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Politics & Religion / Heather Mac Donald
« on: December 11, 2024, 06:36:39 AM »
This two days ago from the always-excellent Heather Mac Donald on the prosecution of Daniel Penny. The emphasis is mine. Mac Donald always backs up her assertions with solid, inarguable data.

Heather Mac Donald

New York’s Government Is the Real Villain in the Daniel Penny Trial

Mentally ill addicts are certain to attack more innocent New Yorkers—what will city officials do to protect them?

Dec 09 2024

Now that Daniel Penny has been acquitted of the absurd homicide charges against him, perhaps New York City and State officials can be put on trial. They are responsible not only for the death of Jordan Neely, the drug-addicted schizophrenic whom Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg accused Penny of recklessly killing, but for the assaults on and killings of hundreds of New Yorkers by mentally ill vagrants whom politicians allow to roam the streets. Yet according to Bragg and his office, it was Penny who needed to be imprisoned, for the safety of city residents, for having protected his fellow citizens from a potential murderer.

For now, the heroic male virtues of chivalry, self-reliance, and initiative have been vindicated, in the face of government’s effort to snuff those values out. How much longer those traits will survive under elite pressure remains to be seen. New York officials should take the Penny acquittal as a wakeup call, however. Their authority may be slipping away, a development adumbrated by last month’s national election results.

The Daniel Penny homicide trial was a travesty of justice. On May 1, 2023, a psychotic, wildly gesticulating vagrant burst into a New York subway car as it travelled beneath Manhattan’s SoHo district. The new arrival, Jordan Neely, started screaming that he wanted to return to jail and was ready to die. Some eyewitnesses recalled that the 30-year-old Neely threatened to kill the straphangers.

The passengers were terrified, and rightly so. New York’s seriously mentally ill residents are time bombs who regularly explode. They push subway riders in front of moving trains; above ground, they club, shoot, and stab their victims. Three weeks after the May 1, 2023, subway incident, another street denizen slammed a woman’s head into a subway car, paralyzing her for life. This November 18, a 51-year-old vagrant with the inevitable long rap sheet and seeming immunity from extended incarceration went on a stabbing rampage throughout Manhattan, slashing to death a 36-year-old construction worker, a 67-year-old man fishing in the East River, and a 36-year-old woman sitting on a park bench. As recently as December 1, a screaming female pushed a 43-year-old man onto the subway tracks in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. She has not been apprehended, but it is a virtual certainty that she, too, has had numerous run-ins with outreach workers and the police that resulted in no long-term confinement.

Americans who have never ridden a subway can only imagine the fear that grips someone sealed underground when a deeply disturbed person starts to act out. The near-universal reaction is to put one’s head down, avoid eye contact, and rush out of the car when it pulls into the next station. But on May 1, 2023, something archaic occurred: a passenger put his own well-being at risk to protect his fellow riders. Daniel Penny, now 26, stepped up to the screaming Neely, wrapped his arms around him, and took him to the subway floor, with Neely’s body on top of his, until help could arrive at the next station. Neely, who was high on a large dose of synthetic marijuana, subsequently died. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg—he who seeks not to “destroy lives through unnecessary incarceration”—charged Penny with second degree manslaughter—i.e., with recklessly causing the death of another person—and with criminally negligent homicide.

The Penny proceeding was more than a travesty of justice, however. It exemplified two intertwined traits of our time: government’s abandonment of law-abiding citizens in favor of the dysfunctional and antisocial, and the hatred of values associated with white males and the Western civilization that they created.

The Penny-Neely incident was racialized from the onset. News coverage invariably led with Penny’s whiteness and Neely’s blackness. (By contrast, black-on-white attacks are presented in a colorblind fashion on those rare occasions when the media report on them at all. Blacks commit 76 percent of all non-lethal interracial violence between blacks and whites despite being just a fifth of the white population.) New York’s leading race-baiters—Public Advocate Jumaane Williams and Al Sharpton—demanded that Penny be prosecuted. The city comptroller called Penny a “vigilante.” Yusef Salaam, one of five delinquents accused of assaulting and raping a jogger during a nocturnal reign of terror in New York’s Central Park in 1989 and who is now an up-and-coming politician, announced at Neely’s funeral that the incident was “a lynching in the public square, a lynching of a Black man who was never given a chance by the system that was designed to keep him oppressed.” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said that Neely had been “murdered.” New York mayor Eric Adams noted that his son was also named Jordan and that Neely was “black like me.” “No family should have to suffer a loss like this,” Adams added. “And too many black and brown families bear the brunt of a system long overdue for reform.” (Adams subsequently denounced the Penny prosecution.)

During the Penny trial, members of Black Lives Matter and of the National Action Network (Sharpton’s race-hustling organization) shouted that Penny was a “murderer” and “subway strangler” as the defendant entered the courthouse in the mornings. On December 6, NBC News Now declared that the Penny-Neely incident has come to stand for “racial injustice.” (Initial news coverage also invariably described Neely as a “former Michael Jackson imitator and subway performer,” as if such subway “performances” in the middle of moving crowded cars are moments of gaiety and entertainment, not of implicit threat and extortion.)

Penny was worse than white, however. He was the nightmare of every Women’s Studies major: a blond, tall, former Marine. If Hollywood still made traditional Westerns, Penny would be the sheriff that introduces order to the wild frontier. Penny was not defending himself; he was defending those weaker than himself. Such self-sacrifice is the essence of male chivalry, which must be eradicated to pave the way for the nanny state’s monopoly on human action.

The prosecution argued that Penny should have known that his chokehold was allegedly going on too long and that it could result in Neely’s alleged asphyxiation. Penny recklessly disregarded the risk of death, according to the initial manslaughter count of the indictment. The jury deadlocked on the manslaughter charge, which the judge threw out on Friday, December 6, leaving the jurors to move on to the negligent homicide charge. The prosecution’s analysis remained the same, however: while Penny might have initially been justified in taking Neely down, according to the prosecutors, once the subway train arrived at the next station and the other passengers were able to stream out, there was no longer a need to restrain Neely since ostensibly he could no longer pose a risk to others. Penny should have been carefully monitoring Neely’s vital signs, despite the chaos and stress of the moment. The defense countered that Penny was not applying undue pressure to Neely’s neck or chest, that Penny was justified in holding Neely down until the police arrived, and that the chokehold did not cause Neely’s death. Penny didn’t even know that Neely had died until told by NYPD detectives during his voluntary interview with them after the incident.

If one follows the prosecution’s logic, New York’s government should have stood trial. If Penny was reckless regarding the risk that his restraint of Neely would allegedly cause Neely’s death, the state and city have been worse than reckless in their disregard for citizen safety. It is not just a possibility or probability that in the near future, another mentally ill drug addict will assault an innocent civilian—it is a certainty. Calculating that risk is far easier than the second-by-second reevaluation of harm that Penny supposedly should have performed regarding a thrashing Neely. Every day that New York officials fail to torpedo the status quo regarding street vagrancy is a day that they are abandoning their responsibility to protect life and civil order.  If Neely had not killed anyone by May 2023, it was not for lack of trying. In 2019, Neely punched Filemon Castillo Baltazar in the head as the 65-year-old waited for a subway in Greenwich Village. In June 2021, he walloped Anne Mitcheltree in the head inside a deli in the East Village; she was in her late sixties. In November 2021, Neely broke the nose and fractured the eye socket of a 67-year-old woman as she exited a subway on the Lower East Side.

When he was not assaulting the elderly, he was terrifying other New Yorkers. In June 2019, Neely banged on the door of a subway ticket agent’s booth and threatened to kill her. Yet Neely was still allowed his freedom.

The homeless lobby regularly intones that the mentally ill are no more likely to be violent than the sane. That claim ignores the fact that the drug-abusing mentally ill, which category encompasses virtually all of the madmen roaming America’s city streets, are far more likely to be violent. Even Neely’s heavy use of the synthetic marijuana K-2, however, was not enough to get him permanently locked up. K-2 is even more likely to trigger violent outbreaks than other illegal drugs, due to its strength and powerful psychological effects. No matter. Neely’s 42 arrests resulted in brief jail stints, at best, and Neely’s hundreds of encounters with outreach workers always left him free to return to the streets, even though he was on the city’s Top 50 list of most intractable vagrants.

Why have governments opted to protect the purported rights of mentally ill drug addicts rather than to protect the rights of peaceful citizens to be free from threat? In part, we live with the legacy of the radical libertarian Thomas Szasz, who claimed that mental illness was a construct slapped on nonconformists by an uptight establishment. Szasz’s critique made it much harder to confine the mentally ill against their consent, even if the mentally ill are incapable of rationally assessing their capacity to live outside a mental institution. Race plays a role, too, since the schizophrenic population is disproportionately black. Confining the drug-addicted schizophrenic population will thus result in a disparate impact on black schizophrenics. Disparate impact is viewed as per se proof of racism by today’s elites.

But a final factor is the government’s abandonment of the law-abiding and hardworking in favor of the welfare-dependent, anti-social, and criminal classes. This shift has been pushed along by an ever growing cadre of nonprofit groups that set themselves up as advocates for the marginalized, without ever signing a contract with their clients or receiving a popular mandate. Homeless advocacy groups have a financial interest in keeping vagrants in plain view. How else will those groups fundraise and rake in million-dollar government contracts to perform feckless “outreach” work? So the homeless organizations fight every effort to compel vagrants into treatment and off the streets, even though such compulsion would be in the best interests of the advocates’ “clients.”

Just because the massive NGO sector demands policies that destroy safety and order does not mean that governments have to accede. Governments do accede, however, because the membrane between the NGO world and the public sector is porous. And public officials have simply lost interest in ordinary taxpayers. It is more exciting to fight for the rights of the apparently downtrodden. Doing so means treating non-welfare-consuming citizens simply as ATMs for officials’ pet redistribution projects. Any of New York’s recent string of homeless assaults should have resulted in New York officials dropping everything else in order to prevent any recurrence. Those officials should have done whatever it takes to guarantee public safety—including challenging judicial rulings that prioritize the so-called interests of the homeless (read: of their self-appointed advocates) over the interests of the housed and the law-abiding. But such single-minded focus on government’s core duty never occurred. Instead, city and state representatives went back to worrying about migrants, Donald Trump, trans rights, abortion, climate change, welfare, and subsidized housing.

Jordan Neelys are still roaming New York streets because protecting their autonomy is government’s paramount concern. Never mind that the autonomy of the law-abiding is proportionally restricted. Many New Yorkers now avoid the subways, losing access to a vital public service that they are paying for, simply because government refuses to maintain order.

The Penny jury rebelled against the delinquency of government and the rule of the dysfunctional. Bragg should face a recall. For those still calling Penny a vigilante, the government brought such citizen action onto itself. Such self-action is what you get when government fails. Despite the acquittal, future potential Pennys are now on notice that they risk a homicide indictment if they guard their fellows from harm. The best solution to America’s self-willed urban chaos is to throw out current authority and start over from fundamental principles of law and order.

Heather Mac Donald is the Thomas W. Smith Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a contributing editor of City Journal, and the author of When Race Trumps Merit.

This crap that CA is doing with vote "counting" over a month after election day has to be outlawed, in addition to wherever else it is happening. Trump needs to mobilize Congress to pass a federal law banning this fraud. Greenfield is right - this now allows the Democrats and the media an excuse (as if they needed any) to say that Trump did not win the popular vote, and therefore has no mandate. Sadly, there are many uninformed voters who will believe this sh*t, as it is NOT being widely reported, even on Fox News. This sort of fraud will be the death of our republic if we don't fix it, and fast. See below.

California Stole Trump’s Popular Vote Majority

Mon, 9 Dec 2024 12:47 AM PST by Daniel Greenfield

December is here, the election has been over for a month, Trump has picked out his cabinet and California is still counting the votes. And will go on counting them until the Dems win.

Considering Trump’s landslide victory, California had a difficult task ahead of it, but it has already managed to flip the seats held by Rep. Mike Garcia, Rep. Michelle Steel and just stole the seat held by Rep. John Duarte.

In Duarte’s 13th congressional district, California Dems have taken a month to count a little over 210,000 votes. That’s an impressive achievement considering that the proverbial Florida Man seems able to count the votes on Election night. Even third world countries seem to do it.

It took Democrats ‘counting’ a full 3 weeks to get the Democrat challenger to finally take a lead. Four weeks later, they are declaring victory after finally having ‘found’ enough ballots.

Garcia, Steel and Duarte were all leading on Election night until late-arriving mail drop ballots showed up.

California Democrats flipping three seats matches the dubious accomplishment of their New York counterparts who also flipped three seats. That’s a striking achievement since Kamala had actually dropped down 3 million votes from Biden’s 2020 numbers in California and New York. In California alone, Kamala was down 1.9 million and yet somehow three red seats turned blue.

This mysterious ‘blue wave’ arrived even as voters statewide defied Democrats and the media to vote for Prop 36, to make crime illegal alien, and rejected a variety of lefty propositions including Prop 6, 32 and 33, and it arrived not in liberal areas, but in swing districts.

California tilted right, yet somehow swing districts tilted left to unseat House Republicans. Not only that but after the election, based on the numbers at the time, California Republicans expected to pick up four seats in CA-9 CA-21, CA,47 and CA-49. They ended up not only picking up no seats, but also losing 3 out of 5 Republican House seats in the election.

This incredible blue wave in which Democrats won 7 out of 9 House seats came even as the overall numbers showed that California had tilted right and Democrats were underperforming.

Even more incredibly, California Dems somehow won these seats well after the election.

The late-arriving blue wave had consequences beyond whittling down the House Republican majority, it’s also being used to steal President Trump’s landslide and national mandate.

After the election, Trump had won 40% of the vote and he’s now at 38% and counting. The difference may be slight, but it’s part of the math that Democrats and their media are using to argue that he didn’t really win the popular vote and doesn’t actually have a mandate.

Since the election, Kamala has ‘picked up’ over 3.5 million votes in California.

Those 3.5 million votes were crucial to arguing that Trump did not win the majority of the popular vote, but 49.97% (at current count) of the popular vote. What may seem like a trivial exercise is already percolating through the media and the Democrats who will not only insist on it going forward, who will fact check and censor anyone who disagrees, but will also be used to argue that Trump does not have a popular mandate and that they have the right to undermine him.

How much of a difference does 0.03% make? Enough to argue that Trump is an illegitimate president and that the Democrats don’t need to back down from a leftist extremist agenda.

The last time the Democrats had lost the popular vote was 2004. The defeat led to a reassessment that marked the end of normative party politics and the rise of Obama. Kamala’s 2024 defeat two decades later could mark the end of the era of Obama politics. Kamala had been touted as the new Obama, her campaign had been run by Obama veterans and she had relied on the Obamas to make the closing argument for her ahead of the election.

Unlike 2016, the Democrats reacted with shock to not only an electoral defeat, but their rejection by most of the country. There was talk that wokeness might be over, that transgender politics needed to be reconsidered and that the party had been dragged much too far to the left.

Stealing Trump’s popular vote mandate not only undermines him, but assures the Democrats that they do not need to change anything because they did not ‘really’ lose the popular vote.

As thin as the excuse may be, Democrats will be looking for any reason not to change.

Kamala’s defeat was not just a rejection of the party, but of California Democrat politics. Not only was Kamala a native daughter of the state, but her campaign was a California Democrat one. No presidential candidate had ever staked their entire campaign’s closing argument on abortion. None had endorsed legalizing illegal migration in every way right down to using taxpayer money to pay for sex changes for illegal alien criminals. California had helped Kamala lose in 2024.

California Democrats believe that they are the future of the party. Gov. Gavin Newsom polls as the highest ranked new 2028 contender and has convened a special legislative session to ‘Trump proof’ California. And by stealing the election, California is showing it’s still the future.

The 2024 election was overall conducted in a more legitimate fashion in swing states. Efforts by Pennsylvania Democrats to count illegitimate and undated ballots were shut down by courts. But California Democrats have decided to be a shining example to the party that there is no reason to conduct legitimate elections when they still have an army of ballot harvesters.

Every bad trend comes out of California and the state’s Democrat machine is showing its counterparts across the country that the answer isn’t change, but totalitarianism. From bans on voter ID to funding an army of organizers to conduct voter outreach and turnout to a process that ‘counts’ and finds votes into the winter, California is a model of abusing the system, tainting the results, repressing the voters, and suppressing political change.

Looking to 2028, Democrats will have a choice between moderation and extremism, between trying to realign the party with the majority of Americans, or with building an even bigger mousetrap to steal elections. California is making the case for election rigging and extremism.

And even though it may not be a swing state, the blatant corruption of California’s election abuses show that it poses a threat not only to voters in the state, but to the entire country.

2024 rolled back the steal but the path to restoring election integrity runs through California.

Well, this I agree with. I mean, why the hell is vote counting going on in CA ONE MONTH AFTER election day??? This clearly ought to be illegal, and the Trump administration needs to lead the way in cleaning up this bulls**t. Most if not all of these votes are obviously fraudulent.

Politics & Religion / How CA cheated
« on: December 06, 2024, 12:29:00 PM »
How California Stole Trump’s Popular Vote Majority
California went right, but Dems flipped 3 Republican House seats.

December 6, 2024 by Daniel Greenfield

December is here, the election has been over for a month, Trump has picked out his cabinet and California is still counting the votes. And will go on counting them until the Dems win.

Considering Trump’s landslide victory, California had a difficult task ahead of it, but it has already managed to flip the seats held by Rep. Mike Garcia, Rep. Michelle Steel and just stole  the seat held by Rep. John Duarte.

In Duarte’s 13th congressional district, California Dems have taken a month to count a little over 210,000 votes. That’s an impressive achievement considering that the proverbial Florida Man seems able to count the votes on Election night. Even third world countries seem to do it.

It took Democrats ‘counting’ a full 3 weeks to get the Democrat challenger to finally take a lead. Four weeks later, they are declaring victory after finally having ‘found’ enough ballots.

Garcia, Steel and Duarte were all leading on Election night until late-arriving mail drop ballots showed up.

California Democrats flipping three seats matches the dubious accomplishment of their New York counterparts who also flipped three seats. That’s a striking achievement since Kamala had actually dropped down 3 million votes from Biden’s 2020 numbers in California and New York. In California alone, Kamala was down 1.9 million and yet somehow three red seats turned blue.

This mysterious ‘blue wave’ arrived even as voters statewide defied Democrats and the media to vote for Prop 36, to make crime illegal alien, and rejected a variety of lefty propositions including Prop 6, 32 and 33, and it arrived not in liberal areas, but in swing districts.

California tilted right, yet somehow swing districts tilted left to unseat House Republicans. Not only that but after the election, based on the numbers at the time, California Republicans expected to pick up four seats in CA-9 CA-21, CA,47 and CA-49. They ended up not only picking up no seats, but also losing 3 out of 5 Republican House seats in the election.

This incredible blue wave in which Democrats won 7 out of 9 House seats came even as the overall numbers showed that California had tilted right and Democrats were underperforming.

Even more incredibly, California Dems somehow won these seats well after the election.

The late-arriving blue wave had consequences beyond whittling down the House Republican majority, it’s also being used to steal President Trump’s landslide and national mandate.

After the election, Trump had won 40% of the vote and he’s now at 38% and counting. The difference may be slight, but it’s part of the math that Democrats and their media are using to argue that he didn’t really win the popular vote and doesn’t actually have a mandate.

Since the election, Kamala has ‘picked up’ over 3.5 million votes in California.

Those 3.5 million votes were crucial to arguing that Trump did not win the majority of the popular vote, but 49.97% (at current count) of the popular vote. What may seem like a trivial exercise is already percolating through the media and the Democrats who will not only insist on it going forward, who will fact check and censor anyone who disagrees, but will also be used to argue that Trump does not have a popular mandate and that they have the right to undermine him.

How much of a difference does 0.03% make? Enough to argue that Trump is an illegitimate president and that the Democrats don’t need to back down from a leftist extremist agenda.

The last time the Democrats had lost the popular vote was 2004. The defeat led to a reassessment that marked the end of normative party politics and the rise of Obama. Kamala’s 2024 defeat two decades later could mark the end of the era of Obama politics. Kamala had been touted as the new Obama, her campaign had been run by Obama veterans and she had relied on the Obamas to make the closing argument for her ahead of the election.

Unlike 2016, the Democrats reacted with shock to not only an electoral defeat, but their rejection by most of the country. There was talk that wokeness might be over, that transgender politics needed to be reconsidered and that the party had been dragged much too far to the left.

Stealing Trump’s popular vote mandate not only undermines him, but assures the Democrats that they do not need to change anything because they did not ‘really’ lose the popular vote.

As thin as the excuse may be, Democrats will be looking for any reason not to change.

Kamala’s defeat was not just a rejection of the party, but of California Democrat politics. Not only was Kamala a native daughter of the state, but her campaign was a California Democrat one. No presidential candidate had ever staked their entire campaign’s closing argument on abortion. None had endorsed legalizing illegal migration in every way right down to using taxpayer money to pay for sex changes for illegal alien criminals. California had helped Kamala lose in 2024.

California Democrats believe that they are the future of the party. Gov. Gavin Newsom polls as the highest ranked new 2028 contender and has convened a special legislative session to ‘Trump proof’ California. And by stealing the election, California is showing it’s still the future.

The 2024 election was overall conducted in a more legitimate fashion in swing states. Efforts by Pennsylvania Democrats to count illegitimate and undated ballots were shut down by courts. But California Democrats have decided to be a shining example to the party that there is no reason to conduct legitimate elections when they still have an army of ballot harvesters.

Every bad trend comes out of California and the state’s Democrat machine is showing its counterparts across the country that the answer isn’t change, but totalitarianism. From bans on voter ID to funding an army of organizers to conduct voter outreach and turnout to a process that ‘counts’ and finds votes into the winter, California is a model of abusing the system, tainting the results, repressing the voters, and suppressing political change.

Looking to 2028, Democrats will have a choice between moderation and extremism, between trying to realign the party with the majority of Americans, or with building an even bigger mousetrap to steal elections. California is making the case for election rigging and extremism.

