the media.

The movement’s most important cheerleader, President Obama, gleefully stuck a shiv in police, crowing that recent fatal shootings of black suspects by police “are not isolated incidents.”

“They are symptomatic of the broader challenges within our criminal justice system, the racial disparities that appear across the system year after year, and the resulting lack of trust that exists between law enforcement and too many of the communities they serve.”

Predictably MoveOn and Color of Change –which was founded by self-described “rowdy black nationalist” Van Jones and MoveOn alumnus James Rucker— didn’t bother waiting for the facts to be known before using the incident to raise money. On Wednesday MoveOn sent out a mass email to members demanding that U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch hold the police officers involved accountable.

In the email Color of Change executive director Rashad Robinson paints Sterling as an upstanding citizen, describing him as “a 37-year-old Black father of five,” capitalizing the B in black as racists do. The police officers involved “have no respect for Black lives and must be held accountable,” he added.

Celebrities weighed in with vapid and condescending observations.

Singer Beyoncé posted what a groveling USA Today called a “powerful letter” about police brutality. “We’re going to stand up as a community and fight against anyone who believes that murder or any violent action by those who are sworn to protect us should consistently go unpunished,” she wrote, presuming that Americans don’t care about murders committed by police.

Chris Long, who makes his living being hit in the head, chose to insert himself into the story. The defensive end for the New England Patriots was happy to convene a lynch mob on Twitter. He tweeted “If you think we need to ‘wait for the facts’ on the Alton Sterling execution after seeing the video, you are an accessory to evil.”

What is clear is that if the Left is serious about moving its race war forward, it is hanging its future on a pretty slim reed by hyping the Sterling killing.

This is not to suggest that Sterling, who had been living in a homeless shelter, deserved to die. Maybe in the end we’ll find out the cops who dealt with him were overzealous, reckless, malicious, or racist, or all of these things. Perhaps this was a suicide by cop. Time will tell.

Let’s go over what we know.

The Advocate in Baton Rouge reports that on July 5,

“Around 12:35 a.m., Baton Rouge police responded to the Triple S Food Mart at 2112 N. Foster Drive after an anonymous caller indicated that a man in a red shirt who was selling CDs outside the store pointed a gun at someone, telling them to leave the property, Baton Rouge Police Department spokesman Cpl. L’Jean McKneely said.”

Apparently authentic cellphone videos from the scene soon went viral. They showed two police officers scrapping with Sterling beside a car in a parking lot. “Get on the ground! Get on the ground!” an officer is heard yelling in the early seconds of one clip. The sound of what may be a stun gun can be heard.

“He’s got a gun! Gun,” one cop says. “If you fucking move, I swear to God,” says an officer. It is unclear what Sterling, who reportedly had a gun on his person at the time, is doing with his arms at this point because the officers are on top of him. In audio that is garbled, one of the officers can be heard saying what seems to be “he’s going for the Taser!” Shots ring out at various points in the confrontation and Sterling is mortally wounded.

Some local sources were quoted in the media saying Sterling was a kind, peace-loving, respected member of the community. If that’s true, that doesn’t speak well of his community.

Sterling was a bad actor with a temper who had gotten physical with police before. The incorrigible reprobate’s rap sheet is long. (Heavy obtained 46 pages of court documents from his criminal file.)

Sterling was convicted of aggravated battery, criminal damage to property, unauthorized entry, and domestic abuse battery, among other offenses.

An affidavit of probable cause states Sterling was involved in 2009 in a wrestling match with a police officer. A cop tried to pat down the man and he resisted arrest. The two men ended up on rolling around on the ground and a “black semi auto gun fell from his waistband.” Another affidavit states a cop pulled Sterling over for speeding. He didn’t have proof of insurance and police allowed him to retrieve his belongings from his vehicle. He crossed the street, laid himself on the pavement in a prone position, yelled at the cops and told them to “go ahead and beat him down regardless of the outcome.” Other such affidavits accuse Sterling of home invasion, burglary, threatening with a gun, stealing pet goldfish, and possession of ecstasy and marijuana.

Sterling was also a registered sex offender, Heavy reports. At the age of 20 he impregnated a 14-year-old girl. In September 2000 he was convicted of “carnal knowledge of a juvenile” in Louisiana and released from prison in October 2004. In August 2015 a warrant was issued for Sterling’s arrest after he failed to update his sex offender registration.

In 2011 he was convicted of “knowingly and intentionally possessing a firearm while in possession of a controlled dangerous substance” and sentenced to five years imprisonment. A drug trafficking-related charge was thrown out apparently as part of a plea bargain.

Meanwhile, the Democrat machine in the Pelican State is doing everything it can to turn Baton Rouge into the new Ferguson, complete with race riots and wanton lawlessness.

Kip Holden (D), mayor-president of East Baton Rouge Parish, said Wednesday he was touched to receive a supportive phone call from the buffoonish Baltimore mayor, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D), who helped to exacerbate race riots in her city after the death of black career criminal Freddie Gray in police custody, because “they’ve been through the same thing.”

How reassuring.

The Left’s goal is to polarize and enrage and foment even more racial tension and violence to distract from presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s endless political problems, as well as to energize the party's base so they vote in droves in November. They may even blame unrest in Baton Rouge on congressional Republicans who refuse to fight back. Blaming Islamic terrorist Omar Mateen’s murderous rampage at a gay club in Orlando on Republicans and law-abiding gun owners worked, so why not.

Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards (D) invited his friends in the Obama administration to turn this local investigation into a three-ring media circus. The U.S. Department of Justice announced it would open a civil rights investigation after Edwards demanded it. “I have very serious concerns,” he said. “The video is disturbing, to say the least.”

Getting the feds involved means the Obama administration is sure to deploy government-paid community organizers from DoJ’s Community Relations Service to rub raw the sores of discontent.

After Trayvon Martin’s death in early 2012, local police declined to press charges against the eventually acquitted George Zimmerman for a month and a half because they believed the criminal case against him was ridiculously weak. CRS burned through taxpayer cash organizing marches at which participants inflamed racial tensions and –voila!— Zimmerman was prosecuted in what would become a historic abuse of process.

Almost immediately after Michael Brown died in August 2014, CRS operatives arrived on the ground in Ferguson to interview and indoctrinate local members of the community. As Ryan Lovelace reported at NRO paraphrasing Mayor James Knowles III, “DOJ officials talked about underlying racism that people may not perceive, and the issue of white privilege.”

East Baton Rouge Parish District Attorney Hillar Moore (D) seems not to understand that having the Obama-controlled Justice Department take over the Sterling investigation is a monumentally bad idea. Explaining why the local government refuses to investigate its own police, Moore said feebly at a press conference, “absolutely, we did not want another Ferguson. Baton Rouge is not Ferguson; we have a completely different history,” Moore said.

Good luck with that, counselor.

And just wait until the authority-hating terrorists of Black Lives Matter turn on you.
Title: The World retains its' ability to surprise: white cops shoot blacks less
Post by: Crafty_Dog on July 10, 2016, 06:53:14 PM
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: DougMacG on July 10, 2016, 07:06:32 PM
the percentage of blacks fatally shot by police officers (26%) is almost exactly equal to the percentage of blacks committing violent crimes (24%). Indeed, given that the black homicide rate is around eight times the white rate, it is surprising that the portion of blacks fatally shot by policemen is not higher.
Title: CO bill to punish officers who try to stop citizens from recording.
Post by: Crafty_Dog on July 11, 2016, 08:01:07 AM
Title: Black LEO speaks
Post by: Crafty_Dog on July 11, 2016, 12:05:34 PM
Title: Forgiveness
Post by: Crafty_Dog on July 12, 2016, 05:05:28 PM
Title: Who was the bailiff/sheriff who gave up the gun?
Post by: Crafty_Dog on July 13, 2016, 12:17:11 PM
Saw reports of two bailiffs being shot (to death) with a gun taken off another bailiff or sheriff.  The way the reports were worded left me wondering if they were covering up that the officer who gave up the gun was a small female.  This would not be the time that such was the case.
Title: More on the MN shooting
Post by: DougMacG on July 13, 2016, 12:36:07 PM
The officer said on the police radio that the driver looked like an armed robbery suspect, not a taillight offender.  Facts leak out so slowly.  

A BOLO (Be On Look Out) alert was issuedTuesday July 5th.  Philando Castile was pulled over on July 6th in the same vicinity.

From the radio dispatch of Officer Jeronimo Yanez:

“I’m going to stop a car. I’m going to check IDs.  I have reason to pull it over.”

“The two occupants just look like people that were involved in a robbery. The driver looks more like one of our suspects, just ‘cause of the wide set nose.”

Maybe our Governor was right.  If he was white he wouldn't have looked like the armed robbery suspect.

Philando Castile has been pulled over at least 52 times in the last 14 years, issued 86 citations and assessed 6,588 in fines.  (This doesn't have anything to do with shooting him, but indicates he doesn't follow instructions well, like don't reach for your gun.)

Philando Castile had a permit.
This actually indicates he probably wasn't the armed robbery perp.  CCW permit holders don't do that.  But it puts the cops on edge knowing he may have a gun within reach.  MN cops know they are dealing with a permit holder when they walk up to a vehicle assuming the vehicle plates were his.

We don't know the whole story of this is at this point, nor do any of the protesters.  In fact we don't know ANTHING about the 103 seconds that led to the officer drawing, warning and shooting.  I said earlier, I don't know how you justify shooting four times, but we don't know that he did.
Title: Obama's Obscene Exploitation of Dallas Police Murders...
Post by: objectivist1 on July 13, 2016, 01:18:45 PM
Obama’s Obscene Exploitation of the Dallas Massacre

Exploiting dead police officers to promote #BlackLivesMatter.

July 13, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

In Dallas, Obama mentioned the name of dead sex offender Alton Sterling more times than those of the murdered police officers whom he was pretending to memorialize. After quickly dispensing with the formalities of eulogizing the slain officers, Obama demanded that “even those who dislike the phrase ‘black lives matter’” should “be able to hear the pain of Alton Sterling’s family”.

Alton Sterling was a convicted sex offender, burglar and violent criminal who was shot while reaching for a gun. His family may mourn him, just as every criminal’s family mourns their own, but it was obscene to class him together with five police officers who were murdered by a violent racist while doing their duty.

It is even more obscene when Obama’s favorite sex offender displaces the murdered police officers.

And yet that was Obama’s theme in Dallas. Murdered police officers were contrasted with dead criminals. The proper thing for Americans to do, as Obama told us, was to mourn both officers and criminals, to respect the sacrifices of the police and the anti-police accusations of #BlackLivesMatter.

Obama did not come to Dallas to mourn the murdered police officers, but to defend the ideology that took their lives. And this is what he has done from the very beginning.

Before the shootings, Obama expressed his “condolences for the families of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile” and insisted that the criminal justice system was racist. His statements and speeches after the shootings echoed the same talking points and spin complete with the claims that accusing the police of racism is “not to be against law enforcement”. 

“When people say ‘Black Lives Matter,’ that doesn’t mean blue lives don’t matter”, he famously said.

That’s true. Black Lives Matter doesn’t mean that blue lives don’t matter. It means that blue lives are evil. As Ta-Nehisi Coates, an author on Obama’s reading list, wrote of the dead police officers who gave their lives on September 11, “They were not human to me.” That’s the kindest thing that the black nationalists whose cause Obama has championed have said of the police.

In a more recent article titled, “The Near Certainty of Anti-Police Violence”, the MacArthur Genius Grant recipient and son of a Black Panther suggests that black resentment of police makes their murder predictable.

“Sanctimonious cries of nonviolence will not help,” Coates writes. “The extent to which we are tolerant of the possibility of more Walter Scotts and Freddie Grays is the extent to which we are tolerant of the possibility of more Micah Xavier Johnsons.”

It’s the core black nationalist message made more palatable for liberal audiences. Underneath the word games, the attempt to treat the ideological justifications for the mass murder of police as inevitable, is the same message delivered by Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley, the #BlackLivesMatter supporter who assassinated two NYPD officers, who had posted, “They take 1 of ours…Let’s take 2 of theirs”.

Obama’s message was even more polished than Coates, but not really so very different. Coates had polished up the radical black nationalist message for liberal audiences. Obama’s speechwriters shaped his for a national audience. But underneath the religiosity and praise of the police was sheer contempt.

In one of the nastily cynical moments, Obama claimed that “to honor these five outstanding officers who we lost” we would have to act on “uncomfortable” truths such as his claim that the police are racist. “Insisting we do better to root out racial bias is not an attack on cops, but an effort to live up to our highest ideals,” he spun.

While the media applauded his “healing”, Obama was just recycling his speeches from before the Dallas shooting. The talking points had not changed. They had only been moved around a little to exploit the police officers murdered by a #BlackLivesMatter supporter in order to promote #BlackLivesMatter.

Indeed this had always been Obama’s first and foremost priority.

After the shooting, his initial response was to emphasize that the anti-police protests were “peaceful”. At Dallas, in his praise of the police officers, he insisted on inserting that same description of a “peaceful” protest “in response to the killing of Alton Sterling of Baton Rouge and Philando Castile of Minnesota”. The choice of words, ‘killing’ rather than ‘death’, is significant.

The “shootings in Minnesota and Baton Rouge” were equated with the murders of police officers in Dallas in a breathtaking bit of moral equivalence. Americans were encouraged to grieve for sex offender Alton Sterling and the murdered police officers at the same time. And, just in case there was any ambiguity about which side he was on, Obama warned that “we cannot simply turn away and dismiss those in peaceful protest as troublemakers or paranoid.”

It was a defense of #BlackLivesMatter at a memorial for their victims.

Obama’s spin was that he was calling for unity when in reality he was pushing the divisive agenda of the hate group whose rhetoric helped lead to the killings. He was not a healer, but an arsonist.

There was nothing unifying about his exploitation of a memorial service to push anti-cop messages or to call for gun control. Neither message is in any way, shape or form unifying. They are as divisive as can be.

Obama did not come to Dallas to mourn, to heal or to unify. His sole purpose was to protect his #BlackLivesMatter hate group from the consequences of its rhetoric. Americans were fed lies about peaceful protests featuring armed members of hate groups who had called for the murder of police.

#BlackLivesMatter draws its inspiration from a cop-killer. It has deliberately targeted white people in much the same fashion that Micah X. Johnson did. The only real difference between Johnson and the black nationalist hate groups frantically trying to distance themselves from him in much the same way that mosques do from the latest Islamic terrorist is that he followed through on a lot of their rhetoric.

Johnson was not trying to get a job writing Black Panther comics or making YouTube videos. He actually did the sort of thing that #BlackLivesMatter role models like Assata Shakur did. He killed police officers.

For Obama, Dallas was a bump in the black nationalist road. It was, like every Islamic terrorist attack, an unfortunate incident from which we shouldn’t draw any conclusions, except perhaps that guns are bad. The goal is to redirect our attention to the next set of #BlackLivesMatter protests or the next celebrity tweeting about gun control and how mean those men with guns who aren’t on their payroll are.

He did not come to Dallas to praise the dead, but to enlist them in the service of his anti-police agenda.

Not only had Obama’s actions led to the murder of police officers, but he was determined to whitewash their deaths and exploit them as weapons in his war against the police.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Crafty_Dog on July 13, 2016, 06:47:50 PM
"Philando Castile has been pulled over at least 52 times in the last 14 years, issued 86 citations and assessed 6,588 in fines.  (This doesn't have anything to do with shooting him, but indicates he doesn't follow instructions well, like don't reach for your gun.)"

Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: DougMacG on July 13, 2016, 09:09:53 PM
"Philando Castile has been pulled over at least 52 times in the last 14 years, issued 86 citations and assessed 6,588 in fines.  (This doesn't have anything to do with shooting him, but indicates he doesn't follow instructions well, like don't reach for your gun.)"


Sorry, I missed this link in my post:
Title: Sowell reviews "The War on Cops"
Post by: Crafty_Dog on July 14, 2016, 01:14:36 AM
Thanks Doug.


Title: Re: Sowell reviews "The War on Cops"
Post by: DougMacG on July 14, 2016, 08:14:25 AM

As usual, don't we wish people would come across these facts and this level of analysis without having to read an opinion piece of a conservative columnist on a conservative site.  The people who need to see this aren't seeing it.

"Although many people regard these “disparate-impact” statistics as evidence, or virtually proof, of racial discrimination, suppose that I should tell you that black basketball players are penalized by NBA referees out of all proportion to the 13 percent that blacks are in the American population."   - Unfair!

"black political and community leaders, back in the 1980s, spearheaded the drive for more severe legal penalties against those who sold crack cocaine. Black congressman Charlie Rangel of Harlem was just one of those black leaders who urged these more severe penalties. So did the New York Times, the promoter of many crusades on the left."

