Fire Hydrant of Freedom
Politics, Religion, Science, Culture and Humanities => Politics & Religion => Topic started by: ccp on August 21, 2009, 08:16:01 AM
I don't know if this deserves a thread but I think it does.
I have posted we are in a "soft" civil war.
Others have noticed and stated this. It is not new.
This article suggest BO is creating it. I don't agree. It already existed and has for years. But let there be no doubt - BO is certainly making it worse - far worse.
He has never been about conciliation or post partisanship or getting past the rancor except that he thought but persistantly claiming that he could ram his agenda down the throats of those who are against it.
It was all talk all shmooz.
In any case we need more people to point this out about what is happening. IF the right can get a better spokeperson a better plan going BO is toast. If not he will hang in there with the potential of a comeback ala Clinton.
Though he is far more of an ideologue the Bill and so far has not shown the ability to change or adapt to preserve his power.
I guess he will eventually. He can't be that pig headed - or can he?
This article is food for thought whether or not one would agree with the specifics.
I agree we are in a soft civil war.
My hypothesis is that much of it can be brought down to a fight over those who want more entitlements/government and those that want the opposite. Or perhaps it could be looked at as socialism/facism vs democracy/capitilism.
I suspect iF it wasn't for this issue, other issues, such as environmental issues, energy issues, (though perhaps not abortion), foreign policy could somehow be hashed out. But the core divide is now unbreachable because of this taking of sides based on opposing philosophy. It appears to have all started in the early 20th century. The left brings back the label "progessives". Suddenly the talking points is that they are not "liberals" but they are progressives. The only difference is in the label.
The left has their annointed champion. The right does not. Yet the left even with the ONE is having trouble convincing most of us thier point of view is better.
Comments Is America Coming Apart?
by Patrick J. Buchanan
Flying home from London, where the subject of formal debate on the 70th anniversary of World War II had been whether Winston Churchill was a liability or asset to the Free World, one arrives in the middle of a far more acrimonious national debate right here in the United States.
At issue: Should Barack Obama be allowed to address tens of millions of American children, inside their classrooms, during school hours?
Conservative talk-show hosts saw a White House scheme to turn public schools into indoctrination centers where the socialist ideology of Obama would be spoon-fed to captive audiences of children forced to listen to Big Brother -- and then do assignments on his sermon.
The liberal commentariat raged about right-wing paranoia.
Yet Byron York of The Washington Examiner dug back to 1991 to discover that, when George H.W. Bush went to Alice Deal Junior High to speak to America's school kids, the left lost it.
"The White House turned a Northwest Washington junior high classroom into a television studio and its students into props," railed The Washington Post. Education Secretary Lamar Alexander was called before a House committee. The National Education Association denounced Bush. And Congress ordered the General Accounting Office to investigate.
Obama's actual speech proved about as controversial as a Nancy Reagan appeal to eighth-graders to "Just say no!" to drugs.
Yet, the episode reveals the poisoned character of our politics.
We saw it earlier on display in August, when the crowds that came out for town hall meetings to oppose Obama's health care plans were called "thugs," "fascists," "racists" and "evil-mongers" by national Democrats.
We see it as Rep. Joe Wilson shouts, "You lie!" at the president during his address to a joint session of Congress.
We seem not only to disagree with each other more than ever, but to have come almost to detest one another. Politically, culturally, racially, we seem ever ready to go for each others' throats.
One half of America sees abortion as the annual slaughter of a million unborn. The other half regards the right-to-life movement as tyrannical and sexist.
Proponents of gay marriage see its adversaries as homophobic bigots. Opponents see its champions as seeking to elevate unnatural and immoral relationships to the sacred state of traditional marriage.
The question invites itself. In what sense are we one nation and one people anymore? For what is a nation if not a people of a common ancestry, faith, culture and language, who worship the same God, revere the same heroes, cherish the same history, celebrate the same holidays, and share the same music, poetry, art and literature?
Yet, today, Mexican-Americans celebrate Cinco de Mayo, a skirmish in a French-Mexican war about which most Americans know nothing, which took place the same year as two of the bloodiest battles of our own Civil War: Antietam and Fredericksburg.
Christmas and Easter, the great holidays of Christendom, once united Americans in joy. Now we fight over whether they should even be mentioned, let alone celebrated, in our public schools.
Where we used to have classical, pop, country & Western and jazz music, now we have varieties tailored to specific generations, races and ethnic groups. Even our music seems designed to subdivide us.
One part of America loves her history, another reviles it as racist, imperialist and genocidal. Old heroes like Columbus, Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee are replaced by Dr. King and Cesar Chavez.
But the old holidays, heroes and icons endure, as the new have yet to put down roots in a recalcitrant Middle America.
We are not only more divided than ever on politics, faith and morality, but along the lines of class and ethnicity. Those who opposed Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court and stood by Sgt. Crowley in the face-off with Harvard's Henry Louis Gates were called racists. But this time they did not back down. They threw the same vile word right back in the face of their accusers, and Barack Obama.
Consider but a few issues on which Americans have lately been bitterly divided: school prayer, the Ten Commandments, evolution, the death penalty, abortion, homosexuality, assisted suicide, affirmative action, busing, the Confederate battle flag, the Duke rape case, Terri Schiavo, Iraq, amnesty, torture.
Now it is death panels, global warming, "birthers" and socialism. If a married couple disagreed as broadly and deeply as Americans do on such basic issues, they would have divorced and gone their separate ways long ago. What is it that still holds us together?
The European-Christian core of the country that once defined us is shrinking, as Christianity fades, the birth rate falls and Third World immigration surges. Globalism dissolves the economic bonds, while the cacophony of multiculturalism displaces the old American culture.
"E pluribus unum" -- out of many, one -- was the national motto the men of '76 settled upon. One sees the pluribus. But where is the unum? One sees the diversity. But where is the unity?
Is America, too, breaking up?
Mr. Buchanan is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of Churchill, Hitler, and "The Unnecessary War": How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World, "The Death of the West,", "The Great Betrayal," "A Republic, Not an Empire" and "Where the Right Went Wrong."
Why Can't the Left Accept a Defeat?
Because Their "Politics" are a Messianic Cult, and Every Religious Zealot Knows You Cannot Repeal the Kingdom of Heaven Come to Earth
Sharp insight from John David Danielson at The Federalist.
The obstinacy of Senate Democrats reflects the mood of their progressive base, whose panicked anger is the natural reaction of those for whom politics has become an article of faith. Progressives, as the terms implies, believe society must always be progressing toward something better. Always forward, never backwards. After eight years of Obama, they believed progressive politics in America would forever be on an upward trajectory.
Trump shook that faith. But his election also unmasked the degree to which progressivism as a political project is based not on science or rationality, or even sound policy, but on faith in the power of government to ameliorate and eventually perfect society. All the protests and denunciations of Trump serve not just as an outlet for progressives' despair, but the chance to signal their moral virtue through collective outrage and moral preening--something that wasn't really possible under Obama, at least not to this degree.
Not that they didn't try. Recall that during the Obamacare debate in 2009 Ezra Klein suggested that Sen. Joe Lieberman was "willing to cause the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in order to settle an old electoral score," simply because he threatened to filibuster what would become the Affordable Care Act. This is the language of political fundamentalism--policy invested with the certainty of religious conviction.
Religious fundamentalism of course rests on immutable truths that cannot be negotiated.
I'm not a big fan of any religion, but traditional religions are nicely circumscribed as far as their scope and ambition. I know what topics a traditional religious outlook will take an interest in -- those related to sex, marriage, childbirth, and the sanctity of life.
Most religions -- except for Islamism, which isn't really a religion but a totalitarian political movement with a quasi-religious justification -- focus chiefly on the metaphysical and the transcendent. They focus on the Kingdom to Come, not the temporal kingdoms of earth.
Therefore, fewer issues are sacralized. Someone who is focusing on your eternal soul is not therefore focusing on your healthcare decisionmaking.
The left politicizes everything, and given the left's increasing cultishness, that means they religicize everything. Everything -- not just a few rules about sodomy and marriage and abortion -- becomes a Sacred Principle which must be fought for with the passionate fury of the zealot, from whether private religiously-based organizations must pay for a woman's $9 per month birth control pills to whether the Pagan Deceiver Milo Yiannopolous can be allowed to step foot upon the sanctified ground of Berkeley Auditorium 3C.
The article linked above pairs nicely -- or pairs ominously -- with this excellent rumination on the death of liberalism (the good sort of classical liberalism) due to the left's insistence on their being only two categories of temporal actions: Those which are forbidden, and those which are mandatory.
The nutshell of his thesis is this: Liberalism was discovered -- not invented, but discovered -- in reaction to the very bloody religious wars that swept through Europe in the 1600s and 1700s. The previous rule that Politics Was Everything and whoever had the throne could inflict his will on everyone, down to mandating what god a citizen should bow to, resulted in endless war, death, misery, and mutual hatred and suspicion.
Classical liberalism was discovered (he's keen on insisting on this word) as a way of avoiding the religious wars that killed 8 million people. The state would be more rules-light, and leave more freedom to citizens, thus reducing the incentive to, or need for, resort to violent bloodshed when Your Guy wasn't on the throne.
He calls this rules-set "a minimum viable politics" -- the minimum possible state interference with the habits and preferences of citizens, yet still preserving of social stability and order. And this minimum viable politics necessarily was a pluralistic politics, permitting all sorts of sharply-disagreeing religions and philosophies. The main thing a "minimum viable politics" focuses on outlawing is illiberalism which itself threatens the minimum viable politics -- thus, a minimum viable politics focuses on protecting people's right to religious conscience, right to free speech and free thought, right to have a say in how they are governed (and later, by whom they are governed).
It does not mandate the tiny particulars of what you must or must not do. It does not require that you bake a cake for someone, for example. Rather, it mandates that you must respect others' freedoms.
Because the alternative is a return to the Thirty Years' War and bomb plots and priests hiding in priest holes as the King's Men search the town for them.
The left is of course undoing all this, turning our rules-light system into a very rules-heavy system, in which virtually everything is illegal, and what little is not illegal, is mandatory. It is reversing pluralism -- and the result of reversing pluralism will be what the result of an end to pluralism has been in the past.
Which is civil war, or, at best, not full civil war but roving bands of Religious Enforcement Vigilante night-riders who terrorize outsiders and pagans with the support and aid of their correligionists.
Which we're seeing more and more of.
Politicians, "journalists," and "celebrities" are actively encouraging punching people they call "Nazis" (which means anyone who disagrees with them; they should just say "Pagans") and "setting it all on fire."
The TV director who made this pronouncement said to open a history book -- it's the only way, she advised.
She should open a history book herself. She should point to me a single case where rampant political violence from one faction was not quickly met by equal or even greater political violence from the factions that were being preyed upon.
Does she think people are going to sit back and let themselves be beaten because the "arc of history" demands they take their lumps agreeably?
No, sister. Soon the people you punch will start punching back, and then, not long after that, they'll start punching first.
And what moral ground will you have to object to it? Your rules, Vagina Warrior.
If the left ever did bother to open a history book, they'd discover that every illiberal, gloriously bloody revolution invites its own equally bloody counter-revolution, it's own Vendee, its own final Thermidor.
If a thing is sacralized, that means you are bound by conscience and God Himself to fight for that. If an enemy is demonized, your are bound to slay that demon.
The more which is sacralized, the more blood, the more maimings, the more fires, the more murders.
In a minimum viable politics, people are free to sacralize what they will, assuming they do not break the rules of minimum viable politics and resort to vigilante violence to vindicate their religious beliefs.
But the left is determined to sacralize every flighty thought that gets into their heads -- like that men with penises should be free to use women's room, and if little girls are bothered by seeing a man's penis, why, they must just "overcome" their "discomfort" at seeing an adult man's penis -- and they are also determined to use the violence of the state or the violence of private vigilantes to enforce those Sacred Lunacies.
It won't end well. It will end, eventually. But not well, and not without many, many casualties, of both the guilty and innocent kind. Mass political violence is like a tornado, and tornadoes do not discriminate between the virtuous and the vicious.
They just kill everything in their path.
Straightforward From Here To The Left’s Fascist, Maybe Violent, Endgame
Kurt Schlichter
Posted: Feb 23, 2017 12:01 AM
The Democrat Party, its Media serfs, and Social Justice Incorporated are all outraged because we uppity normals are again presuming to rule ourselves, and their agony is delightful. Less delightful is how, in the process of trying to claw their way back into power, they are incinerating the norms and rules that preserve our political order. That stuff Hillary babbled about honoring the legitimacy of elections? Yeah, no. There’s an invisible asterisk only liberals can see that explains that the norms and rules are void when liberals lose.
So, where does this crisis end?
We know where the leftists want it to end, with us silenced and subservient forever, toiling to pay taxes for them to redistribute to their clients as they pick at, poke at and torment us. You look at the things Trump stands for and all of them are about lifting the yoke off of us – cutting taxes, slashing regulations, guaranteeing the Second Amendment, protecting our religious liberty, and safeguarding us from terrorists and illegals. But everything liberals want, everything Hillary ran on, is about clamping the yoke ever tighter around our necks – raising taxes, issuing more regulations, disarming us, limiting our religious freedom, and putting us at risk from terrorists and alien criminals. The whole leftist platform is about putting us down and keeping us down.
Think what they will do if they take power again.
They are certainly not going to risk us ever being able to repeat November’s rejection. California’s decline lays out their tyrannical road map. When the Democrats took power here, they “reformed” the election laws to lock-in their party, co-opted the “nonpartisan” redistricting process, and changed the ballot initiative system to make sure we will never see another unapproved proposition. They ensured there is no way to stop illegal aliens from voting because they want illegal aliens voting.
But even that’s not enough. The state government chose to allow its unofficial catspaws to intimidate and beat dissenters at UC Berkeley. California’s governing class wanted the thugs to prevail; it was a lesson to its opponents. I thought my novel People’s Republic, about post-freedom California, was an action thriller, not the first draft of a future history.
I was wrong.
Do you think Hillary Clinton or whatever aspiring Hugo Chavez they offer up next is going to protect us from violent leftist thugs, or encourage them? Remember how Obama weaponized agencies like the IRS against conservatives? Multiply that by a thousand. Think about the “hate speech” rules used to silence conservatives on campus; imagine them as federal law. That’s coming, just like in Europe – it’s now a crime in France to speak out against abortion. Do you imagine leftists don’t dream of doing that? No, once back in power they will ensure we will never be able to challenge their rule. One man (or woman or other), one vote, one more time, then never again.
How will they do it?
This massive resistance campaign against everything Donald Trump has done and a lot he hasn’t done is one way. The media’s liberal advocacy and tsunami of fake news is another; the press is now just one more partisan political player campaigning to restore the establishment to power. These same liars who fantasize about Trump silencing critics will cheer as the next Democrat commandante does it for real. Remember how they said nothing when Democrats voted to repeal the First Amendment so Congress could control speech during elections?
And they think they’re winning.
Sally Kohn, a CNN commentator perfectly personifies the left’s combination of utter cluelessness and utter certainty in its own moral superiority. Drawing from her bottomless well of stupidity, she recently became infamous for wishcasting about what happens “traight forward from here.” Her scenario starts with Step 1 (“Impeach Trump & Pence”) and ends with Step 6 (“President Hillary”), thanks to a Constitutional process she created herself by blending ignorance, fascism, and wanting.
Sally, however, overlooked Step 2.5, where several dozen million Americans defend the Constitution by taking out their black rifles and saying, “Oh, hell no.” I assume the patriots determined to protect the Union would be confronted, for a short and awkward time, by a pro-coup hipster army locked and loaded with vinyl LPs, participation trophies and unearned self-regard.
There’s no reason not to believe that for these seditious Democrats, the second time will be the charm.
But this amusing idiocy highlights a much more frightening possibility. Dennis Prager has written that America is locked in a Second Civil War already, albeit a cold one. And in light of the absolute rejection by the left of any legitimacy of the grievances, the interests, or the right to participate in governing this country of the tens of millions of red Americans, it’s reasonable to wonder how this can end peacefully. You see read it on social media, you hear it whispered. Are the wounds to our body politic so deep they can’t be healed?
I recently polled people on Twitter about what they thought of the chances of serious violence in the coming four years, and the results from 6,159 people are alarming. “Stop being a nut” got 10%; I was hoping it would get about 95%. “We’ll wise up” and find a way out of this crisis, got 13%. But “50/50 leftists may try violence” got a stunning 41%, while “It’s coming. Gear up” got a terrifying 36%.
So, 77% of the respondents fear serious violence during Trump’s first term. That’s scary, especially since political warfare is not unprecedented in history. Forget Bleeding Kansas. Just reflect on the low-grade insurgency the American left undertook in the 1970s, with more bloodshed than most people remember, and consider how today the left has significantly more cultural, institutional and media support. The reality is that there is the potential for this to get out of control, way out of control, especially considering the likelihood that leftist violence would be met in kind. That 77% indicates that the red side is, as the left loves to say, “woke” to the threat. And the red people have the guns and training, should things degenerate into serious chaos.
Basically, this country is a powder keg, and leftist fools who do not understand the danger are figuratively standing around it, firing up their bongs.
Now, understand that leftist liars will meet this column with the slander that I (and by extension, you) hope for violence. Skim down the comments and check out the idiots no doubt infesting my Twitter feed – you’ll see plenty of such lies. Actually, this is yet another of my several pleas for sanity and peace (including in my book’s preface). But the left’s favorite tactic is to deny substantive truth in favor of narrative; what I (and you) actually believe is irrelevant. This infuriating tactic makes reasoned discussion and argument impossible anymore, which itself makes violence more likely since it forecloses the primary method of peacefully resolving disagreements. If you can’t argue, if you can’t even speak, there’s only one way to be heard.
The left’s combination of evil and stupidity is the driver straightforward from here. With the grim understanding that they hate us, we need to accept that there may be no easy return to peaceful coexistence. Our goal in electing Donald Trump was to remove the left’s hand from our throat, not to put our hand around blue peoples’ collective windpipe. We don’t care how they live their lives, but leftists care very much how we live ours. Their goal is to lock both hands around our throat and squeeze until we submit to leftist tyranny or die.
It’s hard to see how we compromise. Do we just somewhat submit, or only die a little?
This crisis has to culminate somehow. It could end peacefully, with a return to the old norms and reasoned competition between ideas. But it seems no one is interested in that; instead, one side has to win decisively, and one side has to lose decisively. If so, I say we win and they lose, since I’m not ready to submit or to die.
How about you?
How about you?
I'm a realist....
Drawing from her bottomless well of stupidity
It's coming.
And may well include blazing stupidity like this:
And may well include blazing stupidity like this:
Looking at what happened in the former Yugoslavia is probably a good map for what is probably coming.
And may well include blazing stupidity like this:
As opposed to the "Fry them like Bacon" crowd.
Looking at what happened in the former Yugoslavia is probably a good map for what is probably coming.
Exactly correct.
People always think that the US has some type of magical pixie dust sprinkled on it, where REALLY bad things can't happen... even after the Soviet Union fell in less than a day.
second post
second post
Sooner rather than later.
The black bloc douches better get used to people fighting back. This will of course, escalate. Bill Ayers is tanned, rested and ready.
The left doesn’t want to secede. It wants to rule.
March 27, 2017 Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.
A civil war has begun.
This civil war is very different than the last one. There are no cannons or cavalry charges. The left doesn’t want to secede. It wants to rule. Political conflicts become civil wars when one side refuses to accept the existing authority. The left has rejected all forms of authority that it doesn’t control.
The left has rejected the outcome of the last two presidential elections won by Republicans. It has rejected the judicial authority of the Supreme Court when it decisions don’t accord with its agenda. It rejects the legislative authority of Congress when it is not dominated by the left.
It rejected the Constitution so long ago that it hardly bears mentioning.
It was for total unilateral executive authority under Obama. And now it’s for states unilaterally deciding what laws they will follow. (As long as that involves defying immigration laws under Trump, not following them under Obama.) It was for the sacrosanct authority of the Senate when it held the majority. Then it decried the Senate as an outmoded institution when the Republicans took it over.
It was for Obama defying the orders of Federal judges, no matter how well grounded in existing law, and it is for Federal judges overriding any order by Trump on any grounds whatsoever. It was for Obama penalizing whistleblowers, but now undermining the government from within has become “patriotic”.
There is no form of legal authority that the left accepts as a permanent institution. It only utilizes forms of authority selectively when it controls them. But when government officials refuse the orders of the duly elected government because their allegiance is to an ideology whose agenda is in conflict with the President and Congress, that’s not activism, protest, politics or civil disobedience; it’s treason.
After losing Congress, the left consolidated its authority in the White House. After losing the White House, the left shifted its center of authority to Federal judges and unelected government officials. Each defeat led the radicalized Democrats to relocate from more democratic to less democratic institutions.
This isn’t just hypocrisy. That’s a common political sin. Hypocrites maneuver within the system. The left has no allegiance to the system. It accepts no laws other than those dictated by its ideology.
Democrats have become radicalized by the left. This doesn’t just mean that they pursue all sorts of bad policies. It means that their first and foremost allegiance is to an ideology, not the Constitution, not our country or our system of government. All of those are only to be used as vehicles for their ideology.
That’s why compromise has become impossible.
Our system of government was designed to allow different groups to negotiate their differences. But those differences were supposed to be based around finding shared interests. The most profound of these shared interests was that of a common country based around certain civilizational values. The left has replaced these Founding ideas with radically different notions and principles. It has rejected the primary importance of the country. As a result it shares little in the way of interests or values.
Instead it has retreated to cultural urban and suburban enclaves where it has centralized tremendous amounts of power while disregarding the interests and values of most of the country. If it considers them at all, it is convinced that they will shortly disappear to be replaced by compliant immigrants and college indoctrinated leftists who will form a permanent demographic majority for its agenda.
But it couldn’t wait that long because it is animated by the conviction that enforcing its ideas is urgent and inevitable. And so it turned what had been a hidden transition into an open break.
In the hidden transition, its authority figures had hijacked the law and every political office they held to pursue their ideological agenda. The left had used its vast cultural power to manufacture a consensus that was slowly transitioning the country from American values to its values and agendas. The right had proven largely impotent in the face of a program which corrupted and subverted from within.
The left was enormously successful in this regard. It was so successful that it lost all sense of proportion and decided to be open about its views and to launch a political power struggle after losing an election.
The Democrats were no longer being slowly injected with leftist ideology. Instead the left openly took over and demanded allegiance to open borders, identity politics and environmental fanaticism. The exodus of voters wiped out the Democrats across much of what the left deemed flyover country.
The left responded to democratic defeats by retreating deeper into undemocratic institutions, whether it was the bureaucracy or the corporate media, while doubling down on its political radicalism. It is now openly defying the outcome of a national election using a coalition of bureaucrats, corporations, unelected officials, celebrities and reporters that are based out of its cultural and political enclaves.
It has responded to a lost election by constructing sanctuary cities and states thereby turning a cultural and ideological secession into a legal secession. But while secessionists want to be left alone authoritarians want everyone to follow their laws. The left is an authoritarian movement that wants total compliance with its dictates with severe punishments for those who disobey.
The left describes its actions as principled. But more accurately they are ideological. Officials at various levels of government have rejected the authority of the President of the United States, of Congress and of the Constitution because those are at odds with their radical ideology. Judges have cloaked this rejection in law. Mayors and governors are not even pretending that their actions are lawful.
The choices of this civil war are painfully clear.
We can have a system of government based around the Constitution with democratically elected representatives. Or we can have one based on the ideological principles of the left in which all laws and processes, including elections and the Constitution, are fig leaves for enforcing social justice.
But we cannot have both.
Some civil wars happen when a political conflict can’t be resolved at the political level. The really bad ones happen when an irresolvable political conflict combines with an irresolvable cultural conflict.
That is what we have now.
The left has made it clear that it will not accept the lawful authority of our system of government. It will not accept the outcome of elections. It will not accept these things because they are at odds with its ideology and because they represent the will of large portions of the country whom they despise.
The question is what comes next.
The last time around growing tensions began to explode in violent confrontations between extremists on both sides. These extremists were lauded by moderates who mainstreamed their views. The first Republican president was elected and rejected. The political tensions led to conflict and then civil war.
The left doesn’t believe in secession. It’s an authoritarian political movement that has lost democratic authority. There is now a political power struggle underway between the democratically elected officials and the undemocratic machinery of government aided by a handful of judges and local elected officials.
What this really means is that there are two competing governments; the legal government and a treasonous anti-government of the left. If this political conflict progresses, agencies and individuals at every level of government will be asked to demonstrate their allegiance to these two competing governments. And that can swiftly and explosively transform into an actual civil war.
There is no sign that the left understands or is troubled by the implications of the conflict it has initiated. And there are few signs that Democrats properly understand the dangerous road that the radical left is drawing them toward. The left assumes that the winners of a democratic election will back down rather than stand on their authority. It is unprepared for the possibility that democracy won’t die in darkness.
Civil wars end when one side is forced to accept the authority of the other. The left expects everyone to accept its ideological authority. Conservatives expect the left to accept Constitutional authority. The conflict is still political and cultural. It’s being fought in the media and within the government. But if neither side backs down, then it will go beyond words as both sides give contradictory orders.
The left is a treasonous movement. The Democrats became a treasonous organization when they fell under the sway of a movement that rejects our system of government, its laws and its elections. Now their treason is coming to a head. They are engaged in a struggle for power against the government. That’s not protest. It’s not activism. The old treason of the sixties has come of age. A civil war has begun.
This is a primal conflict between a totalitarian system and a democratic system. Its outcome will determine whether we will be a free nation or a nation of slaves.
Excellent article GM.
North Korea +/- = What happens when Democratic socialists are left amongst themselves, uninterrupted, for a long enough period of time.
[youtube] [/youtube]
[youtube] [/youtube]
This is why I chuckle at "gun" laws.
It would not be difficult for anyone, with any training at all, to take down a small group, and even less, if you infiltrated them as a supporter.
They look like 9,000 pounds of dogs..t... hoping for something they really don't want.
I'm not even being arrogant or overconfident. That's really the truth of it.
This WILL all come to a head sooner or later though. Historically speaking, it always has.
Playing with matches while standing in puddles of gasoline , , ,
This is not going to end well , , , :cry:
Playing with matches while standing in puddles of gasoline , , ,
This is not going to end well , , , :cry:
To be fair, on a long enough given timeline... the probability of survival drops to zero for everyone.
It's all fun, games and schoolyard stuff until someone dies. That is what will separate the wheat from the chaff.
I doubt anyone present in Berkely had any real experience with violence or brutality.
It would appear that such may be the case all too soon:
second post
A Chilling Threat of Political Violence in Portland
Activists threatened to drag local Republicans off a parade route if they weren’t excluded from a local celebration. Organizers cancelled the entire event in response.
A protester holds a sign during a demonstration in Seattle.Ted S. Warren / AP
On the day after Donald Trump was inaugurated, perhaps 3 million Americans took to the streets in peaceful protest to register their opposition. When news of his travel ban broke, I stood at LAX watching Angelenos sing the Star Spangled Banner and Amazing Grace. Across the nation, peaceful protest against President Trump continues. But a violent fringe has been using Trump’s rise as a justification for political violence, as if his authoritarian impulses justify authoritarianism from his opponents.
This tiny faction knows that most of their compatriots on the left are committed to nonviolence, so they frame their aggressive actions as a narrow exception to the rule.
Most famously, they insisted that it was okay, or even righteous, to punch white supremacist Richard Spencer because he was “a Nazi.” That position impels the debate down a slippery slope. And now, activists in Oregon caused the cancellation of the 82nd Avenue of Roses Parade, a community event in the southeast quadrant of Portland, by threatening to forcibly drag “fascists” off the parade route if they weren’t excluded.
Who exactly did they want removed from the parade? The local Republican Party of Multonomah County. The Oregonian reports on the threat the leftists sent to organizers:
"You have seen how much power we have downtown and that the police cannot stop us from shutting down roads so please consider your decision wisely," the anonymous email said, telling organizers they could cancel the Republican group's registration or else face action from protesters.
The email went on to speculate that right-wing extremists would march among the Republicans, and warned, “we will have two hundred or more people rush into the parade into the middle and drag and push those people out as we will not give one inch to groups who espouse hatred toward lgbt, immigrants, people of color or others.”
A local alt-weekly quoted from a Facebook event page describing a perhaps different planned protest––its authors say that they did not send the threatening email––which stated:
The fascists know that we'll keep shutting their marches down, they are now planning to march within other parades to protect their message of hate and white supremacy - it WON'T work. Nazis will not march through Portland.
The group we're disrupting is #67. It is registered to the Multnomah County Republicans, but these infiltrators are the same folks from Lake Oswego, Salem, Vancouver, and even Berkeley. These are the folks that attacked a woman at PDX, they harassed Latinx parishioners with slurs and threats at a local church, they spew hate, threaten and curse young women at women's health clinics. They seek to intimidate and harass our Latinx, Muslim and LGBTQ+ neighbors and friends. Their Trump flags, their red MAGA hats and their hate group badges are all intended to normalize support for an orange man who bragged about sexually harassing women and who is waging a war of hate, racism and prejudice against our Muslim, Latinx, Black and Native neighbors. They will attempt to march from the Eastport Plaza to Yamhill, but nazis will not march through our city.
If you missed that, one reason these protesters cite as justification for stopping Republicans on a parade route is that they will otherwise “normalize support” for a sitting president.
Organizers caved. “Following threats of violence during the Parade by multiple groups planning to demonstrate at the event, we can no longer guarantee the safety of our community and have made the difficult decision to cancel the Parade,” they stated.
The local GOP put out its own statement. It reads in part:
The Multnomah County Republican Party (MCRP) has for many years participated in the Parade, and calls upon the Mayor, the Police Chief, and the District Attorney to take action against this criminal conspiracy to commit crimes of riot and disorderly conduct in violation of Oregon law.
Under former Mayor Charlie Hales the City allowed this cancer of lawlessness to grow to the point where its leaders are now bragging, like some sort of comic book characters, that ‘the police cannot stop us’. But this is no laughing matter. The participation of political parties in public events like the Parade is not only an American tradition, but also reflects the most fundamental constitutional rights of free speech and freedom of assembly.
The road to fascism begins with armed gangs of thugs using violence to shut down opposing points of view. The question now is whether the City of Portland will be complicit in such conduct. We hope the City’s new leadership has the courage to respond to these threats appropriately.
So long as threats of violence succeed in causing events to get shut down by their risk-averse organizers, more threats will be made. One wonders who this faction on the left will next label a Nazi or a fascist in order to justify their own use of fascistic tactics.
Hurray for the GW police!
I went there years ago.
L.A. Police Commission Makes Violent Protests Like UC-Berkeley More Likely
University of California, Berkeley police guard the building where Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos was to speak. (AP Photo/Ben Margot, File)
Imagine you’re at work one day when your boss calls you into his office. "Uh oh," you think, "this can’t be good." And indeed, despite the gloss he tries to put on it, it isn’t. The company has adopted a new policy, he tells you, one that will change the way you are evaluated in the performance of your duties.
There are new criteria to be used, criteria designed not to measure how well you performed a given task, but rather to inform you that, no matter how well things may have turned out for you and your company, you should have performed it differently. What’s worse, the judgment will be made not by your peers, your superiors, or even by people in your line of work, but rather by people who have never done your job – and couldn’t if their very lives depended on it.
If you didn’t quit on the spot, you would very likely look askance at your boss and this nonsense he’s peddling. And you would return to your office in the discomfiting knowledge that the place is being run by imbeciles.
You now have a sense of what it’s like to be a police officer in Los Angeles these days.
I have often written of the politics of Los Angeles, one of the more peculiar aspects of which is that the city’s police department is overseen by five mayoral appointees to the police commission. In addition to setting policy, the commission is vested with the authority to determine the propriety of an officer’s use of deadly force.
In making these determinations, the commissioners weigh not only an officer’s decision to fire his weapon, but also the tactics he used as the incident unfolded. And, even though an honest appraisal of such an incident would presumably require a certain level of experience and expertise, not one of these commissioners has ever served so much as a single day as a police officer.
Last October, I wrote in this space on the current fashion of police “de-escalation,” i.e., the avoidance of using force in restoring order, obtaining compliance, and making arrests. Like all fashions, this one was inspired by ephemeral considerations, to wit, mostly ill-informed opinions on high-profile police use-of-force incidents recently seen in Los Angeles and across the country. The Los Angeles police commissioners, five of the most ill-informed people you’re ever likely to find in one room, recently codified this fashion in the form of a new use-of-force policy for the LAPD.
Latest Fad in Policing: "De-escalation"
In truth, the new policy (PDF) is not at all a drastic departure from the one it replaces. The changes amount to no more than a few words, these intended to emphasize the desire for alternatives, if any are available, to the use of deadly force. So it is not the policy itself that officers find objectionable. Rather, it is the knowledge that their fate may one day rest in the hands of the people whose idealistic notions of police work cannot be squared with how police work is actually performed.
In my October piece, I linked to this Los Angeles Times article concerning the September 2015 shooting of Norma Guzman, who was killed while approaching officers with an 8-inch knife. Though LAPD Chief Charlie Beck ruled the shooting to be “in-policy,” the commission disagreed, arguing that the first officer to fire on Guzman should have “redeployed” to a safer place.
And this is where the commissioners’ lack of real-world experience becomes obvious and alarming. They disapproved of the outcome, so they propose that different actions by the officer would have resulted in a better one. But in doing so they fail to consider what might have happened had the officer done what they think he should have.
In the video accompanying the Times’s story, we can see that the passenger officer alights from the police car and apparently spots Guzman walking toward him. He draws his weapon and, we are told, orders her to stop and drop the knife. She fails to comply and is shot when she gets to within about ten feet of the officer.
The driver officer, having exited the police car and come around the rear, also fires as he sees Guzman approaching his partner. In the commissioners’ imagination, the passenger officer should have distanced himself from Guzman before firing. But consider that in doing so, he would also have distanced himself from his partner, whose view of Guzman was momentarily blocked by the police SUV.
One can easily imagine a scenario in which the passenger officer “re-deploys” only to expose his unwary partner to the danger posed by Guzman. What’s more, this scenario might easily have resulted in Guzman being between the officers, thus creating the danger of deadly cross-fire.
What’s more, had the passenger officer “re-deployed,” the commission’s euphemism for “run away,” he may have violated the LAPD policy that prohibits partners from separating. Had he done so and left his partner to face Guzman alone, the commission surely would have found fault with either officer or both if Guzman had been shot.
It’s one thing for police officers to critique the actions of their peers with the aim of improving safety, it’s quite another to have five political appointees with no relevant experience taking months to evaluate decisions officers must make in an instant. No less authority than the U.S. Supreme Court has made this clear, ruling in Graham v. Connor (1989) that “the ‘reasonableness’ of a particular use of force must be judged from the perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene, rather than with the 20/20 vision of hindsight.”
UC Berkeley's Police Chief Offers Terrible Excuses for Her Failure
In the current climate, hindsight on police matters abounds, and the acuity is most often less than 20/20, with the L.A. police commission perhaps in need of a long white cane and a seeing-eye dog. And with all this myopic second-guessing comes the apparent reluctance among some police managers to uphold the law whenever there is a risk of a violent encounter with those who are breaking it. The most notable recent example can be found on the campus of the University of California, in Berkeley, where the campus police chief so disgraced herself at the Milo Yiannopoulos event earlier this year.
Following that disgrace, I offered some advice to her and her campus overseers on how to handle a visit to the campus by Ann Coulter, who was scheduled to speak on April 27. Already the campus officials have embarrassed themselves once more, first by rescinding the invitation to Coulter, then by rescheduling her appearance to a date during the week before final examinations.
In first canceling the event, university officials said it was “not possible to assure that the event could be held successfully — or that the safety of Ms. Coulter, the event sponsors, audience and bystanders could be adequately protected.” In this they admit their own ineptitude and their unwillingness to accept the fact that in order keep these people safe they may have to use force against those who threaten them.
It’s quite simple: Announce that the law will be enforced, then do it. Perhaps this is too much to ask these days.
April 30, 2017
The Mask Is Coming Off, And They Don't Care.
They used to hide it. Hell, the Soviet Union spent billions of rubles on disinformation and supporting organizations that were publicly neutral or soft-left but in reality were fronts for the Soviet's robust efforts to undermine Western Democracies, most of all the United States. But now there seems to be little desire to hide the progressive Left's efforts to destroy democracy and freedom in this country.
Academic Malfeasance: U. Of Arkansas Disinvites Phyllis Chesler is a sordid tale of exactly what many of us suspect the Left does behind closed doors, but here they don't even bother to shut the door, and in fact don't seem to care that the intercom was broadcasting their fascist plots.
Free Speech isn't complicated. Government (here in the form of a state university) has no business regulating speech in any form short of clear and unambiguous calls for violence. But they don't care.
And lest you think they were going after a crypto-conservative, this professor was a member of a loony-tunes hard-left socialist organization called "Hashomer Hatzair," and trust me, they are hard-core. And nuts. But definitely far, far to the left. But she made a fatal error...she is against honor killings and genital mutilation, and that just can't be tolerated, because those are the tools of the Islamists, who are at the vanguard of those who would destroy the West.
The latest speaker to be "disinvited" from an American college is prominent feminist scholar Phyllis Chesler, whose participation in a University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, symposium on honor killing earlier this month was withdrawn days before the event. Behind the cancellation lies a sordid tale involving faculty machinations, threats from a dean, and at least one shattered window. Together, they offer a case study on the intellectual and moral corruption of academe.
And to the surprise of no one with more than two functioning synapses, The neo-fascists of American academia were being supported by some rather more hands-on fascists, the militant Islamists who are quickly becoming embedded in our universities, thanks to lots and lots of oil money.
The university has a chapter of the Muslim Students Association (MSA), a Saudi-founded organization that promotes Islamist propaganda -- including Islamic supremacism, opposition to women's rights, hostility toward America, and anti-Semitism -- on campuses nationwide. That Islamists played a role in cancelling Chesler's talk is revealed in a professor's April 7 email stating that he anticipated "campus Muslim organizations would get involved" and "a Muslim RSO [Registered Student Organization] might be involved too."
Trumped up charges, low-level violence, manipulation of the academic-political process...this is an all-too familiar playbook.
Monday, May 01, 2017
[youtube] [/youtube]
Now some perspectives -
Yes, these people are ridiculous...right now...and this particular group. Standing and watching from our "gentleman killer/warrior scholar" perspective, we sneer at their poor marksmanship and silly antics. But let us not forget...the sin of underestimating your enemies is a profound one for which the penalty is usually death.
Let's recall the "poorly trained" and marginally skilled rear echelon pogue that in essence, kicked the ass of one of the largest police departments in the nation for a few hours last year. Not to mention the San Bernardino and Orlando jihadists who I suspect would be in the lower 25% of skill of most in the gun community. They seem to have done quite well with some very basic skills and whole nutsack-full of conviction and initiative.
As well...not all skilled shooters, former soldiers/cops, etc. are dyed in the wool conservatives. We will recall one gent from Atlanta that was an aspiring instructor whom we canned after his ties to the BLM were discovered. Their side has skilled personnel, just like ours. So I urge caution and avoidance of underestimation based on a few silly people in a video.
We live in a time of war and a new adversary is making themselves known.
We are watching it happen in front of our eyes.
I am surprised Portland PD was allowed to make arrests.
Book Review: Kurt Schlichter’s Indian Country
by Dystopic | Jun 1, 2017 | Culture War, Fiction, Reviews, SJWs, War | 18 comments
If you’ve long felt the country coming apart at the seems, fracturing along its ideological breakpoints, you aren’t alone. Right or Left, it’s not hard to see it. The Internet is chock full of vitriol and hatred between the the camps. In meatspace, the peace was often maintained by deliberately looking the other way, or just keeping quiet.
But now, with the rise of Donald Trump, even meatspace is becoming hostile politically. I’ve lost many personal friends, and I’ll probably lose more. There are riots in streets, and graffiti right down the road from me that says “Kill Whitey – Black Lives Matter.” Hoax or true, who knows? But God knows you didn’t see things like that in my town even a year ago.
We’re heading to a dark place as a nation, presuming we even last much longer as a nation. I don’t know. When I read Kurt’s first book in this series, People’s Republic, I was instantly struck with how plausible and realistic the world he constructed felt.
In his new book, Indian Country, this world is taken up to the eleven. You see what it would actually be like to live in a time when the country wasn’t just splitting apart, but had already cut itself to pieces. Make no mistake, the world he describes is so very possible, even likely, that it’s actually something of a frightening read.
In some ways, his writing style reminds me of Tom Kratman, as it should given their broadly similar backgrounds. You can definitely tell that the author served. His description of tactics, the grasp of command, and what it means to fight ring true.
Some trolls on Twitter, usually of the Progressive variety, have taken to calling him a stupid “jagoff” on Memorial Day, but they only prove why Kurt’s world feels so realistic. The hatred and vitriol slung his way for just the mere act of writing and promoting this book shows the truth of it.
Kelly Turnbull, Kurt’s protagonist, is a fascinating character. At first read, you might think him a simplistic military man, without any real depth. But as you get into the book, you realize that Kelly is a sort of observer of humanity, almost as much a passenger in this story as the reader.
Oh, he’s not a helpless passenger. During the course of the story, he fights, and motivates his men (and yes, they are his men, despite being a motley collection of civilians, cops, and ex-military) to great feats. But the reader gets the sense that though this story takes place in a tiny part of southern Indiana, it’s part of a much wider world that’s slowly but surely going straight to Hell.
There are some memorable characters, and some amusing one-liners here and there, including an old stubborn redneck downing Pabst on the way to a firefight because damnit, the beer was just there, and plenty of jabs at politically correct social justice culture. It’s not Crusader company, damnit, it’s “Caring” company. I guess every tanker is just a caring transsexual overweight otherkin lesbian in disguise. It sounds like the sort of irritating intellectual refuse peddled by your average SJW. Kurt, it would seem, is well acquainted with them.
The villains aren’t cardboard cutouts either. One isn’t really a villain at all, despite his role as a major antagonist. Others, while being comically idiotic zampolits (is there any other kind?), manage to get in their own way more often than not.
Indian Country is a book I couldn’t put down. It was at times, entertaining, horrifying, real, and utterly insane. And it’s a thing that may come to pass sooner or later. Kurt intends this book to be a warning. Perhaps he, like some of my friends (Sarah, I’m looking at you), believe we can still avert the coming crisis.
Me? I’m a cynic and a pessimist. Not so different from Kurt’s protagonist, in this respect. When I read Indian Country, I feel like I’m reading a history of the near future.
Wherever you might stand on the future of our country, all I can say is, this book is powerful beyond my ability to describe it, and I give it the strongest possible endorsement.
Bat-Wielding Mob of Left-Wing Students Are ‘Community Policing’ Evergreen College
Home Culture Wars
By William Hicks | 1:39 pm, June 6, 2017
Evergreen State College erupted in protest two weeks ago when a biology professor Bret Weinstein spoke out against a social justice event that coerced white students and faculty to leave campus.
Since then, the Olympia, Washington, campus has devolved into chaos, while the school administration cowers and capitulates to student mob rule.
Things are getting so bad that the school is having issues with a group of bat-wielding vigilantes seeking to “community police” the campus. The school was shut down Monday because of acts of vandalism and window smashing the previous night.
On Sunday, an official at Evergreen sent a letter (obtained by College Fix) to students, urging them not to carry bats while they roam the campus.
Dear RAD Students,
We are aware of a small group of students coordinating a community patrol of housing and campus. We acknowledge and understand the fear and concerns that are motivating these actions. We also understand that these students are seeking to provide an alternative source of safety from external entities as well as those community members who they distrust.
Community patrols can be a useful tool for helping people to feel safe, however the use of bats or similar instruments is not productive. Some members of this group have been observed carrying batons and/or bats. Carrying bats is causing many to feel unsafe and intimidated. The bats must be put away immediately in order to protect all involved. Non-students participating in this activity are advised to leave campus.
One of the demands made by protesters is to abolish the campus police and replace it with student-led community policing. This kind of bat-wielding vigilantism is the warped extension of this idea.
Weinstein, the professor at the center of the shit storm, is claiming some students were even hit, but says they won’t report it to the police.
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Bret Weinstein @BretWeinstein
Credible reports protestors w/ bats roaming campus for 2 days. People hit, won't report. @heathereheying students & I warned @GovInslee 5/25
4:00 PM - 5 Jun 2017
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Last Thursday, a group of students was accosted by members of this mob, one of them carrying a bat.
Stop Lying To Us
Kurt Schlichter |Posted: Jun 08, 2017 12:01 AM Share (2K) Tweet
The most significant revelation that came out of the most recent London massacre of disarmed British subjects was not the bloodshed itself, but the pathetic sissy whining, in the midst of throats being slashed, at the Brit who refused to adhere to the comforting lie that the Muslims doing the slashing in the name of Allah were not Muslims doing the slashing in the name of Allah.
The left would rather you lie and die than tell the truth and live.
It’s exhausting being lied to 24/7 about the big issues, and don’t start with the “but what about Trump?” nonsense because…well, what about Trump?
Does Trump pretend that the Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam because to admit the Islamic State has something to do with Islam is an admission that the unquestionable idea underlying multiculturalism – that every culture is wonderful except the Western culture that brought about 95 percet of the learning and science that is making the grinding poverty and disease that was heretofore man’s fate a thing of the past – is an utter fraud?
Does Trump pretend that we are morally or scientifically bound by a non-treaty that was non-submitted to our elected representatives to solve the non-problem of climate change at the price of our non-employment and non-prosperity?
Does Trump blame Russians for the utter repudiation of Felonia von Pantsuit’s poisonous ideology of greed and huggy fascism? Does he contend Hillary skipped those icky workin’ folks in Wisconsin and Michigan because Putin tricked her?
I keep trying to find the big Trump “lies” and they always seem to end up being disagreements with liberal orthodoxy.
But for the so-called elite that seeks to rule us, it’s all lies, all day, every day, about everything, since they can’t be honest because we normals reject what they want whenever we are exposed to the truth and are allowed a say. So their go-to move to impose their sick will is to obscure or hide the truth, and try to suppress our voices.
When it comes to terror, they prioritize their cocktail party clichés over our lives. They are willing to accept the risk of dangerous Muslim radicals infiltrating our country rather than admitting the truth and taking action. They refuse to bar people from jihadi hellholes, preferring to virtue signal in an orgy of self-congratulation over their own enlightenment. They refuse to deport scummy anti-American trash like punitive clitoral mutilation advocate Linda Sansour – hell, the liberal feminists have made that sharia-loving refugee from the Seventh Century their heroine.
And, of course, they eagerly seek to ensure patriotic Americans are just as disarmed and helpless as their Euro-victim counterparts. Nothing offends a liberal – especially their cowardly beta boyz – like a proud American with an AR15 shaking his head and saying, “Nope, I’m a citizen, not a subject.”
We reject their plans for our subjugation, so the left seeks to stop our voice from being heard. We elected a guy who, quite reasonably, sought to keep out people from places where a lot of the population wants to murder us, at least until we can get our ridiculous intelligence community capable of adequately vetting them. Of course, that would be done by the same bunch of saps who gave a 25-year old leftist named “Reality Winner” a Top Secret/SCI clearance though her social media feed included a pledge of loyalty to Iran should America find itself at war with those sexually-inadequate freaks. You know, when I got my TS/SCI, they investigated me so intensely that if I had any, they would have detected my colon polyps.
So, we vote for a guy who proposed to stop the refugee madness of King Barack and the left promptly goes to the courts, which invent extra-constitutional justifications for preventing the president from fulfilling his basic function of protecting the people of the United States. And when the president tweets in frustration, the left cheers because it fully expects the courts to again abuse their responsibility – no, a court may not consider material not in the record on appeal (the new tweets are not), and no, a court may not rule against someone just because he offended the judges personally.
Then there are the informal ways the left seeks to protect the lies – the attempts at public shaming, plus the intimidation by political correctness that tells the truth-speaker that his reputation, his job and maybe his physical safety will be in danger if he dares point out that the lies are lies.
The hell with that, and the hell with them.
We’re Americans, and it’s time to push back twice as hard. Confront the lies, call them out. Stand firm in the face of the systemic dishonesty our elite uses to attain, retain, and exercise power.
We are citizens, not subjects. Don’t be that pathetic sissy whining in the midst of throats being slashed at other Americans who clearly and unequivocally reject the comforting lie that the Muslims doing the slashing in the name of Allah were not Muslims doing the slashing in the name of Allah. Cease your embarrassing fussing, you gutless dhimmis. Pick up a weapon and fight.
No, they would rather you lie and die than tell the truth and live. But unless we choose not to stand up for ourselves, our families and our Constitution, we still get a say.
And we should say, “Hell no.”
The elite wants you to submit.
Run. Hide. Tell.
Never. We’re Americans. We don’t submit to intimidation and oppression, and certainly not to impotent jihadi schmucks.
Here’s how we roll.
Draw. Aim. Shoot.
By: Angelo M. Codevilla
Posted: April 25, 2017
This article appeared in: Volume XVII, Number 2
As the Ancients remind us, the statesman’s primary concern must be the good of his own nation. In revolutionary times especially, thoughts, words, and deeds about international affairs must be subordinated to internal needs. That is the primary meaning of “America First.” But because “America First” has an equally compelling meaning internationally, it also implies taking seriously what the United States might do for itself vis-à-vis foreign nations—beyond simply using them as weapons in domestic battles, as so many politicians and commentators do today in what passes for discussion of Russia policy.
America is in the throes of revolution. The 2016 election and its aftermath reflect the distinction, difference, even enmity that has grown exponentially over the past quarter century between America’s ruling class and the rest of the country. During the Civil War, President Lincoln observed that all sides “pray[ed] to the same God.” They revered, though in clashing ways, the same founders and principles. None doubted that those on the other side were responsible human beings. Today, none of that holds. Our ruling class and their clients broadly view Biblical religion as the foundation of all that is wrong with the world. According to the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, “The phrases ‘religious liberty’ and ‘religious freedom’ will stand for nothing except hypocrisy so long as they remain code words for discrimination, intolerance, racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, Christian supremacy, or any form of intolerance.”
The government apparatus identifies with the ruling class’s interests, proclivities, and tastes, and almost unanimously with the Democratic Party. As it uses government power to press those interests, proclivities, and tastes upon the ruled, it acts as a partisan state. This party state’s political objective is to delegitimize not so much the politicians who champion the ruled from time to time, but the ruled themselves. Ever since Woodrow Wilson nearly a century and a half ago at Princeton, colleges have taught that ordinary Americans are rightly ruled by experts because they are incapable of governing themselves. Millions of graduates have identified themselves as the personifiers of expertise and believe themselves entitled to rule. Their practical definition of discrimination, intolerance, racism, sexism, etc., is neither more nor less than anyone’s reluctance to bow to them. It’s personal.
On the other side, some two thirds of regular Americans chafe at insults from on high and believe that “the system” is rigged against them and, hence, illegitimate—that elected and appointed officials, plus the courts, business leaders, and educators are leading the country in the wrong direction. The non-elites blame the elites for corruptly ruling us against our will, for impoverishing us, for getting us into wars and losing them. Many demand payback—with interest.
So many on all sides have withdrawn consent from one another, as well as from republicanism as defined by the Constitution and as it was practiced until the mid-20th century, that it is difficult to imagine how the trust and sympathy necessary for good government might ever return. Instead, we have a cold civil war. Statesmanship’s first task is to prevent it from turning hot. In today’s circumstances, fostering mutual forbearance may require loosening the Union in unfamiliar and unwelcome ways to accommodate differences that may otherwise become far worse.
Taking Sides
Well-nigh the entire ruling class—government bureaucracies, the judiciary, academia, media, associated client groups, Democratic officials, and Democrat-controlled jurisdictions—have joined in “Resistance” to the 2016 elections: “You did not win this election,” declared Tom Perez recently, the Democratic National Committee’s chairman. This is not about Donald Trump’s alleged character defects. The Resistance would have arisen against whoever represented Americans who had voted not to be governed as they have been for the past quarter-century. It is a cold civil war against a majority of the American people and their way of life. The members of the Resistance mean to defend their power. Their practical objective is to hamper and otherwise delegitimize 2016’s winners. Their political objective is to browbeat Trump voters into believing they should repent and yield to their betters. This campaign might break the Trump presidency.
In the meantime, however, it exacerbates the spirit of discontent in the land. In 2016 the electorate, following the pattern it had set in 2010 and 2014 (and even in 2012, except for the presidential election), voted Republican to show its desire to reduce government’s intrusion in American life, to get out from under the ruling class’s socio-economic agenda and political correctness. But the Republican leadership did not and does not share the electorate’s concerns. Cycle after cycle, Americans who vote to “throw the rascals out” get ever more unaccountable rules piled on by the same unelected bureaucrats; and even modest attempts to hold back capillary intrusion into their lives get invalidated by the same judges. They come to believe that the system is rigged. In short, they want to drain the swamp.
Yet such revolutionary sentiments do not amount to a coherent program to reverse the past century’s course. Donald Trump’s promises with regard to the swamp and to restoring America’s greatness would be extraordinarily difficult to keep even were they matched with due understanding and forceful execution. But the ruling class is so big, so pervasive, and so committed to its ideas, that sidelining it, and even more so, undoing its work, would require at least matching its power, pretensions, and vehemence. In other words, it would take raising the temperature of our cold civil war’s right side to match or overmatch the temperature of its left side. Statesmanship’s task, however, is to maximize peace, not strife.
American society has divided along unreconcilable visions of the good, held by countrymen who increasingly regard each other as enemies. Any attempt by either side to coerce the other into submission augurs only the fate that has befallen other peoples who let themselves slide into revolution. It follows that the path to peace must lie in each side’s contentment to have its own way—but only among those who consent to it. This implies limiting the U.S. government’s reach to what it can grasp without wrecking what remains of our national cohesion.
Lincoln’s Example
The events preceding the Civil War, which killed some 10% of military-age American men, may offer some guidance. The conflict loomed for 30 years because Northerners and Southerners wanted to impose their views about slavery, the tariff, and much else on the other. South Carolina had nullified the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832. Because war was the only way by which it could have been forced to accept the tariffs, President Andrew Jackson and Congress, while threatening the use of force, offered a compromise that effectively let South Carolina get what it wanted out of nullification.
By 1858, America had become a “house divided” by a cold civil war that, Lincoln warned, would lead eventually to total victory for one side or the other. Lincoln left no doubt which side he wanted to prevail. But, until the firing on Fort Sumter left him no other option, he focused on cooling the conflict. He would send no obnoxious officials to the South—effectively agreeing to at least temporary nullification of federal law—though he made clear he would defend federal forts and arsenals in the South. He would faithfully enforce the fugitive slave law in the North, and even consider a constitutional amendment specifically protecting slavery where it existed. He believed that, so long as slavery was not allowed to expand into the territories, regardless of what the Southern states did within their boundaries, the best features of diverse America would triumph in the end.
To this extent, Lincoln was following the standard American way of getting along with people with whom one disagrees. Ever since Roger Williams led his band out of Massachusetts to found Rhode Island, Americans have avoided contention by sorting out into more congenial groups. The Constitution was written to reflect the reality of very different ways of life, united by a common commitment to “the laws of nature and of nature’s God” and to the supreme law of the land. The waning of agreement among ourselves regarding first principles has increased the need for—and the difficulty of—tolerating differences among ourselves.
As with Lincoln, the practical limits of the U.S. government’s reach should guide its grasp. Of what would similar statesmanship today consist? Much of the heat in contemporary American politics comes from the attempt, principally from the Left but increasingly from the Right as well, to force the entire nation to live in precisely the same way with precisely the same values. Statesmanship should begin by questioning and moderating that tendency.
Accepting Reality
Consider sanctuary cities (and states). Some hundreds of cities in America have declared that they are taking no part in enforcing national immigration laws. The government of great big California has set up an executive office to figure out all the ways in which to evade or just to stiff anything it does not like coming from the Trump Administration. And why not? Practically speaking, the federal government doesn’t have the power to make local officials enforce its rules, or even court judgments, against significant popular opposition. Yes, nowadays every federal agency has its SWAT team. But state or city officials, backed by the voters, can nullify or simply ignore a federal law, regulation, or court order, because countering peaceful nullification is hard—and usually unwise, too. Sending paramilitaries to arrest elected officials or citizens who comply with local law or policy is a blind alley. Yes, President Eisenhower sent the 101st airborne to Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957 to enforce school desegregation after Brown v. Board of Education. But that symbolic act (no resistance, no force, no arrests) succeeded because the government then enjoyed a moral authority that it has since squandered. Nothing like that will ever happen again.
The reality is that, today, the people of California and Massachusetts continue to diverge from those of Texas and the Dakotas in so many ways that applying the administrative state’s formulae to them requires ever more force. Substituting administrative force for waning consensus makes for less national unity, not more. Why not, then, deal with the problem by accepting reality?
Texas passed a law that, in effect, closes down most of its abortion clinics. The U.S. Supreme Court struck it down. What if Texas closed them nonetheless? Send the Army to point guns at Texas rangers to open them? What would the federal government do if North Dakota declared itself a “Sanctuary for the Unborn” and simply banned abortion? For that matter, what is the federal government doing about the fact that, for practical purposes, its laws concerning marijuana are being ignored in Colorado and California? Utah objects to the boundaries of national monuments created by decree within its borders. What if the state ignored those boundaries? Prayer in schools? What could bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., do if any number of states decided that what the federal courts have to say about such things is bad?
Now that identity politics have replaced the politics of persuasion and blended into the art of war, statesmen should try to preserve what peace remains through mutual forbearance toward jurisdictions that ignore or act contrary to federal laws, regulations, or court orders. Blue states and red states deal differently with some matters of health, education, welfare, and police. It does no good to insist that all do all things uniformly. Why shouldn’t each spend its money and legislate as it wishes? Regarding sanctuary cities, the federal government can, and should, withdraw whatever money such jurisdictions receive from the federal government for the functions in question. Indeed, as jurisdictions on the Left and Right effectively nullify some of the administrative state’s functions, fewer and fewer congressmen and senators will be inclined to maintain those functions. America’s founders had learned from the history of empires that keeping diverse peoples under the same roof requires interfering as little as possible with their views of themselves and of the good. Time to relearn federalism.
The limits to such forbearance are set by the Declaration of Independence’s requirement that no one may rule another without his consent; such unity as may be possible, therefore, has to result from the politics of persuasion. Today, states and cities ruled by the Left are seizing disproportionate influence in national politics by counting the votes of non-citizens. California issued drivers’ licenses—de facto voter registration—to a million illegals. Countless localities, such as New York City, Detroit, and Florida’s Broward County, do similar things. A few million votes here and there add up to a wall protecting today’s ruling class as it imposes itself on the rest of the country. Because this fraud so threatens the body politic’s integrity, a federal law requiring positive proof of citizenship for voting in federal elections is a sine qua non of continued national cohesion.
The Common Defense
Revolution narrows statesmanship’s focus to first principles regarding foreign affairs, too. The fundamentals never change: foreign policy must serve internal needs first. It must speak softly and carry a big stick. In revolutionary times or times of profound discord, this approach is especially important: minimize interference in others’ affairs so as to minimize occasions for others’ interference in ours, and maintain such military capacity as would discourage anyone from taking advantage of our temporary distraction. The overarching challenge is to secure such respect from other peoples as may be needed to live safely and without interference as our body politic secures internal peace.
George Washington’s Farewell Address stressed the priority of avoiding foreign commitments that set Americans against one another, encouraging them to be partisans of contending foreign causes. Contrary to Washington’s warnings, U.S. foreign policy has oscillated between support for, and opposition to, governments and factions entangled in the Middle East’s perennial struggle between Sunni and Shia Muslims. Like its predecessors, the Trump Administration seems preoccupied, for example, with the question of which sect will hold the mayoralty of Mosul. But attention to such questions exacerbates divisions that already exist among Americans. Our incapacity to make lasting changes in other peoples’ arrangements with one another continues to subtract from the respect that we Americans need in order to secure ourselves from foreign interference at a time when this is crucial. The same is true of official U.S. pronouncements on world events that are not of our making and are beyond our control. They bark without biting, furthering contrasting reactions among Americans and increasing foreigners’ contempt for us all.
We should take to heart Washington’s injunction to treasure and defend America’s peculiar—yes, exceptional—nature and circumstances. Military preparedness naturally unifies Americans of disparate views insofar as it is directed to “the common defense.” Since political divisiveness results from suspicions that our military power is directed to partisan ends, military power can contribute mightily to national unity by focusing unambiguously on protecting Americans and killing those who harm us. In this regard, nothing has ever enjoyed so near-unanimous support as defense against ballistic missile attack. Most Americans mistakenly believe it already exists, and strain to comprehend why U.S. policy remains not to raise any obstacles whatever to Russian and Chinese missiles hitting our country. Americans of all sorts (elites of a certain age excluded) could unite around missile defense as essential to themselves and to their neighbors.
Revolutions end when a coherent, persuasive idea of the common good returns to the public mind. Only then can statecraft be practiced rationally, as more than a minimalist calling designed to prevent the worst from happening.
Well we have heard the "drive bys" blaming Trump every chance they get for inspiring any violence at all in the US.
Don't expect CNN or Maddow or Waters to tone it down.
There will be the usual call of no violence and then they will then clarify that they have nothing to do with it and then proceed to do everything in thier power to destroy Trump.
Well we have heard the "drive bys" blaming Trump every chance they get for inspiring any violence at all in the US.
Don't expect CNN or Maddow or Waters to tone it down.
There will be the usual call of no violence and then they will then clarify that they have nothing to do with it and then proceed to do everything in thier power to destroy Trump.
The left is enjoying it.
Acquaintance describes campaigning for Bernie Sanders with shooting suspect
Charles Orear, 50, a restaurant manager from St. Louis, said in an interview Wednesday that he became friendly with James T. Hodgkinson, whom law enforcement officials identified as the shooter, during their work in Iowa on Sen. Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign. Orear said Hodgkinson was a passionate progressive and showed no signs of violence or malice toward others.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Orear said when told by phone. “I met him on the Bernie trail in Iowa, worked with him in the Quad Cities area.”
Orear described Hodgkinson as a “quiet guy” who was “very mellow, very reserved” when they stayed overnight at a Sanders’s supporter home in Rock Island, Ill., after canvassing for the senator.
“He was this union tradesman, pretty stocky, and we stayed up talking politics,” he said. “He was more on the really progressive side of things.”
The Post reached out to Orear after seeing that he liked one of Hodkinson’s Facebook posts.
Climate of hate.
Watch . the media will somehow twist this and blame Trump for this.
Shooting At GOP Baseball Practice Latest In Pattern Of Violence Against Republicans
Photo of Peter Hasson
Associate Editor
11:56 AM 06/14/2017
The shooting at a congressional GOP baseball practice is just the latest in an escalating pattern of violence and intimidation against Republicans.
James T. Hodgkinson opened fire on GOP lawmakers and staffers with a rifle on Wednesday morning as they prepared for the annual summer baseball game between Republicans and Democrats. The shooter wounded several victims, including House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and a staffer for Texas Rep. Roger Williams, before heroically being taken down by Capitol Police.
If not for the attendance of Scalise — whose leadership position comes with a security detail — “it would have been a massacre,” said Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, who managed to avoid getting shot. “I felt like I was back in Iraq but without my weapon,” said Ohio Rep. Brad Wenstrup, a former combat surgeon.
Hodgkinson’s social media profile revealed the 66-year-old was a left-wing Bernie Sanders supporter who believed President Trump is a “Traitor.” In one foreboding Facebook post in March, Hodgkinson wrote, “It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co.”
Even before Wednesday’s shooting, Republicans were growing used to being on the receiving end of violence and intimidation amidst an increasingly hostile political climate where left-wingers portrayed them as “fascists.”
One of Virginia Rep. Tom Garrett’s town halls last month featured a heavy police presence after Garrett and his family were targeted by repeated death threats. “This is how we’re going to kill your wife,” read one such message, Garrett told Politico. “I don’t want to die anytime soon. I got stuff left to do, I hope. But when you pull wives and children in, that’s not cool.”
Also last month, police in Tennessee charged 35-year-old Wendi Wright with felony reckless endangerment for allegedly trying to run Republican Congressman David Kustoff off the road after a town hall he held regarding the GOP health care bill. If Wright stays out of trouble and abides by the terms of her one-year restraining order, then all charges will be expunged from her record, reported BuzzFeed, which covered the story in sympathetic terms. “Wendi Wright can’t have any contact with Republican Rep. David Kustoff for a year after she chased after him for his vote on Obamacare last month,” read the story’s sub-headline.
The same day Wright was charged, police in North Dakota escorted a man from a town hall with Rep. Kevin Cramer after the man became physical with the Republican congressman and shoved a fistful of money into Cramer’s collar.
Town halls, in general, have become increasingly volatile environments, as left-wing activists have organized hostile town halls. (RELATED: Leaked Audio Reveals Anti-Trump Forces Manufacturing Hostile Town Hall)
Video from one of California Rep. Tom McClintock’s town halls in February shows police escorting him to his car afterwards, as emotional protesters chanted “Shame!” At least four tires were slashed outside the town hall.
Also in February, a 71-year-old female staffer for California Rep. Dana Rohrbacher was knocked unconscious during an angry protest activists staged outside Rohrbacher’s office.
Alabama Republican Mo Brooks announced shortly afterwards he would hold off on holding public town halls out of safety concerns. “I want things to settle down a little bit before I’m willing to subject citizens to bodily harm or damage to their personal property,” he explained. Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert similarly put a hold on town halls, “until the threat of violence at town hall meetings recedes.” Left-wing website ThinkProgress claimed there was “no evidence” to support Gohmert’s concerns about violence.
A popular parade in Portland, Oregon was cancelled in April after threats of violence were made against a local Republican organization taking part.
An email warned parade organizers that 200 or more protesters would rush into the parade and drag the Republicans out, if that’s what it took to keep them from participating. “You have seen how much power we have downtown and that the police cannot stop us from shutting down roads so please consider your decision wisely,” the email warned. Portland has been a site for organized left-wing protests, which have often turned into violent riots. (RELATED: Leader Of Portland Anti-Trump Protests Charged With Sexually Abusing A Minor)
The threat was sent from an email address registered with RiseUp.Net, an organization that is open about “providing communication and computer resources to allies engaged in struggles against capitalism and other forms of oppression.”
The Oregon threat followed left-ring rioters turning Berkeley, California, into a literal political battlefield to keep pro-Trump speakers from appearing in public.
Pro-Trump commentator Milo Yiannopoulos had his speech at the University of California-Berkeley cancelled after rioters set the campus ablaze in order to keep him from speaking. (RELATED: ‘INFERNO’ — Milo Speech Cancelled After Rioters Set Campus Ablaze [VIDEO])
Those same activists were able to shut down pro-Trump commentator Ann Coulter’s UC Berkeley speech just by promising a repeat performance of the Milo riots. (RELATED: Documents Tie Berkeley Riot Organizers To Pro-Pedophilia Group NAMBLA)
A month before the election, someone firebombed a North Carolina GOP office. A building adjacent to the office was spray painted with a warning: “Nazi Republicans get out of town or else.”
Educational institutions are no exception, as Republican students have been targeted there as well.
The day after the election, sophomore high school student Jade Armenio was attacked after she expressed her support for Trump on social media. Armenio, who was white, was attacked by another female student, who was black. The attacker ripped Armenio’s glasses off and punched her in the face. The attack was caught on video.
“This girl comes up to me and she said, ‘Do you hate Mexicans?’ and I was like, ‘no,’ and she said, ‘You support Trump. You hate Mexicans,'” Armenio told local news station KGO-TV.
The president of Cornell University’s College Republicans, Olivia Corn, said she was physically assaulted the night after Trump won the election. “Fuck you, racist bitch, you support a racist party,” her attacker reportedly said. Corn was attacked even though, in her own words, she was “not Donald Trump’s biggest fan.” She added that she “was saddened that I was not afforded the same respect that I offer others.”
A Maryland high school student wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat after the election was punched and kicked by students protesting Trump after he started arguing with them.
Similarly, police in Florida arrested a 17-year-old high school student after he punched a classmate for carrying a Trump sign at school.
“It definitely had a political motivation,” Lt. Mike Bandish of the Palm Bay Police Department told news organizations. “The boy was carrying a Trump sign and walked into the gym. The other boy punched him in the face.” (RELATED: Liberal Media Ignores Violence Against Trump Supporters, Focuses On Unproven Anti-Trump Stories)
In another instance of post-election violence directed at Trump supporters, 24-year-old Corey Cataldo was reportedly attacked on a New York subway for the crime of wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.
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"Jesse Benn ✔ @JesseBenn
For violent resistance to work it'd need to be organized. Individual acts can be understandable, but likely counterproductive/ineffective."
no doubt many on the LEFT agree with him and wish the shooter was a better shot then he obviously was.
Does anyone think Kathy Griffen or Alec Baldwin are upset tonight?
Anyone who has doubts that many on the LEFT are in total agreement with the shooter today read this and erase your naive doubts:
second post
second post
No. This can't continue. It won't.
Plan accordingly.
Mao did all he could to destroy Chinese history. The Khmer Rouge killed everyone with eyeglasses because the new society they were building couldn't be contaminated by people that could read.
Always, they feel the need to destroy a society so they can make their eutopia in it's ruins.
"Mao did all he could to destroy Chinese history. The Khmer Rouge killed everyone with eyeglasses because the new society they were building couldn't be contaminated by people that could read.
Always, they feel the need to destroy a society so they can make their eutopia in it's ruins."
I am half way through 'Stalin , the Court of the Red Tsar'
and presently reading about the "Terror" of 1937 to 1938. estimates 700,000 people were murdered and well over a million sent to Siberia, sometimes tortured with beating.
A real eye opener into human nature . We always hear about Hitler and the Nazis.
We hear far less about Stalin. Some of what is known is only now known in the West because it was hidden or destroyed by Soviet era officials. I also admit it is hard to follow all the characters with there names that are rather complicated to remember for an English speaking person.
Stalin/s propaganda was always he was doing it for the cause and it was all good .
Weather underground and other assorted radical 60's style punks back in force.
oh the nostalgia for the 60s! :roll:
They got their weed , open and free sex, downing of religion but need to renew their hatred of conservatives and America as before.
Same old stuff.
NJ Democratic Strategist Launches #HuntRepublicans and #HuntRepublicanCongressmen
Home Politics
By Jillian Kay Melchior | 9:53 am, June 16, 2017
After a shooter in Alexandria left House Majority Whip Steve Scalise in critical condition and wounded four other people, a longtime New Jersey Democratic political strategist responded by introducing the hashtags #HuntRepublicans and #HuntRepublicanCongressmen.
“We are in a war with selfish, foolish & narcissistic rich people,” wrote James Devine on Twitter. “Why is it a shock when things turn violent? #HuntRepublicanCongressmen.”
Devine has run for office, consulted for numerous New Jersey campaigns, and worked in the offices of state lawmakers. He’s also a blogger.
In an interview with, Devine said, “If you want to invite a class war, then you have to expect people to fight back at some point.” The Democratic strategist also wrote on Facebook that he had “little sympathy” for Scalise because of his lack of support for gun control.
Several New Jersey Democrats criticized Devine’s comments and said they did not endorse violence.
But Devine has refused to apologize and has continued using the controversial hashtags.
“I am sorry if my #HuntRepublicanCongressmen hashtag hurt the feelings of any GOP snowflakes but you have not egaged in civil discourse,” Devine said on Twitter late Thursday afternoon.
In an interview with New Jersey 101.5, Devine admitted his comments were “insensitive.”
“And I don’t care,” he said. “You want me to be politically correct? I don’t have time for that anymore.”
In 2014, Devine was convicted for shoplifting lettuce, protein powder and hair conditioner.
And in 2015, state election officials charged the Democratic strategist with 23 separate election-law violations; the Election Law Enforcement Commission claimed he never reported nearly $79,000 in contributions and more than $70,000 in expenditures involving his Central Jersey Democratic Leadership Committee.
— Jillian Kay Melchior writes for Heat Street and is a fellow for the Steamboat Institute and the Independent Women’s Forum.
Protester arrested at Sen. Flake's Tucson office
Posted: Jul 06, 2017 10:41 AM PDT
Updated: Jul 06, 2017 10:41 AM PDT
Written By Sarah SanchezCONNECT
A protester was arrested at Sen. Jeff Flake’s Tucson office Thursday morning.
According to a media release distributed Wednesday by the Tucson Chapter of Progressive Democrats of America, dozens of people planned a sit-in at the Senator’s office to demand that he vote “No” on the Better Care Reconciliation Act.
The release stated, “Protesters to Risk Arrest in Sen. Jeff Flake’s Office to Save Health Care for Millions of Americans.”
According to Jason Samuels, Sen. Flake’s Communications Director, the protester was arrested for making the following statement:
Protester: You know how liberals are going to solve the Republican problem?
Staffer: No.
Protester: They are going to get better aim. That last guy tried, but he needed better aim. We will get better aim.
News 4 Tucson is waiting for more information from the Pima County Sheriff’s Department regarding the incident and will provide updates as more information becomes available.
Antifa Website Encourages All Manner of Physical Violence Against Trump Supporters and Capitalists
Home Culture Wars
By Ian Miles Cheong | 3:50 pm, June 19, 2017
The Antifa website It’s Going Down has become the de facto resource for anarchists and “anti-fascist” activists currently engaging in sporadic street battles across the United States against Trump supporters and the government. The site calls for violence against capitalists and anyone it labels a “fascist.”
It features posters for self-identified anarchists that call for Trump supporters to be stabbed. A poster published in April shows the silhouette of a man with a Make America Great Again hat and a Pepe the Frog lapel pin being cornered by a bayonet. Behind him is the transparent silhouette of a Nazi.
Other publications include burning the Canadian flag ahead of the country’s 150th anniversary, and an introduction to anarchism that perfectly describes the victim complex most of the leftist ideology’s followers live with.
Much like the posters urging violence againstTrump’s supporters, It’s Going Down justifies violent actions in many of its publications as not only good but necessary to the survival of minorities and the disenfranchised.
A library of downloadable publications on the website offers long-form articles that call for “insurrectionary mass resistance and refusal” and asks moderate liberals to join arms with the far left. One describes liberal allies as “accomplices” to capitalists. A piece titled Work, Community, Politics, War suggests that anarchists “are imposing our needs on society without debate” and urge militant tactics against employers and law enforcement.
As with any group of social justice warriors, the Antifa website also offers a variety of publications on “gender and patriarchy,” including one called Toward the Queerest Insurrection, which describes being queer as “the cohesion of everything in conflict with the heterosexual capitalist world.” Another, titled Dangerous Spaces, offers fictional revenge stories against homophobes and rapists. It is “a violence that liberates.” It opens with a note: “Much of the content in this zine may be triggering.”
Far left militia training for “guerrilla warfare”
Right wing radio personality, Dana Loesch and The National Rifle Association recently came under fire for launching a “controversial” ad. There was an immediate backlash from numerous left leaning publications claiming that the video was a call to violence. Interestingly enough, the recent spike in political violence has come overwhelmingly from the left. Even more concerning is the growth of far left organizations openly advocating for “armed struggle”, especially considering the recent targeted shooting of Republican House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and three others by a deranged left wing activist.
One of the largest and fastest growing organizations that fits this description is Redneck Revolt, a self described “above ground militant formation” founded in June of 2016 that claims to have 30+ vetted branches nationwide.
Redneck Revolt’s organizing principles mirror much of what you would see on any other far left organizing platform. They begin with their very reasonable, very easy to support, opposition to “white supremacy”. They then dive into class theory, anti-capitalist, and anti-wealth rhetoric that could have been copied directly from The Communist Manifesto. And finally, they wrap up with open calls for “militant resistance” and “revolution”.
Since their inception, Redneck Revolt has been very busy recruiting at gun shows and community events, advocating for class war, contributing to the far left anarchist website It’s Going Down, and conducting armed anti-Trump demonstrations.
But what’s most alarming are the resources they provide on their website. They promote several PDFs that endorse “armed struggle” and even offer a 36 page “Mini-Manual Of The Urban Guerrilla” (bottom right of resource page) which pictures left-wing militants using RPGs and outlines tactics for guerrilla warfare including sections on “sabotage”, “kidnapping”, “executions”, “armed propaganda”, and “terrorism”.
Guerrilla Warfare
That’s right. A far left militia claiming to have 30+ vetted branches is providing training materials for violent guerrilla warfare and all of this information is publicly available on their own website. Not surprisingly, the same left-leaning publications that were outraged by the NRA ad I mentioned earlier have not reported on this publicly available information. In fact, some of these publications have even championed the growth of the far left militia movement. In June, Mother Jones published an article praising Redneck Revolt and other left-wing militants. In July, The Guardian published an article with similar sentiments.
The mission of Far Left Watch is to investigate, expose, and combat far left extremism. Please share this article via Twitter, Facebook, etc. and encourage friendly media and YouTube content creators to report on this breaking information.
If you have any tips on far left activities please submit them here.
The Curse Of Identity Politics
By ROD DREHER • August 13, 2017, 2:12 PM
Charlottesville, August 12. Is this America’s future? (Stephen Melkisethian/Flickr)
Charlottesville is the kind of America that identity politics is calling into being. It’s time for straight talk about that.
On the Right, the story is fairly straightforward. Neo-Nazis, white nationalists, and their ilk have to be condemned in no uncertain terms, and marginalized. The president’s coy rhetoric, dancing around these people for fear of alienating them, has to end. (I don’t expect it to end, but others on the Right need to speak up to condemn him.)
It is not enough for conservative politicians and thought leaders to condemn these incidents. In their rhetoric, they need to start criticizing the principles of identity politics, across the board. They should emphasize what unites us as Americans. And this: pastors and other leaders within the church have to start teaching clearly and directly on this front. More than that, they have to recognize that racial tribalism is a strong god — a false one, but a strong one. The mild, therapeutic God that they preach, teach, and proclaim is weak in the face of it. Don’t misunderstand: I’m not talking about the actual God of the Bible. I’m talking about the way our priests, pastors, religious teachers, and families present Him to their flocks — especially their young men.
There’s a great book coming out in November — oh, how I wish it were available now! — called God Is Not Nice, by the Catholic theologian and college professor Ulrich Lehner. It’s a shocking title, but it’s meant to be: Lehner wants to wake up the church. It’s a broadside against Moralistic Therapeutic Deism, and the way every institution in our culture — including many churches and families — think of God (“as some kind of divine therapist … a psychiatrist who treats each of his patients the same way, a friend whom we can call in times of need”).
“Why change your life for such a God?” Lehner asks. “He makes no demands.”
Lehner writes that “we all need the vaccine of knowing the true transforming and mysterious character of God: the God who shows up in burning bushes, speaks through donkeys, drives demons into pigs, throws Saul to the ground, and appears to St. Francis. It’s only this God who has the power to challenged us, change us, and make our lives dangerous. He sweeps us into a great adventure that will make us into different people.”
Christians: if you don’t want to lose your sons to the false god of white nationalism, then you had better introduce them (and yourselves) to the God of the Bible, who is rather different from the God of the comfortable American middle class.
It is widely acknowledged among conservative Christians today that the white church in the South failed terribly in the civil rights era. The failure was not primarily because they stood for white supremacy (though some did). The failure was mostly because the churches did not preach against white supremacy, preferring instead to stay neutral, and cultivate an ethos that was suited to supporting the Southern white middle class at prayer.
Today, I am aware of young white men who attend comfortable middle-class churches, but who identify as white nationalists. I doubt very much their parents or their pastors know. But it’s happening. These aren’t young men who have been downtrodden by society; that would at least give some sort of social and economic rationale for their race radicalism. These are relatively privileged young men. Why do they find no anchor in the church? Why is the god of racial nationalism more appealing to them than the God of the Bible?
Finally, we on the Right have to start speaking out without fear against identity politics — and calling out people on the Left, especially those within institutions, for practicing it. The alt-right has correctly identified a hypocritical double standard in American culture. It’s one that allows liberals and their favored minority groups to practice toxic identity politics — on campus, in the media, in corporate America, on the streets — while denying the possibility to whites and males. By speaking out against left-wing identity politics, and by explaining, over and over, why identity politics are wrong and destructive, conservatives strengthen their position in chastising white nationalists on the Right.
But none of this will matter at all as long as the Left refuses to oppose identity politics in its own ranks. As I keep saying here, you cannot have an identity politics of the Left without calling up the same thing on the Right. Left-liberals who want conservatives to stigmatize and denounce white nationalism, but conservatives who do so will be sneered at by white nationalists as dupes and fools who advocate disarmament in the face of racist, sexist forces of the Left.
When the Left indulges in rhetoric that demonizes whites — especially white males — it summons the demons of white nationalism.
When the Left punishes white males who violate its own delicate speech taboos, while tolerating the same kind of rhetoric on its own side, it summons the demons of white nationalism.
When the Left obsesses over ethnic, sexual, and religious minorities, but ignores the plight of poor and working-class whites, it summons the demons of white nationalism.
When the Left institutionalizes demonization of white males in college classes, in political movements, in the media and elsewhere, it summons the demons of white nationalism.
When the Left attributes moral status, and moral goodness, to persons based on their race, their sex, their sexual orientation, or any such thing, it summons up the demons of white nationalism.
When the Left refuses to condemn the violent antifa protesters, and treats their behavior as no big deal, it summons the demons of white nationalism.
When the Left refuses to stand firm against aggressive manifestations of illiberalism — like we have seen over the past several years on certain college campuses — it summons the demons of white nationalism.
When the Left encourages within its ranks identification as a victim, and stirs up political passions based on perception that one is a victim of other groups in society, it summons the demons of white nationalism.
And on and on. The problem is not pointing out perceived injustices and inequities that afflict people of particular groups. This is a normal part of politics. The problem is in teaching people to identify passionately and wholly with their own tribe, to think of themselves and others in their tribe as innocent victims of the Enemy, and to conflate the interest of their tribe with the common good. In his new book The Once And Future Liberal, the liberal scholar Mark Lilla argues that identity politics is a dead end. In this passage, he talks about how corrupting identity politics is to college students. In this passage, he invites his reader to consider a young, politics-minded student entering a liberal college environment today:
She is at the age when the quest for meaning begins and in a place where her curiosity could be directed outward toward the larger world she will have to find a place in. Instead, she finds that she is being encouraged to plumb mainly herself, which seems an easier exercise. (Little does she know. …) She will first be taught that understanding herself depends on exploring the different aspects of her identity, something she now discovers she has. An identity which, she also learns, has already been largely shaped for her by various social and political forces. This is an important lesson, from which she is likely to draw the conclusion that the aim of education is not to progressively become a self through engagement with the wider world. Rather, one engages with the world and particularly politics for the limited aim of understanding and affirming what one already is.
And so she begins. She takes classes where she reads histories of the movements related to whatever she decides her identity is, and reads authors who share that identity. (Given that this is also an age of sexual exploration, gender studies will hold a particular attraction.) In these courses she also discovers a surprising and heartening fact: that although she may come from a comfortable, middle-class background, her identity confers on her the status of one of history’s victims. This discovery may then inspire her to join a campus groups that engages in movement work. The line between self-analysis and political action is now fully blurred. Her political interest will be real but circumscribed by the confines of her self-definition. Issues that penetrate those confines now take on looming importance and her position on them quickly becomes non-negotiable; those issues that don’t touch on her identity are not even perceived. Nor are the people affected by them.
Notice the last two lines in that passage. It explains why those on the Left most committed to identity politics make themselves blind to those outside their circles. They have little to no idea how others perceive them. The kind of identity politics dramas that work on college campuses or other highly liberal polities are not only ineffective in more moderate to conservative polities, they are positively harmful. Again: you cannot hold that identity politics is fine for non-white, LGBT, non-Christian people, but forbidden to those outside the circle of the Sacred Victims, without unavoidably providing a justification to all others in the polity to organize and advocate along the same lines.
And there’s this:
Sheryl Gay Stolberg ✔ @SherylNYT
Rethinking this. Should have said violent, not hate-filled. They were standing up to hate. …
4:20 AM - Aug 13, 2017
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Wrong, wrong, wrong. This is where ordinary liberals go off the rails. This attitude justifies violence as long as it’s being committed by people whose cause they agree with, against people whose cause they hate. It is exactly at this point — construing left-wing hate as a virtue — that conservatives are tempted to stop caring what kind of violence the fascists visit on leftists. People on the Right who don’t sympathize with the those thugs get so sick of this double standard by the media and other left-wing institutions that they may cease giving a damn what kind of damage the extremists do.
Few people on the Left want to hear any of this, because the ethos of the Left is so heavily characterized by identity politics, and the sense of righteousness on which it feeds. But they had better recognize that there are a lot of white males in this country, and it benefits no one to push them toward radicalization around race consciousness. Thirty-one percent of the US population is white and male. The percentage of whites relative to non-whites is declining, and demographers expect the US to become a majority-minority country in the 2040s. If America is going to manage this transition into greater pluralism without a rise in racial hatred and violence, people on both the Left and the Right have to abandon identity politics, and stigmatize it.
We had better find some other way to bind Americans together, and to conceive of a common good, or what happened in Charlottesville is a picture of our nation’s future. Given how both parties, and the strongest forces in American culture, have formed the moral imagination of all Americans around the individual Self and its desires, I have my doubts as to whether or not we can pull it off. But if we don’t try, the alternative is Charlottesville, and beyond that, Yugoslavia as it broke apart.
If you think the responsibility for preventing that future is exclusively on the Left or exclusively on the Right, you’re lying to yourself, and not without consequence.
UPDATE: Philadelphia’s Catholic Archbishop, Charles Chaput, gets it right in his public statement:
Racism is a poison of the soul. It’s the ugly, original sin of our country, an illness that has never fully healed. Blending it with the Nazi salute, the relic of a regime that murdered millions, compounds the obscenity. Thus the wave of public anger about white nationalist events in Charlottesville this weekend is well warranted. We especially need to pray for those injured in the violence.
But we need more than pious public statements. If our anger today is just another mental virus displaced tomorrow by the next distraction or outrage we find in the media, nothing will change. Charlottesville matters. It’s a snapshot of our public unraveling into real hatreds brutally expressed; a collapse of restraint and mutual respect now taking place across the country. We need to keep the images of Charlottesville alive in our memories. If we want a different kind of country in the future, we need to start today with a conversion in our own hearts, and an insistence on the same in others. That may sound simple. But the history of our nation and its tortured attitudes toward race proves exactly the opposite.
UPDATE.2: Great comment from reader Brendan:
I agree with the diagnosis of the problem, but I do not think that identity politics are going away, for several reasons.
The first, and most important/intractable, is that the left’s intellectual leadership is “all in” on identity politics. They see it as a moral imperative to achieving justice, and that abandoning it would lead to perpetuating injustice. You and I disagree with them, but they hold their views with a religious-like fervor, and these views constitute, in many cases, a core part of their self-esteem and self-conception as virtuous people. They will not abandon this — instead, in the wake of things like C’Ville and Portland, they will double down, and double down again.
Second, as you rightly say, because of my first point, ID politics on the right is going to bloom. It’s just getting started, and the doubling down that is certain to come from the left will stoke that growth even further. It is a dysfunctional feedback loop, to be certain, but I do not think it can be stopped, because the academic/cultural “pump” that drives it will refuse to turn itself off.
Third, for people on the political right who are not Christians (more on us [Christians] below), the idea of railing against identity politics will increasingly seem to be folly. The reason is that, as you say, it is *powerful*. The last several federal elections have been won (and lost) on identity politics and “who can get out their (identity) base” better. This is real and raw power. And that is the greatest intoxicant known to man. Secular conservatives will be split between the “principled” ones who reject this, and the “pragmatic” (i.e., “want to win”) ones who accept it, for a time. In the medium term, the folks who want to win will prevail (the raison d’etre of any political movement, after all, is to win) and they will increasingly embrace this, because it will be obvious that it is the only way to consistently challenge the left in federal elections, especially as we keep on importing left wing voters that continue to grow the left’s identitarian base.
For Christians the issue is easy, I think. Identity politics are evil and divisive and do not reflect the will of God, whether you are white, black, straight, gay or what have you. It is evil. But this requires a perspective that is aloof from “winning”, which I think is the appropriate perspective for Christians to have politically, anyway. We will know that our principled stand is right, morally, but we will also know that it dooms us to totalitarian identity politics of the left which will likely seek to utterly eliminate us at some stage. This is the difficulty of the Christian walk, I think, in this time, and one of the reasons why we need to have something like the BenOp, because in order to embrace this path of principled defeat, and even perhaps annihilation, we will need to be strong in an interior sense, personally, as individuals — much stronger than most of us are today.
I appreciate you saying this, Brendan. Like you, I am quite pessimistic that identity politics will go away. I was going to save that for another post. I think if we are going to avoid some terrible kind of conflagration in the next decade or two, we need to come together to do the things that I’m talking about in this post. But I don’t think that’s going to happen. I hope I’m wrong.
Just pointing out that Trump's original tweets occurred before it was confirmed that a Nazi was behind the wheel of the car that killed and injured those people in Charlottesville, but that it occurred after video showed violent clashes between antifa thugs and Nazi thugs. He then offered condolences to the family of the woman killed by the Nazi. He then went silent for about 40 hours. He then gave his speech earlier today specifically including white supremacists, Nazis and the KKK as among those groups espousing hate.
Both extremes got the riot they desired. The fact that this time it was the Nazis who committed Saturday's most heinous crime does not excuse the acts of antifa earlier in the day. A pox on them both.
August 14, 2017
The Rise of Identity Politics Gives Birth, Get This, to a White Identity Politics as Well
I think Identity Politics of all kinds are odious and poisonous to the individual -- if your value is your race or gender, well, you have branded yourself as someone of extraordinarily low value, haven't you?
But as John Sexton points out, you can't expect a culture to praise all sorts of Identity Politics -- flat-out racist groups and gender supremacists -- but say that one group doesn't get to play by the same rules.
Either it's all poisonous garbage, or it's all got something of merit to it.
I believe the former. But the media -- and the establishment right political class -- cannot continue with this incoherent claim that Identity Politics are permissible for e everyone except The One Group Which is Truly Odious and Cursed by God.
People will not accept that. No one will accept his subordination without a fight of some kind.
Tonight I watched Stephen Hayes accuse Mollie Hemingway of living in an "alternate reality" for pointing out, correctly, that we have -- and have had -- a serious problem with leftwing identity politics thugs for years, with an increasing tempo of violence. The most recent major event being the attempted assassination of a half-dozen Republican congressmen by a Bernie Sanders reporter.
This, Steven Hayes intoned, was an "alternate reality." There is no problem with leftist violence or tribalistic hate politics -- it's perfectly acceptable for them, and we should say nothing about it.
I guess you can play #FakeNews #PretendOpposition as long as a billionaire patron is paying your bills.
After he tires of his toy -- when he begins to realize he's paying for something with no influence or relevance -- who knows.
I guess it's on to CNN for Steve Hayes, then.
After the Scalise shooting -- which was like two months ago-- the media, including the #FakeNews #PretendConservatives, only seemed willing to talk about leftwing violence in an article equally condemning rightwing violence.
Now we have a situation of rightwing violence (and lots of antifa violence, too), but the #FakeConservatives now insist we can only talk about rightwing violence -- and cannot, as they themselves previously did, discuss right and left violence in context, as two things that reinforce each other.
Which is exactly the claim Rachel Maddow makes.
If the Weekly Standard now exists exclusively to parrot the claims made nightly on Rachel Maddow -- What is the point of you, exactly?
I think a lot of these shills have an Exit Strategy from the GOP planned, and I think it's time to hurry them to the door.
We have seen this story in the past. For example, Germany from 1917 to the mid 1920's.
Spain in the mid-1930's.
Unless people are willing to acknowledge that antifa and the nazis are equally evil, we will descend in the same manner as Germany and Spain.
I heard Hayes say the same thing. And Krauthammer. People forget that Stalin and Hitler were allies from August 1939 until June 1941. They carved up Poland together. There is little difference in concept between the two forces. They just choose different groups against which to spew their hate.
citing they were on the council for business reasons and don't play politics but by the very fact they are resigning now they are playing politics!:
I don't know. I thought Trump's initial response was appropriate. He denounced bigotry and violence from both sides.
We all know Obama only denounced it if it was whites and remained silent on bigotry and violence from others.
as noted in the above posts.
ccp: "I thought Trump's initial response was appropriate. He denounced bigotry and violence from both sides."
I wasn't following this over the weekend, and trying not to now, but his reaction seemed fine. His opponents' reaction seemed predictable and then yesterday he uttered in the strongest terms everything they wanted him to say. This wasn't about him and I can see why he didn't want to make it about him.
Freedom of speech only becomes an issue when it is ugly speech. Driving a car into a crowd isn't protected speech or acceptable to anyone. It makes your own group look bad or draws attention to them already looking bad. If stories that he threatened his mother with a knife are true, a serious crime, maybe the idea of prevention goes back to enforcing existing laws.
Meanwhile NK canceled its attack on the US (Guam). Ho hum..
[Rick] "There is little difference in concept between the two forces [Stalin and Hitler]. They just choose different groups against which to spew their hate."
Interesting that both of those evil forces chose the big, powerful government route, as does our left, while the conservative right, when it remembers its principles and direction, favors small government and individual freedom FOR ALL. There is no such thing in my mind as a big government conservative.
The party of Lincoln who freed the slaves is the opposite of both the neo Nazis and militant white racists. We oppose racial preferences and want immigrants here for their contribution and their common interest in our liberties, not as parasites, jihadists or to turn us into the place they came from.
VP Mike Pence:
"I will say I take issue with the fact that many in the national media spent more time criticizing the president’s words than they did criticizing those that perpetrated the violence to begin with." "We should be putting the attention where it belongs, and that is on those extremist groups that need to be pushed out of the public debate entirely and discredited for the hate groups and dangerous fringe groups that they are."
Anti-Trump ‘Activist’ Executes His Republican Neighbor, U.S. Media Yawns
Posted by Jammie on Aug 15, 2017 at 3:14 pm
Weird how this happened a week ago, yet we’ve yet to have any national conversation about violent liberals.
An anti-Trump activist has been accused of executing his neighbor who was a prominent Republican supporter.
Clayton Carter allegedly shot George Jennings, both 51, twice in the head outside his home in Pennsylvania in the early hours of August 8.
The men had already been arguing the previous night and police were called after Carter pulled a gun, but managed to diffuse the situation.
However, officers were called back just a few hours later to reports of a fatal attack, ABC 6 News reports.
The pair had been feuding for some time, neighbors said, adding that they were afraid of Carter’s unpredictable nature.
ABC reports that his yard was covered with hand-painted anti-Trump signs and was often filled with cars.
Jennings, meanwhile, was a member of the Chester County Republican Committee, though it is not thought their beliefs were directly responsible for the shooting.
In his defense he can just claim the guy was a Nazi, right?
Carter accused Jennings of shining a light into his eyes as he was returning home, and went inside to fetch a .380-caliber Ruger semi-automatic handgun.
Carter went back outside and parked his car up on Jennings’ lawn with his lights on full beam, according to a criminal complaint seen by
A heated argument then started and Carter shot Jennings in the head, knocking him to the ground, the complaint says.
Carter then shot Jennings in the head a second time while standing over his body, as his distraught wife watched from inside the house, it is alleged.
So a frothing anti-Trump “activist” executes a Republican in cold blood and it doesn’t even register on the national radar. Reverse the roles here and tell us this wouldn’t be a 24/7 story for days.
"So a frothing anti-Trump “activist” executes a Republican in cold blood and it doesn’t even register on the national radar."
"In his defense he can just claim the guy was a Nazi, right?"
Well no mention of politics here :
Is that to cover up the fact that it was a Trump vs anti Trump fight?
People are judging Trump's response assuming that the identity of the driver was known at about 4:30 pm EDT when Trump tweeted and then gave his first formal remarks. My recollection is that the news about the driver's identity broke after Trump's speech.
At the time of the Saturday afternoon speech, there was news about a riot between antifa and nazis over the RE Lee statue. There was the video of the car plowing into the crowd. However, the news of the person's arrest and the release of his identity came many hours after Trump's first comments. Trump issued condolences to the family of the woman killed by the driver and called her innocent.
What galls me here is that people are not accurately reporting the timeline of events and criticizing Trump's initial comments as if there was clear evidence that the nazis were the only ones at fault.
And then there is this article about the Charlottesville Mayor proclaiming his city to be the capitol of "the resistance." (
Michael Savage , I know is not super popular around here but he had some good lines today
people who were never nazis are now fighting people who were never slaves
he suggested Mt Rushmore is next to be desecrated
I mean Thomas Jefferson is now in the same category as Hitler and Stalin and Mao and I think someone could think of some bad things about Washington.
I would certainly help that other republicans would come out and start defending him on this point if not on others
However I do not hold my breath
addendum: forget about any Republican support .
VSP and VANG acting as force multipliers for antifa?
We are clearly not getting the whole story
Why did the police "stand down" ?
Why did the mayor lie and put the blame on Trump?
Why were there not some barricades between the groups?
Something is very fishy!
McAuliffe is one of the most sleazy lying bullshit artists that ever lived. Who can forget what a prick he was during the 90s as head of the DNC and was worse then Debbie Schultz . So this perpetuation of lies is certainly no surprise:
From a post on facehuggerbook:
A brilliant friend who wishes to remain nameless reminds us why incidents like Charlottesville are all too inevitable in a nation with a hard left high command, an army of portable paid thugs, and a vast population of sentimental liberals who believe they stand only for truth and 'social justice.'
""The left could care less about this issue (Confederate statuary), as they could care less about any of their issues. "The issue is never the issue, the issue is always revolution". This is why they got gay marriage, then just moved on to Trans rights while shrugging off 50 gays getting killed in Orlando. When the transgender fight is over it'll be pedo rights or whatever.
... Very soon there will be a push to get rid of the entire American Revolution and all of the founding fathers. Jefferson will be first, but Washington won't be far behind.
Overriding all of this is the push to declare all of conservatism illegal. All religions not part of the cult of leftism are hate speech. Any support of the USA as a country is hateful, bigoted and evil. You supporting your own existence or political power is racism, nationalism and white supremacy.
The left has no limits. It's vital to understand that. No battle they pick is over the stated issue. Each is merely a step towards the goal of eradicating Western Civilization. They've set up a self reinforcing system of rewards, whereby SJWs out bid each other to come up with new ways to be offended. Thus it's become an ever more radical movement. It's not about the monuments. Of course glorifying slavery is bad. But should we not then tear down the Pyramids? Trust me, there is NO vestige of Western Civilization that could not be destroyed on the same premise. Every Castle in Europe occupied by a despot, every Church, every document, every classic of literature, etc. In world where a few degrees of separation join all things, guilt by association can be used to criticize anything, because its all a degree or two away from something that can be demonized. Look what's happening to Football; to the definition of family and gender, to every holiday. Anything can be destroyed if the standard is that it's related to something bad. Guess what that includes? Everything. SJWs in South Africa are going after Isaac Newton and Gravity as "western colonial science". Get it? Nothing is off limits. No. Single. Thing.
This is about enshrining the left as The One True Religion. They will replace everything with their own cultish iconography. They will likewise replace all ideas with their own. The fight over the Google memo is identical to this fight. It's about declaring all things non-leftist outside the scope of even debate. This is not about the confederacy. That's yet another in a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long list of fronts. It's about the existence of anything outside of leftism. It's about eliminating debate and installing a global Religion of Leftism. And make no mistake, that religion plans on replacing monuments, books, science and facts, liberty, the white population, the concept of natural rights, the rule of law, free speech, Christianity, the USA, Europe and all of Western Civilization. In fact, if you defend any of those things, you are a Nationalist, a white supremacist and a bigot. You must go. You must be replaced.
Many many a totalitarian ideology goes under the banner, "Join or Die". This is no different. And the left has done this before, many times. Pol Pot, The French Revolution, Mao, Lenin. The push to erase history and start over as a means of revolution is not new by any means. And if you think they have some limit, look to these past revolutions to see that they just don't. The ideology is self-reinforcing towards runaway radicalism. The only thing that stops it is pushback prior to their take over or burnout after it takes over and fails. It has no internal limits.
So while I agree with the Rabbi and have zero interest in defending Nazis or the Confederacy, I know that this has almost nothing to do with those things to the left. Those just create convenient foils. The left is filled with strawmen - they paint all of us as Nazi, bigoted, white male oppressors. Finding the occasional real life one is great for the left and they will use it to pretend all their other strawmen are likewise real. Understand that Marxism does not study policy and governance the way that conservatives and libertarians do. They study propaganda, power and revolutions. They are masters of it. Which is why repeated failure at governance never deters the next revolution.
Leftism. The One True Religion. Join or Die. That's their goal."
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Homicidal Rhetoric Increasing Likelihood of More Widespread Violence
Posted on August 26, 2017 by David Codrea
By David Codrea
Where's the outrage over Nancy Pelosi not condemning this?
David Codrea in his natural habitat.
USA – -( “The Alt-left does not even hide their violent threats against conservatives,” Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit noted Thursday. “Of course, you will never see this reported by the #FakeNews media.”
“The patriot prayer rally is a nazi white supremacist event,” so-called alt-left “leader” Jordan Towers threatened. “I’ll be their [sic] to crush some nazi [sic] skulls.”
Towers deleted the nailed bat photo he posted on Twitter after backlash. Anyone connected with popular culture can’t help but make the connection between what such a weapon is capable of doing and its similarity to the barbed wire-wrapped “Lucille,” sickeningly used by the totalitarian-minded Negan character on “The Walking Dead.”
At the very least this is an instance of what the snowflakes call “cyberbullying,” and an attempt to chill political speech by disouraging attendance at a permitted rally by those he opposes. Seeing the hypocritical for-the-media meltdown the gun-grabbers had over NRA’s Dana Loesch using the words “clenched fist of truth” while calling out “The Violence of Lies,” Towers will be lucky if it’s not considered a terrorist threat. It's certainly a stronger message than the one Democrat Rep. Kathleen Rice had a fake cow over.
But just because he ran away from his tweet, he’s still advocating violence against those he hates on his Twitter feed. And that appears to be anyone he hates and then smears as a Nazi. But he’s doing it letting others take the heat, by retweeting a Huffington Post story titled “Teacher Accused Of Punching Neo-Nazi Says Standing Up To Fascism Isn’t A Crime.”
It is if you’re the one initiating violence. It doesn’t matter if you hate a person and hate their beliefs. Aggressors don’t get to claim “self-defense.”
It’s kind of funny to me, because I can’t help but recall the time the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (formerly the National Coalition to Ban Handguns, but that name didn’t really fit since they want to ban rifles, too) accused me of, well, read it for yourself:
“Quotes from David Codrea:
“Careful … You’re talking about testing the ultimate last-resort purpose behind the Second Amendment. Some of us armed Americans take our Bill of Rights seriously and will not go gentle into that good night, bundled or by ourselves. You and your fellow travelers are playing a most dangerous game.”
“Source: Codrea responding to a columnist who suggested that “Anyone who shows up armed at a forum where a public official or political candidate is due to appear ought to be detained—and possibly prosecuted.” Guns Magazine, ‘The Most Dangerous Game,’ January 2010”
Here’s the source and that’s what I wrote. But they absolutely “misrepresented” the context.
I was responding directly to lines from “The Guns of August” by statist cheerleader and “political cartoonist” Ted Rall, and my article made that clear. Here’s what he said about armed demonstrators who were breaking no laws:
“These town hall terrorists could be declared enemy combatants and bundled off to Bagram with the stroke of a pen. If ever there were a reason for suspending civil rights, this is it.”
Would you go gently? (Eliza Griswold, “Fair use.”)
Just in case we're still not clear, Rall is saying he wants government enforcers to take gun owners who have committed no violation of any law, but who have peaceably assembled in protest as per our First Amendment-recognized right—to a reported torture camp, without due process, without trial…Jeez, and to think “progressives” ridicule Oath Keepers for saying they wouldn't obey such orders…
What kind of devoid-of-principles coward wouldn't oppose armed enforcers trying to do that to free Americans? And what kind of subversive traitor to every precept of the Republic, not to mention common decency, would hold that against a man and view it as an opportunity for his public condemnation?
The kind who calls Americans who believe in liberty “Nazis,” and threatens to bring spiked bats to political rallies… And you don‘t even have to be at a rally. You can just be wearing a hat some violent Marxist moron doesn’t like and end up getting a beer bottle shoved in your face. Or walking to class.
The “right” is responsible for its share of offenses, some will counter, but don’t stand for that bit of deceptive conflation. Americans who believe in the Constitution of limited government powers and the Bill of Rights can be neither Nazis nor fascists. And besides, despite what demonstrable liars insist, Hitler “was, at heart, a left-winger.”
Those who identify themselves as authoritarian collectivists exclude themselves from the ranks of those who believe in liberty for all. They’re closer in collectivist ideology to the guy who gloats ”Communism is coming.”
That would be the guy with the spiked bat.
Anybody up for some “common sense gun safety laws”?
About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating / defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.
In addition to being a field editor/columnist at GUNS Magazine and associate editor for Oath Keepers, he blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.
First Pelosi, now MSNBC?
A step back from the precipice?
The world retains its ability to surprise.
First Pelosi, now MSNBC?
A step back from the precipice?
The world retains its ability to surprise.
Lots of smart people see this as the DNC has figured out how damaging the DNC-Antifa is to the DNC brand.
contrast this:
Rent a-political-activist.
Saul Alinsky would have bee ecstatic about this rent a actor/protestor stuff.
Its Breitbart so caveat lector
The 2016 Election is Not Reversible
By Angelo Codevilla| August 31, 2017
Today, the bipartisan ruling class, which the electorate was trying to shed by supporting anti-establishment candidates of both parties in 2016, feels as if it has dodged the proverbial bullet. The Trump administration has not managed to staff itself—certainly not with anti-establishment people—and may never do so. Because the prospect of that happening brought the ruling class’s several elements together and energized them as never before, today, prospects of more power with fewer limits than ever eclipse the establishment’s fears of November 2016.
But the Left’s celebrations are premature, at best. As I explained a year ago, by 2016 the ruling class’s dysfunctions and the rest of the country’s resentment had pushed America over the threshold of a revolution; one in which the only certainty is the near impossibility of returning to the republican self-government of the previous two centuries. The 2016 election is not reversible, because it was but the first stage of a process that no one can control and the end of which no one can foresee.
Trump’s troubles
The Left’s optimism is not unfounded. Trump, in his Afghanistan speech, told his voters that he is reversing a campaign promise because he was instructed that his, and their, basic instincts on foreign affairs are wrong. Similarly influenced, he is continuing to use unappropriated funds to subsidize insurance companies that practice Obamacare even though a Federal Court held this to be unconstitutional—far from undoing it as he had promised. Nevertheless he complies with rulings by single judges that overturn major political commitments of his. Unforced errors, all.
Meanwhile, the leaders of the Republican majorities in the Senate and House reject responsibility for failing to repeal Obamacare and even for failing to pass ordinary appropriations bills. They take every occasion to distance themselves from Trump, notably imputing to him insufficient disdain for racism and other political taboos. When Corporate America withdrew from the president’s business council, it premised this officious separation on implicit accusations of the same sort. In short, the Republican establishment now joins Hillary Clinton in leveling “deplorable” allegations against Trump and, above all, of his supporters. Nevertheless, Trump agreed to endorse that establishment’s candidate in the Alabama senatorial primary against one of his own supporters. Counterintuitive.
Not incidentally, he well-nigh cleansed his White House staff of people who had supported his election, and put it in the hands of persons who just as easily could have been in a Clinton White House—people who agree with the press that their job is to control Trump. Secretary of State Tillerson’s remark that the President’s words on America’s values are merely his private opinion epitomizes this transfer of effective power.
With the Left in full cry, the Republican majorities in the House and Senate put no legislative obstacles in the way of the “resistance” to the 2016 election. These Republicans, having now effectively demonstrated that the arguments that won them four consecutive election cycles were insincere, can no longer reprise them. Believing that the 2016 elections were an anomaly the effects of which they are containing, that Trump will pass and the “resistance” with him, they move from putting distance between themselves and Trump to defining themselves against him and with “moderate Democrats” in concert with whom they hope to enjoy their powers.
Trump himself, far from leading public opinion from the bulliest of pulpits, limits himself to “tweets” of 140 characters, which observers from all sides characterize as “plaintive.” In short, the ruling class’s “resistance” met feeble resistance—that is, insofar as it concerns Donald Trump.
Donald Trump is not and never has been the issue. With or without Trump, the nightmare of those who resist the 2016 election was, is, and will remain the voters who have chosen and will continue to choose candidates who they believe are committed to reducing the ruling class’s privileges and pretensions.
It’s the contempt, stupid!
That is why the “resistance” has increased rather than diminished the 2016 election’s import as a revolutionary event. To ordinary Americans, the winds that now blow downwind from society’s commanding heights make the country seem more alien than ever before. More than ever, academics, judges, the media, corporate executives, and politicians of all kinds, having arrogated moral legitimacy to their own socio-political identities, pour contempt upon the rest of America. Private as well as public life in our time is subject to their escalating insults, their unending new conditions on what one may or may not say, even on what one must say, to hold a job or otherwise to participate in society.
As I have argued at length elsewhere, the cultural division between privileged, government-connected elites and the rest of the country has turned twenty-first century politics in America into a cold civil war between hostile socio-political identities.
During the 2016 primaries the U.S electorate’s obvious, consistent, attempt to affirm its identity in contrast with those of the ruling class set aside concerns about particular policies. It produced Donald Trump as the Republican candidate because his campaign was all about identifying himself with those Americans who had felt most keenly the abuse coming from above. Socialist Bernie Sanders almost became the Democratic candidate (but for his party machinery’s interference) by showing that he was even more in tune than Clinton with his constituency’s arrogation of moral supremacy over the rest of the country. In sum, the 2016 elections were won and lost on the ground of this new kind of identity politics.
The ruling class and its Democratic Party had been practicing identity politics with increasing intensity for more than a generation. The elections’ outcome convinced them that they needed to engage in it just about exclusively, and in a warlike manner. Possessed of the modern administrative state’s manifold levers of power, they expect to win that war. That is unlikely, if only because its components’ notions of their respective identities’ demands are ever expanding. Hence they preclude imposing any extended peace among themselves, never mind with the rest of America. This impossibility of socio-political peace is the reason why the revolution in which we are living is just getting started.
By contrast, however, the post 2016 Republican Party is perhaps even more wary than ever of embodying the socio-political identities of the people who have been voting Republican. Hence, with the Republican Party disqualifying itself from the battle that is actually taking place, there is no political vehicle that exists by which Americans may challenge the ruling class.
There is much demand for such a vehicle. How may the political marketplace supply it?
What now?
President Donald Trump is the obvious, first-order answer. Anyone possessed of the enormous institutional and political powers of the modern U.S. presidency is better placed to make victims than to be one. Most recently, Barack Obama showed that the practical limit of a “stop me if you can” presidency is the one-third of the Senate needed to block impeachment. Obama decided not to enforce laws on the books and to create new ones by executive order. When courts intervened, he ignored them. Always, he accompanied his “pen and phone” actions with explanations that excited his supporters’ support while casting aspersions on the people they love to hate. For better or worse, Americans who wanted to reverse what Obama had done rejected outright candidates who they felt would be hampered by the Republican Party. And they were less moved by Constitutional scholar Ted Cruz than by Donald Trump, whose demeanor promised that he would do for them what Obama had done to them.
Let us be clear: the 2016 electorate chose Trump and they saw Trump as the vehicle by which to challenge the ruling class. During the first half of 2017, the Republican Party finished discrediting itself as a possible vehicle for that job. Since this is so, were Donald Trump seriously to bid for the presidency in 2020, it would have to be by leading a new party focused on the identities of anti-ruling class Americans. Carrying the Republican label would be an impossible burden.
Were an energetic, unambiguous, unapologetic Trump to affirm the majority of Americans’ political identity, not all Republicans would follow. Nor does he need them all. By bringing new elements into his following and, yes, by dropping some Republicans from it, Trump would effectively build a new party, with intact credibility. The departure of major corporations from his business council—big business is deeply unpopular on Main Street America—is an example of how to gain by shedding baggage. At any rate, it was never possible that the entire Republican Party would represent America against the ruling class.
Let us be clear: the 2016 electorate chose Trump and they saw Trump as the vehicle by which to challenge the ruling class. During the first half of 2017, the Republican Party finished discrediting itself as a possible vehicle for that job. Since this is so, were Donald Trump seriously to bid for the presidency in 2020, it would have to be by leading a new party focused on the identities of anti-ruling class Americans. Carrying the Republican label would be an impossible burden.
But by the same token, each action taken by anyone who is creating a new movement must speak for itself more loudly and clearly than the words used to explain that action. Democracy does not tolerate pairing big words with small accomplishments. Today, Trump’s role in fulfilling the political marketplace’s demand is up to him even more than it was in 2016. But now as then, America’s open political marketplace invites all. The anti ruling class constituency is bigger than ever. If Trump does not lead it, someone else will.
2020 politics
Regardless of what Trump does or does not do, America’s cold civil war is likely to be waged between three or four sets of constituencies, each with its own identity. Herewith one estimate of how and why each may fare in the elections of 2020.
The ruling class’s set—educators, blacks, never-married women, government employees, corporate executives, etc. will enter the contest with enormous advantages in organization, and with a near monopoly of favorable media attention. But its constituencies seem to be contracting a bit rather than expanding. Disillusionment of some blacks with the rewards received for faithfulness, and of young people with the Democratic Party’s bureaucratization, demonstrate key weaknesses in this coalition, as does its substitution of insult and penalty for attempts to convince those outside of it. Nevertheless, almost surely, the Democratic Party will be the #1 or #2 recipient of popular and electoral votes.
It is impossible to tell at this point to what extent the Democratic party may lose the farthest Left parts of its left wing. That is because the Party’s extreme Left—violent in word and deed—has been its only area of growth and enthusiasm. But while the Left’s defection would surely push the Party leftward and could harm its prospects, it is difficult to imagine it putting a dent in the party’s rock-solid organization, never mind contending for electoral votes.
The ruling class’s violent “resistance” to the 2016 results has whipped together the coalition that elected Trump in 2016. That coalition, consists of that three-fourths of Republican voters dissatisfied with the Party’s leadership and who now hate it, anti-establishment independents, and even Democrats turned off by their Party’s anti-nationalism as well as its embrace of abortion and homosexuality. Its growth has been independent of Trump’s political fortunes. Regardless of the name that it may adopt, given competent leadership, it can be forged into the anti-establishment vehicle for which the political marketplace has been clamoring. It has a solid shot at overtaking the Democratic party in popular and electoral votes.
In 2020, the Republican presidential nomination will not be worth having. It is by no means clear why anyone looking for relief and protection from ruling class rule would vote Republican. Judging from Republican leaders in Congress and from The Wall Street Journal, the GOP has only to present itself as the alternative to rule by Democrats and cite some well crafted, subtle differences in policy to reap the bountiful harvests of votes it has received in recent cycles. Besides, the Party is awash in money. In 2016, this line of thought produced $150 million to promote Jeb Bush’s primary presidential candidacy, which yielded a total of three delegates out of almost 2500. In 2020, the Party having proved that life under Republican majorities in both Houses and a Republican president is no less subject to ruling class outrages than it was under Democrats, this line of thinking is likely to yield even less. Hence, the only near-certainty about politics in 2020 is that the Republican Party’s presidential candidate will come in a distant third.
In 2020, the Republican presidential nomination will not be worth having. It is by no means clear why anyone looking for relief and protection from ruling class rule would vote Republican.
If then—a not so big if—the Democratic party failed to secure a majority of electoral votes, the Constitution would turn the election over to the House of Representatives, each state having one vote. Given America’s demographics, the majority of states has a majority of conservative Republican congressmen. Unless these Congressmen were to commit political suicide by associating themselves with the candidate who got the least votes just because of the label Republican, they would identify with the coalition that Trump started in 2016. Their votes would be signatures on the new party’s birth certificate.
For the revolution’s next stage, the number of contenders would be down to two again.
About the Author: Angelo Codevilla
Angelo Codevilla
Angelo M. Codevilla is a fellow of the Claremont Institute, professor emeritus of international relations at Boston University and the author of To Make And Keep Peace, Hoover Institution Press, 2014
Very interesting read, but this is not the thread for it.
The Hard Right and Hard Left Pose Different Dangers
By affirming benign goals, Antifa and its comrades make intolerance and even violence seductive.
Antifa protesters in Portland, Ore., June 4.
Antifa protesters in Portland, Ore., June 4. Photo: Paul Gordon/Zuma Press
By Alan M. Dershowitz
Sept. 10, 2017 4:01 p.m. ET
The extreme right—neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan and other assorted racists and anti-Semites—and the extreme left—anti-American and anti-Israel zealots, intolerant censors, violent anarchists such as Antifa, and other assorted radicals—both pose a danger in the U.S. and abroad.
Which group poses a greater threat? The question resists a quantitative answer, because much may depend on time and place. It may also be in the eye of the beholder: For many on the center left, the greater danger is posed by the hard right, and vice versa. Yet the most important reason for this lack of a definitive quantitative answer is that they pose qualitatively different dangers.
History has set limits on how far to the extremes of the hard right reasonable right-wingers are prepared to go. Following the horrors of the Holocaust and Southern lynchings, no one claiming the mantle of conservative is willing to be associated with Nazi anti-Semitism or the KKK. Neo-Nazi and Klan speakers are not invited to university campuses.
The hard left lacks comparable limits. Despite what Stalin, Mao, the Castros, Pol Pot, Hugo Chavez and North Korea’s Kims have done in the name of communism, there are still those on the left—including some university professors and students—who do not shrink from declaring themselves communists, or even Stalinists or Maoists. Their numbers are not high, but the mere fact that it is acceptable on campuses, even if not praiseworthy, to be identified with hard-left mass murderers, but not hard-right mass murderers, is telling.
The ultimate goals of the hard right are different, and far less commendable, than those of the hard left. The hard-right utopia might be a fascist society modeled on the Italy or Germany of the 1930s, or the segregationist post-Reconstruction American South.
The hard-left utopia would be a socialist or communist state-regulated economy aiming for economic and racial equality. The means for achieving these important goals might be similar to those of the hard right. Hitler, Stalin and Mao all killed millions of innocent people in an effort to achieve their goals.
For the vast majority of reasonable people, including centrist conservatives, the hard-right utopia would be a dystopia to be avoided at all costs. The hard-left utopia would be somewhat more acceptable to many on the center left, so long as it was achieved nonviolently.
The danger posed by the extreme left is directly related to its more benign goals, which seduce some people, including university students and faculty. Believing that noble ends justify ignoble means, they are willing to accept the antidemocratic, intolerant and sometimes violent censorship policies and actions of Antifa and its radical cohorts.
For that reason, the most extreme left zealots are welcomed today on many campuses to express their radical views. That is not true of the most extreme neo-Nazi or KKK zealots, such as David Duke and Richard Spencer. Former White House aide Steve Bannon recently told “60 Minutes” that “the neo-Nazis and neo-Confederates and the Klan, who by the way are absolutely awful—there’s no room in American politics for that.” In contrast, prominent American leftists, such as Noam Chomsky and even Bernie Sanders, supported the candidacy of British hard-left extremist Jeremy Corbyn, despite his flirtation with anti-Semitism.
The hard right is dangerous largely for what it has done in the past. For those who believe that past is prologue, the danger persists. It also persists for those who look to Europe for hints of what may be in store for us: Neofascism is on the rise in Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Greece, Lithuania and even France. Some of this rise may be attributable to regional issues, such as the mass migration of Muslims from Syria and other parts of the Middle East. But some may also be a function of growing nationalism and nostalgia for the “glory” days of Europe—or, as evidenced in our last election, of America.
The danger posed by the extreme hard left is more about the future. Leaders of tomorrow are being educated today on campus. The tolerance for censorship and even violence to suppress dissenting voices may be a foretaste of things to come. The growing influence of “intersectionality”—which creates alliances among “oppressed” groups—has led to a strange acceptance by much of the extreme left of the far-from-progressive goals and violent means of radical Islamic terrorist groups that are sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic and anti-Western. This combination of hard-left secular views and extreme Islamic theological views is toxic.
We must recognize the different dangers posed by different extremist groups that preach and practice violence, if we are to combat them effectively in the marketplace of ideas, and perhaps more importantly, on the campuses and streets.
Mr. Dershowitz is a professor emeritus at Harvard Law School and author of “Trumped up! How Criminalizing Politics is Dangerous to Democracy” (CreateSpace, 2017).
Antifa Militants Ready To Break Bones, Invade Homes
Posted at 8:31 pm on September 9, 2017
Reveal published a story Tuesday titled “Antifa has a rapid response team that targets alt-right organizers.” The kind of targeting the article describes is not just keeping an eye out for people on the streets, this is more organized and specific behavior that results in a published hit list of right-wing targets. In this case, “hit list” is not a metaphor. This is the list of people Antifa members plan to hit and injure if they encounter them. Reveal reporter Will Carless spoke to one of the “most militant” members of the Bay Area Antifa, a guy called Dominic who sees himself as a “Nazi hunter.” Dominic is ready to take his street battle into his target’s homes if necessary:
One antifa activist, who would give only the name “Dominic,” talked proudly in a series of interviews with Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting about forming this broader alliance of “Nazi hunters” to seek out, reveal and fight these enemies wherever they might show up. Their goal became even more specific after Charlottesville: to prevent more casualties like that of activist Heather Heyer.
“We’ll go to their house, I’ll put it that way. We’ll go to their house,” said Dominic, an imposing, muscular man in his 30s. “I don’t want to hurt anybody, but I want those people to stop it. If I have to put Richard Spencer or Nathan Damigo into the hospital critically, and it would have saved Heather Heyer’s life or the next potential Heather Heyer, I would do it without question.”
Dominic’s targets don’t have to be actual Nazis, white supremacists or extremists. As the story points out, sometimes anyone on the right will do:
At about 3 p.m., Dominic and his crew got word that a handful of people had been spotted by one of their lookouts holding a banner reading, “Love Free Speech, Unafraid of Fake News, Ask Me My Point of View.”…
The handful of conservative protesters at Fisherman’s Wharf soon was surrounded by the black-clad group, who screamed at them, telling them to get out of town.
“They were way more aggressive and intimidating than the protesters, to be honest,” said Mike Gaughan, a pedicab driver who witnessed the confrontation.
In preparing for right-wing rallies scheduled to take place in San Francisco and Berkeley last month, Dominic and the other militants put together an 8-page handout on who might show up and added a one-page “Know Your Nazi” hit list with pictures of nine individuals including Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson. Gibson has denounced Nazis and white supremacists several times recently but he is on the list because some actual white supremacists have shown up at his previous events.
You’ve probably seen the video of what happened when Gibson and two members of his group showed up in Berkeley (and if you haven’t read Matt Labash’s story on it, it’s here). If you wondered how so many of the Antifa members recognized him instantly, it’s because his photo was on the hit list:
Gibson escaped the mob by slipping behind a line of police down the street. One of the people he was with, Keith Campbell, wasn’t so lucky. Campbell was hit in the head, collapsed on the ground and was then kicked by Antifa members. Asked about this response, Dominic tells Reveal, “What does he deserve? He deserves potentially stitches or broken bones.” He adds, “He wasn’t gonna get killed that day, we were strategic.”
We could see more of this as soon as tomorrow. Joey Gibson’s Patriot Prayer group is scheduled to hold a rally in Portland and Rose City Antifa is expected to counter-protest.
Often a bombastic over the top source, but posted for the info on the next play my Milo
The Alt-Right and Antifa Are Waging a New Kind of Internet Warfare
Aug 30 2017, 8:25am
Intelligence and surveillance powers that once belonged only to militaries and state spooks are now available to anyone with a high-speed internet connection.
Live long enough and you may hear future historians recall the war between 4chan and an art collective called LaBeouf, Rönkkö & Turner.
They'll tell the story of how anonymous, interconnected imageboard users gathered clues from public video footage, like passing aircraft and the position of stars, to geolocate the roving, anti-Trump art project He Will Not Divide Us, put on by actor Shia LaBeouf and his collaborators. Records will show that the people on the group's trail—pro-Trump activists, impish saboteurs, and budding neo-Nazis—didn't need high-end spy gear. Instead, they found their mark by collecting and processing public information through decentralized and supposedly leaderless networks. It might one day look, in retrospect, like a form of social automation: continuously updating intelligence assessments converted into real-world effect by volunteer foot "soldiers" acting without orders.
Or maybe the saga will be remembered as a trial run of sorts, when tactics later used in domestic guerilla warfare first appeared as sinister pranks. Whatever happens next, the genie is out of the bottle, and intelligence and surveillance capabilities that once belonged only to militaries and state spooks are now available to anyone with a high-speed internet connection.
Military theorist and futurist John Robb, who wrote the influential 2008 book Brave New War: The Next Stage of Terrorism and the End of Globalization, developed the concept of "open-source insurgency" to describe emerging forms of conflict. You can see a version of it at work in the current season of political upheaval and clashes in American cities. Of course, it's violence in the streets that captures most of the attention, especially after a car plowed into a crowd amid the neo-Nazi spectacle in Charlottesville, killing counter-protester Heather Heyer and injuring many more. But in the background, much of the fighting is being done online. Memes, trolls, bans, doxes, sock puppets, and targeted disruption campaigns like the one used against LaBeouf, Rönkkö & Turner are being deployed in a cycle of attacks and counterattacks that, much like traditional military intelligence and information operations, set conditions for the next round of physical confrontation.
The foundation of open-source insurgency is what Robb calls "superempowerment": "an increase in the ability of individuals and small groups to accomplish tasks/work through the combination of rapid improvements in technological tools and access to global networks." That increase, Robb argues, "has enabled small groups to radically increase their productivity in conflict."
It's a concept that helps make sense of the seemingly outsized cultural clout of the alt-right, a movement built on beliefs that fail to attract more than fringe support in national surveys.
"History doesn't repeat, it rhymes," Robb said in an interview, echoing an adage attributed to Mark Twain.
What distinguishes the current political conflict from past episodes of fascists, communists, and anarchists clashing in the streets of Western cities, according to Robb, "is the whole social networking thing."
"They exercise power in this new environment through online disruption," he added. "You keep everything chaotic, you don't know what's up and down, who to trust and who not to trust, and what news is right or wrong. In that environment, they can exercise some level of control."
There are other names like "hybrid warfare" and "fourth-generation warfare" to describe the evolving nature of political and military conflict. The idea is that war has moved beyond the battlefield into an all-encompassing struggle in economics, politics, and culture, along with old-school physical confrontation. In this new kind of warfare, where the allegiance of civilian populations is crucial, control over narrative and messaging is often more important than killing the enemy or holding a particular piece of ground.
The fact that much of this applies to what's going on in America now doesn't mean a civil war has already begun. But it suggests that after a long period of relative quiet in the West, when war and peace appeared to be distant, unbridgeable states, they have begun bleeding back into each other.
A signature tactic in the new conflict, honed on sites like 4chan and 8chan, is forensic analysis of digital imagery and geospatial data—fields specialized enough to have their own acronyms, IMINT and GEOINT, in military jargon. Sometimes this work is carried out by distributed networks without any clear leaders or permanent organization. But there are more formalized approaches as well. The Atlantic Council–affiliated Bellingcat mixes investigative journalism with open-source forensic analysis to do things like geolocate ISIS training camps. Groups on 4Chan and Anonymous have also repeatedly waded into foreign wars, notably in Ukraine and Syria, where they have typically taken different sides, with 4chan showing a strong pro-Assad and pro-Russia bias.
The tactics involved aren't exactly neutral—they favor actors skilled at processing and manipulating high volumes of information—but they are promiscuous. What works against an anti-Trump art installation can be used by ISIS, antifa, or the alt-right, or turned against any of these groups. Similar systems can even be implemented to coordinate volunteers in highly effective disaster relief efforts.
Probably the most famous recent example of this method in action involves Eric Clanton, the former college professor charged with assaulting three people with a metal bike-lock during a Berkeley free speech rally in April. Clanton appears to have been first identified as the alleged assailant on 4Chan, despite his face being completely covered in the only footage of the attacks. 4Chan users identified him by isolating unique non-facial visual characteristics and then going frame by frame through imagery from the event, hunting for matches.
This method has spread as political violence picked up. A Twitter account associated with 4Chan's alt-right-infested/pol/board is now promoting the process in detail, in an apparent attempt to attract new volunteers to scale the tactic up:
In Charlottesville, antifa protesters used many of the same techniques to identify and publicize information about alt-right attendees. The process also led to misidentifications and accusations against innocent people, something right-wing internet activists have repeatedly done in the past. The rush to judgement and lack of restraint follows a different pattern set in 2013, when a crowdsourced investigation conducted in part on Reddit falsely accused innocent people of involvement in the Boston Marathon bombing—a mistake also made on the front page by the semi-pros of the New York Post.
After the violence had abated in Virginia this month, a twitter account called @yesyoureracist posted information about people ostensibly identified at the "Unite the Right" rally, eventually gathering 408,000 followers and setting up a Patreon to support its efforts. In turn, 8Chan has reportedly begun targeting Logan Smith, who runs the account, allegedly threatening his family.
Peter W. Singer is a strategist and military theorist with the Brookings Institution and New America Foundation who writes about the future of warfare. He has examined this kind of conflict for years, and offered some perspective on outing people at protests, doxes, and other methods of 21st-century combat. "Octavian did it to Mark Antony," Singer said, referencing a contest for power in Rome's Second Triumvirate that included the public release of a stolen will.
In the current landscape, Singer sees plenty of continuity with classic intelligence techniques, along with some clever innovations.
"There's sock puppeting, someone trying to appear as if they're someone else," Singer told me. "And then a riff on that is trying to appear as if you're a supporter but with the goal of trying to undermine that group, doing something embarrassing or provocative and steering them toward a bad end. That was a classic Cold War move. You see this now with groups registering as if they're all part of the violent left."
There has been a recent surge of fake antifa social media accounts and forgeries of supposed antifa documents, promoted by major right-wing figures like Rush Limbaugh. Many of these accounts operate between parody and partisan sabotage operations. They take actual positions held by antifa's anarchist wing, like the embrace of political violence and opposition to liberal ideals of free expression, and exaggerate these already divisive qualities to make the group appear even more radical and threatening. Some fake antifa accounts seem designed to sow suspicion among prospective supporters. But many have the cartoonish quality of early anti-communist propaganda—too implausible to sway anyone on the fence, but great for riling up the home team against the bad guys.
In response, antifa-affiliated outlets have doxxed people behind the fake sites, releasing names and other personal details.
We seem to be entering a new phase of bottom-up cyberwar. Robb originally described open-source insurgency as "a large collection of small... superempowered groups [working] together to take on much larger foes (usually hierarchies)." What's going on these days looks even messier than that. Instead of smaller sub-state groups forming strategic alliances to fight the government or private power brokers, affinity groups organized around ideology and ethnic identity are battling one another.
Old intelligence practices and spy vs. spy tools are evolving and being adapted. There are dossiers and black lists, agents and double agents, "good trolls" spying on Trump supporters and fake antifa accounts, disinformation and counter-intelligence campaigns carried out on message boards and chat rooms like Discord and sometimes in full view on social media. Practices have clearly evolved in these new digital network, but old problems remain. Infiltration is perhaps the most obvious: In a world of spies, how do you know who to trust?
More than anything else, it was the election of Donald Trump that turned information-warfare into a familiar concept among average Americans. Reports of Russian "troll farms" and "meme armies" drove interest in the subject, though it's not yet clear what consequences all that new attention will bring.
In Singer's estimation, the most important question now is how these widely available tools will actually be used.
"What are the goals here? Is it to mobilize? Is it to intimidate? Is it to inspire violence?" he asked. "Breaking that down is really important, and that's the challenge private companies are now dealing with, because they're being asked both by governments and by their customers—the public—to do more to police the spaces to make what are at the end of the day political decisions."
Looming in the background behind all of this is the disruption of centralized state power. Even as the US government remains an 800-pound hegemon, it has faltered at enforcing order in digital spaces and arbitrating disputes that arise over its use. That doesn't mean, however, that the internet is ungoverned. Into the vacuum rise new, undemocratic power verticals, centered on the tech titans in Silicon Valley.
The recent case of network and security company Cloudflare booting a prominent neo-Nazi site in the wake of Charlottesville illustrated the point. (And, as Cloudflare's CEO himself acknowledged, it showed the dangers in leaving these decisions up to the prerogatives of private businesses.)
This new civil conflict in America is still in its early stages, and far from an existential crisis. But what we are witnessing is an incipient, low-level version of the sort of violent multipolar insurgency that has torn apart other countries.
"What's frustrating," Singer said, "is seeing the sort of people and tactics you were used to seeing in war being used in the United States."
"These groups," he added, "the tactics that they use, the types of battles that they fight are not an anomaly, they're the new normal. Not just in the United States but across the world."
You've probably heard Prussian general Carl von Clausewitz's famous adage, "War is the continuation of politics by other means." Clearly he was on to something. But Andrew Breitbart, svengali of the new right-wing media that spawned former White House adviser Steve Bannon, also had a point in his own oft-repeated line, "Politics is downstream from culture." The lines between culture, news, politics, war, and entertainment have blurred, and are now streaming in every direction through the internet's cracked screen.
I'm putting this here, even though it could really go in several categories. Victims were mostly conservatives, his girlfriend is an environmentalist and her "husband," staunchly "anti-Trump."
I'm putting this here, even though it could really go in several categories. Victims were mostly conservatives, his girlfriend is an environmentalist and her "husband," staunchly "anti-Trump."
I was thinking the same thing.
Why Did the Las Vegas Shooter Target a Country Music Festival?
We have heard all kinds of stories about the Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock; he was a gambler, a multimillionaire, he liked poker. The list goes on and it's hard to make sense out of what would lead a person to kill so many people. But as Brent Turvey so wisely states: "In the rush to examine a criminal’s behavior, it is not difficult to become distracted by the dangling carrot of that criminal’s potential characteristics and forget about the value of understanding his victims.”
Why did Paddock choose this particular venue to kill or did he alone choose it? Others have speculated that he had help or that he was given orders by someone else. Even Isis has taken credit for the killings. What is going on?
It's hard to say but one thing is probably true: Paddock didn't choose this group randomly. There must have been something about these people or this group that he specifically targeted. Turning to other psychologists who study mass murder, here is what Deborah Schurman-Kauflin, PhD says about the mind of these killers:
Too many people are at a loss to understand such killings. They can’t comprehend the deep pitted hatred that fills the black hearts of these multiple murderers. A shooting or mass event shocks the public which doesn’t spend its time dreaming of murder. However these killers do just that. Every waking moment is focused on their deviant desires. By rote, they practice over and over in their minds how they will destroy as much life as possible. They live and breathe an inevitable revenge. Fueled by continuous anger, they prepare for their destiny. That is how they see it. Every mass killer I interviewed said they always knew they would kill. In a way it is a self fulfilling prophecy.
Whatever method they choose to execute their plan, they practice ad nauseum. They go to the location they want to attack. Once there, they watch. They want to memorize the patterns of the people at the location. They want to see who is there and where they go. What is normal for this area? Yes, killers profile too. They need those patterns so they can predict the behavior of their targets. When they can anticipate how a victim will react, they can cut off escape routes.
Weapons are obtained, and very often, they tell someone of their goal. Though they are deadly serious, the threat is blown off. People have a hard time believing that this person could do such a thing. Or, the person is too frightened to say a word. Thus, the behavior and words do not get reported. And the plan continues.
Maybe he told someone, maybe not. But my main point here is that if law enforcement looks into his choice of victims, they may have a better chance at finding a motive.
This makes sense in the absence of any other information, you have to wonder what led to this choice of victims.
I would add that a motive of any suicidal mass murderer is go out in huge burst of fame and glory. For the lesson of the next would-be mass murderers, I wish we could de-personalize him with the least amount of public attention possible. Just 'Loser' or 'screwed up assh*le', not the greatest mass shooter of all time.
Also, his death needs to left out of the dead victim count. He isn't a victim here.
This makes sense in the absence of any other information, you have to wonder what led to this choice of victims.
I would add that a motive of any suicidal mass murderer is go out in huge burst of fame and glory. For the lesson of the next would-be mass murderers, I wish we could de-personalize him with the least amount of public attention possible. Just 'Loser' or 'screwed up assh*le', not the greatest mass shooter of all time.
Also, his death needs to left out of the dead victim count. He isn't a victim here.
Vegas is always full of similar activities that present similar opportunities. This was premeditated and very deliberate in target selection. This wasn't just a matter of randomly picking a date. The shooter is alleged to have participated in an anti-Trump rally, although that's not confirmed.
I'm putting this here, even though it could really go in several categories. Victims were mostly conservatives, his girlfriend is an environmentalist and her "husband," staunchly "anti-Trump."
I was thinking the same thing.
There are never any "coincidences."
This makes sense in the absence of any other information, you have to wonder what led to this choice of victims.
I would add that a motive of any suicidal mass murderer is go out in huge burst of fame and glory. For the lesson of the next would-be mass murderers, I wish we could de-personalize him with the least amount of public attention possible. Just 'Loser' or 'screwed up assh*le', not the greatest mass shooter of all time.
Also, his death needs to left out of the dead victim count. He isn't a victim here.
Sometimes it isn't about the fame and glory.
Sometimes it's just about getting even... what "even" might mean.
Sometimes people kill, and no one ever knows.
I do believe as GM's article stated, that people usually do tell someone, but not always.
I also think that the media is purposely underplaying the victims, because they know it will make their leftist selves look badly, and there's just no way to win that for the Left.
A few things strike me as curious.
1.) What were his girlfriend's travel patterns prior to the shooting, and with whom and in what region of the Philippines is she staying with and where?
2.) Her husband is devoutly anti-Trump, and with saying that, why isn't she divorced, and how friendly are the shooter and her husband, being that the shooter and she lived together.
3.) An accountant having machining skills or knowing the people necessary to make/procure automatic weapons... some people say that he was bumpfiring it, but I don't think he was. I think they were auto, regardless, the people with the weapons will know.... but where did he get them, if they were auto, as he was not an avid weapons enthusiast according to his brother.
4.) Where was he educated and what were his parents like?
5.) His brother seems a bit of a liberal to me.
Lastly, he didn't choose his victims at random. Not a chance in hell. He had been there four days, bringing the weapons in, could have picked any other event, but purposely chose the country music venue.
6.) What was the venue for the preceding four days at the place where the country concert was held?
Just random questions I have.
EDIT: Evidently it was a bump stock device as noted here.
just maybe those pricks Jason Aldean and Big and Rich stole songs from him too.
though why kill fans .
Gents-- there is no reason yet to believe that this is about Second American Civil War. Discussion belong here
As is his natural right:
"Too bad the service sucked"
As is his natural right:
Except Christians still must bake him a wedding cake, under the force of law. I guess some animals are more equal than others.
Christopher Columbus, Great American
Attacks on the explorer are aimed at Western civilization.
Oct. 8, 2017 2:36 p.m. ET
Christopher Columbus was an American-style entrepreneur. He conceived his project alone, suffering in poverty for nearly a decade while raising the money to sail west in search of a backdoor route to the Indies of the East. Most of us can’t begin to grasp the scope of Columbus’s insatiable curiosity, intellectual drive and accomplishments of navigation. Most of us couldn’t find the hamper without a GPS.
Leaving dry land in August 1492 Columbus depended entirely on his brilliant mind, experience and research to guide him. It was common knowledge no one had ventured into that vast expanse of water—lately called the Atlantic—and lived to tell the tale.
Columbus believed he could do it. He read Ptolemy and Marco Polo. His copy of Cardinal Pierre d’Ailly’s “Imago Mundi” contained 898 margin notes in Columbus’s own hand.
Europeans had been accustomed to traveling over land to China, Japan and India to trade for goods. After the fall of Constantinople to the Muslims of the expanding Ottoman Empire in 1453, those ventures became dangerous. The sea became the salvation of European trade.
After three months at sea Columbus disembarked in a place no European knew existed. He believed he had reached the Indies, when in fact he was in the Caribbean. He never set foot on the North American continent. It was a monumental achievement, just not the one he was hoping for.
Today when everything is instantly known—or we think it is—it is impossible to understand how 15th-century European attitudes shaped Columbus. He hoped the profits from his voyage could finance the liberation of the Holy Land from Muslim domination. He also hoped to spread the word of God.
It’s intellectually dicey to judge those who lived hundreds of years ago according to modern norms. Doctors who routinely infected women during childbirth out of ignorance of the germ theory of disease are not reviled today. But European explorers who were similarly ignorant about how diseases are spread are routinely abused for the illnesses that befell inhabitants of the New World from lack of natural immunity.
The Columbian exchange benefited Old World and New by spreading knowledge of science, agriculture and nutrition. Without Columbus, the Renaissance may not have succeeded. Without his discoveries, Italians wouldn’t have marinara sauce, the Irish wouldn’t have mashed potatoes, and the Swiss wouldn’t have chocolate. Because America and its freedoms exist, children no longer contract polio and many other diseases. America saved the world from totalitarianism twice in the last century.
Today Columbus’s reputation is under siege. But those seeking to delegitimize the Genoan explorer’s legacy may actually have a larger target in mind. Statues of Columbus and tributes to his achievements are in many ways proxies for the Western tradition of freedom, liberty and the rule of law. America had better protect Columbus and win this war. There is no one else to save the world next time around.
Ms. DeCarlo formerly covered culture, travel and entertainment for the Chicago Tribune and the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
Some thoughts on how we might get to a Second Civil War
In a blog post today over at Foreign Policy, a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel supposes how the U.S. could get to a Second Civil War. Here are some excerpts, followed by my thoughts. (Before I get to my thoughts on the content, let’s reflect on the context. Here’s a retired Army LTC who estimates that there’s now a 40% chance of civil war/domestic conflict. While the title of his ramblings doesn’t exactly fit the content of the article, and the tone of the article gives us insight into his political leanings; what he’s describing is a strategy to push a civil war.)
If we have a second Civil War, trying to understand what is happening will feel more like Ukraine in 2014 than Virginia in 1861.
Generally agree. The only similarities between the War of Northern Aggression and the next domestic conflict would be along lines of demographics and traditional culture, which now expand westward to the Mountain West/American Redoubt. What’s unique about Ukraine is that it’s fundamentally a conflict of ethnicity backed by state powers, albeit with great geopolitical implications. I think that’s a fair way to describe the next domestic conflict, as well.
So, if you are a New Right strategist today — call them the Great Disruptors — the question is, how do you confront those inevitabilities?
First, you continue at the low level, with some really advanced, effective gerrymandering… You continue to enflame working class whites, who have been ignored by the Democrats for decades. You also try to limit immigration and free trade as much as possible.
By “New Right” I’ll assume that the author is using the term to describe the anti-establishment Right, and used in a similar fashion as “New Left”. Shortly before this quote, the author described the demographic changes in America as “irreversible,” which he says drives this conflict. I generally agree with that. And I agree with his next statements, although with one caveat: effective gerrymandering would actually prevent a civil war pursued by the right wing. The chief grievance is that America’s demographics have largely benefited the Left, and so gerrymandering is one way to restore appropriate representation. The argument is really that America’s heritage is being taken from its rightful heirs, especially when “heirs” has been redefined to include and prioritize non-citizens.
The author, though, betrays his political ideology. He would likely never have written that Obama “enflamed working class blacks” to get elected, yet he levels that accusation against the political Right. And while both would be true, the author implies that one is wrong. As much as political pundits have claimed that Trump’s election was a rejection of identity politics, the opposite is true. The election of Donald Trump was about the embrace of identity politics.
So what’s the next step? You up the ante. You make it holy war. You persuade your base that there is no other way but violence. I believe many, perhaps most, of the members of Trump’s base will sign up for that.
This is a real stretch for me to believe, especially because the exact opposite is now happening. The political Right are the ones complaining about political violence and, until a couple weeks ago, political violence was mulled over as a reasonable response to Trumpian “fascism”. Indeed, some on the Left have yet to condemn left wing political violence. As for Trump’s base adopting violence, the same would be said of any other social base when extinction is on the horizon. The author nearly gloats that changing demographics are changing the political landscape — a demographic shift largely pushed by the Left and that largely benefits the Left. This sounds like the old quote about war and politics, but rearranged to say “Politics is war by other means.” This is a political war, it’s a political conflict that’s being waged, and we’re probably approaching a breaking point. The extent to which Trump’s base, or Clinton’s base, or Bernie’s base, or anyone else’s base, adopts violence has more to do with severely limited options and the belief that success is possible through violence, than with a predilection alone towards violence. Trump’s base is not the one promoting political violence, but they are the best equipped to carry it out. And that’s probably what scares the Left so greatly.
Many people in the South and heartland in general often think of themselves as patriotic, loyal Americans, more so than “liberals,” “Yankees,” “elites” and people from the North and urban areas… Southerners nowadays, including Texans, often see themselves as the “realer Americans,” the people who really stand up for the country, who have a better feel for what it stands for.
How do you translate those feelings into tactics? Well, first, you don’t secede. Rather, you set the stage for yourself to be the big winner, the good guy. You make yourself “America” and make the “other guys” the troublemakers and secessionists. All you really are doing, you insist, is trying to make this country great again. Sound familiar?
If I were a truly Machiavellian New Right strategist, I’d focus my fire on the state of California. Make it The Other. Attack it relentlessly. Threaten its culture and power. Cut off water that flows into it from outside the state, essential to its people and agriculture.
Who does this guy think is in charge at the White House? Anyone who would promote these kinds of “attacks” on California? Until this point, the author was arguing a realistic cause and realistic response, but this is beyond the pale of sanity. The current White House, still filled with Obama staffers and globalists, would never allow this to happen. This just not a realistic scenario.
The Disruptors would accept violence as part of the equation. I don’t foresee set-piece battles between great armies, but I think they understand the strategy would involve persistent conflict that kills hundreds or even thousands on the way to achieving its aims. If they can get away with it with minimal bloodshed, great; if not, “so be it.”
The author accuses in advance the Trump base of accepting violence, however, it’s been the exact opposite for the past year. It’s been the Left pushing violence in response to political positions. It’s been the Left advocating violence as a last ditch effort to avoid what they perceive as a fascist state. It’s been the Left actually in pursuit of a fascist state.
In March, my totally unscientific hunch was a second civil war had less than a 20% chance of happening. Now I’m guessing it’s closer to 40%… If anything, I expect it to worsen.
[F]or the New Right, it is the only alternative to political extinction. Soon, they will have no choice but to be bold, drastic and ruthless. We’d be foolish not to expect something real and violent as a result. [source]
I don’t disagree with the first point; namely that there’s a growing likelihood of domestic conflict. On a long enough time horizon, this likelihood approaches 100%. But there’s a lot of time between now and then. I still believe that at the end of this decade and into the early 2020s is when we start seeing very real manifestations of domestic conflict. As for the author’s charge of “political extinction,” it’s unfounded. Conservatives, the New Right, the Alt-Right, are simply not facing extinction.
Conservatism and traditionalism will continue regionally — in the majority of this country, by the way — and that’s where the real risk of domestic conflict is encountered: the small blue dots in seas of red. My belief is that Balkanization will be the ultimate effect of a domestic conflict, but “political extinction” is just not a possibility. That’s just wishful thinking on the part of the author’s.
Story turned out to be false.
Please ignore.
- and other news sites are not reporting this.
The security guard at the Mandalay Bay hotel has been arrested as an accomplice to the shooting. Jesus Compos was not registered as a licensed security guard in NV. Security camera footage now shows him helping Paddock smuggle in weapons. FBI now theorizes that this person shot out of one of the windows in the suite and then killed Paddock, shot himself, and invented the story of being through the door by Paddock in an effort to escape. (
(CNN) Breaking News – Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Compos has been arrested accused of being an accomplice and second shooter in the Las Vegas massacre that claimed the lives of 59 people and injured more than 500.
Jesus Campos had originally been praised for his apparent heroics on October 1st, as he supposedly rushed to Paddock’s suite, was shot in the upper thigh through the door, and continued to help get people to safety despite his wounds. However, FBI officials involved in the investigation now believe he was an accomplice of Paddock’s, and was involved in the initial shooting as a second gunman from the other broken window in Paddock’s 32nd-floor room.
According to a senior FBI official, authorities became suspicions by the extreme amount of gunpowder residue found on Campos’ hands and inconsistencies in his timeline of events. “We believe he killed Paddock, shot holes through the door and his own arm to produce physical evidence for his cover story, then went and lay next to the elevator,” the FBI official told CNN.
An anonymous source working on the investigation told CNN that authorities are now in possession of security footage showing Campos smuggling the firearms used in the massacre in through a Mandalay Bay loading dock in the days leading up to the event.
With the arrest of Compos Police now hope to get a greater understanding of the motivations behind the attack.
Socialist group calls for 'extermination' of capitalists
Anthony Gockowski
Investigative Reporter
on Oct 19, 2017 at 12:26 PM EDT
The Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA) chapter at Iowa State University has repeatedly posted threatening tweets about conservatives, but the school maintains that the comments are a form of free speech.
In one tweet, the group said that "the only dope worth shooting" is Donald Trump, and more recently it posted a message calling for the hanging and extermination of "capitalists."
A socialist student group at Iowa State University has repeatedly made threatening comments about conservatives on social media, but the school says the comments are protected speech.
In one recent tweet, the school’s Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA) chapter called for the hanging and extermination of all “capitalists.”
"If this was a conservative group, all hell would break loose. It wouldn’t be allowed."
[RELATED: UGA socialist group disbands amid outrage over anti-GOP tweet]
“The left has done a good job radicalizing juggalos, weebs, furries, but I will not rest until ‘hXc’ stands for hang+Xterminate capitalists,” the group wrote in an October 4 tweet that has since been deleted.
After students brought the tweet to attention of the university, it replied via twitter by stating “this falls under free speech” and then offering available “resources” to student if they “feel threatened or harassed.”
Nor is this the first time that YDSA has posted threatening tweets, such as a September 30 tweet in which the club endorsed “shooting” President Trump.
“COMRADES: stay away from needle drugs! The only dope worth shooting is in the oval office rn [right now],” the group tweeted, though it subsequently deleted that post, as well.
Notably, YDSA is an officially registered student organization at the university, making it one that is “consistent with the mission and culture of the university,” according to the expectations for registered student groups.
While the university did not respond to Campus Reform’s request for comment, one student asserted that YDSA has a long-established pattern of making vitriolic remarks about conservatives.
[RELATED: Prof suggests Texans deserve hurricane for supporting Trump]
“Overall, the club has had many hateful tweets against capitalism and capitalists, with the occasional directly-threatening tweet as shown above,” student Michael Fredrickson told Campus Reform.
“If this was a conservative group, all hell would break loose. It wouldn’t be allowed. Making them delete tweets isn’t going to do anything,” a recent graduate of the university commented on Twitter. “Why isn’t the school doing something? This sounds like a threat to students on campus and in the Ames area. How is this allowed?”
Follow the author of this article on Twitter: @AGockowski
October 23, 2017
Antifa, Which Routinely Attacks Citizens Without Provocation in "Self Defense," Now Pushing Gun Ownership and Shooting Practice, Also for "Self-Defense"
The leftist media always freaks out about right-wing militias and suvivalists and dangerous gun-crazy anti-government radicals.
Think they'll freak out about a left-wing terrorist group with a long and bloody history of assaults and vandalism arming up, explicitly for "revolution"?
Or do you suppose they'll be a bit more sympathetic? Perhaps we'll even see some positive pieces about leftwingers "getting in touch" with America's gun culture.
Well, you don't have to wait for that -- the Buzzfeed piece Sexton links and critiques has "bought into" Antifa's line about arming up for "self-defense." Obviously.
The idea that these are “"elf-defens'” courses is really a bit of Antifa salesmanship which the author of the piece seems to have bought into. As the article makes clear, the members of the Haymaker Collective are watching videos of protests and learning both individual and group fighting techniques. In other words, the group is preparing people to participate in street battles. As we've all seen, Antifa is not averse to throwing the first punch in those confrontations. But it's not just martial arts, Antifa members are also training with firearms...
And, as could be predicted, Buzzfeed, which usually loses its shit over guns, seems suddenly receptive to the self-defense rationale for gun ownership.
Incidentally, given that the left is now claiming a right to disrupt quiet College Republican meetings in school libraries because, they say, the very existence of college Republicans is a disruption to other people's lives, one should understand "self-defense" to be a rather broad concept to the left.
And a Columbia Prof just helped shut down a speaker who was only speaking on campus via Skype, claiming the very act of him speaking constituted "an act of violence."
Your very existence is a "threat" to them, an "act of violence," to which they feel justified in using force to eradicate.
PS: Via @PoliticalShort, algebra and geometry are just tools of White Oppression.
Prof: Algebra, geometry perpetuate white privilege
Toni Airaksinen
New York Campus Correspondent
Today at 8:20 AM EDT
Gutierrez worries that algebra and geometry perpetuate privilege because "emphasizing terms like Pythagorean theorem and pi" give the impression that math "was largely developed by Greeks and other Europeans."
She also worries that evaluations of math skills can perpetuate discrimination against minorities, especially if they do worse than their white counterparts.
Coming soon: An antifa thug murders someone, and the motive... is math.
" This is classic, well-meaning liberalism: Bring people together, explore common concerns, and emerge with a (liberal) consensus. People don’t like division, the thinking goes. They want unity. "
Presented without comment.
Look, I get the emotional temptation to write something like this, but , , ,
November 15, 2017
Another Lawless Judge: Federal Government Cannot Withhold Federal Grants from Cities Just Because They Defy Federal Law on "Sanctuary Cities"
You don't have a country when half of the country believes it can live in open defiance of the law.
In a 128-page injunction, Senior United States District Judge Michael Baylson said Department of Justice (DOJ) law enforcement grants can't be withheld from Philadelphia because it refuses full cooperation with federal authorities on immigration, the news outlet reported. ...
In his ruling, Baylson said Philadelphia proved that withholding the grant money would cause irreparable damage, as part of it is used by first responders who provide life-saving naloxone to victims of opioid overdose, according to Inquirer reporter Jeremy Roebuck.
Still, the amount of money in question was just $1.4 million out of a $4.4 billion city budget, according to the Inquirer.
When at least half, probably two thirds, of the current government is part of #TheResistance against the actual legally-empowered government, it's time to confess we no longer have a shared civic culture and we are no longer one people under the law or in sentiment and take a mature attitude towards a peaceable division.
I get the emotion, but what happens geopolitcally if we split up?
I get the emotion, but what happens geopolitcally if we split up?
Most likely better than if the split isn't peaceable. Then things will really hit the fan.
They set the standards.
Read it all.
Just curious where he thinks he is going to get his SWAT teams.
"they think its their country"
Wow, to think they think it is their country
When in fact it is Barack Obama's country.
Any chance this is a parody?
Any chance this is a parody?
Yes, parody, or insanity. Kill them all, with guns, to make it safe?
It illustrates how hard it would be. They wouldn't just go through the gun owners homes because they wouldn't know which ones they are. They would have to go through everyone's homes and everyone's stuff everywhere. It would take time and guns could be moved around, buried, hidden while they do it.
The politics of repeal is insane too. South Dakota would have to ratify it. Minnesota, the only state that didn't go for Reagan, has a Republican legislature. 24 Republican legislature states would have to vote for repeal along with all the Democratic ones.
After imaginary repeal, an estimated 15% of the homes would not go down without a fight. A gun-fight. Waco, Ruby Ridge, take your pick, there would be massive battles from sea to shining sea. But that can't happen because repeal is impossible.
The little student stars don't get it. The people the falsely call mass murderers are the same people they need to persuade to win. That isn't how to persuade even if they were right with their fewer guns logic. And they aren't.
Being false on the facts and wrong on the policy isn't a great way to persuade either.
So, America gets to follow California into Venezuala del Norte status? I think not. The coastal class is in for a rude awakening.
So, America gets to follow California into Venezuala del Norte status? I think not. The coastal class is in for a rude awakening.
Can they be stopped?
Posted on 4/18/2018 by Mike
William Gensert doesn’t think so.
In seeking and executing a warrant to search the offices and home of Michael Cohen, President Trump’s longtime personal attorney, leftists have abandoned all pretense that they are not prosecuting civil war against Americans who disagree with them. They have decided that we represent an existential threat to the America they envision would exist under their tutelage. They won’t let us mind our own business, raise our children, protect our families, be productive citizens, and be left alone. That won’t do – they have plans for us. They want this war, and they will force this fight upon us.
In the scheme of things, America is a young country. Yet its brief history is replete with people who underestimated Americans. Progressives are in the process of doing that today. It is a mistake that will cost them dearly.
To succeed in fundamentally transforming the United States of America, the left must accomplish two things:
Impeach President Donald Trump.
Disarm Americans.
The left, in a national fit of pique, refuses to accept the fact that a majority of the country rejects its “new America,” as personified by its hero and god, Barack Obama. He started the transmogrification, which leftists had planned to extend and codify during the reign of Hillary Clinton. Then Donald Trump came along, and their plan fell apart, hence the necessity for the usurpation of the nation’s constitution and the will of the people.
The signs are there that Americans are going to fight this. There is a real possibility of blood in the streets. Regular Americans are tired of the Democrat elite telling them what they must accept.
Leftists feel that they are right: America shouldn’t have a choice. In effect, people should not be allowed to vote for anyone leftists do not approve of, and they certainly do not approve of Donald Trump.
They didn’t approve of George W Bush or McCain either. But when they turned bland, middle-of-the-road milquetoast Mittens Romneycare into a RIGHT-WING EXTREMIST monster—then Paul Ryno, for that matter, pushing Granny off a cliff—the writing was on the wall for all to see. Lefty has modified Sherman’s famous quote and put it into practice: if nominated, Republicans will not be allowed to run. If elected, they will not be allowed to serve.
And since they are on the side of what is right and just, anything they do, no matter how illegal, how immoral, how outwardly and obviously unfair and biased, is justified because the arc of history bends toward justice…or some such nonsense.
There are an estimated 300 million firearms existing in America today. And I wager that that figure is low. I would also wager that most armed citizenry would be loath to voluntarily give up their guns – as well as being even more resistant to giving them up under duress.
So there you have it: the left wants to wage war against the most heavily armed populace ever to exist on this planet, and as weapons, leftists are going to use rhetoric and clever metaphors, mellifluously delivered, à la Barry the brilliant. When Charlton Heston said, “They can have my gun when they pry it from my cold dead hands,” it wasn’t a threat; it was a promise.
It strains credulity that they are using every trick in the book, from opposition research in the form of the Steele dossier to Sally Yates, Bruce Ohr, Andrew McCabe, Strzok, Page, and probably Barack Obama himself, conspiring to sabotage the candidacy and later the presidency of Donald Trump, and they think there will not be a fight from a well armed populace?
Remains to be seen, I guess. I have no doubt that the Founders would have been shocked, dismayed, and angered to see what we’ve quietly surrendered already. As the bumper sticker says, they would have been shooting already. I’m sure there’s any number of doughty old-school Brits who are equally appalled at how far their once-mighty nation has sunk into the mire of ignominy and degradation, without there being any visible signs of righteous uprising there. At some point it’s just too late, and there’s no longer anything left worth the effort of trying to save.
Over here, Hillary!™ was as “moderate” a candidate as the Left will ever accept, and even at that they greatly preferred Bernie the Red—and would have gotten him too, had he not been swindled out of the nomination by the dirtiest, most brazenly corrupt political machine in American history. From here on out, any and every Republican must expect to be savaged and undermined by any and all means Progressivists can contrive, with the active connivance of the Deep State apparatus itself.
The Left probably doesn’t actually want a shooting war, not really. Rather, they don’t expect to get one, and will be surprised indeed if they do. This expectation, right or wrong, means their collective psychotic break over Trump was only the beginning; the response to their next defeat is going to be worse, much worse. Gensert’s conclusion is spot on: this will NOT end well. Not unless these screwballs suddenly discover a wisdom and restraint they’ve shown no sign whatsoever to date of possessing, it won’t.
Deep implications about this tactic , , ,
Deep implications about this tactic , , ,
That works both ways. And there are kinetic realities that may be attached.
Note that the left’s outrage mob is currently feeding on lefty Starbucks.
Yes it works both ways-- what is left of American civic culture if this becomes the norm?
Yes it works both ways-- what is left of American civic culture if this becomes the norm?
What civic culture?
7 Forces Driving America Toward Civil War
I was interviewed by a mainstream media reporter yesterday. I thought he wanted to talk tech issues, but we actually spent almost the entire conversation discussing the feeling that many conservatives have that America has gone off the tracks and is headed toward dissolution or alternately, a civil war one day. Obviously, this would be a terrible thing and ironically, twenty years ago, it would have been laughable. Today, the joke isn’t so funny because we are a deeply unhealthy society with a dysfunctional government and for all our money, success and storied history, we seem to be on an increasingly dangerous trajectory.
1) A Post-Constitutional Era: Liberals don’t believe in the Constitution. Typically they deny this, but that’s exactly what a “living” Constitution means. You make it up as you go along. The Founders foresaw the instability and danger that would be created by this approach, which is why they wanted us to be a constitutional republic, not a democracy. Unfortunately, America has in many ways already become a post-constitutional democracy and we’re one liberal judge away from abandoning the Constitution altogether. Once we get to that point, America just becomes the representation of that old saying, “Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner.” Of course people are not lambs and when large numbers of them believe they aren’t being treated fairly, they do have the option of getting away from the wolves.
2) Tribalism: The “you only have to listen to people you already agree with” nature of social media has dramatically ramped up the level of tribalism in the United States. The Right has gotten much more tribal since Donald Trump rose to prominence and the Left has taken tribalism into hyper-drive. Increasingly, liberals treat a range of opinion between Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton as legitimate while everyone else is viewed as a white supremacist Nazi primitive that must be driven down into the gutter for society to move forward. This makes any sort of dialogue or cooperation nearly impossible. When every issue is a zero sum war where one tribe must win or lose, a lot of people quite understandably ask, “What do we gain by staying allied to this other tribe?”
3) Federal Government Too Powerful: Federalism is a safety valve on the American pressure cooker. As long as people in San Francisco can, for the most part, live the way they want to live while the people in rural North Carolina can, for the most part, live the way they want to live, it’s much easier for everyone to get along. When people are unnecessarily forced to live under rules they find abhorrent because the federal government has become an octopus that has inserted its tentacles into every minute crevice of American life, it creates discontent on a wide scale. If most Americans wanted to live like people in San Francisco, they’d live in San Francisco.
4) Moral Decline: As Samuel Adams once noted, “A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue then will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader.”
A large number of Americans HAVE LOST their principles, manners and virtue and it shows through from the sort of politicians they elect, to their rudeness online, to the sort of shallow hedonism and fame whoring they find appealing. Americans are increasingly becoming a soft and decadent people which is problematic because the challenges may change, but we can be certain that Americans will face future challenges every bit as difficult as the ones past generations had to tackle. This is frightening because if you look at the “principles, manners and virtue” of Americans today, they don’t seem capable of dealing with monumental events like the War of 1812, the Civil War, the Depression or World War II. Most people in their twenties probably couldn’t tell you why all those events were such challenges in the first place. When America faces a challenge bigger than we can handle because of ineffective politicians and our “amusing ourselves to death” population, there are no guarantees our republic will survive.
5) The Debt: America is a freight train heading toward a cliff, but because we’re not moving toward the edge at lightning speed, no one seems all that concerned. However, the fact of the matter is that a reckoning is coming. At some point, probably within the next decade or two, we will face a debt-driven economic collapse; borrowed money will stop flowing into the United States and Medicare/Social Security as we know it will fall apart because we will not have the money to pay it. If and when we get to that point, all bets are off because if regions of the country see an advantage to splitting off from the United States at that point, they will do it.
6) Lack Of A Shared Culture: There has never been a time when American culture was more fragmented than it is today. By that, I mean that there are legions of people with millions of fans or followers on the Internet that the vast majority of Americans have never heard of in their lives. We don’t have that shared love of anybody or for that matter, anything. Conservatives and liberals disagree on economics (capitalist/socialist), religion (friendly to Christianity/hostile to Christianity), the Constitution (support/believe in a living Constitution i.e. no Constitution), etc., on and on. The average conservative and the average liberal disagree on 95% of the issues and in the few limited cases where they do look at things the same, they won’t support a proposal by the other out of sheer tribalism. Over the long haul, there has be something more to hold a country together than, “We wear Nikes, like pop music and play golf.”
7) Gun Grabbing: Liberals have fallen in love with the idea of ignoring the 2nd Amendment and confiscating all firearms. The logistics of doing this in a nation with hundreds of millions of guns (many of which are off the books) when many police departments and tens of millions of Americans would not cooperate is seldom discussed. Another thing that seldom seems brought up is that large numbers of conservatives would see this as a prelude to the government’s use of force against the citizenry. When it is discussed on the Left, there seems to be an assumption that lone resisters might get into firefights with dozens of police or soldiers, as opposed to ganging up with other formerly law-abiding Americans to waylay gun confiscators, politicians and anti-gun activists at THEIR HOMES in guerrilla actions that would be silently applauded and supported by hundreds of millions of Americans concerned about their freedom. Confiscating guns is a dangerous and stupid idea that could in and of itself end our republic if a serious attempt were ever made to implement it.
Far Left Protesters Target NRA Lobbyists’ Home
Posted at 8:01 pm on April 20, 2018
The Washington Post has a story today about a handful of far-left gun control activists looking to up the ante by making their protests more personal. They’re doing that by protesting at the home of NRA lobbyist Chris Cox and also by targeting his wife’s interior design business.
SEE ALSO: CIA declassifies memo clearing Haspel in tape-destruction case
Last week, two gun control activists protested outside Cox’s Alexandria, Va., home and handed out fliers outside his wife’s nearby business.
“Mr. and Mrs. Cox have been targeted over the past few months by repeated acts of criminal and unlawful conduct, including having their home vandalized on two occasions and Mrs. Cox’s business on another occasion,” Elizabeth Locke, attorney for the Cox family, said in a statement. “These coordinated tactics have crossed the line of civility and human decency.”
An attorney for Patricia Hill, the alleged vandal, did not immediately provide a comment regarding the fake blood incidents. The other protesters say they have been careful not to cross legal lines and knew nothing of the vandalism. They are all part of a growing movement that thinks gun control advocacy should be more aggressive — and more personal…
“I don’t think the Cox family is getting enough social pressure,” said [Amanda] Gailey, a professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. “Nobody from their kids’ school or their yoga class sees [a protest] happening” at the NRA headquarters…
“If I made him uncomfortable at his house, too bad, he deserves it,” [Catherine] Koebel said in an interview. “I felt unsafe in my home because of his product.”…
“It is aggressive,” Gailey acknowledged. “I wouldn’t do that unless we were protesting someone who I believe is a truly indefensible human being.”
Amanda Gailey is the leader of a group called Nebraskans Against Gun Violence. In 2016, she was invited by the Obama White House to personally meet President Obama when he gave a speech in Omaha.
As for the tactic, it’s not anything new for the far left. They’ve been doing it for more than a decade on a range of issues. Back in 2003 the NY Times reported on activists who arranged to have a hearse sent to pick up a body at the home of a biomedical employee who, it turned out, wasn’t dead:
Late one recent evening, an undertaker dispatched a hearse to the home of a biomedical company employee to pick up her body.
No one, however, had died. The woman who answered the door was very much alive, although the coffin was intended for her. Aghast, she suddenly realized that the undertaker had been duped by an animal rights radical into sending the hearse.
If the goal was to scare her out of her wits, the tactic succeeded. Her voice cracked with fear as she insisted to a reporter that she not be identified, lest she and her family be singled out again.
In 2010, Allahpundit wrote about hundreds of SEIU union protesters who went to the home of a Bank of America executive named Greg Baer. Baer wasn’t home but his teenage son Jack was. He locked himself in a bathroom until they left. The added irony in that case: Baer is a lifelong Democrat. Occupy Wall Street protesters did much the same thing in 2011 and there have been repeated protests at Wells Fargo CEO Tim Sloan’s home in Pasadena, California.
Just last year, so-called Indivisible protesters used this technique against Republican members of Congress to pressure them into holding townhall events. There was a problem though as the protesters wound up at a house one GOP congressman and his family had vacated months earlier. Oops!
This form of protest isn’t quite normalized yet but that’s clearly what the far left hopes will happen. I’m a little surprised David Hogg or one of the other Parkland progressives hasn’t endorsed this yet. I mean, if you think these people are murdering children why wouldn’t you target them at home?
The Elitists’ Trump Excuse
His critics may be more corrupting to democracy and decency than he is.
President Trump gives a thumbs up as he boards Air Force One upon departure from West Palm Beach, Fla., April 22. PHOTO: KEVIN LAMARQUE/REUTERS
William McGurn
April 23, 2018 6:55 p.m. ET
Let us stipulate that Donald Trump is unique. From his allusion to his privates during a GOP debate to the public berating of his attorney general to the nicknames he uses to disparage opponents, Mr. Trump tramples on the expected norms for a president.
Some detect in Mr. Trump’s brand of vituperation an assault on the values and virtues that democracy requires to thrive. In this line of thinking, Mr. Trump is morally unfit for the Oval Office. Some speak even more darkly. In her new book, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright says the world today has become a “petri dish” for fascism, calls Mr. Trump “the least democratic president of modern history” and notes that Mussolini, too, promised to “drain the swamp.”
There is, however, a flip side to Mr. Trump’s speech and behavior. It has to do with the willingness of those who know better (or ought to know better) to look the other way so long as Mr. Trump is the target. So which is more damaging to the American body politic—the schoolyard taunts and threats of Mr. Trump, or the anti-Trump opportunism of “polite” society?
