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Messages - ccp

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 407
Politics & Religion / Why is he making such promises?
« on: March 30, 2025, 09:58:45 AM »

Politics & Religion / Re: Race in America
« on: March 30, 2025, 08:56:49 AM »
I grew up in Elizabeth which is next to Newark.

Over decades other then going to Newark Airport which is on the outskirts I would guess I have been to Newark less than 12 times including when I was born there.   There was never a reason to go there.
Newark had riots in the 60s and my father was afraid they would spread to our city though that never happened.

The population is less now then in 1930  .  It is even where it is today due to illegal immigration .  Same goes for Elizabeth which in my high school I would estimate ~ 1/3 white , 1/3 black , and 1/3 hispanic in the early 70s.  Now the city is 2/3 hispanic and certainly they are not all legal.

It has a beautiful performing arts center in the downtown section sits like an nice quiet island set in the  turbulent seas of Antarctica. 

They have some very well known Portuguese restaraunts in the Ironbound district.

If one goes down the list of notable people from Newark it is quits long and many are well known.

It had at least for a while been along with Camden one of the auto theft capitals of the US

Camden has gone down even more. 

Politics & Religion / does gold going up mean expect inflation
« on: March 29, 2025, 02:01:00 PM »
only listened to first part as I cannot sit through 18 min. of economic chatter gossip etc.

but Forbes states gold going up portends inflation but I don't see it in this graph:

if true of course, we will lose in '26, '28 and forward

Politics & Religion / Newsom : dem brand is "toxic"
« on: March 29, 2025, 01:09:16 PM »

pssst. hey a hole YOU ARE THE BRAND!

in large part it is YOUR FAULT

no , he just can't go away and leave us the heck alone . 

Politics & Religion / Re: Greenland
« on: March 29, 2025, 07:39:02 AM »
The Art of the Deal  ====>>>  The Art of Insulting People (who were allies) and how to make them partial enemies.

How utterly stupid.   There has to be a better way to get Greenland and Denmark on board  then offending everyone .

He bullies allies and speaks sweetly to enemies we cannot bully China Russia.   
Will this work?

really good synopsis
thanks Doug.

seems like the tariffs are very risky at least when applied to non combatant nations unlike as you pointed out China, [and Russia], and Mexico a special case.

perhaps a few others like Venezuela Iran etc.

Science, Culture, & Humanities / compact automobile makes NFL
« on: March 29, 2025, 06:10:29 AM »

I recall the days when pro teams insisted players be under 300.

Politics & Religion / Re: The Indo-Pacific
« on: March 28, 2025, 06:34:05 AM »

Politics & Religion / Re: Intel Matters
« on: March 27, 2025, 07:14:01 PM »
well was this due to carelessness
if so they all need to be fired

or hacking or some sort of plot?

Politics & Religion / Stefanik stays in House
« on: March 27, 2025, 03:09:06 PM »

Thank God!

How foolish was this to start with .  Who the heck cares about UN ambassador compared to this?

Politics & Religion / Re: Ukraine
« on: March 27, 2025, 08:00:18 AM »
except Putin is taking every inch he can as we speak

as for the rest yes of course.

Politics & Religion / Re: Intel Matters
« on: March 27, 2025, 07:57:18 AM »
"   it's a good point but through my biased lens I'm seeing the hypocrisy vice versa. "

A response, "well they do it too and worse" is a valid point to make but I still want OUR side to fess up for an error and not sound like they are BS ing us.

The "they do it too" is not going to impress indepedents and even for me not being an indepedent annoys me.

Can't we get some real honesty from out politicians?   Both sides have dumbed down integrity demeanor and language .  I like Trump's policies but I never approved of his style .   We can fight fire with fire but admitting a mistake is not backing down - it is smart and honest in MO . 

That said this will never change.    So I am simply lamenting the inevitable with TRump and the crats.

Politics & Religion / Re: Ukraine
« on: March 27, 2025, 06:47:00 AM »
The Art of the (bad) deal?

What we got is a "ceasefire" whatever that will lead to.

As we Jews would say

oh vey

He probably did box himself in by literally campaigning on "I will end the Russian - Ukraine war in a day "

Sounds absurd. 
Well not if you plan to give the Ruskies everything they want and instead extract concessions by Ukraine.


Politics & Religion / Re: Intel Matters
« on: March 27, 2025, 06:06:35 AM »
It appears real information  though not completel  was sent to someone (enemy journalist) who will do far more damage to this administration then any Communist .\

The Dems will NEVER drop this for the rest of DJT term.