And even though it may not be a swing state, the blatant corruption of California’s election abuses show that it poses a threat not only to voters in the state, but to the entire country.

2024 rolled back the steal but the path to restoring election integrity runs through California.

Politics & Religion / Devine: The Buried J6 Truth
« on: November 25, 2024, 07:39:43 AM »
Another great column by Miranda Devine of The New York Post. Even more damning information has now come out regarding January 6th and why more safeguards were not in place. Hopefully Trump will get to the bottom of this, pardon those being held without due process, and hold the proper individuals responsible. We can only hope and pray.

Tragic Ashli Babbitt and the buried Jan. 6 truth

By Miranda Devine

Published Nov. 24, 2024, 11:25 p.m. ET

So now we know that the cop who fatally shot unarmed Donald Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt, 36, during the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot was rewarded with a promotion and a $36,000 bonus.

There were no ill consequences for his rash actions that day. Instead, Capt. Michael Byrd, 56, was held up as a hero of democracy, despite the fact that he had a lengthy disciplinary record that includes leaving his loaded handgun in a public bathroom in the Capitol Visitor Center, “improperly” firing his gun at a car near his home while off duty and abusing a Maryland cop who tried to stop him entering a high school football field as a “racist a–hole,” again while off duty, according to a letter released last week by the GOP-led House Administration Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight.

Three entries in Byrd’s internal affairs record are missing, wrote subcommittee Chairman Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.) in a letter to Capitol Police Chief Thomas Manger.

Left’s convenient spin

Loudermilk is asking questions about Byrd and everything else about the Jan. 6 riot that was used so effectively to tarnish Trump and his supporters and that provided the excuse for the Biden administration to weaponize federal law enforcement against them.

The J6 riot was not an insurrection but a protest that escalated into an out-of-control riot because then-Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund was denied intelligence about potential threats that day and denied National Guard backup that he was begging for.

In the cold light of hindsight, a new Trump administration will ensure that the narrative of J6 is rewritten to reflect the truth of that tragic day instead of the lies spun by Democratic Speaker emerita Nancy Pelosi’s J6 committee.

Sund is a crucial witness to history. Pelosi (D-Calif.) made him her scapegoat, firing him immediately, but she knew he had begged for the National Guard to assist his vastly outnumbered troops.

He needed the permission of the Capitol Police Board, and Pelosi and then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) controlled the two sergeants-at-arms who had to give him the OK. McConnell’s guy deferred to Pelosi, and Pelosi’s guy kept saying he had to “run it up the chain to get Pelosi’s approval,” says Sund.

But the National Guard didn’t arrive for hours, delayed not just by Pelosi but by officials at the Pentagon who had become so Trump-deranged that they believed the president would repurpose the troops to declare martial law and try to hang on to power.

This was a delusion that worst gripped Mark Milley, then-chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the most powerful military figure in Washington.

Milley was constantly talking to people about the threat of a “coup” by Trump after the 2020 election, Washington Post reporters Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker wrote in their book “I Alone Can Fix It,” which paints Milley as a defender of democracy rather than an emotional weakling defying his commander-in-chief.

In the days leading up to the riot, Milley told his staff that Trump’s suggestions that the National Guard be deployed on Jan. 6 were just an “excuse to invoke the Insurrection Act” and call out the military.

The book paints a picture of an increasingly paranoid Milley fielding calls from unnamed “friends” egging him on in his delusion.

Milley came to see Trump as Hitler. “This is a Reichstag moment,” he told aides. “The gospel of the Führer.”

Milley seemed to get radicalized after the June 2020 riots at Lafayette Square in front of the White House, which got so violent that Trump and his family had to be evacuated by the Secret Service to an underground bunker.

Milley’s Trump grudge

Trump two days later ordered that Lafayette Square be cleared so he could reassure the public by appearing at St. John’s Church, which had been firebombed the previous night.

Milley was more upset at the criticism he received for appearing in a presidential photo op in his uniform than he was about the fact that the president had to be evacuated to a bunker.

During those violent riots, officers at the capital’s Metropolitan Police Department were “ordered not to assist at the White House,” says Sund, undoubtedly by DC Mayor Muriel Bowser, a rancid Trump hater.

Sund says the DC cops “were so furious having to watch bloodied Secret Service agents being taken out by ambulance” while they could do nothing. Afterward, he phoned then-DC Police Chief Pete Newsham and asked for an assurance that if he had problems at the Capitol, the DC police would come and help. Although Newsham retired five days before the Jan. 6 riot, the DC police “could not have helped me more,” says Sund, and sent him 1,000 officers.

But when it came to the National Guard, Sund hit roadblock after roadblock.

First it was Pelosi, and then the Pentagon.

After his troops had been fighting rioters for 80 minutes, Sund finally got approval from Pelosi to call in the National Guard, moments before the first window was broken.

He then called Gen. William Walker, commander of the DC National Guard, but Walker needed permission from Trump’s acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller, who was suffering from the same Trump delusion as Milley.

It took four hours for the National Guard to arrive. But it was all over by then.

Walker’s hands had been tied by a curious memo issued by Miller two days earlier, ordering “unprecedented restrictions on the DC National Guard” applying to Jan. 5 and Jan. 6, Sund says in his book, “Courage Under Fire.”

In his Jan. 4, 2021, memo titled, “Employment guidance,” Miller dictates that, without his “personal authorization,” the DC National Guard cannot be issued “weapons, ammunition, bayonets, batons, or … helmets and body armor” or “interact physically with protesters … employ any riot control agents … share equipment with law enforcement agencies … employ helicopters or any other air assets,” and so on. In other words, they could do nothing.

And nothing they did, until it was too late.

Ominous WaPo op-ed

Something else significant happened the day Miller issued his memo: An op-ed signed by 10 former secretaries of defense, including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Jim Mattis, was published by the Washington Post warning that Trump might use the military to hang on to power. They warned, “Civilian and military officials who direct or carry out such measures” would potentially face “criminal penalties.”

Miller got the message. He later testified to Congress that he wrote the memo because he was afraid Trump “would invoke the Insurrection Act to politicize the military in an antidemocratic manner.”

As a result, Sund never got the National Guard backup he needed to stop the Capitol being overrun. Mayhem was inevitable.

Conveniently for the Democrats, the riot prevented Trump allies’ efforts in Congress from delaying certification of the Electoral College votes and was a perfect branding exercise to make Trump and his supporters look bad.

The irony is that Sund, the man who did more than anybody to save the Capitol that day, was forced out in ignominy before he was eligible for his pension — while everybody who failed got off scot-free.

Politics & Religion / Re: The War with Medical Fascism
« on: November 22, 2024, 06:47:43 AM »
Crime of the Century?

Naomi Wolf delivers the harrowing facts about the Pfizer jab.

November 22, 2024 by Bruce Bawer

If my father had been alive, I wouldn’t have done it. He was a doctor who had a diverse background in medical research, medical writing and editing, both private and hospital practice, and pharmaceutical advertising, and he was always exceedingly wary about treatments that he considered unnecessarily dangerous or insufficiently tested. When my pediatrician wanted to have my adenoids taken out, he said no, and whenever I went to the dentist he wouldn’t let the guy give me novacaine.

But my father wasn’t alive when COVID came along, and so I got the damned Pfizer jab – twice – without giving it much thought at all. In retrospect I feel like a fool. I’ve long since been aware of just how much political propaganda we’re fed by the legacy media. And my dad, who worked closely with drug companies, taught me not to have any illusions about them. But even though I recognized the idiocy of the mask mandates and the six-foot distancing rule and other elements of COVID theater, it didn’t occur to me, I guess, that the corporate media and Big Pharma might team up with the Deep State to push life-threatening drugs on the whole world, and to impose severe punishments upon those relatively few brave souls who dared to turn them down.

Anyway, we went through the pandemic, and then it ended, and now it can seem almost as if none of it ever happened – the enforced long-term isolation, the destruction of small business and jobs and interruption of schooling, the mass violation of individual rights, and the mass demonization of vaccine skeptics. Anthony Fauci and countless others at the NIH and WHO and elsewhere should be behind bars, but I can’t remember the last time I even heard Fauci’s name. It’s as if even many of the people who were put through hell during the COVID years would prefer to try to forget about it and move on.

Fortunately, Naomi Wolf is not inclined to think that way. Wolf, a perennially controversial feminist whose bestselling first book was The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used against Women (1991), has long been a leading figure on the left, serving as an advisor to both Bill Clinton and Al Gore during their presidential campaigns in 1996 and 2000 respectively. To be sure, she was always very much an independent spirit, ready to butt heads with sacred cows across the political spectrum.

And when, during the COVID-19 pandemic, she found her view of lockdown measures as “totalitarian” unwelcome in the legacy media – which accused her of spreading “conspiracy theories” – she gave interviews on the subject to the likes of Tucker Carlson and Charlie Kirk as well as to the conservative TV networks Sky News Australia and GB News in Britain. She also appeared frequently on Steve Bannon’s WarRoom podcast – which helped make possible her eye-opening new book The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes against Humanity, edited by Wolf with Amy Kelly and published by WarRoom.

The Pfizer Papers is nothing less than a tour de force. As Bannon says in his foreword, it’s a searing indictment of Big Pharma, the legacy media, and the D.C. swamp, not to mention a definitive account of how both Pfizer and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) perpetrated a massive fraud upon not just the American public but the entire world, and not just for a day or two but for a period of years. In her introduction, Wolf explains that lawyer Adam Siri sued the FDA to gain access to Pfizer’s internal records relating to the results of clinical testing of its mRNA injection for COVID-19 as well as to adverse events reported after the jab began to be administered to the public. The result was the release of 450,000 pages of documents that the FDA had unsuccessfully – and inexplicably – asked a judge to keep secret for 75 years. But what to do with such a massive archive, especially given that it included so much information that could only be made sense of by a range of medical and scientific specialists?

The answer: Wolf recruited some 3,250 professionals around the world – immunologists, oncologists, obstetricians, pharmacologists, biologists, chemists, and so on, not to mention lawyers – to study the documents and explain their significance. The “bought-off media,” as she puts it, had called the Pfizer jab “safe and effective.” But where did the truth lie? The truth – the somber truth – was that the top brass at Pfizer had known by April 2021 that their injections “damaged the hearts” of young people. They knew that the jab had a myriad of other side effects – and that it was especially unsafe for pregnant women, young mothers, fetuses, and infants. Yet Pfizer withheld this and other vital information from the public, and government officials in the U.S., the UK, the EU, and Australia sought to suppress it.

Given the scale of the material collected in this book, It’s impossible to do it justice in even a lengthy review. So allow me to mention just a few of the findings. An alarming number of people who’d received the Pfizer jab experienced liver damage (50% of them within 3 days of getting the shot), cardiac problems (50% within one day), neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis and Guillain-Barre syndrome (50% within one day), or kidney injuries and renal failure (50% within 4 days). People perished from anaphylaxis, autoimmune disorders, blood vessel inflammation, and vasculitis, among other complaints. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) appeared for the first time in the world since 2004.

Pathologists routinely told the families of people who died from these ailments that they were the result of natural causes; when the families asked for autopsies by other pathologists, those pathologists refused even to look at micrographs of the deceased individuals’ cells. Finally Arne Burkhardt, a pathologist in Germany, agreed to look at the slides, and shared them with specialists in relevant fields – biology, chemistry, physics, etc. Burkhardt and his colleagues determined that the Pfizer shot had played a role in more than 80% of the deaths. So widespread were these deaths during the pandemic that Burkhardt found it necessary to coin a new term – Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) – to describe a phenomenon that had, until then, been entirely unknown in all of human history.

As noted, pregnant women, new mothers, fetuses, and infants suffered disproportionately. Birth rates dropped. In many places, infants and children under twelve were given the jab seven months before it was approved for pediatric patients. During a period when it wasn’t approved for children under twelve, injections gave rise to such anomalies as “Bell’s palsy in a 1-yr-old, stroke in a 7-yr-old, and renal failure in an infant.” Meanwhile, over 54% of the pregnant women who were exposed to the vaccine had adverse effects; 19% of babies exposed via breast milk had adverse effects; and 23% of vaccinated mothers’ fetuses or newborns died. “In one section of the documents,” we read, “over 80 percent of the pregnancies followed resulted in miscarriage or spontaneous abortion.” And yet, according to The Pfizer Papers one Pfizer document reported, beyond all logic, “that mRNA in breast milk was safe.”

The crucial point here is that not only did the Pfizer shot imperil fetuses, babies, and their mothers – Pfizer and the FDA knew it. For whatever reason, however, they made an “aggressive effort” to inject pregnant women anyway, with CDC director Rachel Walensky explicitly urging at a White House briefing that pregnant women get the jab. Burkhardt’s recommendation was diametrically opposed to Walensky’s: “If I were a woman in fertile age, I would not plan a motherhood from a person, from a man, who has been vaccinated….Stop this vaccination at once.”

The Pfizer shot posed a threat not just to babies but to minors generally – a cohort that, of course, faced a very small likelihood of getting ill as a result of COVID infection. Nonetheless there was a “$1 billion campaign to scare and cajole parents into having their children injected to keep them safe.” Schools around the world forced kids to get the jab. And because so many children and teenagers were unnecessarily injected, there were innumerable deaths that could easily have been avoided. Sample cases: a 15-year-old girl died of cardiac arrest; four days after receiving a second dose of the Pfizer jab, a 15-year-old boy “developed multifocal hemorrhagic lesions in his brain,” rendering him “permanently disabled”; a 13-year-old girl died three weeks after her third Pfizer jab. The Pfizer Papers makes clear that among children between 5 and 11, even a jab far safer than Pfizer’s would have “posed as much risk or more risk than the disease itself.”

Ute Krüger, a Swedish pathologist, observed spikes in breast cancer, but her findings were even worse than that: the tumors were larger and more numerous than usual, grew “more aggressively and faster,” and occurred more frequently among younger patients than is usually the case. She also encountered a number of breast cancer recurrences among patients who had been considered cured. Yet when Krüger presented her findings at a pathology conference in 2021, few of the attendees were interested in helping her look further into the disturbing facts.

Why? Most likely, because her colleagues knew that Pfizer, like other major pharmaceutical companies, was in bed with its purported regulators at the FDA, and that the medical establishment was on board with all of it; hence most of the doctors who might be inclined to question the establishment’s messaging about the virus and the so-called vaccines didn’t dare do so for fear of career backlash and outright demonization. Witness the fury directed at the distinguished Stanford physician Jay Bhattacharya and his fellow signers of the Great Barrington Declaration, which courageously criticized Fauci’s severe lockdown measures and spoke up for the efficacy of “herd immunity.”

In any event, one thing is clear now: “Pfizer knew by November 2020 that its mRNA Covid vaccine was neither safe nor effective.” In early 2021, Pfizer found “significant harms and deaths” among those who got the jab. But instead of protecting the public from it, Pfizer played with the statistics: “investigators used very small numbers to determine that efficacy was high. Then they ignored the same small numbers to determine safety, which included dismissal of adverse effects that occurred within a short time after doses. The methods that were good enough for efficacy were suddenly not good enough for safety.” In short, “investigators used a test for efficacy that they knew was not valid.”

The FDA was aware to at least some extent of the jab’s adverse effects. But the researchers for The Pfizer Papers found no evidence that the FDA did anything about them. It certainly didn’t tell the public. Pfizer, for its part, appears to have hidden 97% of the jab’s negative outcomes, categorizing some deaths as “non-serious” and radically downplaying the mortality figures for fetuses and infants. Pfizer’s habitual delays in reporting on injection-related deaths, meanwhile, led the FDA to overstate the jab’s safety. In short, the FDA approval of the Pfizer shot was awarded partly in spite of things the FDA knew about its dangers and partly because it had been given “inaccurate data” by Pfizer.

Which leaves one question: why did Pfizer and the FDA deceive the public? The Pfizer Papers deliberately confines itself to the known scientific facts, and consequently doesn’t speculate about motives. But in a recent podcast interview, Wolf shared some of her thoughts on the subject. To her, the Pfizer injection was part of a deliberate assault on world health, and especially on the ability of women to reproduce. In short, the jab’s failings don’t seem to have been caused by a pharmaceutical establishment that speeded up formulation, testing, and production because it was desperate to save lives; it seems, rather, that Pfizer was out to do damage – to do damage, in particular, to the reproductive system, and to babies. As my friend Peter “Fjordman” Jensen” put it on Facebook, reading this book is like perusing Dr. Mengele’s diaries.

But why would Pfizer want to do damage? Wolf’s personal hypothesis is that Pfizer, and perhaps the other producers of mRNA injections for COVID (her book about Moderna is coming out in April), was engaged with the Chinese Communist Party – and, presumably, with key figures in the Western Deep State and legacy media – in a deliberate scheme to depopulate the planet while eroding Western freedoms with an eye to nurturing a Marxist orthodoxy with a “compliant, fearful workforce.” (Wolf notes that China and Australia both established concentration camps for those who refused to get the jab – and that New York governor Kathy Hochul was eager to do so as well, but was blocked by opponents.)

Is Wolf right about Pfizer’s and the FDA’s motives? The whole business is profoundly sobering – indeed, terrifying – to contemplate. And it’s perfectly consistent with the objectives of the World Economic Forum and its toadies around the globe, who give every indication of longing for the good old days of serfdom. Until the last few years, when the Deep State in Washington, D.C., went to colossal extremes in its efforts to destroy Donald Trump, cripple his administration, and steal the 2020 election, a nefarious plot on such a scale would have seemed like a paranoid fantasy. In 2024, however, it’s not really all that hard to believe that the powers that be at Pfizer and the FDA, far from being our friends and saviors, are, not to put too fine a point on it, utterly inhuman merchants of sheer, unvarnished evil.

Politics & Religion / Re: Israel, and its neighbors
« on: November 15, 2024, 10:57:23 AM »
Most Americans know nothing about the truth of the Israel-"Palestinian" conflict because the establishment media endlessly promotes pro-Hamas, pro-Hezbollah, anti-Israel narratives. None of this truth is taught in our public schools, either. Quite the contrary. Arm yourself with these facts to counter anyone you hear spouting these lies.

Top 20 Lies of the Pro-Palestinian Arab Cause
It’s just a start.

November 14, 2024 by Adam Turner

“If you have the facts on your side, hammer the facts.  If you have the law on your side, hammer the law.  If you have neither the facts nor the law, hammer the table.”

The above is an old saying from the legal world.  But it has applications for other matters, as well.

For example, in the foreign policy realm, and for the “Pro-Palestinian Arab Cause.”

As I said in an earlier column, the Palestinian Arab Cause has “jumped the shark” – i.e., it has (long ago) reached its peak and begun a downhill slide to mediocrity or oblivion.

Now, let me take things a step further – the Palestinian Arab Cause has gone so far downhill that it is, officially, a ridiculous cause that makes absolutely no sense anymore – if it ever did – based on the constant untruth’s that its proponents are constantly peddling.

These include the following Top 10 Lies of the Palestinian Arab Cause.

Israel is an apartheid regime. This charge is especially stupid because “apartheid” involves “race”, and there is no “race” implicated here.  Further, Israel is a democracy where its Arab citizens are fully equal under the law.  Now, there are distinctions made between Israeli citizens and the Palestinian Arabs who are not citizens, but this is because Israel has legitimate security needs.

Israel is committing, or attempting to commit, genocide. Genocide is an internationally recognized crime where one party acts with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group.  There is absolutely no evidence that Israel intends to destroy the Palestinians, in whole or in part.  This is why the South Africans are having a problem making this claim, even with a biased anti-Israel international court.  Especially since the Palestinian Arab population numbers continue to grow, and the Hamas claimed casualties are dwarfed by those from many other recent conflicts (see the Sudan, the Congo, Syria, etc.)  But Hamas, on the other hand, does routinely call for a genocide of the Jews.

Israel is targeting civilians/or Israel is indiscriminate about its attacks, leading to excessive civilian deaths. No, it certainly isn’t. The civilians who die do so largely because Hamas routinely uses civilians as human shields.  Further, the IDF has made great efforts to minimize civilian casualties, by warning Gazans to leave areas or buildings about to be targeted.  They have done this through about nine million leaflets dropped, fifteen million messages sent, and sixteen million robocalls made.  As a result, the ratio of civilians to terrorist in this conflict is probably approaching one to one, an unprecedented modern ratio, and Israel has been praised for its success in protecting the lives of civilians by noted experts in modern warfare such as Richard Kemp (UK, Ret.) and Major John Spencer (US, Ret.).

The Hamas counted casualties are to be believed. No – in fact, they are “poorly fabricated figures.”  Meanwhile, Israel actually reduced the number of its reported casualties from the October 7th

Israel is the aggressor in this conflict. Not so. The Jewish state has made real peace offers to the Palestinian Arabs in 1993, in 2000, in 2001, in 2005, and in 2008, all immediately answered by vicious and bloody Palestinian terrorism.  Here is former President Bill Clinton taking the Palestinian Arabs to task for their failure to embrace peace during his term.  And Hamas started the current hostilities in a particularly bloodthirsty way on October 7, 2023.

Favoring the Palestinian Arab Cause is in the U.S. national interest. No, it isn’t, as I have explained numerous times before. The Palestinian Arabs are a stateless people. No, Jordan clearly has a majority of Palestinian Arabs, and its Queen is a Palestinian Arab.  Granted, the Palestinian Arab majority does not rule in Jordan; then again, none of the 21 Arab states are democratic.

The conflict needs to be solved soon because the Palestinian Arabs are having more children than the Israelis. No, this is outdated demographic data.  Today, the Israelis have a higher demographic growth than the Palestinian Arabs.

The Palestinian Arabs have a population in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza that is too large to be controlled by Israel. As in everything else, the Palestinian Arabs are simply lying about their numbers.  The UN official population numbers the Palestinian Arabs in those areas at roughly 6 million; in reality, there are probably less than 4 million.

Creating a Palestinian state will lead to the protection of the human rights of Palestinian Arabs. As stated above, none of the 23 Arab states are democracies, and none of them are protective of human rights. A Palestinian Arab state will most certainly be a (possibly theocratic) brutal dictatorship with discriminating policies against women, homosexuals, and Christians.

