Fire Hydrant of Freedom

Politics, Religion, Science, Culture and Humanities => Politics & Religion => Topic started by: G M on April 25, 2021, 02:27:20 PM

Title: Western Civilization
Post by: G M on April 25, 2021, 02:27:20 PM
Title: Societal collapse
Post by: G M on April 25, 2021, 02:35:48 PM
Title: Re: Death of the West
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 25, 2021, 04:27:42 PM
Not sure that we need a separate thread for this.  How about the Insurrection and Civil War thread?
Title: Re: Death of the West
Post by: G M on April 25, 2021, 06:29:11 PM
Not sure that we need a separate thread for this.  How about the Insurrection and Civil War thread?

Although intertwined, the death of western civilization is it's own thing.

See below:

Title: Re: Death of the West
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 25, 2021, 08:01:13 PM
What do you hope this thread will add?
Title: Re: Death of the West
Post by: G M on April 25, 2021, 08:19:06 PM
What do you hope this thread will add?

A place to put items related to the death of western civilization.
Title: Re: Death of the West
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 26, 2021, 06:41:54 AM
Smartass. :-D

Alright, let's try this:  How about the Rant thread for such pieces?

Title: the absurdity never ends
Post by: ccp on April 26, 2021, 07:33:32 AM

I am sure Shaka would have figured out calculus and gravity acceleration force
   motion etc. if

Newton didn't just go to school and was taught physics
And why should African Americans get land in LA

should it not go to the Indians
or maybe even the dinosaurs who were there before any of us


lets start looking into whether/ which  African American ancestors bought and sold slaves as many did

or fought each other like Tustsis and Hutus

Title: This isn't accidental
Post by: G M on April 26, 2021, 08:45:47 PM
Title: This is where we are now
Post by: G M on April 26, 2021, 10:10:05 PM
Title: Re: Death of the West
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 27, 2021, 02:56:53 AM
Newton piece could go in the SJW thread, the black cop piece could go in the LEO thread.  The food riot could go in the Urban thread.  Decline of Western Civilization pieces can go in the Rants thread.

Not seeing the point of this thread other than to piss and moan. :-D
Title: VDH: Western Civilization, the Recovery of Greek Wisdom, and Today.
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 02, 2021, 09:09:34 AM
Well, it would appear that this thread is the best place to put this , , ,
Title: Jordan Peterson: Minus STEM, universities do more harm than good
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 03, 2021, 05:28:37 AM
Title: Re: Jordan Peterson: Minus STEM, universities do more harm than good
Post by: DougMacG on May 03, 2021, 07:40:55 AM

Title: Rotting from within
Post by: G M on May 20, 2021, 02:02:20 PM
Title: Re: Rotting from within
Post by: G M on May 21, 2021, 01:28:48 PM
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: ccp on May 21, 2021, 05:56:43 PM
". "

very educational !   :roll: :roll: :roll:


catch them young and turn them gay etc ......
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: G M on May 21, 2021, 07:25:02 PM
". "

very educational !   :roll: :roll: :roll:


catch them young and turn them gay etc ......

Sexual deviants can't reproduce, so they need to recruit.

Leftist corporations want to help with that!
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: G M on May 21, 2021, 08:11:19 PM

". "

very educational !   :roll: :roll: :roll:


catch them young and turn them gay etc ......

Sexual deviants can't reproduce, so they need to recruit.

Leftist corporations want to help with that!
Title: New Furies of the Oldest Hatred
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 21, 2021, 08:18:04 PM
Title: Re: New Furies of the Oldest Hatred
Post by: G M on May 21, 2021, 08:26:21 PM

"Recall, for example, Senator Chuck Schumer, just two years ago, comparing Rep. Ilhan Omar’s remarks about Israel to Donald Trump’s comments about neo-Nazis." LIE
Title: It was dark, they thought he was Asian...
Post by: G M on May 22, 2021, 01:01:26 PM
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 22, 2021, 02:34:02 PM
I had doubts about the need for this thread and still do.

Is it to be "Here is the latest example of 'the world is going to hell in a handbasket'?"

Or something deeper about the Values Of and Dangers To Western Civilization?
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: G M on May 22, 2021, 05:36:20 PM
I had doubts about the need for this thread and still do.

Is it to be "Here is the latest example of 'the world is going to hell in a handbasket'?"

Or something deeper about the Values Of and Dangers To Western Civilization?

The American Republic is dead, and the very fibers of civilization are disintegrating in front of us. Is there a better thread for this?
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 22, 2021, 07:50:04 PM
Well duh.  Indeed, a goodly percentage of this forum is dedicated to the fight for Western Civilization.

Which is why I'm thinking that
really doesn't get to it.  We need deeper stuff here, e.g. such as VDH.
Title: VDH on the collapse
Post by: G M on July 06, 2021, 06:54:20 AM
Title: Re: VDH on the collapse, Era of Collective Meltdown
Post by: DougMacG on July 06, 2021, 08:36:18 AM

Worthy of posting in its entirety IMHO, with two notes:
1.  If VDH writes it, it isn't a fringe view.
2.  Decline is a choice.  We are applying the wrong 'solution' to every problem.  It doesn't have to be that way.

The Era of Collective Meltdown,  Victor Davis Hanson, 4th of July, 2021

This Fourth of July holiday we might pause for a moment from our festivities to ask how we collectively lost our minds over the last 15 months—and are we yet regaining any semblance of our sanity?

A pandemic caused by the leak of a Chinese-engineered virus and its coverup was cause enough for nationwide madness. But the spread of COVID–19 was followed by a nationalized and often politicized “flatten-the-curve” quarantine that soon ensured a stir-crazy nation. Tens of millions saw no people, and heard nothing human other than what was fed to them through television and computers. No wonder they grew paranoid, conspiratorial, and angry, and soon forgot the therapeutic nature of personal interaction and the shared humanity of being in the physical presence of others.

Our first self-induced recession came next and lasted over a year, destroying all the hard work of the prior three years. Next ensued the death of George Floyd and a subsequent 120 days of rioting, looting, and arson. The immediate costs were $2 billion in damage, over 25 deaths, 14,000 arrests, and a Lord of the Flies anarchy with no-go zones in our major cities. A McCarthyite frenzy followed, as remote-controlled America hunted down the supposed “racists” among us—while career agendas, personal grudges, and ideological hatred fueled the cancel culture.

All this was antecedent to our first election in which Election Day voting was incidental, not essential, to the outcome. This was also our first presidential campaign in which the incumbent was stricken by a pandemic virus. And his opponent, due to his age and infirmity, simply reverted to the 19th century style of staying home and outsourcing the electioneering to the Democratic-media complex. Biden’s basement became the equivalent of the “front-porch” of homebound candidates of a century and more ago.

The derangement was then capped off, first, by a buffoonish riot at the Capitol followed by a Reichstag-fire style militarization of Washington, D.C., in a “never let a crisis go to waste” psychodrama. Then came a novel second and unprecedented presidential impeachment, without a special prosecutor, witnesses, or cross examinations. It was based on the myth of a deadly “armed insurrection” fueled by President Trump, which purportedly led to the murder of a police officer. Later most of the writs of the House impeachment were proven fantasies, from the idea of “armed” and “well-organized” to “murderous” revolutionaries. The only mysteries were the identity of the unnamed officer who fatally shot an unarmed female protester and military veteran, and why the government has still not released thousands of hours of video detailing the riot.

That impeachment charade was followed by a trial in the Senate—without the chief justice presiding—of a president, who was no longer in office.

The finale was the promise of a “moderate” good ol’ Joe Biden from Scranton—the supposed correction to Trump. In reality, Biden’s first 150 days proved, as the cynics predicted, that he was mere cover and conveyance for the implementation of the most radical agenda since the 1930s.

So we can cut America some slack when we ponder why the entire country is now descending into a collective madness, given the amount of propaganda and media distortion pumped out during the quarantine, and since.

The Chaos of Daily Living
Within the space of about 6 months in 2021, the costs of the essentials of life have skyrocketed—food, gasoline, housing, appliances, cars and trucks, and building materials. Non-ending streams of stimulus money, huge deficits, and pent-up demand so far have ensured that Americans would pay such spiking prices. And soon radical inflation may trigger 1970s stagflation and then recession, as the “why-go-to-work?” checks and consumer zeal finally cease, but the government printing machine keeps going. What good is free government money if spiraling prices eat away the entitlement?

California is the worst run of our states. But it is also always a helpful bellwether of where we are descending. The state has plenty of oil and natural gas. There are still remnants of a once thriving nuclear and hydroelectric industry. But power outages are now commonplace—to the point that, like Third-Worlders, we merely shrug when the lights go out as if it were a green way of reducing carbon emissions. 

Forty million people driving on roads and highways intended for 20 million people—27 percent of them not born in America—becomes a “Road-Warrior”-like wildness intended to discourage the kind of driving to which we became accustomed in the 20th century. Any trip over 200 miles cannot be calibrated by traditional “arrival times.” Ad hoc repairs on ancient roads paralyzes traffic not already slowed by accidents. Speeding and traffic violations are commonplace. Either the population ignores or does not know the law, or a paranoid law enforcement is reluctant to enforce the laws, or there are simply too few patrol cars responsible for too many drivers. 

Gas can range from $4.00 to over $5.00 a gallon; $100 fill-ups are common. To go to a California Home Depot or Lowes store is to be amazed at grades of plywood priced at nearly $90 a sheet.

Californians are leaving in droves, but housing costs are still soaring. Californians love nice houses. But those who have them don’t like to allow anyone to build new ones for others.

A horrendous drought has dried up reservoirs and dropped the water tables of most aquifers. Privately, Californians know that it was madness not to build reservoirs, all cancelled over 30 years ago, or to allow the California Water Project’s infrastructure to decay, or to continue to allow scarce fresh water to flow into the sea, or not to invest in new technologies of underground water savings and storage. 

But they also know that as long as the Bay Area’s activists have sufficient supplies of water (from their own early 20th century, far-seeing politicians who created the huge Hetch Hetchy transference and won first-dibs allotments from the subsequent California Water Project), they will continue to push green agendas, the disastrous consequences of which the elite avoid, given their own wealth and power. 

High-speed rail is a tragic joke. It is inert and unfinished. The ostentatious half-built overpasses stand like modern graffiti-stained versions of Stonehenge. Its only ostensible purpose seems to have been a green plan to siphon money from road repair and expansion.

Mention San Francisco to a Californian, and the same, monotonous warnings arise: don’t go there! And if you must, don’t park there—since smashing into a car and stealing its contents are viewed as understandable redistribution rather than criminal acts. Others advise to check constantly the soles of your shoes: human and animal excrement is ubiquitous as the city’s sanitation regresses to something resembling Old Cairo or medieval London. 

I drive often to the central Sierra. For the last 4 years the talk there was “Why don’t they do something about the millions of trees that have died from drought and bug infestation?” The locals now say of the incinerated forests “Why don’t they do something about the millions of those charred black trees?” Such sincere questions assume people matter more than ideology. They don’t. 

In a state where defecation on the sidewalks apparently hurts no one, drought and fires consuming a forest are also OK—as long as it is likewise deemed a function of nature. In California, logging an acre of timber is insurrectionary; 400,000 acres going up in smoke is “stuff happens.”

Policies and Politicians
The truth is that the necessities of life—safety, affordability of the essentials, transportation, power, and fuel—are now iffy. If 15 years ago, Americans more or less saw each other as fellow citizens rather than as members of rival tribes, now they are resegregating into Dark Age bands. In place of oral bards and mythic sagas, we have dry and racist “critical race theory.”

There is no media credibility left after assuring us for years that the Steele dossier was the gold standard, that Robert Mueller’s dream team would prove “collusion,” that Donald Trump sicced the federal police on demonstrators for a cheap photo-op stunt, that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation, and that only conspiracists could make a looney connection between COVID-19’s ground zero origins in Wuhan and a nearby level 4 virology lab, with ties to the Chinese military.

The current chaos of everyday life of course follows from national policy and politics. The streets are on a reverse trajectory into the 1970s, since crime is redefined as either tolerable collateral damage, “equity,” or a collective indictment of society rather than one of individual culpability. When mayors claim that burning a police precinct is a mere loss of “brick and mortar,” or taking over downtown Seattle is just part of a “summer of love,” or when the architect of the “1619 Project” claims looting is not violence, then crime is no longer crime.

The Left says it has not defunded the police because there are still police to be seen. But progressives have done something far more insidious: America has destroyed police deterrence by a year of anti-police venom, by prosecutors selectively and asymmetrically exempting the arrested, and by prompting police retirements, resignations or simple slowdowns. There is now in the minds of all big-city cops a constant cost-to-benefit calculation: going into the inner city has become a lose/lose/lose/lose/lose proposition in which a 911 call from the danger zone can get an officer killed, injured, fired, suspended, imprisoned, or rendered a fool, as the successfully arrested are summarily let go. 

The country has gone mad with debt. Both parties are responsible for the massive spending. The Republican defense is that Democrats would spend even more—and, if they are lavishing entitlements to buy votes, why shouldn’t we?

The Left’s excuse is not just the old idea of redistribution, but a new revolutionary myth that money and debt are really irrelevant constructs. A novel economic pseudoscience has revised or discarded the oppressive idea of having to pay back what was borrowed. 

Traditionalists and conservatives always assumed that the military, the intelligence and investigatory agencies, and the prosecutorial industry were at least above politics, defenders of traditional and constitutional norms, and completely professional in their service. 

No longer. There is now a new military-industrial-intelligence-legal complex. Its hierarchy is politically weaponized, and amply renumerated. The careers of John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, General Mark Milley and a score of retired 4-stars officers, Robert Mueller and his dream team, and the Department of Justice are characteristically determined and calibrated by politics rather than competence. 

The usual consequences follow: half the country no longer trusts its once esteemed FBI, CIA, or military. And when these agencies veer from their assigned tasks, it is no wonder that they miss impending signs of terrorism in Boston, Fort Hood, and San Bernardino, had little clue that the “JVs” of ISIS were expanding in Iraq, and never really informed the American people about the costs, the benefits, the stakes and the likely future of the two-decade Afghan war. In the 1960s the Left sought to tarnish the reputation of what they saw as hated government institutions and failed; in the 2020s, the Left diminished the reputation of what they now saw as useful and malleable institutions and succeeded.

America does not quite know what will follow from the first months of the Biden Administration. Already, it has managed to destroy the idea of a border, with an anticipated 2 million entering the country illegally over a 12 month period. It demolished the idea of the police and prosecutorial deterrence curbing crime. It is ending the trajectory of America’s natural gas and oil renaissance that enriched the country, and freed it from Middle East entanglements. And it killed off the notion that government should seek to ensure that race is not how we collectively define the content of our individual characters. 

Meanwhile, our enemies and rivals—China, Iran, and Russia especially—are giddy at what America has become. The American Left, they believe, has done a much better job of denying Chinese culpability for a Chinese-engineered virus than had the Chinese communist media.

When billionaires, such as Michael Bloomberg, see China as essentially democratic (“The communist party wants to stay in power in China, and they listen to the public . . . Xi Jinping is not a dictator.”), when Charles Munger applauds their clampdown on outspoken capitalists like Jack Ma (“I don’t want the, all of the Chinese system, but I certainly would like to have the financial part of it in my own country, . .  . Communists did the right thing. They just called in Jack Ma and say, ‘You aren’t gonna do it, sonny.’””), and when Bill Gates believes that in the midst of the pandemic, a lying China had done “a lot of things right in the beginning,” we can conclude America’s richest are placing their bets on a Chinese-Communist controlled 21st century, and will adjust accordingly.

Our adversaries can’t quite believe their good fortune. Had they thought up ways to divide and impoverish America, to see its cities burned, and looted, to weaken its economy and currency, to erode the unity of its once feared military, and to entrench the most effective critics of America in America—not in Beijing, Moscow, Pyongyang, or Tehran, but in corporate boardrooms, campuses, newsrooms, Hollywood, Wall Street and the Pentagon—they could not have improved on what has happened in 2020-21, the era of our collective meltdown
Title: Re: VDH on the collapse, Era of Collective Meltdown
Post by: G M on July 06, 2021, 09:09:56 AM
"1.  If VDH writes it, it isn't a fringe view."

What exactly is a fringe view today? Is it that it's ok for a "transwoman" to expose her penis to little girls at the spa? CRT in public schools? LGBTQP propaganda for toddlers?