Just admit the mistake and fix it.  So much better then finding other excuses which don't  jive.   Remember we got to win independents in '26 like Doug points out.

Will this hurt Trump or Rs I guess remains to be seen. 

Somehow Hegseth comes off more like a high school coach than a commander to me.
I agree with his mission but,.......

Politics & Religion / Re: Intel Matters
« on: March 26, 2025, 09:09:19 PM »
I was glad to hear Trump admin. would be most transparent in history

But I did not expect that to include announcements in advance of military strikes.

Hegseth, for me does not come off as looking good and it is only weeks in.  I was not thrilled with him as choice from the get go.

They sounded like winners in a basketball game giving each other high fives over a win
rather then serious military leaders engaged in conflict.

But what do I know?

Oh, and yes we look hyporcritical having justly criticized  Hillary getting off free when lower governmental officials would have faced jail time.

Politics & Religion / Re: Tax Policy & the IRS
« on: March 26, 2025, 07:29:05 AM »
Great answer.

I think we need to do a much better job of citing these things on air and in all media and do it Forcefully and in rapid fire  from the get go.  Even before we here the Dems play their class warefare schpeil.

Hopefully someone else is reading this forum.   

Politics & Religion / Tax cuts increase revenue
« on: March 25, 2025, 06:28:45 PM »
How do we respond to the never ending Dem party play on this?:

tax cuts for the "RICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!"   they yell bemoan and play to the free stuff crowd and the rest of their motley crue of unions, socialists, communists, and outcasts and hypocrite virtue signaling elites and others who make a fortune off of big government spending.

Politics & Religion / Re: Cyberwar, Cyber Crime, and American Freedom
« on: March 25, 2025, 12:41:39 PM »
" Originally developed for civilian salvage and seabed mining, the tool’s dual-use potential raises concerns for other nations "

Like everything they do

they apply it to offensive military and terror operations.

but this is nothing compared to the chaos caused by some employees having their jobs threatened.   :roll:

Politics & Religion / Reason why DOGE must axe quickly
« on: March 24, 2025, 06:23:19 AM »
and correct later if needed:

Unfortunately the Dem L[w]arriors* are slowing things down to get around this.

Plus we cannot risk this dragging on near '26 and maybe lose the Houses.

* you see it here first!   can I Copyright this?

Politics & Religion / Re: JFK assassination
« on: March 23, 2025, 09:33:02 AM »

Gerald Posner author of ' Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK (1993)'

was on Greg Kelly a day or two ago and reiterated he was part of the way into reading the files and has not found anything to disway the conculsion Oswald acted alone.
Yet he was still open to new revelations if found.  He thought it "preposterous" the files not released much sooner and could only figure it was due to the CIA covering up some screw ups, incompetence and maybe corruption.


seems like a good idea though I don't know the details.

I cannot find the actual memorandum online.

Politics & Religion / The greatest day in NCAA wrestling
« on: March 23, 2025, 07:26:25 AM »
Darn, as I was going to be there since Philly is only ~ 1 hr away.

And at the end

when Oklamhom State's Wyatt Hendrickson )formerly Air Force Acadamy grad) beat the greatest heavyweight in history Gable Stevson 5 to 4 in the last 30 seconds, and then points and salutes Donald J Trump and goes over to shake his hand etc 

See both the first and second video:

BTW we will not see this on MSM. 

Politics & Religion / Re: 2024
« on: March 23, 2025, 07:05:50 AM »
seems paywalled.

"Young voters don't buy Dem agenda".

So the Dem response =>  offer more of the same with Bernie full of sloppy Joe mouth  and Alexandria O no Cortex. 


Politics & Religion / TDS festival support therapy/convention
« on: March 22, 2025, 10:30:17 AM »

let me guess the topics and the usual schpiel:
DEI, the rich should pay "their fair share", "free" health care, free abortion at any time ("women rights")
raise minimum wages ,  stop corporate greed,  the alphabet soup "rights"
protect SS and Medicare by spending even more

and then, LOL - protect the "Constitution and democracy"

and I almost forgot  : "free college"

what else can we think of to give away for free?

Politics & Religion / LBJ[jerk]
« on: March 22, 2025, 09:40:51 AM »

DJT pales in comparison.

I am not sure even Clinton was this bad but who knows but him and .....?

Politics & Religion / Jacqueline O and Lady Bird
« on: March 22, 2025, 09:37:35 AM »
"FWIW, Jackie had to have known about her husband's serial infidelities , , ,"

yes and interestingly enough LBJ was also a serial philanderer and would wave his genital around to people so I read.