The election and its aftermath have been an education in how the smart set responds when the American people refuse the judgment of their self-styled betters. In its most honest form, it is the “Resist!” movement. In the more genteel version, it turns out to mean not just opposing Mr. Trump’s policies, which people can reasonably do, but throwing fairness and principle to the wind so long as it might help bring down the 45th president. Consider:
• In the thick of the 2016 election, the New York Times ran a front-page article in which it advertised that the particular dangers posed by Mr. Trump’s candidacy meant that the long-held norm of journalism—objectivity—might have to give way to a more oppositional approach.
• Good liberals once found the idea of spying on American citizens without just cause unconscionable. But when the target is a former Trump campaign associate, it becomes OK to get a warrant based on an unverified dossier paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign.
• James Clapper, President Obama’s director of national intelligence, revised procedures to make it easier for executive branch officials to “unmask” the names of Americans in intelligence reports and share the information among themselves, making leaks all but inevitable. The illegal leak of Mike Flynn’s name in connection with a phone conversation with Russia’s ambassador was one result. But again, it doesn’t matter because he was a Trump transition official.
• When Sally Yates was acting attorney general and President Trump issued an executive order on immigration she objected to, Ms. Yates ordered the entire Justice Department not to obey, despite a finding from the department’s Office of Legal Counsel that the order was lawful. She was applauded in her insubordination by Andrew Weissmann, then a Justice attorney, who now serves on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team. But it’s all for a good cause, right?
• In the middle of a #MeToo moment ostensibly all about more respect for women, the president’s press secretary, Sarah Sanders, has been derided as everything from a “summer whore” to “a slightly chunky soccer mom.” Though the columnist who wrote the latter has since apologized, the accomplished Mrs. Sanders must wonder what happened to “when they go low, we go high?”
• The pardon power enjoyed by the president is among the most unfettered in the Constitution. But because the president is Mr. Trump, and the pardon for controversial Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has opted for lawlessness: appointing a special prosecutor to investigate the pardon’s legitimacy, in clear violation of the separation of powers.
Meanwhile, week after week, the same people who accuse Mr. Trump of lacking depth and nuance toss off allusions to Hilter, Stalin and a parade of murderous dictators. Channeling Mrs. Clinton, they insist that anyone who would chose Mr. Trump over her—or God forbid, agree to serve in a Trump administration—isn’t just wrong but forever morally tainted.
The people aren’t stupid. The 63 million Americans who voted for Mr. Trump—some as an unappealing but better alternative to Mrs. Clinton, but many with gusto—recognize that what is going on here is a concerted effort to overturn the results of a legitimate presidential election. Is it really unreasonable to ask whether this might be as much of a threat to American democracy as anything Mr. Trump has said or done?
To point to the double standard isn’t in any way to justify Mr. Trump’s more boorish displays. It is, however, to say that the standard ought to work both ways: Whatever the president’s sins, they are no excuse for not asking whether the double standards of his critics in polite society might be just as corrupting to American democracy—and why it is that Donald Trump’s “betters” are so often so much worse.
Weaponizing the Government for Leftist Political War
By D Hawthorne| April 24th, 2018
James Comey is the deep state’s pathological equivalent of Sally Field. But focusing on his bitchy, vengeful, and sanctimonious personal psychodramas is a distraction from what really matters—the profound internal threats to liberty and equal justice under the law, enabled by Comey and other rogue actors.
Unraveling the Deep State Narrative: First of a Three-Part Series
The former FBI director deserved to be fired, is irrelevant moving forward, and will only marginalize himself further the more he talks and the more information comes out about how he tried to undermine a duly elected president.
While Comey’s interviews and book continue to get distracting press coverage, they are not the biggest news of recent days.
No, the big news is the cumulative significance of seemingly disparate but related events, including: the raid on attorney Michael Cohen’s office, home, and hotel and other Robert Mueller probe actions; the GOP establishment’s ongoing alignment with other statists; the Department of Justice Inspector General’s report on former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe; the apparent growing alignment between Inspector General Michael Horowitz (appointed by Obama) and Attorney General Jeff Sessions; the pardoning of Scooter Libby, an innocent man railroaded by a Comey-appointed special counsel; the release of the Comey memos that showed President Trump wanted all collusion charges investigated and did not obstruct justice; and the electronic communication used to open a FBI counterintelligence probe that showed no official intelligence information existed to justify starting the Trump-Russia collusion review.
These events were significant because of their connection to the Left’s escalating contempt for their fellow Americans and the increasing tendency to turn political disagreement into political war, or what Kim Strassel calls “the intimidation game,” in which the Left seeks to “[m]ake political opponents pay a high price for expressing their opinions” through harassment from government agencies, followed by investigations and prosecution, and then blackmail.
Mueller, Weissmann, and Comey: Legacies of Corruption and Ethical Misconduct
To better understand how the intimidation game works to weaponize government and criminalize political differences, consider Robert Mueller’s record both as special counsel and previously as director of the FBI.
Mueller’s reputation as a “stand-up guy” is overrated. His partisan team has a history of corrupt legal practices and ethical misconduct, including withholding evidence, entrapment, thrown-out cases, overturned verdicts, and sizable monetary settlements. Mollie Hemingway and Julie Kelly have highlighted examples of Mueller’s history of abusing prosecutorial discretion from his tenure as FBI director and U.S. attorney. There are a startling number of legacy prosecutorial and law enforcement abuse cases touched by Mueller, Comey, and Andrew Weissmann, including: anthrax, Ted Stevens, Boston, Frank Quattrone, Arthur Andersen, Merrill Lynch, Cliven Bundy, Sandy Berger, Scooter Libby, AIPAC, Richard Jewell, Ruby Ridge, and Harvey Silverglate.
These black hats have never been held accountable for their misdeeds. Regardless of your opinion of Donald Trump, having prosecutors who are political partisans with a demonstrated contempt for the rule of law is not a formula for equal justice.
Mueller and His Special Counsel Team: Making Beria Proud
We are seeing the same illiberal behaviors play out now with the special counsel, leading Lee Smith to observe: “by using the justice system as a political weapon to attack the enemies of the country’s elite, Robert Mueller and his supporters in both parties are confirming what many Americans already believe…we are not all equal under one law.” Restoring this core principle of civil liberty is a cause around which all Americans of good faith can and must unite.
Yet Mueller is ignoring the people who actually appear to have colluded with Russia. Leading Republicans and Democrats agree no evidence of any Trump-Russia collusion has been found. If any existed it already would have leaked and Mueller would be acting on it. The Trump-Russia collusion story is a lie. This makes it all the more ironic that those pushing the collusion narrative are the only ones directly connected to any questionable Russian dealings.
Consider some of these examples of Leftist projection:
The Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee covered up their payments to Fusion GPS for the so-called Steele dossier, with its Russian sources, by paying a law firm to fund the opposition research firm. That represents an in-kind campaign contribution far larger than any alleged payment to the porn star Stormy Daniels;
The 2010 Uranium One deal transferred control of 20 percent of U.S. uranium reserves to a Russian entity, followed by related parties contributing $145 million to the Clinton Foundation;
FBI agents ultimately reporting to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, in a prior role, and Andrew McCabe (when Mueller was FBI director) had gathered evidence showing Russian nuclear industry officials engaged in “bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering” in the United States. But Rosenstein and McCabe did not disclose it during the subsequent Uranium One approval process and the FBI, under Comey, let the investigation die;
Roughly two-thirds of the U.S., European, and Russian companies that participated in Skolkovo, a new Moscow high-technology center that included the transfer of dual-use technologies from the United States, donated to the Clinton Foundation or sponsored speeches by Bill Clinton;
Both Podesta brothers—John and Tony—had their own shady Russian business deals; and,
Hillary Clinton appears to have compromised national security by, among other things, sending emails from Russia and emailing classified information, all via an unsecure email server.
Yet, Mueller has not interviewed Clinton, her campaign officials or other people connected to them, nor have any of their offices, homes or lawyers been raided.
What’s more, none of the special counsel’s charges against former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, or others have anything to do with Russian collusion. Yet Mueller’s team continues to use scorched earth tactics. Questions abound:
Was charging Flynn a retaliatory action?
If people previously didn’t believe Flynn lied, why the ambush interview and charges?
Why did Comey change his story?
Why was Flynn’s judge recused without explanation, the sentencing postponed, and prosecutors ordered by the new judge to turn over exculpatory information? Is there an evidence problem that could lead to a dismissal?
Why was it necessary to conduct a 10-hour raid by 12 FBI agents of Manafort’s home, picking the door lock and entering with guns drawn when he and his wife were in bed?
Were those actions an abuse of law-enforcement power, done for the purpose of intimidation in spite of Manafort being a cooperative witness? Why was it necessary to pat down Mrs. Manafort while she was still in bed?
Why did they seize Manafort documents they knew were protected by attorney-client privilege?
Did a storage unit search violate Manafort’s Fourth Amendment rights?
Was the aggressiveness of the Michael Cohen raid about isolating President Trump by making it risky for attorneys and other advisors to associate with Trump?
Why was there “deafening silence” from the ACLU when Cohen’s home, hotel, and office were raided and confidential Trump attorney-client documents were taken, making it a “dangerous day . . . for lawyer-client relations”?
How is violating Cohen’s Fourth and Sixth amendment rights justified? Over only seeking information about Stormy Daniels and the notorious “Access Hollywood” tape? Is Mueller “laundering information to another prosecutorial authority”?
Shouldn’t Judge Kimba Wood have recused herself?
Was seizing Trump transition team emails, including potentially privileged information, from the General Services Administration justifiable?
More broadly, is the Russia investigation even legal if it was initiated based on false and misleading premises?
It is also striking that the same partisans who are happy to scream “Trump-Russia collusion” in spite of the perpetual absence of evidence, have a cavalier attitude toward attorney-client privilege, have no problem with agents feeling up Mrs. Manafort in her bed, and are more than willing to ignore the deeply troubling House Democrat IT scandal involving Pakistani intelligence.
Hillary Clinton voter and old-school civil liberties stalwart Alan Dershowitz asks the first big question about the Russian collusion investigation: “What is the crime?” He declares the Mueller probe is “‘being done backwards’ in a manner comparable to Stalin’s secret police . . . it raises great concerns about civil liberties.”
Another big question: Is Mueller looking for real crimes or is he just using the power of government to cover up crimes by deep state actors and punish their political opponents—including gathering private information that can be used as opposition research material during the 2018 and 2020 elections?
By its actions, the Left is proving it does not believe either in liberty or in equal justice under the law and they are willing to use the power of government against their fellow Americans to get their way.
All great points and it's hard to believe that:
1) weaponizing the entire Justice operation is but a tip of the iceberg in weaponized government.
Add these to all that:
2) IRS Targeting. Thus was no small matter, the nation's largest political scandal and political crime prior to 1) above. All liberal groups were approved. All conservative groups were stopped in the time leading up to the Obama reelection, and then "exonerated" by the Reid-Schumer-Durbin Senate Majority report. No prosecutions.
3) EPA / UN IPCC: With government funding, they altered climate information for the express purpose of achieving Leftist political goals, larger government, smaller individual rights, global government socialist ideals over capitalism enforced by the heavy hand of government. The number one cause of reported climate change is government 'scientist' alterations of actual data. Larger than CO2 and larger than solar and wind variations. If the earth was truly ending if people are left to their own free will, only big government can save us. Only problem is that it isn't true and what part is true, big government makes worse.
4) Dem Secretaries of State refused to cooperate with federal voter integrity study. Why? A certain percent of illegals vote. Who looks the other way? The stand down of weaponized government. They used their power to cover up these (organized) crimes and they fight every effort to make the system accountable. They refuse to ask citizenship on the Census. They refuse to require ID to vote and they refuse to investigate after the fact. Then say that ID is not necessary because of so few prosecutions.
5) While both Facebook and the Obama campaign admit their (secret) data mining operation reached EVERY user of facebook in the US, I allege that deep state government employees shared government program recipient information with Democrat campaigns, DNC and their Get Out The Vote operations. Dem campaigns reached 50 million people through Facebook. 50 million people searchable by interests is a lot but that isn't the half of it. More people than that have an interest in receiving a check from the government, and they aren't all on facebook. How did they identify and reach all of the rest? And trust me, they did. Campaign workers and the government office workers are often one and the same. Did we really just witness the whole IRS targeting scandal, and FBI scandals, climate scandals, illegal voting scandal - and believe, no they wouldn't do THAT, share information improperly, release private information held by the government to leftist campaigns for (illegal) political advantage? They wouldn't do that for moral reasons? They wouldn't for legal reasons, who would prosecute them? More likely we underestimate how many levels and departments of government shared information with how many levels of campaigns. Census Bureau, Social Security Administration, Food Stamps, Section 8, HUD, Medicaid, Medicare, state programs, local programs, and yes, the IRS. Whuch one says the were never 'hacked', data has never been compromised? What we are missing is one whistleblower who witnessed it from the inside. Who uses bleach bit on their servers and then crushes them with hammers rather than comply with subpoenas? Who fleas to Pakistan to avoid answering questions? Hillary claimed the Obama operation did not give them access to all their data,; what didn't they give her? What are the secrets 'Wendy' Wasserman Schultz and so many other Dem Congress people are hiding in the Awan IT scandal.
I'm not a conspiracy buff but this one is kind of obvious. Somebody knows something behind the scenes and it isn't all information about wedding plans, grandchildren and golf.
Maybe I'll write dossier and see if I can get a FISA warrant.
All great points and it's hard to believe that:
1) weaponizing the entire Justice operation is but a tip of the iceberg in weaponized government.
Add these to all that:
2) IRS Targeting. Thus was no small matter, the nation's largest political scandal and political crime prior to 1) above. All liberal groups were approved. All conservative groups were stopped in the time leading up to the Obama reelection, and then "exonerated" by the Reid-Schumer-Durbin Senate Majority report. No prosecutions.
3) EPA / UN IPCC: With government funding, they altered climate information for the express purpose of achieving Leftist political goals, larger government, smaller individual rights, global government socialist ideals over capitalism enforced by the heavy hand of government. The number one cause of reported climate change is government 'scientist' alterations of actual data. Larger than CO2 and larger than solar and wind variations. If the earth was truly ending if people are left to their own free will, only big government can save us. Only problem is that it isn't true and what part is true, big government makes worse.
4) Dem Secretaries of State refused to cooperate with federal voter integrity study. Why? A certain percent of illegals vote. Who looks the other way? The stand down of weaponized government. They used their power to cover up these (organized) crimes and they fight every effort to make the system accountable. They refuse to ask citizenship on the Census. They refuse to require ID to vote and they refuse to investigate after the fact. Then say that ID is not necessary because of so few prosecutions.
5) While both Facebook and the Obama campaign admit their (secret) data mining operation reached EVERY user of facebook in the US, I allege that deep state government employees shared government program recipient information with Democrat campaigns, DNC and their Get Out The Vote operations. Dem campaigns reached 50 million people through Facebook. 50 million people searchable by interests is a lot but that isn't the half of it. More people than that have an interest in receiving a check from the government, and they aren't all on facebook. How did they identify and reach all of the rest? And trust me, they did. Campaign workers and the government office workers are often one and the same. Did we really just witness the whole IRS targeting scandal, and FBI scandals, climate scandals, illegal voting scandal - and believe, no they wouldn't do THAT, share information improperly, release private information held by the government to leftist campaigns for (illegal) political advantage? They wouldn't do that for moral reasons? They wouldn't for legal reasons, who would prosecute them? More likely we underestimate how many levels and departments of government shared information with how many levels of campaigns. Census Bureau, Social Security Administration, Food Stamps, Section 8, HUD, Medicaid, Medicare, state programs, local programs, and yes, the IRS. Whuch one says the were never 'hacked', data has never been compromised? What we are missing is one whistleblower who witnessed it from the inside. Who uses bleach bit on their servers and then crushes them with hammers rather than comply with subpoenas? Who fleas to Pakistan to avoid answering questions? Hillary claimed the Obama operation did not give them access to all their data,; what didn't they give her? What are the secrets 'Wendy' Wasserman Schultz and so many other Dem Congress people are hiding in the Awan IT scandal.
I'm not a conspiracy buff but this one is kind of obvious. Somebody knows something behind the scenes and it isn't all information about wedding plans, grandchildren and golf.
Maybe I'll write dossier and see if I can get a FISA warrant.
Don't forget this, as well.
Obama bureaucracy left our private data more vulnerable than ever
By Paul Sperry April 21, 2018 | 9:51am |
Obama bureaucracy left our private data more vulnerable than ever
As it overhauled banking, the feds launched a massive data collection effort.
Without your knowledge or permission, the Obama administration collected and warehoused your most private bank records and continued to sweep them up — despite repeated warnings the data wasn’t being properly protected. Now there’s a good chance your personal information could be in the hands of identity thieves or even terrorists.
The government isn’t sure who has your information. It only knows the Obama-era databases have been breached by outsider threats potentially 1,000-plus times. That’s according to a recent investigation of cyber-intrusions at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, where the sensitive information is stored.
The number of confirmed breaches of consumers’ personally identifiable information is “just north of 200,” revealed Mick Mulvaney, the White House budget chief who took control of the CFPB late last year, in testimony to Congress. “We think there’s another 800 [incidents of hacked information] that we suspect might have been lost, but we haven’t been able to nail that down.”
In fact, the bureau has suffered 233 confirmed hack attacks and another 840 suspected hacks, putting at risk the financial information and other personal data — including Social Security numbers and birthdates — of potentially millions of Americans.
Most people don’t know this, but after President Barack Obama created the CFPB, he had the powerful regulatory agency snoop into virtually every financial account held by Americans to assemble a massive and secret government database as part of the post-financial crisis overhaul of the banking industry.
Without asking if customers wanted to opt in, CFPB has collected and stockpiled from banks more than 600 million credit-card accounts and personal data from millions of home, auto, business and student loans.
For the first time, the government vacuumed up extremely sensitive personal finance information that even the IRS doesn’t collect — including credit scores, performance data on loans, telephone numbers, employment records, even your race and ethnicity, in addition to your date of birth, Social Security number and address. At last count, the CFPB had 12 consumer data-mining programs running.
The main purpose of the databases was to find “statistical patterns” of unfair or racially discriminatory lending to help make cases of bias against private lenders and credit agencies.
CFPB maintained in regulatory notices buried in the Federal Register that all this personal information would be safely stored in “locked file rooms, locked file cabinets” inside a building with “security cameras” and 24-hour security guards and that the computerized records would be “safeguarded through use of access codes.”
But it turns out the agency also shared the codes and files with outside agencies and contractors, including state attorneys general, trial lawyers and civil-rights organizations interested in filing class-action lawsuits against banks, according to regulatory documents and congressional testimony.
In 2015, the bureau’s inspector general warned that sharing the massive databases with outside contractors and storing sensitive private information on unsecured data clouds made the data vulnerable to hacking, identity theft and fraud.
I am very much concerned about the privacy of that data, about the use of that data
- Mick Mulvaney
Among other things, inspector general Mark Bialek found that CFPB failed to ensure that the data it was collecting on credit-card accounts and loans followed new cyber-security safeguards in the wake of the massive hacking of the US Office of Personnel Management by the Chinese, which compromised the personal information — including fingerprints — of current and former federal employees. He also found that the bureau was using an “outdated encryption mechanism to secure remote access to its information technology infrastructure.”
“CFPB has not yet fully implemented a number of privacy-control steps and information-security practices,” warned Bialek in a 10-page memo to then-CFPB Director Richard Cordray.
Also, the agency failed to perform background checks on outside contractors with “privileged access” to the computer system and databases, nor had it adequately trained employees to avoid falling for e-mail “phishing” scams that hackers use to break into government computer systems, Bialek further warned in 2017.
But the warnings largely fell on deaf ears. The full extent of the security breaches were only uncovered and disclosed after the Trump administration recently took over the agency, which Obama made sure would be shielded from congressional oversight and audit. The new director testified that “everything” the agency keeps on file is subject to being obtained by malicious third parties.
“I am very much concerned about the privacy of that data, about the use of that data,” Mulvaney testified earlier this month before the Senate Banking Committee. “I am not satisfied with the data security right now in the bureau.”
He says he has put a “data collection freeze” into effect to stop the automatic electronic transfer of bank records to the government until “we fix our systems.” Meanwhile, he is working with the Defense Department to “test our vulnerabilities.”
Even now, it’s unclear who has your data. But one thing is for sure: These breaches demand an independent audit and criminal investigation to fully assess the damage to consumer privacy. Until then, CFPB clearly cannot be trusted to gather and handle any more data that’s personally identifiable.
Paul Sperry is a former Hoover Institution media fellow and author of the bestseller “Infiltration.”
From G M's post: "The government isn’t sure who has your information. It only knows the Obama-era databases have been breached by outsider threats potentially 1,000-plus times."
Are they crooked or incompetent? Crooked for sure, jury is still out on incompetent. What outside groups would they want to wrongly access your information? They already told us, the Obama campaign, the DNC and all leftist causes and campaigns. Also businesses and individuals who support their causes.
Not endorsing this article, but worth reading.
Interesting indeed.
When Will The Other Shoe Drop?
by Thales | Jun 27, 2018 | Culture War
Francis penned an article this morning that bears some further questions. I encourage you to give it a read. As others have explained recently, including Ace, Kurt Schlichter, Tom Kratman, and many other luminaries on the Right, we are perched on the edge of a knife. Violence is simmering beneath the surface – perhaps even a full-blown Civil War. Francis explains:
There’s no reasoning with one who considers you evil. There’s certainly no compromising with him. He’s out to destroy you. He’ll take whatever opportunity you offer to slip the dirk between your fourth and fifth ribs and twist it. Nor is there any way for you to convince him that you’re not evil. He assumes a priori that everything you say is ultimately aimed at his destruction.
At that point it becomes war to the knife.
We haven’t yet seen violence with actual casualties. But we will.
So what gives? Why hasn’t it started yet? I was discussing this with a personal friend yesterday, a veteran, MMA fighter, and all-around guy you don’t want to fuck with. He is the sort of man that, were the war to start tomorrow, would be on the front lines. He expressed to me his fear, not for himself, but for his wife, his children, and the end of a relatively prosperous life. For even if he survived the conflict, he mused, life would never be the same.
Veterans are largely Rightists, and Leftists are largely pussies who have spent their lives avoiding any kind of real physical risk. So the Right has a much better sense for what a war within our borders would really look like. The Left, as Francis notes in the following quote, has no idea because they have not suffered consequences for this behavior up until now.
Bad behavior must be punished. The Left’s decision to use harassment and intimidation against conservatives and Republicans is about as bad as behavior gets without becoming legally actionable. Up to now, it’s met no significant degree of punishment. Therefore, as it’s getting its practitioners some of what they want (including a shameful degree of satisfaction), it will increase.
If it increases past a certain level, it will trigger lethal violence.
Rightists, like my friend, are rightly fearful of the consequences of this thing going bad. We have some idea of what this really means, and so we hold back earnestly hoping for another way. This, in turn (and sadly), emboldens the Leftists, most of whom have no Earthly idea what they are really agitating for, or the risks they are taking, because they have no experience with risks like these.
However, at some point Leftist derangement will exceed the Rightist’s reluctance to resort to violence. And when that Rubicon is crossed, there is no going back. Leftists are quicker to violence, but Rightists are far better at it. The consequences of this will be grave.
To top it off, nobody really knows exactly where the Rubicon is, in this political mess. Will it be gun control or confiscation? Will it be the next time a Democrat wins control over the federal government? Will they be hellbent on revenge and do something they shouldn’t? Will it be getting Rightists fired from their jobs, destroying their businesses and ability to earn, such that they have nothing to lose? Or will it be a cumulative ‘death from a thousand cuts’ situation, where all of these smaller, lesser attacks will, in aggregate, finally exceed the Rightist’s ability to tolerate?
I have no Earthly idea. But I do know that the Rubicon is somewhere, and that across its shore lies Civil War, or something approximating that. And so, in this, we are generally wiser (though not wise, see: Socrates) than our Leftist counterparts, who haven’t a clue about the hornet’s nest they’ve been poking.
If and when the Left crosses the Rubicon, they will certainly be surprised at what lies on the other side. One thing is certain, nobody is going to like it.
Plan accordingly.
highest IQ in Hollywood:
With an IQ of 184, James Wood has an IQ score higher than Einstein and on pair with Leonardo Da Vinci himself. He scored an astonishing 1579 in SAT include maximum score 800 in reading and 779 in math. Many people think that people with high intelligence tend to work in the lab, become a professor, research and gain Nobel prize. But it turn out is not the case with James Wood.
James Howard Woods is famous for his villainous role in a variety of films, including Once Upon a Time in America, Salvador, Ghost of Missisipi, Family Guy, Hercules, My name is Bill W…. He was born in 1947, studied high school in Pilgrim school in Warwick, Rhode Island. He later decided to pursuit an Algebra degree in Los Angeles University.
In the “ Inside the Actors Studio” show,Woods himself reveal that he has an astonishing IQ score of 184, a genius level score. And he also a member of the infamous MENSA, an organization for extremely intelligent people with IQ score of 139 at least.
In 1995, Woods attended SAT and get a very high score of 1579 include maximum 800 in verbal test and 779 in math test (Bill Gate himself scored 1590). Which lead him to a sponsorship in Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT).
In time when he studied in MIT, he joined Thema Delta Chi fraternity, as well as Dramashop club where he both acted in and directed number of plays which had turned his interest. Later, he drop MIT to pursue a career in acting and achieved various prize and honor include three Emmy Award and two nominated Academic Award.
In The Onion Field (1979), Woods portrayed a heartless cop killer, perhaps his darkest character to date. Critics and audiences alike were riveted by his performance. He received his first Oscar nomination for Salvador (1986) for his portrayal of a journalist who drives to El Salvador to document the country's military dictatorship.
Also, Woods took on a challenging film role. He tackled the part of Byron De La Beckwith, the suspected killer of Medgar Evers, the African-American civil rights activist, in 1996's Ghosts of Mississippi. His portrayal brought Woods his second Oscar nomination -- this time in the best supporting actor category.
Although recently his activities on Twitter has severly hampered his image in his fans and Hollywood, the 184 IQ score genius James Wood surely had a career to be remember.
- Read with care, including the comments. some witty voice over
second post
Recently more than once I remembered Konrad Lorenz writing about certain birds "mobbing", making the connection that this article makes.
Political Harassment Is for the Birds
What happened at the Red Hen is reminiscent of the way mobbing crows attack an eagle or an owl.
By Lance Morrow
July 6, 2018 5:55 p.m. ET
Some birds are known to engage in an activity called “mobbing.” The Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behavior says it is “a poorly understood phenomenon in which one or more members of a species, or even several species in concert, chase, dive-bomb, or surround a predator or kleptoparasite, often vocalizing rigorously.”
Swallows, gulls and terns, crows, blackbirds and orioles, tyrant flycatchers and parids—all practice mobbing. The “enemy” may be a hawk, an owl, an eagle or a similar aggressor. Sometimes the mobbers merely make a commotion. Sometimes they get violent.
“The intent of such attacks,” the Sibley guide continues, “is largely to encourage the ‘enemy’ to move on to another area.” Mobbing, in other words, is justified self-defense (who can complain about that?) and arguably heroic. On the other hand, one ornithologist’s victim may be another’s villain. In the woods on my farm last week, I saw five crows tormenting an owl that was perched (for the moment innocently) in a tall white pine. The crows’ only motive seemed to be recreational malice.
But perhaps deeper urgencies of bird politics—even ideology—were at work. To human eyes, the hawk has the charm of his rakish and soaring self-sufficiency. The owl makes his living as a predator but nonetheless is an elegant and sympathetic creature. Yet to the crow, an able and highly intelligent character, there is no such thing as an innocent owl.
I thought of mobbing birds after two news items late last month. First the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Va., expelled White House press secretary Sarah Sanders —not exactly mobbing, but close: a territorial gesture meaning: Your kind is not welcome here. Immediately after that, Rep. Maxine Waters took it to the next level, encouraging a crowd to harass, like birds out of Hitchcock, members of the Trump administration anywhere they might be found. The mobbers say it is a matter of self-defense, a call to arms of their righteous indignation. Prepare yourself. Mobbing is about to become the style of American politics.
No side, left, right, or otherwise, has a monopoly on violence; even Tibetan Buddhist politics sometimes turns savage. Lately there has been a pattern of hit-and-run Antifa squads mobbing a protest or a fixed line of march. Having a parade permit does not make marchers virtuous, but it gives them, for the moment, the protection of the First Amendment. The mobbing birds—this is the dangerous part—believe that their righteousness supersedes the Constitution.
Political animals are animals first. When we think about American independence, patriotic memory, which always involves some gentrification, likes to emphasize the Enlightenment thought that went into the project. But the colonists also engaged in a certain amount of animal behavior—vandalism, rioting by torchlight, work with tar and feathers.
During Donald Trump’s second summer in office, the American self-image is vexed and complicated. There are immigration dramas on the border; there is a sudden vacancy on the Supreme Court that many find deeply ominous; there is intolerable suspense over what Robert Mueller might have turned up, or not. This Fourth of July, what one heard (at least from the left) was less John Philip Sousa than rising notes of anger and hysteria.
In a Rasmussen poll published last week, 31% of American voters said it was likely “that the United States will experience a second civil war sometime in the next five years.” At the news of Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement, New York magazine’s Frank Rich remarked that “the discrepancy between this Court’s decisions and the realities of the fast-evolving modern America beyond its chambers could lead to a national conflict as convulsive as the one that followed the Taney Court’s Dred Scott decision in 1857.”
One should not get carried away with the idea of a coming civil war. It’s always 1857 somewhere in America. Someone is always repeating the novelist John Dos Passos ’ line (published in 1936, in reference to the Sacco-Vanzetti case a decade earlier): “All right, we are two nations.” Lincoln warned that “a house divided against itself cannot stand,” but America has usually been a house divided, one way or another.
In unexpected fashion, that might have been the secret of the country’s success. Since its founding, America has been a dynamic of selves and anti-selves: North vs. South, East vs. West, rural vs. urban, agricultural vs. industrial, black vs. white, frontier vs. Ellis Island, redskin vs. paleface, wets vs. dries, labor vs. management, hawks vs. doves, liberals vs. conservatives, Chamber of Commerce vs. Students for a Democratic Society, neo-Nazi vs. Antifa. Everywhere you look in the American drama, you see doubles banging against each other.
But the 21st century may be different in crucial ways. The cultural and financial gap between elites and nonelites has become vast and seemingly unbridgeable. The elites inhabit the 21st century, and the nonelites, in effect, dwell in zones of the 20th. (Mr. Trump’s wistful frame of reference is the 1950s.) Political passions are intensified and driven to extremes by social media. Anxieties and divisions multiply. And the astonishment of imponderable Donald Trump presides. America is definitely crazier than it was a few years ago.
So it is possible to envision something like a new civil war, but not along the lines of 1861-65, with two clear geographical sides and large regular armies fighting pitched battles. Instead imagine high-tech mobs, an intifada with stones and drones, locals and irregulars in improvised warfare with the feds. America could devolve, slow-motion, into an archipelago of warlord states—like China after the collapse of the Qing Dynasty—pitting the coasts against the interior, with progressive fortresses at Austin, Texas, and other big university towns.
There are all sorts of Fort Sumters waiting to happen. A ruling by the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade? Or same-sex marriage? Or affirmative action? Suppose that Robert Mueller’s findings set off a constitutional crisis: Could Mr. Trump be removed from office? Could he be prosecuted while in office? No one envisions him departing quietly.
The Founders were fearful of mobs. Benjamin Franklin, with perfect accuracy, placed the principle of compromise at the center of the new American government. The essence of the problem today is that, between the crows and the owls, no compromise is possible. It was the same fatal impasse in 1860. Then again, it all might come to anticlimax. I have watched dozens of times as a group of crows—a murder of crows—has mobbed an owl, an eagle or a hawk. Frankly, these things tend to end when the crows get bored.
It would be nice if boredom proved to be the outcome of the current politics. But the likelier and somewhat darker denouement may be exhaustion, and a good deal of wreckage.
Mr. Morrow, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, is a former essayist for Time.
Mueller is doing his best.
There has got to be more where this creature crawled out from :
I really don't know on these point, but I am leaning towards agreeing with him.
We are as always fighting for the hearts and minds and most importantly the pocket books of the independents.
ccp: "We are as always fighting for the hearts and minds and most importantly the pocket books of the independents."
Right, and we are doing so with two deep disadvantages, the Press 92% against us and our own side failing to make a coherent argument for the past 35 years.
My view is nicely put to words in his first paragraph:
Nikki Haley... explained... that the attraction of conservatism shouldn’t be “owning the libs,” in the popular parlance; instead, conservatives should try to convince. She explained, “I know that it’s fun and that it can feel good, but step back and think about what you’re accomplishing when you do this — are you persuading anyone?”
In two days (5% growth announcement) we can effectively make the argument that Trump and the Republicans have doubled the economic growth rate of the largest economy in the history of the world in less than 2 years. You would think that statement deserves an exclamation point, but instead watch it go unreported.
Simultaneously, we can make the argument that the dismantling of the capitalist engine in Venezuela is identical to what the left here is proposing, Ocasio, Sanders, Warren, Obama et al, and the results if they were to prevail will turn us in exactly that direction.
Taking investment that should go back into industry and confiscating instead for social programs harms both sides. Who knew? Now we all know if we would open our eyes or if someone would point it out.
But as usual, our silence will go up against their 92% negative media message that Venezuela's largely uncovered catastrophe and America's denied turnaround all happened by accident, not tied to any policies in particular, and that Trump is the worst ever, Kavanaugh is evil, and Republicans want to kill you with their disregard for government Healthcare and policy to separate children from their law-abiding, felon parents.
"two deep disadvantages, the Press 92% against us and our own side failing to make a coherent argument"
and I would add to this a majority of professors who often get much of their funding for their activities from government that they continue to turn around and promote.
OTOH this forum has many threads with hundreds of thousands of reads , , ,
August Update on the Second American Civil War
By Samuel Culper Last updated Aug 6, 2018
In previous posts, I’ve covered in detail why we’re already in a domestic conflict — the Second American Civil War, if you will (although I don’t favor the term “civil war” to describe it).
To recap: The current culture war won’t be a conventional war. We’re not talking about tanks in the streets or bombing insurgents into submission. The combatants of tomorrow won’t take part in pitched battles of maneuver warfare, but they’ll engage in what we’re already seeing:
diplomatic warfare
solidarity in international socialism and the progressive status quo
hyperbolic warnings on the international rise of Nazism/fascism
political warfare
soft coup against a sitting president
battle over mass immigration
struggle for political dominance in order to punish
economic warfare
politicization of corporations and commerce
information operations/propaganda
selective reporting of the news
political messaging pushed through media/news outlets
censorship on social media platforms
cultural/class war
movies, tv, and music
education system
sporadic political violence
Scalise shooting
attacks on Trump supporters
In other words, our war includes all the activities below the threshold of conventional war, but above routine, peaceful competition. (Read: What will it take to start a domestic conflict?)
Each and every time we’ve experienced a tectonic shift in culture, there’s been conflict, and sometimes it turns into organized violence (actual war). There are three periods where this is especially evident:
Taxation and Liberty in the lead up to the American Revolution.
States’ rights and slavery in the Civil War.
Civil Rights and the cultural revolution in the 1960s and into the 1970s.
Each of these led to conflict, and only in the third example did these cultural shifts (or their battles for cultural supremacy) not lead to war. Whereas the Civil Rights movement was about achieving equal rights, the Leftist movements of today are about establishing political, economic, and cultural dominance. It’s not just a fight to put their people into power; it’s a fight to put their enemies out of business and bury opposing ideology. This kind of dominance portends domestic conflict.
The Leftist push for mass immigration is about achieving political dominance through voting.
The Leftist push in technology, mainstream media, social media, education, Hollywood, and pop culture is about achieving economic and cultural dominance through disrupting economic opportunity and re-defining Free Speech. (“I support the Freedom of Speech, but x is not free speech.”)
The Far Left — the coalition of communists, socialists, progressives, and their sympathizers — is maneuvering to dominate and eventually destroy America’s conservative and traditional societies. They’re doing a great job of isolating and challenging long-held American beliefs. Christianity is now oppressive. Capitalism is now oppressive. Family values are now heteronormative and oppressive. And in the Leftist world where power and influence often begins at victimhood, the desire to be oppressed far outweighs the actual oppressors. That’s why opinions once considered “American” and common sense are now oppressive — not because they actually oppress, but because the Left thrives on the appearance of oppression. Tectonic cultural shifts create earthquakes, and that’s what we’re seeing now. The Left is going Far Left so much so that there’s a war inside the Democratic Party over just-how-far-left-do-we-really-want-to-go?
Meanwhile, the Left continues to oppress to extend their cultural revolution.
This morning, InfoWars was permanently deleted from Facebook. YouTube then deleted the official InfoWars account with 2.5 million subscribers. Apple and Google are also censoring InfoWars on their platforms. (InfoWars’ major competitor, CNN, recently lobbied Facebook to ban InfoWars. And now four major companies de-platformed InfoWars within 12 hours. That’s coordination.) Love them or hate them, InfoWars undoubtedly had an impact on the election of Donald J. Trump. InfoWars was (and is) disruptive. And now they’re gone from major platforms — not because of hate speech or violations of the terms of service, but because it was disruptive to the Left’s cultural revolution.
As their slogan describes: “There’s a war on for your mind,” indeed.
If you’re concerned about where we’re headed as a country, whether on the near-end of the spectrum or the far end of the spectrum (social, political and economic instability; domestic conflict; or collapse of empire), and want to stay informed on what the headlines don’t cover, then I invite you to try us out. Our special operations and intelligence veterans track the day-to-day risk of global and domestic conflict. If you’re not happy within the first two weeks, I’ll refund your monthly or annual subscription cost – no questions asked. You can get access to our intelligence reporting and training area here.
" current culture war won’t be a conventional war. We’re not talking about tanks in the streets or bombing insurgents into submission. The combatants of tomorrow won’t take part in pitched battles of maneuver warfare, but they’ll engage in what we’re already seeing:
diplomatic warfare
solidarity in international socialism and the progressive status quo
hyperbolic warnings on the international rise of Nazism/fascism
political warfare
soft coup against a sitting president
battle over mass immigration
struggle for political dominance in order to punish
economic warfare
politicization of corporations and commerce
information operations/propaganda
selective reporting of the news
political messaging pushed through media/news outlets
censorship on social media platforms
cultural/class war
movies, tv, and music
education system
sporadic political violence
Scalise shooting
attacks on Trump supporters"
I don't know what more we can do. The LEFt controls higher education the media and is increasing their ranks not with ideas but by importing people and promising them all sorts of goodies and making white men the bogey man.
We can only hope that things in the economy and the world improve under in our favor to convince the independents that our way is best for all .
Trump has been doing that with his policies but has lost independents with his personality flaws giving the LEFT wing its fuel to pour onto the fire.
I don't see ho w we can stop this trend especially with floods of immigrants who come here then watch 24/7 the LEFT demonize America.
So what does Samuel Culper propose we do?
" current culture war won’t be a conventional war."
We keep calling it a war but it is the unarmed versus the armed so it can't be a conventional war. It is what it always was, a bitter contest for the hearts and minds of the voters.
The left keep falling further off the edge. Yesterday I saw they were calling for abolishing the Presidency.
Get rid of the electoral college, get rid of the Senate, legislate from the judiciary, treat different people differently under the law, they don't even pretend to like the Constitution anymore.
Our best advertisements are when they speak freely.
Not since 1860 have the Democrats so fanatically refused to accept the result of a free election. That year, their target was Lincoln. They smeared him. They went to war to defeat him. In the end, they assassinated him.
Now the target of the Democrats is President Trump and his supporters. The Left calls them racists, white supremacists and fascists. These charges are used to justify driving Trump from office and discrediting the right “by any means necessary.”
But which is the party of the slave plantation? Which is the party that invented white supremacy? Which is the party that praised fascist dictators and shaped their genocidal policies and was in turn praised by them?
Moreover, which is the party of racism today? Is fascism now institutionally embodied on the right or on the left?
Through stunning historical recreations and a searching examination of fascism and white supremacy, Death of a Nation cuts through progressive big lies to expose hidden history and explosive truths.
Lincoln united his party and saved America from the Democrats for the first time. Can Trump—and we—come together and save America for the second time?
Death of a Nation is open in theaters nationwide now, in time to be seen by millions of Americans before they head to the polls in November.
Hollywood Reporter: D’Souza’s new film makes incendiary claims about Democrats’ history
Epoch Times: ‘Death of a Nation’ shows Democrat ‘plantation’ still in business
WND: Filmmaker blasts ‘gangsterization’ of Democratic Party
Fox News: If you think Trump is a white supremacist, you should talk to a real one
American Thinker: Trump is not Reagan; he’s Lincoln
WATCH: Dinesh D’Souza talks Trump & Lincoln with Diamond and Silk
WND: Dinesh D’Souza explains ‘outrageous’ Trump-Lincoln comparison
WND: Dinesh D’Souza argues “nothing racial about Trump”
WATCH: Lara Trump interviews Dinesh D’Souza on President Trump’s Facebook Page
Christian Post: D’Souza’s new film compares Trump to Lincoln, liberals to fascists
WND: See trailer for Dinesh D’Souza’s upcoming film on Trump
Newsmax: Dinesh D’Souza calls Democrats ‘party of slave plantations’
JUST RELEASED: D’Souza reveals new movie trailer
Hollywood Reporter: Dinesh D’Souza compares Trump to Lincoln in new movie trailer
LifeZette: “Death of a Nation” shares unblinking look at Left’s tactics
Washington Examiner: Dinesh D’Souza calls Obama ‘a plantation recruiter’
Breitbart: D’Souza’s upcoming documentary to compare Trump and Lincoln
LifeZette: In upcoming documentary, Dinesh D’Souza compares Trump to Lincoln
Hollywood Reporter: D’Souza to compare Trump with Lincoln in upcoming film
This goes a lot of places I would not want to go, but an interesting exercise.
second post
second post
Antifa Beats the Shit Out of Bernie Sanders Supporter, Thinking He's "Alt-Right" Because He... Was Carrying an American Flag
So that's the real definition of "alt-right" employed by the left now?
When they're justifying their terroristic attacks, they claim they're "fighting Nazis."
But the definition of "Nazi" turns out to be: "someone holding the flag of the nation that defeated the actual Nazis."
John Sexton has the story and video.
Now I'm going to say something, and I don't want it to be read as criticism of Sexton, or anyone else pushing this story.
I understand why the story is being framed the way it is. I do.
I want to talk about why the story can only be framed the way it is.
Without finding fault for anyone on the right for framing it this way.
But the way people on the right are framing this -- and I completely understand the reasons why -- is, "Look, Antifa says they beat up Nazis but they beat up nice liberal Bernie Sanders supporters."
Now, that's the way I framed it too.
The reason the story is framed this way is to dispute the media's argument that antifa only beats up Nazis -- as if that were legal or acceptable.
But it's an argument that CNN clown Chris Cuomo, son of one American governor and brother of another, has made on TV, justifying Antifa's terroristic violence.
You can read Nolte's excellent article on that, or John Sexton's very good piece.
Cuomo -- and I'm sure he did this in coordination ("collusion") with CNN editorial -- implicitly, deliberately endorses terroristic violence by CNN's ground troops in Antifa, while using Yasser-Arafat-like slippery language in doing so, so he can claim he was just saying "Nazis are bad."
That's a lie. I'm sure his script was vetted by CNN and he wrote it several times so that he could justify terroristic violence by the left while retaining some slight scraps of plausible deniability on the point.
But getting back to the why-is-the-story-framed-this-way problem:
Many normal conservatives have been beaten in the street, had eggs thrown at them, been maced in the face, etc.
The media provides air cover for its ground troops, Antifa.
So people frame the story in this way -- a Bernie Sanders supporter was viciously attacked by antifa! -- because the media and city police forces have already decided that conservatives are not human and are not owed civil rights and that it is now de facto legal to brutalize them in the street.
People resort to emphasizing this was a Bernie Sanders supporter because we all understand, and we have all internalized, that the media and Democrat-controlled police forces have deemed us subhuman noncitizens who are of a lesser caste and may be beaten by the higher castes as they choose.
So we all have to emphasize that this is a Bernie Sanders supporter. We could not, say, emphasize that the lesbian girl who was maced in the face by Antifa for the crime of wearing a red MAGA hat was a Trump supporter, because we know that that, in the left's mind, makes her a valid Target of Opportunity.
So we are forced to accept their definition of us as subhuman and beneath the protections of the law. We could not say "They did this to a Trump supporter!" of Charlie Kirk being assaulted (yes, dumping a drink on someone is assault and battery) because we have internalized it that, in the dominant, leftist-controlled rules of engagement, We deserve that.
But this Bernie Suppporter? He doesn't deserve it.
And that's what makes it bad. He, unlike us, does not deserve to be clubbed in the head on the street for carrying an American flag.
We deserve that. He doesn't.
Again, not criticism intended of John Sexton or the many other right-leaning writers writing the story in this way. As I also do not intended to criticize myself for framing it this way.
I point this out only to emphasize to you How bad the situation is.
We all have internalized we have no hope of having anyone in the media point out that beating conservative citizens in the streets is a social evil that borders on open civil war.
So we have stopped even trying.
We have simply moved on to complaining now that the left's fellow travelers are being beaten in the street, hoping against hope that maybe that will make them stop justifying beating conservatives in the street, as Chris Cuomo does on the Super-Patriotic American "news" outfit CNN.
But that is itself hopeless. All the left will do is chide antifa for having chosen the wrong target of the wrong caste to beat in the street for the Nazi-like crime of carrying the American flag.
But they will not criticize antifa for beating citizens in the street. Just for beating the First Class Citizens of the left in the street, mistaking them for the Second Class Citizens of the right, who you're allowed to beat.
Nay -- morally required to beat.
As Matt Yglesias does here.
The Oregonian @Oregonian
Matthew Yglesias
Some Antifa geniuses beat up a Bernie Sanders voter counter-protesting the alt-right rally in Portland because he was holding an American flag. …
5:19 PM - Aug 20, 2018
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At some point the shooting will begin, and people will be killed by the violence they supported, justified, and promoted -- not just the "right" targets, but the "wrong" leftwing targets too -- and these monsters will ask: "How did this happen?"
Well: It was all you.
People respect the social compact of civil peace only so long as that compact protects them as well.
When they see that there is no longer a social compact of peace, they will begin violating it themselves.
And once that starts in earnest: there is little chance of stopping it. Civil wars start off slowly, then enter a period of dramatic escalation, then enter a period of slow, grinding murder for years, until finally, so many people are dead and so much misery has been suffered that people are finally willing to make peace with those who have been murdering them.
Ask the populations of any country who've gone through a civil war.
But I'm sure our very smart media class knows all this, right? They're The Experts in everything.
Just ask them! They'll tell you on twitter, after they liken domestic terrorists to those who liberated Europe from the actual Nazis:
View image on Twitter
View image on Twitter
Wired Sources
FLASHBACK: CNN's @ChrisCuomo compared violent Antifa thugs to American soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy. #DDay
6:17 AM - Jun 6, 2018
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Do you geniuses honestly think you're the only people who've thought "Gee, maybe some political vigilantism/terrorism against my enemies would be fun and profitable"?
I know from the way you write you news reports, you don't think that. You think the right is eager to start murdering people.
So why, Experts and Geniuses, do you insist on starting a civil war with people who you are convinced are arming themselves in the teeth only to start killing progressives?
And then, of course, they whine: "We've been made to feel unsafe to express our First Amendment rights!"
Tell me -- What's that like?
Because the people actually, currently being victimized by real violence want to hear all about what it's like to merely have back-of-the-mind fears of some future, possible, hypothetical violence.
The idea of only facing hypothetical, possible, future sounds pretty sweet, at least to those of us actually, in reality, being targeted for violence.
G M link:
I'm not blaming the victim but wouldn't you know the Bernie supporter was unarmed. The antifa fascists might not be so lucky in their next war against the country and the flag.
Good we have some people who are fighting back
I also like the rapid response shown on our few media outlets to the endless day by day smears from MSM.
I Really Don’t Feel Like Submitting To Socialist Tyranny. Do You?
Kurt Schlichter |Posted: Sep 06, 2018 12:01 AM
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent the views of
Socialism’s legacy is heaps of bloody corpses scattered across a landscape of hunger and despair, but the youthful neo-commie hipsters infesting our colleges and coastal cities want to give it another try here and now since they’re smart and they won’t screw it up this time. Uh huh. Because when I look at millennials, I see a generation of achievers – achieving unbroken eye contact with their iPhones, achieving hitherto unimagined heights of undeserved self-regard, and achieving convincing their parents to support them into middle age. If anyone can make socialism work – by which I mean the pipe dream of it not being a slaughterhouse of soul crushing tyranny – it’s these winners. At least that’s what Chet thinks.
Chet’s my unicorn.
Me? I think I’d prefer freedom. Yes, I definitely prefer freedom. And I think that if they want to take away my freedom, they should be ready to fight to the death. I’m not super butch warrior guy, but still I’d rather bleed out on a pile of hot brass than live as the slave of a Chardonnay-swilling socialist ruling nomenklatura based in Brooklyn.
Oh, I’m not kidding. I walked around in the ruins of socialism overseas. My wife’s family escaped it. When you talk about a socialist revolution, you better be ready to bring one because I and a couple hundred million other patriots are not having it.
Are. Not. Having. It.
Now, the cool new socialism of the hipster class glosses over the problem that we Normals and our uppitiness pose to their utopian scheme, and it’s a pretty big problem. Let’s see what some of the man-children at whatever the Chapo Traphouse podcast is say about our bright, shiny future under socialism:
“After setting everyone on equal footing (by seizing the billionaires’ money, socializing their wealth, and handing the keys of production over to workers), you’re looking at an economy that requires something like a three-hour workday, with machines taking care of most of the drudgery; and—as our public fund pays for things like health care, education, scientific research, and infrastructure—all this technology actually makes work quicker, easier, and more enjoyable.”
That’s a lot to unpack, so let’s seize on just one aspect. “Seizing,” are we? Now, these sorry cheese weasels do look exactly like you would expect: Stupid beards, skinny jeans, soft hands, and dull eyes. But they don’t look much like dudes who are likely to seize anything besides the nearest locally-sourced muffin. Who, exactly, do they expect to do all the seizing that will facilitate “handing the keys of production over to workers?” Now, I use to specialize in commanding hundreds of guys with guns who actually could seize stuff, and I have to say that I don’t think my troopers would be down with doing the dangerous bidding of a bunch of geebos who look like they’d be blathering about their fourth-level elf warrior with a +1 sword Dungeons & Dragons character if they weren’t quoting selections from Marxism 4 Dummies.
They seem to be saying, “Don’t worry, we’re only going to mess with those Monopoly men with the monocles and top hats!” You could ask your local kulak about how that turns out for folks like you and me, but since the socialists murdered them all I’ll need to demonstrate why Normals are the real target in another way. Allow me to unleash that which leftist nincompoops fear the most, besides gainful employment and their mom walking into their room at night unannounced while they are interacting with their computer/girlfriend.
Let’s take the richest man ever was, Jeff Bezos. He’s got a net worth of at least $150 billion. It not in actual dollars, though, unless he has the world’s biggest mattress. It’s mostly in Amazon stock. We’ll just leave aside the inconvenient issue of what would happen to Amazon’s stock value if it were “seized” and nationalized and just assume he’s got a big pit full of dollar bills. We take all that and split it among the 330 million Americans and everyone gets…$454.55. Congrats. Everyone gets one payment on their 2015 Toyota Camry. That is, unless we’re decreeing that all consumer loans are forgiven, which is probably on the socialists’ to-so list and would mean many fewer consumer loans going forward, but again I digress.
Divvying up the cash seems…unhelpful. How about we put all the money toward government spending? That would never be dropping it down a rathole because the government is awesome. Let’s see, the 2019 U.S. budget is $4.407 trillion – with a “T” – so all of Bezos Bucks would be about 3.4% of that. Yes, all of Bezos’s money would run the federal government for 12.4 days.
So, after about two weeks we’re going to need some more cash. There appear to be about 560 billionaires in the U.S. They all have less than Jolly Jeff – everyone has less than him – but let’s count each one as having $5 billion to simplify things. That’s $2.8 trillion. A lot of dough. But even assuming the entirety of their assets could be converted to cash, you could fund the government at present levels for … 232 days. That’s at present spending levels, without all the bells and whistles and free college and doctors and kale smoothie-makers everyone will get from Uncle Santa.
Remember, under socialism we aren’t minting any new billionaires, so where do we go for the money once the low-hanging billionaire fruit is picked clean? Millionaires!
A 2017 report says there are probably 10.8 millionaires in what would be the People’s Republic of America: “In 2016, there were 9.4 million individuals with net worth between $1 million and $5 million, 1.3 million individuals with net worth between $5 million and $25 million, and 156,000 households with more than $25 million in net worth, the report says.”
Now we’re hitting regular folks. If you have a house in Los Angeles or Washington, welcome to millionairehood! Or a small business – lots of us are rich on paper. Well, what’s ours is…theirs. The fact is our socialist pals are going to have to reach way down below the 1% to find enough stuff to redistribute so that everyone can have everything they want (but not enough to work for) while robots mop out the toilets.
They want your stuff. The stuff you spent years working for, saving for, sacrificing for. All gone, to someone else, because some neck-bearded Gender Studies grad decided he and not you should choose what happens to your property. All that effort, all those years you spent gainfully employed, being responsible, working while other folks played?
Too bad.
Everything you worked for is gone, because they want it and you have it and, well, they and their buddies got together and voted to make what’s yours theirs. You should have thought of doing that yourself before you put in all those years working to achieve your dreams. You should have just gotten the government to make your dreams come true by stealing stuff from the guys who were dumb enough to work for theirs.
The socialists seem to assume that there’s not going to be any pushback from all these millions of Normal Americans who are going to fund this latest socialist experiment (Remember, this time, under these geniuses, socialism will totally work – it’s due for a win!). We’ll sort of shrug and just give up our stuff, and our freedom, to a bunch of 20-something adolescents because…the 20-something adolescents really want us to.
I’d rather fight, if they make me. And I bet you would too. As my upcoming book Militant Normals: How Regular Americans Are Rebelling Against the Elite to Reclaim Our Democracyexplains, we’re done with the endless cycle of leftists failing, blaming us for their failures, taking our money and liberty, failing again, then announcing that it’s our fault they failed again, and that the solution is another round of taking our money and liberty.
I’m just not convinced that we should give up the fruits of our decades of labor and our individual freedom to these doofuses because they really want us to. Instead, they’ll have to impose it on us by force, if they can. That whole thing about 300 million guns in the hands of free Americans makes it tricky. Now do you get why they are so intent on stripping guns from law-abiding patriots like you instead of scummy thugs in Democrat blue cities who are actually murdering people?
You’ll be a lot easier to rule if you’re disarmed. I wrote about what armed Americans can do to radicals who want to crush them under the Birkenstock heel of leftist tyranny in my novel Indian Country. Spoiler: A nation full of armed American citizens conducting a decentralized insurgency resisting a centralized leftist force attempting to oppress them has the advantage.
But it’s unlikely to come to that. Since killing me and probably you and probably a couple hundred million other armed and militant Normal Americans would be a lot of hard work, I think we’re pretty safe. These people aren’t much on actual effort; they prefer to pose and whine. If they’re going to kill us and seize our stuff, they’ll have to get off their mom’s couch and go farther than the kitchen, and that’s a fridge too far.
But you never know, so keep in mind, when choosing how to spend some of that money you earned working, that no one in history who has ever faced a foe that wants him dead or enslaved has ever had too many guns or too much ammunition.
I hope this catches on!
Now what Republican would not read the above and NOT think we need a team of Republican lawyers ( the 15 in the US) to investigate Wood ward up the behind and anyone and everyone ever associated with him who has in anyway ever had anything to do with someone Chinese and along the way any other improprieties are found threaten them with life in jail if they don't tell stories about Wood war being a spy and treason.
URL for the referenced Breitbart list?
Communists Planning Armed Insurrection on Twitter
Antifa Podcast The Guillotine.
Antifa Podcast The Guillotine. Image via Facebook.
Communist agitators took to Twitter this week to brainstorm strategies for a violent armed insurrection against their perceived enemies, Far Left Watch reported.
“Dr. Bones," the co-host of the far-left podcast The Guillotine, started the conversation going with his 5,000-plus Twitter followers. Bones (@Ole_Bonsey on Twitter) asked: “Hey quick little question for military minded lefties: should leftists train/organize in a 'insurgent' focus where they blend into a civilian population for potential attacks or a more 'militia' structure focused on holding/maintaining turf?”
Antifa Calls for 'Slaughter' of Border Patrol Dogs
Bones went on to suggest that fellow travelers organize "hidden cells" and focus on ambushes and assassinations to bleed "right-leaning forces" dry. He said that during the day comrades should pretend to be into "helping everybody" and never talk about their "nighttime activities."
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CentralOH SRA
Stay safe, comrades.
9:24 AM - Sep 8, 2018
66 people are talking about this
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The Guillotine podcast, which covers “global current events from a revolutionary communist and anarchist perspective,” has nearly 15,000 Facebook followers and 250 active monthly donors on its Patreon account.
The two co-hosts, @Ole_Bonsey and @DeadIrishRebe,l identify as an “egoist-Communist” and “Marxist, respectively” according to Far Left Watch. And the pair seem to be huge fans of mass-murdering Communist dictators and “revolutionaries” like Mao Zedong and Che Guevera.
— The Guillotine (@GuillotinePod) September 25, 2018
Disturbingly, the extremists see no difference between supporters of President Trump or the police, and actual Nazis.
— The Guillotine (@GuillotinePod) September 18, 2018
L.A. Antifa Group Calls for 'Revolutionary Violence'
In the thread, Dr. Bones discouraged fellow radicals from walking around with full-sized AR rifles, suggesting that they instead use “easily concealable platforms” [weapons] so as not to “tip anyone off.”
A fellow traveler talked about the importance of communication and tactics in small cells that have "an opportunity for a big kill.”
Other radicals piped in with their two cents' worth, most of them favoring small cells that blend in with the general population.
but until then focus on small things that can be done alone/in small groups, with very little resources. It's the most effective and safest way, and does not leave a target for them to hit back at.
— Jake???? (@Jake_1c) September 25, 2018
Kommodore M—.
Replying to @GuillotinePod
Like a boyscout, be prepared:
Pistol-caliber SBR
Rifle-caliber SBR
AR15 / AK47
with this, you're prepared for a very wide range of tactical scenarios. different loadouts for different members of squad will provide flexibility for specific applications of force
10:23 AM - Sep 25, 2018
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Truckstop Herpetologist
Replying to @Ole_Bonsey
I'm no military expert, just a reader of a lot of mil. history. I think to face up to the overwhelming tech. capabilities of the state you would have to blend into the normal civilian pop. to offer effective resistance and not just get slaughtered.
10:16 AM - Sep 25, 2018
See Truckstop Herpetologist's other Tweets
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The blending approach is gonna be the most useful, and honestly the most effective long term. Sustaining a full militia necessitates central supply chains/ bureaucratic information dispersion/ and heavier level of trust through a bigger # of people. All of which raise the cost
— Hunter?? (@MutualRevolt) September 25, 2018
of recruiting into the ranks. Especially if you’re in a heavy martial state, getting people involved will mean making sure they & their whole family will face as little risk as possible. Being able to sustain outward civilian life protects more of those involved.
— Hunter?? (@MutualRevolt) September 25, 2018
Also, the less information one person has on EVERYONE in the group defends against one person being caught and spilling everything on the network. A network of distributed/only necessary information/ gives more flexibility and safety to the movements to disrupt.
— Hunter?? (@MutualRevolt) September 25, 2018
Insurgency focus first, even most "blue" states there is next to no chance of being able to hold and defend large amounts of territory from the state and reactionary forces in the beginning. Small cells of insurgents have been able to punch above their weight in all modem wars
— Jake???? (@Jake_1c) September 25, 2018
Would probably transition into holding some form of territory, whether some town, neighborhood, or whatever infrastructure, then they should start helping and training as many people as possible, so they can defend themselves and continue insurgency if anyone takes it over again
— Jake???? (@Jake_1c) September 25, 2018
@JackHerer20 (Captain Howdy) is a particularly nasty St. Louis antifa who has been featured at PJ Media and Far Left Watch before. In January of 2018, he encouraged his followers to dox GOP officials and show up at their homes. He also offered to pay someone to assassinate President Trump. Incredibly, he still maintains a Twitter account.
The conversation above may not be against the law but should be extremely concerning to any Republican in public life. As James O'Keefe's Project Veritas exposed in its undercover investigation of the Deep State, Marxists have infiltrated the government and are holding jobs where they routinely engage in subversive "resistance" activities while on the clock.
One video released by Project Veritas captured a Department of Justice employee admitting that she does research on the home addresses and license plates of private individuals who are then targeted for loud protests at their homes by socialist demonstrators.
Allison Hrabar has now been fired, but other socialist Justice Department employees also suggested on tape that they use the DOJ LexisNexis accounts to identify home addresses of targets.
On Thursday, another member of the "resistance" on Capitol Hill doxxed Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and both Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch of Utah, posting all of their home addresses and phone numbers on their Wikipedia pages during the hearing on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination.
Jackson Cosko: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
By Jessica McBride
Updated Oct 3, 2018 at 8:08pm
Jackson Cosko
Jackson Cosko, who calls himself a “Democratic Political Professional” with cybersecurity expertise, is accused of multiple crimes for allegedly doxxing Republican Senators during the Brett Kavanaugh/Christine Blasey Ford hearings.
The United States Capitol Police arrested the suspect, saying he allegedly “posted private, identifying information (doxing) about one or more United States Senators to the internet,” a statement said.
According to Legistorm, he worked for U.S. Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and previously worked for Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA). A September 2018 letter from Sheila Jackson Lee (D -TX) identified him as a staffer for her office at that time. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee is a member of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee. (A different person working for Hassan was the intern suspended for shouting F*** you at President Donald Trump recently.)
Here’s what you need to know:
1. Jackson Cosko Was Accused of Everything From Witness Tampering to Identity Theft
Padres in our nation's capital for Close Up: Washington D.C. Thanks to Jackson Cosko '09, a staffer for Senator Boxer, for meeting with us!
— Serra High School (@SerraSanMateo) November 9, 2016
The doxxing suspect was identified as Jackson A. Cosko, age 27, of Washington D.C. He was initially charged with making public restricted personal information; witness tampering; threats in interstate communications; unauthorized access of a government computer; identity theft; second-degree burglary and unlawful entry. You can read the Capitol police press release here.
The statement said the “investigation will continue and additional charges may be forthcoming.”
NEW: Capitol Police have arrested a suspect who they beleived doxed GOP Senators During the Kavanaugh/Dr Ford hearing last Thursday:
— Frank Thorp V (@frankthorp) October 3, 2018
Authorities have not released the details of the alleged offenses.
According to Roll Call, on Monday, October 1, 2018, “Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s home addresses in Kentucky and Washington D.C. were added to his public Wikipedia page.” The site added that, during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing involving Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser Christine Blasey Ford, “the personal home addresses, home phone numbers, cellphone numbers and email addresses of Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Orrin G. Hatch and Mike Lee, both R-Utah, were added to the public Wikipedia pages from what appeared to be an IP address connected to the Capitol.” The information was then sent to thousands of people through a Twitter account.
A post in 2016 indicated Cosko used to work as a staffer for Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer. “Padres in our nation’s capital for Close Up: Washington D.C. Thanks to Jackson Cosko ’09, a staffer for Senator Boxer, for meeting with us!” read the tweet from Serra High School.
2. Jackson Cosko Says He Worked for the United States Senate Through May 2018 & a Letter Indicates He Was on Jackson Lee’s Staff in September 2018
sheila jackson lee
House Judiciary Committee ranking member Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX).
On his LinkedIn page, Cosko brands himself as a “Democratic Political Professional & Cybersecurity Graduate Student” who lives in the Washington D.C. Metro Area.
As his top work entry, he lists “United States Senate,” and states that he was a legislative correspondent and systems administrator from January 2017 through May 2018 in the Washington D.C. area. However, the Jackson Lee letter indicates he was working in her office as late as September 2018.
The letter starts, “I invite you to join me as an original co-sponsor of the Protect Lives and Stop the Imminent Chaos (PLASTIC) Act. The PLASTIC Act would establish a prohibition on the use of 3D printing technology to produce firearms, firearm components, or ammunition. It would also prohibit their possession and transfer.” At the bottom, it says, “Please join me as an original co-sponsor of the PLASTIC Act. To co-sponsor this legislation please contact Jackson Cosko on my staff at” and then lists a phone number.
Here is the part of the letter mentioning Jackson Cosko. It’s dated September 10, 2018.
On LInkedIn, for the earlier position, he described his duties as the following: “Assist senior staff with issues before the Commerce Committee including technology, telecommunications, transportation; as well as with cybersecurity matters before the Homeland Security Committee.”
Fox has learned that Jackson Cosko, charged by USCP w/allegedly doxing senator(s), had worked w/Dem TX Rep Sheila Jackson Lee, fmr Dem CA Sen Barbara Boxer & current Dem NH Sen Maggie Hassan.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) October 3, 2018
He listed three other positions with the Senate. He said that he worked for seven moths as a press assistant and systems administrator for the Senate from July 2016-January 2017. “Also served as a Legislative Research Assistant covering technology, cybersecurity, space, science, and telecommunications,” he wrote.
He also wrote that he served as a staff assistant from April through July 2016 and as a press intern from January 2016 through March 2016. His Twitter page is deleted.
3. Jackson Cosko Worked as a Field Organizer for a PAC & as a Restaurant Server
On LinkedIn, Cosko also indicated that he worked as a server for a restaurant from December 2015 through 2016.
In addition, from July 2015 through November 2015, he wrote that he was a “lead field organizer” for Generation Forward Pac in Des Moines, Iowa.
He wrote that he worked as a volunteer for Change Inc. as a “community development specialist/case manager” in Washington D.C. on “poverty alleviation” in 2012-2014. He solicited donations and advocated for clients with governmental agencies.
On Facebook, Cosko followed the pages of many top Democrats, including:
He also worked as a youth sports program assistant for the Peninsula YMCA and was a 2008 recipient of the YMCA national organization “Star Volunteer” award. No campaign donations come up for him on the federal website.
On his Pinterest page, he wrote, “Knowin nothin in life but to be legit.”
4. Cosko Was an Intern for the U.S. House of Representatives
The profile picture on Cosko’s Facebook page.
In addition to his work with the U.S. Senate, Cosko was previously an intern with the U.S. House of Representatives. He said he held that position for six months, from August 2012 through January 2013.
He listed his duties as: “Assisted in planning and execution of fundraising, campaign, and other special events. Conducted research on impact issues and drafted press releases, letters to level government officials and agencies, as well as conducted social media campaigns in order to capitalize on earned media. Maintained databases of important media, donor, and constituent contacts for media/campaign efforts.”
In 2011, he was also an intern for the U.S. Senate. He listed his job duties as: “Attended Congressional hearings and briefings, conducted background research on salient political issues, and provided concise analyses and policy recommendations. Responded to constituent phone calls, letters, and requests. Provided constituents with case work assistance, advocating with Federal, state, and local government agencies. Supported executive assistant and scheduler with curating daily schedule of the Senator.”
His page does not list the names of politicians he worked for, however.
5. Cosko Studied Engineering & Cybersecurity
christine blasey ford brett kavanaugh
Getty/Palo Alto University
Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh
Cosko wrote on LinkedIn that he was receiving a master’s of engineering degree from George Washington University in the field of cybersecurity policy and compliance.
He indicated that his expected graduation date was 2020. He has a bachelor’s degree in political science and communications, earning it in 2014.
On Facebook, where he doesn’t have much publicly visible, Cosko wrote that he lives in Washington, District of Columbia and is from Burlingame, California.
Brett Kavanaugh, his wife, and his accuser Christine Blasey Ford have all reported receiving death threats as security and tensions remain high during the contentious Supreme Court nomination process.
I thought he "merely" revealed their home addresses so that they could be harassed or shot like Steve Scalise.
Oh no. Oh no no no.
This isn't your father's Democrat Party anymore, honey.
A Democratic congressional intern accused of publishing the private information of at least three Republican lawmakers allegedly threatened to leak senators' childrens' health information if a witness told anyone about his activities.
Jackson Cosko, who recently worked as an unpaid intern for Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, was arrested for allegedly posting the personal information (or "doxxing") of a number of senators including Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Orrin Hatch, R-Utah on Wikipedia -- with information such as their home addresses and phone numbers. Graham, Lee and Hatch's information was published on Thursday.
According to a sworn statement by Capitol Police Captain Jason Bell, a witness Tuesday saw Cosko at a computer in a senator's office, where he used to work, a day after two other unnamed senators' information had been put on Wikipedia. Cosko is then alleged to have walked out, and hours later the witness received an email from "" saying: "If you tell anyone I will leak it all. Emails signal conversations gmails. Senators children's health information and social [security numbers].”
If Republicans sounded pissed at that press conference -- they are.
I've heard from sources that they all are really pissed, including the Abortion Twins. They are tired of the media hunting them and berating them at every moment. They are tired of the media always having cameras on them to encourage "protesters" to start yelling that them.
Just like CNN's cameras just happened to be rolling when, oh my goodness, I had no idea they were going to do this, those two "protesters" started yelling at Flake.
Charles Grassley raised his voice about this harassment masquerading as "journalism" in the press conference.
Add the media's behavior in with this doxxer, and you see why maybe they've had enough.
Lisa Boothe talked about the mobs the media was encouraging to harass Republican officials here.
The media shrieks when Trump voters shout at them at rallies. They claim this is "intimidation" which impinges on their ability to do their job.
But notice the media not only does not discourage mobs from intimidating actual elected officials, they encourage the harassment and facilitate it.
As I saw someone say on Twitter: We have all been involuntarily enrolled on the Evergreen State College campus.
Oh but GM
the right to protest is healthy...... we keep hearing from the radicals
of Donald
‘So the Amerikites revealed themselves, one to another, and it was not a pretty sight.’
By Lance Morrow
Oct. 4, 2018 7:08 p.m. ET
And it came to pass that the sons of men elected them a king, and his name was Trump.
And Trump said unto the Amerikites, Go to, we shall be great again, and shall build a great wall. We’ll be so great you’ll get tired of being great, believe me.
And the Lord came down and beheld the Amerikites and their king and he saw that nothing was restrained from him.
And the Lord said, Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language and their ideas, one from another, and the tribes of the Amerikites shall dwell in enmity and confusion, for Babel means confusion.
And so it was.
Now the Feminites and Progressivites in their multitudes were sore with Trump, and they warned him, Touch not Roe.
And it came to pass, there opened up a vacancy on the Court, and Trump named Kavanaugh.
The Deplorabites were good with that, but the Feminites and Progressivites gnashed their teeth, and they schemed against him, for that if he were sent to the Court, he might touch Roe, albeit he said it was settled law. They trusted Kavanaugh not.
The Book of Donald
Photo: Getty Images
Now in those days there were talk shows, and the curse of Babel fell heavily upon them, and even Stephanopoulos of ABC sat with sheepish grin as contending overtalkers yakked and yakked and cried out like needy, spoiled children, and waved their hands, and cried, “Me, me, me,” so that the words of none were heard at all, or understood, until the yakkers subsided into little puddles of spittle and wrath.
The confusion of Babel was abroad even in all the networks. Fox News proffered one language with its universe of values, and MSNBC proffered a different language and universe, and they wot not one the other. And their voices rose to different gods in different heavens.
And the tribes on Facebook and Twitter posted and tweeted, hip and thigh, to the number of six billion posts and tweets of wrath. And all were mutually uncomprehending. And they cursed and damned one another, and made of each other cartoons and devils and all manner of evil things.
For the Amerikites had become as angry children.
Now for a hundred years, almost, the American Civil Liberties Union had defended due process and the rule of law, which are the ways of grown-ups. But now the ACLU abdicated the burdens of adulthood and repudiated even its own founding thought and the rule of law, and turned against everything it had ever stood for. It ran an ad, entirely without justice, damning Kavanaugh, that he was exactly like unto Weinstein and Cosby. Such were the devolutions and betrayals in those days, and retrogressions to the ways of shame.
At Georgetown University a professor, one of the Feminites, laid down on Twitter that white men should be killed, and their corpses castrated, and fed to pigs. And Georgetown condemned her not.
There arose a great cry in restaurants where tribunes of the Deplorabites went to dinner, so that they fled before the steaks arrived, and there arose the hue of indignation even in the elevators so that Flake could not ride up and down until he listened to the spiel.
And anchors in their pundit chairs attended to such footage and nodded and said, “Heartbreaking,” hoping, as they said it, to be spared the rage of the Feminites.
So all eyes and hearts among the Amerikites became hardened with the enamel of fanaticism and the glaze of hysteria. No more was heard the Progressivites’ sweet Esperanto of Goodspeak.
All was raw political emotion now—or, worse than emotion, bitter political calculation and the spirit of a long revenge—and a state of war coalesced, and the mind’s better and subtler ways of understanding the world were set aside.
So it was that the old amiable race of Amerikites parted in their ideas and went their ways, and gloom fell upon the land, and lightning and thunder, and other aspects of the global warming and symptoms of Last Days.
All was confusion, and a gnashing of teeth, and a shaking of fists, and the clouds of civil war.
The Amerikites could not see that they peered fiercely through the wrong end of the telescope, even as they wondered withal how everything had become so small, and how the historic majesty that they had assigned to themselves and their mighty ways in the world had devolved to beer and adolescent sex grapplings at the long-ago Sodom and Gomorrah of Georgetown Prep.
And so the Amerikites revealed themselves, one to another, and it was not a pretty sight.
And the Lord looked down and beheld the Amerikites and muttered irritably to himself, and wondered, all things considered, whether it was worth shedding any more of his grace upon them.
Mr. Morrow, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, is author of “Evil, an Investigation.”
finally get it , I open it up this Monday AM to read this:
Lest anyone forget for one second:
I like the your just a "little white man" the bigger fat white man screams through the stuffing of his mouth with a sandwich or something
You know how Blacks sometimes refer to each other by the "N " word?
I think white people now think it cool to call each other "white man"
Pretty soon the SJW will calling every other white man a "honky" or "cracker"
To me this is not the least funny but sick.
I like the your just a "little white man" the bigger fat white man screams through the stuffing of his wife with a sandwich or something
You know how Blacks sometimes refer to each other by the "N " word?
I think white people now think it cool to call each other "white man"
Pretty soon the SJW will calling every other white man a "honky" or "cracker"
To me this is not the least funny but sick.
Funny how smart and enlightened leftists are, and yet every place they dominate is filled with crime, disease and human feces on the streets.
A Leftist Mob ‘Polices’ Portland
Andy Ngo October 11, 2018
Antifa in downtown Portland, Ore.
Antifa in downtown Portland, Ore.
Portland, Ore.
Flyers urged Portlanders to attend a protest: “27yo black father of 3 murdered by racist Portland Police.” Some 100 Black Lives Matter activists with the group Don’t Shoot Portland and their masked antifa allies answered the call to gather downtown Oct. 6. Fists in the air, they demanded “justice” for Patrick Kimmons, killed by police in late September. “Stop racist police terror,” read one sign at the rally. “Throw all cops in the trash,” declared another. Never mind that Kimmons had an extensive criminal record and was suspected of shooting two people before police responded.
As the crowd made their way to a nearby courthouse, they marched in the middle of the street, bringing traffic to a stop though they didn’t have a permit. Kent Houser, 74, made the mistake of attempting to pass them in his sedan. His car slowly pushed against a masked marcher. The crowd surrounded the car and started kicking it. After speeding down the block, Mr. Houser stepped out and was assaulted by the mob. They pushed him and smashed his car with clubs after he managed to get back inside the vehicle. No police were in sight even though the central precinct was blocks away.
Portland’s Resistance, a local social-justice group, then put out a call on Twitter asking the public to identify “this white man.” They published photos of him and his license plate with the message: “Make racists afraid again.” Mr. Houser has since received threatening phone calls identifying his wife by name. “I’ve lived here my whole life but I don’t want to go downtown anymore,” he says. “When the streets are commandeered by a sponsored group of angry, agitated ingrates and criminals, we have no city.”
The mob later occupied a busy intersection. When a middle-aged man driving a car with North Carolina plates stopped in confusion, the agitators descended on him. “You white little f—er!” shouted one white man. “You are a little white supremacist. Go back to North Carolina where you came from.” The driver phoned police for assistance. Nobody came.
The crowd targeted other drivers. “You’re lucky you didn’t hit me. I would have beat your a—,” yelled a demonstrator at another driver. One person punched the back of a passing car whose driver dared to honk. In downtown Portland, law-abiding drivers were at the mercy of marauding street thugs.
A block away, police officers looked on passively. Why didn’t they respond? The department told me in a statement that it feared intervention would “change the demeanor of the crowd for the worse.”
Such lawlessness is increasingly typical here. Portland’s Resistance organized a protest after Election Day 2016 that turned into a riot. Masked vandals smashed stores and set fires, causing over $1 million in damage. Portland’s Resistance raised $55,000 on GoFundMe ostensibly to help pay for the rebuilding effort. Two years later only $2,450 is known to have been dispersed. This summer a mob occupied the area around the local Immigration and Customs Enforcement office for more than a month.
When people find out that I live in Portland, one question I’m frequently asked is if the comedy show “Portlandia” is anything like real life. I tell them real life is much worse.
Mr. Ngo is an editor at Quillette.
second post
second post
20 murders? A slow weekend in Chicago. As BigDog has previously pointed out, muslims are very overrepresented given they are one percent of the population.
second post
20 murders? A slow weekend in Chicago. As BigDog has previously pointed out, muslims are very overrepresented given they are one percent of the population.
What is it that I'm not seeing in politics that makes a white supremist far-right?
If identity politics is left then a white supremacist is at least created by the left.
The right side of politics would include conservatism which to me means using common sense. She American creed defined in the Forum. It includes individualism over groupthink. And it emphasizes liberty over coercion. Conservatism is the only side of politics that recognizes the Constitutional meaning of equal treatment under the law. The left is constantly trying to alter that. White supremacy is one spin-off of unequal treatment under the law, leftism.
I'm sorry but I place all the fascists on the left it's the opposite of conservatism or being on the right.
Over on the left they call conservatives racist and extrapolate from that that even more racist is far right. Abraham Lincoln famously asked in a political analogy, if you call a tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have? The answer is 4. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg.
Good points, but are the numbers accurate? Or is our response limited to saying that some racist murders are done by lefties?
second post
Not accurate.
White extremists include murders by mixed-race gangs, Obama and Bernie Sanders voters, domestic disputes, divorce cases gone wrong, environmental groups, and Animal Rights groups, and criminal prison gang violence.
They invent their own definition of white extremist murder, call them far right, and undercount Islamic terrorism.
Using their crazy measure of white supremacist murders, is this two Islamic murders?
Drowning disparities, did Islamic upbringing kill these two, not teaching their young to swim in the land of 22,000 lakes?
Thank you very much Doug!!!
second post
Not accurate.
White extremists include murders by mixed-race gangs, Obama and Bernie Sanders voters, domestic disputes, divorce cases gone wrong, environmental groups, and Animal Rights groups, and criminal prison gang violence.
They invent their own definition of white extremist murder, call them far right, and undercount Islamic terrorism.
Using their crazy measure of white supremacist murders, is this two Islamic murders?
Drowning disparities, did Islamic upbringing kill these two, not teaching their young to swim in the land of 22,000 lakes?
Outstanding work, Doug!
When the real Americans decide it's time to get violent with the left, there will be no doubt what is happening. It will be an extinction level event for the left.
Not in accord with the parity implied here, but the bureaucratic move is worth noting
Tin foil? Any confirmation?
This source is completely unknown to me
Should people on the Right chase down the LEFt politiicians and MSM people and calmly just get in their faces and speak truth to them ?
No one should be sending bombs or making threats.
OTOH people on the Right actually work for a living and don't have time for getting in people's faces.
A bunch of lefty bull excrement in here but in the interest of fair play, do any of these have meirt
A bunch of lefty bull excrement in here but in the interest of fair play, do any of these have meirt
National Socialists aren't right wing to start with.
Can't wait for this to become a national news story! I blame the Dems coddling antisemitites like Obama and Sharpton.
A bunch of lefty bull excrement in here but in the interest of fair play, do any of these have meirt
"National Socialists aren't right wing to start with."
Strange they don't know that.
They don't even allege correlation between conservative ideology and violence, because there isn't one.
Counterpoint: How come both sides know that conservatives are tough on crime and that the felon vote is a core Democrat constituency?
Felons vote Democrat by 6:1
Next time you're mugged [and put the bum on the ground], ask the attacker if he values good honest hard work, low tax rates and strong family values.
Is the United States on the brink of a new civil war? According to Newsweek magazine's polling, one-third of all Americans think such a conflict could break out within the next five years, with 10 percent thinking it "very likely to happen." Plenty of experts agree. Back in March, State Department official Keith Mines told Foreign Policy magazine, "It is like 1859, everyone is mad about something and everyone has a gun." He rated the odds of a second American Civil War breaking out within the next 10-15 years at 60 percent.
October's awful events — pipe bombs sent to leading Democratic politicians and supporters, the mass shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh — have only amplified these fears. "We are now nearing a point comparable to 1860," my Stanford University colleague Victor Davis Hanson recently wrote in the National Review. The historian Niall Ferguson, another Stanford colleague, suggested in The Sunday Times of London that if someone were to design a "Civil War Clock" comparable to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' "Doomsday Clock," the designer would probably now be announcing that it is "two minutes to Fort Sumter."
Ferguson himself is more upbeat, thinking that "the time on the civil war Doomsday Clock looks more like 11.08 than 11.58." It seems to me, though, that all these speculations are deeply misleading — so much so, in fact, that the main thing they illustrate is how not to use the past to understand the present.
Similarities, Differences and Broad Patterns
There are certainly some striking similarities between the American political scene in the late 2010s and that of the late 1850s. Both periods saw extreme polarization over issues of intense economic and emotional importance. At both times, the country divided geographically, with more urban and educated regions leaning one way and more rural and less educated regions the other. In both periods, highly partisan media inflamed passions, sometimes brazenly peddling "fake news"; and at both stages, the country was recovering from a severe financial crisis.
It is all very alarming — but that does not put us minutes away from Fort Sumter. In the nearly four years that I have been writing columns for Stratfor, I have repeatedly drawn attention to a distinction that logicians like to make between "formal" and "relational" analogies. A formal analogy involves finding similarities between a case about which we know a lot (such as what happened in the United States at the end of the 1850s) and one about which we know less (such as what is just beginning to happen in the United States at the end of the 2010s), and extrapolating from them to variables that cannot be observed in the less well-known case — concluding, here, that if polarization, sectionalism, financial problems and political violence produced civil war in the 1850s, they will have the same result in the 2010s.
The problem with formal analogies is, of course, that no two cases are identical. The modern rage over globalization and its discontents does not come close to the moral intensity of the 19th-century arguments over slavery, while the consequences of the 1857 financial meltdown were nowhere near those of the 2008 collapse. Even more striking, the forms of political violence in the two periods are very different. The 1850s experienced nothing like last month's pipe bombs, the 2017 shooting of Republican Rep. Steve Scalise and three others or the 2011 shooting of Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and 18 others; and the 2010s have seen nothing like U.S. Rep. Preston Brooks' near-fatal 1856 attack on Sen. Charles Sumner on the floor of the U.S. Senate, let alone the "Bleeding Kansas" insurrection of 1855-56 or John Brown's raid on the federal armory at Harper's Ferry in 1859.
The devil is in the details, which means that differences are just as important as similarities when we try to learn from the past. But how do we weigh up the pros and cons of comparisons? This is where the second kind of analogy comes in. Rather than cherry-picking convenient similarities and either ignoring or arguing away inconvenient differences, relational analogies begin from broad patterns in multiple well-known cases and proceed by understanding how a less well-known case fits into the larger structure. So, rather than wringing our hands over how much 2018 resembles 1860, we should be looking at how civil wars began in a wide range of different contexts, and then asking how well the late 2010s fit into that pattern.
Sufficient and Necessary Causes
The most obvious point is that the polarization/regionalism/financial crisis/political violence package is not just shared by 1850s and 2010s America. It was also common in many other eras that ended in civil war. The English Civil War of 1642-51, for instance, was preceded by decades of comparable disturbances. The population split into "court" and "country" factions (nowadays more familiar as "Cavaliers" and "Roundheads"). Each had its own geographical base and religious affiliation, with High Church Royalists and Puritan Roundheads literally ready to mutilate and burn each other over their differences. Distrust of institutions was even worse than in 2010s America: Royalists accused Parliamentarians of blasphemy and corruption, while Parliamentarians replied that Royalist corruption was even worse, and was magnified by the royal court's sexual deviance and willingness to sell the country to foreigners. Throughout the 1630s, financial crises paralyzed government and political violence mounted. Pro-Parliament mobs murdered bishops and besieged royal favorites in their mansions, and, in the 17th-century equivalent of sending anthrax spores through the mail, a leading Parliamentarian received a package containing a rag soaked in pus from the sores of a plague victim. He suffered no ill effects — then as now, biological terrorism was difficult to do well — but within a year, the two sides would fight their first pitched battle.
Differences are just as important as similarities when we try to learn from the past.
The Roman Republic provides another classic case. In the 50s B.C., the political elite was deeply divided between what Romans called populares — men such as Julius Caesar, who presented themselves as champions of the masses — and optimates such as Pompey the Great, who claimed to stand for virtue, tradition and the nation as a whole. Webs of patronage and debt bound much of the population to one faction or the other. Escalating financial crises ruined cities and regions, and entire provinces lined up behind strongmen who claimed to be able to save them — Gaul with Caesar, Italy with Pompey. Politicians fortified their homes against mob violence, street gangs regularly stopped elections from being held and assassination became almost commonplace. The civil wars that began in 49 B.C. would leave millions dead.
However, although England and Rome provide alarming formal analogies, things get more complicated as soon as we start looking for relational analogies. While the polarization/regionalism/financial crisis/political violence package regularly leads to civil war, it does not always do so. In Rome, for instance, the package was in some ways even more prominent in the 130s B.C. than in Julius Caesar's day. Tiberius Gracchus, usually seen as the first popularis politician, tried to cancel the debts of poor farmers and redistribute elite properties to them. A constitutional crisis ensued, splitting the ruling class. To conservatives, Gracchus seemed to be rallying the impoverished peasants of Etruria against Roman urban interests to make himself king. In political violence going far beyond Brooks' assault on Sumner, a meeting of the Roman Senate in 133 B.C. ended with conservatives breaking up the wooden benches on which they sat and using the pieces to beat Gracchus and 300 of his followers to death. Twelve years later, his brother Gaius also died in political violence over much the same issues. Yet civil war did not erupt in either case.
Similarly, following Henry VIII's break with the Roman church and dissolution of the Catholic monasteries in the 1530s, England experienced just as much polarization, regionalism, financial crisis and political violence as it would in the 1630s. However, it did not tip into civil war, although it came close. The United States was arguably almost as divided and haunted by political violence in the 1960s as in the 1850s, yet it too escaped civil war. We can only conclude that the polarization/regionalism/financial crisis/political violence package was not a sufficient cause for civil war in Rome, England or the United States.
Nor was it a necessary cause. In Rome and England at least, civil wars broke out in the absence of polarization, regionalism or financial crisis (although political violence is, by definition, always part of civil war). In A.D. 69, which became known as "The Year of the Four Emperors," multiple civil wars convulsed Rome, but they were driven almost entirely by generals' ambitions to seize the throne. Similarly, between 1135 and 1153, England was torn apart by such severe civil wars that the period came to be called "The Anarchy." The violence was so extreme, one chronicler recorded, that "Men said openly that Christ and his saints slept"; yet the polarization/regionalism/financial crisis/political violence package was largely absent in the 1130s. A royal succession crisis and fragile state institutions were all it took.
The polarization/regionalism/financial crisis/political violence package that 2010s America shares with 1850s America can be present without leading to civil war, and civil wars can break out without the package being present. We can only conclude that these forces are neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for civil war. The dark prophecies of a second Civil War within the coming decade might well be nothing more than bad scholarship.
It's the Army, Stupid
So, the obvious questions: Why do the polarization/regionalism/financial crisis/political violence package and civil war sometimes go together and sometimes not, and will they go together in America's short-term future?
Fortunately, the answer to the first question was worked out long ago, by the Roman historian Tacitus. Looking back on the Year of the Four Emperors some 50 years after the event, he recognized that "Now was divulged the secret of the empire — that emperors could be made elsewhere than Rome." What he meant by this was that although the empire's political institutions were all concentrated in the city of Rome, if the armies out in the provinces decided to intervene in the political process, they always had the final say. Rome lurched into civil war in 49 B.C. because Caesar and Pompey each had armies to back their political ambitions. It did so again in A.D. 69 because no fewer than four rivals found themselves in this position. It did not lurch into civil war in 133 B.C., though, because its mighty armies remained aloof from politics.
This is Thomas Hobbes' central point in 'Leviathan': Only a powerful government with terrifying armed force can scare people straight and deter them from using violence to pursue their own ends.
England stumbled into civil war in 1642 because it had no standing army at all. When relations between the Royalists and Parliamentarians broke down, each could safely set about raising its own armed forces with no fear that Leviathan would intervene and stop them. This was Thomas Hobbes' central point in his 1651 masterpiece Leviathan; only a powerful government with terrifying armed force can scare people straight and deter them from using violence to pursue their own ends. Things had been even worse in 1135, because in addition to there being no strong central army, dozens of barons had their own private armies, which they gleefully unleashed on rivals. In the 1530s, by contrast, despite the mass uprising in defense of Catholicism known as the Pilgrimage of Grace, the barons largely remained loyal to Henry VIII and civil war was avoided.
When relations between Northern and Southern states broke down in 1861, the United States had more in common militarily with England in 1642 than with any of the other cases discussed here. It did have a professional army, but it contained just 16,367 men, and 179 of its 197 companies were stationed west of the Mississippi, so far from the initial areas of fighting as to render them irrelevant. In any case, one in five of the U.S. Army's officers promptly resigned their commissions to join the Confederate states and thousands of noncommissioned men simply deserted and followed them. The government in Washington effectively had no army to enforce its will, and both sides — like King Charles I and the English Parliament in 1642 — had to set about raising forces almost from scratch.
Nothing could be less like the United States' position in 2018. It has the most powerful and professional armed forces the world has ever seen, and there is absolutely no doubt about their loyalty to the legitimate government or commitment to the principle of civilian command. American soldiers, sailors and airmen do have political opinions, but they currently can be relied on to put their duty first. The United States therefore has far more in common with Rome in 133 B.C. than with any of the other cases. Even if U.S. senators start killing each other with chair legs, the armed forces will not take sides, other than to implement orders — so long as the orders are legitimate and legal — from their elected commander-in-chief.
When we look at the recent civil wars in Syria, Yemen and Libya, or at places such as Egypt where civil war has been averted, nothing matters so much as the stance and strength of the armed forces. We have to conclude that the American Civil War Doomsday Clock does not stand at two, or even 52, minutes to midnight. The very idea is ridiculous. So long as the armed forces remain true to their highest traditions, it will not matter how angry the American people get or how badly their politicians behave. There will be no second Civil War.
Whomever wrote this is a well educated dumbass with no real world experience, obviously.
Is the United States on the brink of a new civil war? According to Newsweek magazine's polling, one-third of all Americans think such a conflict could break out within the next five years, with 10 percent thinking it "very likely to happen." Plenty of experts agree. Back in March, State Department official Keith Mines told Foreign Policy magazine, "It is like 1859, everyone is mad about something and everyone has a gun." He rated the odds of a second American Civil War breaking out within the next 10-15 years at 60 percent.
October's awful events — pipe bombs sent to leading Democratic politicians and supporters, the mass shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh — have only amplified these fears. "We are now nearing a point comparable to 1860," my Stanford University colleague Victor Davis Hanson recently wrote in the National Review. The historian Niall Ferguson, another Stanford colleague, suggested in The Sunday Times of London that if someone were to design a "Civil War Clock" comparable to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' "Doomsday Clock," the designer would probably now be announcing that it is "two minutes to Fort Sumter."
Ferguson himself is more upbeat, thinking that "the time on the civil war Doomsday Clock looks more like 11.08 than 11.58." It seems to me, though, that all these speculations are deeply misleading — so much so, in fact, that the main thing they illustrate is how not to use the past to understand the present.
Similarities, Differences and Broad Patterns
There are certainly some striking similarities between the American political scene in the late 2010s and that of the late 1850s. Both periods saw extreme polarization over issues of intense economic and emotional importance. At both times, the country divided geographically, with more urban and educated regions leaning one way and more rural and less educated regions the other. In both periods, highly partisan media inflamed passions, sometimes brazenly peddling "fake news"; and at both stages, the country was recovering from a severe financial crisis.
It is all very alarming — but that does not put us minutes away from Fort Sumter. In the nearly four years that I have been writing columns for Stratfor, I have repeatedly drawn attention to a distinction that logicians like to make between "formal" and "relational" analogies. A formal analogy involves finding similarities between a case about which we know a lot (such as what happened in the United States at the end of the 1850s) and one about which we know less (such as what is just beginning to happen in the United States at the end of the 2010s), and extrapolating from them to variables that cannot be observed in the less well-known case — concluding, here, that if polarization, sectionalism, financial problems and political violence produced civil war in the 1850s, they will have the same result in the 2010s.
The problem with formal analogies is, of course, that no two cases are identical. The modern rage over globalization and its discontents does not come close to the moral intensity of the 19th-century arguments over slavery, while the consequences of the 1857 financial meltdown were nowhere near those of the 2008 collapse. Even more striking, the forms of political violence in the two periods are very different. The 1850s experienced nothing like last month's pipe bombs, the 2017 shooting of Republican Rep. Steve Scalise and three others or the 2011 shooting of Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and 18 others; and the 2010s have seen nothing like U.S. Rep. Preston Brooks' near-fatal 1856 attack on Sen. Charles Sumner on the floor of the U.S. Senate, let alone the "Bleeding Kansas" insurrection of 1855-56 or John Brown's raid on the federal armory at Harper's Ferry in 1859.
The devil is in the details, which means that differences are just as important as similarities when we try to learn from the past. But how do we weigh up the pros and cons of comparisons? This is where the second kind of analogy comes in. Rather than cherry-picking convenient similarities and either ignoring or arguing away inconvenient differences, relational analogies begin from broad patterns in multiple well-known cases and proceed by understanding how a less well-known case fits into the larger structure. So, rather than wringing our hands over how much 2018 resembles 1860, we should be looking at how civil wars began in a wide range of different contexts, and then asking how well the late 2010s fit into that pattern.
Sufficient and Necessary Causes
The most obvious point is that the polarization/regionalism/financial crisis/political violence package is not just shared by 1850s and 2010s America. It was also common in many other eras that ended in civil war. The English Civil War of 1642-51, for instance, was preceded by decades of comparable disturbances. The population split into "court" and "country" factions (nowadays more familiar as "Cavaliers" and "Roundheads"). Each had its own geographical base and religious affiliation, with High Church Royalists and Puritan Roundheads literally ready to mutilate and burn each other over their differences. Distrust of institutions was even worse than in 2010s America: Royalists accused Parliamentarians of blasphemy and corruption, while Parliamentarians replied that Royalist corruption was even worse, and was magnified by the royal court's sexual deviance and willingness to sell the country to foreigners. Throughout the 1630s, financial crises paralyzed government and political violence mounted. Pro-Parliament mobs murdered bishops and besieged royal favorites in their mansions, and, in the 17th-century equivalent of sending anthrax spores through the mail, a leading Parliamentarian received a package containing a rag soaked in pus from the sores of a plague victim. He suffered no ill effects — then as now, biological terrorism was difficult to do well — but within a year, the two sides would fight their first pitched battle.
Differences are just as important as similarities when we try to learn from the past.
The Roman Republic provides another classic case. In the 50s B.C., the political elite was deeply divided between what Romans called populares — men such as Julius Caesar, who presented themselves as champions of the masses — and optimates such as Pompey the Great, who claimed to stand for virtue, tradition and the nation as a whole. Webs of patronage and debt bound much of the population to one faction or the other. Escalating financial crises ruined cities and regions, and entire provinces lined up behind strongmen who claimed to be able to save them — Gaul with Caesar, Italy with Pompey. Politicians fortified their homes against mob violence, street gangs regularly stopped elections from being held and assassination became almost commonplace. The civil wars that began in 49 B.C. would leave millions dead.
However, although England and Rome provide alarming formal analogies, things get more complicated as soon as we start looking for relational analogies. While the polarization/regionalism/financial crisis/political violence package regularly leads to civil war, it does not always do so. In Rome, for instance, the package was in some ways even more prominent in the 130s B.C. than in Julius Caesar's day. Tiberius Gracchus, usually seen as the first popularis politician, tried to cancel the debts of poor farmers and redistribute elite properties to them. A constitutional crisis ensued, splitting the ruling class. To conservatives, Gracchus seemed to be rallying the impoverished peasants of Etruria against Roman urban interests to make himself king. In political violence going far beyond Brooks' assault on Sumner, a meeting of the Roman Senate in 133 B.C. ended with conservatives breaking up the wooden benches on which they sat and using the pieces to beat Gracchus and 300 of his followers to death. Twelve years later, his brother Gaius also died in political violence over much the same issues. Yet civil war did not erupt in either case.
Similarly, following Henry VIII's break with the Roman church and dissolution of the Catholic monasteries in the 1530s, England experienced just as much polarization, regionalism, financial crisis and political violence as it would in the 1630s. However, it did not tip into civil war, although it came close. The United States was arguably almost as divided and haunted by political violence in the 1960s as in the 1850s, yet it too escaped civil war. We can only conclude that the polarization/regionalism/financial crisis/political violence package was not a sufficient cause for civil war in Rome, England or the United States.
Nor was it a necessary cause. In Rome and England at least, civil wars broke out in the absence of polarization, regionalism or financial crisis (although political violence is, by definition, always part of civil war). In A.D. 69, which became known as "The Year of the Four Emperors," multiple civil wars convulsed Rome, but they were driven almost entirely by generals' ambitions to seize the throne. Similarly, between 1135 and 1153, England was torn apart by such severe civil wars that the period came to be called "The Anarchy." The violence was so extreme, one chronicler recorded, that "Men said openly that Christ and his saints slept"; yet the polarization/regionalism/financial crisis/political violence package was largely absent in the 1130s. A royal succession crisis and fragile state institutions were all it took.
The polarization/regionalism/financial crisis/political violence package that 2010s America shares with 1850s America can be present without leading to civil war, and civil wars can break out without the package being present. We can only conclude that these forces are neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for civil war. The dark prophecies of a second Civil War within the coming decade might well be nothing more than bad scholarship.
It's the Army, Stupid
So, the obvious questions: Why do the polarization/regionalism/financial crisis/political violence package and civil war sometimes go together and sometimes not, and will they go together in America's short-term future?
Fortunately, the answer to the first question was worked out long ago, by the Roman historian Tacitus. Looking back on the Year of the Four Emperors some 50 years after the event, he recognized that "Now was divulged the secret of the empire — that emperors could be made elsewhere than Rome." What he meant by this was that although the empire's political institutions were all concentrated in the city of Rome, if the armies out in the provinces decided to intervene in the political process, they always had the final say. Rome lurched into civil war in 49 B.C. because Caesar and Pompey each had armies to back their political ambitions. It did so again in A.D. 69 because no fewer than four rivals found themselves in this position. It did not lurch into civil war in 133 B.C., though, because its mighty armies remained aloof from politics.
This is Thomas Hobbes' central point in 'Leviathan': Only a powerful government with terrifying armed force can scare people straight and deter them from using violence to pursue their own ends.
England stumbled into civil war in 1642 because it had no standing army at all. When relations between the Royalists and Parliamentarians broke down, each could safely set about raising its own armed forces with no fear that Leviathan would intervene and stop them. This was Thomas Hobbes' central point in his 1651 masterpiece Leviathan; only a powerful government with terrifying armed force can scare people straight and deter them from using violence to pursue their own ends. Things had been even worse in 1135, because in addition to there being no strong central army, dozens of barons had their own private armies, which they gleefully unleashed on rivals. In the 1530s, by contrast, despite the mass uprising in defense of Catholicism known as the Pilgrimage of Grace, the barons largely remained loyal to Henry VIII and civil war was avoided.
When relations between Northern and Southern states broke down in 1861, the United States had more in common militarily with England in 1642 than with any of the other cases discussed here. It did have a professional army, but it contained just 16,367 men, and 179 of its 197 companies were stationed west of the Mississippi, so far from the initial areas of fighting as to render them irrelevant. In any case, one in five of the U.S. Army's officers promptly resigned their commissions to join the Confederate states and thousands of noncommissioned men simply deserted and followed them. The government in Washington effectively had no army to enforce its will, and both sides — like King Charles I and the English Parliament in 1642 — had to set about raising forces almost from scratch.
Nothing could be less like the United States' position in 2018. It has the most powerful and professional armed forces the world has ever seen, and there is absolutely no doubt about their loyalty to the legitimate government or commitment to the principle of civilian command. American soldiers, sailors and airmen do have political opinions, but they currently can be relied on to put their duty first. The United States therefore has far more in common with Rome in 133 B.C. than with any of the other cases. Even if U.S. senators start killing each other with chair legs, the armed forces will not take sides, other than to implement orders — so long as the orders are legitimate and legal — from their elected commander-in-chief.
When we look at the recent civil wars in Syria, Yemen and Libya, or at places such as Egypt where civil war has been averted, nothing matters so much as the stance and strength of the armed forces. We have to conclude that the American Civil War Doomsday Clock does not stand at two, or even 52, minutes to midnight. The very idea is ridiculous. So long as the armed forces remain true to their highest traditions, it will not matter how angry the American people get or how badly their politicians behave. There will be no second Civil War.
Mob threatens Tucker at his home:
"MOb threatens Tucker Carlson"
Ok little Napolean (Bloomber) why don't you go out in front of the mob and talk about solutions and compromise you little shit (talking about compromise while you thru your millions around to leftist candidates)
The Left’s Linguistic War
Originally published at Fox News
One of the key lessons of the 2018 elections is that the Left is waging – and winning – a linguistic war. The Left claims and occupies more and more linguistic ground with each new fight.
Defense of the Founding Fathers becomes defense of white, racist, slaveowners.
Defense of American identity becomes an act of white male domination.
Racism is so commonly used by left-wing news media and politicians to describe conservative positions that one poll shows that 61 percent of Democrats believe Republicans are racist/bigoted/sexist (a study of CNN’s and MSNBC’s use of the word racist to describe conservative and Republican positions would be breathtaking).
Wanting to obey the law in counting votes becomes an effort to suppress votes and disenfranchise poor people, minorities, and immigrants.
The presumption of Democrats winning is so great that Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown said, “f Stacey Abrams doesn't win in Georgia, they stole it, it's clear.”
Every day, we are watching Democrats break and stretch the law for the sole purpose of winning, while they attack Republicans for wanting an honest count of legal voters.
Democrats and their liberal media allies know that if they repeat something often enough it begins to be accepted as truth. However, the Left’s interest in winning the language war is only the first step toward legitimizing real threats and mob behavior. Once they win the language fight, they can claim moral superiority. Once they have gained moral dominance, they can do anything to their opponents because they will be presumed right, and their opponents will be presumed wrong.
This is how Tucker Carlson’s wife found herself home alone, facing a mob that was pounding at her door so hard they cracked it.
The most recent example of the left-wing fascist threats and their impact comes from Seattle, where an independent candidate has been intimidated into withdrawing from a city council race by left-wing thugs.
As the former candidate, Christopher Rufo, wrote to his supporters:
“I had hoped that this would be a campaign of ideas, but I quickly discovered that there are some activists in this city who have no interest in ideas. Since the campaign launch, they have harassed and threatened my family nonstop. I was prepared to take the heat, but unfortunately, they have focused their hatred on my wife and children. They’ve made vile racist attacks against my wife, attempted to get her fired from her job, and threatened sexual violence. They even posted hateful messages to my 8-year-old son’s school message board. I know that as the race progresses, they will ratchet up their hate-machine and these attacks will intensify significantly…
“I know in my heart that our cause is just and our ideas would make Seattle a better place. But my primary responsibility is to make sure my family is healthy, happy, and safe. That’s not possible in our current political climate, which has been overtaken by polarization and the ever-present threat of violence.
“I’ve learned that our problem here in Seattle is much deeper than the city council’s policies—we have created a culture of intolerance that is deeply destructive to the common good.”
We are entering a dark period where freedom of speech becomes intimidation by the Left, where freedom of association becomes mobs threatening violence, where the very meanings of words are twisted to browbeat conservatives into silence.
The efforts to steal the governorships of Georgia and Florida and the Senate seat in Florida are only the tip of the iceberg of illegality and hostility that the Left now practices routinely.
Conservatives must develop new strategies, approaches, and skills to defeat the linguistic war of condemnation, hatred, and intimidation being waged every day by the Left.
This is a new era with new requirements. The skills and strategies of the past will simply fail.
Developing the conservative solution to the Left’s linguistic war is a major step toward winning in 2020 – and preserving our society.
Your Friend,
P.S. I am excited to announce my new course on American Exceptionalism in partnership with Arizona Christian University in Phoenix, Arizona. Learn more>>
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Conceptually intriguing follow up from the same page:
Hat tip to Lloyd de Jongh for the following:
Last week a congressman embarrassed himself on Twitter. He got into a debate about gun control, suggested a mandatory buyback—which is basically confiscation with a happy face sticker on it—and when someone told him that they would resist, he said resistance was futile because the government has nukes.
And everybody was like, wait, what?
Of course the congressman is now saying that using nuclear weapons on American gun owners was an exaggeration, he just wanted to rhetorically demonstrate that the all-powerful government could crush us peasants like bugs, they hold our pathetic lives in their iron hand, and he’d never ever advocate for the use of nuclear weapons on American soil (that would be bad for the environment!), and instead he merely wants to send a SWAT team to your house to shoot you in the face if you don’t comply.
See? That’s way better.
But this post isn’t about that particular line from one foolish congressman. It’s about all of the silly left wing memes that have popped up since, trying to justify the congressman’s basic premise that the 2nd Amendment is obsolete for resisting tyranny, and the government would obliterate anyone who failed to comply. Like this one:
I’ve seen a slew of these over the last few days. Nukes kicked it off, but I’ve seen it before with drones, or tanks, or cruise missiles. Sadly, this is one of the better ones, but that’s because the left can’t meme. Basically they all boil down to the same fundamental premise. The federal government has access to advanced weapon systems, and thus anyone who resisted gun confiscation would be effortlessly destroyed by these advanced weapon systems, ergo gun control has already won, forgone conclusion, and they declare victory.
Like most political memes, they’re taking an extremely complex situation, and providing a cartoonish, simplistic answer, which makes them look like complete dipshits to anybody with a clue, but scores them lots of Virtue Signal Points to their likewise ignorant but posturing friends. To my people, this is really goofy stuff. I mean, if you have even a basic knowledge of this topic these memes are about as clever as the ones from the vaccines cause autism morons and the flat earth society.
We are so divided it’s like we are speaking two different languages. Hell, on this topic we are on two different planets. And it is usually framed with a sanctimonious left versus right, enlightened being versus racist hillbilly, unfailing arrow of history versus the knuckle dragging past sort of vibe.
But basically it boils down to one side making the argument: The idea of the 2nd Amendment resisting a tyrannical government is obsolete, because the federal government is too overwhelmingly powerful, and has too many advanced technologies.
So today I’m writing this for my left leaning friends and readers, in the hopes that I can break down the flaws in this argument. I’m going to try not to be too insulting. Accent on try… But I’ll probably fail because this is a really stupid argument.
For those of you who don’t know me, I’m a novelist now, but I retired from the Evil Military Industrial Complex, where I helped maintain those various advanced weapon systems you expect to bomb me with. Before that I was a gun dealer and firearms instructor. So basically I sold guns to the people you expect the people I trained to take them from.
On that note, I don’t think you fully comprehend the nature of the individuals you expect to do your dirty work, but I’ll come back around to that later.
First, let’s talk about the basic premise that an irregular force primarily armed with rifles would be helpless against a powerful army that has things like drones and attack helicopters.
This is a deeply ironic argument to make, considering that the most technologically advanced military coalition in history has spent the better part of the last two decades fighting goat herders with AKs in Afghanistan and Iraq. Seriously, it’s like you guys only pay attention to American casualties when there’s a republican in office and an election coming up.
Nobel Peace Prize Winner Barack Obama launched over five hundred drone strikes during his eight years in office. We’ve used Apaches (that’s the scary looking helicopter in the picture for my peacenik liberal friends), smart bombs, tanks, I don’t know how many thousand s of raids on houses and compounds, all the stuff that the lefty memes say they’re willing to do to crush the gun nut right, and we’ve spent something like 6 trillion dollars on the global war on terror so far.
And yet they’re still fighting.
So yes, groups of irregular locals can be a real pain in the ass to a technologically superior military force. That’s pretty obvious.
Now here is the interesting part. Best estimates are that any given time in Iraq we’ve been fighting about 20,000 insurgents at most. Keep that number in mind, because now we’re going to talk about the scope of this hypothetical fight over gun control.
Nobody really knows how many people in America own guns, or how many guns are here. The estimates range wildly. I’ve noticed a trend over recent years of the news media trying to minimize that number, to make it seem like it’s actually a very low percentage of Americans who own firearms, a fading cultural anomaly if you will, and to explain the one to two million new backgrounds checks done every month for new purchases, a handful of us just own a few hundred guns each.
Uh huh…. Sure.
While trying to make gun ownership seem like an oddball thing, I’ve seen the media come up with some truly silly estimates about the total number of guns in this country. The one that was going around earlier this year was really easy to debunk, because they used the number of NICS checks… Problem is, it didn’t take into account the millions guns sold before that (and they never really wear out), the fact that one NICS check can be used to buy multiples at a time, and that many US states (including the gun nuttiest) use their own state background check system, and don’t report to that federal number. Oh yeah, with advances in cheap machining, making your own guns at home has become increasingly popular.
When pollsters call to ask us if and how many guns we own—we think about things like a congressmen talking about nuking us—and immediately lie our asses off. The biggest recurring joke in the gun community is that I don’t own any guns, because I lost them all in a freak canoe accident.
So nobody really knows how many guns there are here, or how many of us own them. But the answer is A LOT.
Recently the WaPo ran an article called Americans Vastly Overestimate the Number of Gun Owners. As with most WaPo articles, it was about 90% bullshit, but they are claiming that only 20 to 30 percent of Americans own guns. That may sound plausible if you live in Manhattan, but out here in flyover country, that’s downright laughable, but anyways, to make the idea of mass gun confiscation as plausible as possible, let’s run with that rosy figure. We’ll even take the lower one of 20%. (snort)
Too bad America has over a third of a billion people, because even the unrealistic figure of 20% of 325 million is still a whopping 65 MILLION people. That’s about the same as the entire population of France. That’s about the same as the population of Great Britain, only with 500 times the firepower. Good thing we didn’t go with that 30%, because now the number is way bigger than the population of Germany (and you know what a pain beating them last time was!). Or ironically, about three times the population of Iraq.
It’s kind of funny, when it comes to us adopting social or economic programs, the left is always comparing the US to Denmark, which has the population of LA county, and that’s totally not apples and oranges, but declaring war on a percentage of the American population bigger than most nation states? That’s no biggie.
But I digress…
Okay, so let’s say Congressman Swalwell gets his wish, and the government says turn them in or else. And even though the government has become tyrannical enough to send SWAT teams door to door and threaten citizens with drones and attack helicopters, rather than half the states saying fuck you, this means Civil War 2, instead we’ll stick to the rosiest of all possible outcomes, and say that most gun owners comply.
In fact, let’s be super kind. Rather than a realistic number, like half or a third of those people getting really, really pissed off and hoisting the black flag, let’s say that 99% of them decide to totally put all their faith into the government, and that the all-powerful entity which just threatened to kill their entire family will never ever turn tyrannical from now on, pinky swear, so what do they have to lose? And a whopping 90% of gun owners go along peacefully.
That means you are only dealing with six and a half MILLION insurgents. The entire active US military is about 1.3 million, with about 800,000 reserve. Which is also assuming that those two Venn diagrams don’t overlap, which is just plain idiotic, but I’ll get to that too.
Let’s be super generous. I’m talking absurdly generous, and say that a full 99% of US gun owners say won’t somebody think of the children and all hold hands and sing kumbaya, so that then you are only dealing with the angriest, listless malcontents who hate progress… These are those crazy, knuckle dragging bastards who you will have to put in the ground.
And there are 650,000 of them.
To put that into perspective, we were fighting 22,000 insurgents in Iraq, a country which would fit comfortably inside Texas with plenty of room to spare. This would be almost 30 times as many fighters, spread across 22 times the area.
And that estimated number is pathetically, laughably low.
In one of the bluest states in America, the New York SAFE Act only has like a 4% compliance rate. And that’s mostly just people choosing to ignore an onerous law. Because the further you get away from the major cities, the more people just don’t give a crap about your utopian foolishness. Its benign neglect, and most Americans are happy to ignore you until you mess with them. You start dropping Hellfire missiles on Indiana? Fuck you, its game on. And that 1% is going to turn into 50% damn quick.
So just by the numbers, it’s an insurmountable problem, but we’re just getting started with how stupid this idea is.
Let’s talk about the logistical challenges of this holy crusade to free the country of icky guns and murder everybody who thinks differently than you do.
In Iraq, our troops operated out of a few secure bases. Those were the big areas where we could do things like store supplies, airlift things in or out, repair vehicles, have field hospitals, a Burger King, etc. And then there were Forward Operating Bases. These are the little camps troops could stage out of to operate in a given area. The hard part was keeping those places supplied, and I believe most of America’s causalities came from convoys getting hit while trying to supply things like ammo, food, and fuel, because when you’re moving around, you’re a big target. All of these places were secured, and if you got too close, or they thought you were going to try and drive a car bomb through the gate, they’d light you up.
Now, imagine trying to conduct operations in a place with twenty times the bad guys, and there are no “safe zones”. Most of our military bases aren’t out in the desert by themselves. They’ve had a town grow up around them, and the only thing separating the jets from the people you expect them to be bombing is a chain link fence.
The confiscators don’t live on base. They live in apartment complexes and houses in the suburbs next door to the people you expect them to murder. Every time they go out to kick in some redneck’s door, their convoy is moving through an area with lots of angry people who shoot small animals from far away for fun, and the only thing they remember about chemistry is the formula for Tannerite.
In something that I find profoundly troubling, when I’ve had this discussion before, I’ve had a Caring Liberal tell me that the example of Iraq doesn’t apply, because “we kept the gloves on”, whereas fighting America’s gun nuts would be a righteous total war with nothing held back… Holy shit, I’ve got to wonder about the mentality of people who demand rigorous ROEs to prevent civilian casualties in a foreign country, are blood thirsty enough to carpet bomb Texas.
You really hate us, and then act confused why we want to keep our guns? But I don’t think unrelenting total war against everyone who has ever disagreed with you on Facebook is going to be quite as clean as you expect.
There will be no secure delivery of ammo, food, and fuel, because the guys who build that, grow that, and ship that, well, you just dropped a Hellfire on his cousin Bill because he wouldn’t turn over his SKS. Fuck you. Starve. And that’s assuming they don’t still make the delivery but the gas is tainted and food is poisoned.
Oh wait… Poison? That would be unsportsmanlike! Really? Because your guy just brought up nuclear weapons. What? You think that you’re going to declare war on half of America, with rules of engagement that would make Genghis Khan blush, and my side would keep using Marquis of Queensbury rules?
Oh hell no.
A friend of mine who is a political activist said something interesting the other day, and that was for most people on the left political violence is a knob, and they can turn the heat up and down, with things like protests, and riots, all the way up to destruction of property, and sometimes murder… But for the vast majority of folks on the right, it’s an off and on switch. And the settings are Vote or Shoot Fucking Everybody. And believe me, you really don’t want that switch to get flipped, because Civil War 2.0 would make Bosnia look like a trip to Disneyworld.
Speaking of ugly, do you really honestly think that you’re going to be able to kill people because they disagree with you, and they won’t hit you back where it hurts? While you’re drone striking Omaha Nebraska you really think that the people who live where all the food is grown, the electricity is generated, and all the freeways and rail lines run through, that some of them aren’t going to take it personal? And that they’re not going to use their location and access to make life extremely uncomfortable for you?
The scariest single conversation I’ve ever heard in my life was five Special Forces guys having a fun thought exercise about how they would bring a major American city to its knees. They picked Chicago, because it was a place they’d all been. It was fascinating, and utterly terrifying. And I’ll never ever put any of it in a book, because I don’t want to give crazy people any ideas. Give it about a week and people would be eating each other (and gee whiz, take one wild guess what the political leanings of most Green Berets are?).
Similar dinner conversation once, with a bunch of SWAT cops from a major American city, talking about how incredibly easy it would be to entirely shut down and utterly ruin their city, with only a small crew of dedicated individuals and about forty eight hours of mayhem and fuckery. (And guess what their political leanings were? Hint, most of them were eager to retire because they’d been treated like shit by their liberal mayors, and take their pension to someplace like Arkansas)
So yeah, let’s talk about those people you think are going to be unfeeling automatons who will have no problem killing their friends and neighbors on your behalf…
They are us.
Above I mentioned a Venn diagram of obstinate gun owners and the military, but you can change that to cops and it’s going to be pretty similar. Those diagrams overlap a lot, and depending on the particular department or unit, they make one big happy circle.
Back when I owned a gun store, we were located one block from Utah Army National Guard Headquarters. Every drill weekend my building was a sea of ACU (and the fact that very few of my liberal readers know what that abbreviation means just shows goes to show how incredibly out of touch they are, but I mean that ugly sage grey digital camouflage). It was just a bunch of guys hanging out, talking shit, and BUYING GUNS.
Lots and lots of guns. And I know most of my left wing readers can’t tell them apart, but they were specifically buying the scary ones that you want to ban the most. Thousands of them. And cops… Holy moly I sold a lot of guns to cops. Not department guns, though we supplied a few of those, but personal guns.
Having worked with a lot of police departments, guess what? The guys who actually know how to shoot? The ones who run the training programs? Usually they’re my people too. The gun nuts gravitate toward that position because A. more taxpayer funded ammo, and B. they actually give a shit about the subject, so they learn on their own, and then try to pass those skills onto their coworkers to better keep them alive.
Whenever I see one of these dipshit memes produced by some Gender Studies Major, it just demonstrates how incredibly sheltered and out of touch they are. They don’t know fuck all about these people. Usually if they’re talking about soldiers, it’s about how they’re evil baby killers, or time bombs of PTSD rage, or poor deluded fools who joined the military because they couldn’t get a real job…. And cops, it’s about how they’re just a bunch of trigger happy racists just itching for an excuse to execute everybody who looks different than they do.
But don’t worry, despite all those years of abuse, when you ask them to go door to door in their hometown to systematically attack people they’ve known their whole lives, friends and family who’ve done nothing wrong, and maybe get shot or blown up, and when it’s over then turn in their own personal guns, all because some moron in a big city a thousand miles away said so, I’m sure they’ll hop right to it.
See, one of the things you guys on the left don’t realize is that there’s that whole “Othering” thing. You do it all the time without thinking about it. Where you just ascribe increasingly terrible things to people, like all gun owners are murderous, racist, kill crazy, redneck, dumb ass peckerwoods who want children to die, to the point that to you, we’re this unimaginable, evil, Other, so it’s okay to threaten to murder us, and feel good about yourself. Because we’re bad, and you’re the good guy, and thus totally justified in all you do.
Yet you assume that the people who gravitate toward the career fields you’ll need to wage war on us will feel the same way you do. When in reality most of them think you’re posturing, elitist, ignoramuses who don’t know the first thing about guns, crime, violence, or America.
Now this is where I’ll part ways with most of my libertarian brethren, because they are quick to point out that there are plenty of places where cops enforce existing gun or drug laws. The part they’re missing is that most people are complicated, and they’ve got lines they won’t cross.
In this case, the target isn’t some Other, it’s not just their people, it’s them. And an active shooting war between the government and half the population? That’s a pretty big fucking line. And we’re not talking about people they are already inclined not to like, but rather they’re supposed to go shoot their doctor and their mechanic for doing something that up until a few days ago was legal and they were doing themselves. A small percentage will be happy to put on the jack boots and start loading people into cattle cars. But a larger percentage will say nope, I’m calling in sick, don’t feel like getting blown up today.
And another big chunk will actively help the insurgents, because they fucking hate you and everything you stand for. Like seriously, out of touch liberals, how many small town sheriff’s deputies do you think would describe themselves as “progressive”?
Now this will vary wildly depending on jurisdiction. Some places, no problem. People will comply. Others because of the culture, they won’t. Yet, in the places where they are the least likely to comply, those are the places where you are the most likely to have the local authorities be actively on the side of the insurgents. (this is kind of a no brainer to anybody who has ever looked at any guerilla war ever in history). Which means that the occupiers then have to import outsiders to do the deed, but then the presence of outsiders piss off the rest of the local fence sitters, and now everybody is getting blown up.
The problem with all those advanced weapons systems you don’t understand, but keep sticking onto memes, is guess who builds them, maintains them, and drives them? When I first saw this idiotic Apache meme my comment was that sadly Freedom Eagle’s day job was as a contractor doing helicopter engine maintenance.
Those drones you guys like to go on about, and barely understand? One of the contracts I worked on was maintaining the servers for them. Guess which way most military contractors vote? Duh. Though honestly, if I was still in my Evil Military Industrial Complex job when this went down, I’d just quietly embezzle and funnel millions of DOD dollars to the rebels. Because fuck you is why.
So you’ve got an insurmountable challenge, that’s logistically impossible, and a big chunk of the people you expect to fight on your behalf being actively against you. Your side would need an incredible amount of will, especially after they turned off your electricity and water, and there’s no more food on the shelves.
This is why smart progressives prefer to boil the frog slowly.
To pull off confiscation now you’d have to be willing to kill millions of people. The congressman’s suggestion was incredibly stupid, but it was nice to see one of you guys being honest about it for once. In order to maybe, hypothetically save thousands, you’d be willing to slaughter millions. Either you really suck at math, or the ugly truth is that you just hate the other side so much that you think killing millions of people is worth it to make them fall in line. And if that’s the case, you’re a sick bastard, and a great example of why the rest of us aren’t ever going to give up our guns.
This is a great post. It's nice to be on the side of the people who have the guns and the states that have most of the nukes. It is good I think to delve into the possibility of this exploding into a real fight or war so that it doesn't.
In Iraq we struggled to fight 20,000 insurgents. In America that might be 65 million. Good point. It includes the people with the guns and the people who know how to shoot them. Maybe liberals should stop talking about taking away constitutional rights, guns being just one of them, what about equal protection under the law and a whole host of other things like simply the right to have a sovereign nation and govern it.
"Smart progressives prefer to boil the frog slowly."
This is scary true. Just look at the last two generations of the media-academia complex plodding forward more thoroughly than the greatest military generals of history leaving no stone unturned until not only the genders issues teachers but the scientists and the engineers are all part of the movement.
I would be willing to bet there are more U/C Federal, State and Local LEOs and informants inside this organization than actual neonazis.
no plea deal this time as in 2007. Just a trial and harsh sentence when found guilty.
A Leftist Mob ‘Polices’ Portland
Andy Ngo October 11, 2018
Antifa in downtown Portland, Ore.
Antifa in downtown Portland, Ore.
Portland, Ore.
Flyers urged Portlanders to attend a protest: “27yo black father of 3 murdered by racist Portland Police.” Some 100 Black Lives Matter activists with the group Don’t Shoot Portland and their masked antifa allies answered the call to gather downtown Oct. 6. Fists in the air, they demanded “justice” for Patrick Kimmons, killed by police in late September. “Stop racist police terror,” read one sign at the rally. “Throw all cops in the trash,” declared another. Never mind that Kimmons had an extensive criminal record and was suspected of shooting two people before police responded.
As the crowd made their way to a nearby courthouse, they marched in the middle of the street, bringing traffic to a stop though they didn’t have a permit. Kent Houser, 74, made the mistake of attempting to pass them in his sedan. His car slowly pushed against a masked marcher. The crowd surrounded the car and started kicking it. After speeding down the block, Mr. Houser stepped out and was assaulted by the mob. They pushed him and smashed his car with clubs after he managed to get back inside the vehicle. No police were in sight even though the central precinct was blocks away.
Portland’s Resistance, a local social-justice group, then put out a call on Twitter asking the public to identify “this white man.” They published photos of him and his license plate with the message: “Make racists afraid again.” Mr. Houser has since received threatening phone calls identifying his wife by name. “I’ve lived here my whole life but I don’t want to go downtown anymore,” he says. “When the streets are commandeered by a sponsored group of angry, agitated ingrates and criminals, we have no city.”
The mob later occupied a busy intersection. When a middle-aged man driving a car with North Carolina plates stopped in confusion, the agitators descended on him. “You white little f—er!” shouted one white man. “You are a little white supremacist. Go back to North Carolina where you came from.” The driver phoned police for assistance. Nobody came.
The crowd targeted other drivers. “You’re lucky you didn’t hit me. I would have beat your a—,” yelled a demonstrator at another driver. One person punched the back of a passing car whose driver dared to honk. In downtown Portland, law-abiding drivers were at the mercy of marauding street thugs.
A block away, police officers looked on passively. Why didn’t they respond? The department told me in a statement that it feared intervention would “change the demeanor of the crowd for the worse.”
Such lawlessness is increasingly typical here. Portland’s Resistance organized a protest after Election Day 2016 that turned into a riot. Masked vandals smashed stores and set fires, causing over $1 million in damage. Portland’s Resistance raised $55,000 on GoFundMe ostensibly to help pay for the rebuilding effort. Two years later only $2,450 is known to have been dispersed. This summer a mob occupied the area around the local Immigration and Customs Enforcement office for more than a month.
When people find out that I live in Portland, one question I’m frequently asked is if the comedy show “Portlandia” is anything like real life. I tell them real life is much worse.
Mr. Ngo is an editor at Quillette.
Anyone who dares disagree with their agenda is their enemy.
Will he be like General Grant / Patton Jackson or like the gutless phony George B. McClellan?
That would be better in the Politics thread.
Pay attention, this will be on the upcoming final.
A Better Understanding of Evil
Working in Texas, in the panhandle, there are few bookstores. There are convenience stores aplenty, some fast food joints, a number of BBQ spots along US 287 and oil, of course. Bookstores? Not many, but I did find a rather storied one in Archer City.
Wandering the almost overwhelming inventory sent my mind in many different directions. I love history, political theory, the literary masters, etc. This bookstore has the greatest selection of rare and valuable books I have ever seen, if a bit haphazard in their stock due to the fact that they are all used books.
Anyone who loves books, especially used books, understands that there is a mystical sort of "voice in the wilderness" quality to searching for a book in a used bookstore. It is not so much that you go looking for it, as you wait to be inexorably drawn to it. I was wandering such a bookstore once and there on the shelf, for the most ungodly of reasons, was a geophysical log interpretation manual that I just had to have.
This is how I came upon Pontynen and Miller's "Western Culture at the Crossroads."
The book attempts to explain in a scholarly way the issues many of us have been writing about for years, a thing Mike Vanderboegh said in Lies of Omission, that we are a nation not "divided" so much as diametrically opposed to each other. While nothing, so far, has been revealed in the book that is not already known (it was published in 2011) it attempts to go further back with the explanation for what we are currently witnessing on a large and vivid scale.
The point was made, at least argued, that the Western culture and especially American culture is at a crossroads, the origin of each intersecting road going back to before the Enlightenment. What we see now as a liberal/conservative or a republican/communist conflict is actually a conflict between modernist and postmodernist point of view versus a Judeo-Christian culture.
While I am not sure that I will ultimately buy into the concept that the Judeo-Christian culture seeks beauty, truth and love, I am not finished reading the book and will reserve judgment until then. The authors did do a great job of explaining the opposite side of the coin and one passage sticks out immediately.
(Speaking of the left and by this I mean Republicans, too, because there is no longer and may never have been a true difference between Republicans and Democrats. What Pontynen and Miller describe could be any politician and it is the whole of the body politic in America that subscribes to the modernist-postmodernist point of view.)
The passage is this: "They rationalize power, envy and greed in the name of virtue, or claim it (virtue) is beyond rational discursive evaluation."
Immediately I understood Hillary Clinton a thousand times better than I ever had. I had always thought she was evil, that she knew she was evil, that she reveled in the fact of her evil and when her plans came to fruition delighted in her evil. What I had never considered was that she thought of her evil as a virtue.
What I had not considered is that the left rejects objective truth as a means of rejecting morality and attacking those seeking truth through the Judeo-Christian culture or scripture. That they see the pursuit and ultimate achievement of power instead of truth as worthy of a purpose as the attainment of peace or the fulfillment of understanding.
Yes, I understood this before in a vague sort of way, but the book brought it into sharp focus and helped me to understand that the real battle lines had been drawn long, long ago.
Everyone I have ever talked to on our side of the equation has sought mostly to be left alone to seek beauty, understanding and truth, while everyone I have encountered on the opposite side of the equation has sought power for power's sake. Since I understand that someone might want power to do nefarious things, mostly evil, I chalked it up as evil. I had not considered that they saw the attainment of power as a virtue in the way I see honesty as a virtue.
To them, as the quote makes clear, whatever drives them to the attainment of power, be it greed, envy, lust or sociopathic disassociation, is a de facto virtue. Hollywood suddenly makes a lot more sense when viewed in that context.
I don't know how better to illustrate the real conflict gathering strength in this nation or how better to explain the utter uselessness of continued hope in some peaceful resolution. When the body politic is convinced that their tendencies toward theft, surveillance, oppression, suppression, violence and enslavement of the people are actually virtues to be nurtured because they have brought power to them, what more needs to be said?
GM post above :
"When the body politic is convinced that their tendencies toward theft, surveillance, oppression, suppression, violence and enslavement of the people are actually virtues to be nurtured because they have brought power to them, what more needs to be said? "
In reference to this z:
behavior showing high moral standards.
"paragons of virtue"
synonyms: goodness, virtuousness, righteousness, morality, ethicalness, uprightness, upstandingness, integrity, dignity, rectitude, honesty, honorableness, honorability, honor, incorruptibility, probity, propriety, decency, respectability, nobility, nobility of soul/spirit, nobleness, worthiness, worth, good, trustworthiness, meritoriousness, irreproachableness, blamelessness, purity, pureness, lack of corruption, merit; principles, high principles, ethics
"the simple virtue and integrity of peasant life"
I would like to add my thoughts to GMs post:
***theft, surveillance, oppression, suppression, violence and enslavement of the people ***
That is what they advocate, but they cloak with virtuous words and labels 'equality' and 'fairness' and 'rights' and 'justice' .
And the elites then can feel good about themselves and the are happy to pillage for their perceived benefit when they eagerly agree to the plans.
here is similar conclusion right off of today's Breitbart titled "virtue signaling "
*they * are more virtuous than us and use that propaganda to *shame * those who disagree with them.
more of they are *good* we are *evil*. and the millenials and gen X soak it up . I would think in societies that try to be civil it is desirable to be on the side of *good*:
You are slated for extermination.
Plan accordingly.
Just the beginning.
This comes well recommended to me:
Bracken: When The Music Stops – How America’s Cities May Explode In Violence
Posted on September 3, 2012
From Matt Bracken:
In response to recent articles in mainstream military journals discussing the use of the U.S. Army to quell insurrections on American soil, I offer an alternate vision of the future. Instead of a small town in the South as the flash point, picture instead a score of U.S. cities in the thrall of riots greater than those experienced in Los Angeles in 1965 (Watts), multiple cities in 1968 (MLK assassination), and Los Angeles again in 1992 (Rodney King). New Yorkers can imagine the 1977 blackout looting or the 1991 Crown Heights disturbance. In fact, the proximate spark of the next round of major riots in America could be any from a long list cribbed from our history.
We have seen them all before, and we shall see them all again as history rhymes along regardless of the century or the generation of humankind nominally in control of events. But the next time we are visited by widespread, large-scale urban riots, a dangerous new escalation may be triggered by a fresh vulnerability: It’s estimated that the average American home has less than two weeks of food on hand. In poor minority areas, it may be much less. What if a cascading economic crisis, even a temporary one, leads to millions of EBT (electronic benefit transfer) cards flashing nothing but ERROR? This could also be the result of deliberate sabotage by hackers, or other technical system failures. Alternatively, the government might pump endless digits into the cards in a hopeless attempt to outpace future hyperinflation. The government can order the supermarkets to honor the cards, and it can even set price controls, but history’s verdict is clear: If suppliers are paid only with worthless scrip or blinking digits, the food will stop.
In my scenario, the initial riots begin spontaneously across affected urban areas, as SNAP (supplemental nutrition assistance program) and other government welfare recipients learn that their EBT cards no longer function. This sudden revelation will cause widespread anger, which will quickly lead to the flash-mob looting of local supermarkets and other businesses. The media will initially portray these “food riots” as at least partly justifiable. Sadly, millions of Americans have been made largely, or even entirely, dependent on government wealth transfer payments to put food on their tables.
A new social contract has been created, where bread and circuses buy a measure of peace in our minority-populated urban zones. In the era of ubiquitous big-screen cable television, the internet and smart phones, the circus part of the equation is never in doubt as long as the electricity flows. But the bread is highly problematic. Food must be delivered the old-fashioned way: physically. Any disruption in the normal functioning of the EBT system will lead to food riots with a speed that is astonishing. This will inevitably happen when our unsustainable, debt-fueled binge party finally stops, and the music is over. Now that the delivery of free or heavily subsidized food is perceived by tens of millions of Americans to be a basic human right, the cutoff of “their” food money will cause an immediate explosion of rage. When the hunger begins to bite, supermarkets, shops and restaurants will be looted, and initially the media will not condemn the looting. Unfortunately, this initial violence will only be the start of a dangerous escalation.
The ransacked supermarkets, convenience stores, ATMs and gas stations will not be restocked during this period due to the precarious security situation. A single truck loaded with food or gasoline would be perceived to be a Fort Knox on wheels and subject to immediate attack unless heavily protected by powerfully armed security forces, but such forces will not be available during this chaotic period. Under those conditions, resupply to the urban areas cannot and will not take place. The downward spiral of social and economic dysfunction will therefore both accelerate and spread from city to city. These delays, in turn, will lead to more riots with the constant underlying demand that hungry people be fed, one way or another.
Catch-22, anyone? When these demands do not bring the desired outcome, the participants will ratchet up the violence, hoping to force action by the feckless state and national governments.
The “food riots” will be a grass-roots movement of the moment born out of hunger and desperation. It will not be dependent upon leaders or an underlying organization, although they could certainly add to the sauce. Existing cell phone technology provides all the organization a flash mob needs. Most of the mobs will consist of minority urban youths, termed MUYs in the rest of this essay. Which minority doesn’t matter; each urban locale will come with its own unique multi-ethnic dynamic.
Some locales will divide upon religious or political lines, but they will not be the dominant factors contributing to conflict. In the American context, the divisions will primarily have an ethnic or racial context, largely because that makes it easy to sort out the sides at a safe distance. No need to check religious or political affiliation at a hundred yards when The Other is of a different color.
We Americans are all about doing things the easy way, so, sadly, visible racial and ethnic features will form the predominant lines of division.
Would that it were not so, but reality is reality, even when it’s is a bitch.
Especially then.
In order to highlight their grievances and escalate their demands for an immediate resumption of government benefits, the MUY flash mobs will next move their activities to the borders of their ethnic enclaves. They will concentrate on major intersections and highway interchanges where non-MUY suburban commuters must make daily passage to and from what forms of employment still exist. People making a living will still be using those roads to get to where they earn their daily bread.
The results of these clashes will frequently resemble the intersection of Florence and Normandie during the Rodney King riots in 1992, where Reginald Denny was pulled out of his truck’s cab and beaten nearly to death with a cinder block. If you don’t remember it, watch it on Youtube. Then imagine that scene with the mob-making accelerant of texting and other social media technology added to stoke the fires. Instead of a few dozen thugs terrorizing the ambushed intersections, in minutes there will be hundreds.
Rioters will throw debris such as shopping carts and trash cans into the intersection, causing the more timid drivers to pause. The mobs will swarm the lines of trapped cars once they have stopped. Traffic will be forced into gridlock for blocks in all directions. Drivers and passengers of the wrong ethnic persuasions will be pulled from their vehicles to be beaten, robbed, and in some cases raped and/or killed. It will be hyper-violent and overtly racial mob behavior, on a massive and undeniable basis.
Some of those trapped in their cars will try to drive out of the area, inevitably knocking down MUY pedestrians and being trapped by even more outraged MUYs. The commuters will be dragged out of their cars and kicked or beaten to death. Other suburban commuters will try to shoot their way out of the lines of stopped cars, and they will meet the same grim fate once they run out of bullets and room to escape.
The mob will be armed with everything from knives, clubs and pistols to AK-47s. A bloodbath will result. These unlucky drivers and their passengers will suffer horribly, and some of their deaths will be captured on traffic web cameras. Later, these terrible scenes will be released or leaked by sympathetic government insiders and shown by the alternative media, which continue to expand as the traditional media become increasingly irrelevant.
Implausible, you insist?
This grim tableau is my analysis of age-old human behavior patterns, adding flash mobs and 2012 levels of racial anger to the old recipe. Early-teenage MUYs today are frequently playing “The Knockout Game” on full bellies, just for kicks, and proudly uploading the videos. They and their older peers can be expected to do far worse when hunger and the fear of starvation enter their physical, mental, and emotional equations. The blame for their hunger will be turned outward against the greater society, and will be vented at first hand against any non-MUY who falls into their grasp while they are in the thrall of mob hysteria. These episodes of mass psychology we will refer to as “flash mob riots”, “wilding”, or some other new name.
To gear up for even a single “Florence and Normandie on steroids” flash mob street riot, city police departments will require an hour or longer to stage their SWAT teams and riot squads in position to react. Ordinary patrol cars in small numbers will not venture anywhere near such roiling masses of hysterical rioters, not even to perform rescues. Those citizens trapped in their cars cannot expect timely assistance from local or state authorities.
Even in the first days of widespread riots, when the police forces are well rested, it might take several hours to mount a response sufficient to quell the disturbance and restore order to even one major street intersection riot. In the meantime, scores of innocent commuters will have been attacked, with many of them injured or killed and left at the scene. It will be a law enforcement nightmare to quell the disturbance, mop up lingering rioters, restore security, and bring medical attention to the living and get medical examiners to the dead. And each jurisdiction will face potentially dozens of such scenes, thanks to the ability for MUYs to cross-communicate at will using their wireless devices.
The far more difficult challenge for the police is that by the time they are suited in riot gear, armed and geared up to sweep the intersection, it will probably be empty of rioters. The police, with their major riot squad reaction times measured in hours, will be fighting flash mobs that materialize, cause mayhem, and evaporate in only fractions of hours. This rapid cycle time is a clear lesson taken from massive riots by immigrant French Muslim MUYs in their own religious enclaves and bordering areas.
The American flash mob riot will exist almost entirely inside the law enforcement OODA (observe, orient, decide, act) loop. In other words, the rioters will have a much quicker reaction time than the police. Until fairly recently, superior police communications meant that they could use their radio networks as a force multiplier. With their networking advantage and cohesive reactions both within a department and among cooperating local agencies, police could act as shepherds guiding or dispersing a wayward stampeding flock.
Today, the mob has the greater advantage, immediately spreading word of every police preparation by text and Tweet, even in advance of the police movement. Attempts by the authorities to stop the flash mobs by blocking and jamming wireless transmissions will have limited success.
It is at this point that the situation spirals out of control.
The enraged mobs in urban America will soon recognize that their spontaneous street riots cannot be stopped by the police, and then they will grow truly fearsome. For the police, it will be a losing game of Whack-a-Mole, with riots breaking out and dispersing at a speed they cannot hope to match. The violence will spread to previously unaffected cities as an awareness of law enforcement impotence is spread by television and social media. After a few days, the police forces will be exhausted and demoralized. As the violence intensifies and spreads, and in the absence of any viable security arrangements, supermarkets and other stores will not be restocked, leaving the MUYs even more desperate and angry than before. The increasing desperation born of worsening hunger will refuel the escalating spiral of violence.
Nor will violent conflict be only between the inhabitants of the urban areas and the suburbs. The international record of conflict in tri-ethnic cities is grim, making the old bi-racial dichotomy formerly seen in America seem stable by comparison. In tri-ethnic cities the perceived balance of power is constantly shifting, with each side in turn feeling outnumbered and outmuscled. Temporary truces, betrayals and new alliances follow in rapid succession, removing any lingering sense of social cohesion.
The former Yugoslavia, with its Catholic, Orthodox and Muslim divisions, comes starkly to mind. The Lebanese Civil War between the Christians, Sunnis, Shiites and Druze raged across Beirut (at one time known as “The Paris of the Middle East”) for fifteen brutal years. Once a city turns on itself and becomes a runaway engine of self-destruction, it can be difficult to impossible to switch off the process and return to normal pre-conflict life. It’s not inconceivable that the United States could produce a dozen Sarajevos or Beiruts, primarily across racial instead of religious divides.
Vehicle traffic by non-minority suburban commuters through adjoining minority areas will virtually halt, wrecking what is left of the local economy. Businesses will not open because employees will not be able to travel to work safely. Businesses in minority areas, needless to say, will be looted. “Gentrified” enclaves of affluent suburbanites within or near the urban zones will suffer repeated attacks, until their inhabitants flee.
Radically disaffected minorities will hold critical infrastructure corridors through their areas hostage against the greater society. Highways, railroad tracks, pipe and power lines will all be under constant threat, or may be cut in planned or unplanned acts of raging against “the system.” As long as security in the urban areas cannot be restored, these corridors will be under threat. Even airports will not be immune. Many of them have been absorbed into urban areas, and aircraft will come under sporadic fire while taking off and landing.
In the absence of fresh targets of value blundering into their areas, and still out of food, MUYs will begin to forage beyond their desolated home neighborhoods and into suburban borderlands. “Safe” supermarkets and other stores will be robbed in brazen commando-like gang attacks. Carjackings and home invasions will proliferate madly. As I have discussed in my essay “The Civil War Two Cube,” so-called “transitional” and mixed-ethnic areas will suffer the worst violence. These neighborhoods will become utterly chaotic killing zones, with little or no help coming from the overstretched police, who will be trying to rest up for their next shift on riot squad duty, if they have not already deserted their posts to take care of their own families.
In the absence of an effective official police response to the exploding levels of violence, suburbanites will first hastily form self-defense forces to guard their neighborhoods—especially ones located near ethnic borders. These ubiquitous neighborhood armed defense teams will often have a deep and talented bench from which to select members, and they will not lack for volunteers.
Since 9-11, hundreds of thousands of young men (and more than a few women) have acquired graduate-level educations in various aspects of urban warfare. In the Middle East these troops were frequently tasked with restoring order to urban areas exploding in internecine strife. Today these former military men and women understand better than anyone the life-or-death difference between being armed and organized versus unarmed and disorganized.
Hundreds of thousands if not millions of veterans currently own rifles strikingly similar to those they carried in the armed forces, lacking only the full-automatic selector switch. Their brothers, sisters, parents, friends, and neighbors who did not serve in the military are often just as familiar with the weapons, if not the tactics. Today the AR-pattern rifle (the semi-automatic civilian version of the familiar full-auto-capable M-16 or M-4) is the most popular model of rifle in America, with millions sold in the past decade. Virtually all of them produced in the past decade have abandoned the old M-16’s signature “carrying handle” rear iron sight for a standardized sight mounting rail, meaning that virtually every AR sold today can be easily equipped with an efficient optical sight. Firing the high-velocity 5.56×45 mm cartridge and mounted with a four-power tactical sight, a typical AR rifle can shoot two-inch groups at one hundred yards when fired from a steady bench rest. That translates to shooting eight- to ten-inch groups at four hundred yards.
Four hundred yards is a long walk. Pace it off on a straight road, and observe how tiny somebody appears at that distance. Yet a typical AR rifle, like those currently owned by millions of American citizens, can hit a man-sized target at that range very easily, given a stable firing platform and a moderate level of shooting ability.
And there are a far greater number of scoped bolt-action hunting rifles in private hands in the United States. Keep this number in mind: based on deer stamps sold, approximately twenty million Americans venture into the woods every fall armed with such rifles, fully intending to shoot and kill a two-hundred-pound mammal. Millions of these scoped bolt-action deer rifles are quite capable of hitting a man-sized target at ranges out to and even beyond a thousand yards, or nearly three-fifths of a mile. In that context, the 500-yard effective range of the average semi-auto AR-pattern rifle is not at all remarkable.
So, we have millions of men and women with military training, owning rifles similar to the ones they used in combat operations overseas from Vietnam to Afghanistan. Many of these Soldiers and Marines have special operations training. They are former warriors with experience at conducting irregular warfare and counter-terrorism operations in dangerous urban environments. They are the opposite of unthinking robots: their greatest military talent is looking outside the box for new solutions. They always seek to “over-match” their enemies, using their own advantages as force multipliers while diminishing or concealing their weaknesses. These military veterans are also ready, willing and able to pass on their experience and training to interested students in their civilian circles.
Let’s return to our hypothetical Florence and Normandie intersection, but this time with hundreds of rioters per city block, instead of mere dozens. Among the mobs are thugs armed with pistols and perhaps even AK-47s equipped with standard iron sights, and except in rare cases, these rifles have never been “zeroed in” on a target range. In other words, past a medium distance of fifty to a hundred yards, these MUY shooters will have little idea where their fired bullets will strike—nor will they care. Typically, most of the rioters armed with a pistol, shotgun or an iron-sighted rifle could not hit a mailbox at a hundred yards unless by luck. Inside that distance, any non-MUY could be at immediate risk of brutal death at the hands of an enraged mob, but beyond that range, the mob will pose much less danger.
Taking this imbalance in effective ranges of the firearms most likely to be available to both sides, certain tactical responses are sure to arise, and ranking near the top will be the one described next.
The sniper ambush will predictably be used as a counter to rampaging mobs armed only with short- to medium-range weapons. This extremely deadly trick was developed by our war fighters in Iraq and Afghanistan, taking advantage of the significant effective range and firepower of our scoped 5.56mm rifles. Tactics such as the sniper ambush may not be seen early in the civil disorder, but they will surely arise after a steady progression of atrocities attributed to rampaging MUYs.
Street intersection flash mob riots will not be the only type of violence exploding during periods of civil disorder. As mentioned earlier, the number and ferocity of home invasions will skyrocket, and they will be very hard to defend against. Neighborhood self-defense forces will be able to protect a group of homes if they are located on cul-de-sacs or in defensible subdivisions with limited entrances, turning them overnight into fortified gated communities. Individual homes and apartment buildings located in open grid-pattern neighborhoods with outside access from many directions will be much more difficult to defend, and the home invasions will continue.
Carjacking and other forms of armed robbery will proliferate to previously unimagined levels, leading to a total loss of confidence in the government’s ability to provide security across all social lines. Stray bullets striking pedestrians or penetrating houses will take a frightening toll, even in areas previously considered to be safe. The police will be exhausted by constant riot-squad duty, and will not even respond to reports of mere individual acts of violent criminality. They will simply be overwhelmed, and will be forced to triage their responses. The wealthy, powerful and politically well-connected will demand the lion’s share of remaining police resources, further diminishing the safety of average Americans.
In that context, neighborhood self-defense forces will form the nucleus of the armed vigilante direct action groups which will spring up next in the progression. Suburban anger will continue to build against the MUYs, who are perceived to be the originators of the home invasions and gang-level armed looting raids. Survivors of street ambushes, carjackings and home invasions will tell blood-curdling tales and show horrific scars.
The neighborhood defense teams will evolve into proactive suburban armed vigilante groups (SAVs) out of a desire to preemptively take the violence to their perceived enemies, instead of passively waiting for the next home invasion or carjacking. The SAV teams will consist of the more aggressive and gung-ho members of the self-defense forces, who met and compared notes. Often they will be young men with recent combat experience in the armed forces, who will apply their military training to the new situation. Major intersections and highway interchanges where ambush riots have previously occurred will be among the SAV targets. The SAV reaction times will be measured in minutes, compared to the hours required by major police department SWAT teams and riot squads.
When word is received that a flash mob is forming at one of their pre-reconnoitered intersections or highway interchanges, the SAV team will assemble. Sometimes cooperating police will pass tactical intel to their civilian friends on the outside. Some clever individuals will have exploited their technical know-how and military experience to build real-time intel collection tools, such as private UAVs. Police will have access to urban security camera footage showing MUYs moving barricade materials into position—a normal prerequisite to a flash mob riot intended to stop traffic. Tip-offs to the vigilantes will be common, and where the networks are still functioning, citizens may still be able to access some video feeds. Sometimes, police will even join the SAV teams, incognito and off-duty, blurring the teams into so-called “death squads.”
The operation I will describe (and it’s only one of dozens that will be tried) uses two ordinary pickup trucks and eight fighters. Two riflemen are lying prone in the back of each truck, facing rearward, with removable canvas covers concealing their presence. Their semi-automatic, scoped rifles are supported at their front ends on bipods for very accurate shooting. A row of protective sandbags a foot high is between them and the raised tailgate.
In the cab are a driver and a spotter in the passenger seat who also serves as the vehicle’s 360-degree security. The two trucks don’t ever appear on the same stretch of road, but coordinate their movements using one-word brevity codes over small FRS walkie-talkie radios. Each truck has a series of predetermined elevated locations where the intersection in question will lie between 200 and 500 yards away. Each truck is totally nondescript and forgettable, the only detail perhaps being the non-MUY ethnicity of the suburbanite driver and spotter driving relatively near to a riot in progress.
By the time the two SAV pickup trucks arrive at their firing positions on different streets and oriented ninety degrees to one another, the flash mob riot is in full swing. A hundred or more of the rampaging youths are posturing and throwing debris into traffic in order to intimidate some cars into stopping. The riflemen in the backs of the pickups are waiting for this moment and know what to expect, trusting their spotters and drivers to give them a good firing lane. The spotters in each truck issue a code word on their radios when they are in final position. The tailgates are swung down, and the leader among the riflemen initiates the firing. All-around security is provided by the driver and spotter.
Lying prone and using their bipods for support, the shooters have five to ten degrees of pan or traverse across the entire intersection. Individual rioters are clearly visible in the shooters’ magnified optical scopes. Each of the four snipers has a plan to shoot from the outside of the mob toward the middle, driving participants into a panicked mass. The left-side shooters start on the left side and work to the middle, engaging targets with rapid fire, about one aimed shot per two seconds. Since the two trucks are set at ninety degrees to one another, very complete coverage will be obtained, even among and between the stopped vehicles.
The result is a turkey shoot. One magazine of thirty aimed shots per rifle is expended in under a minute, a coded cease-fire is called on the walkie-talkies, and the trucks drive away at the speed limit. The canvas covering the truck beds contains the shooters’ spent brass. If the trucks are attacked from medium or close range, the canvas can be thrown back and the two snipers with their semi-automatic rifles or carbines will add their firepower to that of the driver and spotter.
Back at the intersection, complete panic breaks out among the rioters as a great number of bullets have landed in human flesh. Over a score have been killed outright, and many more scream in pain for medical attention they will not receive in time. The sniper ambush stops the flash mob cold in its tracks as the uninjured flee in terror, leaving their erstwhile comrades back on the ground bleeding. The commuters trapped in their vehicles may have an opportunity to escape.
This type of sniper ambush and a hundred variations on the theme will finally accomplish what the police could not: put an end to mobs of violent rioters making the cities through-streets and highways impassible killing zones. Would-be rioters will soon understand it to be suicidal to cluster in easily visible groups and engage in mob violence, as the immediate response could come at any time in the form of aimed fire from hundreds of yards away. Even one rifleman with a scoped semi-auto can break up a medium-sized riot.
Many citizens will take to carrying rifles and carbines in their vehicles, along with their pistols, so that if their cars are trapped in an ambush they will have a chance to fight their way out. If their vehicle is stopped outside the immediate area of the flash mob, they will be able to direct accurate fire at the rioters from a few hundred yards away. Inside the fatal hundred-yard radius, unlucky suburbanite drivers and passengers pulled from their cars will still be brutally violated, but the occurrences of large mob-driven street ambushes will be much less frequent once long-range retaliation becomes a frequent expectation.
Where they will be unable to respond swiftly or effectively to the outbreaks of street riots by MUY flash mobs, the police and federal agents will respond vigorously to the deadly but smaller vigilante attacks. These sniper ambushes and other SAV attacks will be called acts of domestic terrorism and mass murder by government officials and the mainstream media. A nearly seamless web of urban and suburban street cameras will reveal some of the SAV teams by their vehicles, facial recognition programs, and other technical means. Some early arrests will be made, but the vigilantes will adapt to increasing law enforcement pressure against them by becoming cleverer about their camouflage, most often using stolen cars and false uniforms and masks during their direct-action missions. Observe Mexico today for ideas on how this type of dirty war is fought.
Eventually, the U.S. Army itself might be called upon to put out all the social firestorms in our cities, restore order and security, pacify the angry masses, feed the starving millions, get vital infrastructure operating again, and do it all at once in a dozen American Beiruts, Sarajevos and Mogadishus.
Good luck to them, I say.
A few hundred “Active IRA” tied down thousands of British troops in one corner of a small island for decades. The same ratios have served the Taliban well over the past decade while fighting against the combined might of NATO. Set aside for a moment the angry starving millions trapped in the urban areas, and the dire security issues arising thereof. Just to consider the official reaction to vigilantism separately, it’s unlikely that any conceivable combinations of local and state police, federal law enforcement, National Guard or active-duty Army actions could neutralize or eliminate tens of thousands of former special operations troops intent on providing their own form of security. Millions of Americans are already far better armed and trained than a few hundred IRA or Taliban ever were. And the police and Army would not be operating from secure fire bases, their families living in total safety thousands of miles away in a secure rear area. In this scenario, there is no rear area, and every family member, anywhere, would be at perpetual risk of reprisal actions by any of the warring sides.
In this hyper-dangerous environment, new laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in vehicles would be ignored as the illegitimate diktat of dictatorship, just when the Second Amendment is needed more than ever. Police or military conducting searches for firearms at checkpoints would themselves become targets of vigilante snipers. Serving on anti-firearms duty would be seen as nothing but pure treason by millions of Americans who took the oath to defend the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights. Politicians who did not act in the security interest of their local constituents as a result of political correctness or other reasons would also be targeted.
A festering race war with police and the military in the middle taking fire from both sides could last for many years, turning many American cities into a living hell. Remember history: when the British Army landed in Northern Ireland in 1969, they were greeted with flowers and applause from the Catholics. The Tommys were welcomed as peacekeepers who would protect them from Protestant violence. That soon changed. Likewise with our tragic misadventure in Lebanon back in 1982 and 1983. Well-intended referees often find themselves taking fire from all sides. It’s as predictable as tomorrow’s sunrise. Why would it be any different when the U.S. Army is sent to Los Angeles, Chicago or Philadelphia to break apart warring ethnic factions?
For a long time after these events, it will be impossible for the warring ethnic groups to live together or even to mingle peacefully. Too much rage and hatred will have been built up on all sides of our many American multi-ethnic fault lines. The new wounds will be raw and painful for many years to come, as they were in the South for long after the Civil War. The fracturing of the urban areas, divided by no-man’s-lands, will also hinder economic redevelopment for many years because the critical infrastructure corridors will remain insecure.
Eventually, high concrete “Peace Walls” like those in Belfast, Northern Ireland, will be installed where the different ethnic groups live in close proximity. That is, if recovery to sane and civilized norms of behavior are ever regained in our lifetimes and we don’t slide into a new Dark Age, a stern and permanent tyranny, warlordism, anarchy, or any other dire outcome.
Dark Ages can last for centuries, after sinking civilizations in a vicious, downward vortex. “When the music’s over, turn out the lights,” to quote Jim Morrison of The Doors. Sometimes the lights stay out for a long time. Sometimes civilization itself is lost. Millions of EBT cards flashing zeroes might be the signal event of a terrible transformation.
It is a frightening thing to crystallize the possible outbreak of mass starvation and racial warfare into words, so that the mind is forced to confront agonizingly painful scenarios. It is much easier to avert one’s eyes and mind from the ugliness with politically correct Kumbaya bromides. In this grim essay, I am describing a brutal situation of ethnic civil war not differing much from the worst scenes from recent history in Rwanda, South Africa, Mexico, Bosnia, Iraq, and many other places that have experienced varying types and degrees of societal collapse. We all deplore the conditions that might drive us toward such a hellish outcome, and we should work unceasingly to return America to the path of true brotherhood, peace and prosperity. Race hustlers of every stripe should be condemned.
Most of us wish we could turn back the calendar to Norman Rockwell’s America. But we cannot, for that America is water long over the dam and gone from our sight, if not from our memories. John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” If that is true, judging by current and even accelerating cultural shifts, we might already have passed the point of no return.
The prudent American will trim his sails accordingly.
Matt Bracken is the author of “When The Music Stops” and other essays in The Bracken Anthology, the Enemies Foreign And Domestic trilogy, and his latest novel, Castigo Cay.
Editor’s Note – 0900 EDT 14 SEPT 2012: Per Matt’s request, the second paragraph has been edited slightly to reflect the more probable government actions regarding EBT cards.
Editor’s Note – 0210 EDT 16 SEPT 2012: I have taken the liberty of taking Matt’s note below, originally posted at the end of “Coup”, and placing it here so that new readers would learn of that related essay.
Author’s Note: This essay and last week’s “What I Saw At The Coup” were both written in response to the article published on July 25, 2012 in the semi-official Small Wars Journal titled “Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A Vision of the Future.”
My twin essays represent starkly different “visions of the future” that would-be tyrants, their hopeful henchmen and other self-deluded nimrods may want to consider, before ordering the U.S. military or federal agencies to suppress Americans.
Bill Ayers was one of the people in the room.
AOC is the new dumb and clever Bill Ayers.
I don't know why the answer for some is always communism.
The little coup that couldn’t
Posted on 2/21/2019 by Mike
VDH performs the post-mort.
In sum, the Left and the administrative state, in concert with the media, after failing to stop the Trump campaign, regrouped. They ginned up a media-induced public hysteria, with the residue of the Hillary Clinton campaign’s illegal opposition research, and manipulated it to put in place a special counsel, stocked with partisans.
Then, not thugs in sunglasses and epaulettes, not oligarchs in private jets, not shaggy would-be Marxists, but sanctimonious arrogant bureaucrats in suits and ties used their government agencies to seek to overturn the 2016 election, abort a presidency, and subvert the U.S. Constitution. And they did all that and more on the premise that they were our moral superiors and had uniquely divine rights to destroy a presidency that they loathed.
Shame on all these failed conspirators and their abettors, and may these immoral people finally earn a long deserved legal and moral reckoning.
Yes indeed; t’is a consummation devoutly to be wished. But I won’t be holding my breath, and neither should you. Which brings us right ’round to this truly dismal prospect:
“Imagine, if you will, the momentary hysteria of the Kavanaugh nomination,” this individual writes, “revived and extended into a permanent state, with a real sense of existential threat animating all participants. That is our probable 2019.

“This doesn’t stay inside the Beltway. This means heightened ideological conflict as a permanent feature of ordinary American life,” the writer continues.
“We haven’t seen much of this before — the strife of the 1960s and 1970s being fairly localized in many ways, and that of the 1860s being mostly regionalized — with one major exception. That exception is the American Revolution itself, when neighbors really did turn upon one another in the name of political theory in a process more brutal and merciless than popular memory recalls.”
The writer reminds us that “in our lifetimes, the single most significant threat to the life, liberty and property of the average American citizen has always been the federal government. The danger in 2019 is that a consequence of that federal government’s crescendoing dysfunction will be the replacement of that most significant threat with one far more grave, far more vicious and far more relentless: our own neighbors.”
“This is about people burning down their neighbors’ houses and businesses, to run them out of town, over ideological differences. Look at the Balkans in the early 1990s. This is about a group from one side, murdering the entire family — Dad, Mom, Brother and baby Sister — of their neighbors, over political differences.”
Barring that extreme (or maybe not), “This is the probable 2019 and you should prepare for it,” continues Mr. Robb’s anonymous friend.
Unlike the American Revolution, there will be no black hats or white hats: “There does not seem to be much by way of partisans for liberty in 2019. More apt, probably, is the example of France with its own tradition of ideological self-terrorization, devoid of any good guys, whether in 1792-94, 1870-1871 or 1958-1962.”
You can say that again, pal.
yes VDH is always spot on . He "gets it" unlike some of his other NR colleagues .
The 'Southern Poverty Law Center would probably label those of us who come to this thread a "hate group"
If you are not a politically correct Democrat you are a "hater"
Why these "fkers" get any attention at all is beyond me but then again the ones who pay attention to them are their co MSM and the Democrat Party:
SPLC's endowment is over $400 million if I remember correctly , , ,
Things are rapidly moving to a boil. If you are making moves, now is the time to get things done. Urban areas are death zones. Plan accordingly.
What Would a Hybrid Civil War Look Like?
Hardly a day goes by without the tempo of political hostility rising -- sometimes to the level of physical confrontation. Recently, "a man being sought for the assault of a conservative activist on the University of California, Berkeley campus [was] arrested."
There is less and less regret for incivility. Nobody says sorry anymore, they just retreat into a private reality where they are always right. The Washington Post, still reeling from misidentifying the victim and aggressor in a story about Covington Catholic High School students and activist Nathan Phillips, simply slapped itself on the wrist with an Editor's Note admitting it got its account wrong and declared it all square. That was better than YouTube, which allegedly deplatformed a retired Navy SEAL who debunked Nathan Phillips' claim that he was a Vietnam vet.
Retired Navy Seal Don Shipley has made it his life's mission to expose these shameless charlatans. His channel had 232,806 subscribers at the time it was taken down and had been in operation since around 2008.
He told PJ Media that he thinks his channel was taken down because he had "outed Nathan Phillips," who had "masqueraded as a Vietnam vet."
In Britain, politicians are calling for the frank censorship of "hate speech."
"I have written to Google CEO @SundarPinchai calling on him, as a matter of urgency," wrote one high ranking Labour MP on Twitter, "to remove the YouTube page of Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, aka Tommy Robinson."
The take-no-prisoners nature of the new politics was illustrated by Michelle Malkin's claim at CPAC arguing that Republican elites could not deliver border security.
"E-verify has been stalled. Sanctuary cities have metastasized, and both parties are to blame. And yes, I’m looking at you, retired Paul Ryan. And yes, I’m looking at you, Mitch McConnell! And yes, I’m looking at you, Bush family!" she said before a brief pause, and then, pointing up to the roof, added: “And yes, I’m looking at you, the ghost of John McCain!” The remarks were met with applause and a standing ovation.
Howard Schultz tweeted that "the failed political class of Washington, D.C., has broken America’s political system. And out of that are rising political extremes on both sides." Yet to some, extremes are not a bug but a feature. Bernie Sanders declared without a hint of irony that "Donald Trump wants to divide us up based on the color of our skin, based on where we were born, based on our gender, our religion and our sexual orientation," even though that is the perfect definition of intersectional identity politics.
While one explanation for the fractiousness is a reversion to our primitive natural tendency to mistrust outsiders, the other possibility is that it is now the way modern warfare is waged. The Russians have ascribed events unfolding in Venezuela to an American Trojan Horse strategy. It "would rely on 'protest potential of the fifth column' to destabilize the situation in the countries with unwanted governments ... using the technologies of color revolutions."
The Russians, whose Soviet empire was overthrown by the color revolutions, have been experimenting with similar strategies known as hybrid warfare. As the NYT reported
General Gerasimov laid out in an article published in 2013 ... which many now see as a foreshadowing of the country’s embrace of "hybrid war"... analysts see a progression from the blend of subversion and propaganda used in Ukraine to the tactics later directed against Western nations, including the United States, where Russia’s military intelligence agency hacked into Democratic Party computers during the 2016 election.
With conventional war rendered suicidal by the advent of nuclear weapons, a cocktail of lawfare, info war, deliberate population movement, and targeted physical intimidation is now the toolset of choice and the Russians, Chinese, jihadis, EU, and USA each have their versions.
“The idea that the Russians have discovered some new art of war is wrong,” Mark Galeotti, a Russia expert at the Royal United Services Institute and the author of “Russian Political War,” said of the general’s latest speech. “This is basically the Russians trying to grapple with the modern world.” Hybrid war has long been a Western military term of art, analysts say, especially in the context of counterterrorism.
But since the resulting battlefields are waged inside the country, there is little reason why domestic political conflict should not resemble the international ones. Because victory is now attained by jailing opponents, silencing or financially sanctioning them, punitive prosecution, deplatforming, and universal surveillance are used alike in both cases and it is increasingly hard to tell them apart. The thesis that America is already in a "civil war" or on the brink occurred to Greg Jaffe, national security reporter, and Jenna Johnson, national political correspondent for The Washington Post.
At a moment when the country has never seemed angrier, two political commentators from opposite sides of the divide concurred recently on one point that was once nearly unthinkable: The country is on the verge of “civil war.”
First came former U.S. attorney Joseph diGenova, a Fox News regular and ally of President Trump’s. “We are in a civil war,” he said. “The suggestion that there’s ever going to be civil discourse in this country for the foreseeable future is over. . . . It’s going to be total war.”
The next day, Nicolle Wallace, a former Republican operative turned MSNBC commentator and Trump critic, played a clip of diGenova’s commentary on her show and agreed with him — although she placed the blame squarely on the president.
Trump, she said, “greenlit a war in this country around race. And if you think about the most dangerous thing he’s done, that might be it.” ... fears that once existed only in fiction or in the fevered dreams of conspiracy theorists have become a regular part of the political debate. These days, there is talk of violence, mayhem and, increasingly, civil war.
If a civil war were actually underway it would take the form of hybrid warfare and look much like what can already be observed today. It would explain why, in an era obsessed with safe spaces and tolerance, there is little of either left; why no one is safe from offense, nothing is private; why everything is increasingly criminalized. That context would explain why each new restriction, whether on the use of cash, private transportation, or gun ownership can be perceived as a veiled threat. "Speaking to conservative pundit Laura Ingraham, diGenova summed up his best advice to friends: 'I vote, and I buy guns. And that’s what you should do.'"
It might shed light on why so many people already feel like psychological refugees with the strange sense they have been evicted from their homes and wondering: what happened to my country? To the church on the corner? To family gatherings? Trust networks? Why have they been turned into battlegrounds?
In an eerie case of possible mirror-imaging, the Washington Post article quotes Michael Cohen: "Given my experience working for Mr. Trump, I fear that if he loses the election in 2020, that there will never be a peaceful transition of power." But even if overt violence never breaks out, already among the casualties may be America's soul. Arthur Brooks of AEI describes how hate-filled he thinks society has become.
People often say that our problem in America today is incivility or intolerance. This is incorrect. Motive attribution asymmetry leads to something far worse: contempt, which is a noxious brew of anger and disgust. And not just contempt for other people’s ideas, but also for other people. In the words of the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, contempt is “the unsullied conviction of the worthlessness of another.”
The sources of motive attribution asymmetry are easy to identify: divisive politicians, screaming heads on television, hateful columnists, angry campus activists and seemingly everything on the contempt machines of social media. This “outrage industrial complex” works by catering to just one ideological side, creating a species of addiction by feeding our desire to believe that we are completely right and that the other side is made up of knaves and fools. It strokes our own biases while affirming our worst assumptions about those who disagree with us.
Is America already in a state of civil hybrid war from which only one winner can emerge? The problem with Trojan horses and the reason they're so effective is that they remain ambiguous until it's almost too late.
Though there are a couple of aspects to this article (e.g. the naive reference to the ADL and the SPLC) we of good patriotic orientation need to be aware of the taint of white supremacism/white nationalism on the fringe of our efforts to save America if only to prevent the progressives and the Pravdas from painting us in the public eye as having them among us.
What White Supremacism and Jihadism Have in Common
By Scott Stewart
VP of Tactical Analysis, Stratfor
Scott Stewart
Scott Stewart
VP of Tactical Analysis, Stratfor
A Ku Klux Klan march Aug. 19, 1925, on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington.
(Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
The respective ideologies driving white supremacist and jihadist terrorism share a number of similarities despite their different tenets and opponents.
Law enforcement in the West has more history investigating white supremacist terrorism than jihadism.
While the 9/11 attacks led to a major focus on the jihadist threat, pressure on white supremacists has not relented — but neither have the white supremacists.
In last week's On Security column about the Christchurch attack in New Zealand, I noted that white supremacists adopted the leaderless resistance model of terrorism before jihadists did. A knowledgeable reader subsequently asked about the similarities between white supremacist and jihadist terrorism. Like jihadism, the various ideologies driving white supremacism are not going away any time soon, and comparing the two can provide valuable lessons for understanding the ongoing threat.
The Big Picture
Since the dawn of modern terrorism in Victorian times, radicals from a variety of ideologies have attempted to use violence to draw attention to and advance their political or ideological causes. Law enforcement and security agencies have responded to terrorism using all the tools at their disposal, but arresting or killing terrorist leaders has only reduced the threat, not eliminated it. As long as the ideologies driving terrorism remain — such as the neo-Nazi beliefs that persisted after the fall of Nazi Germany — adherents will be able to radicalize and mobilize new members.
