Fire Hydrant of Freedom
Politics, Religion, Science, Culture and Humanities => Politics & Religion => Topic started by: Crafty_Dog on November 17, 2016, 06:43:55 PM
Looks like it may be time to give this man his own thread , , ,
MARC: 2/28/17 Adding Perez's name to this thread.
MARC: 3/11/18 Adding Farrakhan's name to this thread.
MARC 7:29 Adding Ocasio's name to this thread.
MARC 4/23/19 Adding Ilhan Omar's name to the thread,
MARC: 3/5/20 Adding Tlaib's name to this thread
MARC: 1/7/23 Adding Hakeem Jeffries name to this thread
It is important that vague charges like racism or anti-Semitism are backed up with specifics..I was wondering what some of the specific charges are against Keith Ellison on anti-Semitism and Caroline Glick lays out that case very well here. This could also go in the anti-semitism thread. Note that she references the good work done by Scott Johnson at Powerline at the time the Keith Ellison was first elected. Also note the hypocrisy that one side is putting on nominees about their past affiliations and past statements while they elevate this man who was a member and spokesman for Nation of Islam, with ties to CAIR, Muslim Brotherhood, indirect ties to Hamas, to party leadership.
The Ellison Challenge
17 Nov 2016
The Democratic Party’s move toward antisemitism, a move made apparent through Ellison’s rise, is one movement the Jews mustn’t lead.
The Democratic Party stands at a crossroads today. And so do the Jewish Democrats.
Out of power in the White House and both houses of Congress, the Democrats must decide what sort of party they will be in the post-Obama world.
They have two basic options.
They can move to the center and try to rebuild their blue collar voter base that President-elect Donald Trump captivated with his populist message. To do so they will need to loosen the reins of political correctness and weaken their racialism, their radical environmentalism and their support for open borders.
This is the sort of moderate posture that Bill Clinton led with. It is the sort of posture that Clinton tried but failed to convince his wife to adopt in this year’s campaign.
The second option is to go still further along the leftist trajectory that President Barack Obama set the party off on eight years ago. This is the favored option of the Bernie Sanders wing of the party. Sanders’s supporters refer to this option as the populist course.
It is being played out today on the ground by the anti- Trump protesters who refuse to come to terms with the Trump victory and insistently defame Trump as a Nazi or Hitler and his advisers as Goebbels.
For the Democrats, such a populist course will require them to become more racialist, more authoritarian in their political correctness, angrier and more doctrinaire.
It will also require them to become an antisemitic party.
Antisemitism, like hatred of police and Christians, is a necessary component of Democratic populism.
This is true first and foremost because they will need scapegoats to blame for all the bad things you can’t solve by demonizing and silencing your political opponents.
Jews, and particularly the Jewish state, along with evangelical Christians and cops are the only groups that you are allowed to hate, discriminate against and scapegoat in the authoritarian PC universe.
From the party’s initial post-election moves, it appears that the Democrats have decided to take the latter path.
Congressman Keith Ellison from Minneapolis is now poised to be selected as the next leader of the Democratic National Committee. This position is a powerful one. The DNC chairman, like his Republican counterpart, is the party’s chief fund-raiser.
When a party is out of power, the party chairman is also treated like its formal leader, and most active spokesman.
Ellison is the head of the Democrats’ Progressive Caucus. His candidacy is supported by incoming Senate minority leader Sen. Chuck Schumer and outgoing Senate minority leader Harry Reid. Obama has indicated his support for Ellison. Sen. Bernie Sanders is enthusiastically supporting him.
Ellison made history in 2006 when he was elected to serve as the first Muslim member of Congress. As the representative of an overwhelmingly Democratic district, once he won the Democratic primary in 2006, he was all but guaranteed that he could serve in Congress for as long as he wishes.
As Scott Johnson, a prominent conservative writer who runs the popular Power Line blog website reported extensively in 2006, Ellison is an antisemite. He also defends cop killers.
As Johnson reported, Ellison was a long-standing member of the antisemitic Nation of Islam. During his 2006 congressional campaign, the local media gave next to no coverage to this association. But when it did come up, Ellison soothed concerns of Minneapolis’s Jewish community by sending a letter to the local Jewish Community Relations Committee.
In the letter Ellison claimed that he had only been briefly associated with Louis Farrakhan’s outfit, that he was unfamiliar with its antisemitism, and that he had never personally expressed such views.
The local media and the Jewish community were happy to take him at his word.
But as Johnson documented, he was lying on all counts.
Ellison’s association with the Nation of Islam dated back at least since 1989 and stretched at least until 1998. During that period, he not only knew about the Nation of Islam’s Jew-hatred, he engaged in it himself.
As Johnson noted, in 1998, Ellison appeared at a public forum as a spokesman for the Nation of Islam.
He was there to defend a woman who was under fire for allegedly referring to Jews as “among the most racist white people.”
Whereas the woman herself denied she had made the statement, Ellison defended and justified her alleged statement. Referring to her slander of Jews he said, “We stand by the truth contained in [the woman’s] remarks... Also it is absolutely true that merchants in Black areas generally treat Black customers badly.”
As Johnson reported, aside from engaging in anti-Jewish propaganda and actively promoting antisemitic messages and leaders, decades before the Black Lives Matter was formed, Ellison was a prominent defender of murderers of policemen.
After the September 11 attacks, Ellison likened the attacks to the Reichstag fire in 1933, intimating that the al-Qaida strike was an inside job. He then agreed with an audience member who said that “the Jews” gained the most from the attacks.
As a member of Congress, Ellison has been among the most hostile US lawmakers toward Israel. He has close relations with Muslim Brotherhood-related groups like the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Islamic Society of North America. Both groups were unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism funding trial, implicated in funding Hamas and al-Qaida.
And now, Sens. Schumer, Sanders and Reid and President Obama along with the Democratic grassroots activists and other party leaders are supporting Ellison’s bid to serve as chairman of the DNC.
As Ellison’s statement about “merchants” makes clear, the Democrats’ Jew-hatred may not be of the “Jews are the sons of apes and pigs” variety. In all likelihood, it will be propagated through angry rhetoric about “bankers” and “financiers,” and “the rich.”
Ellison, a supporter of the antisemitic BDS movement, has libeled Israel by likening the Jewish state to apartheid South Africa. Under his leadership, we can expect for Democratic politicians to veer even further away from Israel and to embrace the slander that Zionism is racism.
The populist Sanders route seems more attractive to the Democrats than Bill Clinton’s moderate path because the notion is taking hold that Sanders would have been a stronger candidate in the general election than Clinton was.
This view is hard to accept. Most Americans reject socialism, and populist or not, it is difficult to see how Sanders would have sold his radical positions to an uninterested public.
The other problem with the “Sanders would have won” argument is that it misses the distinction between Trump’s populism and Democratic populism.
Trump’s populism stemmed from his willingness to say things that other politicians and authority figures more generally wouldn’t dare to say. Trump’s allegation that the political system is rigged, for instance, empowered Americans who feel threatened by the authoritarianism of the politically correct Left.
Trump’s opponents insist that his populism empowered white power bigots. But that was a bug in his ointment. It wasn’t the ointment itself. Trump’s willingness to seemingly say anything, and certainly to say things that were beyond the narrow confines of the politically correct discourse, empowered tens of millions of voters. It also empowered white bigots at the fringes of the Right.
Whereas empowering white bigots was a side effect of Trump’s populism, empowering bigots is a central feature of leftist populism. And this is where it gets dicey for Jews.
As Obama – and Ellison – have shown, when Democrats channel populism, they use it to demonize their opponents as evil. They are “fat cats on Wall Street.”
They are “racists,” and other deplorables.
There are scattered voices on the Left that are calling for their fellow leftists to revisit their authoritarian practice of labeling everyone who doesn’t walk lockstep behind them as racists and otherwise unacceptable. But for the most part, the populists are winning the argument by essentially demanding more ideological radicalism and more rigidity.
This policy is completely irrational from a political perspective. It’s hard to see the constituencies that will be swayed to support an angry, hateful party.
But this brings us to the Jews, who voted 3:1 for the Democrats, and to the American Jewish leadership whose support for Clinton was near unanimous.
When antisemitic, populist voices like Ellison’s began taking over Britain’s Labour Party, British Jews began heading for the exits. When push came to shove they preferred their individual rights and their communal rights as Jews above their partisan loyalties.
So far, this doesn’t appear to be the case among Jewish Democrats.
Consider the Anti-Defamation League’s unhinged onslaught against Trump’s chief strategist, former Breitbart CEO Steve Bannon.
While ignoring Ellison’s record of antisemitism and support for Israel’s enemies, as well as his ties to unindicted co-conspirators in funding Hamas, the ADL launched a scathing assault on Bannon, accusing him of being an antisemite.
The ADL’s assault on Bannon follows its absurd claim in the final days of the campaign that Trump’s ad criticizing George Soros was antisemitic. It also follows the group’s bizarre condemnation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent video clip in which he stated the plain fact that the Palestinian demand that Jews be ethnically cleansed from the territory they wish to take control over is an antisemitic demand.
As many prominent US Jews on both sides of the partisan divide have made clear, the accusation that Bannon, whose Breitbart website is one of the most pro-Israel websites in the US, is antisemitic is appalling on its face. The allegation is simply unsubstantiated.
So why do it? Why allege that a friend of the Jews is a Jew-hater while ignoring the actual antisemitism of another man? The answer is depressingly easy to discern.
The ADL appears to be trying to give cover to the rising forces of antisemitism in the Democratic Party.
By falsely accusing Bannon and through him Trump of antisemitism, the ADL defuses the real problem of Democratic antisemitism. And if the ADL doesn’t think there is a problem with Ellison taking over the DNC, but alleges that Republicans hate them, then rank and file Jews will stay put.
The ADL of course isn’t alone in sending this message.
Following the election, Conservative and Reform congregations in major cities throughout the US organized communal shivas, to mourn Clinton’s defeat as if it was a death in the family. Such actions, along with characterizations of Trump and his advisers as Nazis or Hitler or white supremacists work to bind Jews to a party that is inhospitable to their communal interests while blinding them to the fact that Republicans do not hate Jews or the Jewish state.
For decades, American Jews have been at the forefront of every major social movement on in the US.
But the Democratic Party’s move toward antisemitism, a move made apparent through Ellison’s rise, is one movement the Jews mustn’t lead.
Note the links to efforts to defend him too
For example:
Note the links to efforts to defend him too
For example:
Face the Nation missed it but the chatter is starting to break through. Famous people reading the forum...
Scott Johnson links:
The membership in Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan, Stokely Carmichael, ties to CAIR, Muslim Brotherhood, indirect ties to Hamas are all disconcerting. 9/11 denial. What bothers me the most is the support for the cop killers. I remember this from television news but Scott Johnson documents it. Besides bad grammar, leading a group chanting "we don't get no justice, you don't get no peace" comes from the defense of cold blooded cop killers and charges back against police that were proven false. This was in the 1990s 20 years ahead of today's Black Lives Matter violence and innocent cop targeting.
second post
IPT Story Prompts ADL to Retract Ellison DNC Endorsement
by IPT News • Dec 1, 2016 at 4:21 pm
U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison's 2010 comments about Israeli political influence, first reported Tuesday by the Investigative Project on Terrorism, are "deeply disturbing and disqualifying" to his bid to become head of the Democratic National Committee, the Anti-Defamation League announced in a statement Thursday afternoon.
In remarks given at a private fundraiser, Ellison, D-Minn. implied Israel enjoyed disproportionate and inappropriate control over U.S. foreign policy. The IPT obtained a recording of those comments:
"The United States foreign policy in the Middle East is governed by what is good or bad through a country of 7 million people. A region of 350 million all turns on a country of 7 million. Does that make sense? Is that logic? Right? When the Americans who trace their roots back to those 350 million get involved, everything changes. Can I say that again?"
In Thursday's statement, ADL chief executive Jonathan Greenblatt said Ellison's comments expose a belief that American policy is driven not by the country's best interests, but by "religiously or national origin-based special interests ... Additionally, whether intentional or not, his words raise the specter of age-old stereotypes about Jewish control of our government, a poisonous myth that may persist in parts of the world where intolerance thrives, but that has no place in open societies like the U.S."
Greenblatt defended Ellison last week against criticism of his past association with the Nation of Islam and his close relationships with Islamist groups like the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), both of which were created by members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Ellison "long ago ... disassociated himself from the [Nation of Islam] and apologized for its anti-Semitism," Greenblatt wrote. And, "we have seen no concrete evidence of any link between Ellison and the Brotherhood."
"He has been outspoken about anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry in his role as a congressman. Local Jewish leadership in his district speaks highly of him," Greenblatt wrote.
But the 2010 comments exposed by the IPT changed all that. Bipartisan support for Israel, "our most important ally in the region, a democracy whose emphasis on equality and commitment to the rule of law stands in stark contrast to the anarchy and authoritarian regimes that prevail in much of the Middle East" is vital, Thursday's statement said. The next head of the Democratic Party should "have fidelity to these timeless ideals at all times."
The DNC is expected to choose its next leader in early 2017.
Keith Ellison's Disinformation Campaign
by Steven Emerson
IPT News
December 2, 2016
Confronted by his own words and facing a direct threat to his bid to become the next Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairman, U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison flagrantly lied Thursday. We are releasing the full audio and transcript to prove this.
Two days earlier, the Investigative Project on Terrorism released audio of Ellison during a 2010 political fundraiser, criticizing what he saw as the inappropriate and disproportionate influence Israel carries over American foreign policy.
"The United States foreign policy in the Middle East is governed by what is good or bad through a country of 7 million people. A region of 350 million all turns on a country of 7 million," said Ellison, D-Minn. "Does that make sense? Is that logic? Right? When the Americans who trace their roots back to those 350 million get involved, everything changes. Can I say that again?"
In a statement Thursday, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said it found Ellison's comments "deeply disturbing and disqualifying." That's because, "whether intentional or not, his words raise the specter of age-old stereotypes about Jewish control of our government, a poisonous myth that may persist in parts of the world where intolerance thrives."
In an open letter to the ADL, Ellison falsely claimed that "the audio released was selectively edited and taken out of context." He also claimed that he was merely "responding to a question about how Americans with roots in the Middle East could engage in the political process in a more effective way." And then he chose to attack the messenger.
None of Ellison's comments are true.
We have released the full audio of his remarks (click here to hear them and to read a complete transcript) to show no edits were made and to show the full context. Let him also explain this other clearly anti-Semitic comment he made: "But it makes all the sense in the world when you see that that country has mobilized its diaspora in America to do its bidding in America."
Ellison and Context
As we reported, Ellison's 2010 comments came during a fundraiser for Esam Omeish's state assembly campaign. Omeish is a former president of the Muslim American Society (MAS), a group created by Muslim Brotherhood members in the United States. In 2007, Omeish was forced to resign from a Virginia immigration panel after the IPT produced video of him praising Palestinians in 2000 for learning that "the jihad way is the way to liberate your land." A second video, shot two months earlier, shows Omeish congratulating "our brothers and sisters in [Palestine] for their bravery, for their giving up their lives for the sake of Allah."
Just this week, Omeish posted a paean to the Muslim Brotherhood on Facebook.
Nihad Awad, the only executive director the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has ever had, also attended the Omeish fundraiser. Court records show Awad was a member of a Muslim Brotherhood created Hamas support network in the United States called the Palestine Committee. So was CAIR, the organization he leads.
Awad attended a pivotal 1993 gathering of committee members in Philadelphia, convened to discuss ways to "derail" the U.S. brokered Oslo Accords.
Palestine Committee members opposed it because it included recognition of Israel's right to exist and because it empowered the secular Fatah movement over the Islamists in Hamas. We know this because the FBI secretly recorded the meeting.
excerpt from an FBI translation
He has never explained why he joined the others present in referring to Hamas in the agreed-upon, yet crude code of reversing the spelling and speaking about "Samah." Six months later, Awad appeared in Miami, where he publicly stated that, after some research, "I am in support of the Hamas movement more than the PLO."
When Keith Ellison stands before Omeish and Awad and asks whether it makes sense that America's Middle East policy "is governed by what is good or bad through a country of 7 million people," or when he says "that country [Israel] has mobilized its diaspora in America to do its bidding in America," the context seems pretty clear.
Democrats should choose the candidate they think can best lead their party to success in the future. They might decide Ellison fits that description.
They do so armed with greater understanding of Ellison's true feelings toward an issue pivotal for a lot of voters of all political persuasions
As he spearheaded the takedown of Dan Rather, Scott Johnson of Powerline has researched this and stayed with it until it reached all the new right media and is now reaching the so-called mainstream. When Ellison was only relevant to 80℅ liberal Minneapolis, no one CAIRed, as head of the whole, failed DNC, people are starting to take note.
And what a 50 year old said in office in 2010 is not a youthful discretion.
Keith Ellison is trying to plug the leaks that have sprung in his nascent campaign to head the Democratic National Committee. Ellison seeks to plug the leaks with lies and he’s lying as fast as he can talk. Let’s tune on him in action.