Plus, as an extra (sad) bonus, here are another Top 10 Lies of the Palestinian Arab Cause, because there are just so many to debunk.

The Palestinian Arabs are the indigenous people in Israel and the Jews are the settlers. No – absolutely not. The Palestinian Arabs are mostly descended from Arabs and others who immigrated to the area from other Muslim areas in response to the economic job opportunities created by the return of many Jews to the area in the 1900’s.  Only a very small percentage of the Palestinian Arabs are native to Israel, Judea, Samaria, and Gaza, and those are descended from the original Jewish, Christian, or Samaritan inhabitants who were forcibly converted to Islam.  Meanwhile, a majority of the Jews in Israel are descended from Middle Eastern Jews, who were exiled from Israel but stayed in the Middle East, and who are physically indistinguishable from Arabs.  The minority Ashkenazi Jews, who are often portrayed as European settlers, are descended from Jews from ancient Israel, but with some European influence, from living in Europe for so long.  Their original Middle Eastern origin can easily be seen in the physical appearance of two prominent Ashkenazi Jews – Adam Sandler and Gal Gadot.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is responsible for the lack of a ceasefire deal. As Eli Lake at Commentary has written, “(t)here was no deal for Netanyahu to reject.  Hamas is not participating in the actual negotiations.  The diplomacy has been between America, Israel, Egypt, and Qatar.  The Qataris are stand-ins for Hamas, but they are not proxies.  Several times since April, Hamas has rejected offers for a cease-fire, or in some cases, has insisted on last-minute deal-killing demands—such as a stipulation that the first round of hostages need not be alive.”  And President Biden’s claims to the contrary are driven by American politics and contradicted by his own administration’s previous statements (and by other evidence).

Israel is violating international law. Once again, this is simply not true. This subtopic is actually worthy of its own, separate, research paper.  Suffice to say, international law has been misrepresented – does anyone understand what “proportionality” really means? – to attack Israel through lawfare.

Gaza was occupied by the Israelis prior to the October 7th massacre. The Merriam-Websterdefinition of “occupation” is: “a: the act or process of taking possession of a place or area: SEIZURE; b: the holding and control of an area by a foreign military force; OR c: the military force occupying a country or the policies carried out by it.”  Therefore, Gaza has not been “occupied” by Israel, according to the actual meaning of the word, since 2005.

Gaza was an “open-air prison” before the October 7th Proponents of the Palestinian Arab Cause say, at different times, to make different arguments, that “the Gaza of Oct. 6, 2023, was occupying its very own quantum superposition — at once both sublime utopia and horrific dystopia. Depending on the context, either of these versions could be the true Gaza that proves the specific argument trying to be made.”  Just call this Schrödinger’s Gaza.

The Gazans were suffering from an Israeli caused famine. As reported by JNS, “the U.N.’s own Famine Review Committee admitted in a report that the claims about not enough food being sent into Gaza were untrue.  What’s more, this allegation, which is at the heart of the equally widespread big lie that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians, is a matter of sleight of hand bookkeeping.”  And many of the pictures of supposedly starving children are children with genetic diseases.  This can often be seen by contrasting the appearance of the healthy parent with the “starving” child in the picture.

Hamas is legitimate nationalistic organization seeking a Palestinian state. Not at all. As is well-known, Hamas is a part of the international Muslim Brotherhood terror organization, which also briefly ruled over neighboring Egypt.  Hamas is also a terror proxy of Iran, a nation which is the leading state sponsor of terrorism, and which has provided Hamas with billions in funding for weapons, training and equipment.

The Palestinians have – and should have – been given nation status at the UN. The only problem with this action is that “State of Palestine” is not an actual state/nation. According to the international treaty, the Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States, Article 1, the state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: a) a permanent population; b) a defined territory; c) government; and d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states.  Since the “State of Palestine” does not have these qualifications, it is not a “State.”

The Palestinian Authority is the “moderate” force among Palestinian Arabs. As I wrote over a decade ago – and it is still true today – the Palestinian Authority: uses their various cultural, educational, and media sources to undermine the peace process with Israel; uses their children’s shows and elementary schools to incite Palestinian children to kill Israelis, including women and children, and Jews; produces government officials, from the President down to their diplomatic envoys, who spread anti-Semitism throughout the world; names streets, buildings, and squares after terrorists who have killed Israelis and Jews; sells and teaches Mein Kampf and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion; smuggles arms, rockets and explosives into Judea and Samaria to be used to attack Israeli cities and farms; praises, pays and otherwise honors Palestinian terrorists, and their families, who kill Israelis, Jews, and even Americans; is duplicitous about its desire for war; and denies the Holocaust, while calling for another one, and allows Holocaust deniers to serve as their leaders.  In other words, the PA is not in any way “moderate.”

After October 7th, now is the time to favor the Palestinian Arab Cause. This would, perversely, incentivize international terrorism by rewarding the Palestinian Arabs with a state after a bloodthirsty and vicious act of terrorism by Hamas, a designated terror organization. No nation on this planet should want to do that.

The amount of lies and double talk by the proponents of the Palestinian Arab Cause is staggering.  Their whole cause seems to be grounded solely in anti-Israel and anti-American propaganda, and not on actual facts.  Which is why its proponents often resort to violence and intimidation in their tactics; not having the law or the facts on their side, they need to “pound the table.”

So, I would like to end with a final question to objective readers.  It is simple – if the Palestinian Arab Cause is so righteous, then why is every prominent argument in favor of it a lie?

Adam Turner is a national-security professional with two decades of experience who works for the Zionist Organization of America.

The 2020 election was STOLEN. Period. Robert Spencer has been making this case from the beginning. He asks an excellent question.
(Emphasis is mine.)

Where Are the Missing 11 Million Voters?
Time for a fearless investigation.

November 11, 2024 by Robert Spencer

As of this writing on Friday, Donald Trump’s popular vote total stood at 74,269,316. By the time you see this article and click on that link, however, that total is certain to be higher. Trump’s final popular vote total has now exceeded his official 2020 total of 74,225,926. Kamala Harris, meanwhile, has 68,800,347 popular votes, a steep decline from Old Joe Biden’s 2020 total of 81,286,454.

As Victoria Taft noted here, that raises a lot of uncomfortable questions about what exactly happened in 2020. Yet apparently oblivious to self-incrimination, even some leftists are asking what is going on — and, of course, blaming Trump.

That Trump would have gotten roughly the same number of votes in 2024 as he did in 2020 is perfectly reasonable. He is, thanks to the left’s relentless campaign of defamation, a highly controversial figure, and while the 2024 campaign certainly changed some people’s minds about him, it is no surprise that his base of support remained roughly the same size that it was the last time around.

But what about that massive drop-off between Old Joe, the most popular president in American history according to his vote total, and Kamala? Not only did eleven million voters not show up for Harris as they did for Biden, but they didn’t go anywhere. Not only did Kamala not get those votes, but there is no comparable increase in anyone else’s vote total.

Pam Keith, a far-left Democrat who ran a failed campaign for Congress from Florida in 2020, is one leftist who thinks all this is highly suspicious. On X, she reposted a conspiracy-minded leftist’s case for assuming that the eleven million missing votes are not, as is painfully obvious, proof that the 2020 election was indeed stolen, but of 2024 Trump ballot box chicanery: “What mystifies, enrages and terrifies me: His mention of not needing votes. His little secret w\ Mike Johnson. His low attended gibberish rallies. Her Monstrous crowds. Lines for hours to vote. Record turnout. And now we are just going to ‘pffft’ not count 20m votes. WTF!”

In stating that Trump mentioned “not needing votes,” the X user was referring to a conspiracy theory that Rachel Maddow pushed hard on MSNBC. Maddow claimed that Trump’s boasts about not needing votes—which was an obvious claim to having substantial enough support to win the election—were evidence that he planned to take power by other means, maybe, say, another “insurrection.” Now, her hysteria over Trump’s boasts has become part of the case for claiming that Bad Orange Man made all those Democrat votes disappear.

Pam Keith herself added: “The problem with our campaign post-mortem is that the result makes no sense and is likely fraudulent. But no one will do anything to ascertain what happened. So we are going to engage in recriminations and blame, when we did everything right and somehow 20 million votes evaporated. What we lost when Trump won the first time is normalcy. This time it will be so much worse. And the thing is, there is nothing for us to fix in what we did. We lead with inclusive and intelligent policy, and exceptional candidates. We had four years of stability and growth and decency, and now we will have none of that. What is the point about arguing what we will do in the next election? There isn’t going to be one. There isn’t going to be one.”

Keith’s fantasies about Biden’s success and paranoia about Trump’s alleged thirst to be a dictator aside, she has an excellent point. Someone should indeed do something to ascertain what happened to all those 2020 voters. Once Trump takes office again, he should invite Pam Keith to the White House and throw his support behind the idea of a full investigation of how it was that Old Joe Biden so far outpolled not only Kamala Harris but the sainted Barack Obama himself. The missing eleven million voters are likely to be dead by now — after all, they were when they voted — but a full investigation could proceed anyway.

For four years, it has been impossible even to ask questions about the 2020 election. Those who dared even to suggest that it may not actually have been the most secure election in history have been defamed as conspiracy theorists and deplatformed and silenced accordingly. Surely Pam Keith and other leftists who share her mindset must now be happy to join patriots in thinking that a monstrous injustice has been done, and that it must now be rectified with a searching and fearless investigation. No?

Politics & Religion / Re: 2024
« on: November 09, 2024, 06:56:51 AM »
Everyone in D.C. who was wrong about this election is working overtime to save their jobs and the Democrat consultants and lobbyists  are at the top of that list. They are ripping each other apart, which is fine with me. All the internecine fighting just leaves less time for them to interfere with Trump's agenda. I must say that I'm enjoying watching it. The establishment media, meanwhile, appears to have learned nothing, as they continue to vilify the voters and insult every minority group who voted for Trump. No introspection whatsoever. Not exactly a good way to regain the trust of viewers. Their credibility, as shown by the election results, is now a pile of smoking rubble, and they're too arrogant to look in the mirror.

Politics & Religion / Re: 2024
« on: November 08, 2024, 06:23:00 AM »
Trump Just Pulled Off the Biggest Comeback in American History

Move over Grover.

November 7, 2024 by Robert Spencer

Throughout the evening Tuesday, Fox News commentators made repeated references to the possibility that Donald Trump was going to pull off “the biggest comeback in American politics since Grover Cleveland,” which showed a fine awareness of history but probably left many viewers puzzled, since ol’ Grover is not exactly in the first tier of American presidents who shine brightly in our miseducated and distracted national historical memory.

Still, it is true that Donald Trump and Grover Cleveland are now the only two presidents in American history to have been reelected president after losing their first bid for reelection. And contrary to the Fox talking heads, Trump’s comeback is even more comprehensive and astonishing than that of his nineteenth-century counterpart.

As “Rating America’s Presidents” explains, in Grover Cleveland’s day, the biggest — and only — swing state was New York. In 1880, 1884, and 1888, if New York had gone for the other candidate, it would have changed the outcome of the election. 21,000 New York votes made the Republican James A. Garfield president in 1880 instead of the Democrat Winfield Scott Hancock, and in 1884, Cleveland was elected president for the first time because he won New York by the nail-biting margin of 1,149 votes over James G. Blaine, “the continental liar from the state of Maine.” The powerbrokers of the day were well aware of New York’s power: Cleveland was the Democrats’ fourth presidential candidate from New York in five elections.

When Cleveland was running for reelection in 1888 against the Republican Benjamin Harrison, New York once again effectively chose the president, swinging back to the Republicans by a margin of just over 14,000 votes and sweeping Grover and his glamorous young bride Frances (the proto-Melania Trump), whom Cleveland had married in the White House, back to private life.

Still, Cleveland won the popular vote and remained the leader of the Democrat party. Harrison was not a popular or particularly successful president, and when Cleveland challenged him to a rematch in 1892, he looked stronger than he had in 1888. As in 2024, the economy was a big issue. The Republican platform reaffirmed the party’s commitment to “the American doctrine of protectionism” and stated that “the prosperous condition of our country” was due to their “wise revenue legislation.” The Democrats countered this America-first message by charging in their own platform that “Republican protection” was “a fraud, a robbery, of the great majority of the American people for the benefit of the few.”

Cleveland won by a comfortable margin and became the only president to return to the White House after leaving it — until Jan. 20, 2025, that is, barring an act of God or some nefarious act of Democrat chicanery. Cleveland did indeed pull off a remarkable comeback, but Donald Trump’s was much greater and more impressive.

Cleveland, after all, won the popular vote when he lost his first reelection bid in 1888. The official results of the 2020 election look increasingly improbable in light of 2024 — where did Biden’s 81 million votes go? Nevertheless, according to the tally that we all must accept on pain of being called “election deniers” and marginalized accordingly, Trump lost the popular vote by seven million votes in 2020, yet stormed back and won it in 2024, becoming the first Republican to win it since George W. Bush did so in 2004.

Even more importantly, Trump pulled out this victory while under a cloud that was unprecedented in American history. Grover Cleveland never had to deal with his opposition framing him on bogus charges and trying to sideline his candidacy not on the basis of the issues, but because he was a “convicted felon.” Grover likewise never had to face a gaggle of self-described news outlets that were really nothing more than propaganda arms for his opponent.

When he lost his race for California governor in 1962, two years after losing the presidency by a razor-thin margin, an embittered Richard Nixon told the gleeful press corps: “You won’t have Nixon to kick around anymore, because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference.”

He pulled off a splendid comeback of his own by being elected president in 1968, but Richard Nixon, as hated as he was, was never kicked around as much as Donald Trump has been. The 2024 election coverage was the most biased in history, as most establishment outlets presented Americans with the claim that they faced a choice between Kamala Harris and Adolf Hitler.

Grover Cleveland never had to face anything close to defamation of that magnitude. Hitler wasn’t even born until Cleveland had already lost his attempt at reelection and Benjamin Harrison had been president for six weeks. Because he overcame so many attempts to destroy his career and reputation, and even end his life, Trump’s 2024 victory is unparalleled in American history and is without any exaggeration one of the most remarkable events in the history of any country.

The left will, of course, keep on trying to destroy him. But the election results demonstrate that they’re facing a far more formidable foe than they’re prepared to admit even on Wednesday morning, as they glumly survey the smoking ruins of Kamala Harris’ presidential bid.

Robert Spencer

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 28 books, including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades), The Truth About Muhammad, The History of Jihad, and The Critical Qur’an. His latest book is Muhammad: A Critical Biography.

Politics & Religion / Greenfield: American Uprising
« on: November 07, 2024, 06:09:01 AM »
American Uprising

Tue, 5 Nov 2024 11:40 PM PST by Daniel Greenfield

This wasn’t an election. It was a revolution.

It’s midnight in America. The day before million of Americans got up and stood in front of the great iron wheel that had been grinding them down. They stood there even though the media told them it was useless. They took their stand even while all the chattering classes laughed and taunted them.

They were fathers who couldn’t feed their families anymore. They were mothers who couldn’t afford health care. They were workers whose jobs had been sold off to foreign countries. They were sons who didn’t see a future for themselves. They were daughters afraid of being murdered by the “unaccompanied minors” flooding into their towns. They took a deep breath and they stood.

They held up their hands and the great iron wheel stopped.

The Great Blue Wall crumbled. The states fell one by one right down to Pennsylvania.  The working class that had been overlooked and trampled on for so long got to its feet. It rose up against its oppressors and the rest of the nation, from coast to coast, rose up with it.

They fought back against their jobs being shipped overseas while their towns filled with migrants that got everything while they got nothing. They fought back against being told that they had to watch what they say. They fought back against being held in contempt because they wanted to work for a living and take care of their families.

They fought and they won.

This wasn’t a vote. It was an uprising. Like the ordinary men chipping away at the Berlin Wall, they tore down an unnatural thing that had towered over them. And as they watched it fall, they marveled at how weak and fragile it had always been. And how much stronger they were than they had ever known.

Who were these people? They were leftovers and flyover country. They didn’t talk right or think right. They had the wrong ideas, the wrong clothes and the ridiculous idea that they still mattered.

They couldn’t change anything. A thousand politicians and pundits had talked of getting them to adapt to the inevitable future. Instead they got in their pickup trucks and drove out to vote.

And they changed everything.

Americans were told that walls couldn’t be built and factories couldn’t be opened. That treaties couldn’t be unsigned and wars couldn’t be won. It was impossible to ban Muslim terrorists from coming to America or to deport the illegal aliens turning towns and cities into gangland territories. It was all impossible. And they did the impossible. They turned the world upside down.

It’s midnight in America. CNN is weeping. MSNBC is wailing.  It wasn’t supposed to happen. The same machine that crushed the American people for two straight terms, the mass of government, corporations and non-profits that ran the country, was set to win.

Instead the people stood in front of the machine. They blocked it with their bodies. They went to vote even though the polls told them it was useless. They looked at the empty factories and barren farms. They drove through the early cold. They waited in line. They came home to their children to tell them that they had done their best for their future. They bet on America. And they won.

They won improbably. And they won amazingly.

They were tired of seeing their America disappear. And they stood up and fought back. This was their last hope. Their last chance to be heard.

The media had the election wrong all along. This wasn’t about personalities. It was about the impersonal. No one will ever interview all those men and women. We will never see all their faces. But they are us and we are them. They came to the aid of a nation in peril. They did what real Americans have always done. They did the impossible.

America is a nation of impossibilities. We exist because our forefathers did not take no for an answer. Not from kings or tyrants. Not from the elites who told them that it couldn’t be done.

The day when we stop being able to pull of the impossible is the day that America will cease to exist.

Today is not that day. Today fifty million Americans did the impossible.

Midnight has passed. A new day has come. And everything is about to change.

What to Expect This Election – And Beyond

Brace yourself.

November 4, 2024 by Mark Tapson

We’re right on the cusp of – yes, it’s true and not just a hyperbolic cliché – the most consequential election of our time. What can you expect on November 5th – and then beyond?

The short answer is: expect the unexpected, which sounds like another cliché as well as a waffling response, but the only thing we can be sure of is that from here through Inauguration Day and beyond, chaos is going to be the order of the day.

First, the election itself. As things stand now, I personally do not see how Donald Trump can lose – even factoring in what will surely be widespread attempts at voter fraud including an unknown quantity of illegal aliens who have been registered to vote by the Democrats (which is precisely the reason, of course, that they threw open the southern border for four years). The Democrats know they’re going to lose, which is why activists have already started burning ballot boxes in Washington state and Oregon (and you can expect more ballot boxes in other states to begin meeting the same fate). I don’t see how the Democrats can even cheat their way to victory this time. We all know – and the Democrats especially are painfully aware – that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are a disastrous duo whom no one likes and they have run a terrible campaign that is floundering more and more each day.

Conversely, we also all know – and the Democrats especially are painfully aware – that Trump has been a rock star on the campaign trail and that YUGE crowds have come out for him everywhere. Kamala could only boost her crowds with a bait-and-switch, promising Beyoncé concerts that never materialized, for example. Kamala couldn’t even score a victory with a solo CNN town hall; CNN commentators afterward couldn’t cover for her disastrous performance. Her entire campaign has been based on lies and fear-mongering about fascism and democracy because she’s incapable of talking policy or differentiating herself from the decrepit, deposed Joe Biden.

Biden, by the way, may have dealt her campaign a fatal blow late last week by calling Trump supporters – more than half the country – “garbage.” It’s his “deplorables” moment and Kamala and her media allies have been unable to convincingly disavow what he said. Not that all of them are willing to disavow that characterization anyway. A major billionaire democrat donor actually publicly declared that describing the Right as garbage is “an understatement.” The left hates us with the heat of a thousand suns.

That’s why this election is so consequential. Yes, every presidential election in the 21st century, if not before, has been labeled “the most consequential election of our time.” But every election has been the most consequential at the time, because our political landscape has become increasingly fractured by an increasingly radical far-Left movement which dominates the Democrat Party, which now wields both political and cultural dominance, and threatens to steer the country irreversibly further Left under a potential Harris/Walz regime.

In any case, while Kamala’s campaign implodes, Trump is off racking up tens of millions of views of a 3-hour interview with podcaster Joe Rogan; he’s shrugging off assassin’s bullets at rallies; he’s capitalizing big-time on Democrat attacks by slinging fries at McDonald’s and campaigning in a garbage truck; he blew the roof off a Madison Square Garden rally – and don’t even get me started on JD Vance’s media appearances, in which he mops the floor with frustrated, agitated, Left-wing talking heads. He’s a role model for how to deal with the hostile liars in the media.

As an aside: I’m happily married but I’m on the verge of a serious bromance with JD Vance, who exudes a real presidential presence. I am praying for four years of Trump in the Oval Office and then eight more under JD Vance. That would just about Make America Great Again.

Anyway, there’s no question that in a free and fair election, Trump would win. However, we all know that in America we don’t have free and fair elections anymore, thanks to massive Left-wing voter fraud and a feckless Republican party that has allowed our electoral process to degenerate into a hopeless mess which no one trusts.

So again, we can expect the unexpected in terms of the election, even though I believe Trump will ultimately win – assuming he is not assassinated first, and I’m not joking or being flippant about that. We all know the Left is praying (there are no atheists in foxholes) that someone takes him out before Nov. 5th, or at the very least before he takes office in January. And it won’t end there. Once he re-enters the White House, he’ll be facing four years of assassination attempts because the left will never stop wanting him dead.

The real concern is not so much the election itself but the aftermath, because Democrats will under no circumstances allow Trump to become President again. They have already promised they will do everything in their power to de-legitimize the vote count or disqualify Trump or otherwise do whatever it takes to prevent the transfer of power.

If the Democrats refuse to allow the peaceful transfer of power (which they’ve spent the last four years accusing Trump of), America will be thrust into a hot civil war. If Trump loses, it will only be because of massive voter fraud, but the Right will not sit back this time and accept it. I will not be surprised at all if there is violent pushback. So whether he wins or loses the vote count, America is going to be wracked by violent unrest and chaos for months like nothing we’ve seen since 2020, if not worse. And Trump himself will face daily internal resistance within the halls of power from whatever remains of the Deep State, which hopefully this time he will have the focus to clean up.

