Good to see you here.
Two questions:? Is Turkey a democracy?? Does Iran have the capacity to grow into a democracy?
I have seen an article (I'll see if I can find it) which intelligently suggested that we should think more in terms of Arab than Muslim. Turkey is not Arab, Iran is not Arab, Pakistan (which has had bouts of democracy) is not Arab.?
Yet we hear from some that the Jews in America control the media and our pols.
Israel cannot count on the US to be there if push comes to shove. Americans will not want to risk life and limb for Jews.
Yet we hear from some that the Jews in America control the media and our pols.
Just saying "Jews control the media" implies some sort of conspiracy and is (rightly) considered bigotry and not taken seriously. But there's no denying that a lot of Jews (some would say a disproportionate amount) happen to occupy powerful positions in our government and the media, and it would be absurd to think this doesn't in any way influence our policy towards Israel.QuoteIsrael cannot count on the US to be there if push comes to shove. Americans will not want to risk life and limb for Jews.
I think WW2 pretty clearly demonstrated that Americans are willing to risk their lives for Jews when the cause is just. Israel is not simply "Jews" but implies a set of policies and ideas that plenty of people who aren't anti-Semites consider unjust and morally bankrupt for very specific reasons.
I agree that we did not enter WW2 to help the Jews, though awareness on the part of some that Hitler was evil in part was due to his hatred for the Jews, but with this "We entered the war to kick start mass production from the war-machine", , , :roll:
We (The US) are not hated by much of the muslim world because of Israel, Israel is hated because it's a part of us (western civilization). Israel is hated because they dare to be free of islamic domination. They are hated because of their success. They are hated because of their strength.
Ulitmately, no.
IMO there is a profound disconnect in the Arab thinking about all this. They put themselves in a frenzy to wipe out Israel,
Rachel:Marc-- This is a great forum.
Glad to have you join the conversation.
Why do you think the Palestinian birthrate is overestimated? By how much/what do you think it is?
If BO is in power Israel can forget about US support for any military option. It is off the table period. Dershowitz's and his (liberal/democrat to the death Jewish) crowd's biased opinion notwithstanding. If Israel does anything it will have to be before Bush leaves office or only if McCain gets in. If I was in Israel I would rather fight for my life than risk extermination because some G*D*M make love not war screw balls from the 60's want to sweet talk to enemies and be "nice" so we can be "liked" around the world.
Thank you for that reminder-- I had forgotten that about Reagan. (Is there a chance he was posturing for the Arab world?)
That is consistent with islamic theology. Loyalty to the "umma" over all others. The bitter fruit of multiculturalism.
A penny for your thoughts:
What is your sense of Israelis' thoughts about Iran going nuclear and what to do about it? I would suppose there is a mix of opinion like here?
Also what do people think of the Olmert alleged bribe scandal? It sounds fishy from what little I've read in the American press.
I will reply more later, but but the American Indian's rights were granted by the US Government and can be taken away.
**The Indian tribes that have a treaty with the US gov't are known as federally recognized tribes. The USG recognizes the tribes as sovereign nations within the US. The USG retains federal jurisdiction over tribal lands, but other governmental entities like states have no legal jurisdiction.**
To complete the analogy in essence you are saying that the Palestinians granted Israel their rights and has the right to enter at will as do representatives of the US Government, i.e. a Sheriff, etc.
**First of all, there is no such thing as a "palestinian". There are arabs that lived in that area, but there is no distinct "palestinian" ethnicity. It's a made up psyop that dates back to the 60's, if I recall correctly. Thus far, the Israelis have been able to successfully fight to maintain their existence. The "palestinians" have made it clear that they will kill every last Israeli, given the opportunity.
Secondly, only federal law enforcement, such as Bureau of Indian Affairs special agents/police and the FBI have jurisdiction in Indian Country aside from tribal police. Sheriffs are county level, and don't have jurisdiction, even if they reservation lands are within the county. If I recall correctly, California has some strange deviation from this standard, but this is true elsewhere.**
Further, Indian reservations are under the control of the US Government and therefore you are saying the Palestinians control Israel?
**No, if the "palestinians" ever had the upper hand, then we have the next holocaust.**
I think your analogy is one of the tail wagging the dog.
I understand Indian Reservations are "sovereign nations"; but only at the "generosity" of the USG. This sovereignty can be easily restricted, changed, or taken away and further, as you pointed out, "the USG retains federal jurisdiction of tribal lands."
**Would you support the elimination of reservations in the interest of "democracy"?**
As for the State of CA it seems to regulate their ability to gamble (number of machines, etc.) and also the sheriff's contend (although debateable) that they have "free and unrestricted access". At minimum, Sheriff's do have the right to investigate crime, arrest, etc. That being said, I have dealt with Indian Tribes before and it is a pain in the ass legally speaking. But that is another subject.
**The article gives a good overview of the jurisdictional issues involved.**
But Israel? It is hardly a good analogy. No one has jurisdiction over them, rather Israel is the one with jurisdiction. Your analogy is contrary to the situation in the Middle East.
A better analogy is the one pointed out in the article. Prime Minister Olmert himself used the comparison to the South African-style struggle. He implied that Israel is like South Africa and is in essence now imposing an apartheid system. Morally, most would say that is wrong and as even Olmert states that it is wrong and the world will one day turn against Israel as it did turn against South Africa.
**So suicide is moral? How about the moral outrage on how jews, christians and other non-muslims are treated in the middle east? There is no "right of return" for the once thriving Jewish population centers in middle eastern countries. Much like Saddam killing masses, the "world opinion" is silent. Mass murder and oppressions is ignored, unless the US or Israel can somehow be blamed for it.**
Now, Israel has direct control over four million Palestinians in the occupied territories.
**No it doesn't. They have the Gaza strip and the West bank under the PA.**
They have been under Israel's military rule for 40 years! Much of the world has already turned against Israel for subjecting the Palestinians to being second class people.
**The "world opinion" is the result of two things: The onslaught of propaganda and stealth anti-semitism covered as "anti-zionism".**
The analogy to apartheid is real and repulsive to most people in a democracy. And as the article points out, the Palestinian population is growing; soon they will be the majority.
**The "palestinians" are nothing but a tool for the surrounding arab nations to use against Israel. If they really cared about the "palestinian plight" they wouldn't have warehoused them in "refugee camps" for decades.**
If they say, as the article points out, let us have one country and demand equal rights and are the majority, the Palestinians will control and Israel will change from being a "Jewish democracy" to a multiethnic post Zionist democratic state. That is a true democracy, everyone's desire, but I understand your point, it would be disastrous for the Jews of Israel.
The article's point; Israel is between a rock and a hard place with no easy way out. Not today, not next year, but the time will come. But it will come and I bet the the world with vote "democracy" (one cannot vote in good conscience for apartheid) and not for the Jews. Hopefully, a solution can be found before the Palestinians become a democratic majority.
PS as for the use of the term "Palestinians" note Israel Prime Minister Olmert uses the term himself therefore I assume it has come in to common usage.
**It's come into common usage, it doesn't make it right, though.**
GM, as Marc has pointed out, you are able to access a great number/quantity of articles; good for you. Some are interesting and perhaps poignant, but often, none are relevant.
**I think sometimes you sometimes miss the point.**
It drives me crazy; you don' like that I pointed out that you were wrong about British Law so you print numerous unrelated articles,
**In an attempt to educate you about sharia law. As for me being wrong, time will tell.**
mind you, recently as to the WSJ piece adverse to McCain, you don't challenge the WSJ accusations or overall article, rather you point out Cafferty got a traffic ticket - again does this answer the question? Is it even relevant? I mean Cafferty didn't even write the article; the WSJ staff wrote the article and who frankly cares if Cafferty got a traffic ticket.
**You were trying to float the "McCain was confused" meme, and posted a link to Cafferty's blog. I pointed out that Obama has concerns about his mental competency due to his history of hard drug use.**
It reminds me of an old boss of mine when I got out of school; to paraphrase, he said, "If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle them with your bu$%^*&. Quantity, obfuscating the issues is not an answer.
**I've asked you to explain why the muslim world has so little in the way of accomplishments. You don't seem to want to address this question. There is an immense amount of oil wealth in the arab world, while Israel has none. So what have the arabs done with it?.**
In this instance, you stated that Israel is a rich and successful notion; you noted their numerous individual successes and contributions to science, etc.; I agreed, we both admire the country. However, I inquired that given Israel is such a wealthy and successful nation, why are they the number one (1) beneficiary of our foreign aid; far and above anyone else? As your articles pointed out we have been giving close to 3 billion dollars per year to Israel, year after year plus special perks and other benefits; this is more than 10% almost 15% of our total foreign aid budget. Money, as you indirectly pointed out that could be spent funding projects elsewhere like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is doing. The world is hungry, the world has disease, we need to help. So I am still waiting... given that Israel is so successful, why are we giving them so much foreign aid?
**Israel is a friend in a region filled with barbarism. We should support them for sound geopolitical reasons and because it's the right thing to do.**
It's a simple question; please don't post articles on non related issues. Just answer the question or if you cannot, simply say "I don't know", or "I agree, it's not right", or "I think we should give them money because many people in Israel are hungry" or "yeah, maybe Israel's success is partially due to our money and support" or ? But please address the issue rather than avoiding the subject or pointing fingers elsewhere.
GM, perhaps sometime I am missing the point; please make one... rather than posting irrelevant articles.
Regarding English Law, "As for me being wrong, time will tell." Maybe yes, maybe no, but you are WRONG today and therefore your post was wrong today. Simply admit you are WRONG; period. Just follow the simple logic...
**Let me help you on this. Does current law in the UK explicitly allow for dv? No. Let's move a step or two beyond your simple thinking and look at how the introduction of sharia law places muslim women in greater jeopardy, a group in theory whom you care for deeply.
As sharia law holds women (and non-muslims) in a much lower legal status than muslim men and does not recognize domestic violence as a wrong when a muslim man uses it to keep his wife in a state of submission (A common theme you'll find in islamic thought, not a shock given that "islam" most closely translates to "submission"). So, if a woman that wishes to divorce a husband that beats her, that is pressured by her familiy/community to go before a sharia court will be as protected as if she went to a british civil court? Do you think that abusive husbands who see wife-beating as an activity blessed by allah will be more or less likely to do so now?
I believe in that post, I used the phrase "woo-hoo". To assist you, I will explain that this was something called sarcasm.
A form of irony in which apparent praise conceals another, scornful meaning. For example, a sarcastic remark directed at a person who consistently arrives fifteen minutes late for appointments might be, “Oh, you've arrived exactly on time!”
In the future, when I use sarcasm or irony or other non-literal statements, I'll be sure to label them as such so there is no confusion.**
As for McCain being "confused" I was not referring to any mental disease (I find the man competent albeit not brilliant) simply that he does not seem to have an answer and that he wildly fluctuates on his response to the economic issues of today. Even the WSJ agreed. Nothing sinister. Trying to smear the messenger, yet it was a WSJ article, you posted a lengthy post on Cafferty receiving a traffic ticket; so? A post on a traffic ticket ... that was just plain silly and inane.
**A common theme from you has been McCain's age. Given that the presidency does not involve heavy lifting or a six minute mile, the implication is his mental abilities are imparied due to his age. Cafferty striking a cyclist then driving through at least 2 red lights while dragging the bicycle underneath his car says a lot about his capacity. Try to minimize it, as you will.**
And I doubt "that Obama has concerns about his mental competency due to his history of hard drug use" or if anyone else has a concern; his brain worked well enough to get through Harvard and Harvard Law; he could lose a few brain cells and still be far ahead of McCain.