   - Does anyone ever point that out?  No.  Except here.

"whites were turned down at nearly twice the rate that Asian Americans were turned down"

   - A fact that doesn't fit a narrative or agenda, therefore irrelevant.  If you keep looking for differences between groups, you will find them.  That rarely defines causation.
Title: Re: Sowell reviews "The War on Cops"
Post by: G M on July 14, 2016, 08:17:40 AM
The majority of humans on the planet are Han Chinese, yet they are vastly unrepresented in the NBA and the US prison system. Some sort of systemic discrimination, obviously.

As usual, don't we wish people would come across these facts and this level of analysis without having to read an opinion piece of a conservative columnist on a conservative site.  The people who need to see this aren't seeing it.

"Although many people regard these “disparate-impact” statistics as evidence, or virtually proof, of racial discrimination, suppose that I should tell you that black basketball players are penalized by NBA referees out of all proportion to the 13 percent that blacks are in the American population."   - Unfair!

"black political and community leaders, back in the 1980s, spearheaded the drive for more severe legal penalties against those who sold crack cocaine. Black congressman Charlie Rangel of Harlem was just one of those black leaders who urged these more severe penalties. So did the New York Times, the promoter of many crusades on the left."

   - Does anyone ever point that out?  No.  Except here.

"whites were turned down at nearly twice the rate that Asian Americans were turned down"

   - A fact that doesn't fit a narrative or agenda, therefore irrelevant.  If you keep looking for differences between groups, you will find them.  That rarely defines causation.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: ccp on July 14, 2016, 08:57:37 AM
"The majority of humans on the planet are Han Chinese, yet they are vastly unrepresented in the NBA and the US prison system. Some sort of systemic discrimination, obviously."

But Hans absolutely do discriminate against other groups in China.  Ask the Tibetans or the Muslims in Western China.
Title: Re: Sowell reviews "The War on Cops"
Post by: DougMacG on July 14, 2016, 09:28:44 AM
"The majority of humans on the planet are Han Chinese, yet they are vastly unrepresented in the NBA and the US prison system. Some sort of systemic discrimination, obviously."

How come the Gullibles fall for the SJW drivel so easily?

Even Obama admits, if you grow up in fatherless house, you are 5 times more likely to commit crimes.
A black kid has a 72% of being born into a fatherless home.  Not a hit by lightning chance, a 3 out of 4 chance.
Government took the place of fathers.
Result: Too any black kids, boys in particular, turn to crime and end up in prison.
Leftist Answer:  Double down on same strategy and make it worse.  Then blame anyone who questions that.

To the Gullibles:  Do you know this is what you keep voting for?

To the opponents of government-run families and failed communities:  Hello... Is anyone home?
We’re hiring,” the [Dallas] police chief said. “Get out of the protest line and fill out an application.”
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: ccp on July 14, 2016, 09:34:22 AM
"We’re hiring,” the [Dallas] police chief said. “Get out of the protest line and fill out an application.”"

Great line.  This guy *showed up* the community organizer imho.  He made the CIC look petty as he is.
Title: POTH on MN officer's training
Post by: Crafty_Dog on July 15, 2016, 08:16:58 AM
Title: Re: POTH on MN officer's training
Post by: G M on July 15, 2016, 08:25:12 AM

These trends are going to result in a lot of flag-draped coffins, and increased crime.
Title: Things can escalate quickly
Post by: Crafty_Dog on July 17, 2016, 04:40:13 PM

Title: Sheriff Clark vs. Don Lemon
Post by: Crafty_Dog on July 18, 2016, 06:29:26 AM
Title: Diamond and Silk on BLM and related matters
Post by: Crafty_Dog on July 18, 2016, 07:28:17 AM
Title: Trey Gowdy on a rampage
Post by: Crafty_Dog on August 27, 2016, 10:53:08 PM
Title: Something is missing from story
Post by: ccp on September 21, 2016, 04:46:00 AM
Something this guy said or was doing made several officers draw tasers and guns.
All these incidents have the same MO.  A black does NOT listen to police orders and then gets shot.   Sometimes shooting seems justified sometimes it seems not really.   Easy to say when watching safely at home and IN RETROSPECT.

Does anyone want to bet that Obama will comment on this soon as well as the vote slut.
Title: Higher proportion of Blacks being shot
Post by: ccp on September 21, 2016, 06:52:40 PM
And much higher proportion doing the killing.

"It’s the message that police have always been sending black Americans. Blacks make up about 13% of the US population, and yet accounted for 27% of the approximately 1,146 people killed by police in 2015."

I don't know how one can "de link" the above from this:
Title: Re: Higher proportion of Blacks being shot
Post by: G M on September 21, 2016, 07:36:55 PM
Roughly 50% of ALL US murders are committed by young black males. Without those in the US stats, we would have a lower murder rate than Canada.

And much higher proportion doing the killing.

"It’s the message that police have always been sending black Americans. Blacks make up about 13% of the US population, and yet accounted for 27% of the approximately 1,146 people killed by police in 2015."

I don't know how one can "de link" the above from this:
Title: Keith Lamont Scott was scum...
Post by: objectivist1 on September 23, 2016, 12:04:24 PM
Protest Thugs and the Real Evil in Charlotte

Nothing says “family man” like assaulting women and children.

September 23, 2016

Daniel Greenfield -

Keith Lamont Scott was scum.

He had been convicted of assault with a deadly weapon in two different states and convicted of assault in three states. He had been hit with “assault with intent to kill” charges in the 90s. His record of virtue included “assault on a child under 12” and “assault on a female.”

The media spin; “Family and neighbors call Scott a quiet ‘family man.’”

Nothing says “quiet” like “assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill” and nothing says “family man” like assaulting women and children.

Keith Lamont Scott, the latest martyr of Black Lives Matter and its media propaganda corps, was shot while waving a gun around. He had spent 7 years in jail for “aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.”

This vicious monster’s career of crime ended when he was shot by Brentley Vinson, an African-American police officer, protecting himself from the latest rampage by this “quiet family man.”

Brentley Vinson is everything that Scott isn’t. The son of a police officer, Brentley dreamed of following in his father’s footsteps. He used to organize his football team’s bible studies and mentored younger players. Former teammates describe him as a “great guy” with “good morals.” His former coach calls him a “natural leader” and says that, “We need more Brent Vinsons… in our communities.”

Except that Obama, Black Lives Matter, the media, the NAACP and everyone else going after this bright and decent African-American officer has decided that what we really need are more Keith Lamont Scotts. And the streets of Charlotte are full of “Scotts” throwing rocks at police, assaulting reporters and wrecking everything in sight in marches that are as “peaceful” as Scott was a “quiet family man.”

That’s what Hillary Clinton wanted when she tweeted that, “We have two names to add to a long list of African-Americans killed by police officers. It’s unbearable, and it needs to become intolerable.”

What exactly should be intolerable? An African-American police officer defending his life against a violent criminal who happened to be black? Should black criminals enjoy a special immunity? The greatest victims of black criminals are black communities.

Whom does Hillary Clinton imagine she’s helping here? Instead of standing with heroic African-American police officers like Vinson, she’s championing criminal scum like Scott.

Tim Kaine, Hillary’s No. 2, wants us to think about Scott’s family. We should do that. Scott’s brother announced on camera that all “white people” are “devils.” Timmy should check to see if he can get an exemption from white devildom.  But if there are any white devils, it’s men like Kaine and women like Hillary who enable the worst behavior in a troubled community while punishing those who try to help.

Every time the lie about “peaceful” protests is repeated, another black community becomes unlivable.

Twenty police officers have been injured and National Guard troops have arrived to deal with all those “peaceful” protests. Protesters chanted, “Black Lives Matter” and “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” before throwing things at police and then peacefully shooting each other. Stores had their windows broken and decorated with Black Lives Matter graffiti. A Walmart was peacefully looted and trucks were torched.

A police officer was peacefully hit by a car. Another was peacefully hit in the face with a rock. Mobs besieged and attempted to break into hotels. Reporters were attacked and a photographer was nearly thrown into a fire. White people were targeted by the racist Black Lives Matter mob and assaulted.

But all these peaceful rioters are probably just quiet family men too.

The peaceful protests are as big a lie as the “bookish” Keith Lamont Scott reading a book in his car. Police had no trouble finding a gun. They couldn’t have found Scott anywhere near a book. The only thing he could have done with a book is try to beat someone to death with it. Maybe a child.

Scott wasn’t a quiet family man; he was a violent criminal with a horrifying vicious streak. He and the rest of the Black Lives Matter rioters remind us of the monsters that we need dedicated police officers to protect us from.

The spin on what happened between a deranged black criminal and a courageous black police officer fell apart as fast as the Freddie Gray case, where black police officers were targeted and a city terrorized over conspiracy theories relating to the accidental death of a drug dealer.

The claims of racism are absurd. Not only was Scott shot by an African-American police officer, but Charlotte Police Chief Kerr Putney, who has taken the lead in defending him, is also African-American.

Are we supposed to believe that an African-American police officer and an African-American police chief are racists or that these two black men took the lead in a genocidal conspiracy to kill black men?

That’s the laughable premise of the racist Black Lives Matter hatefest that alternates between “Stop killing us” street theater and violent assaults on police officers, reporters and anyone in the area.

But the truth doesn’t matter. Black Lives Matter rioters are still chanting, “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” long after the Michael Brown lie fell apart. They’re holding up signs reading, “It Was a Book.”  The lie is backed by some of the biggest media corporations in the country, by $130 million from George Soros and the Ford Foundation, by Barack Hussein Obama and by Hillary Clinton.

These are the malign forces destroying Charlotte, as they trashed Baltimore. On the ground there are the vulture community organizers of Black Lives Matter, funded by the left, who parachute in to organize race riots, behind them are the reporters who sell the spin live on the air and the photographers who capture glamor shots of the racist rioters, and after them come the lawyers of the DOJ out to ruin, terrorize and intimidate whatever law enforcement survived the riots.

They did it in Ferguson and a dozen other places. Now they want to do it in Charlotte.

They want to do it because they hate white people and black people. They hate peace and decency. They hate the idea of people getting up in the morning and working for a living. They hate the idea of good officers, white and black men and women, like Brentley Vinson, who genuinely believe in doing the right thing. They want unearned power. They demand unearned wealth. And they thrive on destruction.

This is the real evil in Charlotte. And we need to stand up to it. From the ghetto to the manors of the liberal elite from burning cars to pricey restaurants in exclusive neighborhoods, it plots against us.

It is a lie repeated a million times. Sometimes the lie is simple. Other times it’s sophisticated. But the way to fight it is to begin with the truth.

The truth is that Keith Lamont Scott was a violent criminal who came to a bad end because of his own actions. Just like Michael Brown, Freddie Gray and too many other Black Lives Matter martyrs to count.

The truth is that everything Black Lives Matter does reminds us of why we need police officers.

The truth is that this is not about race, but about those who want to build and those who want to destroy. It’s about the difference between Brentley Vinson and Keith Lamont Scott.

It’s about what kind of country we want to be. Is it a country that celebrates a young black football player who chose to follow in his father’s footsteps, who organized bible study and helped others, who risked his life to keep other people safe. Or is it one that celebrates Keith Lamont Scott, who assaulted a woman, a child and anyone else he could get at, who terrorized three states and died as he lived.

Obama and the left want a nation of Keith Lamont Scotts. But now it’s our turn to choose.
Title: Free to flee
Post by: Crafty_Dog on September 24, 2016, 10:04:48 AM
Title: Re: Free to flee
Post by: G M on September 24, 2016, 10:27:28 AM

We really are living in Heinlein's crazy years.
Title: Social Media equivalent of the stockade heh heh
Post by: Crafty_Dog on September 26, 2016, 12:53:14 PM
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: ccp on September 26, 2016, 01:04:08 PM
This should shame someone.  Some may actually find this a badge of courage.  :-P
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: DDF on September 26, 2016, 01:46:05 PM

That's going to leave a heck of a mark if they ever decide to get a job.
Title: So why DID he die?
Post by: ccp on November 16, 2016, 01:49:26 PM
The LEFT :  crazy right wing conspiraciists claimeing it was a hit.  Yet it doesn't appear to be a robbery.  So young guy leaves bar and is shot to death for no reason? 
All hushed up:
Title: When all common sense goes out the window
Post by: ccp on December 09, 2016, 05:38:24 AM
The police officer is being criticized by some , including a family who ran out and  got an attorney for the boy who was waving knives around , for shooting the young man:

some will ask why did he not use taser.
(or how about a faser placed on stun like star trek)
why did he not lasoo the kid?
or use a sling shot?

why did he not tackle him?

perhaps offer him milk and cookies and a safe space?

Title: time for Chesimard to face justice
Post by: ccp on June 18, 2017, 09:14:54 AM
Agree to press Cuba on this:
Title: FBI hesitates to call assassination attempt what it was
Post by: Crafty_Dog on June 22, 2017, 09:29:20 AM
Title: Re: FBI hesitates to call assassination attempt what it was
Post by: G M on June 22, 2017, 09:53:13 AM

We are so fcuked.
Title: Re: Black LEO speaks, Officer Miosotis Familia killed
Post by: DougMacG on July 14, 2017, 05:38:23 AM

I didn't know the police officer assassinated in the Bronx last week was black.  Black Lives Matter has gone full circle inciting the killing of their own.  Tragic.  This is no more wrong and no more insane than if she were white or anything else, but still amazingly stupid besides evil.,d_placeholder_euli9k,h_1440,w_2560,x_0,y_0/dpr_2.0/c_limit,w_740/fl_lossy,q_auto/v1499281238/170705-daly-slain-cop-tease_v5amgh
Title: Re: Black LEO speaks, Officer Miosotis Familia killed
Post by: G M on July 14, 2017, 08:38:24 AM

I didn't know the police officer assassinated in the Bronx last week was black.  Black Lives Matter has gone full circle inciting the killing of their own.  Tragic.  This is no more wrong and no more insane than if she were white or anything else, but still amazingly stupid besides evil.,d_placeholder_euli9k,h_1440,w_2560,x_0,y_0/dpr_2.0/c_limit,w_740/fl_lossy,q_auto/v1499281238/170705-daly-slain-cop-tease_v5amgh

They don't think black police officer's lives matter. All cops are targets for them.

Title: Bernard Kerik
Post by: ccp on July 14, 2017, 06:19:13 PM
Five Minutes With . . . Bernard Kerik
Image: Five Minutes With . . . Bernard Kerik
Friday, 14 Jul 2017 11:51 AM


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Bernard Kerik's career in law enforcement has been a rollercoaster ride. He ran New York City’s jails, then served as the city’s police commissioner and, following the 2003 invasion of Iraq, President George W. Bush appointed him as interim minister of interior of Iraq. Kerik later served more than three years in federal prison for criminal conspiracy and tax fraud.

Now a law enforcement consultant and advocate for criminal justice reform, 61-year-old Kerik also has added author to his résumé with his memoir “From Jailer to Jailed: My Journey from Correction and Police Commissioner to Inmate #84888-054,” published by Threshold Editions.

Newsmax sat down with Kerik to talk cop dramas, highlights from his days on the force, and details on his newest "too hot for network television" endeavor.

Newsmax: You were police commissioner of New York City on 9/11. Twenty-three members of your department were killed that day. How did that change you as a person?

Bernard Kerik: Most importantly, it taught me to never take life for granted and that, in times of crisis and adversity, you can get through anything when you put your mind to it.

NM: Most Americans' perceptions of law enforcement are shaped by TV shows like “CSI,” “Law & Order,” and “Orange Is the New Black,” to name a few. How accurate are these shows? Which are your favorites?

BK: The stories on "Law & Order" are actually pulled from the New York City tabloids and dramatized for television, as are stories in "Blue Bloods" and some other police television series. Most are actually watered down for network viewing, so I’m not too big of a fan. I thought “Hill Street Blues” and “NYPD Blue” years ago gave a closer view of reality in the police world. “Orange Is the New Black,” although fictionalized for TV, clearly demonstrates many of the realistic flaws and failures in today’s criminal justice system. It’s one show that I wish every member of Congress watched to get a better idea of how we waste taxpayer dollars and destroy American lives needlessly.

NM: You’ve witnessed a lot of changes in law enforcement over the years. How have things changed under President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions?

BK: I think, for the first time in close to a decade, we now have a president and attorney general who sincerely care about the men and women in local, state, and federal law enforcement, which should motivate and inspire the law enforcement community, rather than demoralize them.

NM: We hear it on good authority that you’re writing a crime thriller and we can’t wait to read it. Can you give us some clues as to what it’s about?