Fragmentation and a Leadership Vacuum
The white supremacist/nationalist universe is heavily fragmented. In general, white supremacists believe white people are inherently superior to other races, while white nationalists, or separatists, focus on maintaining a white race that is separate from other races. The numerous distinct strains of the white supremacist and white separatist ideology range from Klansmen who consider themselves Christians to pagan Odinists, from National Socialists (aka neo-Nazis) who seek to overturn the current political order to patriotic nationalists who seek to return to some imagined golden age. Despite their differences, most of these strains view their local efforts as belonging to a wider global struggle, making them similar to jihadists.
Like jihadists, many white supremacists and nationalists also see themselves as engaged in an existential battle against an encroaching evil. The definition of that evil varies depending on the strain of white supremacism/nationalism involved, but can include Jews, racial minorities, immigrants, global elites or a combination of these. The idea of being engaged in a struggle is similar to how jihadists believe they are battling a "Jewish/Crusader alliance" and other enemies of Islam. Jihadism and white supremacism also tend to be dualistic in the sense that a person is either a member of the ideological in-group or is considered an enemy; they recognize no innocent bystanders.
Most white supremacists/nationalists view themselves as a vanguard seeking to use terrorism to waken the masses who are not racially aware in order to precipitate an apocalyptic final battle — sometimes referred to as RAHOWA, short for "racial holy war" — that will result in a final reckoning and the establishment of pure white homelands. The attackers behind the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, the 1996 Olympic Park bombing, the 2011 Norway attacks and the recent Christchurch mass shootings all articulated this desire to spark a final battle.
Al Qaeda was similarly formed to serve as a vanguard organization to lead a global jihad. Osama bin Laden and other jihadist leaders such as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi have sought to use terrorism to draw the United States into an apocalyptic battle and to mobilize the Muslim masses to rise up and fight.
Al Qaeda and the Islamic State, however, have proved far more successful at attracting people to the jihadist cause than white supremacists and nationalists recently have. One factor accounting for this is the battlefield successes enjoyed by jihadist insurgents in places like Iraq, Syria and Libya, which have created territory where foreign jihadists can join the struggle. While a few Western white supremacists/nationalists have traveled to fight with right-wing groups such as the Azov Battalion in eastern Ukraine and in Rhodesia during the bush war of the 1970s, there simply has not been a similar battlefield for white supremacists/nationalists to rally around. Moreover, the pull of Ukraine for white supremacists has been lessened by the fact that, like Nazi Germany, some white supremacists consider Slavic people racially inferior.
The lack of an obvious standard-bearer for the whole movement has also been a major inhibitor of white supremacism/nationalism relative to jihadism. As noted above, the white supremacist and white nationalist movement is highly fragmented. There simply is no central figure even for the various individual parts of the white supremacist movement to rally around, much less for the entire movement to rally around. This is understandable given the abundance of ideologies that comprise the white supremacist universe. Even the neo-Nazi segment of the movement in the United States has lacked a central figure since George Lincoln Rockwell.
After his 1967 assassination, Rockwell's followers formed many competing splinter groups. Some fairly well-known figures emerged from Rockwell's organization, such as National Alliance founder William Pierce, American Nazi Party leader Matt Koehl (both now dead) and James Mason, the founder of the National Socialist Liberation Front — whose later adoption of some of Charles Manson's ideas formed the ideological basis for the recently formed, violently radical Atomwafen Division. These successors were often at odds with each other as they competed for a relatively small pool of funding and recruits. More recently, some leaders have rapidly risen to prominence inside the United States only to fade, such as Bill White of the National Socialist Movement and Richard Spencer of the National Policy Institute.
Such leaders have never managed to consolidate much control over the movement inside the United States, much less globally. Spencer attempted to bring some sort of unity to the movement in the United States through the August 2017 "Unite the Right" march in Charlottesville, Virginia, to which he attracted some 500 people from an array of neo-Nazi, neo-Confederate, Klan, militia, white nationalist, white identity, skinhead, alt-right and other white supremacist and nationalist groups. When about 1,000 counterdemonstrators met these white supremacists in the absence of an inadequate police presence, the situation descended into violence and the rally was canceled. An angry white supremacist then drove into a crowd of counterprotesters celebrating the cancellation, killing a counterprotester.
After the Charlottesville debacle, finger-pointing and backbiting among white supremacist and nationalist leaders quickly ensued, and any small steps toward cohesion Spencer may have generated in the runup to the event quickly were reversed. An August 2018 attempt to re-create the Unite the Right event in Washington failed, with only a few dozen white supremacists/nationalists appearing. And so the white supremacist and nationalist movement continue to lack the sort of global leader akin to bin Laden or al-Baghdadi, a leadership gap it has experienced since the fall of the Axis powers.
A History of Disruption by Law Enforcement
Speaking of the fall of Hitler and Mussolini, history is another major difference between white supremacist terrorism and jihadism. Law enforcement in the United States has been dealing with white supremacist violence since the mid-19th century and the sacking of Lawrence, Kansas, in 1856 and the establishment of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1860s. Anti-immigration fervor also led to a major revival of the Klan (and its violence) in the 1920s, with millions of people joining the Klan — even in Northern states. In a show of power on Aug. 8, 1925, 50,000 robed Klansmen paraded down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, an event Spencer consciously sought to replicate with the Unite the Right march. White supremacist violence in the United States also reared its head during the 1950s and 1960s, when Klansmen and other white supremacists lynched persons it deemed troublemakers, torched homes and bombed churches.
By the early 1970s, the Covenant Sword and Arm of the Lord, a Christian identity domestic terrorist group, was formed, followed by The Order in the 1980s. The years 1977-1980 saw Joseph Paul Franklin conducted a string of racially motivated murders, robberies and arsons spanning several states, severely wounding high-profile personalities Vernon Jordan and Larry Flynt in failed assassination attempts. In 1981, a group of U.S. and Canadian white supremacists was arrested for plotting to overthrow the government of Dominica.
This cluster of white supremacist terrorist activity drew significant law enforcement attention to the movement. Law enforcement efforts culminated in the Fort Smith sedition trial in 1988, in which 14 white supremacist leaders were charged with seditious conspiracy. The charged included members of The Order and the Covenant Sword and Arm of the Lord along with Klan Leader Louis Beam, National Alliance William Pierce and Aryan Nations leader Richard Butler.
In the late 1980s, a very mature and diverse white supremacist movement began to consider the leaderless resistance model of terrorism. Al Qaeda formed around the same time, launching the global jihadist movement.
Although the 14 white supremacist leaders were acquitted of seditious conspiracy charges, the trial still proved a watershed event for the white supremacist movement in the United States. Testimony at the trial revealed that undercover law enforcement informants had heavily infiltrated all of the organizations. This revelation caused white supremacists to rethink how they conducted terrorism, with many adopting the leaderless resistance model in which lone assailants and phantom cells conduct illegal activity while aboveground individuals and groups careful not to break the law disseminate propaganda and provide guidance to the underground terrorists. To do this, they have taken ample advantage of freedom of expression laws, first in physical publishing and broadcasting and later on the internet, something the jihadists have also done more recently.
The change in tactical approach was made visible in the fiction written by National Alliance leader William Pierce. In 1978, he wrote a book called "The Turner Diaries" using the pen name Andrew Macdonald, a work intended to provide a blueprint for conducting terrorist operations as an underground organization. Not coincidentally, the organization in "The Turner Diaries" was named "The Order." In 1989 following the Fort Smith trial, Pierce wrote a different operational blueprint in a book called "Hunter," which provided a leaderless resistance model. (Pierce dedicated Hunter to Joseph Paul Franklin.) Louis Beam also published a treatise on leaderless resistance in his publication "The Seditionist" in 1992.
Thus, a very mature and diverse white supremacist movement was moving to adopt the leaderless resistance model of terrorism shortly after al Qaeda was created in 1988 and launched the global jihadist movement. It would be several years before jihadists would feel the need to begin to adopt leaderless resistance in response to law enforcement pressure.
Not only did white supremacist groups garner significant law enforcement attention many decades before jihadists did, they also were far easier for European and U.S. law enforcement agencies to monitor and infiltrate because there were no ethnic or language barriers to overcome. Western law enforcement agencies and their personnel also better understood the ideology of white supremacy than that of jihadism. (Some would argue they still do.)
Indeed, attention to the white supremacist threat became so heavy that deconfliction became a serious problem for U.S. law enforcement. In some Klan or neo-Nazi meetings — and later in IRC channels, Usenet chat rooms and websites on the internet — there were more undercover law enforcement officers and informants than there were white supremacists. Organizations that monitored white supremacists such as the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center added to the many eyes on the white supremacist movement.
Until 9/11, law enforcement paid nowhere near the attention to jihadists that it paid to white supremacists and nationalists. Due to the magnitude of the 9/11 attacks, however, the attention pendulum rapidly swung in the direction of the jihadists, with law enforcement agencies adding language skills and diversity to help in their fight.
But U.S. law enforcement never fully took its eyes off the white supremacist/nationalist threat. As we noted in 2007, law enforcement used the new tools provided by the Patriot Act to hit a wide array of white supremacist/nationalist groups and leaders very hard in the early 2000s.
Such pressure has not relented. As we noted in August 2017, law enforcement has even used the same tactics developed in the fight against grassroots jihadists to combat grassroots right-wing extremists. And U.S. law enforcement is not alone: European law enforcement agencies have consistently targeted violent white supremacist and nationalist groups, resulting in a highly fragmented white supremacist movement in Europe.
Acknowledging that white supremacism and nationalism is not a new problem and that law enforcement has never stopped addressing it is not to dismiss the danger white supremacists and nationalists pose. White supremacist/nationalist terrorism is a very old problem, one that law enforcement in the West continues to battle. And as with jihadism, the various ideologies driving white supremacism/nationalism are not going away any time soon.
Scott Stewart supervises Stratfor's analysis of terrorism and security issues. Before joining Stratfor, he was a special agent with the U.S. State Department for 10 years and was involved in hundreds of terrorism investigations.
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Follow up to the preceding:
A picture of the suspect was released by police.
I've never seen a hat commit so many crimes. People interviewed were more offended by the hat than by then homophobic slurs. Is the California legislature going to react with sword control laws?
Obama Biden stickers and emblems used to offend me just as much as Maga hat wearers offend socialists.
but I wouldn't dream of belittling them or getting into their face or arguing with them about them expressing their opinion.
not like the LEFT that ironically always goes around screaming "free speech"*
(*as long as politically correct)
Obama Biden stickers and emblems used to offend me just as much as Maga hat wearers offend socialists.
but I wouldn't dream of belittling them or getting into their face or arguing with them about them expressing their opinion.
not like the LEFT that ironically always goes around screaming "free speech"*
(*as long as politically correct)
Right. I wouldn't dream of wearing the hat or identifying my car with a sticker, but my vote for him again looks certain.
The slogan is brilliant. Trump openly admits he stole it from Reagan. It's game theory 101 and his opponents walk right into the trap of opposing: "Make America Great Again".
Learning nothing from Michelle Obama, "first time I have ever been proud of my country", Eric Holder was the latest Leftist celeb to question, "when was America ever great?"
"When was America ever great?" One commenter mentioned 1945 as a good example, when by chance my dad was in the first medical unit to arrive at Buchenwald (concentration camp), drove released Nazi POW soldiers to their homes in his ambulance, awaited instructions of whether they would join the Pacific conflict next, and my mom was among the first women in the world to enter aeronautical (now aerospace) engineering. You would have to be very deep inside a Democrat-run city today to see this country as one of the shitholes. But even there the "poor" on average have multiple cars, air conditioning, cable tv and free healthcare.
April 6, 2019
The Never-Ending Threat of Civil War
By E.M. Cadwaladr
We and the Left are now two nations within one country. This is undeniable. We are now so different that we cannot even agree on what a country is, or on the merits of a country having a border. The number of people who still say, "I just don't care about politics" dwindles. It is still possible to hate both sides — but it is getting hard to be indifferent and still be breathing. How many people can just take or leave infanticide? How many people are entirely flexible about the idea of the government having authority over anything and everything, to experimenting with our fundamental demographics, or to giving up fossil fuels cold turkey?
The "news," whether ours or theirs, focuses myopically on the daily round of legal wrangling that now completely lacks the power to resolve our differences. The law has degenerated into a mere procedural habit. Few people, and even fewer officials, were genuinely interested in whether Robert Mueller was pursuing the truth or not. The assumption, on both sides, was that he wasn't. What matters now is simply which side wins. We won this round, but we should not read too much into that fleeting, rather technical victory. We delude ourselves if we believe that a report, a statute, or a ruling will make either of the two antagonistic nations abandon their respective causes. Both sides will continue to play the legal game only so long as they believe that the law can keep their adversaries at bay. If either side is ever proven irrefutably wrong in that belief, violence will follow soon after as the option of default. History screams this truth — even to those who are too deaf to hear it. Nations, distinct peoples with their own deep feelings of identity, do not consent quietly to their own demise.
While I personally would dance an Irish reel to see a nationwide roundup of errant Democrat councilpersons for the crime of declaring their cities exempt from federal immigration law, I know that this would be a revolutionary detonator for the Left. Many leftists would certainly decide to pursue their ends "by any means necessary." Some of them have done so already. Just ask Steve Scalise. We have our breaking point, and they have theirs. Our two nations hang suspended over war's abyss, kept in mid-air temporarily by a tug-of-war of pundits, politicians, and overpaid attorneys. Our "leaders" are not quite ready to repudiate the only instruments of power they know how to wield, but in their cynical maneuvering, they have broken the very foundations of the rule of law itself. We have seen the two-tiered legal system and found it unworthy of respect. We have watched in quiet horror as a federal judge in Hawaii stuck his dainty legal foot in front of Trump's immigration order — but that's exactly how the game is played. You and I hold our breath, waiting for the shambling Frankenstein's monster of formalities to eventually keel over and drop dead. We wait for our side to finally draw a line and say, "Enough!" — or for their side to dig in and openly proclaim, "We won't be bound by a constitution written by old dead white men anymore!"
Consider the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact that a dozen states have now passed into law. These states have agreed to sign their citizens' electoral votes over to whatever presidential candidate wins the popular vote. In one sense, this may be constitutional. The framers allowed each state to determine for itself how its electors would be assigned. In another sense, such laws are clearly anti-constitutional. The framers quite explicitly intended to preserve the sovereignty of the less populous states, and a National Popular Vote Interstate Compact accomplishes just the opposite end. Such laws are nothing less than attempts by California and New York to nullify the interests of whole regions of the country. If the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact movement succeeds in achieving its golden number of 270 votes, will the state of Oklahoma, or Alabama, or Alaska, be content to have its votes made moot? At what point does such a clever lawyer's trick make secession less objectionable than the alternative?
The abyss looms large beneath us. We are stretched closer and closer to our limits.
The people who are eager for a civil war are fools. They don't understand the catastrophe they're begging for. But the people who believe that a civil war is now a real possibility are neither fools nor wild-eyed alarmists. Moreover, the people who believe that, grim though the prospect may be, war might be the lesser of two evils have a daily strengthening case. The Left has shown itself to be dedicated to the destruction of Western civilization itself. We have not been faced with such an existential threat since European armies threw the Turks back from Vienna in 1529. The fascists of the mid–2oth century, for all their loathsome policies, were not the kind of threat to the fabric of our society that we face now. Bad as they were, they did not seek the destruction of Europeans as a people, or of European culture as a living, breathing thing. Progressivism does. What could be more worthy of, if you will forgive the word, "resistance"?
We conservatives have let this ideological cancer metastasize for far too long for its excision to be simple or painless. For too long, we have been patient with outrages we should have fought to reverse. We have let our opponents secede incrementally from us for decades. We have been tolerant and patient. In our tolerance and patience, we have given up our civil society, our political representation, and our freedoms one by one. Our maladies won't be fixed by delicate adjustments now — half-heartedly performed by yet another generation of narcissistic government planners and invisible elitist bureaucrats. Intellectuals like George Will and think-tanks like the Heritage Foundation have done us little good. Our condition demands a radical, unflinching surgery if we, as a nation, are to survive. Either the cancer wins, and kills us all, or we defeat it — and we accept the scars. Let us not pretend they would not be hideous scars. And let us not pretend it would not be a deeply barbarous and bitter surgery.
The truth is that we, as individuals, have rather few decisions left to make. The titanic nations of the Left and right are rising en masse — flexing their muscles and snorting menacingly at one another. We cannot get out of their way. There is no safe part of the country, nor any genuinely safe haven left in any other country. This is a global conflict. We have run out of frontiers. There is only so much "prepping" one can do for an upheaval of this magnitude. We Americans have not seen such a calamity on our soil for six generations. What our ancestors knew, we have forgotten. The Civil War of our history has become a dim and comfortable myth. A new war leers at us like the devil, but we talk about it like a football game. We may learn as human beings have always learned — the hard way.
Whether to fight it or to prevent the next civil war, Republicans need to hold the Senate under all circumstances to keep the fight political.
Democrats have quite recently accelerated their anti-constitutional direction. We had Roe v Wade, the Bork fight and war on the second amendment, but now the move away from constitutional limits on government power is fully out in plain sight. Abandoning the electoral college is an obvious example. "Pack the Court" is now considered a reasonable position on the Democratic side, see Butgieg thread. Also see the Dem support and complicity in the attempted coup. AG Bill Barr gets it: if true, this is a "big deal".
We no longer have moderate Republicans (or moderate Democrats) winning or even competitive in Senate races in Democrat majority states like New York, California, Illinois and so on. Republicans need to start winning 100% of the races in their states as well as this country gets more and more divided.
Lately R's lost Senate races in Alabama, Montana, West Virginia, Ohio and Arizona in what was considered a good year for Republicans in the Senate. All politics is local? Bullsh*t Rubbish. The war is national at a minimum.
I hate to compare anything here with al Qaida, ISIS etc, but one side declared war and the other pretends the intentions of their rivals are fine, don't worry.
Trump threaded the needle to win the Presidency,. He might win again but no one sees how a Republican wins after that. Meanwhile Supreme Court nominees now require just 50-51 votes in the Senate for confirmation. The next President could appoint and get confirmed a dozen new Justices on the first day if he, she or zhe wants to, if the opposition doesn't do everything politically possible to stop them.
With a Republican majority Senate, the battles that President Kamala (or whoever) faces stay mostly in Washington. Legislation and court nominees would need to attract a Republican vote or two.
With the McCain, Collins, Murkowski, Flake, Corker experience, we know that defections are possible and that a one or two seat majority is not a majority. Republicans need to win all Senate seats in the conservative states and half the seats in the divided states.
When Democrats finally win it all again, House, Senate, Presidency and the Courts, and they decide to rule the rest of the country without their consent, whether gun confiscation or just banning automobiles as they already propose, the war is on and there is no path to victory for either side.
The only antidote to the poison that is the Left is to stop losing winnable elections.
"The only antidote to the poison that is the Left is to stop losing winnable elections"
In my thinking I place considerable responsibility for the state we are in to the Hard Left's decision in the early 70s to go into education to indoctrinate the next generations.
We need to roll up our sleeves and do the deep work to pass on the American Creed.
In my thinking I place considerable responsibility for the state we are in to the Hard Left's decision in the early 70s to go into education to indoctrinate the next generations.
We need to roll up our sleeves and do the deep work to pass on the American Creed.
Amen. I was thinking the same thing about having 100% liberal entrenchment in education against us, literally pre-school to career. Even more powerful than leftist teachers for the college kid is the 100% conversion of his or her peers. It is hard to think differently with no other views offered and nearly impossible to us to reach them. We can not equal them by getting conservatives to be educators. We need to reach a part of their attention span in other ways.
It's time for Crafty's viral videos to launch. Maybe the forum can reach out too.
Here is the lineup of the Democrats' nine strategic objectives to purge the Constitution from our electoral process and ensure their perpetual majority:
1) resist attempts to secure our southern border and thereby allow illegal immigrants to flood the country;
2) give illegals voting rights;
3) oppose voter-ID requirements;
4) rig the census so that illegals are counted as U.S. citizens;
5) lower the voting age to introduce a younger, more ignorant, and more impressionable demographic;
6) centralize elections so the outcome can more easily be rigged;
7) give statehood to overwhelmingly Democratic Puerto Rico and Washington, DC;
8) abolish the constitutionally mandated Electoral College; and finally,
9) pack the Supreme Court with additional justices to make sure their plan for a permanent Democrat majority faces no legal hurdles.
amazing how the Left gets those on the Right who disagree with them to grovel and beg for forgiveness:
I will have to do some research on this.
Looking forward to the results!
Notice the lefty mindset that FB should silence those it opposes:
Third post
Notice the lefty mindset that FB should silence those it opposes:
They want you silenced and disarmed while they destroy your country.
Posted here because of its relevance to suppression of the right to assemble.
Posted here because of its relevance to suppression of the right to assemble.
Tanks move with an infantry escort normally. Why? Because they are vulnerable to being destroyed/disabled otherwise.
By what technology?
By what technology?
Though this source may be unreliable, there may be some new data in here for you GM.
second post
with headline dire warnings on Huff post today :
The Left wing propaganda:
I heard a rumor DJT had a secret meeting with the highest ranking tank and helicopter commanders at one of his golf clubs yesterday making plans to secure DC if he loses the election and arrest all Democrats and send them to Guatamano if he loses.
Then arrest all left wing media personnel and their families and send them to concentration camps on the bikini islands.
As for all sanctuary city mayors they will be arrested , put on trial for treason, and if found guilty , which in the style of Beria, they all will be , then executed.
Right wing media will be taken over and made part of the Trumps new dictatorship and put under control of the Sparta Report as the propaganda wing of the new government.
Trump (hopefully) wins and those who love freedom and the Constitution will be able to buy more time to counter the Left's onslaught of doing that exact same thing to US (though without tanks)! Just with endless laws , court rulings, control of academia , media , censorship, more taxes, confiscation , not enforcing laws they find inconvenient, and making up all sorts of new laws to further their agenda , control us, confiscate, bribe their mob and further fracture us more
Fight back!
Question: What are the legal issues when someone blocks your camera? Can you move their hand out of the way?
Question: What are the legal issues when someone blocks your camera? Can you move their hand out of the way?
Technically, it could fall under a harrassment/disorderly conduct statute, under those circumstances, unlikely to see any action from law enforcement.
A Conservative Resistance?
By Angelo Codevilla| June 13th, 2019
Leftists in America treat conservative voters, elected officials, and policies as illegitimate. Should conservative Americans return the favor? Could they?
Few outside the corporate leftist media took seriously Hillary Clinton’s accusation that Donald Trump might refuse to accept defeat in the 2016 election. Though Americans’ sociopolitical divisions had already become irreconcilable, no one really believed that a major party would rebel against the voters, and hence against our constitutional republic—yet.
And yet the Democratic Party and the ruling class that it represents did just that, and decided never again to concede legitimacy to any serious opponents’ victory.
#TheResistance began as an attempt by Clinton and her staffers to explain why their unexpected electoral defeat had to be illegitimate. It burgeoned quickly into rejection of rule by voters because so many on the Left and in the ruling class rallied to it, having already decided that ordinary Americans have no right to stand in their way.
Clinton’s characterization of Trump voters as “deplorables” and “irredeemables” and Barack Obama’s description of rural Republican voters as “clingers” to Bibles, guns, and racism, has long been ruling-class conventional wisdom. This attitude is what crossed the threshold of revolution.
Because the Resistance succeeded so well in limiting the impact of the 2016 election, it solidified the Left and the ruling class’s sense of common identity and entitlement. Henceforth, the bureaucracies, the educational establishment, the judges, the corporate establishment and the media will continue to impose themselves, regardless of conservative election victories or laws, never mind the Constitution. This attitude is not the result of a policy decision, but the expression of an evolving identity.
The Resistance also portends the wholesale abandonment by the ruling class of limits in cases of electoral victories. Already we have the precedent of the Obama Administration refusing to enforce laws it disliked (defense of marriage, religious freedom restoration, illegal immigration), and ruling “with a pen and a phone” on the principle of “stop me if you can.”
With the advent of the Resistance, the ruling class merged with radical identity groups and has become dependent upon them for electoral success. Because radical blacks, third-wave feminists, LGBTQ identitarians, etc. regard most Americans as enemies, given that “intersectionality”—i.e., concurrence in wreaking vengeance upon the rest of America—is what binds these disparate groups together, a victorious Democratic Party’s extra-legal rule will be far more noxious next time around.
Were the radicalized Democratic Party to win the 2020 elections, the top of its agenda would feature prohibition of abortion restrictions, a crackdown on non-public education, and the pursuit of “environmental criminals”—as well as ever newer and more Byzantine impositions of political correctness.
Would a conservative resistance to such a turn of events even be possible? Conservatives lack the control of society’s commanding heights that made the ruling class’s resistance to 2016 so successful. Constitutionalist judges might well rule that certain government actions were ultra vires. But the ruling class would ignore such judges, as they do now, and the media would pillory them. The media would also cheerlead the prosecution of whomever stood in the way.
The conservative resistance would have to be organized, openly as a revolution, by national-level political leaders, whose credible voices could not be silenced. This resistance would have two assets: state-local government backed by the people, and economic boycotts.
But rallying the deplorables would have to overcome the natural conservative reluctance to acknowledge that the Republic of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, the republic of “all men are created equal,” is beyond our capacity now to restore. It must be understood that it needs instead to be reasserted anew.
Unlike the Left’s resistance, however, the conservative one would aim not at forcing anything upon those who deplore us, but at ruling ourselves in living our lives as we think we should.
The state and corporate officials who have pressured conservative America to bend to their ways by withdrawing their business from recalcitrant localities threaten those whom they target with isolation. They discount the fact that isolation is a double-edged sword, which their targets can wield to greater effect than they. Some 180 corporate CEOs declared they will reduce business in states that restrict abortions. But the moment that conservatives come to view companies and institutions like, say, Procter & Gamble, or Disney, or corporate Hollywood, as an enemy of their way of life, said institution is cut in half, at best. Twitter says conservative speech is hate speech. Why should conservatives use Twitter?
Conservative boycotts would intend not to change corporate policies, but to channel conservative patronage away from their enemies—to amputate diseased parts of the body politic so that healthy ones might grow.
Similarly, conservatives should call out and boycott schools and any other institutions that show themselves to be promoting a way of life alien to them. Why should we associate with those who hate us?
Analogously, the past decade has seen 11 states, notably Colorado, California, Oregon, and Washington, legalize the production and marketing of marijuana for recreational use, contrary to federal law. Any number of states and localities, also following their voters, have refused to enforce U.S immigration laws. Explicitly, the governors of California and New York have made their governments part of the Resistance to the Trump Administration. The federal government has not used force against these states or their cannabis entrepreneurs, or against officials who violate federal immigration law. There is no reason why conservative state and local governments could not, should not follow their voters’ preferences with regard to abortion, health care, or anything else in defiance of what the federal government, or judges, or bureaucrats, or anyone, might demand of them.
The ruling class, unwilling to loosen its grip on America, will appeal to “the rule of law,” use its control of the bureaucracy to cut funds, its control of the media to intimidate, and might even send some federal agents to give substance to that intimidation. They might point guns. But knowing what they are up against, they dare not shoot.
America has already come apart. The conservative resistance can conserve only one of those parts.
Gay minority violently assaulted by white guys in masks. The police do nothing.
Waiting for all the outrage from the left.
Whoops. Wrong type of gay minority.
Could be internet trollery, or , , ,
Yeah. The political philosophy guilty of the most human deaths in history totally wouldn’t do that.
"History provides us with several examples of just how highly organized and well armed the left can be, they did manage to overthrow the Czar.
"Let's see off the top of my head, Mao and his merry band of Marxist fanboys, all the players in South Asia ( Viet Minh, Pathet Lao, Khmer Rouge and PAVN ( Viet Cong), Fidel, Raoul and Che, Tito in Yugoslavia ( thank you very much Mr. Churchill), ZANU/ZAPU, UNITA and the MPLA. Then you had the European revolutionary hobbyists, Red Brigade, Red Help, Red Army Faction, ETA and the CCC."
like the Left refuses to enforce immigration laws?
what they will round up 150 million or more people ?
Doxxing as targeting.
their entire reporting consists of
Trump is a racist
Saw the end of the movie the Shining today and Katherine saw the end for the first time me for the umpteenth time
The scene where his wife realizes all the typing he had been doing for weeks consisted of him derangedly typing "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!"
over and over again
All I could think of is the deranged leftist pricks repeating over and over and over and over again "trump is racist"
trying to brainwash us to simply accept it because THEY say so.
How can we get a message out past all this?
August 07, 2019
Dayton Mass Murderer Was Member of Antifa's Armed Brigades
A friend pointed out that we will have absolute proof of the media's sickening bias and support for violent terrorists, as we have the opportunity to watch them cover two precisely-analogous situations side-by-side.
One will be endlessly propagandized.
The other will be almost entirely ignored and suppressed.
Dayton mass shooter Connor Betts was reportedly spotted carrying a gun and protesting at a Ku Klux Klan rally earlier this year.
The 24-year-old was among the 500 to 600 counter-protesters who attended the May 25 event in opposition of the KKK, according to the Dayton Daily News.
He spoke briefly with a reporter -- wielding a semi-automatic, AR-style gun similar to the one he used in this past weekend’s shooting, the newspaper says.
Betts was wearing sunglasses and a bandanna at the time, which reportedly covered his face. There were only nine KKK members in attendance for the rally.
Andy Ngo says Betts seems to be the first antifa mass-murderer.
While the attacks are similar, the response from liberals and leftists has been anything but.
Democratic presidential candidates Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris and Bernie Sanders succinctly condemned white nationalism -- the ideology espoused by the El Paso shooter in his purported 2,300-word manifesto.
However, when it comes to condemning the Dayton shooter's militant far-left views, all remain mum....
While Betts, the Dayton shooter, didn't leave behind a manifesto, his extensive social-media footprint provides clues as to what may have inspired him. Federal investigators announced Tuesday that they are looking into his exploration of violent ideologies.
Betts had long expressed support for antifa accounts, causes and individuals. That would be the loose network of militant leftist activists who physically attack anyone to the right of Mao in the name of "anti-fascism." In particular, Betts promoted extreme hatred of American border enforcement.
"Kill every fascist," the shooter declared in 2018 on twitter, echoing a rallying cry of antifa ideologues. Over the next year, his tweets became increasingly violent. "Nazis deserve death and nothing else," he tweeted last October. Betts frequently flung the label "Nazi" at those with whom he disagreed online.
By December, he reached out on Twitter to the Socialist Rifle Association, an antifa gun group, to comment about bump stocks, and the SRA responded to him....
In the months leading to his rampage, Betts expressed a longing for climactic confrontation. In response to an essay by Intercept writer Mehdi Hassan titled, "Yes, Let's Defeat or Impeach Trump--but What If He Doesn't Leave the White House?” the shooter wrote: "Arm, train, prepare."
By June he tweeted: "I want socialism, and I’ll not wait for the idiots to finally come round understanding." Last week, he promoted posts that demonized Sens. Ted Cruz and Bill Cassidy’s resolution against antifa extremism.
Can't wait for Chris Cuomo's pro-antifa-murder sermon: "Not all mass murder killing sprees are morally equal."
If you don't have plans and supplies in place, you are rapidly running out of time.
Second post
Second post
I agree.
Beware The Wrath Of Patient Men
Dear Leftards:
You irrepressible commie halfwits think you've got the cards. You're the idiot talking tough with the shotgun in your hand, and you're about to get comeuppance. In Louis L'Amour's memorable phrase, you're about to have your meathouse torn down. With a mere couple of nutbags (mainly your own nutbags, nota bene) doing what nutbags do, you imagine you've got enough pull now to leverage your way into more asinine abridgments of the Constitution.
You haven't, you won't, and you really, really need to knock it off.
I remind you of this while you've got your limbs and most of your teeth all still attached.
We're really not kidding.
You've had all the slices of our cake you're ever getting.
Step. AWAY. From the table.
STFU, keep your hands in plain sight, and walk away, and you might live through this.
And for the cynical timid souls on the other side suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and normalcy bias, desist.
Heller and McDonald, and the appellate decisions that set that table, are now settled black-letter law, and everyone who cares knows that. In their bones.
You cannot unring that bell.
And ammo is as much a part of "arms" in the 2nd A. as the guns themselves, so that dog won't hunt either.
People in CA watched one lone lunatic, Dorner, tie this state up from Oregon to Mexico, for a week...for one rogue ex-cop.
The CHP wasn't writing any tickets, because every cruiser was sitting on a freeway onramp, looking for him to show up. The paper-tiger LAPD was shooting at anything that moved, they were so fearful of the wrath of just one guy, and not a very bright one at that. (Which made it a fair fight, in the end.)
So the limits of your actual power are now common knowledge, even in the bluest states.
A lot of people thought we'd be facing ramped up anti-gun legislation long before now, because Shrillary and the Clinton Family Crime Syndicate looked like a shoe-in...until she wasn't.
And serious people were ready, then, to open the ball you're itching for now.
If TPTB were to decide they could set the last vestiges of the Constitution on fire, there's more than a few that would take it upon themselves as a point of honor, not to wait cowering inside their homes, but to go out hunting OPFOR, 24/7/365. And they'd get more than one scalp apiece.
Two lunkhead "snipers" in D.C. tied the District up for a month, and none of their shots over 100 yards. What do you suppose will happen when the people involved can hit their targets at 600 yards all the live long day?
Twenty such would turn this country on its head.
A hundred would mean guerrilla war and martial law.
A thousand such, and it's a war that Team Oppression will never win.
(Afghanistan ring a bell? Vietnam? Stop me if you've heard this one...)
And the conservative odds are that once it started, it wouldn't stay twenty, a hundred, or a thousand.
It would be a million.
Maybe several.
We barely have that many full-time military troops in the Army and Marines combined, right now, and were those troops to join in, they'd be attrited to nothing in a season or two, at the outside. And if they ever opened fire on anyone, they'd just swell the ranks of the insurgency a thousandfold, with every volley.
Not to mention a non-zero number who would switch sides at the first opportunity.
The military you think you'll use wouldn't be a force, it would be a resupply point.
Public officials would be in hiding.
And at that point, government ceases to function, or exist, in any real sense.
Once you have open warfare, you don't have any America to save any more.
All you Leftards have is B.S. and bluster, and that never even won a playground fight, let alone a shooting war.
And most of the people you'd be facing have seen the elephant already, and been in shooting wars, real ones, not Antifa airsoft cosplay slapfights, nor the likes of Pete Williams and Shrillary remembering that time they parachuted into combat on a flying unicorn under sniper fire with the 82nd Airborne.
They already know what they're doing, they have their logistics on their closet shelf, and they'll take Leviathan apart with millions of bites, the same way ants eat an elephant.
This is not a zipper you ought to pull, but if you do, what falls on you after is going to be so awesomely terrible that you'll stare in wonderment, right up until it smacks the ever-loving shit right out of your heads, and kills you with as much compassion as a bulldozer running over maggots.
All it needs is a single match, and the your side is flicking lighters in a room full of gasoline and gunpowder.
Now is not the time to bet on things going like they always went.
It's not headed that way, and the physics of what will ensue guarantee the pieces won't even come back after the explosions in the same time zone.
In short, minions of Leftardia and Stupidia, you have blundered into a minefield, on a pogo stick.
Stop what you're doing, tiptoe out, and pray to whatever deity you think appropriate that you get away with your skins.
Because if you insist on pushing your revolution, you're going to get the war of which you cannot grasp, and the results of which you cannot even conjure in your wildest fever-swamp nightmares.
And your opponents, who've been stacking in supplies and loading magazines, are shifting from backing away, and hoping the fight you long for doesn't come, and instead coming to a feeling of thinking it's about time to roll up their sleeves, and end you.
Not your party.
Not your progressive communist utopia.
For all values of that word.
Every goddamned traitorous last one of you. Followed by your spouses, your children, your pets, your semi-domesticated illegal alien hordes, your schemes, your putrescent institutions, your metastasizing socialist programs, and every festering vestige of pustulence you've spewed onto a country you do not understand, didn't build, and over which you and yours will never rule.
Your pendulum is out of gas (and had you the wit, you might have noticed that in 2016, and gone home to pout quietly until you could function in polite society), and the pushback if you dare it, is going to be measured in megadeaths, if not actually megatons. Stalin, Mao, Fidel, and Pol Pot all had it your way. Look for those scales to be balanced, at your expense, in the upcoming sportiness you really do not want, and cannot comprehend.
And if the Deplorables you misunderestimated ever set out to do that, in earnest, people will talk about you and your fate for millennia, the way they talk about Carthage after the Third Punic War now.
You are running out of chances, and your continued efforts in the service of igniting that fuse are rapidly transitioning, in saner minds, from being a bug in the system, to being a feature of it, and a consummation devoutly to be wished.
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
But we aren't in a democracy, and never have been. A fact of which your Common Core miseducation has left you blissfully clueless.
We are and always have been a constitutional republic, which notes that the sheep hereabouts may be armed, lest the wolves forget the limits of their franchise.
And lest you misunderstand that reality, what's going on the menu if you continue to agitate beyond your bounds, is you.
Communism Is Not Coming To America, It’s Here, And Millions Will Suffer
by L Todd Wood August 8, 20193 5092
I spoke to several elderly Russian emigres this week while traveling abroad. They all had come to the West prior to the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s. They now live in the United States and return to their Motherland occasionally to visit family and old friends. They all had a very similar story to tell.
This column is supposed to be about national security and geopolitics. But these recent conversations reinforced the feeling I have had for some time regarding our security: The greatest threat the United States faces is from inside — the scourge of socialism.
One woman in her 80s — I’ll call her Svetlana — was heartbroken. The fear and horror was evident in her eyes as she talked about her experiences as a young person growing up in the USSR.
“I left the Soviet Union to escape communism, socialism, Marxism — whatever you want to call it,” she recalled. “America was and still is the only place in the world you are truly free, and you are losing it. Now the evil is coming here; it is all around us, especially where I live in California. These people are ignorant, they have no historical knowledge, and they are very dangerous. The ideology is seductive to America’s naive youth and always ends up with people dead.”
Of course, many of us have been saying the same thing for a while now, warning of the historical dangers of “progressivism.” But listening to someone who has experienced its evil extremes firsthand somehow made a much larger impression than anything I could have ever written or said. You don’t have to look very hard to validate concerns that today’s Democratic Party is really a neo-Bolshevik party in faint disguise.
Having lost all major policy battles in recent years to conservatives (and lost elections and power as well), their only recourse to avoid political oblivion is the siren call to revenge and retribution. One Democratic presidential candidate went so far as to publish the names and addresses of all Trump donors in his jurisdiction — sickening. The rule of law has gone out the window.
Identity politics is all about fanning the flames of envy, something that any committed Leninist would have instinctively understood. The Bolsheviks relentlessly attacked the “patriarchy” of the day — tsarist Russia. We all know what followed, for the Soviet Union and the world. Russia has never recovered from their folly and cruelty and won’t in our lifetime.
The only thing we older Americans, those of us with personal memories of the Cold War, can do is point out the eventual consequences of communism (death, destruction, misery, loss of freedom) to our youth. It’s like talking to your kids about the dangers of drug abuse over and over again until the message sinks in. The same concept applies with evil political ideologies — talk to them.
Alexander Kitchenko, a Russian national, commented on social media this week, “Looking back at history of Russia I can tell you that Soviet totalitarian communism also started ‘lightly,’ with people who were against ‘patriarchy.’ They were all about free love, abortions, redefinition of language and often were quarreling inside their ranks. But then there was one most militant group, which slowly dominated all the hippie-style freaks and later executed most of them in the name of ‘revolution.’”
“History repeats itself, but now it is happening on your soil and I can only pray that it will be stopped somehow before it is too late,” Mr. Kitchenko commented.
I think his words speak for themselves.
Originally posted at The Washington Times
Some thoughts on "The Wrath of Patient Men":
Given the strange twists we can see these days, I want to underline that I don't think any of us here are calling for getting it on, merely saying that there is some point, and may it never come, at which the obligation of free men is to defend our Natural and Constitutional rights by any means necessary.
Some thoughts on "The Wrath of Patient Men":
Given the strange twists we can see these days, I want to underline that I don't think any of us here are calling for getting it on, merely saying that there is some point, and may it never come, at which the obligation of free men is to defend our Natural and Constitutional rights by any means necessary.
It's not the right that's lighting the match. It's been five weeks since Andy Ngo's felonious assault with no arrests. Did anyone get arrested for breaking Tucker Carlson's door? What would be the likely outcome of wearing a MAGA hat in public be for you, Crafty?
I consider both Clarion Project and Tucker to be "good guys", indeed I am quite a fan of both.
I consider both Clarion Project and Tucker to be "good guys", indeed I am quite a fan of both.
Not really responsive to CP's list of actual neo-nazi attacks on Jews.
Not really responsive to CP's list of actual neo-nazi attacks on Jews.
Let me know when it gets close to the number of muslim attacks on Jews.
Even the murderers like in El Paso while loosely being affiliated with white supremacy ideology on social media
and had in his manifesto ethnic hatred etc
does not as far as I have ever read, been part of any organized conspiracy on the part of "white nationalists" etc to start murdering minorities .
around the country. As far as I know he as others have acted as "lone wolfs"
Like my previous post perhaps Tucker should not have called the situation a "hoax".. Not a hoax or not to be ignored,
but I redouble my claim that he is 100% correct in stating the whole issue is extremely exaggerated.
For every black murdered by a white supremacist acting out of pure racial vendetta is probably no more than 1 out of 200 blacks murdered by other blacks.
yet we have the MSM running around saying men in white hoods and swastika tattoos are murdering blacks or latinos etc like a plague of storm troopers that is "growing" "exponentially"
Rush said there were how many klansman in US "8000" max
what was it in the early 1900s , 4 to 5 million when the us population was 1/3 of today ?
I tend to think the recent mass shooters were more of the "I want to see the world burn" nihilists rather than motivated by other ideas.
Even the murderers like in El Paso while loosely being affiliated with white supremacy ideology on social media
and had in his manifesto ethnic hatred etc
does not as far as I have ever read, been part of any organized conspiracy on the part of "white nationalists" etc to start murdering minorities .
around the country. As far as I know he as others have acted as "lone wolfs"
Like my previous post perhaps Tucker should not have called the situation a "hoax".. Not a hoax or not to be ignored,
but I redouble my claim that he is 100% correct in stating the whole issue is extremely exaggerated.
For every black murdered by a white supremacist acting out of pure racial vendetta is probably no more than 1 out of 200 blacks murdered by other blacks.
yet we have the MSM running around saying men in white hoods and swastika tattoos are murdering blacks or latinos etc like a plague of storm troopers that is "growing" "exponentially"
Rush said there were how many klansman in US "8000" max
what was it in the early 1900s , 4 to 5 million when the us population was 1/3 of today ?
In that the Dems ARE looking to replace American voters with undocumented foreigners who happen to be brown, , ,
The White Supremacy Hoax
A generation of domestic peace is increasingly difficult to imagine.
Angelo Codevilla - August 12th, 2019
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The specter of white supremacy haunts America. Let us empower the government to crush it.
Just yesterday, “the deplorables” were to be deplored because they were “racist, sexist, homophobic,” clingers to “God and guns,” and Russian dupes to boot. Today, the agility and unanimity with which our politicians and media—heck, the ruling class—have shifted to indicting roughly 72 percent of the population as white supremacists, likely violent, would fill with envy their homologues in China, Cuba, North Korea, and other tyrannical places. By comparison, Joseph Goebbels had sloppy message discipline. Not even the Soviets in their salad days were so “on message!”
One may suppose that our ruling class merely intends to energize its constituencies and cower the opposition in the 2020 elections. But this is no game. Their proposals would impose pre-punishment for pre-crimes on persons accused or “suspected” of being a “white supremacist.” By whom? On the basis of what?
In practice, a “white supremacist” is anyone whom anyone in power dislikes enough to so label him. Who would accept being outlawed at will? Our ruling class plays with matches in a house drenched in gasoline.
Here is the latest. The Wall Street Journal on Saturday featured an essay by one Clint Watts, formerly of the FBI and West Point’s Counter Terrorism Center. Watts makes those proposals using the word “white” 16 times in 18 paragraphs. The sociopolitical ideas rife among white people are the main matrix of terrorism in America, Watts contends. Racial profiling, anyone?
Bemoaning the fact that U.S. law now restricts surveillance of, never mind restrictions on, U.S. persons to those who have committed or may be about to commit crimes, Watts proposes legislation that would permit designating persons associated with what the government may identify as “white supremacist ideology” as subject to surveillance to “preemptively assess whether these white supremacists are taking a radical turn toward violence.”
Watts also proposes “red flag” laws, that would allow the government to take away weapons from someone so designated. Loss of weapons would be the least of burdens imposed on anyone so “red-flagged.” Career, reputation, possibly family, would be gone because someone in the notoriously impartial FBI so decided, perhaps with the agreement of the highly scrupulous FISA court, subsequent to ex parte, secret proceedings.
This has become ruling-class conventional wisdom. Desire to wage war on ordinary Americans—to disadvantage them and even to kill them—had long been bubbling in the ruling class’s basements. The countless, nearly identical pronouncements from on high in recent days can be taken as an announcement that the ruling class has raised them into its forceful mainstream.
In January 2012, the Department of Homeland Security, in cooperation with the University of Maryland, published a study titled “Hot Spots of Terrorism and Other Crimes in the United States, 1979-2008.” It classified persons who it judged to be “suspicious of centralized federal authority” and “reverent of individual liberty” as “extreme right wing terrorists.” So-called studies published by Clint Watts’ West Point center use the same typology. Skeptical of the government? You’re a potential terrorist.
In July 2012, Colonel Kevin Benson of the U.S. Army’s University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and Jennifer Weber of the University of Kansas, published an article in the Small Wars Journal titled “Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A ‘Vision’ of the Future.” Benson and Weber argued that the U.S. Army should prepare itself for contingencies such as “extremist militia motivated by the goals of the ‘tea party’ movement” seizing a small town. They contend, moreover, that Army’s “Operating Concept, 2016-2028” obliges “the military to execute without pause and as professionally as if it were acting overseas.”
None of this is law, or even official policy. It simply reflects the evolving identities and predilections of persons in power.
Today, our ruling class has come to define itself in terms of the will to humiliate “the deplorables,” as it subdues their disrespect. It is confident that the Republican Party won’t help the deplorables, and that President Trump will get out of the way quietly once he’s made some noise. And deplorables have this quaint habit of obeying laws—the fools!
All true. But the logic of the ruling class’s campaign against white supremacy cannot end in the deplorables’ peaceful submission because that campaign itself has no natural end. Some of the class’s components are sure to push for ever-stricter measures. More surely, an inherently abusive campaign of racial profiling itself guarantees deadly friction. One of these days, some misdirected SWAT team will shoot it out with innocent people, with casualties on both sides, or some person unjustly ruined will take his tormentors to the grave with him. One police force will fight another. The paths to civil war are many. A generation of domestic peace is increasingly difficult to imagine.
Content created by the Center for American Greatness, Inc. is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a significant audience. For licensing opportunities for our original content, please contact
VA has a sitting Governor who has dressed in blackface and/or a Klan hood. Still in office too!
Posted by Bryce Sharper | Aug 31, 2019 | Bryce Sharper, Culture, Opinion, Uncategorized
The Scourge of Right Wing Extremism
Our society is being given over to deception. This seems terrifying until you realize that it’s part of God’s plan for collapsing civilizations. When a people makes itself a dead carcass, notes Matthew Henry, there is nothing left but God’s judgment. This is just the pattern of history.
One of the most popular deceptions is that there are right wing extremists everywhere when the exact opposite is true unless the definition of “right wing extremist” is expanded as shown in the photo. Militia members are a vanishingly-small percentage of the population, like Klansmen or real white supremacists. They have no influence on our society nor any effect.
Meanwhile, the real militias – transnational gangs like 18th Street (Barrio 18) and MS-13 have hundreds of thousands of members and comparatively no government or media opposition despite their murders, kidnappings, trafficking, and extortion.
They’re just accepted as the new normal.
In Homeland Siege, John Poole noted with astonishment that MS-13 seems to operate with impunity in Washington DC’s backyard of Northern Virginia. He wisely declined to speculate as to why this was the case. We do know that the oldest trick in the book is to create a problem and sell the solution. We need to look to the South to Mexico for examples of this and to see how it ends. The Plaza System of cartels was created by Mexico’s PRI for the ultimate benefit of PRI members. The PRI itself is like the Democratic party which assimilates Lefter elements within Mexico like Marxists guerrillas from the Soviet era. When the PAN was elected (Vicente Fox), the old agreements were nullified and the cartels figured they’d rather be the government and tax public officials rather than the other way around. The past 20 years since Vicente Fox’s election have been full of bloodshed. The Mexicans desperately elected AMLO the same way we elected Trump. Is this shift already occurring within the United States?
Prosecutors said Tuesday the Fulton clique of the gang had been linked to seven killings in the Los Angeles area since 2017, many of which ended with body parts being scattered in mountain passes and remote areas. Most of the killings were the result of a new rule requiring clique prospects to take a life in order to gain entry into the gang, investigators said.
This is new behavior for MS-13 in the United States. According to Ioan Grillo, initiation murders were limited to El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala because our law enforcement is far more serious. I can only guess that MS-13 is starting to take our law enforcement far less seriously. We know this is true: MS-13 threatens local law enforcement out in California.
It also appears they want to stop answering to the Mexican Mafia so there will be a big turf war, just like in Mexico. This would of course spill over into our prison systems which are dominated by Surenos. Who knows how violent that would get?
“The desire to secure territorial control may be linked to the desire of the ‘503’ Salvadoran elements of MS-13 to diminish the influence of Eme, the Mexican Mafia over MS-13;[12] Eme exerts control over Los Angeles Area gangs (Sureños) including MS-13:
Law enforcement officials said the two-year spasm of violence was carried out largely by Honduran and Salvadoran immigrants hoping to return MS-13 to its bloody roots. Paul Delacourt, the assistant director in charge of the FBI’s Los Angeles field office, said the bloodshed was motivated in part by the group’s desire to make MS-13 less deferential to the Mexican Mafia, which wields influence over most Hispanic and Latino street gangs in the Los Angeles area.[13]
Tucker Carlson reminds us that defending MS-13 will be on the Dems’ 2020 platform. I think he’s correct. Consequently, we see the PRIzation of the Democratic Party accelerating as our PAN (the Republicans) head for 70 years in the wilderness.
It’s astonishing that Hollywood has all this Latin American true crime in literally its own backyard but “Right Wing Extremists” (white people) are somehow still the perennial enemy depicted in many of their productions. The ultimate irony will occur when MS-13 starts taxing and kidnapping Hollywood execs. When that happens, you will see an exponential increase in movies and TV shows about mythical violent white supremacists.
I intend to review Robert J. Bunker’s book on the demise of Western democracies and will try to review it in an upcoming article to explore the effect of transnational Latin American gangs and plutocrats on the accelerating demise of our nation-state system. Until then, stay safe from Right Wing Extremism.
I will be reflecting on the analogy to the PRI and the Cartels , , ,
will be when dems get power and shove down all our throats the
total transformation of the United States:
Good thing that can't happen here!
Not his first rodeo.
could this be the first civil war so far being fought by lawyers essentially
twisting , subverting laws, the Courts
spreading such legal arguments through the media
and the politicians
It's a full spectrum war.
could this be the first civil war so far being fought by lawyers essentially
twisting , subverting laws, the Courts
spreading such legal arguments through the media
and the politicians
Perhaps the "Lawfare" thread would be a better place for discussing this?
The cult of "science" is only pushed when it is convenient science.
Food will be a weapon. Plan accordingly.
Our Republic Is Under Attack From the President
If President Trump doesn’t demonstrate the leadership that America needs, then it is time for a new person in the Oval Office.
By William H. McRaven
Admiral McRaven is a former commander of the United States Special Operations Command.
Oct. 17, 2019
Last week I attended two memorable events that reminded me why we care so very much about this nation and also why our future may be in peril.
The first was a change of command ceremony for a storied Army unit in which one general officer passed authority to another. The second event was an annual gala for the Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S.) Society that recognizes past and present members of the intelligence and Special Operations community for their heroism and sacrifice to the nation. What struck me was the stark contrast between the words and deeds heralded at those events — and the words and deeds emanating from the White House.
On the parade field at Fort Bragg, N.C., where tens of thousands of soldiers have marched either preparing to go to war or returning from it, the two generals, highly decorated, impeccably dressed, cleareyed and strong of character, were humbled by the moment.
They understood the awesome responsibility that the nation had placed on their shoulders. They understood that they had an obligation to serve their soldiers and their soldiers’ families. They believed in the American values for which they had been fighting for the past three decades. They had faith that these values were worth sacrificing everything for — including, if necessary, their lives.
Having served with both officers for the past 20 years, I know that they personified all that is good and decent and honorable about the American military with genuineness of their humility, their uncompromising integrity, their willingness to sacrifice all for a worthy cause, and the pride they had in their soldiers.
Later that week, at the O.S.S. Society dinner, there were films and testimonials to the valor of the men and women who had fought in Europe and the Pacific during World War II. We also celebrated the 75th anniversary of D-Day, recognizing those brave Americans and allies who sacrificed so much to fight Nazism and fascism. We were reminded that the Greatest Generation went to war because it believed that we were the good guys — that wherever there was oppression, tyranny or despotism, America would be there. We would be there because freedom mattered. We would be there because the world needed us and if not us, then who?
Also that evening we recognized the incredible sacrifice of a new generation of Americans: an Army Special Forces warrant officer who had been wounded three times, the most recent injury costing him his left leg above the knee. He was still in uniform and still serving. There was an intelligence officer, who embodied the remarkable traits of those men and women who had served in the O.S.S. And a retired Marine general, whose 40 years of service demonstrated all that was honorable about the Corps and public service.
But the most poignant recognition that evening was for a young female sailor who had been killed in Syria serving alongside our allies in the fight against ISIS. Her husband, a former Army Green Beret, accepted the award on her behalf. Like so many that came before her, she had answered the nation’s call and willingly put her life in harm’s way.
For everyone who ever served in uniform, or in the intelligence community, for those diplomats who voice the nation’s principles, for the first responders, for the tellers of truth and the millions of American citizens who were raised believing in American values — you would have seen your reflection in the faces of those we honored last week.
But, beneath the outward sense of hope and duty that I witnessed at these two events, there was an underlying current of frustration, humiliation, anger and fear that echoed across the sidelines. The America that they believed in was under attack, not from without, but from within.
These men and women, of all political persuasions, have seen the assaults on our institutions: on the intelligence and law enforcement community, the State Department and the press. They have seen our leaders stand beside despots and strongmen, preferring their government narrative to our own. They have seen us abandon our allies and have heard the shouts of betrayal from the battlefield. As I stood on the parade field at Fort Bragg, one retired four-star general, grabbed my arm, shook me and shouted, “I don’t like the Democrats, but Trump is destroying the Republic!”
Those words echoed with me throughout the week. It is easy to destroy an organization if you have no appreciation for what makes that organization great. We are not the most powerful nation in the world because of our aircraft carriers, our economy, or our seat at the United Nations Security Council. We are the most powerful nation in the world because we try to be the good guys. We are the most powerful nation in the world because our ideals of universal freedom and equality have been backed up by our belief that we were champions of justice, the protectors of the less fortunate.
But, if we don’t care about our values, if we don’t care about duty and honor, if we don’t help the weak and stand up against oppression and injustice — what will happen to the Kurds, the Iraqis, the Afghans, the Syrians, the Rohingyas, the South Sudanese and the millions of people under the boot of tyranny or left abandoned by their failing states?
If our promises are meaningless, how will our allies ever trust us? If we can’t have faith in our nation’s principles, why would the men and women of this nation join the military? And if they don’t join, who will protect us? If we are not the champions of the good and the right, then who will follow us? And if no one follows us — where will the world end up?
President Trump seems to believe that these qualities are unimportant or show weakness. He is wrong. These are the virtues that have sustained this nation for the past 243 years. If we hope to continue to lead the world and inspire a new generation of young men and women to our cause, then we must embrace these values now more than ever.
And if this president doesn’t understand their importance, if this president doesn’t demonstrate the leadership that America needs, both domestically and abroad, then it is time for a new person in the Oval Office — Republican, Democrat or independent — the sooner, the better. The fate of our Republic depends upon it.
William H. McRaven, a retired Navy admiral, is a former commander of the United States Special Operations Command and former chancellor of the University of Texas system.
He is a scumbag, SEAL or not.
Our Republic Is Under Attack From the President
If President Trump doesn’t demonstrate the leadership that America needs, then it is time for a new person in the Oval Office.
By William H. McRaven
Admiral McRaven is a former commander of the United States Special Operations Command.
Oct. 17, 2019
Last week I attended two memorable events that reminded me why we care so very much about this nation and also why our future may be in peril.
The first was a change of command ceremony for a storied Army unit in which one general officer passed authority to another. The second event was an annual gala for the Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S.) Society that recognizes past and present members of the intelligence and Special Operations community for their heroism and sacrifice to the nation. What struck me was the stark contrast between the words and deeds heralded at those events — and the words and deeds emanating from the White House.
On the parade field at Fort Bragg, N.C., where tens of thousands of soldiers have marched either preparing to go to war or returning from it, the two generals, highly decorated, impeccably dressed, cleareyed and strong of character, were humbled by the moment.
They understood the awesome responsibility that the nation had placed on their shoulders. They understood that they had an obligation to serve their soldiers and their soldiers’ families. They believed in the American values for which they had been fighting for the past three decades. They had faith that these values were worth sacrificing everything for — including, if necessary, their lives.
Having served with both officers for the past 20 years, I know that they personified all that is good and decent and honorable about the American military with genuineness of their humility, their uncompromising integrity, their willingness to sacrifice all for a worthy cause, and the pride they had in their soldiers.
Later that week, at the O.S.S. Society dinner, there were films and testimonials to the valor of the men and women who had fought in Europe and the Pacific during World War II. We also celebrated the 75th anniversary of D-Day, recognizing those brave Americans and allies who sacrificed so much to fight Nazism and fascism. We were reminded that the Greatest Generation went to war because it believed that we were the good guys — that wherever there was oppression, tyranny or despotism, America would be there. We would be there because freedom mattered. We would be there because the world needed us and if not us, then who?
Also that evening we recognized the incredible sacrifice of a new generation of Americans: an Army Special Forces warrant officer who had been wounded three times, the most recent injury costing him his left leg above the knee. He was still in uniform and still serving. There was an intelligence officer, who embodied the remarkable traits of those men and women who had served in the O.S.S. And a retired Marine general, whose 40 years of service demonstrated all that was honorable about the Corps and public service.
But the most poignant recognition that evening was for a young female sailor who had been killed in Syria serving alongside our allies in the fight against ISIS. Her husband, a former Army Green Beret, accepted the award on her behalf. Like so many that came before her, she had answered the nation’s call and willingly put her life in harm’s way.
For everyone who ever served in uniform, or in the intelligence community, for those diplomats who voice the nation’s principles, for the first responders, for the tellers of truth and the millions of American citizens who were raised believing in American values — you would have seen your reflection in the faces of those we honored last week.
But, beneath the outward sense of hope and duty that I witnessed at these two events, there was an underlying current of frustration, humiliation, anger and fear that echoed across the sidelines. The America that they believed in was under attack, not from without, but from within.
These men and women, of all political persuasions, have seen the assaults on our institutions: on the intelligence and law enforcement community, the State Department and the press. They have seen our leaders stand beside despots and strongmen, preferring their government narrative to our own. They have seen us abandon our allies and have heard the shouts of betrayal from the battlefield. As I stood on the parade field at Fort Bragg, one retired four-star general, grabbed my arm, shook me and shouted, “I don’t like the Democrats, but Trump is destroying the Republic!”
Those words echoed with me throughout the week. It is easy to destroy an organization if you have no appreciation for what makes that organization great. We are not the most powerful nation in the world because of our aircraft carriers, our economy, or our seat at the United Nations Security Council. We are the most powerful nation in the world because we try to be the good guys. We are the most powerful nation in the world because our ideals of universal freedom and equality have been backed up by our belief that we were champions of justice, the protectors of the less fortunate.
But, if we don’t care about our values, if we don’t care about duty and honor, if we don’t help the weak and stand up against oppression and injustice — what will happen to the Kurds, the Iraqis, the Afghans, the Syrians, the Rohingyas, the South Sudanese and the millions of people under the boot of tyranny or left abandoned by their failing states?
If our promises are meaningless, how will our allies ever trust us? If we can’t have faith in our nation’s principles, why would the men and women of this nation join the military? And if they don’t join, who will protect us? If we are not the champions of the good and the right, then who will follow us? And if no one follows us — where will the world end up?
President Trump seems to believe that these qualities are unimportant or show weakness. He is wrong. These are the virtues that have sustained this nation for the past 243 years. If we hope to continue to lead the world and inspire a new generation of young men and women to our cause, then we must embrace these values now more than ever.
And if this president doesn’t understand their importance, if this president doesn’t demonstrate the leadership that America needs, both domestically and abroad, then it is time for a new person in the Oval Office — Republican, Democrat or independent — the sooner, the better. The fate of our Republic depends upon it.
William H. McRaven, a retired Navy admiral, is a former commander of the United States Special Operations Command and former chancellor of the University of Texas system.
Is America coming apart:
well I can't think of ANYTHING that could bring us together more then opening up the borders and even flooding the nation with more illegals and overstayers and anchor babies
can anyone else?
How beautiful. How good for us.
What did anyone think. We were just going to hug and kiss and sing pepsi generation together?
We are screwed over by Dems and Repubs....
Not that anyone will listen until it's too late.
Summary please?
FBI aff for white supremacist Swatter crew.
They want it.
They're not alone
They're not alone
January 17, 2020 at 1407 UTC
Type : Security
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Authority: Title 14 CFR section 99.7
Got to make sure there are no drones capturing footage that contradicts the official narrative.
Senator Amanda Chase
Yesterday at 6:44 AM ·
Sadly, I am posting this, knowing that the Governor of Virginia has declared a State of Emergency in our state.
I want you to be aware of how we are being set up.
Does the Patriot Act ring a bell?
Does the National Defense Authorization Act ring a bell?
If people show up wearing any kind of uniform, patch or other symbol on their clothing signifying they belong to a militia and something goes wrong, you could/will be held as a domestic terrorist.
If anyone steps out of line, all it takes is one person, it may even be a government plant....if that plant does anything to disrupt the rally, you could/will be arrested as a domestic terrorist.
The Governor, using the media has already set the stage for this to happen.
He has already laid the groundwork to make the entire movement look like insurrection.
It will be used to put the rest of the nation on notice of what will happen to you, if you resist.
They have used the Southern Poverty Law Center over the last 15 years to lay the groundwork.
They have labeled us as potential domestic terrorist for a long time now.
Anyone who has ever related to the 3%er's, a militia, or just belonged to any Patriot group...the groundwork has been laid to brand you as a domestic terrorist.
They have gone out of their way since the Obama years to insure they had us labeled, but it didn't start with Obama. It started with the Patriot Act under the Bush administration.
We are being played by a well oiled machine, these things have been in the works for many years.
They are kicking things into high gear. Military veterans were/are even listed as potential domestic terrorist.
We were told not once, but several times by the current President, “It's Not Me they are after, It's You, The American People.“
Their actions over the last three years have shown you he was right, they are coming after us full speed ahead and they aren't even trying to hide it anymore.
Sic semper tyrannis, keep your head on a swivel and know what's going on around you at all times, at Lobby Day 1/20/20.
Everyone be safe out there....Thus always to tyrants.
Just a coincidence?
Just another reason why the One packed the military with libs.
These are the good old days.
These are the good old days.
Local awareness is great, but when the lights really go off I would like directions and security pass to G M's place. ))
Small problem here for saving canned goods in remote location:
Freeze or hot sun destroy them. "Canned goods should never be frozen and doing so can create an environment right for foodborne illness and toxic conditions."
I know we have a prepper thread on the DBMA Assn forum, do we have one here-- perhaps on the SC&H forum?
depressing radio broadcast by Mark Levin last night . I only heard part of it but he talked some about the NYT
1619 project:
How the Times is pushing for this to be taught in our schools despite multiple historians saying it takes everything out of perspective
The Times wants our children to believe that every achievement in the US is due to slaves
and its main purpose is RADICAL COMMUNIST propaganda at its heart.
The goal is to destroy all positive thoughts about our country and to have all children believe we have been a corrupt garbage nation .
Very depressing .
I don't know how to link his radio show from last night here.
I caught a bit of it too. :cry: :x :x
The good news, I guess, is they aren't being subtle about it anymore. It's now right there out in the open.
I'm guessing we here know Clarion Project is a hardline anti Islamo-Fascist site, so I do not dismiss the following as I would were the source a Prog one:
I would just add that Nazis and Neo Nazis are not on the right side of the Left-Right political spectrum - even if they call their rally 'unite the right'. White supremacy today is an off-shoot of Leftist identity politics. It has NOTHING to do with equal protection under the law, free enterprise, free markets, equal opportunity, limited government, strong defense, secure borders, constitutional constraints, or anything that comprises modern conservatism. Take a look at the founding of Planned Parenthood or their current political support for a practice that kills black babies at 5 times the rate of white babies and tell me which side has a problem with "white supremacy".
Among the proudest achievements of current conservatism are wage growth and record low unemployment rates of minorities. There is absolutely zero crossover between these policies and white supremacy. The Left cannot say the same. They continue to use the phenomenon of minority poverty to empower themselves. Go figure.
"FBI Director Christopher Wray recently stated that the FBI now views racially-motivated violent extremism as a “national threat priority.” "
Maybe so, but meanwhile the odds of a black being killed by a black is more than ten times higher despite the smaller population.
That said, when extremists cross the line from expressing freedom of speech to intentionally inciting violence, shut them down.
The left keeps striking matches.
one good example :
from a pulitzer prize winning member of the softer, more humane, and touchy feely sex:
Fabiola Santiago has been a writer and editor for The Miami Herald since 1980. She was the founding city editor of the Spanish-language El Nuevo Herald, and shared in a Pulitzer Prize for coverage of the Elián. González story at The Miami Herald in 2001.
I would not like this if it were Antifa , , ,
I would not like this if it were Antifa , , ,
Yes, looks and sounds like intimidation, instead of peaceful protest.
Whiteness is awful and easy to make fun of, but still it's a pretty large voting block to alienate.
Especially at a time when the Left is losing blacks too, at a rate of 10% every 4 years, and losing ground on Hispanics.
Trump reminds me of General Patton .
If the Dems win in Nov. payback will be swift and tyrannical
Here is "honorable " mayor of minneapolis :
here is the truth:
If the Dems win in Nov. payback will be swift and tyrannical
Yes. Gulags and mass graves are the left's endgame plans for us. Plan accordingly.
The left desperately grasping for a narrative. :roll:
The left desperately grasping for a narrative. :roll:
It won't go well for you.
Minnesota AG Keith Ellison: 'Nobody really knows' who is driving protest violence
The Washington Times ^ | May 31, 2020 | Tom Howell Jr.
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison said “nobody really knows” who is driving the raucous violence at protests related to the death of George Floyd
- A deplorable lack of curiosity by the state's top law enforcement official.
Minnesota AG Keith Ellison: 'Nobody really knows' who is driving protest violence
The Washington Times ^ | May 31, 2020 | Tom Howell Jr.
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison said “nobody really knows” who is driving the raucous violence at protests related to the death of George Floyd
- A deplorable lack of curiosity by the state's top law enforcement official.
It won't go well for you.
Just peaceful protesters!
Minnesota AG Keith Ellison: 'Nobody really knows' who is driving protest violence
obviously all Republicans
Just guessing KKK?
Aryan Brothers ?
Boy Scouts - oops can't be they went bankrupt I think
Surely Trump is behind it.
Communist University Professors already working on studies to explain in some contorted way how this Trump's fault along with his band of deplorables.
with " objective date"
Plan accordingly.
Liberal Cities, Radical Mayhem
Democratic mayors and governors seem unable to stop the destruction of their own cities.
By The Editorial Board WSJ
June 2, 2020 7:36 pm ET
The “broken-windows” school of policing says that you can help maintain public order by taking care of even small examples of disorder—such as fixing broken windows. Liberals scorned that policy in the last decade as somehow racist. Well, in recent days we’ve learned that America’s left does have a broken-windows policy: Let rioters break enough windows and loot enough stores and maybe their righteous anger will be satisfied.
That’s certainly how it looked when the June sun rose Tuesday over the broken glass, looted storefronts, burnt-out cars, and vandalized buildings in New York, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Madison and other American cities. Public officials let rioters exploiting the memory of George Floyd run wild in the streets. Even after nearly a week of violence, these and other liberal Democratic cities let lawless radicals harass and plunder almost at will.
In downtown St. Louis, four police officers were shot after midnight. “I believe some coward randomly shot at the police line,” said police chief John Hayden. A 7-Eleven was looted and set afire, but firefighters were deliberately slowed by protesters in responding. “We had people lying down in the street” and trash cans were placed as obstacles to block fire trucks, said fire chief Dennis Jenkerson.
In Philadelphia, city of brotherly vandals, gangs of rioters rolled through several neighborhoods Sunday burning businesses and cars. They returned for more on Monday, shutting down the highway that bisects the city at evening rush hour.
Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw said a crowd of more than 100 surrounded a lone state trooper inside a vehicle and began rocking it. When two SWAT teams arrived, the crowd pelted them with rocks from the road and above. Police had to fire spray pellets, bean bags and tear gas to escape.
At first Mayor Jim Kenney backed the police. But by Tuesday he was tweeting that “there may have been additional uses of tear gas. I am deeply concerned by this development. All of these incidents will be investigated by Internal Affairs.” Police are threatened by a mob, the officers defend themselves by non-lethal means, and the mayor wants to investigate the police. No wonder rioters feel they can do whatever they want.
In New York City, hoodlums rampaged through Herald Square and the flagship Macy’s store, Fordham Road in the Bronx, Times Square and SoHo, among other places. Nearly every storefront on lower Fifth Avenue was vandalized. A cop was struck and injured by a hit-and-run driver in the Bronx. This isn’t protest. It’s anarchy.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo had set an 11 p.m. curfew but somehow managed not to enforce it. TV cameras showed gangs of youths working as teams to loot one store, then move on to another. Overwhelmed police could do little more than wave their clubs and hope to catch one or two as they sprinted past on their way to their next target.
The NYPD has some 36,000 officers. How could they not be deployed in enough numbers to contain this rampage? And how can these public officials not deploy the National Guard to assist the police in restoring public order and protecting the innocent? This wasn’t the first night of mayhem. It was the fourth in a row, and the police clearly knew what could happen. The only explanation is that Messrs. Cuomo and de Blasio lack the political will to stop it.
This isn’t merely about damage to property. It’s about destroying the order required for city life. Non-criminals are afraid to go into these cities to make a living. The police pull back from active policing, which creates more opportunity for criminals, especially in poor and minority neighborhoods. Businesses that are finally starting to emerge from government lockdowns have new costs to absorb and more reasons for customers not to return.
What all these cities have in common is that they are led by Democrats who seem to have bought into the belief that the police are a bigger problem than rampant disorder. They are either cowed by their party’s left, or they agree that America is systemically racist and rioting is a justified expression of anger against it. They offer pro forma disapproval of law breakers but refuse to act to stop them.
They should recognize that widespread lawlessness is not helping their cause. Americans have the right to protest, peacefully, and the killing of George Floyd in police custody is cause for anger and grief. But as the violence continues, Americans of goodwill will support the police and a return to safe streets as the highest priority. Police reform and social injustice will get a smaller hearing.
Public officials need to deploy enough police and National Guard to stop the mayhem. They need to channel the peaceful demonstrations by time and place, as American law allows, so agitators can’t use them to attack police to create violent confrontations. If they can’t or won’t do that, these Democrats will be complicit in destroying their own cities and harming the very people they claim to speak for.
more playing the stats
to push an agenda
since this has an even better anti Trump narrative
says the shit from Goldman Sachs who fancies himself, like so many of them, as SJW:
going to BLM to start riot?
prelude to GMs warnings here for yrs?
I can't think of anything more ridiculous then defunding or eradicating police
and allowing local security people to do the jobs requiring professional training
now or ever.
going to BLM to start riot?
prelude to GMs warnings here for yrs?
I can't think of anything more ridiculous then defunding or eradicating police
and allowing local security people to do the jobs requiring professional training
now or ever.
Thank you for putting "right wing" in quotes. The Fascists and the people who want to limit individual rights OF ANYONE are Left wing,
I've been saying there are like 8 white supremacists in the country, not a movement or constituency, but they were only able to find 3 of them. There could be 5 more of them out there somewhere.
I would love to have a 'close up ' of my face on screen with that obnoxious coumo
yelling at him to show me the proof that "right wing " groups have anything to do with the riots
he keeps saying it is left and right wing and has that jerk Mccabe come on to collect his payoff salary and agree it is left AND right groups
Ok Italian American Prince - show me the proof ! :x
we are supposed to believe that
presumably this woman was innocently walking along a street
and because she is black, multiple policemen decided to get some exercise, and hunt her down
and repeatedly tase her for fun. ( and of course because she was just going for a stroll down the street for fresh air)
of course
and of course the following headlines telling only a portion of what really happened
are titled "troubling"
as though I should lose sleep over this , wring my hands and grab tissues.
could anyone imagine what J Edgar Hoover would have thought seeing this photo?
look at expression on Tapper's face when Ben says he grew up when there was systemic racism
This how some of CW2 will be fought. Ambushes outside homes and work.
It's only going to get worse from here.
Since when is it okay to paint political statements on public streets?
comon Italian American prince the first - your going to let DeBlasio get away with this?
this is being made all about the election now.
It's only going to get worse from here.
Great point. They couldn't tolerate, 'fetuses are alive', 'peace through strength', 'guns save lives', 'rising tide lifts all boats', or even 'all lives matter'. How about 'white landlords who live outside the city limits are people too'? Not going to happen, but we get Leftist drivel, life size in yellow.
The 'movement' to 'humanize' blacks implies there are people (Republicans, police?) who think otherwise. How disgustingly insulting. But that's who they are. Instead of hiding it, they paint it on the streets.
How about 'white landlords who live outside the city limits are people too'?
Nope. Those are Neo-Kulaks who will be dealt with through revolutionary justice.
Not joking. That is the plan.
This how some of CW2 will be fought. Ambushes outside homes and work.
****There are currently few legal remedies for the victims of doxing.[59] There are currently two federal laws[where?] that could potentially address the problem of doxing: the Interstate Communications Statute and the Interstate Stalking Statute.[60] However, as one scholar has argued, "[t]hese statutes...are woefully inadequate to prevent doxing because their terms are underinclusive and they are rarely enforced."[61] The Interstate Communications Statute, for example, "only criminalizes explicit threats to kidnap or injure a person."[62] But in many instances of doxing, an doxer may never convey an explicit threat to kidnap or injure, but the victim could still have good reason to be terrified.[63] And the Interstate Stalking Statute "is rarely enforced and it serves only as a hollow protection from online harassment."[64] To illustrate, over three million people are stalked over the internet each year, yet only three people are charged under the Interstate Stalking Statute.[65] Accordingly, "[t]his lack of federal enforcement means that the States must step in if doxing is to be reduced."[66]****
how about we make doxxing for purposes of harassing , extorting, black mail
intimidate or injure a person
a real crime
they want reform how about adding this?
The totally non-partisan FBI/DOJ will be happy to prosecute those on the right for that!
****There are currently few legal remedies for the victims of doxing.[59] There are currently two federal laws[where?] that could potentially address the problem of doxing: the Interstate Communications Statute and the Interstate Stalking Statute.[60] However, as one scholar has argued, "[t]hese statutes...are woefully inadequate to prevent doxing because their terms are underinclusive and they are rarely enforced."[61] The Interstate Communications Statute, for example, "only criminalizes explicit threats to kidnap or injure a person."[62] But in many instances of doxing, an doxer may never convey an explicit threat to kidnap or injure, but the victim could still have good reason to be terrified.[63] And the Interstate Stalking Statute "is rarely enforced and it serves only as a hollow protection from online harassment."[64] To illustrate, over three million people are stalked over the internet each year, yet only three people are charged under the Interstate Stalking Statute.[65] Accordingly, "[t]his lack of federal enforcement means that the States must step in if doxing is to be reduced."[66]****
how about we make doxxing for purposes of harassing , extorting, black mail
intimidate or injure a person
a real crime
they want reform how about adding this?
a lot of heavy set girls
they should be on treadmill not in rouble rising protests
but I guess they might be able to get more boyfriends this way?
we all here agree with American Thinker
except like the rest of us
he can offer no real solution
Trump fights but he is obviously NOT the answer.
I see no hope really
everything is going the wrong way
especially with the debts
the demoralized young - thanks to academia and unionized democrat party teachers
and the media onslaught
There will not be enough people willing to take up arms
to fight this.
and then who would get the military?
which side would they be on?
"Learn to drive a rifle, or ride a railcar"
we all here agree with American Thinker
except like the rest of us
he can offer no real solution
Trump fights but he is obviously NOT the answer.
I see no hope really
everything is going the wrong way
especially with the debts
the demoralized young - thanks to academia and unionized democrat party teachers
and the media onslaught
There will not be enough people willing to take up arms
to fight this.
and then who would get the military?
which side would they be on?
row row row a boat
gently down a stream
merrily merrily merrily
America is but a dream.......
a Trump rally is not going to pick up my spirits much
but I know who I am voting for.
I. guess I can be like a family member of mine who keeps telling me she is an optimist.
I think she does not see the whole picture of what is going on.
I don't know what kind of country her kids will have.
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
― Ronald Reagan
row row row a boat
gently down a stream
merrily merrily merrily
America is but a dream.......
a Trump rally is not going to pick up my spirits much
but I know who I am voting for.
I. guess I can be like a family member of mine who keeps telling me she is an optimist.
I think she does not see the whole picture of what is going on.
I don't know what kind of country her kids will have.
He's correct.
notice the label Far right .
we never see that about left groups
I don't recall seeing antifa as being labelled far left
or BLM as far left
despite those groups shaking down every individual , business, and corporation , and politicians for money and comformity
(and they are folding like deck chairs on a capsizing titanic encouraging more shake downs and more BLM getting rich.)
Soros and sons are getting quite a return on their investments.........
Second post
I'm guessing that this may be the appropriate thread, this article is from 2018. If not let me know and Ill move/re-post in the appropriate thread.
Who Are the Proud Boys, and Why Are Nonwhite Men Joining White Supremacist Groups? (
Do you think the article is accurate?
I'm guessing that this may be the appropriate thread, this article is from 2018. If not let me know and Ill move/re-post in the appropriate thread.
Who Are the Proud Boys, and Why Are Nonwhite Men Joining White Supremacist Groups? (
I'll readily admit that there is much I do not know about these groups, but the author of the piece seems to be of the Woken Dead tossing out nasty snark without much discernable foundation.
Do you think the article is accurate?
I'm guessing that this may be the appropriate thread, this article is from 2018. If not let me know and I'll move/re-post in the appropriate thread.
Who Are the Proud Boys, and Why Are Nonwhite Men Joining White Supremacist Groups? (
I don't know much about the Proud Boys and or Patriot Prayer but I think the article is another example of divisiveness, if you don't agree with BLM or other movements you're a racist or labeled a "white racist."
Perfectly explained.
The Order of 9 Angels is really strange. Black magic occultist satanist nazis.
No one is safe. Got privacy?
No one is safe. Got privacy?
So, to spell it out, Brooks was an ex-con who did time for child endangerment and was on parole so a DUI arrest might have meant him going back to prison, but not to worry, apparently his death was avenged by a white woman he was banging on the side burning down the Wendy's who called the police because he blocked their business's take out lane by passing out drunk in his car.
Do I have this right?
".Do I have this right?"
Not if you watch CNN who made him out to be father of the year. :wink:
Take the time to watch this. Bracken knows.
Here is an article I ran across:
The future of violent anti-government extremism in the U.S. might be summed up in a single word: Boogaloo.
On June 6th, Air Force Staff Sgt. Steven Carillo was arrested in California in connection to 19 separate felonies, including the alleged murder of a Santa Cruz County sheriff’s deputy and serious wounding of two other law enforcement officers in an ambush attack. Weeks later, prosecutors alleged in Carillo’s indictment that the airman had also orchestrated the fatal shooting of a federal officer and wounding of another at a federal building in Oakland amid unrest sparked by the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis Police. According to prosecutors, Carrillo was motivated to target law enforcement officers with violence because of his connections to the ‘Boogaloo’ movement, an amorphous umbrella of far-right, anti-government extremists who seek to spark a second Civil War by, among other acts, murdering police officers.
Yet Carrillo is not the only military-connected American to fall under the movement’s sway: Shortly before Carrillo was arrested, federal authorities captured three apparent Nevada ‘Boogalooers’ — an Army reservist, a Navy veteran, and an Air Force veteran — ahead of an alleged conspiracy to use the Floyd protests to spark more civil unrest and chaos. Prosecutors allege the trio planned to detonate explosives and booby traps across downtown Las Vegas. The previous March, another Navy veteran was killed in a firefight with FBI agents in Missouri after his attempted arrest on suspicion of plotting a terror attack against a Kansas City-area hospital. While far-right anti-government extremists have for decades recruited from within the ranks of the military and veterans community, the rise of the Boogaloo movement and its recent spate of violent activity seems like something else altogether.
So what is the Boogaloo movement, and how do U.S. service members go from otherwise-upstanding citizens to potential domestic terrorists bent on plunging the country into anarchy? They are the newest of a number of violent far-right groups, with a libertarian bent that is perfectly engineered to attract adherents online, according to three experts, who spoke with Task & Purpose about the rise of the ‘Boogaloo boys’ and what it means for the nation’s military-to-extremist pipeline.
What does ‘Boogaloo’ mean?
The term ‘Boogaloo’ itself comes from the 1984 movie Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo. While the movie itself is instantly forgettable, the term ‘Electric Boogaloo’ became a verbal template for poorly-received sequels and, eventually, evolved online into a byword for a second civil war (‘Civil War II: Electric Boogaloo’) that will be carried out with violence in American streets.
According to Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University San Bernardino, the term ‘Boogaloo’ is now broadly used among a certain subset of far-right extremists to refer to coming violent conflicts, a conflict that so-called ‘Boogaloo boys’ — adherents of the movement frequently identified in crowds by their tactical gear and Hawaiian shirts — are urgently preparing for.
The Boogaloo movement’s particular mantra and symbols are “an extension of far-right white supremacist extermism that has existed for some time, but with a quirky subculture and a contemporary prism,” Levin said. “For some, the ‘Boogaloo’ a race war; for others, it’s a holy war. And that concept’s been a rallying cry within the far-right for decades.”
Members of the Boogaloo movement watch a demonstration near the BOK Center where President Trump held a campaign rally in Tulsa, Okla., Saturday, June 20, 2020.
Members of the Boogaloo movement watch a demonstration near the BOK Center where President Trump held a campaign rally in Tulsa, Okla., Saturday, June 20, 2020.
(Associated Press/Charlie Riedel)
Indeed, the ‘Boogaloo’ concept, weaponized in meme form and promulgated on Facebook pages and Discord channels, is “quirky enough to promote curiosity at the very least,” Levin says. “It’s not like a swastika or a Klan hood, it doesn’t have that history, but it does appeal to individuals who have certain leanings.”
There are likely “several thousand” individuals who engage with Boogaloo-themed Facebook pages online, according to Devin Burghart, executive director at the Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights, although only there are only “a few hundred” at the moment who have participated in protest events over the last six months and self-identified as Boogaloo boys.
When they do show up, it’s “in small numbers, a handful of guys in various different places, normally between two to eight guys at a time,” says Alexander Friedfeld, an investigative researcher at the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism. “At this point there are hundreds of Boogaloo pages on Facebook and other social networks, pages with hundreds and thousands of followers, and it’s tough to figure out who these guys are.”
But in light of recent high-profile incidents like the Carrillo case and the Las Vegas plot, the actual size of the movement is irrelevant, says Burghart: “Any time a movement moves from online activity, it becomes important as a public safety threat, no matter the size.”
What do Boogaloo boys believe?
Describing the Boogaloo movement has proven a challenge for researchers. “The Boogaloo is not a monolith,” said Friedfeld, describing it as less a movement and more a broad umbrella term to describe extremists for whom their raison d’etat is to prepare for a future civil war. Boogaloo “means different things to different people.”
“The most popular version is the anti-government version for whom the ‘Boogaloo’ is the moment when the American people rise up against government tyranny and free themselves,” Friedfeld explained. “They believe the federal government is stripping away American rights, and they’re not afraid of violence … they possess a ‘do whatever it takes’ mentality.”
A Boogaloo patch seen worn by members of alt-right militias in the United States in 2020
A Boogaloo patch seen worn by members of alt-right militias in the United States in 2020
(Wikimedia Commons)
While the movement is broad enough to encompass all manner of extremist — hence its occasional association with white supremacists — the most important pillar beyond the belief in an impending civil war is its libertarian anti-government opposition, a trend best captured in Boogaloo adherents’ fervent distaste for red flag laws that allow for the temporary confiscation of firearms, no-knock warrants and, among other things, police brutality, Friedfeld explains.
“The reason you see these guys showing up at George Floyd protests is because they see a common cause with the [Black Lives Matter] movement,” Friedfeld said, referencing the handful of Hawaiian-shirted Boogaloo boys observed at recent rallies.
“There’s even been an effort within the Boogaloo movement to signal that they align with BLM, he added. “They’ve been going to lengths to say that they aren’t white supremacists and that there’s no room for them, but you see people flow between the two.”
"They believe the federal government is stripping away American rights, and they’re not afraid of violence"
The Second Amendment and the American right to bear arms weighs heavily on the Boogaloo movement. But Levin characterizes it as “an insurrectionist view of the Second Amendment that’s heavily supported within the heavily-armed echelons of the movement, both racist and non-racist.” While the Hawaiian shirt may be the primary indicator of a Boogaloo boy, it usually comes accompanied by a full tactical kit and a high-powered rifle.
Categorizations have their limits. The Boogaloo boys are less members of a coherent movement or ideology and more adherents to a “brand,” as Burghart put it.
“They all share the accelerationist ideals of spurring on a second civil war, so they share some crossover with white nationalist, accelerationist types who are looking to start a race war,” Burghart told me. “But by and large, because they don’t have movement figures or anything drafted as a manifesto,” he said, the Boogaloo movement’s ideology is relatively expansive and incomplete.
Indeed, the Boogaloo boys are “a microcosm of an oftentimes diverse and contradictory type of extremism,” as Levin puts it. “They show up in support of protestors. Some people want to kill protestors. Some people just want to maintain order.”
“Let me put it this way: If a muffler backfires, I don’t want to be standing near one.”
What’s behind the current rise of the Boogaloo boys?
Armed members of the Boogaloo movement dressed for the “big luau” in Richmond, Virginia in January 2020.
Armed members of the Boogaloo movement dressed for the “big luau” in Richmond, Virginia in January 2020.
(Flickr/Anthony Crider)
Though Friedfeld and the ADL traced the first use of the term Boogaloo to a 2018 Reddit post, appearances of ‘Boogaloo boys’ on America’s streets is a more recent spectacle.
“Online, it’s a vibrant phenomenon, and the question is what the real-world implications are,” Friedfield explained, giving the example of Aaron Swenson, a 36-year-old Boogaloo boy in Texas who allegedly live-streamed himself in April hunting for a cop to kill.
“Usually it’s a few isolated guys showing up at protests heavily-armed in Hawaiian shirts, but it wasn’t really a real-world phenomenon until about six months ago, when you started to see arrests for violence incidents of plots.”
Burghart traces some of the earliest known Boogaloo sightings to a series of gun rights protests in Virginia in January. “Having been successful at being on the streets in their getups and being heavily armed, that gave a number of other folks who had generally primarily focused on online activism the interest in getting involved in the field,” he said.
Then, the pandemic came. With protestors out in force to rally against government closures, observers began noticing more heavily armed, kitted-out, Hawaiian-shirted Boogaloo boys intermingled with activists and protestors in states like Michigan and Wisconsin, Burghart said, a “key sign that they had moved out of the online realm and into the field, and now we’re starting to see the bitter fruits of that with these Las Vegas arrests and others stretching back to April.”
According to Levin, the broad rise of the Boogaloo movement and the recent spikes in violence are likely triggered by “catalytic events” — the pandemic and resulting lockdowns, the “social reawakening” of the George Floyd protests, and, in turn, the coming 2020 presidential election between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden.
“They possess a cultural view of an attack on tradition and civil order, but it’s taken to an extreme and further amplified by conspiracy theories and echo chambers online,” Levin said.
What does this have to do with U.S. service members and veterans?
In recent decades, the far-right and white supremacist extremist ecosystem has targeted individuals with military experience for recruitment, Levin says. Indeed, a 2008 FBI report found that “white supremacist leaders are making a concerted effort to recruit active-duty soldiers and recent combat veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,” suggesting that most hardcore extremist groups “have some members with military experience, and those with military experience often hold positions of authority within the groups to which they belong.”
“There’s been an active solicitation and recruitment of military members because of their ability to execute and their know-how,” Levin says, noting that Boogaloo extremist groups believe service members “would find their messages appealing.”
But why? Doesn’t the violent overthrow of the U.S. government and the radical execution of law enforcement officials run counter to the oath to uphold the Constitution that most service members hold dear? Of course, says Levin, but one of the most distinctive characteristics of the Boogaloo movement is its “elasticity,” its ability to, bereft of any strict doctrine or ideology, adjust itself to appeal to a broad swath of troubled individuals.
“Whatever ideology can be found within particular malefactors associated with the group, the Boogaloo movement is often seen as a diverse subculture that took off on social media,” Levin says. “It’s not like joining Aryan Nation, a distinct group with chapters … it’s a one-size-fits-all delivery that doesn’t have any symbols associated with it that would be a total [obstacle] for many wobbers on the mainstream and the extreme.”
Related: US troops see white nationalism as bigger threat to us than Afghanistan and Iraq
Beyond direct recruitment, many U.S. service members and veterans may find themselves more likely to be exposed to Boogaloo ideas than other segments of the population. According to Friedfeld, it’s the online overlap between the Boogaloo movement and the firearms and Second Amendment communities that may end up introducing U.S. service members and veterans to the former, even if accidentally.
Service members and veterans “have an interest in firearms, and sometimes you see people end up on these forums, they get in contact with more ideological gun owners,” Friedfeld explained. “There are so many non-ideological gun owners, but the hardcore Second Amendment activists often operate in the same space so you get introduced to the ideas and that leads you to the Boogaloo.”
“You get exposed to those ideas and it starts this drift,” he added. “You end up in a pseudo-pipeline, a ‘drift’ and slowly you get exposed to ideological stuff and you get pulled in.”
Indeed, unlike other extremist groups, the digital origins of the ‘Boogaloo’ meme reveal one of the movement’s most significant features; according to Burghart, adherents to the group’s particular subculture indicate that the group is uniquely “identity conscious and media savvy,” having already transformed itself multiple times in recent months with the same “elasticity” that Levin had previously noted.
“The Boogaloo boys are the tip of the spear of a larger problem of far-right paramilitarism in this country,” Burghart says. “You have a significant militasphere that has a wide size and scope, from the Oath Keepers to the Three Percenters” — two popular far-right militia groups that have gained prominence in recent years — “and the Boogaloo boys are part of this much larger problem of people who are buying into this accelerationist ideology, so far that they’re pulling the rest of the militia types into that direction as revolutionaries and less as reactionaries.”
While the U.S. military has in recent years cracked down on far-right extremism in the ranks, despite a Pentagon official saying in February that membership in a white supremacist or neo-Nazi group won't necessarily get you thrown out. Still, Levin believes that the Defense Department should move to more aggressively combat the flow (or “drift,” as Friedfeld put it) of U.S. service members and veterans towards extremist organizations and networks like the Boogaloo movement.
“We need to have zero tolerance for extremism within the ranks,” Levin says. “We should fortify the military the way we do military installations. We wouldn't let a card-carrying Nazi walk through the gates of Camp Pendleton, but when they do it online it’s a different story.”
Related: Neo-N
Second post:
Let's see, the left is burning down cities but it's the right that's the problem. Of course.
Here is an article I ran across:
The future of violent anti-government extremism in the U.S. might be summed up in a single word: Boogaloo.
On June 6th, Air Force Staff Sgt. Steven Carillo was arrested in California in connection to 19 separate felonies, including the alleged murder of a Santa Cruz County sheriff’s deputy and serious wounding of two other law enforcement officers in an ambush attack. Weeks later, prosecutors alleged in Carillo’s indictment that the airman had also orchestrated the fatal shooting of a federal officer and wounding of another at a federal building in Oakland amid unrest sparked by the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis Police. According to prosecutors, Carrillo was motivated to target law enforcement officers with violence because of his connections to the ‘Boogaloo’ movement, an amorphous umbrella of far-right, anti-government extremists who seek to spark a second Civil War by, among other acts, murdering police officers.
Yet Carrillo is not the only military-connected American to fall under the movement’s sway: Shortly before Carrillo was arrested, federal authorities captured three apparent Nevada ‘Boogalooers’ — an Army reservist, a Navy veteran, and an Air Force veteran — ahead of an alleged conspiracy to use the Floyd protests to spark more civil unrest and chaos. Prosecutors allege the trio planned to detonate explosives and booby traps across downtown Las Vegas. The previous March, another Navy veteran was killed in a firefight with FBI agents in Missouri after his attempted arrest on suspicion of plotting a terror attack against a Kansas City-area hospital. While far-right anti-government extremists have for decades recruited from within the ranks of the military and veterans community, the rise of the Boogaloo movement and its recent spate of violent activity seems like something else altogether.
So what is the Boogaloo movement, and how do U.S. service members go from otherwise-upstanding citizens to potential domestic terrorists bent on plunging the country into anarchy? They are the newest of a number of violent far-right groups, with a libertarian bent that is perfectly engineered to attract adherents online, according to three experts, who spoke with Task & Purpose about the rise of the ‘Boogaloo boys’ and what it means for the nation’s military-to-extremist pipeline.
What does ‘Boogaloo’ mean?
The term ‘Boogaloo’ itself comes from the 1984 movie Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo. While the movie itself is instantly forgettable, the term ‘Electric Boogaloo’ became a verbal template for poorly-received sequels and, eventually, evolved online into a byword for a second civil war (‘Civil War II: Electric Boogaloo’) that will be carried out with violence in American streets.
According to Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University San Bernardino, the term ‘Boogaloo’ is now broadly used among a certain subset of far-right extremists to refer to coming violent conflicts, a conflict that so-called ‘Boogaloo boys’ — adherents of the movement frequently identified in crowds by their tactical gear and Hawaiian shirts — are urgently preparing for.
The Boogaloo movement’s particular mantra and symbols are “an extension of far-right white supremacist extermism that has existed for some time, but with a quirky subculture and a contemporary prism,” Levin said. “For some, the ‘Boogaloo’ a race war; for others, it’s a holy war. And that concept’s been a rallying cry within the far-right for decades.”
Members of the Boogaloo movement watch a demonstration near the BOK Center where President Trump held a campaign rally in Tulsa, Okla., Saturday, June 20, 2020.
Members of the Boogaloo movement watch a demonstration near the BOK Center where President Trump held a campaign rally in Tulsa, Okla., Saturday, June 20, 2020.
(Associated Press/Charlie Riedel)
Indeed, the ‘Boogaloo’ concept, weaponized in meme form and promulgated on Facebook pages and Discord channels, is “quirky enough to promote curiosity at the very least,” Levin says. “It’s not like a swastika or a Klan hood, it doesn’t have that history, but it does appeal to individuals who have certain leanings.”
There are likely “several thousand” individuals who engage with Boogaloo-themed Facebook pages online, according to Devin Burghart, executive director at the Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights, although only there are only “a few hundred” at the moment who have participated in protest events over the last six months and self-identified as Boogaloo boys.
When they do show up, it’s “in small numbers, a handful of guys in various different places, normally between two to eight guys at a time,” says Alexander Friedfeld, an investigative researcher at the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism. “At this point there are hundreds of Boogaloo pages on Facebook and other social networks, pages with hundreds and thousands of followers, and it’s tough to figure out who these guys are.”
But in light of recent high-profile incidents like the Carrillo case and the Las Vegas plot, the actual size of the movement is irrelevant, says Burghart: “Any time a movement moves from online activity, it becomes important as a public safety threat, no matter the size.”
What do Boogaloo boys believe?
Describing the Boogaloo movement has proven a challenge for researchers. “The Boogaloo is not a monolith,” said Friedfeld, describing it as less a movement and more a broad umbrella term to describe extremists for whom their raison d’etat is to prepare for a future civil war. Boogaloo “means different things to different people.”
“The most popular version is the anti-government version for whom the ‘Boogaloo’ is the moment when the American people rise up against government tyranny and free themselves,” Friedfeld explained. “They believe the federal government is stripping away American rights, and they’re not afraid of violence … they possess a ‘do whatever it takes’ mentality.”
A Boogaloo patch seen worn by members of alt-right militias in the United States in 2020
A Boogaloo patch seen worn by members of alt-right militias in the United States in 2020
(Wikimedia Commons)
While the movement is broad enough to encompass all manner of extremist — hence its occasional association with white supremacists — the most important pillar beyond the belief in an impending civil war is its libertarian anti-government opposition, a trend best captured in Boogaloo adherents’ fervent distaste for red flag laws that allow for the temporary confiscation of firearms, no-knock warrants and, among other things, police brutality, Friedfeld explains.
“The reason you see these guys showing up at George Floyd protests is because they see a common cause with the [Black Lives Matter] movement,” Friedfeld said, referencing the handful of Hawaiian-shirted Boogaloo boys observed at recent rallies.
“There’s even been an effort within the Boogaloo movement to signal that they align with BLM, he added. “They’ve been going to lengths to say that they aren’t white supremacists and that there’s no room for them, but you see people flow between the two.”
"They believe the federal government is stripping away American rights, and they’re not afraid of violence"
The Second Amendment and the American right to bear arms weighs heavily on the Boogaloo movement. But Levin characterizes it as “an insurrectionist view of the Second Amendment that’s heavily supported within the heavily-armed echelons of the movement, both racist and non-racist.” While the Hawaiian shirt may be the primary indicator of a Boogaloo boy, it usually comes accompanied by a full tactical kit and a high-powered rifle.
Categorizations have their limits. The Boogaloo boys are less members of a coherent movement or ideology and more adherents to a “brand,” as Burghart put it.
“They all share the accelerationist ideals of spurring on a second civil war, so they share some crossover with white nationalist, accelerationist types who are looking to start a race war,” Burghart told me. “But by and large, because they don’t have movement figures or anything drafted as a manifesto,” he said, the Boogaloo movement’s ideology is relatively expansive and incomplete.
Indeed, the Boogaloo boys are “a microcosm of an oftentimes diverse and contradictory type of extremism,” as Levin puts it. “They show up in support of protestors. Some people want to kill protestors. Some people just want to maintain order.”
“Let me put it this way: If a muffler backfires, I don’t want to be standing near one.”
What’s behind the current rise of the Boogaloo boys?
Armed members of the Boogaloo movement dressed for the “big luau” in Richmond, Virginia in January 2020.
Armed members of the Boogaloo movement dressed for the “big luau” in Richmond, Virginia in January 2020.
(Flickr/Anthony Crider)
Though Friedfeld and the ADL traced the first use of the term Boogaloo to a 2018 Reddit post, appearances of ‘Boogaloo boys’ on America’s streets is a more recent spectacle.
“Online, it’s a vibrant phenomenon, and the question is what the real-world implications are,” Friedfield explained, giving the example of Aaron Swenson, a 36-year-old Boogaloo boy in Texas who allegedly live-streamed himself in April hunting for a cop to kill.
“Usually it’s a few isolated guys showing up at protests heavily-armed in Hawaiian shirts, but it wasn’t really a real-world phenomenon until about six months ago, when you started to see arrests for violence incidents of plots.”
Burghart traces some of the earliest known Boogaloo sightings to a series of gun rights protests in Virginia in January. “Having been successful at being on the streets in their getups and being heavily armed, that gave a number of other folks who had generally primarily focused on online activism the interest in getting involved in the field,” he said.
Then, the pandemic came. With protestors out in force to rally against government closures, observers began noticing more heavily armed, kitted-out, Hawaiian-shirted Boogaloo boys intermingled with activists and protestors in states like Michigan and Wisconsin, Burghart said, a “key sign that they had moved out of the online realm and into the field, and now we’re starting to see the bitter fruits of that with these Las Vegas arrests and others stretching back to April.”
According to Levin, the broad rise of the Boogaloo movement and the recent spikes in violence are likely triggered by “catalytic events” — the pandemic and resulting lockdowns, the “social reawakening” of the George Floyd protests, and, in turn, the coming 2020 presidential election between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden.
“They possess a cultural view of an attack on tradition and civil order, but it’s taken to an extreme and further amplified by conspiracy theories and echo chambers online,” Levin said.
What does this have to do with U.S. service members and veterans?
In recent decades, the far-right and white supremacist extremist ecosystem has targeted individuals with military experience for recruitment, Levin says. Indeed, a 2008 FBI report found that “white supremacist leaders are making a concerted effort to recruit active-duty soldiers and recent combat veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,” suggesting that most hardcore extremist groups “have some members with military experience, and those with military experience often hold positions of authority within the groups to which they belong.”
“There’s been an active solicitation and recruitment of military members because of their ability to execute and their know-how,” Levin says, noting that Boogaloo extremist groups believe service members “would find their messages appealing.”
But why? Doesn’t the violent overthrow of the U.S. government and the radical execution of law enforcement officials run counter to the oath to uphold the Constitution that most service members hold dear? Of course, says Levin, but one of the most distinctive characteristics of the Boogaloo movement is its “elasticity,” its ability to, bereft of any strict doctrine or ideology, adjust itself to appeal to a broad swath of troubled individuals.
“Whatever ideology can be found within particular malefactors associated with the group, the Boogaloo movement is often seen as a diverse subculture that took off on social media,” Levin says. “It’s not like joining Aryan Nation, a distinct group with chapters … it’s a one-size-fits-all delivery that doesn’t have any symbols associated with it that would be a total [obstacle] for many wobbers on the mainstream and the extreme.”
Related: US troops see white nationalism as bigger threat to us than Afghanistan and Iraq
Beyond direct recruitment, many U.S. service members and veterans may find themselves more likely to be exposed to Boogaloo ideas than other segments of the population. According to Friedfeld, it’s the online overlap between the Boogaloo movement and the firearms and Second Amendment communities that may end up introducing U.S. service members and veterans to the former, even if accidentally.
Service members and veterans “have an interest in firearms, and sometimes you see people end up on these forums, they get in contact with more ideological gun owners,” Friedfeld explained. “There are so many non-ideological gun owners, but the hardcore Second Amendment activists often operate in the same space so you get introduced to the ideas and that leads you to the Boogaloo.”
“You get exposed to those ideas and it starts this drift,” he added. “You end up in a pseudo-pipeline, a ‘drift’ and slowly you get exposed to ideological stuff and you get pulled in.”
Indeed, unlike other extremist groups, the digital origins of the ‘Boogaloo’ meme reveal one of the movement’s most significant features; according to Burghart, adherents to the group’s particular subculture indicate that the group is uniquely “identity conscious and media savvy,” having already transformed itself multiple times in recent months with the same “elasticity” that Levin had previously noted.
“The Boogaloo boys are the tip of the spear of a larger problem of far-right paramilitarism in this country,” Burghart says. “You have a significant militasphere that has a wide size and scope, from the Oath Keepers to the Three Percenters” — two popular far-right militia groups that have gained prominence in recent years — “and the Boogaloo boys are part of this much larger problem of people who are buying into this accelerationist ideology, so far that they’re pulling the rest of the militia types into that direction as revolutionaries and less as reactionaries.”
While the U.S. military has in recent years cracked down on far-right extremism in the ranks, despite a Pentagon official saying in February that membership in a white supremacist or neo-Nazi group won't necessarily get you thrown out. Still, Levin believes that the Defense Department should move to more aggressively combat the flow (or “drift,” as Friedfeld put it) of U.S. service members and veterans towards extremist organizations and networks like the Boogaloo movement.
“We need to have zero tolerance for extremism within the ranks,” Levin says. “We should fortify the military the way we do military installations. We wouldn't let a card-carrying Nazi walk through the gates of Camp Pendleton, but when they do it online it’s a different story.”
Related: Neo-N
Second post:
No worries, we just need to explain to them the value of the US Constitution and the ideas of America's founders. Problem solved!
Got guns? Got privacy?
That is what the Bushies the JonahGoldbergs the Noonans Christie Whitmans all believe.
on pensions and soc sec - YOUR NEXT - fools -
voting for Biden and calling. yourself not racist and a BLM supporter and a Democrat is not going to save you -
doesn't matter what age race religion sex gay or not -
and all you college kids - don't think you are simply going to get free college paid for - it isn't going to stop there
same goes for those who get health insurance (always to be magically paid by someone else - you do not understand what you are going to be giving up )
perhaps that should be Trumps message
along with a bit of more "tender" tone.
and don't let the slickster biden pretend he is middle of the road or he is going to stop the "March ".
second post
" second post"
this whole thing is a giant extortion racket
makes the the Italian Mafia shake downs look like child's paly
and Bezos the big tough world's richest man who would not let anyone post of picture of his pecker
caves immediately to BLM etc.
he thinks that will save him , stop the extortion , the shake downs, the intimidations :
Think again shave ONE:
and the white kids keep selling out america for college tuition. - right along with the mobs
She needs to keep her booger finger off the bang switch until it is time to shoot. He needs work too, but major props for the will to stand up as a team. Bet there will be some hot sex tonight!!!
A probably reliable FB friend comments:
oh, the mob and the homeowners share the same political allegiances. The couple issued a statement that they are big time BLM supporters and that they are currently representing a client in a police brutality suit. They maintain they acted lawfully but the Circuit Attorney is looking into ways to prosecute the couple for threatening peaceful protesters. Only several videos, presumably made by the protesters themselves, shows them screaming at couple, calling the woman a bitch, a f****ing c*nt, and threatening to attack her. While the CA has sided with the mob, the police
are investigating it as trespassing and 4th degree assault by intimidation by the demonstrators....
Or something like that.
Edited to add:
Third post
Not really.
From the convo on the Assn website I can say I agree with your contrary assessment of the Atlanta shooting, but there IMHO is more to it than that. I like his point that these people have become an amorphous, headless mob and that all this can end very badly for our country.
From the convo on the Assn website I can say I agree with your contrary assessment of the Atlanta shooting, but there IMHO is more to it than that. I like his point that these people have become an amorphous, headless mob and that all this can end very badly for our country.
Oh, it's going to end badly. The mistake the left has made is they didn't disarm the American public first. Right now they fell like they can threaten, riot, loot and "cancel" people with impunity. We are not far off from when the public starts cancelling the left kinetically.
The left: "We are going to defund and demoralize the police, and then send the same police out to take guns away from the American public"!
I'm not sure they have thought this through.
Better, more tactical ways to do this.
"The left: "We are going to defund and demoralize the police, and then send the same police out to take guns away from the American public"!
I'm not sure they have thought this through."
- Slight understatement.
...defund and demoralize [and disarm] the police, and then send the same police out to take guns away from the American public. Do they ever ask themselves, what could possibly go wrong?
The replacement for various police forces, like Minneapolis PD.
The stupidity of the Confederate flag and monuments leads to this. Nothing here I'd fight for. I wouldn't want to see Hitler, Goebells, and Himmler carved into a mountain side either. Net result, what is perceived as "our side" looks weak-- and this includes President Trump for backing the Confederate names of US bases.
"The stupidity of the Confederate flag and monuments leads to this. Nothing here I'd fight for. I wouldn't want to see Hitler, Goebells, and Himmler carved into a mountain side either. Net result, what is perceived as "our side" looks weak-- and this includes President Trump for backing the Confederate names of US bases."
I remember , as a born and raised Yankee , how I was shocked to see multiple Southern states with confederate flags as part of their state flags. I don't remember when I learned of this , but I recall thinking the Civil War was over for 150 yrs and blacks are supposed to be free.
I always associated the confederate flag with racism and white supremacy.
No matter how many southerners tried to explain it away as a states right issue.
Obviously I hate the Daily Beast but this rings true:
Trump continues to fight the only way he knows how : bash his head against the wall instead of going around it.
Pray we hold the Senate ...........
The scumbag propagandists completely distorted what he said .
The New Minutemen
Sunday, July 05, 2020
I took part in a "protest" on July 4th in Westcliffe, CO. They didn't need me. In a town of about 800, I was one of 1000 protesters. This protest replaced the Independence Day parade that was made too difficult to hold due to Covid 19, but everyone knows that Covid is not spread via protest, so it was a protest.
Over the past five years, Westcliffe has held the biggest "open carry" contingent to its 4th of July parade in the state, an aggravating fact to the communists in public office. The protesters fought back and prevailed as did the citizens of Alamosa, a town just over the Sangre de Cristo mountains from Westcliffe. As did citizens in a neighboring county. This is push back and it gives a sense of the power of the people to take back their lives and traditions from those who want to destroy it. But, it does not solve the problem.
There are two waves working their way through America, one is the militant wave, Americans arming themselves, joining local groups, militias or mutual defense organizations. Another wave is building against the woke crowd and the Black Lives Matter organization aligned with Antifa to destabilize America, some say with the assistance of China. Black Lives Matter, being emboldened by their successful actions tearing down statues are revealing themselves as hypocrites and punks, not a Civil Rights advocate, because they never were concerned about George Floyd, he was an excuse, nothing more. Both of these waves are positive, but neither one of them will solve the problem. They will right civil society if given the chance and time, but time is running out.
THE problem is that our elected representatives and senators on every level, our city councils, are infested with the disease of communist principles if not communism itself. They revealed themselves as leaning communist during the pandemic scare and will continue to use these powers on the slightest excuse. Bigger things are planned for the future, even if Antifa and BLM are put back in their small, radical boxes, that does not solve the truly systematic issue of contaminated politics. In Colorado, Lauren Boebert replaced a squishy Republican, Scott Tipton, through the primary process, but as Claire Wolfe noted in Lies of Omission, the average shelf life of a representative in Congress with their ethics in tact is about two weeks.
Solutions, that is what is needed. How do we solve the problems of our several predicaments? First, as a society, we need to recognize the failures of the current government structure.
It is unable to responsibly make and stick to a budget, driving the citizens into debt to numerous other nations, slowly eating away at our solvency and therefore our sovereignty. Any political system that cannot preserve the sovereignty of the nation is a failure. Any political system that destroys the wealth of a nation is a failure.
Through the Permanent Reapportionment Act of 1929, (this was not a Constitutional amendment as it needed to be, but mere legislation) representation has been diminished to the point of non-existence. The Constitution calls for one representative per 30,000 citizens. Due to the Permanent Reapportionment Act of 1929 capping representatives at 435, this representation over time has resulted in one representative per 750,000 citizens. No one is carrying the voice of the particular demographic into the congress, not whites, not blacks, not hispanics, not working class, not middle class, not even upper class, something recognized by the founders as a necessity to proper government, so in effect, there is no representation, just a gathering of power brokers piecing out our nation to the rich and powerful corporations and organizations including the Chinese.
The media is, in effect, the fourth branch of government and is supposed to act as a freelance ethics investigation and oversight board for the people. Any republic requires an accurate or, at least, balanced free flow of information on government activities, or the whole purpose of voting and therefore the authority of the governed is violated. The media now only serves to cover up scandals and ethics violations of one party and demonizing and vilifying the other party. Massive illegality has been totally ignored by those given the greatest voice by the people.
There are few, if any, rights listed in the Bill of Rights that have been secured to the people, a condition upon which the Constitution was ratified, destroying its legitimacy.
What one must agree with at this point is that our government is a failure. It has been unable to stop a list of violations of its charter, the Constitution. We, as the governed, have the right to decide how and by whom we are governed, or we are not free. Our lives are now minutely scrutinized and the power exerted by the several governments designed to protect our freedom, serve only to take bigger and bigger parts of it, demanding more and more of our limited budgets to satisfy their greed. They build monuments to themselves at our expense with the power of the police behind them.
Today, American citizens understand that their governments will offer their lives up as tribute to roving bands of communists out of fear. The whole purpose of a police force is to provide some sense of rule of law, but where that rule of law is excepted to placate powerful mobs, they are a failure. America today is a state run by terrorists either inside or outside of the government and the people are held captive in a prison of their own funding. That statement is particularly stark when one realizes that prison is, at times, their own home.
This cannot stand. We are Americans and that is distinct from being a citizen of the United States. The United States Government is a political construct, one of our building and one of our consent. When, as Thomas Jefferson noted, that such political construct becomes destructive of the ends of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (I would include property), it can and should be abolished and replaced with a construct that is more likely to protect those values.
The question, then, becomes if we stand, not as U.S. citizens tied to the laws increasingly passed against our lives, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but as Americans determined to defend those values, what construct would we choose?
Now, we have a long way to go to arrive at the necessity of answering that question; we have to stand as Americans to demand that we will not be ruled by communists. We will not be intimidated by roving bands of well-funded mobs pursuing chaos and revolution. We need to do this individually and as groups. A mentality of being a new minuteman must prevail, of engaging threats to lives and property at a minute's notice. There are militias and mutual defense organizations already in place, but they need to proliferate and activate against these threats. This is a reality in Westcliffe and Custer County and why it was featured in this post.
The loyalty of local police departments and sheriff's offices need to be vetted. If their loyalty is to one of the many flawed and corrupted governmental authorities over the lives of the people, they need to be considered hostiles, or otherwise enlisted, asking them to alert the militia or mutual defense organizations when these mobs approach. This has also been implemented in Custer County.
These are some rudimentary things that need to be recognized and implemented immediately in order to preserve our way of life long enough to get to where we can ask some existential questions about the future of America. A future that may or may not include the present construct of states. Once we do put down the rebellion among us and I have no doubt that as Americans we can and will do so, we cannot stop there. We must then ask those existential questions among us and arrive at a new political construct that will benefit life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, securing our property as well.
Remember, there are great and wonderful things about this land, about its people of all races, about its diverse cultures that individually add to the greatness of the whole that cannot, must not, be lost to the desire for control of the individual that communism brings.
As always, and I hate to do it, but the liberal press is not kind to the message of freedom. Please visit this link.
If that. Tick Tock.
See 04:00 et seq
2020: Even my pessimism and cynicism can't keep up with current events.
Kevin makes astute points.
Events certainly do seem to be heading the way he describes
Where do globalists fit in ?
Where do the mega millionaires and the big corporations fit in? They delicately jump on whatever band wagon they need to so they can reap any profits out of it .
What about the smaller players like the academics, the leftist media types, the DNCers?
Each and every one is jumping on board the same train for now.
They all think their destination is the same ..
But is is not.
Will a strong man emerge ? Is not always one, who does so?
Or will we fade and answer to Beijing strongman?
not related to political activities?
not related to political party?
VDH nails it again!
this part :
"The NFL pulled a Joe Biden VP trick and prematurely promised to play the “black national anthem” at a few games so that all can stand in homage in racial solidarity and then all kneel in disrespect for the subsequent ecumenical national anthem. "
so leftists post on yahoo news ( no different from CNN)
that this could be ethics violation
while totally silent about Fed employees being okayed to promote BLM at work place.
but of course they ignore the hypocrisy:
BLM not affiliated with any particular party ( :roll:)
so one can argue Goya is not either.
Democrats are asking FBI to investigate anyone spreading "rumors" about Antifa -
NOT Anitifa that is committing domestic terrorism:
protecting their party's paramilitary arm
Democrats are asking FBI to investigate anyone spreading "rumors" about Antifa -
NOT Anitifa that is committing domestic terrorism:
protecting their party's paramilitary arm
At this point, it's very clear BOTH the FBI and Antifa are paramilitary arms of the DNC.
Let me know if you see this story on CNN/MSNBC/ABC/NBC/CBS.
".Let me know if you see this story on CNN/MSNBC/ABC/NBC/CBS."
they would explain it away as a legacy of white supremacy and demand all of them get free college and new houses next door to Republican middle class workers as part of a reparations package.
Whoops posted wrong URL. Anyone have this?
Do you get it?
Do you get it?
“A Marxist system can be recognized by the fact that it spares the criminals and criminalizes the political opponent." Alexander Solzhenitsyn
"We now have government actors attempting to jail anyone who defends himself against the left wing's Street Reparations squads, antifa and BLM.
A country cannot continue when half the population has not only declared vigilante war on the other half, but then seeks to use government power to imprison anyone who resists the vigilantes."
- (
Ive been following various people on Twitter. In another post protestors harassed an Asian man because they thought he was Andy Ngo becuase his ears "matched" another photo and, when he confronted them they accused him of walking around in business attire on purpose and called him a PoS.
second post
Got privacy?
Do you get it?
“A Marxist system can be recognized by the fact that it spares the criminals and criminalizes the political opponent." Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Portland protesters worry violence is taking away from Black Lives Matter message (
“A lot of the people who are doing it are not Black. They throw shit and start shit and run away and yell 'Black Lives Matter,' and then go home and take off their clothes. But I can’t take off my black," Phillips said. "And the more damage they do to this building— well, everyone thinks it’s people of color doing all this and it’s not."
Portland protesters worry violence is taking away from Black Lives Matter message (
“A lot of the people who are doing it are not Black. They throw shit and start shit and run away and yell 'Black Lives Matter,' and then go home and take off their clothes. But I can’t take off my black," Phillips said. "And the more damage they do to this building— well, everyone thinks it’s people of color doing all this and it’s not."
Yes, the bad stuff is taking away from the message of advancing opportunities and well-being for blacks in this country.
6 out of 7 protesters in Mpls were white. I imagine similar or greater percentage in Portland, which is 6% black. The arson and rock throwing is not about race; race is a cover for the real cause, Marxism, anarchism, whatever we want to call it.
"Race 72.2% white, 9.4% Hispanic, 6.1% black, 0.8% American Indian and Alaska Native, 7.1% Asian"
This is hard to describe but I am white and I work in majority black inner city areas of Minneapolis. I have found the (black) neighbors and strangers I encounter in the course of my day in the city to be noticeably and consistently more friendly to me since the riots, protests and arson, right when you would expect racial tensions to be worse or at an all time high. 'People of color' are not "doing this". It is political activists and copycat mayhem people doing this. Some of the activists/anarchists/arsonists in this relatively small group are 'of color'. But most people of color are living their lives, in their neighborhoods, with their families, in their jobs, and generally speaking, not doing this. (In my humble opinion)
That is an important and eloquent point you make Doug.
do we know demographics of these white kids?
high school losers?
do we know demographics of these white kids?
high school losers?
You missed prematurely graying white ladies. Regarding the protests, it's all ages and all shades of mostly female white. See the Macalastar college (St. Paul) rally where Elizabeth Warren 'broke out',. Scan the crowd:
The arsonists who hide in the shadows need to be studied like mass murderers, a related syndrome? But first they need to be caught and held to account for what they've done. Where were all the young people and all their cameras and all the street cameras when the fires were being lit? Is there even an investigation? Strange I've never heard the mayor or governor mention catching them as a priority or asking the public for help. Maybe they are on the same team.
do we know demographics of these white kids?
high school losers?
You missed prematurely graying white ladies. Regarding the protests, it's all ages and all shades of mostly female white. See the Macalastar college (St. Paul) rally where Elizabeth Warren 'broke out',. Scan the crowd:
The arsonists who hide in the shadows need to be studied like mass murderers, a related syndrome? But first they need to be caught and held to account for what they've done. Where were all the young people and all their cameras and all the street cameras when the fires were being lit? Is there even an investigation? Strange I've never heard the mayor or governor mention catching them as a priority or asking the public for help. Maybe they are on the same team.
"Pacific Northwest Youth Liberation Front"
as though they are not free.
same as communism - liberate us so that we can be controlled by a single party - the democrats .
their speak of justice for Floyd is a total con job.
there is something about their self identities that these kids (who apparantly have low self esteem or the other way narcissists ) that they feel the lure to do this.
There is clearly something pathological about all this from a psychiatric point of view
none of it really makes sense .
as for my post above where I posted high school losers I did not mean people who did not go to colleg , i was referring to those who were outcasts in high school. being a revolutionary makes them feel 'in', part of the group, accepted , justified , self actuation maybe .
perhaps I am off base, perhaps it is simply peer pressure
this is what they hear about in school the social media the cable ......
trying to figure this all out.
Wow! The MSM will be giving this 24/7 coverage in 3,2, never.
These folks in Louisville did NOT accidentally shoot themselves:
July 27, 2020
One person was shot and six federal agents were injured on Friday night, the 58th consecutive night of rioting outside the federal courthouse in Portland.
Thousands of people descended on the courthouse shortly after dark, ramming their bodies into a steel barricade that had been reinforced earlier in the day and using power tools in an attempt to breach it.
Federal agents were shot at with ball bearings launched from slingshots, pelted with frozen water bottles, and hit with commercial-grade fireworks, one of which hit a federal agent in the head and left him with a concussion. Other federal agents have lingering vision problems thanks to roving bands of black-clad anarchists who milled about the crowd of “largely peaceful” protesters and women in yellow “summon momma” shirts pointing lasers into the eyes of anyone in uniform.
We no longer have to rely on shaky, selectively edited amateur video to understand the level of anarchy on display in one of America’s great cities. We now have a reliable account of the chaos, courtesy of Associated Press reporters Mike Balsamo and Gillian Flacus, who decided to abandon the euphemism employed by most of the mainstream press in favor of simply reporting what they saw during a night spent inside the courthouse with the officers.
Smaller Portland imitations cropped up in cities across the U.S. and Canada over the weekend.
In Austin, 28-year-old protester Garrett Foster was fatally shot after showing up to the protest armed with his legally-owned AK-47. The shooting occurred after a motorist was surrounded by a crowd of protesters who were blocking a city street. The as-yet unidentified motorist claims that Foster approached his car as he was being surrounded and pointed the AK-47 at him, at which point he drew his pistol and shot Foster three times. The motorist subsequently turned himself into police but has not yet been charged with a crime.
Some protesters who witnessed the shooting have disputed the motorists’ claim that Foster pointed the rifle at him before he opened fire and the police are urging more witnesses to come forward to help clarify the conflicting accounts.
Austin Mayor Steve Adler said guns were to blame for the lawlessness.
“In a split moment, three guns were drawn, eight shots were fired, and a protester was tragically killed,” he tweeted. “This is horrible as is all gun violence. There are too many guns. Our City is shaken and, like so many in our community, I’m heartbroken and stunned.”
Interesting to see their marching orders. These things don't come together by chance. They plan down to what they wear.
It's not their first rodeo and having a far-left President doesn't satisfy them:
Too bad no one is in airports to see them on CNN and no one hardly watches evening news. No one sees Portland as a battlegound for how the country will turn. Just a place where the left can fight the left without interference from anyone else. The federal government is their symbol for the right? That's odd. They are attacking what 85% support. Funded police, buildings, employers, right of passage on streets, law and order, courts, prisons, property rights, family, safe neighborhoods.
Plan accordingly.
Disagree with a number of the statements therein, but the profundity of the central point remains.
I haven't. gone to a any professional game in yrs
If I did I would knell during any other anthem and have friends behind videoing the response.
I am sure it would be viral on twitshit f book and communist news network CNN
While we snigger about details in photos and video clips of these folks, they continue to put more and more people, armed people in the street:
Also from today: Trump Wins in Portland
The way to restore order to cities is to get mayors and governors to do their jobs.
By William McGurn
Aug. 3, 2020 6:53 pm ET
Something big has changed in Portland, Ore. After weeks of chaos and flames outside the city’s federal courthouse, the past few days have seen the violence subside dramatically. What happened?
Gov. Kate Brown sums up the dominant narrative: “The president’s decision to send federal troops to Portland was a political stunt and it backfired.” Likewise the headline over a Washington Post story that Mayor Ted Wheeler, retweeted this past Friday: “Trump ordered federal forces to quell Portland protests. But the chaos ended as soon as they left.”
They’re right about the sequence. But if protesters are no longer trying to break into or set fire to the federal courthouse, it’s less because federal officers are no longer protecting it than because state and local police finally are. Which suggests a more practical measure for judging the results of Donald Trump’s law-and-order interventions.
In this light, acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf applauded the relative calm that now holds but dryly tweeted that “stepping up and doing the right thing should not take 60 days.” Contrary to what the governor has said, moreover, Mr. Wolf emphasizes that the federal law-enforcement officers sent to Portland remain there on reserve and won’t leave until they are confident the courthouse is safe from attack.
This suggests a modest victory for Mr. Trump. True, the expansiveness of his rhetoric can suggest his aim is to assume control over all local police functions in targeted cities. But the reality has been far more limited: In Portland it’s been to protect the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse, while in the cities included in Operation Legend (Kansas City, Mo.; Albuquerque, N.M.; Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit and Milwaukee), it’s been to enforce federal law (especially gun laws) and work with local police by adding intelligence and logistics and resources they might not otherwise have.
There’s also a related political message, which has been all but ignored in the coverage. With his interventions the president is telling city residents that there’s nothing inevitable about the rising shootings and mayhem that plague their communities. They are the result of the choice made by too many public officials to wink at chaos. Which may be why the same pols so unwilling to act themselves denounce the federal law-enforcement officers dispatched to help in language far nastier than anything they say about the rioters assaulting people and property.
Look at Seattle. When protesters declared a six-block area neighborhood an autonomous zone—the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest, or CHOP—complete with barricades and their own armed security, press accounts described a “street festival” atmosphere and Mayor Jenny Durkan treated it as a lark. “A summer of love,” she called it.
She’s had to eat those words. Seattle’s police commissioner soon made clear she hadn’t agreed with the decision to abandon the area’s precinct house, and CHOP was keeping her cops from responding to reports of rapes and robberies and other lawlessness. Altogether four people were shot and two killed during the summer of love. On June 30, Mayor Durkan finally gave an order and CHOP was cleared.
A week later on Fox News Channel, Sean Hannity asked Mr. Trump if Ms. Durkan finally acted because “they were given notice that if they didn’t act, you were going to.” The president responded, “100%, we were going in, we were going in very soon, we let them know that.” The mayor says she had no such conversation with the president, but he didn’t say the two had spoken directly. And he had certainly made a number of public statements to that effect.
More significant than this he-said-she-said is what actually happened and what it says about the mayor. When Ms. Durkan issued her executive order to shut down CHOP, it took only a single morning to carry it out—which suggest that what had been missing was a lack of will. It invites a hard question: If the mayor had shown some resolve earlier, might those two African-American teens still be alive?
Meanwhile, the Democratic convention is less than two weeks away. Because of restrictions Milwaukee has just placed on police—banning tear gas and pepper spray to control crowds—more than 100 local departments have withdrawn offers to send officers to help. It could prove embarrassing: Will Democrats really want to be seen calling on the feds to protect them after so many Democratic pols have equated them with storm troopers and the Gestapo?
As for Mr. Trump, many compare his law-and-order campaign this year to Richard Nixon’s in 1968. But there’s an operative difference. In 1968 Nixon was the challenger, so all he had to do was criticize.
As the incumbent, Mr. Trump needs to make good on his promise of restoring order or risk looking weak and incapable. The best way to do that is to make clear that the ultimate goal of his federal interventions is both modest and effective, by doing what he’s now done in Portland—getting mayors and governors to do their jobs.
Write to
Got privacy?
That face and those tweezed eyebrows will likely trigger a lot of courtship . . .
Got privacy?
doubt the legal subtleties would stop the mob from revenge and getting sec deg. murder conviction though :
"our black friends are dying "
true, but by the hands of other black friends.......fool.
third post of the day
GM: Please post your last two in the Antifa thread as well so they can be found there too.
Not finding a specific Antifa thread.
Got privacy?
They are going for it.
They will be attacking the White House in Washington while President Trump is attacking Washington establishment - in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Ohio, New Hampshire, Maine, North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado. Oregon??
Maybe the msm can't share the photos of the garbage left on the streets each night by theses 'environmentalists'.
Tick, tick, tick...
This is the level of chaos and violence now. Imagine where we will be.
Do you get it?
“A Marxist system can be recognized by the fact that it spares the criminals and criminalizes the political opponent." Alexander Solzhenitsyn
We shall see.
".Khaled Alqahtani "
I am sure he is pro Israel
".Khaled Alqahtani "
I am sure he is pro Israel
And a true American patriot! Just touch the magical American soil!
Today's Left is way further left than the give peace a chance and unilateral disarmament crowds of previous decades. They aren't satisfied with surrendering to the communists, anarchists and totalitarians. They join them to fight to defeat us.
Bernie Sanders kept mentioning totalitarianism as it [doesn't] relate to Trump when pursuit of his governing philosophy actually leads to that, every time it's tried.
Ready to fight back when they come for your home and family?
Just yours.
"When the cops are gone, you're going to deal with us!"
are you ok
o my god
cops are just standing there!
me - yawn
The commonality of these incidents isn't race, IMHO. We didn't see in the video what happened that caused these cops to have their guns drawn and aimed at him. Unfortunately, in each of these, the perp/victim is stronger than the officers and obviously not complying. I think guns drawn at you means comply now and sort this out later. Grabbing him by the shoulder was not enough to stop him from whatever he was doing, apparently getting into his car to drive away. I don't know what happened. I don't know why they didn't want him to leave. I don't know why they found him to be dangerous. I don't know what role race played in this or anything about the officers. The bigger point is, the rioters, burners, looters and street murderers don't know either, just that the riots are on. They are just rampant violence looking for a time and place to happen.
If this is some kind of a trend, the cops in MN were arrested and charged. The cops in Atlanta were charged. The point of lawless street violence is that these people don't trust the system to work, but it does. They don't the system to work. They want the lawless street violence, the photos of fires and bodies in the streets. There is nothing in particular racially divided about Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, Denver or Kenosha, compared to anywhere else. Yes, if there are enough of them, this is coming to a neighborhood near you.
The answer to all this is the opposite of what they are demanding. Less tolerance for crime and violence and an end to welfare reparations as we know it. Ending trouble with police starts with ending the trouble that is 8-fold worse before the police are called in. It starts with discipline learned at home with two parents present and learned in school. It comes from being invested in livelihood, family, neighborhood and community. 8 generations of welfare where fathers were discarded doesn't build the level of responsibility needed. You need to learn before it happens, that at the moment you are being held wrongly (or rightly) by authorities against your will, you comply and trust your rights will eventually win out. That doesn't happen when homes, families and schools are in disarray, teaching falsehoods.
Night Two in Kenosha:
"the perp/victim is stronger than the officers and obviously not complying."
This seems to be the common thread in every one of these cases
every one. ; and each time the perp was guilty of law breaking
which the left ignores as well as the response - burning down private property from people who had noting to do with any of it.
I was wondering if the officer thought he was reaching into his car to get a gun
"Grabbing him by the shoulder was not enough to stop him from whatever he was doing, apparently getting into his car to drive away. I don't know what happened. I don't know why they didn't want him to leave."
I may be wrong, but I read his body language (bending forward from the waist) to be that of reaching into the car for something.
"I don't know why they found him to be dangerous."
a) I have seen a freeze frame which seems to clearly show a kerambit knife in his hand.
b) I don't have citations handy, but I gather that he has a decent sized arrest (conviction?) record including for brandishing a gun in a bar and violence/aggression towards police. If his identity was known to dispatch they probably would have informed the officers taking the call.
"Grabbing him by the shoulder was not enough to stop him from whatever he was doing, apparently getting into his car to drive away. I don't know what happened. I don't know why they didn't want him to leave."
I may be wrong, but I read his body language (bending forward from the waist) to be that of reaching into the car for something.
"I don't know why they found him to be dangerous."
a) I have seen a freeze frame which seems to clearly show a kerambit knife in his hand.
b) I don't have citations handy, but I gather that he has a decent sized arrest (conviction?) record including for brandishing a gun in a bar and violence/aggression towards police. If his identity was known to dispatch they probably would have informed the officers taking the call.
Yes. Here we go again. My best guess is that this cop did not get up that morning thinking I'm white and I'm hoping to shoot a black man today.
I noticed they keep saying "shot in the back" but they don't say 'unarmed man shot in the back'. Just half a narrative, but at least he's black. Without studying the film I wonder how far toward you you have to let him turn with a weapon before shooting. The full threat he was perceived to pose depends on all the surrounding facts, none of which the early rioters knew. They just got the massage, game on.
So let's set fires and attack private and public facilities while we wait for information.
Someone mentioned today the war only pivoted to race recently. It was previously supposed to be the haves versus the have nots, but that also wasn't true.
Remember Seattle 1999, the 'anti-globalists' [antifa] were protesting the WTO and prosperity in general? That was Bill Clinton's last year of office. Jump to Occupy Wall Street, 2011, Obama's last year in office, first term. Isn't this the same war, same people plus newcomers?
We went from anti-globalization, whatever that means (isn't Trump an anti-globalist?) to anti-capitalism to anti-racism? Politicians played the richest 1% card ad nauseum even though it's definitional that the top 1% have more money than people who have less. Occupy Wall Street fizzled. Turns out all the zillionaires share their hate for free markets, spoiling the war.
Race is more visual and has more history to play with. Trying to figure out who these people are and what is their problem.
I noticed on NPR today, they're called "activists". Not vandals, looters, rioters, left wing radicals, just activists.
Check out 02:30-03:30 especially
I have photo of the man he shot in the arm holding a pistol.
Check out 02:30-03:30 especially
I have photo of the man he shot in the arm holding a pistol.
Wow. Very scary to see a mob in motion - no matter your weapon or training. All joking, politics, bias, narrative, agenda aside,
The root cause of this is poverty globalism capitalism inequality unknown?
Jacob Blake is a rapist?
According to Wisconsin law, third-degree sexual assault can include nonconsensual sexual intercourse or other sexual contact...
I don't want to take the cop's side; I'm just a news consumer trying to sort thinks out in my mind. Read Jacob's record; it's full of dangerous weapons charges in different criminal situations. He has an active warrant for arrest. He has a history of resisting arrest and was definitely resisting arrest here. To his defenders I ask, were the cops supposed to let him go because they could restrain him short of shooting? I don't know but don't think letting him go because he won the fight is not the option best for public safety. Shooting seven times? I don't know why so many.
Whether a cop was wrong in the Mpls and kenosha incidents, or not, the social justice crowd has lousy heroes here celebrating the lives of an armed robber and a rapist(?) resisting arrest . At the minimum, Blake at that moment was a very dangerous man likely to be armed, under active warrant, in the hands of police and then loose only by his act of resistance. There must be better victims we could celebrate.
The other 'victims':
The 3 shot (2 killed) in #Kenosha, Wisc. at the BLM riot have been identified.
Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, was the first one killed. Video allegedly shows him chasing teen shooter & throwing something at him. Rosenbaum was a registered sex offender for a sex crime involving a minor.
Anthony Huber, 26, was shot & killed in Kenosha, Wisc. at the BLM riot. He was filmed chasing down the armed teen and hitting him when he was on the ground with a skateboard. He has a criminal history that includes charges of battery & repeat domestic abuse.
Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, was the first one killed. Video allegedly shows him chasing teen shooter & throwing something at him. Rosenbaum was a registered sex offender for a sex crime involving a minor.
Anthony Huber, 26, was shot & killed in Kenosha, Wisc. at the BLM riot. He was filmed chasing down the armed teen and hitting him when he was on the ground with a skateboard. He has a criminal history that includes charges of battery & repeat domestic abuse.
The third who was shot (& survived) is Gaige Grosskreutz, 26. He's a member of the People’s Revolution Movement. He was filmed chasing after the teen w/a pistol. He was shot at close-range in the upper arm. He has a criminal record that includes being intoxicated & armed w/a gun.
About 15 minutes before the first shooting, police officers drive past Mr. Rittenhouse, and the other armed civilians who claim to be protecting the dealership, and offer water out of appreciation.
Mr. Rittenhouse walks up to a police vehicle carrying his rifle and talks with the officers.
He eventually leaves the dealership and is barred by the police from returning. Six minutes later footage shows Mr. Rittenhouse being chased by an unknown group of people into the parking lot of another dealership several blocks away.
While Mr. Rittenhouse is being pursued by the group, an unknown gunman fires into the air, though it’s unclear why. The weapon’s muzzle flash appears in footage filmed at the scene.
Mr. Rittenhouse turns toward the sound of gunfire as another pursuer lunges toward him from the same direction. Mr. Rittenhouse then fires four times, and appears to shoot the man in the head.
Mr. Rittenhouse seems to make a phone call and then flees the scene. Several people chase him, some shouting, “That’s the shooter!”
As Mr. Rittenhouse is running, he trips and falls to the ground. He fires four shots as three people rush toward him. One person appears to be hit in the chest and falls to the ground. Another, who is carrying a handgun, is hit in the arm and runs away.
Mr. Rittenhouse’s gunfire is mixed in with the sound of at least 16 other gunshots that ring out during this time.
As this happens, police vehicles just one block away remain stationary during the gunfire.
Mr. Rittenhouse walks with his hands up toward the police vehicles. Bystanders call out to the officers that he had just shot people.
The police drive by him without stopping, on their way to assist the victims.
Doing the police work the police can't/won't do.
About 15 minutes before the first shooting, police officers drive past Mr. Rittenhouse, and the other armed civilians who claim to be protecting the dealership, and offer water out of appreciation.
Mr. Rittenhouse walks up to a police vehicle carrying his rifle and talks with the officers.
He eventually leaves the dealership and is barred by the police from returning. Six minutes later footage shows Mr. Rittenhouse being chased by an unknown group of people into the parking lot of another dealership several blocks away.
While Mr. Rittenhouse is being pursued by the group, an unknown gunman fires into the air, though it’s unclear why. The weapon’s muzzle flash appears in footage filmed at the scene.
Mr. Rittenhouse turns toward the sound of gunfire as another pursuer lunges toward him from the same direction. Mr. Rittenhouse then fires four times, and appears to shoot the man in the head.
Mr. Rittenhouse seems to make a phone call and then flees the scene. Several people chase him, some shouting, “That’s the shooter!”
As Mr. Rittenhouse is running, he trips and falls to the ground. He fires four shots as three people rush toward him. One person appears to be hit in the chest and falls to the ground. Another, who is carrying a handgun, is hit in the arm and runs away.
Mr. Rittenhouse’s gunfire is mixed in with the sound of at least 16 other gunshots that ring out during this time.
As this happens, police vehicles just one block away remain stationary during the gunfire.
Mr. Rittenhouse walks with his hands up toward the police vehicles. Bystanders call out to the officers that he had just shot people.
The police drive by him without stopping, on their way to assist the victims.
some day this kid (unless pardoned by Biden or other democrat leniency program)
like this:
odds are he will be out on parole in a yr
Recidivist Criminal Who Chased Kyle Rittenhouse While Carrying (Illegally) A Pistol: My Only Regret Is Not Having Drawn My (Illegal) Gun Sooner So I Could Have Emptied the Mag Into Him
"This is an anomaly, and it can end at any time."
'Mostly peaceful' here - so far. )
Got any pictures of Minneapolis from earlier this year?
"This is an anomaly, and it can end at any time."
'Mostly peaceful' here - so far. )
Got any pictures of Minneapolis from earlier this year?
Target on E. Lake St the first night.
With mal-intent. Even the hammer I assume he stole from them.
This one is from my camera, a property adjoining one of my self insured properties, burned that first night:
Close call for me.
What did that Target look like 24 hours before?
Got any pictures of Minneapolis from earlier this year?
Target on E. Lake St the first night.
With mal-intent. Even the hammer I assume he stole from them.
This one is from my camera, a property adjoining one of my self insured properties, burned that first night:
Close call for me.
third post
Out of town in Kenosha means Milwaukee, 30 minutes away, also thugs from Chicago and who knows where else.
If these crimes are organized, violent, funded and cross state lines, don't they become federal crimes? If the perpetrators are connected with Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and so on and the organization and funding crosses state lines and they destroy federal buildings such as the post office in Minneapolis, doesn't this whole thing fall under Rico Federal racketeering law?
It's not just peaceful protests anymore. Our deep state LE have some work to do - if they're done chasing down the Steele Dossier.
Questions that Tucker asked the Acting Head of DHS tonight.
man does not comply with the police who have reason to pull him over
and he has gun in laundry basket
so he winds up dead
and the antifa and BLM get the feed
and organize their people in LA to start the protests
barrister Crumb is finding the families phone number
and the cockroach is already taking his private jet to the podium and microphone
about another person of color who cannot comply with police and physically resists what would have probably been a ticket
60% not from Kenosha. "arrestees came from 44 different cities outside Kenosha"
How many of them had to use a map program on their burner phone to find it?
Or were bussed in.
60% not from Kenosha. "arrestees came from 44 different cities outside Kenosha"
How many of them had to use a map program on their burner phone to find it?
I am thinking we should have T shirts that say "Vote or Submit"!
Where's he moving to? A red state?
My congressman:
Getting mugged is supposed to make you more conservative. But there is no room for diversity of thought in their circles.
Christopher F. Rufo [City Journal, Heritage]
Seattle is falling apart.
There are women passed out on the sidewalk, tent encampments in residential neighborhoods, and meth RVs operating in front of local businesses.
Neighbors desperately call the mayor and city council, but nobody picks up the phone. They don't care.
Yes. Ominous. Great intelligence gathering and advice. I would hope the Feds, Homeland Security etc, are taking this advice and doing something similar.
I hope police forces are being trained how to react to 'baiting'.
The final straw?
Chistie Todd Whitman is ok with this
as long as we get Trump out.
she does not care the reason he is there to start with is due to Rino's like her who caved to the Left for 30 yrs .
Marc MacYoung
Hang on folks.
Yeah it's easy to go rawr rawr about political agendas. This is a LOT more dangerous and complex than you might think.
In Terry Pratchett's "Nightwatch" he spoke of an idea (part of which I use in my teaching). That is the idea of the police is smoke and mirrors. The people outnumber the cops. And what keeps them from taking the cops out is a little image inside the people's head of a cop with a "Do not attack" attached. (That's the part I use.) The character musing about this is the head of the city watch during a time of civil unrest.
Pratchett also has some keen insights about what happens when the supply chain to and the mechanisms of a city are interrupted by civil unrest. (It ain't pretty.) So I would recommend reading that book.
But what if we expand that smoke and mirrors idea? I mean take it past just the police. Most people (at least those who don't have to deal with it) have this imagine inside their heads of an all-powerful legal system keeping us safe from bad guys and violence. This safety umbrella of laws, punishment and protectors lets us go about our daily business; because someone else is looking out for us we don't have to worry about it.
Again we're talking MOST people. As long as most people buy into this idea, things work. (Do me a favor and don't try to soapbox about corruption, oppression, all that other happy horseshit. A- I know more about that than you do. B- While I'm the first to say the system needs serious reform, reform doesn't mean trashing. C- Something else I know more about are the typical consequences of revolution/rebellion/civil war. D - I've heard all the canned rhetoric, cliches, 'proofs' and arguments before. That actually means, I've sat and listened and considered. It they're not outright wrong, they're lies and bullshit —and I can tell you why. E- Unless you have something new to add, I don't want to hear the same old bullshit. It might have convinced you, but it doesn't convince me. ) So anyway, things 'work' if most people believe in the power of the legal system.
However, there are very real limits to the legal system, They come in all manners and ways. One of which is it can only handle so much before being overwhelmed and collapses.
On a daily basis a lot of cockamamie laws and attitudes push the system this way anyway. Yet the system finds a way to adjust and keep up the image of being powerful, fair and working (Put a pushpin in that, we'll come back).
A fast example is/was mandatory arrest for domestic violence. What a noble idea! What a wonderful way to protect victims of domestic violence! Arrest anyone who physically attacked a domestic partner. With great sturm und drang this victory for women and advocates was announced. Yeah and that nearly overwhelmed the system. While the numbers were expected to rise, they weren't expected to hit orbit. That's what happened when reality met up with mandatory arrest laws. The system couldn't handle the fact that women are just as violent in domestic situations as men. The original interpretation for mandatory arrest resulted in arrest rates of 54 men /46% women because BOTH went to jail for physically attacking the other. To keep the system from crashing the laws had to be amended so only the primary aggressor (a.k.a. men) would be arrested.
I tell you about that so you can understand both the reality of the system can be overwhelmed and to introduce you to the politics and maneuvering to keep that from being noticed. That's the pushpin I mentioned. It's looking at the quiet-behind-the-scenes maneuvering and public- statements about keeping folks from recognizing the following.
Using their own standards the system can't handle the current situation. They cannot arrest and prosecute all the rioters and looters without overwhelming the system.
However, the smoke and mirrors about their power and legitimacy must be maintained. So when you can't handle the numbers —and there's a good chance of if you tried things would become a compete nightmare for you because your base supports this behavior— you make these kinds of statements about why you're not doing your job. AND at the same time, deflect criticism and movement against you.
This is not a batshit crazy leftist conspiracy. From a political self-protection, propaganda and doing-what-you-can- to maintain-legitimacy -over -the -long -term perspective this announcement actually is a cagey move. Unfortunately, it also happens to be a bad move.
Shooting looters/rioters is a very effective tool for stopping looting/rioting. Something we used to do in this country.
One way or another, we will most likely return to it. People who hate cops are really going to hate what replaces them.
Marc MacYoung
Hang on folks.
Yeah it's easy to go rawr rawr about political agendas. This is a LOT more dangerous and complex than you might think.
In Terry Pratchett's "Nightwatch" he spoke of an idea (part of which I use in my teaching). That is the idea of the police is smoke and mirrors. The people outnumber the cops. And what keeps them from taking the cops out is a little image inside the people's head of a cop with a "Do not attack" attached. (That's the part I use.) The character musing about this is the head of the city watch during a time of civil unrest.
Pratchett also has some keen insights about what happens when the supply chain to and the mechanisms of a city are interrupted by civil unrest. (It ain't pretty.) So I would recommend reading that book.
But what if we expand that smoke and mirrors idea? I mean take it past just the police. Most people (at least those who don't have to deal with it) have this imagine inside their heads of an all-powerful legal system keeping us safe from bad guys and violence. This safety umbrella of laws, punishment and protectors lets us go about our daily business; because someone else is looking out for us we don't have to worry about it.
Again we're talking MOST people. As long as most people buy into this idea, things work. (Do me a favor and don't try to soapbox about corruption, oppression, all that other happy horseshit. A- I know more about that than you do. B- While I'm the first to say the system needs serious reform, reform doesn't mean trashing. C- Something else I know more about are the typical consequences of revolution/rebellion/civil war. D - I've heard all the canned rhetoric, cliches, 'proofs' and arguments before. That actually means, I've sat and listened and considered. It they're not outright wrong, they're lies and bullshit —and I can tell you why. E- Unless you have something new to add, I don't want to hear the same old bullshit. It might have convinced you, but it doesn't convince me. ) So anyway, things 'work' if most people believe in the power of the legal system.
However, there are very real limits to the legal system, They come in all manners and ways. One of which is it can only handle so much before being overwhelmed and collapses.
On a daily basis a lot of cockamamie laws and attitudes push the system this way anyway. Yet the system finds a way to adjust and keep up the image of being powerful, fair and working (Put a pushpin in that, we'll come back).
A fast example is/was mandatory arrest for domestic violence. What a noble idea! What a wonderful way to protect victims of domestic violence! Arrest anyone who physically attacked a domestic partner. With great sturm und drang this victory for women and advocates was announced. Yeah and that nearly overwhelmed the system. While the numbers were expected to rise, they weren't expected to hit orbit. That's what happened when reality met up with mandatory arrest laws. The system couldn't handle the fact that women are just as violent in domestic situations as men. The original interpretation for mandatory arrest resulted in arrest rates of 54 men /46% women because BOTH went to jail for physically attacking the other. To keep the system from crashing the laws had to be amended so only the primary aggressor (a.k.a. men) would be arrested.
I tell you about that so you can understand both the reality of the system can be overwhelmed and to introduce you to the politics and maneuvering to keep that from being noticed. That's the pushpin I mentioned. It's looking at the quiet-behind-the-scenes maneuvering and public- statements about keeping folks from recognizing the following.
Using their own standards the system can't handle the current situation. They cannot arrest and prosecute all the rioters and looters without overwhelming the system.
However, the smoke and mirrors about their power and legitimacy must be maintained. So when you can't handle the numbers —and there's a good chance of if you tried things would become a compete nightmare for you because your base supports this behavior— you make these kinds of statements about why you're not doing your job. AND at the same time, deflect criticism and movement against you.
This is not a batshit crazy leftist conspiracy. From a political self-protection, propaganda and doing-what-you-can- to maintain-legitimacy -over -the -long -term perspective this announcement actually is a cagey move. Unfortunately, it also happens to be a bad move.
Some are trained and equipped.
Worth the time.
From American Thinker article posted by GM above:
"These items are, to repeat, merely a short but representative list of what Byron York recently labeled “coup porn.” York seems to think this is just harmless fantasizing on the part of the ruling class and its Democratic servants. For some of them, no doubt that’s true. But for all of them? I’m not so sure."
I like Byron York a lot and normally agree with his assessments.
This I do not.
If he has any doubts about the resolve of the LEFT to make sure they win this election by any means possible then
just look again how :
Democrat DAs, mayors and governors are selectively enforcing the law against law abiding citizens and not rioters.
And not a SINGLE prominent Democrat on the national stage has denounced this.
"Given the electoral gains cited above, are we certain that a socialist America is impossible—especially when 70 percent of Millennials say they would vote for a socialist? We cannot depend on someone else to step forward. We must go on the offensive, disseminating the truth about socialism and the free-enterprise alternative.
We must point out that socialism has never worked anywhere, most recently in Venezuela and in past years in Israel, India, and Great Britain. We must show that it is based on the failed prophecies of a delusional economist named Karl Marx, who predicted two centuries ago that capitalism would wither away, that socialism would mean the end of private property and of small businesses, of which there are now 30 million in America.
Further, we must explain that, thanks to free enterprise, one billion people left poverty and a new middle class has formed around the world—that capitalism not socialism has brought greater wealth and more freedom to more people than any other economic system in history."
hard to do when the Dems control 98 % of media
Found on
Found on
Funny how that works.
Just climate change starting fires again!
Just climate change starting fires again!
how do we know these people are not setting fires
out West?
how do we know these people are not setting fires
out West?
Yes. Part of it is from those same arsonists. Part of it is the usual amount of carelessness, forest mis-management and part of it is from natural causes. If we don't know the exact amounts from each source, call it climate change!
I don't know if this chart fits but scroll across for historical perspective. Fires were worse years ago.
Dem psyops.
shut down government
and take to the streets.
(we should only be so lucky - trump would win big)
lets get it on.
"It's now legal to resist a police officer but it's illegal to resist a BLM rioter and street thug?"
- Except for the small detail that we aren't fighting back yet, this is war.
"It's now legal to resist a police officer but it's illegal to resist a BLM rioter and street thug?"
- Except for the small detail that we aren't fighting back yet, this is war.
Notice he is sure to include a Democrat talking point:
"A day before, Franklin noted, President Donald Trump had tweeted a statement that said, in part, “…when the looting starts, the shooting starts.” The tweet came after protesters had burned a police station.
Franklin also noted Gardner’s affinity for the president."
obvious bias
no mention of how MSM and prosecutors have given the green light to rioters. over the past whatever months if one wants to be obejctive
and link that to the dead kids motives and encouragement to loot and damage private property for the fun of it.
Because saying so hurts lefty feeeeeeeelz.
American dream:
This comes well recommended to me:
No self defense allowed.
FBI-SJW, the other armed wing of the DNC.
*.Wait -- so right-wing militias are not "just an idea" and can be investigated, infiltrated, and prosecuted?*
my thoughts too
FBI silent on left wing anarchists :x
*.Wait -- so right-wing militias are not "just an idea" and can be investigated, infiltrated, and prosecuted?*
my thoughts too
FBI silent on left wing anarchists :x
Funny how the BurnLootMurder can rampage across the county unimpeded. It's almost like that they are doing so with permission...
*.Wait -- so right-wing militias are not "just an idea" and can be investigated, infiltrated, and prosecuted?*
my thoughts too
FBI silent on left wing anarchists :x
Funny how the BurnLootMurder can rampage across the county unimpeded. It's almost like that they are doing so with permission...
that might disrupt the MSM made up story they are all white wing supremacists who were given instructions by Trump
"stand down and be ready"
by tomorrow PJ media will be shut down by the Democrat Party tech wing .
Don't be surprised if the MSM doesn't jump on this part of the story.
*.Wait -- so right-wing militias are not "just an idea" and can be investigated, infiltrated, and prosecuted?*
my thoughts too
FBI silent on left wing anarchists :x
Funny how the BurnLootMurder can rampage across the county unimpeded. It's almost like that they are doing so with permission...
Plan accordingly.
Plan accordingly.
"Prediction 7: While Marxists in Congress are messing with the electoral process, Marxists on the streets (Antifa and BLM) will intensify their violence by burning, looting, and murdering even more than what we’ve seen to this point."
"Plan accordingly."
Translation: The left is concerned the right might start fighting back.
Amy Barrett
will dismantle health care in the US
anyone with health conditions will lose everything they own as well as their lives
meanwhile CNN runs the senile Biden speech in Ohio who of course will make the same ultra partisan false claims
(as he has done his entire political career )
CCP: Good post but not SACW material.
Just a dem in rural Colorado...
he thinks when biden wins this is over ....
think again little man
above: above: Grand Master Jay (center) of the Not F*****g Around Coalition (NFAC), a black militia, stands with his men in formation during a protest for Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Ky. on July 25, 2020 (Leslie Spurlock/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News)
Society & Culture
October 2020
Fourth Generation War Comes to a Theater Near You
By William Lind
Mobs loot, burn, and vandalize while politicians advocate defunding the police. A commune was established in Seattle and turned into Lord of the Flies while government did nothing. Blacks demand equal treatment from police despite a violent crime rate many times greater than that of whites, and mainstream media will not report honestly the differences in crime rates. “Wokeness” spreads among idle youth who flunked English 101. What is going on?
What is going on, right here on American soil, is war; a new kind of war that is also very old, waged by entities other than states. I call it Fourth Generation War and, to paraphrase Leon Trotsky, you may not be interested in Fourth Generation War—but it is interested in you.
In the 1980s, when working with the Marine Corps, I came up with an intellectual framework I call the Four Generations of Modern War. Military historian Martin van Creveld’s books The Rise and Decline of the State and The Transformation of War are foundational works in my framework, which flows from one of the defining elements of the modern age, the rise of the state.
The Four Generations framework begins in 1648, when in the Peace of Westphalia the state claimed and subsequently enforced a monopoly on war. This seems automatic to us today; war means armies, navies, and air forces of a state or an alliance of states fighting similar armed forces belonging to other states.
But war’s definition was not always so narrow. Before Westphalia, many different kinds of entities fought wars: families (think of the Montagues and Capulets from Romeo and Juliet), clans, tribes, races, religions, and even business enterprises. India was conquered not by Great Britain, but by the British East India Company, a business with an army and a fleet. They used many different tools to fight; for the most part, armies and navies as we know them did not exist. Fighters ranged from every male able to carry a weapon, through poisoners inserted in a rival’s kitchen, to highly specialized mercenaries who hired themselves out to anyone with cash. The Grimaldis, whose descendents still rule Monaco, got their start as galley fleet entrepreneurs.
People fought for many different reasons, not just raison d’état (political reasons). They fought for eternal salvation, for slaves to sell, for booty, for land, for pay, and because young men with idle hands like to fight—and the local women liked fighters. War flowed not like the Arno but like the Everglades, slowly inundating everything.
The state, as it arose beginning around the year 1500, gradually put an end to this. The state came to impose and sustain order and the safety of persons and property. War not made by states threatened that order. So, the state rounded up the non-state fighters and hanged them from the nearest tree, to the loud huzzahs of the population.
The First Generation War ran from Westphalia to about the middle of the 19th century. I discuss this period in detail in my book co-authored with Lt. Col. Gregory A. Thiele, 4th Generation Warfare Handbook (2015). It was a time characterized by tactics of line and column, which led to (for the most part) orderly battlefields which led in turn to a military culture of order.
That culture continues in almost all state armed forces today. That’s a problem, because starting in the mid-19th century the battlefield became steadily more disorderly. Part of the reason state militaries now so often lose against rag-tag opponents is that they have in effect one foot on the dock and one foot on the boat.
Second and Third Generation War were both attempts to deal with the growing disorder of the battlefield, and both came out of World War I. Second Generation War was developed by the French Army. It reduced war to a highly centralized process of putting firepower on targets, a process that both upheld and required a culture of order. Third Generation War came out of the German experience in World War I. Commonly known as “Blitzkrieg” in its World War II manifestation, it sought not to control but to use the disorder of the battlefield through a military culture of maneuver, speed, decentralization, and encouragement of initiative.
When the Second and Third Generations met in 1940, the latter defeated the former in six weeks, even though the French had more and better tanks than the Germans. Ideas, not weapons, were decisive—which has not prevented the U.S. armed forces from clinging to Second Generation tactics even today. They don’t work, but no one seems to care anymore that we lose wars, so long as the money keeps flowing.
Enter Fourth Generation War. All over the world, state militaries find themselves fighting not other mirror-image state armed forces but the ghosts of premodern war. Once again, many different kinds of entities are fighting wars: clans, tribes, races, religions, businesses we call drug cartels, and so on. They use many different means, not just armies; invasion by immigration is perhaps the most dangerous. And almost always, the state armed forces, despite vast combat power superiority, lose.
At the crux of Fourth Generation War is a crisis of the legitimacy of the state. This crisis varies greatly in intensity from one state to another, but almost everywhere we see people in growing numbers transfer their primary loyalty away from the state to non-state entities: race, religion, ideology, or political causes such as animal rights, etc. Many of those people, who would never fight for their state, are willing, even eager, to fight for their new primary loyalty. The consequence is that the state loses the monopoly on war it claimed at Westphalia. As van Creveld says, the key change in the Fourth Generation is not how war is fought (although that does change), but who fights and what they fight for.
That is much of what we have seen going on in our streets over the past few months. Fourth Generation War has come to a theater near you. A variety of Fourth Generation “causes” have intersected with what I call a “supply-side war.” We have millions of kids who have been cooped up for two or three months. They have no work or school. They want an excuse to go out and fight, because that is what bored young people like to do. Especially young men; young women will demonstrate but when fighting starts they usually disappear.
These youths need a cause to plead in answer to adults’ demand for “social distancing.” It doesn’t matter what the cause is; saving the pangolins could work as well as “Black Lives Matter.” Supply-side war provides the raw material in youthful fighters, while Fourth Generation War gives them something to fight for, a new primary loyalty to replace duty to country. And the state proves itself impotent against its own progeny. We have seen this same supply-side war dynamic in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, and most of West Africa. Now we are seeing it in Chicago and Portland.
Conservatives know that the fall of the state is catastrophic. Life becomes, as our old friend Thomas Hobbes said, nasty, brutish, and short. A friend of mine has used Hobbes’ name as a pseudonym to pen a novel about this situation erupting in America, entitled Victoria: A Novel of Fourth Generation War (2014).
Security forces may put down individual disorders (and they should), but the only way to defeat Fourth Generation War is to restore the legitimacy of the state, to the point where it again becomes the primary loyalty of most of its citizens. What is the prospect for that in the United States of America in the year 2020? As President Trump would say, “Not good.”
We face a bifurcated culture. The elite that controls the state has for decades waged war on the common culture in the name of the ideology of cultural Marxism, also known as “wokeness.” While many Americans who cling to our historic Western, Christian culture also remain loyal to the state, their position is unsustainable because the Deep State is dominated by cultural Marxists.
Conservatives’ loyalty to America is to an America that has largely disappeared among elites. At some point, they too will transfer their primary loyalty to something other than the America we know now. Probably they will transfer it to many things, not just one, adding to the disintegrative forces working on the state.
Restoring the legitimacy of the state requires a federal government that actually cares about America “beyond the beltway,” and neither political party offers that. Washington has become a classic royal court toward the end of a dynasty. Court politics is everything; the rest of the country is only a stupid cow to be milked and beaten.
Some years ago, when I lived in D.C., I enjoyed a lunch with the third secretary of the Russian Embassy. We agreed that the United States had become a one-party state, which is something Russians know something about. The one party is the Establishment Party, and no matter which of its wings win, the Democrats or the Republicans, nothing important changes. The same people get the same old jobs, the money keeps flowing into bottomless sinkholes (welfare spending for Democrats, military spending for Republicans), everyone in town prospers and the rest of the country becomes poorer.
The 2016 presidential election broke from this script. Donald Trump, who was not a member of the one party and who dared defy cultural Marxism (any member of the Establishment who does that instantly becomes an “un-person”), grabbed the brass ring. That is the one party’s ultimate nightmare, that someone breaks their lock on policy, power, and money. The Establishment’s bitter, rabid hatred for President Trump springs from that fact and that fact alone. What he says or does is immaterial. Were he St. Francis of Assisi returned to mortal life, their vitriol toward him would be no less.
Regrettably, even if Trump wins re-election, he will be able to do little to restore the state’s legitimacy—a legitimacy he represents to many who voted for him, who in turn are further alienated from the state by the Establishment’s hatred of their champion. The one party owns the Deep State, which has served them well by sabotaging almost everything the president has tried to do. What he has attempted has often been right and good, but the list of his accomplishments is short.
The Deep State’s lock on effective action by the state makes the quest to restore its legitimacy nigh on hopeless. Only a state that works for all Americans, that effectively provides order, competent services, and gradually increasing prosperity for all, not just more riches for the royal court, can be legitimate. The one thing Americans, right and left, can probably agree on is that the chances of that occurring are slim to none.
So, is the future of the American state hopeless? Probably. I can see three possible outcomes to the crisis of legitimacy of the American state.
The first is that the dynasty falls and a competent new establishment class replaces it, one that can make the federal government work for everyone and that ceases to wage ideological war on its own people. In theory, this is possible, but I see no signs of it happening, nor any forces on the horizon that are capable of doing it. The system is so loaded against third parties that this route is effectively blocked. The Democrats are hopelessly in thrall to cultural Marxism because their base either believes in it, profits from it, or both. President Trump has shown himself incapable of remaking the Republican Party in his anti-Establishment, politically incorrect image. Could his successor do it, perhaps someone such as Tucker Carlson? Hope springs eternal, but hope is also a fool.
A second possibility is that both left and right could see the horrors that widespread Fourth Generation War on American soil would bring, step back, and work together to avoid it. There is a way to do that, by returning to American federalism as it was practiced before 1860.
When the Constitution was drafted and ratified, none of the men involved ever imagined that life in, say, Massachusetts and South Carolina would become the same. Still less did they conceive that the Constitution gave the federal government authority to make them the same. Were we to return to their understanding of federalism, we could maintain the union while accommodating cultural differences. Some states would be right, others left. If you found yourself being governed by people you despised, you would not need to fight. You could simply move. We would still be one country for foreign policy, defense, macroeconomics, and infrastructure. But leftists would be free to misrule the West Coast to their hearts’ content, while conservatives enjoyed the neighborliness and good food of the Old South.
The third and most likely possibility is that the country breaks apart in widespread Fourth Generation War. Welcome to Libya, Syria, and a growing portion of the world.
If the third possibility becomes reality and America as we know it disappears from the world’s landscape, its vanishing will be part of something larger: the end of the modern age that gave birth to the state.
As the late Jeffrey Hart wrote, the modern age began when Western men discarded metaphysics and said, in effect, “We are no longer interested in questions of ultimate meaning; from now on, we care only about the physical world.” From that time onward, a focus on the practical defined modernity. Out of it came ships that could cross oceans and navigation to guide them; steam power, then electricity, medicine that allowed Western men to live anywhere in the world; and, by the beginning of the 20th century, world domination by the Christian West.
We threw away that domination in three great Western civil wars: World War I, World War II, and the Cold War. Now, the West is just one contending culture among many, the state to which the West gave birth is failing everywhere, and the questions of ultimate meaning that modernity discarded are returning to haunt its senescence.
Can the times be redeemed? Probably not, but as men of the West, we must try.
When the Constitution was drafted and ratified, none of the men involved ever imagined that life in, say, Massachusetts and South Carolina would become the same. Still less did they conceive that the Constitution gave the federal government authority to make them the same....
This principle mistake of this country is in thinking that the Constitution ever had any authority.
Lysander Spooner makes an excellent argument as to the Constitution having no authority in his essay "No Treason."
This country is going to the way of balkanization and there is no stopping it.
"Security forces..."
Several more powerful grasps have been broken in countries that enjoyed absolute gun control. The security forces....aren't.
The Bear Went Over the Mountain....and The Other Side of the Mountain... Great books.
we still have the swamp never trumpers who are weak sniveling little losers who desperately are trying to make a living scamming money out of those who hate trump and are now getting the cash from being leftist tools :
calling them benedict arnolds is actually more complimentary then they deserve
Be ready.
Be ready.
Be ready.
ShutDown DC has a targeting map
"anticipation of civil unrest"
sounds like Nazis looking for jews
only this time those behind it - many are jews
would they have gone after Elie Wiesel if he was still alive?
If I recall he supported Trump at least for his support of Israel and maybe other reasons
first time I have 'finally' seen Jews discuss bitterness between Jews over politics
it is even mentioned how the liberal American Jews have converted to donkeyism (democrat religion )
Biden the uniter. :wink:
and his first week after probably winning he invites to his team ALL the Obama era partisans who hate republicans etc
so right away he antagonizes us
and then speaks of uniting
now we have Harris to turn EVERYTHING racial and needing something special for minorities
in addition
of course that was what the LEFT MSM Democrats did for yrs after 2016 .
it was quite all right then
now doing so is s threat to democracy
and BTW there is plenty of evidence
If we had a team of Independent council lawyers investigate this - far more likely the can turn over every stone and look up everyones rear end and down every polling locations throat
they WILL find enough evidence of mass fraud
but that is not the way it works in a one party America
If Trump says we look like a "banana republic" it is because we are
The electoral process thread would have been better for that one.
This post from another forum does belong here :wink: :wink:
The following was sent to me earlier this week and is by John Hurth (a retired SF guy), I think it fits in nicely with ninpo's message hence the inclusion of his earlier post above.
The 2020 Presidential Election results do not matter anymore.
The 2020 election will be decided in the courts, but even that does not matter. Whether Biden or Trump is the decided winner it won’t stop what is coming. For the last five years, I have been telling people we are in the latent and incipient phase of an insurgency, some have listened and most have not. Many thought I was completely nuts about our country being in an insurgency, some still do, yet here we are.
One political party weaponized the offices of the Govt against another political party, a hostile transfer of power from an outgoing President to an incoming President, an attempted coup conducted by the Democratic Party, US intelligence agencies and DOJ, the media pushing their own political agendas through propaganda, and censorship, the over politicization of a virus, extreme lockdowns that crushed a prosperous economy, Freedom of Speech squashed and censorship by large tech and social media platforms, criminals made into martyrs, Riots in the streets, Looting, Lawlessness, and communities destroyed, defunding LE, Police targeted for assassination, educators corrupting the minds of Americas Youth, and now election tampering.
The election was bound to be compromised and now there are good reasons to believe it has. No matter what happens in the courts neither side will accept the outcome. This is what happens when you have subversives in a nation that hold power and seek more with an abundance of low information voters who can easily be exploited.
But it gets better. The Democrats thought they could use Antifa and BLM for their own political purposes, never realizing those radical Marxist organizations hate Democrats just as much as they hate Republicans. You see, they do not want the United States to even exist in its current form. They are anti-constitution (but will exploit it to get what they want) and anti-American. They want a Marxist government in its stead. Ever wonder why the violence in Portland has not ceased since the end of May. If a Marxist insurgency wins political power, it will happen in Oregon, and Portland specifically. Just remember Democrats, you created them. You Democrats planted the weed in your own garden, watered it, let it grow, and that weed will eventually take over your garden.
So, no matter the outcome of this election, things are only going to get worse. Emotions are running high and logic is nowhere in the equation.
Marxists have no intention of stopping their violence. Criminals will only further exploit the lack of LE on the streets to continue their violent power grabs.
I always hear many “Patriots,” say they are ready to fight. They got their guns, their high-speed gear, they work out daily, and they do their “transition drills” with “lightning speed”, they practice CQB in their house, they get on social media and regurgitate the latest tactical fad, while disparaging others who are not as “fit” as they are or wearing the latest cool guy gear, and this is why they have been caught off guard with everything that has happened around them. Their leadership sucks, their strategy sucks, they are undisciplined, unorganized, and lack the knowledge to effectively do anything. They also completely underestimate their enemy and the environment in this war being waged.
For the most part, the patriot movement has been preparing for a war that is fought in the open, not the clandestine or covert war that is typically fought in insurgencies. If it makes you feel any better even most veterans who have recent experience in Afghanistan and Iraq fail to understand this type of warfare. That is why those wars lasted so long, every day was Groundhog Day for a conventional military rotation. If these veterans did not understand the insurgency they fought over there, how in hell are they going to fight it here. The only real exception is Special Forces Soldiers whose pipeline produce soldiers to conduct Unconventional Warfare. They understand insurgency because their whole pipeline prepares them to conduct an insurgency or fight against one.
The left has mobilized and organized. They have a very robust recruiting operation, they know how to spot, assess, and recruit new members, they understand the importance of OPSEC, their organization is decentralized and cellular, and they learn their lessons relatively quick. They have developed front organizations, safe houses, clandestine communication systems, sanctuary areas to operate from, garnered financial support from domestic private entities as well as foreign entities. Also, they learn from all your tactical gurus on YouTube and watch the same stuff you do.