If Kamala “wins,” her presidency will be the most radical in American history. It’s easy and tempting to dismiss her as an epically incompetent dim bulb, because that’s what she is. It’s easy and tempting to mock her pompous word salads, her nervous cackling, her Meryl Streep-level range of accents when addressing different demographics, but remember that she is also ruthless, ambitious, and cruel, and she enjoys destroying lives through political power. With her in the White House we can expect four years of vindictiveness and retribution against political opponents, in addition to the most radical imaginable policies.

Despite the Left’s attempt to paint Tim Walz as a regular guy, like a local Little League coach, he too is a ruthless radical. A Harris/Walz administration will be catastrophic for America, so brace yourself. Start now, if you haven’t already, preparing for the worst times America has endured in living memory. Because her enemies both internal and external will smell blood in the water and, if I may mix my metaphors, launch a full-court press to take America down for good.

If you’re not already a prepper, learn to be one. Start creating local networks of friends and neighbors whom you can count on in hard times, and prepare yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually for various hardship scenarios, especially if you live in urban areas ruled by Democrats. Because those areas are going to witness ugly unrest and violent breakdown like we saw during the George Floyd riots.

The same goes for America even if Trump and Vance win the election, because the Democrats will “resist” by any means necessary. Through the Democrat narrative to demonize Trump as Literally Hitler™ and his supporters as Nazis and fascists, the Left is laying the groundwork for violent “resistance” intended to destabilize the country from Day One.

Rep. Jamie Raskin, who is one of the biggest liars and propagandists in Congress, has vowed that Congress will remove Trump by invoking Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which prohibits anyone “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” from holding federal office. Raskin has said that it’s going to be up to him and his fellow Dem lawmakers on January 6, 2025, to tell the “rampaging Trump mobs that he’s disqualified.” He added, “And then we need bodyguards for everybody in civil war conditions.”

Vote accordingly, if you haven’t already, and prepare for the worst, whatever the outcome. I don’t mean for that to be disheartening, just realistic and motivating. As Donald Trump, Jr. put it in a tweet, “Vote like your lives, freedom, wellbeing and children’s future depend on it. Because they do. Don’t be demoralized just get out and bring your friends and overwhelm anything the democrats throw at you!”

These are the times that try men’s souls. Rise to the occasion.

Once Joyful Harris Now Goes the Full McCarthyite[/b]

Embracing the Big Lie.

November 1, 2024 by Victor Davis Hanson

In the last two weeks, Kamala Harris has been trying to revive her stagnant campaign by smearing Trump as being Hitlerian and a fascist. She claims Trump is planning to put his enemies in encampments.

Yet in the modern era, it was not Trump who put large numbers of U.S. residents and citizens into “relocation camps,” but liberal Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt who sent Japanese-American citizens and residents into them.

If Harris refers to Trump’s supposed fascist policies during his prior four-year tenure, there is no such evidence.

Nonetheless, the once “joyful” Harris is ending her campaign by trafficking in lies and smears reminiscent of the Joe McCarthy era.

Recall that fascists hijack law enforcement and the military to suspend constitutional rights and punish enemies. But Trump did neither.

Instead, in 2016, a corrupt FBI went after Trump himself during the Obama administration with the bogus Steele dossier.

The FBI, which in 2016 had hired the faker Steele, in 2020, fused with social media to suppress accurate news reporting of the embarrassing Hunter Biden laptop scandal.

A number of FBI directors and intelligence officials—John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Andrew McCabe—who openly sought to destroy Trump had a long history of either lying or feigning amnesia under oath.

Fascists try to warp the legal system. But Trump’s own Justice Department selected an independent special counsel to investigate the invented Russian collusion accusations against him.

In vast contrast, the Biden Justice Department coordinated with Georgia prosecutors Fani Willis and Nathan Wade, special counsel Jack Smith, Manhattan prosecutor Alvin Bragg, and New York Attorney General Letitia James to prosecute Trump, bankrupt him, and keep off the campaign trail.

Fascists use their governments to destroy their enemies.

During Trump’s term, for the first time in history, the House of Representatives impeached a first-term president twice. And in another first, the Senate tried Trump as a private citizen.

A self-styled “anonymous” federal official bragged openly of deliberately, and likely unlawfully, leading a bureaucratic cabal to sabotage Trump’s lawful executive orders.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, in collusion with other bureaucrats, deliberately leaked a classified presidential phone call in an effort to ensure that Trump was impeached.

Fascists seek to change existing laws to destroy opponents and illegally consolidate power.

Currently, it is only the Democrats who seek to pack the court, destroy the Electoral College, end the Senate filibuster, and create two new states and thus gain four left-wing senators.

In key states, they radically changed voting laws.

As a result, roughly 70 percent of voters in 2020 did not cast their ballots in person on Election Day—even as the traditional rejection rates for fraudulent ballots mysteriously dived amid the influx.

Fascists arbitrarily nullify any laws they feel do not aid their agendas. Biden-Harris destroyed immigration law in order to bring in more than 12 million illegal aliens and gain new constituencies.

They also protected sanctuary cities, as some 600 such jurisdictions illegally and with impunity nullified federal immigration laws in neo-Confederate fashion.

Fascists seek to politicize the military.

But in Trump’s case, his former chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Mark Milley, brazenly violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice by libeling Trump as a fascist.

Worse still, Milley sabotaged the chain of command by ordering theater commanders to report directly to him in times of serious crises.

And in near-treasonous fashion, Milley contacted his Chinese communist counterpart in the People’s Liberation Army to assure him that he would warn the Chinese military before carrying out any Trump order he felt existentially dangerous.

Some of the most prominent retired four-star military officers—again in violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice—publicly smeared Trump as a coward, liar, fascist, Hitler-like, a Mussolini, a creator of Auschwitz-like death camps, and worthy of being removed “the sooner the better.”

Fascists seek to control and weaponize the media. So, Facebook and Twitter both conspired with the FBI to censure news accounts favorable to Trump. The major newspapers, social media corporations, television networks, and public broadcasting systematically and continually attacked Trump, censured his supporters, and fused with his opponents.

Why then the charges of Trump the fascist and Hitler reincarnation?

Simple. Harris’s personal negatives are rising, her polls inert.

She has abandoned her prior run-out-the-clock avoidance of the media, her smiley “joy” campaign, and instead now embraces the big lie, while Joe Biden writes off Trump supporters as “garbage”.

Harris is now confirming to voters that she really can neither think nor speak well and has no consistent agenda that appeals to the middle class.

So, in final desperation, Harris is smearing Trump as a fascist, even though ironically, he has been the target of fascist machinations from her own party and supporters for nearly a decade.

Politics & Religion / Our Out of Control Federal Law Enforcement.
« on: October 13, 2024, 05:44:02 PM »
We are now living in a police state, ladies and gentlemen. See this excellent article adapted from a Hillsdale College lecture this past July, 2024:

Donald Trump and J.D. Vance were subjected to merciless mocking by "journalists" for their allegations of Haitian immigrants in Springfield, OH eating pets. It turns out that Haitians have a documented record of doing just that in Chile - which recently approved a bill against it. So - while there evidently is no proof of this happening in Springfield, OH - there are allegations by residents, which is not a tin-foil hat conspiracy. See article below.

JD Vance and Pet-Eating

Are we sure that all cultures are equal?

October 4, 2024 by Christine Williams

The leftist media has been abuzz about Donald Trump and running mate JD Vance “smearing” Haitians in America with comments about their cultural practice of pet-eating.

Considering just how incredibly sinister leftist powerbrokers are, and how gullible the public can be, a few generalizations can be made:

Leftist leaders, with their media lapdogs in tow, know little to nothing about minority cultures; nor do they care about them. They rely on activist special interest groups within these cultures to “educate” them. Both groups manipulate each other as friends of convenience, but neither really has any concern for the most disadvantaged among the groups for which they supposedly advocate. These leaders are all manipulators of identity politics and predators upon the most weak. Woke governments wield and use social causes for their own self-aggrandizement, while levying accusations of racism in order to smear their opponents.

Leftist powerbrokers often accomplish one of two things or both: 1) stereotyping and insulting minorities (for example, saying that voter identification laws hurt minorities, as though minorities are collectively too stupid or helpless to acquire government ID, and lowering college standards for minorities); 2) harming their own countries by pretending that all cultures are equal and then implementing policies that advance this assumption, including open-door immigration.

Leftists smugly assume that hard-working minorities must agree with them, and intentionally exclude those minorities who do not. For instance, there is a good reason why support for the Biden-Harris administration among Hispanics is tanking, due to its open borders policies, but Leftists are too self-absorbed and cretinous to figure out the obvious reason why.
This brings us to the incessant attacks on Trump and Vance over their comments about the Haitian migrants eating pets in Springfield, Ohio.

Obviously, Vance didn’t mean that every Haitian eats pets. But enough do to warrant the  mention that not all cultures are equal.

The leftist media is becoming more desperate to cover for the consequences of the Democrats’ wide-open border policy. How can they expect any voters to be so clueless as to confuse responsible immigration with unvetted, open migration?

One can always count on the left working in cahoots with special interest elements among minority groups, which may have ulterior motives, or who are out to gain recognition, funding and the like. Take the so-called Haitian advocacy organization known as the Haitian Bridge Alliance, which filed private criminal charges against Trump and Vance which allege: “Vance and Trump disrupted public service, made false alarms, committed telecommunications harassment, committed aggravating menacing and violated the complicity statute.” Unsurprisingly, the Haitian Bridge Alliance is backed and funded by leftwing billionaire financier George Soros.

Now comes a report which highlights exactly what Vance and Trump have been speaking about, while the leaders of the leftist camp are busy “fighting” yet again for minority communities: “Chile advances in banning the slaughter and consumption of pets,” by Joana Campos, Gateway Pundit-Gateway Hispanic, September 28, 2024:

The Chilean Congress has taken a decisive step in protecting the rights of domestic animals by recently approving a bill that classifies the slaughter, distribution, and commercialization of the meat of pets and companion animals as a crime.

The Chilean congressman José Carlos Meza who authored the bill that penalizes the slaughter of pets spoke about it:

In Chile, it is documented that foreign communities, particularly Haitians, consume the meat of domestic animals and pets, such as cats. There are many reports, some even showing the street sale of this meat (without clearly stating that it is dog or cat meat). This is why we are seeking to criminalize, with relatively high penalties, the slaughter, consumption, and distribution of the meat of domestic animals, pets, and companion animals….

Americans should be in a panic that their government has issued what amounts to an open invitation to every criminal, communist, jihadist, gangster and weirdo the world over. With that said, there will be some willfully blind communist enablers who will parrot the reactionary response that such a statement is “racist.”

As rightly stated about American politics:

The Hispanic community in the US has been manipulated by ultra-liberal media that only seek to victimize it and use it as a puppet and speaker for the most extremist and antidemocratic left in history.

All to what end? The advance of Marxism by wealthy members of a socialist-elitist government which hates and oppresses its people. To this end, leftist elites will continue to leech off taxpayers, and to practice deception. They work to divide and conquer and fully exploit propaganda, as well as to use intimidation, incite violence, and stifle truth and freedom.

Christine Williams

Christine Douglass-Williams is Associate Editor of Frontpage, regular writer for Jihad Watch, a nine-time award-winning journalist, past Canadian government appointee to the Canadian Race Relations Foundation and the Office of Religious Freedom; author of "The Challenge of Modernizing Islam" and "Fired by the Canadian Government for Criticizing Islam".

This is an excellent opinion piece that appeared today in The New York Post:

The left is using bogus COVID-19 research to censor their opponents

By Isaac Schorr
Published Oct. 9, 2024, 10:39 p.m. ET

How does one justify squelching free speech and censoring opponents?

By justifying it by “science.”

The authors of a new study published by the scientific journal Nature submit that “differential sharing of misinformation by people identifying with different political groups could lead to political asymmetries in enforcement, even by unbiased policies.”

In plain English: Conservatives face more punishment by social media companies because they share more misinformation.

How did they reach such a conclusion?

By grading a number of news outlets and then knocking conservative users for sharing links to sites the researchers themselves deemed were “low quality.”

Fact-check scheme

There are some glaringly obvious issues with this construction.

According to the study, outlets favored by conservatives — like The Post and Fox News — are of a lesser quality than The New York Times and CBS News, because they are less prone to being tsk-tsked by biased fact-checkers who themselves often turn out to be wrong.

It’s a rigged game built on circular logic, not objective measures.

Liberals affirming other liberals’ reporting isn’t confirmation of that reporting’s validity, it’s proof that this study is tainted by confirmation bias.

Contrary to the authors’ assumption, neither the right nor the left has a monopoly on good or bad sources.

But let’s say you give the Times the nod over The Post, too (shame on you, by the way).

How does the study account for the Gray Lady accusing Sen. Tom Cotton of repeating a “fringe theory of coronavirus origins” when he posited that COVID-19 might have escaped from the coronavirus research facility in Wuhan?

Or for the widely panned, ahistorical 1619 Project?

Or for the Trump assassination fantasy it published in its book review section?

Or any number of other either mistakes or intentional obfuscations it has made in just the last few years?

Its authors eschew evaluations of actual misinformation being spread in order to roundly dismiss right-of-center media as a whole.

The problem is that this study, written by researchers at liberal universities, will be used to justify the censoring of conservative media by social media giants.

Google will prevent ads from appearing on the news sites, Facebook will limit the sharing of articles from those publications, then say “well, researchers from Yale and Cornell said it was bad.”

This particular attempt at using “science” to the advantage of Democrats is unfortunately part of a larger trend.

A functioning democracy needs institutions it can trust to provide accurate information and use the scientific method correctly for the benefit of the entire public, rather than making a mockery of it to benefit a political party.

Yet all across American society, those institutions are betraying the public trust for nakedly political reasons.

CNN Business has a preposterous “Fear & Greed Index” that it uses to undermine faith in the free enterprise system.

Anthony Fauci sounded more like Emperor Palpatine of “Star Wars” than an earthly public servant when he pronounced that “attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science.”

Survey the work of any one of the many professional fact-checkers littering the Internet and you’ll find that Democrats’ false claims are sanitized as “mostly true,” while Republicans’ accurate ones are undermined by their supposed need for “context.”

Strip all of these pseudo-sophisticated attempts down to what they are and you’ll find that they’re not good-faith efforts at discerning the truth, but arguments from authority meant to elide the substantive issues Americans are eager to debate.

Like so much of social media moderation, they’re glorified methods of telling dissenters to elite opinion to “Shut up!”

Fighting back

The good news is that people are fighting back.

The left-wing establishment may think they can falsify their way to victory with poorly designed studies, ill-conceived quantifications and an endless sea of misbegotten fact-checks, but the American people see through it all.

Between COVID, the whitewash of Joe Biden’s failed presidency, and its attempt to cover first for his decline, and then for Kamala Harris’ superficial candidacy, they’ve burned their credibility to ashes.

So they can invent as many fake statistical measures as they want; the left is still stuck in an echo chamber every bit as cloistered as the one they accuse conservatives of having fallen into.

The Nature study, as it turns out, is a useful reminder — if not the one authors intended it to be.

Progressives’ professed fidelity to the truth is just another smokescreen they use to try to accrue power.

Isaac Schorr is a staff writer at Mediaite.

Politics & Religion / Re: Anti-semitism & Jews
« on: December 03, 2023, 10:55:17 AM »
Below is a brilliant column by Daniel Greenfield regarding how American liberal Jews have forgotten how to fight leftist and Islamic Jew-hatred. It's a somewhat long read, but well-worth the time. His analysis of the situation is, as usual, superb.

American Jews Never Learned to Fight Leftist Jew-Hatred
And talking about ‘anti-Semitism’ is part of the problem.

December 1, 2023 by Daniel Greenfield

[Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

After the Holocaust, the American Jewish community, like most liberals, reduced the mass murder of millions of Jews to a problem of intolerance and prejudice. A massive effort was undertaken to educate about what had happened rather than what was happening.

While the first Holocaust museums were being built, the persecution and killing of Jews had mostly shifted over to the Soviet Union and its allies in the Arab Muslim world. American Jews failed to grapple with this shift much as they failed to come to terms with the reality that black nationalist groups were quickly eclipsing the KKK when it came to the domestic hatred of Jews.

These are the key ingredients that led to the current open climate of Jew-hatred in America.

Instead of talking about what the hatred of Jews looked like today, American Jewish liberals insisted on dwelling on what it had looked like decades earlier in America and in Europe. Like the generals who are always refighting yesterday’s war, they were not dealing with the present.

They relied heavily on “antisemitism”: a term invented in the 19th century by a German socialist bigot, Wilhelm Marr, to emphasize the race of the Jews. But post-Holocaust hatred of Jews on the Left was more often cultural than racial. Karl Marx, the progenitor of Marxism, had been of Jewish descent from a Christian family, and had spread poisonous antisemitic venom. Lenin, who had one Jewish grandfather, oversaw the oppression of Jews while denying they were a distinct people. The Soviet expectation was that the Jews would disappear as a people, but, aside from Stalin’s final years, avoided any plans for the racial extermination of the Jews.

The Marxist and the Islamic position, unlike the Nazi racial position, did not require the physical extermination of the Jews at a genetic level, only a cultural genocide. Jews would be allowed to exist under Communism or Islam, as long as they abandoned their religion and national identity. The liberal focus on fighting racial antisemitism left it unprepared to fight such cultural hatred.

Even though the Soviet persecution of the Jews as a people had been underway for generations, American liberal Jews never developed a vocabulary for describing it. Or showed much particular interest in it until a new generation of young activists in the USSR and America finally made it a burning issue that rose to national and international attention in the 1970s.

The Communist persecution of Jews was manifested in many of the same ways as the contemporary leftist hatred of Jews. The party and the regime claimed to oppose ‘antisemitism’, even passed laws banning it, while suppressing Judaism and Zionism as ‘reactionary’ and ‘nationalistic’. The Soviet Union could point to examples of high-ranking Jewish figures who had rejected Zionism and Judaism, and represented the Communist ideal for the Jews.

As Lenin put it, “whoever, directly or indirectly, puts forward the slogan of Jewish national culture is (whatever his good intentions may be) an enemy of the proletariat… he is an accomplice of the rabbis and the bourgeoisie… on the other hand, those Jewish Marxists who mingle with the Russian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian and other workers in international Marxist organizations, and make their contribution… towards creating the international culture of the working-class movement… uphold the best traditions of Jewry by fighting the slogan of ‘national culture.’”

Jews had to be culturally, but not racially eradicated. Those Jews who joined with non-Jewish Marxists in the rejection of Judaism and Zionism were praiseworthy Marxists. Those who did not were an “enemy of the proletariat” to be executed like a number of my great-uncles.

Like most Soviet implementations of Communist ideology, this was a ‘Potemkin village’ of lies. Jews, regardless of their religious observance or interest in Israel, had been explicitly targeted for persecution and mass murder, were specially designated as being Jews in government documents, and the government’s formal anti-Zionism and anti-Judaism was just the same old ‘antisemitism’, complete with hook-nosed cartoons, dressed up in progressive clothing.

Much the same is true of contemporary leftist Jew-hatred which is based on Marx’s stereotypes of Jews as capitalists, but draws heavily on the Soviet playbook of substituting anti-Zionism for antisemitism, and trotting out model Jewish socialists to defend the persecution of Jews.

The liberal Jewish failure to meaningfully confront the Soviet hatred of Jews left them unprepared for the leftist movements that mainstreamed the same hatred in America.

There were plenty of warnings. Decade after decade, academics pushing these positions on college campuses, journalists embedding them in magazines, and fringe politicians making these arguments grew in power and influence while the liberal establishment talked of ‘antisemitism’ purely in terms of far-right racial supremacism or small town prejudices.

The rise of black nationalist antisemitism in the seventies, which was often explicitly racialist in nature, produced flailing responses. The American Jewish liberal establishment held up faded pictures of Heschel marching with MLK, failing to grasp that this made black nationalists despise MLK rather than like Jews, and prattled about the Jewish contribution to civil rights. The liberal establishment was so committed to a model of top-down persecution that it was unable to defend Jews against antisemitism that appeared to be coming from a minority on the bottom.

When various forms of critical race theory made the formula official that black people and minorities could not be racist toward anyone with more privilege than them, a position that legitimized a general hatred of white people, Asians and Jews, there was little response. The formal understanding that Jews could now be freely hated was ignored by liberal Jews.

Some outnumbered figures launched a struggle for the soul of liberalism, but they had little and fleeting support from an establishment that was still influential enough to make a difference. The liberal Jewish establishment was more interested in being in the vanguard of civil rights than in protecting Jews from the emergence of an ideology that deprived them of their civil rights.

Only after the Hamas mass murder of over 1,000 Jews and the statements of support for it at major universities, did some donors and community leaders wake up enough to push back. It took the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust and the widespread acceptance of it by their friends for them to realize how bad the situation had gotten, but not to realize why.

And that is the crucial issue.

The pro-Hamas Left insists that it is not ‘antisemitic’ and most of it probably believes that’s true because while traditional bigotry and hatred created the Islamic obsession with killing Jews and the conviction in the old Marxist Left that the Jews were not a legitimate people, the final product is cloaked in talk about liberation, decolonization and an end to privilege and oppression.

It may support the mass murder of Jews, but it doesn’t culturally ‘feel’ like ‘antisemitism’.

The Leftist hatred of Jews doesn’t fit the liberal model in which there is a continuity of oppression. A downtrodden minority faces prejudice, which escalates into political repression  and then violence. First there are the jokes, then laws and then bullets. Leftists cheering for Hamas would argue that since they don’t tell ‘antisemitic’ jokes, they can’t be considered antisemitic even while they’re calling for the mass murder of Jews.

This is why the traditional model of talking about antisemitism has failed so badly.

