Fire Hydrant of Freedom
Politics, Religion, Science, Culture and Humanities => Politics & Religion => Topic started by: Crafty_Dog on November 18, 2020, 09:18:58 PM
Looks like we are going to need this one.
I am not sure which show on Fox it was reported Biden limits the reporters to those from left wing networks
Unlike Trump who did and was forced to take totally hostile questions for nearly the whole time
Bloomberg must be happy his huge investment will pay off .........
He makes me ashamed the little shit.
John Kerry as climate Czar
the title Czar certainly fits
WH chief of staff
sec state
fed chair
and DHS are jewish democrats
There was a day when I would have proud from ear to ear. I am not now.
The doors to the US will be wide open.
It sure is going to be easy to be out of power and find flaws in these people, links to deep state, corruption, past errors and policy stupidity.
"US should encourage China's rise, not contain it." - Biden's national security pick, 2017.
Nice crib. One of many. What does this baby cost to heat? Nothing like a seven bedroom for an empty nester. Bought in 2017. It's not like he hadn't heard of climate change yet.
We all need to get by with less. "It's going to be a dark winter." Not if you're climate czar Kerry.
Mixed truth. His wife is part owner. What's that make John, a tenant?
that is a lot of ketchup !
I assume the Heinzes only eat beyond meat
of course
that is NOT the same as compromise
or bipartisanship
not unity among American citizens
he would be closer to the truth if he said unity with everyone else
speaks of unity but with certain Americans and illegals getting preference
"What's that make John, a tenant?"
A gigolo.
"What's that make John, a tenant?"
A gigolo.
Right. Male escort. They met on "Earth" Day. The climate business has been good for John, who served in Vietnam. Kept their pre-marital assets separate but own 5 homes worth 5-25 million - each.
Wikipedia: Heinz and Kerry own a six-floor, $7 million townhome in Boston's Beacon Hill neighborhood, an ocean-front home on Nantucket recently[when?] listed for sale at $25 million,[34] a $5 million ski retreat in Idaho, a $4 million estate in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania, near the Heinz family's home base of Pittsburgh, and a $5 million home in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, D.C.
next post here will be Biden and his flock
taking the "orders" from China
with proclamations of "unity" etc......
Neville Biden
and his merry flock of the "world first" band of sell outs.
watch her accept if offered:
Glory be
history in the making .
we will soon find out how women can screw up just as much as men:
We already our first woman president with Baraq, with Valerie Jarret, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Samantha Powers, Jens Psaki, Marjorie Hoff (?) Charlene Lamb.
Intended or unintended consequence?
@ the White House here it is:
Proof Biden means what he says
about "bipartisanship"
"healing "
and join him in unifying Americans
and that we are not blue red we are "united"
does this mean buy or sell Netflix - probably a buy here
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris jointly named Time's 'Person of the Year'
If they won, the vote was anti Trump, not pro them. In reality of course Trump was again the person of the year, Time denial notwithstanding.
issue :
as we said someone like this will never simply go away
what the hell does social justice have anything to do with DOT ?
I get it .
We have to have so many homo sexual and minority and those with vagina bus drivers quotas
otherwise we are discriminatory ..... while our roads and bridges crumble
For God's sake
I already have Biden DS.
I think I read that this took her 15 yrs
~ less then 10 pages per yr
since some is just interviews survey copies and citations
all the Deans men approved it - of course
Is that a real pic?
what kind of weirdo would have a picture taken of himself like this?
Is that a real pic?
what kind of weirdo would have a picture taken of himself like this?
An out of control drug addict.
I definitely believe it.
Compared to her, Hunter is smart!
"Compared to her, Hunter is smart!"
even when he is on crack
float crazy leftist plans
so big guy can pare it down and play the "centrist" compromising role
while nonetheless the left moves their agenda ceaselessly forward
media fooling themselves by thinking anyone would be this stupid to fall for this grift / con:
float crazy leftist plans
so big guy can pare it down and play the "centrist" compromising role
while nonetheless the left moves their agenda ceaselessly forward
media fooling themselves by thinking anyone would be this stupid to fall for this grift / con:
The puppet is more centrist than the puppet masters.
the savior
the healer
the man who reaches across the aisle
stepping and pleading with the big bad orange man
to plead for him to accept the bill:
was no where to be seen on this issue for 6 months while Pelosi shut it down
No one making under $400,000 per year is going to have their taxes raised under Biden.
I make under $400,000. I should be good to go.
You can keep your doctor, keep your health plan... And they call this Obama 3.0.
BTW, do the unwashed masses buy energy? Is an energy tax a tax? Stay tuned.
"A subset of physician staffing agencies seems to have figured out it can be lucrative to leave networks and bill patients directly—a nice little arbitrage game on an opaque, third-party payment system."
Oh yeah
this is well known
a cardiologist son I knew bought a hospital in nj in.a location where patients had to go
accepted no network plans so billed whatever they wanted
and became the first or second most expensive hosp in US
the insurers were forced to pay "out of network fees "
and brought a lawsuit against the hospital
they lost
recently some one I knew was in ER for ear nose ant throat problem
when the surgeon saw his insurance asked pt if he minded if he had his friend come in and help with the procedure
the surgeon who was "out of nework" got 30 K for 2 hr work
and the "assistant "
who I am sure was not needed got 15 K
yet when I advised the person this was gamesmenship
he shrugged and said : well they (the insurance) paid for it [ so I don't give a hoot]
doctors will argue it is there way of getting back at insurers who they feel "cheat them out of pay " .
I have mixed feelings
both insurers and doctors and hospitals are gaming the system back and forth
This story is already more than a month old, Biden picks internationalist Anthony Blinkton to be Sec State, whoever that is.
So I am a little late to the game suggesting a BOLD move for Biden, keep Pompeo on in that job. Time permitting I could think of a hundred reasons (or at least a dozen reasons) why that would be a great move for Biden and the country. But no ...
I could only stomach part of it
and only watched the shit shoveled out of his lying trap for so long
the great uniter
prez of "all Americans"
spent most of it bashing Trump
This fool who steals Obama's lines ( yesterday was not "who we are - remember he cheated in law school - so why not lie now)
and throws out the word Democracy
faster longer then rooster makes noise in the am
and like the rest of the Left always talk they are unifying us all the while ignoring and insulting 75 million people who voted against
he slaps and mocks us with the phony rhetoric like his former (and likely stlll ) boss
talk nicely while behind the scenes pushing forth policies that force us into submission
and favor their chosen ones
what an idiot:
"“Think of the mom and pop owner with a couple of employees who can’t just pick up a phone and call a banker, or who doesn’t have lawyers and accountants to help them through the complicated rules to know if they even qualify, or who simply didn’t know there was even relief available in the first place,” Biden added. "
okay but what does this have to do with race
than answer should be to make the rules easier for ANYONE who does not have an accountant or lawyer
if if a business owner does not have accountant or lawyer or bank they can pick up a phone and speak to - well
guess what, they should not be in business.
The answer is NOT handing these people tax payer money!
here we go again
going down the rabbit hole that gave us the Chris Dodd Barney Frank Bill Clinton mortgage disaster .......
And the press will cover for him
This time the press won't be able to so easily blame it on a Republican - W Bush
I wrote to my Congressman yesterday to impose the latest impeachment, but now see3 he is one of the sponsors. SO it goes for the "problem solvers caucus".
For 'President-elect' Joe Biden, this presents his first great opportunity to take the side of healing rather than further dividing the country. Is his Presidency going to be four more years of Trump Derangement Syndrome, or does slow Joe want his Presidency to be about a list of positive achievements his staff is no doubt working on right now?
Joe won't step up now as a national leader because he isn't one. He fears an uprising within the Bernie AOC Antifa wing of his own party more than he wishes to act as a strong, positive leader.
Impeachment and a Removal trial is ill-advised for so many reasons. The obvious first, he already lost power and leaves office in 7 days anyway. Why draw more attention to your rival who already captured all the attention the last 5 years?
The impeachment removal trial will divide Republicans further while they are down, but why do they need to divide Republicans further? Republicans are irrelevant to governing and enacting the Biden agenda at this point.
If you divide Republicans further, you energize the Trump loyalists even more. If the fear of an uprising is real, that is, ironically, an inciteful move.
On the other side of the same coin, if Biden stays silent on it (today) and the impeachment proceeds, we will know the uprising of Trump loyalists the 'far right' is what they want.
If you did not see Dinesh (a former boyfriend of Laura)
on Ingraham angle last night
watcher her move up to minute 14:39ish minutes and watch through about 17:30minutes
he states the Dems are trying to drive wedge between the Trump wing of Republican party (if Trump ran as Independent he NEVER would be in contention)
from the Bush establishment insider beltway side of the party :
Dinesh points out we need the Trumpsters and the est. Repubs .
OTOH I could see the people wanting to get rid of Trump's influence as he really is quite toxic
We HAVE to get someone who can speak as well as Trump and take his policies and fight BETTER than him
without the dumb tweets and all about himself etc
OTOH again
maybe if we get a stable
not flawed personality person we would attract a lot more to the party
and can dump the rinos.
of course when they make DC and PR states
abolish the electoral college
and esp. pack the SCOTUS
nothing will matter
we have to at that time pray for a Jimmy Carter like disgust
and have the right person to lead us out like Reagan
Trump is NOT the right guy, period.
though he did accomplish a lot.
Dinesh is right. Republicans need to unite both sides (really there are more than two sides) to win. Biden's choice is to divide opponents further, or govern - which will divide his side.
I want to lay down the marker that Biden's inaction in stopping this will set the course of his certain to be Presidency.
UPDATE: This headline at least makes my point:
He faces a choice. Can't have it both ways, and will make the wrong choice, take the low road, I think.
They are not trying to get rid of Trump, he's already leaving, they are trying to isolate, delegitimize and divide his supporters. But why do they need to? They won, right? No confidence that the governing they are about to do will win the them the midterms and next Presidential elections? Why not?
Like ccp said, Trump had great accomplishments but stepped on his own message with undisciplined messages.
My understanding is that DC statehood is unconstitutional, will be struck down if we still have a Supreme Court. Puerto Rico statehood might not give Democrats the exact effect they intend.
I am much more concerned by the loss of states like Colorado, Nevada. Arizona, Virginia, Georgia (and where else?) from conservative status.
My understanding is that DC statehood is unconstitutional, will be struck down if we still have a Supreme Court. Puerto Rico statehood might not give Democrats the exact effect they intend.
I am much more concerned by the loss of states like Colorado, Nevada. Arizona, Virginia, Georgia (and where else?) from conservative status.
You really think that still applies?
You really think that still applies?
Yes, the constitution still matters. Do you remember our 6-3 majority on the US Supreme Court? And 300 other new federal judges. As I say when things aren't going well in sports, at least we haven't shown them our offense yet. The casual observer could look at every case in the last I don't know how many years and have no idea that constitutional conservatives control the Court.
More seriously, these new justices did not want to make their first big mark by standing up for Trump. That does not mean they will side with Biden, Harris and the assault on the constitution by the Left.
They will add as many lefty justices as needed to override the "ORANGEMANBAD" justices.
You really think that still applies?
Yes, the constitution still matters. Do you remember our 6-3 majority on the US Supreme Court? And 300 other new federal judges. As I say when things aren't going well in sports, at least we haven't shown them our offense yet. The casual observer could look at every case in the last I don't know how many years and have no idea that constitutional conservatives control the Court.
More seriously, these new justices did not want their first big mark by standing up for Trump. That does not mean they will side with Biden, Harris and the assault on the constitution by the Left.
You really think that still applies?
Yes, the constitution still matters. Do you remember our 6-3 majority on the US Supreme Court? And 300 other new federal judges. As I say when things aren't going well in sports, at least we haven't shown them our offense yet. The casual observer could look at every case in the last I don't know how many years and have no idea that constitutional conservatives control the Court.
More seriously, these new justices did not want to make their first big mark by standing up for Trump. That does not mean they will side with Biden, Harris and the assault on the constitution by the Left.
The Constitution has never mattered.
It's never been consented to (expressly, implicitly, tacitly or otherwise - consent can be withdrawn) etc.
The elite of this world usurp power at will.
Voting has never mattered either. Stalin talked about the importance of those who count the votes.
Lawyers and bankers are perhaps the worst people in the world. The laws only protect them from the masses, but not the masses from them.
Eminent domain. Seatbelt laws. Taxes. Gun laws. Commerce laws. Net neutrality. There's literally no end to their blatant trouncing of anything the Constitution pretends to stand for.
Fortunately, even people who want to mind their own business that usually prefer to put their head in the sand, are waking up....because they don't have any food.
I can't count how many businesses have closed in San Francisco.... Marshall's on Market Street just today in the news.... San Jose had tracts of homes that the people had moved out of.... San Francisco is worse.
The economy.... Has been eviscerated.... But "Orange man Bad."
Biden is not the president any more than someone that cheated on a test, aced it.
Kamala.... Her entrance exam into politics was x rated and doesn't fly with any major religion's standards of moral conduct, but we'll continue pretending that lawyers are all moral people.
"Corn Pop was a bad dude.. "
These things sort themselves spite of the elite trying to protect themselves. They always have.... Only .. The Left is attempting to provoke that, in order to cause a civil war and have other countries (China) come to the rescue of those who push a New World Order. It's the only way to disarm the American populace, which is necessary in order to bring about a Nee World Order (also supported by Bush and other so called Republicans)... All the police and the US Military, by themselves, could not achieve this. They'd need help.
GM's appraisal on other threads is correct.
Buying weapons... Nobody needs to. There will probably be lots of them to be scavenged sooner or later. History already dictates what happens to multicultural (Not race...but CULTURE.)..societies.
Back to the Constitution.... at its best, it pretended to protect taking your rights....without you voting on it...never with your consent....and never with an opt out clause (which would be necessary in order for the claim of consent to be true).
Never mattered. Not once...except to those in power.
"Biden is not the president any more than someone that cheated on a test, aced it."
- Biden is not the president any more than someone that cheated on a test, aced it, didn't get caught and got the job.
"The Constitution has never mattered."
"Voting has never mattered either."
- Even if you're right, it is sad to see that level of cynicism and pessimism.
"Biden is not the president any more than someone that cheated on a test, aced it."
- Biden is not the president any more than someone that cheated on a test, aced it, didn't get caught and got the job.
"The Constitution has never mattered."
"Voting has never mattered either."
- Even if you're right, it is sad to see that level of cynicism and pessimism.
I'd argue that he was caught and that career politicians don't care....bolstered by the fact that I neither voted for Trump nor do I support him.... The Left cheated in every major city and everyone knows it.
Let's assume for a minute that they didn't cheat though.
One doesn't have to prove anything in order for people to lose faith in their electoral process.
No paper ballots.
No voter ID.
Manipulable software.
Mail in voting.
Non citizens registered to vote automatically.