My advice to you is to get your shit together and stop underestimating the enemy, this is going to be a long fight. There will be no Balkanization, it’s all or nothing in their minds so you better develop the same mindset :wink:
Up there with Hunter Thompson-- please post in the Michael Yon and Rants thread as well.
by Gary Saul Morson
October 2020
Between 1900 and 1917, waves of unprecedented terror struck Russia. Several parties professing incompatible ideologies competed (and cooperated) in causing havoc. Between 1905 and 1907, nearly 4,500 government officials and about as many private individuals were killed or injured. Between 1908 and 1910, authorities recorded 19,957 terrorist acts and revolutionary robberies, doubtless omitting many from remote areas. As the foremost historian of Russian terrorism, Anna Geifman, observes, “Robbery, extortion, and murder became more common than traffic accidents.”
Anyone wearing a uniform was a candidate for a bullet to the head or sulfuric acid to the face. Country estates were burnt down (“rural illuminations”) and businesses were extorted or blown up. Bombs were tossed at random into railroad carriages, restaurants, and theaters. Far from regretting the death and maiming of innocent bystanders, terrorists boasted of killing as many as possible, either because the victims were likely bourgeois or because any murder helped bring down the old order. A group of anarcho-communists threw bombs laced with nails into a café bustling with two hundred customers in order “to see how the foul bourgeois will squirm in death agony.”
Instead of the pendulum’s swinging back—a metaphor of inevitability that excuses people from taking a stand—the killing grew and grew, both in numbers and in cruelty. Sadism replaced simple killing. As Geifman explains, “The need to inflict pain was transformed from an abnormal irrational compulsion experienced only by unbalanced personalities into a formally verbalized obligation for all committed revolutionaries.” One group threw “traitors” into vats of boiling water. Others were still more inventive. Women torturers were especially admired.
How did educated, liberal society respond to such terrorism? What was the position of the Constitutional Democratic (Kadet) Party and its deputies in the Duma (the parliament set up in 1905)? Though Kadets advocated democratic, constitutional procedures, and did not themselves engage in terrorism, they aided the terrorists in any way they could. Kadets collected money for terrorists, turned their homes into safe houses, and called for total amnesty for arrested terrorists who pledged to continue the mayhem. Kadet Party central committee member N. N. Shchepkin declared that the party did not regard terrorists as criminals at all, but as saints and martyrs. The official Kadet paper, Herald of the Party of People’s Freedom, never published an article condemning political assassination. The party leader, Paul Milyukov, declared that “all means are now legitimate . . . and all means should be tried.” When asked to condemn terrorism, another liberal leader in the Duma, Ivan Petrunkevich, famously replied: “Condemn terror? That would be the moral death of the party!”
Not just lawyers, teachers, doctors, and engineers, but even industrialists and bank directors raised money for the terrorists. Doing so signaled advanced opinion and good manners. A quote attributed to Lenin—“When we are ready to kill the capitalists, they will sell us the rope”—would have been more accurately rendered as: “They will buy us the rope and hire us to use it on them.” True to their word, when the Bolsheviks gained control, their organ of terror, the Cheka, “liquidated” members of all opposing parties, beginning with the Kadets. Why didn’t the liberals and businessmen see it coming?
That question has bothered many students of revolutionary movements. Revolutions never succeed without the support of wealthy, liberal, educated society. Yet revolutionaries seldom conceal that their success entails the seizure of all wealth, the suppression of dissenting opinion, and the murder of class enemies. Lenin, after all, was by no means the only bloodthirsty Russian radical. In 1907, Ivan Pavlov—not the Nobel prize–winning scientist, but one of the brightest theoreticians of the especially violent Maximalists—published The Purification of Mankind, which divided humanity into ethical races. In this analysis, exploiters, vaguely and broadly identified, constituted a race, “morally inferior to our animal predecessors,” which must be exterminated, children and all, by the morally superior race, whose best members were the terrorists themselves. Remarkably enough, this program evoked no indignation, among other Maximalists or even among other socialists, however moderate. Another prominent Maximalist, M. A. Engel’gardt, argued for a red terror that would kill at least twelve million people. As if anticipating the Khmer Rouge, one anarchist group sought to establish equality by killing all educated people.
Stacked Mgazines
And yet the liberals refused to use their position in the Duma to make constitutionalism work. They would not participate in determining the government budget but confined their activities to denouncing the government and defending terrorists. Even when Pyotr Stolypin, the most capable chief minister Nicholas II ever had, offered to enact the entire Kadet program, the Kadets refused to cooperate. Evidently their professed beliefs were less important than their emotional identification with radicalism, of whatever sort.
In one memorable scene, the hero of Solzhenitsyn’s novel November 1916, Colonel Vorotyntsev, finds himself at a social gathering principally of Kadet adherents, where everyone repeats the same progressive pieties. He soon grasps that “each of them knew in advance what the others would say, but that it was imperative for them to meet and hear all over again what they collectively knew. They were all overwhelmingly certain that they were right, yet they needed these exchanges to reinforce their certainty.” To his surprise, Vorotyntsev, as if under a spell, finds himself joining in. It requires an effort to remind himself that what these progressives say about “the people,” whom they do not know at all, contradicts everything he has learned from his acquaintance with thousands of common soldiers. When Vorotyntsev ventures the slightest discordant observation, “just . . . one little thing . . . they were all on their guard. They fell silent, as they had been speaking, in unison, and their silence was aimed at the colonel.” He retreats and, as if hypnotized, repeats progressive pieties with the rest.
What is this strange political hypnosis? Vorotyntsev gives ground and holds his peace, “not because he felt he was wrong, but out of fear of saying something reactionary,” a word Solzhenitsyn italicizes to suggest that, in other cultures and periods, a different term of opprobrium will play the same role. Soldiers who are brave under fire cower before progressive opinion. For a long time, Vorotyntsev cannot bring himself to voice counterarguments, “and he despised himself for it. . . . It was a contagious disease—there was no resisting it if you came too close.”
At last, Vorotyntsev finds it in himself to resist. Soon after, he discusses the encounter with Professor Andozerskaya, who explains that she, like professors at many universities today, “must choose every word so carefully.”
In educated Russian society . . . by no means every view may be expressed. A whole school of thought . . . is morally forbidden, not merely in lectures but in private conversation. And the more “liberated” the company, the more heavily this tacit prohibition weighs on it.
One prominent Kadet, Peter Struve, did break with “liberated” opinion. He pointed out the absurdity of liberal intolerance and the suicidal insanity of backing bloodthirsty revolutionaries. After the Bolshevik takeover, he blamed liberals for the disastrous consequences they might have prevented.
Struve was not entirely alone in trying to alert educated society. In 1909, he joined six other thinkers to publish Landmarks: A Collection of Essays on the Russian Intelligentsia. In addition to Alexander Izgoev, another prominent Kadet, the contributors included Nikolai Berdyaev, Sergei Bulgakov, and Semyon Frank, who would reshape Russian Orthodox theology; legal scholar Bogdan Kistyakovsky; and literary critic Mikhail Gershenzon, who edited the volume. One of the most important documents of Russian thought, Landmarks is a must for anyone investigating the mentality of the intelligentsia.
Landmarks caused unprecedented scandal. It went through five editions in about a year, and the fifth included an appendix listing more than two hundred books and articles answering (mostly vilifying) it. If the contributors aimed to promote reasoned dialogue, foster intellectual tolerance, and sway liberal opinion away from automatic radicalism, they failed spectacularly. Most Kadets dissociated themselves from the book, and the party leader Milyukov toured the country to denounce it for betraying the sacred traditions of the Russian intelligentsia. The volume’s unforgivable sin, Frank explained, lay in its
criticism of the basic sacred dogma of the radical intelligentsia—the “mystique” of revolution. This was regarded as an audacious and quite intolerable betrayal of the age-old sacred testament of the Russian intelligentsia, the betrayal of the tradition handed down by the prophets and saints of Russian social thought—Belinsky, Granovsky, Chernyshevsky, Pisarev.
To follow the volume’s argument, one needs to grasp how the contributors used the words “intelligentsia” and “intelligent” (member of the intelligentsia). “Intelligentsia” is a word that originated in Russia, where it was coined about 1860. Used in its strict, proper, or classical sense, it means something entirely different from its English equivalent. To be an intelligent it was by no means sufficient (or even necessary) to be well-educated. And if by “intellectual” one means a curious person thinking for himself or herself, then intelligent was close to its opposite.
Three characteristics identified a classical intelligent. To begin with, an intelligent identified primarily as an intelligent, rather than by his social class, profession, ethnic group, or other social category. No one would have considered Tolstoy an intelligent, for example, in part because he used his title “Count.”
Unless an intelligent was wealthy or, like Lenin, could become a professional revolutionary living at his party’s expense, he had to work, but as a matter of honor he did not take his profession seriously. As Izgoev remarks,
The average, rank-and-file intelligent usually does not know his job and does not like it. He is a poor teacher, a poor engineer. . . . He regards his profession . . . as a sideline that does not deserve respect. If he is enthusiastic about his profession . . . he can expect the cruelest sarcasm from his friends.
At the extreme, an intelligent followed the prescripts of Sergei Nechaev’s “Catechism of a Revolutionary” and “severed all ties with the civic order,” renouncing family and even his own name. Of course, very few went so far, just as very few medieval Christians became monks, but Nechaev’s prescription remained the ideal—the ideal of what Frank called “the monk-revolutionary.”
The Landmarks contributors mention a second characteristic of intelligents: their devotion to a special set of manners, including dress, hygiene (deliberately poor), hair style (the famous “short-haired lady nihilists”), prescribed and taboo expressions, and a set of sexual practices that the Landmarks contributors describe as puritanical dissoluteness (debauchery practiced as a rite) fueled by “nihilistic moralism.” As Frank observes, the intelligentsia constitute
a separate little world with its own very strong and rigorous traditions, its own etiquette, mores and customs. . . . Nowhere in Russia are there such . . . a clear and strict regulation of life, such categorical judgments of people and situations, and such loyalty to the corporate spirit as in this all-Russian spiritual monastery, the Russian intelligentsia.
There are stories of aristocrats taking lessons in the right kind of bad manners. Kukshina and Sitnikov in Turgenev’s Fathers and Children, and Lebezyatnikov in Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment, caricature the type—but not by much.
Most important, and of greatest concern, was how intelligents thought. An intelligent signed on to a set of beliefs regarded as totally certain, scientifically proven, and absolutely obligatory for any moral person. A strict intelligent had to subscribe to some ideology—whether populist, Marxist, or anarchist—that was committed to the total destruction of the existing order and its replacement by a utopia that would, at a stroke, eliminate every human ill. This aspiration was often described as chiliastic (or apocalyptic), and, as has been observed, it is no accident that many of the most influential intelligents, from Chernyshevsky to Stalin, came from clerical families or had studied in seminaries. For Struve, the mentality of the intelligentsia constituted a cruel parody of religion, preserving “the external features of religiosity without its content.”
An intelligent could not be a believer, which is another reason no one would have considered Tolstoy (let alone that conservative Dostoevsky) an intelligent. They accepted atheism on faith, were spiritually devoted to materialism, and proselytized determinism. They based these commitments on “science,” a word they used to mean not a disinterested process of discovery based on experiment and evidence, but—and here the reason became perfectly circular —a metaphysics of materialism and determinism.
Still worse, intelligentsia “science” entailed an assertion that the world worked by blind, purposeless force and yet, as if guided by providence, was guaranteed to progress in human terms and reach moral perfection. (As people say today, the arc of history bends toward justice.) Berdyaev quoted theologian Vladimir Soloviev’s paraphrase of “the intelligentsia syllogism”: “Man is descended from the apes; therefore love one another.” In the same spirit, Bulgakov observed that “the intelligentsia asserts that the personality is wholly a product of the environment, and at the same time suggests to it that it improve its surroundings, like Baron Münchausen pulling himself out of the swamp by his own hair.”
If there was one “philosopheme” (Struve’s term) shared by intelligents it was the assumption that all questions must be judged politically. Thus, one could discredit a scientific theory not by logic or evidence but by calling its implications “reactionary” (“and what don’t we call reactionary!”). The Soviets banned, at one time or another, genetics, relativity, and quantum theory—not on criteria from their respective disciplines, but on the basis of their supposed incompatibility with “dialectical materialism.”
Such politicism disparaged philanthropy as “a betrayal of all mankind and its eternal salvation for the sake of a few individuals close at hand.” During the famine of 1891–92, when Tolstoy and Chekhov engaged in famine relief, Lenin advocated hoarding food to bring revolution closer (“the worse, the better”).
The Landmarks contributors agreed that individual self-improvement must accompany political reform. A society can be no better morally than its people, and so the intelligentsia needed to cultivate virtues it scorned as bourgeois: responsibility, honesty, good manners, tolerance of diverse views, and the sort of self-examination necessary for spiritual improvement. In the teeth of intelligentsia prejudice, they recommended religious consciousness as the best path to better morals.
Intelligentsia ethics appalled the Landmarks essayists. If everything is political, then the cruelest means are not only permitted but obligatory. What is more, the very tactics the revolutionaries condemned became acceptable when the revolutionaries themselves used them. The argument that comes naturally to liberal-minded people—what if the shoe were on the other foot?—was rejected in principle. For an intelligent, there is no other foot.
In Solzhenitsyn’s August 1914, when young Veronika criticizes revolutionaries for doing just what they condemn, her intelligentsia aunts are shocked. Why,
the unfeeling girl was equating the oppressors of the people with its liberators, speaking as though they had the same moral rights! . . . Let him [the intelligent] kill. . . . The Party takes all the blame upon itself, so that terror is no longer murder, expropriation is no longer robbery.
Such thinking is a “major convenience,” Gershenzon observed, because “it remove all moral responsibility from the individual.” Writing about a decade after Landmarks, the philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin called such an excuse a spurious “alibi” and insisted: “There is no alibi.”
The intelligentsia constituted one Russian intellectual tradition, the great writers another. “It is remarkable,” Struve commented, “how our national literature remains a preserve the intelligentsia cannot capture.” Gershenzon famously remarked that “in Russia an almost infallible gauge of the strength of an artist’s genius is the extent of his hatred for the intelligentsia.” Russia’s greatest contribution to world culture—the literary tradition of Tolstoy, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, and Chekhov—could not have existed had these writers written to political formula. On the contrary, the Russian novel of ideas critically examined everything the intelligentsia stood for—the simplicity of human psychology, the easy division of people into good and evil, the supposition that life’s meaning is already known, and the reduction of ethics to politics—and showed how mistaken and dangerous such ideologies are.
Intelligents favored other writers, like Chernyshevsky, who pioneered what would become Soviet Socialist realism. When the intelligentsia seized control in 1917, the great literary tradition continued in works written for the drawer, published abroad, and circulated in samizdat. Solzhenitsyn, Vasily Grossman, Boris Pasternak, Mikhail Bulgakov, and Svetlana Alexievich consciously continued the great countertradition of the Russian classics.
Some talented writers, like the satirist Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, tried to have it both ways—or, as Struve observed, they wore the intelligentsia “uniform.” They found creative ways to defend prescribed beliefs, much as some talented Soviet writers struggled to do decades later. By contrast, “Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, each in his own way, tore this uniform off and threw it away.”
Most liberals proudly donned the uniform. This tragedy almost guaranteed the intelligentsia’s eventual seizure of power and the terrible reign that followed. For the Landmarks contributors, liberals’ attachment to illiberal movements derived from a psychological complex favoring conformism.
Though some liberals recognized their differences from the radicals, most acted like intelligentsia wannabes who were unwilling to acknowledge, even to themselves, that their values were essentially different. Socialized to regard anything conservative as reprehensible—and still worse, as a social faux pas—they contrived ways to justify radical intolerance and violence as forced, understandable, and noble. They had to, since the fundamental emotional premise of liberalism—hostility to those ignorant, bigoted, morally depraved people on the right—almost always proved more compelling than professed intellectual commitments.
Casting “unworthy, furtive glances at who liked what,” Berdyaev observed, these liberals illustrated how “moral cowardice develops, while love of truth and intellectual daring are extinguished.” Captivated by public opinion, they signed petitions they did not agree with and excused heinous acts, always observing the rule: Better to side with people a mile to one’s left than be associated with anyone an inch to one’s right. Educated society knew that one could not just abolish the police, as the anarchists demanded, and that socialism would not instantly cure all ills, but they assured themselves that progressive opinion must be right:
Could its validity be doubted, when it was accepted by all progressive minds? . . . Only people with an exceptionally strong spirit could resist the hypnosis of a common faith. . . . Tolstoy resisted, and so did Dostoevsky, but the average person, even if he did not believe, dared not admit it.
The Landmarks contributors aimed to change Russia so that, like England, it would have educated people but not an intelligentsia. They warned, as Dostoevsky had in The Possessed, that to the extent that a society’s educated class comes to resemble an intelligentsia in the Russian sense, it is headed for what we now call totalitarianism—unless others muster the strength to resist it.
One sometimes hears that “the pendulum is bound to swing back.” But how does one know there is a pendulum at all, rather than—let us say—a snowball accelerating downhill? It is unwise to comfort oneself with metaphors. When a party is willing to push its power as far as it can go, it will keep going until it meets sufficient opposition. In the French Revolution, terror was eventually stopped by “Thermidor,” and then by Napoleon. But in Russia, Stalin proclaimed “the intensification of the class struggle” after the Revolution, entailing an unending series of arrests, executions, and sentences to the Gulag. What meets no resistance does not stop.
Gary Saul Morson is Lawrence B. Dumas Professor of the Arts and Humanities at Northwestern University.
couldn't happen here.
couldn't happen here.
Famous line from inside Venezuela. They were the richest country in Latin America. "It can't happen here."
But it did.
Once the people who are willing to cheat control the elections, it's over.
The Morson article was well written.
The Morson article was well written.
Yes it was.
but pro Trump owners must shut up
or they leave the team
they can shove their b balls you know where as far as I am concerned
"Since most Republican elites are not trustworthy right, but center-left, even if the Democrats lose this time, they will eventually get their way, as our bipartisan system has a predominantly left-wing gradient. To stop socialist inclinations, the Republican Party must be transformed into at least a center-right party, or there should be a brand-new right-wing party."
"In contrast, evolutionary socialism, as the name implies, chose the gradual evolutionary path. Evolutionary socialism was designed to be invisible and gradually worked within the framework of democratic institutions."
"Socialists were able to bring in pieces of socialism and reform the country's laws because the U.S. has lacked a robust right-wing party."
I would add that by its very nature leftist socialists can be very unified and strong in their political endeavors by their very nature -
they are collectivists to start with
AND true Republicans who are individualistic and promote freedom as in the Constitution - are as a group mostly fragmented and not
unified and strong
as well as the "RINO elites seem to care more about themselves then the ideals of real US right wing freedom lovers
case in point the never Trumpers .
I have given DFL (Dem) Governor Tim Walz (MN) the benefit of the doubt long enough. If he closes indoor tennis and hockey in Minnesota, this is it.
Be careful what you wish for.
Be careful what you wish for.
Trump -> Americans first
Biden -> Americans last
Fuck yes.
Warms the heart!
Warms the heart!
Old and busted: Deplorables
Hot and fresh: Uncontrollables
Warms the heart!
Old and busted: Deplorables
Hot and fresh: Uncontrollables
All, this is an article about Color Revolutions by one who was involved in the Romanian Revolution. (
Color Revolutions – A Primer
Hi all. As many of you know, I am an immigrant from Romania. (Yes, I did it legally.) I participated in the Color Revolution in Romania when I was 24 years old. So I feel I can report about Color Revolutions with some degree of authority.
Here in America, we are now living in the incipient phases of a Color Revolution.
Color Revolution movements are fueled primarily by a stolen election. It is always the representative of the oligarchy who is declared the winner to the detriment of the rightful winner of the election and it is always the propaganda arm of the oligarchy that pushes this narrative.
I have always maintained that Color Revolutions can be long or short lived depending on the outcome of the contested elections. However, no matter the final result, or who will “officially” occupy the seat of power, Color Revolutions evolve into a protest against the status quo that allowed the fraud to take place.
I also said that Color Revolutions start as a cry of the masses to which the classical politicians adhere very late and only because they want to preserve themselves.
Let’s see what we have experienced so far.
A popular president, with high approval ratings, is defeated through massive fraud by the representative of the oligarchy with the consent of important segments of the state.
(I speak without a doubt about the FBI, the DOJ, the Democrat Party leadership, the media, and possibly some elements from inside the GOP being involved. We can also speculate, because we have no definitive proof, that foreign actors might have been involved as well.)
Like in any Color Revolution, the party/candidate that was robbed of the victory does not recognize this loss as legitimate and a large part of his base agrees with him and it is furious. However, the base is still debating about the course of the action. Some still have faith in the system, some are ready to give up and others, while angry, have the lucidity to look forward.
I will also add that looking ahead, we need to understand that if we want to have a chance of taking this country back, we will have to look at a long battle, and not one that will end in a few weeks or months. We need to learn from the mistakes of the past and act accordingly.
The United States experienced a proto Color Revolution in the past. I speak about the Tea Party movement.
Let us remember how and why the Tea Party movement started. It began from the frustration with the authoritarianism and corruption of the Obama administration, and with the inaction of the GOP. Moreover, the Tea Party was formed by several groups around the country with loose connections among themselves, that did not have a central leadership or a final objective. That made the Tea Party movement an easy prey for venal politicians who rode the wave of popular discontent to their own benefit without understanding what the movement was about.
Paul Ryan is probably the poster boy for such a politician. He managed to say the right words, he put himself on the map, became the VP candidate, and then the Speaker of the House. However, he was an absolute failure both as a candidate and as the Speaker. I have no doubt that as we speak, there are already similar politicians ready to jump into the frame and ride this wave of discontent when the moment will be right.
However, this time the situation is different.
The movement already has a leader, President Trump. It also has an agenda, a goal: that of the restauration of America the Free, America the Great. It is a nationalist movement first, and only secondary, a center right/conservative movement.
It is not a right/left movement because it brings together disfranchised conservative, upset old time Republicans and the Democrats who left their party in disgust of their policies. It is a diverse movement that has whites, Hispanics, blacks, Christians, orthodox Jews and Muslims.
The movement is mainly a working class and low middle class movement. At it’s basic premise, this movement is angry at the status quo that allowed this miscarriage of democracy to take place.
The movement has very little in common with the GOP base of the Bush era: the suburbs and the upper middle class. The Bush GOP base is right now strongly in the Democrat camp. It is a population segment more preoccupied by virtue signaling and keeping up with the fashions than with the future of the country, and that is as disconnected by the problems of the general populations as were the European aristocrats pre 1848.
The Bush GOP might not like the authoritarian strikes of the Left but they cannot bring themselves to mix with the unwashed and unculturated masses.
Where are we going? To a turbulent time.
The Biden/Harris Administration will be an Obama third term. It will be authoritarian, cosmopolitan, and catering to the oligarchy interests. It will be a corrupt administration that will put everybody’s interests above those of the United States and it will be an administration that will engage in ill fated military expeditions around the world.
What can we do?
It will take some time for the scattered MAGA army to get its footing. We will probably have to start organizing ourselves, petition and picket the offices of the useless GOP representatives and state legislators and get ready to start massive protests all over the country.
Like always, the GOP will join us when it sees that their appeasement policy puts them in danger.
I expect that the House GOP will be more in tune with this Color Revolution than the Senate. I also expect that elements of the GOP will try hard to sideline President Trump.
There are already critters in the GOP who mulling over the idea of a 2024 presidential run. There are already people inside the GOP who want to return to the “compassionate conservatism” of the Bush era. We need to yank these people away from any cooperation with an illegitimate administration.
We need to be ready for action because the time of mass protests might come sooner than we expect.
Pay no mind to what your betters do!
Anytime you are ready.
Better than you.
The rules only apply to the dirt people. The cloud people live above them.
Better than you.
Better than you.
From Steve Moore newsletter:
…the hypocrisy count keeps on rising.
You know about Nancy Pelosi's hair salon and Gavin Newson's $350 per plate dinner at the French Laundry. And yesterday we told you about L.A. County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl enjoying an outdoor meal just hours after voting to ban outdoor dining.
Now we can add two more to the list. San Jose Mayor Sam Licardo violated the ban on Thanksgiving by attending a multi-family meal at his parents' home — the horror!
AND San Francisco Mayor London Breed went to a swanky birthday party at the French Laundry just a day after the governor was there — just three days before she ordered all indoor dining closed.
At this point, it might be more newsworthy to find a California pol who actually DOES follow all of their own lockdown dictates!
Wouldn't it be nice if just one of these public official hypocrites would apologize not for their transgressions but for the crazy orders??? Or better yet: rescind all orders that they themselves won’t comply with.
It's never been a secret that the climate activists fly by private jets to their conferences.
On the Left, hypocrisy is the rule, not the exception.
till the end of time
this is not "deep state"
just the Dem party
they will keep after the family
to harass them in attempt to keep him from running in '24
as well as simple revenge in MHO:
It's not just Trump, it's ALL of us.
till the end of time
this is not "deep state"
just the Dem party
they will keep after the family
to harass them in attempt to keep him from running in '24
as well as simple revenge in MHO:
not clear
I mistook the Rubicon river story for this other river Caesar crossed:
nonetheless , back to the main point at hand , yes
the die IS cast in 2020.
I think the repubs are in charge of Michigan House:
if she were in the US Congress she would be promoted to committees including intelligence
she would be getting holiday gifts from the SQUAD
It's only just begun.
a glimmer of hope that libs can't hide behind the abuse of laws to shove their shit down our throats.
New Jersey Congressman Bill Pascrell has called on Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to refuse to seat 126 Republicans who signed on to a Texas lawsuit aimed at throwing out election results in four states that backed President-elect Joe Biden.
The Supreme Court declined to hear the case in a short, unsigned statement on Friday evening but by that time 126 GOP members of the House had joined an amicus brief in support of the suit.
Pascrell, a Democrat who represents New Jersey's 9th congressional district, invoked Reconstruction Era "safeguards to cleanse from our government ranks any traitors and others that would destroy the union."
"I'm demanding that the 126 Republicans who have endorsed a malignant lawsuit to overturn the will of the people and undermine our democracy not be seated in Congress," Pascrell tweeted on Friday.
In a letter to Pelosi, Pascrell cited Article 1, Section 5 of the Constitution which "gives each chamber of Congress the ultimate authority to decide their membership."
He also invoked the 14th Amendment, passed in the wake of Southern secession and the Civil War. Section 3 of the amendment forbids anyone from holding office in federal or state government who "having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."
Posted by Matt Bracken | Dec 12, 2020 | Matt Bracken, News and Links, Opinion
The impossible situation that the non-politician outsider Donald Trump found himself in was that he had to fight all of the DemSocRats and (at least) half of the GOP.
Nominally Republican Governor Kemp in Georgia is a classic example. Early in 2020 he signed a $110 million dollar contract to buy 30,000 Chinese-made Fraud-O-Matic vote-switching machines, placing them in every GA precinct. He reportedly inked the contract two weeks after he visited the CCP “spy nest” in Houston that was recently forced to close. It is safe to assume family kickbacks were involved.
Kemp, his Republican AG and his Republican lieutenant governor do not want their financial connections to the CCP revealed. This Georgia corruption was endangered by Swamp Drainer Trump, and will be protected by Beijing Biden. Trump lost Georgia, and with a few other corrupt states, he lost the White House. What happened in Georgia was a classic example of Trump’s dilemma.
Like “Republican” Brian Kemp, half of the GOP goes into politics for the legal family graft, happy to play the “designated losers” aka the “Washington Generals” to the “DemSocRat Globetrotters,” who are assigned by the overall system to win majorities. Witness the sellout “consent decree” election deal the Georgia GOP made with Stacy Abrams, which guaranteed a Rat victory, and the unexamined continuance of the Georgia GOP graft machine.
The GOP grifters want the graft without the hassles and accusations of being part of systemic white racism and so on, so they are eager to roll over on their backs for their DemSocRat shot-callers.
Hunter and Joe Biden were not unique, they are typical of both sides of the political aisle, if a bit flagrant at their grifting. You can’t give an American politician a million bucks, heaven forfend, that’s a bribe! But you can give it to his son or his brother, after creating a fictitious job for him. Then he buys a couple of mansions, and lets you live in them. Great work if you can get it–and you can only get it by becoming a “made member” of the ruling elite.
Trump upset this legalized political graft formula, so he had 75% of Washington out to bury him from Day One. All of the Rats, and half of the GOP. Impossible math to overcome.
And it’s not only the politicians: it’s the bureaucrats, generals, admirals, intel and DOJ bosses, leading academics and top MSM figures. Our ruling class elites are all in on the scam, moving through a continuously revolving door of doing political favors, switching jobs and obtaining seven-figure financial rewards, all while protecting one another, plus getting their undeserving brats into Ivy League schools, and then up into the ruling class nomenklatura. Chelsea Clinton was not unique, she was just a high profile example.
Please examine the career paths of James Comey, Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch that saw them hopping between the DOJ, over to corporate “payoff” do-nothing jobs (for millions per year at the very same grifting corporations they oversaw while at the DOJ), then over to top-level DemSocRat law firms (more millions for no work), and then back over to the federal government as DOJ or FBI bosses. Oh, it’s very cozy for our ruling class nomenklatura elites.
In each position, they do favors for their friends and punish their mutual enemies. It’s the polite but all-encompassing American version of “Plomo O Plata.” In Mexico, the new mayor gets a visit from a cartel gangster with a suitcase full of money. It’s opened on the new mayor’s desk, and there is a loaded MAC-10 on top of the cash. Plomo O Plata. Lead or Silver. Play ball with the corrupt machine, or the corrupt machine will bury you.
Donald Trump threatened this entire legalized graft arrangement with his efforts to “Drain the Swamp,” and in return he got the (so-far) non-kinetic but very real “Plomo” of all political and propaganda gun barrels fired at him from every player in this profoundly rotten system. I don’t need to run down the bill of particulars, it is familiar to all, right up to the election stolen in front of our faces.
So the Swamp won. For now.
And if the election math was bad in 2020 (considering the now-SCOTUS-approved use of ChiCom Fraud-O-Matic vote switching machines, plus truckloads of bogus “mail-in” ballots (with no witnesses at the counting), then just imagine 2022, when 20 million (at least) illegal aliens will be amnestied and given a DemSocRat voter registration card on the same day. The implicit deal will be: Vote Rat, and the Rats will welcome the rest of your foreign family into the USA with no hassles.
Thus the rolling DemSocRat snowball becomes an unstoppable avalanche. This is how The Golden State became one-party Calizuela in one generation: motor-voter at the DMV for all comers, with no questions asked, ever.
And this is how America will become Amerizuela. This is the proven DemSocRat playbook being exported nationwide.
But patriotic Americans will not calmly accept becoming powerless serfs, “Amerizuelans,” under an obviously fraudulent POTUS, in the form of the senile (and soon to be gone) Beijing Biden, and his VP (and soon to be POTUS), Kommie Harris. It has become glaringly obvious even to a blind man that these two grifting non-entities were illegitimately installed at the top of the American power pyramid by our bipartisan ruling-class nomenklatura to protect their beloved Swamp.
Patriots will not accept this election theft, and the socialist tyranny that is sure to follow if it is left unchecked.
There will be blood.
The left has gone without consequences for so long, the can't imagine facing any. They are leading us to this point.
From my understanding Durham
is a special not independent counsel
he is still under the authority of JD
he can still be fired. he works in the DOJ so perhaps I presume he does not have a team of partisan lawyers (like MUUler had) working for him
he can still be fired
it may be a politically challenging thing to do but the Left will either find a way to do it with their propaganda wings supporting it in the media
or perhaps wll simply bury it once it is over
So for me the whole Durham thing is a dead end
we will never know the truth
You aren't going to vote your way out of this.
Unless you vote with your feet.
When they steal the ballot box and don't allow the jury box, there is one box left.
When they steal the ballot box and don't allow the jury box, there is one box left.
Matt Bracken is correct.
Very creepy to hear the Left speak openly and honestly. This headline was linked at Real Clear Politics.. I kept reading to see if someone was joking or trying to expose them in a bad light. The highlight if their year was burning down the (3rd Precinct) police station (in Minneapolis), a symbol for burning down 1600 buildings in the Twin Cities alone. Arson is promoted and celebrated in 'mainstream' 'progressive thought. Are you kidding?
FWIW, George Floyd died in police custody. He wasn't "killed by police". That takes a jury to determine. Or have we dropped that founding principle as well?
We didn't. They did.
Very creepy to hear the Left speak openly and honestly. This headline was linked at Real Clear Politics.. I kept reading to see if someone was joking or trying to expose them in a bad light. The highlight if their year was burning down the (3rd Precinct) police station (in Minneapolis), a symbol for burning down 1600 buildings in the Twin Cities alone. Arson is promoted and celebrated in 'mainstream' 'progressive thought. Are you kidding?
FWIW, George Floyd died in police custody. He wasn't "killed by police". That takes a jury to determine. Or have we dropped that founding principle as well?
But I doubt it will.
A must read article!
"Newt: Why I will accept Manchurian Joe"
I agree with Newt
this guy got to be President by fraud
yes we are already in and heading to worsening bitter struggle
are most Republicans up to it?
I am afraid no.
HT for the catch.
The bomber's motivation may or may not meet the criteria of this thread, the the technology on display is worth noting.
HT for the catch.
The bomber's motivation may or may not meet the criteria of this thread, the the technology on display is worth noting.
What wasn't rare was the FBI again missed an opportunity to stop an attack from happening.
15 FBI S/A were sent to investigate the NASCAR "Noose".
To be precise she warned the local cops, not the FBI, yes?
To be precise she warned the local cops, not the FBI, yes?
Who then notified the FBI.
The next day, Nashville police sent the report and identifying information about Warner to the FBI to check their databases, Aaron said in a statement to The Tennessean.
Later that day, Aaron said, "the FBI reported back that they checked their holdings and found no records on Warner at all."
Darrell DeBusk, a spokesperson for the FBI, told The Tennessean Tuesday night the inquiry was a standard agency-to-agency record check.
Then on Aug. 28, 2019, the Department of Defense reported back that "checks on Warner were all negative," Aaron said.
During the week of August 26, 2019, police called Throckmorton, who declined to allow police to interview Warner or go on Warner's property, the FBI told The Tennessean.
The Federal Bureau of Checking Databases and Shrugging Shoulders, unless the DNC is upset about something....
Saw footage on FOX today that had them look more like noisy assholes (bullhorn, signs) than a mob pounding on the door. Obviously behavior will change when cameras are around, but I did not see any Antifa facemasks.
Personally, I think showing up at someone's home tends to be is inherently intimidating. I don't say it should be illegal- there are situations in which it can be appropriate-- but the cultural custom should be to avoid it.
actually I thought the spectacle of rioters burning looting smashing private property with total silence from the Left
and the media actually excusing it
was more crazy.
to watch the total hypocrisy of the left wing media is more unbelievable to me
the Left cheats their way to victory
and they expect us to just shut up and be quiet and suck it up
what do they expect
if the Left will not play by rules well then ......
actually I thought the spectacle of rioters burning looting smashing private property with total silence from the Left
and the media actually excusing it
was more crazy.
to watch the total hypocrisy of the left wing media is more unbelievable to me
the Left cheats their way to victory
and they expect us to just shut up and be quiet and suck it up
what do they expect
if the Left will not play by rules well then ......
No idea whether it is true or bullshit false flag itself, but I should get to determine.
Am just stunned and remain in total disbelief of what happened today. Daughter had friends there who saw the incident where the woman got shot. Said it was a Capital Police officer who was a bodyguard for Schumer. Also said that ANTIFA had definitely penetrated the crowds in that area.
Trump should now pardon himself and family and resign. Else he will be removed from office before this weekend is out. Will be Pence trying to move him out.
Who is left to take the reins of leadership for the conservative movement now?
Asymmetrical 5th generation warfare insurgencies don't have leaders.
Am just stunned and remain in total disbelief of what happened today. Daughter had friends there who saw the incident where the woman got shot. Said it was a Capital Police officer who was a bodyguard for Schumer. Also said that ANTIFA had definitely penetrated the crowds in that area.
Trump should now pardon himself and family and resign. Else he will be removed from office before this weekend is out. Will be Pence trying to move him out.
Who is left to take the reins of leadership for the conservative movement now?
A huge body blow yesterday to our belief in ourselves; a lot of us feel deep shame.
".A huge body blow yesterday to our belief in ourselves; a lot of us feel deep shame"
Bad move politically
for the conservatives
gives Left exactly the images and talking points they want
and as always they ignore what led up to it and will continue to do so and move forward to crush us
into oblivion
Once they legalize 20 million illegals and have Abrams and mob out giving them voter registrations forms
we will never even win a national election even by electoral college
that said the left will likely do away with it anyway
A huge body blow yesterday to our belief in ourselves; a lot of us feel deep shame.
As recently as the George Floyd memorial, ,one side thought mob rule was a good idea:
"We’re going to be back in Minneapolis (1600 buildings burned, no shame) when the trial starts, because you may pack the police union on one side, but the righteous is going to be on the other side of that courtroom."
Landlords and tenants alike hate eviction court. But the purpose of airing your grievances in court is to not have to settle them on the street.
In the question of vote fraud 2020, the courts ruled that 75 million Americans lack standing.
What could go wrong with that.
Video of shooting
One report, shooter was bodyguard of Chuck Schumer. True? I don't know. What about the other deaths? One report is they are waiting for the medical examiner report to say what happened. Good.
Capitol police opened the barricades to let the crowd in? On video:
I hate trying to watch or judge these events before accurate information comes in. IF accurate information ever does come in.
Mobs scare me.
A huge body blow yesterday to our belief in ourselves; a lot of us feel deep shame.
Yes, we should emulate our elite RINO leadership by groveling. Passive acceptance of stolen elections is the highest form of duty!
".A huge body blow yesterday to our belief in ourselves; a lot of us feel deep shame"
Bad move politically
for the conservatives
gives Left exactly the images and talking points they want
and as always they ignore what led up to it and will continue to do so and move forward to crush us
into oblivion
Once they legalize 20 million illegals and have Abrams and mob out giving them voter registrations forms
we will never even win a national election even by electoral college
that said the left will likely do away with it anyway
G M, What do you suggest all like-minded people do next?
G M, What do you suggest all like-minded people do next?
You need to get you and yours to the reddest county, in the reddest state you can find. Prepare for what is coming. Beans, bandages and bullets.
The American Republic is deader than a 14 year Air Force veteran on the floor of the Capitol.
G M, What do you suggest all like-minded people do next?
You need to get you and yours to the reddest county, in the reddest state you can find. Prepare for what is coming. Beans, bandages and bullets.
The American Republic is deader than a 14 year Air Force veteran on the floor of the Capitol.
Thank you. Not all that might considered 'mine' are like-minded. And it seems the seller inventories of ammo etc will be a bit challenged for the foreseeable future.
Well, at least you know your property and your personal safety will be respected by the Minnesota power structure!
G M, What do you suggest all like-minded people do next?
You need to get you and yours to the reddest county, in the reddest state you can find. Prepare for what is coming. Beans, bandages and bullets.
The American Republic is deader than a 14 year Air Force veteran on the floor of the Capitol.
Thank you. Not all that might considered 'mine' are like-minded. And it seems the seller inventories of ammo etc will be a bit challenged for the foreseeable future.
G M, Nobody respects property rights like the Minneapolis City Council.
Wait, maybe Xi Jinping does.
Minneapolis' representation in Washington is literally right out of Mogadishu. If you watched the movie 'Blackhawk Down' with her, she's pulling for the other side.
Covid ray of hope: Schools and colleges have had their indoctrination interrupted. Also fewer new future pupils coming:
If you remain there, you accept whatever fate they have planned for you.
G M, Nobody respects property rights like the Minneapolis City Council.
Wait, maybe Xi Jinping does.
Minneapolis' representation in Washington is literally right out of Mogadishu. If you watched the movie 'Blackhawk Down' with her, she's pulling for the other side.
Covid ray of hope: Schools and colleges have had their indoctrination interrupted. Also fewer new future pupils coming:
G M wrote: If you remain there, you accept whatever fate they have planned for you.
Note he did not say, peacefully accept. :wink:
"the reddest county, in the reddest state" A friend is investing in NW Arkansas. Red county in a red state definition.
Nice place, but I don't speak the language. Other ideas?
Too bad Colo went blue; that is my next choice. Florida is divided, always one election from never coming back.
The blue people control a lot of the desired places. We need to build the red paradise [God said to Brigham].
Next to you, there are the Dakotas. If I recall correctly, S. Dakota has the best privacy laws of any state. Wyoming is nice. Utah. Texas. Montana, Idaho.
If your Governor and your Sheriff believe in the Constitution, you should be ok.
G M wrote: If you remain there, you accept whatever fate they have planned for you.
Note he did not say, peacefully accept. :wink:
"the reddest county, in the reddest state" A friend is investing in NW Arkansas. Red county in a red state definition.
Nice place, but I don't speak the language. Other ideas?
Too bad Colo went blue; that is my next choice. Florida is divided, always one election from never coming back.
The blue people control a lot of the desired places. We need to build the red paradise [God said to Brigham].
5 deaths from the day the Capitol was stormed.
One, a murder captured on video. Victim: Ashli Babbitt
Who shot her? Where is the investigation? Charges?
Two, Police officer hit with fire extinguisher, now dead.
Who hit him? Where is the investigation?
Three people within the massive crowd died of medical reasons?
Who? How? Are they identified? Waiting for medical examiner?
all indications we WILL see statehood push packing the court and citizenship for 20 mill illegals (phony "pathway to citizenship) and most likely the electoral college being flushed down the proverbial outhouse
reversal of everything Trump accomplished
Larry Correia
20 hrs ·
This was a comment I made in someone else’s post yesterday, but then it started getting shared:
I don't even like Trump, but I've spent the last four years getting screamed at by angry people for defending him, when I'm actually usually just defending basic reality.
Oh, we are so fucked. Today is nothing. It's probably going to get worse, because we're on a road that I can't see any off ramps.
Sorry, here comes a rant.
People are confused and constantly bombarded by conflicting information, some correct, some bullshit, and nobody knows what to believe because nobody trusts the people we are supposed to be able to trust. Then we have a super powerful global media complex that straight up gas lights everyone, and we're shocked the people have lost trust in information sources.
Then when people have valid concerns, they get mocked, belittled, and insulted. They get gas lighted and told what they've seen with their own eyes didn't happen, and then they're "fact checked" with things that are basically a list of excuses generated by partisans who have zero clue what they're talking about.
Repeat that daily, for literally every topic, and you get to a point where nobody trusts anybody and we have massive competing groups that can't even agree on basic pieces of relative truth anymore. And social media then rubs that in everyone's face, so we don't feel any commonality with our countrymen.
But that's basically because we are several different countries crammed into one. As a people we've got two primary philosophies with a bunch of offshoots of those two, except they are mutually exclusive and cannot exist at the same time. So instead we get a muddled mixture of nonsensical bullshit that isn't really either, but is primarily a vehicle that exists to benefit the same people who benefit from our totally untrustworthy information sources.
Then let's have a global pandemic, make everybody poorer, put them out of work, make everything they would normally do to blow off steam illegal, and once again if they express any concerns about this situation and the conflicting information presented to them, they get insulted, belittled, disparaged, and disrespected.
Then let's have riots and looting and arson and murder for months on end, where the rule of law appears to be a one way street.
Oh, and let's have a bunch of scandals with our political betters that tell everybody we have a two tiered justice system, where we're peasants, but our moral betters can do pretty much anything and get away with it.
All while our information sources obviously lie and conflict with each other and run interference for their powerful friends, but giant soulless mega corporations will straight up destroy regular mundane people if they feel like it.
And then at the very end of this shitty year, let's have a election that is insanely anomalous in a bunch of ways, but let's not actually investigate it in any meaningful manner, and instead let's just insult anybody who is concerned about it.
Because nothing bad could possibly happen from tens of millions of people believing that their votes will never matter again and the system is irreparably rigged against them in a country with billions of guns and nuclear weapons.
Whew... And that's just this year, after the last two decades of escalating tensions in a country filled with people who hate each other's fundamental beliefs.
Which brings us to now... Which is why when buildings start exploding and politicians get beheaded, I won't be in the least bit surprised.
And I'm usually the optimist. I'm seeing people I would consider boring vanilla normies, not gun culture people, not Trumpkins, not preppers, not even that political, now talking about violence and revolution like those are perfectly normal topics. Twenty years ago that was reserved for us internet gun nuts and taboo crazy talk for everyone else.
Yeah... we are basically fucked.
good post Larry Correia by GM above
Oh, we are so fucked. Today is nothing. It's probably going to get worse, because we're on a road that I can't see any off ramps.
Never trumpers, those who plead just calm down , democrats now they are firmly in massive and near total power
give us this shit:
At least the rich globalists don't bother to even mention lets work on things we can agree on BS
they just mow down obstacles with money
bribes massive lawfare and control of the 95% of media outlets
Despite its name, my sense is that BI is a prog outfit. Paranoia strikes deep? or , , ,
Sen Murray :
"At the end of the day, our job is to keep this country a democracy where voices win, not brute force. Any Senator who stands up and supports the power of force over the power of democracy has broken their oath of office. Senators Hawley and Cruz should resign."
but if you are a Republican you need to shut up and keep your opinions to yourself
whats more if she were accurate why are they using brute force to impeach
and does this mean they will not use "brute force"
to ram down all their agenda down the throat of one half of the legal citizens of this country?
lets see what she votes on for statehood electoral college e tc. laws they propose!
Despite its name, my sense is that BI is a prog outfit. Paranoia strikes deep? or , , ,
BI is very lefty.
Insurrection Demands Forceful Response
The politics of the mob don’t matter. Government must preserve civic order.
By Tom Cotton
Jan. 7, 2021 6:27 pm ET
National Guardsmen man the grounds outside the U.S. Capitol, Jan. 7.
Over the summer, as insurrection gripped the streets, I called to send in the troops if necessary to restore order. On Wednesday insurrectionists occupied the Capitol and disrupted the proceedings of Congress.
These groups waved signs with different slogans, but our response must be the same: no quarter for insurrectionists. Those who use violence to advance their agendas must be stopped with the full force of the law.
Mob violence exploded over the past year. Last May rioters and looters terrorized many cities following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody. Left-wing radicals capitalized on the chaos by attacking courthouses and tearing down statues of Washington, Lincoln, Grant and others.
Local Democratic officials’ response to this outburst of violence was weak and conciliatory, perhaps because the perpetrators shared their beliefs.
Opinion: Morning Editorial Report
All the day's Opinion headlines.
Mayor Bill de Blasio assailed the New York City Police Department for “provocations under cover of darkness,” while rioters were running over officers with cars and looters were going on smash-and-grab sprees in SoHo and the Diamond District. Mr. de Blasio called for “mediation and dialogue” to stop the unrest. Unsurprisingly, it was the NYPD, not Mr. de Blasio, that restored order to the city.
The lessons from last summer’s insurrection are clear to sober-minded observers. When leaders indulge the mob, they embolden the mob. The best way to maintain or restore order is an overwhelming display of force, which often can prevent the use of force.
Too few of our leaders learned these lessons. The president heedlessly goaded the crowd on the mall, while some Republicans had spent a week encouraging false hope that Congress could overturn the results of the election. Washington’s left-wing mayor, Muriel Bowser, insisted National Guardsmen come unarmed to the protest. Guardsmen would have to return to their armory to retrieve weapons if things spiraled out of control, which they did. The mob outnumbered and overwhelmed Capitol Police and Secret Service at the Capitol, despite their commendable efforts to maintain control.
Some liberals appear to have shed their reservations about the use of force now that the mob carries different signs and chants different slogans. Some of the same pundits who called roughly half the country “fascists” last year for thinking troops may be necessary to restore order now ask where the troops were on Wednesday. Perhaps they’ve learned the lesson that political violence leads to more political violence. If the lesson doesn’t stick, they’ll soon learn another: Revolutions tend to eat their own.
Mob rule contributes to a more general breakdown of public order. Our country suffered such a breakdown last year, as the number of homicides increased at the fastest rate on record. The victims of violent crime are the most tragic casualties of disorder. Other victims are never recorded in crime statistics, such as the elderly who are afraid to go outside their homes or mothers afraid to take their children to the park.
While law-abiding citizens are the immediate victims of the mob, they aren’t its ultimate target. Mobs attack property like the Capitol and public monuments because they are symbols of civilization. Attacks on these institutions demoralize our people and shake their faith in our government and way of life. The final victim of what Lincoln called “the mobocratic spirit” is thus “the attachment of the people,” the very spirit of civic-minded patriotism that’s necessary to preserve our republic.
Strong leaders maintain order not only to protect their people from criminal violence but also to preserve confidence in civilization. Too many leaders have failed in this foundational task over the past year.
As Lincoln said, we must insist that “there is no grievance that is a fit object for redress by mob law.” Instead of cowering before the mob, we must support the police, arrest the perpetrators, and end the chaos.
Mr. Cotton, a Republican, is a U.S. senator from Arkansas.
More than a billion dollars short and 6 months late...
Insurrection Demands Forceful Response
The politics of the mob don’t matter. Government must preserve civic order.
By Tom Cotton
Jan. 7, 2021 6:27 pm ET
National Guardsmen man the grounds outside the U.S. Capitol, Jan. 7.
Over the summer, as insurrection gripped the streets, I called to send in the troops if necessary to restore order. On Wednesday insurrectionists occupied the Capitol and disrupted the proceedings of Congress.
These groups waved signs with different slogans, but our response must be the same: no quarter for insurrectionists. Those who use violence to advance their agendas must be stopped with the full force of the law.
Mob violence exploded over the past year. Last May rioters and looters terrorized many cities following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody. Left-wing radicals capitalized on the chaos by attacking courthouses and tearing down statues of Washington, Lincoln, Grant and others.
Local Democratic officials’ response to this outburst of violence was weak and conciliatory, perhaps because the perpetrators shared their beliefs.
Opinion: Morning Editorial Report
All the day's Opinion headlines.
Mayor Bill de Blasio assailed the New York City Police Department for “provocations under cover of darkness,” while rioters were running over officers with cars and looters were going on smash-and-grab sprees in SoHo and the Diamond District. Mr. de Blasio called for “mediation and dialogue” to stop the unrest. Unsurprisingly, it was the NYPD, not Mr. de Blasio, that restored order to the city.
The lessons from last summer’s insurrection are clear to sober-minded observers. When leaders indulge the mob, they embolden the mob. The best way to maintain or restore order is an overwhelming display of force, which often can prevent the use of force.
Too few of our leaders learned these lessons. The president heedlessly goaded the crowd on the mall, while some Republicans had spent a week encouraging false hope that Congress could overturn the results of the election. Washington’s left-wing mayor, Muriel Bowser, insisted National Guardsmen come unarmed to the protest. Guardsmen would have to return to their armory to retrieve weapons if things spiraled out of control, which they did. The mob outnumbered and overwhelmed Capitol Police and Secret Service at the Capitol, despite their commendable efforts to maintain control.
Some liberals appear to have shed their reservations about the use of force now that the mob carries different signs and chants different slogans. Some of the same pundits who called roughly half the country “fascists” last year for thinking troops may be necessary to restore order now ask where the troops were on Wednesday. Perhaps they’ve learned the lesson that political violence leads to more political violence. If the lesson doesn’t stick, they’ll soon learn another: Revolutions tend to eat their own.
Mob rule contributes to a more general breakdown of public order. Our country suffered such a breakdown last year, as the number of homicides increased at the fastest rate on record. The victims of violent crime are the most tragic casualties of disorder. Other victims are never recorded in crime statistics, such as the elderly who are afraid to go outside their homes or mothers afraid to take their children to the park.
While law-abiding citizens are the immediate victims of the mob, they aren’t its ultimate target. Mobs attack property like the Capitol and public monuments because they are symbols of civilization. Attacks on these institutions demoralize our people and shake their faith in our government and way of life. The final victim of what Lincoln called “the mobocratic spirit” is thus “the attachment of the people,” the very spirit of civic-minded patriotism that’s necessary to preserve our republic.
Strong leaders maintain order not only to protect their people from criminal violence but also to preserve confidence in civilization. Too many leaders have failed in this foundational task over the past year.
As Lincoln said, we must insist that “there is no grievance that is a fit object for redress by mob law.” Instead of cowering before the mob, we must support the police, arrest the perpetrators, and end the chaos.
Mr. Cotton, a Republican, is a U.S. senator from Arkansas.
I suspect that Cotton was objecting during the Antifa BLM riots too.
"BI is very lefty"
Yes. If they really were business insiders, like Martha Stewart, they probably wouldn't name their publication that.
I suspect that Cotton was objecting during the Antifa BLM riots too.
Probably. And his dem counterparts were cheering BURNLOOTMURDER on.
Unlike BURNLOOTMURDER-Antifa, he will do federal prison time.
Relatives drove to Washington to attend and support Trump, gave us their first hand look at it today.
Nice, friendly, they took the family, met nice people, it was great, they didn't see anything violent or scary. No one hurt, no vandalism, no medical problems.
One observation stood out. There is a distance between the speech and the Capitol. It takes time to get between the two, especially when the area was packed with people. But there was no time lag between the speech and when the Capitol was attacked. No one who attacked the Capitol at the start was at the speech. Therefore Trump didn't incite them, at least not in person on that day.
Also they saw buses dropping off people at the Capitol in front of the crowd walking there from the speech.
If attackers planned what they were doing before the speech, the speech is not what incited them.
Plus, I watched the speech (on c-span later). There was nothing there to incite.
That could change everything , , ,
That could change everything , , ,
Because it disproves the narrative of Trump whipping up the crowd to do this.
One point on the current impeachment effort and they're not shy about saying it this time, impeachment and removal in the last week would result in Donald Trump banned from ever running for President again. It's not a symbolic gesture.
I don't want Trump to be the nominee in 2024 by the choice of the people, not by those in power banning their strongest opponents names from appearing on a ballot.
To those who want to impeach, take a breath. Next week your dream guy will be in the Oval Office. The leader of the smart party. Soon we will have gender and no gender bathrooms for everyone and wind turbines mandated on cars. It's gonna be great.
Because it disproves the narrative of Trump whipping up the crowd to do this.
You think the left cares about the truth? Since when?
"You think the left cares about the truth? Since when?"
Right but...
There is "The Left", and then there are our family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, church members, etc, who vote with them. People with intelligence and morals not much different than our own, you would at least think. We HAVE TO keep trying to get at the truth and split them away if the truth is on our side. This is not their grandfather's democratic party, grandfather's left side of the political spectrum, not the level of media bias of some day gone by. This is not Walter Cronkite, secretly a Dem, posing as neutral. These are extremists trying to divide us and destroy everything we live and fight for. We need to keep making the case to those who do value truth: don't blindly believe them. Don't join them or be them.
Notice that blacks and Hispanics and other demographic groups have started to walk away. Truth leaks out. Allegiances shift slowly with much resistance.
"Baseless allegations" repeated thousands of times on hundreds of media outlets, when half the people knew the 'allegations' had plenty of basis, was more inciteful than anything Trump wrote or said. The investigators refusing to investigate. The Courts telling America they lack standing to legally and peacefully challenge election results that are full of anomalies. THAT was inciteful.
When vote fraud swung Venezuela from 40-60 to 60-40 for Chavez, my question was, why were there 40% supporting him?
Voting? Like this last election? You can't outvote the dem fraud machine.
"You think the left cares about the truth? Since when?"
Right but...
There is "The Left", and then there are our family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, church members, etc, who vote with them. People with intelligence and morals not much different than our own, you would at least think. We HAVE TO keep trying to get at the truth and split them away if the truth is on our side. This is not their grandfather's democratic party, grandfather's left side of the political spectrum, not the level of media bias of some day gone by. This is not Walter Cronkite, secretly a Dem, posing as neutral. These are extremists trying to divide us and destroy everything we live and fight for. We need to keep making the case to those who do value truth: don't blindly believe them. Don't join them or be them.
Notice that blacks and Hispanics and other demographic groups have started to walk away. Truth leaks out. Allegiances shift slowly with much resistance.
"Baseless allegations" repeated thousands of times on hundreds of media outlets, when half the people knew the 'allegations' had plenty of basis, was more inciteful than anything Trump wrote or said. The investigators refusing to investigate. The Courts telling America they lack standing to legally and peacefully challenge election results that are full of anomalies. THAT was inciteful.
When vote fraud swung Venezuela from 40-60 to 60-40 for Chavez, my question was, why were there 40% supporting him?
Voting? Like this last election? You can't outvote the dem fraud machine.
Margaret Thatcher: "First you win the argument, then you win the vote."
In this case winning the argument means getting through to one more person behind the scenes at the Atlanta, fake water main break scene, and 5 other cities, getting one more whistle blower, one more smoking gun to speak up, expose and stop this.
Even better would be to investigate this thoroughly and and exhaustively and find out we were wrong, there was no cheat, we were 40,000 votes short of an electoral victory and needed not much more than that to win the House and Senate too.
The timeliness of getting the 2020 election right has ended, but the need to get the truth out - on everything - lives on.
What other choice do we have? Surrender, concede elections? Not a chance. Already mentioned, can't shoot our way out of this. Can't help the cause much if in federal prison or dead.
You are talking to dems who watched their city burn, and then continue to vote dem. But you are going to convince them with words?
Voting? Like this last election? You can't outvote the dem fraud machine.
Margaret Thatcher: "First you win the argument, then you win the vote."
In this case winning the argument means getting through to one more person behind the scenes at the Atlanta, fake water main break scene, and 5 other cities, getting one more whistle blower, one more smoking gun to speak up, expose and stop this.
Even better would be to investigate this thoroughly and and exhaustively and find out we were wrong, there was no cheat, we were 40,000 votes short of an electoral victory and needed not much more than that to win the House and Senate too.
The timeliness of getting the 2020 election right has ended, but the need to get the truth out - on everything - lives on.
What other choice do we have? Surrender, concede elections? Not a chance. Already mentioned, can't shoot our way out of this. Can't help the cause much if in federal prison or dead.
quote author=G M
"You are talking to dems who watched their city burn, and then continue to vote dem. But you are going to convince them with words?"
Yes. Not all Dems. Changing the mindset of 0.4% of them would swing 4 states and the election, not counting fraud. Problem is we can't get words to them, (also the fraud).
My rich, white, 'moderate', suburban male friends who voted Biden don't like the extreme Left either. That is something they have to deal with, without the help of any of our words.
Arguing with me makes them lock into their starting position, not reconsider it. Watching the cities burn equals thousands of words that can't be blocked or not believed. The facts are on our side - or we wouldn't be running roughly even with of 93% media coverage against us.
Choosing up sides for the next war...
These numbers don't match the election results very well. Would be nice to have 2020 numbers.
States ranked by Ideology, Gallup 2016
Conservative Moderate Liberal
Wyoming 49 33 14
North Dakota 43 42 12
Mississippi 46 33 15
Oklahoma 46 33 16
Alabama 47 31 17
Arkansas 45 34 17
Idaho 45 35 17
Louisiana 44 34 17
Montana 44 34 18
Utah 44 35 18
Tennessee 43 34 17
South Carolina 42 36 17
South Dakota 41 38 16
Kentucky 42 34 20
Kansas 40 37 19
Missouri 42 34 21
North Carolina 40 34 20
Texas 40 35 20
Iowa 40 37 21
Indiana 39 36 20
Georgia 39 36 20
West Virginia 41 34 22
Nebraska 39 35 21
Ohio 37 37 21
Virginia 37 36 22
Arizona 36 37 22
Nevada 36 35 23
Florida 36 35 23
New Mexico 36 37 23
Pennsylvania 36 36 24
Wisconsin 36 37 24
Alaska 34 37 23
Michigan 34 36 24
New Hampshire 34 37 25
Minnesota 34 37 25
Colorado 35 36 26
Delaware 32 38 25
Illinois 32 36 28
New Jersey 31 37 27
Rhode Island 30 41 26
Hawaii 28 41 26
Maryland 29 38 28
Oregon 31 36 30
California 30 35 29
Maine 31 33 31
Washington 30 36 30
New York 29 35 31
Connecticut 27 38 31
Massachusetts 25 37 33
Vermont 26 32 40
You will NEVER outvote the fraud machine. You won't outvote the millions of illegals turned citizens and their chain migration relatives.
Stop kidding yourself. The American Republic is dead.
quote author=G M
You are talking to dems who watched their city burn, and then continue to vote dem. But you are going to convince them with words?
Yes. Not all Dems. Changing the mindset of 0.4% of them would swing 4 states and the election, not counting fraud. Problem is we can't get words to them, (also the fraud).
My rich, white, 'moderate', suburban male friends who voted Biden don't like the extreme Left either. That is something they have to deal with, without the help of any of our words.
Arguing with me makes them lock into their starting position, not reconsider it. Watching the cities burn equals thousands of words that can't be blocked. The facts are on our side - or we wouldn't be running roughly even with of 93% media coverage against us.
When I was in the police academy, a long time ago, an instructor told us about his experience responding to a car vs 18 wheeler fatal accident. The car had rear ended the trailer and was pinned underneath (Notice the low mounted bumpers with the red/white markings on trailers these days, that's there to prevent this).
Fire/Rescue extracted an uninjured man from the wreckage. He had been sleeping while his wife drove and his two daughters were in the back seat. He survived because he had leaned his seat back enough that he avoided being guillotined when the car went under the trailer. His family didn't.
So, he was standing there, talking to the first responders about how much it would cost to repair the car, body work etc.
Was he a sociopath? No. It's displacement. His new world was horribly changed and he had no way to fix it.
I suggest that everyone Kubler-Ross their way through things and start making serious plans for the upcoming shitshow.
"I suggest that everyone Kubler-Ross their way through things and start making serious plans for the upcoming shitshow."
This should be a classic line for the ages!
But how is storing up food weapons water
and bunkering hunkering up going to stop a Democrat takeover of our nation?
BTW , while traveling across country with a friend and family I was at the wheel and we passed an accident.
For not even once second I caught the sight of a pickup truck that smashed under a tracker trailer and in the crushed cabin I could see the very blown up arm sticking out and hanging down .
The fraction of a second has stuck in my mind well over 40 yrs .
and other things I can't recall from this am . The mind is amazing .
Back to the present - so what do we do.
We know what is coming politically .
1. Get you and yours to the reddest county, in the reddest state you can. Places with water and food production.
You DO NOT want to be in the NE US when things go sideways.
"But how is storing up food weapons water
and bunkering hunkering up going to stop a Democrat takeover of our nation?"
That already happened. Now it's about surviving the pogroms.
"I suggest that everyone Kubler-Ross their way through things and start making serious plans for the upcoming shitshow."
This should be a classic line for the ages!
But how is storing up food weapons water
and bunkering hunkering up going to stop a Democrat takeover of our nation?
BTW , while traveling across country with a friend and family I was at the wheel and we passed an accident.
For not even once second I caught the sight of a pickup truck that smashed under a tracker trailer and in the crushed cabin I could see the very blown up arm sticking out and hanging down .
The fraction of a second has stuck in my mind well over 40 yrs .
and other things I can't recall from this am . The mind is amazing .
Back to the present - so what do we do.
We know what is coming politically .
1. Get you and yours to the reddest county, in the reddest state you can. Places with water and food production.
You DO NOT want to be in the NE US when things go sideways.
"But how is storing up food weapons water
and bunkering hunkering up going to stop a Democrat takeover of our nation?"
That already happened. Now it's about surviving the pogroms.
"I suggest that everyone Kubler-Ross their way through things and start making serious plans for the upcoming shitshow."
This should be a classic line for the ages!
But how is storing up food weapons water
and bunkering hunkering up going to stop a Democrat takeover of our nation?
BTW , while traveling across country with a friend and family I was at the wheel and we passed an accident.
For not even once second I caught the sight of a pickup truck that smashed under a tracker trailer and in the crushed cabin I could see the very blown up arm sticking out and hanging down .
The fraction of a second has stuck in my mind well over 40 yrs .
and other things I can't recall from this am . The mind is amazing .
Back to the present - so what do we do.
We know what is coming politically .
Can't happen here!
1. Get you and yours to the reddest county, in the reddest state you can. Places with water and food production.
You DO NOT want to be in the NE US when things go sideways.
"But how is storing up food weapons water
and bunkering hunkering up going to stop a Democrat takeover of our nation?"
That already happened. Now it's about surviving the pogroms.
"I suggest that everyone Kubler-Ross their way through things and start making serious plans for the upcoming shitshow."
This should be a classic line for the ages!
But how is storing up food weapons water
and bunkering hunkering up going to stop a Democrat takeover of our nation?
BTW , while traveling across country with a friend and family I was at the wheel and we passed an accident.
For not even once second I caught the sight of a pickup truck that smashed under a tracker trailer and in the crushed cabin I could see the very blown up arm sticking out and hanging down .
The fraction of a second has stuck in my mind well over 40 yrs .
and other things I can't recall from this am . The mind is amazing .
Back to the present - so what do we do.
We know what is coming politically .
Can't happen here!
1. Get you and yours to the reddest county, in the reddest state you can. Places with water and food production.
You DO NOT want to be in the NE US when things go sideways.
"But how is storing up food weapons water
and bunkering hunkering up going to stop a Democrat takeover of our nation?"
That already happened. Now it's about surviving the pogroms.
"I suggest that everyone Kubler-Ross their way through things and start making serious plans for the upcoming shitshow."
This should be a classic line for the ages!
But how is storing up food weapons water
and bunkering hunkering up going to stop a Democrat takeover of our nation?
BTW , while traveling across country with a friend and family I was at the wheel and we passed an accident.
For not even once second I caught the sight of a pickup truck that smashed under a tracker trailer and in the crushed cabin I could see the very blown up arm sticking out and hanging down .
The fraction of a second has stuck in my mind well over 40 yrs .
and other things I can't recall from this am . The mind is amazing .
Back to the present - so what do we do.
We know what is coming politically .
yes this IS a pogrom
not of jews but of the Right
ironically, many of those who call for this ARE Jews
Look at the language used to describe Jews in pre-holocaust Germany. Look at the language being used to describe white conservative males now. See any similarities?
yes this IS a pogrom
not of jews but of the Right
ironically, many of those who call for this ARE Jews
Plan accordingly.
Quasi-official paramilitary of the DNC.
is not calling them racist
just terrorists
where was he when mad max advised people to "get up in their faces"
I told my nephew to "hang tough"
Just found out he has been getting very nasty messages
one from someone who told him he is "destroying democracy " , "everyone in his hometown are ashamed of him",
"blood on his hands". . This from a person who they were friends with and went to his Bar Mitzvah 25 yrs ago
and of course is Jewish
I am no longer proud to be a Jew
Some are amongst the most vile viscous and ruthless of the Left.
They call us Nazis
Just wait till they find out what real Nazis and Communists are like.
Sorry, but not in agreement regarding Ashli Babbitt. Respect for her service and probably a good person, but stupid game and stupid prizes applies here.
Sorry, but not in agreement regarding Ashli Babbitt. Respect for her service and probably a good person, but stupid game and stupid prizes applies here.
If only she had stuck a gun into the belly of a pregnant woman during a home invasion robbery and then died of a drug overdose while in handcuffs...
So.... the "conspiracy" theorists were right all along.
Especially the ones that have been blocked or had their accounts deleted.
I love it. DF sends his regards.
GM: Your post Reply 955 is non-responsive to the point being made.
GM: Your post Reply 955 is non-responsive to the point being made.
Did you see me going to DC on 1/6? I advised others not to go. The first rule of ambushes is to try to avoid walking into them.
Ashli Babbit was trying to intervene on a blatantly stolen election. She thought the American Republic was still something to be saved.
The American people have trusted the Armed Forces of the United States to protect them and our Constitution for almost 250 years. As we have done throughout our history, the U.S. military will obey lawful orders from civilian leadership, support civil authorities to protect lives and property, ensure public safely in accordance with the law, and remain fully committed to protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
The violent riot in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021 was a direct assault on the U.S. Congress, the Capitol building, and our Constitutional process. We mourn the deaths of the two Capitol policemen and others connected to these unprecedented events.
We witnessed actions inside the Capitol building that were inconsistent with the rule of law. The rights of freedom of speech and assembly do not give anyone the right to resort to violence, sedition and insurrection.
As Service Members, we must embody the values and ideals of the Nation. We support and defend the Constitution. Any act to disrupt the Constitutional process is not only against our traditions, values, and oath; it is against the law.
On January 20, 2021, in accordance with the Constitution, confirmed by the states and the courts, and certified by Congress, President-elect Biden will be inaugurated and will become our 46th Commander in Chief.
To our men and women deployed and at home, safeguarding our country — stay ready, keep your eyes on the horizon, and remain focused on the mission. We honor your continued service in defense of every American.
Signed: The Joint Chiefs.
The direct assault on the constitution by massive electoral/vote fraud somehow slipped under their radar...
The American people have trusted the Armed Forces of the United States to protect them and our Constitution for almost 250 years. As we have done throughout our history, the U.S. military will obey lawful orders from civilian leadership, support civil authorities to protect lives and property, ensure public safely in accordance with the law, and remain fully committed to protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
The violent riot in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021 was a direct assault on the U.S. Congress, the Capitol building, and our Constitutional process. We mourn the deaths of the two Capitol policemen and others connected to these unprecedented events.
We witnessed actions inside the Capitol building that were inconsistent with the rule of law. The rights of freedom of speech and assembly do not give anyone the right to resort to violence, sedition and insurrection.
As Service Members, we must embody the values and ideals of the Nation. We support and defend the Constitution. Any act to disrupt the Constitutional process is not only against our traditions, values, and oath; it is against the law.
On January 20, 2021, in accordance with the Constitution, confirmed by the states and the courts, and certified by Congress, President-elect Biden will be inaugurated and will become our 46th Commander in Chief.
To our men and women deployed and at home, safeguarding our country — stay ready, keep your eyes on the horizon, and remain focused on the mission. We honor your continued service in defense of every American.
Signed: The Joint Chiefs.
Please post this and future posts by him on the Michael Yon thread as well.
One more stupid thing about the violence at the capitol, the capitol police tasked with holding off this attack were probably the only residents in or near DC who support Trump and their cause.
I note that the contributors of this forum 100% denounced this violence.
"I note that the contributors of this forum 100% denounced this violence."
I have to assume the LEFT has people calling up companies and threatening them to
give or or expect "repercussions "
the new head of SEC another Jewish Goldman Sachs person ; hard core Dem alum from Obamster of course
surprise surprise surprise
actually I though it was going to be MAD Max:
Consent of the governed!
Google is hiding this article.
Why? Wouldn't they want to blast it far and wide
Why? Wouldn't they want to blast it far and wide
Not sure, but it's not the first time it's happened.
Left-wing activist charged in Capitol riot
"Insurrection and Civil War, They weren't all Trump supporters"
no but I wonder if Anderson Cooper Vanderbilt will admit the guy he had on his show
who was inspiring riots in the Capital was BLM
and say "well he was not Maga like we foolishly stupidly and deceitfully reported but I can tell you one thing
"he had a good nights sleep at the Holiday Inn last night!"
it is resistance
protecting democracy
fighting racism
when right does it the adjectives are suddenly changed to insurgency revolt rebellion
threat to democracy. white supremacy , KKK, Fascism , Nazism
and of course many republicans will simply adopt the left's terminology
watch some at Fox go right along with it.
and watch Mitt and Liz and Brian jump right on board and sheepishly use those buzz words too
We need to immediately respond we are resisting tyrannical rule communism
and do so in unison
To maintain at all times a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and that the public are the police, the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.
How to talk to someone on the other side is an extremely important topic. Good article. I would like to explore this further.
As mentioned, there are different levels of being on the other side. For example, there are the dishonest instigators agitating the crowd and there are the followers who hear something on every network and conclude it must be true. The differences can be subtle.
I used to have the skill of asking a question back of them that just gently picks at the underlying premise of their mistaken ideas. Lately I have become more combative and all I get back is combativeness. Both sides just lock into their position.
Yet at some points in life and in history, some people do switch sides. Example, Thomas Sowell was a Marxist, an honest Marxist, growing up in Harlem all the way through finishing a PhD in Economics at the University of Chicago (IIRC). Then he ran into a circumstance where the whole thing unraveled. Great story. But he figured it out for himself. It wasn't a right wing conservative who directly pointed out the error of his beliefs.
We have people in or near our lives who need help getting the whole liberal leftist thing unraveled for them. For example, it's simply not true that the overblown 'war on poverty' addresses the life changing issues of people trapped in that world. It's simply not true that disarming helps world peace or that minimum wage laws help people as they enter the work force or that Big Statism makes for a cleaner environment, or that an midterm unborn isn't a human life. While we fight over personalities and emotions like hatred of Trump, Republicans, Hillary or Pelosi, all those real arguments get lost.
From the article:
"And so we retreat to our armed camps, sharpening our rhetorical and literal weapons."
With a belief in deterrence, we arm with the hope and strategy of not having to use them. Getting armed rhetorically is different. We need to take the skills we sharpen here to the battlefield of ideas and use them wisely. That includes people skills. Calling their ideas socialist, Marxist or Leftist to their face doesn't work, because anyone who went to almost any school or college in the last 30 years doesn't know that isn't the right answer.
personally I think speech alone has not hope of changing opinions though it is important
only till we can all see the failures of leftist approach will a few on the left be persuaded they were wrong
I don't know either when we see millions of low wage workers flooding the country
how they won't believe the party that redistributes wealth to them is the best for themselves
will take a generation to change that if they move up and start to pay more taxes
we need to see some sort of collapse under the crats .....
just my take
I know Jewish Democrats will never admit anything
they don't now - not one iota. nada
like they were in Communist Russia many are at the front lines of fascism
ironic after the holocaust
Agree. We don't hope for [American] failure. We warn of failure and oppose the policies. Scream bloody murder at the loss of freedoms. Then hope their ill-advised, counter-productive policies succeed. If Leftists policies are somehow the answer to greater freedom and prosperity, we are spared the ugly fight.
We don't have to hope for failure. National failure is baked in to their policies. Tried and tested.
Jewish Democrats: I don't think the Jewish part matters politically. Put any strongly Democratic demographic group in the prefix and the same difficulty and challenge of changing minds is there.
But move 1% of them and it matters.
How to talk to someone on the other side is an extremely important topic. Good article. I would like to explore this further.
As mentioned, there are different levels of being on the other side. For example, there are the dishonest instigators agitating the crowd and there are the followers who hear something on every network and conclude it must be true. The differences can be subtle.
I used to have the skill of asking a question back of them that just gently picks at the underlying premise of their mistaken ideas. Lately I have become more combative and all I get back is combativeness. Both sides just lock into their position.
Yet at some points in life and in history, some people do switch sides. Example, Thomas Sowell was a Marxist, an honest Marxist, growing up in Harlem all the way through finishing a PhD in Economics at the University of Chicago (IIRC). Then he ran into a circumstance where the whole thing unraveled. Great story. But he figured it out for himself. It wasn't a right wing conservative who directly pointed out the error of his beliefs.
We have people in or near our lives who need help getting the whole liberal leftist thing unraveled for them. For example, it's simply not true that the overblown 'war on poverty' addresses the life changing issues of people trapped in that world. It's simply not true that disarming helps world peace or that minimum wage laws help people as they enter the work force or that Big Statism makes for a cleaner environment, or that an midterm unborn isn't a human life. While we fight over personalities and emotions like hatred of Trump, Republicans, Hillary or Pelosi, all those real arguments get lost.
From the article:
"And so we retreat to our armed camps, sharpening our rhetorical and literal weapons."
With a belief in deterrence, we arm with the hope and strategy of not having to use them. Getting armed rhetorically is different. We need to take the skills we sharpen here to the battlefield of ideas and use them wisely. That includes people skills. Calling their ideas socialist, Marxist or Leftist to their face doesn't work, because anyone who went to almost any school or college in the last 30 years doesn't know that isn't the right answer.
How to talk to someone on the other side is an extremely important topic. Good article. I would like to explore this further.
As mentioned, there are different levels of being on the other side. For example, there are the dishonest instigators agitating the crowd and there are the followers who hear something on every network and conclude it must be true. The differences can be subtle.
I used to have the skill of asking a question back of them that just gently picks at the underlying premise of their mistaken ideas. Lately I have become more combative and all I get back is combativeness. Both sides just lock into their position.
Yet at some points in life and in history, some people do switch sides. Example, Thomas Sowell was a Marxist, an honest Marxist, growing up in Harlem all the way through finishing a PhD in Economics at the University of Chicago (IIRC). Then he ran into a circumstance where the whole thing unraveled. Great story. But he figured it out for himself. It wasn't a right wing conservative who directly pointed out the error of his beliefs.
We have people in or near our lives who need help getting the whole liberal leftist thing unraveled for them. For example, it's simply not true that the overblown 'war on poverty' addresses the life changing issues of people trapped in that world. It's simply not true that disarming helps world peace or that minimum wage laws help people as they enter the work force or that Big Statism makes for a cleaner environment, or that an midterm unborn isn't a human life. While we fight over personalities and emotions like hatred of Trump, Republicans, Hillary or Pelosi, all those real arguments get lost.
From the article:
"And so we retreat to our armed camps, sharpening our rhetorical and literal weapons."
With a belief in deterrence, we arm with the hope and strategy of not having to use them. Getting armed rhetorically is different. We need to take the skills we sharpen here to the battlefield of ideas and use them wisely. That includes people skills. Calling their ideas socialist, Marxist or Leftist to their face doesn't work, because anyone who went to almost any school or college in the last 30 years doesn't know that isn't the right answer.
Totally rational.
The Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol Attack in Context
Ben West
Global Security Analyst, Stratfor
Jan 22, 2021 | 10:00 GMT
A National Guardsman monitors a security checkpoint near the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 20, 2021, in Washington.
(Nathan Howard/Getty Images)
The history of mob violence and insurrections in the United States suggests that local governments are more vulnerable than their federal and state counterparts....
Election-related violence has been around since the founding of the United States and violence has been a common tool to resolve disputes. In a few instances, localized violence has succeeded in either influencing the vote or reversing election results altogether. While shocking and unusual in ambition, especially in the current era, the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol attack was not without precedent.
The U.S. Capitol attack on Jan. 6 was the result of a remarkable confluence of law enforcement failures and unified momentum from a fractious movement of online communities that came together in support of former President Donald Trump's claims of election fraud. The shock it created has rallied political actors and law enforcement agencies around the country to work to prevent it from happening again, not just in Washington, but in state capitals and cities across the country. Enhanced security measures in Washington and state capitals plus condemnation of the Jan. 6 attack from the president's allies and the president himself are all working to ensure a similar incident does not happen again. While the successful transition of power on Jan. 20 cleared the first major hurdle in the effort to prevent a repeat of Jan. 6, it will not be the last. The anger expressed during the attack on the U.S. Capitol is not going away any time soon. Disappointment in Trump's loss, anger over COVID-19, distrust in government in general and concern over constitutional rights will all continue to contribute to the anger so vividly on display Jan. 6.
Grievances at the national level overlap with grievances closer to home for the various groups and movements involved in the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol attack. Many of the individuals who forced their way into the federal building on Jan. 6 had previously engaged in protest actions back home: Three protesters linked to the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol attack were part of the attempt to breach the Oregon State Capitol building in Salem on Dec. 21 during protests against COVID-19 measures. Another protester from Nashville appears to have been active in pro-Trump demonstrations outside the Tennessee state capitol prior to storming the U.S. Capitol. Groups and movements involved in the Jan. 6 attack such as the Proud Boys, Boogaloo, QAnon and neo-Confederates had all been associated with recent unrest and violence nationwide. The protesters present on Jan. 6 were motivated by a belief that they could prevent the U.S. Congress from confirming Biden as the next president and thereby somehow keeping Trump in office. And while the national stage provided a unifying source of motivation for some of the most extremist Trump supporters to converge on the U.S. Capitol, the grievances are not limited to the U.S. Congress and the national procedures for installing a president.
Prior to the attack on the U.S. Capitol, state capitals and government officials had been the primary target of election-related protests. Violent skirmishes between protesters, arrests and threats against state election officials were common from the election on Nov. 3 up through the confirmation of the election's results on Jan. 6. In addition to the Dec. 21 attempt to breach the Oregon statehouse, a group of Trump supporters successfully breached the outer perimeter of the governor's mansion in Olympia, Washington, on Jan. 6, threatening to break into the residence before state police pushed them back. Previously, in November and December, election officials in states like Arizona, Nevada and Georgia where the race was particularly close reported protests outside their homes and threats of violence. Particularly high-profile figures such as Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger received a security detail due to the high threat of violence against him and his family. With this history of violence and threats of violence, state capitals also successfully prevented a repeat of Jan. 6 on Inauguration Day through dramatically expanded security.
The Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol attack has focused attention on securing federal and state government buildings and officials, but local governments are also under increased threat. In an FBI memo circulated to law enforcement officials across the country Jan. 11, the bureau warned that local courthouses and administrative buildings were under threat along with state and national level targets. Protest actions both in support of and in opposition to Trump have targeted city halls, courthouses and local election officials. A Michigan woman was arrested in December after she made graphic threats to a Detroit area county election official influential in certifying Biden's victory there. Multiple cities across the country, including Los Angeles, closed or restricted access to city administrative buildings on Jan. 20, citing the increased threat of unrest.
While national and state governments have so far been the primary enemies in the eyes of the protesters who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 and their supporters, history suggests that local conflicts are more likely to end in their favor. Over the coming months (and even years) it will be important to remember that just as all politics are local, politically motivated threats and violence are local, too.
Anger over federal and state actions will continue to simmer, but two factors will contribute to both an increased threat and likelihood of success on the part of extremists when it comes to focusing on local government facilities and officials. First, higher security measures surrounding federal and state facilities will make them much harder targets post-Jan. 6. Wider security perimeters, enhanced physical security measures, and greater deployments of security personnel (ranging from local police to the National Guard) are all readily available to federal and state government buildings. Major cities like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles also have the resources to secure sensitive targets, but smaller cities and county seats are far less prepared to defend against a concerted effort by protesters to breach a local government facility or attack a local government official. Local protests are certainly less likely to bring out the large crowds of demonstrators seen in Washington on Jan. 6, but even a few dozen determined individuals could cause considerable damage to a much smaller city hall or county courthouse.
Violent extremist groups and movements around the world have settled for attacks against softer targets after their targets of preference hardened security. One of the best examples of this trend is the jihadist transition from targeting Western embassies to the less secure hotels and restaurants that Westerners frequent. When considering a similar transition in the domestic U.S. violent extremist movement, local governments provide a less secure target to violent individuals seeking an outlet for their anti-government grievances.
A review of the history of mob violence and insurrectionist activity in the United States suggests that attacks on local governments are more likely to end in the aggressor's interest than attacks on national or state targets. The only successful coup in the history of the United States was the result of a local uprising in Wilmington, North Carolina, and examples exist throughout U.S. history of nationwide or regional political grievances expressing themselves through localized actions — ranging from widespread frustration in the U.S. South during the Reconstruction period after the Civil War to the racial injustice protests of 2020. Below is a sample of some of those incidents that were most successful or came closest to being successful. Certainly, there are dozens (if not hundreds) more examples of mob violence and insurrection threatening democratically elected governments at all levels of government in the United States; the following selection of incidents spans time, ideology and targets:
Buckshot War, 1838 - A contested election effectively created two competing Houses of Representatives in Pennsylvania, leading to angry mobs occupying the state capitol, forcing lawmakers to evacuate and the governor to bunker in the governor's mansion. Mobs took control of Harrisburg for several weeks in December, even seizing the state arsenal. U.S. President Martin Van Buren denied an appeal from the governor for federal support, but eventually, the mob-supported Democratic Party secured a majority of the House of Representatives and the angry crowds dispersed. While there were associated plots to bomb a train bringing in the state militia the governor had called upon to restore order, no fatalities were associated with the uprising.
Battle of Liberty Place and Barbour County Election Riots, 1874 - The Reconstruction era following the Confederacy's loss in the Civil War saw tremendous social upheaval. Mobs attacked Blacks as they sought to integrate into free society and hold public office. Local whites who supported the new order were seen as traitors by those who still supported slavery and secession. Amid this environment of resentment, a series of contested state and local elections during the 1870s created conflicts across the former Confederacy, most pronounced in New Orleans and Eufaula, Alabama.
Battle of Liberty Place, New Orleans - Following a contested election in 1872, opponents of Washington-backed governor of Louisiana, William Pitt Kellogg, formed a shadow state government and eventually attempted to overthrow Kellogg by mob violence in 1873. While police put down that attempt, Kellogg's political rival, John McEnery, spent the next year assembling a more competent force of white supremacists known as the White League. In September 1874, McEnergy's militia attacked New Orleans police again and this time overpowered them, ultimately forcing Kellogg to resign the governorship. Federal troops quickly responded, however, restoring Kellogg to office three days later.
Barber County Election Riots, Alabama - Mobs of white men attacked Black voters and polling locations in Eufaula and Spring Hill, Alabama, during the election of 1874, essentially taking over the election process and declaring the candidates they supported as winners. Nearby federal troops failed to intervene in the violence and disruption to the electoral process due to unclear orders.
Wilmington Insurrection, 1898 - After losing power in North Carolina in 1894, pro-White southern Democrats mobilized militias and held rallies stoking white fears of Blacks. While most of the state reverted to Democratic control in 1898, Wilmington did not. Former Confederate army officer and U.S. Rep. Col. Alfred Moore Waddell led a mob of white supremacists that harassed the Black community in Wilmington, killing scores of people; burned down the offices of a newspaper that catered to Blacks; and forced the mayor to resign at gunpoint. Waddell took over the mayoralty and held it until 1906 in the only truly successful coup in U.S. history.
Battle of Athens, Tennessee, 1946 - Recently returned World War II veterans angry over local political and law enforcement corruption challenged an entrenched local political machine in 1946 elections. While this was a common theme across the Southern United States in the years after World War II, the campaign for sheriff's office in Athens, Tennessee, ended particularly violently. After the sheriff's office tried to interfere in the electoral process, several hundred war veterans and their supporters raided a local armory and laid siege to the local jailhouse to where the incumbent sheriff and his deputies had retreated. After dynamiting the jail and forcing the deputies' surrender, the election commission confirmed the veteran-supported election candidates.
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, 2016 - A group of ranchers angry over government policies regarding the agricultural use of federal lands splintered off a small protest and took over the national wildlife refuge’s ranger station Jan. 2, leading to a 41-day standoff with local and federal law enforcement. The occupation was part of a larger, long-running conflict between ranchers (mostly in Western states) and the federal government known as the Sagebrush Rebellion. In the end, one of the occupiers was killed while resisting arrest and another was injured. While the occupation was resolved with minimal bloodshed, the underlying grievances continue to contribute to protest activity. One of the leaders of the 2016 occupation, Ammon Bundy, was still leading anti-government protests outside the Idaho state capitol in Boise as of January 2021.
Seattle Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), 2020 - After a week of intense protests following the death of George Floyd in late May, protesters forced police out of Seattle Police Department's east precinct station on June 8 and claimed the six-block area "Free Capitol Hill." The area remained a lawless zone for about four weeks, with reports of widespread property damage, armed protests and violence between protesters. While the action was linked to nationwide racial injustice protests, Seattle's local history of left-wing radicalism and occupation-style protests clearly influenced how protesters demonstrated against national grievances. Protesters attempted similar occupations in other cities like Portland, Oregon, and Asheville, North Carolina, but were stopped. Seattle police eventually returned to the precinct and reestablished order, but protest activity in the area continued for months.
Several important lessons emerge from this quick survey applicable to the threat against all levels of government moving forward:
Many previous acts of rebellion were local manifestations of more general, nationwide grievances.
They were only successful in the absence of external intervention from state or federal security forces.
Crises tended to crescendo during election cycles.
As noted above, the threat of mob violence and insurrection were perhaps most acute during the post-Civil War Reconstruction era, as segregationists in the South struggled to prevent Black citizens from exercising freedoms such as participating in the political process.
The coup in Wilmington, blatant voter suppression through violence in Alabama and even the temporary seizure of the governor's office of the state of Louisiana can all be directly tied back to a larger, shared grievance across the Southern United States. And it didn't stop with Reconstruction: Regional concerns over corruption contributed to the Battle of Athens, and the occupations in Malheur and Seattle were also tied to regional and nationwide movements.
In Seattle, the 2020 occupation of the Capitol Hill was a good example of a local action inspiring others to adjust tactics elsewhere. Just as national grievances can influence local actions, local actions can also inspire others to emulate them, potentially further radicalizing political movements. The current nationwide sense of grievance among millions of Trump supporters who believe he actually won the 2020 election provides a backdrop of distrust of the incoming administration and general antipathy toward the democratic process in the United States.
The response or lack of response of federal or state security forces also heavily influenced the effectiveness of past acts of mob violence and insurrection. The gubernatorial coup attempt in New Orleans was foiled by responding federal forces, while a state militia helped maintain order in Harrisburg during the Buckshot War. But in smaller, more rural areas like Athens, Tennessee, or Barber County, Alabama — or even Wilmington, North Carolina — concern over interfering in local politics kept federal and state forces out. In the most recent examples, Malheur and Seattle, federal forces were more than capable of ending the occupations, but since they were seen by the belligerents as part of the problem, they declined direct intervention in order to avoid escalating the broader, ongoing conflicts. Federal, state and local law enforcement have been infiltrating and disrupting domestic terrorism plots for years and will continue their efforts to disrupt actions before they become violent. Following the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, the National Guard, federal and state law enforcement agencies are less likely to stand by if a local government official is threatened at gunpoint or if a local government office is overrun by partisan protesters. But similar efforts to avoid escalation used at Malheur or in Seattle could be applied to subsequent actions, especially if the aggressors do not threaten immediate violence.
Finally, all of the incidents mentioned above were either directly connected to a contested electoral outcome or, at the very least, occurred during a general election year. Certainly, the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol attack directly targeted the election process. The United States is not unique in this regard: Political transitions in countries around the world have been vulnerable to both internal and external interference. Russian disinformation campaigns targeted the 2016 presidential campaign precisely for this reason. It is not difficult to imagine individuals or groups still angry over the perceived injustices of the 2020 election cycle to lash out against far less defended local government offices and officials accused of perpetuating the corruption they blame for denying Trump a second term. The anger surrounding the results of the 2020 election will likely sustain unrest and threats for months to come and could transition to longer term opposition protests against the incoming Biden administration's policies.
Further election activity could also ignite local unrest. There are 84 local and state elections scheduled over the course of 2021 following Inauguration Day. They range from relatively innocuous races for school board positions; to special elections filling vacated federal and state congressional seats; to general state elections in Wisconsin, Colorado, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington. Given the more controversial roles Wisconsin and Pennsylvania played in the 2020 elections, they will be especially important to watch for disturbances in April and November, respectively. As authorities across the country continue to respond to the threat highlighted on Jan. 6, it will be important to remember the particular vulnerabilities of local governments.
another harvard democrat who knows what is best for us
pretends he is nonpartisan:
as usual give long worded bs talk that a moron could conclude
in few sentences
This will unify us:
Have we seen any of the same for a BLM rioter?
he believed the Trump lies of a fraudulent election
as though Trump made it up in thin air
and no one could see it for themselves
Threats to kill a congressperson are a big no-no.
Threats to kill a congressperson are a big no-no.
The endless threats from the left are ok though...
She's a stupid twat, but as a matter of law that does not come close to crossing the line.
but the democrat flag holder's case will get dismissed
and he will be a hero for helping set us up
How Media and Politicians Aided Antifa Rioters
Nothing says free and fair elections like turning the Capitol city into an armed camp!
If we somehow get control of houses and WH
(not likely any time soon)
could we consider dividing Alaska into 10 states the size of Wisconsin
each having two Republican Senators?,as%20well%20as%20of%20the
D1 of course is a arch Dem source:
D1 of course is a arch Dem source:
Something mysteriously left out of the D1 article:
Black Lives Matter protests have caused a divide in the group. While the majority of members support the protests and are anti-police, some in the movement's more radical circles are conflicted.
Facebook groups and pages post footage of armed members in Hawaiian shirts attending the protests carrying Boogaloo flags, claiming they are there to protect the protesters from police. Some even suggest that the demonstrations might trigger the "Boogaloo" that they've been waiting for.
Another one from D1:
The implications of the thinking here are worth thinking about:
Another one from D1:
The implications of the thinking here are worth thinking about:
I would draw a distinction between people who violently broke in and people who followed in.
"Dozens of arrestees, court records indicate, made statements explaining their intentions in detail on social media or in interviews with the FBI. “I am incredibly proud to be a patriot today,” wrote a 37-year-old man from Beverly Hills, California, “to stand up tall in defense of liberty & the Constitution, to support Trump & #MAGAforever, & to send the message: WE ARE NEVER CONCEDING A STOLEN ELECTION.” "
Racial and police wrongs 'justified' the burning, looting and murdering of US cities. One response to this, in addition to prosecuting violence, might be to stop stealing elections.
Another one from D1:
The implications of the thinking here are worth thinking about:
I would draw a distinction between people who violently broke in and people who followed in.
"Dozens of arrestees, court records indicate, made statements explaining their intentions in detail on social media or in interviews with the FBI. “I am incredibly proud to be a patriot today,” wrote a 37-year-old man from Beverly Hills, California, “to stand up tall in defense of liberty & the Constitution, to support Trump & #MAGAforever, & to send the message: WE ARE NEVER CONCEDING A STOLEN ELECTION.” "
Racial and police wrongs 'justified' the burning, looting and murdering of US cities. One response to this, in addition to prosecuting violence, might be to stop stealing elections.
"The Deep State is planning to wage war on half the country"
They have been planning this for yrs
but now with control of academia entertainment corporate congress essentially senate and WH
they will implement it.
and Romney response- more government handouts
( Repubs can redistribute wealth just as good as crats - so vote for us for your free s...)
The IRA, with a small number of trigger pullers (somewhere between 150 to 500) in a geographical area the size of Connecticut fought the UK's military, intelligence and law enforcement entities to a standstill for 3 decades. The IRA was never disarmed.
Afghanistan is roughly the size of Texas. How is that war going?
"The Deep State is planning to wage war on half the country"
They have been planning this for yrs
but no with control of academia entertainment corporate congress essentially senate and WH
they will implement it.
and Romney response- more government handouts
( Repubs can redistribute wealth just as good as crats - so vote for us for your free s...)
Weird to see a backbone.
You govern constitutionally and we will respect federal authority. Fair enough.
If Calif were a country, it would be the world's 5th largest - we have heard.
If North Dakota, Montana and Wyoming were a country, it would be the world's largest nuclear power? (Can we put western MN in there too please?)
Succession with arms and borders makes more sense than unilateral disarmament and surrendered sovereignty of the once united and defended states in dangerous world.
Plan accordingly.
"Not one person has been charged with possessing or using a gun inside the Capitol. Further, no one even has been identified as carrying a gun inside the building."
They (the media, Left) just don't understand how the right thinks. How do I say it nicely, if this was the actual uprising of all on the right was are unhappy with the current course of things bringing their arms - we would have a noticeably different outcome.
Problem is it is a contradiction to organize an army of constitutional extremists to commit anti-constitutional acts. All the right wanted was investigation of anti-democratic activities and a fair hearing in the courts. Imagine that.
On the other side, unconstitutional acts are everyday occurrences.
"Obama WH Staffer Fantasizes About ‘Raiding’, ‘Bombing’, ‘Seizing Assets Of’ Republicans"
he just doesn't say it on public radio
Plan accordingly.
They needed Pelosi's authorization to deploy the Natl Guard quick reaction force.
Strange, I was told it was Trump's fault.
If they knew Trump was publicly and repeatedly calling for a violent ("go peacefully and patriotically") attack on the capitol, why wouldn't they defend it?
Plan accordingly.
Plan accordingly.
Plan accordingly.
forgot one step
disarm the law abiding citizens
(while freeing those prisoners who would be more inclined to sympathize with the your side)
She does fail to mention the specific charges against her husband
She does fail to mention the specific charges against her husband
The 40-year-old was indicted on charges of conspiracy to defraud the United States, tampering with a witness, victim or informant, destruction of government property and temporary residence of the president.
If convicted could face 36 years in prison.
Plan accordingly.
Third post
If I read correctly, the source is a tweet by David Shafer. Who is he?
If I read correctly, the source is a tweet by David Shafer. Who is he?
OK, fair enough. Do we have a citation for the armed presence apart from the one above?
OK, fair enough. Do we have a citation for the armed presence apart from the one above?
Thank you.
I like Epoch Times a lot. VERY reasonably priced and full of interesting articles; particularly with regard to China.
They have been demonetized by youtube and would greatly appreciate all of us subscribing.
your name goes on a "list" that is public:
The World Wide Socialist Revolution marches on ...
I trust we all know D1's politics.
Like they haven't already?
Not a fan of Savage and not a fan of Twitter as a reliable source.
"Not a fan of Savage and not a fan of Twitter as a reliable source"
but I listened to a reading of his discussion
and it includes his own description of the civil war underway (which he has been pointing to for a while now)
I agree with most of it.
What a nice community Stillwater is, or was before the protests moved there. A friend fixed up an old Victorian house there and sold it to actress Jessica Lange:
The crime committed is to live near the county attorney who agreed to take the case of a neighboring county where the officer shot Daunte - by accident. To charge her for manslaughter is not enough, even though in DC you get nothing for intentional homicide. So they protest, disturb the peace, and are told by Rep Maxine Waters, "stay in the street and be more confrontational!"
What are they protesting, accidental death in a situation an accused armed robber put himself in? What would satisfy them? A charge of first degree intentional murder? Overcharge the act because of the races of the people involved? That would help blacks?? I don't see how.
Plan accordingly.
"Plan accordingly."
In the immediate term, distance from city center seems to be the key. Yes they want to push the violence further out, but as a practical matter, going outward from city center disperses the mob which is how you diffuse the energy.
I would just add this comment to the videos at the link, the media is complicit. They bring their cameras to the violence, perhaps a legitimate function, but also the thugs bring their violence and over the top rhetoric to the cameras. 'Mob violence at 6, right here on channel 4.'
They got what they said they wanted. Quoting Maxine: "Guilty, Guilty, Guilty". The system worked, you would think from their point of view. It was all unnecessary. But no, they believe they wouldn't have gotten all this if they hadn't pushed so hard, it they hadn't threatened to burn the city down and shown they mean business. If that is true, if the judicial process including the charges, trial and verdict was moved by the mob amplified by the media, that sounds like mis-trial to me.
What they really wanted was more to be angry about.
DO NOT LIVE/WORK in a blue state. You need to get you and everyone you care about out of Marxisota.
"Plan accordingly."
In the immediate term, distance from city center seems to be the key. Yes they want to push the violence further out, but as a practical matter, going outward from city center disperses the mob which is how you diffuse the energy.
I would just add this comment to the videos at the link, the media is complicit. They bring their cameras to the violence, perhaps a legitimate function, but also the thugs bring their violence and over the top rhetoric to the cameras. 'Mob violence at 6, right here on channel 4.'
They got what they said they wanted. Quoting Maxine: "Guilty, Guilty, Guilty". The system worked, you would think from their point of view. It was all unnecessary. But no, they believe they wouldn't have gotten all this if they hadn't pushed so hard, it they hadn't threatened to burn the city down and shown they mean business. If that is true, if the judicial process including the charges, trial and verdict was moved by the mob amplified by the media, that sounds like mis-trial to me.
What they really wanted was more to be angry about.
"DO NOT LIVE/WORK in a blue state. You need to get you and everyone you care about out of Marxisota."
What about the people I care about who vote Blue / Marxist?
"DO NOT LIVE/WORK in a blue state. You need to get you and everyone you care about out of Marxisota."
What about the people I care about who vote Blue / Marxist?
They made their blue eutopia. They should stick around to enjoy it.
and tries to charm the rabid Democrat Laura O'Donnell with peace love and humor:
While never Trumpers bashed Trump
like George Will who is not worried ......
what do these a holes /dupes think now
or do they care?
that is why the LEfT Democrat party machine needs to feminize and make /woke (if you will) all the top military personal and keep close eyes on the recruits
They will be labelled terrorists
and weeded out ; just
follow the links to Trump or Conservatives
'The City is looking at a phased approach for taking back the area around 38th (St) and Chicago (Av)'
- They WHAT?! They encouraged this and now can't go there themselves, not even for a medical emergency??
Do I over-use the term, 'third world country'?
We've posted for years about police no-go zones in places like Paris and Sweden. Seattle and Portland went through this. All surrounded by relatively peaceful, prosperous places. This one is blocks from my rental property. I've not seen this intersection in a year, since both these public streets require a detour.
These reckless morons (the City, the Left) who give in to the lawless tell us "The Right" has a problem with Rule of Law? Good grief.
How can you enforce a law anywhere else but not here and call it equal protection under the law? More like, unequal mockery of the law. No-go zones are the opposite of rule of law and liberty, and they are Leftist constructs.
Good to see coverage of this, top local anchors telling the Twin Cities what's happening, which can be passed the nation and the world. It's not a right wing allegation that Democrat governance = failure. It's a couple miles from an international airport if anyone wants to take a look. A freak show of Lefties.
BTW, the top prosecutor (figurehead) of the George Floyd case, Attorney General Keith Ellison said there was not a scintilla of evidence that race played a part in this - or he would have pressed hate crime charges.
If George Floyd is a hero, resisting arrest is heroic.
".Attorney General Keith Ellison said there was not a scintilla of evidence that race played a part in this - or he would have pressed hate crime charges."
interesting , I didn't know that . That said the Merrick Garland and his political activist DOJ
(in the name of Civil Rights of course)
have already dreamed up some Federal charges to put him back away - I am assuming , the non lawyer I am, to head off the possibility of appeals court overturning the verdict (or is vacate the verdict )
The coup happened back in November.
Second post
On the fundamental issue of the election, McCarthy thinks that Biden won. Some of us here disagree quite a bit. That does not stop this from being a serious article, well worth the reading.
What the Capitol Riot Prosecutions Tell Us
June 12, 2021 6:30 AM
The office of the United States attorney for the District of Columbia has a “Sedition Task Force” focused on the January 6 riot . . . but it doesn’t have a sedition case.
Federal prosecutors haven’t charged any terrorism offenses, but, as a rationale for denying one defendant bail, they are trying to convince a skeptical federal judge that by damaging a doorway in forcing her way into the Capitol — a crime often treated as a misdemeanor, and for which the maximum sentence is just ten years — she committed a “crime of terrorism.”
Let’s be real. With due respect to Attorney General Merrick Garland, the Capitol melee is by no stretch of the imagination the greatest threat to our democracy in living memory. It is not 9/11. It is not the Boston Marathon bombing. Indeed, the June 14, 2017, Washington baseball field shooting spree, in which a radical leftist tried to mass-murder much of the Republican congressional delegation, bore more hallmarks of a terrorist attack — albeit one that, like the deadly Black Lives Matter riots of last summer, the media-Democrat complex always remembers to forget.
Former Assistant FBI Director Suggests Congressmen, Trump Officials Should Be Arrested for Capitol Riot
New York Times Editorial Board Member ‘Disturbed’ by Sight of American Flags
Capitol ‘Terrorism’ Commentary by Former Counterintelligence Chief Highlights FBI’s Politicization Problem
On the other hand, January 6 was not nothing. Far from it. Many Trump fans recall it as a rally that got a tad rambunctious, featuring gaggles of patriotic septuagenarians who wandered into the halls of Congress — waved in by the security forces, in fact — swept away in the heat of the moment . . . or just harmlessly curious to see what all the commotion was about.
There was some of that, sure. But it’s a distorted picture.
The Capitol was breached — not destroyed or significantly damaged, but there was forcible entry, vandalism, and some theft of government property. It was not a spontaneous outbreak. The vast majority of people were peaceful protesters, but there were many who came ready to rumble, trained and outfitted to use force — though to what end, besides disrupting Congress, is not clear. No one was killed except one rioter, but there were assaults of police resulting in non-trivial injuries, and security forces had to evacuate then–Vice President Pence and members of Congress.
It was a national disgrace . . . and President Trump is singularly responsible for its occurrence, even if his conduct — contrary to his detractors claims’ — did not amount to the federal crime of incitement. As we shall see, the fact that the president of the United States was the instigator is complicating the case for prosecutors.
Security Forces ‘Overwhelmed’
It is impossible to know the size of the throng that, at then-President Trump’s repeated urging, attended the “Save America Rally” on January 6. NBC News roughly estimates a crowd of 30,000. Some claim there were more, even tens of thousands more. Whatever the total was, a subset of some thousands marched to the Capitol complex, also at the exhortation of the president — who promised to march with them but did not.
Of these, a sizeable number, probably several hundred, overwhelmed security forces, as the government and media reporting commonly put it. Overwhelmed is a loaded word. The security forces were not massacred, as one might assume when words like “terrorism,” “sedition,” and “insurrection” are being bandied about. In this instance, some police were assaulted, but what “overwhelmed” mainly refers to is a sheer numerical imbalance that made it impossible for police to hold the crowd back — to the point that hundreds of people may credibly claim that, by the time they entered the building, there was no apparent bar against doing so.
As a Senate report released this week relates, the U.S. Capitol Police’s deployment of forces, its training, equipment, preparations, and communications, were grossly inadequate. The USCP was ill-informed by government intelligence agencies and, for too many hours, unsupported by government military forces. By comparison, approximately 50 of the rioters had military training, including special forces training. Some of them — particularly, those connected to the Oath Keepers organization, which makes a point of recruiting veterans — are alleged to have used military advance maneuvers to storm the building.
This element of the mob that catalyzed the uprising included scores of Trump supporters who arrived prepared and spoiling for a fight. It is hard to estimate how many fit this description.
The Justice Department maintains a webpage cataloguing the people who have been charged and the offenses lodged. CBS News reports that, as of this week, about 465 have been charged. Unnamed government sources estimate that there could be another hundred defendants by the time all is said and done.
Attacks on Police
Testimony in the Senate investigation and other reporting indicates that over 150 police were injured to some degree. According to CBS’s tally, 130 defendants have been charged with some form of “assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers,” including 40 charged with “using a deadly or dangerous weapon or causing serious bodily injury to an officer.”
These numbers can be deceiving.
On the one hand, even if some of the 130 charged are innocent, it is highly unlikely that the government has successfully identified every assailant — there could be more than 130 guilty parties. On the other hand, the threshold for what it takes to “assault” a federal officer is very low. In one of my first trials as a young prosecutor, the defendant was convicted because he clenched his fist in a menacing gesture, making his probation officer flinch. That’s it. And resisting and impeding present even lower-proof hurdles for conviction than assault. Moreover, police officials and their union have a motive to exaggerate the number and extent of injuries — 150 could well be an inflated figure.
There have been reports of severe injuries to cops, including broken bones. As I’ve previously recounted, the government alleges that a number of police were sprayed (some rioters had firearms, but bear and pepper spray seem to have been the weapons of choice). It is, of course, a serious matter to assault an officer with toxic aerosol, and people who did it should do prison time. But this does not seem to have caused severe injuries (one complaint, for example, says spraying sidelined three police for about 20 minutes).
It is estimated that about 17 police are still out of work due to injuries sustained in engaging rioters. That said, the media continue to speak of three police officers who died in the aftermath. That is deceptive.
One of the three is Officer Brian Sicknick, whose death we at NR have covered extensively. He died of natural causes (stroke). There is no evidence that the riot had any causative connection to his passing. Although two defendants have been accused of assaulting him with spray, his death is not even mentioned in the complaint, much less cited as the basis for a homicide charge. In addition, two other officers involved in the riot response have since committed suicide. That is tragic, but there is again no proof of a causal connection to January 6. Sadly, the profession of policing experiences a higher incidence of suicide than other professions. In 2019, the Addiction Center reported that police suicides annually run three times higher than fatal injuries in the line of duty.
A weekly digest on business and economics from an NR sensibility.
Email Address
The media would not have to keep disingenuously tying fatalities to the Capitol Riot if it were really on par with a terrorist attack — say, the Boston Marathon bombing, in which the three people who died were actually killed by the terrorists, to say nothing of the scores of others maimed and otherwise injured.
Only one death can truly be said to have been caused by the January 6 violence: that of Ashli Babbitt, a 35-year-old pro-Trump Air Force vet, who was shot by security forces as she allegedly attempted to breach doors leading to the House Speaker’s offices. After an internal investigation, the Justice Department determined that Babbitt’s killing was justified, and no action was taken against the officer who shot her.
That certainly appears to be the correct result. Nevertheless, it is remarkable that the government has refused to identify the officer involved, despite pleas from Babbitt’s family. Don’t get me wrong — I am all for protecting police who make righteous, split-second use-of-force decisions under enormous pressure. But I would protect them in all cases. Ask yourself: Is it conceivable on this planet that a police officer who justifiably shot and killed a Black Lives Matter rioter, or an African-American criminal suspect such as Michael Brown, would have his identity protected by the authorities, and with muted media reaction?
Exaggerating the Threat
Regardless of how many rioters it took to overwhelm security forces, hundreds of Trump supporters exploited that situation to enter the Capitol, disrupting and delaying Congress’s counting of the state-certified electoral votes, the totaling of which would confirm that Joe Biden won the presidency.
Just as initial reports recklessly claimed that Officer Sicknick was brutally killed by rioters, federal prosecutors in the week after the breach alleged that there was “strong evidence” that Trump supporters planned to “capture and assassinate elected officials.” This seems to have been an overwrought inference drawn from a note left at then–Vice President Pence’s Senate desk, which stated, “It’s only a matter of time, justice is coming.” The note was apparently written by Jacob Anthony Chansley (a.k.a. “Jake Angeli”), the goofy, shirtless “QAnon Shaman,” whose costume — complete with coyote-skin headdress, topped with buffalo horns — makes him the face of the riot (unless you want to award that shameful distinction to Kevin Seefried, the genius depicted carrying the Confederate flag through the halls of Congress).
The government almost immediately withdrew its hyperbolic allegation. Michael Sherwin, then the acting U.S. attorney (he was replaced by the Biden administration in March), conceded that investigators had “no direct evidence at this point of kill, capture teams.” There has also been no shortage of reporting that some rioters chanted, “Hang Mike Pence,” and the Associated Press breathlessly suggested that a rickety gallows symbolically erected by some rioters a good distance from the Capitol may have been intended for Pence. But, nearly six months later, no one has been charged with any murder plots. Nor is anyone likely to be.
Conspiracy . . . to Do What?
Of a piece with the Democrats’ “insurrection” mantra, press reporting about January 6 prosecutions tends to be overblown. For example, several reports stress that prosecutors have filed conspiracy charges. Conspiracy is another loaded word, which always sounds serious, at least to the uninitiated. For those of us in the biz, though, it prompts the question, “Conspiracy to do what?”
A conspiracy is just an agreement between two or more people to commit a crime. Any crime. Could be murder . . . could be running a numbers racket . . . could be something in between. Patently, then, the crime the conspirators were of a mind to commit is of greater consequence than the fact that they agreed among themselves to commit it.
In the context of domestic terrorism, there are a number of conspiracy charges one might expect to see. Conspiracies to bomb or use mass-destruction weapons carry life penalties, or even the death sentence if victims are killed. Seditious conspiracy, the charge that best fits plots to make war on the United States or forcibly attack the government, carries a 20-year potential prison term.
The government hasn’t charged anything like that. The media accounts that invoke conspiracy tend to leave unmentioned that the conspiracy charges are brought under the catch-all conspiracy statute that can apply to any federal crime, no matter how trivial. It prescribes a maximum penalty of five years, with a possibility of no time at all — which seems a tad inadequate for “insurrection,” wouldn’t you say?
Is that just a placeholder? Is sedition coming? Maybe . . . but I doubt it.
Here’s why. When acting U.S. attorney Sherwin was relieved in mid-March, he quickly missed the thrill of feeling relevant, so he got himself booked on 60 Minutes and intimated that sedition charges were coming soon. This irresponsible leak of nonpublic investigative information sent Judge Amit Mehta into orbit, and rightly so. The judge admonished prosecutors and expressed hope that DOJ was looking into whether ethics sanctions were warranted.
Over the next month, sedition charges did not materialize. Yet there was a critical development: The first guilty plea with cooperation from a major figure in the investigation, Oath Keepers founder Jon Ryan Schaffer. As some may recall from my discussion of this subject during the Mueller probe, when prosecutors are contemplating a big conspiracy indictment, the time to pounce is when the first big cooperating accomplice pleads guilty. Routinely, the government gets the cooperator to plead guilty to the conspiracy and implicate others in it. If you’re trying to prove seditious conspiracy, it is a tremendous boost to have a key participant say, under oath, “There was a seditious conspiracy, I was in it, here’s what I did, here’s what my confederates did,” and so on.
Schaffer, however, did not plead guilty to seditious conspiracy. Prosecutors had him admit to two charges: (1) obstructing a congressional proceeding, and (2) trespassing on restricted federal grounds while armed with a dangerous weapon — namely, bear spray (which there is no claim that Shaffer used).
As is typical with media coverage of the Capitol riot, the darkest spin possible was put on this development: Schaffer could face up to 30 years’ imprisonment. Well, that’s true in the technical sense that the statutes carry potential penalties of up to 20 and ten years, respectively. But they also carry a potential penalty of zero time.
More relevant than the expanse of statutory exposure that applies to all classes of offenders is the federal sentencing guidelines range that applies specifically to Schaffer. In the plea agreement, he and DOJ agreed that his range is 41 to 51 months — i.e., possibly less than three-and-a-half years, and even less than that if he gets credit for cooperation. Not a very stiff sentence for a prime mover in an “insurrection” that the Biden administration portrays as the Crime of the Century.
Why No Seditious Conspiracy? The Trump Complication
Now, it so happens that I prosecuted the last big seditious-conspiracy case in the United States, the 1995 terrorism prosecution of the Blind Sheikh’s jihadist cell, following its bombing of the World Trade Center and subsequent plot to bomb New York City landmarks. Being intimately familiar with the seditious-conspiracy statute, I must say that, if all prosecutors had to do was prove actions, there would easily seem to be sufficient evidence to charge several rioters with it. While the law has gradations of culpable behavior, conspiracies to (a) oppose the authority of the government by force, and (b) forcibly prevent the government from carrying out the laws, are actionable. Forcibly entering the Capitol to hinder a constitutionally required proceeding to count electoral votes would seem to check both those boxes.
Of course, it is not enough to prove actions. Prosecutors must establish beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant had the required criminal intent.
Our sedition law is designed to address conspiracies formed by anti-American enemies to attack our country and its government in an unambiguously hostile and violent manner. The terrorists I prosecuted, in the course of plotting and conducting mass-murder attacks, were willfully at war with the United States and said so unabashedly. That is not true of the January 6 rioters.
We have never had a sedition case in which the accused plausibly believed they were acting at the behest of the president of the United States, who had convinced them that there had been a coup against the government and the Constitution.
When Schaffer pled guilty, he elaborated that he believed the election had been stolen from Trump. In the then-president’s inflammatory speech at the Ellipse right before the riot, he exhorted the crowd that they needed to “fight” for their country because it was being stolen. In context, Trump was not urging a literal, physical fight. He was invoking common political rhetoric about the need to oppose and resist partisan foes, and he paid lip-service to the notion that protest should be “peaceful.” But he did it, with all the perceived majesty and authority of his office, as the culmination of a two-month campaign in which he accused his opposition of massive fraud and election-rigging, and insisted that Vice President Pence and Congress had the authority to prevent what would otherwise be the theft of the presidency.
The evidence outlined in the complaints and indictments filed shows that the defendants truly believed what the president was saying. They saw themselves as going to Washington that day, from all over the country, because Trump encouraged them to do so. They saw themselves as members of militias who could be called into service by the president because “deep state” government insiders were undermining his authority. In sum, they did not see themselves as at war against the United States; they saw themselves as at war on behalf of the United States, at the summons of the duly elected president to put down a coup.
Understand: When we’re talking about the criminal intent, we’re talking about what the accused believed. That it was untrue is beside the point. That Trump may not have wanted the protest to become violent (even if he did not seem too terribly upset when it did), is also beside the point. The only point is that we have never before had a sedition prosecution in which defendants could credibly argue that they used force against a government facility because they believed that was what the commander-in-chief of the U.S. armed forces was urging them to do.
Under the circumstances, it makes sense for the Justice Department to do what it is doing — stay out of the sedition morass; instead, charge interference with congressional proceedings, trespassing with dangerous weapons, and, where appropriate, assault on federal officers. These are straightforward charges, they do not have intent-proof complications, and they carry more than enough potential prison time to punish the level of malfeasance that happened here — which was bad, but was not terrorism. Remember, Congress was able to reconvene in the Capitol that very night. This was not a massive attack, and it did not realistically threaten the constitutional transfer of power, even if our boast that such transfers will always be peaceful has taken a hit that should pain all of us.
The rioters will be punished appropriately, but not punished as if they were terrorists who were trying to overthrow the United States government. Yes, January 6, 2021, will live in infamy as a national disgrace. But in the main, it is Donald Trump’s disgrace.
Andy "Deep State" McCarthy is a scumbag.
On the fundamental issue of the election, McCarthy thinks that Biden won. Some of us here disagree quite a bit. That does not stop this from being a serious article, well worth the reading.
What the Capitol Riot Prosecutions Tell Us
June 12, 2021 6:30 AM
The office of the United States attorney for the District of Columbia has a “Sedition Task Force” focused on the January 6 riot . . . but it doesn’t have a sedition case.
Federal prosecutors haven’t charged any terrorism offenses, but, as a rationale for denying one defendant bail, they are trying to convince a skeptical federal judge that by damaging a doorway in forcing her way into the Capitol — a crime often treated as a misdemeanor, and for which the maximum sentence is just ten years — she committed a “crime of terrorism.”
Let’s be real. With due respect to Attorney General Merrick Garland, the Capitol melee is by no stretch of the imagination the greatest threat to our democracy in living memory. It is not 9/11. It is not the Boston Marathon bombing. Indeed, the June 14, 2017, Washington baseball field shooting spree, in which a radical leftist tried to mass-murder much of the Republican congressional delegation, bore more hallmarks of a terrorist attack — albeit one that, like the deadly Black Lives Matter riots of last summer, the media-Democrat complex always remembers to forget.
Former Assistant FBI Director Suggests Congressmen, Trump Officials Should Be Arrested for Capitol Riot
New York Times Editorial Board Member ‘Disturbed’ by Sight of American Flags
Capitol ‘Terrorism’ Commentary by Former Counterintelligence Chief Highlights FBI’s Politicization Problem
On the other hand, January 6 was not nothing. Far from it. Many Trump fans recall it as a rally that got a tad rambunctious, featuring gaggles of patriotic septuagenarians who wandered into the halls of Congress — waved in by the security forces, in fact — swept away in the heat of the moment . . . or just harmlessly curious to see what all the commotion was about.
There was some of that, sure. But it’s a distorted picture.
The Capitol was breached — not destroyed or significantly damaged, but there was forcible entry, vandalism, and some theft of government property. It was not a spontaneous outbreak. The vast majority of people were peaceful protesters, but there were many who came ready to rumble, trained and outfitted to use force — though to what end, besides disrupting Congress, is not clear. No one was killed except one rioter, but there were assaults of police resulting in non-trivial injuries, and security forces had to evacuate then–Vice President Pence and members of Congress.
It was a national disgrace . . . and President Trump is singularly responsible for its occurrence, even if his conduct — contrary to his detractors claims’ — did not amount to the federal crime of incitement. As we shall see, the fact that the president of the United States was the instigator is complicating the case for prosecutors.
Security Forces ‘Overwhelmed’
It is impossible to know the size of the throng that, at then-President Trump’s repeated urging, attended the “Save America Rally” on January 6. NBC News roughly estimates a crowd of 30,000. Some claim there were more, even tens of thousands more. Whatever the total was, a subset of some thousands marched to the Capitol complex, also at the exhortation of the president — who promised to march with them but did not.
Of these, a sizeable number, probably several hundred, overwhelmed security forces, as the government and media reporting commonly put it. Overwhelmed is a loaded word. The security forces were not massacred, as one might assume when words like “terrorism,” “sedition,” and “insurrection” are being bandied about. In this instance, some police were assaulted, but what “overwhelmed” mainly refers to is a sheer numerical imbalance that made it impossible for police to hold the crowd back — to the point that hundreds of people may credibly claim that, by the time they entered the building, there was no apparent bar against doing so.
As a Senate report released this week relates, the U.S. Capitol Police’s deployment of forces, its training, equipment, preparations, and communications, were grossly inadequate. The USCP was ill-informed by government intelligence agencies and, for too many hours, unsupported by government military forces. By comparison, approximately 50 of the rioters had military training, including special forces training. Some of them — particularly, those connected to the Oath Keepers organization, which makes a point of recruiting veterans — are alleged to have used military advance maneuvers to storm the building.
This element of the mob that catalyzed the uprising included scores of Trump supporters who arrived prepared and spoiling for a fight. It is hard to estimate how many fit this description.
The Justice Department maintains a webpage cataloguing the people who have been charged and the offenses lodged. CBS News reports that, as of this week, about 465 have been charged. Unnamed government sources estimate that there could be another hundred defendants by the time all is said and done.
Attacks on Police
Testimony in the Senate investigation and other reporting indicates that over 150 police were injured to some degree. According to CBS’s tally, 130 defendants have been charged with some form of “assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers,” including 40 charged with “using a deadly or dangerous weapon or causing serious bodily injury to an officer.”
These numbers can be deceiving.
On the one hand, even if some of the 130 charged are innocent, it is highly unlikely that the government has successfully identified every assailant — there could be more than 130 guilty parties. On the other hand, the threshold for what it takes to “assault” a federal officer is very low. In one of my first trials as a young prosecutor, the defendant was convicted because he clenched his fist in a menacing gesture, making his probation officer flinch. That’s it. And resisting and impeding present even lower-proof hurdles for conviction than assault. Moreover, police officials and their union have a motive to exaggerate the number and extent of injuries — 150 could well be an inflated figure.
There have been reports of severe injuries to cops, including broken bones. As I’ve previously recounted, the government alleges that a number of police were sprayed (some rioters had firearms, but bear and pepper spray seem to have been the weapons of choice). It is, of course, a serious matter to assault an officer with toxic aerosol, and people who did it should do prison time. But this does not seem to have caused severe injuries (one complaint, for example, says spraying sidelined three police for about 20 minutes).
It is estimated that about 17 police are still out of work due to injuries sustained in engaging rioters. That said, the media continue to speak of three police officers who died in the aftermath. That is deceptive.
One of the three is Officer Brian Sicknick, whose death we at NR have covered extensively. He died of natural causes (stroke). There is no evidence that the riot had any causative connection to his passing. Although two defendants have been accused of assaulting him with spray, his death is not even mentioned in the complaint, much less cited as the basis for a homicide charge. In addition, two other officers involved in the riot response have since committed suicide. That is tragic, but there is again no proof of a causal connection to January 6. Sadly, the profession of policing experiences a higher incidence of suicide than other professions. In 2019, the Addiction Center reported that police suicides annually run three times higher than fatal injuries in the line of duty.
A weekly digest on business and economics from an NR sensibility.
Email Address
The media would not have to keep disingenuously tying fatalities to the Capitol Riot if it were really on par with a terrorist attack — say, the Boston Marathon bombing, in which the three people who died were actually killed by the terrorists, to say nothing of the scores of others maimed and otherwise injured.
Only one death can truly be said to have been caused by the January 6 violence: that of Ashli Babbitt, a 35-year-old pro-Trump Air Force vet, who was shot by security forces as she allegedly attempted to breach doors leading to the House Speaker’s offices. After an internal investigation, the Justice Department determined that Babbitt’s killing was justified, and no action was taken against the officer who shot her.
That certainly appears to be the correct result. Nevertheless, it is remarkable that the government has refused to identify the officer involved, despite pleas from Babbitt’s family. Don’t get me wrong — I am all for protecting police who make righteous, split-second use-of-force decisions under enormous pressure. But I would protect them in all cases. Ask yourself: Is it conceivable on this planet that a police officer who justifiably shot and killed a Black Lives Matter rioter, or an African-American criminal suspect such as Michael Brown, would have his identity protected by the authorities, and with muted media reaction?
Exaggerating the Threat
Regardless of how many rioters it took to overwhelm security forces, hundreds of Trump supporters exploited that situation to enter the Capitol, disrupting and delaying Congress’s counting of the state-certified electoral votes, the totaling of which would confirm that Joe Biden won the presidency.
Just as initial reports recklessly claimed that Officer Sicknick was brutally killed by rioters, federal prosecutors in the week after the breach alleged that there was “strong evidence” that Trump supporters planned to “capture and assassinate elected officials.” This seems to have been an overwrought inference drawn from a note left at then–Vice President Pence’s Senate desk, which stated, “It’s only a matter of time, justice is coming.” The note was apparently written by Jacob Anthony Chansley (a.k.a. “Jake Angeli”), the goofy, shirtless “QAnon Shaman,” whose costume — complete with coyote-skin headdress, topped with buffalo horns — makes him the face of the riot (unless you want to award that shameful distinction to Kevin Seefried, the genius depicted carrying the Confederate flag through the halls of Congress).
The government almost immediately withdrew its hyperbolic allegation. Michael Sherwin, then the acting U.S. attorney (he was replaced by the Biden administration in March), conceded that investigators had “no direct evidence at this point of kill, capture teams.” There has also been no shortage of reporting that some rioters chanted, “Hang Mike Pence,” and the Associated Press breathlessly suggested that a rickety gallows symbolically erected by some rioters a good distance from the Capitol may have been intended for Pence. But, nearly six months later, no one has been charged with any murder plots. Nor is anyone likely to be.
Conspiracy . . . to Do What?
Of a piece with the Democrats’ “insurrection” mantra, press reporting about January 6 prosecutions tends to be overblown. For example, several reports stress that prosecutors have filed conspiracy charges. Conspiracy is another loaded word, which always sounds serious, at least to the uninitiated. For those of us in the biz, though, it prompts the question, “Conspiracy to do what?”
A conspiracy is just an agreement between two or more people to commit a crime. Any crime. Could be murder . . . could be running a numbers racket . . . could be something in between. Patently, then, the crime the conspirators were of a mind to commit is of greater consequence than the fact that they agreed among themselves to commit it.
In the context of domestic terrorism, there are a number of conspiracy charges one might expect to see. Conspiracies to bomb or use mass-destruction weapons carry life penalties, or even the death sentence if victims are killed. Seditious conspiracy, the charge that best fits plots to make war on the United States or forcibly attack the government, carries a 20-year potential prison term.
The government hasn’t charged anything like that. The media accounts that invoke conspiracy tend to leave unmentioned that the conspiracy charges are brought under the catch-all conspiracy statute that can apply to any federal crime, no matter how trivial. It prescribes a maximum penalty of five years, with a possibility of no time at all — which seems a tad inadequate for “insurrection,” wouldn’t you say?
Is that just a placeholder? Is sedition coming? Maybe . . . but I doubt it.
Here’s why. When acting U.S. attorney Sherwin was relieved in mid-March, he quickly missed the thrill of feeling relevant, so he got himself booked on 60 Minutes and intimated that sedition charges were coming soon. This irresponsible leak of nonpublic investigative information sent Judge Amit Mehta into orbit, and rightly so. The judge admonished prosecutors and expressed hope that DOJ was looking into whether ethics sanctions were warranted.
Over the next month, sedition charges did not materialize. Yet there was a critical development: The first guilty plea with cooperation from a major figure in the investigation, Oath Keepers founder Jon Ryan Schaffer. As some may recall from my discussion of this subject during the Mueller probe, when prosecutors are contemplating a big conspiracy indictment, the time to pounce is when the first big cooperating accomplice pleads guilty. Routinely, the government gets the cooperator to plead guilty to the conspiracy and implicate others in it. If you’re trying to prove seditious conspiracy, it is a tremendous boost to have a key participant say, under oath, “There was a seditious conspiracy, I was in it, here’s what I did, here’s what my confederates did,” and so on.
Schaffer, however, did not plead guilty to seditious conspiracy. Prosecutors had him admit to two charges: (1) obstructing a congressional proceeding, and (2) trespassing on restricted federal grounds while armed with a dangerous weapon — namely, bear spray (which there is no claim that Shaffer used).
As is typical with media coverage of the Capitol riot, the darkest spin possible was put on this development: Schaffer could face up to 30 years’ imprisonment. Well, that’s true in the technical sense that the statutes carry potential penalties of up to 20 and ten years, respectively. But they also carry a potential penalty of zero time.
More relevant than the expanse of statutory exposure that applies to all classes of offenders is the federal sentencing guidelines range that applies specifically to Schaffer. In the plea agreement, he and DOJ agreed that his range is 41 to 51 months — i.e., possibly less than three-and-a-half years, and even less than that if he gets credit for cooperation. Not a very stiff sentence for a prime mover in an “insurrection” that the Biden administration portrays as the Crime of the Century.
Why No Seditious Conspiracy? The Trump Complication
Now, it so happens that I prosecuted the last big seditious-conspiracy case in the United States, the 1995 terrorism prosecution of the Blind Sheikh’s jihadist cell, following its bombing of the World Trade Center and subsequent plot to bomb New York City landmarks. Being intimately familiar with the seditious-conspiracy statute, I must say that, if all prosecutors had to do was prove actions, there would easily seem to be sufficient evidence to charge several rioters with it. While the law has gradations of culpable behavior, conspiracies to (a) oppose the authority of the government by force, and (b) forcibly prevent the government from carrying out the laws, are actionable. Forcibly entering the Capitol to hinder a constitutionally required proceeding to count electoral votes would seem to check both those boxes.
Of course, it is not enough to prove actions. Prosecutors must establish beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant had the required criminal intent.
Our sedition law is designed to address conspiracies formed by anti-American enemies to attack our country and its government in an unambiguously hostile and violent manner. The terrorists I prosecuted, in the course of plotting and conducting mass-murder attacks, were willfully at war with the United States and said so unabashedly. That is not true of the January 6 rioters.
We have never had a sedition case in which the accused plausibly believed they were acting at the behest of the president of the United States, who had convinced them that there had been a coup against the government and the Constitution.
When Schaffer pled guilty, he elaborated that he believed the election had been stolen from Trump. In the then-president’s inflammatory speech at the Ellipse right before the riot, he exhorted the crowd that they needed to “fight” for their country because it was being stolen. In context, Trump was not urging a literal, physical fight. He was invoking common political rhetoric about the need to oppose and resist partisan foes, and he paid lip-service to the notion that protest should be “peaceful.” But he did it, with all the perceived majesty and authority of his office, as the culmination of a two-month campaign in which he accused his opposition of massive fraud and election-rigging, and insisted that Vice President Pence and Congress had the authority to prevent what would otherwise be the theft of the presidency.
The evidence outlined in the complaints and indictments filed shows that the defendants truly believed what the president was saying. They saw themselves as going to Washington that day, from all over the country, because Trump encouraged them to do so. They saw themselves as members of militias who could be called into service by the president because “deep state” government insiders were undermining his authority. In sum, they did not see themselves as at war against the United States; they saw themselves as at war on behalf of the United States, at the summons of the duly elected president to put down a coup.
Understand: When we’re talking about the criminal intent, we’re talking about what the accused believed. That it was untrue is beside the point. That Trump may not have wanted the protest to become violent (even if he did not seem too terribly upset when it did), is also beside the point. The only point is that we have never before had a sedition prosecution in which defendants could credibly argue that they used force against a government facility because they believed that was what the commander-in-chief of the U.S. armed forces was urging them to do.
Under the circumstances, it makes sense for the Justice Department to do what it is doing — stay out of the sedition morass; instead, charge interference with congressional proceedings, trespassing with dangerous weapons, and, where appropriate, assault on federal officers. These are straightforward charges, they do not have intent-proof complications, and they carry more than enough potential prison time to punish the level of malfeasance that happened here — which was bad, but was not terrorism. Remember, Congress was able to reconvene in the Capitol that very night. This was not a massive attack, and it did not realistically threaten the constitutional transfer of power, even if our boast that such transfers will always be peaceful has taken a hit that should pain all of us.
The rioters will be punished appropriately, but not punished as if they were terrorists who were trying to overthrow the United States government. Yes, January 6, 2021, will live in infamy as a national disgrace. But in the main, it is Donald Trump’s disgrace.
His point about the defense to sedition/insurrection charges-- which seems very strong!-- had not occurred to me.
Did it occur to you prior to reading this piece?
His point about the defense to sedition/insurrection charges-- which seems very strong!-- had not occurred to me.
Did it occur to you prior to reading this piece?
Yes. It's a perfect example of how corrupted and politicized the DOJ is. Deep State Andy is using this to push the lie that the election was legitimate. It wasn't, and he damn well knows it.
The two points are distinct.
The two points are distinct.
The election was stolen. Anyone who says otherwise is a moron or lying.
We don't have honest elections or the rule of law.
AND his point about the legal reasoning for not going for sedition charges seems to be quite valid.
AND his point about the legal reasoning for not going for sedition charges seems to be quite valid.
And quite obvious.
Well, I had missed it until reading that article.
My admiration and respect for Tucker is huge, but here I think AMcC gets it right (except for the sentence about the election)
Jim Band, the police chief in Oregon City, confirmed to The Epoch Times via email that fighting between Antifa and the Proud Boys triggered a riot declaration. The fight took place in Clackamette Park, which the Proud Boys had reserved and were given a permit to run a voter registration event.
My admiration and respect for Tucker is huge, but here I think AMcC gets it right (except for the sentence about the election)
Shockingly, Deep State Andy defends the Deep State!
Not sure of your point here. What does this have to do with AMcC's analysis of the errors in TC's analysis?
Not sure of your point here. What does this have to do with AMcC's analysis of the errors in TC's analysis?
1/6 was a a deep state operation.
Not sure of your point here. What does this have to do with AMcC's analysis of the errors in TC's analysis?
1/6 was a a deep state operation.
Not sure of your point here. What does this have to do with AMcC's analysis of the errors in TC's analysis?
1/6 was a a deep state operation.
Deep State Andy doesn't like these cases being brought up.
Not sure of your point here. What does this have to do with AMcC's analysis of the errors in TC's analysis?
1/6 was a a deep state operation.
Do we have evidence of OTHER lefties at the Capital 1/6 or just this ONE guy
out of couple of hundred?
that we have know about since the first week
i don't think vast majority of people who were there were FBI agents stirring up the tresspassing
Do we have evidence of OTHER lefties at the Capital 1/6 or just this ONE guy
out of couple of hundred?
that we have know about since the first week
i don't think vast majority of people who were there were FBI agents stirring up the tresspassing
Do we have evidence of OTHER lefties at the Capital 1/6 or just this ONE guy
out of couple of hundred?
that we have know about since the first week
i don't think vast majority of people who were there were FBI agents stirring up the tresspassing
These are genuinely interesting but unfortunately they do not engage with the points made by AMcC about the legal meanings to unindicted co-conspirators.
These are genuinely interesting but unfortunately they do not engage with the points made by AMcC about the legal meanings to unindicted co-conspirators.
The point that trumps that is the FBI/DOJ is politicized and weaponized against us. Deep State Andy is just attempting to distract from COINTELPRO 2.0
Do we have evidence of OTHER lefties at the Capital 1/6 or just this ONE guy
out of couple of hundred?
that we have know about since the first week
i don't think vast majority of people who were there were FBI agents stirring up the tresspassing
We are agreed that the FBI has a scurrilous history of entrapment and false flags. We are agreed that is has gotten worse and that the accusations of the FBI fomenting Jan 6 are plausible.
That said, because our cause includes logic and integrity, we also need to acknowledge the validity of AMcC's criticism of Tucker's claim that unindicted co-conspirator means that they were FBI agents. It just ain't so.
There is ZERO doubt there were FBI U/C and CIs there running the classic COINTELPRO ops.
We are agreed that the FBI has a scurrilous history of entrapment and false flags. We are agreed that is has gotten worse and that the accusations of the FBI fomenting Jan 6 are plausible.
That said, because our cause includes logic and integrity, we also need to acknowledge the validity of AMcC's criticism of Tucker's claim that unindicted co-conspirator means that they were FBI agents. It just ain't so.
The left has plans for us.
The left has plans for us.
"Those who study information war, and have studied previous and current genocides, can see that Caucasians are being set up for genocide in Europe and in North America. And Asian Americans next on the menu."
Is that site safe?
Is that site safe?
Revolver should be.
I got a bunch of Virus Warnings when I clicked on it. Any chance you could paste the piece instead?
I got a bunch of Virus Warnings when I clicked on it. Any chance you could paste the piece instead?
Big tech is using things like that to suppress websites/stories. What antivirus are you using?
Federal Protection of “Oath Keepers” Kingpin Stewart Rhodes Breaks The Entire Capitol “Insurrection” Lie Wide Open
June 30, 2021 (13h ago)
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Hey Republicans, you can crack open the entire story of January 6, 2021 (“1/6”) with one simple, relentless question: what is the FBI and Army Counterintelligence’s relationship with Stewart Rhodes?
Yale Law School ‘04 graduate Elmer “Stewart” Rhodes, III.
Stewart Rhodes is the founder, boss and kingpin of the Oath Keepers.
The Oath Keepers, we are told, are America’s largest militia, the most prominent antigovernment group in the United States, and the preeminent right-wing domestic extremist insider threat to the entire U.S. military.
Whatever the truth of these hyperbolic claims, the fact remains: the Oath Keepers are the most extensively prosecuted paramilitary group alleged to be involved in 1/6. Indeed, it was the alleged “pre-planned assault” on the Capitol by Stewart Rhodes’s alleged Oath Keepers lieutenants that was used as the key talking point to try to convert the day’s events from a protest into an “insurrection.”
But Stewart Rhodes is not simply a key figure in the Oath Keepers. Stewart Rhodes is the Oath Keepers, according to Oath Keepers board member Richard Mack.
Elmer Stewart Rhodes III — a one-time Army paratrooper, disbarred Yale lawyer, constitutionalist, gun enthusiast, and far-right media star — founded the group called the Oath Keepers in 2009. Since then, he has ridden crosscurrents of American anger and strife that ran from scrubby Western deserts to angry urban protests right into the Capitol rotunda.
Mack said he and others also raised concerns about the Oath Keepers’ participation in violent protests…
He said it had become clear that the board had no real power. “[Stewart Rhodes] is the Oath Keepers. It’s hard to separate the two,” Mack said. “It’s his organization, and he can do what he wants to do.”
Other dissenting voices found that they were no longer welcome. Jim Arroyo, the vice president of the Arizona chapter, said relations began to fray over Rhodes’ insistence on total control... [Buzzfeed]
A mere indictment of Stewart Rhodes, today, for the same conspiracy charges alleged against his underlings, would collapse the entire “threat” of the Oath Keepers that the country has heard so much about. From NPR:
Rhodes is the central figure of the organization. He is the founder, leader and center of gravity for the group. In theory, then, an indictment against Rhodes could lead to the group’s collapse.
The Justice Department argues that Stewart Rhodes both substantially organized and activated an imputed plan to use violence, on 1/6, in real-time, through a series of encrypted Signal messages beginning at 1:38 p.m., as Trump concluded his rally speech on the National Mall, and 62 minutes before Oath Keepers lieutenants allegedly formed a “military stack” to rush the Capitol doors.
These facts alone, as alleged, are more than legally sufficient to secure an indictment of Stewart Rhodes. We will walk you through the mountains of direct and circumstantial evidence built on top of these allegations, but readers must understand this: the only reason Stewart Rhodes is not in jail *right now* is because of a deliberate decision by the Justice Department to protect him.
Indeed, it is unclear whether the FBI has even sought to search Stewart Rhodes’s residence, personal belongings, or electronic devices, other than a single iPhone allegedly seized on the streets from agents in unmarked FBI vehicles in late April (since returned). For reasons discussed below, there is good reason to suspect the FBI will pursue a tightly controlled and very limited scope of investigation into Stewart Rhodes,. Beyond that narrow scope, they may not want the information they are likely to find.
Why doesn’t anyone at the FBI or DOJ want him?
If 1/6 was an “insurrection,” why protect the one man who, more than any other individual referenced in the charging documents of the 530+ open criminal cases, comes closest to the media’s ravenous description of a “lead insurrectionist?”
Is it possible that the Oath Keepers, the most prominent antigovernment group in the United States, has been run, in effect, by the United States government itself — and nobody has mentioned it until now?
Revolver News generated tremendous discussion and controversy with our previous piece exploring the possibility that some of the unindicted individuals referred to in the 1/6 charging documents may be undercover agents or informants.
With this piece, we intend to focus this discussion on a single individual, Person One; i.e., Stewart Rhodes — the leader of the Oath Keepers.
If it turns out that Stewart Rhodes has had a relationship with the federal government, the implications would be nothing short of staggering.
For Stewart Rhodes is not just a senior member of the Oath Keepers, he is the Oath Keepers. Given the fact that the Oath Keepers are the major paramilitary organization imputed (by government and media alike) to be responsible for the most serious and egregious elements of the so-called 1/6 insurrection, it follows that it would not only be fair, but necessary to conclude that in an essential respect the 1/6 event was planned and orchestrated by elements of the government itself.
In other words, 1/6 was not the result of an intelligence failure as FBI Director Christopher Wray, the US Senate, and the media tells us. Rather, 1/6 was the result of an intelligence set-up.
The following questions should be shouted from every megaphone, every street corner, and every Congressional lectern until the American people get full and complete answers:
Does the FBI now, or has it ever, maintained a formal or informal relationship or point of contact with Stewart Rhodes, whether directly or indirectly, including through intermediaries?
Do any other Federal counterintelligence equities, whether in military, intelligence or law enforcement, including but not limited to Army Counterintelligence, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), or otherwise, maintain or have they ever maintained a formal or informal relationship with Stewart Rhodes, whether directly or indirectly, including through intermediaries?
If such a confidential relationship did exist between Stewart Rhodes and one or more U.S. counterintelligence equities, how do the FBI and other responsible agencies reconcile the enormous gravity of this omission from their previous deflections, non-answers, and boilerplate that they had “no actionable intelligence” before 1/6?
If such a confidential relationship did exist between Stewart Rhodes and one or more U.S. counterintelligence equities, does this explain the FBI and Justice Department’s failure to pursue criminal actions against Stewart Rhodes in similarly high-profile “right-wing conspiracy plots” in which Rhodes appears to have played a similarly driving role?
More specifically, did the FBI or any other U.S. counterintelligence equities maintain a discrete or confidential relationship with Stewart Rhodes during the 2014 Bundy Ranch standoff? Was this fact dispositive in the Justice Department’s decision to charge 19 defendants — including certain of Stewart Rhodes’s alleged Oath Keepers underlings — for conspiracy to obstruct a legal proceeding, and to spare Rhodes of similar charges?
Has the FBI even procured a search warrant for Stewart Rhodes’s personal residence and home electronics? If so, on what dates and what specific categories of evidence were sought?
If Stewart Rhodes is subsequently arrested after the date of this report (given the pressure these revelations are likely to generate), how does the Justice Department explain its failure to indict Stewart Rhodes on conspiracy charges for nearly six months, when its declared purpose for seeking bail denial for simple trespassers was the DOJ’s stated need to prevent “the immediate danger to the community” defendants allegedly posed? Given that multiple Oath Keepers were charged before the January 20th inauguration citing the need to stop their “immediate danger,” why did the DOJ not file immediate charges against Rhodes, and then make a superseding indictment later in time, as is their routine practice in 1/6 cases?
Stewart Rhodes and the “Shock and Awe” Standard
Before we turn to Stewart Rhodes’ statements and behavior leading up to and during 1/6, it is important to keep in mind the so-called “shock and awe” standard of prosecution applied to those actually indicted for 1/6 related crimes.
Lead 1/6 prosecutor Michael Sherwin explains this “Shock and Awe” standard in his own words:
Here is a partial transcript of Shwerin’s interview above:
Sherwin: I wanted to ensure, and our office wanted to ensure, that there was shock and awe. That we could charge as many people as possible before [January] 20th. And it worked because we saw through media posts that people were afraid to come back to D.C., because they were like, ‘If we go there, we’re going to get charged.’
We wanted to take out those individuals who were thumbing their noses at the public for what they did…
Narrator: Sherwin told us that the most serious cases so far focus on about two dozen members of far right militias.
In this article we focus our scrutiny and our suspicion on one individual, Person One, otherwise known as Stewart Rhodes, the leader of the paramilitary Oath Keepers group. In keeping with the structure of our previous report, we will examine the as-of-yet unindicted Mr. Rhodes’ actions and statements in light of the Shock and Awe standard of prosecution described above.
But we emphasize a caveat from our previous report:
It is essential here to make an important note of clarification. The purpose of this analysis here is not to aid in the prosecution of any of these unindicted co-conspirators. Rather, our aim is to point out that, given the standards of indictment applied to those actually indicted, it is very strange and indeed suspicious that certain unindicted co-conspirators have managed to avoid indictment. This does not necessarily mean that we approve of the standard of indictment itself. Quite the contrary, the aggressive standard of indictment and prosecution, through an unimaginably broad application of “conspiracy” charges, is immoral, unjust, and absurd.
The same applies to this piece, and to Mr. Rhodes himself. Revolver harbors no ill-will toward Mr. Rhodes and we are not interested in calling for his indictment. Our interest in Mr. Rhodes is limited solely to our interest in the question of Federal foreknowledge of and possible involvement in the events of 1/6.
Finally, to get a more concrete sense of what the Shock and Awe prosecutorial standard looks like in practice, we once more offer the case of George Tanios. Though in truth we could just as easily have picked one of the several hundreds of political prisoners being detained and subjected to third-world level abuse in prison.
Readers may recall from an earlier Revolver report that George Tanios and his companion Julian Khater have been charged with nine criminal counts for actions taken on 1/6 just outside the steps of the U.S. Capitol building.
READ MORE: Assault Charges Spell Problems for DOJ, FBI in Officer Sicknick Case
The most serious charge was assault on an officer with a dangerous weapon, arising from Khater’s alleged use of Tanios’s chemical spray to tag Officer Sicknick and two other officers in the face.
READ MORE: MAGA Blood Libel: Why Are They Hiding the Medical Report?
There, Tanios: (1) did not go in the Capitol; (2) did not use any bear spray himself; (3) had bear spray in his backpack and when his buddy Khater reached in to take it out, Tanios actively tried to stop him; and (4) in the end, it turns out, as prosecutors now acknowledge, his buddy never even used the bear spray.
And still, the DOJ has slapped this 39-year-old sandwich shop owner, George Tanios, with 60 years worth of stacking “conspiracy” charges because he said, “Hold on, hold on, not yet, not yet.”
As we proceed to consider the case of still unindicted Stewart Rhodes, keep in mind this George Tanios “Shock and Awe” standard of prosecution.
Stewart Rhodes’s Alleged Overt Acts
We will now chronicle Stewart Rhodes’s path from Election Day to so-called “Insurrection Day,” as alleged by the Justice Department.
The first cited event comes from a November 9th video conference on the platform GoToMeeting. According to the Oath Keepers indictment, Rhodes (Person One) said the following to his Oath Keeper followers in the meeting:
We’re going to defend the president, the duly elected president, and we call on him to do what needs to be done to save our country. Because if you don’t guys, you’re going to be in a bloody, bloody civil war, and a bloody – you can call it an insurrection or you can call it a war or fight.
The DOJ alleges that Rhodes (Person One) “called upon his followers to go to Washington D.C,” in order to let the President know “the people are behind him” and to prepare for, among other things, fights against Antifa:
PERSON ONE told his followers they needed to be prepared to fight Antifa, which he characterized as a group of individuals with whom “if the fight comes, let the fight come. Let Antifa – if they go kinetic on us, then we’ll go kinetic back on them. I’m willing to sacrifice myself for that. Let the fight start there. That will give President Trump what he needs, frankly. If things go kinetic, good. If they throw bombs at us and shoot us, great, because that brings the president his reason and rationale for dropping the Insurrection Act.
Talk of the “Insurrection Act” is commonplace in Rhodes’ communications with his Oath Keepers followers. What he seemed to convey is that the Oath Keepers should be primed for an insurrection and to stand-by armed, just in case Trump offered some (undefined) signal. This of course is an effective technique (common to agents provocateurs and other informants) to keep followers psychologically primed for violent action without making any explicit and direct command to do so. From the DOJ:
PERSON ONE continued, “I do want some Oath Keepers to stay on the outside, and to stay fully armed and prepared to go in armed, if they have to . . . . So our posture’s gonna be that we’re posted outside of DC, um, awaiting the President’s orders. . . . We hope he will give us the orders. We want him to declare an insurrection, and to call us up as the militia.”
One week after Election Day, in a November 10 public post on, Rhodes told his followers to ignore “D.C.’s ridiculous anti-gun laws” should they perceive a signal that President Trump has called them up as a militia:
Our men will be standing by, awaiting the President’s orders to call us up as the militia, which would override D.C.’s ridiculous anti-gun laws (by federal statute, all Americans from age 17-45 are subject to being called up as the militia by the President, and all military veterans are subject to being called up until age 65 because of our training and experience). – Stay tuned for further details.
Rhodes further primed his followers for the possibility of major conflict, assuring them that “skilled special warfare veterans” will be “standing by armed, just outside D.C., as an emergency QRF” to step in with heavy weaponry, if necessary:
Oath Keepers will also have some of our most skilled special warfare veterans standing by armed, just outside D.C., as an emergency QRF in the event of a worst case scenario in D.C…
Reading this, one sees how Stewart Rhodes’ actions and behavior feed into the very worst narratives about 1/6 — narratives used to smear all patriots who participated in the event, and even all Trump supporters more broadly.
The situation looks even worse once one understands what exactly a “QRF” or “Quick Reaction Force” does.
In its proper military context, a Quick Reaction Force refers to a military unit that carries bombs, explosives and firearms around in cars, trucks or mobile units to enter violent situations with heavy weaponry:
Rhodes does not explicitly talk about his planned QRF comprised of “skilled special warfare veterans standing by armed” also having explosives. But explosives are both a common feature of QRFs in a military sense, and in fact Rhodes’s alleged Ohio Oath Keeper underling, the bar owner Jessica Watkins, was said to have had bomb-making instructions somewhere, whether physical or on a computer, when police arrested her.
Note that Jessica did not allegedly possess bomb-making materials, but bomb-making instructions. It could have been something she looked up because Stewart Rhodes was telling the group to form QRFs. We may never know. More than five months later, other than those recovered from a single phone, Rhodes’s personal communications from his own electronic devices still apparently haven’t been recovered.
What we know is this: Jessica Watkins was arrested on January 19. Stewart Rhodes is still a free man.
In that same November 10 public post referenced above, Stewart Rhodes concluded his message to his followers with a note from a “friend from Serbia” indicating “WHAT WE THE PEOPLE MUST DO.” This message, among other things, included calls to “gather in the capital,” “storm the Parliament” and engage in “complete disobedience” even though “I know, not nice, but it must be done.” And in so proceeding, the message assures, “no barricades will be strong enough to stop them, nor the police determined enough to stop them.”
On December 6, 2020, less than a month before 1/6, Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes said the following:
Show the world who the traitors are, and then use the Insurrection Act to drop the hammer on them. And all of us veterans who swore that oath–until you’re age 65, you can be called up as the militia to support and defend the Constitution. He [President Trump] needs to know from you that you are with him, [and] that if [Trump] does not do it now while he is commander in chief, we’re going to have to do it ourselves later, in a much more desperate, much more bloody war. Let’s get it on now–while he is still the commander in chief.
On December 14, 2020, three weeks before 1/6, Rhodes continued to prime his membership of military veterans with the understanding that patriots would have to fight a “bloody civil war” after Trump conceded if Trump did not begin the “bloody civil war” before he left office:
Strike now. If you [President Trump] fail to act while you are still in office, we the people will have to fight a bloody civil war and revolution against these two illegitimate Communist China puppets, and their illegitimate regime, with all of the powers of the deep state behind them, with nominal command of all the might of our armed forces (though we fully expect many units or entire branches to refuse their orders and to fight against them)…
And later in the same post:
If you [President Trump] fail to do so, we the people will have to fight a bloody revolution/civil war…
In case any of his followers may have missed it, on December 23, 2020, Rhodes continued yet again with “Act Now! Do NOT Wait for Jan 6”:
If you fail to do your duty, you will leave We the People no choice but to walk in the Founders footsteps, by declaring the regime illegitimate, incapable of representing us, destructive of the just ends of government… And, like the Founding generation, we will take to arms…, we will declare our independence from that puppet regime…
There are millions of American patriots standing ready. Do not forsake them. Do not leave them to have to do it all themselves.
The FBI and DOJ are well aware of all these data points, and have been since at least the middle of January 2021.
As early as one week before 1/6, Rhodes gathered all of his top lieutenants together in Signal chat group “DC OP: Jan 6 21”:
55. At least as early as December 31, 2020, WATKINS, KELLY MEGGS, JAMES, MINUTA, PERSON ONE, PERSON THREE, PERSON TEN, and others known and unknown joined an invitation-only encrypted Signal group message titled “DC OP: Jan 6 21” (hereinafter the “Leadership Signal Chat”).
By January 2, 2021, Rhodes was getting regular updates on the vaunted “ferry plot” that the media made so much hoopla about as a domestic terror threat. From Law & Crime:
Hours before Senate Republicans killed an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6th siege, federal prosecutors disclosed communications about how Oath Keepers allegedly plotted to storm Washington, D.C. with guns by boat by way of the Potomac River.
Rhodes’s own alleged Oath Keeper lieutenant was giving him constant updates on the so-called “ferry plot’s” status, right there in the Leadership Signal Chat:
68. On the evening of January 2, 2021, at about 5:43 p.m., KELLY MEGGS posted a map of Washington, D.C ., in the Leadership Signal Chat, along with the message, “1 if by land[,] North side of Lincoln Memorial[,] 2 if by sea[,] Corner of west basin and Ohio is a water transport landing !!” KELLY MEGGS continued, “QRF rally points[.] Water of the bridges get closed.”
The DOJ even references a Stewart Rhodes’s January 4, 2021 article as evidence of the Call To Action that alleged Oath Keepers 1/6 conspirators responded to in coming to the Capitol:
12. On January 4, 2021, PERSON ONE posted an article to the Oath Keepers website encouraging Oath Keeper members and affiliates to go to Washington, D.C., for the events of January 5-6, 2021, stating: “It is CRITICAL that all patriots who can be in DC get to DC to stand tall in support of President Trump’s fight to defeat the enemies foreign and domestic who are attempting a coup, through the massive vote fraud and related attacks on our Republic. We Oath Keepers are both honor-bound and eager to be there in strength to do our part.”
13. In his January 4 post, PERSON ONE also observed: “As we have done on all recent DC Ops, we will also have well armed and equipped QRF teams on standby, outside DC, in the event of a worst case scenario, where the President calls us up as part of the militia to to assist him inside DC. We don’t expect a need for him to call on us for that at this time, but we stand ready if he does (and we also stand ready to answer the call to serve as militia anytime in the future, and anywhere in our nation, if he does invoke the Insurrection Act).”
14. PERSON ONE named PERSON TEN to be the leader of his group’s operations in Washington, D.C., on January 6, 2021.
On January 4, Stewart Rhodes’s operations commander, “Person 10,” checks into the “QRF hotel.” Recall that QRF (Quick Reaction Force) is a military term that Rhodes evidently employs to refer to Oath Keepers’ stash of weapons to be used if/when called upon.
Person 10’s room in the “QRF hotel” was reserved and paid for by — Stewart Rhodes:
82. On January 4, 2021, PERSON TEN checked into the Hilton Garden Inn in Vienna, Virginia. The room was reserved and paid for using a credit card in PERSON ONE’s name.
The day before 1/6, Stewart Rhodes himself checked in to the “QRF hotel” where his lieutenants all set up the day before.
85. On January 5, 2021, PERSON ONE and MINUTA separately traveled to the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area and checked into the Hilton Garden Inn in Vienna, Virginia.
So much for the highlights regarding Rhodes’ activities leading up to 1/6.
The following presents a sample of Stewart Rhodes’ activity and communications on the day of 1/6. All of the following excerpts are from the indictment linked above.
105. At 1:25 p.m., PERSON ONE messaged the Leadership Signal Chat, “Pence is doing nothing. As I predicted.” About 15 minutes later, he sent another message, stating, “All I see Trump doing is complaining. I see no intent by him to do anything. So the patriots are taking it into their own hands. They’ve had enough.”
106. At 1:48 p.m., PERSON ONE sent a message to the Leadership Signal Chat informing the group that he was on his way to the Capitol.
Note how the specificity suddenly drops off in paragraph 106. Every other text in this indictment is a direct quote. And then suddenly, for no reason, the specific words of the text are not quoted. Instead, we just get the paragraph “informing the group that he was on his way.” Well, what exactly did he say? How did he say it? Was it just “On my way”? Was it enthusiastic encouragement? Were there direct orders or stronger suggestions?
114. At 2:03 p.m., the administrator of the “Stop the Steal J6” Zello channel directed the group, “You are executing citizen’s arrest. Arrest this assembly, we have probable cause for acts of treason, election fraud . . . .”
115. At 2:06 p.m., PERSON ONE sent another message to the Leadership Signal Chat asking for PERSON TEN’s location before stating, “I’m trying to get to you.”
119. At 2:14 p.m., PERSON TEN wrote to the Leadership Signal Chat, “The have taken ground at the capital[.] We need to regroup any members who are not on mission.”
120. At 2:15 p.m., PERSON ONE placed a phone call to KELLY MEGGS, which lasted approximately 15 seconds
123. At 2:24 p.m., KELLY MEGGS placed a phone call to PERSON ONE, which lasted approximately 2 seconds.
124. At 2:25 p.m., PERSON ONE forwarded PERSON TEN’s message (“The have taken ground at the capital[.] We need to regroup any members who are not on mission.”) to the Leadership Signal Chat and instructed: “Come to South Side of Capitol on steps” and then sent a photograph showing the southeast side of the Capitol.
Kelly Meggs, one should recall, is among those Oath Keepers indicted on February 19.
At 2:35 p.m., Meggs along with several others joined together to form the so-called “military stack” formation that we hear so much about in the press. Prosecutor Michael Sherwin makes a huge deal of the so-called stack in the “Shock and Awe” interview we addressed above.
The following gives a sense of Rhodes’ activity leading up to the stack formation at 2:35 p.m. (again from the indictment):
126. 2:31 p.m., PERSON TEN placed a phone call to PERSON ONE, which lasted approximately 5 minutes and 25 seconds.
127. At 2:32 p.m., KELLY MEGGS placed a phone call to PERSON ONE, which lasted approximately 1 minute and 37 seconds.
130. At 2:33 p.m., JAMES placed a phone call to PERSON TEN, which lasted approximately 49 seconds.
At around 4 p.m. the Oath Keepers come out of the Capitol and allegedly gathered around Stewart Rhodes:
One additional charged member of the group has denied knowing that Person One was on the Capitol grounds on January 6, 2021. However, publicly available photographs and video show someone consistent in appearance with Person One on the east side of the Capitol on the afternoon of January 6, 2021. At one point, around 4:00 p.m.—as many rioters were exiting the Capitol—a large group that included co-defendants Kelly Meggs, Connie Meggs, Graydon Young, Laura Steele, other members of the stack, and other individuals wearing “Oath Keepers” clothing and insignia who also stormed the Capitol gathered around Person One and stood around waiting for at least ten minutes in that location.
Note that at this time, Trump was continually telling protesters to stop and go home. At 4:17 p.m., Trump tweeted:
This was a fraudulent election but we can’t play into the hands of these people. We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You’re very special. You’ve seen what happens. You’ve seen the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil. I know how you feel, but go home, and go home in peace.
Rhodes never made such a tempering statement on 1/6 in any of these filings, despite the fact these Oath Keepers lieutenants were all allegedly recruited to and trained as Rhodes’ militia, under Rhodes’ alleged organizational command.
In fact, that very night of 1/6, as members of his own militia were dejected about the day’s events, Rhodes reassured them that they had done the right thing. At 7:41 p.m., three hours after the last protester left the Capitol, Rhodes texted the Leaders chat:
The founding generation Sons of Liberty stormed the mansion of the corrupt Royal Governor of Massachusetts, and trashed the place. They also jumped on board a ship carrying East India Tea, and dumped it in the harbor. We are actually in a far more deadly situation given the FACT that enemies foreign and domestic have subverted, infiltrated, and taken over near every single office and level of power in this nation. We have one FINAL chance to get Trump to do his job and his duty. Patriots entering their own Capitol to send a message to the traitors is NOTHING compared to what’s coming if Trump doesn’t take decisive action right now. It helped to send that message to HIM. He was the most important audience today. I hope he got the message.
As we conclude this section, it is important to take stock of the material presented so far. Given the above selection of Stewart Rhodes’s actions and words leading up to and on 1/6, and given that Rhodes is the leader of the major militia group associated with 1/6 — why no indictment for Rhodes?
This pressing and decisive question cannot be considered in isolation. Instead, as we have argued throughout this series, it must be considered in light of the maximally severe standard of “Shock and Awe” prosecution applied to those indicted for 1/6 crimes. After having looked at Rhodes’s statements and actions leading up to 1/6, and noting that a sandwich shop owner George Tanios faces 60 years for the utterance “no, no, not yet,” is it not bizarre that Mr. Rhodes hasn’t yet been indicted?
At the time of writing, countless Americans are being held in prison under abusive and unjust conditions for minor if not non-existent offenses related to 1/6. The reason for such severity is the notion that 1/6 was an attempt at an insurrection, an organized and planned attempt to “siege” the Capitol and obstruct the healthy functioning of our democracy. And yet, when we examine the evidence, it appears that the overwhelming share of “insurrectionist” words and actions associated with 1/6 come from the Oath Keepers organization. How then do we explain hundreds of Ordinary Joes rotting in prison and George Tanios facing 60 years in light of the leader and founder of the Oath Keepers, Stewart Rhodes, being charged with nothing?
Now is the time to emphasize another caveat. While we strenuously disagree with Rhodes’s rhetoric about “bloody civil war” and insurrections, the purpose of this is not to take issue with or criticize all of the Oath Keepers’ beliefs. Some of the Oath Keepers’ stated beliefs seem very reasonable — their stated resistance to totalitarian overreach, skepticism about the 2020 Presidential election, support for the 2nd Amendment and so forth.
Precisely because many patriots will find much of the Oath Keepers’ beliefs reasonable and attractive, we have no doubt that many members of the Oath Keepers organization are good, well-meaning patriots (and many veterans) who simply found the wrong outlet and organization to fight against the corrupt ruling class of our country.
We sympathize with these patriots and the position they’re in. But the reality is that it is very unlikely that any organization or militia with the stated purpose of the Oath Keepers to recruit law enforcement officers and veterans can help but become, in effect, a honeypot trap. And this is what we believe the Oath Keepers is at the highest organizational level, and we believe the overwhelming share of evidence indicates that Stewart Rhodes’s primary purpose is to fulfill this deceptive function on behalf of elements within the government.
Finally, we re-emphasize our earlier caveat. The purpose of this expose is not to target Mr. Rhodes personally nor are we interested in him being indicted. Our interest is in the federal infiltration, involvement and foreknowledge of 1/6.
In the following section, we will draw upon the information above among other important details and observations to make a more focused legal case for conspiracy that could be the basis of the indictment of Mr. Rhodes. The notion that it would be difficult to put together such an indictment is simply not sustainable. Again, the purpose here is not to encourage Rhodes’ indictment per se but to draw careful attention to the by now unavoidable conclusion that he’s being protected. The following section is especially important for the army of regime media “fact checkers” who inevitably will descend like hyenas upon this groundbreaking, dangerous, and yet vitally important investigative piece.
Understanding the Prosecution (or lack thereof)
The first Oath Keepers arrests were made on January 19, the day before President Joe Biden’s election. These high-profile Oath Keepers arrests generated Inauguration Day proof, it seemed, that at least a handful of the 1/6 participants engaged in activities that might be described as “insurrectionist.”
Three self-styled militia members charged in the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol began soliciting recruits for potential violence within days of the 2020 presidential election, later training in Ohio and North Carolina and organizing travel to Washington with a busload of comrades and a truck of weapons, U.S. authorities alleged Wednesday.
The arrests this weekend of several people with alleged ties to far-right extremist groups, including the Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys and the Three Percenters, suggest that the riot was not an entirely impulsive outburst of violence but an event instigated or exploited by organized groups. Hours of video posted on social media and pored over by investigators have focused on individuals in military-style gear moving together.
The indictments come one day after Acting U.S. Attorney Michael R. Sherwin said that investigators are turning their focus to whether militia groups and individuals in several states may have coordinated or planned ahead of time to commit criminal acts. Law enforcement officials have focused on the Oath Keepers, the nativist Proud Boys, and Three Percenters, another anti-government group that takes its name from the bogus claim that only 3 percent of the colonists supported the American Revolution against the British.
From those January 19 arrests until the present day, Stewart Rhodes features prominently as the star of every Oath Keepers indictment. That includes four superseding indictments to add new defendants and new charges.
It is important to recall that the specific charge against the indicted Oath Keepers on 1/6 is not simply or even primarily, as is widely assumed, “storming of the Capitol.” Rather, the indicted Oath Keepers mentioned above first and foremost face charges of conspiracy to obstruct Congress:
Three individuals associated with the Oath Keepers, a paramilitary organization focused on recruitment of current and former military, law enforcement, and first responder personnel, were indicted today in federal court in the District of Columbia for conspiring to obstruct Congress, among other charges.
Jessica Marie Watkins, 38, and Donovan Ray Crowl, 50, both of Champaign County, Ohio; and Thomas Caldwell, 65, of Clarke County, Virginia, were indicted today in federal court in the District of Columbia on charges of conspiracy, obstructing an official proceeding, destruction of government property, and unlawful entry on restricted building or grounds, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 371, 1512, 1361, and 1752. Watkins and Crowl were arrested on Jan. 18; Caldwell was arrested on Jan. 19. All three individuals originally were charged by criminal complaint. The maximum penalty for Obstructing an Official Proceeding is a sentence of up to 20 years in prison.
The reason this is relevant is that one not need to have entered the Capitol for the conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding to apply. All that needs to be shown for an indictment is that an individual entered into the criminal conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding and took a so-called “overt action” in furtherance of that conspiracy.
It is especially interesting, then, to compare the government’s descriptions of the words and actions of Stewart Rhodes with its descriptions of other indicted Oath Keepers whose actions constitute “overt actions” required in the government’s minds to indict for this particular alleged criminal conspiracy — that is, obstructing the Senate proceeding. To start with, we encourage the reader to review the previous section chronicling Rhodes’s actions and behavior leading up to and on 1/6 in some depth.
For now, we turn our attention to a remarkable government document expressing opposition to indicted Oath Keeper Thomas Caldwell’s motion for bail.
Pay particular attention to the government’s understanding of the conspiracy for which Caldwell is indicted, as well as the language the government uses to describe Oath Keepers founder and leader Stewart Rhodes:
Evidence that the government will disclose to the defense this week—a Signal chat called “DC OP: Jan 6 21”—shows that individuals, including those alleged to have conspired with the defendant, were actively planning to use force and violence. The participants in this chat include: Person One, Kelly Meggs, Jessica Watkins, and regional Oath Keeper leaders from multiple states across the country…
So here the government references Stewart Rhodes (Person One) as a participant in a Signal chat “DC OP” (and boy was it ever) whose participants, again, according to the government, were “actively planning to use force and violence.” The especially remarkable thing is that Caldwell, the subject of the indictment itself, is not even a member of the Signal chat, whereas the unindicted Stewart Rhodes is.
The government document continues:
The chat discusses members and affiliates of the Oath Keepers coming to Washington, D.C., for the events of January 5-6, 2021, to provide security to speakers and VIPs at the events. There is no discussion of forcibly entering the Capitol until January 6, 2021. However, there is talk about being prepared for violence…”
Person One also says, “Highly recommend a C or D cell flashlight if you have one. Collapsible Batons are a grey area in the law. I bring one. But I’m willing to take that risk because I love em…”
These messages echo the words of Person One in the call for action he posted to the Oath Keepers website on January 4, 2021, in which he stated: “It is CRITICAL that all patriots who can be in DC get to DC to stand tall in support of President Trump’s fight to defeat the enemies foreign and domestic who are attempting a coup, through the massive vote fraud and related attacks on our Republic. We Oath Keepers are both honor-bound and eager to be there in strength to do our part,” including “prepar[ing] to do whatever must be done to honor our oaths[.]” (ECF No. 18 at 2.) These statements and messages all show that the co-conspirators joined together to stop Congress’s certification of the Electoral College vote, and they were prepared to use violence, if necessary, to effect this purpose.
The prosecution concedes that there is no explicit discussion of forcibly entering the Capitol, but then notes that there is talk of being prepared for violence. Rather than reference anything that Caldwell (the defendant) said, the government cites Stewart Rhodes’s talk about coming prepared for violence with collapsible batons. And then the government uses the specific phrase “call to action” to describe Rhodes’s call to patriots to go to DC. The government concludes by saying that the aforementioned statements and messages all demonstrate a conspiracy to stop congressional certification.
We leave aside whether the government’s claim that such statements and actions establish a conspiracy in their own right. That is not the central issue here. The issue is that the government essentially claims Caldwell is part of a conspiracy and yet overwhelmingly cites not Caldwell’s but Caldwell’s Oath Keeper commander Stewart Rhodes’ communications and “calls to action” as establishing said conspiracy. At this juncture we are not saying that either Caldwell or Rhodes is justly guilty of conspiracy. Rather, we are pointing out the glaring discrepancy in the fact that Caldwell is indicted and Rhodes, the leader of the Oath Keepers whose communications and actions are said to establish the conspiracy, remains free and unindicted.