The liberal insistence on teaching tolerance by addressing the roots of bigotry rather than its outcome has been a disastrous failure because where far-right bigotry is a continuity, left-wing bigotry is a discontinuity of ideological abstractions leading indirectly to mass murder. The ideological detachment from reality can be measured in the fact that inmates in Nazi camps did not shout, “Heil Hitler” before dying, but those in Soviet gulags were known to shout, “long live Stalin” before being executed. The Nazis knew what they were doing, Communists often did not. They existed and still exist in an ideological haze of slogans rather than people.

‘Antisemitism’ is an ideological abstraction that leftists reject because it appears to refer to a certain type of person and behavior that their ideological purity tells them that they couldn’t be. They’re not the sorts of people who talk about ‘jewing down’ or believe in the inferiority of races and therefore, even while they’re smashing Jewish store windows and attacking a Holocaust museum, they can’t be ‘antisemites’. They know ‘antisemites’ are ‘right wing’ and when they’re assaulting Jews in the street, they, like the Soviet Communists, are fighting against ‘Zionism’.

The emphasis on antisemitism, on the roots of bigotry rather than their outcomes, makes such moral evasiveness easy for leftists. Focus on the mass murder of Jews, the broken glass and a mob outside the doors of a Holocaust museum, and then you’re talking about hateful outcomes.

Those are much harder to evade than abstractions.

The analysis of ‘antisemitism’ rather than the concrete reality of Jew-hatred has played into the hands of a leftist culture of hate that uses analysis to disguise the reality of its actions.

Confronting the realities of the assaults on Jews will require taking stock of a cultural war, rather than a racial one, and deal with outcomes instead of motives. Talking about ‘antisemitism’ becomes misleading when confronting a form of antisemitism that hides its ethnic hatred behind cultural and political hostility. And that will require discussing cultural, religious and political differences, topics which liberal Jews are uncomfortable with.

The modern liberal consensus, like that of the Soviet Union, is racially diverse but ideologically unified. The illusion of multiculturalism in the Soviet Union or a college town in America is limited to only those cultural differences that don’t clash with the dominant leftist belief system. This is a comfortable echo chamber for those who agree and a repressive cage for those who do not.

Liberal Jews bought into this system in a big way because they were terrified of feeling different. They shed their religious traditions for non-threatening culturally Jewish versions of liberal Protestantism and stayed silent about the mass murder of Jews during the Holocaust. The rebirth of Israel challenged their theology and their politics, but mostly their anonymity.

While American Jewish anti-zionists lashed out at Israel in resentment for creating tension between their politics and their identity, Israel was just the canary in the coal mine. Black nationalists weren’t attacking Jewish teachers because of Israel. And Marxists weren’t targeting Jews because of the Jewish State. To a liberal establishment that was turning leftist, the existence of a traditional Jewish community was unsustainable in either Israel or America.

Oct 7, like the protests for Soviet Jewry and the defenses of Israel, forced American Jews to break with their political community in support of their religious and ethnic community. It’s a painful and alienating experience, but like any escape from a toxic relationship, also liberating.

Among the unexamined truisms that need to be rethought is ‘antisemitism’.

Antisemitism refers to race and when it comes to the hatred of Jews, culture trumps race. Aside from the Nazis and a few ‘Jewish Question’ obsessed racialists, hardly anyone who hates Jews would propose using genetic screening to track down people of Jewish descent who don’t even know that they are Jewish to exterminate them. Most cultural ‘antisemitism’ has a racial component, but it’s triggered by the idea of the Jews as a community and a people.

The term ‘antisemitism’ conflates someone who doesn’t like Jews, but would never engage in violence or support violence, with those who engage in and support violence against Jews. Furthermore some of those who support the mass murder of Jews don’t believe that they’re prejudiced against Jews, but believe that killing Jewish children is the right thing to do.

Talking about ‘antisemitism’ or even ‘hatred’ is wholly inadequate in such situations.

The idea of a continuity of bigotry often breaks down in the madness of contemporary political discourse. The same term used to describe someone who resents Jews moving into his town should not be used to also describe someone massacring Jews. Calling it all ‘antisemitism’ minimizes it and puts the local jerk on the same level as Hitler or Hamas. And that’s a mistake.

The liberal Jewish establishment has spent too much time fighting ‘prejudice’ and not enough time dealing with ‘eliminationist’ sentiments. The existential threat is not prejudice: it’s genocide.

Fighting the leftist and Islamic hatred of Jews will require developing a new terminology and a new approach than the same old tired ‘fight against antisemitism’ establishment rhetoric. Liberal Jews will have to confront their own fears and rethink their assumptions to take on the threat.

During the Hitler-Stalin Pact, Jews had to confront Communists and their sympathizers who were now suddenly insistent on a friendship with the Nazis. That genocidal alliance crystalized a rejection of Communism by American Jews as “Jewish workers assaulted Communists who tried to defend their alliance with the Nazis, calling them, ‘Communazis.’”

The pact between Islam and the Left manifested once again in the response to the Oct 7 atrocities should be met the same way. The Left should be rejected the same way the Communists were. The ‘Communazis’ have been replaced by ‘Commuhamasniks’, but that is the only thing that has changed. American Jews must relearn how to fight this enemy.

After three generations of failing to confront the leftist hatred of Jews, it’s time to fight.

Politics & Religion / Re: Western Civilization
« on: November 10, 2023, 06:20:15 PM »
Also look at the Arabic term Takfir -

Politics & Religion / Re: Western Civilization
« on: November 10, 2023, 12:53:00 PM »

Islam is a death cult. It is more than just a religion, it is a totalitarian, barbaric socio-economic system which places zero worth on human life.

Ultimately, every Muslim is called to murder, enslave or subjugate unbelievers, and this has been the case since the inception of Islam about 1400 years ago. The Jews are just proverbial canary in the coal mine. Christians are targets as well, and any member of an alternate sect of Islam (Sunni, Shia, etc.) Mohammed was crystal clear on this in the Qur'an and the hadith. Not one word can be changed because universally, Muslim clerics consider the Qur'an the word of Allah. See Robert Spencer's excellent piece on this below. I'm not sure what relevance the percentage of Muslims killed by other Muslims has. EVERY unbeliever must die under the dictates of Islam.

Politics & Religion / Re: Western Civilization
« on: November 09, 2023, 06:43:07 PM »
There is No Moderate Jihad
And that’s why co-existence is impossible.
November 8, 2023 by Daniel Greenfield

[Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

Civilized nations have spent generations trying to convince themselves that the primary religious and national impulses of the Muslim world come down to more than conquest and mass murder.

The horrors of the past few years in Afghanistan and Israel both came down to the mistaken belief that you could negotiate and reach an agreement with Jihadist movements.

Both D.C. and Jerusalem had become enchanted with diplomatic initiatives to the Muslim world, from the Abraham Accords to two years of relative peace with Hamas, politicians, generals and diplomats were convinced that they had finally unlocked the secret of coexistence.

But there’s no perpetual motion machine, no diet that lets you eat what you want and no coexistence with an ideology that is built on conquering and destroying all outsiders.

Individually, contextually and circumstantially coexistence is possible. But not in the long run.

How long that long run is depends not on building relationships, but showing strength. Civilized people treat coexistence as a means of developing bonds but the other side uses periods of coexistence to test for weaknesses. Coexistence on their side is a wholly insincere facade, no matter how authentic it may appear, that gathers information to be used when the attack comes.

Israeli Kibbutz residents thought that they were building relationships with day laborers from Gaza. They chatted about life, their kids and their various hardships. Then those same laborers returned to kill, rape and abduct them. But that is how that was always going to end.

That is how it will end for us with the millions of immigrants that we have taken into our nations.

It is a fundamental error to view Hamas as an “extremist” group. It is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood whose political parties rule a number of Muslim countries. Its political organizations also dominate Muslim communities in America and Europe. Most of Al Qaeda’s leaders were also members of the Muslim Brotherhood. The myth of a split between political Islam and militant Islam, between moderate and extreme Islamic movements was always just that.

As Erdogan, the brutal Islamist tyrant who became the poster boy for moderate Islam said, “Islam cannot be either ‘moderate’ or ‘not moderate.’ Islam can only be one thing.” He has since, despite previous claims of turning more moderate and rebuilding relationships, renewed his support for Hamas, and threatened western nations with a Jihad against the “crusaders”.

The trouble with all the dreams of coexistence is that Islam is Jihad and Jihad is Islam. The most fundamental external expression of Islam is a drive to conquer the entire world, not in some uncertain ‘end of days’ future, but here, now and in the present. The difference between the so-called moderates and extremists comes down to quibbling over when and how that conquest is to begin, where it is to be implemented and who is to take charge of it.

But the actual conquest is an ongoing project. Every Islamic war, whether against Muslims or non-Muslims, is waged as part of an agenda of global conquest. Muslim civil wars are waged between different factions under the banner of Islamic leadership. And the purpose of Islamic leadership is to impose Islamic law in its lands and then invade other lands to impose the same brutal theocratic repression there.

The Jihad is the defining force of Islamic political and religious life. Much as with Communism, coexistence with it is impossible. It was impossible to coexist with members of a movement that believed in conquering and subjugating everyone under the red flag and the little red book. Individually you could chat with a Communist or help them with their groceries, but the ideology doomed any long term relationship with someone who wanted you dead or as a slave.

This was a difficult lesson that we never learned during the Cold War. Is it any wonder that we’re incapable of grasping this concept now when our civilization’s future is once again on the line?

The Cold War was fought on the optimistic premise that everyone wanted the same things we did, and that once we taught them to want them, they would adopt our means of getting them. Convince Communists that color TVs were fun and they become democratic capitalists. What sounded like a good argument to us has failed in every country that it’s been tried, except those that, like Japan and Germany, were originally democratic and capitalist. Instead we convinced China that it should make and sell us the TVs and use the money to build up its military, and convinced the Muslim world to move here, kill us and take the TVs.

We are not the world and the world is not us. Not all religions, cultures and countries are alike. Most have things that they believe in every bit as strongly as our fanciful belief that all people are basically good and that if we could just get them in a room, we would agree on most things. That’s what we did with multiculturalism and it’s why we now have violent riots every few years because we don’t agree on basic things like what we want out of life or how we treat each other.

That’s why we should not delude ourselves into thinking that the Jihad is a fringe, the misbehavior of a tiny minority, and that even that tiny minority doesn’t really buy into it. Every religion and movement has its hypocrites, but the belief that the world must be purified by Islam is as sincerely held by the majority of its believers as by those who fought for Communism. That is the religious impulse, more than any other, at the heart of Islam and its promise to Muslims.

Each religion has elements that make it exceptional. What makes Islam exceptional is not the collection of beliefs, scriptures and rituals often cribbed from Judaism and Christianity, but what it offers that these religions do not, an imminent redemption of the world achieved not in the distant future, but in the present day through the violent actions of its followers. That, and not borrowed scripture and ritual, is what allowed Islam to defeat Jews and Christians.

Western nations view this as ancient history while Muslims see it as an enduring struggle. That is why they talk, as Erdogan does, about “crusaders” and taunt the Jews with the massacre of Khaybar by Mohammed’s bandits. Convinced that history can never repeat itself, we dismiss the idea that it’s relevant or that the people we are dealing with are serious about bringing it back.

Civilized people are shocked by the horrors that ISIS, Boko Haram or Hamas perpetrate because they refuse to learn history or to see how it might be relevant to current events. It’s fashionable to draw a line, whether it’s 5 minutes ago or in 1967, and begin the clock from there. Why is this happening, they wonder, as if this had not been the longstanding practice of Islamic armies to behead fallen enemies, mutilate bodies or to rape women for over a thousand years. They assume without a shred of evidence that such practices must have been abolished.

What we are experiencing is not a reaction to anything we did. It has nothing to do with our views on a ‘Palestinian’ state, whether we draw Mohammed or welcome refugees. The Jihad is the founding religious impulse of Islam with over a thousand years of history behind it. The Jihad not only predates the United States of America and the rebirth of Israel, but dates back to a name when pagan kings ruled the various parts of England. It predates colonialism, imperialism, capitalism, globalism, the dollar, WWI and the Carter administration.

The Jihad made Islam possible. It is also what gives it meaning. It is the precarious reality that colors all relationships with the Muslim world. We have learned to ignore it at our own risk. And every time we unsee it, people die. They die by the dozens, the hundreds and the thousands. And the killing and the dying happen because we mistake what is at best a Cold War for a rich relationship. We think that we are building bridges when we’re really welcoming invaders.

To survive, we need to see all the things that we’ve been unseeing. We have to recognize that these horrors are not aberrations, they are the norm. It’s the pleasantries and periods of coexistence that are the aberration. It’s not a problem we can negotiate away. It’s not solvable by spreading democracy or building up trade relationships. The only reason we weren’t living with these horrors on an everyday basis is that the Western world became too powerful to have our coastlines and ships raided for slaves as used to be common practice in the past.

What the Muslim world and it leftist allies call “imperialism” and “colonialism” meant that kidnapped European women stopped showing up in the harems of the Ottoman Caliphate and European children as slaves in his armies. It also meant that the Jews were able to rebuild their country and, briefly, Christians in the region were also able to freely lift their heads again. We forgot that we had become strong to stop ourselves from falling victim to the endless Jihad. And our sons and daughters came to sympathize with former enemies who would rape and kill them.

Now we have made ourselves weak and the horrors are returning. We struggle to coexist with those who want to kill us. And then we wonder why they keep killing us. There’s our answer.

Coexistence is death, resistance is life. Until we learn to stop coexisting with our killers, they will go on killing us. All else is an illusion. A fantasy that we keep feeding ourselves. There is no moderate Islam because there is no moderate Jihad. And there is no moderate Jihad because there is no moderate way to conquer and enslave non-Muslims. Islam is a state of perpetual war. To know Islam is to never know peace. We coexist with Islam and so we are at war.

Why There is Never Peace Between Israel and the Palestinians
Hint: it's not about negotiations over territory.
October 12, 2023 by Robert Spencer

[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

In its analysis of the war that has begun between Hamas and Israel, CNN noted on Saturday that the Biden regime was just in the process of pressuring Israel to make a series of concessions to the Palestinians in order to further the cause of normalization of ties between Israel and Saudi Arabia. In this, both the sinister establishment media propagandists of CNN and the sinister kleptocrats of the Biden regime betrayed their fundamental failure, or refusal, to understand why there is this apparently endless conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in the first place.

CNN reported that “as recently as this week, Biden had hoped to be nearing the completion of a major agreement with Israel and Saudi Arabia to establish formal diplomatic ties, potentially transforming the entire Middle East. The expectation had been that the deal would include agreement from Netanyahu on certain concessions to the Palestinians, including potentially freezing settlements and agreeing to an eventual Palestinian state.”

The universal assumption is that freezing settlements and agreeing to a Palestinian state (which the Palestinians have previously rejected on numerous occasions) will bring peace. Yet this is not true, and the Palestinians themselves have made that clear on numerous occasions over the years. Back on Oct. 5, 2018, on “Not a Neighbor,” a program on official Palestinian Authority television, Sharia judge Muhannad Abu Rumi denounced the idea that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was about territory and could thus be subject to negotiations:

People could be deluded or think…that we have no way out with the Jews…The liberation of this land is a matter of faith, which will happen despite everyone. The Jews leaving this land is a divine decree…The war is not only over this strip of land, as you all know the Jews want everything and not just a part. They want to subjugate us, and that we be slaves to their command…

Just a week after that, during a Friday sermon at the Islamic Center of South Florida, Imam Hasan Sabri offered a succinct encapsulation of the principle of “Drive them out from where they drove you out” (Qur’an 2:191): “If a land is occupied or plundered, it should be liberated from its occupiers and plunderers, even if this leads to the martyrdom of tens of millions of Muslims.”

Sabri ridiculed the very idea of negotiations: “Take the Palestinian cause, for example. It is not being plotted against with a deal they call ‘the Deal of the Century.’ Why do they call it a ‘deal’? Because whoever is involved in this treason is not a man of principles. These are peddlers, not men with a cause. All they want are positions and jobs. That is why for them, the cause is nothing but a deal, a matter of give and take. For them, it is nothing but a deal.”

To this, Sabri contrasted the “position of a believing Muslim about the Palestinian cause,” which he characterized in this way: “That Palestine in its entirety is Islamic land, and there is no difference between what was occupied in 1948 and 1967. There is no difference between this village or that village, this city or that city. All of it is Islamic waqf land that was occupied by force. The responsibility for it lies with the entire Islamic nation, and the [Palestinians] should benefit from this land. If a land is occupied or plundered, it should be liberated from the occupiers and plunderers, even if this leads to the martyrdom of tens of millions of Muslims. This is the ruling, and there is no room for discussion or concessions.”

There is no room for discussion or concessions because of the nature of the foe as they communicate it to their people. An Egyptian Muslim cleric, Sheikh Masoud Anwar, on Al-Rahma TV on Jan. 9, 2009, also stated that negotiations with the Israelis were worthless because Jews could not be trusted. He declared: “The worst enemies of the Muslims — after Satan — are the Jews. Who said this? Allah did.” Indeed he did: it’s in the Qur’an (5:82).

Numerous Muslim clerics have for many years contradicted the general assumption that the Israeli/Palestinian conflict was over land and could be settled through negotiations. As Barack Obama pressed Israel to resume peace talks with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, in the summer of 2013, Sheikh Hammam Saeed, the leader of the Jordanian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, thundered that eradicating all Jewish presence from the Holy Land was a matter of Islamic law. He termed the idea of a negotiated settlement “heresy, according to Islamic law, because Allah says that Palestine belongs to the Islamic nation, while they say that Palestine belongs to the Jews. Anyone who says that Palestine belongs to the Jews has no place in the religion of Allah, and no room in this creed. This is an issue of heresy and belief.”

Examples of this kind of rhetoric could be multiplied endlessly. Yet in the next few days, Biden and his cohorts will demand that Israel stop defending itself and return to the negotiating table. You know, some men you just can’t reach.

Politics & Religion / Re: Israel, and its neighbors
« on: October 11, 2023, 11:48:34 PM »
What Hamas Was Really Out To Do
This was not a terrorist attack; it was an annexation.
October 12, 2023 by Daniel Greenfield

[Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

After the Hamas atrocities, experts scurried to explain why it had embraced “ISIS tactics”. Many saw the attacks purely as a way of sabotaging Israel’s talks with Saudi Arabia. Others argued that Hamas had tried for a small attack that escalated when Israel failed to promptly respond. Some express bafflement at what Hamas could have hoped to gain from such an attack.

The experts as usual are wrong because they don’t understand Hamas. And their ignorance stems from their inability to grasp Islamic terrorism because they don’t understand Islam.

Hamas, like the PLO and other Islamic terrorist groups, had spent much of its existence promising to do exactly what it tried to do, invade Israel, and seize and occupy its territory, taking Jewish villages and towns by stages over the years until one day besieging Jerusalem.

The Palestinian Authority, funded by American taxpayers, still airs Arafat’s old speeches in which he calls for “millions of martyrs marching to Jerusalem”. Americans and Israelis refused to take such rhetoric seriously. The cost was over 1,200 lives when Hamas tried to carry it out.

In operational terms, Hamas transitioned from a terrorist organization to a guerrilla force like ISIS or Hezbollah. Israel had been conditioned to expect small hit and run raids. It was not expecting an actual invasion. A hit and run raid with this many Jihadists makes no sense.

This wasn’t a hit and run raid.

Israeli military leaders are now saying that Hamas had not come just to attack, but to occupy and take over the Jewish communities that it invaded. It brought heavy firepower and some of its best trained Jihadists to not just attack, but to hold, fortify and annex those areas.

What the world witnessed was mostly the first stage of a three stage plan. In the second stage, Hamas Jihadists would have secured the captured communities while in the third stage, Hamas civilians, especially women and children, would have been brought in to occupy them. The Israeli military would have had to choose between firing on enemy civilians crossing the border or trying to fight Hamas once it was operating from behind its own human shields.

The captured villages would have been functionally annexed. Even if Israel had recaptured them, it would then have to expel the Muslim civilians now living inside them. Human rights groups and international pressure might have prevented Israel from taking such a step.

Fortunately Hamas never reached the third stage of its plan. Israel managed to destroy the invaders before they were able to fortify themselves and complete the second stage.

But there is every reason to think that Hamas or other Islamic jihadists will try it again.

The Hamas attacks were predictable when viewed in the context of Israel’s history and of the tactics of Islamic groups like ISIS, the Taliban, Boko Haram in Nigeria, Al Qaeda and ISIS affiliates in Mali, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the Houthis in Yemen, to name just a few.

Terrorism is only the first stage of Islamic warfare. Once they have the numbers and the firepower, Islamists transition to guerrilla warfare, seizing and holding territory that they then expand outward from, killing and driving away non-Muslims and unaffiliated Muslims.

The Hamas attacks followed that same strategy. Even the vicious cruelty, the rapes, the beheadings, the torture and the dead children, are part of the standard Islamic playbook. Beyond gratifying their followers and gaining new recruits, atrocities are used to drive away the non-Muslim populations so that Muslim populations can be brought in to replace them. .

Terror was used to depopulate Kashmir of Hindus. The Islamic crimes included raping and sawing a Hindu teacher in half while she was still alive. ISIS employed similar tactics as do the Islamic Jihadis operating in Africa. Rape and the murder of children are used to panic non-Muslims into fleeing and leaving the area to be colonized and occupied by Muslims.

Muslims had used these same tactics against Jews before the State of Israel was reborn. During the Hebron Massacre in 1929, Muslims tortured, killed and mutilated women and children to destroy the Jewish community in the historic city. During Israel’s War of Independence, Muslim forces, similar to those deployed by Hamas, tried to overrun Jewish communities and butcher their inhabitants. The difference is that the typical ‘kibbutz’ back then was heavily fortified and its residents were able to hold out even against superior numbers.

While some of the ‘kibbutzim’ targeted by Hamash held out this time around, others were unprepared for an attack of this kind. Their limited security forces were overwhelmed by superior manpower once the Hamas terrorists were able to get past their security barriers. What would not have worked against a kibbutz in 1948 has succeeded tragically well in 2023.