**Obama has never released his medical records or his grades from his undergrad/postgrad. Why? What does he have to hide? If Barry-O is as smart as you insist he is, then he should proudly display his academic accomplishments. It would help his otherwise wafer thin resume. He should disclose his medical records, including his usage of hard drugs and any drug treatment he obtained. It would be nice to know he's not using coke now.**
I can't tell you why the muslim world has so little in the way of accomplishment; I don't know. I think many problems contribute to their lack of success; money is not the only answer. But then by your definition, Africa has achieved nothing, Central and Latin America have achieved nothing, nor has most of Asia and frankly, much of Europe. They are all "failures" by your "success" definition. Yet in many of these places, the people are very happy.
**Actually, you can't lump all the countries into successful or not successful by region or continent. Examine the "Four Tigers" of asia, as well the the gains made by mainland China, India and Japan being the 2nd. largest economy on the planet and you'll see the core elements that contribute to economic growth. Examine the muslim world, especially the arab nations and I think the contrast will make things clear.**
And I am glad Israel is a friend, but then I am happy Canada, England, Taiwan, Japan, Germany, Korea, etc. are friends too; they are all successful yet they don't demand billions of dollars in aid each year; they are successful and they pay their own way.
**Not exactly. Though they may not receive direct financial aid, they all have profited from the "pax americana", especially in the area of defense spending. Crunch the numbers since WWII and you'll see just how much they've glided along in our wake.**
These successful countries give money to the needy, they don't beg for money for themselves. As for it being "the right thing to do" I am not sure I know what that means. Isn't it also the right thing to do to give these billions to education, poverty and disease like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in areas where it is really needed? Giving and charity is not giving to the rich and successful; it's giving to the needy, isn't it?
Amazing how anti-semitism went from being something from the crazy-right to today's mainstream left.
Israel needs to hammer the savages until they cry "uncle".
Throughout the course of the last year and a half, ever since the Hamas government was democratically elected into office, the Israeli government has imposed a brutal economic strangulation of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, denying citizens of their human rights by imposing a blockade on needed resources; including humanitarian aid, money transfers to banks, and desperately needed medical supplies. Israel has also bombed Gaza’s only power plant.
"I am baffled why you would post such twaddle"Clearly a change in the American situation must be a concern, and is likely calculated in to the response. But the REASON for the attack is quite clear....Hamas' continued threat to Israel and the continuing launch of rockets in to Israel's civilian areas.
I did a search as to possible reasons why Israel is attacking Gaza now, and this came up so I thought I would post it.
Actually I wondered if actions were now because of impending change in *American* political power not because of Israeli politics.
Are they doing it before BO gets in as part of a calculation?
BO clearly has ties to the anti semitic Black camp. Though he does have/had a lot of Jews working for his interests and hopefully they will keep him from selling out Israel - but we will see.
It's really bothersome to have rockets rain down on you day and night. If it were only during the day you could get some sleep at night or if only at night, you might get some work done during the day. But day and night is inadmissible. No wonder the IDF struck back.
Small Diameter Bomb / Small Smart Bomb
The Small Diameter Bomb (SDB) transition program (formerly known as Miniaturized Munitions Capability) provides the warfighter with increased kills per sortie on current and future manned and unmanned aircraft. The Small Diameter Bomb system includes two variants of the Small Diameter Bomb, a bomb carriage system, a mission planning system and logistics support. The GBU-39 variant of the 250-pound class bomb is equipped with an INS/GPS guidance system suitable for fixed and stationary targets. The GBU-40 second variant adds a terminal seeker with automatic target recognition capabilities more suitable for mobile and relocatable targets.
At just 5.9 feet long and 285 pounds, the bomb’s small size increases the number of weapons an aircraft can carry, therefore raising the amount of targets it can kill in one sortie. Because of its size and precision accuracy, it also reduces collateral, or unintended, damage in the target vicinity. In the urban conflict in Iraq, the warfighter struggles at times to find a weapon that gives them a desired effect on a target without an excessive effect, so the small diameter bomb will be a nice addition. Complementing the weapon is a smart miniature munitions carriage system. This system can carry four small diameter bombs, enabling an aircraft to quadruple its load out. The carriage system functions similar to an aircraft stores management system by communicating with and controlling up to four weapons.
More benefits include brains, accuracy
The SDB is an all weather standoff weapon, meaning it can be dropped and will fly itself to the target using satellite guidance and or laser targeting up to 40 full miles away & hit within 6 feet of the mark, 40 miles is a heck of a lot of distance from a target for such accuracy. It puts Israeli fighters over Iran some distance away from the hot zone of the Iranian facilities which are now setup with brand new Russian TOR-M1 air defense systems. The Tor is pretty lethal, but it has very short range. It can only engage targets very close in… At 40 miles with 8 small bunker busters pre-programmed from the airbase before the mission to hit multiple points of an underground facility (spreading out the lethality better than a single 1000 pound buster,) Israeli fighters never even come close to the Tor-M1s girding the Iranian facility. Making the Tor defenses expensive paperweights.
It's really bothersome to have rockets rain down on you day and night. If it were only during the day you could get some sleep at night or if only at night, you might get some work done during the day. But day and night is inadmissible. No wonder the IDF struck back.
I think that is why the world is objecting; no one questions the right of Israel to exact retribution, but it seems to be a disproportionate reaction. If I read correctly, less than
5 Israeli's have been killed and/or injured, yet there are over 400 dead and hundreds of wounded Palestinians, many of them innocent women and children.
Not to mention supplies, first aid, etc. not getting through; is there any wonder why Israel is being condemned?
When you are attacked in such a manner, a 'proportionate' response isn't what is called for.....a PUNITIVE response that is overwhelming is what is called for. The goal is to make the price of attacking you so terrible as to be beyond the desire of your enemy to want to pay. 5/500 seems reasonable in that context. You kill 5 of my people, i'll slaughter 500 Hamas security personnel.It's really bothersome to have rockets rain down on you day and night. If it were only during the day you could get some sleep at night or if only at night, you might get some work done during the day. But day and night is inadmissible. No wonder the IDF struck back.
I think that is why the world is objecting; no one questions the right of Israel to exact retribution, but it seems to be a disproportionate reaction. If I read correctly, less than
5 Israeli's have been killed and/or injured, yet there are over 400 dead and hundreds of wounded Palestinians, many of them innocent women and children.
Not to mention supplies, first aid, etc. not getting through; is there any wonder why Israel is being condemned?
At least Obama wasn't on the boat. Not yet, anyway....
And what is the terrible number of innocent women and children killed? Please cite your sources.At least Obama wasn't on the boat. Not yet, anyway....
Then again, given the disparity of the number of Israeli's killed (5) versus the terrible number of innocent women and children being killed,
What would you make of this? I am not sure what to make of it.
Then again, given the disparity of the number of Israeli's killed (5) versus the terrible number of innocent women and children being killed,
Obama might listen to world and UN opinion and perhaps support more boats/trucks bringing medical supplies, food, and humanitarian
care. And while of course always leaning toward and favoring Israel, I think he might be a bit more impartial than the Bush
administration has been in this matter.
Wow; did you learn that at Wisconsin? (My mom graduated from there and I was born and raised
as a child in Milwaukee - I had to laugh at your earlier comment about the Packers)
Alternatives exist.
Israel can kill all the militant Hamas for all I care, but when women and children are being bombed unmercifully,
and sufficient medical care and food is being blocked and/or not getting through to these innocent victims, I would like to think
there is a better way. Or at least an attempt should be made to find one.
But absurd comments like "How about getting them to establish military bases away from the civilian population" isn't realistic;
Seriously, how do you make peace with people who don't even consider you human?
Every time I check CNN I see a child being carried away. Obviously, the "pin point accurate weapons Israel is using" are not perfect.
Obviously not as perfect as the Liberal Leftist Media Propaganda Machine. You must new new at this. How many doctored photographs have you seen? Do you recall the fake ambulance photos? Do you recall all the swindles the Liberal Leftist Media Propaganda Machine pulled during the last Lebanon war?
You of all people on this forum represent logic rather than virulent condemnation of Palestinians.
Israel can't bomb its way to peace
Published: June 25, 2008
JERUSALEM — Three Qassam rockets fired from Gaza on Tuesday struck the Israeli border town of Sderot and its environs, causing no serious injuries but constituting the first serious breach of a five-day-old truce between Israel and Hamas, the Islamic group that controls Gaza.
Actually, "The Economist" is an outstanding magazine; a "must read" for most international businessmen.
But why are Muslims better accepted in Venezuela as you have witnessed?
One of the reasons that Israeli causalities are Thank G-d so low is all Israelis homes/apartment buildings etc. have bomb shelters and Israelis in some towns in the South are pretty much living in them.. My families in Israel shelter was their kids play room. They also have a room that can be sealed in case of a biological attack.. Just because Hamas terrorists are ineffective mass murders does not mean they should be given a pass for wanting to be mass murders
[emphasis added]
I suspect the impact of this schism has broad implications
35 killed and 75 wounded is certainly a large number and could have a big impact but Hamas and Fatah have been killing each other for years
Reports from inside the Gaza Strip say Israeli forces have intensified their military operation in the north of the territory, after crossing the border late on Saturday.
Video is undated and unsourced, but appears to show Palestinian fighters using UN ambulances as troop transports:
Ah, JDN, it appears you feel folks who fire missiles indiscriminately into civilian areas and then hide amid their civilians during the response have moral standards so well developed they wouldn't stoop to use ambulances as a military transport vehicles. Some online are now stating that the video is from 2004 and shows Fatah using UN ambulances. As that may be, there is certainly a long history of Palestinian misuse of ambulances, as outlined here:
Imagine if everyone here posted such blatantly false and misleading information?
More tragic news from Gaza! Try not to tear up too much......
Does the bunny get 72 virgin bunnettes? :evil:
I always find it interesting, how people given the same facts interpret issues differently. And I too like this author wonder if the American Revolutionaries we honor would have been called terrorists today? Or the Zionists who built modern day Israel; were they too "terrorists" given today's definition?
I'd love to spread that around. Is there a URL that goes with it?
I'd love to spread that around. Is there a URL that goes with it?
Hamas on Saturday rejected the deployment of international observers in the Gaza Strip, describing the latest U.N. Security Council resolution as falling short of meeting the "national interests."
A Hamas spokesman said he was also hopeful.
"I am optimistic now because I think there is no other choice for us," Ghazi Hamad, a senior Hamas adviser, told the BBC. "I think this kind of agreement can be done now, and I think now there is good progress in Egypt. We hope that now Egypt will contact Israel and talk about all issues."
One overlooked feature the current conflict in Gaza is demography. Of the 1.5 million people living in the Gaza Strip, about half are under 15.
Inshallah! :-D
The conventional army loses if it does not win. The guerrilla wins if it does not lose.
Israel has the stick but it is missing the carrot.
Israel has the stick but it is missing the carrot.
When the muslims love their children more than they hate the jews, then peace will happen. I'm not holding my breath.
With all due respect for Golda Meir, it is time to think outside the box.
The way to stop people from reproducing like rabbits is to make them rich. Rich people can't afford more than two or three kids. Poor people, on the other hand, must bred like rabbits to overcome infant mortality. People on the farm can afford lots of children because they are productive as farmhands. City children are a terrible expense.
Foreign aid never made anyone rich but if Israel could somehow kick-start Gazans into becoming profitable business people, like Lebanon was at one time, for example, Gazans would be too busy making money to lob rockets into Israel.
I know it's a pipe dram but continuous war is not an enticing idea. For a long time Sabras have though of Arabs as camel drivers, as an inferior people. Just yesterday I got another email detailing how Jews have 100 thousand Nobel Prizes vs. maybe about 5 for Arabs. This is supposed to make me proud of being Jewish and it is supposed to be proof of Arab inferiority. Maybe. But it certainly is fuel for more war. The same email stated that there are a huge number of Muslims. But there are only 1.5 million Gazans and those are the people we need to make rich. I think it's doable. 100 thousand Nobel Prize winning minds should be able to come up with a solution. No?