The Left has been fighting this for years on the grounds of voter suppression against colored and the poor.....but you can't get welfare without an ID.
GM posted an article which said something to the effect of 70 million armed Americans who think they were deprived of a fair election being bad.
One doesn't have to prove anything to know something isn't congruent to the way things should be....even more so when one is thinking that on their home dirt. At doesn't have to justify one's position at all....because... They're at home. Their house, their rules.
Anyone with a brain knows what happened. The illusion that there aren't oodles of people with dirt on them in DC is vanishing fast. The problem remains of what every American is going to do about it. When the jig is up, it's up.
What did GM say about boxes? Im starting to get old. I want to relax and live out my days in peace. Family wellbeing is first though.
"The problem remains of what every American is going to do about it. When the jig is up, it's up."
That is the question !!!
Not when Not if
it is here
what do we do about it.
the Left are fasting closing the peaceful legal doors to the 75 million and another x million people (who will realize also are screwed too, but after the fact) ,
so what do we do?
I agree many do not want war they want peace
especially those who are older ......
"The problem remains of what every American is going to do about it. When the jig is up, it's up."
That is the question !!!
Not when Not if
it is here
what do we do about it.
the Left are fasting closing the peaceful legal doors to the 75 million and another x million people (who will realize also are screwed too, but after the fact) ,
so what do we do?
I agree many do not want war they want peace
especially those who are older ......
Read the book and follow the directions. Or don't. You really are out of time.
Biden’s CIA Pick Could Set the Agency Right
William Burns will rein in intelligence with an outsider’s touch.
By Fred Fleitz
Jan. 14, 2021 12:59 pm ET
President-elect Biden has selected veteran diplomat William Burns as his nominee for director of the Central Intelligence Agency. This is a good choice—an experienced and highly respected national-security expert. He will be an asset to Mr. Biden and could help restore bipartisan confidence in the agency he leads.
I write as a 19-year CIA veteran and a supporter of President Trump. I’m critical of Mr. Biden’s other picks for top national-security posts, most of who are unremarkable former Obama officials. But Mr. Burns served for 33 years in the Foreign Service and eventually was ambassador to Russia and deputy secretary of state. He also was a trusted aide to several secretaries of state in Republican and Democratic administrations. He has written critically of President Trump and his foreign policy, but he has avoided the harsh anti-Trump partisanship of many career national security officials over the past four years.
With the selection of Mr. Burns, Mr. Biden shined light on two key issues in the national-security world. First, to be truly accountable to the American people and the president, the CIA needs to be led by an outsider. Although many CIA officers will be disappointed that one of their own didn’t get the nod, Mr. Burns is well-known by the CIA workforce and will be well received.
Second, Mr. Biden and his advisers appear to recognize that the intelligence community has lost public trust after years of politicizing intelligence, meddling in domestic politics, and violating the electronic privacy of Americans. The so-called whistleblower who initiated Mr. Trump’s impeachment in 2019, and the continuous spiteful criticism of Mr. Trump by former CIA Director John Brennan, undermined the agency’s reputation as a nonpartisan institution. This was no time to reward a Biden insider with the agency’s top job.
The CIA needs a housecleaning to perform as a less political, more effective intelligence organization. I don’t know how much leeway the Biden White House will give Mr. Burns to hire and fire throughout the agency’s ranks, but I believe he will press his boss to allow him to make several long-overdue organizational reforms.
The left will compound Mr. Burns’s challenge by pushing him to expand the agency’s mission with diversity personnel schemes and low-priority issues like climate change. I am hopeful that the new director will resist such pressure, and will instead commit the CIA to hiring the best and brightest to address legitimate national-security threats, especially China.
Mr. Burns’s most important responsibility as CIA director will be speaking truth to power on national-security matters. Given his many years of service across administrations, he’s well-prepared to fulfill this responsibility, telling President Biden what he needs to know as well as what he does not want to hear.
Mr. Fleitz, president of the Center for Security Policy, served in 2018 as deputy assistant to President Trump and chief of staff of the National Security Council.
OoooH! The Cuck Street Journal likes him!
Biden’s CIA Pick Could Set the Agency Right
William Burns will rein in intelligence with an outsider’s touch.
By Fred Fleitz
Jan. 14, 2021 12:59 pm ET
President-elect Biden has selected veteran diplomat William Burns as his nominee for director of the Central Intelligence Agency. This is a good choice—an experienced and highly respected national-security expert. He will be an asset to Mr. Biden and could help restore bipartisan confidence in the agency he leads.
I write as a 19-year CIA veteran and a supporter of President Trump. I’m critical of Mr. Biden’s other picks for top national-security posts, most of who are unremarkable former Obama officials. But Mr. Burns served for 33 years in the Foreign Service and eventually was ambassador to Russia and deputy secretary of state. He also was a trusted aide to several secretaries of state in Republican and Democratic administrations. He has written critically of President Trump and his foreign policy, but he has avoided the harsh anti-Trump partisanship of many career national security officials over the past four years.
With the selection of Mr. Burns, Mr. Biden shined light on two key issues in the national-security world. First, to be truly accountable to the American people and the president, the CIA needs to be led by an outsider. Although many CIA officers will be disappointed that one of their own didn’t get the nod, Mr. Burns is well-known by the CIA workforce and will be well received.
Second, Mr. Biden and his advisers appear to recognize that the intelligence community has lost public trust after years of politicizing intelligence, meddling in domestic politics, and violating the electronic privacy of Americans. The so-called whistleblower who initiated Mr. Trump’s impeachment in 2019, and the continuous spiteful criticism of Mr. Trump by former CIA Director John Brennan, undermined the agency’s reputation as a nonpartisan institution. This was no time to reward a Biden insider with the agency’s top job.
The CIA needs a housecleaning to perform as a less political, more effective intelligence organization. I don’t know how much leeway the Biden White House will give Mr. Burns to hire and fire throughout the agency’s ranks, but I believe he will press his boss to allow him to make several long-overdue organizational reforms.
The left will compound Mr. Burns’s challenge by pushing him to expand the agency’s mission with diversity personnel schemes and low-priority issues like climate change. I am hopeful that the new director will resist such pressure, and will instead commit the CIA to hiring the best and brightest to address legitimate national-security threats, especially China.
Mr. Burns’s most important responsibility as CIA director will be speaking truth to power on national-security matters. Given his many years of service across administrations, he’s well-prepared to fulfill this responsibility, telling President Biden what he needs to know as well as what he does not want to hear.
Mr. Fleitz, president of the Center for Security Policy, served in 2018 as deputy assistant to President Trump and chief of staff of the National Security Council.
It would be nice if His Fraudness gets a couple of picks right.
It would be nice if His Fraudness gets a couple of picks right.
Define "right".
It would be nice if His Fraudness gets a couple of picks right.
Define "right".
He said he might pick a Republican or two for cabinet.
Right? He could have kept Pompeo on. Here's another: Gen Mattis is a Democrat, hates Trump, keeps enemies up at night. Bring him back.
Right, he can pick from any number of RINO turncoats from the DC uniparty. Unity!
It would be nice if His Fraudness gets a couple of picks right.
Define "right".
He said he might pick a Republican or two for cabinet.
Right? He could have kept Pompeo on. Here's another: Gen Mattis is a Democrat, hates Trump, keeps enemies up at night. Bring him back.
The dem machine rolls on
and his crack corona slaying team
announce they will vaccinate 100 million people in his first 100 days
ignoring that reported on CNBC just now , today they already dispensed 1,000,000 doses TODAY
and the rate is increasing
So Joe and his corona crushing team of partisans will take credit for something they had nothing to do with
Mirror image of Trump accomplishment thread, we will need a topic for Biden vs. America, the actions he takes or accomplished that hurt the country.
1. Gas prices are local and regional but I noticed they have gone up here 20% since election day just in anticipation of the damage he is planning to do. All that while still in lockdown. Traffic, travel and economic demand, seasonal demand, all down, prices at the pump up.
".Gas prices are local and regional but I noticed they have gone up here 20% since election day"
we are finally after I don't know how many yrs
all my life anyway energy independent
so first Biden act will be to cancel Keystone
make us energy insufficient
and spend trillions on wind solar electric
as we continue towards bankruptcy
and collapse of dollar
Suddenly an issue!
I wonder if Pres Biden will also exaggerate his inaugural crowd:
Does anybody remember when that was the biggest issue in Washington? This man exaggerates!!
NPR said his speech yesterday was pre-recorded with visible edits.
'NPR said his speech yesterday was pre-recorded with visible edit"
"Special Task Force Unity"
The moderate thing lasted not one day. This action tells us the people who pull the strings for Joe in the White House are hard Left ideologues:
The writers of the 1619 project admit it what not meant as truth. But the big education complex is running full speed with it. Any attempt to refute or answer it is taken down and that's exactly what happened here.
Here is the 1776 Report:
Mike Gonzalez of the Heritage Foundation 1776 commission wrote:
"One of Biden’s first acts was for his White House to take down the report issued Monday by the 1776 Commission, and on his first day as president, to disband the commission.
Is that really the priority? As one of the commissioners, Is the baying from the woke left so furious that dissolving a commission named after our nation’s founding, and deleting a report calling for teaching objective history, makes the top of the list?
Our new president wants to demonstrate his bona fides to the creators of the 1619 Project [a wacked out New York Times invention that slavery is what built America] and their hard-left allies.”
we all become crazy liberals
and democrats
otherwise we are goons racists insurrectionists
homophobe xenophobe etc etc
"Biden’s second executive order on Friday laid the groundwork to enhance federal workers’ rights within his first 100 days in office. He seeks to require a $15 minimum wage for federal workers, provide emergency paid leave to their contractors, and restore “collective bargaining power and worker protections” by reversing three executive orders by former President Trump."
how many Fed workers are Democrats?
Hard truth.
". The Only Good Thing We Have Is Recognition of This Dark Truth."
to me that is DJT greatest achievement
we FINALLY had someone who spoke up for us
the rino's don't care at all
After working to destroy it.
the greatest love story in history :
the greatest love story in history :
A friend's son was deployed there. From what I was told, they were comfortable and suddenly the order came down to move to the garages within 25 minutes because the politicians were tired of looking at them.
Didn't go well with the troops. They did what they were ordered to do, but it put a sour taste into their mouths.
".Didn't go well with the troops. They did what they were ordered to do, but it put a sour taste into their mouths."
did the chocolate chip cookie make up for it?
".Didn't go well with the troops. They did what they were ordered to do, but it put a sour taste into their mouths."
did the chocolate chip cookie make up for it?
Oh sure...
".Didn't go well with the troops. They did what they were ordered to do, but it put a sour taste into their mouths."
did the chocolate chip cookie make up for it?
Oh sure...
Somewhere in the People's Republic of China, is at least one Biden grandchild...
I'd bet 100 bucks.
Biden habit phrase
really came from the supreme divider in chief
racial joke specialist:
We all get to pay!
It doesn't count if you are senile and just signing whatever they put in front of you.
".Biden Commerce Secretary Nominee Ran The State Ranked Worst For Commerce
Fortune's Most Powerful Women Summit - Day 2
Paul Morigi/Getty Images
Daily Caller News Foundation logo****
but she is qualified ->
a babe and a hard core Democrat
By wiping out the Republican party for as long as the eye can see:
happy now never trumpers
who are stupid enough to blame trump for this
dumb asses
biden was always a democrat first
he could
Biden Comes Out of the Gate Surprisingly Progressive
Michelle Goldberg, NY Times
So Much for Joe Biden, Moderate
Merrill Matthews, The Hill
Which of his advisers or puppetmasters is arguing for moderation?
What a joke.
Gay Supremacy
Why not BLM flag , if one exists
I sort of give Collins a pass
mitt murkowsky need to be defeated and stay in private sector:
I sort of give Collins a pass
mitt murkowsky need to be defeated and stay in private sector:
Agree on Collins, Romney, Murkowski. Sullivan is okay, I believe. Confirming the 'winning' candidate's appointees is different than making policy.
"...expected to continue rolling back immigration policies..." We should be fixing this in Congress and the courts, not cabinet or even executive level discretion.
For as long as Maine is a Dem state (which I don't understand) we are lucky to have a centrist R in the Senate. More than half the states are conservative which means more than half the Senators should be conservative. Especially Alaska and Utah! Mitt Romney has four more years??!! This needs to be solved in the candidate recruitment, primary and general election processes. Having media 98% against us and social media and academia 100% against us is doing real damage.
Meanwhile. what can FHOF ( do for reachout? How about a Crafty or ccp rant video that goes viral? )
I've composed some real humdingers in my head.
Someone at Liberty U. has reached out to me to do a show/podcast. At the moment I am dealing with a hip issue so the 3+ hour drive is not appealing but as soon as I get this straightened out I will be heading up there.
Stay tuned!
One of them, the Asian policy czar, is Kurt Campbell...board vice chairman of the U.S.-China Strong Foundation.
The foundation has promoted the Chinese army and China’s Belt and Road Initiative—deemed a national security threat by U.S. officials. It has also partnered with the Confucius Institute U.S. Center, an educational nonprofit organization that the State Department designated as a foreign mission last summer, citing its promotion of Beijing’s propaganda efforts to academics across the world.
In August 2017, the U.S.-China Strong Foundation appeared to celebrate the founding of the People’s Liberation Army on its Twitter account, writing, “Today is the 90th anniversary of the founding of China’s PLA!” and urging followers to read about a commemorating address by President Xi.
There’s also Linda Thomas-Greenfield, who has been nominated to serve as U.S. ambassador to the U.N.
In a column for the Washington Post, Josh Rogan pointed to past remarks by Thomas-Greenfield on China, some of which she delivered at a Chinese Communist Party-funded Confucius Institute. According to Rogan:
She touted Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative and noted China’s vast expansion into all aspects of African economic and even cultural life. She criticized the Trump administration for treating Africa as a battleground for great power competition. She said the United States and China are not in a cold war.
The United States and China are not in a cold war? - Did we already lose and it's over?
Suzi LeVine, the departing head of Washington’s Employment Security Department (ESD), is Joe Biden’s pick to lead the federal office that helps states manage unemployment benefits. In this post — interim assistant secretary of the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) at the Labor Department — LeVine would be at the forefront of the Biden administration’s economic response to the pandemic.
Seattle Times:
News that LeVine was leaving the ESD ignited a storm of criticism last week over problems at the ESD during her 2-1/2 year tenure. Notable among those was a fraud scheme last spring that siphoned off $600 million in unemployment funds, as well as chronic delays in benefit payments to legitimate claimants during the pandemic.
Nothing like failing upwards in government!
Suzi LeVine, the departing head of Washington’s Employment Security Department (ESD), is Joe Biden’s pick to lead the federal office that helps states manage unemployment benefits. In this post — interim assistant secretary of the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) at the Labor Department — LeVine would be at the forefront of the Biden administration’s economic response to the pandemic.