BK: Look out "Blue Bloods"! A fictional New York City police commissioner gets personally involved in the hunt for an international terrorist determined to destroy New York City. Too hot for network television, but if you’re into good versus evil and the international intrigue of hunting down and killing those who want the demise of our country, I think you’ll love the book.

NM: Why did you become a cop in the first place?

BK: Cops are the “good guys,” and they have been since I can remember. I have a picture that’s in my first book, “The Lost Son,” where I’m about 3 years old. I’m wearing a cop's hat, a holster, and carrying a gun. When people ask when I started my career, I point to that photo and say, “I started pretty young.”

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NM: What book has had the most impact on your life?

BK: I can’t say that there’s one in particular over others, but Rudy Giuliani’s “Leadership,” President George W. Bush’s “Decision Points,” Elie Wiesel’s “Night,” and Randy Pausch’s “Last Lecture” are some of my favorites.

NM: You’ve seen a lot of bizarre things in policing over the years. Can you recall one of the weirdest moments of your police career?

BK: When a cop delivers a baby, it’s definitely not the norm, and there were four or five moms that delivered babies in a welfare hotel in Midtown back in the late '80s.

NM: What’s your idea of a perfect meal?

BK: Without going through an entire menu . . . picture a Thanksgiving dinner and throw in biscuits and cornbread and I’m happy.

NM: Are body cameras on cops a good idea?

BK: I think they are and, in due time, the cops and police unions will realize that the cops will be better off with them than without them.

NM: If you had not been a cop, what would have been your second career choice?

BK: I joined the U.S. Army when I was 18 years old. Had I not gone into law enforcement, I think I would have stayed in the military.

NM: What is a hobby of yours that people may be surprised at?

BK: Besides being involved in the martial arts for more than 40 years and lifting weights and working out, I have few hobbies. However, it has surprised many of my friends when they see a guitar case sitting in my office and I open it and there’s a Gibson 12 String Acoustic Guitar. I’ve played since I was a young boy, but the older I get, the less I play.

NM: And finally, Bernie, if Hollywood were to make a biopic based on your life, who would you want to play you – as a young man and in present day?

BK: Now, it would have to be my friend Sylvester Stallone. We’ve talked about this, and he told me that if anyone is going to do my life story, it’s got to be a mini-series because you can’t sum up my life in a two-hour movie. That said, as for someone playing me when I was young — who knows. It would probably be a combination of a young Jason Statham and Dominic Purcell.
Title: Rod Rosenstein
Post by: Crafty_Dog on February 04, 2018, 11:11:29 AM

Title: Famous But Incompetent!
Post by: G M on February 16, 2018, 07:57:28 AM

Famous But Incompetent!

The FBI can't do it's job. Quick! Everyone give up your guns!
Title: Law Enforcement - Derek Chauvin trial
Post by: DougMacG on March 08, 2021, 08:02:24 AM
Scott Johnson of Powerline is in the courtroom. Stay tuned.

Andy McCarthy had a column explaining the difference between murder and manslaughter.  I didn't post it because I thought I understood it better before I read his piece.

It strains rationality to think he killed him intentionally - while waiting for an ambulance.  It's not a proven fact that his knee hold killed him with so many other factors in play, fentanyl, methamphetamine, covid and underlying health conditions.  This is going to come down to courtroom presentations and of course to the jury.

Doxxing?  Do you think there is any chance the jury will forever remain anonymous if they acquit on the main charges?  Or should they rightfully fear for their lives, and thus decide accordingly?

Day One: Prosecution wants a delay.  There is an appeal pending over the previous Minneapolis cop murder/manslaughter trial.  Also, the Keith Ellison led prosecution knows that mob riot pressure is greater in summer.  Defense should waive right to speedy trial in exchange for a Nov 1 start date.

Note:  It was on this board that I learned the knee hold is a taught technique on the police force.  Easy to argue this was not the appropriate time to use it, but my guess is that 99.999% of the people watching the viral video did not know that can be used in situations where suspect is resisting - and the suspect was resisting.

My prediction:  This is not going to go well for anyone involved.
Title: Law Enforcement, George Floyd, fatal level of fentanyl, arteria 75% blocked
Post by: DougMacG on April 01, 2021, 09:09:15 AM
August 26, 2020
[Kare11 is NBC News in the Twin Cities]

11 nanograms per milliliter Fentanyl in his system  - Medical examiner

"If he were found dead at home alone this would be an acceptable [cause of death]."
"Deaths have been certified with levels of 3."  (This is almost 4 times higher.)

"At least one arteria was approximately 75% blocked."
Today:  Floyd's friend in the front seat pleads the 5th:

What?  His last and best friend doesn't want justice for George?  Did he provide the drugs, set him up with the fake $20?

But clearly the cause of death was systemic racism.

If the cause of death was the knee hold of the officer, perhaps it was the City's inadequate training and wrongful procedures at fault.  If so, did they admit guilt by paying out $25 million just prior to trial?

Does the activist prosecutor (Keith Ellison) who supports the riots want to lose the case in order to advance the cause?

Everything in this case screams reasonable doubt.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement, George Floyd trial
Post by: DougMacG on April 12, 2021, 09:33:44 AM
I am not watching the trial but can't avoid the reports.  The key issue is cause of death.   One thing I'm not hearing in the case is race.

We burned down the town and also places like Seattle and Portland over the idea that white cops set out to kill black victims every day and here we caught one on video.  Closer examination reveals Officer Chauvin was called to the scene because he resisted arrest and two less experienced, less capable officers were unable to restrain him.

We saw the 'knee on the neck' claim change to 'knee on the neck area', a subtle but important distinction.

The Chief of Police would not say the neck (area) hold was wrong, but that he kept him in that hold too long.

The so-called 9 minute hold happened why?  Because Chauvin would not relent?  Why were they all there during that period?  They were waiting for an ambulance.  The officers undoubtedly knew that; the crowd that formed likely did not.

If you're trying to kill someone with the intended result being death, do you call an ambulance?

If an ambulance is already called and you know that, and a crowd including video cameras is watching you, is this a good time to intentionally kill someone - in the course of your job?

After all the worldwide scrutiny, the officer is accused of failing to make a different judgment call and ease his holdat some point during the 9 minutes, let's day at 2 or 3 minutes in, and see if he resists again.  Had he done that, ease up after a couple of minutes, would George Floyd be dead?  Honestly, we don't know.

What we do know is that if the prosecutors had one word or shred of evidence that Floyd was treated more harshly because he is black, they would have used it and they haven't.

Therefore, all of this is about second guessing one person's judgment in the heat of the moment while doing his job.  Worst case this makes unintentional, negligent homicide - so far - and we haven't heard the defense yet.  What say others?
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 12, 2021, 09:52:53 AM
I'm not seeing any reason whatsoever to keep the knee on once Floyd went out; even when the EMTs arrived.

Were I the officer what would occur to me at the very least would be to turn him on his back and elevate his legs or the cuffs behind made that difficult to put him on his side.
Title: Second degree - don't think this fits but others maybe
Post by: ccp on April 12, 2021, 10:05:29 AM

that said
who knows what the jury will think

I personally cannot look at that video
and not feel grief

 at watching a man being snuffed out before my eyes
  way beyond what was necessary or reasonable
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: DougMacG on April 12, 2021, 10:29:49 AM
I'm not seeing any reason whatsoever to keep the knee on once Floyd went out; even when the EMTs arrived.

Were I the officer what would occur to me at the very least would be to turn him on his back and elevate his legs or the cuffs behind made that difficult to put him on his side.

That makes sense to me. 

Had he done that, remove the knee once Floyd went out, would George Floyd be alive today?  [Probably not]  Would he face the same charges?  [Probably yes.]
Title: Here we go again
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 12, 2021, 01:42:05 PM
Title: Don't taze me Sis!
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 12, 2021, 09:52:58 PM
Title: Harris- biden
Post by: ccp on April 13, 2021, 04:57:10 AM

yesterday announced Crump representing Duante family

he seems to have a monopoly in this prized niche

again, no one on left mentions nearly everyone of these situations arise after resisting arrest for legitimate purposes

as far as gun rather then tazer going off
   of course a tragedy
   but why did the officer have to reach for either
in a man who knew he escaped police before ,  failed to show up to a court hearing,  would have known he had warrant for arrest .......

as Hannity pointed out :

where is the outrage when a police officer gets killed ?

Title: Re: Law Enforcement, Duante
Post by: DougMacG on April 13, 2021, 08:42:27 AM
A horrible mistake.  This fellow didn't deserve to die.  That said, he put himself in the situation where the horrible mistake could happen.

Separate from the mistake, was it the correct move for the officer to taze him?  I assume yes.  He was clearly fleeing arrest and police have the responsibility to take reasonable measures to stop that.

ccp:  "no one on left mentions nearly everyone of these situations arise after resisting arrest for legitimate purposes"

Also part of the talk Keith Ellison and others doesn't give when calming the crowds.
1. If you are law abiding citizen or made a small mistake or pulled over and did nothing wrong... answer just what you need to, make the incident as unmemorable for the officer as possible and say thank you when he hands you the ticket.  The rest, like fighting the charges or calling the officer out as a liar etc., gets handled through the prosecutor, courts, judge and due process.
2. If you are a real criminal, or accused of a real crime, or of a color and view that officers are out to get you, you should be even more polite and compliant, and address your complaints at the next steps in the justice system.

We are talking about this far and wide because of race: "Black man shot by police", not because someone was shot.  Just checking the news, there is this:
28 shot, 4 fatally, in Chicago over weekend
Isn't that worse?  They were perhaps all black.  Not a word from - choose your Left leader, Biden, Sharpton Ellison or our half black VP.

By the second day of this story we pretty much know it was not about race.  It was about fleeing, making a sudden move against people who are armed, forced someone with a loaded gun to make a sudden reaction, in this case the wrong one.  How can you say the officer made a mistake without also saying the deceased made a mistake, or series of mistakes?!

The officer [I heard this morning] is/was a 26 year veteran of that police force.

Brooklyn Center is an inner ring suburb of Minneapolis that has absorbed the spillover of problems from north Minneapolis, which has a spillover effect of people leaving places like Chicago and Detroit.  Some come to escape the crime; some come to commit the crimes.  By this measure, Brooklyn Center is more dangerous than 94% of US cities:

I'm not sure what significance that context has here.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: ccp on April 13, 2021, 10:04:46 AM
".By the second day of this story we pretty much know it was not about race.  It was about fleeing, making a sudden move against people who are armed, forced someone with a loaded gun to make a sudden reaction, in this case the wrong one.  How can you say the officer made a mistake without also saying the deceased made a mistake, or series of mistakes?!"

no it is long overdue to fight back against all the race hustling

NO NEED TO APOLOGIZE either anymore

STOP playing their game

Title: Clown Show America
Post by: G M on April 13, 2021, 11:37:10 AM
Title: Re: Law Enforcement, Officer charged
Post by: DougMacG on April 14, 2021, 11:02:35 AM
Former Brooklyn Center police officer Kimberly Potter will be charged with second-degree manslaughter in the shooting death of Daunte Wright.  The charge carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.

Daunte's alleged crimes (illegal firearm, aggravated robbery) include him using a gun perhaps similar to the one that ended his life? Wasn't Daunte risking accidental discharge also (and ending an innocent life) in the commission of the crime that led his warrant and this incident?

"In 2019, Wright was arrested twice in one week, including for aggravated robbery, a felony. In summer 2020, a warrant went out for Wright after he violated the terms of his 2019 release. For good measure, Wright then allegedly committed another pair of offenses when he was found brandishing an illegal firearm and fled from police (who were able to recognize him based on past encounters)"

    - I looked up Daunte's criminal record and all I see for convictions are two petty misdemeanors.  At the link above they have court documents on those charges and court appearances, but how does this drag out two years without acquittal or conviction?  His 2019 arrest and release (and continuances, no doubt) fell into the Covid-based court shutdown of 2020?  In April of 2021, justice was still pending? 

If it was the Covid court closings of 2020 that kept his trial from happening, it's pretty bad that getting a fair trial for the accused and getting criminals convicted and off the street are considered non-essential activities.

Title: Duante - dangerous person
Post by: ccp on April 14, 2021, 11:45:25 AM

what is the legal story about

this?    inadmissible from defense unless the prosecution brings this up

This guy was a dangerous person........
but that might prejudice the jury  :-o
Title: Re: Law Enforcement, Officer charged
Post by: G M on April 14, 2021, 01:14:11 PM

Former Brooklyn Center police officer Kimberly Potter will be charged with second-degree manslaughter in the shooting death of Daunte Wright.  The charge carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.

Daunte's alleged crimes (illegal firearm, aggravated robbery) include him using a gun perhaps similar to the one that ended his life? Wasn't Daunte risking accidental discharge also (and ending an innocent life) in the commission of the crime that led his warrant and this incident?

"In 2019, Wright was arrested twice in one week, including for aggravated robbery, a felony. In summer 2020, a warrant went out for Wright after he violated the terms of his 2019 release. For good measure, Wright then allegedly committed another pair of offenses when he was found brandishing an illegal firearm and fled from police (who were able to recognize him based on past encounters)"

    - I looked up Daunte's criminal record and all I see for convictions are two petty misdemeanors.  At the link above they have court documents on those charges and court appearances, but how does this drag out two years without acquittal or conviction?  His 2019 arrest and release (and continuances, no doubt) fell into the Covid-based court shutdown of 2020?  In April of 2021, justice was still pending? 

If it was the Covid court closings of 2020 that kept his trial from happening, it's pretty bad that getting a fair trial for the accused and getting criminals convicted and off the street are considered non-essential activities.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: ccp on April 14, 2021, 01:22:51 PM
". "

not only this

we don't even know who the police officer is.
identity is under lock and key!!!

must be no race story to pedal here folks
And I guess since the police officer was protecting the politicians (democrats)
not the little people

maybe he /she is black?
move along
Title: A theory of taser-weapon confusion
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 14, 2021, 06:21:39 PM
Title: Re: Law Enforcement- Daunte
Post by: DougMacG on April 15, 2021, 09:02:14 AM
One more small point on the Daunte killing, there was a woman in his car when the officer tried to stop him from turning a warrant arrest situation into potentially a high speed chase scene.  Besides others who may get hurt in his path, wasn't it reasonable to think this woman would be in immediate danger if Daunte was not stopped?

Good analogy there to medical errors - that seem to happen all the time.
Those are trained personnel.  Before right knee surgery, don't the put an X on the right knee, so they don't cut the left.  Amputations I suspect are even more careful. 
Amazing similarity!    From the article: “The weight of a firearm is different, the feel of it, the trigger, the trigger pull”

Regarding carpentry, people say 'measure twice, cut once', which I think is nonsense.  Measure carefully, take your time, give it your maximum, undivided attention, get it right, and cut.  This situation is different.  She took the time to follow proper procedure, hollering taser twice, warning her fellow officers, warning the suspect, but was she supposed to take her eyes off the suspect, check her weapon, stop and think what she may be missing... not possible in the situation, and the cause of the immediacy of the problem was Daunte, not her.

Mistaking gun for taser doesn't happen often, but it happens.

Title: resisting arrest in Black and White
Post by: ccp on April 15, 2021, 02:40:28 PM
the comments section is more revealing then
the article

like said in the past, people can always find a study and turn the stats on their head:

the violent crime rate is highest among Blacks proportionately

does not that explain the obvious
   as far as I can tell
Title: Re: resisting arrest
Post by: G M on April 15, 2021, 04:17:10 PM
Yes, I'm sure the bodycam footage shows the black arrestees charged with resisting meekly turning around and cuffing up...

the comments section is more revealing then
the article

like said in the past, people can always find a study and turn the stats on their head:

the violent crime rate is highest among Blacks proportionately

does not that explain the obvious
   as far as I can tell
Title: Re: Law Enforcement, George Floyd
Post by: DougMacG on April 16, 2021, 06:41:28 AM
I'm not seeing any reason whatsoever to keep the knee on once Floyd went out; even when the EMTs arrived.

Were I the officer what would occur to me at the very least would be to turn him on his back and elevate his legs or the cuffs behind made that difficult to put him on his side.

This case goes to the jury Monday. I've been seeing it from the reasonable doubt point of view, drug overdose and
other issues, but I have not watched the trial.  Scott Johnson, an attorney and Powerline co-founder attended and reported daily on it locally, tried to take it all in from the jury's point of view, finds the prosecution's case overwhelming, expects guilty verdict.

No one expected officer Chauvin to testify, but if you are about to be found guilty of murder for judgment you exercised in the heat ofvthe moment on the job, why would you not insist on telling your side of the story?