Again, why is the government protecting Rhodes?
It gets even worse. Federal prosecutors continue:
It does not matter whether they planned to use this violence to support the president when he invoked the insurrection act or to attack the Capitol if the vice president allowed the certification to go forward—under either scenario, they were plotting to use violence to support the unlawful obstruction of a Congressional proceeding.
Again, this is a remarkable position for the government to have given the repeated and numerous instances in which Rhodes would psychologically prime his followers for bloody violence just in case President Trump gave some unspecified signal activating the Insurrection Act. A more comprehensive list can be found in the previous section. For convenience, here are a few selected from the previous section:
We’re going to defend the president, the duly elected president, and we call on him to do what needs to be done to save our country. Because if you don’t guys, you’re going to be in a bloody, bloody civil war, and a bloody – you can call it an insurrection or you can call it a war or fight.
PERSON ONE told his followers they needed to be prepared to fight Antifa, which he characterized as a group of individuals with whom “if the fight comes, let the fight come. Let Antifa – if they go kinetic on us, then we’ll go kinetic back on them. I’m willing to sacrifice myself for that. Let the fight start there. That will give President Trump what he needs, frankly. If things go kinetic, good. If they throw bombs at us and shoot us, great, because that brings the president his reason and rationale for dropping the Insurrection Act.
PERSON ONE continued, “I do want some Oath Keepers to stay on the outside, and to stay fully armed and prepared to go in armed, if they have to . . . . So our posture’s gonna be that we’re posted outside of DC, um, awaiting the President’s orders. . . . We hope he will give us the orders. We want him to declare an insurrection, and to call us up as the militia.”
[Person 1] Our men will be standing by, awaiting the President’s orders to call us up as the militia, which would override D.C.’s ridiculous anti-gun laws (by federal statute, all Americans from age 17-45 are subject to being called up as the militia by the President, and all military veterans are subject to being called up until age 65 because of our training and experience). – Stay tuned for further details.
Rhodes further primed his followers for the possibility of major conflict, assuring them that “skilled special warfare veterans” will be “standing by armed, just outside D.C., as an emergency QRF” to step in with heavy weaponry, if necessary:
Oath Keepers will also have some of our most skilled special warfare veterans standing by armed, just outside D.C., as an emergency QRF in the event of a worst case scenario in D.C...
It is remarkable to read the above statements in light of the government’s own stated position that:
It does not matter whether they planned to use this violence to support the president when he invoked the insurrection act or to attack the Capitol if the vice president allowed the certification to go forward—under either scenario, they were plotting to use violence to support the unlawful obstruction of a Congressional proceeding.
And yet if this is the case, how on earth does one explain Caldwell’s indictment and Oath Keepers founder and kingpin Stewart Rhodes’ lack thereof?
The Caldwell prosecution’s opposition to bail motion continues:
The Signal chat referenced above shows that the group—which included at least two individuals alleged to have conspired with Caldwell—was activating a plan to use force on January 6. At approximately 1:38 p.m., Person One wrote, “All I see Trump doing is complaining. I see no intent by him to do anything. So the patriots are taking it into their own hands. They’ve had enough.” At 2:14 p.m., an individual leading the coordination of the security details run by the Oath Keepers on January 5-6 stated, “The have taken ground at the capital[.] We need to regroup any members who are not on mission.” Person One then reposted that message and instructed the group: “Come to South Side of Capitol on steps” and then sent a photograph showing the southeast side of the Capitol. At 2:41 p.m., Person One posted another photograph showing the southeast side of the Capitol with the caption, “South side of US Capitol. Patriots pounding on doors[.]” At approximately 2:40 p.m., the individuals in the “stack,” to include co-defendants Kelly and Connnie Meggs, Jessica Watkins, Graydon Young, Laura Steele, Donovan Crowl, and Sandra Parker, forcibly entered the Capitol through the Rotunda door in the center of the east side of the building.
The above passage begins with government reference to the Signal group “activating a plan to use force” on January 6th. Stewart Rhodes was not only a member of the Signal group “activating a plan to use force”: the document goes on to directly quote Rhodes, multiple times, to support its claim of such activation.
U.S. Attorney Michael Sherwin, who propounded the “Shock and Awe” standard of prosecution, made a very big deal about this 2:40 p.m. moment when the Oath Keepers formed a “military stack” and went into the U.S. Capitol. Meanwhile, we have seen that Sherwin’s own Justice Department argues in public filings that the whole thing was activated, at least in part, by the still-unindicted Stewart Rhodes.
The passage below, which immediately follows the passage excerpted above and concludes the DOJ’s argument for “The Evidence of the Conspiracy” section, again reads like the entire DOJ case is against Stewart Rhodes, not his indicted alleged Oath Keepers underling Thomas Caldwell:
Kelly Meggs has denied that any one in particular made the decision or gave the command for the group to enter the building. One additional charged member of the group has denied knowing that Person One was on the Capitol grounds on January 6, 2021. However, publicly available photographs and video show someone consistent in appearance with Person One on the east side of the Capitol on the afternoon of January 6, 2021. At one point, around 4:00 p.m.—as many rioters were exiting the Capitol—a large group that included co-defendants Kelly Meggs, Connie Meggs, Graydon Young, Laura Steele, other members of the stack, and other individuals wearing “Oath Keepers” clothing and insignia who also stormed the Capitol gathered around Person One and stood around waiting for at least ten minutes in that location.
And so we see that the government seems to assign culpability to “one additional charged member” on the basis of possibly knowing that Person One (Rhodes) was on the Capitol grounds on 1/6. And the government further goes on to stipulate that many of the co-defendants all gathered around to meet Person One (Rhodes) after exiting the Capitol, clearly suggesting Rhodes as the leader and organizer. And indeed, he’s the founder and head of the organization to which these co-defendants allegedly belong.
The government has, in effect, built its case against the 16 Oath Keepers in large part by saying “We know you’re guilty of conspiracy because we definitely know your leader Stewart Rhodes is guilty of conspiracy, and it looks like you were following your leader.”
But Stewart Rhodes is not even charged. He is still just “Person One.”
Almost as strange as Rhodes’ apparent protection from indictment is the complete lack of curiosity or skepticism as to why. Indeed, even as Revolver’s previous investigative report gained nationwide attention for suggesting that some of the unindicted persons named in charging documents were federal operatives, no media source to our knowledge has directed its suspicions at Oath Keepers founder and kingpin, Stewart Rhodes.
In early March, there was a barrage of headlines indicating Stewart Rhodes’s days were numbered.
On March 9, we had “Oath Keepers Leader Stewart Rhodes Directed Followers During Capitol Riot, Prosecutors Allege.”
No one in broadcast or print media found it odd that: (1) this a conspiracy case; (2) federal prosecutors have pinpointed (in Caldwell’s bail motion document) Rhodes as a person who directed the conspiracy, in real-time; and (3) a key alleged director of the entire conspiracy is not actually indicted in the conspiracy.
On March 10, ABC News came in strong with “Federal prosecutors appear to home in on Oath Keepers founder for alleged role in Capitol attack”.
On March 25, Daily Beast bolted in, frothing at the mouth: “Violence on Jan 6. Wasn’t Enough for Oath Keepers Leader: New Docs”.
On March 26, Voice of America compensated for the lack of explanation for Rhodes’s total prosecutorial freedom by upping the ante: maybe they are weighing sedition charges! See e.g., “Prosecutors Shift Focus to Possible Seditious Conspiracy in Capitol Insurrection Probe”.
By late April, regime media seemed dejected, almost resigned to what an insurmountable challenge it was for prosecutors to indict Stewart Rhodes.
On April 20, the LATimes bemoaned “Prosecutors’ challenge in Capitol riot probe: The Oath Keeper who didn’t go inside”.
Although the Regime Media has not bothered to register any suspicion at Rhodes’ seeming protection, the collection of headlines above implicitly suggests the media is resting on two possible innocent explanations — both of which can be easily dismissed.
The first possible objection is that the government is just having a difficult time indicting Stewart Rhodes because he did not technically go inside the Capitol. As we have shown previously in this section, this possible objection is destroyed by the prosecutors’ own arguments. Indeed, the main indictment against the Oath Keepers is not storming the capitol or trespassing, but rather conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding (Senate certification). This does not require entering the Capitol.
Thomas Caldwell is not alleged to have gone inside the Capitol, and was indicted in the alleged conspiracy anyway. Furthermore, as we have seen above in this section, the prosecutors repeatedly refer to Stewart Rhodes’ communications, statements and actions to establish the basis for the very conspiracy for which they charged his underling Thomas Caldwell.
Not only did Thomas Caldwell not go in the U.S. Capitol, the prosecutors argue that Stewart Rhodes’ actions — and Thomas Caldwell’s proximity to those actions — are sufficient to pursue bail denial for Thomas Caldwell.
The second possible objection is that Rhodes has not been charged because the government is upping the ante and going for a full blown sedition conspiracy. But this doesn’t explain why Rhodes wouldn’t be indicted on lesser conspiracy charges right away, along with the 16 others. The DOJ could simply file a superseding indictment, and tack on additional charges later, while Rhodes is already arrested.
This is not a RICO case. You don’t need any more evidence than you already have to indict Stewart Rhodes. All you need is agreement to the conspiracy and an overt act. You have his “agreement” a thousand ways from Sunday, all stipulated above.
Need some overt acts? In the indictment alone, here’s a quick review based on material already presented in this article:
Overt acts by Stewart Rhodes in paragraphs 35, 55, 85, are all before January 6, and barely include the full range referenced. Then, in the “Overt Acts” specifically on the day of 1/6, the prosecutors allege (in the Caldwell bail document) Stewart Rhodes committed Overt Acts in furtherance of the conspiracy occurred in the section “Overt Acts: The January 6 Operation” section in paragraphs 100, 104, 105, 106, 112, 113, 115, 120, 124, 126, 127, 163, 164 and 165.
In the present political and legal environment the Stewart Rhodes conspiracy charge is perhaps the single easiest indictment to bring in all of modern American history. We invite legal experts from CNN, New York Times etc. to try their best to read the Oath Keepers court docket and explain, formally, how there are not facts alleged sufficient to bring an indictment against Stewart Rhodes.
For the cherry on top, consider the following headline from March 10: Defense Secretary announces 2,300 National Guard troops will stay in DC for TWO more months as it’s revealed Oath Keepers leader ‘planned to use force and violence to storm the US Capitol’.
That was the headline everywhere. The Justice Department’s arch-nemesis, Stewart Rhodes, summoned like a Great Phantom Menace, wreaking havoc on downtown Washington from his cave in Afghanistan. From the Daily Mail:
Defense Secretary announces 2,300 National Guard troops will stay in DC for TWO more months as it’s revealed Oath Keepers leader ‘planned to use force and violence to storm the US Capitol’
U.S. prosecutors on Monday revealed they have new evidence tying the Oath Keepers to plans to use ‘force and violence’ during the Capitol riots
It includes texts from the far-right militia’s leader Stewart Rhodes
They were found in texting app Signal in a chat named ‘DC OP: Jan 6 21’
‘All I see Trump doing is complaining. I see no intent by him to do anything,’ Rhodes allegedly said in one text
He has not been publicly charged in connection with the breach of the Capitol
It comes as D.C. law enforcement says the threat to the Capitol remains
On Tuesday, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin formally approved an extension of the National Guard deployment for another two months
Close to 2,300 troops will continue to provide security in D.C. until May 23
If the DOJ wanted to go for sedition charges, it would have been far more advantageous to indict Rhodes five months ago, because Rhodes would be in a much weaker legal and financial position. He’d be fighting sedition charges while he’s already breaking down under the weight of conspiracy charges.
And come to think of it, is the government not worried that this allegedly dangerous leader of the “nation’s largest militia” might pose a flight risk post 1/6?
How about a security risk?
Was the DOJ not worried that Stewart Rhodes’s hyped up so-called radicalized paramilitary organization would plan “another” domestic terror attack? Rhodes texted to all of his lower-level lieutenants that 1/6 was “NOTHING compared to what’s coming.” The Justice Department ruthlessly indicted and moved to deny bail those who received that text — why is Rhodes being protected?
For a fuller answer to this disturbing question, we conclude our exhaustive analysis of Rhodes’s relationship with 1/6, and go back further in his biography.
The federal protection he seems to enjoy in relation to 1/6 indictment is nothing new, and in fact reflects a curious pattern in Rhodes’s life spanning decades.
Who is Elmer “Stewart” Rhodes III?
The November 2020 issue of The Atlantic contained a strangely prescient biography of Stewart Rhodes: “A Pro-Trump Militant Group Has Recruited Thousands of Police, Soldiers, and Veterans: An Atlantic investigation reveals who they are and what they might do on Election Day.”
The piece, published two months before 1/6, described Rhodes as a ticking time tomb of a latent national security threat to the 2020 U.S. election. According to The Atlantic biography, after a long stint in the Army’s 72nd Airborne unit, Rhodes was allegedly discharged from service with a fractured spine, and found himself a 28 year-old car valet with no college education. In 1993, down and out, Rhodes then allegedly accidentally shot himself in the face with a loaded handgun, going blind in one eye. Through a still little-understood sequence of events, Stewart Rhodes went from down and out, to community college, to Yale Law School, arguably the most selective academic institution in the country. From the Atlantic:
Rhodes was a little-known libertarian blogger when he launched the Oath Keepers in early 2009… Rhodes had joined the military just out of high school, hoping to become a Green Beret, but his career was cut short when he fractured his spine during a parachute training jump. After his discharge, he worked as a firearms instructor and parked cars as a valet. In 1993, he dropped a loaded handgun and it shot him in the face, blinding him in his left eye. The brush with death inspired him, at 28, to enroll in community college. He went on to the University of Nevada at Las Vegas, where he graduated summa cum laude, and then to Yale Law School.
Almost none of these details have actually been corroborated, according to Buzzfeed:
An Army spokesperson said they could not verify Rhodes’ service because it would have taken place too long ago; the National Archives said it is not processing service records requests during the pandemic.
Even the FBI has appeared skeptical of Stewart Rhodes’s ascension from 28-year old car valet with one eye and no college education to a prize-winning Yale School Law graduate turned founder of America’s largest militia. A January 9, 2014 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document refers to Stewart Rhodes’s background from paratrooping to Yale with only the words “allegedly,” along with redacting every other detail that could prove useful to corroborating such history:
This is a frequent pattern. The FOIA has four consecutive pages of wholly redacted blocks. Not a single detail, apparently, is suitable for public consumption.
What little is unredacted from the FBI records on the Oath Keepers and Stewart Rhodes is replete with references to undercover informants and FBI surveillance absolutely swarming the group since its early years. Recall that “CHS” refers to Confidential Human Source:
The academic world’s apparent top expert on the Oath Keepers, Sam Jackson, also appears to have fallen short of independently confirming the official timeline of Rhodes’s mythical ascent from Army paratrooper to 28 year-old car valet in Montana with zero college education, to Yale Law School, then [Insert 4-Year Black Hole], then voila, the most prominent antigovernment group in the country. From YouTube:
“It’s not entirely clear what his background was immediately before starting the group,” Sam Jackson concludes. “He talked a little bit about why he formed the group. But one thing worth noting is, all of my research focuses on all of the communications that the group puts out. So it’s all things that they could strategically decide to reveal and it isn’t necessarily indicative of what really happened, if you want to make that distinction.
The blog from which the Oath Keepers sprouted was filled with the kind of fire and venom commonly associated with what is now known as “Fedposting” — outrageous, incendiary rhetoric that is technically lawful, but is also prone to generating leads for the FBI to pursue when the informant’s loyal followers amplify the rhetoric or formulate plans to take such rhetoric seriously.
For example, in a May 2009 Oath Keepers blog post, Rhodes responded to an alleged “delicate metro-sexual male student” who said he would follow immoral orders by military superiors by saying: “At that moment, I understood what H. L. Mencken meant when he said ‘every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats.’”
Now, there is no bigger critic of social justice warrior poseurs taking the form of “delicate metro-sexual males” than Revolver. However, the issue here is that Rhodes’ behavior and context eerily and overwhelmingly appears to fit the pattern of a government informant or agent, dating back many years before the events of 1/6.
Typically, informants will put out such rhetoric as a honeytrap, and then report their own overzealous followers and adherents to Federal law enforcement. They collect checks for jailing their own well-intentioned patriot “comrades” whose lapses in judgment, intelligence, or self-control lead them one step too far down the path of escalating keyboard warrior rhetoric.
This was exactly the shtick, incidentally, of another high-profile right-wing “shock jock” patriot leader, Hal Turner, who was revealed to be a self-admitted “deep undercover intelligence operative” for the FBI. Incidentally, Hal Turner’s tenure with the FBI ended within mere months of Stewart Rhodes’s starting of the Oath Keepers:
They called him “Valhalla.”
But it was more than a nickname.
For more than five years, Hal Turner of North Bergen lived a double life.
The public knew him as an ultra-right-wing radio talk show host and Internet blogger with an audience of neo-Nazis and white supremacists attracted to his scorched-earth racism and bare-knuckles bashing of public figures. But to the FBI, and its expanding domestic counter-terror intelligence operations in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks, Turner was “Valhalla” – his code name as an informant
That is a very interesting, very disorganized, and very hard to read piece. The central point about the incongruity of the apparent leader not being arrested and the implications thereof seems potent.
FWIW here is Pravda on the Hudson:
Getting this into two threads.
To the top, Hat Tip: G M
Watch and see if this looks remarkably like the so-called Jan.6 insurrection.
These are Democrats and students upset with Scott Walker (or just along for the experience) storming the Wisconsin Capitol building in Madison, home of the University of Wisc. 2011
We visited Madison on a college tour later that same year. This could have been my daughter or yours that got shot if we believe it is okay to shoot Ashli Babbitt Jan.6, 2021 for unarmed, following the crowd in, trespassing.
How many hundreds of these people were hauled off to jail? How many still in jail? How many shot by Capitol Police? Where is the investigation
The left has plans for us.
"Those who study information war, and have studied previous and current genocides, can see that Caucasians are being set up for genocide in Europe and in North America. And Asian Americans next on the menu."
*In Joe Biden’s America, Whites Are the Enemy*
"He does this often and casually, with a viciousness that makes Barack Obama seem moderate."
do not let the great snake off the hook! :-(
This was HIS wish and plan all along
was working towards this from day one
and now he is helping, along with his marxist hoards, Biden finish what he started.
*In Joe Biden’s America, Whites Are the Enemy*
"He does this often and casually, with a viciousness that makes Barack Obama seem moderate."
do not let the great snake off the hook! :-(
This was HIS wish and plan all along
was working towards this from day one
and now he is helping, along with his marxist hoards, Biden finish what he started.
The 10 Stages of Genocide
*In Joe Biden’s America, Whites Are the Enemy*
"He does this often and casually, with a viciousness that makes Barack Obama seem moderate."
do not let the great snake off the hook! :-(
This was HIS wish and plan all along
was working towards this from day one
and now he is helping, along with his marxist hoards, Biden finish what he started.
I cannot find website to this group
not clear what they advocate or who they are other then SPLC et al descriptions
Only 90% were U/C LE or informants.
I cannot find website to this group
not clear what they advocate or who they are other then SPLC et al descriptions
Shots fired by whom?
Only 90% were U/C LE or informants.
I cannot find website to this group
not clear what they advocate or who they are other then SPLC et al descriptions
White supremacist violence, right?
Shots fired by whom?
Only 90% were U/C LE or informants.
I cannot find website to this group
not clear what they advocate or who they are other then SPLC et al descriptions
BLM protestors outside white persons home
and he is arrested for taking offense
yet in the Philadelphia
report in previous posts
peaceful demonstrators are attacked pushed assaulted
and they are imaged as courageous heroes who stood up to hate.
Guess who they are targeting.
There is ZERO doubt there were FBI U/C and CIs there running the classic COINTELPRO ops.
We are agreed that the FBI has a scurrilous history of entrapment and false flags. We are agreed that is has gotten worse and that the accusations of the FBI fomenting Jan 6 are plausible.
That said, because our cause includes logic and integrity, we also need to acknowledge the validity of AMcC's criticism of Tucker's claim that unindicted co-conspirator means that they were FBI agents. It just ain't so.
I used to see these for sale in Barnes and Noble yrs ago
Can see Capitol design right here on Wikipedia:
Can't happen here!
Can't happen here!
Some comments worth reading.
Blazing shootout in South Africa Toledo, Ohio.
Can't happen here!
Some comments worth reading.
*I would not like to be a pro-Western Afghani in that country right now, much less one who's worked for or with, or supported, US and Coalition forces there. They're staring down the barrel of a death sentence… and we can and/or will do little or nothing to help them.*
Think Kurds who helped us
Think S Vietnamese who helped us
Who would trust us anymore?
Plan accordingly.
Blazing shootout in South Africa Toledo, Ohio.
Can't happen here!
Some comments worth reading.
Blazing shootout in South Africa Toledo, Ohio.
Can't happen here!
Some comments worth reading.
Blazing shootout in South Africa Toledo, Ohio.
Can't happen here!
Some comments worth reading.
SA -
"low income levels and unemployment - standing at a record high of 32.6% among the workforce and even higher at 46.3% among young people - are seen as the ticking bombs that have exploded."
like Savage said ,
when people start starving then we see this ..............
wonder why it is this bad
must be decades of apartheid. :wink:
SA is just following the path of Zimbabwe.
SA -
"low income levels and unemployment - standing at a record high of 32.6% among the workforce and even higher at 46.3% among young people - are seen as the ticking bombs that have exploded."
like Savage said ,
when people start starving then we see this ..............
wonder why it is this bad
must be decades of apartheid. :wink:
Under apartheid, white South Africa was a European country and blacks did not participate in the freedom and prosperity. The system was overthrown in 1994. There was no reason (in RSA or USA) that the drive for racial equality has to include Marxism and throwing away prosperity instead of making what whites once had, economic and political freedom, available to all.
Strange to categorize a country moving full speed backwards a 'developing' country. Developing what? Anarchy? Civil war?
Under apartheid, white South Africa was a European country and blacks did not participate in the freedom and prosperity. The system was overthrown in 1994. There was no reason (in RSA or USA) that the drive for racial equality has to include Marxism and throwing away prosperity instead of making what whites once had, economic and political freedom, available to all.
Strange to categorize a country moving full speed backwards a 'developing' country. Developing what? Anarchy? Civil war?
look out for him next week
and the Mario's kid show.
Blazing shootout in South Africa Toledo, Ohio.
Can't happen here!
Some comments worth reading.
Our future may look like theirs but in my observation it is not the underclass fueling the uprising here. It is mostly rich, mostly white, liberal Leftists in the lead and at the rallies.
Colin Kaepernick has a white mother and was underperforming on a $126 million contract when his grievances went viral. Sure he wanted underclass blacks to rise up but what he got mostly was support from the rich, mostly white media academia elite.
BLM co-founder who is on a house buying spree is black but clearly rich at least now selling books and tv movie production rights. Like AOC, there's your anti-capitalism for you, book deals against capitalism, or what we call 'cognitive dissonance', meaning bullsh*t. Leftist cover media says she only got a hundred thousand dollars from the 501c3 BLM, like they count every dollar, but she got millions in total.
Nikole Hannah-Jones is black but her 1619 project runs wild because of the white NYT media academia establishment who don't give a rip about black outcomes.
Think about it, a race war or the destruction of our economic system doesn't enrich ordinary blacks trying to better themselves. Interestingly, Black entrepreneurship that Republicans favor does.
When did apartheid, using the term loosely, end in the US? Isn't affirmative action the opposite of apartheid? Affirmative Action began in the US in 1961. You have to be 78 years old today to have entered the adult workforce in America before Affirmative Action was the law of the land. Apartheid in South Africa was not subtle, private discrimination.
Blacks aren't poor in America except in the sense that we pay so many people so much money to not participate in our economic system and too many of those people are black.
Blacks in US have only been kept down by American education only by Leftist, anti- choice teachers unions. Their protests are against themselves. Rich white liberals, mostly, protesting the long term damage of rich white liberalism. The civil war seems to follow the blue areas of the red blue map, cf. Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle.
"Blacks aren't poor in America except in the sense that we pay so many people so much money to not participate in our economic system and too many of those are black.
Blacks in US have only been kept down in American education by Leftist, anti- choice teachers unions.
Their protest is against themselves. Rich white liberals, mostly, protesting the long term damage of rich white liberalism."
I was thinking the same thing watching Rev cockroach Al on morning Joe turned douchbag
this am. ( reminds me of Arnold - hang out with libs too long and look what happens
- they turn into girly men)
they like to blame everyone else and point the finger at everywhere but themselves
where the real problem is .......
On a practical level, do any of your points matter?
Our future may look like theirs but in my observation it is not the underclass fueling the uprising here. It is mostly rich, mostly white, liberal Leftists in the lead and at the rallies.
Colin Kaepernick has a white mother and was underperforming on a $126 million contract when his grievances went viral. Sure he wanted underclass blacks to rise up but what he got mostly was support from the rich, mostly white media academia elite.
BLM co-founder who is on a house buying spree is black but clearly rich at least now selling books and tv movie production rights. Like AOC, there's your anti-capitalism for you, book deals against capitalism, or what we call 'cognitive dissonance', meaning bullsh*t. Leftist cover media says she only got a hundred thousand dollars from the 501c3 BLM, like they count every dollar, but she got millions in total.
Nikole Hannah-Jones is black but her 1619 project runs wild because of the white NYT media academia establishment who don't give a rip about black outcomes.
Think about it, a race war or the destruction of our economic system doesn't enrich ordinary blacks trying to better themselves. Interestingly, Black entrepreneurship that Republicans favor does.
When did apartheid, using the term loosely, end in the US? Isn't affirmative action the opposite of apartheid? Affirmative Action began in the US in 1961. You have to be 78 years old today to have entered the adult workforce in America before Affirmative Action was the law of the land. Apartheid in South Africa was not subtle, private discrimination.
Blacks aren't poor in America except in the sense that we pay so many people so much money to not participate in our economic system and too many of those people are black.
Blacks in US have only been kept down by American education only by Leftist, anti- choice teachers unions. Their protests are against themselves. Rich white liberals, mostly, protesting the long term damage of rich white liberalism. The civil war seems to follow the blue areas of the red blue map, cf. Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle.
I think I have the right thread here. What was done to Justice Clarence Thomas, high tech lynching, and what was done to Brett Kavanaugh, if these were not serious concerns, then they were acts of war. Either young Brett Kavanaugh ran a gang rape organization where his female classmates kept coming back for more voluntarily every week, or he did not. If it's false, that level of attack is an act of war and insurrection. It's still relevant today because the people who did it rose from there to President and Vice President.
IF it was serious, the narrative agenda media and Democrats would have endless follow up it but they don't. There isn't any follow up of course because the charges weren't credible, serious or genuine then and every bit of follow up bears that out.
Fake rape charges, IMHO, should have the same penalty as the rape charged.
From John Hayward, writer for Breitbart, July 28:
The 1/6 rioters should be treated with the same severity as Black Lives Matter rioters. Since that is not remotely possible, all else is political theater and raw exercises of power, and I am weary of pretenses to the contrary.
I’m weary of our ruling class sending the message that your home, business, and personal safety are at the mercy of violent Democrat-approved grievance groups, but don’t you DARE do anything that makes the aristocracy in D.C. uncomfortable.
I’m tired of hearing the Abolish the Police Party demand limitless scrutiny and aggressive defunding of the police who protect the rest of us, but unquestioning support and increased funding for the police who protect THEM. Why not protect the Capitol with social workers, huh?
There are Democrat-controlled parts of the country where theft has literally been decriminalized, and not just during Democrat-approved riots. You have to stand and watch helplessly while your business is looted every day. But the rules are different for THEIR place of business.
The entire premise of the theatrical 1/6 hearings is supposedly that further “insurrections” are a serious threat that must be proactively addressed. That is FAR more true of Democrat-approved grievance riots. They were vastly larger, deadlier, and more likely to occur again.
No group that might contemplate barging into the Capitol was given billions of dollars in funding by politicized corporations, as BLM was. None of them enjoys anything like to [sic] the political and media support of the 2020 rioters, who even got a pass from coronavirus restrictions. Democrat-approved rioters were even given free passes from coronavirus restrictions.
Every rule on the books was bent and broken for them. Prosecution for their offenses has not been zero, but it hasn’t exactly been thorough. The message sure as hell isn’t “never do this again.”
The Democrat Party normalized and celebrated political violence for months before the Capitol riots. Let’s have some hearings on THAT. Let’s talk about how incredibly dangerous it is for one Party to think it has a monopoly on grievance-mongering, street theater, and violence.
Let’s also have some hearings about how one Party thinks it has a monopoly on questioning the outcome of elections. We could roll video of top Dems, including sitting officials, doing that for HOURS. You want theater? I’ll make the popcorn and bring the tapes.
I’m not really interested in hearing any Democrat, or their GOP footstools, give tearful speeches about sacred democracy while their party systematically destroys every bit of protection for our elections and wantonly undermines every outcome they don’t like. We have every reason to fear the full power of bloated, hyper-politicized government being turned against Americans who dissent from the ruling Party.
Show trials designed to establish the predicate that dissenters are potential violent terrorists are not exactly reassuring. There is no need to excuse or valorize anything that occurred on 1/6 to be disgusted by this week’s political spectacle. Our media tells us that “context” is everything. Well, in the full context of 2020, hysterics over 1/6 are absurd and hypocritical.
You can’t say THIS city is sacred ground, but THESE cities must be abandoned to mobs and criminals as lawless wastelands. Hell, most of D.C. outside the Capitol IS a lawless wasteland. You shrieking potentates can see murder factories through your barbed wire fences.
You can’t say THESE cops are sacred avatars of law and order whose actions merit no public scrutiny or investigation, but all the rest of them are trigger-happy racists who should be micromanaged, distrusted, disarmed, defunded, and replaced by community organizers.
You can’t say THIS politicized violence is totally unacceptable and should be prosecuted unto the end of time, but THESE people are allowed to use violence and vandalism whenever they feel the system is not addressing their grievances quickly enough.
You can’t tell me the 1st Amendment must be bypassed to silence “disinformation” because it might lead to “insurrection,” while embracing media outlets that spread Hands Up Don’t Shoot lies with wild abandon, resulting in real and immediate crime and violence.
When people who spent four years role-playing as “the Resistance” against a “stolen election” suddenly start telling us dissent and resistance are treason that will be punished without mercy, we know exactly what’s going on. It’s a grim story repeated throughout human history.
By all means, let’s have universal respect for universally RESPECTABLE elections. Let’s have zero tolerance for political violence. Let every American’s property be treated with the respect afforded to a congressman’s office. These hearings obviously aren’t about that.
from post above
when did the fall of the USA begin
historians can argue about the beginnings of the fall or Rome
and will continue here
some may say when socialism marxism was brought over from Europe
some might say the 60s counter revolution
some (myself ) will say with the election of the great leftist snake - Obama
in any case all the rest i agree with
not looking good for the non believers
of wokism marxism etc
From yesterday:
From yesterday:
He is correct.
Deep State Andy doesn't like these cases being brought up.
Not sure of your point here. What does this have to do with AMcC's analysis of the errors in TC's analysis?
1/6 was a a deep state operation.
THIS is the HILL.
THIS is the HILL.
it is so outrageous to see that lying little shit head Fauci
give lectures about vaccination on CNN last evening
knowing since day one he was lying
about the origins of the this virus
of course the first thought through his mind
absolutely had to be something akin to :
'Oh my god
this could be genetically engineered
and we gave money to China for this kind of research ...'
lyin' little pip squeak
narcissistic disgrace to medicine
of course the democrats just have to insist on giving the rest of us the finger by rallying behind this dirtball
what he and his Chinese CCP people unleashed on the world
:x :x :x :x
Wait for the upcoming false flag to be blamed on the non-compliant.
Wait for the upcoming false flag to be blamed on the non-compliant.
Wait for the upcoming false flag to be blamed on the non-compliant.
My sense is that case is not likely to do well, but I sure can understand why the family brought the suit.
What real journalism looks like:
Jan 6: Single event, single location
George Floyd riots: 8,700 events, 574 involving violent acts; 140+ cities
Case Outcomes
Jan 6: Nonviolent offenders without criminal histories given months of jail time; one dropped case.
George Floyd riots: In most of a dozen major jurisdictions, 90%+ of citations/charges dropped, dismissed, or otherwise not filed; D.C. prosecutors dropped most felony rioting charges; feds dismissed or are on track to dismiss charges in majority of Portland, Ore., cases largely stemming from violence around federal buildings.
More at the link.
There is ZERO doubt there were FBI U/C and CIs there running the classic COINTELPRO ops.
We are agreed that the FBI has a scurrilous history of entrapment and false flags. We are agreed that is has gotten worse and that the accusations of the FBI fomenting Jan 6 are plausible.
That said, because our cause includes logic and integrity, we also need to acknowledge the validity of AMcC's criticism of Tucker's claim that unindicted co-conspirator means that they were FBI agents. It just ain't so.
There is ZERO doubt there were FBI U/C and CIs there running the classic COINTELPRO ops.
We are agreed that the FBI has a scurrilous history of entrapment and false flags. We are agreed that is has gotten worse and that the accusations of the FBI fomenting Jan 6 are plausible.
That said, because our cause includes logic and integrity, we also need to acknowledge the validity of AMcC's criticism of Tucker's claim that unindicted co-conspirator means that they were FBI agents. It just ain't so.
He is correct.
Judge wants probe into treatment of Jan. 6 defendants
Corrections director, D.C. Jail warden to be held in contempt
A federal judge in the District on Wednesday called for the Justice Department to investigate whether staff at the D.C. Jail are violating the rights of inmates detained on charges in connection with the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, according to media reports.
U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth made the comments after ruling that D.C. Department of Corrections Director Quincy Booth and Warden Wanda Patten be held in contempt.
“It’s clear to me the civil rights of the defendant were violated by the D.C. Department of Corrections,” Judge Lamberth said. “I don’t know if it’s because he’s a Jan. 6 defendant or not.”
The jail officials could face civil penalties for failing to follow court orders requiring them to provide medical records for defendant Chris Worrell, who says staff failed to properly address his broken hand after a doctor recommended he receive surgery in June.
Judge Lambert said he would refer the case to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland to determine whether the jail is violating the rights of Capitol riot defendants.
Mr. Worrell, a member of the far-right Proud Boys group, is accused of using chemical spray on police during the Capitol riot.
He pleaded not guilty Wednesday to assaulting a police officer and obstructing Congress’ certification of the presidential election.
The Justice Department has charged more than 600 people so far for their roles in the Capitol riot. Some have complained of harsh treatment in jails by staff and fellow inmates.
The Washington Times sent a request for comment Wednesday to the D.C. Department of Corrections and the Justice Department, but did not get an immediate response.
The judge’s ruling came after he found there was more than an “inexcusable” delay of jail officials turning over medical documents.
After the judge learned last week that the surgery still hadn’t happened months after the June recommendation, he ordered the jail system to turn over notes to the U.S. Marshals Service — because Mr. Worrell is a federal inmate housed in the local jail — so the Marshals Service could move forward and approve the medical procedure.
But on Tuesday, the jail still hadn’t sent the records and the judge ordered the city jail officials to appear in court for a contempt hearing.
A lawyer for the jail had argued that they had been working to get the records together to comply with the court’s order before the contempt hearing was set.
“He’s needed an operation. He hasn’t gotten it,” the judge said.
The move is likely to add steam to claims by activists and supporters of former President Donald Trump who have argued that defendants are being treated unfairly while they’re locked up.
The Associated Press reviewed hundreds of court and jail records for the Capitol riot defendants to uncover how many were being detained and found roughly 70 held in federal custody awaiting trial or sentencing hearings.
At least 30 are jailed in Washington. The rest are locked up in facilities across the country.
Supporters of those jailed in Washington held a rally on Sept. 18, where they sought to highlight what they said were the disturbing treatment of suspects behind bars there.
Can’t read it, paywalled. Still, the National Review is just deep state, never Trump garbage.
Nonetheless we need to know the argument they present:
January 6 Was No Hoax
October 11, 2021 6:30 AM
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Supporters of President Trump face off with police during a “Stop the Steal” protest outside of the Capitol building in Washington D.C., January 6, 2021. (Stephanie Keith/Reuters)
Trump abused the trust of his supporters, and the result was a disgrace.
Was January 6 an insurrection or a hoax? The answer is obvious: Neither. But having set up this false choice, really a choice of two falsities, one long-esteemed conservative writer and editor would have us choose “hoax.” The narrative built around January 6 was yet another piece in the long, lying resistance to Donald Trump and, by extension, to the “deplorable” voters who put him in power. So argues Roger Kimball.
Strangely, by the end of his essay, one suspects that the author believed an armed insurrection might have been justified. He predicts that historians “may well count the 2016 presidential election as the last fair and open democratic election in U.S. history.” He asserts that “every honest person knows that the 2020 election was tainted.” And that it amounted to “the first oligarchic installation of a president.” Of the man in whose name the vandalism of that day was committed, Kimball says, “Trump’s critical flaw was a deficit in guile.”
It’s a perverse kind of compliment, given the circumstances and context. It reminds me of Don McLean’s singing prettily of Vincent van Gogh, “This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you.” That line justifies a suicide. But at least McLean is right that van Gogh cared for beauty. The antonyms of guile are “honesty” and “candor.” To try to justify the events of January 6 with Trump’s deficit of guile is like playing a Stradivarius with a Kitchen Aid hand-mixer. It’s not just an ugly sound, but something like a deliberate provocation.
The ugly scenes on January 6 were caused, I’d counter, by Donald Trump’s lies. If one searches for the political motivation behind Ashli Babbitt’s death, it is not in the perfidy of intelligence agencies and James Comey, but in what Donald Trump said about the election and about our Constitution. He repeated these lies that very day to people who would go on to disrupt Congress’s certification of the election and vandalize the Capitol building.
Despite what Victor Davis Hanson (among others) has said, National Review’s editorial position was never that the January 6 riot was an “armed insurrection.” And numerous National Review contributors have consistently described the events of January 6 as a riot and a deep disgrace, not a coup. It was clear that very day that the rabble was unarmed. Officer Sicknick, for instance, was not killed by a MAGA lunatic who bashed him with a fire extinguisher; he died of natural causes.
Nearly everything Kimball says about the ongoing resistance to Trump is true. It was meretricious, hysterical, and dangerous. Even before Trump won the election, I predicted the unprecedented subterfuge that would probably be aimed at him if he won the presidency. We saw the deep state as it really is: an ongoing class warfare against the democratic peoples and their representatives whose disruptions provide accountability. No one has to coordinate 50 former intelligence agents to issue a statement denouncing the New York Post’s Hunter Biden scoop as probable Russian disinformation, justifying suppression of the story just days before the election. The deep-staters know how to do it.
January 6 Committee to Hold Steve Bannon in Criminal Contempt for Evading Subpoena
The Eastman Memo
How to Think about January 6
Some of us have spent the better part of the past two decades or longer arguing that conservatives should be more open to a populist and working-class core of voters, the losers of globalization. We have been arguing for putting “the forgotten man” at the heart of conservatism’s concerns. We’ve argued for reexamining the effect of our trade relationships on the American people themselves. We denounced the democracy project in the Middle East and Afghanistan as a waste of blood and treasure. We argued for getting control of our immigration system, and for immigration limits and moratoriums in order to make America cohere again. It was thankless work. And if we had known it was all to set the stage for opportunists and recent converts to make their riches and fly their freak flags, perhaps we wouldn’t have done it.
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And now it’s time to be very firm. These working-class causes deserve better than what Donald Trump gave them. They deserve better than to be swallowed up by theories about Hugo Chávez using voting machines to elect Joe Biden. They deserve better than to have their complaints about the self-serving American political class displaced by the election-audit theatrics in Maricopa County, Ariz., which ended up yielding more votes for Joe Biden anyway. They deserve better than Lin Wood’s drawing little “Q’s” in the air.
After the election, the Trump campaign produced no evidence of serious, election-altering fraud in any of the states it wished to dispute. Instead, it proffered ever more bizarre legal theories. And it culminated in the most plainly insane one, that Mike Pence had the unilateral right to reject the electoral votes from Georgia, Arizona, and several other states.
This theory was setting the Q-anon sites ablaze in the days leading up to January 6. I know because I started following that phenomenon and could see it leading to danger. As I wrote on the morning of January 6:
Right now, the Q conspiracists — including President Trump — are setting up Mike Pence to be the fall guy, the man who betrayed them, if Pence does his duty and acknowledges the certified result of America’s democratic elections. How cynical must the senators and congressmen supporting this farce be, to participate in this effort?
Why can’t these men content themselves with the awesome power and prestige of their offices? Or more directly: Why can’t they just do the job we have paid them to do?
Yet at the Stop the Steal rally on January 6, Donald Trump told the crowd, “If Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election. . . . All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify, and we become president, and you are the happiest people.”
This is bunk. Anyone who believes that protecting the Constitution of the United States is one of the missions of conservatism knows this theory to be bunk and knows that lies about the Constitution from a sitting president can themselves be dangerous. I can’t think of anything more disrespectful of Donald Trump than to call this a lack of guile.
Even as the awful scenes of Capitol Hill police being overwhelmed were on television, Trump sent out a tweet attacking his vice president:
Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!
According to the timeline of events as we know them now, Trump sent out this tweet after Republican senator Tommy Tuberville had informed him that Mike Pence had been evacuated. This warning may not have explicitly included the security personnel’s assessment of the danger that necessitated Pence’s evacuation, so Trump’s lawyers have claimed that the president didn’t know Pence was in harm’s way. If you believe that, maybe you can believe that Hugo Chávez runs elections in America.
We can all throw Trump the biggest pity party in history about the subterfuge he faced within the executive branch. He didn’t have the guts to clean house and make the government employees do their jobs. In other words, he didn’t do the job he was elected to do. For a president to take control of the executive branch, he must hire people he can trust to run one of the largest organizations on earth. Trump couldn’t or wouldn’t. Every account of the Trump White House’s operation tells us that Trump trusted and respected no one who didn’t have the last name Trump or Kushner. What his actions leading up to January 6 show us is that he didn’t respect his followers, either.
It’s true that the riot on January 6 was not a coup. It was not like the Civil War or Pearl Harbor or any other milestone from an overheated historical analogy. And I don’t want applause from people who think that it was. The Trumpers at the Capitol couldn’t have held on to a public library or a Chick-fil-A if they had tried. And mostly the charges that are being filed are exactly the kinds of charges leveled at other rioters (unless they are BLM/Antifa, who largely get a pass from our DOJ): charges of vandalism and trespassing.
But it was no hoax. This was a real disgrace, it led to real death — that of an unarmed Trump supporter. And it was caused by Donald Trump’s dishonesty. He abused the trust of his devoutest supporters. He assembled them to “stop the steal” of an election that he must know he lost, that he must’ve known he was liable to lose as he was running in it. He endangered his vice president, other members of Congress, and his supporters to protect his vanity.
Dishonest strawmen arguments?
It was pretty much what I anticipated.
Nonetheless we need to know the argument they present:
January 6 Was No Hoax
October 11, 2021 6:30 AM
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Supporters of President Trump face off with police during a “Stop the Steal” protest outside of the Capitol building in Washington D.C., January 6, 2021. (Stephanie Keith/Reuters)
Trump abused the trust of his supporters, and the result was a disgrace.
Was January 6 an insurrection or a hoax? The answer is obvious: Neither. But having set up this false choice, really a choice of two falsities, one long-esteemed conservative writer and editor would have us choose “hoax.” The narrative built around January 6 was yet another piece in the long, lying resistance to Donald Trump and, by extension, to the “deplorable” voters who put him in power. So argues Roger Kimball.
Strangely, by the end of his essay, one suspects that the author believed an armed insurrection might have been justified. He predicts that historians “may well count the 2016 presidential election as the last fair and open democratic election in U.S. history.” He asserts that “every honest person knows that the 2020 election was tainted.” And that it amounted to “the first oligarchic installation of a president.” Of the man in whose name the vandalism of that day was committed, Kimball says, “Trump’s critical flaw was a deficit in guile.”
It’s a perverse kind of compliment, given the circumstances and context. It reminds me of Don McLean’s singing prettily of Vincent van Gogh, “This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you.” That line justifies a suicide. But at least McLean is right that van Gogh cared for beauty. The antonyms of guile are “honesty” and “candor.” To try to justify the events of January 6 with Trump’s deficit of guile is like playing a Stradivarius with a Kitchen Aid hand-mixer. It’s not just an ugly sound, but something like a deliberate provocation.
The ugly scenes on January 6 were caused, I’d counter, by Donald Trump’s lies. If one searches for the political motivation behind Ashli Babbitt’s death, it is not in the perfidy of intelligence agencies and James Comey, but in what Donald Trump said about the election and about our Constitution. He repeated these lies that very day to people who would go on to disrupt Congress’s certification of the election and vandalize the Capitol building.
Despite what Victor Davis Hanson (among others) has said, National Review’s editorial position was never that the January 6 riot was an “armed insurrection.” And numerous National Review contributors have consistently described the events of January 6 as a riot and a deep disgrace, not a coup. It was clear that very day that the rabble was unarmed. Officer Sicknick, for instance, was not killed by a MAGA lunatic who bashed him with a fire extinguisher; he died of natural causes.
Nearly everything Kimball says about the ongoing resistance to Trump is true. It was meretricious, hysterical, and dangerous. Even before Trump won the election, I predicted the unprecedented subterfuge that would probably be aimed at him if he won the presidency. We saw the deep state as it really is: an ongoing class warfare against the democratic peoples and their representatives whose disruptions provide accountability. No one has to coordinate 50 former intelligence agents to issue a statement denouncing the New York Post’s Hunter Biden scoop as probable Russian disinformation, justifying suppression of the story just days before the election. The deep-staters know how to do it.
January 6 Committee to Hold Steve Bannon in Criminal Contempt for Evading Subpoena
The Eastman Memo
How to Think about January 6
Some of us have spent the better part of the past two decades or longer arguing that conservatives should be more open to a populist and working-class core of voters, the losers of globalization. We have been arguing for putting “the forgotten man” at the heart of conservatism’s concerns. We’ve argued for reexamining the effect of our trade relationships on the American people themselves. We denounced the democracy project in the Middle East and Afghanistan as a waste of blood and treasure. We argued for getting control of our immigration system, and for immigration limits and moratoriums in order to make America cohere again. It was thankless work. And if we had known it was all to set the stage for opportunists and recent converts to make their riches and fly their freak flags, perhaps we wouldn’t have done it.
A weekly digest on business and economics from an NR sensibility.
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And now it’s time to be very firm. These working-class causes deserve better than what Donald Trump gave them. They deserve better than to be swallowed up by theories about Hugo Chávez using voting machines to elect Joe Biden. They deserve better than to have their complaints about the self-serving American political class displaced by the election-audit theatrics in Maricopa County, Ariz., which ended up yielding more votes for Joe Biden anyway. They deserve better than Lin Wood’s drawing little “Q’s” in the air.
After the election, the Trump campaign produced no evidence of serious, election-altering fraud in any of the states it wished to dispute. Instead, it proffered ever more bizarre legal theories. And it culminated in the most plainly insane one, that Mike Pence had the unilateral right to reject the electoral votes from Georgia, Arizona, and several other states.
This theory was setting the Q-anon sites ablaze in the days leading up to January 6. I know because I started following that phenomenon and could see it leading to danger. As I wrote on the morning of January 6:
Right now, the Q conspiracists — including President Trump — are setting up Mike Pence to be the fall guy, the man who betrayed them, if Pence does his duty and acknowledges the certified result of America’s democratic elections. How cynical must the senators and congressmen supporting this farce be, to participate in this effort?
Why can’t these men content themselves with the awesome power and prestige of their offices? Or more directly: Why can’t they just do the job we have paid them to do?
Yet at the Stop the Steal rally on January 6, Donald Trump told the crowd, “If Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election. . . . All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify, and we become president, and you are the happiest people.”
This is bunk. Anyone who believes that protecting the Constitution of the United States is one of the missions of conservatism knows this theory to be bunk and knows that lies about the Constitution from a sitting president can themselves be dangerous. I can’t think of anything more disrespectful of Donald Trump than to call this a lack of guile.
Even as the awful scenes of Capitol Hill police being overwhelmed were on television, Trump sent out a tweet attacking his vice president:
Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!
According to the timeline of events as we know them now, Trump sent out this tweet after Republican senator Tommy Tuberville had informed him that Mike Pence had been evacuated. This warning may not have explicitly included the security personnel’s assessment of the danger that necessitated Pence’s evacuation, so Trump’s lawyers have claimed that the president didn’t know Pence was in harm’s way. If you believe that, maybe you can believe that Hugo Chávez runs elections in America.
We can all throw Trump the biggest pity party in history about the subterfuge he faced within the executive branch. He didn’t have the guts to clean house and make the government employees do their jobs. In other words, he didn’t do the job he was elected to do. For a president to take control of the executive branch, he must hire people he can trust to run one of the largest organizations on earth. Trump couldn’t or wouldn’t. Every account of the Trump White House’s operation tells us that Trump trusted and respected no one who didn’t have the last name Trump or Kushner. What his actions leading up to January 6 show us is that he didn’t respect his followers, either.
It’s true that the riot on January 6 was not a coup. It was not like the Civil War or Pearl Harbor or any other milestone from an overheated historical analogy. And I don’t want applause from people who think that it was. The Trumpers at the Capitol couldn’t have held on to a public library or a Chick-fil-A if they had tried. And mostly the charges that are being filed are exactly the kinds of charges leveled at other rioters (unless they are BLM/Antifa, who largely get a pass from our DOJ): charges of vandalism and trespassing.
But it was no hoax. This was a real disgrace, it led to real death — that of an unarmed Trump supporter. And it was caused by Donald Trump’s dishonesty. He abused the trust of his devoutest supporters. He assembled them to “stop the steal” of an election that he must know he lost, that he must’ve known he was liable to lose as he was running in it. He endangered his vice president, other members of Congress, and his supporters to protect his vanity.
Well, that was eloquent , , ,
Well, that was eloquent , , ,
As I said a long time ago, 1/6 was an FBI op. Using the COINTELPRO playbook.
Michael Yon@MichaelYon
6 hours ago
Amateurs talk Tactics, Professionals talk Logistics — Historians talk Conditions
15 October 2021
Mind-dump, sans-edit
PanFaWar: Pandemic, Famine, War — traveling buddies from Hell.
When one arrives, the other two soon roar in.
They also are recursive and incredibly unpredictable. Recursive in the sense that big pandemic leads to more pandemic. Big war creates spinoff wars through space and time. Echos.
Irish potato famine was about Conditions, not potatoes. Potato shortage was a symptom. Part of that shortage came from pandemic. A blight that destroyed potatoes. But a food shortage is rarely enough to create famine. Study of Famine is essential in study of War.
Pick any famine. Any famine at all. Pick five famines randomly. Use darts. And in your study, you will always find there was plenty of food. Somewhere. Usually not far away. But Logistics often was broken due to war, or Famine was used as a weapon of war. There was plenty of food for the Irish, if the English would have let Americans and others ship the food in. And there were other solutions.
In human history, food shortage has always been local, so far. There has never been a global food shortage, so far. The famines result from Conditions. Logistics breaks down. Next thing you know things get Biblical and in the real sense. Look how many times the Bible mentions cannibalism.
Nothing we are experiencing now is new. Old People warned about it in books for centuries. It’s all happened many times before. This time on grander scale, but the patterns remain. A small circle and a big circle are nearly identical, and in most ways, are. It feels like cheating to read all these old books. Pi was pi then, and now.
Other aspects of the Conditions were English mistreating Irish, which of course feeds into War.
Famines lead to big and small migrations, and more food shortages. Migrations spread and create — or rather unleash — pandemic.
Famines reduce resilience, making home for Pandemic. Pandemic reduces resilience. Making people sick, who work and hunt less. Making them weaker still.
Pandemic and wars also create migrations, and migrations feed the PanFaWar Loop.
Thus it’s good to live far away from big metro areas when logistics collapses. Hungry masses will come to the where the food is. The closer you live to food production, the less you are directly effected by Logistics. And Logistics is in the vast majority of cases a key component of famine.
Examine your logistics vulnerabilities and strengths. Put some thought into your situation.
Learn to store food. To make your own canning. Back to Mason Jars. I got a lot right at the beginning of pandemic. Large amounts of salt, vinegar, etc.
Remember that famine is never forever. You just have to get through the hurricane and get back to work when the winds die down.
In the old days, it was good to live at least two days walk from such places where massive numbers of people may suddenly be hungry. Now, best to be a tank of gas away. (Not that most people can do this).
Remember the signs by towns during the Great Depression? Such as NO JOBS HERE. KEEP ON MOVING.
War is coming. And it’s not about sparks, but Conditions. Logistics are part of the higher-level matrix that is Conditions. Amateurs talk sparks. Professionals talk Conditions.
Production and Logistics are high-level aspects of Conditions.
And as Al Johnson Senior tells me from time to time, “Organizational structure dictates outcome.” Retired Army Colonel. This is one of those things that first time you hear it, truth of the statement flashes. Basically, we get the product of the assembly line we create.
The plant management has created an assembly line of PanFaWar components.
We are going to war. Prepare yourself.
From my post in immigration thread of Oct. 15:
"the only difference between the foreigners who commit these crimes and many on the LEFT
is the foreigner carries out what the others are thinking"
Proof of what I said is in the pudding :
From my post in immigration thread of Oct. 15:
"the only difference between the foreigners who commit these crimes and many on the LEFT
is the foreigner carries out what the others are thinking"
Proof of what I said is in the pudding :
Note that in the discussion of this incident, the idea of enhanced security is floated. Nothing is ever said about not importing 3rd world savages into western countries.
From my post in immigration thread of Oct. 15:
"the only difference between the foreigners who commit these crimes and many on the LEFT
is the foreigner carries out what the others are thinking"
Proof of what I said is in the pudding :
Note that in the discussion of this incident, the idea of enhanced security is floated. Nothing is ever said about not importing 3rd world savages into western countries.
You are NOT voting your way out of this.
".Note that in the discussion of this incident, the idea of enhanced security is floated. Nothing is ever said about not importing 3rd world savages into western countries."
I am surprised they did not scream and yell all over the airwaves
"we need to ban knives!".
I am sure Omar has nothing to say about it.
or somehow turn the logic upside down
and blame America for it , or Israel
or the "benjamins".
Early this month, I started researching the Irish Troubles for a section of my upcoming book on Low Intensity Conflict/Civil War 2.
It’s important to keep an open mind and consider all possibilities, weigh the evidence, and then decide what’s more likely and less likely to happen. That’s exactly what I do in the book, which is an updated analysis based on a 2019 video series on the topic.
The Irish Troubles is one of six models I’ve identified that could have (loosely) an American equivalent.
Of course, I’m not talking about Catholics versus Protestants, but a sectarian conflict featuring sporadic armed political violence where the government’s primary mission is peacekeeping followed by counterterrorism.
The Irish Troubles resulted in over 50,000 casualties and 3,500 deaths over a 30-year span (1969-1998). Armed violence was widespread across Northern Ireland, but this map illustrating the deaths of civilians and British Security Forces gives us a good glimpse of where casualty-producing attacks occurred.
One of my key assumptions would remain that most political violence will be geographically limited, just like many areas of Northern Ireland had very few instances of armed violence over a 30-year span. I expect most places to remain… well, pretty quiet as far as political violence is concerned. (Criminality is another matter!)
In a previous post, I provided four requirements for a conflict to become a civil war. Briefly, they are:
domestic military action (i.e., not just police)
government involvement as a belligerent (i.e., not just a war between citizens)
capable fighting on both sides of the conflict (i.e., not genocide)
at least 1,000 combat-related deaths in a 12-month period (i.e., sustained fighting)
I bring this up because at no time during the 30 years of conflict in Northern Ireland did combat-related deaths reach 1,000 in a 12-month span. In fact, it’s no where close. At the height, 479 deaths were recorded during the 1972 calendar year.
Although the Irish did have a civil war from 1922-1923, the Irish Troubles were definitely not a civil war. Instead, it’s what many refer to as Low Intensity Conflict.
(This is another reason why I dislike the term “civil war” — you can have a casualty-producing domestic conflict without it rising to the intensity of a conventional civil war. That’s exactly where I think this country is headed.)
Let’s take a look at the yearly death totals for civilians, Irish Republicans, Ulster Loyalists, and British security forces from 1969 to 1998.
A few things… First, civilian deaths are roughly equal to deaths of all belligerents. High civilian casualties are the norm for domestic conflicts, going all the way back to at least the 1500s. As French Rennaissance philosopher Michel de Montaigne (1532-1592) observed, "In truth a forraine warre is nothing so dangerous a disease as a civill."
Second, while the 1970s were by far the most violent, war-related deaths continued to stack up over the following decades. The total death toll of 3,483 works out to an average of 116 deaths per year, or roughly one death every three days. For 30 years. Low intensity conflicts, especially insurgencies and guerrilla wars, are often protracted. Nothing happening in the United States today signals that our own domestic conflict, if triggered, would be short lived.
Third, I’m still compiling the numbers of fighters as a percentage of the overall populace. The end result will show that a small percentage was actively engaged in the fighting at any given time. As we see in most low intensity conflicts, a small percentage actually takes part in the fighting, followed by maybe 5-15% of the total population involved in active support at some level, and everyone else is just trying to live their lives. I suspect that the American Troubles would be similar.
The real problem for most Americans will be the economic, financial, and monetary destruction that results from armed conflict. While you’d think that high unemployment would enable the mobilization of millions of military-aged males, the disruption to transportation, shipping, and production likely means that many Americans will be focused on week to week survival, as opposed to actively fighting.
The greater the operational tempo and mass of fighters, the greater logistics you need. This likely means that the number of fighters remains relatively small compared to the efforts required to support them. Again, less than 5%, maybe even less than 1%, is likely to be engaged at any time. (That’s still a lot of people.)
On that note, the United States population today is roughly 200 times larger than Northern Ireland was from 1969-1998. So could we see 200 times the death toll? We could.
In conclusion, these are some initial considerations based on one model of conflict. I’m not in the business of making predictions, only outlining what’s more likely and less likely to occur. Much of this conflict hinges on things still years away; namely 2024 elections and what happens with the federal government. I provide my final conclusions in the book, which is expected to be out in December 2021.
If you found this short post thought-provoking, subscribe to my weekly Dispatch: Notes on Conflict and Collapse and watch my latest videos posted to
Always Out Front,
Mike Shelby
Newt Gingrich is Right…
Mr. Gingrich called me back when Trump was running the first time. Back then, I did not know what to make of Trump and so I was reluctant, but no way on planet earth I would vote for another Clinton.
But in retrospect, Trump did pretty well. Very well.
And the democrats and their communist allies still use Trump, race, class, religion, words, to divide and conquer. Remember all the clowns who bought into Russia-gate. Same clowns who wear three masks and sport track marks. Same clowns who say “follow the science” and demand we inject a substance they cannot even name. They say “follow the science” but barely struggled through algebra while lecturing us on global warming because some teenager-sock-puppet told them what to worship.
The atmospherics are clear. Fuse is growing shorter.
This government cannot control a hungry, heavily armed citizenship. Hunger and anger will spill
across all party lines, from all sides of political spectrum. When the police are gone and replaced by communists, there will be nobody left to protect the communists, including the police.
Those of us who spent years in numerous wars are under no illusions about the severe power this government holds, or just how weak they really are in the face of millions of people with guns when they finally have had enough and go WEAPONS FREE. The Hangry Revolt.
Against a real general uprising, cops will last ten minutes. There will be too much action to write down, much less investigate. It just gets added to the local daily SIGACTs: 41x SAFIRE, 3x IED, 17x arson, 257 KIA, 2210 WIA, etc.
Police will abandon their uniforms and stations. Seen it happen. Stations will easily be overrun. Like taking a Post Office. Which will be looted. That’s how this really goes.
National Guard who get squirrelly will be scattered. I am remembering so many things I saw in Iraq, Afghanistan, Nepal, Thailand, Philippines, Hong Kong.
They will scatter when under command of a “General” who tweets about manicures. Many troops will not follow orders to fight Americans. There likely will be Blue-on-Blue attacks against commanders who order troops to fire on Americans. Frags.
The Pedicure General will not be able to stop crying when her entire National Guard does not answer her orders, and she will surrender her HQ and hide. She will be a coward and she will hide. That’s how this really goes.
Active duty call up with serious civilian casualties will lead to a general revolt. All these executives who hired ex-special operations guys and law enforcement for security — they have no idea who is who in the zoo.
Will Milley feel safe around troops? He’s a tool.
Meanwhile, CHINA is still out there.
We are at the edge of war. And this government is doing zero to stop it and everything to start it.
Religious leaders need to stand up. Call for peace. Keep calling for peace. And pray we make it to the next election in one piece. Yet what happens if more elections are believed to be stolen?
So he was.
Deep State Andy doesn't like these cases being brought up.
Not sure of your point here. What does this have to do with AMcC's analysis of the errors in TC's analysis?
1/6 was a a deep state operation.
So he was.
Deep State Andy doesn't like these cases being brought up.
Not sure of your point here. What does this have to do with AMcC's analysis of the errors in TC's analysis?
1/6 was a a deep state operation.
Got food?
yes I get it.
the real threat to Democracy
the real terrorist threat
33,000 members = 1 in 10,000 people in US
the equivalent of 3 people in my town
HUGE danger here folks
so says leftist propaganda outlet AP
:wink: :roll:
yes I get it.
the real threat to Democracy
the real terrorist threat
33,000 members = 1 in 10,000 people in US
the equivalent of 3 people in my town
HUGE danger here folks
so says leftist propaganda outlet AP
:wink: :roll:
What's the body count, as opposed to a Chicago weekend?
No. YOU are the terrorists, dividing and terrorizing our country.
"The country's largest school board association apologized late Friday for its letter to President Joe Biden calling on the FBI to investigate parents as potential domestic terrorists.
The National School Board Association said in a memo to its members that "there was no justification" for some of the language in the letter, which was sent to Biden on Sept. 29. "On behalf of NSBA, we regret and apologize for the letter," the association said."
Oops. That backlash is already out.
Long and detailed article.
So he was.
Deep State Andy doesn't like these cases being brought up.
Not sure of your point here. What does this have to do with AMcC's analysis of the errors in TC's analysis?
1/6 was a a deep state operation.
Have started reading it.
Long and detailed article.
So he was.
Deep State Andy doesn't like these cases being brought up.
Not sure of your point here. What does this have to do with AMcC's analysis of the errors in TC's analysis?
1/6 was a a deep state operation.
Also see Tucker piece, same title.
Long and detailed article.
So he was.
Deep State Andy doesn't like these cases being brought up.
Not sure of your point here. What does this have to do with AMcC's analysis of the errors in TC's analysis?
1/6 was a a deep state operation.
What is the ADL's mission statement ?
Serious Men
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
(Be sure to read all the way to the 7th paragraph)
The need for self-defense is imminent. Just because there’s no one at the door threatening to break it in, doesn’t mean the home isn’t under assault. They’ve just found better ways of getting into the house, of surveilling those inside, of punishing someone for their private thoughts. Are you being punished? Are you being denied employment even with ten million open jobs? This is not the same type of war that has been engaged in before. How long before one’s demand for civil and human rights is cause for punishment? Right now. It’s government policy to do it and there’s minions to carry it out.
No matter what the government and its cohorts in the woke corporate environment are doing, it gets worse. When the winter comes and there’s a couple of million newly-arrived illegals roaming about, demanding food and shelter, demanding that governments take food from your mouths and give it to them, we’ll see. When Biden’s infrastructure bill and budget bill drive hyperinflation (think Venezuela) and all of your savings buys one last sack of groceries, we’ll see.
There’s two people that I pay the most attention to when it comes to understanding the coming conflict: Michael Yon and Sam Faddis. Michael Yon is a former Green Beret and long-time war correspondent in some of the hottest wars on the planet. Sam Faddis is a former Special Forces and CIA operative. Both of them are sounding alarm bells about the status of America and the tenuous grip we have on domestic peace. I find it interesting, though, how close Matt Bracken came to explaining the situation in Lies of Omission. This is a must-watch film, now, because what was once deemed likely, now enjoys the advantage of absolute evidence. The newer version will be more prescient than the old one, but it isn’t up, yet. I’ll have an announcement when it is. But, if you haven’t seen it at all, you can watch them both and get more information, a better understanding from the combination.
While we focus more on the domestic threats from political institutions, their insane policies and the constant assault on our God-given rights, which means the ability to have a job, a business, a career and enjoy life without obeying the commands of those who want to kill us, we are not oblivious to the external threats. Since the 2020 election all of these threats have converged with a greater speed and severity in pursuit of destroying the greatest culture in the history of mankind. In general, this is the aim of the domestic communists, who, with the rise of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and CCP's liberal dispensation of dirty money around political campaigns and who benefit generally from the woke international corporations willing to do their bidding in order to have access to the Chinese market, the United States is being weakened by internal crises which have an economic, social and military impact, removing the threat to the Chinese who can then pursue expansion in Taiwan. We've already discussed the devastation that would have on the access to advanced computer chips in the United States. Does that include war with America? Why would it? Don’t they have a compliant roster of politicians in congress already?
What the CCP wants from America is an internal war. That's the objective. If the CCP itself wanted to weaken the United States, both domestically and militarily, it would have done nothing different from what the Biden Administration has done in the past ten months. Treason doesn’t begin to address the level of betrayal that’s taken place at the hands of Joe Biden (or whoever) and the feckless, incompetent and disinterested cabal of misfits he’s put into office, unless all of them, including Biden himself, were meant as nothing more than targets of domestic anger while the agenda marches on. The “agenda” in this case is weakening and grooming the United States to accept authoritarian communism, to lessen the need or resistance against the imposition of power by China, who will not pursue a kinetic war. It’s achieved as much as it could hope for without bloodshed. Read Sun Tzu; Xi has.
The two bills before the legislature right now, the infrastructure bill and the budget bill that total somewhere around 4-5 trillion dollars is designed to further strangle and demoralize the people. They’re designed to drive inflation beyond control. The few stimulus bills put forth during the pandemic have driven inflation up to the levels understood today. Passage of these two bills, if allowed to happen, will create a bureaucratic state much more vicious and powerful than anything we’ve seen since the passage of the Patriot Act. This is why it’s still important to call and write congress. The amount of calls and emails they’ve received has already reduced the amount of the budget bill alone to around 2 trillion dollars, but that’s not enough. This is one of the fronts in a defensive war that has had some success if not victory. Keeping up the pressure has dulled their efforts elsewhere and while some of this war will be fought through traditional political means, it will go further than that, too.
The perfect storm has arrived and the dark winter is upon us. This is the time for serious men. Enough of the name-calling, caterwauling, one-upmanship of internet squabbles. Put it aside and concentrate on what to do about it. Yes, fight the political battles as a defensive maneuver, but find ways to go on the offensive. Strikes are one method, but somewhere along the line those who are protected by this communist regime must be exposed to the same dangers those on the right are exposed to. There has to be a challenge to the two-tiered justice system and if the system cannot administer justice, the people will have to do it themselves. A failure of justice has always fostered a vigilante solution. That knowledge used to be enough to keep the courts in line, adhering to their oaths, but one always displaces the other.
Without discarding all of the peaceful and political means available, there are ways to match the escalations. If they will take our jobs, our lives, our children and pit illegal aliens against citizens, the vaxxed against the unvaxxed, black against white, white against Hispanic, there’s a much easier means of achieving internal peace and that is by the elimination of those fostering the divisions. The masses being angered and directed at each other are being manipulated by the few who drive the narrative and the policies. These are the enemies of the people. Where truth cannot be found, the liars are the enemy. Where justice cannot be found, the persecutors are the enemy. We must maintain internal peace while we address the sources of the instigation toward internal war.
Knowing that the CCP, with the cooperation of Russia, stand to benefit from any internal conflict, we know to whom the communist politicians have sworn allegiance. It is not with the people. They proved that during the pandemic and they are driving that truth home through the invitation of illegal aliens en masse to our borders, by invitation to come to our towns and cities, to displace us, displace our votes and harm and rape our children, to sell drugs and push poison. There is but one author of our discontent and it is our own government.
Inflation will destroy your income, illegals will destroy your opportunity and taxes will be raised to accommodate them, that’s part of the previously mentioned bills. The plan is to indebt your children, even the unborn, to feed, clothe and shelter the masses streaming across the border right now. When you go bankrupt, that benefits Blackrock and Vanguard who buy up the assets to rent them back to you, as long as you’re vaxxed and of a sufficient social credit score. If not, you’re homeless, but don’t deserve the benefits of welfare, again, because you lack the social credit score. So, the message is: die. The vaxx mandates are to force compliance and might be used for depopulation when they decide it’s time for the extra special booster. If you fight back against all of it, they get the internal conflict above, if not, they starve you out.
What do they get? China gets the superpower status it wants, the military and social dominance it feels destined to achieve. Russia gets the Atlantic sphere of influence it wants and they both get the resources of the North American continent with a compliant workforce ignorant of rights or justice, willing to work and die to serve their masters. The globalists are willing to go along with this, because it opens borders, establishes their dominance of material goods and allows them to pursue their utopian desire to be seen as gods. Our politicians will go along with it, because they haven't cared about the United States of America for a long time and they think they'll be able to keep their wealth from selling us out. They won't, but they're also stupid, so it doesn't matter. Eventually the two sides, globalists and the authoritarian regimes of China and Russia have a falling out, but that’s none of our concern. Our history, our legacy and our culture will long be a forgotten epoch of brilliance and success when that dark time comes. Unless, serious men rise in time to rid the nation of the traitors. We’ll see.
You don't get to vote your way out of genocide.
Some of the passages here go over a line we do not advocate on this page. I post it nonetheless because it puts in relief a fundamental analytical variable:
The IRA, who only had somewhere between 150 to 500 trigger pullers (although many more in support roles) in a island area roughly the size of Connecticut, fought the Brits to a stalemate. The IRA has never disarmed.
American law enforcement is not structured to fight a domestic insurgency.
Some of the passages here go over a line we do not advocate on this page. I post it nonetheless because it puts in relief a fundamental analytical variable:
Long and detailed article.
So he was.
Deep State Andy doesn't like these cases being brought up.
Not sure of your point here. What does this have to do with AMcC's analysis of the errors in TC's analysis?
1/6 was a a deep state operation.
Jan. 6th detainees must receive due process
Why are some still in jail 10 months after the fact?
By Robert L. Livingston
There can be no doubt that the January 6th demonstration on the east side of the US Capitol got out of hand, no matter how well-intentioned the vast majority of participants may have been. I’ll leave it to witnesses, investigators and historians to determine exactly what prompted participants to push their way into the Capitol, resulting in events that have been excessively hashed out in the media. The actions of many of the troublemakers were indeed threatening and might justify the word “riot,” but to repeatedly call the events an “insurrection” is a less than credible stretch. The sole victim intentionally killed that day was Ashley Babbitt, a US veteran whose misfortune was to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. A Capitol Hill policeman shot her, the only person alleged to have discharged a firearm in the vicinity of the Capitol.
Clearly, the Capitol was inadequately defended by the civilian leadership and uniformed law enforcement. But once the tragic events had occurred, it was not surprising that many arrests were made. To this day, almost 700 people have been arrested and charged, the vast majority of whom have been released and had their cases disposed of in varying ways.
But in his television show this past Monday, Fox News’s Tucker Carlson highlighted a trip by Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene to the Washington, DC prison where she spoke with some January 6th detainees who, to this day, 10 months after the fact, are still in jail.
Why? As a former US Congressman and criminal prosecutor with three separate agencies, I am hardly one to sympathize with those who deliberately break the law. But I was proud to have carried out my prosecutorial duties in the name of justice and fair treatment for those who found themselves under legal scrutiny. I took seriously the rights bestowed on all citizens by our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, including the rights of a defendant to be told of the charges against them (Article V); the right to avoid excessive bail (Article VIII); the right to a speedy trial with the assistance of Counsel (Article VI); and the right not to be deprived of liberty in unreasonable conditions without due process of law (Article V).
I wasn’t at the Capitol on January 6th. I don’t know and have never met Ms. Greene or any of the people still held in the DC prison. I know nothing of the individual cases or the evidence against any of them. I am simply a citizen who has watched events unfold these past 10 months. I observed a fence erected around the Capitol, removed after six months, and then put back up for the July 4th festivities. I’ve seen the House of Representatives appoint an Investigation Committee accepting some but not all Members proposed by Minority Leadership. None of this is of immediate concern to me. But I am concerned, nay, I’m shocked by the ongoing stories of prospective defendants who have been arrested and deprived of their livelihoods; confined in solitary confinement with little or no reasonable access to the outside world, their families or adequate legal counsel; and denied formal charges levied against them without bail and in contravention to their right to a speedy trial. This past summer, I spoke with an employee at the federally appointed Public Defender’s Office who told me that they were not even representing any of these folks. Where is the ACLU? Where are the “civil rights” defenders who should be screaming from the rooftops about this flagrant denial of due process? We made exceptions for due process at Guantanamo for terrorists who took up arms against us in Iraq and Afghanistan. But this is America! Most of these people are at worst guilty of trespass or destruction of government property. But for crying out loud, charge them, arraign them, and bring them to trial with counsel of their choice. Stop simply confining them without respect for their rights as American citizens. Otherwise, they are no better off than if they were victims of a “star chamber” process that Kafka (“The Trial”) and Koestler (“Darkness at Noon”) warned us about. This atrocity must stop, and it must stop soon.
A distinguished former Republican Member of Congress from Louisiana, Robert L. Livingston is a Founding Partner of The Livingston Group.
18 U.S. Code § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection
U.S. Code
Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
Not one 1/6 defendant has been charged with Insurrection. Not one.
Jan. 6th detainees must receive due process
Why are some still in jail 10 months after the fact?
By Robert L. Livingston
There can be no doubt that the January 6th demonstration on the east side of the US Capitol got out of hand, no matter how well-intentioned the vast majority of participants may have been. I’ll leave it to witnesses, investigators and historians to determine exactly what prompted participants to push their way into the Capitol, resulting in events that have been excessively hashed out in the media. The actions of many of the troublemakers were indeed threatening and might justify the word “riot,” but to repeatedly call the events an “insurrection” is a less than credible stretch. The sole victim intentionally killed that day was Ashley Babbitt, a US veteran whose misfortune was to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. A Capitol Hill policeman shot her, the only person alleged to have discharged a firearm in the vicinity of the Capitol.
Clearly, the Capitol was inadequately defended by the civilian leadership and uniformed law enforcement. But once the tragic events had occurred, it was not surprising that many arrests were made. To this day, almost 700 people have been arrested and charged, the vast majority of whom have been released and had their cases disposed of in varying ways.
But in his television show this past Monday, Fox News’s Tucker Carlson highlighted a trip by Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene to the Washington, DC prison where she spoke with some January 6th detainees who, to this day, 10 months after the fact, are still in jail.
Why? As a former US Congressman and criminal prosecutor with three separate agencies, I am hardly one to sympathize with those who deliberately break the law. But I was proud to have carried out my prosecutorial duties in the name of justice and fair treatment for those who found themselves under legal scrutiny. I took seriously the rights bestowed on all citizens by our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, including the rights of a defendant to be told of the charges against them (Article V); the right to avoid excessive bail (Article VIII); the right to a speedy trial with the assistance of Counsel (Article VI); and the right not to be deprived of liberty in unreasonable conditions without due process of law (Article V).
I wasn’t at the Capitol on January 6th. I don’t know and have never met Ms. Greene or any of the people still held in the DC prison. I know nothing of the individual cases or the evidence against any of them. I am simply a citizen who has watched events unfold these past 10 months. I observed a fence erected around the Capitol, removed after six months, and then put back up for the July 4th festivities. I’ve seen the House of Representatives appoint an Investigation Committee accepting some but not all Members proposed by Minority Leadership. None of this is of immediate concern to me. But I am concerned, nay, I’m shocked by the ongoing stories of prospective defendants who have been arrested and deprived of their livelihoods; confined in solitary confinement with little or no reasonable access to the outside world, their families or adequate legal counsel; and denied formal charges levied against them without bail and in contravention to their right to a speedy trial. This past summer, I spoke with an employee at the federally appointed Public Defender’s Office who told me that they were not even representing any of these folks. Where is the ACLU? Where are the “civil rights” defenders who should be screaming from the rooftops about this flagrant denial of due process? We made exceptions for due process at Guantanamo for terrorists who took up arms against us in Iraq and Afghanistan. But this is America! Most of these people are at worst guilty of trespass or destruction of government property. But for crying out loud, charge them, arraign them, and bring them to trial with counsel of their choice. Stop simply confining them without respect for their rights as American citizens. Otherwise, they are no better off than if they were victims of a “star chamber” process that Kafka (“The Trial”) and Koestler (“Darkness at Noon”) warned us about. This atrocity must stop, and it must stop soon.
A distinguished former Republican Member of Congress from Louisiana, Robert L. Livingston is a Founding Partner of The Livingston Group.
I’m sure the DOJ/FBI will be all over this, as soon as they stop kneeling…
Hard to indirect for insurrection when the accusation is that they were following the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.
Why are these criminals being released only to do more harm to more people?
What is the Left's answer to an SUV doing equal or more harm than a mass shooting? SUV control? Unfortunately, yes.
One example:
Communist revolution, or whatever you want to call this, thrives on chaos. The answer to the government screwing up is - always - more powerful government, fewer individual rights, until there are none.
"...yet another instance of the criminal justice system become so overwhelmed and dysfunctional that it was not able to protect Americans from a bad actor repeating his crimes while out on bond. But all of the facts are not yet in on that particular matter." [Paywall blocked, don't click.]
Who could imagine that someone who drove over someone would drive over someone?
It's racist to hold criminals in prison? We go from white on white crime racist to black on white crime not. My neck doesn't turn that fast anymore.
this is obviously a political vendetta
especially by the Dem and never Trump Republicans (think Cheney)
who for once had their own asses on the line
they have no prob with the gangs shooting themselves all over the DC streets!
But try finding a Republican in DC who take over the prison
the only Republicans ones I know are Green Scott Graham Cotton Jordan and those who are in the Senate or Congress
the ones on the SCOTUS are probably too busy :-P
no surprise from a town that re elected corrupt drug using Marion Barry as a " f u" to conservatives and whites.
An interesting read on more than one level:
Boogaloo Boi Sentenced for Illegally Possessing a Firearm
Cameron Emerson Casey Rankin, a self-proclaimed member of the Boogaloo Bois and resident of Karnes City, Texas was sentenced to 24 months in prison for illegally possessing a firearm.
Rankin pled guilty to one count of possession of a firearm by one who has been judicially committed to a mental institution.
Rankin posted photos to his Facebook account of himself and others carrying firearms at a protest in May 2020, as well as comments about his disdain for police, including, “…hope they burn the precinct down” and “I’m BOOGALOO we hate police.”
Proud Boy Sentenced to 10 Years for Violence Against Protestors
Texas resident Alan Swinney, 51, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for shooting a man in the eye with a paintball gun, spraying people in the face with bear mace and aiming a loaded handgun at a crowd.
Swinney is a self-professed member of the Proud Boys, who traveled from Texas to Oregon to confront protesters in 2020.
A jury found Swinney guilty of 11 criminal charges, including second-degree assault, fourth-degree assault and unlawful use of a weapon with a firearm.
San Diego Brings First Conspiracy Charges Against Antifa
San Diego prosecutors charged a group of individuals this week with conspiracy to commit the crime of riot.
At least 11 defendants each face an array of their own separate charges as well as the shared conspiracy charge. Alleged crimes include assault with a deadly weapon other than a firearm, assault likely to produce great bodily injury, animal cruelty, vandalism and the use of tear gas not for self-defense.
Experts believe the group in San Diego is the first time nationwide that a conspiracy charge has been used specifically to prosecute alleged anti-fascists, or “antifa supporters.”
The charges stemmed from a Jan. 9 “Patriot March” in Pacific Beach, Calif. Cuney has previous convictions for unlawful gun trafficking and gun possession.
I suspect this is the real reason for a Wokening in the military........
The other way.
Canadian punk twists it all around - it is
the Right that is threat - and the Left is slow to respond
and changing the Court the filibuster and making DC a state with the middle finger to naysayers etc are all necessary.
can read more about this guy here :
I estimate that 40% of 74 million Trump voters own guns. It's 32% or more for the nation and Trump voters are a little more rural and male. That's 30 million people could have potentially come armed to the capital Jan 6 without having to buy or borrow a gun.
To my understanding, none of the Jan 6 frolickers came armed. That's a strange way to try to overthrow a government.
Now imagine they did all show up armed, demanding a different outcome. Imagine the insurrection shoot out. Wait, must figure in that 40-80% of the Police force switches to the Trump side. Now imagine what happens and who wins. Maybe no one wins.
Point is, what happened that day isn't what would have happened, if what the lying liars are saying were true.
No shots fired, except a guard assassinating an unarmed lady.
Isn't it kind of obvious this was nothing worse than when students stormed the Wisconsin capital for example in 2011, which offended not one liberal or Leftist in the country or media.
BTW, a state capital is NOT a less important seat of government.
40% is really low. I would guess 40% own less than 10 guns. In my world, if you know how many guns you own, you don’t have enough guns.
It is safe to say that the vast majority of firearms in the US are owned by those somewhere on the right side of the political spectrum. I mean right as in correct as well as the usual use of the political definition.
I estimate that 40% of 74 million Trump voters own guns. It's 32% or more for the nation and Trump voters are a little more rural and male. That's 30 million people could have potentially come armed to the capital Jan 6 without having to buy or borrow a gun.
To my understanding, none of the Jan 6 frolickers came armed. That's a strange way to try to overthrow a government.
Now imagine they did all show up armed, demanding a different outcome. Imagine the insurrection shoot out. Wait, must figure in that 40-80% of the Police force switches to the Trump side. Now imagine what happens and who wins. Maybe no one wins.
Point is, what happened that day isn't what would have happened, if what the lying liars are saying were true.
No shots fired, except a guard assassinating an unarmed lady.
Isn't it kind of obvious this was nothing worse than when students stormed the Wisconsin capital for example in 2011, which offended not one liberal or Leftist in the country or media.
BTW, a state capital is NOT a less important seat of government.
There is some good information in the article, but lots of important details are left out that make the left’s loss and eradication inevitable.
Meanwhile, the left continues to work to get the hot war started.
Aside from everything he gets wrong, there is a lot of wisdom in there.
I'm amazed the left thinks neo Nazi is on the right, liberty, conservative, limited government side of things. What is Nazi if not all powerful government?
And mis-named Antifa(scist) who stormed, terrorized and literally occupied territory in major US cities, they are not the threat?
What is it "Oath Keepers" are demanding? Keep the promises of our constitution? Is that so hard? Is it so unexpected or unjustified that if our government grows beyond its agreed limits, stomping all over the constitution, even if it all happens gradually like the frog in heated water, that people would eventually fight back?
But his main point is quite valid:
"... the U.S. military has been defined by its ineffectiveness against insurgencies in foreign countries. Why would it do any better at home?"
If we couldn't use nuclear weapons to win wars in Vietnam or Afghanistan, how will anything from spaceforce to a full fleet of nuclear submarines help keep Kansas in line?
“He who understands himself and his enemy need not fear the outcome of a thousand battles”. -
Sun Tzu
We know the left. We are not allowed to escape their grasp of every type of media and control of every institution. As Doug pointed out, they know nothing about us. Most of the left knows nothing about violence, but they seem intent on provoking it.
Aside from everything he gets wrong, there is a lot of wisdom in there.
I'm amazed the left thinks neo Nazi is on the right, liberty, conservative, limited government side of things. What is Nazi if not all powerful government?
And mis-named Antifa(scist) who stormed, terrorized and literally occupied territory in major US cities, they are not the threat?
What is it "Oath Keepers" are demanding? Keep the promises of our constitution? Is that so hard? Is it so unexpected or unjustified that if our government grows beyond its agreed limits, stomping all over the constitution, even if it all happens gradually like the frog in heated water, that people would eventually fight back?
But his main point is quite valid:
"... the U.S. military has been defined by its ineffectiveness against insurgencies in foreign countries. Why would it do any better at home?"
If we couldn't use nuclear weapons to win wars in Vietnam or Afghanistan, how will anything from spaceforce to a full fleet of nuclear submarines help keep Kansas in line?
Left of Center:
Inter alia, an interesting question raised about whether Hannity's participation voids executive privilege. I have no opinion on the matter.
Heather Cox Richardson
Jan 5
Late this afternoon, the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol asked Fox News Channel personality Sean Hannity voluntarily to answer questions about his communications with former president Donald Trump and Trump’s White House chief of staff Mark Meadows in the days around the January 6 insurrection.
In their letter requesting the conversation, committee chair Bennie Thompson (D-MS) and vice chair Liz Cheney (R-WY) revealed evidence that Hannity was deeply involved with White House matters, acting not as a member of the press but as an advisor. In fairness, by his own account Hannity has always been a political operative. In August 2016, he told Jim Rutenberg of the New York Times, “I’m not hiding the fact that I want Donald Trump to be the next president of the United States.” After all, he said, “I never claimed to be a journalist.”
Treading carefully to reassure Americans that the members of the committee are not interested in undermining the independence of the press, the January 6th committee asked Hannity to comment on “a specific and narrow range of factual questions.” The committee made it clear that “our goal is not to seek information regarding any of your broadcasts, or your political views or commentary.” They reiterated their desire only to understand the facts at issue, and they appealed to Hannity’s love of country and respect for our Constitution to ask him to “step forward and serve the interests of your country.”
The committee’s letter specified that they had seen a number of Hannity’s texts, all of which were eye-popping and which revealed that Hannity was acting as an inside member of Trump’s team. On December 31, 2020, he texted Meadows: “We can’t lose the entire WH counsels office. I do NOT see January 6 happening the way he is being told. After the 6 th. [sic] He should announce will lead the nationwide effort to reform voting integrity. Go to Fl[orida] and watch Joe mess up daily. Stay engaged. When he speaks people will listen.”
On January 5, the night before the insurrection, Hannity “sent and received a stream of texts,” including the message: “Im very worried about the next 48 hours.” The committee noted that the counting of the certified ballots was scheduled for 1:00 on January 6, so why was Hannity worried about the next 48 hours?
Hannity appears to have talked with Trump on January 10 and was concerned with what he heard. He texted Meadows and Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH), saying, “Guys, we have a clear path to land the plane in 9 days. He can’t mention the election again. Ever. I did not have a good call with him today. And worse, I’m not sure what is left to do or say, and I don’t like not knowing if it’s truly understood. Ideas?”
The texts reveal that Hannity saw his role not as a news reader, but rather as a member of the White House team, protecting the president, and Hannity’s participation in the conversations means that none of them can be considered privileged.
Hannity is apparently being represented in this matter by Jay Sekulow, a lawyer on Trump’s legal team, rather than lawyers from the Fox News Channel. While Sekulow has indicated he will object to the committee’s invitation on First Amendment grounds, the fact that the Fox News Channel seems to be standing back suggests that the corporation does not see the committee’s invitation as a First Amendment case involving freedom of the press and in fact might well be concerned that one of its lead personalities is connected to an event that should have been reported to the FBI.
Blaming the “total bias and dishonesty” of the select committee, Trump today canceled his press conference planned for January 6.
Trump colluded with the
Russians Sean Hannity!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Left of Center:
Inter alia, an interesting question raised about whether Hannity's participation voids executive privilege. I have no opinion on the matter.
Heather Cox Richardson
Jan 5
Late this afternoon, the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol asked Fox News Channel personality Sean Hannity voluntarily to answer questions about his communications with former president Donald Trump and Trump’s White House chief of staff Mark Meadows in the days around the January 6 insurrection.
In their letter requesting the conversation, committee chair Bennie Thompson (D-MS) and vice chair Liz Cheney (R-WY) revealed evidence that Hannity was deeply involved with White House matters, acting not as a member of the press but as an advisor. In fairness, by his own account Hannity has always been a political operative. In August 2016, he told Jim Rutenberg of the New York Times, “I’m not hiding the fact that I want Donald Trump to be the next president of the United States.” After all, he said, “I never claimed to be a journalist.”
Treading carefully to reassure Americans that the members of the committee are not interested in undermining the independence of the press, the January 6th committee asked Hannity to comment on “a specific and narrow range of factual questions.” The committee made it clear that “our goal is not to seek information regarding any of your broadcasts, or your political views or commentary.” They reiterated their desire only to understand the facts at issue, and they appealed to Hannity’s love of country and respect for our Constitution to ask him to “step forward and serve the interests of your country.”
The committee’s letter specified that they had seen a number of Hannity’s texts, all of which were eye-popping and which revealed that Hannity was acting as an inside member of Trump’s team. On December 31, 2020, he texted Meadows: “We can’t lose the entire WH counsels office. I do NOT see January 6 happening the way he is being told. After the 6 th. [sic] He should announce will lead the nationwide effort to reform voting integrity. Go to Fl[orida] and watch Joe mess up daily. Stay engaged. When he speaks people will listen.”
On January 5, the night before the insurrection, Hannity “sent and received a stream of texts,” including the message: “Im very worried about the next 48 hours.” The committee noted that the counting of the certified ballots was scheduled for 1:00 on January 6, so why was Hannity worried about the next 48 hours?
Hannity appears to have talked with Trump on January 10 and was concerned with what he heard. He texted Meadows and Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH), saying, “Guys, we have a clear path to land the plane in 9 days. He can’t mention the election again. Ever. I did not have a good call with him today. And worse, I’m not sure what is left to do or say, and I don’t like not knowing if it’s truly understood. Ideas?”
The texts reveal that Hannity saw his role not as a news reader, but rather as a member of the White House team, protecting the president, and Hannity’s participation in the conversations means that none of them can be considered privileged.
Hannity is apparently being represented in this matter by Jay Sekulow, a lawyer on Trump’s legal team, rather than lawyers from the Fox News Channel. While Sekulow has indicated he will object to the committee’s invitation on First Amendment grounds, the fact that the Fox News Channel seems to be standing back suggests that the corporation does not see the committee’s invitation as a First Amendment case involving freedom of the press and in fact might well be concerned that one of its lead personalities is connected to an event that should have been reported to the FBI.
Blaming the “total bias and dishonesty” of the select committee, Trump today canceled his press conference planned for January 6.
"Blaming the “total bias and dishonesty” of the select committee, Trump today canceled his press conference planned for January 6."
- A promising good sign of intelligence and strategery. Stay quiet on their topics. Will we see a more measured Trump in his second term?
Additionally worth noting in the HCR post above is that Sean was not on board with where Trump was willing to go. Hard to think of a more loyal and gung-ho supporter than Sean, , ,
"Additionally worth noting in the HCR post above is that Sean was not on board with where Trump was willing to go."
I didn't think he was .
Early on after the election
at some point I remember him say the "train has already left the station "
when he had a guest on speaking about proving election fraud.
he seemed rather incredulous that anything could be done at that point. the time to do it was prior to the election when Dems were around the country sending in their shock lawyer troops to change election rules while the Lebron, Oprah, Zuck paid troops were chasing around harvesting ballots .
".If the January 6 Riots Are "Terrorism" Because They Used Violence to Force A Political Outcome, Why Aren't the Year of BLM/Antifa Riots Also Terrorism? "
One of my thoughts that went through my mind while reading the McCarthy piece:
don't you DCers sit there making your proclamations about 1/6 "insurrection etc"
while saying nothing about previous Antifa BLM and the racist riots !
Unspoken in the FauxSurrection scandal, most of the country doesn't have the confidence there is no fraud in a mail order election.
Unspoken in the FeuxSurrection scandal, most of the country doesn't have the confidence there is no fraud in a mail order election.
It’s strange how they won’t mail me a syringe of the ClotShot and the vax passport.
".If the January 6 Riots Are "Terrorism" Because They Used Violence to Force A Political Outcome, Why Aren't the Year of BLM/Antifa Riots Also Terrorism? "
One of my thoughts that went through my mind while reading the McCarthy piece:
don't you DCers sit there making your proclamations about 1/6 "insurrection etc"
while saying nothing about previous Antifa BLM and the racist riots !
You obviously hate democracy!
:roll: :wink:
we are all just conned by Trump .....
hard to explain.......
things wer fine when Brock was Prez .....
no obvious and easily summarized root cause.
This is less an ideological conflict than a psychological one.
People are easily manipulated with appeals to prejudice and paranoia, never more so than when technology has led to massive growth in the industry of commercialized contempt. A country that can have a civil war with no one really knowing what the conflict is about is one in which the muscles of governance are pitifully atrophied.
:roll: :wink:
we are all just conned by Trump .....
hard to explain.......
things wer fine when Brock was Prez .....
no obvious and easily summarized root cause.
This is less an ideological conflict than a psychological one.
People are easily manipulated with appeals to prejudice and paranoia, never more so than when technology has led to massive growth in the industry of commercialized contempt. A country that can have a civil war with no one really knowing what the conflict is about is one in which the muscles of governance are pitifully atrophied.
They live in a bubble.
Also, there was the time the Secret Service hustled President Trump into the White House basement because of the mob outside.
Also, there was the time the Secret Service hustled President Trump into the White House basement because of the mob outside.
It’s different because BurnLootMurder and Antifa are fed approved militias. Leftist violence is their inherent right.
Nation Observes 0 Seconds Of Silence To Read The Names Of Those Killed By Trump Supporters On January 6th.
And this:
Make January 6 Ashli Babbitt Remembrance Day.
"Make January 6 Ashli Babbitt Remembrance Day."
How about we bring down George Floyd statues and put one up for her?
"Make January 6 Ashli Babbitt Remembrance Day."
How about we bring down George Floyd statues and put one up for her?
Didn’t we have to destroy all the Floyd memorials after the BLM Christmas Massacre in Wisconsin? Isn’t that the rule?
Plan accordingly.
Let me guess, Orange Man Bad!
A question for you GM:
How do you assess Trump's actions during this time?
Entirely correct, or something other than that?
Here is the piece-- for the record there are passages in here with which I disagree, and there are others in search of an analysis more nuanced than simply Trump Good or Orange Man Bad:
To say the president’s condemnable behavior triggered the riot is not the same as saying he intended or incited a riot.
On this January 6 anniversary, I most vividly remember the shock and fury of watching the Capitol riot unfold, the instant recognition of a blight on our history. It is America’s proud boast to have made the transition of power through peaceful, lawful means a norm for modern republics. One needn’t buy the Democrats’ politicized “insurrection” distortion to grasp that something precious is forever tarnished.
It’s not gone. The norm endures. The media-Democrat complex’s “insurrection” pap is designed to exaggerate a rare episode of politically motivated violence by the incoherent populist Right, the better to obscure the thrum of violence commited by the radical Left, where “by any means necessary” is a venerated strategy for destroying norms. But unlike the months-long siege of looting, deadly brutality, and antinomian madness that followed George Floyd’s killing (at the hands of a racially mixed group of cops, from a Minneapolis Police Department then headed by an African-American progressive), the Capitol riot was a flash in the pan.
It lasted a little over five hours. The violence was real, but the spectacle was more adolescent tantrum than existential threat. There was never any chance that our democratic republic would be extinguished, that the 2020 election would be reversed. The Constitution, no frail thing, easily prevailed. It’s seen a lot worse.
Had doing so been necessary, lawmakers would have reconvened at an alternate location. It was unnecessary because damage to the Capitol was minimal — as opposed to damage, say, to the World Trade Center on 9/11 or the Oklahoma City federal courthouse in 1995, the targets of terrorist attacks that the Left risibly says pale in comparison to January 6; or as opposed to, say, Minneapolis, Kenosha, and Portland, following the Left’s anti-police riots. On the very evening of January 6, Congress was able to reconvene in the seat of government. There was never any chance that the state-certified electoral votes would not be counted, or that Joe Biden would not be acknowledged as the next president.
Ted Cruz Debases Himself for the Base
What Happened on January 6
On Entrapment, Instigation, and January 6
Security forces were undermanned due to supervisory incompetence. Absent that provocative laxity, the melee probably would not have happened — or, at a minimum, any forcible trouble would have been put down rapidly. In the event, 140 police were reportedly injured, and though some of those injuries were serious (bone fractures, concussions, burns, a mild heart attack), most were comparatively minor contusions and lacerations. Although Democrats persist in exaggerating the death toll — precisely because the uprising was nothing like a terrorist attack, much less an actual insurrection — only one killing is inarguably attributable to the uprising: that of Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed Trump-supporting female rioter who was gunned down by Capitol Police lieutenant Michael Byrd, who was guarding a lobby leading to the House chamber.
Democrats strain to inflate the lethality of the event by attributing to it the deaths of four police officers who committed suicide in the months after the riot — despite the absence of any proven connection. Also added to the tally are the deaths of three pro-Trump fanatics — two who expired in the excitement from cardiac episodes, one who appears to have a history of abusing drugs but who may also have been beaten and trampled — even though they are better understood as perpetrators, not victims.
Most scurrilously, Democrats claimed that rioters killed officer Brian Sicknick by bashing him in the head with a fire extinguisher, a claim they repeated in an impeachment-trial brief weeks after it was known that Sicknick, whose remains showed no evidence of blunt-force trauma, had died from two strokes suffered many hours after the riot — he returned to his office after the riot and complained (as did many other police) that he’d been pepper-sprayed but told his brother that he was otherwise fine. Democrats have never explained why they continued to peddle the false story about the circumstances of Sicknick’s death (which they seared into the nation’s consciousness by having the officer’s remains honored in a solemn Capitol rite — see, e.g., NPR: “Brian Sicknick, Capitol Officer Slain by Mob, Lies in Honor in Rotunda”). But not only has the Justice Department charged none of its 725 January 6 defendants with slaying Sicknick; the complaint filed against two men allegedly complicit in assaulting Sicknick with pepper spray does not even mention that Sicknick died.
This is not to minimize the gravity of January 6. That should be clear by our reference to the Capitol riot. How ironic to have to make this point given the umbrage that Democrats take when their own riots are described as riots rather than “mostly peaceful protests.” The point here is to place January 6 in its proper context, to combat its distortion into either an insurrection or, as Trump acolytes would have it, a display of patriotism, of the real America’s lashing out against Washington’s progressive consensus — unless, of course, it was an inside job.
January 6 was an unpatriotic infamy in two acts. The first involved political and legal subversion, the second forcible subversion. The two are factually intertwined: The latter doesn’t happen without the former. But the insurmountable problem for Democrats and others whose understandable loathing of Donald Trump has shorted out their analytical facility is that Trump, the driving force of Act I, is not criminally responsible for the violence of Act II.
The oddity here is that Trump’s best defense is that his actions were “merely” impeachable, not actionably seditious.
Get Jim Geraghty’s tour of the political news of the day.
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And they surely were impeachable — and would have had a better chance of being accountable as such, by a more broadly bipartisan House impeachment article and a conviction at the Senate trial, if Democrats had not incompetently undermined the impeachment in their zeal to brand the riot as a white-supremacist “insurrection” that Trump “incited.”
In the weeks following the election, the then-president conducted a relentless campaign of deceit (which appears to have morphed into self-delusion along the way), hoping to maintain power. To be sure, it would be perilous were such a thing to be done by any president, given the immense power of the office. Still, this president’s campaign never had a prayer.
Trump’s gambit faced overwhelming bipartisan congressional opposition (outside a core of opportunistic loyalists who may hope to benefit politically from his ardent supporters). The armed forces would not have supported him in a million years. For all his bravado, he lacked the nerve to attempt a real coup — the kind that requires political and military allegiance. Instead, as was his wont, he laid waste to the political norms by which, for the good of the country, the clearly defeated candidate concedes to the victor and helps transition the government to a new administration.
For the most part, Trump’s charade was limited to lawsuits that were largely frivolous. That is, they were top-lined by allegations of massive fraud, from which his legal team retreated whenever invited by judges to prove them; beyond that, the legal claims mainly involved arguable election-law irregularities that even if provable (and most weren’t) would not have been sufficient to reverse the election result in contested states. Does this mean the election was free of fraud concerns? No election ever is. What was alarming about the 2020 election, though, were the Covid-driven voting procedures that were legal but imprudent. That may be a reason to amend or clarify the law before the next election; it is not a basis to overturn the election that the dubious but lawful procedures controlled.
Beyond futile litigation, Trump’s “stop the steal” theater involved putting pressure on Republican officials — elected and bureaucratic, federal and state — to run roughshod over their legal and constitutional duties. In the contested states, the Trump team tried to persuade legislators and Trump-dominated GOP organizations to delegitimize and undo the popular vote. This included having these collaborators purport to appoint alternative slates of Trump electors, a laughable ploy that had no legal effect — these ersatz slates having been neither elected nor certified under controlling state law. The point of this escapade was to pretend that these states won by Biden had designated competing Biden and Trump electoral slates; therefore at the January 6 joint session of Congress, the thinking went, Trump loyalists would have grounds to object to the counting of electoral votes from these states. It was a daft scheme, which had no more chance of succeeding than the Democrats’ similarly inane objections to state electoral slates pledged to Presidents George W. Bush and Trump after their election victories.
The former president tried to co-opt the Justice Department into his plot, but he backed down fecklessly when the adults at DOJ challenged him. He tried to coerce, for example, state election officials in Georgia to flip votes based on unsubstantiated fraud claims, and state lawmakers in Michigan to throw the election to the Republican-controlled legislature. He was firmly rebuffed at every turn. By Republicans.
The big legal theory, if you want to call it that, involved empowering Vice President Mike Pence to reject state-certified electoral votes. That is the constitutional significance of January 6: the convening of the joint session, at which the vice president’s role (and, for that matter, Congress’s) is strictly ministerial. The heretofore unknown theory that the vice presidency — which John Nance Garner, one of FDR’s veeps, famously described as “not worth a bucket of warm piss” — is actually the repository of unilateral control over the most powerful office in the world is so cockamamie that no one involved in it will stand behind it now. In the post-riot memory, the notion is said to have been merely a topic for discussion, not . . . you know . . . action. Pence is rightly commended for dismissing it out of hand, but he dismissed it out of hand because it was unserious. Even if he had been crazy enough to sign on, there were not nearly enough lawmakers willing to go along for the ride.
Though the exercise was farcical, it is credibly undeniable that Trump violated his oath of office to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution. He tried to undermine state sovereignty over presidential elections, claiming that the federal government had the power to countermand state certification of state results. He tried to browbeat Congress and the vice president to violate their duty to acknowledge the state-certified results. He tried to delegitimize Biden’s presidency (and no, the fact that Democrats did this to Bush and to Trump is not a defense — not to people who presume to call themselves constitutional conservatives). He undermined national security and stability by impeding the transition to Biden’s administration rather than assisting it. This would have been impeachable conduct even if the riot hadn’t happened.
Nevertheless, to say Trump’s condemnable behavior triggered the riot is not the same as saying Trump intended or incited a riot. What the former president wanted was reprehensible, but it was a different kind of reprehensible from the species portrayed by Democrats.
Yes, Trump vigorously encouraged a rambunctious crowd of tens of thousands to descend on Washington on January 6, and he misled them with a big lie about election fraud. Indeed, it is just staggering to compare Team Trump’s (a) public rhetoric about a stolen election and (b) quiet admissions in court that fraud could not be proved. But Trump was not purposely promoting violence, even if he recklessly disregarded the distinct possibility of violence. Rather, Trump was trying to stoke political pressure on Pence and congressional Republicans in order to coerce them into flouting their constitutional duties.
That is saliently different from inciting violence. Trump is impeachably responsible for the riot because his performance leading up to it was a betrayal of his public trust. He is morally responsible for the riot because he created the conditions without which it would not have happened. But he is not legally responsible for it — in the sense that Democrats and other critics invoke when they call for his criminal prosecution — because there is a dearth of evidence that he intended violence, much less called for it.
However grudgingly he may have done it, Trump explicitly called for peaceful protest. He may not have been upset when the riot broke out; in fact, there’s reason to believe he was gratified by it, and that this is why it was so difficult to get him to ask his supporters to stand down. But legally speaking (and with all due respect to Laurence Tribe), that is very different from seditious conspiracy, proof of which requires — beyond a reasonable doubt — a preexisting agreement to levy war against the United States or attack our government by force. There is no evidence that Trump is guilty of that.
Moreover, with proof lacking that he conspired to inflict force against the Capitol, one can easily grasp why the Justice Department has not charged the former president with conspiracy to obstruct Congress — the charge brought against many of the most culpable January 6 defendants. Conspirators, as judges routinely instruct juries, tend not to reduce their criminal agreements to writing. The nature of the agreement is proven by the actions taken in furtherance of it. The actions by which the rioters obstructed Congress were violent. The actions by which Trump tried to obstruct Congress involved rhetorically ratcheting up political pressure. It’s a critical difference. Not all obstruction is illegal. Violent obstruction is always and obviously criminal. Rhetorical obstruction, in a free society with a First Amendment that safeguards even noxious political speech as long as it does not incite violence, is not criminal — even if it is disgraceful, dangerous, and if done by a high public official, impeachable.
In the event, the violence of the rioters actually undercut Trump’s tactics. Once Congress reconvened, with the country outraged by what it had seen, Trump’s supporters lost their nerve, offering only the most half-hearted objections, which were promptly swept aside.
That is the legacy of the Capitol riot. It will remain a dark episode in American history, but not anything remotely close to a potential extinction event for American democracy. Beyond that, it’s a political boon for Democrats. Not because they’ve convinced the country that there’s an ongoing rampage of white-supremacist domestic terrorism, but because Donald Trump retains a grip on a sizable, energetic plurality of Republicans. Though I have to think people will eventually come to their senses, this could be GOP suicide: Trump can’t conceivably win a national election, but it is not out of the realm of possibility that he could win the Republican nomination. I doubt it — I believe electability will be the most important attribute when it gets down to brass tacks — but I wouldn’t bet the ranch against it.
Donald Trump already gave Democrats full control of Congress for the start of Biden’s term (the Georgia special election, in which his “stolen election” canard cost Republicans two Senate seats, happened the day before the riot). A year later, Trump’s potential nomination is emerging as President Biden’s best chance, maybe his only chance, of being reelected.
:-D :roll: :wink: :-P
Andy McCarthy gives no weight to the fact that Democrats did everything they could could foster election fraud in every jurisdiction they could - and still are. On Jan 6, there was lack of proof and time ran out and Joe Biden is now President.
As Omar might say, some people broke some laws. Those people now seem to be finding prison sentences. Isn't that justice?
Trump was wrong and stupid with some of his statements and strategies. That said, the Andy McCarthy impeachment is argument is stupid, and not exactly timely.
McCarthy has moved quickly from being a highly respected prosecutor to being an opinion writer from the Liz Cheney wing of the party. Some of his statements are ridiculous from a prosecutor point of view.
"he misled them with a big lie about election fraud"
- Bullshit. Trump was reading what we were reading, major irregularities in 6 states of which he needed 3 overturned. There was plenty of reason to suspect election fraud and Andy McCarthy admitted Trump believed what he was saying. Is that a lie, or is it a politician being, gasp, wrong, or is it neither, just truth that hasn't yet been substantiated? McCarthy is safe to call it a big lie because Chuck Todd and Liz Cheney said so? Or is it because he knows Trump is a public figure who can't sue him for defamation?
McCarthy: "However grudgingly he may have done it, Trump explicitly called for peaceful protest. He may not have been upset when the riot broke out; in fact, there’s reason to believe he was gratified by it, and that this is why it was so difficult to get him to ask his supporters to stand down."
Um, your honor, facts not in evidence, except that he "called for a peaceful protest".
His supporters, 74 million of which more than 30 million own arms, did not come to Washington, armed and needing to be told to stand down. We stayed home and hoped justice would prevail.
What part of "protest peacefully and patriotically" is so bleeping hard to understand?
When you see a a bumper sticker that says, "Resist!", what timeframe is it from and which side is advocating that? Everyone knows those are the liberals in denial that Trump won in 2016. Jump forward 4 years to a mail in, harvested, power outage during the count, election and the word resist is sedition. Good fucking grief.
Andy McCarthy gives no weight to the fact that Democrats did everything they could could foster election fraud in every jurisdiction they could - and still are. On Jan 6, there was lack of proof and time ran out and Joe Biden is now President.
As Omar might say, some people broke some laws. Those people now seem to be finding prison sentences. Isn't that justice?
Trump was wrong and stupid with some of his statements and strategies. That said, the Andy McCarthy impeachment is argument is stupid, and not exactly timely.
McCarthy has moved quickly from being a highly respected prosecutor to being an opinion writer from the Liz Cheney wing of the party. Some of his statements are ridiculous from a prosecutor point of view.
"he misled them with a big lie about election fraud"
- Bullshit. Trump was reading what we were reading, major irregularities in 6 states of which he needed 3 overturned. There was plenty of reason to suspect election fraud and Andy McCarthy admitted Trump believed what he was saying. Is that a lie, or is it a politician being, gasp, wrong, or is it neither, just truth that hasn't yet been substantiated? McCarthy is safe to call it a big lie because Chuck Todd and Liz Cheney said so? Or is it because he knows Trump is a public figure who can't sue him for defamation?
McCarthy: "However grudgingly he may have done it, Trump explicitly called for peaceful protest. He may not have been upset when the riot broke out; in fact, there’s reason to believe he was gratified by it, and that this is why it was so difficult to get him to ask his supporters to stand down."
Um, your honor, facts not in evidence, except that he "called for a peaceful protest".
His supporters, 74 million of which more than 30 million own arms, did not come to Washington, armed and needing to be told to stand down. We stayed home and hoped justice would prevail.
What part of "protest peacefully and patriotically" is so bleeping hard to understand?
When you see a a bumper sticker that says, "Resist!", what timeframe is it from and which side is advocating that? Everyone knows those are the liberals in denial that Trump won in 2016. Jump forward 4 years to a mail in, harvested, power outage during the count, election and the word resist is sedition. Good fucking grief.
"Andy McCarthy gives no weight to the fact that Democrats did everything they could could foster election fraud in every jurisdiction they could - and still are."
" McCarthy: "However grudgingly he may have done it, Trump explicitly called for peaceful protest. He may not have been upset when the riot broke out; in fact, there’s reason to believe he was gratified by it, and that this is why it was so difficult to get him to ask his supporters to stand down."
I do agree with Andrew on this point. It is clear Trump did not rush out and tell the people trespassing and breaking windows to cease and desist as soon as he should have.
Why else was all these people from Pence to Kevin McCarthy to the Fox news crew (who seem to have a weird amount of sway in that WH) to his own children literally begging to get on the God Darn microphone and tell the trespassers to leave the building right away?
I guess Andrew right or wrongly is going by the evidence
and even our sides investigation could NOT PROVE adequate fraud
(though I still believe it occurred for sure)
First, I didn't follow the minute or hour by hour lack of response by Trump during the riot, but it was Nancy Pelosi who turned down adequate security offers and FBI not aligned with Trump who seemed to play a lead part in the instigation.
I can't reconcile this: "though I still believe it [cheating] occurred for sure", a perfectly reasonable statement everyone here seems to share, with his slurs, "the big lie", and "impeachable" offenses.
"The Big Lie" meme for one thing obviously lacks originality so it cheaply and intentionally joins him with all those who previously uttered it. That's fine except, again, it isn't true. Trump certainly believes this election was stolen, stolen in too many ways to count, and wants the world to know the truth about that, not deceive. Calling that a big lie is a big lie, IMHO.
"Impeachable" needs context and shouldn't be tossed around lightly IMHO. As mentioned here, Biden's neglect of the border and Obama's honoring of "sanctuary cities" and outside the law "DREAM" orders are dereliction of duty enough for us but didn't lead to the impeachment or removal of anyone. Real impeachment leading to removal has only happened arguably once in 240 years when Nixon left office in the face of the outcome of that process becoming clear. Impeachment, conviction, removal from office is a political process that fully happens only when your own party and supporters overwhelmingly agree with the charges. On this one, they won over just one R Senator Romney who never supported Trump and they held the trial is an outside the constitutional process manner with no Chief Justice presiding. A pretty big oversight.
But no one ever incited something like Jan 6? What about this:
McCarthy: "Trump is impeachably responsible for the riot because his performance leading up to it was a betrayal of his public trust."
No. He was trying to uphold the constitutional process, IMHO. He failed to get states and courts to dig deeper into it in a timely manner, and then right on schedule he left office with the intent of waiting four years and winning it all back via the voters and the constitutional process. Ironically. it was the McCarthy side of it that wanted the outside the constitution conviction that would have ostensibly taken away Trump's right to be reinstated later by the voters.
I vote impeach Andy. )
Totally legitimate vote counting!
There is ZERO doubt there were FBI U/C and CIs there running the classic COINTELPRO ops.
We are agreed that the FBI has a scurrilous history of entrapment and false flags. We are agreed that is has gotten worse and that the accusations of the FBI fomenting Jan 6 are plausible.
That said, because our cause includes logic and integrity, we also need to acknowledge the validity of AMcC's criticism of Tucker's claim that unindicted co-conspirator means that they were FBI agents. It just ain't so.
Point acknowledged.
No. YOU are the terrorists, dividing and terrorizing our country.
"The country's largest school board association apologized late Friday for its letter to President Joe Biden calling on the FBI to investigate parents as potential domestic terrorists.
The National School Board Association said in a memo to its members that "there was no justification" for some of the language in the letter, which was sent to Biden on Sept. 29. "On behalf of NSBA, we regret and apologize for the letter," the association said."
Oops. That backlash is already out.
Army Special Forces candidates will train in a "realistic" guerrilla war to be fought in rural North Carolina and South Carolina counties later this month, according to the service. Known as the Robin Sage training exercise, the two-week "unconventional warfare" drill is the final test of candidates' Special Forces Qualification Course training. The drill will take place Jan. 22 to Feb. 4 on privately owned land across 25 counties in North Carolina and three counties in South Carolina, the U.S. Army's John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School said in a news release.
Training for what??
Another link, Charlotte Observer:
Army Special Forces candidates will train in a "realistic" guerrilla war to be fought in rural North Carolina and South Carolina counties later this month, according to the service. Known as the Robin Sage training exercise, the two-week "unconventional warfare" drill is the final test of candidates' Special Forces Qualification Course training. The drill will take place Jan. 22 to Feb. 4 on privately owned land across 25 counties in North Carolina and three counties in South Carolina, the U.S. Army's John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School said in a news release.
Training for what??
I know people involved in this. For me, not a cause of alarm. The danger lies in the Pentagon and the men in command there.
I know people involved in this. For me, not a cause of alarm. The danger lies in the Pentagon and the men in command there.
I guarantee some deep staters are losing sleep over the idea of some Robin Sage graduates deciding to play by Pineland rules CONUS.
I assume the training is for Ukraine, Taiwan, and foreign wars not yet contemplated. Still the timing with all the talk of war at home on both sides makes one take extra notice.
I assume the training is for Ukraine, Taiwan, and foreign wars not yet contemplated. Still the timing with all the talk of war at home on both sides makes one take extra notice.
Different Special Forces Groups have different geographic responsibilities. I worked on a protective detail with a SF vet that served with the 1st SF Group, who is responsible for Asia-Pacific, so he learned Korean at the Defense Language Institute.
There is ZERO doubt there were FBI U/C and CIs there running the classic COINTELPRO ops.
We are agreed that the FBI has a scurrilous history of entrapment and false flags. We are agreed that is has gotten worse and that the accusations of the FBI fomenting Jan 6 are plausible.
That said, because our cause includes logic and integrity, we also need to acknowledge the validity of AMcC's criticism of Tucker's claim that unindicted co-conspirator means that they were FBI agents. It just ain't so.
Love Tucker!!!
Plan accordingly.
We have any sources other than Joe on this?
We have any sources other than Joe on this?
We have any sources other than Joe on this?
There is ZERO doubt there were FBI U/C and CIs there running the classic COINTELPRO ops.
We are agreed that the FBI has a scurrilous history of entrapment and false flags. We are agreed that is has gotten worse and that the accusations of the FBI fomenting Jan 6 are plausible.
That said, because our cause includes logic and integrity, we also need to acknowledge the validity of AMcC's criticism of Tucker's claim that unindicted co-conspirator means that they were FBI agents. It just ain't so.
Babbitt Tried to Stop Attack on Capitol Speaker’s Lobby, Video Shows
Video shows female Trump supporter's desperate pleas to prevent rioters from breaking windows: "Stop! No! Don’t! Wait!"
By Joseph M. Hanneman January 17, 2022 Updated: January 17, 2022biggersmaller Print
Ashli Babbitt desperately tried to prevent rioters from vandalizing the doors leading to the Speaker’s Lobby at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, even stepping between one troublemaker and police officers guarding the doors, a video analysis shows.
Frame-by-frame video evidence analyzed by The Epoch Times paints a vastly different picture of Babbitt’s actions than that portrayed in media accounts over the past year. News media regularly painted Babbitt as “violent,” a “rioter,” or an “insurrectionist” who was angrily trying to breach the Speaker’s Lobby.
Video clips appear to show she tried to prevent the attack, not join it.
Video shot by John Sullivan, also known as Jayden X, shows that Babbitt tried to stop the violence against the Speaker’s Lobby at least four times before she climbed into a broken window and was shot by U.S. Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd. At one point, she was so distressed at the violence, she was jumping up and down in frustration.
“The reality of it is, Ashli wasn’t a violent person. She was a good person, but they’ve demonized her to become this domestic terrorist that she never has been,” Tayler Hansen, an independent journalist who was feet away from Babbitt when she was shot, told The Epoch Times.
“She served her country for 14 years. That’s just insane to me that they can actually get away with pushing this narrative,” Hansen said. “They’ve done that by suppressing first-hand witnesses like me.”
Hansen said he was walking behind Babbitt in a hallway on the second floor of the Capitol at about 2:40 p.m. She turned right down the Speaker’s Lobby hallway. Hansen followed.
Trapped in Hallway
“We didn’t know anything about the building we were in. She turned the corner and I just followed her,” Hansen said. “A big group of people followed us after I followed her. People just kind of emerged on the door. By that time, she was stuck in the corner.
“She was literally trapped there,” Hansen said.
Babbitt, who served in the U.S. Air Force as a military police officer, was chatting with three officers from U.S. Capitol Police and the Metropolitan Police Department.
Epoch Times Photo
Ashli Babbitt with looks of shock and concern over vandalism by rioters at the Speaker’s Lobby doors. Babbitt tried to stop rioters from breaking down the doors. She was shot just moments later. (Jayden X/YouTube)
“About five minutes prior to her getting shot and killed, all of those officers, Officer Yetter and the other officers in the hall, the MPD cops, they were all joking with her and laughing with her,” Hansen said. “They were having conversations and joking and laughing. Then not even five minutes later, Michael Byrd comes and executes her.”
Babbitt confronted rioter Zachary Alam, leaning in between him and one of the police officers guarding the doors. Alam turned away from Babbitt and punched a window to the side of the officer’s head. Babbitt winces just before Alam strikes the window with his right hand. He later uses a helmet to smash the tempered glass.
An audio analysis of video taken in the hallway reveals that Babbitt shouted, “Stop! No! Don’t! Wait!” according to her husband, Aaron Babbitt.
“After repeatedly forcing myself to watch the murder of my wife, I have come to my own conclusion that Ashli came to a point of realization that she was in very bad situation and the police weren’t acting appropriately to what she was witnessing,” Aaron Babbitt told The Epoch Times.
“I know my wife very well. She’s not destructive,” Babbitt said. “She was not there to hurt anybody.”
As the three police officers moved away from the Speaker’s Lobby doors, a U.S. Capitol Police Containment Emergency Response Team (CERT) was coming up the stairs, responding to an erroneous police radio report of shots fired.
Standing adjacent to the departing officers, Babbitt peers around them at the men smashing the glass. Her expression is one of shock. She yells at the two rioters.
In Fear for Her Life
Babbitt feared for her life, her husband said, so she climbed into the broken window to escape. Byrd shot her before she got more than part way into the window frame.
“The only way we’d ever know why Ashli felt the window was the only way out is if she had been detained by one of the countless police officers that abandoned their post in front of those doors,” Babbitt said. “That did not happen. She was murdered and robbed of the chance to tell her side of the story.”
Hansen and Sullivan said they did not hear any warnings from inside the Speaker’s Lobby before the shot was fired. The protesters were extremely loud. There were conflicting accounts from police officers on both sides of the barricaded door as to whether warning instructions were given before Byrd fired on Babbitt.
Sullivan was the first to notice Byrd’s service pistol aimed at the window. He and Hansen both shouted warnings. “I began yelling, ‘Hey, there’s a gun! He’s got a gun!” Hansen said. “But nobody could hear us. I could barely hear John Sullivan and I was right next to him, because people were screaming and windows were breaking.”
Epoch Times Photo
Ashli Babbitt shortly before she confronted Zachary Alam, seen wearing the fur-lined cap. Video shows Alam punched a window a short time later. (Tayler Hansen/Stop Hate–Rumble)
“Since there was a gun, I got on the ground because I didn’t know what was going on,” Hansen said. “I figured I’m going to get as low as possible in case there’s any ricochets or any misfires or anything like that. I had my Kevlar vest on, which I always wear when I report.
“We tried to warn people and they couldn’t hear us — and we were screaming,” Hansen said.
Alam broke out the side window to the right of the double doors because he intended to use it to breach the Speaker’s Lobby, Hansen said. The only reason he didn’t climb through before Babbitt, Hansen said, was his glasses got knocked down on his face and he stopped to readjust them.
“He was about to go through that window,” Hansen said. “It was his idea. He was the one shattering it.”
Babbitt said the situation shows how two people can look at the same video and reach completely different conclusions.
“It all comes down to which mental angle a person views it from. If they hate Ashli because they believe the lies, that’s all they see: her being part of a mob,” Aaron Babbitt said. “Us who love her, know her, know every action and emotion she was displaying — she realized a minute before her death she was not in a friendly situation and something very wrong was occurring.”
US Cleared Byrd Without Interviewing Him
The U.S. Department of Justice cleared Byrd of criminal culpability in the shooting death without ever questioning him or taking a statement that explains his actions that day, according to investigative records and the Babbitt family attorney.
Byrd shot Babbitt at 2:44 p.m., as she tried to climb through the broken window. She was not armed.
Byrd met with investigators from the Internal Affairs Division of the Metropolitan Police Department five hours after the shooting. The DC police department investigates officer shootings involving U.S. Capitol Police.
“He did not give a statement to the Internal Affairs Division of the Metropolitan Police Department, which was charged with conducting the investigation after the shooting, and which the U.S. Attorney relied upon to reach his decision not to charge,” Terry Roberts, a Washington D.C. attorney who represents the Babbitt family, told The Epoch Times.
Epoch Times Photo
U.S. Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd was in command of police in the U.S. House chamber on Jan. 6, 2021. (Judicial Watch)
“The lead investigator brought Byrd in to question him and Byrd declined,” Roberts said. “He wanted a lawyer present. That means the investigator’s not going to talk to him at that point. It could mean that later, the investigator could approach Byrd and say, ‘Let’s get your lawyer down here and let’s ask you questions.’ That never happened.”
A U.S. Capitol Police sergeant who was posted at the double doors to the Speaker’s Lobby just before the shooting told an internal affairs investigator he left his post out of fear for his safety. He moved aside “due to the rioters surging towards them” and then “made a decision to leave the area and began to move towards the east stairwell,” a Metropolitan Police Department report said.
“If we didn’t have that stairwell down there, I thought they were going to kill us,” the sergeant said. If the stairwell had not offered them an escape route, “we would have been forced” to use deadly force, he said.
Another officer who was near the Speaker’s Lobby doors said he did not hear any warnings to the crowd. “Prior to moving away from the Speaker’s Lobby doors, officer [redacted] did not hear any verbal commands coming from any of the USCP officers that were inside the Speaker’s Lobby,” an internal affairs report said.
Epoch Times Photo
Lt. Michael Byrd’s Glock 22 service weapon as it underwent forensic analysis after the shooting death of Ashli Babbitt. (Judicial Watch)
A member of the Capitol Police Containment Emergency Response Team (CERT) who arrived in the area as Babbitt was shot, “reported that he did not recall hearing any type of verbal commands being given prior to Ms. Babbitt being shot, nor did he see who shot Ms. Babbitt,” a February 2021 internal affairs report said.
A U.S. Capitol Police sergeant who entered the Speaker’s Lobby just before the shooting said he saw Byrd and an officer “had taken up positions and had their guns out,” an internal affairs report said.
The glass panel to the side of the double doors leading into the Speaker’s Lobby was smashed out. Shortly after, Babbitt was seen attempting to climb through the opening where the pane of glass had been.
“There was a lot of screaming and Sergeant [redacted] heard someone yelling, ‘Get back! Get back!’ the report said. The sergeant was posted “furthest away from this barricaded door.”
The sergeant wasn’t aware whose weapon discharged until he spoke with Byrd, who stated, “I was the one who took the shot,” the report said.
According to a transcript of the interview, the sergeant said he noticed Byrd make a backwards motion after firing. “…He stepped back and I don’t know if that was from him taking the shot and realizing that he shot somebody and he was like, ‘Oh my God. You know, I actually did what I did’…”
A U.S. Capitol Police officer who was also in the Speaker’s Lobby, said he heard Byrd and others tell the crowd, ‘Stay back,’ before Babbitt came through the window. “He then observed Ms. McEntee (Babbitt) climbing through the window and the shot was fired, she fell back,” an internal affairs report said.
“While he noted that Lieutenant Byrd was shaken, he did not say anything. He has worked with him for about a year,” the report said. “He observed that Lieutenant Byrd was nervous, teary-eyed, and appeared very upset. His voice was also shaky when he called for medical assistance over the radio.”
Byrd met with an internal affairs agent from the Metropolitan Police Department at 7:38 p.m. on Jan. 6. After providing the agent with information on his duty assignment in the House Chamber that day and his last qualification on a firing range, Byrd was given a Garrity warning advising him of his rights.
“Lieutenant Byrd declined to provide a statement until he can consult an attorney,” the agent wrote in his report.
On April 14, 2021, Acting U.S. Attorney Channing Phillips notified the Metropolitan Police Department that no charges would be brought against Byrd.
“We have declined criminal prosecution of the above officer as a result of this incident,” Phillips wrote in a three-sentence memo to Assistant Chief Wilfredo Manlapaz. No explanation was provided.
Roberts said the shooting was not justified. He is preparing a lawsuit.
“If you’re acting in self-defense, you have to tell somebody you’re acting in self-defense, or it should be quite plain from the circumstances,” Roberts said. “It clearly was not plain in these circumstances. I don’t believe the officer acted in self-defense at all.”
Byrd’s attorney, Mark Schamel, declined to comment. The U.S. Capitol Police Department did not respond to a request for comment and information on Byrd’s current duty assignment.
Some very interesting legal analysis here:
Capitol Riot Prosecutions: Seditious Conspiracy Charge Wrong | National Review
Seditious Conspiracy Is the Wrong Charge in the Capitol-Riot Prosecutions
January 15, 2022 6:30 AM
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Share on FlipboardTrump supporters storm the U.S. Capitol following a rally with then-president Donald Trump in Washington, D.C., January 6, 2021. (Samuel Corum/Getty Images)
Prosecutors are needlessly risking acquittal by filing inappropriate charges.
Two elements are indispensable to the crime of seditious conspiracy. First, there must be an agreement to use force, as opposed to protesting peacefully — even if rambunctiously. Second is the concept of levying war against the United States or opposing the lawful authority of the United States. Now that the Justice Department has been goaded into charging members of the Oath Keepers with seditious conspiracy for their participation in the Capitol riot, prosecutors may find that these elements pose insuperable challenges to their case.
The indictment filed Thursday necessitates revisiting this subject. It does not, however, change what I’ve already said about it, back in June: The actions of then-president Donald Trump before and during the riot undermine seditious-conspiracy charges.
First codified by Congress during the Civil War, the crime of seditious conspiracy principally targeted Confederate sympathizers in Northern states who undertook to sabotage the war effort. Such defendants were best understood either as having joined the Confederacy’s war against the United States, or, at a minimum, as opposing the government’s lawful execution of wartime operations.
In the ensuing 160 years, there have been just a relative handful of seditious-conspiracy prosecutions. I know something of this abstruse crossroads of American history and violent sedition because, nearly 30 years ago, I prosecuted the last major, successful case of this kind. Thankfully, people in the United States do not often try to make war on their fellow Americans, violently overthrow the government, or otherwise forcibly attack facilities and officials specifically because they are part of the government.
Anniversary of a Disgrace
What Happened on January 6
The Week
Seditious conspiracy is the rare criminal offense in which motive matters. In most crimes, prosecutors need establish only knowledge and intent — meaning, the defendant did not act by mistake. If you embezzle funds from a federal agency, for example, it makes no difference that you needed money to feed your starving family; you knew the funds were not yours, and you stole them on purpose, case closed.
Why the accused acted is, however, a core question in seditious-conspiracy prosecutions. It must be proved that force was directed at government facilities and agents because they instantiated the government’s execution of its lawful authority. Or it must be shown that the defendant was trying to wage war against the American people: The purpose of attacking civilian infrastructure, for example, must be to coerce the United States into surrendering, changing policy, or taking some other national action. To the contrary, while blowing up a building in order to collect on the insurance is a heinous act, and one who does it should face a severe sentence, it’s not seditious conspiracy.
As I hope is obvious, I go through these legal niceties not to defend people, such as Capitol rioters, who violently stormed the seat of our government and assaulted police. They should be prosecuted aggressively and incarcerated accordingly.
My point is to show that seditious conspiracy is rarely invoked to achieve that worthy end because it is reserved for highly unusual situations involving unambiguous enemies of the United States. The January 6 scenario is not cut and dried that way. It’s complicated. It involves people who committed serious crimes but believed — however foolishly — that they were saving the country, not levying war against it. Far from opposing the lawful authority of the government, they believed — not irrationally — that they were acting at the behest of the president of the United States.
By contrast, the paradigmatic seditious-conspiracy case is the case I was privileged to prosecute. The accused were jihadists, mostly U.S.-based foreign nationals but also some American citizens. There was no doubt that they were at war with the United States; they hated the United States, wanted to destroy our constitutional system, wanted to mass-murder Americans, and could not have said so more clearly. Similarly, there was no doubt that the defendants planned and carried out attacks on civilian infrastructure (e.g., the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center) and government facilities (e.g., schemes to bomb the FBI’s Manhattan headquarters and American military installations) because they believed the government was using its lawful authority in a manner that, in their anti-American animus, they perceived as hostile to their interests and desired policies. And note: That they were wrong was beside the point; what mattered was what they believed, why they acted.
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This was consistent with the Civil War model. The Confederacy was undoubtedly at war with the Union, and its supporters knowingly abetted that war effort. The point was to separate the rebellious states from the Union, which would presumably continue on without them. For the Confederacy and its supporters, it was not that Abraham Lincoln was an illegitimate president; it was that his lawful election, and what they believed it portended, induced them to oppose the government’s lawful authority.
In trying to fit the Capitol riot into this paradigm, the Justice Department ignores basic tenets of the criminal law and tells half a story.
Repeatedly, the indictment asserts that the defendants undertook to thwart “the lawful transfer of presidential power.” Now, if we were writing a report about what happened on January 6, it would be completely appropriate to state, as an objective fact, that the “lawful transfer of presidential power” required acknowledgment of President Biden’s victory. But an indictment is not a report. It is not about what Attorney General Merrick Garland or you or I know is an objective fact. A criminal indictment is an accusation, calling into question not only the defendants’ actions but their state of mind when they took those actions. In this instance, the charged defendants believed that an acknowledgment by the joint session of Congress that Biden had won the presidency would be an unlawful transfer of presidential power.
And why did they believe that? Because the president of the United States told them so.
The Justice Department is charging the Oath Keepers with opposing the government’s lawful authority by force under circumstances in which the chief executive officer of the government, in whom all its executive authority was reposed, had convinced them through weeks of misrepresentations — including baseless claims of foreign interference, voting-machine manipulation, and counterfeit-ballot stuffing — that the election had been stolen, and that only by zealously resisting that outcome could the country be saved.
To read the indictment is thus a vertiginous experience. For nearly 30 pages, prosecutors describe a state of affairs in which, during the two months following the November 2020 election, Biden’s victory was neither denied nor deniable; therefore, the narrative insists, acknowledgement of Biden’s triumph was, beyond cavil, what the lawful transfer of power required. The defendants and their co-conspirators are portrayed as if they were irrationally plotting to defy that inarguable outcome. The indictment blithely omits that, day after day after day, the incumbent president was alleging that the election had been rigged and that the transfer of power to Biden would be unconstitutional — the antithesis of “lawful.”
A good example (I could cite many others): The indictment relates that in an interview on December 22, 2020, the lead defendant, Elmer Rhodes, “urged president Trump to use military force to stop the lawful transfer of power” (emphasis added) and described the upcoming January 6 joint session of Congress as a “hard constitutional deadline” to do so.
That is a grossly inaccurate description of what happened. Rhodes did not urge that the lawful transfer of power be stopped. Prosecutors offer no reason to believe that Rhodes intended to obstruct the lawful transfer of power. To be accurate, the indictment would have to say Rhodes urged Trump to stop what Rhodes believed was the unlawful transfer of power. And while Rhodes was mistaken in this belief, he did not formulate it out of thin air. He believed the transfer of power to Biden would be unlawful because the incumbent president — the only public official vested with constitutional authority to uphold the laws — insisted it would be unlawful. Consequently, Rhodes saw January 6 as a “hard constitutional deadline” because he saw himself as upholding the Constitution — preserving the government, not overthrowing it. He was not trying to oppose the government’s lawful authority; he saw himself — again, based on what the government’s own top official was saying — as protecting the government from the unlawful seizure of authority.
Of course Trump was wrong in what he was peddling to Rhodes and the country at large. Mendaciously wrong. Nevertheless, Trump is not a charged defendant. The fact that he had to know that what he was saying was false is irrelevant to the mens rea — the allegedly criminal state of mind — of the people who are charged. They thought they were defending the country, the Constitution, and the government. Because the president told them so.
At the start of this column, I explained that there were two key components of seditious conspiracy: a personally held purpose to make war on the United States, as well as an agreement with others to use force. This has to make it frustrating for prosecutors as they view the array of agitators.
The person singularly responsible for what happened was Donald Trump. He convinced his supporters that the election and their government were being stolen. But he said he wanted peaceful protest enough times that he could never be convicted of seditious conspiracy — it could never be proved beyond a reasonable doubt that he conspired with others to use force. So you’re left with a riot in which the ringleader effectively immunizes himself by disavowing force; yet, because of the ringleader’s misrepresentations, his supporters, though they used force, did not intend to levy war against the United States, overthrow its government, or resist lawful authority. They made the mistake of believing him . . . and of going way too far based on that belief.
To be clear, that does not mean these people are immune from prosecution. It simply means that seditious conspiracy is the wrong way to go about it. Obstructing a congressional proceeding, for example, carries a potential 20-year prison term. Assaulting a federal officer is punishable by up to 20 years’ imprisonment if a dangerous weapon is used (and up to eight years if there is physical contact with the victim, even if a dangerous weapon is not used). Damaging government property is punishable by up to 20 years if the destructive act placed lives in jeopardy, which the Capitol riot clearly did (and up to five years if it did not).
There are some complications with such charges, especially obstruction, which requires proof that the person acted “corruptly.” Nevertheless, those offenses do not turn on establishing, beyond a reasonable doubt, that people who believed they were protecting the country were knowingly and intentionally at war with it. They do not turn on proving that people who believed that the president, the top government authority, was encouraging their resistance were knowingly and intentionally opposing the government’s lawful authority.
This is the wrong case for invoking seditious conspiracy. For political reasons, Democrats and Trump opponents want to brand January 6 as sedition, since sedition is the closest thing to insurrection. But it is not good law enforcement to infuse a prosecution with complications that needlessly risk acquittal, especially when more fitting charges would provide for the lengthy sentences that the most culpable rioters richly deserve.
Pence had a chance to be an American hero, but he chickened out and sold us out.
military strategy :
we need 100 Abram tanks to keep Brian S. from the buffet table ! :wink:
Police Beating of Unconscious Trump Supporter Was ‘Objectively Reasonable,’ Department Rules
Internal Affairs Bureau conducted probe in response to a police-brutality complaint
By Joseph M. Hanneman February 9, 2022 Updated: February 10, 2022biggersmaller Print
The beating of an unconscious Trump supporter by a DC Metropolitan Police Department officer on January 6 was deemed to be “objectively reasonable” after an investigation by the department’s Internal Affairs Bureau, The Epoch Times has learned.
The Internal Affairs investigation was opened in September 2021 based on a complaint filed by a Texas man who assembled video evidence of the officer striking an unconscious Rosanne Boyland with a steel baton and a large wooden stick at the entrance to the West Terrace tunnel at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.
Boyland, 34, of Kennesaw, Ga., was pinned under a pile of protesters who fled the tunnel when police deployed a crowd-control gas. After several minutes of being crushed by the weight of other fallen protesters, Boyland lost consciousness and stopped breathing, witnesses have said.
Boyland traveled to Washington D.C. that day to attend the “Stop the Steal” rally and hear then-President Donald Trump speak at the Ellipse. She became trapped in a crowd that sought entry to the Capitol through the West Terrace tunnel.
As Boyland lay unconscious on the ground DC Metro Police Officer Lila Morris repeatedly struck her with a steel baton and what appeared to be a wooden walking stick, according to a video recording.
Epoch Times Photo
Protesters spill out of the West Terrace tunnel like a waterfall on Jan. 6, 2021. The crowd started a stampede out of the tunnel after police deployed gas on the crowd, witnesses said. (Video Still/Gary McBride)
The sudden attack horrified Boyland’s friend and traveling companion, Justin Winchell, who pleaded with police and protesters to provide first aid to Boyland. Police bodycam video shows Winchell’s shock when he saw Morris strike Boyland in the head.
“She’s gonna die! She’s gonna die! …I need somebody! She’s dead!” Winchell cried.
Boyland was not pronounced dead until more than 90 minutes later, although she appeared lifeless when police dragged her body from the West Terrace tunnel entrance into the Capitol at 4:31 p.m.
During the 11 minutes after Boyland fell, protesters made repeated attempts at CPR—efforts that were frustrated in part by the beating and police spraying pepper spray into the faces of those trying to help Boyland, video shows.
There is confusion about what lifesaving efforts were made by police after Boyland was moved into the Capitol. Testimony before a Congressional committee suggested police attempted CPR at 4:26 p.m., which wasn’t possible since at that time Boyland still lay on the concrete outside, being given CPR by protesters Jake Lang and Ronald McAbee.
The DC medical examiner said Boyland died of an accidental overdose of Adderall, a prescription medication used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. That ruling has drawn skepticism and outrage from Boyland’s friends and family. Her father, Bret Boyland, said Rosanne had been taking Adderall for about 10 years.
Epoch Times Photo
Bret Boyland with his wife Cheryl and daughter Rosanne (at right), during a family vacation. (Courtesy of the Boyland Family)
The attack on Boyland troubled Gary McBride of Decatur, Texas so much, he filed a police brutality complaint with the Metropolitan Police Department on Sept. 14, 2021.
Citizen Complaint Filed in September 2021
McBride assembled a library of videos recorded at the Capitol on Jan. 6. McBride, who spent most of his career in the oil and gas industry, has turned into a professional video sleuth after studying thousands of hours of Jan. 6 footage.
McBride went back and forth with various Metropolitan Police Department officials over more than two months, before being told via email on Nov. 15 that Morris had been cleared of any wrongdoing.
“The use of force within this investigation was determined to be objectively reasonable,” wrote Capt. David K. Augustine, director of the Risk Management Division of the MPD Internal Affairs Bureau. “Officer Morris is still employed with the MPD and not facing criminal charges related to the use of force on January 6.”
McBride said he found the reasoning and conclusion shocking.
“It told me right there that it’s OK for them to do what they do. They are doing exactly what they want to do. They don’t care if you know or see,” McBride said.
“They just showed me that they’re going to go beat somebody and kill them, but they have the power to say, ‘That was objectively reasonable.’ And we’re supposed to accept that and say, ‘Okay.’ ”
Officer Morris, who had just reached the front line in the West Terrace tunnel, is seen on bodycam video picking up what appears to be a walking stick or a tree branch. She raised the weapon over her head with both hands and struck Boyland at least four times in rapid succession. The stick broke at one point. Morris continued to strike at Boyland until other officers pulled her back.
Morris was hailed as a hero after Jan. 6. She was feted as a guest of honor at Super Bowl LIV in Tampa.
Philip Anderson of Mesquite, Texas, who was at the bottom of the same pile that crushed Boyland, called MPD’s use-of-force ruling “absolute [expletive].”
Epoch Times Photo
Rosanne Boyland and Philip Anderson entered the West Terrace tunnel of the U.S. Capitol at 4:18 p.m. on Jan. 6, 2021. A stampede started at 4:20 when police deployed gas against the protesters. (Video Stills/Epoch Times Photo Illustration)
“There is nothing reasonable about hitting a non-responsive woman lying on the ground over the head with a baton,” Anderson, 26, told The Epoch Times. “They say it’s reasonable because she (Boyland) was a Trump supporter.”
Anderson said there was cause from the beginning for an independent investigation by a special prosecutor or a grand jury.
“The fact that they have been lying from the beginning is reason enough for investigation,” Anderson said. “The only reason why anyone even knows this is because I barely survived and am here to now call out their blatant lies (about) the woman that they killed.”
McBride sent two videos as evidence along with his police-brutality complaint. One of the videos was removed from YouTube but is available on Rumble. The other video is still accessible on YouTube.
Bret Boyland asked the Metropolitan Police Department for copies of bodycam video from various police officers in the terrace tunnel. That request was denied.
“Wednesday was nine months from our daughter’s passing and we still have many unanswered questions to what happened to her that day,” Bret Boyland wrote in a Freedom of Information Act request in fall 2021.
On Oct. 12, Shania Hughes, a Freedom of Information Act specialist with the Metropolitan Police Department, told Bret Boyland MPD would not release any bodycam footage.
“It has been determined that the information you are seeking is part of an ongoing investigation and criminal proceeding,” Hughes wrote. “With exception of the portions of the video that has been shown publicly, MPD cannot fulfill your request. The release of this information could interfere with the enforcement proceedings by revealing the direction and pace of the investigation.”
The Epoch Times also made a FOIA request for Officer Morris’ bodycam footage for her entire shift on Jan. 6, 2021. That request was denied, but for different reasons than those given to Bret Boyland. The department cited privacy grounds for denying the newspaper’s request.
Officers Attempted CPR After Boyland was Moved Inside Capitol
Bret Boyland said the family was initially denied a copy of Rosanne’s full autopsy report, but since has obtained the document.
“Through our lawyer and additional FOIA requests, we have obtained the full autopsy report, which has been forwarded to the pathologist,” Bret Boyland told The Epoch Times.
The family contracted with its own forensic pathologist to review the DC medical examiner’s report on Rosanne Boyland’s death.
Bret Boyland said heavily redacted bodycam footage he obtained shows that police did attempt CPR on Rosanne after she was moved into the Capitol.
Epoch Times Photo
Officer Lila Morris of the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia. (File Photo)
“There were two BWC (body-worn camera) videos that started with the officers pulling Rosanne into the building past the police line,” Bret Boyland said, “and it did show multiple officers attempting to revive Rosanne and gave CPR for about 10 – 12 (minutes) straight; then they appeared to load her on some kind of mail-room cart and moved her somewhere else.”
McBride said one thing he found especially troubling on one of the videos is that despite being unconscious during the attack, it appeared Rosanne Boyland could feel the blows to the head.
“When she takes that second hit to the head, watch her left arm, her left arm straightens up and lifts off the ground,” McBride said.
Winchell told an Atlanta television station in 2021 that when Rosanne was struck by Officer Morris for the final time, Rosanne’s nose started bleeding. “In our mind, she was still alive at that point,” Bret Boyland said.
Rosanne also suffered 3-4 broken ribs on each side of her chest, her father said. Those injuries could have come from repeated CPR attempts, the pressure of being under the large pile of bodies, or from the baton blows from Officer Morris, he said.
Augustine said a report on Morris’ use of force has not been released to the public. He said the factors involved in police use of force are outlined in MPD’s online policy (pdf), updated in January 2021.
“Members of the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) shall value and preserve the sanctity of human life at all times, especially when lawfully exercising the use of force,” the policy states. “In situations where the use of force is justified, the utmost restraint should be exercised.”
Bret Boyland said the family wants to know why Morris attacked Rosanne.
“She had a choice; that officer had a choice,” Bret Boyland said. “She could have helped her right there at that point in time. But she chose to grab the stick and start hitting her.”
(Not sure I still fully trust Gateway Pundit.)
(Not sure I still fully trust Gateway Pundit.)
I think it's about 90%.
The right can only be victims of BurnLootMurder/Antifa quasi-official militias and false imprisonment and arbitrary execution by government officials.
To suggest resistance to this only generates pearl clutching here.
The right can only be victims of BurnLootMurder/Antifa quasi-official militias and false imprisonment and arbitrary execution by government officials.
To suggest resistance to this only generates pearl clutching here.
This is fine. Do not resist. Don't even think of it.
The right can only be victims of BurnLootMurder/Antifa quasi-official militias and false imprisonment and arbitrary execution by government officials.
To suggest resistance to this only generates pearl clutching here.
This is fine. Do not resist. Don't even think of it.
The left's violence is your fault.
Plan accordingly.
Plan accordingly.
Location of Harris, Pence on Jan. 6 Becomes Key Part of Efforts to Fight Prosecution
By Zachary Stieber February 19, 2022 Updated: February 19, 2022biggersmaller Print
Pinpointing the whereabouts of Vice President Kamala Harris and former Vice President Mike Pence have become a key part of efforts by multiple Jan. 6 defendants in fighting against prosecution.
Harris was the vice president elect and Pence still the vice president when rioters entered the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Many charges say both Harris and Pence were inside the building when a defendant went into the Capitol or was on Capitol grounds. But the government is now admitting Harris left before the clock struck noon, well before the Capitol was breached. And fresh questions are being raised about where Pence went when Congress split up to consider objections to electoral votes before the breach.
Prosecutors have leveled the charge of entering or remaining in a restricted building or grounds against over 200 defendants, asserting the charge was warranted because people “did unlawfully and knowingly enter and remain in a restricted building and founds … where the vice president and vice president-elect were temporarily visiting, without lawful authority to do so.”
Many defendants have pleaded guilty to the charge in exchange for others being dropped, with a subset being sentenced to time in prison.
In recent months, though, prosecutors have said they learned Harris was not actually inside. The reference to her has quietly disappeared in some superseding indictments, but not all.
When prosecutors left the reference in an indictment against defendant Nicholas Rodean, it drew a harsh response from the federal judge overseeing the matter. He asserted it “suggests a certain lack of attention and care in the prosecution of this case.”
On Feb. 17, for the first time, prosecutors went into more detail about the whereabouts of Harris on the fateful day.
A U.S. Secret Service (USSS) agent named Jason Jolly told the court in a sworn declaration that he was helping protect Harris and that she not only wasn’t at the Capitol when it was breached, but she left in the morning.
Harris was planning to return in the afternoon but “her travel to the Capitol was delayed when the Joint Session was interrupted by the riot,” Jolly wrote. The joint session was not in place when people entered the building, having broken up for each chamber to vote on objections to Arizona’s electoral votes.
Harris did not end up arriving back at the Capitol until approximately 7 p.m., according to Jolly.
Prosecutors included the declaration in a joint filing with lawyers for Guy Reffitt, who is scheduled to go on trial soon on multiple charges from Jan. 6.
Based on the declaration, the government moved to strike mention of Harris from the charge of entering or remaining in a restricted building or grounds. But even without Harris, “the indictment continues to state a viable offense that has been in the charging document since the date of its return by the grand jury,” they wrote. That’s because the reference to Pence would remain.
Epoch Times Photo
Vice President-elect Kamala Harris speaks in Wilmington, Del., on Jan. 7, 2021. (Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images)
Pence, though, may not have been inside the Capitol when certain defendants entered, lawyers for another defendant said in a separate filing.
Couy Griffin, who has also pleaded not guilty to all charges against him and is due to go on trial in March, through his counsel recently asked the government whether it would make available to him a Secret Service agent with knowledge of Pence’s whereabouts on Jan. 6. Even if the government won’t call such a witness, the defense will require their testimony, Griffin’s lawyers said.
In lieu of an agent testifying, the government was asked if it would confirm Pence was not inside the Capitol after 2:28 p.m. on the day of the breach.
“The government would not agree to provide identification for a USSS witness with the relevant knowledge and would not agree” to confirm Pence wasn’t in the Capitol at that time, the filing stated.
After a block of redacted text, Griffin asked the court to order a subpoena to compel testimony from a witness.
The request came after prosecutors in the same case introduced a declaration from Sgt. Stephen James, a U.S. Capitol Police officer. James was not helping guard Pence but said he viewed surveillance footage from inside the Capitol and watched as Pence was ushered to “a secure location within the Capitol complex,” which includes both the Capitol building and the Capitol visitor center.
Pence arrived at the location at 2:28 p.m., about two minutes after leaving the Senate chamber, according to James. Pence left the secure location at about 6:29 p.m. to return to the chamber.
James said he spoke with colleagues who were with Pence who said the official, besides using a nearby restroom twice, stayed in the location the entire time.
Griffin’s lawyers said the declaration appears to bolster their case because Griffin didn’t enter the building until at least three minutes after Pence arrived at the secure location. They said the declaration contained ambiguities, including not listing every building or location that is considered part of the complex.
“To establish whether the government has proven its charge, the court must be permitted to hear testimony on whether the vice president was temporarily visiting the ‘restricted building or grounds’ when Griffin allegedly entered either,” they wrote.
Joseph McBride, an attorney representing some of the Jan. 6 defendants, told The Epoch Times that the “entering or remaining” charge was already dubious, and would collapse if neither Harris nor Pence were in the Capitol.
“If it turns out that Pence wasn’t even there that day, or was not there at the relevant time, then the whole thing truly falls apart,” McBride said. “Pay attention to it, because if it turns out that they lied about that, then it could be in fact the case that we have a whole bunch of people languishing in prison for over a year that should not have been there to begin with.”
"Canada and Australia are the beta tests for here"
without a doubt
every lib , Democrat , dem politician , dem lawyer, academia, hollywood, big tech are drooling at the chance to start cracking head here
it IS coming ........
"Canada and Australia are the beta tests for here"
without a doubt
every lib , Democrat , dem politician , dem lawyer, academia, hollywood, big tech are drooling at the chance to start cracking head here
it IS coming ........
The above people don't understand the very harsh kinetic/pyrotechnic realities their choices will unleash. When the right enters the cancel culture game, the cancellations won't be of the virtual kind.
Remember, the IRA had only 150 to 500 trigger pullers at any one time on an island the size of Connecticut, and they fought the might of the UK's military, intelligence and law enforcement to a standstill over three decades. The IRA has never disarmed.
When the people that get their fingernails dirty for a living making life possible for the blue hives decide to shut things down, we will see who really runs Bartertown.
Do what we say, or else.
Just kidding.
Plan accordingly.
I read this twice and highlighted some things for my reference
excellent synopsis what the government and corporate academic elites are feverishly working on towards total control:
I read this twice and highlighted some things for my reference
excellent synopsis what the government and corporate academic elites are feverishly working on towards total control:
Is the Great Reset a conspiracy theory imagining a vast left-wing plot to establish a totalitarian one-world government? No. Despite the fact that some people may have spun conspiracy theories based on it—with some reason, as we will see—the Great Reset is real.
Indeed, just last year, Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF)—a famous organization made up of the world’s political, economic, and cultural elites that meets annually in Davos, Switzerland—and Thierry Malleret, co-founder and main author of the Monthly Barometer, published a book called COVID-19: The Great Reset. In the book, they define the Great Reset as a means of addressing the “weaknesses of capitalism” that were purportedly exposed by the COVID pandemic.
But the idea of the Great Reset goes back much further. It can be traced at least as far back as the inception of the WEF, originally founded as the European Management Forum, in 1971. In that same year, Schwab, an engineer and economist by training, published his first book, Modern Enterprise Management in Mechanical Engineering. It was in this book that Schwab first introduced the concept he would later call “stakeholder capitalism,” arguing “that the management of a modern enterprise must serve not only shareholders but all stakeholders to achieve long-term growth and prosperity.” Schwab and the WEF have promoted the idea of stakeholder capitalism ever since. They can take credit for the stakeholder and public-private partnership rhetoric and policies embraced by governments, corporations, non-governmental organizations, and international governance bodies worldwide.
The specific phrase “Great Reset” came into general circulation over a decade ago, with the publication of a 2010 book, The Great Reset, by American urban studies scholar Richard Florida. Written in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, Florida’s book argued that the 2008 economic crash was the latest in a series of Great Resets—including the Long Depression of the 1870s and the Great Depression of the 1930s—which he defined as periods of paradigm-shifting systemic innovation.
Four years after Florida’s book was published, at the 2014 annual meeting of the WEF, Schwab declared: “What we want to do in Davos this year . . . is to push the reset button”—and subsequently the image of a reset button would appear on the WEF’s website.
In 2018 and 2019, the WEF organized two events that became the primary inspiration for the current Great Reset project - and also, for obvious reasons, fresh fodder for conspiracy theorists. (Don’t blame me for the latter—all I’m doing is relating the historical facts.)
In May 2018, the WEF collaborated with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security to conduct “CLADE X,” a simulation of a national pandemic response. Specifically, the exercise simulated the outbreak of a novel strain of a human parainfluenza virus, with genetic elements of the Nipah virus, called CLADE X. The simulation ended with a news report stating that in the face of CLADE X, without effective vaccines, “experts tell us that we could eventually see 30 to 40 million deaths in the U.S. and more than 900 million around the world—twelve percent of the global population.” Clearly, preparation for a global pandemic was in order.
In October 2019, the WEF collaborated with Johns Hopkins and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on another pandemic exercise, “Event 201,” which simulated an international response to the outbreak of a novel coronavirus. This was two months before the COVID outbreak in China became news and five months before the World Health Organization declared it a pandemic, and it closely resembled the future COVID scenario, including incorporating the idea of asymptomatic spread.
The CLADE X and Event 201 simulations anticipated almost every eventuality of the actual COVID crisis, most notably the responses by governments, health agencies, the media, tech companies, and elements of the public. The responses and their effects included worldwide lockdowns, the collapse of businesses and industries, the adoption of biometric surveillance technologies, an emphasis on social media censorship to combat “misinformation,” the flooding of social and legacy media with “authoritative sources,” widespread riots, and mass unemployment.
In addition to being promoted as a response to COVID, the Great Reset is promoted as a response to climate change. In 2017, the WEF published a paper entitled, “We Need to Reset the Global Operating System to Achieve the [United Nations Sustainable Development Goals].” On June 13, 2019, the WEF signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the United Nations to form a partnership to advance the “UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” Shortly after that, the WEF published the “United Nations-World Economic Forum Strategic Partnership Framework for the 2030 Agenda,” promising to help finance the UN’s climate change agenda and committing the WEF to help the UN “meet the needs of the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” including providing assets and expertise for “digital governance.”
In June 2020, at its 50th annual meeting, the WEF announced the Great Reset’s official launch, and a month later Schwab and Malleret published their book on COVID and the Great Reset. The book declared that COVID represents an “opportunity [that] can be seized”; that “we should take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to reimagine our world”; that “the moment must be seized to take advantage of this unique window of opportunity”; and that “[f]or those fortunate enough to find themselves in industries ‘naturally’ resilient to the pandemic”—think here of Big Tech companies like Apple, Google, Facebook, and Amazon—“the crisis was not only more bearable, but even a source of profitable opportunities at a time of distress for the majority.”
The Great Reset aims to usher in a bewildering economic amalgam—Schwab’s stakeholder capitalism—which I have called “corporate socialism” and Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben has called “communist capitalism.”
In brief, stakeholder capitalism involves the behavioral modification of corporations to benefit not shareholders, but stakeholders—individuals and groups that stand to benefit or lose from corporate behavior. Stakeholder capitalism requires not only corporate responses to pandemics and ecological issues such as climate change, “but also rethinking [corporations’] commitments to already-vulnerable communities within their ecosystems.” This is the “social justice” aspect of the Great Reset. To comply with that, governments, banks, and asset managers use the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) index to squeeze non-woke corporations and businesses out of the market. The ESG index is essentially a social credit score that is used to drive ownership and control of production away from the non-woke or non-compliant.
One of the WEF’s many powerful “strategic partners,” BlackRock, Inc., the world’s largest asset manager, is solidly behind the stakeholder model. In a 2021 letter to CEOs, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink declared that “climate risk is investment risk,” and “the creation of sustainable index investments has enabled a massive acceleration of capital towards companies better prepared to address climate risk.” The COVID pandemic, Fink wrote, accelerated the flow of funds toward sustainable investments:
We have long believed that our clients, as shareholders in your company, will benefit if you can create enduring, sustainable value for all of your stakeholders. . . . As more and more investors choose to tilt their investments towards sustainability-focused companies, the tectonic shift we are seeing will accelerate further. And because this will have such a dramatic impact on how capital is allocated, every management team and board will need to consider how this will impact their company’s stock.
Fink’s letter is more than a report to CEOs. It is an implicit threat: be woke or else.
In their recent book on the Great Reset, Schwab and Malleret pit “stakeholder capitalism” against “neoliberalism,” defining the latter as “a corpus of ideas and policies . . . favouring competition over solidarity, creative destruction over government intervention, and economic growth over social welfare.” In other words, “neoliberalism” refers to the free enterprise system. In opposing that system, stakeholder capitalism entails corporate cooperation with the state and vastly increased government intervention in the economy.
Proponents of the Great Reset hold “neoliberalism” responsible for our economic woes. But in truth, the governmental favoring of industries and players within industries—what used to be known as corporatism or economic fascism—has been the real source of what Schwab and his allies at the WEF decry.
While approved corporations are not necessarily monopolies, the tendency of the Great Reset is toward monopolization—vesting as much control over production and distribution in as few favored corporations as possible, while eliminating industries and producers deemed non-essential or inimical. To bring this reset about, Schwab writes, “[e]very country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed.”
Another way of describing the goal of the Great Reset is “capitalism with Chinese characteristics”—a two-tiered economy, with profitable monopolies and the state on top and socialism for the majority below.
Several decades ago, as China’s growing reliance on the for-profit sectors of its economy could no longer be credibly denied by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), its leadership approved the slogan “socialism with Chinese characteristics” to describe its economic system. Formulated by Deng Xiaoping, the phrase was meant to rationalize the CCP’s allowance of for-profit development under a socialist political system. The CCP considered the privatization of the Chinese economy to be a temporary phase—lasting as long as 100 years if necessary—on the way to a communist society. Party leaders maintain that this approach has been necessary in China because socialism was introduced too early there, when China was a backward agrarian country. China needed a capitalist booster shot.
Stripped of its socialist ideological pretensions, the Chinese system amounts to a socialist or communist state increasingly funded by capitalist economic development. The difference between the former Soviet Union and contemporary China is that when it became obvious that a socialist economy had failed, the former gave up its socialist economic pretenses, while the latter has not.
The Great Reset represents the development of the Chinese system in the West, but in reverse. Whereas the Chinese political class began with a socialist political system and then introduced privately held for-profit production, the West began with capitalism and is now implementing a Chinese-style political system. This Chinese-style system includes vastly increased state intervention in the economy, on the one hand, and on the other, the kind of authoritarian measures that the Chinese government uses to control its population.
Schwab and Malleret write that if “the past five centuries in Europe and America” have taught us anything, it is that “acute crises contribute to boosting the power of the state. It’s always been the case and there is no reason it should be different with the COVID-19 pandemic.”
The draconian lockdown measures employed by Western governments managed to accomplish goals of which corporate socialists in the WEF could only dream—above all, the destruction of small businesses, eliminating competitors for corporate monopolists favored by the state. In the U.S. alone, according to the Foundation for Economic Education, millions of small businesses closed their doors due to the lockdowns. Yelp data indicates that 60 percent of those closures are now permanent. Meanwhile companies like Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google enjoyed record gains.
Other developments that advance the Great Reset agenda have included unfettered immigration, travel restrictions for otherwise legal border crossing, the Federal Reserve’s unrestrained printing of money and the subsequent inflation, increased taxation, increased dependence on the state, broken supply chains, the restrictions and job losses due to vaccine mandates, and the prospect of personal carbon allowances.
Such policies reflect the “fairness” aspect of the Great Reset—fairness requires lowering the economic status of people in wealthier nations like the U.S. relative to that of people in poorer regions of the world. One of the functions of woke ideology is to make the majority in developed countries feel guilty about their wealth, which the elites aim to reset downwards—except, one notices, for the elites themselves, who need to be rich in order to fly in their private jets to Davos each year.
The Great Reset’s corporate stakeholder model overlaps with its governance and geopolitical model: states and favored corporations are combined in public-private partnerships and together have control of governance. This corporate-state hybrid is largely unaccountable to the constituents of national governments.
Governance is not only increasingly privatized, but also and more importantly, corporations are deputized as major additions to governments and intergovernmental bodies. The state is thereby extended, enhanced, and augmented by the addition of enormous corporate assets. As such, corporations become what I have called “governmentalities”—otherwise private organizations wielded as state apparatuses, with no obligation to answer to pesky voters. Since these corporations are multinational, the state essentially becomes globalist, whether or not a one-world government is ever formalized.
As if the economic and governmental resets were not dramatic enough, the technological reset reads like a dystopian science fiction novel. It is based on the Fourth Industrial Revolution—or 4-IR for short. The first, second, and third industrial revolutions were the mechanical, electrical, and digital revolutions. The 4-IR marks the convergence of existing and emerging fields, including Big Data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, quantum computing, genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics. The foreseen result will be the merging of the physical, digital, and biological worlds, which presents a challenge to the ontologies by which we understand ourselves and the world, including the definition of a human being.
There is nothing original about this. Transhumanists and Singularitarians (prophets of technological singularity) such as Ray Kurzweil forecasted these and other revolutionary developments long ago. What’s different about the globalists’ vision of 4-IR is the attempt to harness it to the ends of the Great Reset.
If already Is the Great Reset a conspiracy theory imagining a vast left-wing plot to establish a totalitarian one-world government? No. Despite the fact that some people may have spun conspiracy theories based on it—with some reason, as we will see—the Great Reset is real.
Indeed, just last year, Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF)—a famous organization made up of the world’s political, economic, and cultural elites that meets annually in Davos, Switzerland—and Thierry Malleret, co-founder and main author of the Monthly Barometer, published a book called COVID-19: The Great Reset. In the book, they define the Great Reset as a means of addressing the “weaknesses of capitalism” that were purportedly exposed by the COVID pandemic.
But the idea of the Great Reset goes back much further. It can be traced at least as far back as the inception of the WEF, originally founded as the European Management Forum, in 1971. In that same year, Schwab, an engineer and economist by training, published his first book, Modern Enterprise Management in Mechanical Engineering. It was in this book that Schwab first introduced the concept he would later call “stakeholder capitalism,” arguing “that the management of a modern enterprise must serve not only shareholders but all stakeholders to achieve long-term growth and prosperity.” Schwab and the WEF have promoted the idea of stakeholder capitalism ever since. They can take credit for the stakeholder and public-private partnership rhetoric and policies embraced by governments, corporations, non-governmental organizations, and international governance bodies worldwide.
The specific phrase “Great Reset” came into general circulation over a decade ago, with the publication of a 2010 book, The Great Reset, by American urban studies scholar Richard Florida. Written in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, Florida’s book argued that the 2008 economic crash was the latest in a series of Great Resets—including the Long Depression of the 1870s and the Great Depression of the 1930s—which he defined as periods of paradigm-shifting systemic innovation.
Four years after Florida’s book was published, at the 2014 annual meeting of the WEF, Schwab declared: “What we want to do in Davos this year . . . is to push the reset button”—and subsequently the image of a reset button would appear on the WEF’s website.
In 2018 and 2019, the WEF organized two events that became the primary inspiration for the current Great Reset project—and also, for obvious reasons, fresh fodder for conspiracy theorists. (Don’t blame me for the latter—all I’m doing is relating the historical facts.)
In May 2018, the WEF collaborated with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security to conduct “CLADE X,” a simulation of a national pandemic response. Specifically, the exercise simulated the outbreak of a novel strain of a human parainfluenza virus, with genetic elements of the Nipah virus, called CLADE X. The simulation ended with a news report stating that in the face of CLADE X, without effective vaccines, “experts tell us that we could eventually see 30 to 40 million deaths in the U.S. and more than 900 million around the world—twelve percent of the global population.” Clearly, preparation for a global pandemic was in order.
In October 2019, the WEF collaborated with Johns Hopkins and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on another pandemic exercise, “Event 201,” which simulated an international response to the outbreak of a novel coronavirus. This was two months before the COVID outbreak in China became news and five months before the World Health Organization declared it a pandemic, and it closely resembled the future COVID scenario, including incorporating the idea of asymptomatic spread.
The CLADE X and Event 201 simulations anticipated almost every eventuality of the actual COVID crisis, most notably the responses by governments, health agencies, the media, tech companies, and elements of the public. The responses and their effects included worldwide lockdowns, the collapse of businesses and industries, the adoption of biometric surveillance technologies, an emphasis on social media censorship to combat “misinformation,” the flooding of social and legacy media with “authoritative sources,” widespread riots, and mass unemployment.
In addition to being promoted as a response to COVID, the Great Reset is promoted as a response to climate change. In 2017, the WEF published a paper entitled, “We Need to Reset the Global Operating System to Achieve the [United Nations Sustainable Development Goals].” On June 13, 2019, the WEF signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the United Nations to form a partnership to advance the “UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” Shortly after that, the WEF published the “United Nations-World Economic Forum Strategic Partnership Framework for the 2030 Agenda,” promising to help finance the UN’s climate change agenda and committing the WEF to help the UN “meet the needs of the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” including providing assets and expertise for “digital governance.”
In June 2020, at its 50th annual meeting, the WEF announced the Great Reset’s official launch, and a month later Schwab and Malleret published their book on COVID and the Great Reset. The book declared that COVID represents an “opportunity [that] can be seized”; that “we should take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to reimagine our world”; that “the moment must be seized to take advantage of this unique window of opportunity”; and that “[f]or those fortunate enough to find themselves in industries ‘naturally’ resilient to the pandemic”—think here of Big Tech companies like Apple, Google, Facebook, and Amazon—“the crisis was not only more bearable, but even a source of profitable opportunities at a time of distress for the majority.”
The Great Reset aims to usher in a bewildering economic amalgam—Schwab’s stakeholder capitalism—which I have called “corporate socialism” and Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben has called “communist capitalism.”
In brief, stakeholder capitalism involves the behavioral modification of corporations to benefit not shareholders, but stakeholders—individuals and groups that stand to benefit or lose from corporate behavior. Stakeholder capitalism requires not only corporate responses to pandemics and ecological issues such as climate change, “but also rethinking [corporations’] commitments to already-vulnerable communities within their ecosystems.” This is the “social justice” aspect of the Great Reset. The ESG inTo comply with that, governments, banks, and asset managers use the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) index to squeeze non-woke corporations and businesses out of the market.dex is essentially a social credit score that is used to drive ownership and control of production away from the non-woke or non-compliant.
One of the WEF’s many powerful “strategic partners,” BlackRock, Inc., the world’s largest asset manager, is solidly behind the stakeholder model. In a 2021 letter to CEOs, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink declared that “climate risk is investment risk,” and “the creation of sustainable index investments has enabled a massive acceleration of capital towards companies better prepared to address climate risk.” The COVID pandemic, Fink wrote, accelerated the flow of funds toward sustainable investments:
We have long believed that our clients, as shareholders in your company, will benefit if you can create enduring, sustainable value for all of your stakeholders. . . . As more and more investors choose to tilt their investments towards sustainability-focused companies, the tectonic shift we are seeing will accelerate further. And because this will have such a dramatic impact on how capital is allocated, every management team and board will need to consider how this will impact their company’s stock.
Fink’s letter is more than a report to CEOs. It is an implicit threat: be woke or else.
In their recent book on the Great Reset, Schwab and Malleret pit “stakeholder capitalism” against “neoliberalism,” defining the latter as “a corpus of ideas and policies . . . favouring competition over solidarity, creative destruction over government intervention, and economic growth over social welfare.” In other words, “neoliberalism” refers to the free enterprise system. In opposing that system, stakeholder capitalism entails corporate cooperation with the state and vastly increased government intervention in the economy.
Proponents of the Great Reset hold “neoliberalism” responsible for our economic woes. But in truth, the governmental favoring of industries and players within industries—what used to be known as corporatism or economic fascism—has been the real source of what Schwab and his allies at the WEF decry.
While approved corporations are not necessarily monopolies, the tendency of the Great Reset is toward monopolization—vesting as much control over production and distribution in as few favored corporations as possible, while eliminating industries and producers deemed non-essential or inimical. To bring this reset about, Schwab writes, “[e]very country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed.”
Another way of describing the goal of the Great Reset is “capitalism with Chinese characteristics”—a two-tiered economy, with profitable monopolies and the state on top and socialism for the majority below.
Several decades ago, as China’s growing reliance on the for-profit sectors of its economy could no longer be credibly denied by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), its leadership approved the slogan “socialism with Chinese characteristics” to describe its economic system. Formulated by Deng Xiaoping, the phrase was meant to rationalize the CCP’s allowance of for-profit development under a socialist political system. The CCP considered the privatization of the Chinese economy to be a temporary phase—lasting as long as 100 years if necessary—on the way to a communist society. Party leaders maintain that this approach has been necessary in China because socialism was introduced too early there, when China was a backward agrarian country. China needed a capitalist booster shot.