Let's shift gears!
With all due respect for Golda Meir, it is time to think outside the box.
**IMHO, HUSS already hit this out of the park.**
The way to stop people from reproducing like rabbits is to make them rich. Rich people can't afford more than two or three kids. Poor people, on the other hand, must bred like rabbits to overcome infant mortality. People on the farm can afford lots of children because they are productive as farmhands. City children are a terrible expense.
Foreign aid never made anyone rich but if Israel could somehow kick-start Gazans into becoming profitable business people, like Lebanon was at one time, for example, Gazans would be too busy making money to lob rockets into Israel.
I know it's a pipe dram but continuous war is not an enticing idea. For a long time Sabras have though of Arabs as camel drivers, as an inferior people. Just yesterday I got another email detailing how Jews have 100 thousand Nobel Prizes vs. maybe about 5 for Arabs. This is supposed to make me proud of being Jewish and it is supposed to be proof of Arab inferiority.
**Lots of shared DNA between the Nobel prize winning Jews and the terror-loving Arabs. It's not a matter of ethnicity or "race" but of culture shaped by religion. Thus Israel produces many good things while the "Palestinians" create new and exciting ways to convince their children to slaughter others.**
Maybe. But it certainly is fuel for more war. The same email stated that there are a huge number of Muslims. But there are only 1.5 million Gazans and those are the people we need to make rich. I think it's doable. 100 thousand Nobel Prize winning minds should be able to come up with a solution. No?
Let's shift gears!
This is a really important question, so lets make sure we aren't missing anything.
a) Concerning the seemingly pertinent example that Huss uses of the House of Saud, as Stratfor commented earlier today (or was it yesterday?) on the intel thread, SA has kicked AQ's ass in SA. WHY IS THAT? Once we removed our troops from SA (their presence no longer being necessary to defend it from SH in Iraq) their motivations changed. WHAT IS THAT ABOUT?
**The Saudis support and fund the global jihad. The ojection they have with AQ is not the jihad, just AQ rejection of the house of Saud.**
b) As noted in many posts made by several of us, there has been a lot of one handed clapping in support of Hamas/Gaza. WHY IS THAT? Indeed, many felt that during Lebanon 2 a lot of the Arab world was silently wishing for Israeli success. WHY?
**Because HAMAS is a pawn of Iran. The Sunni arab states fear the growing power of the Iranian sponsored shia revolution.**
c) As noted in the Iraq thread by my friend in Iraq, who originally opposed the decision to go to Iraq, he sees the Iraqis themselves as having rejected the AQ whackos. WHAT DOES THAT TELL US?
**That Iraq, being one of the most secular arab nations was more willing to accept our well intentioned mistakes rather than be tortured and butchered by AQ.**
Capt raises an important question. Certainly HUSS answered well, but let us be careful that we do not answer too quickly.
Fair enough :lol:
The point I am trying to raise though, and lets use the Lebanese invasion of a year or so ago as an example, is the possibility that this approach simply innoculates/immunizes the enemy.
When Israel went into Lebanon it had as green a light as I can remember from the US govt. I was praying for Israel to go all the way through the Bekkaa Valley (sp?) and clean out that nest of vipers for once and for all. Instead, having triggered the regretable civilian casualites, you guys quit before you finished.
Net result: Hez gets bragging rights AND doubles/triples the number of missiles it has.
Arguably a similar dynamic in play now with Gaza-- except that Iran now has fronts on both your north and south borders. As soon as they can reach your nuclear reactor, what happens to your Osirak option for Iran's incipient nukes?
PS: My apologies for President Bush vetoing your request to go after Iran. I fear this was a historic error.
This is a really important question, so lets make sure we aren't missing anything.
a) Concerning the seemingly pertinent example that Huss uses of the House of Saud, as Stratfor commented earlier today (or was it yesterday?) on the intel thread, SA has kicked AQ's ass in SA. WHY IS THAT? Once we removed our troops from SA (their presence no longer being necessary to defend it from SH in Iraq) their motivations changed. WHAT IS THAT ABOUT?
Its a battle between Shite and Sunni in some cases, also keep in mind that OBL offered his men to the Saudis prior to the first gulf war. The house od Saud rejected his offer and let the infidels help instead. Since that time OBL has been at war with the royals. the royals still support terror, via other outlets.
b) As noted in many posts made by several of us, there has been a lot of one handed clapping in support of Hamas/Gaza. WHY IS THAT? Indeed, many felt that during Lebanon 2 a lot of the Arab world was silently wishing for Israeli success. WHY?
Simply lookng at the Arabs treatment of the palistinians shows their hate for them. the palistinians are a rabid dog who has gotten off its leash and is not running around biting everyone. I think the Arabs see them as a tool for getting back at Israel and nothing more. If they really sympathized with the palistinians the US and Israel would not be the two single largest aid donors to the palistinians and Israel would not be the sole source of power and water for Gaza and the West Bank.
c) As noted in the Iraq thread by my friend in Iraq, who originally opposed the decision to go to Iraq, he sees the Iraqis themselves as having rejected the AQ whackos. WHAT DOES THAT TELL US?
The Iraqis still chose to base thier constiution on Sharia law. We all know how good shria has worked out for us infidels in the past. When Muslims fight, its always over what method is best to subjegate the infidel. In the hotory of islam, not one single nation has ever worked as a democracy. Turkey is different because they have a secualr constitution that demands a coup every time the sitting govt gets all religious. We should have helped them start up a monarchy, which appears to be the most stable form of govt in the region as seen in the UAE, Qatar.......etc
Capt raises an important question. Certainly HUSS answered well, but let us be careful that we do not answer too quickly.
@ NKD:
I fear I have not succeeded in conveying my point-- I supported and support the Osirak operation. My concern is that by placing missiles and rockets of ever greater efficacy on Israel's northern and southwestern borders that Iran is creating a situation wherein if Israel goes Osirak on Iran that Iran will be in a position to blow up Israel's reactor and contaminate Israel.
Many good points being made. I would add the example of the green houses that Israel left behind in Gaza being destroyed.
@ Huss:
I submit Turkey as an example of Islamic culture and democracy co-existing. Indonesia too-- at least for now.
@ NKD:
I fear I have not succeeded in conveying my point-- I supported and support the Osirak operation. My concern is that by placing missiles and rockets of ever greater efficacy on Israel's northern and southwestern borders that Iran is creating a situation wherein if Israel goes Osirak on Iran that Iran will be in a position to blow up Israel's reactor and contaminate Israel.
AT PRESENT that may be true, but over time the trend line is unfavorable.
Ahmad Kurd, the Hamas Minister of Social Affairs, did not deny the aid had been seized, but countered that the U.N. had been handing out relief to groups tied to Hamas' opponents.
"UNRWA did not do what it said it would do, and began distributing its aid to groups that tie their activities to political activism," Kurd said Wednesday.
I have certainly been one of the chief defenders of President Obama's relationship to Israel here so it it would be inconsistent not to criticize him when there is cause.
I am deeply disturbed by recent comments from the Hill especially some of Hillary Clinton's comments(clearly a member of the Obama administration so he would bear the blame as well) Taking to Iran is useless.
I am not a fan of giving Hamas money and I fully support Shelley Berkley wanting to put conditions on the money
**How about NO MONEY? Would you give money to fund a local KKK chapter, hoping it would moderate their hatred?**
However addressing your complaints about President Obama giving the Palestinians money. Do you really think Senator McCain would have watched the Palestinians starve to death on the front page on the NYT?
**I gurantee that the "Palestinians" would not starve if we didn't so much as one cent.**
It is a politically untenable situation. The fact that it would be better if we didn't hear about Palestinians is a different story. No one deserves to starve to death but I would put those who didn't provide so much succor to mass murder higher on the list to help. Gaza is a million welfare victims who do you think has been paying for them all along. I notice you specifically didn't mention Israeli aid is being doubled. Do you really expect Obama to be to the right of Aipac and JPOST on Aid?
**I expect Obama to look out for our (America's) best interests. Funding HAMAS isn't part of that.**
When the conversation is intelligent, respectful, and about ideas I actually really enjoy arguing. I would have picked another site if I was always looking for agreement. I think arguing about ideas gives them a strength that agreeing about ideas does not. It does get exhausting though. Thank you all for many intelligent conversations.
However, Lately for a variety of reasons that I am not interested in discussing further every time I visit this forum I have a negative response. Every time I go to post all I seem capable of writing is snarky comments or a harangue. I deleted these kind of comments before they were posted. I'm sure you all could handle my negatively but that is not the person I want to be. Normally when I get upset I calm down eventually. However it has been over a month and I haven't calmed down. If and when I feel capable of posting like a reasonable human being I will return. I will be taking a vacation until then. I have a lot of reading and other projects I want to catch up on anyway. This forum needs to enhance and not detract from the rest of my life. As Long as it is still being read I will continue to post in in The Power of the Word Thread.
I do understand that I started lot of these fights and I didn't mean to start fights I couldn't handle. I apologize for that and for any pain any my comment caused to anyone. I am not looking to stir up trouble right now. I am NOT fishing for compliments or looking to be persuaded. Usually reasoning with a crazy person doesn't work anyway. I had originally planned on just doing a slow fade out but I am fan of closure. My Mother refers to this place as the forum I can't leave so....
Best Wishes,
Obama to force Israel to give up nukes?
The Washington Times reports that Barack Obama may counter demands from Israel to confront Iran over their nuclear program by confronting Israel over theirs. Eli Lake has the exclusive on the Obama administration’s strategy to force Israel under the umbrella of the non-proliferation treaty, apparently as a condition to getting Iran to surrender their nukes. The effort will include India and Pakistan, and comes from a 2006 Saudi peace plan that would leave Israel at the mercy of the armies surrounding the state:
President Obama’s efforts to curb the spread of nuclear weapons threaten to expose and derail a 40-year-old secret U.S. agreement to shield Israel’s nuclear weapons from international scrutiny, former and current U.S. and Israeli officials and nuclear specialists say.
The issue will likely come to a head when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with Mr. Obama on May 18 in Washington. Mr. Netanyahu is expected to seek assurances from Mr. Obama that he will uphold the U.S. commitment and will not trade Israeli nuclear concessions for Iranian ones.
Assistant Secretary of State Rose Gottemoeller, speaking Tuesday at a U.N. meeting on the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), said Israel should join the treaty, which would require Israel to declare and relinquish its nuclear arsenal.
Gottemoeller has a track record of demanding Israeli disarmament:
However, Ms. Gottemoeller endorsed the concept of a nuclear-free Middle East in a 2005 paper that she co-authored, “Universal Compliance: A Strategy for Nuclear Security.”
“Instead of defensively trying to ignore Israels nuclear status, the United States and Israel should proactively call for regional dialogue to specify the conditions necessary to achieve a zone free of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons,” she wrote.
The paper recommends that Israel take steps to disarm in exchange for its neighbors getting rid of chemical and biological weapons programs as well as Iran forgoing uranium enrichment.
The Obama administration appointed Gottemoeller, fully cognizant of her thinking on this issue. One has to assume that her appointment to the senior position at State constitutes an endorsement of those positions. It wouldn’t be the most radical thinking about Israel from this administration; Samantha Powers, who works between Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and UN Ambassador Susan Rice, once called for a Western occupation of Israel and forced disarmament of their entire army.