Last week the Investigative Project on Terrorism released audio of Ellison speaking during a 2010 political fundraiser, criticizing what he saw as the inappropriate and disproportionate influence Israel carries over American foreign policy. The IPT audio caught Ellison on tape: “The United States foreign policy in the Middle East is governed by what is good or bad through a country of 7 million people. A region of 350 million all turns on a country of 7 million,” said Ellison, D-Minn. “Does that make sense? Is that logic? Right? When the Americans who trace their roots back to those 350 million get involved, everything changes. Can I say that again?”
This was enough for the Anti-Defamation League to dismount from Ellison’s train. The ADL’s left-wing executive director Jonathan Greenblatt has succumbed to institutional imperatives. Greenblatt has declared Ellison’s comments “deeply disturbing and disqualifying.” That’s because, “whether intentional or not, his words raise the specter of age-old stereotypes about Jewish control of our government, a poisonous myth that may persist in parts of the world where intolerance thrives.”
Jonathan Martin reports in the New York Times that Ellison responded in an open letter to the ADL. Hey, in 2006 it worked for him with the Jewish Community Relations Council in Minneapolis. Why not now?
In his open letter to the ADL Ellison falsely claimed that “the audio released was selectively edited and taken out of context.” He also claimed that he was merely “responding to a question about how Americans with roots in the Middle East could engage in the political process in a more effective way.” And then he chose to attack the IPT, as he has “right-wing blogs” closer to home.
In “”Keith Ellison’s disinformation campaign” the IPT has now posted the complete audio of Ellison’s remarks. It responds: “None of Ellison’s comments are true.” That’s what I’ve been saying now for 10 years.
None of Ellison’s comments in his 2006 letter to the JCRC letter was true either. This time around, however, Ellison lacks the protection of a cow town’s local paper and its devoutly Democratic Jewish power brokers.
On the contrary, one major national Democratic donor and power broker has been paying attention. He’s got Ellison’s number. Speaking on Friday at the gala dinner organized by the Brookings Institution in connection with the Saban Forum, Haim Saban unloaded on Ellison: “If you listen to Keith Ellison today, and you see his statements he’s more of a Zionist than Herzl, and Ben Gurion and Begin combined. It’s amazing, it’s a beautiful thing. If you go back to his positions, his statements, his speeches, the way’s he voted, he’s clearly an anti-Semite and anti-Israel individual.”
That signifies. Ron Kampeas covers Saban’s remarks on Ellison at length for the JTA in “Saban says Keith Ellison’s DNC win would bring ‘disaster’ to relationship between Jews and Dems.” Martin notes Saban’s remarks in “Question facing Ellison: Could he lead DNC as part-timer?”
Ellison is lying as fast as he can. In response to national interest the University of Minnesota Daily posted the complete works of “Keith E. Hakim,” Ellison’s four columns advocating the Nation of Islam line in 1989-1990 as a third-year student at the University of Minnesota Law School. In the columns Ellison called for reparations and a separate black nation. Ellison explicated his columns for the hometown crowd on Minnesota Public Radio last week: “Those stories were tongue in cheek when I wrote them. It was over 26 years ago.” I think this falls into the category of nonresponse response: “People are going to try and dig up stuff to undermine my candidacy, but we’ve all been on a life journey and have hopefully learned something over the past quarter century, and I have too.”
This is a variation of Ellison’s claims of ignorance of what he was doing in the Nation of Islam after his graduation from law school while he was on the make in Minneapolis. He put it this way on Medium last week: “In my effort to pursue justice for the African-American community, I neglected to scrutinize the words of those like Khalid Muhammed and Farrakhan who mixed a message of African American empowerment with scapegoating of other communities. These men organize by sowing hatred and division, including, anti-Semitism, homophobia and a chauvinistic model of manhood. I disavowed them long ago, condemned their views, and apologized.”
Does the Democratic National Committee really want to join Ellison on his “life journey”? We shall see.
Please make him the DNC head! Please!
As he spearheaded the takedown of Dan Rather, Scott Johnson of Powerline has researched this and stayed with it until it reached all the new right media and is now reaching the so-called mainstream. When Ellison was only relevant to 80℅ liberal Minneapolis, no one CAIRed, as head of the whole, failed DNC, people are starting to take note.
And what a 50 year old said in office in 2010 is not a youthful discretion.
Keith Ellison is trying to plug the leaks that have sprung in his nascent campaign to head the Democratic National Committee. Ellison seeks to plug the leaks with lies and he’s lying as fast as he can talk. Let’s tune on him in action.
Last week the Investigative Project on Terrorism released audio of Ellison speaking during a 2010 political fundraiser, criticizing what he saw as the inappropriate and disproportionate influence Israel carries over American foreign policy. The IPT audio caught Ellison on tape: “The United States foreign policy in the Middle East is governed by what is good or bad through a country of 7 million people. A region of 350 million all turns on a country of 7 million,” said Ellison, D-Minn. “Does that make sense? Is that logic? Right? When the Americans who trace their roots back to those 350 million get involved, everything changes. Can I say that again?”
This was enough for the Anti-Defamation League to dismount from Ellison’s train. The ADL’s left-wing executive director Jonathan Greenblatt has succumbed to institutional imperatives. Greenblatt has declared Ellison’s comments “deeply disturbing and disqualifying.” That’s because, “whether intentional or not, his words raise the specter of age-old stereotypes about Jewish control of our government, a poisonous myth that may persist in parts of the world where intolerance thrives.”
Jonathan Martin reports in the New York Times that Ellison responded in an open letter to the ADL. Hey, in 2006 it worked for him with the Jewish Community Relations Council in Minneapolis. Why not now?
In his open letter to the ADL Ellison falsely claimed that “the audio released was selectively edited and taken out of context.” He also claimed that he was merely “responding to a question about how Americans with roots in the Middle East could engage in the political process in a more effective way.” And then he chose to attack the IPT, as he has “right-wing blogs” closer to home.
In “”Keith Ellison’s disinformation campaign” the IPT has now posted the complete audio of Ellison’s remarks. It responds: “None of Ellison’s comments are true.” That’s what I’ve been saying now for 10 years.
None of Ellison’s comments in his 2006 letter to the JCRC letter was true either. This time around, however, Ellison lacks the protection of a cow town’s local paper and its devoutly Democratic Jewish power brokers.
On the contrary, one major national Democratic donor and power broker has been paying attention. He’s got Ellison’s number. Speaking on Friday at the gala dinner organized by the Brookings Institution in connection with the Saban Forum, Haim Saban unloaded on Ellison: “If you listen to Keith Ellison today, and you see his statements he’s more of a Zionist than Herzl, and Ben Gurion and Begin combined. It’s amazing, it’s a beautiful thing. If you go back to his positions, his statements, his speeches, the way’s he voted, he’s clearly an anti-Semite and anti-Israel individual.”
That signifies. Ron Kampeas covers Saban’s remarks on Ellison at length for the JTA in “Saban says Keith Ellison’s DNC win would bring ‘disaster’ to relationship between Jews and Dems.” Martin notes Saban’s remarks in “Question facing Ellison: Could he lead DNC as part-timer?”
Ellison is lying as fast as he can. In response to national interest the University of Minnesota Daily posted the complete works of “Keith E. Hakim,” Ellison’s four columns advocating the Nation of Islam line in 1989-1990 as a third-year student at the University of Minnesota Law School. In the columns Ellison called for reparations and a separate black nation. Ellison explicated his columns for the hometown crowd on Minnesota Public Radio last week: “Those stories were tongue in cheek when I wrote them. It was over 26 years ago.” I think this falls into the category of nonresponse response: “People are going to try and dig up stuff to undermine my candidacy, but we’ve all been on a life journey and have hopefully learned something over the past quarter century, and I have too.”
This is a variation of Ellison’s claims of ignorance of what he was doing in the Nation of Islam after his graduation from law school while he was on the make in Minneapolis. He put it this way on Medium last week: “In my effort to pursue justice for the African-American community, I neglected to scrutinize the words of those like Khalid Muhammed and Farrakhan who mixed a message of African American empowerment with scapegoating of other communities. These men organize by sowing hatred and division, including, anti-Semitism, homophobia and a chauvinistic model of manhood. I disavowed them long ago, condemned their views, and apologized.”
Does the Democratic National Committee really want to join Ellison on his “life journey”? We shall see.
"Please make him the DNC head! Please!"
First expose him for what he is and what he stands for, then watch them choose their leader and direction in full knowledge and in public view.
Until now, Minneapolis liberals just thought they had a good guy. That won't be but ought to be reconsidered.
As suggested, he should be a serious political liability for them wherever he serves.
This is a rare case of facts breaking through the mainstream media wall.
They still haven't hit his war on police past.
uly of 2009 was not the most obvious time to argue against sanctioning Iran. In June, the regime violently suppressed a widespread protest movement that emerged in response to the alleged rigging of the country’s presidential election. Mir Hossein Moussavi, who the regime had declared the election’s loser, was under house arrest, securing the belligerent Holocaust denier Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a second term in office. Iran was also operating 3,800 uranium enrichment centrifuges and stonewalling international nuclear monitors, in violation of international law. As a result, even President Obama and members of his administration who favored dialogue were suggesting the need for more intensive U.S. sanctions against a country that leaders of both parties agreed posed a potential nuclear threat.
But for Keith Ellison, then a freshman congressman from Minnesota, mid-2006 was an ideal time for the U.S. to try something radically different in its relations with Tehran. “I haven’t been persuaded that the best thing for us to do is to rush to crippling sanctions,” said Ellison during a July 22, 2009 House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing covering recent developments in Iran. Although Ellison clarified he was “not in principle against sanctions,” he argued that Washington could not shape Iranian behavior without broader international cooperation: “We have sanctioned ourselves out of sanctions unilaterally,” Ellison said, years before many of the most restrictive U.S. measures had even been introduced.
Ellison also submitted an op/ed piece by Trita Parsi, the founder and president of what was then a little-known organization called the National Iranian American Council, and a strong proponent of closer U.S. ties with Iran, into the committee’s hearing record. (In a March 2011 speech at a NIAC event, Ellison thanks Trita Parsi for being “an indispensable partner” in helping to develop a 2009 bill that would have sanctioned individual human abusers in Iran while lifting U.S. restrictions on NGO work in the country, and refers to the NIAC founder as a “friend.”)
Ellison is now vying to be head of the Democratic National Committee, and his statements at the 2009 hearing are part of a larger pattern of taking views on Iran that put him in the minority of the party he hopes to lead. If Ellison does become DNC head, the Democrats will have elevated an outspoken proponent of a transformed U.S. policy towards Tehran who has taken a notably independent course, even in relation to other Democrats—including Obama, whose early outreach efforts were scuttled after the existence of Iran’s secret Fordow uranium enrichment facility was exposed in September of 2009.
Ellison’s wariness of increased U.S. sanctions continued well beyond that point. During a March 2011 address at a National Iranian American Council event, Ellison voiced his support for the U.S. opening a diplomatic interest section or embassy in Tehran, something that the notably pro-engagement Obama has been careful not to publicly endorse. He also appeared to argue against sanctioning non-Iranian companies for doing business in Iran: “We have sanctioned Iran so much we have almost no levers to play on this,” said Ellison. “Now we’re at the point of sanctioning our economic partners who will then impose sanctions on them. Very sad, very not exactly a direct relationship.”
In the same speech, Ellison cited the tear gas attacks against anti-regime Egyptian protesters as an example of when U.S. sanctions would be morally and strategically prudent. “You and I as Americans do not want any Egyptian who is fighting for civil or human rights to have to pick up a tear gas canister that says ‘made in America,’ said Ellison. “If that government’s going to oppress people they can’t do it with our participation. That’s a good reason for sanctions….” The Iranian nuclear program appeared to strike Ellison as a less deserving target.
It is unusual to hear even dovish Democrats talk about dramatically upgrading relations with a self-proclaimed enemy of the United States without exacting any changes in behavior from the country: As Ellison said in his NIAC talk, “When we put up an embassy or an interest section in another country, it’s not a gift to them… You’re not doing something for the other country by having someone to look after our interests there, and by withdrawing it, it’s not a punishment.” Along with the idiosyncratic Dennis Kucinich and Justin Amash, Ellison was one of only 11 members of Congress to vote against the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act in December of 2011, which expanded sanctions against Iran’s energy sector.
In August of 2013, NIAC lauded Ellison for being one of 20 members of the House of Representatives to “stand up to the war lobby” by opposing additional sanctions in a House vote that occurred three months before the start of serious, publicly acknowledged nuclear negotiations with Iran. In May of 2015, Ellison was one of only five Democratic members of Congress to vote against the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, which submitted the July 2015 nuclear deal to a potential vote and compelled the White House to disclose documents relevant to the agreement to Congress. (A number of hawkish Republicans, including incoming CIA director Mike Pompeo, also voted against the bill, but because they felt its oversight mechanisms weren’t rigorous enough).
Keith Ellison’s long-term relationship with Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam may be in his past, while leading Jewish Democrats like Chuck Schumer continue to vouch for his present status as a “friend” of Israel—even despite his embrace of clerics who fund Hamas and his public positions against funding missile defense programs for the Jewish State. Yet if Ellison does become DNC chair, it would bring enthusiastic and often uncritical supporters of the U.S.-Iran relationship closer to the center of power of the Democratic Party. It would also create an unavoidable contrast with the incoming Republican president, who has stocked his administration with national security figures who are deeply skeptical of Tehran—thereby cementing the Iran Deal as a defining feature of America’s partisan divide.
Previous: Keith Ellison Allegedly Said U.S. Foreign Policy Is ‘Governed’ by Israel
ADL Reverses on Keith Ellison, Now Opposes His DNC Leadership Bid
Related: Keith Ellison Supported the BDS Movement and Admired Louis Farrakhan. So Why Are Jewish Democrats Supporting Him for Chairman of the DNC?
Keith Ellison Lies to CNN
by IPT News • Dec 14, 2016 at 5:47 pm
With a new challenger to his bid to become Democratic National Committee chairman, U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison took to CNN Wednesday morning and lied about 2010 anti-Israel remarks first exposed by the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT).
During a private fundraiser, Ellison criticized what he saw as Israel's disproportionate influence in American foreign policy.
"The United States foreign policy in the Middle East is governed by what is good or bad through a country of 7 million people. A region of 350 million all turns on a country of 7 million. Does that make sense? Is that logic? Right?"
Asked about the comments by CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, Ellison falsely claimed he was merely answering a question about political involvement.
"I was talking to a group of people who asked me how they could look at the Jewish community as a model for political empowerment," Ellison said in a transcript posted by Real Clear Politics.
The IPT published the entirety of Ellison's remarks from that 2010 fundraiser, which was hosted by former Muslim American Society (MAS) President Esam Omeish, an activist who previously praised Palestinians for choosing "the jihad way" for their liberation. MAS was founded by Muslim Brotherhood members in the United States, and Omeish recently published a glowing tribute to the Egyptian-based Islamist group.
The full recording and transcript show that Ellison addressed a range of issues, including taking time to praise Omeish and note the passage of the Affordable Care Act. But there was no question about empowerment. On CNN, Ellison said he saw "nothing wrong with any group of Americans using our democratic system in order to advance their policy views."
Again, that statement flies in the face of Ellison's recorded comments. His language, and the rhetorical questions he posed, indicated something was very wrong: "A region of 350 million all turns on a country of 7 million. Does that make sense? Is that logic?"
Later, he added, "We can't allow another country to treat us like we're their ATM. Right? And so we ought to stand up as Americans. Now some of us have affinity for other places around the globe. Some of us are new Americans and adopted America as our home. But whether you're born here or whether you accepted America as your own voluntarily, this is our home. Right? All of our home equally, and we can't allow it to be disrespected because some, by a country that we're paying money to."
It's good that Cuomo asked Ellison about his comments. But he let the politician skate with a false account.
DNC chair race comes down to Ellison or not Ellison.
If it's Perez we can move this to another thread.
Successful candidate needs 224 votes out of 447 on Feb 25.
All say this is about competing in all 50 states, blah, blah, blah.
Or is this really about saying what activists want to hear and energizing the base? We will see.
We know its going to be Ellison
The Dem party is all about being the in your face middle finger now.
criticize him for anything and it is going to be airwaves filled with cries of racism islamophobia blah blah blah
To think a guy close to Farakhan is going to be head of the DNC is another reminder how radical the DNC is now.
Perez is seen by many as the probably winner.
So I became the Keith Ellison expert for nothing and know almost nothing about Perez, except that the party that chose him is nuts.
I wonder if Ellison believing the Germans invaded Pearl Harbor hurt him. His call for violence against police and citizens wasn't a negative to the far left.
"So I became the Keith Ellison expert for nothing and know almost nothing about Perez, except that the party that chose him is nuts."
Well Ellison is appointed "deputy chair" I suppose in a show of cumbaya love and inclusiveness .