Stripped of its socialist ideological pretensions, the Chinese system amounts to a socialist or communist state increasingly funded by capitalist economic development. The difference between the former Soviet Union and contemporary China is that when it became obvious that a socialist economy had failed, the former gave up its socialist economic pretenses, while the latter has not.
The Great Reset represents the development of the Chinese system in the West, but in reverse. Whereas the Chinese political class began with a socialist political system and then introduced privately held for-profit production, the West began with capitalism and is now implementing a Chinese-style political system. This Chinese-style system includes vastly increased state intervention in the economy, on the one hand, and on the other, the kind of authoritarian measures that the Chinese government uses to control its population.
Schwab and Malleret write that if “the past five centuries in Europe and America” have taught us anything, it is that “acute crises contribute to boosting the power of the state. It’s always been the case and there is no reason it should be different with the COVID-19 pandemic.”
The draconian lockdown measures employed by Western governments managed to accomplish goals of which corporate socialists in the WEF could only dream—above all, the destruction of small businesses, eliminating competitors for corporate monopolists favored by the state. In the U.S. alone, according to the Foundation for Economic Education, millions of small businesses closed their doors due to the lockdowns. Yelp data indicates that 60 percent of those closures are now permanent. Meanwhile companies like Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google enjoyed record gains.
Other developments that advance the Great Reset agenda have included unfettered immigration, travel restrictions for otherwise legal border crossing, the Federal Reserve’s unrestrained printing of money and the subsequent inflation, increased taxation, increased dependence on the state, broken supply chains, the restrictions and job losses due to vaccine mandates, and the prospect of personal carbon allowances.
Such policies reflect the “fairness” aspect of the Great Reset—fairness requires lowering the economic status of people in wealthier nations like the U.S. relative to that of people in poorer regions of the world. One of the functions of woke ideology is to make the majority in developed countries feel guilty about their wealth, which the elites aim to reset downwards—except, one notices, for the elites themselves, who need to be rich in order to fly in their private jets to Davos each year.
The Great Reset’s corporate stakeholder model overlaps with its governance and geopolitical model: states and favored corporations are combined in public-private partnerships and together have control of governance. This corporate-state hybrid is largely unaccountable to the constituents of national governments.
Governance is not only increasingly privatized, but also and more importantly, corporations are deputized as major additions to governments and intergovernmental bodies. The state is thereby extended, enhanced, and augmented by the addition of enormous corporate assets. As such, corporations become what I have called “governmentalities”—otherwise private organizations wielded as state apparatuses, with no obligation to answer to pesky voters. Since these corporations are multinational, the state essentially becomes globalist, whether or not a one-world government is ever formalized.
As if the economic and governmental resets were not dramatic enough, the technological reset reads like a dystopian science fiction novel. It is based on the Fourth Industrial Revolution—or 4-IR for short. The first, second, and third industrial revolutions were the mechanical, electrical, and digital revolutions. The 4-IR marks the convergence of existing and emerging fields, including Big Data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, quantum computing, genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics. The foreseen result will be the merging of the physical, digital, and biological worlds, which presents a challenge to the ontologies by which we understand ourselves and the world, including the definition of a human being.
There is nothing original about this. Transhumanists and Singularitarians (prophets of technological singularity) such as Ray Kurzweil forecasted these and other revolutionary developments long ago. What’s different about the globalists’ vision of 4-IR is the attempt to harness it to the ends of the Great Reset.
If already existing 4-IR developments are any indication of the future, then the claim that it will contribute to human happiness is false. These developments include Internet algorithms that feed users prescribed news and advertisements and downrank or exclude banned content; algorithms that censor social media content and consign “dangerous” individuals and organizations to digital gulags; “keyword warrants” based on search engine inputs; apps that track and trace COVID violations and report offenders to the police; robot police with scanners to identify and round up the unvaccinated and other dissidents; and smart cities where residents are digital entities to be monitored, surveilled, and recorded, and where data on their every move is collected, collated, stored, and attached to a digital identity and a social credit score.
In short, 4-IR technologies subject human beings to a kind of technological management that makes surveillance by the NSA look like child’s play. Schwab goes so far as to cheer developments that aim to connect human brains directly to the cloud for the sake of “data mining” our thoughts and memories. If successful, this would constitute a technological mastery over decision-making that would threaten human autonomy and undermine free will.
The 4-IR seeks to accelerate the merging of humans and machines, resulting in a world in which all information, including genetic information, is shared, and every action, thought, and motivation is known, predicted, and possibly precluded. Unless taken out of the hands of corporate-socialist technocrats, the 4-IR will eventually lead to a virtual and inescapable prison of body and mind.
In terms of the social order, the Great Reset promises inclusion in a shared destiny. But the subordination of so-called “netizens” implies economic and political disenfranchisement, a hyper-vigilance over self and others, and social isolation—or what Hannah Arendt called “organized loneliness”—on a global scale. This organized loneliness is already manifest in lockdowns, masking, social distancing, and the social exclusion of the unvaccinated. The title of the Ad Council’s March 2020 public service announcement—“Alone Together”—perfectly captures this sense of organized loneliness.
In my recent book, Google Archipelago, I argued that leftist authoritarianism is the political ideology and modus operandi of what I call Big Digital, which is on the leading edge of a nascent world system. Big Digital is the communications, ideological, and technological arm of an emerging corporate-socialist totalitarianism. The Great Reset is the name that has since been given to the project of establishing this world system.
Just as Schwab and the WEF predicted, the COVID crisis has accelerated the Great Reset. Monopolistic corporations have consolidated their grip on the economy from above, while socialism continues to advance for the rest of us below. In partnership with Big Digital, Big Pharma, the mainstream media, national and international health agencies, and compliant populations, hitherto democratic Western states—think especially of Australia, New Zealand, and Austria—are being transformed into totalitarian regimes modeled after China.
But let me end on a note of hope. Because the goals of the Great Reset depend on the obliteration not only of free markets, but of individual liberty and free will, it is, perhaps ironically, unsustainable. Like earlier attempts at totalitarianism, the Great Reset is doomed to ultimate failure. That doesn’t mean, however, that it won’t, again like those earlier attempts, leave a lot of destruction in its wake—which is all the more reason to oppose it now and with all our might. lopments are any indication of the future, then the claim that it will contribute to human happiness is false. These developments include Internet algorithms that feed users prescribed news and advertisements and downrank or exclude banned content; algorithms that censor social media content and consign “dangerous” individuals and organizations to digital gulags; “keyword warrants” based on search engine inputs; apps that track and trace COVID violations and report offenders to the police; robot police with scanners to identify and round up the unvaccinated and other dissidents; and smart cities where residents are digital entities to be monitored, surveilled, and recorded, and where data on their every move is collected, collated, stored, and attached to a digital identity and a social credit score.
In short, 4-IR technologies subject human beings to a kind of technological management that makes surveillance by the NSA look like child’s play. Schwab goes so far as to cheer developments that aim to connect human brains directly to the cloud for the sake of “data mining” our thoughts and memories. If successful, this would constitute a technological mastery over decision-making that would threaten human autonomy and undermine free will.
The 4-IR seeks to accelerate the merging of humans and machines, resulting in a world in which all information, including genetic information, is shared, and every action, thought, and motivation is known, predicted, and possibly precluded. Unless taken out of the hands of corporate-socialist technocrats, the 4-IR will eventually lead to a virtual and inescapable prison of body and mind.
In terms of the social order, the Great Reset promises inclusion in a shared destiny. But the subordination of so-called “netizens” implies economic and political disenfranchisement, a hyper-vigilance over self and others, and social isolation—or what Hannah Arendt called “organized loneliness”—on a global scale. This organized loneliness is already manifest in lockdowns, masking, social distancing, and the social exclusion of the unvaccinated. The title of the Ad Council’s March 2020 public service announcement—“Alone Together”—perfectly captures this sense of organized loneliness.
In my recent book, Google Archipelago, I argued that leftist authoritarianism is the political ideology and modus operandi of what I call Big Digital, which is on the leading edge of a nascent world system. Big Digital is the communications, ideological, and technological arm of an emerging corporate-socialist totalitarianism. The Great Reset is the name that has since been given to the project of establishing this world system.
Just as Schwab and the WEF predicted, the COVID crisis has accelerated the Great Reset. Monopolistic corporations have consolidated their grip on the economy from above, while socialism continues to advance for the rest of us below. In partnership with Big Digital, Big Pharma, the mainstream media, national and international health agencies, and compliant populations, hitherto democratic Western states—think especially of Australia, New Zealand, and Austria—are being transformed into totalitarian regimes modeled after China.
But let me end on a note of hope. Because the goals of the Great Reset depend on the obliteration not only of free markets, but of individual liberty and free will, it is, perhaps ironically, unsustainable. Like earlier attempts at totalitarianism, the Great Reset is doomed to ultimate failure. That doesn’t mean, however, that it won’t, again like those earlier attempts, leave a lot of destruction in its wake—which is all the more reason to oppose it now and with all our might.
A much bigger threat to freedom than Putin.
A much bigger threat to freedom than Putin.
A much bigger threat to freedom than Putin.
"Love the map". - Yes. Alaska: Even liberals have guns. )
As we watch Ukraine prepare for fighting tyranny back, house by house, as G M says: we should be preparing for same here. [And to G M, we should be working to overcome rigging and cheating and trying to win the next two elections at home, forever, and avoid the need to die while fighting tyranny at home.]
"Love the map". - Yes. Alaska: Even liberals have guns. )
As we watch Ukraine prepare for fighting tyranny back, house by house, as G M says: we should be preparing for same here. [And to G M, we should be working to overcome rigging and cheating and trying to win the next two elections at home, forever, and avoid the need to die while fighting tyranny at home.]
How do we overcome the rigging and cheating in places like NV where the rigging and cheating is institutionalized by a dem gov, legislature and AG? Maybe the FBI will investigate and the DOJ will prosecute?
quote author=G M
"How do we overcome the rigging and cheating in places like NV where the rigging and cheating is institutionalized by a dem gov, legislature and AG? Maybe the FBI will investigate and the DOJ will prosecute?"
- Ok, then win the other states and have the new FBI and DOJ clean up NV (and Mpls). Seems to me cheating is [only] hurting us in close elections. There's more attention on the cheating now than perhaps ever. We are gaining support with all demographic groups in all states and we've seen how Democrats govern. Why do elections have to be close? I'm worried about how well 'our side' governs next time they do get the chance. Bill Barr and Christopher Wray didn't get it done.
my father was born in Nazi Germany and came here in 1958 and was a "Reagan republican all his life"
but then when Trump [took over]
he was enraged.
it is the Trump side that is starting Civil War
not that the DC crowd has spent 30 yrs kicking most of the country to the curb .
and the usual doubling down on "white supremacy "
And of course the Wash comPost calls her an expert in civil war and gives her a whole column:
my father was born in Nazi Germany and came here in 1958 and was a "Reagan republican all his life"
but then when Trump [took over]
he was enraged.
it is the Trump side that is starting Civil War
not that the DC crowd has spent 30 yrs kicking most of the country to the curb .
and the usual doubling down on "white supremacy "
And of course the Wash comPost calls her an expert in civil war and gives her a whole column:
"There's this nonprofit based in Virginia called the Center for Systemic Peace. And every year it measures all sorts of things related to the quality of the governments around the world. How autocratic or how democratic a country is. And it has this scale that goes from negative 10 to positive 10. Negative 10 is the most authoritarian, so think about North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain. Positive 10 are the most democratic. This, of course, is where you want to be. This would be Denmark, Switzerland, Canada."
and i might add
we are not the ones who started this civil war
the left has been pursuing this for decades
and has taken over all levers of government in order to control
then we resist we are then labelled the instigators
and i might add
we are not the ones who started this civil war
the left has been pursuing this for decades
and has taken over all levers of government in order to control
then we resist we are then labelled the instigators
It wasn't the right burning, looting and murdering across America in 2020.
U.S. judge dismisses lead federal charge against Jan. 6 Capitol riot defendant
The decision from Judge Carl Nichols in the case of a Texas man clouds the legal path of as many as 270 cases
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9 min
By Spencer S. Hsu, Tom Jackman and Rachel Weiner
Today at 11:04 a.m. EST|Updated today at 7:58 p.m. EST
President Donald Trump at a rally in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021. (Jacquelyn Martin/AP)
A federal judge said late Monday that the Justice Department cannot charge Jan. 6 defendants with obstructing Congress’s certification of President Biden’s 2020 election victory unless the defendants tampered with official documents or records in the attack on the U.S. Capitol.
In striking down the lead felony charge brought in the government’s Jan. 6 investigation — punishable by up to 20 years in prison — U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols broke with at least seven other U.S. trial judges in Washington who have ruled that prosecutors can use the obstruction charge in Capitol riot cases.
Nichols’s ruling could complicate the felony prosecutions of many of the roughly 275 Jan. 6 defendants facing the same pending count, with defense attorneys saying it could slow down plea negotiations or even eventually cause the government to recharge or retry cases.
The judge’s decision came right before significant developments showed the reach of his ruling if it is upheld on appeal. On Tuesday authorities announced longtime Proud Boys leader Henry “Enrique” Tarrio had been indicted on charges of conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding — accused of planning the Jan. 6 attack with other leaders of the extremist group. Hours after Tarrio’s indictment was made public, a jury convicted Guy Wesley Reffitt of obstruction of an official proceeding in the first Capitol breach trial.
Lead Capitol riot charge is constitutional, judges find
Nichols’s ruling, in the case of Garret Miller, of Texas, is not binding on other judges and does not set precedent. But prosecutors could appeal it, hoping to settle the issue before hundreds of similar cases proceed. That could take months, at best, to resolve at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. Or a defendant who has lost a similar motion could appeal when their case is concluded.
But if the government doesn’t appeal, continuing to prosecute obstruction cases creates the risk that convictions secured now will be undone by a future adverse ruling, forcing retrials. One defense lawyer familiar with Jan. 6 cases said colleagues are likely counseling clients not to plead guilty to a charge that may not be a crime. In that way, Nichols’s decision has given defendants more leverage in plea talks.
Miller’s lawyer, Clinton Broden of Dallas, said he expected prosecutors to appeal.
“The government obviously believed that the ends to be accomplished somehow justified charging him with a statute that was not applicable to his alleged conduct,” Broden said. “Judge Nichols correctly decided otherwise. This could result in a significant change as to how the government prosecutes the January 6 cases going forward.”
Barbara McQuade, a University of Michigan law professor and former U.S. attorney, said in an email the decision “throws a monkey wrench into DOJ’s efforts to hold accountable the people who attacked the Capitol on Jan 6.”
She noted that Nichols’s interpretation of obstructing an official proceeding “has already been rejected by seven other judges, and I would expect the higher courts to follow suit, but in the meantime, this decision will likely delay all cases where this offense has been charged or could have been charged, including against Donald Trump.”
At issue is an obstruction charge carrying some of the heaviest penalties leveled against nearly 300 defendants, including associates of the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys and Three Percenters, far-right groups that allegedly conspired and prepared for violence. The government has also brought the charge against scores of individuals not accused of attacking police or destroying property but facing some of the most egregious allegations — such as occupying the Senate chamber, sitting in the vice president’s chair and targeting government officials.
Prosecutors have sought to differentiate such acts from protest-related civil disobedience that rarely results in prison time and more politically charged offenses such as seditious conspiracy or the use of political violence against U.S. authorities to prevent Biden’s inauguration.
Defendants in well over a dozen cases assert that the joint House and Senate session that met Jan. 6, 2021, does not qualify as an official proceeding of Congress. They also argue that the law is unconstitutionally vague because it fails to put individuals clearly on notice as to how “corruptly” obstructing or influencing Congress differs from misdemeanor trespassing, parading or disorderly conduct in the Capitol. Defendants have also said that, among what they say are defects in the law, it does not cover individuals’ alleged illegal actions.
Nichols wrote in a 29-page opinion that federal prosecutors erroneously interpreted a “catchall” provision Congress passed when it overhauled a long-standing obstruction-of-justice statute as part of the Sarbanes-Oxley corporate responsibility act in 2002. The law came in the wake of prosecutions of accountants and other officials involved in the Enron case, when a loophole was found in which those who shredded crucial documents were not committing a crime.
Lead felony charge against Jan. 6 defendants could be unconstitutionally vague, U.S. judge warns
The provision covers “whoever corruptly alters, destroys, mutilates or conceals a record, document or other object...or otherwise obstructs, influences or impedes any official proceeding.” Prosecutors have been charging defendants under the second part of that law, accusing them of obstructing the official proceeding of Congress’ attempt to count the electoral college vote on Jan. 6, 2021.
Nichols ruled that the government could not use the second part alone, and that the court “requires that the defendant have taken some action with respect to a document, record, or other object in order to corruptly obstruct, impede or influence an official proceeding.” Raiding the Capitol and forcing lawmakers to flee or wrongly trying to halt vote counting does not apply to that interpretation, the judge said.
Nichols dismissed 1 of 12 counts against Miller, who allegedly bragged about storming the Capitol and threatened lawmakers and police on social media. He is also charged with three felony counts of assaulting police and making interstate threats, accused of stating “Assassinate AOC” in response to a tweet by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) calling for President Donald Trump’s impeachment.
Nichols’s reasoning is likely to apply to the cases of at least seven other defendants who are before him on the same charge. One other, Beverly Hills spa owner Gina Bisignano, awaits sentencing after pleading guilty in a deal with prosecutors.
Of the roughly 733 defendants charged in federal court so far, 114 have pleaded guilty and been sentenced, but only 10 for felonies, according to Washington Post databases. Most convictions have been for misdemeanors related to trespassing. Only two of the 10 defendants convicted of felonies were sentenced for obstruction: “QAnon Shaman” Jacob Chansley, who is serving a 41-month prison sentence, and Paul Hodgkins, who is serving an eight-month sentence. Reffitt — who prosecutors said challenged the police at the head the mob determined to break into the Capitol — will be the third sentenced for obstruction.
Nichols was appointed to the bench in 2019 by Trump. He served in the Justice Department’s civil division under President George W. Bush and clerked for Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas. Given the novel application of the law, the conflicting rulings by the district court judges and the high stakes of the Jan. 6 probe, a government appeal would send the question to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and eventually to the U.S. Supreme Court, legal experts said.
Randall Eliason, a George Washington University law professor and former assistant U.S. attorney, said the ruling wasn’t that important but was a “small speed bump” for the Department of Justice.
“One way or another, this issue was always ultimately going to be decided by the D.C. Circuit, and even potentially by the Supreme Court,” he said. “So for now I think the government just soldiers on and continues to use the charge where it thinks it’s appropriate, given the widespread approval by other judges.”
But attorneys representing defendants in Jan. 6 cases said the ruling would likely impact their cases.
Stanley Woodward, who counts the wife of an alleged Oath Keepers leader among his clients, said the decision would “likely embolden” those who face the obstruction charge and “now see a greater possibility for a ... conviction to be overturned on appeal.”
Robert Jenkins, who represents a Proud Boy and other defendants, said he expects the ruling to “cause a pause on the trials that are currently in the works” as more attorneys appeal. “Everybody is going to now want to see what the D.C. circuit is going to say.” he said. “It really needs to be resolved before more people go to trial on that charge.”
Tarrio, the highest profile Proud Boy charged in the Capitol attack and who faces the obstruction charge, was arrested Tuesday in Miami on charges that he conspired with followers who attacked Congress last year. Tarrio has not yet entered a plea in the case but has denied that his group planned to commit violence that day.
The ruling also has broader implications. Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) has suggested Trump could be charged with obstruction of an official proceeding, as has the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 events — with the alleged obstruction in Trump’s case related to the counting of electoral college votes.
In an indictment and court filings, prosecutors assert that Miller, 35, predicted the likelihood of violence on Jan. 6, 2021. Authorities also accuse him of pushing past police to enter the Capitol, making various incriminating statements and posting on social media videos and pictures taken inside the building.
Miller has pleaded not guilty. Nichols has rejected a defense motion claiming Miller was a victim of selective government prosecution and has denied his release from jail pending trial. He has been held since his Jan. 20, 2021, arrest in Richardson, Tex.
Understanding the criminal allegations the Jan. 6 committee is constructing against Trump
A statement of facts document presented to the U.S. District Court in the case against Garret A. Miller. (Jon Elswick/AP)
Before Monday, all of at least seven judges who have ruled to date accepted Justice Department arguments that Congress intended a broad “catchall” provision for obstructive acts after the exposure of a massive corporate fraud in the early 2000s wiped out hundreds of billions of dollars of shareholder value, triggered by the collapse of Enron and the revelation that Enron’s outside auditor, the accounting giant Arthur Andersen, systematically destroyed potentially incriminating documents.
Congress’s whole point in enacting such general clauses is to cover “matters not specifically contemplated,” because lawmakers do “not know what inventive criminal minds” might come up with in the future, Assistant U.S. Attorney Jeffrey S. Nestler has said.
Second U.S. judge questions constitutionality of lead felony charge against Oath Keepers in Capitol riot
Sept 2021
Legal Issues
Second U.S. judge questions constitutionality of lead felony charge against Oath Keepers in Capitol riot
By Spencer S. Hsu
September 8, 2021 at 7:25 p.m. EDT
Members of the Oath Keepers are seen outside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.
Members of the Oath Keepers are seen outside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. (Jim Bourg/Reuters)
A second federal judge in Washington questioned whether the lead felony charge leveled by the government against Capitol riot defendants is unconstitutionally vague, as 18 Oath Keepers accused in a conspiracy case urged the court on Wednesday to toss out a count carrying one of the heaviest penalties against them.
U.S. District Judge Amit P. Mehta asked how federal prosecutors distinguish felony conduct qualifying as “obstructing an official proceeding” of Congress — punishable by up to 20 years in prison — from misdemeanor offenses the government has charged others with, such as shouting to interrupt a congressional hearing.
“Essentially, what you said is, ‘Trust us,’ ” Mehta said. “. . . And that is a real problem when it comes to criminal statutes, to suggest, ‘We know it when we see it, and we’ll pick and choose when it is an appropriate exercise of prosecutorial discretion.’ ”
Lead felony charge against Jan. 6 defendants could be unconstitutionally vague, U.S. judge warns
At issue is a statute the Justice Department has employed against at least 235 defendants accused of corruptly disrupting Congress’s certification of the 2020 electoral-college vote.
Was the attack on the U.S. Capitol an attempted coup?
Many have argued that President Donald Trump's efforts amounted to an attempted coup on Jan. 6. Was it? And why does that matter? (Monica Rodman, Sarah Hashemi/The Washington Post)
Prosecutors have brought the obstruction charge in many of the most notorious cases, including against members of the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys and Three Percenters groups who allegedly conspired and prepared in advance for violence. The government has also leveled the charge against scores of individuals not accused of attacking police or destroying property but facing some of the most egregious allegations — such as occupying the Senate chamber, sitting in the vice president’s chair and targeting government officials.
Prosecutors have sought to distinguish such acts from protest-related civil disobedience that rarely results in prison time and more politically charged offenses such as sedition.
However, defendants in at least eight cases have moved to dismiss the count. They assert that the joint House and Senate session that met Jan. 6 does not qualify as an official proceeding of Congress; that the law is unconstitutionally vague on its face or as applied; or that it does not cover individuals’ alleged illegal actions, among other things.
(Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)
The challenges rejoin a long-standing debate over what Congress meant when it overhauled an obstruction-of-justice statute in 2002, when as part of the Sarbanes-Oxley corporate responsibility act it broadly expanded a provision to cover “whoever corruptly . . . obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding.”
The Justice Department has argued that Congress intended a broad “catchall” provision for obstructive acts, passing Sarbanes-Oxley after a corporate fraud crisis wiped out hundreds of billions of dollars of shareholder value, including the early-2000s collapse of Enron Corp. and accounting giant Arthur Andersen.
Hundreds of people stormed the Capitol. Most won’t face hefty prison terms, legal experts say.
Congress’s whole point in enacting such general clauses is to cover “matters not specifically contemplated,” because lawmakers do “not know what inventive criminal minds” might come up with in the future, Assistant U.S. Attorney Jeffrey S. Nestler said in the hearing Wednesday.
But some legal scholars question whether the expansion applies only to financial fraud or to traditional obstruction-of-justice crimes such as destroying documents.
As U.S. District Judge Randolph D. Moss did last month, Mehta noted that the Supreme Court in 2015 rejected an expansive reading of a related law, tossing the conviction of a Florida fisherman who destroyed smaller-than-20-inch red grouper to impede U.S. wildlife inspectors. The court ruled that when Congress barred the destruction of any “tangible object,” it meant documentary evidence, not fish.
“It seems to me — and I say this after having thought about this a fair amount — this statute potentially suffers from the same problems,” Mehta said.
Mehta, who was appointed to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in 2014, said he could easily follow the high court’s plurality opinion and toss out the charge. Like Moss, Mehta said the government must be able to put individuals clearly on notice how “corruptly” obstructing or influencing Congress differs from ordinary trespassing, parading or disorderly conduct in the Capitol — lesser charges that are punishable by no more than six months in prison.
“The million-dollar question is: What’s the limiting principle?” Mehta said, suggesting the statute “clearly brings in innocent conduct,” encompassing anyone seeking to influence Congress.
Nestler cited two — that the statute targets only those who act “corruptly,” which he argued is an established question for juries to decide, and actions with a “nexus” or tie to a defined proceeding.
Nestler agreed that it is not a crime punishable by up to 20 years to stand and shout “Stop this proceeding!” at a congressional confirmation hearing — but argued that it is if one adds, “There’s a bomb under your chairs!”
“The objective here was not just to halt proceedings. The objective here was to scare Congress into halting proceedings,” Nestler said, likening the act to obstructing justice by raiding a courthouse or courtroom and forcing judges and jurors to flee a trial.
Still, Mehta protested, “Scaring the daylights out of everyone in the House or Senate . . . to me is very different than destroying evidence or intimidating witnesses.”
“That’s what the government intends to prove at trial,” Nestler replied, that these defendants acted corruptly “because they intended to intimidate Congress.”
Defense attorney David Fischer, arguing for Navy veteran Thomas Caldwell of Berryville, Va., objected that interrupting an electoral-vote certification was different from obstructing justice.
“It would be like someone interrupting a congressional declaration of war,” Fischer said. “That’s a very serious event, but it’s not obstruction of justice.”
Attorney Carmen D. Hernandez, defending Donovan Crowl, a member of a self-styled militia group in Ohio, argued that if the government’s “catchall” interpretation of the law were correct, “that’s the only statute you would need for obstruction.”
Moss and Mehta are the only judges who have heard arguments on the question, promising to rule quickly after receiving additional briefings over the next month. Near the end of Wednesday’s two-hour argument, Mehta concluded, “I don’t want this to sit very long.”
At the outset of Wednesday’s hearing, defense attorney Bradford Geyer of New Jersey said he had been retained by the family of one of the co-defendants, Army veteran Kenneth Harrelson of Brevard County, Fla., to replace John M. Pierce, an attorney who represents 17 riot defendants but who had not been appearing in court. His associates at one point said he had contracted the coronavirus.
Pierce reemerged an hour before the Oath Keepers hearing in another case, however, filing a notice in Harrelson’s case explaining that he had been incommunicado since Aug. 23 because he had spent 12 days in the hospital before being released Sunday. Pierce did not elaborate on why he was hospitalized and said he expects to be “fully operational next week.”
“I was not ‘missing’ or anything of the sort,” Pierce wrote.
Geyer said that he did not know and has not spoken with Pierce nor anyone he worked with and that the Harrelsons told him to go forward as best he could.
There is ZERO doubt there were FBI U/C and CIs there running the classic COINTELPRO ops.
We are agreed that the FBI has a scurrilous history of entrapment and false flags. We are agreed that is has gotten worse and that the accusations of the FBI fomenting Jan 6 are plausible.
That said, because our cause includes logic and integrity, we also need to acknowledge the validity of AMcC's criticism of Tucker's claim that unindicted co-conspirator means that they were FBI agents. It just ain't so.
Plan accordingly.
You don’t get to vote your way out of the genocide they have planned for us.
Plan accordingly.
You don’t get to vote your way out of the genocide they have planned for us.
My thought is to own the last year made before this crap went into the cars of the model you want to own and drive well into the future. I suppose you need to own some replacement parts as well, like they do for the 1950 Chevys in Cuba. I imagine future laws will make it illegal to tamper with 'their' access to your vehicle, and maybe old cars will be exempt, if still legal.
What kind of vehicle should the prepper own/drive? What I always hear is own a big truck 4x4 that can go anywhere. My thought as I watch these practice catastrophes develop is to own a super high gas mileage car. Assuming gas can be bought, when it hits $50/gal, it's the 50+ MPG car that, relatively speaking, can go anywhere. It's likely that both answers are right so you need both.
It looks to me like one manufacturer Toyota rolled out its vehicle 'safety connect' in 2010. I might be looking to buy 2009s with low miles, 2011 on some models, if the prices weren't currently so high.
5 year old article, other kinds of spying:
Of course you are tracked every second on your phone, right? A degoogled phone is a goal of mine this year.
Ex-lawmaker Pleads Guilty to Jan. 6 Capitol Breach Charges
By Naveen Athrappully March 19, 2022 Updated: March 19, 2022biggersmaller Print
An ex-lawmaker from West Virginia, who was at the Capitol building during the Jan. 6 breach, has pleaded guilty to a felony charge on March 18.
Derrick Evans, 36, from Prichard, pleaded guilty to a felony charge of civil disorder before U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth of the District of Columbia. He has been accused of trying to commit “an act to obstruct, impede, or interfere with a law enforcement officer from the United States Capitol Police, lawfully engaged in the performance of his or her official duties” during a civil disorder.
According to court documents, Evans made his way to the East Side of the Capitol on Jan. 6 where he observed the crowd build up. Around 1:45 p.m., Evans saw and captured on video rioters breaching the barriers blocking the East Plaza, overwhelming law enforcement officials.
Following the crowd, he headed toward the Capitol building. In a livestreamed video on his Facebook account that was later deleted, Evans was seen around 20 feet away from the Rotunda Doors before they were breached.
“He narrated what he saw and heard, making remarks such as ‘Here we go! Here we go! Open the doors’, and ‘The door’s cracked We’re goin’ in!’ Once he made it through the doors, Evans exclaimed, ‘We’re in! Derrick Evans is in the Capitol!’” according to a March 18 press release by the U.S. Department of Justice. Evans entered the building around 2:40 p.m. and left roughly 10 minutes later.
The ex-lawmaker was arrested two days after the incident. He is facing a potential prison term of up to five years and could be fined up to $250,000. Evans is due to be sentenced on June 22. The case is being prosecuted by the Department of Justice National Security Division’s Counterterrorism Section and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia.
Prosecutors indicated that there was a loose agreement based on which Evans would cooperate with the police. “It is accurate as part of the plea agreement that he agreed to sit down with law enforcement if requested, but there’s no formal cooperation agreement with Mr. Evans and the government,” the prosecutors said, according to WV Metro News.
Due to the guilty plea, multiple other charges against Evans will be dropped, one of them being felony obstruction to an official proceeding that could have resulted in a 20-year prison term.
Evans has previously faced four misdemeanors related to the Jan. 6 incident. At the time of the Capitol breach, Evans was a newly-elected West Virginia delegate, a post from which he subsequently resigned.
Since the Jan. 6 incident, over 775 individuals have been arrested across the United States for crimes related to breaching the Capitol building. More than 245 people have been charged with impeding or assaulting law enforcement.
OEM tracking devices can be deactivated/removed, at least at this time.
My thought is to own the last year made before this crap went into the cars of the model you want to own and drive well into the future. I suppose you need to own some replacement parts as well, like they do for the 1950 Chevys in Cuba. I imagine future laws will make it illegal to tamper with 'their' access to your vehicle, and maybe old cars will be exempt, if still legal.
What kind of vehicle should the prepper own/drive? What I always hear is own a big truck 4x4 that can go anywhere. My thought as I watch these practice catastrophes develop is to own a super high gas mileage car. Assuming gas can be bought, when it hits $50/gal, it's the 50+ MPG car that, relatively speaking, can go anywhere. It's likely that both answers are right so you need both.
It looks to me like one manufacturer Toyota rolled out its vehicle 'safety connect' in 2010. I might be looking to buy 2009s with low miles, 2011 on some models, if the prices weren't currently so high.
5 year old article, other kinds of spying:
Of course you are tracked every second on your phone, right? A degoogled phone is a goal of mine this year.
You aren't voting your way out of this.
"Don't pay attention to your country being destroyed from within!
« Reply #1448 on: Today at 12:30:42 PM »
You aren't voting your way out of this.
Brutal! :x
You aren't voting your way out of this.
You aren't voting your way out of this.
Both important to read.
I doubt there are many people out there who believe the first paragraph
or are members or followers of this
Indeed I have never heard of it
except for we keep hearing Democrats try to label all of us members, followers, believers, and constantly interchange "Trump" with "Q Anon"
after reading the wikipedia piece I still don't understand, nor know anyone who cares -
it is less of force for conservatives though it appears to provide a tool for the leftist bullshitters in the MSM to use against all conservatives:
the election was stolen- you are q anon
there is a deep state - you are q anon
CRT is being taught in schools - you are q anon
you voted for Trump - you are q anon
I doubt there are any Republican politicians who are campaigning
on a platform to appeal to Q Anon.
You are a white supremacist
you are a racist
you are homophobic islamophobic, anti women
you are Q Anon!!!
Yes. We are all Qanon, before we ever heard of it. What a crock.
Wikipedia : "They claim that a cabal of Satanic,[1][2][3] cannibalistic sexual abusers of children operating a global child sex trafficking ring conspired against former U.S. President Donald Trump during his term in office."
With Brennan, Comey, McCabe and the gang, the problem isn't child sex trafficking. The problem is their lawless actions to bring down a President and his party. Remember the country was under the cloud of having a President who is a Russian spy when Pelosi took back the House in 2018 and stopped the Trump agenda. That WAS a conspiracy, (and we aren't a cult) .
Now we have leadership that IS compromised by the Russians and the Chinese regimes.
And no one seems to care.
Yes. We are all Qanon, before we ever heard of it. What a crock.
Wikipedia : "They claim that a cabal of Satanic,[1][2][3] cannibalistic sexual abusers of children operating a global child sex trafficking ring conspired against former U.S. President Donald Trump during his term in office."
With Brennan, Comey, McCabe and the gang, the problem isn't child sex trafficking. The problem is their lawless actions to bring down a President and his party. Remember the country was under the cloud of having a President who is a Russian spy when Pelosi took back the House in 2018 and stopped the Trump agenda. That WAS a conspiracy, (and we aren't a cult) .
Now we have leadership that IS compromised by the Russians and the Chinese regimes.
And no one seems to care.
The Ginni Thomas Texts and the Jan. 6 Committee
A leak to the press aims to tarnish Justice Clarence Thomas.
By The Editorial Board
March 25, 2022 6:46 pm ET
What story do you think would deserve to push the biggest war in Europe in nearly 80 years down from the lead news of the day? If you said the private text messages of the wife of a Supreme Court Justice, you are apparently qualified to run a major American newsroom.
That’s the leak-on-a-silver-platter news the Washington Post blared at the top of its homepage on Thursday evening. Someone handed reporter Bob Woodward and protege Robert Costa the content of 29 text messages in 2020 and 2021 between Mark Meadows, then White House chief of staff, and Ginni Thomas, wife of Justice Clarence Thomas.
Mrs. Thomas sent 21 of the messages and Mr. Meadows sent eight. All but one are from November 2020, in the early days after Joe Biden was declared the winner in the presidential election. The House select committee on Jan. 6 obtained the messages from Mr. Meadows as part of its investigation.
The Post hypes the messages as showing “how Ginni Thomas used her access to Trump’s inner circle to promote and seek to guide the president’s strategy to overturn the election results.” Sounds nefarious, until you understand that the back and forth added up to nothing meaningful.
The messages certainly aren’t flattering to Mrs. Thomas, who has long been active in conservative political circles. They show that, distraught by the election result, she indulged some of the nuttier election-fraud theories when the Trump campaign was challenging the results in court.
“Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!!” she wrote on Nov. 10. “You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America’s constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History.”
Mrs. Thomas suggests that lawyer Sidney Powell be “the lead and the face” of the Trump legal team. Ms. Powell is being sued for defamation by a voting-machine company for peddling falsehoods. There is no evidence that voting machines were manipulated to change votes in 2020. Even the Trump team dumped Ms. Powell as it concluded she had no evidence.
The other Trump legal challenges to the election failed in multiple courts around the country for lack of evidence. Mrs. Thomas has admitted to attending the Jan. 6 “Stop the Steal” rally but says she left early, and there’s no evidence to date that she played a role in organizing the rally that became a riot.
All of which raises the question of why these messages have leaked. There’s no reason to make them public now, and maybe never if they are tangential to what happened on Jan. 6. As a private citizen, Mrs. Thomas can believe all the crank theories she wants, and she has the right to participate in politics even as the spouse of a Justice.
The leak may have been an act of revenge against Mrs. Thomas for signing a letter from conservative activists in December 2021 that objected to the creation of the Jan. 6 committee and called on the House GOP to expel committee members Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger from their conference.
The leak’s timing suggests another purpose is to damage Justice Thomas as the Supreme Court is preparing to hand down major decisions on gun and abortion rights. And sure enough, the served-up Woodward scoop was followed by demands that Justice Thomas resign, or at least recuse himself from cases involving the election.
He is supposedly implicated in his wife’s messages because he was the sole Justice to dissent from a Jan. 19 Supreme Court decision that President Trump couldn’t block the National Archives from giving the select committee documents from his time in the White House. But the Woodward story says the select committee received the messages from Mr. Meadows, not the National Archives.
Mrs. Thomas’s text messages are embarrassing but amount to an outsider kibitzing and commiserating with the White House chief of staff. They are no reason for Justice Thomas to recuse himself from cases involving the Trump Administration.
The Jan. 6 committee advertises itself as a fact-finding body without a partisan purpose. But then it should wait to issue its report when its facts are complete. The Ginni Thomas leaks are a political sideswipe that will make its conclusions harder to credit.
Why would they need to disclose anything about some random guy from Arizona that had no affiliation with the federal government?
There is ZERO doubt there were FBI U/C and CIs there running the classic COINTELPRO ops.
We are agreed that the FBI has a scurrilous history of entrapment and false flags. We are agreed that is has gotten worse and that the accusations of the FBI fomenting Jan 6 are plausible.
That said, because our cause includes logic and integrity, we also need to acknowledge the validity of AMcC's criticism of Tucker's claim that unindicted co-conspirator means that they were FBI agents. It just ain't so.
a militant arm of the Democrat Party:
This is America now, with electricity, running water and full bellies.
This is America now, with electricity, running water and full bellies.
I bet Deep State Andy has the sads.
according to Wikipedia :
The total number of Proud Boys members is unknown. Reports estimate membership between several hundred up to 6,000.[68][69][70] In July 2018, the Proud Boys L.A. branch had 160 members and up to 300 pending applicants, according to the unidentified Proud Boys L.A. president.[71]
of course I don't like them at all, but
they will not bring the US down.
The Democrat Party will though.
according to Wikipedia :
The total number of Proud Boys members is unknown. Reports estimate membership between several hundred up to 6,000.[68][69][70] In July 2018, the Proud Boys L.A. branch had 160 members and up to 300 pending applicants, according to the unidentified Proud Boys L.A. president.[71]
of course I don't like them at all, but
they will not bring the US down.
The Democrat Party will though.
Why don’t you like them?
".Why don’t you like them?"
only white men?
suppose we have a black woman who is a proud American
or a black man ?
they can't join.
what about Jews
perhaps I don't understand the Proud Boys
but to me I lump them in with Aryans KKK anti black anti semite etc
I am I mistaken?
I want all the blacks latinos women on our side we can get. Not alienate them.
Is it possible the MSM-DNC has been less than honest?
".Why don’t you like them?"
only white men?
suppose we have a black woman who is a proud American
or a black man ?
they can't join.
what about Jews
perhaps I don't understand the Proud Boys
but to me I lump them in with Aryans KKK anti black anti semite etc
I am I mistaken?
I want all the blacks latinos women on our side we can get. Not alienate them.
it could be left wing smear
all along
not sure..... :|
not sure why women are not allowed
if issue is political - defender of Western civilization and culture
if nothing else they need a PR agent(s)
How 'bout they change there name to proud Americans or something that is more apropo
I don't hear Republicans coming out and defending them
but surely I am not looking if they do or not.
Or, perhaps people have the right to associate or not to associate with others, as they wish.
Just like Women's Restrooms/Locker rooms should be for actual biological females. (No biology degree required to make that determination).
it could be left wing smear
all along
not sure..... :|
not sure why women are not allowed
if issue is political - defender of Western civilization and culture
if nothing else they need a PR agent(s)
How 'bout they change there name to proud Americans or something that is more apropo
I don't hear Republicans coming out and defending them
but surely I am not looking if they do or not.
well Aryans KKK etc can choose to meet
but don't expect this to be good PR
so yea
fodder for the LEFT
coming to our door soon enough
There is ZERO doubt there were FBI U/C and CIs there running the classic COINTELPRO ops.
We are agreed that the FBI has a scurrilous history of entrapment and false flags. We are agreed that is has gotten worse and that the accusations of the FBI fomenting Jan 6 are plausible.
That said, because our cause includes logic and integrity, we also need to acknowledge the validity of AMcC's criticism of Tucker's claim that unindicted co-conspirator means that they were FBI agents. It just ain't so.
District of Columbia Jury Pool ‘Saturated with Prejudice,’ Opinion Survey Finds
Attorneys in two Oath Keepers cases file motion to change venue from DC to eastern Virginia
By Joseph M. Hanneman April 16, 2022 Updated: April 16, 2022
Nearly three out of four District of Columbia residents are likely to find Jan. 6 defendants guilty in federal court, while 85 percent believe the events of Jan. 6 were criminal acts including insurrection, an attack, or a riot, a survey by two defense attorneys found.
Results of the survey by Inlux Research + Analytics were included late April 15 in a change-of-venue motion (pdf) filed by defendants in two Oath Keepers conspiracy cases. The research was commissioned on behalf of Thomas E. Caldwell of Berryville, Virginia, and Connie Meggs of Dunnellon, Florida.
The study is the third recent research project that alleges the pool of potential jurors in the District of Columbia is biased against defendants charged with crimes stemming from unrest at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
“The District of Columbia’s jury pool is saturated with prejudice,” said the motion, filed by attorneys David W. Fischer and Juli Z. Haller.
Epoch Times Photo
Thomas and Sharon Caldwell at the Peace Monument near the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. (Sharon Caldwell)
Caldwell, who is charged with seditious conspiracy, conspiracy to obstruct a government proceeding, and three other counts, filed for a change of venue on July 1, 2021. United States District Judge Amit P. Mehta denied the motion without prejudice, ruling that Caldwell “has not put forth a scrap of evidence to support his claims of jury bias.” Caldwell is among five defendants in the Oath Keepers trial set for July 11.
Meggs is charged with conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, conspiracy to prevent an officer from discharging any duties, and two other Jan. 6 counts. Her trial is scheduled for Nov. 28.
Move Trials to Virginia
The motion asks for the Oath Keepers trials to be moved to U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia in Alexandria. “By doing so, the defendants stand a significantly better chance of being tried before a truly impartial jury,” Fischer and Haller wrote.
The opinion survey found 72 percent of D.C. residents said “they are likely to find defendants guilty—even when given the choice, ‘It’s too early to decide.’” Eighty-five percent characterized events of Jan. 6 “as acts that are criminal in nature,” even when given an option to reserve judgment on the issue.
Epoch Times Photo
An opinion survey commissioned by attorneys David W. Fischer and Juli Z. Haller found more bias against Jan. 6 defendants in Washington than in three test areas. (Inlux Research via The Epoch Times)
About seven in 10 respondents said all people who entered the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 “planned in advance to do so,” even when given the option to reserve judgment on the question. More than 40 percent said they believe all of the Jan. 6 events “were racially motivated.”
Responses to the questions from D.C. residents were vastly different from residents in three test areas: the Middle District of Florida (Ocala Division), the Eastern District of North Carolina, and the Eastern District of Virginia.
For instance, only 9 percent of D.C. residents said they had not made a prejudicial pre-judgment against Jan. 6 defendants, compared with 51 percent in Florida, 39 percent in North Carolina, and 37 percent in Virginia, the study said.
Slightly more than 28 percent of District of Columbia residents said they have not decided they are more likely to find the defendants guilty, compared with 63 percent in Florida, and 52 percent in North Carolina and Virginia.
About 56 percent of D.C. residents said they do not identify with a group or class of people they believe was targeted by the events of Jan. 6. The figure was 94 percent in Florida, 83 percent in North Carolina, and 82 percent in Virginia, the study said.
Nearly 85 percent of D.C. respondents characterize Jan. 6 as involving insurrection, an attack, or a riot. That compares with 40 percent in Florida, 52 percent in North Carolina, and 57 percent in Virginia.
“The notion that more than 4 out of 10 jurors would assume that J6 was ‘racially motivated’ is disturbing and incorrect,” the motion said. “The defendants should not have to prove that they are not racists.”
‘Domestic Terrorists’
The motion cited constant negative news coverage coming from the House of Representatives select committee investigating Jan. 6 as a contributor to the bias. Stories include regular use of the terms “insurrectionists,” “white supremacists,” and “domestic terrorists.”
“Respectfully, the defendants do not agree that J6 was an ‘act of domestic terror,’ a ‘white supremacist attack,’ or an ‘insurrection,’” the document said. “In fact, unlike D.C. residents, most Americans—as the three attached surveys show—believe that J6 was a very large protest that got out of hand and turned into a riot.”
“The non-stop negative publicity requires the court to either grant a lengthy continuance or transfer venue to a federal district that is not as impacted by the Select Committee’s work,” the motion said.
Another contributing factor is incendiary comments made by Attorney General Merrick Garland comparing Jan. 6 to the 1995 terrorist bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, the court filing said.
“The majority of potential jurors in the District of Columbia were personally impacted in some way by the events on Capitol Hill on J6,” the motion said. “This factor weighs heavily in favor of transferring the instant cases to the Eastern District of Virginia. D.C. is a city that, as a whole, feels that it has been the victim of a crime.”
Results of the new survey are similar to those found in studies by John Zogby Strategies for a Jan. 6 defendant, and Select Litigation LLC for the Federal Public Defender’s Office in Alexandria, Virginia, Fischer and Haller wrote.
In the Zogby survey, nearly 75 percent of respondents “believed that anyone who merely entered the Capitol building on J6 is guilty of insurrection.” Seven in 10 respondents “believe that anyone who went inside the Capitol building on January 6 was trying to stop the certification of the electoral vote for president,” the survey found.
A Virginia trial location would not be a major inconvenience for the court and it would reduce the risk of having to try the cases twice, the attorneys wrote.
“Multiple surveys provide documented proof that substantial prejudice exists in D.C.’s jury pool, and case law suggests that a highly publicized congressional inquiry generating negative headlines against the J6 participants during their trial could be grounds for a mistrial or a new trial on appeal.”
Joseph M. Hanneman is a reporter for The Epoch Times with a focus on the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol incursion and its aftermath; and general news in the State of Wisconsin. His work over a nearly 40-year career has appeared in Catholic World Report, the Racine Journal Times, the Wisconsin State Journal and the Chicago Tribune. Reach him at:
Ohio man found guilty for role in Jan. 6 riot
Claimed he was following ‘orders’
An Ohio man who claimed he was only “following presidential orders” from then-President Trump when he stormed the U.S. Capitol was convicted by a jury that took less than 3 hours to reject his novel defense for obstructing Congress from certifying President Biden’s election victory.
The federal jury on Thursday also found Dustin Byron Thompson, 38, guilty of all five of the other charges in his indictment, including stealing a coat rack from an office inside the Capitol during the riot on Jan. 6, 2021.
The maximum sentence for the obstruction count, the lone felony, would be 20 years imprisonment.
Jurors didn’t buy Thompson’s defense, in which he blamed Mr. Trump and members of the president’s inner circle for the insurrection and for his own actions.
One juror who spoke to reporters only on condition of anonymity said, “Donald Trump wasn’t on trial in this case.”
The juror, a 40-year-old man, said as he left the courthouse, “Everyone agrees that Donald Trump is culpable as an overall narrative. Lots of people were there and then went home. Dustin Thompson did not.”
Thompson himself, testifying a day earlier, admitted he joined the mob’s attack and stole the coat rack and a bottle of bourbon. He said he regretted his disgraceful behavior.
“I can’t believe the things that I did,” he said. “Mob mentality and group think is very real and very dangerous.”
Still, he said he believed Mr. Trump’s claim that the election was stolen and was trying to stand up for him.
“If the president is giving you almost an order to do something, I felt obligated to do that,” he said.
U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton, who is scheduled to sentence Thompson on July 20, described the defendant’s testimony as “totally disingenuous” and his conduct on Jan. 6 as “reprehensible.” The judge also cast blame in Mr. Trump’s direction after the verdict was announced.
“I think our democracy is in trouble,” Judge Walton said, adding that “charlatans” like Mr. Trump don’t care about democracy, only about power.
“And as a result of that, it’s tearing our country apart,” the judge said.
Prosecutors did not ask for Thompson to be detained immediately, but Judge Walton ordered him held and he was led away handcuffed. The judge said he believed Thompson was a flight risk and posed a danger to the public.
Thompson’s trial was the third to go before a jury among hundreds of Capitol riot cases prosecuted by the Justice Department. In the first two cases, jurors also convicted the defendants of all charges.
Assistant U.S. Attorney William Dreher said that Thompson, a college-educated exterminator who lost his job during the COVID-19 pandemic, knew he was breaking the law when he joined the mob that attacked the Capitol and, in his case, looted the Senate parliamentarian’s office.
The prosecutor told jurors that Thompson’s lawyer “wants you to think you have to choose between President Trump and his client.”
“You don’t have to choose because this is not President Trump’s trial. This is the trial for Dustin Thompson because of what he did at the Capitol on the afternoon on Jan. 6,” Mr. Dreher told jurors during his closing arguments.
Highly speculative, but given his track record, BOLO:
Highly speculative, but given his track record, BOLO:
And yes, it is illegal
18 USC 1507: Picketing or parading (
Only when the right does it.
And yes, it is illegal
18 USC 1507: Picketing or parading (
Video of Oath Keepers Rescuing 16 Police Officers Deflates Jan. 6 Sedition Narrative, Attorneys Say
By Joseph M. Hanneman May 10, 2022 Updated: May 11, 2022biggersmaller Print
Video of Oath Keepers Rescuing 16 Police Officers Deflates Jan. 6 Sedition Narrative, Attorneys Say (
A video widely circulated in 2021 that showed a Capitol Police lieutenant asking members of the Oath Keepers for rescue help at the U.S. Capitol blows a hole in the seditious conspiracy charges brought against the group by federal prosecutors, two defense attorneys say.
In the video, Lt. Tarik Khalid Johnson asks a group of men to help him get more than a dozen trapped Capitol Police officers out of the Capitol and through a tightly packed crowd of protesters on the building’s east steps.
It was widely reported in January 2021 that Johnson wore a red Make America Great Again cap on Jan. 6 as a ruse to “trick” supporters of President Donald J. Trump into helping him rescue fellow officers from the Capitol. He was later suspended for wearing the MAGA cap. Johnson is a registered Democrat, according to online records.
The men who answered the call to help were members of the Oath Keepers, a nationwide group of current and former military, law enforcement, and first responders who have been targeted by federal prosecutors for allegedly conspiring to attack the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
Epoch Times Photo
Lt. Tarik Johnson talks to a group of Oath Keepers about police officers trapped in the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. (Rico La Starza, via The Epoch Times)
The video is at least the second example showing the Oath Keepers coming to the aid of Capitol Police inside the building on that day.
Would a group of men seditiously plotting an attack on the Capitol, allegedly to prevent certification of Electoral College votes, rush into the building to extract police trapped inside—all while being followed by a filmmaker?
‘More Holes Than Swiss Cheese’
“The prosecutors’ narrative has more holes than Swiss cheese, but it [the video] does directly refute their claim,” said Jonathon Moseley, who previously represented Florida Oath Keepers leader Kelly Meggs.
Prosecutors “just keep ignoring the self-contradictions in their stories,” Moseley said.
The video was shot by part-time filmmaker Rico La Starza. One of several versions of the video posted online includes an introduction by La Starza. He said the video shows “me helping a group of Oath Keepers help Capitol Police get out. They looked scared and tired.”
Attorney Brad Geyer said the video should open a lot of eyes about the Oath Keepers.
“America would probably find it surprising, based on how the Oath Keepers had been framed in these now seven superseding indictments,” said Geyer, who represents Oath Keepers member Kenneth Harrelson. “But as far as reality is concerned, this is just another day at doing security details.”
In the middle of the afternoon on Jan. 6, Lt. Johnson appeared on a terrace area near the bottom of the east stairs at the U.S. Capitol. He approached a group of Oath Keepers for help.
Epoch Times Photo
Two Oath Keepers and Capitol Police Lt. Tarik Johnson used a “stack formation” to ascend the crowded east steps of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. (Rico La Starza, via The Epoch Times)
“If you guys can help me save some of the guys,” Johnson said to two Oath Keepers. “If you can help me get aside these people, I’d appreciate it. I just need to get these other officers out. They’re scared.
“We’re getting beat up, but the people who didn’t go for help are laughing at us,” Johnson said.
“I can do that. I can help,” said one Oath Keepers member named Michael. Turning around to face Johnson, Michael appeared to flash a badge and again said, “I can help.” Johnson handed Michael a megaphone and they went to the east stairs leading up to the Columbus Doors.
‘We’re Here. We’ve Got You’
“Just let me hold onto you,” Johnson said as they started ascending the steps.
“We’re here. We’ve got you,” Michael said.
The two Oath Keepers shielded Lt. Johnson and walked in a “stack formation” up the steps on the east side of the Capitol. Johnson radioed ahead to say some of the demonstrators were walking him through the crowd toward the entrance.
Some people in the crowd expressed support for the trio. “I’m with you brother,” one said. “Thank you, sir!” replied another.
“We’re Oath Keepers,” the second Oath Keepers member said. He has not been identified.
“Stand aside, make a hole. We’re Oath Keepers, stand aside!” he said as the group reached the historic Columbus Doors.
Two other groups of Oath Keepers that used the same stack formation to navigate the dense crowds and enter the Capitol were accused by prosecutors of using this military tactic as part of their alleged plan to attack the building and stop the certification of Electoral College votes.
Epoch Times Photo
Capitol Police Lt. Tarik Johnson and two members of the Oath Keepers enter the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 to rescue 17 trapped police officers. (Rico La Starza, via The Epoch Times)
“Watch out, man. They’re trying to get the cops out,” a nearby protester said.
They worked their way through a tightly packed crowd of protesters inside the Columbus Doors and through the interior double doors.
A short time later, Michael appeared at the doors with a megaphone. He advised the crowd—along with some angry agitators near the doors— to back up and let them through.
“We don’t do this (expletive). We don’t do this (expletive)! he said over the megaphone. “Back up and make a hole!”
“(Expletive) you!” one agitator shouted.
“Back up and make a (expletive) hole!” the Oath Keeper retorted.
Michael stretched his arms out and blocked the crowd, pushing backward.
As Capitol Police started to exit the Columbus Doors, they received pats on the back, hugs, and comments such as, “Thank you, sir!” and “Good job!”
‘Anti-Government Militia Group?’
In all, 16 Capitol Police officers were brought out of the Capitol by the Oath Keepers. All but one of the officers were wearing heavy riot gear.
The Wall Street Journal posted the rescue video with a story about Johnson on Jan. 15, 2021. The Journal referred to the Oath Keepers as an “anti-government militia group,” a term the group flatly rejects.
“We were there as a force of good,” Oath Keepers member Roberto Minuta, who was also part of the rescue operation, told The Epoch Times. “I was with the Oath Keepers, and we’ve always done positive work, disaster relief, protecting businesses, aiding people that need help.
“We have no history of violence and no intention of violence,” said Minuta, one of nine Oath Keepers charged with seditious conspiracy on January 6. “We are strictly there to protect the First Amendment because we can’t have one side that’s permitted to have free speech and the other that’s not. That’s not America. That’s not what this country was founded on and when that’s gone, my children’s future looks grim.”
Oath Keepers founder Elmer Stewart Rhodes III told The Epoch Times his group is hated because it reminds those who took an oath of their duty to disobey unlawful orders.
“And so, out of the gate, the left just hated us because of that,” Rhodes said. “Of course, the big smear is that we’re somehow anti-government, even though we’re defending the Constitution. We’re all about defending the Constitution, which established the federal government.”
Geyer said the rescue of the Capitol Police officers was no surprise to him.
Epoch Times Photo
A woman hugs each of the 17 U.S. Capitol police officers rescued from the Capitol by the Oath Keepers on Jan. 6, 2021. (Rico La Starza, via The Epoch Times)
“The Oath Keepers have been working as a volunteer auxiliary police force around the country now for well over a decade,” Geyer said. “It’s what one might expect that the police would seek Oath Keepers assistance if there’s a crowd-control issue or an issue related to police movements, or if the police needed assistance for whatever reason.
“They were there to support law enforcement,” Geyer said. “And so when their assistance is requested by law enforcement, just like every other time, they’re happy to respond. It’s what they view their role to be.”
In another Jan. 6 incident, a group of Oath Keepers reported that they intervened in a potential conflict between an angry crowd of protesters and Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn.
Dunn “was armed with an M4/AR-15 and was very agitated, scared-looking and was surrounded by a bunch of yelling Trump supporters,” Rhodes said. “The Oath Keepers jumped in between and dialed it all back, calmed him down, calmed the Trump supporters down, and escorted that black police officer to other Capitol police officers and hooked him up with his buddies. So that he wasn’t by himself.”
Rhodes said he mentioned the race of the officer because his group is often falsely maligned as racist and composed of white supremacists.
Joseph M. Hanneman
Joseph M. Hanneman
Joseph M. Hanneman is a reporter for The Epoch Times with a focus on the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol incursion and its aftermath; and general news in the State of Wisconsin. His work over a nearly 40-year career has appeared in Catholic World Report, the Racine Journal Times, the Wisconsin State Journal and the Chicago Tribune. Reach him at:
Plan accordingly.
" Polls have been showing that minorities, who are usually reliable Democrat voters, have been souring on the party, so there’s always a chance we’ll pivot to race riots. But then again, anti-SCOTUS march organizers have been performing logic corkscrews in an attempt to loop in the LGBTQ brigade, so maybe that cause will hold sway after all. But one thing’s certain: we’re going to see another summer of riots."
students can tell each other and their professors when they get back to school
that during the summer they
and the response will be "that is cool" 8-)
and they will get an A in their LBGTQFU class
[- I remember when I could boast about camp (when young) work when older and for one yr $550 for 5 - 6 week cross country trip]
we will also get floods of
and tiktot diaries
An "influencer's summer as a revolutionary'
with a million "followers"
probably mostly "bots"
me - I wonder if it works
I recall one of my last days in college
I sat with 2 girls in the college canteen
one who I had a crush on
and told them I was going cross country with a high school friend
the one I had a crush on was NOT impressed
perhaps if I told her I was going to burn down pro life headquarters
and get in the faces of Supreme Court justices she would have been more interested (she later became a lawyer)
one will never know
OTOH she probably just didn't like me :oops:
They can just VOAT HARDER!
Matt Bracken
How America has changed. When I was a kid in the 60s, a post-WW2 family could live a solid middle class life in a 1,000 sq ft home, 2 BR one bath, as many kids as you wanted, on one income, with one car. Dad worked, mom raised the kids.
Then it was Mad Ave messaging "keep up with the Jones" on the boob tube until mom also "needed" to go to work to help pay for that 2-3,000 sq ft home, the second car, restaurant dining, etc. So, since mom "needed" to work, the gubbmint took over raising our kids. And did they ever!
Now the kids hate us, and they are being set up to live as "pod people" in 100 sq foot slave boxes. Eat bugs, own nothing, be happy. No room for a family in those pods, and what is a wife anyway, you sexist bigot dinosaur? Destroy the family, and you destroy everything about our culture and heritage.
Until some new Mao/Pol Pot comes along to preach, "Those old white cisgender Boomers and Gen Xers are living in their ill-gotten McMansions while you live in slave pods! Why, 5 or 6 of you (childless, unmarried) pod people could live in one of those lavish 2,000 sq ft Boomer McMansions! So, let's get rid of the Boomers, and take their stolen mansions!
That will be a winning message. And then it will be Year Zero, and geronticide. A couple generations who think it's nothing to "abort" full term human babies will find it a LOT easier to take old white racist Boomers out to a "resource reallocation center."
How can I write a novel about that? It's just too depressing.
Best advice? Move far away from cities. Move close to where food grows on a non-industrial scale, where there is lots of easily accessible water....
And keep your best rifle zeroed with your best box of ammunition.
And no matter what: don't get onto the bus, truck or train to the "old folks resource reallocation center."
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
A totalitarian onslaught against freedom on a worldwide scale
Novelist Ian Fleming had his James Bond character opine, "Once is happenstance; twice is coincidence; three times is enemy action". That's a yardstick that's been used by many organizations to assess what's going on in the world, whether at war (as Fleming did when he worked for a British military intelligence organization during World War II) or at peace.
There are so many signs of organization behind the current chaos and disorder in the world that I'm forced to the conclusion it's not actually chaos and disorder at all. It's enemy action: organized, planned, and being carried out on a scale so vast it's almost unthinkable. Yet, when one examines the evidence, it's extremely difficult to come to any other conclusion. Let me lay it out, and see what you think.
I'm going to take several seemingly unrelated issues, examine each of them, then see whether they make more sense in isolation, or as part of an interwoven whole. Let's start on a smaller scale, with mass shootings in the USA - particularly the Buffalo shooting last weekend. The shooter's alleged manifesto or proclamation was initially scrubbed from the Internet whenever and wherever it appeared. However, enough copies were cached that eventually whoever was behind that gave up the attempt, and it's now available from multiple sources. (See, for example, here, if you're interested.)
The manifesto reads like a wish list from the ATF and other anti-gun campaigners. Everything they're trying to ban or limit or restrict is listed in laborious, exhaustive detail - far more so than in other shooter manifestos I've read. It's as if someone carefully prepared this manifesto as the foundation for legislative or regulatory action against those things, as soon as possible after it was made public. The document also contains large sections of text basically lifted word-for-word from the manifesto of a mass shooting in New Zealand, as if the author couldn't be bothered to come up with his own justification in his own words and did it the lazy way. Finally, the tone and language and grammar of the document changes multiple times, as though it had been written by multiple persons. Anyone with linguistic education will pick up on that right away.
There are many more problems with the manifesto that others have uncovered: see, for example, The Intrepid Reporter's (rather profane) analysis here, or a much shorter comment here. Suffice it to say that I'm far from convinced that the manifesto is the work of the alleged shooter. Rather, it looks to have been tailor-made as a springboard for anti-gun, anti-Second-Amendment proceedings. It's tailored to the needs of its proposed audience, those who support the Biden administration and liberal anti-gun sentiments. Go read it for yourself, look into the factors I've mentioned, and tell me I'm wrong. (While you're doing that, consider the FBI's involvement in so many recent "extremist" cases such as the alleged plot to kidnap the governor of Michigan. I'm hard pressed to think of any such case where the FBI wasn't involved in organizing, aiding or abetting it before it went down. The Buffalo shooting appears to display similar fingerprints.)
Also, while you're at it, tell me why so many other recent mass shootings perpetrated by non-white criminals have simply dropped out of sight in the mainstream media. It's as if they aren't newsworthy because their perpetrators aren't of a politically incorrect race. However, the Buffalo shooting, where a white shooter targeted black victims, is suddenly everywhere in the news. Yes, I find that suspicious. It's almost as if it were deliberately being used as a casus belli to whip up minority outrage against other races. What if there are a couple more such shootings? Will we see BLM and Antifa lead mobs of rioters and looters on our streets again? I won't be surprised if we do.
Putting all those factors together, I believe that the powers that be are deliberately cherry-picking incidents and orchestrating the response to them, both in the mainstream media and among minority groups. They want to use them to foment unrest and violence.
Next, let's look at the impending famine worldwide. I've written about it often enough in recent weeks (most recently here) that I'm sure you don't need me to recap all the details. Michael Yon, who's as bearish on the subject as I am (if not more so) - after all, he and I have both seen famine at work at first hand in the Third World, and we know what we're talking about - said last week:
Famine creates famine, as war creates more war, fire creates fire. Famine collapses economies and destroys — physically destroys — critical infrastructure and social order required to produce food. Starvation feedback loop.
For the first time in generations, USA, Japan, and Europe will be unable to help without neglecting their own people. OGUS already is leaving American babies crying in hunger while feeding US-Russia war.
Global genocide is unfolding. Among the educated, only the blind and true conspiracy theorists will miss it. Until it eats them.
There's more at the link. This morning, he added:
If you study famine now — and there is no time to waste, cancel vacation — you will have a vital roadmap to getting through this. Most famines are amazingly survivable for those who saw it coming and ducked.
There is great value in finding experienced preppers and listening closely. There is also a great value that few talk about — just study history for the patterns.
Be not Afraid — those who study and prepare will talk about this for the rest of their lives.
Again, more at the link.
Mr. Yon speaks of the famine as genocide: "the deliberate murder of a whole community or race". Is he wrong? I'm not so sure he is. After all, when one looks at the growing worldwide famine, one of the things one can't help but notice is the coordination behind official responses to it.
For example, Kit Knightly sees that coordination in the sudden boosting of genetically modified foods by all and sundry.
The proposed [Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill] ... follows on from DEFRA’s announced “loosened regulation” of genetic research back in January.
To quote the National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB), the legislation would “take certain precision breeding techniques out of the scope of restrictive GMO rules”.
Essentially, this would see new “gene-edited” foods as distinct from old-fashioned “genetically modified” foods, and therefore not subject to the same rules and oversight.
. . .
What’s noteworthy is – by pure happenstance, I’m sure – it appears to coincide with a renewed push on the GM food front in other countries all over the world.
In December 2021, Switzerland added an amendment to its moratorium on GMO crops, permitting the use of certain “gene editing” techniques.
Last month, Egypt announced their new strain of GM wheat. Just two days ago, Ethiopia’s National Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center announced they had researched, and the country will now be growing, genetically modified cotton and maize.
Despite Russia’s sweeping ban on the cultivation and/or importing of genetically modified crops, they have nonetheless created a 111 billion Ruble project to create up to 30 varieties of genetically edited plants and farm animals.
Britain’s deregulation of GM food is always described as a “post-Brexit” move – with the EU chided around the world for its “precautionary principle” on GM crops – and yet as long ago as last April, the EU was calling for a “rethink” on GM crops.
In fact, just today, European Biotechnology Magazine reports:
The EU Commission has launched its final consultation on the deregulation of new breeding techniques in agriculture
So, we’re seeing a sudden increase in the variety of GM crops available and a simultaneous push for deregulation of the industry in Western nations.
Why would they be doing this now?
Well, there is a food crisis.
Or, more accurately, they have just created a food crisis. And as the cliched Hegelian dialectic inevitably goes, their manufactured “problem” is now in need of their contrived “solution”.
We should expect to see genetic engineering pitched as a solution to our food crisis in the very near future…like yesterday. Or indeed, two months ago.
That’s how fast they work now, with barely a pretence at concealing the plan. Spitting out the answer so fast they make it obvious they knew the question beforehand.
More at the link. Do, please, follow the link at "just created a food crisis" and read that article carefully. The author makes a strong case that what we're seeing today is not accidental, but planned. If you read further in the article above, you'll find that a coordinated campaign appears to be ongoing in international mainstream media to promote the use of GM seeds and foods, as if to support the new laws and regulations and new strains of seed that are "suddenly" being announced. Left unspoken is that those who hold the patents on the new GM foods (and who own the farms that grow them) will make yet another fortune, while those who don't use them will be marginalized - perhaps left without food altogether. It's more than enough to make you think very hard. The author goes so far as to call it "the next stage of the Great Reset?"
In the second article, Knightly sums up:
In summary…
1. A war which did not need to happen is driving up food and oil prices.
2. Sanctions which did not need to be put in place are also driving up food and oil prices.
3. Western allies are intentionally raising their oil prices.
4. Despite warning of a food crisis, US and UK are paying farmers not to farm.
5. A “bird flu epidemic” very much like the fake Covid “pandemic” is driving up the price of poultry and eggs.
6. Western companies are actively making the fertiliser shortages worse.
7. Bizarre fires are crippling large sections of the US food industry.
Taken individually maybe these points could all be seen as mistakes or coincidences, but when you put them all together it’s not hard to spot the pattern. The press may claim we are “sleepwalking” into a food crisis, but it looks more like they’re running head-first into it.
After years of saying there’s a food shortage on the way, it looks like they might be about to finally actually create one.
More at the link.
I'm looking at the same evidence from the other side of the Atlantic, and I can't dispute Mr. Knightly's analysis at all. Mr. Yon's allegation that what we're seeing is preparation for genocide looks more and more convincing when you put the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle together.
Let's look at the COVID-19 pandemic as another example of an internationally planned conspiracy. From its obscure origins (which are still being deliberately obfuscated by China and the World Health Organization), to vaccines that have proven anything but effective (but have made billions for those creating and selling them) and have had side-effects that may kill or cripple millions of people, to attempts to cover up the whole mess . . . we all know what's been going on. Yet, despite their failures, official bodies like the CDC are still trying to reimpose mask mandates that have been proven not to work. The complete disappearance of influenza cases from world health statistics during 2021-2022 is yet more evidence that an ordinary illness was misdiagnosed as a pandemic - yet few people ever talk about it. There's so much evidence of conspiracy behind COVID-19 that it's overwhelming, yet the mainstream media resolutely refuse to discuss it.
COVID-19 provided a live experiment in real time of how a manufactured health crisis could be used to control people, to force them to conform to official dictates. That's why the WHO and numerous governments are currently trying to impose new health care mandates that will override national laws and constitutions, as we discussed a couple of days ago. Pandemics offer a way to bypass all restrictions on control, destroy individual and national rights and freedoms, and impose a dictatorship of science and health (although in reality they'll just be fronts for the oligarchs and others who are pulling their strings). We've talked about this before, so I won't bother to go into details again.
(Oh - an interesting twist, in the light of the discussion above on genetically edited, or engineered, or modified foods. Remember that scientists are trying to add COVID-19 and other vaccines to edible plants. As you eat your salad, you'll be vaccinated whether you like it or not. Interesting combination of interests, isn't it? Scary, too, given the disastrous side-effects of some COVID-19 vaccines . . .)
Let's turn to the policies of the Biden administration - or, at least, what we call the Biden administration. In reality, of course, it's not his administration at all. He's senile. He's not capable of thinking of anything much, let alone policies and governing the country. He's being manipulated as a "front man" by much more sinister forces behind him. Elon Musk was absolutely correct when, a couple of days ago, he said that “The real president is whoever controls the teleprompter ... The path to power is the path to the teleprompter.” Biden's no more than a figurehead.
The policies of the administration are clearly designed to disrupt, if not destroy, the US economy as it's presently structured. Just look at fuel. Its price has more than doubled since the administration took office; vital pipelines have not been approved; vital drilling permits have not been issued and some existing permits have been canceled. If they wanted to make fuel more expensive and harder to get, they couldn't possibly have done a better job.
Look at employment. Unemployment benefits are still so high that it's more cost-effective for blue-collar workers to be unemployed than to find work - but businesses are desperate for workers, and are scrambling to fill vacancies at great cost to themselves. I'm seeing this at first hand as I struggle to complete renovations and upgrades to our home. Contractor after contractor has had to postpone coming out here because their staff is so overworked, they have to give priority to bigger and more important customers. Some have actually turned down my request for a quotation, saying they can't take on any new business because they don't have the staff to do so. Yet, the administration continues policies that make it more difficult for businesses to employ the people they need.
Look at inflation. It's not just the current administration that's laid the foundation for what we're currently experiencing: it's been going on under both Democratic and Republican administrations for years. However, the past year and a half has seen enormous additional expenditures and outlays that have made the situation much, much worse. The current administration is responsible for that, and its fiscal recklessness has doubled down on inflation to the point that it's become stagflation. The economy and the fiscus are being totally, and in my opinion deliberately, mismanaged. We're all feeling the pain - and it's going to get worse.
I could go on and on about the fecklessness and misguided policies of the administration, except that I no longer believe they're either feckless or misguided. They're deliberate, IMHO, and what we're seeing in our economy is nothing less than a deliberate attempt to collapse it. The powers that be appear to believe that they can impose their brutal agenda on this country if they smash it first - and, at least in the "blue" parts of the country, they appear to be succeeding.
Look, too, at the invasion of our country by illegal aliens, aided and abetted by the administration. Literally millions have swarmed into the USA since the administration took office, and millions more will be coming. We spoke about the worldwide refugee crisis earlier this week. It's getting worse by the day, and will continue to do so. Michael Yon, yesterday:
My estimate: Panama migration corridor will explode in December/January far beyond any historical volumes.
1) Darien area dry season normally begins late December. Migration volume increases annually at this time.
2) Global famines/collapses creating massive HOP — Human Osmotic Pressure.
3) USG is facilitating smooth flows through Darien up to Costa Rica.
Literally millions could come through Panama 2023, and even more in 2024. Especially by bypassing Darien by using boats from Colombia. This thought already is being floated here.
More at the link.
Mr. Yon has already pointed out how the US government and left-wing aid agencies (take a bow, George Soros!) are actively aiding and abetting the flow of illegal aliens through the Darien Gap and Panama to our border with Mexico. IMHO, it's little less than treason.
A few days ago, Mr. Yon proceeded to link famine to the Darien Gap situation. Some people (perhaps many) will find his conclusions far-fetched. I've had all too much experience in the Third World, including real famine. I don't.
OGUS [Occupying Government of the USA] is setting stage for e-rationing.
Attacking babies with a contrived shortage [of baby formula] evokes emotional anchor to force people into emotional corner.
. . .
Can’t make an omelet without cracking some babies.
Psaki blames ‘hoarders’ for lack of baby formula as she pushes the narrative to send 40 billion more dollars in American labors into the US-Russia war in Ukraine. Accelerating the global famine. A famine on schedule to begin this year and devastate much of the world in 2023-24 and beyond. After that 40 billion, they will demand another harvest of American wealth and blood to defend Ukraine, the country that paid off crack-addict Biden and “The Big Guy.”
Note: All governments always blame hoarders for the food shortages during famine. All. Always. They cause the events. Then blame the victims. They institute price controls, rationing systems, and start raiding homes and others for ‘hoarding.’ Expect raids in the future. Remember they did same with PPE (Personal Protective Equipment like masks and gloves) at outset of pandemic. AFTER the government had depleted strategic inventories Before the pandemic).
This is an attack. We are under attack.
Meanwhile, here in Panama, the Darien Gap is being prepared for a fantastic surge in ‘migration’ later this year. Dry season begins December/January and will coincide with serious onset of famine in areas around the world. Famine will create increased HOP — Human Osmotic Pressure — that will pump massive invasion into United States as our coffers are bled dry, American babies have no formula, and our own food supply thins by the hour.
Predictably, there already are proposals to send American food inventories abroad to assuage famine. This is a fool’s game. At best. At worst this is another form of direct attack. After all, we simply do not have enough food. Period. They will still starve to death a little later, or be energized to move somewhere else such as to America to help Americans starve to death.
The United States is creating condition for actual famine in United States. Famine as in not just food shortages but people eating people and people being eaten by birds.
More at the link.
I could go on, and on, and on, picking on events and trends and incidents and using them to support my case: but what's the point? If I haven't given enough evidence already to convince you, you won't change your mind if I provide more. To my mind, the accumulation of evidence in all these separate areas is utterly convincing when you put them all together. We are not facing a series of accidents, or coincidences, or unrelated trends. We're seeing multiple facets of the same threat to our independence, our constitution, our human rights. We're seeing a totalitarian onslaught against freedom on a worldwide scale.
The USA has always been a beacon of freedom. Unless we wake up, and do something about this, that will end Real. Soon. Now.
In the light of everything I've discussed, I challenge anyone to tell me I'm wrong, and make a convincing case. I'm listening.
Deep State Andy assures us this could never happen!
I admit I am not optimistic
about being able to beat back the globalist communist tide
but it is not fait accompli
so yes, I will vote as much as I can
(GM, thank you for repeatedly reminding me! :-D)
we are winning hearts and minds in at least some areas
now the youngins can live the failures of socialistic policies
they (and we ) will have to suffer more before they learn they are wrong
the elites of course do not give a hoot
until they have their homes and businesses looted
and maybe they get strung up on lamp posts
as George Soros once told an Russian Oligarch*
stringing elites up by lamp posts.....
ironically the threat to the elites comes from the LEFT not RIGHT
and they seem to know this by bribing voters
politicians. media etc
we may or may not be able to vote our way out of this
and elites better hope we do
or all their buying power will not save them from the LEFT
he is refusing to enforce immigration law on the books
violates Constitution
cut and dry
he is refusing to enforce immigration law on the books
violates Constitution
cut and dry
If course, the RINOs won’t dare.
Assuming the Dems don’t end up holding congress through mail in voting.
Of course.
Quasi-official armed militia operatives of the deep state will be protected and rewarded for their services.
media doing their part in the propaganda
with large headlines : "BOMBSHELL"
me: triple yawn
EXCLUSIVE: Activists Plan to Block Entrances and ‘Shut Down’ Supreme Court to Prevent Expected Roe v. Wade Ruling
'We may talk about some action ideas that stretch the bounds of constitutionally protected speech'
By Jackson Elliott June 6, 2022 Updated: June 7, 2022biggersmaller Print
Protest organizing group Shut Down D.C. plans to block access to the Supreme Court in Washington on June 13.
In online meeting footage obtained by The Epoch Times, the group announced that it planned to seal off all three vehicle entrances to the court so justices wouldn’t be able to get in and announce a decision that might overturn Roe v. Wade.
“Goal is to create a decision dilemma, presenting the court, Congress, and law enforcement (and the political leaders that oversee them) with three unacceptable (to them) options,” a video slide made by the activists reads.
The group’s presentation says it would either stop Supreme Court justices from entering the court, “continue to escalate the crisis in democracy” by making police remove the demonstrators by force, or make the government implement its demands.
The protests are in response to a leaked Supreme Court Dobbs v. Jackson draft opinion that suggests the court may overturn Roe v. Wade. This new opinion could allow states to make their own laws on abortion.
The leaked opinion sparked the ire of many. For weeks, protesters have demonstrated outside the Supreme Court.
Activist group Ruth Sent Us published the home addresses of the Supreme Court justices and asked people to protest there. Many walked by the homes of the six conservative justices, yelling obscenities at them and their families.
Protesters in the Shut Down D.C. meeting also suggested that their actions might not be constitutionally protected.
“We may talk about some action ideas that stretch the bounds of constitutionally protected speech,” one activist said on the video call.
Another activist advised protesters to be careful in what they said.
“There can be people on any big call who might not have great intentions, so if there is something that you might not want seen on Fox News or any of the conservative news channels, you might not want to say it on this call,” she said.
The planned protest next week will continue the escalation by opponents to a change in Roe v. Wade.
If the online planning meeting’s attendance was any indication, at least 60 people will take part in the court blockade.
Activists at the online meeting suggested ways to block the court’s three entrances. These included mass sit-ins, “big art,” a “lock down,” a dance party, a “people’s assembly” in the street, and a rally.
Votes in the group suggested that most preferred conducting a sit-in.
On May 31, Shut Down DC confirmed that it planned to “blockade the streets around the Supreme Court to rise up for the transformative change that our communities need.”
sounds like sedition to me.......
just glanced at left wing sites
and not a peep about this
the libs have to be thinking that killing K would be great and Biden could nominate another woke libs
for sure would love this
sad for us
The left really isn't going to like when their rules are applied to them.
Is that like an insurrection?
"Biden has still not said a word about the assassination attempt.
And the media is following his lead, and refusing to discuss it.
Weird how a "gun violence" story isn't worth discussing all of a sudden!"
someday some will debate when the first shot was fired
but one could argue this almost shot would have been the first..........
Every member of "Ruth sent us" has a name and address.
They seem to believe that the same tactics won't be applied to them.
The left really isn't going to like when their rules are applied to them.
are you kidding me
the "hearing " is set for 8 PM?
if one had to choose between Tucker and cnn-dnc and msdnc which station would one watch:
at 9 PM Gomer Pyle comes on
June 9, 2022 12:15 PM
Ryan Kelley, a candidate in Michigan’s Republican gubernatorial primary, has been arrested by the FBI for his role in the storming of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.
FBI spokeswoman Mara Schneider told the Associated Press that Kelley was arrested at his home in Allendale Township in Western Michigan at 9:30 AM local time by agents from the Grand Rapids Field Office and was awaiting hearing before the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan. Kelley currently serves as the Planning Commissioner of the township. The FBI also executed a search of his home at the time of the arrest.
According to a criminal complaint filed by the FBI, Kelley was accused of “disruptive conduct, injuring public property, and entering restrictive space without permission,” and has been charged with a misdemeanor for entering the grounds of the Capitol. The complaint was signed by Magistrate Judge Zia Faruqui of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.
A man who appears to be Kelley appears in photographs and videos used by the Department of Justice in its prosecution of other defendants. In the photographs, he is allegedly seen wearing a black sunglasses, a black jacket, and backward-worn baseball cap.
The complaint, obtained by Fox News, states that Kelley used his phone to film the mob assaulting and pushing through police officers on their way up to scaffolding that surrounded the Northwest entrance of the Capitol. A man who is believed to be Kelley can be seen in photos standing atop the scaffolding summoning the crowd to surge toward the building. It’s unclear whether Kelley actually entered the Capitol Building. A video shared by the Michigan Democratic Party shows Kelley allegedly ascending the steps of the Capitol saying “This is war, baby.”
Kelley’s arrest comes on the day that the House of Representative’s Select Committee on the January 6 Attack on the Capitol will hold a primetime hearing to lay out its findings after an 18-month investigation. The committee has been widely criticized by Republicans for being partisan in nature, especially after a list of suggested Republican members, including Congressman Jim Jordan (R., Ohio), drawn up by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) was rejected by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.). Two House Republicans – Adam Kinzinger (Ill.) and Liz Cheney (Wyo.) – presently serve on the committee, which is expected to blame former President Donald Trump in some capacity for the attack.
Kelley’s participation in the event and support for Trump was a plank of his candidacy. However, in an interview in May, Kelley denied that he entered the Capitol building or violated any law. “I never had the intention to and did not go inside, nor did I have an altercation with police officers,” he said.
Kelley has previously been involved in several controversial protest events, including in 2020 against Covid-19 pandemic measures and Black Lives Matter riots. On April 30, 2020, he organized a rally at the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing to protest against lockdowns, which was attended by armed protesters who later entered the building and shouted at lawmakers from the galleries of the state House of Representatives’ chamber.
He also organized a multi-state “Nationwide Freedom March” against Covid restrictions on October 24 of that year. On his campaign website, Kelley claims that in 2020 he stood guard near a Civil War statute with a firearm to prevent “BLM and Antifa” protesters from taking it down.
Republicans were quick to question whether the FBI’s arrest of Kelley was politically motivated, including Kelley’s rivals in the gubernatorial primary. Businessman Kevin Rinke, also running for the GOP nomination, tweeted that he “hoped the FBI is acting appropriately, because the timing here raises serious questions.”
Kelley’s arrest comes after five other candidates in the primary were disqualified, including former Detroit Police Chief James Craig, for submitting thousands of false signatures on nomination papers. The winner of the primary on August 2 will face off against Governor Gretchen Whitmer, the presumptive Democratic nominee.
June 9, 2022 6:30 AM
Desperate to avert a midterm disaster, Democrats have decided to play their Trump card. It won’t work.
The New York Times could not have been more unseemly in its table-setting piece about the January 6 committee’s extravaganza scheduled to begin tonight: The Gray Lady has her pom-poms out because the Democrat-dominated panel is producing a prime-time television special that will masquerade as a bipartisan congressional hearing.
The hearings could better be understood as a 90-minute political ad, slickly produced by a former top ABC executive. Their objective is unabashedly partisan: Break the spell of soaring prices and woke-progressive failure that has Democrats careening into a midterm rout that would cost them control of Congress by refocusing voters on Donald Trump and the Capitol riot.
Good luck with that. Trump derangement still seizes the media–Democrat complex and some Republican pockets, but the vast majority of Americans have moved on from Trump and the events of January 6. That includes Republicans who approved of much of what Trump did — those many of us who appreciate that the Trump administration was far better for the country than the train wreck that is the Biden administration, but who have no use for Trump the man and no interest in a reprise of Trump the president.
No one approves of rioting — not the five-hour riot by Trump fanatics at the seat of our government, but also not the months of lethal rioting, looting, and arson perpetrated by the radical Left after George Floyd’s death in police custody. The problem for Biden and the Democrats is that no one is fooled by their claptrap about how the Insurrection™ was different because it was an attack on democracy itself. Not when they are no longer content just to avert their eyes from the jack-booted neo-Marxists on their own side, but now go the extra mile to coddle violent radical lawyers who firebomb police cars.
Down here on Earth, where all political violence is to be condemned regardless of what “ism” ignites it, we’re not very interested in further hysteria about the Capitol riot. Not from people who go out of their way not to notice that our streets have been torched. Not when our cities are engulfed by crime because those people won’t enforce the laws against anyone other than Trump and his myrmidons.
I really have no time for lectures about how Trump poses an unprecedented threat to American democracy. That wasn’t Trump plotting to assassinate Justice Brett Kavanaugh yesterday. Trump is out of office. He has no ability to influence events. Populist Republican opportunists? Sure, he can influence them, because they’re hoping to inherit — or at least to not be eaten by — his supporters. But he can’t influence events: not inflation, gas prices, food prices, interest rates, Putin, Xi, crime, gun laws, deficits, Ukraine, the Taliban, the Iran deal 2.0, Covid variants, Monkeypox — none of it.
Nor are Americans even panting in anticipation of what Trump might say about events. Trump would be irrelevant if it weren’t for the people helping Democrats in their desperation to keep him relevant.
Trump’s “Stop the Steal” campaign was shameful, but it was also utterly incompetent. I covered it here closely, day after day, for two months. The reason the media have so confidently, bracingly reported that the president of the United States was peddling lies is that his own attorney general said so publicly. The lack of substance to his claims of election fraud was manifest because, as I repeatedly pointed out, every time a court gave his lawyers the chance to prove those claims, they folded like a cheap suitcase. It was a con job: Trump & Co. knew they couldn’t prove in court what they were saying on television.
In the abstract, the specter of a president’s using the awesome powers of his office to remain in power despite losing an election is horrifying. But the reality is that Trump’s bumbling effort to do so was a clown show. It had no chance of success.
The January 6 committee apparently intends to do a big song-and-dance about Trump’s attempt to use the Justice Department to coerce state officials, such as those who ran Georgia’s GOP-controlled government, into reversing Biden’s victory in their popular elections. But even the committee’s portrayal of it as an attempt is extravagant. It never had a prayer of working. After Attorney General Barr, just before leaving his post, made the obvious explicit by declaring the lack of material election fraud, his successors in DOJ leadership told Trump to pound sand. And Trump fecklessly retreated.
Moreover, as DOJ’s leaders well knew, had they idiotically done anything other than tell the president to take a hike, state Republicans would still have rebuffed his efforts. Put aside that Democrats, whether in Washington or in the states, were not going to roll over and let Trump steal the election. No Republican-controlled legislature would have dared do it, either.
There is also a reason the January 6 committee will be training its sights on faux electors — those goofy cabals of Trump supporters that the former president and his minions gulled into pretending that they were slates empowered to cast their states’ electoral votes for him. It’s got to be faux electors because there weren’t any real electors. No one outside of Trump’s inner circle of “Green Bay sweep” delusionists paid any attention to this stunt. None of these slates was certified by its state. There was no chance Congress was ever going to recognize one, because federal law forbade it. You’d find more convincing “electors” at a politics nerd’s Halloween party.
Even the congressional Republicans who shamefully supported the initiative to delay the counting of certain states’ electoral votes on January 6 were unserious. To their discredit, several Republican senators, applauded by scores of Trump allies in the House, proposed a delay so the states could “audit” their election results. In their lawyerly press release, these senators were careful not to claim that there was actual evidence of material fraud, saying only that some voters were concerned that “the election was rigged” — which was natural, given that the president had just spent nearly two months telling them it was rigged. So the audit proposal was a cynical exercise: These Republicans knew it was inconceivable that their gambit would be taken seriously. They knew they weren’t close to having the votes. They were putting on a show for Trump supporters, and when the riot shockingly broke out, the show was shut down quicker than a Broadway bomb.
While it surely testified to Trump’s unfitness for office, “stop the steal” was not a coup; it was a futile tantrum. Yes, it was atrocious that many police were injured and the Capitol was temporarily shut down. The deaths of four of the fanatics Trump misled were tragic. But there was no chance Biden’s victory would not be acknowledged by Congress. If the military had intervened, it would have been to put down the riot — something that proved unnecessary since the law-enforcement authorities had substantially quelled the uprising by the time some National Guard forces finally arrived on the scene in the early evening. At no time did the commander-in-chief dare ask “his generals” to aid in his inane, inchoate plan; he knew that they’d have scorned him, and that a bipartisan congressional consensus, supported by Vice President Pence, would have expeditiously impeached and removed him.
That didn’t happen because there was no existential threat to our democracy. The riot, if we were to dignify it as a strategy rather than a petulant outburst, was ineffectual. It probably wouldn’t have happened, and would certainly have been rapidly contained, if the security forces had been adequate and competent. As it was, Congress was able to reconvene in the Capitol that very night and make Biden’s victory official. Democrats then went home for a week, rather than attending immediately to Trump’s impeachment, because everyone knew the Constitution had flexed its muscles and the republic was safe.
Today, Trump’s avid followers are crowing because his successor’s approval ratings have sunk slightly below Trump’s at a comparable time in their terms, 42.4 to 40.7 percent. They conveniently overlook, however, that when he left office, Trump’s approval stood at a miserable 34 percent. That is why the vengeance campaign he is contemplating for 2024 is the Democrats’ best chance of retaining the White House, and why they and their media allies are highlighting the Capitol riot, Trump’s indelible disgrace.
Most of the country, though, will flip over to Seinfeld reruns or watch a ballgame. They’ve already made up their minds about January 6 and Donald Trump. The Democrats’ problem isn’t the voters’ apathy, it is their own woke progressivism. It is that, in those few forays out of his basement, campaign-trail Joe Biden posed as a nineties-style moderate Democrat who would face down his party’s radicals, but President Biden’s administration does the radicals’ bidding. Prime-time melodrama can’t fix that.
".Kelley’s arrest comes after five other candidates in the primary were disqualified, including former Detroit Police Chief James Craig, for submitting thousands of false signatures on nomination papers. "
sound really weird . you mean to tell me 3 Repub office seekers were forging signatures
is this a set up ?
by Dems
Of course the Kelly arrest is staged
the timing is a yr and half late and impeccably obvious to be announced the very same day
as the hearing
the FBI is clearly in on the timing
Kabuki show trial! :x :x :x
Kabuki show trial! :x :x :x
Kabuki show trial! :x :x :x
Babylon Bee:
Miley Cyrus to Perform Halftime Show at Jan.6 Committee Hearings
From Glenn Reynolds:
Remember Jan.6
Gas was 2.19
Liz Cheney will
be offered a role or two in Hollywood:
Michael Steele still advertises himself as a Republican while he goes on MSDNC to -
bash republicans . He does not yet get this his "career " is over in the Republican Party
Once you go Dem do not come back ......
click on image to enlarge
young Republican women more ok with assassination then young republican men :-o
but not as much as Democrat young men
the numbers are probably higher
in reality
this is what they teach in our teaching facilities now
so no surprise
Thomas Alito Gorsuch also on hit list
Barrett Kavanaugh and Roberts doing their best to stay off the hit list
intimidation works
we already knew this folks
we heard this from the start
this is not news
so what, we know Trump is a hot head who could have said this and was told he did a yr and half ago
that said watch 2000 Mules
anyone here ever watch?
DNC-Deep State approved militias
Do you get it yet?
I have changed my entry in the subject line.
edited to add:
Just another COINTELPRO 2.0 OP
Just like 1/6 and the Whitler kidnapping.
31 Patriot Front Members Arrested Near Idaho Pride Event
By Naveen Athrappully June 12, 2022 Updated: June 12, 2022biggersmaller Print
Authorities arrested 31 members of the alleged ethnonationalist group Patriot Front in Idaho near a pride event on June 11 based on suspicion that the group aimed to carry out riots.
The all-male group, wearing matching gear, was standing inside a truck when the Coeur d’Alene police stopped the vehicle and arrested them. In a video circulating on the internet, police can be seen lifting up the roller door of a U-Haul truck, revealing the men with their hands already raised in surrender. The individuals came to “riot downtown,” Coeur d’Alene Police Chief Lee White said during a news conference, according to The Associated Press.
Of the 31, only one was from Idaho. The rest came from Arkansas, Washington, South Dakota, Illinois, Virginia, Oregon, Wyoming, Texas, Utah, Alabama, Iowa, Colorado, and Missouri.
Thomas Rousseau, the leader of the group, was among the arrested. The U-Haul truck was positioned close to the LGBTQ “Pride in the Park” event that was being held by the North Idaho Pride Alliance at the Coeur d’Alene City Park.
Inside the truck, police found shields, shin guards, a smoke grenade, and riot gear. The men were all wearing khaki pants with logos on their hats and arm patches identifying them as members of the group.
When asked by reporters at the scene how they knew to inspect the U-haul truck, White told them, “We have informants.”
White told AP that police came to know about the U-Haul truck after a tipster told them that “it looked like a little army was loading up into the vehicle” in the parking lot of a hotel.
Authorities also discovered paperwork among the group similar to military or police operations plans. Based on collected evidence and documents, authorities determined that the group planned to riot at the park and in multiple downtown areas.
All 31 members were charged with misdemeanor and conspiracy to riot. They underwent the booking process on Saturday and are scheduled to be arraigned on Monday. According to White, the members could face more charges once prosecutors review the evidence.
“In my opinion, I would gladly arrest 31 individuals who are coming to riot in our city for a misdemeanor rather than have them participate in some sort of seriously disruptive event, which is exactly what they were planning in the downtown area,” White said, according to The Spokesman-Review.
Authorities said they were aware of online threats leading up to the event during the weekend. As a result, the police department had stepped up its presence in the region.
Local motorcycle club Panhandle Patriots had also planned on holding protests at the event, with a video claiming that they intend to go “head to head with these people.” However, President Michael Birdsong insisted that the statement in the video was taken out of context, according to KHQ.
“We have zero problems against anybody who is gay, or whatever they choose to call themselves, whatever gender,” Birdsong said. “I mean, it’s not our lifestyle, but we are not people to judge.”
He emphasized that the protests were targeted against “grooming books” he said are “geared toward pedophilia,” likely referencing recent news of teachers across the country pushing books promoting transgenderism and related content to children in schools.
31 Patriot Front Members Arrested Near Idaho Pride Event
By Naveen Athrappully June 12, 2022 Updated: June 12, 2022biggersmaller Print
Authorities arrested 31 members of the alleged ethnonationalist group Patriot Front in Idaho near a pride event on June 11 based on suspicion that the group aimed to carry out riots.
The all-male group, wearing matching gear, was standing inside a truck when the Coeur d’Alene police stopped the vehicle and arrested them. In a video circulating on the internet, police can be seen lifting up the roller door of a U-Haul truck, revealing the men with their hands already raised in surrender. The individuals came to “riot downtown,” Coeur d’Alene Police Chief Lee White said during a news conference, according to The Associated Press.
Of the 31, only one was from Idaho. The rest came from Arkansas, Washington, South Dakota, Illinois, Virginia, Oregon, Wyoming, Texas, Utah, Alabama, Iowa, Colorado, and Missouri.
Thomas Rousseau, the leader of the group, was among the arrested. The U-Haul truck was positioned close to the LGBTQ “Pride in the Park” event that was being held by the North Idaho Pride Alliance at the Coeur d’Alene City Park.
Inside the truck, police found shields, shin guards, a smoke grenade, and riot gear. The men were all wearing khaki pants with logos on their hats and arm patches identifying them as members of the group.
When asked by reporters at the scene how they knew to inspect the U-haul truck, White told them, “We have informants.”
White told AP that police came to know about the U-Haul truck after a tipster told them that “it looked like a little army was loading up into the vehicle” in the parking lot of a hotel.
Authorities also discovered paperwork among the group similar to military or police operations plans. Based on collected evidence and documents, authorities determined that the group planned to riot at the park and in multiple downtown areas.
All 31 members were charged with misdemeanor and conspiracy to riot. They underwent the booking process on Saturday and are scheduled to be arraigned on Monday. According to White, the members could face more charges once prosecutors review the evidence.
“In my opinion, I would gladly arrest 31 individuals who are coming to riot in our city for a misdemeanor rather than have them participate in some sort of seriously disruptive event, which is exactly what they were planning in the downtown area,” White said, according to The Spokesman-Review.
Authorities said they were aware of online threats leading up to the event during the weekend. As a result, the police department had stepped up its presence in the region.
Local motorcycle club Panhandle Patriots had also planned on holding protests at the event, with a video claiming that they intend to go “head to head with these people.” However, President Michael Birdsong insisted that the statement in the video was taken out of context, according to KHQ.
“We have zero problems against anybody who is gay, or whatever they choose to call themselves, whatever gender,” Birdsong said. “I mean, it’s not our lifestyle, but we are not people to judge.”
He emphasized that the protests were targeted against “grooming books” he said are “geared toward pedophilia,” likely referencing recent news of teachers across the country pushing books promoting transgenderism and related content to children in schools.
31 Patriot Front Members Arrested Near Idaho Pride Event
By Naveen Athrappully June 12, 2022 Updated: June 12, 2022biggersmaller Print
Authorities arrested 31 members of the alleged ethnonationalist group Patriot Front in Idaho near a pride event on June 11 based on suspicion that the group aimed to carry out riots.
The all-male group, wearing matching gear, was standing inside a truck when the Coeur d’Alene police stopped the vehicle and arrested them. In a video circulating on the internet, police can be seen lifting up the roller door of a U-Haul truck, revealing the men with their hands already raised in surrender. The individuals came to “riot downtown,” Coeur d’Alene Police Chief Lee White said during a news conference, according to The Associated Press.
Of the 31, only one was from Idaho. The rest came from Arkansas, Washington, South Dakota, Illinois, Virginia, Oregon, Wyoming, Texas, Utah, Alabama, Iowa, Colorado, and Missouri.
Thomas Rousseau, the leader of the group, was among the arrested. The U-Haul truck was positioned close to the LGBTQ “Pride in the Park” event that was being held by the North Idaho Pride Alliance at the Coeur d’Alene City Park.
Inside the truck, police found shields, shin guards, a smoke grenade, and riot gear. The men were all wearing khaki pants with logos on their hats and arm patches identifying them as members of the group.
When asked by reporters at the scene how they knew to inspect the U-haul truck, White told them, “We have informants.”
White told AP that police came to know about the U-Haul truck after a tipster told them that “it looked like a little army was loading up into the vehicle” in the parking lot of a hotel.
Authorities also discovered paperwork among the group similar to military or police operations plans. Based on collected evidence and documents, authorities determined that the group planned to riot at the park and in multiple downtown areas.
All 31 members were charged with misdemeanor and conspiracy to riot. They underwent the booking process on Saturday and are scheduled to be arraigned on Monday. According to White, the members could face more charges once prosecutors review the evidence.
“In my opinion, I would gladly arrest 31 individuals who are coming to riot in our city for a misdemeanor rather than have them participate in some sort of seriously disruptive event, which is exactly what they were planning in the downtown area,” White said, according to The Spokesman-Review.
Authorities said they were aware of online threats leading up to the event during the weekend. As a result, the police department had stepped up its presence in the region.
Local motorcycle club Panhandle Patriots had also planned on holding protests at the event, with a video claiming that they intend to go “head to head with these people.” However, President Michael Birdsong insisted that the statement in the video was taken out of context, according to KHQ.
“We have zero problems against anybody who is gay, or whatever they choose to call themselves, whatever gender,” Birdsong said. “I mean, it’s not our lifestyle, but we are not people to judge.”
He emphasized that the protests were targeted against “grooming books” he said are “geared toward pedophilia,” likely referencing recent news of teachers across the country pushing books promoting transgenderism and related content to children in schools.
31 Patriot Front Members Arrested Near Idaho Pride Event
By Naveen Athrappully June 12, 2022 Updated: June 12, 2022biggersmaller Print
Authorities arrested 31 members of the alleged ethnonationalist group Patriot Front in Idaho near a pride event on June 11 based on suspicion that the group aimed to carry out riots.
The all-male group, wearing matching gear, was standing inside a truck when the Coeur d’Alene police stopped the vehicle and arrested them. In a video circulating on the internet, police can be seen lifting up the roller door of a U-Haul truck, revealing the men with their hands already raised in surrender. The individuals came to “riot downtown,” Coeur d’Alene Police Chief Lee White said during a news conference, according to The Associated Press.
Of the 31, only one was from Idaho. The rest came from Arkansas, Washington, South Dakota, Illinois, Virginia, Oregon, Wyoming, Texas, Utah, Alabama, Iowa, Colorado, and Missouri.
Thomas Rousseau, the leader of the group, was among the arrested. The U-Haul truck was positioned close to the LGBTQ “Pride in the Park” event that was being held by the North Idaho Pride Alliance at the Coeur d’Alene City Park.
Inside the truck, police found shields, shin guards, a smoke grenade, and riot gear. The men were all wearing khaki pants with logos on their hats and arm patches identifying them as members of the group.
When asked by reporters at the scene how they knew to inspect the U-haul truck, White told them, “We have informants.”
White told AP that police came to know about the U-Haul truck after a tipster told them that “it looked like a little army was loading up into the vehicle” in the parking lot of a hotel.
Authorities also discovered paperwork among the group similar to military or police operations plans. Based on collected evidence and documents, authorities determined that the group planned to riot at the park and in multiple downtown areas.
All 31 members were charged with misdemeanor and conspiracy to riot. They underwent the booking process on Saturday and are scheduled to be arraigned on Monday. According to White, the members could face more charges once prosecutors review the evidence.
“In my opinion, I would gladly arrest 31 individuals who are coming to riot in our city for a misdemeanor rather than have them participate in some sort of seriously disruptive event, which is exactly what they were planning in the downtown area,” White said, according to The Spokesman-Review.
Authorities said they were aware of online threats leading up to the event during the weekend. As a result, the police department had stepped up its presence in the region.
Local motorcycle club Panhandle Patriots had also planned on holding protests at the event, with a video claiming that they intend to go “head to head with these people.” However, President Michael Birdsong insisted that the statement in the video was taken out of context, according to KHQ.
“We have zero problems against anybody who is gay, or whatever they choose to call themselves, whatever gender,” Birdsong said. “I mean, it’s not our lifestyle, but we are not people to judge.”
He emphasized that the protests were targeted against “grooming books” he said are “geared toward pedophilia,” likely referencing recent news of teachers across the country pushing books promoting transgenderism and related content to children in schools.
We are a nations of laws!
Just another Deep State scumbag.
Disagreeing with Eastman's legal theory, particular when surrounded by the legal fumes of Sidney Powell and Lynn Wood's grifting operations, does not make one a Deep State scumbag.
OTOH it will add to the political reality that Trump is damaged goods.
The Jan. 6 Committee’s Missing Reform
Pence saved the day, but where’s a bill so the next Vice President won’t have to?
By The Editorial BoardFollow
June 16, 2022 6:44 pm ET
‘Crazy.” “Nutty.” That’s what President Trump’s legal advisers thought of his plan on Jan. 6 to pressure Vice President Mike Pence into overturning the 2020 election, according to audio testimony played Thursday by the House committee investigating the Capitol riot. The scheme was never likely to work, not that Mr. Trump apparently thought past the first step.
For one thing, Mr. Pence truly believes in the Constitution. In the tumult of Jan. 6, he was the indispensable man, standing his ground no matter the political cost. The committee lauded Mr. Pence’s “courage.” This is worth doing, though it is amusing to watch Democrats praise Mr. Pence after they spent years portraying him as a lackey and religious weirdo.
On the law, Mr. Pence is right: The Constitution does not give the Vice President unilateral power to reject electoral votes. The argument to the contrary came from law professor John Eastman, who exploded his legal reputation in the process. The 12th Amendment says when Congress meets to count the Electoral College, the VP shall “open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted.” Does that mean Al Gore could have tossed out Florida’s electors in 2000 and waltzed into the Oval Office?
Of course not. Mr. Pence consulted a former federal appeals judge, the conservative J. Michael Luttig. “There was no basis in the Constitution or laws of the United States at all for the theory espoused by Mr. Eastman,” he testified Thursday. Greg Jacob, a lawyer for Mr. Pence, agreed. “We examined every single electoral vote count that had happened in Congress since the beginning of the country,” he said. “No Vice President in 230 years of history had ever claimed to have that kind of authority.”
The Electoral Count Act, passed after the disputed 1876 presidential contest, purports to let Congress reject electoral votes. Mr. Luttig thinks it’s unconstitutional, and we agree. In any case, there was no bona fide dispute in 2020 about the electoral votes. No state Legislature attempted to appoint electors directly. Mr. Trump’s supporters in some places organized pretend electors to cast fake electoral votes, but they had no legal validity.
Even if Mr. Pence had gone along with Mr. Eastman’s scheme, the chances of success were virtually nil. The 12th Amendment says the electoral votes shall be counted “in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives.”
Did Mr. Trump think Speaker Nancy Pelosi would have stood by dumbfounded as the Vice President reversed the 2020 result? Instead she might have ordered the Senate to immediately vacate the House chamber.
Mr. Jacob said he told Mr. Eastman it could have devolved into “a standoff” between Congress and the White House, a “constitutional jump ball.” The President’s term ends at noon on Jan. 20. If Congress never validly counted the Electoral College, the order of succession says that next in line is the Speaker of the House. President Pelosi? Was that the plan? More likely, the Supreme Court would have intervened. Mr. Jacob thinks the Justices would have ruled 9-0 against Mr. Trump. So do we.
If Democrats want to prevent such shenanigans in the future, the obvious move is to repeal the Electoral Count Act and clarify that neither the Vice President nor Congress can adjudicate disputes on electors. That’s a job for the courts, and a better law might provide expedited review by the Supreme Court. The President shouldn’t be picked by the Vice President, but the Founders didn’t want Congress to do so either, except in the express case of no candidate getting a majority of electoral votes.
Democrats didn’t move swiftly on the Electoral Count Act after Jan. 6, because they were more interested in trying to pass H.R.1 to take over voting laws nationwide. But perhaps the Jan. 6 inquiry is focusing some liberal minds. There isn’t much time before 2024.
Damaging Trump was one of the goals of the deep state operation to remove him from office.
Disagreeing with Eastman's legal theory, particular when surrounded by the legal fumes of Sidney Powell and Lynn Wood's grifting operations, does not make one a Deep State scumbag.
OTOH it will add to the political reality that Trump is damaged goods.
Eyepatch RINO is a scumbag.
How does America win if people such as him are enemies?
How does America win if people such as him are enemies?
What America do you mean?
The one you grew up in?
Deader than canned tuna.
Oppose him politically on red flag? By all means!
But street thuggery by Proud Boys (associated now in the public mind with Trump) against a USN SEAL who has lost an eye in battle while serving our country serves only to persuade many that we are fukking nuts.
By the same coastal elites that sneer at military service? Mock patriotism as they fly Pedo and BLM flags?
Serving as an honorable warrior on the battlefield doesn't make you immune to the corruption of the DC swamp.
Oppose him politically on red flag? By all means!
But street thuggery by Proud Boys (associated now in the public mind with Trump) against a USN SEAL who has lost an eye in battle while serving our country serves only to persuade many that we are fukking nuts.
Let's stay on point.
I'm talking about the effects on everyday Americans of the Proud Boys brawling with Crenshaw.
Obviously Trump ordered the hit from Mar-a-Lago.
Remember when the Proud Boys burned all those American cities a few years ago?
Let's stay on point.
I'm talking about the effects on everyday Americans of the Proud Boys brawling with Crenshaw.
Let's stay on point.
PB's laying hands on DC isL
a) wrong; and
b) bad politics for our side.
Michigan Judge Orders GOP Candidate for Governor to Surrender Guns
By Jack Phillips June 19, 2022 Updated: June 19, 2022biggersmaller Print
Michigan Republican candidate for governor Ryan Kelley will have to surrender his guns while he awaits trial on misdemeanor criminal charges in connection with the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol breach, a judge ruled on June 16.
U.S. Magistrate Judge Robin Meriweather made the ruling even as Kelley’s attorney argued he needs to carry a concealed weapon for self-defense as he makes campaign appearances in Michigan, local media reported. The judge also said Kelley can’t leave the state while awaiting trial and must surrender his passport.
Kelley is “a bit of a high-profile candidate in Michigan” as recent polls showed that he was the front-runner among GOP gubernatorial candidates, his lawyer, Gary Springstead, said. Kelley, who has a license to carry a concealed weapon, “asked that he be permitted to carry his firearm for his own self-defense, during the campaign,” Springstead added.
About a week ago, Kelley was arrested in Michigan and charged with participating in the Jan. 6 breach of the Capitol, federal prosecutors said in a court filing in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.
The complaint noted that Kelley didn’t actually enter the Capitol building on Jan. 6, and instead is being charged with entering and remaining within a “restricted building or grounds without lawful authority,” disorderly conduct in a restricted building or grounds, knowingly engaging in an act of physical violence against a person or property on restricted grounds, and willfully injuring or committing any depredation against any property of the United States government.
“The whole thing with Jan. 6, it’s another Democrat show trying to do power control,” Kelley said at an event last week, MLive reported. “They obviously have no real solutions. Look at the price of gas, look at the price of food; we have baby formula shortages.”
Michigan Republican Party co-Chairs Ron Weiser and Meshawn Maddock said that Kelley’s arrest is proof that top Democrats are “weaponizing our justice system” to obtain their political goals. Other GOP gubernatorial candidates spoke out about the arrest, echoing Weiser’s and Maddock’s concerns.
Meanwhile, some analysts suggest that Kelley’s arrest could actually benefit his campaign. Adolph Mongo, a political consultant who worked for former Democratic Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick while the mayor was under federal investigation, said Kelley should run with the misdemeanor charges.
“I would say lean into it,” Mongo told MLive. “Don’t go into hiding, go out on the campaign trail. He can raise a lot of money.”
Let's stay on point.
PB's laying hands on DC isL
a) wrong; and
b) bad politics for our side.
a) Of course, only the left is free to use violence at will to pursue a political objective.
b) Sure, the lefty suburban women with the transgender toddlers were totally going to vote for republicans until they heard about this on NPR!
Let's stay on point.
PB's laying hands on DC isL
a) wrong; and
b) bad politics for our side.
a) Of course, only the left is free to use violence at will to pursue a political objective.
b) Sure, the lefty suburban women with the transgender toddlers were totally going to vote for republicans until they heard about this on NPR!
There is ZERO doubt there were FBI U/C and CIs there running the classic COINTELPRO ops.
We are agreed that the FBI has a scurrilous history of entrapment and false flags. We are agreed that is has gotten worse and that the accusations of the FBI fomenting Jan 6 are plausible.
That said, because our cause includes logic and integrity, we also need to acknowledge the validity of AMcC's criticism of Tucker's claim that unindicted co-conspirator means that they were FBI agents. It just ain't so.
I think this a bridge way too far..........
I've only read Thomas's concurrence once, but given the firestorm it is igniting I will likely do so again. That said, from my one reading what I took his point to be was that the 14th Amendment jurisprudence known as "substantive due process" is inherently flawed and should be dropped.
In that SDP is now the basis of beloved holdings of the cases of this lineage, the uproar on the back of the abortion of Roe , , ,
You guys may remember that I have always said I preferred a Natural Law (see "endowed by their Creator", "laws of Nature and of Nature's God" and our Ninth Amendment itself) as a basis for Privacy, Self-defense, Parental Rights and other rights "not otherwise enumerated".
Every leftist has a name and an address, as does every part of the deep state.
Keep pushing.
Every leftist has a name and an address, as does every part of the deep state.
Keep pushing.
"calls for Clarence Thomas’ assassination spread across social media"
The act or an instance of open revolt against civil authority or a constituted government.
Funny, the definition of insurrection clearly covers this but nothing about walking unarmed through the halls of Congress.
How cold it spread? Wouldn't they be kicked off 'social media' - permanently?
The Stealth Inspector-General Investigation of Donald Trump
June 28, 2022 12:54 PM
The Justice Department is engaged in subterfuge to conceal its focus on the former president.
In the last week, the Biden Justice Department has taken aggressive investigative actions against former Trump administration officials and advisers. What is going on could not be more obvious: Egged on by the House January 6 committee and progressive Democrats who want former president Donald Trump to be criminally charged in connection with the Capitol riot, the department has obtained search warrants to raid the home of former Trump Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark and seize the cellphone of John Eastman, one of Trump’s private lawyers.
The Justice Department does not want to say that Trump — Biden’s political rival — is the target of a criminal investigation, particularly after House Democrats impeached Trump for encouraging Ukraine to investigate Biden. So the DOJ’s pretext is that these searches are merely part of an internal inspector-general probe of Clark. Yet Clark has not worked at the Justice Department for over a year. And as for Eastman, who was never a DOJ employee at all, well: Are we really to believe that the DOJ went to the trouble of applying to a court for authorization to confiscate his phone as part of its IG’s scrutiny of Clark, rather than as part of a criminal investigation of Eastman himself and Trump?
Yeah, sure.
Understand: The Justice Department knows that Clark and Eastman are represented by counsel. It could easily have issued grand-jury subpoenas for Clark and Eastman and delivered those subpoenas to their lawyers, with instructions that whatever materials were sought be promptly surrendered to the FBI. That would be the normal procedure when government lawyers are dealing with investigative subjects who are not suspected of violent crimes and have alerted the government that they have attorneys. Here, instead, the Justice Department went covertly to federal judges — in this case, the DOJ would have been able to forum-shop, since it knew when each of those judges would be on search-warrant duty — and obtained warrants that enabled federal agents to rifle through the belongings of these Trump associates, only after subjecting them to the humiliation of temporary arrest and frisk, without notifying their lawyers.
So, what is legally necessary for a search warrant to be authorized by a federal judge?
The Justice Department or one of its investigative agencies, typically the FBI, must provide the court with a sworn application showing probable cause to believe that a serious violation of federal law has occurred and that evidence of that crime is likely to be found in the place or on the person targeted in the search warrant.
That being the case, upon learning of the Clark and Eastman search warrants, I was initially prepared to title this piece “The Justice Department Will Soon Indict Donald Trump.” Why? Because if the Justice Department and the FBI were telling federal judges that there was probable cause to believe Clark and Eastman had committed crimes, this had to be related to their collaboration with then-president Trump in the scheme to reverse the result of the 2020 election — not coincidentally, the subject of the House January 6 committee’s sessions last week. (The Justice Department is leveraging the committee’s probe to boost its investigation, while the committee is pressuring the Justice Department to charge Trump with a crime.)
As you can see, that is not the title of this post. Why not? Because the Justice Department is engaged in subterfuge to conceal that Trump is the target of its criminal investigation.
Significant criminal investigations are generally carried out by the FBI under the supervision of the U.S. attorney’s office in the district where the alleged crime is thought to have occurred. (Prosecutions related to the events of January 6, for instance, are being handled by the U.S. attorney’s office for the District of Columbia.) When prosecutors from a U.S. attorney’s office seek a search warrant in court, they must describe the evidence they expect to seize from the person or property targeted in the warrant. That description usually tells us the alleged crime(s) the court has found probable cause of, based on the sworn application submitted under seal by the prosecutors and agents. (The warrant application is not unsealed and disclosed unless or until charges are filed.)
Yet as the New York Times reports, the FBI agents who accosted Eastman as he was leaving a New Mexico restaurant last Wednesday evening purported to be working on behalf of the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General, not a district U.S. attorney’s office. According to Eastman, “the warrant does not even mention, much less describe with specificity, any particular crime for which evidence sought by the warrant might be relevant.” (If Eastman told the media what evidence the warrant expressly sought, the Times does not report this. Generally, we can infer what crimes the court has found probable cause to suspect occurred by the warrant’s description of the evidence for which the agents are authorized to search.)
Understand: Unlike district U.S. attorney’s offices around the country, the DOJ inspector-general’s office does not have wide-ranging jurisdiction to enforce federal criminal law. The IG’s very narrow jurisdiction is “to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct involving DOJ programs and personnel, and promote economy and efficiency in DOJ operations.”
How, exactly, does that give the OIG legitimate cause to target John Eastman? He was not a government employee in 2020, much less a Justice Department employee. For many years, he has been an academic and private lawyer. So how on earth does he come under the investigative purview of the Justice Department’s IG, who is only authorized to investigate the abuse of DOJ programs? It must be because Eastman collaborated with Jeffrey Clark, who was acting head of DOJ’s Criminal Division when President Trump enticed him into the “stop the steal” campaign — which (again, not coincidentally) was the subject of the January 6 committee’s hearing last Friday.
The day before that hearing, in the early morning hours and fully 17 months after the relevant events, the FBI executed a court-authorized search warrant at Clark’s home in northern Virginia — reportedly forcing him out onto the street in his pajamas as a dozen agents tossed his residence for over three hours and seized his electronic devices.
According to the Times, “the search at Mr. Clark’s home was a significant step in the Justice Department’s many-tentacled inquiry into the efforts to subvert the democratic process after the 2020 election.” Really? The Justice Department’s IG has no authority to conduct such an investigation. To repeat, the IG is confined to probing misconduct by Justice Department employees that undermines Justice Department programs. It is not the IG’s mission to investigate — much less obtain search warrants to probe — such felony federal violations as obstruction of Congress and seditious conspiracy.
Gohmert calls for full deposition alleging request for pardons
Congressman: Clips were either edited or witness was mistaken
Rep. Louie Gohmert called on the January 6 Select Committee to release the full deposition of former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson in which she claimed that Mr. Gohmert, and other GOP lawmakers, sought presidential pardons in late 2020.
The Texas Republican flatly denies seeking a pardon for himself. But Mr. Gohmert said he made several pardon requests for U.S. service members whom he says were wrongfully convicted of crimes while deployed in war zones.
Mr. Gohmert said that either the committee deceptively edited clips of the deposition to make it appear as if Ms. Hutchinson told the panel he requested a personal pardon rather than pardons for others, or that Ms. Hutchinson was mistaken.
“The way the video testimony was presented makes it sound like my pardon requests for very deserving military members, former military, and one civilian servant in late 2020 in written letters and packages of information was asking for a pardon for myself,” Mr. Gohmert said in a statement this week to The Washington Times.
“Not only have I never asked for a pardon for myself, I have not done anything for which I need a pardon,” he said.
The committee and Ms. Hutchinson’s counsel did not respond to requests for comment. Mr. Gohmert wants the panel to release the full raw video and transcript of her testimony.
Mr. Gohmert and 11 other GOP lawmakers, including Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania and Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona, were part of the Congressional Justice for Warriors Caucus and first sent a pardon request to the White House in February 2020 on behalf of Army National Guardsman Sgt. Derrick Miller.
Miller was released on parole in 2019 after being convicted of murdering an Afghan civilian during a battlefield interrogation in Afghanistan in 2010.
The letter, along with pardon requests for other military service members which The Washington Times viewed, was part of a pardon package that was sent again to the congressional White House liaison on Dec. 4, 2020.
Mr. Gohmert’s staff said he hand-delivered the same pardon package to then-President Trump at a Dec. 21, 2020, meeting.
The Jan. 6 Committee displayed during last Thursday’s hearing an email from Rep. Mo Brooks, Alabama Republican, to Mr. Trump with the subject line “Pardons,” in which Mr. Brooks requested pardons for “every congressman or senator who voted to reject the electoral college vote submissions of Arizona and Pennsylvania.”
The committee then aired a videotaped deposition in which Ms. Hutchinson testified that Mr. Brooks “advocated for there to be a blanket pardon from members” involved in the Dec. 21, 2020, meeting. The lawmakers were supporting Mr. Trump’s efforts to get Congress to reject the certifi cation of votes of swing states won by President Biden.
The committee then pressed during the deposition whether any other members asked for pardons.
“Mr. Gohmert asked for one as well,” Ms. Hutchinson replied.
In addition to calling on the committee to release the full tape of the deposition, Mr. Gohmert also wants Ms. Hutchinson to “publicly clarify her comments if she feels her words were misrepresented or her deposition was inappropriately edited.”
“If she simply made a mistake in her recollection, then a public apology would be the least she could do given the vicious attacks and smears that have arisen from her deposition,” he said.
Mr. Gohmert said he also wants “a retraction and clarification from the January 6th Committee as well as an apology,” and says that it is not only “unprofessional” but also “potentially actionably illegal to facilitate these malicious lies about anyone.”
He asserted possible “criminality” involved in how the Jan. 6 committee attempted to “pervert justice,” and said the action should be investigated by a new Attorney General who is “concerned about principled justice.” Thursday’s hearing was part of a series of public appearances to unveil findings after the committee’s nearly yearlong investigation.
During its prime-time debut earlier this month, Rep. Liz Cheney, Wyoming Republican and the committee’s vice chair, said Mr. Perry was among “multiple” Republican lawmakers who sought presidential pardons in the weeks following the attack on the Capitol.
“Representative Perry contacted the White House in the weeks after January 6th to seek a presidential pardon,” she said. “Multiple other Republican congressmen also sought presidential pardons for their roles in attempting to overturn the 2020 election.”
Mr. Perry’s spokesman called Ms. Cheney’s claims a “laughable, ludicrous, and a thoroughly soulless lie.”
The committee held another hearing Tuesday to release what it calls newly uncovered evidence about the Jan. 6 riot.
Jan. 6 defendant accuses DOJ of denying news interviews
The Department of Justice is restricting Capitol riot defendant Edward Jacob Lang from conducting media interviews while in pre-trial detention. Mr. Lang told The Washington Times that he received a “notice of media violation” from the Alexandria, Virginia, detention facility where he is being held after conducting an over-the-phone interview with The Epoch Times.
The notice said the interview was “a violation of U.S. Marshal’s policy,” according to Mr. Lang, who co-produced the documentary “The Truth About January 6th.”
The notice, he said, warned that “conducting media interviews via phone, in person, or by video” without prior approval “may result in disciplinary action” and further restrictions on Mr. Lang’s privileges while in detention.
“This is a constitutional issue at its very core,” Mr. Lang said in a phone interview which presumably could result in disciplinary action against him. “A real human being is being silenced in America like never before.”
Mr. Lang was arrested 10 days after the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol and is being held in pre-trial detention without bail at the Alexandria Detention Center, a jail operated by the Alexandria Sheriff that houses federal inmates through a contract with the U.S. Marshals Service.
He said the notice he received Monday threatens to restrict his phone and inperson visitation privileges with his family if he conducts further interviews with media outlets without obtaining approval.
Before receiving the notice, Mr. Lang said he had not been warned that conducting media interviews was a violation of policy.
A spokesperson from the U.S. Marshals office was not able to provide the Times with the written policy stating that Mr. Lang was required to obtain approval before contacting or conducting interviews with media outlets.
Mr. Lang read the full notice during the interview on Monday.
An official from the detention facility confirmed on Tuesday that Mr. Lang had been notified in writing that he had violated the U.S. Marshals media policy, though was unable to speak to specific disciplinary measures for inmates.
“Restricting phone privileges is an option for any inmate, but it is very rare,” the official said.
The official noted that “at the request of the Marshals,” Mr. Lang had been previously notified that “it is the responsibility of the media representative” to obtain approval from “the U.S. Attorney, the judge, the prisoner, the defense attorney, and the management of the detention facility where the prisoner is located.”
The U.S. Marshals denied the Times’ request last week to visit Mr. Lang at the detention facility.
The facility previously told the Times that neither Mr. Lang nor journalists require prior approval to speak over the phone, but that journalists required preapproval to conduct in-person interviews after the facility lifted its COVID-19 restrictions on visits earlier this month.
The facility also provided a copy of the “Alexandria Sheriff’s Office General Order,” which states, “If an inmate wishes to telephone a media representative and provide information, he or she is permitted to do so at his or her expense or at the expense of the media outlet, unless this poses a security threat to the Detention Center.”
“If such an interview is denied by Sheriff’s Office staff, the Sheriff will be notified via an Incident Report through the chain of command,” the policy reads.
On Tuesday, the same offi cial who provided the policy said that inmates were free to contact media outlets by phone without prior approval.
Mr. Lang, who is facing charges ranging from civil disorder to assaulting, resisting or impeding officers during the Capitol riot has been outspoken about the treatment of himself and others detained in connection with the Capitol riot.
Earlier this month, Mr. Lang wrote to Alexandria’s mayor and city council detailing the “deplorable and subhuman” conditions at the detention facility.
“I have been discriminated against severely because of my political affiliations,” he wrote in a handwritten letter. “Because I am a conservative/ Republican, I have been especially singled out and subjected to horrendous treatment.”
In the letter, he said that he has been held in solitary confinement for 22 hours per day for more than 70 days, despite having no documented disciplinary infractions and qualifying for placement in the general population.
“I have been informed by Chief [Deputy Sherriff Shelbert] Williams that because of my political affiliations I have to remain in solitary confinement,” he wrote.
He said while in solitary confinement, he is forced to eat meals on the floor. He also says the light in his room remains on 24 hours per day which he says causes “sleep deprivation.”
He said he has also been deprived of access to legal research, recreation facilities and religious services. He also said he has been refused health care services “numerous times” and had “hundreds” of pieces of his mail rejected.
He signed the letter, “Political prisoner of the Biden regime.”
While in prison, Mr. Lang also co-produced and narrated “The Truth About January 6th,” a documentary that is billed as “the full story” of the events of Jan. 6 “beyond the censored lens of mainstream media.”
“It is the raw and uncut truth of January 6th,” Mr. Lang says in his narration, which he recorded over the phone from his detention facility. “The day when free men and women stood unarmed against tyranny — who were brutalized, beat and even murdered on the steps of our own Capitol. The patriotic event of the century — where brave Americans came together to defend the Constitution and free and fair elections.”
In an interview Monday, Mr. Lang said the restrictions on his access to media are a violation of his First Amendment rights.
“It’s un-American what’s happening to me, and the American people should be outraged at the core,” he said. “This is not a partisan issue.”
He also compared his situation to the media attention showered on the House Jan. 6 committee.
“They get full access to every single media station in the country,” he said. “Just little Jake here, sitting in solitary confinement try to get bits and pieces of what happened, his testimony of January 6th, and the entire power of the United States government is raining down on me to try to silence me.”
I am thinking that lets say Trump did get to the Capital on 1/6
and not driven back to the safety of the WH
I strongly believe he would have gotten in front and PREVENTED people from breaking in to the Capital
he did CLEARLY say "PEACEFULLY " march to the Capital .
He said that that if they were armed they were not going to hurt him because he was trying to convince the SS to let him go there
not because he thought or wanted them to use any arms to hurt anyone
which it turns out did not happen anyway
‘Take me up to the Capitol now’: How close Trump came to joining rioters
Trump’s demands to lead a march to Capitol Hill sheds new light on his mindset as the siege began.
By Isaac Arnsdorf, Josh Dawsey and Carol D. Leonnig
July 1, 2022 at 6:00 a.m. EDT
Trump supporters make their way up Constitution Avenue toward the Capitol after President Donald Trump gave a speech at the Ellipse and encouraged them to go on Jan. 6, 2021. (Michael S. Williamson/The Washington Post)
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Gift Article
Toward the end of 2020, then-President Donald Trump began raising a new idea with aides: that he would personally lead a march to the Capitol on the following Jan. 6.
Trump brought it up repeatedly with key advisers in the Oval Office, according to a person who talked with him about it. The president told others he wanted a dramatic, made-for-TV moment that could pressure Republican lawmakers to support his demand to throw out the electoral college results showing that Joe Biden had defeated him, the person said.
The excursion that almost happened came into clearer focus this week, as the House committee investigating the attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 presented explosive testimony and records detailing Trump’s fervent demands to lead his supporters mobbing the seat of government. Though Trump’s trip was ultimately thwarted by his own security officers, the new evidence cuts closer to the critical question of what he knew about the violence in store for that day.
Trump has acknowledged his foiled effort to reach the Capitol. “Secret Service wouldn’t let me,” he told The Washington Post in April. “I wanted to go. I wanted to go so badly. Secret Service says you can’t go. I would have gone there in a minute.”
But as Trump repeatedly floated the idea in the weeks leading up to Jan. 6, several of his advisers doubted he meant it or didn’t take the suggestion seriously. One senior administration official said Trump raised the prospect repeatedly but in a “joking manner.”
As a result, the White House staff never turned Trump’s stated desires into concrete plans. Press officers made no preparations for a detour to the Capitol, such as scheduling an additional stop for the motorcade and the pool of reporters who follow the president’s movements. There was no operational advance plan drafted for the visit. No speech was written for him to deliver on the Hill, and it wasn’t clear exactly what Trump would do when he got there, said the person who talked with Trump about the idea.
The bombshell sixth Jan. 6 hearing in 3 minutes
Former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson testified on June 28 about President Donald Trump’s actions surrounding the Jan. 6 Capitol attack. (Video: JM Rieger/The Washington Post, Photo: Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)
This account of Trump’s ceaseless plotting to join the mob at the Capitol on Jan. 6 is based on committee testimony and evidence as well as 15 former officials, aides, law enforcement officials and others, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to reveal internal details.
Aides did not know where Trump got the idea, this person said, but it wasn’t from inside the White House. The chief of staff, Mark Meadows, discussed plans to bring Trump to the Capitol with Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) and lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who was leading the campaign’s efforts to overturn the election results, according to testimony from Cassidy Hutchinson, a close aide to Meadows.
Trump call on Jan. 6 to 'walk down to the Capitol' prompted Secret Service scramble
“I remember hearing a few different ideas discussed between Mark and Scott Perry, Mark and Rudy Giuliani,” Hutchinson said in videotaped testimony to the Jan. 6 committee played during Tuesday’s hearing. “I know that there were discussions about him having another speech outside of the Capitol before going in. I know that there is a conversation about him going into the House chamber at one point.”
Meadows declined to comment through his attorney. Giuliani and a spokeswoman for Perry did not respond to requests for comment.
Hutchinson’s attorneys said Wednesday that she “stands by all of the testimony she provided yesterday, under oath.”
This exhibit from video released by the House Jan. 6 committee shows a photo of former president Donald Trump talking to his chief of staff Mark Meadows as Donald Trump Jr. looks on before a rally on the Ellipse on Jan. 6, 2021. (AP)
Hutchinson’s account was supported by other testimony played at the hearing. “He brought it up, he said, ‘I want to go down to the Capitol,” Max Miller, a White House aide now running for Congress in Ohio, said in taped testimony. But Miller’s entire testimony wasn’t played, where he suggested it was a short-lived idea, according to people familiar with the matter.
Some White House officials were out of the loop. Ordinarily, the White House’s legislative affairs staffers would be involved in a visit to Capitol Hill, but they were not briefed on any plans for him to go on Jan. 6, according to two senior administration officials. Aides to Vice President Mike Pence heard secondhand from other White House advisers that Trump wanted to go to the Capitol, but they were never given a formal plan and did not expect him to follow through, according to a Pence adviser with direct knowledge of their plans.
“There was no plan for what to do if Trump showed up,” the Pence adviser said. “Frankly, we didn’t think it was going to happen.”
Press Enter to skip to end of carousel
More on the Capitol riot
‘Take me up to the Capitol now’: How close Trump came to joining rioters
‘Take me up to the Capitol now’: How close Trump came to joining rioters
Meet the 7 Hill Republicans willing to hold Trump accountable for Jan. 6
Meet the 7 Hill Republicans willing to hold Trump accountable for Jan. 6
The Attack: Before, During and After
The Attack: Before, During and After
Images from Jan. 6 depict the U.S. Capitol under attack
Images from Jan. 6 depict the U.S. Capitol under attack
41 minutes of fear: A video timeline from inside the Capitol siege
41 minutes of fear: A video timeline from inside the Capitol siege
Capitol Police officer Caroline Edwards recounts Jan. 6 ‘war scene’
Capitol Police officer Caroline Edwards recounts Jan. 6 ‘war scene’
Warnings of Jan. 6 violence preceded the Capitol riot
Warnings of Jan. 6 violence preceded the Capitol riot
What happened on Jan. 6: Trump stands back as rioters breach Capitol
What happened on Jan. 6: Trump stands back as rioters breach Capitol
After Jan. 6, threats and disinformation take hold across the U.S.
After Jan. 6, threats and disinformation take hold across the U.S.
‘No pictures, no pictures’: The enduring images from Jan. 6
‘No pictures, no pictures’: The enduring images from Jan. 6
Jan. 6 White House logs given to House show 7-hour gap in Trump calls
Jan. 6 White House logs given to House show 7-hour gap in Trump calls
How Ashli Babbitt went from Capitol rioter to Trump-embraced ‘martyr’
How Ashli Babbitt went from Capitol rioter to Trump-embraced ‘martyr’
Desperate, angry, destructive: How Americans morphed into a mob
Desperate, angry, destructive: How Americans morphed into a mob
Virginia Thomas urged White House chief to pursue unrelenting efforts to overturn the 2020 election, texts show
Virginia Thomas urged White House chief to pursue unrelenting efforts to ov...
How one of America’s ugliest days unraveled inside and outside the Capitol
How one of America’s ugliest days unraveled inside and outside the Capitol
End of carousel
Some of his allies said Trump never brought up the idea of going to the Capitol with them, even as he bandied it about internally with his aides and Secret Service team. “Not to my knowledge was he ever coming up here,” said Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), who regularly talked with Trump in the days leading up to Jan. 6. “To me, I don’t see him going to a riot.”
On Jan. 4, Trump raised the issue with several White House aides again, but Secret Service and senior staff warned him it would be logistically impossible and dangerous, a person familiar with the discussion said. Another adviser said the Secret Service was particularly skittish about a trip to the Capitol because a trip in November — when Trump went into a crowd of election fraud protesters in Washington — was viewed as nightmarish and difficult to manage.
Before, During and After: The Attack on the U.S. Capitol
The next day, on the eve of the rally, Tony Ornato, the White House deputy chief of staff for operations, told a senior staffer there was no possibility they were going to the Capitol, saying, “That is not part of the plan,” the staffer recalled.
Trump, though, seemed to have other ideas. Just before he addressed the rally on the Ellipse, Trump gathered with family members and close aides in a tent backstage. As Trump looked at monitors showing a video feed of the crowd, Hutchinson testified that she overheard him complaining about unoccupied space in the shot and wanting more people to enter. According to her testimony, Ornato explained to Trump that some people in the crowd couldn’t go through the security screening because they had weapons.
Supporters of President Trump wait for him to speak at the Ellipse on Jan. 6, 2021. (Carlos Barria/Reuters)
“I overheard the president say something to the effect of, ‘I don’t care that they have weapons, they’re not here to hurt me,'” Hutchinson testified. She also recalled hearing Trump say, “Let my people in. They can march to the Capitol after the rally’s over.”
The moment was captured in photographs that the committee obtained from the National Archives and displayed during the hearing. The scene in the tent also appeared in a video recorded by Donald Trump Jr., showing the president looking at the screens and talking to Meadows and his daughter Ivanka while Kimberly Guilfoyle danced to Laura Branigan’s “Gloria.”
Other people in the tent at the time did not respond to requests for comment or declined to corroborate or dispute Hutchinson’s account on the record. Some Secret Service officials told the committee they did not recall Trump saying he wanted to admit more people despite being warned of weapons in the crowd, according to a person briefed on their testimony.
Trump denied wanting to let in people with guns. “Who would ever want that? Not me!” he posted on his Truth Social platform.
When Trump took the stage, he told the rally, “We’re going to walk down and I’ll be there with you.” The remark stunned staffers who didn’t understand that to be the plan.
“I told people we were not really going to the Capitol,” recalled the senior staffer who has spoken with Ornato. “It never crossed my mind that was legitimate.”
But as Trump left the stage, he made clear he was serious. That’s when his personal assistant, Nick Luna, first became aware of Trump’s desire to go to the Capitol, according to his taped testimony played at Tuesday’s hearing.
Hutchinson testified that she overheard Meadows tell the president he was still working on arranging the trip up Capitol Hill. According to Hutchinson, she told Meadows that Ornato said the movement wasn’t possible, and Meadows responded, “Okay,” before getting into the motorcade.
Echoes of Watergate: Trump's appointees reveal his push to topple the Justice Dept.
“MOGUL’s going to the Capital [sic] … they are clearing a route now,” a National Security Council staffer posted to an internal chat obtained by the committee, using Trump’s Secret Service code name.
“They are begging him to reconsider,” another message said. When a planned route was posted to the chat, the log shows a staffer responding, “So this is happening.”
Inside the presidential SUV, Trump’s demands to go to the Capitol culminated in a dramatic showdown, according to Hutchinson, who said Ornato described the incident to her shortly afterward. By her account, Trump was under the impression from Meadows that his surprise trip to the Capitol was about to happen. In the car, Secret Service agent Bobby Engel told Trump the route to the Capitol could not be secured and they would return to the West Wing, Hutchinson said.
“The president had a very strong, very angry response to that,” she testified. “Tony described him as being irate. The president said something to the effect of, ‘I’m the f-ing president. Take me up to the Capitol now.’”
President Donald Trump cheers supporters from The Ellipse. (Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images)
When Engel insisted that the car was instead bound for the White House, Hutchinson said Trump reached toward the steering wheel. Engel grabbed his arm, Hutchinson testified, and said, “Sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel. We’re going back to the West Wing. We’re not going to the Capitol.”
According to Hutchinson’s testimony about Ornato’s account to her, Trump used his other hand to lunge toward Engel. When Ornato told this story to Hutchinson, with Engel in the room, she said, he gestured toward his collarbones. When Hutchinson recounted this at the hearing, she placed a hand at the base of her neck.
Trump denied trying to grab the steering wheel, calling Hutchinson’s testimony “'sick' and fraudulent.” Ornato and Engel were not asked about the incident when they testified to the committee, the person briefed on the Secret Service testimony said.
Trump spokesman Taylor Budowich dismissed Hutchinson’s testimony in a statement Thursday: “The fact that The Washington Post is still trying to peddle testimony from a witness who has been widely discredited, and who many believe perjured herself — which is a felony — is an absolute embarrassment.”
Three agents who accompanied Trump on Jan. 6 are disputing that Trump assaulted or grabbed at Engel and/or the steering wheel, according to one current and one former law enforcement official familiar with their accounts. The three agents, Engle and Ornato are also willing to testify under oath to the committee about their recollection of events on Jan. 6 in the Secret Service vehicle, the two people said. The three agents do not dispute that Trump was furious that the agents would not take him to the Capitol.
Even after the car returned Trump to the West Wing, he still wouldn’t let go of wanting to reach the Capitol.
Tear gas is fired at supporters of President Trump who stormed the United States Capitol building. (Evelyn Hockstein/For The Washington Post)
“When we got back to the White House, he said he wanted to physically walk with the marchers, and according to my notes, he then said he’d be fine with just riding the Beast,” former press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said in videotaped testimony to the committee, referring to the nickname for the fortified presidential limo. “He wanted to be a part of the march in some fashion.”
Trump was furious with Meadows for failing to make the trip happen, Hutchinson testified that Meadows told her. By the time they were back in the West Wing, the televisions were showing live coverage of the rioters overpowering police and getting closer to the Capitol’s doors and windows. Hutchinson testified that she entered Meadows’s office and asked him if he was watching.
“The rioters are getting really close,” she recalled asking the chief of staff. “Have you talked to the president?”
“No,” Meadows answered, while scrolling and texting on his phone, according to Hutchinson’s testimony, “he wants to be alone right now.”
‘Take me up to the Capitol now’: How close Trump came to joining rioters
Trump’s demands to lead a march to Capitol Hill sheds new light on his mindset as the siege began.
By Isaac Arnsdorf, Josh Dawsey and Carol D. Leonnig
July 1, 2022 at 6:00 a.m. EDT
Trump supporters make their way up Constitution Avenue toward the Capitol after President Donald Trump gave a speech at the Ellipse and encouraged them to go on Jan. 6, 2021. (Michael S. Williamson/The Washington Post)
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Toward the end of 2020, then-President Donald Trump began raising a new idea with aides: that he would personally lead a march to the Capitol on the following Jan. 6.
Trump brought it up repeatedly with key advisers in the Oval Office, according to a person who talked with him about it. The president told others he wanted a dramatic, made-for-TV moment that could pressure Republican lawmakers to support his demand to throw out the electoral college results showing that Joe Biden had defeated him, the person said.
The excursion that almost happened came into clearer focus this week, as the House committee investigating the attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 presented explosive testimony and records detailing Trump’s fervent demands to lead his supporters mobbing the seat of government. Though Trump’s trip was ultimately thwarted by his own security officers, the new evidence cuts closer to the critical question of what he knew about the violence in store for that day.
Trump has acknowledged his foiled effort to reach the Capitol. “Secret Service wouldn’t let me,” he told The Washington Post in April. “I wanted to go. I wanted to go so badly. Secret Service says you can’t go. I would have gone there in a minute.”
But as Trump repeatedly floated the idea in the weeks leading up to Jan. 6, several of his advisers doubted he meant it or didn’t take the suggestion seriously. One senior administration official said Trump raised the prospect repeatedly but in a “joking manner.”
As a result, the White House staff never turned Trump’s stated desires into concrete plans. Press officers made no preparations for a detour to the Capitol, such as scheduling an additional stop for the motorcade and the pool of reporters who follow the president’s movements. There was no operational advance plan drafted for the visit. No speech was written for him to deliver on the Hill, and it wasn’t clear exactly what Trump would do when he got there, said the person who talked with Trump about the idea.
The bombshell sixth Jan. 6 hearing in 3 minutes
Former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson testified on June 28 about President Donald Trump’s actions surrounding the Jan. 6 Capitol attack. (Video: JM Rieger/The Washington Post, Photo: Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)
This account of Trump’s ceaseless plotting to join the mob at the Capitol on Jan. 6 is based on committee testimony and evidence as well as 15 former officials, aides, law enforcement officials and others, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to reveal internal details.
Aides did not know where Trump got the idea, this person said, but it wasn’t from inside the White House. The chief of staff, Mark Meadows, discussed plans to bring Trump to the Capitol with Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) and lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who was leading the campaign’s efforts to overturn the election results, according to testimony from Cassidy Hutchinson, a close aide to Meadows.
Trump call on Jan. 6 to 'walk down to the Capitol' prompted Secret Service scramble
“I remember hearing a few different ideas discussed between Mark and Scott Perry, Mark and Rudy Giuliani,” Hutchinson said in videotaped testimony to the Jan. 6 committee played during Tuesday’s hearing. “I know that there were discussions about him having another speech outside of the Capitol before going in. I know that there is a conversation about him going into the House chamber at one point.”
Meadows declined to comment through his attorney. Giuliani and a spokeswoman for Perry did not respond to requests for comment.
Hutchinson’s attorneys said Wednesday that she “stands by all of the testimony she provided yesterday, under oath.”
This exhibit from video released by the House Jan. 6 committee shows a photo of former president Donald Trump talking to his chief of staff Mark Meadows as Donald Trump Jr. looks on before a rally on the Ellipse on Jan. 6, 2021. (AP)
Hutchinson’s account was supported by other testimony played at the hearing. “He brought it up, he said, ‘I want to go down to the Capitol,” Max Miller, a White House aide now running for Congress in Ohio, said in taped testimony. But Miller’s entire testimony wasn’t played, where he suggested it was a short-lived idea, according to people familiar with the matter.
Some White House officials were out of the loop. Ordinarily, the White House’s legislative affairs staffers would be involved in a visit to Capitol Hill, but they were not briefed on any plans for him to go on Jan. 6, according to two senior administration officials. Aides to Vice President Mike Pence heard secondhand from other White House advisers that Trump wanted to go to the Capitol, but they were never given a formal plan and did not expect him to follow through, according to a Pence adviser with direct knowledge of their plans.
“There was no plan for what to do if Trump showed up,” the Pence adviser said. “Frankly, we didn’t think it was going to happen.”
Press Enter to skip to end of carousel
More on the Capitol riot
‘Take me up to the Capitol now’: How close Trump came to joining rioters
‘Take me up to the Capitol now’: How close Trump came to joining rioters
Meet the 7 Hill Republicans willing to hold Trump accountable for Jan. 6
Meet the 7 Hill Republicans willing to hold Trump accountable for Jan. 6
The Attack: Before, During and After
The Attack: Before, During and After
Images from Jan. 6 depict the U.S. Capitol under attack
Images from Jan. 6 depict the U.S. Capitol under attack
41 minutes of fear: A video timeline from inside the Capitol siege
41 minutes of fear: A video timeline from inside the Capitol siege
Capitol Police officer Caroline Edwards recounts Jan. 6 ‘war scene’
Capitol Police officer Caroline Edwards recounts Jan. 6 ‘war scene’
Warnings of Jan. 6 violence preceded the Capitol riot
Warnings of Jan. 6 violence preceded the Capitol riot
What happened on Jan. 6: Trump stands back as rioters breach Capitol
What happened on Jan. 6: Trump stands back as rioters breach Capitol
After Jan. 6, threats and disinformation take hold across the U.S.
After Jan. 6, threats and disinformation take hold across the U.S.
‘No pictures, no pictures’: The enduring images from Jan. 6
‘No pictures, no pictures’: The enduring images from Jan. 6
Jan. 6 White House logs given to House show 7-hour gap in Trump calls
Jan. 6 White House logs given to House show 7-hour gap in Trump calls
How Ashli Babbitt went from Capitol rioter to Trump-embraced ‘martyr’
How Ashli Babbitt went from Capitol rioter to Trump-embraced ‘martyr’
Desperate, angry, destructive: How Americans morphed into a mob
Desperate, angry, destructive: How Americans morphed into a mob
Virginia Thomas urged White House chief to pursue unrelenting efforts to overturn the 2020 election, texts show
Virginia Thomas urged White House chief to pursue unrelenting efforts to ov...
How one of America’s ugliest days unraveled inside and outside the Capitol
How one of America’s ugliest days unraveled inside and outside the Capitol
End of carousel
Some of his allies said Trump never brought up the idea of going to the Capitol with them, even as he bandied it about internally with his aides and Secret Service team. “Not to my knowledge was he ever coming up here,” said Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), who regularly talked with Trump in the days leading up to Jan. 6. “To me, I don’t see him going to a riot.”
On Jan. 4, Trump raised the issue with several White House aides again, but Secret Service and senior staff warned him it would be logistically impossible and dangerous, a person familiar with the discussion said. Another adviser said the Secret Service was particularly skittish about a trip to the Capitol because a trip in November — when Trump went into a crowd of election fraud protesters in Washington — was viewed as nightmarish and difficult to manage.
Before, During and After: The Attack on the U.S. Capitol
The next day, on the eve of the rally, Tony Ornato, the White House deputy chief of staff for operations, told a senior staffer there was no possibility they were going to the Capitol, saying, “That is not part of the plan,” the staffer recalled.
Trump, though, seemed to have other ideas. Just before he addressed the rally on the Ellipse, Trump gathered with family members and close aides in a tent backstage. As Trump looked at monitors showing a video feed of the crowd, Hutchinson testified that she overheard him complaining about unoccupied space in the shot and wanting more people to enter. According to her testimony, Ornato explained to Trump that some people in the crowd couldn’t go through the security screening because they had weapons.
Supporters of President Trump wait for him to speak at the Ellipse on Jan. 6, 2021. (Carlos Barria/Reuters)
“I overheard the president say something to the effect of, ‘I don’t care that they have weapons, they’re not here to hurt me,'” Hutchinson testified. She also recalled hearing Trump say, “Let my people in. They can march to the Capitol after the rally’s over.”
The moment was captured in photographs that the committee obtained from the National Archives and displayed during the hearing. The scene in the tent also appeared in a video recorded by Donald Trump Jr., showing the president looking at the screens and talking to Meadows and his daughter Ivanka while Kimberly Guilfoyle danced to Laura Branigan’s “Gloria.”
Other people in the tent at the time did not respond to requests for comment or declined to corroborate or dispute Hutchinson’s account on the record. Some Secret Service officials told the committee they did not recall Trump saying he wanted to admit more people despite being warned of weapons in the crowd, according to a person briefed on their testimony.
Trump denied wanting to let in people with guns. “Who would ever want that? Not me!” he posted on his Truth Social platform.
When Trump took the stage, he told the rally, “We’re going to walk down and I’ll be there with you.” The remark stunned staffers who didn’t understand that to be the plan.
“I told people we were not really going to the Capitol,” recalled the senior staffer who has spoken with Ornato. “It never crossed my mind that was legitimate.”
But as Trump left the stage, he made clear he was serious. That’s when his personal assistant, Nick Luna, first became aware of Trump’s desire to go to the Capitol, according to his taped testimony played at Tuesday’s hearing.
Hutchinson testified that she overheard Meadows tell the president he was still working on arranging the trip up Capitol Hill. According to Hutchinson, she told Meadows that Ornato said the movement wasn’t possible, and Meadows responded, “Okay,” before getting into the motorcade.
Echoes of Watergate: Trump's appointees reveal his push to topple the Justice Dept.
“MOGUL’s going to the Capital [sic] … they are clearing a route now,” a National Security Council staffer posted to an internal chat obtained by the committee, using Trump’s Secret Service code name.
“They are begging him to reconsider,” another message said. When a planned route was posted to the chat, the log shows a staffer responding, “So this is happening.”
Inside the presidential SUV, Trump’s demands to go to the Capitol culminated in a dramatic showdown, according to Hutchinson, who said Ornato described the incident to her shortly afterward. By her account, Trump was under the impression from Meadows that his surprise trip to the Capitol was about to happen. In the car, Secret Service agent Bobby Engel told Trump the route to the Capitol could not be secured and they would return to the West Wing, Hutchinson said.
“The president had a very strong, very angry response to that,” she testified. “Tony described him as being irate. The president said something to the effect of, ‘I’m the f-ing president. Take me up to the Capitol now.’”
President Donald Trump cheers supporters from The Ellipse. (Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images)
When Engel insisted that the car was instead bound for the White House, Hutchinson said Trump reached toward the steering wheel. Engel grabbed his arm, Hutchinson testified, and said, “Sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel. We’re going back to the West Wing. We’re not going to the Capitol.”
According to Hutchinson’s testimony about Ornato’s account to her, Trump used his other hand to lunge toward Engel. When Ornato told this story to Hutchinson, with Engel in the room, she said, he gestured toward his collarbones. When Hutchinson recounted this at the hearing, she placed a hand at the base of her neck.
Trump denied trying to grab the steering wheel, calling Hutchinson’s testimony “'sick' and fraudulent.” Ornato and Engel were not asked about the incident when they testified to the committee, the person briefed on the Secret Service testimony said.
Trump spokesman Taylor Budowich dismissed Hutchinson’s testimony in a statement Thursday: “The fact that The Washington Post is still trying to peddle testimony from a witness who has been widely discredited, and who many believe perjured herself — which is a felony — is an absolute embarrassment.”
Three agents who accompanied Trump on Jan. 6 are disputing that Trump assaulted or grabbed at Engel and/or the steering wheel, according to one current and one former law enforcement official familiar with their accounts. The three agents, Engle and Ornato are also willing to testify under oath to the committee about their recollection of events on Jan. 6 in the Secret Service vehicle, the two people said. The three agents do not dispute that Trump was furious that the agents would not take him to the Capitol.
Even after the car returned Trump to the West Wing, he still wouldn’t let go of wanting to reach the Capitol.
Tear gas is fired at supporters of President Trump who stormed the United States Capitol building. (Evelyn Hockstein/For The Washington Post)
“When we got back to the White House, he said he wanted to physically walk with the marchers, and according to my notes, he then said he’d be fine with just riding the Beast,” former press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said in videotaped testimony to the committee, referring to the nickname for the fortified presidential limo. “He wanted to be a part of the march in some fashion.”
Trump was furious with Meadows for failing to make the trip happen, Hutchinson testified that Meadows told her. By the time they were back in the West Wing, the televisions were showing live coverage of the rioters overpowering police and getting closer to the Capitol’s doors and windows. Hutchinson testified that she entered Meadows’s office and asked him if he was watching.
“The rioters are getting really close,” she recalled asking the chief of staff. “Have you talked to the president?”
“No,” Meadows answered, while scrolling and texting on his phone, according to Hutchinson’s testimony, “he wants to be alone right now.”
I know, I know,
Scroll right, Liz Cheney
A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against government, poll says
Survey of 1,000 registered US voters also reveals that most Americans agree government is ‘corrupt and rigged’
Imagine what the real number is.
Roughly 3% fought the King's government in what was to become the American Revolution.
A quarter of Americans open to taking up arms against government, poll says
Survey of 1,000 registered US voters also reveals that most Americans agree government is ‘corrupt and rigged’
as always he sums it up in classic brilliant style:
Like this one:
"And what if conservatives showed up screaming at the gates of one of Barack Obama’s three mansions?"
VDH: The genius farmer 8-)
Did Deep State Andy ever apologize to Tucker?,and%20inciting%20crowds%20to%20storm%20into%20the%20Capitol.
Deep State Andy assures us this could never happen!
It's different, because reasons!
What is Lost?
In the fifth century storm upon storm out of the dark North swept away in a great deluge of barbarism all the civilization of the western half of the Roman Empire. From the Atlantic to Constantinople, and from the Rhine to the Danube to the deserts of Africa, all that was learned and cultivated, all that was artistic and beautiful, was overwhelmed in an avalanche of ruin in which not only the triumphs of architecture, literature, and art, produced by many centuries of a high civilization, but also those who could create such things afresh, were involved in one general destruction.
Civilization is fragile. It can swept away in a very short time. In fact, Forces are gathering right now to sweep it away. Those who should have been defending our civilization have tended to join with the destroyers: politicians, professors, artists, writers, even scientists. They don’t seem to know what they are doing.
Although we are threatened with the nuclear arsenals of Russia and China, we are not threatened — as the Romans were — with “storm upon storm out of the dark North in a great deluge of barbarism.” We are threatened with a savagery of spirit and a barbarism of mind. We are threatened with that “coldest of all cold monsters,” the state. We are threatened with a perverted intellectuality. We are threatened with the self-deluded mediocrity of our “experts,” pundits and politicians We are threatened by fake science parading as “consensus” science (as if real science could ever occur without challenging the “consensus”). We are threatened by lies that remain uncorrected, corruption that is not properly investigated, and a cowardice that won’t rally.
A year ago last fall Nancy Pelosi said Joe Biden was going to be inaugurated president regardless. Well, he was. The Constitution is observed in theory but not in practice. When the Supreme Court overturns Roe vs. Wade the decision of the Court is said to be “illegitimate.” The ruling political party no longer cares for checks and balances, fair elections or the Bill of Rights.
Those without respect, without reverence, without piety, want to reorder society to their liking. They are careful to avoid the word “socialist,” but that is the system they want. They are against the free market. They oppose capitalism. They hate Christianity. They are trying to eliminate freedom of speech. But most of all, they hate America. They absolutely, down to their bones, hate America.
The country is said to be polarized between left and right. In fact, the left is becoming a totalitarian formation. Its goals and ambitions are no longer compatible with free speech or free elections. Socialism sees itself as more important than the rule of law, superior to republican institutions. Anti-socialism is counted more and more as an absolute evil, signifying racism, sexism and classism. Thus, the very basis for party competition under free elections is in free fall.
The left is becoming the victim of its own shadow, projecting its own dictatorial ambitions onto the right. This is plain for all to see. They talk a good game when it comes to democracy, but as Nancy Pelosi demonstrated in 2020, the actual vote doesn’t matter. Biden will be inaugurated “regardless.”
This situation cannot continue indefinitely. The country is getting tired of it, and the Biden administration has worn out its welcome. As the spell of each successive falsification breaks, however, the masses are vulnerable to new narratives featuring new falsifications. The country never seems to arrive at the truth. The shopping mall regime offers us pajamas in our favorite colors. The peddlers of conspiracy theory offer many flavors to choose from. You can blame the invisible Illuminati, the Jews, the Vatican, or the CIA. Who dares to name the real malefactors — the communists? You can believe a missile hit the Pentagon, or that Ukraine is the aggressor rather than the country that invaded Ukraine. You can believe the wicked American “military-industrial” complex is responsible for the world’s woes, or that 9/11 was an inside job. Buried underneath a great mass of nonsense the truth remains hidden: Russia and China are allied, they are coming after us, and the communists are their fifth column.
The Democrats pretend to support Ukraine in the war, but their support is token. For every artillery shell the Ukrainians fire, the Russians are firing ten. NATO pretends to increase its readiness for war, but NATO is not ready. On every side a demoralizing propaganda attends. We must overcome this. And only the truth will suffice if Providence is willing.
Greatness in leadership, argued Thomas Carlyle, is very simple. Those who are the instruments of Providence are effective only insofar as they see the truth of their time and are able to act in accordance with that truth. That this is a rare thing; for most men are the dupes of wishful thinking. As Gustave Le Bon famously said: “Mankind prefers fiction to truth.”
Therefore, if regard for the truth coincides with the work of Providence (as envisioned by Carlyle), then disregard for the truth guarantees a bungled course of corruption ending in defeat. Undoubtedly, this politics of ours is a politics of mediocrity and decline because it is a politics built on insincerity.
The avalanche of ruin we face today is not from barbarian tribes threatening to cross the Rhine and the Danube. The avalanche of today is the result of an inner emptiness and want of moral seriousness. Demosthenes held that the most persuasive oratory was ethical. Only by appealing to truth and justice can we turn the tide. Of course, an oratory of fake truth and fake justice can be heard on every side.
As a lover of art and culture, G.F. Young expressed what was lost in the collapse of Roman civilization in the fifth century. He did so as one who felt the loss deeply. He called what followed a night of “two hundred years” in which barbarians fought over civilization’s corpse. Then came the eighth century and Charlemagne, who brought forty years of flickering light. Afterwards there came another hundred and fifty years of battling as “the Mohamedans” swept out of Arabia with another deluge of war and pillage. “At length,” he recounts, “in the twelfth century the re-civilization of the West is begun by the discovery in Italy of the code of the Roman law.”
Two centuries later, a “miracle” occurs. Dante, Giotto and Petrarch appear. Great literature in the classic form reappears. We see the first rendering of the classical spirit since Boëthius penned that last meditation on truth, The Consolation of Philosophy. Young wrote: “out of the very grave of that old civilization of Rome, buried nine centuries before, comes the new inspiration, the Re-birth.” Thus began the Renaissance. The flower would bloom again.
But now, the flower of that greatest of all civilizations, known as “the West,” has withered. Barbarism makes itself felt as learning turns against the classical spirit — turns against beauty in art, nobility in manners, morality in daily life. The downside of the cycle comes again. A terrible battle approaches us in our decadence. Can we reform and revive our dying world?
The truth is the key.
"The left is becoming the victim of its own shadow, projecting its own dictatorial ambitions onto the right."
I would only add to this it is not a subconscious defense mechanism
but a conscious effort to blame the other side for its misdeeds.
Perhaps the author already meant this.
Democrats do not "threaten Democracy". - screams the Dem politicians through the media echo chamber - we do
yeah right. :roll:
all the while the shysters are hard at work with the DNC MSM complex at calling *US* the insurrectionists and the "THREAT TO DEMOCRACY'
just like Stalin and crew
rape murder steal cheat lie and then state whoever opposes them is a threat to the nation
history repeats
but it ain't over till its over stated the three time MVP MLB player . :x
So strange. Makes the rest of the hearings and investigation look like a farce.
If I understand correctly, Trump offered National Guard troops to Nancy Pelosi to strengthen the Capitol Police force prior to Jan 6, 2020. She declined.
"Fact checkers" in name only say no "formal request" was made, debunking straw, but a memo from the Defense Dpt to the Capitol Police proves the claim true:
Jump forward to the "hearings". I watched a few moments the first day they were televised in prime time. Democrat* Liz Cheney spewed out a list of things Trump did not do on the day of the Capitol breach. Dishonest on that list was she ignored all the things Trump did do, like saying, "go peacefully", and offering troops.
Lying by omission.
Following the rant by Democrat* Liz Cheney, no Republican rebuttal was allowed.
The right to confront your accusers is a right guaranteed in the Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment of the United States Constitution. That right is not always recognized in a kangeroo court.
GM's annoyance notwithstanding :-D as usual we come away from AMcC knowing more about the legal issues than we did before:
January 6 Committee’s Bid to Prove Trump Criminally Liable for Violence Falls Short
July 16, 2022 6:30 AM
If anything, the panel has bolstered Trump’s defense rather than undermining it.
The January 6 committee seemed to hit the point of diminishing returns this week. The Democrat-controlled panel is straining to establish that its target, former president Donald Trump, is not just morally and politically but criminally culpable for the deadly Capitol riot, but it can’t make the case. Its evidence of criminal intent is too weak, and its tactic of conflating Trump’s state of mind with the unhinged words of extremists who reacted to his rhetoric is sleight-of-hand.
Plus, Trump has an intent defense: He was trying to ratchet up political pressure on Congress, not provoke a forcible uprising. And the committee is not only ignoring that defense but bolstering it (however inadvertently).
To be clear, I am speaking here narrowly about crimes involving the intent to use force, a necessary element of such offenses as seditious conspiracy, with which the Justice Department has charged several rioters. Trump’s liability for other potential crimes arising out of the events that culminated in the Capitol riot remains an open question. The committee is correct that Trump orchestrated a raucous rally on the National Mall on January 6, 2021. But the evidence that he intended the rally to turn lethally violent, as the committee implies, is slim.
To draw the committee’s conclusion, one must pretend, as the panel mulishly does, that Trump never said, during his speech at the rally that preceded the riot, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” (Memo to the Committee: In real criminal proceedings, which, unlike scripted political presentations, have cross-examination and the right to present a defense, your case gets laughed out of court when you get caught burying the exculpatory evidence. Competent prosecutors confront the exculpatory evidence head-on. Rather than signaling fear of it, they try to persuade the fact-finder that it’s trumped by other, more compelling evidence. Being persuasive involves playing it straight to maintain your credibility.)
The committee’s theory also indulges a presumption of guilt, the opposite of what Trump would be entitled to if charged with a crime. The committee would have you believe that when Trump used common political rhetoric, such as telling people they must “fight like hell” for their country, he meant it literally — whereas, when former community-organizer and “direct action” devotee Barack Obama told his fellow progressives, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” or Joe Biden told black people that Republicans “want to put y’all back in chains,” they were just employing well-intentioned metaphors.
The committee’s contention is shallow. Searching through Trump’s speech, I found 20 invocations of the word fight. In all of them, it makes sense that Trump was using the word metaphorically to convey the concept of political opposition; and in many of them it would be irrational to conclude that he meant the use of physical force (e.g., his lawyers are fighting, his House Republican allies are fighting, we have to primary RINOs who don’t fight, he fights with the media, we need to fight big donors and big tech). The fact that people got physical after Trump urged them to “fight” does not prove that he intended for them to get physical.
This brings us back to the “dog that hasn’t barked” point I made prior to Tuesday’s committee session. The Justice Department conducts criminal investigations for a living, and has more expertise and legal tools at its disposal than the January 6 committee has. A battalion of DOJ prosecutors had been intensively probing the Capitol riot for months before the committee was even formed. The DOJ has thus far charged over 800 people with crimes related to the riot. Yet, despite all the proof it has amassed (far more than the committee has), the DOJ has not even portrayed Trump as an unindicted coconspirator. To the contrary, prosecutors have fought to preclude riot defendants from using Trump’s rhetoric — both the rhetoric from his speech specifically and the rhetoric he used throughout the fraudulent “stop the steal” campaign more broadly — as a defense. It is not enough to say that the Biden Justice Department has not charged a violent-crime case against Trump. If, as the committee seems to be urging, the DOJ were to reverse course and indict Trump for the riot itself, defendants who’ve already been prosecuted for crimes arising from it would cry foul, and prosecutors would have a lot of explaining to do. So I would not hold my breath waiting for that to happen.
Again, that is not to say that Trump is in the clear. There are potential penal offenses on the DOJ’s radar that don’t hinge on Trump’s being criminally culpable for the riot. I think that there are other problems with those offenses, and that the DOJ would be making a profound mistake if it charged a former president with an iffy, non-violent crime. But that’s a topic for another day.
When law-enforcement officials realize that they can’t make a case because they can’t prove criminal intent beyond a reasonable doubt, the matter is quietly dropped, and we never learn what the investigation turned up. By contrast, the January 6 committee is a political body with an unabashed anti-Trump agenda. So it is doing what pols do when they’ve insisted their adversaries are guilty of serious crimes: substituting smoke and mirrors for the hole in its case and hoping nobody notices.
On that score, Tuesday’s proceeding can be summed up in one snapshot. Committee member Jamie Raskin of Maryland, who partnered with fellow Democrat Stephanie Murphy of Florida in leading the presentation, called attention to Trump’s infamous tweet in the wee hours of the morning on December 19, 2020: “Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!” Raskin then pivoted to an Internet message board frequented by right-wing extremists, where immediately after the president’s tweet, one fanatic had written, “Trump just told us all to come armed.”
There it is . . . the call to violent insurrection!
Except, Trump hadn’t said anything about “coming armed.” In fact, in a real hearing, a judge or an adversary would slam Raskin over a stunt like this. The committee doesn’t have a shred of evidence that the former president was asking anyone to come to Washington armed or to commit violence upon arriving. So instead, the panel projects images of what zealots said in reaction to Trump’s rhetoric on its big movie screen, flashes some blood-curdling video of zealots assaulting police and breaking into the Capitol days later, and invites us to conclude that Trump intended a violent attack, Q.E.D. But that’s not how the criminal law works.
The committee has not only failed to prove Trump had criminal intent to cause violence. It has not even confronted, much less disproved, his intent defense.
What appears to have happened here is that Trump summoned what he hoped would be a boisterous throng to Washington in order to influence Pence and congressional Republicans to execute his strategy for keeping power during the January 6 joint session of Congress. Based on John Eastman’s loopy legal theory, congressional Republicans would object to the counting of electoral votes certified by key states won by Biden (i.e., states that had Republican-controlled legislatures, which Trump hoped to then pressure into substituting slates of Trump electors for the already-certified slates of Biden electors, using his unsubstantiated claims of massive election fraud as a pretext). Pence would then have to sustain these objections and purport to either rule the votes invalid or remand the question back to the state governments for recertification. This plan, which fantasized that virtually all Republicans would toe the line, and that Democrats would meekly roll over and play dead, had zero prospect of success. It was also lawless. But that it was lawless does not mean it was a call to violence.
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The committee is not just failing to refute this intent defense; the evidence presented at Tuesday’s hearing actually supported it.
Raskin and Murphy played portions of Trump’s speech in which he explicitly said that the point of marching to the Capitol was “to try and give our Republicans — the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help — we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.” This, mind you, was after Trump had said the objective was to give Vice President Pence the spine to do “the right thing” by executing the strategy Eastman had devised.
Note that, in prior sessions (including the one at which former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson testified), the committee implied that, because Trump knew some people in the crowd were armed, he must have intended a violent uprising. But that doesn’t necessarily follow. Remember, we’re talking now about criminal intent, not recklessness. On the other hand, encouraging a “wild” crowd — including some Trump supporters who might be armed — to “make your voices heard” at the Capitol is completely consistent with trying to ratchet up pressure on political officials.
Now, I want to be clear: If the subject at hand were impeachment, rather than criminal prosecution, that would be a different matter. I have long maintained that, without admitting as much, the January 6 committee is conducting the impeachment investigation that House Democrats failed to conduct 18 months ago. What the committee illustrated Tuesday, and what it has shown in its previous sessions (six other ones in recent weeks, and one last year featuring police who were battered by the rioters), is that there were abundant bases for impeaching Trump, removing him from office, and disqualifying him from future office. And since removal was not on the table because the riot occurred just two weeks before Trump’s term ended, there was no reason to rush the impeachment investigation.
That is why many of us at National Review (myself included) urged that the House conduct a thorough investigation and draft articles of impeachment that matched Trump’s indefensible derelictions of duty during the two-month period beginning on Election Day and lasting through the riot. House Democrats didn’t do that, opting instead for an “Incitement to Insurrection” article, which was so poorly conceived and shoddily investigated that it gave Senate Republicans easy resort to the pretext that it was unconstitutional to subject a non-incumbent to an impeachment trial. (Putting aside that this GOP premise was legally dubious, it would have been much more difficult politically for Senate Republicans to ignore a well-constructed case of shocking presidential misconduct.)
It would not be merely appropriate but imperative to impeach, remove, and disqualify a president who recklessly instigated a rally of potentially tens of thousands of people against Congress, particularly when he knew, or should have known, that the rally could turn violent and overwhelm security forces. It wouldn’t matter whether such a president didn’t actually call for or intend violence to ensue. It would especially be Congress’s duty to impeach, remove, and disqualify if the rally-run-amok was the culmination of a course of behavior in which the president, who is sworn to uphold the Constitution, (a) willfully undermined the Constitution’s commitment of elections to state control; (b) willfully undermined the constitutionally mandated process by which Congress accepts and tallies state-certified electoral votes, and thus determines which candidate has won the presidency; and (c) once a riot at the Capitol had broken out, willfully failed to use his manifest influence to have the rioters stand down, protecting the vice president, members of Congress, security personnel, and the public.