Seattle Times:
News that LeVine was leaving the ESD ignited a storm of criticism last week over problems at the ESD during her 2-1/2 year tenure. Notable among those was a fraud scheme last spring that siphoned off $600 million in unemployment funds, as well as chronic delays in benefit payments to legitimate claimants during the pandemic.
52 carefully crafted Executive Orders were issued by President Joe Biden in the first 20 days. But we know Joe has not had 52 coherent thoughts in the last 52 years.
These Executive Orders were not written by staff at his direction. They were signed by Joe at the direction of whoever is really in charge.
52 carefully crafted Executive Orders were issued by President Joe Biden in the first 20 days. But we know Joe has not had 52 coherent thoughts in the last 52 years.
These Executive Orders were not written by staff at his direction. They were signed by Joe at the direction of whoever is really in charge.
"seemingly innocent title “Modernizing Regulatory Review.” Except this order isn’t about modernizing regulations. It’s about unleashing the regulatory state with a ferocity never before seen in this country."
- Does anyone believe this diabolical deep state work is the brainchild of Joe Biden and he directed his staff to work out the wording? No. His Leftist, deep state puppetmasters designed and wrote this and directed slow Joe to sign it.
We don't know who is running this country. We can only identify their aims and methods by their work product.
52 Deep State highly partisan executive actions are neither democratic nor unifying.
Take us as far to the fascist dictatorial Left as you dare before we stop you. All I ask is that you stop lying about it. There is nothing democratic or unifying about anything they have done so far.
This thread is more about personel than policy.
Progressives like to say these days that the Biden Administration is bringing California’s values to the rest of America, and alas that seems to be true. Consider the nomination of California Labor secretary Julie Su to be deputy U.S. Labor secretary after presiding over a gargantuan unemployment benefits fraud.
California has paid some $120 billion in unemployment benefits during the pandemic, nearly a quarter of all payouts nationwide. That alone suggests a governance problem. Yet Ms. Su last month disclosed that $11.4 billion has gone to foreign cyber-criminals, prison inmates and other scammers. Another $19 billion in potentially fraudulent claims are under investigation.
Local district attorneys and the feds have in recent months brought charges against some of the thieves. They include a former labor agency employee who allegedly filed 100 phony claims in other people’s names that totalled up to $2 million. A $21,000 payment to California Sen. Dianne Feinstein tipped off local investigators but not state workers who paid the claim.
Fraud appears to have been pervasive in state prisons with at least one phony claim filed from each facility. Prison payments have added up to more than $800 million. At least 133 death row inmates, including the well-known convicted killer Scott Peterson, had claims filed in their names.
One entrepreneurial inmate gathered personal information from her fellow prisoners and shared their details with a parolee who filed claims in their names. The government lost a mere $200,000 on that scam. Unlike the Maserati that one drug trafficker used his phony benefits to buy, the government can’t confiscate the parolee's spoils. She spent it on plastic surgery.
The ease of swindling California’s unemployment benefits system wasn’t exactly a well-kept secret among criminals. In her defense, Ms. Su says California’s antiquated tech system was targeted by “sophisticated methods of identity theft” amid a surge of claims. She also blamed (of course) the Trump Administration for not providing guidance to the state.
Two recent state audits put the blame closer to home. Ms. Su was appointed to her position in January 2019. The Employment Development Department, which she oversees, has told the state Legislature multiple times that it needs to cross-match claims with incarceration data, as most states do, including in June 2019 and June 2020. California didn’t begin to do so until December.
The U.S. Labor Department also repeatedly warned the state that it needed to improve its fraud prevention, including in May 2020. Instead the state government removed fraud prevention checks so it could send payments out more quickly. Only two workers were responsible for reviewing and verifying identities on thousands of suspect claims each day.
Even though 1,700 claims came from a single address, staff still made payments to that address. The hapless agency eventually directed Bank of America, which issued benefit payments on debit cards, to freeze suspicious accounts. Yet when unemployed workers with legitimate claims were unable to access their benefits, the department blamed the bank.
Now imagine if this huge and embarrassing fraud had occurred at a bank. The managers and most likely the executives who allowed it would be fired. Sen. Elizabeth Warren would be issuing subpoenas and calling for heads on pikes. Yet the Biden White House seems to think the California fraud will be no obstacle to the confirmation for Ms. Su.
This confirms long experience that there is little accountability in progressive government because good intentions matter more than results. Billions in fraud and waste are merely an assumed cost of the welfare state. So Ms. Su is getting a golden parachute into the Biden Administration, where she won’t have to answer for her California failures.
"Yet the Biden White House seems to think the California fraud will be no obstacle to the confirmation for Ms. Su."
- Fraud is their middle name. To cover it up she can argue it was incompetence, not fraud. That should get them to 50 votes.
"Yet the Biden White House seems to think the California fraud will be no obstacle to the confirmation for Ms. Su."
- Fraud is their middle name. To cover it up she can argue it was incompetence, not fraud. That should get them to 50 votes.
The left is only concerned with intent, not results. See their love of big government, no matter how destructive the end result has been.
Guess who Yellen is looking at:
typical rabid partisan characteristics of a Democrat :
What would you do differently if you were trying to ruin the country?
Day 1: Energy. End the Keystone XL Pipeline and all oil and gas drilling and discovery on federal lands or offshore and rid us of any semblance of energy independence. In one fell swoop we are “over the barrel” again and beholden to Middle Eastern fiefdoms. Did I mention it also killed over 11,000 high-paying union jobs?
Day 2: Immigration. Anyone who wants to come here, regardless of qualifications, can now come. Supposed “new” Americans are more important than “present” Americans. Twelve million people immediately; tens of millions more soon, perhaps? No restrictions and amnesty guaranteed.
Day 3: Migration. Any Central or South American should start packing and move al norte today, preferably those who are poor, destitute, and unskilled. All caravans included and encouraged. Asylum for all seekers and the de facto end of our borders. Stop building that damn wall. Defund ICE and return to the very effective—catch and release.
Day 4: Socialized medicine. More and more Obamacare and Medicare for all. On the way to universal free care, the government will pick up the tab and all private health plans will simply wither away. No, you can’t keep your doctor!
Day 5: Climate change. Re-enter the dubious Paris (not Pittsburgh) Accord and enforce a green new deal while China and India continue to pollute to their hearts’ content. It doesn’t matter that we only have a dozen years to live anyhow. It is science. And John Kerry can still fly off in his private jet and pick up an award as the most pompous of the elite.
Day 6: Prison reform. Incarcerate fewer and fewer criminals and eliminate all private detention centers while ending bail and disallowing penalties for most felonies and “minor” infractions.
Day 7: Military reform. Transsexuals are OK in the trenches but now conservatives in uniform must prove that they are not “extremists” or “white supremacists.”
Day 8: More regulation. All of Trump’s deregulation is off the table. The entire federal workforce (the base) is secure. As an aside, we will also require mask-wearing (or perhaps three masks) indefinitely. A $15 an hour minimum wage is on the way shortly, even if it kills the economy. Critical Race Theory training is mandated again for all federal agencies.
Day 9: COVID relief. Much more money thrown at a long list of Democratic Party favorites, almost all of which have nothing to do with the pandemic. Another $1.9 trillion (with a T) now but little or nothing for small businesses and an emphasis on equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity. Bailouts for “needy” blue cities and states are most essential.
Day 10: Schools. Keep them closed. Teachers’ unions are much more important than kids or education. And no school choice, ever!
Day 11: Foreign policy. Rejoin and pay the Chinese-controlled World Health Organization. Restart the Iran deal. Fund abortions around the globe. Disrespect Israel whenever and whenever possible. Keep the troops in Afghanistan and fighting in Syria. Demand more globalism, and make sure America comes last, not first.
".What would you do differently if you were trying to ruin the country?"
out arch enemy whom we are at war with could not have been a better set of policies for us
can add :
open borders -> more narcs
and fentanyl from China.
notice no mention of China to Macron
"climate change corona" and to "support democracy at home and around the world."
whatever that BS means......
DEFEND DEMOCRACY! [ using Tuckers voice ]
And we thought she was just standing there in her hijab , , ,
And we thought she was just standing there in her hijab , , ,
It's going to be a bit of a breach of protocol when Harris officially becomes president, walks into the oval office and then reflexively crawls under the desk...
his views on immigration in 2016 "not known"
However , a clue is that he has been deferential to the executive branch on such matters (2016):
Haven't watched this yet:
Oh wait, he's a Democrat. Different set of rules.
"Biden Administration, Merrick Garland in Harvard Crimson, Rape song is hilarious"
not even in my wildest frat days would I have laughed at that .
no biggee
it was decades ago :wink:
passed in Senate
now Congress
thats it were done
national elections will be rigged forever
all the port for Dems to buy more voters
borders wide open
thats all she wrote folks
check mate
too late for 2022
I guess approval of rape joke
is no biggie
the LEFT has decided.
his targets are already chosen and in his sights for sure
Trump will get arrested for some reason
we are so racist that immigrants including Asians , Chinese and Indians have come to this country opened business became lawyers doctors scientists, professors, politicians, own half the motels (think Patel - Hotel as one Indian friend told me ). in the South
while blacks claim they are suppressed
compare that to the Mandarin Chinese . How many immigrants , non Mandarin , are. CCP in China
The PRC has no legal structure to allow for immigration.
we are so racist that immigrants including Asians , Chinese and Indians have come to this country opened business became lawyers doctors scientists, professors, politicians, own half the motels (think Patel - Hotel as one Indian friend told me ). in the South
while blacks claim they are suppressed
compare that to the Mandarin Chinese . How many immigrants , non Mandarin , are. CCP in China
“On the front page of is a bar chart showing how many shots have been delivered relative to Biden’s new goal of 200 million shots by April 29.
“There’s a curious feature about this chart, however. Based on the scale, there were zero shots administered on Day 1 of the Biden administration. The chart is divided up into equal 50 million shot increments. So, it appears that on Biden’s ‘Day 1’ there’d been none, when in fact there had already been more than 21 million shots administered.”
And pointing to a recent Politico report, Issues & Insights notes that Biden has abandoned his much-ballyhooed plan to speed up vaccinations by creating a flood of government-backed sites for administering the shots:
“Biden is abandoning his hugely expensive government-run vaccination program and relying on a private-sector arrangement established by Trump to get vaccines out quickly. Yet the White House has the gall to imply that no vaccines had been administered when Biden took office?”
when anyone says they are honest
be wary
never go by what anyone says in this regard
the only way to predict the possibility they are honest is by reviewing their life history
if they always lived honestly with integrity and no know willingness to take bribes etc then you have chance that will be the case going forward
other then that most people take bribes
as for Biden, as Mark Levin has said ,
and we have always known him to be ,
he is a proven scum bag liar from day one
always was always will be
like Hunter the chip off the old block sans the drug problem
he is Borking us like he did the the supreme court nominee 30 yrs ago
I always hated him with a passion
I have no idea how people were so snookered into thinking he would truly be bipartisan
it is not just those around him pulling him to the LEFT
he was always a partisan hack first
just my take
thank all of you for listening
I am suffering from BDS.
We saw him with Bork,, what an ass he was with Clarence Thomas, ccp, you are right. I tried to warn people he does not have more integrity than Trump and I mean that as a low bar.
Then this:
Just what was discussed here yesterday, good to hear it amplified.
"Biden and His Idiot Supporters Are Trying to Cancel Georgia" AND NOT CHINA!!
Something is the matter with these people.
State of the Union, or whatever they call what happened last night, I could not watch and haven't found anyone who did atch without getting paid to do so. I clicked on the video this morning, watched the people come in, noticed that Democrats look better muzzled with masks than they do in full view, Bernie, Maxine and so on. Recognized VP by her ample back side as she went to the podium. Bad optics there for courting the centrist voter, seated behind the furthest Left governing President ever were two far Left California extremists, Nancy Pelosi and Commie Harris. Waiting for the Pres to come in, I saw the video was going to be more than 2 hours and opted out.
I think it was Chris Christie who said, the content was that of 15 year old who suddenly had a credit card and the delivery was that of an old man who should know better.
I will post Tim Scott's great rebuttal elsewhere (and here):
I could only stomach small bits at a time
nothing much else on to watch
I think I might have gone to the john to at least do something constructive and worthwhile
one part I saw he must have repeated the word jobs literally over 30 times
trying to reel in the blue collar people which he also mentioned exactly that
think he also gave nod to unions of course - something like more unions jobs
minimum wage hike to $15 dollars
the usual big democrat spending programs
"free community college"
something like 18 days of personal leave from work
"free daycare"
expand Medicare
he talked tough about China - completely stolen from Trump
he spoke about bringing jobs back to America.
also completely stolen from Trump
just like slimy Clinton used to do
suddenly adopt popular vote getting Republican proposals while taking all the credit
zero credit given to Trump of course
mentioned we will get out of Afghanistan (also stolen from Trump )
and then spoke of ongoing jihadi terror but OF COURSE then had to explain who White Supremacy at home is the most dangerous terror problem we face
of course had to mention Saint Floyd legislation
all the while Harris and Pelosi jumping up like Siamese twins joined at their fat waist
and you could see those squinty Harris eyes ( reflecting the shit eating grin and her cackle drowned out by Democrat clapping)
of course the usual adoration from the forever crew on CNN
Sans Jones
and hefty Gloria burger
and at one point the lovely Dana Bash who stated that Tim Scott lied
voting is NOT easier in Georgia - it is harder blah blah blah
I guess minorities are not adept enough to get a photo ID
weird how they insult their intelligence
as well as ours
A liberal take on the speech:
They more than lost me with: UNIVERSAL PRE-SCHOOL
If that doesn't scare you... The most Left of the Left, the biggest contributor to Democrats in the country, the Teachers Unions, they already control the kids K-12 plus all public and almost every private college, they already stole a generation from us, now they want your kids and grand kids right out of the womb, even if born alive.
Pres. Biden continued, we need more tax and spend to compete globally. What?! I did not watch, Was that with a straight face? $6 trillion in new debt, beyond the now ordinary $1 trillion a year, this will help us balance the budget in the long run. It will WHAT??!!
No one under $400,000 will see their taxes raised. That's a neat trick, defying all the science that says the weight of the corporate tax increase, the gas and utilities tax increase and the capital gains increases fall heaviest on exactly these people.
Democrats viewing reportedly called the speech "inspirational". Inspire you to do what? Quit your job and live off the freebies?
The vaccines are a Biden accomplishment and the border crisis is Trump's fault. Maybe if you are on an LSD flashback.
"The sky was yellow and the sun was blue." - Grateful Dead 1974 [at 3:40]
"xxx vaccinations since inauguration day." Ummm, inauguration day was a non-event in the vaccination business. Who doesn't know that? Like they said with the Clintons, "No one Left to Lie to". On the second point, maybe Biden should have appointed Trump to manage the border crisis for him instead of Commie. Didn't he say he would put a Republican in the administration? Then it would all be Trump's fault - unless the administration didn't follow his recommendations - like build a wall and turn them away if they come!