What does the mob do with a guilty verdict?  Go home or celebrate by burning the town down?
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: ccp on April 16, 2021, 10:32:22 AM
".No one expected officer Chauvin to testify, but if you are about to be found guilty of murder for judgment you exercised in the heat ofvthe moment on the job, why would you not insist on telling your side of the story?"

perhaps the defense was concerned this would open the door so that his past record and complaints of brutality would be presented to the jury.

I am pretending to be a lawyer.


Title: Evil Law Enforcement in Boston
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 16, 2021, 03:01:40 PM
Title: Guardian: LEOs crowd funding Kyle Rittenhouse, more
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 16, 2021, 03:23:07 PM

Leftist link... article copied below.

A data breach at a Christian crowdfunding website has revealed that serving police officers and public officials have donated money to fundraisers for accused vigilante murderers, far-right activists, and fellow officers accused of shooting black Americans. In many of these cases, the donations were attached to their official email addresses, raising questions about the use of public resources in supporting such campaigns.

The breach, shared with journalists by transparency group Distributed Denial of Secrets, revealed the details of some donors who had previously attempted to conceal their identities using GiveSendGo’s anonymity feature, but whose identifying details the website preserved.

The beneficiaries of donations from public officials include Kyle Rittenhouse, who stands accused of murdering two leftwing protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last August. Rittenhouse traveled from neighboring Illinois to, by his own account, offer armed protection to businesses during protests over the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

Rittenhouse, who became a cause célèbre across conservative media throughout late 2020, and was even supported by then president Donald Trump, held a fundraiser on GiveSendGo billed as a contribution to his legal defense. According to data from the site, he raised $586,940 between 27 August last year and 7 January .

Among the donors were several associated with email addresses traceable to police and other public officials.

One donation for $25, made on 3 September last year, was made anonymously, but associated with the official email address for Sgt William Kelly, who currently serves as the executive officer of internal affairs in the Norfolk police department in Virginia.

That donation also carried a comment, reading: “God bless. Thank you for your courage. Keep your head up. You’ve done nothing wrong.”

The comment continued: “Every rank and file police officer supports you. Don’t be discouraged by actions of the political class of law enforcement leadership.”

Another Rittenhouse donor using an official email address was Craig Shepherd, who public records show is a paramedic in Utah. This donor gave $10 to Rittenhouse on 30 August.

Donations also came to Rittenhouse associated with official email addresses for Keith Silvers, and employee of the city of Huntsville, Alabama, and another $100 was associated with the official address of Michael Crosley, an engineer at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, a body which is charged with maintaining the US’s nuclear weapons stockpile.

Meanwhile, several Wisconsin police officers donated to a fundraiser, “Support Rusten Sheskey”, held for the Kenosha police department officer whose shooting of a black man, Jacob Blake, led to the protests that drew Rittenhouse to the city.

Two $20 donations to Sheskey’s fund were associated with email addresses of a pair of lieutenants in Green Bay, Wisconsin’s police department. One, given under the name, “GBPD Officer”, was tied to an address associated with Chad Ramos, a training lieutenant in the department; another anonymous donation was associated with Keith A Gehring, who is listed as a school resources officer lieutenant.

Another donation to Sheskey was associated with the official email address of officer Pat Gainer of the Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin police department. Given under the screen name “PPPD Motor 179”, the donation also carried the comment: “Stay strong brother.”

About 32 more donations, totaling more than $5,000, came to Sheskey from private email addresses associated with Kenosha officers, but under badge numbers rather than names.

More anonymous donations on the site came from city employees of Houston, Texas, who were objecting to the actions of the then police chief, Art Acevedo, who fired four Houston police officers after they shot and killed a man, Nicolas Chavez, who was on his knees, and in an apparent mental health crisis.

One anonymous donation of $100 was associated with the official address of that city’s fire chief, Samuel Peña, who has himself faced recent employee revolts over cost-cutting, but who has been publicly supportive of Acevedo, describing him in a tweet as a “brother & partner in Public Safety” in March, when Acevedo announced that he would be taking up an appointment as Miami’s chief of police.

Another anonymous donation of $400 was attributed in site data to an email linked to Chris Andersen and carried the comment: “I think that Chief Acevedo is part of the ‘unrecognized form of police corruption’ that Chris Anderson [sic] wrote about in his book’. Hang in there guys!!!”

Andersen’s book, The Sniper: Hunting A Serial Killer – A True Story, purports to tell the story of the hunt for a serial killer by Houston police at a time when “the United States was experiencing a wave of civil discontent regarding the unwarranted shootings (either true or perceived) of black men by law enforcement (the Black Lives Matter era)”.

In his Amazon bio, Andersen describes himself as a “39-year veteran of the Houston police department”, and as having worked in roles including homicide detective, supervising a Swat team and internal affairs.

In an email, the Green Bay police chief, Andrew Smith, wrote of the donations that “we are looking into the matter”, but added on Sheskey’s actions that his department “does not take a position on other agencies use of force”.

Lynda Seaver, director of public affairs at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, wrote in an email that Michael Crosley had made “an honest mistake”, and had “never intended to use his Lab email on this matter”.

All other agencies and individuals who were included in the Guardian’s reporting did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

The Guardian previously reported on the use of the site for fundraising purposes for far-right groups like the Proud Boys, who have been banned from other crowdfunding platforms after violent incidents including the alleged participation of members of the group in an attack on the United States Capitol building on 6 January.
Title: The Failure of Defund the Police
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 16, 2021, 04:32:08 PM

"But as many of us have pointed out in the past few years, America’s major cities, particularly the ones that have tense relationships between black communities and heavily white police forces, are almost entirely Democratic run. Their city councils are Democratic. Their mayors are Democratic. In many cases, the governors of the states are Democratic. In the majority of these circumstances, there are no Republicans to blame. And for a little while, some non-conservative media institutions started asking the uncomfortable question of why Democrats, who insisted they always opposed racism, ran cities where African Americans perceived the police forces as irredeemably racist. "

Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: DougMacG on April 18, 2021, 10:06:31 AM
".No one expected officer Chauvin to testify, but if you are about to be found guilty of murder for judgment you exercised in the heat ofvthe moment on the job, why would you not insist on telling your side of the story?"

perhaps the defense was concerned this would open the door so that his past record and complaints of brutality would be presented to the jury.

From what I hear, defense was afraid of Chauvin facing a cross examination by the prosecutor of the original 9 minute video made into broken down, minute by minute, second by second.  'Officer, he hasn't moved or shown signs of life in 20 seconds, what are you thinking now as you continue to hold him with the weight of your knee on his neck area?  At one minute, two minutes, three minutes, jury watching the film for the umpteenth time, what are you now thinking about the last time he said he can't breathe?  Advance the video, stop the video, what you thinking now as you continue the hold?  And so on. Did you check for a pulse?  Is he still resisting?  Did you think he could even get up on his own if you let up on your hold.  Did you think to roll him over - after another officer suggested putting him on his side.  Could he pull a knife or a gun with his hands handcuffed behind his back.  What other holds have you been trained on?  Wouldn't one of those have worked here, after he has been still for 4 minutes, 5 minutes?  In the entire incident, did he try to harm an officer or anyone else? If he started to get aggressive at this point, you have 3 more officers with you, do you think you could handle that possibility, and so on.  What if the ambulance did not come at all and he had not moved or struggled, when would you have changed the position...
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: ccp on April 18, 2021, 02:06:47 PM
"What if the ambulance did not come at all and he had not moved or struggled, when would you have changed the position..."

it seems when the hearse drove up....

Title: capital police officer identity concealed
Post by: ccp on April 19, 2021, 08:03:56 AM

a more detailed account :

My beef is not with the capital officer
as for me people crashing into the Capital is worthy of armed resistance

my beef is the double msm standard for law enforcement
Title: Andrew McCarthy
Post by: ccp on April 19, 2021, 10:03:13 AM
The ex prosecutor would choose manslaughter as most appropriate conviction

and gives very detailed rational argument as to why:
Title: Re: Andrew McCarthy
Post by: DougMacG on April 19, 2021, 11:00:28 AM
The ex prosecutor would choose manslaughter as most appropriate conviction

and gives very detailed rational argument as to why:

The verdict may say guilty on all counts.  If the above turns out to be true, the verdict will read not guilty twice before it reads guilty once to the third charge of negligent homicide.

To the layman, these 3 charges are very similar, none involve intentional murder:

What is second-degree unintentional murder?
For a conviction of second-degree unintentional murder, the state's prosecutors will have to show beyond a reasonable doubt that Chauvin caused Floyd's death while assaulting him. This is the most serious charge and carries a presumed sentence in this case of 10 3⁄4 years to 15 years, according to state sentencing guidelines.

What is third-degree murder?
Third-degree murder requires prosecutors to prove that someone caused the death of another "by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life." Legal experts note that the definition of "depraved mind" is murky— as is the legal line between "depraved mind" and the "culpable negligence" standard for manslaughter.

What is second-degree manslaughter?
In order to convict Chauvin of second-degree manslaughter, prosecutors will need to show beyond a reasonable doubt that he was "culpably negligent" and took an "unreasonable risk" with Floyd's life when he restrained him and that his actions put Floyd at risk of death or great harm. Prosecutors do not have to prove that Chauvin's actions intended to cause Floyd's death, only that his actions put Floyd at risk of death or great bodily harm.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 19, 2021, 11:52:52 AM
Title: Re: Law Enforcement, Dershowitz on Daunte case
Post by: DougMacG on April 20, 2021, 06:29:15 AM
Kim Potter should not be charged.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement, Chauvin trial
Post by: DougMacG on April 20, 2021, 06:52:11 AM
I watched the defense closing, the rebuttal and the words of the judge at the end.  Though I missed the strongest testimonies of the prosecution witnesses, I find the reasonable doubt argument of the defense compelling and the rebuttal to be at least partly bullshit.

My own immediate best interests would be best served by a guilty, guilty, guilty verdict,  but I would still be stuck not knowing what George Floyd died of, nor would I know if that is what the evidence said or if that is what the jurors believe is expected of them by others, inside and outside the jury room.

The unfair trial issue is separate.  Chauvin will be in prison waiting for that appeal to happen and the pressure against going backward at that point will be just as unfair.

The threat of burning the city, maybe the world down if not guilty is very loud, very public and very real, not avoidable to the non sequestered jury, who enter an otherwise closed giant building that occupies two blocks downtown surrounded with concrete barriers with barbed wire, went home last week to martial law, hears the Governor speaking of the validity of the rage DURING the trial and then the Maxine Waters story, and more. None of that taints the case or the jury?
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: ccp on April 20, 2021, 07:09:57 AM
If you gets the manslaughter charge
are we still going to see riots

the back lash to the riots will be bigger despite what MSM will portray

majority of Americans are fed up
Title: Dershowitz
Post by: ccp on April 20, 2021, 03:38:15 PM

“I think there will be a conviction, at least on the manslaughter charge. The issue will go to the Court of Appeals,” he said on Newsmax. “And will the Court of Appeals have the courage to reverse this conviction on the ground … that the jury was subjected to intimidation tactics, not only by Waters but by others as well who threatened violence in the event of an acquittal or a lesser charge than murder?

No, no court will have he courage.   
Title: Law Enforcement: Fair trial? Chauvin
Post by: DougMacG on April 21, 2021, 07:52:48 AM
12 jurors on 3 counts voted exactly the same, 36 votes the same.  Not one bought the defense argument of reasonable doubt that, for one thing, 3 times the fatal dose of fentanyl was a significant contributing factor.  Great.  But what if one or more jurors did have doubt on one or more counts?  Is it reasonable to assume that, had one juror held out against the rest on even one count, he or she would have felt secure in voting his or her conscience, and not expect be called out, doxxed, shamed, harassed, perhaps attacked, murdered with family by a relentless mob, and be the focal point of the violence sure to follow?

News that the jurors were not sequestered from:

Jury came home last Monday to martial law ordered by the Governor over violence expected related to this case.
Vandals threw a pig's head [and smeared blood on the house] at the one-time home of a former California police officer who served as a defense witness
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 21, 2021, 09:18:53 AM
As a matter of logic, how can Chauvin be guilty of all three charges?  Aren't they mutually exclusive?
Title: good summary of legal definition of the 3 convictions & NYT as to why if works
Post by: ccp on April 21, 2021, 09:53:45 AM

to me 2nd degree manslaughter seems to be the most precise

NYT take :
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 21, 2021, 10:28:36 AM
paywall blocked by the NYT.

The USA Today piece:  Does this meet our concerns?

MINNEAPOLIS – Derek Chauvin, the former police officer seen on video pressing his knee to George Floyd's neck for more than nine minutes, was found guilty of all counts he was charged with, including second-degree murder, on Tuesday.

Chauvin, who is white, was charged with second-degree and third-degree murder, as well as second-degree manslaughter in the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, while in police custody.

Cell phone video of the incident went viral and touched off months of protests in the U.S. and abroad condemning police brutality and calling for racial justice. The widely watched trial, which began in March with jury selection, was livestreamed —Minnesota's first criminal case to be televised.

Chauvin faces a recommended 150 months or 12 1/2 years in prison under sentencing guidelines for first-time offenders. But the prosecution is seeking a higher prison term due to "aggravating factors." So he may face up to 30 years in prison though the judge may sentence him to less.

Here's what to know about the charges:

Guilty: Second-degree murder charge
Second-degree murder is causing the death of a human being, without intent to cause that death, while committing or attempting to commit another felony. In this case, the felony was third-degree assault. Chauvin was charged with committing or intentionally aiding in the commission of this crime.

To convict Chauvin on this count, Judge Peter Cahill told jurors they must find that the former officer intended to commit an assault that could cause bodily harm or intentionally aided in committing such an assault.

“It is not necessary for the state to prove the defendant had an intent to kill Floyd. But it must prove that the defendant committed, or attempted to commit, the underlying felony,” the judge said.

Cahill added that the state must prove that the assault either inflicted bodily harm on Floyd or was intended to commit bodily harm. That essentially could include loss of consciousness, the judge said.

“It is not necessary for the state to prove that the defendant intended to inflict substantial bodily harm, or knew that his actions would inflict substantial bodily harm, only that the defendant intended to commit the assault, and George Floyd sustained substantial bodily harm,” Cahill said.

Guilty: Third-degree murder charge

Third-degree murder is unintentionally causing someone’s death by committing an act that is eminently dangerous to other persons while exhibiting a depraved mind, with reckless disregard for human life. Chauvin was accused of committing or intentionally aiding in the commission of this crime.

Under Minnesota law, an act that is eminently dangerous is one that “is highly likely to cause death,” Cahill told jurors. “The defendant’s act may not have been specifically intended to cause death,” and “it may not have been specifically directed at the person whose death occurred, but it must have been committed with a conscious indifference to the loss of life,” said the judge.

Chauvin expected to file appeal of guilty verdict. Here's what that could mean.
The struggle for public trust begins anew: What experts think will happen next.

Cahill ruled last fall that this charge did not fit the Chauvin case because the statute required a showing of danger to other persons. However, a Minnesota appeals court in February upheld the third-degree murder conviction of former Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor, who fatally shot Justine Ruszczyk Damond in 2017. Noor's actions were focused solely on Damond.

During jury selection in the Chauvin trial, the appeals court ruled that Cahill should not have dismissed this charge. He subsequently reinstated the allegation. The Minnesota Supreme Court is scheduled to hear an appeal of the Noor decision in June.

Guilty: Second-degree manslaughter charge

Second-degree manslaughter is culpable negligence where a person creates an unreasonable risk and consciously takes the chance of causing death or great bodily harm to someone else. Chauvin was charged with committing or intentionally aiding in the commission of this crime.

“Culpable negligence is intentional conduct that the defendant may not have intended to be harmful, but that an ordinary and reasonably prudent person would recognize as having a strong probability of causing injury to others,” Cahill told jurors.

In summing up his legal instructions on the charges, Cahill told the jury there is no crime if a line of duty police officer uses reasonable force to make a lawful arrest. He instructed the jurors to consider the "totality of the facts and circumstances" in deciding whether Chauvin's actions had been reasonable.

Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: G M on April 21, 2021, 12:52:08 PM
As a matter of logic, how can Chauvin be guilty of all three charges?  Aren't they mutually exclusive?

I don't know MN law, but when I was in LE, all the other, lesser murder charges were included in the highest one. Stacking charges like this doesn't seem legal, but the rule of law is deader than St. Floyd.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 21, 2021, 01:38:08 PM
The writing/thinking is less than first rate, but the deeper question about instinctive support of law enforcement authorities (notice the distinction from "the rule of law/law enforcement") remains:

Something like this would be an example:
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: G M on April 21, 2021, 02:40:02 PM
The rule of law is dead. Mob fueled Anarcho-Tyranny is how things work in the FUSA.