So Jackie who was marries to a sexual predator and today would clearly have been called out for workplace sexual behavior was speaking to the successor President who did the same thing.

But the media in those days apparently did not care.

Politics & Religion / Jewish Democrats going at it
« on: March 21, 2025, 03:59:06 PM »


Soros is mad Schumer is NOT PROTECTING DEMOCRACY.

We've heard of Jewish neuroses, Jewish guilt.

I will coin Jewish Trump derangement syndrome and feel it deserves its own diagnostic manuel category.

Politics & Religion / Re: Russia/US-- Europe
« on: March 21, 2025, 03:39:09 PM »
but wait

isn't Europe , as the Hillary THE GREAT would say , "our friends and allies"?

If I recall her complete foreign policy answer for every question was ,

"I would consult with our friends and allies"

Politics & Religion / Mark Cuban
« on: March 21, 2025, 03:34:54 PM »

And of course he would suggest we go right to the people who benefit the most from massive overspending and government largesse and ask them to please cut their power by a third.

That will work  :roll:

Wasn't he trial ballooning he would run for President if he thought he could help the country.   Was he ever a real supporter of Trump except when he wanted in Trump's administration?


Politics & Religion / The Bidens are ready to help save the party
« on: March 21, 2025, 06:55:02 AM »
Can't be any more unbelievable than this:

And of course Harris will save Democracy as well.

Politics & Religion / Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« on: March 21, 2025, 06:22:08 AM »
"Mark Penn:  "a Democratic Party in ruins which will have to wait for the next Bill Clinton to come along and reset it again and return it to its common sense, middle-class roots."

Rahm Emanuel and Josh the Shapiro are already sounding like they are middle (though we know they are both hard core crats - as was Clinton)

"If history is the guide, they must suffer through the rest of Trump's second term and lose 3 more Presidential races before they will be sick of losing, silence their AOCs and agree to moderate."

Right.  And instead their biggest mouths are way to the LEFT.  Instead of throwing out the commies , the scream louder and louder.  Instead of coming with real rational policies that will truly fix our giant problems they scream fascist, nazi, dictator, authoritarian, constitutional crises, threat to democracy, tax cuts for the rich, persecution of gays and blacks, and of course hitler.

"Chuck Schumer Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: ‘We Did Put 235 Progressive Judges – on the Bench and They Are Ruling Against Trump Time After Time After Time’"

and most seem to be from Harvard and a few from other IVYs and much less not IVY trained.

Anyone know if it has always been this way the lower level judges stop or delay a President?  I recall reading when FDR tried to pack the Court , Congress voted against him.

The Dems found their weapon.

What a pain in the a..   

Science, Culture, & Humanities / Huang of Nividia opening quantum lab
« on: March 20, 2025, 03:49:54 PM »
just weeks after telling us it was decades away:

It might well be decades but.... just in case


Politics & Religion / Re: 100 Things Biden has gotten wrong
« on: March 19, 2025, 08:30:43 AM »

Party ahead of the country.

Politics & Religion / Gal Gadot and Vin Diesel
« on: March 19, 2025, 08:29:17 AM »

CDs pick for the next James Bond  VD &

Gal could be his fellow agent.

They could be fighting Hamashole terrorsits and break up Cair and Soros funding.

Fantastic  Steve Miller has genius level articulation and argumentative skills. 

We are doing a much better job on these overt enemy cable stations of arguing out position.

Our side is much better prepped when going on their shows to fight back at the endless verbal assaults of these DNC anchors.

CNN made one good move by adding Scott Jennings to their line up.   He is the ONLY reason I watch Abby Phillip's show.   I would love for him to be made an anchor    :-D

Politics & Religion / hx of recent presidential pardons
« on: March 17, 2025, 05:55:47 PM »
most of Trumps was Jan 6 people
I don't agree with pardons for all of them though perhaps clemency

Look at Obamas.

and look at Bidens

I doubt presidents knew the details of most of these.

But we know Biden didn't know probably even a tiny fraction except for his son, and whose birthdate he cannot remember, and the rest of his "on the take" family members.

I don't blame them

same article points out even

we don't like the ones we have

costs go up and reliability seems to go down.

China though will have cheaper stolen knockoffs for half the price announced any day now.

What is the word ?  boondoggle

like those ridiculous Zumwalt ships

like not knowing what is in a bill till you pass it.
is like not knowing if what you are buying can even work till you already bought it.

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