On a more positive note, the Democrats are moving forward with a sense of desperation that indicates they believe they have about a year left to enact their agenda before losing power.
he says word jobs 43 times
nice try
We keep referring to whoever is pulling the strings or running the show for Joe. Even if it is a typical administration and Joe is in charge, who are his key influencers? This article singles out Ron Klain, 59, twitter handle @WHCOS (White House Chief of Staff).
The approval / disapproval of the Biden Presidency will determine the next turn in the future of our once great country. Michael Barone looks behind the mainstream polling numbers numbers telling us he is doing fine and suggests maybe he is not.
In politics it seems like no one ever changes their mind - and then you see a 16% move like what just happened in a district in England over the weekend.
Biden voters include people who didn't like Trump and saw Biden as a symbol of what Democrats used to be, centrist and in support of middle class working people and American values. It is not 54% of the country, the alleged Biden approval, who support the radical woke, ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater agenda.
Doubling murder rates, critical race theory, the celebration of birthing person's day, burn the cities down, disband the police, destroy the Senate and the constitution, see filthy and dangerous homeless camps where public parks used to be, these are not the goals of the center left, and the woke crowd has no power without their support.
Michael Barone
We need better labeling and messaging, always.
"The Ransomware President". (Hat tip Marc Levin.)
That a pipeline and our energy supply (or water supply) can be shutdown with ransomware is scary. But shutting down pipelines and blocking our energy supply to get us to use less is the policy of the Biden administration, his first act in office.
Presidential approval poll question, do you approve of the policies of the ransomware Presidency? 54% yes? I doubt it.
"Presidential approval poll question, do you approve of the policies of the ransomware Presidency? 54% yes? I doubt it."
Shutting down pipelines IS terrorism.
Yes, ransom was paid to terrorists. Threatening to shut an economy down is terrorism. But calling it what it is makes Biden one.
Russian pipelines yes. American pipelines no.
Infrastructure for everything else, yes. Pipelines here, no.
Little known fact here, MSP airport (Minneapolis St. Paul) has a pipeline connecting the nearest refinery with jet fuel. We don't have fuel trucks in traffic all over the freeways near the airport, or trains blocking traffic (other than the LRT boondoggle). Google search of tanker spill near MSP airport takes me directly to other spills near other airports. There is nothing there.
Deniers of science - on every topic. There is no question that pipelines have the best safety and environmental record over all other alternatives:
But who gives a rat's ass about safety and environmental record when you have a nation to destroy?
The Biden administration as the face of the Left today reminds me of this song:
If Everyone was listening.
Who'll be the last clown, to bring the house down?
Is it loyalty to China or derangement toward Trump? Maybe it doesn't matter. Either way, it's bad governance. How do you learn from mistakes and catastrophes if you refuse to find out what happened?
Deniers of science stuck to the outdoor food market story a year after we all knew it doesn't spread outdoors.
Optimism down 20 points since May, 26 points with Independents!
My reaction, slow learners, but better than total and permanent denial.
Every policy of this Administration is designed to bring down this country. If that is an exaggeration, tell me one policy of theirs that is not.
Please post on the Epidemic thread as well!
Biden to waive sanctions on company in charge of Nord Stream 2
This is from May but is still relevant as the US gas prices approach double of pre-election levels. Pipeline and burning of fossil fuels is no threat to the environment when 'green' Germany and Russia do it.
VDH and others asked, what would Trump's policy be if he was a paid stooge of Putin and all his actual policies were exactly the opposite. A big part of it was American fracking that nearly put Russia out of business. Now Biden does exactly what they want, down to approving pipelines he stopped here, and no one screams: traitor.
From issues and insights:
Inflation up from 1% to 5% per year:
"Misery Index" up every month:
Stress index up:
Pessimism up 20 points in 2 months:
Real wages, Down every month under Biden: [That's what inflation does!]
Murders up!
Border crisis out of control:
Covid cases up:
Everything is worse and everyone knows it. Thank you President Biden and his Marxist handlers.
From issues and insights:
Inflation up from 1% to 5% per year:
"Misery Index" up every month:
Stress index up:
Pessimism up 20 points in 2 months:
Real wages, Down every month under Biden: [That's what inflation does!]
Murders up!
Border crisis out of control:
Covid cases up:
Everything is worse and everyone knows it. Thank you President Biden and his Marxist handlers.
Consumer sentiment lowest since (2011) the Obama Biden administration:
Lower than Covid Lockdown 1. I don't think Covid is driving this.
Newt Gingrich: Joe Biden's top 10 blunders
Many of President Biden's mistakes could have lasting, unforeseeable consequences
Newt Gingrich By Newt Gingrich | Fox News
1. Bipartisan Baloney
As I write in my upcoming book, "Beyond Biden", which will be released on Nov. 2, the first major mistake Biden made was immediately failing to live up to the pledges he made in his inaugural address. In his inaugural address, Biden said: "Today, on this January day, my whole soul is in this: Bringing America together. Uniting our people. And uniting our nation."
Had Biden actually led from the center as a bipartisan president, he would have quickly formed a strong coalition in Washington and built a strong majority. But, he didn’t.
On day one in office, Biden signed 17 executive orders, most of which were highly partisan, with nine being direct reversals of popular, effective policies set by the previous administration. Biden’s day-one action message to a deeply divided America was that talk of bipartisanship was pure baloney.
2. Destroying Our Energy Independence
Biden’s second big mistake was his aggressive effort to cripple America’s energy independence. In his early days of office, he recommitted America to the Paris Climate Accords, which restricts America while giving high-polluting countries such as China a pass.
He canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline, which cost Americans roughly 30,000 jobs and contributed to rising oil and gas prices. He also canceled oil and gas exploration in the arctic. Because of these destructive actions, Biden later had to crawl back to OPEC nations and grovel for them to increase production to lower prices.
3. Giving in to Iran
Desperate to salvage one of his former boss’s few achievements, Biden immediately sought to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal, which will not stop Iran from eventually developing nuclear weapons.
It also freed up billions of dollars which Iran can now use in its continued effort to fund terrorism around the globe. This sent a clear message of weakness to our allies in the Middle East and will only benefit Iran – the world’s premier funder of terrorism.
4. Kowtowing to China
President Biden has consistently failed to stand up to China, which is our single biggest competitor. We know that the Chinese Communist Party intentionally withheld information about the spread of the COVID-19 virus as early as December of 2019.
We know it lied to the world about the existence and origins of the virus – and used the World Health Organization to spread its propaganda.
Biden has done nothing to hold the Chinese Communist Party to account – and has unconditionally recommitted American tax dollars to the WHO.
Chinese Communist Party Chairman Xi Jinping has no reason to believe the American government will be a serious competitor as long as Biden and the Democratic Party is running the country.
5. COVID-19 Confusion
Let’s be clear: The historically rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines is all thanks to President Donald Trump. Biden had nothing to do with empowering our private pharmaceutical sector to create the vaccines – or streamlining the regulatory structure so they could quickly get to Americans who needed them.
Biden is responsible for setting incredibly low goals for vaccine distribution, leading a completely confused vaccine messaging campaign at the federal level, and further polarizing the country over vaccines by consistently demonizing Republican governors who didn’t toe federal lines – even when Republican states were experiencing fewer COVID-19 deaths than states with Democratic governors with extreme restrictions and higher infection rates.
6. Surrender at the Southern Border
President Biden has overseen the most porous, permissive, and lawless U.S.-Mexico border in generations. In July, illegal crossings at the southern border hit a 21-year high. This is remarkable, as border crossings typically drop off in the summer, because the desert heat becomes so dangerous. At the same time, deportations of illegal immigrants are at a record low.
Biden has essentially surrendered the southern border to whoever wants to come in – including drug dealers, human traffickers, potential terrorists, and other violent criminals.
The U.S. Border Patrol is deeply demoralized, and Americans are less safe. Thankfully, the U.S. Supreme Court is beginning to roll-back some of Biden’s disastrous decisions and forcing it to re-implement measures that work – such as President Trump’s remain in Mexico policy.
7. Betrayal at the Border
I mention this as a separate failure because it is so dramatic and dismissive of Americans’ safety.
Southwest border sees 419% spike in illegal border crossings from July 2020-July 2021Video
Biden has allowed record numbers of people to illegally cross the border and stay in America during a global pandemic without any requirement that they be tested for COVID-19 or quarantined before going wherever they want.
President Biden and Democrats impose strong restrictions on Americans in the name of defeating the virus, but they impose nothing on the people who are illegally entering the country. This is one of the clearest examples of the contempt this administration and national Democrats have for the American people.
It is a complete betrayal.
8. Bankrupting America
Just when American jobs were beginning to be revived following the global pandemic, Biden has reinstituted regulations which make it harder to hire people and suggested an $8 trillion spending plan – including $1 trillion in non-infrastructure infrastructure projects and another $3.5 trillion in liberal pipedreams.
Laid-off Keystone worker: 'Something totally wrong with this admin'Video
It is as if he is intentionally reliving the disastrous Jimmy Carter presidency. Biden’s rabid spending will not create jobs. It will continue to hike inflation, weaken the U.S. dollar, weaken Americans’ retirement accounts, and lead the Democrats to instinctively try to raise taxes. He is doing everything he possibly can to hamstring the economy and keep us in the pandemic depression.
9. Surrendering in Afghanistan
Of course, the most recent and glaring example of Biden’s failure is his disastrous surrender and withdrawal from Afghanistan. His decision to pull all our military forces out and surrender our most effective evacuation facility (Bagram Airfield) before safely evacuating American civilians and civil servants is a quintessential example of how and why he is incapable of leading America.
It forced Biden to then recommit twice as many American soldiers to the evacuation effort as were there before we left (and created a much more dangerous environment).
12 service members confirmed killed in Kabul terror attackVideo
On Thursday, we learned that suicide bombers killed more than 60 people, including 12 U.S. service members, and injured many more at the airport in Kabul. These are the first America service members to be killed by enemies in Afghanistan in the last 18 months.
Biden’s failure in Afghanistan is now unfortunately deeply real to at least 12 more American families. He should be ashamed of himself.
10. Failing to Surrender His Ego
The last and greatest of Biden’s failures is his inability to acknowledge his own incompetence.
Throughout this process, I have been unable to find a single positive thing Biden has done for Americans. He continues to implement and impose his failures on our nation.
It is costing Americans their jobs, their peace of mind, and now their lives.
Again, I wonder: How much more of this can we take?
"Again, I wonder: How much more of this can we take?"
we have a huge free shit crowd who are not going to change their minds
indeed they keep demanding more.........
He must have had a skin cancer removed
usually squamous cell carcinoma
or basal cell carcinoma
The from mostly curable the latter nearly always so...
Only the newspaper of record Babylon Bee gets the Biden perspective right.
Some of those left behind were Republican anyway.
Only the newspaper of record Babylon Bee gets the Biden perspective right.
Some of those left behind were Republican anyway.
Too long to post.
The blame falls on Biden and everyone who works for him, those that voted for him and the fraud that got him into office.
Overheard "It is interesting that Biden has distributed more assault weapons than anyone else in American history, without a background check".
Overheard "It is interesting that Biden has distributed more assault weapons than anyone else in American history, without a background check".
If the nation and media hadn't ignored Fast and Furious, maybe this wouldn't have happened.
And I don't believe them.
Analysis: Biden’s war on virus becomes war on unvaccinated
Hard to believe the AP gets it.
One might remember less than a year ago, the anti-vax crowd was mainly on the left. cf. RFK jr.
Now the Left is betting it's power on Big Pharma, Pfizer and a project spearheaded by Donald rump and Covid Czar Mike Pence. Strange bedfellows. I found the anti constitutional aspects more disturbing than the meandering science.
cannot see article on that link
wants me to "register"
so they can sell me emails
cannot see article on that link
wants me to "register"
so they can sell me emails
Nothing at any of those is worth registering for. Just pointing out the Left knows and admits this is a civil war too. Kind of harsh words, war on the unvaccinated, no matter on which side you fall.
Text of the Leftist AP article [with comment]:
WASHINGTON (AP) — They’re a source of frustration. A risk to their fellow citizens. A threat to the nation’s economic recovery.
President Joe Biden is trying to concentrate the anger of the nation’s inoculated majority against the stubborn 25% of eligible Americans who remain unvaccinated against COVID-19.
[Doug: The President is trying to divert attention from his Afghan failure back to his 'terrorists' at home.]
Nearly 8 months after declaring “war” on the coronavirus as he took office, Biden announced far-reaching new federal requirements Thursday that could force millions to get shots. In doing so, he embraced those who haven’t rolled up their sleeves as a new foe amid a devastating surge in cases that is straining the nation’s health system and constricting its economy.
“We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin,” Biden said from the State Dining Room. “And your refusal has cost all of us.”
[Doug: Less than a year ago YOU Joe Biden expressed distrust of the SAME vaccine. Nothing has changed since then except the party in power.]
The unvaccinated minority, he added, “can cause a lot of damage, and they are.”
[Doug: Misinformation and banned information causes a lot of damage too.]
The speech marked the starkest public airing of Biden’s own frustrations over the direction of the COVID-19 pandemic and a striking departure from his familiar talk of national healing. In essence, he scolded a minority of the country for holding back the majority. And he had especially harsh words for public officials who have stoked or exploited vaccine fears for political gain.
[Doug: Scolded? He's trying to ban them from our society.]
“A distinct minority of Americans, supported by a distinct minority of elected officials, are keeping us from turning the corner,” Biden said. “These pandemic politics are making people sick, causing unvaccinated people to die.”
[Doug: YOU Joe Biden are one of those sowing the distrust, unless we are not to look at your words and believe them.]
Biden’s forceful posture reflected a calculus that far more Americans will support his action than will be drawn to the visceral anger that some on the right directed at his announcement — evidenced, in his view, by the fact that a supermajority of the country has already been vaccinated.
It was also driven by self-interest, as Biden tries to defend his own job performance on the issue most important to voters.
[Doug: Where is the new vaccine for the new virus? WHere is ANY reliable information"]
The resurgence of the virus has sent his poll numbers to the lowest point yet of his presidency. An AP-NORC poll conducted in August found that 54% of Americans approved of Biden’s stewardship of the pandemic, down from 66% the month before, driven by a drop in support among Republicans and political independents.
[Doug: His poll numbers were sent down by his own job performance at home and abroad. He is losing DEMOCRAT support.]
The drop in approval has coincided with a summer backslide in the fight against the virus. Biden blamed the spiking cases for August’s slower-than-expected job growth and warned the nation could continue to face economic penalty if it doesn’t get the virus under control.
[Doug: Government programs are to blame for the nation's slow job growth and every economist knows it.]