Impeachment, of course, pertains to abuses of power that demonstrate unfitness for the privilege of public office; it doesn’t require proof of a penal crime. By contrast, the question the committee pressed this week is whether there are grounds for a criminal prosecution of former President Trump specifically for the riot. Unlike impeachment, a penal crime entails being subject to imprisonment — i.e., the deprivation not of a privilege, but of the fundamental right to liberty. Criminal prosecution is thus a legal process, not a political one. The government must overcome the accused’s right to be presumed innocent by proving every element of the crime, including intent, beyond a reasonable doubt.
In its attempts to prove Trump’s criminal — as opposed to political and moral — culpability for the Capitol riot, the January 6 committee has thus far come up short.
We don't anything more about what AMcC knows about the FBI/DOJ operation on J6. he seems to be avoiding that topic for some reason.
GM's annoyance notwithstanding :-D as usual we come away from AMcC knowing more about the legal issues than we did before:
January 6 Committee’s Bid to Prove Trump Criminally Liable for Violence Falls Short
July 16, 2022 6:30 AM
If anything, the panel has bolstered Trump’s defense rather than undermining it.
The January 6 committee seemed to hit the point of diminishing returns this week. The Democrat-controlled panel is straining to establish that its target, former president Donald Trump, is not just morally and politically but criminally culpable for the deadly Capitol riot, but it can’t make the case. Its evidence of criminal intent is too weak, and its tactic of conflating Trump’s state of mind with the unhinged words of extremists who reacted to his rhetoric is sleight-of-hand.
Plus, Trump has an intent defense: He was trying to ratchet up political pressure on Congress, not provoke a forcible uprising. And the committee is not only ignoring that defense but bolstering it (however inadvertently).
To be clear, I am speaking here narrowly about crimes involving the intent to use force, a necessary element of such offenses as seditious conspiracy, with which the Justice Department has charged several rioters. Trump’s liability for other potential crimes arising out of the events that culminated in the Capitol riot remains an open question. The committee is correct that Trump orchestrated a raucous rally on the National Mall on January 6, 2021. But the evidence that he intended the rally to turn lethally violent, as the committee implies, is slim.
To draw the committee’s conclusion, one must pretend, as the panel mulishly does, that Trump never said, during his speech at the rally that preceded the riot, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” (Memo to the Committee: In real criminal proceedings, which, unlike scripted political presentations, have cross-examination and the right to present a defense, your case gets laughed out of court when you get caught burying the exculpatory evidence. Competent prosecutors confront the exculpatory evidence head-on. Rather than signaling fear of it, they try to persuade the fact-finder that it’s trumped by other, more compelling evidence. Being persuasive involves playing it straight to maintain your credibility.)
The committee’s theory also indulges a presumption of guilt, the opposite of what Trump would be entitled to if charged with a crime. The committee would have you believe that when Trump used common political rhetoric, such as telling people they must “fight like hell” for their country, he meant it literally — whereas, when former community-organizer and “direct action” devotee Barack Obama told his fellow progressives, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” or Joe Biden told black people that Republicans “want to put y’all back in chains,” they were just employing well-intentioned metaphors.
The committee’s contention is shallow. Searching through Trump’s speech, I found 20 invocations of the word fight. In all of them, it makes sense that Trump was using the word metaphorically to convey the concept of political opposition; and in many of them it would be irrational to conclude that he meant the use of physical force (e.g., his lawyers are fighting, his House Republican allies are fighting, we have to primary RINOs who don’t fight, he fights with the media, we need to fight big donors and big tech). The fact that people got physical after Trump urged them to “fight” does not prove that he intended for them to get physical.
This brings us back to the “dog that hasn’t barked” point I made prior to Tuesday’s committee session. The Justice Department conducts criminal investigations for a living, and has more expertise and legal tools at its disposal than the January 6 committee has. A battalion of DOJ prosecutors had been intensively probing the Capitol riot for months before the committee was even formed. The DOJ has thus far charged over 800 people with crimes related to the riot. Yet, despite all the proof it has amassed (far more than the committee has), the DOJ has not even portrayed Trump as an unindicted coconspirator. To the contrary, prosecutors have fought to preclude riot defendants from using Trump’s rhetoric — both the rhetoric from his speech specifically and the rhetoric he used throughout the fraudulent “stop the steal” campaign more broadly — as a defense. It is not enough to say that the Biden Justice Department has not charged a violent-crime case against Trump. If, as the committee seems to be urging, the DOJ were to reverse course and indict Trump for the riot itself, defendants who’ve already been prosecuted for crimes arising from it would cry foul, and prosecutors would have a lot of explaining to do. So I would not hold my breath waiting for that to happen.
Again, that is not to say that Trump is in the clear. There are potential penal offenses on the DOJ’s radar that don’t hinge on Trump’s being criminally culpable for the riot. I think that there are other problems with those offenses, and that the DOJ would be making a profound mistake if it charged a former president with an iffy, non-violent crime. But that’s a topic for another day.
When law-enforcement officials realize that they can’t make a case because they can’t prove criminal intent beyond a reasonable doubt, the matter is quietly dropped, and we never learn what the investigation turned up. By contrast, the January 6 committee is a political body with an unabashed anti-Trump agenda. So it is doing what pols do when they’ve insisted their adversaries are guilty of serious crimes: substituting smoke and mirrors for the hole in its case and hoping nobody notices.
On that score, Tuesday’s proceeding can be summed up in one snapshot. Committee member Jamie Raskin of Maryland, who partnered with fellow Democrat Stephanie Murphy of Florida in leading the presentation, called attention to Trump’s infamous tweet in the wee hours of the morning on December 19, 2020: “Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!” Raskin then pivoted to an Internet message board frequented by right-wing extremists, where immediately after the president’s tweet, one fanatic had written, “Trump just told us all to come armed.”
There it is . . . the call to violent insurrection!
Except, Trump hadn’t said anything about “coming armed.” In fact, in a real hearing, a judge or an adversary would slam Raskin over a stunt like this. The committee doesn’t have a shred of evidence that the former president was asking anyone to come to Washington armed or to commit violence upon arriving. So instead, the panel projects images of what zealots said in reaction to Trump’s rhetoric on its big movie screen, flashes some blood-curdling video of zealots assaulting police and breaking into the Capitol days later, and invites us to conclude that Trump intended a violent attack, Q.E.D. But that’s not how the criminal law works.
The committee has not only failed to prove Trump had criminal intent to cause violence. It has not even confronted, much less disproved, his intent defense.
What appears to have happened here is that Trump summoned what he hoped would be a boisterous throng to Washington in order to influence Pence and congressional Republicans to execute his strategy for keeping power during the January 6 joint session of Congress. Based on John Eastman’s loopy legal theory, congressional Republicans would object to the counting of electoral votes certified by key states won by Biden (i.e., states that had Republican-controlled legislatures, which Trump hoped to then pressure into substituting slates of Trump electors for the already-certified slates of Biden electors, using his unsubstantiated claims of massive election fraud as a pretext). Pence would then have to sustain these objections and purport to either rule the votes invalid or remand the question back to the state governments for recertification. This plan, which fantasized that virtually all Republicans would toe the line, and that Democrats would meekly roll over and play dead, had zero prospect of success. It was also lawless. But that it was lawless does not mean it was a call to violence.
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The committee is not just failing to refute this intent defense; the evidence presented at Tuesday’s hearing actually supported it.
Raskin and Murphy played portions of Trump’s speech in which he explicitly said that the point of marching to the Capitol was “to try and give our Republicans — the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help — we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.” This, mind you, was after Trump had said the objective was to give Vice President Pence the spine to do “the right thing” by executing the strategy Eastman had devised.
Note that, in prior sessions (including the one at which former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson testified), the committee implied that, because Trump knew some people in the crowd were armed, he must have intended a violent uprising. But that doesn’t necessarily follow. Remember, we’re talking now about criminal intent, not recklessness. On the other hand, encouraging a “wild” crowd — including some Trump supporters who might be armed — to “make your voices heard” at the Capitol is completely consistent with trying to ratchet up pressure on political officials.
Now, I want to be clear: If the subject at hand were impeachment, rather than criminal prosecution, that would be a different matter. I have long maintained that, without admitting as much, the January 6 committee is conducting the impeachment investigation that House Democrats failed to conduct 18 months ago. What the committee illustrated Tuesday, and what it has shown in its previous sessions (six other ones in recent weeks, and one last year featuring police who were battered by the rioters), is that there were abundant bases for impeaching Trump, removing him from office, and disqualifying him from future office. And since removal was not on the table because the riot occurred just two weeks before Trump’s term ended, there was no reason to rush the impeachment investigation.
That is why many of us at National Review (myself included) urged that the House conduct a thorough investigation and draft articles of impeachment that matched Trump’s indefensible derelictions of duty during the two-month period beginning on Election Day and lasting through the riot. House Democrats didn’t do that, opting instead for an “Incitement to Insurrection” article, which was so poorly conceived and shoddily investigated that it gave Senate Republicans easy resort to the pretext that it was unconstitutional to subject a non-incumbent to an impeachment trial. (Putting aside that this GOP premise was legally dubious, it would have been much more difficult politically for Senate Republicans to ignore a well-constructed case of shocking presidential misconduct.)
It would not be merely appropriate but imperative to impeach, remove, and disqualify a president who recklessly instigated a rally of potentially tens of thousands of people against Congress, particularly when he knew, or should have known, that the rally could turn violent and overwhelm security forces. It wouldn’t matter whether such a president didn’t actually call for or intend violence to ensue. It would especially be Congress’s duty to impeach, remove, and disqualify if the rally-run-amok was the culmination of a course of behavior in which the president, who is sworn to uphold the Constitution, (a) willfully undermined the Constitution’s commitment of elections to state control; (b) willfully undermined the constitutionally mandated process by which Congress accepts and tallies state-certified electoral votes, and thus determines which candidate has won the presidency; and (c) once a riot at the Capitol had broken out, willfully failed to use his manifest influence to have the rioters stand down, protecting the vice president, members of Congress, security personnel, and the public.
Impeachment, of course, pertains to abuses of power that demonstrate unfitness for the privilege of public office; it doesn’t require proof of a penal crime. By contrast, the question the committee pressed this week is whether there are grounds for a criminal prosecution of former President Trump specifically for the riot. Unlike impeachment, a penal crime entails being subject to imprisonment — i.e., the deprivation not of a privilege, but of the fundamental right to liberty. Criminal prosecution is thus a legal process, not a political one. The government must overcome the accused’s right to be presumed innocent by proving every element of the crime, including intent, beyond a reasonable doubt.
In its attempts to prove Trump’s criminal — as opposed to political and moral — culpability for the Capitol riot, the January 6 committee has thus far come up short.
Maybe he is just staying in his lane i.e. legal issues?
Maybe he is just staying in his lane i.e. legal issues?
He had no problem criticizing Tucker for raising the topic a while back. I don't know he has ever walked back that criticism since a mountain of evidence now clearly demonstrates J6 was a fed op.
Fair enough.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The House Jan. 6 committee aims to show in its final hearing Thursday that Donald Trump’s lies about a stolen election fueled the grisly U.S. Capitol attack, which he did nothing to stop but instead “gleefully” watched on television at the White House.
[Doug] Lies? Isn't the truth still in dispute, plus if they admit he believed it true, it isn't a lie, right?
He watched "gleefully" as his election was stolen, he believed. That's hard to believe.
The prime-time hearing will dive into the 187 minutes that Trump failed to act on Jan. 6, 2021, despite pleas for help from aides, allies and even his family. The panel intends to show how the defeated president’s attempt to overturn Joe Biden’s election victory has left the United States facing enduring questions about the resiliency of its democracy.
“A profound moment of reckoning for America,” said Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., a member of the committee.
With live testimony from two former White House aides, and excerpts from its trove of more than 1,000 interviews, the nearly two-hour session will add a closing chapter to the past six weeks of hearings that at times have captivated the nation.
[Doug] Two more aides we hadn't heard of - until they turned on Trump.
Returning to prime time for the first time since the series of hearings began, the panel aims to show just how close the United States came to what one retired federal judge testifying this summer called a constitutional crisis.
[Doug] "Returning to prime time" indicates show trial, not investigation?
The events of Jan. 6 will be outlined “minute by minute,” said the panel’s vice chair, Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo.
“You will hear that Donald Trump never picked up the phone that day to order his administration to help,” Cheney said.
“He did not call the military. His Secretary of Defense received no order. He did not call his Attorney General. He did not talk to the Department of Homeland Security,” Cheney said. “Mike Pence did all of those things; Donald Trump did not.”
[Doug] Another Liz Cheney string of what Trump didn't do, without mentioning fderal help turned down previously. Who did Mike Pence work for, BTW?
The hearing will also show never-before-seen outtakes of a Jan. 7 video that White House aides pleaded for Trump to make as a message of national healing for the country. The footage will show how Trump struggled to condemn the mob of his supporters, who violently breached the Capitol, according to a person familiar with the matter and granted anonymity to discuss it ahead of its public release. Trump reluctantly condemned the riot in a three-minute speech that night.
Testifying Thursday will be former White House aides who had close proximity to power.
Matt Pottinger, who was deputy national security adviser, and Sarah Matthews, then press aide, both submitted their resignations on Jan. 6, 2021, after what they saw that day.
[Doug] Jan 2021 resignations don't mean very much when you are already packing up.
Thank God it's (soon) over. Now can we investigate those drop boxes and their tie to the Left Vote industry? The arson summer of 2020. Antifa is not an insurrectionist organization? And when HRC and Stacey Abrams admitted their election defeats were legitimate? Or were THOSE the Big Lies?
Final prime time hearing, Trump poured gasoline on the fire (with his alleged inaction). Wait. No he didn't. There was no fire. No gasoline. Just hateful politician using bad metaphors. Bad metaphors that point to real violence, the George Floyd overreaction violence that destroyed thousands of buildings including the Minneapolis Police precinct station, never to reopen.
Will the Capitol ever recover? Didn't it reopen that same day? No fire. No gasoline. (No handcuffs on AOC.) Just politicians doing what politicians do best. Lying to their constituents.
Maybe the gas on the fire was the cheating in the election. Investigate THAT.
posted on never Trump website
but not mentioned is I had 16 (yes I counter) stations
on my cable that carried the TV produced show
there was a lot less to watch
so yes the choreographed program was watched by a decent number of people partly through default
I am still not sure what we learned we did not already know or read about in the news
we knew Trump's personality caused him to wait some time to finally come out with a statement
we already knew some staff resigned due to this etc.
we already knew many including Hannity McCarthy Ivanka were pleading with him to speak sooner
I don't think there was a. single thing I did not already know.
for God's sake we all saw it on TV when it happened
and we all read and saw what happened during the '20 election too.
The stories have not changed
just told in one sided ways to try to brainwash us into thinking a certain way about it.
I am going to post a note here I received this morning from a January Sixther. I will post it without comment. Feel free to read it and then come to your own conclusions:
"I listen to your podcast and I follow @julie_kellyz. It’s every bit as bad as she describes. I am a husband and father who has zero criminal history…. And I am looking at years in prison AFTER I took a plea.
"You may ask why would people take a plea if they are innocent? Innocent has nothing to do with this as my lawyer has told over and over again. This is payback. There are only a handful of representatives in DC that care about us. The vast majority couldn’t care less.
"They secretly despise Trump and anyone on the 6th as well. The DOJ knows this. There will be no reform of this government. There will be no going back. All there is now is the path ahead. But that path will never lead back to the country we once were.
"I watched for 4 years as our government that I pay taxes for, try to impeach and even oust our president with sheer impunity. Hillary’s smearing stunt morphed into a coup that lasted Trumps entire term. Then I watched the election get stolen from the American people.
"So I went to DC to support the way I thought best. I wasn’t violent, I didn’t break anything, I didn’t steal anything and that doesn’t matter. I lost my 6 figure income, friends, and my family is a wreck. I had the FBI in my home, I was brought before a judge in shackles.
"And I am a lucky one. I got to remain free till sentencing. So this is the country that I now live in. Where the powerful few can attack an elected president attempting to removing him for 4 years and where elections no longer matter.
"We are no longer free. And this country WAS taken without firing a single shot. Guns are meaningless at this point. It was the First Amendment that people should have been fighting for the most.
"I am now barely making a living doing manual labor for just over minimum wage until my sentencing is over. I was threatened with 20 years in prison, something only murderers face. We couldn’t change the venue and none of the motions to dismiss were accepted.
"So, at the pleading of my wife, the extreme bias of DC and it’s “jury pool of my peers” and advice from my lawyer, I destroyed a part of me and signed a paper full of exaggerations, lies and more importantly a narrative that fits what they want.
"I am a Christian and somehow I feel damned. I lied to save my family. My pastor tells me about rehab but it doesn’t help. I don’t look at myself in the mirror anymore. A part of me is dead now. I now wake up longing for the Lord to take me.
"January 6th was a dark day. There was violence by some, that’s reprehensible. No one should have broken anything or stolen anything or hurt anyone. Having said that, January 6th should be remembered as the last outburst from people who were sick of the coups against Trump...
"The lies about Russia gate, the double standard of the Bidens and how they obtained their wealth compared to the treatment of Trump, the double standard of BLM rioters and everyone else...
"The forced LGBTQ pumped into our children minds at school while trying to shut out God at every corner, the endless wars, the celebrations of abortions, the government spending that has put children not even born into life long debt, the list goes on…
"This was the last cry out for the death of a nation. I don’t know what’s going to happen to my family while I’m gone for years. My wife has depended on me our whole marriage. She is the only woman I have ever been with, the only woman I have ever loved.
"I hope she and my kids can make it without me. I am a J6er and I am going to prison."
Who was he working for?
Let's keep an eye for more on this.
"Look, we pursue justice without fear or favor," Garland told NBC News' Lester Holt,"
right ........... :roll:
to the 77 million who voted Trump - > up yours, in a round about way.
50-50 it's a hoax from a student/an FBI op.
When the threat is guns they want gun control, ban guns. When the threat is bombs, do we want bomb control legislation? How many bombs does a person need? Maybe small ones for hunting, see Bill Murray in Caddieshack. But only the government should have big bombs. Ban the rest and this problem goes away, right?
When the threat is guns they want gun control, ban guns. When the threat is bombs, do we want bomb control legislation? How many bombs does a person need? Maybe small ones for hunting, see Bill Murray in Caddieshack. But only the government should have big bombs. Ban the rest and this problem goes away, right?
I blame the Swedish Grenade Association!
Swedish police do not record or release the ethnicity of suspects or convicted criminals, but intelligence chief Linda H Straaf says many do share a similar profile.
"They have grown up in Sweden and they are from socio-economically weak groups, socio-economically weak areas, and many are perhaps second- or third-generation immigrants," she says.
Diversity is our strength!
we need to clean house in the military to win them back for the inevitable
The Trump Raid and Domestic Conflict
BOTTOM LINE UP FRONT: I address the rise in social media discussions of domestic conflict following yesterday's FBI raid on Mar-A-Lago. In short, this is an accelerator and not a trigger.
Yesterday, the Federal Bureau of Investigation raided Mar-A-Lago, the home of former President Donald Trump.
I've seen numerous predictions, concerns, and questions about how the Mar-A-Lago raid affects the ongoing Low Intensity Conflict, or encourages violence or domestic conflict.
When analyzing low intensity conflicts, we have to look at structural fault lines, accelerators, and triggers.
A structural fault line is a rift or "cleavage" that divides people. Fault lines can be political, ideological, religious, racial or ethnic, class-based, or based on any other issue. This is a dividing line that pits one group of people against another.
An accelerator of conflict is any condition or event that increases social tensions. Accelerators inflame social bases and make violence a possibility, but they don't cause 'the pot to boil over'.
A trigger is any event that moves belligerents to violence. This can be a lone wolf carrying out planned violence or seeking opportunistic violence, or "organized political violence" which is coordinated among numerous individuals.
As of this morning, there's been no comment or explanation from federal officials. An expected forthcoming statement will go a long way in guiding where the country goes from here.
A "slam dunk" justification might assuage fears the the FBI was further weaponized against a political opponent. Trump supporters will continue to grumble, but a credible justification -- or one seen as credible by Middle America -- will likely reduce most tensions.
Alternatively, any appearance that the raid was politically-motivated (i.e., for something related to political but not criminal matters) will further tarnish the FBI and Justice Department, and create substantial social backlash.
In my view, this is an accelerator of domestic conflict, but not a trigger.
One possible outcome is that the FBI's response is seen as "weak," which will confirm perceptions that federal law enforcement continues to be weaponized against political opponents.
Another possible outcome is that the FBI announces an end of their investigation, or that no criminal charges will be filed because no evidence of wrongdoing was uncovered.
Yet another possibility is that criminal charges are eventually filed, and federal prosecutors seek prison time. I do believe this will be a trigger for political violence, which will justify further crackdowns against the dissident Right. I think this could, unfortunately, lead to a spiral of worsening violence.
For me, this is another reason to do your Area Study and identify elements on all sides of the political spectrum that may be capable of political violence.
And, as always, we'll continue to track Low Intensity Conflict at Forward Observer. I've hired a new analyst to help me compile data and update an Early Warning matrix, which we'll be unveiling later this month.
Don't be left in the dark on what comes next.
Our daily Early Warning intelligence brief helps readers anticipate future events and conditions, whether that's domestic political violence, military conflict with China, or any other disruption to food/agriculture, energy, or the economy.
We report on what matters.
You can get these vital briefings here:
Until next time, be well and stay out front.
Always Out Front,
Mike Shelby
"Alternatively, any appearance that the raid was politically-motivated (i.e., for something related to political but not criminal matters) will further tarnish the FBI and Justice Department, and create substantial social backlash."
- Any appearance it was politically-motivated? Joking, right?
"The man's name should not be allowed to appear on a ballot ever again."
- That is a direct quote - of every member of the 'committee'.
Don't answer here. Just something to contemplate.
I have a thread on surviving what is coming. This is not that thread.
Fighting tyranny doesn't just mean death. It means suffering, inprisonment, torture and then a brutal death in some cases.
Walking the path of the warrior means embracing the above outcomes. The machine will destroy you in every way possible.
Bloody footprints in the snow.
There is no place to run to. No one is coming to rescue us.
Plan accordingly.
Looks like the writing style was designed to end run censorship
Plan accordingly.
Plan accordingly.
You can't be Swatted if they don't know where you actually live.
She reiterates GMs strategy :
I am trying to figure out what she has done to her face
botox or surgery to tighten it up
if 5.4 million Republicans were to leave NY
only the rich limo Democrats would be paying all the bills - good idea actually
We need to ship more illegals up there to stimulate their economy!
She reiterates GMs strategy :
I am trying to figure out what she has done to her face
botox or surgery to tighten it up
if 5.4 million Republicans were to leave NY
only the rich limo Democrats would be paying all the bills - good idea actually
The venom is real.
They have plans for us.
The venom is real.
They have plans for us.
Triumph of the shill.
The venom is real.
They have plans for us.
The venom is real.
They have plans for us.
From Matt Bracken:
It's pretty obvious that the next two months have been scripted.
Last night's "Red Sermon" with all of its Mollach and Nuremberg Rally imagery makes it pretty clear that the Rats are gearing up for mass arrests and a suspension of the November election.
But there is a major piece that must fall into place. The Woke Gestapo cannot depend on goading an unstable American into committing an act of t*rr*rism that will suit their pre-scripted narrative. That said, it's very likely that at this very moment a covert team of the Wokestapo is grooming the next patsy to be blamed for the coming act of t*rr*rism.
So what do you think the false-flag will be?
1. Another Oklahoma City bombing, or
2. Another Las Vegas sniper massacre.
3. Something else entirely. (What, if you can guess.)
his point about what is not in documents
but I was more focused at the end of his talk
when he describes being shunned because of defending DJT:
Now that Sith Lord Brandonis has made his speech declaring war on the semi-fully automatic fascist Trump voters, it’s time to reboot the outrage.
J6 is a ratings flop.
The FBI’s COINTEL 2.0 shooters have been a flop. Time for something big.
As NYFC and Noo Joisey have suddenly decided to start nuclear attack PSAs, expecting something nuclear in that location makes sense.
Rather than an actual nuke, I anticipate a radiological dispersion device, aka “Dirty Bomb”.
Much like Covid, the fear is more dangerous than the actual threat. They can whip the population into a frenzy of panic and rage.
When? Anytime from now until the midterms.
"From Matt Bracken
So what do you think the false-flag will be?
1. Another Oklahoma City bombing, or
2. Another Las Vegas sniper massacre.
3. Something else entirely. (What, if you can guess.)"
- You know it's something.
Free forum subscription to anyone who guesses?
"From Matt Bracken
So what do you think the false-flag will be?
1. Another Oklahoma City bombing, or
2. Another Las Vegas sniper massacre.
3. Something else entirely. (What, if you can guess.)"
- You know it's something.
Free forum subscription to anyone who guesses?
If you are too accurate, you win this:
"From Matt Bracken
So what do you think the false-flag will be?
1. Another Oklahoma City bombing, or
2. Another Las Vegas sniper massacre.
3. Something else entirely. (What, if you can guess.)"
- You know it's something.
Free forum subscription to anyone who guesses?
If you are too accurate, you win this:
1. Any peace officer who assists federal LE in violating the rights of a citizen loses their peace officer certification (equivalent to disbarring an attorney).
2. Require all LE to abide by the state and federal gun laws of the state, such as the FBI better have tax stamps for their M4s. No law enforcement firearm exemptions. If it’s good enough for the citizens, it’s good enough for LE.
patriots in the military are our last line of defense before the possible coming purge
once we have a real disaster to kick it off
hence the Left's furious attempt at turning it woke
can't defeat tanks with rifles pistols
The staffing of the military and fighting units with bad leadership is the process many police departments go through. Still remembering being asked to walk in high heels in uniform. "No lol, are you nuts?" but some were fine w/ that. It's always good when the cities protectors walk by their enemies in high heels lol, man. What a time to be alive.
If police/military is anything to go off, 75% would split in any upcoming scenarios. Like CCP said, I think they're trying to liquidate "bad thinkers" (with the Vax/Transgender leaders and female drill sgts) and bring in the poverty class that'll be beholden to them for money/gives/lodging.
In the ABC departments, very liberal people w/ no kids and a moral/spiritual okay to lie/kill/hurt others make great killers and agents. They lack the ability to enter many groups because people can sniff our their BS fast, but they have no problem blowing folks up on the way to work or kidnapping a man's little daughter/son and killing them. This is the likely enemy we'll see imo. Rootless people w/ their food riding on the government who don't care if they do evil things to people they're rewarded to see as not worth dealing with/less than. "Sorry but my condo w/ the two girlfriends is awesome lol"
patriots in the military are our last line of defense before the possible coming purge
once we have a real disaster to kick it off
hence the Left's furious attempt at turning it woke
can't defeat tanks with rifles pistols
The reason tanks operate with infantry is because they can be defeated with rifles (the crew can't stay buttoned up inside forever).
‘Whatever you say, say nothing.’ – Old Irish Phrase
Patrick Radden Keefe's 'Say Nothing': Review - The Atlantic
“God made the Catholics, but the Armalite made them equal.” ― Patrick Radden Keefe
It has become clear to me, since the installation of dementia patient Biden as the illegitimate figurehead president by his globalist Deep State handlers, their agenda is to tear down our modern civilization and replace it with a totalitarian techno-gulag where you will be electronically monitored, disarmed, own nothing, be judged by social credit score, live in fear, and be happy – or else.
I’ve been pondering in which direction this Fourth Turning will flow, while observing the words and actions of our pedophile president and the other World Economic Forum puppets like Trudeau, Macron, and a myriad of other EU lackeys. I intellectually understand all Fourth Turnings reach their climax after immense bloodshed, climactic battles which could have gone either way, and in some cases saw citizens slaughtering fellow citizens. But I have tried to avoid thinking about the reality of what is likely to happen over the next five to ten years, as this Crisis turns from rhetoric and debate to violence and death. Keyboard warriors will yield to real warriors.
After reading Patrick Radden Keefe’s – Say Nothing – a fascinating tale of the brutal violence which lasted for three decades from the 1960’s through the 1990’s in Northern Ireland, I’ve come to the realization of what civil war might look like here in America. In reality, the conflict in Ireland between the Catholics and Protestants dated back centuries.
The story behind an iconic Troubles' photo
“In 1689, Protestant forces loyal to William of Orange, the new king, had managed to hold the city against a siege by a Catholic army loyal to James II.” ― Patrick Radden Keefe
The vitriolic discord and purposeful fracturing of our shared societal values, which have bound this nation since its inception, has situated the country in an 1860 moment, a veritable powder keg with a lit fuse. The country has been gravely splintered for at least two decades, but the fissure has expanded at an accelerated velocity since the unanticipated election of Donald Trump in 2016. The rule of law no longer exists.
A four-year coup against Trump, with Clinton, Obama, DOJ, CIA, FBI, Congress, Judiciary, legacy media, and social media titans as co-conspirators, has now devolved into an Orwellian police state, with the Constitution trashed and government tyranny reaching unthinkable heights. The third world totalitarian tactics being used by Biden’s handlers to destroy the opposition party and its leader is being cheered on by the left and their media mouthpieces. Biden’s diabolically dark, hateful speech, with satanic blood red background, on the sacred ground where our Founding Fathers declared our independence from a tyrannical despot, appears to be the spark which will ignite real violence in the coming years.
Dark Brandon Disaster: #PedoHitler Trends on Twitter After Joe Biden's Divisive Speech
The simmering hatred between the left and right has been rising towards a boiling point since the 2016 election. Everything Biden and his Obama handlers have done since his installation as president in the rigged 2020 election has been designed to sow discord, create chaos, and tear apart the fabric of this country. Authoritarian despots always accuse the opposition of crimes they themselves are guilty of having committed.
When you control the levers of power and the propaganda machine known as the media, you can literally flaunt the laws of the land and persecute those who disagree or fail to comply with your dictates. Elevating a protest by a few goofballs who were lured into the Capital by undercover FBI plants (Ray Epps) as an armed insurrection (with no arms), has been a pitiful display of partisanship and failed to accomplish the task of having Trump charged with a crime. This after two failed impeachment attempts based on actual crimes committed by the Biden crime family.
Conservatives Hype New Theory Blaming FBI, Ray Epps For Capitol Riot
With the approach of the November midterms, Covid fear being replaced by vaxx injury outrage, inflation raging at 17% (the way it was measured in 1980), a recession in progress, layoffs beginning to ramp up, stock market falling, Russia sanctions only hurting the American and European working class, and Biden’s approval rating at 38%, the globalist Deep State invisible government have decided it’s time for some civil chaos to further their New World Order agenda.
It all began with pitting those who chose to let their immune systems do their jobs and/or using safe effective cheap treatments like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, zinc/quercetin, and vitamin D, against Fauci, Biden and their Big Pharma benefactors forcing an untested, dangerous, experimental gene therapy into the bodies of every human on the planet. They lied about its effectiveness, spike protein remaining confined in arms, safety, immunity power, and length of efficacy.
They colluded with Twitter, Facebook, and Google to censor and suppress the truth about the vaccines, doctors with contrary opinions, and the safe effective alternatives. All done to enrich Big Pharma, who paid off politicians, doctors, hospitals, and a plethora of apparatchiks willing to sell their souls and sacrifice lives for the almighty buck.
Conspiracy theories: why are they thriving in the pandemic?
When Biden and his handlers decided to scapegoat and vilify those who chose to not become guinea pigs in the unwarranted vaccine war against a relatively non-lethal flu (unless you were 85 years old and/or extremely obese), knowing his national vaccine mandate was un-Constitutional and unenforceable, those with critical thinking skills could see the budding authoritarianism from Biden, along with the other WEF acolytes like Trudeau, Macron, and Boris Johnson.
Biden’s willingness to have people fired, ostracized, and destroyed for exercising bodily autonomy regarding a vaccine that didn’t prevent you from getting it, spreading it, being hospitalized, or dying was a flashing warning light of what was going to happen in the last month. The lockdowns, destruction of small businesses while promoting big business, forced masking as a mark of obedience and compliance, and utter disregard for the education of our children, were all part of this Great Reset scheme to remake the world in the vision of Gates, Schwab, Soros, and the rest of the Davos billionaire satanic cult.
Now is the time for a 'great reset' of capitalism | World Economic Forum
These acts of vengeance against those with differing political, economic, and social viewpoints have intensified over the last several months as a sense of impending doom has shrouded the totalitarian, communist, woke, incompetent Biden administration, with the looming loss of both the House and Senate leading to gridlock, increasing conflict, and more desperate executive orders from the senile pedophile.
The ramping up of grooming children at drag queen shows and encouraging children towards irreversible mutilation of their bodies in the name of gender choice is beyond evil and can only be explained as further attempt to destroy our society as part of the Great Reset agenda. The FBI raid on Biden’s chief political adversary and likely opponent in 2024 over some documents requested by the National Archives is a red herring in the never-ending coup against Trump and a last-ditch attempt to keep him from running in 2024.
During his first term Trump made the drastic mistake of not purging the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and State Department of his enemies. He hired swamp creatures and neo-cons into his cabinet whose sole purpose was to thwart whatever he tried to do. And his biggest blunder was believing Fauci, Birx, and the rest of the Covid cultists in locking down the country, schools, and businesses, while cheering on and promoting the Big Pharma jabs which have killed and injured more people than they supposedly saved.
His continued support for these never-ending shots from hell is mind bogglingly idiotic and should make anyone question his ability to succeed in a second term. Is he better than Dementia Joe, the Kneepads Kackler, or any of the other left-wing loons on the Democrat bench? Yes. But is that good enough with an economic collapse, civil war, and global war just over the horizon? The skies are darkening, and the direst days of this Fourth Turning are almost upon us.
The Fourth Turning - Skies Darkening | Financial Sense
I know the degradation of the intellectual, moral, and critical thinking skills of the American populace due to decades in government indoctrination centers known as public schools along with relentless propaganda and misinformation spewed from our boob tubes and now “smart” phones has reached critical mass, with little hope for a reversal until a full-out societal collapse. Well, that is where we are headed, because that is the course set in motion by those we trusted to lead this country. What ails this country, and the world is too much debt, too much corruption, too much materialism, too many lies, too much propaganda, too much delusion, too much stupidity, too much evil, and absolutely no solutions put forth which are capable of saving us from the course we chose decades ago.
We are hurtling towards an abyss and there is no way of voting ourselves out of it. The uniparty agrees on 90% of the issues and pass trillions in spending bills while jointly supporting never ending wars and unaccountable central bankers who print fiat to infinity. Political parties have failed the people and rooting for our team is still used to keep us divided and unaware of how badly we have been screwed over by these politician puppets doing the bidding of the globalist billionaire cabal who really run the show.
CulturalHusbandry (@APhilosophae): "The Washington Uniparty" | nitter
This all set the stage for Biden’s Satanic Verses speech this past week. The Trojan Horse president didn’t write that hateful war declaration against half the country. He didn’t choose the location of Independence Hall. He didn’t ask for the blood red and dark palette as his background. He didn’t station marines in the background as a symbol of war. He didn’t remember what he read off the teleprompter the next day.
He and his left-wing apparatchiks can try to walk back his declaration of war, but his satanic hate manifesto will forever be burned into the minds of the 74 million Americans who voted for Trump and the millions more who voted for Biden, thinking his unifier drivel during his basement campaign was truthful. Biden’s handlers purposefully designed this speech to ignite civil chaos.
It was a dog whistle to the left-wing BLM, ANTIFA and other violent hate groups that it is open season on Trump and his supporters. Declaring them extremists and an imminent threat to the country, Biden dehumanized anyone who does not support his authoritarian regime. We have already seen the attempted assassination of Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh and harassment and threats of violence against other justices.
native advertising
There has been a concerted effort by the left (and possibly operatives within the government) to have Steve Bannon and Marjorie Taylor Greene assassinated by the police through technologically advanced swatting calls. Next, we will have any home flying a Trump or MAGA flag burned to the ground by Biden’s army of woke thugs. Biden’s managers and his diversity hire spokesbimbos continue to fan the flames of violence. They are attempting to goad Trump supporters into acts of violence so they can declare an emergency and either cancel the November elections or institute mail-in voting once again to steal them as they did in 2020.
Steve Bannon, Marjorie Taylor Greene Discuss 'National Divorce' Between Red and Blue States
Despite Biden’s repulsive war-mongering rhetoric, and threats to use F-15s against those who don’t bow down to his demands, it is highly unlikely Trump supporters will take the bait and initiate violence against the government or their Soros funded left wing lackey militias. The average hard-working American, getting destroyed by Biden’s policies, is content to watch Democrat controlled shithole cities go up in flames as lawlessness reigns, mass murder occurs on daily basis, and businesses flee to safer confines.
They are told by the GOP portion of the uniparty to vote republican in November and save the country. Of course, the RINOs in control of the republican party don’t have the guts or desire to change anything. If they were to take Congress, they would not impeach Biden, investigate Hunter, prosecute Fauci, or stop the DOJ and FBI from conducting their ongoing vendetta against Trump.
Mar-A-Lago raided by FBI agents, according to Trump
Biden and the left have already declared war. They will do whatever it takes to win. It’s already clear the Constitution, election laws, and First Amendment are meaningless in their thirst for power, control, and wealth. As of now only the Second Amendment keeps them from forcefully putting us in re-education camps. It’s only the 400 million legally owned guns (give or take a few) keeping Biden and his totalitarian hordes at bay.
Biden’s speech was an act of desperation, as his handlers seeing their Great Reset agenda going awry, are trying to initiate another engineered “Covid-like” national emergency they can utilize to subdue dissent. The next two months may decide the future course of history in this country. They appear to be laying the groundwork for a false flag of immense proportions.
Putin eating popcorn Blank Template - Imgflip
The apparent suicidal actions being taken by European leaders regarding Russian gas and Putin shutting the Nordsteam 1 pipeline until the West revokes their sanctions will either lead to surrender by the EU and splintering of their subservient submission to the American Empire or actual conflict between NATO and Russia, with China and India supporting Russia. We already know it is just a matter of time until the U.S. financial markets break under the strain of reality, with stocks, bonds and real estate all poised to fall by at least 50% over the coming years.
Has the globalist cabal concluded their dementia ridden sucker is expendable and will engineer another JFK moment, with an assassination attributed to some Trump dupes? The FBI already engineered the fake Whitmer kidnapping plot. Taking out their useful idiot Biden to further their agenda wouldn’t give these vile Deep State operatives a second thought. Combining a global conflict, with a financial implosion, and a false flag event blamed on Trump would be the perfect storm to cancel the November elections and lockdown the country once again.
dream beach on Twitter: "There's a shitstorm comin Randy." / Twitter
All signs point toward something big about to ignite the powder keg and propel this Fourth Turning to a new level of violent upheaval. Here is where Patrick Radden Keefe’s documentation of the violence, retribution, hatred, and resolve of “civilized” Irishmen during the battle for Northern Ireland, known as The Troubles, from the 1960’s through the 1990’s until an uneasy accord was reached in 1998, offers a glimpse into what a civil war might look like in America.
A key point is when the definition of humanity in the minds of those at war stops at the border of their tribe. The enemy is not considered human; therefore, it is not murder when you kill them or blow them up. The ethical justification for killing “innocents” becomes easier when your enemy is not considered human. Biden has already set in motion that anyone who voted for or supports Trump is a dangerous sub-human, providing the justification for his side, including his government police thugs and woke military, to treat us as the enemy.
Brighton Hotel Bombing Turns 30: How IRA's Attack Presaged Peace | Time
During The Troubles, the Irish Republican Army planted car bombs in London and in Northern Ireland business districts, killing and maiming whoever happened to be in the vicinity. They blew up Lord Mountbatten on his boat. They attempted to blow up the Queen in Scotland in 1981. They came very close to assassinating Margaret Thatcher at the Brighton Hotel in 1984, killing five and injuring dozens. British soldiers were lured into traps and executed.
Over the three decades of The Troubles there were 3,500 deaths, with more than half being civilians. Factions within the IRA killed each other. There were undercover agents and double agents for each side. If you said something while under British interrogation, you were likely to be disappeared into the Irish bogs. It was a violent and ruthless conflict with no rules and no mercy. The British committed as many atrocities as their Irish opponents. Legality and rule of law was paid no heed. As Keefe documented, the conflict began as a dispute between the unionists and loyalists and grew into a vicious civil war of neighborhoods versus neighborhoods.
The IRA's mainland campaign
“We beat them with stones at first, and they had guns. Our people had to go and get guns. Wouldn’t they have been right stupid people to stand there? Our people got shotguns at first and then got better weapons. And then the British, who were supposed to protect us, came in and raided our homes. What way could you fight? So you went down and you blew them up.” ― Patrick Radden Keefe
The political and religious hatreds had been brewing for centuries in Ireland. The level of vitriol and hate in the U.S. has really only reared its ugly head over the last two decades, with a notable hastening since Obama’s election in 2008. He proceeded to divide America through his communist agenda and blatant efforts to create racial and gender rifts, while still kowtowing to the Wall Street and globalist cabal which placed him in power.
The ascendancy of Trump to the throne drove the left mad, as burning, and looting cities over the perceived fake race issues enflamed by Obama was cheered on by the left-wing media and politicians. Violence has been promoted and condoned by the left. The question is, what will it take to provoke a violent response by the right, who happen to own most of the firearms in this country. What will it take to turn Twitter warriors into armed warriors? Keefe laid out thoughts about Irish Americans during The Troubles which addresses real war versus verbal war.
“Indeed, it could occasionally seem that support for the armed struggle was more fervent in Boston or Chicago than it was in Belfast or Derry. The romantic idyll of a revolutionary movement is easier to sustain when there is no danger that one’s own family members might get blown to pieces on a trip to the grocery store. Some people in Ireland looked askance at the “plastic Paddies” who urged bloody war in Ulster from the safe distance of America.” ― Patrick Radden Keefe
Most of those on the right are hardworking, law abiding, family-oriented individuals who are slow to anger and do not react violently to incoherent left-wing rhetoric, verbal threats, or even being called dangerous extremists. When they or their families are threatened with violence, all bets are off. The left can allow their cities to burn and the inhabitants to shoot each other over drugs, but once the threat of violence reaches the countryside and suburbs, where a considerable number of awakened critical thinking citizens are armed, Biden and his cronies will get their civil war.
The extremist MAGA minions will not shoot first, but once alerted to the threat from what passes for our government and their BLM/ANTIFA terrorist arm, they will be poised to fight back. If this powder keg ignites, it will make the three decades of violence in Northern Ireland look like a walk in the park.
What Could Cause A Civil War In 2021? - YouTube
Those who live their lives with a linear mindset, brainwashed by public school indoctrination, distracted by their myriad of electronic gadgets, and trapped on the hamster wheel of trying to accumulate more material goods while going further in debt, are unprepared for the coming level of violent upheaval about to be unleashed upon this nation. No one with a conscience and morality is rooting for a civil war, but our figurehead president has already declared war, with the shooting yet to commence.
It feels much like the ambiguous period between Lincoln’s election in November 1860 and the attack on Fort Sumter in April 1861. We are waiting for the event and/or act which will initiate the vicious phase of this Fourth Turning. We know it will happen, but we don’t know when, where or who will pull the trigger.
“Picture yourself and your loved ones in the midst of a howling blizzard that lasts several years. Think about what you would need, who could help you, and why your fate might matter to anybody other than yourself. That is how to plan for a saecular winter. Don’t think you can escape the Fourth Turning. History warns that a Crisis will reshape the basic social and economic environment that you now take for granted.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning
Our civilized society is about to turn into a barbarous hellscape, unrecognizable from the comfort and safety we have grown accustomed to since the last Fourth Turning. The cycles of history spin from highs to lows, with death and destruction always entering the picture at some point. Human nature never changes; therefore, we are condemned to repeat the errors of the past while creating new errors along the way. That feeling of doom you should be experiencing at this point in history is well founded. Prepping for the coming storms is a worthwhile expenditure of your time but making sure you tribe up with like minded armed individuals will be your best bet to survive. You have been declared an enemy of the state. That is all the incentive you should need to do whatever is necessary to win this coming war. Remember – Whatever You Say, Say Nothing.
everyone who voted for trump is already on lists
this list is not inclusive
it was no problem we had a head of the CIA who ran for office for socialist party
and one previously who as congressboy was for one world government . ( chose the pronoun
OMG! People who swore an oath to the US Constitution that want to uphold that oath!
Of course the ADL is very upset.
everyone who voted for trump is already on lists
this list is not inclusive
it was no problem we had a head of the CIA who ran for office for socialist party
and one previously who as congressboy was for one world government . ( chose the pronoun
it will be interesting to see how much airtime it gets on CNN
being the shooter is a Democrat
Maybe get Hillary on to point out all the errors made.
it will be interesting to see how much airtime it gets on CNN
being the shooter is a Democrat
Maybe get Hillary on to point out all the errors made.
it will be interesting to see how much airtime it gets on CNN
being the shooter is a Democrat
I get the good point
but honestly I care as much about Steve Bannon as I care about Queen Elizabeth.
I get the good point
but honestly I care as much about Steve Bannon as I care about Queen Elizabeth.
Right. IF Bannon was bilking conservative investors and got caught, prosecute and convict him.
Somehow I doubt that was the motive of the investigation.
Two systems of justice.
I get the good point
but honestly I care as much about Steve Bannon as I care about Queen Elizabeth.
Right. IF Bannon was bilking conservative investors and got caught, prosecute and convict him.
Somehow I doubt that was the motive of the investigation.
Two systems of justice.
I don’t know the specifics on th allegations, I do know I don’t trust anything from the leftist “justice” system.
Wasn't there something about him being on a Chinese billionaire's yacht in the middle of all this?
Anyway, here he is with Charlie Kirk:
I get the good point
but honestly I care as much about Steve Bannon as I care about Queen Elizabeth.
Likewise. If he was bilking conservatives ( or anyone) he should be prosecuted.
But the people doing this to him AND SO MANY OTHERS have lost all our trust. How would we ever know if he's guilty?
Already posted in the SJW thread-- a better place for it.
Merrick Garland stars in Joe Biden’s ‘The Godfather Part IV’
By Michael Goodwin
September 14, 2022 12:24am Updated
Biden's comments about MAGA Republicans have been seen as nationally divisive.
Biden stressed the importance of national unity during his 9/11 speech.
With “The Godfather” serving as a leadership manual for many politicians, Joe Biden might have been thinking of a particular scene during his 9/11 speech at the Pentagon. The president solemnly declared that “national unity” is “the greatest lesson” of that awful day even as his Department of Justice issues subpoenas to scores of Donald Trump supporters.
The contrast between the president’s call for unity and the FBI’s partisan putsch is a bloodless version of the baptism murders scene in “The Godfather,” where Michael Corleone participates in his nephew’s christening while his goons assassinate the heads of the rival families.
So far, the FBI hasn’t fired a shot at Trump World, but the broad, aggressive subpoena action, which also involved seizing the cellphones of two associates, led even The New York Times to call it a “substantial escalation” of the government’s war against the former president.
As a result, the raid on Mar-a-Lago is beginning to look more like the start of something far more comprehensive and dangerous than a narrow one-off limited to official documents.
The developing pattern suggests Biden is committed to helping Democrats in the midterms by giving the party’s Trump haters a pound of flesh while scaring much of the opposition into silence. Attorney General Merrick Garland increasingly appears comfortable as the administration’s enforcer, willing to use his power to serve his boss.
The DOJ also called for the confiscation of two cell phones.
Garland’s DOJ issued 40 new subpoenas for Trump allies.
The hypocrisy is stunning. Dems accused Trump of trying to weaponize Justice as president but show no qualms about doing exactly that.
Instead of trying to parse their shifting explanations, it’s better to remember what the late John Mitchell once said of the Nixon administration: “Watch what we do, not what we say.”
Biden’s dark turn was hinted at in his “MAGA, MAGA, MAGA” speech in Philadelphia.
Although it was widely panned, including by many Dems, and Biden tried to walk it back the next day, his broad labeling of Trump supporters as a “threat to democracy” takes on a far more sinister dimension when the FBI gets involved.
The extent of that involvement is dribbling out, with the usual legacy media outlets getting leaks from anonymous sources who are said to be “familiar with the matter” or “have knowledge” of the situation.
Translation: Justice Department aides aren’t afraid they’ll be prosecuted for leaking grand-jury and other supposedly confidential information. They know they are on the politically protected team.
According to the Times, ABC News and others, Garland has expanded his Jan. 6 probe to include everything from Trump’s plan to substitute new slates of electors in the states he was contesting to the money he is raising through Save America, a political action committee.
The latest subpoenas come after dozens of other former Trump aides were previously served with demands to provide information on numerous topics, including the planning of the Jan. 6 rally. Separately, state lawmakers and GOP party officials were also reportedly subpoenaed earlier in the summer.
The topics covered have now expanded to Trump's fundraising post-election.
The Capitol Riot investigation has continued to grow in scope.
At least four phones have been seized, three of them from Trump lawyers John Eastman, Jeffrey Clark and Boris Epshteyn. Those getting subpoenas include former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik, the Times says.
The new fronts in the attack make it seem inevitable that Trump will make presidential history again by being hit with criminal charges, perhaps numerous ones. It also seems likely that such charges could come before the fall elections.
Justice generally follows self-imposed guidelines that require prosecutors to steer clear of politically sensitive cases within 60 days of an election. But as with most things involving Trump, standards and rules are being trashed under the justification that he broke political norms.
Such hypocrisy would be comical if the stakes weren’t so high. The assault on Trump is so far out of proportion to events that you don’t have to agree with him that the election was stolen to suspect he is being targeted for political reasons more than criminal ones.
The American trust in the FBI has decreased since the Mar-a-Lago raid.
The FBI and DOJ are both simultaneously conducting investigations into Trump and his associates.
AFP via Getty Images
In addition, the attempts to criminalize the statements and peaceful efforts to contest the 2020 election made by people close to him, as well as by supporters at the state level, smack of a banana republic.
There is, of course, an ulterior purpose for this madness. For Dems in general, keeping the focus on Trump and what they call “insurrectionists” amounts to an enormous scam of diversion.
They prattle on feverishly and endlessly about extremists and threats to democracy in an effort to distract voters from focusing on sky-high inflation, surging crime and the open border nightmares their policies have produced. If voters focus on those failures, many Dems will be unemployed come January.
For Biden, the stakes are even higher. A Republican-led Congress would mean aggressive investigations of the role the Big Guy played in the access-peddling schemes of his son Hunter and brother Jim Biden.
We already know that millions upon millions of dollars flowed through Hunter’s accounts from China, Russia, Ukraine, Romania and elsewhere and that one of Hunter’s partners moved money between Joe’s account and Hunter’s. As Post reporter Jon Levine recounts, emails on Hunter’s infamous laptop show he often paid for his father’s household expenses while Joe Biden was vice president.
In a 2010 email, Hunter’s business partner Eric Schwerin lists home maintenance costs under the title “JRB Bills.” They included $1,239 in repairs to an air conditioner at “mom-mom’s cottage,” $1,475 to a painter for “back wall and columns at the lake house,” $2,600 for fixing up a “stone retaining wall at the lake” and $475 “for shutters.”
There is also the 2019 missive from Hunter to his daughter Naomi, where he writes:
“I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years. It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.”
Pop, aka the Big Guy, aka the president of the United States, somehow became a wealthy man, but even he can’t afford to face a GOP Congress.
Remember when the Russians looted and burnt American cities two years ago?
You aren't allowed to notice anti-white racial hatred.
If you do, you are obviously a nazi.
better source
Prosecutors Could Switch Timeline of When the Oath Keepers’ Alleged Seditious Conspiracy Began
By Madalina Vasiliu November 13, 2022 Updated: November 13, 2022biggersmaller Print
WASHINGTON—Judge Amit Mehta, defense counsel, and prosecution attorneys talked on Nov. 10 at the federal courthouse about how to instruct the jurors before deciding the Oath Keepers’ fate.
As the Oath Keepers trial reached the end of the sixth week, defense lawyers told the court of their concern about a possible change in the prosecution’s position on the seditious conspiracy charge. Per the Department of Justice (DOJ) indictment, the Oath Keepers and affiliates’ plot against the U.S. government started shortly after the presidential election in November 2020.
However, the DOJ may shift its stand and argue that the conspiracy may have been conceived on the Capitol steps on Jan. 6, 2021, and not necessarily months before the event.
The government recently filed a motion (pdf) that reads, “To prove a conspiratorial agreement, the government need only show that the conspirators agreed on “the essential nature of the plan,” not that they “agreed on the details of their criminal scheme.”
Furthermore, “as the Supreme Court explained in Blumenthal v. United States, 332 U.S. 539 (1947), the law rightly gives room for allowing the conviction of those discovered upon showing sufficiently the essential nature of the plan and their connections with it, without requiring evidence of knowledge of all its details or of the participation of others.”
Over the past few weeks, DOJ attorneys displayed exhibits that show conversations between the Oath Keepers and other individuals about topics including the 2020 presidential election, Oathkeepers founder Elmer Stewart Rhodes III’s open letters to President Donald Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act, chances of a civil war, and discussions before and after Jan. 6, 2021.
The defense told Mehta that it’s nearly impossible that the alleged conspiracy to disrupt the presidential transition could have been hatched in a matter of minutes on the Capitol steps on January 6. But the government said that would be a fair argument to mention in the jury instructions.
Multiple witnesses denied hearing Oath Keepers and affiliates discussing a plan to attack the Capitol on January 6, preventing President-elect Joe Biden from taking office, or interfering with the certification of Electoral Votes.
One of the prosecution witnesses, 57-year-old Graydon Young from Florida, broke down in tears on Oct. 31 at the federal courthouse while recounting his actions on January 6.
He said there weren’t any explicit directions to enter the Capitol. However, he told the court it was “common sense” that after all the communication he read and heard from the Oath Keepers before that day that the organization would interfere with the certification of Electoral Votes. According to Young, the Oath Keepers’ January 6 mission to overthrow the U.S. government was implicit.
“I thought we were going there to potentially do something about the election,” Young said.
Jeffrey Nestler, a prosecutor, questioned him about who he considered the enemy on Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington.
“The corrupt elements in the government,” Young responded.
“What would that make you?” Nestler asked.
“Some sort of traitor against my own government,” Young replied.
Young pleaded guilty to conspiracy and obstruction charges.
Rhodes, along with co-defendants Kelly Meggs, Kenneth Harrelson, Jessica Watkins, and Thomas Caldwell, have been charged with seditious conspiracy, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, aiding and abetting, conspiracy to prevent an officer from carrying out any duties, destruction of government property, civil disorder, and tampering with documents.
The court and the counsel for both sides have not yet come to a joint agreement on how to instruct the jury.
Sounds like a yes to me.
remember how we heard about Justice Thomas' wife being connected to Republicans
so this makes sense to point out:
AMcC again demonstrates serious legal chops.
Lengthy prison terms for 3 who aided Whitmer kidnap plotter
Story by By JOEY CAPPELLETTI and ED WHITE, Associated Press • 17h ago
JACKSON, Mich. (AP) — A judge on Thursday handed down the longest prison terms so far in the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor, sentencing three men who forged an early alliance with a leader of the scheme before the FBI broke it up in 2020.
Paul Bellar, left, Pete Musico and Jospeh Morrison appear for sentencing in front of Jackson County Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wilson on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022 in Jackson, Mich. Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico were accused of being involved in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The judge on Thursday handed down the longest prison terms so far in the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor, sentencing three men who forged an early alliance with a leader of the scheme before the FBI broke it up in 2020. ( J. Scott Park/Jackson Citizen Patriot via AP)
Paul Bellar, left, Pete Musico and Jospeh Morrison appear for sentencing in front of Jackson County Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wilson on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022 in Jackson, Mich. Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico were accused of being involved in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The judge on Thursday handed down the longest prison terms so far in the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor, sentencing three men who forged an early alliance with a leader of the scheme before the FBI broke it up in 2020. ( J. Scott Park/Jackson Citizen Patriot via AP)
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Joe Morrison, Pete Musico and Paul Bellar were not charged with having a direct role in the conspiracy. But they were members of a paramilitary group that trained with Adam Fox, who separately faces a possible life sentence on Dec. 27 for his federal conviction.
The trio was convicted in October of providing material support for a terrorist act, which carries a maximum term of 20 years, and two other crimes.
Musico was sentenced to a minimum of 12 years in prison, followed by his son-in-law Morrison at 10 years and Bellar at seven. They will be eligible for release after serving those terms, but any decision rests solely with the Michigan parole board.
FILE - This combo of undated booking photos provided by Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center, left, and Jackson County Sheriff's Office, show, from left, Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico. The three men who forged an early alliance with the leader of a plot to kidnap Michigan's governor will return to court on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022, and are facing potentially lengthy sentences for assisting him in the months before the FBI broke up the cabal in 2020. (Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center and Jackson County Sheriff's Office via AP, File)
FILE - This combo of undated booking photos provided by Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center, left, and Jackson County Sheriff's Office, show, from left, Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico. The three men who forged an early alliance with the leader of a plot to kidnap Michigan's governor will return to court on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022, and are facing potentially lengthy sentences for assisting him in the months before the FBI broke up the cabal in 2020. (Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center and Jackson County Sheriff's Office via AP, File)
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Speaking in a recorded video, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer urged Judge Thomas Wilson to "impose a sentence that meets the gravity of the damage they have done to our democracy.”
“A conspiracy to kidnap and kill a sitting governor of the state of Michigan is a threat to democracy itself,” said Whitmer, who added that she now scans crowds for risks and worries “about the fate of everyone near me.”
Wilson presided over the first batch of convictions in state court, following the high-profile conspiracy convictions of four others in federal court. Fox and Barry Croft Jr. were described as captains of an incredible plan to snatch Whitmer from her vacation home, seeking to inspire a U.S. civil war known as the “boogaloo.”
Jospeh Morrison appears for sentencing in front of Jackson County Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wilson on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022 in Jackson, Mich. Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico were accused of being involved in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The judge on Thursday handed down the longest prison terms so far in the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor, sentencing three men who forged an early alliance with a leader of the scheme before the FBI broke it up in 2020. ( J. Scott Park/Jackson Citizen Patriot via AP)
Jospeh Morrison appears for sentencing in front of Jackson County Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wilson on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022 in Jackson, Mich. Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico were accused of being involved in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The judge on Thursday handed down the longest prison terms so far in the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor, sentencing three men who forged an early alliance with a leader of the scheme before the FBI broke it up in 2020. ( J. Scott Park/Jackson Citizen Patriot via AP)
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Whitmer, a Democrat recently elected to a second term, was never physically harmed. Undercover FBI agents and informants were inside Fox’s group for months, and the scheme was broken up with 14 arrests in October 2020.
Someone convicted of more than one crime in Michigan typically gets prison sentences that simply run at the same time. But Wilson took the unusual step of ordering consecutive sentences for Musico and Morrison, making their minimum stays longer. Besides a conviction for supporting terrorism, the three men were also convicted of a gun crime and for being members of a gang.
Musico, Morrison and Bellar belonged to the Wolverine Watchmen. The three held gun training with Fox and shared his disgust for Whitmer, police and public officials, especially after COVID-19 restrictions disrupted the economy and triggered armed Capitol protests and anti-government belligerence.
They were running a “terrorism training camp in Jackson County,” Assistant Attorney General Sunita Doddamani told the judge.
The men expressed remorse, moments after Whitmer in her video said they had failed to take responsibility.
Related video: 5 men to stand trial in Whitmer kidnapping plot (The Associated Press)
Musico, 45, cried while acknowledging a “lack of judgment.” Morrison, 28, said he was “renouncing, disavowing and detesting” anti-government ideologies. Bellar, 24, was the last to speak, publicly apologizing for abhorrent remarks about the governor.
“I was caught up highly in the moment,” Bellar said. “I felt I had lost a lot of camaraderie after being discharged from the Army. That was the reason I joined the Wolverine Watchmen in the first place."
Paul Bellar leaves the courtroom afer sentencing in front of Jackson County Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wilson on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022 in Jackson, Mich. Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico were accused of being involved in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The judge on Thursday handed down the longest prison terms so far in the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor, sentencing three men who forged an early alliance with a leader of the scheme before the FBI broke it up in 2020. ( J. Scott Park/Jackson Citizen Patriot via AP)
Paul Bellar leaves the courtroom afer sentencing in front of Jackson County Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wilson on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022 in Jackson, Mich. Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico were accused of being involved in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The judge on Thursday handed down the longest prison terms so far in the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor, sentencing three men who forged an early alliance with a leader of the scheme before the FBI broke it up in 2020. ( J. Scott Park/Jackson Citizen Patriot via AP)
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Defense lawyers still plan vigorous appeals. They argued at trial that the men had cut ties with Fox before the Whitmer plot came into focus by late summer of 2020; Bellar had moved to South Carolina in July.
They also didn’t travel with Fox to look for the governor’s second home or participate in a key training session inside a “shoot house” in Luther, Michigan.
“If Mr. Bellar wanted to be part of the kidnapping of the governor, he would have stayed here. ... He could have held on like a rock, like a tick in that apartment,” defense attorney Andrew Kirkpatrick said.
A jury, however, quickly returned guilty verdicts in October after hearing nine days of testimony, mostly evidence offered by federal agents and a pivotal FBI informant, Dan Chappel, who secretly recorded conversations.
“The Wolverine Watchmen misappropriated the word ‘patriot’ all the time for a really unpatriotic objective, you know, killing fellow Americans. ... Dan is what really a patriot is," Doddamani said Thursday.
Separately, in federal court in Grand Rapids, Fox and Croft face possible life sentences this month. Two men who pleaded guilty received substantial breaks: Ty Garbin is free after a 2 1/2-year prison term while Kaleb Franks was given a four-year sentence. Brandon Caserta and Daniel Harris were acquitted by a jury.
Paul Bellar appears for sentencing in front of Jackson County Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wilson on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022 in Jackson, Mich. Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico were accused of being involved in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The judge on Thursday handed down the longest prison terms so far in the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor, sentencing three men who forged an early alliance with a leader of the scheme before the FBI broke it up in 2020. ( J. Scott Park/Jackson Citizen Patriot via AP)
Paul Bellar appears for sentencing in front of Jackson County Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wilson on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022 in Jackson, Mich. Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico were accused of being involved in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The judge on Thursday handed down the longest prison terms so far in the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor, sentencing three men who forged an early alliance with a leader of the scheme before the FBI broke it up in 2020. ( J. Scott Park/Jackson Citizen Patriot via AP)
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When the plot was foiled, Whitmer blamed then-President Donald Trump, saying he had given "comfort to those who spread fear and hatred and division.” In August, after 19 months out of office, Trump said the kidnapping plan was a “fake deal.”
White reported from Detroit. Joey Cappelletti is a corps member for The Associated Press/Report for America Statehouse News Initiative. Report for America is a nonprofit national service program that places journalists in local newsrooms to report on undercovered issues.
Paul Bellar appears for sentencing in front of Jackson County Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wilson on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022 in Jackson, Mich. Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico were accused of being involved in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The judge on Thursday handed down the longest prison terms so far in the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor, sentencing three men who forged an early alliance with a leader of the scheme before the FBI broke it up in 2020. ( J. Scott Park/Jackson Citizen Patriot via AP)
Paul Bellar appears for sentencing in front of Jackson County Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wilson on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022 in Jackson, Mich. Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico were accused of being involved in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The judge on Thursday handed down the longest prison terms so far in the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor, sentencing three men who forged an early alliance with a leader of the scheme before the FBI broke it up in 2020. ( J. Scott Park/Jackson Citizen Patriot via AP)
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Pete Musico appears for sentencing in front of Jackson County Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wilson on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022 in Jackson, Mich. Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico were accused of being involved in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The judge on Thursday handed down the longest prison terms so far in the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor, sentencing three men who forged an early alliance with a leader of the scheme before the FBI broke it up in 2020. ( J. Scott Park/Jackson Citizen Patriot via AP)
Pete Musico appears for sentencing in front of Jackson County Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wilson on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022 in Jackson, Mich. Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico were accused of being involved in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The judge on Thursday handed down the longest prison terms so far in the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor, sentencing three men who forged an early alliance with a leader of the scheme before the FBI broke it up in 2020. ( J. Scott Park/Jackson Citizen Patriot via AP)
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Michigan Governor Kidnapping Plot
Michigan Governor Kidnapping Plot
© Provided by The Associated Press
Michigan Attorney General assistant prosecutor Sunita Doddamani makes a point in the sentencing for Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico in front of Jackson County Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wilson on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022 in Jackson, Mich. Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico were accused of being involved in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The judge on Thursday handed down the longest prison terms so far in the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor, sentencing three men who forged an early alliance with a leader of the scheme before the FBI broke it up in 2020. ( J. Scott Park/Jackson Citizen Patriot via AP)
Michigan Attorney General assistant prosecutor Sunita Doddamani makes a point in the sentencing for Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico in front of Jackson County Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wilson on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022 in Jackson, Mich. Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico were accused of being involved in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The judge on Thursday handed down the longest prison terms so far in the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor, sentencing three men who forged an early alliance with a leader of the scheme before the FBI broke it up in 2020. ( J. Scott Park/Jackson Citizen Patriot via AP)
© Provided by The Associated Press
Jackson County Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wilson sentences Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022 in Jackson, Mich. Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico were accused of being involved in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The judge on Thursday handed down the longest prison terms so far in the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor, sentencing three men who forged an early alliance with a leader of the scheme before the FBI broke it up in 2020. ( J. Scott Park/Jackson Citizen Patriot via AP)
Jackson County Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wilson sentences Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022 in Jackson, Mich. Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico were accused of being involved in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The judge on Thursday handed down the longest prison terms so far in the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor, sentencing three men who forged an early alliance with a leader of the scheme before the FBI broke it up in 2020. ( J. Scott Park/Jackson Citizen Patriot via AP)
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Pete Musico with attorney Kareem Johnson as he appears for sentencing in front of Jackson County Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wilson on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022 in Jackson, Mich. Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico were accused of being involved in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The judge on Thursday handed down the longest prison terms so far in the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor, sentencing three men who forged an early alliance with a leader of the scheme before the FBI broke it up in 2020. ( J. Scott Park/Jackson Citizen Patriot via AP)
Pete Musico with attorney Kareem Johnson as he appears for sentencing in front of Jackson County Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wilson on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022 in Jackson, Mich. Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico were accused of being involved in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The judge on Thursday handed down the longest prison terms so far in the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor, sentencing three men who forged an early alliance with a leader of the scheme before the FBI broke it up in 2020. ( J. Scott Park/Jackson Citizen Patriot via AP)
© Provided by The Associated Press
Joseph Morrison leaves the courtroom afer sentencing in front of Jackson County Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wilson on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022 in Jackson, Mich. Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico were accused of being involved in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The judge on Thursday handed down the longest prison terms so far in the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor, sentencing three men who forged an early alliance with a leader of the scheme before the FBI broke it up in 2020. ( J. Scott Park/Jackson Citizen Patriot via AP)
Joseph Morrison leaves the courtroom afer sentencing in front of Jackson County Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wilson on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022 in Jackson, Mich. Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico were accused of being involved in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The judge on Thursday handed down the longest prison terms so far in the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor, sentencing three men who forged an early alliance with a leader of the scheme before the FBI broke it up in 2020. ( J. Scott Park/Jackson Citizen Patriot via AP)
© Provided by The Associated Press
Pete Musico leaves the courtroom afer sentencing in front of Jackson County Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wilson on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022 in Jackson, Mich. Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico were accused of being involved in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The judge on Thursday handed down the longest prison terms so far in the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor, sentencing three men who forged an early alliance with a leader of the scheme before the FBI broke it up in 2020. ( J. Scott Park/Jackson Citizen Patriot via AP)
Pete Musico leaves the courtroom afer sentencing in front of Jackson County Circuit Court Judge Thomas Wilson on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022 in Jackson, Mich. Paul Bellar, Joseph Morrison and Pete Musico were accused of being involved in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The judge on Thursday handed down the longest prison terms so far in the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor, sentencing three men who forged an early alliance with a leader of the scheme before the FBI broke it up in 2020. ( J. Scott Park/Jackson Citizen Patriot via AP)
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Three Men Sentenced to Prison in Scheme to Kidnap Michigan Governor
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer speaks during a news conference after thirteen people, including seven men associated with the Wolverine Watchmen militia group, were arrested for alleged plots to take Whitmer hostage and attack the state capitol building, in Lansing, Mich., October 8, 2020.(Michigan Governor's office/Handout via Reuters)
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December 15, 2022 2:09 PM
Three men found guilty of “providing material support for a terrorist act” in connection with the foiled plot to kidnap Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer were sentenced to prison on Thursday.
Joe Morrison, Pete Musico and Paul Bellar were members of a paramilitary group, the Wolverine Watchmen, that trained with Adam Fox, who was the alleged leader in the scheme, according to prosecutors. The three men were not charged with having a direct role in the plot but were also charged with gun violations and membership in a gang.
Musico was sentenced to a minimum of 12 years in prison. Morrison, who is Musico’s son in law, was sentenced to ten years and Bellar received a seven-year sentence. They will be eligible for parole after serving those terms, according to the Associated Press.
Whitmer asked the judge to “impose a sentence that meets the gravity of the damage they have done to our democracy.”
“A conspiracy to kidnap and kill a sitting governor of the state of Michigan is a threat to democracy itself,” the governor said, adding that she is now hypervigilant in crowds and worries “about the fate of everyone near me.”
The federal government charged six other men on the federal charge of conspiracy to kidnap in connection with the plot in October 2020. Two men were acquitted by a jury, one received a prison sentence of four years and the other received a two-and-a-half year sentence.
The two others, Fox and Barry Croft, face a maximum sentence of life in prison after being convicted of the kidnapping conspiracy and one count of conspiring to use weapons of mass destruction. The pair allegedly devised a plot to blow up a bridge near the governor’s home to thwart the government’s response to the planned kidnapping
A man identified as Edward Kelley inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. (U.S. DOJ via The Epoch Times)
Jan. 6 Defendant Conspired to Kill FBI Agents: Filing
By Zachary Stieber December 17, 2022 Updated: December 18, 2022biggersmaller Print
A man who allegedly entered the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, is now being accused of conspiring to kill FBI agents.
Edward Kelley, 33, has been charged with conspiracy, solicitation to commit a crime of violence, and other charges, according to a criminal complaint unsealed on Dec. 16.
Kelley, of Tennessee, had been free on personal recognizance after being arrested and charged in May with crimes related to the Capitol breach, including assault, destruction of government property, and disorderly conduct.
According to the new complaint, Kelley had identified dozens of law enforcement personnel involved in the investigation into him. A witness who later approached authorities in Maryville was part of a meeting between Kelley and Austin Carter, another Tennessee man, on Dec. 3. During the meeting, Kelley stated that they were going to “mainly conduct recon missions and assassination missions,” according to the witness.
Kelley allegedly asked Carter, 26, and the witness to gather intelligence on the personnel on the list. Kelley allegedly told the witness to “reach out to your cop buddies” to get the intelligence. Kelley allegedly asked the witness if he owned guns and when the witness answered affirmatively, Kelley said it was good that the witness wanted to get a magnifier as the group would do “more long distance things.”
The witness “understood KELLEY’s statements to be referring to assassinations,” according to the complaint.
Ten days later, Carter and the witness were working together at an unidentified place of employment when Carter gave an envelope to the witness, the document states. Carter said to open it later and burn it when finished. Carter said he received the envelope from Kelley.
When the witness left and opened the envelope, the witness found the list and a thumb drive, according to the complaint. Within hours, the witness contacted law enforcement.
The witness, who was not identified, then agreed to tape conversations with Kelley and Carter. During one of the calls, Kelley purportedly said that if he was arrested, to “start it,” adding, “You guys are taking them out at their office.”
“If the same thing happens to any of you guys, I’m doing the same thing, okay?” Kelley was quoted as saying. He later answered yes when the witness inquired if he was talking about the Knoxville office.
A lawyer representing Kelley did not return a request for comment.
“Mr. Carter maintains his innocence and we look forward to zealously defending him against these allegations,” Joshua Hedrick, an attorney for Carter, told Reuters.
Both Kelley and Carter have been taken into custody, according to the court docket.
“Today’s allegations that individuals sought to attack and hurt or kill FBI personnel are sickening. FBI employees honorably perform their duties protecting the American public and upholding the Constitution and they should be able to execute these duties without threats of violence,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said in a statement.
Kelley has said he attended the Trump rally on Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington. He traveled to Washington from Tennessee with another individual.
Kelley spoke twice with FBI agents in June 2021 to discuss the trip, according to court papers. Kelley said he walked around the outside of the Capitol but did not enter the building.
But photographs and surveillance video showed Kelley did enter the building, according to an FBI agent.
Kelley, wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, a dark tan backpack, a gas mask, and a green tactical helmet moved from the Peace Monument and helped others throw a U.S. Capitol Police officer to the ground, according to the images. He allegedly broke a window at the Capitol and entered the building through the broken window.
Kelley was part of the group who asked officer Eugene Goodman where lawmakers were counting electoral votes. Goodman led them away from the Senate chamber, but Kelley and others eventually entered the chamber’s gallery.
Kelley was later spotted in the Capitol rotunda before exiting the building. He was inside for about 40 minutes, the agent said in an earlier complaint.
Kelley was charged with assault, unlawful entry, obstruction of law enforcement during civil disorder, and other counts.
Kelley has pleaded not guilty.
In the order setting conditions for his being free while the case is ongoing, Kelley was ordered not to violate federal, state, or local law.
Marina Medvin, who had been representing Kelley in the Jan. 6 case, entered a motion to withdraw on Friday. In the brief motion, Medvin said that she and Kelley were jointly seeking the withdrawal.
“This is a felony matter that is currently still assigned to a Magistrate Judge (although an indictment is expected to be docketed next week), there is no trial date, the defendant’s case will not be delayed, and the withdrawal is not expected to have a material adverse effect on the interests of the client or his case,” Medvin wrote. “Mr. Kelley will seek for this court to appoint counsel for all future proceedings.”
106 attacks on the electric grid.
In what thread does the work the FBI won't do for?
"In what thread does the work the TBI won't do for?"
Oops, FBI.
Tough question.
Sometimes it will be "The War on the Rule of Law/Deep State" and sometimes it will be here. Feel free to post in both and/or other relevant threads. The point is to have these threads be research tools/historical record defense against the memory hole as well as present tense conversation.
106 attacks on the electric grid.
What's going on here.
Clearly an act of war, times hundreds.
How about we investigate and fight back?
First step might be to get the FBI out of every time wasting activity they are currently engaged in, cf school board meetings and political social media.
Well, closing the border and deporting the five million illegals might be a real good idea too. It seems quite plausible that bad actors are among the five million.
"Well, closing the border and deporting the five million illegals might be a real good idea too"
can this be accomplished before they have "anchor babies"?
then the left will bemoan "they are splitting up families". :roll:
You anticipate correctly.
"As Rep. Jamie Raskin insisted during the president’s trial, “this case is much worse than someone who falsely shouts fire in a crowded theater.” This oft-repeated phrase is of dubious provenance and has no legal merit."
he just shot short a shyster (can you say 3 x fast?)
I have no idea about the book, but the hypothesis certainly resonates , , ,
The Sumter Gambit: How the Left Is Trying to Foment a Civil War
What is the Sumter Gambit? It’s the concerted effort by the Left to push the most extreme policies and ideologies into American public life, while simultaneously labeling any opposition to their overreach as treason.
While this strategy has been developed for decades, only since the Trump years has it become their central organizing principle¾and, indeed, the only governing strategy of the Democratic party. Critical Race Theory in schools, extreme gun control and abortion laws, Covid lockdowns and mandates–and all that is just the beginning.
The purpose of it all is to push non-Leftist Americans into an impossible corner–where they are forced to choose between giving up their liberty and their most dearly-held principles; going to jail; or fighting back. When the last becomes the only choice, the Left plans to unleash the entire might of the Military-Industrial Complex to defeat and destroy any vestiges of dissent. They’ll have to do it, they’ll say, to protect us from an “insurrection.”
At that point, we will have the Civil War that they have wanted, and planned for, since at least the 1960s.
The Sumter Gambit is a brisk primer on the primary differences between the two camps in America today, and the ways in which Americans can and must act now to preserve our nation. We must strengthen the country against its internal enemies who want to silence their opposition and impose upon us a radical Leftist ideology that is in the process of transforming America into a land no one would ever dream of calling the Land of the Free or the Home of the Brave.
There is no doubt that America is suffering from grave crises today. Here the noted political analyst, Islam expert, and historian Robert Spencer shows just how severe those crises are–and points the way back from the brink of civil war to political, societal, and cultural sanity.
The Sumter Gambit: How the Left Is Trying to Foment a Civil War quantity
Pre-Order Now
SKU: 978-1637585320 Categories: American Government, Bombardier, Commentary & Opinion, Conservatism & Liberalism, Corruption & Misconduct, Politics
This item will be released January 31, 2023.
Somehow it does not surprise that this did not come out until now.
I wonder what Democrat media outlet Kinzinger will wind up with this new yr.
Making 100,000s per yr bashing Republicans for few hrs a week work
845 page of Jan 6 report and no mention of Ray Epps. Oddly, Nancy Pelosi's daughter was commissioned to film him (around the time the former Speaker cut Capitol security). It couldn't have looked more casted and scripted.
The agency and 'committee' explanation to the Ray Epps omission is summed up in a 5 second tweet video:
If they (the 'committee') can't explain it, then they are in on it.
If they don't care what happened that day, why should I care?
Best guess is eco-terrorists or some spinoff of the old Occupy Wall Street and WTO 1999 anti-prosperity protesters, which may all be one and the same, perhaps new generations.
Who is accurate with a rifle from 200 yards? That's a short list and I'm not on it.
All we may ever get from so-called 'federal law enforcement' is, "can't comment on an ongoing investigation".
"Who is accurate with a rifle from 200 yards? That's a short list and I'm not on it."
Lots of hunters are.
Eco-terrorists do strike me as a plausible possibility.
It makes sense on motive it is eco terrorists attacking our grid but I would expect them to be more vegan than sharp shooting hunters.
Then there is the question of communications and coordination for over a hundred attacks per year. And knowledge, they know exactly what to hit with what kind of force. And recruitment.
Where is the investigation? Where are the wanted posters? How about one wanted poster? One witness? One arrest? I doubt I could shoot one urban squirrel without arrest and a federal firearms charge, and they're taking out regions of electricity like Russia in Ukraine. Without consequence!
On communications, there is the beehive theory. Each doing his part without direct communication with the others.
If this is to make a point with the threat of doing more, why isn't some group taking responsibility?
Like election fraud, one more mystery of our time.
FWIW on FB I regularly see a lefty post calling on people to have the Governor fight Duke Power's new plan- whatever it is. Never read the substance of it, next time I see it I will give it a read.
my liberal associate of course states it is white supremacists to blame for electric grid attacks . :roll:
and there is NO PROOF The Wuhan virus came from a lab.....
"of course", I say "Chinese covered it all up " to a smirk and silence ....
**blind** partisanship
Republicans are worse than Nazis .
"I orchestrated it."
- Ray Epps
"I orchestrated it."
- Ray Epps
I don't think an entrapment defense has a chance in hell
Not against the mob.
David is one of our fiercest warriors
and especially unusual since he started out as a full blooded commie:
" His mother's family emigrated from Imperial Russia in the mid-19th century, and his father's family left Russia in 1905 during a time of anti-Jewish pogroms."
my mother used to tell me her father escaped Russian Ukraine during the Russian Revolution .
I am not clear if she knew, but I later found it was the "first" Russian Revolution (1905) not 1917 like I think she thought.
She was born here in 1919.
Maybe I am related to Horowitz or even Zelensky ? :-o
Any ideas why?
Any ideas why?
I agree. We won't really understand Jan 6 until we solve the Ray Epps question and a couple other unsolved mysteries like Nancy Pelosi turning down security and her daughter knowing when and where to film Ray Epps. Did that really happen?
"But -- and here's the new news -- the Regime and its mouthpieces like the Washington Post insist he entered "after" others had breached the fence."
"This new video shows Epps leading the crowd to the fence, and is among the first dozen people to go through the fence."
his egging people on certainly sounds like a case for "entrapment" could be made at least for people seen following his directions........
of course a lawyer's opinion on this would be better then my opinion :-D
Above the law.
she was shot literally ~ 2 mi from where I live
a Republican !
7) Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
8) Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
9) Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
10) Open War
I missed #'s 1 to 6
#8 is already being done by the LEFT elites and military and Universities , government media :
FBI CIA surveil Americans via internet spy cameras commerce (money exchanges )
(the central government cryto coin that is coming )
increase IRS agents by 10s of thousands
publicly announce that white people are the biggest threat to our
indoctrinate the military to wokism
establishing all the propaganda tools machinary needed to control thought
work closely with the monied players and large companies establishing a
true fascist controlling authoritarian government
only leftist woksters in judiciary , executive branch, rig all elections
cheat lie extort racketeer gaslight
work to limit guns , put kill buttons in cars along with tracking GPS on
off the top of my head
I am sure others can add to the list of things the LEFT is doing while gearing up for Civil War 2.0
BREAKING THIS AM… *ANOTHER* REPUBLICAN NJ COUNCILMAN GUNNED DOWN… Second Republican Council Member Shot Dead A Week After Unsolved Murder Of Colleague
A New Jersey councilmember was shot and killed in his car Wednesday, according to local authorities, just a week after a state councilwoman was murdered in a similar fashion.
Republican New Jersey councilmember Russel Heller, 51, was discovered dead in his car shortly after 7:00 a.m. Wednesday in the parking lot of his employer, local energy company PSE&G, according to the Somerset County Prosecutor’s Office. A former employee, Gary Curtis, 58, was identified as a suspect in the shooting and was found dead in his car three hours later from what is currently suspected to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Heller’s death occurred exactly one week after the assassination of Republican councilwoman Eunice Dwumfour, who was also shot and killed in her vehicle by a currently unidentified suspect. Dwumfour’s death occurred just 15 miles from Heller’s death. Somerset County Prosecutor’s office stated that the two murders are not linked.
Before this fades down the Memory Hole, let us note:
No witnesses can be cross-examined.
No witnesses for the defense.
No opposition view of the evidence.
No member who did not vote for impeachment.
Before this fades down the Memory Hole, let us note:
No witnesses can be cross-examined.
No witnesses for the defense.
No opposition view of the evidence.
No member who did not vote for impeachment.
It’s almost like the American Republic ended with coup.
more on man behind this:
of course teaches propaganda course at NYU
fronting as fighting "disinformation "
[ of course with disinformation ]
a feel good sport [sic] for those who hate the politics of the other side:
instead of Civil War 2
I bet if Abe Lincoln went up against Jef Davis he would have slapped him down
like an ax through a log
I would still bet Arnie could take out Gavin even though he is 75 yo
Undercover DC Police Officer Pushed Protesters Toward Capitol, Climbed Over Barricade: Court Filing
Two undercover Metropolitan Police Department officers walked behind Ashli Babbitt on the northwest side of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. One had earlier remarked that "someone will get shot" that day. (William Pope via U.S. District Court/Screenshot via The Epoch Times)
Joseph M. Hanneman
By Joseph M. Hanneman
February 18, 2023Updated: February 20, 2023
Three undercover Metropolitan Police Department officers joined the march of protesters up the northwest side of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021—including one who climbed over a barricade and pushed others toward the Capitol, and another who walked behind Ashli Babbitt and predicted that “someone will get shot,” according to newly disclosed court documents.
New court motions filed by Jan. 6 defendant William Pope of Topeka, Kansas, also show MPD bicycle officers stopping four armed men in plainclothes on Jan. 6. The men turned out to be federal agents. Video included with Pope’s filings also shows uniformed MPD officers saying, “we were set up” to fail on Jan. 6.
Information in the court papers will rekindle the debate about the role that undercover officers and agents played in the riots of Jan. 6 and why the U.S. Department of Justice and federal judges have kept the evidence under seal and away from public view.
“This video clearly evidences undercover law enforcement officers urging the crowds to advance up the stairs and scaffolding towards the Capitol on January 6,” Pope wrote in one motion. “The government may claim that incidents like this did not happen, but the facts show they did.
“Since the government cannot be trusted to disclose these facts,” Pope wrote, “it becomes even more important that defense teams, including Pro Se defendants, be able to directly examine the evidence.”
Timeline of Events in DC on Jan. 6
The three undercover MPD officers approached the northwest corner of the Capitol grounds at about 1:40 p.m. on Jan. 6, one of the motions states. Officer 1, who was filming their journey, joined the crowd chanting, “Drain the swamp!”
When a group of men ran past them toward the Capitol, Officer 2—wearing a Trump beanie—remarked, “Those guys are getting shot,” the motion said.
At the base of the scaffold stairs, Officer 1 joined the crowd in a chant, “Whose house? Our house!”
“Officer 1 began yelling at people in front of him to ‘Go, go, go!’ As they climbed bicycle racks, Officer 1 yelled for the crowd to ‘help him up, help him up!” followed by ‘push him up, push him up!’” the motion reads of Pope describing how Officer 1 climbed over a barricade.
“Needing help to get up, Officer 1 asked a nearby man to give him a boost,” the motion says. “The man gives Officer 1 a lift up, and Officer 1 says ‘Thanks, bro.’”
Officer 1 pushed protesters in front of him to advance on the Capitol, shouting, “c’mon, c’mon, c’mon, let’s go!,” the motion said. People around him climbed over bike-rack-style barricades and scaffolding that had been set up for the presidential inauguration.
Right Behind Ashli Babbitt
At one point, Officers 2 and 3 were almost directly behind Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt on the exterior stairs, about an hour before Babbitt was gunned down at the entrance to the Speaker’s Lobby, Pope said in a Twitter post on Feb. 18.
“Why hasn’t the government informed the public that undercover MPD officers were chanting, ‘Our house!’ and repeatedly urging protesters to advance up the northwest steps of the Capitol on January 6?” Pope wrote on Twitter under his handle @FreeStateWill. “Officer 2 said someone would get shot and went up right behind Ashli Babbitt.”
Doctor Who Tried to Save Ashli Babbitt on Jan. 6 Charged With 4 Misdemeanors for Time at the US Capitol
Video shot by the undercover officers is under court seal.
Pope argued in his motions that the DOJ is trying to prevent him from accessing the full Jan. 6 evidence databases. He is defending himself against seven criminal counts brought by federal prosecutors in February 2021. He asked U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras to compel the DOJ to give him full access to discovery materials.
Epoch Times Photo
Metropolitan Police Department officers stopped four armed men in plain clothes on Jan. 6, 2021. All of them produced law-enforcement credentials and were allowed to go on their way. (Metropolitan Police Department/Screenshot via The Epoch Times)
In a motion filed with the court on Feb. 17, Pope included a tranche of bodycam video with evidence not disclosed publicly before.
The bodycams of three MPD bicycle officers—Tyquan Brown, Daniel Styles, and Christopher Vanacore—shows them stopping a group of four men and a woman at 12:19 p.m., walking east during then-President Trump’s speech at the Ellipse. “Is anyone armed?” Brown asked. “We all are,” the men said, adding that they were law enforcement officials. The woman was not armed.
The four men showed the MPD officers their law-enforcement credentials and were allowed to go on their way. The IDs all appeared very similar, but the video is not of sufficient resolution to read what agency they are from. Brown chided one of the men, “You’ve got to do a little bit better at hiding it,” pointing to his concealed handgun.
Epoch Times Photo
A Metropolitan Police Department officer states his belief that he and his colleagues were set up when protecting the west front of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. (Metropolitan Police Department/Screenshot via The Epoch Times)
The bodycam of MPD Officer Lawrence Lazewski shows Lazewski and another MPD officer express the belief that police had been “set up” on Jan. 6.
After nearly 90 minutes on the police line on the west front of the Capitol, Lazewski retreated to the Upper West Terrace at 2:33 p.m. He approached a group of other officers, one of whom was engaged in an animated discussion.
‘They Set Us Up’
“They set us the [expletive] up,” the officer said. “That’s what they did. They set us up.
“They set up [Unit] 64, absolutely, and then they ask you all to come two hours later,” the officer said. “They set us up.”
Lazewski replied, “They needed everybody right away,” to which the other officer said, “Nah, right away, they set us the [expletive] up. We ain’t got [expletive].”
A few moments later, the unidentified officer said, “Take this mother[expletive],” and waved his hand at the Capitol in disgust.
At about 2:40 p.m., half an hour after the Capitol was first breached, Lazewski who was outside the building approached another MPD officer on the side of the Capitol. On the way, he heard a group of officers discussing the police deployment of CS gas along the barricades on the west front. Many officers were not outfitted with gas masks.
“I didn’t know we were coming up for this or I would have made sure we all had our masks,” the officer told Lazewski.
“I didn’t realize how bad … they set us up to fail,” Lazewski said.
“They did,” the other officer replied.
“There was no way we were winning that,” Lazewski said. “Now you’ve got at least four platoons that are just gassed out.”
‘Keep the March Going’
Video from the bodycam of MPD Officer Terry Thorne shows him imploring protesters on the way down Constitution Avenue to the Capitol from Trump’s speech at 12:30 p.m. to “keep the march going.”
“Let’s keep it going,” Thorne said, waving protesters away from a side street. “Let’s keep the march going. Let’s keep it going. Guys, let’s keep the march going.”
Bodycam from MPD Officer Anthony Alioto gives a behind the scenes look at police action along the west front of the Capitol. His bodycam captured some of the actions of Officer Daniel Thau, who used a taser on protesters four times, tossed countless munitions into the crowd, and fired a 40 mm shell at protesters.
On Alioto’s video, Thau is shown using pepper spray on protesters that is partially blown back in officers’ faces. “Hey Danny,” Alioto said. “Watch the wind direction!”
Epoch Times Photo
Metropolitan Police Department Officer Daniel Thau fires a blast of pepper spray at the crowd on Jan. 6, 2021. (Metropolitan Police Department/Screenshot via The Epoch Times)
Officer Luke Foskett’s bodycam shows some of the chaos inside the Capitol. He approached a Capitol Police supervisor and asked, “Where can we start?”
“I don’t [expletive] know,” the man replied. “You want to talk about getting caught with your pants down. We have no direction. Nobody can get on the [expletive] radio.
“I called the Command Center and let them know that you guys are here with us. At least you’re accounted for,” the Capitol officer said.
Officers in that section of the Capitol were looking for a man who might have been armed. Someone asked the Capitol Police supervisor how they could identify undercover operatives.
“They will have a wristband. Their guns will have a candy stripe on the barrel,” he said. “I don’t know the wristband color but they’ll have a wristband somewhere.”
Guns. That's why they want to take them from us.
“This is what they used to do to us. This is what they did to us during slavery. They used to beat us and whip us.”
race race race race race race race race race race race race
from the MSM academics and Democrats
so no surprise
"The 20-year-old met Bishop age 23, — who was on parole after serving just over a year behind bars for robbery"
he was born 2000 [during the peak of slavery and Jim Crow! :wink:]
has he called Rev Al or Ben yet?
too soon
to prepare for insurgency war
plans for such unknown since it will be then on the FBI "terrorist" list
we stand and fight where we are.
my opinion
too soon to simply retreat into the woods.
throw our hands up and say we can't win unless we fight like ISIS
then we surely lose
just be patient and keep making our case
some people are coming around
too soon
to prepare for insurgency war
plans for such unknown since it will be then on the FBI "terrorist" list
Never too early to start planning and preparing. Everyone on the right is considered a terrorist.
we stand and fight where we are.
my opinion
Where you and Doug are located are death zones. Every urban/leftist controlled area is.
too soon to simply retreat into the woods.
Not to "the woods" to a rural area in a red county in a red state.
throw our hands up and say we can't win unless we fight like ISIS
then we surely lose
Not like ISIS, like the founding fathers using 5th gen warfare techniques.
just be patient and keep making our case
some people are coming around
Are the 4 AM vote counters and voting machines coming around?
Because they work for the deep state, the deep state tells them what they need to know.
Dear Conservatives, I Apologize
My "Team" was Taken in By Full-Spectrum Propaganda
Dr Naomi Wolf
Mar 9
There is no way to avoid this moment. The formal letter of apology. From me. To Conservatives and to those who “put America first” everywhere.
It’s tempting to sweep this confrontation with my own gullibility under the rug — to “move on” without ever acknowledging that I was duped, and that as a result I made mistakes in judgement, and that these mistakes, multiplied by the tens of thousands and millions on the part of people just like me, hurt millions of other people like you all, in existential ways.
Outspoken with Dr Naomi Wolf is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
But that erasure of personal and public history would be wrong.
I owe you a full-throated apology.
I believed a farrago of lies. And, as a result of these lies, and my credulity — and the credulity of people similarly situated to me - many conservatives’ reputations are being tarnished, on false bases.
The proximate cause of this letter of apology is the airing, two nights ago, of excepts from tens of thousands of hours of security camera footage from the United States Capitol taken on Jan 6, 2021. The footage was released by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson [].
While “fact-checkers” state that it is “misinformation” to claim that Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi was in charge of Capitol Police on that day [], the fact is that the USCP is under the oversight of Congress, according to — the United States Capitol Police: [].
This would be the same Congress that convened the January 6 Committee subsequently, and that used millions of dollars in taxpayer money to turn that horrible day, and that tragic event, into a message point that would be used to tar a former President as a would-be terrorist, and to smear all Republicans, by association, as “insurrectionists,” or as insurrectionists’ sympathizers and fellow-travelers.
There is no way to unsee Officer Brian Sicknick, claimed by some Democrats in leadership and by most of the legacy media to have been killed by rioters at the Capitol that day, alive in at least one section of the newly released video. The USCP medical examiner states that this Officer died of “natural causes,” but also that he died “in the line of duty.” Whatever the truth of this confusing conclusion, and with all respect for and condolences to Officer Sicknick’s family, the circumstances of his death do matter to the public, as without his death having been caused by the events of Jan 6, the breach of the capitol, serious though it was, cannot be described as a “deadly insurrection.” [] Sadly, though the contrary was what was reported, Officer Sicknick died two days after Jan 6, from suffering two strokes.
There is no way for anyone thoughtful, even if he or she is a lifelong Democrat, not to notice that Sen Chuck Schumer did not say to the world that the footage that Mr Carlson aired was not real. Rather, he warned that it was “shameful” for Fox to allow us to see it. The Guardian characterized Mr Carlson’s and Fox News’ sin, weirdly, as “Over-Use” of Jan 6 footage. Isn’t the press supposed to want full transparency for all public interest events? [] How can you “over-use” real footage of events of national relevance?
Sen Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Senate minority leader, did not say the video on Fox News was fake or doctored. He said, rather, that it was “a mistake” to depart from the views of the events held by the chief of the Capitol Police. This is a statement from McConnell about orthodoxy — not a statement about a specific truth or untruth. []
I don’t agree with Mr Carlson’s interpretation of the videos as depicting “mostly peaceful chaos.”[] I do think it is a mistake to downplay how serious it is when a legislative institution suffers a security breach of any kind, however that came to be.
But you don’t have to agree with Mr Carlson’s interpretation of the videos, to believe, as I do, that he engaged in valuable journalism simply by airing the footage that was given to him.
And remember, by law that footage belongs to us — it is a public record, and all public records literally belong to the American people. “In a democracy, records belong to the people,” explains the National Archives. []
You don’t have to agree with Carlson’s interpretation of the videos, to notice the latest hypocrisy by the Left. My acquaintance and personal hero Daniel Ellsberg was rightly lionized by the Left for having illegally leaked the Pentagon Papers. The New York Times was rightly applauded for having run this leaked material in 1971. [].
I do not see how Mr Carlson’s airing of video material of national significance that the current government would prefer to keep hidden, or Fox News’ support for its disclosure to the public, is any different from that famous case of disclosure of inside information of public importance.
You don’t have to agree with Mr Carlson’s interpretation of the videos, to conclude that the Democrats in leadership, for their own part, have cherry-picked, hyped, spun, and in some ways appear to have lied about, aspects of January 6, turning a tragedy for the nation into a politicized talking point aimed at discrediting half of our electorate.
From the start, there have been things about the dominant, Democrats’ and legacy media’s, narrative of Jan 6, that seemed off, or contradictory, to me. (That does not mean I agree with the interpretation of these events in general on the right. Bear with me).
There is no way to un-hear the interview that Mr Carlson did with former Capitol police office Tarik Johnson, who said that he received no guidance when he called his superiors, terrified, as the Capitol was breached, to ask for direction. []
That situation is anomalous.
There is always a security chain of command in the Capitol, at the Rayburn Building, at the White House of course, and so on, which is part of a rock-solid “security plan.” [].
There are usually, indeed, multiple snipers standing on the steps of the Capitol, facing outward. I made note of this when I was researching and writing The End of America. There is never improvisation, or any confusion in security practices or in what is expected of “the security plan”, involving “principals” such as Members of Congress, or staff at the White House. I know this as a former political consultant and former White House spouse.
The reason for a tightly scripted chain of command and an absolutely ironclad security plan in these buildings, is so that security crises such as the events of Jan 6 can never happen.
The fact that so much confusion in security practice took place on Jan 6, is hard to understand.
There is no way to not see that among the violent and terrifying scenes of that day, as revealed by Mr Carlson, there were also scenes of officers with the United States Capitol Police accompanying one protester who would become iconic, the “Q-Anon Shaman”, Jacob Chansley - and escorting him peaceably through the hallways of our nation’s legislative center. [].
I was oddly unsurprised to see the “Q-Anon Shaman” being ushered through the hallways by Capitol Police; he was ready for the cameras in full makeup, horned fur hat, his tattooed chest bare (on a freezing day), and adorned in other highly cinematic regalia. I don’t know what Mr Chansley thought he was doing there that day, but so many subsequent legacy media images of the event put him so dramatically front and center — and the barbaric nature of his appearance was so illustrative of exactly the message that Democrats in leadership wished to send about the event — that I am not surprised to see that his path to the center of events was not blocked but was apparently facilitated by Capitol Police.
A point I have made over and over since 9/11 is that many events in history are both real and hyped. Many actors in historic events have their agendas, but are also at times used by other people with their own agendas, in ways of which the former are unaware. Terrorists and terrorism in the Bush era are one example. This issue was both real and hyped.
“Patriots” or “insurgents” (depending on who you are) entering the Capitol can be part of a real event that is also exploited or manipulated by others. We don’t know yet if this is the case in relation to the events of Jan 6, or to what extent it may be the case. That is where a real investigation must come in.
But as someone who has studied history, and the theatrics of history, for decades, I was not at all surprised to see, on Mr Carlson’s security camera footage, the person who was to become the most memorable ‘face’ of the ‘insurrection’ (or the riot, or the Capitol breach) — escorted to the beating heart of the action, where his image could be memorialized by a battery of cameras forever.
There are other aspects of the Jan 6 breach that seemed anomalous to me from the start. I study the relationship in history of buildings such as The White House and the Capitol, to the US public; I follow the way in which the public is either welcomed into or barred from these structures.
The White House itself and the Capitol steps have often been open to US citizens. They are public buildings.
Indeed, inaugurations have been open public events in which the US citizenry simply entered the building for the celebration; this tradition lasted from President Jefferson’s inauguration in 1801, to 1885.
Things got very chaotic indeed in 1829. “On March 4, 1829, Andrew Jackson upholds an inaugural tradition begun by Thomas Jefferson and hosts an open house at the White House.
After Jackson’s swearing-in ceremony and address to Congress, the new president returned to the White House to meet and greet a flock of politicians, celebrities and citizens. Very shortly, the crowd swelled to more than 20,000, turning the usually dignified White House into a boisterous mob scene. Some guests stood on furniture in muddy shoes while others rummaged through rooms looking for the president–breaking dishes, crystal and grinding food into the carpet along the way. […]
The White House open-house tradition continued until several assassination attempts heightened security concerns. The trend ended in 1885 when Grover Cleveland opted instead to host a parade, which he viewed in safety from a grandstand set up in front of the White House.” [].
And inaugurations were not the only occasions in which US citizens approached their public buildings in Washington.
The Bonus Army, which massed in the summer of 1932, during the Depression, to claim the financial “bonus” promised to veterans who had served in World War I, is an example of citizens assembling peaceably at the Capitol. When I was an undergraduate, we were taught that the Bonus Army sat on the steps of the Capitol and lobbied the legislators who were entering and leaving the building. I remember from my history textbook, images of crowds seated on the Capitol steps in 1932.
“[M]ore than 25,000 veterans and their families traveled to Washington, DC, to petition Congress and President Herbert Hoover to award them their bonus immediately. Fortunately for the marchers, Pelham Glassford, the local police chief and a veteran of the war himself, made accommodations for this influx, including the creation of an enormous camp in the Anacostia Flats […]. Glassford understood that Americans had an inherent right to assemble in Washington and petition the government for the “redress of grievances” without fear of punishment or reprisals. […]
On June 15, the House of Representatives passed the new bonus bill by a vote of 211 to 176. Two days later, some 8,000 veterans massed in front of the Capitol as the Senate prepared to vote, while another 10,000 assembled before the raised Anacostia drawbridge. The police were anticipating trouble because of the large crowds. The Senate debate continued until after dark. […]
When it appeared that the bonus would not be paid, many of the marchers refused to leave, and President Hoover ordered the Army to evict them. Using tear gas, tanks, and a troop of saber-wielding cavalry commanded by Major George S. Patton, U.S. Army chief of staff General Douglas MacArthur drove the marchers out of Washington and burned their main camp on the Anacostia Flats.”[]
I mention the massing of the Bonus Army on the Capitol steps in 1932, to note that the dominant narrative around Jan 6 today, often implies that it is an act of violence or of “insurrection” simply to march en masse peacefully to the Capitol.
But we should be wary of allowing history to be rewritten so as to criminalize peaceful, Constitutionally-protected assembly at “The People’s House.”
Massing peacefully at the Capitol and other public buildings, is part of our rights and inheritance as citizens, and this use of our First Amendment right to assemble has a long history. Indeed, the public has traditionally had the right peacefully to enter the Capitol — to obtain passes to events, to galley seats, and to witness the proceedings in other ways.
The Capitol is not a sealed space exclusively for legislators, but it is one that is supposed to welcome the public in an orderly way. []. We should not be encouraged to forget this.
The violence of Jan 6 and its subsequent service as a talking point by the Democrats’ leadership, risks its use also to justify the closing off of our public buildings from US citizens altogether.
This would be convenient for tyrants of any party.
Leaving aside the release of the additional Jan 6 footage and how it may or may not change our view of US history —- I must say that I am sorry for believing the dominant legacy-media “narrative” pretty completely from the time it was rolled out, without asking questions.
Those who violently entered the Capitol or who engaged in violence inside of it, must of course be held accountable. (As must violent protesters of every political stripe anywhere.)
But in addition, anyone in leadership who misrepresented to the public the events of the day so as to distort the complexity of its actual history — must also be held accountable.
Jan 6 has become, as the DNC intended it to become, after the fact, a “third rail”; a shorthand used to dismiss or criminalize an entire population and political point of view.
Peaceful Republicans and conservatives as a whole have been demonized by the story told by Democrats in leadership of what happened that day.
So half of the country has been tarred by association, and is now in many quarters presumed to consist of chaotic berserkers, anti-democratic rabble, and violent upstarts, whose sole goal is the murder of our democracy.
Republicans, conservatives, I am sorry.
I also believed wholesale so much else that has since turned out not to be as I was told it was by NPR, MSNBC and The New York Times.
I believed that stories about Hunter Biden’s laptop were Russian propaganda. Dozens of former intel officials said so. Johns Hopkins University said so. [].
“Trump specifically cited a “laptop” that contained emails allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden”, said ‘CNN Fact-Check’, with plenty of double quote marks. []
I believed this all — til it was debunked.
I believed that President Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia — until that assertion was dropped. []
I believed that President Trump was a Russian asset, because the legacy media I read, said so [].
I believed in the entire Steele dossier, until I didn’t, because it all fell apart. [].
Was there in fact an “infamous pee tape”? So many other bad things were being said about the man — why not? []
I believed that Pres Trump instigated the riot at the Capitol — because I did not know that his admonition to his supporters to assemble “peacefully and patriotically” had been deleted from all of the news coverage that I read. []
Because of lies such as these in legacy media — lies which I and millions of others believed — half of our nation’s electorate was smeared and delegitimized, and I myself was misled.
It damages our nation when legacy media put words in the mouths of Presidents and former Presidents, and call them traitors or criminals without evidence.
It damages our country when we cannot tell truth from lies. This is exactly what tyrants seek — an electorate that cannot know what is truth and what is falsehood.
Through lies, half of the electorate was denied a fair run for its preferred candidate.
I don’t like violence. I do believe our nation’s capitol must be treated as a sacred space.
I don’t like President Trump (Do I not? Who knows? I have been lied to about him so much for so long, I can‘t tell whether my instinctive aversion is simply the habituated residue of years of being on the receiving end of lies).
But I like the liars who are our current gatekeepers, even less.
The gatekeepers who lie to the public about the most consequential events of our time — and who thus damage our nation, distort our history, and deprive half of our citizenry of their right to speak, champion and choose, without being tarred as would-be violent traitors - deserve our disgust.
I am sorry the nation was damaged by so much untruth issued by those with whom I identified at the time.
I am sorry my former “tribe” is angry at a journalist for engaging in —- journalism.
I am sorry I believed so much nonsense.
Though it is no doubt too little, too late —
Conservatives, Republicans, MAGA:
I am so sorry.
The Naomi Wolf apology is remarkable in its accuracy and coming from a Feminist,
ex wife of a WP and NYT editor.
I. am this :-o thinking this is absolutely the first time I ever recall seeing a Jewish liberal, presumably a crat (she worked for Bill Clinton through Dick Morris)
ever admit to being wrong and apologizing. This is a first for me !
I wonder if the religion of woke [wokism,] has given her second thoughts about supporting Democrats since wokism is antithetical to feminism .
Her doctorate is in philosophy so she is a trained expert at logically evaluating reality.
Good find GM.
Posted not in advocacy, but simply as part of being aware of the current American landscape.
The Boogaloo Bois Are Plotting a Bloody Comeback: ‘We Will Go to War’
Dozens of arrests fueled speculation that the Hawaiian shirt-wearing, gun-loving anti-government group was done for. But it seems they’d merely gone underground and appear to be angrier than ever.
By Tess Owen
March 8, 2023, 11:06am
With their trademark Hawaiian shirts, tactical gear, and AR-style rifles, the Boogaloo Bois burst onto the American protest scene in 2020, testing the limits of open-carry laws while rallying around shared fantasies of armed insurrection. At the center of their movement was Mike Dunn, then a 19-year-old baby-faced former marine, who’d built a name for himself organizing militia groups across Virginia.
But it wasn’t just flashy displays of defiance and edgy memes that made the Boogaloo Bois infamous: That year, Boogaloo members racked up charges for shooting at police stations, plotting to sabotage the power grid, participating in a conspiracy to kidnap the governor of Michigan, and even attempting to sell arms to Hamas.
But the breaking point for the government was when a Boogaloo Boi murdered two law enforcement officers in California. The DOJ formed a task force to investigate anti-government extremists and the FBI began knocking on doors. Six months later, almost as quickly as these floral-shirted militants had materialized on American streets, the Boogaloo Bois disappeared from public view. Even Dunn hung up his Hawaiian shirt, changed his phone number, got a job at a county jail, and laid low for a while.
The sudden disappearance of the Boogaloos fueled speculation that the slew of DOJ investigations and arrests had literally taken them off the board—perhaps destroying the movement forever. “The fact of the matter is the FBI won,” a once-prominent Boogaloo from Texas recently wrote online.
While it’s true that the threat of prosecution caused the Boogaloo Bois to lower their profile, the fierce anti-government ideology underpinning the movement never went anywhere. And now, the Boogaloo Bois appear to be regrouping, plotting their public comeback to coincide with what many fear could be a tense, even violent, presidential election season.
In the last six months, the Boogaloo Bois have returned to Facebook and are using the platform to funnel new recruits (and “OG Bois”) into smaller subgroups, with the goal of coordinating offline meet-ups and training, according to data obtained by the Tech Transparency Project and shared exclusively with VICE News. They’re posting propaganda videos, guides to sniper training and guerilla warfare, and how-tos for assembling untraceable ghost guns. “The Bois are back in town,” declared a member of one of the new groups. (Facebook deleted many of the groups after VICE News reached out for this story.)
Dunn, now 22 and recently returned from fighting Russia as a volunteer soldier for Ukraine, once again calls himself a Boogaloo Boi and is consumed by fantasies of becoming a martyr on the streets at the hands of the U.S. government by refusing to comply with police orders and fighting back. He says he’s 100 percent in support of an “armed revolt.”
“We all die there in the street, at the hands of the National Guard or whatever. That would spark a revolution in the state of Virginia, which would spill over into other states,” Dunn told VICE News recently. “I don’t see it as a lone wolf act of somebody blowing up a building or an attack on anything, but as a defense of liberty, creating martyrs in the name of the Constitution and freedom.”
Dunn claims he’s training with a group of more than 100 Boogaloos in Virginia that calls itself “Sons of Liberty” and threatens to go to battle if Virginia tries to pass gun safety legislation. “We will go to war,” said Dunn. “We will fight, we will die, and we will kill.”
The perfect storm for an anti-government movement
Since about 2015, extremely online gun enthusiasts have used “Boogaloo”—drawn from the title of the 1984 breakdancing film Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo—as a meme to signal a coming civil war or uprising.
This fantasy formed the basis of a community that started on 4chan’s /k/ weapon’s board and later moved to Facebook, where it continued to grow, drawing in an array of shitposters, preppers, hardline libertarians, militia dudes, gun dudes, supporters for former President Donald Trump, plus some neo-Nazis and white nationalists.
At the outset of 2020, it was a free-for-all for the Boogaloo on Facebook, where they developed a shared language of memes, often coding violent rhetoric or threats with layers of irony. There, they came up with homophones for Boogaloo to skirt early moderation efforts; “Blue Igloo” or “Big Luau” were popular examples and inspired the Hawaiian shirt aesthetic as well as the images of igloos that they feature on their flag.
Anything about Boogaloo Bois or anti-government groups we should know about? Send email tips to or on wire @tesstess.
The first sign that the online community was morphing into a real-life movement was in January 2020, at an annual gun rally in Richmond, Virginia. Amid the thousands of grizzled gun owners who’d come to the Capitol to protest pending gun bills that day were a group of young, heavily armed men. Their gear was decorated with colorful patches, including one featuring Pepe the Frog (the cartoon character co-opted by 4chan and the “alt-right”), with the words “Boogaloo Boys.” Another held a sign saying “I Dream of a Boogaloo.”
Anger over COVID-19 lockdowns opened the floodgates for anti-government sentiment, creating ripe conditions for the Boogaloo Bois’ ideology. After George Floyd’s murder by a Minneapolis police officer in May 2020 sparked a national racial justice movement, the Boogaloo Bois saw an opportunity to advance their goals of societal unrest.
Boogaloo Bois and their Hawaiian shirts suddenly became mainstays of American protests across the political spectrum. And on Facebook, they were able to reach, radicalize, and recruit “normies” into their ranks.
It wasn’t until Steven Carrillo, a Boogaloo Boi and Air Force staff sergeant, shot and killed a federal security officer and a sheriff’s deputy in California, that Facebook took action against the Boogaloo movement. In late June 2020, they banned the Boogaloo movement, declaring it a “dangerous network” for “actively promoting violence against civilians, law enforcement and government officials and institutions.”
Carrillo, who is currently serving a 41-year prison sentence, encountered the Boogaloo movement on Facebook during a particularly difficult time in his life. He’d recently returned from a deployment in Kuwait, lost his wife to suicide, and attempted to take his own life several times, according to the San Francisco Chronicle, which charted how he was radicalized into the movement. (Last year, the sister of the murdered federal security officer filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Facebook’s parent company Meta, seeking to hold it liable for her brother’s death. VICE News asked Meta about the status of the case. “We work closely with experts to address the broader issue of internet radicalization,” a Meta spokesperson said. “These claims are without legal basis.”)
“I was frustrated in 2020, because I knew these guys were dangerous, I knew this was happening, I saw regular people getting radicalized in these groups, and I saw the algorithms pushing people towards the Boogaloo,” said Katie Paul, director of the Tech Transparency Project, a big tech watchdog that’s been tracking the Boogaloo on Facebook since it emerged. “Now, once again, we’re seeing the same ramp-up. We’re seeing current and former military engaging in these groups. And the calls for violence are even more explicit than they were.”
One anti-government meme group, “Sounds like Something the ATF Would Say,” has recently been flooded with explicit Boogaloo content, and now has over 100,000 followers. The Tech Transparency Project found that the group had gained over 2,000 followers in the last few weeks alone.
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Boogaloo Bois were using that group to siphon off users into smaller groups (at times even using QR codes to redirect them). Those groups easily skirted Facebook bans by simply misspelling well-known terms associated with their movement. The fact they were able to do that is an example of what Paul claims is “shitty moderation.”
But a spokesperson for Meta told VICE News that they’re operating in an “adversarial space, where perpetrators constantly try to find new ways around our policies, which is why we keep investing heavily in people, technology, research and partnerships to stay ahead of them to help keep people safe from extremist activity.”
“The water is not boiling but the flame is on”
Boogaloos have also been circulating a newly redrawn “manifesto,” a sign that the once-sprawling (and often hard-to-pin-down) movement is honing and narrowing its ideology.
“If it is radical and extreme to simply want to be left alone, then we will be radical, and we will be extremists,” the 22-page document states. “One does not shake the hornets’ nest and complain of the venom.”
“The difference between now and 2020 is they have their ideology figured out,” said Paul. “I'm extremely concerned because with these new Boog groups, there's no longer any effort to appear to be careful in terms of what they're posting. They're going straight to the ‘kill tyrants.’ ‘kill congresspeople’ memes.”
They’re plotting their return at a moment when anti-FBI sentiment has surged in mainstream discourse, thanks in part to the baseless “fedsurrection” conspiracy claiming federal agents orchestrated the Capitol riot to smear Trump supporters.
“The difference between now and 2020 is they have their ideology figured out”
The biggest impetus for the Boogaloo’s recent return to Facebook, says Paul, was the FBI’s raid on Trump’s Mar-a-lago property last August. That raid triggered a wave of violent threats from MAGA-world and calls for civil war. Days after the raid, a Trump supporter with a nail gun attempted to storm into the FBI’s office in Cincinnati. (He was later killed following a police standoff in a nearby cornfield.)
One member of a Boogaloo Facebook group responded to the news, posting an image of a nail gun.
Even as the Boogaloo movement retreated to the shadows in recent years, its trappings lingered. The online firearms marketplace now sell their own Hawaiian shirt, emblazoned with their company logo. FenixAmmo sells a “Big Luau Competition Jersey” in Hawaiian print, as well as stickers with the Boogaloo flag (featuring a stripe of Hawaiian print and an igloo in the top left corner). One person is even selling a “Blood of Tyrants” wine.
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Given the growing normalization of anti-government rhetoric, experts fear that it wouldn’t take much for the Boogaloo Bois to return to the streets.
“The water is not boiling but the flame is on, and the water is still hot,” said Jon Lewis, research fellow at George Washington University’s Program on Extremism. “It won’t take much to get to that point again like we saw in 2020, where there is sufficient cause to mobilize.”
Paranoia, paranoia
According to George Washington University’s Program on Extremism, there were 49 arrests of people affiliated with the Boogaloo movement from 16 states between January 2020 and July 2022. A trickle of Boogaloo arrests continue to the present day.
In January, an active-duty U.S. marine who expressed support for the Boogaloo movement online was arrested for his alleged role in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. Last month, federal law enforcement seized 11 guns, a silencer, body armor, more than 1,000 rounds of ammo, and several pounds of explosive material from Timothy Zegar, an alleged Boogaloo Boi from Springfield, Missouri. Federal prosecutors say he was “trafficking” firearms, despite having a prior felony conviction from a 2014 high-speed chase.
In court documents, prosecutors noted that in 2020 Zegar posted in a Facebook group that the “end game is capturing the senate and house and publicly executing them” and said he was willing to be “a martyr for the cause.”
The FBI said that they do not, under any circumstances, investigate an ideology. “The FBI can never open an investigation based solely on protected First Amendment activity,” a spokesperson for the Bureau told VICE News. “We cannot and do not investigate ideology.”
But Zegar’s arrest is a pretty good example of federal law enforcement’s approach to the Boogaloo movement, often arresting people they might be particularly concerned about on relatively low-level federal offenses, like gun violations or interstate threats.
It’s a strategy that many in the movement are all too aware of. “I know the feds watch my show,” Boogaloo-adjacent podcaster Joshua Smith said during a broadcast of his show in November. “Trust me when I say that the federal government wants to make an example of any ‘Boi’ they can find and pick up for any reason. If they could get you on a fucking driving offense, they’re gonna find a way to put you in jail.”
It’s not exactly paranoia. At least 52 percent of Boogaloo arrests in George Washington University’s tracker were the result of an operation involving an informant or undercover agent. By the end of 2020, Boogaloo chats were rife with finger pointing, with many accusing one another of being a “fed.”
Dunn, in particular, faced a barrage of accusations that he was a “fed” or cooperating with the government, which he adamantly denies. Boogaloo Bois continue to accuse one another of working with the federal government, but such accusations are now so commonplace that they’ve almost become a meme in themselves. (The paranoia about federal infiltration exacerbated infighting between various cells, which had partly stemmed from the vague political orientation of the Boogaloo Bois—some chapters aligned themselves with leftist anarchists, others welcomed neo-Nazis into the fold.)
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Leaving the Boogaloo Bois
For some Boogaloo Bois, the mere threat of federal investigation was enough of a reality check to get them to cut ties with the movement.
That was the case for Blake from Oklahoma, who was just 18 when he became a Boogaloo Boi in 2020. (Blake has asked that we withhold his last name, as he is trying to move on with his life after leaving the movement).
“I didn’t really have any friends. I was just some loner high school kid that had nothing going for him,” said Blake. “So, I joined an extremist group, if you will.”
His involvement in the movement never escalated to real-world meet-ups, but he makes no bones about the fact that, over time, he became enmeshed with some dangerous people online. “You had guys coming in, saying that they wanted to blow stuff up or shoot people,” said Blake, recalling his time in some Boogaloo-adjacent Telegram channels.
“I left the group because I didn’t want to go to jail. In fact, I was investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and I was told, it’s either leave, or continue down the path and get yourself in trouble,”claimed Blake. “I was just a kid at the time.”
“The best way I can describe the movement as I see it nowadays is a terrorist organization that doesn’t commit acts of terror,” he added.
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And while getting a visit from the FBI might have been enough to scare off some Boogaloo Bois, others are unfazed by the prospect of federal surveillance. “Always expect the feds to know what you’re going to do and just embrace it, accept it, and learn to plan on the fly,” said Dunn. “As long as we keep our nose clean and don’t plan illegal things beforehand, there’s no way for the feds to prevent it.”
This marks a concerning shift for those on the outside watching the Boogaloo movement evolve.
“A lot of people aren’t afraid of the federal government or the FBI anymore,” said Blake. “There are people out there that I knew personally, that openly talked about slaughtering federal agents, like dragging them and politicians into the streets and killing them. They have no fear. They don’t care.”
“You can’t prosecute your way out of a narrative”
Boogaloo Bois like Blake, who joined the movement for a sense of belonging rather than deep ideological affiliation, might have been low-hanging fruit for the FBI.
But others who harbored genuine animus towards the federal government pose a bigger challenge.
John Subleski and Addam Turner, both from Louisville, Kentucky, were prominent figures in a local Boogaloo cell called the United Pharaoh’s Guard—until they wound up in prison in 2021. Subleski was arrested for using social media to incite a riot, and Turner for using social media to make interstate threats.
They’re both currently on supervised release, and have agreed to stay off social media for the time being. “I'm not allowed on any of those [platforms] anymore, because that's part of my agreement, the government doesn’t want me telling people what happened on the internet or rallying the troops,” Subleski said. “I'm biding my time until I can get back online and cyberbully the government I guess.”
And although neither Subleski nor Turner expressed a desire to eventually rejoin the movement, they did say that their experience in the criminal justice system only affirmed the anti-government ideology that led them to the Boogaloo movement in the first place.
Subleski, who came to the movement with years of experience in the anti-government and militia movement under his belt, had been familiar with the Boogaloo meme since its inception online, around 2015. Louisville emerged as a particularly intense flashpoint for the racial justice protests of summer 2020, because of localized anger over the police killing Breonna Taylor, a Black medical worker and resident, in a botched drug raid.
Subleski and others in the United Pharaoh’s Guard would go out to protests dressed for war, equipped with guns, zip ties, smoke grenades, flash bangs, a flare gun, and a drone camera. He got his first visit from the FBI that September. He said at first, it seemed like the feds just wanted to “build rapport.” From that initial visit, Subleski’s Facebook posts grew increasingly unhinged—later cataloged in a federal complaint.
Subleski’s biggest regrets from his time in the Boogaloo is trusting people in the movement who he believes ultimately betrayed him by talking to the feds (seven members of the United Pharaoh’s Guard were taken into federal custody for questioning, but only he and Turner wound up facing charges).
“I regret allowing some people to get as close to myself and others as I did, for it to fall apart the way it did,” Subleski said. Turner’s biggest regret was how public he was about his affiliation in the movement online.
“I don’t regret getting involved,” said Turner. “Did I learn things and would I do it differently next time? Absolutely.”
Both Subleski and Turner believe that they were only arrested because the government wanted to silence them, and that, in many ways, they were “proved right.”
Asked whether Subleski could still relate to the person he was when he joined the Boogaloo in 2020, he said he wasn’t sure.
“I think he’s in there, I think. I don’t know if I can say that I still relate to that person or not, but I know that person’s in me,” Subleski said. “I think that person is in all people, and I think it’s just a matter of what it would take to wake that up inside of somebody.”
The return of the Boogaloo movement despite aggressive law enforcement action over recent years is a salient reminder that the criminal justice system isn’t really a panacea for ideological problems. “That’s always going to be the challenge here,” said Lewis from George Washington University. “You can’t prosecute your way out of a narrative.”
And what’s more: FBI infiltration and arrests seems to have made some in the movement even angrier towards the government.
“The people that were arrested, the people that were charged, they just made us more angry, they made us more hateful towards the government,” said Dunn. “That hatred for the U.S. government is just sitting there. We’re thinking. We’re learning to be smart.”
Follow Tess Owen on Twitter.
"wokism is antithetical to feminism."
- Right. Is anyone noticing this?
They worked so hard to get equal pay and Title IX. At the US Open tennis women get equal pay for half the tennis and weaker opponents. Virtually all NCAA division 1 female athletes get a full ride scholarship. Now people with male genitalia, hormones and muscles can take those rewards. Biological women are screwed.
Guess who won't end up on any government lists for this statement...
Posted the Naomi Wolf piece on my FB page.
second post
I find no news on internet about Mitch's medical disposition since 3 d ago
You know Mitch is a problem when the Left wants him back
and the Right would mostly not miss him
except for the few - Mitt R. Lisa M and surely some other Rinos
They stole the election
Destroyed the economy
Forced injections into your body
Ignited a potential WW3
And now they’re arresting the 1 man that can stop them
It’s long overdue that we dismantle the entire Deep State apparatus
They locked up Julian Assange
Andrew Tate
Steve Bannon
General Flynn
1,000+ J6 protestors
and now President Trump
Their message is clear - if you challenge the regime, we will destroy you
I'm going to disagree here. These people arise in America.
The point of the Drone video I sent you a few days ago was that it was from Ruwanda, and though drones were the subject of the video, there was reference to a societal healing in the aftermath of the tribal war there. Overall, they seemed like fine people to me.
I'm going to disagree here. These people arise in America.
What do you mean by "These people"?
The point of the Drone video I sent you a few days ago was that it was from Ruwanda, and though drones were the subject of the video, there was reference to a societal healing in the aftermath of the tribal war there. Overall, they seemed like fine people to me.
Was that a "Tribal war" that took place in Germany in the 30's/40's?
You evade my question to you.
Look at how the people in the video are NOW. I repeat-- they seem like fine people to me. What say you?
You evade my question to you.
Look at how the people in the video are NOW. I repeat-- they seem like fine people to me. What say you?
Sure. How does that mean we aren't headed to Rwanda x Bosnia here?
I like the Prager U commercials on TV - good idea to teach conservatism
Yippee Kai-yay, motherfuckers.
I agree with all except he states the coup began ~ 2020
I feel it began '08 with election of Obama - not because he is first Black, but because he is first marxist elected President.
I agree with all except he states the coup began ~ 2020
I feel it began '08 with election of Obama - not because he is first Black, but because he is first marxist elected President.
Good point.
What are they hiding?
" In an extraordinary act of political retaliation, Republicans on Thursday expelled a Democratic lawmaker from the Tennessee Capitol for his role in a protest that called for more gun control "
hasn't happened since the Civil War [must be racist]
of course, ignoring the "extraordinary political retaliation" we have been subjected to for the past
7 yrs
we will be able to hear from the 3 considered for expulsion
on CNN, MNBC, PBS, CBS, ABC tonight and throughout the weekend on Democrat propaganda outlets .
Contrarily we may hear from
1 Republican lawmaker who will be asked to show for 10 minutes on Fox give the counter argument
Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️
The Left is playing a rotation game, sending BLM, Antifa, and radical trans activists into the streets on a regular cycle. When they the burn credibility of one group, they move to the next one, justifying violence behind a shifting mask of "oppressed" identities.
ok for Dems to game the political system
legally or illegally
but we did it in a legal fashion and boom
how they scream like hungry babies - > darn hypocrites !
glad to see them whine
of course , RACE RACE RACE
2 *BLACK* representatives ......... are the headlines
like that matters
they were the ones bringing screaming yelling school age youths ( who should be in class) into the capitol to disrupt the legislature....
I thought disrupting a political process (ie 1.6) was considered an outrage
oh but this is about "guns" - so no problem ! they yell
al sharpton and the rest of the crew will go on about this playing his shake down game script ...
The rules are whatever the left wants them to be at any moment.
ok for Dems to game the political system
legally or illegally
but we did it in a legal fashion and boom
how they scream like hungry babies - > darn hypocrites !
glad to see them whine
of course , RACE RACE RACE
2 *BLACK* representatives ......... are the headlines
like that matters
they were the ones bringing screaming yelling school age youths ( who should be in class) into the capitol to disrupt the legislature....
I thought disrupting a political process (ie 1.6) was considered an outrage
oh but this is about "guns" - so no problem ! they yell
al sharpton and the rest of the crew will go on about this playing his shake down game script ...
I can't speak to legal ramifications
but this seems like a great idea
time to hold universities accountable not only for encouraging protests but not protecting people from them:
“Transnational RMVEs continue to pose the most lethal threat to U.S. persons and interests, and a significant threat to a number of U.S. allies and partners through attacks and propaganda that espouses violence,” the assessment says.
The report defines such RMVEs as “largely a decentralized movement of adherents to an ideology that espouses the use of violence to advance white supremacy, neo-Nazism, and other exclusionary cultural-nationalist belief.”
where are they?
***exclusionary-nationalist belief***
exactly who are these people ?
how many are there ?
where are they hiding?
where is their violence ?
" “Some RMVE attacks in the United States have been partly inspired by foreign RMVE attacks overseas and transnational RMVE narratives,”
I have not seen anything this describes
how come this report is "unclassified"
DNI director :
Avril Haines
It’s those maga hat wearing white guys shooting up American cities!
Or getting angry at school board meetings.
Or voting for the bad orange man.
The lethal terrorism is multifaceted!
“Transnational RMVEs continue to pose the most lethal threat to U.S. persons and interests, and a significant threat to a number of U.S. allies and partners through attacks and propaganda that espouses violence,” the assessment says.
The report defines such RMVEs as “largely a decentralized movement of adherents to an ideology that espouses the use of violence to advance white supremacy, neo-Nazism, and other exclusionary cultural-nationalist belief.”
where are they?
***exclusionary-nationalist belief***
exactly who are these people ?
how many are there ?
where are they hiding?
where is their violence ?
" “Some RMVE attacks in the United States have been partly inspired by foreign RMVE attacks overseas and transnational RMVE narratives,”
I have not seen anything this describes
how come this report is "unclassified"
DNI director :
Avril Haines
It’s those maga hat wearing white guys shooting up American cities!
Or getting angry at school board meetings.
Or voting for the bad orange man.
The lethal terrorism is multifaceted!
“Transnational RMVEs continue to pose the most lethal threat to U.S. persons and interests, and a significant threat to a number of U.S. allies and partners through attacks and propaganda that espouses violence,” the assessment says.
The report defines such RMVEs as “largely a decentralized movement of adherents to an ideology that espouses the use of violence to advance white supremacy, neo-Nazism, and other exclusionary cultural-nationalist belief.”
where are they?
***exclusionary-nationalist belief***
exactly who are these people ?
how many are there ?
where are they hiding?
where is their violence ?
" “Some RMVE attacks in the United States have been partly inspired by foreign RMVE attacks overseas and transnational RMVE narratives,”
I have not seen anything this describes
how come this report is "unclassified"
DNI director :
Avril Haines
Julie Kelly:
I’ll say again-as evidence continues to emerge about massive numbers of uniformed, undercover, and CHSs from multiple agencies were on the ground on Jan 6–why did they not stop the “insurrection?” In any other situation, they’d be called to task. Not the case here. Why?
And the role of police to instigate what happened that day is being covered up by both sides.
Release the tapes.
Fine people!
Disagree entirely with your premise here. The people are AmINOs, born and raised here in America. WE have created them.
Disagree entirely with your premise here. The people are AmINOs, born and raised here in America. WE have created them.
Who created them? How?
Well, to begin with , , , the Welfare State's war on fatherhood and war on work.
Well, to begin with , , , the Welfare State's war on fatherhood and war on work.,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/130/885/721/original/e5bfae52bd1c3037.jpeg
I didn't know Greenland was so dangerous :-o
I didn't know Greenland was so dangerous :-o
Look at the violent crime rates of the Inuit from Alaska/Canada/Greenland. Let me know if you detect a pattern.
Fine people!¤tTweetUser=CWBChicago
Fine people!¤tTweetUser=CWBChicago,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/135/498/610/original/ac5d9416aa0591cd.jpg
Fine people!¤tTweetUser=CWBChicago,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/135/498/610/original/ac5d9416aa0591cd.jpg
Fine people!¤tTweetUser=CWBChicago,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/135/498/610/original/ac5d9416aa0591cd.jpg
The cowards would rather surrender rather than risk being called racist.
perhaps we should change to 60+ stripes, to represent one for each gender
our military flag could be one that has every conceivable sexual position
instead of smoking cigars our generals could smoke weed
just some new thoughts
The cowards would rather surrender rather than risk being called racist.,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/134/922/054/original/ddf793167401a02c.png
says the LEFT who are the ones who are taking everything over and driving as off a cliff :
at least they say what they mean when FBI director tells the world internal "terrorism"
is the main threat to the US
they really mean conservatives
radical woke democrats strive to wipe out the Republican party
etc is all a - ok to DC
and the turtle who has his pile sleeps .....
Well, every weekend we have white guys in maga hats shooting up our cities…
says the LEFT who are the ones who are taking everything over and driving as off a cliff :
at least they say what they mean when FBI director tells the world internal "terrorism"
is the main threat to the US
they really mean conservatives
radical woke democrats strive to wipe out the Republican party
etc is all a - ok to DC
and the turtle who has his pile sleeps .....
"Well, every weekend we have white guys in maga hats shooting up our cities…
it is amazing how the Federal agencies are mostly taking sides with the Democrat party"
If one listened only to Democrats, and MSM, one would be thinking Proud Boys are more dangerous than Crips, Bloods, and Latin Kings.
Proud Boy membership unknown meaning probably so few no one wants to admit it.
Some hundreds up to 6,000 on Wikipedia (almost certainly closer to hundreds)
Latin Kings 25 to 30,000 in Chicago alone
Crips 30 to 35,000
Bloods 15 to 20,000
Aryan nation ~ 200
This said it is WHITE SUPREMACY that is the problem as per our "intelligence agencies"
There aren't neutral parties in this conflict. It's very binary.
Fine people!¤tTweetUser=CWBChicago,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/135/498/610/original/ac5d9416aa0591cd.jpg
The cowards would rather surrender rather than risk being called racist.,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/134/922/054/original/ddf793167401a02c.png
Holodomor 2.0
Plan accordingly.
eating bugs may be the. only way to survive
didn't they teach military pilots who get downed behind enemy lines to be to subsist by eating bugs if needed
eating bugs may be the. only way to survive
didn't they teach military pilots who get downed behind enemy lines to be to subsist by eating bugs if needed
Cleaning and cooking are important, for those safe to eat.
do you know if millipedes are good to eat?
I have them in my basement.
do you know if millipedes are good to eat?
I have them in my basement.
Nothing in New Jersey is safe for human consumption!
will NOT go over well
and could be spark
but maybe something like and internet crash
and impending starvation
or collapse of the dollar ?
will NOT go over well
and could be spark
but maybe something like and internet crash
and impending starvation
or collapse of the dollar ?
Our fake and rapidly disintegrating standard of living has been the only thing keeping a lid on things in the US. May 31 May end up being alone in the sand for some, if the courts to not intervene.
so any conservative simply gets called insurrectionist
and thus only the [LEFT wing] government can establish a militia
In the Electoral Process thread the choice was presented as being between Voting and Insurgency.
IMHO this is binary thinking that is erroneous.
I would submit that these are not the only options.
For example, most certainly there are many variations and gradations of civil disobedience-- which worked rather well for Martin Luther King.
The more non-digital our lives, the less subject to governmental interference.
A second American Civil War would bring with it truly catastrophic consequences, even were it to occur in a geopolitical vacuum, which it would not.
in this sense you are non binary ! :wink:
I am stubborn
that is why I tried to fight music mafia for 25 yrs
without a win
but I will die trying
at this point got nothin' to lose
In the Electoral Process thread the choice was presented as being between Voting and Insurgency.
IMHO this is binary thinking that is erroneous.
I would submit that these are not the only options.
For example, most certainly there are many variations and gradations of civil disobedience-- which worked rather well for Martin Luther King.
The more non-digital our lives, the less subject to governmental interference.
A second American Civil War would bring with it truly catastrophic consequences, even were it to occur in a geopolitical vacuum, which it would not.
As things collapse, there will be no avoidance of violence. Some places will be safer than others, but no place will be truly safe.
"As things collapse, there will be no avoidance of violence. Some places will be safer than others, but no place will be truly safe."
the Chinese will move in
"As things collapse, there will be no avoidance of violence. Some places will be safer than others, but no place will be truly safe."
the Chinese will move in
Of course. PLA "Peacekeepers". They'll control the west coast.
""As things collapse, there will be no avoidance of violence. Some places will be safer than others, but no place will be truly safe."
I don't disagree, but should things collapse (one plausible outcome of many) I distinguish civil disorder, civil war, and insurgency.
"the Chinese will move in"
I suspect it will be easier for them to pay the Mexican cartels (and fifth column agents of other countries too) to fire things up.
I underline that said plausible collapse is but one of many possible outcomes, and avoiding this outcome is all the more reason to give it our all to "vote our way out of this" (witness e.g. today's post of JW's successes in PA and CO in cleaning up voter rolls-- a major variable in voter fraud).
Staying with the humor of the "non-binary" riff-- we can do more than one thing. We can and should work to win the elections. We can and should prepare in case the SHTF and we wind up in TEOTWAWKI-- but to bet everything on the latter and not bother with the former IMHO would be a huge error.
I often razz you for your difficulties in acknowledging the many fine pieces of legal-political analysis that AMcC makes, but on this occasion I am with you. Ray Epps and related matters fall well within his areas of expertise.
I often razz you for your difficulties in acknowledging the many fine pieces of legal-political analysis that AMcC makes, but on this occasion I am with you. Ray Epps and related matters fall well within his areas of expertise.
His silence is not accidental. He attacked Tucker for saying J6 was a FEDsurrection. He has NEVER retracted that.
Back in the '67-72 when I was active in the Anti-Vietnam War movement (including being conked over the head by an NYC officers black jack and arrested in front of the DOJ with AG John Mitchell overlooking) we were well aware that they were LEO agent provocateurs among us committing excessive acts and looking to stimulate such from us.
True as this was it did not mean that plenty of us did such entirely on our own.
My sense of reality is that both these things remain true today.
Back in the '67-72 when I was active in the Anti-Vietnam War movement (including being conked over the head by an NYC officers black jack and arrested in front of the DOJ with AG John Mitchell overlooking) we were well aware that they were LEO agent provocateurs among us committing excessive acts and looking to stimulate such from us.
True as this was it did not mean that plenty of us did such entirely on our own.
My sense of reality is that both these things remain true today.
Did actual J6 protesters violate some laws, sure. Was the entire thing a Fed op to ensnare protesters to create a "Reichstag Fire" as part of the 2020 coup, absolutely.
Which would explain why Pelosi passed on President Trump's offer of 20K National Guard?
Which would explain why Pelosi passed on President Trump's offer of 20K National Guard?
Exactly, it explains all the other details they tried to hide as well.
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another….
who put that flag up?
what a slap in the face!
Not newsworthy for some reason.
Anyone find this narrative from the FBI the least bit suspect?
I have changed the subject line to so reflect.
I have changed the subject line to so reflect.
Not “FBI unable to locate FBI Agents responsible for bomb”?
BTW scroll down a bit and there is a picture of RFK looking seriously jacked.
BTW scroll down a bit and there is a picture of RFK looking seriously jacked.
Will they face charges for assaulting federal officers?
BTW scroll down a bit and there is a picture of RFK looking seriously jacked.
Will they face charges for assaulting federal officers?,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/141/372/444/original/cc6bb1551ac9addc.png
BTW scroll down a bit and there is a picture of RFK looking seriously jacked.
Will they face charges for assaulting federal officers?,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/141/372/444/original/cc6bb1551ac9addc.png
BTW scroll down a bit and there is a picture of RFK looking seriously jacked.
Will they face charges for assaulting federal officers?,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/141/372/444/original/cc6bb1551ac9addc.png
A last Jewish name
I looked him up:
" This is what my old friends think. Quite a few of them are aware that I write this blog. They don’t actually read it; they seem to just hear about it. The old community of Boomer friends thinks I’ve “gone off the deep end.” One thing these encounters taught me is how successful the censorship and propaganda campaign of the Blob has been. These were people, you understand, who came of age believing in free speech, freedom of the press, respecting civil rights, decrying political persecutions, and, most of all, being against hegemonic wars — which, back in the sixties, was called imperialism.
These days they’re all for a righteous defense against misinformation that threatens our democracy, meaning: censorship. They wouldn’t call it that, exactly. They consider it a battle against right-wing extremism, white supremacy, misogyny, homophobia, the usual bugbears. It never occurs to them that the Blob lies to them continually, remorselessly, promiscuously about everything."
REMINDS ME of my frustration with Jewish Liberals.
Kunstler seems to think like I do at least about the topic of the LEFT today .
I would add him to the small list of influential Jews who are ON OUR SIDE .
Though most of us here :wink: work towards winning the next election, all of us are aware that if we do not reverse the current trajectory, , , assumptions of normalcy will be shattered.
Where do we want to do Trump indictment, since there was no insurrection.
I distinctly remember some political figures egging on the BLM riots, and crime......
Including our present VP
why is she not brought up on charges ?
I distinctly remember some political figures egging on the BLM riots, and crime......
Including our present VP
why is she not brought up on charges ?
Yes, she was part of a conspiracy that raised bail money and released people who committed violent crimes including rioting is bad as j6.
She had quotes worse than Trump,
She says "force" many times in this clip, "people should beware", meaning the fear they live under is justified."She says "it should continue", without distinguishing the violence from the so-called protests. The "it" includes what at that time?Thousands of building burned and destroyed and major portions of major cities taken over by mob rule.
Trump said "go forward peacefully.."
What is this I hear that the Dems have vaporized the testimony and other records of Impeachment 2?!?
DNC-media-lib shyster complex
if only they would fight FOR this country instead of against it.
Good for him!
The Warning Signs Are Clear: 2024 Is Going To Be Ugly
This is a real cover of a real, sort of news, magazine:
If you missed the memo, the United States Federal government and all of the associated agencies including and especially groups like the FBI and ATF, have declared the American people to be the enemy of the American state.
Never has it been more clear that there is no more virulent anti-American group in America than the American Federal government.
The language They use to talk about regular White Americans sounds an awful lot like how we spoke about al-Qaeda after 9/11 or the Japanese after Pearl Harbor. It is intended to dehumanize us and make it easier down the road to eradicate us. Make no mistake, it doesn’t matter if you own a dorky Make America Great Again Hat or if you ever voted for Trump. If you are White and not with the program, you are MAGA and therefore an extremist and thus viewed as a potential enemy combatant in your own country.
From the article we see rhetoric like this (emphasis mine):
“The FBI is in an almost impossible position,” says a current FBI official, who requested anonymity to discuss highly sensitive internal matters. The official said that the FBI is intent on stopping domestic terrorism and any repeat of the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. But the Bureau must also preserve the Constitutional right of all Americans to campaign, speak freely and protest the government. By focusing on former president Trump and his MAGA (Make America Great Again) supporters, the official said, the Bureau runs the risk of provoking the very anti-government activists that the terrorism agencies hope to counter….
….Newsweek has also reviewed secret FBI and Department of Homeland Security data that track incidents, threats, investigations and cases to try to build a better picture. While experts agree that the current partisan environment is charged and uniquely dangerous (with the threat not only of violence but, in the most extreme scenarios, possibly civil war), many also question whether “terrorism” is the most effective way to describe the problem, or that the methods of counterterrorism developed over the past decade in response to Al-Qaeda and other Islamist groups constitute the most fruitful way to craft domestic solutions.
Newsweek is a propaganda organ of the Deep State. Notice how they draw the connections between Al-Qaeda and rank and file Republicans. Do you think lefties on Twitter/X claiming that January 6th was not just bad, but in fact worse than 9/11 or Pearl Harbor really believe that? Of course not, some might because they are that stupid, but most are saying it because that is what They are telling them to say.
It is mildly clever. The article is supposed to be this balanced report about the FBI but the framing is very carefully crafted to portray “MAGA” followers of Trump as potentially dangerous extremists but maybe not quite as bad as Al-Qaeda. They keep offering opinions that “MAGA” might not rise to the level of domestic terrorism while at the same time repeating over and over that MAGA, code for White men, is a far-right extremist political movement. Sure it is the movement that won one Presidential election just a a few years ago and received nearly 75 million votes but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a fringe extremist movement! We aren’t talking the New Black Panther Party or the John Birch Society, we are speaking of one of the two political parties in America. The only “Republicans” that aren’t included in MAGA are Beltway types like Bill Kristol and other Never Trumpers who have no real constituency among actual GOP voters.
This gets back to what I and many others have been saying for years: They don’t really hate Donald Trump, They hate you and Trump is merely a totem that represents all that They hate about you. More from Newsweek:
Trump and his army of supporters were acknowledged as a distinct category of domestic violent extremists, even as the FBI was saying publicly that political views were never part of its criteria to investigate or prevent domestic terrorism. Where the FBI sees threats is also plain from the way it categorizes them—a system which on the surface is designed to appear nonpartisan. This shifted subtly days after the events of January 6 when it comes to what the Bureau calls AGAAVE.
“We cannot and do not investigate ideology,” a senior FBI official reassured the press after January 6. “We focus on individuals who commit or intend to commit violence or criminal activity that constitutes a federal crime or poses a threat to national security.”
But the FBI went further in October 2022 when it created a new subcategory—“AGAAVE-Other”—of those who were a threat but do not fit into its anarchist, militia or Sovereign Citizen groups. Introduced without any announcement, and reported here for the first time, the new classification is officially defined as “domestic violent extremists who cite anti-government or anti-authority motivations for violence or criminal activity not otherwise defined, such as individuals motivated by a desire to commit violence against those with a real or perceived association with a specific political party or faction of a specific political party.“
A new acronym to describe me! AGAAVE-Other: “anti-government, anti-authority violent extremism”. Also notice that Trump supporters, the rank-and-file White voters who make up the Republican voting base, are described as an “army”. That martial designation of American voters as an “army” is intended to ramp up the threat perception, as we will see in a moment. Let’s continue….
Though Trump and MAGA are never mentioned in the official description of AGAAVE-Other, government insiders acknowledge that it applies to political violence ascribed to the former president’s supporters.
“What other name could we use?” asks one FBI officer who spoke with Newsweek, and who defends what he says is merely a record-keeping change in response to Congressional pressure to track things better. “Obviously if Democratic Party supporters resort to violence, it [AGAAVE-Other] would apply to them as well. It doesn’t matter that there is a low likelihood of that. So yes, in practical terms, it refers to MAGA, though the carefully constructed language is wholly nonpartisan.”
There is a low likelihood of Democratic Party supporters resorting to violence? GTFOH. No one seems to remember the black-bloc types assaulting Trump supporters trying to attend rallies or the violence that accompanied Trump’s inauguration or the President being hustled into the White House bunker because of violent demonstrations or an entire year of leftists burning down American cities in 2020. A low likelihood of political violence? Everything that happened in 2020 is being retconned right before our eyes. We are now being told that there were in fact no vaccine mandates in 2020:
Alas, here we are, entering the final quarter of 2023, and we have the United States government, and many state governments (including New York’s former Governor Andrew Cuomo, current left-wing Governor Kathy Hochul, and the super-majority Dem legislature) proclaiming for all to hear that they did not force anyone to do anything detrimental these past 3.5 years. UNBELIEVABLE! Did you hear this? They are actually saying with straight faces that they didn’t force you to wear a mask, or lock down and shutter your businesses, or choose between taking an experimental drug or losing your job… Nope! They did none of that. And you – well, you are flat out crazy if you think they did. You are lying. You are exaggerating and totally overreacting. ….
…..Biden is not alone. No, no. His entire administration is right there with him. His head of OSHA, Douglas Parker, is also now lying through his teeth about the OSHA mandate that REQUIRED (not suggested) that all employers in the entire nation with 100 or more employees force their employees to get the C19 shot, otherwise they had to wear a mask and test constantly for C19. (That OSHA mandate was struck down by SCOTUS last year because it was unconstitutional, by the way). Then there’s the head of HHS, Xavier Becerra, saying there was never a mask mandate. What?! Another blatant lie.
The same thing is happening with the collective amnesia regarding 2020, as if the entire year just didn’t happen. No riots, no looting, no mostly peaceful anything. No one remembers far left loons taking over part of Seattle to establish the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” (CHAZ) or the record breaking murders in American cities, a rampage that continues today. Now all of the political violence in America comes from MAGA. History is being erased and rewritten right before our eyes. Someone should write a book….
Another senior intelligence official who requested anonymity told Newsweek, “We’ve crossed the Rubicon.” In emailed responses to questions, he said, “Trump’s army constitutes the greatest threat of violence domestically…politically...that’s the reality and the problem set. That’s what the FBI, as a law enforcement agency, has to deal with. But whether Trump and his supporters are a threat to national security, to the country, whether they represent a threat of civil war? That’s a trickier question. And that’s for the country to deal with, not the FBI.”
There is “Trump’s army” again.
Notice all of the anonymous law enforcement and intelligence officials. This whole thing sounds like it was written by some FBI apparatchik at the direction of some higher placed figure in the Biden regime. No one is named so no one can be called before Congress to answer questions about why American citizens are being targeted for being part of one half of the American electorate. As Han Solo might say, that is pretty convenient. What is also convenient for Them is that the media plays along and never asks any real questions, repeating stuff like this:
The FBI and the other intelligence agencies responsible for domestic matters track the number of terrorist-related disruptions, arrests and investigations, based on its caseloads and its various characterizations. According to the FBI, the number of domestic terrorism-related open cases grew by 357 percent from 1,981 in fiscal year 2013 to 9,049 in fiscal year 2021, a number that has been widely quoted in the media as evidence of a widespread domestic terror threat. The FBI also says the number of FBI domestic violent extremism and domestic terrorism investigations has more than doubled since the spring of 2020—to approximately 2,700 investigations at the end of fiscal year 2022, another marker that’s been widely quoted.
Those are numbers intended to be read and spread. OMG there are domestic terrorists everywhere, why else would the FBI be investigating them! No one will read what comes next….
Classified numbers seen by Newsweek substantiate the FBI public claims while also showing that a significant part of the increases in 2020 and 2021 were related to protests after the murder of George Floyd and during COVID as well the elections and January 6. That said, the data show clearly that the main targets of the investigations and cases open were of Trump supporters. While the number of investigations in 2021 almost doubled from 2020 to around 9,000, the number of “full investigations” that led to arrests was only 1,446, not much more than the number of 1,146 January 6 protesters who have been charged with a crime, according to the Justice Department.
No one is getting arrested and prosecuted for burning down cities after Saint Floyd breathed his last but those numbers get lumped in as “investigations” and everything in the article is pointing the reader toward the pre-ordained conclusion: there are thousands of violent extremist Trump supporters planning violence in 2024. More….
Virtually all of the 2021 increases are specifically related to these events, including the enormous growth in what the FBI calls “assessments,” which more than doubled from 2019 to 2021 and are revealed here for the first time.
Assessments are the most speculative of any FBI investigation, where a special agent or intelligence analyst only suspects wrongdoing because of association or encounter and further looks into someone’s background. Assessments are the closest thing to domestic spying that exists in America and generally not talked about by the Bureau.
I would be deeply disappointed if I were not the subject of an “assessment”. Some FBI flunky reads something I wrote, decided he doesn’t care for the cut of my job and creates an assessment. Boom, I am a statistic supporting the idea of a wave of “extremism” in America. Near the close we read this:
Experts agree that as the 2024 election approaches, there will be greater pressure to prevent law-breaking, one that necessitates infiltration of political circles and other controversial government activity.
Almost a throwaway line deep in an article most people won’t read to the end but in it we see the seed of political repression in 2024, in direct contravention of all of the talk about not investigating people because of ideology. The justification is there in one paragraph for more Feds infiltrating right-leaning political groups and we know that those infiltrators have at least some intent of inciting and then entrapping people as in the Gretchen Whitmer “kidnapping” plot and most other “plots” that the Feds have “foiled”, made all the easier because the Feds were the ones who were planning it all along.
This article is getting a lot of play on conservative social media but as usual most are missing the bigger picture.
Of all the things about this article that are bullshit, nothing is more bullshittier than the idea that MAGA is an extremist political movement. The precise opposite is true.
No significant political movement in America is less extremist that MAGA.
Think about the people that are Trump voters. By and large they are middle aged or older, working or middle class, suburban and rural. They are business owners and gainfully employed people, most with families and mortgages and minivans. Their radicalism is pretty much asking to be left alone and suggesting that the pace of White replacement be slowed down a bit. That is what passes for political radicalism. But you read this article and what you come away with is the belief that anyone supporting Trump is a ticking timebomb, a violent extremist in waiting.
That brings me to the larger point. What about those to the right of MAGA, actual political dissident like yours truly and most of my readers. If Jim the small business owner with a house in a cul-de-sac who owns an unfired handgun for protection is an “extremist”, what does that make us? If overweight Boomers with red hats are “anti-government, anti-authority violent extremists”, how about people who are actively training with their firearms, lifting weights, speaking out on forbidden topics and sharing naughty memes? You have to assume we are considered several steps beyond AGAAVE-Other and that if the Feds are infiltrating generic Republican groups, they are even more concerned with us.
The Newsweek article is intended to shift the Overton window even further, making things like “build the wall” into violence-inciting hate speech and making actual political dissidents outlaws without ever committing an actual crime.
It also reinforces what I already knew. The Powers-That-Be typically warn about something before They go ahead and do it Themselves. I won’t even speculate on what that might although I have plenty of suspicions because I don’t want to give them even a hint of being complicit when one of the Fed’s wind-up toys goes off next year. We all have to watch our steps closely while not letting them silence us.
The end-game of all of Their planning is upon us, likely in the next five years and probably much sooner. Propaganda pieces like what we see in Newsweek are simply an announcement of Their intent to ratchet things up and start hostilities soon. They can’t help but telegraph what They are doing, it is up to you and I to see it coming and prepare for what comes next.
2024 promises to be like nothing we have seen in this country for 150 years.
The Supreme Court could decide by the end of the month to take up DOJ's use of 1512(c)(2), the most common felony in J6 cases and one of the counts against Donald Trump.
2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act passed after the Enron scandal to address corporate malfeasance, 1512(c).
(c) Whoever corruptly— (1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or
(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
1512 represents the heart of DOJ’s ongoing “Capitol Breach” prosecution—enabling the government to turn otherwise misdemeanor cases into felonies, however, the law never was intended to criminalize political dissent. Judge Carl J. Nichols, a Trump appointee granted motions to dismiss for three defendants also charged with assaulting police by concluding the government’s interpretation of the language was too broad and contrary to the law’s original intent.
In his March 2022 order dismissing the count against January 6 defendant Garret Miller, who pleaded guilty to the other counts against him, Nichols wrote that “1512(c)(2)...requires that the defendant have taken some action with respect to a document, record, or other object in order to corruptly obstruct, impede or influence an official proceeding.” The government appealed the decision winning a split decision that has also been appealed.
The desenting Judge wrote, “document destruction readily conjures up images of corporate fraud. Advocacy, lobbying, and protest do not.” DOJ’s application of the statute “dramatically broaden what counts as obstruction in the first place, sweeping in all acts that affect or hinder a proceeding. Among other things, that construction would sweep in advocacy, lobbying, and protest—common mechanisms by which citizens attempt to influence official proceedings.” And he observed that courts “had no occasion to consider” the broad reach of the statute before the January 6 prosecution.
That will change dramatically if the Supreme Court takes up a writ of certiorari filed in July by Nicholas Smith, a New York defense attorney who represents several January 6 defendants including Garret Miller. (Norm Pattis, a defense attorney representing Jacob Lang, one of the three defendants involved in Nichols’ decision, also has filed a petition before the high court.)
In short, Smith is asking the justices to review the circuit court’s “deeply divided triad of opinions” to determine whether 1512 (c) “cover only acts that affect the integrity or availability of evidence, or whether they criminalize advocacy, lobbying and protest.”
“Adding to the complication, both the concurring and dissenting opinions agreed that the government’s novel construction of Section 1512(c)(2) in the January 6 cases would create a breathtakingly broad, vague and unconstitutional provision that trespasses on core First Amendment rights, including the fundamental right to petition the government for a redress of grievances,” Smith wrote.
Smith also warned about the long-term consequences if the circuit court opinion holds. “Hundreds of political protesters have been mistakenly exposed to Section 1512(c)(2)’s 20-year statutory maximum sentence; protected political expression in the Nation’s Capital, and ordinary legislative business, are at stake.”
~Julie Kelly
"(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding"
Isn't that the charge DOJ brought against the representative who pulled the fire alarm to disrupt a vote of Congress?
- Oh wait. He was a Democrat. No charges.
"(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding"
Isn't that the charge DOJ brought against the representative who pulled the fire alarm to disrupt a vote of Congress?
- Oh wait. He was a Democrat. No charges.
One of those “more equal” animals Orwell abhorred.
A coup for November 3, 2020, was planned. Why does no one care?
By Bob Parks
Very few people in the United States appear to know that on Election Day, November 3rd, 2020, a coup was planned if Donald Trump won his reelection. A “coup” has a very clear definition.
coup d’état
: a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics
: the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group
a military coup d’état of the dictator
— Merriam-Webster
So far, according to news reports, untold millions of dollars have gone into investigating the events of January 6, 2021, and that’s still ongoing. The left and their media have left no stone unturned in getting to the bottom of and punishing those who engaged in the “threat to our democracy.” No wonder the Biden administration says it is in critical need of more money to bring the Jan. 6 rioters to justice.
Imagine how the events of January 6th could have been thwarted had the planners been identified and caught in the days and weeks before that infamous day. Imagine if the plotters themselves were seen and heard on videotape in the initial phase of coordinating how to isolate police stations, target the media for coverage disruption, intimidate Biden campaign offices, stake out the mass transportation infrastructure to harass incoming lawmakers, take over federal office buildings with assistance from federal employees, violently disrupt Congressional and Senate sessions—and with D.C. merely the hub for similar coup activity nationwide.
Image: Planning the insurrection that wasn’t. Rumble screen grab.
You know what the news cycle would have been: Round-the-clock graphics with the word “coup” in demi-bold fonts, images of the coup plotters pictured one-by-one, camera crews staked out in front of their homes and/or places of employment (if applicable) just waiting for federal officers to lead them out in handcuffs. Cordoned-off areas, shelter-in-place, and possible shootouts would be a bonus.
But none of this happened, of course. Instead, January 6 happened, and the Democrats have weaponized it ever since.
But here’s something funny: That evidence exists. However, instead of showing Trump supporters planning a coup, a video from 2020 shows Democrats plotting a coup if, at the end of the day, Donald Trump was reelected. “Trump’s gotta go.”
What’s pitiful is that there are probably dozens of Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill who, to this day, have no idea what and who Shutdown DC was and still is. It’s pitiful that possibly hundreds of so-called “journalists” also don’t know what was planned for Election Day 2020 and/or don’t care because the ultimate objective of a Donald Trump “defeat” was attained.
None of your default blabbermouths on television, radio, and social media have bothered to touch this topic. No viral rants or books pimped. This, again, means they are probably clueless (my first choice).
The people in the video were planning to violently overthrow the government in 2020 but hit the pause button because Joe Biden “won.” From that moment forward, there were zero ramifications for Democrat activists and federal employees and contractors planning a bona fide “insurrection.” That being the case, what’s to stop them from planning to carry it out in 2024 should Donald Trump win?
You can be sure that there will be millions of dollars in public and private property damage. Federal and state buildings will be seized by “mostly peaceful” Democrat activists nationwide. Law enforcement officers and civilians will be injured, maybe killed, and the “threat to our democracy” will not just be an easy-to-recite slogan for morons.
This will immediately have an incredibly negative impact on the outgoing Biden Administration and the incoming Trump Administration, considering the actions that will have to be conducted to restore order. It will be ugly and intentionally so when the coup plotters’ demands are considered by those who’ll sympathize with them.
The optimists’ reluctance to see what’s in front of their faces has had less to do with scholarly integrity and more to do with wish-casting—making predictions because you want them to be true, not because the evidence supports it.
The United States is entering a dangerous phase. The monthslong transition, which those aware of how fragile U.S. democracy is tagged as perilous months ago, still has weeks to go. The president remains in power. If there is an inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden, it will likely have to be held in a more secure location than the once sacrosanct steps of the Capitol.
— Foreign Policy, 1/6/21
Ironically, the pointy heads on the right who were lamenting January 6 are also silent. Kinda’ makes one also wonder if January 6th was a coordinated distraction from what happened on November 3, 2020.
If Shutdown DC’s plans come to fruition following a Trump win in 2024, government could come to a screeching halt, and then we can really start talking about uncharted waters.
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Watch the video. These people may never get out of jail.
Apparently it will be a drip feed and most likely the Pravdas will look to bury it. OTOH that is why we need to keep track of it.
Dems wrap their heads around the DNC riot, missing the obvious along the way:
"Dingell told The Detroit News the riot “rattled” her more than the January 6th Capitol Hill riot: “I was scared. Someone is going to get hurt at one of these things. They can get out of control.”
My response: she is islamophobic, and instead we need to spend millions to protect Muslim mosques businesses !
Dem Rep. Raskin Tells Wolf Blitzer Why Feds Didn't Want Speaker Johnson to Release All 1/6 Footage
“The reason why the Capitol police have opposed releasing 10s of thousands of hours from … every part of the Capitol, is because it’s like giving a diagram to future insurrectionists & terrorists”
Off the top of my head, though insincere, I'd say that is not a stupid argument.
Going to be very ineresting who has the resources, the grasp of the material, and the attention span to dive into this.
Going to be very ineresting who has the resources, the grasp of the material, and the attention span to dive into this.
Yes I was going to say, I don't plan to watch it. Interesting to see what narrative comes out of it. Just the clip I saw, it looked like well behaved people touring the halls of a public building, taking pictures. No guns, no machetes, no bazookas.. Not even raised voices.
The security guys are talking to each other while tourists walk by taking pictures. 100% peaceful.
Then they used the people's videos to find and prosecute them. Orwell, big brother, they've got nothing compared with what we're dealing with now.
"The security guys are talking to each other while tourists walk by taking pictures. 100% peaceful."
This should be helpful to our cause, and that of President Trump as well.
SECRETS REVEALED: The first batch of more than 40,000 hours of U.S. Capitol security footage from the chaos on Jan. 6, 2021, was released Friday. ASSOCIATED PRESS
Release of Jan. 6 footage puts heat on investigators
Security video clashes with narrative
Republican lawmakers are calling for investigations into a House committee and its members after the release of security footage that captured the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.
Rep. Troy Nehls of Texas and Sen. Mike Lee of Utah called for the investigation of the now-defunct United States House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack, which determined that the riot was an attempted coup by then-President Trump. They said the tapes present a much different view of the chaos at the Capitol that day.
“The J6 committee was a sham,” Mr. Nehls said on X. “I knew it then. Everyone knows it now. Let’s investigate the investigators.”
The calls for an investigation of the Democratic-led committee began after House Speaker Mike Johnson announced the planned release of more than 40,000 hours of security video footage from the Capitol that day. The footage will be released in batches over the next several months.
The first round of about 90 hours
of footage was released Friday on the website of the House Administration Committee, which reviewed the tapes and authorized their release.
“This decision will provide millions of Americans, criminal defendants, public interest organizations, and the media an ability to see for themselves what happened that day, rather than having to rely upon the interpretation of a small group of government officials,” said Mr. Johnson, Louisiana Republican.
Mr. Trump used social media to laud the speaker’s “courage and fortitude” in making the security video public. He said the tapes “will explicitly reveal what really happened on January 6th.”
Mr. Lee accused two of the committee’s prominent members, former Reps. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, a Republican, and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, a Democrat, of deliberately hiding the security footage.
“Why didn’t Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger ever refer to any of these tapes? Maybe they never looked for them,” Mr. Lee said. “Maybe they never even questioned their own narrative. Maybe they were just too busy selectively leaking the text messages of Republicans they wanted to defeat.
“Given the evidence they apparently suppressed, how much footage (and how many other records) do you think Nancy Pelosi and the J6 committee deliberately lost or destroyed?”
Mr. Kinzinger, now a commentator on CNN, mocked the fanfare for releasing the video.
“Oh ya? What did ya find? Please elaborate with details because you sound very sure,” he said.
Not all of the tapes will be made public. About 5% of the footage will be withheld because it may “involve sensitive security information related to the building architecture,” Mr. Johnson said.
Rep. Barry Loudermilk, Georgia Republican and chairman of the Administration Committee oversight subcommittee that reviewed the tapes, said the goal was to “provide the American people with transparency.”
“As I’ve said all along — the American people deserve transparency, accountability, and real answers supported by facts instead of a predetermined political narrative,” he said.
Rep. Joseph Morelle of New York, the top Democrat on the Administration Committee, condemned the decision to give the public “unfettered access” to security footage.
“While the name on the door to the Speaker’s suite has changed, the office’s mission to undermine the Capitol Police and politicize Capitol security continues unabated. It is unconscionable that one of Speaker Johnson’s first official acts as steward of the institution is to endanger his colleagues, staff, visitors, and our country by allowing virtually unfettered access to sensitive Capitol security footage. That he is doing so over the strenuous objections of the security professionals within the Capitol Police is outrageous,” Mr. Morelle said.
“I will continue to trust the judgment of the security professionals who risk their lives to keep us all safe. They have our backs, it’s disappointing that the new Speaker and our Republican colleagues do not have theirs,” he said.
The Justice Department charged almost 1,200 people with federal crimes in the aftermath of the riot at the U.S. Capitol. More than 800 have pleaded guilty or been convicted at trial, and about 700 involved in the chaos have been sentenced. About two-thirds have received sentences ranging from three days to 22 years.
One of the people who received jail time for involvement in the riot, Jacob Chansley, is now eying a run for the seat of retiring Rep. Debbie Lesko, Arizona Republican.
Mr. Chansley, also known as the QAnon Shaman, pleaded guilty to a felony charge of obstructing an official proceeding. He was sentenced to 41 months in prison and was sent to a halfway house after serving 27 months
Excellent investigative analysis.
Director Wray's denial is quite vague and unpersuasive, does not include the contacts of Capitol Police or other federal agencies.
The idea that the glass broken where Ashli Babbitt was murdered* might have been done by law enforcement instigators or those under their direction should have criminal implications, in my view.
*. The person who held George Floyd in a position that contributed to his death is termed a murderer. The shooter of Ashli Babbitt OTOH is considered a law enforcement official unquestionably doing his job, following proper procedure, even though no other LE present shot any other protester in a thousand other similar situations. They kept coming but he didn't keep shooting. Why?
Wisconsin Capitol 2011, 100,000 storm and take over the building - to disrupt official proceedings. Democrat apologists called media say there were important differences. I know one. These were Democrats protesting Republicans. Could have been your or my son or daughter shot.
I would also note the rather important fact that the name of the shooting officer was never released. We only know it because the officer in question spoke up quite some time later.
Trivia: IIRC he was the very same officer who accidentally left his firearm on a Capitol Bldg bathroom floor a year or three prior.
Recall that Nancy Pelosi's daughter was a videographer for the event, caught here discussing the hoax aspect of the aftermath.
says shyster weissmann with a serious face :
at the same time the Democrats have indicted Trump on 4 dubious or outright fraudulent charges.
at same time prosecutors at the state level are not pressing charges against criminals in all the woke locations all around the country.
at the same time they are protecting Joe and Hunter with fraudulent defenses.
at the same time Myorkas and crew are not enforcing immigration law and indeed doing everything possible to work around it.
what a joke.
no end to shysterism
I wish we can leave 1/6 behind us but it is the LEFT that will till the end of time keep bringing it up.
I don't know what to think and of the rumor "200" FBI or other intelligence people were interspersed with the 1/6 crowd
Would not surprise me but to suggest it is only because of them that the protestors (not insurrections)
entered the Capitol seems unlikely to me.
Trump told them to do it peacefully but then waited too long to tell them to knock it off
For me end of story but it keeps coming up
For not important - we debate the direction of the country
Let Liz Cheney (having an affair with MadCow?)
worry about it for the rest of life..........
Did anyone watch as I did her interview on MadCow yesterday?
unbelievable Cheney would go on MadCow the day before her orange Jesus book is released and MadCow is of course promoting the book - :roll:
“Everything we used in our proceedings, we filed consistently with what the law says,” House Jan. 6 select committee Chairman Bennie Thompson said of transcripts and video sought by GOP investigators. ASSOCIATED PRESS
House Jan. 6 select committee records wrapped in mystery
Thompson mum on full videos
Rep. Bennie G. Thompson, who was chairman of the nowdefunct House Jan. 6 select committee, won’t say what happened to full transcripts and video of the committee’s depositions that GOP investigators now seek.
When asked by The Washington Times if the Jan. 6 committee gave the investigators the full video depositions, not select clips, he responded: “Everything we used in our proceedings, we filed consistently with what the law says.”
Mr. Thompson, Mississippi Democrat, drew a distinction between the unedited video recordings and the snippets used for presentations at the Jan. 6 committee’s carefully choreographed hearings. “The law requires us that whatever product that we use, we archive that and that’s what we did,” he said of the House Administration Committee’s request for the unedited videos. “Everything that we used as a committee product, we shared.”
The Times pressed Mr. Thompson about what happened to the unedited video of the depositions that were not shown at the hearings.
“I have no idea,” Mr Thompson said. “We’re not required to keep certain materials.”
Did the Jan. 6 committee, which is now being investigated by the Administration Committee, destroy documents or other material?
“I’m not aware of the destruction of any documents,” Mr. Thompson said. “I’m not aware of staff being instructed to destroy any documents.”
Rep. Barry Loudermilk, chairman of the Administration Committee’s oversight panel, said in a letter Wednesday to Mr. Thompson that voters deserve to see more than the cherry-picked video clips shown at the hearings.
“By failing to preserve these videos, you deny the American public the right to review the footage and make their own conclusions about witnesses’ truthfulness,” wrote Mr. Loudermilk, Georgia Republican.
The House Office of the Clerk’s rules and organization manual spells out the requirements for preserving committee records: “A committee record is any document, regardless of format, that committee, subcommittee, and select committee members and staff create, receive, or maintain. All members and persons employed by the committee — on either the majority or minority — can generate a committee record.”
The Office of the Clerk has several categories of records that a committee typically generates and should keep permanently and transfer to the Office of Art and Archives at the end of a Congress. This includes “special media” such as audio recordings of testimonies and interviews, photographs of events, including those posted to social media and videos of events such as testimonies and interviews.
Video recordings of committee hearings are directly transferred from the House Recording Studio to the National Archives. The committee does not need to send those files to the Office of Art and Archives.
The manual states: “Members and staff should be aware that original committee records are the property of the committee and are, therefore, official records of the House of Representatives. As such, committee records should be maintained separately from the records of a Member’s personal office.”
House Republicans also launched an inquiry into whether the House Select Committee on the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol handed over documents and materials to Fani Willis, the district attorney in Fulton County, Georgia, who charged former President Donald Trump and 18 of his associates with trying to overturn 2020 election results in the state.
Rep. Jim Jordan, Ohio Republican, and Mr. Loudermilk called on Ms. Willis and Mr. Thompson to turn over documents related to coordination between the Georgia prosecutor’s office and the committee.