Worthy of posting in its entirety IMHO, with two notes:
1.  If VDH writes it, it isn't a fringe view.
2.  Decline is a choice.  We are applying the wrong 'solution' to every problem.  It doesn't have to be that way.

The Era of Collective Meltdown,  Victor Davis Hanson, 4th of July, 2021

This Fourth of July holiday we might pause for a moment from our festivities to ask how we collectively lost our minds over the last 15 months—and are we yet regaining any semblance of our sanity?

A pandemic caused by the leak of a Chinese-engineered virus and its coverup was cause enough for nationwide madness. But the spread of COVID–19 was followed by a nationalized and often politicized “flatten-the-curve” quarantine that soon ensured a stir-crazy nation. Tens of millions saw no people, and heard nothing human other than what was fed to them through television and computers. No wonder they grew paranoid, conspiratorial, and angry, and soon forgot the therapeutic nature of personal interaction and the shared humanity of being in the physical presence of others.

Our first self-induced recession came next and lasted over a year, destroying all the hard work of the prior three years. Next ensued the death of George Floyd and a subsequent 120 days of rioting, looting, and arson. The immediate costs were $2 billion in damage, over 25 deaths, 14,000 arrests, and a Lord of the Flies anarchy with no-go zones in our major cities. A McCarthyite frenzy followed, as remote-controlled America hunted down the supposed “racists” among us—while career agendas, personal grudges, and ideological hatred fueled the cancel culture.

All this was antecedent to our first election in which Election Day voting was incidental, not essential, to the outcome. This was also our first presidential campaign in which the incumbent was stricken by a pandemic virus. And his opponent, due to his age and infirmity, simply reverted to the 19th century style of staying home and outsourcing the electioneering to the Democratic-media complex. Biden’s basement became the equivalent of the “front-porch” of homebound candidates of a century and more ago.

The derangement was then capped off, first, by a buffoonish riot at the Capitol followed by a Reichstag-fire style militarization of Washington, D.C., in a “never let a crisis go to waste” psychodrama. Then came a novel second and unprecedented presidential impeachment, without a special prosecutor, witnesses, or cross examinations. It was based on the myth of a deadly “armed insurrection” fueled by President Trump, which purportedly led to the murder of a police officer. Later most of the writs of the House impeachment were proven fantasies, from the idea of “armed” and “well-organized” to “murderous” revolutionaries. The only mysteries were the identity of the unnamed officer who fatally shot an unarmed female protester and military veteran, and why the government has still not released thousands of hours of video detailing the riot.

That impeachment charade was followed by a trial in the Senate—without the chief justice presiding—of a president, who was no longer in office.

The finale was the promise of a “moderate” good ol’ Joe Biden from Scranton—the supposed correction to Trump. In reality, Biden’s first 150 days proved, as the cynics predicted, that he was mere cover and conveyance for the implementation of the most radical agenda since the 1930s.

So we can cut America some slack when we ponder why the entire country is now descending into a collective madness, given the amount of propaganda and media distortion pumped out during the quarantine, and since.

The Chaos of Daily Living
Within the space of about 6 months in 2021, the costs of the essentials of life have skyrocketed—food, gasoline, housing, appliances, cars and trucks, and building materials. Non-ending streams of stimulus money, huge deficits, and pent-up demand so far have ensured that Americans would pay such spiking prices. And soon radical inflation may trigger 1970s stagflation and then recession, as the “why-go-to-work?” checks and consumer zeal finally cease, but the government printing machine keeps going. What good is free government money if spiraling prices eat away the entitlement?

California is the worst run of our states. But it is also always a helpful bellwether of where we are descending. The state has plenty of oil and natural gas. There are still remnants of a once thriving nuclear and hydroelectric industry. But power outages are now commonplace—to the point that, like Third-Worlders, we merely shrug when the lights go out as if it were a green way of reducing carbon emissions. 

Forty million people driving on roads and highways intended for 20 million people—27 percent of them not born in America—becomes a “Road-Warrior”-like wildness intended to discourage the kind of driving to which we became accustomed in the 20th century. Any trip over 200 miles cannot be calibrated by traditional “arrival times.” Ad hoc repairs on ancient roads paralyzes traffic not already slowed by accidents. Speeding and traffic violations are commonplace. Either the population ignores or does not know the law, or a paranoid law enforcement is reluctant to enforce the laws, or there are simply too few patrol cars responsible for too many drivers. 

Gas can range from $4.00 to over $5.00 a gallon; $100 fill-ups are common. To go to a California Home Depot or Lowes store is to be amazed at grades of plywood priced at nearly $90 a sheet.

Californians are leaving in droves, but housing costs are still soaring. Californians love nice houses. But those who have them don’t like to allow anyone to build new ones for others.

A horrendous drought has dried up reservoirs and dropped the water tables of most aquifers. Privately, Californians know that it was madness not to build reservoirs, all cancelled over 30 years ago, or to allow the California Water Project’s infrastructure to decay, or to continue to allow scarce fresh water to flow into the sea, or not to invest in new technologies of underground water savings and storage. 

But they also know that as long as the Bay Area’s activists have sufficient supplies of water (from their own early 20th century, far-seeing politicians who created the huge Hetch Hetchy transference and won first-dibs allotments from the subsequent California Water Project), they will continue to push green agendas, the disastrous consequences of which the elite avoid, given their own wealth and power. 

High-speed rail is a tragic joke. It is inert and unfinished. The ostentatious half-built overpasses stand like modern graffiti-stained versions of Stonehenge. Its only ostensible purpose seems to have been a green plan to siphon money from road repair and expansion.

Mention San Francisco to a Californian, and the same, monotonous warnings arise: don’t go there! And if you must, don’t park there—since smashing into a car and stealing its contents are viewed as understandable redistribution rather than criminal acts. Others advise to check constantly the soles of your shoes: human and animal excrement is ubiquitous as the city’s sanitation regresses to something resembling Old Cairo or medieval London. 

I drive often to the central Sierra. For the last 4 years the talk there was “Why don’t they do something about the millions of trees that have died from drought and bug infestation?” The locals now say of the incinerated forests “Why don’t they do something about the millions of those charred black trees?” Such sincere questions assume people matter more than ideology. They don’t. 

In a state where defecation on the sidewalks apparently hurts no one, drought and fires consuming a forest are also OK—as long as it is likewise deemed a function of nature. In California, logging an acre of timber is insurrectionary; 400,000 acres going up in smoke is “stuff happens.”

Policies and Politicians
The truth is that the necessities of life—safety, affordability of the essentials, transportation, power, and fuel—are now iffy. If 15 years ago, Americans more or less saw each other as fellow citizens rather than as members of rival tribes, now they are resegregating into Dark Age bands. In place of oral bards and mythic sagas, we have dry and racist “critical race theory.”

There is no media credibility left after assuring us for years that the Steele dossier was the gold standard, that Robert Mueller’s dream team would prove “collusion,” that Donald Trump sicced the federal police on demonstrators for a cheap photo-op stunt, that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation, and that only conspiracists could make a looney connection between COVID-19’s ground zero origins in Wuhan and a nearby level 4 virology lab, with ties to the Chinese military.

The current chaos of everyday life of course follows from national policy and politics. The streets are on a reverse trajectory into the 1970s, since crime is redefined as either tolerable collateral damage, “equity,” or a collective indictment of society rather than one of individual culpability. When mayors claim that burning a police precinct is a mere loss of “brick and mortar,” or taking over downtown Seattle is just part of a “summer of love,” or when the architect of the “1619 Project” claims looting is not violence, then crime is no longer crime.

The Left says it has not defunded the police because there are still police to be seen. But progressives have done something far more insidious: America has destroyed police deterrence by a year of anti-police venom, by prosecutors selectively and asymmetrically exempting the arrested, and by prompting police retirements, resignations or simple slowdowns. There is now in the minds of all big-city cops a constant cost-to-benefit calculation: going into the inner city has become a lose/lose/lose/lose/lose proposition in which a 911 call from the danger zone can get an officer killed, injured, fired, suspended, imprisoned, or rendered a fool, as the successfully arrested are summarily let go. 

The country has gone mad with debt. Both parties are responsible for the massive spending. The Republican defense is that Democrats would spend even more—and, if they are lavishing entitlements to buy votes, why shouldn’t we?

The Left’s excuse is not just the old idea of redistribution, but a new revolutionary myth that money and debt are really irrelevant constructs. A novel economic pseudoscience has revised or discarded the oppressive idea of having to pay back what was borrowed. 

Traditionalists and conservatives always assumed that the military, the intelligence and investigatory agencies, and the prosecutorial industry were at least above politics, defenders of traditional and constitutional norms, and completely professional in their service. 

No longer. There is now a new military-industrial-intelligence-legal complex. Its hierarchy is politically weaponized, and amply renumerated. The careers of John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, General Mark Milley and a score of retired 4-stars officers, Robert Mueller and his dream team, and the Department of Justice are characteristically determined and calibrated by politics rather than competence. 

The usual consequences follow: half the country no longer trusts its once esteemed FBI, CIA, or military. And when these agencies veer from their assigned tasks, it is no wonder that they miss impending signs of terrorism in Boston, Fort Hood, and San Bernardino, had little clue that the “JVs” of ISIS were expanding in Iraq, and never really informed the American people about the costs, the benefits, the stakes and the likely future of the two-decade Afghan war. In the 1960s the Left sought to tarnish the reputation of what they saw as hated government institutions and failed; in the 2020s, the Left diminished the reputation of what they now saw as useful and malleable institutions and succeeded.

America does not quite know what will follow from the first months of the Biden Administration. Already, it has managed to destroy the idea of a border, with an anticipated 2 million entering the country illegally over a 12 month period. It demolished the idea of the police and prosecutorial deterrence curbing crime. It is ending the trajectory of America’s natural gas and oil renaissance that enriched the country, and freed it from Middle East entanglements. And it killed off the notion that government should seek to ensure that race is not how we collectively define the content of our individual characters. 

Meanwhile, our enemies and rivals—China, Iran, and Russia especially—are giddy at what America has become. The American Left, they believe, has done a much better job of denying Chinese culpability for a Chinese-engineered virus than had the Chinese communist media.

When billionaires, such as Michael Bloomberg, see China as essentially democratic (“The communist party wants to stay in power in China, and they listen to the public . . . Xi Jinping is not a dictator.”), when Charles Munger applauds their clampdown on outspoken capitalists like Jack Ma (“I don’t want the, all of the Chinese system, but I certainly would like to have the financial part of it in my own country, . .  . Communists did the right thing. They just called in Jack Ma and say, ‘You aren’t gonna do it, sonny.’””), and when Bill Gates believes that in the midst of the pandemic, a lying China had done “a lot of things right in the beginning,” we can conclude America’s richest are placing their bets on a Chinese-Communist controlled 21st century, and will adjust accordingly.

Our adversaries can’t quite believe their good fortune. Had they thought up ways to divide and impoverish America, to see its cities burned, and looted, to weaken its economy and currency, to erode the unity of its once feared military, and to entrench the most effective critics of America in America—not in Beijing, Moscow, Pyongyang, or Tehran, but in corporate boardrooms, campuses, newsrooms, Hollywood, Wall Street and the Pentagon—they could not have improved on what has happened in 2020-21, the era of our collective meltdown
Title: Enjoy the collapse
Post by: G M on July 10, 2021, 05:04:04 PM
Title: The Big rotten Apple
Post by: G M on July 11, 2021, 02:49:46 PM

Rotting from within. Not global warming.
Title: Too advanced to be reversed?
Post by: G M on July 18, 2021, 12:15:34 PM
Title: what country has the most English speaking people besides the US
Post by: ccp on July 18, 2021, 12:35:57 PM
#2 and # 3 are shocking :
Title: VDH: The American Descent into Madness
Post by: Crafty_Dog on July 20, 2021, 05:58:54 PM
Title: As things collapse, better be ready for this...
Post by: G M on July 25, 2021, 09:05:55 PM

Title: Cry harder, bitches!
Post by: G M on July 27, 2021, 07:48:46 PM

I thought American law enforcement had already had it's darkest days....
Title: Re: Cry harder, bitches!
Post by: G M on July 28, 2021, 04:40:42 PM

I thought American law enforcement had already had it's darkest days....

Title: Re: Cry harder, bitches!
Post by: G M on July 29, 2021, 10:19:53 AM

I thought American law enforcement had already had it's darkest days....


Title: Classical Music under racial attack
Post by: Crafty_Dog on August 02, 2021, 08:39:31 PM
Title: VDH: We are in a revolution and don't even know it
Post by: Crafty_Dog on August 16, 2021, 10:19:58 AM
Title: From Forward Observer
Post by: G M on August 20, 2021, 08:15:06 PM

Earlier this month, an earthquake struck the island nation of Haiti.

International aid groups began mobilizing to assist with search and rescue and humanitarian aid delivery... only Haiti's gangs aren't allowing supplies and aid workers through to the hardest hit areas.

"Multiple gangs have been fighting over territory and resources in the area, making shootouts, raids, and hijackings common occurrences on the highway," reads one report.

One town's hospital collapsed and the town's only ambulance broke down. Hospitals in the greater area have run out of supplies.

This is the kind of collapse that I fear. One where life muddles on, but everything around us is degraded. Grid brown.

Add to this a deteriorating security situation in many areas of the United States, and it wouldn't take too long for us to become a bona fide Third World country.

This actually has been on my mind over the past week, watching the Biden administration stumble through an embarrassing debacle in Kabul. And it's not over. It appears that the Biden administration has struck a deal with the Taliban, but things could always go sideways. I have wondered if it might become America's Suez Canal crisis.

Briefly, the Egyptian government nationalized the Suez Canal in 1956, spurring a military invasion by Great Britain, France, and Israel to gain back control. Then-President Dwight D. Eisenhower threatened to sell off the British pounds held by the United States unless Britain ended the incursion.

Faced with economic and monetary ruin, the British backed down and recalled their troops. In fact, they had a monetary crisis, anyway, and that was pretty much the midway point in the final phase of the British empire.

The situation in Kabul isn't analogous, but I have thought about the risks that would be imposed if the Biden administration did give in to a Taliban ultimatum, fearing a worsening tactical situation and not wanting to recommit more troops to Afghanistan.

Tactical decisions sometimes carry strategic consequences, and when you're dealing with a high volume of people, a tense situation, and a group prone to carrying out suicide bombings,  anything can happen. In short, it could get much worse.

An escalation would mean more dead Americans, no clear "path to victory," and really an unwinnable situation, not to mention probably the end of Biden's presidency. The Taliban understand this.

I doubt that Kabul will end up marking the midway point of American empire collapse. That's a seat that's so far reserved for Taiwan. But the mere thought that an American Suez is possible is, in itself, a bad sign, and an indicator of things to come. - M.S.
Title: This will effect you!
Post by: G M on August 25, 2021, 09:50:21 PM
Title: Western Civilization has gotten this crazy
Post by: G M on August 26, 2021, 03:33:12 PM
Title: Guess which one will have their career ended by the video
Post by: G M on August 27, 2021, 10:16:58 PM

Title: Destroying us from within
Post by: G M on August 28, 2021, 06:56:56 AM

I'm so glad our money is taken at government gunpoint to fund this!
Title: Like I warned of long ago...
Post by: G M on August 31, 2021, 06:47:10 PM
Title: The collapse of the Gay American Empire
Post by: G M on September 02, 2021, 09:14:57 AM
Title: Rotting away in front of us
Post by: G M on September 09, 2021, 10:06:22 AM
Title: Dystopia? You're soaking in it!
Post by: G M on September 23, 2021, 10:08:30 AM

Title: Re: Guess which one will have their career ended by the video
Post by: G M on September 28, 2021, 07:15:53 AM

Title: You don’t get to vote your way out of civilizational collapse
Post by: G M on November 15, 2021, 03:41:29 PM
Title: WT: Classical Education for Preserving Constitution
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 24, 2021, 03:24:35 AM
Classical education critical for preserving Constitution

By Joseph Wysocki

Editor’s note: This is one in a series examining the Constitution and Federalist Papers in today’s America.

The Constitution sometimes seems out of sync with the spirit of our times. This is troubling for those of us who value individual rights, federalism and institutional safeguards against tyranny.

There are many causes for this, including warped understandings of the nature of a written constitution, general civic illiteracy and the increasing influence of progressive and Marxist ideas in our educational system. Noble efforts have been made on a number of fronts to remedy these problems. The Federalist Society, for example, has done tremendous work in responding to a hostile legal environment by educating and promoting “originalist” judges. Other associations, university centers and schools have responded by launching major civics education initiatives. Such efforts have kept American constitutionalism alive despite indifference or outright hostility toward it.