What went wrong in Israel was not just an intelligence failure, but a conceptual failure.

Hamas views itself as a successor to the Arab Muslim forces that had attacked Jews in the 20’s and 30s, not to mention the 40s, using these same tactics. Its jihadist force is known as the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades after a Muslim cleric who had tried to conduct his holy wars in Syria and Libya, before coming to Israel where his ‘Black Hand’ targeted Jewish communities.

Israel, like America, treated the actions of terrorists as relevant, but their ideological worldview as irrelevant, even though the only way to predict their actions is by understanding what they believe. This schizophrenic approach to terrorism is necessary to avoid dealing with the Islamic beliefs that motivate the Jihadists to do what they do. Every time government officials around the world claim that the terrorists have nothing to do with Islam, they are blinding themselves.

The false notions that there are “moderate” and “extremist” Islamic terrorists or that the various terrorist groups are just reacting to something we did, rather than advancing their beliefs, has made it impossible for nations to accurately predict future Islamic attacks.

Modern counterterrorism is reactive, training on what the terrorists are doing now, and learning to prevent it, with no ability to anticipate when the terrorists change their tactics, as Al Qaeda did when it switched from centrally planned long-range attacks to ‘lone wolf’ attacks locally. These transformations can only be anticipated by understanding the purpose of Islamic warfare.

The Jihad is a colonial settler project to subjugate the world under Islamic law. Senior Hamas official Mahmoud Al-Zahar said last year that “we are not talking about liberating our land alone… the entire 510 million square kilometers of Planet Earth will come under [a system] where there is no injustice, no oppression, no treachery, no Zionism, no treacherous Christianity.” Seizing Israel is just another stage toward seizing all 510 million kilometers.

Experts fail to comprehend Islamic terrorism because rather than understanding how Jihadists think, they project their own tendency toward unnecessary geopolitical complexity onto them. Unable to admit that the only way to meet ruthless armed force is with ruthless armed force, they overthink everything and assume that Islamic terrorists want us to ‘react to them’.

Islamic terrorists cannot be trusted when it comes to negotiations, but they should be taken at their word when they describe what their ultimate goals are. Hamas has been telling us all along what its goals are. Over the last 5 years, it proposed a ‘March of Return’, urged Gazans to cut through the border fence and promised that they would conquer Israel and seize Jerusalem.

The failure to take Hamas at its word about its intentions is what led to this nightmare.

Israel’s political and military leadership needs to fundamentally reorient its thinking. Hamas partially succeeded in its invasion. That means that if left to control Gaza, it will do it again. The success it achieved will spur a wave of recruits and money. Already the propaganda images have allowed Hamas to temporarily eclipse ISIS as the leading jihadist organization in the world.

Hamas has always made its intentions clear. It is out to mobilize all of Israel’s Arab Muslim population and those of the surrounding countries to provide it with money and manpower to attack, invade and destroy Israel. After long years of shelling, it launched a first major invasion to depopulate and then seize Jewish communities within range of the Gaza border.

Some Jewish communities have now been depopulated. While some residents will rebuild, others will leave. Hamas is celebrating such departures as a validation of its strategy that with enough terror all the Jews of Israel will leave the land. And the Muslims will take over.

Hamas leaders gambled that hiding behind civilians would allow them to survive any Israeli retaliation. After enough bombs have been dropped on empty buildings and the media accuses Israel of devastating Gaza and killing civilians, Biden will threaten to cut off support. Previous Israeli retaliations have consistently played out this way and this one may too unless a united Israel is willing to defy the Biden administration and finish the job. Otherwise Israel should anticipate that Hamas will rebuild bigger and stronger than ever with more wealth and a flood of new recruits motivated by tangible evidence of what horrors they can accomplish. The hostages will be traded for terrorists once family members level enough pressure on the government. And Hamas will resume planning for another invasion. And this one may succeed.

The experts will go on getting it wrong because they don’t understand Islam. And without understanding an enemy’s worldview and beliefs, predicting their actions is very difficult.

Intelligence failures are rooted in a materialistic reading of the enemy. Israel was nearly destroyed 50 years ago during the surprise attack of the Yom Kippur War because its intelligence head was convinced that the timing made no tactical sense. And he was right. But the Egyptian invaders prioritized attacking on the holiest day in the Jewish calendar.

The Yom Kippur War timetable may have made no secular strategic sense, but it made sense to those who understand that the purpose of Islamic warfare is to assert the supremacy of Islam over all other religions. A mandate embodied by the Islamic cry of, “Allahu Akbar”.

From a secular strategic perspective, the Hamas invasion baffles experts, but scheduled on the day of Simchat Torah, the joyous conclusion of the Jewish High Holy Days, it makes perfect sense. It was not a terrorist attack, but an invasion meant to fulfill the Islamic mission of reconquering Israel, driving out the Jews and colonizing their towns and cities, killing most, taking captives for ransom, and others as slaves, which is the entire purpose of Hamas.

And of every Islamic terrorist group operating in and around Israel.

The next time, Hamas will try to reach its third stage, to fortify, occupy and annex communities within Israel. And then the enemy will no longer be ‘out there’, but beginning its conquest of Israel, seeking to link up with Arab Muslim towns and villages for the final campaign of Jihad.

Unless Israel finishes Hamas now, it will be fighting Hamas deep inside the Jewish State.

Politics & Religion / Re: Anti-semitism & Jews
« on: October 10, 2023, 03:14:30 PM »
Biden's team of racists and anti-semites...

October 10, 2023 by David Horowitz and John Perazzo

[Order David Horowitz’s book: The Enemy Within: How a Totalitarian Movement is Destroying America.]

Editor’s note: Because of Hamas’ current barbaric terror attack inside Israel, it is vital to stress how the Biden administration has empowered the terror group in Gaza – and helped spawn its current destruction inside the Jewish state. Frontpage Editors have therefore deemed it urgent to run an article by David Horowitz and John Perazzo that originally appeared in in its April 13, 2021 issue: Biden’s Team of Racists and Anti-Semites: An Anti-American Coalition in the Heart of the White House.

Formally introducing his cabinet to the public, Joe Biden proudly declared: “This is the first [time] in American history that the Cabinet looks like America.” Looking at the actual appointments and not just the gender, skin color and ethnic origins of the Biden team, it is a team that may look like America but doesn’t think like America. In fact, it is a team whose outlook is anti-American.

Take Biden’s Vice Presidential choice, Kamala Harris, whose antipathy for America oozes from her every pore. At a February 2019 presidential campaign stop, for example she said Columbus Day should be replaced with “Indigenous People’s Day” because “we are the scene of a crime when it comes to what we did with slavery and Jim Crow and institutionalized racism in this country.”  This is an accurate summary of the way the Biden White House views its native land, and it is a view encapsulating three big lies.

What America did with the slave system it inherited from the British was end it. America’s abolition campaign began with its revolutionary proclamation that all men are created equal and have a God given right to liberty. America began implementing this right in 1787, the first year of its existence, with the enactment of the Northwest Ordinance, outlawing slavery in a territory the size of the original 13 colonies.  Within twenty years slavery was abolished in all the northern states. As for the “original sin” of enslaving the black Africans brought to this country that properly is the achievement of the Africans themselves who then sold their brothers and sisters to Europeans at slave auctions in Ghana and Benin.

All forms of institutional and systemic racism including Jim Crow were outlawed by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In one of his first statements as president Biden claimed that “systemic racism” has been built into every aspect of our system.” This is a bald-faced lie. The opposite is the truth. Under the 14th Amendment and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, systemic racism is outlawed in America. With the exception of affirmative action policies sanctioned by the Supreme Court, there is no systemic racism in America,. If there were systemic racism, there would be a tsunami of legal suits to punish those who practiced it. There is no such tsunami because the claim is a baseless lie.

When 220 U.S. cities were attacked by criminal Black Lives Matter mobs last summer Kamala Harris called them “a coalition of conscience,” and supported the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which made bail payments on behalf of people who were arrested for criminal acts. At the time, Harris claimed that “the life of a Black person in America … has never been treated as fully human….” Tell that to the white majorities who elected Barack Obama the 43rd president of the United States twice. “America,” she claimed “has never fully addressed the systemic racism that has existed in our country.” Chinese communist propagandists couldn’t have framed this malicious indictment better. Not surprisingly Harris has praised racial arsonist and anti-Semite Al Sharpton as a “friend [who] has spent his life fighting for what’s right.”

Picking a cabinet and White House team by skin color and gender, is, of course, racist and “sexist” in their pure forms. Biden’s transgender Assistant Secretary of Health, Rachel Levine, picked to celebrate transgenderism is, in her actual political life, a criminal cohort of Andrew Cuomo, removing her own mother from a nursing home, as Pennsylvania’s Secretary of Health, while committing COVID-19 patients to nursing homes where they killed thousands of not so well-connected elderly residents.

Biden’s Assistant Attorney General in charge of Civil Rights, Kristen Clarke, is the first black woman to be appointed to the position. She is also a racist, praising Farrakhan disciple Tamika Mallory and holding the Farrakhanite view that melanin which is responsible for rich black skin color “endows blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities” than white people. Clarke has long embraced the doctrines of critical race theory, a crackpot racism which maintains that America is permanently racist to its core, and that consequently the nation’s various institutions and traditions are, by definition, invalid. In 2020, Clarke denounced the “systemic racism that pervades every aspect of our lives, especially when it comes to policing and the operation of the criminal justice system of our country.” For reasons already mentioned this is a racist invention. If police departments were systemically racist how explain all the black police chiefs running those departments in major American cities, or the absence of major lawsuits invoking the Civil Rights Act which outlaws such practices?

In November 2020, Clarke said that collegiate policies permitting black students to be admitted under far lower academic standards than Asian students are “critical for promoting diversity … in an increasingly multi-ethnic society.” This is the statement of a racist who puts skin color first and meritocracy at the end of the line.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield is the second black U.S. Ambassador to the UN. For those not addicted to the new racism in fashion in the Democrat Party, her maiden address to the UN General Assembly praising the malicious and historically illiterate  1619 Project, is cause for alarm. The project conceived by a black racist frames America as a nation defined by slavery and racism, and denies that white America played any role in liberating blacks or creating a society which has made them the richest, freest, most privileged blacks anywhere in the world, including black Africa and the Caribbean. Naturally she has praised the Marxist Black Lives Matter organization as a noble movement for “racial justice.”

Late in his presidency, Donald Trump issued an executive order establishing The 1776 Commission, an advisory committee designed to encourage American schools to provide students with a “patriotic education,” and to counter the America-hating narrative of critical race theory and the 1619 Project. Biden revoked Trump’s executive order — on grounds that the “systemic racism that has plagued our nation for far, far too long couldn’t be ignored any longer.” Susan Rice, his newly appointed Director of the United States Domestic Policy Council, warns Americans about “how serious  a problem we face from nationalists and white supremacists who have demonstrated a willingness to resort to violence in some instances.” On January 26, 2021, Rice said that “for too many American families, systemic racism and inequality in our economy, laws, and institutions still puts the American dream far out of reach.  She didn’t explain – if what she says is true – why the Biden administration isn’t suing all those nationalists and white supremacists for practicing institutional and systemic racism which was outlawed over fifty years ago by the Civil Rights Act.

When it comes to Biden’s Middle-East policy, the president has diligently deployed skin-color racism to put a team of anti-Semites and supporters of the terrorist regimes in Teheran, the West Bank and Gaza in charge. Chief among them, of course is Susan Rice. In 2015, Rice publicly lauded the Iran nuclear deal as the “most comprehensive and effective” anti-nuclear agreement ever devised. She has continued to support the deal ever since. When President Trump withdrew the U.S. from the deal in 2018, for instance, Rice falsely stated that “Iran has fully complied with its obligations,” and that the inspections authorized by the deal were “the most intrusive international inspection and monitoring regime in history.”

Biden’s new Administrator of USAID, Samantha Power, is a dedicated opponent of Israel. During a 2002 interview  Power said that even if it meant “alienating a domestic constituency of tremendous political and financial import” (i.e., Jewish Americans), the United States should stop investing “billions of dollars” in “servicing Israel’s military,” and should invest that money instead “in the new state of Palestine” – a regime (not a state) that annually invests hundreds of millions of dollars in terrorism against men, women and children in the Jewish state. During a February 2016 UN Security Council debate on the Middle East, Power – then U.S. Ambassador to the UN equated Palestinian Arab acts of terrorism targeting Jews, with virtually non-existent “settler violence” by Jews in the West Bank. She also falsely portrayed the Palestinian Authority (PA) as an entity that was “pressing for calm,” when, in fact, the PA not only “pays Arabs huge sums of money to murder Jews,” but also “incites violence against innocent Jews in the PA’s speeches, official newspapers, social media, textbooks, schools, clubs, government-controlled mosques, government-controlled television specials, and government ceremonies honoring terrorists.”

Biden’s new Undersecretary of Defense,  Colin Kahl, co-drafted the language that attempted – ultimately without success – to omit from the 2012 Democratic Party platform any reference to Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. In an August 2012 op-ed in Foreign Policy magazine, Kahl praised President Obama’s call to push Israel’s borders back to the 1949 Armistice lines, which would reward 70 years of Arab aggression and deprive Israel of defensible borders; to accept the creation of a Palestinian state governed by the terrorist organizations PLO and Hamas; and to reject the notion of Jerusalem as Israel’s undisputed capital. In the same article, Kahl blamed the poor living conditions of Palestinians on the “economically debilitating effects of Israeli occupation” – rather than on the Palestinian leaders’ massive corruption and ongoing terrorist aggression.

Biden’s new Under Secretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights, Uzra Zeya, is a former staffer at the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, a notoriously anti-Israel publication, where she compiled research for a book claiming that “the Israel lobby” had established a secret network of PACs that bribed and extorted congressional candidates into adopting positions favorable to Israel, thereby “subvert[ing] the American political process to take control of U.S. Middle East policy.”

Wendy Sherman, Biden’s Deputy Secretary of State nominee, has referred to the late PLO leader Yasser Arafat, the world’s most prolific Jew-killer since Hitler, as “the leader of a resistance movement,” while minimizing the moral horrors of Palestinian suicide bombings against innocent Israeli civilians as “nagging disruptions from the Palestinian side.”

In her 2018 book, Not for the Faint of Heart,” Sherman claimed that the Iran nuclear deal, which she helped to negotiate on behalf of the U.S., “was anchored” by: (a) “a common wish to make peace,” and (b) additional “higher principles” that would help facilitate a “reimagining of the world” whereby Americans might “see our adversaries not as eternal enemies, or dispensable ones, but as virtual partners.” Moreover, Sherman falsely claimed that the Iran deal would allow for “intrusive” and “scrupulous” inspections of Iranian nuclear sites.

Symone Sanders is the Senior Advisor and Chief Spokesperson to Vice President, Kamala Harris. Sanders was one of the 2020 Biden presidential campaign’s three senior advisers who apologized to radical Islamic organizations after Biden staffer Andrew Bates had tried to distance Biden from Linda Sarsour, a notorious Jew-hater who, despite supporting the Hamas-inspired Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) movement and having ties to numerous Islamic terrorist organizations, was a featured speaker at the 2020 Democratic National Convention. In addition to her apology, Sanders also retweeted a tweet by Emgage, a radical Islamist group, saying that Sarsour “has dedicated her career to fighting for justice.”

Biden’s new Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken,  is opposed to designating Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a foreign terrorist organization and imposing sanctions on it, even though The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran established the IRGC explicitly to “strike terror into [the hearts of] the enemies of Allah” — meaning most prominently the U.S. and Israel — and to “expan[d] the sovereignty” of Islam across the globe. The IRGC’s “terror involvements” have included: “planning 9-11,” “murdering hundreds of American troops in Iraq,” promoting “Iranian nuclear proliferation and weapons delivery systems development,” and “providing weapons, training, funding, and logistical support to Iranian terrorist proxies.”

Biden’s new Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines, is a signatory to a J Street letter arguing that the Democratic Party platform should incorporate additional criticism of Israel. The letter also draws a moral equivalence between Palestinian terrorists and their victims, Israeli Jews, by employing the phrase “violence, terrorism, and incitement from ALL sides.” Further, the letter rejects the notion of Israeli and Jewish sovereign rights in the historically Jewish lands of Judea and Samaria, and accuses Israel of perpetrating an “occupation” of Palestinian land. This is the lie genocidal Palestinian terrorists use to justify their unprovoked aggressions against the Jewish state, which was created – like Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and Iraq – on land that belonged to the Turks for 400 years previously. Turks are not Palestinians or Arabs.

Biden’s new Deputy Director of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs is Reema Dodin. In her student days at UC Berkeley, Dodin was a campus radical who organized a number of anti-Israel rallies. Among other things, she was a leader of the Muslim Students Association, a Muslim Brotherhood front. The Muslim Brotherhood is an Islamic supremacist organization whose credo proclaims that “death for the sake of God is the highest of our aspirations.” Dodin described the 9/11 attacks as an understandable Islamic response to U.S. support for Israel, which was “angering” Muslims worldwide. Drawing a parallel between the 9/11 hijackers and Palestinian jihadists, she said: “[N]ow you have three generations of Palestinians born under occupation. Maybe if you start to look at Palestinians as human beings, you will stop the suicide bombers.” In a 2002 speech in California, Dodin justified suicide bombing as “the last resort of a desperate people.”

At a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing in 2010, Biden’s new Special U.S. Envoy for Iran, Robert Malley, called for the U.S. “to unveil a set of parameters” that included the creation of a Palestinian state along the “1967 borders,” which would have rewarded the Arab aggressors in the Six Day War and been suicidal for Israel. He also advocated: (a) the deployment of third-party armed forces in Judea-Samaria; (b) the forced relocation of hundreds of thousands of Jews from their homes in that region; and (c) Israel’s relinquishment of control of the Golan Heights to Syria, on the premise that Syria was “unlikely to sponsor militant groups … [or] destabilize the region … once an agreement has been reached.”

Biden’s new Senior Director for Intelligence Programs at the National Security Council is Maher Bitar. As a student at Georgetown University, Bitar was an executive board member of Students for Justice in Palestine, an organization that supports the Hamas terrorists and the BDS movement. A 2006 photo from that time period shows Bitar wearing a keffiyah – a terrorist emblem – while dancing in front of a banner reading, “Divest from Israel Apartheid.” At a Palestine Solidarity Movement conference at Georgetown in 2006, Bitar moderated a session that taught attendees how to demonize Israel as a nation guilty of “colonization,” “occupation,” and “oppression.”

Biden’s new Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Israel and Palestinian Affairs is Hady Amr. In January 2002, Amr wrote: “I was inspired by the Palestinian Intifada.” Amr warned that Arabs “will never, never forget what the Israeli people, the Israeli military and Israeli democracy have done to Palestinian children. And there will be thousands who will seek to avenge these brutal murders of innocents.” He also accused Israel engaging in the “ethnic cleansing” of Palestinians. Ethnic cleansing of Jews is of course the overt goal of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, whereas more than a million Palestinians are Israeli citizens with more rights than the Arabs of the West Bank and Gaza.

In sum, while the Biden White House may “look like” America, once one gets past skin color and gender, it is a team of racists and anti-Semites. “Diversity” is exposed as a racist rationale for assembling an anti-American coalition in the heart of the White House itself.

David Horowitz is the founder of the David Horowitz Freedom Center and the author of the newly published book, The Enemy Within: How a Totalitarian Movement Is Destroying America.

John Perazzo is the editor of—an encyclopedic guide to the political Left and a project of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is the author of Black Lives Matter: Marxist Hate Dressed Up As Racial Justice.

Politics & Religion / Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« on: September 19, 2023, 02:25:27 PM »
Car Bans Could be a Deciding Factor in 2024
- Daniel Greenfield

9 Democrat-run states, California, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Oregon, Rhode Island and Washington, have moved to ban cars by 2035.

The Biden administration has exploited EPA emissions standards to accomplish the same thing.

The green push to ban cars and force everyone to buy electric vehicles is a core part of the program and also highly unpopular with families struggling with high prices and inflation. Electric vehicles are far more expensive and much less reliable than cars and most can’t afford them.

59% of Americans oppose a ban on cars while only 40% support it. But, in worse news for banners, support for the ban has consistently fallen over the last years by 7% while opposition to it has increased. Republicans and Independents are obviously stalwartly opposed, but even among Democrats, opposition has grown until a third of Dems is opposed.

On a state by state level, opposition remains strong even in states whose Democrat governors unwisely chose to sign on to a 2035 car ban date. In Maryland, 60% opposed Gov. Wes Moore’s car ban while in New Jersey some 58% are opposed including 42% of Democrats. In Washington, 48% opposed Gov. Jay Inslee’s car ban while 38% backed it. Of those who opposed it, 31% were strongly opposed.

In Virginia, which was put on track to a car ban by following California’s illegal emissions mandates, 58% oppose a gas car ban while only 33% support it. Tellingly, while 42% strongly oppose a car ban only 12% strongly support one. Even among Democrats, support and opposition are nearly tied 44% to 43%. In Minnesota, 65% oppose a car ban while only 29% support it. (47% strongly oppose the ban while only 9% strongly support it.)

Nationwide, support for car bans is strongest among urban voters. And yet even there, ban backing never quite tops 50%. In suburban areas, support drops down to 31% and rural areas falls all the way to 24%. That stands to reason because to whatever extent electric vehicles are viable, it’s only in the core density of major urban areas. Outside them, they’re unusable.

Polls also shows support for a car ban is tied to income. Even the cheapest electric vehicles are out of the price range of most Americans. That’s why opposition to car bans climbs for families making less than $40,000 and even those making up to $80,000. The proposed car ban means families being unable to replace their minivan. It means mothers who can’t drop off their kids at school and fathers who can’t drive to work.

A car ban is an extinction level event for American families. If it goes through, 53% of Americans won’t be able to buy a car. Imagine how much their lives will change.

Pro-ban politicians act as if there will be a smooth transition from cars to electric vehicles.

The reality is that electric vehicles are not viable in any way, shape or form. America’s biggest car companies have spent and lost billions trying to make electric vehicles.