The inquiry stems from a Dec. 17, 2021, letter Ms. Willis sent to Mr. Thompson requesting access to committee records to aid her investigation of Mr. Trump.
She specifically requested access to “recordings and transcripts of witness interviews and depositions, electronic and print records of communications, and records of travel.”
Mr. Thompson disputed that the committee shared records with Ms. Willis despite reports to the contrary in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
“We did not share any records,” he said. “That is incorrect.”
The Times contacted Ms. Willis’ office for comment but did not hear back
I’m a firearms instructor and and have trained under several pretty big names, just about all of whom feel the Babbit shooting was a result of poor trigger discipline, meaning a negligent discharge. As such I’m unsurprised to see this coming out:
Once stated, this seems quite plausible, but for some reason it never occured to me.
Working from memory:
a) the shooting officer's name was never officially revealed. WTF?!?
b) we only know his name because months later he gave it of his accord in an interview;
c) turns out he was the guy who left his pistol on a capitol bathroom floor a couple of years prior.
Once stated, this seems quite plausible, but for some reason it never occured to me.
Working from memory:
a) the shooting officer's name was never officially revealed. WTF?!?
b) we only know his name because months later he gave it of his accord in an interview;
c) turns out he was the guy who left his pistol on a capitol bathroom floor a couple of years prior.
There was plenty in that whole mess that does not stand up to scrutiny. Worse yet, the Progressive left, that rioted for months after a habitual offender died of fentanyl and hard living as a cop restrained him, tried to make a hero of this officer that didn’t heed what I teach the Scout troop I work with: keep your boogerhook off the boomswitch until you’ve mad a conscious decision to shoot.
I really wish this guy would see his otolaryngologist and get his nose fixed already.
If you want to sound like him, hold your nose closed and speak:
"no there there"
The latest co opt of our points of view
I noticed the past few days.
Democrats now co opt Mark Levin's the Democrats hate America and were seen recently via the jurnolist network starting to say how *Republicans* hate America.
Everything we point out they ARE doing they turn around and state we are doing.
And the media runs with it.
As Doug recently pointed out this is dishonest projection.
Sounds like a Saul Alinsky tactic.
One of Hillary's mentors - think thesis.
Who could think that of all the topics in the Universe she would write a thesis on this dirty propagandist.
I believe I have never quoted David Brooks before, but here he gets something incredibly right.
(Doug) Not meant to incite but to predict, take Trump off the ballot and the real insurrection will happen. As ccp pointed out, the Colorado decision makes it impossible to even count write in votes for him.
Legal process replaces street justice. For example, eviction court eliminates a unilateral lockout or just throwing their asses out to the street.
We have a major dispute in the country about which direction it should head. Free and fair elections are the non-violent way of settling that. Mentioned previously, free and fair is in the eye of the loser. We have lost many elections knowing we needed to do better at bringing people over to our side. And we have won many elections, making us know it is possible.
If this year goes like 2020, there is a widespread feeling that winning by persuasion is no longer possible. Then what happens? Surrender or ......
A Coup of Pelosi’s Own
The House Speaker publicizes her nuclear option to protect the world from Trump.
By The Editorial Board
Jan. 8, 2021 6:32 pm ET
We scoured the U.S. Constitution Friday afternoon and it’s definitely not there: the provision allowing the Speaker of the House of Representatives to intervene in the military chain of command to protect the world from President Trump.
Mrs. Pelosi told her Democratic colleagues that she spoke Friday morning to Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, “to discuss available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike.” She posted the “Dear colleague” letter on her website to make sure the world got the message. A spokesman for Gen. Milley told reporters the chairman “answered her questions.”
The press and left-wing Twitter (we repeat ourselves) love the idea of the Speaker inserting herself into the chain of command as a rebuke to an erratic President. But it’s an abuse of her own power, which is limited to leading the legislative branch unless both the President and Vice President are incapacitated or removed from office. In that case she is third in line for the Presidency.
But in the meantime she has no business telling the Joint Chiefs not to follow the President’s orders. Gen. Milley hardly needs the lecture, as he has been dealing with Mr. Trump for 15 months and isn’t about to indulge an unlawful order, much less an effort to launch nuclear weapons.
Mrs. Pelosi’s call to Gen. Milley is itself a violation of the separation of powers by seeking to inject herself into an executive-branch military decision. She can offer advice all she wants, but this call at this time has the sound of an order. It might even be construed by some as its own little coup—conniving with the military to relieve of command the person who remains the elected President.
What if an adversary leaps on the news and decides this is the moment to stage some military action when the U.S. is consumed with internal conflict? Does Gen. Milley now have to consult with the Speaker before he acts in America’s defense? How anyone thinks her intervention would restore good constitutional order to government or some modicum of sanity to politics is a mystery.
Mr. Trump failed his constitutional test on Wednesday. But Mrs. Pelosi showed awful judgment with her grandstanding over the nuclear launch codes. Late Friday she announced that she’s also revving up the impeachment machinery. So much for calming political tempers.
It grows increasingly difficult to dismiss all the aberrations occurring that day as some sort of coincidence.
Interesting claim by J6 defendant who claims that, while caught in a human crush in a tunnel where police had deployed gas he assisted one person who was being trampled, picking up a bat along the way to protect himself and the other victim from a life threatening onslaught in a confined space:
Modify message
I quite disagree with the "solutions" here, but the description of the issue is potent.
Fix the Insurrection Act Before a Trump Inauguration
If Congress fails to do so, troops could crush protests to begin a second term.
By William A. Galston
Feb. 27, 2024 12:30 pm ET
Wonder Land: Surveying the record of his three years in office, Mr. Biden has decided his re-election turns on two events: the Capitol riot of 2021 and Mr. Trump’s efforts to reverse the 2020 presidential election results in several states. Images: Getty Images/Zuma Press Composite: Mark Kelly
It’s Jan. 19, 2025, the eve of Donald Trump’s second Inauguration Day. Rumors are swirling that protesters plan major disruptions in cities across the country. In response, the president-elect directs his aides to draw up orders placing state national guards across the country under federal control. “Can we do this legally?” some worried staffers ask. “Don’t we need the governors’ consent?” “No,” Mr. Trump’s legal counsel says, “the president has legal authority to federalize the guard, whatever a governor may say.”
The next day, Mr. Trump delivers his address, which will instantly be dubbed “Son of American Carnage,” and protests break out from coast to coast. Protesters block streets, normal business grinds to a halt, and scattered instances of looting and violence take place. The president issues an order in his capacity as commander in chief to federalize and deploy the guards to quell disruptions.
Within hours, tens of thousands of troops are patrolling major cities. By morning, more than 100,000 Americans have been arrested, overwhelming local jails and forcing the military to detain them in barbed-wire encampments.
Many of those arrested hire lawyers, who say they’re powerless to intervene. The problem, the lawyers explain, is that Mr. Trump has acted legally under the provisions of the Insurrection Act of 1807. “What’s the Insurrection Act?” the detainees ask.
It’s the right question, but it’s being asked too late to help them. The time to ask and answer it is now, so that something can be done before it is too late.
The Insurrection Act is a collection of statutes enacted between 1792 and 1871 that grant the president the authority to deploy the U.S. military on American soil and use it against Americans. It contains three principal provisions. The first allows the president to deploy troops if a state’s legislature (or in some circumstances its governor) requests federal assistance to suppress an insurrection.
The second provision allows the president to deploy troops without a state’s request or consent to “enforce the laws” of the U.S. or to “suppress rebellion” whenever disorder makes it impossible to enforce federal law through ordinary judicial proceedings.
The main provision permits the president to deploy troops in a state to counter “any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy” that “opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.”
As an analysis by the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School makes clear, every key term in the act—“insurrection,” “rebellion” and “domestic violence,” among others—is undefined, and a Supreme Court decision handed down nearly two centuries ago leaves the act’s interpretation and application in the president’s hands. In Martin v. Mott (1827), the court ruled that the authority to decide whether an exigency requiring the militia to be called out has arisen “belongs exclusively to the President, and . . . his decision is conclusive upon all other persons.” To be sure, the military can’t carry out the president’s order in ways that violate other statutes or the Constitution, but it’s hard to see the basis on which a threshold decision by the president to deploy troops could be challenged in the courts.
The risks of leaving such unfettered power in the president’s hands are obvious, as is the need to reform the Insurrection Act to limit the president’s discretion. Bob Bauer and Jack Goldsmith, a bipartisan legal team with vast practical experience, have proposed three main fixes. First, Congress should define key terms and narrow the president’s discretion to decide when circumstances trigger the president’s authority. Second, the president should be required to consult with state and local authorities to determine whether troop deployments are required and issue an official finding to this effect. And third, Congress should impose a short sunset provision on the president’s authority to deploy troops on his own, after which their continued use would require congressional approval. The Brennan Center has offered a similar proposal, with an additional proviso for judicial review of the president’s decisions. Congress should work across party lines to enact reforms along these lines before the 2024 election, as it did with the Electoral Count Act in 2022.
It’s easy to write all this off as partisan alarmism. After all, Mr. Trump’s defenders could rightly point out that he occupied the Oval Office for four years, including the nationwide protests that erupted after the killing of George Floyd, without once invoking the Insurrection Act. Why worry now?
For two reasons. First, it is a dangerous mistake to give any president such wide-ranging discretion to deploy lethal force for domestic purposes. Second, Mr. Trump has rethought his restraint about using the act. As he told Iowa supporters in November, he deferred to the wishes of governors and mayors during his first term. “The next time,” he said, “I’m not waiting.”
There are good reasons to take him seriously.
BTW note the steps that Gov. DeSantis has taken towards having a FL Guard outside of federal assertion of authority discussed in the preceding.
About frickin’ time:
The J6 pipe bombs are what turned a day of protest into an act of insurrection. Over three years later there are more questions about them than answers, and all this while geofenced cellphone logs are sending protesters invited by Capitol Police into the Capitol, though the same resources applied to these generally peaceful protestors can’t be used to ID who left the bombs, when they were left, don’t explain the casual behavior of LEOs discovering them, among other anomalies:
The Pipe Bombs Before Jan. 6: Capital Mystery That Doesn't Add Up
By Julie Kelly February 28, 2024
The Pipe Bombs Before Jan. 6: Capital Mystery That Doesn't Add Up Duane Lempke, Wikimedia Commons
The newly disclosed video shows a dark SUV pulling up to the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee in Washington, D.C., at 9:44 a.m. on Jan. 6, 2021. It sits for several minutes until a uniformed man with a bomb-sniffing dog enters from the right and steps up to the vehicle. The driver complies with his command, the dog sniffs inside and outside the car which is soon allowed to enter the parking garage. The man and his dog exit back to the right.
This scene is unremarkable except for one detail: The uniformed man and his trained canine came within a few feet of where a plainclothes Capitol Police officer would soon discover a pipe bomb that had been planted there the night before. The bomb, which the FBI has described as viable and capable of inflicting serious injury, along with a similar one found at the headquarters of the Republican National Committee, would appear to be the most overt act of violence perpetrated on Jan. 6.
Responding to the video discovered by this reporter, Rep. Barry Loudermilk, the Georgia Republican who chairs the House Oversight Committee subcommittee now conducting a separate inquiry into Jan. 6, asked, “How could a bomb-sniffing dog miss a pipe bomb at the DNC? We’ll add this to our long list of unanswered questions and continue getting to the truth.”
The number of anomalies surrounding this still unsolved case continues to grow. These include:
The failure of the Secret Service detail assigned to Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris, who was inside DNC headquarters when the bomb was discovered, to find the device before her visit.
The fact that the bomb at RNC headquarters was discovered by a government contractor with ties to the FBI.
That law enforcement officials repeatedly described the bombs as “highly dangerous” but also said they couldn’t have detonated on their own because of their cheap kitchen timers.
That cell phone data that might help locate the perpetrator has been deemed corrupted.
That the FBI’s geofence warrant to obtain cell phone data from Google gives no indication the warrant included the Capitol Hill neighborhood on the night of Jan. 5 – the time and location the pipe bombs were apparently planted.
That the FBI assistant director leading the stalled investigation had previously been in charge of the investigation into a kidnap plot against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in which the bureau tried to get alleged conspirators to build bombs.
That an FBI whistleblower has testified he was told the bombs were inoperable – a claim that seems supported by video showing authorities allowing children to cross the street toward the DNC bomb after it was discovered.
Discovery of the new video featuring the ineffective bomb-sniffing dog has also generated skepticism about the timing of the day’s events: The RNC pipe bomb was discovered at 12:40 pm, just thirteen minutes before the first breach of police lines on the west side of the Capitol and 20 minutes before House and Senate members convened to consider the electoral college results of the 2020 election – creating a narrative of grave threat as the protests turned violent. How might the day have unfolded if the bombs had been discovered many hours before and large swaths of the city had been shut down? And why, given the devices’ proximity to the U.S. Capitol and the joint session of Congress that would involve every U.S. Senator and House member, did law enforcement not send investigators with bomb-sniffing canines to the Capitol immediately?
Vanished Without a Trace
The greatest mystery may be why official Washington has lost interest in this alleged act of domestic terrorism. In the three years since Jan. 6, the DOJ has conducted what Attorney General Merrick Garland describes as a criminal investigation proceeding at an “unprecedented speed and scale” into the protests. Casting a wide dragnet for Capitol protesters across the country, federal and local authorities in Washington have tracked down and prosecuted more than 1,300 defendants, almost all of whom were unarmed, including 62 individuals so far this year.
Yet the perpetrator of what could have been the only deadly attack by a civilian that day appears to have vanished without a trace. He or she also seems to have slipped down the official memory hole. Although the Washington FBI field office recently issued a statement saying the “suspect may still pose a danger to the public or themselves” and upped the reward to $500,000, Washington appears to have lost interest in the pipe bomb whodunnit.
The now defunct Select Committee to Investigate the Attack on the U.S. Capitol barely mentioned the pipe bomb threat in its final report; the committee did not include video of the incident or the suspect during any televised hearings. This strikes some observers as odd for two reasons: The pipe bombs seemed to offer the strongest evidence for the Committee’s case that Jan. 6 was an act of domestic terrorism, and the direct threat to the life of the vice president, who was at the DNC for nearly two hours as the device sat undetected outside the building.
The major news organizations that initially devoted significant space to promote the idea that a supporter of Donald Trump tried to blow up buildings near the Capitol on Jan. 6 have also lost interest in the case.
But a handful of outlets led by Revolver News stayed on the story. And the same media once fixated on the pipe bomber now considers poking holes in the government’s official story little more than right-wing conspiracy-mongering.
The government’s seeming ineffectiveness, however, and lack of forthrightness regarding an allegedly deadly plot filled with unanswered questions has also created a wellspring of distrust.
The presence of bombs in the nation’s capital as the joint session of Congress convened to debate the outcome of the Electoral College vote animated the notion that Jan. 6 represented an act of domestic terrorism perpetrated by Trump supporters. Reports that two explosives were found just blocks from the U.S. Capitol initiated the first wave of panic that accelerated throughout the afternoon.
It began when a 37-year-old woman from Madison, Wisc., named Karlin Younger, who said she was walking to do her laundry near the RNC, discovered a device in an alley around 12:40 p.m. Although it is not clear whether the Jan. 6 committee interviewed Younger – her name does not appear in its final report – she gave numerous media interviews in the weeks and months following Jan. 6.
In November 2021, Younger told Business Insider, “When I cast my eyes down, I just saw something kind of metallic, and it was just a very passing glimpse, and all I thought is someone must have missed the recycling bin. And I was going to recycle it, because I'm about that life. I just looked, and it was so completely unbelievable. You're not on high alert. You don't think you're under attack. I'm not in Iraq. This is Capitol Hill.”
She beckoned an RNC security guard whose name has not been made public to confirm her suspicions. “Holy shit, it’s a bomb!” Younger said he exclaimed.
The FBI interviewed Younger a few days later after she contacted the bureau’s Jan. 6 tip line. But it doesn’t appear she was interviewed again by the FBI.
The FBI story.
The FBI official leading the investigation, Washington FBI Field Office assistant director in charge Steven D’Antuono, told House Republicans he did not “recall” who discovered the device. Had the FBI come knocking again, Younger certainly would have consented to another interview. At the time, Younger worked for a public-private partnership called FirstNet, which provides interoperable broadband for first responders across the country. The month before Jan. 6, the FBI awarded a $92 million grant to FirstNet.
Authorities quickly dispatched officers to the DNC located a few blocks away. A similar device reportedly was found on the ground between two benches outside one of the building’s entrances at 1:07 pm.
In response, police immediately evacuated a few congressional buildings including the nearby Cannon House Office building. “I just had to evacuate my office because of a pipe bomb reported outside,” Virginia Democratic Rep. Elaine Luria tweeted at 1:46 p.m. “Supporters of the President are trying to force their way into the Capitol and I can hear what sounds like multiple gunshots. I don’t recognize our country today and the members of Congress who have supported this anarchy do not deserve to represent their fellow Americans.”
The Capitol Police stated on Jan. 7 that both devices, which it said were “hazardous and could cause great harm to public safety,” were “disabled and turned over to the FBI for further investigation and analysis.” The FBI did not respond to a request for a report on the devices.
The topic of the pipe bombs was raised repeatedly during the Department of Justice’s first press conference a few days later. In their joint appearance on Jan. 12, D’Antuono and acting U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia Michael Sherwin were asked by CBS News reporter Catherine Herridge whether the pipe bombs were a diversionary tactic to redirect police away from the site of the protest, or if the devices intended to kill or maim individuals working in both buildings. Sherwin responded that both scenarios would be explored during the investigation but he emphasized that the devices were “real” and contained “explosive igniters.”
D’Antuono, who spearheaded the FBI’s Jan. 6 investigation including the pipe bombs, announced a $50,000 reward leading to the arrest of the perpetrator. “I just want to make that perfectly clear and that we’re looking at all angles in that. Every rock is being unturned, because we have to bring that person to justice or people to justice,” D’Antuono said.
By the end of January 2021, the FBI released grainy footage of a person the government believed to be the bomber and upped the reward to a total of $75,000 – and which now stands at $500,000.
An individual, wearing a hoodie, a face mask, gloves, and Nike gym shoes, is seen carrying a backpack around the vicinity of both buildings. FBI authorities said the suspect planted the devices sometime between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. on Jan. 5. Ashlan Benedict, head of D’Antuono’s ATF division, told CNN at the time that the bureau considered the investigation an urgent matter because the suspect “could potentially be building more bombs right now.”
Intense media coverage followed. On Jan. 29, 2021, the Washington Post published an extensive story on the pipe bombs, assigning five of the paper’s top reporters to investigate the timeline and obtain private security camera footage from surrounding property owners.
Months passed before D’Antuono’s office provided an update into the investigation. In September 2021, the FBI released more inconclusive security video obtained from a camera at the DNC showing the alleged suspect walking by the building and sitting on a bench next to where the bomb was discovered the next day. But the brief clip did not show the perpetrator removing anything from his backpack or placing a bomb on the ground.
By the third anniversary of the Capitol protest, the FBI was still empty-handed. D’Antuono himself had become a target of media and congressional scrutiny over his handling of the Jan. 6 investigation and his involvement in the FBI-orchestrated plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in 2020.
FBI Director Christopher Wray had promoted D’Antuono from head of the Detroit FBI field office – the office responsible for the key FBI agents, informants, and undercover employees responsible for executing the entrapment operation – to head of the Washington FBI office in October 2020.
That case also involved the use of explosives. The FBI ran an undercover agent disguised as an explosives expert into the group of alleged kidnappers to lure them into attempting to buy components to build a bomb. Several of the men targeted by the FBI were arrested when the FBI’s lead informant drove them to meet the undercover agent acting as a bomb builder.
Under questioning by House Republicans in 2023, D’Antuono, who retired from the FBI after Republicans won control of the House in November 2022 to take a job in the private sector, appeared less confident about the threat posed by the pipe bombs than he had in public statements. Asked by Rep. Tom Massie whether a one-hour kitchen timer, a component of both devices, could detonate a bomb 17 hours after it was set, D’Antuono said it could not.
D’Antuono admitted he did not follow the “granularity” of his office’s inquiry into the pipe bomber case and also did not know if the FBI interviewed the person who discovered the device outside the DNC.
D’Antuono also testified that a search warrant failed to scoop up data of the alleged suspect, who is seen handling a cell phone on his walk in the vicinity. Stating the FBI did a “complete” geofence warrant for Jan. 6, D’Antuono disclosed that data from one company strangely was missing. “Some data that was corrupted by one of the providers, not purposely by them, right. It just – unusual circumstance that we have corrupt data from one of the providers. I'm not sure – I can't remember right now which one. But for that day, which is awful because we don't have that information to search. So could it have been that provider? Yeah, with our luck, you know, with this investigation it probably was.”
Congressional Republicans say they were troubled by another aspect of D’Antuono’s testimony related to the allegedly corrupted file. While the FBI did issue a geofence warrant to obtain cell phone data from Google, there is no indication the warrant included Jan. 5 – the day the pipe bombs were allegedly planted.
Public reporting and court filings in Jan. 6 cases indicate the warrant identified three specific time periods on Jan. 6, resulting in the collection of data from more than 5,000 devices, but did not request records for Jan. 5.
“Mr. D’Antuono's testimony raises concerns about the FBI’s handling of the pipe bomb investigation, more than 890 days following the placement of the pipe bombs. To date, the FBI has failed to respond to the Committee's requests for a briefing regarding the investigation,” Jim Jordan, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, wrote in June 2023.
Other aspects of the pipe bomb story started to raise eyebrows. After nearly a year of misleading judges and defendants, federal prosecutors revealed in late 2021 that Kamala Harris was at the DNC and not at the Capitol on Jan. 6; the government was forced to disclose her whereabouts to correct court filings that stated Harris was in the Capitol on the afternoon of Jan. 6. Harris left the Capitol following a Senate Intelligence Committee briefing and arrived at the DNC around 11:25 a.m. She remained inside the building until she was evacuated at 1:15 p.m.
The timeline generated even more head-scratchers. How did her security detail, which included Secret Service agents and D.C. Metropolitan police officers, miss the device sitting in relatively plain view?
Did the Secret Service fail to perform a sweep of the premises before she arrived? Even so, how did numerous law enforcement agents not see a pipe bomb laying on the ground just feet from her parked motorcade?
Further, security video posted this month by Revolver News showed law enforcement's puzzling reaction to the discovery of the bomb at 1:07 p.m.
“The most striking feature of the footage depicting the discovery of the DNC bomb is the utter nonchalance of the Secret Service officials, Metro PD officials, and Capitol Police officers upon learning of the proximity of the bomb,” Darren J. Beattie of Revolver wrote on Jan. 18. “The Metro PD officers didn’t even bother getting out of their vehicles for about a minute after being informed of the bomb and proceeded to stand around in the most lackadaisical fashion imaginable once getting out of the vehicles.”
And according to Sean Gallagher, chief of the Protective Services Bureau of the Capitol Police, one of his plainclothes officers found the bomb after responding to the threat at neighboring RNC. “[One] of my counterintelligence teams that was doing enhanced sweeps around the DNC found a pipe bomb at the DNC as well,” Gallagher told the Jan. 6 committee in 2022. He also did not discuss with the committee Harris’ presence or any aid his division provided in ensuring her safe escape from the building.
Even more puzzling is the fact Harris never mentions the episode in her public statements, even though she has compared Jan. 6 to Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Reporters also appear uninterested in the subject; Harris, more than three years later, hasn’t been asked about it.
The Secret Service also is mum on the issue – and under suspicious circumstances. Text messages belonging to at least two dozen officials and agents from Jan. 5 and 6 were deleted at the end of January 2021 and never recovered. Jan. 6 committee investigators, when first informed the messages were purged during “a pre-planned, three-month system migration,” according to an agency spokesman, issued a subpoena for the missing records in July 2022, but the request came up empty. Committee investigators did not continue their inquiry further.
This represents another aspect of the congressional investigation that did not reach an edifying conclusion. A suspected Trump supporter planted a bomb that could have killed the first female and person of color to hold the office of the vice presidency – and it only merited one sentence in an 840-page report.
House panel releases 5,000 additional hours of Jan. 6 riot footage
House Speaker Mike Johnson and Rep. Barry Loudermilk announced Friday the release of 5,000 hours of footage of the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol protest.
“House Republicans again commend Subcommittee Chairman Loudermilk and the entire Committee on House Administration for their ongoing commitment to ensuring that there is full transparency surrounding the events of January 6,” Mr. Johnson, Louisiana Republican, said in a statement. Mr. Johnson called the video release necessary “considering the deeply flawed prior investigation conducted by the partisan January 6 select committee.” Headded,“Uponextensivefurther consultation with the committee, and at my direction, the committee will no longer plan to blur the faces of individuals in the footage, given the significant logistic hurdles involved and the importance of getting this work completed as responsibly and efficiently as possible.”
The committee says law enforcement agencies already have access to the raw footage.
Last November, the committee released the first tranche of footage, roughly 90 hours, with the promise that the rest of the more than 40,000 hours of footage would be posted over the next several months.
The House panel decided to publicly post online all footage that doesn’t contain sensitive security information or that could lead to retaliation against private citizens.
“My subcommittee’s investigation has always been about providing the American people with full transparency and complete accountability about what really happened on January 6, 2021,” Mr. Loudermilk, Georgia Republican, said in a statement. “As such, we have been working tirelessly to make public all U.S. Capitol Police CCTV footage from that day.”
According to Mr. Loudermilk, the footage will be made available to the public within the next few months without blurring or editing. The first batch is already available on the committee’s Rumble page.
All video footage previously released to media outlets was uploaded to an online viewing room for public access. This footage included a video released to former Fox News host Tucker Carlson and other media outlets.
Making the footage available to the public has been a longtime goal of House Republicans and their supporters. Rep. Matt Gaetz, Florida Republican, made it a condition when he stepped aside to let former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, California Republican, win his short-lived speakership in January 2023.
The Justice Department has hunted down those involved in the Capitol protest and charged more than 1,200 with federal crimes.
Since Mr. McCarthy told reporters last year that he would release the footage, defendants in the Jan. 6 cases, their attorneys, news media and nonprofit groups have had limited access to the footage through congressional closed-circuit TV terminals.
Julie Kelly deconstructs the laments of the left in the wake of the SCOTUS 9-0 Colorado decision.
Moved to Mar El Lago thread per our esteemed Global Moderator.
Great piece in the wrong thread. :-D
Trump legal issues go in the thread with "Mar al Lago" in the subject line.
Great piece in the wrong thread. :-D
Trump legal issues go in the thread with "Mar al Lago" in the subject line.
Silly me, I searched the term “Trump,” found nothing germane, and so opted for J6 as that’s at root of Fani’s Lawfare.
Oh well, I’ll move it and try to commit memory not to look for Trump legal issues under “Trump.”
Several links in the article
Another piece that notes Trump seeking the National Guard, and shows Fani conspiring w/ Liz as they massaged J6 committee findings to cast Trump in the most negative light possible:
not mentioned:
one side funded by the CCP
Low Intensity Conflict (Early Warning)
(4) EARLY WARNING INDICATOR OF WORSENING FAR LEFT ACTIVITY: Over the past three years, I’ve described the Far Left as being on “life support” as their sense of urgency has waned, there has been no sustained cause or motivation for widespread street-level demonstrations, their networks have atrophied, funding has dried up, and their activities in volume and intensity have diminished. Pro-Palestine activists set up occupation encampments this week, and militants are trying to use this as a base to build a new revolutionary movement. Will they succeed?
As I explained in reports and videos over the past two weeks, the A15 “day of action” and these occupations are an attempt to jumpstart the Far Left revolutionary movement. These protests (ostensibly), and I’m sure many of the protestors are focused on Palestine, but this is part of a broader effort to rebuild the networks of militant activism from 2020.
One of the strongest and most concerning indicators of future activity is the reemergence of previously dormant Far Left social media accounts. This week, I’m seeing old accounts beginning to post 2020-era incendiary memes and training content.
These posts have included illustrated guides to protest, riot, and black bloc tactics, police tactics, gas masks, and respirators, how to construct barricades, and other 2020-era training guides and documents. One notable new guide is to the lessons learned from the 1968 “occupations movement.”
In a post entitled “First We Take Columbia,” militant activists draw comparisons to the 1968 Columbia takeover and advise participants to expand the occupation to new buildings.
Another segment encourages activists to form a “defense committee” tasked with building barricades and defending the occupation from administrators and law enforcement.
Finally, activists are encouraged to create additional Columbia-style occupations at college campuses across the United States to build a new revolutionary movement.
Why It Matters: I remain doubtful that organizers will be able to build the Palestine issue into the kind of powerful and sustained social movement like we saw with Black Lives Matter in 2020. There are several reasons why.
First, too many Americans are ambivalent or have mixed views over the Israel-Palestine issue. A recent Pew Research poll found that, overall, just 16% of American adults sympathize with Palestine, while 23% share equal sympathies and a little less than one-third sympathize with Israel. At its height, support for Black Lives Matter was double that – roughly two-thirds of all American adults supported BLM in 2020. Videos and images of disruptive protests and blockading critical infrastructure are not going to cause more Americans to sympathize with the Palestinian cause. That ceiling is likely unmovable, largely due to the actions of Hamas on 07 October 2023.
Second, the Palestinian cause is not a core part of most activists’ identity, like “blackness” and domestic issues of race. The Palestinian cause is often a part of social justice messaging, but American connections to Palestine are not strong enough to build a national movement.
Third, reaction and opposition to the Israeli-Palestine war is not the same as the fervent and often violent reaction to the U.S. war in Vietnam. This is probably the greatest limiting factor for U.S.-based pro-Palestinian activists, and it’s strongest to explain why they are unlikely to gain national traction like BLM. Most Americans just don’t care.
Fourth, although this is dominating the news cycles this week, these pro-Palestine occupations remain a small fraction of the violent social movements seen in 2020-2021. In addition to weaker U.S. ties to the Palestinian cause, a recession, and pandemic lockdowns have not put millions of activist-age Americans out of work. And there have been no stimulus payments for “walking around money” while activists are out protesting. These are two significant limiting factors. Some of this could be offset by the summer break, with activist-age students out of school, and social justice money employing paid protestors, but overall conditions are not conducive to another 2020-esque national protest movement.
And, lastly, another strong reason I have to doubt a national expansion is that city officials, law enforcement personnel, and even campus administrators are not lining up in support of these occupations as they did with BLM. There are no city officials giving militant activists “room to riot.” There are no law enforcement officers taking a knee for Hamas. Several of these encampments were cleared within a day or two of the occupation. Hundreds of activists have been arrested this week. Schools have been closing down and blocking access to their campuses, and virtually no one is entertaining the thought of weeks or months-long occupations as we saw in 2020.
Although these conditions could change, I believe they are unlikely to change substantially. I believe the most likely course of action is that this remains a disruptive but substantially smaller protest movement that does not gain widespread traction outside of universities and other typical, common protest locations.
The most dangerous course of action is that militant activists, perhaps aided by foreign governments, conduct violent attacks, such as bombings, reminiscent of the late 1960s and early 1970s militant activists and terrorist movements. A common Far Left tactic is to escalate when protests aren’t working. The protests are not working. Ensure you stay current with our protest and riot tracker over the next couple of weeks, and if you see a protest that we don’t have listed, please let us know!
Finally, I have no doubt there are efforts to use the pro-Palestinian movement to build a broader revolutionary movement, like we saw in 2020, If a larger protest movement, mass mobilization, or popular revolution attempt does grow, then the pro-Palestine movement will be a plank but is very unlikely to be the core of the movement. – M.S.
[Far Left] They're getting the [George Floyd riots] band back together with another phony, wrong headed cause.
If it succeeds, it will tear apart the Democrat Party.
Do you think any of these kooks will come to Chicago for the convention?
In the George Floyd riots, they [the Far Left and everyone who joined them] were fighting Democrat power as well, Democrat-run cities and police departments.
No Republican-run cities were affected (because there aren't any).
Have not watched this yet:
:-D :-D :-D
The number of JC convictions to the number of BLM rioters convicted:
Not if it’s a clip of Nancy Pelosi stating contemporaneously she failed to prepare adequately for Jan. 6 that Pelosi’s daughter recorded and shared with HBO:
Not if it’s a clip of Nancy Pelosi stating contemporaneously she failed to prepare adequately for Jan. 6 that Pelosi’s daughter recorded and shared with HBO:
A little late (almost 4 years) in the J6 blame game ... but we'll take it!
Nancy Pelisi's fault. Their presence instead of embedded rabble rousers would have prevented all that
But preventing it from happening wasn't what they wanted.
(4) “OPERATION CAMPUS FLOOD” TO BOOST CAMPUS PROTESTS: Pro-Palestine activists are calling for an escalation in Bay Area campus protests and occupations under a campaign called “Operation Campus Flood.”
Organizers are calling for a week of autonomous action for the greater San Francisco Bay, California-area college campuses.
An article published in left wing media calls for the “liberation” of books and computers from college libraries; the expropriation of materials needed to build and sustain a larger escalation; the seizure of buildings; and asks whether a “direct attack” will be required.
Why It Matters: While this is initially limited to the Bay Area, two factors could lead to other regions adopting Campus Flood-type escalations. First, the pro-Palestine protests are organized by a national network of activist groups like Palestinian Youth Movement and Students for Justice in Palestine, and political organizations like Democratic Socialists of America. Successful tactics and strategies spread to other parts of the country through these national organizations. And second, escalation is a core part of left wing doctrine, i.e., when one tactic isn’t working, escalate until it starts working. We did see this in the beginning of the campus protests: when mere encampments weren’t working, students began taking over campus buildings, reminiscent of the 1968 occupations against the Vietnam Conflict. Being that these protests are not having the intended effect, left wing groups will typically escalate into more disruptive or violent demonstrations. We may see culminating action in the fall when students return to school. – M.S.
They are shameless in the fictions they create and the real murders they ignore:
Who Had Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick ‘Murdered’?
His reported ‘death by fire extinguisher’ was no accident. Congress needs to find out pronto who ordered the hit.
June 18, 2024, 10:45 PM
A memorial for Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick (Nicole Glass Photography/Shutterstock)
This plot seems too diabolical to be true, but true it is. Late in the day of January 7, 2021, unknown operatives within the D.C. establishment made the conscious decision to have Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick “murdered.” Two of them relayed the news of the Sicknick murder to the New York Times. Reporters Zolan Kanno-Youngs and Tracey Tulley described these operatives as “law enforcement officials.”
Babbitt was, in fact, one of four protestors to die that day, three as a result of police action.
In the unrevised version from January 8, 2021, the reporters told Times readers that “pro-Trump rioters … struck [Sicknick] in the head with a fire extinguisher.” For authenticity’s sake they added this chilling detail: “With a bloody gash in his head, Mr. Sicknick was rushed to the hospital and placed on life support.”
To secure Sicknick’s status as a martyr to the cause of democracy, the operatives saw to it that Sicknick’s cremated remains were laid in honor in the Capitol Rotunda. The previous last American to be so honored was Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and, before her, civil rights hero John Lewis. Sicknick’s remains were then buried with full honors at Arlington National Cemetery. He had served six years in the Air National Guard.
In analyzing a given event, it is sometimes hard to distinguish conspiracy from incompetence. In this case, incompetence led to conspiracy. At 2:44 p.m. on January 6, a panicky Capitol Police officer, Lt. Michael Byrd, ignored all standard police protocol and fatally shot 35-year-old Ashli Babbitt, a 14-year Air Force veteran. This shooting was part of no one’s plan. (READ MORE from Jack Cashill: First, They Came for the J6ers)
Byrd was positioned on the far side of the heavily barricaded doors leading to the House lobby. On the exposed side stood three Capitol Police officers. A few minutes before the shooting, Babbit had walked by herself down the long, narrow corridor leading to the lobby doors.
Following her was citizen journalist Tayler Hansen who recorded her movements. Hansen offered the officers some water, while Babbitt joked with them. These were her people. She had spent most of her military career in police work.
Within a minute or two, a trailing crowd of roughly thirty people quickly filled up the hallway behind Babbitt. In that crowd was Zachary Alam, thirty, a repeat offender with no social media ties to Donald Trump or MAGA. Alam moved to the front of the crowd, reached between the officers, and began punching the glass panels while yelling, “F*** the blue.”
Appalled by Alam’s behavior, Ashli’s police training kicked in. “Call f***ing back-up!” she shouted at the feckless officers as they stood in place with their backs to the doors, doing nothing. “She was basically yelling at these officers telling them to do their jobs,” said Hansen.
For more than a minute after the first window was cracked, protestors argued with the officers but did not touch them or threaten them. Nor did they smash any more windows. In a subsequent press release the Department of Justice (DOJ) observed, “Eventually, the three USCP officers positioned outside the doors were forced to evacuate.” The video does not bear this out at all. The officers were not in any imminent danger.
As soon as the officers pulled away, Alam grabbed a helmet from a protestor and broke out all the glass from the transom on far the right side. “Ashli was actively trying to disarm these people,” said Hansen, “trying to calm them down through this entire kind of confrontation with these police officers.”
After yelling for Alam to stop, Ashli took matters into her own hands, literally. A southpaw, she yanked at Alam’s backpack with her right hand. As he spun around, she slugged him square in the face with her left fist. His glasses flew off on impact.
Fleeing the madness, Ashli hopped with some assistance into the window frame now fully free of glass. Only a person as small as she could have managed that feat. Just seven seconds after she slugged Alam, said Hansen, “Michael Leroy Byrd ended up issuing the kill shot with no verbal warning.”
Complicating matters for the operatives was that the shot had been recorded by John Earle Sullivan, a black provocateur with BLM roots. Sensing a payday for his footage, Sullivan had his agent contact CNN on January 6 and enter into a one-week agreement for use of the critical forty-four seconds. CNN paid him $35,000.
This video undermined the Democrat narrative. Babbitt was, in fact, one of four protestors to die that day, three as a result of police action, but her death was the most visible. The shooting of a petite, attractive, unarmed young Air Force veteran made it difficult to sell the saga of heroic police officers fending off a rabid mob, especially since all the dead were J6ers, and none of the police was seriously injured.
Sara Carpenter, one of ten women I profile in my new book, Ashli: The Untold Story of the Women of January 6, shed unwitting light on the plot to “murder” Sicknick. A medically retired NYPD officer, Carpenter was driving back to New York after her day at the Capitol when she called an old friend who lived in Maryland.
When Carpenter mentioned where she had been that day, her friend started screaming at her, “You killed somebody,” the “you” referring to the protestors. “You killed a Capitol Police officer with a fire extinguisher.” The friend’s husband had once been a Capitol Police officer. Carpenter presumed he had inside information.“It sent me reeling,” she told me.
Fortunately for the operatives, the 42-year-old Sicknick just happened to die on January 7 from a stroke. They then wedded Sicknick’s real death to the fire extinguisher rumor and commissioned the aforementioned “law enforcement officials” to sell this cruel fiction to the New York Times. It appeared under the shocking headline, “He Dreamed of Being a Police Officer, Then Was Killed by a Pro-Trump Mob.”
Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald made a screen shot of the Times account before it could be revised. “This horrifying story about a pro-Trump mob beating a police officer to death was repeated over and over, by multiple journalists on television, in print, and on social media,” said Greenwald. He called this counterfeit murder “the single most-emphasized and known story of the event.” It cowed the entire GOP into silence.
The D.C. medical examiner’s office performed Sicknick’s autopsy on January 8. To preserve his fictional murder as fact, the medical examiner sat on the autopsy report for more than 100 days and might never have released it were it not for pressure from a Judicial Watch lawsuit.
This suit also forced the medical examiner to reveal the true cause of Sicknick’s death, specifically two strokes at the base of his brain stem caused by a clot. Sicknick died a “natural death” on January 7. There was no fire extinguisher. No bloody gash. No rush to the hospital. Sicknick, a reported Trump supporter, did not deserve this ghoulish exploitation. (READ MORE: Why Republicans Should Make January 6 Their Issue)
There is considerable debate as to whether January 6 was a trap or even an inside job. Beyond debate is the fact that someone had Brian Sicknick murdered. His reported “death by fire extinguisher” was no accident. Congress needs to find out pronto who ordered the hit.
Jack Cashill’s new book, Ashli: The Untold Story of the Women of January 6, is now available for purchase.
Perhaps misfiled, but compare and contrast Bragg’s approach with Trump to this slack effort, or indeed J6 defendants. Had these kids been Republicans they’d still be in jail awaiting trial:
30 people break into college building and occupy it and are arrested
but released due to lack of evidence and their first arrest.
justice works !
no one is above the law !
Anti-Israel Violence Sweeps Country
Felony burglary charges have been filed against 13 Stanford University students associated with the campus group Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) for breaking into the school president’s office and locking themselves inside. Read More
Anti-Israel activists vandalized the homes of individuals associated with the Brooklyn Museum and the United Nations with red paint and graffiti. Read More
Masked anti-Israel protesters took over a New York City subway car and demanded to know if there were any “Zionists” on the train — then warned them: “This is your chance to get out.” Read More
The U.S. Department of Education has initiated an investigation into a complaint that Chapman University failed to respond to antisemitic harassment and exclusion of Jewish students in violation of the Civil Rights Act. Read More
An NYC Anti-Israel protester told Jews who were honoring the hundreds of Israelis killed on Oct. 7 that he wished “Hitler was still here” because the Nazi leader would have “wiped all you out.” Read More
UC Berkeley Professor Hatem Bazian shared a livestream from the Gaza encampment at the University in which speakers praised violent Palestinian “resistance.” Read More
Minnesota Man Sentenced for Support to ISIS
Abdelhamid Al-Madioum, 27, of St. Louis Park, Minn., was sentenced to 10 years in prison followed by 15 years of supervised release for providing material support to ISIS.
Al-Madioum joined ISIS in Syria in 2015, received military training, and served as a soldier and personnel database administrator.
He continued to support ISIS after being injured in military activities until his capture by Syrian Democratic Forces in 2019. Read More
Eight ISIS Supporters Arrested in Multi-City Sting Operation
Eight Tajikistan nationals were arrested for attempting to support ISIS by providing money, technology, and equipment to the terrorist organization.
The arrests were a result of a joint operation between U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and other international law enforcement agencies in a coordinated sting operation spanning Los Angeles, New York and Philadelphia.
The suspects used complex financial transactions to mask the flow of funds intended for ISIS.
The suspects crossed into the US via the Southern border and were linked to ISIS later, as a result of the U.S. government’s highly sensitive targeting of the communications of ISIS members abroad. Read More
Militant-Right & Militant-Left Extremism
Nicholas Fuentes, leader of far-right group America First, attends an anti-vaccine protest in front of Gracie Mansion on November 13, 2021 in New York City - Stephanie Keith/Getty Images
Nicholas Fuentes, leader of far-right group America First, attends an anti-vaccine protest in front of Gracie Mansion on November 13, 2021 in New York City - Stephanie Keith/Getty Images
Far-Right Conference Canceled in Detroit
The group America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC), led by the far-right nationalist Nicholas Fuentes, canceled their conference in Detroit due to a dispute between the organizers and the venue.
The event was supposed to be a counter to the Turning Point USA’s convention also being held in Detroit. Fuentes entered a TPUSA event, but was quickly escorted out by security while shouting that Israel was in control of the conference.
Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke was in attendance, along with fellow antisemites and anti-Israel personalities Jake Shields, Sulaiman Ahmed, Anastasia Maria Loupis, and Nicolas "Sneako" Kenn De Balinthazy. Read More
Three Plead Guilty to Targeting Pro-Life Pregnancy Resource Center
Three Florida residents–Caleb Freestone, Amber Smith-Stewart, and Annarella Rivera–pleaded guilty to conspiring to threaten and intimidate employees of pro-life pregnancy resource centers by vandalizing the facilities with threatening messages.
The attacks, conducted between May and July 2022, targeted centers providing abortion alternatives and included messages like, “If abortions aren’t safe then neither are you.”
The defendants face a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison, with sentencing to be scheduled later. Read More
NYPD Arrests Man Heavily Armed During Traffic Stop
Judd Sanson, 27, was arrested in East Elmhurst, N.Y., after a traffic stop revealed an arsenal of weapons, including a loaded 9 mm pistol, along with a body armor vest with an NYPD patch inside it, an MTA vest, and a baton with the written words “Left Me No Choice” and an Arabic expression that means, “Ask In God For Forgiveness.”
Police also recovered a Guys Fawkes mask, which is sometimes used as an anti-government symbol.
Sanson, who allegedly expressed extremist views online, faces multiple charges, including criminal possession of a weapon and unlawful use of a police uniform emblem. He faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted. Read More
Hate Crime
A Bellingham (Wash.) police patrol vehicle in front of Whatcom Middle School - KOMO News via KOMO News screenshot
A Bellingham (Wash.) police patrol vehicle in front of Whatcom Middle School - KOMO News via KOMO News screenshot
Man Charged With Hate Crime After Assaulting Black Student
Bellingham, Wash., police are investigating a hate crime after a Black student was attacked during a Whatcom Middle School field trip.
The assault occurred at a local park, where the student was targeted with racial slurs before being physically attacked by another student. Read More
Man Facing Hate Crime Charges for Road Rage Incident
A man in Baltimore faces charges after a road rage incident believed to be a hate crime.
The suspect allegedly used racial slurs and made threats against the victim, who is of Asian descent. The incident escalated to physical violence, with the suspect attempting to assault the victim. Read More
Tacoma Man Charged With Attempted Murder
Dallas Clayton Stevens, 31, of Tacoma, Wash., was charged with second-degree attempted murder, first-degree assault, possession of a dangerous weapon, and a hate crime.
Stevens shot a Black employee outside a Tacoma pot shop in a racially motivated attempted murder case. Read More
"Minnesota Man Sentenced for Support to ISIS ...
Abdelhamid Al-Madioum, ..." "Minnesota man". :wink:
Yes, those traditional Minnesota names! It reminds me of state high school basketball tournament broadcasting of a central Minnesota team: " Larson has the ball, brings it up court, passes to Erickson, over to Anderson, in to Nelson, back out to Larson, he shoots, he SCORES!
After a few minutes it sounds like a parody. But now we have Abdelhamid Al-Madioum - and somehow the crime rate went up...
House must repudiate Jan. 6 committee
Findings, subpoenas and other actions should be null and void
By Newt Gingrich
The hard work of Rep. Barry Loudermilk and his team on the House Administration Committee has proved that the Jan. 6 committee operated completely outside the bounds of legitimacy. The Jan. 6 committee broke House rules, violated legal ethics, trampled witnesses’ constitutional rights, and established a systematic pattern of lying and misleading Congress and the nation.
The evidence Mr. Loudermilk, Georgia Republican, has been developing further makes clear that then-Rep. Liz Cheney was a driving force in polluting the committee.
Then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi picked all the committee members. The committee never met the House standards for genuine bipartisanship. The speed and recklessness with which it was established and populated further indicated that it was poisoned from the beginning.
On June 28, 2021, Mrs. Pelosi introduced the resolution to establish the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. Two days later — in a largely partisan vote — the House passed it with a 222-190 vote. All the Democrats and only two Republicans, Ms. Cheney and then-Rep. Adam Kinzinger, voted to establish the committee. The other 190 Republicans present voted against it.
The next day, Mrs. Pelosi appointed eight members: Reps. Bennie Thompson, Zoe Lofgren, Adam Schiff, Pete Aguilar, Stephanie Murphy, Jamie Raskin, Elaine Luria and Cheney. The following month, she appointed Mr. Kinzinger, the Illinois Republican who was openly anti-Trump and had voted to impeach him. He was a perfect fit for the Pelosi-Cheney goal of having a one-sided investigation.
Then-Republican leader Kevin McCarthy had previously named five potential Republicans for the committee: Reps. Jim Banks, Jim Jordan, Rodney Davis, Kelly Armstrong and Troy Nehls. Neither Ms. Cheney nor Mr. Kinzinger was on McCarthy’s list. Mrs. Pelosi had of course rejected Mr. Banks and Mr. Jordan, so Mr. McCarthy pulled all Republicans from the committee. So, at this point, Ms. Cheney and Mr. Kinzinger were effectively functioning as Democrats.
By Sept. 2, 2021, Mr. Thompson had named Ms. Cheney vice chair of the committee.
From Mrs. Pelosi’s standpoint, Ms. Cheney was the perfect pick. Ms. Cheney’s own rabid hatred of former President Donald Trump had driven her from being a rising star in the Republican Party to being a pariah who worked with Democrats.
The Wyoming Republican Party had censured Ms. Cheney over her anti-Trump mania. She had infuriated enough House Republicans to be ousted as chair of the House Republican Conference, the third-highest minority party job. She went from that highranking post to becoming vice chair of the select committee designed to help Democrats and attack Republicans.
On the committee, Ms. Cheney’s hatred for Mr. Trump further drove her to a series of actions that violated House rules and ignored legal ethics. She destroyed evidence to keep it from the House and manipulated information to prove her points — even when they were profoundly false. Throughout the process, she also knowingly violated the canon of ethics by manipulating witnesses without their attorneys’ knowledge. Ms. Cheney’s contempt for Republicans was clear when she said to the committee in June 2022, “Tonight, I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible: There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain.”
I remember watching at the time and thinking what a deep level of anger and arrogance it must take to publicly condemn people who had once made you their thirdranking leader.
Then, it occurred to me: Mrs. Pelosi was tactically attacking Mr. Trump as a current opponent — and strategically destroying a potential future rival in Ms. Cheney at the same time.
This only clarified my belief that the Jan. 6 committee was a calculated, partisan fraud focused solely on imposing a false narrative on the country to help elect Democrats.
As Mr. Loudermilk is proving in his investigation, the current Congress owes it to history and justice to repudiate the Jan. 6 committee and declare its findings, subpoenas and other actions null and void.
For more commentary form Newt Gingrich, visit And subscribe to the “Newt’s World” podcast
J6 defendant wins at SCOTUS: "These people should be in jail," Joe Biden mumbled last night about the January 6 defendants. "And they should be the ones who are being held accountable." The ones who tangled with police should be in jail, but not the ones who were let in as tourists by the police. The Supreme Court may have made that outcome possible with a key ruling issued this morning. "The justices on a 6-3 vote handed a win to defendant Joseph Fischer, who is among hundreds of Jan. 6 defendants — including Trump — who have been charged with obstructing an official proceeding," reports NBC News, probably after a shot of bourbon. "The court concluded that the law, enacted in 2002 as part of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act after the Enron accounting scandal, was only intended to apply in limited circumstances involving tampering with physical evidence." It now goes back to a lower court for reconsideration. The Biden DOJ threw everything and the kitchen sink at J6 defendants in hopes of inflating the number of those jailed and, thus, the seriousness of the "insurrection." At least for now, using an obscure and unrelated statute to do so isn't going to cut it.
Supreme Court limits scope of obstruction charge levied against Jan. 6 defendants, including Trump
By Melissa Quinn
Updated on: June 28, 2024 / 2:15 PM EDT / CBS News
Washington — The Supreme Court on Friday ruled in favor of a former Pennsylvania police officer who was charged with obstructing an official proceeding after he entered the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021, and narrowed the Justice Department's use of a federal obstruction statute leveled against scores of people who breached the building where Congress had convened to count state electoral votes.
The court ruled 6-3 in finding that to prove a violation of the obstruction law, the government must show that the defendant impaired the availability or integrity of records, documents or other objects used in an official proceeding. Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson joined five conservatives in the majority, while Justice Amy Coney Barrett sided with the two other liberals.
The case was sent back to the lower court for further proceedings, and the court said it can assess the sufficiency of the obstruction charge brought against defendant Joseph Fischer in light of its ruling.
Writing for the court, Chief Justice John Roberts said that accepting the Justice Department's reading of the law would give prosecutors "broad discretion to seek a 20-year maximum sentence for acts Congress saw fit to punish only with far shorter terms of imprisonment."
Jan. 6 cases
The Supreme Court's decision could affect the ongoing prosecutions of nearly 250 defendants charged with obstruction for their participation in the Jan. 6 assault. It could also upend cases that have already been adjudicated, since those who were convicted of violating the obstruction statute or pleaded guilty could seek resentencing, withdraw their pleas or ask for new trials. There are 52 cases in which a defendant was convicted and sentenced on charges where the obstruction count was the sole felony, and of those, 27 are currently incarcerated, according to the Justice Department.
Trump supporters gather on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C.
Trump supporters gather on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C.
Crucially, the ruling could also impact the federal prosecution of former President Donald Trump, who is facing charges stemming from an alleged scheme to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. The obstruction statute and conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding are among the four counts Trump faces in the case brought by special counsel Jack Smith. Trump has pleaded not guilty to all charges.
Read More
While the impact on the Supreme Court's ruling on Trump's case was not immediately clear, the former president could ask a federal district court to toss out the two obstruction-related counts as a result. Smith told the Supreme Court in a filing in another case that regardless of the ruling in Fischer's case, the obstruction charges against Trump are still valid because he is alleged to have organize false slates of electors, which involves documents.
The justices are still weighing a bid by Trump to have the entire indictment dismissed on the grounds of presidential immunity, though they have yet to issue a decision. The special counsel's office declined to comment on Friday's ruling.
Attorney General Merrick Garland said he was "disappointed" by the decision, but said it would have a minimal impact on Jan. 6 cases.
"There are no cases in which the Department charged a January 6 defendant only with the offense at issue in Fischer. For the cases affected by today's decision, the Department will take appropriate steps to comply with the Court's ruling," Garland said in a statement. "We will continue to use all available tools to hold accountable those criminally responsible for the January 6 attack on our democracy."
Fischer v. U.S.
The law at the center of the case was passed in the wake of the Enron accounting fraud scandal and makes it a crime to "corruptly" obstruct or impede an official proceeding. The statute is typically used in cases that involve evidence tampering, since its first provision is focused on documents. But after the Jan. 6 attack, federal prosecutors leveled the obstruction charge against more than 350 defendants who allegedly entered the Capitol after Congress had convened to certify the election results.
More than 1,400 people have been charged in connection with the Jan. 6 assault. The vast majority — 82% — were not charged with violating the obstruction statute, according to the Justice Department.
One of those defendants who was charged is Fischer, who faced seven counts, including assaulting a police officer, disorderly conduct and corruptly obstructing an official proceeding. Violators of the obstruction statute face up to 20 years in prison.
Fischer moved to dismiss the obstruction count, and a federal district judge ruled that nothing in the indictment alleged that he "took some action with respect to a document, record, or other object" to obstruct the congressional proceedings.
That judge, U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols, was the only one out of 15 hearing Jan. 6 cases in Washington who adopted a narrow reading of the law.
The federal appeals court in Washington, though, ruled against Fischer in a divided decision last year. He then appealed to the Supreme Court, and Fischer's case marked the first in which the justices confronted the aftermath of the Jan. 6 attack.
Writing for the court, Roberts noted the motivation behind enacting the obstruction statute — to close a gap in the law exposed by the Enron scandal — and said it would be "peculiar" if Congress hid away in the second part of the measure a "catchall provision that reaches far beyond document shredding and similar scenarios that prompted the legislation in the first place."
The "better conclusion," the chief justice said, is that Congress designed the statute to encompass other forms of evidence and other means of impairing its integrity beyond those it specified.
"Given that [the provision] was enacted to address the Enron disaster, not some further flung set of dangers, it is unlikely that Congress responded with such an unfocused and 'grossly incommensurate patch,'" Roberts wrote for the court.
But Barrett, in dissent, said the obstruction law is a broad provision and argued that while the events like Jan. 6 were not its target, statutes often extend further than the initial problem they were intended to solve.
"Joseph Fischer allegedly participated in a riot at the Capitol that forced the delay of Congress's joint session on January 6th. Blocking an official proceeding from moving forward surely qualifies as obstructing or impeding the proceeding by means other than document destruction," she wrote. "Fischer's alleged conduct thus falls within [the law's] scope.
She was joined by Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.
On the heels of the Supreme Court's ruling, at least one judge on the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., moved quickly to schedule additional proceedings in some cases of Jan. 6 defendants who have been sentenced for violating the obstruction law. One of those involves the first defendant to be convicted in a jury trial, Guy Reffitt, who was sentenced to 87 months in prison. Reffitt was found guilty of obstructing an official proceeding and other offenses, and the judge overseeing his case has called for more proceedings in light of the Supreme Court's decision.
The legal fight over the obstruction law was one of three cases before the court in its current term with implications for Trump. In arguing that the obstruction charges against Trump would not be impacted by a ruling in this case, Smith pointed to his claims that Trump deceitfully organized fake slates of electors in seven battleground states and urged state officials to send the false certificates to Congress. The creation of those documents, Smith said, "satisfies an evidence-impairment interpretation."
I'll add he has also been a Deep State hatchetman pursuing effective Republicans for a couple decades now:
Now is a good time to remind everyone that Jack Smith is and always has been a stone-cold loser.
His J6 case is barely on life support in DC after he fudged the case. Judge Cannon is systematically destroying his docs case in addition to destroying the reputation and sanity of his prosecutors in Florida.
And Justice Thomas just gave Cannon one more reason to dismiss docs case for unlawful appointment of Smith--a defense motion currently pending in her court:
Evidence of the DOJ and DC judge withholding exculpatory evidence:
Though the left is both downplaying and rending their breasts over this SCOTUS decision, it boils down to prosecution 101, something it seems the DOJ hasn’t mastered:
This is a guest post by David W. Fischer, a Maryland and D.C.-based criminal defense attorney and the senior partner at Fischer & Putzi, P.A. Most recently, Mr. Fischer defended January 6 defendant Thomas Caldwell, who was acquitted on seditious and other conspiracy charges. He is not related to Joseph Fischer, the defendant in the Supreme Court’s Fischer v. United States decision.
Declassified with Julie Kelly is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
On June 28, the United States Supreme Court handed down its opinion in Fischer v. United States, a decision that affects hundreds of January 6 defendants (J6ers) who were charged with felony “obstruction of an official proceeding” for their actions on January 6. The statute at issue in Fischer, 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c), provides:
Whoever corruptly —
(1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or
(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) took the position that subsection (2) of the statute is an independent clause and, accordingly, alleged that the physical presence of protestors illegally inside the Capitol itself constituted “obstruction” of the Electoral College certification on January 6.
Writing for the 6-3 majority, however, Chief Justice John Roberts rejected the DOJ’s reading, instead holding that the government must prove that a defendant’s alleged obstruction must relate to the impairment of evidence, i.e., “records, documents, or objects,” intended for use in the proceeding.
Contrary to the DOJ’s recent spin, the Fischer decision was a massive defeat for the government, as it had (mis) used Section 1512(c)(2)—a felony that entailed draconian sentencing guidelines and a presumption that charged defendants be held pre-trial without bail—against nearly 340 J6ers.
Fischer Decision is Hardly Controversial
While left-leaning lawyers have been endlessly tweeting about Fischer being proof of a judicial putsch in favor of Donald Trump, the Supreme Court’s decision is hardly surprising. For years the Supreme Court, led by the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, has reigned in the DOJ’s broad interpretations of obstruction statutes. In fact, the Fischer majority heavily relied on Justice Ginsburg’s seminal opinion in United States v. Yates, a 2015 decision, where the Supreme Court rejected the DOJ’s contention that a similarly-worded obstruction statute applied to fishermen deep-sixing their catch just before an inspection of their vessel.
The main point of contention in Fischer was Congress’s use of the word “otherwise” between the two clauses in Section 1512(c). The majority—correctly—ruled that “otherwise” was intended to connect the two clauses; hence, the second clause was not a sweeping, independent obstruction statute but, rather, a “residual clause” designed by Congress to criminalize similar, but slightly different, acts of evidence destruction.
For example, if a crooked CEO under investigation by the S.E.C. sets out thousands of incriminating documents on his porch, knowing they will be blown away by the wind, he did not “alter,” “destroy” “mutilate,” or “conceal” documents, but he would still be guilty of Section 1512(c)(2) because his conduct “otherwise” obstructed a grand jury investigation by preventing relevant documents from being reviewed.
How will Fischer affect January 6 defendants?
The Fischer decision opens the door to the dismissal of every single Section 1512(c)(2) count that was charged against January 6 defendants, even those defendants who have already entered a guilty plea (mostly under prosecutorial threat) or were found guilty by a judge or jury. Why? To answer that question, one must understand the importance of charging language used in grand jury indictments and other charging documents.
In order to properly charge a person with a crime, the government, through the grand jury, must spell out each and every “essential element” of the crime charged. It is not good enough to allege in an indictment, for example, that John Doe “committed a burglary.” Instead, a constitutionally valid burglary indictment must include all essential elements that comprise the crime of burglary, e.g., that John Doe “did break and enter the dwelling of Jane Smith with the intent to commit a felony therein.” The correct charging language is constitutional, as it puts John Doe on notice that his alleged criminal conduct was: 1) breaking and entering; 2) the dwelling of another person; 3) and did so with the intent to commit a felony.
If the prosecutor screws up and fails to list each and every essential element of a crime in the indictment, the prosecutor has failed to charge a crime, even if it is obvious which crime was intended to be charged. The failure to list all essential elements of a crime makes the indicted count “jurisdictionally defective.”
In other words, the Court lacks the power, i.e., the authority to exercise jurisdiction, to enter a judgment of conviction against the defendant, since a crime has not been alleged. More importantly, the prosecutor is prohibited from correcting a jurisdictional defect in an indictment. Finally, a defendant can move to dismiss a jurisdictionally defective indictment at any time—before or during trial, after he or she is convicted, and even in an appellate court. In short, failure to allege each and every essential element of a crime in an indictment equals a failure to charge a crime, and courts cannot punish those who were never charged with a crime in the first place.
How does this apply to J6ers?
Every indictment in January 6 cases that charged defendants with violating 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2) used the exact same charging language: “On or about January 6, 2021, the defendant did corruptly obstruct, influence and impede an official proceeding[.]” Under the Fischer decision, however, the government must prove that a J6er’s intent was to “impair the use or availability” of “documents, records, or objects” or “witness testimony” for an official proceeding.
Accordingly, every J6er Section 1512(c)(2) indictment is defective because all fail to allege two essential elements of that statute—that the defendant 1) targeted tangible or intangible evidence; and 2) did so with the intent to impair the use or availability of this evidence for an official proceeding.
In short, the DOJ charged hundreds of J6ers with non-crimes; any current or convicted defendants will likely have success in moving to dismiss their Section 1512(c)(2) counts or in setting aside their guilty pleas based on the holding in Fischer.
Will the DOJ Empire Strike Back?
The DOJ is not happy about the Fischer decision and is currently strategizing ways to circumvent the Supreme Court’s ruling. For example, in certain cases the DOJ may attempt to recharge using corrected charging language in indictments, which will claim that particular defendants targeted the ceremonial ballot box or other documents used by Congress during the January 6 certification. Creative charging language, however, doesn’t change the evidence, which is quite strong that none of the J6ers were targeting evidence.
January 6, obviously, was a protest that got out of hand. Unfortunately, many of the judges in D.C. have been amenable to the DOJ’s expansive reading of the law. Nevertheless, the Fischer decision likely means very good news for most defendants who were charged with obstructing Congress.
Nice find BBG. Clear and precise discussion of the legal issues.
The lawlessness of Dem admins often astounds:
NEW: Sources tell me DHS Secretary Mayorkas is stonewalling the release of this DHS IG report, which would include any security failures or perhaps involvement by the Secret Service on January 6.
For 2 years, the Biden White House, Democrats in Congress, and the media have attacked DHS IG Joseph Cuffari, who discovered that all of the texts belonging to roughly two dozen Secret Service officials including the head of USSS related to Jan 6 had been deleted at the end of January 2021--under the Biden regime.
Cuffari sought a criminal investigation into the purge of the messages--which occurred AFTER Democrats notified each federal agency to preserve all records and documents for Jan 6.
Instead, the J6 Committee and Biden White House started to smear Cuffari, claiming he failed to notify Congress about the missing texts--which is not true.
Cuffari today announced an inquiry into the Secret Service for the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.
Why the Jan. 6 ‘Insurrection’ Argument Falls Flat
Whatever Trump’s role, the riot was one of many cases of Covid-era folly. Most voters would prefer not to be reminded.
By Barton Swaim
July 19, 2024 5:17 pm ET
President Biden has based his 2024 campaign on a theme that, as a consequence of the failed assassination attempt on his opponent, now sounds dissonant and unbecoming. That theme is that Donald Trump is a “threat to democracy.” The evidence for that claim, other than some of Mr. Trump’s zanier remarks over the years, consists mainly of one thing: the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot.
Democrats bring up this event at nearly every opportunity. The New York Times and Washington Post have never stopped running stories about every detail of that day and its aftermath. The riot is routinely called an “insurrection,” as if such a motley crowd, acting on a lamebrained theory about the Electoral Count Act of 1887, could have overthrown the government and imposed a dictatorship.
It’s true that the Jan. 6 riot was a disgrace and an embarrassment to the United States. But Democrats have vastly overinterpreted its political significance. Their belief that it would work as a peremptory argument against a second Trump term was a fantasy. To understand why, consider another event, which almost all of us would rather forget: the Covid-19 pandemic.
The governmental response was colossally foolish: harsh lockdowns and school closings that didn’t arrest the virus’s spread while imposing massive economic and educational costs; social discord over mask and vaccine mandates that offered little if any health benefit. Yet few of the governors and big-city mayors who imposed these policies and quashed dissent suffered any electoral consequence—even those caught breaking their own draconian rules: Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser, San Francisco Mayor London Breed and California Gov. Gavin Newsom, among many others.
They all claimed to be following “science” and “data,” but somehow science and data are unable to support them in hindsight. Nobody expects the lockdown lords, as my colleague Daniel Henninger once called them, to admit they were wrong, but one might have expected their failure and hypocrisy to be punished at the ballot box. It wasn’t.
The melancholy reality, two years after the pandemic’s end, is that nobody wants to think about what went wrong. Consider the near-total absence of the pandemic experience in popular culture. The Covid-19 pandemic was a world-shaping event that reorganized social life at every level. Everyone was affected by it, and almost everyone had strong opinions on it. Yet in 2024, if you didn’t already know that the entire developed world had been transfixed by the virus four years ago, you would have almost no clue. You could watch scores of movies and television shows produced in the last two years, and read a hundred popular novels published after the pandemic subsided, and have no idea that four years before, everybody thought and talked about one thing every day: the virus. Only the poor odd soul still wearing a mask would suggest to you that anything had happened.
For ordinary people, the whole Covid era in all its expressions—masking, social distancing, sheltering in place, not going to the park because city officials had taken down basketball rims and tennis nets—is a mad muddle best left unremembered, or at least undiscussed. Why would anyone want to remember?
More or less the same was true of the far deadlier 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. “The important and almost incomprehensible fact about Spanish influenza is that it killed millions upon millions of people in a year or less,” writes Alfred Crosby in “America’s Forgotten Pandemic” (2003), an updated version of his important study “Epidemic and Peace” (1976). “Nothing else—no infection, no war, no famine—has ever killed so many in as short a period. And yet it has never inspired awe, not in 1918 and not since, not among the citizens of any particular land and not among the citizens of the United States.”
Recorded data of the Spanish flu pandemic are plentiful. Memoirs of it aren’t. The people who lived through it didn’t want to talk about it ever again.
In the case of Covid, it’s reasonable to think that many Americans are reluctant to reconsider their experience because they themselves behaved in a lot of stupid ways. A horrific video of an arrest gone awry, in which a black man was killed by a white policeman kneeling on his neck, impelled hundreds of thousands of Americans to burst into the streets shouting inanities. “Defund the Police” and “ACAB”—all cops are bastards—were among the many idiotic slogans thrown around to justify mayhem in the summer of 2020. Ignoramuses toppled and vandalized statues, hoodlums smashed windows and looted stores, and black-clad masked insurgents—real ones—tried to destroy government buildings.
Mainstream media reporters defended violence in the cause of fighting “systemic racism,” made excuses for looting, and strained to present nihilistic ruffianism as a just response to oppression. The famous CNN chyron announcing “fiery but mostly peaceful protests” nicely captures the madness of the pandemic summer. Media commentators and public-health authorities, having insisted for months that people wear masks and keep 6 feet apart even outdoors and shamed those who rejected this absurd guidance, suddenly proclaimed mass street protests acceptable on the grounds that they advanced an ideal higher than public health.
A year of faceless interactions, pointless shutdowns, government-generated bankruptcies and Zoom “meetings” made everybody a touch insane—unhinged, unbalanced. News reports at the time noted a spike in car crashes, even though fewer cars were on the road. Conventional wisdom held that less traffic encouraged drivers to speed, but that made no sense—you aren’t more likely to crash when fewer cars are around. A better explanation: The whole pandemic experience robbed everybody of their judgment. When people lacking judgment drive automobiles, they tend to drive their cars into trees, utility poles and other cars.
Another factor contributed to our collective injudiciousness in 2020: a hotly contested presidential election.
Presidential elections have always caused otherwise reasonable people of goodwill to behave in regrettable ways. The 2020 election was a perfect storm of acrimony and unreason, falling as it did in the middle of a pandemic in which many politicians ceded the authority their constituents had granted them to public-health experts who had no idea what they were doing.
In 2020, most of the press had for four years devoted itself to destroying a president who was then running for re-election. Recall the Russia-collusion hoax, the myriad claims by academics and media personalities that Mr. Trump would create a fascist America, or the easily falsifiable claim, still gospel in much of the media, that he had called neo-Nazis and white supremacists “very fine people.”
The propaganda intensified in the autumn of the election year: The postmaster general was trying to suppress mail-in votes to benefit Mr. Trump; Russia was paying Afghan jihadists to kill U.S. troops and the president didn’t care; Hunter Biden’s laptop wasn’t a newsworthy story since former intel officials said it was likely Russian disinformation—a claim that was itself disinformation. And on and on.
Until then, ordinary Republican voters hadn’t yet cracked, as Democratic ones had over the previous summer. Mr. Trump’s loss made Republicans crack.
For four years the media have been calling Mr. Trump’s false claims about the 2020 election the “big lie.” Many of his claims, fed to him by sycophants and delusional partisans, were outrageously false. As ever, Mr. Trump turned a valid, nuanced argument—that Democratic states and municipalities had liberalized election laws and procedures in the middle of the contest in ways that benefited Democrats—into a series of cockamamie assertions and wild exaggerations about outright election fraud.
He had always done this, and he still does. Recall his famous claim, in a series of Twitter posts on March 4, 2017, that President Obama had “tapped” Mr. Trump’s phone. The media guffawed. The claim was literally false. But in substance there was truth in it: Mr. Obama’s Justice Department had in fact spied on the candidate and his campaign, obtaining a warrant to wiretap one adviser. Or his claim during last month’s debate with Mr. Biden that “every legal scholar throughout the world” wanted Roe v. Wade overturned. Plainly he had been coached to say that even some liberal legal scholars thought Roe was wrongly decided in 1973. What came out was classic Trumpian hyperbole: not a few influential liberal scholars, but all of them, everywhere.
In 2020-21, Mr. Trump had every reason to complain about the ways in which Democrats had used the pandemic to justify loosening election rules. He could also see, as anyone could, that the media were deliberately ignoring Mr. Biden’s mental and physical limitations. All this, and the media’s almost daily falsehoods about him, led the president to claim, in his customarily maximalist way, that the election had been “stolen.”
Democrats and the media invariably portray the 2020 election as an ordinary one. It was an election like any other, they seem to believe, only for some reason it ended in protest and violence. But nothing about the pandemic year was normal, and certainly not the election.
The losing side of the 2020 election was guaranteed to claim that it had been stolen—particularly given Democrats’ recent propensity to protest legitimate election results, as they had done in 2000, 2004 and 2016. Yet although the election hadn’t been stolen by fraud, as many Republicans alleged and some still believe, the feeling that Mr. Trump’s presidency had been stolen piecemeal—by innumerable lies, a bogus investigation and the sudden liberalization of election laws—was entirely rational.
Mr. Trump’s postelection behavior was mystifying and discreditable, even in a year of lunacy and bad judgment. Couldn’t he make a measured, coherent case that the election had been unfair but nonetheless accept the result and mount an opposition campaign for 2024? He couldn’t. Did he have to accept every easily falsified tale of election fraud told to him by toadies and trumpet it to his supporters? He did. And those supporters were as ready to hear stories of election chicanery as their left-wing correlatives had been ready, six months before, to accept any allegation they heard, however ludicrous, about police violence and systemic racism.
The consequence, on Jan. 6, 2021, was a haphazard rush on a poorly guarded Capitol building in which a few ideologues and miscreants mixed with a mass of decent if misled Americans who, at the end of a white-hot election turned berserk by arbitrarily changed pandemic regulations, made the mistake of taking Mr. Trump’s rants both seriously and literally. Believing the bonkers legal theory that the vice president could forestall the transfer of power by refusing to certify electors from states in which the loser alleged fraud, protesters aimed to stop Congress from certifying Mr. Biden’s victory.
Unlike the vast majority of the lawbreakers who looted stores, vandalized monuments and attacked government buildings the previous summer, the Jan. 6 protesters were, almost to a man, found and prosecuted. Of more than 1,250 charged, more than half pleaded guilty, many offering apologies. Nonetheless the media and the Democratic Party settled on a preposterously overwrought term for this misbegotten event: “insurrection.”
The events of Jan. 6 were generated by pandemic-year poor judgment. Which is why Republicans will pay the same electoral price for it that Democrats have paid for lockdowns, school closings and onerous, pointless mandates: almost none. The Biden re-election campaign has based its entire effort on the idea that Mr. Trump is a “threat to democracy” and therefore that Jan. 6, or something like it, could happen again. To gauge the wisdom of that strategy, imagine Republicans basing their entire 2024 campaign on the idea that Democrats imposed senseless public-health mandates four years ago and will do it again if Mr. Biden wins.
Democratic officeholders and strategists have failed to understand that voters outside their own base, and perhaps many within it, don’t want to think about the long nightmare of 2020-21 any more than they have to. The Capitol riot, like the lockdowns, school closings and mandates, may never be forgiven—but they are already forgotten.
Mr. Swaim is an editorial page writer at the Journal.
New committee chair looking into J6 claims the last finding involved substantial "cherry picking" and promises the new assessment will be fair. Newly released video here:
Story here:
… is good for these Antifa rioters:
If the USCP have now declared the protests a "riot" that means 18 U.S.C. Sec. 231 is now in play.
That is felony.
Extensive use of "facial recognition" technology was used to ID J6 defendants.
There should be no less of an effort made here.
The FBI and other federal agencies should have LEOs in the crowd attempting to capture the IDs of rioters. :-D
Good question:
This is a major scandal.
It has been more than EIGHT MONTHS since the DC appellate court heard oral arguments in the appeal of Couy Griffin's conviction for the most common J6 misdemeanor--knowingly entering restricted grounds/building.
During the hearing on Dec. 4, the 3 judges (Clinton, Obama, Trump) indicated they would send the case back to Judge Trevor McFadden, who found Griffin guilty of 1752(a)(1) in March 2022.
Griffin's attorney asked for either an acquittal on the sole charge or require DOJ to prove to McFadden that Griffin knew the area was restricted (he did not go inside the building) and knew VP Pence was on the grounds, which rendered the area off limits bc he was a Secret Service protectee at the time.
Either way--the panel strongly indicated they believed foreknowledge was a necessary element to demonstrate guilt.
A ruling of that nature would have caused chaos in DC courthouse, potentially impacting hundreds of cases.
But as the panel weighed its decision, something seismic happened: SCOTUS granted cert in Fischer one week later.
Dem-heavy DC appellate court recognized the threat to the J6 prosecution AND narrative if both the most common misdemeanor and most common felony (1512c2) were reversed by higher courts.
Since SCOTUS granted cert, the court held oral arguments in April and posted its decision on June 28.
That entire time, the DC appellate court--an Obama appointee is the chief judge--SAT on releasing its order related to Griffin's appeal and continues to do so. Normal time btw oral arguments and decision is 4-5 months.
Apparently, this is not concerning to the "legal experts" who have accused other courts of slow walking key opinions in other political cases.
You can listen to the discussion here:$file/22-3042.mp3
it seems to me revolts have some sort of event that is a breaking point that enough people decide to fight back en masse
freedom worth more.
Growing up in a world from which I was taught to respect and admire freedom fighters.
OTOH , none of us really thought we might become one especially against our own government - media - academic elite ruling class.
VDH would be good person to ask from an ancient and modern history point of view.
His book
does speak of complacency
does speak of it won't happen to us....
no one would dare to do this to us.....
The other side being so educated would never do this to us.....
Michael Savage says people will revolt only when they are reduced to starvation
I don't know if this is true
Did Colonists revolt against King George because they were starving ?
A claim much hay was made about during the J6 show trial was that Trump had failed to seek National Guard troops to help maintain order. He in fact did seek them while Cheney & company hid docs showing he indeed did so:
Note how he begins with comparing jobs to illegals and legals vs jobs to Americans.
Bombshell transcripts: Trump urged use of troops to protect Capitol on Jan. 6 , but was rebuffed
By John Solomon
Published: September 23, 2024 11:00pm
Then-President Donald Trump gave clear instructions to Pentagon brass days before the Jan. 6 riots to “do whatever it takes” to keep the U.S. Capitol safe, including deploying National Guard or active-duty troops, but top officials did not comply because of political concerns, according to transcripts of bombshell interviews conducted by the Defense Department's chief watchdog that shine new light on government disfunction ahead of the historic tragedy.
Gen. Mark Milley, the former chairman of the Joints Chief of Staff, confirmed to the Pentagon inspector general three years ago that during a Jan. 3, 2021, Oval Office meeting Trump pre-approved the use of National Guard or active duty troops to keep peace in the nation’s capital on the day Congress was to certify the results of the 2020 election.
Milley's interviews were among several key to transcripts obtained by House Administration Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., and shared with Just the News.
“The President just says, ‘Hey look at this. It’s going to be a large amount of protesters come in here on the 6th, and make sure that you have sufficient National Guard or Soldiers to make sure it’s a safe event,’” Milley told the inspector general in one of two interviews he did in spring 2021 during a probe of the Pentagon’s response to Jan. 6.
Milley said then-Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller, himself a former general, assured Trump there was an adequate safety plan for Pentagon assistance to Washington, D.C. “Miller responds by saying, ‘Hey, we’ve got a plan, and we’ve got it covered.’ And that’s about it,” Milley recalled.
"Just make sure it’s safe"
Milley confirmed a second time during the interviews that Trump was clear in his wishes. “It was just what I just described, which was, ‘Hey, I don’t care if you use Guard, or soldiers, active-duty soldiers, do whatever you have to do. Just make sure it’s safe,” the general told the IG.
26 - Milley - 4.8.21.pdf
The transcripts of Milley’s April 8, 2021, and April 16, 2021, interviews confirm reporting by Just the News two years ago that Trump wanted troops to keep the capital city safe.
But other transcripts gathered by Loudermilk during his subcommittee’s ongoing probe of Jan. 6 security failures show civilian leadership at the Pentagon admittedly openly they would not comply with Trump’s wishes, with some saying they did not like the optics of armed soldiers or Guardsmen roaming the Capitol with weapons during what was supposed to be a peaceful transition of power.
“There was absolutely -- there is absolutely no way I was putting U.S. military forces at the Capitol, period,” Miller told the inspector general during his March 2021 interview.
Miller said officials instead used an interagency process to devise an alternative plan that would put some DC National Guard troops on the ground in the nation’s capitol to direct traffic but not to guard the Capitol, a plan that District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser suggested.
“The operational plan was this, let’s take the D.C. National Guard, keep them away from the Capitol. Let’s put -- the request, it wasn’t my request, Bowser and her Metropolitan Police Department were like ‘Let’s put D.C. National Guard on traffic control points and at the Metro stations to free up credentialed law-enforcement officers that can go out and arrest people,’” Miller explained.
25 - Miller - 3.12.21.pdf
Miller admitted there was a political calculus to his decision not to deploy troops near or at the Capitol ahead of time for preventative security.
“I hate to use the word optics because it’s been used and so prejudicially and negatively. It wasn’t the optics. It was like there was would have been huge political consequences that, because that’s what I got paid to do. Is I had the factor in the politics of this and that was my concern is the situation does not warrant at this time U.S. military forces,” he explained,
Pentagon refused to assist D.C. Police
Former District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Chief Robert Contee confirmed in his interview that Pentagon officials, specifically Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy, resisted his department’s initial request around New Year’s Eve for troops in advance of Jan. 6, especially if they were to be deployed anywhere near the Capitol.
“I received a call directly from the Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy and at that time -- at that point he had reviewed our request for the support of D.C. National Guard, and what he relayed to me this phone call was not what I initially thought that he would saying,” Contee recounted in his interview. “He did not initially say, ‘Yes, you get the National Guard responding and they’re going to handle this traffic and crowd management that you asked for that they’re going to be responding to handle it.’
“That was not what was stated. What was stated to me was that he was not inclined to fulfill the request with Guardsmen simply because the optics of it was bad,” Conte added. “He said that he did not want to have boots on the ground on the -- he didn’t want to have boots on the ground anywhere near the Capitol is what was stated.”
2 - Contee - 3.17.21.pdf
Loudermilk said he is deeply concerned that Pentagon officials substituted their own personal politics for the president’s instructions.
“President Trump directed senior DoD leaders to ensure events on J6 be safe. They ignored his guidance, prioritized optics concerns over security, and pushed a flawed narrative in their IG report,” he wrote on the X social platform last week. “The American people deserve the full truth.”
Eventually, the Pentagon approved less than 400 DC Guard troops to be used on traffic control. But documents gathered by Loudermilk’s team show the DC Guard was told directly by McCarthy it could not use weapons or engage with protesters, a limitation that became magnified when violence broke out.
“DCNG are not authorized to perform any additional tasks or duties not authorized in this memorandum,” McCarthy’s staff wrote the National Guard commander on Jan. 5, 2021. “In addition, without my personal authorization, the DCNG is not authorized the following: a,) to be issued weapons, ammunition, bayonets, and batons. (Removed body armor and helmets)
“Addition: DCNG Soldiers have the inherent right to self‐defense. DCNG Soldiers will store their helmets and body armor within vehicles or buildings in close proximity to their positions. In the event of an elevation of the threat requiring immediate donning of this equipment for self‐defense, DCNG leadership will immediately notify the Secretary of Army,” that email read
Subsequently, on the afternoon of Jan. 6 when violence broke out, the Pentagon would eventually deploy hundreds more though it took hours to get them to reach the Capitol, a delay that frustrated Capitol Police.
The DC Homeland Security Coordinator Christopher Rodriguez told the Pentagon inspector general that the same concerns about political optics that nixed troops at the Capitol ahead of time may have factored into the delay on the afternoon of Jan. 6, noting a top Army official used the word “optics” during a call as emergency resources were being urgently sought to quell the violence at the Capitol.
“I do believe it was one of the generals that was on the line from Secretary of Army staff that I referred to,” Rodriquez recalled.
When pressed about what he heard on the call, Rodriguez said: “It shocked me quite frankly. And we recognize that we might not be able to get an answer to getting needed support up to the Capitol in a timely fashion”
37 - Rodriguez - 2.12.21.pdf
The Pentagon IG ultimately concluded the Pentagon acted quickly after violence broke out, noting Miller signed an order to approve troops to the capitol within 45 minutes of the request for help.
DODIG-2022-039 V2 508.pdf
But Loudermilk has since challenged that assertion publicly, including in interviews with The Washington Times, noting there were other delays after the order that kept troops from arriving until sundown.
“The DC National Guard was significantly delayed from deploying to the U.S. Capitol on J6 because senior DoD leaders had 'optics' concerns,” Loudermilk wrote on X earlier this month.
The transcripts also show there remain some factual disputes among key players.
For instance, ex-Defense Secretary Miller told Congress that Trump gave a specific number of troops he wanted to see made available for security ahead of Jan. 6.
“The President commented that they were going to need 10,000 troops the following day...I interpreted it as a bit of presidential banter or President Trump banter that you all are familiar with, and in no way, shape, or form did I interpret that as an order or direction," Miller testified.
But Milley, the former Joint Chiefs chairman, said he did not recall that number ever being uttered in the meetings with Trump. "There was no discussion of 10,000 troops," the retired four-star general said.
The transcripts also provide some hints that top Pentagon officials personally disliked the 45th president. For instance, former Acting Secretary Miller at one point compared the former president to Cuba’s most infamous communist leader, the late Fidel Castro.
“Everyone was like, ‘Did you listen to the President’s speech?’ I’m like, ‘The guy speaks for 90 minutes, it’s like Castro or something. No. I’ve got work to do,” Miller told the IG at one point
Woman sentenced for power grid attack plot with neo-Nazi leader
By Lea Skene ASSOCIATED PRESS BALTIMORE | A Maryland woman who’s held White supremacist views for decades and recently conspired with a neo-Nazi leader to plan an attack on Baltimore’s power grid was sentenced Wednesday to 18 years in prison for her role in the plot.
The high-profile case ultimately came to focus on the defendant’s past trauma and her mental state as she struggled with addiction and embraced increasingly radical, racist views. Sarah Beth Clendaniel, 36, pleaded guilty to planning the attack in May.
Clendaniel was working with Brandon Russell, who cofounded a small, Florida-based neo-Nazi group, to plan a series of “sniper attacks” on Maryland electrical substations that could have caused significant damage to the regional power grid. It was meant to create chaos in the majority-Black city, according to federal prosecutors.
“It’s true, your honor, I do still hold National Socialist beliefs,” Clendaniel told the judge during her sentencing hearing Wednesday in Baltimore federal court, saying she adopted the ideology at age 13. She pledged to never again act on those beliefs.
“I know there’s a line there that I can’t cross,” she said.
U.S. District Judge JamesBredar said he wanted to believe that Clendaniel wouldn’t have actually carried out the plot, which he called “extreme in every respect.”
“I think that’s a huge question, but who can take that risk?” he said, before sentencing her to 18 years in federal prison — the sentence prosecutors had recommended — and lifetime supervision upon release.
In explaining his decision, Judge Bredar noted new information from prosecutors that Clendaniel had recently been placing jail calls to a white supremacist leader in California. Those calls show Clendaniel was unrepentant and undeterred, prosecutors said.
“This is something that is very much a part of her,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Kathleen O’Connell Gavin said during the hearing.
Clendaniel was charged last year along with Russell, a Florida resident who co-founded the group Atomwaffen Division. His case hasn’t gone to trial yet. Russell previously served five years in prison after pleading guilty to explosives charges that stemmed from a deadly shooting at an apartment that he shared with Atomwaffen’s other founder.
Clendaniel and Russell began exchanging letters around 2018 while they were incarcerated in different facilities. They developed a romantic relationship that continued after they were released from prison, court records show.
Second post
Nobody Is Coming To Save You
321: Natural Disasters, Port Strike, Security Considerations
Arbitrage Andy
Oct 1
It’s been a rough several years for normies as things continue to get more real. I talk about the hate and critique that I’ve experienced for choosing to talk about and focus on things that actually matter in the world today. I wasn’t going to only make financial/early 20’s lifestyle memes forever.
Eventually (during Covid) I woke up to just how serious things are getting in my country and across the world. Moreover it became apparent to me just how many things we know as truth are in fact lies.
Upgrade to paid
Some of those things are unpopular or what normies consider “conspiracy” but I don’t really care. I’d rather seek out the truth and talk about things that have a real impact on our lives than drone out on pop culture, corporate bullshit, or meaningless status games, worried about what people perceive me as and where I fit in the rank and file.
I’d rather talk about the real risk of escalation in Ukraine or the Middle East than talk about my fantasy line up. I’d rather prepare as best I can for what I know is likely coming in the next few years as a result of the political environment in the US than go drink 20 beers at a random bar and stay out until 4am. I’d rather build my own business and work towards true freedom than play politics, achieve a meaningless title, or endure woke social games in the corporate world to be “liked” by peers.
As they say online, once the red pill has been taken you can never really see things the same way again and I genuinely feel that way, for better or for worse.
Not to say I don’t enjoy hobbies, good fun, or dicking around sometime — but I am trying to paint a picture of why I focus on the things I do here at Arb Letter. These aren’t exotic or edgy topics — they’re just raw accounts of what’s going on around us. If you find yourself thinking these topics are wild or unconventional it’s probably because you ingest too much corporate media, which notoriously AVOIDS talking about things that actually matter.
I’m interested in what’s actually going on — not the PG rated, widely accepted, feel good bullshit that so many people eagerly slurp up, because it either makes them feel better about themselves or it calms their anxiety about being completely unprepared for what we are watching transgress.
As things ramp up politically, socially, and financially, many are going to be in for rude awakenings. The world is not going to be what they want it to be anymore — not that it ever was, but the veil that we all lived under is lifting, the consequences of feckless policy idealism are surfacing.
Socially — we are living in a low trust environment now. Trust is low for institutions, for fellow citizens, and even with communities. People are on edge.
Financially — markets may be chugging along, but costs are rising, inflation is not gone for good, and the wealth gap is growing quickly. National debt is unsurmountable. Now we have a massive port strike that will impact the economy negatively if it drags on.
Politically — the US no longer is recognizable. It’s highly partisan — both sides playing like this is the last election that matters, because it very well could be. The agendas presented are full 180s apart. Violence is being used. State level voting rules are being altered, and the arrival of 10M+ illegals throws a curveball into the mix.
Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater, a private military company, said recently on a Podcast that a country or nation is only a country or nation when people can agree on a common set of values or truths. That is very much not the case in the US and other places now. People cannot agree on what we should represent, support, do, or even say anymore.
That creates a much more unpredictable environment for these events to play out in as opposed to one in which everyone can agree on common courses of action in the best interest of the country
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The Eerie Calm Before the Storm
Oct 13
I’ve made a kind of pledge to do roughly three paywalled pieces per month, or one every ten days give or take. However, I’ve realized there are certain topics I’m increasingly hesitant to broach in detail publically due to certain recent developments in the global legal censorship sphere, to be intentionally vague. As such, there are a few things here and there I may paywall not for the usual reason of a scheduled ‘premium’ product for my paid subscribers, but simply to keep off unneeded eyes.
As such, I don’t want my free subscribers to think it a tightening of the yoke or coercion toward paying—there will simply be a few extra paywalled pieces here and there on sensitive topics particularly around sensitive times, as on this current eve of a momentous US election. Not that I think anything I’ve written is particularly sensitive or even remotely controversial, but unfortunately things are the way they are.
Let’s take a moment for a small reflection on the state of things as we enter into the weeds of this election-eve month of October, known for the dark ‘surprises’ it often has in store. In less than a month the world stands to change forever, for better or worse, as what is likely the most momentous election in US history stands to bear its poison fruits.
It feels like the calm before a great storm, and many have remarked on how ‘odd’ it is that even the Democrats do not seem to be overtly panicking despite catastrophic polling of their lead racehorse Kamala Harris. A strange sort of numbness has set in over the nation, perhaps in the form of normalcy bias—in some ways, it does not even feel like an election is imminent, let alone the most portentous one.
Why is that? Partly due to the fact that it’s the most technological election, wherein various instruments of state power have been utilized to create everything from vast blackouts of information to vortical diversions via some inane psyop or another which bleeds through the information space to distract us. Not to mention, our information platforms are more fractured, compartmentalized, and segregated into moated echo-boxes than ever before. Everyone has reached their tolerance limit of hyper-ingesting the propaganda of the other side and has subsequently retreated into their own safer info-abodes.
The big questions are on everyone’s minds: will America descend into civil war or chaos of some form or another? There are a multitude of competing theories:
Kamala “wins” a tight midnight race, a la Biden in 2020—Trump disputes it and hell breaks loose.
Trump wins a controversially close race of his own, and the Democrats unleash some kind of lawfare or outright military coup.
It’s such a close and fraud-riddled race that neither side concedes and no swearing in commences in January, amidst a slowly fracturing state.
There are two other ways to think about it. On one hand, it appears that Republicans have done little to fortify the ‘system’ against the same kinds of fraud widespread in 2020—i.e. vote harvesting, mass mail-in hijinks, total control of the vote count process by regime-aligned forces, which includes the electronic vote counting machines suspected to being compromised. As such, it’s easy to imagine the same scenario repeating again, albeit even more dramatically, given Kamala’s historic unpopularity.
On the other hand, there are some reasons to believe something entirely different will occur. There is no pandemic to truly justify the same levels of mail-in fraud, some states and their governors have wised up to previous tricks, and to top it all off Kamala’s numbers are arguably so disastrous as to simply make it impossible to pull off a convincing 4 a.m. highway robbery the likes of which Biden got away with.
Even the most diehard Democrat supporters must be reaching their limits of sufferance. The migrant crisis has been the first issue to truly evocatively make obvious that something extremely dark and sinister is happening to the country. For a long time, they hid it well in plain sight—but when they ran out of ‘big cities’ like NYC to dissemble the migrants into, they were forced to start dumping them into small towns like Springfield, Ohio, Charleroi, Pennsylvania, Sylacauga, Alabama, Greeley, Colorado, Logansport, Indiana, and countless others, where the unprecedentedly orchestrated invasion became an inescapable albatross.
This is why I personally am leaning toward the conclusion that Trump may actually win this—the fatigue from the country’s precipitous decline has become painfully felt among every demographic group.
However, even if Trump were to win in such unquestionable fashion as to preclude any electoral challenges, the danger would not be over. There are several contingency layers potentially in place to still prevent him from taking office:
1. The sentencing for his trial was recently pushed back to January. There were legitimate talks of him getting real prison time in Rikers Island. As such, if he were to win they could still try to jail him. Recall, he was fully convicted of 34 felony counts—34 felonies; that would certainly entail a lengthy prison sentence.
2. Then there are the lawfare tricks of disqualifying Trump’s electoral votes described by James Rickards:
Even if Trump can win the election with 270 or more Electoral College votes, likely as of now, the fight will not be over. The Democrats have another lawfare trick up their sleeves.
If Democrats retake the House of Representatives, then on Jan. 6, 2025, the New Democrat-controlled House could pass a resolution that Trump is an “insurrectionist” and disqualify his electoral votes under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.
Kamala would not have 270 electoral votes needed to win. This would throw the election of the president to the House of Representatives voting as state delegations, not as individuals. Under the XII Amendment (1804), only Kamala Harris could receive votes for president assuming Trump was disqualified and no other candidate won any electors at all.
J.D. Vance would suffer no insurrectionist disqualification. So the result could be Kamala Harris as president and J.D. Vance as vice president (similar to Jefferson and Burr in 1800).
Another possibility is that the Republican-controlled state delegations in the House could boycott the presidential vote in which case a quorum would be lacking. In that case, the vice president (J.D. Vance) “shall act as president” under the XII Amendment. This is not a far-fetched scenario. Democrats led by Jamie Raskin have already set the wheels in motion.
Trump has 28 days to flip the narrative on Kamala Harris and win the election. If he does, the Democrats have a doomsday plan they will unveil on Jan. 6, 2025, to disqualify Trump.
Like in January 2021, some believe an election ‘certification’ crisis can develop. However it should be noted that Democrats have fortified this loophole since last time when Mike Pence was being called upon to not certify Biden’s victory as presiding officer:
Further, in December 2022, Congress passed bipartisan legislation that amended a 1887 law to make it more difficult to object to the results of a presidential election. The new legislation clarifies that the role of the vice president in certifying the election is “merely ceremonial,” and that they do not have the authority to decide the results of the election. The law now states that the vice president “shall have no power to solely determine, accept, reject, or otherwise adjudicate or resolve disputes” when certifying the election.
The legislation also makes it harder to force a vote for a particular state, with “one-fifth of each chamber” needing to object to certifying the electors instead of just one member of each the House and the Senate. Governors will now have to sign off on one slate of electors to be sent to Congress, countering Trump’s 2020 attempt to send fake slates of electors to Congress. -Source
3. Other dangers include an outright military coup due to the perceived ‘retaliation’ Trump is set to mete out to his political opponents—the same ones who betrayed and tried to destroy him during and after his first term:
On the eve of the election things feel too unsettlingly quiet. It’s as if the Democrats are demonstrating supreme confidence—which is odd given Kamala’s polling numbers—or have ulterior plans waiting to be activated.
A potential for the latter has slowly appeared over the sudden not-so-subtle insinuations concerning Iran this week. Trump himself bizarrely appeared to pin blame on Iran for the attempts on his life:
And now a seemingly orchestrated narrative is being cooked up to lay the groundwork for one easy-to-see set of circumstances:
Others have read the obvious tea leaves:
False flag in the works?
US President Joe Biden has instructed the National Security Council to warn Iranian authorities against plots against former President Donald Trump and former US officials, sources told The Washington Post and Politico.
He reportedly said that Washington would consider any assassination attempts an act of war.
Suddenly Biden is rushing to ‘protect Trump’ from this phantom Iranian threat, when he previously refused not only to lift a finger but even potentially stone-walled Trump’s Secret Service protection.
Read that again:
He reportedly said that Washington would consider any assassination attempts an act of war.
This is after sitting Congressmember Matt Gaetz revealed that “five hit teams are in the country hunting Trump”, one of them linked to Ukraine:
The potential ‘play’ here should be obvious. The Israeli-controlled deep state can take out Trump under the guise of Iranian “blood vengeance” for Soleimani and others, and voila!—Israel gets its big American-led cowboy war to destroy Iran. It kills several birds with one stone because Trump is removed as candidate, Israel gets its war, and Iran as a threatening entity can be curtailed for a generation or two, or so goes the thought.
This could be the big October ‘surprise’ dialed up to a million and black swan in one as a last-ditch move to prevent Trump from taking office amid internal polling that shows Kamala has no chance, according to many.
Of course even if that were the plan, they’ll still have to get lucky enough to actually catch Trump slipping. Hopefully he’s wise to the moves, but judging by his presumptuous blaming of Iran he nearly appears happy to accept his role as sacrificial lamb to his beloved Eretz Yisrael. There is no greater show of love than sacrifice, after all. In doing so, he could very well fulfill prophecies of being some chosen Messianic figure who brings to bear the long foretold construction of the Third Temple.
Of course, were he to weather all these coming troubles, Trump will inherit a rabidly destabilizing deep state hellbent on taking down the whole country just to thwart him. As such, the final contingency plan relies on unleashing all the economic and social turmoil kept bottled up just for that rainy moment.
The Longshoremen’s strike threatening to cripple the nation was recently postponed until January 15, just five days before the inauguration—coincidence?
It’s also likely that the Democrats and their NGO hirelings have burrowed ‘sleeper cells’ amongst the millions of migrants, spreading them throughout the country to be activated during Trump’s term to sow social chaos and perhaps even outright terrorism of a sort. The gist is that, if he manages to negotiate the coming gauntlet, Trump’s term cannot be allowed to ‘succeed’ in any way, and all manner of economic and social strife and chaos will be sown throughout the land to drown his term in malaise. Most notably the debt and inflation ‘time bomb’ of the video above could be unleashed to crush any chances of Trump’s radical economic reforms.
It’s an understatement to say he’ll have his work cut out for him if he can even make it to the seat and win the perilous game of American thrones.
As a final summation, the next three months stand to reach a climactic fever pitch, in the global scope of things. Israel is straining its leash, ready to ignite a historic conflagration in the Middle East; Ukraine is on its shakiest grounds, with Zelensky foaming to spark his own nuclear firestorm. All the while the tenuous political threads of the US system could snap once and for all within weeks in another botched election, unleashing incalculable results.
Of course in all these troubled times, there exists some rays of hope, as the boiling-over tensions can potentially resolve long-standing crises into a cooler phase or denouement of some kind. Questions can be answered and conflicts can reach their natural conclusions by next year, a sort of ‘going over the hump’ of a peak crisis period.
In the case of the US election, rather than the eerie silence being a sign of some grand forthcoming Democrat counter-strike, it could merely signal the final succumbing to inevitability. That earlier-mentioned numbness may have presaged a deer-in-headlights moment of acceptance, signifying the total drought of ideas for how to reverse the situation. They’ve done all they could, flooded the nation with millions of illegals and have reached the ends of their natural powers of fraud and skullduggery, now merely resigned to awaiting the outcome in feeble submission.
After all, despite no outward signs of ‘panic’, there have been signs of a kind of frail acceptance and fatigue, for instance in Obama’s recent spiritless ‘pep talk’ to a group of black male Pennsylvania voters in Pittsburgh. He looked defeated and demoralized, at times annoyed, sliding into uncharacteristic urban patois to scold the skeptical-looking ‘brothas’—as he called them—for not showing up enthusiastically for the manufactured diversity candidate.
Feeling blue at Barry’s Black & Blue pity party?
Trump himself has blundered his way through this most uncanny of campaign trails, turning away many of his voters; Nick Fuentes has recently turned completely against Trump, for example, ordering his considerable following to not vote for him. But at the same time, Kamala is a disaster of such historic proportions that it’s difficult to imagine any scale of Trump blunders eclipsing the damage she’s done to her own party.
As such, although the election—if there even is one—will likely be fraught with fraud, I’ve still got Trump edging it out as of now. Unfortunately, the fight will only just begin there, as the Democrats will likely launch into an array of dirty tricks that could threaten to take the entire country down with them.
However, I have hope we’ll get to the other side in one peace.
I have a bit more insight into the events of J-6 than most people. I will explain.
My wife's nephew (Captain Robert Glover) by marriage was the CO of DC Metro Special Ops. Special Ops handled security planning for the Inauguration. They also handled VIP travel planning, escorts etc. When you see the Motor Cops on escort duty, that was his unit.
Glover was On Scene Commander at the Capital from early afternoon on. He had been all over the Capital area all day long. Transcripts of radio calls with him were played during the J-6 hearings as well as his own testimony before Congress.
From what I can gather, and cannot talk to him about it because he will not say a thing, he and the Capital Police really caused the escalation of violence. Cops panicked because of the large numbers of people there. They started with gas which set off questionable people in the crowds.
About 12:30pm, Glover was informed that some NG had arrived near the Capital and ready to be deployed. There were between 110 and 120 troops. Glover did not deploy them because there were "so few." Instead, he had the NG establish a "holding area" where arrested people would be placed, guarded by NG.
Radio transcripts reflect that Glover actually panicked as the crowd grew in size. He called for more cops, which were available because Virginia Highway Patrol cops were on scene, as well as many other VA state, county and city cops that were there through reciprocal aid. Plus FBI, etc.
Reading his testimony, I know that he lied to Congress on some key issues. But nothing was said. And there is what I believe to be the reason for lying.
Glover was Number 3 in the DC Metro Command structure. He would have eventually taken over Chief of Police, except for an important event. He was being investigated for having a website on a known site that hosted porn. Just a few months after his testimony, he was allowed to "retire" with full pension, while large numbers of DC cops were pissed and thought he should have been prosecuted. (This did not surprise me because there were some real indications that he was a perv that I heard about.)
It is my opinion that he was allowed to retire with pension in exchange for his lies.
BTW, the SOB called my wife all the time when he was having marriage problems. But he never once called me to offer condolences when my wife passed in Jan 2023.
Yes, I might have some bitterness towards him.
Here is one articulation.
... that they changed her lawyers and then testimony, being the source of the "Trump grabbed the steering wheel" claim. Despite being a lawyer admitted to the DC bar and knowing it was unethical to have a conversation w/ a witness without her lawyer being present (and acknowledging as much), Cheny did so anyway. Ain't it great when those shouting about rumors of questionable behavior from the rooftops shamelessly partake of questionable behavior?
(3) HALPERIN: THERE WILL BE BLOOD IF TRUMP WINS: Journalist and former political director at ABC News Mark Halperin appeared on the Tucker Carlson Show and predicted violent post-election fallout in the likely event former President Donald Trump wins in November.
Halperin said that a Trump win “will be the cause of the greatest mental health crisis in the history of the country,” adding that “tens of millions of people will question their connection to the nation… and I think that it will require an enormous amount of access to mental health professionals. I think it’ll lead to trauma in the workplace. I think there’ll be some degree – alcoholism, broken marriages… I don’t think it will be a passing thing; that by the inauguration, we’ll be fine. I think it will be sustained and unprecedented and hideous. And I don’t think the country’s ready for it.”
Halperin also said he expects violence, particularly domestic violence in the workplace, at kids’ birthday parties, and other gatherings. “I think there’ll be protests that turn violent. I hope they’re not, but I think there will be some. But I think it will be less anger and more a failure to understand how it could happen.”
Lastly, Heparin says he does fear domestic conflict, but hopes that state governors are able to quell political violence internally through strong bipartisan action at the state level. “I think the chances are minimized if the losing candidate makes it clear they don’t want that [political violence] to happen and if the governors are vigilant in devising plans to balance public safety with the First Amendment.”
Why It Matters: In short, Halperin predicts that a Trump win will cause trauma akin to the news of ‘your wife turning into a lesbian and leaving you for your best friend,’ as he put it. Halperin seemed to have been warning that we’re more likely to have cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome patients ‘going postal’ as opposed to mass riots and chaos in a 2020-esque repeat. The election is still uncertain, but I do see a potential case where sporadic acts of domestic terrorism against the Trump administration and/or its symbols are more likely than sustained, acute, nationwide riots. We’re seeing types of this rhetoric now with the pro-Palestine groups’ promises to “bring the war home” and build a “Palestine liberation and resistance” movement in the United States. I’ll discuss this in greater detail during Friday’s Early Warning Roundtable (10:00 am Central on the Early Warning Network app). Three final points: First, Halperin seemed optimistic that both Trump and Harris could be gracious enough to not incite the other side and calm an otherwise disruptive 2025. Second, he talked about a disruptive scenario where Harris wins, Dems take the House, but Republicans keep the Senate. A GOP-controlled Senate could block Harris nominees seen as immoderate, setting up four more years of government dysfunction, which could lead to another sovereign credit downgrade. Lastly, Halperin described Harris as “cautious and indecisive,” which is concerning because she has no executive experience and would be partially staffed with Obama/Biden holdovers who guided those presidents into a more dangerous world. Either way, next year will likely be another long year. – M.S.
If it’s rank and file Dems, it won’t turn out well. Imagine a Carville v. Joe Deer Hunter dust up. That Cajun would no longer be ragin’ in short order. Be like if members of The View showed up to one of your stick fights.
Were this instead a call to the military … well that would be as profound a crisis as this country has ever faced, and our geopolitical foes would be all over it.
A bit of riveting testimony turns out to be … forged:
"Cheney, who was then the J6 Committee’s vice chair, called the note, which included a script for Trump to read during the unrest at the Capitol, proof of Hutchinson’s key role in the White House's response to the riots."
This from the Wiki article:
"After the testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson before the January 6 Committee, a spokesman for Herschmann confirmed "that a handwritten note regarding a potential statement for then-President Donald Trump to release during the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol was written by him during a meeting at the White House that afternoon, and not by White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson."
So clearly Hutchison lied. But it was for Democrats so nothing will happen and Cheney will BS her way out of it.
as an aside
I was once interested in going into the field of questioned documents - got an MS in Forensic Science at GW
and did an internship at the USPS forensic department.
Then decided to go to med school :-P
"I was once interested in going into the field of questioned documents - got an MS in Forensic Science at GW
and did an internship at the USPS forensic department."
Far out.
:-DThank for spelling far out and not shorthand FO
:-DThank for spelling far out and not shorthand FO
Wait, FO isn’t forward observer? I’m so confused….
Yes, FO is Forward Observer :-D :-D :-D
This is very infuriating:
You ask who the heck is Harrison Ruffin Tyler. Well, he is President Tyler's still living grandson.
Why do I post here in Second American Civil War rather then the history section.
It is because of his maternal great grandfather on the other side of his family tree who was Edmund Ruffin III
He was from Revolutionary War ancestry.
He was of Southern plantation family who owned well over 100 slaves in multiple plantations at his peak.
His suicide note is quite remarkable and applicable to today's political strife:
"When the war ended with Confederate defeat, Ruffin, who had already suffered the loss of his wife and eight of his eleven children, was crushed. Increasingly despondent after the surrender of Robert E. Lee at Appomattox Court House in 1865, along with the other surrenders that were to follow, Ruffin decided to commit suicide. On June 18, 1865, while staying with his son and daughter-in-law at Redmoor in Amelia County, Ruffin went up to his room with a rifle and a forked stick. He was called away to greet visitors at the front door. After they left, Ruffin returned to write a
final diary entry:
And now with my latest writing and utterance, and with what will [be] near to my latest breath, I here repeat, & would willingly proclaim, my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule—to all political, social and business connections with Yankees, & to the perfidious, malignant, & vile Yankee race.[31]: 230
Ruffin wrapped himself in a Confederate flag, put the rifle muzzle in his mouth and used the forked stick to manipulate the trigger. The percussion cap went off without firing the rifle, and the noise alerted Ruffin's daughter-in-law. However, by the time she and his son reached his room, Ruffin had reloaded the rifle and fired a fatal shot.[31]: 230 Edmund Jr. and neighbor William H. Harrison transported his body to Marlbourne, his plantation in Hanover County, Virginia, for burial."
What to Expect This Election – And Beyond
Brace yourself.
November 4, 2024 by Mark Tapson
We’re right on the cusp of – yes, it’s true and not just a hyperbolic cliché – the most consequential election of our time. What can you expect on November 5th – and then beyond?
The short answer is: expect the unexpected, which sounds like another cliché as well as a waffling response, but the only thing we can be sure of is that from here through Inauguration Day and beyond, chaos is going to be the order of the day.
First, the election itself. As things stand now, I personally do not see how Donald Trump can lose – even factoring in what will surely be widespread attempts at voter fraud including an unknown quantity of illegal aliens who have been registered to vote by the Democrats (which is precisely the reason, of course, that they threw open the southern border for four years). The Democrats know they’re going to lose, which is why activists have already started burning ballot boxes in Washington state and Oregon (and you can expect more ballot boxes in other states to begin meeting the same fate). I don’t see how the Democrats can even cheat their way to victory this time. We all know – and the Democrats especially are painfully aware – that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are a disastrous duo whom no one likes and they have run a terrible campaign that is floundering more and more each day.
Conversely, we also all know – and the Democrats especially are painfully aware – that Trump has been a rock star on the campaign trail and that YUGE crowds have come out for him everywhere. Kamala could only boost her crowds with a bait-and-switch, promising Beyoncé concerts that never materialized, for example. Kamala couldn’t even score a victory with a solo CNN town hall; CNN commentators afterward couldn’t cover for her disastrous performance. Her entire campaign has been based on lies and fear-mongering about fascism and democracy because she’s incapable of talking policy or differentiating herself from the decrepit, deposed Joe Biden.
Biden, by the way, may have dealt her campaign a fatal blow late last week by calling Trump supporters – more than half the country – “garbage.” It’s his “deplorables” moment and Kamala and her media allies have been unable to convincingly disavow what he said. Not that all of them are willing to disavow that characterization anyway. A major billionaire democrat donor actually publicly declared that describing the Right as garbage is “an understatement.” The left hates us with the heat of a thousand suns.
That’s why this election is so consequential. Yes, every presidential election in the 21st century, if not before, has been labeled “the most consequential election of our time.” But every election has been the most consequential at the time, because our political landscape has become increasingly fractured by an increasingly radical far-Left movement which dominates the Democrat Party, which now wields both political and cultural dominance, and threatens to steer the country irreversibly further Left under a potential Harris/Walz regime.
In any case, while Kamala’s campaign implodes, Trump is off racking up tens of millions of views of a 3-hour interview with podcaster Joe Rogan; he’s shrugging off assassin’s bullets at rallies; he’s capitalizing big-time on Democrat attacks by slinging fries at McDonald’s and campaigning in a garbage truck; he blew the roof off a Madison Square Garden rally – and don’t even get me started on JD Vance’s media appearances, in which he mops the floor with frustrated, agitated, Left-wing talking heads. He’s a role model for how to deal with the hostile liars in the media.
As an aside: I’m happily married but I’m on the verge of a serious bromance with JD Vance, who exudes a real presidential presence. I am praying for four years of Trump in the Oval Office and then eight more under JD Vance. That would just about Make America Great Again.
Anyway, there’s no question that in a free and fair election, Trump would win. However, we all know that in America we don’t have free and fair elections anymore, thanks to massive Left-wing voter fraud and a feckless Republican party that has allowed our electoral process to degenerate into a hopeless mess which no one trusts.
So again, we can expect the unexpected in terms of the election, even though I believe Trump will ultimately win – assuming he is not assassinated first, and I’m not joking or being flippant about that. We all know the Left is praying (there are no atheists in foxholes) that someone takes him out before Nov. 5th, or at the very least before he takes office in January. And it won’t end there. Once he re-enters the White House, he’ll be facing four years of assassination attempts because the left will never stop wanting him dead.
The real concern is not so much the election itself but the aftermath, because Democrats will under no circumstances allow Trump to become President again. They have already promised they will do everything in their power to de-legitimize the vote count or disqualify Trump or otherwise do whatever it takes to prevent the transfer of power.
If the Democrats refuse to allow the peaceful transfer of power (which they’ve spent the last four years accusing Trump of), America will be thrust into a hot civil war. If Trump loses, it will only be because of massive voter fraud, but the Right will not sit back this time and accept it. I will not be surprised at all if there is violent pushback. So whether he wins or loses the vote count, America is going to be wracked by violent unrest and chaos for months like nothing we’ve seen since 2020, if not worse. And Trump himself will face daily internal resistance within the halls of power from whatever remains of the Deep State, which hopefully this time he will have the focus to clean up.
If Kamala “wins,” her presidency will be the most radical in American history. It’s easy and tempting to dismiss her as an epically incompetent dim bulb, because that’s what she is. It’s easy and tempting to mock her pompous word salads, her nervous cackling, her Meryl Streep-level range of accents when addressing different demographics, but remember that she is also ruthless, ambitious, and cruel, and she enjoys destroying lives through political power. With her in the White House we can expect four years of vindictiveness and retribution against political opponents, in addition to the most radical imaginable policies.
Despite the Left’s attempt to paint Tim Walz as a regular guy, like a local Little League coach, he too is a ruthless radical. A Harris/Walz administration will be catastrophic for America, so brace yourself. Start now, if you haven’t already, preparing for the worst times America has endured in living memory. Because her enemies both internal and external will smell blood in the water and, if I may mix my metaphors, launch a full-court press to take America down for good.
If you’re not already a prepper, learn to be one. Start creating local networks of friends and neighbors whom you can count on in hard times, and prepare yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually for various hardship scenarios, especially if you live in urban areas ruled by Democrats. Because those areas are going to witness ugly unrest and violent breakdown like we saw during the George Floyd riots.
The same goes for America even if Trump and Vance win the election, because the Democrats will “resist” by any means necessary. Through the Democrat narrative to demonize Trump as Literally Hitler™ and his supporters as Nazis and fascists, the Left is laying the groundwork for violent “resistance” intended to destabilize the country from Day One.
Rep. Jamie Raskin, who is one of the biggest liars and propagandists in Congress, has vowed that Congress will remove Trump by invoking Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which prohibits anyone “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” from holding federal office. Raskin has said that it’s going to be up to him and his fellow Dem lawmakers on January 6, 2025, to tell the “rampaging Trump mobs that he’s disqualified.” He added, “And then we need bodyguards for everybody in civil war conditions.”
Vote accordingly, if you haven’t already, and prepare for the worst, whatever the outcome. I don’t mean for that to be disheartening, just realistic and motivating. As Donald Trump, Jr. put it in a tweet, “Vote like your lives, freedom, wellbeing and children’s future depend on it. Because they do. Don’t be demoralized just get out and bring your friends and overwhelm anything the democrats throw at you!”
These are the times that try men’s souls. Rise to the occasion.
Hmm, the Blue Ridge, eh? I’ll have to keep an eye out for him.
"Mr. Fanone is clearly a ticking time bomb with Stage 5 TDS"
Like Michael Turkey Cohen.
Pelosi I would say is stage 4. Blames Biden when she was one of the ones who allowed the Radical Left to take over her party.
Obama and Michelle stage 4.
Just read some Jeffery Toobin. I’d say stage 2, but that’s likely after he got done relaxing in front of the monitor during a Zoom call. Otherwise stage 4, at least.
The big miss by these people is this:
Trump and AOC are NOT the same.
One's prescription is for capitalism, MAGA, hard work, responsibility, competition, sovereignty.
The other's is for Communism.
Totally different. But these people who can vote for both probably do not understand this, or care.
Well this plot just got thicker:
A good one for the FBI thread as well.
This is galling: the Capitol Police Officer that shot Alisha Babbit was moved to the head of the line to receive trauma compensation from a fund for injured officers, raised $164K via a Go Fund Me effort, and according to Kelly, has a protective detail and a no-show job:
ETA: More on this officer:
Ye gods, was there any element of the federal response that day that isn’t lying through its teeth?
Another great column by Miranda Devine of The New York Post. Even more damning information has now come out regarding January 6th and why more safeguards were not in place. Hopefully Trump will get to the bottom of this, pardon those being held without due process, and hold the proper individuals responsible. We can only hope and pray.
Tragic Ashli Babbitt and the buried Jan. 6 truth
By Miranda Devine
Published Nov. 24, 2024, 11:25 p.m. ET
So now we know that the cop who fatally shot unarmed Donald Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt, 36, during the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot was rewarded with a promotion and a $36,000 bonus.
There were no ill consequences for his rash actions that day. Instead, Capt. Michael Byrd, 56, was held up as a hero of democracy, despite the fact that he had a lengthy disciplinary record that includes leaving his loaded handgun in a public bathroom in the Capitol Visitor Center, “improperly” firing his gun at a car near his home while off duty and abusing a Maryland cop who tried to stop him entering a high school football field as a “racist a–hole,” again while off duty, according to a letter released last week by the GOP-led House Administration Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight.
Three entries in Byrd’s internal affairs record are missing, wrote subcommittee Chairman Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.) in a letter to Capitol Police Chief Thomas Manger.
Left’s convenient spin
Loudermilk is asking questions about Byrd and everything else about the Jan. 6 riot that was used so effectively to tarnish Trump and his supporters and that provided the excuse for the Biden administration to weaponize federal law enforcement against them.
The J6 riot was not an insurrection but a protest that escalated into an out-of-control riot because then-Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund was denied intelligence about potential threats that day and denied National Guard backup that he was begging for.
In the cold light of hindsight, a new Trump administration will ensure that the narrative of J6 is rewritten to reflect the truth of that tragic day instead of the lies spun by Democratic Speaker emerita Nancy Pelosi’s J6 committee.
Sund is a crucial witness to history. Pelosi (D-Calif.) made him her scapegoat, firing him immediately, but she knew he had begged for the National Guard to assist his vastly outnumbered troops.
He needed the permission of the Capitol Police Board, and Pelosi and then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) controlled the two sergeants-at-arms who had to give him the OK. McConnell’s guy deferred to Pelosi, and Pelosi’s guy kept saying he had to “run it up the chain to get Pelosi’s approval,” says Sund.
But the National Guard didn’t arrive for hours, delayed not just by Pelosi but by officials at the Pentagon who had become so Trump-deranged that they believed the president would repurpose the troops to declare martial law and try to hang on to power.
This was a delusion that worst gripped Mark Milley, then-chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the most powerful military figure in Washington.
Milley was constantly talking to people about the threat of a “coup” by Trump after the 2020 election, Washington Post reporters Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker wrote in their book “I Alone Can Fix It,” which paints Milley as a defender of democracy rather than an emotional weakling defying his commander-in-chief.
In the days leading up to the riot, Milley told his staff that Trump’s suggestions that the National Guard be deployed on Jan. 6 were just an “excuse to invoke the Insurrection Act” and call out the military.
The book paints a picture of an increasingly paranoid Milley fielding calls from unnamed “friends” egging him on in his delusion.
Milley came to see Trump as Hitler. “This is a Reichstag moment,” he told aides. “The gospel of the Führer.”
Milley seemed to get radicalized after the June 2020 riots at Lafayette Square in front of the White House, which got so violent that Trump and his family had to be evacuated by the Secret Service to an underground bunker.
Milley’s Trump grudge
Trump two days later ordered that Lafayette Square be cleared so he could reassure the public by appearing at St. John’s Church, which had been firebombed the previous night.
Milley was more upset at the criticism he received for appearing in a presidential photo op in his uniform than he was about the fact that the president had to be evacuated to a bunker.
During those violent riots, officers at the capital’s Metropolitan Police Department were “ordered not to assist at the White House,” says Sund, undoubtedly by DC Mayor Muriel Bowser, a rancid Trump hater.
Sund says the DC cops “were so furious having to watch bloodied Secret Service agents being taken out by ambulance” while they could do nothing. Afterward, he phoned then-DC Police Chief Pete Newsham and asked for an assurance that if he had problems at the Capitol, the DC police would come and help. Although Newsham retired five days before the Jan. 6 riot, the DC police “could not have helped me more,” says Sund, and sent him 1,000 officers.
But when it came to the National Guard, Sund hit roadblock after roadblock.
First it was Pelosi, and then the Pentagon.
After his troops had been fighting rioters for 80 minutes, Sund finally got approval from Pelosi to call in the National Guard, moments before the first window was broken.
He then called Gen. William Walker, commander of the DC National Guard, but Walker needed permission from Trump’s acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller, who was suffering from the same Trump delusion as Milley.
It took four hours for the National Guard to arrive. But it was all over by then.
Walker’s hands had been tied by a curious memo issued by Miller two days earlier, ordering “unprecedented restrictions on the DC National Guard” applying to Jan. 5 and Jan. 6, Sund says in his book, “Courage Under Fire.”
In his Jan. 4, 2021, memo titled, “Employment guidance,” Miller dictates that, without his “personal authorization,” the DC National Guard cannot be issued “weapons, ammunition, bayonets, batons, or … helmets and body armor” or “interact physically with protesters … employ any riot control agents … share equipment with law enforcement agencies … employ helicopters or any other air assets,” and so on. In other words, they could do nothing.
And nothing they did, until it was too late.
Ominous WaPo op-ed
Something else significant happened the day Miller issued his memo: An op-ed signed by 10 former secretaries of defense, including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Jim Mattis, was published by the Washington Post warning that Trump might use the military to hang on to power. They warned, “Civilian and military officials who direct or carry out such measures” would potentially face “criminal penalties.”
Miller got the message. He later testified to Congress that he wrote the memo because he was afraid Trump “would invoke the Insurrection Act to politicize the military in an antidemocratic manner.”
As a result, Sund never got the National Guard backup he needed to stop the Capitol being overrun. Mayhem was inevitable.
Conveniently for the Democrats, the riot prevented Trump allies’ efforts in Congress from delaying certification of the Electoral College votes and was a perfect branding exercise to make Trump and his supporters look bad.
The irony is that Sund, the man who did more than anybody to save the Capitol that day, was forced out in ignominy before he was eligible for his pension — while everybody who failed got off scot-free.
(1) TRUMP NOMINEES TARGETED IN BOMB THREAT AND SWATTING CAMPAIGN: Trump Transition Team spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said multiple Trump cabinet nominees received bomb threats, and were targeted by “swatting” attempts.
A White House spokesperson said the White House has been in contact with federal law enforcement and the Trump transition team, and an investigation is ongoing.
Why It Matters: So far Howard Lutnick, Pete Hegseth, Brooke Rollins, Lee Zeldin, and Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) said they were targeted with threats. The Trump transition team did not say how many Trump nominees were targeted, but it is likely more were targeted with bomb threats and “swatting” calls to police. These are tactics expected from a planned pressure campaign against Trump cabinet officials, but federal authorities have not yet released information on suspects. – R.C.
(5) FAR LEFT BLOG SHUT DOWN: A popular revolutionary anarchist blog called “Scenes from the Atlanta Forest” announced they were shut down by their host, allegedly for posting the personal information of dozens of members of the Heritage Foundation and other target organizations.
The blog had for years been pivotal in disseminating information on the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center and direct action demonstrations against it, including occupation of the construction site and dozens of cases of vandalism and arson against construction equipment and police vehicles (covered in this report since 2021).
Why It Matters: The announcement implied that the web host was pressured by authorities to remove the blog, which contained years’ worth of posts, zines, and how-to information, including posts on how to construct incendiary devices. This will not have a major impact on the Far Left, as all the information remains available on mirrored and archived sites, and because of the constellation of similar blogs that are still active. It’s unclear who pressured the blog host, however, we will likely see attempts by the Department of Justice to dislocate these Far Left revolutionary websites, which will certainly continue to incite violence against the Trump administration, law enforcement, and other political targets. – M.S.
"BREAKING: The FBI had 26 confidential human sources at the Capitol on January 6, including four who entered the Capitol building and 13 who entered the "restricted area" around the Capitol, according to a just released DOJ Inspector General reporter."
26 admitted FBI agents plus how many from other areas of government, doesn't say.
Soooo, if you were watching footage of the riot and the entering of the capital, in real time or later on MSNBC or in a congressional committee, you would have no idea which were January 6th protesters and which were government agents in iring, instigating and pretending to be January 6th protesters.
In other words, you were told this is the protest but literally your eyes were lying to you, in part.
Does anyone on the Liz Cheney side of this realize what this means?
Someone needs to go back and mark all of the film with all 26 of these agents so that we know which is which.
The 26 doesn't include Epps? Or does it?
They waited 4 years and 2: election cycles to tell us.
To be precise, there is a difference between "agents" (employees of the FBI) and "informants/sources" (paid, paid off in lighter charges/sentences)
Trump Needs To Make An Example Of General Milley
Tyler Durden's Photo
by Tyler Durden
Thursday, Dec 05, 2024 - 08:45 PM
Authored by Christopher Roach via American Greatness,
In dealing with his enemies in the Deep State, President Trump could follow one of two paths. One would be the path of peace, reconciliation, and forgiveness. This would certainly be easier in the short term and also garner approval from insiders and the media. Alternatively, he could seek to clean house and punish the worst and most insubordinate offenders from his first term.
Which path Trump should take all depends on whether one believes the last eight years were normal partisan squabbles or if one believes that something monumental happened: the obstruction of democratic self-government by a technocratic Deep State.
I believe it is the latter for reasons I have explained before at length. In short, Trump was not allowed to govern, nor treated as other presidents were during his first term. The problem began before Trump, as entrenched bureaucratic interests have worked quietly to control more cooperative and less independent presidents, like Barack Obama and Joe Biden. But the resistance to Trump reflected a mature, ideological, and increasingly self-conscious managerial class that believed they were entitled to rule without regard to electoral results.
Trump was a threat to business as usual.
Thus, a cabal of intelligence agencies cooperated to stop him from making changes to foreign policy or scrutinizing the outsized military-industrial complex. Contrary to the media’s dire pronouncements, these insiders were the real threat to democracy and self-government.
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, was one of the worst offenders.
As documented in Bob Woodward’s book Peril, Milley spent a lot of time after the 2020 election caballing with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and reassuring her that the military would resist certain orders from President Trump.
He met with the small group of officers who control our strategic nuclear forces and demanded they pledge to get his approval before executing any launch orders, even though, as head of the Joint Chiefs, he is merely an advisor and is statutorily excluded from the chain of command.
Finally, and most controversially, he was telling his counterpart in China that he would let them know if an attack or other action was coming from the United States. He defended this as normal “deconfliction” communications, but these secret talks took place without authorization from either the Secretary of Defense or the president.
All of Milley’s actions took place after he earlier joined with a group of retired officers to impede Trump’s use of the military to stop nationwide riots around June of 2020. Milley sent out an implied message to the troops suggesting that they could ignore any order to deploy, even though active-duty troops have been used in such a capacity repeatedly, including during the 1992 L.A. Riots.
As he reminded the whole nation by using the term “white rage,” Milley is typical of the new class of liberal senior officers who take part in the culture wars, cleave to one-half of the partisan divide, and act like they are beyond the control of the president whom they serve when they disagree with his politics.
Milley’s bad behavior was particularly egregious because of his role.
The Joint Chiefs are supposed to serve as military advisors. They are statutorily excluded from the ordinary chain of command to maintain institutional separation between advisory and command roles. This arrangement is designed to contribute to increased trust and candor between the Joint Chiefs and the president.
Secret talks with partisan opponents of the president, unauthorized back-channel communications to enemies, casual comparisons of the president to Adolf Hitler, and pseudo-idealistic suggestions that troops should disobey the orders they find disagreeable undermine that trust for obvious reasons.
Some have argued this might all be permissible in extremis and as part of the right of service members to resist illegal orders. But too much is made of this right. This defense is only supposed to apply to a very narrow set of self-evidently illegal orders, typically involving war crimes. Whether the government properly approved the use of troops to stop a riot is not such a case. Normally, the military must follow orders without delay. This distinguishes it from slower and less energetic civilian institutions.
There are a great many controversial—but legal—orders. Likely the most controversial would be an order to use nuclear weapons. The protocols on nuclear launch authority give exclusive power to the president to order a launch—a necessary, though admittedly dangerous, power to account for the fast timelines associated with a possible enemy first strike.
Perhaps this authority should be pulled back—I believe it should, particularly for cases of non-retaliatory uses of these weapons—but this was the established policy stretching back to the Cold War. More important, it was firmly established when Milley took it upon himself to undermine Trump’s authority by secretly demanding a loyalty oath from the officers in charge of our nuclear arsenal.
Milley did what he did because he was afraid of his own shadow and convinced himself that Trump was losing it and about to become a dictator.
In his supercilious and adolescent phrasing, we were facing a “Reichstag moment.”
The military is not part of the Constitution’s system of checks and balances. The military and the entire executive branch are subordinate to the president. He is their source of authority and is the boss, having attained his authority from an election involving the entire American people.
Once upon a time, liberals worried that a conservative, authoritarian military might thwart a liberal president and his policies. But these fears proved to be completely overblown. The military was, until a decade or so ago, a self-consciously nonpartisan institution. Even as it trended more conservative during the Clinton years, there was no insubordination akin to Milley’s performance.
It turns out that while the country was on the lookout for right-wing military extremists, the military had few defenses from leftist partisanship. Whether classified as treason or mere insubordination, a similarly corrosive performance risks repeating itself during Trump’s second term.
In the immediate aftermath of the election, the left seems to realize it is unwise to resist openly and violently, as they did for much of the Trump administration. But I believe, at the moment, they are merely regrouping and working on a strategy they believe will work.
The military, which retains prestige because it is still perceived as a nonpartisan repository of patriotic rectitude, will likely loom prominently in these plans, just as it did during Trump’s first term. As we know, the military and Milley lost all qualms about using the military domestically when they flooded the zone with armed National Guardsmen to create a Green Zone for Biden’s 2021 Inauguration.
This unhealthy politicization and leftist partisanship among the military’s senior leadership must be stopped.
The military should return to its role as a neutral instrument of national power. But this means it must chiefly be controlled by the elected president in the manner he directs. In order to restore healthier civil-military relations, there must be a dramatic and symbolic reset reminding the military and the rest of the country that Trump has full executive powers as president.
In order to accomplish this, Mark Milley should be recalled to service, court-martialed, punished, and publicly dishonored in order to prevent a resurgence of the corrosive principle of leftist military partisanship during Trump’s second term.
Jack Cashill, American Thinker:
–Although now the FBI admits to having 26 confidential human sources in the crowd on January 6, how many total “assets” did the FBI and other entities plant, and what roles did they play?
–For what entity was Ray Epps working and under what terms?
–Who planted the pipe bombs outside the DNC and near the RNC headquarters?
–Who instructed Kamala Harris to conceal the fact that she was at the DNC when the bomb was found and why?
–Why did Harris allow hundreds of J6ers to be prosecuted for threatening her designated space at the Capitol when she wasn’t at the Capitol?
–Who were the “two law enforcement officials” who told the New York Times that “pro-Trump rioters” fatally struck Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick with a fire extinguisher, inflicting “a bloody gash in his head”?
–Who orchestrated the 100-day-plus suppression of Sicknick’s autopsy report?
–If Sicknick was not murdered, as the DOJ finally conceded, why did a federal judge give Julian Khater an 80-month prison sentence for spritzing Sicknick with an over-the-counter pepper spray?
–Has there been an official inquiry into the subsequent suicide deaths of four USCP officers, and if not, why has the DOJ routinely blamed the J6ers for causing those deaths?
–Why was there no crime scene investigation in the likely homicide of Rosanne Boyland?
–Who chose to ignore the obvious video evidence of Boyland being suffocated as a result of a police action and to falsely blame her death on an amphetamine overdose?
–Who suppressed the Boyland autopsy report for 90 days and stonewalled her family at every turn?
–Why was Lila Morris, the Metropolitan P.D. officer caught on video repeatedly bashing the unconscious Boyland over the head with a tree branch, not even disciplined?
–Why was Metropolitan P.D. lieutenant Jason Bagshaw promoted despite having been caught on video bashing the defenseless Victoria White bloody?
–Why did the DOJ not interview the eyewitnesses to the shooting death of Ashli Babbitt?
–Why did the USCP coddle and promote Babbitt’s killer, Michael Byrd, despite a shooting that, according to use-of-force expert Stan Kephart, “violated not only the law but his oath”?
–Who ordered the “shock and awe” raids on the homes of hundreds of non-violent protesters and why?
–Why has the so-called “Scaffold Commander” not been arrested despite multiple clear images of his face?
–Why has the man who constructed the mock gallows on the Capitol grounds not been arrested despite multiple clear images of his face?
–Why did the USCP allow the gallows to stand unmolested on Capitol grounds for more than four hours before the crowds gathered?
–Why was Emanuel Jackson quickly set free despite having been caught on video swinging a baseball bat at police officers over a two-hour period?
–If there was no insurrection, as the DOJ conceded, why were the sentences given to the J6ers so much more severe than the $30–50 fines given to the protesters who physically obstructed the Kavanaugh hearings?
Right-wing conspiracy theories are having a bad day
Right-wing conspiracy theories are having a bad day
© Jose Luis Magana/AP
If you spend much time watching Fox News, or if you look to social media sites such as X for information about American politics and the U.S. government, you have probably heard two specific claims over the past four years. First, that the riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was fomented at least in part by government actors, including from the FBI. Second, that President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden took millions of dollars in bribes from a Ukrainian businessman.
You’ve probably heard those claims because each offers a different lens into the purported corruption of the Biden administration and/or the governmental Deep State — and because right-wing media organizations such as Fox spent months amplifying them. That claim about the bribes, for example, was hyped by Fox host Maria Bartiromo alone hundreds of times. The agent provocateur allegations about the Capitol riot, meanwhile, were a staple of Tucker Carlson’s former Fox News show.
There was never solid evidence to suggest that either was true. Instead, the assertions relied on the willingness of those on the right and supporters of Donald Trump in particular to embrace flimsy disparagements of Trump’s opponents and, rather than demand incontrovertible evidence from those making the claims, insist that the accused prove their own innocence.
Proving a negative — that someone didn’t do something — is often all but impossible, one reason that those in a weaker rhetorical position often demand it. But, on Thursday, new evidence emerged that brings each of the claims above one step closer to having been affirmatively disproved.
The one about the alleged bribe that Bartiromo found so convincing has already been eviscerated. It depended on an interview the FBI conducted with an informant — a “confidential human source” (CHS) in bureau parlance. This particular CHS alleged that he had been told about the bribe by a Ukrainian businessman and relayed that claim to his FBI handler.
The allegation took a meandering route to public attention but was seized upon last year by Republicans in Congress. At first, they demanded that the FBI release the write-up of the interview with the CHS, later revealed to be a man named Alexander Smirnov. When the FBI balked, noting that the interview was not corroborated and might put their sources at risk, the Republicans suggested it was an example of how the federal government was acting in Biden’s political interest.
In short order, though, that process complaint was overshadowed by the details of the allegation itself. Eventually, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) simply released the interview documentation himself. This claim that Biden had maybe taken a bribe was one of a handful of things that then-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-California) invoked when launching an impeachment probe targeting the president.
And then Smirnov was indicted on charges that he invented the allegation out of whole cloth.
The indictment made public by the Justice Department offered a compelling timeline showing how the conversation in which Smirnov claimed to have learned about the bribe couldn’t have happened. On Thursday, he agreed to plead guilty to the charges he faces and admitted to having made the whole thing up.
In a different part of the Justice Department on the same day, Inspector General Michael Horowitz released a new report addressing the other of our two initial false claims, the one about the Capitol riot.
The 84-page assessment of the FBI’s failure to understand that the Capitol riot was looming looks at a number of things that unfolded in the weeks before Jan. 6, 2021. But it also includes a very clear review of the idea that the FBI directly or indirectly stoked the day’s violence.
“We found no evidence in the materials we reviewed or the testimony we received showing or suggesting that the FBI had undercover employees in the various protest crowds, or at the Capitol, on January 6,” the report reads. There were informants at the Capitol that day, it continued, but those were people who, like Smirnov, gave information to the FBI rather than working for it directly. But even considering that distance from the government, the inspector general’s office found no evidence the informants were involved in the day’s violence.
“We determined that three CHSs had been tasked by FBI field offices in the days leading up to the January 6 Electoral Certification, with the required approval of the [Washington field office], to travel to DC for the events of January 6 to report on domestic terrorism subjects who were possibly attending the event,” the report states. Later, it notes that in addition to these three, the review “found that 23 other FBI CHSs were in DC on January 6 in connection with the events planned for January 6.” The FBI only knew that five of those informants were likely to be in D.C.
“None of these FBI CHSs were authorized to enter the Capitol or a restricted area, or to otherwise break the law on January 6,” the report states, “nor was any CHS directed by the FBI to encourage others to commit illegal acts on January 6.”
Of the 26 CHSs present that day, four entered the building and another 13 entered the restricted area surrounding the Capitol. None was arrested for taking part in the day’s violence — and, as stated, none had been instructed to trigger it.
Those eager to believe that the government did have a hand in the riot have a few options for dismissing this new evidence. Maybe it was some other federal agency, for example, or maybe the inspector general is simply covering for the FBI. This is precisely why demands to prove a negative are unfair; you can always shift to demand different proof.
The developments that unfolded Thursday are not surprising. It’s been clear from the outset that neither of the claims embraced by Fox and their allies were credibly substantiated. What the developments remind us, though, is that there are prominent voices who embraced those claims and that, over time, those claims have gotten substantially less credible.
Yet those voices haven’t gotten much less prominent
Lying by omission with such ease! On the one point, he doesn't seem to know about the IG report where the riot we now know was LOADED with government agents.(agent = one who acts on behalf of another) or is he downplaying that? Dozens, but they weren't ALL government agents. Remember, Capitol police held doors open for trespassers, film the J6 committee hid from us. Now we need to go through every frame of film used to fool the public and juries to find out who was following whom into trespassing, if we want to put/keep people behind bars. How does what he says justify the murder of Ashli Babbitt, shot in cold blood? Meanwhile the people who burned down thousands of buildings during the summer of George Floyd love run free with no mention from the author. It's all about the narrative and agenda but they call themselves mainstream media.
Back to J6, how many government officials were part of this that were not FBI, a question still not answered. In some polite words the author should STFU until all facts are in.
On the other point, how slick is it to narrow what Hunter did, what James Biden did, what Joe did, what the rest of the family did, down to one bribe from one official in one country, that didn't happen. That is not even the tip of the iceberg of what is accused. Ukraine, and still guilty there, did he forget about China? Hunter is accused of being involved with millions and millions of dollars of transactions in taking multiple payments, in multiple countries, over multiple years and spreading it with multiple family members. How did he miss that?
I wrote at the time of that plea, this will be used to cover up all the rest of it, but it doesn't even start to.
If ALL that money never changed hands, then what is the IRS charge against Hunter? A misunderstanding? They weren't relying on a claim they knew all along was false, or why the pardon?? ?? ?? What about those millions of dollars, you think the IRS doesn't have a record of them passing through Hunter, and prosecuted and convicted him with hard evidence? Or don't we trust the judicial system, and THAT has implications to you know who. What a bunch of bull crap.
"nor was any CHS directed by the FBI to encourage others to commit illegal acts on January 6.”
- THAT is VERY carefully worded statement, what the meaning of is is. Did they do that encouragement all on their own? Again, we need to review footage in the context of which are government plants, and which are Trump supporters and prosecute only those guilty and sentence equal to similar acts on the other side. .
Even if he was on either count or both and he's not, what does the conspiracy scoreboard say lately. The conspiracy theorists are beating the mainstream media in a landslide! How sad for this nation.
IIRC Dan Bongino spoke of this with a similar report that he knew of more then one active SS agent who claimed thir cell phone "mysteriously" disappeared after 1/6.
I can't really tell but it looks like he (she) moved over near some bushed and maybe took something out of the bag and put that something in the bushes.
So where are images of the purported bombs?
I read they were inoperable. It doesn't look even if it blew up it would do much damage in the location it was placed unless people were near that bench.
Funny how we keep reading newly released news etc, at the very end of Biden's 4 yr reign of terror.
A comprehensive look at undercover agents, provocateurs, & unexplained access & behavior within the capitol:
Attkisson is a serious reporter with courage. She first came to my attention when did deep and important work on Operation Fast & Furious-- about which we posted here.
Catherine Herridge is also a serious reporter with courage:
A seasoned law enforcement contact believes the FBI’s pipe bomber probe is “absolutely a cold case,” and the newly released video footage and details about the suspect are part of the bureau’s “tickle the wire” approach to generate new leads.
The story of January 6th will never be fully understood until the pipe bomber is identified and their motive revealed.
This week, the FBI released new details and previously unseen video footage of its high priority suspect. I write ‘high priority’ because the reward, of up to $500k, is the kind of reward typically associated with global terrorist networks.
Pipe Bomb /DNC Office
Pipe Bomb / RNC
The timeline is well documented.
On the evening of January 5th 2021, sometime between 7:30 and 8:30 pm, the suspect planted two viable pipe bombs. One device was left near a bench outside the Democratic National Committee (DNC) office and a second device was planted in an alleyway behind the Republican National Committee (RNC) office. Both locations are a few short blocks from the U.S. Capitol building.
“When investigators lack leads or want to ‘tickle the wire,’ they may use things like crime help get them fresh leads,” Scott Sweetow, a retired ATF and former acting Director of the FBI's Terrorist Explosive Device Analytical Center, explained.
YouTube video by FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation
Seeking Information on Capitol Hill Pipe Bomb Suspect
Over the years, I have discussed the case with Sweetow and others. Some of the newly released information struck both of us as probably not ‘new’ to investigators.
The FBI estimates the pipe bomber’s height at 5’7”. Having convered the FBI since 9/11, it’s the kind of basic information I would expect investigators to immediately release. Asked if the FBI sat on the details, Sweetow said it also struck him as odd.
“Typically, in any investigation, you want to get maximum information out to the public to spur leads as opposed to waiting,” Sweetow said. “If there is particularly sensitive information which cannot be released, sometimes it is a tactical decision to withhold that, but given the length of time that has passed since the attempted bombings, it really made little investigative sense to hold back information like this for as long as they did.”
National Explosives Task Force “Quick Look” Report - January 7, 2021
I was among the first journalists to report on the pipe bombs. Three days after the pipe bombs were discovered, I obtained this law enforcement bulletin that raised questions about the bomber’s timing and motive.
The choice of the RNC and DNC had obvious political overtones. According to the law enforcement records, the RNC device was reported at approximately 12:45 pm eastern on January 6th in the alley, wedged next to a garbage bin. The DNC device was found a half hour later, at approximately 13:15 pm eastern, in the bushes outside the building.
Both devices were planted in lightly trafficked areas, suggesting the pipe bomber’s goal was to attract attention and not to inflict the greatest number of casualties.
In March 2021, I reviewed a second law enforcement report that summarized the FBI lab’s forensic report. A key finding: both devices relied on mechanical kitchen timers.
March 2021 National Explosives Task Force Report
“both devices’ switches consisted of a generic kitchen timer”
The Task Force report read, “...the forensic examination of a pipe bomb (device 1) indicated the device contained a powdery substance consistent with the oxidizer potassium nitrate, the fuel sulfur, and a fuel consistent with charcoal. A second pipe bomb (device 2) contained the low explosive black powder which consisted of the oxidizer potassium nitrate, the fuel sulphur and a fuel consistent with charcoal….Both devices’ switches consisted of a generic kitchen timer.”
“A wire ran from the zero side of the timer to the positive side of the 9-volt snap connector on device 1. The igniters on both devices consisted of one piece of steel wool with two alligator clips.”
Mechanical Kitchen Timers
The pipe bombs had some sophistication, combining a mechanical timer and electrical ignition system. There was no secondary means of detonating the devices. My contacts report most pipe bombs recovered in the US have a simpler design.
When you are investigating a story, there is no substitute for going to the scene, and getting as close to the evidence as possible. With some research, and the help of long time contacts, I purchased a similar kitchen timer (above.)
I was struck by a flaw that is apparently well known to bomb techs. The 60 minute timers depend on the mechanical energy of a spring. If they are not properly wound, the electrical circuit will not be completed and the device will malfunction.
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While the photos are grainy, it appears at least one timer may have stopped short of “zero,” but it’s hard to say for sure.
All of this suggests the pipe bombs may have been designed to explode on January 5th. An explosion that night, hours before the Certification of Electoral Votes, would have fundamentally changed Capitol Hill’s security posture.
“Washington DC would have been locked down in a way few people have encountered, and substantial resources would have been marshaled due to the concern of additional attacks. Had this occurred, it is highly unlikely the subsequent events of January 6th could have occurred, as the capital would likely have been severely locked down,” Sweetow explained.
While the bomb maker(s) may not have understood the potential flaw inherent in the use of kitchen timers, the apparent lack of DNA evidence suggests the bomb maker was not an amateur.
“This is absolutely a cold case. In the immediate aftermath of the bombing, the FBI threw massive resources at the case, which is certainly understandable given the political nature of the targets and the location being Washington DC,” Sweetow emphasized. “The lack of forensic evidence in this case is highly unusual, and one of the most problematic things facing investigators.”
Aside from the newly released details from the FBI about the bomber’s height and distinctive sneakers, security videos from the street reveal another clue. Almost as unique as DNA, it’s called “gait analysis”.
Gait analysis is the way a person walks, their mannerisms, how they carry themselves. It can be a very powerful investigative tool. Military and law enforcement sources tell me they use gait analysis to help identify targets in the field.
“I have long felt that the mannerisms of the suspect, to include their gait, the way they bent over multiple times, and generally carried themselves was highly suggestive of a female,” Sweetow said. His analysis was backed up by a second contact, a retired Special Forces officer.
It is hard to reconcile the known facts in the pipe bomber case. Massive resources were expended by the FBI, but no suspect(s) have been publicly identified. The suspect seen in the videos may not be the bomb maker and, in fact, investigators maybe looking for a small cell.
While the bomb maker may have been tripped up by the kitchen timers, they were expert enough to apparently avoid leaving significant DNA evidence.
And lastly, the motive may have been distraction after a contentious election, not an explosion with significant casualties.
“Sometimes you never actually discover what the intent is of a bomber,” Sweetow said in closing. “The choice of political targets, following a very contentious election and impending congressional certification implies a political motive for the bomber. Because of that, it is possible the suspect wanted to cause general chaos in the National Capital Region in the hopes of eliciting some sort of action, although what that action was is difficult to say.”
This is a worthy case for the next FBI Director.
For its part, according to the AP, the FBI “has assessed over 600 tips, reviewed about 39,000 video files and conducted more than 1,000 interviews over the past four years.”
While this content is free, consider becoming a monthly or yearly subscriber. We can do truly independent, investigative journalism without your generous support.
Best, Catherine
Democrats’ stunning efforts to control the narrative of the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol have crumbled under the weight of evidence of a two-year House investigation. “We have totally debunked it,” said Rep. Barry Loudermilk, the lead investigator. ASSOCIATED PRESS
House inquiry shreds Jan. 6 narrative
New findings punch holes in Democrats’ blame of Trump
By Kerry Picket and Stephen Dinan THE WASHINGTON TIMES
A two-year Republican inquiry has rewritten the narrative of the fateful attack on the U.S. Capitol four years ago and two years after congressional Democrats put most of the blame on Donald Trump.
Rep. Barry Loudermilk, Georgia Republican, led the investigation that concluded Democrats’ single-minded focus on condemning Mr. Trump blinded them to many of the realities of Jan. 6, 2021.
The investigation punctured the story of the Democrats’ star witness, Cassidy Hutchinson, that Mr. Trump grabbed the steering wheel of the presidential limousine and tried to force his Secret Service agents to take him to join the mob at the Capitol. Republicans also released tapes of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, taking responsibility for leaving the Capitol largely undefended. Democrats heaped that blame on Mr. Trump. The Republican rewrite also tarnished the Pentagon, which said top Defense Department officials failed to deliver on Mr. Trump’s valid requests for military support.
In their extensive review, Republicans said they found no evidence that Mr. Trump supported rioters chanting for Vice President Mike Pence to be hanged or that he secretly planned to join the mob at the Capitol.
▶ New law prevents chaos in Trump certification. A3
Four years ago at the Capitol, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (inset top) was recorded taking responsibility for the chaos, guns were drawn as rioters tried to breach the House chamber and Vice President Mike Pence barely missed an encounter with protesters.
The results, Mr. Loudermilk told The Washington Times, left Democrats’ narrative in tatters.
“We have totally debunked it,” he said. “It is totally based on fiction, not fact. It’s a predetermined narrative. Nancy Pelosi and [former Rep.] Liz Cheney and the group decided what they wanted to be the truth, so they carefully edited and cherry-picked evidence to come up with a story.”
What is undeniable about Jan. 6 is that thousands of Trump supporters descended on the Capitol grounds. Perhaps 2,000 breached the building, roamed its halls and offices, and caused some damage.
Members of Congress, who were certifying the Electoral College vote count affirming Joseph R. Biden as the presidential winner, cowered and fled. So did Vice President Mike Pence, who barely missed a group of rioters.
One woman was fatally shot as she and fellow rioters tried to break into an off-limits area near the House chamber. The subsequent deaths of five police officers have been attributed to the stress and chaos of the day. One suffered a stroke immediately after the riot, and four died by suicide within seven months.
Democrats, who controlled both chambers of Congress in the aftermath, announced a House investigation of the riot, and Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California, the Republican leader, named hard-charging members of his party to serve on the panel. Mrs. Pelosi refused to seat them, triggering a Republican boycott.
Rep. Adam Kinzinger, Illinois Republican, was approved for the panel, and Ms. Cheney, Wyoming Republican, was named vice chair.
Democratic members were Rep. Bennie G. Thompson, the Mississippi lawmaker who chaired the committee, and Reps. Zoe Lofgren, Adam Schiff and Pete Aguilar of California; Stephanie Murphy of Florida; Jamie Raskin of Maryland; and Elaine Luria of Virginia.
They found fault with the police and Pentagon responses but concluded that Mr. Trump’s resistance to the election results incited the mob. They said Mr. Trump called for supporters to march to the Capitol, attempted to join them, failed to order better defenses in preparation for the day, and refused to strenuously call for calm as the Capitol was breached.
The characterizations of Mr. Trump’s resistance to the election results stood up, but other claims fared poorly under Republican scrutiny.
Mr. Loudermilk said Ms. Hutchinson, whose testimony was the cornerstone of Democrats’ blame game, was shown to be unreliable. It was only after backchannel negotiations with Ms. Cheney that she claimed Mr. Trump sided with rioters chanting “Hang Mike Pence” and that he grabbed the steering wheel of the presidential limousine.
The people supposedly involved refuted both claims.
“The Select Committee chose to promote Hutchinson’s version of events — citing a series of other unnamed individuals who were further removed from the alleged incident than even Hutchinson — over that of two federal law enforcement agents who were the only possible eyewitnesses,” Mr. Loudermilk’s investigation concluded.
In one of the more bizarre instances, Ms. Hutchinson falsely claimed to have drafted a handwritten note for White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows during the riot, he said.
Mr. Loudermilk hired a handwriting expert who concluded that Ms. Hutchinson did not write the note.
The Republican inquiry also concluded that the military intentionally delayed deployment of the National Guard despite Mr. Trump’s Jan. 3 directive that the military give all necessary assistance.
Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the time, recalled what Mr. Trump said: “It’s going to be a large amount of protesters coming here on the 6th, and make sure that you have sufficient National Guard or Soldiers to make sure it’s a safe event.”
The acting defense secretary later said he considered those directives “throwaway lines.” Pentagon leaders said they were worried about the appearance of helping Mr. Trump’s election resistance.
Republicans say the Democratic-led investigation also wrongly shielded Mrs. Pelosi from blame.
The investigation uncovered video from an HBO documentary film crew, led by Mrs. Pelosi’s daughter, that captured Mrs. Pelosi as she was being evacuated from the Capitol. The House speaker said, “I take responsibility” for not having the National Guard on hand.
“We have responsibility, Terri,” she told her chief of staff, Terri McCullough. “We did not have any accountability for what was going on there, and we should have.”
Mr. Loudermilk’s inquiry said the Democratic investigation did not answer some key questions, such as who erected a gallows on the Capitol Grounds on the day of the riot.
He said several nearby offices had cameras that could have revealed the culprits’ identities, but neither the FBI nor the Democrats’ investigators seemed to review the USCP CCTV footage. If they did, they never released information about when the gallows were built or who built them.
He also wondered how the gallows were allowed to be built and remain up for about 26 hours.
“It is inconceivable that gallows could be constructed on U.S. Capitol property and left up all day,” Mr. Loudermilk said. “These men arrived early in the morning, several hours before the rally even started or anyone had gathered, to construct the gallows platform, yet this structure was allowed to stay intact for all to see.”
Mr. Loudermilk said the Democrats’ investigators failed to archive some of their work, such as videos of private interviews.
He said his team had to repeat much of the Democrats’ work to understand how they reached their conclusions.
Democrats said they turned over what they could and said some materials weren’t archived because they weren’t required. In other cases, Democrats said the materials could have implicated national security or threatened witnesses’ safety.
A spokesman for Ms. Cheney didn’t respond to an inquiry for this report.
After Mr. Loudermilk called for Ms. Cheney to face criminal investigation for her role in the Jan. 6 investigation, she released a statement saying Mr. Loudermilk’s report “intentionally disregards the truth” and “fabricates lies and defamatory allegations in an attempt to cover up what Donald Trump did.”
“Their allegations do not reflect a review of the actual evidence and are a malicious and cowardly assault on the truth,” Ms. Cheney said.
The Washington Times has reached out to the office of Mr. Thompson, the Democrat who led the investigation with Ms. Cheney.
Nancy’s daughter Alexandra Pelosi opines, on video, about J6. Suffice to say she veers significantly from The Narrative:
Smith dismantled the argument that Trump was involved in an ‘insurrection’ after helping launder the lie through the media.
Author Breccan F. Thies profile
Former Special Counsel Jack Smith, who resigned in disgrace last week after his lawfare prosecutions of President-elect Donald Trump were dismissed, released his findings in his Jan. 6 case.
While Smith attempted to use the report as an outgoing smear of an incoming president, he also finally admits what many have known all along: The Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, was not an “insurrection,” and Smith did not believe he could convince even a far-left D.C. jury that it was an one. On top of that, he also could not prove that Trump incited the riot.
Despite the fact that Smith’s lawfare was clearly politically motivated and essentially meritless, as The Federalist has covered on numerous occasions, the prosecutor attempted to save face by insisting that “the claim from Mr. Trump that my decisions as a prosecutor were influenced or directed by the Biden administration or other political actors is, in a word, laughable.”
But what’s truly laughable is that Smith dismantled the left’s own arguments that Jan. 6 was an insurrection — an allegation he did not pursue, but certainly helped launder through the corporate media with his lawfare.
Several pages of the 174-page long report, released Tuesday, deal directly with 18 U.S.C. § 2383, or, the Insurrection Act, and how nothing on Jan. 6 could have been construed to be an insurrection.
The thrust of Smith’s argument that Trump could not have been successfully prosecuted for insurrection under the act is the actual definition of insurrection, and the fact that his office would have had to provided evidence that such a thing occurred. “Generally speaking, an ‘nsurrection is a rising against civil or political authority[] — the open and active opposition of a number of persons to the execution of law in a city or state,'” the report stated.
“The Office would first have had to prove that the violence at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, constituted an ‘insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof,’ and then prove that Mr. Trump ‘incite[d]’ or ‘assist[ed]’ the insurrection, or ‘g[ave] aid or comfort thereto,'” Smith wrote. “As to the first element under Section 2383 — proving an ‘insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof’ — the cases the Office reviewed provided no guidance on what proof would be required to establish an insurrection, or to distinguish an insurrection from a riot.”
Smith then went through multiple instances where courts had used the word “insurrection” in Jan. 6 prosecutions, but each time did not use the Insurrection Act to define it or have it based in anything other than, seemingly, rhetoric.
See, e.g., United States v. Chwiesiuk, No. 21-cr-536, 2023 WL 3002493, at *3 (D.D.C. Apr. 19, 2023) (“As this Court and other courts in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia have stated previously, what occurred on January 6, 2021 was in fact an insurrection and involved insurrectionists and, therefore, the terms to which Defendants object are accurate descriptors.”); United States v. Carpenter, No. 21-cr-305, 2023 WL 1860978, at *4 (D.D.C. Feb. 9, 2023) (“What occurred on January 6 was in fact a riot and an insurrection, and it did in fact involve a mob.”); see also United States v. Afunchel, 991 F.3d 1273, 1279, 1281 (D.C. Cir. 2021) (using the term “insurrection” in a case that did not involve Section 2383).
“These cases, however, did not require the courts to resolve the issue of how to define insurrection for purposes of Section 2383, or apply that definition to the conduct of a criminal defendant in the context of January 6,” Smith wrote.
In each example, it appears “insurrection” was used as a political buzzword enabling the corporate media to advance the “insurrection” narrative without doing anything to meet the legal requirements for one.
Smith also could not prove that Trump incited the riots at the Capitol. Even while attempting to talk out of both sides of his mouth, saying there were “reasonable arguments … particularly when the speech is viewed in the context of Mr. Trump’s lengthy and deceitful voter-fraud narrative that came before it,” Smith admitted that his office could not “develop direct evidence” with admissions or communications with anyone involved that Trump intended to cause the riot.
Breccan F. Thies is an elections correspondent for The Federalist. He previously covered education and culture issues for the Washington Examiner and Breitbart News. He holds a degree from the University of Virginia and is a 2022 Claremont Institute Publius Fellow. You can follow him on X: @BreccanFThies.
I hope:
• Repubs play it straight and narrow so this effort can be contrasted against the previous kangaroo passion play
• They go after the pre-pardoned, get 'em on record, and prosecute 'em if they lie
• A deep dive is performed where provocateurs, LEO plants/assets, ANTIFA false flags, etc. are concerned:
Speaker Johnson forms committee to probe Jan. 6, Democrats’ original investigation
BY EMILY BROOKS - 01/22/25 3:31 PM ET
Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) on Wednesday said he will establish a new select subcommittee that will probe the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot — and likely dig into the now-defunct Jan. 6 select committee that was led by Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) and then-Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.).
Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.) will chair the upcoming select subcommittee, which will be housed within the House Judiciary Committee.
Loudermilk pursued his own Jan. 6 investigation within the House Administration Committee, and had long been asking Johnson to break out the probe into its own entity.
Being classified as a “select” subcommittee means Johnson will have the sole official power to decide which members sit on the panel.
The move comes as many Republicans, including Johnson, have defended or brushed aside President Trump’s pardons this week of nearly all rioters involved in the Jan. 6 attack, including those who assaulted police officers.
“House Republicans are proud of our work so far in exposing the false narratives peddled by the politically motivated January 6 Select Committee during the 117th Congress, but there is still more work to be done,” Johnson said in a statement. “We are establishing this Select Subcommittee to continue our efforts to uncover the full truth that is owed to the American people.”
Loudermilk in a statement said he hoped to “uncover all the facts and begin the arduous task of making needed reforms to ensure this level of security failure may never happen again.”
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But beyond security concerns, Republicans have been eager to continue investigating the original Jan. 6 select committee, with which Republican leadership refused to participate or cooperate.
Loudermilk in December released a report evaluating the “failures and politicization” of the Jan. 6 committee and recommending a criminal investigation into Cheney, accusing her of witness tampering by being in touch with star witness Cassidy Hutchinson, a former White House aide.
In a statement at the time, Cheney said Loudermilk’s report “intentionally disregards the truth and the Select Committee’s tremendous weight of evidence, and instead fabricates lies and defamatory allegations in an attempt to cover up what Donald Trump did.”
The desire for prosecution may have played into former President Biden’s move, just hours before the end of his presidency, to preemptively pardon the members of the Jan. 6 select committee and its staff.
Those and other last-minute pardons have prompted suggestions that Republicans compel testimony or depositions from those who received pardons, since it removes a reason to refuse to answer questions by invoking a Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.
Loudermilk earlier this week indicated that Congress could call Jan. 6 select committee members in for questioning in light of the Biden pardons.
Asked if there is now an incentive to bring in the Jan. 6 select committee members for questioning, Loudermilk told The Hill: “I think definitely, this is a situation that we still got to dig a little deeper.”
“It’s also interesting, I think, to look at those he didn’t pardon,” Loudermilk added, mentioning Hutchinson.
The Jan. 6 select committee had subpoenaed a number of GOP lawmakers in its probe — including Reps. Scott Perry (Pa.), Jim Jordan (Ohio) and Andy Biggs (Ariz.), who did not comply. It had also asked Loudermilk to appear voluntarily to explain a tour he gave in the Capitol complex on Jan. 5, 2021, a request Loudermilk said was meant to push a “false narrative.”
In a joint statement Monday, Thompson and Cheney said they had faced “specific threats of criminal prosecution and imprisonment by members of the incoming administration, simply for doing our jobs and upholding our oaths of office.”
Jordan, chair of the House Judiciary Committee, praised the new panel.
“Rep. Loudermilk has been the leader in getting to the bottom of what the Democrat-led January 6 Committee failed to uncover, and we look forward to helping him bring all the facts to the American people,” Jordan said in a statement.
Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), the top Democrat on the panel, criticized Loudermilk for using his past work to attack Cheney but didn’t dismiss the idea of another committee.
“Look, the Jan. 6 violent attack on the Capitol, like every other historical event, can always be investigated further. There’s nothing to be afraid of there,” he said.
While Republicans largely boycotted the initial Jan. 6 Select Committee, Raskin stopped short of committing to assign any Democratic members to the new subcommittee, calling questions about the process an “inside the Beltway” inquiry.
“I don’t know, because, again, I haven’t seen what the terms of this are or what their plans are,” he said.
2nd post.
A two edged sword in my estimation. Imagine if every patriotic DA started charging Dems for their federal crimes, particularly given all of Biden’s pardons:
This is beyond silly. Upon what basis jurisdiction asserted?
This is beyond silly. Upon what basis jurisdiction asserted?
Yup. As for basis: orange man bad and J6 was an insurrection, so any sort of lawfare asshattery is A OK.
a blanket pardon of all J6ers was politically foolish.
Not yet clear to me that such was actually what was done, but if so, then I agree.
a blanket pardon of all J6ers was politically foolish.
I understand why some here think the J6 pardons issued en masse were “foolish,” though I suspect that opinion undervalues the basic understanding of fairness those Americans that don’t view all issues through “Progressive” lenses—lenses that only see horribly stacked decks comprised of grossly inconsistent standards applied in a manner that injures anyone that doesn’t unquestionably adopt their views and rewards violent behavior in support of “Progressive” ends as appropriate and indeed required—Americans in flyover country celebrated and embrace. This piece does a good job of exploring those nuances:
The Capitol riot fueled the war on wrongthink. Clemency for Capitol rioters should represent the start of the end of that war.
Author Ben Weingarten profile
In the four years since the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021, Democrats have crushed and disenfranchised their political opponents in a bid to achieve total power by waging a whole-of-society war on wrongthink. This war encompassed, among other elements, the lawfare apparatus, the broader weaponized administrative state, and the Censorship-Industrial Complex.
Now, with President Trump’s many corrective actions during week one of his second term, we may be witnessing the beginning of the end of this tyrannical war — the first step toward restoring liberty and justice in this country.
Trump began by issuing an executive order called “Ending the Weaponization of the Federal Government.” Under that order, the president declared it U.S. policy to “identify and take appropriate action to correct past misconduct by the Federal Government related to the weaponization of law enforcement and the weaponization of the Intelligence Community.”
The directive tasks the attorney general, alongside department and agency heads, with investigating weaponized acts by civil or criminal enforcement authorities over the last four years and presenting a report to the president “with recommendations for appropriate remedial actions.” The order calls on the director of national intelligence to initiate the same review for weaponized acts of the intelligence community.
The devil will be in the details. But if these reviews result in a comprehensive accounting of the malfeasance that transpired, the punishing of those who abused their powers, and the replacement of personnel and reform of policy to prevent future such corruption, this order alone would constitute a massive “W” for the republic.
But the president was not done there. He also issued an executive order on “Restoring Freedom of Speech and Ending Federal Censorship,” which prohibits federal employees from engaging in, facilitating, or using taxpayer dollars for “any conduct that would unconstitutionally abridge the free speech of any American citizen.” Like the weaponization order, it also calls on the attorney general and relevant agency heads to probe censorship activities during the last four years and present recommendations for remedial actions.
Given that the federal government provided much of the direction, coordination, and funding that fueled the censorship regime — which was imposed upon Americans over the past decade and intensified over the last four years — this order represents a potentially crippling blow to its entire foundation. As I detailed at RealClearInvestigations, President Trump has telegraphed that this is likely just the opening salvo in a broader effort to dismantle and destroy the Censorship-Industrial Complex.
The actions to end the war on wrongthink even extend across the globe. President Biden issued an unprecedented Executive Order 14115, under which his administration targeted ally Israel’s citizens and threatened its leaders with sanctions for daring to oppose White House policies that would imperil Israelis’ life, liberty, and property — beginning with rewarding the Palestinians for Oct. 7, 2023, with a state. That order was predicated on a sort of blood libel that Jews living in the biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria were engaging in rampant violence against their Arab neighbors. President Trump revoked the despicable order on his first day.
In addition to setting policies to provide accountability and prevent go-forward malfeasance, the administration has already started righting past wrongs. The Trump Justice Department immediately began dismissing outrageous lawsuits, like the one against whistleblowing doctor Eithan Haim, who had exposed that Texas Children’s Hospital was illegally giving children transgender procedures. Likewise, it ended prosecutions against pro-lifers for alleged FACE Act violations and pardoned the overwhelmingly peaceful protesters persecuted by the Biden Justice Department under that law. The administration announced it would reinstate service members booted from the military for refusing to get the Covid jab, with back pay and benefits.
But perhaps most notable of all was Trump’s decision to dismiss all pending cases against Jan. 6 defendants — with prejudice — and provide blanket pardons and a limited number of commutations to the more than 1,500 J6ers already prosecuted for the riot used to launch the war on wrongthink.
That decision took courage. It would have been more politically correct to do a bifurcated set of pardons based on the nature of alleged offenses. But the administration evidently considered Jan. 6 in its totality in deciding to end the entire lawfare inquisition.
Reports suggest the administration weighed the vigorous and seemingly vengeful J6 prosecutions against the leniency granted to Black Lives Matter and Antifa protesters who assaulted cops, murdered people, and burned down cities during the summer of 2020. It likely considered the grave defects to the cases: D.C. judges heaped collective guilt on the defendants and treated them with hostility, authorities violated their due process rights, and defendants faced perhaps the most anti-MAGA jury pools in America while judges refused to let them change venues.
The administration surely recognized, as the Supreme Court confirmed, that prosecutors twisted and tortured laws like the Enron-driven “obstruction of an official proceeding” charge to hang felonies around the necks of protesters. It understood that some without any prior criminal records were subjected to pretrial detention for months on end, with many subjected to alleged abuse in squalid jail conditions. It also appears to have acknowledged the complexity of judging people’s offenses given the presence of informants who may have entrapped some and the reported provocations, if not brutality, of individual police officers.
In short, the president seemingly surmised that the prosecutions were the fruit of a poisonous tree — and were themselves poisoned. Punishment had already been more than meted out. Law enforcement resources were better allocated toward not treating grandmas wandering the Capitol grounds like jihadists, and the American people had rendered their judgment on Jan. 6, 2021, which justified ending the entire sordid lawfare effort. Outgoing President Biden’s cavalier and corrupt pardons and commutations only made the decision easier.
The Capitol riot fueled the war on wrongthink. Clemency for Capitol rioters, perhaps above all other opening actions, should represent the start of the end of that war.
Ben Weingarten is editor at large for RealClearInvestigations. He is a senior contributor to The Federalist, columnist at Newsweek, and a contributor to the New York Post and Epoch Times, among other publications. Subscribe to his newsletter at, and follow him on Twitter: @bhweingarten.
we kept hearing every illegal who committed serious crimes all day long ....
now this is payback:
Piece looks into how Dem inaction set up the ensuing Capitol clashes Jan. 6, speculating this act was intended to distract from the voting irregularities that occurred in the earlier national election:
5000, for 39% of all agents, apparently:
(10) ACCELERATIONIST FOUND GUILTY OF PLANNING POWER GRID ATTACK: Brandon Russell was found guilty of conspiracy to damage an energy facility yesterday and will be sentenced in June. Russell and a co-conspirator planned to attack several facilities in the Baltimore area to “completely destroy this whole city” in 2023.
did he not say something to the effect he was "peaceful"
some J6 rioters belonged where they were .
What will millions of desperate and now unemployed former federal employees do now?
And all the recipients of the downstream patronage grants that will disappear? USAID, etc.
I hear an echo of what happened after the entire Ba'ath Party of Saddam Hussein was fired at the outset of the Iraq war. Many of the jobless Ba'ath party turned into AQ in Iraq and ISIS.
Many of the unemployed but "true believing" Rats may turn to terrorism out of rage and desperation. If it's 1'%, that will be thousands or tens of thousands. Enough for a deep support network as well as kinetic operators. -Matt Bracken