Yet those measures do not respond to the core of the threat. Many observers realize that these measures are dams against a rising tide of opinions that view the Constitution as at best irrelevant and at worst pernicious. “If it be true that all governments rest on opinion” as James Madison observes in Federalist No. 49, we ought to be worried.

The good (and bad) news is that the problem is actually not all that new. Perhaps the greatest observer of the American regime, Alexis de Tocqueville, observed in 1831 that the Federalists, that is those in favor of ratifying the Constitution, “struggled against the irresistible inclination of their century and their country.”

This is surely an odd observation. The document that is at the heart of our political creed was countercultural? Despite this, he maintained that “the coming of the Federalists to power [was] one of the most fortunate events that accompanied the birth of the great American Union.” In other words, the ratification of the Constitution was a stroke of luck.

The brilliant minds of Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay, particular problems experienced under the Articles of Confederation, and the shrewd politicking of Federalists in state ratifying conventions were able to overcome the adversities that the time and the tides presented them.

Part of the challenge, as Tocqueville repeatedly tells us elsewhere, is that democratic peoples “scorn forms.” We dislike formalities, distinctions, established procedures and the detailed keeping of things in their proper place. Such things smack of aristocracy and are seen as threats to equality. They also tend to place barriers in the way of the desires of quickmoving majorities in a democracy. Technology and other historical factors have increased our “scorn of forms” and make preserving the Constitution that much more difficult. It is the lasting and underlying problem that makes it seem like the Constitution is always fighting uphill.

The reason for this is that the Constitution is filled with such barrier-creating “forms” such as the limited enumerated powers of the national government, varying term lengths and selection methods designed to shape behaviors in the different branches of government, and checks and balances. We therefore find ourselves in the difficult position of being suspicious of the very things that protect us from what Madison refers to in Federalist No. 10 as the “mischiefs” of potentially tyrannical majority factions.

Think about recent political movements to revisit the composition of the Senate or to increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court.

This is not simply a point of historical or philosophic interest. For just as the “fortunate” victory of the Federalists in 1788 brought our Constitution into being, we are experiencing another fortunate movement that can provide the necessary remedy to our scorn of forms.

The good news is that there is currently a broad and energetic revival in “classical” primary education (K-12) going on in the United States. Classical education habituates students to forms. Its emphasis on the “trivium” (grammar, logic and rhetoric) and the quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy) reinforce structure, precision and the careful use of language. It also encourages the recitation of metered poetry.

In this way students are able to experience forms as part of something beautiful and, consequently, come to love forms. Of course, the purpose of such an education is not primarily a civic one, but creating and nurturing lasting public opinion that favors the Constitution is impossible without it.

To put it more bluntly, widespread classical education is the necessary condition for successful civic education.

This movement has arisen primarily as a response to a deep need in civil society, not through government action. Charter schools, Christian academies, parochial schools and homeschooling families are all part of it. Perhaps the best example can be seen in the Great Hearts Academies, a network of classical charter schools in Arizona and Texas enrolling more than 22,000 students last year. Organizations such as the Institute for Catholic Liberal Education (ICLE) and the CiRCE Institute, dedicated to helping schools and parents transition to a classical model, are booming. There is even a classical alternative to the SAT and the ACT developed by the Classic Learning Test (CLT).

However, for the movement to continue to thrive, it needs political support. This growing emphasis on classical education is the most important political fight for those who wish to preserve the Constitution. It must be carried on in a number of ways.

If such an education is to have the remedial and salutary effect hoped for, it must be accessible to those who cannot afford private education. School choice policies such as vouchers must be promoted. Classical public charter schools must be created and funded wherever possible. Parents must “vote with their feet” by choosing classical schools for their children.

At the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin was asked by a lady he knew what form of government the convention had produced. “A Republic, madam, if you can keep it,” he responded. The work of classical education does not provide a quick remedy for our republic, but in the long run, it may be the only way we can keep it.

• Professor Joseph Wysocki is the dean of the Honors College and is an associate professor of Government and Political Philosophy. The Honors College provides students a unique combination of a four-year “great books” curriculum and the ability to develop professionally through a variety of academic majors
Title: American Citizenship and Its Decline
Post by: Crafty_Dog on January 04, 2022, 02:25:50 AM

edited to add:  Just donated $100 to Hillsdale and will be getting a hardcover of the VDH book in return.
Title: The burdens of freedom
Post by: G M on January 04, 2022, 12:17:00 PM
Title: Destroyed from within
Post by: G M on January 05, 2022, 12:52:36 PM
Title: The Unicultural edge
Post by: G M on February 10, 2022, 07:33:02 AM
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on February 10, 2022, 08:45:31 AM
Interesting read.
Title: California rewards work and good life choices!
Post by: G M on February 11, 2022, 07:43:59 AM

Not really.

Title: Perhaps nuclear war would be a better option...
Post by: G M on March 08, 2022, 01:40:27 PM
Title: If America is invaded
Post by: Crafty_Dog on March 09, 2022, 04:37:38 AM
Title: You are here
Post by: G M on March 21, 2022, 04:31:20 PM


Plan accordingly.
Title: National Assisted Suicide
Post by: G M on March 22, 2022, 12:42:29 PM

Happening right in front of you.
Title: This is where we are now
Post by: G M on March 28, 2022, 08:15:07 AM

Imagine if the grid is down. Imagine hyperinflation.

Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: ccp on March 30, 2022, 12:47:28 PM

between this and marijuana

we continue to spiral down the toilet into the drain

not quite in the street or in the river yet
but heading there

Title: Western Civilization's collapse
Post by: G M on June 01, 2022, 08:02:34 PM

Slowly, then all at once.

Title: Re: You don’t get to vote your way out of civilizational collapse
Post by: G M on June 09, 2022, 08:02:07 AM

This is with the grid up and full bellies.

Plan accordingly.
Title: Carnival!
Post by: G M on June 29, 2022, 07:34:12 PM
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: ccp on June 29, 2022, 08:22:41 PM

that is what happens when you let gangs go on cruises

Title: The end result of a sick culture
Post by: G M on July 06, 2022, 12:12:49 PM
Title: Not good people
Post by: G M on July 19, 2022, 08:47:07 AM
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: ccp on July 19, 2022, 09:54:58 AM
looks like the store clerk simply fainted after speaking to them

also shows how totally stupid the crooks


they are on camera
and leave prints

OTOH they know nothing will happen to them....

Title: Meanwhile in Murderapolis...
Post by: G M on July 19, 2022, 10:03:43 AM
Title: She will be teaching a class on CRT at Yale this fall
Post by: G M on July 20, 2022, 11:07:52 AM
Title: Visa allowed CP to be purchased with it's card
Post by: G M on July 31, 2022, 09:28:49 PM

In a setback for Visa in a case alleging the payment processor is liable for the distribution of child pornography on Pornhub and other sites operated by parent company MindGeek, a federal judge ruled that it was reasonable to conclude that Visa knowingly facilitated the criminal activity.

On Friday, July 29, U.S. District Judge Cormac Carney of the U.S. District Court of the Central District of California issued a decision in the Fleites v. MindGeek case, denying Visa’s motion to dismiss the claim it violated California’s Unfair Competition Law — which prohibits unlawful, unfair or fraudulent business acts and practices — by processing payments for child porn. (A copy of the decision is available at this link.)

In the ruling, Carney held that the plaintiff “adequately alleged” that Visa engaged in a criminal conspiracy with MindGeek to monetize child pornography. Specifically, he wrote, “Visa knew that MindGeek’s websites were teeming with monetized child porn”; that there was a “criminal agreement to financially benefit from child porn that can be inferred from [Visa’s] decision to continue to recognize MindGeek as a merchant despite allegedly knowing that MindGeek monetized a substantial amount of child porn”; and that “the court can comfortably infer that Visa intended to help MindGeek monetize child porn” by “knowingly provid[ing] the tool used to complete the crime.”

“When MindGeek decides to monetize child porn, and Visa decides to continue to allow its payment network to be used for that goal despite knowledge of MindGeek’s monetization of child porn, it is entirely foreseeable that victims of child porn like plaintiff will suffer the harms that plaintiff alleges,” Carney wrote.
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on August 01, 2022, 06:02:44 AM
Assumptions of basic civil order being shattered , , ,

I'm thinking stabbing a tire or two or shooting the radiator might be an option , , ,
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: G M on August 03, 2022, 12:05:35 PM
People in suits, in boardrooms with corporate legal and risk management decided, hey it's another profit center...

Assumptions of basic civil order being shattered , , ,

I'm thinking stabbing a tire or two or shooting the radiator might be an option , , ,
Title: It Has To Crash
Post by: G M on August 03, 2022, 12:06:09 PM
It Has To Crash

T.L. Davis
22 hr ago

One might get the feeling that America is being out classed by Russia and China. While they rise, America drifts, floundering on a sea of greenness and wokism, effectively bound at the wrists from executing any self-defense. The supposedly “elected” officials, are doing everything they can to run the United States into the ground at the behest of its enemies.

Ukraine is nothing but an extended money laundering event, the ties back to politicians not even denied, but open for any investigation, however slight and unmotivated.

When the greater share of politicians in any government do not serve the people or the stated principles of that government, either they are individually treasonous, or the government itself has fallen to them. Since the U.S. has seen no charges of treason brought, despite the voluminous evidence of it on every level, from district attorneys to secretaries of state taking money from individuals who have sworn to destroy America and revel in their hatred of the nation, without criminal charges being brought or even discussed at a serious level, it’s clear that the nation has fallen to its enemies.

That they continue to claim authority to pass laws and charge taxes under the very guise of the government they have overthrown is a marvel of illogical conclusions only arrived at through the cognitive dissonance of the masses. But that is everywhere in society, masks, the vaxx, child sex trafficking and kindergarten grooming events. It’s there, open and publicized, yet no charges are filed, no cases brought. As if it isn’t happening.

I’ve thought any number of things might be the trigger that set everything else into motion and these events have taken place with no particular backlash. Gun confiscation disguised as Red Flag laws have been passed, ruled unconstitutional and passed again in the face of that ruling. Roe v Wade was overturned to much wailing and whining, but no particular direct action other than an assassination attempt on a Supreme Court justice, for which the Department of Justice found no basis for protecting these justices or even enforcing the laws against protests directed at them personally. It shrugged off that responsibility. Children have been assaulted first by mask mandates in school, forced vaccinations of a deadly chemical experiment, sexually groomed and exploited before the news organizations while they cheer it on and nod in agreement. Children are being targeted for psychological torture, stripping them of their biological identities and subjecting them to bullying tactics to take puberty blockers.

Honestly, if none of that is going to trigger a righteous backlash, is hunger, lack of heat or cooling, lack of fuel or electricity? What on earth are the people of this nation waiting for? This isn’t some super secret conspiracy, it’s out there in the public view, openly advocated by the clearly deranged “leaders.”

It’s not that all of the harm is done merely to conservatives, the liberals are suffering more than anyone, because they accept it as the cost of moving forward. In a case of rape, it’s not the fact of it that is the harm done to the woman, but the fact that she can’t get an abortion afterward that’s the crime. They’re told that rape is a common problem associated with mass immigration, an evil that must be tolerated in order to progress to get past some vague threat of the white male-dominated culture.

The recognition of the impossibility of a fix to this condition causes a degree of complacency. If all the evils have been exposed and the evildoers celebrated, what is there left for logical people to do, but to eagerly await the apocalypse?

It all has to come crashing down, every effort made by government officials is to encourage that collapse. They’ve resorted to denying the definition of a recession which has long been understood as two consecutive quarters of negative growth of GDP. Now, it’s determined by employment rates and the benefits of inflation. Why? To continue the catastrophic decline of society until it can finally crash.

I’m personally amazed that the structure of this nation could be so thoroughly assaulted and not yet result in internal conflict. It truly boggles the mind, but leaves one with a sense that catastrophe is the only possible cure.

All the while, those awake know that there is a back room deal taking place, that the nation is being sold out from within, willingly serving it up to its enemies for cash and other considerations. Even if someone, somewhere cared more about the nation than the weight of gold in their pockets, the couldn’t stop it, the termites of the administrative state would block them, stymie any effort.

It has to crash. The question is, do patriots have the will and the determination to step into that void and exert their power to reset the republic? Or, has the republic done all that it could in providing an epoch of freedom, a momentary pause in totalitarianism, but ultimately too weak to project that further than a couple of hundred years before it all goes back to normal?
Title: What happened?
Post by: G M on August 07, 2022, 08:33:49 AM
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: ccp on August 07, 2022, 08:46:50 AM
looks like the 22 cal bolt double action rifles I shot with in the 60s early 70s

now it is AR 15s

Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: G M on August 07, 2022, 08:49:05 AM
looks like the 22 cal bolt double action rifles I shot with in the 60s early 70s

now it is AR 15s

Do AR 15s have magic powers that make people into killers?
Title: Zerohedge: The coming collapse of civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on August 17, 2022, 07:11:00 AM
Title: LA seems nice
Post by: G M on August 19, 2022, 07:21:31 AM
Title: The fading smile of a dying empire
Post by: G M on August 21, 2022, 09:47:15 PM
Title: Anarcho-Tyranny on a global scale
Post by: G M on August 23, 2022, 12:10:30 PM

Not accidental.

Anyone notice anything about the demographics of the UK looters?
Title: Aldous Huxley saw this coming
Post by: G M on August 23, 2022, 06:08:36 PM
In regard to propaganda the early advocates of universal literacy and a free press envisaged only two possibilities: the propaganda might be true, or the propaganda might be false. They did not foresee what in fact has happened, above all in our Western capitalist democracies - the development of a vast mass communications industry, concerned in the main neither with the true nor the false, but with the unreal, the more or less totally irrelevant. In a word, they failed to take into account man's almost infinite appetite for distractions.

Aldous Huxley
Title: NYC doing well
Post by: G M on August 29, 2022, 10:17:21 PM

In case you were wondering, the elderly and handicapped white guy they ran over died.

No big deal.

White lives don't matter.
Title: Chicago isn't just for murders
Post by: G M on August 30, 2022, 05:05:02 PM
Title: Vibrant diversity at the MN State Fair
Post by: G M on September 05, 2022, 08:35:48 AM

Diversity is our strength!

Title: The evil in children's entertainment
Post by: G M on September 07, 2022, 09:34:49 PM
Title: Diversity is our...
Post by: G M on September 13, 2022, 01:36:19 PM
Title: Re: Diversity is our...
Post by: G M on September 13, 2022, 02:01:47 PM

It's only going to get worse.
Title: A vignette from today's war against Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on September 13, 2022, 05:39:46 PM
Title: Tucker: This is what the collapse of civilization looks like
Post by: Crafty_Dog on September 14, 2022, 02:08:21 AM
Title: Brownstone: A world on fire
Post by: Crafty_Dog on September 14, 2022, 02:17:36 AM
Title: AmerMind: Rule by , , , what exactly?
Post by: Crafty_Dog on September 14, 2022, 02:29:30 AM
Title: Why do we have "food deserts"?
Post by: G M on September 25, 2022, 08:01:28 AM
Title: Re: Why do we have "food deserts"?
Post by: G M on September 25, 2022, 08:36:01 AM,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/116/587/229/original/b45ba398d57eb9c0.jpg

Title: Western Civilization collapsing in front of us
Post by: G M on October 23, 2022, 11:35:23 AM
Title: BPS on the loss of trust in institutions-collapse of society
Post by: G M on October 24, 2022, 10:29:57 PM


If this is gone, so am I.

Title: Western Civilization and the collapse of complex systems
Post by: G M on February 17, 2023, 09:46:54 AM

Expect more of this.
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on February 17, 2023, 02:44:30 PM

It will be hard to distinguish the collapse of competence and low grade sabotage by the fifth column elements among the six million illegals.
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: G M on February 17, 2023, 11:34:34 PM

It will be hard to distinguish the collapse of competence and low grade sabotage by the fifth column elements among the six million illegals.

Just 6 million?
Title: Immigrants address NYC's rat problem
Post by: G M on February 19, 2023, 05:43:02 PM

Don't worry, he's reading "Los papeles de federalistas" on his downtime.

Another proud American Immigrant!

His daughter should run for president!
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on February 19, 2023, 06:14:48 PM
He is WORKING , , , in a city run by heritage Americans.