Gottemoeller’s speech had to have been cleared by the Obama administration, and so appears to represent their foreign-policy position. The Bush administration and its predecessors handled the situation more tactfully, supporting a “nuclear-free Middle East” without naming names. Why? The position of Israel in the Middle East is unique. They are not just simply another nation among many. They had been the one successful continuous democracy in that region, save Turkey, and quite obviously surrounded by nations explicitly threatening to annihilate them. Israel had to develop a deterrent that would keep a nation of 5 million people alive among 100 million enemies.
Over the years, some of those neighbors have moderated their stance somewhat towards Israel; Egypt and Jordan have diplomatic relations with Israel, but in Egypt’s case only because Washington pays them to do it. None of the rest of the nations in that region even recognize Israel’s existence, and two of them — Syria and Iran — have a long-running proxy war of terror running against Israel. Under those conditions, Israel can be forgiven for thinking that a deterrent is still a damned good idea.
Besides, the Iranian nuclear program threatens the US as well. We want to stop Iran from building nukes to keep them out of the hands of terrorists, and not just those aimed at Israel. They don’t call us the Great Satan out of respect, after all, and Iranian leadership has been just as annihilationist towards America as it has been towards Israel. Instead of disarming our allies, maybe we should just concentrate on disarming our enemies.
Instead, he agreed to this: "The Security Council supports the proposal of the Russian Federation to convene, in consultation with the Quartet and the parties, an international conference on the Middle East peace process in Moscow in 2009."
"Saving human lives is the main purpose of my work. There is a Palestinian nation and an Israeli nation, and I care about both sides. Words are stronger than thousands of bullets. I want others here to feel the Palestinian suffering and to open their eyes to the Palestinian suffering. I fully believe our humanity brings Jews and Arabs together."
"Now we have to learn to prevent this sort of thing from happening again. Both sides should focus on saving lives. If we make mistakes, we should learn from our mistakes and not repeat them, not continue all our lives, Israelis and Palestinians, making mistakes. It's not mistakes, it's craziness."
Hardly anti-American or anti-Israeli....
Given what happened I think the good doctor is rather magnanimous. I am not sure I would be so forgiving given the circumstances.
The Israelmatzav blog. Now there is an impartial influential report. I believe I've read,
**I'll put it's credibility up against any left wing bilge you unquestioningly swallow.**
"Israel right wing under pressure". Maybe a meteor hit the house?
**Maybe, as is the well documented haji M.O., the jihadist used a civillian dwelling filled with innocents as a military site in the hope that any return fire will result in propaganda fodder to feed to the world's useful idiots.**
Versus a very long list (BBC et al) of reputable neutral reporting? Maybe I should check out what the
Hamas Daily Gazette had to say?
**You've already been repeating HAMAS' propaganda, like a good leftist.**
It was Israeli tank fire. The guy was a hero. Even the public in Israel is upset.
**Please cite your source for this assertion.**
I don't even watch the BBC (Heck I don't even have cable; I read books, but I'm not happy the Lakers are onYes, and you and your leftist ilk are queuing up to act as the global jihads' Tokyo Roses. Shame.
ESPN only). :-(
Don't look to me to defend the BBC; choose another reporting newspaper.
**If you'll recall, you cited the BBC.**
They seem to ALL carry the story.
**Yes, the same story from the wire service. BFD.**
It's being talked about around the world AND in Israel.
Israeli Tank kills...... So it's your choice of a multitude of respected reporting versus a blog out of Jerusalem.
**Again, what "respected" reporting? The global media machine has time and time again unquestioningly swallowed jihadist propaganda and then never followed through when the truth emerged.**
Not my job to argue your position, :-) but I would focus on if the attack was justified. Perhaps it was...
But you've got to admit, even the Hamas Film Institute couldn't have written a better story to support
their side.
**This may have well been a constructed story, just as there have been plenty in the past.**
Wrong or right, this fight is being fought on the battlefield AND in the press.
Israeli Government Press Director Daniel Seamen reacted to this Obama administration statement by saying: “I have to admire the residents of Iroquois territory for assuming that they have a right to determine where Jews should live in Jerusalem.”
GM; your knowledge of the Israeli conflict/history is much (!) better than mine. Rather I think
my understanding is equal only to the average American or European.
Could you, unbiased if possible, :-) explain to me why Israeli should not cease and desist
expanding settlements? I am not looking for a fight; just understanding...
I would learn, and I am sure there are others like me who read but don't post here who
are curious. It seems to me like a reasonable request.
Thank you.
Well, the quick and dirty response is, just as the Obamas didn't get permission from the Iroquois tribe before convicted felon Tony Rezko, helped them with their home purchase, Israel need no permission to build additional housing for it's citizens in land it won in war. What native people used to live on the land your home now rests on?
Well, the quick and dirty response is, just as the Obamas didn't get permission from the Iroquois tribe before convicted felon Tony Rezko, helped them with their home purchase, Israel need no permission to build additional housing for it's citizens in land it won in war. What native people used to live on the land your home now rests on?
You are too intelligent; you can do better than that.
GM said; "The point is valid. You live on land that other claim as theirs, that was taken by military might. Aside from Native Americans, Los Angeles was once part of Mexico, and may be once again in the future. So, explain how your case is different."Barack Hussein Obama, standing with his muslim brothers. Big surprise!
I thought colonialism among the industrialized world was a thing of the past; I guess not...
**I guess you are still living on colonialized land, yes? Is that alright?**
And it seems the U.S. Government's position (not to mention most of the world) is that indeed the settlements are illegal.
**Our current president's position, shocking given his anti-semitic associations. Funny how world opinion isn't so upset over China's brutal occupation of Tibet, as an example.**
"At the same time, Israelis must acknowledge that just as Israel's right to exist cannot be denied, neither can Palestine's. The United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements. This construction violates previous agreements and undermines efforts to achieve peace. It is time for these settlements to stop."
Please explain why you think America has right to tell Israel what to do with their borders.
Why no calls for the freedom of Tibet or Kashmir first. Tibetans and Kashmirians certainly deserve it more
Kahsmir is another western social experiment gone wrong. The land called pakistan used to be part of India. As the the muslims in that area became more violent the british gave them a homeland and carved up india. How is that working out????????????JDN,
Please explain why you think America has right to tell Israel what to do with their borders.
Why no calls for the freedom of Tibet or Kashmir first. Tibetans and Kashmirians certainly deserve it more
I'll try... :-)
When I was growing up, I was very lucky, my parents provided for me and loved me very much. But occasionally,
I would rebel. "I'm going to move out". My father would look at me and say, "Fine, and how are you going to
pay for it?" "What are you going to do?" Now mind you, the situation was never so dreadful that I ever left, but
also, I considered his words.
We are like the "father" in this story. Without our money, we give billions to Israel, without our weapons and protection, Israel
would cease to exist. Yes, Israel is a very good friend, loved I think like my father loved me, but... it is the way of
the world, if I keep taking your money and handouts, you have a price to pay. And others will argue that America
has paid a huge price by supporting Israeli in dire times, yet I argue that is the right thing to do. But in exchange...
But because we are the "father" in this story, one who loves his child, there is a reasonable expectation of obedience.
In contrast, Tibet and Kashmir for whom I am sympathetic receive little from us. They are not one of our children
whom we support. The world is full of good causes, each one deserving, but we must pick and choose for many reasons.
There are orphans in the world that I or America cannot help.
But occasionally, although there is love, in exchange, I think it is reasonable to expect compliance. Or Israel can "go it alone".
They can "move out". And I doubt if they would last much longer than I would have lasted if I have moved out in High School.
I think unfortunately there are a lot of western social experiments gone wrong.
You are right, the world cannot survive without fossil fuel. Israel doesn't have
any, but the Muslims do...
However, I truly hope Israel would not "start tossing nukes"...
Thank you for your translation reference link; I definitely will read that one since it is published at my alma mater :-)
And yes, I agree to expect the "arabs to live in peace with us and act rationally" is maybe asking too much.
But that is the best hope for peace and prosperity for all.
Not trying to dodge the question, but could you define "mistreat".
Actually, I was just about to post.
My original post was asking Huss what he meant by "mistreatment" of non muslims.
GM's immediate post is exactly on mark, identify and giving an excellent example of a "mistreatment" of non muslims in a discriminatory way.
In contrast, Boyo's post was not an example of discriminatory mistreatment of non muslims and therefore I disagreed.
But I will do further research on past posts.
Hey Huss!
Remember how you and I used to go around the Mulberry Bush over at WT?
JDN, watch out for him! In my conversations with him I used to sound like you do now here, but now looks at me :-o :lol:
Anyway gentlemen, further discussion of this strand within Islam should be continued on one (or more) of the Islam threads. Please used advanced search funtion for "Islam" in the subject and see what pops up.
Gilder and this kind of article are not really my thing. I think he states the main point too strongly and antisemitims has many causes mostly not ratiaonal and I don't think resenting achievemnet is at the heart of it.
However I thought some of you might be interested and this article it has more depth (imo) than the original.
Pride – Pride is an unrestrained and improper appreciation of our own worth. This is listed first because it is widely considered the most serious of the seven sins; pride often leads to the committing of other capital sins. Pride is manifest in vanity and narcissism about one’s appearance, intelligence, status, etc. Dante described pride as “love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for one's neighbor.”
What is Capital Sin or a Capital Vice? (
captainccs that hurts my brain...I feel makes no sense.....bizaro world :-o. Could it be a weird form of Stockholm syndrome. How twisted is their world view? Is it really true or a got me it is a joke right?
Some Americans will. I do.
As goes Israel, so goes the free world. I'm not sure Israel will survive Obama's tenure as president.
A Potential Turkish-Israeli Crisis and Its International Implications
At a time when Israel’s relations with the United States are already uneasy because of diverging regional interests between Iran and the Palestinians, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government does not want to have to engage in any further action that exacerbates its tensions with U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration. This desire notwithstanding, the Turkish ship, which has already set sail for the Gaza coast, is creating a situation where the Israelis don’t have the option of not doing anything. This scenario has taken on a life of its own — far beyond the original intent of the players involved.
And the rest of the world too, as always, seems to be happy to get the F* Jews.
Thanks for your repsonse. No one says you or anyone hates Jews if you disagree.
I was talking about Obama. I believe he cynically uses Jews for his own power. He had no problem sitting in a church of an obvious anti-semite for decades.
Maybe for the US it *would* simply be easier if it lets the Jews in Israel get wiped out. Then the US would not have to take flak from the rest of the world for being an "ally" of the despised Jews.
I too have also questioned out loud on this board if it is reasonable to ask US citizens to die for Jews. My heart says yes. But logically it may not be in the best interests of this country to do so.
JDN, please feel free to express your thoughts. I am sure many Americans rightly question US support of Israel. You are not an anti-semite and I am not offended.
Congrats, JDN, you found a useful idiot for those that would kill every jew on the planet, given the chance. :roll:
"But it was a fiasco. I deeply respect Israel; but they can/could/should have done better."
Everyone keeps repeating this. It was not a fiasco. It was a confrontation. Israelis tried to do it peacefully by gently boarding the ship.
Rioters armed with edged and impact weapons attempting to attack poliice officers would be shot early and often, until they no longer are a threat."But it was a fiasco. I deeply respect Israel; but they can/could/should have done better."
Everyone keeps repeating this. It was not a fiasco. It was a confrontation. Israelis tried to do it peacefully by gently boarding the ship.
I suppose it a matter of opinion. Let me give you an analogy.
Let's say a group of aggressive civilian protestors armed only with a few slingshots, a pipe or two, and a few knives were marching in your town.
Let's assume it was an illegal (no permit) rally and therefore the police were called. The police move in to disperse the crowd.
The crowd resisted. The police became more aggressive. Somehow one or two handguns were stolen from the police. Shots were supposedly fired.