Its not like Perez, a Clinton-Obama guy is much if any better.
Doug: As Deputy Chairman, he remains someone with whom we can paint the Dems. :evil:
"Along these lines, Prof. Allen Dershowitz, a lifelong Democrat who promised to quit the party if Ellison was elected due to his documented history of antisemitism and hostility toward Israel, hailed Perez’s election. Speaking to Fox News, Dershowitz said that Perez’s election over Ellison “is a victory in the war against bigotry, antisemitism, the anti-Israel push of the hard Left within the Democratic Party.”
I guess his leaving the Dem party was too good to be true. He is back to form with the above statement.
I don't think I can think of a Jewish Democrat who changed.
One point I've made about Keith Ellison seeking national office is that I have never seen evidence he has set foot in a red state or even a red county.
At the risk of standing corrected, he was invited to speak to the Democrats in South Dakota (unicorn convention?), but that invitation has been rescinded so I stand by my accusation.
I’m not sure if they want to hide the fact that their keynote speaker Keith Ellison has said that a 63 Percent Tax Rate is “Fair,” and they’re afraid that it could see print in the Argus Leader or Rapid City Journal.
Or that a KELOland reporter might note to the audience that Ellison gave a speech defending Sara Jane Olson, a Domestic Terrorist and attempted Cop Murderer.
Or it could be that Ellison stated that he believes the Democrat Party should come out against the Second Amendment, and Democrats are afraid how that’s going to look for their party in South Dakota when it appears in every weekly newspaper in the state?
More at the links:
The cop assassination in the Bronx reminds me of protests before Keith Ellison had state wide and nation wide fame and before the slogan black lives matter was coined.
The chant he was leading in Minneapolis for the news cameras, on behalf of an accused cop killer, was:
"We don't get no justice, you don't get no peace."
That slogan is still part of the movement. Let's pick it apart.
First thing to notice is bad grammar. Not for lack of money in inner city (Keith Ellison's then district) schools who receive twice the per student funding of better performing schools.
Next thing to jump out is THE THREAT OF VIOLENCE, "you don't get no peace". Study the context to get meaning and you get a calling for more cop killings if they don't get justice which means let cop killers go free or something.
Then we have the choice of pronouns, 'we don't get no justice, you don't get know peace'. This isn't e puribus unem (out of many, one) this is pure us versus them thinking, black versus white. You whites will get no peace in your racist society, like when black jurists just acquitted a Hispanic cop in St.Paul.
The real result is that police are being taken off the street and letting crime go in black neighborhoods because of the hostility created and the people getting no peace are the black people trying to live in the neighborhood.
Does anybody want to take a look at the racial makeup of the 100 shot in Chicago over the 4th, none of which were shot by cops.
The assassination of one cop for what they wrongly tell people another cop did helps this how?
He was just quoting Obama's Rasheed Khalidi speech.
Keith Ellison, Louis Farrakhan and Iran
The DNC’s deputy chairman hasn’t told the full story.
Rep. Keith Ellison in Washington, March 21, 2017.
Rep. Keith Ellison in Washington, March 21, 2017. Photo: Win McNamee/Getty Images
By Jeryl Bier
Feb. 8, 2018 7:14 p.m. ET
When Rep. Keith Ellison ran for Democratic National Committee chairman, he faced questions about past associations with the Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhan. On MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” in December 2016, Mr. Ellison angrily accused his critics of a “smear campaign” for “talking about something that happened in 1995,” when Mr. Ellison was 32. It turns out Mr. Ellison—who lost his bid but is now the DNC’s deputy chairman—wasn’t telling the full story.
In 2006, during his first run for Congress from Minnesota, Mr. Ellison conceded he had worked with the Nation of Islam for 18 months before the October 1995 Million Man March. In a letter, he assured Jewish groups: “I reject and condemn the anti-Semitic statements and actions of the Nation of Islam [and] Louis Farrakhan. ”
A decade later, during the DNC leadership contest, he accused Mr. Farrakhan and his organization of sowing “hatred and division, including, anti-Semitism, homophobia and a chauvinistic model of manhood. I disavowed them long ago, condemned their views, and apologized.”
In September 2013, however, Messrs. Ellison and Farrakhan dined together. The occasion was a visit by Iran’s newly elected President Hassan Rouhani to the United Nations. Mr. Rouhani invited Muslim leaders from around the U.S. to dinner after addressing the U.N. General Assembly. Contemporaneous news reports placed Mr. Farrakhan at the dinner. Unreported by mainstream outlets was the presence of Mr. Ellison, along with Reps. Gregory Meeks of New York and Andre Carson of Indiana. (All three are Democrats; Messrs. Ellison and Carson are Muslim.)
The Nation of Islam website documents the event, noting that Mr. Rouhani “hosted the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, Muslim leaders from different Islamic communities and members of the U.S. Congress at a private meeting . . . at the One UN Hotel in Manhattan Sept. 24, 2013 across the street from the UN headquarters.” The Final Call, a Nation of Islam publication, added that “ Keith Ellison of Minnesota . . . participated in the dialogue” after dinner and includes photos of Messrs. Farrakhan and Ellison at the tables. The Michigan-based Islamic House of Wisdom also reported on the meeting, with additional photos.
According to Mr. Farrakhan, the 2013 meeting was not the last time he and Mr. Ellison were together. After Mr. Ellison renewed his denunciation of Mr. Farrakhan in 2016, Mr. Farrakhan stated in an interview that Reps. Ellison and Carson had visited him in his Washington hotel suite the preceding summer.
When Mr. Ellison sought the DNC position, he received support from many Jewish leaders and prominent politicians. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer dismissed concerns rather glibly: “I’m not worried about the Israel stuff.”
The press secretaries for Messrs. Ellison, Carson and Schumer did not answer emails seeking comment. Mr. Meeks’s press secretary said his boss had no response.
Democratic members of Congress and even Barack Obama have so far gotten a pass for their recently revealed Farrakhan connections. Rep. Danny Davis of Illinois called Mr. Farrakhan an “outstanding human being.” Will Mr. Schumer and other prominent Democrats hold their colleagues to account for associating with someone who, as Mr. Ellison admits, sows hatred and division?
Mr. Bier is an accountant and freelance writer.
Two different points, the refusal to denounce a Jew-hater and the CNN blackout of the issue. (shocked). There is no similarity here to Republicans denouncing or not a bigot in ILL they've never met or heard of. Obama buddied around with Farrakhan. Ellison was his wing man. Ellison now represents Jewish neighborhoods in MN that include the childhood homes of Al Franken and Tom Friedman. He still meets with Farrakhan. WHY?? Wisdom on issues, political or religious guidance? Any comment called for EVER from those two or anyone else? No, it was the other way around; they made Ellison reluctantly denounce Franken for breast and butt grabbing.
Ellison should denounce himself for calling for inciting mob violence, cop killing and bad grammar:
"We don't get no justice, you don't get no peace"
Context: Supporting the gang leader of cop killers, Shariff Willis in Minneapolis, 1995, found guilty in the trial. Ellison led the mob protest against the prosecution.
No controversy there...
The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America By Andrew McCarthy
"Ellison [also] stood up for accused [housewife/terrorist] Sara Jane Olson, a member of the so-called Symbionese Liberation Army, which has been called a domestic terrorist group. Olson, formerly known as Kathleen Soliah, pleaded guilty shortly after 9/11 to attempting to murder Los Angeles police officers."
Dem reaction to the scandals of inciting violence and bad affiliations: Maybe we should make him party chair!
Minimum wage set by government. Maximum wage set by government. Why not just have all wages set by government? I like that we have an Ellison thread but I would like these extreme views tied to All of the Left. If you are Democrat or t5o the left, you should be questioned by a neutral media, do you agree WITH THE LEADERSHIP OF YOUR PARTY that government should set wages in what was formerly known as the private sector? Government shouldn't even set the wage levels in the public sector!
Imagine there are no countries, no borders - you might want to vote Republican if you want to keep your country, with borders.
When conservatives make gaffes, they say something false, uninformed, stupid.
Liberal gaffes happen when they reveal the truth about they want, think and believe.
You can keep your doctor, your plan, that was a strategy, a lie, not a gaffe. "Stupidity of the American voter and a lack of transparency were key to passing the Affordable Care Act", Jonathon Gruber, that was a gaffe.
In their own lives, they agree with conservatives. They have a gate at their house - Harry Reid, kids with school choice - Obama, Jesse Jackson, voter ID - at all Democrat conventions, concealed carry - their bodyguards, income inequality - worst in all of their states, and are pro-life - all their mothers chose live birth over abortion!
"Imagine there are no countries, no borders "
Can anyone explain why this is good for American Blacks?
Why they keep voting for people who advocate this stuff is beyond me.
Do the games still go on if a congressman says he won't watch?
Funny in a gallows humor sort of way that the same ilk of big government people just put a big taxpayer and crony government stadium in his district last year and he is offended over this. Ellison the social justice warrior supported transferring hundreds of millions from working people to rich people, has no issue subsidizing concussions that hit black people disproportionate and shorten their lives, but take away open anti-Americanism and he is out.
As a contrary indicator, maybe if Ellison is out, the rest of the country is back in.
Do the games still go on if a congressman says he won't watch?
Funny in a gallows humor sort of way that the same ilk of big government people just put a big taxpayer and crony government stadium in his district last year and he is offended over this. Ellison the social justice warrior supported transferring hundreds of millions from working people to rich people, has no issue subsidizing concussions that hit black people disproportionate and shorten their lives, but take away open anti-Americanism and he is out.
As a contrary indicator, maybe if Ellison is out, the rest of the country is back in.
The America-haters on the left don't watch football much anyway.
The NFL has self inflicted what is quite possibly a mortal wound, by alienating it's core audience.
It certainly has lost me.
Ellison is running for MN Attorney General.
Is that a step down? He may want to come home from Washington. More likely he sees more power fighting Trump from the point of view of the states' rights. How ironic.
Also, State AG can be a stepping stone, to Governor, to Senator and in Bill Clinton's case to President. The difference being Bill Clinton approached politics as a centrist. There is no sign of that from Ellison:
This is a big change for Ellison. All his other elections have been in one-party districts. He has never run a competitive race against a Republican. I wonder if he is controversial and far Left enough to lose this election in blue, becoming purple state MN? If he had picked Governor or Senate races directly, he likely would lose. Is it a positive thing for highest law enforcement officer that he is currently vice-chair of a criminal organization, the national DNC?
"Minnesota has never seen a major party candidate for attorney general with Ellison’s shady past."
"State representative Ilhan Omar is among those who will seek the DFL endorsement to replace Ellison in Congress."
You folks outside of MN might as well start learning that name, future Congresswoman from "Little Mogadishu".
"The prospect of the election of Ellison and Omar to the respective offices they seek is akin to the prospect of being hanged in a fortnight, as Samuel Johnson put it. It concentrates the mind wonderfully."
Keith Ellison is now running for Minnesota attorney general, has been exposed for not having a law license.
Subdivision 1.Prohibitions. It shall be unlawful for any person or association of persons, except members of the bar of Minnesota admitted and licensed to practice as attorneys at law, to appear as attorney or counselor at law in any action or proceeding in any court in this state...
His first act as attorney general could be the prosecutor himself, but even that would be a violation of law.
Other interesting questions:
Why does one of the most powerful Democrats in Washington want to be Minnesota attorney general? Obviously it is a podium and standing from which to sue the Trump Administration.
Ellison has never won an election in anything other than the far left District. Minnesota is now a divided state. Suing the Trump Administration on policies is not the goal of half the people . There aren't many people that would be easier to paint as far left in a general election. To prove his critics right, he had Bernie Sanders campaign with him this past week.
Ellison is vice chair of the Democratic Party. The biggest challenge the party faces is that they are driving Democrats who are white out of the party. Minnesota is 90% white, 3% black. Go ahead Keith, drive the rest of the sane, anthem standing whites out of the Democratic Party at the same time that Trump just raised his approval rate from blacks from roughly zero to 22%. What could possibly go wrong?
Wikipedia claims he graduated from:
"attend the University of Minnesota Law School. While there, he wrote several articles in support of Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam. Ellison graduated with a Juris Doctor in 1990"
with a law degree.
So he is lawyer but doesn't have law license in Minnesota.
OTOH having a law license or active license doesn't mean one needs to follow the law to hold a prominent legal government slot. Just look at Lynch , Holder, Comey .
Michelle Malkin nails this with insight and wit.
This isn't really about Ocasio. Malkin has it right, Ocasio simply recites and exposes the drivel they spew at our universities. For just $300,000 and a pretty hard entrance exam you too can become an economic ignoramus.
For the mere cost of an internet connection and a device you can read this forum and learn historical truth about economics.
You get what you pay for. (
one of Doug's favorite economists ( :wink:) thinks she is "pretty reasonable":
one of Doug's favorite economists ( :wink:) thinks she is "pretty reasonable":
Very funny! Of course she is reciting him so he is only opining on how good his own ideas are.
(I don't plan to read it unless someone wants to pvt msg nyt login codes to me. )
She said on Noah Trevor? Comedy Central Economics for the Left program that she met with him. With a little oooh and ahhh about how important that makes her sound she said they found with just four new taxes that would cripple the economy and exhaust all revenue sources, she would not be able to raise even 1/10th of what they would need for single payer and free college.
I suspect the Dems are going to pull her aside and lecture her about what to say and not to say
and provide that she stay on script
they wil walk her through this.
Like when Michelle O said in the beginning of O reign (of terror for the Right) when asked what it is like being married to HIM
she repsonded something akin to "I don't know what all the fuss is about " "he still stinks in the morning like everyone else"
That was the last time she was allowed to go off script for the cameras.
Other than his support for cop killers, he seems so nice.
Apparently the alleged video has yet to be seen. Just because he is an Islamo Commie scum bag does not mean we should not await FACTS.
Apparently the alleged video has yet to be seen. Just because he is an Islamo Commie scum bag does not mean we should not await FACTS.
You are right of course but it's kind of fun to judge him by his own standard, he has already come out in favor of impeachment of trump.
I would add that by today this is a multiple accuser situation. Assuming he is innocent, as we should, unfortunate for him that today is the primary election day in Minnesota. He is on the ballot running for Minnesota attorney general, a place he chose to sue the Trump Administration from.
To be fair, when this type of attack was on a Republican I found the timing disgraceful.
Otoh, he has gotten a free pass for all that he has done wrong that we do know in fact except for limited coverage provided by Scott Johnson at Powerline and what I have posted here of first-hand knowledge, nothing to do with the current, domestic abuse allegations.
2017 patient report naming Congressman Keith Ellison for physical and mental abuse.
To the medical and law enforcement experience on the Forum, isn't the doctor named above a mandatory reporter? Maybe this is not a credible or plausible allegation, but it is far more specific and recent them the Kavanaugh allegation currently debated in the news.
Powerline titled this news, drip, drip, drip. That is probably the best way for the Republican voters of Minnesota. If Democrats were to believe the woman, two or more in this case, they would replace Ellison on the ballot with a different Democrat who would likely win. Republicans have one that office for one term in the last 65 years.
Public support for cop killers, civil violence and jew-hating racists did not bring him down, but private, unsubstantiated, 'me too' allegations without direct evidence might. Too bad.
Very strange to see the Star Tribune take an interest in Keith Ellison's misdeeds after more than two decades of silence.
Well, he's running for State Attorney General now and the dragging his girlfriend through the house accusations are rather news.
Good potential for click bait.
Doesn't sound like much to me.
Doesn't sound like much to me.
Good. Let's keep our criticism on his past work with cop killers, race haters and terrorists and his wrong view on direction of the country instead.
How does this happen and no one at the top takes responsibility?
When it happens in the Trump administration, it's Trump's fault. In the Catholic Church responsibility goes to the top.
With Stormy, he is guilty because he paid her off.
Blatant sexual harassment in Kamala Harris' office and giant, secret payoff exposed? That's different.
Harris spokeswoman Lily Adams issued a statement in which the Senator’s office claimed they knew nothing about the harassment claim.
“We were unaware of this issue"
Nearly half a million dollar payout and "we were unaware"??!!
Like James don't recall Comey and Robert didn't know Mueller, what else Kamala are you unaware of and why does your spokewoman handle such big issues? Or is paid off sexual harassment IN YOUR OFFICE not a big issue?
"As part of the settlement negotiated with Becerra, Hartley was forbidden from speaking about the case to the media."
That sounds familiar. Was it a felonious, unreported campaign contribution? Is the media asking about jail time? Was the cover up bigger than the crime??
But the rise of anti-semitism is Trump's fault...
Wacky progressives divide!
Whoopi Goldberg to Ocasio-Cortez: Stop "Pooping On People," "Sit Still For A Minute And Learn The Job".
Amen. I would add, Whoopi, vice versa.
And then there is Keith, we-don't get-no-justice, you-don't get-no-peace, Ellison, with his hand on the Koran, was sworn in as Minnesota Attorney General yesterday. He already hired radicals for his assistants and promises that Minnesotans "won’t just come to us, we will go to them".