My father was the son of a shoe clerk immigrant.  He served in the Sea Bees in the Navy in the Pacific theater and become and builder and banker.  When his first son was ten years old he introduced him to the President of the United States.

Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: G M on February 19, 2023, 06:26:34 PM
He is WORKING , , , in a city run by heritage Americans.

My father was the son of a shoe clerk immigrant.  He served in the Sea Bees in the Navy in the Pacific theater and become and builder and banker.  When his first son was ten years old he introduced him to the President of the United States.

Post WWII, what percentage of Jews went to war vs. the icky rural southerners? How many coastal Jews signed up for combat units post, 9/11? It must have been a lot, right?

NYC run by heritage Americans? Really? This is 2023, not 1953.

Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on February 19, 2023, 07:12:45 PM
We are in complete agreement about who really fights the wars.

Understand that I am razzing your argument that Governor Nikki, elected by the citizens of South Carolina, should STFU about a flag dedicated to slavery because her family has not been here enough generations.   

Not a worthy argument methinks.

As a born and raised NYC Jew into whose home congressmen, future mayor Koch, and powerful Dem politicians came for political meeting which my mother co-chaired I know REAL well, and quite a bit better than you I suspect, who are the people who run NYC-- and they meet your criterion of mullti-generational family presence earning the right to speak.  How many generations do you think the Mayor's family has been in America?  I'm guessing he would claim since 1619 haha.

As best as I can tell, your argument reduces to the great children of those who fought for slavery while waving the bars and stars who now wave the bars and stars get to tell the elected governor to STFU because , , ,  she is the child of legal immigrants?  Seriously?
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: G M on February 19, 2023, 08:02:39 PM
"a flag dedicated to slavery"

You might want to talk to some of the people in your AO with deep roots there. I think you'll find very few that think their ancestors that fought for the Confederacy fought for slavery. I think you'll find the very same people have more than a few folded up flags that mark various American wars and "police actions" that represent members of their families that never marched home.

There is an old joke about how the US Army has a southern accent. Rural whites from the South and Intermountain West die at twice the rate of others in combat. Why? Because that is who signs up for direct combat slots in the US military.

Texas contributes more young men to SEALS than any other state.

Now, those that got sand in their boots the last 20 years are telling the next generation not to sign up and the US has a recruiting crisis.

Funny how that works.

Title: Western Civilization collapsing in front of us-Texas edition
Post by: G M on February 20, 2023, 07:31:03 AM
Title: This is America
Post by: G M on February 25, 2023, 12:08:50 AM
Title: I'd almost feel bad for the teacher...
Post by: G M on February 25, 2023, 10:03:31 AM

If she weren't most likely a leftist.
Title: Good thing that can't happen here! SA Grid edition
Post by: G M on February 26, 2023, 09:20:19 AM

SA was a first world country. What changed?

Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on February 26, 2023, 01:09:09 PM
Racial Marxists took over from Racist Capitalists.
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: G M on February 26, 2023, 02:18:44 PM
Racial Marxists took over from Racist Capitalists.

How is the infrastructure in the other sub-saharan African countries looking? The non-marxist ones?
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on February 26, 2023, 07:56:26 PM
This would be better in one of the Africa threads.
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: G M on February 26, 2023, 08:00:38 PM
This would be better in one of the Africa threads.

I have tried looking for one. Which one would you suggest?
Title: The controlled demolition of Western Civilization-Europe
Post by: G M on February 27, 2023, 07:17:50 AM
Title: Re: The controlled demolition of Western Civilization-Europe
Post by: G M on February 27, 2023, 07:31:05 AM
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on February 27, 2023, 11:34:53 AM
GM:  This thread would be a good one for that:
Title: The ongoing collapse of society
Post by: G M on March 04, 2023, 06:37:13 PM

The controlled demolition of western civilization.
Title: Re: The ongoing collapse of society
Post by: G M on March 08, 2023, 07:43:19 AM

The controlled demolition of western civilization.
Title: Sperm Counts
Post by: Crafty_Dog on March 10, 2023, 08:15:06 AM

I would note that, to the derision of some here, that I have been pounding the table on plastics in the environment for some years now.
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: ccp on March 10, 2023, 08:36:54 AM
".to the derision of some here"

the real reason is covid vaccines !   :wink:

Actually the plastic fertility possible connection is very interesting and may be part of entirely the cause

but again
"A 2018 study found that low sperm count was associated with metabolic alterations, cardiovascular risk, and low bone mass. Men with low sperm count also had a higher risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and stroke."

I still think obesity is more likely to be causing this.
Obesity is spreading all around the world. - it follows the Western diet.

Just like Europeans wiped out 90 % of all Native Americans in all the Americas
inadvertently with disease we are killing everyone around. the world with Western diets - not on purpose .

Montezuma's revenge can also include syphilis .
Once thought to be spread from Europe to the Americas
was actually the other way around
after it syphilis infection remains were found in pre Columbian Indian bones.
It also seem to spread in Europe after 1492

suspected from Columbus voyage members who got infected
or the Indians they brought back with them.

"The first written records of an outbreak of syphilis in Europe occurred in 1495 in Naples, Italy, during a French invasion (Italian War of 1494–98)."

Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on March 10, 2023, 08:48:02 AM
And would not low testosterone contribute to obesity?
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: ccp on March 10, 2023, 08:50:52 AM
well it may be related to lower muscle mass

but obesity is a cause of low T

fat is considered an estrogen "organ" now
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on March 10, 2023, 09:38:34 AM
Title: PP: Murderland
Post by: Crafty_Dog on March 10, 2023, 09:50:05 AM
The Republic of Murderland: Several Democrat lawmakers in Maryland must be imbibing some kind of insanity-inducing libation if a recent legislative proposal is any indication. Maryland Assembly Democrat Delegate Charlotte Crutchfield has introduced a bill dubbed the Youth Accountability and Safety Act, which would ban anyone under the age of 25 from being charged with first-degree murder. Crutchfield is not alone in her legal views, as several other Democrats have gotten on board her train to Murderland. According to the proposed legislation, anyone under the age of 25 who "happens" to murder someone while committing another crime such as rape, robbery, or carjacking could not be charged with first-degree murder, which in Maryland carries a life sentence without the possibility of parole. Crutchfield's argument is that those under the age of 25 have not reached full mental maturity. Meanwhile, state Democrats have pushed the legal voting age in five cities down to 16 and 17 years of age, and one county is advocating for eighth graders to be given the right to vote. So, too dumb to be held accountable for murdering another human being, but plenty smart enough to know who and what to vote for?
Title: Western Civilization and the dumpster fire of America
Post by: G M on March 12, 2023, 03:42:32 PM

Courtroom decorum
Title: Re: Western Civilization and the dumpster fire of America
Post by: G M on March 13, 2023, 05:58:00 AM

Courtroom decorum
Title: This too is part of the decline of Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on March 13, 2023, 12:51:08 PM
Title: I wonder who might be involved…
Post by: G M on March 14, 2023, 02:06:45 PM
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: ccp on March 14, 2023, 03:08:02 PM
did you see the school sign flash during the video and what it said?

Imagine if Rev Al Sharpton showed up rather then ignore this, and explain this is not acceptable behavior and how people should behave ....

of dictating to the media  that it is due to racism..........

just a dream - "I have a dream .........."

Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: G M on March 15, 2023, 06:15:16 AM
did you see the school sign flash during the video and what it said?

Imagine if Rev Al Sharpton showed up rather then ignore this, and explain this is not acceptable behavior and how people should behave ....

of dictating to the media  that it is due to racism..........

just a dream - "I have a dream .........."

I doubt many of the middle school students know or care about Rev. Al.
Title: The weakness and rot within Western Civilization
Post by: G M on March 15, 2023, 06:17:07 AM

Better to let muslim rape gangs rape your children rather than risk being called racist!

Title: Imagine what things will be like in a real economic depression
Post by: G M on March 21, 2023, 07:39:15 AM
Title: A rendezvous with Rwanda
Post by: G M on March 21, 2023, 07:43:51 AM
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on March 21, 2023, 10:20:34 AM
VDH nails it again.
Title: MacIntyre: Anarcho-tyranny in the USA
Post by: G M on March 23, 2023, 09:37:54 AM

MacIntyre: Anarcho-tyranny in the USA

The city of Philadelphia has announced an agreement to pay a $9.25 million settlement in connection with the police response to protests after the death of George Floyd in 2020. While dozens were killed and billions of dollars of damage were done during the riots that raged across America for weeks in the summer of 2020, it is the participants themselves who will be paid restitution by the government.

Law and order in the United States have now descended to a level of anarcho-tyranny in which the government funds rioters with the tax money of their victims. The slow death of the rule of law in America would be ugly enough, but what we are witnessing instead is the twisted, grimacing corpse of a system that was once designed to protect the safety of Americans now being used to punish us for disagreeing with our political elites.

The breakdown of law and order is common in nations that are in a general state of collapse. As the Constitution reminds us, the primary duties of a government include establishing justice and ensuring domestic tranquility. A nation that delivers neither will usually exhibit a wider range of systemic failures that would doom the larger civic project.

They don’t want you to see this … Big Tech does its best to limit what news you see. Make sure you see our stories daily — directly to your inbox.
America, however, is perfectly capable of collecting taxes, surveilling its citizens, and fighting a proxy war against a nuclear-armed opponent in order to maintain a global empire. The destruction of rule of law by our leadership class does not seem to be a product of general incompetence, but a specifically engineered outcome designed to terrorize the average citizen. Conservative commentator Samuel Francis coined the term “anarcho-tyranny” to describe a state that is still capable of performing most of its essential functions, but intentionally chooses to use the selective enforcement of the justice system to punish law-abiding citizens while rewarding the criminal actions of its political supporters.

The pandemic lockdowns and subsequent riots of 2020 put this phenomenon on full display. Churches that had been banned from opening during the lockdown had their windows broken by rioters who stormed through the streets. Schoolchildren, isolated and locked indoors as parks and beaches were shut down, watched BLM and Antifa burn and loot their way across American cities. Average citizens who were forced to view the funerals of their loved ones via Zoom watched large crowds of Biden supporters embrace and sip champagne in the streets after their candidate was declared the victor. Conservative leaders remained silent as pastors were arrested for holding religious gatherings while abortion clinics and liquor stores continued to operate as essential services.

No one learned a more brutal lesson about the nature of anarcho-tyranny than the January 6 protesters. The BLM and Antifa riots functionally received state endorsement, as law enforcement knelt in submission, politicians and celebrities raised money to bail out participants, and corporations made major donations while altering their logos to show solidarity. It seemed perfectly reasonable to those who gathered outside the Capitol that they would be able to enter the building, whose doors were in some cases opened for them by police, without penalty.

CNN may have described the BLM riots as fiery but mostly peaceful, but the Trump protesters received no such media cover. A story about murdered police officers was quickly fabricated from whole cloth, and no celebrities came to the aid of those arrested on January 6. Many still face trial on wildly exaggerated charges while their lawyers are denied access to critical exculpatory footage.

Sadly, this phenomenon is nothing new. In his original piece on anarcho-tyranny, Francis recalled stories of police officers arresting shop owners who armed themselves with the intent of protecting their stores during the Los Angeles riots of 1992. The same officers who arrested law-abiding citizens who intended to exercise their constitutional right to protect their property studiously avoided confronting rioters, even going so far as to pass by stores that were actively being looted.

Mark and Patricia McCloskey faced a similar fate after attempting to protect their home from a BLM mob that had smashed through the gates of their neighborhood in St. Louis, Missouri. The couple initially had felony charges filed against them for using legally owned firearms to deter the mob from further advancing onto their property. Mark McCloskey pleaded down to a fourth-degree misdemeanor and was eventually pardoned by Missouri Governor Mike Parson, but the message was clear: There is no right to self-defense against the agents of anarcho-tyranny.

Attorney General Merrick Garland, who has no issue with arresting peaceful pro-life protesters, has claimed that his organization is unable to apprehend those who firebomb crisis pregnancy centers because they do so at night when it is dark. The same state security apparatus that just cannot seem to find a way to prosecute the associates of Jeffery Epstein instructs FBI agents to target Catholics who attend a traditional Latin mass because they may be prone to violent extremism.

The application of the justice system in the United States is so laughably corrupt and nakedly political that it would make the dictator of a banana republic blush. Federal agencies regularly collude with media giants and tech companies to interfere with American elections but refuse to provide the most basic level of safety and security to the citizens they theoretically serve.

While our ruling elites have no interest in restricting the dangerous narcotics dealers and human traffickers that pour over the southern border, they have plenty of time to prosecute Douglas Mackey, who has been charged with the very serious crime of posting memes on Twitter that make fun of Hillary Clinton. The FBI may have refused to prosecute Clinton herself for her repeated mishandling of classified information due to the political ramifications of such charges, but it seems like Donald Trump will not be granted the same courtesy.

According to Trump, a leak has revealed that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg intends to charge the former president in connection with hush money paid to porn star Stormy Daniels during Trump’s first campaign. While it is unclear when the Soros-backed prosecutor would move forward with those charges, Bragg specifically ran on the promise of prosecuting Trump, so his intentions are very clear.

Bragg has also declared his commitment to anarcho-tyranny by setting a policy of not seeking the incarceration of criminals except in the case of homicide, economic crimes, and a handful of felonies. Releasing violent criminals to harass law-abiding citizens while prosecuting political opponents on fabricated charges is not a contradiction; it is a political formula designed to secure power.

While the naked politicization of the justice system in the United States may deliver short-term victories for progressives, it feels a lot like stripping the copper wiring out of a house that one intends to demolish. In major American cities, taxpayer money is being funneled to those who organize left-wing political violence while the streets are made increasingly dangerous by the very civil servants charged with their safety. Opposing politicians and dissidents who mock the regime face ludicrous charges intended to terrify the rest of the population into silence.

Popular sovereignty and rule of law are supposed to serve as the bedrock justifications for the power granted to America’s ruling class, but it is difficult to brand people like Donald Trump and Douglas Mackey as threats to democracy if they are rotting behind bars for the crime of opposing the Democratic Party.

Title: There are no lessons here for the US!
Post by: G M on March 24, 2023, 02:26:47 PM
Title: Remember when Spring Break wasn't like this?
Post by: G M on March 25, 2023, 11:03:25 AM
Title: Muh Diversity!
Post by: G M on March 25, 2023, 08:21:49 PM
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on March 26, 2023, 07:09:19 PM
Unclear on your point?

Are you suggesting that race/ethnicity mixing is the problem here?  If the students were more uniformly of one group or another, that the behavior on display would be less?

Or is what we see simply the fascistic authoritarian impulse of the Progs in the thralls of collective militant enthusiasm?

Me?  I'm seeing a University at could be the beginnings of showing some spine.
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: G M on March 26, 2023, 07:12:28 PM
Unclear on your point?

Are you suggesting that race/ethnicity mixing is the problem here?  If the students were more uniformly of one group or another, that the behavior on display would be less?

Or is what we see simply the fascistic authoritarian impulse of the Progs in the thralls of collective militant enthusiasm?

Me?  I'm seeing a University at could be the beginnings of showing some spine.

Just showing another sign of the collapse.
Title: It’s only going to get worse
Post by: G M on March 29, 2023, 10:02:22 AM
Title: WSJ: DEI at law schools could bring down America
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 04, 2023, 08:04:03 AM
DEI at Law Schools Could Bring Down America
After the Stanford episode, Ilya Shapiro sounds a warning: The threat to ‘dismantle existing structures’ is an idle one in English class. But in legal education it targets individual rights and equal treatment under the Constitution.
By Tunku Varadarajan
March 28, 2023 6:50 pm ET

Wokeness, or what used to be called political correctness, once seemed merely harebrained, the product of shallow ideas and immature passion. The common view was that undergraduates would outgrow it once they left campus and faced the rigors of the real world.

You seldom hear that anymore, as those ideas have run amok in culture- and economy-defining institutions ranging from news organizations and local governments to professional societies and corporate boardrooms. But Ilya Shapiro thinks we’re not alarmed enough about their influence in one important corner of academia: law schools. The professional ideologues who wield administrative authority on American college campuses want nothing less than to “change the American constitutional system,” Mr. Shapiro says. They pose a grave long-term threat to “the rule of law and inalienable rights, and even concepts like equal treatment under the law.”

Mr. Shapiro, 45, is director of constitutional studies at the Manhattan Institute. Hunkered down in the study of his Virginia home, he’s working on a book, “Canceling Justice: The Illiberal Takeover of Legal Education,” that seeks to lay bare the process by which bureaucrats appointed to promote “diversity, equity and inclusion” on campus have “perverted our system of legal education.”