The police were then instructed by their onsite commander to fire upon the crowd. Results:
"Autopsy results by forensics experts revealed that all nine of the men killed by Israeli commandoes aboard the humanitarian convoy that had
planned to dock in Gaza died of gunshot wounds. Five of the men died with bullet wounds to the head". Plus, nearly 60 civilians were injured.
I'm not saying it wasn't justified. And I'm not a policeman, but I bet your city council, your mayor, your governor, the press, and privately even the
Chief of Police would call this a giant "fiasco" as he/she tried to quell the fallout. And there would be a thorough impartial investigation.
Rioters armed with edged and impact weapons attempting to attack poliice officers would be shot early and often, until they no longer are a threat.
Sheez, JDN, do you really need the scale of your equivocation outlined for you? Are you truly comparing a judicial edict that voids citizenship if one has the temerity to marry an Israeli citizen to to bureaucratic clowns behaving as they are wont to do? If so, the depth of the sophistry you regularly embrace remains unchanged.:roll:
I could say more, but simple courtesy prohibits me for commenting...
I could swear there is a word "specious" , , , anyone have a URL for a good dictionary?
I did not say equal, I said one helluva lot closer to equal than vice versa in the Muslim countries, none of whom are surrounded by suicidal killers screaming "Death to the Muslims" as they target Muslim women and children. C'mon man, get serious.
Exactly. C'mon JDN, you're avoiding the points being made here.
"Palestinians were forcibly and violently removed to create the Israel state."
I hope this means what I think it means. *fingers crossed*
Folks, to enable future search requests, please lets use the Subject header for our posts. Thank you.
And why did Israel build the barrier?
However, I definitely don't trust Obama. His goals and interests are not with Israel or the Jews. That is clear.
Netenyahu may be caving to US pressure.
What exactly do you think Israel should do that it isn't?
I read lots of things, doesn't mean I support it. So, explain how your white south african smear against the israelis doesn't apply to you as well.
California wasn't empty when the US got it through warfare. You are on occupied land. How is a white southern californian different morally from white south african in your wealthy gated community?
Perhaps I've missed it, but have you condemned Japan's racism and caste system?
I think you gloss over the issue of danger to Israel here from 5th column type issues and drift into moral equivalence territory. Although I am distinctly uncomfortable with what I read here, I really can't say I see it as anywhere near comparable to what Jews have been subjected throughout the mid-east (indeed often glossed over is that essentially as many Jews who emmigrated to Israel did so from Arab countries as Europe) or what the Christians of Iraq are suffering as we have this conversation here.
" Clinton, and I think he did wrong, had consensual "sex". Or whatever he did..."
No, I was referring to the woman who stated Clinton beat her, held her arms down and raped her and was afraid to come forward because he was Governor of Arkansas at the time she alleged he did that to her.
As for Israel they have every right to protect itself as a Jewish state.
You don't like it don't go there.
You think it racist, who cares.
I see no problem with Rabbies trying to encourage Jews to marry Jews anymore than the Pope need not go around telling Christians to marry Muslims or Jews, or HIndus or Muslims encouraging their young to marry Muslims. So what?
Aid is central to Washington's relationship with Cairo. The US has provided Egypt with $1.3 billion a year in military aid since 1979, and an average of $815 million a year in economic assistance. All told, Egypt has received over $50 billion in US largesse since 1975.
Yes, Israel is a sober and responsible custodian of it's nukes. Any surrounding neighbors you'd want to have nukes, JDN?
"But you harp on the Copts.
Besides sympathy (doesn't buy you a cup of coffee), is there something you suggest we do?"
**Prepare to take in a bunch if Egypt decides to get Armenian on them.
I would offer for our consideration another line of analysis here.
Bush sought to get us out of the supporting bastards because they were our bastards line of policy e.g. look out how well Kissinger's embrace of the Shah worked out. I suppose we could blame the moron Carter, but does that not evade the central question presented?
Did not Hamas' victory in Gaza meant that Israel could finally take a hard line?
**Aside from that, how did you like the play, Mrs. Lincoln?
Was not one of the core premises of the Iraq War to enable democracy? Yes the Dems have managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, but what if we had not thrown away the success of the Surge? Would we not be esconced on Iran's western border with Iraq as a beacon of the possible for the Arab (Muslim) world?
**There was a window where a west-friendly democracy movement had a chance to develop, like the Cedar Revolution in Lebanon. However, our enemies, both foreign and domestic killed it in the crib. I fear that what could happen in Egypt would be "One man, one vote, one time.**
I lack the knowledge to opine on the implications of the MB taking over in Egypt, but as Stratfor points out, geopolitics are geopolitics and Sunni and Shia (Iran) seem to be oil and water. I do think policies based upon backing unpopular bastards have their risks.
The problem is Egypt is very brittle. Were the Muslim Brotherhood to take over, things for the Copts, as well as average Egyptians would be much worse off. Keep in mind that those who could take power in Egypt see the pyramids and other artifacts there as something they'd like to destroy, just as the Taliban destroyed the Buddhas in Bamiyan. And, like the talibs, the destruction of artifacts would be the least of the horrible things done by them.
Egypt used to be very westernized, now salafism is taking deep root in the population. This does not bode well for the future. Classic Egyptian things, like belly dancing are going away because they are "unislamic".
The problem is Egypt is very brittle. Were the Muslim Brotherhood to take over, things for the Copts, as well as average Egyptians would be much worse off. Keep in mind that those who could take power in Egypt see the pyramids and other artifacts there as something they'd like to destroy, just as the Taliban destroyed the Buddhas in Bamiyan. And, like the talibs, the destruction of artifacts would be the least of the horrible things done by them.
Egypt used to be very westernized, now salafism is taking deep root in the population. This does not bode well for the future. Classic Egyptian things, like belly dancing are going away because they are "unislamic".
Almost like I knew what I was talking about.
This belongs on "War, Peace, and SNAFU" or "US Foreign Policy" or "Other Arab countries" , , , not here :lol:
I don't think the current offensive against Israel is accidental.
DARAA, Syria (AP) -- The Syrian government pledged Thursday to consider lifting draconian restrictions on political freedom and civil liberties in an attempt to quell a week-long uprising that protesters say has left dozens fatally shot by security forces.
Losing Syria would be very damaging to Iran, so you'll see an offensive against Israel to distract from the protests. Of course, I doubt the chinless one will hesitate to play the Hama card, if needed.
I don't think the current offensive against Israel is accidental.
DARAA, Syria (AP) -- The Syrian government pledged Thursday to consider lifting draconian restrictions on political freedom and civil liberties in an attempt to quell a week-long uprising that protesters say has left dozens fatally shot by security forces.
Losing Syria would be very damaging to Iran, so you'll see an offensive against Israel to distract from the protests. Of course, I doubt the chinless one will hesitate to play the Hama card, if needed.
Hama card, now in play.
Does Mexico have the "right of return" to places that were once Mexico, such as California? Do we have a right to decide who lives in the US or should we give up any pretence of a border?
“Six times we have brought Jewish youth together as a group to talk about their Jewishness and connection to Israel,” he reported. “Six times the topic of Israel did not come up until it was prompted. Six times these Jewish youth used the word ‘they‘ rather than ‘us‘ to describe the situation.”
I don't see that as a bad thing. If you are an American, you should see other countries, even allies as "them", not "us".
Obama's Radical Past
The entire LA Times article is worth a read, but here are some choice excerpts:
A special tribute [at the farewell dinner] came from Khalidi’s friend and frequent dinner companion, the young state Sen. Barack Obama. Speaking to the crowd, Obama reminisced about meals provided by Khalidi’s wife, Mona, and conversations that had challenged his thinking.
His many talks with the Khalidis, Obama said, had been “consistent reminders to me of my own blind spots and my own biases” . . .
[Obama today] expresses a firmly pro-Israel view. . . .
And yet the warm embrace Obama gave to Khalidi, and words like those at the professor’s going away party,
d) Beinhart also seems to have little problem with the idea of negotiating with Hamas :roll:
I've not had the time to digest CCP's post, but I will note that I get a bit testy on the meme that seems to float on the wind about mixed loyalty and Jews.
What's the negotiating point for those who want to kill all the Jews? How exactly do you wish to meet them halfway?
It is the policy of the United States-- preserve and promote extensive, close, and friendly commercial, cultural, and other relations between the people of the United States and the people on Taiwan, as well as the people on the China mainland and all other peoples of the Western Pacific area; declare that peace and stability in the area are in the political, security, and economic interests of the United States, and are matters of international concern; make clear that the United States decision to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China rests upon the expectation that the future of Taiwan will be determined by peaceful means; consider any effort to determine the future of Taiwan by other than peaceful means, including by boycotts or embargoes, a threat to the peace and security of the Western Pacific area and of grave concern to the United States; provide Taiwan with arms of a defensive character; and maintain the capacity of the United States to resist any resort to force or other forms of coercion that would jeopardize the security, or the social or economic system, of the people on Taiwan.
My point of course being that when folks are asking Israel to negotiate with Hamas, give land up up front, etc. this is with whom they are being asked to negotiate. In addition to the killings/executions/murders seen here, there were many others that were accomplished to the Fatah folks simply being thrown from the roofs of tall buildings.
My point of course being that when folks are asking Israel to negotiate with Hamas, give land up up front, etc. this is with whom they are being asked to negotiate. In addition to the killings/executions/murders seen here, there were many others that were accomplished to the Fatah folks simply being thrown from the roofs of tall buildings.
And if Iranian money didn't build the GW University engineering building, who would?
Also, as a side note, being an optimist, I like to think foreign students who come here see and hopefully learn
to appreciate the freedom and greatness of America; if they only take a few of our ideas home
the world will be better off.
Experts call Israel a ‘laboratory’ for eco-innovation
Going off on a tangent, I believe one of the main reasons for Israel's success IS it's immigration policy openly accepting/inviting
Jews from all over the world. They bring vibrancy, creativity, and positive "can do" attitude. Immigration gets panned on this forum, but
without it, I think countries stagnate.
Actually, there have been posts saying we should cut back legal immigration.
Further, while it is easy to accept only those who are "educated or the investor" ....... Israel accepts everyone and anyone (who is a Jew) whether they be
educated, rich or poor, young or old. Israel seems better off for it. Just a thought.
"The truth about The West Bank"? In the interest of equal time and fairness, let's hear from another Jewish man. The viewpoint of most of the world, including most of our allies, in contrast to Minister Ayalon's opinion.
"So why are the pro-Israel organizations talking about it? The answer is simple: They are trying to divert attention from the intensifying world opposition to the occupation of the West Bank and to the blockade of the Gaza Strip, both of which, by almost any standard, are illegitimate. They are trying to divert attention from the ever-expanding settlements, which are not only illegitimate but illegal under international law. They are trying to divert attention from the ever-louder calls for Israel to grant Palestinians equal rights.",0,2484770.story
Speaking of realpolitik , , , it is, or can be, our only remaining reliable outpost in the entirety of the mid-east , , ,
It seems legitimate to ask is it really in the US interest to defend Israel to the point of using military force?
Should US men and women be asked to die for Jews in Israel?
That said I don't understand why it seems the entire world is against Israel.
It must be the oil money behind this.
I just don't know. What is so unreasonable about Jews wanting a secure homeland?
Just look any map at the pittance of the size of Israel to the land mass controlled by Muslims.
Clearly the world is following the lead of Obama who has shifted the US position in the Middle East.
Where is the rest of the world on the people being butchered in Syria? Boy, if I didn't know better, I'd think there was some sort of double standard.It seems legitimate to ask is it really in the US interest to defend Israel to the point of using military force?
Should US men and women be asked to die for Jews in Israel?
That said I don't understand why it seems the entire world is against Israel.
It must be the oil money behind this.
I just don't know. What is so unreasonable about Jews wanting a secure homeland?
