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Messages - jayceblk

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Politics & Religion / Gender issues thread
« on: May 27, 2005, 09:06:33 AM »
I always said if you can do the job who cares what your gender is. But I mean that in the sense that you must do the job, not a dummied down version of it.
Here in New York there was an issue with women firefighters a few years back. If i remember correctly they were given the physical part of the test, with an exception, instead of carrying a 200lb sack up and down a ladder, they only had to carry a 150lb sack. A stop was quickly put to that and all these lawyers and activists were clamoring over it and for once my take on it came out on top. It was decided that it didnt make sense that if one of the women fire fighters found someone weighing 175lbs on the floor of a building that they should leave him for the next person. So that was that. And it was right and just and made sense.
So yeah, if your capable of passing whatever physical and mental stuff you have to, to be in combat, then go. If you dont pass the standard test dont blame it on being a woman. Especially in jobs invoving life or death matters.

Politics & Religion / We the Well-armed People
« on: April 29, 2005, 07:03:39 AM »
About the happy slapping thing.

Nothing new about that. When I was in my 20's the thugs/gangs of the neighborhood used to play knockout (theyd pick a memeber of the group and hed have to punch some innocent passerby as hard as he could in an attempt to knock him out) in the area. They also traveled in groups of 10 and up.
I knew alot of them from the neighborhood so it never happend to me but Ive seen them and others at a distance doing it. I used to tell them all "Someday your going to hit the wrong person who will not only not go down but will probably pull out and blow a hole in you one by one." which they then went through a round of what they would do to said person.
My only point is literally this, most of these kids are punks. They attack lone travelers or those who they consider the weak. However being thatthye travel in large groups they will occasionaly dare someone to take on a harder looking target and goad them into it. That could be anybody here. All the martial arts in the world might not help you against 15 to 20 drug crazed teenage punks bent on hurting you. Whetehr you carry or not, sometimes discretion is the better part of valor.

Politics & Religion / Evolutionary Biology and Psychology
« on: April 25, 2005, 06:56:51 AM »
Well without getting into lengthy stuff if you look at history everytime an empire became decadent they fell shortly afterwards. I think were well on the way there.

Politics & Religion / We the Unorganized Militia
« on: April 21, 2005, 01:30:00 PM »
I remeber as a kid somebody in a Brooklyn junkyard caught a burglar and through a chase in the junkyard the burglar had something fall on him and it paralyzed him from the waist down. He then sued the chaser (owner ) of the place and wound up taking the guy for all he was worth.

Politics & Religion / We the Well-armed People
« on: April 15, 2005, 10:09:52 AM »
Well, this is one of those raging debates with no clear answers. Should guns be banned? What is gun control? Who gets to decide? Should citizens have the same equilizing force as the police? Should guns be limited to homes and not for carry? And so on and so on...

I remember as a child there was this T.V. movie (Icant remember the name) in which this guy (I think his wife was killed in a supermarket robbery) lobbied and got this town to allow people to carry guns. Its interesting as it covered a few different sides of the spectrum.

And last but not least,

I was once told by a senior LEO (law enforcement officer) that most gunfights take place with the opponents usually/roughly 8 ft from each other. I dont know how true it is.
Im taking this from a post at another site that I thought made an interesting point.

Where to begin?
Ever heard of the Tueller drill?
If you're ever at a range that is outdoor and allows holster draws or are in the field away from people in a safe area to shoot, try this:
Stand facing downrange, pistol in holster.
Have a friend stand behind you facing a clear direction, either right or left of you.
As the friend taps your shoulder and starts to run...draw your pistol and fire a shot at the target downrange.
Your friend stops running as soon as he hears the shot.
Measure off how far he's run...if he is in decent shape it can be as much as 30 feet!
Action is faster than reaction.
Armed with a pistol in a holster, an attacker with a knife can pose a threat as far away as 30'
Some police departments have adopted an 18' rule or a 10' rule...I'm of the opinion it could and should be 30' . tueller advocated 21'.
Keep this in mind whenever you hear someone talk about "equal force".
There was a Police Department in the mid-1980's that involved a deranged homeless guy armed with a Buck 110 and a policeman who shot him...the "equal force" argument was used, his own chief hung him out to dry stating, "None of our police officers should use a firearm to stop a man with a knife."

The name of the department and officer escapes me, but a demonstration of the Tueller drill in the courtroom was instrumental in exonerating him and in changing department policy.

Sgt. Dennis Tueller, Salt Lake City Police published an article "How Close Is Too Close" in SWAT magazine (Survival Weapons and Tactics) 1983.
In this article, he discussed the results of a series of tests he had run.
His tests showed that, with people of various ages, weights, and heights,
they could on average close a distance of 21 feet in about 1.05 seconds.
That time: 1.05 seconds was the "drill time" taught by Col. Jeff
Cooper at GunSite for drawing a handgun and firing two aimed shots. Knowing
that people who have been shot do not always or perhaps even often fall down instantly, or otherwise stop dead in their tracks; Tueller
concluded that a person armed with a knife or club at the so called
"intermediate range" of 21 feet was a potentially lethal threat. The
"Tueller drill" is a standard part of my Personal Protection Course, along with a similar drill I can't tell you about because it only works once.

Mike searson post

So for the Anti-gun people, with the above said, will you now ban any sharp object like knives, screwdrivers, toothpicks? Then what next will you ban. Boots? Will we all have to walk around in linen sandals? Anything sticklike? Brooms, mops, plungers? Hardcover books?

Of course thats a little extreme but I think that there could be a middle ground between the two groups. But then again, most people just like to to disagree and argue about anything. Lol.

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