A prime example was in the news as we spoke. Stanford’s Federalist Society chapter had invited Judge Kyle Duncan of the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to speak on campus. Confronted by a vicious leftist student mob, he asked administrators to intervene. Tirien Steinbach, the law school’s associate dean for DEI, arose to deliver prepared remarks, which concluded: “I look out and I don’t ask, ‘What’s going on here?’ I look out and I say, ‘I’m glad this is going on here.’ ”

Mr. Shapiro experienced a different kind of DEI humiliation in January 2022. He was concluding his tenure as a vice president of the Cato Institute and due to start a new job as executive director of the Center for the Constitution at Georgetown’s law school. Then Justice Stephen Breyer announced he would retire. Mr. Shapiro tweeted that Judge Sri Srinivasan was the “objectively best pick” for the vacancy but President Biden had already disqualified him on the basis of race and sex. Mr. Shapiro opined that Judge Srinivasan “alas doesn’t fit into the intersectional hierarchy so we’ll get lesser black woman.”

The tweet, which Mr. Shapiro describes as “inartfully phrased,” prompted an inquisition at Georgetown. The university suspended him with pay while its Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity and Affirmative Action conducted a four-month investigation into his fitness for the job. In June the office issued a report exonerating him—but on a technicality with an unsubtle chilling effect.

Since Mr. Shapiro wasn’t yet on Georgetown’s payroll, the report found, the university lacked jurisdiction over his speech. But if he “were to make another, similar or more serious remark as a Georgetown employee, a hostile environment based on race, gender, and sex likely would be created.” In fact, Mr. Shapiro wrote in these pages, “it is the Georgetown administrators who have created a hostile work environment for me.” He quit and returned to the think-tank world.

If Mr. Shapiro were an English professor, one might put this down as a workplace dispute of marginal importance. But he has a point when he says law schools are different. They train “future lawyers and politicians and judges, and the gatekeepers to our institutions, to the rules of the game.” That game has the highest of stakes: “the rule of law, upon which American prosperity and liberty and equality sit.”

An illiberal takeover of medical schools, Mr. Shapiro quips, might be more “immediately dangerous, in the sense that you don’t have the best doctors treating people.” But some of the students who raged against Judge Duncan “are people who, in 20 years, are going to be joining the federal bench.” Sooner than that, “they’ll be occupying influential positions in state and federal government, bringing legal cases, becoming state legislators in some cases, or occupying the general counsel’s offices of Fortune 500 companies and the partnership ranks of big firms.”

Already, Mr. Shapiro says, partners at law firms “cower in fear of their associates, who question their firm’s representation of certain types of client and demand that statements be made by law firms after Supreme Court decisions and other developments in the political world.” A friend of his was a partner in the Houston office of a large global law firm. “She’s pro-life,” he says, declining to name the lawyer or the firm. After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, various firm leaders asked her to handle some pro bono clients advancing pro-choice arguments. “She said she was too busy and didn’t make a stink over it,” Mr. Shapiro says. “Eventually, the managing partner of the Houston office said, ‘Well, I guess you’re pro-life. What’s the point of having a female partner who’s pro-life?’ ” She now practices independently.

Similar cases have been recounted in these pages. Former Solicitor General Paul Clement and Erin Murphy, then partners at Kirkland & Ellis, won a landmark Second Amendment victory last year at the Supreme Court. The firm responded by ordering them to drop the clients or resign; they walked. Hogan Lovell fired Robin Keller for saying that she agreed with the justices’ decision overturning Roe during an online conference call advertised as a “safe space” for female employees.

Much of this seems self-defeating. Would you hire an attorney who is made to feel “unsafe” by a Supreme Court decision? Wouldn’t a lawyer who heckled a judge in court go to jail for contempt? Maybe there’s still something to the idea that woke students are in for a shock after graduation.

“Professors are shying away from entire topics, not just a given perspective on a topic,” Mr. Shapiro says. They’re “just skipping over anything to do with rape or hate crimes, because they’re too sensitive. You try to write an exam question and there are too many red flags, too many tripwires.” These professors do “their students a disservice by not training them in how to advocate in the real world of courts. There, it’s not a conversation between the left and the far left.”

Mr. Shapiro says “nonprogressive” law professors were rare even 20 years ago, when he studied law at the University of Chicago. Critical legal studies, fashionable in the late 1980s and early ’90s, was “passé, a very small niche thing.” Since then, “what’s really changed is the bureaucratic explosion. And most of that bureaucracy is in this DEI space, which actively subverts the traditional educational mission of truth-seeking” with its “ideas of power dynamics and intersectionality, dividing people into oppressive and oppressed classes, and things like that.”

Pressure comes from without as well: In February 2022 the American Bar Association, which has sole authority to accredit U.S. law schools, passed a resolution demanding that they “provide education to law students on bias, cross-cultural competency, and racism.” At the same time, the Biden administration’s drive for racial equity “seems to be sprinkling political commissars throughout the government.” With a mordant optimism, he observes that those may be “the only kinds of jobs that law school graduates who refuse to engage ideas they don’t like and spew epithets at federal judges may be qualified for.”

But those jobs also have real-world power, the exercise of which could eventually cumulate into “regime change,” Mr. Shapiro warns. “I’m not trying to be hyperbolic or bombastic. If you read critical legal studies, of which critical race theory is a subset, you’ll read about the need to ‘fundamentally dismantle existing structures,’ to ‘change the way social hierarchies operate.’ . . . The goal is to fundamentally change the way that American society operates.”

These ideas are particularly fashionable on elite campuses, although Mr. Shapiro notes recent hostile incidents at lower-rated schools such as Texas A&M, the University of Kansas and UC Hastings (the last involving Mr. Shapiro himself). “There’s a higher quotient of activist types who would engage in disruptions and contribute to an illiberal atmosphere at a Yale than at a University of Iowa.” At top schools, “more people are getting that law degree to change the world, whereas at lower-ranked schools, they want to be lawyers. They want to make money and get a job and join the upper middle class.”

Is there any hope for elite schools? After Judge Duncan’s mobbing, Jenny Martinez, dean of Stanford Law School, issued a 10-page memo that strongly defended free speech and academic freedom, apologized to the judge and announced that Ms. Steinbach, the DEI associate dean, had been placed on administrative leave.

Mr. Shapiro would like to see more. He thinks universities need to enforce their policies against hecklers’ vetoes by disciplining those who violate them. Law schools can suspend students, even expel them in serious cases, and impose career consequences. “They can also report to a bar association,” Mr. Shapiro says. “All law schools have to sign off on a character and fitness assessment before a graduate can take the bar exam.” If a student has been “completely disruptive, and has demonstrated that he doesn’t have the character and fitness to be a lawyer, they can be adjudged not fit to sit for the bar exam”—with due process, including the right of appeal, of course.

Ms. Martinez did none of that. Her memo promised to institute “mandatory educational programming for our student body rather than referring specific students for disciplinary sanction” and to blur students’ faces when the university releases video of the event.

Mr. Shapiro says there have to be “exogenous shocks to really change things.” One approach might be to target the elite schools’ status. Judges James Ho and Elizabeth Branch of the Fifth and 11th Circuits, respectively, announced in October that they won’t hire clerks from Yale until the school reforms its policies on free speech. “If any Supreme Court justice said that,” Mr. Shapiro says, “it would be a game-changer.” In an article for National Review, Judges Ho and Branch also called on Stanford to “identify the disrupters so that future employers know who they are hiring.”

Mr. Shapiro takes heart that “people who are not cultural warriors of the left or the right are starting to notice this stuff, and they don’t like what they see.” Lawmakers in 15 states have introduced bills to slash or abolish DEI offices and staff at public colleges, although none have passed so far. The backlash is still inchoate, and Mr. Shapiro believes the only solution is to purge “DEI bureaucracies that undermine the liberal values of academic speech and due process.”

Mr. Varadarajan, a Journal contributor, is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and at New York University Law School’s Classical Liberal Institute.
Title: Re: WSJ: DEI at law schools could bring down America
Post by: G M on April 04, 2023, 08:21:43 AM
These little maoists may learn that a JD doesn't make one bulletproof.

DEI at Law Schools Could Bring Down America
After the Stanford episode, Ilya Shapiro sounds a warning: The threat to ‘dismantle existing structures’ is an idle one in English class. But in legal education it targets individual rights and equal treatment under the Constitution.
By Tunku Varadarajan
March 28, 2023 6:50 pm ET

Wokeness, or what used to be called political correctness, once seemed merely harebrained, the product of shallow ideas and immature passion. The common view was that undergraduates would outgrow it once they left campus and faced the rigors of the real world.

You seldom hear that anymore, as those ideas have run amok in culture- and economy-defining institutions ranging from news organizations and local governments to professional societies and corporate boardrooms. But Ilya Shapiro thinks we’re not alarmed enough about their influence in one important corner of academia: law schools. The professional ideologues who wield administrative authority on American college campuses want nothing less than to “change the American constitutional system,” Mr. Shapiro says. They pose a grave long-term threat to “the rule of law and inalienable rights, and even concepts like equal treatment under the law.”

Mr. Shapiro, 45, is director of constitutional studies at the Manhattan Institute. Hunkered down in the study of his Virginia home, he’s working on a book, “Canceling Justice: The Illiberal Takeover of Legal Education,” that seeks to lay bare the process by which bureaucrats appointed to promote “diversity, equity and inclusion” on campus have “perverted our system of legal education.”

A prime example was in the news as we spoke. Stanford’s Federalist Society chapter had invited Judge Kyle Duncan of the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to speak on campus. Confronted by a vicious leftist student mob, he asked administrators to intervene. Tirien Steinbach, the law school’s associate dean for DEI, arose to deliver prepared remarks, which concluded: “I look out and I don’t ask, ‘What’s going on here?’ I look out and I say, ‘I’m glad this is going on here.’ ”

Mr. Shapiro experienced a different kind of DEI humiliation in January 2022. He was concluding his tenure as a vice president of the Cato Institute and due to start a new job as executive director of the Center for the Constitution at Georgetown’s law school. Then Justice Stephen Breyer announced he would retire. Mr. Shapiro tweeted that Judge Sri Srinivasan was the “objectively best pick” for the vacancy but President Biden had already disqualified him on the basis of race and sex. Mr. Shapiro opined that Judge Srinivasan “alas doesn’t fit into the intersectional hierarchy so we’ll get lesser black woman.”

The tweet, which Mr. Shapiro describes as “inartfully phrased,” prompted an inquisition at Georgetown. The university suspended him with pay while its Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity and Affirmative Action conducted a four-month investigation into his fitness for the job. In June the office issued a report exonerating him—but on a technicality with an unsubtle chilling effect.

Since Mr. Shapiro wasn’t yet on Georgetown’s payroll, the report found, the university lacked jurisdiction over his speech. But if he “were to make another, similar or more serious remark as a Georgetown employee, a hostile environment based on race, gender, and sex likely would be created.” In fact, Mr. Shapiro wrote in these pages, “it is the Georgetown administrators who have created a hostile work environment for me.” He quit and returned to the think-tank world.

If Mr. Shapiro were an English professor, one might put this down as a workplace dispute of marginal importance. But he has a point when he says law schools are different. They train “future lawyers and politicians and judges, and the gatekeepers to our institutions, to the rules of the game.” That game has the highest of stakes: “the rule of law, upon which American prosperity and liberty and equality sit.”

An illiberal takeover of medical schools, Mr. Shapiro quips, might be more “immediately dangerous, in the sense that you don’t have the best doctors treating people.” But some of the students who raged against Judge Duncan “are people who, in 20 years, are going to be joining the federal bench.” Sooner than that, “they’ll be occupying influential positions in state and federal government, bringing legal cases, becoming state legislators in some cases, or occupying the general counsel’s offices of Fortune 500 companies and the partnership ranks of big firms.”

Already, Mr. Shapiro says, partners at law firms “cower in fear of their associates, who question their firm’s representation of certain types of client and demand that statements be made by law firms after Supreme Court decisions and other developments in the political world.” A friend of his was a partner in the Houston office of a large global law firm. “She’s pro-life,” he says, declining to name the lawyer or the firm. After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, various firm leaders asked her to handle some pro bono clients advancing pro-choice arguments. “She said she was too busy and didn’t make a stink over it,” Mr. Shapiro says. “Eventually, the managing partner of the Houston office said, ‘Well, I guess you’re pro-life. What’s the point of having a female partner who’s pro-life?’ ” She now practices independently.

Similar cases have been recounted in these pages. Former Solicitor General Paul Clement and Erin Murphy, then partners at Kirkland & Ellis, won a landmark Second Amendment victory last year at the Supreme Court. The firm responded by ordering them to drop the clients or resign; they walked. Hogan Lovell fired Robin Keller for saying that she agreed with the justices’ decision overturning Roe during an online conference call advertised as a “safe space” for female employees.

Much of this seems self-defeating. Would you hire an attorney who is made to feel “unsafe” by a Supreme Court decision? Wouldn’t a lawyer who heckled a judge in court go to jail for contempt? Maybe there’s still something to the idea that woke students are in for a shock after graduation.

“Professors are shying away from entire topics, not just a given perspective on a topic,” Mr. Shapiro says. They’re “just skipping over anything to do with rape or hate crimes, because they’re too sensitive. You try to write an exam question and there are too many red flags, too many tripwires.” These professors do “their students a disservice by not training them in how to advocate in the real world of courts. There, it’s not a conversation between the left and the far left.”

Mr. Shapiro says “nonprogressive” law professors were rare even 20 years ago, when he studied law at the University of Chicago. Critical legal studies, fashionable in the late 1980s and early ’90s, was “passé, a very small niche thing.” Since then, “what’s really changed is the bureaucratic explosion. And most of that bureaucracy is in this DEI space, which actively subverts the traditional educational mission of truth-seeking” with its “ideas of power dynamics and intersectionality, dividing people into oppressive and oppressed classes, and things like that.”

Pressure comes from without as well: In February 2022 the American Bar Association, which has sole authority to accredit U.S. law schools, passed a resolution demanding that they “provide education to law students on bias, cross-cultural competency, and racism.” At the same time, the Biden administration’s drive for racial equity “seems to be sprinkling political commissars throughout the government.” With a mordant optimism, he observes that those may be “the only kinds of jobs that law school graduates who refuse to engage ideas they don’t like and spew epithets at federal judges may be qualified for.”

But those jobs also have real-world power, the exercise of which could eventually cumulate into “regime change,” Mr. Shapiro warns. “I’m not trying to be hyperbolic or bombastic. If you read critical legal studies, of which critical race theory is a subset, you’ll read about the need to ‘fundamentally dismantle existing structures,’ to ‘change the way social hierarchies operate.’ . . . The goal is to fundamentally change the way that American society operates.”

These ideas are particularly fashionable on elite campuses, although Mr. Shapiro notes recent hostile incidents at lower-rated schools such as Texas A&M, the University of Kansas and UC Hastings (the last involving Mr. Shapiro himself). “There’s a higher quotient of activist types who would engage in disruptions and contribute to an illiberal atmosphere at a Yale than at a University of Iowa.” At top schools, “more people are getting that law degree to change the world, whereas at lower-ranked schools, they want to be lawyers. They want to make money and get a job and join the upper middle class.”

Is there any hope for elite schools? After Judge Duncan’s mobbing, Jenny Martinez, dean of Stanford Law School, issued a 10-page memo that strongly defended free speech and academic freedom, apologized to the judge and announced that Ms. Steinbach, the DEI associate dean, had been placed on administrative leave.

Mr. Shapiro would like to see more. He thinks universities need to enforce their policies against hecklers’ vetoes by disciplining those who violate them. Law schools can suspend students, even expel them in serious cases, and impose career consequences. “They can also report to a bar association,” Mr. Shapiro says. “All law schools have to sign off on a character and fitness assessment before a graduate can take the bar exam.” If a student has been “completely disruptive, and has demonstrated that he doesn’t have the character and fitness to be a lawyer, they can be adjudged not fit to sit for the bar exam”—with due process, including the right of appeal, of course.

Ms. Martinez did none of that. Her memo promised to institute “mandatory educational programming for our student body rather than referring specific students for disciplinary sanction” and to blur students’ faces when the university releases video of the event.