It was just two months ago that Biden prematurely declared the nation’s “independence” from the pandemic.
[Doug: They used to mock Presidents for false mission accomplished declarations - in time of war.]
Now, despite more than 75% of Americans having at least one dose of vaccine, the U.S. is seeing about 300% more new COVID-19 infections a day, about two-and-a-half times more hospitalizations, and nearly twice the number of deaths compared to the same time last year.
[Doug: Death rate worse than Trump BEFORE the vaccine. Something wrong with this picture?]
“We’re in the tough stretch, and it could last for a while,” Biden warned.
[Doug: If only 25% are unvaccinated and they're all getting covid, won't the survivors of that have 13 times better immunity than the people taking your advice?]
Still, he predicted, with most Americans vaccinated, the human toll won’t exceed last winter’s carnage.
[Doug: He just surpassed last year's summer carnage - after declaring mission accomplished.]
Speaking directly to the fears of Americans who have received a dose, Biden said, “For the vast majority of you who’ve gotten vaccinated, I understand your anger at those who haven’t gotten vaccinated. I understand the anxiety about getting a breakthrough case.” He pledged that his administration was moving forward swiftly to secure booster doses of the mRNA vaccines as soon as this month to provide more durable protection against the more transmissible delta variant.
[Doug: It doesn't work as promised so let's do more of it.]
In announcing that the Transportation Security Administration will double fines on travelers who refuse to wear masks on planes, Biden was unforgiving, “If you break the rules, be prepared to pay.”
White House officials maintain Biden isn’t trying to stoke anger in a vacuum but said he hopes that reflecting the irritation of the nation’s majority — combined with new vaccine requirements — will serve as a productive step toward putting the virus back in check. Defeating the virus, they argue, now requires defeating the reluctance of the 80 million people who have yet to get a shot.
[Doug: Defeating the virus requires defeating the people who believed his previous advice to not trust a Trump vaccine.]
It’s a head-spinning change in tone from a White House that spent much of the year steadfastly avoiding any appearance of criticism of those who were waiting to be vaccinated.
[Doug: "A head spinning change"? Didn't we used to call that flip flopping?]
Federal, state and local governments invested billions on education, advertising and outreach about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. They gave away cash, cars, tuition, sports tickets and beer. Even as some Republicans criticized Biden’s handling of the vaccination rollout, the White House for months held its tongue.
But as more Americans rolled up their sleeves, officials said, Biden grew more comfortable first taking on those his administration blames for spreading misinformation about the shots and now imposing the vaccination requirements his administration had previously avoided.
[Doug: Those who spread mis-information, like Fauci?]
Even as his posture has stiffened, Biden has thus far held off on even more coercive requirements, such as requiring shots for domestic air travel.
[Doug: A moderate totalitarian?]
Still, the reaction from Biden’s opponents was swift.
Mississippi Republican Gov. Tate Reeves tweeted: “The vaccine itself is life-saving, but this unconstitutional move is terrifying. This is still America, and we still believe in freedom from tyrants.”
Ronna McDaniel, the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, called it an “unconstitutional, un-American federal decree.” South Carolina Republican Gov. Henry McMaster responded without nuance: “Rest assured, we will fight them to the gates of hell to protect the liberty and livelihood of every South Carolinian.”
The White House is gearing up for legal challenges and believes that even if some of the mandates are tossed out, millions of Americans will get a shot because of the new requirements — saving lives and preventing the spread of the virus.
Biden has found unusual allies in the business community, which is eager for a return to normalcy after 18 months of pandemic disruption. They may not like Biden’s proposed tax increases, but they appear to have bought into his argument that the nation can ill afford to allow the unvaccinated to “undo” progress on strengthening the economy.
“Business Roundtable welcomes the Biden Administration’s continued vigilance in the fight against COVID,” said Joshua Bolten, the group’s president and CEO.
“We look forward to working with the administration to ensure any vaccine requirements are structured in a way that does not negatively impact the operations of manufacturers that have been leading through the pandemic to keep Americans safe,” said National Association of Manufacturers President and CEO Jay Timmons.
Despite the vehement reaction of Biden’s opponents, the president can take comfort in certain data points.
An Axios/Ipsos poll conducted July 30-Aug, 2 found that 58% of Americans, including 79% of those who are vaccinated, said they blame the unvaccinated for rising COVID-19 cases and the spread of new variants in the U.S. The poll allowed multiple responses, but the share saying the unvaccinated were to blame was higher than those blaming other causes, including people from other countries traveling to the U.S. (32%) and Donald Trump (28%).
White House aides point to an even clearer metric — the more than 208 million Americans who have already gotten a shot.
If this were a Republican, you would call him a ... L I A R.
What changed? The virus? No, it's more contagious and less deadly. What changed is POWER.
He's not a President [in some constitutional role]. He's a totalitarian.
what kind of crap is this?
secretary of a major branch of the United States Federal Government
and he takes off for maternity (or is paternity ) leave ?
what kind of crap is this?
secretary of a major branch of the United States Federal Government
and he takes off for maternity (or is paternity ) leave ?
It’s taking a while to figure out how breastfeeding works.
First, have breasts.
never ceases to amaze me.
a dem does not get the job wanted
but somehow always simply shows up somewhere else
keeping them out of government is like wack a mole :
It's a big club, and we ain't in it.
never ceases to amaze me.
a dem does not get the job wanted
but somehow always simply shows up somewhere else
keeping them out of government is like wack a mole :
It will cure America's obesity problem at the same time!
There have been moments when those of us who have affection for the [then] Vice President have wondered
what on earth is happening now?
Hey Jen, How about now?
From CD's post above
‘I Cannot Think of a Nominee More Poorly Suited Than You’
he presents facts, known public statements from this person lists them and makes it quite clear she is deceitful about her true intentions
not the stuff Trump does :
like simply calling her names or grammar school insults such
as you a "dog", or your "husband is ugly" (not handsome like me ), or "you are a dumb ass" or "you are a loser" , etc.
"Saule Omarova is eminently qualified for this position,” the official said. “She has been treated unfairly since her nomination with unacceptable red-baiting from Republicans like it’s the McCarthy era.”"
She IS a communist. It's not a pejorative. It's a self description.
"Omarova down in flames"
she will pop up her head above the mole hole somewhere else in the administration
she won't go away
she lives for "public service"
It's not just Joe Biden — being president has always been incredibly unpopular
Always? Reagan won 93 states including New York, California, Massachusetts, Washington, Oregon, ALL WON TWICE, and 1014 electoral votes.
He didn't do that with a 36% approval rate or a phony build back better meme.
Speaking of Reagan growing optimism and the economy and winning 93 states and Mondale's loss of 49 states with a promise to raise your taxes, and George H. W. Bush's loss after breaking his no new taxes pledge, current oval office occupant Joe Biden's approval rating is now underwater in 48 states.
Biden’s pick to lead the FCC is an utterly inappropriate choice
Sohn has supported the unauthorized release of classified information, which is a federal crime
By Victoria Coates
Information integrity and intellectual property rights (IPR) are emerging as front lines in the increasingly diverse and complex national security threats confronting America — and both fall under the authority of the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). This new reality makes the Biden administration’s nomination of Gigi Sohn to the FCC all the more troubling given her track record of disregard for our sensitive secrets and outright hostility to intellectual property, which could dangerously empower America’s enemies namely Russia and China, if she is confirmed. She is an utterly inappropriate choice, and the administration should withdraw her nomination straight away.
Unauthorized release of classifi ed information is a federal crime in the United States, and over the last decade, two significant leaks of government information carried out by NSA contractor Edward Snowden and Army private Chelsea Manning have directly undermined the safety of the American people as sensitive information enabled our adversaries to target U.S. soldiers and our allies in Afghanistan. The senior-most military leaders in our country — serving under Presidents from both parties — have testified as much to the U.S. Congress.
The Snowden and Manning leaks should be front and center again as Ms. Sohn’s nomination is considered because she serves as a board member and champion of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), which has been outspokenly supportive of her nomination. EFF has a long history of supporting leakers of classified information, including Snowden and Manning. EFF urged for the Manning pardon —even filing a court brief in her support — and continues to advocate for a Snowden pardon. EFF has given Snowden and Manning — and Ms. Sohn — their Pioneer Award, the ostensible purpose of which is to recognize “leaders on the electronic frontier who are extending freedom and innovation in the realm of information technology,” but in practice lionizes anti-American leakers. For his part, Snowden displayed an “EFF” sticker on his laptop case from his safe harbor in Russia when EFF gave him a platform to share his views, in what they disingenuously termed a “fireside chat” with an “NSA Whistleblower.”
The EFF has this backward: Whistleblowers are courageous citizens exposing malfeasance and corruption who merit the protection of the American legal and justice system. Edward Snowden is a criminal living in a hidden location in Russia under the protection of Vladimir Putin, who exploits his treachery against America as a part of Russia’s toolkit to undermine the very fabric of the United States. Lionizing a traitor like Snowden only plays into Putin’s hands.
In addition to her affiliation with EFF, Ms. Sohn is the co-founder and President of Public Knowledge, a non-profit organization dedicated to undermining America’s historic protection of intellectual property rights in the interests of allowing other nations to exploit and profit from U.S. innovation. In 2010, for example, Ms. Sohn issued a bizarre rant on Public Knowledge’s website against a New York Times editorial by the U2 lead singer Bono, which proposed that rigorous enforcement of copyright laws would incentivize global creativity. According to Ms. Sohn, such a “draconian” measure would have the opposite effect and impede everything Bono purports to support, from curing malaria in Africa to fighting extreme poverty.
While the lofty idea that free sharing of intellectual property will raise all boats may seem appealing, this approach, once again, is exactly backward. Degrading IPR would not elevate the developing world but rather open the door for the world’s leading thief of intellectual property: The People’s Republic of China. For the last two decades, the PRC has waged a systematic war on American intellectual property in precisely the sectors governed by the FCC — such as the communication technology required to implement 5G broadband networks, leaving us scrambling to cobble together an alternative to the Chinese state-owned Huawei network. Sohn’s dangerous naivete about the PRC’s predatory appetite for U.S. intellectual property could do material damage to the FCC’s ability to combat this threat. Not coincidentally, EFF approvingly tweeted out Ms. Sohn’s screed against “tough I.P. enforcement,” demonstrating that EFF’s enabling of classified leaks and Public Knowledge’s crusade against intellectual property are two sides of the same coin. As a former Deputy National Security Advisor for President Trump, I find Ms. Sohn’s support for both repugnant and reprehensible — and her association with EFF and Public Knowledge should disqualify her from serving on the FCC. In this age of wildly proliferating information that can be weaponized by America’s enemies who are simultaneously attacking the precious intellectual property that is at the heart of our prosperity, the FCC must play an increasingly central role in our national security. There is a time, place, and manner for a rigorous debate over surveillance and the boundaries of government information. But that discussion won’t happen when individuals violate the public trust and escape to the waiting arms of our adversaries, and abandoning our intellectual property to those adversaries will hardly make us safer. Organizations and individuals who champion such policies ought to be held accountable — and should surely be denied the opportunity to serve in a high government office, including on the FCC.
Victoria Coates is a senior fellow at the Center for Security Policy. She served as Deputy National Security Advisor for the Middle East and North Africa in the Trump administration
another Jewish leftist lesbian
where is Tammy Bruce when we need her?
“Anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as President of the United States of America.”
- Candidate Joe Biden, willing to say anything.
At the time the U.S. had recorded 220,000 Covid deaths.
Covid deaths this year have now surpassed the toll in 2020 with 350,000 since Inauguration Day.
How about we hold him to his word?
One of these two Presidents inherited a vaccine ready to go at the start of the term. Still he only made things worse - by his own definition.
Foot in mouth and proven wrong over time explain nearly all of his career.
"was on the school's Brain Game team which finished as season runner-up. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree, summa cum laude, from Georgetown University in 1983. In 1987, he received his Juris Doctor degree, magna cum laude, from Harvard Law School."
- I wonder what he and Joe have in common. Didn't Joe finish dead last in his class or was it second to last?
the Democrat lawyer listers (chain emails)
do it again their tool Merrick:
"Russian Communist Omarova nomination being withdrawn"
she will have a dozen more job opps in next few weeks
maybe she could replace Fredo
Brooke said they need a babe for the spot
Kamala Harris: "It's costs nothing. We paid for it."
It isn't paid for. If it was, it still costs all of us, and who the f*** is "we". She says it like she paid for it. Most of the people paying for it haven't even been born yet.
glad she put that "conspiracy theory" to rest. :roll: :x
when our officials lie over and over right to our faces - we are in deep doodoo
yup that is about it.
yup that is about it.
Yes. They are gas lighters and we can't stop that, just keep calling them out on it, but there are also the gas lit, their prey, the people who follow them, believe them, even repeat the lines after being shown time after time it's all wrong.
Like Reagan said, "so much of what they 'know' just isn't so" .
Blame themselves for voting for him?
Powerline week in pictures
URL for that?
Well that was painful. Slow Joe went the distance, getting nor more and no less coherent as he went on, proving his critics right and wrong.
He doesn't plan to change course on anything, just communicate more meaning better.
NPR cut away, couldn't take it anymore and started reviewing "what he said" while he was still rambling.
Much to pick apart there. He pretends to address inflation without mentioning MONETARY POLICY or a THREE TRILLION DOLLAR DEFECIT. That's not an elephant in the room...
More when time permits.
They found a amphetamine dosage that seems to work for now.
Well that was painful. Slow Joe went the distance, getting nor more and no less coherent as he went on, proving his critics right and wrong.
He doesn't plan to change course on anything, just communicate more meaning better.
NPR cut away, couldn't take it anymore and started reviewing "what he said" while he was still rambling.
Much to pick apart there. He pretends to address inflation without mentioning MONETARY POLICY or a THREE TRILLION DOLLAR DEFECIT. That's not an elephant in the room...
More when time permits.
Two hours and no mention of the border.
Throw Blinks in the garden and make this guy SoS maybe:
They found a amphetamine dosage that seems to work for now.
Well that was painful. Slow Joe went the distance, getting nor more and no less coherent as he went on, proving his critics right and wrong.
He doesn't plan to change course on anything, just communicate more meaning better.
NPR cut away, couldn't take it anymore and started reviewing "what he said" while he was still rambling.
Much to pick apart there. He pretends to address inflation without mentioning MONETARY POLICY or a THREE TRILLION DOLLAR DEFECIT. That's not an elephant in the room...
More when time permits.
Giving credit where due. Killing lead terrorist is still a good thing with the woke? If it's a Dem in the White House.
Giving credit where due. Killing lead terrorist is still a good thing with the woke? If it's a Dem in the White House.
Another military accomplishment under Biden, calling out a Russian 'false flag' operation, if true.
Given what we know so far, calling this out in advance would appear to be the right play.
