Fire Hydrant of Freedom
Politics, Religion, Science, Culture and Humanities => Science, Culture, & Humanities => Topic started by: Body-by-Guinness on February 28, 2024, 04:13:34 PM
Dear me, two new topics in the same day. Hopefully our esteemed Global Moderator will let me live. :-D
As noted elsewhere, I’ve fallen down a behavior studies rabbit hole of late, with a YouTube channel called The Behavior Panel being my current focus, but they have lit a fuse: I’ll be seeking other sources to make sure I’m not taking these four behaviorists as gospel.
First up, a three plus year old examination of Joe Biden’s response to sexual harassment claims made before the 2020 election. Suffice to say, he does not fare well:
Currently playing in the background here: a Trump deposition being given the same treatment. Standby, I’ll be reporting on it soon.
Interesting to compare/contrast this analysis to the Biden one posted above. The similarity in both is they involve claims of sexual assault. I think it’s safe to say Trump comes out better.
I think it’s worthwhile to make some other comparisons between the two. Biden was interviewed by a reporter, Trump a lawyer seeking to insert her hand deeply into his pocket, so I’d argue Trump was in the more stressful situation, though I suppose Biden had a presidential race potentially on the line, not that both aren’t in the same boat now.
And outcomes are worth considering: nothing really came Biden’s way as a result of his interview, while a $450 dollar judgement landed on Trump, despite the fact I believe any fair assessment would view Trump as being less deceptive than Biden in their respective videos here. I think the big takeaway here is these outcomes serve to illustrate just how uneven the playing field is.
Oh my goodness, not only does Hunter not survive this scrutiny well, but his interviewers are outed as utter hacks. Indeed, as much as I’m enjoying the perspectives where the principles are concerned, I’m learning a hell of a lot about how to spot it when the MSM is in the tank for someone:
This will bear watching as decoding this stuff will doubtless unlock the cause of various brain pathologies:
An examination of Biden’s interview with George Shillanopolis. Several takeaways:
• Biden displays behaviors consistent with various age related ailments.
• Ol’ George “infantilized” Biden as the interview progressed.
• Biden displayed behaviors consistent with terminal patients/Kubler-Ross: denial, anger, and bargaining.
Well this is interesting. I’ve discovered late in life I’ve ADHD. Two of my kids have the same DX, which served as something of a clue. FWIW I consider it as much a gift as a burden; a lot of my successes have to do with my odd wiring.
As that may be, just stumbled on this piece. Looks like I can add “hypophantasiac” to my list of odd wiring:
One can imagine all sorts of roles for retasked cells given what's shown here, with both benficial a and nefarious uses abounding:
Organisms Created in Laboratory Are "Third State" Beyond Life and Death, Scientists Say
Frank Landymore
Sat, September 14, 2024 at 8:15 AM EDT3 min read
Over the past several years, scientists have repeatedly demonstrated that the cells of various organisms can be repurposed into biological robots, representing stunning advancements in the field of synthetic biology.
Some types, like anthrobots, used human cells that could self-assemble into small, hairy structures capable of moving by themselves. Others, like xenobots, are a bit freakier: scientists created these from the cells of already dead frogs, which seemingly cheated death by remaining capable of performing simple tasks and even self-replication.
Now, in a new review published in the journal Physiology, researchers are contemplating the implications of taking cells — from organisms dead or alive — and essentially turning them into machines with totally new functions. Namely, that this points to a biological "third state" — one that doesn't neatly fit into the categories of life and death.
"The third state challenges how scientists typically understand cell behavior," biologists Peter Noble and Alex Pozhitkov, co-authors of the review, wrote in an essay for The Conversation.
It's the fact that the biobots developed new functions that truly sets them apart, because "there are few instances where organisms change in ways that are not predetermined," the researchers write. While other transformations, like caterpillars metamorphosing into butterflies, are radical, they're still part of a predetermined biological path. Cancer cells are also excluded, because they don't exhibit new functions, either.
But here's how the biobots are different. Though the aforementioned anthrobots, for example, were taken from human lung cells, they were somehow able to repair damaged neuron cells placed nearby in a petri dish, which they were able to move to on their own using writhing, hair-like projections called cilia. The anthrobots weren't engineered or programmed to do this — they just did it on their own.
The xenobots also developed cilia-based mobility, which is novel, because in the frog cells they were derived from, the cilia are used to move mucus — not the cells themselves, according to the researchers. The xenobots are also capable of self-replicating without growing, or essentially repairing themselves.
"Taken together, these findings demonstrate the inherent plasticity of cellular systems and challenge the idea that cells and organisms can evolve only in predetermined ways," Noble and Pozhitkov wrote. "The third state suggests that organismal death may play a significant role in how life transforms over time."
Both types of biobots last no more than 60 days, and safely biodegrade once they're dead. But it's unclear how these repurposed cells are able to live so long after their organism dies, the researchers said. We also don't know the extent of their ability to develop new functions postmortem.
This all sounds very spooky, but the medical and therapeutic possibilities that could be unlocked by exploring these questions could be game-changing. Anthrobots created from a human patient's own cells could be programmed to repair damaged ones, deliver drugs, and weed out cancerous growths.
"A better understanding of how some cells continue to function and metamorphose into multicellular entities some time after an organism's demise holds promise for advancing personalized and preventive medicine," the researchers conclude.
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