That's reassuring. (sarc.)
He has a plan of extremist activism and we are about to find out what it is.
His successor married her brother to gain citizenship. I wonder if he will go after this travesty of justice...
"And then there is Keith, we-don't get-no-justice, you-don't get-no-peace, Ellison, with his hand on the Koran, was sworn in as Minnesota Attorney General yesterday. He already hired radicals for his assistants and promises that Minnesotans "won’t just come to us, we will go to them"."
Justice Eric Holder style = racist, all about race.
I love when leftists try to change history by telling us how muslims had an early hand in making this country.
If I recall Jefferson had a koran because he was trying to understand the "mohammeds" while we were at war with barbary pirates
Well many of the north african slaves were muslim when brought here I have read
But were converted to christianity.
"And then there is Keith, we-don't get-no-justice, you-don't get-no-peace, Ellison, with his hand on the Koran, was sworn in as Minnesota Attorney General yesterday. He already hired radicals for his assistants and promises that Minnesotans "won’t just come to us, we will go to them"."
Justice Eric Holder style = racist, all about race.
I love when leftists try to change history by telling us how muslims had an early hand in making this country.
If I recall Jefferson had a koran because he was trying to understand the "mohammeds" while we were at war with barbary pirates
Well many of the north african slaves were muslim when brought here I have read
But were converted to christianity.
Yes. Unlike most of our so-called "Elites",Jefferson actually tried to understand the islamic threat.
"The campaign of U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been fined $1,500 for not having the required workers’ compensation..."
Too bad the little know-it-all didn't rise from bartender to bar owner before taking on Article I responsibilities for the nation.
"The campaign of U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been fined $1,500 for not having the required workers’ compensation..."
Too bad the little know-it-all didn't rise from bartender to bar owner before taking on Article I responsibilities for the nation.
Laws are for the little people.
"The campaign of U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been fined $1,500 for not having the required workers’ compensation..."
"Laws are for the little people."
Right, but she was one of the little people a VERY short time ago.
I wonder if they allowed the fine to be paid out of 'little people's' campaign contributions. They aren't the ones who broke the (stupid) law.
Let's put more burdens on small employers and see if we can stop entrepreneurialism altogether... (
Too bad Trump can't repeal this Massachusetts law - or pardon her.
"broke the (stupid) law."
Well one never knows when an aide or intern might slip on his or her ass on the way to the toilet in the House of Representatives .
And Ocas does have diarrhea of the mouth .
Someone has to pay :roll: :roll: :roll:
"The campaign of U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been fined $1,500 for not having the required workers’ compensation..."
"Laws are for the little people."
Right, but she was one of the little people a VERY short time ago.
I wonder if they allowed the fine to be paid out of 'little people's' campaign contributions. They aren't the ones who broke the (stupid) law.
Let's put more burdens on small employers and see if we can stop entrepreneurialism altogether... (
Too bad Trump can't repeal this Massachusetts law - or pardon her.
Once the velvet rope is lifted, the rules stop applying. Or, be an illegal alien, the rules don’t apply to you either. The rules exist to keep the tax cattle in line.
“Millennials and people, you know, Gen Z and all these folks that will come after us are looking up and we’re like: ‘The world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change and your biggest issue is how are we gonna pay for it?'" Ocasio-Cortez said.
Did 85 million die in 'climate change'? Or will all perish? Let's see if the Washington Post fact checks this.
Is it old fashioned and obsolete to ask, "how are we gonna pay for it?"
Not in 2020, but Ms. Ocasio is eligible to run for President in the following cycle. She might as well announce now.
They poll socialism (Oh, let's be more equal!) and tout its young new stars without mentioning the coercive government and diminished individual choices intrinsic to their policies.
The poor already have free health care and people up to 400% of the poverty line are eligible for subsidized healthcare. Put everyone on these systems and the quality of care will go down, not up. cf. 42 week waits in Canada:
Ocasio continued: Is a system that allows billionaires moral? No.
The ramifications of her candid response are startling. See economics thread, we need more billionaires, not fewer, more people who start businesses that grow to employ 1000 people or more. The lack of entrepreneurial startups is what killed growth during the Obama years.
If your fight is against poverty which is lack of wealth, wealth is good. She is from the fixed pie, flat earth branch of economics.
Putting an end to dumb blonde jokes.
Nice of er to draw attention to the fallacies of Leftist thought.
Ocasio-Cortez said it's immoral billionaires exist in a country with people still getting ringworm.
Let's concede she meant hookworm which you can get by eating feces of people who have hookworm or by walking barefoot with open wounds through infected, untreated feces.
Fact check: The number of billionaires in a area or country is inversely proportional to number infected by hookworm.
Why the blatant falsehood? Because that is what liberals do. In particular, because facts and results like Venezuela don't back up their policy views, they mix together unrelated phenomena to imply cause and effect relationships.
In general, wealth cures hookworm. In one of the nation's richest zipcodes where Ocasio was raised, they connect all the toilets with city sewer. In rural areas people need their own septic systems and te state of the art ones are expensive to install.
Funny that people from Alabama don't want the national healthcare systems designed by people like Ocasio, see polling and vote results.
One might also add that they wish they had more billionaires who as a group hire more people and pay higher wages than non-billionaires.
The place where Ocasio is closer to right is Democrat run areas where income inequality is made worse by Democrat policies, San Francisco for example. There is no reason other than Democrat policies that poor people are defecating in the streets. There is no reason housing costs need to be that high other than Democrat policies. There is no restriction of access to healthcare for any of these people and there is ample giveaway income and programs for all of them to have footwear.
US hookworm, almost eradicated, is carried in by new arrivals to the 48 states from poorer areas around the world, including not checked for health condition.
Democrat immigration policies allowing the free flow of unchecked people at unchecked borders take us in the exact opposite direction of controlling what diseases, ailments and parasites that we previously eradicated walk back into our country.
Stomping out and confiscating wealth does that too.
According to the UN, if we fail to do anything about climate change, personal incomes will grow 399% over the next 50 years instead of 400%.
We can't afford to NOT do something!
What science could teach Ocasio-Cortez about climate change
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez's 2018 Campaign Spent $20,490 On Air Travel, $3,147 On Rail
Where can you fly to and from in her district, Bronx to Queens? Beverly Hills fund raising?
Ilhan Omar’s History of America
The United States as Cold War villain.
By James Freeman
Feb. 15, 2019 2:44 p.m. ET
Not that it will make Israelis feel any better, but Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) doesn’t seem to like America all that much, either.
Shortly after apologizing for anti-Semitic comments, the House freshman Democrat set about trashing America’s conduct during its successful Cold War against the Soviet empire.
Rep. Omar’s views may not have been entirely clear to Minnesota voters last November. A public broadcasting report shortly before her November election to the U.S. House described her this way:
Omar fled her native Somalia when she was 8 years old and spent four years in a refugee camp in Kenya. She came to the US as a 12-year-old and eventually settled in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood of Minneapolis, which has long been a first stop for new arrivals in the US. There, she “fell in love with democracy” and started spending time as a community organizer until she ran for office.
... For Omar, the inspiration to get involved in politics came from her family, who were always talking about politics, world news and democracy over meals.
But in a New York Times report almost two months after last year’s election, her experience in America didn’t exactly sound like a love affair:
Her arrival in this country was the first time, Ms. Omar has said, that she had confronted “my otherness” as both a black person and a Muslim. She became a citizen in 2000, when she was 17. After the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, she decided to wear the hijab, as an open declaration of her identity. But from “the first day we arrived in America,” she said, she concluded that it was not the golden land that she had heard about.
“I think back to the orientations I went through a little over 20 years ago in the process of coming to this country, and in those orientations they did not have people who were homeless. There was an America that extended liberty and justice to everyone. There was an America where prosperity was guaranteed regardless of where you were born and what you looked like and who you prayed to,” she said, adding, “I wasn’t comfortable with that hypocrisy.”
Many Americans are no doubt sorry our country didn’t live up to her expectations. But if Ms. Omar thought prosperity in America was guaranteed, the fault lies with those expectations. The real guarantee that has inspired millions of people to come to this land is the freedom to succeed or fail.
And while Rep. Omar may claim that she “fell in love with democracy,” recent events suggest it was at best a temporary crush. How else to explain her recent tweet echoing the propaganda of Venezuelan strongman Nicolas Maduro as he presides over a humanitarian disaster and prevents the restoration of that country’s democracy? Wrote Rep. Omar:
A US backed coup in Venezuela is not a solution to the dire issues they face. Trump’s efforts to install a far right opposition will only incite violence and further destabilize the region. We must support Mexico, Uruguay & the Vatican’s efforts to facilitate a peaceful dialogue.
There is no U.S.-backed coup. As the Journal’s Mary Anastasia O’Grady explained recently, the Venezuelan constitution gives the democratically elected National Assembly the power to declare Mr. Maduro’s 2018 re-election invalid. “It did so at the time because the election didn’t meet minimum democratic standards. The Lima Group of Latin American nations, Canada, the Group of Seven leading industrial nations and the European Union all refused to recognize the election for the same reasons,” noted Ms. O’Grady, adding:
As a result, when Mr. Maduro’s first term expired on Jan. 10 there was no legitimately elected president and the seat was legally vacant. According to the constitution, the job then fell to the president of the National Assembly, Mr. Guaidó. The U.S. didn’t “anoint” him president, nor did he anoint himself; he is constitutionally obligated to accept the role for an interim period and organize a new election.
Dozens of democracies around the world have recognized Mr. Guaidó’s government, called for a new presidential election, or both. He has the backing of the Organization of American States, the Lima Group and the European Parliament.
The Venezuelan people are desperate to end the era of misery and hyperinflation. But this week Rep. Omar used an appearance on Capitol Hill by Elliott Abrams, the U.S. special envoy to Venezuela, to try to score political points on behalf of Mr. Maduro. RealClearPolitics has a video of the amazing exchange at the House foreign relations committee in which Rep. Omar essentially expressed the Marxist view of the Cold War. She attacked the former Reagan administration official for a 1982 atrocity in El Salvador by U.S.-backed forces that massacred hundreds of people. She didn’t mention that during the Cold War America’s communist foes massacred a hundred million people in atrocities too numerous to count.
Here’s RealClear’s transcript:
REP. ILHAN OMAR (D-MN): ...You later said that the U.S. policy in El Salvador was a fabulous achievement. Yes or no do you still think so?
ABRAMS: From the day that President Duarte was elected in a free election to this day, El Salvador has been a democracy. That’s a fabulous achievement.
OMAR: Yes or no, do you think that massacre was a fabulous achievement that happened under our watch?
ABRAMS: That is a ridiculous question.
OMAR: Yes or no?
OMAR: I will take that as a yes.
ABRAMS: I am not going to respond to that kind of personal attack, which is not a question.
Rep. Omar wasn’t done. “Yes or no, would you support an armed faction within Venezuela that engages in war crimes, crimes against humanity, or genocide if you believed they were serving U.S. interests, as you did in El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala?” she asked.
Whose interest is Rep. Omar serving?
Strange, I was told that when we brought islamic savages to the US, and they set foot on the magic soil, they suddenly become modern and intelligent and love us.
Well, at least it works in europe, right?
I oppose tax breaks to billionaires too, but will not be surprised if she loses her seat in a primary next year. How far Left is Bronx-Queens today? I get it, urban folk are Dems, but are these not working class neighborhoods?
Is he staff? Is he spouse? Is he on the payroll? Is he paid by dark groups, PACs, interest groups? He is not paid by the taxpayers but has a US Congress email?
"you wouldn’t allow it in most companies, let alone the House of Representatives. There should be real consequences,” Jason Chaffetz, former chairman of the House Oversight Committee, told Fox News.
She wants him to have spousal privilege then doesn't disclose his financials as required of a spouse.
Now they live in luxury housing, the kind she criticized, that made no provision for affordable units. Is there a wall? Is there a doorman? Is everyone welcome?
With all the attention to Riley Roberts, he had take his Linked in page down.
Maybe by the end of this they will both be libertarians and want the government to leave them alone.
" @ltthompso wrote a blog post with @FEC proof that Saikat’s PAC paid AOC’s boyfriend $6,000 after $6,000 payment from AOC’s campaign to Saikat’s LLC. AOC then made Saikat her Chief."
"All animals are equal, some are just more equal than others".
Different rules for the elites under socialism is a feature, not a bug.
Is he staff? Is he spouse? Is he on the payroll? Is he paid by dark groups, PACs, interest groups? He is not paid by the taxpayers but has a US Congress email?
"you wouldn’t allow it in most companies, let alone the House of Representatives. There should be real consequences,” Jason Chaffetz, former chairman of the House Oversight Committee, told Fox News.
She wants him to have spousal privilege then doesn't disclose his financials as required of a spouse.
Now they live in luxury housing, the kind she criticized, that made no provision for affordable units. Is there a wall? Is there a doorman? Is everyone welcome?
With all the attention to Riley Roberts, he had take his Linked in page down.
Maybe by the end of this they will both be libertarians and want the government to leave them alone.
" @ltthompso wrote a blog post with @FEC proof that Saikat’s PAC paid AOC’s boyfriend $6,000 after $6,000 payment from AOC’s campaign to Saikat’s LLC. AOC then made Saikat her Chief."
"Different rules for the elites under socialism is a feature, not a bug."
Right! Watch these candidates jet from event to event until they run out of money arguing how everyone else should give up air travel. They will call Trump a hypocrite but he jets in and doesn't call for ending jet travel; he seeks to make prosperity available to all.
The boyfriend was caught up in the swamp while Ocasio was still a Manhattan bartender from Queens. The payments to him were really payments to her. He didn't provide "marketing services" to them. Bringing the PAC and money laundering to light exposes the fact that these extremists are part of a larger top down operation, not the grass roots movement it is purported to be. Al these campaign rules they break come from the politics of their ilk, but intended to only apply to others.
all the while demanding Trump to release his tax returns.....
She pissed off the wrong establishment dems.
Standard issue millennial lefty. :roll:
Ocasio-Cortez Retweets PFLP Supporter
by John Rossomando • Mar 5, 2019 at 4:34 pm
U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., on Tuesday retweeted an open supporter of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a State Department designated terrorist organization. U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights Yousef Munayyer wrote, "AIPAC activist tells NYT the lobby is coming for Congresswoman @AOC @RashidaTlaib and @IlhanMN. 'They are three people who, in my opinion, will not be around for several years.'"
Tlaib and Ilhan Omar are new members of Congress who have drawn criticism for anti-Semitic statements that they claim are just criticisms of Israel. Ocasio-Cortez has defended her two colleagues.
Ocasio-Cortez retweeted Munayyer's post, expressing her disappointment with AIPAC activist Stephen Fiske's statement to the New York Times complaining, "...[T]here seems to be no problem at all with a zero-tolerance stance for simply asking about US foreign policy."
Munayyer openly supports the Socialist PFLP, which rejects any compromise or peace with Israel, by posting its communiques and touting some of its actions.
"The Palestinian liberation movement ... [seeks] to destroy the state of Israel as a military, political and economic establishment which rests on aggression, expansion and organic connection with imperialist interests in our homeland," the PFLP's says in its "Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine – The Aims and Significance of the Palestinian War of Liberation."
The Boycott, Divestment Sanctions (BDS) movement seeks to isolate Israel politically and economically by encouraging boycotts of Israelis goods and the imposition of sanctions on the Jewish state. Munayyer runs the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR), the U.S. affiliate of the BDS Palestinian National Committee, which coordinates the BDS movement worldwide.
Munayyer posted a PFLP communiqué in June 2017 announcing a stabbing attack in Jerusalem that killed an Israeli policewoman. It noted the terrorists had been previously faced "imprisonment by the occupation." Other tweets reminded people that the PFLP and other factions including Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah are fighting alongside Hamas "against Israel in this war." In a tweet last April, Munayyer told followers that Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh held aloft a picture of imprisoned PFLP leader Ahmad Saadat in a show of solidarity.
His group, the USCPR, made a similar post in 2016 mourning the death of a PFLP terrorist. A vendor at USCPR's convention last summer underscored the Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) group's ideological orientation by selling a hat saying "Make Israel Palestine Again."
The Democratic Socialists in America (DSA), to which Ocasio-Cortez belongs, passed a pro-BDS resolution in 2017. After it passed, activists chanted, "From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free," a call for Israel's elimination.
Related Topics: John Rossomando, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Yousef Munayyer, PFLP, BDS, anti-Semitism, AIPAC, U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, Democratic Socialists of America
one million from donations to Alexandria Ocasio NoCortex Besarionis dze Jughashvili seem to have quietly slipped into shell companies .
this from the powerful woman equal to any man who demands Trumps tax returns.
talk like socialist but live like a king.
where have we seen this story before - over and over and over - again.
I am sure we will hear this in the MSM :roll:
Now we know the Democrats are protecting friends of David Duke who I guess hates Jews more the Muslims and Blacks.