President Biden in his marathon press conference: "I will work like the devil to bring gas prices down."
Begs the question, what kind of work does the Devil do?
2 years to the day:
Joe Biden
United States government official
Vladimir Putin doesn’t want me to be President. He doesn’t want me to be our nominee. If you’re wondering why — it’s because I’m the only person in this field who’s ever gone toe-to-toe with him.
5:33 PM · Feb 21, 2020
Feb 21 2022, Putin invades Ukraine
"it’s because I’m the only person in this field who’s ever gone toe-to-toe with him."
if true
Vlad just gave him a judo sweep and slammed him to the mat and now has a choke hold
around Joe's windpipe
he already tapped out I think
again proven to be a farce:
as Arabs refuse to raise oil production :
The greens are celebrating this.
Any idea what the problem is?
Any idea what the problem is?
any idea what the problem is?
Any idea what the problem is with gas prices :
Any idea what the problem is with gas price:
They studied all the ups and downs of gas prices over the last one hundred years and found that corporate greed [the desire to make a return on investment] has remained constant over the entire period.
Something else must be causing the fluctuations.
with Dems and Mitt Romney standing and applauding
the global leader and commander in chief!
with a quick shot of Blinks clapping in the audience .......
I expect Biden's speech to be rivoting. (sarc) He is completely unlistenable.
I'm trying to imagine on Biden voter hearing his every word and saying "yeah, you tell 'em Joe!"
He took over the COVID crisis where he said a President with that many deaths should be fired, and then had more.
He took a country with a checkered racial history and divided it further, with the healing words of "you ain't black" and "they're gonna put you all back in chains". And whites, Asians, Hispanics and men need not apply for the highest positions.
He took an economy on rebound, and put it down the clear path to being broke.
He took an energy independent country and weakened into war with a major energy producer.
He took the best wage growth in a generation and turned the ship upside down and going backwards.
He put his best and most trusted assistant and assigned her the border make sure the human trafficking continues.
He has Putin Russia threatening the US with nuclear attacks and tells us we are at no risk.
He avenged the atrocities in China by not letting Jill go to the Olympics, while abandoning the American sacrifices that brought Xi to the trade bargaining table.
Joe may have saved this country from economic collapse - Joe Manchin, that is.
I nominate you to give the Repub rebuttal
Isn't there a Talib rebuttal to Joe?
That should be fun
he is not radical enough. perhaps we make the gaza and west bank the 51 st state?
I expect Biden's speech to be rivoting. (sarc) He is completely unlistenable.
I'm trying to imagine on Biden voter hearing his every word and saying "yeah, you tell 'em Joe!"
He took over the COVID crisis where he said a President with that many deaths should be fired, and then had more.
He took a country with a checkered racial history and divided it further, with the healing words of "you ain't black" and "they're gonna put you all back in chains". And whites, Asians, Hispanics and men need not apply for the highest positions.
He took an economy on rebound, and put it down the clear path to being broke.
He took an energy independent country and weakened into war with a major energy producer.
He took the best wage growth in a generation and turned the ship upside down and going backwards.
He put his best and most trusted assistant and assigned her the border make sure the human trafficking continues.
He has Putin Russia threatening the US with nuclear attacks and tells us we are at no risk.
He avenged the atrocities in China by not letting Jill go to the Olympics, while abandoning the American sacrifices that brought Xi to the trade bargaining table.
Joe may have saved this country from economic collapse - Joe Manchin, that is.
from GM article above:
"Ukraine Won't Fix Inflation or an Addled President"
great writer - his bite reminds me of Kurt Schlicter
I would also add the hypocracy of the deep state
when it speaks of the evil putin but is relatively silent on Xi
putin's biggest strategic mistake was not to bribe our entire government , Hollywood, corporate America
like the wiser CCP does day in and out.
while putin may hack his way to our secrets
the chinese simply buy the right people and place their people here to, with US Citizen help , steal all our intellect.
A lot of seriously great snark in there, but some plenty specious thinking is mixed in as well.
".A lot of seriously great snark in there, but some plenty specious thinking is mixed in as well."
well I don't expect a bill clinton where in he gives one speech and advances republican policies (that polled well)
as though they were his the entire time
and the MSM of courses give a standing ovation to
and let him off the hook from the BS
tonight speech will be more of the same
but the messaging will different though the content will be the same , the policies the same , the same lying
todays dem party is to proved "better messaging "
it is not their policies that are destroying us
it is the right that blocks them .... or what ever ...
30+ minutes in. Lots of good words but unfortunately they are laced with lies, distortions, deceptions. Time permitting, I would like to point those out later, one by one, off the transcript.
"30+ minutes in. Lots of good words but unfortunately they are laced with lies, distortions, deceptions. Time permitting, I would like to point those out later, one by one, off the transcript.
saw most of it
must have missed 10 minutes taking out the trash
kept making pitch to the previous blue wall midwest states
tries to steal Rebub thunder with "fund the police"
and the usual it is the fault of guns etc
and Trumpian pitches on prescription drugs ala clintonesque
buy "american"
while they all take foreign money
twists protecting children to an attack on trans ....
talks we need more drug treatment when it is his policies
on the border that are leading to more fentanyl OD then over
(just had mother tell me her daughter did CPR on her to save her life then later die of fentanyl OD not much later)
talking about the border is just nonsensical
the border is easy to manage - just enforce laws on the books
would take 10 seconds to say to his bureaucrats - "stop all illegal immigration"
then talk about democracy ad nauseam when it is the LEFT that has turned us into a fascist state on the way to a socialist and eventually communist one
the pitch for veterans
and the shameless pitch that his son's brain cancer was from burning pits
and I could go on
oh and how can I forget when he give credit to repubs
--- >when they vote for his policies of course
Start with the biggest economic lie of the speech, designed to divide Democrats from Republicans, and voters from economic science:
"Unlike the $2 trillion tax cut passed in the previous administration that benefitted the top 1 percent of Americans,"
Meaning it did not benefit the other 99%.
Two part response to Lying, ignorant Joe, (1)that's wrong and (2) fuck you, you public denier of economic science and mass spreader of lies.
R tax relief yielded the greatest wage growth in a generation, and lowest black and Hispanic unemployment ever.
China Virus and the lockdown reaction to it comparatively benefited the rich over the poor. His tyranny based energy policies favor the rich over the poor. His inflation comparatively benefits the rich over the poor. Over regulation across the economy benefits the rich over the poor. Everything they do to drive up the cost of everything favors the rich over the poor while preventing more people from getting rich or even self sufficient.
He divides and divides and divides and then says we should all join together. Good, let's join together and take down his power and his policies.
as for "I was in the press briefing this morning on Biden's mental health plan and it was striking how they went after tech companies "
how does the Prez call for mental health
when he himself has a mental health problem and ignores it and lies to us about it?
When Dems give SOTU, also note what is not said.
All this turning the screws on Putin and nothing on what really does that, ramping up American oil production.
Germany is increasing defense spending for a more dangerous world. Biden no.
Republican led states are cutting tax rates across the board. Biden no.
Largest negative wage growth since Jimmy Carter, not mentioned.
Lies, deceptions continued:
6 million new jobs, most in history ?
Only 4 states, at last check, were back to pre-covid levels, Republican led states. Joe, those aren't new jobs or most in history.
'I have another idea on inflation, cut costs, not wages!'. WHAT??!!
Everything Dems do in government increases costs in the private sector and in government, including his first act as President canceling a major pipeline. He doesn't have an idea on cutting costs of any type. Pure lie. Plus it shows no recognition of what inflation is or what causes it, which means it will continue until he and his cabal are out.
it was interesting to see him walking through the crowding adoring Democrats after his propaganda speech
shaking hands, taking selfies, getting hugs from some of the gals, endless compliments about the success of his terrific speech that touched on "every isssue"
and tried to head off the Republicans with anticipated complaints (sorry that is a no brainer - not great strategy)
"war on cancer"
didn't we do this 50 yrs ago?
there is only so much money that can be spent; there is not enough research facilities
to do more quality research
give Fauci more purse string clout?
sounds wonderful
but in reality this is BS in mho
the university professors will tout this to get the $
"war on cancer"
didn't we do this 50 yrs ago?
there is only so much money that can be spent; there is not enough research facilities
to do more quality research
give Fauci more purse string clout?
sounds wonderful
but in reality this is BS in mho
the university professors will tout this to get the $
PLA bio weapon labs would be happy to assist! Just waiting for more US taxpayer money!
ccp: "war on cancer"
didn't we do this 50 yrs ago?
there is only so much money that can be spent; there is not enough research facilities
to do more quality research
This and the veteran thing was his opportunity to bring up his son Beau, "Major Beau".
To me that means the shoes are dropping on the Hunter affair. But hey, he had a good son too!
The Universities will find a way to receive more money.
It was his way to connect with the 'common man' and woman whose lives are all affected by cancer. He's not connecting with them at the gas pump.
He target was more realistic than previous, to reduce not eliminate. Isn't that exactly what we are already doing and it is a cause people are VERY happy to give their own money to, don't need taxation and government spending to do that.
Name one charity that gives its money productively to cancer research and not administration, fat salaries, fund raising and everything else, and I will give today.
Biden’s dog Major involved in other attacks on Secret Service
White House had downplayed bite incident
Secret Service agents were angered by the White House’s efforts to downplay dog-bite injuries last year from President Biden’s German shepherd, Major, newly released documents show. Despite Major being involved in previously undisclosed biting incidents eight days in a row, Secret Service leaders also sought to downplay details in official paperwork, according to more than 400 pages of documents obtained by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch.
“These documents show Major was a dangerous dog and the Biden White House lied about it, placing Secret Service and other White House personnel at needless risk,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “And it seems the Secret Service management seemed more concerned about managing press relations than taking care of its agents. In fact, the agency is still withholding information about this mess!”
The records, released after Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, show that there were more dog bites than the White House acknowledged, both at the executive mansion in Washington and at the Bidens’ home in Wilmington, Delaware.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki described for the public only one dog-bite incident, at a briefing on March 9, 2021.
“The first family’s younger dog, Major, was surprised by an unfamiliar person and reacted in a way that resulted in a minor injury to the individual,” she said.
The incident on March 8, 2021 actually was the final in a series of dog bites over eight days, one of them involving an unidentified White House pass holder.
The injured Secret Service agent expressed anger over Ms. Psaki’s characterization of the attack.
“NO I didn’t surprise the dog doing my job by being at [redacted] as the press secretary just said! Now I’m p-----,” the agent told a co-worker in an email.
Another anonymous Secret Service employee said of photos depicting the bite wound that the “injury cannot be described in any other term than ‘severe.’” Ms. Psaki did not return a request for comment.
The Secret Service has declined to comment.
The publicly acknowledged incident occurred as the agent was in the second-floor White House residential area with first lady Jill Biden.
“Without warning or provocation, Major barked loudly at [the agent] … and charged,” according to the heavily redacted report. “Having no time to seek cover from the attack, [the agent] turned away from the dog as he bit into [redacted] right leg.”
Agent David Cho, who was the president’s chief protective agent at the time, wrote in an email: “Major bit one of the agents this morning. The agent is ok, but does have bruising and a puncture.”
“We have noticed Major getting more aggressive lately,” Mr. Cho wrote. “We have extended the offer of our K9 trainer (RTC Training Facility) to help train Major.”
A Secret Service memo issued a day later stated, “Staff/ first family are getting him [Major] a full time trainer to correct his behavior in Wilmington. I will let you know if/when they both come back. … The biting incident is in the news now (Google it). Just another reminder that the press is always looking for a story. Maintain awareness of your conversations and social media presence. We do not want and cannot have a press leak attributed to us.”
An earlier incident, on Feb. 28, 2021, occurred at the Bidens’ Wilmington home just after the president took their older dog, Champ, indoors.
An agent outside observed Major “running at [redacted] full stride from the main driveway,” and the agent “quickly made an effort to seek shelter inside.”
But Major caught up to the agent and bit down on the agent’s left forearm, the records stated. The unidentified agent shook the dog off his arm and again tried to escape harm, but Major bit the agent again on the buttocks.
“Approximately 15 minutes after this attack, POTUS Biden opened the front door to let Major into the residence,” the report stated. The agent, although “shaken by the ordeal,” finished the shift.
A photo in the records shows another agent’s $140 wool overcoat that was ripped by Major on March 6, 2021, at the White House as the president and first lady were returning indoors from the White House tennis pavilion.
“As Major came around the corner, he attacked me unprovoked, tearing the wool overcoat I was wearing that evening,” the agent wrote in an effort to obtain reimbursement for the coat.
“This attack occurred through no fault of my own and I could not avoid this unusual circumstance due to the nature and requirements of my position,” the agent wrote.
Another Secret Service employee responded to the agent, writing, “Please submit with the language that has been approved by [the legal office]. Unless you dispute anything in the verbiage that was presented to you, there shouldn’t be a need to embellish with additional details that aren’t required for approval.”
Another email called the agent’s description “excessively detailed and inappropriate.”
A memo stated that Secret Service officials “explained the delicateness of the situation, in terms of potential damage in the trust of our protectees” to the agent.
The agent withdrew his request for reimbursement, saying the first family should pay for the damage rather than the Secret Service.
“After some deep thought and reflection, I don’t believe the USSS should be responsible for the damage to my coat as the cause was not under their control,” the agent wrote. “To be compensated in this manner would essentially have the cost borne by the tax payer and this would be unjust. The responsibility should lie with the party responsible for the wrong doing (i.e. tort), and that of course would be the dog owner/s.”
The Bidens gave Major to family friends last year. Champ has since died, and the Bidens have a new German shepherd named Commander.
leftist of course
on all the usual left media shows and news channels
a woman of course,
and while she is at it
an aspiring actress
leftist of course
on all the usual left media shows and news channels
a woman of course,
and while she is at it
an aspiring actress
She's a pretty good fit for the Biden administration, wrong on everything for the past four decades.
look at who the "domestic " partner is
A CNN hack
got gay marriage
has a child in a lesbian marriage
but she is still complaining
At this point, I wish they would.
It won't work out like they imagine it will.
And the Biden team will get someone even worse.
she AND Powell should have been fired long ago
a bunch of woke agenda tools they are
and dumb to boot
they do more damage to us than the CCP, but will go to private sector and make millions.
and yes . we know whoever Ron Klain and the Obamanites pick it will still be awful.
Biden is just he yes front man who has no clue
He was always a partisan so he just goes along with
Jon Meacheam keeps telling him he will go down in history as great and more transitional and consequential in history (think of it Joe - you will ranked above Obama !!! :wink:)
stopped threat to democracy - Maga
stopped threat to the Earth - climate change
(while all the while the real consequences are to hurt America as much as possible)
"she AND Powell should have been fired long ago"
- Different cultures but any Japanese executive with that record would have jumped out a window by now.