Mr. Shapiro says there have to be “exogenous shocks to really change things.” One approach might be to target the elite schools’ status. Judges James Ho and Elizabeth Branch of the Fifth and 11th Circuits, respectively, announced in October that they won’t hire clerks from Yale until the school reforms its policies on free speech. “If any Supreme Court justice said that,” Mr. Shapiro says, “it would be a game-changer.” In an article for National Review, Judges Ho and Branch also called on Stanford to “identify the disrupters so that future employers know who they are hiring.”

Mr. Shapiro takes heart that “people who are not cultural warriors of the left or the right are starting to notice this stuff, and they don’t like what they see.” Lawmakers in 15 states have introduced bills to slash or abolish DEI offices and staff at public colleges, although none have passed so far. The backlash is still inchoate, and Mr. Shapiro believes the only solution is to purge “DEI bureaucracies that undermine the liberal values of academic speech and due process.”

Mr. Varadarajan, a Journal contributor, is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and at New York University Law School’s Classical Liberal Institute.
Title: Disintegration
Post by: G M on April 09, 2023, 08:06:33 AM

Plan accordingly.
Title: Fine people enjoying a mostly peaceful party
Post by: G M on April 16, 2023, 01:14:49 PM
Title: Western Civilization and American collapse
Post by: G M on April 17, 2023, 09:54:09 AM
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 17, 2023, 01:24:10 PM
If Western Civilization Dies, Put It Down as a Suicide
We are in the grip of an ideology that disowns our genius, denounces our success, disdains merit.
Gerard Baker hedcutBy Gerard BakerFollow
April 17, 2023 3:23 pm ET

A few years ago the then-boss of Goldman Sachs explained to me the main reason he thought the firm had risen to such a dominant position in global investment banking over the previous half century. At the start of that period, banking was still dominated by a blue-blood class. In London especially, where I began my career in finance, the City was a place in which, in a still heavily regulated market, a slot in one of the big institutions was a coveted ticket to a life of riches.

But the tickets were available mainly to men from the right sort of background. The rules for identifying and selecting these men were opaque. There was no formal bar on anyone from a particular socioeconomic status being admitted to the magic circle—that would have been crass and, even then, illegal. Instead a complex system of semiotics did the job of weeding out the riffraff. A flattened vowel pronunciation, a vulgar word for lavatory, the wrong sort of shoes, and you were excluded without even understanding why. In Britain, the system’s overseers had an acronym by which the untouchables were designated: NQOCD, for “not quite our class, dear.”

Goldman came along and cut through this thicket of asinine, self-perpetuating privilege. It simply hired the best people for the job, however they spoke, whatever they looked like. As long as you were smart, driven, ruthless and committed to making money and beating the living daylights out of the competition, you were in. It worked.

I was reminded of this when I read last week that employees at Goldman have recently been encouraged by their leaders to embrace a full rainbow range of “pronouns” when identifying themselves in communications, including such neologisms as “ze,” “zir” and “zemself.”

It’s a small thing, another little step down in the long, steady descent of Goldman, which I’m told still hires a good number of people of genuine talent, alongside the rising numbers of identity-box-checking drones who help enforce the unspoken rules of woke compliance. We might dismiss it as another piece of ludicrous public-relations messaging designed to keep social-media storm troopers at bay. But I prefer the story I heard recently of a British army officer who, finding zemself seconded to a suitably modern government department and faced with a similar instruction to identify zis pronouns, promptly circulated a memo to colleagues with the declaration that his preferred pronouns were “colonel” and “sir.”

In its small way the Goldman memo colorfully captures the deepening mess the precepts of contemporary ideological orthodoxy are making of our society, our economy and our democracy. It highlights how the real progress made over decades toward a fairer and more equal society is being thrown away under the authority of a new set of rules and rulers as elitist and privileged as the old ones.

For those ancien régime aristocrats, it was having the right shoes or the proper accent. For today’s, it is adherence to the constantly changing rules of ideologically approved thought and language.

It was thanks to the radical meritocracy and audacious dynamism of institutions like Goldman that we were able to dismantle so much of the authority of elite power structures that restrained us from fulfilling our potential. The past 50 years have been marked by the genuine eradication of barriers to opportunity for the underprivileged regardless of ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation or anything else. This is how we were genuinely starting to fulfill the promise of equality.

But the cultural revolution that began in the past decade is re-erecting those barriers and creating new elite power structures, elevated not by talent or hard work, but, curiously, by membership of the self-approved class, signaled by the right luxury beliefs and articulated by the right “inclusive” language.

Adrian Wooldridge, who has written a book on the rise of meritocracy, frames this in a recent article in the Spectator. The left, he says, is “creating a new social order based on virtue, rather than ability.”

Bear with me because I am going to extrapolate from these baneful developments to a much larger worry about the geopolitical conditions we confront.

As we survey the competition between global civilizations in the multipolar world we now inhabit, we see that the West is challenged as it hasn’t been in centuries. It’s axiomatic that a rising China and perhaps other powers look like formidable contenders for global leadership—with implications for our own security and prosperity.

But if we are losing that struggle, it isn’t because of the superiority of authoritarian, communist or autocratic systems. We know that liberal capitalism has done more for human prosperity, health and freedom than any other economic or political system.

If we are losing, it is because we are losing our soul, our sense of purpose as a society, our identity as a civilization. We in the West are in the grip of an ideology that disowns our genius, denounces our success, disdains merit, elevates victimhood, embraces societal self-loathing and enforces it all in a web of exclusionary and authoritarian rules, large and small.
Title: They seem nice!
Post by: G M on May 01, 2023, 01:44:03 PM
Title: Some sort of privilege at work here
Post by: G M on May 02, 2023, 02:06:49 PM
Title: Re: They seem nice!
Post by: G M on May 02, 2023, 03:08:14 PM
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 03, 2023, 08:32:00 AM
Right now, we have a thread dedicated to the study of this brutal attack on the DBMA Assn.  Posting that article there to help add background context.

In a similar vein, here is this:

Title: Quite the diverse turnout for the NYC Gathering of the Pack!
Post by: G M on May 04, 2023, 05:39:37 PM

Probably not friends at the end of the day...
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 05, 2023, 12:07:38 AM
Nor at the beginning of the day either from the looks of it haha.

"Life is tough.  It is tougher when you are stupid."
Title: No country for brave men
Post by: G M on May 05, 2023, 07:28:38 AM
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: ccp on May 05, 2023, 03:38:17 PM
what is your opinion about the choke hold for several minutes

assuming he was trained in ? rear naked chokes he would know he could kill someone

did he have to hold so tight for so long?

I am not expert in choke holds
so something is amiss here
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 05, 2023, 03:44:36 PM
Obviously if one holds the choke on for too long it can kill.

Question presented:  Was it the choke that killed him?
Title: Vascular Neck Restraints
Post by: G M on May 05, 2023, 03:50:31 PM
Obviously if one holds the choke on for too long it can kill.

Question presented:  Was it the choke that killed him?

Well, we could wait to have an complete investigation and autopsy, but hey BLACK PRIVILEGE is invoked, so let's just unleash BurnLootMurder!
Title: Re: Vascular Neck Restraints
Post by: G M on May 05, 2023, 05:10:48 PM
Obviously if one holds the choke on for too long it can kill.

Question presented:  Was it the choke that killed him?

Well, we could wait to have an complete investigation and autopsy, but hey BLACK PRIVILEGE is invoked, so let's just unleash BurnLootMurder!

An actual intelligent discussion of the topic.
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 05, 2023, 05:24:39 PM
Umm , , , quite interesting (and I have posted it on the DBMA Assn forum) but if we [pursue it further let's do it on the Law Enforcement thread.
Title: Choices have consequences
Post by: G M on May 05, 2023, 05:44:03 PM,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/137/059/591/original/c31d87bdcc9a565f.jpeg

Title: What an out of control city looks like
Post by: G M on May 05, 2023, 06:01:39 PM
Title: Let's see how Jolly olde England is looking these days...
Post by: G M on May 06, 2023, 10:14:40 AM
Title: The next big thing!
Post by: G M on May 09, 2023, 06:47:27 AM
Title: Did he call it or what?
Post by: G M on May 09, 2023, 06:53:31 AM
Title: Re: Did he call it or what?
Post by: G M on May 09, 2023, 09:09:51 AM
Title: new law school grads at CUNY
Post by: ccp on May 12, 2023, 02:03:51 PM

the new protectors of the rule of law

now all woke activists soldiers

lawyers  now COMRADS !

how dumb are they

I am no fan of Mayor Adams but this is really sad rude and disgusting
who are these no it all chumps ?
Title: Walter Russell Mead: Our Singular Century
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 19, 2023, 11:41:57 AM
Title: Black privilege
Post by: G M on May 19, 2023, 02:59:14 PM
Title: Re: Black privilege
Post by: G M on May 19, 2023, 05:02:21 PM,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/138/252/203/original/df7ce6dec3e51ce3.jpeg

Title: Re: Black privilege
Post by: G M on May 21, 2023, 10:10:28 AM,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/138/252/203/original/df7ce6dec3e51ce3.jpeg

Title: Re: Black privilege
Post by: G M on May 21, 2023, 01:10:40 PM,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/138/252/203/original/df7ce6dec3e51ce3.jpeg

Title: "Teens"
Post by: G M on May 23, 2023, 11:24:34 PM
Title: Claremont: Remembering the Answers
Post by: Crafty_Dog on May 29, 2023, 02:08:09 PM

Remembering the Answers
Lamenting the death of the West.

by Michael Knowles
books reviewed
Conservatives love little more than to lament the death of the West. Each year brings new books on the subject, almost all soon forgotten. A handful endure: Oswald Spengler’s Decline of the West (1923) comes to mind, as does Jacques Barzun’s From Dawn To Decadence (2000), and now, I’d wager, Spencer Klavan’s How To Save The West. The associate editor of this journal, as well as the features editor for The American Mind and host of the Young Heretics podcast, Klavan might well outperform those two predecessors in educating and edifying the public. Unlike the sometimes inscrutable Spengler, Klavan writes in clear and eloquent prose, and unlike the venerable Barzun, he confines his vision of civilizational collapse to just a couple hundred pages. Best of all for an anxious modern audience, the author illuminates a path forward in our rapidly darkening times.

Klavan identifies five key modern crises: of reality, body, meaning, religion, and regime. As technological wizards such as Mark Zuckerberg threaten to wrest us from the real world and thrust our minds into a “metaverse” of their own imaginations, we begin to wonder whether objective reality—“truth independent of authority, including the authority of ‘experts’ and of majority opinion”—even exists.

The virtual realities in which we now spend so much of our time exacerbate a long-festering sense of duality between our bodies and souls. Schizophrenic cultural elites compound the confusion with a pop ontology vacillating between materialism and gnosticism. They dispel our faith, hope, love, dreams, and moral intuitions with the scientific assurance that we are nothing more than atoms. Yet at the same time they belittle our bodies as relics of an ignorant age and urge us to transcend the physical world through fads such as transgenderism. If our bodies do not matter, then what do our perceptions mean? If only our bodies matter, how can anything mean anything at all?

This crisis of meaning leads us to question the very basics of human motivation: why do we think what we think, love what we love, and do what we do? Happily, on this problem, ancients and moderns seem to have reached the same conclusion: imitation. Thinkers as distinct as Plato, René Girard, and Richard Dawkins “agree that replication—the endless copying and reproduction of things—is a fundamental mechanism of the universe that governs everything from cells to empathy to human culture.” But what, if anything, governs that process of replication? What, if anything, are we ultimately replicating?


Klavan does not shrink, as do so many muddle-headed modern gurus, from the essential question: “All the good and noble things we want to fight for,” he explains, “can’t exist unless God does.” Modern materialists have attempted to avoid the logical necessity of God’s existence by concocting scientific theories based on pure imagination. The “multiverse,” a popular theory that posits multiple or infinite worlds, seems to fill the gap left by presuming God away. But there is nothing new under the sun in our singular cosmos, as Klavan reminds his readers by quoting Saint Thomas Aquinas, who considered and refuted the notion of the multiverse in the Summa Theologiae more than four centuries before modern scientists flattered themselves into thinking that they had stumbled onto a novel idea.

Within the universe, we live in a particular place. The West, contrary to modern platitudes, is not just an idea; it is also a political community. The first four crises through which Klavan guides us culminate in a crisis of regime, though we cannot seem to agree on the cause. “Either our democracy is threatened by right-wing extremists who must be prosecuted—if not persecuted—with the full powers of the federal government,” he observes, “or our society is melting down under the corrosive assaults of neo-Marxism, Critical Race Theory, and gender extremism.” Neither can we agree about how to solve the problem: “Perhaps the solution is secession or localism, or perhaps it requires a massive extension of federal power, and more governors ruling by emergency decree as they did during the COVID crisis.”


Klavan views the crisis of regime through the lens of various political philosophers including Plato, Polybius, Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, John Stuart Mill, Karl Marx, Rudi Dutschke, and Patrick Deneen. But he doesn’t abandon his reader to dry intellectual history. He recognizes that regimes survive on more than mere ideas. “In the end,” he concludes, “it is philia—friendship, or love—that binds political communities together.” We find this ancient wisdom in the writing of Aristotle but also closer to home in the public addresses of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt. The West is no mere abstraction, and neither will be its salvation. We are real people living in a real world, the author reminds us, and we can choose to live as if the truths and triumphs of our once-great civilization are real, too.

Klavan distinguishes himself not only by his wealth of knowledge and wisdom but also by his lack of pomp and pedantry. He quotes everyone from Herodotus to Kendrick Lamar, translating the texts himself—except in the case of Lamar, whom he regrettably leaves in the original—and yet this superb scholarly display might well pass unnoticed because he never shows off. Every line propels this beautiful, urgent book toward its purpose. The civilization is in crisis, people need answers, and How to Save the West provides them.

Michael Knowles is host of The Michael Knowles Show and the author, most recently, of Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds (Regnery Publishing).
Title: Re: "Teens" again
Post by: G M on May 30, 2023, 08:46:47 AM
Title: This is because of slavery and LBJ!
Post by: G M on May 30, 2023, 08:53:20 AM

In Finland!
Title: Re: "Teens" again
Post by: G M on May 31, 2023, 07:33:21 PM
Title: US vs. Poland
Post by: G M on June 01, 2023, 06:23:13 AM

Title: The Attack on Western tradition
Post by: Crafty_Dog on June 08, 2023, 07:08:25 AM
Title: Death by DIEversity-The end of competence means collapse for complex systems
Post by: G M on June 11, 2023, 10:18:35 AM

Your blue zoos only sort of function while the system still works.

Title: Re: Death by DIEversity-The end of competence means collapse for complex systems
Post by: G M on June 11, 2023, 04:09:16 PM

Your blue zoos only sort of function while the system still works.
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on June 11, 2023, 07:50:16 PM
"The end of competence means collapse for complex systems"

"However diversity itself is defined, most policy on the matter is based on a simple premise: since all groups are identical in talent, any unbiased process must produce the same group proportions as the general population, and therefore, processes that produce disproportionate outcomes must be biased."

This is the essence.

Title: Happy Juneteenth!
Post by: G M on June 19, 2023, 07:39:31 AM
Title: Re: Happy Juneteenth!
Post by: G M on June 19, 2023, 02:06:51 PM
Title: Re: Happy Juneteenth!
Post by: DougMacG on June 19, 2023, 08:45:22 PM
June teenth?  Was that the day Republicans freed the slaves?
Title: Re: Happy Juneteenth!
Post by: G M on June 19, 2023, 10:39:32 PM
June teenth?  Was that the day Republicans freed the slaves?

From the democrats, the only thing that made them madder was Trump getting elected.
Title: Never worthy of attention for some reason...
Post by: G M on June 25, 2023, 10:52:09 AM
Title: High trust vs. low trust societies
Post by: G M on June 26, 2023, 06:42:41 AM
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on June 26, 2023, 09:04:12 AM
Win-Win vs. Zero Sum.
Title: Western Civilization is rotted with corruption
Post by: G M on June 26, 2023, 05:44:11 PM
Title: "Teens" "People"
Post by: G M on June 28, 2023, 07:31:12 AM

Title: Ben Shapiro: Paganism is the New Religion
Post by: Crafty_Dog on June 30, 2023, 06:35:03 AM

One of the common features of religious practice these days is that religion has been hollowed out in many ways by paganism. Pagan value systems have crept into our churches, into our synagogues, into mosques.

The religious institutions wear the institution’s mask while promulgating values opposed to the institution.

Nowhere is this truer than the Democratic Party Catholics who proclaim they are pro-abortion.