This is fg awesome!!! :-D
We are still getting to know Rep. Omar but looks like she and the lady from Detroit might fit in this thread.
It's hard to believe this war within the Democrat Party has escalated this quickly; I guess they got from their elders didn't real sink in.
Omar: “caging of kids” at the Mexican border and the “droning of countries around the world” on Obama’s watch — and argued that he wasn’t much different from President Trump
Doug: When Obama was President and we were making drone strikes inside Afghan, Pak, Yemen, etc. and I knew that if Barack Obama was not President he would be leading the opposition to that policy. Obviously his top military and security advisers were telling him this was necessary and he was reluctantly going along with it. (Critics can't stand that Trump does not do what his military advisers say). All other peace-nik liberals were hating this Obama policy too but there was a speech code; if Obama was doing it, we don't speak out. Now Omar is saying what none of them would say for almost 10 years. Shocking but guess what? A whole bunch of liberals feel exactly the same way. Obama was the #1 most liberal member of the Senate. Not good enough, this group is off his deep end. The Dem war has begun. Will the same side of the Dem party primary these people or is this the new direction of the party?g
The New York Post reports:
Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar ripped former President Barack Obama in an interview published Friday, belittling his “pretty face” and saying his agenda of hope and change was an illusion.
She cited the “caging of kids” at the Mexican border and the “droning of countries around the world” on Obama’s watch — and argued that he wasn’t much different from President Trump
“We can’t be only upset with Trump,” the freshman firebrand told Politico Magazine.
“His policies are bad, but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies. They just were more polished than he was,” Omar said.
“And that’s not what we should be looking for anymore. We don’t want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished. We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.
I guess we won't know who will win the DEm war till'20.
sadly we will see AOC long after I am deceased (oxymoron)
with her safe district
unless dems can find someone less idiotic
that could win over the minorities
it seems to me whether it is the communists or the socialists who win they are dead set on wiping out all Republicans
Obama, Beto (Tex Kennedy) and AOC were constructed. They are kind of like the Pre-Fab Four of the left.
There is a new study that concludes the human brain isn't fully formed until age 25, if true, making Ocasio-Cortez a 4 year old adult. Her questions in Maxine Waters'
circus committee made me think of that.
Consider this:
1. Pipelines are FAR safer than all the alternatives ways for moving the fuels we use pumped through them.
2. Ambulances, Fire Trucks and Police vehicles use fossil fuels for propulsion. Also, for the most part, the American economy. A first-world factory doesn't shut production down when the sun and wind go down. Separating her future ideals from the current question of how to move gas and oil, is she against emergency services, driving to work, employment and production?
3. What fuel do they use to deliver solar panels and wind turbines?? You can't have a renewable fuel revolution without fossil fuels. Do the math before opening the mouth - or do they teach that at Boston University economics.
4. Pipelines connect refineries to airports and she is a major user of air travel [and SUVs, limousines]. What is the difference between her financial and power-based tie to fossil fuels and theirs.
5. Fossil fuels heat her office and her home. Without them, all other things equal, she would be dead - along with everyone else in the north and northeast.
6. Oil and gas are cleaner and safer than coal. Block oil and gas and you use more coal. Do the math. THAT INCREASES CARBON EMISSIONS!
7. Solar and wind don't work when the sun and wind go down and we aren't heading back our lifestyles to the pre-Edison days. Or put all that on the ballot and we will vote it up or down. She got 15,000 votes in a primary, was not elected dictator. Invent the right solution and run it through the constitutional process before eliminating what we use now - via the Finance Committee.
Oh but Doug , even if she is totally wrong and stupid headed, "AOC" stimulates debate and that is good
(so says the MSM and their crat allies.)
Oh but Doug , even if she is totally wrong and stupid headed, "AOC" stimulates debate and that is good
(so says the MSM and their crat allies.)
In a way she obviously helps the right. We have been trying to paint them as idiots and socialists (because they are) and she and Bernie and a number of others walk right into it.
OTOH, she gives voice and twisted logic to those on the Left who relate to her ideas. So while she energizes the right, she energizes the left too, moves them further left, widening the divide in the country but clarifying what we are divided about.
We wish to amplify the craziest of the voices on the Left to prove their craziness but be careful what we wish for. That strategy didn't work out so well 2006-2016.
There is no voting our way out of what is coming. Plan accordingly.
Oh but Doug , even if she is totally wrong and stupid headed, "AOC" stimulates debate and that is good
(so says the MSM and their crat allies.)
In a way she obviously helps the right. We have been trying to paint them as idiots and socialists (because they are) and she and Bernie and a number of others walk right into it.
OTOH, she gives voice and twisted logic to those on the Left who relate to her ideas. So while she energizes the right, she energizes the left too, moves them further left, widening the divide in the country but clarifying what we are divided about.
We wish to amplify the craziest of the voices on the Left to prove their craziness but be careful what we wish for. That strategy didn't work out so well 2006-2016.
" There is no voting our way out of what is coming. Plan accordingly."
GM not the only pessimist on this :
I am not optimistic at all and think it is too late
The cans made a big mistake opening up the borders like they did all these yrs.
Oh but we can win them over - not happening .
Not when you got crats running after then with government tax payer checks
and with academia brain washing everyone in college and earlier now....
and the 92 % of the media pushing the narrative
What chance do we have?
" There is no voting our way out of what is coming. Plan accordingly."
GM not the only pessimist on this :
I am not optimistic at all and think it is too late
The cans made a big mistake opening up the borders like they did all these yrs.
Oh but we can win them over - not happening .
Not when you got crats running after then with government tax payer checks
and with academia brain washing everyone in college and earlier now....
and the 92 % of the media pushing the narrative
What chance do we have?
Haven't had a chance to watch this yet, but looks promising:
Haven't had a chance to watch this yet, but looks promising:
The married her brother to commit immigration fraud story is true. The perjury charge is true. Her ties to these terror related groups are true. Her defense of terror convicts is true. Regarding campaign finance violations, those laws don't apply to a Muslim woman. Felonies, lies and charges of hypocrisy are anti-Muslim hate if you point them at the sweet Rep. Ilhan Omar.
Scott Johnson at Powerline has been all over Omar from the political beginning doing the work the Minneapolis Startribune refuses to do.
Her time in the MN legislature began a little like AOC did in Queens. Omar challenged the most senior Democrat liberal woman, Phyllis Kahn, in the primary in a one party district and beat her. Muslim versus Jew in a district that was turning Somalian.
for once not an Obama judge but a Trump judge
of course as per Justice Roberts it makes no difference:
Great news, but why is it in this thread? How about Promises Kept or one of the Legal threads?
Also see
The Campaign to Make Omar's Anti-Semitism Unassailable
IPT News
March 22, 2019
According to the New York Post, Ocasio-Cortez STILL owes $1,877.56 in unpaid corporate taxes.
AOC's failed business, Brook Avenue Press, started in 2012, eventually dissolved in October 2016... failed to pay corporate taxes or file a tax return.
The business was designed to profit off of inner city kids.
According to the New York Post, Ocasio-Cortez STILL owes $1,877.56 in unpaid corporate taxes.
AOC's failed business, Brook Avenue Press, started in 2012, eventually dissolved in October 2016... failed to pay corporate taxes or file a tax return.
The business was designed to profit off of inner city kids.
Leftist political figures are tax exempt.
Latest flub is this quote:
the New Deal was so popular that Republicans “had to amend the Constitution of the United States to make sure Roosevelt did not get reelected.” In fact, the GOP-controlled Congress introduced and passed a constitutional amendment limiting presidents to two terms in 1947 — two years after Roosevelt died in office.
But they have the quote wrong by omission. Look at the longer quote:
"But I think there’s a couple of lessons. One is that, when we look into our history, when our [Democratic] party was boldest — the time of the New Deal, the Great Society, the Civil Rights Act and so on — we had and carried supermajorities in the House, in the Senate, we carried the presidency. They had to amend the Constitution of the United States to make sure Roosevelt did not get re-elected. And there were so many extraordinary things that were happening in that time that were uniting working people, and so that, I think, is one of the encouraging lessons "
Civil Rights Act was 1964. Majority of Republicans voted for it; majority of Dems voted against it. Stubborn facts.
Larger point and I realize she is not great at elementary school math or high school level civics, but if Democrats had super-majorities everywhere, how did Republicans in the minority pass a constitutional amendment that requires 2/3rds majority of the House, 2/3rds majority of the Senate and 3/4ths majority of the state legislators??
No one called her out on that. They were just correcting the dates. Her point is that Democrats governed so well when they had big majorities and turned to the far Left that the Republicans in the minority passed a constitutional amendment to stop them. How do political minorities pass constitutional amendments? Political minorities have certain rights and powers under our constitution, passing amendments without widespread support isn't one of them.
lets make sure she is news every day (like kardashian)
lets see what she wears, says, who she feuds with, what social medium she uses
she "fires back" , gives "schoolings", "verbal thrashings", "comebacks", "takedowns" and any and all other smart ass remarks are suddenly genius and sign of intellect:
TGR is not always a reliable source, but , , ,
TGR is not always a reliable source, but , , ,
It is true and there are good sources:
On the forum since before her election to Congress:
“Address Records Show Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Still Lived With Her (divorced) First Husband Throughout Marriage To Her Apparent Brother.”
Omar broadly denied the allegations in a statement to The Associated Press, but declined to provide documents or answer specific questions when pressed.
State Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Swore to Apparent Falsehoods in Court — While Divorcing Her Alleged Brother
The question is, what are you (we) going to do about it? She won her election with 80% of the vote. A glass of water with a D on it could win that seat.
Statute of limitations for marriage fraud is 5 years and the fraud generally occurs at the time of the fraudulent marriage. In the case of Ilhan Omar, she also committed a fraud on the divorce court in 2017 by saying she is not been able to find and has not had contact with her brother husband since 2011. She has tweeted family pictures during that period that indicate otherwise. Can Attorney General Barr dive into this without political repercussions and what becomes of it as she lives in a sanctuary city and was elected by people who don't believe immigration fraud is a crime.
This was known on the right blogosphere before her election, but not by her voters. Scott Johnson of Powerline has challenged the (Mpls)Startribune to cover it without success. Now she can just say, like the old Clinton strategy, this is an old allegation, as if it had already been thoroughly vetted but it hasn't.
The magic soil ofAmerica seems to have not transformed Ilhan into an American.
"The magic soil of America seems to have not transformed Ilhan into an American."
Right, and no one accuses her of dual allegiance either.
The death to Israel sentiment blends easily into death to America and hatred of a country "founded in genocide".
In Blackhawk Down, the American soldiers were there to make sure UN food shipments went to the people, not the warlords. We weren't invaders or there to conduct war.
Omar from Somalia and Tlaib, Palestinian-American from Detroit [and AOC] are a level or two worse than the Obama, blame-America Democrats we used to fear in power.
I think it is clear that they have dual loyalties, leftism and the global jihad.
"The magic soil of America seems to have not transformed Ilhan into an American."
Right, and no one accuses her of dual allegiance either.
The death to Israel sentiment blends easily into death to America and hatred of a country "founded in genocide".
In Blackhawk Down, the American soldiers were there to make sure UN food shipments went to the people, not the warlords. We weren't invaders or there to conduct war.
Omar from Somalia and Tlaib, Palestinian-American from Detroit [and AOC] are a level or two worse than the Obama, blame-America Democrats we used to fear in power.
makes pilgrimage to a visit with the wisest moral sage of the 21st century:
and while he pays homage and makes case for his blessings the sage of the century offered this advice:
just say, 'I am who I am' when faced of hate and adversity (anyone Christian )
Wow. I mean holly wow. I am knocked onto my heels with admiration and respect and crying uncontrollably more than the witnesses to Jesus' death did!
They should remove the Gettysburg address from the Lincoln Memorial and replace it with these divine words.
We need a memorial to the Reverend. On the Mall. *
Didn’t Sharpton say something about “Greek homos”?
makes pilgrimage to a visit with the wisest moral sage of the 21st century:
and while he pays homage and makes case for his blessings the sage of the century offered this advice:
just say, 'I am who I am' when faced of hate and adversity (anyone Christian )
Wow. I mean holly wow. I am knocked onto my heels with admiration and respect and crying uncontrollably more than the witnesses to Jesus' death did!
They should remove the Gettysburg address from the Lincoln Memorial and replace it with these divine words.
We need a memorial to the Reverend. On the Mall. *
"Didn’t Sharpton say something about “Greek homos”?"
The Party of Buttigieg and Sharpton
The mayor seeks the blessing of a dubious Democratic elder.
By Matthew Hennessey
April 29, 2019 6:41 p.m. ET
Pete Buttigieg and Al Sharpton in New York, April 4. Photo: don emmert/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images
While Joe Biden is being held to account for things he said and did as long ago as the 1970s, Mayor Pete Buttigieg had lunch in Harlem Monday, seeking the blessing of the Rev. Al Sharpton.
Mr. Buttigieg was only 5 in 1987 when the world outside New York first met Mr. Sharpton, so he may not have a clear sense of how his lunch companion came to wield such influence. Mr. Sharpton was chief spokesman for the family of Tawana Brawley, a black teenager who ran away from home, then falsely claimed she’d been abducted and raped by a gang of white men.
Ms. Brawley’s lawyers, Alton Maddox and C. Vernon Mason, accused Fishkill police officer Harry Crist Jr. of orchestrating the abduction. Crist couldn’t defend himself because he had committed suicide the same week Ms. Brawley went missing. Mr. Maddox claimed Crist had been murdered by co-conspirators because “he was the weak link of all of the culprits.” Ms. Brawley’s trio of advisers also accused Steven Pagones, the county prosecutor who’d investigated the case, of being part of the gang.
Potomac Watch Podcast
Joe Biden's Campaign Rollout
A grand jury determined the abduction was fake and found no evidence that Ms. Brawley had been assaulted. A former aide to Mr. Sharpton admitted in 1988 that the whole thing had been “only a media show.” A decade later Mr. Pagones won a defamation judgment against Ms. Brawley and Messrs. Sharpton, Maddox and Mason.
Mr. Sharpton also has a history of anti-Semitic agitation. In August 1991 an Orthodox Jewish driver ran a red light and swerved into Gavin Cato, an 8-year-old black child, in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Crown Heights. The following night a mob set upon 29-year-old Yankel Rosenbaum—an Australian student who had nothing to do with the accident—and stabbed him to death. At Gavin’s funeral, Mr. Sharpton caricatured Jews as “diamond dealers” and, according to a report in Newsday, “seemed to scoff . . . at labeling Gavin’s death an accident.” At a rally around the same time, he was quoted as saying: “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house.”
In the summer of 1995 Mr. Sharpton’s National Action Network held daily protests against Freddy’s Fashion Mart, a Jewish-owned Harlem retailer that had a rent dispute with a black-owned subtenant. Protesters screamed about “bloodsucking Jews” and “Jew bastards,” and Mr. Sharpton himself vowed: “We will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business on 125th Street.” In December Roland Smith, 51, who’d participated in the protests, returned to Freddy’s, brandished a gun, and burned the place down. Smith killed seven people and himself in the attack.
Mr. Buttigieg lunched with Mr. Sharpton Monday in a Harlem that looks almost nothing like it did in 1995. A Kid’s Foot Locker and a Gap Factory Store now stand where Freddy’s once did. Mr. Sharpton looks different too. He’s lost weight and traded his velour track suits for pinstripes, street demonstrations for a hosting gig on MSNBC.
Somehow the media and the Democratic Party have granted Mr. Sharpton the absolution Mr. Biden desperately seeks. And how was lunch, Mr. Mayor?
Mr. Hennessey is the Journal’s deputy editorial features editor.
I'm sure the media will be all over this.
Congress too no doubt as well as either the AG of her state and/or AG Barr , , , :-o
It isn't that one man doesn't know the difference between Andrew Jackson and Andrew Johnson, it is that the media and the Left (redundancy alert) hold him out to be an expert - on this. And no one corrected him!
Meanwhile the MSM covers this story - with a pillow until it stops breathing.
When doe one real journalist break with agenda and partisan sides and publish truth?
"When doe one real journalist break with agenda and partisan sides and publish truth?"
When hell freezes over AND the sky turns white
AND the sun ceases to burn. :-(
Hasn't even been on the job for a yr and demands to give herself a raise:
That's multiple times anyone got in tax breaks.........
This is the reason why they go out and sell themselves to lobbyists because they don't make enough while in office.
You mean these talented people , most lawyers , can't get another job after they leave office?
I suppose the taxpayers should pay for AOC's raise like they should 90 trillion to totally turn the entire economy into solar and wind.
and "free health care" for everyone and , free education for everyone, 6 months to stay home to take care of are babies, a month of guaranteed paid time off and more.
No pay raise but maybe a performance bonus for balancing the budget and repealing unnecessary laws and regulation.
If 14% approve of the job Congress is doing I wonder what percentage support a pay raise?