Ford is losing $32,000 on every electric car it sells. In 2023, it lost $3 billion on its EV boondoggle. Ford claimed that it will make 2 million electric cars by 2025 (at which point it would then lose $64 billion) but it only sold 61,575 electric vehicles in 2022. GM shut down the Chevy Bolt, its cheapest electric vehicle after losing $7,400 on every one it sold. It promises to profitably sell 1 million electric vehicles in 2025, but it only sold 44,000 at a loss in 2022.

The math on electric vehicles simply does not work. Many people point to Tesla. But the truth about Tesla is it made money through the fines that California imposed on makers and buyers of cars. In 2022, Tesla made $1.78 billion from carbon credit sales. Companies that make actual cars have to buy the credits from Musk’s Saudi company and pass on the cost to consumers.

While subsidizing electric vehicles for the rich by fining working class car owners worked well enough for Tesla, it’s not a pathway to shifting the entire country over to electric cars. What will really happen by 2025 is that the vast majority of Americans will be cut off from the market. They’ll be left trying to keep old cars and used cars on the road for as long as possible.

Why aren’t politicians talking more about this? Some are operating in the D.C. bubble and don’t recognize the profound impact this will have on the lives of hundreds of millions of people. Others see a 2035 deadline as being so far in the future that it doesn’t need to be dealt with now. And still others are constantly reacting to a passing parade of crises and outrages.

Car bans are far from the only issue out there, but it could have a deciding impact in 2024.

Democrats have committed to a policy that is wildly unpopular outside their small base of urban college graduates who idealize 15 minute cities navigated by bike shares. And they’ve done so with limited pushback from a Republican party that is schizophrenic and feckless in its inability to focus, to make a coherent case and to message on the things that actually matter to voters.

The car bans are an act of cultural, social and economic warfare by an urban elite against the rest of the country. If successful, they would make life all but impossible in rural areas, and increasingly challenging in many suburban areas. They would tear apart families, wreck jobs and push struggling people underwater.

Politicians have gone from two cars in every garage to no cars in the garage at all.

It’s hard to think of any single policy to devastating in its scope and so likely to outrage the working class voters that Republicans are trying to court as car bans. And yet Republicans are failing to talk about them because they are as detached as Democrats from the consequences.

Republicans assumed that they would win in 2022 by passively profiting from the miserable economy. The midterms proved that to be a profound miscalculation. If Republicans want to politically profit from the poor economy, they have to do more than put up stickers pointing a finger at Biden. They have to connect the economic misery directly to Biden’s policies.

Car bans could be a deciding factor in 2024, but only if Republicans and moderate Democrats talk about them. Otherwise another disastrous radical policy will bury much of the country.

Politics & Religion / Prager: Judeo Christian values
« on: September 05, 2023, 05:46:48 AM »
PragerU 5-minute video on Judeo-Christian Values. This is a superb, short explanation of what they are.

Politics & Religion / Re: Political Rants & interesting thought pieces
« on: September 05, 2023, 01:06:31 AM »
Dennis Prager: Why Young Americans Are Not Taught About Evil. The Ignorance is Almost Total.

Most of our schools teach almost nothing of importance, and nothing is more important than the study of good and evil. In the United States today, nearly all schools, from elementary through graduate, concentrate on teaching about racism, sexism, preferred pronouns, homophobia, transphobia, LGBTQIA+, climate change, diversity, equity, inclusiveness and white guilt. In other words, most of our educational institutions, including the most prestigious, do not educate.

Here are a few proofs.

It is almost certain that the great majority of American high school and college students (with the obvious exceptions of Christian students) could not name the Four Gospels (presuming they even know what they are); five of the Ten Commandments (presuming they know what those are); or the names of two Shakespeare plays. Most American students know little about the American Revolution, let alone about the French or Russian Revolutions. The same holds true for the Constitution and every other American founding document. It is doubtful that, other than Washington and Jefferson having owned slaves, American students know anything about these men or could name two other Founders.

When it comes to evil, the ignorance is enormous, often almost total. For example, according to Pew, about half of Americans ages 18-39 cannot identify Auschwitz or any other Nazi death camp. And there is every reason to assume that much fewer than half could identify the Gulag Archipelago (20 million-plus murdered); the Ukrainian forced famine (5 to 6 million murdered in a little over a year); Mao’s Great Leap Forward (about 60 million murdered); or Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge (about one in every four Cambodians murdered).

As noted, almost no one outside of Russia has ever heard of the Russian Civil War, let alone knows anything about it. One reason is that the winners, the communists, had no desire that people know about it. Yet, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica, about 10 million people, the great majority noncombatants, were killed.

Why don’t students know about evil?

The first reason is that nearly all the genocides of the 20th century were committed by communists, and the Left, which runs virtually all educational institutions, has always had a soft spot for communism. If people were to recognize that communism has been the greatest source of evil in the modern age in terms of numbers murdered, number of lives destroyed, liberty stolen, and the sheer amount of human suffering inflicted (greater by those metrics than those of the Nazis before they were forcibly stopped), the Left would lose much of its appeal.

Another reason is the foolish notion that people are basically good. This has been a left-wing belief since the French Enlightenment leader Jean-Jacques Rousseau came up with the idea. As he wrote in his book, “On Philosophy, Morality, and Religion,” “Man is a naturally good being, loving justice and order; there is no natural perversity in the human heart… All the vices imputed to the human heart are not natural to it.”

This nonsense had been foreign to the Western mind. Its view of humanity was rooted in the Bible, and neither Bible-based religion — Judaism or Christianity — affirmed the goodness of the human heart. As Genesis states, “The will of man’s heart is evil from his youth,” and the rest of the Bible repeatedly warns us against following our hearts.

However, as the West began to abandon the Bible, including belief in the God of the Bible, Westerners began to believe in man. As Marx put it, “Man is God.” People had no choice. For if there is no God to believe in, one must believe in man — or one has literally nothing to believe in. Therefore, belief in man’s inherent goodness became both psychologically and philosophically necessary.

A third reason follows from the second. With the exception of the mass murder of the Armenians (which was committed by Muslim Turks), the genocides and the other horrors of the 20th century were committed by secular regimes. Given the centrality of secularism to leftism, this fact has been kept from young people. Likewise, the fact that all these genocides were committed by big governments is not taught to young people because big government is also central to left-wing ideology. In other words, a true depiction of the evils of the 20th century would mean the end of the two pillars of left-wing ideology: secularism and big government.

If you want to make a more moral world, you must begin with the study of evil. But, for the reasons enumerated here, the Left is not — and cannot be — interested in fighting real evil. So, the Left fights made-up evils: American systemic racism, transphobia, capitalism, carbon emissions, sexism and former President Donald Trump, to name a few.

This is why young people know almost nothing about evil. The Left doesn’t want them to know about it. Because knowledge of evil inevitably leads directly to rejection of the Left.

Politics & Religion / VDH: Save the Rule of Law by Destroying It.
« on: September 03, 2023, 08:06:06 AM »

Politics & Religion / Baraq the Manchurian
« on: September 03, 2023, 07:26:01 AM »
Barack Obama - The Real-Life Manchurian Candidate?

Politics & Religion / S&P 500 performance by President...
« on: January 02, 2020, 03:26:25 AM »
Very interesting graph.  Note well that for all the hoopla about Trump's stock market rally, at this point in his presidency, he's actually a bit shy of where Obama was at the same point.  That's not to say that Trump has much more to crow about, but interesting nonetheless.  This surprised me.

Politics & Religion / Re: 2020 Presidential election
« on: December 15, 2019, 04:11:16 AM »
Here is my prediction:  I believe Trump will win with a larger margin than he did the first time, and the Republicans will take back the house and possibly increase their majority in the Senate.  Once again, the mainstream media is completely detached from the sentiment among average Americans about this impeachment sham.  Many independents and Democrats will, I believe, vote for Trump this time around.

Politics & Religion / Excellent review of Robert Spencer's latest book...
« on: December 15, 2019, 03:46:00 AM »
The Palestinian Delusion - The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process
get it today at

As Robert Spencer correctly states here - either Abdullah is kidding himself, or the U.S.  He cannot possibly be ignorant of these relevant verses in the Koran:

Trump Embraces The PLO Fantasy

The new president is gearing up to make the same mistake as his predecessor.

March 15, 2017
Caroline Glick

Originally published by the Jerusalem Post.

US President Donald Trump is losing his focus. If he doesn’t get it back soon, he will fail to make America great again or safe again in the Middle East.

After holding out for a month, last week Trump indicated he is adopting his predecessors’ obsession with empowering the PLO.

This is a strategic error.

There are many actors and conflicts in the Middle East that challenge and threaten US national interests and US national security. Iran’s rise as a nuclear power and regional hegemon; the war in Syria; Turkey’s abandonment of the West; and Russia’s regional power play all pose major threats to US power, security and interests. The Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic State, Hamas and other Sunni jihadist movements all threaten the US, Europe and the US’s Sunni allies in the region in a manner that is strategically significant to America.

None of these issues, none of these actors and none of these threats are in any way related to or caused by the PLO and its interminable, European-supported hybrid terror and political war against Israel. None of these pressing concerns will be advanced by a US embrace of the PLO or a renewed obsession with empowering the PLO and its mafia-terrorist bosses.

To the contrary, all of these pressing concerns will be sidelined – and so made more pressing and dangerous – by a US reengagement with the PLO .

And yet, over the past week, Trump has indicated that the PLO is now his focus.

Last Friday, Trump spoke on the telephone with Mahmoud Abbas. Abbas is head of the PLO and the unelected dictator of the corrupt, terrorism-sponsoring, PLO -controlled Palestinian Authority in Judea and Samaria.

According to media reports, Trump told Abbas – whose legal term in office ended eight years ago – that he views him as a legitimate leader. According to the official White House report of the conversation, Trump also reportedly told Abbas that he supports reaching a deal between Israel and the Palestinians. Such a deal, to the extent it is ever reached, involves expanding PLO control over Judea and Samaria and parts of Jerusalem at Israel’s expense.

Trump also invited Abbas for an official visit to Washington. And the day after they spoke, the Trump administration moved $250 million in US taxpayer dollars to Abbas’s police state where for the past 25 years, Abbas and his cronies have enriched themselves while feeding a steady diet of antisemitic, anti-American jihadist bile to their impoverished subjects.

To build up his credibility with the PLO , Trump put his electoral pledge to move the US embassy to Jerusalem on ice. The real estate mogul ordered Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to deny Jews the right to their property and their legal right to use state lands in Judea and Samaria.

And swift on the heels of that conversation with Abbas, Trump’s chief negotiator Jason Greenblatt was dispatched to Jerusalem to begin empowering the PLO at Israel’s expense.

According to media reports, Greenblatt intended to use his meeting Monday with Netanyahu to reject Netanyahu’s commitment to build a new Israeli town in Samaria. Greenblatt was also reportedly intending to dictate the parameters for yet another round of negotiations with the PLO.

After meeting with Netanyahu, Greenblatt continued on to Ramallah to embrace Abbas.

Also during his stay, Greenblatt is scheduled to meet with IDF generals who are responsible for giving money and providing services to the PLO.

And Greenblatt doesn’t have the Palestinians to himself.

Following Trump’s conversation with Abbas, plans were suddenly afloat for Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner and Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump to visit Israel and spend an afternoon with Abbas in Ramallah.

If things develop as reported, then Trump is serious about embracing the PLO and intends to have his top advisers devote themselves to Abbas and his henchmen. If that is the case, then Trump is setting himself, his advisers, his daughter and the US up to fail and be humiliated.

The PLO is the Siren that drowns US administrations. It is to the PLO that America’s top envoys have eagerly flown, gotten hooked on the attention of the demented, anti-Israel press corps, and forgotten their purpose: to advance US national interests.

If Trump is serious about repeating this practice, then rather than repair the massive damage done to the US and the Middle East by his two predecessors, the 45th president will repeat their mistakes. Like them, he will leave office in a blaze of failure.

To understand why this is the case, three things must be clear.

First, the PLO will never make peace with Israel. There will never be a Palestinian state.

There will never be a peace or a Palestinian state because the PLO wants neither. This is the lesson of the past 25 years. Both Abbas and his predecessor Arafat rejected peace and statehood multiple times and opted instead to expand their terrorist and political war against Israel.

Why did they do that? Because they are interested in two things: personal enrichment – which they achieve by stealing donor funds and emptying the pockets of their own people; and weakening, with the goal of destroying Israel – which they achieve through their hybrid war of terrorism and political warfare.

The second thing that needs to be clear is that the Palestinians are irrelevant to the rest of the problems – the real problems that impact US interests – in the region. If anything, the Palestinians are pawns on the larger chessboard. America’s enemies use them to distract the Americans from the larger realities so that the US will not pay attention to the real game.

Iran will not be appeased or defeated if Trump empowers the PLO in its war against Israel and continues feeding PLO leaders’ insatiable appetite for other people’s money.

The Sunni jihadists will not beat their swords into plowshares if the US coerces Israel to cough up land to the PLO . To the contrary, they will be emboldened.

Russian President Vladimir Putin will not move his forces out of Syria or stop giving nuclear technologies to Iran if the US turns the screws on Israel. Putin will come to the conclusion that Trump is either weak or stupid to damage Israel, the US’s most serious ally.

And of course, Israel will not be better off if Trump decides to push it back onto the peace train which has caused it nothing but harm for the past quarter century.

Trump’s election opened up the possibility, for the first time in decades, that the US would end its destructive obsession with the PLO. For three months, Israelis have been free for the first time to discuss seriously the possibilities of applying Israeli law to all or parts of Judea and Samaria. And a massive majority of Israelis support doing just that.

On the Palestinian side as well, Trump’s election empowered the people who have been living under the jackboot of Abbas and his cronies to think about the possibility of living at peace with Israel in a post-PLO era. Polling results indicate that they too are eager to move beyond the Palestinian statehood chimera.

But now, it appears that Trump has been convinced to embrace the PLO obsession. The same entrenched bureaucrats at the State Department and the same foreign policy establishment in Washington that brought the US nothing but failure in the Middle East for a generation appear to have captivated Trump’s foreign policy. They have convinced him it is better to devote his top advisers to repeating the mistakes of his predecessors than to devote his energies and theirs to fixing the mess that Obama and George W. Bush left him with. They have gotten him to believe that it is better to empower the PLO than develop coherent strategies and plans for dealing with the problems of the region that actually endanger US interests and imperil the security and safety of the American people.

Politics & Religion / Brandon Smith's latest...
« on: March 10, 2017, 05:55:22 AM »
Are We Witnessing The Weirdest Moment In Economic History?

Wednesday, 08 March 2017    Brandon Smith

It is an unfortunate reality that most people tend to be oblivious to massive sea changes in geopolitics and economics. You would think that these events would catch the immediate attention of everyone as they happen, but usually it is not until they realize that the microcosm of their personal lives is subject to the consequences of the macrocosm that they wake up and take notice.

There are, however, ways to train yourself to pick up on signals within the news cycle and within political and financial rhetoric; signals that indicate a great shift is perhaps on the way. Sometimes these initial signs are subtle, sometimes they are as subtle as a feminist slut-walk. I would point out that over the next few months there are dangerous correlations so numerous and blatant in the economic sphere that I would almost rather watch a marching gaggle of frumpy feminists wearing nothing but electrical tape than bear witness to the mayhem that is about to strike the unwitting public.

What am I talking about? Well, let’s go through the list…

Federal Reserve Meeting March 14-15th

As my readers know well, I have been warning since before the election that the Fed would use a Trump presidency as an opportunity to pull the plug on near-zero interest rates and remove a primary pillar supporting stock markets — stock buybacks made possible by free overnight loans to numerous banks and corporations. Without QE and low interest rates the equities bubble will inevitably implode.

Corporate earnings certainly aren’t holding up stocks, neither is GDP or consumer spending. The Fed is the only determining factor of the ongoing bull market. Anyone who claims otherwise is probably a mainstream analyst or overzealous day trader with a vested interest in keeping the illusion going.

It is not surprising to me at all that the “rate hike odds” for March have been increased by mainstream analysts to 90% in the span of a week. I don’t know why anyone uses these arbitrary odds as an indicator of anything. I’ve been receiving emails all month asking me if I still believe the Fed will hike rates while the odds are “so low.” Look, the Fed does not make decisions at these meetings. They make decisions months in advance and the meetings are window dressing.

Too many people operate under the delusion that the central bank wants to continue propping up stocks, which is why they cannot grasp why the Fed would raise rates. In reality, the stage has been perfectly set to allow the bubble to implode. When the elites have a perfect scapegoat, they use it, and conservative movements represent that perfect scapegoat today.

The important thing to remember, though, is the timing of this particular meeting…

U.S. Debt-Ceiling Suspension Ends March 15th

So, in case you weren’t tracking the economic situation two years ago, the U.S. government almost went bust (in a sense) in 2015. The debt ceiling sets limits on how much the government can borrow to fund itself, and that limit was hit hard under the Obama administration after he managed to nearly double the national debt during his tenure. Congress passed legislation to allow borrowing to continue until March 2017, and of course, much of that capital was “borrowed” from the Federal Reserve, which, of course, creates it out of thin air. With the return of the debt ceiling, the question is — will Congress be able to extend and delay again? With Trump running on a platform of fiscal responsibility, CAN they extend again?  Do they even want to, or is this an engineered crisis event?

Once again, the timing of all this is a little odd. The Fed is raising rates into the first year of the Trump presidency leaving equities increasingly open to destabilization. In addition, the government might not be able to continue borrowing from them, or there will be a renewed extension but the costs of borrowing will run much higher. In either case, this month seems to pronounce the beginning of something; a considerable move away from the standard operating procedures that the elites have been using for the past several years. With such changes come consequences, always.

Formal Initiation Of Brexit On March 15th

The skeptics have been telling me for months that even though I was right about the Brexit vote victory the elites “would never allow” the British to leave the EU. Well, it doesn’t look that way to me so far. Theresa May plans to formally notify the EU of British exit on March 15th triggering two years of negotiations which will undoubtedly send economic shock waves throughout the globe on a regular basis.

Of course the Brexit will move forward! Why not? Globalists need a continuing atmosphere of crisis to distract the masses from their great global reset, and they need multiple scapegoats for the economic disaster that their reset will cause. Enter conservative movements in Europe; once again the perfect target to pin a crisis on.

French Elections Start April 23rd, End May 7th

Yet another election in which the EU hangs in the balance. Recent polls indicate that Marine Le Pen, the designated “populist" candidate, is falling behind. I have to ask, though, have we not learned our lesson yet on the meaninglessness of political polls? I think most of us have.

I believe Le Pen will be one of the final two candidates to move on to the election in May, and though I am not as certain as I was on Brexit and Trump, I am going to go ahead and predict a Le Pen win. If there is any sizable terrorist event in the next couple of months in the EU, or expanded Muslim riots, she is a guaranteed win. This brings up the very real prospect of a “Frexit” in the near future, and analysts should expect that a Le Pen win will be met with some panic in the financial world.

Potential Italian Election Move On April 30th

The Italian political process is a little confusing to me, but what I can tell you is that this spring or early summer you will probably be hearing a lot more about it. Former Italian prime minister and current Italian Democratic Party leader Matteo Renzi is set to decide on a the date for a leadership vote, which may come as early as April 30th. The outcome of this vote will likely decide how soon the next official Italian election will take place.

The election is required to be held before May 2018, but there is increasing pressure to hold elections in 2017, perhaps even this coming summer. I would not be at all shocked to see a surprise announcement of an early Italian election after the leadership vote is held.

Why should anyone care? The consensus is that Renzi’s party will be overrun by anti-EU factions and that this may result in a kind of “Italiexit.” The outcome of Italy’s series of votes and political restructuring will have wide reaching effects on the psychology of the markets for many months to come.

German Federal Election Held September 24th

Yes, even Germany is quaking this year in the wake of a potential “populist” tsunami. Angela Merkel is exceedingly unloved by her own people lately as her approval ratings collapse. Once-silent sovereignty champions in the country are becoming more and more vocal about Merkel’s rather insane open immigration policies which were the key element that drew millions of Muslims into the EU. It was the German government’s promise of endless entitlement programs that created the incentive for the mass migration in the first place, and now, finally, the German people are fed up with the complete lack of cultural assimilation and what many see as the destruction of western values.

I do not think that Germany will abandon the supranational concept of the EU regardless of the outcome of the election, but the removal of Merkel would signal a less agreeable Germany, which would exacerbate the already tottering European Union. Meaning more economic uncertainty in 2017.

If You Thought 2016 Was Weird…

If you thought 2016 was weird, I suggest you get comfortable with the surreal because it is not going away anytime soon. 2017 is a veritable treasure trove of falling elevators, and I haven’t even covered half of the issues facing the economy this year. But what about the macro-analysis?

To summarize, it seems to me that many of these events, stacked so closely together, are not coincidental in their timing. As I have noted in articles such as The Economic End Game Explained, globalists have been openly planning for decades to set in motion a vast financial overhaul and the launch of a single global economy and currency (the seeds being planted starting in 2018). If this is still their timeline, then it would follow that they would need a series of fiscal earthquakes designed to shake up the “old world order” to make way for a “new world order.”

Perhaps each of these events will result in a “stable” outcome and there is nothing to be concerned about. That said, I don’t believe in chance. Most geopolitical outcomes are influenced by internationalist players, which makes the outcomes of these events predictable. This is what made the Brexit predictable, and it is what made Trump’s victory predictable. Everything about the confluence of political and economic events in 2017 suggests to me a festering crisis atmosphere.

As I have always said, economic collapse is a process, not a singular moment in time. This process lulls the masses into complacency. You can show them warning sign after warning sign, but most of them have no concept of what a collapse is. They are waiting for a cinematic moment of revelation, a financial explosion, when really, the whole disaster is happening in slow motion right under their noses. Economies do not explode, they drown as the water rises one inch at a time.


Politics & Religion / Mexican rapists pouring into America...
« on: March 08, 2017, 03:47:03 PM »

Ann Coulter - March 8, 2017

Before breathing a sigh of relief that, unlike Western Europe, we don't have Muslim rapists pouring into our country, recall that we have Mexican rapists pouring into our country.