Joe Biden has been doing this for years. I do not understand how this is acceptable in any way, shape, or form under Catholic doctrine. Catholicism is extraordinarily pro-life, from the papacy to the laity.

Just this week, Joe Biden, the Catholic president of the United States — who constantly brags about how Catholic he is then flies the Progress Pride flag from the center of the White House rotunda as various trans influencers show their breasts — said that abortion is pretty important, and while he is not big on abortion as a practicing Catholic, he says, Roe v. Wade got it right: “I’m a practicing Catholic. I’m not big on abortion, but guess what? Roe versus Wade got it right.”

Biden then criticized states that have passed laws restricting access to abortion. Presumably, he’s in favor of abortion being available under all circumstances. He has been asked publicly in the recent past about what restrictions on abortions he thinks would be appropriate — and he refuses to say which restrictions would be appropriate.

The answer for Biden, of course, is none.

This is the same sort of answer given by the very, very Catholic Nancy Pelosi, who’s so Catholic that when she’s not promoting same-sex marriage, she’s promoting abortion on demand.

In the 1990’s there was a general perception that there was such a concept as neutrality in the public space. For most of American history, the Judeo-Christian value system was the value system that simply prevailed. It was in the water; it was in the air.

Then the Left said, “Wait, that’s a value system and it’s discrimination. If we even have that value system present in any way, shape, or form, we need a perfectly neutral space, absolutely anodyne."

But what they meant was not “need a neutral space.” What they meant was, a space cleansed of all Judeo-Christian tradition. And if you cleanse the space of Judeo-Christian tradition, what fills that space is paganism. Why? Because people have a need to worship. They have a need for a value system that’s going to fill that vacuum.

What fills that vacuum is the system of thought that was there before the Judeo-Christian value system. That system of thought believes what happens in the universe is absolutely inexplicable — that the world around us is a place of chaos.

That system of thought believes pure will and subjective intent matter more than anything else in life; all forms of morality, except ones that are “judgmental,” are just variations on the same theme.

This ultimately leads to an enormous amount of narcissism, a belief that the entire world must be bent only to your whim, that your self-interest is the key to everything sexual and moral when it comes to abortion.

The real question is why the value system that has been promulgated in the United States has been so successful. Why is it that people can proclaim from the White House that they are practicing Catholics while simultaneously endorsing viewpoints that not only run against Catholicism, but completely undermine the very basis of Catholic viewpoints on these issues?

That is what Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi have done.

So paganism is the new religion.

What you have now are leftists pretending that, in the name of God, they have to abort their children.

When you drive past a church and you see a giant sign saying, “In this church, Black Lives Matter,” or, “In this church, same-sex marriage is reality,” you realize that the church is just a secular bastion with a pretend cross on top.

Why have all these religious institutions adopted the modernist viewpoint?

The answer is that when paganism showed up at the door, they realized that paganism is a durable viewpoint, and they hoped that by ingesting the paganism, they would somehow be able to convert it into holiness.

But the opposite has happened. As always, when you ingest sin, the sin does not make you more holy.

You have to ingest holiness to conquer sin.

All the denominations that are endorsing this pagan viewpoint do not take their actual religious practice seriously. But they invoke God when it comes to killing babies, which is a form of paganism; it’s a sacrifice to Moloch.
Title: Re: Ben Shapiro: Paganism is the New Religion
Post by: G M on June 30, 2023, 08:56:16 AM

One of the common features of religious practice these days is that religion has been hollowed out in many ways by paganism. Pagan value systems have crept into our churches, into our synagogues, into mosques.

The religious institutions wear the institution’s mask while promulgating values opposed to the institution.

Nowhere is this truer than the Democratic Party Catholics who proclaim they are pro-abortion.

Joe Biden has been doing this for years. I do not understand how this is acceptable in any way, shape, or form under Catholic doctrine. Catholicism is extraordinarily pro-life, from the papacy to the laity.

Just this week, Joe Biden, the Catholic president of the United States — who constantly brags about how Catholic he is then flies the Progress Pride flag from the center of the White House rotunda as various trans influencers show their breasts — said that abortion is pretty important, and while he is not big on abortion as a practicing Catholic, he says, Roe v. Wade got it right: “I’m a practicing Catholic. I’m not big on abortion, but guess what? Roe versus Wade got it right.”

Biden then criticized states that have passed laws restricting access to abortion. Presumably, he’s in favor of abortion being available under all circumstances. He has been asked publicly in the recent past about what restrictions on abortions he thinks would be appropriate — and he refuses to say which restrictions would be appropriate.

The answer for Biden, of course, is none.

This is the same sort of answer given by the very, very Catholic Nancy Pelosi, who’s so Catholic that when she’s not promoting same-sex marriage, she’s promoting abortion on demand.

In the 1990’s there was a general perception that there was such a concept as neutrality in the public space. For most of American history, the Judeo-Christian value system was the value system that simply prevailed. It was in the water; it was in the air.

Then the Left said, “Wait, that’s a value system and it’s discrimination. If we even have that value system present in any way, shape, or form, we need a perfectly neutral space, absolutely anodyne."

But what they meant was not “need a neutral space.” What they meant was, a space cleansed of all Judeo-Christian tradition. And if you cleanse the space of Judeo-Christian tradition, what fills that space is paganism. Why? Because people have a need to worship. They have a need for a value system that’s going to fill that vacuum.

What fills that vacuum is the system of thought that was there before the Judeo-Christian value system. That system of thought believes what happens in the universe is absolutely inexplicable — that the world around us is a place of chaos.

That system of thought believes pure will and subjective intent matter more than anything else in life; all forms of morality, except ones that are “judgmental,” are just variations on the same theme.

This ultimately leads to an enormous amount of narcissism, a belief that the entire world must be bent only to your whim, that your self-interest is the key to everything sexual and moral when it comes to abortion.

The real question is why the value system that has been promulgated in the United States has been so successful. Why is it that people can proclaim from the White House that they are practicing Catholics while simultaneously endorsing viewpoints that not only run against Catholicism, but completely undermine the very basis of Catholic viewpoints on these issues?

That is what Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi have done.

So paganism is the new religion.

What you have now are leftists pretending that, in the name of God, they have to abort their children.

When you drive past a church and you see a giant sign saying, “In this church, Black Lives Matter,” or, “In this church, same-sex marriage is reality,” you realize that the church is just a secular bastion with a pretend cross on top.

Why have all these religious institutions adopted the modernist viewpoint?

The answer is that when paganism showed up at the door, they realized that paganism is a durable viewpoint, and they hoped that by ingesting the paganism, they would somehow be able to convert it into holiness.

But the opposite has happened. As always, when you ingest sin, the sin does not make you more holy.

You have to ingest holiness to conquer sin.

All the denominations that are endorsing this pagan viewpoint do not take their actual religious practice seriously. But they invoke God when it comes to killing babies, which is a form of paganism; it’s a sacrifice to Moloch.
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on June 30, 2023, 09:49:43 AM
Thought you might like that one.

Forgive me the tease, but I can't resist:

Shapiro is one intelligent and thoughtful Jew.  :wink:
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: G M on June 30, 2023, 10:07:47 AM
Thought you might like that one.

Forgive me the tease, but I can't resist:

Shapiro is one intelligent and thoughtful Jew.  :wink:

Title: Baltimore and Wyoming
Post by: G M on July 02, 2023, 12:51:51 PM

Same number of residents. Wyoming is much better armed.

Why are things so different?
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on July 02, 2023, 04:23:02 PM
OMG, ghetto culture is less healthy than WY culture!

Who knew?
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: G M on July 02, 2023, 05:14:26 PM
OMG, ghetto culture is less healthy than WY culture!

Who knew?

Well, initially I was going to use stats from Wakanda, but I can't find a good source.
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: DougMacG on July 03, 2023, 05:16:00 AM
"ghetto culture is less healthy than WY culture"

Root cause, welfare replaces the father in the home.  Without two parents, kids grow up directionless, especially boys, and crime fills the void.  Not a factor when life focuses around family, work ethic and being invested in property rights.

Shitty government schools. 

Also physics: Collisions increase with the square of density.  (Exponentially)

Then there is (lack of) motive. When everyone defends their property, there is no reason to break in or mess with them. Contrast that with the zero sum mentality being taught, where you only gain at someone else's loss.

Ghetto gangs take advantage of the fact we don't hold juveniles accountable.  You won't go to jail if you shoot the rival gang member, but his friends will shoot you back, and on it goes.
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: G M on July 03, 2023, 07:23:44 AM
"ghetto culture is less healthy than WY culture"

Root cause, welfare replaced the role of the father in the home.  Without the father, kids grow up directionless, especially boys.  Not a factor when life focuses around family, work ethic and property rights.

Shitty government schools. 

Also physics: Collisions increase with the square of density.  (Exponentially)

Then there is (lack of) motive. When everyone defends their property, there is no reason to break in or mess with them. Contrast that with the zero some mentality where are you only gain something at someone else's loss.

Back to the ghetto, gangs take advantage of the fact we don't hold juveniles accountable.

The high population density must be why Tokyo has such a violent crime problem.
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on July 03, 2023, 07:42:32 AM
Feel free to agree with his other points , , ,
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: G M on July 03, 2023, 07:47:45 AM
Feel free to agree with his other points , , ,

"Shitty government schools."

I have been told they need more money.
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on July 03, 2023, 07:49:43 AM
Witty, snarky, and non-responsive.

This is where you get to say "Good point!" or maybe even "I agree!"

Feel free to notice that I and the others regularly do this with you.
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: G M on July 03, 2023, 09:09:48 AM
Witty, snarky, and non-responsive.

This is where you get to say "Good point!" or maybe even "I agree!"

Feel free to notice that I and the others regularly do this with you.

I actually don’t post here for a living.

The above post is what I had time for this AM.

I would add that a large number of people in the US go to shitty public schools, without the associated criminality as a result.

Title: Prager
Post by: Crafty_Dog on September 06, 2023, 09:15:35 AM
Title: How Long Can a Country this Decadent Survive?
Post by: Crafty_Dog on September 27, 2023, 01:59:16 PM
Title: Western Civilization, You are next!
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 09, 2023, 02:03:50 PM
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: objectivist1 on November 09, 2023, 06:43:07 PM
There is No Moderate Jihad
And that’s why co-existence is impossible.
November 8, 2023 by Daniel Greenfield

[Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

Civilized nations have spent generations trying to convince themselves that the primary religious and national impulses of the Muslim world come down to more than conquest and mass murder.

The horrors of the past few years in Afghanistan and Israel both came down to the mistaken belief that you could negotiate and reach an agreement with Jihadist movements.

Both D.C. and Jerusalem had become enchanted with diplomatic initiatives to the Muslim world, from the Abraham Accords to two years of relative peace with Hamas, politicians, generals and diplomats were convinced that they had finally unlocked the secret of coexistence.

But there’s no perpetual motion machine, no diet that lets you eat what you want and no coexistence with an ideology that is built on conquering and destroying all outsiders.

Individually, contextually and circumstantially coexistence is possible. But not in the long run.

How long that long run is depends not on building relationships, but showing strength. Civilized people treat coexistence as a means of developing bonds but the other side uses periods of coexistence to test for weaknesses. Coexistence on their side is a wholly insincere facade, no matter how authentic it may appear, that gathers information to be used when the attack comes.

Israeli Kibbutz residents thought that they were building relationships with day laborers from Gaza. They chatted about life, their kids and their various hardships. Then those same laborers returned to kill, rape and abduct them. But that is how that was always going to end.

That is how it will end for us with the millions of immigrants that we have taken into our nations.

It is a fundamental error to view Hamas as an “extremist” group. It is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood whose political parties rule a number of Muslim countries. Its political organizations also dominate Muslim communities in America and Europe. Most of Al Qaeda’s leaders were also members of the Muslim Brotherhood. The myth of a split between political Islam and militant Islam, between moderate and extreme Islamic movements was always just that.

As Erdogan, the brutal Islamist tyrant who became the poster boy for moderate Islam said, “Islam cannot be either ‘moderate’ or ‘not moderate.’ Islam can only be one thing.” He has since, despite previous claims of turning more moderate and rebuilding relationships, renewed his support for Hamas, and threatened western nations with a Jihad against the “crusaders”.

The trouble with all the dreams of coexistence is that Islam is Jihad and Jihad is Islam. The most fundamental external expression of Islam is a drive to conquer the entire world, not in some uncertain ‘end of days’ future, but here, now and in the present. The difference between the so-called moderates and extremists comes down to quibbling over when and how that conquest is to begin, where it is to be implemented and who is to take charge of it.

But the actual conquest is an ongoing project. Every Islamic war, whether against Muslims or non-Muslims, is waged as part of an agenda of global conquest. Muslim civil wars are waged between different factions under the banner of Islamic leadership. And the purpose of Islamic leadership is to impose Islamic law in its lands and then invade other lands to impose the same brutal theocratic repression there.

The Jihad is the defining force of Islamic political and religious life. Much as with Communism, coexistence with it is impossible. It was impossible to coexist with members of a movement that believed in conquering and subjugating everyone under the red flag and the little red book. Individually you could chat with a Communist or help them with their groceries, but the ideology doomed any long term relationship with someone who wanted you dead or as a slave.

This was a difficult lesson that we never learned during the Cold War. Is it any wonder that we’re incapable of grasping this concept now when our civilization’s future is once again on the line?

The Cold War was fought on the optimistic premise that everyone wanted the same things we did, and that once we taught them to want them, they would adopt our means of getting them. Convince Communists that color TVs were fun and they become democratic capitalists. What sounded like a good argument to us has failed in every country that it’s been tried, except those that, like Japan and Germany, were originally democratic and capitalist. Instead we convinced China that it should make and sell us the TVs and use the money to build up its military, and convinced the Muslim world to move here, kill us and take the TVs.

We are not the world and the world is not us. Not all religions, cultures and countries are alike. Most have things that they believe in every bit as strongly as our fanciful belief that all people are basically good and that if we could just get them in a room, we would agree on most things. That’s what we did with multiculturalism and it’s why we now have violent riots every few years because we don’t agree on basic things like what we want out of life or how we treat each other.

That’s why we should not delude ourselves into thinking that the Jihad is a fringe, the misbehavior of a tiny minority, and that even that tiny minority doesn’t really buy into it. Every religion and movement has its hypocrites, but the belief that the world must be purified by Islam is as sincerely held by the majority of its believers as by those who fought for Communism. That is the religious impulse, more than any other, at the heart of Islam and its promise to Muslims.

Each religion has elements that make it exceptional. What makes Islam exceptional is not the collection of beliefs, scriptures and rituals often cribbed from Judaism and Christianity, but what it offers that these religions do not, an imminent redemption of the world achieved not in the distant future, but in the present day through the violent actions of its followers. That, and not borrowed scripture and ritual, is what allowed Islam to defeat Jews and Christians.

Western nations view this as ancient history while Muslims see it as an enduring struggle. That is why they talk, as Erdogan does, about “crusaders” and taunt the Jews with the massacre of Khaybar by Mohammed’s bandits. Convinced that history can never repeat itself, we dismiss the idea that it’s relevant or that the people we are dealing with are serious about bringing it back.

Civilized people are shocked by the horrors that ISIS, Boko Haram or Hamas perpetrate because they refuse to learn history or to see how it might be relevant to current events. It’s fashionable to draw a line, whether it’s 5 minutes ago or in 1967, and begin the clock from there. Why is this happening, they wonder, as if this had not been the longstanding practice of Islamic armies to behead fallen enemies, mutilate bodies or to rape women for over a thousand years. They assume without a shred of evidence that such practices must have been abolished.

What we are experiencing is not a reaction to anything we did. It has nothing to do with our views on a ‘Palestinian’ state, whether we draw Mohammed or welcome refugees. The Jihad is the founding religious impulse of Islam with over a thousand years of history behind it. The Jihad not only predates the United States of America and the rebirth of Israel, but dates back to a name when pagan kings ruled the various parts of England. It predates colonialism, imperialism, capitalism, globalism, the dollar, WWI and the Carter administration.

The Jihad made Islam possible. It is also what gives it meaning. It is the precarious reality that colors all relationships with the Muslim world. We have learned to ignore it at our own risk. And every time we unsee it, people die. They die by the dozens, the hundreds and the thousands. And the killing and the dying happen because we mistake what is at best a Cold War for a rich relationship. We think that we are building bridges when we’re really welcoming invaders.