Chief of staff Ron Klain, standing in front of the White House:
"I'm covered by the Hatch Act, I can't engage in election advocacy here, "
Good, then don't.
What would you call this entire appearance on free liberal media advocating to vote and who exactly not to vote for and why.
Bring him in, John! Awkward moment John Kerry SHAKES HANDS with Venezuela's ex-president Nicolas Maduro at COP27 Summit in Egypt - despite US having $15million bounty out on the narco-terrorist
Joe Biden's climate change envoy John Kerry was in the Egyptian resort of Sharm-el-Sheikh on Tuesday, and was caught on camera shaking Maduro's hand
The Venezuelan leader, one of 90 world leaders attending the conference, has been indicted by the United States for drug trafficking
In March 2020 the Justice Department issued a $15 million reward for 'information leading to the arrest and/or conviction of Maduro'
Hey Buddy! How ya doin?
Griner will be on all the leftist talk shows
and Chris Wallace is trying to call her now
WH and Blinks negotiated super hard and complexly for this deal :roll:
a great win for us!!!
oh the compassion !!!
moral of story :
if you go to Russia don't fight with police there
do not smoke dope
drink vodka and keep you cool
at Joe's BIG WIN!!
glad an American citizen is home but not at the cost
which encourages even more hostage taking
"The Labor Day weekend travel (to Portugal wine country).
Wh was a 'long-planned personal trip,' a Department of Transportation spokeswoman told the Free Beacon...
What union workers might call 'paid time off'.
Isn't that what civil servants (and young parents) do, jet around the world to posh resorts on their time off?
I should be proud all these Jews are always in the thick of things
somehow I am not.
Oy vey.
Biden's troublesome new chief of staff: Current White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain is headed for the exit in a move that some speculate has much to do with Joe Biden's growing scandal over classified documents. Klain may see the proverbial writing on the wall, at least as it pertains to Biden's potential 2024 reelection bid, which is significant. Klain has been widely viewed as the real power behind the scenes. Into his vacated place steps Biden's former COVID response chief, Jeff Zients. This move has many conservatives worried since Zients's record directing the administration's pandemic response reveals the kind of totalitarian instinct that refuses to change course or admit wrong. Based on his social media postings, Zients has little problem effectively wishing death on Americans who disagree with his views. For example, in December 2021, Zients tweeted, "For the unvaccinated, you're looking at a winter of severe illness and death — for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm." Pushing unconstitutional COVID vaccine mandates onto Americans was something Zients was fully behind. In short, like Klain, if Zients becomes the real power behind Biden, the country can expect two more years of hard-left edicts and insufferable inflexibility from the White House.
I haven't seen it yet but apparently the name of it is, you should be happy with declining real wage growth, skyrocketing crime, open borders, and weakness provoking wars around the world.
I could only watch around ~ 15 minutes
of it
I think it lasted ~ 80
he tried to make a pitch buy American , jobs are back in America , and had the African American Ohio Union member in the audience who he honored
when speaking about heartland jobs , Intel building chip plant somewhere in US
and the obvious pitch to win back blue collar ex Democrats
May she speed his transition out of the White House:
I liked her speech last night
I thought she would be very good since she has the power of the presentation
I wonder if "crazy vs normal "
will work mainstream even though clearly true
but "freedom vs government control " sounds good
I understand the name of the speech was,
Why aren't Americans happy with 2 years of declining real wages, escalating crime, open borders and American weakness that leads to wars around the world?
I don't have 80 minutes for this jerk but if I take a look at the speech it will be in writing to answer anything of substance point by point.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders speech was excellent.
I saw it on a CBS link (See BS) immediately followed by all of their analysts trying to trivialize every point she made. Why can't we just have media coverage instead of operatives weaponizing at every turn?
Apparently his lips were moving during the state of the union, that's how we know he was lying. Or just follow the data.
Steve Moore, CTUP:
No, Joe didn’t inherit an economy “in ruins.” The economy grew by almost 11% in the six months BEFORE Biden took office.
No, Joe hasn’t allowed more oil and gas development. New drilling permits have fallen to their lowest level in 50 years.
No, the border isn’t under control. An all-time high, two million illegals last year entered – that we even know about.
No, Joe hasn’t “lowered gas prices.” They were $2.59 when he entered the office and now are $3.49 a gallon.
No, we are not making progress on the deficit. By the end of this year, Biden will have added well more than $5 trillion of deficit spending.
No, Joe, inflation isn’t under control. The CPI was 1.4% in January 2021 and 6.5% in 2023. Inflation has run ahead of wages every month.
apparently , I did not wait around to see it
but everyone , left & right all got up to cheer the Soc Sec and Medicare will not be touched in any way
mCconnell could not be happier
yet someone said this is 2/3 of spending
and we go broke in couple of yrs
this reducing debt will never happen
to any real degree
I am for making the age from 65 to to 67 or 68 - at least
(I am 65 FYI)
The best way to make the point is that we need to REDUCE FUTURE INCREASES (i.e NOT CUTS)
... or it will not be there for you when you get there, young voters.
Must flip the narrative. To be anti-reform is to be anti SS and Medicare.
Also, the elephant in the room, the people who refuse to reform our programs are anti- economic growth, which is the only way to pay for our acquired taste for big spending.
Original Social Security tax was 1%on the first $3000 of income, $30 max, and retirement age was set just beyond statistical life expectancy.,been%20in%20effect%20since%201990.
Didn't we just have an issue come up about about starting a new tax at a reasonable rate and expecting it to stay at that same, not too burdening level?
Rule: Tax rates, once started, only go up.
Exceptions in the last century:
Calvin Coolidge / Andrew Mellon, 1923,
JFK early 1963
Reagan 1983
Clinton Gingrich capital gains rate cuts 1997
Bush 2003
Trump Republican tax reform 2017
In all these cases of tax rate cutting, revenues and growth went up!
Reason being, in the word of Nobel prize winning economist Robert Mundell, we have only agreed to cut tax rates after they've grown to be "asphyxiating".
Unless he was lying or has changed his mind.
"Pay for what you spend. I thought that meant, if you're going to spend tell people how much it's going to cost."
- Sen Joe Biden, 1995
How could that principal be any different today??
would not surprise me if this one was a weather balloon
or sent up by US military so they and the Prez can take credit for shooting something
down near Alaska like they should have done the first time
how sad nothing this administration tells us can be believed
everything this guy says is meaningless because he lies right to our faces every single day
everthing !
shortly before the Superbowl
then screws Fox over by cancelling at last minute
the usual middle finger to conservatives from Biden et al.
executive orders
thank God we have a Conservative majority Court :
Gigi - canned
too woke even for Dems ! :-o
when not race race race
it is tax tax tax
even "unrealized gains!"
Dems salivating at to chance to launch mass media attack the Republican budget cut proposals:
when not race race race
it is tax tax tax
even "unrealized gains!"
Dems salivating at to chance to launch mass media attack the Republican budget cut proposals:
We will tax and spend our way to prosperity!
It's been over a month and East Palestine, Ohio is still waiting for federal aid.
It's been three days since SVB collapsed and there's already talks about another bailout.
I don't think it could be any clearer who the U.S. government represents.
Diversity is our strength!
Saudis having fun at Biden's expense (
I am beginning to think we have lost our dominance with Biden's rule and bad decision making. US respect world wide is taking a hit, most importantly multipolarity is developing and US hegemony is declining, US role in key areas of the world (middle east, Africa etc) is declining, more and more countries are trading in their own currencies. India recently shared an agreement for Rupee trade with 18 countries (though the amounts may not be much). Russia/China are quite clear, the USD needs to be dethroned. While the USD is still the best horse in the glue factory... the change away from the USD has begun. More and more people world wide are recognizing this. I think starting some real wars might be in the offing.
I am beginning to think we have lost our dominance with Biden's rule and bad decision making. US respect world wide is taking a hit, most importantly multipolarity is developing and US hegemony is declining, US role in key areas of the world (middle east, Africa etc) is declining, more and more countries are trading in their own currencies. India recently shared an agreement for Rupee trade with 18 countries (though the amounts may not be much). Russia/China are quite clear, the USD needs to be dethroned. While the USD is still the best horse in the glue factory... the change away from the USD has begun. More and more people world wide are recognizing this. I think starting some real wars might be in the offing.
America is a dumpster fire. The world is planning accordingly.
… We'll be fighting in the streets
With our children at our feet
And the morals that they worship will be gone
And the men who spurred us on
Sit in judgement of all wrong
They decide and the shotgun sings the song
… I'll tip my hat to the new Constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again
… A change, it had to come
We knew it all along
We were liberated from the fold, that's all
And the world looks just the same
And history ain't changed
'Cause the banners, they all flown in the last war
… I'll tip my hat to the new Constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again, no, no
… I'll move myself and my family aside
If we happen to be left half-alive
I'll get all my papers and smile at the sky
For I know that the hypnotized never lie
… Do you?
… Yeah
… There's nothing in the street
Looks any different to me
And the slogans are effaced, by-the-bye
And the parting on the left
Is now parting on the right
And the beards have all grown longer overnight
… I'll tip my hat to the new Constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again
Don't get fooled again, no, no
… Yeah
Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss
Especially satanic jew Mayorkas.
As you well know, the satanic forces are Christian and Atheists as well as Jews.
Knock it off GM.
(spelling error corrected)
yet the msm sleeps
never mentions name biden in same sentence with any of this
As you well know, the satanic forces re Christian and Atheists as well as Jews.
Knock it off GM.
From the book of Revelation 2:
9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Are you drinking?
Are you drinking?
Look at the world today and the book of Revelation. Things beyond a secular, material origin are in play.
Are you drinking?
Look at the world today and the book of Revelation. Things beyond a secular, material origin are in play.
Are you drinking?
Look at the world today and the book of Revelation. Things beyond a secular, material origin are in play.
This thread is the wrong thread for that.
This is the right thread:
This thread is the wrong thread for that.
This is the right thread:
That link just sent me to the search page.
Whoops! Put in "Satan" and it will take you to the correct thread.
Off now for a day working to move the chicken coop!
if it was a conservative outlet she would never resign
got to get this off the table pre '24 .....
Biden of course will take zero responsibility
besides Rice may still influence from behind the scenes
of course musical chairs of American haters
same rehash of same players sloshing around in the swamp turning up from one rock after another
who is really making these decisions - will we ever really know?
she meets the race hustler while acting as the director of the White House domestic policy council, met with Crump to discuss the killing of one of his clients while on vacation in Mexico last October
How is this possible?
I hope his dentist is named Connor McGregor !
Reputation as fastest tooth extractor in the world.
THE PRESIDENT (Biden): "Well, we just have to demonstrate that he will not take power by — if we — if he does run. I’m making sure he, under legitimate efforts of our Constitution, does not become the next President again."
(Doug). That is quite a convoluted statement but he makes clear that he is directing this government to target this individual with a specific outcome.
How could that be constitutional?
THE PRESIDENT (Biden): "Well, we just have to demonstrate that he will not take power by — if we — if he does run. I’m making sure he, under legitimate efforts of our Constitution, does not become the next President again."
(Doug). That is quite a convoluted statement but he makes clear that he is directing this government to target this individual with a specific outcome.
How could that be constitutional?
It’s not, but the US Constitution is a dead letter anyway.
Might as well cite the code of Hammurabi…
Biden's big WH staff: Evidently, it takes a lot of handlers to keep Joe Biden propped up and running — indeed, a record number. According to an OpenTheBooks review of Biden's White House staff payroll, it is the largest and most costly in U.S. history. Thus far into his presidency, Biden's WH staff has cost $158.8 million. "No White House ever employed 500 staffers until Biden became president," observed OpenTheBooks CEO Adam Andrzejewski. "The Biden White House employed 560 in FY2021 and 474 in FY2022. In 2023, the headcount increased by 50, to 524." Biden has employed 108 more staff than Donald Trump and 70 more than Barack Obama at this same point in their respective presidencies.
NY Sun, paywall removed.
he is right of course (I would only add we are ALL in trouble with this guy at the top )
but Larry is too optimistic about any justice being pursued until we take back power , if we do
I think you agree with me it won't be biden anyway
but he and hunter will get away with it all.
if only the MAGAS would quit Trump worship and we all rally behind De Santis
I keep saying that because I cannot stop thinking about it . I have a milder form of TDS too I think
I can't stand even listening to anything he says any more
If only they would prosecute crimes instead of people...
(Doug) I didn't believe it was hunters, but the failure to identify it as someone else's while his plea deal is pending tends to indicate that it is.
Investigations and prosecutions under this regime are reserved for Republican targets, none of which were in the White House at the time.
I wonder if he knows Hawaiians are Americans. He's taking a Lake Tahoe vacation on the way to visiting the devastation in Maui. Just like he is taking 4 years of vacations in Delaware before visiting the mess he left behind including American lives in afghanistan.
I don't know exactly what a president should do but I do know what the media would do to a Republican president if the shoe was on the other foot.
and a 1,000 still missing ?!
it is moving up the ranks of US disasters along with 911 and Pearl Habor
this is # 1 on list for fire
I never even heard of it till now:
Biden stopped the flow of illegal immigrants coming in.
7.2 million came in on his watch, greater than the population of all but 14 states, and they list it as accomplishment?
But now it's stopped? Could someone go look and see?
Biden responded to Maui fires "in record time":
very reluctantly admits there are some questions about his mental capacity (clearly mild dementia)
calling it his age
but calling him. a liar -NEVER!!
up yours , far right wing maga heads taken in by the Trump cult
they would scream over and over again
as though they are convincing anyone
The President who can't complete a sentence on ESPN signed 42 Executive Orders his first minute in office, begs the question, who wrote the executive orders? Staff, one might say. Whose staff, who ordered the writing of the executive orders? The Biden we saw in the Delaware basement? I don't think so. Who does Biden's staff report to is the unasked, unanswered question of our time. All we know is the very detailed and compressive transformation of our country has been headed by someone else these past three years.
Weird coincidence that Barack Obama lives just two miles away - in the second most expensive house in DC - second to Jeff Bezos, in the highest income inequality city in the country, while they sell us equality and fairness.,The%20New%20York%20Times%20reports.
tom cotton says bill DOA.
we know this is a cynical ploy
yes 14 billion to pay for immigration lawyers , to pay blue states to give free benefits to illegals
pay for processing them to get and stay here and try to find them jobs prior to flocking for food stamps
get them photo IDs
but NOT for enforcing the immigration law.
Who could guess?
Notable & Quotable: The Interns Have Spoken
‘We urge the Biden-Harris Administration . . . to support a diplomatic solution that will put an end to the illegal occupation and the Israeli apartheid.’