Just look any map at the pittance of the size of Israel to the land mass controlled by Muslims.
Clearly the world is following the lead of Obama who has shifted the US position in the Middle East.
I think you raise good points.
However, I Obama is not leading; he is following the rest of the world.
Good article
"Imagine what the status of gays will be under Sharia law!"
That is a good idea fpr a new strategy. Send the American gay infatada to the West bank and stir up trouble there.
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Thank you Kostas.
I caught a fragment of a report on FOX that we are now providing bunker busters to the Israelis?!? Can anyone confirm or deny?
Does this logic also apply to Taiwan, Cyprus, and the Falklands?
Why would Israel need bunker busters anyway? I though Obama was going to meet with Aminanutjob without preconditions and use his gift. What happened?
The first thing I thought when I heard they traded 1000 for 1 was that they were planning on killing everyone, and wanted to have a clean crack at killing everyone they released. That's just my sunny side talking though.
Netanyahu told an audience that he understood the pain of Israeli families who lost relatives in Palestinian violence, but that Israel's ethos of doing everything possible to bring its soldiers home safely forced him to act.
He also issued a staunch warning to the freed militants. "We will continue to fight terror and every released terrorist who returns to terror will be held accountable," he said.
Those concerns were underscored with comments by one of the freed prisoners, Hamas militant leader Yehia Sinwar, who called on the movement to kidnap more soldiers.
Hamas agreed to release Schalit in exchange for 1,027 Palestinian prisoners, many of them serving life sentences for deadly attacks on Israelis. The arrivals of the prisoners set off ecstatic celebrations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, where large crowds and dignitaries greeted them.
In Gaza, prisoners embraced and shook hands with Hamas leaders at the Rafah border crossing.
Tens of thousands of flag-waving Palestinians celebrated at a rally that quickly turned into a show of strength by the Islamic militant group, which seized control of Gaza from its rival, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, in 2007.
On a sandy lot, a huge stage was set up and decorated with a mural depicting Schalit's capture in a June 2006. Thousands hoisted green Hamas flags.
"My happiness is indescribable," said Azhar Abu Jawad, a 30-year-old woman who celebrated the return of a brother who had been sentenced to life for killing an Israeli in 1992.
"We'll get him a bride and everything. I just spoke to him. He's so happy. This is a reminder, God doesn't forget anyone," she said.
In the West Bank, released prisoners were taken to the grave of iconic Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas greeted them, and several thousand people filled the courtyard outside his headquarters to celebrate.
"We thank God for your return and your safety," Abbas said. "You are freedom fighters and holy warriors for the sake of God and the homeland."
GM, BOTTOM LINE : If you write to Chomsky he writes you back.
Do it. Lets see what the answer is.
I will. I'm curious if he still wants to praise Pol Pot and Mao.
Unless the Rollins letter in 1982 ended with “oh by the way I publish neo-Nazi and anti-Semitic books” what is Chomsky to know about him?
I dunno, but Chomsky has a long history with Holocaust Deniers, so you want to argue that this was a fluke?
Notice in the 1982 letter he condemns “good Germans” and laments the exploitation of the memory of victims of the Holocaust, why would he do so if he held the beliefs of a neo-Nazi anti-Semite?
Because a common tactic of the left is to claim the National SOCIALIST German Worker's Party was somehow right wing in it's orientation, rather than one of the evil offspring of Marx's ideas.
Chomsky, himself a Jew who lived for part of his life in Israel, is a threat to the Israeli government (and certainly not to its people) because he has been very critical of its human rights record. No government should be exempt from criticism, especially on those grounds.
How does Israel's human rights record match up to China's, or Communist Vietnam, or Pol Pot's Cambodia, all of whom Chomsky has praised? Why the selective outrage? Couldn't be anti-semitism, could it?
Unless the Rollins letter in 1982 ended with “oh by the way I publish neo-Nazi and anti-Semitic books” what is Chomsky to know about him?
I dunno, but Chomsky has a long history with Holocaust Deniers, so you want to argue that this was a fluke?
ask himNotice in the 1982 letter he condemns “good Germans” and laments the exploitation of the memory of victims of the Holocaust, why would he do so if he held the beliefs of a neo-Nazi anti-Semite?
Because a common tactic of the left is to claim the National SOCIALIST German Worker's Party was somehow right wing in it's orientation, rather than one of the evil offspring of Marx's ideas.
AHHAHAHA, brilliant. And I suppose the Communist Party was its Good offspring. Id like to hear more of this ? If it holds you very well may have given me extra special stoff, for my post graduate.
Well! Lively exchange so far! (and 9 posts have been made while I was on the phone and writing this!)
For myself, I'd like to get back to this (there's stuff in your reply to my previous post that I could go into, but I sense too much water has gone under the bridge since then):
"While Ahmadinejad indeed acts a madman, I have doubts that if push comes to shove, the nuclear tools would be just flying everywhere. They have much too much to loose. Do you think they would nuke the terrtiory, then go live there afterwards ? The whole area would be destroyed and impossible to settle for at least 50-100 years or more, dunno the facts, im no physicist. I severly doubt that solution, although you never know with crazy folks...Besides that, they would get insurmountable number of enemies, from states in their direct proximity, due to fallout and the like, not to mention the reaction of the international community"
If YOUR butt were on the line (and you weren't such a fan of Chomsky :-D ) this might carry a tad more weight :lol:
As for "The reaction of the international community" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Be serious please
1 These are the men who sent waves of children against the Iraqis to clear mine fields for the soldiers to follow. You think the bleatings of the UN are going to matter to them? They will be the strong horse of the neighborhood, and everyone will kneel to them in gratitude for killing all the jews, chant "Allah Akbar!" and about how death matters more to them than life.
After years of ignoring such allegations, former CIA analyst and marine intel officer Robert Steele read Webster Tarpley's book and has joined the chorus of colleagues such as William Christionson, Robert Baer and Ray McGovern and concluded that in the very least, the neocons allowed 9/11 to occur and were at some level involved in the larger plot.Marines, in on it. CIA in on it. Not so savvy as you thought eh ? Clandestine much
Such CIA affiliations have in fact been alleged by various sources. If you disregard the allegations merely on the basis of those making the claims and feel that former Yugoslavian president Slobodan Milosevic's death during his war crimes tribunal was in fact a product of his ailing health alone and not an assassination plot by such interests as he was alleging prior to his death, you may want to bookmark this section and refer back to it later after we demonstrate irrefutably that Western intelligence and their allies, not the "Axis of Evil" they so bizarrely referred to in the wake of 9/11, were involved in the 9/11 attacks and an increasing amount of smaller events since then.
Let me clear it up for you: Because a common tactic of the left is to claim the National SOCIALIST German Worker's Party was somehow right wing in it's orientation, rather than one of the evil offspring of Marx's ideas.
Jumping back to our earlier conversation concerning the logical consistency vel non of Hitler's claims to Sudenland and the Jews claims to Israel:
Well I too must go, in this case to an award ceremony for my daughter making honor roll 8-)
So I will close with this:
"Like I said, plain and simple, the two will need to find common space, in the terms of a social contract."
Ummm , , , When Egypt agreed to peace it got its land back. Simple. The Israelis ALREADY want to live in peace. It is the Arabs who do not.
GM: You up to Chomsky coming to hang out with us?
The other side delays or refuses to kick private citizens out of their own homes - outrage.
To each his own conclusion. Did I miss any relevant facts?
I suppose the law and the punishment is the same whether you are spying for an enemy or spying for an ally, probably not contemplated in the law.
I don't have enough information to know what I think of the Jonathon Pollard case, but in that I hope we are in cooperation with Israel on intelligence and defense matters it would seem this is a case more suitable for a Presidential pardon than most of Hugh Rodham's bought friends.
Israel was the aggressor in '67?!?
Well, so much for "All options are on the table".
As feared, and as predicted here, we have been bluffing all along.
Here's another post-election news flash: The tide of war is not receding. The latest Middle East flash point among so many is the Gaza Strip, where Israel on Wednesday launched retaliatory airstrikes on Hamas commanders and weapons storage sites.
The strikes were in response to the latest rocket fire from Gaza launched willy-nilly into southern Israel. Hamas has escalated its assaults, and in recent days the number of missile and mortar attacks has run into the dozens. It is only a matter of time before one of these attacks hits a school or shopping mall. Hamas's missiles may be inaccurate but their goal is terror, especially against civilian targets, and their range is getting close to the suburbs of Tel Aviv.
One of the Israeli strikes killed Ahmed Jabari, the chief of Hamas's military arm who is believed to be responsible for kidnapping Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. Hamas promised to "open the gates of hell" in response, as if it already hasn't. Israeli officials said if Hamas does escalate, its ground forces are prepared to move into Gaza as they did four years ago.
All of this is more dangerous than four years ago because the entire Middle East is so much less stable. Egypt, which recalled its ambassador to Israel Wednesday, is now run by the Muslim Brotherhood that sympathizes with Hamas. Syria's civil war is spilling outside its borders. And Iran, which is Hamas's main weapons supplier, is that much more brazen as it watches the U.S. care more about deterring an Israeli strike against Iran than stopping Iran from getting a weapon.
U.S. influence is ebbing in the region, and the local thugs are filling the vacuum. As that retreat continues, the Obama Administration needs to give Israel the material and diplomatic support to defend itself.
As has been discussed in the Egypt thread, Egypt faces very serious issues of food shortage in very short order in the absence of US money i.e. WE HAVE THE MEANS TO YANK ON MORSI'S LEASH.
We shall see what happens.
Intelligent conservatives, a term which excludes the Rep leadership, can point this out i.e. Baraq will have no "But what can I do excuse".
We shall see , , ,
Odd that there was no Obama administration interest in a cease fire when Hamas was shooting unilaterally. No talk of cancelling an Asia trip. The crisis began when Hamas was losing.
Interesting thought Doug, though I suspect that Hamas and Iran had their own agendas as well , , ,
a) Hence my quotation marks around "allowing".
b) Hmmm , , , let me think , , , uhhh , , , No; but then again that wasn't the question. I'm only making the fair and true statement that Obama has done acted properly with regard to this point.
"humanitarian impulses against the risk to American lives"
One might note that these are not the only variables in play here , , ,
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was about to order an attack on Iran in September 2012, but canceled the operation in response to U.S. pressure, the former head of Israel’s National Security Council said last month. Gen. Giora Eiland (retired) added that Israel “has a real ability to destroy Iran’s nuclear program,” and that it is possible that the American veto was related to the presidential election then in progress.
“At the time [September 2012] the Prime Minister thought that we had gotten to a critical point on the Iranian issue and planned to carry out attacks,” Gen. Eiland said at a closed-door conference held on August 19, adding that “Israel did not have in principle approval of U.S. military operations, unless Americans require one – cut prevented any action. ” According to Eiland, the issue was raised at a meeting between Netanyahu and the Americans, who said that the planned attack was out of the question for them, which led to its cancellation.
Since the cancellation of the planned Iran’s nuclear program has continued to progress. Today, argues Eiland, Israel again faces a difficult choice. “Time has passed and we stand before exactly the same decision, with less time. ” He added, “The lack of resolution is dramatic.”
In an interview, Gen. Eiland said, “There are many things Israel can do things independently. In the case of construction in Jerusalem, an assault in Gaza or other issues relating to our area we do not need to ask the Americans when we act, even if they do not like it. Yet when it comes to something with broader concerns to U.S., we cannot act against their judgment. “
The best scenario for Israel, Eiland believes, is an American attack on Iran, but “the lack of U.S. enthusiasm for action in Syria signals that this possibility is not realistic.” The issue of prospective US approval of an Israeli attack remains an open question. “There are variables that have changed since last year primarily in the internal affairs of the United – States, which was then in full swing in elections,” the retired general said. In September 2012, when Eiland headed Israel’s National Security Council, Obama was in trouble due to his poor performance in the first televised debate with Romney. He may have preferred to avoid a war that could harm his re-election campaign.