The writing/thinking is less than first rate, but the deeper question about instinctive support of law enforcement authorities (notice the distinction from "the rule of law/law enforcement") remains:

Something like this would be an example:
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: G M on April 21, 2021, 04:26:43 PM

Anyone think Lebron will face any consequences? Anything at all?

The rule of law is dead. Mob fueled Anarcho-Tyranny is how things work in the FUSA.

The writing/thinking is less than first rate, but the deeper question about instinctive support of law enforcement authorities (notice the distinction from "the rule of law/law enforcement") remains:

Something like this would be an example:
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: ccp on April 21, 2021, 04:38:22 PM
Every American should stop going or watching the NBA

can he be sued for verbal assaults and reckless endangerment?

how about for a billion dollars
maybe that would get his attention

I cannot see a more justified use of deadly force then watching an attempted murder being prevented (not committed )
   by a trained police officer
indeed he is a hero
amazing how good his marksmanship was to not have hit the victim

time for police officers to look for other jobs

I feels sorry for them

Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: G M on April 21, 2021, 04:51:07 PM


Every American should stop going or watching the NBA

can he be sued for verbal assaults and reckless endangerment?

how about for a billion dollars
maybe that would get his attention

I cannot see a more justified use of deadly force then watching an attempted murder being committed
   by a trained police officer
indeed he is a hero
amazing how good his marksmanship was to not have hit the victim

time for police officers to look for other jobs

I feels sorry for them
Title: The Message of the Chauvin Verdict
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 21, 2021, 08:31:38 PM
Title: Re: The Message of the Chauvin Verdict
Post by: G M on April 21, 2021, 08:35:33 PM
The message is mob rule.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: DougMacG on April 22, 2021, 07:31:03 AM
quote author=G M:
"The message is mob rule."

From the article:  There is cause for concern about whether Chauvin received a fair trial, an issue that is separate from the strength of the evidence"

The trial, as televised, was fair.  Everything outside the trial was not, and everything outside the trial got inside the trial via the jury, the only people who matter in the outcome.

All jurors were biased by what they saw and heard before they became jurors.  That was unavoidable, but how do you not change the venue out of the city that is more than threatened to be destroyed over this?  This case was so hot that no other venue would take it.  Those were extreme circumstances for a trial.  If it is possible and legal to sequester a jury in any circumstance, how do you not do that in this circumstance?

Judge said, (paraphrasing) I instructed the jury to not watch the news and I trust they followed those instructions.

But that is false and not possible.  Announcement of the so called "curfew" Monday, more accurately Martial Law, which is news, went out like an amber alert to everyone with a cell phone and everyone who knows anyone with a cell phone.  Is the judge telling us these 12 people are the only people out of 3 1/2 million who didn't know the news about the lockdown - which was all about violence promised for the wrong (jury)outcome?  It was not possible to not know the world closed at 6pm on a sunny, weekday spring evening.  If you carried on your regular activities, you would be the only one out.   Everyone knew you could be arrested (or shot?) if you so much as crossed the street to get the mail, and there were arrests.  I posted that night it was eery, like the evening of 9/11 or worse to have everyone on house arrest.

But the jury didn't watch the news, didn't know the real threat of violence?  That is not possible.
Title: more huge evidence of white supremacy and police brutality
Post by: ccp on April 22, 2021, 08:59:53 AM

Was in Perth Amboy few weeks back to pick up a pizza
I would have been pulled over if not for being white for sure

huge Latin community in Perth.

this is world shaking news ........... :roll: :roll:
Title: BurnLootMURDER!
Post by: G M on April 22, 2021, 02:49:35 PM
Title: Doug's new police department
Post by: G M on April 22, 2021, 05:15:40 PM
Title: Re: Doug's new police department
Post by: G M on April 22, 2021, 07:00:30 PM
Title: Re: Doug's new police department
Post by: G M on April 22, 2021, 09:43:46 PM


Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: ccp on April 23, 2021, 05:45:14 AM
police need "more training"

Tucker had a humorous clip of Bruce Lee kicking a knife out of attackers hands

I was thinking of all those old Westerns when the hero shoots the gun or knife out of the attackers hand
at 50 paces while jumping out of the path of the bullet

Why did not the Columbus officer shoot that girls right hand ?

They need more training...


all these armchair
  restrospective   analysts...... :roll:

Title: one additional thought
Post by: ccp on April 23, 2021, 06:38:12 AM
How many movies and TV shows

that show the police who show up just in the nick of time and shoot a killer just before he stabs or shoots the victim to death?

This scene is right out of Hollywood

but this time is was for real

Hollywood will have to ban all those shows (10,000s) for being politically in correct

From now on they need to have the officers show up and tazer the murderer /assaulter or have a social worker or employment officer come instead and lovingly talk the perp out of plunging the knife into someone  or pull the trigger , all within milliseconds

to see the Cuomo endlessly virtue signal what a great righteous human being he is and so loving to Blacks.

when someone has to keep telling people how honest they are , how righteous they areover and over. again , it suggests something is rotten in Denmark

just my take
Title: Re: Law Enforcement: Fair trial? Chauvin
Post by: G M on April 23, 2021, 08:43:17 AM

12 jurors on 3 counts voted exactly the same, 36 votes the same.  Not one bought the defense argument of reasonable doubt that, for one thing, 3 times the fatal dose of fentanyl was a significant contributing factor.  Great.  But what if one or more jurors did have doubt on one or more counts?  Is it reasonable to assume that, had one juror held out against the rest on even one count, he or she would have felt secure in voting his or her conscience, and not expect be called out, doxxed, shamed, harassed, perhaps attacked, murdered with family by a relentless mob, and be the focal point of the violence sure to follow?

News that the jurors were not sequestered from:

Jury came home last Monday to martial law ordered by the Governor over violence expected related to this case.
Vandals threw a pig's head [and smeared blood on the house] at the one-time home of a former California police officer who served as a defense witness
Title: intimidation worked
Post by: ccp on April 23, 2021, 08:58:16 AM
and Justice Jeanine Pirro
suddenly decides to choose virtue signaling and

tells us jury system worked and jury came up with correct verdict
despite the letters of the law not being consistent with verdict

 who has first rate legal mind has it right

Title: A sign of the rot within
Post by: G M on April 23, 2021, 07:25:34 PM

Title: Teen killed as he tries to shoot police
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 24, 2021, 09:53:43 AM
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: ccp on April 24, 2021, 11:25:17 AM
"Bodycam video shows teen struggling for gun before being shot by cops"

Race hustlers studying this closely
  may still find way to spin on CNN

some sort of race angle

would more training of the officers till they become 8 th dan martial artist have avoided this ?

MORE TRAINING and more classes on racial sensitivity

One thing for sure is we will not here any leftist speaking out about minorities who resist arrest
Title: It's going to get much worse
Post by: G M on April 24, 2021, 02:28:54 PM
Title: This is due to white supremacy
Post by: ccp on April 26, 2021, 05:40:36 AM

if this was not at airport they might have pulled knives

like most kids do growing up

were any arrests made?
i bet they were let on to the airplane too
just a kid thing
 we all did this did we not?

Title: Law Enforcement Issues, Babylon Bee takes a poke at the Floyd Chau "fair trial"
Post by: DougMacG on April 26, 2021, 02:59:55 PM

David Horowitz:
Their threat, No “Justice” No Peace, is a threat that more cities will be attacked, more people will die – perhaps even Chauvin case jurors – if the verdicts they want aren’t delivered. This is a criminal movement with a criminal mission: to substitute its own vigilante justice for America’s justice.

And this:
"alternate juror describes fear among jury"

[Leftist] "Mob rule"
Title: Cops shoot people of different races for the same reasons
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 28, 2021, 05:31:32 AM

Could someone paste this here please?
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: ccp on April 28, 2021, 06:02:51 AM
Title: Chauvin jury - "12 angry men" with different outcome
Post by: ccp on April 28, 2021, 04:39:30 PM
Title: Attention Valerie and LeBron
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 28, 2021, 08:01:08 PM

Title: The Stupid is Strong with these 13+ cities
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 29, 2021, 06:39:53 AM
Title: GA: Shoot to incapacitate
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 08, 2021, 08:02:47 AM
Title: Chauvin verdict could be overturned
Post by: ccp on May 08, 2021, 08:31:28 AM
  and the Democract legal mob ready to charge him with multiple other "Federal" crimes
  just in case.

 Due process........

Garland - thank God he never made it to the SC - yet.

Title: ROEs for Law Enforcement
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 12, 2021, 07:05:41 AM
Title: Noonan reviews book on Secret Service
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 21, 2021, 11:32:24 AM
Save the Secret Service
A new book charting a venerable institution’s decline should serve as a wake-up call for officials.

By Peggy Noonan
May 20, 2021 6:18 pm ET

Here is journalism as a true and honest public service: Carol Leonnig’s new book, “Zero Fail,” about the rise and fall of the Secret Service. It is just terrific, to use a phrase from the 1960s, when the service became universally admired. The Washington Post reporter interviewed more than 180 people including current and former agents, directors and other officials, and worked under some pressure: Secret Service leaders and alumni had vowed to attack her work, she says, on the grounds she meant only to embarrass the institution. But she is “in awe of the agents and officers” who do what they do each day. It’s clear she means to save the agency from many forces, including itself.

The service’s reputation has been battered the past two decades by embarrassing scandals involving agents and managers, but the greater problem is that it is no longer keeping the president safe. “Agents and officers gave me a guided tour, showing me step by step how the Secret Service was becoming a paper tiger,” weakened by bad leadership, underfunding, an insular culture and declining professionalism. It is painful reading because Secret Service agents have been unique among government workers in that everyone knew of them and admired them. They live in the American imagination as what they’ve long been and still often are: focused, ethical, no-nonsense, alert. Dwight Eisenhower called them “soldiers out of uniform.” When I worked with them, they were the pros on the premises; they were dashing even when they weren’t dashing.

Their primary job: to keep the president safe and if necessary take a bullet for him. That is literally what agent Tim McCarthy did during the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981. There too was agent Jerry Parr, who bundled the seemingly unhurt Reagan into the car and, after seeing pinkish, oxygenated blood on his mouth, countermanded an order and got him straight to the emergency room. (Wonderful arcana included by Ms. Leonnig: When Parr was a kid he saw a 1939 movie, “Code of the Secret Service,” which made him want to be an agent. The central character, fearless agent Brass Bancroft, was played by Ronald Reagan, whose life Parr saved some four decades later. Life is full of strange, unseen circularities.)

If you remember the JFK shooting you remember agent Clint Hill running to the president’s car when he heard the first shot, jumping on the back step as the car sped up, stumbling, hauling himself over the trunk and situating his body so if there were more shots they would get him instead.

What lore, what a tradition of valor. But the 21st century has been pretty much a disaster for the service; that is when the deterioration of the institution really began to show. There was a major expansion of duties, new missions and responsibilities, plus poor leadership, bad management and growing unprofessionalism. And it was always underfunded. In 2002 U.S. News & World Report revealed serious misbehavior in the highest ranks. The Secret Service was humiliated in 2012 when a dozen agents and officers were accused of turning a presidential trip to Cartagena, Colombia, “into a kind of Vegas bachelor party, complete with heavy drinking and prostitutes.” Men and women of the service had been known for “tireless and selfless vigilance.” Suddenly they were becoming known for “blackout drinking, bar brawls, and car accidents.”

In the Obama years the service was scrambling to cover up security breaches. Someone took shots at the White House. An uninvited couple waltzed past guards to attend a presidential dinner. In 2014 a mentally ill veteran jumped the fence—he was the fifth jumper that year—and got as far as the East Room. He was carrying a knife. “In 29 seconds [Omar] Gonzalez had made his way from a public sidewalk to inside the White House. He had gotten directly past eight trained security professionals on a compound staffed with 154 men and women.”

It doesn’t seem to have helped that after 9/11 the service was removed from its longtime home in the Treasury Department and blended into the behemoth Department of Homeland Security. The idea was a wholesale reorganization of the government’s separate security agencies, which Senate Democrats pushed for and the Bush White House went along with and finally took the lead on. A new civil-defense agency would be created from parts of 40 different ones. It would, then, have 170,000 employees. The service didn’t really resist, Ms. Leonnig writes: “DHS might be their ticket to larger budgets.”

The intent of such reorganizations is always to make management and the flow of information more coherent, actions more coordinated. It looks good on paper, but something’s always sacrificed. More meetings with less institutional pertinence, more managing up. Less accountability because there are more closets in more corridors in which to hide more mischief. And less esprit, less a feeling of singularity, of lore and tradition, less pride. You’re not part of a mission, you’re an office drone within a beast.

There are heroes in the book. In 2005 uniformed officer Charles J. Baserap, assigned to the White House compound, was asked by superiors if he had any ideas on how to improve security. He was new, honored to be asked, wrote and signed a memo pointing out real security flaws. His superiors didn’t take it well. The day before he reached full career status, he was let go. But service members still pass around dog-eared copies of his memos. To them he’s a legend.

And there’s Rachel Weaver, staff director for Sen. Ron Johnson, the ranking Republican on the Homeland Security Committee. After Cartagena she tirelessly dug into what was going on at the Secret Service and uncovered a history of abuse and misbehavior.

In 2011 Julia Pierson, who would become the first female director, told the Office of Management and Budget her agency was “bankrupt.” Budget cuts led to understaffing and waves of uniformed-officer resignations. Ms. Leonnig: “Officers were fleeing simply because they were tired of working more than half of their days off, with no end in sight.” Agents on the president’s detail, due to be rotated out after years in the pressure cooker, were forced to stay so the agency could save relocation costs.

Some of the understaffing was due to a new hiring system. In the past, agents in field offices would recruit new agents: They knew what it took and could tell who’d wash out. But they mostly recruited beings like themselves: white men. Greater fairness and diversity were needed. So now people applied on the federal government’s USAJobs website. But field officers found themselves overwhelmed, having to interview hundreds of applicants who couldn’t meet basic fitness and security standards—physically or emotionally impaired, obese, oblivious. Applicants showed up in gym shorts. “Some said they couldn’t agree to a required home interview because their roommates didn’t like having cops around.”

Here is the ground this book breaks: its deep reporting reveals a decline not only in the service’s reputation but in its reality.

Something bad is going to happen if officials fail to act. Congress and the White House live in a world of emergencies, but if they don’t focus on the Secret Service, quickly, they’re going to have big trouble.

There’s a lot to build on. Save that old thing.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: ccp on May 22, 2021, 05:41:34 AM
I knew an agent in late 70s.

He said there were flaws then .

They could stop the crazies who announce they are going to "kill the president" in advance or show up at the White House front gate screaming and yelling

or the Reagan shooter (after he shoots the President and others)
or the squeaky Fromm

but a real professional hit job - maybe not

he would explain how you could disrupt the sensors on the White House lawn by having dogs let in to run around attracting attention while an assassin could gain entry.

I am not sure the hooker stuff is new either............
Title: Shots at St. George Floyd Square
Post by: G M on May 26, 2021, 10:24:21 AM
Title: Things are going great in Oakland!
Post by: G M on June 29, 2021, 11:52:35 AM
Title: dems now : WH supports "community policing" with funding proposals
Post by: ccp on July 12, 2021, 07:27:37 AM

This AM on MSLSD this is what they are not pushing
  and like the slimy Clintons and their media hound dogs
  they do it with straight faces and never mention it is a total about face
     after they look at poll #s.
Title: Tom Fitton : defund the FBI DOJ!
Post by: ccp on July 13, 2021, 08:00:36 AM
Title: White supremacy on the rise
Post by: ccp on July 25, 2021, 09:25:18 AM
so the politically correct lib BS USA Today article headlines steam:

Then go to left leaning Wikipedia
and ones sees

47% of estimated gang members in US are latin
31% black
13% white
6% Asian

yet all we here about is WHITE SUPREMACY!!!
Title: Disband the FBI
Post by: Crafty_Dog on July 28, 2021, 03:43:56 AM
Not a chance of this being considered, but an interesting mental exercise:
Title: A yr later police officer not to be charged
Post by: ccp on October 09, 2021, 10:07:18 AM
took the wokesters a yr to figure out what we could see in 2 minutes

that they don't have a case to turn this into a racial case:
Title: Minneapolis LE shooting: Reasonable and justified
Post by: DougMacG on October 12, 2021, 09:52:36 AM

[I was 3 blocks away from this when it happened.]
Title: Fed Prison System on Lockdown
Post by: Crafty_Dog on February 01, 2022, 04:43:20 PM
Federal Prison System Placed on Lockdown Nationwide After Deadly Incident
By Jack Phillips February 1, 2022 Updated: February 1, 2022biggersmaller Print
The U.S. federal prison system was placed on lockdown nationwide following a deadly incident at a Texas prison, officials said Monday.