Amazing how we all knew this.
The question is not whether she will win re-election in Minnesota's 5th District, she will. The question is whether it will hurt her colleagues' closer races Minnesota's second, third, 7th and 8th districts, and nationwide.
Omar at 9 %
new spin on Trump is he tweeted go back to where you came from not because as we know he is uncontrollably impulsive who will not control himself but because he purposefully and uncannily and shrewdly did it from calculation to keep the gang front and center as the face of the Dem party knowing full well how unpopular they are and to make it easier for him to win re election.
I'm thinking of making a donation , , ,
I'm thinking of making a donation , , ,
To AOC, right? She's irreplaceable!
In four intensely reported investigative columns — here (August 13, 2018), here (October 23, 2018), here (October 30, 2018), and here (November 5, 2018), — David Steinberg has explored the evidence suggesting that Ilhan Omar entered into a sham marriage with her brother in 2009. This is his fifth. He titles it “Meet Leila Elmi: The Missing Link Showing Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother.” Drawing on his research, interviews, and social media evidence he makes the case that Omar has engaged in a variety of fraudulent activities and willful misrepresentations related to her marital arrangements. He writes:
On October 22, 2008, the U.S. State Department stopped accepting applications for the Priority 3/Refugee Family Reunification program — the process by which refugees can apply for asylum if one family member is already a legal U.S. resident. State halted the program because DNA testing — primarily of Somalis — had concluded that perhaps 87 percent of applicants were fraudulently claiming family relationships.
Despite continuing war, Somalia of 2008 was not comparable to the open hell of the early 1990s, when an eight-year-old Ilhan and her family fled to Kenya’s Dadaab refugee camps. She lived there from 1991 until 1995, aged eight to 12. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services then helped Ilhan, her sister Sahra, and their father Nur Said receive asylum in the United States along with thousands of other Somalis.
The complicated moral question of fraud, let alone fault, among this 1990s wave of refugees escaping civil war will never be answered with accurate statistics. We will have to settle for adjectives like “widespread” and “rampant.” Yet the negative outcomes cannot be ignored. Even refugees with strong desire to assimilate with Western civic order are hampered by the possible discovery of conflicting documents. And compromising information becomes leverage in a community already difficult to police.
Twelve-year-old Ilhan had no say on the manner in which she arrived in the United States.
However, U.S. Congresswoman Ilhan Abdullahi Omar (D-MN) is now under scrutiny for acts she took beginning in 2009 — not 1995. In 2009, Omar was a 26-year-old U.S. citizen. She had been a U.S. citizen for nearly nine years.
Additionally, the foreign national Omar apparently helped commit fraud was not fleeing hell in 2009, either. Ahmed Nur Said Elmi was a long-time citizen of the United Kingdom. He even possessed a high school diploma from the United States: Elmi attended a St. Paul, Minnesota high school for his senior year of 2002-2003, and graduated before returning to London.
We look to 1995 not to incriminate a kid, but to answer questions about what Omar did 14 years later as an adult U.S. citizen.
Please read the verified evidence below — and read it alongside the three years of verified evidence published by Scott Johnson, Preya Samsundar, and myself (our work is linked here). The answers to those questions about 2009 appear to give probable cause to investigate Omar for eight instances of perjury, immigration fraud, marriage fraud, up to eight years of state and federal tax fraud, two years of federal student loan fraud, and even bigamy.
To be clear: The facts describe perhaps the most extensive spree of illegal misconduct committed by a House member in American history.
The proceeding information was given to me by multiple sources within the Minneapolis Somali community. The verifiable evidence corroborating their information follows below:
In 1995, Ilhan entered the United States as a fraudulent member of the “Omar” family.
That is not her family. The Omar family is a second, unrelated family which was being granted asylum by the United States. The Omars allowed Ilhan, her genetic sister Sahra, and her genetic father Nur Said to use false names to apply for asylum as members of the Omar family.
Ilhan’s genetic family split up at this time. The above three received asylum in the United States, while Ilhan’s three other siblings — using their real names — managed to get asylum in the United Kingdom.
Ilhan Abdullahi Omar’s name, before applying for asylum, was Ilhan Nur Said Elmi.
Her father’s name before applying for asylum was Nur Said Elmi Mohamed. Her sister Sahra Noor’s name before applying for asylum was Sahra Nur Said Elmi. Her three siblings who were granted asylum by the United Kingdom are Leila Nur Said Elmi, Mohamed Nur Said Elmi, and Ahmed Nur Said Elmi.
Ilhan and Ahmed married in 2009, presumably to benefit in some way from a fraudulent marriage. They did not divorce until 2017.
Above: This chart summarizes how multiple sources in the Minneapolis Somali community describe key events in the life of MN Representative Ilhan Abdullahi Omar — whom these sources state was born as “Ilhan Nur Said Elmi.”
Confirming some of the above information, as it might appear on their 1995 U.S. immigration papers, is not difficult. A basic background search shows that “Nur Omar Mohamed,” “Ilhan Abdullahi Omar,” and “Sahra Noor” all received SSNs in 1995 or 1996 in Virginia. Verified address records show adult members of the Omars living at three addresses in Arlington, Virginia at that time: 1223 South Thomas Street, 1226 South Thomas Street, and 1107 South Thomas Street.
The United Kingdom records of the relevant individuals are similarly easy to find. Try with a simple account and similar online tools: There appears to be only one “Leila Nur Said Elmi,” only one “Mohamed Nur Said Elmi,” and only one “Ahmed Nur Said Elmi” in the UK.
The remaining evidence below verifies a sibling relationship between Ilhan and Ahmed.
Sahra Noor is the only person Ilhan Omar has ever publicly identified as her sister. Ilhan and Sahra have also, publicly and often, referred to the same man as their father. And, per Preya Samsundar’s 2016 investigation, they both identified this man as “Nur Said”:
The above image, a screenshot of Sahra Noor’s confirmed Facebook account, was first published by Preya Samsundar in 2016.
He also identifies himself as “Nur Said”.
See below — this is a screenshot of his current Facebook account. As of this article’s publication, it is active and searchable by anyone online. (I have archived his page with
Note this thumbnail of “Leyla Cilmi,” listed as a friend of Nur Said.
In 2018, as I published a series of articles investigating Ilhan’s past, this account name changed from “Leila Elmi” to “Leyla Cilmi.”
However, the URL did not change. It still refers to “leila.elmi”:
Below, see the 1997 marriage certificate for the only Leila Nur Said Elmi listed in the United Kingdom.
I retrieved this certified copy from a government records center in London in February of this year; note the date in the document’s lower right corner. This is a public record. Anyone can retrieve this document to verify its authenticity.
See that Leila attests to her father’s name being “Nur Said Elmi”:
So far, we have verifiable evidence that Ilhan Abdullahi Omar, Sahra Noor, and Leila Nur Said Elmi referring to their respective fathers as “Nur Said” or “Nur Said Elmi.”
Next, we have verifiable evidence showing the three are sisters, and are all referring to the same man.
See below: These two posts appeared on Ilhan Omar’s confirmed Instagram account in 2013 and 2015, respectively. (Instagram user “hameey” became the blue-checked “IlhanMN” account at some point in 2016. A cursory search through older posts on the “IlhanMN” account still reveals many instances of commenters addressing “IlhanMN” as “hameey.”)
In August 2016 — after Scott Johnson and Preya Samsundar originally broke the story about Ilhan’s curious marriage — the below post disappeared from Ilhan Omar’s Instagram account.
However, a source within the Minneapolis Somali community had downloaded much of Omar’s Instagram account before posts were deleted.
The source recently reviewed these two deleted posts, recognized their significance, and sent them to me via email. I made these emails available to Power Line to confirm how I received these posts, and to confirm that this particular source had provided several other pieces of information that had proven authentic and verifiable:
You are looking at what appears to be Leila Elmi, Nur Said, and Ilhan Omar — together. According to Ilhan, they are pictured on an August 2011 trip to East Africa.
Now, see below: You are looking at what appears to be Leila Elmi in white, Ilhan in black, and Ilhan’s amazing caption in red:
Further, the above post, with the #londontrip hashtag, depicts Ilhan Omar’s infamous 2015 trip to the UK. This is the same trip on which Ilhan was photographed with Ahmed Nur Said Elmi himself:
Below, see one more piece of evidence establishing Leila Elmi as Ilhan’s sister. This post is currently live, and I have archived it.
In December 2016, Ilhan reported that she was harassed by a cab driver while in Washington, D.C. attending meetings. She claimed that the cab driver called her “ISIS” and threatened to remove her hijab. A few days later, Ilhan filed a report with the D.C. Department of For-Hire Vehicles and the D.C. Office of Human Rights.
Ilhan initially stated that she was accompanied in the cab by her “sister.” A Star Tribune reporter in 2016 claimed to have a copy of her complaint, and that it stated she had been in the cab with her sister.
I few months ago, I received a copy of Ilhan’s report via FOIA request. The description of the person Ilhan had been in the cab with was redacted.
Suleiman Axoow, per his profile, is a frequent host of social events for the Washington, D.C. Somali-American community. On December 9, 2016, Suleiman Axoow stated that he was with Ilhan soon after the cab incident:
On Wednesday night I had an opportunity to have dinner with State Representative-Elect Ilhan Omar & her lovely sis Leila Elmi …
Check the “Edit History” on Suleiman’s Axoow’s post. He even initially included a link to the Leila Elmi/Leyla Cilmi account:
It is not plausible to believe that Axoow simply made a mistake.
One would have to believe that Axoow:
Had dinner with Ilhan and a second woman;
that the woman was introduced to him as any other person alive;
and that a couple days later he made the 1-in-7-billion mistake of misremembering this woman as Ilhan Omar’s “lovely sis Leila Elmi.” A random name of a woman from England he has no clear reason to know.
Ilhan has steadfastly refused to give media the names of any of her siblings besides Sahra Noor. The only rational explanation: Leila Elmi was in the United States to visit Ilhan Omar, attended this dinner with her, and Ilhan (carelessly?) introduced her as Axoow describes.
We now have verifiable evidence that Ilhan Omar, Sahra Noor, and Leila Elmi are siblings with a father named Nur Said Elmi.
All that remains is to verify our sources’ claims that Ahmed Nur Said Elmi is indeed Leila Nur Said Elmi’s brother.
We have a great, easy start: Leila and Ahmed already appear to be two of the only three “Nur Said Elmis” in the United Kingdom.
Next, view the marriage certificate again: It attests that Leila Nur Said Elmi lived in Camden, a borough of London, in 1997, and that she was 24 years old at the time.
Ahmed Nur Said Elmi was 12 in 1997. Per his own admission, he attended a school in Camden for students aged 11 to 18: Haverstock School. (See its address here; “Camden” is in the school’s URL:
This link on Ahmed’s confirmed Facebook account is currently live, and I have archived the page:
(Note that he lists his current location as “Nairobi, Kenya.” See here for definitive evidence that Ahmed has recently been working in Nairobi with — of all people — Sahra Noor.)
Back in August 2016, Preya Samsundar posted two finds now worth revisiting:
Ahmed Nur Said Elmi’s Instagram post calling two young twin girls with a backpack from a primary school in Camden his “nieces.” Ilhan’s Instagram account “loved” the post.
Ilhan’s Instagram post picturing herself with the same twin girls. Ilhan marked her location as “Camden Lock Village.” Ilhan also calls the girls “her nieces.” The post is yet another that is tagged #londontrip from 2015.
The twin girls are, indeed, the daughters of Leila Nur Said Elmi. This can be confirmed by anyone through posts that are currently active on Mohamed Nur Said Elmi’s Facebook account.
We now have verifiable evidence that:
Sahra Noor, Ilhan Omar, and Leila Elmi are siblings with a father named Nur Said Elmi.
Leila Elmi and Ahmed Nur Said Elmi both lived in the same neighborhood of London, and know each other.
Both Ilhan Omar and Ahmed Nur Said Elmi call Leila Elmi’s children “nieces.”
Earlier this year, a source gave me one more piece of information that would inform UK law enforcement — if granted a warrant — where to locate conclusive proof that Ahmed Nur Said Elmi married his sister Ilhan Omar.
Ahmed Nur Said Elmi apparently arrived in the United Kingdom in 1995 or 1996, only 10 or 11 years old, without a parent. Who looked after him until he arrived in the United States in 2002?
According to my sources, it was Leila.
There is no adoption record (which can be public in the UK); it would have been a “Kinship Care” or “Family and Friends Carer” arrangement. I am advised that Haverstock School would have records of student Ahmed Nur Said Elmi living at the same address as Leila Elmi with her listed as his guardian.
However, these two very recent posts — currently active on Instagram and archived — already put a nice bow on everything. Here are Leila and Ahmed calling each other “mum” and “son”:
On August 10, 2017, Ilhan swore under penalty of perjury — literally, she signed a half-inch or so under “penalty of perjury” — that she’d had zero contact with Ahmed Nur Said Elmi after June 2011.
Further, Ilhan swore that she did not know where to find him, and that she did not know a single person who was likely to know his whereabouts. She did this to apply for a default divorce from Ahmed — a divorce where one spouse cannot be located and served.
Now, a tremendous amount of evidence — from this article and our prior articles — shows that Ilhan perhaps perjured herself eight times with her nine answers. Minnesota’s perjury statute allows for a sentence of up to five years — for each instance:
Yet this may be the least worrisome of her current legal exposures.
Consider the disturbingly inadequate evidence used to obtain FISA warrants on members of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. Consider that Democratic representatives have demanded that Attorney General William Barr release grand jury testimony — itself an illegal act.
Yet here we have:
Verifiable UK and U.S. marriage records
Verifiable address records
Time-stamped, traceable, archived online communications (Convictions and settlements based upon social media evidence are commonplace, Anthony Weiner being a notable example)
Background check confirmations of SSNs and birthdates
Archived court documents signed under penalty of perjury
Photos which can be examined to rule out digital manipulation
The 2019 Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board investigation, which found Omar filed illegal joint tax returns with a man who was not her husband in at least 2014 and 2015
Three years’ of evidence published across many articles — none of which has been shown to be incorrect, or have even been challenged with contradictory evidence from Rep. Omar or any other source
Perjury evidence that stands on its own — regardless of whom she married:
Long after June 2011, she was clearly in contact with the only man in either the U.S. or the UK with the same name and birthdate as the man she married. She was clearly in contact with several people who were in contact with him.
Further, Preya Samsundar did contact him, published how she managed to contact him, and published his email admitting to being photographed with Omar in London in 2015. To be clear: Omar was legally married to an “Ahmed Nur Said Elmi” at the time she was photographed next to a man who admits his name is Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, and that he is in the photo.
Samsundar published all of this information on how to contact Ahmed Nur Said Elmi a few months before Omar swore to that nine-question court document.
Rep. Omar has refused all inquiries from her constituents, elected officials, and media outlets to provide any specific evidence contradicting even a single allegation suggested by three years of now-public information.
In fact, Omar has responded by making information less available:
In August 2016, after Scott Johnson and Preya Samsundar posted the allegations, Omar’s verified social media accounts were taken offline.
Ahmed Nur Said Elmi’s social media accounts were also taken offline.
When the accounts returned, a large amount of potentially incriminating evidence had verifiably been deleted.
I found and published at least ten additional “before and after” instances of evidence still being deleted in 2018.
Omar has released carefully worded, Clintonian statements that denigrate those seeking answers from her as racists. Yet she has repeatedly refused to answer questions or issue anything other than public relations statements.
I have a large amount of information that we have not published for reasons including the protection of sources.
Sources have expressed fear regarding published video and photo evidence confirming threats from Omar’s campaign team. These sources have shared other evidence of threats. I have contacted the federal authorities to share this and other unpublished information. Providing knowingly false information to the DOJ is a serious crime.
I believe Scott Johnson, Preya Samsundar, and me, with our three years of articles, columns and posts, have provided more than enough evidence to give law enforcement authorities probable cause to open an investigation. Now would be the chance for law enforcement, and especially for Rep. Ilhan Omar’s House colleagues, to make a sincere stand against corruption and for the uniform application of the law.
David Steinberg was New York City Editor at PJMedia from 2009-2019, primarily handling coverage of Israel, homeland security, and political corruption. His investigation of Eric Cantor’s 2014 primary campaign is credited (ask Dave Brat!) with tipping the historic loss, perhaps the beginning of the “Trump Era.” As noted above, since 2018 Steinberg has published several articles of exclusive evidence covering Rep. Ilhan Omar’s past; they can be accessed here:
Follow David Steinberg on Twitter:
quote author=G M
Regarding marrying her brother, Q. E. D. as they say in mathematical proofs.
Turns out her own childhood immigration was a fraud too, like 85% of them. So her story is fraud, fraud, fraud and more recently 8 perjuries. Only her hatred for this country is real.
Democrats could have avoided this embarrassment by following these journalists, or hiring their own.
The Pulitzer that went to NYT and WaPo for fake news should go to this reporting.
This evening Tucker highly recommended that piece. Thanks for posting the URL here.