Do circumstances today allow Netanyahu to attack? That is difficult to assess. But while the Syrian story and Obama’s hesitations occupy the headlines, it is important to remember that the real drama is in Iran.
Unfortunately not only is that true, but Team Obama made Israel's logistics MUCH harder by leaking the existence of a refueling deal with Azerbaijian back when Israel was planning to bust a move.
My understanding is that Iran's program is so spread out and so dug in that a strike short of a nuclear attack would but delay the program-- AND IN THE EYES OF THE WORLD JUSTIFY IRAN GOING NUKE AND GOING TO WAR AGAINST ISRAEL.
Treasury simply stopped enforcing companies that do business with Iran. I assume the House and Senate Committees that deal with this were in the dark.
The government departments are simply ordered to do his bidding behind the scenes.
This makes Iran Contra look like peanuts.
Of course the shysters will be out en masse denying this is the case.
And Hillary will be doing polls and devising her distancing strategy behind the scenes.
She will campaign for stronger ties with Israel and the Hollywood hypocrites will be flooding her with money. Now the liar in chief is safely in for the second term they will shift their support to the next one.
All the while we are going to have a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.
second post
What do we make of this idea?
As long as we can shoot to kill those who would mess with our troops, is there not a logic to this?It's the Samantha Power plan.What could go wrong?
Who could have forseen this?
Does that mean he is ignorant, that he really believes this garbage he is spouting, or that he knows it is false and doesn't care?
Maybe his time would be better spent cleaning up the Church of its many and vast conspiracies of pedophiles , , ,
Hamas has problems too. Egypt and SA are rooting for Israel.
Obama will finish off pax americana. Just wait for the horrors to come. sense, our president likes Iran much more than Israel.
Thank you for posting this, Crafty. It is superb. I am looking forward to parts 2 through 4. Well worth the members here watching. Profound discussion.
President Obama is rumored to be considering a major reversal of decades-long U.S. policy toward Israel by supporting a UN Security Council resolution that unilaterally recognizes a Palestinian state before a peace agreement is negotiated between Israel and the Palestinians. Congress must act to counter this bold and reckless move that endangers Israel's security and America's strategic interests.
There is much at stake: Israel is a free and democratic ally in a hostile region that has been repeatedly attacked by its neighbors. Before it occupied the West Bank, Gaza, and Golan Heights in 1967, these territories were used as a base of war and terrorism against the Jewish state. Offers to create a Palestinian state in Gaza and most of the West Bank that would allow for a safe and secure Israel have been repaid by intifada after intifada.
Others have argued persuasively that any Palestinian state established in the absence of a peace agreement with Israel will become a virtually ungovernable hotbed of terrorism sure to threaten not just Israel, but also the region and the world. The events in Gaza in the past decade strongly support this position. Ordinary Palestinians will also suffer, forced to endure rule by the same Islamic fanatics and brutal, corrupt autocrats who have destroyed their economy.
Any Palestinian state established absent a peace agreement with Israel will be a hotbed of terrorism.
A White House decision to support unilateral Palestinian statehood would unquestionably be contrary to the will of Congress: 88 senators recently signed a letter opposing such an action, while 388 members of the House have signed a similar letter supporting a veto of all "one-sided" UN resolutions concerning the Israel/Palestine issue.
And these numbers understate congressional opposition: several senators refused to sign the letter because they thought it was insufficiently strong.
Furthermore, a White House reversal on unilateral Palestinian statehood would also be contrary to the stated policies of both the Democratic and Republican presidential nominees.
To dissuade a determined White House from this course of action, Congress will have to do more than write letters. Here are some of the legislative options that could throw significant roadblocks in its path.
Congress should make clear it will sanction a unilaterally declared Palestinian state.
First, Congress should make clear its intention to sanction any unilaterally-declared Palestinian state and its new leaders, blocking their access to U.S. banking and markets, similar to sanctions on the Iranian regime. Loss of access to the U.S. financial system would be extremely costly to any Palestinian regime.
Second, Congress should make clear its intention to immediately and completely cut hundreds of millions of dollars in annual U.S. direct aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the event that President Mahmoud Abbas succeeds in his bid to win Palestinian statehood recognition at the UN.
Congress reduced this aid by 22 percent last year in retaliation for the PA's continuing terrorism incitement. It would be a significant blow to a new state to cut all such aid.
PA President Mahmoud Abbas meets with relatives of Palestinian "martyrs" against Israel in a photo published by the official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 2, 2016.
Third, Congress should mandate that any newly-created Palestinian state be designated a state sponsor of terrorism. This designation would include restrictions on U.S. foreign assistance; a ban on defense exports and sales; and various other restrictions. The Palestinian Authority (PA) currently uses a shell-game to pay the families of terrorists, something Congress is currently working to stop. Other PA ties to various terrorist activities go back decades.
Finally, Congress should review and update decades-old federal laws prohibiting U.S. funding of any UN organization that "accords the Palestine Liberation Organization the same standing as member states" to ensure that they apply and cannot be skirted if Abbas wins Security Council recognition of Palestinian statehood.
Now would be a good time for Congress to stop shirking its duty to shape foreign policy.
Congress should use its power boldly to exert influence over this vital issue. Large majorities in Congress opposed the Iran nuclear deal and had both the facts and public opinion on their side. But due to the peculiarities of the law and the politics of the situation, they were outmaneuvered. Congress should work to ensure this situation is not repeated.
Though knowledgeable and trusted congressional leaders like Senators Arthur Vandenberg and Henry "Scoop" Jackson once led coalitions in Congress that held great influence in foreign affairs, there is a bipartisan belief that Congress has shirked its duty to shape foreign policy in recent decades. Now would be a good time to start taking it back.
Clifford Smith is director of the Middle East Forum's Washington Project.
The most instructive thing about Obama’s Security Council abstention is he didn’t have the guts to do it earlier, when he stood to lose something by doing it. Only after he calculated there was nothing more to squeeze from that particular quarter did he run up the Jolly Roger. Had it cost him it would have meant something, even as a gesture.
But even more interesting was his willingness to damage the Democratic party who he’s leaving with political bill, not to mention the fact that the policy his abstention represents makes little sense.
Israel is likely to emerge as a linchpin in the region, after Obama’s power vacuum bomb reduces the nearby countries to waste. If Turkey and Iran fall apart, which is not inconceivable, then Obama will have antagonized the last man standing.
It was bad timing and pointless, like a punch thrown by a fighter lying on the canvas — at the referee. That would leave his legacy a consistently dysfunctional whole: conceived in delusion, executed in incompetence and spite.
Caroline Glick
Here is what I think is a reasonable assessment of Obama's likely timeline for action against Israel.
Today, December 27, 2016: John Kerry is scheduled to address the UN Security Council and lay out his blueprint for the establishment of a Palestinian state in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and Gaza.
January 15, 2017: Kerry participates in French President Hollande's summit along with other leaders of the so called Quartet. The Quartet produces a document ratifying Kerry's speech as a unanimous position.
January 16, 2017: Obama makes a speech for Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday. In his speech he merges Palestinian statehood with the civil rights movement and announces it is time for Palestine to be formally recognized.
January 17, 2017: The Security Council convenes to ratify the Quartet's blueprint for Palestine as a Security Council resolution. The resolution will probably only speak of a process of bringing Palestine in as a full member in order to prevent automatic US defunding of the UN in accordance with standing US law requiring a funding cut-off in response to any UN recognition of Palestine.
January 20, 2017: Donald Trump is inaugurated and presented with Obama's fait accompli.
Obama has without a doubt been lobbying the incoming members of the Security Council to support this program, just as he lobbied the current members to support last Friday's resolution.
The only person who can derail this operation is Donald Trump.
second post
Pre-answering John Kerry's speech today, an old proverb describes the Kerry dilemma perfectly and I want to be first to put this out there.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
We will help Israel attain peace by taking away the only thing they have to offer in exchange for peace. Makes sense if you have absolutely no awareness of history, reality or strategy.
On Netflix what is the name of the show?
On Netflix what is the name of the show?
Oslo is Obsolete: Time for a Victory Mindset
by Gideon Saar
Jerusalem Post
July 06, 2018
I've been pounding the table about this since Obama threw Iraq away. want death.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:
No country in the world respects America and the American Congress more than the State of Israel.
As a free and vibrant democracy, Israel is open to critics and criticism, with one exception: Israeli law prohibits the entry into Israel of those who call for and work to impose boycotts on Israel, as do other democracies that prohibit the entry of people who seek to harm the country. In fact, in the past the US did this to an Israeli member of Knesset, as well as to other public figures from around the world.
Congresswomen Tlaib and Omar are leading activists in promoting the legislation of boycotts against Israel in the American Congress. Only a few days ago, we received their itinerary for their visit in Israel, which revealed that they planned a visit whose sole objective is to strengthen the boycott against us and deny Israel’s legitimacy. For instance: they listed the destination of their trip as Palestine and not Israel, and unlike all Democratic and Republican members of Congress who have visited Israel, they did not request to meet any Israeli officials, either from the government or the opposition.
A week ago, Israel warmly welcomed some 70 Democratic and Republican members of Congress, who expressed broad bipartisan support for Israel, which was also demonstrated a month ago in a resounding bipartisan vote against BDS in Congress.
However, the itinerary of the two Congresswomen reveals that the sole purpose of their visit is to harm Israel and increase incitement against it.
In addition, the organization that is funding their trip is Miftah, which is an avid supporter of BDS, and among whose members are those who have expressed support for terrorism against Israel.
Therefore, the minister of interior has decided not to allow their visit, and I, as prime minister, support his decision.
Nonetheless, if Congresswoman Tlaib submits a humanitarian request to visit her relatives, the minister of interior has announced that he will consider her request on the condition that she pledges not to act to promote boycotts against Israel during her visit.
a hit job against Bibi?
So now two questions?
who did plant it? (Obmam?)
who made the false (?) rumor?
Cyclical Violence Is Laying the Groundwork for an Israeli-Palestinian Unity State
undefined and Stratfor Middle East and North Africa Analyst at RANE
Ryan Bohl
Stratfor Middle East and North Africa Analyst at RANE, Stratfor
9 MIN READMay 3, 2022 | 18:37 GMT
Palestinians run for cover during clashes with Israeli security forces near the Israeli settlement of Beit El in the occupied West Bank on April 11, 2022.
Palestinians run for cover during clashes with Israeli security forces near the Israeli settlement of Beit El in the occupied West Bank on April 11, 2022.
(ABBAS MOMANI/AFP via Getty Images)
Israelis and Palestinians are embroiled in yet another cycle of violence. This latest round, however, is more part of a long-term trend that is seeing Israel unintentionally build its own path toward a unity state that integrates at least some of the Palestinian territories. Though many steps still need to be taken before this scenario plays out, the formation of such a state — which the international community, led by the United States and Europe, could very well impose — is becoming increasingly likely amid Israel's continued settlement expansions in the West Bank, along with Israeli and Palestinian disinterest in a peace process.
An Unstable Rhythm
Right now, the Israeli-Palestinian peace process is paralyzed and looks set to stay that way. Israelis and Palestinians are both avoiding new talks, and no country on the international stage appears to have either the will or means to jump-start them. Instead, Israel is steadily expanding its settlements in the West Bank, and Palestinians are reacting to this expansion through protests, strikes and occasional violence. This violence subsequently provokes Israeli crackdowns, which either buy time until the next round of violence or escalate into direct conflict before de-escalating and restarting the cycle. What remains of the Oslo accords that began the Israeli-Palestinian peace process in 1993 are tattered in the wind behind these events; there is no strategic change in the balance of power between Israel and the Palestinian Territories, nor have Israel or the United States pushed to restart the peace process.