“Multiple inmates were observed fighting at the United States Penitentiary Beaumont” in Texas, said the Federal Bureau of Prisons in a news release.

Prison staff then “immediately secured the area” but found inmate Guillermo Riojas and inmate Andrew Pineda with life-threatening injuries, prison officials said. They were transported to a nearby hospital, where they were both pronounced dead, the bureau said.

Meanwhile, it added, “Two additional inmates were transported to a local hospital for further medical assessment and treatment.”

Due to the incident, which was not described in detail by the Bureau of Prisons, the entire federal prison system was placed on temporary lockdown.

The agency said in a statement that it was acting out of an “abundance of caution” and facilities would be locked down as “a temporary measure to ensure the good order of our institutions.” Officials added, “We anticipate this security measure will be short-lived.”

Federal prison officials “will continue to monitor events carefully and will adjust its operations accordingly as the situation evolves,” the statement continued. “For safety and security reasons, the [Bureau of Prisons] does not elaborate on specific security procedures.”

Unnamed sources with the bureau told The Associated Press that the incident involving the Beaumont inmates was linked to the MS-13 street gang.

Rojas was serving a 38-year prison term for carjacking and other charges, while Pineda was serving a six-year sentence for racketeering, the news release said.

During a nationwide lockdown of prisons, inmates are generally confined to their cells, and visitors aren’t allowed. A number of prisons already have restrictions in place due to the two-year-long COVID-19 pandemic.

There are 122 federal prisons within the United States, according to the bureau’s website. USP Beaumont is considered a high-security facility with about 1,400 inmates, the website says.

Over the past several months, there have been reports of serious security issues within the federal prison system, including deaths and stabbings. In January, the Department of Justice, which oversees the Bureau of Prisons, confirmed to news outlets that the agency’s director, Michael Carvajal, is resigning from his post.

Carvajal, who took over the prison system in early 2020, “helped steer it during critical times, including during this historic pandemic,” said the Department of Justice in a statement. He will remain in his current role “until a new director” is named, the agency said.

The Epoch Times has contacted the Bureau of Prisons for comment.

Jack Phillips
Jack Phillips
Jack Phillips is a breaking news reporter at The Epoch Times based in New York.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement - Heroes
Post by: DougMacG on February 23, 2022, 10:02:57 AM
Title: Meanwhile, in what used to be America
Post by: G M on March 02, 2022, 09:05:22 PM

Obviously, it's Putin's fault!
Title: Re: Meanwhile, in what used to be America
Post by: DougMacG on March 03, 2022, 06:57:35 AM
quote G M:

I'm wondering if the liberal solution FOR WHAT THEY CAUSED will be a free earplug program for the gunfire noise pollution?

Are we sure it was a good idea to put more and more and more people on a path away from personal responsibility?

Even President Joe Biden said, fund, fund, fund the police, trying to mitigate the coming November wipe-out of his failed party.  Fund the prosecutors too, and the jails, but don't forget we are making the root causes worse everyday that the massive welfare programs continue.  The government is not a responsible provider.  Children need a provider (or two) who come home every night and ask about your schoolwork and your issues with the children on the playground.  Instead the Biden agenda is calling for more motherless homes with the great idea of free government childcare for all.  What could go wrong.

One candidate for Minnesota Governor is talking about the crisis of fatherless homes, black Republican Kendall Qualls.

Is anyone listening?
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: ccp on March 03, 2022, 07:14:04 AM
J ' Biden:


JOBS (for Ohio)

DEMS IN BACKGROUND  screaming USA USA with Pelosi standing and clapping
and clueless Kamala following Nancy's lead as to when to stand and clap.........

"Is anyone listening?"

can be adjusted to ask:

Is everyone laughing ?
Title: I am beyond disgusted
Post by: G M on May 27, 2022, 09:57:35 AM

Fucking cowards
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: ccp on May 27, 2022, 10:40:10 AM
when the moment of truth came they failed to live up their mandate

not everyone is Dirty Harry

Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: G M on May 27, 2022, 08:47:53 PM
when the moment of truth came they failed to live up their mandate

not everyone is Dirty Harry


Gun fighter is the core job of being a cop. If you aren't up to that, you shouldn't have wasted the time and money on the academy, much less draw a paycheck for something you aren't willing to do.
Title: Uvalde: It gets worse yet
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 28, 2022, 04:26:30 AM
Title: A key part of the problem
Post by: G M on May 28, 2022, 07:08:34 AM
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: ccp on May 28, 2022, 07:18:37 AM
to expect to be able to ID everyone who might go on a killing spree
is impossible

I recall a psychiatrist telling us in 1978 or 9
at the DC hospital for the criminally insane
(St. Elizabeths)

that most of the patients/inmates were not dangerous or hurt others

The problem is that one cannot predict who will or will not be dangerous if let out
with certainty or close to 100 % precision

The Right is deflecting from gun control by saying this person could have been intercepted
that person could and should have been stopped

it is the parents fault it is the FBI fault it is the police fault or the teacher fault

I dunno

I think it more likely related to changing culture internet somehow
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: G M on May 28, 2022, 07:29:46 AM
to expect to be able to ID everyone who might go on a killing spree
is impossible

I recall a psychiatrist telling us in 1978 or 9
at the DC hospital for the criminally insane
(St. Elizabeths)

that most of the patients/inmates were not dangerous or hurt others

The problem is that one cannot predict who will or will not be dangerous if let out
with certainty or close to 100 % precision

The Right is deflecting from gun control by saying this person could have been intercepted
that person could and should have been stopped

it is the parents fault it is the FBI fault it is the police fault or the teacher fault

I dunno

I think it more likely related to changing culture internet somehow

The FBI has been cultivating shooters.

We know this.

Title: BitCen: We are in deep shiite
Post by: G M on May 28, 2022, 07:43:11 AM

Exactly right.

Understand, you are on your own.

No one is coming to save you.

Plan accordingly.
Title: They knew what to do
Post by: G M on May 30, 2022, 08:31:16 AM

Why didn't they?
Title: woman shot in Missouri by police
Post by: ccp on May 31, 2022, 06:40:00 AM

Crump Sharpton already on the scene

Holder already writing editorials for NYT and WP

MSNBC at the scene

Biden likely to visit

Kamala already focusing on this while rest of the country slips into the abyss....
Title: Kansas City mayor confirms body cam footage
Post by: Crafty_Dog on June 03, 2022, 06:41:19 PM
Title: more woke law non enforcement
Post by: ccp on June 22, 2022, 08:49:15 AM

Title: Mike Glover (SF Ret.) on Uvalde
Post by: G M on July 19, 2022, 01:04:44 PM
Title: Who will they get?
Post by: G M on July 21, 2022, 07:32:20 AM

Who Will They Get to Do the Tyrants' Dirty Work?
Meet the personal Stasi of the Democrats.

Thu Jul 21, 2022 Kurt Schlichter

The shameful video of Uvalde cops cowering in the hallway while some freakish mutant murdered little kids brings to mind an important point. It's not a point about the cowardice of badly-led police officers – that point has been made. It's not the hygiene focus of the guy who paused just standing there to splurt a dollop of hand sanitizer into his paw. It's not even about the fact that we normal citizens cannot rely on the forces of the government to protect us.

It is the fact that the members of our garbage ruling elite cannot rely on the forces of the government to protect them.

We have seen the systematic weaponization of law enforcement against normal people under the Biden dorktatorship. The FBI has become the personal Stasi of the Democrats, seizing elderly men with SWAT teams, while the DOJ has been selectively prosecuting conservatives, or those believed to be conservative-aligned, but giving a pass to those terrorists, rioters, and scumbags aligned with the trash donkey political party. Even local law enforcement is getting into the act in some places – a heroic bodega worker stabbed a multi-felon convict to death before the criminal could beat him to death in New York. Now he's facing a murder charge, though the stiff should have still been in jail.

This is all fine and good for the lib fascists living off the dwindling residual respect for the institutions of law enforcement present in the normal population. That respect is gone for us conservatives – we are woke to the fact that its justice is not blind but is, in fact, looking to persecute us for its progressive masters. But normal people are slowly coming around to see that. The FBI is not Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., chasing bank robbers, mob bosses, and commies but, rather, that satanic-looking Peter Strzok weirdo trying to frame the enemies of Hillary.

As my just released non-fiction book "We'll Be Back: The Fall and Rise of America" points out, a crucial nutrient for the growth of social/political conflict is the corruption of the justice system. A two-track system cannot endure; justice cannot be just for them. If people are not getting their end of the social contract, they will rightfully treat it as breached. And then things will get ugly.

It is beyond dispute that the left has moved from leveraging private power (via their corporate allies) to control us to using armed thugs to do it. Right now, they do it behind the veneer of the justice system, but as we have seen, that play has a SELL BY date. So what happens next? History provides a clear answer for that question – more and more armed force is used against opponents, with less and less attention paid to maintaining the pretense of a fair and neutral judicial system. From Stalin through Hitler through Mao through Castro, socialists always – always – end up sending men with guns to suppress the uppity. Don't think Biden or his heirs won't if that's the price of keeping power. They are already setting the stage – you are not a mere opponent if you liked Trump. Why, you are a treasonous insurrectionist traitor! They hate you, and they don't hide it.

In other words, unless we retake power in the next couple of elections and defund, disestablish, and demolish the rotten aspects of the law enforcement system, eventually out will come the stormtroopers. The left is not going to keep political power with its agenda of $10 gas, overseas humiliation, and castrating little boys to conform to the gender delusions of their Chardonnay-addled Munchausen mommies.

But the underlying premise is that the ruling caste can generate enough thugs to actually pull it off.

Who would do their dirty work, and when it comes to it, would they be any more proactive in facing millions of armed patriots than the Uvalde cowards were facing one mutant in a schoolhouse?

A few of the potential thugs are active leftists who support the ruling caste. Most of the true believers are senior cops or generals and admirals, ones who were appointed to their jobs by the left because of political reliability. They would happily round up the kulaks.

Now, we know there is also a contingent of law enforcement and the military that gets off on the exercise of power. They became cops or soldiers because they like to push people around. They can be counted on to support whoever lets them do that. These are the ones who got off hassling mommies for letting their kids run around the park unmasked.

Then there is the pension platoon, the time-servers who do what they have to do to get their money. They tell themselves they are doing it for the good of the country, their family, or whatever, but they are doing it for the money. They are loathsome. They are the ones who were slightly embarrassed to hassle mommies for letting their kids run around the park unmasked, but they did it anyway.

The rest? Aren't there some potential enforcers who won't play along? Yes, but they sadly refuse to just quit in protest – where are all the "good apples?" They either don't join in the first place – military and cop recruiting is hitting rock bottom – or they quietly move on to a police agency that is not fully woke or to another career field entirely. These tend to be the true public servants, the good ones, who won't serve if they are serving the powerful instead of the public. So, about the time the ruling caste is ready to go full fascist, you will have some forces willing to do the thuggery, if not entirely eagerly, but they are not the best or the brightest. Nor are they the bravest.

Which brings us back to the mortifying Uvalde video. You had about 30 allegedly trained cops with all their tacticool gear and their bitchin' AR15s, and they retreated from a single untrained, barely capable civilian with one of the same guns. It takes very few opponents to stymie the enforcers. As my book "We'll Be Back: The Fall and Rise of America" points out, you can also look back at those Boston terrorists with no training, a couple of pistols, and some pressure cooker bombs, and they completely shut down an entire city (there, the police were at least aggressive).

If 30 local cops who knew the families of the kids being slaughtered refused to put their asses on the line to take on one untrained civilian half-wit, what's going to happen when they are told to go get a few million citizens with ARs (and other modern weapons), many of them with military and law enforcement training, who are ideologically committed to defending their Constitution and all the rights actually found within it?

Think the thugs might hesitate?

Cops win by creating overwhelming force – they swamp the criminals. The North Hollywood shootout is remembered a quarter century later because two guys with modified weapons were able to do the unthinkable – they turned the tables and overwhelmed the cops for a short time until so many LAPD officers showed up that they were finally killed. And if the target of political oppression is small, discrete sets of targets, that can still happen. But there are only so many federal SWAT teams, and if they are sending in the HRT to take down the ancient Roger Stone in his PJs, they can't be taking down anybody else.

What if there are millions of anybody elses?

And what if those anybody elses are not inept dirtbags?

In that scenario, who exactly is going first through the door? The political police chiefs? The bullies? The guys who just want to do their 20 years, file a fake disability claim for their lumbago, and spend the next few decades fishing for bass?

The ruling caste better figure out who is going to be the sucker who puts his butt on the line for their dreams of a prog-fascist tomorrow because there are millions of patriots who would gladly put their butts on the line to resist serfdom.

Title: Those who hate Law Enforcement better brace for what comes after
Post by: G M on August 02, 2022, 09:56:52 PM
Title: It couldn't be BurnLootMurder or defunding the police...
Post by: G M on August 10, 2022, 12:08:52 PM

Title: Law Enforcement, Social workers to replace cops?
Post by: DougMacG on August 11, 2022, 08:38:19 AM
Hat tip Steve Hayward, Powerline:

WSJ Letter to the Editor today:

Mr. Soros advocates deploying mental-health professionals instead of police in crisis situations. Mr. Soros should lead by example and replace his private security personnel with social workers. If someone attempts to attack him, the social workers could sit with the assailant and discuss the root causes.

David Westrich, Teaneck, N.J.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement, Social workers to replace cops?
Post by: G M on August 11, 2022, 09:05:06 PM
The left isn't anti-gun.

The left is anti YOU having a gun.

It's Hard to put armed people into boxcars.

Hat tip Steve Hayward, Powerline:

WSJ Letter to the Editor today:

Mr. Soros advocates deploying mental-health professionals instead of police in crisis situations. Mr. Soros should lead by example and replace his private security personnel with social workers. If someone attempts to attack him, the social workers could sit with the assailant and discuss the root causes.

David Westrich, Teaneck, N.J.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Crafty_Dog on August 12, 2022, 03:37:13 AM
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: G M on August 12, 2022, 06:56:35 AM

IRS-CID Special Agents are 1811 FLEAs. Just like other federal law enforcement Criminal Investigators. They go through FLETC, carry guns and make arrests. I doubt they will be ALL the new hires for the IRS.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Crafty_Dog on August 12, 2022, 08:38:10 AM
I understood that nowhere near all the 87k were in question, but thank you for fleshing that out.
Title: Minnetroit and the defunded police
Post by: G M on September 18, 2022, 09:40:47 PM
Title: What competence looks like
Post by: G M on September 29, 2022, 06:31:54 AM

Rolls to a gunfight with a coffee in one hand, ends the threat. Utterly calm on radio.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: ccp on September 29, 2022, 06:40:51 AM
"Rolls to a gunfight with a coffee in one hand, ends the threat. Utterly calm on radio."

very impressive
a real LIVE dirty Harry!

his coffee won't even be cold when he returns to it!

next question by MSM and Ben Crump - what was color of suspect ?
Title: What could possibly go wrong?
Post by: G M on October 02, 2022, 09:36:38 PM

Police work is a calling, like the ministry.

If you are doing it for the money, you shouldn't be doing it.

If you are doing it for any other reason than wanting to uphold the constitution and protect the innocent from evil, you need to do something else.
Title: Good thing that can't happen here! Police recruiting edition
Post by: G M on January 30, 2023, 07:36:07 AM
Title: Lowered Standards
Post by: G M on January 31, 2023, 07:38:26 AM
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: ccp on January 31, 2023, 08:01:42 AM

but who lowered standards ?

must be white supremacists .

if not it is all still racism
some way some how
has to be

the racism media political crump et al sharpton et al
 crowd insist it has to be

some way
some how

some lady was on Fox last night
I think Tucker who summarized this  whole business of racism and race  baiting
quite well

but I forgot her name

no matter how you dispute it , the woksters twist it around to say

see - you are racist . or a product of a racist world

and democrats seem to buy in to it since their party promotes it
and they follow along like zombies under it's religious dictates

two major religions in US now:

Democrat party

everyone else gets persecuted
taxed and hosed
Title: maybe correctional officers should be wearing body cams
Post by: ccp on February 23, 2023, 08:55:04 AM
otherwise it is one person's word against the other:
Title: Re: maybe correctional officers should be wearing body cams
Post by: G M on February 23, 2023, 09:47:42 AM
otherwise it is one person's work against the other:

Some do, and it’s a good idea.