Almost all peasant cultures are brimming with rapists, pederasts and child abusers. Latin America just happens to be the peasant culture closest to the United States, while the Muslims are closest to Europe.

According to North Carolinians for Immigration Reform and Enforcement, immigrants commit hundreds of sex crimes against children in North Carolina every month -- 350 in the month of April 2014, 299 in May, and more than 400 in August and September. More than 90 percent of the perpetrators are Hispanic.

They aren't even counting legal immigrants. Aren't those worse? Only certain Republicans get excited about the difference between legal and illegal immigrants. The rest of America is trying to understand the point of the last 40 years of legal immigration. Why was this necessary?

Below is a very short excerpt from a few days in November 2013. As Stalin is supposed to have said, sometimes quantity has a quality all its own.

-- Abundez, Jose, Juan (11/12/2013): Felony Sex Offense -- Parental Role

-- Aguilar-Sandoval, Jersson, Iss (11/21/2013): Felony First Degree Sexual Offense; Felony First Degree Rape; Felony First Degree Kidnapping

-- Aguilar, Rafael (11/04/2013): Felony Indecent Liberties With Child

-- Aguilar, Rigoberto, Castellano (11/04/2013): Felony First Degree Rape; Felony Indecent Liberties With Child; Felony Stat Rape/Sex Offn Def>4-<6yr

(Note: That's sex with a child between 4 and 6 years old.)

-- Manzano, Gustavo, Adolfo (11/20/2013): Felony Indecent Liberties With Child; Felony Rape of Child

-- Monje, Alcides, Aguilar (11/18/2013): Felony Stat Rape/Sex Offn Def >=6yr; Felony Indecent Liberties With Child, 13.

The list, for a single month in a single state, goes on in the same vein through 87 separate offenders. When not providing North Carolina meatpackers with cheap labor, immigrant workers seem to spend all their time raping little girls.

To be fair, there are also Asian names, such as Y'Hon Nie (Indecent Liberties With Child, First Degree Sex Offense-Child, Second Degree Sexual Offense); and David Vo Minh (First Degree Sex Offense-Child, Indecent Liberties With Child).

North Carolina's cheap labor advocates better be paying Sen. Thom Tillis well. It sure isn't the average North Carolinian demanding that he shill for amnesty. Illegal immigration alone costs North Carolina taxpayers billions of dollars per year.

Our nation's epitaph, with a photo of Sen. Tillis, could be: "We built a powerful economic engine that attracted people, but then some businessmen saw their chance to screw the country and make a pile for themselves. Let's bring in low-wage workers so we can externalize our costs to the taxpayer!”

Except North Carolina's businesses aren't just externalizing their costs to the taxpayers. They're externalizing their costs to little girls.

The reason websites like North Carolinians for Immigration Reform and Enforcement are so important is that the government and the media hide immigrant crime from the public.

They cite bogus studies that compare immigrants to America's criminal class. (We didn't want immigrants who are only slightly less criminal than our worst inner cities.)

Or they announce their impressionistic conclusions. (I heard about a crime in Montana -- that state must have a lot of crime, is not a scientific way to argue.)

Or they refuse to count any criminal without an ICE detainer against him as an immigrant, at all. (Is the court translator a hint that the defendant isn't a 10th-generation American?)

The way to determine how many immigrants are committing crime is to count them. Why does the government refuse to do this?

The number of immigrants in prison would be a good start, but that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Immigrant criminals flee back to their own countries after arrest. Prosecutors deport illegals rather than imprison them -- and then the illegals come right back. Some George Soros-inspired prosecutors allow illegals to plea guilty to a minor offense, to prevent them from being deported.

To get the full picture, government investigators will need to talk to crime victims, police and prosecutors, too.

And we want honesty -- not studies that count anchor babies and second-generation immigrants as "the native population.”

The media is the government's co-conspirator in hiding immigrant crime. I have approximately 1,000 examples of media subterfuges on immigrant crime in Adios, America! The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country Into a Third World Hellhole.

Here are a few recent examples from Sen. Tillis' North Carolina.

Headline: "Burke County man convicted of raping 13-year-old girl," Charlotte Observer, Feb. 1, 2017 (Ricardo Solis Garcia -- an illegal whom Mexico refused to take back);

Headline: "Burlington man charged with child rape," The Times News, Jan. 19, 2017 (Felipe Samuel Rivera Rodriguez);

Headline: "Angier man accused of having sex with 14-year-old girl," The Fayetteville Observer, Aug. 29, 2016 (Estevan Roberto Silva).

NOTE TO READERS: The North Carolina Estevan Roberto Silva -- sex with a 14-year-old girl -- should not be confused with the Texas Esteban Villa Silva -- sex with a 12-year-old girl about 60 times -- or the Alabama Esteban Silva Jr. -- 42-year-old man convicted of sex with a 12-year-old girl. All these child rapes were revealed in coded headlines like "Man pleads to sexual relationship with girl.”

Other informative North Carolina headlines:

Headline: "Man, 42, arrested for sexual offense with girl under 13" (Carlos Gumercindo Crus);

Headline: "Man charged with sexual assault of a minor" (Jose Freddy Ambrosio-Gorgonio);

Headline: Man Pleads Guilty in Child Rape Case (Luis Perez-Valencia).

It's too relentless to be a coincidence.

There have been more stories in the American media about a rape by white lacrosse players that didn't happen than about thousands of child rapes in North Carolina that did.

I'm pretty sure our media is opposed to rape. But evidently, not as opposed as they are to America.


NYT Reporter Who Said Trump was Wiretapped Now Says Trump's Wiretapping Claims Are Unfounded

Because "the truth is more important now than it was in January."

3.7.2017  News   M.J. Randolph

Well, this is awkward. 

This weekend, President Donald Trump made a claim (via Twitter, natch) that President Obama wiretapped his phones at Trump Tower during the Presidential election. Though Obama administration officials emphatically deny this surveillance happened, the controversy has once again divided the nation down partisan lines.

On Saturday, New York Times reporter Michael S. Schmidt helped write a story called, “Trump, Offering No Evidence, Says Obama Tapped His Phones.”  This piece echoed the common liberal mantra that attempted to paint the new President as unhinged and unnecessarily alarming. However, Jeff Dunetz on LidBlog points out a rather inconvenient truth for the NYT reporter: on January 19 and 20, the same Michael S. Schmidt helped write an article that claimed members of the Trump team were being wiretapped and passed on the President.

"That’s right, the same NY Times reporter who was one of the sources for the President’s claim, said that there was no evidence for the claim," wrote .

He continued:

This is the ultimate in liberal media bias.  In January Michael S. Schmidt perpetuated the rumor that team Trump had Russian connections, and to support his point he said that Trump’s people were wiretapped. However when President Trump claimed his people were wiretapped, the same guy,  Michael S. Schmidt said there was no evidence.

Either the Times editors and Mr. Schmidt are trying to skew the story, or they are all suffering from a form of dementia and have no memory.

And the New York Times wonders why no one trusts them? Just for kicks, let's remember their Academy Award ceremony commercial called -- ahem -- "The Truth is More Important Now than Ever."

Maybe they should've called it "The Truth is More Important Now than in January."

This is a transcript from today's radio show:

CALLER:  The point I wanted to make, you were talking earlier about what’s going on with President Trump and the possible wiretapping of Trump Tower. And I’ve also read online that supposedly there’s a possibility that Jeff Sessions’ office was being tapped also, at least that’s what Corey Lewandowski said, but my point I wanted to make was I think that Trump should take this opportunity to turn the tables on the Dems and the libs. I don’t like their tactics, but they are effective.  And one of the things you’ve talked about in the past many times is the idea that investigations need to be done because of the seriousness of the charge.

RUSH:  Right.

CALLER:  I can’t think of anything more serious than the possibility that the presidential campaign was being wiretapped, and I would use that argument and just push the Democrats back on their heels and say, “The seriousness of the charge, we have to look.”  I mean, you could run with this for months.  That’s what I would do.

RUSH:  Trump is doing that.  So far, he doesn’t have anybody willing to join him in the investigation, ’cause most people’s reaction — can I share this with you?

CALLER:  Of course.

RUSH: The first Trump tweet was on Saturday, and I’m on the golf course Sunday, and it’s a mother-in-law convention out there.  The winds are like 35 miles an hour.  It’s just impossible.  So we started talking about things to try to distract from how poorly we were playing, and these guys — and these are, you know, my age, 50 to 55, 60, successful people, and they’re shocked at what Trump said. They think, “Oh, no, the guy’s going off his rocker, oh, my God, oh, my God.”

I tried to bring ’em back down.  I said, “No,” that’s when I hit them.  “Wait a minute, now.  What do you mean?  Is it more reasonable to think that it could be or that it isn’t?”  And so they started thinking about it the way I was thinking about it.  So I think the initial reaction of even some people on Trump’s team, “Oh, my God, you don’t say that, oh, gee.”  Because in their minds, you never win accusing Obama or the Democrats of anything.  The media’s gonna come out and destroy you.

But Trump is not everybody.  Trump doubled down on it today.  You better be applauding Donald Trump. If what you just said you want, you better be applauding Donald Trump.  Because he’s taking it — this is exactly what he’s doing out there, Pete.  He’s doing exactly what they have been doing to him.  This whole Russia-rigged-the election thing is a bogus charge and he decided to pick the grenade up and throw it right back at the media-Democrat complex.

And it’s working.  They’re now running around like stuck pigs.  “What investigation?  He wasn’t under investigation.”  He wasn’t under investigation?  I thought the last six months — “No, no, no, there are no wiretaps on Trump.  That’s absurd.”  Well, then how do people get hold of his phone calls to these foreign leaders?  “Well, I don’t know, but he’s not under investigation.  Nobody ever said he’s under investigation.”

Katy Tur, infobabe NBC, was on Meet the Press Sunday saying there hasn’t even been a single report alleging that Trump was working with the Russians.  I looked at that.  I didn’t watch it live, I was on the way to the golf course.  I looked at it later.  I said, “Are you kidding me?”  This is the same reporter who had not heard that Obama had told the Russians to tell Vladimir to wait, he’ll be more flexible after the election.


RUSH: My point yesterday about is it reasonable to think that Obama could indeed have wiretapped Trump and his campaign, given other aspects of the investigation we’ve been hearing. We know that Trump’s under investigation. We know that some of his peeps are under investigation supposedly ’cause of collusion with the Russians. So we know there was an investigation going on.

Is it unreasonable or reasonable to think that Trump could have been wiretapped too? People were saying, “That’s outrageous! Trump’s off his rocker.” No, no. It’s entirely reasonable if everybody — and Trump’s phone calls have been transcribed and broadcast and reported in the media. So they played that segment — in fact, here it is — and they asked Newt to react to it.

RUSH ARCHIVE: There has been a sabotage effort to undermine Trump and his administration since the election. … t’s totally reasonable to believe that something like this could be happening. It would be unreasonable to think that this is crazy, unreasonable to think that this is absurd, unreasonable to think that this is nothing more than a big batch of conspiracy theories stitched together for whatever purpose.

RUSH: Bill Hemmer played that for Newt Gingrich today on America’s Newsroom, and he said, “Okay, flip Limbaugh’s logic around. Is it reasonable to think that actually this is crazy?”

GINGRICH: I think if you’re a left-winger and you believe that everything Trump does is wrong, you can believe that. But if you look at the unending process of leaks — by the way, all of them breaking the law. You have a New York Times columnist actively calling on IRS agents to break the law and leak President Trump’s taxes. The left has gone crazy since the election. There’s this whole model right now that anything goes on the left, and then they want the rest of us to believe that they’re reasonable.

RUSH: Right. And then here’s Mike Pence. He was on Brian Kilmeade’s Fox News Radio show this morning, and they were talking about Trump’s tweets accusing Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower, and Pence said this…

PENCE: I think the president’s tweet speaks for itself. He’s expressed himself on it, and, you know, we’re very pleased that the congressional committees have made it clear that they will look into that matter just as they’re looking into every aspect it.

RUSH: See, this is why it’s a brilliant thing that Trump did, whether he knew it or not, ’cause it’s gonna come back and bite them. We just had a caller saying, “Look, why don’t we play the game the way they do? They say, no evidence. That means we have to investigate it. The seriousness of the charge.”

Well, you know what? You can’t get a more serious charge than a sitting president wiretapped a presidential campaign. You can’t get a more serious charge. And by the Democrats’ own definition that mandates an investigation. And Congress said they’ll do it. They’re gonna fold Trump’s allegation into the rest of this. And now the Democrats are walking it back, “There wasn’t any investigation, there wasn’t any investigation, what do you mean? Where are you getting this?”

It’s like Katy Tur, the infobabe on NBC. She’s on Meet the Press Sunday. She said she’s not aware of any news agency alleging that there was collusion between Trump and the Russians. I saw that, and I said, “What is it, does she really not know,” which is the entirely possible. I think journalists are some of the most ill-educated people. I don’t even think they’re educated. They’re indoctrinated. They know one side of things and they have no curiosity about anything else.

She’s also the infobabe who did not know that Obama was overheard on an open mic telling Dmitry Medvedev in 2012, Putin’s second in command; he’s the president of the Russian Federation, said (paraphrasing), “You tell Vladimir that I’ll have much more flexibility in getting rid of our nukes here after I’m reelected.” She didn’t know that had happened. How do you not know that? Well, NBC didn’t report it. CBS didn’t report it. ABC didn’t report it. The New York Times didn’t report it.

There’s no way she would know it. Yet it happened, and they don’t know it. And now she’s out there saying there’s no new organization that’s ever alleged collusion between Trump and the Russians. She was dead serious. And her own network is reporting that. Everybody else in the Drive-Bys is reporting that.

Politics & Religion / Obama's Opposition Movement...
« on: March 07, 2017, 11:06:27 AM »

Obama’s third term has begun. Our Republic is in danger.

March 7, 2017  Daniel Greenfield 

After Trump secured the nomination, Obama’s people filed a wiretapping request. As he was on the verge of winning, they did it again. After he won, they are doing everything they can to bring him down.

It was always going to come down to this.

One is the elected President of the United States. The other is the Anti-President who commands a vast network that encompasses the organizers of OFA, the official infrastructure of the DNC and Obama Anonymous, a shadow government of loyalists embedded in key positions across the government.

A few weeks after the election, I warned that Obama was planning to run the country from outside the White House. And that the “Obama Anonymous” network of staffers embedded in the government was the real threat. Since then Obama’s Kalorama mansion has become a shadow White House. And the Obama Anonymous network is doing everything it can to bring down an elected government.

Valerie Jarrett has moved into the shadow White House to plot operations against Trump. Meanwhile Tom Perez has given him control of the corpse of the DNC after fending off a Sandernista bid from Keith Ellison. Obama had hollowed out the Democrat Party by diverting money to his own Organizing for America. Then Hillary Clinton had cannibalized it for her presidential bid through Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Donna Brazile. Now Obama owns the activist, OFA, and organizational, DNC, infrastructure.

But that’s just half the picture.

Obama controls the opposition. He will have a great deal of power to choose future members of Congress and the 2020 candidate. But he could have done much of that from Chicago or New York. The reason he didn’t decide to move on from D.C. is that the nation’s capital contains the infrastructure of the national government. He doesn’t just want to run the Democrats. He wants to run America.

The other half of the picture is the Obama Deep State. This network of political appointees, bureaucrats and personnel scattered across numerous government agencies is known only as Obama Anonymous.

Obama Inc. had targeted Trump from the very beginning when it was clear he would be the nominee.

Trump had locked down the GOP nomination in May. Next month there was a FISA request targeting him. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court denied the request, and it is still unknown whether the request targeted Trump, or only his associates, but it’s silly to pretend that the submission of such a request a month after he became the presumptive GOP nominee was apolitical.

The second, narrower, FISA request came through in October.  This one was approved. The reason for getting a FISA request in October was even more obvious than June. October is the crucial month in presidential elections. It’s the month of the “October Surprise” when the worst hit pieces based on the keenest opposition research is unleashed. Obama’s opposition research on Trump involved eavesdropping on a server in Trump Tower. Nixon would have been very jealous.

After the election, Obama Inc. began to spread out its bets. Some of his people migrated into his network of political organizations. Others remained embedded in the government. While the former would organize the opposition, the latter would sabotage, undermine and try to bring down Trump.

An unprecedented campaign for full spectrum dominance was being waged in domestic politics.

Political opposition wasn’t a new phenomenon; even if a past president centralizing control of the organizational and activist arms of his party to wage war on his successor was unprecedented. But weaponizing unelected government officials to wage war on an elected government was a coup.

Obama Anonymous conducted its coup in layers. The first layer partnered congressional Democrats with OA personnel to retain control of as much of the government as possible by the Obama Deep State. They did it by blocking Trump’s nominees with endless hearings and protests. The second layer partnered congressional Democrats with the deeper layer of Obama operatives embedded in law enforcement and intelligence agencies who were continuing the Obama investigations of Trump. 

This second layer sought to use the investigation to force out Trump people who threatened their control over national security, law enforcement and intelligence. It is no coincidence that their targets, Flynn and Sessions, were in that arena. Or that their views on Islamic terror and immigration are outside the consensus making them easy targets for Obama Anonymous and its darker allies.

These darker allies predate Obama. The tactics being deployed against Trump were last used by them in a previous coup during President Bush’s second term. The targets back then had included Bush officials, an Iran skeptic, pro-Israel activists and a Democrat congresswoman. The tactics, eavesdropping, leaks, false investigations, dubious charges and smear campaigns against officials, were exactly the same.

Anyone who remembers the cases of Larry Franklin, Jane Harman and some others will recognize them. Before that they were used to protect the CIA underestimates of Soviet capabilities that were broken through by Rumsfeld’s Halloween Massacre and Team B which helped clear the way for Reagan’s defeat of the Soviet Union.

Under Bush, the Deep State was fighting against any effort to stop Iran’s nuclear program. It did so by eliminating and silencing opposition within the national security establishment and Congress through investigations of supposed foreign agents. That left the field clear for it to force a false National Intelligence Estimate on President Bush which claimed that Iran had halted its nuclear program.

Obama broke out the same tactics when he went after Iran Deal opponents. Once again members of Congress were spied on and the results were leaked to friendly media outlets. Before the wiretapping of Trump’s people, the NSA was passing along conversations of Iran Deal opponents to the White House which were used to coordinate strategy in defense of the illegal arrangement with Islamic terrorists.

The same wall between government and factional political agendas that Nixon’s “White House Plumbers” had broken through on the way to Watergate had been torn down. NSA eavesdropping was just another way to win domestic political battles. All it took was accusing the other side of treason.

And worse was to come.

During the Iran Deal battle, the NSA was supposedly filtering the eavesdropped data it passed along.

In its last days, Obama Inc. made it easier to pass along unfiltered personal information to the other agencies where Obama loyalists were working on their investigation targeting Trump. The NSA pipeline now makes it possible for the shadow White House to still gain intelligence on its domestic enemies.

And the target of the shadow White House is the President of the United States.

There is now a President and an Anti-President. A government and a shadow government. The anti-President controls more of the government through his shadow government than the real President.

The Obama network is an illegal shadow government. Even its “light side” as an opposition group is very legally dubious. Its “shadow side” is not only illegal, but a criminal attack on our democracy.

When he was in power, Obama hacked reporters like FOX News’ James Rosen and CBS News’ Sharyl Attkisson. He eavesdropped on members of Congress opposed to the Iran Deal. Two men who made movies he disliked ended up in jail. But what he is doing now is even more deeply disturbing.

Obama no longer legally holds power. His Deep State network is attempting to overturn the results of a presidential election using government employees whose allegiance is to a shadow White House. Tactics that were illegal when he was in office are no longer just unconstitutional, they are treasonous.

Obama Inc. has become a state within a state. It is a compartmentalized network of organizations, inside and outside the government, that claim that they are doing nothing illegal as individual groups because they are technically following the rules within each compartment, but the sheer scope of the illegality lies in the covert coordination between these “revolutionary cells” infecting our country.

It is a criminal conspiracy of unprecedented scope. Above all else, it is the most direct attack yet on a country in which governments are elected by the people, not by powerful forces within the government.

"We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain,” President Lincoln declared at Gettysburg.  “That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

Obama’s shadow government is not just a war on President Trump. It is a war on that government of the people, by the people and for the people. If he succeeds, then at his touch, it will perish from the earth.

Obama’s third term has begun. Our Republic is in danger.

David Stockman correctly diagnoses (IMHO) the current debt calamity we are living in, and says that stocks are wildly overvalued, and Trump is powerless to stop this train wreck from occurring this year:

Politics & Religion / Obama's Shadow Presidency...
« on: February 15, 2017, 05:53:32 PM »
Unprecedented, but then so was Obama's Presidency - with it's explicit goal of dismantling this nation as founded.  He has hardly given up on that goal, and will work very hard to undermine Trump, along with many D.C. career appointees who despise Trump and his plan to root out corruption.  This promises to be a long, nasty fight.  I think Trump is up for it, however.  Even Republicans in Congress are in many cases working to dismantle his Presidency - just as it has begun.

Politics & Religion / Obama's Shadow Presidency...
« on: February 15, 2017, 11:41:43 AM »
This is entirely unprecedented - but then - so is Barack Obama and his efforts as U.S. President to dismantle the nation as founded:

Politics & Religion / Russian insiders fear Trump assassination?
« on: February 14, 2017, 12:25:38 PM »
With full understanding of the fact that this comes second-hand from Foreign Policy magazine via InfoWars - I offer it for what it's worth.  Rush Limbaugh today opined on his radio program that Washington establishment insiders - including Republicans - will do anything to discredit and eliminate Trump, as he poses a threat to their comfortable positions of power and influence.  Limbaugh advised that Trump should aggressively root out these disloyal operators and name names.  He also stated that he feels that it is a grave mistake on Trump's part to ask for Flynn's resignation IF it were done primarily because of the media screaming for his scalp.  It will only embolden them, said Limbaugh.

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