The international community, meanwhile, treats the simmering conflict as if it's frozen, with actors maneuvering around it. For example, the United States has not even appointed a special envoy to oversee the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has slipped toward the bottom of U.S. diplomatic priorities. And although the U.N. Human Rights Council recently accused Israel of apartheid, the label remains a symbolic measure that has no material effect. Additionally, parts of the Arab world, led by the United Arab Emirates, have normalized relations with Israel. Even the once-confrontational Turkey is now warming to Israel as Ankara tries to rebuild regional ties. Finally, the most recent bout of violence has produced diplomatic concern but little concrete action that would suggest the international community is about to make another push for peace. There are no summits planned, sanctions threatened, or even rumors of slow-cooking peace plans.
Even the local actors seem uninterested in negotiations. Israel's political spectrum is dominated by right-wing factions that favor settlement expansion and, eventually, the annexation of part or all of the West Bank, while leaving the Gaza Strip isolated. There is no credible Israeli coalition that could emerge to push for a new peace process, so even fresh elections would likely yield a similar, right-wing-dominated Knesset rather than another government like that led by Yitzhak Rabin, an Israeli prime minister who was assassinated in 1995 over his desire for peace with the Palestinian Territories. Instead, Israel is slowly inching toward expanded settlements in the West Bank without publicly acknowledging the effect of such settlements on the peace process in which Israel is still nominally engaged.
The Palestinians themselves are also divided and distracted. The Palestinian Authority (PA), which governs the West Bank, is focused on managing the looming succession crisis that will follow the death of 87-year-old President Mahmoud Abbas, while also trying to keep the West Bank's pandemic-battered economy functioning. The PA's approach to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process is the bare minimum, as it tries to prevent a major uprising while carrying out a half-hearted diplomatic campaign for international recognition. The PA has no realistic counters to settlement expansion, nor ways to convince the international community or Israel to seriously restart peace talks.
Then there are Hamas, which governs Gaza, and the Gazan militants, who have been corralled into the Gaza Strip. The groups have largely acquiesced that the best they can do is slowly challenge the PA for leadership of the Palestinian cause, while using the threat of their rockets to force Israel to ease the 16-year-old blockade. This is a far cry from achieving the goals of Hamas' charter, which still wants to replace Israel with an Islamist state.
But as organized actors avoid the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, the lack of a clear resolution to the conflict produces grassroots radicalization. Palestinians and increasingly far-right Israelis scuffle in East Jerusalem and around settlements in the West Bank, fighting a deadly, low-level partisan war without much central leadership. These skirmishes are the most unstable element of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at the moment and have the potential to spark wars. Indeed, Palestinian activists trying to stop Israeli evictions of Arab residents in East Jerusalem began the chain of events that led to the Gaza War in 2021. But regardless of how many times low-level conflict sparks wider violence, the series of events and outcome of those events have so far been the same: Israel strikes Gaza, Hamas fires rockets, and, after a time of fighting, the two eventually agree to cease hostilities and restore humanitarian aid.
Why the Status Quo Cannot Last
In the long run, this cycle of violence and cease-fire deals is unsustainable. The PA can only accept so many new Israeli settlements before it faces a popular backlash strong enough to collapse it. And Hamas can only pick so many fights to win bare-bones humanitarian aid before its own popular legitimacy crashes. Israel, for its part, can also only quell backlash to settlement expansion so many times before the Palestinian public becomes too radical to de-escalate. And the international community can only ignore the problem for so long before Israeli-Palestinian tensions erupt into a full-scale war; even during last year's Gaza War, the United States was forced to engage in rapid phone diplomacy to de-escalate tensions in the hopes of avoiding such a greater military conflict.
But the next Gaza War won't mean a sudden restart of peace talks. The main outside actors — the United States, the Arab states and Europe — will again seek to de-escalate the conflict and return to the status quo. But in doing so, they will enable the very conditions that will cause the next war and, more importantly, enable Israel to continue slowly expanding settlements in the West Bank. Eventually, Israel's hold on the region will be so entrenched that actual annexation is a fact on the ground, if not an outright legal designation. And if Israel does annex part of the Palestinian territories, it will mean the end of the two-state process and possibly the end of the PA, which could be reduced to an Israeli-armed proxy force rather than a Palestinian state in waiting. Gaza would likely be left aside — isolated by Israel and Egypt, and treated as a geopolitical no-man's-land to be managed but never firmly solved.
If annexation (whether de jure or de facto) does happen, 2.9 million Palestinians in the West Bank would be left permanently stateless, controlled by the Israeli military and whatever is left of the PA. It would not be the exact same as South Africa's apartheid regime, under which different racial groups were legally mandated to live separately. But some voters in the United States and Europe, especially those who are already skeptical of if not outright hostile to Israel, may still see the seizure of Palestinian territory as inherently discriminatory against the Arab populations living there. As this ethnically-charged narrative takes hold, the politics of declining international support for Israel, which are already under demographic pressure as younger voters grow more skeptical of Israeli policies, would accelerate. And with the two-state solution buried, another alternative might start to gain prominence.
This possible alternative is a unity state that integrates parts or all of the Palestinian territories and Israel. The partial scenario would see Israel annex the West Bank's land and citizens. The estimated 2.9 million Palestinians living there would become full voting citizens, and while that would dramatically alter Israel's demographics, it would not by itself overturn the country's Jewish majority (there are around 6.8 million Jews in Israel and 1.8 million non-Jews, mostly Palestinian Arabs). With such a greater Arab political voice in the Knesset, Israel would be much less likely to carry out new displacement policies in the annexed West Bank, and land ownership would likely be frozen from that point on.
The unity state scenario would probably exclude Gaza since its 2 million residents would tip Israel's demographic balance away from Jewish citizens. Additionally, if Hamas or another Islamist militant political party could organize the full Palestinian vote, the annexation of Gaza might result in elections that begin to dismantle Israel. Even those in the United States and Europe who are critical of Israel's annexations are unlikely to favor that outcome, given Israel's special place as a homeland for Jewish people.
The partial unity state would appeal to the international community for several reasons:
It would sidestep the issue of Gaza, which will likely remain ruled by Hamas or some other militant faction for years to come.
It would dismantle the PA, which has not been effective in setting up the conditions for an eventual Palestinian state.
It would be most in line with the values of the principal international actors (namely the United States and Europe) by preserving Israel's democratic character, while also putting Arab Palestinians firmly inside a state in which they already have political representation.
It would build on the growing political influence of Arabs already living in Israel (the Islamist Ra'am party made history last year by becoming the first Arab party to join an Israeli government in decades).
But such a unity state would come up against strong domestic opposition inside Israel; based on the April 2021 election results, no Israeli government can be elected on the platform of adding millions of Arab voters to the rolls. Instead, the international community would likely have to use the United States and Europe's substantial economic and military leverage over Israel to force a government to accept such an influx of new voters.
Such a Western consensus would take time and probably more violence between Israelis and Palestinians before taking hold. In the United States, the Democratic Party and especially the pro-Israel Republican Party would each need to reshape their views of Israel's security — a process that would likely take several elections to come to pass. In Europe, where many governments are sensitive to their own histories of anti-Semitism, this process would take even longer, and policy shifts to pressure Israel into forming a partial unity state may only come after the United States takes such a stance.
The political narrative around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, however, is nonetheless changing. The biggest event that could halt this trend is the restart of the two-state solution, though based on current factors, that remains unlikely.
Mark Levin had great podcast describing this well and that is where I learned of it from a Conservatives point of view who tells the other side .
Imagine for a moment that the entire judiciary in the US was ruled by total liberal democrats [ a Democrat goal - pack the judiciary get as many democrat activist judges in every chance they get ]
The judgeship was entirely made up of partisan judges who have the power to choose all other judges. Of course they pick like minded liberals (democrats) for every judgeship in the nation.
If that is not enough the Judicial branch has total veto power over the the President and legislative bodies
who in turn have ZERO power to check the Judicial branches .
So essentially we would have total Democrat party rule -
THAT my friends is what is going on in Israel
But of course the Democrat media twists it all around trying to tell the world it is Netanyahu who is the power hungry totalitarian .
when in fact he and his party are solely seeking some checks and balances)
when the opposite is true
sound familiar :
leftists control the whole court system with no counter balance from what I can discern
sounds like LEFT wing media/ lawyers/ and libs doing the same to Bibi
as they do to Republicans here.
Hamas starts war with Israel?!?
FWIW I now use the terms "Gazans" and "West Bankers" instead of "Palestinians".
On the ground? Is that what the article says?
" Last night the US ships off Israel’s coast served their crews steak and lobster, which is usually done on holidays, or to boost morale in advance of action."
BBG , interesting.
Almost like the last supper before the hard work and possible serious danger begins.
Reminds me of a well known oncologist in my area who I have known for over 30 yrs.
He was one of my professors in the late 80's.
He still takes care of some relatives of mine.
He was famous in the hospital oncology floors for providing his patients with steak / or lobster their first day of admission prior to the start of chemotherapy.
Almost like their last supper before they have their appetites wiped out by sometimes grueling chemo.
Outstanding post Stephen!
I would also add that Israel took out the nuke programs of Iraq and Syria.
Your , , , filter leads you astray.
We are talking about Israel, not American Jews.
Somalis in the Twin Cities, spiking in the 1990s, has something to do with Mayorkas being Jewish, and falls under topic of 'Israel bad'. There is nothing there I want to put another minute of my life into. - Doug
Several years ago, and again just a week or so ago Israel unzipped it's fly and told Hezbollah where they were storing their rockets and missiles. We know what they have and where it's at. Israel said as recently as yesterday that they are only using about 30% of its air power on Hamas. That means that Israel is aware of what is going on in Lebanon, and while we do not want to fight a two front war we can do so. If Iran actually orders an attack, Hezbollah will feel the wrath of G-d come down on their heads.
After the last Israel/Lebanon war their leadership complained that had they known how Israel would act they wouldn't have pulled the tigers tail. Israel is a small nation that fights above its weight. And while Iran, it's proxies, and even some of our Arab neighbors believe that we are weak it simply isn't so. beyond conventional warfare we have first, second, and third strike abilities to take out our enemies assets and leadership. What stops us is the US, who fear the political fall out should Israel actually be allowed to finish a war. I remember back in 73 Kissinger telling Israel to let Egypts third army survive. That a complete defeat of Egypt would be an affront to Egypts manhood. While I would care whether or not Egyptian men feel manly I have no clue. But, the truth is that the US, NATO, and the EU babysitting the Arabs from war to war has only cost the Arabs and Israel lives.
I have complained often in the past 20 years over the fact that our friend the US, has always kept Israel on a short chain. And no administration has been any worse than the current one. Biden started out like he had a pair, until the left of the DNC reminded him that Arab voters in the US are angry over his comments.
I appreciate what the US is and has done to help Israel, but as long as we are not allowed to finish a war we are then doomed to repeat it. And as long as domestic politics stays the hand of Israel from destroying our enemies we will be doomed in a few years to fight this war again. What we are seeing is nothing more than a political Ground Hog Day.
I have had Newsweek filed in my mind as a predictable eye roll generator, but this piece is thoughtful and intelligent.
I don't agree but still worth the other view point:
Levin states cutting off aid funded by Congress is unconstitutional
but I am not so sure
I mean Biden is commander in chief.... :|
remember, I was told foreign policy is her "wheelhouse"
unbelievable the lying.
:x :x :x
Iran's ambassador to Lebanon was among those hit by the pagers , , ,