Title: Re: more woke law non enforcement
Post by: G M on March 01, 2023, 09:40:57 PM


You are increasingly on your own. Plan accordingly.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Crafty_Dog on March 02, 2023, 07:31:47 AM
Off the top of my head, some of those seem to make sense, but others , , , not.
Title: The last of the actual American cops will be pushed out
Post by: G M on May 04, 2023, 04:37:09 PM

You are on your own.

Plan accordingly.
Title: FBI Replete with Partisan Hacks
Post by: Body-by-Guinness on December 07, 2023, 04:44:03 PM
"Welcome to the party, pal!"
Title: how could this only be a misdemeanor?
Post by: ccp on December 08, 2023, 12:13:03 PM
Title: Defund the Police Lite ...
Post by: Body-by-Guinness on February 06, 2024, 09:47:54 AM
... is no better than "lite" beer:

The Decadence of Identity Politics
Gender studies comes to policing.
/ Eye on the News / Public Safety, The Social Order, Politics and law
Feb 05 2024
/ Share
Among anti-cop legislators, “defund the police” may have lost some currency, but “demoralize the police” is doing just fine.

On January 30, the New York City Council passed the How Many Stops Act, over the veto of Mayor Eric Adams. The law requires New York police officers to fill out a form nearly every time they interact with a civilian. If, for example, an officer asks a potential bystander to a shooting if he had witnessed that shooting, the officer will have to complete a form listing the bystander’s race, sex, and age. Are there other potential witnesses in the area who urgently need to be contacted before they disperse? Too bad. Identity-based paperwork comes first.  (If an officer waits to the end of his shift to finish filling out the forms, he will still likely need to have made some contemporaneous record of his encounters.)

The department’s personnel will spend hundreds of hours a day cumulatively on this bureaucratic task—time diverted from bringing criminals to justice.

The rationale for this unnecessary bill, like almost everything encumbering policing today, is the council’s belief that the NYPD routinely harasses people of color, whether suspects or witnesses.  Never mind that civilians in these newly red-taped investigatory stops are free to ignore the officer’s questions, preserve their anonymity, and walk away.  The council still sees a bigoted purpose in an officer’s reaching out to the public for help in solving crime.

The How Many Stops Act is innocuous, however, compared with California’s data-collection requirements for police officers. New reporting obligations under the Racial & Identity Profiling Act require California officers to fill out an eight-page form (up from four pages last year) with nearly 200 fields when they make what is known as a custodial stop (meaning the civilian is not free to walk away).

The form, generated by the California Department of Justice, comes straight from race- and gender-studies classrooms. The officer first documents whether he, the officer, is a “cisgender man, cisgender woman, transgender man, transgender woman, or nonbinary person.” To avoid placing a retrogressive “gender” straitjacket on the state’s public servants, the form allows an officer to check both “Nonbinary person” and one of the other categories, such as “Cisgender woman.”  “N/A” is not an option; the officer must list a sexual identity. Naturally, there is also an extensive “Officer race or ethnicity” section, asking whether the officer is “Asian, Hispanic/Latine(X), Black/African, Native American, Middle Eastern or South Asian, Pacific Islander, White,” or a combination of the above.

Then the officer documents the civilian’s “perceived sexual orientation: LGB+ or Straight/Heterosexual” and the civilian’s “perceived gender: Cisgender man/boy, Cisgender woman/girl, Transgender man/boy, transgender woman/girl, or nonbinary person.” Here, too, the discerning officer is allowed to surmise that the person stopped is both a “Transgender man/boy” and a “Nonbinary person.” How is the officer to make those judgments, without engaging in culpable “stereotyping”? Police academies across the state are going to have to contract with Judith Butler for a “gender theory” module. The civilian’s “perceived race or ethnicity” must be as narrowly described.

California created this form, of course, to gin up antipolice narratives. Once an officer’s identity profile is merged with that of the person stopped, the possibilities of finding some form of identity oppression are virtually endless. (On January 23, a Superior Court judge in Sacramento, responding to a petition from California law-enforcement associations, temporarily enjoined the California attorney general from requiring officers to document their “gender” on the Racial Identity & Profiling Act stop form. The state of California must submit its opposing motion by February 27.)

California and New York remain racked by carjackings, looting, and gang shootings. Under the phony charge of racism, officers in both states have cut back on proactive policing, however essential such self-initiated activity is to solving crime. They will do even less proactive policing now, if any such discretionary activity saddles them with insultingly irrelevant forms. Police rushing from one call for help to another are not concerned with the hothouse niceties of distinguishing “nonbinary” from “cisgender.”

California’s Racial & Identity Profiling Act and New York City’s How Many Stops Act have nothing to do with public safety and everything to do with fealty to identity politics. Both are glaring examples of how profoundly Democratic elites misunderstand the challenges of maintaining law and order.

Heather Mac Donald is the Thomas W. Smith Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a contributing editor of City Journal, and the author of When Race Trumps Merit.
Title: Austin City Limits
Post by: Body-by-Guinness on March 04, 2024, 03:29:43 PM
A gent who considered me a high school chum—I considered him a nitwit back then—owns a pizza place in Austin. Back during the sundry BLM antecedents he made kindred noise and got pretty militant online, at one point making some inane “kill all Republicans” noise that lead me to toss him out the digital airlock.

I confess I’m tempted to check in with him to ask how that whole “defund the police” thing is working out for his business:
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Crafty_Dog on March 04, 2024, 03:49:57 PM
What's the word?  Schaudenfraude? (sp?)
Title: Pittsburgh Reaps what the Defund the Police Movement has Sown
Post by: Body-by-Guinness on April 11, 2024, 06:35:00 PM
Substantial cuts to types of crimes responded to, number of officers on shift, etc.:
Title: Selective Law Enforcement & Campus Protests
Post by: Body-by-Guinness on May 06, 2024, 10:13:31 PM
Piece exploring selective enforcement of trespass and other statutes occurring on campuses currently. To my mind the most significant paragraph in the article is this final one:

From what I can gather, the problem in cities is usually not that the police department itself is unwilling to assist, but that they are under orders from the mayor, afraid of upsetting far left constituents, to stand down. This is going a bit beyond my expertise, but from what I understand the Justice Department could and should, but won't under the Biden administratio :-Dn, investigate whether these police departments are violating the terms of their federal funding, and also denying equal protection of the law, by refusing to enforce the law for ideological and political reasons. An added factor is that this lack of enforcement is to the specific detriment of Jewish students who have disproportionately faced threats, intimidation, and violence from people at the encampments.
Title: Qualified Immunity & Questionable Claims Thereof
Post by: Body-by-Guinness on May 15, 2024, 12:47:32 PM
LEOs have a tough job, but not so tough that they shouldn’t be accountable for misconduct or worse. And you know what? If malfeasant cops aren’t allowed to claim QI, then that ought to go double for malfeasant public officials, particularly in view of some of the absurdities we are currently witnessing:

The "Zombification" of Qualified Immunity?
Cato @ Liberty / by Clark Neily / May 15, 2024 at 2:03 PM
Clark Neily

“I have a theory: Qualified immunity has already been bitten by one of the walkers in the Walking Dead, and it’s in the zombification process.”

So said David French on last week’s episode of The Dispatch’s Advisory Opinions podcast while discussing a recent Fifth Circuit decision denying qualified immunity to a pair of Houston police officers in an utterly bizarre false‐​arrest case. Though he doesn’t elaborate, the idea seems to be that qualified immunity’s vital essence has been drained over the years, leaving the dead‐​on‐​its‐​feet doctrine to stagger around menacing victims of government misconduct and searching for brains to eat.

It’s a whimsical image, and I hope David’s right. But here’s an even simpler take: judicial enthusiasm for qualified immunity is starting to wain because not only is it a legal, practical, and moral failure that flies in the face of bedrock conservative convictions about limited government and personal responsibility, it’s an embarrassment to boot—as this latest Fifth Circuit case vividly illustrates. Here are the facts in a nutshell.

The plaintiff, whom we’ll call GS for “Good Samaritan,” is an Uber driver and former police officer who sees a pickup truck careening across I‑610 in Houston in the wee hours of the morning, and suspects, correctly, that the driver is stinking drunk. Worried the other motorist might kill someone, GS calls 911, manages to get the truck stopped and performs a lawful citizen’s arrest when the driver tries to flee on foot across the highway. Two officers arrive at the scene and conduct separate interviews of GS and DD (“Drunk Driver”), while also administering a field sobriety test to DD, which he fails spectacularly.

The two officers then release both men, allowing the obviously intoxicated DD to drive home in his pickup truck. Two days later, the officers, Michael Garcia and Joshua Few, swear out a thoroughly rotten probable‐​cause affidavit in which they credit DD’s incoherent and contradiction‐​riddled story that GS impersonated a police officer during the encounter on the highway. Warrant in hand, they then go to GS’s house at 3 a.m., wake him up with a ruse, and arrest him for felony impersonation of a police officer—for which he is duly charged and prosecuted until the charges are quietly dropped a few months later.

GS sues a passel of defendants, including officers Garcia and Few, who promptly—and predictably (“How are we supposed to know you can’t make bogus arrests based on fraudulent warrant applications?”) assert qualified immunity. The district court rejects that defense, and, in a surprise twist, the Fifth Circuit (which is hands down the most QI‐​friendly court in the country) not only affirms the denial of qualified immunity but does so with an uncharacteristic tone of dismay and disdain for the officers’ unseemly attempt to avoid accountability for their blatant misconduct.

Indeed, the panel begins the opinion with a snarky parenthetical, noting that it affirms the district court’s denial of qualified immunity “(Obviously”), and concludes with a scathing critique of the officers and their counsel that is honestly a bit difficult to process for anyone familiar with the Fifth Circuit’s work in this area:

It is unclear which part of this case is more amazing: (1) That officers refused to charge a severely intoxicated driver and instead brought felony charges against the Good Samaritan who intervened to protect Houstonians; or (2) that the City of Houston continues to defend its officers’ conduct. Either way, the officers’ qualified immunity is denied, and the district court’s decision is AFFIRMED.

As noted, the panel’s indignant tone is striking, particularly in light of the extraordinary largesse routinely shown to members of law enforcement by the Fifth Circuit, including granting qualified immunity to cops who deliberately tased a gasoline‐​soaked man, burning him to death in front of his wife and son, and to guards who kept a prisoner in a frigid open sewer of a prison cell for nearly a week. (Notably, the grant of qualified immunity in the latter case was so egregious that the Supreme Court reversed the Fifth Circuit without briefing or argument. Cato filed its famous cross‐​ideological amicus brief in support of that result.)

Where on earth could officers Garcia and Few and their lawyers have gotten the idea that even patently absurd assertions of qualified immunity in defense of breathtakingly unprofessional behavior by law enforcement might find receptive ears on the Fifth Circuit? It boggles the mind. (Not.)

So. What if anything does the Fifth Circuit’s remarkable volte‐​face in this recent case tell us about the status of qualified immunity: Has it really joined the ranks of the walking dead, “[like] some ghoul in a late‐​night horror movie”?

Unfortunately not. Despite constantly mounting evidence of qualified immunity’s utter jurisprudential illegitimacy—including recent scholarship that indicates the as‐​enacted (but subsequently bowdlerized) text of § 1983 explicitly rejected background immunity doctrines of any kind—and a growing chorus of academic and judicial critics, qualified immunity continues to fulfill its mission of letting rights‐​violating government officials off the hook for their misconduct and ensuring they never have to justify themselves to a jury of their fellow citizens.

But here’s the thing: Even though qualified immunity hasn’t been formally overruled or dialed back, one gets the distinct impression that it has fallen into disfavor among its berobed friends—that it has come to resemble not a zombie so much as the drunken guest at a party whose initially amusing antics are now causing the hosts to blush and wish they had never invited him to the party. If so, that would be progress. And if judges of the Fifth Circuit and other courts express contempt for government lawyers whose unseemly requests for qualified immunity underscore what a garbage policy it has always been—well, that too is progress.

Congress or the Supreme Court should formally rid us of this unjust, unlawful, and immoral doctrine. (Obviously.) And the more well‐​deserved scorn we heap upon it now, the sooner that day may come. (Hint, hint.)
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 15, 2024, 02:50:28 PM
I get that, but OTOH false accusations are made against officers everg fg day.  Are they to pay for their legal fees?
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Body-by-Guinness on May 15, 2024, 05:01:22 PM
I get that, but OTOH false accusations are made against officers everg fg day.  Are they to pay for their legal fees?

Last thing I am or want to be is a credentialed second guesser, i.e. a lawyer, but I imagine it would be handled in a manner similar to other claims. Insurance companies aren’t expected to pay out when the arson their policy covers is set by the policy holder; concealed carry insurance companies don’t cover costs associated with the criminal use of firearms; the contracts I write and manage all have clauses rendering them null and void if specific requirements aren’t met; and qualified immunity does not attach to acts that are criminal, grossly negligent, our outside the bounds of department policy and academy training.

Hopefully there is a lawyer out there smart enough to create an employment agreement that makes clear that tasing a gasoline soaked suspect may void your qualified immunity if gross negligence can be proven, etc. And hey, I’m comfortable creating some sort of reciprocal requirement: if an action can be shown to be congruent with the training an LEO received then qualified immunity attaches and the department is required to cover all ensuing legal costs even if that’s not politically expedient, which would perhaps address some of the bad outcomes associated with the Floyd/LEO convictions.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 15, 2024, 07:18:25 PM
" qualified immunity does not attach to acts that are criminal, grossly negligent, our outside the bounds of department policy and academy training."

Not sure I am following.  Forgive the smartassery, but guilt is established after a trial, yes?  So, does the officer get his lawyer paid for or not?
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Body-by-Guinness on May 15, 2024, 11:16:52 PM
" qualified immunity does not attach to acts that are criminal, grossly negligent, our outside the bounds of department policy and academy training."

Not sure I am following.  Forgive the smartassery, but guilt is established after a trial, yes?  So, does the officer get his lawyer paid for or not?

Well pardon the smartassery back at ya: in one of the instances cited the LEOs framed a Good Samaritan, stating he had impersonated a police officer thus throwing the gent’s life into a pretty scary place. We give these cops a walk, or do we establish some sort of procedure where qualified immunity is only granted to those qualified to receive it?

Far too many government employees do very shabby things that throw a citizen’s life into a tailspin for reasons that are difficult to defend, with those wretched acts occurring because the bad actors are insulated from the consequences of their actions. Are you arguing we should avert our gaze and not attach consequences to malfeasant acts because somewhere, sometime, a false claim might be made? Do we tell the relatively powerless to suck it up because the guy with the gun and all the armed companions might face a false claim if not insulated from the consequences of their unlawful actions?

As the original piece notes, the Fifth Circuit is notorious for leaving QI in place for acts that are difficult to justify. Are you arguing that even when this court is astounded by the actions of an LEO that they waive QI it should be nonetheless kept in place to dissuade others from making false claims? If so can the word “justice” be ascribed to choices like that?
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 16, 2024, 05:23:22 AM
Nope, not arguing that at all AND my question remains  :-)
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Body-by-Guinness on May 16, 2024, 08:58:04 PM
Nope, not arguing that at all AND my question remains  :-)

Alrighty then. Yes the officer gets a lawyer. And should felonious actions be proven, the cop in question can pay those costs back as part of her/his punishment. At least in my non-lawyer it-ain’t-justice-if-taxpayers-foot-the-bill-for-wanton-criminal-behavior opinion. As someone far better acquainted with how these wheels turn feel free to suggest a method whereby felonious behavior isn’t underwritten and hence tacitly supported. I’m not a lawyer and hence don’t see a percentage in stating much beyond what ought to be acknowledged as a tautology: when criminal behavior is supported you get more criminal behavior, and that’s a bad thing.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 17, 2024, 11:49:28 AM
Regarding paying for defense lawyers, we don't get to say the accused is guilty before he gets a trial and therefore the legal fees fall on him.

With regard to QI, as I understand it, the gist of QI theory is that by the nature of police work, an officer is abnormally likely to be accused by the people he is policing.  If he has to worry about getting sued all the fg time, we will not have many people willing to do the work.
Title: Homicidal Empathy
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 19, 2024, 03:07:02 PM
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Body-by-Guinness on May 20, 2024, 04:40:59 AM
Regarding paying for defense lawyers, we don't get to say the accused is guilty before he gets a trial and therefore the legal fees fall on him.

With regard to QI, as I understand it, the gist of QI theory is that by the nature of police work, an officer is abnormally likely to be accused by the people he is policing.  If he has to worry about getting sued all the fg time, we will not have many people willing to do the work.