To survive, we need to see all the things that we’ve been unseeing. We have to recognize that these horrors are not aberrations, they are the norm. It’s the pleasantries and periods of coexistence that are the aberration. It’s not a problem we can negotiate away. It’s not solvable by spreading democracy or building up trade relationships. The only reason we weren’t living with these horrors on an everyday basis is that the Western world became too powerful to have our coastlines and ships raided for slaves as used to be common practice in the past.

What the Muslim world and it leftist allies call “imperialism” and “colonialism” meant that kidnapped European women stopped showing up in the harems of the Ottoman Caliphate and European children as slaves in his armies. It also meant that the Jews were able to rebuild their country and, briefly, Christians in the region were also able to freely lift their heads again. We forgot that we had become strong to stop ourselves from falling victim to the endless Jihad. And our sons and daughters came to sympathize with former enemies who would rape and kill them.

Now we have made ourselves weak and the horrors are returning. We struggle to coexist with those who want to kill us. And then we wonder why they keep killing us. There’s our answer.

Coexistence is death, resistance is life. Until we learn to stop coexisting with our killers, they will go on killing us. All else is an illusion. A fantasy that we keep feeding ourselves. There is no moderate Islam because there is no moderate Jihad. And there is no moderate Jihad because there is no moderate way to conquer and enslave non-Muslims. Islam is a state of perpetual war. To know Islam is to never know peace. We coexist with Islam and so we are at war.

Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: ccp on November 10, 2023, 07:52:32 AM

Agree with most of the post above

but not mentioned is that the vast majority of Muslims who die of war, infighting etc are killed by other Muslims.

Where does this fit in within the framework of the above do you think?
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: objectivist1 on November 10, 2023, 12:53:00 PM

Islam is a death cult. It is more than just a religion, it is a totalitarian, barbaric socio-economic system which places zero worth on human life.

Ultimately, every Muslim is called to murder, enslave or subjugate unbelievers, and this has been the case since the inception of Islam about 1400 years ago. The Jews are just proverbial canary in the coal mine. Christians are targets as well, and any member of an alternate sect of Islam (Sunni, Shia, etc.) Mohammed was crystal clear on this in the Qur'an and the hadith. Not one word can be changed because universally, Muslim clerics consider the Qur'an the word of Allah. See Robert Spencer's excellent piece on this below. I'm not sure what relevance the percentage of Muslims killed by other Muslims has. EVERY unbeliever must die under the dictates of Islam.

Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: ccp on November 10, 2023, 03:13:29 PM
I was just thinking there is more to the Muslim history of war their like nature that goes beyond a duty to spread Islam by threat of force or by death

if they are killing each other.

Title: All the kids want to do is pogrom.
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 10, 2023, 03:21:37 PM
Thread Nazi here.

A Search will show a number of threads dedicated to a discussion of the Nature of Islam.

OTOH this seems apt for this thread:

The larger point here is our failure to impart even the basics of Western Civilization,
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: objectivist1 on November 10, 2023, 06:20:15 PM
Also look at the Arabic term Takfir -
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 10, 2023, 07:57:28 PM
Thread Nazi again-- for discussing Islam please use one of the threads dedicated to Islam:

Yes Islam is a threat to Western Civilization, but this would be an example of what this thread is about:

Title: NRO: The Fragility of Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 11, 2023, 04:02:52 AM
Title: Bari Weiss: We are the last line of defense
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 13, 2023, 03:45:17 PM
Title: Why I am now a Christian
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 13, 2023, 04:17:42 PM
Title: Re: Bari Weiss: We are the last line of defense
Post by: G M on November 13, 2023, 05:34:05 PM

The truth is White Christian nations are where Jews are the safest.

Yet over and over, we see Jewish populations (Not ALL Jews) in those nations undermining Christian values and pushing for open borders (While defending Israel's right to defend it's borders at the same time!)

Here is Bari Weiss mocking the idea that there is a problem with open borders.

Bill Maher: "It's a happy fact!"

What overwhelmingly White London looked like:

Vibrant and Diverse London today:

How did this happen?
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 13, 2023, 06:02:42 PM
So, state it plainly, what is your syllogism here?
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: G M on November 13, 2023, 06:14:21 PM
So, state it plainly, what is your syllogism here?

It's pretty evident that there is a thread of hatred and contempt for White Christians/western civilization (What used to be called Christendom) in a large percentage of Jews (both observant and secular) that seems to be even more important to them than their own survival.

Title: Ah, Vibrant and Diverse London!
Post by: G M on November 13, 2023, 06:46:58 PM

Title: Meritocracy is racist
Post by: G M on November 14, 2023, 11:03:28 AM
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 14, 2023, 12:16:23 PM
Not seeing too many identifiably jewishpeople in that Genoa clip.

I would also point out that quit a few Christian denominations have gone down the anti-Western Civilization road-- which would seem to counter your syllogism about "the Jews".

Saw that you called.  Will look to call this evening.
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: G M on November 14, 2023, 12:51:44 PM

Not seeing too many identifiably jewishpeople in that Genoa clip.

The rot in the west comes from many places.

I would also point out that quit a few Christian denominations have gone down the anti-Western Civilization road-- which would seem to counter your syllogism about "the Jews".

Please do me the courtesy of actually addressing my nuanced point of not blaming ALL Jews for the actions of some.

What ethnoreligious group did almost all of the Frankfurt School belong to? Does that mean ALL Jews share a collective guilt for that, of course not, but when you see a pattern of behavior that persists and threatens the very existence of western civilization, then yes, we have to talk about it.

The FS and others were very successful in infiltrating every western institution, including the Catholic Church and many other denominations.

Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 14, 2023, 01:01:29 PM
Most people would be getting a clue here but you are not.   Most people would realize that they need to STFU awaiting the phone call this evening so I will make it plain.   Consider yourself in time out until further notice.

Title: American Mind: Roots of the Death Cult
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 17, 2023, 04:58:54 PM

"(T)here can be no doubt any longer as to what the advocates of CRT, DEI, BLM, and intersectionality really stand for: DEATH, “Derangement, Enmity, Antisemitism, Terrorism, and Hamas.” These neo-Jacobins are at last getting a taste of what they had been longing for, preparing for, and now unabashedly consume while demanding more of: Jewish blood."
Title: American Mind: The rise of ethical cannibalism
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 17, 2023, 07:32:12 PM
second post
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: ccp on November 17, 2023, 07:36:18 PM

they all think they are safe

they are DEMOcrats. 
Title: Einstein: The Jews and Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 18, 2023, 10:02:53 AM
For Wisdom about the Jews and Civilization, Consult Albert Einstein
November 18, 2023 6:30 AM

Ninety years ago, one of the greatest minds in history defended the Western heritage and explained how Jews contributed to it.
In September 1933, when the world’s most famous scientist, a Jew, was forced to renounce his German citizenship and flee for his life, he knew he would find safe harbor in the democracies of the West. With help from friends in Great Britain, Albert Einstein arrived in England and settled into a country hut in the coastal town of Cromer.

After it was reported that the Nazis had put a hefty price on Einstein’s head, Commander Oliver Lampson, a benefactor, placed an armed guard at the property. Einstein quipped: “I really had no idea my head was worth all that.” Before leaving for the United States, where his arrival was eagerly awaited, Einstein confessed to a reporter: “I could not believe that it was possible that such spontaneous affection could be extended to one who is a wanderer on the face of the earth.”

Such affection for a Jew — regardless of his credentials or circumstances — no longer seems possible in the West. Israel’s war against Hamas, following the terrorist group’s genocidal assault on Israeli civilians, has unleashed an ancient hatred. Historian Paul Johnson once called it “a disease of the mind.” The sickness of antisemitism that has expressed itself in the streets, universities, and capitals — from London to Paris to New York — is another symptom of the crisis of the West. Near the heart of this catastrophe is a staggering ignorance of our history: of the ideals and institutions that built our civilization and made possible achievements in human freedom, equality, and justice unrivaled in the human story.

Einstein knew all about them. On October 3, 1933, just before he left for his permanent home in America, he delivered a speech to an international audience at the Royal Albert Hall in London. Entitled “Science and Civilization,” it was his first public appearance since Hitler’s rise to power. Scotland Yard had received a warning earlier in the day: “Be on your guard — there’s a plot to assassinate Einstein tonight.” Other critics of Hitler’s regime — and Einstein was unsparing — had recently been murdered by the Nazis. Nevertheless, as the New York Times reported, “he spoke as unconcernedly as if lecturing in a classroom.”

It was quite a lecture — an unabashed tribute to Western civilization that, in today’s climate, would probably be shouted down at nearly every Ivy League university in America. “Today,” he warned, “the questions which concern us are: How can we save mankind and its spiritual acquisitions of which we are the heirs? How can we save Europe from a new disaster?” Einstein’s answer was to recommit ourselves to defending the achievements of our civilization: in politics, science, philosophy, literature, medicine, and the arts.

“We are concerned not merely with the technical problem of securing and maintaining peace, but also with the important task of education and enlightenment,” he said. “If we want to resist the powers which threaten to suppress the intellectual and individual freedom, we must keep clearly before us what is at stake and what we owe to that freedom which our ancestors have won for us after hard struggles.” Without this freedom, Einstein explained, there would have been no Shakespeare, no Goethe, no Newton, no Pasteur. Without these thinkers, without the scientific and technological advances pioneered in the West, “most people would live a dull life of slavery.” Despotism would be the norm.

Einstein’s general theory of relativity, published in 1915, revolutionized the world of physics and made him an international celebrity. But his Jewish identity, and his criticism of the Nazis, made him an object of scorn in the German press. His scientific works were publicly burned in Berlin. Nazi propaganda showed a photograph of Einstein with a caption in capital letters: “Not yet hanged.” The assassination of one of his associates in Czechoslovakia, the German-Jewish philosopher Theodor Lessing, convinced him to leave the continent.
Although sympathetic to the Zionist cause, Einstein had lived through the industrial slaughterhouse of the First World War, seeing firsthand the consequences of militant nationalism. He initially resisted the idea of a Jewish state. He also regarded the Arab peoples living in Palestine as “kinfolk” and worried that a Jewish state on Arab land would create hostilities. But the deepening antisemitism in Germany and Europe helped to change his mind.

When he was asked to explain what he found most compelling about his Jewish heritage, Einstein extolled the “pursuit of knowledge for its own sake,” as well as “a strong critical spirit” that prevents “blind obeisance to any mortal authority.” He also revealed his understanding of the gift of the Jews to Western civilization. It involved, in his words, “the democratic ideal of social justice” and “tolerance among all men.” Einstein argued that the Jewish concept of a moral law, rooted in the belief in a purposeful Creator, had powerfully influenced Christianity and Islam and “had a benign influence upon the social structure of a great part of mankind.”

These historical insights are no longer part of the educational outlook of the West. Instead, the contribution of Judaism to the cause of justice and freedom is virtually unknown in the academy. Likewise, courses in Western civilization have all but vanished from the nation’s leading colleges and universities. Interest in studying the humanities — the disciplines that reveal the stunning achievements of the West — has hit an all-time low. Meanwhile, there has never been a moment in the modern period when self-loathing, directed at our own democratic and religious traditions, has been so violent and widespread.

These problems are not unrelated. If we want to understand the nature of this fearsome outbreak of antisemitism today,  the war-torn streets of Gaza are not the place to begin. In 1933, when the Nazi Party took over Germany, a Jewish refugee fled to the West and explained what the unfolding crisis meant for his generation. Albert Einstein implored his audience to “care for what is eternal and highest among our possessions.”

The fate of the Jews and the fate of the West were inextricably linked. They have become so again.

JOSEPH LOCONTE is a presidential scholar in residence at New College of Florida and the author of God, Locke, and Liberty: The Struggle for Religious Freedom in the West.
Title: Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Why I am a Christian
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 20, 2023, 02:05:11 AM

Much to ponder there, though I would proffer that our American Creed offers a more expansive and inclusive option around which to organize.
Title: Re: Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 20, 2023, 03:27:11 AM
A follow up to the preceding:

A Facebook saga about Christian nationalism and the ‘appeal to authority’
America was founded on biblical principles
By Everett Piper

Last week, in response to the evergrowing accusation that anyone who believes the fact that America was founded on biblical principles is a deranged Christian nationalist, I posted these three quotes on Facebook: “The general principles on which the Fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity.” — John Adams

“The birthday of the nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Savior. The Declaration of Independence laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity.” — John Quincy Adams

“The only true basis of all government [are] the laws of God and nature. For government is an ordinance of Heaven, designed by the allbenevolent Creator” — Samuel Adams

Well, as predictable as the sunrise, one of my Facebook trolls (I’ll call him “Skip”) shouted with hyperventilating opprobrium: ”You’re cherry-picking! This nation was founded on the separation of Church and State. Thomas Jefferson was an atheist!”

Not wanting to get into a social media titfor- tat, I decided that rather than use my own words, I’d let Thomas Jefferson (whom my friend brought up) and several other of our nation’s subsequent leaders speak for themselves. Here’s a smattering by way of example:

“Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God, [and] that they are not to be violated but with his wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep forever.” — Thomas Jefferson

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. … Let it simply be asked: Where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation deserts the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice.” — George Washington

“In regard to this Great Book, I have but to say, it is the best gift God has given to man. All the good the Savior gave to the world was communicated through this book. But for it, we could not know right from wrong. All things most desirable for man’s welfare, here and hereafter, are to be found portrayed in it.” — Abraham Lincoln

“Now, the best religion the world has ever had is the religion of Christ. A man or a community adopting it is virtuous, prosperous, and happy. … What a great mistake is made by him who does not support the religion of the Bible!” — Rutherford B. Hayes

“I assume the arduous and responsible duties of president of the United States, relying upon the support of my countrymen and invoking the guidance of Almighty God. Our faith teaches that there is no safer reliance than upon the God of our fathers, who has so singularly favored the American people in every national trial and who will not forsake us so long as we obey his commandments and walk humbly in his footsteps.” — William McKinley

“The teachings of the Bible are so interwoven and entwined with our whole civic and social life that it would be literally — I do not mean figuratively, I mean literally — impossible for us to figure to ourselves what that life would be if these teachings were removed. We would lose almost all the standards by which we now judge both public and private morals; all the standards toward which we, with more or less of resolution, strive to raise ourselves.” — Theodore Roosevelt “The same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe — the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.” — John F. Kennedy

My friend Skip responded: “This is an argument from authority. This is an example of your problem! You must have something to be subservient to.”

I ignored the obvious — that Skip doesn’t understand Socratic fallacies — and simply asked, “And by what authority do you claim to discount all authority?”

“My own,” he shouted. “Ah - there we have it,” I said. “You have declared yourself to be the only measure of right and wrong, good and evil. All authority rests in you and only you. You have achieved Nietzsche’s ‘will to power.’ You, my lost friend, have just decided that you are God. Welcome to the ranks of Robespierre, Diocletian, Nero, and Hitler. Your appeal to authority is yourself.”

God help us, for God is the only one who can.
Title: Roger Scruton: This Thing Called Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on January 17, 2024, 09:17:43 AM
Title: Drag Queen Children Story Hour: Free Palestine
Post by: Crafty_Dog on April 28, 2024, 03:31:36 PM
Title: (End of) Western Civilization, VDH, It can't happen here(?)
Post by: DougMacG on May 24, 2024, 09:11:22 PM

"End of Everything"  - Victor Davis Hanson

[Doug] Same line, it can't happen here was said in Venezuela, formerly the richest country in Latin America.

Why do our leaders and voters think we can do everything wrong and no harm will come of it?  Completely insane.
Title: NYC 1965
Post by: Crafty_Dog on July 13, 2024, 05:53:26 AM
Title: San Francisco
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 03, 2024, 08:16:22 AM
Title: Today's episode in the Decline and Fall of Western Civilization
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 24, 2024, 02:24:20 PM
Title: Western Civilization, pre-nuptial chastity, and lifelong monogamy
Post by: Crafty_Dog on November 27, 2024, 07:53:30 AM
Title: The Blitzkrieg Through the Institutions
Post by: Crafty_Dog on February 10, 2025, 07:13:40 AM

Edited to add:

I posted this because I liked it--- and now I notice the final picture of Viking/Aryan looking charioteers with horses emblazoned with swastika predecessors running over a non-white adversary.

What a fg unnecessary distraction!!! :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x
Title: Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro
Post by: Crafty_Dog on February 10, 2025, 12:23:29 PM

50 minutes-- have not watched it yet, but given the reps of Shapiro and JP I post it here for my future viewing.