"All of Rep. Omar’s tax filings are fully compliant with all applicable tax law," a spokesperson for Omar said regarding the tax issue.
Well, except for the perjury parts.
the MSM yawns
Reports are that the breakup of Ilhan and her husband is amicable. Both just just want to be free to start seeing other siblings.
From the internet:
Actually she already divorced her brother; this one is the father of her children, the one she already left for her brother, the love of her life, or whatever.
The world retains its ability to surprise-- this from Pravda on the Hudson!
cockroach was on nicole wallace show today talking gun control
the two of them are such a joke
hard to believe she was with Bush.
ah no ,
they are treating you as the sworn enemy you are and are defending their self:
Mentioned in inner city thread, I don't agree with the methodology here but the point is powerful nonetheless. Omar is fighting her anti-semitic fight abroad while 'her people' are suffering back home. But hey, she just moved into a new luxury high rise, divorced the 'love of her life' and gets to travel the world thanks to the terror organizations that sponsor her. Life is good, maybe a speaking engagement at the convention?
MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) – Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District, represented by Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, was listed this week as the worst congressional district in the country for black Americans. [Worse than Tlaib's Detroit?]
The financial website 24/7 Wall Street compiled a list of the 30 worst districts for black Americans by using data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Specifically, the list-makers honed in on metrics like median-household income, homeownership, unemployment, poverty, and educational achievement.
The 37-year-old congresswoman and mom of three paid Tim Mynett and his E. Street Group approximately $230,000 through her campaign since 2018 for fundraising consulting, digital communications, internet advertising and travel expenses.
Ilhan Omar has been getting up close and personal with married aide Tim Mynett, can reveal. The Minnesota congresswoman has been carrying on with Mynett, 38, a campaign fundraising expert, for several months, according to a source. Pictured: Omar and Mynett in Seattle on May 26 at a Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) event
The Minnesota congresswoman, 37, has been carrying on with Mynett, 38, a campaign fundraising strategist, for several months, according to a source.
Looks like it could be a campaign finance scandal as well.
The only way Omar gets removed from office is if someone beats her in a Democratic primary. Where is Al Franken?
"The only way Omar gets removed from office is if someone beats her in a Democratic primary. Where is Al Franken?"
:-o :-o :-o
It turns out Rep. Omar wasn't fully opposed to federal government officials separating families.
Omar can't go back now. The "devout Muslim" cannot go back to her native Somalia now where she sided with the Sharia-ists over the Americans in Blackhawk Down. The adulterer would be stoned to death. They don't just hat gays, Jews and infidels, they hate adulterers too. Rep. Ilhan-not of the Omar family, how do you like your Sharia Law now?
"Somebody did something with somebody's husband's penis".
It turns out Rep. Omar wasn't fully opposed to federal government officials separating families.
Omar can't go back now. The "devout Muslim" cannot go back to her native Somalia now where she sided with the Sharia-ists over the Americans in Blackhawk Down. The adulterer would be stoned to death. They don't just hat gays, Jews and infidels, they hate adulterers too. Rep. Ilhan-not of the Omar family, how do you like your Sharia Law now?
quote author=G M
"Somebody did something with somebody's husband's penis".
I like the way it combines issues!
I'll see if I can get this bumper sticker into her reelection campaign. Also thinking:
"Adulterers for Sharia Law, Vote Omar!"
I already sent money to a challenger:
It would be tragic if some misunderstander of the totally peaceful religion did something to repair her family’s honor.
quote author=G M
"Somebody did something with somebody's husband's penis".
I like the way it combines issues!
I'll see if I can get this bumper sticker into her reelection campaign. Also thinking:
"Adulterers for Sharia Law, Vote Omar!"
I already sent money to a challenger:
It would be tragic if some misunderstander of the totally peaceful religion did something to repair her family’s honor.
quote author=G M
"Somebody did something with somebody's husband's penis".
I like the way it combines issues!
I'll see if I can get this bumper sticker into her reelection campaign. Also thinking:
"Adulterers for Sharia Law, Vote Omar!"
I already sent money to a challenger:
Book 17, Number 4191:
'Ubada b. as-Samit reported: Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Receive (teaching) from me, receive (teaching) from me. Allah has ordained a way for those (women). When an unmarried male commits adultery with an unmarried female (they should receive) one hundred lashes and banishment for one year. And in case of married male committing adultery with a married female, they shall receive one hundred lashes and be stoned to death.
Book 17, Number 4192:
'Ubada b. as-Samit reported that whenever Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) received revelation, he felt its rigour and the complexion of his face changed. One day revelation descended upon him, he felt the same rigour. When it was over and he felt relief, he said: Take from me. Verily Allah has ordained a way for them (the women who commit fornication),: (When) a married man (commits adultery) with a married woman, and an unmarried male with an unmarried woman, then in case of married (persons) there is (a punishment) of one hundred lashes and then stoning (to death). And in case of unmarried persons, (the punishment) is one hundred lashes and exile for one year.
Book 17, Number 4193:
This hadith has been reported on the authority of Qatada with the same chain of transmitters except with this variation that the unmarried is to be lashed and exiled, and the married one is to be lashed and stoned. There is neither any mention of one year nor that of one hundred.
It would be tragic if some misunderstander of the totally peaceful religion did something to repair her family’s honor.
quote author=G M
"Somebody did something with somebody's husband's penis".
I like the way it combines issues!
I'll see if I can get this bumper sticker into her reelection campaign. Also thinking:
"Adulterers for Sharia Law, Vote Omar!"
I already sent money to a challenger:
They might be playing down attention to her birth records today, given that her ex-husband is from the same birth family and her father and ex-father-in-law are one in the same, not named Omar.
On a tip of a misdemeanor, I looked up her public records yesterday at She has one divorce (full of perjury and fraud?) and 24 mostly minor or petty small crimes. Nothing horrible on the criminal side but I wouldn't want to rent to someone like her. She quite obviously thinks basic rules and laws don't apply to her. She would rather pay the fine than follow the rules.
Good to know.
For the record, Keith Ellison moved to MN state Attorney General for the purpose of leading the states in their lawsuits against the Trump administration.
He was replaced in Congress by ... anti-american-marxist-and-islamist-associations-and-agenda ... Representative Ilhan Omar.
Representative ilhan Omar in Minneapolis with Bernie Sanders call for an end to American imperialism.
What?? Does this mean she might vote for Trump?
" .end to American imperialism."
yes we conquered Iraq Syria Somalia China Russia Iran
and have subjugated all their peoples ;
next on the list is Vermont and Minneapolis..........
" .end to American imperialism."
yes we conquered Iraq Syria Somalia China Russia Iran
and have subjugated all their peoples ;
next on the list is Vermont and Minneapolis..........
Yes. I would say, what an idiot but she is sooo much more dangerous than that.
Imperialism is a policy or ideology of extending a country's rule over foreign nations, often by military force or by gaining political and economic control of other areas.
They said during the Iraq war that we just wanted their oil but there was NO chance we would take their oil. We wanted Iraqis to have it.
Were we "imperial" with Japan or Germany? The history is exactly the opposite. We still have just the 50 states and the last two became US territories in the 1800s. Is she running against Wm. McKinley? We don't even want to rule AOC's family place of origin Puerto Rico.
Were we "imperialist" when we rescued Omar under her false name from her Arab Muslim extremist civil war, where she later sided with the Islamists over the Americans delivering food, see Blackhawk Down.
If she were honest or coherent, she would speak out against today's "Imperialism" regarding China's moves to dominate the South China Sea and tactics used to build their so-called Belt and Road system through sovereign countries.
But that doesn't fit the Hate America first narrative that sells so well on the Left.
Ilhan Omar Endorses Sanders for President at Minneapolis Rally
Islam has been an imperialist force since PedProMo first formed an army to wage jihad.
" .end to American imperialism."
yes we conquered Iraq Syria Somalia China Russia Iran
and have subjugated all their peoples ;
next on the list is Vermont and Minneapolis..........
Yes. I would say, what an idiot but she is sooo much more dangerous than that.
Imperialism is a policy or ideology of extending a country's rule over foreign nations, often by military force or by gaining political and economic control of other areas.
They said during the Iraq war that we just wanted their oil but there was NO chance we would take their oil. We wanted Iraqis to have it.
Were we "imperial" with Japan or Germany? The history is exactly the opposite. We still have just the 50 states and the last two became US territories in the 1800s. Is she running against Wm. McKinley? We don't even want to rule AOC's family place of origin Puerto Rico.
Were we "imperialist" when we rescued Omar under her false name from her Arab Muslim extremist civil war, where she later sided with the Islamists over the Americans delivering food, see Blackhawk Down.
If she were honest or coherent, she would speak out against today's "Imperialism" regarding China's moves to dominate the South China Sea and tactics used to build their so-called Belt and Road system through sovereign countries.
But that doesn't fit the Hate America first narrative that sells so well on the Left.
Ilhan Omar Endorses Sanders for President at Minneapolis Rally
The place where people accuse the US most of "imperialism" is Latin America, yet we still have taken none of their land - at least since President Polk. The median age in Latin America is 29.5, which means born in 1990, entered kindergarden when Bill Clinton was President. Other than oppose communism and totalitarians, what have we done to them?
We have had the military power to take over Canada and their beautiful lands since what year? Certainly at least since going becoming a nuclear power in roughly 1945. Yet we don't. Why? Because we aren't imperialist. The furthest we've gone into Canada is to whine about their milk tariffs from across the border. I used to say that our response to Saddam taking Kuwait should have been to roll our tanks into Ontario, but we didn't. We didn't want to rule Korea, Vietnam, Iraq or the Soviet Union or anywhere else. I have suggested we buy Siberia but it would have to be consensual. Militarily speaking, we have only opposed imperialists and tyrants at great sacrifice throughout Ilhan not-from-the Omar-family's lifetime. What a moron. Trump calls her un-American, anti-American. Sounds reasonable and deserved to me.
The video of the Omar-Sanders rally with their ecstatic crowd ties the reckless, hateful rhetoric of the squad to the base of the Democrat Party.
On her side, she had to lie about what Trump said in order to make him the villain they hate.
A highly reliable friend tells me not to give this much credence, but I post it here for the record:
Here is more casting doubt on the story:
Let's see what tier of the modern American criminal justice caste system she is on.
likes to shop and look better than her serfs:
unlike the old school Chinese or Soviet Communists who pretend they are one of the comrades wearing military uniforms.
the cognitive dissonance of the people who vote for her..............
Scott Johnson of Powerline is doing the journalistic work the newspapers and television channels of Minnesota have refused to do. And then they exclude him from 'profession journalism' events like the Governor's press conferences, for not being in lockstep. If outlets like the Minneapolis StarTribune took a critical look at likes of Ellison and Omar the way they do with Trump, these nut cases would not be in elected power.
Keith Ellison took over the prosecution of the Floyd case from the only prosecutor in the state who has ever won this kind of case. His first act was to add charges that will lead to jury verdicts of not guilty to incite a resurgence of the riots that burned and looted our cities.
Further off the edge sits his son Jeremiah Ellison who is gaining attention nationwide as the fascist anarchy of Minneapolis spreads. His latest initiatives: ban enforcement of the contractual obligation of a house payment. Right when you thought he might be joking he proposes disbanding the police.
1. Sharpton delivered the eutlogy for George Floyd. From what I understand parts of it were quite inspirational, parts were horrible and divisive.
One thing Sharpton calls for is for everyone to come back to Minneapolis for the announcements of the trial verdicts. Because of the way Keith Ellison is charging the case, those verdicts are certain to include at least three and likely five Not Guilty verdicts, plenty to get the mob upset about. And those protests are certain to include much more rioting, looting, arson and destruction, and likely more deaths.
2. Omar in Minneapolis:
Rep. Ilhan Omar explains her calls to defund the police departments. "No one is saying crimes will not be investigated."
Okay, Who is going to to investigate the crimes? Was that all that Police do?
What about the 700 buildings destroyed by people you and your ilk incited? Who is investigating that? NOBODY.
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison sued ExxonMobil, Koch Industries and the American Petroleum Institute on Wednesday, alleging they deceived and defrauded Minnesotans about climate change.
"We're here suing these defendants — API, ExxonMobil and Koch — for hiding the truth, confusing the facts and muddling the water to devastating effect," Ellison said at a news conference.
- Not fully figured in: What if discovery does lead to the truth.
From the article: At least 15 other units of government have brought similar lawsuits, including Massachusetts, New York and Rhode Island. New York lost its lawsuit against ExxonMobil in December.
- I thought all these states would join in, but they already did, and lost.
AO - no C. Purge the name. Tear down the statue - or politician. Isn't AOC named after a conquistidor?
". Isn't AOC named after a conquistidor?
Yes a murderous conquering native American killer rapist and enslaver :"
AOC wikipedia: - part sephardic Jew ? so wiki claims - maybe she got the socialist communist gene that way:
Ocasio-Cortez was born into a Catholic family in the Bronx borough of New York City on October 13, 1989, the daughter of Blanca Ocasio-Cortez (née Cortez) and Sergio Ocasio.[12] She has a younger brother named Gabriel.[13] Her father was born in the Bronx to a Puerto Rican family and became an architect; her mother was born in Puerto Rico.[14][15][16] She is also of Sephardic Jewish ancestry.[17] Ocasio-Cortez lived with her family in an apartment in the Bronx neighborhood of Parkchester[15] until she was five, when the family moved to a house in suburban Yorktown Heights.[15][18]
If you call the 'police' to a rape scene they will send a victim counselor instead of someone trained with a firearm.
Imagine no police, no military too.
Even John Lennon couldn't imagine all this.
Today's Dem party cares more about victims, but that elevated level of empathy will need to be spread over increasing numbers of victims - until everyone is a victim.
"until everyone is a victim."
including the "victim" counselors
"until everyone is a victim."
including the "victim" counselors
They counsel them to not turn conservative after being mugged or raped. Yes, right up until they themselves are mugged or raped. Then the pendulum swings they other way as it always does.
Interesting to watch left leaning friends and family see their city burn. The arguments against law and order seem to get meeker, less sure.
(So was Hillary.)
The (red) star tribune endorses her challenger. This is unheard of. First word is integrity.
"Her time has been marred by missteps, including remarks on Israel widely regarded as anti-Semitic, an outsized number of missed votes, and campaign-finance issues."
"instead of Omar’s calls to defund and even dismantle the police, Melton-Meaux would work to create a system in which police are held accountable for their actions."
- Hold police accountable for their actions instead of disbanding them altogether? It's not rocket science.
These people can only be beaten from within their own party. That's who empowered them in the first place. It may cost Democrats the US Senate (and the Presidency) to leave such damaged goods on the ballot in their strongest district - in what is now a swing state.
Yes Doug , the squad are the kind of candidates who thrive in these Dem supermajority districts .
it seems impossible to get rid of these radical racist Dems in these "safe " districts once they are in and spew their hate .
"Yes Doug , the squad are the kind of candidates who thrive in these Dem supermajority districts."
That's right. 57% support in her own party is pretty weak support for an incumbent, but pretty good for a candidate with her immense personal and political baggage.
The only real question was whether the events in the district, riots and looting, were enough to make formerly ordinary Democrats step up and replace someone who rather openly supports the destruction. 37% did but not enough to make a majority.
I would have to think that Republicans who care already did cross over for the primary, making the general election no closer than this even though Lacy Lee Johnson may be a very good candidate:
Ilhan Omar on twitter:
In Minnesota, we know that organized people will always beat organized money.
Tonight, our movement didn’t just win. We earned a mandate for change. Despite outside efforts to defeat us, we once again broke turnout records.
Despite the attacks, our support has only grown.
9:23 PM · Aug 11, 2020
Doug writes from Omar twitter account:
".In Minnesota, we know that organized people will always beat organized money."
This time she was less overtly blunt from what she really meant/thinking:
organized [Jewish] benjamins .
Does Ilhan Omar open presents on 9/11 Eve or does she wait till morning?
AOC 12/2/2020:
“The thing that critics of activists don’t get is that they tried playing the 'polite language' policy game and all it did was make them easier to ignore. It wasn’t until they made folks uncomfortable that there was traction to do ANYTHING even if it wasn’t their full demands.”
“The whole point of protesting is to make ppl uncomfortable. Activists take that discomfort w/ the status quo & advocate for concrete policy changes. Popular support often starts small & grows. To folks who complain protest demands make others uncomfortable... that’s the point.”
for someone with such a big mouth talking tough all the time
she certainly runs under the bathroom sink as fast as possible
when she perceives she may be in jeopardy
it all sounds like all just a narcissistic act
look at me ,
I this I that
and put herself against the EVIL right etc...
I don't see the NYT going to her district and interviewing people who think she is embarrassing
like they do with Greene
and they won't
Lauren Boebert
Feb 4
Hypocrisy 101: @IlhanMN cites my legitimate mileage reimbursements while she paid her husband* over $1 million in campaign consulting fees.
*Not her brother, the new husband.