Therefore you have no problem underwriting criminal behavior conducted by police officers, and the resulting damage done when it appears to citizens that police officers are above the law. I do, and believe a criminal justice system that can’t figure out a way to hold police accountable for their behavior as an ordinary citizen would be is a poor excuse for a “justice” system.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 20, 2024, 04:56:10 AM
A bit of a personal attack saying "I have no problem etc". 

I'm well aware that police sometimes act quite badly; indeed many years ago I was arrested and the officers lied on the stand but my attorney was able to put doubt as to their testimony in the judge's mind.   As the only white member of a nine man band, I''ve been roused roughly by police etc.

Your passion on this issues seems to not notice the word "qualified"-- so far neither of us have engaged on the parameters of that qualification.   
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Body-by-Guinness on May 20, 2024, 09:05:02 AM
A bit of a personal attack saying "I have no problem etc". 

I'm well aware that police sometimes act quite badly; indeed many years ago I was arrested and the officers lied on the stand but my attorney was able to put doubt as to their testimony in the judge's mind.   As the only white member of a nine man band, I''ve been roused roughly by police etc.

Your passion on this issues seems to not notice the word "qualified"-- so far neither of us have engaged on the parameters of that qualification.

Hmm, the "personal attack" feels two edged on my end. Having confessed I don't have the legal background required to formulate an elegant system for ensuring that malfeasant and/or illegal acts by police officers are not underwritten--when something is underwritten you tend to get more of it, don'tcha know--by the state/feds/whomever, you persists in implying the wheels on the law enforcement bus will fall off unless we continue to do just that, even in the face of examples I've provided, examples you have not spoken to where the "Q" is indeed a factor, labeling comments that I view as staying in my lane as "unresponsive," acting as though I don't understand guilt or innocence needs to be established before a penalty phase is entered into, and generally persisting in asking me to provide a solution in a complex area in which I've no expertise, though you do.

So yes, penalties can't be assigned in advance of a trial, but once guilt is established and we get to the penalty portion of the trial financial penalties such as court costs can be assigned, yes? Perhaps if LEOs know they will have to bear those costs if found guilty that may inspire the benefits and costs of illicit behavior to be weighed differently, at least if one assumes, as the criminal justice system does, that assigning accountable costs to crime has an impact on criminal behavior.

At the end of the day a system of justice that appears to support official misconduct that a citizen would undoubtedly be penalized for has its share of downsides and can be used by agitators to inspire conflagrations as we saw occur across the country in the wake of the George Floyd incident and subsequent gross exaggeration and sacrifice on the SJW altar, as I feel was the case, where Thomas Lane in particular is concerned. QI and spineless LEO administrators ought to bear that onus IMO, and I also have no problem in my lay view with coming up with a means of ensuring those types of expedient metaphorical defenestrations don't occur, or at least the officer(s) involved have access to the sorts of resources to counter the weight of political expediency, something I feel would have far more bearing on LEO retention and willingness to engage in proactive law enforcement than modifying QI to disincentivize illegal behavior in an official capacity.

Again as noted, I view my perspective as something of a tautology: bad motivating factors lead to bad outcomes. I assume you don't take issue with that statement, leaving me to wonder what you are arguing for? The status quo? Increasing the protections offered by QI? As it stands I'm left making a point I feel is an obvious one while be asked to offer a solution I don't have the training or background to intelligently craft while you defend ... I'm not sure exactly what, though you've the ol' Esq. to fall back on as the issue is discussed.

This is hardly the first time someone on this list has tried to drag me into their area of expertise, whereupon they can showcase my admitted ignorance, but it's the first time you have done so, and I'm not sure to what end.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 20, 2024, 03:56:16 PM

I draw your attention to this:

"Your passion on this issues seems to not notice the word "qualified"-- so far neither of us have engaged on the parameters of that qualification."

In other words, I am not holding myself out as better than you. 

I do not propose a definitive answer precisely because IMHO one is not possible. 
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Body-by-Guinness on May 21, 2024, 05:01:16 AM

I draw your attention to this:

"Your passion on this issues seems to not notice the word "qualified"-- so far neither of us have engaged on the parameters of that qualification."

In other words, I am not holding myself out as better than you. 

I do not propose a definitive answer precisely because IMHO one is not possible.

Okay, so the point of this less than Socratic exercise is…?

Again, I’ve provided specific examples where the “Q” in ‘QI lead to outcomes that don’t appear just to me. Are my breadcrumbs not leaving a distinct enough trail?

And yes, I am passionate about this. Growing up my brother was considered the teenage mastermind of area crime and hence we were subject to all manner of rousts, with numerous post facto LEO lies being part of it. My late brother developed a deep hatred of the police due to this, and took to harassing them as he felt he was being harassed. In one case he broke into an LEOs car and stole a bunch of vending machine tins filled with change. He insisted this proved the LEO was involved in a rash of burglaries that he was forever being pulled in for … which proved correct, eventually at least, with the officer eventually being convicted and jailed. I won’t even get started regarding what was then called the Metropolitan Enforcement Group’s tactics back in my telephone hotline days. Suffice to say they weren’t shy about ignoring search and seizure rules and then lying about it in pursuit of what they considered justice.

So yeah, I’m a fan of accountability generally—my brother did his share of prison time and deserved it—and don’t much like incentives that have perverse outcomes, with the piece I posted documenting one such instance and inspiring you to initiate this exchange. I dunno, perhaps this is a once burnt reaction on my end as there was a time when posting about police misconduct or the utter failure of current drug laws would result in endless badgering and little illumination and I’m not finding any light shone here.

As that may be, if there is a specific element of the Q you’d like non-lawyer me to speak to feel free to spell it out and if I feel I can engage intelligently I will.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 21, 2024, 10:26:18 AM
Quite the tale!

And yes I sometimes forget how annoying many non-lawyers find being subjected to Socratic lines of questioning whereas for me it is simply a search for getting to definition of terms and clarity in what is being asserted.

In addition to my various misadventures in interaction with law enforcement (nowhere near those of your brother!) I regularly work with law enforcement during which I am exposed quite a bit to what the world looks like from an LEO perspective.

I do not deny the potency of your argument, but in equal measure as a general principle I find it quite implausible to suggest that police need to be as subject to lawsuits as anyone just walking around.  I could be mistaken, but it seems like that is where you are or are heading.

It's not a justice system, it is a legal system. 

Even when one "wins" litigation is a significant emotional event with high costs in emotion, time, energy, and money.   The plaintiff gets his lawyer with a contingency agreement, but someone must pay for the defendant's representation.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Body-by-Guinness on May 21, 2024, 12:17:31 PM
Quite the tale!

And yes I sometimes forget how annoying many non-lawyers find being subjected to Socratic lines of questioning whereas for me it is simply a search for getting to definition of terms and clarity in what is being asserted.

In addition to my various misadventures in interaction with law enforcement (nowhere near those of your brother!) I regularly work with law enforcement during which I am exposed quite a bit to what the world looks like from an LEO perspective.

I do not deny the potency of your argument, but in equal measure as a general principle I find it quite implausible to suggest that police need to be as subject to lawsuits as anyone just walking around.  I could be mistaken, but it seems like that is where you are or are heading.

It's not a justice system, it is a legal system. 

Even when one "wins" litigation is a significant emotional event with high costs in emotion, time, energy, and money.   The plaintiff gets his lawyer with a contingency agreement, but someone must pay for the defendant's representation.

Yes it had our little burg north of Chicago all aflutter back in the 1970's. Cop had a last name of Bruce, but my google-fu isn't letting me pull anything up. It was reported in the Chicago Tribune IIRC, but they won't let you search their archives for free.

These misadentures drove my brother Randy into basically an outlaw biker lifestyle, an element I believe in his premature death due to all his motorcycle crashes, bar fights, and general hard living. Some of the stupidest things I ever did involved hanging with him at the Kenosha biker bar he favored as aggravated assualt seemed the hobby of many there, while the rules that crowd lived by were quite difficult to discern though unwitting violations of 'em had ugly, even fatal, consequences.

With that said, I don't think I've argued for setting LEOs up for more lawsuits, but do feel when they cross the line as noted in the piece I posted:

"The two officers then release both men, allowing the obviously intoxicated DD to drive home in his pickup truck. Two days later, the officers, Michael Garcia and Joshua Few, swear out a thoroughly rotten probable‐​cause affidavit in which they credit DD’s incoherent and contradiction‐​riddled story that GS impersonated a police officer during the encounter on the highway. Warrant in hand, they then go to GS’s house at 3 a.m., wake him up with a ruse, and arrest him for felony impersonation of a police officer—for which he is duly charged and prosecuted until the charges are quietly dropped a few months later."

... thus forcing a law abiding citizens to stare down the barrel of felony charges and attendant huge legal bills. Those officers ought not be able to cite QI as a reason they aren't taken to task for their crimes or don't have to endure what the Samaritan did. Sure, it's a legal system, one that was weaponized via QI against a law abiding citizen and Good Samaritan, something that is neither just or legal and hence ought not incentivize so perverse an outcome IMO.
Title: An Unqualified Disaster
Post by: Body-by-Guinness on May 30, 2024, 05:43:02 PM
Given the exchanges the last time around I hesitate to post this, but I find the arguments compelling and the provided examples more than perplexing:

Qualified Immunity Is an Unqualified Disaster
Cato Recent Op-eds / by Clark Neily / May 29, 2024 at 3:12 PM
Clark Neily

District court judges occupy the bottom rung of the federal judicial hierarchy. They hold hearings, decide motions, and preside over trials. They do not make precedent; they apply it. It is therefore highly unusual for district court judges to publicly criticize appellate‐​court decisions they are bound to apply, much less rulings of the Supreme Court. But that’s precisely what happened last week when Mississippi Judge Carlton Reeves called for the eradication of qualified immunity.

In a nutshell, qualified immunity is a legal defense that police and other government officials can assert in civil rights cases to defeat otherwise meritorious claims by arguing that it was not yet “clearly established” that the particular thing they did—whether shooting a fleeing suspect in the back or stealing $225,000 worth of cash and rare coins while executing a search warrant—was unconstitutional.

As Judge Reeves explains in his May 20 opinion denying qualified immunity to a Jackson, Mississippi detective who helped frame an innocent man for murder, there are so many problems with that doctrine that it’s hard to know where to start.

First and most fundamentally, the judiciary’s job is to apply law, not make it. And yet, in a blatant act of judicial policymaking, the U.S. Supreme Court read into the nation’s premier civil rights law, 42 U.S.C. §1983, the defense of qualified immunity despite the fact that the statute itself makes no mention of any immunities whatsoever. Judge Reeves notes how absurd it is to suppose that the 1871 law, which was designed to protect newly freed African Americans in particular from the predations of badge‐​wearing Klansmen and other tyrannical government officials, would have included a defense so broad as to entirely defeat the law’s unambiguous purpose. It makes no sense.

The police‐​protecting doctrine is legally baseless, costly, and liberty‐​eroding.

Second, Judge Reeves notes the practical consequences of qualified immunity, which include a free pass for a cop who shot an innocent boy in the leg from eighteen inches away while blazing away at a non‐​threatening family dog; letting a jailer off the hook who stood and watched without calling 911 as a suicidal prisoner hanged himself with a telephone cord inside his own cell; and finding no “clearly established” right not to be locked up “in a frigid cell, covered in other persons’ feces and forced to sleep naked in sewage” for six days because the only case on point held that “prisoners couldn’t be housed in cells teeming with human waste for months on end.” (The latter case was so obviously wrong that the Supreme Court summarily reversed without briefing or argument.) Another practical consequence according to Judge Reeves is the perpetuation of racial inequality. He notes that black Americans are more frequently subjected to stops, searches, arrests, and lethal force than other Americans, and “qualified immunity then bars many of these individuals from securing justice” when their rights are violated.

In what may be the most powerful part of his opinion, Judge Reeves reviews the policy justifications for qualified immunity and shows how each of them is completely baseless. Thus, qualified immunity does not promote fairness by putting police on notice of what they may and may not do for the simple reason that they neither read nor receive training on relevant court decisions beyond some rudimentary instruction at the police academy. Nor do police face financial ruin from damage awards—almost without exception, they are indemnified by their employers, which means the costs are passed along to taxpayers. And research by Joanna C. Schwartz, a professor at the UCLA School of Law, indicates that far from streamlining litigation and eliminating unmeritorious cases, qualified immunity “may, in fact, increase the costs and delays associated with constitutional litigation.” The list of baseless assumptions and judicial wishcasting goes on and on.

Judge Reeves’s final critique is perhaps the most morally devastating. Emphasizing the difference between civil and criminal cases, he explains how the Supreme Court manages to get the relevant calculus exactly backwards, creating a world in which it is very easy for the government to convict and imprison people for crimes they had no idea existed and conduct they never imagined might be illegal, but very difficult to subject a police officer or other government official to mere civil liability for conduct that everyone agrees was unconstitutional but in a serendipitously novel way. As he laments at the end of this trenchant discussion, “It cannot be true that in America, it is easier to take away one’s liberty than hold the government accountable for violating the very Constitution guaranteeing liberty.” But it absolutely is true, and we have the Supreme Court to thank for it.

Will Judge Reeves’s cri de coeur make any difference? Not by itself, perhaps. But it adds to a steadily growing drumbeat of dissent and disdain for a judicially confected, morally bankrupt, power‐​aggrandizing legal doctrine that the Supreme Court had no business inventing in the first place, and which it persistently refuses to defend on the merits or revisit despite seeing each of its shabby rationalizations torn to pieces by lawyers, academics, activists, and even fellow jurists like Carlton Reeves. An ostrich can only bury its head in the sand so deep and for so long. Or nine ostriches, as the case might be.
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 30, 2024, 07:13:16 PM
No worries from me in making your case, and this article does a better job of that than you did the last time around  :-D 

BTW, the citation of Section 1983 reminded me of US v. Bivens

You may find some useful info here.

But more to the point is this article cited in your CATO piece:

Have you read  it?
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Body-by-Guinness on May 30, 2024, 07:51:07 PM
No worries from me in making your case, and this article does a better job of that than you did the last time around  :-D 

Jeepers, you mean the articles posted by people with expertise in the area did a better job of explication than little ol’ me that said from the outset he had no expertise? Standby as I fumble about for my shocked face….

But hey, isn’t the point of posting pieces here to assemble a body of information that can be referred to when the usual suspects make their usual noise, or am I missing something?
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 31, 2024, 05:36:05 AM
Ummm , , , have I offended you again?
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: Body-by-Guinness on May 31, 2024, 06:41:01 AM
Ummm , , , have I offended you again?

No, you have confused me. When I post a piece on emerging physics you don’t ask me to explain the quantum mechanics it is founded on. When I link to a newly published paper taking apart the science climate alarmism is based on you don’t expect me to opine on molecular chemistry. Yet twice now when I’ve posted pieces demonstrating in no uncertain terms the damage done to law abiding citizens under the aegis of qualified immunity I’m asked to address the legal implications of modifying QI or otherwise given grief while the strong arguments and stark examples in the pieces are not responded to or otherwise addressed.

Will there be a quiz? Should we not post pieces unless we are able to knock out a five paragraph theme in support of our decision to do so? Are there topics we should avoid speaking to lest we find ourselves embroiled in circular discussions? As noted, there was a time here when one could not post pieces critical of law enforcement or the WOD without being pulled into an argument generating heat rather than light as any damning fact or arguments in the original piece were circumlocuted to death if addressed at all. I derived no value from those exchanges and so am perhaps too sensitive when I see that pattern rearing its head. If that counts as sensitivity I suppose I’m guilty as charged.
Title: LEO on “Indefinite Leave” After Taking “Buy Back” Guns Home
Post by: Body-by-Guinness on June 11, 2024, 04:35:18 PM
Given the often hidebound perspective of LEO leadership—it’s likely safe to assume any jurisdiction that would sponsor something as silly and ineffective as a “buy back” would more than frown on the liberation of these “recovered” firearms—this was no doubt a bonehead move on the LEO’s part. With that said, if I knew some WWII bring back or other interesting firearm was headed for the smelter I’d be tempted to spare it that fate:
Title: NYC Law Enforcement
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 23, 2024, 06:04:28 PM
Title: Re: Law Enforcement
Post by: ccp on November 24, 2024, 08:34:08 AM
Overtime pushed an average detective’s pay from a base of about $115,000 to $200,000 or more with OT.

Because their lifetime pensions are based on their final year’s pay, many detectives are finding they cannot afford to stay.

Something very wrong with this.
Or the disability benefits they all apply for near retirement.

Plus, why are people in their 40s retiring?  Especially if they are detectives that are not heavy duty construction work?There has to be a better way.