By Dec. 8, 2023 6:07 pm ET
From an anonymous letter attributed to “40+ White House & EOP Interns for Palestine” and reported by NBC News, Dec. 5:
Dear President Biden and Vice President Harris,
We, the undersigned Fall 2023 White House and Executive Office of the President interns, will no longer remain silent on the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people. We are Palestinian, Jewish, Arab, Muslim, Christian, Black, Asian, Latine [sic], White, and Queer. We heed the voices of the American people and call on the Administration to demand a permanent ceasefire. We are not the decision makers of today, but we aspire to be the leaders of tomorrow, and we will never forget how the pleas of the American people have been heard and thus far, ignored.
Our decision to intern for your Administration was driven by our shared values and the profound belief that, under your leadership, America has the potential to be a nation that stands for justice and peace. Nonetheless, the ongoing violence perpetuated by the Israeli government, as well as the ongoing dehumanizing rhetoric targeting Muslims and Arabs, has promoted a wave of massive violence and tragedies, including the brutal shooting of three Palestinian students in Vermont and the murder of a Palestinian 6-year-old boy in Chicago. We acknowledge that these acts of violence are inconsistent with the Administration’s principles, and the national strategies to combat Antisemitism and Islamophobia.
We were horrified by the brutal October 7th Hamas attack on Israeli civilians, and we are horrified by the brutal and genocidal response by the Israeli government, funded by our American tax dollars. . . .
While the Administration expressed support for the humanitarian pause, we maintain that anything other than a complete halt of Israel’s mass slaughter of innocent civilians in the Gaza Strip will simply not suffice. We urge the Biden-Harris Administration to call for a permanent ceasefire now, a release of all hostages including Palestinian political prisoners, and to support a diplomatic solution that will put an end to the illegal occupation and the Israeli apartheid, in accordance with international law and for a free Palestine.
Jesse W. :
unless the DNA was from the Secret Service agents mishandling the evidence during collection :-o
someone is being protected..........
We were better off not knowing?
Or if Joe told on them they might tell on him?
I thought this was obvious
no one knew about it till it was seen over Montana by civilians, and then the WH could not deny it.
"the most transparent" administration in history :roll:
Biden Didn’t Learn for Days That Pentagon Chief Was in Hospital
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin remains hospitalized but has resumed his full duties, officials say
Nancy A. Youssef and Michael R. Gordon
Updated Jan. 6, 2024 10:55 pm ET
(1 min)
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin remains at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for complications following an undisclosed medical procedure. PHOTO: VIOLETA SANTOS MOURA/REUTERS
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin spent time in an intensive care unit after entering a military hospital on New Year’s Day, but President Biden wasn’t informed of his hospital stay for days, administration officials said Saturday.
Austin remains at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center but has now resumed his full responsibilities, the Pentagon said.
Biden spoke by phone with Austin on Saturday evening for the first time since he was hospitalized and expressed his “full confidence” in his defense chief, White House officials said.
But the question that consumed many officials in Washington on Saturday was why it took so long for the Pentagon to inform the commander-in-chief of the status of the cabinet official tasked with leading U.S. defense policy.
The Pentagon acknowledged publicly for the first time late Friday afternoon that Austin, 70 years old, has been hospitalized since Jan. 1 for complications following what it described as an “elective medical procedure.”
The National Security Council wasn’t informed about Austin’s condition until Thursday, a development earlier reported by Politico. At that point, national security adviser Jake Sullivan told Biden, a U.S. official said.
“The President was informed about Secretary Austin’s medical issue,” said a spokeswoman for the NSC in a statement. “He wishes the Secretary the very best in his recovery.”
The Pentagon’s delay in publicly acknowledging Austin’s hospitalization raises questions about Austin’s responsibility to notify Congress and the American public about his health. In addition to being in charge of U.S. defense policy at a time when the U.S. is facing challenges from Russia, Iran and China, the defense secretary is the sixth person in the line of presidential succession.
Austin in a statement late Saturday afternoon said he was “on the mend” and looking forward to returning to the Pentagon soon.
“I recognize I could have done a better job ensuring the public was appropriately informed. I commit to doing better,” Austin said. “But this is important to say: this was my medical procedure, and I take full responsibility for my decisions about disclosure.”
Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks had the authority to make decisions, if required, the Pentagon said. PHOTO: ALEX BRANDON/ASSOCIATED PRESS
Austin didn’t say what medical procedure he had undergone or address reports that he had spent time in an intensive care unit.
Austin’s actions raised concern on Capitol Hill.
“Worryingly, we now have more questions than answers,” Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi, the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in a statement. “What role did the Secretary of Defense’s staff play? When exactly was the President notified? What justification did the Department have for withholding information from the National Security Council? To what extent was the Secretary incapacitated by his surgery?”
The Pentagon said that Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks had the authority to carry out decisions, if required, during Austin’s hospitalization, a period of intense activity in the Middle East, including Iran-backed militia attacks on U.S. forces and commercial shipping.
A U.S.- led coalition issued an ultimatum Wednesday to the Houthis to halt their strikes on shipping in the Red Sea.
U.S. officials say the decision to strike an Iran-backed militant in Baghdad on Thursday was made last year before Austin’s hospitalization.
Hicks was on previously scheduled personal travel in Puerto Rico throughout the week, defense officials said. The deputy secretary remained in Puerto Rico with secure communications and monitored the Pentagon’s “day-to-day operations and conducted some routine business,” a defense official said in a statement.
“The Secretary is recovering well and has resumed his full duties,” said Air Force Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder, the Pentagon spokesman. “As we have more information to provide, we’ll make it available.”
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NBC News was the first to report about Austin being in the military’s intensive care unit.
It has been customary in the past to make public statements about hospitalization of the president and other cabinet officials, including previous defense secretaries.
In 2008, the department disclosed on the same day that Defense Secretary Robert Gates had broken his arm after slipping on ice. When Donald Rumsfeld underwent elective shoulder surgery for a torn rotator cuff in 2006, Pentagon officials disclosed the operation that day and noted that he had briefly transferred power to Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England.
The Pentagon didn’t notify lawmakers about Austin’s hospitalization until Friday around 5 p.m., two congressional aides said. That same day, the Pentagon also issued a short statement to the media about the hospitalization, and the expectation that the secretary would resume his full duties that day.
In a letter to the top Pentagon spokesman Friday, the Pentagon Press Association, which represents the concerns and interests of journalists who cover the Defense Department, called the decision to withhold the information for nearly a week “an outrage.”
“It falls far below the normal disclosure standards that are customary by other federal departments when senior officials undergo medical procedures or are temporarily incapacitated,” the group wrote.
Original version was scrubbed, but here is the pdf
Biden's National Security Adviser, that did not notice the Secretary of Defense was hospitalized, wrote that the Biden Administration's foreign policy successes had led to the Middle East being quieter then it had been in decades.
Makes you wonder what he means by quieter, planning brutal, massive scale attacks in private?
Reminds me of the Democrats under Clinton spending the "peace dividend" earned under Reagan while America's enemies planned the attacks of 9/11.
Instead of declaring false victory, how about declaring real deterrence?
As Doug notes above, the Secretary of Defense was on unannounced hiatus as his deputy was on scheduled vacation leave, meaning no civilian was minding the Department of Defense at a time when the DoD has many balls in the air. This piece explores the likely fallout and predicts Austin will be allowed to resign:
BBG is there any way to read without registering
I expect at least part of the fall out will be Al Sharpton and the rest of the race hustlers getting into the act.
BTW what in heck's name is so private of his elective medical procedure?
What did he have a penile implant?
prostate cancer
I wondered about that
UTI would be common complication of surgery
nothing for him to be embarrassed about.
not wrong we know he has this though.
BBG is there any way to read without registering
I’ll try to post if from work tomorrow.I didn’t have to register when I saw this at work, perhaps ‘cause I was on a .edu computer, but find it wants me to from home this evening.
prostate cancer
I wondered about that
UTI would be common complication of surgery
nothing for him to be embarrassed about.
not wrong we know he has this though.
Too bad to make a scandal over prostate treatment. When you're in charge of National Defense and in line of succession to the Presidency, someone should know where you are.
During Obama Biden IRS Targeting the IRS commissioner, not cabinet level, not in charge of national security, not in line of succession, visited the White House almost every day - while unlawfully targeting Republicans and conservative groups. What we have here is that Joe Biden didn't even notice he was gone - in a time of war. He didn't miss any appointments because he didn't have any. Joe was in the Caribbean. The Assistant Secretary was in the Caribbean. No one in charge. No one checking with who should have been in charge. No one reviewing the money we send to Ukraine. No one reviewing the new requests for billions more and how they will be spent. Good grief what message does that send?
More evidence that we are led by AmINOs.
BBG is there any way to read without registering
I’ll try to post if from work tomorrow.I didn’t have to register when I saw this at work, perhaps ‘cause I was on a .edu computer, but find it wants me to from home this evening.
And this time it's asking ME to register to see the whole story. No idea why I could view the whole thing yesterday or whatever.
Try using a different browser?
- (
I wonder if walk out on their job means lose their jobs. What would Reagan do? We could use hundreds fewer young Biden administration workers making $150k each to trample individual rights with coercive paternalism policies. Especially these ones. Maybe they can go get a real job as their brains fully develop.
I was working in DC for the antitrust division of the FTC when he fired the striking air traffic controllers.
Twas glorious to see the shock!!!
"I wonder if walk out on their job means lose their jobs. What would Reagan do? We could use hundreds fewer young Biden administration workers making $150k each to trample individual rights with coercive paternalism policies. Especially these ones. Maybe they can go get a real job as their brains fully develop."
We know what DJT would do.
Perhaps that is why the Democrat Fed employees did not do this when he was Prez though we know most would prefer to slow walk most of his directives.
They must be assuming they will get away with it.
And with this administration I am agreeing with their assessment.
… and the Biden admin, while preaching interpersonal and workplace sweetness and light ignores it:
Horrible tragedy this morning:
I don't know how this can be political, time will tell the meaning of it, but without causation attached we have our attention diverted to diversity equity bs, we have plane parts falling from the sky and ships running into bridges. Next time we hear from our cabinet secretary Pete Buttigieg about anything other than federal transportation safety issues I hope someone will nicely tell him to sit down and shut up.
We wouldn't want doing the right thing to get in the way of reelecting the scoundrel.
Ya gotta have priorities and defending our best ally isn't one of them right now.
Appeasing terrorism and tyranny is how you keep energy prices down? Funny I never heard that in econ class.
My view is that peace (and prosperity) come through strength, not cowardice.
Meanwhile, don't travel abroad while the US telegraphs weakness.,journalist%20focused%20on%20the%20region.
Margaret Brennan, Face the Nation asks Pete Buttigieg, how is it that only 7 or 8 charging stations have been built since 2021 (at a billion dollars each)? He insists a half million will be built by 2030 (he forgets 2024 is his last year in office).
Sec Buttigieg, paraphrasing, well these things are REALLY hard to build you know...
[Doug] Then why are we 4 years into phasing out gas you bleeping morons?
Imagine if Trump had done this.
"It was simply realpolitik that required President Biden to leave Vice President Kamala Harris to deal with a summit in Switzerland on ending the Ukraine war, while he flew from the Group of Seven in Europe to a Hollywood fundraiser with George Clooney and Julia Roberts. You do what you gotta do."
- WSJ Dan Henninger
They pushed him out past prime time on day one. I'm not going to watch it. The word is it was too long and too angry.
A lying, corrupt and traitorous blowhard who has done lasting damage to our country with his treason, appeasement, and incompetence.
Fukk him.
A lying, corrupt and traitorous blowhard who has done lasting damage to our country with his treason, appeasement, and incompetence.
Fukk him.
"Biden says picking Kamala Harris as VP was the 'best decision' of his career"
I wonder what his second best decision was...
At your convenience, I suggest re-naming this topic the Biden-Harris Administration.
She 's in the position she's in now, top of the ticket, because of her place in this administration, but doesn't seem to own it.
What the bleep is 'a new way forward' and who cares what she does on 'day one'. Day one was 3.5 years ago. Who is de facto President now??
It's either Kamala Harris running the country telling her advisers what she needs from them or it's them telling her. Of course it's the latter but either way, it's the same people with the same policies promising different results.
proof she is not changing is her team is all the Obama people and some Harris people.
change the message, pretend you are slightly over to the middle and behind the scenes change nothing.
I laughed when Dana asked if she would consider hiring a Republican
in her administration
I am thinking Adam Kinzinger or other like minded ex Republican .
quote author=ccp
"proof she is not changing is her team is all the Obama people and some Harris people."
Right. There is only one change this year on the team, her, running for Obama's 4th term.
They even controlled Trump's (first) term via the fabricated Russian Collusion narative, holding the Mueller report through the midterm to flip the House against Trump, and with blue state Covid closures taking Trump's great economy back to the stone age.
List of Biden’s early executive orders. As immigration is such and issue this election, and as a lot of these EOa have to do with it, this can be a handy reference when Harris tries to pretend immigration bona fides:
from 2021
he was also involved Penn Biden Center - a director there just before he gets to be Sec of State.
I am wondering that
he may have broken Hillary's travel record while Secretary of State with no more accomplished other then watching the world blow up:
It occurred to me that Pres Biden will resign shortly to make Kamala President.
1. It will be easier for her to pardon Hunter, and also Joe, James and many others.
2. It would be historic. She would be the shortest President since Madison, uh I mean, first woman, first black, Asian woman etc.
3. If when she runs again, or for whatever future role she plays, she would be called "President Harris", former President Harris.
4. It would screw up the whole Trump 47 merchandise scheme.
5. It would steal a bit of the limelight away from the new administration.
OTOH, it would make I harder to get her to just go away and make room for new political leadership.
"She would be the shortest President since Madison"
Frankly, I think she would be shortest in history.
I'm not seeing Biden as giving the presidency to the woman who stabbed him in the back as a consolation prize.
A thread looking at the many abysmal cabinet choices made by Biden. Compare and contrast their media treatment to the Trump choices, choices that aren’t even in the saddle, leaving no empirical job performance to critque.
Hard to believe this is Constitional since no indictments, no prosecution, no trial, no convictions
how can someone be pardoned in advance of theoretical crimes?
It's fun to take the opportunity to agree with Democrats on something. Democrats didn't want Joe Biden to be president, they thought he would be a lousy president. They turned him down in 1988, 2008, 2016, and now in 2024. He served one term and he proved them right.
Of course this is all tongue in cheek. Joe isn't President and never was, some cabal in Washington with the power to destroy him is.
Also, this isn't about Joe. It's about the policies. People don't like failure.
If Joe biden, had been the president, we would have seen more moderate policies, and the dynamic forces of the American common economy would have likely overcome the wrong direction of the moderate Democrat policies, enough to fool most of the people, most of the time.
But that's not what happened.
Joe Biden wasn't president, so who was?
Ed Morrissey at hot air is kind to sum it up:
"Twenty pounds of bull**** in a ten-pound bag.”
(Doug) We have not yet survived the last 4 days of it...
Obama of course, through these 4 or 5 advisers. Insider names names.