Savage!!! :-D
the tone is
like Greta Thunderberg:
Actually *I* called AOC narcissistic in my 2/01/21 post
Tucker obviously read my post and agreed! :-D
Questioning or showing outrage over calling AOC narcissistic is just as crazy as saying Obama or DJT are not narcissistic
of course she is - obvious as daylight.
We need to get more power into unions (aka marxism - "workers")
(as we flood the country with cheap illegals by the 10 s of millions)
Oil companies are NOT the place to look for jobs. :roll:
" last time my generation witnessed thriving economy was in the 90"s"
(ignore Trump economy)
Prison labor is enslavement of noble souls saving out our children's lives
"catastropic recession". ( 2008 mortgage recession)
Thanks to Democrat Dodd / Frank low interest mortgage policies
( of course not mentioned)
" a quarter million" college debt and another quarter million for grad school"
Well if the Feds keep paying universities to continue charging what ever they want
this is what we get - no mention by this confused person
:| :wink:
" last time my generation witnessed thriving economy was in the 90"s"
1. AOC doesn't even want a good economy.
2. ccp had it right, the Trump economy was the best of her little lifetime. Set that aside a moment.
3. Let's look at the 90s, if that's where we can find agreement.
Bill Clinton had two terms, from an economic point of view. For the first two years he governed as a rubber stamp for the Democrat Congress and Democrat agenda, raising taxes and increasing spending. "We can do more", he said over and over but couldn't because of the stagnation he caused. Then he lost the House and Senate and famously triangulated, adopting the Republican economics of containing government and unleashing the private sector with capital gains tax cuts, free trade and "end welfare as we know as we know it" over the last 6 years. The economy immediately surged. The internet buildout began, people went off welfare and back to work, and we balanced the budget. AOC liked that?? What socialists like AOC either don't know or won't tell you is that wages grew at a rate eight times faster in the last six years of Clinton than during the first two. (source Facts are stubborn things.
Moral of the story: Emulate Venezuela. Screw the working stiffs by attacking those who employ them . Those union tradesmen and women she wishes to court, like Keystone pipeline workers, are Trump voters now.
she seems to be a mix of this. I would not give a hoot except of course she seems to have influence on policy which is really nuts . Her "boyfriend " has to be the biggest wuss who is along for the ride - till he doesn't do exactly as he is told .............
this is ok
but dare anyone say something about her.... :roll:
this is ok
but dare anyone say something about her.... :roll:
Omar translation:
This center-right country that rejects her radicalism is "bullshit.". Everyone who disagrees with her is bullshit. Once again, the Left projects.
Paraphrasing Manchin, if you want more radical 'progressives' in the Senate, that's fine. Do it. Elect more. I'm not going to be one of them. '
Run an Omar clone for US Senate in West Virginia and see how that goes. Besides being a radical, what a moron she is.
Manchin should switch parties or retire. He isn't welcome where he is.
"what a moron she is"
and I would add dishonest , a felon, and massive chutzpah to come to this country from a totally
failed state (Somalia) then spewing hate about her new country 24/7
all the while manipulating the system to the max
"Manchin should switch parties or retire. He isn't welcome where he is."
He has been elected Governor and elected Senator of his state by real solid margins IIRC.
If/when the Reps gain majority he remains pivotally relevant.
"Manchin should switch parties or retire. He isn't welcome where he is."
He has been elected Governor and elected Senator of his state by real solid margins IIRC.
If/when the Reps gain majority he remains pivotally relevant.
Yes, he was Gov and won his Senate race most recently with nearly 70% of the vote. So did Trump. Neither won by being Sanders-AOC "progressives" in WV. The Trump map, county by county, (Manchin's looks the same with a different color) looks like this:
Manchin did not directly overlap with Biden in the Senate, only in Biden's role as VP.
Let's hope he holds the line on his opposition to the Build Back Leftist legislation.
The story is backwards. Biden's problem is that the Left isn't accepting Manchin's terms, but no one can say that aloud. If Biden turns on the Left, HE is is out because they are in power.
I expect Manchin to at least switch to independent. The Left now hates him more than Ted Cruz, Rand Paul or Trump, who they hate more than Putin, Xi, Un or the Ayatollah. If he becomes Republican, he becomes our problem, although the balance in the Senate would switch instantly. It is definitely being discussed, but a safer move for him is to just declare he is an independent, because he already is, and be courted by both sides instead of hated.
I would be shocked if we do not get a BBB
bill of some sort that leverages the Dem party
and increase the doles
reading today Manchin wants to roll back the Trump tax cuts ......
of course
he is a moderate Dem
but still a dem in the end
switching to independent will not change his voting preferences
I am not sure how that would change anything in fact
he clearly will not change to Republican since he has not done so this far
( I doubt anyway)
"I would be shocked if we do not get a BBB
bill of some sort that leverages the Dem party
and increase the doles"
I heard they will try to get the voting bill through next.
Where to start with the latest from this piece of work, AOC?
Conservative men are "sexually frustrated" because they can't "date" her. A little full of herself?? Umm, conservative don't want to date her and the term for what she accuses might be bang her. Still an ugly proposition.
She misses the point, our problem with AOC is with her being a commie, a hypocrite, a flame thrower and a person who wishes ill on the country we love.
FYI, AOC, Conservatives are family oriented, so here's a woman conservative men would more likely admire, upper right, the lady AOC so brutally attacked, Mrs. DeSantis - for getting breast cancer and taking her husband away from his job of restoring the freedoms AOC secretly cherishes:
AOC is a butter face, however she has nice melones.
Where to start with the latest from this piece of work, AOC?
Conservative men are "sexually frustrated" because they can't "date" her. A little full of herself?? Umm, conservative don't want to date her and the term for what she accuses might be bang her. Still an ugly proposition.
She misses the point, our problem with AOC is with her being a commie, a hypocrite, a flame thrower and a person who wishes ill on the country we love.
FYI, AOC, Conservatives are family oriented, so here's a woman conservative men would more likely admire, upper right, the lady AOC so brutally attacked, Mrs. DeSantis - for getting breast cancer and taking her husband away from his job of restoring the freedoms AOC secretly cherishes:
"AOC is a butter face, however she has nice melones."
sounds like you might like to date her :-D :wink:
I still think she reminds me of Olive Oil from Popeye.
"AOC is a butter face, however she has nice melones."
sounds like you might like to date her :-D :wink:
I still think she reminds me of Olive Oil from Popeye.
If she wanted to play “future Vice President and Willie Brown”, I think I would take her up on it.
perhaps it is AOC who is projecting
she really wants a real Republican man to date.
like War of the Roses movie, when Danny Devito says " have you ever had angry sex?"
Should we ask Matlin Carville?
Those melons hang a tad low , , , likely candidates for being bananas when the bra comes off , , ,
Breast size 38 Long?
Okay, stop it you sexists. ) Why did she want us to have this conversation?
Let's get back to discussing her beautiful mind:
"The unemployment rate was low because everyone has two jobs."
Those melons hang a tad low , , , likely candidates for being bananas when the bra comes off , , ,
I recall a video from a few years back where she was dancing and they looked…empowered.
There is that possibility haha.
"Breast size 38 Long?"
:-D :-D :-D
There is that possibility haha.
"Breast size 38 Long?"
:-D :-D :-D
Ok, more than a few years ago.
Giving Jerry Garcia the last word on the AOC self-reported sexpot desirability question:
I had to learn the hard way
To let her pass by
Let her pass by
Giving Jerry Garcia the last word on the AOC self-reported sexpot desirability question:
I had to learn the hard way
To let her pass by
Let her pass by
Very helpful. ))
We mocked the hypocrisy of her frolicking masklessly with trannies in a free state and now she has covid.
Get well.
We mocked the hypocrisy of her frolicking masklessly with trannies in a free state and now she has covid.
Get well.
Talib is a "gift to the GOP"
I would hardly say that someone complaining about Biden not being LEFT enough is a gift to us!
that said Eleanor Clift was never a repository of logic or astute thinking......... :wink:
(and Elon)
(and Elon)
I guess I can dedicate my next haircut to fighting loons like AOC
I feel fulfilled just thinking about it........ d :-o
he belongs in this thread
I'm sure you saw this all over the MSM this morning (joking):
Who knew that among the 49 indicted in the $240 million Feeding our Future scandal, some made maximum political donations to Keith Ellison and his son, my councilman, Jeremiah Ellison, right before the whole thing came down.
On December 20, Jeremiah Ellison registered receiving 15 donations that day at the maximum amount of $600 per donor. Of those 15, five were from persons later indicted in the case.
On that same day, his father reported receiving four donations, each in the maximum amount of $2,500 per donor. Two of Keith’s maximum donors that day also gave the maximum to his son, that same day. A third Keith donor that day had previously participated in two other mass donation events.
Coincidentally, December 20 fell exactly one month before the FBI raids in the case.
It turns out that one of Keith’s December 20 donors is a former employee of an organization named in the indictments. On a different date, Keith received a maximum donation from another indicted figure, not listed above, which he reportedly returned. He has also received donations on other dates from individuals connected to the case, but who have not been charged.
Whoa , , ,
Whoa , , ,
kare11 is the Twin Cities NBC station. Omar is named too.
Note:. This is not evidence of crimes. It's a roadmap to where you likely find them.
"Returning the money" doesn't erase this.
More to come.
House Democrats’ New Leader Doesn’t Believe in Democracy
Incoming Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D., N.Y.) holds a press conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., December 13, 2022. (Elizabeth Frantz/Reuters)
Listen to article
January 3, 2023 4:03 PM
Hakeem Jeffries has a long history of denying the legitimacy of our elections and governing institutions. He’s entirely unfit for the job he’s been given.
Acrucial value in a democratic system of government is the acceptance of defeat under the rules of the system. Elections are held, and the winners are legitimately entitled to exercise the powers of their offices. Losers need not lose with grace or even dignity; they certainly need not treat a single defeat as final when there is always another election to come. But it threatens the survival of the system when people in positions of authority tell the voters that elections are rigged and their outcomes are illegitimate. These are extraordinary charges that demand extraordinary evidence, which is typically not provided. That way lies political violence and the rule of rioters, mobs, and coups.
Prominent Democrats have been campaigning against the legitimacy of our elections since the aftermath of the 2000 election. In the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump attacked the legitimacy of the Republican contests after losing Iowa and Colorado to Ted Cruz, and signaled that he would attack the legitimacy of the general election if he lost it to Hillary Clinton. But only when Trump denied the validity of his 2020 loss, and it led to a riot at the Capitol, did our media and public discourse acknowledge how damaging this sort of thing can be.
I have previously catalogued at great length the many leading Democrats and pundits who have indulged this sort of destructive rhetoric over the years: Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer; Hillary Clinton, Jimmy Carter, John Kerry, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Bruce Ackerman, Josh Marshall, Robert F. Kennedy jr. and Paul Krugman; Clinton again, Carter again, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Jerrold Nadler, Biden again, Stacey Abrams, Krugman again, and a battery of lesser progressive commentators; Schumer again and Elizabeth Warren; Abrams again and Terry McAuliffe and numerous House Democrat committee chairs; McAuliffe again (here and here); John Lewis; Jonathan Chait and Jamie Raskin; and Krugman again (here and here). The Republican National Committee’s opposition researchers have assembled an even more comprehensive list.
These deniers of the legitimacy of elections have made their case in public speeches and writings about past and upcoming elections, and also in legal and political challenges to election outcomes and efforts to strip elected officials of their power to govern. They’ve told pervasive lies about election law, eagerly bankrolled Republican “election deniers” in primary elections, and offered up endless one-weird-trick arguments for getting around the rules of the system.
Today, House Democrats formalized their choice of New York representative Hakeem Jeffries as their leader; indeed, while Republicans divided over Kevin McCarthy’s leadership, Democrats kept up a united front, giving Jeffries more votes to be Speaker of the House on the first ballot than McCarthy received. If you listened to the Democrats’ rhetoric about threats to democracy and “election denial” over the past two years, you might assume that they were chastened enough to select a leader whose highest value is safeguarding democratic outcomes and repairing the public legitimacy of our elections. Certainly, nothing in the corporate media’s coverage of Jeffries would lead one to believe otherwise. Bill Kristol argues that “election denial” should be an absolute disqualifier for a prospective speaker, in a column entitled “Should an Election Denier Be Speaker of the House?”:
The speaker is supposed, at least some of the time, to speak institutionally for the whole House of Representatives, which in turn represents the whole nation. . . . The new speaker—the first post-January 6th speaker—should not be an election denier.
Of course, Kristol qualifies this: “The constitutional officer second in line to the presidency should not be someone who tried to overturn the last election for the presidency” (emphasis added).
In fact, Jeffries is one of the House’s most persistent deniers of the legitimacy of elections when he dislikes their outcomes. I will credit the legwork done by the RNC’s research team, which has collected the leading examples. On Twitter and in House hearings, Jeffries called the 2016 election “illegitimate,” arguing that Russia — not American voters — “artificially” made Trump the president. He contended that Trump should be denied the power to appoint Supreme Court justices “with the legitimacy of Trump’s presidential election in doubt.” He claimed that Republicans had stolen at least one House seat, that Trump was a “Russian asset,” and that Trump and Russia were “trying to steal” the 2020 election.
Moreover, Jeffries has argued that the Supreme Court’s decisions are “illegitimate” because of Republicans’ “stealing two Supreme Court seats” by means of the votes of Republican senators. He has not specified whether he thinks those senators were not legitimately elected.
As Mitch McConnell noted when the Democrats tapped Jeffries:
The newly elected incoming leader of House Democrats is a past election denier who basically said the 2016 election was “illegitimate” and suggested that we had a “fake president.” . . . He’s also mounted reckless attacks on our independent judiciary, and said that justices who he didn’t like have “zero legitimacy.” . . . “Many of the same individuals and institutions on the political left, who spent the years 2017 through 2020 yelling about the importance of norms and institutions, have themselves not hesitated to undermine our institutions when they’re unhappy with a given outcome.”
As Bonchie at RedState notes, Jeffries already appears to be contesting the legitimacy of the Republicans’ newly elected House majority, tweeting yesterday that because Republicans intend to seat George Santos (who won his election), Democrats “must take back the House. Immediately.”
Lo and behold, we have Kristol cheering on not just this Jeffries tweet but the possibility that it signals “some scheme afoot to have a few Republicans join with all the Democrats” to elect a speaker beholden to the party that just lost the election.
I know for a fact, her voters don't care.
"Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) defended a controversial trip to Pakistan last year on the grounds that she fought for democracy, human rights, and against "Islamophobia."
why would anyone claim they are going to a 96.5% Islamic country to tout "Islamophobia"?
it is as though she just had to slip in the LEFTIST phobia word in there
which is all they every do.
Phobia = irrational fear
I wonder where the irrational fear is coming from:,boarded%20the%20airplane%20that%20would
yes exactly
you go to Pakistan 96.5% Islamic
to preach do not be Western phobic
(or hatred) not the other way around
you don't go there to reinforcement hatred of America as Islamo"phobic "
you go there and explain radical Muslims are terrorizing us.........
Rashida Tlaib has accused the Joe Biden administration of funding a "genocide" against Palestinians and put the onus on Israeli military for bombing a hospital in Gaza,
Rashida Tlaib has accused the Joe Biden administration of funding a "genocide" against Palestinians and put the onus on Israeli military for bombing a hospital in Gaza,
And Biden is already equivocating no doubt in advance of caving, and maybe is even looking for several billion dollars worth of equipment to leave behind somewhere for Hamas.
It astounds me she is so blatant in proclaiming her loyalties. Guess she figures no one was recording or no speaker of the language would dare to translate her proudly un-American speech into English:
Not a surprise, but now available as a potent piece of evidence for those who are slow to grasp these things.
Not a surprise, but now available as a potent piece of evidence for those who are slow to grasp these things.
(allegiance to Somalia)
As the veneer is peeled back and her true self is revealed, a cheater, diverter of campaign funds, with higher loyalty to a different country, hatred of this country, supporter of terror, hater of Jews, supports destruction of Israel etc... as all of that is exposed, her vote totals in Minneapolis remain roughly the same - in her seat previously held by Keith Ellison from Nation of Islam, promoted to State Attorney General. Celebrate diversity!
These are the people, voters of Omar, who regulate my business (landlording) where it's now illegal to rely on applicant credit reports or discriminate against murderers and sex offenders if enough time has elapsed.
What could go wrong?
Fk :-o
candidate who almost beat her to run again against her:
of course he is a [c]rat too though:
Please paste that in the Congress thread as well.
Just want to take a moment to wish Ilhan Omar and her (ex)husband a happy siblings day.
Quelle surprise.
didn't seem to be a problem with Zuck bucks.
BTW how do we know AIPAC money is what caused Bush and Bowman to lose?
Maybe it was their ideology. Maybe it is their racism and bigotry.
And to think Bernie Sanders, born a Jew, sides with these people......
He is so despicable. He should be deported to Cuba.